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File metadata and controls

192 lines (159 loc) · 6.33 KB


Simple service for processing and saving partially parsed logs as influx metrics.

At default configuration flux expects each json-message to be in this format:

    "HOST": "some-host",
    "MESSAGE": "some log message with tag value "bla-bla-bla" to parse with value=568.7"

And can be configured to parse and save them as influx data-point:

some-metric,host=some-host,tag=bla-bla-bla value=568.7

How to run

docker run
    -d --restart=always \
    --name flux \
    -e FLUX_INFLUX_URL=http://localhost:80 \  ## influx url
    -e FLUX_INFLUX_DB=telegraf                ## influx database
    -e FLUX_COMMIT_AMOUNT=10 \          ## commit influx bulk query after 10 records
    -e FLUX_COMMIT_INTERVAL=5 \         ## commit influx bulk query each 5 seconds
    -e FLUX_INTERNAL_BUFFER=1000 \      ## size of internal message buffer
    -e FLUX_HOST_FIELD_NAME=HOST        ## name of JSON field in log which contains hostname
    -e FLUX_MESSAGE_FIELD_NAME=MESSAGE  ## name of JSON field in log which contains log message
    -e FLUX_WORKERS=2 \                 ## amount of parallel goroutines for commiting into influx
    -v ./flux.conf:/flux.conf           ## mounting config file with metrics inside container
    -p 8080:8080 \
    ontrif/flux flux.conf               ## run flux with provided config

Config file

Config file has two-level sections: routes and metrics. Each route route "some-name" from config will be available as HTTP POST /some-name sending point. Each route has one or more metrics with regexp to match. Each log message may be sended to one of registered routes. Flux will check each metric from selected route in order. If one of regexp from metrics match sended log message then flux build influx data metric point from it with help of named regexp groups.

Flux metric building logic is heavly based on regexp group's names:

  • tag_* — any named group started with tag_ will produce tag value for metric
  • value_* — any named group started with value_ will produce value for metric and will be converted to float if possible
  • any other named group will be stored interanally as hidden values and can be accessed from metric's js-script

Also metric can have additional script property. Each script is js-script which can access and modify tag, value and data global maps.

Example config file:

route "sync-gateway" {
    metric "sync-gateway" {
        regexp = `changes_view: Query took \b((?P<minutes>[0-9.]+)m)?((?P<seconds>[0-9.]+)s)?((?P<milliseconds>[0-9.]+)ms)?\b to return (?P<value_query_rows>\d+) rows`
        script = `
            var value = 0
            if(data.minutes) {
                value += 60 * parseFloat(data.minutes)
            if(data.seconds) {
                value += parseFloat(data.seconds)
            if(data.milliseconds) {
                value += parseFloat(data.milliseconds) / 1000.0
            values["query_time"] = value

route "nginx" {
    metric "nginx-errors" {
        regexp = "time.*out"
        event = "timeout"

    metric "nginx-access" {
        // TODO

Flux will register two HTTP routes /sync-gateway and /nginx. Metric sync-gateway from route sync-gateway will match message and generates 4 named groups:

  • minutes — this is hidden group which will not be exposed to influx automatically
  • seconds — same
  • milliseconds — same
  • value_query_rows — this group will be converted to float value and exposed as query_rows value field

Provided script generates new value query_time from available data.

At the end of processing flux will generate this data point and send it to influx:

sync-gateway,host=some-host query_time=123.456 query_rows=12345

Sending logs to flux

Each log can be send in POST to registred route line-by-line. Example:

curl -XPOST localhost:8080/nginx --data-binary @- <<EOF
{"HOST": "babycare1", "MESSAGE": "2015/11/16 21:15:21 [error] 1208#0: *4894044 upstream timed out ..."}
{"HOST": "babycare1", "MESSAGE": "2015/11/16 21:15:21 [error] 1208#0: *4894044 upstream timed out ..."}

Special "/" route

Flux also has special root route / which can consume all messages. It is especially usefull when using flux with syslog-ng.

Message for this route must have additional "route" field (ROUTE by default, but can be configured with FLUX_ROUTE_FIELD_NAME env var).

Example of message

    "HOST": "some-host",
    "MESSAGE": "some log message with tag value "bla-bla-bla" to parse with value=568.7",
    "ROUTE": "sync-gateway"

Send it with

curl -XPOST localhost:8080/ --data-binary @- <<EOF
{ "HOST": "some-host", "MESSAGE": "some log message with tag value "bla-bla-bla" to parse with value=568.7", "ROUTE": "sync-gateway" }

This message will be processed with metrics from sync-gateway route from config.

How to use with syslog-ng

Example config for syslog-ng which listen for rfc5424 (non-json) log messages on port 5555 and sends sync-gateway related messages to flux:

@version: 3.14
@include "scl.conf"

options { 

source s_net {
    ## rfc5424 with frames which works with "logger" system utility
    network(transport("tcp") port("5555") flags(syslog-protocol));

destination d_flux {
        body("$(format-json --key HOST,MESSAGE,ROUTE)")

destination d_backup { file("/mnt/logs/all-${YEAR}-${MONTH}-${DAY}.log"); };

filter f_flux { tags("flux"); };

## sync-gateway related filter + rewrite
filter f_sg { program('sync-gateway'); };
rewrite r_sg {
    set("sync-gateway", value("ROUTE"));

log {
    ## 0. recieve logs from rfc5424 source

    ## 1. normalize: extract fields, parse json, transfrom message...
    junction {
        channel { filter(f_sg); rewrite(r_sg); flags(final); };
        # channel { parser(p_json); rewrite(r_json); flags(final); };
        # channel { rewrite(r_plain); flags(final); };

    ## 2. backup all logs to disk

    ## 3. log any message to elasticsearch (SEE:
    # destination(d_stick);

    ## 4. send metrics to influx
    log {