JaCaMo-4-RMA is an extension of JaCaMo including ARGO Agent, Comunicator Agent and Physical Artifact RMA to program MAS in a Resource Management Architecture (RMA). This is for Jason 2.4 and CArtAgO 2.4.
In root path, run in terminal:
- 'call bin\install_maven_dependencies.bat'.
- 'mvn clean package'
In 'distribution\target' path, unzip the 'rma-4-jacamo-1.0.0.zip' file in jacamo 0.8 lib path.
If your Eclipse IDE is able to run JaCaMo projects, you are able to use JaCaMo-4-RMA.
The RMA server can be configured following the README in this link
- In the 'example' folder, the test case are in 'farmer_AgentApproach', 'farmer_AandAApproach' and 'farmer_IoTArtifactApproach'.