Kicad Scripting toolbox.
It enables the easy usage of the scripting capabilites of Kicad. It is based on Kicad's scripting python API.
It is still in its infant state and will undergo many changes and restructuring until the first stable version.
visit the official documentation here
The following steps will show you how to set up kicadpy.
Clone the repository in a directory of your choice
cd ~ git clone
Copy the absolute directory path of the newly cloned kicadpy repo.
Find the
file inside the Kicad application directory.
For Windows the
file is normally located under ~\AppData\Roaming\kicad\8.0
For Linux it is under~/.config/kicad/8.0/
Open it up and insert the following code snippet.
``` Python
import sys
# the absolute file path to the kicadpy repo
kicadpy_dir = '~/AbsPathTo/kicadpy/'
import kicadpy as kp
Replace the
with the prevoius copied absolute path to kicadpy.
This code will append the kicadpy to the system paths at startup of the Kicad Console. It creates a link sothat kicadpy is callable.
- Now lets test the implementation by opening up the kicad project and opening
up the layout. Inside the
layout editor open the console. In the output test you should see the message
Info: Kicadpy is ready to be used
pop up.
TODO: explain how its done. Give some examples with pictures etc.
Let's say you want to create a script which places 10 vias in a circular pattern around a given center point. The following steps will show you how this can be done. This example uses the following file structure as a demonstration.
YourProjectName (root)
├── .git
└── YourKicadProjectFolder
├── file1.kicad_pcb
├── file2.sch
└── file4.lib
Create a python file inside the folder
. In this case we name
Your folder structure should look as shown below.YourProjectName (root) ├── .git └── YourKicadProjectFolder ├── file1.kicad_pcb ├── file2.sch ├── ├── file4.lib └──
This file will contain the python script for your layout.
Open the file
and add the following code snippet.import kicadpy as kp kp.via.placeCircularArray( 0, # centerX_mm 0, # centerY_mm 10, # radius_mm 0.2, # drillDiameter_mm 0.5, # width_mm 0, # startAngle_DEG 360, # endAngle_DEG 10) # n_vias kp.layoutRefresh()
Save and close the file.
Now open up the layout and open up the console. Inside the console execute the script as followed.
After execution the layout should look like this.
exec(open('<file name>.py').read())
For Windows go to the folder where Kicad program files are places on your system. In the designated folder open the command promt. There you can run pip install <module name>
Inside the PCB editor go to the board setup and there go under Design Rules to Custom rules. There open up the Syntax help and copy the entire content and paste it inside chatGPT. then thell Chat gpt to create e.g a clearance rule between the net class A and B of 5 mm fo all entitys. Copy paste the output of chatGPT into the DRC rules window. This way of creating rules must be further investigatet for new methods and possibilities.
How to create a Python library by Kia Eisinga