Chart/table of how many drift and proportions of the types of drift
- pfam_rep_drift_summary/ 20,049 pfam families 14,273 - show no signs of drift (71%) 5,776 - find sequence from more than one pfam family - of these 2,748 never have more than 5% of the sequences as contaminants (48%) - 3,028 (52%) have significant contamination from non-family domains (15% of all the searches)
then a table of drift_overview.txt
From that we sample 530 families
- Chart table of hmm seqs, how many are in family and how many are out of family
- /results_data/drift/best_hits/hmm_closest/drift_summary.csv
- results_data/generation_or_af_targets/alphafold_targets.csv
- hmm_drift_percentages.csv
- Chart table of prottrans, how many are in family and how many are out of family, broken down by 25, 50, 75 mask
- /results_data/drift/best_hits/prottrans_closest/drift_summary.csv
- prottrans_drift_percentages.csv
- Model analysis
- results_data/generation_or_af_targets/alphafold_targets.csv analyse_plddt.py