sbt stage
./modules/core/.jvm/target/universal/stage/bin/scala-steward \
--workspace "$STEWARD_DIR/workspace" \
--repos-file "$STEWARD_DIR/" \
--default-repo-conf "$STEWARD_DIR/default.scala-steward.conf" \
--git-author-email ${EMAIL} \
--vcs-api-host "" \
--vcs-login ${LOGIN} \
--git-ask-pass "$STEWARD_DIR/.github/askpass/$" \
--sign-commits \
--env-var FOO=BAR
If Firejail is not available locally, the option
can be used (not recommended for production environment).
Or as a Docker container:
sbt docker:publishLocal
docker run -v $STEWARD_DIR:/opt/scala-steward -it fthomas/scala-steward:latest \
--workspace "/opt/scala-steward/workspace" \
--repos-file "/opt/scala-steward/" \
--default-repo-conf "/opt/scala-steward/default.scala-steward.conf" \
--git-author-email ${EMAIL} \
--vcs-api-host "" \
--vcs-login ${LOGIN} \
--git-ask-pass "/opt/scala-steward/.github/askpass/$" \
--sign-commits \
--env-var FOO=BAR
The git-ask-pass
option must specify an executable file (script) that returns (on the stdout),
- either the plain text password corresponding to the configured
, - or (recommended) an authentication token corresponding to
(with appropriate permissions to watch the repositories; e.g. Create a personal access token for GitHub).
Note about git-ask-pass option: The provided script must start with a valid shebang like #!/bin/sh
, see issue #1374
You can also provide a --scalafix-migrations
option with the path to a file containing scalafix migrations.
More information can be found here
The workspace directory (specified with --workspace
) provides a location for cache and temporary files.
It is important to persist this workspace between runs. Without this, Scala Steward will be unable to observe repo-specific preferences (such as pullRequests.frequency) correctly.
If you run Scala Steward for your own private projects, the option --do-not-fork
can be required, not to fork.
Instead it will create pull requests directly on the private repository (as soon as the ${LOGIN}
It can also be useful to pass additional environment variables from the command line using the --env-var
flag as shown in the examples above. You can use this to pass any credentials required by your projects to resolve any private dependencies, e.g.:
--env-var BINTRAY_USER=username \
--env-var BINTRAY_PASS=password
These variables will be accessible (in sbt) to all of the projects that Scala Steward checks dependencies for.
If your projects require credentials, you can also provide global credentials in the $HOME/.sbt/1.0/credentials.sbt
The file should contain a single line: credentials += Credentials("Some Nexus Repository Manager", "", "admin", "admin123")
For sbt 0.13 builds, scala-steward may be unable to extract credentials for private resolvers. Instead, you can configure coursier directly by adding ~/.config/coursier/
example1.realm=Example Realm
project core
run --disable-sandbox --do-not-fork --workspace "/path/workspace" --repos-file "/path/" --default-repo-conf "/path/default.scala-steward.conf" --git-ask-pass "/path/" --git-author-email "" --vcs-type "gitlab" --vcs-api-host "" --vcs-login "gitlab.steward"
- Create a file
that will be injected into the container as as volume. - Create a file
with this content:
echo "#!/bin/sh" >>
echo "echo '$BITBUCKET_PASSWORD'" >>
chmod +x
docker run -v $PWD:/opt/scala-steward \
-v ~/.sbt/:/root/.sbt \
-it fthomas/scala-steward:latest \
--env-var LOG_LEVEL=TRACE \
--do-not-fork \
--workspace "/opt/scala-steward/workspace" \
--repos-file "/opt/scala-steward/" \
--default-repo-conf "/opt/scala-steward/default.scala-steward.conf" \
--git-ask-pass "/opt/scala-steward/" \
--git-author-email "" \
--vcs-type "bitbucket" \
--vcs-api-host "" \
- Run it from a CI tool or manually using with this command:
There is an article on how they run Scala Steward on-premise at Avast: