To use Minikube's built-in Docker registry, you can follow these steps:
Start Minikube:
First, ensure Minikube is installed on your system. Then start Minikube with the following command:
minikube start
Enable Registry:
Enable the registry addon in Minikube:
minikube addons enable registry
Configure Docker:
Set your Docker environment to use Minikube's Docker daemon:
eval $(minikube docker-env)
Build Docker Image:
Build your Docker image. For example:
docker build -t my-image:tag .
Tag the Image:
Tag your Docker image with the Minikube registry:
docker tag my-image:tag localhost:5000/my-image:tag
Push Image to Registry:
Push your Docker image to the Minikube registry:
docker push localhost:5000/my-image:tag
- Pull Image form Registry: Pull your Docker image form minikube registry:
docker pull localhost:5000/my-image:tag
Port Forward the Registry Service:
Forward the registry service to make it accessible on your local machine. Since the service is using ports
, you can forward these ports to5000
on your local machine.
kubectl port-forward -n kube-system service/registry 5000:80
This command forwards port 5000
on your local machine to port 80
on the registry service in Minikube.
- Exit Minikube Docker Environment
eval $(minikube docker-env -u)
Use the Image in Kubernetes:
You can now use your image in your Kubernetes manifests. Reference it as localhost:5000/my-image:tag