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bootrom-tools (Test Automation)

Python scripts for testing BootRom images, logging results, determining pass-fail

This describes the Python scripts for loading and testing BootRom images with a HAPS-62 board. Each script will list its parameters if it is called with the flag --help.

The scripts are:

  • autoboot Loads and runs a BootRom image and displays the debug output on stdout, or optionally saves it in a log file.
  • run-bootrom-tests Executes a set of tests from a simple script file, validating whether each test passed of failed. Output is sent to stdout or optionally to a log file. (Must be run as root.)
  • create-bootrom-test-suite Creates a folder containing a test script and optionally a series of altered binary images. This folder becomes a self-contained run-bootrom-tests test suite.
  • hexpatch A general-purpose (binary) file patching tool. (Used by create-bootrom-test-suite to create known-defective binary images for testing).


The autoboot script supports the Adafruit FT232H USB->GPIO adapter for controlling the reset on the HAPS-62 SPIROM daughterboard. While its use is optional, you must install their drivers to keep Python happy. See Appendix A for installation instructions.

The HAPS-2 ChipIT supervisor/monitor is one of the 4 USB serial ports on the Future Devices FT232R USB UART, which appears as /dev/ttyUSBx. In local testing, this has consistently been /dev/ttyUSB4. However, adding the Adafruit adapter changed the enumeration order. You will need to do some investigation with putty or other comm. application to determine how things are connected on your system. The HAPS-2 supervisor monitor is configured 230400-8-n-1.

Hardware Configuration

+------+                               +-----------+
| Host |                               |  HAPS-62  |
|      |                               |           |
|      |---(usb)-----------------------| ("ChipIT" |
|      |                               |  monitor) | -----
|      |           +---------------+   |           |   ^
|      |---(usb)---| Adafruit      |   |           |   |
|      |           |      GPIO     |   |           |   |
|      |           | .-----^-----. |   |           |   |
|      |           | 0      1    2 |   |           |   |
|      |           +---------------+   |           |   |
|      |             |      ^    |     |           |   |
|      |             v      |    v     |           |   |
|      |           +-----------------+ |           |  GPB
|      |           | DW1.4 J1.3 J1.5 |=|           |   |
|      |           | Reset GPIO GPIO |=|           |   |
|      |           |       16   17   |=|           |   |
|      |           |                 |=|           |   |
|      |---(usb)---| "APB" d.b       |=|           |   |
|      |           +-----------------+ |           |   |
|      |              |||              |           |   |
|      |           +--------+          |           |   |
|      |---(usb)---| J-Link |          |           |   |
|      |           +--------+          |           |   v
|      |                               |           | -----
|      |           +---------------+   |           |   ^
|      |---(usb)---| Adafruit      |   |           |   |
|      |           |      GPIO     |   |           |   |
|      |           | .-----^-----. |   |           |   |
|      |           | 0      1    2 |   |           |   |
|      |           +---------------+   |           |   |
|      |             |      ^    |     |           |   |
|      |             v      |    v     |           |   |
|      |           +-----------------+ |           |  APB
|      |           | DW1.4 J1.3 J1.5 |=|           |  (optional)
|      |           | Reset GPIO GPIO |=|           |   |
|      |           |       16   17   |=|           |   |
|      |           |                 |=|           |   |
|      |---(usb)---| "APB" d.b       |=|           |   |
|      |           +-----------------+ |           |   |
|      |              |||              |           |   |
|      |           +--------+          |           |   |
|      |---(usb)---| J-Link |          |           |   |
|      |           +--------+          |           |   v
|      |                               |           | -----
+------+                               +-----------+

#File Formats Both run-bootrom-tests and create-bootrom-test-suite take script files as an input. Two script files are very similar, consisting of a series of one-line entries for each test. Each line resembles a Linux command-line without the command.

Test Script

Below is an example of the test script, used by run-bootrom-tests:

-t BadSentinel -d "#1, of items" -b ./bootrom-BadSentinel.bin \
  -f "Hello world from 2nd stage FW"
-t BadTailSentinel -b ./test/bootrom-BadTailSentinel.bin \
  -f "Hello world from 2nd stage FW" -f yabba -f dabba -f do


  • -t <test name>: Each test must have a name (preferably unique, since it is used to log which tests pass or fail).
  • -d <test description>: Optional description (quote if multi word) Can use "--description" instead.
  • -b <bin_file>: Pathname to the BootRom image to load
  • -p <pass_string>: A pass-condition string to look for in the debug output (quote if multi word)
  • -f <fail_string>: A fail-condition string to look for in the debug output (quote if multi word)

You can have multiple pass_strings or fail_strings, but you cannot mix pass and fail strings. If there are multiple pass strings, all must be present for the test to pass. If there are multiple fail strings, any must be present for the test to fail

Test Suite Script

The test suite script is the input to create-bootrom-test-suite, from which it creates the test script and set of binary files. Syntactically, it is a superset of the test script, with one test per line.

The following parameters are passed through to the test script:

  • -t <test name>: Each test must have a name (preferably unique, since it is used to log which tests pass or fail).
  • -d <test description>: Optional description (quote if multi word) Can use "--description" instead.
  • -p <pass_string>: A pass-condition string to look for in the debug output (quote if multi word)
  • -f <fail_string>: A fail-condition string to look for in the debug output (quote if multi word)

These additional parameters are used to generate the modified binaries:

  • -b <bin_file>: Pathname to the original BootRom image, from which the modified versions will be patched. The modified binary images' names are a concatenation of this name and the test name.
  • --patch <operator> <offset> <byte>...: Patch the byte(s) in the Flash image file at the specified offset. The patched image is saved in the test folder with a decorated name (-.) The offset is from start-of-file can be expressed as any of the following 4 forms:
    • hex_number: Absolute offset
    • hex_number+hex_number: Relative offset from an absolute base
    • symbol: Absolute offset, using symbol from map file (see hexpatch)
    • symbol+hex_number: Relative offset from an absolute symbolic base

The operator can be one of "and", "or", "xor", "rep(lace") or "verify" and is followed by one or more hexadecimal byte values. The bytes are applied with the appropriate operator. (In the case of "verify", these are comparison bytes, and all file bytes must be different from the verify bytes for it to be considered a "pass".)

  • --patch copy <dst_offset> <src_offset> <count>: This is equivalent to memcpy. Currently, the regions must not overlap.
  • --patch set <offset> <byte> <count>: This is equivalent to memset and sets a region to a constant byte value.

The test line can contain multiple --patch elements.


This set of tools is intended for batch operation of test suites, as typically found with a Build Verification Test (BVT), and for providing a set of test logs to Toshiba which validate the supplied code.

The typical work flow for this would be to first define a suite of tests, and creating a test suite script file. Then feed this and the candidate binary to create-bootrom-test-suite, to create the test suite folder. One then runs run-bootrom-tests on that test suite to run the tests in sequence and gather the test result log.

One can also manually generate individual test scripts for run-bootrom-tests for specific tests or as a means of prototyping the script parameters for inclusion in a test suite script.

Example 1: Autoboot (debug output to stdout)

While autoboot was designed primarily as a framework for testing the underlying autoboot libarary, it can be used as a standalone tool for downloading and running a BootRom image. A typical invocation would be:

autoboot --jlinksn 504302001 --chipit /dev/ttyUSB5 \
  --efuse ~/jgdb/efuse --capture /dev/ttyUSB3  --reset adafruit \
  --bin ~/work/bootrom/build/bootrom.bin
  • --jlinksn: The serial number of the J-Link JTAG interface.
  • --chipit: The serial port used by the HAPS-62 ChipIt supervisor.
  • --efuse: The e-Fuse settings file (see: Appendix B)
  • --capture: The daughterboard's debug serial port
  • --reset adafruit | manual: (optional) The daughterboard reset mechanism. Adafruit will use the Adafruit USB-GPIO adapter to control the reset line. Manual will prompt you to manipulate the reset DIP switch. If --reset is omitted, it defaults to manual.
  • --bin: The FFFF image to download to the daughterboard

Example 2: Autoboot (debug output to a log file)

You can also have autoboot log the debug output to a log file by adding the --log parameter:

autoboot --jlinksn 504302001 --chipit /dev/ttyUSB5 \
  --efuse ~/jgdb/efuse --capture /dev/ttyUSB3  --reset adafruit \
  --bin ~/work/bootrom/build/bootrom.bin \
  --log foo.log
  • --log: The pathname to the log file

Example 3: Creating a test suite

1. Create the Test Suite Script

Create a file (e.g., test.tss) with the following content on each line:

-t BadSentinel -d "#1, of items" -f "Hello world from 2nd stage FW" \
  --patch ffff[0].sentinel+1 xor 05 fe
-t BadTailSentinel  -f "Hello world from 2nd stage FW" -f "yabba" \
  -f dabba -f do --patch ffff[0].tail_sentinel+1 xor 05 #comment

This test suite script has 2 tests (one per line) which test whether or not the BootRom will detect corrupted FFFF sentinels. The first line checks for a bad sentinel at the start of the FFFF header:

  • -t BadSentinel: The test name
  • -d "#1, of items" Supplies a description for the BadSentinel test
  • -f "Hello world from 2nd stage FW": Since the BootRom should fail with a bad sentinel, we set a failure string to be the successfully-booted string
  • - ffff[0].sentinel+1 xor 05 fe: Patch the 2nd and 3rd bytes of the sentinel by XORing them with 0x05 and 0xfe.
  • #comment: Everything from the '#' to the end of the line is ignored.

The second line tests a corrupted tail sentinel. In real life it would be identical to the first, except for a different test name and a different patch offset (tail_sentinel vs. sentinel). For illustration, it has 3 additional failure strings ("yabba", "dabba" and "do"), and the presence of any of them will cause the test to fail.

2. Create FFFF Image and Map files

If your test suite script is using symbolic (highly-recommended), you need to create your FFFF image with the --map parameter to generate the matching .map file:

create-ffff **--map** --out build/foo.ffff ...

3. Create the Test Suite

Use create-bootrom-test-suite to generate your test suite file.

create-bootrom-test-suite --bin bootrom.bin --flash build/ffff.bin \
  --desc test.tss --out_folder ./Test2 --test test.ts
  • --bin: The bootrom bin file.
  • --flash: The FFFF file created in step 2.
  • --desc: The test script script created in step 1.
  • --out_folder: The test suite folder to create/populate.
  • --test: The name of the test suite file to generate in the test suite folder.

This creates the test suite folder (./Test2) and the test script (./Test2/test.ts), which was covered in the File Format section above.

Example 4: Running the tests in a test suite

Use run-bootrom-tests to execute the test suite:

sudo run-bootrom-tests --test Test2/test.ts --jlinksn 504302001 \
  --chipit /dev/ttyUSB4 --efuse ~/jgdb/efuse --dbgser /dev/ttyUSB2 \
  --stop "Hello world from 2nd stage FW" \
  --stop "failed to load image, entering infinite loop" \
  --timeout 5 \
  --ftdi-path ~/bootrom-tools/ftdi
  • --test: The test script (in this case, generated by create-bootrom-test-suite in example 1.
  • --jlinksn: The serial number of the J-Link JTAG interface.
  • --chipit: The serial port used by the HAPS-62 ChipIt supervisor.
  • --efuse: The e-Fuse settings
  • --dbgser: The daughterboard's debug serial port
  • --stop: If this string is encountered in the debug stream, the test is concluded. You may specify multiple stop strings if desired.
  • --timeout: The number of seconds of debug output inactivity before concluding that the test has run its course. This is in lieu of any of the --stop parameters and is a backstop for images that silently fail.
  • --ftdi-path: The path to where the 'haps_test' helper app resides.

Appendix A: Required Libraries


The create-dual-image script requires pyelftools to use its --elf flag, which can be installed via:

sudo pip install pyelftools


FTDI libraries (See: for an explanation and links to the installation scripts)

  • D2xx drivers/ibraries (see: FTDI AN 220 for download and install instructions)
  • LibMPSSE_SPI There doesn't appear to be a place from which one can install the libraries. So, the current approach is to download the source from the FTDI site and rebuild the libs. Follow the link at the bottom of the text "The source code for the LibMPSSE-SPI library is available for download here", and and unzip the dowloaded file to your home directory. Once unzipped, cd ~/LibMPSSE-SPI_source/LibMPSSE-SPI/LibMPSSE/Build/Linux and type "make"

Appendix B: Adafruit FT232H Installation

The autoboot script supports the Adafruit FT232H USB->GPIO adapter for controlling the reset on the HAPS-62 SPIROM daughterboard. While its use is optional, you must install their drivers to keep Python happy.

The information in this appendix comes from the FT232H product page.

Linux Installation

Follow the steps to install MPSSE and the Adafruit Python GPIO library.

Changing the IO Drive Current (Windows Installation)

As shipped, the GPIO drive current is to low to overpower the pull-up on the daugherboard, and must be reprogrammed to use a higher drive current to be usefull. This can be done simply via the FT_Prog utility, but getting that to work requires a Windows machine and several steps because it won't find the chip.

Adafruit's More Info page instructions and links to most of what you need.

  1. Install FT_Prog from FTDI's website.
  2. Plug in your FT232H board and let Windows enumerate it.
  3. Launch FT_Prog and click the magnifying glass or press F5 to search for devices. If none show up, you'll need to install the libusb driver and erase the device: 1 Exit FT_Prog 2 Scroll down Adafruits More Info page and follow the steps in Erase EEPROM For Programming With FT_PROG
  4. Reaunch FT_Prog and click the magnifying glass or press F5 to search for devices. The device should now appear.
    1. (Optional) restore default values (See: below)

    2. Change the IO pin drive strength:

      1. FT EEPROM > Hardware Specific > IO Pins > Group AD
      2. Change Drive from 4mA to 8mA
      3. (Optional) repeat for Group AC
    3. Program the new settings: 1 Click on the lightning bolt icon or press ^P to program the FT232H

Adafruit FT232H Default Values

While not essential to restore any of the default values after erasing the chip, you may wish to do so.

Attribute Value
Data.Signature1 0x00000000
Data.Signature2 0xffffffff
Data.VendorId 0x0403
Data.ProductId 0x6014
Data.Manufacturer "Adafruit"
Data.ManufacturerId "FT"
Data.Description "FT232H"
Data.SerialNumber "FTQTRXJL"
Data.MaxPower 90
Data.PnP 1
Data.SelfPowered 0
Data.RemoteWakeup 0
Data.PullDownEnableH 0
Data.SerNumEnableH 1
Data.ACSlowSlewH 0
Data.ACSchmittInputH 0
Data.ACDriveCurrentH 4 (Change to 8)
Data.ADSlowSlewH 0
Data.ADSchmittInputH 0
Data.ADDriveCurrentH 4
Data.Cbus0H 0
Data.Cbus1H 0
//Data.Cbus2H 0
Data.Cbus3H FT_232H_CBUS_TXLED
//Data.Cbus3H 0
Data.Cbus4H FT_232H_CBUS_RXLED
Data.Cbus4H 0
Data.Cbus5H 0
Data.Cbus6H 0
Data.Cbus7H 0
Data.Cbus8H 0
Data.Cbus9H 0
Data.IsFifoH 0
Data.IsFifoTarH 0
Data.IsFastSerH 0
Data.IsFT1248H 0
Data.FT1248CpolH 0
Data.FT1248LsbH 0
Data.FT1248FlowControlH 0
Data.IsVCPH 0
Data.PowerSaveEnableH 0

Appendix C: efuse file

The run-bootrom-tests tool requires a file of keyword-value pairs describing the various e-Fuse settings. On a real ES3, these would be defined by the hardware, but on the HAPS-62, they must be preloaded before the BootRom image runs. Listed below is the full set of keywords, and some stand-in values.

VID   55555555
PID   6A6A6A6A
SN0   3C3C3C3C
SN1   5A5A5A5A
IMS0  33333333
IMS1  55555555
IMS2  66666666
IMS3  99999999
IMS6  33335555
IMS7  69696969
IMS8  0069AC35

Note that, to be valid, VID, PID, and SN (SN0 + SN1) must have equal numbers of zero and one bits. The IMS (IMS0..IMS8) have no such restriction.

Appendix D: Related Documents

  • Describes the core Ara module packaging tools.
  • This document.
  • Describes the tools for loading and testing(ES3) BootRom images with the HAPS-62 board.