diff --git a/docs/assets/plugins/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js b/docs/assets/plugins/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js
index 01fbbcbaa..d861a3269 100755
--- a/docs/assets/plugins/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js
+++ b/docs/assets/plugins/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js
@@ -1,2363 +1,4494 @@
- * Bootstrap v3.3.6 (http://getbootstrap.com)
- * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under the MIT license
- */
-if (typeof jQuery === 'undefined') {
- throw new Error('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires jQuery')
-+function ($) {
- 'use strict';
- var version = $.fn.jquery.split(' ')[0].split('.')
- if ((version[0] < 2 && version[1] < 9) || (version[0] == 1 && version[1] == 9 && version[2] < 1) || (version[0] > 2)) {
- throw new Error('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 3')
+ * Bootstrap v5.3.2 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
+ * Copyright 2011-2023 The Bootstrap Authors (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/graphs/contributors)
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ */
+(function (global, factory) {
+ typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory(require('@popperjs/core')) :
+ typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['@popperjs/core'], factory) :
+ (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.bootstrap = factory(global.Popper));
+})(this, (function (Popper) { 'use strict';
+ function _interopNamespaceDefault(e) {
+ const n = Object.create(null, { [Symbol.toStringTag]: { value: 'Module' } });
+ if (e) {
+ for (const k in e) {
+ if (k !== 'default') {
+ const d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k);
+ Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : {
+ enumerable: true,
+ get: () => e[k]
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ n.default = e;
+ return Object.freeze(n);
-/* ========================================================================
- * Bootstrap: transition.js v3.3.6
- * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#transitions
- * ========================================================================
- * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
- * ======================================================================== */
+ const Popper__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(Popper);
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap dom/data.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
-+function ($) {
- 'use strict';
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
- // CSS TRANSITION SUPPORT (Shoutout: http://www.modernizr.com/)
- // ============================================================
- function transitionEnd() {
- var el = document.createElement('bootstrap')
- var transEndEventNames = {
- WebkitTransition : 'webkitTransitionEnd',
- MozTransition : 'transitionend',
- OTransition : 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend',
- transition : 'transitionend'
- }
+ const elementMap = new Map();
+ const Data = {
+ set(element, key, instance) {
+ if (!elementMap.has(element)) {
+ elementMap.set(element, new Map());
+ }
+ const instanceMap = elementMap.get(element);
+ // make it clear we only want one instance per element
+ // can be removed later when multiple key/instances are fine to be used
+ if (!instanceMap.has(key) && instanceMap.size !== 0) {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
+ console.error(`Bootstrap doesn't allow more than one instance per element. Bound instance: ${Array.from(instanceMap.keys())[0]}.`);
+ return;
+ }
+ instanceMap.set(key, instance);
+ },
+ get(element, key) {
+ if (elementMap.has(element)) {
+ return elementMap.get(element).get(key) || null;
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ remove(element, key) {
+ if (!elementMap.has(element)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const instanceMap = elementMap.get(element);
+ instanceMap.delete(key);
- for (var name in transEndEventNames) {
- if (el.style[name] !== undefined) {
- return { end: transEndEventNames[name] }
+ // free up element references if there are no instances left for an element
+ if (instanceMap.size === 0) {
+ elementMap.delete(element);
+ };
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap util/index.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ const MAX_UID = 1000000;
+ const TRANSITION_END = 'transitionend';
+ /**
+ * Properly escape IDs selectors to handle weird IDs
+ * @param {string} selector
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+ const parseSelector = selector => {
+ if (selector && window.CSS && window.CSS.escape) {
+ // document.querySelector needs escaping to handle IDs (html5+) containing for instance /
+ selector = selector.replace(/#([^\s"#']+)/g, (match, id) => `#${CSS.escape(id)}`);
+ }
+ return selector;
+ };
- return false // explicit for ie8 ( ._.)
- }
- // http://blog.alexmaccaw.com/css-transitions
- $.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = function (duration) {
- var called = false
- var $el = this
- $(this).one('bsTransitionEnd', function () { called = true })
- var callback = function () { if (!called) $($el).trigger($.support.transition.end) }
- setTimeout(callback, duration)
- return this
- }
- $(function () {
- $.support.transition = transitionEnd()
+ // Shout-out Angus Croll (https://goo.gl/pxwQGp)
+ const toType = object => {
+ if (object === null || object === undefined) {
+ return `${object}`;
+ }
+ return Object.prototype.toString.call(object).match(/\s([a-z]+)/i)[1].toLowerCase();
+ };
+ /**
+ * Public Util API
+ */
+ const getUID = prefix => {
+ do {
+ prefix += Math.floor(Math.random() * MAX_UID);
+ } while (document.getElementById(prefix));
+ return prefix;
+ };
+ const getTransitionDurationFromElement = element => {
+ if (!element) {
+ return 0;
+ }
- if (!$.support.transition) return
+ // Get transition-duration of the element
+ let {
+ transitionDuration,
+ transitionDelay
+ } = window.getComputedStyle(element);
+ const floatTransitionDuration = Number.parseFloat(transitionDuration);
+ const floatTransitionDelay = Number.parseFloat(transitionDelay);
+ // Return 0 if element or transition duration is not found
+ if (!floatTransitionDuration && !floatTransitionDelay) {
+ return 0;
+ }
- $.event.special.bsTransitionEnd = {
- bindType: $.support.transition.end,
- delegateType: $.support.transition.end,
- handle: function (e) {
- if ($(e.target).is(this)) return e.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments)
+ // If multiple durations are defined, take the first
+ transitionDuration = transitionDuration.split(',')[0];
+ transitionDelay = transitionDelay.split(',')[0];
+ return (Number.parseFloat(transitionDuration) + Number.parseFloat(transitionDelay)) * MILLISECONDS_MULTIPLIER;
+ };
+ const triggerTransitionEnd = element => {
+ element.dispatchEvent(new Event(TRANSITION_END));
+ };
+ const isElement = object => {
+ if (!object || typeof object !== 'object') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (typeof object.jquery !== 'undefined') {
+ object = object[0];
+ }
+ return typeof object.nodeType !== 'undefined';
+ };
+ const getElement = object => {
+ // it's a jQuery object or a node element
+ if (isElement(object)) {
+ return object.jquery ? object[0] : object;
+ }
+ if (typeof object === 'string' && object.length > 0) {
+ return document.querySelector(parseSelector(object));
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ const isVisible = element => {
+ if (!isElement(element) || element.getClientRects().length === 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const elementIsVisible = getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue('visibility') === 'visible';
+ // Handle `details` element as its content may falsie appear visible when it is closed
+ const closedDetails = element.closest('details:not([open])');
+ if (!closedDetails) {
+ return elementIsVisible;
+ }
+ if (closedDetails !== element) {
+ const summary = element.closest('summary');
+ if (summary && summary.parentNode !== closedDetails) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (summary === null) {
+ return false;
- })
-/* ========================================================================
- * Bootstrap: alert.js v3.3.6
- * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#alerts
- * ========================================================================
- * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
- * ======================================================================== */
-+function ($) {
- 'use strict';
- // ======================
- var dismiss = '[data-dismiss="alert"]'
- var Alert = function (el) {
- $(el).on('click', dismiss, this.close)
- }
- Alert.VERSION = '3.3.6'
- Alert.prototype.close = function (e) {
- var $this = $(this)
- var selector = $this.attr('data-target')
- if (!selector) {
- selector = $this.attr('href')
- selector = selector && selector.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '') // strip for ie7
+ return elementIsVisible;
+ };
+ const isDisabled = element => {
+ if (!element || element.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ return true;
- var $parent = $(selector)
- if (e) e.preventDefault()
- if (!$parent.length) {
- $parent = $this.closest('.alert')
+ if (element.classList.contains('disabled')) {
+ return true;
- $parent.trigger(e = $.Event('close.bs.alert'))
- if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- $parent.removeClass('in')
- function removeElement() {
- // detach from parent, fire event then clean up data
- $parent.detach().trigger('closed.bs.alert').remove()
+ if (typeof element.disabled !== 'undefined') {
+ return element.disabled;
+ }
+ return element.hasAttribute('disabled') && element.getAttribute('disabled') !== 'false';
+ };
+ const findShadowRoot = element => {
+ if (!document.documentElement.attachShadow) {
+ return null;
- $.support.transition && $parent.hasClass('fade') ?
- $parent
- .one('bsTransitionEnd', removeElement)
- .emulateTransitionEnd(Alert.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
- removeElement()
- }
- // =======================
- function Plugin(option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- var data = $this.data('bs.alert')
- if (!data) $this.data('bs.alert', (data = new Alert(this)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option].call($this)
- })
- }
- var old = $.fn.alert
- $.fn.alert = Plugin
- $.fn.alert.Constructor = Alert
- // =================
- $.fn.alert.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.alert = old
- return this
- }
- // ==============
- $(document).on('click.bs.alert.data-api', dismiss, Alert.prototype.close)
-/* ========================================================================
- * Bootstrap: button.js v3.3.6
- * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#buttons
- * ========================================================================
- * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
- * ======================================================================== */
-+function ($) {
- 'use strict';
- // ==============================
- var Button = function (element, options) {
- this.$element = $(element)
- this.options = $.extend({}, Button.DEFAULTS, options)
- this.isLoading = false
- }
- Button.VERSION = '3.3.6'
- Button.DEFAULTS = {
- loadingText: 'loading...'
- }
- Button.prototype.setState = function (state) {
- var d = 'disabled'
- var $el = this.$element
- var val = $el.is('input') ? 'val' : 'html'
- var data = $el.data()
- state += 'Text'
- if (data.resetText == null) $el.data('resetText', $el[val]())
- // push to event loop to allow forms to submit
- setTimeout($.proxy(function () {
- $el[val](data[state] == null ? this.options[state] : data[state])
+ // Can find the shadow root otherwise it'll return the document
+ if (typeof element.getRootNode === 'function') {
+ const root = element.getRootNode();
+ return root instanceof ShadowRoot ? root : null;
+ }
+ if (element instanceof ShadowRoot) {
+ return element;
+ }
- if (state == 'loadingText') {
- this.isLoading = true
- $el.addClass(d).attr(d, d)
- } else if (this.isLoading) {
- this.isLoading = false
- $el.removeClass(d).removeAttr(d)
+ // when we don't find a shadow root
+ if (!element.parentNode) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return findShadowRoot(element.parentNode);
+ };
+ const noop = () => {};
+ /**
+ * Trick to restart an element's animation
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement} element
+ * @return void
+ *
+ * @see https://www.charistheo.io/blog/2021/02/restart-a-css-animation-with-javascript/#restarting-a-css-animation
+ */
+ const reflow = element => {
+ element.offsetHeight; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions
+ };
+ const getjQuery = () => {
+ if (window.jQuery && !document.body.hasAttribute('data-bs-no-jquery')) {
+ return window.jQuery;
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ const DOMContentLoadedCallbacks = [];
+ const onDOMContentLoaded = callback => {
+ if (document.readyState === 'loading') {
+ // add listener on the first call when the document is in loading state
+ if (!DOMContentLoadedCallbacks.length) {
+ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
+ for (const callback of DOMContentLoadedCallbacks) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ });
- }, this), 0)
- }
- Button.prototype.toggle = function () {
- var changed = true
- var $parent = this.$element.closest('[data-toggle="buttons"]')
- if ($parent.length) {
- var $input = this.$element.find('input')
- if ($input.prop('type') == 'radio') {
- if ($input.prop('checked')) changed = false
- $parent.find('.active').removeClass('active')
- this.$element.addClass('active')
- } else if ($input.prop('type') == 'checkbox') {
- if (($input.prop('checked')) !== this.$element.hasClass('active')) changed = false
- this.$element.toggleClass('active')
- }
- $input.prop('checked', this.$element.hasClass('active'))
- if (changed) $input.trigger('change')
+ DOMContentLoadedCallbacks.push(callback);
} else {
- this.$element.attr('aria-pressed', !this.$element.hasClass('active'))
- this.$element.toggleClass('active')
+ callback();
+ };
+ const isRTL = () => document.documentElement.dir === 'rtl';
+ const defineJQueryPlugin = plugin => {
+ onDOMContentLoaded(() => {
+ const $ = getjQuery();
+ /* istanbul ignore if */
+ if ($) {
+ const name = plugin.NAME;
+ const JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT = $.fn[name];
+ $.fn[name] = plugin.jQueryInterface;
+ $.fn[name].Constructor = plugin;
+ $.fn[name].noConflict = () => {
+ $.fn[name] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT;
+ return plugin.jQueryInterface;
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ const execute = (possibleCallback, args = [], defaultValue = possibleCallback) => {
+ return typeof possibleCallback === 'function' ? possibleCallback(...args) : defaultValue;
+ };
+ const executeAfterTransition = (callback, transitionElement, waitForTransition = true) => {
+ if (!waitForTransition) {
+ execute(callback);
+ return;
+ }
+ const durationPadding = 5;
+ const emulatedDuration = getTransitionDurationFromElement(transitionElement) + durationPadding;
+ let called = false;
+ const handler = ({
+ target
+ }) => {
+ if (target !== transitionElement) {
+ return;
+ }
+ called = true;
+ transitionElement.removeEventListener(TRANSITION_END, handler);
+ execute(callback);
+ };
+ transitionElement.addEventListener(TRANSITION_END, handler);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ if (!called) {
+ triggerTransitionEnd(transitionElement);
+ }
+ }, emulatedDuration);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Return the previous/next element of a list.
+ *
+ * @param {array} list The list of elements
+ * @param activeElement The active element
+ * @param shouldGetNext Choose to get next or previous element
+ * @param isCycleAllowed
+ * @return {Element|elem} The proper element
+ */
+ const getNextActiveElement = (list, activeElement, shouldGetNext, isCycleAllowed) => {
+ const listLength = list.length;
+ let index = list.indexOf(activeElement);
+ // if the element does not exist in the list return an element
+ // depending on the direction and if cycle is allowed
+ if (index === -1) {
+ return !shouldGetNext && isCycleAllowed ? list[listLength - 1] : list[0];
+ }
+ index += shouldGetNext ? 1 : -1;
+ if (isCycleAllowed) {
+ index = (index + listLength) % listLength;
+ }
+ return list[Math.max(0, Math.min(index, listLength - 1))];
+ };
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap dom/event-handler.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
+ const namespaceRegex = /[^.]*(?=\..*)\.|.*/;
+ const stripNameRegex = /\..*/;
+ const stripUidRegex = /::\d+$/;
+ const eventRegistry = {}; // Events storage
+ let uidEvent = 1;
+ const customEvents = {
+ mouseenter: 'mouseover',
+ mouseleave: 'mouseout'
+ };
+ const nativeEvents = new Set(['click', 'dblclick', 'mouseup', 'mousedown', 'contextmenu', 'mousewheel', 'DOMMouseScroll', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mousemove', 'selectstart', 'selectend', 'keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup', 'orientationchange', 'touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchend', 'touchcancel', 'pointerdown', 'pointermove', 'pointerup', 'pointerleave', 'pointercancel', 'gesturestart', 'gesturechange', 'gestureend', 'focus', 'blur', 'change', 'reset', 'select', 'submit', 'focusin', 'focusout', 'load', 'unload', 'beforeunload', 'resize', 'move', 'DOMContentLoaded', 'readystatechange', 'error', 'abort', 'scroll']);
+ /**
+ * Private methods
+ */
+ function makeEventUid(element, uid) {
+ return uid && `${uid}::${uidEvent++}` || element.uidEvent || uidEvent++;
- // ========================
- function Plugin(option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- var data = $this.data('bs.button')
- var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
- if (!data) $this.data('bs.button', (data = new Button(this, options)))
- if (option == 'toggle') data.toggle()
- else if (option) data.setState(option)
- })
+ function getElementEvents(element) {
+ const uid = makeEventUid(element);
+ element.uidEvent = uid;
+ eventRegistry[uid] = eventRegistry[uid] || {};
+ return eventRegistry[uid];
- var old = $.fn.button
- $.fn.button = Plugin
- $.fn.button.Constructor = Button
- // ==================
- $.fn.button.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.button = old
- return this
+ function bootstrapHandler(element, fn) {
+ return function handler(event) {
+ hydrateObj(event, {
+ delegateTarget: element
+ });
+ if (handler.oneOff) {
+ EventHandler.off(element, event.type, fn);
+ }
+ return fn.apply(element, [event]);
+ };
- // ===============
- $(document)
- .on('click.bs.button.data-api', '[data-toggle^="button"]', function (e) {
- var $btn = $(e.target)
- if (!$btn.hasClass('btn')) $btn = $btn.closest('.btn')
- Plugin.call($btn, 'toggle')
- if (!($(e.target).is('input[type="radio"]') || $(e.target).is('input[type="checkbox"]'))) e.preventDefault()
- })
- .on('focus.bs.button.data-api blur.bs.button.data-api', '[data-toggle^="button"]', function (e) {
- $(e.target).closest('.btn').toggleClass('focus', /^focus(in)?$/.test(e.type))
- })
-/* ========================================================================
- * Bootstrap: carousel.js v3.3.6
- * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#carousel
- * ========================================================================
- * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
- * ======================================================================== */
-+function ($) {
- 'use strict';
- // =========================
- var Carousel = function (element, options) {
- this.$element = $(element)
- this.$indicators = this.$element.find('.carousel-indicators')
- this.options = options
- this.paused = null
- this.sliding = null
- this.interval = null
- this.$active = null
- this.$items = null
- this.options.keyboard && this.$element.on('keydown.bs.carousel', $.proxy(this.keydown, this))
- this.options.pause == 'hover' && !('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) && this.$element
- .on('mouseenter.bs.carousel', $.proxy(this.pause, this))
- .on('mouseleave.bs.carousel', $.proxy(this.cycle, this))
+ function bootstrapDelegationHandler(element, selector, fn) {
+ return function handler(event) {
+ const domElements = element.querySelectorAll(selector);
+ for (let {
+ target
+ } = event; target && target !== this; target = target.parentNode) {
+ for (const domElement of domElements) {
+ if (domElement !== target) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ hydrateObj(event, {
+ delegateTarget: target
+ });
+ if (handler.oneOff) {
+ EventHandler.off(element, event.type, selector, fn);
+ }
+ return fn.apply(target, [event]);
+ }
+ }
+ };
- Carousel.VERSION = '3.3.6'
- Carousel.DEFAULTS = {
- interval: 5000,
- pause: 'hover',
- wrap: true,
- keyboard: true
+ function findHandler(events, callable, delegationSelector = null) {
+ return Object.values(events).find(event => event.callable === callable && event.delegationSelector === delegationSelector);
- Carousel.prototype.keydown = function (e) {
- if (/input|textarea/i.test(e.target.tagName)) return
- switch (e.which) {
- case 37: this.prev(); break
- case 39: this.next(); break
- default: return
+ function normalizeParameters(originalTypeEvent, handler, delegationFunction) {
+ const isDelegated = typeof handler === 'string';
+ // TODO: tooltip passes `false` instead of selector, so we need to check
+ const callable = isDelegated ? delegationFunction : handler || delegationFunction;
+ let typeEvent = getTypeEvent(originalTypeEvent);
+ if (!nativeEvents.has(typeEvent)) {
+ typeEvent = originalTypeEvent;
- e.preventDefault()
- }
- Carousel.prototype.cycle = function (e) {
- e || (this.paused = false)
- this.interval && clearInterval(this.interval)
- this.options.interval
- && !this.paused
- && (this.interval = setInterval($.proxy(this.next, this), this.options.interval))
- return this
- }
- Carousel.prototype.getItemIndex = function (item) {
- this.$items = item.parent().children('.item')
- return this.$items.index(item || this.$active)
+ return [isDelegated, callable, typeEvent];
- Carousel.prototype.getItemForDirection = function (direction, active) {
- var activeIndex = this.getItemIndex(active)
- var willWrap = (direction == 'prev' && activeIndex === 0)
- || (direction == 'next' && activeIndex == (this.$items.length - 1))
- if (willWrap && !this.options.wrap) return active
- var delta = direction == 'prev' ? -1 : 1
- var itemIndex = (activeIndex + delta) % this.$items.length
- return this.$items.eq(itemIndex)
- }
- Carousel.prototype.to = function (pos) {
- var that = this
- var activeIndex = this.getItemIndex(this.$active = this.$element.find('.item.active'))
- if (pos > (this.$items.length - 1) || pos < 0) return
- if (this.sliding) return this.$element.one('slid.bs.carousel', function () { that.to(pos) }) // yes, "slid"
- if (activeIndex == pos) return this.pause().cycle()
- return this.slide(pos > activeIndex ? 'next' : 'prev', this.$items.eq(pos))
+ function addHandler(element, originalTypeEvent, handler, delegationFunction, oneOff) {
+ if (typeof originalTypeEvent !== 'string' || !element) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let [isDelegated, callable, typeEvent] = normalizeParameters(originalTypeEvent, handler, delegationFunction);
+ // in case of mouseenter or mouseleave wrap the handler within a function that checks for its DOM position
+ // this prevents the handler from being dispatched the same way as mouseover or mouseout does
+ if (originalTypeEvent in customEvents) {
+ const wrapFunction = fn => {
+ return function (event) {
+ if (!event.relatedTarget || event.relatedTarget !== event.delegateTarget && !event.delegateTarget.contains(event.relatedTarget)) {
+ return fn.call(this, event);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ callable = wrapFunction(callable);
+ }
+ const events = getElementEvents(element);
+ const handlers = events[typeEvent] || (events[typeEvent] = {});
+ const previousFunction = findHandler(handlers, callable, isDelegated ? handler : null);
+ if (previousFunction) {
+ previousFunction.oneOff = previousFunction.oneOff && oneOff;
+ return;
+ }
+ const uid = makeEventUid(callable, originalTypeEvent.replace(namespaceRegex, ''));
+ const fn = isDelegated ? bootstrapDelegationHandler(element, handler, callable) : bootstrapHandler(element, callable);
+ fn.delegationSelector = isDelegated ? handler : null;
+ fn.callable = callable;
+ fn.oneOff = oneOff;
+ fn.uidEvent = uid;
+ handlers[uid] = fn;
+ element.addEventListener(typeEvent, fn, isDelegated);
- Carousel.prototype.pause = function (e) {
- e || (this.paused = true)
- if (this.$element.find('.next, .prev').length && $.support.transition) {
- this.$element.trigger($.support.transition.end)
- this.cycle(true)
+ function removeHandler(element, events, typeEvent, handler, delegationSelector) {
+ const fn = findHandler(events[typeEvent], handler, delegationSelector);
+ if (!fn) {
+ return;
- this.interval = clearInterval(this.interval)
- return this
+ element.removeEventListener(typeEvent, fn, Boolean(delegationSelector));
+ delete events[typeEvent][fn.uidEvent];
- Carousel.prototype.next = function () {
- if (this.sliding) return
- return this.slide('next')
+ function removeNamespacedHandlers(element, events, typeEvent, namespace) {
+ const storeElementEvent = events[typeEvent] || {};
+ for (const [handlerKey, event] of Object.entries(storeElementEvent)) {
+ if (handlerKey.includes(namespace)) {
+ removeHandler(element, events, typeEvent, event.callable, event.delegationSelector);
+ }
+ }
- Carousel.prototype.prev = function () {
- if (this.sliding) return
- return this.slide('prev')
+ function getTypeEvent(event) {
+ // allow to get the native events from namespaced events ('click.bs.button' --> 'click')
+ event = event.replace(stripNameRegex, '');
+ return customEvents[event] || event;
- Carousel.prototype.slide = function (type, next) {
- var $active = this.$element.find('.item.active')
- var $next = next || this.getItemForDirection(type, $active)
- var isCycling = this.interval
- var direction = type == 'next' ? 'left' : 'right'
- var that = this
- if ($next.hasClass('active')) return (this.sliding = false)
- var relatedTarget = $next[0]
- var slideEvent = $.Event('slide.bs.carousel', {
- relatedTarget: relatedTarget,
- direction: direction
- })
- this.$element.trigger(slideEvent)
- if (slideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- this.sliding = true
- isCycling && this.pause()
- if (this.$indicators.length) {
- this.$indicators.find('.active').removeClass('active')
- var $nextIndicator = $(this.$indicators.children()[this.getItemIndex($next)])
- $nextIndicator && $nextIndicator.addClass('active')
- }
- var slidEvent = $.Event('slid.bs.carousel', { relatedTarget: relatedTarget, direction: direction }) // yes, "slid"
- if ($.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('slide')) {
- $next.addClass(type)
- $next[0].offsetWidth // force reflow
- $active.addClass(direction)
- $next.addClass(direction)
- $active
- .one('bsTransitionEnd', function () {
- $next.removeClass([type, direction].join(' ')).addClass('active')
- $active.removeClass(['active', direction].join(' '))
- that.sliding = false
- setTimeout(function () {
- that.$element.trigger(slidEvent)
- }, 0)
- })
- .emulateTransitionEnd(Carousel.TRANSITION_DURATION)
- } else {
- $active.removeClass('active')
- $next.addClass('active')
- this.sliding = false
- this.$element.trigger(slidEvent)
+ const EventHandler = {
+ on(element, event, handler, delegationFunction) {
+ addHandler(element, event, handler, delegationFunction, false);
+ },
+ one(element, event, handler, delegationFunction) {
+ addHandler(element, event, handler, delegationFunction, true);
+ },
+ off(element, originalTypeEvent, handler, delegationFunction) {
+ if (typeof originalTypeEvent !== 'string' || !element) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const [isDelegated, callable, typeEvent] = normalizeParameters(originalTypeEvent, handler, delegationFunction);
+ const inNamespace = typeEvent !== originalTypeEvent;
+ const events = getElementEvents(element);
+ const storeElementEvent = events[typeEvent] || {};
+ const isNamespace = originalTypeEvent.startsWith('.');
+ if (typeof callable !== 'undefined') {
+ // Simplest case: handler is passed, remove that listener ONLY.
+ if (!Object.keys(storeElementEvent).length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ removeHandler(element, events, typeEvent, callable, isDelegated ? handler : null);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isNamespace) {
+ for (const elementEvent of Object.keys(events)) {
+ removeNamespacedHandlers(element, events, elementEvent, originalTypeEvent.slice(1));
+ }
+ }
+ for (const [keyHandlers, event] of Object.entries(storeElementEvent)) {
+ const handlerKey = keyHandlers.replace(stripUidRegex, '');
+ if (!inNamespace || originalTypeEvent.includes(handlerKey)) {
+ removeHandler(element, events, typeEvent, event.callable, event.delegationSelector);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ trigger(element, event, args) {
+ if (typeof event !== 'string' || !element) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ const $ = getjQuery();
+ const typeEvent = getTypeEvent(event);
+ const inNamespace = event !== typeEvent;
+ let jQueryEvent = null;
+ let bubbles = true;
+ let nativeDispatch = true;
+ let defaultPrevented = false;
+ if (inNamespace && $) {
+ jQueryEvent = $.Event(event, args);
+ $(element).trigger(jQueryEvent);
+ bubbles = !jQueryEvent.isPropagationStopped();
+ nativeDispatch = !jQueryEvent.isImmediatePropagationStopped();
+ defaultPrevented = jQueryEvent.isDefaultPrevented();
+ }
+ const evt = hydrateObj(new Event(event, {
+ bubbles,
+ cancelable: true
+ }), args);
+ if (defaultPrevented) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ if (nativeDispatch) {
+ element.dispatchEvent(evt);
+ }
+ if (evt.defaultPrevented && jQueryEvent) {
+ jQueryEvent.preventDefault();
+ }
+ return evt;
- isCycling && this.cycle()
- return this
+ };
+ function hydrateObj(obj, meta = {}) {
+ for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(meta)) {
+ try {
+ obj[key] = value;
+ } catch (_unused) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
+ configurable: true,
+ get() {
+ return value;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return obj;
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap dom/manipulator.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
- // ==========================
- function Plugin(option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- var data = $this.data('bs.carousel')
- var options = $.extend({}, Carousel.DEFAULTS, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option)
- var action = typeof option == 'string' ? option : options.slide
- if (!data) $this.data('bs.carousel', (data = new Carousel(this, options)))
- if (typeof option == 'number') data.to(option)
- else if (action) data[action]()
- else if (options.interval) data.pause().cycle()
- })
+ function normalizeData(value) {
+ if (value === 'true') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (value === 'false') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (value === Number(value).toString()) {
+ return Number(value);
+ }
+ if (value === '' || value === 'null') {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (typeof value !== 'string') {
+ return value;
+ }
+ try {
+ return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(value));
+ } catch (_unused) {
+ return value;
+ }
- var old = $.fn.carousel
- $.fn.carousel = Plugin
- $.fn.carousel.Constructor = Carousel
- // ====================
- $.fn.carousel.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.carousel = old
- return this
+ function normalizeDataKey(key) {
+ return key.replace(/[A-Z]/g, chr => `-${chr.toLowerCase()}`);
+ const Manipulator = {
+ setDataAttribute(element, key, value) {
+ element.setAttribute(`data-bs-${normalizeDataKey(key)}`, value);
+ },
+ removeDataAttribute(element, key) {
+ element.removeAttribute(`data-bs-${normalizeDataKey(key)}`);
+ },
+ getDataAttributes(element) {
+ if (!element) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ const attributes = {};
+ const bsKeys = Object.keys(element.dataset).filter(key => key.startsWith('bs') && !key.startsWith('bsConfig'));
+ for (const key of bsKeys) {
+ let pureKey = key.replace(/^bs/, '');
+ pureKey = pureKey.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + pureKey.slice(1, pureKey.length);
+ attributes[pureKey] = normalizeData(element.dataset[key]);
+ }
+ return attributes;
+ },
+ getDataAttribute(element, key) {
+ return normalizeData(element.getAttribute(`data-bs-${normalizeDataKey(key)}`));
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap util/config.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
- // =================
- var clickHandler = function (e) {
- var href
- var $this = $(this)
- var $target = $($this.attr('data-target') || (href = $this.attr('href')) && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '')) // strip for ie7
- if (!$target.hasClass('carousel')) return
- var options = $.extend({}, $target.data(), $this.data())
- var slideIndex = $this.attr('data-slide-to')
- if (slideIndex) options.interval = false
- Plugin.call($target, options)
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
- if (slideIndex) {
- $target.data('bs.carousel').to(slideIndex)
+ class Config {
+ // Getters
+ static get Default() {
+ return {};
+ }
+ static get DefaultType() {
+ return {};
+ }
+ static get NAME() {
+ throw new Error('You have to implement the static method "NAME", for each component!');
+ }
+ _getConfig(config) {
+ config = this._mergeConfigObj(config);
+ config = this._configAfterMerge(config);
+ this._typeCheckConfig(config);
+ return config;
+ }
+ _configAfterMerge(config) {
+ return config;
+ }
+ _mergeConfigObj(config, element) {
+ const jsonConfig = isElement(element) ? Manipulator.getDataAttribute(element, 'config') : {}; // try to parse
+ return {
+ ...this.constructor.Default,
+ ...(typeof jsonConfig === 'object' ? jsonConfig : {}),
+ ...(isElement(element) ? Manipulator.getDataAttributes(element) : {}),
+ ...(typeof config === 'object' ? config : {})
+ };
+ }
+ _typeCheckConfig(config, configTypes = this.constructor.DefaultType) {
+ for (const [property, expectedTypes] of Object.entries(configTypes)) {
+ const value = config[property];
+ const valueType = isElement(value) ? 'element' : toType(value);
+ if (!new RegExp(expectedTypes).test(valueType)) {
+ throw new TypeError(`${this.constructor.NAME.toUpperCase()}: Option "${property}" provided type "${valueType}" but expected type "${expectedTypes}".`);
+ }
+ }
- e.preventDefault()
- $(document)
- .on('click.bs.carousel.data-api', '[data-slide]', clickHandler)
- .on('click.bs.carousel.data-api', '[data-slide-to]', clickHandler)
- $(window).on('load', function () {
- $('[data-ride="carousel"]').each(function () {
- var $carousel = $(this)
- Plugin.call($carousel, $carousel.data())
- })
- })
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap base-component.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
-/* ========================================================================
- * Bootstrap: collapse.js v3.3.6
- * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#collapse
- * ========================================================================
- * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
- * ======================================================================== */
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
-+function ($) {
- 'use strict';
+ const VERSION = '5.3.2';
- // ================================
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
- var Collapse = function (element, options) {
- this.$element = $(element)
- this.options = $.extend({}, Collapse.DEFAULTS, options)
- this.$trigger = $('[data-toggle="collapse"][href="#' + element.id + '"],' +
- '[data-toggle="collapse"][data-target="#' + element.id + '"]')
- this.transitioning = null
- if (this.options.parent) {
- this.$parent = this.getParent()
- } else {
- this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this.$element, this.$trigger)
+ class BaseComponent extends Config {
+ constructor(element, config) {
+ super();
+ element = getElement(element);
+ if (!element) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._element = element;
+ this._config = this._getConfig(config);
+ Data.set(this._element, this.constructor.DATA_KEY, this);
- if (this.options.toggle) this.toggle()
- }
- Collapse.VERSION = '3.3.6'
- Collapse.DEFAULTS = {
- toggle: true
- }
+ // Public
+ dispose() {
+ Data.remove(this._element, this.constructor.DATA_KEY);
+ EventHandler.off(this._element, this.constructor.EVENT_KEY);
+ for (const propertyName of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) {
+ this[propertyName] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ _queueCallback(callback, element, isAnimated = true) {
+ executeAfterTransition(callback, element, isAnimated);
+ }
+ _getConfig(config) {
+ config = this._mergeConfigObj(config, this._element);
+ config = this._configAfterMerge(config);
+ this._typeCheckConfig(config);
+ return config;
+ }
- Collapse.prototype.dimension = function () {
- var hasWidth = this.$element.hasClass('width')
- return hasWidth ? 'width' : 'height'
+ // Static
+ static getInstance(element) {
+ return Data.get(getElement(element), this.DATA_KEY);
+ }
+ static getOrCreateInstance(element, config = {}) {
+ return this.getInstance(element) || new this(element, typeof config === 'object' ? config : null);
+ }
+ static get VERSION() {
+ return VERSION;
+ }
+ static get DATA_KEY() {
+ return `bs.${this.NAME}`;
+ }
+ static get EVENT_KEY() {
+ return `.${this.DATA_KEY}`;
+ }
+ static eventName(name) {
+ return `${name}${this.EVENT_KEY}`;
+ }
- Collapse.prototype.show = function () {
- if (this.transitioning || this.$element.hasClass('in')) return
- var activesData
- var actives = this.$parent && this.$parent.children('.panel').children('.in, .collapsing')
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap dom/selector-engine.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ const getSelector = element => {
+ let selector = element.getAttribute('data-bs-target');
+ if (!selector || selector === '#') {
+ let hrefAttribute = element.getAttribute('href');
+ // The only valid content that could double as a selector are IDs or classes,
+ // so everything starting with `#` or `.`. If a "real" URL is used as the selector,
+ // `document.querySelector` will rightfully complain it is invalid.
+ // See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/32273
+ if (!hrefAttribute || !hrefAttribute.includes('#') && !hrefAttribute.startsWith('.')) {
+ return null;
+ }
- if (actives && actives.length) {
- activesData = actives.data('bs.collapse')
- if (activesData && activesData.transitioning) return
+ // Just in case some CMS puts out a full URL with the anchor appended
+ if (hrefAttribute.includes('#') && !hrefAttribute.startsWith('#')) {
+ hrefAttribute = `#${hrefAttribute.split('#')[1]}`;
+ }
+ selector = hrefAttribute && hrefAttribute !== '#' ? parseSelector(hrefAttribute.trim()) : null;
- var startEvent = $.Event('show.bs.collapse')
- this.$element.trigger(startEvent)
- if (startEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- if (actives && actives.length) {
- Plugin.call(actives, 'hide')
- activesData || actives.data('bs.collapse', null)
+ return selector;
+ };
+ const SelectorEngine = {
+ find(selector, element = document.documentElement) {
+ return [].concat(...Element.prototype.querySelectorAll.call(element, selector));
+ },
+ findOne(selector, element = document.documentElement) {
+ return Element.prototype.querySelector.call(element, selector);
+ },
+ children(element, selector) {
+ return [].concat(...element.children).filter(child => child.matches(selector));
+ },
+ parents(element, selector) {
+ const parents = [];
+ let ancestor = element.parentNode.closest(selector);
+ while (ancestor) {
+ parents.push(ancestor);
+ ancestor = ancestor.parentNode.closest(selector);
+ }
+ return parents;
+ },
+ prev(element, selector) {
+ let previous = element.previousElementSibling;
+ while (previous) {
+ if (previous.matches(selector)) {
+ return [previous];
+ }
+ previous = previous.previousElementSibling;
+ }
+ return [];
+ },
+ // TODO: this is now unused; remove later along with prev()
+ next(element, selector) {
+ let next = element.nextElementSibling;
+ while (next) {
+ if (next.matches(selector)) {
+ return [next];
+ }
+ next = next.nextElementSibling;
+ }
+ return [];
+ },
+ focusableChildren(element) {
+ const focusables = ['a', 'button', 'input', 'textarea', 'select', 'details', '[tabindex]', '[contenteditable="true"]'].map(selector => `${selector}:not([tabindex^="-"])`).join(',');
+ return this.find(focusables, element).filter(el => !isDisabled(el) && isVisible(el));
+ },
+ getSelectorFromElement(element) {
+ const selector = getSelector(element);
+ if (selector) {
+ return SelectorEngine.findOne(selector) ? selector : null;
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ getElementFromSelector(element) {
+ const selector = getSelector(element);
+ return selector ? SelectorEngine.findOne(selector) : null;
+ },
+ getMultipleElementsFromSelector(element) {
+ const selector = getSelector(element);
+ return selector ? SelectorEngine.find(selector) : [];
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap util/component-functions.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ const enableDismissTrigger = (component, method = 'hide') => {
+ const clickEvent = `click.dismiss${component.EVENT_KEY}`;
+ const name = component.NAME;
+ EventHandler.on(document, clickEvent, `[data-bs-dismiss="${name}"]`, function (event) {
+ if (['A', 'AREA'].includes(this.tagName)) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ if (isDisabled(this)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const target = SelectorEngine.getElementFromSelector(this) || this.closest(`.${name}`);
+ const instance = component.getOrCreateInstance(target);
+ // Method argument is left, for Alert and only, as it doesn't implement the 'hide' method
+ instance[method]();
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap alert.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
+ const NAME$f = 'alert';
+ const DATA_KEY$a = 'bs.alert';
+ const EVENT_KEY$b = `.${DATA_KEY$a}`;
+ const EVENT_CLOSE = `close${EVENT_KEY$b}`;
+ const EVENT_CLOSED = `closed${EVENT_KEY$b}`;
+ const CLASS_NAME_FADE$5 = 'fade';
+ const CLASS_NAME_SHOW$8 = 'show';
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
+ class Alert extends BaseComponent {
+ // Getters
+ static get NAME() {
+ return NAME$f;
- var dimension = this.dimension()
- this.$element
- .removeClass('collapse')
- .addClass('collapsing')[dimension](0)
- .attr('aria-expanded', true)
- this.$trigger
- .removeClass('collapsed')
- .attr('aria-expanded', true)
- this.transitioning = 1
+ // Public
+ close() {
+ const closeEvent = EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_CLOSE);
+ if (closeEvent.defaultPrevented) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$8);
+ const isAnimated = this._element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_FADE$5);
+ this._queueCallback(() => this._destroyElement(), this._element, isAnimated);
+ }
- var complete = function () {
- this.$element
- .removeClass('collapsing')
- .addClass('collapse in')[dimension]('')
- this.transitioning = 0
- this.$element
- .trigger('shown.bs.collapse')
+ // Private
+ _destroyElement() {
+ this._element.remove();
+ EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_CLOSED);
+ this.dispose();
- if (!$.support.transition) return complete.call(this)
+ // Static
+ static jQueryInterface(config) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ const data = Alert.getOrCreateInstance(this);
+ if (typeof config !== 'string') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (data[config] === undefined || config.startsWith('_') || config === 'constructor') {
+ throw new TypeError(`No method named "${config}"`);
+ }
+ data[config](this);
+ });
+ }
+ }
- var scrollSize = $.camelCase(['scroll', dimension].join('-'))
+ /**
+ * Data API implementation
+ */
- this.$element
- .one('bsTransitionEnd', $.proxy(complete, this))
- .emulateTransitionEnd(Collapse.TRANSITION_DURATION)[dimension](this.$element[0][scrollSize])
- }
+ enableDismissTrigger(Alert, 'close');
- Collapse.prototype.hide = function () {
- if (this.transitioning || !this.$element.hasClass('in')) return
+ /**
+ * jQuery
+ */
- var startEvent = $.Event('hide.bs.collapse')
- this.$element.trigger(startEvent)
- if (startEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ defineJQueryPlugin(Alert);
- var dimension = this.dimension()
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap button.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
- this.$element[dimension](this.$element[dimension]())[0].offsetHeight
- this.$element
- .addClass('collapsing')
- .removeClass('collapse in')
- .attr('aria-expanded', false)
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
- this.$trigger
- .addClass('collapsed')
- .attr('aria-expanded', false)
+ const NAME$e = 'button';
+ const DATA_KEY$9 = 'bs.button';
+ const EVENT_KEY$a = `.${DATA_KEY$9}`;
+ const DATA_API_KEY$6 = '.data-api';
+ const CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$3 = 'active';
+ const SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$5 = '[data-bs-toggle="button"]';
+ const EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$6 = `click${EVENT_KEY$a}${DATA_API_KEY$6}`;
- this.transitioning = 1
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
- var complete = function () {
- this.transitioning = 0
- this.$element
- .removeClass('collapsing')
- .addClass('collapse')
- .trigger('hidden.bs.collapse')
+ class Button extends BaseComponent {
+ // Getters
+ static get NAME() {
+ return NAME$e;
- if (!$.support.transition) return complete.call(this)
- this.$element
- [dimension](0)
- .one('bsTransitionEnd', $.proxy(complete, this))
- .emulateTransitionEnd(Collapse.TRANSITION_DURATION)
- }
+ // Public
+ toggle() {
+ // Toggle class and sync the `aria-pressed` attribute with the return value of the `.toggle()` method
+ this._element.setAttribute('aria-pressed', this._element.classList.toggle(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$3));
+ }
- Collapse.prototype.toggle = function () {
- this[this.$element.hasClass('in') ? 'hide' : 'show']()
+ // Static
+ static jQueryInterface(config) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ const data = Button.getOrCreateInstance(this);
+ if (config === 'toggle') {
+ data[config]();
+ }
+ });
+ }
- Collapse.prototype.getParent = function () {
- return $(this.options.parent)
- .find('[data-toggle="collapse"][data-parent="' + this.options.parent + '"]')
- .each($.proxy(function (i, element) {
- var $element = $(element)
- this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(getTargetFromTrigger($element), $element)
- }, this))
- .end()
- }
+ /**
+ * Data API implementation
+ */
+ EventHandler.on(document, EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$6, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$5, event => {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ const button = event.target.closest(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$5);
+ const data = Button.getOrCreateInstance(button);
+ data.toggle();
+ });
+ /**
+ * jQuery
+ */
+ defineJQueryPlugin(Button);
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap util/swipe.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
+ const NAME$d = 'swipe';
+ const EVENT_KEY$9 = '.bs.swipe';
+ const EVENT_TOUCHSTART = `touchstart${EVENT_KEY$9}`;
+ const EVENT_TOUCHMOVE = `touchmove${EVENT_KEY$9}`;
+ const EVENT_TOUCHEND = `touchend${EVENT_KEY$9}`;
+ const EVENT_POINTERDOWN = `pointerdown${EVENT_KEY$9}`;
+ const EVENT_POINTERUP = `pointerup${EVENT_KEY$9}`;
+ const POINTER_TYPE_TOUCH = 'touch';
+ const POINTER_TYPE_PEN = 'pen';
+ const CLASS_NAME_POINTER_EVENT = 'pointer-event';
+ const SWIPE_THRESHOLD = 40;
+ const Default$c = {
+ endCallback: null,
+ leftCallback: null,
+ rightCallback: null
+ };
+ const DefaultType$c = {
+ endCallback: '(function|null)',
+ leftCallback: '(function|null)',
+ rightCallback: '(function|null)'
+ };
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
+ class Swipe extends Config {
+ constructor(element, config) {
+ super();
+ this._element = element;
+ if (!element || !Swipe.isSupported()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._config = this._getConfig(config);
+ this._deltaX = 0;
+ this._supportPointerEvents = Boolean(window.PointerEvent);
+ this._initEvents();
+ }
- Collapse.prototype.addAriaAndCollapsedClass = function ($element, $trigger) {
- var isOpen = $element.hasClass('in')
+ // Getters
+ static get Default() {
+ return Default$c;
+ }
+ static get DefaultType() {
+ return DefaultType$c;
+ }
+ static get NAME() {
+ return NAME$d;
+ }
- $element.attr('aria-expanded', isOpen)
- $trigger
- .toggleClass('collapsed', !isOpen)
- .attr('aria-expanded', isOpen)
- }
+ // Public
+ dispose() {
+ EventHandler.off(this._element, EVENT_KEY$9);
+ }
- function getTargetFromTrigger($trigger) {
- var href
- var target = $trigger.attr('data-target')
- || (href = $trigger.attr('href')) && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '') // strip for ie7
+ // Private
+ _start(event) {
+ if (!this._supportPointerEvents) {
+ this._deltaX = event.touches[0].clientX;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this._eventIsPointerPenTouch(event)) {
+ this._deltaX = event.clientX;
+ }
+ }
+ _end(event) {
+ if (this._eventIsPointerPenTouch(event)) {
+ this._deltaX = event.clientX - this._deltaX;
+ }
+ this._handleSwipe();
+ execute(this._config.endCallback);
+ }
+ _move(event) {
+ this._deltaX = event.touches && event.touches.length > 1 ? 0 : event.touches[0].clientX - this._deltaX;
+ }
+ _handleSwipe() {
+ const absDeltaX = Math.abs(this._deltaX);
+ if (absDeltaX <= SWIPE_THRESHOLD) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const direction = absDeltaX / this._deltaX;
+ this._deltaX = 0;
+ if (!direction) {
+ return;
+ }
+ execute(direction > 0 ? this._config.rightCallback : this._config.leftCallback);
+ }
+ _initEvents() {
+ if (this._supportPointerEvents) {
+ EventHandler.on(this._element, EVENT_POINTERDOWN, event => this._start(event));
+ EventHandler.on(this._element, EVENT_POINTERUP, event => this._end(event));
+ this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_POINTER_EVENT);
+ } else {
+ EventHandler.on(this._element, EVENT_TOUCHSTART, event => this._start(event));
+ EventHandler.on(this._element, EVENT_TOUCHMOVE, event => this._move(event));
+ EventHandler.on(this._element, EVENT_TOUCHEND, event => this._end(event));
+ }
+ }
+ _eventIsPointerPenTouch(event) {
+ return this._supportPointerEvents && (event.pointerType === POINTER_TYPE_PEN || event.pointerType === POINTER_TYPE_TOUCH);
+ }
- return $(target)
+ // Static
+ static isSupported() {
+ return 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap carousel.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
+ const NAME$c = 'carousel';
+ const DATA_KEY$8 = 'bs.carousel';
+ const EVENT_KEY$8 = `.${DATA_KEY$8}`;
+ const DATA_API_KEY$5 = '.data-api';
+ const ARROW_LEFT_KEY$1 = 'ArrowLeft';
+ const ARROW_RIGHT_KEY$1 = 'ArrowRight';
+ const TOUCHEVENT_COMPAT_WAIT = 500; // Time for mouse compat events to fire after touch
+ const ORDER_NEXT = 'next';
+ const ORDER_PREV = 'prev';
+ const DIRECTION_LEFT = 'left';
+ const DIRECTION_RIGHT = 'right';
+ const EVENT_SLIDE = `slide${EVENT_KEY$8}`;
+ const EVENT_SLID = `slid${EVENT_KEY$8}`;
+ const EVENT_KEYDOWN$1 = `keydown${EVENT_KEY$8}`;
+ const EVENT_MOUSEENTER$1 = `mouseenter${EVENT_KEY$8}`;
+ const EVENT_MOUSELEAVE$1 = `mouseleave${EVENT_KEY$8}`;
+ const EVENT_DRAG_START = `dragstart${EVENT_KEY$8}`;
+ const EVENT_LOAD_DATA_API$3 = `load${EVENT_KEY$8}${DATA_API_KEY$5}`;
+ const EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$5 = `click${EVENT_KEY$8}${DATA_API_KEY$5}`;
+ const CLASS_NAME_CAROUSEL = 'carousel';
+ const CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2 = 'active';
+ const CLASS_NAME_SLIDE = 'slide';
+ const CLASS_NAME_END = 'carousel-item-end';
+ const CLASS_NAME_START = 'carousel-item-start';
+ const CLASS_NAME_NEXT = 'carousel-item-next';
+ const CLASS_NAME_PREV = 'carousel-item-prev';
+ const SELECTOR_ACTIVE = '.active';
+ const SELECTOR_ITEM = '.carousel-item';
+ const SELECTOR_ITEM_IMG = '.carousel-item img';
+ const SELECTOR_INDICATORS = '.carousel-indicators';
+ const SELECTOR_DATA_SLIDE = '[data-bs-slide], [data-bs-slide-to]';
+ const SELECTOR_DATA_RIDE = '[data-bs-ride="carousel"]';
+ const KEY_TO_DIRECTION = {
+ };
+ const Default$b = {
+ interval: 5000,
+ keyboard: true,
+ pause: 'hover',
+ ride: false,
+ touch: true,
+ wrap: true
+ };
+ const DefaultType$b = {
+ interval: '(number|boolean)',
+ // TODO:v6 remove boolean support
+ keyboard: 'boolean',
+ pause: '(string|boolean)',
+ ride: '(boolean|string)',
+ touch: 'boolean',
+ wrap: 'boolean'
+ };
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
+ class Carousel extends BaseComponent {
+ constructor(element, config) {
+ super(element, config);
+ this._interval = null;
+ this._activeElement = null;
+ this._isSliding = false;
+ this.touchTimeout = null;
+ this._swipeHelper = null;
+ this._indicatorsElement = SelectorEngine.findOne(SELECTOR_INDICATORS, this._element);
+ this._addEventListeners();
+ if (this._config.ride === CLASS_NAME_CAROUSEL) {
+ this.cycle();
+ }
+ }
- // ==========================
- function Plugin(option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- var data = $this.data('bs.collapse')
- var options = $.extend({}, Collapse.DEFAULTS, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option)
- if (!data && options.toggle && /show|hide/.test(option)) options.toggle = false
- if (!data) $this.data('bs.collapse', (data = new Collapse(this, options)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
- })
- }
- var old = $.fn.collapse
- $.fn.collapse = Plugin
- $.fn.collapse.Constructor = Collapse
- // ====================
- $.fn.collapse.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.collapse = old
- return this
- }
- // =================
- $(document).on('click.bs.collapse.data-api', '[data-toggle="collapse"]', function (e) {
- var $this = $(this)
- if (!$this.attr('data-target')) e.preventDefault()
- var $target = getTargetFromTrigger($this)
- var data = $target.data('bs.collapse')
- var option = data ? 'toggle' : $this.data()
- Plugin.call($target, option)
- })
-/* ========================================================================
- * Bootstrap: dropdown.js v3.3.6
- * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#dropdowns
- * ========================================================================
- * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
- * ======================================================================== */
-+function ($) {
- 'use strict';
- // =========================
- var backdrop = '.dropdown-backdrop'
- var toggle = '[data-toggle="dropdown"]'
- var Dropdown = function (element) {
- $(element).on('click.bs.dropdown', this.toggle)
- }
- Dropdown.VERSION = '3.3.6'
- function getParent($this) {
- var selector = $this.attr('data-target')
- if (!selector) {
- selector = $this.attr('href')
- selector = selector && /#[A-Za-z]/.test(selector) && selector.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '') // strip for ie7
+ // Getters
+ static get Default() {
+ return Default$b;
- var $parent = selector && $(selector)
- return $parent && $parent.length ? $parent : $this.parent()
- }
- function clearMenus(e) {
- if (e && e.which === 3) return
- $(backdrop).remove()
- $(toggle).each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- var $parent = getParent($this)
- var relatedTarget = { relatedTarget: this }
- if (!$parent.hasClass('open')) return
- if (e && e.type == 'click' && /input|textarea/i.test(e.target.tagName) && $.contains($parent[0], e.target)) return
- $parent.trigger(e = $.Event('hide.bs.dropdown', relatedTarget))
- if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- $this.attr('aria-expanded', 'false')
- $parent.removeClass('open').trigger($.Event('hidden.bs.dropdown', relatedTarget))
- })
- }
- Dropdown.prototype.toggle = function (e) {
- var $this = $(this)
- if ($this.is('.disabled, :disabled')) return
- var $parent = getParent($this)
- var isActive = $parent.hasClass('open')
- clearMenus()
- if (!isActive) {
- if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement && !$parent.closest('.navbar-nav').length) {
- // if mobile we use a backdrop because click events don't delegate
- $(document.createElement('div'))
- .addClass('dropdown-backdrop')
- .insertAfter($(this))
- .on('click', clearMenus)
- }
- var relatedTarget = { relatedTarget: this }
- $parent.trigger(e = $.Event('show.bs.dropdown', relatedTarget))
- if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- $this
- .trigger('focus')
- .attr('aria-expanded', 'true')
- $parent
- .toggleClass('open')
- .trigger($.Event('shown.bs.dropdown', relatedTarget))
+ static get DefaultType() {
+ return DefaultType$b;
- return false
- }
- Dropdown.prototype.keydown = function (e) {
- if (!/(38|40|27|32)/.test(e.which) || /input|textarea/i.test(e.target.tagName)) return
- var $this = $(this)
- e.preventDefault()
- e.stopPropagation()
- if ($this.is('.disabled, :disabled')) return
- var $parent = getParent($this)
- var isActive = $parent.hasClass('open')
- if (!isActive && e.which != 27 || isActive && e.which == 27) {
- if (e.which == 27) $parent.find(toggle).trigger('focus')
- return $this.trigger('click')
+ static get NAME() {
+ return NAME$c;
- var desc = ' li:not(.disabled):visible a'
- var $items = $parent.find('.dropdown-menu' + desc)
- if (!$items.length) return
- var index = $items.index(e.target)
- if (e.which == 38 && index > 0) index-- // up
- if (e.which == 40 && index < $items.length - 1) index++ // down
- if (!~index) index = 0
- $items.eq(index).trigger('focus')
- }
- // ==========================
- function Plugin(option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- var data = $this.data('bs.dropdown')
- if (!data) $this.data('bs.dropdown', (data = new Dropdown(this)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option].call($this)
- })
- }
- var old = $.fn.dropdown
- $.fn.dropdown = Plugin
- $.fn.dropdown.Constructor = Dropdown
- // ====================
- $.fn.dropdown.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.dropdown = old
- return this
- }
- // ===================================
- $(document)
- .on('click.bs.dropdown.data-api', clearMenus)
- .on('click.bs.dropdown.data-api', '.dropdown form', function (e) { e.stopPropagation() })
- .on('click.bs.dropdown.data-api', toggle, Dropdown.prototype.toggle)
- .on('keydown.bs.dropdown.data-api', toggle, Dropdown.prototype.keydown)
- .on('keydown.bs.dropdown.data-api', '.dropdown-menu', Dropdown.prototype.keydown)
-/* ========================================================================
- * Bootstrap: modal.js v3.3.6
- * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#modals
- * ========================================================================
- * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
- * ======================================================================== */
-+function ($) {
- 'use strict';
- // ======================
- var Modal = function (element, options) {
- this.options = options
- this.$body = $(document.body)
- this.$element = $(element)
- this.$dialog = this.$element.find('.modal-dialog')
- this.$backdrop = null
- this.isShown = null
- this.originalBodyPad = null
- this.scrollbarWidth = 0
- this.ignoreBackdropClick = false
- if (this.options.remote) {
- this.$element
- .find('.modal-content')
- .load(this.options.remote, $.proxy(function () {
- this.$element.trigger('loaded.bs.modal')
- }, this))
+ // Public
+ next() {
+ this._slide(ORDER_NEXT);
- }
- Modal.VERSION = '3.3.6'
- Modal.DEFAULTS = {
- backdrop: true,
- keyboard: true,
- show: true
- }
- Modal.prototype.toggle = function (_relatedTarget) {
- return this.isShown ? this.hide() : this.show(_relatedTarget)
- }
- Modal.prototype.show = function (_relatedTarget) {
- var that = this
- var e = $.Event('show.bs.modal', { relatedTarget: _relatedTarget })
- this.$element.trigger(e)
- if (this.isShown || e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- this.isShown = true
- this.checkScrollbar()
- this.setScrollbar()
- this.$body.addClass('modal-open')
- this.escape()
- this.resize()
- this.$element.on('click.dismiss.bs.modal', '[data-dismiss="modal"]', $.proxy(this.hide, this))
- this.$dialog.on('mousedown.dismiss.bs.modal', function () {
- that.$element.one('mouseup.dismiss.bs.modal', function (e) {
- if ($(e.target).is(that.$element)) that.ignoreBackdropClick = true
- })
- })
- this.backdrop(function () {
- var transition = $.support.transition && that.$element.hasClass('fade')
- if (!that.$element.parent().length) {
- that.$element.appendTo(that.$body) // don't move modals dom position
- }
- that.$element
- .show()
- .scrollTop(0)
- that.adjustDialog()
- if (transition) {
- that.$element[0].offsetWidth // force reflow
+ nextWhenVisible() {
+ // FIXME TODO use `document.visibilityState`
+ // Don't call next when the page isn't visible
+ // or the carousel or its parent isn't visible
+ if (!document.hidden && isVisible(this._element)) {
+ this.next();
- that.$element.addClass('in')
- that.enforceFocus()
- var e = $.Event('shown.bs.modal', { relatedTarget: _relatedTarget })
- transition ?
- that.$dialog // wait for modal to slide in
- .one('bsTransitionEnd', function () {
- that.$element.trigger('focus').trigger(e)
- })
- .emulateTransitionEnd(Modal.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
- that.$element.trigger('focus').trigger(e)
- })
- }
- Modal.prototype.hide = function (e) {
- if (e) e.preventDefault()
- e = $.Event('hide.bs.modal')
- this.$element.trigger(e)
- if (!this.isShown || e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- this.isShown = false
- this.escape()
- this.resize()
- $(document).off('focusin.bs.modal')
- this.$element
- .removeClass('in')
- .off('click.dismiss.bs.modal')
- .off('mouseup.dismiss.bs.modal')
- this.$dialog.off('mousedown.dismiss.bs.modal')
- $.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('fade') ?
- this.$element
- .one('bsTransitionEnd', $.proxy(this.hideModal, this))
- .emulateTransitionEnd(Modal.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
- this.hideModal()
- }
- Modal.prototype.enforceFocus = function () {
- $(document)
- .off('focusin.bs.modal') // guard against infinite focus loop
- .on('focusin.bs.modal', $.proxy(function (e) {
- if (this.$element[0] !== e.target && !this.$element.has(e.target).length) {
- this.$element.trigger('focus')
- }
- }, this))
- }
- Modal.prototype.escape = function () {
- if (this.isShown && this.options.keyboard) {
- this.$element.on('keydown.dismiss.bs.modal', $.proxy(function (e) {
- e.which == 27 && this.hide()
- }, this))
- } else if (!this.isShown) {
- this.$element.off('keydown.dismiss.bs.modal')
- }
- Modal.prototype.resize = function () {
- if (this.isShown) {
- $(window).on('resize.bs.modal', $.proxy(this.handleUpdate, this))
- } else {
- $(window).off('resize.bs.modal')
+ prev() {
+ this._slide(ORDER_PREV);
- }
- Modal.prototype.hideModal = function () {
- var that = this
- this.$element.hide()
- this.backdrop(function () {
- that.$body.removeClass('modal-open')
- that.resetAdjustments()
- that.resetScrollbar()
- that.$element.trigger('hidden.bs.modal')
- })
- }
- Modal.prototype.removeBackdrop = function () {
- this.$backdrop && this.$backdrop.remove()
- this.$backdrop = null
- }
- Modal.prototype.backdrop = function (callback) {
- var that = this
- var animate = this.$element.hasClass('fade') ? 'fade' : ''
- if (this.isShown && this.options.backdrop) {
- var doAnimate = $.support.transition && animate
- this.$backdrop = $(document.createElement('div'))
- .addClass('modal-backdrop ' + animate)
- .appendTo(this.$body)
- this.$element.on('click.dismiss.bs.modal', $.proxy(function (e) {
- if (this.ignoreBackdropClick) {
- this.ignoreBackdropClick = false
- return
- }
- if (e.target !== e.currentTarget) return
- this.options.backdrop == 'static'
- ? this.$element[0].focus()
- : this.hide()
- }, this))
- if (doAnimate) this.$backdrop[0].offsetWidth // force reflow
- this.$backdrop.addClass('in')
- if (!callback) return
- doAnimate ?
- this.$backdrop
- .one('bsTransitionEnd', callback)
- .emulateTransitionEnd(Modal.BACKDROP_TRANSITION_DURATION) :
- callback()
- } else if (!this.isShown && this.$backdrop) {
- this.$backdrop.removeClass('in')
- var callbackRemove = function () {
- that.removeBackdrop()
- callback && callback()
+ pause() {
+ if (this._isSliding) {
+ triggerTransitionEnd(this._element);
- $.support.transition && this.$element.hasClass('fade') ?
- this.$backdrop
- .one('bsTransitionEnd', callbackRemove)
- .emulateTransitionEnd(Modal.BACKDROP_TRANSITION_DURATION) :
- callbackRemove()
- } else if (callback) {
- callback()
- }
- }
- // these following methods are used to handle overflowing modals
- Modal.prototype.handleUpdate = function () {
- this.adjustDialog()
- }
- Modal.prototype.adjustDialog = function () {
- var modalIsOverflowing = this.$element[0].scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight
- this.$element.css({
- paddingLeft: !this.bodyIsOverflowing && modalIsOverflowing ? this.scrollbarWidth : '',
- paddingRight: this.bodyIsOverflowing && !modalIsOverflowing ? this.scrollbarWidth : ''
- })
- }
- Modal.prototype.resetAdjustments = function () {
- this.$element.css({
- paddingLeft: '',
- paddingRight: ''
- })
- }
- Modal.prototype.checkScrollbar = function () {
- var fullWindowWidth = window.innerWidth
- if (!fullWindowWidth) { // workaround for missing window.innerWidth in IE8
- var documentElementRect = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect()
- fullWindowWidth = documentElementRect.right - Math.abs(documentElementRect.left)
- }
- this.bodyIsOverflowing = document.body.clientWidth < fullWindowWidth
- this.scrollbarWidth = this.measureScrollbar()
- }
- Modal.prototype.setScrollbar = function () {
- var bodyPad = parseInt((this.$body.css('padding-right') || 0), 10)
- this.originalBodyPad = document.body.style.paddingRight || ''
- if (this.bodyIsOverflowing) this.$body.css('padding-right', bodyPad + this.scrollbarWidth)
- }
- Modal.prototype.resetScrollbar = function () {
- this.$body.css('padding-right', this.originalBodyPad)
- }
- Modal.prototype.measureScrollbar = function () { // thx walsh
- var scrollDiv = document.createElement('div')
- scrollDiv.className = 'modal-scrollbar-measure'
- this.$body.append(scrollDiv)
- var scrollbarWidth = scrollDiv.offsetWidth - scrollDiv.clientWidth
- this.$body[0].removeChild(scrollDiv)
- return scrollbarWidth
- }
- // =======================
- function Plugin(option, _relatedTarget) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- var data = $this.data('bs.modal')
- var options = $.extend({}, Modal.DEFAULTS, $this.data(), typeof option == 'object' && option)
- if (!data) $this.data('bs.modal', (data = new Modal(this, options)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option](_relatedTarget)
- else if (options.show) data.show(_relatedTarget)
- })
- }
- var old = $.fn.modal
- $.fn.modal = Plugin
- $.fn.modal.Constructor = Modal
- // =================
- $.fn.modal.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.modal = old
- return this
- }
- // ==============
- $(document).on('click.bs.modal.data-api', '[data-toggle="modal"]', function (e) {
- var $this = $(this)
- var href = $this.attr('href')
- var $target = $($this.attr('data-target') || (href && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, ''))) // strip for ie7
- var option = $target.data('bs.modal') ? 'toggle' : $.extend({ remote: !/#/.test(href) && href }, $target.data(), $this.data())
- if ($this.is('a')) e.preventDefault()
- $target.one('show.bs.modal', function (showEvent) {
- if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return // only register focus restorer if modal will actually get shown
- $target.one('hidden.bs.modal', function () {
- $this.is(':visible') && $this.trigger('focus')
- })
- })
- Plugin.call($target, option, this)
- })
-/* ========================================================================
- * Bootstrap: tooltip.js v3.3.6
- * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#tooltip
- * Inspired by the original jQuery.tipsy by Jason Frame
- * ========================================================================
- * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
- * ======================================================================== */
-+function ($) {
- 'use strict';
- // ===============================
- var Tooltip = function (element, options) {
- this.type = null
- this.options = null
- this.enabled = null
- this.timeout = null
- this.hoverState = null
- this.$element = null
- this.inState = null
- this.init('tooltip', element, options)
- }
- Tooltip.VERSION = '3.3.6'
- Tooltip.DEFAULTS = {
- animation: true,
- placement: 'top',
- selector: false,
- template: '
- trigger: 'hover focus',
- title: '',
- delay: 0,
- html: false,
- container: false,
- viewport: {
- selector: 'body',
- padding: 0
+ this._clearInterval();
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.init = function (type, element, options) {
- this.enabled = true
- this.type = type
- this.$element = $(element)
- this.options = this.getOptions(options)
- this.$viewport = this.options.viewport && $($.isFunction(this.options.viewport) ? this.options.viewport.call(this, this.$element) : (this.options.viewport.selector || this.options.viewport))
- this.inState = { click: false, hover: false, focus: false }
- if (this.$element[0] instanceof document.constructor && !this.options.selector) {
- throw new Error('`selector` option must be specified when initializing ' + this.type + ' on the window.document object!')
+ cycle() {
+ this._clearInterval();
+ this._updateInterval();
+ this._interval = setInterval(() => this.nextWhenVisible(), this._config.interval);
- var triggers = this.options.trigger.split(' ')
- for (var i = triggers.length; i--;) {
- var trigger = triggers[i]
- if (trigger == 'click') {
- this.$element.on('click.' + this.type, this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.toggle, this))
- } else if (trigger != 'manual') {
- var eventIn = trigger == 'hover' ? 'mouseenter' : 'focusin'
- var eventOut = trigger == 'hover' ? 'mouseleave' : 'focusout'
- this.$element.on(eventIn + '.' + this.type, this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.enter, this))
- this.$element.on(eventOut + '.' + this.type, this.options.selector, $.proxy(this.leave, this))
+ _maybeEnableCycle() {
+ if (!this._config.ride) {
+ return;
- }
- this.options.selector ?
- (this._options = $.extend({}, this.options, { trigger: 'manual', selector: '' })) :
- this.fixTitle()
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.getDefaults = function () {
- return Tooltip.DEFAULTS
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.getOptions = function (options) {
- options = $.extend({}, this.getDefaults(), this.$element.data(), options)
- if (options.delay && typeof options.delay == 'number') {
- options.delay = {
- show: options.delay,
- hide: options.delay
+ if (this._isSliding) {
+ EventHandler.one(this._element, EVENT_SLID, () => this.cycle());
+ return;
+ this.cycle();
- return options
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.getDelegateOptions = function () {
- var options = {}
- var defaults = this.getDefaults()
- this._options && $.each(this._options, function (key, value) {
- if (defaults[key] != value) options[key] = value
- })
- return options
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.enter = function (obj) {
- var self = obj instanceof this.constructor ?
- obj : $(obj.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type)
- if (!self) {
- self = new this.constructor(obj.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions())
- $(obj.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type, self)
- }
- if (obj instanceof $.Event) {
- self.inState[obj.type == 'focusin' ? 'focus' : 'hover'] = true
- }
- if (self.tip().hasClass('in') || self.hoverState == 'in') {
- self.hoverState = 'in'
- return
- }
- clearTimeout(self.timeout)
- self.hoverState = 'in'
- if (!self.options.delay || !self.options.delay.show) return self.show()
- self.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
- if (self.hoverState == 'in') self.show()
- }, self.options.delay.show)
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.isInStateTrue = function () {
- for (var key in this.inState) {
- if (this.inState[key]) return true
+ to(index) {
+ const items = this._getItems();
+ if (index > items.length - 1 || index < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this._isSliding) {
+ EventHandler.one(this._element, EVENT_SLID, () => this.to(index));
+ return;
+ }
+ const activeIndex = this._getItemIndex(this._getActive());
+ if (activeIndex === index) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const order = index > activeIndex ? ORDER_NEXT : ORDER_PREV;
+ this._slide(order, items[index]);
- return false
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.leave = function (obj) {
- var self = obj instanceof this.constructor ?
- obj : $(obj.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type)
- if (!self) {
- self = new this.constructor(obj.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions())
- $(obj.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type, self)
+ dispose() {
+ if (this._swipeHelper) {
+ this._swipeHelper.dispose();
+ }
+ super.dispose();
- if (obj instanceof $.Event) {
- self.inState[obj.type == 'focusout' ? 'focus' : 'hover'] = false
+ // Private
+ _configAfterMerge(config) {
+ config.defaultInterval = config.interval;
+ return config;
- if (self.isInStateTrue()) return
- clearTimeout(self.timeout)
- self.hoverState = 'out'
- if (!self.options.delay || !self.options.delay.hide) return self.hide()
- self.timeout = setTimeout(function () {
- if (self.hoverState == 'out') self.hide()
- }, self.options.delay.hide)
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.show = function () {
- var e = $.Event('show.bs.' + this.type)
- if (this.hasContent() && this.enabled) {
- this.$element.trigger(e)
- var inDom = $.contains(this.$element[0].ownerDocument.documentElement, this.$element[0])
- if (e.isDefaultPrevented() || !inDom) return
- var that = this
- var $tip = this.tip()
- var tipId = this.getUID(this.type)
- this.setContent()
- $tip.attr('id', tipId)
- this.$element.attr('aria-describedby', tipId)
- if (this.options.animation) $tip.addClass('fade')
- var placement = typeof this.options.placement == 'function' ?
- this.options.placement.call(this, $tip[0], this.$element[0]) :
- this.options.placement
- var autoToken = /\s?auto?\s?/i
- var autoPlace = autoToken.test(placement)
- if (autoPlace) placement = placement.replace(autoToken, '') || 'top'
- $tip
- .detach()
- .css({ top: 0, left: 0, display: 'block' })
- .addClass(placement)
- .data('bs.' + this.type, this)
- this.options.container ? $tip.appendTo(this.options.container) : $tip.insertAfter(this.$element)
- this.$element.trigger('inserted.bs.' + this.type)
- var pos = this.getPosition()
- var actualWidth = $tip[0].offsetWidth
- var actualHeight = $tip[0].offsetHeight
- if (autoPlace) {
- var orgPlacement = placement
- var viewportDim = this.getPosition(this.$viewport)
- placement = placement == 'bottom' && pos.bottom + actualHeight > viewportDim.bottom ? 'top' :
- placement == 'top' && pos.top - actualHeight < viewportDim.top ? 'bottom' :
- placement == 'right' && pos.right + actualWidth > viewportDim.width ? 'left' :
- placement == 'left' && pos.left - actualWidth < viewportDim.left ? 'right' :
- placement
- $tip
- .removeClass(orgPlacement)
- .addClass(placement)
+ _addEventListeners() {
+ if (this._config.keyboard) {
+ EventHandler.on(this._element, EVENT_KEYDOWN$1, event => this._keydown(event));
- var calculatedOffset = this.getCalculatedOffset(placement, pos, actualWidth, actualHeight)
- this.applyPlacement(calculatedOffset, placement)
- var complete = function () {
- var prevHoverState = that.hoverState
- that.$element.trigger('shown.bs.' + that.type)
- that.hoverState = null
- if (prevHoverState == 'out') that.leave(that)
+ if (this._config.pause === 'hover') {
+ EventHandler.on(this._element, EVENT_MOUSEENTER$1, () => this.pause());
+ EventHandler.on(this._element, EVENT_MOUSELEAVE$1, () => this._maybeEnableCycle());
- $.support.transition && this.$tip.hasClass('fade') ?
- $tip
- .one('bsTransitionEnd', complete)
- .emulateTransitionEnd(Tooltip.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
- complete()
- }
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.applyPlacement = function (offset, placement) {
- var $tip = this.tip()
- var width = $tip[0].offsetWidth
- var height = $tip[0].offsetHeight
- // manually read margins because getBoundingClientRect includes difference
- var marginTop = parseInt($tip.css('margin-top'), 10)
- var marginLeft = parseInt($tip.css('margin-left'), 10)
- // we must check for NaN for ie 8/9
- if (isNaN(marginTop)) marginTop = 0
- if (isNaN(marginLeft)) marginLeft = 0
- offset.top += marginTop
- offset.left += marginLeft
- // $.fn.offset doesn't round pixel values
- // so we use setOffset directly with our own function B-0
- $.offset.setOffset($tip[0], $.extend({
- using: function (props) {
- $tip.css({
- top: Math.round(props.top),
- left: Math.round(props.left)
- })
+ if (this._config.touch && Swipe.isSupported()) {
+ this._addTouchEventListeners();
- }, offset), 0)
- $tip.addClass('in')
- // check to see if placing tip in new offset caused the tip to resize itself
- var actualWidth = $tip[0].offsetWidth
- var actualHeight = $tip[0].offsetHeight
- if (placement == 'top' && actualHeight != height) {
- offset.top = offset.top + height - actualHeight
+ _addTouchEventListeners() {
+ for (const img of SelectorEngine.find(SELECTOR_ITEM_IMG, this._element)) {
+ EventHandler.on(img, EVENT_DRAG_START, event => event.preventDefault());
+ }
+ const endCallBack = () => {
+ if (this._config.pause !== 'hover') {
+ return;
+ }
- var delta = this.getViewportAdjustedDelta(placement, offset, actualWidth, actualHeight)
- if (delta.left) offset.left += delta.left
- else offset.top += delta.top
- var isVertical = /top|bottom/.test(placement)
- var arrowDelta = isVertical ? delta.left * 2 - width + actualWidth : delta.top * 2 - height + actualHeight
- var arrowOffsetPosition = isVertical ? 'offsetWidth' : 'offsetHeight'
- $tip.offset(offset)
- this.replaceArrow(arrowDelta, $tip[0][arrowOffsetPosition], isVertical)
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.replaceArrow = function (delta, dimension, isVertical) {
- this.arrow()
- .css(isVertical ? 'left' : 'top', 50 * (1 - delta / dimension) + '%')
- .css(isVertical ? 'top' : 'left', '')
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.setContent = function () {
- var $tip = this.tip()
- var title = this.getTitle()
- $tip.find('.tooltip-inner')[this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text'](title)
- $tip.removeClass('fade in top bottom left right')
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.hide = function (callback) {
- var that = this
- var $tip = $(this.$tip)
- var e = $.Event('hide.bs.' + this.type)
- function complete() {
- if (that.hoverState != 'in') $tip.detach()
- that.$element
- .removeAttr('aria-describedby')
- .trigger('hidden.bs.' + that.type)
- callback && callback()
+ // If it's a touch-enabled device, mouseenter/leave are fired as
+ // part of the mouse compatibility events on first tap - the carousel
+ // would stop cycling until user tapped out of it;
+ // here, we listen for touchend, explicitly pause the carousel
+ // (as if it's the second time we tap on it, mouseenter compat event
+ // is NOT fired) and after a timeout (to allow for mouse compatibility
+ // events to fire) we explicitly restart cycling
+ this.pause();
+ if (this.touchTimeout) {
+ clearTimeout(this.touchTimeout);
+ }
+ this.touchTimeout = setTimeout(() => this._maybeEnableCycle(), TOUCHEVENT_COMPAT_WAIT + this._config.interval);
+ };
+ const swipeConfig = {
+ leftCallback: () => this._slide(this._directionToOrder(DIRECTION_LEFT)),
+ rightCallback: () => this._slide(this._directionToOrder(DIRECTION_RIGHT)),
+ endCallback: endCallBack
+ };
+ this._swipeHelper = new Swipe(this._element, swipeConfig);
- this.$element.trigger(e)
- if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- $tip.removeClass('in')
- $.support.transition && $tip.hasClass('fade') ?
- $tip
- .one('bsTransitionEnd', complete)
- .emulateTransitionEnd(Tooltip.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
- complete()
- this.hoverState = null
- return this
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.fixTitle = function () {
- var $e = this.$element
- if ($e.attr('title') || typeof $e.attr('data-original-title') != 'string') {
- $e.attr('data-original-title', $e.attr('title') || '').attr('title', '')
+ _keydown(event) {
+ if (/input|textarea/i.test(event.target.tagName)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const direction = KEY_TO_DIRECTION[event.key];
+ if (direction) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ this._slide(this._directionToOrder(direction));
+ }
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.hasContent = function () {
- return this.getTitle()
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.getPosition = function ($element) {
- $element = $element || this.$element
- var el = $element[0]
- var isBody = el.tagName == 'BODY'
- var elRect = el.getBoundingClientRect()
- if (elRect.width == null) {
- // width and height are missing in IE8, so compute them manually; see https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/14093
- elRect = $.extend({}, elRect, { width: elRect.right - elRect.left, height: elRect.bottom - elRect.top })
+ _getItemIndex(element) {
+ return this._getItems().indexOf(element);
- var elOffset = isBody ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : $element.offset()
- var scroll = { scroll: isBody ? document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop : $element.scrollTop() }
- var outerDims = isBody ? { width: $(window).width(), height: $(window).height() } : null
- return $.extend({}, elRect, scroll, outerDims, elOffset)
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.getCalculatedOffset = function (placement, pos, actualWidth, actualHeight) {
- return placement == 'bottom' ? { top: pos.top + pos.height, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2 } :
- placement == 'top' ? { top: pos.top - actualHeight, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2 } :
- placement == 'left' ? { top: pos.top + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left - actualWidth } :
- /* placement == 'right' */ { top: pos.top + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left + pos.width }
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.getViewportAdjustedDelta = function (placement, pos, actualWidth, actualHeight) {
- var delta = { top: 0, left: 0 }
- if (!this.$viewport) return delta
- var viewportPadding = this.options.viewport && this.options.viewport.padding || 0
- var viewportDimensions = this.getPosition(this.$viewport)
- if (/right|left/.test(placement)) {
- var topEdgeOffset = pos.top - viewportPadding - viewportDimensions.scroll
- var bottomEdgeOffset = pos.top + viewportPadding - viewportDimensions.scroll + actualHeight
- if (topEdgeOffset < viewportDimensions.top) { // top overflow
- delta.top = viewportDimensions.top - topEdgeOffset
- } else if (bottomEdgeOffset > viewportDimensions.top + viewportDimensions.height) { // bottom overflow
- delta.top = viewportDimensions.top + viewportDimensions.height - bottomEdgeOffset
+ _setActiveIndicatorElement(index) {
+ if (!this._indicatorsElement) {
+ return;
- } else {
- var leftEdgeOffset = pos.left - viewportPadding
- var rightEdgeOffset = pos.left + viewportPadding + actualWidth
- if (leftEdgeOffset < viewportDimensions.left) { // left overflow
- delta.left = viewportDimensions.left - leftEdgeOffset
- } else if (rightEdgeOffset > viewportDimensions.right) { // right overflow
- delta.left = viewportDimensions.left + viewportDimensions.width - rightEdgeOffset
+ const activeIndicator = SelectorEngine.findOne(SELECTOR_ACTIVE, this._indicatorsElement);
+ activeIndicator.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2);
+ activeIndicator.removeAttribute('aria-current');
+ const newActiveIndicator = SelectorEngine.findOne(`[data-bs-slide-to="${index}"]`, this._indicatorsElement);
+ if (newActiveIndicator) {
+ newActiveIndicator.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2);
+ newActiveIndicator.setAttribute('aria-current', 'true');
- return delta
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.getTitle = function () {
- var title
- var $e = this.$element
- var o = this.options
- title = $e.attr('data-original-title')
- || (typeof o.title == 'function' ? o.title.call($e[0]) : o.title)
- return title
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.getUID = function (prefix) {
- do prefix += ~~(Math.random() * 1000000)
- while (document.getElementById(prefix))
- return prefix
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.tip = function () {
- if (!this.$tip) {
- this.$tip = $(this.options.template)
- if (this.$tip.length != 1) {
- throw new Error(this.type + ' `template` option must consist of exactly 1 top-level element!')
+ _updateInterval() {
+ const element = this._activeElement || this._getActive();
+ if (!element) {
+ return;
+ const elementInterval = Number.parseInt(element.getAttribute('data-bs-interval'), 10);
+ this._config.interval = elementInterval || this._config.defaultInterval;
- return this.$tip
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.arrow = function () {
- return (this.$arrow = this.$arrow || this.tip().find('.tooltip-arrow'))
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.enable = function () {
- this.enabled = true
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.disable = function () {
- this.enabled = false
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.toggleEnabled = function () {
- this.enabled = !this.enabled
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.toggle = function (e) {
- var self = this
- if (e) {
- self = $(e.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type)
- if (!self) {
- self = new this.constructor(e.currentTarget, this.getDelegateOptions())
- $(e.currentTarget).data('bs.' + this.type, self)
+ _slide(order, element = null) {
+ if (this._isSliding) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const activeElement = this._getActive();
+ const isNext = order === ORDER_NEXT;
+ const nextElement = element || getNextActiveElement(this._getItems(), activeElement, isNext, this._config.wrap);
+ if (nextElement === activeElement) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const nextElementIndex = this._getItemIndex(nextElement);
+ const triggerEvent = eventName => {
+ return EventHandler.trigger(this._element, eventName, {
+ relatedTarget: nextElement,
+ direction: this._orderToDirection(order),
+ from: this._getItemIndex(activeElement),
+ to: nextElementIndex
+ });
+ };
+ const slideEvent = triggerEvent(EVENT_SLIDE);
+ if (slideEvent.defaultPrevented) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!activeElement || !nextElement) {
+ // Some weirdness is happening, so we bail
+ // TODO: change tests that use empty divs to avoid this check
+ return;
+ }
+ const isCycling = Boolean(this._interval);
+ this.pause();
+ this._isSliding = true;
+ this._setActiveIndicatorElement(nextElementIndex);
+ this._activeElement = nextElement;
+ const directionalClassName = isNext ? CLASS_NAME_START : CLASS_NAME_END;
+ const orderClassName = isNext ? CLASS_NAME_NEXT : CLASS_NAME_PREV;
+ nextElement.classList.add(orderClassName);
+ reflow(nextElement);
+ activeElement.classList.add(directionalClassName);
+ nextElement.classList.add(directionalClassName);
+ const completeCallBack = () => {
+ nextElement.classList.remove(directionalClassName, orderClassName);
+ nextElement.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2);
+ activeElement.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2, orderClassName, directionalClassName);
+ this._isSliding = false;
+ triggerEvent(EVENT_SLID);
+ };
+ this._queueCallback(completeCallBack, activeElement, this._isAnimated());
+ if (isCycling) {
+ this.cycle();
- if (e) {
- self.inState.click = !self.inState.click
- if (self.isInStateTrue()) self.enter(self)
- else self.leave(self)
- } else {
- self.tip().hasClass('in') ? self.leave(self) : self.enter(self)
+ _isAnimated() {
+ return this._element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_SLIDE);
+ }
+ _getActive() {
+ return SelectorEngine.findOne(SELECTOR_ACTIVE_ITEM, this._element);
+ }
+ _getItems() {
+ return SelectorEngine.find(SELECTOR_ITEM, this._element);
+ }
+ _clearInterval() {
+ if (this._interval) {
+ clearInterval(this._interval);
+ this._interval = null;
+ }
+ }
+ _directionToOrder(direction) {
+ if (isRTL()) {
+ return direction === DIRECTION_LEFT ? ORDER_PREV : ORDER_NEXT;
+ }
+ return direction === DIRECTION_LEFT ? ORDER_NEXT : ORDER_PREV;
+ }
+ _orderToDirection(order) {
+ if (isRTL()) {
+ }
- }
- Tooltip.prototype.destroy = function () {
- var that = this
- clearTimeout(this.timeout)
- this.hide(function () {
- that.$element.off('.' + that.type).removeData('bs.' + that.type)
- if (that.$tip) {
- that.$tip.detach()
- }
- that.$tip = null
- that.$arrow = null
- that.$viewport = null
- })
- }
- // =========================
- function Plugin(option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- var data = $this.data('bs.tooltip')
- var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
- if (!data && /destroy|hide/.test(option)) return
- if (!data) $this.data('bs.tooltip', (data = new Tooltip(this, options)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
- })
- }
- var old = $.fn.tooltip
- $.fn.tooltip = Plugin
- $.fn.tooltip.Constructor = Tooltip
- // ===================
- $.fn.tooltip.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.tooltip = old
- return this
- }
-/* ========================================================================
- * Bootstrap: popover.js v3.3.6
- * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#popovers
- * ========================================================================
- * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
- * ======================================================================== */
-+function ($) {
- 'use strict';
- // ===============================
- var Popover = function (element, options) {
- this.init('popover', element, options)
+ // Static
+ static jQueryInterface(config) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ const data = Carousel.getOrCreateInstance(this, config);
+ if (typeof config === 'number') {
+ data.to(config);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof config === 'string') {
+ if (data[config] === undefined || config.startsWith('_') || config === 'constructor') {
+ throw new TypeError(`No method named "${config}"`);
+ }
+ data[config]();
+ }
+ });
+ }
- if (!$.fn.tooltip) throw new Error('Popover requires tooltip.js')
- Popover.VERSION = '3.3.6'
+ /**
+ * Data API implementation
+ */
- Popover.DEFAULTS = $.extend({}, $.fn.tooltip.Constructor.DEFAULTS, {
- placement: 'right',
- trigger: 'click',
- content: '',
- template: ''
- })
+ EventHandler.on(document, EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$5, SELECTOR_DATA_SLIDE, function (event) {
+ const target = SelectorEngine.getElementFromSelector(this);
+ if (!target || !target.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_CAROUSEL)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ const carousel = Carousel.getOrCreateInstance(target);
+ const slideIndex = this.getAttribute('data-bs-slide-to');
+ if (slideIndex) {
+ carousel.to(slideIndex);
+ carousel._maybeEnableCycle();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Manipulator.getDataAttribute(this, 'slide') === 'next') {
+ carousel.next();
+ carousel._maybeEnableCycle();
+ return;
+ }
+ carousel.prev();
+ carousel._maybeEnableCycle();
+ });
+ EventHandler.on(window, EVENT_LOAD_DATA_API$3, () => {
+ const carousels = SelectorEngine.find(SELECTOR_DATA_RIDE);
+ for (const carousel of carousels) {
+ Carousel.getOrCreateInstance(carousel);
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ * jQuery
+ */
+ defineJQueryPlugin(Carousel);
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap collapse.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
+ const NAME$b = 'collapse';
+ const DATA_KEY$7 = 'bs.collapse';
+ const EVENT_KEY$7 = `.${DATA_KEY$7}`;
+ const DATA_API_KEY$4 = '.data-api';
+ const EVENT_SHOW$6 = `show${EVENT_KEY$7}`;
+ const EVENT_SHOWN$6 = `shown${EVENT_KEY$7}`;
+ const EVENT_HIDE$6 = `hide${EVENT_KEY$7}`;
+ const EVENT_HIDDEN$6 = `hidden${EVENT_KEY$7}`;
+ const EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$4 = `click${EVENT_KEY$7}${DATA_API_KEY$4}`;
+ const CLASS_NAME_SHOW$7 = 'show';
+ const CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE = 'collapse';
+ const CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSING = 'collapsing';
+ const CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSED = 'collapsed';
+ const CLASS_NAME_HORIZONTAL = 'collapse-horizontal';
+ const WIDTH = 'width';
+ const HEIGHT = 'height';
+ const SELECTOR_ACTIVES = '.collapse.show, .collapse.collapsing';
+ const SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$4 = '[data-bs-toggle="collapse"]';
+ const Default$a = {
+ parent: null,
+ toggle: true
+ };
+ const DefaultType$a = {
+ parent: '(null|element)',
+ toggle: 'boolean'
+ };
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
+ class Collapse extends BaseComponent {
+ constructor(element, config) {
+ super(element, config);
+ this._isTransitioning = false;
+ this._triggerArray = [];
+ const toggleList = SelectorEngine.find(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$4);
+ for (const elem of toggleList) {
+ const selector = SelectorEngine.getSelectorFromElement(elem);
+ const filterElement = SelectorEngine.find(selector).filter(foundElement => foundElement === this._element);
+ if (selector !== null && filterElement.length) {
+ this._triggerArray.push(elem);
+ }
+ }
+ this._initializeChildren();
+ if (!this._config.parent) {
+ this._addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this._triggerArray, this._isShown());
+ }
+ if (this._config.toggle) {
+ this.toggle();
+ }
+ }
+ // Getters
+ static get Default() {
+ return Default$a;
+ }
+ static get DefaultType() {
+ return DefaultType$a;
+ }
+ static get NAME() {
+ return NAME$b;
+ }
- // NOTE: POPOVER EXTENDS tooltip.js
- // ================================
+ // Public
+ toggle() {
+ if (this._isShown()) {
+ this.hide();
+ } else {
+ this.show();
+ }
+ }
+ show() {
+ if (this._isTransitioning || this._isShown()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let activeChildren = [];
- Popover.prototype = $.extend({}, $.fn.tooltip.Constructor.prototype)
+ // find active children
+ if (this._config.parent) {
+ activeChildren = this._getFirstLevelChildren(SELECTOR_ACTIVES).filter(element => element !== this._element).map(element => Collapse.getOrCreateInstance(element, {
+ toggle: false
+ }));
+ }
+ if (activeChildren.length && activeChildren[0]._isTransitioning) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const startEvent = EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_SHOW$6);
+ if (startEvent.defaultPrevented) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (const activeInstance of activeChildren) {
+ activeInstance.hide();
+ }
+ const dimension = this._getDimension();
+ this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE);
+ this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSING);
+ this._element.style[dimension] = 0;
+ this._addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this._triggerArray, true);
+ this._isTransitioning = true;
+ const complete = () => {
+ this._isTransitioning = false;
+ this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSING);
+ this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE, CLASS_NAME_SHOW$7);
+ this._element.style[dimension] = '';
+ EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_SHOWN$6);
+ };
+ const capitalizedDimension = dimension[0].toUpperCase() + dimension.slice(1);
+ const scrollSize = `scroll${capitalizedDimension}`;
+ this._queueCallback(complete, this._element, true);
+ this._element.style[dimension] = `${this._element[scrollSize]}px`;
+ }
+ hide() {
+ if (this._isTransitioning || !this._isShown()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const startEvent = EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_HIDE$6);
+ if (startEvent.defaultPrevented) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const dimension = this._getDimension();
+ this._element.style[dimension] = `${this._element.getBoundingClientRect()[dimension]}px`;
+ reflow(this._element);
+ this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSING);
+ this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE, CLASS_NAME_SHOW$7);
+ for (const trigger of this._triggerArray) {
+ const element = SelectorEngine.getElementFromSelector(trigger);
+ if (element && !this._isShown(element)) {
+ this._addAriaAndCollapsedClass([trigger], false);
+ }
+ }
+ this._isTransitioning = true;
+ const complete = () => {
+ this._isTransitioning = false;
+ this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSING);
+ this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE);
+ EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_HIDDEN$6);
+ };
+ this._element.style[dimension] = '';
+ this._queueCallback(complete, this._element, true);
+ }
+ _isShown(element = this._element) {
+ return element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$7);
+ }
- Popover.prototype.constructor = Popover
+ // Private
+ _configAfterMerge(config) {
+ config.toggle = Boolean(config.toggle); // Coerce string values
+ config.parent = getElement(config.parent);
+ return config;
+ }
+ _getDimension() {
+ return this._element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_HORIZONTAL) ? WIDTH : HEIGHT;
+ }
+ _initializeChildren() {
+ if (!this._config.parent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const children = this._getFirstLevelChildren(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$4);
+ for (const element of children) {
+ const selected = SelectorEngine.getElementFromSelector(element);
+ if (selected) {
+ this._addAriaAndCollapsedClass([element], this._isShown(selected));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _getFirstLevelChildren(selector) {
+ const children = SelectorEngine.find(CLASS_NAME_DEEPER_CHILDREN, this._config.parent);
+ // remove children if greater depth
+ return SelectorEngine.find(selector, this._config.parent).filter(element => !children.includes(element));
+ }
+ _addAriaAndCollapsedClass(triggerArray, isOpen) {
+ if (!triggerArray.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (const element of triggerArray) {
+ element.classList.toggle(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSED, !isOpen);
+ element.setAttribute('aria-expanded', isOpen);
+ }
+ }
- Popover.prototype.getDefaults = function () {
- return Popover.DEFAULTS
+ // Static
+ static jQueryInterface(config) {
+ const _config = {};
+ if (typeof config === 'string' && /show|hide/.test(config)) {
+ _config.toggle = false;
+ }
+ return this.each(function () {
+ const data = Collapse.getOrCreateInstance(this, _config);
+ if (typeof config === 'string') {
+ if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new TypeError(`No method named "${config}"`);
+ }
+ data[config]();
+ }
+ });
+ }
- Popover.prototype.setContent = function () {
- var $tip = this.tip()
- var title = this.getTitle()
- var content = this.getContent()
- $tip.find('.popover-title')[this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text'](title)
- $tip.find('.popover-content').children().detach().end()[ // we use append for html objects to maintain js events
- this.options.html ? (typeof content == 'string' ? 'html' : 'append') : 'text'
- ](content)
- $tip.removeClass('fade top bottom left right in')
+ /**
+ * Data API implementation
+ */
- // IE8 doesn't accept hiding via the `:empty` pseudo selector, we have to do
- // this manually by checking the contents.
- if (!$tip.find('.popover-title').html()) $tip.find('.popover-title').hide()
- }
+ EventHandler.on(document, EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$4, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$4, function (event) {
+ // preventDefault only for elements (which change the URL) not inside the collapsible element
+ if (event.target.tagName === 'A' || event.delegateTarget && event.delegateTarget.tagName === 'A') {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ for (const element of SelectorEngine.getMultipleElementsFromSelector(this)) {
+ Collapse.getOrCreateInstance(element, {
+ toggle: false
+ }).toggle();
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ * jQuery
+ */
+ defineJQueryPlugin(Collapse);
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap dropdown.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
+ const NAME$a = 'dropdown';
+ const DATA_KEY$6 = 'bs.dropdown';
+ const EVENT_KEY$6 = `.${DATA_KEY$6}`;
+ const DATA_API_KEY$3 = '.data-api';
+ const ESCAPE_KEY$2 = 'Escape';
+ const TAB_KEY$1 = 'Tab';
+ const ARROW_UP_KEY$1 = 'ArrowUp';
+ const ARROW_DOWN_KEY$1 = 'ArrowDown';
+ const RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON = 2; // MouseEvent.button value for the secondary button, usually the right button
+ const EVENT_HIDE$5 = `hide${EVENT_KEY$6}`;
+ const EVENT_HIDDEN$5 = `hidden${EVENT_KEY$6}`;
+ const EVENT_SHOW$5 = `show${EVENT_KEY$6}`;
+ const EVENT_SHOWN$5 = `shown${EVENT_KEY$6}`;
+ const EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$3 = `click${EVENT_KEY$6}${DATA_API_KEY$3}`;
+ const EVENT_KEYDOWN_DATA_API = `keydown${EVENT_KEY$6}${DATA_API_KEY$3}`;
+ const EVENT_KEYUP_DATA_API = `keyup${EVENT_KEY$6}${DATA_API_KEY$3}`;
+ const CLASS_NAME_SHOW$6 = 'show';
+ const CLASS_NAME_DROPUP = 'dropup';
+ const CLASS_NAME_DROPEND = 'dropend';
+ const CLASS_NAME_DROPSTART = 'dropstart';
+ const CLASS_NAME_DROPUP_CENTER = 'dropup-center';
+ const CLASS_NAME_DROPDOWN_CENTER = 'dropdown-center';
+ const SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$3 = '[data-bs-toggle="dropdown"]:not(.disabled):not(:disabled)';
+ const SELECTOR_MENU = '.dropdown-menu';
+ const SELECTOR_NAVBAR = '.navbar';
+ const SELECTOR_NAVBAR_NAV = '.navbar-nav';
+ const SELECTOR_VISIBLE_ITEMS = '.dropdown-menu .dropdown-item:not(.disabled):not(:disabled)';
+ const PLACEMENT_TOP = isRTL() ? 'top-end' : 'top-start';
+ const PLACEMENT_TOPEND = isRTL() ? 'top-start' : 'top-end';
+ const PLACEMENT_BOTTOM = isRTL() ? 'bottom-end' : 'bottom-start';
+ const PLACEMENT_BOTTOMEND = isRTL() ? 'bottom-start' : 'bottom-end';
+ const PLACEMENT_RIGHT = isRTL() ? 'left-start' : 'right-start';
+ const PLACEMENT_LEFT = isRTL() ? 'right-start' : 'left-start';
+ const PLACEMENT_TOPCENTER = 'top';
+ const PLACEMENT_BOTTOMCENTER = 'bottom';
+ const Default$9 = {
+ autoClose: true,
+ boundary: 'clippingParents',
+ display: 'dynamic',
+ offset: [0, 2],
+ popperConfig: null,
+ reference: 'toggle'
+ };
+ const DefaultType$9 = {
+ autoClose: '(boolean|string)',
+ boundary: '(string|element)',
+ display: 'string',
+ offset: '(array|string|function)',
+ popperConfig: '(null|object|function)',
+ reference: '(string|element|object)'
+ };
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
+ class Dropdown extends BaseComponent {
+ constructor(element, config) {
+ super(element, config);
+ this._popper = null;
+ this._parent = this._element.parentNode; // dropdown wrapper
+ // TODO: v6 revert #37011 & change markup https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.3/forms/input-group/
+ this._menu = SelectorEngine.next(this._element, SELECTOR_MENU)[0] || SelectorEngine.prev(this._element, SELECTOR_MENU)[0] || SelectorEngine.findOne(SELECTOR_MENU, this._parent);
+ this._inNavbar = this._detectNavbar();
+ }
- Popover.prototype.hasContent = function () {
- return this.getTitle() || this.getContent()
- }
+ // Getters
+ static get Default() {
+ return Default$9;
+ }
+ static get DefaultType() {
+ return DefaultType$9;
+ }
+ static get NAME() {
+ return NAME$a;
+ }
- Popover.prototype.getContent = function () {
- var $e = this.$element
- var o = this.options
+ // Public
+ toggle() {
+ return this._isShown() ? this.hide() : this.show();
+ }
+ show() {
+ if (isDisabled(this._element) || this._isShown()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const relatedTarget = {
+ relatedTarget: this._element
+ };
+ const showEvent = EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_SHOW$5, relatedTarget);
+ if (showEvent.defaultPrevented) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._createPopper();
+ // If this is a touch-enabled device we add extra
+ // empty mouseover listeners to the body's immediate children;
+ // only needed because of broken event delegation on iOS
+ // https://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2014/02/mouse_event_bub.html
+ if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement && !this._parent.closest(SELECTOR_NAVBAR_NAV)) {
+ for (const element of [].concat(...document.body.children)) {
+ EventHandler.on(element, 'mouseover', noop);
+ }
+ }
+ this._element.focus();
+ this._element.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true);
+ this._menu.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$6);
+ this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$6);
+ EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_SHOWN$5, relatedTarget);
+ }
+ hide() {
+ if (isDisabled(this._element) || !this._isShown()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const relatedTarget = {
+ relatedTarget: this._element
+ };
+ this._completeHide(relatedTarget);
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ if (this._popper) {
+ this._popper.destroy();
+ }
+ super.dispose();
+ }
+ update() {
+ this._inNavbar = this._detectNavbar();
+ if (this._popper) {
+ this._popper.update();
+ }
+ }
- return $e.attr('data-content')
- || (typeof o.content == 'function' ?
- o.content.call($e[0]) :
- o.content)
- }
+ // Private
+ _completeHide(relatedTarget) {
+ const hideEvent = EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_HIDE$5, relatedTarget);
+ if (hideEvent.defaultPrevented) {
+ return;
+ }
- Popover.prototype.arrow = function () {
- return (this.$arrow = this.$arrow || this.tip().find('.arrow'))
- }
+ // If this is a touch-enabled device we remove the extra
+ // empty mouseover listeners we added for iOS support
+ if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {
+ for (const element of [].concat(...document.body.children)) {
+ EventHandler.off(element, 'mouseover', noop);
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._popper) {
+ this._popper.destroy();
+ }
+ this._menu.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$6);
+ this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$6);
+ this._element.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false');
+ Manipulator.removeDataAttribute(this._menu, 'popper');
+ EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_HIDDEN$5, relatedTarget);
+ }
+ _getConfig(config) {
+ config = super._getConfig(config);
+ if (typeof config.reference === 'object' && !isElement(config.reference) && typeof config.reference.getBoundingClientRect !== 'function') {
+ // Popper virtual elements require a getBoundingClientRect method
+ throw new TypeError(`${NAME$a.toUpperCase()}: Option "reference" provided type "object" without a required "getBoundingClientRect" method.`);
+ }
+ return config;
+ }
+ _createPopper() {
+ if (typeof Popper__namespace === 'undefined') {
+ throw new TypeError('Bootstrap\'s dropdowns require Popper (https://popper.js.org)');
+ }
+ let referenceElement = this._element;
+ if (this._config.reference === 'parent') {
+ referenceElement = this._parent;
+ } else if (isElement(this._config.reference)) {
+ referenceElement = getElement(this._config.reference);
+ } else if (typeof this._config.reference === 'object') {
+ referenceElement = this._config.reference;
+ }
+ const popperConfig = this._getPopperConfig();
+ this._popper = Popper__namespace.createPopper(referenceElement, this._menu, popperConfig);
+ }
+ _isShown() {
+ return this._menu.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$6);
+ }
+ _getPlacement() {
+ const parentDropdown = this._parent;
+ if (parentDropdown.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_DROPEND)) {
+ }
+ if (parentDropdown.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_DROPSTART)) {
+ }
+ if (parentDropdown.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_DROPUP_CENTER)) {
+ }
+ if (parentDropdown.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_DROPDOWN_CENTER)) {
+ }
+ // We need to trim the value because custom properties can also include spaces
+ const isEnd = getComputedStyle(this._menu).getPropertyValue('--bs-position').trim() === 'end';
+ if (parentDropdown.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_DROPUP)) {
+ }
+ }
+ _detectNavbar() {
+ return this._element.closest(SELECTOR_NAVBAR) !== null;
+ }
+ _getOffset() {
+ const {
+ offset
+ } = this._config;
+ if (typeof offset === 'string') {
+ return offset.split(',').map(value => Number.parseInt(value, 10));
+ }
+ if (typeof offset === 'function') {
+ return popperData => offset(popperData, this._element);
+ }
+ return offset;
+ }
+ _getPopperConfig() {
+ const defaultBsPopperConfig = {
+ placement: this._getPlacement(),
+ modifiers: [{
+ name: 'preventOverflow',
+ options: {
+ boundary: this._config.boundary
+ }
+ }, {
+ name: 'offset',
+ options: {
+ offset: this._getOffset()
+ }
+ }]
+ };
+ // Disable Popper if we have a static display or Dropdown is in Navbar
+ if (this._inNavbar || this._config.display === 'static') {
+ Manipulator.setDataAttribute(this._menu, 'popper', 'static'); // TODO: v6 remove
+ defaultBsPopperConfig.modifiers = [{
+ name: 'applyStyles',
+ enabled: false
+ }];
+ }
+ return {
+ ...defaultBsPopperConfig,
+ ...execute(this._config.popperConfig, [defaultBsPopperConfig])
+ };
+ }
+ _selectMenuItem({
+ key,
+ target
+ }) {
+ const items = SelectorEngine.find(SELECTOR_VISIBLE_ITEMS, this._menu).filter(element => isVisible(element));
+ if (!items.length) {
+ return;
+ }
- // =========================
+ // if target isn't included in items (e.g. when expanding the dropdown)
+ // allow cycling to get the last item in case key equals ARROW_UP_KEY
+ getNextActiveElement(items, target, key === ARROW_DOWN_KEY$1, !items.includes(target)).focus();
+ }
- function Plugin(option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- var data = $this.data('bs.popover')
- var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
+ // Static
+ static jQueryInterface(config) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ const data = Dropdown.getOrCreateInstance(this, config);
+ if (typeof config !== 'string') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new TypeError(`No method named "${config}"`);
+ }
+ data[config]();
+ });
+ }
+ static clearMenus(event) {
+ if (event.button === RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON || event.type === 'keyup' && event.key !== TAB_KEY$1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const openToggles = SelectorEngine.find(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE_SHOWN);
+ for (const toggle of openToggles) {
+ const context = Dropdown.getInstance(toggle);
+ if (!context || context._config.autoClose === false) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const composedPath = event.composedPath();
+ const isMenuTarget = composedPath.includes(context._menu);
+ if (composedPath.includes(context._element) || context._config.autoClose === 'inside' && !isMenuTarget || context._config.autoClose === 'outside' && isMenuTarget) {
+ continue;
+ }
- if (!data && /destroy|hide/.test(option)) return
- if (!data) $this.data('bs.popover', (data = new Popover(this, options)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
- })
+ // Tab navigation through the dropdown menu or events from contained inputs shouldn't close the menu
+ if (context._menu.contains(event.target) && (event.type === 'keyup' && event.key === TAB_KEY$1 || /input|select|option|textarea|form/i.test(event.target.tagName))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const relatedTarget = {
+ relatedTarget: context._element
+ };
+ if (event.type === 'click') {
+ relatedTarget.clickEvent = event;
+ }
+ context._completeHide(relatedTarget);
+ }
+ }
+ static dataApiKeydownHandler(event) {
+ // If not an UP | DOWN | ESCAPE key => not a dropdown command
+ // If input/textarea && if key is other than ESCAPE => not a dropdown command
+ const isInput = /input|textarea/i.test(event.target.tagName);
+ const isEscapeEvent = event.key === ESCAPE_KEY$2;
+ const isUpOrDownEvent = [ARROW_UP_KEY$1, ARROW_DOWN_KEY$1].includes(event.key);
+ if (!isUpOrDownEvent && !isEscapeEvent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isInput && !isEscapeEvent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ event.preventDefault();
+ // TODO: v6 revert #37011 & change markup https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.3/forms/input-group/
+ const getToggleButton = this.matches(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$3) ? this : SelectorEngine.prev(this, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$3)[0] || SelectorEngine.next(this, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$3)[0] || SelectorEngine.findOne(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$3, event.delegateTarget.parentNode);
+ const instance = Dropdown.getOrCreateInstance(getToggleButton);
+ if (isUpOrDownEvent) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ instance.show();
+ instance._selectMenuItem(event);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (instance._isShown()) {
+ // else is escape and we check if it is shown
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ instance.hide();
+ getToggleButton.focus();
+ }
+ }
- var old = $.fn.popover
- $.fn.popover = Plugin
- $.fn.popover.Constructor = Popover
+ /**
+ * Data API implementation
+ */
+ EventHandler.on(document, EVENT_KEYDOWN_DATA_API, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$3, Dropdown.dataApiKeydownHandler);
+ EventHandler.on(document, EVENT_KEYDOWN_DATA_API, SELECTOR_MENU, Dropdown.dataApiKeydownHandler);
+ EventHandler.on(document, EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$3, Dropdown.clearMenus);
+ EventHandler.on(document, EVENT_KEYUP_DATA_API, Dropdown.clearMenus);
+ EventHandler.on(document, EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$3, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$3, function (event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ Dropdown.getOrCreateInstance(this).toggle();
+ });
+ /**
+ * jQuery
+ */
+ defineJQueryPlugin(Dropdown);
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap util/backdrop.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
+ const NAME$9 = 'backdrop';
+ const CLASS_NAME_FADE$4 = 'fade';
+ const CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5 = 'show';
+ const EVENT_MOUSEDOWN = `mousedown.bs.${NAME$9}`;
+ const Default$8 = {
+ className: 'modal-backdrop',
+ clickCallback: null,
+ isAnimated: false,
+ isVisible: true,
+ // if false, we use the backdrop helper without adding any element to the dom
+ rootElement: 'body' // give the choice to place backdrop under different elements
+ };
+ const DefaultType$8 = {
+ className: 'string',
+ clickCallback: '(function|null)',
+ isAnimated: 'boolean',
+ isVisible: 'boolean',
+ rootElement: '(element|string)'
+ };
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
+ class Backdrop extends Config {
+ constructor(config) {
+ super();
+ this._config = this._getConfig(config);
+ this._isAppended = false;
+ this._element = null;
+ }
+ // Getters
+ static get Default() {
+ return Default$8;
+ }
+ static get DefaultType() {
+ return DefaultType$8;
+ }
+ static get NAME() {
+ return NAME$9;
+ }
- // ===================
+ // Public
+ show(callback) {
+ if (!this._config.isVisible) {
+ execute(callback);
+ return;
+ }
+ this._append();
+ const element = this._getElement();
+ if (this._config.isAnimated) {
+ reflow(element);
+ }
+ element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5);
+ this._emulateAnimation(() => {
+ execute(callback);
+ });
+ }
+ hide(callback) {
+ if (!this._config.isVisible) {
+ execute(callback);
+ return;
+ }
+ this._getElement().classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5);
+ this._emulateAnimation(() => {
+ this.dispose();
+ execute(callback);
+ });
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ if (!this._isAppended) {
+ return;
+ }
+ EventHandler.off(this._element, EVENT_MOUSEDOWN);
+ this._element.remove();
+ this._isAppended = false;
+ }
- $.fn.popover.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.popover = old
- return this
+ // Private
+ _getElement() {
+ if (!this._element) {
+ const backdrop = document.createElement('div');
+ backdrop.className = this._config.className;
+ if (this._config.isAnimated) {
+ backdrop.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_FADE$4);
+ }
+ this._element = backdrop;
+ }
+ return this._element;
+ }
+ _configAfterMerge(config) {
+ // use getElement() with the default "body" to get a fresh Element on each instantiation
+ config.rootElement = getElement(config.rootElement);
+ return config;
+ }
+ _append() {
+ if (this._isAppended) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const element = this._getElement();
+ this._config.rootElement.append(element);
+ EventHandler.on(element, EVENT_MOUSEDOWN, () => {
+ execute(this._config.clickCallback);
+ });
+ this._isAppended = true;
+ }
+ _emulateAnimation(callback) {
+ executeAfterTransition(callback, this._getElement(), this._config.isAnimated);
+ }
-/* ========================================================================
- * Bootstrap: scrollspy.js v3.3.6
- * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#scrollspy
- * ========================================================================
- * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
- * ======================================================================== */
-+function ($) {
- 'use strict';
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap util/focustrap.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
+ const NAME$8 = 'focustrap';
+ const DATA_KEY$5 = 'bs.focustrap';
+ const EVENT_KEY$5 = `.${DATA_KEY$5}`;
+ const EVENT_FOCUSIN$2 = `focusin${EVENT_KEY$5}`;
+ const EVENT_KEYDOWN_TAB = `keydown.tab${EVENT_KEY$5}`;
+ const TAB_KEY = 'Tab';
+ const TAB_NAV_FORWARD = 'forward';
+ const TAB_NAV_BACKWARD = 'backward';
+ const Default$7 = {
+ autofocus: true,
+ trapElement: null // The element to trap focus inside of
+ };
+ const DefaultType$7 = {
+ autofocus: 'boolean',
+ trapElement: 'element'
+ };
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
+ class FocusTrap extends Config {
+ constructor(config) {
+ super();
+ this._config = this._getConfig(config);
+ this._isActive = false;
+ this._lastTabNavDirection = null;
+ }
- // ==========================
+ // Getters
+ static get Default() {
+ return Default$7;
+ }
+ static get DefaultType() {
+ return DefaultType$7;
+ }
+ static get NAME() {
+ return NAME$8;
+ }
- function ScrollSpy(element, options) {
- this.$body = $(document.body)
- this.$scrollElement = $(element).is(document.body) ? $(window) : $(element)
- this.options = $.extend({}, ScrollSpy.DEFAULTS, options)
- this.selector = (this.options.target || '') + ' .nav li > a'
- this.offsets = []
- this.targets = []
- this.activeTarget = null
- this.scrollHeight = 0
+ // Public
+ activate() {
+ if (this._isActive) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this._config.autofocus) {
+ this._config.trapElement.focus();
+ }
+ EventHandler.off(document, EVENT_KEY$5); // guard against infinite focus loop
+ EventHandler.on(document, EVENT_FOCUSIN$2, event => this._handleFocusin(event));
+ EventHandler.on(document, EVENT_KEYDOWN_TAB, event => this._handleKeydown(event));
+ this._isActive = true;
+ }
+ deactivate() {
+ if (!this._isActive) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._isActive = false;
+ EventHandler.off(document, EVENT_KEY$5);
+ }
- this.$scrollElement.on('scroll.bs.scrollspy', $.proxy(this.process, this))
- this.refresh()
- this.process()
+ // Private
+ _handleFocusin(event) {
+ const {
+ trapElement
+ } = this._config;
+ if (event.target === document || event.target === trapElement || trapElement.contains(event.target)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const elements = SelectorEngine.focusableChildren(trapElement);
+ if (elements.length === 0) {
+ trapElement.focus();
+ } else if (this._lastTabNavDirection === TAB_NAV_BACKWARD) {
+ elements[elements.length - 1].focus();
+ } else {
+ elements[0].focus();
+ }
+ }
+ _handleKeydown(event) {
+ if (event.key !== TAB_KEY) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._lastTabNavDirection = event.shiftKey ? TAB_NAV_BACKWARD : TAB_NAV_FORWARD;
+ }
- ScrollSpy.VERSION = '3.3.6'
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap util/scrollBar.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
- ScrollSpy.DEFAULTS = {
- offset: 10
- }
- ScrollSpy.prototype.getScrollHeight = function () {
- return this.$scrollElement[0].scrollHeight || Math.max(this.$body[0].scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight)
- }
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
- ScrollSpy.prototype.refresh = function () {
- var that = this
- var offsetMethod = 'offset'
- var offsetBase = 0
- this.offsets = []
- this.targets = []
- this.scrollHeight = this.getScrollHeight()
- if (!$.isWindow(this.$scrollElement[0])) {
- offsetMethod = 'position'
- offsetBase = this.$scrollElement.scrollTop()
- }
- this.$body
- .find(this.selector)
- .map(function () {
- var $el = $(this)
- var href = $el.data('target') || $el.attr('href')
- var $href = /^#./.test(href) && $(href)
- return ($href
- && $href.length
- && $href.is(':visible')
- && [[$href[offsetMethod]().top + offsetBase, href]]) || null
- })
- .sort(function (a, b) { return a[0] - b[0] })
- .each(function () {
- that.offsets.push(this[0])
- that.targets.push(this[1])
- })
- }
+ const SELECTOR_FIXED_CONTENT = '.fixed-top, .fixed-bottom, .is-fixed, .sticky-top';
+ const SELECTOR_STICKY_CONTENT = '.sticky-top';
+ const PROPERTY_PADDING = 'padding-right';
+ const PROPERTY_MARGIN = 'margin-right';
- ScrollSpy.prototype.process = function () {
- var scrollTop = this.$scrollElement.scrollTop() + this.options.offset
- var scrollHeight = this.getScrollHeight()
- var maxScroll = this.options.offset + scrollHeight - this.$scrollElement.height()
- var offsets = this.offsets
- var targets = this.targets
- var activeTarget = this.activeTarget
- var i
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
- if (this.scrollHeight != scrollHeight) {
- this.refresh()
+ class ScrollBarHelper {
+ constructor() {
+ this._element = document.body;
- if (scrollTop >= maxScroll) {
- return activeTarget != (i = targets[targets.length - 1]) && this.activate(i)
+ // Public
+ getWidth() {
+ // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/innerWidth#usage_notes
+ const documentWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
+ return Math.abs(window.innerWidth - documentWidth);
- if (activeTarget && scrollTop < offsets[0]) {
- this.activeTarget = null
- return this.clear()
+ hide() {
+ const width = this.getWidth();
+ this._disableOverFlow();
+ // give padding to element to balance the hidden scrollbar width
+ this._setElementAttributes(this._element, PROPERTY_PADDING, calculatedValue => calculatedValue + width);
+ // trick: We adjust positive paddingRight and negative marginRight to sticky-top elements to keep showing fullwidth
+ this._setElementAttributes(SELECTOR_FIXED_CONTENT, PROPERTY_PADDING, calculatedValue => calculatedValue + width);
+ this._setElementAttributes(SELECTOR_STICKY_CONTENT, PROPERTY_MARGIN, calculatedValue => calculatedValue - width);
- for (i = offsets.length; i--;) {
- activeTarget != targets[i]
- && scrollTop >= offsets[i]
- && (offsets[i + 1] === undefined || scrollTop < offsets[i + 1])
- && this.activate(targets[i])
+ reset() {
+ this._resetElementAttributes(this._element, 'overflow');
+ this._resetElementAttributes(this._element, PROPERTY_PADDING);
- }
- ScrollSpy.prototype.activate = function (target) {
- this.activeTarget = target
- this.clear()
- var selector = this.selector +
- '[data-target="' + target + '"],' +
- this.selector + '[href="' + target + '"]'
- var active = $(selector)
- .parents('li')
- .addClass('active')
- if (active.parent('.dropdown-menu').length) {
- active = active
- .closest('li.dropdown')
- .addClass('active')
+ isOverflowing() {
+ return this.getWidth() > 0;
- active.trigger('activate.bs.scrollspy')
- }
- ScrollSpy.prototype.clear = function () {
- $(this.selector)
- .parentsUntil(this.options.target, '.active')
- .removeClass('active')
+ // Private
+ _disableOverFlow() {
+ this._saveInitialAttribute(this._element, 'overflow');
+ this._element.style.overflow = 'hidden';
+ }
+ _setElementAttributes(selector, styleProperty, callback) {
+ const scrollbarWidth = this.getWidth();
+ const manipulationCallBack = element => {
+ if (element !== this._element && window.innerWidth > element.clientWidth + scrollbarWidth) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._saveInitialAttribute(element, styleProperty);
+ const calculatedValue = window.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(styleProperty);
+ element.style.setProperty(styleProperty, `${callback(Number.parseFloat(calculatedValue))}px`);
+ };
+ this._applyManipulationCallback(selector, manipulationCallBack);
+ }
+ _saveInitialAttribute(element, styleProperty) {
+ const actualValue = element.style.getPropertyValue(styleProperty);
+ if (actualValue) {
+ Manipulator.setDataAttribute(element, styleProperty, actualValue);
+ }
+ }
+ _resetElementAttributes(selector, styleProperty) {
+ const manipulationCallBack = element => {
+ const value = Manipulator.getDataAttribute(element, styleProperty);
+ // We only want to remove the property if the value is `null`; the value can also be zero
+ if (value === null) {
+ element.style.removeProperty(styleProperty);
+ return;
+ }
+ Manipulator.removeDataAttribute(element, styleProperty);
+ element.style.setProperty(styleProperty, value);
+ };
+ this._applyManipulationCallback(selector, manipulationCallBack);
+ }
+ _applyManipulationCallback(selector, callBack) {
+ if (isElement(selector)) {
+ callBack(selector);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (const sel of SelectorEngine.find(selector, this._element)) {
+ callBack(sel);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap modal.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
+ const NAME$7 = 'modal';
+ const DATA_KEY$4 = 'bs.modal';
+ const EVENT_KEY$4 = `.${DATA_KEY$4}`;
+ const DATA_API_KEY$2 = '.data-api';
+ const ESCAPE_KEY$1 = 'Escape';
+ const EVENT_HIDE$4 = `hide${EVENT_KEY$4}`;
+ const EVENT_HIDE_PREVENTED$1 = `hidePrevented${EVENT_KEY$4}`;
+ const EVENT_HIDDEN$4 = `hidden${EVENT_KEY$4}`;
+ const EVENT_SHOW$4 = `show${EVENT_KEY$4}`;
+ const EVENT_SHOWN$4 = `shown${EVENT_KEY$4}`;
+ const EVENT_RESIZE$1 = `resize${EVENT_KEY$4}`;
+ const EVENT_CLICK_DISMISS = `click.dismiss${EVENT_KEY$4}`;
+ const EVENT_MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS = `mousedown.dismiss${EVENT_KEY$4}`;
+ const EVENT_KEYDOWN_DISMISS$1 = `keydown.dismiss${EVENT_KEY$4}`;
+ const EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$2 = `click${EVENT_KEY$4}${DATA_API_KEY$2}`;
+ const CLASS_NAME_OPEN = 'modal-open';
+ const CLASS_NAME_FADE$3 = 'fade';
+ const CLASS_NAME_SHOW$4 = 'show';
+ const CLASS_NAME_STATIC = 'modal-static';
+ const OPEN_SELECTOR$1 = '.modal.show';
+ const SELECTOR_DIALOG = '.modal-dialog';
+ const SELECTOR_MODAL_BODY = '.modal-body';
+ const SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$2 = '[data-bs-toggle="modal"]';
+ const Default$6 = {
+ backdrop: true,
+ focus: true,
+ keyboard: true
+ };
+ const DefaultType$6 = {
+ backdrop: '(boolean|string)',
+ focus: 'boolean',
+ keyboard: 'boolean'
+ };
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
+ class Modal extends BaseComponent {
+ constructor(element, config) {
+ super(element, config);
+ this._dialog = SelectorEngine.findOne(SELECTOR_DIALOG, this._element);
+ this._backdrop = this._initializeBackDrop();
+ this._focustrap = this._initializeFocusTrap();
+ this._isShown = false;
+ this._isTransitioning = false;
+ this._scrollBar = new ScrollBarHelper();
+ this._addEventListeners();
+ }
- // ===========================
- function Plugin(option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- var data = $this.data('bs.scrollspy')
- var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
- if (!data) $this.data('bs.scrollspy', (data = new ScrollSpy(this, options)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
- })
- }
- var old = $.fn.scrollspy
+ // Getters
+ static get Default() {
+ return Default$6;
+ }
+ static get DefaultType() {
+ return DefaultType$6;
+ }
+ static get NAME() {
+ return NAME$7;
+ }
- $.fn.scrollspy = Plugin
- $.fn.scrollspy.Constructor = ScrollSpy
+ // Public
+ toggle(relatedTarget) {
+ return this._isShown ? this.hide() : this.show(relatedTarget);
+ }
+ show(relatedTarget) {
+ if (this._isShown || this._isTransitioning) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const showEvent = EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_SHOW$4, {
+ relatedTarget
+ });
+ if (showEvent.defaultPrevented) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._isShown = true;
+ this._isTransitioning = true;
+ this._scrollBar.hide();
+ document.body.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_OPEN);
+ this._adjustDialog();
+ this._backdrop.show(() => this._showElement(relatedTarget));
+ }
+ hide() {
+ if (!this._isShown || this._isTransitioning) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const hideEvent = EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_HIDE$4);
+ if (hideEvent.defaultPrevented) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._isShown = false;
+ this._isTransitioning = true;
+ this._focustrap.deactivate();
+ this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$4);
+ this._queueCallback(() => this._hideModal(), this._element, this._isAnimated());
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ EventHandler.off(window, EVENT_KEY$4);
+ EventHandler.off(this._dialog, EVENT_KEY$4);
+ this._backdrop.dispose();
+ this._focustrap.deactivate();
+ super.dispose();
+ }
+ handleUpdate() {
+ this._adjustDialog();
+ }
+ // Private
+ _initializeBackDrop() {
+ return new Backdrop({
+ isVisible: Boolean(this._config.backdrop),
+ // 'static' option will be translated to true, and booleans will keep their value,
+ isAnimated: this._isAnimated()
+ });
+ }
+ _initializeFocusTrap() {
+ return new FocusTrap({
+ trapElement: this._element
+ });
+ }
+ _showElement(relatedTarget) {
+ // try to append dynamic modal
+ if (!document.body.contains(this._element)) {
+ document.body.append(this._element);
+ }
+ this._element.style.display = 'block';
+ this._element.removeAttribute('aria-hidden');
+ this._element.setAttribute('aria-modal', true);
+ this._element.setAttribute('role', 'dialog');
+ this._element.scrollTop = 0;
+ const modalBody = SelectorEngine.findOne(SELECTOR_MODAL_BODY, this._dialog);
+ if (modalBody) {
+ modalBody.scrollTop = 0;
+ }
+ reflow(this._element);
+ this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$4);
+ const transitionComplete = () => {
+ if (this._config.focus) {
+ this._focustrap.activate();
+ }
+ this._isTransitioning = false;
+ EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_SHOWN$4, {
+ relatedTarget
+ });
+ };
+ this._queueCallback(transitionComplete, this._dialog, this._isAnimated());
+ }
+ _addEventListeners() {
+ EventHandler.on(this._element, EVENT_KEYDOWN_DISMISS$1, event => {
+ if (event.key !== ESCAPE_KEY$1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this._config.keyboard) {
+ this.hide();
+ return;
+ }
+ this._triggerBackdropTransition();
+ });
+ EventHandler.on(window, EVENT_RESIZE$1, () => {
+ if (this._isShown && !this._isTransitioning) {
+ this._adjustDialog();
+ }
+ });
+ EventHandler.on(this._element, EVENT_MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS, event => {
+ // a bad trick to segregate clicks that may start inside dialog but end outside, and avoid listen to scrollbar clicks
+ EventHandler.one(this._element, EVENT_CLICK_DISMISS, event2 => {
+ if (this._element !== event.target || this._element !== event2.target) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this._config.backdrop === 'static') {
+ this._triggerBackdropTransition();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this._config.backdrop) {
+ this.hide();
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ _hideModal() {
+ this._element.style.display = 'none';
+ this._element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true);
+ this._element.removeAttribute('aria-modal');
+ this._element.removeAttribute('role');
+ this._isTransitioning = false;
+ this._backdrop.hide(() => {
+ document.body.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_OPEN);
+ this._resetAdjustments();
+ this._scrollBar.reset();
+ EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_HIDDEN$4);
+ });
+ }
+ _isAnimated() {
+ return this._element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_FADE$3);
+ }
+ _triggerBackdropTransition() {
+ const hideEvent = EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_HIDE_PREVENTED$1);
+ if (hideEvent.defaultPrevented) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const isModalOverflowing = this._element.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight;
+ const initialOverflowY = this._element.style.overflowY;
+ // return if the following background transition hasn't yet completed
+ if (initialOverflowY === 'hidden' || this._element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_STATIC)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!isModalOverflowing) {
+ this._element.style.overflowY = 'hidden';
+ }
+ this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_STATIC);
+ this._queueCallback(() => {
+ this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_STATIC);
+ this._queueCallback(() => {
+ this._element.style.overflowY = initialOverflowY;
+ }, this._dialog);
+ }, this._dialog);
+ this._element.focus();
+ }
- // =====================
+ /**
+ * The following methods are used to handle overflowing modals
+ */
+ _adjustDialog() {
+ const isModalOverflowing = this._element.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight;
+ const scrollbarWidth = this._scrollBar.getWidth();
+ const isBodyOverflowing = scrollbarWidth > 0;
+ if (isBodyOverflowing && !isModalOverflowing) {
+ const property = isRTL() ? 'paddingLeft' : 'paddingRight';
+ this._element.style[property] = `${scrollbarWidth}px`;
+ }
+ if (!isBodyOverflowing && isModalOverflowing) {
+ const property = isRTL() ? 'paddingRight' : 'paddingLeft';
+ this._element.style[property] = `${scrollbarWidth}px`;
+ }
+ }
+ _resetAdjustments() {
+ this._element.style.paddingLeft = '';
+ this._element.style.paddingRight = '';
+ }
- $.fn.scrollspy.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.scrollspy = old
- return this
+ // Static
+ static jQueryInterface(config, relatedTarget) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ const data = Modal.getOrCreateInstance(this, config);
+ if (typeof config !== 'string') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new TypeError(`No method named "${config}"`);
+ }
+ data[config](relatedTarget);
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Data API implementation
+ */
- // ==================
- $(window).on('load.bs.scrollspy.data-api', function () {
- $('[data-spy="scroll"]').each(function () {
- var $spy = $(this)
- Plugin.call($spy, $spy.data())
- })
- })
+ EventHandler.on(document, EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$2, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$2, function (event) {
+ const target = SelectorEngine.getElementFromSelector(this);
+ if (['A', 'AREA'].includes(this.tagName)) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ EventHandler.one(target, EVENT_SHOW$4, showEvent => {
+ if (showEvent.defaultPrevented) {
+ // only register focus restorer if modal will actually get shown
+ return;
+ }
+ EventHandler.one(target, EVENT_HIDDEN$4, () => {
+ if (isVisible(this)) {
+ this.focus();
+ }
+ });
+ });
-/* ========================================================================
- * Bootstrap: tab.js v3.3.6
- * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#tabs
- * ========================================================================
- * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
- * ======================================================================== */
+ // avoid conflict when clicking modal toggler while another one is open
+ const alreadyOpen = SelectorEngine.findOne(OPEN_SELECTOR$1);
+ if (alreadyOpen) {
+ Modal.getInstance(alreadyOpen).hide();
+ }
+ const data = Modal.getOrCreateInstance(target);
+ data.toggle(this);
+ });
+ enableDismissTrigger(Modal);
+ /**
+ * jQuery
+ */
+ defineJQueryPlugin(Modal);
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap offcanvas.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
+ const NAME$6 = 'offcanvas';
+ const DATA_KEY$3 = 'bs.offcanvas';
+ const EVENT_KEY$3 = `.${DATA_KEY$3}`;
+ const DATA_API_KEY$1 = '.data-api';
+ const EVENT_LOAD_DATA_API$2 = `load${EVENT_KEY$3}${DATA_API_KEY$1}`;
+ const ESCAPE_KEY = 'Escape';
+ const CLASS_NAME_SHOW$3 = 'show';
+ const CLASS_NAME_SHOWING$1 = 'showing';
+ const CLASS_NAME_HIDING = 'hiding';
+ const CLASS_NAME_BACKDROP = 'offcanvas-backdrop';
+ const OPEN_SELECTOR = '.offcanvas.show';
+ const EVENT_SHOW$3 = `show${EVENT_KEY$3}`;
+ const EVENT_SHOWN$3 = `shown${EVENT_KEY$3}`;
+ const EVENT_HIDE$3 = `hide${EVENT_KEY$3}`;
+ const EVENT_HIDE_PREVENTED = `hidePrevented${EVENT_KEY$3}`;
+ const EVENT_HIDDEN$3 = `hidden${EVENT_KEY$3}`;
+ const EVENT_RESIZE = `resize${EVENT_KEY$3}`;
+ const EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$1 = `click${EVENT_KEY$3}${DATA_API_KEY$1}`;
+ const EVENT_KEYDOWN_DISMISS = `keydown.dismiss${EVENT_KEY$3}`;
+ const SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$1 = '[data-bs-toggle="offcanvas"]';
+ const Default$5 = {
+ backdrop: true,
+ keyboard: true,
+ scroll: false
+ };
+ const DefaultType$5 = {
+ backdrop: '(boolean|string)',
+ keyboard: 'boolean',
+ scroll: 'boolean'
+ };
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
+ class Offcanvas extends BaseComponent {
+ constructor(element, config) {
+ super(element, config);
+ this._isShown = false;
+ this._backdrop = this._initializeBackDrop();
+ this._focustrap = this._initializeFocusTrap();
+ this._addEventListeners();
+ }
+ // Getters
+ static get Default() {
+ return Default$5;
+ }
+ static get DefaultType() {
+ return DefaultType$5;
+ }
+ static get NAME() {
+ return NAME$6;
+ }
-+function ($) {
- 'use strict';
+ // Public
+ toggle(relatedTarget) {
+ return this._isShown ? this.hide() : this.show(relatedTarget);
+ }
+ show(relatedTarget) {
+ if (this._isShown) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const showEvent = EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_SHOW$3, {
+ relatedTarget
+ });
+ if (showEvent.defaultPrevented) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._isShown = true;
+ this._backdrop.show();
+ if (!this._config.scroll) {
+ new ScrollBarHelper().hide();
+ }
+ this._element.setAttribute('aria-modal', true);
+ this._element.setAttribute('role', 'dialog');
+ this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_SHOWING$1);
+ const completeCallBack = () => {
+ if (!this._config.scroll || this._config.backdrop) {
+ this._focustrap.activate();
+ }
+ this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$3);
+ this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_SHOWING$1);
+ EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_SHOWN$3, {
+ relatedTarget
+ });
+ };
+ this._queueCallback(completeCallBack, this._element, true);
+ }
+ hide() {
+ if (!this._isShown) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const hideEvent = EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_HIDE$3);
+ if (hideEvent.defaultPrevented) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._focustrap.deactivate();
+ this._element.blur();
+ this._isShown = false;
+ this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_HIDING);
+ this._backdrop.hide();
+ const completeCallback = () => {
+ this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$3, CLASS_NAME_HIDING);
+ this._element.removeAttribute('aria-modal');
+ this._element.removeAttribute('role');
+ if (!this._config.scroll) {
+ new ScrollBarHelper().reset();
+ }
+ EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_HIDDEN$3);
+ };
+ this._queueCallback(completeCallback, this._element, true);
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ this._backdrop.dispose();
+ this._focustrap.deactivate();
+ super.dispose();
+ }
- // ====================
+ // Private
+ _initializeBackDrop() {
+ const clickCallback = () => {
+ if (this._config.backdrop === 'static') {
+ EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_HIDE_PREVENTED);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.hide();
+ };
+ // 'static' option will be translated to true, and booleans will keep their value
+ const isVisible = Boolean(this._config.backdrop);
+ return new Backdrop({
+ isVisible,
+ isAnimated: true,
+ rootElement: this._element.parentNode,
+ clickCallback: isVisible ? clickCallback : null
+ });
+ }
+ _initializeFocusTrap() {
+ return new FocusTrap({
+ trapElement: this._element
+ });
+ }
+ _addEventListeners() {
+ EventHandler.on(this._element, EVENT_KEYDOWN_DISMISS, event => {
+ if (event.key !== ESCAPE_KEY) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this._config.keyboard) {
+ this.hide();
+ return;
+ }
+ EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_HIDE_PREVENTED);
+ });
+ }
- var Tab = function (element) {
- // jscs:disable requireDollarBeforejQueryAssignment
- this.element = $(element)
- // jscs:enable requireDollarBeforejQueryAssignment
+ // Static
+ static jQueryInterface(config) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ const data = Offcanvas.getOrCreateInstance(this, config);
+ if (typeof config !== 'string') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (data[config] === undefined || config.startsWith('_') || config === 'constructor') {
+ throw new TypeError(`No method named "${config}"`);
+ }
+ data[config](this);
+ });
+ }
- Tab.VERSION = '3.3.6'
+ /**
+ * Data API implementation
+ */
- Tab.prototype.show = function () {
- var $this = this.element
- var $ul = $this.closest('ul:not(.dropdown-menu)')
- var selector = $this.data('target')
+ EventHandler.on(document, EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$1, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$1, function (event) {
+ const target = SelectorEngine.getElementFromSelector(this);
+ if (['A', 'AREA'].includes(this.tagName)) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ if (isDisabled(this)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ EventHandler.one(target, EVENT_HIDDEN$3, () => {
+ // focus on trigger when it is closed
+ if (isVisible(this)) {
+ this.focus();
+ }
+ });
- if (!selector) {
- selector = $this.attr('href')
- selector = selector && selector.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]*$)/, '') // strip for ie7
+ // avoid conflict when clicking a toggler of an offcanvas, while another is open
+ const alreadyOpen = SelectorEngine.findOne(OPEN_SELECTOR);
+ if (alreadyOpen && alreadyOpen !== target) {
+ Offcanvas.getInstance(alreadyOpen).hide();
+ }
+ const data = Offcanvas.getOrCreateInstance(target);
+ data.toggle(this);
+ });
+ EventHandler.on(window, EVENT_LOAD_DATA_API$2, () => {
+ for (const selector of SelectorEngine.find(OPEN_SELECTOR)) {
+ Offcanvas.getOrCreateInstance(selector).show();
+ }
+ });
+ EventHandler.on(window, EVENT_RESIZE, () => {
+ for (const element of SelectorEngine.find('[aria-modal][class*=show][class*=offcanvas-]')) {
+ if (getComputedStyle(element).position !== 'fixed') {
+ Offcanvas.getOrCreateInstance(element).hide();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ enableDismissTrigger(Offcanvas);
+ /**
+ * jQuery
+ */
+ defineJQueryPlugin(Offcanvas);
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap util/sanitizer.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ // js-docs-start allow-list
+ const ARIA_ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN = /^aria-[\w-]*$/i;
+ const DefaultAllowlist = {
+ // Global attributes allowed on any supplied element below.
+ '*': ['class', 'dir', 'id', 'lang', 'role', ARIA_ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN],
+ a: ['target', 'href', 'title', 'rel'],
+ area: [],
+ b: [],
+ br: [],
+ col: [],
+ code: [],
+ div: [],
+ em: [],
+ hr: [],
+ h1: [],
+ h2: [],
+ h3: [],
+ h4: [],
+ h5: [],
+ h6: [],
+ i: [],
+ img: ['src', 'srcset', 'alt', 'title', 'width', 'height'],
+ li: [],
+ ol: [],
+ p: [],
+ pre: [],
+ s: [],
+ small: [],
+ span: [],
+ sub: [],
+ sup: [],
+ strong: [],
+ u: [],
+ ul: []
+ };
+ // js-docs-end allow-list
+ const uriAttributes = new Set(['background', 'cite', 'href', 'itemtype', 'longdesc', 'poster', 'src', 'xlink:href']);
+ /**
+ * A pattern that recognizes URLs that are safe wrt. XSS in URL navigation
+ * contexts.
+ *
+ * Shout-out to Angular https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/15.2.8/packages/core/src/sanitization/url_sanitizer.ts#L38
+ */
+ // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/better-regex
+ const SAFE_URL_PATTERN = /^(?!javascript:)(?:[a-z0-9+.-]+:|[^&:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/i;
+ const allowedAttribute = (attribute, allowedAttributeList) => {
+ const attributeName = attribute.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ if (allowedAttributeList.includes(attributeName)) {
+ if (uriAttributes.has(attributeName)) {
+ return Boolean(SAFE_URL_PATTERN.test(attribute.nodeValue));
+ }
+ return true;
- if ($this.parent('li').hasClass('active')) return
+ // Check if a regular expression validates the attribute.
+ return allowedAttributeList.filter(attributeRegex => attributeRegex instanceof RegExp).some(regex => regex.test(attributeName));
+ };
+ function sanitizeHtml(unsafeHtml, allowList, sanitizeFunction) {
+ if (!unsafeHtml.length) {
+ return unsafeHtml;
+ }
+ if (sanitizeFunction && typeof sanitizeFunction === 'function') {
+ return sanitizeFunction(unsafeHtml);
+ }
+ const domParser = new window.DOMParser();
+ const createdDocument = domParser.parseFromString(unsafeHtml, 'text/html');
+ const elements = [].concat(...createdDocument.body.querySelectorAll('*'));
+ for (const element of elements) {
+ const elementName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ if (!Object.keys(allowList).includes(elementName)) {
+ element.remove();
+ continue;
+ }
+ const attributeList = [].concat(...element.attributes);
+ const allowedAttributes = [].concat(allowList['*'] || [], allowList[elementName] || []);
+ for (const attribute of attributeList) {
+ if (!allowedAttribute(attribute, allowedAttributes)) {
+ element.removeAttribute(attribute.nodeName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return createdDocument.body.innerHTML;
+ }
- var $previous = $ul.find('.active:last a')
- var hideEvent = $.Event('hide.bs.tab', {
- relatedTarget: $this[0]
- })
- var showEvent = $.Event('show.bs.tab', {
- relatedTarget: $previous[0]
- })
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap util/template-factory.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
- $previous.trigger(hideEvent)
- $this.trigger(showEvent)
- if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented() || hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) return
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
- var $target = $(selector)
+ const NAME$5 = 'TemplateFactory';
+ const Default$4 = {
+ allowList: DefaultAllowlist,
+ content: {},
+ // { selector : text , selector2 : text2 , }
+ extraClass: '',
+ html: false,
+ sanitize: true,
+ sanitizeFn: null,
+ template: ''
+ };
+ const DefaultType$4 = {
+ allowList: 'object',
+ content: 'object',
+ extraClass: '(string|function)',
+ html: 'boolean',
+ sanitize: 'boolean',
+ sanitizeFn: '(null|function)',
+ template: 'string'
+ };
+ const DefaultContentType = {
+ entry: '(string|element|function|null)',
+ selector: '(string|element)'
+ };
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
+ class TemplateFactory extends Config {
+ constructor(config) {
+ super();
+ this._config = this._getConfig(config);
+ }
- this.activate($this.closest('li'), $ul)
- this.activate($target, $target.parent(), function () {
- $previous.trigger({
- type: 'hidden.bs.tab',
- relatedTarget: $this[0]
- })
- $this.trigger({
- type: 'shown.bs.tab',
- relatedTarget: $previous[0]
- })
- })
- }
+ // Getters
+ static get Default() {
+ return Default$4;
+ }
+ static get DefaultType() {
+ return DefaultType$4;
+ }
+ static get NAME() {
+ return NAME$5;
+ }
- Tab.prototype.activate = function (element, container, callback) {
- var $active = container.find('> .active')
- var transition = callback
- && $.support.transition
- && ($active.length && $active.hasClass('fade') || !!container.find('> .fade').length)
- function next() {
- $active
- .removeClass('active')
- .find('> .dropdown-menu > .active')
- .removeClass('active')
- .end()
- .find('[data-toggle="tab"]')
- .attr('aria-expanded', false)
- element
- .addClass('active')
- .find('[data-toggle="tab"]')
- .attr('aria-expanded', true)
- if (transition) {
- element[0].offsetWidth // reflow for transition
- element.addClass('in')
- } else {
- element.removeClass('fade')
+ // Public
+ getContent() {
+ return Object.values(this._config.content).map(config => this._resolvePossibleFunction(config)).filter(Boolean);
+ }
+ hasContent() {
+ return this.getContent().length > 0;
+ }
+ changeContent(content) {
+ this._checkContent(content);
+ this._config.content = {
+ ...this._config.content,
+ ...content
+ };
+ return this;
+ }
+ toHtml() {
+ const templateWrapper = document.createElement('div');
+ templateWrapper.innerHTML = this._maybeSanitize(this._config.template);
+ for (const [selector, text] of Object.entries(this._config.content)) {
+ this._setContent(templateWrapper, text, selector);
- if (element.parent('.dropdown-menu').length) {
- element
- .closest('li.dropdown')
- .addClass('active')
- .end()
- .find('[data-toggle="tab"]')
- .attr('aria-expanded', true)
+ const template = templateWrapper.children[0];
+ const extraClass = this._resolvePossibleFunction(this._config.extraClass);
+ if (extraClass) {
+ template.classList.add(...extraClass.split(' '));
- callback && callback()
+ return template;
- $active.length && transition ?
- $active
- .one('bsTransitionEnd', next)
- .emulateTransitionEnd(Tab.TRANSITION_DURATION) :
- next()
- $active.removeClass('in')
+ // Private
+ _typeCheckConfig(config) {
+ super._typeCheckConfig(config);
+ this._checkContent(config.content);
+ }
+ _checkContent(arg) {
+ for (const [selector, content] of Object.entries(arg)) {
+ super._typeCheckConfig({
+ selector,
+ entry: content
+ }, DefaultContentType);
+ }
+ }
+ _setContent(template, content, selector) {
+ const templateElement = SelectorEngine.findOne(selector, template);
+ if (!templateElement) {
+ return;
+ }
+ content = this._resolvePossibleFunction(content);
+ if (!content) {
+ templateElement.remove();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isElement(content)) {
+ this._putElementInTemplate(getElement(content), templateElement);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this._config.html) {
+ templateElement.innerHTML = this._maybeSanitize(content);
+ return;
+ }
+ templateElement.textContent = content;
+ }
+ _maybeSanitize(arg) {
+ return this._config.sanitize ? sanitizeHtml(arg, this._config.allowList, this._config.sanitizeFn) : arg;
+ }
+ _resolvePossibleFunction(arg) {
+ return execute(arg, [this]);
+ }
+ _putElementInTemplate(element, templateElement) {
+ if (this._config.html) {
+ templateElement.innerHTML = '';
+ templateElement.append(element);
+ return;
+ }
+ templateElement.textContent = element.textContent;
+ }
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap tooltip.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
+ const NAME$4 = 'tooltip';
+ const DISALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES = new Set(['sanitize', 'allowList', 'sanitizeFn']);
+ const CLASS_NAME_FADE$2 = 'fade';
+ const CLASS_NAME_MODAL = 'modal';
+ const CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2 = 'show';
+ const SELECTOR_TOOLTIP_INNER = '.tooltip-inner';
+ const EVENT_MODAL_HIDE = 'hide.bs.modal';
+ const TRIGGER_HOVER = 'hover';
+ const TRIGGER_FOCUS = 'focus';
+ const TRIGGER_CLICK = 'click';
+ const TRIGGER_MANUAL = 'manual';
+ const EVENT_HIDE$2 = 'hide';
+ const EVENT_HIDDEN$2 = 'hidden';
+ const EVENT_SHOW$2 = 'show';
+ const EVENT_SHOWN$2 = 'shown';
+ const EVENT_INSERTED = 'inserted';
+ const EVENT_CLICK$1 = 'click';
+ const EVENT_FOCUSIN$1 = 'focusin';
+ const EVENT_FOCUSOUT$1 = 'focusout';
+ const EVENT_MOUSEENTER = 'mouseenter';
+ const EVENT_MOUSELEAVE = 'mouseleave';
+ const AttachmentMap = {
+ AUTO: 'auto',
+ TOP: 'top',
+ RIGHT: isRTL() ? 'left' : 'right',
+ BOTTOM: 'bottom',
+ LEFT: isRTL() ? 'right' : 'left'
+ };
+ const Default$3 = {
+ allowList: DefaultAllowlist,
+ animation: true,
+ boundary: 'clippingParents',
+ container: false,
+ customClass: '',
+ delay: 0,
+ fallbackPlacements: ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'],
+ html: false,
+ offset: [0, 6],
+ placement: 'top',
+ popperConfig: null,
+ sanitize: true,
+ sanitizeFn: null,
+ selector: false,
+ template: '',
+ title: '',
+ trigger: 'hover focus'
+ };
+ const DefaultType$3 = {
+ allowList: 'object',
+ animation: 'boolean',
+ boundary: '(string|element)',
+ container: '(string|element|boolean)',
+ customClass: '(string|function)',
+ delay: '(number|object)',
+ fallbackPlacements: 'array',
+ html: 'boolean',
+ offset: '(array|string|function)',
+ placement: '(string|function)',
+ popperConfig: '(null|object|function)',
+ sanitize: 'boolean',
+ sanitizeFn: '(null|function)',
+ selector: '(string|boolean)',
+ template: 'string',
+ title: '(string|element|function)',
+ trigger: 'string'
+ };
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
+ class Tooltip extends BaseComponent {
+ constructor(element, config) {
+ if (typeof Popper__namespace === 'undefined') {
+ throw new TypeError('Bootstrap\'s tooltips require Popper (https://popper.js.org)');
+ }
+ super(element, config);
+ // Private
+ this._isEnabled = true;
+ this._timeout = 0;
+ this._isHovered = null;
+ this._activeTrigger = {};
+ this._popper = null;
+ this._templateFactory = null;
+ this._newContent = null;
+ // Protected
+ this.tip = null;
+ this._setListeners();
+ if (!this._config.selector) {
+ this._fixTitle();
+ }
+ }
- // =====================
- function Plugin(option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- var data = $this.data('bs.tab')
- if (!data) $this.data('bs.tab', (data = new Tab(this)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
- })
- }
- var old = $.fn.tab
+ // Getters
+ static get Default() {
+ return Default$3;
+ }
+ static get DefaultType() {
+ return DefaultType$3;
+ }
+ static get NAME() {
+ return NAME$4;
+ }
- $.fn.tab = Plugin
- $.fn.tab.Constructor = Tab
+ // Public
+ enable() {
+ this._isEnabled = true;
+ }
+ disable() {
+ this._isEnabled = false;
+ }
+ toggleEnabled() {
+ this._isEnabled = !this._isEnabled;
+ }
+ toggle() {
+ if (!this._isEnabled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._activeTrigger.click = !this._activeTrigger.click;
+ if (this._isShown()) {
+ this._leave();
+ return;
+ }
+ this._enter();
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ clearTimeout(this._timeout);
+ EventHandler.off(this._element.closest(SELECTOR_MODAL), EVENT_MODAL_HIDE, this._hideModalHandler);
+ if (this._element.getAttribute('data-bs-original-title')) {
+ this._element.setAttribute('title', this._element.getAttribute('data-bs-original-title'));
+ }
+ this._disposePopper();
+ super.dispose();
+ }
+ show() {
+ if (this._element.style.display === 'none') {
+ throw new Error('Please use show on visible elements');
+ }
+ if (!(this._isWithContent() && this._isEnabled)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const showEvent = EventHandler.trigger(this._element, this.constructor.eventName(EVENT_SHOW$2));
+ const shadowRoot = findShadowRoot(this._element);
+ const isInTheDom = (shadowRoot || this._element.ownerDocument.documentElement).contains(this._element);
+ if (showEvent.defaultPrevented || !isInTheDom) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO: v6 remove this or make it optional
+ this._disposePopper();
+ const tip = this._getTipElement();
+ this._element.setAttribute('aria-describedby', tip.getAttribute('id'));
+ const {
+ container
+ } = this._config;
+ if (!this._element.ownerDocument.documentElement.contains(this.tip)) {
+ container.append(tip);
+ EventHandler.trigger(this._element, this.constructor.eventName(EVENT_INSERTED));
+ }
+ this._popper = this._createPopper(tip);
+ tip.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2);
+ // If this is a touch-enabled device we add extra
+ // empty mouseover listeners to the body's immediate children;
+ // only needed because of broken event delegation on iOS
+ // https://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2014/02/mouse_event_bub.html
+ if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {
+ for (const element of [].concat(...document.body.children)) {
+ EventHandler.on(element, 'mouseover', noop);
+ }
+ }
+ const complete = () => {
+ EventHandler.trigger(this._element, this.constructor.eventName(EVENT_SHOWN$2));
+ if (this._isHovered === false) {
+ this._leave();
+ }
+ this._isHovered = false;
+ };
+ this._queueCallback(complete, this.tip, this._isAnimated());
+ }
+ hide() {
+ if (!this._isShown()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const hideEvent = EventHandler.trigger(this._element, this.constructor.eventName(EVENT_HIDE$2));
+ if (hideEvent.defaultPrevented) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const tip = this._getTipElement();
+ tip.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2);
+ // If this is a touch-enabled device we remove the extra
+ // empty mouseover listeners we added for iOS support
+ if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {
+ for (const element of [].concat(...document.body.children)) {
+ EventHandler.off(element, 'mouseover', noop);
+ }
+ }
+ this._activeTrigger[TRIGGER_CLICK] = false;
+ this._activeTrigger[TRIGGER_FOCUS] = false;
+ this._activeTrigger[TRIGGER_HOVER] = false;
+ this._isHovered = null; // it is a trick to support manual triggering
+ const complete = () => {
+ if (this._isWithActiveTrigger()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this._isHovered) {
+ this._disposePopper();
+ }
+ this._element.removeAttribute('aria-describedby');
+ EventHandler.trigger(this._element, this.constructor.eventName(EVENT_HIDDEN$2));
+ };
+ this._queueCallback(complete, this.tip, this._isAnimated());
+ }
+ update() {
+ if (this._popper) {
+ this._popper.update();
+ }
+ }
- // ===============
+ // Protected
+ _isWithContent() {
+ return Boolean(this._getTitle());
+ }
+ _getTipElement() {
+ if (!this.tip) {
+ this.tip = this._createTipElement(this._newContent || this._getContentForTemplate());
+ }
+ return this.tip;
+ }
+ _createTipElement(content) {
+ const tip = this._getTemplateFactory(content).toHtml();
- $.fn.tab.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.tab = old
- return this
- }
+ // TODO: remove this check in v6
+ if (!tip) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ tip.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_FADE$2, CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2);
+ // TODO: v6 the following can be achieved with CSS only
+ tip.classList.add(`bs-${this.constructor.NAME}-auto`);
+ const tipId = getUID(this.constructor.NAME).toString();
+ tip.setAttribute('id', tipId);
+ if (this._isAnimated()) {
+ tip.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_FADE$2);
+ }
+ return tip;
+ }
+ setContent(content) {
+ this._newContent = content;
+ if (this._isShown()) {
+ this._disposePopper();
+ this.show();
+ }
+ }
+ _getTemplateFactory(content) {
+ if (this._templateFactory) {
+ this._templateFactory.changeContent(content);
+ } else {
+ this._templateFactory = new TemplateFactory({
+ ...this._config,
+ // the `content` var has to be after `this._config`
+ // to override config.content in case of popover
+ content,
+ extraClass: this._resolvePossibleFunction(this._config.customClass)
+ });
+ }
+ return this._templateFactory;
+ }
+ _getContentForTemplate() {
+ return {
+ [SELECTOR_TOOLTIP_INNER]: this._getTitle()
+ };
+ }
+ _getTitle() {
+ return this._resolvePossibleFunction(this._config.title) || this._element.getAttribute('data-bs-original-title');
+ }
+ // Private
+ _initializeOnDelegatedTarget(event) {
+ return this.constructor.getOrCreateInstance(event.delegateTarget, this._getDelegateConfig());
+ }
+ _isAnimated() {
+ return this._config.animation || this.tip && this.tip.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_FADE$2);
+ }
+ _isShown() {
+ return this.tip && this.tip.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2);
+ }
+ _createPopper(tip) {
+ const placement = execute(this._config.placement, [this, tip, this._element]);
+ const attachment = AttachmentMap[placement.toUpperCase()];
+ return Popper__namespace.createPopper(this._element, tip, this._getPopperConfig(attachment));
+ }
+ _getOffset() {
+ const {
+ offset
+ } = this._config;
+ if (typeof offset === 'string') {
+ return offset.split(',').map(value => Number.parseInt(value, 10));
+ }
+ if (typeof offset === 'function') {
+ return popperData => offset(popperData, this._element);
+ }
+ return offset;
+ }
+ _resolvePossibleFunction(arg) {
+ return execute(arg, [this._element]);
+ }
+ _getPopperConfig(attachment) {
+ const defaultBsPopperConfig = {
+ placement: attachment,
+ modifiers: [{
+ name: 'flip',
+ options: {
+ fallbackPlacements: this._config.fallbackPlacements
+ }
+ }, {
+ name: 'offset',
+ options: {
+ offset: this._getOffset()
+ }
+ }, {
+ name: 'preventOverflow',
+ options: {
+ boundary: this._config.boundary
+ }
+ }, {
+ name: 'arrow',
+ options: {
+ element: `.${this.constructor.NAME}-arrow`
+ }
+ }, {
+ name: 'preSetPlacement',
+ enabled: true,
+ phase: 'beforeMain',
+ fn: data => {
+ // Pre-set Popper's placement attribute in order to read the arrow sizes properly.
+ // Otherwise, Popper mixes up the width and height dimensions since the initial arrow style is for top placement
+ this._getTipElement().setAttribute('data-popper-placement', data.state.placement);
+ }
+ }]
+ };
+ return {
+ ...defaultBsPopperConfig,
+ ...execute(this._config.popperConfig, [defaultBsPopperConfig])
+ };
+ }
+ _setListeners() {
+ const triggers = this._config.trigger.split(' ');
+ for (const trigger of triggers) {
+ if (trigger === 'click') {
+ EventHandler.on(this._element, this.constructor.eventName(EVENT_CLICK$1), this._config.selector, event => {
+ const context = this._initializeOnDelegatedTarget(event);
+ context.toggle();
+ });
+ } else if (trigger !== TRIGGER_MANUAL) {
+ const eventIn = trigger === TRIGGER_HOVER ? this.constructor.eventName(EVENT_MOUSEENTER) : this.constructor.eventName(EVENT_FOCUSIN$1);
+ const eventOut = trigger === TRIGGER_HOVER ? this.constructor.eventName(EVENT_MOUSELEAVE) : this.constructor.eventName(EVENT_FOCUSOUT$1);
+ EventHandler.on(this._element, eventIn, this._config.selector, event => {
+ const context = this._initializeOnDelegatedTarget(event);
+ context._activeTrigger[event.type === 'focusin' ? TRIGGER_FOCUS : TRIGGER_HOVER] = true;
+ context._enter();
+ });
+ EventHandler.on(this._element, eventOut, this._config.selector, event => {
+ const context = this._initializeOnDelegatedTarget(event);
+ context._activeTrigger[event.type === 'focusout' ? TRIGGER_FOCUS : TRIGGER_HOVER] = context._element.contains(event.relatedTarget);
+ context._leave();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ this._hideModalHandler = () => {
+ if (this._element) {
+ this.hide();
+ }
+ };
+ EventHandler.on(this._element.closest(SELECTOR_MODAL), EVENT_MODAL_HIDE, this._hideModalHandler);
+ }
+ _fixTitle() {
+ const title = this._element.getAttribute('title');
+ if (!title) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this._element.getAttribute('aria-label') && !this._element.textContent.trim()) {
+ this._element.setAttribute('aria-label', title);
+ }
+ this._element.setAttribute('data-bs-original-title', title); // DO NOT USE IT. Is only for backwards compatibility
+ this._element.removeAttribute('title');
+ }
+ _enter() {
+ if (this._isShown() || this._isHovered) {
+ this._isHovered = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ this._isHovered = true;
+ this._setTimeout(() => {
+ if (this._isHovered) {
+ this.show();
+ }
+ }, this._config.delay.show);
+ }
+ _leave() {
+ if (this._isWithActiveTrigger()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._isHovered = false;
+ this._setTimeout(() => {
+ if (!this._isHovered) {
+ this.hide();
+ }
+ }, this._config.delay.hide);
+ }
+ _setTimeout(handler, timeout) {
+ clearTimeout(this._timeout);
+ this._timeout = setTimeout(handler, timeout);
+ }
+ _isWithActiveTrigger() {
+ return Object.values(this._activeTrigger).includes(true);
+ }
+ _getConfig(config) {
+ const dataAttributes = Manipulator.getDataAttributes(this._element);
+ for (const dataAttribute of Object.keys(dataAttributes)) {
+ if (DISALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES.has(dataAttribute)) {
+ delete dataAttributes[dataAttribute];
+ }
+ }
+ config = {
+ ...dataAttributes,
+ ...(typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {})
+ };
+ config = this._mergeConfigObj(config);
+ config = this._configAfterMerge(config);
+ this._typeCheckConfig(config);
+ return config;
+ }
+ _configAfterMerge(config) {
+ config.container = config.container === false ? document.body : getElement(config.container);
+ if (typeof config.delay === 'number') {
+ config.delay = {
+ show: config.delay,
+ hide: config.delay
+ };
+ }
+ if (typeof config.title === 'number') {
+ config.title = config.title.toString();
+ }
+ if (typeof config.content === 'number') {
+ config.content = config.content.toString();
+ }
+ return config;
+ }
+ _getDelegateConfig() {
+ const config = {};
+ for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(this._config)) {
+ if (this.constructor.Default[key] !== value) {
+ config[key] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ config.selector = false;
+ config.trigger = 'manual';
- // ============
+ // In the future can be replaced with:
+ // const keysWithDifferentValues = Object.entries(this._config).filter(entry => this.constructor.Default[entry[0]] !== this._config[entry[0]])
+ // `Object.fromEntries(keysWithDifferentValues)`
+ return config;
+ }
+ _disposePopper() {
+ if (this._popper) {
+ this._popper.destroy();
+ this._popper = null;
+ }
+ if (this.tip) {
+ this.tip.remove();
+ this.tip = null;
+ }
+ }
- var clickHandler = function (e) {
- e.preventDefault()
- Plugin.call($(this), 'show')
+ // Static
+ static jQueryInterface(config) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ const data = Tooltip.getOrCreateInstance(this, config);
+ if (typeof config !== 'string') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new TypeError(`No method named "${config}"`);
+ }
+ data[config]();
+ });
+ }
- $(document)
- .on('click.bs.tab.data-api', '[data-toggle="tab"]', clickHandler)
- .on('click.bs.tab.data-api', '[data-toggle="pill"]', clickHandler)
+ /**
+ * jQuery
+ */
-/* ========================================================================
- * Bootstrap: affix.js v3.3.6
- * http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#affix
- * ========================================================================
- * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
- * ======================================================================== */
+ defineJQueryPlugin(Tooltip);
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap popover.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
-+function ($) {
- 'use strict';
- // ======================
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
- var Affix = function (element, options) {
- this.options = $.extend({}, Affix.DEFAULTS, options)
+ const NAME$3 = 'popover';
+ const SELECTOR_TITLE = '.popover-header';
+ const SELECTOR_CONTENT = '.popover-body';
+ const Default$2 = {
+ ...Tooltip.Default,
+ content: '',
+ offset: [0, 8],
+ placement: 'right',
+ template: '',
+ trigger: 'click'
+ };
+ const DefaultType$2 = {
+ ...Tooltip.DefaultType,
+ content: '(null|string|element|function)'
+ };
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
+ class Popover extends Tooltip {
+ // Getters
+ static get Default() {
+ return Default$2;
+ }
+ static get DefaultType() {
+ return DefaultType$2;
+ }
+ static get NAME() {
+ return NAME$3;
+ }
- this.$target = $(this.options.target)
- .on('scroll.bs.affix.data-api', $.proxy(this.checkPosition, this))
- .on('click.bs.affix.data-api', $.proxy(this.checkPositionWithEventLoop, this))
+ // Overrides
+ _isWithContent() {
+ return this._getTitle() || this._getContent();
+ }
- this.$element = $(element)
- this.affixed = null
- this.unpin = null
- this.pinnedOffset = null
+ // Private
+ _getContentForTemplate() {
+ return {
+ [SELECTOR_TITLE]: this._getTitle(),
+ [SELECTOR_CONTENT]: this._getContent()
+ };
+ }
+ _getContent() {
+ return this._resolvePossibleFunction(this._config.content);
+ }
- this.checkPosition()
+ // Static
+ static jQueryInterface(config) {
+ return this.each(function () {
+ const data = Popover.getOrCreateInstance(this, config);
+ if (typeof config !== 'string') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
+ throw new TypeError(`No method named "${config}"`);
+ }
+ data[config]();
+ });
+ }
- Affix.VERSION = '3.3.6'
+ /**
+ * jQuery
+ */
+ defineJQueryPlugin(Popover);
+ /**
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Bootstrap scrollspy.js
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+ /**
+ * Constants
+ */
+ const NAME$2 = 'scrollspy';
+ const DATA_KEY$2 = 'bs.scrollspy';
+ const EVENT_KEY$2 = `.${DATA_KEY$2}`;
+ const DATA_API_KEY = '.data-api';
+ const EVENT_ACTIVATE = `activate${EVENT_KEY$2}`;
+ const EVENT_CLICK = `click${EVENT_KEY$2}`;
+ const EVENT_LOAD_DATA_API$1 = `load${EVENT_KEY$2}${DATA_API_KEY}`;
+ const CLASS_NAME_DROPDOWN_ITEM = 'dropdown-item';
+ const CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1 = 'active';
+ const SELECTOR_DATA_SPY = '[data-bs-spy="scroll"]';
+ const SELECTOR_TARGET_LINKS = '[href]';
+ const SELECTOR_NAV_LIST_GROUP = '.nav, .list-group';
+ const SELECTOR_NAV_LINKS = '.nav-link';
+ const SELECTOR_NAV_ITEMS = '.nav-item';
+ const SELECTOR_LIST_ITEMS = '.list-group-item';
+ const SELECTOR_DROPDOWN = '.dropdown';
+ const SELECTOR_DROPDOWN_TOGGLE$1 = '.dropdown-toggle';
+ const Default$1 = {
+ offset: null,
+ // TODO: v6 @deprecated, keep it for backwards compatibility reasons
+ rootMargin: '0px 0px -25%',
+ smoothScroll: false,
+ target: null,
+ threshold: [0.1, 0.5, 1]
+ };
+ const DefaultType$1 = {
+ offset: '(number|null)',
+ // TODO v6 @deprecated, keep it for backwards compatibility reasons
+ rootMargin: 'string',
+ smoothScroll: 'boolean',
+ target: 'element',
+ threshold: 'array'
+ };
+ /**
+ * Class definition
+ */
+ class ScrollSpy extends BaseComponent {
+ constructor(element, config) {
+ super(element, config);
+ // this._element is the observablesContainer and config.target the menu links wrapper
+ this._targetLinks = new Map();
+ this._observableSections = new Map();
+ this._rootElement = getComputedStyle(this._element).overflowY === 'visible' ? null : this._element;
+ this._activeTarget = null;
+ this._observer = null;
+ this._previousScrollData = {
+ visibleEntryTop: 0,
+ parentScrollTop: 0
+ };
+ this.refresh(); // initialize
+ }
- Affix.RESET = 'affix affix-top affix-bottom'
+ // Getters
+ static get Default() {
+ return Default$1;
+ }
+ static get DefaultType() {
+ return DefaultType$1;
+ }
+ static get NAME() {
+ return NAME$2;
+ }
- Affix.DEFAULTS = {
- offset: 0,
- target: window
- }
+ // Public
+ refresh() {
+ this._initializeTargetsAndObservables();
+ this._maybeEnableSmoothScroll();
+ if (this._observer) {
+ this._observer.disconnect();
+ } else {
+ this._observer = this._getNewObserver();
+ }
+ for (const section of this._observableSections.values()) {
+ this._observer.observe(section);
+ }
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ this._observer.disconnect();
+ super.dispose();
+ }
- Affix.prototype.getState = function (scrollHeight, height, offsetTop, offsetBottom) {
- var scrollTop = this.$target.scrollTop()
- var position = this.$element.offset()
- var targetHeight = this.$target.height()
+ // Private
+ _configAfterMerge(config) {
+ // TODO: on v6 target should be given explicitly & remove the {target: 'ss-target'} case
+ config.target = getElement(config.target) || document.body;
- if (offsetTop != null && this.affixed == 'top') return scrollTop < offsetTop ? 'top' : false
+ // TODO: v6 Only for backwards compatibility reasons. Use rootMargin only
+ config.rootMargin = config.offset ? `${config.offset}px 0px -30%` : config.rootMargin;
+ if (typeof config.threshold === 'string') {
+ config.threshold = config.threshold.split(',').map(value => Number.parseFloat(value));
+ }
+ return config;
+ }
+ _maybeEnableSmoothScroll() {
+ if (!this._config.smoothScroll) {
+ return;
+ }
- if (this.affixed == 'bottom') {
- if (offsetTop != null) return (scrollTop + this.unpin <= position.top) ? false : 'bottom'
- return (scrollTop + targetHeight <= scrollHeight - offsetBottom) ? false : 'bottom'
+ // unregister any previous listeners
+ EventHandler.off(this._config.target, EVENT_CLICK);
+ EventHandler.on(this._config.target, EVENT_CLICK, SELECTOR_TARGET_LINKS, event => {
+ const observableSection = this._observableSections.get(event.target.hash);
+ if (observableSection) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ const root = this._rootElement || window;
+ const height = observableSection.offsetTop - this._element.offsetTop;
+ if (root.scrollTo) {
+ root.scrollTo({
+ top: height,
+ behavior: 'smooth'
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ // Chrome 60 doesn't support `scrollTo`
+ root.scrollTop = height;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ _getNewObserver() {
+ const options = {
+ root: this._rootElement,
+ threshold: this._config.threshold,
+ rootMargin: this._config.rootMargin
+ };
+ return new IntersectionObserver(entries => this._observerCallback(entries), options);
- var initializing = this.affixed == null
- var colliderTop = initializing ? scrollTop : position.top
- var colliderHeight = initializing ? targetHeight : height
+ // The logic of selection
+ _observerCallback(entries) {
+ const targetElement = entry => this._targetLinks.get(`#${entry.target.id}`);
+ const activate = entry => {
+ this._previousScrollData.visibleEntryTop = entry.target.offsetTop;
+ this._process(targetElement(entry));
+ };
+ const parentScrollTop = (this._rootElement || document.documentElement).scrollTop;
+ const userScrollsDown = parentScrollTop >= this._previousScrollData.parentScrollTop;
+ this._previousScrollData.parentScrollTop = parentScrollTop;
+ for (const entry of entries) {
+ if (!entry.isIntersecting) {
+ this._activeTarget = null;
+ this._clearActiveClass(targetElement(entry));
+ continue;
+ }
+ const entryIsLowerThanPrevious = entry.target.offsetTop >= this._previousScrollData.visibleEntryTop;
+ // if we are scrolling down, pick the bigger offsetTop
+ if (userScrollsDown && entryIsLowerThanPrevious) {
+ activate(entry);
+ // if parent isn't scrolled, let's keep the first visible item, breaking the iteration
+ if (!parentScrollTop) {
+ return;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
- if (offsetTop != null && scrollTop <= offsetTop) return 'top'
- if (offsetBottom != null && (colliderTop + colliderHeight >= scrollHeight - offsetBottom)) return 'bottom'
+ // if we are scrolling up, pick the smallest offsetTop
+ if (!userScrollsDown && !entryIsLowerThanPrevious) {
+ activate(entry);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _initializeTargetsAndObservables() {
+ this._targetLinks = new Map();
+ this._observableSections = new Map();
+ const targetLinks = SelectorEngine.find(SELECTOR_TARGET_LINKS, this._config.target);
+ for (const anchor of targetLinks) {
+ // ensure that the anchor has an id and is not disabled
+ if (!anchor.hash || isDisabled(anchor)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const observableSection = SelectorEngine.findOne(decodeURI(anchor.hash), this._element);
- return false
- }
+ // ensure that the observableSection exists & is visible
+ if (isVisible(observableSection)) {
+ this._targetLinks.set(decodeURI(anchor.hash), anchor);
+ this._observableSections.set(anchor.hash, observableSection);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _process(target) {
+ if (this._activeTarget === target) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._clearActiveClass(this._config.target);
+ this._activeTarget = target;
+ target.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1);
+ this._activateParents(target);
+ EventHandler.trigger(this._element, EVENT_ACTIVATE, {
+ relatedTarget: target
+ });
+ }
+ _activateParents(target) {
+ // Activate dropdown parents
+ if (target.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_DROPDOWN_ITEM)) {
+ SelectorEngine.findOne(SELECTOR_DROPDOWN_TOGGLE$1, target.closest(SELECTOR_DROPDOWN)).classList.add(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (const listGroup of SelectorEngine.parents(target, SELECTOR_NAV_LIST_GROUP)) {
+ // Set triggered links parents as active
+ // With both and