- provide goog-define macro to support proper use of goog.define
- CLJS-1177: A compiler support for non-Closure transforms (JSX, etc)
- CLJS-1296: browser REPL should queue prints before connection then flush after connection
- add :dump-core compiler option for cljs.js config
- CLJS-1386: Symbols should be added to the constants table
- Bump Closure Compiler dependency
- Bump Closure Library dependency
- CLJS-1392: cljs.repl/source regression
- CLJS-1391: Error when building for target :nodejs
- CLJS-1388: Stacktrace element handling for :output-dir w/o file/line/column
- CLJS-1311: Improve error reporting when converting JavaScript modules
- CLJS-1387: support local Closure libs that conform to classpath
- New namespace cljs.js provides analysis, compilation, and eval
- CLJS-1360: Refactor JS module processing to work with recent Google Closure compiler changes
- CLJS-1282: Add a :pprint option to the default reporter in cljs.test
- CLJS-1308: :analyze-path should be extended to take a vector of paths
- CLJS-1230: ES 2015 Module Processing
- CLJS-1231: AMD Module Processing
- CLJS-1092: CommonJS Module processing
- CLJS-1376: Printing in a tagged literal data form
- CLJS-836: Replace seq-based iterators with direct iterator for all non-seq collections that use SeqIterator
- CLJS-1367: Expose default-warning-handler and warning-enabled?
- CLJS-1267: Added the :end-test-all-vars and :end-test-vars events to have end events for all cljs.test api functions
- CLJS-1337: Move parse ns side-effects into a separate compiler pass
- CLJS-1247: Split out error printing from regular printing
- CLJS-1329: Support for reading #js tagged literals in bootstrap
- CLJS-1191: rebased patch Update clojure.walk to the current version on clojure
- CLJS-1321: remove getNamespace & getName method calls from defrecord
- CLJS-1281: Preserve test order
- CLJS-934: In the REPL return vars after defs
- CLJS-1316 let does not detect invalid binding vector when it contains destructuring
- CLJS-1033: take a drop accept nil as n argument
- CLJS-1324: Compiler fails to raise warning/error when invoking a keyword without arguments
- CLJS-1352: cljs.js: Allow conditional readers
- CLJS-1348: meta is printing for def at REPL
- CLJS-1342: cljs.reader/read-string should throw Error when not called with string
- CLJS-1341: Fix CommonJS conversion bug
- CLJS-1333: Analyze meta on quoted symbols
- CLJS-1210: Javascript built-in arguments replaces nil arguments locally defined by let
- CLJS-1248: alter-meta! does not work on vars
- CLJS-1276: var equality differs from Clojure
- CLJS-1310: ns libspec error message misses :import
- CLJS-428: Added step to escape docstrings with */ and associated test
- CLJS-1331: Regex literal emits invalid JS
- CLJS-1338: NPE in confirm-var-exists if suffix is ".."
- CLJS-1319: Cannot locate module namespace when filename contains dash
- CLJS-1317: Incremental compilation issues for :nodejs target
- CLJS-1227 Raise error when if form has more than 4 statements
- CLJS-1306: Browser REPL :asset-path with leading slash breaks source map support
- CLJS-1290: :refer does not work with Closure JS namespaces
- CLJS-1307: Doc for ns missing
- CLJS-1301: local :foreign-libs are not picked up the first time browser REPL is started
- Clojure 1.7.0-RC1 dependency
- CLJS-1292: Add IPrintWithWriter implementation for TaggedLiteral
- add cljs.core/random-uuid
- flush immediately when forwarding Node process out & err
- CLJS-1256 cache UUID hash value
- CLJS-1226: Added the :end-run-tests event to cljs.test and a dummy event handler for it
- CLJS-1200: compare behaves differently from Clojure
- CLJS-1293: Warning settings not conveyed via REPL
- CLJS-1291: pprint whitespace/letter checks are incomplete
- CLJS-1288: compiler doesn't emit "goog.require" for foreign library when optimization level is not set
- check that we actually read something in cjls.repl.server/read-request
- clarify cljs.test/run-tests docstring
- CLJS-1285: load-file regression
- CLJS-1284: IndexedSeq -seq implementation incorrect for i >= alength of internal array
- finish CLJS-1176, remove stray .isAlive method call
- add zero arity
to match Clojure - CLJS-1206: Images in HTML don't show up when served from localhost:9000
- CLJS-1272: :include-macros description inaccurate in require
- CLJS-1275: Corrected :test-paths in project.clj
- CLJS-1270: Docstring for delay not printed by cljs.repl/doc
- CLJS-1268: cljc support for cljs.closure/compile-file
- CLJS-1269: realized? docstring refers to promise and future
- match Clojure behavior for get on string / array. Need to coerce key into int.
- CLJS-1263: :libs regression, can no longer specify specific files
- CLJS-1209: Reduce produces additional final nil when used w/ eduction
- CLJS-1261: source fn fails for fns with conditional code
- REPL support for Closure libraries that follow classpath conventions
- don't break closure libs that follow classpath conventions
- build missing .map source map & .edn caches files
- Add missing JS files back to the build
- CLJS-1168: REPL fails to find .js files in :libs
- CLJS-1196: Assert failed on 3190+ while :require-ing .js file in :libs directory
- CLJS-1235: non-upstream :foreign-libs not copied to :output-dir
- CLJS-1258: stack trace mapping does not appear to work with :asset-path
- CLJS-1257: find-doc regression
- Update Closure Library dependency
- CLJS-1252: Update Closure Compiler Dependency to v20150505
- .clj -> .cljc for important analysis / compilation bits
- add public cljs.compiler.api namespace
- CLJS-1224: cljs.repl: Memoize stack frame mapping
- depend on tools.reader 0.9.2
- add cljs.pprint/pp macro
- CLJS-710: port clojure.pprint
- CLJS-1178: Compiler does not know Math ns is not not-native
- add getBasis methods to deftype and defrecord ctors a la Clojure JVM
- support ^long and ^double type hints
- fix cljs-1198 async testing regression
- CLJS-1254: Update REPL browser agent detection CLJS-1253: Create/Use new Closure Library Release
- CLJS-1225: Variadic function with same name as parent function gives runtime error in advanced compile mode.
- CLJS-1246: Add cljs.core/record? predicate.
- CLJS-1239: Make eduction variadic.
- CLJS-1244: tagged-literal precondition check missing wrapping vector
- CLJS-1243: Add TaggedLiteral type & related fns
- CLJS-1240: Add cljs.core/var?
- CLJS-1214: :arglists meta has needless quoting CLJS-1232: bad arglists for doc, regression
- CLJS-1212: Error in set ctor for > 8-entry map literal
- CLJS-1218: Syntax quoting an alias created with :require-macros throws ClassCastException
- CLJS-1213: cljs.analyzer incorrectly marks all defs as tests when eliding test metadata
- CLJS-742: Compilation with :output-file option set fails
- CLJS-1205: Conditional reading in REPLs
- CLJS-1204: cljs.build.api/watch can now take compilation inputs
- CLJS-1203: standard way to pass multiple directories to build
- CLJS-1216: incorrect max fixed arity for fns both multi-arity and variadic
- cljs.analyzer/parse-ns did not bind cljs-file
- CLJS-1201: compare broken for IIndexed collections
- CLJS-1202: cljs.repl/load-file is not additive
- CLJS-1199: array-map should skip dropped elements of IndexedSeq
- CLJS-1197: load-file does not reload associated macro namespace
- Conditional reading
- map clojure.core/in-ns to REPL in-ns special for existing tools
- CLJS-1171: map clojure.repl/doc, clojure.repl/source, clojure.repl/dir
- add macroexpand and macroexpand-1 macros
- CLJS-1019: REPL source map caching support
- CLJS-1154: Unmunged function names for stacktrace
- Clojure 1.7.0-beta1 dependency
- tools.reader 0.9.1 dependency
- CLJS-1188: multi-arity fns hinder cross-module code motion
- cljs.test needs to default to sync
- CLJS-1184: log module building activity under verbose
- CLJS-1175: CLJS defmulti doesn't exhibit same defonce behavior as Clojure's defmulti, suggesting an even better reloading behavior
- CLJS-1176: redirect node REPL output through out and err, not System/out, System/err
- CLJS-1144 - expose defaul-dispatch-val and dispatch-fn multifn accessors
- CLJ-1172: supply main entry points for all standard REPLs
- less noisy REPL prompt
- add docstrings & validation to macroexpand & macroexpand-1
- CLJS-1192: eliminate JDK8 API dependency in cljs.repl.node
- CLJS-1158: Regression: compiler fails to see symbols defined in another namespace
- CLJS-1189: array-map will return PersistentHashMap if applied to more than (.-HASHMAP-THRESHOLD PersistentArrayMap) pairs
- CLJS-1183: load-file doesn't copy source to output directory
- CLJS-1187: var ast contains internal nodes with bad analysis :context
- CLJS-1182: semantics of load-file should be require + implicit :reload
- CLJS-1179: strange load-file behavior
- CLJS-808: Warning from
mistakenly included in generated source - CLJS-1169: cannot use REPL load-file on files that declare single segment namespaces
- don't use print unless printing the result of eval
- CLJS-1162: Failure to printStackTrace when REPL initialized
- CLJS-1161: actually print error stack traces to err, allow higher-level rebindings of cljs-ns
- CLJS-841: cljs.closure/build file locks
- CLJS-1156: load-file fails with :make-reader issue
- CLJS-1152: (require 'some.ns :reload) causes printing to stop working in browser REPL
- CLJS-1157: Stacktrace unmunging blindly use locals
- CLJS-1155: REPL :watch support does not play nicely with :cljs/quit
- CLJS-1137: :cljs/quit fails to actually quit in browser REPL
- CLJS-1148: ClojureScript REPL must maintain eval/print pairing
- make quit-prompt configurable
- CLJS-1149: cljs.repl/repl needs to support :compiler-env option
- CLJS-1140: typo in cljs.repl/repl,
:need-prompt prompt
instead of:need-prompt need-prompt
- Need to wrap REPL -setup calls in cljs.compiler/with-core-cljs
- CLJS-1131: cljs.closure/add-dependencies needs to be more aggressively set oriented
- CLJS-1132: compile-file analysis pass optimization broken under Closure optimization and :cache-analysis true
- CLJS-1130: :foreign-libs regression under Closure optimized builds
- CLJS-1126: File are not recompiled when build affecting options changes
- CLJS-806: support ^:const
- CLJS-1115: Reusable repl-bootstrap! fn
- CLJS-667: validate extend-type and extend-protocol shape
- CLJS-1112: :repl-requires option for REPL evaluation environment
- CLJS-1111: browser REPL should have no side effects until -setup
- CLJS-1085: Allow to pass test environment to cljs.test/run-all-tests
- CLJS-867: extend-type with Object methods requires multi-arity style definition
- CLJS-1118: cljs.repl/doc support for protocols
- CLJS-889: re-pattern works on strings containing \u2028 or \u2029
- CLJS-109: Compiler errors/warnings should be displayed when cljs namespace 'package' names start with an unacceptable javascript symbol
- CLJS-891: Defs in "parent" namespaces clash with "child" namespaces with the same name?
- CLJS-813: Warn about reserved JS keyword usage in namespace names
- CLJS-876: merged sourcemap doesn't account for output-wrapper
- CLJS-1062: Incorrect deftype/defrecord definition leads to complex error messages
- CLJS-1120: analyze-deps does not appear to work when analyzing analysis caches
- CLJS-1119: constant table emission logic is incorrect
- CLJS-977: implement IKVReduce in Subvec
- CLJS-1117: Dependencies in JARs don't use cached analysis
- CLJS-689: js/-Infinity munges to _Infinity
- CLJS-1114: browser REPL script loading race condition
- CLJS-1110: cljs.closure/watch needs to print errors to err
- CLJS-1101 cljs.test might throw when trying to detect file-and-line
- CLJS-1090: macros imported from clojure.core missing docs
- CLJS-1108: :modules :output-to needs to create directories
- CLJS-1095: UUID to implement IComparable
- CLJS-1096: Update js/Date -equiv and -compare semantics based on Date.valueOf() value
- CLJS-1102 clojure.test should print column number of exception when available
- browser REPL source mapping for Firefox, Safari, Chrome
- macro support in REPL special functions
- CLJS-897: AOT core.cljs CLJS-899: AOT cache core.cljs analysis
- CLJS-1078: Nashorn REPL should use persistent code cache
- CLJS-1079: add way to execute arbitrary fn upon watch build completion
- CLJS-1034: Support REPL-defined functions in stacktrace infrastructure
- source mapping for Rhino
- CLJS-1071: support symbol keys in :closure-defines
- CLJS-1014: Support Closure Defines under :none
- CLJS-1068: node target define
- CLJS-1069: Generic :jsdoc support
- CLJS-1030: add
- add
- fix
docstring - add
- CLJS-1055: cljs.repl/doc should support namespaces and special forms
- Add ClojureScript special form doc map
- CLJS-1054: add clojure.repl/source functionality to cljs.repl
- CLJS-1053: REPLs need import special fn
- move :init up in cljs.repl/repl
- CLJS-1087: with-out-str unexpectedly affected by print-newline
- CLJS-1093: Better compiler defaults
- Bump deps latest Closure Compiler, Rhino 1.7R5, data.json 0.2.6, tool.reader 0.8.16
- more sensible error if cljs.repl/repl arguments after the first incorrectly supplied
- default REPLs to :cache-analysis true
- default :output-dir for Nashorn and Node REPLs
- change ES6 Map
support to take additionalnot-found
parameter - deprecate clojure.reflect namespace now that REPLs are significantly enhanced, static vars, etc.
- stop blowing away cljs.user in browser REPL so REPL fns/macros remain available
- CLJS-1098: Browser REPL needs to support :reload and :reload-all
- CLJS-1097: source map url for AOTed cljs.core is wrong
- CLJS-1094: read option not used by cljs.repl/repl*
- CLJS-1089: AOT analysis cache has bad :file paths
- CLJS-1057: Nashorn REPL should not use EDN rep for errors
- CLJS-1086: Keyword constants should have stable names
- CLJS-964: Redefining exists? does not emit a warning like redefining array? does.
- CLJS-937: local fn name should be lexically munged
- CLJS-1082: analysis memoization bug
- CLJS-978: Analysis caching doesn't account for constants table
- CLJS-865: remove
hack - CLJS-1077: analyze-deps infinite recursive loop
- manually set *e in Rhino on JS exception
- REPL options merging needs to be more disciplined
- CLJS-1072: Calling .hasOwnProperty("source") in Clojurescript's string/replace will break with ES6
- CLJS-1064: ex-info is not printable
- Fix REPLs emitting code into .repl directory
- CLJS-1066: Rhino REPL regression
- be more disciplined about ints in murmur3 code
- Node.js REPL should work even if :output-dir not supplied
- Nashorn environment doesn't supply console, setup printing correctly
- Support custom :output-to for :cljs-base module
- CLJS-1042: Google Closure Modules :source-map support
- CLJS-1041: Google Closure Modules :foreign-libs support
- Google Closure Modules support via :modules
- CLJS-1040: Source-mapped script stack frames for the Nashorn repl
- CLJS-960: On carriage return REPLs should always show new REPL prompt
- CLJS-941: Warn when a symbol is defined multiple times in a file
- REPLs now support parameterization a la clojure.main/repl
- all REPLs analyze cljs.core before entering loop
- can emit :closure-source-map option for preserving JS->JS map
- REPLs can now merge new REPL/compiler options via -setup
- CLJS-998: Nashorn REPL does not support require special fn
- CLJS-1052: Cannot require ns from within the ns at the REPL for reloading purposes
- CLJS-975: preserve :reload & :reload-all in ns macro sugar
- CLJS-1039: Under Emacs source directory watching triggers spurious recompilation
- CLJS-1046: static vars do not respect user compile time metadata
- CLJS-989: ClojureScript REPL loops on EOF signal
- fix DCE regression for trivial programs
- CLJS-1036: use getResources not findResources in get-upstream-deps*
- CLJS-1035: REPLs should support watch recompilation
- CLJS-1037: cls.analyzer/ns-dependents fails for common cases
- CLJS-1032: Node.js target should support :main
- require cljs.test macro ns in cljs.test to get macro inference goodness
- include :url entries to original sources in mapped stacktraces if it can be determined from the classpath
- support custom mapped stacktrace printing
- provide data oriented stacktrace mapping api
- CLJS-1025: make REPL source mapping infrastructure generic
- CLJS-1010: Printing hook for cljs-devtools
- CLJS-1016: make "..." marker configurable
- CLJS-887: browser repl should serve CSS
- CLJS-1031: Get Closure Compiler over https in the bootstrap script
- cljs.nodejscli ns needs to set
is true, this fixes the fundamental issues for ASYNC-110 - CLJS-967: "java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused" when running node repl
- pass relevant source map options in the incremental compile case
- add some missing source-map customization flags to optimized builds
- fix missed Rhino REPL regression, the surrounding REPL infrastructure creates cljs.user for us
- util.print has been deprecated in Node.js v0.12. Switch to console.log in Node.js REPLs.
- change
so it correctly watches all subdirectories do not recompile unless changed path is a file with .cljs or .js extension
- CLJS-1001: reify did not elide reader metadata
- add simple source directory
watcher using java.nio - CLJS-1022: Concatenate foreign dependencies safely
- CLJS-988: Support async testing in cljs.test
- CLJS-1018: Add support for cljs.core/*e Modify the JavaScript that is sent for evaluation to wrap in a try and then catch any exception thrown, assign it to *e, and then rethrow.
- CLJS-1012: Correct behavior when print-length is set to 0
- Added new :closure-extra-annotations compiler option allowing to define extra JSDoc annotation used by closure libraries.
- Mirrored source map support APIs on server/client
- Unified source mapping support in REPLs
- Nashorn REPL (thanks Pieter van Prooijen)
- CLJS-1023: regression, macro-autoload-ns? and ns-dependents need to throw on cyclic dependencies
- fix require with browser REPL, set base path to "goog/"
- CLJS-1020: off by one error in REPL source map support
- Node.js 0.12 support
- browser REPL needs to respect :output-dir
- CLJS-1006: Implicit dependency of clojure.browser.repl on cljs.repl
- CLJS-1005: Browser REPL creates 'out' directory no matter what
- CLJS-1003: fix cljs.test run-tests do-report :summary issues
- CLJS-1003: Cannot pass custom env to run-tests
- Windows Node.js REPL issues
- ns spec handling regression
- fix autoload macro enhancement
- CLJS-948: simplify macro usage
- CLJS-927: real incremental compilation
- Browser REPL regressions
- CLJS-991: Wrong inference - inconsistent behavior?
- CLJS-993: binding macro returns non-nil with empty body
- CLJS-972: Node.js REPL eats errors in required ns when using require
- CLJS-986: Add :target to the list of build options that should trigger recompilation
- CLJS-976: Node REPL breaks from uncaught exceptions
- local :foreign-libs can precisely override upstream :foreign-libs
- :foreign-libs :file-min is only used under :advanced optimizations
- file generated by supplying :main now idempotent
- more informative error if :main incorrectly supplied
- many fixes around file/resource handling for Windows users
- Allow :main script imports to be configured via :asset-path
- Fix Node.js support regression
- CLJS-851: simplify :none script inclusion if :main supplied
- CLJS-983: make ExceptionInfo printable
- CLJS-985: make ex-info not lose stack information
- CLJS-984: Update Node.js REPL support to use public API
- CLJS-963: do not bother computing goog/dep.js under :none
- CLJS-982: Var derefing should respect Clojure semantics
- CLJS-980: ClojureScript REPL stacktraces overrun prompt in many cases
- CLJS-979: ClojureScript REPL needs error handling for the special functions
- CLJS-971: :reload should work for require-macros special fn
- CLJS-936: Multi arity bitwise operators
- CLJS-962: fix inconsistent hashing of empty collections
- REPL -setup now must take opts
- CLJS-916: Optimize use of js-arguments in array and variadic functions
- special case
- CLJS-945: Compile core with :static-fns true by default
- CLJS-958: Node.js REPL: Upon error, last successfully item printed
- Add require-macros REPL special fn
- add defonced cljs.core/loaded-libs dynamic var
- cljs.core/print-fn is now defonced
- throw on (var foo) when foo is not defined
- cljs.analyzer.api/resolve matches cljs.core/resolve if var doesn't exist return nil
- require needs to respect Clojure semantics, do not reload unless requested
- add ns/require support for :reload & :reload-all
- CLJS-953: require REPL special fn can only take one argument
- CLJS-952: Bad type hinting on bit-test
- CLJS-947: REPL require of goog namespaces does not work
- CLJS-951: goog.require emitted multiple times under Node.js REPL
- CLJS-946: goog.require in REPLs will not reload recompiled libs
- CLJS-950: Revert adding compiled-by string to CLJS deps file
- CLJS-929: Minor fixes to test script
- CLJS-946: goog.require in REPLs will not reload recompiled libs
- Add Node.js REPL
- REPLs can now reuse build/analysis caching
- in-ns, require, doc support in REPLs
- add :verbose flag to compiler to output compiler activity
- add load-macros to cljs.analyzer to optionally disable macro loading
- errors during ns parsing always through
needs to always return String- pin Closure Compiler in bootstrap script
- refactor cljs.build.api namespace
- add cljs.test/are macro
- CLJS-931 : cljs.compiler/requires-compilation? ignores changes to build options
- CLJS-943: REPL require special fn is brittle
- CLJS-941: Warn when a symbol is defined multiple times in a file
- CLJS-942: Randomized port for Node.js REPL if port not specified
- CLJS-675: QuickStart example not working properly
- CLJS-935: script/noderepljs leaves node running after exit
- CLJS-918: preserve :arglists metadata in analysis cache
- CLJS-907: False positives from arithmetic checks
- CLJS-919 compare-and-set! relies on Atom record structure instead of protocols
- CLJS-920 add-watch/remove-watch should return reference, as in Clojure
- CLJS-921: cljs.repl/doc output includes namespace twice
- analysis caching via :cache-analysis build flag
- Stop generating random files for IJavaScript Strings
- added :source-map-timestamp build flag to get cache busting source map urls
- Enhancements to bootstrap script
- Stop warning about deps.cljs usage
- Fix Node.js source mapping regression introduced by commit 254e548
- CLJS-914: thrown-with-msg? is unable to get message of exception
- CLJS-915: On empty call, List and PersistentQueue do not retain meta, sorted-set/sorted map do not retain comparator
- Support cljs.test/use-fixtures
- cljs.test added, mirrors clojure.test
- New cljs.analyzer.api namespace for easier access to analysis info from macros
- New cljs.analyzer.api namespace for easier access to analysis info from macros
- Support :test metadata on vars
- Support static vars
- cljs.source-map for client side source mapping
- expose ClojureScript :warnings build option
- CLJS-909: Add stable api for consumers of compiler data.
- convert all ClojureScript tests to cljs.test
- add volatile! from Clojure 1.7
- stateful transducers use volatile!
- added
macro, compiles to "debugger;" - CLJS-892: Improve performance of compare-symbols/compare-keywords
- CLJS-696: remove arguments usage from defrecord constructor
- unroll
, copy & pasted from Clojure core.clj - optimize clojure.string/join
- fix
, incorrectly monkey patchedcjls.core/string-print
instead of settingcljs.core/*print-fn*
- cljs.reader bug, '/ incorrectly read
- avoid emitting the same goog.require
- forcing source maps to load for dynamic js reloads
- All ISeqable types are now ES6 iterable
- CLJS-863: Invalid arity error when calling 0-arity multimethod
- CLJS-622: better error reporting for zero arity protocol methods
- CLJS-506: expose more Closure minification knobs
- CLJS-807: Emitter cannot emit BigInt or BigDecimal
- CLJS-749: Ignore .repl-* given that CLJS version is appended by default.
- CLJS-749: Append CLJS version to browser repl-env
- CLJS-749: clojurescript-version is unbound return empty string
- implement INamed for multi-method
- revert CLJS-801
- CLJS-888: Omit redundant {} around emitted recur
- CLJS-888: Better placement of newlines in emitter
- Join preambles with newline line to catch cases with files without newlines.
- add js-in interop macro
- Add nthrest
- CLJS-510: Throw error when :output-wrapper and :optimizations :whitespace combined
- CLJS-875: bump tools.reader dep to 0.8.10
- CLJS-879: add
from Clojure 1.7 - CLJS-857: change deftype*/defrecord* special forms to include their inline methods decls
- CLJS-885: relax type inference around numbers
- fix var resolution bug pointed out by Brandon Bloom
- CLJS-853: propagate read-time metadata on fn and reify forms at runtime
- CLJS-716: support hashing of JavaScript dates
- CLJS-814: clojure.string/reverse breaks surrogate pairs
- Recursively check IEncodeClojure in js->clj
- CLJS-873: non-higher-order calls to array-map should return PAMs
- CLJS-881: check for duplicate keys in array-map
- select-keys did not preserve metadata
- CLJS-862: fix inconsistent re-pattern
- CLJS-866: Faulty ns macro desugaring
- CLJS-869: When preamble is not found in source directory, compiler does not report it
- fix var analysis so that some.ns/foo.bar is handled correctly
- CLJS-854: cljs.reader could not read numbers under IE8
- depend on tools.reader 0.8.9
- transducers
- CLJS-704: warn if protocol extended to type multiple times in extend-type
- CLJS-702: warn if protocol doesn't match declared
- CLJS-859: use https for the bootstrap script
- CLJS-855: combinatorial code generation under advanced
- CLJS-858: resolve-existing var does not check vars outside current ns
- CLJS-852: same group-by as Clojure
- CLJS-847: Safari toString fix
- CLJS-846: preserve namespace metadata
- CLJS-839: Mobile Safari Math.imul issue
- CLJS-845: incorrect behavior of
when given multiple collections - count check in equiv-sequential if both arguments are ICounted
- only keep the param names when storing :method-params instead of the entire param AST
- preserve var metadata for deftype* and defrecord*
- preserve var metadata when creating deftype/record factory fns
- CLJS-831: Extending EventType to js/Element breaks Nashorn
- fix typo which broke browser REPL
- lazier seq iterators a la CLJ-1497
- Allow multi-arity anonymous fns to optimize
- transducers
- eliminate dead branches in conditionals to prevent Closure warnings
- bad var resolution if when local contained .
- depend on latest org.clojure/google-closure-library
- fix constants table bug where keywords did not include precomputed hash-code
- All IEquiv implementor now export equiv Object method
- CLJS-824: Unsigned hash for keywords produced via keyword fn
- CLJS-827: CLJS-827: wrap macro expansion in try/catch
- CLJS-826: fix broken closure release script
- CLJS-825: conflict between node js support files
- typo in unchecked-subtract-int
- Experimental support for ES6 Map/Set interface
- CLJS-823: use non-native imul in Safari
- CLJS-810: re-matches returns [] if string is nil
- Dependency on Clojure 1.6.0
- Murmur3 hashing for collections
- CLJS-817: Warning on use of undeclared var when creating recursive definition
- CLJS-819: cljs.reader cannot handle character classes beginning with slashes in regex literals
- CLJS-820: Missing invoke without arguments in MetaFn
- CLJS-816: clojure.set/rename-keys accidentally deletes keys
- CLJS-812: Recur from case statement generated invalid JavaScript
- CLJS-811: use the correct class loader in cljs.js-deps/goog-resource
- fix fns with metadata under advanced compilation
- CLJS-809: dissoc :file metadata introduced by tools.reader 0.8.4
- mark cljs.reader vars as ^:dynamic to avoid compiler warnings