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Update a PR in submitter's repo branch

David Kinder edited this page Jul 18, 2022 · 4 revisions

If allowed by the submitter, their PR can be pulled locally, edited, and force-pushed back to directly update a PR instead of leaving comments for the submitter to fix and submit an updated PR. See the GitHub documentation about Allowing changes to a pull request branch created from a fork for more information.

Start by fetching the submitter's branch locally (use the upstream PR to find the submitter's repo and branch):

git fetch release_note_0.8
git checkout -b dbk-reln08 FETCH_HEAD

Make your changes to files in your checked out branch and test as needed. When satisfied that your changes are correct, stage (add) and commit your changes (amending the submitter's commit) and add your signed-off-by line (-s), and force-push the changes on your local branch back to the submitter's repo/branch:

git add .
git commit -s --amend
git push -f dbk-reln08:release_note_0.8

This will automatically update the PR in the upstream repo.