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Merizo-search is a method that builds on the original Merizo (Lau et al., 2023) by combining state-of-the-art domain segmentation with fast embedding-based searching. Specifically, Merizo-search makes use of an EGNN-based method called Foldclass, which embeds a structure and its sequence into a fixed size 128-length vector. This vector is then searched against a pre-encoded library of domains, and the top-K matches in terms of cosine similarity are used for confirmatory TM-align runs to validate the search. Merizo-search also supports searching larger-then-memory databases of embeddings using the Faiss library.


Using conda with GPU support (Recommended):

cd /path/to/merizo_search
conda create -n merizo_search python=3.9
conda activate merizo_search
pip install -r merizo_search/programs/Merizo/requirements.txt
conda install faiss-gpu

For the CPU-only version of Faiss, replace the last step with conda install faiss-cpu. A GPU provides only minor speedups for searching with Faiss, but is beneficial when segmenting and/or embedding many structures. We recommend using conda as there is no official Faiss package on PyPI the time of writing. Unofficial packages are available; use these at your own risk.


Merizo-search supports the functionalities listed below:

segment         Runs standard Merizo segment on a multidomain target.
search          Runs Foldclass search on a single input PDB against a Foldclass database.
easy-search     Runs Merizo to segment a query into domains and then searches against a Foldclass database.
createdb        Creates a Foldclass database given a directory of PDB files. 


The segment module of Merizo can be used to segment a multidomain protein into domains and can be run using:

python segment <input.pdb> <output_prefix> <options>

# Example:
python segment ../examples/*.pdb results --iterate

The -h flag can be used to show all options for segment. The input PDB can be a single PDB, or multiple, including something like /dir/*.pdb. The output_prefix will be appended with _segment.tsv to indicate the results of segment.

The --iterate option can sometimes be used to generate a better segmentation result on longer AF2 queries.

This will print:

2024-03-10 19:43:00,945 | INFO | Starting merizo segment with command:

merizo_search/ segment examples/AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4.pdb examples/AF-Q96PD2-F1-model_v4.pdb results --iterate

2024-03-10 19:44:11,318 | INFO | Finished merizo segment in 70.37289953231812 seconds.

Results will be written to results_segment.tsv:

query   nres    nres_domain nres_non_domain num_domains conf    time_sec    chopping
AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4	432	267	165	1	0.6343	2.3652	1-267
AF-Q96PD2-F1-model_v4	775	383	392	3	0.4942	4.6883	71-189,190-290,291-453


The search module of Merizo will call Foldclass to search queries (as they are, without segment) against a pre-compiled database (created using createdb). This is useful when queries are already domains.

The search module is called using:

python search <input.pdb> <database_name> <output_prefix> <tmp> <options>

Again, the -h option will print all options that can be given to the program. The database_name argument is the prefix of a Foldclass database. A Foldclass database can be created using createdb.

For default Foldclass databases, database_name should be the basename of the database without .pt or .index. For example:

python search ../examples/AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4.pdb ../examples/database/cath results tmp

For Faiss databases, use the basename of the .json file without extension:

python search ../examples/AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4.pdb ../examples/database/ted100 results tmp

Example output:

2024-03-10 19:47:32,580 | INFO | Starting merizo search with command:

merizo_search/ search examples/AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4.pdb examples/database/cath results tmp

2024-03-10 19:47:34,188 | INFO | Finished merizo search in 1.6077051162719727 seconds.

Results will be written to results_search.tsv:

query   topk_rank   target  cosine_similarity   q_len   t_len   len_ali seq_id  q_tm    t_tm    max_tm  rmsd
AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4	0	0.8204	432	304	169	0.1120	0.2646	0.3470	0.3470	6.27

Output fields are configurable using the --format flag which allows the section of different fields: query, target, emb_rank, emb_score, q_len, t_len, ali_len, seq_id, q_tm, t_tm, max_tm, rmsd.


easy-search combines segment and search into a single workflow. A multidomain query is parsed using segment, and the resultant domains are searched against a database using search. This can be called using:

python search <input.pdb> <database_name> <output_prefix> <tmp> <options>

# Example:
python easy-search ../examples/AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4.pdb ../examples/database/cath results tmp --iterate

As with search, the -h option will print all options that can be given to the program. The database_name argument is the prefix of a Foldclass database, as above. A Foldclass database can be created using createdb.

This will print:

2024-03-10 19:59:50,086 | INFO | Starting merizo search with command:

merizo_search/ easy-search examples/AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4.pdb examples/database/cath results tmp --iterate

2024-03-10 19:59:50,086 | WARNING | Segment output file 'results_segment.tsv' already exists. Results will be overwritten!
2024-03-10 19:59:50,086 | WARNING | Search output file 'results_search.tsv' already exists. Results will be overwritten!
2024-03-10 20:00:16,094 | INFO | Finished merizo easy-search in 26.00735092163086 seconds.

The results in the _search.tsv file will be different to that of search and will show extra information about the domain parse:

query_dom   chopping    conf    plddt   topk_rank   target  cosine_similarity   q_len   t_len   len_ali seq_id  q_tm    t_tm    max_tm  rmsd
AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4_merizo_01	1-267	1.0000	91.9215	0	0.8583	267	178	147	0.0680	0.3811	0.5180	0.5180	4.95

As with segment, the _segment.tsv file will show the results of segment:

query   nres    nres_domain nres_non_domain num_domains conf    time_sec    chopping
AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4	432	267	165	1	0.6343	22.7448	1-267

Output fields are configurable using the --format flag which allows the section of different fields: query, target, conf, plddt, chopping, emb_rank, emb_score, q_len, t_len, ali_len, seq_id, q_tm, t_tm, max_tm, rmsd.


createdb can be used to create a standard Foldclass database given a directory of PDB structures (anything with the extension .pdb will be read automatically). This can be run using:

python createdb <directory_containing_pdbs> <output_database_prefix>

# Example:
python merizo_search/ createdb examples/database/cath_pdb examples/database/cath

The argument given to output_database_prefix will be appended with .pt and .index, with the two files constituting a Foldclass database.

The .pt file is a Pytorch tensor containing the embedding representation of the PDB files. The .index file contains the PDB names, CA coordinates and the sequences of the input PDBs.

This will print:

2024-03-10 19:34:13,924 | INFO | Starting merizo createdb with command:

merizo_search/ createdb examples/database/cath_ssg5_pdb_files/ examples/database/cath_ssg5_pdb_files

2024-03-10 19:34:13,935 | INFO | 31574 PDB files found in model directory. Will generate Foldclass database..
2024-03-10 20:02:41,212 | INFO | Output database contains 31574 PDBs.
2024-03-10 20:02:41,316 | INFO | Saved Foldclass database to examples/database/
2024-03-10 20:02:41,317 | INFO | Saved Foldclass index file to examples/database/cath_ssg5_pdb_files.targets
2024-03-10 20:02:41,342 | INFO | Finished merizo createdb in 1707.4179711341858 seconds.


Merizo segment and easy-search produces a number of different output files that can be turned on using various flags:

--save_domains  Save the domains as individual PDBs.
--save_pdb      Save a single PDB with the occupancy column replaced with domain IDs. (Visualise in PyMOL using the `spectrum q` command).
--save_pdf      Save a PDF output showing the domain map.
--save_fasta    Save the sequence of the input file.
--pdb_chain     Lets you select which PDB chain will be analysed. If not provided chain A is assumed

By default, output files will be saved alongside the original input query PDB, but they can be saved into a folder given by --merizo_output.