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-Title: The py-pdf organization
-Slug: ../index
-Save_as: index.html
-Authors: Martin Thoma
-Summary: What py-pdf is about
-The py-pdf organization is a group of Python developers who provide
-libraries and applications around PDF documents.

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-Title: Maintainer guidelines
-Tags: guideline, maintainer
-## Table of contents
-- [Volunteering](#volunteering)
-- [Governance](#governance)
- * [The relationship of py-pdf to its projects](#the-relationship-of-py-pdf-to-its-projects)
- * [Conditions for projects to be added to py-pdf](#conditions-for-projects-to-be-added-to-py-pdf)
- * [Responsibility of project maintainers](#responsibility-of-project-maintainers)
- * [GitHub roles](#github-roles)
-- [Releases](#releases)
-## Volunteering
-All [@py-pdf](https://github.com/py-pdf) members are volunteers.
-They dedicate some of their time to maintain open-source projects, answer questions and review Pull Requests.
-[@py-pdf](https://github.com/py-pdf) members should never be required to operate within deadlines, or even respond within a given time frame.
-If you are a user of a [@py-pdf](https://github.com/py-pdf) project and want something done,
-whether it is a bugfix or a feature request, your best options for achieving what you want are:
-* being polite and patient
-* volunteer to contribute yourself
-To all [@py-pdf](https://github.com/py-pdf) members, remember: [it's okay to hit pause](https://opensource.guide/best-practices/#its-okay-to-hit-pause), and take time away from volunteer open-source work.
-## Governance
-`py-pdf` governance model is descibed there:
-## The relationship of py-pdf to its projects
-`py-pdf` wants to ensure the Python-PDF ecosystem is prospering. We recognize that individual
-maintainers did and still do an outstanding job, but we also see that personal lives sometimes
-move away from software projects.
-That means:
-1. `py-pdf` offers the platform to exchange ideas and provide feedback
-2. `py-pdf` administrators who are not project members do interfere, when (a) no activity by the maintainers is in the project for at least 6 months and at least 3 friendly "are you alive" questions over at least 6 weeks. (b) security issues are detected
-3. `py-pdf` leaves the projects do their thing in all other cases.
-## Conditions for projects to be added to py-pdf
-We want projects which provide value to users and we need to be able to maintain them. We want to improve the Python / PDF ecosystem and not scatter it.
-1. The project has to be a Python project and about PDF documents
-2. If it's a software project, it has (1) a README with the projects purpose, installation instructions, and a usage example (2) it's either the main project or the fork that has more popularity measured in GitHub stars
-3. It either has a different purpose than all other projects in `py-pdf` or is more popular than the existing projects for that purpose
-4. It needs to be a FOSS license (e.g. BSD, MIT, Apache)
-## Responsibility of project maintainers
-1. **Software Reliability**: Please ensure that your project follows best practices in software development. Introduce a [deprecation process](https://pypdf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dev/deprecations.html) and follow it.
-2. **Kindness**: We are all here because it's fun to help others and create good software. But we are humans: people can have bad days and people might not speak English as a mother tongue. When in doubt, assume the best. Let people know how you perceived their interaction.
-3. **Know your Limits**: It's ok to reduce the time you spend on your project or even step away from it. Stay healthy.
-4. **Let your Project Grow**: Especially if you step away, let others take over. Make it explicit that you're looking for another person who would take over.
-It's OK to [say no](https://opensource.guide/best-practices/#learning-to-say-no).
-## GitHub roles
-The base permission for [@py-pdf](https://github.com/py-pdf) members is set to **Write**,
-meaning any [@py-pdf](https://github.com/py-pdf) member has read permissions,
-can manage issues and pull requests, and also push to repositories.
-We encourage [@py-pdf](https://github.com/py-pdf) members, and especially maintainers, to make their organization membership **public**
-on , in order to clarify who has ownership of the organization, and the associated rights to perform package releases:
-## Releases
-Depending on the projects, the release process can be automated inside GitHub Actions pipelines, or stays manual.
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-Title: Rules for py-pdf owners
-Date: 2023-04-18 17:10
-Modified: 2023-04-18 17:10
-Tags: Governance
-Slug: py-pdf-owners
-Authors: Martin Thoma
-Summary: How py-pdf organization owners agree to act
-Welcome to the "py-pdf" organization! As a [GitHub organiztion owner](https://docs.github.com/en/organizations/managing-peoples-access-to-your-organization-with-roles/roles-in-an-organization),
-your role is to ensure that our projects flourish while minimizing unnecessary
-interference. To achieve this goal, we ask that you follow these rules.
-## The Rules
-1. **No owner removes any other owner** from the organization, except if any of those events happen:
- 1. There is evidence for credentials being stolen / a malicious owner. Latest 30 minutes after the owner was removed, an [issue in py-pdf.github.io](https://github.com/py-pdf/py-pdf.github.io/issues) is created. The incident is publicly documented.
- 2. The other owner is not active for at least 12 months. The owner is contacted at least 3 times over at least 3 months. The last e-mail is at least 30 days ago. Am [issue in py-pdf.github.io](https://github.com/py-pdf/py-pdf.github.io/issues) is created to document it.
- 3. The other owner is harming the project in the way they act publicly (e.g. insulting people in issues). This needs all other owners to agree + an [issue in py-pdf.github.io](https://github.com/py-pdf/py-pdf.github.io/issues). If there is only 2 owners in total (one about to be removed) a 75% majority of people voting with "thumbs up" (to remove) vs less than 25% people voting with "thumbs down" (not remove). In that case, there need to be at least 4 non-owners to vote to remove the owner.
-2. **No owner adds any new owner** to the organization, except if all of the following conditions are met:
- 1. The new owner has two-factor authentication enabled (see [security settings](https://github.com/settings/security) - security keys and authenticator app are preferred), and
- 2. All other owners agree, and
- 3. The new owner agrees to those rules. In case the new owner has an account successor, the new owner ensures that person also agrees to the rules.
-3. **Owners typically don't interfere with other projects**, except if the project itself is at risk (e.g. security issues / no merges for at least 6 months)
-4. **Those rules can only be changed by all owners agreeing** on the new version. This "py-pdf owner ruleset" should be documented at https://py-pdf.github.io/. Any change is done by PR / agreement is showed by an approval.
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-The py-pdf organizationhttps://py-pdf.github.io/2023-10-09T22:13:49Z
\ No newline at end of file
+The py-pdf organizationhttps://py-pdf.github.io/2024-08-19T18:03:44Z
\ No newline at end of file
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