# Meowton Electronics # Requirements * Rapsberry PI: Version 2 or higher (Pi zero and rapsberry pi 1 are probably too slow) * Servo motor, see [Food dispenser](Meowton-food-dispenser) * Two HX711 converters: * https://www.aliexpress.com/w/wholesale-hx711.html * https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13879 An overview (click to zoom): [![](https://github.com/psy0rz/meowton/blob/rpi/3d/electronics/overview.jpg?raw=true)](https://github.com/psy0rz/meowton/blob/rpi/3d/electronics/overview.jpg?raw=true) # Assembly I recommend soldering everything, instead of using breadboards. (Those are less reliable) ## Rapsberry PI Everything will be connected to the Raspberry PI (RPI). For reference heres the pinout: ![](https://github.com/psy0rz/meowton/blob/rpi/3d/electronics/rpi%20pins.png) I use a connector, but you can also solder directly to the RPI. ## HX711 board for food scale Connect the HX711 to the food loadcell: * Red wire: E+ * Black wire: E- * White wire: A- * Green wire: A+ Connect the HX711 to the Raspberry: * GND to GND * VCC to 3v3 * DT to RPI GPIO 23 * SCK to RPI GPIO 24 ## Cat scale load cell The 4 loadcells are connected in bridge mode, to one HX711: ![](https://github.com/psy0rz/meowton/blob/rpi/3d/electronics/loadcell%20bridge.jpg) Connect the HX711 to the Raspberry: * GND to GND * VCC to 3v3 * DT to RPI GPIO 27 * SCK to RPI GPIO 17 ## Servo motor pinout The servo needs 5 volt and has one of the following pinouts: ![](img/servoconnect.jpg) * Connect the signal pin to RPI GPIO 18