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2023 Supercomputing BoF

Ken Raffenetti edited this page Nov 27, 2023 · 12 revisions

MPICH: A High Performance Open-Source MPI Implementation

Time: Wednesday, November 15th, 5:15pm - 6:45pm MST

Location: 605

Conference Page:


MPICH is a widely used, open­ source implementation of the MPI message passing standard. It has been ported to many platforms and used by several vendors and research groups as the basis for their own MPI implementations. This BoF session will provide a forum for users of MPICH as well as developers of MPI implementations derived from MPICH to discuss experiences and issues in using and porting MPICH. Future plans for MPICH will be discussed. Representatives from MPICH­-derived implementations will provide brief updates on the status of their efforts. MPICH developers will also be present for an open forum discussion.

Speakers (subject to change):

ANL Update

  • Yanfei Guo (ANL)

Partner Presentations

  • Maria Garzaran (Intel)
  • Hari Subramoni (MVAPICH2)
  • Heidi Poxon (AWS)
  • Simon Pickartz (ParTec AG)
  • Jim Dinan (NVIDIA)
  • Michael Raymond (HPE)

User Presentations

  • Paul Fischer (UIUC, Nek5000/NekRS)
  • Junchao Zhang (ANL, PETSc)
