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Releases: predixdesignsystem/px-vis-timeseries

fix for y-axis not scaling

04 Jun 18:35
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Merge pull request #87 from vibhaMalviya/master

fix for y-axis zoom not scaling properly

v4.0.0 released

04 Apr 19:36
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  • Upgraded to vis 5.x
  • Added refence curve component
  • Added centralized tooltip
    • range property has been removed. use chartExtents.x to control the timespan
    • See px-vis for other potential breaking changes

Annotations, web workers, and other updates

22 Dec 14:52
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Px.vis.workerUrl is no longer needed. Worker files are now loaded via a Blob. You may remove Px.vis.workerUrl and do not need to include the worker files in your build anymore.

Also, if you are running custom scripts via registerCustomScript, you MUST use an absolute path. Relative paths no longer work with the blob.

Added annotation strong class
Added quadtree search options
fix demo code editor

Polymer 1.x/2.x hybrid element support

22 Dec 23:34
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Design Refresh!

26 Jul 23:04
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  • Design refresh
  • Update for new renderer
  • See px-vis release notes for breaking changes

v2.1.0 released

30 Jun 23:29
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v2.1 introduces the ability to add striping to your chart.

2.0.0 released!

13 Jun 00:03
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  • Update to vis 2.0.0
  • Includes highlight components for optional crosshair
  • Includes Web workers for scale calculations


23 Mar 22:11
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  • upgraded to vis 1.1.0
  • added canvas support for scatter (automatic when using renderToCanvas)
  • progressive rendering now can be customized through progressiveRenderingPointsPerFrame (16000 by default for lines, 2000 byy default for scatter) and progressiveRenderingMinimumFrames. Increase progressiveRenderingPointsPerFrame for better performance and decrease for smoother drawing. When at the right value no performance cost incurs and drawing is smooth but if value is too small can incur a performance cost (i.e the drawing will take longer but will still start at the same time, also the UI won't be frozen)
  • added cleanOnDetached to allow reuse of the chart after detaching it from the dom. This is aimed at applications creating charts dynamically so that they can keep a pool of charts (simple array of charts) when removing them from the dom and reusing them later on with new data and config, improving performance . Turning cleanOnDetached on will make sure the chart will clear everything needed so that it draws properly with any new config. If using this strategy one thing to keep in mind is making sure the chart is re-appended in the dom before changing its properties to their new values. In most cases it would work even if appending it after, but some edge cases scenarios might fail to clean some visual artifact (for example switching from canvas to svg while deleting a few series at the same time). When moving the chart around the dom do not turn it on for performance boost and making sure you don't need the chart to force redrawing. This can be changed dynamically
  • added debounceResizeTiming to control the debounce timiong on auto resize, changed default from 50ms to 250ms

v1.0.0 release

10 Mar 18:41
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list of changes including beta (more changes included in px-vis itself):

  • changing to account for Alpha releases
  • removed registerLocation in favor of hideRegister and registerConfig
  • allowed to split out the config options into smaller objects: registerConfig, tooltipConfig, eventConfig
  • renamed enableTooltip to showTooltip for framework consistency
  • fixed bug where tooltipConfig wasn't applied
  • added clip path to cursor
  • added cursor config
  • added layers
  • added lowerSVG
  • changed line to line-svg
  • changed dataExtents
  • added the ability to redraw one series on top of the others
  • added the ability to pass a navigator config and configure navigator axis
  • Updated register length to be dynamic based on if the navigator is included
  • margin and marginNav can now be set at initialization as well (=as attributes) and dynamically adjusted
  • added dynamic menus on registers
  • added toolbar and advanced zooming
  • defaultSeriesConfig now updates _defaultSeriesConfig so defaultSeriesConfig doesnt have to have all defaults
  • Multi-y axis
    Post beta
    • ensure chart navigator resizes properly
  • new demo and documentation


24 Feb 20:22
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BETA Pre-release

comment and dev_add