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0.28.0 (2024-12-09)

New features since last release

  • Incorporated new check for maximum allowed attenuation in RF modules.


  • Updated to latest qblox-instruments version. Changed some deprecated code from the new version and the QcmQrm into the more generic Module class.


  • Added empty handlers for Blocks in QProgram compilers


  • Support GRES in %%submit_job magic method


  • Added intermediate frequency to single input lines on qm. The default is 0 (this prevents some bugs from qua-qm). Now it is possible to use the set_parameter IF and qm.set_frequency for buses with single_input.


  • A new GetParameter operation has been added to the Experiment class, accessible via the .get_parameter() method. This allows users to dynamically retrieve parameters during experiment execution, which is particularly useful when some variables do not have a value at the time of experiment definition but are provided later through external operations. The operation returns a Variable that can be used seamlessly within SetParameter and ExecuteQProgram.


    experiment = Experiment()
    # Get a parameter's value
    amplitude = experiment.get_parameter(bus="drive_q0", parameter=Parameter.AMPLITUDE)
    # The returned value is of type `Variable`. It's value will be resolved during execution.
    # It can be used as usual in operations.
    # Use the variable in a SetOperation.
    experiment.set_parameter(bus="drive_q1", parameter=Parameter.AMPLITUDE, value=amplitude)
    # Use the variable in an ExecuteQProgram with the lambda syntax.
    def get_qprogram(amplitude: float, duration: int):
      square_wf = Square(amplitude=amplitude, duration=duration)
      qp = QProgram()"readout", waveform=square_wf)
      return qp
    experiment.execute_qprogram(lambda: amplitude=amplitude: get_qprogram(amplitude, 2000))


  • Added offset set and get for quantum machines (both OPX+ and OPX1000). For hardware loops there is qp.set_offset(bus: str, offset_path0: float, offset_path1: float | None) where offset_path0 is a mandatory field (for flux, drive and readout lines) and offset_path1 is only used when changing the offset of buses that have to IQ lines (drive and readout). For software loops there is platform.set_parameter(alias=bus_name, parameter=ql.Parameter.OFFSET_PARAMETER, value=offset_value). The possible arguments for ql.Parameter are: DC_OFFSET (flux lines), OFFSET_I (I lines for IQ buses), OFFSET_Q (Q lines for IQ buses), OFFSET_OUT1 (output 1 lines for readout lines), OFFSET_OUT2 (output 2 lines for readout lines). #791

  • Added the Ramp class, which represents a waveform that linearly ramps between two amplitudes over a specified duration.

    from qililab import Ramp
    # Create a ramp waveform from amplitude 0.0 to 1.0 over a duration of 100 units
    ramp_wf = Ramp(from_amplitude=0.0, to_amplitude=1.0, duration=100)


  • Added the Chained class, which represents a waveform composed of multiple waveforms chained together in time.

    from qililab import Ramp, Square, Chained
    # Create a chained waveform consisting of a ramp up, a square wave, and a ramp down
    chained_wf = Chained(
            Ramp(from_amplitude=0.0, to_amplitude=1.0, duration=100),
            Square(amplitude=1.0, duration=200),
            Ramp(from_amplitude=1.0, to_amplitude=0.0, duration=100),


  • Added add_block() and get_block() methods to the Calibration class. These methods allow users to store a block of operations in a calibration file and later retrieve it. The block can be inserted into a QProgram or Experiment by calling insert_block().

    from qililab import QProgram, Calibration
    # Create a QProgram and add operations
    qp = QProgram()
    # Add operations to qp...
    # Store the QProgram's body as a block in the calibration file
    calibration = Calibration()
    calibration.add_block(name="qp_as_block", block=qp.body)
    # Retrieve the block by its name
    calibrated_block = calibration.get_block(name="qp_as_block")
    # Insert the retrieved block into another QProgram
    another_qp = QProgram()


  • Added routing algorithms to qililab in function of the platform connectivity. This is done passing Qibo own Routers and Placers classes, and can be called from different points of the stack.

    The most common way to route, will be automatically through qililab.execute_circuit.execute(), or also from qililab.platform.execute/compile(). Another way, would be doing the transpilation/routing directly from an instance of the Transpiler, with: (with this last one, you can route with a different topology from the platform one, if desired, defaults to platform)


    from qibo import gates
    from qibo.models import Circuit
    from qibo.transpiler.placer import ReverseTraversal, Trivial
    from qibo.transpiler.router import Sabre
    from qililab import build_platform
    from qililab.circuit_transpiler import CircuitTranspiler
    # Create circuit:
    c = Circuit(5)
    c.add(gates.CNOT(1, 0))
    ### From execute_circuit:
    # With defaults (ReverseTraversal placer and Sabre routing):
    probabilities = ql.execute(c, runcard="./runcards/galadriel.yml", placer= Trivial, router = Sabre, routing_iterations: int = 10,)
    # Changing the placer to Trivial, and changing the number of iterations:
    probabilities = ql.execute(c, runcard="./runcards/galadriel.yml",
    ### From the platform:
    # Create platform:
    platform = build_platform(runcard="<path_to_runcard>")
    # With defaults (ReverseTraversal placer, Sabre routing)
    probabilities = platform.execute(c, num_avg: 1000, repetition_duration: 1000)
    # With non-defaults, and specifying the router with kwargs:
    probabilities = platform.execute(c, num_avg: 1000, repetition_duration: 1000,  placer= Trivial, router = (Sabre, {"lookahead": 2}), routing_iterations: int = 20))
    # With a router instance:
    router = Sabre(connectivity=None, lookahead=1) # No connectivity needed, since it will be overwritten by the platform's one
    probabilities = platform.execute(c, num_avg: 1000, repetition_duration: 1000, placer=Trivial, router=router)
    ### Using the transpiler directly:
    ### (If using the routing from this points of the stack, you can route with a different topology from the platform one)
    # Create transpiler:
    transpiler = CircuitTranspiler(platform)
    # Default Transpilation (ReverseTraversal, Sabre and Platform connectivity):
    routed_circ, final_layouts = transpiler.route_circuit([c])
    # With Non-Default Trivial placer, specifying the kwargs, for the router, and different coupling_map:
    routed_circ, final_layouts = transpiler.route_circuit([c], placer=Trivial, router=(Sabre, {"lookahead": 2}, coupling_map=<some_different_topology>))
    # Or finally, Routing with a concrete Routing instance:
    router = Sabre(connectivity=None, lookahead=1) # No connectivity needed, since it will be overwritten by the specified in the Transpiler:
    routed_circ, final_layouts = transpiler.route_circuit([c], placer=Trivial, router=router, coupling_map=<connectivity_to_use>)


  • Added a timeout inside quantum machines to control the wait_for_all_values function. The timeout is controlled through the runcard as shown in the example:

      - name: quantum_machines_cluster
        alias: QMM
        timeout: 10000 # optional timeout in seconds


  • Added shareable trigger inside runcard for quantum machines controller. The controller is defined in the runcard following this example:

      - name: con1
          - port: 1
            offset: 0.0
            shareable: True



  • Legacy linting and formatting tools such as pylint, flake8, isort, bandit, and black have been removed. These have been replaced with Ruff, a more efficient tool that handles both linting and formatting. All configuration settings have been consolidated into the pyproject.toml file, simplifying the project's configuration and maintenance. Integration config files like pre-commit-config.yaml and .github/workflows/code_quality.yml have been updated accordingly. Several rules from Ruff have also been implemented to improve code consistency and quality across the codebase. Additionally, the development dependencies in dev-requirements.txt have been updated to their latest versions, ensuring better compatibility and performance. #813

  • platform.execute_experiment() and the underlying ExperimentExecutor can now handle experiments with multiple qprograms and multiple measurements. Parallel loops are also supported in both experiment and qprogram. The structure of the HDF5 results file as well as the functionality of ExperimentResults class have been changed accordingly. #796

  • Added pulse distorsions in execute_qprogram for QBlox in a similar methodology to the distorsions implemented in pulse circuits. The runcard needs to contain the same structure for distorsions as the runcards for circuits and the code will modify the waveforms after compilation (inside platform.execute_qprogram).

    Example (for Qblox)

    - alias: readout
        - name: exponential
          tau_exponential: 1.
          amp: 1.
          sampling_rate: 1.  # Optional. Defaults to 1
          norm_factor: 1.  # Optional. Defaults to 1
          auto_norm: True  # Optional. Defaults to True
        - name: bias_tee
          tau_bias_tee: 11000
          sampling_rate: 1.  # Optional. Defaults to 1
          norm_factor: 1.  # Optional. Defaults to 1
          auto_norm: True  # Optional. Defaults to True
        - name: lfilter
          a: []
          b: []
          norm_factor: 1.  # Optional. Defaults to 1
          auto_norm: True  # Optional. Defaults to True


  • The execution of QProgram has been split into two distinct steps: compilation and execution.

    1. Compilation: Users can now compile a QProgram by calling:
      qprogram: QProgram,
      bus_mapping: dict[str, str] | None = None,
      calibration: Calibration | None = None

    This method can be executed without being connected to any instruments. It returns either a QbloxCompilationOutput or a QuantumMachinesCompilationOutput, depending on the platform setup.

    1. Execution: Once the compilation is complete, users can execute the resulting output by calling:
      output: QbloxCompilationOutput | QuantumMachinesCompilationOutput,
      debug: bool = False

    If desired, both steps can still be combined into a single call using the existing method:

      qprogram: QProgram,
      bus_mapping: dict[str, str] | None = None,
      calibration: Calibration | None = None,
      debug: bool = False


  • Introduced settable attributes experiment_results_base_path and experiment_results_path_format in the Platform class. These attributes determine the directory and file structure for saving experiment results during execution. By default, results are stored within experiment_results_base_path following the format {date}/{time}/{label}.h5. #819

  • Added a save_plot=True parameter to the plotS21() method of ExperimentResults. When enabled (default: True), the plot is automatically saved in the same directory as the experiment results. #819

  • Improved the transpiler, by making it more modular, and adding a gate_cancellation() stage before the transpilation to natives, this stage can be skipped, together with the old optimize_transpilation(), if the flag optimize=False is passed. #823

  • Split execution of annealing programs into two steps: compilation and execution. #825

  • Added a try and except similar to the dataloss error to restart the measurement in case of random timeout issue for quantum machines. This is a temporary fix and will be deleted once the Quantum Machines team fix their issue.


Breaking changes

  • Renamed the platform's execute_anneal_program() method to execute_annealing_program() and updated its parameters. The method now expects preparation_block and measurement_block, which are strings used to retrieve blocks from the Calibration. These blocks are inserted before and after the annealing schedule, respectively. #816

  • Major reorganization of the library structure and runcard functionality. Key updates include:

    • Removed obsolete instruments, such as VNAs.
    • Removed the drivers module.
    • Simplified the Qblox sequencer class hierarchy into two main classes: QbloxSequencer and QbloxADCSequencer.
    • Removed SystemController and ReadoutSystemController; buses now interface directly with instruments.
    • Introduced a new channels attribute to the Bus class, allowing specification of channels for each associated instrument.
    • Removed the Chip class and its related runcard settings.
    • Eliminated outdated settings, such as instrument firmware.
    • Refactored runcard settings into a modular structure with four distinct groups:
      • instruments and instrument_controllers for lab instrument setup.
      • buses for grouping instrument channels.
      • digital for digital compilation settings (e.g., Qibo circuits).
      • analog for analog compilation settings (e.g., annealing programs).


Bug fixes

  • Fixed minor type bug in Platform. #846

  • Fixed minor type bug in CrosstalkMatrix. #825

  • Fixed typo in ExceptionGroup import statement for python 3.11+ #808

  • Fixed serialization/deserialization of lambda functions, mainly used in experiment.execute_qprogram() method. The fix depends on the dill library which is added as requirement. #815

  • Fixed calculation of Arbitrary waveform's envelope when resolution is greater than 1ns. #837

0.27.1 (2024-09-16)

New features since last release

  • Introduced the possibility to run multiple shots and averages at the same time for execute_anneal_program method. #797

  • Introduced the Experiment class, which inherits from StructuredProgram. This new class enables the ability to set parameters and execute quantum programs within a structured experiment. Added the set_parameter method to allow setting platfform parameters and execute_qprogram method to facilitate the execution of quantum programs within the experiment. #782

  • Introduced the ExperimentExecutor class to manage and execute quantum experiments within the Qililab framework. This class provides a streamlined way to handle the setup, execution, and results retrieval of experiments.

    Temporary Constraints:

    • The experiment must contain only one QProgram.
    • The QProgram must contain a single measure operation.
    • Parallel loops are not supported. #790
  • Introduced the platform.execute_experiment() method for executing experiments. This method simplifies the interaction with the ExperimentExecutor by allowing users to run experiments with a single call.


    # Define the QProgram
    qp = QProgram()
    gain = qp.variable(label='resonator gain', domain=Domain.Voltage)
    with qp.for_loop(gain, 0, 10, 1):
        qp.set_gain(bus="readout_bus", gain=gain)
        qp.measure(bus="readout_bus", waveform=IQPair(I=Square(1.0, 1000), Q=Square(1.0, 1000)), weights=IQPair(I=Square(1.0, 2000), Q=Square(1.0, 2000)))
    # Define the Experiment
    experiment = Experiment()
    bias_z = experiment.variable(label='bias_z voltage', domain=Domain.Voltage)
    frequency = experiment.variable(label='LO Frequency', domain=Domain.Frequency)
    experiment.set_parameter(alias="drive_q0", parameter=Parameter.VOLTAGE, value=0.5)
    experiment.set_parameter(alias="drive_q1", parameter=Parameter.VOLTAGE, value=0.5)
    experiment.set_parameter(alias="drive_q2", parameter=Parameter.VOLTAGE, value=0.5)
    with experiment.for_loop(bias_z, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1):
        experiment.set_parameter(alias="readout_bus", parameter=Parameter.VOLTAGE, value=bias_z)
        with experiment.for_loop(frequency, 2e9, 8e9, 1e9):
            experiment.set_parameter(alias="readout_bus", parameter=Parameter.LO_FREQUENCY, value=frequency)
    # Execute the Experiment and display the progress bar.
    # Results will be streamed to an h5 file. The path of this file is returned from the method.
    path = platform.execute_experiment(experiment=experiment, results_path="/tmp/results/")
    # Load results
    results, loops = load_results(path)


  • Introduced a robust context manager platform.session() for managing platform lifecycle operations. The manager automatically calls platform.connect(), platform.initial_setup(), and platform.turn_on_instruments() to set up the platform environment before experiment execution. It then ensures proper resource cleanup by invoking platform.turn_off_instruments() and platform.disconnect() after the experiment, even in the event of an error or exception during execution. If multiple exceptions occur during cleanup (e.g., failures in both turn_off_instruments() and disconnect()), they are aggregated into a single ExceptionGroup (Python 3.11+) or a custom exception for earlier Python versions.


    with platform.session():
      # do stuff...


  • Add crosstalk compensation to AnnealingProgram workflow. Add methods to CrosstalkMatrix to ease crosstalk compensation in the annealing workflow #775

  • Add default measurement to execute_anneal_program() method. This method takes now a calibration file and parameters to add the dispersive measurement at the end of the annealing schedule. #778

  • Added a try/except clause when executing a QProgram on Quantum Machines cluster that controls the execution failing to perform a turning off of the instrument so the _qm object gets removed. This, plus setting the close_other_machines=True by default allows to open more than one QuantumMachines VM at the same time to allow more than one experimentalist to work at the same time in the cluster. #760

  • Added __str__ method to qprogram. The string is a readable qprogram. #767

  • Added workflow for the execution of annealing programs.


    import qililab as ql
    platform = ql.build_platform("examples/runcards/galadriel.yml")
    anneal_program_dict = [
      {qubit_0": {"sigma_x" : 0, "sigma_y": 0, "sigma_z": 1, "phix":1, "phiz":1},
        "qubit_1": {"sigma_x" : 0.1, "sigma_y": 0.1, "sigma_z": 0.1},
        "coupler_0_1": {"sigma_x" : 1, "sigma_y": 0.2, "sigma_z": 0.2}
      {"qubit_0": {"sigma_x" : 0.1, "sigma_y": 0.1, "sigma_z": 1.1},
        "qubit_1": {"sigma_x" : 0.2, "sigma_y": 0.2, "sigma_z": 0.2},
        "coupler_0_1": {"sigma_x" : 0.9, "sigma_y": 0.1, "sigma_z": 0.1}
       {"qubit_0": {"sigma_x" : 0.3, "sigma_y": 0.3, "sigma_z": 0.7},
        "qubit_1": {"sigma_x" : 0.5, "sigma_y": 0.2, "sigma_z": 0.01},
        "coupler_0_1": {"sigma_x" : 0.5, "sigma_y": 0, "sigma_z": -1}
    results = platform.execute_anneal_program(anneal_program_dict=anneal_program_dict, transpiler=lambda delta, epsilon: (delta, epsilon), averages=100_000)

    Alternatively, each step of the workflow can be executed separately i.e. the following is equivalent to the above:

    import qililab as ql
    platform = ql.build_platform("examples/runcards/galadriel.yml")
    anneal_program_dict = [...]  # same as in the above example
    # intialize annealing program class
    anneal_program = ql.AnnealingProgram(
        platform=platform, anneal_program=anneal_program_dict
    # transpile ising to flux, now flux values can be accessed same as ising coeff values
    # eg. for phix qubit 0 at t=1ns anneal_program.anneal_program[1]["qubit_0"]["phix"]
    anneal_program.transpile(lambda delta, epsilon: (delta, epsilon))
    # get a dictionary {control_flux: (bus, waveform) from the transpiled fluxes
    anneal_waveforms = anneal_program.get_waveforms()
    # from here on we can create a qprogram to execute the annealing schedule


  • Added CrosstalkMatrix class to represent and manipulate a crosstalk matrix, where each index corresponds to a bus. The class includes methods for initializing the matrix, getting and setting crosstalk values, and generating string representations of the matrix.


    # Create an empty crosstalk matrix
    crosstalk_matrix = CrosstalkMatrix()
    # Add crosstalk values, where the keys are in matrix shape [row][column]
    crosstalk_matrix["bus1"]["bus2"] = 0.9
    crosstalk_matrix["bus2"]["bus1"] = 0.1
    # Alternatively, create a matrix from a collection of buses.
    # All crosstalk values are initialized to 1.0
    crosstalk_matrix = CrosstalkMatrix.from_buses({"bus1", "bus2", "bus3"})
    # Get a formatted string representation of the matrix
    #        bus1     bus2     bus3
    # bus1   \        1.0      1.0
    # bus2   1.0      \        1.0
    # bus3   1.0      1.0      \
  • Added the Qblox-specific set_markers() method in QProgram. This method takes a 4-bit binary mask as input, where 0 means that the associated marker will be open (no signal) and 1 means that the associated marker will be closed (signal). The mapping between bit indexes and markers depends on the Qblox module that the compiled QProgram will run on.


    qp = QProgram()
    qp.qblox.set_markers(bus='drive_q0', mask='0111')


  • Added set_markers_override_enabled_by_port and set_markers_override_value_by_port methods in QbloxModule to set markers through QCoDeS, overriding Q1ASM values. #747

  • Added from_qprogram method to the Counts class to compute the counts of quantum states obtained from a QProgram. The Counts object is designed to work for circuits that have only one measurement per bus at the end of the circuit execution. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that this method is used appropriately when it makes sense to compute the state counts for a QProgram. Note that probabilities can easily be obtained by calling the probabilities() method. See an example below.


    from qililab.result.counts import Counts
    qp = QProgram()
    # Define instructions for QProgram
    # ...
    qp_results = platform.execute_qprogram(qp)  # Platform previously defined
    counts_object = Counts.from_qprogram(qp_results)
    probs = counts_object.probabilities()


  • Added threshold_rotations argument to compile() method in QProgram. This argument allows to use rotation angles on measurement instructions if not specified. Currently used to use the angle rotations specified on the runcard (if any) so the user does not have to explicitly pass it as argument to the measure instruction. Used for classification of results in Quantum Machines's modules. The following example shows how to specify this value on the runcard.


        - alias: readout_q0_bus
            name: readout_system_control
            instruments: [QMM]
          port: readout_line_q0
          distortions: []
        - name: quantum_machines_cluster
          alias: QMM
          firmware: ...
            - bus: readout_q0_bus
                octave: octave1
                port: 1
                octave: octave1
                port: 1
              time_of_flight: 160
              smearing: 0
              intermediate_frequency: 10.0e+6
              threshold_rotation: 0.5
              threshold: 0.03


  • Added thresholds argument to _execute_qprogram_with_quantum_machines method in Platform. This argument allows to threshold results after the execution of the QProgram. It is also a new parameter that can be specified on the runcard for each readout bus. An example of the configuration of this parameter on the runcard can be found above.


  • Added filter argument inside the qua config file compilation from runcards with qm clusters. This is an optional element for distorsion filters that includes feedforward and feedback, two distorion lists for distorsion compensation and fields in qua config filter. These filters are calibrated and then introduced as compensation for the distorsions of the pulses from external sources such as Bias T. The runcard now might include the new filters (optional):


    - name: quantum_machines_cluster
      alias: QMM
      firmware: 0.7.0
          - name: con1
            - port: 1
              offset: 0.0
                feedforward: [0.1,0.1,0.1]
                feedback: [0.1,0.1,0.1]


  • Added loopbacks in the octave config file for qua following the documentation at By default only port 1 of the octave is linked with a local demodulator, to work with the rest of the ports at the back ports must be connected based on the Octave Block Diagram [\]. Where Synth is one of the possible 3 synths and Dmd is one of the 2 demodulators.


    - name: quantum_machines_cluster
        alias: QMM
          - name: octave1
            port: 11252
              Synth: Synth2 # Synth1, Synth2, Synth3
              Dmd: Dmd2LO # Dmd1LO, Dmd2LO


  • Added delay variables to Qblox qprogram implementation. The delays are added in the runcard in nanoseconds and they can be positive or negative scalars (negative delays will make the rest of buses wait). The delay is a wait applied to each iteration of a loop where the bus is present.


    - alias: readout
      delay: 100



  • Improve Crosstalk matrix from_buses method so it can be a dictionary of buses and crosstalks coefficients. [#784]#784

  • Now platform.get_parameter works for QM without the need of connecting to the machine.

  • Added the option to get the time of flight and smearing information from the QM cluster #751

  • Improved the algorithm determining which markers should be ON during execution of circuits and qprograms. Now, all markers are OFF by default, and only the markers associated with the outputs setting of QCM-RF and QRM-RF sequencers are turned on. #747

  • Automatic method to implement the correct upsampling_mode when the output mode is selected as amplified (fluxes), the upsampling_mode is automatically defined as pulse. In this mode, the upsampling is optimized to produce cleaner step responses. #783

  • Automatic method for execute_qprogram in quantum machines to restart the measurement in case the StreamProcessingDataLossError is risen by qua-qm, the new feature allows to try again the measurement a number of times equal to the value of dataloss_tries (default of three). We can define this value at execute_qprogram(..., dataloss_tries = N) and will only do its intended job in case of working with QM. #788

Breaking changes

  • Big code refactor for the calibration module/directory, where all comparisons, check_parameters, check_data(), check_state(), maintain(), diagnose() and other complex unused methods have been deleted, leaving only linear calibration.

    Also some other minor improvements like:

    • drift_timeout is now a single one for the full controller, instead of a different one for each node.
    • Notebooks without an export are also accepted now (we will only raise error for multiple exports in a NB).
    • Extended/Improved the accepted type for parameters to input/output in notebooks, thorught json serialization. #746
  • Variables in QProgram and Experiment now require a label.

    qp = QProgram()
    gain = qp.variable(label="gain", domain=Domain.Voltage)


Deprecations / Removals

  • Deleted all the files in execution and experiment directories (Already obsolete). #749


Bug fixes

  • Hotfix to allow to serialise zeros in yaml. #799

  • get_parameter for QM did not work due to the lack of the variable bus_alias in self.system_control.get_parameter. The variable has been added to the function and now get parameter does not return a crash. #751

  • set_parameter for intermediate frequency in quantum machines has been adapted for both OPX+ and OPX1000 following the new requirements for OPX1000 with qm-qua job.set_intermediate_frequency. #764

0.27.0 (2024-06-28)

New features since last release

  • Added Calibration class to manage calibrated waveforms and weights for QProgram. Included methods to add (add_waveform/add_weights), check (has_waveform/has_weights), retrieve (get_waveform/get_weights), save (save_to), and load (load_from) calibration data.


    # Create a Calibration instance
    calibration = Calibration()
    # Define waveforms and weights
    drag_wf = IQPair.DRAG(amplitude=1.0, duration=40, num_sigmas=4.5, drag_coefficient=-2.5)
    readout_wf = ql.IQPair(I=ql.Square(amplitude=1.0, duration=200), Q=ql.Square(amplitude=0.0, duration=200))
    weights = ql.IQPair(I=ql.Square(amplitude=1.0, duration=200), Q=ql.Square(amplitude=1.0, duration=200))
    # Add waveforms to the calibration
    calibration.add_waveform(bus='drive_q0_bus', name='Xpi', waveform=drag_wf)
    calibration.add_waveform(bus='readout_q0_bus', name='Measure', waveform=readout_wf)
    # Add weights to the calibration
    calibration.add_weights(bus='readout_q0_bus', name='optimal_weights', weights=weights)
    # Save the calibration data to a file
    # Load the calibration data from a file
    loaded_calibration = Calibration.load_from('calibration_data.yml')

    The contents of calibration_data.yml will be:

        Xpi: !IQPair
          I: &id001 !Gaussian {amplitude: 1.0, duration: 40, num_sigmas: 4.5}
          Q: !DragCorrection
            drag_coefficient: -2.5
            waveform: *id001
        Measure: !IQPair
          I: !Square {amplitude: 1.0, duration: 200}
          Q: !Square {amplitude: 0.0, duration: 200}
        optimal_weights: !IQPair
          I: !Square {amplitude: 1.0, duration: 200}
          Q: !Square {amplitude: 1.0, duration: 200}

    Calibrated waveforms and weights can be used in QProgram by providing their name.

    qp = QProgram()'drive_q0_bus', waveform='Xpi')
    qp.measure(bus='readout_q0_bus', waveform='Measure', weights='optimal_weights')

    In that case, a Calibration instance must be provided when executing the QProgram. (see following changelog entries)

    #729 #736

  • Introduced qililab.yaml namespace that exports a single YAML instance for common use throughout qililab. Classes should be registered to this instance with the @yaml.register_class decorator.

    from qililab.yaml import yaml
    class MyClass:

    MyClass can now be saved to and loaded from a yaml file.

    from qililab.yaml import yaml
    my_instance = MyClass()
    # Save to file
    with open(file="my_file.yml", mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as stream:
        yaml.dump(data=my_instance, stream=stream)
    # Load from file
    with open(file="my_file.yml", mode="r", encoding="utf8") as stream:
        loaded_instance = yaml.load(stream)


  • Added serialize(), serialize_to(), deserialize(), deserialize_from() functions to enable a unified method for serializing and deserializing Qililab classes to and from YAML memory strings and files.

    import qililab as ql
    qp = QProgram()
    # Serialize QProgram to a memory string and deserialize from it.
    yaml_string = ql.serialize(qp)
    deserialized_qprogram = ql.deserialize(yaml_string)
    # Specify the class for deserialization using the `cls` parameter.
    deserialized_qprogram = ql.deserialize(yaml_string, cls=ql.QProgram)
    # Serialize to and deserialize from a file.
    ql.serialize_to(qp, 'qprogram.yml')
    deserialized_qprogram = ql.deserialize_from('qprogram.yml', cls=ql.QProgram)


  • Added Qblox support for QProgram's measure operation. The method can now be used for both Qblox and Quantum Machines, and the expected behaviour is the same.

    readout_pair = IQPair(I=Square(amplitude=1.0, duration=1000), Q=Square(amplitude=0.0, duration=1000))
    weights_pair = IQPair(I=Square(amplitude=1.0, duration=2000), Q=Square(amplitude=0.0, duration=2000))
    qp = QProgram()
    # The measure operation has the same behaviour in both vendors.
    # Time of flight between readout pulse and beginning of acquisition is retrieved from the instrument's settings.
    qp.measure(bus="readout_bus", waveform=readout_pair, weights=weights_pair, save_adc=True)

    #734 #736 #738

  • Update Qibo version to v.0.2.8. #732


  • Introduced QProgram.with_bus_mapping method to remap buses within the QProgram.


    # Define the bus mapping
    bus_mapping = {"drive": "drive_q0"}
    # Apply the bus mapping to a QProgram instance
    mapped_qprogram = qprogram.with_bus_mapping(bus_mapping=bus_mapping)

    #729 #740

  • Introduced QProgram.with_calibration method to apply calibrated waveforms and weights to the QProgram.


    # Load the calibration data from a file
    calibration = Calibration.load_from('calibration_data.yml')
    # Apply the calibration to a QProgram instance
    calibrated_qprogram = qprogram.with_calibration(calibration=calibration)

    #729 #736

  • Extended Platform.execute_qprogram method to accept a calibration instance.

    # Load the calibration data from a file
    calibration = Calibration.load_from('calibration_data.yml')
    platform.execute_qprogram(qprogram=qprogram, calibration=calibration)


  • Added interfaces for Qblox and Quantum Machines to QProgram. The interfaces contain vendor-specific methods and parameters. They can be accessed by qprogram.qblox and qprogram.quantum_machines properties.


  • Added time_of_flight setting to Qblox QRM and QRM-RF sequencers.


Breaking changes

  • QProgram interface now contains methods and parameters that have common functionality for all hardware vendors. Vendor-specific methods and parameters have been move to their respective interface.


    # Acquire method has been moved to Qblox interface. Instead of running
    # qp.acquire(bus="readout_q0_bus", weights=weights)
    # you should run
    qp.qblox.acquire(bus="readout_q0_bus", weights=weights)
    # Play method with `wait_time` parameter has been moved to Qblox interface. Instead of running
    #"readout_q0_bus", waveform=waveform, wait_time=40)
    # you should run"readout_q0_bus", waveform=waveform, wait_time=40)
    # `disable_autosync` parameter has been moved to Qblox interface. Instead of running
    # qp = QProgram(disable_autosync=True)
    # you should run
    qp = QProgram()
    qp.qblox.disable_autosync = True
    # Measure method with parameters `rotation` and `demodulation` has been moved to Quantum Machines interface. Instead of running
    # qp.measure(bus="readout_q0_bus", waveform=waveform, weights=weights, save_adc=True, rotation=np.pi, demodulation=True)
    # you should run
    qp.quantum_machines.measure(bus="readout_q0_bus", waveform=waveform, weights=weights, save_adc=True, rotation=np.pi, demodulation=True)


  • time_of_flight parameter must be added to Qblox QRM and QRM-RF sequencers's runcard settings.


Deprecations / Removals

  • Remove qiboconnection dependency from Qililab. It is not a requirement anymore. #732

  • Following the remove of Qiboconnection, LivePlot has been removed along with the creation of a Platform via API. #732

  • Remove the deprecated path argument from build_platform().


0.26.2 (2024-05-28)

New features since last release

  • Introduce the Two-Step pulse shape to improve readout #730

Deprecations / Removals

  • Remove qiboconnection_api.block_device() and release_device() #728

0.26.1 (2024-04-26)

Bug fixes

  • Hotfix for the 2readout problem #720

0.25.1 (2024-03-26)

Bug fixes

  • Appended hardcoded Time of Flight #711

0.25.0 (2024-03-25)

New features since last release

  • Add FlatTop pulse shape #680

  • Add FlatTop waveform #680

  • Add support for multiple QRM modules #680

  • Update qpysequence to 10.1 #680


  • The method CalibrationNode._execute_notebook() now changes the working directory to the notebook directory before the execution and restores the previous one after the papermill execution. It allows the notebooks now to use relative paths. Also, the initialization of CalibrationNode will now contain absolute paths for the attributes nb_folder and nb_path #693

Breaking changes

  • Added support for Qblox cluster firmware v0.6.1 and qblox-instruments v0.11.2. This changes some of the i/o mappings in the runcard for qblox sequencers so with older versions is broken. #680


  • Added documentation for QProgram.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue where attempting to execute a previously compiled QUA program on a newly instantiated Quantum Machine resulted in errors due to cache invalidation. #706

0.24.0 (2024-03-05)

New features since last release

  • Introduced a new parameter, disable_autosync, to the QProgram constructor. This parameter allows users to control the automatic synchronization behavior of loops within their quantum programs. By default, the parameter is set to False, enabling the compiler to automatically insert synchronization operations at the conclusion of each loop. Users have the option to set disable_autosync to True to indicate that they prefer to manage loop timing manually. This feature is particularly useful for operations on Qblox hardware, due to its constraints on dynamic synchronization. It's important to note that Quantum Machines will disregard this setting and adhere to the default synchronization behavior. #694

Breaking changes

  • The unit of measurement for phases within QProgram has been updated from degrees to radians. #695

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue encountered during the retrieval of results from QProgram executions on Qblox hardware, where acquisition data from other sequencers would unintentionally be deleted. #691

0.23.3 (2024-02-19)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue when serializing / deserializing a QProgram so results are returned in a standard results class. #688

0.23.2 (2024-02-13)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue when serializing / deserializing a QProgram that contained an Arbitrary waveform or a DRAG pulse. #686

0.23.1 (2024-02-09)

Bug fixes

  • Fixes an equality issue of QProgram's variables that resulted in a slightly different QProgram when serializing and then deserializing. #684

0.23.0 (2024-02-09)

New features since last release

  • Allow execution of QProgram through platform.execute_qprogram method for Quantum Machines hardware. #648

  • Allow multiple measurements of the same qubit in a single circuit. Also allow measurements in the middle of a circuit. #674

  • Wait times longer than 2**16-4 (QBLOX maximum wait time in a Q1ASM wait instruction) are now allowed in the middle of a circuit. #674

  • Add method to get sequencer channel id from qubit index and bus alias #678


  • Added bus_mapping parameter in QbloxCompiler.compile method to allow changing the bus names of the compiled output. #648

  • Improved QuantumMachinesCluster instrument functionality. #648

  • Improved execution times of QProgram when used inside a software loop by using caching mechanism. #648

  • Added DictSerializable protocol and from_dict utility function to enable (de)serialization (from)to dictionary for any class. #659

  • Added method to get the QRM channel_id for a given qubit. #664

  • Added Domain restrictions to Drag pulse, DragCorrection waveform and Gaussian waveform. #679

  • Compilation for pulses is now done at platform instead of being delegated to each bus pointing to an awg instrument. This allows easier communication between pulse_bus_schedules so that they can be handled at the same time in order to tackle more complex tasks which were not possible otherwise. It also decouples, to a great extent, the instruments and instrument controllers (hardware) from higher level processes more typical of quantum control, which are involved in the pulse compilation to assembly program steps. #651

  • Changed save and load methods using PyYAML to ruamel.YAML. #661

  • Qprogram's qblox compiler now allows iterations over variables even if these variables do nothing. (eg. iterate over nshots) #666

Bug fixes

  • Added the temporary parameter wait_time to QProgram's play method. This allows the user to emulate a time_of_flight duration for measurement until this is added as a setting in runcard. #648

  • Fixed issue with Yokogawa GS200 instrument, that raised an error during initial_setup when the instrument's output was on. #648

0.22.2 (2024-01-04)

New features since last release

  • Added Yokogawa GS200 instrument and associated istrument controller. #619

  • Added QDevil QDAC-II instrument and associated istrument controller. #634

  • set_parameter() can now be used without being connected to the instruments. #647


  • QuantumMachinesCluster can be created by translating the runcard into the equivelant QUA config dictionary. initial_setup, turn_on and turn_off methods have been edited to properly instatiate and calibrate the instrument. #620

Breaking changes

  • QuantumMachinesManager has been renamed to QuantumMachinesCluster and QMMController to QuantumMachinesClusterController. #620

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug #653, where saving the runcard would not include the reset parameter in the instrument controllers. #653

0.22.1 (2023-12-05)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug #635, where trying to read/set the Intermediate frequency parameter was failing for Qblox RF modules. #635

0.22.0 (2023-11-27)

New features since last release

  • Added real time results saving capability. #598

  • Raise an error if a user requests to run a circuit that is longer than repetition_duration #621

  • Add parameter to the SLURM magic method to configure the time limit of a job. #608

  • Add magic method to run python code as slurm jobs from Jupyter Notebooks. #600

  • Implemented QuantumMachinesCompiler class to compile QPrograms to QUA programs. #563

  • Implemented platform.execute_qprogram() method to execute a qprogram on Qblox hardware. #563

  • Added the two main classes need for automatic-calibration, CalibrationController and CalibrationNode #554

  • Added the driver for Quantum Machines Manager and a new QuantumMachinesResult class to handle Quantum Machines instruments. #568

  • Implemented the QuantumMachinesMeasurementResult class to store data acquired from a single instrument. #596


  • Improved the UX for circuit transpilation by unifying the native gate and pulse transpiler under one CircuitTranspiler class, which has 3 methods:

    • circuit_to_native: transpiles a qibo circuit to native gates (Drag, CZ, Wait, M) and optionally RZ if optimize=False (optimize=True by default)
    • circuit_to_pulses: transpiles a native gate circuit to a PulseSchedule
    • transpile_circuit: runs both of the methods above sequentially Wait gate moved from the utils module to circuit_transpilation_native_gates #575
  • Added infinite_loop() method to QProgram. #563

  • Added measure() method to QProgram. #563

  • Various improvements in the compilation flow of QbloxCompiler. #563

  • Updated qm-qua library to latest #596

Breaking changes

  • Changed resolution parameter of waveforms' envelope() method to integer. #563

  • Changed the way variables work within a QProgram. Variables are now instantiated based on the physical domain they affect. #563

Deprecations / Removals

  • Removed the park gate since it is no longer needed #575

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug #626, where a regression bug was introduced by adding empty schedules to all flux buses, not only the ones with an AWG registered instrument, as it was intended originally. #628

  • Fixed bug #579, were now all yaml.dumps are done with ruamel, for not losing decimals precisons, and also following the previous bug due to the elimination of ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump, the version of ruamel in qililab got fixed, and imports where rewritten for more clarity #578

0.21.1 (2023-10-31)

New features since last release

  • Enums for gate options #589

  • Two new enums for SNZ gate #587

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where executing multiple circuits with each measuring different qubits would launch measurements for previously measured qubits even if those did not have measurements on the circuit currently being executed. #576

  • ruamel 0.18.0 eliminated ruamel.yaml.round_trip_dump, so we changed its usage to the recommended version: ruamel.yaml.YAML().dump #577

0.21.0 (2023-10-20)

New features since last release

  • Changed gate settings serialization so that fields with None values are not in the resulting dictionary #562

  • Update qiboconnection to 0.12.0 #559

  • Added phase correction for CZ gates to the optimize step of translate circuit in qililab.transpiler.transpiler. Gates now can accept an optional dicionary with additional settings. As an example, the CZ phase correction can be added at options for each qubit:

    - bus: flux_line_q2_bus
        amplitude: 1.0
        phase: 0
        duration: 101
          name: snz
          t_phi: 1
          b: 0.5
          q0_phase_correction: 0.1
          q2_phase_correction: 0.2

    The default value for the optimize flag in qililab.transpiler.transpiler.translate_circuit has been changed from False to True


  • build_platform() has been extended: #533

    Now appart from passing the runcard YAML file path, you can directly pass an already build dictionary.

    Also the argument has changed names from path to runcard.

  • Buses serialization have been implemented: #515

    When printing the runcard, in the buses part we will now have the normal Buses serialization, plus the parameters of the instruments associated to that bus, with the to_dict/from_dict methods.`

    Also the serialization includes using the set/get_params for setting/getting the instruments params.

  • Distorsions and PulseShapes have been improved: #512

    They now work for amplitude=0, and for negative and snz envelopes (both positive and negatives)

    It now also adds the norm_factor parameter for manual normalization to all the distortions (previously only in the lfilter distortion)

    And finally we also have added the option to skip the automatic normalization that we do, setting the parameter auto_norm to False, (defaults to True).

    Plus, added a lots of tests and documentation to both classes.

  • Fixed bug which did not allow gaussian waveforms to have amplitude 0 #471

  • Delete Schema class from Platform and RuncardSchema classes (and from the rest of qililab).

    Also RuncardSchema is now called simply Runcard (since its the class that maps our runcard files).

    This PR brings importants simplifications to the full qililab structure, now the runcard will have the following structure:

    name: ...
    device_id: ...
    gates_settings:   # Old `settings` without name & device_id

    instead than the previous:

      name: ...
      device_id: ...
    schema:   # Schema disappears from the platform.

    Notice also how settings (and his respective class PlatformSettings) has changed to gates_settings (and the class to GatesSettings having the runcard string and the class the same name now, before they didn't).

    #475 #505

  • Simplify circuit gate to pulse transpilation. Previous hardware gates are removed. Now gates can be defined in the runcard as a list of GateEvent items with bus, wait time (optional) and pulse information. This allows more customization and freedom of what a certain gate does. The gate will be transpiled as long as the circuit gate's name and qubits match those of the gate in the runcard. An example of a custom gate for the circuit X gate at qubit 0 and a CZ gate at (0,1)

    - bus: drive_line_q0_bus  # alias of the bus
      wait_time: 200
        amplitude: 0.5
        phase: 0
        duration: 200
        frequency: 0
          name: drag
          drag_coefficient: 1
          num_sigmas: 2
    - bus: flux_line_q0_bus  # alias of the bus
        amplitude: 1.0
        phase: 0
        duration: 200
        frequency: 0
          name: rectangular
    - bus: flux_line_q0_bus  # park pulse
        amplitude: 0.5
        phase: 0
        duration: 241
        frequency: 0
          name: rectangular
    - bus: flux_line_q1_bus  # snz
      wait_time: 40 # wait 40ns after start of the park pulse
        amplitude: 1
        phase: 0
        duration: 201
        frequency: 0
          name: snz
          b: 0.5
          t_phi: 1

    Experiments can access GateEvent items by using the gate and qubit alias like previously and adding _item to access a GateEvent that is not the first event of the gate. For example, set_parameter(parameter='amplitude', value=0.8, alias='X(0)') will set the amplitude in the gate setting above from 0.5 to 0.8. This is equivalent to alias='X(0)_0'. However alias='X(0)_1' sets instead the amplitude of the second event (bus=flux_line_q0_bus) from 1.0 to 0.8 #472

  • Rename Experiment and CircuitExperiment classes and dependencies: This branch renames the Experiment class to BaseExperiment and CircuitExperiment to Experiment. #482

  • Add a new Factory for the Buses and registered the current ones #487

  • Add the NEW_DRIVERS flag to choose between old and new instruments and bus drivers. #486

  • Add a new Factory for the InstrumentDrivers and registered the current ones #473

  • Add interfaces and drivers for Flux bus: This PR brings the qililab implementation of the Flux bus driver and unittests. #469

  • Add ReadoutBus class. #465

  • Fix: check whether cluster has submodules not present at init time. #477

  • Add interfaces and drivers for Voltage and Current sources: This PR brings the qililab implementation of the Keithly2600 and Yokowaga QCodes drivers and unittests. #438

  • Fix: add acquisitions and weights to Sequencer QRM #461

  • Add DriveBus and its interface for the new bus structure. 457

  • Add QProgram for developing quantum programs in the bus level, the operations Play, Sync, Wait, Acquire, SetGain, SetOffset, SetFrequency, SetPhase, ResetPhase, and the iteration blocks AcquireLoop and Loop. 452

  • Add QBloxCompiler for compiling QProgram into QPySequence. 481

  • Add waveforms for the new QProgram 456

  • Add interface for Voltage and Current sources #448

  • New AWG Interface + SequencerQCM, Pulsar, QCM-QRM drivers #442

  • New Digitiser interface + SequencerQRM driver #443

  • Add interface for the Attenuator. This is part of the "Promoting Modular Autonomy" epic. #432

  • Added new drivers for Local Oscillators inheriting from QCoDeS drivers and Local Oscillator interface. This is part of the "Promoting Modular Autonomy" epic. #437

  • Add qcodes_contrib_drivers (0.18.0) to requierements #440

  • Update qcodes to latest current version (0.38.1) #431

  • Added hotfix for bus delay issue from Hardware: This fix adds a delay for each pulse on a bus #439

  • Added T1 portfolio experiment #409

  • The ExecutionManager can now be built from the loops of the experiment. This is done by alias matching, the loops will be executed on the bus with the same alias. Note that aliases are not unique, therefore the execution builder will use the first bus alias that matches the loop alias. An exception is raised if a loop.alias does not match any bus.alias specified in the runcard #320

  • Added T2Echo portfolio experiment #415

  • The ExecutionManager can now be built from the loops of the experiment. This is done by alias matching, the loops will be executed on the bus with the same alias. Note that aliases are not unique, therefore the execution builder will use the first bus alias that matches the loop alias. An exception is raised if a loop.alias does not match any bus.alias specified in the runcard #320

  • The Experiment class has been changed to support a more general definition of experiment by removing the circuits and pulse_schedules. A new class CircuitExperiment inherits from the new Experiment class has the previous attributes and all the functionality the old Experiment had.

    experiment = Experiment(platform=platform, options=options)
    experiment_2 = CircuitExperiment(platform=platform, options=options, circuits=[circuit])


  • Added threshold_rotation parameter to AWGADCSequencer. This adds a new parameter to the runcard of sequencers of that type, QRM sequencers in the case of Qblox. This value is an angle expressed in degrees from 0.0 to 360.0.

      - identifier: 0
        chip_port_id: 1
        intermediate_frequency: 1.e+08
        weights_path0: [0.98, ...]
        weights_path1: [0.72, ...]
        weighed_acq_enabled: true
        threshold: 0.5
        threshold_rotation: 45.0 # <-- new line



  • Add ForLoop iteration method to QProgram. 481

  • Add Parallel block to QProgram to allow parallel loops, and compilation support to QBloxCompiler. 496

  • Allow CZ gates to use different pulse shapes #406

  • Add support for the Wait gate

  • Addeds support for the Wait gate #405

  • Added support for Parameter.Gate_Parameter in experiment.set_parameter() method. In this case, alias is a, convertable to integer, string that denotes the index of the parameter to change, as returned by circuit.get_parameters() method. #404

  • The Chip class now uses the alias of each node to define node connections. #494


      - name: qubit
        alias: qubit_0
        id_: 0
        qubit_index: 0
        frequency: 4.92e+09
        nodes: [2, 10, 20, 30]


      - name: qubit
        alias: qubit_0
        qubit_index: 0
        frequency: 4.92e+09
        nodes: [qubit_2, resonator_q0, drive_line_q0, flux_line_q0]
  • ql.execute now accepts a list of circuits! #549

Breaking changes

  • Old scripts using Experiment with circuits should be changed and use CircuitExperiment instead. #334

Deprecations / Removals

  • id and category attributes have been removed from qililab. #494


  • Documentation for the Chip module: [#553] (#553)

    Includes documentation for all public features of the Chip module

  • Documentation for the Pulse module: #532

    Includes documentation for all public features of the Pulse module

  • Added documentation for platform module and the tutorial sections of Platform and Runcards: #531

Bug fixes

  • Avoid creating empty sequences for buses that are no flux lines and do for flux ones that do not have any AWG instrument. #556

  • The threshold and threshold_rotation parameters of a QbloxQRM can now be set using Platform.set_parameter. #534

  • The QbloxQRMRF and QbloxQCMRF do not save an empty list for the parameter out_offsets in the saved runcard. #565

  • The save_platform now saves in the yaml file float values with the same precision as in the Platform object. #565

0.20.0 (2023-05-26)

New features since last release

  • Added hotfixes for several issues encountered during the hackathon: #413

    • Save experiments flag for experiments execute method
    # Option 1 (Default, save_experiment=True)
    experiment = Experiment(platform=platform, circuits=circuits, options=options)
    # Option 2 (Equivalent to option 1, save_experiment=False)
    experiment = Experiment(platform=platform, circuits=circuits, options=options)
    • Empty sequences to avoid creating repeated programs.
    • Create empty programs for all qubit flux lines to activate calibrated offsets.
    • Added method to get qubits from the chip
    qubits = ql.Chip.qubits()
  • Added to the draw() method the option of specifying if you want:

    • modulation or not,
    • plot the real, iamginary, absolute or any combination of these options
    • specify the type of plotline to use, such as "-", ".", "--", ":"... for the classes Experimental and ExecutionManager, like:
    # Option 1 (Default)
    figure = sample_experiment.draw(
        real=True, imag=True, abs=False, modulation=True, linestyle="-"
    # Option 2 (Equivalent to option 1)
    figure = sample_experiment.draw()
    # Option 3 (something different, only plotting the envelopes without modulation)
    figure = sample_experiment.draw(modulation=False, linestyle=".")


  • Added lambda_2 attribute to the module containing the Cosine pulse_shape, modifying the previous A/2*(1-cos(x)). Into a more general A/2*(1-lambda_1cos(phi)-lambda_2cos(2phi)), giving a modified sinusoidal-gaussian.

    • lambda_1 cosine A/2*(1-cos(x)): Starts at height 0 (phase=0), maximum height A (phase=pi) and ends at height 0 (phase=2pi). Which is a sinusoidal like gaussian.

    • lambda_2 cosine A/2*(1-cos(2x)): Starts at height 0 (phase=0), maximum height A (phase=pi/2) then another height 0 in the middle at phase=pi, then another maximum height A (phase=3/2pi) and ends at height 0 (phase=2pi).

    For more info check the docstring and the following references:


  • Added user integration for pulse_distortions. Now they can be used writing them in the Buses of the runcards:

      - id_: 0
        category: bus
        alias: feedline_bus
          id_: 0
          name: readout_system_control
          category: system_control
          instruments: [QRM1, rs_1]
        port: 100
        distortions: # <-- new line
          - name: bias_tee # <-- new line
            tau_bias_tee: 1.0 # <-- new line
          - name: lfilter # <-- new line
            a: [0.1, 1.1] # <-- new line
            b: [1.1, 1.3] # <-- new line
      - id_: 10
        category: bus
        alias: drive_line_q0_bus
          id_: 10
          name: system_control
          category: system_control
          instruments: [QCM-RF1]
        port: 10
        distortions: [] # <-- new line


  • Added CZ gate support, 2 qubit gate support to circuit_to_pulse and corresponding definitions to the runcard.

    CZ implements a Sudden Net Zero (SNZ) pulse through the flux line as well as a parking gate (if defined in the runcard) to adjacent qubits with lower frequency than CZ's target qubit. For the parking gate, if the time is greater than the CZ pulse, the extra time is added as padding at the beginning/end of the pulse. The parameters for the CZ in the runcard are amplitude, duration of the halfpulse; and for the CZ's snz pulse b (impulse between halfpulses) and t_phi (time between halfpulses without accounting for b)


       - name: Park
         amplitude: 1.0
         phase: 0
         duration: 103
           name: rectangular
       - name: CZ
         amplitude: 1.0
         duration: 40
           name: snz
           b: 0.5
           t_phi: 1

    In the example above, if qubit 1 is connected to 2 and has lower frequency, there will be an attempt to apply a parking pulse. If a Park gate definition is found for qubit 1, then a parking pulse will be applied. The total duration of the CZ gate above will be 2*duration + t_phi + 2 = 83 (each b has 1ns duration and there are 2 bs). Thus the parking gate lasts for some extra 20ns which will result in 10ns 'pad time' in the parking gate before and after the SNZ pulse. Note that the order of the qubits in the CZ is important even if the gate is symmetric, because the second qubit will be the target for the SNZ pulse. #369

  • Added module containing a Cosine child class of pulse_shape, which gives a sinusoidal like gaussian A/2*(1-cos(x)). The shape starts at height 0 (phase=0), maximum height A (phase=pi) and ends at height 0 (phase=2pi)

    pulse = Pulse(


  • Added module, which is another child class for the pulse.pulse_distortion package.

    distorted_envelope = LFilter(norm_factor=1.2, a=[0.7, 1.3], b=[0.5, 0.6]).apply(

    Also adds a phase property to PulseEvent and implements Factory.get directly in the from_dict() method of the parent class PulseDistortion.


  • Added get_port_from_qubit_idx method to Chip class. This method takes the qubit index and the line type as arguments and returns the associated port. #362

  • Added pulse.pulse_distortion package, which contains a module with the base class to distort envelopes in PulseEvent, and two modules and, each containing examples of distortion child classes to apply. This new feature can be used in two ways, directly from the class itself:

    distorted_envelope = BiasTeeCorrection(tau_bias_tee=1.0).apply(original_envelope)

    or from the class PulseEvent (which ends up calling the previous one):

    pulse_event = PulseEvent(
    distorted_envelope = pulse_event.envelope()

    This would apply them like: BiasTeeCorrection_0.8(BiasTeeCorrection_1.0(original_pulse)), so the first one gets applied first and so on... (If you write their composition, it will be in reverse order respect the list)

    Also along the way modified/refactored the to_dict() and from_dict() and envelope() methods of PulseEvent, Pulse, PulseShape... since they had some bugs, such as:

    • the dict() methods edited the external dictionaries making them unusable two times.
    • the maximum of the envelopes didn't correspond to the given amplitude.


  • The QbloxQCMRF module has been added. To use it, please use the QCM-RF name inside the runcard:

    - name: QCM-RF
      alias: QCM-RF0
      id_: 2
      category: awg
      firmware: 0.7.0
      num_sequencers: 1
      out0_lo_freq: 3700000000  # <-- new line
      out0_lo_en: true  # <-- new line
      out0_att: 10  # <-- new line
      out0_offset_path0: 0.2  # <-- new line
      out0_offset_path1: 0.07  # <-- new line
      out1_lo_freq: 3900000000  # <-- new line
      out1_lo_en: true  # <-- new line
      out1_att: 6  # <-- new line
      out1_offset_path0: 0.1  # <-- new line
      out1_offset_path1: 0.6  # <-- new line


  • The QbloxQRMRF module has been added. To use it, please use the QRM-RF name inside the runcard:

    - name: QRM-RF
      alias: QRM-RF0
      id_: 0
      category: awg
      firmware: 0.7.0
      num_sequencers: 1
      out0_in0_lo_freq: 3000000000  # <-- new line
      out0_in0_lo_en: true  # <-- new line
      out0_att: 34  # <-- new line
      in0_att: 28  # <-- new line
      out0_offset_path0: 0.123  # <-- new line
      out0_offset_path1: 1.234  # <-- new line
      acquisition_delay_time: 100



  • The get_bus_by_qubit_index method of Platform class now returns a tuple of three buses: flux_bus, control_bux, readout_bus. #362

  • Arbitrary mapping of I/Q channels to outputs is now possible with the Qblox driver. When using a mapping that is not possible in hardware, the waveforms of the corresponding paths are swapped (in software) to allow it. For example, when loading a runcard with the following sequencer mapping a warning should be raised:

    - identifier: 0
      output_i: 1
      output_q: 0
    >>> platform = build_platform(name=runcard_name)
    [qililab] [0.16.1|WARNING|2023-05-09 17:18:51]: Cannot set `output_i=1` and `output_q=0` in hardware. The I/Q signals sent to sequencer 0 will be swapped to allow this setting.

    Under the hood, the driver maps path0 -> output0 and path1 -> output1. When applying an I/Q pulse, it sends the I signal through path1 and the Q signal through path0. #324

  • The versions of the qblox-instruments and qpysequence requirements have been updated to 0.9.0 #337

  • Allow uploading negative envelopes on the QbloxModule class. #356

  • The parameter sync_en of the Qblox sequencers is now updated automatically when uploading a program to a sequencer. This parameter can no longer be set using set_parameter. #353

  • The Qblox RF modules now support setting their LO frequency using the generic Parameter.LO_FREQUENCY parameter. #455

Deprecations / Removals

  • Remove the awg_iq_channels from the AWG class. This mapping was already done within each sequencer. #323

  • Remove the get_port method from the Chip class. #362

Bug fixes

  • Add _set_markers method to the QbloxModule class and enable all markers. For the RF modules, this command enables the outputs/inputs of the instrument. We decided to enable all markers by default to be able to use them later if needed. #361

0.19.0 (2023-05-08)

New features since last release

  • Added Drag gate support to circuit_to_pulse so that Drag gates are implemented as drag pulses #312

  • Added experiment/portfolio/ submodule, which will contain pre-defined experiments and their analysis. #189

  • Added ExperimentAnalysis class, which contains methods used to analyze the results of an experiment. #189

  • Added Rabi portfolio experiment. Here is a usage example:

    loop_range = np.linspace(start=0, stop=1, step=0.1)
    rabi = Rabi(platform=platform, qubit=0, range=loop_range)
    bus_parameters = {Parameter.GAIN: 0.8, Parameter.FREQUENCY: 5e9}
    rabi.bus_setup(bus_parameters, control=True)  # set parameters of control bus
    x_parameters = {Parameter.DURATION: 40}
    rabi.gate_setup(x_parameters, gate="X")  # set parameters of X gate
    results =  # all the returned values are also saved inside the `Rabi` class!
    post_processed_results = rabi.post_process_results()
    fitted_parameters =
    fig = rabi.plot()


  • Added FlippingSequence portfolio experiment. #245

  • Added get_bus_by_qubit_index method to the Platform class. #189

  • Added circuit module, which contains everything related to Qililab's internal circuit representation.

    The module contains the following submodules:

    • circuit/converters: Contains classes that can convert from external circuit representation to Qililab's internal circuit representation and vice versa.
    • circuit/nodes: Contains classes representing graph nodes that are used in circuit's internal graph data structure.
    • circuit/operations: Contains classes representing operations that can be added to the circuit. #175
  • Added Circuit class for representing quantum circuits. The class stores the quantum circuit as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) using the rustworkx library for manipulation. It offers methods to add operations to the circuit, calculate the circuit's depth, and visualize the circuit. Example usage:

    # create a Circuit with two qubits
    circuit = Circuit(2)
    # add operations
    for qubit in [0, 1]:
        circuit.add(qubit, X())
    circuit.add(0, Wait(t=100))
    circuit.add(0, X())
    circuit.add((0, 1), Measure())
    # print depth of circuit
    print(f"Depth: {circuit.depth}")
    # print circuit
    # draw circuit's graph


  • Added OperationFactory class to register and retrieve operation classes based on their names. #175

  • Added CircuitTranspiler class for calculating operation timings and transpiling quantum circuits into pulse operations. The calculate_timings() method annotates operations in the circuit with timing information by evaluating start and end times for each operation. The remove_special_operations() method removes special operations (Barrier, Wait, Passive Reset) from the circuit after the timings have been calculated. The transpile_to_pulse_operations() method then transpiles the quantum circuit operations into pulse operations, taking into account the calculated timings. Example usage:

    # create the transpiler
    transpiler = CircuitTranspiler(settings=platform.settings)
    # calculate timings
    circuit_ir1 = transpiler.calculate_timings(circuit)
    # remove special operations
    circuit_ir2 = transpiler.remove_special_operations(circuit_ir1)
    # transpile operations to pulse operations
    circuit_ir3 = transpiler.transpile_to_pulse_operations(circuit_ir2)


  • Added QiliQasmConverter class to convert a circuit from/to QiliQASM, an over-simplified QASM version. Example usage:

    # Convert to QiliQASM
    qasm = QiliQasmConverter.to_qasm(circuit)
    # Parse from QiliQASM
    parsed_circuit = QiliQasmConverter.from_qasm(qasm)


  • Pulses with different frequencies will be automatically sent and read by different sequencers (multiplexed readout). #242

  • Added an optional parameter "frequency" to the "modulated_waveforms" method of the Pulse and PulseEvent classes, allowing for specification of a modulation frequency different from that of the Pulse. #242

  • Added values and channel_id attribute to the Loop class. Here is an example on how a loop is created now:

    new_loop = Loop(alias="loop", parameter=Parameter.POWER, values=np.linspace(1, 10, 10))


  • Gate settings can be set for each qubit individually, or tuple of qubits in case of two-qubit gates. Example of updated runcard schema:

        - name: M
          amplitude: 1.0
          phase: 0
          duration: 6000
            name: rectangular
        - name: X
          amplitude: 1.0
          phase: 0
          duration: 100
            name: gaussian
            num_sigmas: 4
        - name: M
          amplitude: 1.0
          phase: 0
          duration: 6000
            name: rectangular
        - name: X
          amplitude: 1.0
          phase: 0
          duration: 100
            name: gaussian
            num_sigmas: 4
        - name: CPhase
          amplitude: 1.0
          phase: 0
          duration: 6000
            name: rectangular

    To change settings with set_parameter methods, use the alias format "GATE(QUBITs)". For example:

    platform.set_parameter(alias="X(0)", parameter=Parameter.DURATION, value=40)
    platform.set_parameter(alias="CPhase(0,1)", parameter=Parameter.DURATION, value=80)


  • Weighted acquisition is supported. The weight arrays are set as sequencer parameters weights_i and weights_q, and the weighed acquisition can be enabled setting the sequencer parameter weighed_acq_enabled to true. Note: the integration_length parameter will be ignored if weighed_acq_enabled is set to true, and the length of the weights arrays will be used instead.

  - identifier: 0
    chip_port_id: 1
    intermediate_frequency: 1.e+08
    weights_i: [0.98, ...]  # <-- new line
    weights_q: [0.72, ...]  # <-- new line
    weighed_acq_enabled: true   # <-- new line
    threshold: 0.5              # <-- new line


  • Result, Results and Acquisitions classes implement the counts method, which returns a dictionary-like object containing the counts of each measurement based in the discretization of the instrument via the threshold sequencer parameter. Alternatively, the probabilities method can also be used, which returns a normalized version of the same counts object.

    >>> counts = result.counts()
    Counts: {'00': 502, '01': 23, '10': 19, '11': 480}
    >>> probabilities = result.probabilities()
    Probabilities: {'00': 0.49023438, '01': 0.02246094, '10': 0.01855469, '11': 0.46875}



  • Return an integer (instead of the Port class) when calling Chip.get_port. This is to avoid using the private id_ attribute of the Port class to obtain the port index. #189

  • The asynchronous data handling used to save results and send data to the live plotting has been improved. Now we are saving the results in a queue, and there is only ONE thread which retrieves the results from the queue, sends them to the live plotting and saves them to a file. #282

  • The asynchronous data handling used to save results and send data to the live plotting has been improved. Previously we only had ONE active thread retrieving the results and saving them but was created and killed after processing one result of the total Results object. Now we are creating the thread just ONCE, so threading is handled at the Experiment level instead of what was done previously at the Exution_Manager level. #298

Breaking changes

  • draw() method of Circuit uses Graphviz internally. To be able to call the method Graphviz must be installed. In Ubuntu-based distros a simple sudo apt-get install graphviz is sufficient. For detailed installation information for your OS please consult Graphviz's installation page. #175

  • gates property of runcard must be updated to provide a list of gate settings for each qubit individually. #292

Deprecations / Removals

  • The Execution class has been removed. Its functionality is now added to the ExecutionManager class. Please use ExecutionManagerinstead. The ExecutionBuilder returns now an instance of ExecutionManager. #246

  • The LoopOptions class has been removed. It was used to create a numpy array and store this array in the values attribute which is now in the Loop class. #254

  • The plot_y_label argument of the ExperimentOptions class has been removed. #282

  • All the probabilities methods that returned a pandas.DataFrame return now a dict[str, float]. All the methods related to the construction of such dataframes have been removed. #283


Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where acquisition data was not deleted when compiling the same sequence twice. #264

  • Fixed bug where the live plotting created a new plot when using parallel loops. #282

0.18.0 (2023-04-11)

New features since last release

  • Added Experiment.compile method, which return the compiled experiment for debugging purposes. #225

    >>> sequences = experiment.compile()

    This method returns a list of dictionaries (one dictionary per circuit executed in the experiment). Each dictionary contains the sequences uploaded for each bus:

    >>> sequences[0]
    {'drive_line_bus': [qpysequence_1], 'feedline_input_output_bus': [qpysequence_2]}

    This experiment is using two buses (drive_line_bus and feedling_input_output_bus), which have a list of the uploaded sequences (in this case only 1).

    We can then obtain the program of such sequences:

    >>> sequences[0]["drive_line_bus"][0]._program
      move             1000, R0
      wait_sync        4
      play             0, 1, 4
          move             3, R1
              wait             65532
              loop             R1, @long_wait_1_loop
          wait             3400
      loop             R0, @average
  • Added support for setting output offsets of a qblox module. #199

  • Added gate to native gate transpiler. Contains method translate_circuit which translates a qibo.Circuit to a qibo.Circuit with native gates (Drag pulses, C-phase), virtual Zs and measurement gates only. #244

  • Added optimizer for the native gate transpiler. Shifts all Z, RZ gates to the left and removes them before measurement. #269


  • Added support for the execution of pulses with durations that are not multiples of 4. For this, a new minimum_clock_time attribute has been added to the runcard:

      id_: 0
      category: platform
      name: spectro_v_flux
      device_id: 9
      minimum_clock_time: 4  # <-- new line!

    When a pulse has a duration that is not a multiple of the minimum_clock_time, a padding of 0s is added after the pulse to make sure the next pulse falls within a multiple of 4. #227

  • Change name PulseScheduledBus to BusExecution. #225

  • Separate generate_program_and_upload into two methods: compile and upload. From now on, when executing a single circuit, all the pulses of each bus will be compiled first, and then uploaded to the instruments. #225

  • Make nshots and repetition_duration dynamic attributes of the QbloxModule class. When any of these two settings changes, the cache is emptied to make sure new programs are compiled. #225

  • Added methods to PulseBusSchedule for multiplexing: #236

    • frequencies() returns a list of the frequencies in the schedule.
    • with_frequency(frequency: float) returns a new PulseBusSchedule containing only those events at that frequency.
  • Pulse, PulseEvent, PulseShapes and child classes are now immutable. #236

Breaking changes

  • An out_offsets attribute has been added to the settings of a QbloxModule object. This attribute contains a list of the offsets applied to each output. The runcard should be updated to contain this new information:

      - name: QRM
      alias: QRM
      id_: 1
      category: awg
      firmware: 0.7.0
      num_sequencers: 1
      acquisition_delay_time: 100
      out_offsets: [0.3, 0, 0, 0]  # <-- this new line needs to be added to the runcard!


Deprecations / Removals

  • Removed the AWG.frequency attribute because it was not used. #225
  • Removed ReadoutPulse and ReadoutEvent. Pulse and PulseEvent have to be used instead. #236
  • Removed add(Pulse) method from PulseBusSchedule and PulseSchedule. add_event(PulseEvent) has to be used instead. #236

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in PulseBusSchedule.waveforms where the pulse time was recorded twice. #227

  • Fixed bug where the QbloxModule uploaded the same sequence to all the sequencers. #225

0.17.0 (2023-03-27)

New features since last release

  • Added new ChangeLog! #170

  • Added rf_on property to SignalGenerator #186


  • Cast chip dictionary into the ChipSchema class and remove unused InstrumentControllerSchema class. #187

  • Upload sequence directly to Qblox instruments, without having to save & load a json file. #197

  • Changed schedule_index_to_load argument to idx for more readability. #192

  • Refactored the Experiment class, creating a method for each step of the workflow. The Experiment.execute method will run all these methods in order: #192

    • connect: Connect to the instruments and block the device.
    • initial_setup: Apply runcard settings to the instruments.
    • build_execution:
      • Translate the circuit into pulses.
      • Create the Execution class (which contains all the buses with the pulses to execute).
      • Initialize the live plotting.
      • Create the Results class and the results.yml file (where the results will be stored).
    • turn_on_instruments: Turn on the instruments (if necessary).
    • run: Iterate over all the loop values, and for each step:
      • Generate the program.
      • Upload the program.
      • Execute the program.
      • Save the result to the results.yml file.
      • Send data to live plotting.
      • Save the result to the Experiment.results attribute.
    • turn_off_instruments: Turn off the instruments (if necessary).
    • disconnect: Disconnect from the platform and release the device.
    • remote_save_experiment: If remote_save = True, save the experiment and the results to the database.
  • When translating a Circuit into pulses, the target qubit/resonator frequency is now used to initialize the corresponding pulse. #209

Breaking changes

  • Removed context manager from Execution class. Users will be responsible for turning off and disconnecting the instruments when not using the execute method directly! #192

  • Removed the ExecutionOptions class. Now the user can freely choose which steps of the workflow to execute. #192

  • Removed the Platform.connect_and_initial_setup method. #192

  • Move connection and device_id information into the Platform class. Now users should add device_id inside the runcard and add a connection argument when calling build_platform: #211

    platform = build_platform(name=runcard_name, connection=connection)
  • Removed the frequency argument from the Pulse.modulated_waveforms method (and all the methods that uses this method internally). Remove frequency property from certain buses. #209

  • The Pulse.frequency argument is now mandatory to initialize a pulse. #209

Deprecations / Removals

  • Removed the ExecutionPreparation class and the file, and replace it with a prepare_results method inside the Experiment class. #192

  • Removed unused connect, disconnect and setup methods from the Execution class. These are used in the Experiment class, which call the corresponding methods of the Platform class. #192

  • Removed the RemoteAPI class. This class didn't add any functionality. #192

  • Removed all the Bus and SystemControl types. Now there is only a generic Bus, that can contain a SystemControl, ReadoutSystemControl (which contain a list of instruments to control) or SimulatedSystemControl, which is used to control simulated quantum systems. #210

Bug fixes

  • Fixed wrong timing calculation in Q1ASM generation #186

  • Fix bug where calling set_parameter with Parameter.DRAG_COEFFICIENT would raise an error. #187

  • The qibo version has been downgraded to 0.1.10 to allow installation on Mac laptops. #185

  • Fixed the Platform.get_element method: #192

    • Now calling get_element of a gate returns a GateSettings instance, instead of a PlatformSettings instance.
    • Add try/except over the chip.get_node_from_alias method to avoid getting an error if the node doesn't exist.

0.16.1 (2023-02-24)


  • Platform should be stateful for connections (#143)

0.16.0 (2023-02-07)


  • updates to Qibo v0.1.11, fixes breaking changes (#139)

0.15.1 (2023-01-26)


  • Duplicate hardware_average property & in parallel error (#136)

0.15.0 (2023-01-24)


  • Experimentally validated & debugged Spectroscopy (#134)

0.14.0 (2023-01-17)


  • Experiment: added remote experiment saving (#112)

0.13.0 (2023-01-17)


  • enums: transform them to string enums (#125)


  • remove hardcoded modulation from Pulse (#127)

0.12.0 (2023-01-17)


  • Update qblox and qpysequence

0.11.0 (2023-01-12)


  • custom exceptions

0.10.3 (2022-12-21)


  • Results: fixed no-results dataframe generation (#109)

0.10.2 (2022-12-14)


  • [qili-243] sequence class (#104)

0.10.1 (2022-12-14)


  • negative-wait (#106)

0.10.0 (2022-12-13)


  • [QILI-201] multibus support (#101)

0.9.2 (2022-11-17)


  • remove master drag coefficient (#98)

0.9.1 (2022-11-17)


  • pulse events (#93)

0.9.0 (2022-10-06)


  • qilisimulator integration (#79)

0.8.0 (2022-10-05)


  • qilisimulator integration (#77)

0.7.3 (2022-10-03)


  • [QILI-169] load 2D results (#69)

0.7.2 (2022-08-22)


  • [QILI-187 ] 🐛 loops minimum length taking the passed value instead of the self (#57)

0.7.1 (2022-08-19)


  • [QILI-186] ♻️ renamed beta to drag_coefficient (#56)

0.7.0 (2022-08-19)


  • [QILI-185] add option to NOT reset an instrument (#54)

0.6.0 (2022-08-18)


  • [QILI-184] ✨ New daily directory generated for results data (#50)

0.5.9 (2022-08-18)


  • [QILI-183] 🐛 accept float master duration gate (#49)

0.5.8 (2022-08-18)


  • [QILI-182] 🐛 uses deepcopy before pop dict key (#48)

0.5.7 (2022-08-17)


  • set beta serialization correctly (#47)

0.5.6 (2022-08-17)


  • reference clock after reset and using only the necessary sequencers

0.5.5 (2022-07-27)


  • setup: versioning

0.5.4 (2022-07-26)


  • [QILI-181] 🐛 fixed values types when they are numpy (#38)

0.5.3 (2022-07-26)


  • [QILI-178] set beta master (#37)

0.5.2 (2022-07-26)


  • [QILI-180] 🐛 check for multiple loops correctly (#36)

0.5.1 (2022-07-25)


  • [QILI-177] 🐛 make sure amplitude and duration are float or int (#35)

0.5.0 (2022-07-24)


  • [QILI-174] loop support multiple parameters (#34)

0.4.2 (2022-07-23)


  • [QILI-176] set master value for gate amplitude and duration (#33)

0.4.1 (2022-07-23)


  • [QILI-168] Set voltage normalization (#32)

0.4.0 (2022-07-20)


  • New features from TII trip (#31)

0.3.0 (2022-04-26)


  • [QILI-81] Implement schema class (#5)

0.2.0 (2022-04-19)


  • [QILI-46] Implement instrument classes (#9)

0.1.0 (2022-04-06)


  • [QILI-48] Implement platform, backend and settings classes (#8)

0.0.0 (2022-03-28)