Description:My specific equation is failing to learn, so I found the smallest working example I could based on your basic diffusion example Illustration of the Results:Complete Code to Reproduce (ran in the provided colab env):!pip install "neuromancer[examples] @ git+https://github.com/pnnl/neuromancer.git@master"
!pip install pyDOE
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
device = 'cpu' This is where the analytical function is modified ## instantiate both clamp functions
def SOFTP(x,beta=5): # torch.nn.Softplus() throws error with neuro class 'Variable' when building the PiNN symbols - different issue
return torch.log(1+torch.exp(beta*x))/beta
RELU = torch.nn.ReLU()
def diffusion_eq(x,t):
return torch.exp(-t)*RELU(torch.sin(np.pi*x)) # <- change the analytical equation
# return torch.exp(-t)*SOFTP(torch.sin(np.pi*x)) # differentiable x_min, x_max = -1, 1
total_points_x = 200
t_min, t_max = 0, 3
total_points_t = 100
# plot3D(X, T, diffusion_eq(X,T)) # to visualize
from neuromancer.modules import blocks
from neuromancer.system import Node
from neuromancer.constraint import variable
from neuromancer.loss import PenaltyLoss
from neuromancer.problem import Problem
from neuromancer.dataset import DictDataset
# Transform the mesh into a 2-column vector
X_test = X.transpose(1,0).flatten()[:,None].float() # the input dataset of x
T_test = T.transpose(1,0).flatten()[:,None].float() # the input dataset of t
Y_test = diffusion_eq(X,T).transpose(1,0).flatten()[:,None].float() # the real solution over (x,t)
# Left Edge: y(x,0) = sin(pi*x)
left_X = X[:, [0]]
left_T = T[:, [0]] Here is where I changed the left_y at left_Y = RELU(torch.sin(np.pi * left_X[:, 0])).unsqueeze(1) # Bottom Edge: x=min; tmin=<t=<max
bottom_X = X[[0], :].T
bottom_T = T[[0], :].T
bottom_Y = torch.zeros(bottom_X.shape[0], 1)
# Top Edge: x=max; 0=<t=<1
top_X = X[[-1], :].T
top_T = T[[-1], :].T
top_Y = torch.zeros(top_X.shape[0], 1)
# Choose (Nu) Number of training points for initial and boundary conditions
Nu = 200
# Get all the initial and boundary condition data
X_train = torch.vstack([left_X, bottom_X, top_X])
T_train = torch.vstack([left_T, bottom_T, top_T])
Y_train = torch.vstack([left_Y, bottom_Y, top_Y])
# Randomly sample Nu points of our available initial and boundary condition data:
idx = np.sort(np.random.choice(X_train.shape[0], Nu, replace=False))
X_train_Nu = X_train[idx, :].float() # Training Points of x at (IC+BC)
T_train_Nu = T_train[idx, :].float() # Training Points of t at (IC+BC)
Y_train_Nu = Y_train[idx, :].float() # Training Points of y at (IC+BC)
# x Domain bounds
x_lb = X_test[0] # first value
x_ub = X_test[-1] # last value
# t Domain bounds
t_lb = T_test[0] # first value
t_ub = T_test[-1] # last value
# Choose (Nf) Collocation Points to Evaluate the PDE on
Nf = 1000 # Nf: Number of collocation points (Evaluate PDE)
# generate collocation points (CP)
X_train_CP = torch.FloatTensor(Nf, 1).uniform_(float(x_lb), float(x_ub))
T_train_CP = torch.FloatTensor(Nf, 1).uniform_(float(t_lb), float(t_ub))
# add IC+BC to the collocation points
X_train_Nf = torch.vstack((X_train_CP, X_train_Nu)).float() # Collocation Points of x (CP)
T_train_Nf = torch.vstack((T_train_CP, T_train_Nu)).float() # Collocation Points of t (CP)
# turn on gradients for PINN
# Training dataset
train_data = DictDataset({'x': X_train_Nf, 't':T_train_Nf}, name='train')
# test dataset
test_data = DictDataset({'x': X_test, 't':T_test, 'y':Y_test}, name='test')
# torch dataloaders
batch_size = X_train_Nf.shape[0] # full batch training
train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=batch_size,
test_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(test_data, batch_size=batch_size,
# neural net to solve the PDE problem bounded in the PDE domain
net = blocks.MLP(insize=2, outsize=1, hsizes=[32, 32], nonlin=nn.Tanh)
# symbolic wrapper of the neural net
pde_net = Node(net, ['x', 't'], ['y_hat'], name='net')
# evaluate forward pass on the train data
net_out = pde_net(train_data.datadict)
# symbolic Neuromancer variables
y_hat = variable('y_hat')
t = variable('t') # temporal domain
x = variable('x') # spatial domain
# get the symbolic derivatives
dy_dt = y_hat.grad(t)
dy_dx = y_hat.grad(x)
d2y_d2x = dy_dx.grad(x) This is where I changed the PINN form # get the PINN form
f_pinn = dy_dt - d2y_d2x + torch.exp(-t)* RELU(torch.sin(torch.pi * x) - torch.pi ** 2 * torch.sin(torch.pi * x)) scaling = 100.
ell_f = scaling*(f_pinn == 0.)^2
ell_u = scaling*(y_hat[-Nu:] == Y_train_Nu)^2 # remember we stacked CP with IC and BC
ymin, ymax = Y_test.min(), Y_test.max()
con_1 = scaling*(y_hat <= ymax)^2
con_2 = scaling*(y_hat >= ymin)^2
pinn_loss = PenaltyLoss(objectives=[ell_f, ell_u], constraints=[con_1, con_2])
problem = Problem(nodes=[pde_net], # list of nodes (neural nets) to be optimized
loss=pinn_loss, # physics-informed loss function
grad_inference=True # argument for allowing computation of gradients at the inference time)
from neuromancer.trainer import Trainer
epochs = 5000
trainer = Trainer(
optimizer=torch.optim.Adam(problem.parameters(), lr=0.001),
best_model = trainer.train()
# load best trained model
# evaluate trained PINN on test data
PINN = problem.nodes[0]
y1 = PINN(test_data.datadict)['y_hat']
## Plot solution
# y_pinn = y1.reshape(shape=[100,200]).transpose(1,0).detach().cpu()
# plot3D(X, T, y_pinn) |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Replies: 1 comment
Dear @akruel01, thanks for the inquiry. Some PDE are hard to solve with vanilla PINNs. There are some well-known challenges associated with numerical ill-conditioning of the loss function and associated gradients. For more details, please see this lecture by Paris Perdikaris I can also suggest a couple of papers addressing this issue and proposing some remedies. |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
Dear @akruel01, thanks for the inquiry.
Some PDE are hard to solve with vanilla PINNs. There are some well-known challenges associated with numerical ill-conditioning of the loss function and associated gradients. For more details, please see this lecture by Paris Perdikaris
I can also suggest a couple of papers addressing this issue and proposing some remedies.