diff --git a/.firebase/hosting.YnVpbGQvd2Vi.cache b/.firebase/hosting.YnVpbGQvd2Vi.cache
index 4e4dcbb..47c0dc1 100644
--- a/.firebase/hosting.YnVpbGQvd2Vi.cache
+++ b/.firebase/hosting.YnVpbGQvd2Vi.cache
@@ -16,17 +16,18 @@ icons/Icon-192.png,1689328121913,d2e0131bb7851eb9d98f7885edb5ae4b4d6b7a6c7addf8a
diff --git a/build/23afcf4cc1673bfa5f8629cb500d8482.cache.dill.track.dill b/build/23afcf4cc1673bfa5f8629cb500d8482.cache.dill.track.dill
index 3b3a843..e01d305 100644
Binary files a/build/23afcf4cc1673bfa5f8629cb500d8482.cache.dill.track.dill and b/build/23afcf4cc1673bfa5f8629cb500d8482.cache.dill.track.dill differ
diff --git a/build/web/.last_build_id b/build/web/.last_build_id
index 4882ef2..84694be 100644
--- a/build/web/.last_build_id
+++ b/build/web/.last_build_id
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/web/assets/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.otf b/build/web/assets/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.otf
index 8c99266..1e952cd 100644
Binary files a/build/web/assets/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.otf and b/build/web/assets/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.otf differ
diff --git a/build/web/assets/packages/cupertino_icons/assets/CupertinoIcons.ttf b/build/web/assets/packages/cupertino_icons/assets/CupertinoIcons.ttf
index 79ba7ea..8e7f4b3 100644
Binary files a/build/web/assets/packages/cupertino_icons/assets/CupertinoIcons.ttf and b/build/web/assets/packages/cupertino_icons/assets/CupertinoIcons.ttf differ
diff --git a/build/web/assets/packages/syncfusion_flutter_datagrid/assets/font/FilterIcon.ttf b/build/web/assets/packages/syncfusion_flutter_datagrid/assets/font/FilterIcon.ttf
index 0bdbc3a..ea99f89 100644
Binary files a/build/web/assets/packages/syncfusion_flutter_datagrid/assets/font/FilterIcon.ttf and b/build/web/assets/packages/syncfusion_flutter_datagrid/assets/font/FilterIcon.ttf differ
diff --git a/build/web/assets/packages/syncfusion_flutter_datagrid/assets/font/UnsortIcon.ttf b/build/web/assets/packages/syncfusion_flutter_datagrid/assets/font/UnsortIcon.ttf
index 4e1cd26..b5379d6 100644
Binary files a/build/web/assets/packages/syncfusion_flutter_datagrid/assets/font/UnsortIcon.ttf and b/build/web/assets/packages/syncfusion_flutter_datagrid/assets/font/UnsortIcon.ttf differ
diff --git a/build/web/flutter_service_worker.js b/build/web/flutter_service_worker.js
index e69de29..dbb1f4e 100644
--- a/build/web/flutter_service_worker.js
+++ b/build/web/flutter_service_worker.js
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+'use strict';
+const MANIFEST = 'flutter-app-manifest';
+const TEMP = 'flutter-temp-cache';
+const CACHE_NAME = 'flutter-app-cache';
+const RESOURCES = {"version.json": "ec6a4d1e9d6a65953ce1a6b4ea1041ee",
+"index.html": "fb45b7b0a79bfbe330ac4f0dcf9e192d",
+"/": "fb45b7b0a79bfbe330ac4f0dcf9e192d",
+"main.dart.js": "73b2dad1569ea0281c9d9a57c93af2c5",
+"flutter.js": "6fef97aeca90b426343ba6c5c9dc5d4a",
+"favicon.png": "5dcef449791fa27946b3d35ad8803796",
+"icons/Icon-192.png": "ac9a721a12bbc803b44f645561ecb1e1",
+"icons/Icon-maskable-192.png": "c457ef57daa1d16f64b27b786ec2ea3c",
+"icons/Icon-maskable-512.png": "301a7604d45b3e739efc881eb04896ea",
+"icons/Icon-512.png": "96e752610906ba2a93c65f8abe1645f1",
+"manifest.json": "3b6f2e182132e7a032bdb0dcdc9df0c5",
+"assets/AssetManifest.json": "b3883e2b6bd3b5985d9f6d4b133f8cc0",
+"assets/NOTICES": "80a428f8fefc9aefd53f61d2d3b7c819",
+"assets/FontManifest.json": "42b5bf77ecf8b8d9efe64c1a52a0db2f",
+"assets/packages/cupertino_icons/assets/CupertinoIcons.ttf": "57d849d738900cfd590e9adc7e208250",
+"assets/packages/syncfusion_flutter_datagrid/assets/font/FilterIcon.ttf": "b8e5e5bf2b490d3576a9562f24395532",
+"assets/packages/syncfusion_flutter_datagrid/assets/font/UnsortIcon.ttf": "acdd567faa403388649e37ceb9adeb44",
+"assets/shaders/ink_sparkle.frag": "f8b80e740d33eb157090be4e995febdf",
+"assets/AssetManifest.bin": "a4fc3d873236d3863dc5f42add96486a",
+"assets/fonts/MaterialIcons-Regular.otf": "9ef3cfdcf4f15cdc8bc58907a6f74e48",
+"assets/assets/images/logo.png": "78c6dcf30391fb320da5fddf92e2ebc3",
+"assets/assets/ibm/IBM_logo_light.png": "d2f4e88cdc08119179bc6b0fdd0d2d93",
+"assets/assets/ibm/IBM_logo_dark.png": "7a27610e99a6ed1091965d7802d5f901",
+"assets/assets/font/Noto_Sans_TC/NotoSansTC-Regular.otf": "d6b43f6600389d7442f317adfbbd9942",
+"assets/assets/data/test.csv": "3c3fd62de0d38e0230bd5fc675847089",
+"canvaskit/skwasm.js": "1df4d741f441fa1a4d10530ced463ef8",
+"canvaskit/skwasm.wasm": "6711032e17bf49924b2b001cef0d3ea3",
+"canvaskit/chromium/canvaskit.js": "8c8392ce4a4364cbb240aa09b5652e05",
+"canvaskit/chromium/canvaskit.wasm": "fc18c3010856029414b70cae1afc5cd9",
+"canvaskit/canvaskit.js": "76f7d822f42397160c5dfc69cbc9b2de",
+"canvaskit/canvaskit.wasm": "f48eaf57cada79163ec6dec7929486ea",
+"canvaskit/skwasm.worker.js": "19659053a277272607529ef87acf9d8a"};
+// The application shell files that are downloaded before a service worker can
+// start.
+const CORE = ["main.dart.js",
+// During install, the TEMP cache is populated with the application shell files.
+self.addEventListener("install", (event) => {
+ self.skipWaiting();
+ return event.waitUntil(
+ caches.open(TEMP).then((cache) => {
+ return cache.addAll(
+ CORE.map((value) => new Request(value, {'cache': 'reload'})));
+ })
+ );
+// During activate, the cache is populated with the temp files downloaded in
+// install. If this service worker is upgrading from one with a saved
+// MANIFEST, then use this to retain unchanged resource files.
+self.addEventListener("activate", function(event) {
+ return event.waitUntil(async function() {
+ try {
+ var contentCache = await caches.open(CACHE_NAME);
+ var tempCache = await caches.open(TEMP);
+ var manifestCache = await caches.open(MANIFEST);
+ var manifest = await manifestCache.match('manifest');
+ // When there is no prior manifest, clear the entire cache.
+ if (!manifest) {
+ await caches.delete(CACHE_NAME);
+ contentCache = await caches.open(CACHE_NAME);
+ for (var request of await tempCache.keys()) {
+ var response = await tempCache.match(request);
+ await contentCache.put(request, response);
+ }
+ await caches.delete(TEMP);
+ // Save the manifest to make future upgrades efficient.
+ await manifestCache.put('manifest', new Response(JSON.stringify(RESOURCES)));
+ // Claim client to enable caching on first launch
+ self.clients.claim();
+ return;
+ }
+ var oldManifest = await manifest.json();
+ var origin = self.location.origin;
+ for (var request of await contentCache.keys()) {
+ var key = request.url.substring(origin.length + 1);
+ if (key == "") {
+ key = "/";
+ }
+ // If a resource from the old manifest is not in the new cache, or if
+ // the MD5 sum has changed, delete it. Otherwise the resource is left
+ // in the cache and can be reused by the new service worker.
+ if (!RESOURCES[key] || RESOURCES[key] != oldManifest[key]) {
+ await contentCache.delete(request);
+ }
+ }
+ // Populate the cache with the app shell TEMP files, potentially overwriting
+ // cache files preserved above.
+ for (var request of await tempCache.keys()) {
+ var response = await tempCache.match(request);
+ await contentCache.put(request, response);
+ }
+ await caches.delete(TEMP);
+ // Save the manifest to make future upgrades efficient.
+ await manifestCache.put('manifest', new Response(JSON.stringify(RESOURCES)));
+ // Claim client to enable caching on first launch
+ self.clients.claim();
+ return;
+ } catch (err) {
+ // On an unhandled exception the state of the cache cannot be guaranteed.
+ console.error('Failed to upgrade service worker: ' + err);
+ await caches.delete(CACHE_NAME);
+ await caches.delete(TEMP);
+ await caches.delete(MANIFEST);
+ }
+ }());
+// The fetch handler redirects requests for RESOURCE files to the service
+// worker cache.
+self.addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
+ if (event.request.method !== 'GET') {
+ return;
+ }
+ var origin = self.location.origin;
+ var key = event.request.url.substring(origin.length + 1);
+ // Redirect URLs to the index.html
+ if (key.indexOf('?v=') != -1) {
+ key = key.split('?v=')[0];
+ }
+ if (event.request.url == origin || event.request.url.startsWith(origin + '/#') || key == '') {
+ key = '/';
+ }
+ // If the URL is not the RESOURCE list then return to signal that the
+ // browser should take over.
+ if (!RESOURCES[key]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the URL is the index.html, perform an online-first request.
+ if (key == '/') {
+ return onlineFirst(event);
+ }
+ event.respondWith(caches.open(CACHE_NAME)
+ .then((cache) => {
+ return cache.match(event.request).then((response) => {
+ // Either respond with the cached resource, or perform a fetch and
+ // lazily populate the cache only if the resource was successfully fetched.
+ return response || fetch(event.request).then((response) => {
+ if (response && Boolean(response.ok)) {
+ cache.put(event.request, response.clone());
+ }
+ return response;
+ });
+ })
+ })
+ );
+self.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
+ // SkipWaiting can be used to immediately activate a waiting service worker.
+ // This will also require a page refresh triggered by the main worker.
+ if (event.data === 'skipWaiting') {
+ self.skipWaiting();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (event.data === 'downloadOffline') {
+ downloadOffline();
+ return;
+ }
+// Download offline will check the RESOURCES for all files not in the cache
+// and populate them.
+async function downloadOffline() {
+ var resources = [];
+ var contentCache = await caches.open(CACHE_NAME);
+ var currentContent = {};
+ for (var request of await contentCache.keys()) {
+ var key = request.url.substring(origin.length + 1);
+ if (key == "") {
+ key = "/";
+ }
+ currentContent[key] = true;
+ }
+ for (var resourceKey of Object.keys(RESOURCES)) {
+ if (!currentContent[resourceKey]) {
+ resources.push(resourceKey);
+ }
+ }
+ return contentCache.addAll(resources);
+// Attempt to download the resource online before falling back to
+// the offline cache.
+function onlineFirst(event) {
+ return event.respondWith(
+ fetch(event.request).then((response) => {
+ return caches.open(CACHE_NAME).then((cache) => {
+ cache.put(event.request, response.clone());
+ return response;
+ });
+ }).catch((error) => {
+ return caches.open(CACHE_NAME).then((cache) => {
+ return cache.match(event.request).then((response) => {
+ if (response != null) {
+ return response;
+ }
+ throw error;
+ });
+ });
+ })
+ );
diff --git a/build/web/index.html b/build/web/index.html
index 19b1ab1..d729eef 100644
--- a/build/web/index.html
+++ b/build/web/index.html
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
diff --git a/build/web/main.dart.js b/build/web/main.dart.js
index 2d2351b..e6c8f11 100644
--- a/build/web/main.dart.js
+++ b/build/web/main.dart.js
@@ -1,242743 +1,137111 @@
-// Generated by dart2js (NullSafetyMode.sound, trust primitives, omit checks, lax runtime type, csp, deferred-serialization, intern-composite-values), the Dart to JavaScript compiler version: 3.0.6.
-// The code supports the following hooks:
-// dartPrint(message):
-// if this function is defined it is called instead of the Dart [print]
-// method.
-// dartMainRunner(main, args):
-// if this function is defined, the Dart [main] method will not be invoked
-// directly. Instead, a closure that will invoke [main], and its arguments
-// [args] is passed to [dartMainRunner].
-// dartDeferredLibraryLoader(uri, successCallback, errorCallback, loadId, loadPriority):
-// if this function is defined, it will be called when a deferred library
-// is loaded. It should load and eval the javascript of `uri`, and call
-// successCallback. If it fails to do so, it should call errorCallback with
-// an error. The loadId argument is the deferred import that resulted in
-// this uri being loaded. The loadPriority argument is the priority the
-// library should be loaded with as specified in the code via the
-// load-priority annotation (0: normal, 1: high).
-// dartCallInstrumentation(id, qualifiedName):
-// if this function is defined, it will be called at each entry of a
-// method or constructor. Used only when compiling programs with
-// --experiment-call-instrumentation.
-(function dartProgram() {
- function copyProperties(from, to) {
- var keys = Object.keys(from);
- for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
- var key = keys[i];
- to[key] = from[key];
- }
- }
- function mixinPropertiesHard(from, to) {
- var keys = Object.keys(from);
- for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
- var key = keys[i];
- if (!to.hasOwnProperty(key))
- to[key] = from[key];
- }
- }
- function mixinPropertiesEasy(from, to) {
- Object.assign(to, from);
- }
- var supportsDirectProtoAccess = function() {
- var cls = function() {
- };
- cls.prototype = {p: {}};
- var object = new cls();
- if (!(Object.getPrototypeOf(object) && Object.getPrototypeOf(object).p === cls.prototype.p))
- return false;
- try {
- if (typeof navigator != "undefined" && typeof navigator.userAgent == "string" && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome/") >= 0)
- return true;
- if (typeof version == "function" && version.length == 0) {
- var v = version();
- if (/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/.test(v))
- return true;
- }
- } catch (_) {
- }
- return false;
- }();
- function inherit(cls, sup) {
- cls.prototype.constructor = cls;
- cls.prototype["$is" + cls.name] = cls;
- if (sup != null) {
- if (supportsDirectProtoAccess) {
- Object.setPrototypeOf(cls.prototype, sup.prototype);
- return;
- }
- var clsPrototype = Object.create(sup.prototype);
- copyProperties(cls.prototype, clsPrototype);
- cls.prototype = clsPrototype;
- }
- }
- function inheritMany(sup, classes) {
- for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
- inherit(classes[i], sup);
- }
- function mixinEasy(cls, mixin) {
- mixinPropertiesEasy(mixin.prototype, cls.prototype);
- cls.prototype.constructor = cls;
- }
- function mixinHard(cls, mixin) {
- mixinPropertiesHard(mixin.prototype, cls.prototype);
- cls.prototype.constructor = cls;
- }
- function lazyOld(holder, name, getterName, initializer) {
- var uninitializedSentinel = holder;
- holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel;
- holder[getterName] = function() {
- holder[getterName] = function() {
- A.throwCyclicInit(name);
- };
- var result;
- var sentinelInProgress = initializer;
- try {
- if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel) {
- result = holder[name] = sentinelInProgress;
- result = holder[name] = initializer();
- } else
- result = holder[name];
- } finally {
- if (result === sentinelInProgress)
- holder[name] = null;
- holder[getterName] = function() {
- return this[name];
- };
- }
- return result;
- };
- }
- function lazy(holder, name, getterName, initializer) {
- var uninitializedSentinel = holder;
- holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel;
- holder[getterName] = function() {
- if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel)
- holder[name] = initializer();
- holder[getterName] = function() {
- return this[name];
- };
- return holder[name];
- };
- }
- function lazyFinal(holder, name, getterName, initializer) {
- var uninitializedSentinel = holder;
- holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel;
- holder[getterName] = function() {
- if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel) {
- var value = initializer();
- if (holder[name] !== uninitializedSentinel)
- A.throwLateFieldADI(name);
- holder[name] = value;
- }
- var finalValue = holder[name];
- holder[getterName] = function() {
- return finalValue;
- };
- return finalValue;
- };
- }
- function makeConstList(list) {
- list.immutable$list = Array;
- list.fixed$length = Array;
- return list;
- }
- function convertToFastObject(properties) {
- function t() {
- }
- t.prototype = properties;
- new t();
- return properties;
- }
- function convertAllToFastObject(arrayOfObjects) {
- for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; ++i)
- convertToFastObject(arrayOfObjects[i]);
- }
- var functionCounter = 0;
- function instanceTearOffGetter(isIntercepted, parameters) {
- var cache = null;
- return isIntercepted ? function(receiver) {
- if (cache === null)
- cache = A.closureFromTearOff(parameters);
- return new cache(receiver, this);
- } : function() {
- if (cache === null)
- cache = A.closureFromTearOff(parameters);
- return new cache(this, null);
- };
- }
- function staticTearOffGetter(parameters) {
- var cache = null;
- return function() {
- if (cache === null)
- cache = A.closureFromTearOff(parameters).prototype;
- return cache;
- };
- }
- var typesOffset = 0;
- function tearOffParameters(container, isStatic, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, needsDirectAccess) {
- if (typeof funType == "number")
- funType += typesOffset;
- return {co: container, iS: isStatic, iI: isIntercepted, rC: requiredParameterCount, dV: optionalParameterDefaultValues, cs: callNames, fs: funsOrNames, fT: funType, aI: applyIndex || 0, nDA: needsDirectAccess};
- }
- function installStaticTearOff(holder, getterName, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex) {
- var parameters = tearOffParameters(holder, true, false, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, false);
- var getterFunction = staticTearOffGetter(parameters);
- holder[getterName] = getterFunction;
- }
- function installInstanceTearOff(prototype, getterName, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, needsDirectAccess) {
- isIntercepted = !!isIntercepted;
- var parameters = tearOffParameters(prototype, false, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, funsOrNames, funType, applyIndex, !!needsDirectAccess);
- var getterFunction = instanceTearOffGetter(isIntercepted, parameters);
- prototype[getterName] = getterFunction;
- }
- function setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag(newTags) {
- var tags = init.interceptorsByTag;
- if (!tags) {
- init.interceptorsByTag = newTags;
- return;
- }
- copyProperties(newTags, tags);
- }
- function setOrUpdateLeafTags(newTags) {
- var tags = init.leafTags;
- if (!tags) {
- init.leafTags = newTags;
- return;
- }
- copyProperties(newTags, tags);
- }
- function updateTypes(newTypes) {
- var types = init.types;
- var length = types.length;
- types.push.apply(types, newTypes);
- return length;
- }
- function updateHolder(holder, newHolder) {
- copyProperties(newHolder, holder);
- return holder;
- }
- var hunkHelpers = function() {
- var mkInstance = function(isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, applyIndex) {
- return function(container, getterName, name, funType) {
- return installInstanceTearOff(container, getterName, isIntercepted, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, [name], funType, applyIndex, false);
- };
- },
- mkStatic = function(requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, applyIndex) {
- return function(container, getterName, name, funType) {
- return installStaticTearOff(container, getterName, requiredParameterCount, optionalParameterDefaultValues, callNames, [name], funType, applyIndex);
- };
- };
- return {inherit: inherit, inheritMany: inheritMany, mixin: mixinEasy, mixinHard: mixinHard, installStaticTearOff: installStaticTearOff, installInstanceTearOff: installInstanceTearOff, _instance_0u: mkInstance(0, 0, null, ["call$0"], 0), _instance_1u: mkInstance(0, 1, null, ["call$1"], 0), _instance_2u: mkInstance(0, 2, null, ["call$2"], 0), _instance_0i: mkInstance(1, 0, null, ["call$0"], 0), _instance_1i: mkInstance(1, 1, null, ["call$1"], 0), _instance_2i: mkInstance(1, 2, null, ["call$2"], 0), _static_0: mkStatic(0, null, ["call$0"], 0), _static_1: mkStatic(1, null, ["call$1"], 0), _static_2: mkStatic(2, null, ["call$2"], 0), makeConstList: makeConstList, lazy: lazy, lazyFinal: lazyFinal, lazyOld: lazyOld, updateHolder: updateHolder, convertToFastObject: convertToFastObject, updateTypes: updateTypes, setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag: setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag, setOrUpdateLeafTags: setOrUpdateLeafTags};
- }();
- function initializeDeferredHunk(hunk) {
- typesOffset = init.types.length;
- hunk(hunkHelpers, init, holders, $);
- }
- var A = {
- detectBrowserEngineByVendorAgent(vendor, agent) {
- if (vendor === "Google Inc.")
- return B.BrowserEngine_0;
- else if (vendor === "Apple Computer, Inc.")
- return B.BrowserEngine_1;
- else if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(agent, "Edg/"))
- return B.BrowserEngine_0;
- else if (vendor === "" && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(agent, "firefox"))
- return B.BrowserEngine_2;
- A.print("WARNING: failed to detect current browser engine. Assuming this is a Chromium-compatible browser.");
- return B.BrowserEngine_0;
- },
- detectOperatingSystem() {
- var platform, userAgent, maxTouchPoints, _null = null,
- t1 = self.window;
- t1 = t1.navigator.platform;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t1.toString;
- platform = t1;
- t1 = self.window;
- userAgent = t1.navigator.userAgent;
- if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(platform, "Mac")) {
- t1 = self.window;
- t1 = t1.navigator.maxTouchPoints;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1);
- maxTouchPoints = t1;
- if ((maxTouchPoints == null ? 0 : maxTouchPoints) > 2)
- return B.OperatingSystem_0;
- return B.OperatingSystem_4;
- } else if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(platform.toLowerCase(), "iphone") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(platform.toLowerCase(), "ipad") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(platform.toLowerCase(), "ipod"))
- return B.OperatingSystem_0;
- else if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(userAgent, "Android"))
- return B.OperatingSystem_1;
- else if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(platform, "Linux"))
- return B.OperatingSystem_2;
- else if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(platform, "Win"))
- return B.OperatingSystem_3;
- else
- return B.OperatingSystem_5;
- },
- isIOS15() {
- var t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- return t1 === B.OperatingSystem_0 && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(self.window.navigator.userAgent, "OS 15_");
- },
- _detectWebGLVersion() {
- var t1,
- canvas = A.createDomCanvasElement(1, 1);
- if (A.DomCanvasElementExtension_getContext(canvas, "webgl2", null) != null) {
- t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- if (t1 === B.OperatingSystem_0)
- return 1;
- return 2;
- }
- if (A.DomCanvasElementExtension_getContext(canvas, "webgl", null) != null)
- return 1;
- return -1;
- },
- SurfaceFactory_instance() {
- var t2, t3, t4,
- t1 = $.SurfaceFactory__instance;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = $._configuration;
- t1 = (t1 == null ? $._configuration = A.FlutterConfiguration$legacy(self.window.flutterConfiguration) : t1)._configuration;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t1 = t1.canvasKitMaximumSurfaces;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1);
- }
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = 8;
- t2 = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-canvas-container");
- t3 = type$.JSArray_Surface;
- t4 = A._setArrayType([], t3);
- t3 = A._setArrayType([], t3);
- t1 = Math.max(t1, 1);
- t1 = $.SurfaceFactory__instance = new A.SurfaceFactory(new A.Surface(t2), t1, t4, t3);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- PasteFromClipboardStrategy_PasteFromClipboardStrategy() {
- var t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- return t1 === B.BrowserEngine_2 || self.window.navigator.clipboard == null ? new A.ExecCommandPasteStrategy() : new A.ClipboardAPIPasteStrategy();
- },
- FlutterConfiguration$legacy(config) {
- var t1 = new A.FlutterConfiguration();
- if (config != null) {
- t1._usedLegacyConfigStyle = true;
- t1._configuration = config;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- DomWindowExtension_get_console(_this) {
- return _this.console;
- },
- DomWindowExtension_get_navigator(_this) {
- return _this.navigator;
- },
- DomWindowExtension_matchMedia(_this, query) {
- return _this.matchMedia(query);
- },
- DomWindowExtension_getComputedStyle(_this, elt) {
- return _this.getComputedStyle(elt);
- },
- DomConsoleExtension_get_warn(_this) {
- return new A.DomConsoleExtension_get_warn_closure(_this);
- },
- DomNavigatorExtension_get_userAgent(_this) {
- return _this.userAgent;
- },
- DomNavigatorExtension_get_languages(_this) {
- var t1 = _this.languages;
- return t1 == null ? null : J.map$1$1$ax(t1, new A.DomNavigatorExtension_get_languages_closure(), type$.String).toList$0(0);
- },
- DomDocumentExtension_createElement(_this, $name) {
- return _this.createElement($name);
- },
- DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(_this, type, listener, useCapture) {
- if (listener != null)
- if (useCapture == null)
- _this.addEventListener(type, listener);
- else
- _this.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
- },
- DomEventTargetExtension_removeEventListener(_this, type, listener, useCapture) {
- if (listener != null)
- if (useCapture == null)
- _this.removeEventListener(type, listener);
- else
- _this.removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
- },
- DomNodeExtension_appendChild(_this, node) {
- return _this.appendChild(node);
- },
- DomNodeExtension_set_text(_this, value) {
- _this.textContent = value;
- return value;
- },
- createDomElement(tag) {
- return A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, tag);
- },
- DomElementExtension_get_tagName(_this) {
- return _this.tagName;
- },
- DomElementExtension_get_style(_this) {
- return _this.style;
- },
- DomElementExtension_getAttribute(_this, attributeName) {
- var t1 = _this.getAttribute(attributeName);
- return t1 == null ? null : t1;
- },
- DomElementExtension_setAttribute(_this, $name, value) {
- var t1 = A.jsify(value);
- return A.callMethod(_this, "setAttribute", [$name, t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- },
- DomElementExtension_clearChildren(_this) {
- var t1;
- for (; _this.firstChild != null;) {
- t1 = _this.firstChild;
- t1.toString;
- _this.removeChild(t1);
- }
- },
- DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_set_width(_this, value) {
- return A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(_this, "width", value);
- },
- DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_set_height(_this, value) {
- return A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(_this, "height", value);
- },
- DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_set_position(_this, value) {
- return A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(_this, "position", value);
- },
- DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_set_top(_this, value) {
- return A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(_this, "top", value);
- },
- DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_set_left(_this, value) {
- return A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(_this, "left", value);
- },
- DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_set_visibility(_this, value) {
- return A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(_this, "visibility", value);
- },
- DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_set_overflow(_this, value) {
- return A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(_this, "overflow", value);
- },
- DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(_this, propertyName, value) {
- _this.setProperty(propertyName, value, "");
- },
- DomHTMLImageElementExtension_set_src(_this, value) {
- _this.src = value;
- return value;
- },
- createDomCanvasElement(height, width) {
- var canvas;
- $.debugCanvasCount = $.debugCanvasCount + 1;
- canvas = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.window.document, "canvas");
- if (width != null)
- A.DomCanvasElementExtension_set_width(canvas, width);
- if (height != null)
- A.DomCanvasElementExtension_set_height(canvas, height);
- return canvas;
- },
- DomCanvasElementExtension_set_width(_this, value) {
- _this.width = value;
- return value;
- },
- DomCanvasElementExtension_set_height(_this, value) {
- _this.height = value;
- return value;
- },
- DomCanvasElementExtension_getContext(_this, contextType, attributes) {
- var t1;
- if (attributes == null)
- return _this.getContext(contextType);
- else {
- t1 = A.jsify(attributes);
- return A.callMethod(_this, "getContext", [contextType, t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- }
- },
- DomCanvasElementExtension_get_context2D(_this) {
- var t1 = A.DomCanvasElementExtension_getContext(_this, "2d", null);
- t1.toString;
- return type$.JavaScriptObject._as(t1);
- },
- DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_fillStyle(_this, style) {
- var t1 = style == null ? null : style;
- _this.fillStyle = t1;
- return t1;
- },
- DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_lineWidth(_this, value) {
- _this.lineWidth = value;
- return value;
- },
- DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_strokeStyle(_this, value) {
- var t1 = value == null ? null : value;
- _this.strokeStyle = t1;
- return t1;
- },
- DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_fill(_this, pathOrWinding) {
- if (pathOrWinding == null)
- _this.fill();
- else
- A.callMethod(_this, "fill", [pathOrWinding]);
- },
- DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_fillText(_this, text, x, y) {
- _this.fillText(text, x, y);
- },
- DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_clip(_this, pathOrWinding) {
- if (pathOrWinding == null)
- _this.clip();
- else
- A.callMethod(_this, "clip", [pathOrWinding]);
- },
- DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_filter(_this, value) {
- _this.filter = value;
- return value;
- },
- DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_shadowOffsetX(_this, x) {
- _this.shadowOffsetX = x;
- return x;
- },
- DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_shadowOffsetY(_this, y) {
- _this.shadowOffsetY = y;
- return y;
- },
- DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_shadowColor(_this, value) {
- var t1 = value == null ? null : value;
- _this.shadowColor = t1;
- return t1;
- },
- httpFetch(url) {
- return A.httpFetch$body(url);
- },
- httpFetch$body(url) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.HttpFetchResponse),
- $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, domResponse, requestError, exception, $async$exception;
- var $async$httpFetch = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$handler = 4;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.promiseToFuture(self.window.fetch(url), type$.JavaScriptObject), $async$httpFetch);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- domResponse = $async$result;
- $async$returnValue = new A.HttpFetchResponseImpl(url, domResponse);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- $async$handler = 2;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 4:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$exception = $async$currentError;
- requestError = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
- throw A.wrapException(new A.HttpFetchError(url, requestError));
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 3:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 6:
- // after finally
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- case 2:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$httpFetch, $async$completer);
- },
- HttpFetchResponseExtension_asUint8List(_this) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Uint8List),
- $async$returnValue, $async$temp1;
- var $async$HttpFetchResponseExtension_asUint8List = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$temp1 = A;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(_this.get$payload().asByteBuffer$0(), $async$HttpFetchResponseExtension_asUint8List);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view($async$result, 0, null);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$HttpFetchResponseExtension_asUint8List, $async$completer);
- },
- createDomFontFace(family, source, descriptors) {
- var t1;
- if (descriptors == null)
- return A.callConstructor(globalThis.FontFace, [family, source]);
- else {
- t1 = A.jsify(descriptors);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = type$.Object._as(t1);
- return A.callConstructor(globalThis.FontFace, [family, source, t1]);
- }
- },
- DomFontFaceSetExtension_get_add(_this) {
- return new A.DomFontFaceSetExtension_get_add_closure(_this);
- },
- DomHTMLTextAreaElementExtension_set_value(_this, value) {
- var t1 = value == null ? null : value;
- _this.value = t1;
- return t1;
- },
- DomMediaQueryListExtension_get_matches(_this) {
- return _this.matches;
- },
- DomMediaQueryListExtension_addListener(_this, listener) {
- return _this.addListener(listener);
- },
- DomHTMLInputElementExtension_set_type(_this, value) {
- _this.type = value;
- return value;
- },
- DomHTMLInputElementExtension_set_value(_this, v) {
- var t1 = v == null ? null : v;
- _this.value = t1;
- return t1;
- },
- DomHTMLInputElementExtension_set_disabled(_this, value) {
- _this.disabled = value;
- return value;
- },
- DomOffscreenCanvasExtension_getContext(_this, contextType, attributes) {
- var t1;
- if (attributes == null)
- return _this.getContext(contextType);
- else {
- t1 = A.jsify(attributes);
- return A.callMethod(_this, "getContext", [contextType, t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- }
- },
- DomCSSStyleSheetExtension_insertRule(_this, rule, index) {
- return _this.insertRule(rule, index);
- },
- DomSubscription$(target, typeString, dartListener) {
- var t1 = type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(dartListener));
- target.addEventListener(typeString, t1);
- return new A.DomSubscription(typeString, target, t1);
- },
- createDomResizeObserver(fn) {
- var t1 = A.allowInterop(new A.createDomResizeObserver_closure(fn));
- return A.callConstructor(globalThis.ResizeObserver, [t1]);
- },
- createV8BreakIterator() {
- if (self.Intl.v8BreakIterator == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("v8BreakIterator is not supported."));
- var t1 = A.jsify(B.Map_KPAWk);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = type$.Object._as(t1);
- return A.callConstructor(globalThis.Intl.v8BreakIterator, [[], t1]);
- },
- FlutterViewEmbedder__deviceOrientationToLockType(deviceOrientation) {
- switch (deviceOrientation) {
- case "DeviceOrientation.portraitUp":
- return "portrait-primary";
- case "DeviceOrientation.portraitDown":
- return "portrait-secondary";
- case "DeviceOrientation.landscapeLeft":
- return "landscape-primary";
- case "DeviceOrientation.landscapeRight":
- return "landscape-secondary";
- default:
- return null;
- }
- },
- flutterViewEmbedder() {
- var embedder = $._flutterViewEmbedder;
- embedder.toString;
- return embedder;
- },
- transformWithOffset(transform, offset) {
- var effectiveTransform;
- if (offset.$eq(0, B.Offset_0_0))
- return transform;
- effectiveTransform = new A.Matrix4(new Float32Array(16));
- effectiveTransform.setFrom$1(transform);
- effectiveTransform.translate$2(0, offset._dx, offset._dy);
- return effectiveTransform;
- },
- drawParagraphElement(paragraph, offset, transform) {
- var paragraphElement = paragraph.toDomElement$0();
- if (transform != null)
- A.setElementTransform(paragraphElement, A.transformWithOffset(transform, offset)._m4storage);
- return paragraphElement;
- },
- HostNode_HostNode$create(root, defaultFont) {
- var t1, t2, shadowRootStyleElement, t3, styleElement;
- if (root.attachShadow != null) {
- t1 = new A.ShadowDomHostNode();
- t2 = A.jsify(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["mode", "open", "delegatesFocus", false], type$.String, type$.dynamic));
- t2 = A.callMethod(root, "attachShadow", [t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- t1.__ShadowDomHostNode__shadow_A = t2;
- shadowRootStyleElement = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "style");
- shadowRootStyleElement.id = "flt-internals-stylesheet";
- t2.appendChild(shadowRootStyleElement);
- t2 = shadowRootStyleElement.sheet;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t3 !== B.BrowserEngine_0)
- t3 = t3 === B.BrowserEngine_1;
- else
- t3 = true;
- A.applyGlobalCssRulesToSheet(t2, "", defaultFont, t3);
- return t1;
- } else {
- t1 = new A.ElementHostNode();
- styleElement = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "style");
- styleElement.id = "flt-internals-stylesheet";
- root.appendChild(styleElement);
- t2 = styleElement.sheet;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t3 !== B.BrowserEngine_0)
- t3 = t3 === B.BrowserEngine_1;
- else
- t3 = true;
- A.applyGlobalCssRulesToSheet(t2, "flt-glass-pane", defaultFont, t3);
- t3 = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-element-host-node");
- t1.__ElementHostNode__element_A = t3;
- root.appendChild(t3);
- return t1;
- }
- },
- applyGlobalCssRulesToSheet(sheet, cssSelectorPrefix, defaultCssFont, hasAutofillOverlay) {
- var e, t5, exception,
- t1 = " " + cssSelectorPrefix,
- t2 = type$.JavaScriptObject,
- t3 = type$._DomListWrapper_JavaScriptObject,
- t4 = t3._eval$1("Iterable.E");
- A.DomCSSStyleSheetExtension_insertRule(sheet, t1 + " flt-scene-host {\n color: red;\n font: " + defaultCssFont + ";\n }\n ", J.get$length$asx(A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomListWrapper(sheet.cssRules, t3), t4, t2)._source));
- t5 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t5 === B.BrowserEngine_1)
- A.DomCSSStyleSheetExtension_insertRule(sheet, " " + cssSelectorPrefix + " * {\n -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;\n }\n ", J.get$length$asx(A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomListWrapper(sheet.cssRules, t3), t4, t2)._source));
- if (t5 === B.BrowserEngine_2)
- A.DomCSSStyleSheetExtension_insertRule(sheet, " " + cssSelectorPrefix + " flt-paragraph,\n " + cssSelectorPrefix + " flt-span {\n line-height: 100%;\n }\n ", J.get$length$asx(A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomListWrapper(sheet.cssRules, t3), t4, t2)._source));
- A.DomCSSStyleSheetExtension_insertRule(sheet, t1 + " flt-semantics input[type=range] {\n appearance: none;\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n width: 100%;\n position: absolute;\n border: none;\n top: 0;\n right: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n left: 0;\n }\n ", J.get$length$asx(A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomListWrapper(sheet.cssRules, t3), t4, t2)._source));
- if (t5 === B.BrowserEngine_1)
- A.DomCSSStyleSheetExtension_insertRule(sheet, " " + cssSelectorPrefix + " flt-semantics input[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n }\n ", J.get$length$asx(A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomListWrapper(sheet.cssRules, t3), t4, t2)._source));
- A.DomCSSStyleSheetExtension_insertRule(sheet, t1 + " input::selection {\n background-color: transparent;\n }\n ", J.get$length$asx(A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomListWrapper(sheet.cssRules, t3), t4, t2)._source));
- A.DomCSSStyleSheetExtension_insertRule(sheet, t1 + " textarea::selection {\n background-color: transparent;\n }\n ", J.get$length$asx(A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomListWrapper(sheet.cssRules, t3), t4, t2)._source));
- A.DomCSSStyleSheetExtension_insertRule(sheet, t1 + " flt-semantics input,\n " + cssSelectorPrefix + " flt-semantics textarea,\n " + cssSelectorPrefix + ' flt-semantics [contentEditable="true"] {\n caret-color: transparent;\n }\n ', J.get$length$asx(A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomListWrapper(sheet.cssRules, t3), t4, t2)._source));
- A.DomCSSStyleSheetExtension_insertRule(sheet, t1 + " .flt-text-editing::placeholder {\n opacity: 0;\n }\n ", J.get$length$asx(A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomListWrapper(sheet.cssRules, t3), t4, t2)._source));
- if (t5 !== B.BrowserEngine_0)
- t1 = t5 === B.BrowserEngine_1;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- A.DomCSSStyleSheetExtension_insertRule(sheet, " " + cssSelectorPrefix + " .transparentTextEditing:-webkit-autofill,\n " + cssSelectorPrefix + " .transparentTextEditing:-webkit-autofill:hover,\n " + cssSelectorPrefix + " .transparentTextEditing:-webkit-autofill:focus,\n " + cssSelectorPrefix + " .transparentTextEditing:-webkit-autofill:active {\n opacity: 0 !important;\n }\n ", J.get$length$asx(A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomListWrapper(sheet.cssRules, t3), t4, t2)._source));
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(self.window.navigator.userAgent, "Edg/"))
- try {
- A.DomCSSStyleSheetExtension_insertRule(sheet, " " + cssSelectorPrefix + " input::-ms-reveal {\n display: none;\n }\n ", J.get$length$asx(A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomListWrapper(sheet.cssRules, t3), t4, t2)._source));
- } catch (exception) {
- t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
- if (t2._is(t1)) {
- e = t1;
- self.window.console.warn(J.toString$0$(e));
- } else
- throw exception;
- }
- },
- BitmapCanvas$(_bounds, renderStrategy, density) {
- var t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9,
- t1 = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-canvas"),
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_JavaScriptObject),
- t3 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t3 === 0)
- t3 = 1;
- t4 = _bounds.left;
- t5 = _bounds.right - t4;
- t6 = A.BitmapCanvas_widthToPhysical(t5);
- t7 = _bounds.top;
- t8 = _bounds.bottom - t7;
- t9 = A.BitmapCanvas_heightToPhysical(t8);
- t8 = new A.CanvasPool(A.BitmapCanvas_widthToPhysical(t5), A.BitmapCanvas_heightToPhysical(t8), density, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SaveStackEntry), A.Matrix4$identity());
- t3 = new A.BitmapCanvas(_bounds, t1, t8, t2, t6, t9, t3, density, renderStrategy);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1.style, "position", "absolute");
- t3._canvasPositionX = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(t4) - 1;
- t3._canvasPositionY = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(t7) - 1;
- t3._updateRootElementTransform$0();
- t8._rootElement = t1;
- t3._setupInitialTransform$0();
- return t3;
- },
- BitmapCanvas_widthToPhysical(width) {
- var t1 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t1 === 0)
- t1 = 1;
- return B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0((width + 1) * t1) + 2;
- },
- BitmapCanvas_heightToPhysical(height) {
- var t1 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t1 === 0)
- t1 = 1;
- return B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0((height + 1) * t1) + 2;
- },
- BitmapCanvas__onEvictElement(element) {
- element.remove();
- },
- blendModeToCssMixBlendMode(blendMode) {
- if (blendMode == null)
- return null;
- switch (blendMode.index) {
- case 3:
- return "source-over";
- case 5:
- return "source-in";
- case 7:
- return "source-out";
- case 9:
- return "source-atop";
- case 4:
- return "destination-over";
- case 6:
- return "destination-in";
- case 8:
- return "destination-out";
- case 10:
- return "destination-atop";
- case 12:
- return "lighten";
- case 1:
- return "copy";
- case 11:
- return "xor";
- case 24:
- case 13:
- return "multiply";
- case 14:
- return "screen";
- case 15:
- return "overlay";
- case 16:
- return "darken";
- case 17:
- return "lighten";
- case 18:
- return "color-dodge";
- case 19:
- return "color-burn";
- case 20:
- return "hard-light";
- case 21:
- return "soft-light";
- case 22:
- return "difference";
- case 23:
- return "exclusion";
- case 25:
- return "hue";
- case 26:
- return "saturation";
- case 27:
- return "color";
- case 28:
- return "luminosity";
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("Flutter Web does not support the blend mode: " + blendMode.toString$0(0)));
- }
- },
- blendModeToSvgEnum(blendMode) {
- switch (blendMode.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_0;
- case 3:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_00;
- case 5:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_01;
- case 7:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_02;
- case 9:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_03;
- case 4:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_04;
- case 6:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_05;
- case 8:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_06;
- case 10:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_07;
- case 12:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_08;
- case 1:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_09;
- case 11:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_010;
- case 24:
- case 13:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_2;
- case 14:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_3;
- case 15:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_6;
- case 16:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_4;
- case 17:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_5;
- case 18:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_7;
- case 19:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_8;
- case 20:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_9;
- case 21:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_10;
- case 22:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_11;
- case 23:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_12;
- case 25:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_13;
- case 26:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_14;
- case 27:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_15;
- case 28:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_16;
- default:
- return B.SvgBlendMode_1;
- }
- },
- stringForStrokeCap(strokeCap) {
- if (strokeCap == null)
- return null;
- switch (strokeCap.index) {
- case 0:
- return "butt";
- case 1:
- return "round";
- case 2:
- default:
- return "square";
- }
- },
- stringForStrokeJoin(strokeJoin) {
- switch (strokeJoin.index) {
- case 1:
- return "round";
- case 2:
- return "bevel";
- case 0:
- default:
- return "miter";
- }
- },
- _clipContent(clipStack, $content, offset, currentTransform) {
- var root, curElement, clipIndex, entry, newElement, t2, rect, newClipTransform, transformKind, clipOffsetX, clipOffsetY, newClipTransform0, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, ovalBounds, reverseTransformDiv,
- t1 = type$.JSArray_JavaScriptObject,
- clipDefs = A._setArrayType([], t1),
- len = clipStack.length;
- for (root = null, curElement = null, clipIndex = 0; clipIndex < len; ++clipIndex, curElement = reverseTransformDiv) {
- entry = clipStack[clipIndex];
- newElement = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "div");
- t2 = newElement.style;
- t2.setProperty("position", "absolute", "");
- t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t2 === B.BrowserEngine_1) {
- t2 = newElement.style;
- t2.setProperty("z-index", "0", "");
- }
- if (root == null)
- root = newElement;
- else
- curElement.append(newElement);
- rect = entry.rect;
- newClipTransform = entry.currentTransform;
- t2 = newClipTransform._m4storage;
- transformKind = A.transformKindOf(t2);
- if (rect != null) {
- clipOffsetX = rect.left;
- clipOffsetY = rect.top;
- t2 = new Float32Array(16);
- newClipTransform0 = new A.Matrix4(t2);
- newClipTransform0.setFrom$1(newClipTransform);
- newClipTransform0.translate$2(0, clipOffsetX, clipOffsetY);
- t3 = newElement.style;
- t3.setProperty("overflow", "hidden", "");
- t4 = rect.right;
- t3.setProperty("width", A.S(t4 - clipOffsetX) + "px", "");
- t4 = rect.bottom;
- t3.setProperty("height", A.S(t4 - clipOffsetY) + "px", "");
- t3 = newElement.style;
- t3.setProperty("transform-origin", "0 0 0", "");
- t2 = A.float64ListToCssTransform(t2);
- t3.setProperty("transform", t2, "");
- newClipTransform = newClipTransform0;
- } else {
- t3 = entry.rrect;
- if (t3 != null) {
- t2 = t3.tlRadiusX;
- t4 = t3.trRadiusX;
- t5 = t3.brRadiusX;
- t6 = t3.blRadiusX;
- clipOffsetX = t3.left;
- clipOffsetY = t3.top;
- t7 = new Float32Array(16);
- newClipTransform0 = new A.Matrix4(t7);
- newClipTransform0.setFrom$1(newClipTransform);
- newClipTransform0.translate$2(0, clipOffsetX, clipOffsetY);
- t8 = newElement.style;
- t8.setProperty("border-radius", A.S(t2) + "px " + A.S(t4) + "px " + A.S(t5) + "px " + A.S(t6) + "px", "");
- t8.setProperty("overflow", "hidden", "");
- t2 = t3.right;
- t8.setProperty("width", A.S(t2 - clipOffsetX) + "px", "");
- t2 = t3.bottom;
- t8.setProperty("height", A.S(t2 - clipOffsetY) + "px", "");
- t2 = newElement.style;
- t2.setProperty("transform-origin", "0 0 0", "");
- t3 = A.float64ListToCssTransform(t7);
- t2.setProperty("transform", t3, "");
- newClipTransform = newClipTransform0;
- } else {
- t3 = entry.path;
- if (t3 != null) {
- t4 = t3.pathRef;
- if ((t4.fIsOval ? t4.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx : -1) !== -1) {
- ovalBounds = t3.getBounds$0(0);
- clipOffsetX = ovalBounds.left;
- clipOffsetY = ovalBounds.top;
- t2 = new Float32Array(16);
- newClipTransform0 = new A.Matrix4(t2);
- newClipTransform0.setFrom$1(newClipTransform);
- newClipTransform0.translate$2(0, clipOffsetX, clipOffsetY);
- t3 = newElement.style;
- t3.setProperty("overflow", "hidden", "");
- t3.setProperty("width", A.S(ovalBounds.right - clipOffsetX) + "px", "");
- t3.setProperty("height", A.S(ovalBounds.bottom - clipOffsetY) + "px", "");
- t3.setProperty("border-radius", "50%", "");
- t3 = newElement.style;
- t3.setProperty("transform-origin", "0 0 0", "");
- t2 = A.float64ListToCssTransform(t2);
- t3.setProperty("transform", t2, "");
- newClipTransform = newClipTransform0;
- } else {
- t4 = newElement.style;
- t2 = A.float64ListToCssTransform(t2);
- t4.setProperty("transform", t2, "");
- t4.setProperty("transform-origin", "0 0 0", "");
- clipDefs.push(A.createSvgClipDef(newElement, t3));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- reverseTransformDiv = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "div");
- t2 = reverseTransformDiv.style;
- t2.setProperty("position", "absolute", "");
- t2 = new Float32Array(16);
- t3 = new A.Matrix4(t2);
- t3.setFrom$1(newClipTransform);
- t3.copyInverse$1(t3);
- t3 = reverseTransformDiv.style;
- t3.setProperty("transform-origin", "0 0 0", "");
- t2 = A.float64ListToCssTransform(t2);
- t3.setProperty("transform", t2, "");
- if (transformKind === B.TransformKind_2) {
- t2 = newElement.style;
- t2.setProperty("transform-style", "preserve-3d", "");
- t2 = reverseTransformDiv.style;
- t2.setProperty("transform-style", "preserve-3d", "");
- }
- newElement.append(reverseTransformDiv);
- }
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(root.style, "position", "absolute");
- curElement.append($content);
- A.setElementTransform($content, A.transformWithOffset(currentTransform, offset)._m4storage);
- t1 = A._setArrayType([root], t1);
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, clipDefs);
- return t1;
- },
- maskFilterToCanvasFilter(maskFilter) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (maskFilter != null) {
- t1 = maskFilter._sigma;
- t2 = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 === 0)
- t2 = 1;
- }
- return "blur(" + A.S(t1 * t2) + "px)";
- } else
- return "none";
- },
- createSvgClipDef(element, clipPath) {
- var t3, t4, t5, t6, t7,
- _s12_ = "setAttribute",
- pathBounds = clipPath.getBounds$0(0),
- t1 = pathBounds.right,
- t2 = pathBounds.bottom;
- $._clipIdCounter = $._clipIdCounter + 1;
- t3 = $.$get$kSvgResourceHeader();
- t3 = t3.cloneNode(false);
- t4 = self.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "defs");
- t3.append(t4);
- t5 = $._clipIdCounter;
- t6 = self.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "clipPath");
- t4.append(t6);
- t6.id = "svgClip" + t5;
- t5 = self.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path");
- t6.append(t5);
- t4 = A.jsify("#FFFFFF");
- A.callMethod(t5, _s12_, ["fill", t4 == null ? type$.Object._as(t4) : t4]);
- t4 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t4 !== B.BrowserEngine_2) {
- t7 = A.jsify("objectBoundingBox");
- A.callMethod(t6, _s12_, ["clipPathUnits", t7 == null ? type$.Object._as(t7) : t7]);
- t6 = A.jsify("scale(" + A.S(1 / t1) + ", " + A.S(1 / t2) + ")");
- A.callMethod(t5, _s12_, ["transform", t6 == null ? type$.Object._as(t6) : t6]);
- }
- if (clipPath.get$fillType() === B.PathFillType_1) {
- t6 = A.jsify("evenodd");
- A.callMethod(t5, _s12_, ["clip-rule", t6 == null ? type$.Object._as(t6) : t6]);
- } else {
- t6 = A.jsify("nonzero");
- A.callMethod(t5, _s12_, ["clip-rule", t6 == null ? type$.Object._as(t6) : t6]);
- }
- t6 = A.jsify(A.pathToSvg(type$.SurfacePath._as(clipPath).pathRef, 0, 0));
- A.callMethod(t5, _s12_, ["d", t6 == null ? type$.Object._as(t6) : t6]);
- t5 = "url(#svgClip" + $._clipIdCounter + ")";
- if (t4 === B.BrowserEngine_1)
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(element.style, "-webkit-clip-path", t5);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(element.style, "clip-path", t5);
- t4 = element.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t4, "width", A.S(t1) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t4, "height", A.S(t2) + "px");
- return t3;
- },
- svgFilterFromBlendMode(filterColor, colorFilterBlendMode) {
- var builder, t1, svgFilter, r, b, g,
- _s9_ = "destalpha",
- _s5_ = "flood", _s4_ = "comp",
- _s13_ = "SourceGraphic";
- switch (colorFilterBlendMode.index) {
- case 5:
- case 9:
- builder = A.SvgFilterBuilder$();
- t1 = A.jsify("sRGB");
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = type$.Object._as(t1);
- A.callMethod(builder.filter, "setAttribute", ["color-interpolation-filters", t1]);
- builder.setFeColorMatrix$2$result(B.List_G9W, _s9_);
- t1 = A.colorToCssString(filterColor);
- builder.setFeFlood$3$floodColor$floodOpacity$result(t1 == null ? "" : t1, "1", _s5_);
- builder.setFeComposite$8$in1$in2$k1$k2$k3$k4$operator$result(_s5_, _s9_, 1, 0, 0, 0, 6, _s4_);
- svgFilter = builder.build$0();
- break;
- case 7:
- builder = A.SvgFilterBuilder$();
- t1 = A.colorToCssString(filterColor);
- builder.setFeFlood$3$floodColor$floodOpacity$result(t1 == null ? "" : t1, "1", _s5_);
- builder.setFeComposite$4$in1$in2$operator$result(_s5_, _s13_, 3, _s4_);
- svgFilter = builder.build$0();
- break;
- case 10:
- builder = A.SvgFilterBuilder$();
- t1 = A.colorToCssString(filterColor);
- builder.setFeFlood$3$floodColor$floodOpacity$result(t1 == null ? "" : t1, "1", _s5_);
- builder.setFeComposite$4$in1$in2$operator$result(_s13_, _s5_, 4, _s4_);
- svgFilter = builder.build$0();
- break;
- case 11:
- builder = A.SvgFilterBuilder$();
- t1 = A.colorToCssString(filterColor);
- builder.setFeFlood$3$floodColor$floodOpacity$result(t1 == null ? "" : t1, "1", _s5_);
- builder.setFeComposite$4$in1$in2$operator$result(_s5_, _s13_, 5, _s4_);
- svgFilter = builder.build$0();
- break;
- case 12:
- builder = A.SvgFilterBuilder$();
- t1 = A.colorToCssString(filterColor);
- builder.setFeFlood$3$floodColor$floodOpacity$result(t1 == null ? "" : t1, "1", _s5_);
- builder.setFeComposite$8$in1$in2$k1$k2$k3$k4$operator$result(_s5_, _s13_, 0, 1, 1, 0, 6, _s4_);
- svgFilter = builder.build$0();
- break;
- case 13:
- r = filterColor.get$red().$div(0, 255);
- b = filterColor.get$blue().$div(0, 255);
- g = filterColor.get$green().$div(0, 255);
- builder = A.SvgFilterBuilder$();
- builder.setFeColorMatrix$2$result(A._setArrayType([0, 0, 0, 0, r, 0, 0, 0, 0, g, 0, 0, 0, 0, b, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], type$.JSArray_double), "recolor");
- builder.setFeComposite$8$in1$in2$k1$k2$k3$k4$operator$result("recolor", _s13_, 1, 0, 0, 0, 6, _s4_);
- svgFilter = builder.build$0();
- break;
- case 15:
- t1 = A.blendModeToSvgEnum(B.BlendMode_20);
- t1.toString;
- svgFilter = A._blendColorFilterToSvg(filterColor, t1, true);
- break;
- case 26:
- case 18:
- case 19:
- case 25:
- case 27:
- case 28:
- case 24:
- case 14:
- case 16:
- case 17:
- case 20:
- case 21:
- case 22:
- case 23:
- t1 = A.blendModeToSvgEnum(colorFilterBlendMode);
- t1.toString;
- svgFilter = A._blendColorFilterToSvg(filterColor, t1, false);
- break;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 6:
- case 8:
- case 4:
- case 0:
- case 3:
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("Blend mode not supported in HTML renderer: " + colorFilterBlendMode.toString$0(0)));
- default:
- svgFilter = null;
- }
- return svgFilter;
- },
- SvgFilterBuilder$() {
- var t2, t3, t4,
- t1 = $.$get$kSvgResourceHeader();
- t1 = t1.cloneNode(false);
- t2 = self.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "filter");
- t3 = $.SvgFilterBuilder__filterIdCounter + 1;
- $.SvgFilterBuilder__filterIdCounter = t3;
- t3 = "_fcf" + t3;
- t2.id = t3;
- t4 = t2.filterUnits;
- t4.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedEnumerationExtenson_set_baseVal(t4, 2);
- t4 = t2.x.baseVal;
- t4.toString;
- A.SVGLengthExtension_set_valueAsString(t4, "0%");
- t4 = t2.y.baseVal;
- t4.toString;
- A.SVGLengthExtension_set_valueAsString(t4, "0%");
- t4 = t2.width.baseVal;
- t4.toString;
- A.SVGLengthExtension_set_valueAsString(t4, "100%");
- t4 = t2.height.baseVal;
- t4.toString;
- A.SVGLengthExtension_set_valueAsString(t4, "100%");
- return new A.SvgFilterBuilder(t3, t1, t2);
- },
- svgFilterFromColorMatrix(matrix) {
- var builder = A.SvgFilterBuilder$();
- builder.setFeColorMatrix$2$result(matrix, "comp");
- return builder.build$0();
- },
- _blendColorFilterToSvg(color, svgBlendMode, swapLayers) {
- var _s5_ = "flood",
- _s13_ = "SourceGraphic",
- builder = A.SvgFilterBuilder$(),
- t1 = A.colorToCssString(color);
- builder.setFeFlood$3$floodColor$floodOpacity$result(t1 == null ? "" : t1, "1", _s5_);
- t1 = svgBlendMode.blendMode;
- if (swapLayers)
- builder.setFeBlend$3$in1$in2$mode(_s13_, _s5_, t1);
- else
- builder.setFeBlend$3$in1$in2$mode(_s5_, _s13_, t1);
- return builder.build$0();
- },
- adjustRectForDom(rect, paint) {
- var width, height, t5, strokeWidth,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = rect.right,
- left = Math.min(t1, t2),
- t3 = rect.top,
- t4 = rect.bottom,
- $top = Math.min(t3, t4);
- t2 -= t1;
- width = Math.abs(t2);
- t4 -= t3;
- height = Math.abs(t4);
- t5 = paint.style;
- strokeWidth = paint.strokeWidth;
- if (strokeWidth == null)
- strokeWidth = 0;
- if (t5 === B.PaintingStyle_1 && strokeWidth > 0) {
- t5 = strokeWidth / 2;
- left -= t5;
- $top -= t5;
- width = Math.max(0, width - strokeWidth);
- height = Math.max(0, height - strokeWidth);
- }
- if (left !== t1 || $top !== t3 || width !== t2 || height !== t4)
- return new A.Rect(left, $top, left + width, $top + height);
- return rect;
- },
- buildDrawRectElement(rect, paint, tagName, transform) {
- var t1, t2, effectiveTransform, translated, t3, t4, t5, sigma, cssColor, url,
- rectangle = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, tagName),
- isStroke = paint.style === B.PaintingStyle_1,
- strokeWidth = paint.strokeWidth;
- if (strokeWidth == null)
- strokeWidth = 0;
- if (transform.isIdentity$0(0)) {
- t1 = rect.left;
- t2 = rect.top;
- effectiveTransform = "translate(" + A.S(t1) + "px, " + A.S(t2) + "px)";
- } else {
- t1 = new Float32Array(16);
- translated = new A.Matrix4(t1);
- translated.setFrom$1(transform);
- t2 = rect.left;
- t3 = rect.top;
- translated.translate$2(0, t2, t3);
- effectiveTransform = A.float64ListToCssTransform(t1);
- t1 = t2;
- t2 = t3;
- }
- t3 = rectangle.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, "transform-origin", "0 0 0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, "transform", effectiveTransform);
- t4 = A.colorValueToCssString(paint.color);
- t4.toString;
- t5 = paint.maskFilter;
- if (t5 != null) {
- sigma = t5._sigma;
- t5 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t5 === B.BrowserEngine_1 && !isStroke) {
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, "box-shadow", "0px 0px " + A.S(sigma * 2) + "px " + t4);
- t4 = paint.color;
- t4 = A.colorToCssString(new A.Color(((B.JSNumber_methods.round$0((1 - Math.min(Math.sqrt(sigma) / 6.283185307179586, 1)) * (t4 >>> 24 & 255)) & 255) << 24 | t4 & 16777215) >>> 0));
- t4.toString;
- cssColor = t4;
- } else {
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, "filter", "blur(" + A.S(sigma) + "px)");
- cssColor = t4;
- }
- } else
- cssColor = t4;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, "width", A.S(rect.right - t1) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, "height", A.S(rect.bottom - t2) + "px");
- if (isStroke)
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, "border", A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(strokeWidth) + " solid " + cssColor);
- else {
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, "background-color", cssColor);
- url = A._getBackgroundImageUrl(paint.shader, rect);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, "background-image", url !== "" ? "url('" + url + "'" : "");
- }
- return rectangle;
- },
- _getBackgroundImageUrl(shader, bounds) {
- var t1;
- if (shader != null) {
- if (shader instanceof A.EngineImageShader) {
- t1 = shader.image.imgElement.src;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- return t1 == null ? "" : t1;
- }
- if (shader instanceof A.EngineGradient)
- return A._asString(shader.createImageBitmap$3(bounds, 1, true));
- }
- return "";
- },
- applyRRectBorderRadius(style, rrect) {
- var t3, t4,
- t1 = rrect.tlRadiusX,
- t2 = rrect.trRadiusX;
- if (t1 === t2) {
- t3 = rrect.blRadiusX;
- if (t1 === t3) {
- t4 = rrect.brRadiusX;
- t3 = t1 === t4 && t1 === rrect.tlRadiusY && t2 === rrect.trRadiusY && t3 === rrect.blRadiusY && t4 === rrect.brRadiusY;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3) {
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(style, "border-radius", A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(rrect.blRadiusX));
- return;
- }
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(style, "border-top-left-radius", A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(t1) + " " + A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(rrect.tlRadiusY));
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(style, "border-top-right-radius", A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(t2) + " " + A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(rrect.trRadiusY));
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(style, "border-bottom-left-radius", A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(rrect.blRadiusX) + " " + A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(rrect.blRadiusY));
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(style, "border-bottom-right-radius", A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(rrect.brRadiusX) + " " + A._borderStrokeToCssUnit(rrect.brRadiusY));
- },
- _borderStrokeToCssUnit(value) {
- return B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(value === 0 ? 1 : value, 3) + "px";
- },
- Conic__subdivide(src, level, pointList) {
- var dst, t1, t2, startY, endY, midY, t3;
- if (0 === level) {
- pointList.push(new A.Offset(src.p1x, src.p1y));
- pointList.push(new A.Offset(src.p2x, src.p2y));
- return;
- }
- dst = new A._ConicPair();
- src._chop$1(dst);
- t1 = dst.first;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = dst.second;
- t2.toString;
- startY = src.p0y;
- endY = src.p2y;
- if (A.SPath_between(startY, src.p1y, endY)) {
- midY = t1.p2y;
- if (!A.SPath_between(startY, midY, endY))
- t3 = t1.p2y = t2.p0y = Math.abs(midY - startY) < Math.abs(midY - endY) ? startY : endY;
- else
- t3 = midY;
- if (!A.SPath_between(startY, t1.p1y, t3))
- t1.p1y = startY;
- if (!A.SPath_between(t2.p0y, t2.p1y, endY))
- t2.p1y = endY;
- }
- --level;
- A.Conic__subdivide(t1, level, pointList);
- A.Conic__subdivide(t2, level, pointList);
- },
- Conic_evalNumerator(p0, p1, p2, w, t) {
- var src2w = p1 * w;
- return ((p2 - 2 * src2w + p0) * t + 2 * (src2w - p0)) * t + p0;
- },
- Conic_evalDenominator(w, t) {
- var $B = 2 * (w - 1);
- return (-$B * t + $B) * t + 1;
- },
- chopCubicAtYExtrema(points, dest) {
- var t1, roots, t2, t3, rootCount,
- y0 = points[1],
- y1 = points[3],
- y2 = points[5],
- quadRoots = new A.QuadRoots();
- quadRoots.findRoots$3(points[7] - y0 + 3 * (y1 - y2), 2 * (y0 - y1 - y1 + y2), y1 - y0);
- t1 = quadRoots.root0;
- if (t1 == null)
- roots = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_double);
- else {
- t2 = quadRoots.root1;
- t3 = type$.JSArray_double;
- roots = t2 == null ? A._setArrayType([t1], t3) : A._setArrayType([t1, t2], t3);
- }
- if (roots.length === 0)
- return 0;
- A._chopCubicAt(roots, points, dest);
- rootCount = roots.length;
- if (rootCount > 0) {
- t1 = dest[7];
- dest[9] = t1;
- dest[5] = t1;
- if (rootCount === 2) {
- t1 = dest[13];
- dest[15] = t1;
- dest[11] = t1;
- }
- }
- return rootCount;
- },
- _chopCubicAt(tValues, points, outPts) {
- var i, t, t1, bufferPos, p3y, p0x, t2, p0y, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, bufferPos0, p3x, t3, ab1x, ab1y, bc1x, bc1y, cd1x, cd1y, abc1x, abc1y, bcd1x, bcd1y, outIndex, outIndex0, i0,
- rootCount = tValues.length;
- if (0 === rootCount)
- for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
- outPts[i] = points[i];
- else {
- t = tValues[0];
- for (t1 = rootCount - 1, bufferPos = 0, i = 0; i < rootCount; i = i0, bufferPos = bufferPos0) {
- p3y = points[bufferPos + 7];
- p0x = points[bufferPos];
- t2 = bufferPos + 1;
- p0y = points[t2];
- p1x = points[bufferPos + 2];
- p1y = points[bufferPos + 3];
- p2x = points[bufferPos + 4];
- p2y = points[bufferPos + 5];
- bufferPos0 = bufferPos + 6;
- p3x = points[bufferPos0];
- t3 = 1 - t;
- ab1x = p0x * t3 + p1x * t;
- ab1y = p0y * t3 + p1y * t;
- bc1x = p1x * t3 + p2x * t;
- bc1y = p1y * t3 + p2y * t;
- cd1x = p2x * t3 + p3x * t;
- cd1y = p2y * t3 + p3y * t;
- abc1x = ab1x * t3 + bc1x * t;
- abc1y = ab1y * t3 + bc1y * t;
- bcd1x = bc1x * t3 + cd1x * t;
- bcd1y = bc1y * t3 + cd1y * t;
- outPts[bufferPos] = p0x;
- outIndex = t2 + 1;
- outPts[t2] = p0y;
- outIndex0 = outIndex + 1;
- outPts[outIndex] = ab1x;
- outIndex = outIndex0 + 1;
- outPts[outIndex0] = ab1y;
- outIndex0 = outIndex + 1;
- outPts[outIndex] = abc1x;
- outIndex = outIndex0 + 1;
- outPts[outIndex0] = abc1y;
- outIndex0 = outIndex + 1;
- outPts[outIndex] = abc1x * t3 + bcd1x * t;
- outIndex = outIndex0 + 1;
- outPts[outIndex0] = abc1y * t3 + bcd1y * t;
- outIndex0 = outIndex + 1;
- outPts[outIndex] = bcd1x;
- outIndex = outIndex0 + 1;
- outPts[outIndex0] = bcd1y;
- outIndex0 = outIndex + 1;
- outPts[outIndex] = cd1x;
- outIndex = outIndex0 + 1;
- outPts[outIndex0] = cd1y;
- outPts[outIndex] = p3x;
- outPts[outIndex + 1] = p3y;
- if (i === t1)
- break;
- i0 = i + 1;
- t2 = tValues[i0];
- t3 = tValues[i];
- t = A.validUnitDivide(t2 - t3, 1 - t3);
- if (t == null) {
- t1 = points[bufferPos0 + 3];
- outPts[bufferPos0 + 6] = t1;
- outPts[bufferPos0 + 5] = t1;
- outPts[bufferPos0 + 4] = t1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- chopMonoAtY(buffer, bufferStartPos, y) {
- var tNeg, tPos, t1, t2, t3, tMid, y01, y12, y012, y0123,
- ycrv0 = buffer[1 + bufferStartPos] - y,
- ycrv1 = buffer[3 + bufferStartPos] - y,
- ycrv2 = buffer[5 + bufferStartPos] - y,
- ycrv3 = buffer[7 + bufferStartPos] - y;
- if (ycrv0 < 0) {
- if (ycrv3 < 0)
- return null;
- tNeg = 0;
- tPos = 1;
- } else {
- if (!(ycrv0 > 0))
- return 0;
- tNeg = 1;
- tPos = 0;
- }
- t1 = ycrv1 - ycrv0;
- t2 = ycrv2 - ycrv1;
- t3 = ycrv3 - ycrv2;
- do {
- tMid = (tPos + tNeg) / 2;
- y01 = ycrv0 + t1 * tMid;
- y12 = ycrv1 + t2 * tMid;
- y012 = y01 + (y12 - y01) * tMid;
- y0123 = y012 + (y12 + (ycrv2 + t3 * tMid - y12) * tMid - y012) * tMid;
- if (y0123 === 0)
- return tMid;
- if (y0123 < 0)
- tNeg = tMid;
- else
- tPos = tMid;
- } while (Math.abs(tPos - tNeg) > 0.0000152587890625);
- return (tNeg + tPos) / 2;
- },
- evalCubicPts(c0, c1, c2, c3, t) {
- return (((c3 + 3 * (c1 - c2) - c0) * t + 3 * (c2 - c1 - c1 + c0)) * t + 3 * (c1 - c0)) * t + c0;
- },
- chopCubicBetweenT(points, startT, stopT, buffer) {
- var endT, ab2x, ab2y, bc2x, bc2y, abc2x, abc2y,
- p3y = points[7],
- p0x = points[0],
- p0y = points[1],
- p1x = points[2],
- p1y = points[3],
- p2x = points[4],
- p2y = points[5],
- p3x = points[6],
- t1 = startT === 0,
- t = !t1 ? startT : stopT,
- t2 = 1 - t,
- ab1x = p0x * t2 + p1x * t,
- ab1y = p0y * t2 + p1y * t,
- bc1x = p1x * t2 + p2x * t,
- bc1y = p1y * t2 + p2y * t,
- cd1x = p2x * t2 + p3x * t,
- cd1y = p2y * t2 + p3y * t,
- abc1x = ab1x * t2 + bc1x * t,
- abc1y = ab1y * t2 + bc1y * t,
- bcd1x = bc1x * t2 + cd1x * t,
- bcd1y = bc1y * t2 + cd1y * t,
- abcd1x = abc1x * t2 + bcd1x * t,
- abcd1y = abc1y * t2 + bcd1y * t;
- if (t1) {
- buffer[0] = p0x;
- buffer[1] = p0y;
- buffer[2] = ab1x;
- buffer[3] = ab1y;
- buffer[4] = abc1x;
- buffer[5] = abc1y;
- buffer[6] = abcd1x;
- buffer[7] = abcd1y;
- return;
- }
- if (stopT === 1) {
- buffer[0] = abcd1x;
- buffer[1] = abcd1y;
- buffer[2] = bcd1x;
- buffer[3] = bcd1y;
- buffer[4] = cd1x;
- buffer[5] = cd1y;
- buffer[6] = p3x;
- buffer[7] = p3y;
- return;
- }
- endT = (stopT - startT) / (1 - startT);
- t1 = 1 - endT;
- ab2x = abcd1x * t1 + bcd1x * endT;
- ab2y = abcd1y * t1 + bcd1y * endT;
- bc2x = bcd1x * t1 + cd1x * endT;
- bc2y = bcd1y * t1 + cd1y * endT;
- abc2x = ab2x * t1 + bc2x * endT;
- abc2y = ab2y * t1 + bc2y * endT;
- buffer[0] = abcd1x;
- buffer[1] = abcd1y;
- buffer[2] = ab2x;
- buffer[3] = ab2y;
- buffer[4] = abc2x;
- buffer[5] = abc2y;
- buffer[6] = abc2x * t1 + (bc2x * t1 + (cd1x * t1 + p3x * endT) * endT) * endT;
- buffer[7] = abc2y * t1 + (bc2y * t1 + (cd1y * t1 + p3y * endT) * endT) * endT;
- },
- SurfacePath$() {
- var t1 = new A.SurfacePath(A.PathRef$(), B.PathFillType_0);
- t1._resetFields$0();
- return t1;
- },
- _arcIsLonePoint(oval, startAngle, sweepAngle) {
- var t1;
- if (0 === sweepAngle)
- t1 = 0 === startAngle || 360 === startAngle;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- return new A.Offset(oval.right, oval.get$center()._dy);
- return null;
- },
- _computeMinScale(radius1, radius2, limit, scale) {
- var totalRadius = radius1 + radius2;
- if (totalRadius <= limit)
- return scale;
- return Math.min(limit / totalRadius, scale);
- },
- PathIterator$(pathRef, forceClose) {
- var t1 = new A.PathIterator(pathRef, forceClose, pathRef._fVerbsLength);
- if (pathRef.fBoundsIsDirty)
- pathRef._computeBounds$0();
- if (!pathRef.fIsFinite)
- t1._verbIndex = pathRef._fVerbsLength;
- return t1;
- },
- _PathContourMeasure__cubicTooCurvy(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
- if (Math.abs(x0 * 2 / 3 + x3 / 3 - x1) > 0.5)
- return true;
- if (Math.abs(y0 * 2 / 3 + y3 / 3 - y1) > 0.5)
- return true;
- if (Math.abs(x0 / 3 + x3 * 2 / 3 - x2) > 0.5)
- return true;
- if (Math.abs(y0 / 3 + y3 * 2 / 3 - y2) > 0.5)
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- _PathContourMeasure__computeCubicSegments(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, distance, tMin, tMax, segments) {
- var abX, abY, bcX, bcY, cdX, cdY, abcX, abcY, bcdX, bcdY, abcdX, abcdY, tHalf, dx, dy, distance0;
- if (B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(tMax - tMin, 10) !== 0 && A._PathContourMeasure__cubicTooCurvy(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)) {
- abX = (x0 + x1) / 2;
- abY = (y0 + y1) / 2;
- bcX = (x1 + x2) / 2;
- bcY = (y1 + y2) / 2;
- cdX = (x2 + x3) / 2;
- cdY = (y2 + y3) / 2;
- abcX = (abX + bcX) / 2;
- abcY = (abY + bcY) / 2;
- bcdX = (bcX + cdX) / 2;
- bcdY = (bcY + cdY) / 2;
- abcdX = (abcX + bcdX) / 2;
- abcdY = (abcY + bcdY) / 2;
- tHalf = tMin + tMax >>> 1;
- distance = A._PathContourMeasure__computeCubicSegments(abcdX, abcdY, bcdX, bcdY, cdX, cdY, x3, y3, A._PathContourMeasure__computeCubicSegments(x0, y0, abX, abY, abcX, abcY, abcdX, abcdY, distance, tMin, tHalf, segments), tHalf, tMax, segments);
- } else {
- dx = x0 - x3;
- dy = y0 - y3;
- distance0 = distance + Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- if (distance0 > distance)
- segments.push(new A._PathSegment(4, distance0, A._setArrayType([x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3], type$.JSArray_double)));
- distance = distance0;
- }
- return distance;
- },
- _PathContourMeasure__quadTooCurvy(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
- if (Math.abs(x1 / 2 - (x0 + x2) / 4) > 0.5)
- return true;
- if (Math.abs(y1 / 2 - (y0 + y2) / 4) > 0.5)
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- _normalizeSlope(dx, dy) {
- var $length = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- return $length < 1e-9 ? B.Offset_0_0 : new A.Offset(dx / $length, dy / $length);
- },
- _chopQuadBetweenT(points, startT, stopT, buffer) {
- var endT, ab2x, ab2y,
- p2y = points[5],
- p0x = points[0],
- p0y = points[1],
- p1x = points[2],
- p1y = points[3],
- p2x = points[4],
- t1 = startT === 0,
- t = !t1 ? startT : stopT,
- t2 = 1 - t,
- ab1x = p0x * t2 + p1x * t,
- ab1y = p0y * t2 + p1y * t,
- bc1x = p1x * t2 + p2x * t,
- bc1y = p1y * t2 + p2y * t,
- abc1x = ab1x * t2 + bc1x * t,
- abc1y = ab1y * t2 + bc1y * t;
- if (t1) {
- buffer[0] = p0x;
- buffer[1] = p0y;
- buffer[2] = ab1x;
- buffer[3] = ab1y;
- buffer[4] = abc1x;
- buffer[5] = abc1y;
- return;
- }
- if (stopT === 1) {
- buffer[0] = abc1x;
- buffer[1] = abc1y;
- buffer[2] = bc1x;
- buffer[3] = bc1y;
- buffer[4] = p2x;
- buffer[5] = p2y;
- return;
- }
- endT = (stopT - startT) / (1 - startT);
- t1 = 1 - endT;
- ab2x = abc1x * t1 + bc1x * endT;
- ab2y = abc1y * t1 + bc1y * endT;
- buffer[0] = abc1x;
- buffer[1] = abc1y;
- buffer[2] = ab2x;
- buffer[3] = ab2y;
- buffer[4] = ab2x * t1 + (bc1x * t1 + p2x * endT) * endT;
- buffer[5] = ab2y * t1 + (bc1y * t1 + p2y * endT) * endT;
- },
- PathRef$() {
- var t1 = new Float32Array(16);
- t1 = new A.PathRef(t1, new Uint8Array(8));
- t1._fVerbsCapacity = t1._fPointsCapacity = 8;
- t1.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = 172;
- return t1;
- },
- PathRef$shallowCopy(ref) {
- var t2,
- t1 = new A.PathRef(ref.fPoints, ref._fVerbs);
- t1._fVerbsCapacity = ref._fVerbsCapacity;
- t1._fVerbsLength = ref._fVerbsLength;
- t1._fPointsCapacity = ref._fPointsCapacity;
- t1._fPointsLength = ref._fPointsLength;
- t1._conicWeightsCapacity = ref._conicWeightsCapacity;
- t1._conicWeightsLength = ref._conicWeightsLength;
- t1._conicWeights = ref._conicWeights;
- t2 = ref.fBoundsIsDirty;
- t1.fBoundsIsDirty = t2;
- if (!t2) {
- t1.fBounds = ref.fBounds;
- t1.cachedBounds = ref.cachedBounds;
- t1.fIsFinite = ref.fIsFinite;
- }
- t1.fSegmentMask = ref.fSegmentMask;
- t1.fIsOval = ref.fIsOval;
- t1.fIsRRect = ref.fIsRRect;
- t1.fIsRect = ref.fIsRect;
- t1.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = ref.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW;
- t1.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = ref.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx;
- return t1;
- },
- PathRef__fPointsFromSource(source, offsetX, offsetY) {
- var i, t1,
- sourceLength = source._fPointsLength,
- sourceCapacity = source._fPointsCapacity,
- dest = new Float32Array(sourceCapacity * 2),
- sourcePoints = source.fPoints,
- len = sourceLength * 2;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
- dest[i] = sourcePoints[i] + offsetX;
- t1 = i + 1;
- dest[t1] = sourcePoints[t1] + offsetY;
- }
- return dest;
- },
- pathToSvg(pathRef, offsetX, offsetY) {
- var outPts, verb, w, points, len, i, t1, t2,
- buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""),
- iter = new A.PathRefIterator(pathRef);
- iter.PathRefIterator$1(pathRef);
- outPts = new Float32Array(8);
- for (; verb = iter.next$1(0, outPts), verb !== 6;)
- switch (verb) {
- case 0:
- buffer._contents += "M " + A.S(outPts[0] + offsetX) + " " + A.S(outPts[1] + offsetY);
- break;
- case 1:
- buffer._contents += "L " + A.S(outPts[2] + offsetX) + " " + A.S(outPts[3] + offsetY);
- break;
- case 4:
- buffer._contents += "C " + A.S(outPts[2] + offsetX) + " " + A.S(outPts[3] + offsetY) + " " + A.S(outPts[4] + offsetX) + " " + A.S(outPts[5] + offsetY) + " " + A.S(outPts[6] + offsetX) + " " + A.S(outPts[7] + offsetY);
- break;
- case 2:
- buffer._contents += "Q " + A.S(outPts[2] + offsetX) + " " + A.S(outPts[3] + offsetY) + " " + A.S(outPts[4] + offsetX) + " " + A.S(outPts[5] + offsetY);
- break;
- case 3:
- w = pathRef._conicWeights[iter._conicWeightIndex];
- points = new A.Conic(outPts[0], outPts[1], outPts[2], outPts[3], outPts[4], outPts[5], w).toQuads$0();
- len = points.length;
- for (i = 1; i < len; i += 2) {
- t1 = points[i];
- t2 = points[i + 1];
- buffer._contents += "Q " + A.S(t1._dx + offsetX) + " " + A.S(t1._dy + offsetY) + " " + A.S(t2._dx + offsetX) + " " + A.S(t2._dy + offsetY);
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- buffer._contents += "Z";
- break;
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("Unknown path verb " + verb));
- }
- t1 = buffer._contents;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- SPath_between(a, b, c) {
- return (a - b) * (c - b) <= 0;
- },
- SPath_scalarSignedAsInt(x) {
- var t1;
- if (x < 0)
- t1 = -1;
- else
- t1 = x > 0 ? 1 : 0;
- return t1;
- },
- validUnitDivide(numer, denom) {
- var r;
- if (numer < 0) {
- numer = -numer;
- denom = -denom;
- }
- if (denom === 0 || numer === 0 || numer >= denom)
- return null;
- r = numer / denom;
- if (isNaN(r))
- return null;
- if (r === 0)
- return null;
- return r;
- },
- isRRectOval(rrect) {
- var t3, t4,
- t1 = rrect.tlRadiusX,
- t2 = rrect.trRadiusX;
- if (t1 + t2 !== rrect.right - rrect.left)
- return false;
- t3 = rrect.tlRadiusY;
- t4 = rrect.trRadiusY;
- if (t3 + t4 !== rrect.bottom - rrect.top)
- return false;
- if (t1 !== rrect.blRadiusX || t2 !== rrect.brRadiusX || t3 !== rrect.blRadiusY || t4 !== rrect.brRadiusY)
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- SkQuadCoefficients$(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
- return new A.SkQuadCoefficients(x2 - 2 * x1 + x0, y2 - 2 * y1 + y0, 2 * (x1 - x0), 2 * (y1 - y0), x0, y0);
- },
- PathWinding__checkOnCurve(x, y, startX, startY, endX, endY) {
- if (startY === endY)
- return A.SPath_between(startX, x, endX) && x !== endX;
- else
- return x === startX && y === startY;
- },
- PathWinding__chopQuadAtExtrema(buffer) {
- var p01x, p01y, p12x, p12y,
- x0 = buffer[0],
- y0 = buffer[1],
- x1 = buffer[2],
- y1 = buffer[3],
- x2 = buffer[4],
- y2 = buffer[5],
- t1 = y0 - y1,
- tValueAtExtrema = A.validUnitDivide(t1, t1 - y1 + y2);
- if (tValueAtExtrema != null) {
- p01x = x0 + tValueAtExtrema * (x1 - x0);
- p01y = y0 + tValueAtExtrema * (y1 - y0);
- p12x = x1 + tValueAtExtrema * (x2 - x1);
- p12y = y1 + tValueAtExtrema * (y2 - y1);
- buffer[2] = p01x;
- buffer[3] = p01y;
- buffer[4] = p01x + tValueAtExtrema * (p12x - p01x);
- buffer[5] = p01y + tValueAtExtrema * (p12y - p01y);
- buffer[6] = p12x;
- buffer[7] = p12y;
- buffer[8] = x2;
- buffer[9] = y2;
- return 1;
- }
- buffer[3] = Math.abs(t1) < Math.abs(y1 - y2) ? y0 : y2;
- return 0;
- },
- PathWinding__isQuadMonotonic(quad) {
- var y0 = quad[1],
- y1 = quad[3],
- y2 = quad[5];
- if (y0 === y1)
- return true;
- if (y0 < y1)
- return y1 <= y2;
- else
- return y1 >= y2;
- },
- tangentLine(pts, x, y, tangents) {
- var x0, x1, dx, dy,
- y0 = pts[1],
- y1 = pts[3];
- if (!A.SPath_between(y0, y, y1))
- return;
- x0 = pts[0];
- x1 = pts[2];
- if (!A.SPath_between(x0, x, x1))
- return;
- dx = x1 - x0;
- dy = y1 - y0;
- if (!(Math.abs((x - x0) * dy - dx * (y - y0)) < 0.000244140625))
- return;
- tangents.push(new A.Offset(dx, dy));
- },
- tangentQuad(pts, x, y, tangents) {
- var x0, x1, x2, roots, n, $A, $B, index, t1, t,
- y0 = pts[1],
- y1 = pts[3],
- y2 = pts[5];
- if (!A.SPath_between(y0, y, y1) && !A.SPath_between(y1, y, y2))
- return;
- x0 = pts[0];
- x1 = pts[2];
- x2 = pts[4];
- if (!A.SPath_between(x0, x, x1) && !A.SPath_between(x1, x, x2))
- return;
- roots = new A.QuadRoots();
- n = roots.findRoots$3(y0 - 2 * y1 + y2, 2 * (y1 - y0), y0 - y);
- for ($A = x2 - 2 * x1 + x0, $B = 2 * (x1 - x0), index = 0; index < n; ++index) {
- if (index === 0) {
- t1 = roots.root0;
- t1.toString;
- t = t1;
- } else {
- t1 = roots.root1;
- t1.toString;
- t = t1;
- }
- if (!(Math.abs(x - (($A * t + $B) * t + x0)) < 0.000244140625))
- continue;
- tangents.push(A._evalQuadTangentAt(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, t));
- }
- },
- _evalQuadTangentAt(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, t) {
- var t1, bx, by;
- if (!(t === 0 && x0 === x1 && y0 === y1))
- t1 = t === 1 && x1 === x2 && y1 === y2;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return new A.Offset(x2 - x0, y2 - y0);
- bx = x1 - x0;
- by = y1 - y0;
- return new A.Offset(((x2 - x1 - bx) * t + bx) * 2, ((y2 - y1 - by) * t + by) * 2);
- },
- tangentConic(pts, x, y, weight, tangents) {
- var x0, x1, x2, $B, quadRoots, n, src2w, $A, B0, A0, index, t1, t,
- y0 = pts[1],
- y1 = pts[3],
- y2 = pts[5];
- if (!A.SPath_between(y0, y, y1) && !A.SPath_between(y1, y, y2))
- return;
- x0 = pts[0];
- x1 = pts[2];
- x2 = pts[4];
- if (!A.SPath_between(x0, x, x1) && !A.SPath_between(x1, x, x2))
- return;
- $B = y1 * weight - y * weight + y;
- quadRoots = new A.QuadRoots();
- n = quadRoots.findRoots$3(y2 + (y0 - 2 * $B), 2 * ($B - y0), y0 - y);
- for (src2w = x1 * weight, $A = x2 - 2 * src2w + x0, $B = 2 * (src2w - x0), B0 = 2 * (weight - 1), A0 = -B0, index = 0; index < n; ++index) {
- if (index === 0) {
- t1 = quadRoots.root0;
- t1.toString;
- t = t1;
- } else {
- t1 = quadRoots.root1;
- t1.toString;
- t = t1;
- }
- if (!(Math.abs(x - (($A * t + $B) * t + x0) / ((A0 * t + B0) * t + 1)) < 0.000244140625))
- continue;
- tangents.push(new A.Conic(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, weight).evalTangentAt$1(t));
- }
- },
- tangentCubic(pts, x, y, tangents) {
- var x0, x1, x2, x3, dst, n, i, bufferPos, t,
- y3 = pts[7],
- y0 = pts[1],
- y1 = pts[3],
- y2 = pts[5];
- if (!A.SPath_between(y0, y, y1) && !A.SPath_between(y1, y, y2) && !A.SPath_between(y2, y, y3))
- return;
- x0 = pts[0];
- x1 = pts[2];
- x2 = pts[4];
- x3 = pts[6];
- if (!A.SPath_between(x0, x, x1) && !A.SPath_between(x1, x, x2) && !A.SPath_between(x2, x, x3))
- return;
- dst = new Float32Array(20);
- n = A.chopCubicAtYExtrema(pts, dst);
- for (i = 0; i <= n; ++i) {
- bufferPos = i * 6;
- t = A.chopMonoAtY(dst, bufferPos, y);
- if (t == null)
- continue;
- if (!(Math.abs(x - A.evalCubicPts(dst[bufferPos], dst[bufferPos + 2], dst[bufferPos + 4], dst[bufferPos + 6], t)) < 0.000244140625))
- continue;
- tangents.push(A._evalCubicTangentAt(dst, bufferPos, t));
- }
- },
- _evalCubicTangentAt(points, bufferPos, t) {
- var t2, dx, dy, coeff,
- y3 = points[7 + bufferPos],
- y0 = points[1 + bufferPos],
- y1 = points[3 + bufferPos],
- y2 = points[5 + bufferPos],
- x0 = points[bufferPos],
- x1 = points[2 + bufferPos],
- x2 = points[4 + bufferPos],
- x3 = points[6 + bufferPos],
- t1 = t === 0;
- if (!(t1 && x0 === x1 && y0 === y1))
- t2 = t === 1 && x2 === x3 && y2 === y3;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2) {
- if (t1) {
- dx = x2 - x0;
- dy = y2 - y0;
- } else {
- dx = x3 - x1;
- dy = y3 - y1;
- }
- if (dx === 0 && dy === 0) {
- dx = x3 - x0;
- dy = y3 - y0;
- }
- return new A.Offset(dx, dy);
- } else {
- coeff = A.SkQuadCoefficients$(x3 + 3 * (x1 - x2) - x0, y3 + 3 * (y1 - y2) - y0, 2 * (x2 - 2 * x1 + x0), 2 * (y2 - 2 * y1 + y0), x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
- return new A.Offset(coeff.evalX$1(t), coeff.evalY$1(t));
- }
- },
- reduceCanvasMemoryUsage() {
- var i,
- canvasCount = $._recycledCanvases.length;
- for (i = 0; i < canvasCount; ++i)
- $._recycledCanvases[i]._canvasPool.dispose$0();
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0($._recycledCanvases);
- },
- _recycleCanvas(canvas) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (canvas != null && B.JSArray_methods.contains$1($._recycledCanvases, canvas))
- return;
- if (canvas instanceof A.BitmapCanvas) {
- canvas._elementCache = null;
- t1 = canvas.__engine$_devicePixelRatio;
- t2 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t1 === (t2 === 0 ? 1 : t2)) {
- $._recycledCanvases.push(canvas);
- if ($._recycledCanvases.length > 30)
- B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1($._recycledCanvases, 0)._canvasPool.dispose$0();
- } else
- canvas._canvasPool.dispose$0();
- }
- },
- PersistedPicture__predictTrend(delta, extent) {
- if (delta <= 0)
- return extent * 0.1;
- else
- return Math.min(Math.max(extent * 0.5, delta * 10), extent);
- },
- _computePixelDensity(transform, width, height) {
- var t1, m, t2, minX, t3, minY, t4, t5, t6, t7, wp, t8, t9, t10, t11, xp, t12, t13, t14, t15, yp, minX0, maxX, minY0, maxY, scale;
- if (transform != null) {
- t1 = transform._m4storage;
- t1 = t1[15] === 1 && t1[0] === 1 && t1[1] === 0 && t1[2] === 0 && t1[3] === 0 && t1[4] === 0 && t1[5] === 1 && t1[6] === 0 && t1[7] === 0 && t1[8] === 0 && t1[9] === 0 && t1[10] === 1 && t1[11] === 0;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return 1;
- m = transform._m4storage;
- t1 = m[12];
- t2 = m[15];
- minX = t1 * t2;
- t3 = m[13];
- minY = t3 * t2;
- t4 = m[3];
- t5 = t4 * width;
- t6 = m[7];
- t7 = t6 * height;
- wp = 1 / (t5 + t7 + t2);
- t8 = m[0];
- t9 = t8 * width;
- t10 = m[4];
- t11 = t10 * height;
- xp = (t9 + t11 + t1) * wp;
- t12 = m[1];
- t13 = t12 * width;
- t14 = m[5];
- t15 = t14 * height;
- yp = (t13 + t15 + t3) * wp;
- minX0 = Math.min(minX, xp);
- maxX = Math.max(minX, xp);
- minY0 = Math.min(minY, yp);
- maxY = Math.max(minY, yp);
- wp = 1 / (t4 * 0 + t7 + t2);
- xp = (t8 * 0 + t11 + t1) * wp;
- yp = (t12 * 0 + t15 + t3) * wp;
- minX = Math.min(minX0, xp);
- maxX = Math.max(maxX, xp);
- minY = Math.min(minY0, yp);
- maxY = Math.max(maxY, yp);
- wp = 1 / (t5 + t6 * 0 + t2);
- xp = (t9 + t10 * 0 + t1) * wp;
- yp = (t13 + t14 * 0 + t3) * wp;
- minX = Math.min(minX, xp);
- maxX = Math.max(maxX, xp);
- minY = Math.min(minY, yp);
- scale = Math.min((maxX - minX) / width, (Math.max(maxY, yp) - minY) / height);
- if (scale < 1e-9 || scale === 1)
- return 1;
- if (scale > 1) {
- scale = Math.min(4, B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(scale / 2) * 2);
- t1 = width * height;
- if (t1 * scale * scale > 4194304 && scale > 2)
- scale = 3355443.2 / t1;
- } else
- scale = Math.max(2 / B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(2 / scale), 0.0001);
- return scale;
- },
- _getPaintSpread(paint) {
- var t2,
- t1 = paint._paintData,
- maskFilter = t1.maskFilter,
- spread = maskFilter != null ? 0 + maskFilter._sigma * 2 : 0;
- t1 = t1.strokeWidth;
- t2 = t1 == null;
- if ((t2 ? 0 : t1) !== 0)
- spread += (t2 ? 0 : t1) * 0.70710678118;
- return spread;
- },
- svgMaskFilterFromImageAndBlendMode(imageUrl, blendMode, width, height) {
- var builder, svgFilter, t1, _s4_ = "comp",
- _s9_ = "destalpha",
- _s5_ = "image",
- _s13_ = "SourceGraphic";
- switch (blendMode.index) {
- case 1:
- builder = A.SvgFilterBuilder$();
- builder.setFeImage$4$height$href$result$width(height, imageUrl, _s4_, width);
- svgFilter = builder.build$0();
- break;
- case 5:
- case 9:
- builder = A.SvgFilterBuilder$();
- builder.setFeColorMatrix$2$result(B.List_G9W, _s9_);
- builder.setFeImage$4$height$href$result$width(height, imageUrl, _s5_, width);
- builder.setFeComposite$8$in1$in2$k1$k2$k3$k4$operator$result(_s5_, _s9_, 1, 0, 0, 0, 6, _s4_);
- svgFilter = builder.build$0();
- break;
- case 7:
- builder = A.SvgFilterBuilder$();
- builder.setFeImage$4$height$href$result$width(height, imageUrl, _s5_, width);
- builder.setFeComposite$4$in1$in2$operator$result(_s5_, _s13_, 3, _s4_);
- svgFilter = builder.build$0();
- break;
- case 11:
- builder = A.SvgFilterBuilder$();
- builder.setFeImage$4$height$href$result$width(height, imageUrl, _s5_, width);
- builder.setFeComposite$4$in1$in2$operator$result(_s5_, _s13_, 5, _s4_);
- svgFilter = builder.build$0();
- break;
- case 12:
- builder = A.SvgFilterBuilder$();
- builder.setFeImage$4$height$href$result$width(height, imageUrl, _s5_, width);
- builder.setFeComposite$8$in1$in2$k1$k2$k3$k4$operator$result(_s5_, _s13_, 0, 1, 1, 0, 6, _s4_);
- svgFilter = builder.build$0();
- break;
- case 13:
- builder = A.SvgFilterBuilder$();
- builder.setFeImage$4$height$href$result$width(height, imageUrl, _s5_, width);
- builder.setFeComposite$8$in1$in2$k1$k2$k3$k4$operator$result(_s5_, _s13_, 1, 0, 0, 0, 6, _s4_);
- svgFilter = builder.build$0();
- break;
- case 15:
- t1 = A.blendModeToSvgEnum(B.BlendMode_20);
- t1.toString;
- svgFilter = A._blendImageToSvg(imageUrl, t1, width, height, true);
- break;
- case 26:
- case 18:
- case 19:
- case 25:
- case 27:
- case 28:
- case 24:
- case 14:
- case 16:
- case 17:
- case 20:
- case 21:
- case 22:
- case 23:
- t1 = A.blendModeToSvgEnum(blendMode);
- t1.toString;
- svgFilter = A._blendImageToSvg(imageUrl, t1, width, height, false);
- break;
- case 2:
- case 10:
- case 6:
- case 8:
- case 4:
- case 0:
- case 3:
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Invalid svg filter request for blend-mode " + blendMode.toString$0(0)));
- default:
- svgFilter = null;
- }
- return svgFilter;
- },
- _blendImageToSvg(imageUrl, svgBlendMode, width, height, swapLayers) {
- var t1, _s5_ = "image",
- _s13_ = "SourceGraphic",
- builder = A.SvgFilterBuilder$();
- builder.setFeImage$4$height$href$result$width(height, imageUrl, _s5_, width);
- t1 = svgBlendMode.blendMode;
- if (swapLayers)
- builder.setFeBlend$3$in1$in2$mode(_s13_, _s5_, t1);
- else
- builder.setFeBlend$3$in1$in2$mode(_s5_, _s13_, t1);
- return builder.build$0();
- },
- NormalizedGradient_NormalizedGradient(colors, stops) {
- var colorCount, t1, addFirst, addLast, normalizedCount, t2, bias, scale, t3, thresholds, c, targetIndex, thresholdIndex, _i, targetIndex0, t4, thresholdIndex0, lastColorIndex, i, t, colorIndex;
- if (stops == null)
- stops = B.List_0_1;
- colorCount = colors.length;
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.any$1(colors, new A.NormalizedGradient_NormalizedGradient_closure());
- addFirst = !J.$eq$(stops[0], 0);
- addLast = !J.$eq$(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(stops), 1);
- normalizedCount = addFirst ? colorCount + 1 : colorCount;
- if (addLast)
- ++normalizedCount;
- t2 = normalizedCount * 4;
- bias = new Float32Array(t2);
- scale = new Float32Array(t2);
- t2 = normalizedCount - 1;
- t3 = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(t2, 4);
- thresholds = new Float32Array(4 * (t3 + 1));
- if (addFirst) {
- c = colors[0];
- bias[0] = (c.get$value(c) >>> 16 & 255) / 255;
- bias[1] = (c.get$value(c) >>> 8 & 255) / 255;
- bias[2] = (c.get$value(c) & 255) / 255;
- bias[3] = (c.get$value(c) >>> 24 & 255) / 255;
- thresholds[0] = 0;
- targetIndex = 4;
- thresholdIndex = 1;
- } else {
- targetIndex = 0;
- thresholdIndex = 0;
- }
- for (t3 = colors.length, _i = 0; _i < colors.length; colors.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(colors), ++_i) {
- c = colors[_i];
- targetIndex0 = targetIndex + 1;
- t4 = J.getInterceptor$x(c);
- bias[targetIndex] = (t4.get$value(c) >>> 16 & 255) / 255;
- targetIndex = targetIndex0 + 1;
- bias[targetIndex0] = (t4.get$value(c) >>> 8 & 255) / 255;
- targetIndex0 = targetIndex + 1;
- bias[targetIndex] = (t4.get$value(c) & 255) / 255;
- targetIndex = targetIndex0 + 1;
- bias[targetIndex0] = (t4.get$value(c) >>> 24 & 255) / 255;
- }
- for (t3 = stops.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i, thresholdIndex = thresholdIndex0) {
- thresholdIndex0 = thresholdIndex + 1;
- thresholds[thresholdIndex] = stops[_i];
- }
- if (addLast) {
- c = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(colors);
- targetIndex0 = targetIndex + 1;
- bias[targetIndex] = (c.get$value(c) >>> 16 & 255) / 255;
- targetIndex = targetIndex0 + 1;
- bias[targetIndex0] = (c.get$value(c) >>> 8 & 255) / 255;
- bias[targetIndex] = (c.get$value(c) & 255) / 255;
- bias[targetIndex + 1] = (c.get$value(c) >>> 24 & 255) / 255;
- thresholds[thresholdIndex] = 1;
- }
- lastColorIndex = 4 * t2;
- for (i = 0; i < lastColorIndex; ++i) {
- thresholdIndex = i >>> 2;
- scale[i] = (bias[i + 4] - bias[i]) / (thresholds[thresholdIndex + 1] - thresholds[thresholdIndex]);
- }
- scale[lastColorIndex] = 0;
- scale[lastColorIndex + 1] = 0;
- scale[lastColorIndex + 2] = 0;
- scale[lastColorIndex + 3] = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < normalizedCount; ++i) {
- t = thresholds[i];
- colorIndex = i * 4;
- bias[colorIndex] = bias[colorIndex] - t * scale[colorIndex];
- t2 = colorIndex + 1;
- bias[t2] = bias[t2] - t * scale[t2];
- t2 = colorIndex + 2;
- bias[t2] = bias[t2] - t * scale[t2];
- t2 = colorIndex + 3;
- bias[t2] = bias[t2] - t * scale[t2];
- }
- return new A.NormalizedGradient(thresholds, bias, scale, normalizedCount, !t1);
- },
- writeUnrolledBinarySearch(method, start, end, biasName, probe, scaleName, sourcePrefix) {
- var t1, mid;
- if (start === end) {
- t1 = "" + start;
- method.addStatement$1(biasName + " = " + (biasName + "_" + t1) + ";");
- method.addStatement$1(scaleName + " = " + (scaleName + "_" + t1) + ";");
- } else {
- mid = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(start + end, 2);
- t1 = mid + 1;
- method.addStatement$1("if (" + probe + " < " + (sourcePrefix + "_" + B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(t1, 4) + ("." + "xyzw"[B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t1, 4)])) + ") {");
- ++method._indentLevel;
- A.writeUnrolledBinarySearch(method, start, mid, biasName, probe, scaleName, sourcePrefix);
- --method._indentLevel;
- method.addStatement$1("} else {");
- ++method._indentLevel;
- A.writeUnrolledBinarySearch(method, t1, end, biasName, probe, scaleName, sourcePrefix);
- --method._indentLevel;
- method.addStatement$1("}");
- }
- },
- _addColorStopsToCanvasGradient(gradient, colors, colorStops, isDecal) {
- var scale, offset, t1, i, colorStop;
- if (isDecal) {
- gradient.addColorStop(0, "#00000000");
- scale = 0.999;
- offset = 0.0005000000000000004;
- } else {
- scale = 1;
- offset = 0;
- }
- if (colorStops == null) {
- t1 = A.colorToCssString(colors[0]);
- t1.toString;
- gradient.addColorStop(offset, t1);
- t1 = A.colorToCssString(colors[1]);
- t1.toString;
- gradient.addColorStop(1 - offset, t1);
- } else
- for (i = 0; i < colors.length; ++i) {
- colorStop = J.clamp$2$n(colorStops[i], 0, 1);
- t1 = A.colorToCssString(colors[i]);
- t1.toString;
- gradient.addColorStop(colorStop * scale + offset, t1);
- }
- if (isDecal)
- gradient.addColorStop(1, "#00000000");
- },
- _writeSharedGradientShader(builder, method, gradient, tileMode) {
- var t1, t2, t3, i, probeName,
- _s8_ = "tiled_st";
- method.addStatement$1("vec4 bias;");
- method.addStatement$1("vec4 scale;");
- for (t1 = gradient.thresholdCount, t2 = t1 - 1, t3 = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(t2, 4) + 1, i = 0; i < t3; ++i)
- builder.addUniform$2$name(11, "threshold_" + i);
- for (i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
- t3 = "" + i;
- builder.addUniform$2$name(11, "bias_" + t3);
- builder.addUniform$2$name(11, "scale_" + t3);
- }
- switch (tileMode.index) {
- case 0:
- method.addStatement$1("float tiled_st = clamp(st, 0.0, 1.0);");
- probeName = _s8_;
- break;
- case 3:
- probeName = "st";
- break;
- case 1:
- method.addStatement$1("float tiled_st = fract(st);");
- probeName = _s8_;
- break;
- case 2:
- method.addStatement$1("float t_1 = (st - 1.0);");
- method.addStatement$1("float tiled_st = abs((t_1 - 2.0 * floor(t_1 * 0.5)) - 1.0);");
- probeName = _s8_;
- break;
- default:
- probeName = "st";
- }
- A.writeUnrolledBinarySearch(method, 0, t2, "bias", probeName, "scale", "threshold");
- return probeName;
- },
- createHtmlColorFilter(colorFilter) {
- return null;
- },
- ShaderBuilder$(version) {
- return new A.ShaderBuilder(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ShaderDeclaration), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ShaderMethod), version === 2, false, new A.StringBuffer(""));
- },
- ShaderBuilder$fragment(version) {
- return new A.ShaderBuilder(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ShaderDeclaration), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ShaderMethod), version === 2, true, new A.StringBuffer(""));
- },
- ShaderBuilder_typeToString(dataType) {
- switch (dataType) {
- case 0:
- return "bool";
- case 1:
- return "int";
- case 2:
- return "float";
- case 3:
- return "bvec2";
- case 4:
- return "bvec3";
- case 5:
- return "bvec4";
- case 6:
- return "ivec2";
- case 7:
- return "ivec3";
- case 8:
- return "ivec4";
- case 9:
- return "vec2";
- case 10:
- return "vec3";
- case 11:
- return "vec4";
- case 12:
- return "mat2";
- case 13:
- return "mat3";
- case 14:
- return "mat4";
- case 15:
- return "sampler1D";
- case 16:
- return "sampler2D";
- case 17:
- return "sampler3D";
- case 18:
- return "void";
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(null, null));
- },
- VertexShaders_writeBaseVertexShader() {
- var builder, method,
- t1 = $.VertexShaders__baseVertexShader;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = $._cachedWebGLVersion;
- builder = A.ShaderBuilder$(t1 == null ? $._cachedWebGLVersion = A._detectWebGLVersion() : t1);
- builder.addIn$2$name(11, "position");
- builder.addIn$2$name(11, "color");
- builder.addUniform$2$name(14, "u_ctransform");
- builder.addUniform$2$name(11, "u_scale");
- builder.addUniform$2$name(11, "u_shift");
- builder.addOut$2$name(11, "v_color");
- method = new A.ShaderMethod("main", A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String));
- builder._methods.push(method);
- method.addStatement$1(string$.gl_Pos);
- method.addStatement$1("v_color = color.zyxw;");
- t1 = $.VertexShaders__baseVertexShader = builder.build$0();
- }
- return t1;
- },
- commitScene(scene) {
- var request, _i, i,
- t1 = $.paintQueue,
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (t2 !== 0)
- try {
- if (t2 > 1)
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(t1, new A.commitScene_closure());
- for (t1 = $.paintQueue, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- request = t1[_i];
- request.paintCallback$0();
- }
- } finally {
- $.paintQueue = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PaintRequest);
- }
- t1 = $.retainedSurfaces;
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (t2 !== 0) {
- for (i = 0; i < t2; ++i)
- t1[i].__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_1;
- $.retainedSurfaces = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface);
- }
- for (t1 = $.frameReferences, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i)
- t1[i].value = null;
- $.frameReferences = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_FrameReference_dynamic);
- },
- PersistedContainerSurface__discardActiveChildren(surface) {
- var i, child,
- t1 = surface.__engine$_children,
- $length = t1.length;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- child = t1[i];
- if (child.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1)
- child.discard$0();
- }
- },
- HtmlImage$(imgElement, width, height) {
- return new A.HtmlImage(imgElement, width, height);
- },
- registerHotRestartListener(listener) {
- $._hotRestartListeners.push(listener);
- },
- initializeEngineServices(jsConfiguration) {
- return A.initializeEngineServices$body(jsConfiguration);
- },
- initializeEngineServices$body(jsConfiguration) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, t2, assetManager, t1;
- var $async$initializeEngineServices = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = {};
- if ($._initializationState !== B.DebugEngineInitializationState_0) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- $._initializationState = B.DebugEngineInitializationState_1;
- t2 = $._configuration;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = $._configuration = A.FlutterConfiguration$legacy(self.window.flutterConfiguration);
- if (jsConfiguration != null)
- t2._configuration = jsConfiguration;
- A._addUrlStrategyListener();
- A.registerExtension("ext.flutter.disassemble", new A.initializeEngineServices_closure());
- t1.waitingForAnimation = false;
- $.scheduleFrameCallback = new A.initializeEngineServices_closure0(t1);
- t1 = $._configuration;
- t1 = (t1 == null ? $._configuration = A.FlutterConfiguration$legacy(self.window.flutterConfiguration) : t1)._configuration;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t1 = t1.assetBase;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- }
- assetManager = new A.AssetManager(t1);
- A._setAssetManager(assetManager);
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.Future_wait(A._setArrayType([new A.initializeEngineServices_initializeRendererCallback().call$0(), A._downloadAssetFonts()], type$.JSArray_Future_void), type$.void), $async$initializeEngineServices);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- $.$get$_renderer().get$fontCollection().registerDownloadedFonts$0();
- $._initializationState = B.DebugEngineInitializationState_2;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$initializeEngineServices, $async$completer);
- },
- initializeEngineUi() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, glassPaneElementHostNode, semanticsHostElement, accessibilityPlaceholder;
- var $async$initializeEngineUi = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- if ($._initializationState !== B.DebugEngineInitializationState_2) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- $._initializationState = B.DebugEngineInitializationState_3;
- A.initializeAccessibilityAnnouncements();
- t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- if ($.RawKeyboard__instance == null)
- $.RawKeyboard__instance = A.RawKeyboard$_(t1 === B.OperatingSystem_4);
- if ($.MouseCursor__instance == null)
- $.MouseCursor__instance = new A.MouseCursor();
- if ($._flutterViewEmbedder == null) {
- t2 = $._configuration;
- t2 = (t2 == null ? $._configuration = A.FlutterConfiguration$legacy(self.window.flutterConfiguration) : t2)._configuration;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.hostElement;
- t3 = A.EmbeddingStrategy_EmbeddingStrategy$create(t2);
- t4 = new A.FlutterViewEmbedder(t3);
- t5 = $.$get$window();
- t5.__EngineFlutterWindow__dimensionsProvider_A = A.DimensionsProvider_DimensionsProvider$create(t2);
- t2 = $.$get$_renderer();
- t6 = type$.String;
- t3.initialize$1$hostElementAttributes(0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["flt-renderer", t2.get$rendererTag() + " (requested explicitly)", "flt-build-mode", "profile", "spellcheck", "false"], t6, t6));
- t6 = t4.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneElement_A = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-glass-pane");
- t3.attachGlassPane$1(t6);
- glassPaneElementHostNode = A.HostNode_HostNode$create(t6, "normal normal 14px sans-serif");
- t4.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneShadow_A = glassPaneElementHostNode;
- t6 = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-scene-host");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t6.style, "pointer-events", "none");
- t4._sceneHostElement = t6;
- t2.reset$1(0, t4);
- semanticsHostElement = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-semantics-host");
- t2 = semanticsHostElement.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "transform-origin", "0 0 0");
- t4._semanticsHostElement = semanticsHostElement;
- t4.updateSemanticsScreenProperties$0();
- t2 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance;
- accessibilityPlaceholder = (t2 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t2).semanticsHelper._semanticsEnabler.prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder$0();
- t2 = t4._sceneHostElement;
- t2.toString;
- glassPaneElementHostNode.appendAll$1(A._setArrayType([accessibilityPlaceholder, t2, semanticsHostElement], type$.JSArray_JavaScriptObject));
- t2 = $._configuration;
- if ((t2 == null ? $._configuration = A.FlutterConfiguration$legacy(self.window.flutterConfiguration) : t2).get$debugShowSemanticsNodes())
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t4._sceneHostElement.style, "opacity", "0.3");
- t2 = $.KeyboardBinding__instance;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = $.KeyboardBinding__instance = A.KeyboardBinding$_();
- t3 = t4.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneElement_A;
- t2 = t2.get$_converter();
- if ($.PointerBinding__instance == null) {
- t2 = new A.PointerBinding(t3, new A.PointerDataConverter(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$._PointerState)), t2);
- t3 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t3 === B.BrowserEngine_1)
- t1 = t1 === B.OperatingSystem_0;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- $.$get$SafariPointerEventWorkaround_instance().workAroundMissingPointerEvents$0();
- t2.__PointerBinding__adapter_A = t2._createAdapter$0();
- $.PointerBinding__instance = t2;
- }
- t1 = t5.__EngineFlutterWindow__dimensionsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.get$onResize(t1).listen$1(t4.get$_metricsDidChange());
- $._flutterViewEmbedder = t4;
- }
- $._initializationState = B.DebugEngineInitializationState_4;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$initializeEngineUi, $async$completer);
- },
- _setAssetManager(assetManager) {
- if (assetManager === $._assetManager)
- return;
- $._assetManager = assetManager;
- },
- _downloadAssetFonts() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- t2, t1;
- var $async$_downloadAssetFonts = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer();
- t1.get$fontCollection().clear$0(0);
- $async$goto = $._assetManager != null ? 2 : 3;
- break;
- case 2:
- // then
- t1 = t1.get$fontCollection();
- t2 = $._assetManager;
- t2.toString;
- $async$goto = 4;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1.downloadAssetFonts$1(t2), $async$_downloadAssetFonts);
- case 4:
- // returning from await.
- case 3:
- // join
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_downloadAssetFonts, $async$completer);
- },
- _addUrlStrategyListener() {
- self._flutter_web_set_location_strategy = A.allowInterop(new A._addUrlStrategyListener_closure());
- $._hotRestartListeners.push(new A._addUrlStrategyListener_closure0());
- },
- PromiseResolverExtension_resolve(_this, result) {
- var t1 = A._setArrayType([_this], type$.JSArray_Object);
- t1.push(result);
- return A.callMethod(_this, "call", t1);
- },
- Promise__staticInteropFactoryStub(executor) {
- return A.callConstructor(globalThis.Promise, [executor]);
- },
- futureToPromise(future, $T) {
- return A.Promise__staticInteropFactoryStub(A.allowInterop(new A.futureToPromise_closure(future, $T)));
- },
- _eventTimeStampToDuration(milliseconds) {
- var ms = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(milliseconds);
- return A.Duration$(0, 0, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0((milliseconds - ms) * 1000), ms, 0, 0);
- },
- _cached(body, $T) {
- var t1 = {};
- t1.cache = null;
- return new A._cached_closure(t1, body, $T);
- },
- KeyboardBinding$_() {
- var t1 = new A.KeyboardBinding(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.JavaScriptObject));
- t1.KeyboardBinding$_$0();
- return t1;
- },
- KeyboardConverter__mappingFromPlatform(platform) {
- switch (platform.index) {
- case 0:
- case 4:
- return new A.LocaleKeymap(A.unmarshallMappingData("M,2\u201ew\u2211wa2\u03a9q\u2021qb2\u02dbx\u2248xc3 c\xd4j\u2206jd2\xfee\xb4ef2\xfeu\xa8ug2\xfe\xff\u02c6ih3 h\xce\xff\u2202di3 i\xc7c\xe7cj2\xd3h\u02d9hk2\u02c7\xff\u2020tl5 l@l\xfe\xff|l\u02dcnm1~mn3 n\u0131\xff\u222bbo2\xaer\u2030rp2\xacl\xd2lq2\xc6a\xe6ar3 r\u03c0p\u220fps3 s\xd8o\xf8ot2\xa5y\xc1yu3 u\xa9g\u02ddgv2\u02dak\uf8ffkw2\xc2z\xc5zx2\u0152q\u0153qy5 y\xcff\u0192f\u02c7z\u03a9zz5 z\xa5y\u2021y\u2039\xff\u203aw.2\u221av\u25cav;4\xb5m\xcds\xd3m\xdfs/2\xb8z\u03a9z"));
- case 3:
- return new A.LocaleKeymap(A.unmarshallMappingData(';b1{bc1&cf1[fg1]gm2y'));
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 5:
- return new A.LocaleKeymap(A.unmarshallMappingData("8a2@q\u03a9qk1&kq3@q\xc6a\xe6aw2xy2\xa5\xff\u2190\xffz5 1)
- locales.push(new A.Locale(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(parts), B.JSArray_methods.get$last(parts)));
- else
- locales.push(new A.Locale(language, null));
- }
- return locales;
- },
- _handleWebTestEnd2EndMessage(codec, data) {
- var decoded = codec.decodeMethodCall$1(data),
- ratio = A.double_parse(A._asString(decoded.$arguments));
- switch (decoded.method) {
- case "setDevicePixelRatio":
- $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio = ratio;
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance()._onMetricsChanged.call$0();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- invoke(callback, zone) {
- if (callback == null)
- return;
- if (zone === $.Zone__current)
- callback.call$0();
- else
- zone.runGuarded$1(callback);
- },
- invoke1(callback, zone, arg) {
- if (callback == null)
- return;
- if (zone === $.Zone__current)
- callback.call$1(arg);
- else
- zone.runUnaryGuarded$2(callback, arg);
- },
- invoke2(callback, zone, arg1, arg2) {
- if (zone === $.Zone__current)
- callback.call$2(arg1, arg2);
- else
- zone.runGuarded$1(new A.invoke2_closure(callback, arg1, arg2));
- },
- invoke3(callback, zone, arg1, arg2, arg3) {
- if (callback == null)
- return;
- if (zone === $.Zone__current)
- callback.call$3(arg1, arg2, arg3);
- else
- zone.runGuarded$1(new A.invoke3_closure(callback, arg1, arg2, arg3));
- },
- findBrowserTextScaleFactor() {
- var computedStyleMap, fontSizeObject, fontSize,
- t1 = self.document.documentElement;
- t1.toString;
- if ("computedStyleMap" in t1) {
- computedStyleMap = t1.computedStyleMap();
- if (computedStyleMap != null) {
- fontSizeObject = computedStyleMap.get("font-size");
- fontSize = fontSizeObject != null ? fontSizeObject.value : null;
- } else
- fontSize = null;
- } else
- fontSize = null;
- if (fontSize == null)
- fontSize = A.parseFloat(A.DomWindowExtension_getComputedStyle(self.window, t1).getPropertyValue("font-size"));
- return (fontSize == null ? 16 : fontSize) / 16;
- },
- PlatformConfiguration$(accessibilityFeatures, alwaysUse24HourFormat, defaultRouteName, locales, platformBrightness, semanticsEnabled, systemFontFamily, textScaleFactor) {
- return new A.PlatformConfiguration(accessibilityFeatures, false, semanticsEnabled, platformBrightness, textScaleFactor, locales, defaultRouteName, systemFontFamily);
- },
- convertButtonToButtons(button) {
- switch (button) {
- case 0:
- return 1;
- case 1:
- return 4;
- case 2:
- return 2;
- default:
- return B.JSInt_methods.$shl(1, button);
- }
- },
- _BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(milliseconds) {
- var ms = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(milliseconds);
- return A.Duration$(0, 0, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0((milliseconds - ms) * 1000), ms, 0, 0);
- },
- computeEventOffsetToTarget($event, actualTarget) {
- var t2, t3, inputGeometry, transformValues,
- t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance;
- if ((t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1)._semanticsEnabled && $event.offsetX === 0 && $event.offsetY === 0)
- return A._computeOffsetForTalkbackEvent($event, actualTarget);
- t1 = $.$get$textEditing();
- t2 = t1.get$strategy().domElement;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = null;
- else {
- t3 = $event.target;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t2.contains(t3);
- t2 = t3;
- }
- if (t2 === true) {
- inputGeometry = t1.get$strategy().geometry;
- if (inputGeometry != null) {
- $event.target.toString;
- t1.get$strategy().domElement.toString;
- transformValues = inputGeometry.globalTransform;
- t1 = $event.offsetX;
- t2 = $event.offsetY;
- t3 = new A.Vector3(new Float32Array(3));
- t3.setValues$3(t1, t2, 0);
- t3 = new A.Matrix4(transformValues).perspectiveTransform$1(t3)._v3storage;
- return new A.Offset(t3[0], t3[1]);
- }
- }
- if (!J.$eq$($event.target, actualTarget)) {
- t1 = actualTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
- return new A.Offset($event.clientX - t1.x, $event.clientY - t1.y);
- }
- return new A.Offset($event.offsetX, $event.offsetY);
- },
- _computeOffsetForTalkbackEvent($event, actualTarget) {
- var $parent, t1,
- offsetX = $event.clientX,
- offsetY = $event.clientY;
- for ($parent = actualTarget; $parent.offsetParent != null; $parent = t1) {
- offsetX -= $parent.offsetLeft - $parent.scrollLeft;
- offsetY -= $parent.offsetTop - $parent.scrollTop;
- t1 = $parent.offsetParent;
- t1.toString;
- }
- return new A.Offset(offsetX, offsetY);
- },
- timeAction($name, action) {
- var t1 = action.call$0();
- return t1;
- },
- frameTimingsOnVsync() {
- if ($.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance()._onReportTimings == null)
- return;
- $._vsyncStartMicros = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(self.window.performance.now() * 1000);
- },
- frameTimingsOnBuildStart() {
- if ($.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance()._onReportTimings == null)
- return;
- $._buildStartMicros = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(self.window.performance.now() * 1000);
- },
- frameTimingsOnBuildFinish() {
- if ($.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance()._onReportTimings == null)
- return;
- $._buildFinishMicros = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(self.window.performance.now() * 1000);
- },
- frameTimingsOnRasterStart() {
- if ($.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance()._onReportTimings == null)
- return;
- $._rasterStartMicros = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(self.window.performance.now() * 1000);
- },
- frameTimingsOnRasterFinish() {
- var now, t2,
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- if (t1._onReportTimings == null)
- return;
- now = $._rasterFinishMicros = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(self.window.performance.now() * 1000);
- $._frameTimings.push(new A.FrameTiming(A._setArrayType([$._vsyncStartMicros, $._buildStartMicros, $._buildFinishMicros, $._rasterStartMicros, now, now, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], type$.JSArray_int)));
- $._rasterFinishMicros = $._rasterStartMicros = $._buildFinishMicros = $._buildStartMicros = $._vsyncStartMicros = -1;
- if (now - $.$get$_frameTimingsLastSubmitTime() > 100000) {
- $._frameTimingsLastSubmitTime = now;
- t2 = $._frameTimings;
- A.invoke1(t1._onReportTimings, t1._onReportTimingsZone, t2);
- $._frameTimings = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_FrameTiming);
- }
- },
- _nowMicros() {
- return B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(self.window.performance.now() * 1000);
- },
- RawKeyboard$_(_onMacOs) {
- var t1 = new A.RawKeyboard(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Timer), _onMacOs);
- t1.RawKeyboard$_$1(_onMacOs);
- return t1;
- },
- _noopCallback(data) {
- },
- getJsProperty(object, $name) {
- return object[$name];
- },
- parseFloat(source) {
- var result = self.window.parseFloat(source);
- if (result == null || isNaN(result))
- return null;
- return result;
- },
- parseFontSize(element) {
- var computedStyleMap, fontSizeObject, fontSize;
- if ("computedStyleMap" in element) {
- computedStyleMap = element.computedStyleMap();
- if (computedStyleMap != null) {
- fontSizeObject = computedStyleMap.get("font-size");
- fontSize = fontSizeObject != null ? fontSizeObject.value : null;
- } else
- fontSize = null;
- } else
- fontSize = null;
- return fontSize == null ? A.parseFloat(A.DomWindowExtension_getComputedStyle(self.window, element).getPropertyValue("font-size")) : fontSize;
- },
- tryCreateCanvasElement(width, height) {
- var exception,
- canvas = self.document.createElement("CANVAS");
- if (canvas == null)
- return null;
- try {
- A.DomCanvasElementExtension_set_width(canvas, width);
- A.DomCanvasElementExtension_set_height(canvas, height);
- } catch (exception) {
- return null;
- }
- return canvas;
- },
- GlContext_GlContext(offScreenCanvas) {
- var t2, t3,
- _s18_ = "premultipliedAlpha",
- t1 = $.OffScreenCanvas__supported;
- if (t1 == null ? $.OffScreenCanvas__supported = "OffscreenCanvas" in self.window : t1) {
- t1 = offScreenCanvas.offScreenCanvas;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = type$.String;
- t3 = A.DomOffscreenCanvasExtension_getContext(t1, "webgl2", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_s18_, false], t2, type$.dynamic));
- t3.toString;
- t3 = new A.GlContext(t3);
- $.GlContext____programCache.__late_helper$_value = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.nullable_GlProgram);
- t3.__engine$_canvas = t1;
- t1 = t3;
- } else {
- t1 = offScreenCanvas.canvasElement;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = $._cachedWebGLVersion;
- t2 = (t2 == null ? $._cachedWebGLVersion = A._detectWebGLVersion() : t2) === 1 ? "webgl" : "webgl2";
- t3 = type$.String;
- t2 = A.DomCanvasElementExtension_getContext(t1, t2, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([_s18_, false], t3, type$.dynamic));
- t2.toString;
- t2 = new A.GlContext(t2);
- $.GlContext____programCache.__late_helper$_value = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, type$.nullable_GlProgram);
- t2.__engine$_canvas = t1;
- t1 = t2;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- bufferVertexData(gl, positions, devicePixelRatio) {
- var t1, scaledList, i,
- _s10_ = "bufferData";
- if (devicePixelRatio === 1) {
- t1 = gl.get$kStaticDraw();
- A.callMethod(gl.glContext, _s10_, [gl.get$kArrayBuffer(), positions, t1]);
- } else {
- scaledList = new Float32Array(12);
- for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
- scaledList[i] = positions[i] * devicePixelRatio;
- t1 = gl.get$kStaticDraw();
- A.callMethod(gl.glContext, _s10_, [gl.get$kArrayBuffer(), scaledList, t1]);
- }
- },
- tileModeToGlWrapping(gl, tileMode) {
- var t1;
- switch (tileMode.index) {
- case 0:
- return gl.get$kClampToEdge();
- case 3:
- return gl.get$kClampToEdge();
- case 2:
- t1 = gl._kMirroredRepeat;
- return t1 == null ? gl._kMirroredRepeat = gl.glContext.MIRRORED_REPEAT : t1;
- case 1:
- t1 = gl._kRepeat;
- return t1 == null ? gl._kRepeat = gl.glContext.REPEAT : t1;
- }
- },
- OffScreenCanvas$(width, height) {
- var t1 = new A.OffScreenCanvas(width, height),
- t2 = $.OffScreenCanvas__supported;
- if (t2 == null ? $.OffScreenCanvas__supported = "OffscreenCanvas" in self.window : t2)
- t1.offScreenCanvas = new globalThis.OffscreenCanvas(width, height);
- else {
- t2 = t1.canvasElement = A.createDomCanvasElement(height, width);
- t2.className = "gl-canvas";
- t1._updateCanvasCssSize$1(t2);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- initializeAccessibilityAnnouncements() {
- var politeElement = A.AccessibilityAnnouncements__createElement(B.Assertiveness_0),
- assertiveElement = A.AccessibilityAnnouncements__createElement(B.Assertiveness_1);
- self.document.body.append(politeElement);
- self.document.body.append(assertiveElement);
- $._accessibilityAnnouncements = new A.AccessibilityAnnouncements(politeElement, assertiveElement);
- $._hotRestartListeners.push(new A.initializeAccessibilityAnnouncements_closure());
- },
- AccessibilityAnnouncements__createElement(assertiveness) {
- var _s12_ = "setAttribute",
- ariaLiveValue = assertiveness === B.Assertiveness_1 ? "assertive" : "polite",
- liveRegion = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "label"),
- t1 = A.jsify("ftl-announcement-" + ariaLiveValue);
- A.callMethod(liveRegion, _s12_, ["id", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- t1 = liveRegion.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "position", "fixed");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "overflow", "hidden");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "transform", "translate(-99999px, -99999px)");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "width", "1px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "height", "1px");
- t1 = A.jsify(ariaLiveValue);
- A.callMethod(liveRegion, _s12_, ["aria-live", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- return liveRegion;
- },
- _checkableKindFromSemanticsFlag(semanticsObject) {
- var t1 = semanticsObject.__engine$_flags;
- if ((t1 & 256) !== 0)
- return B._CheckableKind_1;
- else if ((t1 & 65536) !== 0)
- return B._CheckableKind_2;
- else
- return B._CheckableKind_0;
- },
- Incrementable$(semanticsObject) {
- var t1 = new A.Incrementable(A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "input"), semanticsObject);
- t1.Incrementable$1(semanticsObject);
- return t1;
- },
- EngineAccessibilityFeaturesBuilder$(_index) {
- return new A.EngineAccessibilityFeaturesBuilder(_index);
- },
- SemanticsObject__clearSemanticElementTransform(element) {
- var t1 = element.style;
- t1.removeProperty("transform-origin");
- t1.removeProperty("transform");
- t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- if (t1 !== B.OperatingSystem_0)
- t1 = t1 === B.OperatingSystem_4;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = element.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "top", "0px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "left", "0px");
- } else {
- t1 = element.style;
- t1.removeProperty("top");
- t1.removeProperty("left");
- }
- },
- EngineSemanticsOwner$_() {
- var t1 = type$.SemanticsObject,
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable_SemanticsObject),
- t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function),
- t4 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- t4 = J.containsKey$1$x(B.Set_uTMs5._collection$_map, t4) ? new A.DesktopSemanticsEnabler() : new A.MobileSemanticsEnabler();
- t4 = new A.EngineSemanticsOwner(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.nullable_int, t1), t2, t3, new A.EngineSemanticsOwner__now_closure(), new A.SemanticsHelper(t4), B.GestureMode_1, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_nullable_void_Function_GestureMode));
- t4.EngineSemanticsOwner$_$0();
- return t4;
- },
- longestIncreasingSubsequence(list) {
- var longest, i, elem, hi, lo, mid, seq, k,
- len = list.length,
- t1 = type$.JSArray_int,
- predecessors = A._setArrayType([], t1),
- mins = A._setArrayType([0], t1);
- for (longest = 0, i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
- elem = list[i];
- for (hi = longest, lo = 1; lo <= hi;) {
- mid = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(lo + hi, 2);
- if (list[mins[mid]] < elem)
- lo = mid + 1;
- else
- hi = mid - 1;
- }
- predecessors.push(mins[lo - 1]);
- if (lo >= mins.length)
- mins.push(i);
- else
- mins[lo] = i;
- if (lo > longest)
- longest = lo;
- }
- seq = A.List_List$filled(longest, 0, false, type$.int);
- k = mins[longest];
- for (i = longest - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- seq[i] = k;
- k = predecessors[k];
- }
- return seq;
- },
- SemanticsTextEditingStrategy_ensureInitialized(owner) {
- var t2,
- t1 = $.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy__instance;
- if (t1 != null)
- t2 = t1.owner === owner;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- return $.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy__instance = new A.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy(owner, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DomSubscription), $, $, $, null);
- },
- WriteBuffer_WriteBuffer0() {
- var t1 = new Uint8Array(0),
- eightBytes = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8));
- return new A.WriteBuffer0(new A.Uint8Buffer(t1, 0), eightBytes, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(eightBytes.buffer, 0, null));
- },
- computeShadowOffset(elevation) {
- if (elevation === 0)
- return B.Offset_0_0;
- return new A.Offset(200 * elevation / 600, 400 * elevation / 600);
- },
- computePenumbraBounds(shape, elevation) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, dx, dy;
- if (elevation === 0)
- return shape;
- t1 = shape.right;
- t2 = shape.left;
- t3 = shape.bottom;
- t4 = shape.top;
- dx = elevation * ((800 + (t1 - t2) * 0.5) / 600);
- dy = elevation * ((800 + (t3 - t4) * 0.5) / 600);
- return new A.Rect(t2 - dx, t4 - dy, t1 + dx, t3 + dy).shift$1(A.computeShadowOffset(elevation));
- },
- computeShadow(shape, elevation) {
- if (elevation === 0)
- return null;
- return new A.SurfaceShadowData(Math.min(elevation * ((800 + (shape.right - shape.left) * 0.5) / 600), elevation * ((800 + (shape.bottom - shape.top) * 0.5) / 600)), A.computeShadowOffset(elevation));
- },
- createSVGSVGElement() {
- var t1 = self.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg"),
- t2 = A.jsify("1.1");
- A.callMethod(t1, "setAttribute", ["version", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- return t1;
- },
- SVGLengthExtension_set_valueAsString(_this, value) {
- _this.valueAsString = value;
- return value;
- },
- SVGAnimatedEnumerationExtenson_set_baseVal(_this, value) {
- _this.baseVal = value;
- return value;
- },
- SVGAnimatedStringExtension_set_baseVal(_this, value) {
- _this.baseVal = value;
- return value;
- },
- SVGAnimatedNumberExtension_set_baseVal(_this, value) {
- _this.baseVal = value;
- return value;
- },
- LayoutFragment$(start, end, type, textDirection, fragmentFlow, span, trailingNewlines, trailingSpaces) {
- return new A.LayoutFragment($, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, 0, type, textDirection, fragmentFlow, span, trailingNewlines, trailingSpaces, start, end);
- },
- LineBuilder$_(paragraph, spanometer, accumulatedHeight, fragments, lineNumber, maxWidth) {
- var t1 = new A.LineBuilder(fragments, maxWidth, paragraph, spanometer, lineNumber, accumulatedHeight);
- t1._recalculateMetrics$0();
- return t1;
- },
- ensureLineLookupInitialized() {
- var t1 = $._lineLookup;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = type$.LineCharProperty;
- t1 = $._lineLookup = new A.UnicodePropertyLookup(A._unpackProperties(string$.x3000000, 937, B.List_83u, t1), B.LineCharProperty_8, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, t1), type$.UnicodePropertyLookup_LineCharProperty);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- LineBreakFragmenter_LineBreakFragmenter(text) {
- if (self.Intl.v8BreakIterator != null)
- return new A.V8LineBreakFragmenter(A.createV8BreakIterator(), text);
- return new A.FWLineBreakFragmenter(text);
- },
- breakLinesUsingV8BreakIterator(text, iterator) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, fragmentStart, type, fragmentEnd, i, trailingNewlines, trailingSpaces, codeUnit,
- breaks = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LineBreakFragment);
- iterator.adoptText(text);
- iterator.first();
- for (t1 = B.Set_CR9D4._collection$_map, t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1), t3 = B.Set_Y7lq1._collection$_map, t4 = J.getInterceptor$x(t3), fragmentStart = 0; iterator.next() !== -1; fragmentStart = fragmentEnd) {
- type = A._getV8BreakType(text, iterator);
- fragmentEnd = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(iterator.current());
- for (i = fragmentStart, trailingNewlines = 0, trailingSpaces = 0; i < fragmentEnd; ++i) {
- codeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
- if (t4.containsKey$1(t3, codeUnit)) {
- ++trailingNewlines;
- ++trailingSpaces;
- } else if (t2.containsKey$1(t1, codeUnit))
- ++trailingSpaces;
- else if (trailingSpaces > 0) {
- breaks.push(new A.LineBreakFragment(B.LineBreakType_0, trailingNewlines, trailingSpaces, fragmentStart, i));
- fragmentStart = i;
- trailingNewlines = 0;
- trailingSpaces = 0;
- }
- }
- breaks.push(new A.LineBreakFragment(type, trailingNewlines, trailingSpaces, fragmentStart, fragmentEnd));
- }
- if (breaks.length === 0 || B.JSArray_methods.get$last(breaks).type === B.LineBreakType_2) {
- t1 = text.length;
- breaks.push(new A.LineBreakFragment(B.LineBreakType_3, 0, 0, t1, t1));
- }
- return breaks;
- },
- _getV8BreakType(text, iterator) {
- var fragmentEnd = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(iterator.current());
- if (iterator.breakType() !== "none")
- return B.LineBreakType_2;
- if (fragmentEnd === text.length)
- return B.LineBreakType_3;
- return B.LineBreakType_0;
- },
- _computeLineBreakFragments(text) {
- var codePoint, curr, setBreak, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, baseOfCombiningMarks, regionalIndicatorCount, baseOfCombiningMarks0, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, _box_0 = {},
- fragments = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LineBreakFragment);
- _box_0.prev1 = _box_0.prev2 = null;
- codePoint = A.getCodePoint(text, 0);
- curr = A.ensureLineLookupInitialized().findForChar$1(codePoint);
- _box_0.fragmentStart = _box_0.trailingSpaces = _box_0.trailingNewlines = _box_0.index = 0;
- setBreak = new A._computeLineBreakFragments_setBreak(_box_0, text, fragments);
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 2);
- t1 = ++_box_0.index;
- for (t2 = text.length, t3 = type$.LineCharProperty, t4 = type$.int, t5 = type$.UnicodePropertyLookup_LineCharProperty, baseOfCombiningMarks = B.LineCharProperty_8, regionalIndicatorCount = 0; t1 <= t2; t1 = ++_box_0.index) {
- _box_0.prev2 = _box_0.prev1;
- _box_0.prev1 = curr;
- if (codePoint != null && codePoint > 65535) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, -1);
- t1 = ++_box_0.index;
- }
- codePoint = A.getCodePoint(text, t1);
- t1 = $._lineLookup;
- curr = (t1 == null ? $._lineLookup = new A.UnicodePropertyLookup(A._unpackProperties(string$.x3000000, 937, B.List_83u, t3), B.LineCharProperty_8, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t3), t5) : t1).findForChar$1(codePoint);
- baseOfCombiningMarks0 = _box_0.prev1;
- regionalIndicatorCount = baseOfCombiningMarks0 === B.LineCharProperty_35 ? regionalIndicatorCount + 1 : 0;
- if (baseOfCombiningMarks0 === B.LineCharProperty_2 || baseOfCombiningMarks0 === B.LineCharProperty_3) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_2, 5);
- continue;
- }
- if (baseOfCombiningMarks0 === B.LineCharProperty_4) {
- if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_2)
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 5);
- else
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_2, 5);
- continue;
- }
- if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_2 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_3 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_4) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 6);
- continue;
- }
- t1 = _box_0.index;
- if (t1 >= t2)
- break;
- if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_5 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_25) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 7);
- continue;
- }
- if (baseOfCombiningMarks0 === B.LineCharProperty_5) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_0, 18);
- continue;
- }
- if (baseOfCombiningMarks0 === B.LineCharProperty_25) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_0, 8);
- continue;
- }
- if (baseOfCombiningMarks0 === B.LineCharProperty_26) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 8);
- continue;
- }
- t6 = baseOfCombiningMarks0 !== B.LineCharProperty_0;
- if (t6 && true)
- baseOfCombiningMarks = baseOfCombiningMarks0 == null ? B.LineCharProperty_8 : baseOfCombiningMarks0;
- if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_0 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_26) {
- if (baseOfCombiningMarks !== B.LineCharProperty_5) {
- if (baseOfCombiningMarks === B.LineCharProperty_35)
- --regionalIndicatorCount;
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 9);
- curr = baseOfCombiningMarks;
- continue;
- }
- curr = B.LineCharProperty_8;
- }
- if (!t6 || false) {
- _box_0.prev1 = baseOfCombiningMarks;
- t6 = baseOfCombiningMarks;
- } else
- t6 = baseOfCombiningMarks0;
- if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_29 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_29) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 11);
- continue;
- }
- if (t6 === B.LineCharProperty_18) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 12);
- continue;
- }
- t7 = t6 !== B.LineCharProperty_5;
- if (!(!t7 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_1 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_14) && curr === B.LineCharProperty_18) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 12);
- continue;
- }
- if (t7)
- t7 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_17 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_12 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_6 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_13 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_15;
- else
- t7 = false;
- if (t7) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 13);
- continue;
- }
- if (t6 === B.LineCharProperty_11) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 14);
- continue;
- }
- t7 = t6 === B.LineCharProperty_7;
- if (t7 && curr === B.LineCharProperty_11) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 15);
- continue;
- }
- t8 = t6 !== B.LineCharProperty_17;
- if ((!t8 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_12) && curr === B.LineCharProperty_24) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 16);
- continue;
- }
- if (t6 === B.LineCharProperty_27 && curr === B.LineCharProperty_27) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 17);
- continue;
- }
- if (t7 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_7) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 19);
- continue;
- }
- if (t6 === B.LineCharProperty_34 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_34) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_0, 20);
- continue;
- }
- if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_1 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_14 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_24 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_19) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 21);
- continue;
- }
- if (_box_0.prev2 === B.LineCharProperty_20)
- t7 = t6 === B.LineCharProperty_14 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_1;
- else
- t7 = false;
- if (t7) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 21);
- continue;
- }
- t7 = t6 === B.LineCharProperty_15;
- if (t7 && curr === B.LineCharProperty_20) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 21);
- continue;
- }
- if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_28) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 22);
- continue;
- }
- t9 = t6 !== B.LineCharProperty_8;
- if (!((!t9 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_20) && curr === B.LineCharProperty_16))
- if (t6 === B.LineCharProperty_16)
- t10 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_8 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_20;
- else
- t10 = false;
- else
- t10 = true;
- if (t10) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 23);
- continue;
- }
- t10 = t6 === B.LineCharProperty_9;
- if (t10)
- t11 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_30 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_31 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_36;
- else
- t11 = false;
- if (t11) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 23);
- continue;
- }
- if ((t6 === B.LineCharProperty_30 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_31 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_36) && curr === B.LineCharProperty_10) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 23);
- continue;
- }
- t11 = !t10;
- if (!t11 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_10)
- t12 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_8 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_20;
- else
- t12 = false;
- if (t12) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 24);
- continue;
- }
- if (!t9 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_20)
- t12 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_9 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_10;
- else
- t12 = false;
- if (t12) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 24);
- continue;
- }
- if (!t8 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_12 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_16)
- t8 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_10 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_9;
- else
- t8 = false;
- if (t8) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 25);
- continue;
- }
- t8 = t6 !== B.LineCharProperty_10;
- if ((!t8 || t10) && curr === B.LineCharProperty_11) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 25);
- continue;
- }
- if ((!t8 || !t11 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_14 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_13 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_16 || t7) && curr === B.LineCharProperty_16) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 25);
- continue;
- }
- t7 = t6 === B.LineCharProperty_21;
- if (t7)
- t8 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_21 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_22 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_32 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_33;
- else
- t8 = false;
- if (t8) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 26);
- continue;
- }
- t8 = t6 !== B.LineCharProperty_22;
- if (!t8 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_32)
- t11 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_22 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_23;
- else
- t11 = false;
- if (t11) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 26);
- continue;
- }
- t11 = t6 !== B.LineCharProperty_23;
- if ((!t11 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_33) && curr === B.LineCharProperty_23) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 26);
- continue;
- }
- if ((t7 || !t8 || !t11 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_32 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_33) && curr === B.LineCharProperty_10) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 27);
- continue;
- }
- if (t10)
- t7 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_21 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_22 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_23 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_32 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_33;
- else
- t7 = false;
- if (t7) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 27);
- continue;
- }
- if (!t9 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_20)
- t7 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_8 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_20;
- else
- t7 = false;
- if (t7) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 28);
- continue;
- }
- if (t6 === B.LineCharProperty_13)
- t7 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_8 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_20;
- else
- t7 = false;
- if (t7) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 29);
- continue;
- }
- if (!t9 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_20 || t6 === B.LineCharProperty_16)
- if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_11) {
- t7 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, t1);
- if (t7 !== 9001)
- if (!(t7 >= 12296 && t7 <= 12317))
- t7 = t7 >= 65047 && t7 <= 65378;
- else
- t7 = true;
- else
- t7 = true;
- t7 = !t7;
- } else
- t7 = false;
- else
- t7 = false;
- if (t7) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 30);
- continue;
- }
- if (t6 === B.LineCharProperty_12) {
- t1 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, t1 - 1);
- if (t1 !== 9001)
- if (!(t1 >= 12296 && t1 <= 12317))
- t1 = t1 >= 65047 && t1 <= 65378;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (!t1)
- t1 = curr === B.LineCharProperty_8 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_20 || curr === B.LineCharProperty_16;
- else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 30);
- continue;
- }
- if (curr === B.LineCharProperty_35) {
- if ((regionalIndicatorCount & 1) === 1)
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 30);
- else
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_0, 30);
- continue;
- }
- if (t6 === B.LineCharProperty_31 && curr === B.LineCharProperty_36) {
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_1, 30);
- continue;
- }
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_0, 31);
- }
- setBreak.call$2(B.LineBreakType_3, 3);
- return fragments;
- },
- measureSubstring(canvasContext, text, start, end, letterSpacing) {
- var t1, width, sub, t2;
- if (start === end)
- return 0;
- t1 = canvasContext.font;
- if (start === $._lastStart && end === $._lastEnd && text === $._lastText && t1 === $._lastCssFont)
- width = $._lastWidth;
- else {
- sub = start === 0 && end === text.length ? text : B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, start, end);
- t2 = canvasContext.measureText(sub).width;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = null;
- t2.toString;
- width = t2;
- }
- $._lastStart = start;
- $._lastEnd = end;
- $._lastText = text;
- $._lastCssFont = t1;
- $._lastWidth = width;
- if (letterSpacing == null)
- letterSpacing = 0;
- return B.JSNumber_methods.round$0((letterSpacing !== 0 ? width + letterSpacing * (end - start) : width) * 100) / 100;
- },
- EngineTextStyle$only(background, color, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontVariations, fontWeight, foreground, height, letterSpacing, locale, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing) {
- var t1 = fontFamily == null,
- t2 = t1 ? "" : fontFamily;
- return new A.EngineTextStyle(color, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontWeight, fontStyle, textBaseline, !t1, t2, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontVariations, fontSize, letterSpacing, wordSpacing, height, locale, background, foreground, shadows);
- },
- fontWeightToCss(fontWeight) {
- if (fontWeight == null)
- return null;
- return A.fontWeightIndexToCss(fontWeight.index);
- },
- fontWeightIndexToCss(fontWeightIndex) {
- switch (fontWeightIndex) {
- case 0:
- return "100";
- case 1:
- return "200";
- case 2:
- return "300";
- case 3:
- return "normal";
- case 4:
- return "500";
- case 5:
- return "600";
- case 6:
- return "bold";
- case 7:
- return "800";
- case 8:
- return "900";
- }
- return "";
- },
- _shadowListToCss(shadows) {
- var i, t2, shadow, t3,
- t1 = shadows.length;
- if (t1 === 0)
- return "";
- for (i = 0, t2 = ""; i < t1; ++i, t2 = t3) {
- if (i !== 0)
- t2 += ",";
- shadow = shadows[i];
- t3 = shadow.offset;
- t3 = t2 + (A.S(t3._dx) + "px " + A.S(t3._dy) + "px " + A.S(shadow.blurRadius) + "px " + A.S(A.colorToCssString(shadow.color)));
- }
- return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
- },
- _fontVariationListToCss(fontVariations) {
- var i, t1, fontVariation,
- len = fontVariations.length;
- for (i = 0, t1 = ""; i < len; ++i) {
- if (i !== 0)
- t1 += ",";
- fontVariation = fontVariations[i];
- t1 += '"' + fontVariation.axis + '" ' + A.S(fontVariation.value);
- }
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- _decorationStyleToCssString(decorationStyle) {
- switch (decorationStyle.index) {
- case 3:
- return "dashed";
- case 2:
- return "dotted";
- case 1:
- return "double";
- case 0:
- return "solid";
- case 4:
- return "wavy";
- default:
- return null;
- }
- },
- textAlignToCssValue(align, textDirection) {
- switch (align) {
- case B.TextAlign_0:
- return "left";
- case B.TextAlign_1:
- return "right";
- case B.TextAlign_2:
- return "center";
- case B.TextAlign_3:
- return "justify";
- case B.TextAlign_5:
- switch (textDirection.index) {
- case 1:
- return "end";
- case 0:
- return "left";
- }
- break;
- case B.TextAlign_4:
- switch (textDirection.index) {
- case 1:
- return "";
- case 0:
- return "right";
- }
- break;
- case null:
- return "";
- }
- },
- _computeBidiFragments(text) {
- var textDirection, fragmentFlow, fragmentStart, i, charTextDirection,
- fragments = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_BidiFragment),
- t1 = text.length;
- if (t1 === 0) {
- fragments.push(B.BidiFragment_wEo);
- return fragments;
- }
- textDirection = A._getTextDirection(text, 0);
- fragmentFlow = A._getFragmentFlow(text, 0);
- for (fragmentStart = 0, i = 1; i < t1; ++i) {
- charTextDirection = A._getTextDirection(text, i);
- if (charTextDirection != textDirection) {
- fragments.push(new A.BidiFragment(textDirection, fragmentFlow, fragmentStart, i));
- fragmentFlow = A._getFragmentFlow(text, i);
- textDirection = charTextDirection;
- fragmentStart = i;
- } else if (fragmentFlow === B.FragmentFlow_2)
- fragmentFlow = A._getFragmentFlow(text, i);
- }
- fragments.push(new A.BidiFragment(textDirection, fragmentFlow, fragmentStart, t1));
- return fragments;
- },
- _getTextDirection(text, i) {
- var t2, textDirection,
- t1 = A.getCodePoint(text, i);
- t1.toString;
- if (!(t1 >= 48 && t1 <= 57))
- t2 = t1 >= 1632 && t1 <= 1641;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- return B.TextDirection_1;
- textDirection = $.$get$_textDirectionLookup().findForChar$1(t1);
- if (textDirection != null)
- return textDirection;
- return null;
- },
- _getFragmentFlow(text, i) {
- var t1 = A.getCodePoint(text, i);
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 >= 48 && t1 <= 57)
- return B.FragmentFlow_2;
- if (t1 >= 1632 && t1 <= 1641)
- return B.FragmentFlow_1;
- switch ($.$get$_textDirectionLookup().findForChar$1(t1)) {
- case B.TextDirection_1:
- return B.FragmentFlow_0;
- case B.TextDirection_0:
- return B.FragmentFlow_1;
- case null:
- return B.FragmentFlow_3;
- }
- },
- getCodePoint(text, index) {
- var char;
- if (index < 0 || index >= text.length)
- return null;
- char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, index);
- if ((char & 63488) === 55296 && index < text.length - 1)
- return (char >>> 6 & 31) + 1 << 16 | (char & 63) << 10 | B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, index + 1) & 1023;
- return char;
- },
- UnicodePropertyLookup$(ranges, defaultProperty, $P) {
- return new A.UnicodePropertyLookup(ranges, defaultProperty, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, $P), $P._eval$1("UnicodePropertyLookup<0>"));
- },
- UnicodePropertyLookup_UnicodePropertyLookup$fromPackedData(packedData, singleRangesCount, propertyEnumValues, defaultProperty, $P) {
- return new A.UnicodePropertyLookup(A._unpackProperties(packedData, singleRangesCount, propertyEnumValues, $P), defaultProperty, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, $P), $P._eval$1("UnicodePropertyLookup<0>"));
- },
- _unpackProperties(packedData, singleRangesCount, propertyEnumValues, $P) {
- var t1, i, rangeStart, rangeEnd, i0,
- ranges = A._setArrayType([], $P._eval$1("JSArray>")),
- dataLength = packedData.length;
- for (t1 = $P._eval$1("UnicodeRange<0>"), i = 0; i < dataLength; i = i0) {
- rangeStart = A._consumeInt(packedData, i);
- i += 4;
- if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(packedData, i) === 33) {
- ++i;
- rangeEnd = rangeStart;
- } else {
- rangeEnd = A._consumeInt(packedData, i);
- i += 4;
- }
- i0 = i + 1;
- ranges.push(new A.UnicodeRange(rangeStart, rangeEnd, propertyEnumValues[A._getEnumIndexFromPackedValue(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(packedData, i))], t1));
- }
- return ranges;
- },
- _getEnumIndexFromPackedValue(charCode) {
- if (charCode <= 90)
- return charCode - 65;
- return 26 + charCode - 97;
- },
- _consumeInt(packedData, index) {
- return A.getIntFromCharCode(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(packedData, index + 3)) + A.getIntFromCharCode(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(packedData, index + 2)) * 36 + A.getIntFromCharCode(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(packedData, index + 1)) * 36 * 36 + A.getIntFromCharCode(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(packedData, index)) * 36 * 36 * 36;
- },
- getIntFromCharCode(charCode) {
- if (charCode <= 57)
- return charCode - 48;
- return charCode - 97 + 10;
- },
- WordBreaker__findBreakIndex(direction, text, index) {
- var t1 = direction.step,
- t2 = text.length,
- i = index;
- while (true) {
- if (!(i >= 0 && i <= t2))
- break;
- i += t1;
- if (A.WordBreaker__isBreak(text, i))
- break;
- }
- return A.clampInt(i, 0, t2);
- },
- WordBreaker__isBreak(text, index) {
- var t1, immediateRight, immediateLeft, l, t2, codePoint, r, nextRight, nextLeft, _null = null;
- if (index <= 0 || index >= text.length)
- return true;
- t1 = index - 1;
- if ((B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, t1) & 63488) === 55296)
- return false;
- immediateRight = $.$get$wordLookup().find$2(0, text, index);
- immediateLeft = $.$get$wordLookup().find$2(0, text, t1);
- if (immediateLeft === B.WordCharProperty_3 && immediateRight === B.WordCharProperty_4)
- return false;
- if (A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateLeft, B.WordCharProperty_5, B.WordCharProperty_3, B.WordCharProperty_4, _null, _null))
- return true;
- if (A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateRight, B.WordCharProperty_5, B.WordCharProperty_3, B.WordCharProperty_4, _null, _null))
- return true;
- if (immediateLeft === B.WordCharProperty_17 && immediateRight === B.WordCharProperty_17)
- return false;
- if (A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateRight, B.WordCharProperty_6, B.WordCharProperty_8, B.WordCharProperty_16, _null, _null))
- return false;
- for (l = 0; A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateLeft, B.WordCharProperty_6, B.WordCharProperty_8, B.WordCharProperty_16, _null, _null);) {
- ++l;
- t1 = index - l - 1;
- if (t1 < 0)
- return true;
- t2 = $.$get$wordLookup();
- codePoint = A.getCodePoint(text, t1);
- immediateLeft = codePoint == null ? t2.defaultProperty : t2.findForChar$1(codePoint);
- }
- if (A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateLeft, B.WordCharProperty_10, B.WordCharProperty_2, _null, _null, _null) && A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateRight, B.WordCharProperty_10, B.WordCharProperty_2, _null, _null, _null))
- return false;
- r = 0;
- do {
- ++r;
- nextRight = $.$get$wordLookup().find$2(0, text, index + r);
- } while (A.WordBreaker__oneOf(nextRight, B.WordCharProperty_6, B.WordCharProperty_8, B.WordCharProperty_16, _null, _null));
- do {
- ++l;
- nextLeft = $.$get$wordLookup().find$2(0, text, index - l - 1);
- } while (A.WordBreaker__oneOf(nextLeft, B.WordCharProperty_6, B.WordCharProperty_8, B.WordCharProperty_16, _null, _null));
- if (A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateLeft, B.WordCharProperty_10, B.WordCharProperty_2, _null, _null, _null) && A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateRight, B.WordCharProperty_11, B.WordCharProperty_13, B.WordCharProperty_1, _null, _null) && A.WordBreaker__oneOf(nextRight, B.WordCharProperty_10, B.WordCharProperty_2, _null, _null, _null))
- return false;
- if (A.WordBreaker__oneOf(nextLeft, B.WordCharProperty_10, B.WordCharProperty_2, _null, _null, _null) && A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateLeft, B.WordCharProperty_11, B.WordCharProperty_13, B.WordCharProperty_1, _null, _null) && A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateRight, B.WordCharProperty_10, B.WordCharProperty_2, _null, _null, _null))
- return false;
- t1 = immediateLeft === B.WordCharProperty_2;
- if (t1 && immediateRight === B.WordCharProperty_1)
- return false;
- if (t1 && immediateRight === B.WordCharProperty_0 && nextRight === B.WordCharProperty_2)
- return false;
- if (nextLeft === B.WordCharProperty_2 && immediateLeft === B.WordCharProperty_0 && immediateRight === B.WordCharProperty_2)
- return false;
- t1 = immediateLeft === B.WordCharProperty_14;
- if (t1 && immediateRight === B.WordCharProperty_14)
- return false;
- if (A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateLeft, B.WordCharProperty_10, B.WordCharProperty_2, _null, _null, _null) && immediateRight === B.WordCharProperty_14)
- return false;
- if (t1 && A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateRight, B.WordCharProperty_10, B.WordCharProperty_2, _null, _null, _null))
- return false;
- if (nextLeft === B.WordCharProperty_14 && A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateLeft, B.WordCharProperty_12, B.WordCharProperty_13, B.WordCharProperty_1, _null, _null) && immediateRight === B.WordCharProperty_14)
- return false;
- if (t1 && A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateRight, B.WordCharProperty_12, B.WordCharProperty_13, B.WordCharProperty_1, _null, _null) && nextRight === B.WordCharProperty_14)
- return false;
- if (immediateLeft === B.WordCharProperty_9 && immediateRight === B.WordCharProperty_9)
- return false;
- if (A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateLeft, B.WordCharProperty_10, B.WordCharProperty_2, B.WordCharProperty_14, B.WordCharProperty_9, B.WordCharProperty_15) && immediateRight === B.WordCharProperty_15)
- return false;
- if (immediateLeft === B.WordCharProperty_15 && A.WordBreaker__oneOf(immediateRight, B.WordCharProperty_10, B.WordCharProperty_2, B.WordCharProperty_14, B.WordCharProperty_9, _null))
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- WordBreaker__oneOf(value, choice1, choice2, choice3, choice4, choice5) {
- if (value === choice1)
- return true;
- if (value === choice2)
- return true;
- if (choice3 != null && value === choice3)
- return true;
- if (choice4 != null && value === choice4)
- return true;
- if (choice5 != null && value === choice5)
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- EngineInputAction_fromName($name) {
- switch ($name) {
- case "TextInputAction.continueAction":
- case "TextInputAction.next":
- return B.C_NextInputAction;
- case "TextInputAction.previous":
- return B.C_PreviousInputAction;
- case "TextInputAction.done":
- return B.C_DoneInputAction;
- case "TextInputAction.go":
- return B.C_GoInputAction;
- case "TextInputAction.newline":
- return B.C_EnterInputAction;
- case "TextInputAction.search":
- return B.C_SearchInputAction;
- case "TextInputAction.send":
- return B.C_SendInputAction;
- case "TextInputAction.emergencyCall":
- case "TextInputAction.join":
- case "TextInputAction.none":
- case "TextInputAction.route":
- case "TextInputAction.unspecified":
- default:
- return B.C_NoInputAction;
- }
- },
- EngineInputType_fromName($name, isDecimal) {
- switch ($name) {
- case "TextInputType.number":
- return isDecimal ? B.C_DecimalInputType : B.C_NumberInputType;
- case "TextInputType.phone":
- return B.C_PhoneInputType;
- case "TextInputType.emailAddress":
- return B.C_EmailInputType;
- case "TextInputType.url":
- return B.C_UrlInputType;
- case "TextInputType.multiline":
- return B.C_MultilineInputType;
- case "TextInputType.none":
- return B.C_NoTextInputType;
- case "TextInputType.text":
- default:
- return B.C_TextInputType;
- }
- },
- TextCapitalizationConfig$fromInputConfiguration(inputConfiguration) {
- var t1;
- if (inputConfiguration === "TextCapitalization.words")
- t1 = B.TextCapitalization_0;
- else if (inputConfiguration === "TextCapitalization.characters")
- t1 = B.TextCapitalization_2;
- else
- t1 = inputConfiguration === "TextCapitalization.sentences" ? B.TextCapitalization_1 : B.TextCapitalization_30;
- return new A.TextCapitalizationConfig(t1);
- },
- _emptyCallback(_) {
- },
- _hideAutofillElements(domElement, isOffScreen) {
- var t2,
- _s11_ = "transparent",
- _s4_ = "none",
- t1 = domElement.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "white-space", "pre-wrap");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "align-content", "center");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "padding", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "opacity", "1");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "color", _s11_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "background-color", _s11_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "background", _s11_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "outline", _s4_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "border", _s4_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "resize", _s4_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "width", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "height", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "text-shadow", _s11_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "transform-origin", "0 0 0");
- if (isOffScreen) {
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "top", "-9999px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "left", "-9999px");
- }
- t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t2 !== B.BrowserEngine_0)
- t2 = t2 === B.BrowserEngine_1;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- domElement.classList.add("transparentTextEditing");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "caret-color", _s11_);
- },
- EngineAutofillForm_fromFrameworkMessage(focusedElementAutofill, fields) {
- var t1, t2, elements, items, formElement, ids, focusedElement, t3, t4, t5, t6, autofillInfo, t7, autofill, htmlElement, _i, id, formIdentifier, form, submitButton;
- if (focusedElementAutofill == null)
- return null;
- t1 = type$.String;
- t2 = type$.JavaScriptObject;
- elements = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
- items = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.AutofillInfo);
- formElement = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "form");
- formElement.noValidate = true;
- formElement.method = "post";
- formElement.action = "#";
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(formElement, "submit", t2._as(A.allowInterop(new A.EngineAutofillForm_fromFrameworkMessage_closure())), null);
- A._hideAutofillElements(formElement, false);
- ids = J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, t1);
- focusedElement = A.AutofillInfo_AutofillInfo$fromFrameworkMessage(focusedElementAutofill, B.TextCapitalizationConfig_TextCapitalization_3);
- if (fields != null)
- for (t1 = type$.Map_String_dynamic, t2 = J.cast$1$0$ax(fields, t1), t3 = A._instanceType(t2), t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2), t3._eval$1("ListIterator")), t4 = focusedElement.uniqueIdentifier, t3 = t3._eval$1("ListBase.E"); t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t5 = t2.__internal$_current;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = t3._as(t5);
- t6 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t5);
- autofillInfo = t1._as(t6.$index(t5, "autofill"));
- t7 = A._asString(t6.$index(t5, "textCapitalization"));
- if (t7 === "TextCapitalization.words")
- t7 = B.TextCapitalization_0;
- else if (t7 === "TextCapitalization.characters")
- t7 = B.TextCapitalization_2;
- else
- t7 = t7 === "TextCapitalization.sentences" ? B.TextCapitalization_1 : B.TextCapitalization_30;
- autofill = A.AutofillInfo_AutofillInfo$fromFrameworkMessage(autofillInfo, new A.TextCapitalizationConfig(t7));
- t7 = autofill.uniqueIdentifier;
- ids.push(t7);
- if (t7 !== t4) {
- htmlElement = A.EngineInputType_fromName(A._asString(J.$index$asx(t1._as(t6.$index(t5, "inputType")), "name")), false).createDomElement$0();
- autofill.editingState.applyToDomElement$1(htmlElement);
- autofill.applyToDomElement$1(htmlElement);
- A._hideAutofillElements(htmlElement, false);
- items.$indexSet(0, t7, autofill);
- elements.$indexSet(0, t7, htmlElement);
- formElement.append(htmlElement);
- }
- }
- else
- ids.push(focusedElement.uniqueIdentifier);
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(ids);
- for (t1 = ids.length, _i = 0, t2 = ""; _i < t1; ++_i) {
- id = ids[_i];
- t2 = (t2.length > 0 ? t2 + "*" : t2) + id;
- }
- formIdentifier = t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
- form = $.formsOnTheDom.$index(0, formIdentifier);
- if (form != null)
- form.remove();
- submitButton = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "input");
- A._hideAutofillElements(submitButton, true);
- submitButton.className = "submitBtn";
- A.DomHTMLInputElementExtension_set_type(submitButton, "submit");
- formElement.append(submitButton);
- return new A.EngineAutofillForm(formElement, elements, items, formIdentifier);
- },
- AutofillInfo_AutofillInfo$fromFrameworkMessage(autofill, textCapitalization) {
- var t2,
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(autofill),
- uniqueIdentifier = A._asString(t1.$index(autofill, "uniqueIdentifier")),
- hintsList = type$.nullable_List_dynamic._as(t1.$index(autofill, "hints")),
- firstHint = hintsList == null || J.get$isEmpty$asx(hintsList) ? null : A._asString(J.get$first$ax(hintsList)),
- editingState = A.EditingState_EditingState$fromFrameworkMessage(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(t1.$index(autofill, "editingValue")));
- if (firstHint != null) {
- t2 = $.$get$BrowserAutofillHints__singletonInstance()._flutterToEngineMap.$index(0, firstHint);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = firstHint;
- } else
- t2 = null;
- return new A.AutofillInfo(editingState, uniqueIdentifier, t2, A._asStringQ(t1.$index(autofill, "hintText")));
- },
- _replace(originalText, replacementText, replacedRange) {
- var t1 = replacedRange.start,
- t2 = replacedRange.end,
- t3 = Math.min(t1, t2);
- t2 = Math.max(t1, t2);
- return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(originalText, 0, t3) + replacementText + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(originalText, t2);
- },
- TextEditingDeltaState_inferDeltaState(newEditingState, lastEditingState, lastTextEditingDeltaState) {
- var previousSelectionWasCollapsed, t9, isTextBeingRemoved, isTextBeingChangedAtActiveSelection, deletedLength, isCurrentlyComposing, textAfterDelta, isPeriodInsertion, match, actualEnd, textAfterMatch,
- t1 = lastTextEditingDeltaState.oldText,
- t2 = lastTextEditingDeltaState.deltaText,
- t3 = lastTextEditingDeltaState.deltaStart,
- t4 = lastTextEditingDeltaState.deltaEnd,
- t5 = lastTextEditingDeltaState.baseOffset,
- t6 = lastTextEditingDeltaState.extentOffset,
- t7 = lastTextEditingDeltaState.composingOffset,
- t8 = lastTextEditingDeltaState.composingExtent,
- newTextEditingDeltaState = new A.TextEditingDeltaState(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8);
- t5 = lastEditingState == null;
- t6 = t5 ? null : lastEditingState.baseOffset;
- previousSelectionWasCollapsed = t6 == (t5 ? null : lastEditingState.extentOffset);
- t6 = t2.length;
- t9 = t6 === 0;
- isTextBeingRemoved = t9 && t4 !== -1;
- t9 = !t9;
- isTextBeingChangedAtActiveSelection = t9 && !previousSelectionWasCollapsed;
- if (isTextBeingRemoved) {
- deletedLength = t1.length - newEditingState.text.length;
- t3 = newEditingState.baseOffset;
- if (t3 !== (t5 ? null : lastEditingState.baseOffset)) {
- t3 = t4 - deletedLength;
- newTextEditingDeltaState.deltaStart = t3;
- } else {
- newTextEditingDeltaState.deltaStart = t3;
- t4 = t3 + deletedLength;
- newTextEditingDeltaState.deltaEnd = t4;
- }
- } else if (isTextBeingChangedAtActiveSelection) {
- t3 = lastEditingState.baseOffset;
- newTextEditingDeltaState.deltaStart = t3;
- }
- isCurrentlyComposing = t7 != null && t7 !== t8;
- if (t9 && previousSelectionWasCollapsed && isCurrentlyComposing) {
- t7.toString;
- t3 = newTextEditingDeltaState.deltaStart = t7;
- }
- if (!(t3 === -1 && t3 === t4)) {
- textAfterDelta = A._replace(t1, t2, new A.TextRange(t3, t4));
- t3 = newEditingState.text;
- t3.toString;
- if (textAfterDelta !== t3) {
- isPeriodInsertion = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, ".");
- for (t4 = A.RegExp_RegExp(A.quoteStringForRegExp(t2), true, false).allMatches$1(0, t3), t4 = new A._AllMatchesIterator(t4._re, t4.__js_helper$_string, t4.__js_helper$_start), t5 = type$.RegExpMatch, t7 = t1.length; t4.moveNext$0();) {
- match = t4.__js_helper$_current;
- t8 = (match == null ? t5._as(match) : match)._match;
- t9 = t8.index;
- if (!(t9 >= 0 && t9 + t8[0].length <= t7)) {
- actualEnd = t9 + t6 - 1;
- textAfterMatch = A._replace(t1, t2, new A.TextRange(t9, actualEnd));
- } else {
- actualEnd = isPeriodInsertion ? t9 + t8[0].length - 1 : t9 + t8[0].length;
- textAfterMatch = A._replace(t1, t2, new A.TextRange(t9, actualEnd));
- }
- if (textAfterMatch === t3) {
- newTextEditingDeltaState.deltaStart = t9;
- newTextEditingDeltaState.deltaEnd = actualEnd;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- newTextEditingDeltaState.baseOffset = newEditingState.baseOffset;
- newTextEditingDeltaState.extentOffset = newEditingState.extentOffset;
- return newTextEditingDeltaState;
- },
- EditingState$(baseOffset, composingBaseOffset, composingExtentOffset, extentOffset, text) {
- var t2,
- t1 = baseOffset == null ? 0 : baseOffset;
- t1 = Math.max(0, t1);
- t2 = extentOffset == null ? 0 : extentOffset;
- return new A.EditingState(text, t1, Math.max(0, t2), composingBaseOffset, composingExtentOffset);
- },
- EditingState_EditingState$fromFrameworkMessage(flutterEditingState) {
- var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(flutterEditingState),
- text = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(flutterEditingState, "text")),
- selectionBase = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(A._asNum(t1.$index(flutterEditingState, "selectionBase"))),
- selectionExtent = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(A._asNum(t1.$index(flutterEditingState, "selectionExtent"))),
- composingBase = A.JsonExtensions_tryInt(flutterEditingState, "composingBase"),
- composingExtent = A.JsonExtensions_tryInt(flutterEditingState, "composingExtent");
- t1 = composingBase == null ? -1 : composingBase;
- return A.EditingState$(selectionBase, t1, composingExtent == null ? -1 : composingExtent, selectionExtent, text);
- },
- EditingState_EditingState$fromDomElement(domElement) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _null = null,
- $constructor = globalThis.HTMLInputElement;
- if ($constructor != null && domElement instanceof $constructor) {
- t1 = domElement.value;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t2 = domElement.selectionStart;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _null;
- t2 = t2 == null ? _null : B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t2);
- t3 = domElement.selectionEnd;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = _null;
- return A.EditingState$(t2, -1, -1, t3 == null ? _null : B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t3), t1);
- } else {
- $constructor = globalThis.HTMLTextAreaElement;
- if ($constructor != null && domElement instanceof $constructor) {
- t1 = domElement.value;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t2 = domElement.selectionStart;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _null;
- t2 = t2 == null ? _null : B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t2);
- t3 = domElement.selectionEnd;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = _null;
- return A.EditingState$(t2, -1, -1, t3 == null ? _null : B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t3), t1);
- } else
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Initialized with unsupported input type"));
- }
- },
- InputConfiguration$fromFrameworkMessage(flutterInputConfiguration) {
- var t5, t6, t7, t8, t9,
- _s9_ = "inputType",
- _s8_ = "autofill",
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(flutterInputConfiguration),
- t2 = type$.Map_String_dynamic,
- t3 = A._asString(J.$index$asx(t2._as(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, _s9_)), "name")),
- t4 = A._asBoolQ(J.$index$asx(t2._as(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, _s9_)), "decimal"));
- t3 = A.EngineInputType_fromName(t3, t4 === true);
- t4 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, "inputAction"));
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = "TextInputAction.done";
- t5 = A._asBoolQ(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, "obscureText"));
- t6 = A._asBoolQ(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, "readOnly"));
- t7 = A._asBoolQ(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, "autocorrect"));
- t8 = A.TextCapitalizationConfig$fromInputConfiguration(A._asString(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, "textCapitalization")));
- t2 = t1.containsKey$1(flutterInputConfiguration, _s8_) ? A.AutofillInfo_AutofillInfo$fromFrameworkMessage(t2._as(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, _s8_)), B.TextCapitalizationConfig_TextCapitalization_3) : null;
- t9 = A.EngineAutofillForm_fromFrameworkMessage(type$.nullable_Map_String_dynamic._as(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, _s8_)), type$.nullable_List_dynamic._as(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, "fields")));
- t1 = A._asBoolQ(t1.$index(flutterInputConfiguration, "enableDeltaModel"));
- return new A.InputConfiguration(t3, t4, t6 === true, t5 === true, t7 !== false, t1 === true, t2, t9, t8);
- },
- GloballyPositionedTextEditingStrategy$(owner) {
- return new A.GloballyPositionedTextEditingStrategy(owner, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DomSubscription), $, $, $, null);
- },
- saveForms() {
- $.formsOnTheDom.forEach$1(0, new A.saveForms_closure());
- },
- cleanForms() {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- for (t1 = $.formsOnTheDom.get$values($.formsOnTheDom), t2 = A._instanceType(t1), t2 = t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._rest[1]), t1 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t1.__internal$_iterable), t1._f, t2._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>")), t2 = t2._rest[1]; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1.__internal$_current;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = t2._as(t3);
- t3.remove();
- }
- $.formsOnTheDom.clear$0(0);
- },
- EditableTextGeometry_EditableTextGeometry$fromFrameworkMessage(encodedGeometry) {
- var t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(encodedGeometry),
- transformList = A.List_List$from(J.map$1$1$ax(type$.List_dynamic._as(t1.$index(encodedGeometry, "transform")), new A.EditableTextGeometry_EditableTextGeometry$fromFrameworkMessage_closure(), type$.dynamic), true, type$.double);
- return new A.EditableTextGeometry(A._asNum(t1.$index(encodedGeometry, "width")), A._asNum(t1.$index(encodedGeometry, "height")), new Float32Array(A._ensureNativeList(transformList)));
- },
- setElementTransform(element, matrix4) {
- var t1 = element.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "transform-origin", "0 0 0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "transform", A.float64ListToCssTransform(matrix4));
- },
- float64ListToCssTransform(matrix) {
- var transformKind = A.transformKindOf(matrix);
- if (transformKind === B.TransformKind_1)
- return "matrix(" + A.S(matrix[0]) + "," + A.S(matrix[1]) + "," + A.S(matrix[4]) + "," + A.S(matrix[5]) + "," + A.S(matrix[12]) + "," + A.S(matrix[13]) + ")";
- else if (transformKind === B.TransformKind_2)
- return A.float64ListToCssTransform3d(matrix);
- else
- return "none";
- },
- transformKindOf(matrix) {
- if (!(matrix[15] === 1 && matrix[14] === 0 && matrix[11] === 0 && matrix[10] === 1 && matrix[9] === 0 && matrix[8] === 0 && matrix[7] === 0 && matrix[6] === 0 && matrix[3] === 0 && matrix[2] === 0))
- return B.TransformKind_2;
- if (matrix[0] === 1 && matrix[1] === 0 && matrix[4] === 0 && matrix[5] === 1 && matrix[12] === 0 && matrix[13] === 0)
- return B.TransformKind_0;
- else
- return B.TransformKind_1;
- },
- float64ListToCssTransform3d(matrix) {
- var t1 = matrix[0];
- if (t1 === 1 && matrix[1] === 0 && matrix[2] === 0 && matrix[3] === 0 && matrix[4] === 0 && matrix[5] === 1 && matrix[6] === 0 && matrix[7] === 0 && matrix[8] === 0 && matrix[9] === 0 && matrix[10] === 1 && matrix[11] === 0 && matrix[14] === 0 && matrix[15] === 1)
- return "translate3d(" + A.S(matrix[12]) + "px, " + A.S(matrix[13]) + "px, 0px)";
- else
- return "matrix3d(" + A.S(t1) + "," + A.S(matrix[1]) + "," + A.S(matrix[2]) + "," + A.S(matrix[3]) + "," + A.S(matrix[4]) + "," + A.S(matrix[5]) + "," + A.S(matrix[6]) + "," + A.S(matrix[7]) + "," + A.S(matrix[8]) + "," + A.S(matrix[9]) + "," + A.S(matrix[10]) + "," + A.S(matrix[11]) + "," + A.S(matrix[12]) + "," + A.S(matrix[13]) + "," + A.S(matrix[14]) + "," + A.S(matrix[15]) + ")";
- },
- transformRect(transform, rect) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_tempRectData();
- t1[0] = rect.left;
- t1[1] = rect.top;
- t1[2] = rect.right;
- t1[3] = rect.bottom;
- A.transformLTRB(transform, t1);
- return new A.Rect(t1[0], t1[1], t1[2], t1[3]);
- },
- transformLTRB(transform, ltrb) {
- var t2, m00, m01, m02, m03, m10, m11, m12, m13, m20, m21, m22, m23, m30, m31, m32, m33, argStorage, w,
- t1 = $.$get$_tempPointData();
- t1[0] = ltrb[0];
- t1[4] = ltrb[1];
- t1[8] = 0;
- t1[12] = 1;
- t1[1] = ltrb[2];
- t1[5] = ltrb[1];
- t1[9] = 0;
- t1[13] = 1;
- t1[2] = ltrb[0];
- t1[6] = ltrb[3];
- t1[10] = 0;
- t1[14] = 1;
- t1[3] = ltrb[2];
- t1[7] = ltrb[3];
- t1[11] = 0;
- t1[15] = 1;
- t2 = $.$get$_tempPointMatrix()._m4storage;
- m00 = t2[0];
- m01 = t2[4];
- m02 = t2[8];
- m03 = t2[12];
- m10 = t2[1];
- m11 = t2[5];
- m12 = t2[9];
- m13 = t2[13];
- m20 = t2[2];
- m21 = t2[6];
- m22 = t2[10];
- m23 = t2[14];
- m30 = t2[3];
- m31 = t2[7];
- m32 = t2[11];
- m33 = t2[15];
- argStorage = transform._m4storage;
- t2[0] = m00 * argStorage[0] + m01 * argStorage[4] + m02 * argStorage[8] + m03 * argStorage[12];
- t2[4] = m00 * argStorage[1] + m01 * argStorage[5] + m02 * argStorage[9] + m03 * argStorage[13];
- t2[8] = m00 * argStorage[2] + m01 * argStorage[6] + m02 * argStorage[10] + m03 * argStorage[14];
- t2[12] = m00 * argStorage[3] + m01 * argStorage[7] + m02 * argStorage[11] + m03 * argStorage[15];
- t2[1] = m10 * argStorage[0] + m11 * argStorage[4] + m12 * argStorage[8] + m13 * argStorage[12];
- t2[5] = m10 * argStorage[1] + m11 * argStorage[5] + m12 * argStorage[9] + m13 * argStorage[13];
- t2[9] = m10 * argStorage[2] + m11 * argStorage[6] + m12 * argStorage[10] + m13 * argStorage[14];
- t2[13] = m10 * argStorage[3] + m11 * argStorage[7] + m12 * argStorage[11] + m13 * argStorage[15];
- t2[2] = m20 * argStorage[0] + m21 * argStorage[4] + m22 * argStorage[8] + m23 * argStorage[12];
- t2[6] = m20 * argStorage[1] + m21 * argStorage[5] + m22 * argStorage[9] + m23 * argStorage[13];
- t2[10] = m20 * argStorage[2] + m21 * argStorage[6] + m22 * argStorage[10] + m23 * argStorage[14];
- t2[14] = m20 * argStorage[3] + m21 * argStorage[7] + m22 * argStorage[11] + m23 * argStorage[15];
- t2[3] = m30 * argStorage[0] + m31 * argStorage[4] + m32 * argStorage[8] + m33 * argStorage[12];
- t2[7] = m30 * argStorage[1] + m31 * argStorage[5] + m32 * argStorage[9] + m33 * argStorage[13];
- t2[11] = m30 * argStorage[2] + m31 * argStorage[6] + m32 * argStorage[10] + m33 * argStorage[14];
- t2[15] = m30 * argStorage[3] + m31 * argStorage[7] + m32 * argStorage[11] + m33 * argStorage[15];
- w = argStorage[15];
- if (w === 0)
- w = 1;
- ltrb[0] = Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(t1[0], t1[1]), t1[2]), t1[3]) / w;
- ltrb[1] = Math.min(Math.min(Math.min(t1[4], t1[5]), t1[6]), t1[7]) / w;
- ltrb[2] = Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(t1[0], t1[1]), t1[2]), t1[3]) / w;
- ltrb[3] = Math.max(Math.max(Math.max(t1[4], t1[5]), t1[6]), t1[7]) / w;
- },
- rectContainsOther(rect, other) {
- return rect.left <= other.left && rect.top <= other.top && rect.right >= other.right && rect.bottom >= other.bottom;
- },
- colorToCssString(color) {
- if (color == null)
- return null;
- return A.colorValueToCssString(color.get$value(color));
- },
- colorValueToCssString(value) {
- var hexValue, t1;
- if (value === 4278190080)
- return "#000000";
- if ((value & 4278190080) >>> 0 === 4278190080) {
- hexValue = B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(value & 16777215, 16);
- switch (hexValue.length) {
- case 1:
- return "#00000" + hexValue;
- case 2:
- return "#0000" + hexValue;
- case 3:
- return "#000" + hexValue;
- case 4:
- return "#00" + hexValue;
- case 5:
- return "#0" + hexValue;
- default:
- return "#" + hexValue;
- }
- } else {
- t1 = "" + "rgba(" + B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(value >>> 16 & 255) + "," + B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(value >>> 8 & 255) + "," + B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(value & 255) + "," + B.JSNumber_methods.toString$0((value >>> 24 & 255) / 255) + ")";
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- },
- colorComponentsToCssString(r, g, b, a) {
- var t1 = "" + r,
- t2 = "" + g,
- t3 = "" + b;
- if (a === 255)
- return "rgb(" + t1 + "," + t2 + "," + t3 + ")";
- else
- return "rgba(" + t1 + "," + t2 + "," + t3 + "," + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(a / 255, 2) + ")";
- },
- _fallbackFontFamily() {
- if (A.isIOS15())
- return "BlinkMacSystemFont";
- var t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- if (t1 !== B.OperatingSystem_0)
- t1 = t1 === B.OperatingSystem_4;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return "-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont";
- return "Arial";
- },
- canonicalizeFontFamily(fontFamily) {
- var t1;
- if (J.containsKey$1$x(B.Set_qbjuj._collection$_map, fontFamily))
- return fontFamily;
- t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- if (t1 !== B.OperatingSystem_0)
- t1 = t1 === B.OperatingSystem_4;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- if (fontFamily === ".SF Pro Text" || fontFamily === ".SF Pro Display" || fontFamily === ".SF UI Text" || fontFamily === ".SF UI Display")
- return A._fallbackFontFamily();
- return '"' + A.S(fontFamily) + '", ' + A._fallbackFontFamily() + ", sans-serif";
- },
- clampInt(value, min, max) {
- if (value < min)
- return min;
- else if (value > max)
- return max;
- else
- return value;
- },
- listEquals(a, b) {
- var index;
- if (a == null)
- return b == null;
- if (b == null || a.length !== b.length)
- return false;
- for (index = 0; index < a.length; ++index)
- if (!J.$eq$(a[index], b[index]))
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- JsonExtensions_tryInt(_this, propertyName) {
- var t1 = A._asNumQ(J.$index$asx(_this, propertyName));
- return t1 == null ? null : B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1);
- },
- setElementStyle(element, $name, value) {
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(element.style, $name, value);
- },
- drawEllipse(context, centerX, centerY, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle, antiClockwise) {
- var t1 = $._ellipseFeatureDetected;
- if (t1 == null ? $._ellipseFeatureDetected = context.ellipse != null : t1)
- A.callMethod(context, "ellipse", [centerX, centerY, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle, antiClockwise]);
- else {
- context.save();
- context.translate(centerX, centerY);
- context.rotate(rotation);
- context.scale(radiusX, radiusY);
- A.callMethod(context, "arc", [0, 0, 1, startAngle, endAngle, antiClockwise]);
- context.restore();
- }
- },
- removeAllChildren(node) {
- var t1;
- for (; node.lastChild != null;) {
- t1 = node.lastChild;
- if (t1.parentNode != null)
- t1.parentNode.removeChild(t1);
- }
- },
- Matrix4$identity() {
- var t1 = new Float32Array(16);
- t1[15] = 1;
- t1[0] = 1;
- t1[5] = 1;
- t1[10] = 1;
- return new A.Matrix4(t1);
- },
- Matrix4$fromFloat32List(_m4storage) {
- return new A.Matrix4(_m4storage);
- },
- Matrix4_tryInvert0(other) {
- var r = new A.Matrix4(new Float32Array(16));
- if (r.copyInverse$1(other) === 0)
- return null;
- return r;
- },
- Vector3_Vector3(x, y, z) {
- var t1 = new Float32Array(3);
- t1[0] = x;
- t1[1] = y;
- t1[2] = z;
- return new A.Vector3(t1);
- },
- toMatrix32(matrix64) {
- var matrix32 = new Float32Array(16);
- matrix32[15] = matrix64[15];
- matrix32[14] = matrix64[14];
- matrix32[13] = matrix64[13];
- matrix32[12] = matrix64[12];
- matrix32[11] = matrix64[11];
- matrix32[10] = matrix64[10];
- matrix32[9] = matrix64[9];
- matrix32[8] = matrix64[8];
- matrix32[7] = matrix64[7];
- matrix32[6] = matrix64[6];
- matrix32[5] = matrix64[5];
- matrix32[4] = matrix64[4];
- matrix32[3] = matrix64[3];
- matrix32[2] = matrix64[2];
- matrix32[1] = matrix64[1];
- matrix32[0] = matrix64[0];
- return matrix32;
- },
- CustomElementDimensionsProvider$(_hostElement) {
- var t1 = new A.CustomElementDimensionsProvider(_hostElement, new A._AsyncBroadcastStreamController(null, null, type$._AsyncBroadcastStreamController_Size));
- t1.CustomElementDimensionsProvider$1(_hostElement);
- return t1;
- },
- DimensionsProvider_DimensionsProvider$create(hostElement) {
- var t1, resizeEventTarget;
- if (hostElement != null)
- return A.CustomElementDimensionsProvider$(hostElement);
- else {
- t1 = new A.FullPageDimensionsProvider(new A._AsyncBroadcastStreamController(null, null, type$._AsyncBroadcastStreamController_nullable_Size));
- resizeEventTarget = self.window.visualViewport;
- if (resizeEventTarget == null)
- resizeEventTarget = self.window;
- t1.__FullPageDimensionsProvider__domResizeSubscription_A = A.DomSubscription$(resizeEventTarget, "resize", t1.get$_onVisualViewportResize());
- return t1;
- }
- },
- CustomElementEmbeddingStrategy$(_hostElement) {
- var t1 = type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(new A._ContextMenu__disablingContextMenuListener_closure()));
- A.DomElementExtension_clearChildren(_hostElement);
- return new A.CustomElementEmbeddingStrategy(_hostElement, true, t1);
- },
- EmbeddingStrategy_EmbeddingStrategy$create(hostElement) {
- if (hostElement != null)
- return A.CustomElementEmbeddingStrategy$(hostElement);
- else
- return A.FullPageEmbeddingStrategy$();
- },
- FullPageEmbeddingStrategy$() {
- return new A.FullPageEmbeddingStrategy(true, type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(new A._ContextMenu__disablingContextMenuListener_closure())));
- },
- EngineSingletonFlutterWindow$(windowId, platformDispatcher) {
- var t1 = new A.EngineSingletonFlutterWindow(windowId, platformDispatcher, A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.void), B.ViewPadding_0_0_0_0);
- t1.EngineFlutterWindow$2(windowId, platformDispatcher);
- return t1;
- },
- AlarmClock: function AlarmClock(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._timestampFunction = t0;
- _.callback = _._datetime = _._timer = null;
- },
- AppBootstrap: function AppBootstrap(t0, t1) {
- this._initializeEngine = t0;
- this._runApp = t1;
- },
- AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer_closure: function AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer__closure0: function AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer__closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer_closure0: function AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer__closure: function AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer__closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.configuration = t1;
- },
- AppBootstrap__prepareAppRunner_closure: function AppBootstrap__prepareAppRunner_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- AppBootstrap__prepareAppRunner__closure: function AppBootstrap__prepareAppRunner__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- AssetManager: function AssetManager(t0) {
- this._assetBase = t0;
- },
- BrowserEngine: function BrowserEngine(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- OperatingSystem: function OperatingSystem(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- CanvasPool: function CanvasPool(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._contextHandle = _.__engine$_context = null;
- _._widthInBitmapPixels = t0;
- _._heightInBitmapPixels = t1;
- _._rootElement = _.__engine$_canvas = _._reusablePool = _._activeCanvasList = null;
- _._saveContextCount = 0;
- _._density = t2;
- _._saveStack = t3;
- _.clipStack = null;
- _._currentTransform = t4;
- },
- ContextStateHandle: function ContextStateHandle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _._canvasPool = t1;
- _.density = t2;
- _._currentBlendMode = t3;
- _._currentStrokeCap = t4;
- _._currentStrokeJoin = t5;
- _._currentStrokeStyle = _._currentFillStyle = null;
- _._currentLineWidth = 1;
- _._shaderBounds = _._lastUsedPaint = _._currentFilter = null;
- _._debugIsPaintSetUp = false;
- },
- _SaveStackTracking: function _SaveStackTracking() {
- },
- CompositorContext: function CompositorContext() {
- },
- Rasterizer: function Rasterizer(t0, t1) {
- this.context = t0;
- this._postFrameCallbacks = t1;
- },
- CanvasKitRenderer: function CanvasKitRenderer() {
- },
- Surface: function Surface(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._surface = null;
- _._forceNewContext = true;
- _._contextLost = false;
- _._skiaCacheBytes = _._glContext = _._grContext = _._cachedContextRestoredListener = _._cachedContextLostListener = null;
- _.htmlElement = t0;
- _.htmlCanvas = null;
- _._stencilBits = _._sampleCount = _._pixelHeight = _._pixelWidth = -1;
- _._addedToScene = false;
- _._currentSurfaceSize = _._currentCanvasPhysicalSize = null;
- _._currentDevicePixelRatio = -1;
- },
- SurfaceFactory: function SurfaceFactory(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.baseSurface = t0;
- _.maximumSurfaces = t1;
- _.__SurfaceFactory_pictureToImageSurface_FI = $;
- _._liveSurfaces = t2;
- _._cache = t3;
- },
- ClipboardMessageHandler: function ClipboardMessageHandler(t0, t1) {
- this._copyToClipboardStrategy = t0;
- this._pasteFromClipboardStrategy = t1;
- },
- ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure: function ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.callback = t1;
- },
- ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure0: function ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.callback = t1;
- },
- ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure: function ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure(t0) {
- this.callback = t0;
- },
- ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure0: function ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.callback = t1;
- },
- ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall__closure: function ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall__closure(t0) {
- this.callback = t0;
- },
- ClipboardAPICopyStrategy: function ClipboardAPICopyStrategy() {
- },
- ClipboardAPIPasteStrategy: function ClipboardAPIPasteStrategy() {
- },
- ExecCommandCopyStrategy: function ExecCommandCopyStrategy() {
- },
- ExecCommandPasteStrategy: function ExecCommandPasteStrategy() {
- },
- FlutterConfiguration: function FlutterConfiguration() {
- this._usedLegacyConfigStyle = false;
- this._configuration = null;
- },
- DomConsoleExtension_get_warn_closure: function DomConsoleExtension_get_warn_closure(t0) {
- this._this = t0;
- },
- DomNavigatorExtension_get_languages_closure: function DomNavigatorExtension_get_languages_closure() {
- },
- HttpFetchResponseImpl: function HttpFetchResponseImpl(t0, t1) {
- this.url = t0;
- this._domResponse = t1;
- },
- HttpFetchPayloadImpl: function HttpFetchPayloadImpl(t0) {
- this._domResponse = t0;
- },
- HttpFetchNoPayloadError: function HttpFetchNoPayloadError(t0, t1) {
- this.url = t0;
- this.status = t1;
- },
- HttpFetchError: function HttpFetchError(t0, t1) {
- this.url = t0;
- this.requestError = t1;
- },
- DomFontFaceSetExtension_get_add_closure: function DomFontFaceSetExtension_get_add_closure(t0) {
- this._this = t0;
- },
- DomSubscription: function DomSubscription(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.type = t0;
- this.target = t1;
- this.listener = t2;
- },
- DomPoint: function DomPoint(t0, t1) {
- this.x = t0;
- this.y = t1;
- },
- createDomResizeObserver_closure: function createDomResizeObserver_closure(t0) {
- this.fn = t0;
- },
- _DomListIterator: function _DomListIterator(t0, t1) {
- this.list = t0;
- this.index = -1;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _DomListWrapper: function _DomListWrapper(t0, t1) {
- this.list = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _DomTouchListIterator: function _DomTouchListIterator(t0, t1) {
- this.list = t0;
- this.index = -1;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _DomTouchListWrapper: function _DomTouchListWrapper(t0, t1) {
- this.list = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- FlutterViewEmbedder: function FlutterViewEmbedder(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._embeddingStrategy = t0;
- _._sceneElement = _._semanticsHostElement = _._resourcesHost = _._sceneHostElement = null;
- _.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneShadow_A = _.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneElement_A = $;
- },
- FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure: function FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure(t0) {
- this.completer = t0;
- },
- FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure0: function FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure0(t0) {
- this.completer = t0;
- },
- EngineCanvas: function EngineCanvas() {
- },
- SaveStackEntry: function SaveStackEntry(t0, t1) {
- this.transform = t0;
- this.clipStack = t1;
- },
- SaveClipEntry: function SaveClipEntry(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.rect = t0;
- _.rrect = t1;
- _.path = t2;
- _.currentTransform = t3;
- },
- _SaveElementStackEntry: function _SaveElementStackEntry(t0, t1) {
- this.savedElement = t0;
- this.transform = t1;
- },
- SaveElementStackTracking: function SaveElementStackTracking() {
- },
- FrameReference: function FrameReference(t0, t1) {
- this.value = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- CrossFrameCache: function CrossFrameCache(t0) {
- this._reusablePool = this._cache = null;
- this.$ti = t0;
- },
- _CrossFrameCacheItem: function _CrossFrameCacheItem(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.value = t0;
- this.evictCallback = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- ShadowDomHostNode: function ShadowDomHostNode() {
- this.__ShadowDomHostNode__shadow_A = $;
- },
- ElementHostNode: function ElementHostNode() {
- this.__ElementHostNode__element_A = $;
- },
- PersistedBackdropFilter: function PersistedBackdropFilter(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.filter = t0;
- _._activeClipBounds = _._svgFilter = _._filterElement = _._childContainer = null;
- _.__PersistedBackdropFilter__invertedTransform_A = $;
- _._previousTransform = null;
- _.__engine$_children = t1;
- _._oldLayer = t2;
- _.__engine$_index = -1;
- _.__engine$_state = t3;
- _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null;
- },
- BitmapCanvas: function BitmapCanvas(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _._bounds = t0;
- _._elementCache = null;
- _.rootElement = t1;
- _._canvasPool = t2;
- _._cachedLastCssFont = null;
- _.__engine$_children = t3;
- _.widthInBitmapPixels = t4;
- _.heightInBitmapPixels = t5;
- _._saveCount = 0;
- _.__engine$_devicePixelRatio = t6;
- _._canvasPositionY = _._canvasPositionX = null;
- _._preserveImageData = _._contains3dTransform = _._childOverdraw = false;
- _._density = t7;
- _._renderStrategy = t8;
- },
- SvgBlendMode: function SvgBlendMode(t0) {
- this.blendMode = t0;
- },
- SurfaceCanvas: function SurfaceCanvas(t0) {
- this.__engine$_canvas = t0;
- },
- _DomClip: function _DomClip() {
- },
- PersistedClipRect: function PersistedClipRect(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.clipBehavior = t0;
- _.rect = t1;
- _._DomClip__childContainer = t2;
- _.__engine$_children = t3;
- _._oldLayer = t4;
- _.__engine$_index = -1;
- _.__engine$_state = t5;
- _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null;
- },
- PersistedClipRRect: function PersistedClipRRect(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.rrect = t0;
- _.clipBehavior = t1;
- _._DomClip__childContainer = t2;
- _.__engine$_children = t3;
- _._oldLayer = t4;
- _.__engine$_index = -1;
- _.__engine$_state = t5;
- _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null;
- },
- PersistedClipPath: function PersistedClipPath(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.clipPath = t0;
- _.clipBehavior = t1;
- _._clipElement = null;
- _.__engine$_children = t2;
- _._oldLayer = t3;
- _.__engine$_index = -1;
- _.__engine$_state = t4;
- _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null;
- },
- SvgFilterBuilder: function SvgFilterBuilder(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.id = t0;
- this.root = t1;
- this.filter = t2;
- },
- SvgFilter: function SvgFilter(t0, t1) {
- this.id = t0;
- this.element = t1;
- },
- DomCanvas: function DomCanvas(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.rootElement = t0;
- _.SaveElementStackTracking__saveStack = t1;
- _.SaveElementStackTracking__elementStack = t2;
- _.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform = t3;
- },
- PersistedOffset: function PersistedOffset(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dx = t0;
- _.dy = t1;
- _._localTransformInverse = null;
- _.__engine$_children = t2;
- _._oldLayer = t3;
- _.__engine$_index = -1;
- _.__engine$_state = t4;
- _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null;
- },
- PersistedOpacity: function PersistedOpacity(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.alpha = t0;
- _.offset = t1;
- _._localTransformInverse = null;
- _.__engine$_children = t2;
- _._oldLayer = t3;
- _.__engine$_index = -1;
- _.__engine$_state = t4;
- _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null;
- },
- SurfacePaint: function SurfacePaint(t0) {
- this._paintData = t0;
- this._frozen = false;
- },
- SurfacePaintData: function SurfacePaintData() {
- var _ = this;
- _.strokeJoin = _.strokeCap = _.strokeWidth = _.style = _.blendMode = null;
- _.isAntiAlias = true;
- _.color = 4278190080;
- _.colorFilter = _.filterQuality = _.maskFilter = _.shader = null;
- },
- Conic: function Conic(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.p0x = t0;
- _.p0y = t1;
- _.p1x = t2;
- _.p1y = t3;
- _.p2x = t4;
- _.p2y = t5;
- _.fW = t6;
- },
- QuadBounds: function QuadBounds() {
- var _ = this;
- _.maxY = _.maxX = _.minY = _.minX = 0;
- },
- ConicBounds: function ConicBounds() {
- var _ = this;
- _.maxY = _.maxX = _.minY = _.minX = 0;
- },
- _ConicPair: function _ConicPair() {
- this.second = this.first = null;
- },
- CubicBounds: function CubicBounds() {
- var _ = this;
- _.maxY = _.minY = _.maxX = _.minX = 0;
- },
- SurfacePath: function SurfacePath(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.pathRef = t0;
- _._fillType = t1;
- _.fLastMoveToIndex = 0;
- _._firstDirection = _._convexityType = -1;
- },
- PathIterator: function PathIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.pathRef = t0;
- _._forceClose = t1;
- _._verbCount = t2;
- _._needClose = false;
- _._segmentState = 0;
- _._conicWeightIndex = -1;
- _._pointIndex = _._verbIndex = _._moveToY = _._moveToX = _._lastPointY = _._lastPointX = 0;
- },
- SurfacePathMetrics: function SurfacePathMetrics(t0) {
- this.__engine$_iterator = t0;
- },
- _SurfacePathMeasure: function _SurfacePathMeasure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__engine$_path = t0;
- _._pathIterator = t1;
- _._contours = t2;
- _.forceClosed = t3;
- _._currentContourIndex = -1;
- _._verbIterIndex = 0;
- },
- _PathContourMeasure: function _PathContourMeasure(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._verbEndIndex = 0;
- _._segments = t0;
- _._contourLength = 0;
- _.__engine$_isClosed = false;
- },
- _PathContourMeasure__buildSegments_lineToHandler: function _PathContourMeasure__buildSegments_lineToHandler(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- SurfacePathMetricIterator: function SurfacePathMetricIterator(t0) {
- this._pathMetric = null;
- this._pathMeasure = t0;
- },
- SurfacePathMetric: function SurfacePathMetric(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.length = t0;
- this.contourIndex = t1;
- this._measure = t2;
- },
- _SurfaceTangent: function _SurfaceTangent(t0, t1) {
- this.t = t0;
- this.position = t1;
- },
- _PathSegment: function _PathSegment(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.segmentType = t0;
- this.distance = t1;
- this.points = t2;
- },
- PathRef: function PathRef(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.cachedBounds = _.fBounds = null;
- _._fVerbsCapacity = _._fPointsLength = _._fPointsCapacity = 0;
- _.fPoints = t0;
- _._fVerbs = t1;
- _._conicWeightsCapacity = _._fVerbsLength = 0;
- _._conicWeights = null;
- _._conicWeightsLength = 0;
- _.fIsFinite = _.fBoundsIsDirty = true;
- _.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = _.fIsRect = _.fIsRRect = _.fIsOval = false;
- _.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = -1;
- _.fSegmentMask = 0;
- },
- PathRefIterator: function PathRefIterator(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.pathRef = t0;
- _._conicWeightIndex = -1;
- _.iterIndex = _._pointIndex = _._verbIndex = 0;
- },
- QuadRoots: function QuadRoots() {
- this.root1 = this.root0 = null;
- },
- SkQuadCoefficients: function SkQuadCoefficients(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.ax = t0;
- _.ay = t1;
- _.bx = t2;
- _.by = t3;
- _.cx = t4;
- _.cy = t5;
- },
- PathWinding: function PathWinding(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.pathRef = t0;
- _.x = t1;
- _.y = t2;
- _._onCurveCount = _._w = 0;
- _.__engine$_buffer = t3;
- },
- PaintRequest: function PaintRequest(t0, t1) {
- this.canvasSize = t0;
- this.paintCallback = t1;
- },
- PersistedPicture: function PersistedPicture(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__engine$_canvas = null;
- _.dx = t0;
- _.dy = t1;
- _.picture = t2;
- _.localPaintBounds = t3;
- _._density = 1;
- _._requiresRepaint = false;
- _._elementCache = t4;
- _._exactLocalCullRect = _._exactGlobalCullRect = _._optimalLocalCullRect = null;
- _._oldLayer = t5;
- _.__engine$_index = -1;
- _.__engine$_state = t6;
- _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null;
- },
- PersistedPicture__applyBitmapPaint_closure: function PersistedPicture__applyBitmapPaint_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RecordingCanvas: function RecordingCanvas(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._paintBounds = t0;
- _._pictureBounds = null;
- _._commands = t1;
- _.renderStrategy = t2;
- _._recordingEnded = _._didDraw = false;
- _._saveCount = 1;
- },
- PaintCommand: function PaintCommand() {
- },
- DrawCommand: function DrawCommand() {
- },
- PaintSave: function PaintSave() {
- },
- PaintRestore: function PaintRestore() {
- },
- PaintTranslate: function PaintTranslate(t0, t1) {
- this.dx = t0;
- this.dy = t1;
- },
- PaintScale: function PaintScale(t0, t1) {
- this.sx = t0;
- this.sy = t1;
- },
- PaintRotate: function PaintRotate(t0) {
- this.radians = t0;
- },
- PaintTransform: function PaintTransform(t0) {
- this.matrix4 = t0;
- },
- PaintClipRect: function PaintClipRect(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.rect = t0;
- _.clipOp = t1;
- _.isClippedOut = false;
- _.topBound = _.leftBound = -1 / 0;
- _.bottomBound = _.rightBound = 1 / 0;
- },
- PaintClipRRect: function PaintClipRRect(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.rrect = t0;
- _.isClippedOut = false;
- _.topBound = _.leftBound = -1 / 0;
- _.bottomBound = _.rightBound = 1 / 0;
- },
- PaintClipPath: function PaintClipPath(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.path = t0;
- _.isClippedOut = false;
- _.topBound = _.leftBound = -1 / 0;
- _.bottomBound = _.rightBound = 1 / 0;
- },
- PaintDrawLine: function PaintDrawLine(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.p1 = t0;
- _.p2 = t1;
- _.paint = t2;
- _.isClippedOut = false;
- _.topBound = _.leftBound = -1 / 0;
- _.bottomBound = _.rightBound = 1 / 0;
- },
- PaintDrawPaint: function PaintDrawPaint(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.paint = t0;
- _.isClippedOut = false;
- _.topBound = _.leftBound = -1 / 0;
- _.bottomBound = _.rightBound = 1 / 0;
- },
- PaintDrawRect: function PaintDrawRect(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.rect = t0;
- _.paint = t1;
- _.isClippedOut = false;
- _.topBound = _.leftBound = -1 / 0;
- _.bottomBound = _.rightBound = 1 / 0;
- },
- PaintDrawRRect: function PaintDrawRRect(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.rrect = t0;
- _.paint = t1;
- _.isClippedOut = false;
- _.topBound = _.leftBound = -1 / 0;
- _.bottomBound = _.rightBound = 1 / 0;
- },
- PaintDrawDRRect: function PaintDrawDRRect(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.outer = t0;
- _.inner = t1;
- _.paint = t2;
- _.path = null;
- _.isClippedOut = false;
- _.topBound = _.leftBound = -1 / 0;
- _.bottomBound = _.rightBound = 1 / 0;
- },
- PaintDrawOval: function PaintDrawOval(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.rect = t0;
- _.paint = t1;
- _.isClippedOut = false;
- _.topBound = _.leftBound = -1 / 0;
- _.bottomBound = _.rightBound = 1 / 0;
- },
- PaintDrawCircle: function PaintDrawCircle(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.c = t0;
- _.radius = t1;
- _.paint = t2;
- _.isClippedOut = false;
- _.topBound = _.leftBound = -1 / 0;
- _.bottomBound = _.rightBound = 1 / 0;
- },
- PaintDrawPath: function PaintDrawPath(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.path = t0;
- _.paint = t1;
- _.isClippedOut = false;
- _.topBound = _.leftBound = -1 / 0;
- _.bottomBound = _.rightBound = 1 / 0;
- },
- PaintDrawShadow: function PaintDrawShadow(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.path = t0;
- _.color = t1;
- _.elevation = t2;
- _.transparentOccluder = t3;
- _.isClippedOut = false;
- _.topBound = _.leftBound = -1 / 0;
- _.bottomBound = _.rightBound = 1 / 0;
- },
- PaintDrawImageRect: function PaintDrawImageRect(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.image = t0;
- _.src = t1;
- _.dst = t2;
- _.paint = t3;
- _.isClippedOut = false;
- _.topBound = _.leftBound = -1 / 0;
- _.bottomBound = _.rightBound = 1 / 0;
- },
- PaintDrawParagraph: function PaintDrawParagraph(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.paragraph = t0;
- _.offset = t1;
- _.isClippedOut = false;
- _.topBound = _.leftBound = -1 / 0;
- _.bottomBound = _.rightBound = 1 / 0;
- },
- _PaintBounds: function _PaintBounds(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.maxPaintBounds = t0;
- _._didPaintInsideClipArea = false;
- _.__engine$_top = _.__engine$_left = 17976931348623157e292;
- _.__engine$_bottom = _.__engine$_right = -17976931348623157e292;
- _.__engine$_transforms = t1;
- _._clipStack = t2;
- _._currentMatrixIsIdentity = true;
- _._currentMatrix = t3;
- _._clipRectInitialized = false;
- _._currentClipBottom = _._currentClipRight = _._currentClipTop = _._currentClipLeft = 0;
- },
- RenderStrategy: function RenderStrategy() {
- var _ = this;
- _.isInsideSvgFilterTree = _.hasArbitraryPaint = _.hasParagraphs = _.hasImageElements = false;
- },
- _WebGlRenderer: function _WebGlRenderer() {
- },
- HtmlRenderer: function HtmlRenderer() {
- this.__HtmlRenderer__viewEmbedder_A = this.__HtmlRenderer__fontCollection_FI = $;
- },
- HtmlRenderer_initialize_closure: function HtmlRenderer_initialize_closure() {
- },
- SurfaceScene: function SurfaceScene(t0) {
- this.webOnlyRootElement = t0;
- },
- PersistedScene: function PersistedScene(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._localTransformInverse = null;
- _.__engine$_children = t0;
- _._oldLayer = t1;
- _.__engine$_index = -1;
- _.__engine$_state = t2;
- _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null;
- },
- SurfaceSceneBuilder: function SurfaceSceneBuilder(t0) {
- this._surfaceStack = t0;
- },
- SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure: function SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure0: function SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- PersistedShaderMask: function PersistedShaderMask(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._childContainer = null;
- _.shader = t0;
- _.maskRect = t1;
- _.blendMode = t2;
- _._shaderElement = null;
- _.isWebKit = t3;
- _.__engine$_children = t4;
- _._oldLayer = t5;
- _.__engine$_index = -1;
- _.__engine$_state = t6;
- _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null;
- },
- EngineImageShader: function EngineImageShader(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.tileModeX = t0;
- _.tileModeY = t1;
- _.matrix4 = t2;
- _.image = t3;
- _._disposed = _.requiresTileOffset = false;
- },
- NormalizedGradient: function NormalizedGradient(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._thresholds = t0;
- _._bias = t1;
- _._scale = t2;
- _.thresholdCount = t3;
- _.isOpaque = t4;
- },
- NormalizedGradient_NormalizedGradient_closure: function NormalizedGradient_NormalizedGradient_closure() {
- },
- SharedCanvas: function SharedCanvas() {
- this.__engine$_canvas = null;
- this._checkedOut = false;
- },
- EngineGradient: function EngineGradient() {
- },
- GradientLinear: function GradientLinear(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.from = t0;
- _.to = t1;
- _.colors = t2;
- _.colorStops = t3;
- _.tileMode = t4;
- _.matrix4 = t5;
- },
- GradientLinear_createImageBitmap_closure: function GradientLinear_createImageBitmap_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.createDataUrl = t0;
- _.shaderBounds = t1;
- _.gl = t2;
- _.glProgram = t3;
- _.normalizedGradient = t4;
- _.widthInPixels = t5;
- _.heightInPixels = t6;
- },
- EngineImageFilter: function EngineImageFilter() {
- },
- _MatrixEngineImageFilter: function _MatrixEngineImageFilter(t0, t1) {
- this.webMatrix = t0;
- this.filterQuality = t1;
- },
- ModeHtmlColorFilter: function ModeHtmlColorFilter() {
- },
- MatrixHtmlColorFilter: function MatrixHtmlColorFilter() {
- },
- ShaderBuilder: function ShaderBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.declarations = t0;
- _._methods = t1;
- _.floatPrecision = null;
- _._uniformCounter = _._varyingCounter = _._attribCounter = 0;
- _.isWebGl2 = t2;
- _._isFragmentShader = t3;
- _._fragmentColorDeclaration = null;
- _.__engine$_buffer = t4;
- },
- ShaderMethod: function ShaderMethod(t0, t1) {
- this.name = t0;
- this._statements = t1;
- this._indentLevel = 1;
- },
- ShaderDeclaration: function ShaderDeclaration(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.name = t0;
- this.dataType = t1;
- this.storage = t2;
- },
- commitScene_closure: function commitScene_closure() {
- },
- PersistedSurfaceState: function PersistedSurfaceState(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- PersistedSurface: function PersistedSurface() {
- },
- PersistedLeafSurface: function PersistedLeafSurface() {
- },
- PersistedContainerSurface: function PersistedContainerSurface() {
- },
- PersistedContainerSurface__matchChildren_closure: function PersistedContainerSurface__matchChildren_closure() {
- },
- _PersistedSurfaceMatch: function _PersistedSurfaceMatch(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.newChild = t0;
- this.oldChildIndex = t1;
- this.matchQuality = t2;
- },
- PrerollSurfaceContext: function PrerollSurfaceContext() {
- this.activeShaderMaskCount = 0;
- },
- PersistedTransform: function PersistedTransform(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._matrixStorage = t0;
- _._localTransformInverse = _._matrix4 = null;
- _.__engine$_children = t1;
- _._oldLayer = t2;
- _.__engine$_index = -1;
- _.__engine$_state = t3;
- _.localClipBounds = _.projectedClip = _.transform = _.parent = _.rootElement = null;
- },
- HtmlCodec: function HtmlCodec() {
- },
- HtmlCodec_getNextFrame_closure: function HtmlCodec_getNextFrame_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.imgElement = t1;
- this.completer = t2;
- },
- HtmlCodec_getNextFrame_closure0: function HtmlCodec_getNextFrame_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.completer = t1;
- },
- HtmlCodec__decodeUsingOnLoad_closure: function HtmlCodec__decodeUsingOnLoad_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.imgElement = t1;
- _.errorListener = t2;
- _.completer = t3;
- },
- HtmlCodec__decodeUsingOnLoad_closure0: function HtmlCodec__decodeUsingOnLoad_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.imgElement = t2;
- _.errorListener = t3;
- _.completer = t4;
- },
- HtmlBlobCodec: function HtmlBlobCodec(t0) {
- this.src = t0;
- },
- SingleFrameInfo: function SingleFrameInfo(t0) {
- this.image = t0;
- },
- HtmlImage: function HtmlImage(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.imgElement = t0;
- _._disposed = _._didClone = false;
- _.width = t1;
- _.height = t2;
- },
- DebugEngineInitializationState: function DebugEngineInitializationState(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- initializeEngineServices_closure: function initializeEngineServices_closure() {
- },
- initializeEngineServices_closure0: function initializeEngineServices_closure0(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- initializeEngineServices__closure: function initializeEngineServices__closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- initializeEngineServices_initializeRendererCallback: function initializeEngineServices_initializeRendererCallback() {
- },
- _addUrlStrategyListener_closure: function _addUrlStrategyListener_closure() {
- },
- _addUrlStrategyListener_closure0: function _addUrlStrategyListener_closure0() {
- },
- futureToPromise_closure: function futureToPromise_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.future = t0;
- this.T = t1;
- },
- futureToPromise__closure: function futureToPromise__closure(t0, t1) {
- this.resolver = t0;
- this.T = t1;
- },
- futureToPromise__closure0: function futureToPromise__closure0(t0) {
- this.rejecter = t0;
- },
- _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure() {
- },
- _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure0: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure0() {
- },
- _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure1: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure1() {
- },
- _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure2: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure2() {
- },
- _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure3: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure3() {
- },
- _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure4: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure4() {
- },
- _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure5: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure5() {
- },
- _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure6: function _kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure6() {
- },
- _cached_closure: function _cached_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.body = t1;
- this.T = t2;
- },
- KeyboardBinding: function KeyboardBinding(t0) {
- this.__KeyboardBinding__converter_FI = $;
- this._listeners = t0;
- },
- KeyboardBinding$__closure: function KeyboardBinding$__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- KeyboardBinding$__closure0: function KeyboardBinding$__closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- KeyboardBinding__addEventListener_loggedHandler: function KeyboardBinding__addEventListener_loggedHandler(t0) {
- this.handler = t0;
- },
- KeyboardBinding__onKeyData_closure: function KeyboardBinding__onKeyData_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- FlutterHtmlKeyboardEvent: function FlutterHtmlKeyboardEvent(t0) {
- this._event = t0;
- },
- KeyboardConverter: function KeyboardConverter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.performDispatchKeyData = t0;
- _.onDarwin = t1;
- _._mapping = t2;
- _._dispatchKeyData = null;
- _._disposed = false;
- _._pressingRecords = t3;
- _._keyGuards = t4;
- },
- KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure: function KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.callback = t2;
- _.getData = t3;
- },
- KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure0: function KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure0(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure: function KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.currentTimeStamp = t0;
- this.physicalKey = t1;
- this.logicalKey = t2;
- },
- KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure0: function KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.physicalKey = t1;
- },
- KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure: function KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.eventKey = t1;
- _.event = t2;
- _.logicalKeyIsCharacter = t3;
- _.physicalKey = t4;
- },
- KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure0: function KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.timeStamp = t0;
- this.physicalKey = t1;
- this.logicalKey = t2;
- },
- KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure1: function KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure1(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.physicalKey = t1;
- },
- KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure2: function KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure2(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.logicalKey = t1;
- _.event = t2;
- _.timeStamp = t3;
- },
- KeyboardConverter__handleEvent__closure: function KeyboardConverter__handleEvent__closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.testeeLogicalKey = t1;
- this.timeStamp = t2;
- },
- KeyboardConverter_handleEvent_closure: function KeyboardConverter_handleEvent_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- MouseCursor: function MouseCursor() {
- },
- BrowserHistory: function BrowserHistory() {
- },
- MultiEntriesBrowserHistory: function MultiEntriesBrowserHistory(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.urlStrategy = t0;
- _.__BrowserHistory__unsubscribe_A = _.__MultiEntriesBrowserHistory__lastSeenSerialCount_A = $;
- _._isDisposed = _._isTornDown = false;
- },
- MultiEntriesBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure: function MultiEntriesBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure() {
- },
- SingleEntryBrowserHistory: function SingleEntryBrowserHistory(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.urlStrategy = t0;
- _._flutterState = t1;
- _._userProvidedRouteName = null;
- _.__BrowserHistory__unsubscribe_A = $;
- _._isDisposed = _._isTornDown = false;
- },
- SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure: function SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure() {
- },
- SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure0: function SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure0() {
- },
- HashUrlStrategy: function HashUrlStrategy() {
- },
- HashUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure: function HashUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure(t0) {
- this.fn = t0;
- },
- HashUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure0: function HashUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.wrappedFn = t1;
- },
- HashUrlStrategy__waitForPopState_closure: function HashUrlStrategy__waitForPopState_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.unsubscribe = t0;
- this.completer = t1;
- },
- CustomUrlStrategy: function CustomUrlStrategy(t0) {
- this.delegate = t0;
- },
- CustomUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure: function CustomUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure(t0) {
- this.fn = t0;
- },
- PlatformLocation: function PlatformLocation() {
- },
- BrowserPlatformLocation: function BrowserPlatformLocation() {
- },
- EnginePictureRecorder: function EnginePictureRecorder() {
- this.__engine$_canvas = null;
- this.__EnginePictureRecorder_cullRect_A = $;
- this._isRecording = false;
- },
- EnginePicture: function EnginePicture(t0) {
- this._disposed = false;
- this.recordingCanvas = t0;
- },
- HighContrastSupport: function HighContrastSupport(t0, t1) {
- this._listeners = t0;
- this._highContrastMediaQuery = t1;
- this.__HighContrastSupport__onHighContrastChangeListener_FI = $;
- },
- EnginePlatformDispatcher: function EnginePlatformDispatcher(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.configuration = t0;
- _.viewData = t1;
- _._windowConfigurations = t2;
- _._onTextScaleFactorChangedZone = _._onTextScaleFactorChanged = _._fontSizeObserver = _._onLocaleChangedZone = _._onLocaleChanged = _._onLocaleChangedSubscription = _._platformViewMessageHandler = _._onReportTimingsZone = _._onReportTimings = _._onKeyDataZone = _._onKeyData = _._onPointerDataPacketZone = _._onPointerDataPacket = _._onDrawFrameZone = _._onDrawFrame = _._onBeginFrameZone = _._onBeginFrame = _._onMetricsChangedZone = _._onMetricsChanged = null;
- _._brightnessMediaQuery = t3;
- _._defaultRouteName = _._onSemanticsActionZone = _._onSemanticsAction = _._onSemanticsEnabledChangedZone = _._onSemanticsEnabledChanged = _._onPlatformBrightnessChangedZone = _._onPlatformBrightnessChanged = _._brightnessMediaQueryListener = null;
- },
- EnginePlatformDispatcher_invokeOnKeyData_closure: function EnginePlatformDispatcher_invokeOnKeyData_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.callback = t0;
- this.onKeyData = t1;
- this.data = t2;
- },
- EnginePlatformDispatcher__zonedPlatformMessageResponseCallback_closure: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__zonedPlatformMessageResponseCallback_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.registrationZone = t0;
- this.callback = t1;
- },
- EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.callback = t1;
- },
- EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure0: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.callback = t1;
- },
- EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure1: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure1() {
- },
- EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure2: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure2(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.callback = t1;
- },
- EnginePlatformDispatcher__addLocaleChangedListener_closure: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__addLocaleChangedListener_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EnginePlatformDispatcher__addFontSizeObserver_closure: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__addFontSizeObserver_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EnginePlatformDispatcher__addBrightnessMediaQueryListener_closure: function EnginePlatformDispatcher__addBrightnessMediaQueryListener_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EnginePlatformDispatcher_replyToPlatformMessage_closure: function EnginePlatformDispatcher_replyToPlatformMessage_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.callback = t0;
- this.data = t1;
- },
- invoke2_closure: function invoke2_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.callback = t0;
- this.arg1 = t1;
- this.arg2 = t2;
- },
- invoke3_closure: function invoke3_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.callback = t0;
- _.arg1 = t1;
- _.arg2 = t2;
- _.arg3 = t3;
- },
- ViewConfiguration0: function ViewConfiguration0() {
- },
- PlatformConfiguration: function PlatformConfiguration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.accessibilityFeatures = t0;
- _.alwaysUse24HourFormat = t1;
- _.semanticsEnabled = t2;
- _.platformBrightness = t3;
- _.textScaleFactor = t4;
- _.locales = t5;
- _.defaultRouteName = t6;
- _.systemFontFamily = t7;
- },
- PlatformViewManager: function PlatformViewManager(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._factories = t0;
- _.__engine$_contents = t1;
- _._invisibleViews = t2;
- _._viewIdToType = t3;
- },
- PlatformViewManager_renderContent_closure: function PlatformViewManager_renderContent_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.slotName = t1;
- _.viewType = t2;
- _.viewId = t3;
- _.params = t4;
- },
- PlatformViewMessageHandler: function PlatformViewMessageHandler(t0, t1) {
- this._contentManager = t0;
- this._contentHandler = t1;
- },
- SafariPointerEventWorkaround: function SafariPointerEventWorkaround() {
- },
- SafariPointerEventWorkaround_workAroundMissingPointerEvents_closure: function SafariPointerEventWorkaround_workAroundMissingPointerEvents_closure() {
- },
- PointerBinding: function PointerBinding(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.glassPaneElement = t0;
- _._pointerDataConverter = t1;
- _._keyboardConverter = t2;
- _.__PointerBinding__adapter_A = $;
- },
- PointerSupportDetector: function PointerSupportDetector() {
- },
- _Listener: function _Listener(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.event = t0;
- _.target = t1;
- _.handler = t2;
- _.useCapture = t3;
- _.isNative = t4;
- },
- _BaseAdapter: function _BaseAdapter() {
- },
- _BaseAdapter_addEventListener_loggedHandler: function _BaseAdapter_addEventListener_loggedHandler(t0) {
- this.handler = t0;
- },
- _WheelEventListenerMixin: function _WheelEventListenerMixin() {
- },
- _SanitizedDetails: function _SanitizedDetails(t0, t1) {
- this.change = t0;
- this.buttons = t1;
- },
- _ButtonSanitizer: function _ButtonSanitizer() {
- this._pressedButtons = 0;
- },
- _PointerAdapter: function _PointerAdapter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._sanitizers = t0;
- _._listeners = t1;
- _.glassPaneElement = t2;
- _._callback = t3;
- _._pointerDataConverter = t4;
- _._keyboardConverter = t5;
- _._lastWheelEvent = null;
- _._lastWheelEventWasTrackpad = false;
- },
- _PointerAdapter__ensureSanitizer_closure: function _PointerAdapter__ensureSanitizer_closure() {
- },
- _PointerAdapter__addPointerEventListener_closure: function _PointerAdapter__addPointerEventListener_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.checkModifiers = t1;
- this.handler = t2;
- },
- _PointerAdapter_setup_closure: function _PointerAdapter_setup_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _PointerAdapter_setup_closure0: function _PointerAdapter_setup_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _PointerAdapter_setup_closure1: function _PointerAdapter_setup_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _PointerAdapter_setup_closure2: function _PointerAdapter_setup_closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _PointerAdapter_setup_closure3: function _PointerAdapter_setup_closure3(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _PointerAdapter_setup_closure4: function _PointerAdapter_setup_closure4(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TouchAdapter: function _TouchAdapter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._pressedTouches = t0;
- _._listeners = t1;
- _.glassPaneElement = t2;
- _._callback = t3;
- _._pointerDataConverter = t4;
- _._keyboardConverter = t5;
- _._lastWheelEvent = null;
- _._lastWheelEventWasTrackpad = false;
- },
- _TouchAdapter__addTouchEventListener_closure: function _TouchAdapter__addTouchEventListener_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.checkModifiers = t1;
- this.handler = t2;
- },
- _TouchAdapter_setup_closure: function _TouchAdapter_setup_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TouchAdapter_setup_closure0: function _TouchAdapter_setup_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TouchAdapter_setup_closure1: function _TouchAdapter_setup_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TouchAdapter_setup_closure2: function _TouchAdapter_setup_closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MouseAdapter: function _MouseAdapter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._sanitizer = t0;
- _._listeners = t1;
- _.glassPaneElement = t2;
- _._callback = t3;
- _._pointerDataConverter = t4;
- _._keyboardConverter = t5;
- _._lastWheelEvent = null;
- _._lastWheelEventWasTrackpad = false;
- },
- _MouseAdapter__addMouseEventListener_closure: function _MouseAdapter__addMouseEventListener_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.checkModifiers = t1;
- this.handler = t2;
- },
- _MouseAdapter_setup_closure: function _MouseAdapter_setup_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MouseAdapter_setup_closure0: function _MouseAdapter_setup_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MouseAdapter_setup_closure1: function _MouseAdapter_setup_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MouseAdapter_setup_closure2: function _MouseAdapter_setup_closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MouseAdapter_setup_closure3: function _MouseAdapter_setup_closure3(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _PointerState: function _PointerState(t0, t1) {
- this._pointer = null;
- this.x = t0;
- this.y = t1;
- },
- PointerDataConverter: function PointerDataConverter(t0) {
- this._pointers = t0;
- this._activeButtons = 0;
- },
- PointerDataConverter__ensureStateForPointer_closure: function PointerDataConverter__ensureStateForPointer_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.x = t0;
- this.y = t1;
- },
- Profiler: function Profiler() {
- },
- RawKeyboard: function RawKeyboard(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._keydownTimers = t0;
- _._keyupListener = _._keydownListener = null;
- _._lastMetaState = 0;
- _._onMacOs = t1;
- },
- RawKeyboard$__closure: function RawKeyboard$__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RawKeyboard$__closure0: function RawKeyboard$__closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RawKeyboard$__closure1: function RawKeyboard$__closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RawKeyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure: function RawKeyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.timerKey = t1;
- this.event = t2;
- },
- RawKeyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure0: function RawKeyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure0(t0) {
- this.event = t0;
- },
- GlProgram: function GlProgram(t0) {
- this.program = t0;
- },
- GlContext: function GlContext(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.glContext = t0;
- _._heightInPixels = _._widthInPixels = _.__engine$_canvas = _._kTexture0 = _._kTextureMinFilter = _._kLinear = _._kRGBA = _._kUnsignedShort = _._kUnsignedByte = _._kLinkStatus = _._kTriangles = _._kMirroredRepeat = _._kClampToEdge = _._kRepeat = _._kTextureWrapT = _._kTextureWrapS = _._kTexture2D = _._kColorBufferBit = _._kFloat = _._kStaticDraw = _._kElementArrayBuffer = _._kArrayBuffer = _._kCompileStatus = null;
- },
- OffScreenCanvas: function OffScreenCanvas(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.canvasElement = _.offScreenCanvas = null;
- _.width = t0;
- _.height = t1;
- },
- Assertiveness: function Assertiveness(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- initializeAccessibilityAnnouncements_closure: function initializeAccessibilityAnnouncements_closure() {
- },
- AccessibilityAnnouncements: function AccessibilityAnnouncements(t0, t1) {
- this._politeElement = t0;
- this._assertiveElement = t1;
- this._isDisposed = false;
- },
- _CheckableKind: function _CheckableKind(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Checkable: function Checkable(t0, t1) {
- this.__engine$_kind = t0;
- this.semanticsObject = t1;
- },
- ImageRoleManager: function ImageRoleManager(t0) {
- this._auxiliaryImageElement = null;
- this.semanticsObject = t0;
- },
- Incrementable: function Incrementable(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__engine$_element = t0;
- _._currentSurrogateValue = 1;
- _._gestureModeListener = null;
- _._pendingResync = false;
- _.semanticsObject = t1;
- },
- Incrementable_closure: function Incrementable_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.semanticsObject = t1;
- },
- Incrementable_closure0: function Incrementable_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- LabelAndValue: function LabelAndValue(t0) {
- this.semanticsObject = t0;
- },
- LiveRegion: function LiveRegion(t0) {
- this._lastAnnouncement = null;
- this.semanticsObject = t0;
- },
- Scrollable0: function Scrollable0(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._gestureModeListener = null;
- _._scrollOverflowElement = t0;
- _._scrollListener = null;
- _._effectiveNeutralScrollPosition = 0;
- _.semanticsObject = t1;
- },
- Scrollable_update_closure: function Scrollable_update_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Scrollable_update_closure0: function Scrollable_update_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Scrollable_update_closure1: function Scrollable_update_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EngineAccessibilityFeatures: function EngineAccessibilityFeatures(t0) {
- this.__engine$_index = t0;
- },
- EngineAccessibilityFeaturesBuilder: function EngineAccessibilityFeaturesBuilder(t0) {
- this.__engine$_index = t0;
- },
- SemanticsUpdate: function SemanticsUpdate(t0) {
- this.__engine$_nodeUpdates = t0;
- },
- SemanticsNodeUpdate: function SemanticsNodeUpdate(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28) {
- var _ = this;
- _.id = t0;
- _.flags = t1;
- _.actions = t2;
- _.textSelectionBase = t3;
- _.textSelectionExtent = t4;
- _.platformViewId = t5;
- _.scrollChildren = t6;
- _.scrollIndex = t7;
- _.scrollPosition = t8;
- _.scrollExtentMax = t9;
- _.scrollExtentMin = t10;
- _.rect = t11;
- _.label = t12;
- _.labelAttributes = t13;
- _.hint = t14;
- _.hintAttributes = t15;
- _.value = t16;
- _.valueAttributes = t17;
- _.increasedValue = t18;
- _.increasedValueAttributes = t19;
- _.decreasedValue = t20;
- _.decreasedValueAttributes = t21;
- _.tooltip = t22;
- _.textDirection = t23;
- _.transform = t24;
- _.childrenInTraversalOrder = t25;
- _.childrenInHitTestOrder = t26;
- _.additionalActions = t27;
- _.thickness = t28;
- },
- Role: function Role(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _roleFactories_closure: function _roleFactories_closure() {
- },
- _roleFactories_closure0: function _roleFactories_closure0() {
- },
- _roleFactories_closure1: function _roleFactories_closure1() {
- },
- _roleFactories_closure2: function _roleFactories_closure2() {
- },
- _roleFactories_closure3: function _roleFactories_closure3() {
- },
- _roleFactories_closure4: function _roleFactories_closure4() {
- },
- _roleFactories_closure5: function _roleFactories_closure5() {
- },
- _roleFactories_closure6: function _roleFactories_closure6() {
- },
- RoleManager: function RoleManager() {
- },
- SemanticsObject: function SemanticsObject(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__engine$_flags = 0;
- _.__engine$_tooltip = _._additionalActions = _.__engine$_childrenInHitTestOrder = _.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder = _.__engine$_transform = _.__engine$_textDirection = _._decreasedValueAttributes = _._decreasedValue = _._increasedValueAttributes = _._increasedValue = _._valueAttributes = _.__engine$_value = _._hintAttributes = _._hint = _._labelAttributes = _._label = _.__engine$_rect = _.__engine$_scrollExtentMin = _.__engine$_scrollExtentMax = _.__engine$_scrollPosition = _.__engine$_scrollIndex = _._scrollChildren = _._textSelectionExtent = _._textSelectionBase = _.__engine$_actions = null;
- _.__engine$_platformViewId = -1;
- _.id = t0;
- _.owner = t1;
- _.element = t2;
- _._dirtyFields = -1;
- _._currentChildrenInRenderOrder = _.__engine$_parent = _._childContainerElement = null;
- _._roleManagers = t3;
- _.horizontalContainerAdjustment = _.verticalContainerAdjustment = 0;
- },
- AccessibilityMode: function AccessibilityMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- GestureMode: function GestureMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- EngineSemanticsOwner: function EngineSemanticsOwner(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _._semanticsTree = t0;
- _._attachments = t1;
- _._detachments = t2;
- _._oneTimePostUpdateCallbacks = t3;
- _._rootSemanticsElement = null;
- _._now = t4;
- _.semanticsHelper = t5;
- _._semanticsEnabled = false;
- _._gestureMode = t6;
- _._gestureModeClock = null;
- _._gestureModeListeners = t7;
- },
- EngineSemanticsOwner$__closure: function EngineSemanticsOwner$__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EngineSemanticsOwner__now_closure: function EngineSemanticsOwner__now_closure() {
- },
- EngineSemanticsOwner__getGestureModeClock_closure: function EngineSemanticsOwner__getGestureModeClock_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EnabledState: function EnabledState(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SemanticsHelper: function SemanticsHelper(t0) {
- this._semanticsEnabler = t0;
- },
- SemanticsEnabler: function SemanticsEnabler() {
- },
- DesktopSemanticsEnabler: function DesktopSemanticsEnabler() {
- this._semanticsPlaceholder = null;
- },
- DesktopSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure: function DesktopSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- MobileSemanticsEnabler: function MobileSemanticsEnabler() {
- var _ = this;
- _._semanticsPlaceholder = _.semanticsActivationTimer = null;
- _.semanticsActivationAttempts = 0;
- _._schedulePlaceholderRemoval = false;
- },
- MobileSemanticsEnabler_tryEnableSemantics_closure: function MobileSemanticsEnabler_tryEnableSemantics_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- MobileSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure: function MobileSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Tappable: function Tappable(t0) {
- this._clickListener = null;
- this.semanticsObject = t0;
- },
- Tappable_update_closure: function Tappable_update_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Tappable_update_closure0: function Tappable_update_closure0(t0) {
- this.element = t0;
- },
- SemanticsTextEditingStrategy: function SemanticsTextEditingStrategy(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._queuedStyle = _.inputConfig = _.activeTextField = null;
- _.owner = t0;
- _.isEnabled = false;
- _.domElement = null;
- _.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A = $;
- _.onAction = _.onChange = _.geometry = _.style = _._editingDeltaState = _.lastEditingState = null;
- _.subscriptions = t1;
- _._appendedToForm = false;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionStartListener_FI = t2;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionUpdateListener_FI = t3;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionEndListener_FI = t4;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin_composingText = t5;
- },
- TextField0: function TextField0(t0) {
- this._positionInputElementTimer = this.editableElement = null;
- this.semanticsObject = t0;
- },
- TextField__initializeForBlink_closure: function TextField__initializeForBlink_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure: function TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure0: function TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- TextField__invokeIosWorkaround_closure: function TextField__invokeIosWorkaround_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TextField__invokeIosWorkaround_closure0: function TextField__invokeIosWorkaround_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TextField_update_closure: function TextField_update_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TypedDataBuffer: function _TypedDataBuffer() {
- },
- _IntBuffer: function _IntBuffer() {
- },
- Uint8Buffer: function Uint8Buffer(t0, t1) {
- this.__engine$_buffer = t0;
- this.__engine$_length = t1;
- },
- MethodCall: function MethodCall(t0, t1) {
- this.method = t0;
- this.$arguments = t1;
- },
- JSONMessageCodec: function JSONMessageCodec() {
- },
- JSONMethodCodec: function JSONMethodCodec() {
- },
- StandardMessageCodec: function StandardMessageCodec() {
- },
- StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure0: function StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.buffer = t1;
- },
- StandardMethodCodec: function StandardMethodCodec() {
- },
- WriteBuffer0: function WriteBuffer0(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._debugFinalized = false;
- _.__engine$_buffer = t0;
- _.__engine$_eightBytes = t1;
- _.__engine$_eightBytesAsList = t2;
- },
- ReadBuffer0: function ReadBuffer0(t0) {
- this.data = t0;
- this.__engine$_position = 0;
- },
- SurfaceShadowData: function SurfaceShadowData(t0, t1) {
- this.blurWidth = t0;
- this.offset = t1;
- },
- CanvasParagraph: function CanvasParagraph(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.spans = t0;
- _.paragraphStyle = t1;
- _.__CanvasParagraph_plainText_A = t2;
- _.canDrawOnCanvas = t3;
- _.isLaidOut = false;
- _._lastUsedConstraints = null;
- _.__CanvasParagraph__paintService_FI = _.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService_FI = $;
- _._cachedDomElement = null;
- _._disposed = false;
- },
- CanvasParagraph_computeLineMetrics_closure: function CanvasParagraph_computeLineMetrics_closure() {
- },
- ParagraphSpan: function ParagraphSpan(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.style = t0;
- this.start = t1;
- this.end = t2;
- },
- PlaceholderSpan: function PlaceholderSpan(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.style = t0;
- _.start = t1;
- _.end = t2;
- _.width = t3;
- _.height = t4;
- _.alignment = t5;
- _.baselineOffset = t6;
- },
- StyleNode: function StyleNode() {
- },
- ChildStyleNode: function ChildStyleNode(t0, t1) {
- this.parent = t0;
- this.style = t1;
- this._cachedStyle = null;
- },
- RootStyleNode: function RootStyleNode(t0) {
- this.paragraphStyle = t0;
- this._cachedStyle = null;
- },
- CanvasParagraphBuilder: function CanvasParagraphBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._plainTextBuffer = t0;
- _._paragraphStyle = t1;
- _._spans = t2;
- _._styleStack = t3;
- _._rootStyleNode = t4;
- _._placeholderCount = 0;
- _._placeholderScales = t5;
- _._canDrawOnCanvas = true;
- },
- HtmlFontCollection: function HtmlFontCollection() {
- this._testFontManager = this._assetFontManager = null;
- },
- FontManager: function FontManager(t0, t1) {
- this._fontLoadingFutures = t0;
- this._downloadedFonts = t1;
- },
- FontManager__loadFontFace_fontFaceLoad: function FontManager__loadFontFace_fontFaceLoad(t0) {
- this.family = t0;
- },
- TextFragmenter: function TextFragmenter() {
- },
- TextFragment: function TextFragment() {
- },
- LayoutFragmenter: function LayoutFragmenter(t0, t1) {
- this.paragraphSpans = t0;
- this.text = t1;
- },
- _CombinedFragment: function _CombinedFragment() {
- },
- LayoutFragment: function LayoutFragment(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16) {
- var _ = this;
- _._FragmentBox____FragmentBox__textBoxIncludingTrailingSpaces_FI = t0;
- _._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition__startOffset_A = t1;
- _._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A = t2;
- _._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__spanometer_A = t3;
- _._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__ascent_A = t4;
- _._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__descent_A = t5;
- _._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthExcludingTrailingSpaces_A = t6;
- _._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A = t7;
- _._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification = t8;
- _.type = t9;
- _.__engine$_textDirection = t10;
- _.fragmentFlow = t11;
- _.span = t12;
- _.trailingNewlines = t13;
- _.trailingSpaces = t14;
- _.start = t15;
- _.end = t16;
- },
- _FragmentMetrics: function _FragmentMetrics() {
- },
- _FragmentPosition: function _FragmentPosition() {
- },
- _FragmentBox: function _FragmentBox() {
- },
- EllipsisFragment: function EllipsisFragment(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16) {
- var _ = this;
- _._FragmentBox____FragmentBox__textBoxIncludingTrailingSpaces_FI = t0;
- _._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition__startOffset_A = t1;
- _._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A = t2;
- _._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__spanometer_A = t3;
- _._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__ascent_A = t4;
- _._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__descent_A = t5;
- _._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthExcludingTrailingSpaces_A = t6;
- _._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A = t7;
- _._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification = t8;
- _.type = t9;
- _.__engine$_textDirection = t10;
- _.fragmentFlow = t11;
- _.span = t12;
- _.trailingNewlines = t13;
- _.trailingSpaces = t14;
- _.start = t15;
- _.end = t16;
- },
- TextLayoutService: function TextLayoutService(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.paragraph = t0;
- _.width = -1;
- _.height = 0;
- _.longestLine = null;
- _.maxIntrinsicWidth = _.minIntrinsicWidth = 0;
- _.ideographicBaseline = _.alphabeticBaseline = -1;
- _.didExceedMaxLines = false;
- _.lines = t1;
- _._paintBounds = t2;
- _.__TextLayoutService_layoutFragmenter_FI = _.__TextLayoutService_spanometer_FI = $;
- },
- LineBuilder: function LineBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._fragments = t0;
- _._fragmentsForNextLine = null;
- _.maxWidth = t1;
- _.paragraph = t2;
- _.spanometer = t3;
- _.lineNumber = t4;
- _.accumulatedHeight = t5;
- _.descent = _.ascent = _.widthIncludingSpace = _.width = 0;
- _._lastBreakableFragment = -1;
- _._trailingSpaces = _._spaceCount = _._breakCount = 0;
- },
- Spanometer: function Spanometer(t0) {
- this.paragraph = t0;
- this._currentSpan = this._currentRuler = null;
- },
- LineBreakType: function LineBreakType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FWLineBreakFragmenter: function FWLineBreakFragmenter(t0) {
- this.text = t0;
- },
- V8LineBreakFragmenter: function V8LineBreakFragmenter(t0, t1) {
- this._v8BreakIterator = t0;
- this.text = t1;
- },
- LineBreakFragment: function LineBreakFragment(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.type = t0;
- _.trailingNewlines = t1;
- _.trailingSpaces = t2;
- _.start = t3;
- _.end = t4;
- },
- _computeLineBreakFragments_setBreak: function _computeLineBreakFragments_setBreak(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.text = t1;
- this.fragments = t2;
- },
- RulerHost: function RulerHost(t0) {
- this._rulerHost = t0;
- },
- TextPaintService: function TextPaintService(t0) {
- this.paragraph = t0;
- },
- EngineLineMetrics: function EngineLineMetrics(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.hardBreak = t0;
- _.ascent = t1;
- _.descent = t2;
- _.unscaledAscent = t3;
- _.height = t4;
- _.width = t5;
- _.left = t6;
- _.baseline = t7;
- _.lineNumber = t8;
- },
- ParagraphLine: function ParagraphLine(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.lineMetrics = t0;
- _.startIndex = t1;
- _.endIndex = t2;
- _.trailingNewlines = t3;
- _.trailingSpaces = t4;
- _.spaceCount = t5;
- _.widthWithTrailingSpaces = t6;
- _.fragments = t7;
- _.textDirection = t8;
- },
- EngineParagraphStyle: function EngineParagraphStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.textAlign = t0;
- _.textDirection = t1;
- _.fontWeight = t2;
- _.fontStyle = t3;
- _.maxLines = t4;
- _.fontFamily = t5;
- _.fontSize = t6;
- _.height = t7;
- _._textHeightBehavior = t8;
- _.ellipsis = t9;
- _.locale = t10;
- },
- EngineTextStyle: function EngineTextStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20) {
- var _ = this;
- _.color = t0;
- _.decoration = t1;
- _.decorationColor = t2;
- _.decorationStyle = t3;
- _.decorationThickness = t4;
- _.fontWeight = t5;
- _.fontStyle = t6;
- _.textBaseline = t7;
- _.isFontFamilyProvided = t8;
- _.fontFamily = t9;
- _.fontFamilyFallback = t10;
- _.fontFeatures = t11;
- _.fontVariations = t12;
- _.fontSize = t13;
- _.letterSpacing = t14;
- _.wordSpacing = t15;
- _.height = t16;
- _.locale = t17;
- _.background = t18;
- _.foreground = t19;
- _.shadows = t20;
- _._cssFontString = null;
- _.__EngineTextStyle_heightStyle_FI = $;
- },
- EngineStrutStyle: function EngineStrutStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _._fontFamily = t0;
- _._fontFamilyFallback = t1;
- _._fontSize = t2;
- _.__engine$_height = t3;
- _._leading = t4;
- _._fontWeight = t5;
- _._fontStyle = t6;
- _._forceStrutHeight = t7;
- _._leadingDistribution = t8;
- },
- ParagraphPlaceholder: function ParagraphPlaceholder() {
- },
- TextHeightStyle: function TextHeightStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.fontFamily = t0;
- _.fontSize = t1;
- _.height = t2;
- _.fontFeatures = t3;
- _.fontVariations = t4;
- _.__TextHeightStyle_hashCode_FI = $;
- },
- TextDimensions: function TextDimensions(t0) {
- this.__engine$_element = t0;
- this._cachedBoundingClientRect = null;
- },
- TextHeightRuler: function TextHeightRuler(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.textHeightStyle = t0;
- _.rulerHost = t1;
- _.__TextHeightRuler__host_FI = _.__TextHeightRuler__probe_FI = $;
- _._dimensions = t2;
- _.__TextHeightRuler_height_FI = _.__TextHeightRuler_alphabeticBaseline_FI = $;
- },
- FragmentFlow: function FragmentFlow(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- BidiFragment: function BidiFragment(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.textDirection = t0;
- _.fragmentFlow = t1;
- _.start = t2;
- _.end = t3;
- },
- _ComparisonResult: function _ComparisonResult(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- UnicodeRange: function UnicodeRange(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.start = t0;
- _.end = t1;
- _.property = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- UnicodePropertyLookup: function UnicodePropertyLookup(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.ranges = t0;
- _.defaultProperty = t1;
- _._cache = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _FindBreakDirection: function _FindBreakDirection(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.step = t0;
- this.index = t1;
- this._core$_name = t2;
- },
- BrowserAutofillHints: function BrowserAutofillHints(t0) {
- this._flutterToEngineMap = t0;
- },
- CompositionAwareMixin: function CompositionAwareMixin() {
- },
- EngineInputAction: function EngineInputAction() {
- },
- NoInputAction: function NoInputAction() {
- },
- EnterInputAction: function EnterInputAction() {
- },
- DoneInputAction: function DoneInputAction() {
- },
- GoInputAction: function GoInputAction() {
- },
- NextInputAction: function NextInputAction() {
- },
- PreviousInputAction: function PreviousInputAction() {
- },
- SearchInputAction: function SearchInputAction() {
- },
- SendInputAction: function SendInputAction() {
- },
- EngineInputType: function EngineInputType() {
- },
- NoTextInputType: function NoTextInputType() {
- },
- TextInputType0: function TextInputType0() {
- },
- NumberInputType: function NumberInputType() {
- },
- DecimalInputType: function DecimalInputType() {
- },
- PhoneInputType: function PhoneInputType() {
- },
- EmailInputType: function EmailInputType() {
- },
- UrlInputType: function UrlInputType() {
- },
- MultilineInputType: function MultilineInputType() {
- },
- TextCapitalization: function TextCapitalization(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextCapitalizationConfig: function TextCapitalizationConfig(t0) {
- this.textCapitalization = t0;
- },
- EngineAutofillForm: function EngineAutofillForm(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.formElement = t0;
- _.elements = t1;
- _.items = t2;
- _.formIdentifier = t3;
- },
- EngineAutofillForm_fromFrameworkMessage_closure: function EngineAutofillForm_fromFrameworkMessage_closure() {
- },
- EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey: function EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.subscriptions = t1;
- },
- EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey_closure: function EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- this.element = t2;
- },
- AutofillInfo: function AutofillInfo(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.editingState = t0;
- _.uniqueIdentifier = t1;
- _.autofillHint = t2;
- _.placeholder = t3;
- },
- TextEditingDeltaState: function TextEditingDeltaState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.oldText = t0;
- _.deltaText = t1;
- _.deltaStart = t2;
- _.deltaEnd = t3;
- _.baseOffset = t4;
- _.extentOffset = t5;
- _.composingOffset = t6;
- _.composingExtent = t7;
- },
- EditingState: function EditingState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.text = t0;
- _.baseOffset = t1;
- _.extentOffset = t2;
- _.composingBaseOffset = t3;
- _.composingExtentOffset = t4;
- },
- InputConfiguration: function InputConfiguration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.inputType = t0;
- _.inputAction = t1;
- _.readOnly = t2;
- _.obscureText = t3;
- _.autocorrect = t4;
- _.enableDeltaModel = t5;
- _.autofill = t6;
- _.autofillGroup = t7;
- _.textCapitalization = t8;
- },
- GloballyPositionedTextEditingStrategy: function GloballyPositionedTextEditingStrategy(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.owner = t0;
- _.isEnabled = false;
- _.domElement = null;
- _.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A = $;
- _.onAction = _.onChange = _.geometry = _.style = _._editingDeltaState = _.lastEditingState = null;
- _.subscriptions = t1;
- _._appendedToForm = false;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionStartListener_FI = t2;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionUpdateListener_FI = t3;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionEndListener_FI = t4;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin_composingText = t5;
- },
- SafariDesktopTextEditingStrategy: function SafariDesktopTextEditingStrategy(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.owner = t0;
- _.isEnabled = false;
- _.domElement = null;
- _.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A = $;
- _.onAction = _.onChange = _.geometry = _.style = _._editingDeltaState = _.lastEditingState = null;
- _.subscriptions = t1;
- _._appendedToForm = false;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionStartListener_FI = t2;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionUpdateListener_FI = t3;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionEndListener_FI = t4;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin_composingText = t5;
- },
- DefaultTextEditingStrategy: function DefaultTextEditingStrategy() {
- },
- DefaultTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure: function DefaultTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure: function DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure() {
- },
- DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure0: function DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure0() {
- },
- DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure1: function DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure1() {
- },
- IOSTextEditingStrategy: function IOSTextEditingStrategy(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._positionInputElementTimer = null;
- _._canPosition = true;
- _.owner = t0;
- _.isEnabled = false;
- _.domElement = null;
- _.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A = $;
- _.onAction = _.onChange = _.geometry = _.style = _._editingDeltaState = _.lastEditingState = null;
- _.subscriptions = t1;
- _._appendedToForm = false;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionStartListener_FI = t2;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionUpdateListener_FI = t3;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionEndListener_FI = t4;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin_composingText = t5;
- },
- IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure: function IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0: function IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.blurWatch = t1;
- },
- IOSTextEditingStrategy__addTapListener_closure: function IOSTextEditingStrategy__addTapListener_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- IOSTextEditingStrategy__schedulePlacement_closure: function IOSTextEditingStrategy__schedulePlacement_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- AndroidTextEditingStrategy: function AndroidTextEditingStrategy(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.owner = t0;
- _.isEnabled = false;
- _.domElement = null;
- _.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A = $;
- _.onAction = _.onChange = _.geometry = _.style = _._editingDeltaState = _.lastEditingState = null;
- _.subscriptions = t1;
- _._appendedToForm = false;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionStartListener_FI = t2;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionUpdateListener_FI = t3;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionEndListener_FI = t4;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin_composingText = t5;
- },
- AndroidTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure: function AndroidTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- FirefoxTextEditingStrategy: function FirefoxTextEditingStrategy(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.owner = t0;
- _.isEnabled = false;
- _.domElement = null;
- _.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A = $;
- _.onAction = _.onChange = _.geometry = _.style = _._editingDeltaState = _.lastEditingState = null;
- _.subscriptions = t1;
- _._appendedToForm = false;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionStartListener_FI = t2;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionUpdateListener_FI = t3;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionEndListener_FI = t4;
- _.CompositionAwareMixin_composingText = t5;
- },
- FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure: function FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0: function FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- FirefoxTextEditingStrategy__postponeFocus_closure: function FirefoxTextEditingStrategy__postponeFocus_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TextInputCommand: function TextInputCommand() {
- },
- TextInputSetClient: function TextInputSetClient(t0, t1) {
- this.clientId = t0;
- this.configuration = t1;
- },
- TextInputUpdateConfig: function TextInputUpdateConfig() {
- },
- TextInputSetEditingState: function TextInputSetEditingState(t0) {
- this.state = t0;
- },
- TextInputShow: function TextInputShow() {
- },
- TextInputSetEditableSizeAndTransform: function TextInputSetEditableSizeAndTransform(t0) {
- this.geometry = t0;
- },
- TextInputSetStyle: function TextInputSetStyle(t0) {
- this.style = t0;
- },
- TextInputClearClient: function TextInputClearClient() {
- },
- TextInputHide: function TextInputHide() {
- },
- TextInputSetMarkedTextRect: function TextInputSetMarkedTextRect() {
- },
- TextInputSetCaretRect: function TextInputSetCaretRect() {
- },
- TextInputRequestAutofill: function TextInputRequestAutofill() {
- },
- TextInputFinishAutofillContext: function TextInputFinishAutofillContext(t0) {
- this.saveForm = t0;
- },
- saveForms_closure: function saveForms_closure() {
- },
- TextEditingChannel: function TextEditingChannel(t0) {
- this.implementation = t0;
- },
- TextEditingChannel_handleTextInput_closure: function TextEditingChannel_handleTextInput_closure(t0) {
- this.callback = t0;
- },
- HybridTextEditing: function HybridTextEditing() {
- var _ = this;
- _.__HybridTextEditing_channel_FI = $;
- _._clientId = null;
- _.isEditing = false;
- _.configuration = null;
- _.__HybridTextEditing_strategy_FI = $;
- },
- HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure0: function HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure: function HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextStyle: function EditableTextStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.fontSize = t0;
- _.fontWeight = t1;
- _.fontFamily = t2;
- _.textAlign = t3;
- _.textDirection = t4;
- },
- EditableTextGeometry: function EditableTextGeometry(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.width = t0;
- this.height = t1;
- this.globalTransform = t2;
- },
- EditableTextGeometry_EditableTextGeometry$fromFrameworkMessage_closure: function EditableTextGeometry_EditableTextGeometry$fromFrameworkMessage_closure() {
- },
- TransformKind: function TransformKind(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Matrix4: function Matrix4(t0) {
- this._m4storage = t0;
- },
- Vector3: function Vector3(t0) {
- this._v3storage = t0;
- },
- FastMatrix32: function FastMatrix32(t0) {
- this.matrix = t0;
- this.transformedY = this.transformedX = 0;
- },
- CustomElementDimensionsProvider: function CustomElementDimensionsProvider(t0, t1) {
- this._hostElement = t0;
- this.__CustomElementDimensionsProvider__hostElementResizeObserver_A = $;
- this._onResizeStreamController = t1;
- },
- CustomElementDimensionsProvider_closure: function CustomElementDimensionsProvider_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- CustomElementDimensionsProvider__closure: function CustomElementDimensionsProvider__closure() {
- },
- DimensionsProvider: function DimensionsProvider() {
- },
- FullPageDimensionsProvider: function FullPageDimensionsProvider(t0) {
- this.__FullPageDimensionsProvider__domResizeSubscription_A = $;
- this._onResizeStreamController = t0;
- },
- CustomElementEmbeddingStrategy: function CustomElementEmbeddingStrategy(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._hostElement = t0;
- _._hotRestartCache = null;
- _._ContextMenu__contextMenuEnabled = t1;
- _._ContextMenu__disablingContextMenuListener = t2;
- },
- CustomElementEmbeddingStrategy_initialize_closure: function CustomElementEmbeddingStrategy_initialize_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EmbeddingStrategy: function EmbeddingStrategy() {
- },
- _ContextMenu: function _ContextMenu() {
- },
- _ContextMenu__disablingContextMenuListener_closure: function _ContextMenu__disablingContextMenuListener_closure() {
- },
- FullPageEmbeddingStrategy: function FullPageEmbeddingStrategy(t0, t1) {
- this._hotRestartCache = null;
- this._ContextMenu__contextMenuEnabled = t0;
- this._ContextMenu__disablingContextMenuListener = t1;
- },
- FullPageEmbeddingStrategy_initialize_closure: function FullPageEmbeddingStrategy_initialize_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EngineFlutterWindow: function EngineFlutterWindow() {
- },
- EngineFlutterWindow_closure: function EngineFlutterWindow_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EngineFlutterWindow_handleNavigationMessage_closure: function EngineFlutterWindow_handleNavigationMessage_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.data = t1;
- },
- EngineSingletonFlutterWindow: function EngineSingletonFlutterWindow(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._debugDevicePixelRatio = null;
- _.viewId = t0;
- _.platformDispatcher = t1;
- _._browserHistory = null;
- _._endOfTheLine = t2;
- _.__EngineFlutterWindow__dimensionsProvider_A = $;
- _._viewInsets = t3;
- _._physicalSize = null;
- },
- ViewPadding: function ViewPadding(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.left = t0;
- _.top = t1;
- _.right = t2;
- _.bottom = t3;
- },
- _DefaultTextEditingStrategy_Object_CompositionAwareMixin: function _DefaultTextEditingStrategy_Object_CompositionAwareMixin() {
- },
- _DomCanvas_EngineCanvas_SaveElementStackTracking: function _DomCanvas_EngineCanvas_SaveElementStackTracking() {
- },
- _EmbeddingStrategy_Object__ContextMenu: function _EmbeddingStrategy_Object__ContextMenu() {
- },
- _LayoutFragment__CombinedFragment__FragmentMetrics: function _LayoutFragment__CombinedFragment__FragmentMetrics() {
- },
- _LayoutFragment__CombinedFragment__FragmentMetrics__FragmentPosition: function _LayoutFragment__CombinedFragment__FragmentMetrics__FragmentPosition() {
- },
- _LayoutFragment__CombinedFragment__FragmentMetrics__FragmentPosition__FragmentBox: function _LayoutFragment__CombinedFragment__FragmentMetrics__FragmentPosition__FragmentBox() {
- },
- _PersistedClipRRect_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip: function _PersistedClipRRect_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip() {
- },
- _PersistedClipRect_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip: function _PersistedClipRect_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip() {
- },
- __MouseAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin: function __MouseAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin() {
- },
- __PointerAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin: function __PointerAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin() {
- },
- JS_CONST: function JS_CONST() {
- },
- HttpException$(message) {
- return new A.HttpException(message);
- },
- HttpDate_parse(date) {
- var t2, t3, t4, format, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, year, t5, _s1_ = " ", t1 = {};
- t1.index = 0;
- t1.tmp = null;
- t2 = new A.HttpDate_parse_expect(t1, date);
- t3 = new A.HttpDate_parse_expectMonth(t1, date);
- t4 = new A.HttpDate_parse_expectNum(t1, date);
- format = new A.HttpDate_parse_expectWeekday(t1, date, 2, 0, 1).call$0();
- if (format === 2) {
- month = t3.call$1(_s1_);
- t2 = t1.index;
- if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(date, t2) === 32)
- t1.index = t2 + 1;
- day = t4.call$1(_s1_);
- hours = t4.call$1(":");
- minutes = t4.call$1(":");
- seconds = t4.call$1(_s1_);
- year = t4.call$1("");
- } else {
- t2.call$1(_s1_);
- t5 = format === 0;
- day = t4.call$1(t5 ? _s1_ : "-");
- month = t3.call$1(t5 ? _s1_ : "-");
- year = t4.call$1(_s1_);
- hours = t4.call$1(":");
- minutes = t4.call$1(":");
- seconds = t4.call$1(_s1_);
- t2.call$1("GMT");
- }
- new A.HttpDate_parse_expectEnd(t1, date).call$0();
- t1 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(year, month + 1, day, hours, minutes, seconds, 0, true);
- if (!A._isInt(t1))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t1));
- return new A.DateTime(t1, true);
- },
- HttpException: function HttpException(t0) {
- this.message = t0;
- },
- HttpDate_parse_expect: function HttpDate_parse_expect(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.date = t1;
- },
- HttpDate_parse_expectWeekday: function HttpDate_parse_expectWeekday(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.date = t1;
- _.formatAsctime = t2;
- _.formatRfc1123 = t3;
- _.formatRfc850 = t4;
- },
- HttpDate_parse_expectMonth: function HttpDate_parse_expectMonth(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.date = t1;
- },
- HttpDate_parse_expectNum: function HttpDate_parse_expectNum(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.date = t1;
- },
- HttpDate_parse_expectEnd: function HttpDate_parse_expectEnd(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.date = t1;
- },
- createSentinel() {
- return $;
- },
- CastIterable_CastIterable(source, $S, $T) {
- if ($S._eval$1("EfficientLengthIterable<0>")._is(source))
- return new A._EfficientLengthCastIterable(source, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("_EfficientLengthCastIterable<1,2>"));
- return new A.CastIterable(source, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("CastIterable<1,2>"));
- },
- LateError$fieldADI(fieldName) {
- return new A.LateError("Field '" + fieldName + "' has been assigned during initialization.");
- },
- LateError$fieldNI(fieldName) {
- return new A.LateError("Field '" + fieldName + "' has not been initialized.");
- },
- LateError$localNI(localName) {
- return new A.LateError("Local '" + localName + "' has not been initialized.");
- },
- LateError$fieldAI(fieldName) {
- return new A.LateError("Field '" + fieldName + "' has already been initialized.");
- },
- LateError$localAI(localName) {
- return new A.LateError("Local '" + localName + "' has already been initialized.");
- },
- hexDigitValue(char) {
- var letter,
- digit = char ^ 48;
- if (digit <= 9)
- return digit;
- letter = char | 32;
- if (97 <= letter && letter <= 102)
- return letter - 87;
- return -1;
- },
- parseHexByte(source, index) {
- var digit1 = A.hexDigitValue(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, index)),
- digit2 = A.hexDigitValue(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, index + 1));
- return digit1 * 16 + digit2 - (digit2 & 256);
- },
- SystemHash_combine(hash, value) {
- hash = hash + value & 536870911;
- hash = hash + ((hash & 524287) << 10) & 536870911;
- return hash ^ hash >>> 6;
- },
- SystemHash_finish(hash) {
- hash = hash + ((hash & 67108863) << 3) & 536870911;
- hash ^= hash >>> 11;
- return hash + ((hash & 16383) << 15) & 536870911;
- },
- SystemHash_hash2(v1, v2, seed) {
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(seed, v1), v2));
- },
- SystemHash_hash4(v1, v2, v3, v4, seed) {
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(seed, v1), v2), v3), v4));
- },
- checkNotNullable(value, $name, $T) {
- return value;
- },
- isToStringVisiting(object) {
- var t1, i;
- for (t1 = $.toStringVisiting.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
- if (object === $.toStringVisiting[i])
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- SubListIterable$(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength, $E) {
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(_start, "start");
- if (_endOrLength != null) {
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(_endOrLength, "end");
- if (_start > _endOrLength)
- A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$range(_start, 0, _endOrLength, "start", null));
- }
- return new A.SubListIterable(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength, $E._eval$1("SubListIterable<0>"));
- },
- MappedIterable_MappedIterable(iterable, $function, $S, $T) {
- if (type$.EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic._is(iterable))
- return new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(iterable, $function, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,2>"));
- return new A.MappedIterable(iterable, $function, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedIterable<1,2>"));
- },
- TakeIterable_TakeIterable(iterable, takeCount, $E) {
- var _s9_ = "takeCount";
- A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(takeCount, _s9_);
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(takeCount, _s9_);
- if (type$.EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic._is(iterable))
- return new A.EfficientLengthTakeIterable(iterable, takeCount, $E._eval$1("EfficientLengthTakeIterable<0>"));
- return new A.TakeIterable(iterable, takeCount, $E._eval$1("TakeIterable<0>"));
- },
- SkipIterable_SkipIterable(iterable, count, $E) {
- var _s5_ = "count";
- if (type$.EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic._is(iterable)) {
- A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(count, _s5_);
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, _s5_);
- return new A.EfficientLengthSkipIterable(iterable, count, $E._eval$1("EfficientLengthSkipIterable<0>"));
- }
- A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(count, _s5_);
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, _s5_);
- return new A.SkipIterable(iterable, count, $E._eval$1("SkipIterable<0>"));
- },
- FollowedByIterable_FollowedByIterable$firstEfficient(first, second, $E) {
- if ($E._eval$1("EfficientLengthIterable<0>")._is(second))
- return new A.EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable(first, second, $E._eval$1("EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable<0>"));
- return new A.FollowedByIterable(first, second, $E._eval$1("FollowedByIterable<0>"));
- },
- IterableElementError_noElement() {
- return new A.StateError("No element");
- },
- IterableElementError_tooMany() {
- return new A.StateError("Too many elements");
- },
- IterableElementError_tooFew() {
- return new A.StateError("Too few elements");
- },
- Sort_sort(a, compare) {
- A.Sort__doSort(a, 0, J.get$length$asx(a) - 1, compare);
- },
- Sort__doSort(a, left, right, compare) {
- if (right - left <= 32)
- A.Sort__insertionSort(a, left, right, compare);
- else
- A.Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(a, left, right, compare);
- },
- Sort__insertionSort(a, left, right, compare) {
- var i, t1, el, j, j0;
- for (i = left + 1, t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(a); i <= right; ++i) {
- el = t1.$index(a, i);
- j = i;
- while (true) {
- if (!(j > left && compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, j - 1), el) > 0))
- break;
- j0 = j - 1;
- t1.$indexSet(a, j, t1.$index(a, j0));
- j = j0;
- }
- t1.$indexSet(a, j, el);
- }
- },
- Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(a, left, right, compare) {
- var t0, less, great, k, ak, comp, great0, less0, pivots_are_equal, t2,
- sixth = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(right - left + 1, 6),
- index1 = left + sixth,
- index5 = right - sixth,
- index3 = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(left + right, 2),
- index2 = index3 - sixth,
- index4 = index3 + sixth,
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(a),
- el1 = t1.$index(a, index1),
- el2 = t1.$index(a, index2),
- el3 = t1.$index(a, index3),
- el4 = t1.$index(a, index4),
- el5 = t1.$index(a, index5);
- if (compare.call$2(el1, el2) > 0) {
- t0 = el2;
- el2 = el1;
- el1 = t0;
- }
- if (compare.call$2(el4, el5) > 0) {
- t0 = el5;
- el5 = el4;
- el4 = t0;
- }
- if (compare.call$2(el1, el3) > 0) {
- t0 = el3;
- el3 = el1;
- el1 = t0;
- }
- if (compare.call$2(el2, el3) > 0) {
- t0 = el3;
- el3 = el2;
- el2 = t0;
- }
- if (compare.call$2(el1, el4) > 0) {
- t0 = el4;
- el4 = el1;
- el1 = t0;
- }
- if (compare.call$2(el3, el4) > 0) {
- t0 = el4;
- el4 = el3;
- el3 = t0;
- }
- if (compare.call$2(el2, el5) > 0) {
- t0 = el5;
- el5 = el2;
- el2 = t0;
- }
- if (compare.call$2(el2, el3) > 0) {
- t0 = el3;
- el3 = el2;
- el2 = t0;
- }
- if (compare.call$2(el4, el5) > 0) {
- t0 = el5;
- el5 = el4;
- el4 = t0;
- }
- t1.$indexSet(a, index1, el1);
- t1.$indexSet(a, index3, el3);
- t1.$indexSet(a, index5, el5);
- t1.$indexSet(a, index2, t1.$index(a, left));
- t1.$indexSet(a, index4, t1.$index(a, right));
- less = left + 1;
- great = right - 1;
- if (J.$eq$(compare.call$2(el2, el4), 0)) {
- for (k = less; k <= great; ++k) {
- ak = t1.$index(a, k);
- comp = compare.call$2(ak, el2);
- if (comp === 0)
- continue;
- if (comp < 0) {
- if (k !== less) {
- t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
- t1.$indexSet(a, less, ak);
- }
- ++less;
- } else
- for (; true;) {
- comp = compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el2);
- if (comp > 0) {
- --great;
- continue;
- } else {
- great0 = great - 1;
- if (comp < 0) {
- t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
- less0 = less + 1;
- t1.$indexSet(a, less, t1.$index(a, great));
- t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
- great = great0;
- less = less0;
- break;
- } else {
- t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, great));
- t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
- great = great0;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- pivots_are_equal = true;
- } else {
- for (k = less; k <= great; ++k) {
- ak = t1.$index(a, k);
- if (compare.call$2(ak, el2) < 0) {
- if (k !== less) {
- t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
- t1.$indexSet(a, less, ak);
- }
- ++less;
- } else if (compare.call$2(ak, el4) > 0)
- for (; true;)
- if (compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el4) > 0) {
- --great;
- if (great < k)
- break;
- continue;
- } else {
- great0 = great - 1;
- if (compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el2) < 0) {
- t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
- less0 = less + 1;
- t1.$indexSet(a, less, t1.$index(a, great));
- t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
- less = less0;
- } else {
- t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, great));
- t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
- }
- great = great0;
- break;
- }
- }
- pivots_are_equal = false;
- }
- t2 = less - 1;
- t1.$indexSet(a, left, t1.$index(a, t2));
- t1.$indexSet(a, t2, el2);
- t2 = great + 1;
- t1.$indexSet(a, right, t1.$index(a, t2));
- t1.$indexSet(a, t2, el4);
- A.Sort__doSort(a, left, less - 2, compare);
- A.Sort__doSort(a, great + 2, right, compare);
- if (pivots_are_equal)
- return;
- if (less < index1 && great > index5) {
- for (; J.$eq$(compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, less), el2), 0);)
- ++less;
- for (; J.$eq$(compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el4), 0);)
- --great;
- for (k = less; k <= great; ++k) {
- ak = t1.$index(a, k);
- if (compare.call$2(ak, el2) === 0) {
- if (k !== less) {
- t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
- t1.$indexSet(a, less, ak);
- }
- ++less;
- } else if (compare.call$2(ak, el4) === 0)
- for (; true;)
- if (compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el4) === 0) {
- --great;
- if (great < k)
- break;
- continue;
- } else {
- great0 = great - 1;
- if (compare.call$2(t1.$index(a, great), el2) < 0) {
- t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, less));
- less0 = less + 1;
- t1.$indexSet(a, less, t1.$index(a, great));
- t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
- less = less0;
- } else {
- t1.$indexSet(a, k, t1.$index(a, great));
- t1.$indexSet(a, great, ak);
- }
- great = great0;
- break;
- }
- }
- A.Sort__doSort(a, less, great, compare);
- } else
- A.Sort__doSort(a, less, great, compare);
- },
- _CastIterableBase: function _CastIterableBase() {
- },
- CastIterator: function CastIterator(t0, t1) {
- this._source = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- CastIterable: function CastIterable(t0, t1) {
- this._source = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _EfficientLengthCastIterable: function _EfficientLengthCastIterable(t0, t1) {
- this._source = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _CastListBase: function _CastListBase() {
- },
- _CastListBase_sort_closure: function _CastListBase_sort_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.compare = t1;
- },
- CastList: function CastList(t0, t1) {
- this._source = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- CastSet: function CastSet(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._source = t0;
- this._emptySet = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- CastMap: function CastMap(t0, t1) {
- this._source = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- CastMap_putIfAbsent_closure: function CastMap_putIfAbsent_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.ifAbsent = t1;
- },
- CastMap_forEach_closure: function CastMap_forEach_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.f = t1;
- },
- CastMap_entries_closure: function CastMap_entries_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- CastQueue: function CastQueue(t0, t1) {
- this._source = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- LateError: function LateError(t0) {
- this._message = t0;
- },
- CodeUnits: function CodeUnits(t0) {
- this._string = t0;
- },
- nullFuture_closure: function nullFuture_closure() {
- },
- SentinelValue: function SentinelValue() {
- },
- EfficientLengthIterable: function EfficientLengthIterable() {
- },
- ListIterable: function ListIterable() {
- },
- SubListIterable: function SubListIterable(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__internal$_iterable = t0;
- _._start = t1;
- _._endOrLength = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- ListIterator: function ListIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__internal$_iterable = t0;
- _.__internal$_length = t1;
- _.__internal$_index = 0;
- _.__internal$_current = null;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- MappedIterable: function MappedIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
- this._f = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- EfficientLengthMappedIterable: function EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
- this._f = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- MappedIterator: function MappedIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__internal$_current = null;
- _._iterator = t0;
- _._f = t1;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- MappedListIterable: function MappedListIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._source = t0;
- this._f = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- WhereIterable: function WhereIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
- this._f = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- WhereIterator: function WhereIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._iterator = t0;
- this._f = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- ExpandIterable: function ExpandIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
- this._f = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- ExpandIterator: function ExpandIterator(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._iterator = t0;
- _._f = t1;
- _._currentExpansion = t2;
- _.__internal$_current = null;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- TakeIterable: function TakeIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
- this._takeCount = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- EfficientLengthTakeIterable: function EfficientLengthTakeIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
- this._takeCount = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- TakeIterator: function TakeIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._iterator = t0;
- this._remaining = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- SkipIterable: function SkipIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
- this._skipCount = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- EfficientLengthSkipIterable: function EfficientLengthSkipIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
- this._skipCount = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- SkipIterator: function SkipIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._iterator = t0;
- this._skipCount = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- SkipWhileIterable: function SkipWhileIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.__internal$_iterable = t0;
- this._f = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- SkipWhileIterator: function SkipWhileIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._iterator = t0;
- _._f = t1;
- _._hasSkipped = false;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- EmptyIterable: function EmptyIterable(t0) {
- this.$ti = t0;
- },
- EmptyIterator: function EmptyIterator(t0) {
- this.$ti = t0;
- },
- FollowedByIterable: function FollowedByIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.__internal$_first = t0;
- this._second = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable: function EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.__internal$_first = t0;
- this._second = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- FollowedByIterator: function FollowedByIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._currentIterator = t0;
- this._nextIterable = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- WhereTypeIterable: function WhereTypeIterable(t0, t1) {
- this._source = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- WhereTypeIterator: function WhereTypeIterator(t0, t1) {
- this._source = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- FixedLengthListMixin: function FixedLengthListMixin() {
- },
- UnmodifiableListMixin: function UnmodifiableListMixin() {
- },
- UnmodifiableListBase: function UnmodifiableListBase() {
- },
- ReversedListIterable: function ReversedListIterable(t0, t1) {
- this._source = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- Symbol: function Symbol(t0) {
- this._name = t0;
- },
- __CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin: function __CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin() {
- },
- ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(other, $K, $V) {
- var allStrings, k, object, t2,
- keys = A.List_List$from(new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(other, A._instanceType(other)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>")), true, $K),
- t1 = keys.length,
- _i = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(_i < t1)) {
- allStrings = true;
- break;
- }
- k = keys[_i];
- if (typeof k != "string" || "__proto__" === k) {
- allStrings = false;
- break;
- }
- ++_i;
- }
- if (allStrings) {
- object = {};
- for (_i = 0; t2 = keys.length, _i < t2; keys.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(keys), ++_i) {
- k = keys[_i];
- object[k] = other.$index(0, k);
- }
- return new A.ConstantStringMap(t2, object, keys, $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("ConstantStringMap<1,2>"));
- }
- return new A.ConstantMapView(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from(other, $K, $V), $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("ConstantMapView<1,2>"));
- },
- ConstantMap__throwUnmodifiable() {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify unmodifiable Map"));
- },
- GeneralConstantMap__constantMapHashCode(key) {
- if (typeof key == "number")
- return B.JSNumber_methods.get$hashCode(key);
- if (type$.Symbol._is(key))
- return key.get$hashCode(key);
- if (type$.Type._is(key))
- return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(key);
- return A.objectHashCode(key);
- },
- GeneralConstantMap__typeTest($T) {
- return new A.GeneralConstantMap__typeTest_closure($T);
- },
- unminifyOrTag(rawClassName) {
- var preserved = init.mangledGlobalNames[rawClassName];
- if (preserved != null)
- return preserved;
- return rawClassName;
- },
- isJsIndexable(object, record) {
- var result;
- if (record != null) {
- result = record.x;
- if (result != null)
- return result;
- }
- return type$.JavaScriptIndexingBehavior_dynamic._is(object);
- },
- S(value) {
- var result;
- if (typeof value == "string")
- return value;
- if (typeof value == "number") {
- if (value !== 0)
- return "" + value;
- } else if (true === value)
- return "true";
- else if (false === value)
- return "false";
- else if (value == null)
- return "null";
- result = J.toString$0$(value);
- return result;
- },
- createInvocationMirror($name, internalName, kind, $arguments, argumentNames, types) {
- return new A.JSInvocationMirror($name, kind, $arguments, argumentNames, types);
- },
- createUnmangledInvocationMirror(symbol, internalName, kind, $arguments, argumentNames, types) {
- return new A.JSInvocationMirror(symbol, kind, $arguments, argumentNames, types);
- },
- Primitives_objectHashCode(object) {
- var hash,
- property = $.Primitives__identityHashCodeProperty;
- if (property == null)
- property = $.Primitives__identityHashCodeProperty = Symbol("identityHashCode");
- hash = object[property];
- if (hash == null) {
- hash = Math.random() * 0x3fffffff | 0;
- object[property] = hash;
- }
- return hash;
- },
- Primitives_parseInt(source, radix) {
- var decimalMatch, maxCharCode, digitsPart, t1, i, _null = null,
- match = /^\s*[+-]?((0x[a-f0-9]+)|(\d+)|([a-z0-9]+))\s*$/i.exec(source);
- if (match == null)
- return _null;
- decimalMatch = match[3];
- if (radix == null) {
- if (decimalMatch != null)
- return parseInt(source, 10);
- if (match[2] != null)
- return parseInt(source, 16);
- return _null;
- }
- if (radix < 2 || radix > 36)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(radix, 2, 36, "radix", _null));
- if (radix === 10 && decimalMatch != null)
- return parseInt(source, 10);
- if (radix < 10 || decimalMatch == null) {
- maxCharCode = radix <= 10 ? 47 + radix : 86 + radix;
- digitsPart = match[1];
- for (t1 = digitsPart.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
- if ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(digitsPart, i) | 32) > maxCharCode)
- return _null;
- }
- return parseInt(source, radix);
- },
- Primitives_parseDouble(source) {
- var result, trimmed;
- if (!/^\s*[+-]?(?:Infinity|NaN|(?:\.\d+|\d+(?:\.\d*)?)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?)\s*$/.test(source))
- return null;
- result = parseFloat(source);
- if (isNaN(result)) {
- trimmed = B.JSString_methods.trim$0(source);
- if (trimmed === "NaN" || trimmed === "+NaN" || trimmed === "-NaN")
- return result;
- return null;
- }
- return result;
- },
- Primitives_objectTypeName(object) {
- return A.Primitives__objectTypeNameNewRti(object);
- },
- Primitives__objectTypeNameNewRti(object) {
- var interceptor, dispatchName, $constructor, constructorName;
- if (object instanceof A.Object)
- return A._rtiToString(A.instanceType(object), null);
- interceptor = J.getInterceptor$(object);
- if (interceptor === B.Interceptor_methods || interceptor === B.JavaScriptObject_methods || type$.UnknownJavaScriptObject._is(object)) {
- dispatchName = B.C_JS_CONST(object);
- if (dispatchName !== "Object" && dispatchName !== "")
- return dispatchName;
- $constructor = object.constructor;
- if (typeof $constructor == "function") {
- constructorName = $constructor.name;
- if (typeof constructorName == "string" && constructorName !== "Object" && constructorName !== "")
- return constructorName;
- }
- }
- return A._rtiToString(A.instanceType(object), null);
- },
- Primitives_safeToString(object) {
- if (object == null || typeof object == "number" || A._isBool(object))
- return J.toString$0$(object);
- if (typeof object == "string")
- return JSON.stringify(object);
- if (object instanceof A.Closure)
- return object.toString$0(0);
- if (object instanceof A._Record)
- return object._toString$1(true);
- return "Instance of '" + A.Primitives_objectTypeName(object) + "'";
- },
- Primitives_dateNow() {
- return Date.now();
- },
- Primitives_initTicker() {
- var $window, performance;
- if ($.Primitives_timerFrequency !== 0)
- return;
- $.Primitives_timerFrequency = 1000;
- if (typeof window == "undefined")
- return;
- $window = window;
- if ($window == null)
- return;
- if (!!$window.dartUseDateNowForTicks)
- return;
- performance = $window.performance;
- if (performance == null)
- return;
- if (typeof performance.now != "function")
- return;
- $.Primitives_timerFrequency = 1000000;
- $.Primitives_timerTicks = new A.Primitives_initTicker_closure(performance);
- },
- Primitives_currentUri() {
- if (!!self.location)
- return self.location.href;
- return null;
- },
- Primitives__fromCharCodeApply(array) {
- var result, i, i0, chunkEnd,
- end = array.length;
- if (end <= 500)
- return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array);
- for (result = "", i = 0; i < end; i = i0) {
- i0 = i + 500;
- chunkEnd = i0 < end ? i0 : end;
- result += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array.slice(i, chunkEnd));
- }
- return result;
- },
- Primitives_stringFromCodePoints(codePoints) {
- var t1, _i, i,
- a = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int);
- for (t1 = codePoints.length, _i = 0; _i < codePoints.length; codePoints.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(codePoints), ++_i) {
- i = codePoints[_i];
- if (!A._isInt(i))
- throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i));
- if (i <= 65535)
- a.push(i);
- else if (i <= 1114111) {
- a.push(55296 + (B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(i - 65536, 10) & 1023));
- a.push(56320 + (i & 1023));
- } else
- throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i));
- }
- return A.Primitives__fromCharCodeApply(a);
- },
- Primitives_stringFromCharCodes(charCodes) {
- var t1, _i, i;
- for (t1 = charCodes.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
- i = charCodes[_i];
- if (!A._isInt(i))
- throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i));
- if (i < 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(i));
- if (i > 65535)
- return A.Primitives_stringFromCodePoints(charCodes);
- }
- return A.Primitives__fromCharCodeApply(charCodes);
- },
- Primitives_stringFromNativeUint8List(charCodes, start, end) {
- var i, result, i0, chunkEnd;
- if (end <= 500 && start === 0 && end === charCodes.length)
- return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, charCodes);
- for (i = start, result = ""; i < end; i = i0) {
- i0 = i + 500;
- chunkEnd = i0 < end ? i0 : end;
- result += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, charCodes.subarray(i, chunkEnd));
- }
- return result;
- },
- Primitives_stringFromCharCode(charCode) {
- var bits;
- if (0 <= charCode) {
- if (charCode <= 65535)
- return String.fromCharCode(charCode);
- if (charCode <= 1114111) {
- bits = charCode - 65536;
- return String.fromCharCode((B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(bits, 10) | 55296) >>> 0, bits & 1023 | 56320);
- }
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(charCode, 0, 1114111, null, null));
- },
- Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(years, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, isUtc) {
- var value,
- jsMonth = month - 1;
- if (0 <= years && years < 100) {
- years += 400;
- jsMonth -= 4800;
- }
- value = isUtc ? Date.UTC(years, jsMonth, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) : new Date(years, jsMonth, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds).valueOf();
- if (isNaN(value) || value < -864e13 || value > 864e13)
- return null;
- return value;
- },
- Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver) {
- if (receiver.date === void 0)
- receiver.date = new Date(receiver._value);
- return receiver.date;
- },
- Primitives_getYear(receiver) {
- return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCFullYear() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getFullYear() + 0;
- },
- Primitives_getMonth(receiver) {
- return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCMonth() + 1 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getMonth() + 1;
- },
- Primitives_getDay(receiver) {
- return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCDate() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getDate() + 0;
- },
- Primitives_getHours(receiver) {
- return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCHours() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getHours() + 0;
- },
- Primitives_getMinutes(receiver) {
- return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCMinutes() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getMinutes() + 0;
- },
- Primitives_getSeconds(receiver) {
- return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCSeconds() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getSeconds() + 0;
- },
- Primitives_getMilliseconds(receiver) {
- return receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCMilliseconds() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getMilliseconds() + 0;
- },
- Primitives_getWeekday(receiver) {
- return B.JSInt_methods.$mod((receiver.isUtc ? A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getUTCDay() + 0 : A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(receiver).getDay() + 0) + 6, 7) + 1;
- },
- Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments) {
- var $arguments, namedArgumentList, t1 = {};
- t1.argumentCount = 0;
- $arguments = [];
- namedArgumentList = [];
- t1.argumentCount = positionalArguments.length;
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1($arguments, positionalArguments);
- t1.names = "";
- if (namedArguments != null && namedArguments.__js_helper$_length !== 0)
- namedArguments.forEach$1(0, new A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure(t1, namedArgumentList, $arguments));
- return J.noSuchMethod$1$($function, new A.JSInvocationMirror(B.Symbol_call, 0, $arguments, namedArgumentList, 0));
- },
- Primitives_applyFunction($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments) {
- var t1, argumentCount, jsStub;
- if (Array.isArray(positionalArguments))
- t1 = namedArguments == null || namedArguments.__js_helper$_length === 0;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- argumentCount = positionalArguments.length;
- if (argumentCount === 0) {
- if (!!$function.call$0)
- return $function.call$0();
- } else if (argumentCount === 1) {
- if (!!$function.call$1)
- return $function.call$1(positionalArguments[0]);
- } else if (argumentCount === 2) {
- if (!!$function.call$2)
- return $function.call$2(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1]);
- } else if (argumentCount === 3) {
- if (!!$function.call$3)
- return $function.call$3(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1], positionalArguments[2]);
- } else if (argumentCount === 4) {
- if (!!$function.call$4)
- return $function.call$4(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1], positionalArguments[2], positionalArguments[3]);
- } else if (argumentCount === 5)
- if (!!$function.call$5)
- return $function.call$5(positionalArguments[0], positionalArguments[1], positionalArguments[2], positionalArguments[3], positionalArguments[4]);
- jsStub = $function["call" + "$" + argumentCount];
- if (jsStub != null)
- return jsStub.apply($function, positionalArguments);
- }
- return A.Primitives__generalApplyFunction($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
- },
- Primitives__generalApplyFunction($function, positionalArguments, namedArguments) {
- var defaultValuesClosure, t1, defaultValues, interceptor, jsFunction, maxArguments, missingDefaults, keys, _i, defaultValue, used, t2,
- $arguments = Array.isArray(positionalArguments) ? positionalArguments : A.List_List$of(positionalArguments, true, type$.dynamic),
- argumentCount = $arguments.length,
- requiredParameterCount = $function.$requiredArgCount;
- if (argumentCount < requiredParameterCount)
- return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
- defaultValuesClosure = $function.$defaultValues;
- t1 = defaultValuesClosure == null;
- defaultValues = !t1 ? defaultValuesClosure() : null;
- interceptor = J.getInterceptor$($function);
- jsFunction = interceptor["call*"];
- if (typeof jsFunction == "string")
- jsFunction = interceptor[jsFunction];
- if (t1) {
- if (namedArguments != null && namedArguments.__js_helper$_length !== 0)
- return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
- if (argumentCount === requiredParameterCount)
- return jsFunction.apply($function, $arguments);
- return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
- }
- if (Array.isArray(defaultValues)) {
- if (namedArguments != null && namedArguments.__js_helper$_length !== 0)
- return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
- maxArguments = requiredParameterCount + defaultValues.length;
- if (argumentCount > maxArguments)
- return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, null);
- if (argumentCount < maxArguments) {
- missingDefaults = defaultValues.slice(argumentCount - requiredParameterCount);
- if ($arguments === positionalArguments)
- $arguments = A.List_List$of($arguments, true, type$.dynamic);
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1($arguments, missingDefaults);
- }
- return jsFunction.apply($function, $arguments);
- } else {
- if (argumentCount > requiredParameterCount)
- return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
- if ($arguments === positionalArguments)
- $arguments = A.List_List$of($arguments, true, type$.dynamic);
- keys = Object.keys(defaultValues);
- if (namedArguments == null)
- for (t1 = keys.length, _i = 0; _i < keys.length; keys.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(keys), ++_i) {
- defaultValue = defaultValues[keys[_i]];
- if (B.C__Required === defaultValue)
- return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
- B.JSArray_methods.add$1($arguments, defaultValue);
- }
- else {
- for (t1 = keys.length, used = 0, _i = 0; _i < keys.length; keys.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(keys), ++_i) {
- t2 = keys[_i];
- if (namedArguments.containsKey$1(0, t2)) {
- ++used;
- B.JSArray_methods.add$1($arguments, namedArguments.$index(0, t2));
- } else {
- defaultValue = defaultValues[t2];
- if (B.C__Required === defaultValue)
- return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
- B.JSArray_methods.add$1($arguments, defaultValue);
- }
- }
- if (used !== namedArguments.__js_helper$_length)
- return A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod($function, $arguments, namedArguments);
- }
- return jsFunction.apply($function, $arguments);
- }
- },
- diagnoseIndexError(indexable, index) {
- var $length, _s5_ = "index";
- if (!A._isInt(index))
- return new A.ArgumentError(true, index, _s5_, null);
- $length = J.get$length$asx(indexable);
- if (index < 0 || index >= $length)
- return A.IndexError$withLength(index, $length, indexable, null, _s5_);
- return A.RangeError$value(index, _s5_);
- },
- diagnoseRangeError(start, end, $length) {
- if (start < 0 || start > $length)
- return A.RangeError$range(start, 0, $length, "start", null);
- if (end != null)
- if (end < start || end > $length)
- return A.RangeError$range(end, start, $length, "end", null);
- return new A.ArgumentError(true, end, "end", null);
- },
- argumentErrorValue(object) {
- return new A.ArgumentError(true, object, null, null);
- },
- checkNum(value) {
- return value;
- },
- wrapException(ex) {
- var wrapper, t1;
- if (ex == null)
- ex = new A.TypeError();
- wrapper = new Error();
- wrapper.dartException = ex;
- t1 = A.toStringWrapper;
- if ("defineProperty" in Object) {
- Object.defineProperty(wrapper, "message", {get: t1});
- wrapper.name = "";
- } else
- wrapper.toString = t1;
- return wrapper;
- },
- toStringWrapper() {
- return J.toString$0$(this.dartException);
- },
- throwExpression(ex) {
- throw A.wrapException(ex);
- },
- throwConcurrentModificationError(collection) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(collection));
- },
- TypeErrorDecoder_extractPattern(message) {
- var match, $arguments, argumentsExpr, expr, method, receiver;
- message = A.quoteStringForRegExp(message.replace(String({}), "$receiver$"));
- match = message.match(/\\\$[a-zA-Z]+\\\$/g);
- if (match == null)
- match = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- $arguments = match.indexOf("\\$arguments\\$");
- argumentsExpr = match.indexOf("\\$argumentsExpr\\$");
- expr = match.indexOf("\\$expr\\$");
- method = match.indexOf("\\$method\\$");
- receiver = match.indexOf("\\$receiver\\$");
- return new A.TypeErrorDecoder(message.replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$arguments\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$argumentsExpr\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$expr\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$method\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$receiver\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)"), $arguments, argumentsExpr, expr, method, receiver);
- },
- TypeErrorDecoder_provokeCallErrorOn(expression) {
- return function($expr$) {
- var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$";
- try {
- $expr$.$method$($argumentsExpr$);
- } catch (e) {
- return e.message;
- }
- }(expression);
- },
- TypeErrorDecoder_provokePropertyErrorOn(expression) {
- return function($expr$) {
- try {
- $expr$.$method$;
- } catch (e) {
- return e.message;
- }
- }(expression);
- },
- JsNoSuchMethodError$(_message, match) {
- var t1 = match == null,
- t2 = t1 ? null : match.method;
- return new A.JsNoSuchMethodError(_message, t2, t1 ? null : match.receiver);
- },
- unwrapException(ex) {
- if (ex == null)
- return new A.NullThrownFromJavaScriptException(ex);
- if (ex instanceof A.ExceptionAndStackTrace)
- return A.saveStackTrace(ex, ex.dartException);
- if (typeof ex !== "object")
- return ex;
- if ("dartException" in ex)
- return A.saveStackTrace(ex, ex.dartException);
- return A._unwrapNonDartException(ex);
- },
- saveStackTrace(ex, error) {
- if (type$.Error._is(error))
- if (error.$thrownJsError == null)
- error.$thrownJsError = ex;
- return error;
- },
- _unwrapNonDartException(ex) {
- var message, number, ieErrorCode, t1, nsme, notClosure, nullCall, nullLiteralCall, undefCall, undefLiteralCall, nullProperty, undefProperty, undefLiteralProperty, match, _null = null;
- if (!("message" in ex))
- return ex;
- message = ex.message;
- if ("number" in ex && typeof ex.number == "number") {
- number = ex.number;
- ieErrorCode = number & 65535;
- if ((B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(number, 16) & 8191) === 10)
- switch (ieErrorCode) {
- case 438:
- return A.saveStackTrace(ex, A.JsNoSuchMethodError$(A.S(message) + " (Error " + ieErrorCode + ")", _null));
- case 445:
- case 5007:
- t1 = A.S(message);
- return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.NullError(t1 + " (Error " + ieErrorCode + ")", _null));
- }
- }
- if (ex instanceof TypeError) {
- nsme = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_noSuchMethodPattern();
- notClosure = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern();
- nullCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern();
- nullLiteralCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern();
- undefCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern();
- undefLiteralCall = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern();
- nullProperty = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern();
- $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralPropertyPattern();
- undefProperty = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern();
- undefLiteralProperty = $.$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern();
- match = nsme.matchTypeError$1(message);
- if (match != null)
- return A.saveStackTrace(ex, A.JsNoSuchMethodError$(message, match));
- else {
- match = notClosure.matchTypeError$1(message);
- if (match != null) {
- match.method = "call";
- return A.saveStackTrace(ex, A.JsNoSuchMethodError$(message, match));
- } else {
- match = nullCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
- if (match == null) {
- match = nullLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
- if (match == null) {
- match = undefCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
- if (match == null) {
- match = undefLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
- if (match == null) {
- match = nullProperty.matchTypeError$1(message);
- if (match == null) {
- match = nullLiteralCall.matchTypeError$1(message);
- if (match == null) {
- match = undefProperty.matchTypeError$1(message);
- if (match == null) {
- match = undefLiteralProperty.matchTypeError$1(message);
- t1 = match != null;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.NullError(message, match == null ? _null : match.method));
- }
- }
- return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.UnknownJsTypeError(typeof message == "string" ? message : ""));
- }
- if (ex instanceof RangeError) {
- if (typeof message == "string" && message.indexOf("call stack") !== -1)
- return new A.StackOverflowError();
- message = function(ex) {
- try {
- return String(ex);
- } catch (e) {
- }
- return null;
- }(ex);
- return A.saveStackTrace(ex, new A.ArgumentError(false, _null, _null, typeof message == "string" ? message.replace(/^RangeError:\s*/, "") : message));
- }
- if (typeof InternalError == "function" && ex instanceof InternalError)
- if (typeof message == "string" && message === "too much recursion")
- return new A.StackOverflowError();
- return ex;
- },
- getTraceFromException(exception) {
- var trace;
- if (exception instanceof A.ExceptionAndStackTrace)
- return exception.stackTrace;
- if (exception == null)
- return new A._StackTrace(exception);
- trace = exception.$cachedTrace;
- if (trace != null)
- return trace;
- return exception.$cachedTrace = new A._StackTrace(exception);
- },
- objectHashCode(object) {
- if (object == null || typeof object != "object")
- return J.get$hashCode$(object);
- else
- return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(object);
- },
- fillLiteralMap(keyValuePairs, result) {
- var index, index0, index1,
- $length = keyValuePairs.length;
- for (index = 0; index < $length; index = index1) {
- index0 = index + 1;
- index1 = index0 + 1;
- result.$indexSet(0, keyValuePairs[index], keyValuePairs[index0]);
- }
- return result;
- },
- fillLiteralSet(values, result) {
- var index,
- $length = values.length;
- for (index = 0; index < $length; ++index)
- result.add$1(0, values[index]);
- return result;
- },
- invokeClosure(closure, numberOfArguments, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) {
- switch (numberOfArguments) {
- case 0:
- return closure.call$0();
- case 1:
- return closure.call$1(arg1);
- case 2:
- return closure.call$2(arg1, arg2);
- case 3:
- return closure.call$3(arg1, arg2, arg3);
- case 4:
- return closure.call$4(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Unsupported number of arguments for wrapped closure"));
- },
- convertDartClosureToJS(closure, arity) {
- var $function;
- if (closure == null)
- return null;
- $function = closure.$identity;
- if (!!$function)
- return $function;
- $function = function(closure, arity, invoke) {
- return function(a1, a2, a3, a4) {
- return invoke(closure, arity, a1, a2, a3, a4);
- };
- }(closure, arity, A.invokeClosure);
- closure.$identity = $function;
- return $function;
- },
- Closure_fromTearOff(parameters) {
- var $prototype, $constructor, t2, trampoline, applyTrampoline, i, stub, stub0, stubName, stubCallName,
- container = parameters.co,
- isStatic = parameters.iS,
- isIntercepted = parameters.iI,
- needsDirectAccess = parameters.nDA,
- applyTrampolineIndex = parameters.aI,
- funsOrNames = parameters.fs,
- callNames = parameters.cs,
- $name = funsOrNames[0],
- callName = callNames[0],
- $function = container[$name],
- t1 = parameters.fT;
- t1.toString;
- $prototype = isStatic ? Object.create(new A.StaticClosure().constructor.prototype) : Object.create(new A.BoundClosure(null, null).constructor.prototype);
- $prototype.$initialize = $prototype.constructor;
- if (isStatic)
- $constructor = function static_tear_off() {
- this.$initialize();
- };
- else
- $constructor = function tear_off(a, b) {
- this.$initialize(a, b);
- };
- $prototype.constructor = $constructor;
- $constructor.prototype = $prototype;
- $prototype.$_name = $name;
- $prototype.$_target = $function;
- t2 = !isStatic;
- if (t2)
- trampoline = A.Closure_forwardCallTo($name, $function, isIntercepted, needsDirectAccess);
- else {
- $prototype.$static_name = $name;
- trampoline = $function;
- }
- $prototype.$signature = A.Closure__computeSignatureFunctionNewRti(t1, isStatic, isIntercepted);
- $prototype[callName] = trampoline;
- for (applyTrampoline = trampoline, i = 1; i < funsOrNames.length; ++i) {
- stub = funsOrNames[i];
- if (typeof stub == "string") {
- stub0 = container[stub];
- stubName = stub;
- stub = stub0;
- } else
- stubName = "";
- stubCallName = callNames[i];
- if (stubCallName != null) {
- if (t2)
- stub = A.Closure_forwardCallTo(stubName, stub, isIntercepted, needsDirectAccess);
- $prototype[stubCallName] = stub;
- }
- if (i === applyTrampolineIndex)
- applyTrampoline = stub;
- }
- $prototype["call*"] = applyTrampoline;
- $prototype.$requiredArgCount = parameters.rC;
- $prototype.$defaultValues = parameters.dV;
- return $constructor;
- },
- Closure__computeSignatureFunctionNewRti(functionType, isStatic, isIntercepted) {
- if (typeof functionType == "number")
- return functionType;
- if (typeof functionType == "string") {
- if (isStatic)
- throw A.wrapException("Cannot compute signature for static tearoff.");
- return function(recipe, evalOnReceiver) {
- return function() {
- return evalOnReceiver(this, recipe);
- };
- }(functionType, A.BoundClosure_evalRecipe);
- }
- throw A.wrapException("Error in functionType of tearoff");
- },
- Closure_cspForwardCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function) {
- var getReceiver = A.BoundClosure_receiverOf;
- switch (needsDirectAccess ? -1 : arity) {
- case 0:
- return function(entry, receiverOf) {
- return function() {
- return receiverOf(this)[entry]();
- };
- }(stubName, getReceiver);
- case 1:
- return function(entry, receiverOf) {
- return function(a) {
- return receiverOf(this)[entry](a);
- };
- }(stubName, getReceiver);
- case 2:
- return function(entry, receiverOf) {
- return function(a, b) {
- return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b);
- };
- }(stubName, getReceiver);
- case 3:
- return function(entry, receiverOf) {
- return function(a, b, c) {
- return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b, c);
- };
- }(stubName, getReceiver);
- case 4:
- return function(entry, receiverOf) {
- return function(a, b, c, d) {
- return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b, c, d);
- };
- }(stubName, getReceiver);
- case 5:
- return function(entry, receiverOf) {
- return function(a, b, c, d, e) {
- return receiverOf(this)[entry](a, b, c, d, e);
- };
- }(stubName, getReceiver);
- default:
- return function(f, receiverOf) {
- return function() {
- return f.apply(receiverOf(this), arguments);
- };
- }($function, getReceiver);
- }
- },
- Closure_forwardCallTo(stubName, $function, isIntercepted, needsDirectAccess) {
- var arity, t1;
- if (isIntercepted)
- return A.Closure_forwardInterceptedCallTo(stubName, $function, needsDirectAccess);
- arity = $function.length;
- t1 = A.Closure_cspForwardCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function);
- return t1;
- },
- Closure_cspForwardInterceptedCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function) {
- var getReceiver = A.BoundClosure_receiverOf,
- getInterceptor = A.BoundClosure_interceptorOf;
- switch (needsDirectAccess ? -1 : arity) {
- case 0:
- throw A.wrapException(new A.RuntimeError("Intercepted function with no arguments."));
- case 1:
- return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
- return function() {
- return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this));
- };
- }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
- case 2:
- return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
- return function(a) {
- return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a);
- };
- }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
- case 3:
- return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
- return function(a, b) {
- return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b);
- };
- }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
- case 4:
- return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
- return function(a, b, c) {
- return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b, c);
- };
- }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
- case 5:
- return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
- return function(a, b, c, d) {
- return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b, c, d);
- };
- }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
- case 6:
- return function(entry, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
- return function(a, b, c, d, e) {
- return interceptorOf(this)[entry](receiverOf(this), a, b, c, d, e);
- };
- }(stubName, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
- default:
- return function(f, interceptorOf, receiverOf) {
- return function() {
- var a = [receiverOf(this)];
- Array.prototype.push.apply(a, arguments);
- return f.apply(interceptorOf(this), a);
- };
- }($function, getInterceptor, getReceiver);
- }
- },
- Closure_forwardInterceptedCallTo(stubName, $function, needsDirectAccess) {
- var arity, t1;
- if ($.BoundClosure__interceptorFieldNameCache == null)
- $.BoundClosure__interceptorFieldNameCache = A.BoundClosure__computeFieldNamed("interceptor");
- if ($.BoundClosure__receiverFieldNameCache == null)
- $.BoundClosure__receiverFieldNameCache = A.BoundClosure__computeFieldNamed("receiver");
- arity = $function.length;
- t1 = A.Closure_cspForwardInterceptedCall(arity, needsDirectAccess, stubName, $function);
- return t1;
- },
- closureFromTearOff(parameters) {
- return A.Closure_fromTearOff(parameters);
- },
- BoundClosure_evalRecipe(closure, recipe) {
- return A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(init.typeUniverse, A.instanceType(closure._receiver), recipe);
- },
- BoundClosure_receiverOf(closure) {
- return closure._receiver;
- },
- BoundClosure_interceptorOf(closure) {
- return closure._interceptor;
- },
- BoundClosure__computeFieldNamed(fieldName) {
- var t1, i, $name,
- template = new A.BoundClosure("receiver", "interceptor"),
- names = J.JSArray_markFixedList(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(template));
- for (t1 = names.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
- $name = names[i];
- if (template[$name] === fieldName)
- return $name;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Field name " + fieldName + " not found.", null));
- },
- throwCyclicInit(staticName) {
- throw A.wrapException(new A._CyclicInitializationError(staticName));
- },
- getIsolateAffinityTag($name) {
- return init.getIsolateTag($name);
- },
- LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$(_map, _modifications, $E) {
- var t1 = new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator(_map, _modifications, $E._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterator<0>"));
- t1._cell = _map._first;
- return t1;
- },
- defineProperty(obj, property, value) {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, property, {value: value, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
- },
- lookupAndCacheInterceptor(obj) {
- var interceptor, interceptorClass, altTag, mark, t1,
- tag = $.getTagFunction.call$1(obj),
- record = $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags[tag];
- if (record != null) {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
- return record.i;
- }
- interceptor = $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags[tag];
- if (interceptor != null)
- return interceptor;
- interceptorClass = init.interceptorsByTag[tag];
- if (interceptorClass == null) {
- altTag = $.alternateTagFunction.call$2(obj, tag);
- if (altTag != null) {
- record = $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags[altTag];
- if (record != null) {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
- return record.i;
- }
- interceptor = $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags[altTag];
- if (interceptor != null)
- return interceptor;
- interceptorClass = init.interceptorsByTag[altTag];
- tag = altTag;
- }
- }
- if (interceptorClass == null)
- return null;
- interceptor = interceptorClass.prototype;
- mark = tag[0];
- if (mark === "!") {
- record = A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor);
- $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags[tag] = record;
- Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
- return record.i;
- }
- if (mark === "~") {
- $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags[tag] = interceptor;
- return interceptor;
- }
- if (mark === "-") {
- t1 = A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor);
- Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: t1, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
- return t1.i;
- }
- if (mark === "+")
- return A.patchInteriorProto(obj, interceptor);
- if (mark === "*")
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(tag));
- if (init.leafTags[tag] === true) {
- t1 = A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor);
- Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: t1, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
- return t1.i;
- } else
- return A.patchInteriorProto(obj, interceptor);
- },
- patchInteriorProto(obj, interceptor) {
- var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
- Object.defineProperty(proto, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, null, null), enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
- return interceptor;
- },
- makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor) {
- return J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, false, null, !!interceptor.$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior);
- },
- makeDefaultDispatchRecord(tag, interceptorClass, proto) {
- var interceptor = interceptorClass.prototype;
- if (init.leafTags[tag] === true)
- return A.makeLeafDispatchRecord(interceptor);
- else
- return J.makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, null, null);
- },
- initNativeDispatch() {
- if (true === $.initNativeDispatchFlag)
- return;
- $.initNativeDispatchFlag = true;
- A.initNativeDispatchContinue();
- },
- initNativeDispatchContinue() {
- var map, tags, fun, i, tag, proto, record, interceptorClass;
- $.dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags = Object.create(null);
- $.interceptorsForUncacheableTags = Object.create(null);
- A.initHooks();
- map = init.interceptorsByTag;
- tags = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(map);
- if (typeof window != "undefined") {
- window;
- fun = function() {
- };
- for (i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
- tag = tags[i];
- proto = $.prototypeForTagFunction.call$1(tag);
- if (proto != null) {
- record = A.makeDefaultDispatchRecord(tag, map[tag], proto);
- if (record != null) {
- Object.defineProperty(proto, init.dispatchPropertyName, {value: record, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
- fun.prototype = proto;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < tags.length; ++i) {
- tag = tags[i];
- if (/^[A-Za-z_]/.test(tag)) {
- interceptorClass = map[tag];
- map["!" + tag] = interceptorClass;
- map["~" + tag] = interceptorClass;
- map["-" + tag] = interceptorClass;
- map["+" + tag] = interceptorClass;
- map["*" + tag] = interceptorClass;
- }
- }
- },
- initHooks() {
- var transformers, i, transformer, getTag, getUnknownTag, prototypeForTag,
- hooks = B.C_JS_CONST0();
- hooks = A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST1, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST2, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST3, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST3, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST4, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST5, A.applyHooksTransformer(B.C_JS_CONST6(B.C_JS_CONST), hooks)))))));
- if (typeof dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer != "undefined") {
- transformers = dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer;
- if (typeof transformers == "function")
- transformers = [transformers];
- if (transformers.constructor == Array)
- for (i = 0; i < transformers.length; ++i) {
- transformer = transformers[i];
- if (typeof transformer == "function")
- hooks = transformer(hooks) || hooks;
- }
- }
- getTag = hooks.getTag;
- getUnknownTag = hooks.getUnknownTag;
- prototypeForTag = hooks.prototypeForTag;
- $.getTagFunction = new A.initHooks_closure(getTag);
- $.alternateTagFunction = new A.initHooks_closure0(getUnknownTag);
- $.prototypeForTagFunction = new A.initHooks_closure1(prototypeForTag);
- },
- applyHooksTransformer(transformer, hooks) {
- return transformer(hooks) || hooks;
- },
- createRecordTypePredicate(shape, fieldRtis) {
- var $length = fieldRtis.length,
- $function = init.rttc["" + $length + ";" + shape];
- if ($function == null)
- return null;
- if ($length === 0)
- return $function;
- if ($length === $function.length)
- return $function.apply(null, fieldRtis);
- return $function(fieldRtis);
- },
- JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(source, multiLine, caseSensitive, unicode, dotAll, global) {
- var m = multiLine ? "m" : "",
- i = caseSensitive ? "" : "i",
- u = unicode ? "u" : "",
- s = dotAll ? "s" : "",
- g = global ? "g" : "",
- regexp = function(source, modifiers) {
- try {
- return new RegExp(source, modifiers);
- } catch (e) {
- return e;
- }
- }(source, m + i + u + s + g);
- if (regexp instanceof RegExp)
- return regexp;
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Illegal RegExp pattern (" + String(regexp) + ")", source, null));
- },
- stringContainsUnchecked(receiver, other, startIndex) {
- var t1;
- if (typeof other == "string")
- return receiver.indexOf(other, startIndex) >= 0;
- else if (other instanceof A.JSSyntaxRegExp) {
- t1 = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(receiver, startIndex);
- return other._nativeRegExp.test(t1);
- } else {
- t1 = J.allMatches$1$s(other, B.JSString_methods.substring$1(receiver, startIndex));
- return !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
- }
- },
- escapeReplacement(replacement) {
- if (replacement.indexOf("$", 0) >= 0)
- return replacement.replace(/\$/g, "$$$$");
- return replacement;
- },
- quoteStringForRegExp(string) {
- if (/[[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]/.test(string))
- return string.replace(/[[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g, "\\$&");
- return string;
- },
- stringReplaceAllUnchecked(receiver, pattern, replacement) {
- var nativeRegexp;
- if (typeof pattern == "string")
- return A.stringReplaceAllUncheckedString(receiver, pattern, replacement);
- if (pattern instanceof A.JSSyntaxRegExp) {
- nativeRegexp = pattern.get$_nativeGlobalVersion();
- nativeRegexp.lastIndex = 0;
- return receiver.replace(nativeRegexp, A.escapeReplacement(replacement));
- }
- return A.stringReplaceAllGeneral(receiver, pattern, replacement);
- },
- stringReplaceAllGeneral(receiver, pattern, replacement) {
- var t1, startIndex, t2, match;
- for (t1 = J.allMatches$1$s(pattern, receiver), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1), startIndex = 0, t2 = ""; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- match = t1.get$current(t1);
- t2 = t2 + receiver.substring(startIndex, match.get$start(match)) + replacement;
- startIndex = match.get$end(match);
- }
- t1 = t2 + receiver.substring(startIndex);
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- stringReplaceAllUncheckedString(receiver, pattern, replacement) {
- var $length, t1, i;
- if (pattern === "") {
- if (receiver === "")
- return replacement;
- $length = receiver.length;
- t1 = "" + replacement;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- t1 = t1 + receiver[i] + replacement;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- if (receiver.indexOf(pattern, 0) < 0)
- return receiver;
- if (receiver.length < 500 || replacement.indexOf("$", 0) >= 0)
- return receiver.split(pattern).join(replacement);
- return receiver.replace(new RegExp(A.quoteStringForRegExp(pattern), "g"), A.escapeReplacement(replacement));
- },
- _stringIdentity(string) {
- return string;
- },
- stringReplaceAllFuncUnchecked(receiver, pattern, onMatch, onNonMatch) {
- var t1, t2, startIndex, t3, match, t4, t5;
- for (t1 = pattern.allMatches$1(0, receiver), t1 = new A._AllMatchesIterator(t1._re, t1.__js_helper$_string, t1.__js_helper$_start), t2 = type$.RegExpMatch, startIndex = 0, t3 = ""; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- match = t1.__js_helper$_current;
- if (match == null)
- match = t2._as(match);
- t4 = match._match;
- t5 = t4.index;
- t3 = t3 + A.S(A._stringIdentity(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(receiver, startIndex, t5))) + A.S(onMatch.call$1(match));
- startIndex = t5 + t4[0].length;
- }
- t1 = t3 + A.S(A._stringIdentity(B.JSString_methods.substring$1(receiver, startIndex)));
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- stringReplaceFirstUnchecked(receiver, pattern, replacement, startIndex) {
- var index = receiver.indexOf(pattern, startIndex);
- if (index < 0)
- return receiver;
- return A.stringReplaceRangeUnchecked(receiver, index, index + pattern.length, replacement);
- },
- stringReplaceRangeUnchecked(receiver, start, end, replacement) {
- return receiver.substring(0, start) + replacement + receiver.substring(end);
- },
- ConstantMapView: function ConstantMapView(t0, t1) {
- this._collection$_map = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- ConstantMap: function ConstantMap() {
- },
- ConstantMap_map_closure: function ConstantMap_map_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.transform = t1;
- this.result = t2;
- },
- ConstantStringMap: function ConstantStringMap(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__js_helper$_length = t0;
- _._jsObject = t1;
- _._keys = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- ConstantStringMap_values_closure: function ConstantStringMap_values_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ConstantMapKeyIterable: function _ConstantMapKeyIterable(t0, t1) {
- this._map = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- GeneralConstantMap: function GeneralConstantMap(t0, t1) {
- this._jsData = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- GeneralConstantMap__typeTest_closure: function GeneralConstantMap__typeTest_closure(t0) {
- this.T = t0;
- },
- Instantiation: function Instantiation() {
- },
- Instantiation1: function Instantiation1(t0, t1) {
- this._genericClosure = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- JSInvocationMirror: function JSInvocationMirror(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__js_helper$_memberName = t0;
- _.__js_helper$_kind = t1;
- _._arguments = t2;
- _._namedArgumentNames = t3;
- _._typeArgumentCount = t4;
- },
- Primitives_initTicker_closure: function Primitives_initTicker_closure(t0) {
- this.performance = t0;
- },
- Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure: function Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.namedArgumentList = t1;
- this.$arguments = t2;
- },
- TypeErrorDecoder: function TypeErrorDecoder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._pattern = t0;
- _._arguments = t1;
- _._argumentsExpr = t2;
- _._expr = t3;
- _._method = t4;
- _._receiver = t5;
- },
- NullError: function NullError(t0, t1) {
- this.__js_helper$_message = t0;
- this._method = t1;
- },
- JsNoSuchMethodError: function JsNoSuchMethodError(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.__js_helper$_message = t0;
- this._method = t1;
- this._receiver = t2;
- },
- UnknownJsTypeError: function UnknownJsTypeError(t0) {
- this.__js_helper$_message = t0;
- },
- NullThrownFromJavaScriptException: function NullThrownFromJavaScriptException(t0) {
- this._irritant = t0;
- },
- ExceptionAndStackTrace: function ExceptionAndStackTrace(t0, t1) {
- this.dartException = t0;
- this.stackTrace = t1;
- },
- _StackTrace: function _StackTrace(t0) {
- this._exception = t0;
- this._trace = null;
- },
- Closure: function Closure() {
- },
- Closure0Args: function Closure0Args() {
- },
- Closure2Args: function Closure2Args() {
- },
- TearOffClosure: function TearOffClosure() {
- },
- StaticClosure: function StaticClosure() {
- },
- BoundClosure: function BoundClosure(t0, t1) {
- this._receiver = t0;
- this._interceptor = t1;
- },
- _CyclicInitializationError: function _CyclicInitializationError(t0) {
- this.variableName = t0;
- },
- RuntimeError: function RuntimeError(t0) {
- this.message = t0;
- },
- _Required: function _Required() {
- },
- JsLinkedHashMap: function JsLinkedHashMap(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__js_helper$_length = 0;
- _._last = _._first = _.__js_helper$_rest = _._nums = _._strings = null;
- _._modifications = 0;
- _.$ti = t0;
- },
- JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure: function JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- JsLinkedHashMap_containsValue_closure: function JsLinkedHashMap_containsValue_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- },
- JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure: function JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- LinkedHashMapCell: function LinkedHashMapCell(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.hashMapCellKey = t0;
- _.hashMapCellValue = t1;
- _._previous = _._next = null;
- },
- LinkedHashMapKeyIterable: function LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t0, t1) {
- this._map = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- LinkedHashMapKeyIterator: function LinkedHashMapKeyIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._map = t0;
- _._modifications = t1;
- _.__js_helper$_current = _._cell = null;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- initHooks_closure: function initHooks_closure(t0) {
- this.getTag = t0;
- },
- initHooks_closure0: function initHooks_closure0(t0) {
- this.getUnknownTag = t0;
- },
- initHooks_closure1: function initHooks_closure1(t0) {
- this.prototypeForTag = t0;
- },
- _Record: function _Record() {
- },
- JSSyntaxRegExp: function JSSyntaxRegExp(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.pattern = t0;
- _._nativeRegExp = t1;
- _._nativeAnchoredRegExp = _._nativeGlobalRegExp = null;
- },
- _MatchImplementation: function _MatchImplementation(t0) {
- this._match = t0;
- },
- _AllMatchesIterable: function _AllMatchesIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._re = t0;
- this.__js_helper$_string = t1;
- this.__js_helper$_start = t2;
- },
- _AllMatchesIterator: function _AllMatchesIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._regExp = t0;
- _.__js_helper$_string = t1;
- _._nextIndex = t2;
- _.__js_helper$_current = null;
- },
- StringMatch: function StringMatch(t0, t1) {
- this.start = t0;
- this.pattern = t1;
- },
- _StringAllMatchesIterable: function _StringAllMatchesIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._input = t0;
- this._pattern = t1;
- this.__js_helper$_index = t2;
- },
- _StringAllMatchesIterator: function _StringAllMatchesIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._input = t0;
- _._pattern = t1;
- _.__js_helper$_index = t2;
- _.__js_helper$_current = null;
- },
- throwLateFieldADI(fieldName) {
- return A.throwExpression(A.LateError$fieldADI(fieldName));
- },
- throwUnnamedLateFieldNI() {
- return A.throwExpression(A.LateError$fieldNI(""));
- },
- throwUnnamedLateFieldAI() {
- return A.throwExpression(A.LateError$fieldAI(""));
- },
- throwUnnamedLateFieldADI() {
- return A.throwExpression(A.LateError$fieldADI(""));
- },
- _Cell$named(_name) {
- var t1 = new A._Cell(_name);
- return t1.__late_helper$_value = t1;
- },
- _InitializedCell$named(_name, _initializer) {
- var t1 = new A._InitializedCell(_initializer);
- return t1.__late_helper$_value = t1;
- },
- _Cell: function _Cell(t0) {
- this.__late_helper$_name = t0;
- this.__late_helper$_value = null;
- },
- _InitializedCell: function _InitializedCell(t0) {
- this.__late_helper$_value = null;
- this.__late_helper$_initializer = t0;
- },
- _checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length) {
- },
- _ensureNativeList(list) {
- var t1, result, i;
- if (type$.JSIndexable_dynamic._is(list))
- return list;
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list);
- result = A.List_List$filled(t1.get$length(list), null, false, type$.dynamic);
- for (i = 0; i < t1.get$length(list); ++i)
- result[i] = t1.$index(list, i);
- return result;
- },
- NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length) {
- A._checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length);
- return $length == null ? new DataView(buffer, offsetInBytes) : new DataView(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length);
- },
- NativeFloat32List_NativeFloat32List($length) {
- return new Float32Array($length);
- },
- NativeFloat64List_NativeFloat64List($length) {
- return new Float64Array($length);
- },
- NativeFloat64List_NativeFloat64List$view(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length) {
- A._checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length);
- return new Float64Array(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length);
- },
- NativeInt32List_NativeInt32List($length) {
- return new Int32Array($length);
- },
- NativeInt32List_NativeInt32List$view(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length) {
- A._checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length);
- return new Int32Array(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length);
- },
- NativeInt8List__create1(arg) {
- return new Int8Array(arg);
- },
- NativeUint16List_NativeUint16List$fromList(list) {
- return new Uint16Array(A._ensureNativeList(list));
- },
- NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List($length) {
- return new Uint8Array($length);
- },
- NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length) {
- A._checkViewArguments(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length);
- return $length == null ? new Uint8Array(buffer, offsetInBytes) : new Uint8Array(buffer, offsetInBytes, $length);
- },
- _checkValidIndex(index, list, $length) {
- if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= $length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(list, index));
- },
- _checkValidRange(start, end, $length) {
- var t1;
- if (!(start >>> 0 !== start))
- if (end == null)
- t1 = start > $length;
- else
- t1 = end >>> 0 !== end || start > end || end > $length;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseRangeError(start, end, $length));
- if (end == null)
- return $length;
- return end;
- },
- NativeByteBuffer: function NativeByteBuffer() {
- },
- NativeTypedData: function NativeTypedData() {
- },
- NativeByteData: function NativeByteData() {
- },
- NativeTypedArray: function NativeTypedArray() {
- },
- NativeTypedArrayOfDouble: function NativeTypedArrayOfDouble() {
- },
- NativeTypedArrayOfInt: function NativeTypedArrayOfInt() {
- },
- NativeFloat32List: function NativeFloat32List() {
- },
- NativeFloat64List: function NativeFloat64List() {
- },
- NativeInt16List: function NativeInt16List() {
- },
- NativeInt32List: function NativeInt32List() {
- },
- NativeInt8List: function NativeInt8List() {
- },
- NativeUint16List: function NativeUint16List() {
- },
- NativeUint32List: function NativeUint32List() {
- },
- NativeUint8ClampedList: function NativeUint8ClampedList() {
- },
- NativeUint8List: function NativeUint8List() {
- },
- _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin() {
- },
- _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin() {
- },
- _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin() {
- },
- _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin: function _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin() {
- },
- Rti__getQuestionFromStar(universe, rti) {
- var question = rti._precomputed1;
- return question == null ? rti._precomputed1 = A._Universe__lookupQuestionRti(universe, rti._primary, true) : question;
- },
- Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(universe, rti) {
- var future = rti._precomputed1;
- return future == null ? rti._precomputed1 = A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, "Future", [rti._primary]) : future;
- },
- Rti__isUnionOfFunctionType(rti) {
- var kind = rti._kind;
- if (kind === 6 || kind === 7 || kind === 8)
- return A.Rti__isUnionOfFunctionType(rti._primary);
- return kind === 12 || kind === 13;
- },
- Rti__getCanonicalRecipe(rti) {
- return rti._canonicalRecipe;
- },
- findType(recipe) {
- return A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, recipe, false);
- },
- instantiatedGenericFunctionType(genericFunctionRti, instantiationRti) {
- var t1, cache, key, probe, rti;
- if (genericFunctionRti == null)
- return null;
- t1 = instantiationRti._rest;
- cache = genericFunctionRti._bindCache;
- if (cache == null)
- cache = genericFunctionRti._bindCache = new Map();
- key = instantiationRti._canonicalRecipe;
- probe = cache.get(key);
- if (probe != null)
- return probe;
- rti = A._substitute(init.typeUniverse, genericFunctionRti._primary, t1, 0);
- cache.set(key, rti);
- return rti;
- },
- _substitute(universe, rti, typeArguments, depth) {
- var baseType, substitutedBaseType, interfaceTypeArguments, substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments, base, substitutedBase, $arguments, substitutedArguments, returnType, substitutedReturnType, functionParameters, substitutedFunctionParameters, bounds, substitutedBounds, index, argument,
- kind = rti._kind;
- switch (kind) {
- case 5:
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 3:
- case 4:
- return rti;
- case 6:
- baseType = rti._primary;
- substitutedBaseType = A._substitute(universe, baseType, typeArguments, depth);
- if (substitutedBaseType === baseType)
- return rti;
- return A._Universe__lookupStarRti(universe, substitutedBaseType, true);
- case 7:
- baseType = rti._primary;
- substitutedBaseType = A._substitute(universe, baseType, typeArguments, depth);
- if (substitutedBaseType === baseType)
- return rti;
- return A._Universe__lookupQuestionRti(universe, substitutedBaseType, true);
- case 8:
- baseType = rti._primary;
- substitutedBaseType = A._substitute(universe, baseType, typeArguments, depth);
- if (substitutedBaseType === baseType)
- return rti;
- return A._Universe__lookupFutureOrRti(universe, substitutedBaseType, true);
- case 9:
- interfaceTypeArguments = rti._rest;
- substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments = A._substituteArray(universe, interfaceTypeArguments, typeArguments, depth);
- if (substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments === interfaceTypeArguments)
- return rti;
- return A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, rti._primary, substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments);
- case 10:
- base = rti._primary;
- substitutedBase = A._substitute(universe, base, typeArguments, depth);
- $arguments = rti._rest;
- substitutedArguments = A._substituteArray(universe, $arguments, typeArguments, depth);
- if (substitutedBase === base && substitutedArguments === $arguments)
- return rti;
- return A._Universe__lookupBindingRti(universe, substitutedBase, substitutedArguments);
- case 12:
- returnType = rti._primary;
- substitutedReturnType = A._substitute(universe, returnType, typeArguments, depth);
- functionParameters = rti._rest;
- substitutedFunctionParameters = A._substituteFunctionParameters(universe, functionParameters, typeArguments, depth);
- if (substitutedReturnType === returnType && substitutedFunctionParameters === functionParameters)
- return rti;
- return A._Universe__lookupFunctionRti(universe, substitutedReturnType, substitutedFunctionParameters);
- case 13:
- bounds = rti._rest;
- depth += bounds.length;
- substitutedBounds = A._substituteArray(universe, bounds, typeArguments, depth);
- base = rti._primary;
- substitutedBase = A._substitute(universe, base, typeArguments, depth);
- if (substitutedBounds === bounds && substitutedBase === base)
- return rti;
- return A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(universe, substitutedBase, substitutedBounds, true);
- case 14:
- index = rti._primary;
- if (index < depth)
- return rti;
- argument = typeArguments[index - depth];
- if (argument == null)
- return rti;
- return argument;
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Attempted to substitute unexpected RTI kind " + kind));
- }
- },
- _substituteArray(universe, rtiArray, typeArguments, depth) {
- var changed, i, rti, substitutedRti,
- $length = rtiArray.length,
- result = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length);
- for (changed = false, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- rti = rtiArray[i];
- substitutedRti = A._substitute(universe, rti, typeArguments, depth);
- if (substitutedRti !== rti)
- changed = true;
- result[i] = substitutedRti;
- }
- return changed ? result : rtiArray;
- },
- _substituteNamed(universe, namedArray, typeArguments, depth) {
- var changed, i, t1, t2, rti, substitutedRti,
- $length = namedArray.length,
- result = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length);
- for (changed = false, i = 0; i < $length; i += 3) {
- t1 = namedArray[i];
- t2 = namedArray[i + 1];
- rti = namedArray[i + 2];
- substitutedRti = A._substitute(universe, rti, typeArguments, depth);
- if (substitutedRti !== rti)
- changed = true;
- result.splice(i, 3, t1, t2, substitutedRti);
- }
- return changed ? result : namedArray;
- },
- _substituteFunctionParameters(universe, functionParameters, typeArguments, depth) {
- var result,
- requiredPositional = functionParameters._requiredPositional,
- substitutedRequiredPositional = A._substituteArray(universe, requiredPositional, typeArguments, depth),
- optionalPositional = functionParameters._optionalPositional,
- substitutedOptionalPositional = A._substituteArray(universe, optionalPositional, typeArguments, depth),
- named = functionParameters._named,
- substitutedNamed = A._substituteNamed(universe, named, typeArguments, depth);
- if (substitutedRequiredPositional === requiredPositional && substitutedOptionalPositional === optionalPositional && substitutedNamed === named)
- return functionParameters;
- result = new A._FunctionParameters();
- result._requiredPositional = substitutedRequiredPositional;
- result._optionalPositional = substitutedOptionalPositional;
- result._named = substitutedNamed;
- return result;
- },
- _setArrayType(target, rti) {
- target[init.arrayRti] = rti;
- return target;
- },
- closureFunctionType(closure) {
- var t1,
- signature = closure.$signature;
- if (signature != null) {
- if (typeof signature == "number")
- return A.getTypeFromTypesTable(signature);
- t1 = closure.$signature();
- return t1;
- }
- return null;
- },
- instanceOrFunctionType(object, testRti) {
- var rti;
- if (A.Rti__isUnionOfFunctionType(testRti))
- if (object instanceof A.Closure) {
- rti = A.closureFunctionType(object);
- if (rti != null)
- return rti;
- }
- return A.instanceType(object);
- },
- instanceType(object) {
- if (object instanceof A.Object)
- return A._instanceType(object);
- if (Array.isArray(object))
- return A._arrayInstanceType(object);
- return A._instanceTypeFromConstructor(J.getInterceptor$(object));
- },
- _arrayInstanceType(object) {
- var rti = object[init.arrayRti],
- defaultRti = type$.JSArray_dynamic;
- if (rti == null)
- return defaultRti;
- if (rti.constructor !== defaultRti.constructor)
- return defaultRti;
- return rti;
- },
- _instanceType(object) {
- var rti = object.$ti;
- return rti != null ? rti : A._instanceTypeFromConstructor(object);
- },
- _instanceTypeFromConstructor(instance) {
- var $constructor = instance.constructor,
- probe = $constructor.$ccache;
- if (probe != null)
- return probe;
- return A._instanceTypeFromConstructorMiss(instance, $constructor);
- },
- _instanceTypeFromConstructorMiss(instance, $constructor) {
- var effectiveConstructor = instance instanceof A.Closure ? instance.__proto__.__proto__.constructor : $constructor,
- rti = A._Universe_findErasedType(init.typeUniverse, effectiveConstructor.name);
- $constructor.$ccache = rti;
- return rti;
- },
- getTypeFromTypesTable(index) {
- var rti,
- table = init.types,
- type = table[index];
- if (typeof type == "string") {
- rti = A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, type, false);
- table[index] = rti;
- return rti;
- }
- return type;
- },
- getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(object) {
- return A.createRuntimeType(A._instanceType(object));
- },
- getRuntimeTypeOfClosure(closure) {
- var rti = A.closureFunctionType(closure);
- return A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(closure) : rti);
- },
- _structuralTypeOf(object) {
- var functionRti;
- if (type$.Record._is(object))
- return object._getRti$0();
- functionRti = object instanceof A.Closure ? A.closureFunctionType(object) : null;
- if (functionRti != null)
- return functionRti;
- if (type$.TrustedGetRuntimeType._is(object))
- return J.get$runtimeType$(object)._rti;
- if (Array.isArray(object))
- return A._arrayInstanceType(object);
- return A.instanceType(object);
- },
- createRuntimeType(rti) {
- var t1 = rti._cachedRuntimeType;
- return t1 == null ? rti._cachedRuntimeType = A._createRuntimeType(rti) : t1;
- },
- _createRuntimeType(rti) {
- var starErasedRti, t1,
- s = rti._canonicalRecipe,
- starErasedRecipe = s.replace(/\*/g, "");
- if (starErasedRecipe === s)
- return rti._cachedRuntimeType = new A._Type(rti);
- starErasedRti = A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, starErasedRecipe, true);
- t1 = starErasedRti._cachedRuntimeType;
- return t1 == null ? starErasedRti._cachedRuntimeType = A._createRuntimeType(starErasedRti) : t1;
- },
- evaluateRtiForRecord(recordRecipe, valuesList) {
- var bindings, i,
- values = valuesList,
- $length = values.length;
- if ($length === 0)
- return type$.Record_0;
- bindings = A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(init.typeUniverse, A._structuralTypeOf(values[0]), "@<0>");
- for (i = 1; i < $length; ++i)
- bindings = A._Universe_bind(init.typeUniverse, bindings, A._structuralTypeOf(values[i]));
- return A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(init.typeUniverse, bindings, recordRecipe);
- },
- typeLiteral(recipe) {
- return A.createRuntimeType(A._Universe_eval(init.typeUniverse, recipe, false));
- },
- _installSpecializedIsTest(object) {
- var t1, unstarred, isFn, $name, predicate, testRti = this;
- if (testRti === type$.Object)
- return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isObject);
- if (!A.isStrongTopType(testRti))
- if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Object))
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isTop);
- t1 = testRti._kind;
- if (t1 === 7)
- return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._generalNullableIsTestImplementation);
- if (t1 === 1)
- return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isNever);
- unstarred = t1 === 6 ? testRti._primary : testRti;
- t1 = unstarred._kind;
- if (t1 === 8)
- return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isFutureOr);
- if (unstarred === type$.int)
- isFn = A._isInt;
- else if (unstarred === type$.double || unstarred === type$.num)
- isFn = A._isNum;
- else if (unstarred === type$.String)
- isFn = A._isString;
- else
- isFn = unstarred === type$.bool ? A._isBool : null;
- if (isFn != null)
- return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, isFn);
- if (t1 === 9) {
- $name = unstarred._primary;
- if (unstarred._rest.every(A.isTopType)) {
- testRti._specializedTestResource = "$is" + $name;
- if ($name === "List")
- return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isListTestViaProperty);
- return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._isTestViaProperty);
- }
- } else if (t1 === 11) {
- predicate = A.createRecordTypePredicate(unstarred._primary, unstarred._rest);
- return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, predicate == null ? A._isNever : predicate);
- }
- return A._finishIsFn(testRti, object, A._generalIsTestImplementation);
- },
- _finishIsFn(testRti, object, isFn) {
- testRti._is = isFn;
- return testRti._is(object);
- },
- _installSpecializedAsCheck(object) {
- var t1, testRti = this,
- asFn = A._generalAsCheckImplementation;
- if (!A.isStrongTopType(testRti))
- if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Object))
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- asFn = A._asTop;
- else if (testRti === type$.Object)
- asFn = A._asObject;
- else {
- t1 = A.isNullable(testRti);
- if (t1)
- asFn = A._generalNullableAsCheckImplementation;
- }
- testRti._as = asFn;
- return testRti._as(object);
- },
- _nullIs(testRti) {
- var t1,
- kind = testRti._kind;
- if (!A.isStrongTopType(testRti))
- if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Object))
- if (!(testRti === type$.legacy_Never))
- if (kind !== 7)
- if (!(kind === 6 && A._nullIs(testRti._primary)))
- t1 = kind === 8 && A._nullIs(testRti._primary) || testRti === type$.Null || testRti === type$.JSNull;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- _generalIsTestImplementation(object) {
- var testRti = this;
- if (object == null)
- return A._nullIs(testRti);
- return A._isSubtype(init.typeUniverse, A.instanceOrFunctionType(object, testRti), null, testRti, null);
- },
- _generalNullableIsTestImplementation(object) {
- if (object == null)
- return true;
- return this._primary._is(object);
- },
- _isTestViaProperty(object) {
- var tag, testRti = this;
- if (object == null)
- return A._nullIs(testRti);
- tag = testRti._specializedTestResource;
- if (object instanceof A.Object)
- return !!object[tag];
- return !!J.getInterceptor$(object)[tag];
- },
- _isListTestViaProperty(object) {
- var tag, testRti = this;
- if (object == null)
- return A._nullIs(testRti);
- if (typeof object != "object")
- return false;
- if (Array.isArray(object))
- return true;
- tag = testRti._specializedTestResource;
- if (object instanceof A.Object)
- return !!object[tag];
- return !!J.getInterceptor$(object)[tag];
- },
- _generalAsCheckImplementation(object) {
- var t1, testRti = this;
- if (object == null) {
- t1 = A.isNullable(testRti);
- if (t1)
- return object;
- } else if (testRti._is(object))
- return object;
- A._failedAsCheck(object, testRti);
- },
- _generalNullableAsCheckImplementation(object) {
- var testRti = this;
- if (object == null)
- return object;
- else if (testRti._is(object))
- return object;
- A._failedAsCheck(object, testRti);
- },
- _failedAsCheck(object, testRti) {
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError$fromMessage(A._Error_compose(object, A._rtiToString(testRti, null))));
- },
- _Error_compose(object, checkedTypeDescription) {
- return A.Error_safeToString(object) + ": type '" + A._rtiToString(A._structuralTypeOf(object), null) + "' is not a subtype of type '" + checkedTypeDescription + "'";
- },
- _TypeError$fromMessage(message) {
- return new A._TypeError("TypeError: " + message);
- },
- _TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, type) {
- return new A._TypeError("TypeError: " + A._Error_compose(object, type));
- },
- _isFutureOr(object) {
- var testRti = this;
- return testRti._primary._is(object) || A.Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(init.typeUniverse, testRti)._is(object);
- },
- _isObject(object) {
- return object != null;
- },
- _asObject(object) {
- if (object != null)
- return object;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "Object"));
- },
- _isTop(object) {
- return true;
- },
- _asTop(object) {
- return object;
- },
- _isNever(object) {
- return false;
- },
- _isBool(object) {
- return true === object || false === object;
- },
- _asBool(object) {
- if (true === object)
- return true;
- if (false === object)
- return false;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "bool"));
- },
- _asBoolS(object) {
- if (true === object)
- return true;
- if (false === object)
- return false;
- if (object == null)
- return object;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "bool"));
- },
- _asBoolQ(object) {
- if (true === object)
- return true;
- if (false === object)
- return false;
- if (object == null)
- return object;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "bool?"));
- },
- _asDouble(object) {
- if (typeof object == "number")
- return object;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "double"));
- },
- _asDoubleS(object) {
- if (typeof object == "number")
- return object;
- if (object == null)
- return object;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "double"));
- },
- _asDoubleQ(object) {
- if (typeof object == "number")
- return object;
- if (object == null)
- return object;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "double?"));
- },
- _isInt(object) {
- return typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object;
- },
- _asInt(object) {
- if (typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object)
- return object;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "int"));
- },
- _asIntS(object) {
- if (typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object)
- return object;
- if (object == null)
- return object;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "int"));
- },
- _asIntQ(object) {
- if (typeof object == "number" && Math.floor(object) === object)
- return object;
- if (object == null)
- return object;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "int?"));
- },
- _isNum(object) {
- return typeof object == "number";
- },
- _asNum(object) {
- if (typeof object == "number")
- return object;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "num"));
- },
- _asNumS(object) {
- if (typeof object == "number")
- return object;
- if (object == null)
- return object;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "num"));
- },
- _asNumQ(object) {
- if (typeof object == "number")
- return object;
- if (object == null)
- return object;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "num?"));
- },
- _isString(object) {
- return typeof object == "string";
- },
- _asString(object) {
- if (typeof object == "string")
- return object;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "String"));
- },
- _asStringS(object) {
- if (typeof object == "string")
- return object;
- if (object == null)
- return object;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "String"));
- },
- _asStringQ(object) {
- if (typeof object == "string")
- return object;
- if (object == null)
- return object;
- throw A.wrapException(A._TypeError__TypeError$forType(object, "String?"));
- },
- _rtiArrayToString(array, genericContext) {
- var s, sep, i;
- for (s = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < array.length; ++i, sep = ", ")
- s += sep + A._rtiToString(array[i], genericContext);
- return s;
- },
- _recordRtiToString(recordType, genericContext) {
- var fieldCount, names, namesIndex, s, comma, i,
- partialShape = recordType._primary,
- fields = recordType._rest;
- if ("" === partialShape)
- return "(" + A._rtiArrayToString(fields, genericContext) + ")";
- fieldCount = fields.length;
- names = partialShape.split(",");
- namesIndex = names.length - fieldCount;
- for (s = "(", comma = "", i = 0; i < fieldCount; ++i, comma = ", ") {
- s += comma;
- if (namesIndex === 0)
- s += "{";
- s += A._rtiToString(fields[i], genericContext);
- if (namesIndex >= 0)
- s += " " + names[namesIndex];
- ++namesIndex;
- }
- return s + "})";
- },
- _functionRtiToString(functionType, genericContext, bounds) {
- var boundsLength, outerContextLength, offset, i, t1, t2, typeParametersText, typeSep, boundRti, kind, t3, parameters, requiredPositional, requiredPositionalLength, optionalPositional, optionalPositionalLength, named, namedLength, returnTypeText, argumentsText, sep, _s2_ = ", ";
- if (bounds != null) {
- boundsLength = bounds.length;
- if (genericContext == null) {
- genericContext = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- outerContextLength = null;
- } else
- outerContextLength = genericContext.length;
- offset = genericContext.length;
- for (i = boundsLength; i > 0; --i)
- genericContext.push("T" + (offset + i));
- for (t1 = type$.nullable_Object, t2 = type$.legacy_Object, typeParametersText = "<", typeSep = "", i = 0; i < boundsLength; ++i, typeSep = _s2_) {
- typeParametersText = B.JSString_methods.$add(typeParametersText + typeSep, genericContext[genericContext.length - 1 - i]);
- boundRti = bounds[i];
- kind = boundRti._kind;
- if (!(kind === 2 || kind === 3 || kind === 4 || kind === 5 || boundRti === t1))
- if (!(boundRti === t2))
- t3 = false;
- else
- t3 = true;
- else
- t3 = true;
- if (!t3)
- typeParametersText += " extends " + A._rtiToString(boundRti, genericContext);
- }
- typeParametersText += ">";
- } else {
- typeParametersText = "";
- outerContextLength = null;
- }
- t1 = functionType._primary;
- parameters = functionType._rest;
- requiredPositional = parameters._requiredPositional;
- requiredPositionalLength = requiredPositional.length;
- optionalPositional = parameters._optionalPositional;
- optionalPositionalLength = optionalPositional.length;
- named = parameters._named;
- namedLength = named.length;
- returnTypeText = A._rtiToString(t1, genericContext);
- for (argumentsText = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < requiredPositionalLength; ++i, sep = _s2_)
- argumentsText += sep + A._rtiToString(requiredPositional[i], genericContext);
- if (optionalPositionalLength > 0) {
- argumentsText += sep + "[";
- for (sep = "", i = 0; i < optionalPositionalLength; ++i, sep = _s2_)
- argumentsText += sep + A._rtiToString(optionalPositional[i], genericContext);
- argumentsText += "]";
- }
- if (namedLength > 0) {
- argumentsText += sep + "{";
- for (sep = "", i = 0; i < namedLength; i += 3, sep = _s2_) {
- argumentsText += sep;
- if (named[i + 1])
- argumentsText += "required ";
- argumentsText += A._rtiToString(named[i + 2], genericContext) + " " + named[i];
- }
- argumentsText += "}";
- }
- if (outerContextLength != null) {
- genericContext.toString;
- genericContext.length = outerContextLength;
- }
- return typeParametersText + "(" + argumentsText + ") => " + returnTypeText;
- },
- _rtiToString(rti, genericContext) {
- var s, questionArgument, argumentKind, $name, $arguments, t1,
- kind = rti._kind;
- if (kind === 5)
- return "erased";
- if (kind === 2)
- return "dynamic";
- if (kind === 3)
- return "void";
- if (kind === 1)
- return "Never";
- if (kind === 4)
- return "any";
- if (kind === 6) {
- s = A._rtiToString(rti._primary, genericContext);
- return s;
- }
- if (kind === 7) {
- questionArgument = rti._primary;
- s = A._rtiToString(questionArgument, genericContext);
- argumentKind = questionArgument._kind;
- return (argumentKind === 12 || argumentKind === 13 ? "(" + s + ")" : s) + "?";
- }
- if (kind === 8)
- return "FutureOr<" + A._rtiToString(rti._primary, genericContext) + ">";
- if (kind === 9) {
- $name = A._unminifyOrTag(rti._primary);
- $arguments = rti._rest;
- return $arguments.length > 0 ? $name + ("<" + A._rtiArrayToString($arguments, genericContext) + ">") : $name;
- }
- if (kind === 11)
- return A._recordRtiToString(rti, genericContext);
- if (kind === 12)
- return A._functionRtiToString(rti, genericContext, null);
- if (kind === 13)
- return A._functionRtiToString(rti._primary, genericContext, rti._rest);
- if (kind === 14) {
- t1 = rti._primary;
- return genericContext[genericContext.length - 1 - t1];
- }
- return "?";
- },
- _unminifyOrTag(rawClassName) {
- var preserved = init.mangledGlobalNames[rawClassName];
- if (preserved != null)
- return preserved;
- return rawClassName;
- },
- _Universe_findRule(universe, targetType) {
- var rule = universe.tR[targetType];
- for (; typeof rule == "string";)
- rule = universe.tR[rule];
- return rule;
- },
- _Universe_findErasedType(universe, cls) {
- var $length, erased, $arguments, i, $interface,
- t1 = universe.eT,
- probe = t1[cls];
- if (probe == null)
- return A._Universe_eval(universe, cls, false);
- else if (typeof probe == "number") {
- $length = probe;
- erased = A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(universe, 5, "#");
- $arguments = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length);
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- $arguments[i] = erased;
- $interface = A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, cls, $arguments);
- t1[cls] = $interface;
- return $interface;
- } else
- return probe;
- },
- _Universe_addRules(universe, rules) {
- return A._Utils_objectAssign(universe.tR, rules);
- },
- _Universe_addErasedTypes(universe, types) {
- return A._Utils_objectAssign(universe.eT, types);
- },
- _Universe_eval(universe, recipe, normalize) {
- var rti,
- t1 = universe.eC,
- probe = t1.get(recipe);
- if (probe != null)
- return probe;
- rti = A._Parser_parse(A._Parser_create(universe, null, recipe, normalize));
- t1.set(recipe, rti);
- return rti;
- },
- _Universe_evalInEnvironment(universe, environment, recipe) {
- var probe, rti,
- cache = environment._evalCache;
- if (cache == null)
- cache = environment._evalCache = new Map();
- probe = cache.get(recipe);
- if (probe != null)
- return probe;
- rti = A._Parser_parse(A._Parser_create(universe, environment, recipe, true));
- cache.set(recipe, rti);
- return rti;
- },
- _Universe_bind(universe, environment, argumentsRti) {
- var argumentsRecipe, probe, rti,
- cache = environment._bindCache;
- if (cache == null)
- cache = environment._bindCache = new Map();
- argumentsRecipe = argumentsRti._canonicalRecipe;
- probe = cache.get(argumentsRecipe);
- if (probe != null)
- return probe;
- rti = A._Universe__lookupBindingRti(universe, environment, argumentsRti._kind === 10 ? argumentsRti._rest : [argumentsRti]);
- cache.set(argumentsRecipe, rti);
- return rti;
- },
- _Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti) {
- rti._as = A._installSpecializedAsCheck;
- rti._is = A._installSpecializedIsTest;
- return rti;
- },
- _Universe__lookupTerminalRti(universe, kind, key) {
- var rti, t1,
- probe = universe.eC.get(key);
- if (probe != null)
- return probe;
- rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
- rti._kind = kind;
- rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
- t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
- universe.eC.set(key, t1);
- return t1;
- },
- _Universe__lookupStarRti(universe, baseType, normalize) {
- var t1,
- key = baseType._canonicalRecipe + "*",
- probe = universe.eC.get(key);
- if (probe != null)
- return probe;
- t1 = A._Universe__createStarRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize);
- universe.eC.set(key, t1);
- return t1;
- },
- _Universe__createStarRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize) {
- var baseKind, t1, rti;
- if (normalize) {
- baseKind = baseType._kind;
- if (!A.isStrongTopType(baseType))
- t1 = baseType === type$.Null || baseType === type$.JSNull || baseKind === 7 || baseKind === 6;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return baseType;
- }
- rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
- rti._kind = 6;
- rti._primary = baseType;
- rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
- return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
- },
- _Universe__lookupQuestionRti(universe, baseType, normalize) {
- var t1,
- key = baseType._canonicalRecipe + "?",
- probe = universe.eC.get(key);
- if (probe != null)
- return probe;
- t1 = A._Universe__createQuestionRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize);
- universe.eC.set(key, t1);
- return t1;
- },
- _Universe__createQuestionRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize) {
- var baseKind, t1, starArgument, rti;
- if (normalize) {
- baseKind = baseType._kind;
- if (!A.isStrongTopType(baseType))
- if (!(baseType === type$.Null || baseType === type$.JSNull))
- if (baseKind !== 7)
- t1 = baseKind === 8 && A.isNullable(baseType._primary);
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return baseType;
- else if (baseKind === 1 || baseType === type$.legacy_Never)
- return type$.Null;
- else if (baseKind === 6) {
- starArgument = baseType._primary;
- if (starArgument._kind === 8 && A.isNullable(starArgument._primary))
- return starArgument;
- else
- return A.Rti__getQuestionFromStar(universe, baseType);
- }
- }
- rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
- rti._kind = 7;
- rti._primary = baseType;
- rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
- return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
- },
- _Universe__lookupFutureOrRti(universe, baseType, normalize) {
- var t1,
- key = baseType._canonicalRecipe + "/",
- probe = universe.eC.get(key);
- if (probe != null)
- return probe;
- t1 = A._Universe__createFutureOrRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize);
- universe.eC.set(key, t1);
- return t1;
- },
- _Universe__createFutureOrRti(universe, baseType, key, normalize) {
- var t1, t2, rti;
- if (normalize) {
- t1 = baseType._kind;
- if (!A.isStrongTopType(baseType))
- if (!(baseType === type$.legacy_Object))
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2 || baseType === type$.Object)
- return baseType;
- else if (t1 === 1)
- return A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, "Future", [baseType]);
- else if (baseType === type$.Null || baseType === type$.JSNull)
- return type$.nullable_Future_Null;
- }
- rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
- rti._kind = 8;
- rti._primary = baseType;
- rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
- return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
- },
- _Universe__lookupGenericFunctionParameterRti(universe, index) {
- var rti, t1,
- key = "" + index + "^",
- probe = universe.eC.get(key);
- if (probe != null)
- return probe;
- rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
- rti._kind = 14;
- rti._primary = index;
- rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
- t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
- universe.eC.set(key, t1);
- return t1;
- },
- _Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin($arguments) {
- var s, sep, i,
- $length = $arguments.length;
- for (s = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < $length; ++i, sep = ",")
- s += sep + $arguments[i]._canonicalRecipe;
- return s;
- },
- _Universe__canonicalRecipeJoinNamed($arguments) {
- var s, sep, i, t1, nameSep,
- $length = $arguments.length;
- for (s = "", sep = "", i = 0; i < $length; i += 3, sep = ",") {
- t1 = $arguments[i];
- nameSep = $arguments[i + 1] ? "!" : ":";
- s += sep + t1 + nameSep + $arguments[i + 2]._canonicalRecipe;
- }
- return s;
- },
- _Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, $name, $arguments) {
- var probe, rti, t1,
- s = $name;
- if ($arguments.length > 0)
- s += "<" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin($arguments) + ">";
- probe = universe.eC.get(s);
- if (probe != null)
- return probe;
- rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
- rti._kind = 9;
- rti._primary = $name;
- rti._rest = $arguments;
- if ($arguments.length > 0)
- rti._precomputed1 = $arguments[0];
- rti._canonicalRecipe = s;
- t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
- universe.eC.set(s, t1);
- return t1;
- },
- _Universe__lookupBindingRti(universe, base, $arguments) {
- var newBase, newArguments, key, probe, rti, t1;
- if (base._kind === 10) {
- newBase = base._primary;
- newArguments = base._rest.concat($arguments);
- } else {
- newArguments = $arguments;
- newBase = base;
- }
- key = newBase._canonicalRecipe + (";<" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(newArguments) + ">");
- probe = universe.eC.get(key);
- if (probe != null)
- return probe;
- rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
- rti._kind = 10;
- rti._primary = newBase;
- rti._rest = newArguments;
- rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
- t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
- universe.eC.set(key, t1);
- return t1;
- },
- _Universe__lookupRecordRti(universe, partialShapeTag, fields) {
- var rti, t1,
- key = "+" + (partialShapeTag + "(" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(fields) + ")"),
- probe = universe.eC.get(key);
- if (probe != null)
- return probe;
- rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
- rti._kind = 11;
- rti._primary = partialShapeTag;
- rti._rest = fields;
- rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
- t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
- universe.eC.set(key, t1);
- return t1;
- },
- _Universe__lookupFunctionRti(universe, returnType, parameters) {
- var sep, key, probe, rti, t1,
- s = returnType._canonicalRecipe,
- requiredPositional = parameters._requiredPositional,
- requiredPositionalLength = requiredPositional.length,
- optionalPositional = parameters._optionalPositional,
- optionalPositionalLength = optionalPositional.length,
- named = parameters._named,
- namedLength = named.length,
- recipe = "(" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(requiredPositional);
- if (optionalPositionalLength > 0) {
- sep = requiredPositionalLength > 0 ? "," : "";
- recipe += sep + "[" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(optionalPositional) + "]";
- }
- if (namedLength > 0) {
- sep = requiredPositionalLength > 0 ? "," : "";
- recipe += sep + "{" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoinNamed(named) + "}";
- }
- key = s + (recipe + ")");
- probe = universe.eC.get(key);
- if (probe != null)
- return probe;
- rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
- rti._kind = 12;
- rti._primary = returnType;
- rti._rest = parameters;
- rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
- t1 = A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
- universe.eC.set(key, t1);
- return t1;
- },
- _Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(universe, baseFunctionType, bounds, normalize) {
- var t1,
- key = baseFunctionType._canonicalRecipe + ("<" + A._Universe__canonicalRecipeJoin(bounds) + ">"),
- probe = universe.eC.get(key);
- if (probe != null)
- return probe;
- t1 = A._Universe__createGenericFunctionRti(universe, baseFunctionType, bounds, key, normalize);
- universe.eC.set(key, t1);
- return t1;
- },
- _Universe__createGenericFunctionRti(universe, baseFunctionType, bounds, key, normalize) {
- var $length, typeArguments, count, i, bound, substitutedBase, substitutedBounds, rti;
- if (normalize) {
- $length = bounds.length;
- typeArguments = A._Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length);
- for (count = 0, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- bound = bounds[i];
- if (bound._kind === 1) {
- typeArguments[i] = bound;
- ++count;
- }
- }
- if (count > 0) {
- substitutedBase = A._substitute(universe, baseFunctionType, typeArguments, 0);
- substitutedBounds = A._substituteArray(universe, bounds, typeArguments, 0);
- return A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(universe, substitutedBase, substitutedBounds, bounds !== substitutedBounds);
- }
- }
- rti = new A.Rti(null, null);
- rti._kind = 13;
- rti._primary = baseFunctionType;
- rti._rest = bounds;
- rti._canonicalRecipe = key;
- return A._Universe__installTypeTests(universe, rti);
- },
- _Parser_create(universe, environment, recipe, normalize) {
- return {u: universe, e: environment, r: recipe, s: [], p: 0, n: normalize};
- },
- _Parser_parse(parser) {
- var t2, i, ch, t3, array, end, item,
- source = parser.r,
- t1 = parser.s;
- for (t2 = source.length, i = 0; i < t2;) {
- ch = source.charCodeAt(i);
- if (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57)
- i = A._Parser_handleDigit(i + 1, ch, source, t1);
- else if ((((ch | 32) >>> 0) - 97 & 65535) < 26 || ch === 95 || ch === 36 || ch === 124)
- i = A._Parser_handleIdentifier(parser, i, source, t1, false);
- else if (ch === 46)
- i = A._Parser_handleIdentifier(parser, i, source, t1, true);
- else {
- ++i;
- switch (ch) {
- case 44:
- break;
- case 58:
- t1.push(false);
- break;
- case 33:
- t1.push(true);
- break;
- case 59:
- t1.push(A._Parser_toType(parser.u, parser.e, t1.pop()));
- break;
- case 94:
- t1.push(A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionParameterRti(parser.u, t1.pop()));
- break;
- case 35:
- t1.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 5, "#"));
- break;
- case 64:
- t1.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 2, "@"));
- break;
- case 126:
- t1.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 3, "~"));
- break;
- case 60:
- t1.push(parser.p);
- parser.p = t1.length;
- break;
- case 62:
- A._Parser_handleTypeArguments(parser, t1);
- break;
- case 38:
- A._Parser_handleExtendedOperations(parser, t1);
- break;
- case 42:
- t3 = parser.u;
- t1.push(A._Universe__lookupStarRti(t3, A._Parser_toType(t3, parser.e, t1.pop()), parser.n));
- break;
- case 63:
- t3 = parser.u;
- t1.push(A._Universe__lookupQuestionRti(t3, A._Parser_toType(t3, parser.e, t1.pop()), parser.n));
- break;
- case 47:
- t3 = parser.u;
- t1.push(A._Universe__lookupFutureOrRti(t3, A._Parser_toType(t3, parser.e, t1.pop()), parser.n));
- break;
- case 40:
- t1.push(-3);
- t1.push(parser.p);
- parser.p = t1.length;
- break;
- case 41:
- A._Parser_handleArguments(parser, t1);
- break;
- case 91:
- t1.push(parser.p);
- parser.p = t1.length;
- break;
- case 93:
- array = t1.splice(parser.p);
- A._Parser_toTypes(parser.u, parser.e, array);
- parser.p = t1.pop();
- t1.push(array);
- t1.push(-1);
- break;
- case 123:
- t1.push(parser.p);
- parser.p = t1.length;
- break;
- case 125:
- array = t1.splice(parser.p);
- A._Parser_toTypesNamed(parser.u, parser.e, array);
- parser.p = t1.pop();
- t1.push(array);
- t1.push(-2);
- break;
- case 43:
- end = source.indexOf("(", i);
- t1.push(source.substring(i, end));
- t1.push(-4);
- t1.push(parser.p);
- parser.p = t1.length;
- i = end + 1;
- break;
- default:
- throw "Bad character " + ch;
- }
- }
- }
- item = t1.pop();
- return A._Parser_toType(parser.u, parser.e, item);
- },
- _Parser_handleDigit(i, digit, source, stack) {
- var t1, ch,
- value = digit - 48;
- for (t1 = source.length; i < t1; ++i) {
- ch = source.charCodeAt(i);
- if (!(ch >= 48 && ch <= 57))
- break;
- value = value * 10 + (ch - 48);
- }
- stack.push(value);
- return i;
- },
- _Parser_handleIdentifier(parser, start, source, stack, hasPeriod) {
- var t1, ch, t2, string, environment, recipe,
- i = start + 1;
- for (t1 = source.length; i < t1; ++i) {
- ch = source.charCodeAt(i);
- if (ch === 46) {
- if (hasPeriod)
- break;
- hasPeriod = true;
- } else {
- if (!((((ch | 32) >>> 0) - 97 & 65535) < 26 || ch === 95 || ch === 36 || ch === 124))
- t2 = ch >= 48 && ch <= 57;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (!t2)
- break;
- }
- }
- string = source.substring(start, i);
- if (hasPeriod) {
- t1 = parser.u;
- environment = parser.e;
- if (environment._kind === 10)
- environment = environment._primary;
- recipe = A._Universe_findRule(t1, environment._primary)[string];
- if (recipe == null)
- A.throwExpression('No "' + string + '" in "' + A.Rti__getCanonicalRecipe(environment) + '"');
- stack.push(A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(t1, environment, recipe));
- } else
- stack.push(string);
- return i;
- },
- _Parser_handleTypeArguments(parser, stack) {
- var base,
- t1 = parser.u,
- $arguments = A._Parser_collectArray(parser, stack),
- head = stack.pop();
- if (typeof head == "string")
- stack.push(A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(t1, head, $arguments));
- else {
- base = A._Parser_toType(t1, parser.e, head);
- switch (base._kind) {
- case 12:
- stack.push(A._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(t1, base, $arguments, parser.n));
- break;
- default:
- stack.push(A._Universe__lookupBindingRti(t1, base, $arguments));
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- _Parser_handleArguments(parser, stack) {
- var optionalPositional, named, requiredPositional, returnType, parameters, _null = null,
- t1 = parser.u,
- head = stack.pop();
- if (typeof head == "number")
- switch (head) {
- case -1:
- optionalPositional = stack.pop();
- named = _null;
- break;
- case -2:
- named = stack.pop();
- optionalPositional = _null;
- break;
- default:
- stack.push(head);
- named = _null;
- optionalPositional = named;
- break;
- }
- else {
- stack.push(head);
- named = _null;
- optionalPositional = named;
- }
- requiredPositional = A._Parser_collectArray(parser, stack);
- head = stack.pop();
- switch (head) {
- case -3:
- head = stack.pop();
- if (optionalPositional == null)
- optionalPositional = t1.sEA;
- if (named == null)
- named = t1.sEA;
- returnType = A._Parser_toType(t1, parser.e, head);
- parameters = new A._FunctionParameters();
- parameters._requiredPositional = requiredPositional;
- parameters._optionalPositional = optionalPositional;
- parameters._named = named;
- stack.push(A._Universe__lookupFunctionRti(t1, returnType, parameters));
- return;
- case -4:
- stack.push(A._Universe__lookupRecordRti(t1, stack.pop(), requiredPositional));
- return;
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Unexpected state under `()`: " + A.S(head)));
- }
- },
- _Parser_handleExtendedOperations(parser, stack) {
- var $top = stack.pop();
- if (0 === $top) {
- stack.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 1, "0&"));
- return;
- }
- if (1 === $top) {
- stack.push(A._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(parser.u, 4, "1&"));
- return;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Unexpected extended operation " + A.S($top)));
- },
- _Parser_collectArray(parser, stack) {
- var array = stack.splice(parser.p);
- A._Parser_toTypes(parser.u, parser.e, array);
- parser.p = stack.pop();
- return array;
- },
- _Parser_toType(universe, environment, item) {
- if (typeof item == "string")
- return A._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, item, universe.sEA);
- else if (typeof item == "number") {
- environment.toString;
- return A._Parser_indexToType(universe, environment, item);
- } else
- return item;
- },
- _Parser_toTypes(universe, environment, items) {
- var i,
- $length = items.length;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- items[i] = A._Parser_toType(universe, environment, items[i]);
- },
- _Parser_toTypesNamed(universe, environment, items) {
- var i,
- $length = items.length;
- for (i = 2; i < $length; i += 3)
- items[i] = A._Parser_toType(universe, environment, items[i]);
- },
- _Parser_indexToType(universe, environment, index) {
- var typeArguments, len,
- kind = environment._kind;
- if (kind === 10) {
- if (index === 0)
- return environment._primary;
- typeArguments = environment._rest;
- len = typeArguments.length;
- if (index <= len)
- return typeArguments[index - 1];
- index -= len;
- environment = environment._primary;
- kind = environment._kind;
- } else if (index === 0)
- return environment;
- if (kind !== 9)
- throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Indexed base must be an interface type"));
- typeArguments = environment._rest;
- if (index <= typeArguments.length)
- return typeArguments[index - 1];
- throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Bad index " + index + " for " + environment.toString$0(0)));
- },
- _isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv) {
- var t1, sKind, leftTypeVariable, tKind, t2, sBounds, tBounds, sLength, i, sBound, tBound;
- if (s === t)
- return true;
- if (!A.isStrongTopType(t))
- if (!(t === type$.legacy_Object))
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return true;
- sKind = s._kind;
- if (sKind === 4)
- return true;
- if (A.isStrongTopType(s))
- return false;
- if (s._kind !== 1)
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return true;
- leftTypeVariable = sKind === 14;
- if (leftTypeVariable)
- if (A._isSubtype(universe, sEnv[s._primary], sEnv, t, tEnv))
- return true;
- tKind = t._kind;
- t1 = s === type$.Null || s === type$.JSNull;
- if (t1) {
- if (tKind === 8)
- return A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv);
- return t === type$.Null || t === type$.JSNull || tKind === 7 || tKind === 6;
- }
- if (t === type$.Object) {
- if (sKind === 8)
- return A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv);
- if (sKind === 6)
- return A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv);
- return sKind !== 7;
- }
- if (sKind === 6)
- return A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv);
- if (tKind === 6) {
- t1 = A.Rti__getQuestionFromStar(universe, t);
- return A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t1, tEnv);
- }
- if (sKind === 8) {
- if (!A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv))
- return false;
- return A._isSubtype(universe, A.Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(universe, s), sEnv, t, tEnv);
- }
- if (sKind === 7) {
- t1 = A._isSubtype(universe, type$.Null, sEnv, t, tEnv);
- return t1 && A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t, tEnv);
- }
- if (tKind === 8) {
- if (A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv))
- return true;
- return A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, A.Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(universe, t), tEnv);
- }
- if (tKind === 7) {
- t1 = A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, type$.Null, tEnv);
- return t1 || A._isSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv);
- }
- if (leftTypeVariable)
- return false;
- t1 = sKind !== 12;
- if ((!t1 || sKind === 13) && t === type$.Function)
- return true;
- t2 = sKind === 11;
- if (t2 && t === type$.Record)
- return true;
- if (tKind === 13) {
- if (s === type$.JavaScriptFunction)
- return true;
- if (sKind !== 13)
- return false;
- sBounds = s._rest;
- tBounds = t._rest;
- sLength = sBounds.length;
- if (sLength !== tBounds.length)
- return false;
- sEnv = sEnv == null ? sBounds : sBounds.concat(sEnv);
- tEnv = tEnv == null ? tBounds : tBounds.concat(tEnv);
- for (i = 0; i < sLength; ++i) {
- sBound = sBounds[i];
- tBound = tBounds[i];
- if (!A._isSubtype(universe, sBound, sEnv, tBound, tEnv) || !A._isSubtype(universe, tBound, tEnv, sBound, sEnv))
- return false;
- }
- return A._isFunctionSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv);
- }
- if (tKind === 12) {
- if (s === type$.JavaScriptFunction)
- return true;
- if (t1)
- return false;
- return A._isFunctionSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv);
- }
- if (sKind === 9) {
- if (tKind !== 9)
- return false;
- return A._isInterfaceSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv);
- }
- if (t2 && tKind === 11)
- return A._isRecordSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv);
- return false;
- },
- _isFunctionSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv) {
- var sParameters, tParameters, sRequiredPositional, tRequiredPositional, sRequiredPositionalLength, tRequiredPositionalLength, requiredPositionalDelta, sOptionalPositional, tOptionalPositional, sOptionalPositionalLength, tOptionalPositionalLength, i, t1, sNamed, tNamed, sNamedLength, tNamedLength, sIndex, tIndex, tName, sName, sIsRequired;
- if (!A._isSubtype(universe, s._primary, sEnv, t._primary, tEnv))
- return false;
- sParameters = s._rest;
- tParameters = t._rest;
- sRequiredPositional = sParameters._requiredPositional;
- tRequiredPositional = tParameters._requiredPositional;
- sRequiredPositionalLength = sRequiredPositional.length;
- tRequiredPositionalLength = tRequiredPositional.length;
- if (sRequiredPositionalLength > tRequiredPositionalLength)
- return false;
- requiredPositionalDelta = tRequiredPositionalLength - sRequiredPositionalLength;
- sOptionalPositional = sParameters._optionalPositional;
- tOptionalPositional = tParameters._optionalPositional;
- sOptionalPositionalLength = sOptionalPositional.length;
- tOptionalPositionalLength = tOptionalPositional.length;
- if (sRequiredPositionalLength + sOptionalPositionalLength < tRequiredPositionalLength + tOptionalPositionalLength)
- return false;
- for (i = 0; i < sRequiredPositionalLength; ++i) {
- t1 = sRequiredPositional[i];
- if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tRequiredPositional[i], tEnv, t1, sEnv))
- return false;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < requiredPositionalDelta; ++i) {
- t1 = sOptionalPositional[i];
- if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tRequiredPositional[sRequiredPositionalLength + i], tEnv, t1, sEnv))
- return false;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < tOptionalPositionalLength; ++i) {
- t1 = sOptionalPositional[requiredPositionalDelta + i];
- if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tOptionalPositional[i], tEnv, t1, sEnv))
- return false;
- }
- sNamed = sParameters._named;
- tNamed = tParameters._named;
- sNamedLength = sNamed.length;
- tNamedLength = tNamed.length;
- for (sIndex = 0, tIndex = 0; tIndex < tNamedLength; tIndex += 3) {
- tName = tNamed[tIndex];
- for (; true;) {
- if (sIndex >= sNamedLength)
- return false;
- sName = sNamed[sIndex];
- sIndex += 3;
- if (tName < sName)
- return false;
- sIsRequired = sNamed[sIndex - 2];
- if (sName < tName) {
- if (sIsRequired)
- return false;
- continue;
- }
- t1 = tNamed[tIndex + 1];
- if (sIsRequired && !t1)
- return false;
- t1 = sNamed[sIndex - 1];
- if (!A._isSubtype(universe, tNamed[tIndex + 2], tEnv, t1, sEnv))
- return false;
- break;
- }
- }
- for (; sIndex < sNamedLength;) {
- if (sNamed[sIndex + 1])
- return false;
- sIndex += 3;
- }
- return true;
- },
- _isInterfaceSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv) {
- var rule, recipes, $length, supertypeArgs, i, t1, t2,
- sName = s._primary,
- tName = t._primary;
- for (; sName !== tName;) {
- rule = universe.tR[sName];
- if (rule == null)
- return false;
- if (typeof rule == "string") {
- sName = rule;
- continue;
- }
- recipes = rule[tName];
- if (recipes == null)
- return false;
- $length = recipes.length;
- supertypeArgs = $length > 0 ? new Array($length) : init.typeUniverse.sEA;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- supertypeArgs[i] = A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(universe, s, recipes[i]);
- return A._areArgumentsSubtypes(universe, supertypeArgs, null, sEnv, t._rest, tEnv);
- }
- t1 = s._rest;
- t2 = t._rest;
- return A._areArgumentsSubtypes(universe, t1, null, sEnv, t2, tEnv);
- },
- _areArgumentsSubtypes(universe, sArgs, sVariances, sEnv, tArgs, tEnv) {
- var i, t1, t2,
- $length = sArgs.length;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- t1 = sArgs[i];
- t2 = tArgs[i];
- if (!A._isSubtype(universe, t1, sEnv, t2, tEnv))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- _isRecordSubtype(universe, s, sEnv, t, tEnv) {
- var i,
- sFields = s._rest,
- tFields = t._rest,
- sCount = sFields.length;
- if (sCount !== tFields.length)
- return false;
- if (s._primary !== t._primary)
- return false;
- for (i = 0; i < sCount; ++i)
- if (!A._isSubtype(universe, sFields[i], sEnv, tFields[i], tEnv))
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- isNullable(t) {
- var t1,
- kind = t._kind;
- if (!(t === type$.Null || t === type$.JSNull))
- if (!A.isStrongTopType(t))
- if (kind !== 7)
- if (!(kind === 6 && A.isNullable(t._primary)))
- t1 = kind === 8 && A.isNullable(t._primary);
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- isTopType(t) {
- var t1;
- if (!A.isStrongTopType(t))
- if (!(t === type$.legacy_Object))
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- isStrongTopType(t) {
- var kind = t._kind;
- return kind === 2 || kind === 3 || kind === 4 || kind === 5 || t === type$.nullable_Object;
- },
- _Utils_objectAssign(o, other) {
- var i, key,
- keys = Object.keys(other),
- $length = keys.length;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- key = keys[i];
- o[key] = other[key];
- }
- },
- _Utils_newArrayOrEmpty($length) {
- return $length > 0 ? new Array($length) : init.typeUniverse.sEA;
- },
- Rti: function Rti(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._as = t0;
- _._is = t1;
- _._cachedRuntimeType = _._specializedTestResource = _._precomputed1 = null;
- _._kind = 0;
- _._canonicalRecipe = _._bindCache = _._evalCache = _._rest = _._primary = null;
- },
- _FunctionParameters: function _FunctionParameters() {
- this._named = this._optionalPositional = this._requiredPositional = null;
- },
- _Type: function _Type(t0) {
- this._rti = t0;
- },
- _Error: function _Error() {
- },
- _TypeError: function _TypeError(t0) {
- this.__rti$_message = t0;
- },
- heuristicMapper(code, key) {
- var charCode, t1;
- if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(code, "Digit"))
- return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(code, 5);
- charCode = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(key, 0);
- if (key.length <= 1)
- t1 = !(charCode >= 32 && charCode <= 127);
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = B.Map_skkUy.$index(0, code);
- return t1 == null ? null : B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1, 0);
- }
- if (!(charCode >= $.$get$_kLowerA() && charCode <= $.$get$_kLowerZ()))
- t1 = charCode >= $.$get$_kUpperA() && charCode <= $.$get$_kUpperZ();
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(key.toLowerCase(), 0);
- return null;
- },
- _StringStream$(_data) {
- var t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.String);
- t1.addEntries$1(t1, B.Map_skkUy.get$entries(B.Map_skkUy).map$1$1(0, new A._StringStream__goalToEventCode_closure(), type$.MapEntry_int_String));
- return new A._StringStream(_data, t1);
- },
- _unmarshallCodeMap(stream) {
- var t2, i, t3, t4, result,
- entryNum = stream.readIntAsVerbatim$0(),
- t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.int);
- for (t2 = stream._data, i = 0; i < entryNum; ++i) {
- t3 = stream.readEventKey$0();
- t4 = stream.__web_locale_keymap$_offset;
- result = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t2, t4);
- stream.__web_locale_keymap$_offset = t4 + 1;
- t1.$indexSet(0, t3, result);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- unmarshallMappingData(compressed) {
- var t2, t3, i, t4, charCode,
- stream = A._StringStream$(compressed),
- eventCodeNum = stream.readIntAsVerbatim$0(),
- t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.Map_String_int);
- for (t2 = stream._data, t3 = stream._goalToEventCode, i = 0; i < eventCodeNum; ++i) {
- t4 = stream.__web_locale_keymap$_offset;
- charCode = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t2, t4);
- stream.__web_locale_keymap$_offset = t4 + 1;
- t4 = t3.$index(0, charCode);
- t4.toString;
- t1.$indexSet(0, t4, A._unmarshallCodeMap(stream));
- }
- return t1;
- },
- _characterToLogicalKey(key) {
- if (key == null || key.length >= 2)
- return null;
- return B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(key.toLowerCase(), 0);
- },
- _StringStream: function _StringStream(t0, t1) {
- this._data = t0;
- this._goalToEventCode = t1;
- this.__web_locale_keymap$_offset = 0;
- },
- _StringStream__goalToEventCode_closure: function _StringStream__goalToEventCode_closure() {
- },
- LocaleKeymap: function LocaleKeymap(t0) {
- this.__web_locale_keymap$_mapping = t0;
- },
- LineCharProperty: function LineCharProperty(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- WordCharProperty: function WordCharProperty(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate() {
- var div, span, t1 = {};
- if (self.scheduleImmediate != null)
- return A.async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride$closure();
- if (self.MutationObserver != null && self.document != null) {
- div = self.document.createElement("div");
- span = self.document.createElement("span");
- t1.storedCallback = null;
- new self.MutationObserver(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback(t1), 1)).observe(div, {childList: true});
- return new A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure(t1, div, span);
- } else if (self.setImmediate != null)
- return A.async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate$closure();
- return A.async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer$closure();
- },
- _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride(callback) {
- self.scheduleImmediate(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback(callback), 0));
- },
- _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate(callback) {
- self.setImmediate(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback(callback), 0));
- },
- _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer(callback) {
- A.Timer__createTimer(B.Duration_0, callback);
- },
- Timer__createTimer(duration, callback) {
- var milliseconds = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(duration._duration, 1000);
- return A._TimerImpl$(milliseconds < 0 ? 0 : milliseconds, callback);
- },
- Timer__createPeriodicTimer(duration, callback) {
- var milliseconds = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(duration._duration, 1000);
- return A._TimerImpl$periodic(milliseconds < 0 ? 0 : milliseconds, callback);
- },
- _TimerImpl$(milliseconds, callback) {
- var t1 = new A._TimerImpl(true);
- t1._TimerImpl$2(milliseconds, callback);
- return t1;
- },
- _TimerImpl$periodic(milliseconds, callback) {
- var t1 = new A._TimerImpl(false);
- t1._TimerImpl$periodic$2(milliseconds, callback);
- return t1;
- },
- _makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($T) {
- return new A._AsyncAwaitCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncAwaitCompleter<0>"));
- },
- _asyncStartSync(bodyFunction, completer) {
- bodyFunction.call$2(0, null);
- completer.isSync = true;
- return completer._future;
- },
- _asyncAwait(object, bodyFunction) {
- A._awaitOnObject(object, bodyFunction);
- },
- _asyncReturn(object, completer) {
- completer.complete$1(0, object);
- },
- _asyncRethrow(object, completer) {
- completer.completeError$2(A.unwrapException(object), A.getTraceFromException(object));
- },
- _awaitOnObject(object, bodyFunction) {
- var t1, future,
- thenCallback = new A._awaitOnObject_closure(bodyFunction),
- errorCallback = new A._awaitOnObject_closure0(bodyFunction);
- if (object instanceof A._Future)
- object._thenAwait$1$2(thenCallback, errorCallback, type$.dynamic);
- else {
- t1 = type$.dynamic;
- if (type$.Future_dynamic._is(object))
- object.then$1$2$onError(0, thenCallback, errorCallback, t1);
- else {
- future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_dynamic);
- future._state = 8;
- future._resultOrListeners = object;
- future._thenAwait$1$2(thenCallback, errorCallback, t1);
- }
- }
- },
- _wrapJsFunctionForAsync($function) {
- var $protected = function(fn, ERROR) {
- return function(errorCode, result) {
- while (true)
- try {
- fn(errorCode, result);
- break;
- } catch (error) {
- result = error;
- errorCode = ERROR;
- }
- };
- }($function, 1);
- return $.Zone__current.registerBinaryCallback$1(new A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure($protected));
- },
- _asyncStarHelper(object, bodyFunctionOrErrorCode, controller) {
- var t1, t2, t3, stream;
- if (bodyFunctionOrErrorCode === 0) {
- t1 = controller.cancelationFuture;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1._completeWithValue$1(null);
- else {
- t1 = controller.___AsyncStarStreamController_controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.close$0(0);
- }
- return;
- } else if (bodyFunctionOrErrorCode === 1) {
- t1 = controller.cancelationFuture;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1._completeError$2(A.unwrapException(object), A.getTraceFromException(object));
- else {
- t1 = A.unwrapException(object);
- t2 = A.getTraceFromException(object);
- t3 = controller.___AsyncStarStreamController_controller_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3.addError$2(t1, t2);
- controller.___AsyncStarStreamController_controller_A.close$0(0);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (object instanceof A._IterationMarker) {
- if (controller.cancelationFuture != null) {
- bodyFunctionOrErrorCode.call$2(2, null);
- return;
- }
- t1 = object.state;
- if (t1 === 0) {
- t1 = object.value;
- t2 = controller.___AsyncStarStreamController_controller_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.add$1(0, t1);
- A.scheduleMicrotask(new A._asyncStarHelper_closure(controller, bodyFunctionOrErrorCode));
- return;
- } else if (t1 === 1) {
- stream = object.value;
- t1 = controller.___AsyncStarStreamController_controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.addStream$2$cancelOnError(0, stream, false).then$1$1(0, new A._asyncStarHelper_closure0(controller, bodyFunctionOrErrorCode), type$.Null);
- return;
- }
- }
- A._awaitOnObject(object, bodyFunctionOrErrorCode);
- },
- _streamOfController(controller) {
- var t1 = controller.___AsyncStarStreamController_controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return new A._ControllerStream(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>"));
- },
- _AsyncStarStreamController$(body, $T) {
- var t1 = new A._AsyncStarStreamController($T._eval$1("_AsyncStarStreamController<0>"));
- t1._AsyncStarStreamController$1(body, $T);
- return t1;
- },
- _makeAsyncStarStreamController(body, $T) {
- return A._AsyncStarStreamController$(body, $T);
- },
- _IterationMarker_yieldStar(values) {
- return new A._IterationMarker(values, 1);
- },
- _IterationMarker_endOfIteration() {
- return B._IterationMarker_null_2;
- },
- _IterationMarker_yieldSingle(value) {
- return new A._IterationMarker(value, 0);
- },
- _IterationMarker_uncaughtError(error) {
- return new A._IterationMarker(error, 3);
- },
- _makeSyncStarIterable(body, $T) {
- return new A._SyncStarIterable(body, $T._eval$1("_SyncStarIterable<0>"));
- },
- AsyncError$(error, stackTrace) {
- var t1 = A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
- return new A.AsyncError(t1, stackTrace == null ? A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error) : stackTrace);
- },
- AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error) {
- var stackTrace;
- if (type$.Error._is(error)) {
- stackTrace = error.get$stackTrace();
- if (stackTrace != null)
- return stackTrace;
- }
- return B.C__StringStackTrace;
- },
- Future_Future(computation, $T) {
- var result = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
- A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_0, new A.Future_Future_closure(result, computation));
- return result;
- },
- Future_Future$value(value, $T) {
- var t1 = value == null ? $T._as(value) : value,
- t2 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
- t2._asyncComplete$1(t1);
- return t2;
- },
- Future_Future$error(error, stackTrace, $T) {
- var t1;
- A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
- $.Zone__current !== B.C__RootZone;
- if (stackTrace == null)
- stackTrace = A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error);
- t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
- t1._asyncCompleteError$2(error, stackTrace);
- return t1;
- },
- Future_Future$delayed(duration, computation, $T) {
- var t1, result;
- if (computation == null)
- t1 = !$T._is(null);
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(null, "computation", "The type parameter is not nullable"));
- result = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
- A.Timer_Timer(duration, new A.Future_Future$delayed_closure(computation, result, $T));
- return result;
- },
- Future_wait(futures, $T) {
- var error, stackTrace, handleError, future, pos, e, st, t1, t2, exception, _box_0 = {}, cleanUp = null,
- eagerError = false,
- _future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future>"));
- _box_0.values = null;
- _box_0.remaining = 0;
- error = A._Cell$named("error");
- stackTrace = A._Cell$named("stackTrace");
- handleError = new A.Future_wait_handleError(_box_0, cleanUp, eagerError, _future, error, stackTrace);
- try {
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(futures), t2 = type$.Null; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- future = t1.get$current(t1);
- pos = _box_0.remaining;
- J.then$1$2$onError$z(future, new A.Future_wait_closure(_box_0, pos, _future, cleanUp, eagerError, error, stackTrace, $T), handleError, t2);
- ++_box_0.remaining;
- }
- t1 = _box_0.remaining;
- if (t1 === 0) {
- t1 = _future;
- t1._completeWithValue$1(A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray<0>")));
- return t1;
- }
- _box_0.values = A.List_List$filled(t1, null, false, $T._eval$1("0?"));
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- st = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- if (_box_0.remaining === 0 || eagerError)
- return A.Future_Future$error(e, st, $T._eval$1("List<0>"));
- else {
- error.__late_helper$_value = e;
- stackTrace.__late_helper$_value = st;
- }
- }
- return _future;
- },
- FutureExtensions_onError(_this, handleError, $T, $E) {
- var t1, result,
- onError = new A.FutureExtensions_onError_onError($E, null, handleError, $T);
- if (_this instanceof A._Future) {
- t1 = $.Zone__current;
- result = new A._Future(t1, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
- if (t1 !== B.C__RootZone)
- onError = t1.registerBinaryCallback$1(onError);
- _this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, 2, null, onError, _this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>")));
- return result;
- }
- return _this.then$1$2$onError(0, new A.FutureExtensions_onError_closure($T), onError, $T);
- },
- FutureExtensions_ignore(_this, $T) {
- if ($T._eval$1("_Future<0>")._is(_this))
- _this._state |= 1;
- else
- _this.then$1$2$onError(0, A.async__FutureExtensions__ignore$closure(), A.async__FutureExtensions__ignore$closure(), type$.void);
- },
- FutureExtensions__ignore(_, __) {
- },
- Completer_Completer($T) {
- return new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0>"));
- },
- _completeWithErrorCallback(result, error, stackTrace) {
- if (stackTrace == null)
- stackTrace = A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error);
- result._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
- },
- _Future$zoneValue(value, _zone, $T) {
- var t1 = new A._Future(_zone, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
- t1._state = 8;
- t1._resultOrListeners = value;
- return t1;
- },
- _Future__chainCoreFuture(source, target) {
- var t1, listeners;
- for (; t1 = source._state, (t1 & 4) !== 0;)
- source = source._resultOrListeners;
- if ((t1 & 24) !== 0) {
- listeners = target._removeListeners$0();
- target._cloneResult$1(source);
- A._Future__propagateToListeners(target, listeners);
- } else {
- listeners = target._resultOrListeners;
- target._state = target._state & 1 | 4;
- target._resultOrListeners = source;
- source._prependListeners$1(listeners);
- }
- },
- _Future__propagateToListeners(source, listeners) {
- var t2, _box_0, t3, t4, hasError, nextListener, nextListener0, sourceResult, t5, zone, oldZone, result, current, _box_1 = {},
- t1 = _box_1.source = source;
- for (t2 = type$.Future_dynamic; true;) {
- _box_0 = {};
- t3 = t1._state;
- t4 = (t3 & 16) === 0;
- hasError = !t4;
- if (listeners == null) {
- if (hasError && (t3 & 1) === 0) {
- t1 = t1._resultOrListeners;
- A._rootHandleError(t1.error, t1.stackTrace);
- }
- return;
- }
- _box_0.listener = listeners;
- nextListener = listeners._nextListener;
- for (t1 = listeners; nextListener != null; t1 = nextListener, nextListener = nextListener0) {
- t1._nextListener = null;
- A._Future__propagateToListeners(_box_1.source, t1);
- _box_0.listener = nextListener;
- nextListener0 = nextListener._nextListener;
- }
- t3 = _box_1.source;
- sourceResult = t3._resultOrListeners;
- _box_0.listenerHasError = hasError;
- _box_0.listenerValueOrError = sourceResult;
- if (t4) {
- t5 = t1.state;
- t5 = (t5 & 1) !== 0 || (t5 & 15) === 8;
- } else
- t5 = true;
- if (t5) {
- zone = t1.result._zone;
- if (hasError) {
- t3 = t3._zone === zone;
- t3 = !(t3 || t3);
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3) {
- A._rootHandleError(sourceResult.error, sourceResult.stackTrace);
- return;
- }
- oldZone = $.Zone__current;
- if (oldZone !== zone)
- $.Zone__current = zone;
- else
- oldZone = null;
- t1 = t1.state;
- if ((t1 & 15) === 8)
- new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback(_box_0, _box_1, hasError).call$0();
- else if (t4) {
- if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
- new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback(_box_0, sourceResult).call$0();
- } else if ((t1 & 2) !== 0)
- new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleError(_box_1, _box_0).call$0();
- if (oldZone != null)
- $.Zone__current = oldZone;
- t1 = _box_0.listenerValueOrError;
- if (t2._is(t1)) {
- t3 = _box_0.listener.$ti;
- t3 = t3._eval$1("Future<2>")._is(t1) || !t3._rest[1]._is(t1);
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3) {
- result = _box_0.listener.result;
- if (t1 instanceof A._Future)
- if ((t1._state & 24) !== 0) {
- current = result._resultOrListeners;
- result._resultOrListeners = null;
- listeners = result._reverseListeners$1(current);
- result._state = t1._state & 30 | result._state & 1;
- result._resultOrListeners = t1._resultOrListeners;
- _box_1.source = t1;
- continue;
- } else
- A._Future__chainCoreFuture(t1, result);
- else
- result._chainForeignFuture$1(t1);
- return;
- }
- }
- result = _box_0.listener.result;
- current = result._resultOrListeners;
- result._resultOrListeners = null;
- listeners = result._reverseListeners$1(current);
- t1 = _box_0.listenerHasError;
- t3 = _box_0.listenerValueOrError;
- if (!t1) {
- result._state = 8;
- result._resultOrListeners = t3;
- } else {
- result._state = result._state & 1 | 16;
- result._resultOrListeners = t3;
- }
- _box_1.source = result;
- t1 = result;
- }
- },
- _registerErrorHandler(errorHandler, zone) {
- if (type$.dynamic_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(errorHandler))
- return zone.registerBinaryCallback$1(errorHandler);
- if (type$.dynamic_Function_Object._is(errorHandler))
- return errorHandler;
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(errorHandler, "onError", string$.Error_));
- },
- _microtaskLoop() {
- var entry, next;
- for (entry = $._nextCallback; entry != null; entry = $._nextCallback) {
- $._lastPriorityCallback = null;
- next = entry.next;
- $._nextCallback = next;
- if (next == null)
- $._lastCallback = null;
- entry.callback.call$0();
- }
- },
- _startMicrotaskLoop() {
- $._isInCallbackLoop = true;
- try {
- A._microtaskLoop();
- } finally {
- $._lastPriorityCallback = null;
- $._isInCallbackLoop = false;
- if ($._nextCallback != null)
- $.$get$_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure().call$1(A.async___startMicrotaskLoop$closure());
- }
- },
- _scheduleAsyncCallback(callback) {
- var newEntry = new A._AsyncCallbackEntry(callback),
- lastCallback = $._lastCallback;
- if (lastCallback == null) {
- $._nextCallback = $._lastCallback = newEntry;
- if (!$._isInCallbackLoop)
- $.$get$_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure().call$1(A.async___startMicrotaskLoop$closure());
- } else
- $._lastCallback = lastCallback.next = newEntry;
- },
- _schedulePriorityAsyncCallback(callback) {
- var entry, lastPriorityCallback, next,
- t1 = $._nextCallback;
- if (t1 == null) {
- A._scheduleAsyncCallback(callback);
- $._lastPriorityCallback = $._lastCallback;
- return;
- }
- entry = new A._AsyncCallbackEntry(callback);
- lastPriorityCallback = $._lastPriorityCallback;
- if (lastPriorityCallback == null) {
- entry.next = t1;
- $._nextCallback = $._lastPriorityCallback = entry;
- } else {
- next = lastPriorityCallback.next;
- entry.next = next;
- $._lastPriorityCallback = lastPriorityCallback.next = entry;
- if (next == null)
- $._lastCallback = entry;
- }
- },
- scheduleMicrotask(callback) {
- var t1, _null = null,
- currentZone = $.Zone__current;
- if (B.C__RootZone === currentZone) {
- A._rootScheduleMicrotask(_null, _null, B.C__RootZone, callback);
- return;
- }
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- A._rootScheduleMicrotask(_null, _null, currentZone, callback);
- return;
- }
- A._rootScheduleMicrotask(_null, _null, currentZone, currentZone.bindCallbackGuarded$1(callback));
- },
- Stream_Stream$value(value, $T) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = $T._eval$1("_AsyncStreamController<0>"),
- t2 = new A._AsyncStreamController(_null, _null, _null, _null, t1);
- t2._async$_add$1(0, value);
- t2._closeUnchecked$0();
- return new A._ControllerStream(t2, t1._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>"));
- },
- StreamIterator_StreamIterator(stream, $T) {
- return new A._StreamIterator(A.checkNotNullable(stream, "stream", type$.Object), $T._eval$1("_StreamIterator<0>"));
- },
- StreamController_StreamController(onCancel, onListen, onResume, $T) {
- return new A._AsyncStreamController(onListen, null, onResume, onCancel, $T._eval$1("_AsyncStreamController<0>"));
- },
- _runGuarded(notificationHandler) {
- var e, s, exception;
- if (notificationHandler == null)
- return;
- try {
- notificationHandler.call$0();
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- A._rootHandleError(e, s);
- }
- },
- _ControllerSubscription$(_controller, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError, $T) {
- var t1 = $.Zone__current,
- t2 = cancelOnError ? 1 : 0,
- t3 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(t1, onData),
- t4 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerErrorHandler(t1, onError),
- t5 = onDone == null ? A.async___nullDoneHandler$closure() : onDone;
- return new A._ControllerSubscription(_controller, t3, t4, t5, t1, t2, $T._eval$1("_ControllerSubscription<0>"));
- },
- _BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(zone, handleData) {
- return handleData == null ? A.async___nullDataHandler$closure() : handleData;
- },
- _BufferingStreamSubscription__registerErrorHandler(zone, handleError) {
- if (handleError == null)
- handleError = A.async___nullErrorHandler$closure();
- if (type$.void_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(handleError))
- return zone.registerBinaryCallback$1(handleError);
- if (type$.void_Function_Object._is(handleError))
- return handleError;
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("handleError callback must take either an Object (the error), or both an Object (the error) and a StackTrace.", null));
- },
- _nullDataHandler(value) {
- },
- _nullErrorHandler(error, stackTrace) {
- A._rootHandleError(error, stackTrace);
- },
- _nullDoneHandler() {
- },
- _DoneStreamSubscription$(_onDone, $T) {
- var t1 = new A._DoneStreamSubscription($.Zone__current, _onDone, $T._eval$1("_DoneStreamSubscription<0>"));
- t1._schedule$0();
- return t1;
- },
- _runUserCode(userCode, onSuccess, onError) {
- var e, s, replacement, error, stackTrace, exception;
- try {
- onSuccess.call$1(userCode.call$0());
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- replacement = null;
- if (replacement == null)
- onError.call$2(e, s);
- else {
- error = J.get$error$z(replacement);
- stackTrace = replacement.get$stackTrace();
- onError.call$2(error, stackTrace);
- }
- }
- },
- _cancelAndError(subscription, future, error, stackTrace) {
- var cancelFuture = subscription.cancel$0(0),
- t1 = $.$get$Future__nullFuture();
- if (cancelFuture !== t1)
- cancelFuture.whenComplete$1(new A._cancelAndError_closure(future, error, stackTrace));
- else
- future._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
- },
- _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future) {
- return new A._cancelAndErrorClosure_closure(subscription, future);
- },
- _cancelAndValue(subscription, future, value) {
- var cancelFuture = subscription.cancel$0(0),
- t1 = $.$get$Future__nullFuture();
- if (cancelFuture !== t1)
- cancelFuture.whenComplete$1(new A._cancelAndValue_closure(future, value));
- else
- future._complete$1(value);
- },
- _addErrorWithReplacement(sink, error, stackTrace) {
- sink._addError$2(error, stackTrace);
- },
- Timer_Timer(duration, callback) {
- var t1 = $.Zone__current;
- if (t1 === B.C__RootZone)
- return A.Timer__createTimer(duration, callback);
- return A.Timer__createTimer(duration, t1.bindCallbackGuarded$1(callback));
- },
- Timer_Timer$periodic(duration, callback) {
- var t1 = $.Zone__current;
- if (t1 === B.C__RootZone)
- return A.Timer__createPeriodicTimer(duration, callback);
- return A.Timer__createPeriodicTimer(duration, t1.bindUnaryCallbackGuarded$1$1(callback, type$.Timer));
- },
- _rootHandleError(error, stackTrace) {
- A._schedulePriorityAsyncCallback(new A._rootHandleError_closure(error, stackTrace));
- },
- _rootRun($self, $parent, zone, f) {
- var old,
- t1 = $.Zone__current;
- if (t1 === zone)
- return f.call$0();
- $.Zone__current = zone;
- old = t1;
- try {
- t1 = f.call$0();
- return t1;
- } finally {
- $.Zone__current = old;
- }
- },
- _rootRunUnary($self, $parent, zone, f, arg) {
- var old,
- t1 = $.Zone__current;
- if (t1 === zone)
- return f.call$1(arg);
- $.Zone__current = zone;
- old = t1;
- try {
- t1 = f.call$1(arg);
- return t1;
- } finally {
- $.Zone__current = old;
- }
- },
- _rootRunBinary($self, $parent, zone, f, arg1, arg2) {
- var old,
- t1 = $.Zone__current;
- if (t1 === zone)
- return f.call$2(arg1, arg2);
- $.Zone__current = zone;
- old = t1;
- try {
- t1 = f.call$2(arg1, arg2);
- return t1;
- } finally {
- $.Zone__current = old;
- }
- },
- _rootScheduleMicrotask($self, $parent, zone, f) {
- if (B.C__RootZone !== zone)
- f = zone.bindCallbackGuarded$1(f);
- A._scheduleAsyncCallback(f);
- },
- _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback: function _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure: function _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.div = t1;
- this.span = t2;
- },
- _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback: function _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback(t0) {
- this.callback = t0;
- },
- _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback: function _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback(t0) {
- this.callback = t0;
- },
- _TimerImpl: function _TimerImpl(t0) {
- this._once = t0;
- this._handle = null;
- this._tick = 0;
- },
- _TimerImpl_internalCallback: function _TimerImpl_internalCallback(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.callback = t1;
- },
- _TimerImpl$periodic_closure: function _TimerImpl$periodic_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.milliseconds = t1;
- _.start = t2;
- _.callback = t3;
- },
- _AsyncAwaitCompleter: function _AsyncAwaitCompleter(t0, t1) {
- this._future = t0;
- this.isSync = false;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _awaitOnObject_closure: function _awaitOnObject_closure(t0) {
- this.bodyFunction = t0;
- },
- _awaitOnObject_closure0: function _awaitOnObject_closure0(t0) {
- this.bodyFunction = t0;
- },
- _wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure: function _wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure(t0) {
- this.$protected = t0;
- },
- _asyncStarHelper_closure: function _asyncStarHelper_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.controller = t0;
- this.bodyFunction = t1;
- },
- _asyncStarHelper_closure0: function _asyncStarHelper_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.controller = t0;
- this.bodyFunction = t1;
- },
- _AsyncStarStreamController: function _AsyncStarStreamController(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___AsyncStarStreamController_controller_A = $;
- _.isSuspended = false;
- _.cancelationFuture = null;
- _.$ti = t0;
- },
- _AsyncStarStreamController__resumeBody: function _AsyncStarStreamController__resumeBody(t0) {
- this.body = t0;
- },
- _AsyncStarStreamController__resumeBody_closure: function _AsyncStarStreamController__resumeBody_closure(t0) {
- this.body = t0;
- },
- _AsyncStarStreamController_closure0: function _AsyncStarStreamController_closure0(t0) {
- this._resumeBody = t0;
- },
- _AsyncStarStreamController_closure1: function _AsyncStarStreamController_closure1(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this._resumeBody = t1;
- },
- _AsyncStarStreamController_closure: function _AsyncStarStreamController_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.body = t1;
- },
- _AsyncStarStreamController__closure: function _AsyncStarStreamController__closure(t0) {
- this.body = t0;
- },
- _IterationMarker: function _IterationMarker(t0, t1) {
- this.value = t0;
- this.state = t1;
- },
- _SyncStarIterator: function _SyncStarIterator(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._body = t0;
- _._suspendedBodies = _._nestedIterator = _._async$_current = null;
- _.$ti = t1;
- },
- _SyncStarIterable: function _SyncStarIterable(t0, t1) {
- this._outerHelper = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- AsyncError: function AsyncError(t0, t1) {
- this.error = t0;
- this.stackTrace = t1;
- },
- _BroadcastStream: function _BroadcastStream(t0, t1) {
- this._controller = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _BroadcastSubscription: function _BroadcastSubscription(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._eventState = 0;
- _._async$_previous = _._async$_next = null;
- _._controller = t0;
- _._onData = t1;
- _._onError = t2;
- _._onDone = t3;
- _._zone = t4;
- _._state = t5;
- _._pending = _._cancelFuture = null;
- _.$ti = t6;
- },
- _BroadcastStreamController: function _BroadcastStreamController() {
- },
- _SyncBroadcastStreamController: function _SyncBroadcastStreamController(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onListen = t0;
- _.onCancel = t1;
- _._state = 0;
- _._doneFuture = _._addStreamState = _._lastSubscription = _._firstSubscription = null;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- _SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendData_closure: function _SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendData_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.data = t1;
- },
- _SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendError_closure: function _SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendError_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.error = t1;
- this.stackTrace = t2;
- },
- _SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendDone_closure: function _SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendDone_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _AsyncBroadcastStreamController: function _AsyncBroadcastStreamController(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onListen = t0;
- _.onCancel = t1;
- _._state = 0;
- _._doneFuture = _._addStreamState = _._lastSubscription = _._firstSubscription = null;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- Future_Future_closure: function Future_Future_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.result = t0;
- this.computation = t1;
- },
- Future_Future$delayed_closure: function Future_Future$delayed_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.computation = t0;
- this.result = t1;
- this.T = t2;
- },
- Future_wait_handleError: function Future_wait_handleError(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.cleanUp = t1;
- _.eagerError = t2;
- _._future = t3;
- _.error = t4;
- _.stackTrace = t5;
- },
- Future_wait_closure: function Future_wait_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.pos = t1;
- _._future = t2;
- _.cleanUp = t3;
- _.eagerError = t4;
- _.error = t5;
- _.stackTrace = t6;
- _.T = t7;
- },
- FutureExtensions_onError_onError: function FutureExtensions_onError_onError(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.E = t0;
- _.test = t1;
- _.handleError = t2;
- _.T = t3;
- },
- FutureExtensions_onError_closure: function FutureExtensions_onError_closure(t0) {
- this.T = t0;
- },
- _Completer: function _Completer() {
- },
- _AsyncCompleter: function _AsyncCompleter(t0, t1) {
- this.future = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _FutureListener: function _FutureListener(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._nextListener = null;
- _.result = t0;
- _.state = t1;
- _.callback = t2;
- _.errorCallback = t3;
- _.$ti = t4;
- },
- _Future: function _Future(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._state = 0;
- _._zone = t0;
- _._resultOrListeners = null;
- _.$ti = t1;
- },
- _Future__addListener_closure: function _Future__addListener_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.listener = t1;
- },
- _Future__prependListeners_closure: function _Future__prependListeners_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure: function _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0: function _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1: function _Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.e = t1;
- this.s = t2;
- },
- _Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure: function _Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- },
- _Future__chainFuture_closure: function _Future__chainFuture_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- },
- _Future__asyncCompleteError_closure: function _Future__asyncCompleteError_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.error = t1;
- this.stackTrace = t2;
- },
- _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this._box_1 = t1;
- this.hasError = t2;
- },
- _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure(t0) {
- this.originalSource = t0;
- },
- _Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.sourceResult = t1;
- },
- _Future__propagateToListeners_handleError: function _Future__propagateToListeners_handleError(t0, t1) {
- this._box_1 = t0;
- this._box_0 = t1;
- },
- _AsyncCallbackEntry: function _AsyncCallbackEntry(t0) {
- this.callback = t0;
- this.next = null;
- },
- Stream: function Stream() {
- },
- Stream_handleError_closure: function Stream_handleError_closure(t0) {
- this.onError = t0;
- },
- Stream_contains_closure: function Stream_contains_closure(t0) {
- this.future = t0;
- },
- Stream_contains_closure0: function Stream_contains_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.needle = t1;
- _.subscription = t2;
- _.future = t3;
- },
- Stream_contains__closure: function Stream_contains__closure(t0, t1) {
- this.element = t0;
- this.needle = t1;
- },
- Stream_contains__closure0: function Stream_contains__closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.subscription = t0;
- this.future = t1;
- },
- Stream_length_closure: function Stream_length_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- Stream_length_closure0: function Stream_length_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.future = t1;
- },
- Stream_first_closure: function Stream_first_closure(t0) {
- this.future = t0;
- },
- Stream_first_closure0: function Stream_first_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.subscription = t1;
- this.future = t2;
- },
- StreamView: function StreamView() {
- },
- _StreamController: function _StreamController() {
- },
- _StreamController__subscribe_closure: function _StreamController__subscribe_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _StreamController__recordCancel_complete: function _StreamController__recordCancel_complete(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _AsyncStreamControllerDispatch: function _AsyncStreamControllerDispatch() {
- },
- _AsyncStreamController: function _AsyncStreamController(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._varData = null;
- _._state = 0;
- _._doneFuture = null;
- _.onListen = t0;
- _.onPause = t1;
- _.onResume = t2;
- _.onCancel = t3;
- _.$ti = t4;
- },
- _ControllerStream: function _ControllerStream(t0, t1) {
- this._controller = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _ControllerSubscription: function _ControllerSubscription(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._controller = t0;
- _._onData = t1;
- _._onError = t2;
- _._onDone = t3;
- _._zone = t4;
- _._state = t5;
- _._pending = _._cancelFuture = null;
- _.$ti = t6;
- },
- _AddStreamState: function _AddStreamState() {
- },
- _AddStreamState_cancel_closure: function _AddStreamState_cancel_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _StreamControllerAddStreamState: function _StreamControllerAddStreamState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.varData = t0;
- _.addStreamFuture = t1;
- _.addSubscription = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _BufferingStreamSubscription: function _BufferingStreamSubscription() {
- },
- _BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError: function _BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.error = t1;
- this.stackTrace = t2;
- },
- _BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone: function _BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _StreamImpl: function _StreamImpl() {
- },
- _DelayedEvent: function _DelayedEvent() {
- },
- _DelayedData: function _DelayedData(t0, t1) {
- this.value = t0;
- this.next = null;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _DelayedError: function _DelayedError(t0, t1) {
- this.error = t0;
- this.stackTrace = t1;
- this.next = null;
- },
- _DelayedDone: function _DelayedDone() {
- },
- _PendingEvents: function _PendingEvents(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._state = 0;
- _.lastPendingEvent = _.firstPendingEvent = null;
- _.$ti = t0;
- },
- _PendingEvents_schedule_closure: function _PendingEvents_schedule_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dispatch = t1;
- },
- _DoneStreamSubscription: function _DoneStreamSubscription(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._zone = t0;
- _._state = 0;
- _._onDone = t1;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- _StreamIterator: function _StreamIterator(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._subscription = null;
- _._stateData = t0;
- _._async$_hasValue = false;
- _.$ti = t1;
- },
- _EmptyStream: function _EmptyStream(t0) {
- this.$ti = t0;
- },
- _cancelAndError_closure: function _cancelAndError_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.future = t0;
- this.error = t1;
- this.stackTrace = t2;
- },
- _cancelAndErrorClosure_closure: function _cancelAndErrorClosure_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.subscription = t0;
- this.future = t1;
- },
- _cancelAndValue_closure: function _cancelAndValue_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.future = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- },
- _ForwardingStream: function _ForwardingStream() {
- },
- _ForwardingStreamSubscription: function _ForwardingStreamSubscription(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._stream = t0;
- _._subscription = null;
- _._onData = t1;
- _._onError = t2;
- _._onDone = t3;
- _._zone = t4;
- _._state = t5;
- _._pending = _._cancelFuture = null;
- _.$ti = t6;
- },
- _MapStream: function _MapStream(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._async$_transform = t0;
- this._async$_source = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- _HandleErrorStream: function _HandleErrorStream(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._onError = t0;
- _._test = t1;
- _._async$_source = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _Zone: function _Zone() {
- },
- _rootHandleError_closure: function _rootHandleError_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.error = t0;
- this.stackTrace = t1;
- },
- _RootZone: function _RootZone() {
- },
- _RootZone_bindBinaryCallback_closure: function _RootZone_bindBinaryCallback_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.f = t1;
- _.T1 = t2;
- _.T2 = t3;
- _.R = t4;
- },
- _RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure: function _RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.f = t1;
- },
- _RootZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure: function _RootZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.f = t1;
- this.T = t2;
- },
- HashMap_HashMap($K, $V) {
- return new A._HashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("_HashMap<1,2>"));
- },
- _HashMap__getTableEntry(table, key) {
- var entry = table[key];
- return entry === table ? null : entry;
- },
- _HashMap__setTableEntry(table, key, value) {
- if (value == null)
- table[key] = table;
- else
- table[key] = value;
- },
- _HashMap__newHashTable() {
- var table = Object.create(null);
- A._HashMap__setTableEntry(table, "", table);
- delete table[""];
- return table;
- },
- LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(equals, hashCode, isValidKey, $K, $V) {
- if (isValidKey == null)
- if (hashCode == null) {
- if (equals == null)
- return new A.JsLinkedHashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("JsLinkedHashMap<1,2>"));
- hashCode = A.collection___defaultHashCode$closure();
- } else {
- if (A.core__identityHashCode$closure() === hashCode && A.core__identical$closure() === equals)
- return new A._LinkedIdentityHashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("_LinkedIdentityHashMap<1,2>"));
- if (equals == null)
- equals = A.collection___defaultEquals$closure();
- }
- else {
- if (hashCode == null)
- hashCode = A.collection___defaultHashCode$closure();
- if (equals == null)
- equals = A.collection___defaultEquals$closure();
- }
- return A._LinkedCustomHashMap$(equals, hashCode, isValidKey, $K, $V);
- },
- LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(keyValuePairs, $K, $V) {
- return A.fillLiteralMap(keyValuePairs, new A.JsLinkedHashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("JsLinkedHashMap<1,2>")));
- },
- LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty($K, $V) {
- return new A.JsLinkedHashMap($K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("JsLinkedHashMap<1,2>"));
- },
- _LinkedCustomHashMap$(_equals, _hashCode, validKey, $K, $V) {
- var t1 = validKey != null ? validKey : new A._LinkedCustomHashMap_closure($K);
- return new A._LinkedCustomHashMap(_equals, _hashCode, t1, $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("_LinkedCustomHashMap<1,2>"));
- },
- HashSet_HashSet($E) {
- return new A._HashSet($E._eval$1("_HashSet<0>"));
- },
- _HashSet__newHashTable() {
- var table = Object.create(null);
- table[""] = table;
- delete table[""];
- return table;
- },
- LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet($E) {
- return new A._LinkedHashSet($E._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<0>"));
- },
- LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty($E) {
- return new A._LinkedHashSet($E._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<0>"));
- },
- LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_literal(values, $E) {
- return A.fillLiteralSet(values, new A._LinkedHashSet($E._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<0>")));
- },
- _LinkedHashSet__newHashTable() {
- var table = Object.create(null);
- table[""] = table;
- delete table[""];
- return table;
- },
- _LinkedHashSetIterator$(_set, _modifications, $E) {
- var t1 = new A._LinkedHashSetIterator(_set, _modifications, $E._eval$1("_LinkedHashSetIterator<0>"));
- t1._collection$_cell = _set._collection$_first;
- return t1;
- },
- _defaultEquals(a, b) {
- return J.$eq$(a, b);
- },
- _defaultHashCode(a) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(a);
- },
- LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from(other, $K, $V) {
- var result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, $K, $V);
- J.forEach$1$ax(other, new A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from_closure(result, $K, $V));
- return result;
- },
- LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(other, $K, $V) {
- var t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, $K, $V);
- t1.addAll$1(0, other);
- return t1;
- },
- LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$fromIterables(keys, values, $K, $V) {
- var map = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, $K, $V);
- A.MapBase__fillMapWithIterables(map, keys, values);
- return map;
- },
- LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(elements, $E) {
- var t1,
- result = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet($E);
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();)
- result.add$1(0, $E._as(t1.get$current(t1)));
- return result;
- },
- LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(elements, $E) {
- var t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet($E);
- t1.addAll$1(0, elements);
- return t1;
- },
- _LinkedListIterator$(list, $E) {
- return new A._LinkedListIterator(list, list._modificationCount, list._collection$_first, $E._eval$1("_LinkedListIterator<0>"));
- },
- ListBase__compareAny(a, b) {
- var t1 = type$.Comparable_dynamic;
- return J.compareTo$1$ns(t1._as(a), t1._as(b));
- },
- MapBase_mapToString(m) {
- var result, t1 = {};
- if (A.isToStringVisiting(m))
- return "{...}";
- result = new A.StringBuffer("");
- try {
- $.toStringVisiting.push(m);
- result._contents += "{";
- t1.first = true;
- J.forEach$1$ax(m, new A.MapBase_mapToString_closure(t1, result));
- result._contents += "}";
- } finally {
- $.toStringVisiting.pop();
- }
- t1 = result._contents;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- MapBase__fillMapWithIterables(map, keys, values) {
- var keyIterator = J.get$iterator$ax(keys),
- valueIterator = J.get$iterator$ax(values),
- hasNextKey = keyIterator.moveNext$0(),
- hasNextValue = valueIterator.moveNext$0();
- while (true) {
- if (!(hasNextKey && hasNextValue))
- break;
- map.$indexSet(0, keyIterator.get$current(keyIterator), valueIterator.get$current(valueIterator));
- hasNextKey = keyIterator.moveNext$0();
- hasNextValue = valueIterator.moveNext$0();
- }
- if (hasNextKey || hasNextValue)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Iterables do not have same length.", null));
- },
- ListQueue$(initialCapacity, $E) {
- return new A.ListQueue(A.List_List$filled(A.ListQueue__calculateCapacity(initialCapacity), null, false, $E._eval$1("0?")), $E._eval$1("ListQueue<0>"));
- },
- ListQueue__calculateCapacity(initialCapacity) {
- if (initialCapacity == null || initialCapacity < 8)
- return 8;
- else if ((initialCapacity & initialCapacity - 1) >>> 0 !== 0)
- return A.ListQueue__nextPowerOf2(initialCapacity);
- return initialCapacity;
- },
- ListQueue__nextPowerOf2(number) {
- var nextNumber;
- number = (number << 1 >>> 0) - 1;
- for (; true; number = nextNumber) {
- nextNumber = (number & number - 1) >>> 0;
- if (nextNumber === 0)
- return number;
- }
- },
- _UnmodifiableSetMixin__throwUnmodifiable() {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot change an unmodifiable set"));
- },
- _dynamicCompare(a, b) {
- return J.compareTo$1$ns(a, b);
- },
- _defaultCompare($K) {
- if ($K._eval$1("int(0,0)")._is(A.core_Comparable_compare$closure()))
- return A.core_Comparable_compare$closure();
- return A.collection___dynamicCompare$closure();
- },
- SplayTreeMap$($K, $V) {
- var t1 = A._defaultCompare($K);
- return new A.SplayTreeMap(t1, new A.SplayTreeMap_closure($K), $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._eval$1("SplayTreeMap<1,2>"));
- },
- SplayTreeSet$(compare, isValidKey, $E) {
- var t1 = compare == null ? A._defaultCompare($E) : compare,
- t2 = isValidKey == null ? new A.SplayTreeSet_closure($E) : isValidKey;
- return new A.SplayTreeSet(t1, t2, $E._eval$1("SplayTreeSet<0>"));
- },
- _HashMap: function _HashMap(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._collection$_length = 0;
- _._collection$_keys = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null;
- _.$ti = t0;
- },
- _HashMap_values_closure: function _HashMap_values_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _IdentityHashMap: function _IdentityHashMap(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._collection$_length = 0;
- _._collection$_keys = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null;
- _.$ti = t0;
- },
- _HashMapKeyIterable: function _HashMapKeyIterable(t0, t1) {
- this._collection$_map = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _HashMapKeyIterator: function _HashMapKeyIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._collection$_map = t0;
- _._collection$_keys = t1;
- _._offset = 0;
- _._collection$_current = null;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- _LinkedIdentityHashMap: function _LinkedIdentityHashMap(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__js_helper$_length = 0;
- _._last = _._first = _.__js_helper$_rest = _._nums = _._strings = null;
- _._modifications = 0;
- _.$ti = t0;
- },
- _LinkedCustomHashMap: function _LinkedCustomHashMap(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._equals = t0;
- _._hashCode = t1;
- _._validKey = t2;
- _.__js_helper$_length = 0;
- _._last = _._first = _.__js_helper$_rest = _._nums = _._strings = null;
- _._modifications = 0;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _LinkedCustomHashMap_closure: function _LinkedCustomHashMap_closure(t0) {
- this.K = t0;
- },
- _HashSet: function _HashSet(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._collection$_length = 0;
- _._elements = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null;
- _.$ti = t0;
- },
- _HashSetIterator: function _HashSetIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._set = t0;
- _._elements = t1;
- _._offset = 0;
- _._collection$_current = null;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- _LinkedHashSet: function _LinkedHashSet(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._collection$_length = 0;
- _._collection$_last = _._collection$_first = _._collection$_rest = _._collection$_nums = _._collection$_strings = null;
- _._collection$_modifications = 0;
- _.$ti = t0;
- },
- _LinkedHashSetCell: function _LinkedHashSetCell(t0) {
- this._element = t0;
- this._collection$_previous = this._collection$_next = null;
- },
- _LinkedHashSetIterator: function _LinkedHashSetIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._set = t0;
- _._collection$_modifications = t1;
- _._collection$_current = _._collection$_cell = null;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from_closure: function LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.result = t0;
- this.K = t1;
- this.V = t2;
- },
- LinkedList: function LinkedList(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._collection$_length = _._modificationCount = 0;
- _._collection$_first = null;
- _.$ti = t0;
- },
- _LinkedListIterator: function _LinkedListIterator(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._collection$_list = t0;
- _._modificationCount = t1;
- _._collection$_current = null;
- _._collection$_next = t2;
- _._visitedFirst = false;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- LinkedListEntry: function LinkedListEntry() {
- },
- ListBase: function ListBase() {
- },
- MapBase: function MapBase() {
- },
- MapBase_entries_closure: function MapBase_entries_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- MapBase_mapToString_closure: function MapBase_mapToString_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.result = t1;
- },
- _MapBaseValueIterable: function _MapBaseValueIterable(t0, t1) {
- this._collection$_map = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _MapBaseValueIterator: function _MapBaseValueIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._collection$_keys = t0;
- _._collection$_map = t1;
- _._collection$_current = null;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- _UnmodifiableMapMixin: function _UnmodifiableMapMixin() {
- },
- MapView: function MapView() {
- },
- UnmodifiableMapView: function UnmodifiableMapView(t0, t1) {
- this._collection$_map = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- ListQueue: function ListQueue(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._table = t0;
- _._modificationCount = _._tail = _._head = 0;
- _.$ti = t1;
- },
- _ListQueueIterator: function _ListQueueIterator(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._collection$_queue = t0;
- _._end = t1;
- _._modificationCount = t2;
- _._collection$_position = t3;
- _._collection$_current = null;
- _.$ti = t4;
- },
- SetBase: function SetBase() {
- },
- _SetBase: function _SetBase() {
- },
- _UnmodifiableSetMixin: function _UnmodifiableSetMixin() {
- },
- _UnmodifiableSet: function _UnmodifiableSet(t0, t1) {
- this._collection$_map = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _SplayTreeNode: function _SplayTreeNode() {
- },
- _SplayTreeSetNode: function _SplayTreeSetNode(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.key = t0;
- _._collection$_right = _._collection$_left = null;
- _.$ti = t1;
- },
- _SplayTreeMapNode: function _SplayTreeMapNode(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.value = t0;
- _.key = t1;
- _._collection$_right = _._collection$_left = null;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- _SplayTree: function _SplayTree() {
- },
- SplayTreeMap: function SplayTreeMap(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._collection$_root = null;
- _._compare = t0;
- _._validKey = t1;
- _._splayCount = _._modificationCount = _._collection$_count = 0;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- SplayTreeMap_closure: function SplayTreeMap_closure(t0) {
- this.K = t0;
- },
- _SplayTreeIterator: function _SplayTreeIterator() {
- },
- _SplayTreeKeyIterable: function _SplayTreeKeyIterable(t0, t1) {
- this._tree = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _SplayTreeValueIterable: function _SplayTreeValueIterable(t0, t1) {
- this._collection$_map = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _SplayTreeMapEntryIterable: function _SplayTreeMapEntryIterable(t0, t1) {
- this._collection$_map = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _SplayTreeKeyIterator: function _SplayTreeKeyIterator(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._tree = t0;
- _._collection$_path = t1;
- _._modificationCount = null;
- _._splayCount = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _SplayTreeValueIterator: function _SplayTreeValueIterator(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._tree = t0;
- _._collection$_path = t1;
- _._modificationCount = null;
- _._splayCount = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _SplayTreeMapEntryIterator: function _SplayTreeMapEntryIterator(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._tree = t0;
- _._collection$_path = t1;
- _._modificationCount = null;
- _._splayCount = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- SplayTreeSet: function SplayTreeSet(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._collection$_root = null;
- _._compare = t0;
- _._validKey = t1;
- _._splayCount = _._modificationCount = _._collection$_count = 0;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- SplayTreeSet_closure: function SplayTreeSet_closure(t0) {
- this.E = t0;
- },
- SplayTreeSet__newSet_closure: function SplayTreeSet__newSet_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.T = t1;
- },
- SplayTreeSet__copyNode_copyChildren: function SplayTreeSet__copyNode_copyChildren(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.Node = t1;
- },
- _SplayTreeMap__SplayTree_MapMixin: function _SplayTreeMap__SplayTree_MapMixin() {
- },
- _SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_Iterable: function _SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_Iterable() {
- },
- _SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_Iterable_SetMixin: function _SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_Iterable_SetMixin() {
- },
- _UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin: function _UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin() {
- },
- __UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin: function __UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin() {
- },
- _parseJson(source, reviver) {
- var e, exception, t1, parsed = null;
- try {
- parsed = JSON.parse(source);
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- t1 = A.FormatException$(String(e), null, null);
- throw A.wrapException(t1);
- }
- t1 = A._convertJsonToDartLazy(parsed);
- return t1;
- },
- _convertJsonToDartLazy(object) {
- var i;
- if (object == null)
- return null;
- if (typeof object != "object")
- return object;
- if (Object.getPrototypeOf(object) !== Array.prototype)
- return new A._JsonMap(object, Object.create(null));
- for (i = 0; i < object.length; ++i)
- object[i] = A._convertJsonToDartLazy(object[i]);
- return object;
- },
- Utf8Decoder__convertIntercepted(allowMalformed, codeUnits, start, end) {
- var casted, result;
- if (codeUnits instanceof Uint8Array) {
- casted = codeUnits;
- end = casted.length;
- if (end - start < 15)
- return null;
- result = A.Utf8Decoder__convertInterceptedUint8List(allowMalformed, casted, start, end);
- if (result != null && allowMalformed)
- if (result.indexOf("\ufffd") >= 0)
- return null;
- return result;
- }
- return null;
- },
- Utf8Decoder__convertInterceptedUint8List(allowMalformed, codeUnits, start, end) {
- var decoder = allowMalformed ? $.$get$Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal() : $.$get$Utf8Decoder__decoder();
- if (decoder == null)
- return null;
- if (0 === start && end === codeUnits.length)
- return A.Utf8Decoder__useTextDecoder(decoder, codeUnits);
- return A.Utf8Decoder__useTextDecoder(decoder, codeUnits.subarray(start, A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, codeUnits.length, null, null)));
- },
- Utf8Decoder__useTextDecoder(decoder, codeUnits) {
- var t1, exception;
- try {
- t1 = decoder.decode(codeUnits);
- return t1;
- } catch (exception) {
- }
- return null;
- },
- Base64Codec__checkPadding(source, sourceIndex, sourceEnd, firstPadding, paddingCount, $length) {
- if (B.JSInt_methods.$mod($length, 4) !== 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 padding, padded length must be multiple of four, is " + $length, source, sourceEnd));
- if (firstPadding + paddingCount !== $length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 padding, '=' not at the end", source, sourceIndex));
- if (paddingCount > 2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 padding, more than two '=' characters", source, sourceIndex));
- },
- _Base64Encoder_encodeChunk(alphabet, bytes, start, end, isLast, output, outputIndex, state) {
- var i, byteOr, byte, outputIndex0, outputIndex1,
- bits = state >>> 2,
- expectedChars = 3 - (state & 3);
- for (i = start, byteOr = 0; i < end; ++i) {
- byte = bytes[i];
- byteOr |= byte;
- bits = (bits << 8 | byte) & 16777215;
- --expectedChars;
- if (expectedChars === 0) {
- outputIndex0 = outputIndex + 1;
- output[outputIndex] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits >>> 18 & 63);
- outputIndex = outputIndex0 + 1;
- output[outputIndex0] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits >>> 12 & 63);
- outputIndex0 = outputIndex + 1;
- output[outputIndex] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits >>> 6 & 63);
- outputIndex = outputIndex0 + 1;
- output[outputIndex0] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits & 63);
- bits = 0;
- expectedChars = 3;
- }
- }
- if (byteOr >= 0 && byteOr <= 255) {
- if (expectedChars < 3) {
- outputIndex0 = outputIndex + 1;
- outputIndex1 = outputIndex0 + 1;
- if (3 - expectedChars === 1) {
- output[outputIndex] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits >>> 2 & 63);
- output[outputIndex0] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits << 4 & 63);
- output[outputIndex1] = 61;
- output[outputIndex1 + 1] = 61;
- } else {
- output[outputIndex] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits >>> 10 & 63);
- output[outputIndex0] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits >>> 4 & 63);
- output[outputIndex1] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(alphabet, bits << 2 & 63);
- output[outputIndex1 + 1] = 61;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- return (bits << 2 | 3 - expectedChars) >>> 0;
- }
- for (i = start; i < end;) {
- byte = bytes[i];
- if (byte > 255)
- break;
- ++i;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(bytes, "Not a byte value at index " + i + ": 0x" + B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(bytes[i], 16), null));
- },
- Encoding_getByName($name) {
- return $.$get$Encoding__nameToEncoding().$index(0, $name.toLowerCase());
- },
- JsonUnsupportedObjectError$(unsupportedObject, cause, partialResult) {
- return new A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError(unsupportedObject, cause);
- },
- _defaultToEncodable(object) {
- return object.toJson$0();
- },
- _JsonStringStringifier$(_sink, _toEncodable) {
- var t1 = _toEncodable == null ? A.convert___defaultToEncodable$closure() : _toEncodable;
- return new A._JsonStringStringifier(_sink, [], t1);
- },
- _JsonStringStringifier_stringify(object, toEncodable, indent) {
- var t1,
- output = new A.StringBuffer(""),
- stringifier = A._JsonStringStringifier$(output, toEncodable);
- stringifier.writeObject$1(object);
- t1 = output._contents;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- _Utf8Decoder_errorDescription(state) {
- switch (state) {
- case 65:
- return "Missing extension byte";
- case 67:
- return "Unexpected extension byte";
- case 69:
- return "Invalid UTF-8 byte";
- case 71:
- return "Overlong encoding";
- case 73:
- return "Out of unicode range";
- case 75:
- return "Encoded surrogate";
- case 77:
- return "Unfinished UTF-8 octet sequence";
- default:
- return "";
- }
- },
- _Utf8Decoder__makeUint8List(codeUnits, start, end) {
- var t1, i, b,
- $length = end - start,
- bytes = new Uint8Array($length);
- for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(codeUnits), i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- b = t1.$index(codeUnits, start + i);
- bytes[i] = (b & 4294967040) >>> 0 !== 0 ? 255 : b;
- }
- return bytes;
- },
- _JsonMap: function _JsonMap(t0, t1) {
- this._original = t0;
- this._processed = t1;
- this._convert$_data = null;
- },
- _JsonMap_values_closure: function _JsonMap_values_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _JsonMapKeyIterable: function _JsonMapKeyIterable(t0) {
- this._parent = t0;
- },
- Utf8Decoder__decoder_closure: function Utf8Decoder__decoder_closure() {
- },
- Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal_closure: function Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal_closure() {
- },
- AsciiCodec: function AsciiCodec() {
- },
- _UnicodeSubsetEncoder: function _UnicodeSubsetEncoder() {
- },
- AsciiEncoder: function AsciiEncoder(t0) {
- this._subsetMask = t0;
- },
- _UnicodeSubsetDecoder: function _UnicodeSubsetDecoder() {
- },
- AsciiDecoder: function AsciiDecoder(t0, t1) {
- this._allowInvalid = t0;
- this._subsetMask = t1;
- },
- Base64Codec: function Base64Codec() {
- },
- Base64Encoder: function Base64Encoder() {
- },
- _Base64Encoder: function _Base64Encoder(t0) {
- this._convert$_state = 0;
- this._alphabet = t0;
- },
- ByteConversionSink: function ByteConversionSink() {
- },
- _ByteCallbackSink: function _ByteCallbackSink(t0, t1) {
- this._convert$_callback = t0;
- this._buffer = t1;
- this._bufferIndex = 0;
- },
- Codec0: function Codec0() {
- },
- Converter: function Converter() {
- },
- Encoding: function Encoding() {
- },
- JsonUnsupportedObjectError: function JsonUnsupportedObjectError(t0, t1) {
- this.unsupportedObject = t0;
- this.cause = t1;
- },
- JsonCyclicError: function JsonCyclicError(t0, t1) {
- this.unsupportedObject = t0;
- this.cause = t1;
- },
- JsonCodec: function JsonCodec() {
- },
- JsonEncoder: function JsonEncoder(t0) {
- this._toEncodable = t0;
- },
- JsonDecoder: function JsonDecoder(t0) {
- this._reviver = t0;
- },
- _JsonStringifier: function _JsonStringifier() {
- },
- _JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure: function _JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.keyValueList = t1;
- },
- _JsonStringStringifier: function _JsonStringStringifier(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._sink = t0;
- this._seen = t1;
- this._toEncodable = t2;
- },
- Latin1Codec: function Latin1Codec() {
- },
- Latin1Encoder: function Latin1Encoder(t0) {
- this._subsetMask = t0;
- },
- Latin1Decoder: function Latin1Decoder(t0, t1) {
- this._allowInvalid = t0;
- this._subsetMask = t1;
- },
- Utf8Codec: function Utf8Codec() {
- },
- Utf8Encoder: function Utf8Encoder() {
- },
- _Utf8Encoder: function _Utf8Encoder(t0) {
- this._bufferIndex = 0;
- this._buffer = t0;
- },
- Utf8Decoder: function Utf8Decoder(t0) {
- this._allowMalformed = t0;
- },
- _Utf8Decoder: function _Utf8Decoder(t0) {
- this.allowMalformed = t0;
- this._convert$_state = 16;
- this._charOrIndex = 0;
- },
- identityHashCode(object) {
- return A.objectHashCode(object);
- },
- Function_apply($function, positionalArguments) {
- return A.Primitives_applyFunction($function, positionalArguments, null);
- },
- Expando$($T) {
- return new A.Expando(new WeakMap(), $T._eval$1("Expando<0>"));
- },
- Expando__checkType(object) {
- if (A._isBool(object) || typeof object == "number" || typeof object == "string" || type$.Record._is(object))
- A.Expando__badExpandoKey(object);
- },
- Expando__badExpandoKey(object) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(object, "object", "Expandos are not allowed on strings, numbers, bools, records or null"));
- },
- int_parse(source, radix) {
- var value = A.Primitives_parseInt(source, radix);
- if (value != null)
- return value;
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(source, null, null));
- },
- double_parse(source) {
- var value = A.Primitives_parseDouble(source);
- if (value != null)
- return value;
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid double", source, null));
- },
- Error__throw(error, stackTrace) {
- error = A.wrapException(error);
- error.stack = stackTrace.toString$0(0);
- throw error;
- throw A.wrapException("unreachable");
- },
- DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(millisecondsSinceEpoch, isUtc) {
- var t1;
- if (Math.abs(millisecondsSinceEpoch) <= 864e13)
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("DateTime is outside valid range: " + millisecondsSinceEpoch, null));
- A.checkNotNullable(isUtc, "isUtc", type$.bool);
- return new A.DateTime(millisecondsSinceEpoch, isUtc);
- },
- DateTime$fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(microsecondsSinceEpoch) {
- var t2,
- t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(microsecondsSinceEpoch / 1000);
- if (Math.abs(t1) <= 864e13)
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("DateTime is outside valid range: " + t1, null));
- A.checkNotNullable(false, "isUtc", type$.bool);
- return new A.DateTime(t1, false);
- },
- List_List$filled($length, fill, growable, $E) {
- var i,
- result = growable ? J.JSArray_JSArray$growable($length, $E) : J.JSArray_JSArray$fixed($length, $E);
- if ($length !== 0 && fill != null)
- for (i = 0; i < result.length; ++i)
- result[i] = fill;
- return result;
- },
- List_List$from(elements, growable, $E) {
- var t1,
- list = A._setArrayType([], $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();)
- list.push(t1.get$current(t1));
- if (growable)
- return list;
- return J.JSArray_markFixedList(list);
- },
- List_List$of(elements, growable, $E) {
- var t1;
- if (growable)
- return A.List_List$_of(elements, $E);
- t1 = J.JSArray_markFixedList(A.List_List$_of(elements, $E));
- return t1;
- },
- List_List$_of(elements, $E) {
- var list, t1;
- if (Array.isArray(elements))
- return A._setArrayType(elements.slice(0), $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
- list = A._setArrayType([], $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();)
- list.push(t1.get$current(t1));
- return list;
- },
- List_List$generate($length, generator, $E) {
- var i,
- result = J.JSArray_JSArray$growable($length, $E);
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- result[i] = generator.call$1(i);
- return result;
- },
- List_List$unmodifiable(elements, $E) {
- return J.JSArray_markUnmodifiableList(A.List_List$from(elements, false, $E));
- },
- String_String$fromCharCodes(charCodes, start, end) {
- var array, len, _null = null;
- if (Array.isArray(charCodes)) {
- array = charCodes;
- len = array.length;
- end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, len, _null, _null);
- return A.Primitives_stringFromCharCodes(start > 0 || end < len ? array.slice(start, end) : array);
- }
- if (type$.NativeUint8List._is(charCodes))
- return A.Primitives_stringFromNativeUint8List(charCodes, start, A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, charCodes.length, _null, _null));
- return A.String__stringFromIterable(charCodes, start, end);
- },
- String_String$fromCharCode(charCode) {
- return A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(charCode);
- },
- String__stringFromIterable(charCodes, start, end) {
- var t1, it, i, list, _null = null;
- if (start < 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, charCodes.length, _null, _null));
- t1 = end == null;
- if (!t1 && end < start)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, charCodes.length, _null, _null));
- it = J.get$iterator$ax(charCodes);
- for (i = 0; i < start; ++i)
- if (!it.moveNext$0())
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, i, _null, _null));
- list = [];
- if (t1)
- for (; it.moveNext$0();)
- list.push(it.get$current(it));
- else
- for (i = start; i < end; ++i) {
- if (!it.moveNext$0())
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, i, _null, _null));
- list.push(it.get$current(it));
- }
- return A.Primitives_stringFromCharCodes(list);
- },
- RegExp_RegExp(source, caseSensitive, unicode) {
- return new A.JSSyntaxRegExp(source, A.JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(source, false, caseSensitive, unicode, false, false));
- },
- identical(a, b) {
- return a == null ? b == null : a === b;
- },
- StringBuffer__writeAll(string, objects, separator) {
- var iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(objects);
- if (!iterator.moveNext$0())
- return string;
- if (separator.length === 0) {
- do
- string += A.S(iterator.get$current(iterator));
- while (iterator.moveNext$0());
- } else {
- string += A.S(iterator.get$current(iterator));
- for (; iterator.moveNext$0();)
- string = string + separator + A.S(iterator.get$current(iterator));
- }
- return string;
- },
- NoSuchMethodError_NoSuchMethodError$withInvocation(receiver, invocation) {
- return new A.NoSuchMethodError(receiver, invocation.get$memberName(), invocation.get$positionalArguments(), invocation.get$namedArguments());
- },
- Uri_base() {
- var uri = A.Primitives_currentUri();
- if (uri != null)
- return A.Uri_parse(uri);
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("'Uri.base' is not supported"));
- },
- _Uri__uriEncode(canonicalTable, text, encoding, spaceToPlus) {
- var t1, bytes, i, t2, byte,
- _s16_ = "0123456789ABCDEF";
- if (encoding === B.C_Utf8Codec) {
- t1 = $.$get$_Uri__needsNoEncoding()._nativeRegExp;
- t1 = t1.test(text);
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- return text;
- bytes = encoding.encode$1(text);
- for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(bytes), i = 0, t2 = ""; i < t1.get$length(bytes); ++i) {
- byte = t1.$index(bytes, i);
- if (byte < 128 && (canonicalTable[B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(byte, 4)] & 1 << (byte & 15)) !== 0)
- t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(byte);
- else
- t2 = spaceToPlus && byte === 32 ? t2 + "+" : t2 + "%" + _s16_[B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(byte, 4) & 15] + _s16_[byte & 15];
- }
- return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
- },
- StackTrace_current() {
- var stackTrace, exception;
- if ($.$get$_hasErrorStackProperty())
- return A.getTraceFromException(new Error());
- try {
- throw A.wrapException("");
- } catch (exception) {
- stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- return stackTrace;
- }
- },
- Comparable_compare(a, b) {
- return J.compareTo$1$ns(a, b);
- },
- DateTime_parse(formattedString) {
- var t1, t2, t3, years, month, day, hour, minute, second, milliAndMicroseconds, millisecond, tzSign, sign, hourDifference, isUtc, value, _null = null,
- match = $.$get$DateTime__parseFormat().firstMatch$1(formattedString);
- if (match != null) {
- t1 = new A.DateTime_parse_parseIntOrZero();
- t2 = match._match;
- t3 = t2[1];
- t3.toString;
- years = A.int_parse(t3, _null);
- t3 = t2[2];
- t3.toString;
- month = A.int_parse(t3, _null);
- t3 = t2[3];
- t3.toString;
- day = A.int_parse(t3, _null);
- hour = t1.call$1(t2[4]);
- minute = t1.call$1(t2[5]);
- second = t1.call$1(t2[6]);
- milliAndMicroseconds = new A.DateTime_parse_parseMilliAndMicroseconds().call$1(t2[7]);
- millisecond = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(milliAndMicroseconds, 1000);
- if (t2[8] != null) {
- tzSign = t2[9];
- if (tzSign != null) {
- sign = tzSign === "-" ? -1 : 1;
- t3 = t2[10];
- t3.toString;
- hourDifference = A.int_parse(t3, _null);
- minute -= sign * (t1.call$1(t2[11]) + 60 * hourDifference);
- }
- isUtc = true;
- } else
- isUtc = false;
- value = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(years, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond + B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(milliAndMicroseconds % 1000 / 1000), isUtc);
- if (value == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Time out of range", formattedString, _null));
- return A.DateTime$_withValue(value, isUtc);
- } else
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid date format", formattedString, _null));
- },
- DateTime_tryParse(formattedString) {
- var t1, exception;
- try {
- t1 = A.DateTime_parse(formattedString);
- return t1;
- } catch (exception) {
- if (type$.FormatException._is(A.unwrapException(exception)))
- return null;
- else
- throw exception;
- }
- },
- DateTime$_withValue(_value, isUtc) {
- var t1;
- if (Math.abs(_value) <= 864e13)
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("DateTime is outside valid range: " + _value, null));
- A.checkNotNullable(isUtc, "isUtc", type$.bool);
- return new A.DateTime(_value, isUtc);
- },
- DateTime__fourDigits(n) {
- var absN = Math.abs(n),
- sign = n < 0 ? "-" : "";
- if (absN >= 1000)
- return "" + n;
- if (absN >= 100)
- return sign + "0" + absN;
- if (absN >= 10)
- return sign + "00" + absN;
- return sign + "000" + absN;
- },
- DateTime__sixDigits(n) {
- var absN = Math.abs(n),
- sign = n < 0 ? "-" : "+";
- if (absN >= 100000)
- return sign + absN;
- return sign + "0" + absN;
- },
- DateTime__threeDigits(n) {
- if (n >= 100)
- return "" + n;
- if (n >= 10)
- return "0" + n;
- return "00" + n;
- },
- DateTime__twoDigits(n) {
- if (n >= 10)
- return "" + n;
- return "0" + n;
- },
- Duration$(days, hours, microseconds, milliseconds, minutes, seconds) {
- return new A.Duration(microseconds + 1000 * milliseconds + 1000000 * seconds + 60000000 * minutes + 3600000000 * hours + 864e8 * days);
- },
- Error_safeToString(object) {
- if (typeof object == "number" || A._isBool(object) || object == null)
- return J.toString$0$(object);
- if (typeof object == "string")
- return JSON.stringify(object);
- return A.Primitives_safeToString(object);
- },
- Error_throwWithStackTrace(error, stackTrace) {
- A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
- A.checkNotNullable(stackTrace, "stackTrace", type$.StackTrace);
- A.Error__throw(error, stackTrace);
- },
- AssertionError$(message) {
- return new A.AssertionError(message);
- },
- ArgumentError$(message, $name) {
- return new A.ArgumentError(false, null, $name, message);
- },
- ArgumentError$value(value, $name, message) {
- return new A.ArgumentError(true, value, $name, message);
- },
- ArgumentError_checkNotNull(argument, $name) {
- return argument;
- },
- RangeError$(message) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.RangeError(_null, _null, false, _null, _null, message);
- },
- RangeError$value(value, $name) {
- return new A.RangeError(null, null, true, value, $name, "Value not in range");
- },
- RangeError$range(invalidValue, minValue, maxValue, $name, message) {
- return new A.RangeError(minValue, maxValue, true, invalidValue, $name, "Invalid value");
- },
- RangeError_checkValueInInterval(value, minValue, maxValue, $name) {
- if (value < minValue || value > maxValue)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(value, minValue, maxValue, $name, null));
- return value;
- },
- RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, $length, startName, endName) {
- if (0 > start || start > $length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, $length, startName == null ? "start" : startName, null));
- if (end != null) {
- if (start > end || end > $length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, $length, endName == null ? "end" : endName, null));
- return end;
- }
- return $length;
- },
- RangeError_checkNotNegative(value, $name) {
- if (value < 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(value, 0, null, $name, null));
- return value;
- },
- IndexError$(invalidValue, indexable, $name, message, $length) {
- var t1 = $length == null ? indexable.get$length(indexable) : $length;
- return new A.IndexError(t1, true, invalidValue, $name, "Index out of range");
- },
- IndexError$withLength(invalidValue, $length, indexable, message, $name) {
- return new A.IndexError($length, true, invalidValue, $name, "Index out of range");
- },
- IndexError_check(index, $length, indexable, $name) {
- if (0 > index || index >= $length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, $length, indexable, null, $name == null ? "index" : $name));
- return index;
- },
- UnsupportedError$(message) {
- return new A.UnsupportedError(message);
- },
- UnimplementedError$(message) {
- return new A.UnimplementedError(message);
- },
- StateError$(message) {
- return new A.StateError(message);
- },
- ConcurrentModificationError$(modifiedObject) {
- return new A.ConcurrentModificationError(modifiedObject);
- },
- Exception_Exception(message) {
- return new A._Exception(message);
- },
- FormatException$(message, source, offset) {
- return new A.FormatException(message, source, offset);
- },
- Iterable_Iterable$generate(count, generator, $E) {
- if (count <= 0)
- return new A.EmptyIterable($E._eval$1("EmptyIterable<0>"));
- return new A._GeneratorIterable(count, generator, $E._eval$1("_GeneratorIterable<0>"));
- },
- Iterable_iterableToShortString(iterable, leftDelimiter, rightDelimiter) {
- var parts, t1;
- if (A.isToStringVisiting(iterable)) {
- if (leftDelimiter === "(" && rightDelimiter === ")")
- return "(...)";
- return leftDelimiter + "..." + rightDelimiter;
- }
- parts = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- $.toStringVisiting.push(iterable);
- try {
- A._iterablePartsToStrings(iterable, parts);
- } finally {
- $.toStringVisiting.pop();
- }
- t1 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(leftDelimiter, parts, ", ") + rightDelimiter;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- Iterable_iterableToFullString(iterable, leftDelimiter, rightDelimiter) {
- var buffer, t1;
- if (A.isToStringVisiting(iterable))
- return leftDelimiter + "..." + rightDelimiter;
- buffer = new A.StringBuffer(leftDelimiter);
- $.toStringVisiting.push(iterable);
- try {
- t1 = buffer;
- t1._contents = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(t1._contents, iterable, ", ");
- } finally {
- $.toStringVisiting.pop();
- }
- buffer._contents += rightDelimiter;
- t1 = buffer._contents;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- _iterablePartsToStrings(iterable, parts) {
- var next, ultimateString, penultimateString, penultimate, ultimate, ultimate0, elision,
- it = J.get$iterator$ax(iterable),
- $length = 0, count = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!($length < 80 || count < 3))
- break;
- if (!it.moveNext$0())
- return;
- next = A.S(it.get$current(it));
- parts.push(next);
- $length += next.length + 2;
- ++count;
- }
- if (!it.moveNext$0()) {
- if (count <= 5)
- return;
- ultimateString = parts.pop();
- penultimateString = parts.pop();
- } else {
- penultimate = it.get$current(it);
- ++count;
- if (!it.moveNext$0()) {
- if (count <= 4) {
- parts.push(A.S(penultimate));
- return;
- }
- ultimateString = A.S(penultimate);
- penultimateString = parts.pop();
- $length += ultimateString.length + 2;
- } else {
- ultimate = it.get$current(it);
- ++count;
- for (; it.moveNext$0(); penultimate = ultimate, ultimate = ultimate0) {
- ultimate0 = it.get$current(it);
- ++count;
- if (count > 100) {
- while (true) {
- if (!($length > 75 && count > 3))
- break;
- $length -= parts.pop().length + 2;
- --count;
- }
- parts.push("...");
- return;
- }
- }
- penultimateString = A.S(penultimate);
- ultimateString = A.S(ultimate);
- $length += ultimateString.length + penultimateString.length + 4;
- }
- }
- if (count > parts.length + 2) {
- $length += 5;
- elision = "...";
- } else
- elision = null;
- while (true) {
- if (!($length > 80 && parts.length > 3))
- break;
- $length -= parts.pop().length + 2;
- if (elision == null) {
- $length += 5;
- elision = "...";
- }
- }
- if (elision != null)
- parts.push(elision);
- parts.push(penultimateString);
- parts.push(ultimateString);
- },
- Map_castFrom(source, $K, $V, K2, V2) {
- return new A.CastMap(source, $K._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($V)._bind$1(K2)._bind$1(V2)._eval$1("CastMap<1,2,3,4>"));
- },
- num_tryParse(input) {
- var source = B.JSString_methods.trim$0(input),
- t1 = A.Primitives_parseInt(source, null);
- return t1 == null ? A.Primitives_parseDouble(source) : t1;
- },
- Object_hash(object1, object2, object3, object4, object5, object6, object7, object8, object9, object10, object11, object12, object13, object14, object15, object16, object17, object18, object19, object20) {
- var t1;
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object3)
- return A.SystemHash_hash2(J.get$hashCode$(object1), J.get$hashCode$(object2), $.$get$_hashSeed());
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object4) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3));
- }
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object5)
- return A.SystemHash_hash4(J.get$hashCode$(object1), J.get$hashCode$(object2), J.get$hashCode$(object3), J.get$hashCode$(object4), $.$get$_hashSeed());
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object6) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5));
- }
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object7) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- object6 = J.get$hashCode$(object6);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6));
- }
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object8) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- object6 = J.get$hashCode$(object6);
- object7 = J.get$hashCode$(object7);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6), object7));
- }
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object9) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- object6 = J.get$hashCode$(object6);
- object7 = J.get$hashCode$(object7);
- object8 = J.get$hashCode$(object8);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6), object7), object8));
- }
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object10) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- object6 = J.get$hashCode$(object6);
- object7 = J.get$hashCode$(object7);
- object8 = J.get$hashCode$(object8);
- object9 = J.get$hashCode$(object9);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6), object7), object8), object9));
- }
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object11) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- object6 = J.get$hashCode$(object6);
- object7 = J.get$hashCode$(object7);
- object8 = J.get$hashCode$(object8);
- object9 = J.get$hashCode$(object9);
- object10 = J.get$hashCode$(object10);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6), object7), object8), object9), object10));
- }
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object12) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- object6 = J.get$hashCode$(object6);
- object7 = J.get$hashCode$(object7);
- object8 = J.get$hashCode$(object8);
- object9 = J.get$hashCode$(object9);
- object10 = J.get$hashCode$(object10);
- object11 = J.get$hashCode$(object11);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6), object7), object8), object9), object10), object11));
- }
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object13) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- object6 = J.get$hashCode$(object6);
- object7 = J.get$hashCode$(object7);
- object8 = J.get$hashCode$(object8);
- object9 = J.get$hashCode$(object9);
- object10 = J.get$hashCode$(object10);
- object11 = J.get$hashCode$(object11);
- object12 = J.get$hashCode$(object12);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6), object7), object8), object9), object10), object11), object12));
- }
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object14) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- object6 = J.get$hashCode$(object6);
- object7 = J.get$hashCode$(object7);
- object8 = J.get$hashCode$(object8);
- object9 = J.get$hashCode$(object9);
- object10 = J.get$hashCode$(object10);
- object11 = J.get$hashCode$(object11);
- object12 = J.get$hashCode$(object12);
- object13 = J.get$hashCode$(object13);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6), object7), object8), object9), object10), object11), object12), object13));
- }
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object15) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- object6 = J.get$hashCode$(object6);
- object7 = J.get$hashCode$(object7);
- object8 = J.get$hashCode$(object8);
- object9 = J.get$hashCode$(object9);
- object10 = J.get$hashCode$(object10);
- object11 = J.get$hashCode$(object11);
- object12 = J.get$hashCode$(object12);
- object13 = J.get$hashCode$(object13);
- object14 = J.get$hashCode$(object14);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6), object7), object8), object9), object10), object11), object12), object13), object14));
- }
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object16) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- object6 = J.get$hashCode$(object6);
- object7 = J.get$hashCode$(object7);
- object8 = J.get$hashCode$(object8);
- object9 = J.get$hashCode$(object9);
- object10 = J.get$hashCode$(object10);
- object11 = J.get$hashCode$(object11);
- object12 = J.get$hashCode$(object12);
- object13 = J.get$hashCode$(object13);
- object14 = J.get$hashCode$(object14);
- object15 = J.get$hashCode$(object15);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6), object7), object8), object9), object10), object11), object12), object13), object14), object15));
- }
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object17) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- object6 = J.get$hashCode$(object6);
- object7 = J.get$hashCode$(object7);
- object8 = J.get$hashCode$(object8);
- object9 = J.get$hashCode$(object9);
- object10 = J.get$hashCode$(object10);
- object11 = J.get$hashCode$(object11);
- object12 = J.get$hashCode$(object12);
- object13 = J.get$hashCode$(object13);
- object14 = J.get$hashCode$(object14);
- object15 = J.get$hashCode$(object15);
- object16 = J.get$hashCode$(object16);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6), object7), object8), object9), object10), object11), object12), object13), object14), object15), object16));
- }
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object18) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- object6 = J.get$hashCode$(object6);
- object7 = J.get$hashCode$(object7);
- object8 = J.get$hashCode$(object8);
- object9 = J.get$hashCode$(object9);
- object10 = J.get$hashCode$(object10);
- object11 = J.get$hashCode$(object11);
- object12 = J.get$hashCode$(object12);
- object13 = J.get$hashCode$(object13);
- object14 = J.get$hashCode$(object14);
- object15 = J.get$hashCode$(object15);
- object16 = J.get$hashCode$(object16);
- object17 = J.get$hashCode$(object17);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6), object7), object8), object9), object10), object11), object12), object13), object14), object15), object16), object17));
- }
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object19) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- object6 = J.get$hashCode$(object6);
- object7 = J.get$hashCode$(object7);
- object8 = J.get$hashCode$(object8);
- object9 = J.get$hashCode$(object9);
- object10 = J.get$hashCode$(object10);
- object11 = J.get$hashCode$(object11);
- object12 = J.get$hashCode$(object12);
- object13 = J.get$hashCode$(object13);
- object14 = J.get$hashCode$(object14);
- object15 = J.get$hashCode$(object15);
- object16 = J.get$hashCode$(object16);
- object17 = J.get$hashCode$(object17);
- object18 = J.get$hashCode$(object18);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6), object7), object8), object9), object10), object11), object12), object13), object14), object15), object16), object17), object18));
- }
- if (B.C_SentinelValue === object20) {
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- object6 = J.get$hashCode$(object6);
- object7 = J.get$hashCode$(object7);
- object8 = J.get$hashCode$(object8);
- object9 = J.get$hashCode$(object9);
- object10 = J.get$hashCode$(object10);
- object11 = J.get$hashCode$(object11);
- object12 = J.get$hashCode$(object12);
- object13 = J.get$hashCode$(object13);
- object14 = J.get$hashCode$(object14);
- object15 = J.get$hashCode$(object15);
- object16 = J.get$hashCode$(object16);
- object17 = J.get$hashCode$(object17);
- object18 = J.get$hashCode$(object18);
- object19 = J.get$hashCode$(object19);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6), object7), object8), object9), object10), object11), object12), object13), object14), object15), object16), object17), object18), object19));
- }
- t1 = J.get$hashCode$(object1);
- object2 = J.get$hashCode$(object2);
- object3 = J.get$hashCode$(object3);
- object4 = J.get$hashCode$(object4);
- object5 = J.get$hashCode$(object5);
- object6 = J.get$hashCode$(object6);
- object7 = J.get$hashCode$(object7);
- object8 = J.get$hashCode$(object8);
- object9 = J.get$hashCode$(object9);
- object10 = J.get$hashCode$(object10);
- object11 = J.get$hashCode$(object11);
- object12 = J.get$hashCode$(object12);
- object13 = J.get$hashCode$(object13);
- object14 = J.get$hashCode$(object14);
- object15 = J.get$hashCode$(object15);
- object16 = J.get$hashCode$(object16);
- object17 = J.get$hashCode$(object17);
- object18 = J.get$hashCode$(object18);
- object19 = J.get$hashCode$(object19);
- object20 = J.get$hashCode$(object20);
- return A.SystemHash_finish(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine(A.SystemHash_combine($.$get$_hashSeed(), t1), object2), object3), object4), object5), object6), object7), object8), object9), object10), object11), object12), object13), object14), object15), object16), object17), object18), object19), object20));
- },
- Object_hashAll(objects) {
- var t1,
- hash = $.$get$_hashSeed();
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(objects); t1.moveNext$0();)
- hash = A.SystemHash_combine(hash, J.get$hashCode$(t1.get$current(t1)));
- return A.SystemHash_finish(hash);
- },
- print(object) {
- A.printString(A.S(object));
- },
- Set_castFrom(source, newSet, $S, $T) {
- return new A.CastSet(source, newSet, $S._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("CastSet<1,2>"));
- },
- Stopwatch$() {
- $.$get$Stopwatch__frequency();
- return new A.Stopwatch();
- },
- Uri_parse(uri) {
- var delta, indices, schemeEnd, hostStart, portStart, pathStart, queryStart, fragmentStart, isSimple, scheme, t1, t2, schemeAuth, queryStart0, pathStart0, userInfoStart, userInfo, host, portNumber, port, path, query, _null = null,
- end = uri.length;
- if (end >= 5) {
- delta = ((B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 4) ^ 58) * 3 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 0) ^ 100 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 1) ^ 97 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 2) ^ 116 | B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, 3) ^ 97) >>> 0;
- if (delta === 0)
- return A.UriData__parse(end < end ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, 0, end) : uri, 5, _null).get$uri();
- else if (delta === 32)
- return A.UriData__parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, 5, end), 0, _null).get$uri();
- }
- indices = A.List_List$filled(8, 0, false, type$.int);
- indices[0] = 0;
- indices[1] = -1;
- indices[2] = -1;
- indices[7] = -1;
- indices[3] = 0;
- indices[4] = 0;
- indices[5] = end;
- indices[6] = end;
- if (A._scan(uri, 0, end, 0, indices) >= 14)
- indices[7] = end;
- schemeEnd = indices[1];
- if (schemeEnd >= 0)
- if (A._scan(uri, 0, schemeEnd, 20, indices) === 20)
- indices[7] = schemeEnd;
- hostStart = indices[2] + 1;
- portStart = indices[3];
- pathStart = indices[4];
- queryStart = indices[5];
- fragmentStart = indices[6];
- if (fragmentStart < queryStart)
- queryStart = fragmentStart;
- if (pathStart < hostStart)
- pathStart = queryStart;
- else if (pathStart <= schemeEnd)
- pathStart = schemeEnd + 1;
- if (portStart < hostStart)
- portStart = pathStart;
- isSimple = indices[7] < 0;
- if (isSimple)
- if (hostStart > schemeEnd + 3) {
- scheme = _null;
- isSimple = false;
- } else {
- t1 = portStart > 0;
- if (t1 && portStart + 1 === pathStart) {
- scheme = _null;
- isSimple = false;
- } else {
- if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "\\", pathStart))
- if (hostStart > 0)
- t2 = B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "\\", hostStart - 1) || B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "\\", hostStart - 2);
- else
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2) {
- scheme = _null;
- isSimple = false;
- } else {
- if (!(queryStart < end && queryStart === pathStart + 2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "..", pathStart)))
- t2 = queryStart > pathStart + 2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "/..", queryStart - 3);
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2) {
- scheme = _null;
- isSimple = false;
- } else {
- if (schemeEnd === 4)
- if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "file", 0)) {
- if (hostStart <= 0) {
- if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "/", pathStart)) {
- schemeAuth = "file:///";
- delta = 3;
- } else {
- schemeAuth = "file://";
- delta = 2;
- }
- uri = schemeAuth + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, pathStart, end);
- schemeEnd -= 0;
- t1 = delta - 0;
- queryStart += t1;
- fragmentStart += t1;
- end = uri.length;
- hostStart = 7;
- portStart = 7;
- pathStart = 7;
- } else if (pathStart === queryStart) {
- ++fragmentStart;
- queryStart0 = queryStart + 1;
- uri = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(uri, pathStart, queryStart, "/");
- ++end;
- queryStart = queryStart0;
- }
- scheme = "file";
- } else if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "http", 0)) {
- if (t1 && portStart + 3 === pathStart && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "80", portStart + 1)) {
- fragmentStart -= 3;
- pathStart0 = pathStart - 3;
- queryStart -= 3;
- uri = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(uri, portStart, pathStart, "");
- end -= 3;
- pathStart = pathStart0;
- }
- scheme = "http";
- } else
- scheme = _null;
- else if (schemeEnd === 5 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "https", 0)) {
- if (t1 && portStart + 4 === pathStart && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(uri, "443", portStart + 1)) {
- fragmentStart -= 4;
- pathStart0 = pathStart - 4;
- queryStart -= 4;
- uri = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(uri, portStart, pathStart, "");
- end -= 3;
- pathStart = pathStart0;
- }
- scheme = "https";
- } else
- scheme = _null;
- isSimple = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- scheme = _null;
- if (isSimple) {
- if (end < uri.length) {
- uri = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, 0, end);
- schemeEnd -= 0;
- hostStart -= 0;
- portStart -= 0;
- pathStart -= 0;
- queryStart -= 0;
- fragmentStart -= 0;
- }
- return new A._SimpleUri(uri, schemeEnd, hostStart, portStart, pathStart, queryStart, fragmentStart, scheme);
- }
- if (scheme == null)
- if (schemeEnd > 0)
- scheme = A._Uri__makeScheme(uri, 0, schemeEnd);
- else {
- if (schemeEnd === 0)
- A._Uri__fail(uri, 0, "Invalid empty scheme");
- scheme = "";
- }
- if (hostStart > 0) {
- userInfoStart = schemeEnd + 3;
- userInfo = userInfoStart < hostStart ? A._Uri__makeUserInfo(uri, userInfoStart, hostStart - 1) : "";
- host = A._Uri__makeHost(uri, hostStart, portStart, false);
- t1 = portStart + 1;
- if (t1 < pathStart) {
- portNumber = A.Primitives_parseInt(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(uri, t1, pathStart), _null);
- port = A._Uri__makePort(portNumber == null ? A.throwExpression(A.FormatException$("Invalid port", uri, t1)) : portNumber, scheme);
- } else
- port = _null;
- } else {
- port = _null;
- host = port;
- userInfo = "";
- }
- path = A._Uri__makePath(uri, pathStart, queryStart, _null, scheme, host != null);
- query = queryStart < fragmentStart ? A._Uri__makeQuery(uri, queryStart + 1, fragmentStart, _null) : _null;
- return A._Uri$_internal(scheme, userInfo, host, port, path, query, fragmentStart < end ? A._Uri__makeFragment(uri, fragmentStart + 1, end) : _null);
- },
- Uri_decodeComponent(encodedComponent) {
- return A._Uri__uriDecode(encodedComponent, 0, encodedComponent.length, B.C_Utf8Codec, false);
- },
- Uri__parseIPv4Address(host, start, end) {
- var i, partStart, partIndex, char, part, partIndex0,
- _s43_ = "IPv4 address should contain exactly 4 parts",
- _s37_ = "each part must be in the range 0..255",
- error = new A.Uri__parseIPv4Address_error(host),
- result = new Uint8Array(4);
- for (i = start, partStart = i, partIndex = 0; i < end; ++i) {
- char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i);
- if (char !== 46) {
- if ((char ^ 48) > 9)
- error.call$2("invalid character", i);
- } else {
- if (partIndex === 3)
- error.call$2(_s43_, i);
- part = A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, partStart, i), null);
- if (part > 255)
- error.call$2(_s37_, partStart);
- partIndex0 = partIndex + 1;
- result[partIndex] = part;
- partStart = i + 1;
- partIndex = partIndex0;
- }
- }
- if (partIndex !== 3)
- error.call$2(_s43_, end);
- part = A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, partStart, end), null);
- if (part > 255)
- error.call$2(_s37_, partStart);
- result[partIndex] = part;
- return result;
- },
- Uri_parseIPv6Address(host, start, end) {
- var parts, i, partStart, wildcardSeen, seenDot, char, atEnd, t1, last, bytes, wildCardLength, index, value, j, _null = null,
- error = new A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_error(host),
- parseHex = new A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex(error, host);
- if (host.length < 2)
- error.call$2("address is too short", _null);
- parts = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int);
- for (i = start, partStart = i, wildcardSeen = false, seenDot = false; i < end; ++i) {
- char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i);
- if (char === 58) {
- if (i === start) {
- ++i;
- if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i) !== 58)
- error.call$2("invalid start colon.", i);
- partStart = i;
- }
- if (i === partStart) {
- if (wildcardSeen)
- error.call$2("only one wildcard `::` is allowed", i);
- parts.push(-1);
- wildcardSeen = true;
- } else
- parts.push(parseHex.call$2(partStart, i));
- partStart = i + 1;
- } else if (char === 46)
- seenDot = true;
- }
- if (parts.length === 0)
- error.call$2("too few parts", _null);
- atEnd = partStart === end;
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(parts);
- if (atEnd && t1 !== -1)
- error.call$2("expected a part after last `:`", end);
- if (!atEnd)
- if (!seenDot)
- parts.push(parseHex.call$2(partStart, end));
- else {
- last = A.Uri__parseIPv4Address(host, partStart, end);
- parts.push((last[0] << 8 | last[1]) >>> 0);
- parts.push((last[2] << 8 | last[3]) >>> 0);
- }
- if (wildcardSeen) {
- if (parts.length > 7)
- error.call$2("an address with a wildcard must have less than 7 parts", _null);
- } else if (parts.length !== 8)
- error.call$2("an address without a wildcard must contain exactly 8 parts", _null);
- bytes = new Uint8Array(16);
- for (t1 = parts.length, wildCardLength = 9 - t1, i = 0, index = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
- value = parts[i];
- if (value === -1)
- for (j = 0; j < wildCardLength; ++j) {
- bytes[index] = 0;
- bytes[index + 1] = 0;
- index += 2;
- }
- else {
- bytes[index] = B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(value, 8);
- bytes[index + 1] = value & 255;
- index += 2;
- }
- }
- return bytes;
- },
- _Uri$_internal(scheme, _userInfo, _host, _port, path, _query, _fragment) {
- return new A._Uri(scheme, _userInfo, _host, _port, path, _query, _fragment);
- },
- _Uri__Uri(fragment, path, queryParameters) {
- var port, t1, hasAuthority, _null = null,
- userInfo = A._Uri__makeUserInfo(_null, 0, 0),
- host = A._Uri__makeHost(_null, 0, 0, false),
- query = A._Uri__makeQuery(_null, 0, 0, queryParameters);
- fragment = A._Uri__makeFragment(fragment, 0, fragment == null ? 0 : fragment.length);
- port = A._Uri__makePort(_null, "");
- if (host == null)
- t1 = userInfo.length !== 0 || port != null || false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- host = "";
- t1 = host == null;
- hasAuthority = !t1;
- path = A._Uri__makePath(path, 0, path.length, _null, "", hasAuthority);
- if (t1 && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "/"))
- path = A._Uri__normalizeRelativePath(path, hasAuthority);
- else
- path = A._Uri__removeDotSegments(path);
- return A._Uri$_internal("", userInfo, t1 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "//") ? "" : host, port, path, query, fragment);
- },
- _Uri__defaultPort(scheme) {
- if (scheme === "http")
- return 80;
- if (scheme === "https")
- return 443;
- return 0;
- },
- _Uri__fail(uri, index, message) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(message, uri, index));
- },
- _Uri__checkNonWindowsPathReservedCharacters(segments, argumentError) {
- var t1, _i, segment, t2, t3;
- for (t1 = segments.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
- segment = segments[_i];
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(segment);
- t3 = t2.get$length(segment);
- if (0 > t3)
- A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$range(0, 0, t2.get$length(segment), null, null));
- if (A.stringContainsUnchecked(segment, "/", 0)) {
- t1 = A.UnsupportedError$("Illegal path character " + A.S(segment));
- throw A.wrapException(t1);
- }
- }
- },
- _Uri__checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(segments, argumentError, firstSegment) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
- for (t1 = A.SubListIterable$(segments, firstSegment, null, A._arrayInstanceType(segments)._precomputed1), t2 = t1.$ti, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1), t2._eval$1("ListIterator")), t2 = t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1.__internal$_current;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = t2._as(t3);
- t4 = A.RegExp_RegExp('["*/:<>?\\\\|]', true, false);
- t5 = t3.length;
- if (A.stringContainsUnchecked(t3, t4, 0)) {
- t1 = A.UnsupportedError$("Illegal character in path: " + t3);
- throw A.wrapException(t1);
- }
- }
- },
- _Uri__checkWindowsDriveLetter(charCode, argumentError) {
- var t1;
- if (!(65 <= charCode && charCode <= 90))
- t1 = 97 <= charCode && charCode <= 122;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return;
- t1 = A.UnsupportedError$("Illegal drive letter " + A.String_String$fromCharCode(charCode));
- throw A.wrapException(t1);
- },
- _Uri__computeQueryParametersAll(query) {
- var queryParameterLists;
- if (query.length === 0)
- return B.Map_empty7;
- queryParameterLists = A._Uri__splitQueryStringAll(query);
- queryParameterLists.updateAll$1(queryParameterLists, A.core___toUnmodifiableStringList$closure());
- return A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(queryParameterLists, type$.String, type$.List_String);
- },
- _Uri__makePort(port, scheme) {
- if (port != null && port === A._Uri__defaultPort(scheme))
- return null;
- return port;
- },
- _Uri__makeHost(host, start, end, strictIPv6) {
- var t1, t2, index, zoneIDstart, zoneID, i;
- if (host == null)
- return null;
- if (start === end)
- return "";
- if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, start) === 91) {
- t1 = end - 1;
- if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, t1) !== 93)
- A._Uri__fail(host, start, "Missing end `]` to match `[` in host");
- t2 = start + 1;
- index = A._Uri__checkZoneID(host, t2, t1);
- if (index < t1) {
- zoneIDstart = index + 1;
- zoneID = A._Uri__normalizeZoneID(host, B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(host, "25", zoneIDstart) ? index + 3 : zoneIDstart, t1, "%25");
- } else
- zoneID = "";
- A.Uri_parseIPv6Address(host, t2, index);
- return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, index).toLowerCase() + zoneID + "]";
- }
- for (i = start; i < end; ++i)
- if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, i) === 58) {
- index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(host, "%", start);
- index = index >= start && index < end ? index : end;
- if (index < end) {
- zoneIDstart = index + 1;
- zoneID = A._Uri__normalizeZoneID(host, B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(host, "25", zoneIDstart) ? index + 3 : zoneIDstart, end, "%25");
- } else
- zoneID = "";
- A.Uri_parseIPv6Address(host, start, index);
- return "[" + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, index) + zoneID + "]";
- }
- return A._Uri__normalizeRegName(host, start, end);
- },
- _Uri__checkZoneID(host, start, end) {
- var index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(host, "%", start);
- return index >= start && index < end ? index : end;
- },
- _Uri__normalizeZoneID(host, start, end, prefix) {
- var index, sectionStart, isNormalized, char, replacement, t1, t2, tail, sourceLength, slice,
- buffer = prefix !== "" ? new A.StringBuffer(prefix) : null;
- for (index = start, sectionStart = index, isNormalized = true; index < end;) {
- char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index);
- if (char === 37) {
- replacement = A._Uri__normalizeEscape(host, index, true);
- t1 = replacement == null;
- if (t1 && isNormalized) {
- index += 3;
- continue;
- }
- if (buffer == null)
- buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
- t2 = buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
- if (t1)
- replacement = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, index, index + 3);
- else if (replacement === "%")
- A._Uri__fail(host, index, "ZoneID should not contain % anymore");
- buffer._contents = t2 + replacement;
- index += 3;
- sectionStart = index;
- isNormalized = true;
- } else if (char < 127 && (B.List_M1A[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0) {
- if (isNormalized && 65 <= char && 90 >= char) {
- if (buffer == null)
- buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
- if (sectionStart < index) {
- buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
- sectionStart = index;
- }
- isNormalized = false;
- }
- ++index;
- } else {
- if ((char & 64512) === 55296 && index + 1 < end) {
- tail = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index + 1);
- if ((tail & 64512) === 56320) {
- char = (char & 1023) << 10 | tail & 1023 | 65536;
- sourceLength = 2;
- } else
- sourceLength = 1;
- } else
- sourceLength = 1;
- slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
- if (buffer == null) {
- buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
- t1 = buffer;
- } else
- t1 = buffer;
- t1._contents += slice;
- t1._contents += A._Uri__escapeChar(char);
- index += sourceLength;
- sectionStart = index;
- }
- }
- if (buffer == null)
- return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, end);
- if (sectionStart < end)
- buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, end);
- t1 = buffer._contents;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- _Uri__normalizeRegName(host, start, end) {
- var index, sectionStart, buffer, isNormalized, char, replacement, t1, slice, t2, sourceLength, tail;
- for (index = start, sectionStart = index, buffer = null, isNormalized = true; index < end;) {
- char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index);
- if (char === 37) {
- replacement = A._Uri__normalizeEscape(host, index, true);
- t1 = replacement == null;
- if (t1 && isNormalized) {
- index += 3;
- continue;
- }
- if (buffer == null)
- buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
- slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
- t2 = buffer._contents += !isNormalized ? slice.toLowerCase() : slice;
- if (t1) {
- replacement = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, index, index + 3);
- sourceLength = 3;
- } else if (replacement === "%") {
- replacement = "%25";
- sourceLength = 1;
- } else
- sourceLength = 3;
- buffer._contents = t2 + replacement;
- index += sourceLength;
- sectionStart = index;
- isNormalized = true;
- } else if (char < 127 && (B.List_ejq[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0) {
- if (isNormalized && 65 <= char && 90 >= char) {
- if (buffer == null)
- buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
- if (sectionStart < index) {
- buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
- sectionStart = index;
- }
- isNormalized = false;
- }
- ++index;
- } else if (char <= 93 && (B.List_YmH[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0)
- A._Uri__fail(host, index, "Invalid character");
- else {
- if ((char & 64512) === 55296 && index + 1 < end) {
- tail = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(host, index + 1);
- if ((tail & 64512) === 56320) {
- char = (char & 1023) << 10 | tail & 1023 | 65536;
- sourceLength = 2;
- } else
- sourceLength = 1;
- } else
- sourceLength = 1;
- slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, index);
- if (!isNormalized)
- slice = slice.toLowerCase();
- if (buffer == null) {
- buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
- t1 = buffer;
- } else
- t1 = buffer;
- t1._contents += slice;
- t1._contents += A._Uri__escapeChar(char);
- index += sourceLength;
- sectionStart = index;
- }
- }
- if (buffer == null)
- return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, start, end);
- if (sectionStart < end) {
- slice = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, sectionStart, end);
- buffer._contents += !isNormalized ? slice.toLowerCase() : slice;
- }
- t1 = buffer._contents;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- _Uri__makeScheme(scheme, start, end) {
- var i, containsUpperCase, codeUnit;
- if (start === end)
- return "";
- if (!A._Uri__isAlphabeticCharacter(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(scheme, start)))
- A._Uri__fail(scheme, start, "Scheme not starting with alphabetic character");
- for (i = start, containsUpperCase = false; i < end; ++i) {
- codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(scheme, i);
- if (!(codeUnit < 128 && (B.List_MMm[codeUnit >>> 4] & 1 << (codeUnit & 15)) !== 0))
- A._Uri__fail(scheme, i, "Illegal scheme character");
- if (65 <= codeUnit && codeUnit <= 90)
- containsUpperCase = true;
- }
- scheme = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(scheme, start, end);
- return A._Uri__canonicalizeScheme(containsUpperCase ? scheme.toLowerCase() : scheme);
- },
- _Uri__canonicalizeScheme(scheme) {
- if (scheme === "http")
- return "http";
- if (scheme === "file")
- return "file";
- if (scheme === "https")
- return "https";
- if (scheme === "package")
- return "package";
- return scheme;
- },
- _Uri__makeUserInfo(userInfo, start, end) {
- if (userInfo == null)
- return "";
- return A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(userInfo, start, end, B.List_OL3, false, false);
- },
- _Uri__makePath(path, start, end, pathSegments, scheme, hasAuthority) {
- var result,
- isFile = scheme === "file",
- ensureLeadingSlash = isFile || hasAuthority;
- if (path == null)
- return isFile ? "/" : "";
- else
- result = A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(path, start, end, B.List_XRg, true, true);
- if (result.length === 0) {
- if (isFile)
- return "/";
- } else if (ensureLeadingSlash && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(result, "/"))
- result = "/" + result;
- return A._Uri__normalizePath(result, scheme, hasAuthority);
- },
- _Uri__normalizePath(path, scheme, hasAuthority) {
- var t1 = scheme.length === 0;
- if (t1 && !hasAuthority && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "/") && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "\\"))
- return A._Uri__normalizeRelativePath(path, !t1 || hasAuthority);
- return A._Uri__removeDotSegments(path);
- },
- _Uri__makeQuery(query, start, end, queryParameters) {
- var result, t1 = {};
- if (query != null) {
- if (queryParameters != null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Both query and queryParameters specified", null));
- return A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(query, start, end, B.List_oFp, true, false);
- }
- if (queryParameters == null)
- return null;
- result = new A.StringBuffer("");
- t1.separator = "";
- queryParameters.forEach$1(0, new A._Uri__makeQuery_closure(new A._Uri__makeQuery_writeParameter(t1, result)));
- t1 = result._contents;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- _Uri__makeFragment(fragment, start, end) {
- if (fragment == null)
- return null;
- return A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(fragment, start, end, B.List_oFp, true, false);
- },
- _Uri__normalizeEscape(source, index, lowerCase) {
- var firstDigit, secondDigit, firstDigitValue, secondDigitValue, value,
- t1 = index + 2;
- if (t1 >= source.length)
- return "%";
- firstDigit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, index + 1);
- secondDigit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, t1);
- firstDigitValue = A.hexDigitValue(firstDigit);
- secondDigitValue = A.hexDigitValue(secondDigit);
- if (firstDigitValue < 0 || secondDigitValue < 0)
- return "%";
- value = firstDigitValue * 16 + secondDigitValue;
- if (value < 127 && (B.List_M1A[B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(value, 4)] & 1 << (value & 15)) !== 0)
- return A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(lowerCase && 65 <= value && 90 >= value ? (value | 32) >>> 0 : value);
- if (firstDigit >= 97 || secondDigit >= 97)
- return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, index, index + 3).toUpperCase();
- return null;
- },
- _Uri__escapeChar(char) {
- var codeUnits, flag, encodedBytes, index, byte,
- _s16_ = "0123456789ABCDEF";
- if (char < 128) {
- codeUnits = new Uint8Array(3);
- codeUnits[0] = 37;
- codeUnits[1] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, char >>> 4);
- codeUnits[2] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, char & 15);
- } else {
- if (char > 2047)
- if (char > 65535) {
- flag = 240;
- encodedBytes = 4;
- } else {
- flag = 224;
- encodedBytes = 3;
- }
- else {
- flag = 192;
- encodedBytes = 2;
- }
- codeUnits = new Uint8Array(3 * encodedBytes);
- for (index = 0; --encodedBytes, encodedBytes >= 0; flag = 128) {
- byte = B.JSInt_methods._shrReceiverPositive$1(char, 6 * encodedBytes) & 63 | flag;
- codeUnits[index] = 37;
- codeUnits[index + 1] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, byte >>> 4);
- codeUnits[index + 2] = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s16_, byte & 15);
- index += 3;
- }
- }
- return A.String_String$fromCharCodes(codeUnits, 0, null);
- },
- _Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(component, start, end, charTable, escapeDelimiters, replaceBackslash) {
- var t1 = A._Uri__normalize(component, start, end, charTable, escapeDelimiters, replaceBackslash);
- return t1 == null ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(component, start, end) : t1;
- },
- _Uri__normalize(component, start, end, charTable, escapeDelimiters, replaceBackslash) {
- var t1, index, sectionStart, buffer, char, replacement, sourceLength, t2, tail, t3, _null = null;
- for (t1 = !escapeDelimiters, index = start, sectionStart = index, buffer = _null; index < end;) {
- char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(component, index);
- if (char < 127 && (charTable[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0)
- ++index;
- else {
- if (char === 37) {
- replacement = A._Uri__normalizeEscape(component, index, false);
- if (replacement == null) {
- index += 3;
- continue;
- }
- if ("%" === replacement) {
- replacement = "%25";
- sourceLength = 1;
- } else
- sourceLength = 3;
- } else if (char === 92 && replaceBackslash) {
- replacement = "/";
- sourceLength = 1;
- } else if (t1 && char <= 93 && (B.List_YmH[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) !== 0) {
- A._Uri__fail(component, index, "Invalid character");
- sourceLength = _null;
- replacement = sourceLength;
- } else {
- if ((char & 64512) === 55296) {
- t2 = index + 1;
- if (t2 < end) {
- tail = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(component, t2);
- if ((tail & 64512) === 56320) {
- char = (char & 1023) << 10 | tail & 1023 | 65536;
- sourceLength = 2;
- } else
- sourceLength = 1;
- } else
- sourceLength = 1;
- } else
- sourceLength = 1;
- replacement = A._Uri__escapeChar(char);
- }
- if (buffer == null) {
- buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
- t2 = buffer;
- } else
- t2 = buffer;
- t3 = t2._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(component, sectionStart, index);
- t2._contents = t3 + A.S(replacement);
- index += sourceLength;
- sectionStart = index;
- }
- }
- if (buffer == null)
- return _null;
- if (sectionStart < end)
- buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(component, sectionStart, end);
- t1 = buffer._contents;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- _Uri__mayContainDotSegments(path) {
- if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(path, "."))
- return true;
- return B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(path, "/.") !== -1;
- },
- _Uri__removeDotSegments(path) {
- var output, t1, t2, appendSlash, _i, segment;
- if (!A._Uri__mayContainDotSegments(path))
- return path;
- output = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- for (t1 = path.split("/"), t2 = t1.length, appendSlash = false, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
- segment = t1[_i];
- if (J.$eq$(segment, "..")) {
- if (output.length !== 0) {
- output.pop();
- if (output.length === 0)
- output.push("");
- }
- appendSlash = true;
- } else if ("." === segment)
- appendSlash = true;
- else {
- output.push(segment);
- appendSlash = false;
- }
- }
- if (appendSlash)
- output.push("");
- return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(output, "/");
- },
- _Uri__normalizeRelativePath(path, allowScheme) {
- var output, t1, t2, appendSlash, _i, segment;
- if (!A._Uri__mayContainDotSegments(path))
- return !allowScheme ? A._Uri__escapeScheme(path) : path;
- output = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- for (t1 = path.split("/"), t2 = t1.length, appendSlash = false, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
- segment = t1[_i];
- if (".." === segment)
- if (output.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$last(output) !== "..") {
- output.pop();
- appendSlash = true;
- } else {
- output.push("..");
- appendSlash = false;
- }
- else if ("." === segment)
- appendSlash = true;
- else {
- output.push(segment);
- appendSlash = false;
- }
- }
- t1 = output.length;
- if (t1 !== 0)
- t1 = t1 === 1 && output[0].length === 0;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return "./";
- if (appendSlash || B.JSArray_methods.get$last(output) === "..")
- output.push("");
- if (!allowScheme)
- output[0] = A._Uri__escapeScheme(output[0]);
- return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(output, "/");
- },
- _Uri__escapeScheme(path) {
- var i, char,
- t1 = path.length;
- if (t1 >= 2 && A._Uri__isAlphabeticCharacter(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 0)))
- for (i = 1; i < t1; ++i) {
- char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, i);
- if (char === 58)
- return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(path, 0, i) + "%3A" + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(path, i + 1);
- if (char > 127 || (B.List_MMm[char >>> 4] & 1 << (char & 15)) === 0)
- break;
- }
- return path;
- },
- _Uri__packageNameEnd(uri, path) {
- if (uri.isScheme$1("package") && uri._host == null)
- return A._skipPackageNameChars(path, 0, path.length);
- return -1;
- },
- _Uri__toWindowsFilePath(uri) {
- var hasDriveLetter, t2, host,
- segments = uri.get$pathSegments(),
- t1 = segments.length;
- if (t1 > 0 && J.get$length$asx(segments[0]) === 2 && J.codeUnitAt$1$s(segments[0], 1) === 58) {
- A._Uri__checkWindowsDriveLetter(J.codeUnitAt$1$s(segments[0], 0), false);
- A._Uri__checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(segments, false, 1);
- hasDriveLetter = true;
- } else {
- A._Uri__checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(segments, false, 0);
- hasDriveLetter = false;
- }
- t2 = uri.get$hasAbsolutePath() && !hasDriveLetter ? "" + "\\" : "";
- if (uri.get$hasAuthority()) {
- host = uri.get$host(uri);
- if (host.length !== 0)
- t2 = t2 + "\\" + host + "\\";
- }
- t2 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(t2, segments, "\\");
- t1 = hasDriveLetter && t1 === 1 ? t2 + "\\" : t2;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- _Uri__createList() {
- return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- },
- _Uri__splitQueryStringAll(query) {
- var t1, i, start, equalsIndex, char,
- result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.List_String),
- parsePair = new A._Uri__splitQueryStringAll_parsePair(query, B.C_Utf8Codec, result);
- for (t1 = query.length, i = 0, start = 0, equalsIndex = -1; i < t1;) {
- char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(query, i);
- if (char === 61) {
- if (equalsIndex < 0)
- equalsIndex = i;
- } else if (char === 38) {
- parsePair.call$3(start, equalsIndex, i);
- start = i + 1;
- equalsIndex = -1;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- parsePair.call$3(start, equalsIndex, i);
- return result;
- },
- _Uri__hexCharPairToByte(s, pos) {
- var byte, i, charCode;
- for (byte = 0, i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
- charCode = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(s, pos + i);
- if (48 <= charCode && charCode <= 57)
- byte = byte * 16 + charCode - 48;
- else {
- charCode |= 32;
- if (97 <= charCode && charCode <= 102)
- byte = byte * 16 + charCode - 87;
- else
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid URL encoding", null));
- }
- }
- return byte;
- },
- _Uri__uriDecode(text, start, end, encoding, plusToSpace) {
- var simple, codeUnit, t1, bytes,
- i = start;
- while (true) {
- if (!(i < end)) {
- simple = true;
- break;
- }
- codeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
- if (codeUnit <= 127)
- if (codeUnit !== 37)
- t1 = plusToSpace && codeUnit === 43;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- simple = false;
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- if (simple) {
- if (B.C_Utf8Codec !== encoding)
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, start, end);
- else
- bytes = new A.CodeUnits(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, start, end));
- } else {
- bytes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int);
- for (t1 = text.length, i = start; i < end; ++i) {
- codeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
- if (codeUnit > 127)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Illegal percent encoding in URI", null));
- if (codeUnit === 37) {
- if (i + 3 > t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Truncated URI", null));
- bytes.push(A._Uri__hexCharPairToByte(text, i + 1));
- i += 2;
- } else if (plusToSpace && codeUnit === 43)
- bytes.push(32);
- else
- bytes.push(codeUnit);
- }
- }
- return encoding.decode$1(0, bytes);
- },
- _Uri__isAlphabeticCharacter(codeUnit) {
- var lowerCase = codeUnit | 32;
- return 97 <= lowerCase && lowerCase <= 122;
- },
- UriData__parse(text, start, sourceUri) {
- var t1, i, slashIndex, char, equalsIndex, lastSeparator, t2, data,
- _s17_ = "Invalid MIME type",
- indices = A._setArrayType([start - 1], type$.JSArray_int);
- for (t1 = text.length, i = start, slashIndex = -1, char = null; i < t1; ++i) {
- char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
- if (char === 44 || char === 59)
- break;
- if (char === 47) {
- if (slashIndex < 0) {
- slashIndex = i;
- continue;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s17_, text, i));
- }
- }
- if (slashIndex < 0 && i > start)
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s17_, text, i));
- for (; char !== 44;) {
- indices.push(i);
- ++i;
- for (equalsIndex = -1; i < t1; ++i) {
- char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i);
- if (char === 61) {
- if (equalsIndex < 0)
- equalsIndex = i;
- } else if (char === 59 || char === 44)
- break;
- }
- if (equalsIndex >= 0)
- indices.push(equalsIndex);
- else {
- lastSeparator = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(indices);
- if (char !== 44 || i !== lastSeparator + 7 || !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(text, "base64", lastSeparator + 1))
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Expecting '='", text, i));
- break;
- }
- }
- indices.push(i);
- t2 = i + 1;
- if ((indices.length & 1) === 1)
- text = B.C_Base64Codec.normalize$3(0, text, t2, t1);
- else {
- data = A._Uri__normalize(text, t2, t1, B.List_oFp, true, false);
- if (data != null)
- text = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(text, t2, t1, data);
- }
- return new A.UriData(text, indices, sourceUri);
- },
- _createTables() {
- var _i, t1, t2, t3, b,
- _s77_ = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-._~!$&'()*+,;=",
- _s1_ = ".", _s1_0 = ":", _s1_1 = "/", _s1_2 = "\\", _s1_3 = "?", _s1_4 = "#", _s2_ = "/\\",
- tables = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateGrowable(22, type$.Uint8List);
- for (_i = 0; _i < 22; ++_i)
- tables[_i] = new Uint8Array(96);
- t1 = new A._createTables_build(tables);
- t2 = new A._createTables_setChars();
- t3 = new A._createTables_setRange();
- b = t1.call$2(0, 225);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 1);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 14);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 34);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 3);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 227);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(14, 225);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 1);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 15);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 34);
- t2.call$3(b, _s2_, 234);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(15, 225);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 1);
- t2.call$3(b, "%", 225);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 34);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 9);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 233);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(1, 225);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 1);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 34);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 10);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 234);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(2, 235);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 139);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 131);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 131);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 146);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(3, 235);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 68);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 68);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 18);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(4, 229);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 5);
- t3.call$3(b, "AZ", 229);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 102);
- t2.call$3(b, "@", 68);
- t2.call$3(b, "[", 232);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 138);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 138);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(5, 229);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 5);
- t3.call$3(b, "AZ", 229);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_0, 102);
- t2.call$3(b, "@", 68);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 138);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 138);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(6, 231);
- t3.call$3(b, "19", 7);
- t2.call$3(b, "@", 68);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 138);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 138);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(7, 231);
- t3.call$3(b, "09", 7);
- t2.call$3(b, "@", 68);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 138);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 138);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- t2.call$3(t1.call$2(8, 8), "]", 5);
- b = t1.call$2(9, 235);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 16);
- t2.call$3(b, _s2_, 234);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(16, 235);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 17);
- t2.call$3(b, _s2_, 234);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(17, 235);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 9);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 233);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(10, 235);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 18);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 10);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 234);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(18, 235);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_, 19);
- t2.call$3(b, _s2_, 234);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(19, 235);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
- t2.call$3(b, _s2_, 234);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(11, 235);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 11);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_1, 10);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_2, 234);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 172);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(12, 236);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 12);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 12);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_4, 205);
- b = t1.call$2(13, 237);
- t2.call$3(b, _s77_, 13);
- t2.call$3(b, _s1_3, 13);
- t3.call$3(t1.call$2(20, 245), "az", 21);
- b = t1.call$2(21, 245);
- t3.call$3(b, "az", 21);
- t3.call$3(b, "09", 21);
- t2.call$3(b, "+-.", 21);
- return tables;
- },
- _scan(uri, start, end, state, indices) {
- var i, table, char, transition,
- tables = $.$get$_scannerTables();
- for (i = start; i < end; ++i) {
- table = tables[state];
- char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(uri, i) ^ 96;
- transition = table[char > 95 ? 31 : char];
- state = transition & 31;
- indices[transition >>> 5] = i;
- }
- return state;
- },
- _SimpleUri__packageNameEnd(uri) {
- if (uri._schemeEnd === 7 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(uri._uri, "package") && uri._hostStart <= 0)
- return A._skipPackageNameChars(uri._uri, uri._pathStart, uri._queryStart);
- return -1;
- },
- _toUnmodifiableStringList(key, list) {
- return A.List_List$unmodifiable(list, type$.String);
- },
- _skipPackageNameChars(source, start, end) {
- var i, dots, char;
- for (i = start, dots = 0; i < end; ++i) {
- char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, i);
- if (char === 47)
- return dots !== 0 ? i : -1;
- if (char === 37 || char === 58)
- return -1;
- dots |= char ^ 46;
- }
- return -1;
- },
- _caseInsensitiveCompareStart(prefix, string, start) {
- var t1, result, i, prefixChar, stringChar, delta, lowerChar;
- for (t1 = prefix.length, result = 0, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
- prefixChar = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(prefix, i);
- stringChar = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, start + i);
- delta = prefixChar ^ stringChar;
- if (delta !== 0) {
- if (delta === 32) {
- lowerChar = stringChar | delta;
- if (97 <= lowerChar && lowerChar <= 122) {
- result = 32;
- continue;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- }
- return result;
- },
- NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure: function NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.sb = t1;
- },
- Comparable: function Comparable() {
- },
- DateTime: function DateTime(t0, t1) {
- this._value = t0;
- this.isUtc = t1;
- },
- DateTime_parse_parseIntOrZero: function DateTime_parse_parseIntOrZero() {
- },
- DateTime_parse_parseMilliAndMicroseconds: function DateTime_parse_parseMilliAndMicroseconds() {
- },
- Duration: function Duration(t0) {
- this._duration = t0;
- },
- _Enum: function _Enum() {
- },
- Error: function Error() {
- },
- AssertionError: function AssertionError(t0) {
- this.message = t0;
- },
- TypeError: function TypeError() {
- },
- ArgumentError: function ArgumentError(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._hasValue = t0;
- _.invalidValue = t1;
- _.name = t2;
- _.message = t3;
- },
- RangeError: function RangeError(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.start = t0;
- _.end = t1;
- _._hasValue = t2;
- _.invalidValue = t3;
- _.name = t4;
- _.message = t5;
- },
- IndexError: function IndexError(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.length = t0;
- _._hasValue = t1;
- _.invalidValue = t2;
- _.name = t3;
- _.message = t4;
- },
- NoSuchMethodError: function NoSuchMethodError(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._core$_receiver = t0;
- _._memberName = t1;
- _._core$_arguments = t2;
- _._namedArguments = t3;
- },
- UnsupportedError: function UnsupportedError(t0) {
- this.message = t0;
- },
- UnimplementedError: function UnimplementedError(t0) {
- this.message = t0;
- },
- StateError: function StateError(t0) {
- this.message = t0;
- },
- ConcurrentModificationError: function ConcurrentModificationError(t0) {
- this.modifiedObject = t0;
- },
- OutOfMemoryError: function OutOfMemoryError() {
- },
- StackOverflowError: function StackOverflowError() {
- },
- _Exception: function _Exception(t0) {
- this.message = t0;
- },
- FormatException: function FormatException(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.message = t0;
- this.source = t1;
- this.offset = t2;
- },
- Iterable: function Iterable() {
- },
- _GeneratorIterable: function _GeneratorIterable(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.length = t0;
- this._generator = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- MapEntry: function MapEntry(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.key = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- Null: function Null() {
- },
- Object: function Object() {
- },
- _StringStackTrace: function _StringStackTrace() {
- },
- Stopwatch: function Stopwatch() {
- this._stop = this._core$_start = 0;
- },
- StringBuffer: function StringBuffer(t0) {
- this._contents = t0;
- },
- Uri__parseIPv4Address_error: function Uri__parseIPv4Address_error(t0) {
- this.host = t0;
- },
- Uri_parseIPv6Address_error: function Uri_parseIPv6Address_error(t0) {
- this.host = t0;
- },
- Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex: function Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex(t0, t1) {
- this.error = t0;
- this.host = t1;
- },
- _Uri: function _Uri(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.scheme = t0;
- _._userInfo = t1;
- _._host = t2;
- _._port = t3;
- _.path = t4;
- _._query = t5;
- _._fragment = t6;
- _.___Uri_queryParametersAll_FI = _.___Uri_hashCode_FI = _.___Uri_pathSegments_FI = _.___Uri__text_FI = $;
- },
- _Uri__makeQuery_writeParameter: function _Uri__makeQuery_writeParameter(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.result = t1;
- },
- _Uri__makeQuery_closure: function _Uri__makeQuery_closure(t0) {
- this.writeParameter = t0;
- },
- _Uri__splitQueryStringAll_parsePair: function _Uri__splitQueryStringAll_parsePair(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.query = t0;
- this.encoding = t1;
- this.result = t2;
- },
- UriData: function UriData(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._text = t0;
- this._separatorIndices = t1;
- this._uriCache = t2;
- },
- _createTables_build: function _createTables_build(t0) {
- this.tables = t0;
- },
- _createTables_setChars: function _createTables_setChars() {
- },
- _createTables_setRange: function _createTables_setRange() {
- },
- _SimpleUri: function _SimpleUri(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _._uri = t0;
- _._schemeEnd = t1;
- _._hostStart = t2;
- _._portStart = t3;
- _._pathStart = t4;
- _._queryStart = t5;
- _._fragmentStart = t6;
- _._schemeCache = t7;
- _._hashCodeCache = null;
- },
- _DataUri: function _DataUri(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.scheme = t0;
- _._userInfo = t1;
- _._host = t2;
- _._port = t3;
- _.path = t4;
- _._query = t5;
- _._fragment = t6;
- _.___Uri_queryParametersAll_FI = _.___Uri_hashCode_FI = _.___Uri_pathSegments_FI = _.___Uri__text_FI = $;
- },
- Expando: function Expando(t0, t1) {
- this._jsWeakMap = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _FakeUserTag__FakeUserTag(label) {
- var t1,
- existingTag = $._FakeUserTag__instances.$index(0, label);
- if (existingTag != null)
- return existingTag;
- if ($._FakeUserTag__instances.__js_helper$_length === 64)
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("UserTag instance limit (64) reached."));
- t1 = new A._FakeUserTag(label);
- $._FakeUserTag__instances.$indexSet(0, label, t1);
- return t1;
- },
- ServiceExtensionResponse$result(result) {
- A.checkNotNullable(result, "result", type$.String);
- return new A.ServiceExtensionResponse();
- },
- ServiceExtensionResponse__validateErrorCode(errorCode) {
- var _s9_ = "errorCode";
- A.checkNotNullable(errorCode, _s9_, type$.int);
- if (errorCode === -32602)
- return;
- if (errorCode >= -32016 && errorCode <= -32000)
- return;
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(errorCode, _s9_, "Out of range"));
- },
- registerExtension(method, handler) {
- var t1 = type$.String;
- A.checkNotNullable(method, "method", t1);
- if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(method, "ext."))
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(method, "method", "Must begin with ext."));
- if ($._extensions.$index(0, method) != null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Extension already registered: " + method, null));
- A.checkNotNullable(handler, "handler", type$.Future_ServiceExtensionResponse_Function_2_String_and_Map_String_String);
- $._extensions.$indexSet(0, method, $.Zone__current.bindBinaryCallback$3$1(handler, type$.Future_ServiceExtensionResponse, t1, type$.Map_String_String));
- },
- postEvent(eventKind, eventData, stream) {
- if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(A._setArrayType(["VM", "Isolate", "Debug", "GC", "_Echo", "HeapSnapshot", "Logging", "Timeline", "Profiler"], type$.JSArray_String), stream))
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(stream, "stream", "Cannot be a protected stream."));
- else if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(stream, "_"))
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(stream, "stream", "Cannot start with an underscore."));
- return;
- },
- Timeline_startSync($name, $arguments, flow) {
- A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull($name, "name");
- $.Timeline__stack.push(null);
- return;
- },
- Timeline_finishSync() {
- var block, tempFlow;
- if ($.Timeline__stack.length === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Uneven calls to startSync and finishSync"));
- block = $.Timeline__stack.pop();
- if (block == null)
- return;
- block.get$_jsonArguments();
- tempFlow = block.flow;
- if (tempFlow != null) {
- A.S(tempFlow.id);
- A._argumentsAsJson(null);
- }
- },
- Timeline_instantSync($name, $arguments) {
- A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull($name, "name");
- return;
- },
- _argumentsAsJson($arguments) {
- if ($arguments == null || $arguments.__js_helper$_length === 0)
- return "{}";
- return B.C_JsonCodec.encode$1($arguments);
- },
- _FakeUserTag: function _FakeUserTag(t0) {
- this.label = t0;
- },
- ServiceExtensionResponse: function ServiceExtensionResponse() {
- },
- TimelineTask: function TimelineTask(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._developer$_parent = t0;
- this._taskId = t1;
- this._stack = t2;
- },
- _ChildrenElementList__remove(_element, object) {
- return false;
- },
- _ChildrenElementList__first(_element) {
- var result = _element.firstElementChild;
- if (result == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- return result;
- },
- _ElementFactoryProvider_createElement_tag(tag, typeExtension) {
- return document.createElement(tag);
- },
- InputElement_InputElement(type) {
- var exception,
- t1 = document.createElement("input"),
- e = type$.InputElement._as(t1);
- try {
- e.type = type;
- } catch (exception) {
- }
- return e;
- },
- _EventStreamSubscription$(_target, _eventType, onData, _useCapture, $T) {
- var t1 = onData == null ? null : A._wrapZone(new A._EventStreamSubscription_closure(onData), type$.Event);
- t1 = new A._EventStreamSubscription(_target, _eventType, t1, false, $T._eval$1("_EventStreamSubscription<0>"));
- t1._tryResume$0();
- return t1;
- },
- _convertNativeToDart_XHR_Response(o) {
- if (type$.Document._is(o))
- return o;
- return new A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy(o, true);
- },
- _wrapZone(callback, $T) {
- var t1 = $.Zone__current;
- if (t1 === B.C__RootZone)
- return callback;
- return t1.bindUnaryCallbackGuarded$1$1(callback, $T);
- },
- querySelector(selectors) {
- return document.querySelector(selectors);
- },
- HtmlElement: function HtmlElement() {
- },
- Accelerometer: function Accelerometer() {
- },
- AccessibleNode: function AccessibleNode() {
- },
- AccessibleNodeList: function AccessibleNodeList() {
- },
- AnchorElement: function AnchorElement() {
- },
- AnimationEffectTiming: function AnimationEffectTiming() {
- },
- AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly: function AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly() {
- },
- AreaElement: function AreaElement() {
- },
- BarProp: function BarProp() {
- },
- Blob: function Blob() {
- },
- BroadcastChannel: function BroadcastChannel() {
- },
- ButtonElement: function ButtonElement() {
- },
- CanvasRenderingContext2D: function CanvasRenderingContext2D() {
- },
- CharacterData: function CharacterData() {
- },
- Credential: function Credential() {
- },
- CredentialUserData: function CredentialUserData() {
- },
- CssKeyframesRule: function CssKeyframesRule() {
- },
- CssPerspective: function CssPerspective() {
- },
- CssPositionValue: function CssPositionValue() {
- },
- CssRotation: function CssRotation() {
- },
- CssRule: function CssRule() {
- },
- CssScale: function CssScale() {
- },
- CssStyleDeclaration: function CssStyleDeclaration() {
- },
- CssStyleDeclarationBase: function CssStyleDeclarationBase() {
- },
- CssStyleValue: function CssStyleValue() {
- },
- CssTransformComponent: function CssTransformComponent() {
- },
- CssTransformValue: function CssTransformValue() {
- },
- CssTranslation: function CssTranslation() {
- },
- CssUnparsedValue: function CssUnparsedValue() {
- },
- DataTransferItemList: function DataTransferItemList() {
- },
- DeviceAcceleration: function DeviceAcceleration() {
- },
- Document: function Document() {
- },
- DomError: function DomError() {
- },
- DomException0: function DomException0() {
- },
- DomPoint0: function DomPoint0() {
- },
- DomPointReadOnly: function DomPointReadOnly() {
- },
- DomRectList: function DomRectList() {
- },
- DomRectReadOnly0: function DomRectReadOnly0() {
- },
- DomStringList: function DomStringList() {
- },
- DomTokenList0: function DomTokenList0() {
- },
- _ChildrenElementList: function _ChildrenElementList(t0, t1) {
- this._html$_element = t0;
- this._html$_childElements = t1;
- },
- Element0: function Element0() {
- },
- EmbedElement: function EmbedElement() {
- },
- Entry: function Entry() {
- },
- Event: function Event() {
- },
- EventTarget: function EventTarget() {
- },
- FederatedCredential: function FederatedCredential() {
- },
- FieldSetElement: function FieldSetElement() {
- },
- File: function File() {
- },
- FileList: function FileList() {
- },
- FileReader: function FileReader() {
- },
- FileSystem: function FileSystem() {
- },
- FileWriter: function FileWriter() {
- },
- FormElement: function FormElement() {
- },
- Gamepad: function Gamepad() {
- },
- Gyroscope: function Gyroscope() {
- },
- History: function History() {
- },
- HtmlCollection: function HtmlCollection() {
- },
- HttpRequest: function HttpRequest() {
- },
- HttpRequestEventTarget: function HttpRequestEventTarget() {
- },
- IFrameElement: function IFrameElement() {
- },
- ImageData: function ImageData() {
- },
- InputElement: function InputElement() {
- },
- Location: function Location() {
- },
- Magnetometer: function Magnetometer() {
- },
- MapElement: function MapElement() {
- },
- MediaList: function MediaList() {
- },
- MessagePort: function MessagePort() {
- },
- MetaElement: function MetaElement() {
- },
- MidiInputMap: function MidiInputMap() {
- },
- MidiInputMap_keys_closure: function MidiInputMap_keys_closure(t0) {
- this.keys = t0;
- },
- MidiInputMap_values_closure: function MidiInputMap_values_closure(t0) {
- this.values = t0;
- },
- MidiOutputMap: function MidiOutputMap() {
- },
- MidiOutputMap_keys_closure: function MidiOutputMap_keys_closure(t0) {
- this.keys = t0;
- },
- MidiOutputMap_values_closure: function MidiOutputMap_values_closure(t0) {
- this.values = t0;
- },
- MidiPort: function MidiPort() {
- },
- MimeType: function MimeType() {
- },
- MimeTypeArray: function MimeTypeArray() {
- },
- MouseEvent: function MouseEvent() {
- },
- NavigatorUserMediaError: function NavigatorUserMediaError() {
- },
- _ChildNodeListLazy: function _ChildNodeListLazy(t0) {
- this._this = t0;
- },
- Node: function Node() {
- },
- NodeList: function NodeList() {
- },
- ObjectElement: function ObjectElement() {
- },
- OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D: function OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D() {
- },
- OptionElement: function OptionElement() {
- },
- OutputElement: function OutputElement() {
- },
- OverconstrainedError: function OverconstrainedError() {
- },
- PaintRenderingContext2D: function PaintRenderingContext2D() {
- },
- ParamElement: function ParamElement() {
- },
- PasswordCredential: function PasswordCredential() {
- },
- PaymentAddress: function PaymentAddress() {
- },
- PerformanceEntry: function PerformanceEntry() {
- },
- PerformanceServerTiming: function PerformanceServerTiming() {
- },
- Plugin: function Plugin() {
- },
- PluginArray: function PluginArray() {
- },
- ProgressEvent: function ProgressEvent() {
- },
- RtcStatsReport: function RtcStatsReport() {
- },
- RtcStatsReport_keys_closure: function RtcStatsReport_keys_closure(t0) {
- this.keys = t0;
- },
- RtcStatsReport_values_closure: function RtcStatsReport_values_closure(t0) {
- this.values = t0;
- },
- SelectElement: function SelectElement() {
- },
- Sensor: function Sensor() {
- },
- SharedWorkerGlobalScope: function SharedWorkerGlobalScope() {
- },
- SlotElement: function SlotElement() {
- },
- SourceBuffer: function SourceBuffer() {
- },
- SourceBufferList: function SourceBufferList() {
- },
- SpeechGrammar: function SpeechGrammar() {
- },
- SpeechGrammarList: function SpeechGrammarList() {
- },
- SpeechRecognitionResult: function SpeechRecognitionResult() {
- },
- SpeechSynthesisEvent: function SpeechSynthesisEvent() {
- },
- SpeechSynthesisVoice: function SpeechSynthesisVoice() {
- },
- Storage: function Storage() {
- },
- Storage_keys_closure: function Storage_keys_closure(t0) {
- this.keys = t0;
- },
- Storage_values_closure: function Storage_values_closure(t0) {
- this.values = t0;
- },
- StyleSheet: function StyleSheet() {
- },
- TextAreaElement: function TextAreaElement() {
- },
- TextTrack: function TextTrack() {
- },
- TextTrackCue: function TextTrackCue() {
- },
- TextTrackCueList: function TextTrackCueList() {
- },
- TextTrackList: function TextTrackList() {
- },
- TimeRanges: function TimeRanges() {
- },
- Touch: function Touch() {
- },
- TouchList: function TouchList() {
- },
- TrackDefaultList: function TrackDefaultList() {
- },
- UIEvent: function UIEvent() {
- },
- Url: function Url() {
- },
- UrlSearchParams: function UrlSearchParams() {
- },
- VRStageBoundsPoint: function VRStageBoundsPoint() {
- },
- VideoTrackList: function VideoTrackList() {
- },
- VttCue: function VttCue() {
- },
- Window: function Window() {
- },
- WorkerGlobalScope: function WorkerGlobalScope() {
- },
- _Attr: function _Attr() {
- },
- _CssRuleList: function _CssRuleList() {
- },
- _DomRect: function _DomRect() {
- },
- _GamepadList: function _GamepadList() {
- },
- _NamedNodeMap: function _NamedNodeMap() {
- },
- _SpeechRecognitionResultList: function _SpeechRecognitionResultList() {
- },
- _StyleSheetList: function _StyleSheetList() {
- },
- EventStreamProvider: function EventStreamProvider(t0, t1) {
- this._eventType = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _EventStream: function _EventStream(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._target = t0;
- _._eventType = t1;
- _._useCapture = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _ElementEventStreamImpl: function _ElementEventStreamImpl(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._target = t0;
- _._eventType = t1;
- _._useCapture = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _EventStreamSubscription: function _EventStreamSubscription(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._pauseCount = 0;
- _._target = t0;
- _._eventType = t1;
- _._html$_onData = t2;
- _._useCapture = t3;
- _.$ti = t4;
- },
- _EventStreamSubscription_closure: function _EventStreamSubscription_closure(t0) {
- this.onData = t0;
- },
- _EventStreamSubscription_onData_closure: function _EventStreamSubscription_onData_closure(t0) {
- this.handleData = t0;
- },
- ImmutableListMixin: function ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- FixedSizeListIterator: function FixedSizeListIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._array = t0;
- _._length = t1;
- _._position = -1;
- _._current = null;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- _CssStyleDeclaration_JavaScriptObject_CssStyleDeclarationBase: function _CssStyleDeclaration_JavaScriptObject_CssStyleDeclarationBase() {
- },
- _DomRectList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _DomRectList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- _DomRectList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _DomRectList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- _DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- _DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- _FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- _FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- _HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- _HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- _MidiInputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin: function _MidiInputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin() {
- },
- _MidiOutputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin: function _MidiOutputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin() {
- },
- _MimeTypeArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _MimeTypeArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- _MimeTypeArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _MimeTypeArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- _NodeList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _NodeList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- _NodeList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _NodeList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- _PluginArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _PluginArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- _PluginArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _PluginArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- _RtcStatsReport_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin: function _RtcStatsReport_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin() {
- },
- _SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin: function _SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin() {
- },
- _SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- _SpeechGrammarList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _SpeechGrammarList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- _SpeechGrammarList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _SpeechGrammarList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- _Storage_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin: function _Storage_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin() {
- },
- _TextTrackCueList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _TextTrackCueList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- _TextTrackCueList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _TextTrackCueList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- _TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin: function _TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin() {
- },
- _TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- _TouchList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _TouchList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- _TouchList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _TouchList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- __CssRuleList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function __CssRuleList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- __CssRuleList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function __CssRuleList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- __GamepadList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function __GamepadList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- __GamepadList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function __GamepadList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- __NamedNodeMap_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function __NamedNodeMap_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- __NamedNodeMap_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function __NamedNodeMap_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- __SpeechRecognitionResultList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function __SpeechRecognitionResultList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- __SpeechRecognitionResultList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function __SpeechRecognitionResultList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- __StyleSheetList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function __StyleSheetList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- __StyleSheetList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function __StyleSheetList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- _convertNativeToDart_Value(value) {
- var t1, values, i;
- if (value == null)
- return value;
- if (typeof value == "string" || typeof value == "number" || A._isBool(value))
- return value;
- if (A.isJavaScriptSimpleObject(value))
- return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(value);
- t1 = Array.isArray(value);
- t1.toString;
- if (t1) {
- values = [];
- i = 0;
- while (true) {
- t1 = value.length;
- t1.toString;
- if (!(i < t1))
- break;
- values.push(A._convertNativeToDart_Value(value[i]));
- ++i;
- }
- return values;
- }
- return value;
- },
- convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(object) {
- var dict, keys, t1, _i, key, t2;
- if (object == null)
- return null;
- dict = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object);
- for (t1 = keys.length, _i = 0; _i < keys.length; keys.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(keys), ++_i) {
- key = keys[_i];
- t2 = key;
- t2.toString;
- dict.$indexSet(0, t2, A._convertNativeToDart_Value(object[key]));
- }
- return dict;
- },
- isJavaScriptSimpleObject(value) {
- var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(value),
- t1 = proto === Object.prototype;
- t1.toString;
- if (!t1) {
- t1 = proto === null;
- t1.toString;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- Device_userAgent() {
- var t1 = window.navigator.userAgent;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- _AcceptStructuredClone: function _AcceptStructuredClone() {
- },
- _AcceptStructuredClone_walk_closure: function _AcceptStructuredClone_walk_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.map = t1;
- },
- _AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js: function _AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js(t0, t1) {
- this.values = t0;
- this.copies = t1;
- this.mustCopy = false;
- },
- FilteredElementList: function FilteredElementList(t0, t1) {
- this._html_common$_node = t0;
- this._childNodes = t1;
- },
- FilteredElementList__iterable_closure: function FilteredElementList__iterable_closure() {
- },
- FilteredElementList__iterable_closure0: function FilteredElementList__iterable_closure0() {
- },
- FilteredElementList_removeRange_closure: function FilteredElementList_removeRange_closure() {
- },
- Database: function Database() {
- },
- Index: function Index() {
- },
- KeyRange: function KeyRange() {
- },
- ObjectStore: function ObjectStore() {
- },
- _callDartFunction(callback, captureThis, $self, $arguments) {
- var arguments0, t1;
- if (captureThis) {
- arguments0 = [$self];
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(arguments0, $arguments);
- $arguments = arguments0;
- }
- t1 = type$.dynamic;
- return A._convertToJS(A.Function_apply(callback, A.List_List$from(J.map$1$1$ax($arguments, A.js___convertToDart$closure(), t1), true, t1)));
- },
- JsArray__checkRange(start, end, $length) {
- var _null = null;
- if (start > $length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, $length, _null, _null));
- if (end < start || end > $length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, $length, _null, _null));
- },
- _castToJsObject(o) {
- return o;
- },
- _defineProperty(o, $name, value) {
- var exception;
- try {
- if (Object.isExtensible(o) && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, $name)) {
- Object.defineProperty(o, $name, {value: value});
- return true;
- }
- } catch (exception) {
- }
- return false;
- },
- _getOwnProperty(o, $name) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, $name))
- return o[$name];
- return null;
- },
- _convertToJS(o) {
- if (o == null || typeof o == "string" || typeof o == "number" || A._isBool(o))
- return o;
- if (o instanceof A.JsObject)
- return o._js$_jsObject;
- if (A.isBrowserObject(o))
- return o;
- if (type$.TypedData._is(o))
- return o;
- if (o instanceof A.DateTime)
- return A.Primitives_lazyAsJsDate(o);
- if (type$.Function._is(o))
- return A._getJsProxy(o, "$dart_jsFunction", new A._convertToJS_closure());
- return A._getJsProxy(o, "_$dart_jsObject", new A._convertToJS_closure0($.$get$_dartProxyCtor()));
- },
- _getJsProxy(o, propertyName, createProxy) {
- var jsProxy = A._getOwnProperty(o, propertyName);
- if (jsProxy == null) {
- jsProxy = createProxy.call$1(o);
- A._defineProperty(o, propertyName, jsProxy);
- }
- return jsProxy;
- },
- _convertToDart(o) {
- if (o == null || typeof o == "string" || typeof o == "number" || typeof o == "boolean")
- return o;
- else if (o instanceof Object && A.isBrowserObject(o))
- return o;
- else if (o instanceof Object && type$.TypedData._is(o))
- return o;
- else if (o instanceof Date)
- return A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(o.getTime(), false);
- else if (o.constructor === $.$get$_dartProxyCtor())
- return o.o;
- else
- return A._wrapToDart(o);
- },
- _wrapToDart(o) {
- if (typeof o == "function")
- return A._getDartProxy(o, $.$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME(), new A._wrapToDart_closure());
- if (o instanceof Array)
- return A._getDartProxy(o, $.$get$_DART_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME(), new A._wrapToDart_closure0());
- return A._getDartProxy(o, $.$get$_DART_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME(), new A._wrapToDart_closure1());
- },
- _getDartProxy(o, propertyName, createProxy) {
- var dartProxy = A._getOwnProperty(o, propertyName);
- if (dartProxy == null || !(o instanceof Object)) {
- dartProxy = createProxy.call$1(o);
- A._defineProperty(o, propertyName, dartProxy);
- }
- return dartProxy;
- },
- _convertToJS_closure: function _convertToJS_closure() {
- },
- _convertToJS_closure0: function _convertToJS_closure0(t0) {
- this.ctor = t0;
- },
- _wrapToDart_closure: function _wrapToDart_closure() {
- },
- _wrapToDart_closure0: function _wrapToDart_closure0() {
- },
- _wrapToDart_closure1: function _wrapToDart_closure1() {
- },
- JsObject: function JsObject(t0) {
- this._js$_jsObject = t0;
- },
- JsFunction: function JsFunction(t0) {
- this._js$_jsObject = t0;
- },
- JsArray: function JsArray(t0, t1) {
- this._js$_jsObject = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin: function _JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- _convertDartFunctionFast(f) {
- var ret,
- existing = f.$dart_jsFunction;
- if (existing != null)
- return existing;
- ret = function(_call, f) {
- return function() {
- return _call(f, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
- };
- }(A._callDartFunctionFast, f);
- ret[$.$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME()] = f;
- f.$dart_jsFunction = ret;
- return ret;
- },
- _callDartFunctionFast(callback, $arguments) {
- return A.Function_apply(callback, $arguments);
- },
- allowInterop(f) {
- if (typeof f == "function")
- return f;
- else
- return A._convertDartFunctionFast(f);
- },
- _noJsifyRequired(o) {
- return o == null || A._isBool(o) || typeof o == "number" || typeof o == "string" || type$.Int8List._is(o) || type$.Uint8List._is(o) || type$.Uint8ClampedList._is(o) || type$.Int16List._is(o) || type$.Uint16List._is(o) || type$.Int32List._is(o) || type$.Uint32List._is(o) || type$.Float32List._is(o) || type$.Float64List._is(o) || type$.ByteBuffer._is(o) || type$.ByteData._is(o);
- },
- jsify(object) {
- if (A._noJsifyRequired(object))
- return object;
- return new A.jsify__convert(new A._IdentityHashMap(type$._IdentityHashMap_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object)).call$1(object);
- },
- getProperty(o, $name) {
- return o[$name];
- },
- callMethod(o, method, args) {
- return o[method].apply(o, args);
- },
- _callMethodUnchecked0(o, method) {
- return o[method]();
- },
- callConstructor(constr, $arguments) {
- var args, factoryFunction;
- if ($arguments instanceof Array)
- switch ($arguments.length) {
- case 0:
- return new constr();
- case 1:
- return new constr($arguments[0]);
- case 2:
- return new constr($arguments[0], $arguments[1]);
- case 3:
- return new constr($arguments[0], $arguments[1], $arguments[2]);
- case 4:
- return new constr($arguments[0], $arguments[1], $arguments[2], $arguments[3]);
- }
- args = [null];
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(args, $arguments);
- factoryFunction = constr.bind.apply(constr, args);
- String(factoryFunction);
- return new factoryFunction();
- },
- promiseToFuture(jsPromise, $T) {
- var t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>")),
- completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0>"));
- jsPromise.then(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A.promiseToFuture_closure(completer), 1), A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A.promiseToFuture_closure0(completer), 1));
- return t1;
- },
- _noDartifyRequired(o) {
- return o == null || typeof o === "boolean" || typeof o === "number" || typeof o === "string" || o instanceof Int8Array || o instanceof Uint8Array || o instanceof Uint8ClampedArray || o instanceof Int16Array || o instanceof Uint16Array || o instanceof Int32Array || o instanceof Uint32Array || o instanceof Float32Array || o instanceof Float64Array || o instanceof ArrayBuffer || o instanceof DataView;
- },
- dartify(o) {
- if (A._noDartifyRequired(o))
- return o;
- return new A.dartify_convert(new A._IdentityHashMap(type$._IdentityHashMap_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object)).call$1(o);
- },
- jsify__convert: function jsify__convert(t0) {
- this._convertedObjects = t0;
- },
- promiseToFuture_closure: function promiseToFuture_closure(t0) {
- this.completer = t0;
- },
- promiseToFuture_closure0: function promiseToFuture_closure0(t0) {
- this.completer = t0;
- },
- dartify_convert: function dartify_convert(t0) {
- this._convertedObjects = t0;
- },
- NullRejectionException: function NullRejectionException(t0) {
- this.isUndefined = t0;
- },
- FEBlendElement: function FEBlendElement() {
- },
- FEColorMatrixElement: function FEColorMatrixElement() {
- },
- FEComponentTransferElement: function FEComponentTransferElement() {
- },
- FECompositeElement: function FECompositeElement() {
- },
- FEConvolveMatrixElement: function FEConvolveMatrixElement() {
- },
- FEDiffuseLightingElement: function FEDiffuseLightingElement() {
- },
- FEDisplacementMapElement: function FEDisplacementMapElement() {
- },
- FEFloodElement: function FEFloodElement() {
- },
- FEGaussianBlurElement: function FEGaussianBlurElement() {
- },
- FEImageElement: function FEImageElement() {
- },
- FEMergeElement: function FEMergeElement() {
- },
- FEMorphologyElement: function FEMorphologyElement() {
- },
- FEOffsetElement: function FEOffsetElement() {
- },
- FEPointLightElement: function FEPointLightElement() {
- },
- FESpecularLightingElement: function FESpecularLightingElement() {
- },
- FESpotLightElement: function FESpotLightElement() {
- },
- FETileElement: function FETileElement() {
- },
- FETurbulenceElement: function FETurbulenceElement() {
- },
- FilterElement0: function FilterElement0() {
- },
- ForeignObjectElement: function ForeignObjectElement() {
- },
- GeometryElement: function GeometryElement() {
- },
- GraphicsElement: function GraphicsElement() {
- },
- ImageElement0: function ImageElement0() {
- },
- Length: function Length() {
- },
- LengthList: function LengthList() {
- },
- MaskElement: function MaskElement() {
- },
- Number: function Number() {
- },
- NumberList: function NumberList() {
- },
- PatternElement: function PatternElement() {
- },
- Point: function Point() {
- },
- PointList: function PointList() {
- },
- Rect0: function Rect0() {
- },
- RectElement: function RectElement() {
- },
- StringList: function StringList() {
- },
- SvgElement: function SvgElement() {
- },
- SvgSvgElement: function SvgSvgElement() {
- },
- TextContentElement: function TextContentElement() {
- },
- TextPositioningElement: function TextPositioningElement() {
- },
- Transform0: function Transform0() {
- },
- TransformList: function TransformList() {
- },
- UseElement: function UseElement() {
- },
- _LengthList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _LengthList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- _LengthList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _LengthList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- _NumberList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _NumberList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- _NumberList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _NumberList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- _StringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _StringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- _StringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _StringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- _TransformList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin: function _TransformList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin() {
- },
- _TransformList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin: function _TransformList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin() {
- },
- Endian: function Endian() {
- },
- Offset$(dx, dy) {
- return new A.Offset(dx, dy);
- },
- Offset_lerp(a, b, t) {
- if (b == null)
- if (a == null)
- return null;
- else
- return a.$mul(0, 1 - t);
- else if (a == null)
- return b.$mul(0, t);
- else
- return new A.Offset(A._lerpDouble(a._dx, b._dx, t), A._lerpDouble(a._dy, b._dy, t));
- },
- Size_lerp(a, b, t) {
- if (b == null)
- if (a == null)
- return null;
- else
- return a.$mul(0, 1 - t);
- else if (a == null)
- return b.$mul(0, t);
- else
- return new A.Size(A._lerpDouble(a._dx, b._dx, t), A._lerpDouble(a._dy, b._dy, t));
- },
- Rect$fromCircle(center, radius) {
- var t1 = center._dx,
- t2 = radius * 2 / 2,
- t3 = center._dy;
- return new A.Rect(t1 - t2, t3 - t2, t1 + t2, t3 + t2);
- },
- Rect$fromCenter(center, height, width) {
- var t1 = center._dx,
- t2 = width / 2,
- t3 = center._dy,
- t4 = height / 2;
- return new A.Rect(t1 - t2, t3 - t4, t1 + t2, t3 + t4);
- },
- Rect$fromPoints(a, b) {
- var t1 = a._dx,
- t2 = b._dx,
- t3 = a._dy,
- t4 = b._dy;
- return new A.Rect(Math.min(t1, t2), Math.min(t3, t4), Math.max(t1, t2), Math.max(t3, t4));
- },
- Rect_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var k, t1, t2, t3, t4;
- if (b == null)
- if (a == null)
- return null;
- else {
- k = 1 - t;
- return new A.Rect(a.left * k, a.top * k, a.right * k, a.bottom * k);
- }
- else {
- t1 = b.left;
- t2 = b.top;
- t3 = b.right;
- t4 = b.bottom;
- if (a == null)
- return new A.Rect(t1 * t, t2 * t, t3 * t, t4 * t);
- else
- return new A.Rect(A._lerpDouble(a.left, t1, t), A._lerpDouble(a.top, t2, t), A._lerpDouble(a.right, t3, t), A._lerpDouble(a.bottom, t4, t));
- }
- },
- Radius_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var k, t1, t2;
- if (b == null)
- if (a == null)
- return null;
- else {
- k = 1 - t;
- return new A.Radius(a.x * k, a.y * k);
- }
- else {
- t1 = b.x;
- t2 = b.y;
- if (a == null)
- return new A.Radius(t1 * t, t2 * t);
- else
- return new A.Radius(A._lerpDouble(a.x, t1, t), A._lerpDouble(a.y, t2, t));
- }
- },
- RRect$fromRectAndRadius(rect, radius) {
- var t1 = radius.x,
- t2 = radius.y;
- return new A.RRect(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, t1, t2, t1, t2, t1, t2, t1, t2, t1 === t2);
- },
- RRect$fromLTRBAndCorners(left, $top, right, bottom, bottomLeft, bottomRight, topLeft, topRight) {
- var t1 = topLeft.x,
- t2 = topLeft.y,
- t3 = topRight.x,
- t4 = topRight.y,
- t5 = bottomLeft.x,
- t6 = bottomLeft.y,
- t7 = bottomRight.x,
- t8 = bottomRight.y;
- return new A.RRect(left, $top, right, bottom, t1, t2, t3, t4, t7, t8, t5, t6, t1 === t2 && t1 === t3 && t1 === t4 && t1 === t5 && t1 === t6 && t1 === t7 && t1 === t8);
- },
- RRect$fromRectAndCorners(rect, bottomLeft, bottomRight, topLeft, topRight) {
- var t1 = topLeft.x,
- t2 = topLeft.y,
- t3 = topRight.x,
- t4 = topRight.y,
- t5 = bottomLeft.x,
- t6 = bottomLeft.y,
- t7 = bottomRight.x,
- t8 = bottomRight.y,
- t9 = t1 === t2 && t1 === t3 && t1 === t4 && t1 === t5 && t1 === t6 && t1 === t7 && t1 === t8;
- return new A.RRect(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, t1, t2, t3, t4, t7, t8, t5, t6, t9);
- },
- webOnlyWarmupEngine(registerPlugins, runApp) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- bootstrap, t1, loader;
- var $async$webOnlyWarmupEngine = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- bootstrap = new A.AppBootstrap(new A.webOnlyWarmupEngine_closure(), new A.webOnlyWarmupEngine_closure0(registerPlugins, runApp));
- t1 = self._flutter;
- loader = t1 == null ? null : t1.loader;
- $async$goto = loader == null || !("didCreateEngineInitializer" in loader) ? 2 : 4;
- break;
- case 2:
- // then
- self.window.console.debug("Flutter Web Bootstrap: Auto.");
- $async$goto = 5;
- return A._asyncAwait(bootstrap.autoStart$0(), $async$webOnlyWarmupEngine);
- case 5:
- // returning from await.
- // goto join
- $async$goto = 3;
- break;
- case 4:
- // else
- self.window.console.debug("Flutter Web Bootstrap: Programmatic.");
- loader.didCreateEngineInitializer(bootstrap.prepareEngineInitializer$0());
- case 3:
- // join
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$webOnlyWarmupEngine, $async$completer);
- },
- KeyData__typeToString(type) {
- switch (type.index) {
- case 1:
- return "up";
- case 0:
- return "down";
- case 2:
- return "repeat";
- }
- },
- lerpDouble(a, b, t) {
- var t1;
- if (a != b) {
- t1 = a == null ? null : isNaN(a);
- if (t1 === true) {
- t1 = b == null ? null : isNaN(b);
- t1 = t1 === true;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return a == null ? null : a;
- if (a == null)
- a = 0;
- if (b == null)
- b = 0;
- return a * (1 - t) + b * t;
- },
- _lerpDouble(a, b, t) {
- return a * (1 - t) + b * t;
- },
- _lerpInt(a, b, t) {
- return a * (1 - t) + b * t;
- },
- clampDouble0(x, min, max) {
- if (x < min)
- return min;
- if (x > max)
- return max;
- if (isNaN(x))
- return max;
- return x;
- },
- _scaleAlpha(a, factor) {
- return A.Color$fromARGB(A.clampInt(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0((a.get$value(a) >>> 24 & 255) * factor), 0, 255), a.get$value(a) >>> 16 & 255, a.get$value(a) >>> 8 & 255, a.get$value(a) & 255);
- },
- Color$fromARGB(a, r, g, b) {
- return new A.Color(((a & 255) << 24 | (r & 255) << 16 | (g & 255) << 8 | b & 255) >>> 0);
- },
- Color$fromRGBO(r, g, b, opacity) {
- return new A.Color(((B.JSNumber_methods._tdivFast$1(opacity * 255, 1) & 255) << 24 | (r & 255) << 16 | (g & 255) << 8 | b & 255) >>> 0);
- },
- Color__linearizeColorComponent(component) {
- if (component <= 0.03928)
- return component / 12.92;
- return Math.pow((component + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
- },
- Color_lerp(a, b, t) {
- if (b == null)
- if (a == null)
- return null;
- else
- return A._scaleAlpha(a, 1 - t);
- else if (a == null)
- return A._scaleAlpha(b, t);
- else
- return A.Color$fromARGB(A.clampInt(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(A._lerpInt(a.get$value(a) >>> 24 & 255, b.get$value(b) >>> 24 & 255, t)), 0, 255), A.clampInt(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(A._lerpInt(a.get$value(a) >>> 16 & 255, b.get$value(b) >>> 16 & 255, t)), 0, 255), A.clampInt(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(A._lerpInt(a.get$value(a) >>> 8 & 255, b.get$value(b) >>> 8 & 255, t)), 0, 255), A.clampInt(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(A._lerpInt(a.get$value(a) & 255, b.get$value(b) & 255, t)), 0, 255));
- },
- Color_alphaBlend(foreground, background) {
- var invAlpha, backAlpha, outAlpha,
- alpha = foreground.get$value(foreground) >>> 24 & 255;
- if (alpha === 0)
- return background;
- invAlpha = 255 - alpha;
- backAlpha = background.get$value(background) >>> 24 & 255;
- if (backAlpha === 255)
- return A.Color$fromARGB(255, B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(alpha * (foreground.get$value(foreground) >>> 16 & 255) + invAlpha * (background.get$value(background) >>> 16 & 255), 255), B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(alpha * (foreground.get$value(foreground) >>> 8 & 255) + invAlpha * (background.get$value(background) >>> 8 & 255), 255), B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(alpha * (foreground.get$value(foreground) & 255) + invAlpha * (background.get$value(background) & 255), 255));
- else {
- backAlpha = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(backAlpha * invAlpha, 255);
- outAlpha = alpha + backAlpha;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(outAlpha, B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv((foreground.get$value(foreground) >>> 16 & 255) * alpha + (background.get$value(background) >>> 16 & 255) * backAlpha, outAlpha), B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv((foreground.get$value(foreground) >>> 8 & 255) * alpha + (background.get$value(background) >>> 8 & 255) * backAlpha, outAlpha), B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv((foreground.get$value(foreground) & 255) * alpha + (background.get$value(background) & 255) * backAlpha, outAlpha));
- }
- },
- Paint_Paint() {
- return $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- },
- Gradient_Gradient$linear(from, to, colors, colorStops, tileMode, matrix4) {
- return $.$get$_renderer().createLinearGradient$6(0, from, to, colors, colorStops, tileMode, null);
- },
- ImageFilter_ImageFilter$matrix(matrix4, filterQuality) {
- return $.$get$_renderer().createMatrixImageFilter$2$filterQuality(matrix4, filterQuality);
- },
- instantiateImageCodecWithSize(buffer, getTargetSize) {
- return A.instantiateImageCodecWithSize$body(buffer, getTargetSize);
- },
- instantiateImageCodecWithSize$body(buffer, getTargetSize) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Codec),
- $async$returnValue, t1, t2;
- var $async$instantiateImageCodecWithSize = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer();
- t2 = buffer._ui$_list;
- t2.toString;
- $async$returnValue = t1.instantiateImageCodec$1(t2);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$instantiateImageCodecWithSize, $async$completer);
- },
- Shadow_convertRadiusToSigma(radius) {
- return radius > 0 ? radius * 0.57735 + 0.5 : 0;
- },
- Shadow_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.Offset_lerp(a.offset, b.offset, t);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = A._lerpDouble(a.blurRadius, b.blurRadius, t);
- return new A.Shadow(t1, t2, t3);
- },
- Shadow_lerpList(a, b, t) {
- var result, commonLength, i,
- t1 = a == null;
- if (t1 && b == null)
- return null;
- if (t1)
- a = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Shadow);
- if (b == null)
- b = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Shadow);
- result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Shadow);
- commonLength = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
- for (i = 0; i < commonLength; ++i) {
- t1 = A.Shadow_lerp(a[i], b[i], t);
- t1.toString;
- result.push(t1);
- }
- for (t1 = 1 - t, i = commonLength; i < a.length; ++i)
- result.push(J.scale$1$z(a[i], t1));
- for (i = commonLength; i < b.length; ++i)
- result.push(J.scale$1$z(b[i], t));
- return result;
- },
- ImmutableBuffer_fromUint8List(list) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.ImmutableBuffer),
- $async$returnValue, instance;
- var $async$ImmutableBuffer_fromUint8List = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- instance = new A.ImmutableBuffer(list.length);
- instance._ui$_list = list;
- $async$returnValue = instance;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$ImmutableBuffer_fromUint8List, $async$completer);
- },
- PointerData$(buttons, change, device, distance, distanceMax, kind, obscured, orientation, physicalDeltaX, physicalDeltaY, physicalX, physicalY, platformData, pointerIdentifier, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, size, synthesized, tilt, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerData(timeStamp, change, kind, signalKind, device, pointerIdentifier, physicalX, physicalY, physicalDeltaX, physicalDeltaY, buttons, false, synthesized, pressure, pressureMin, pressureMax, distance, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, platformData, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, scale);
- },
- FontWeight_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t2,
- t1 = a == null;
- if (t1 && b == null)
- return null;
- t1 = t1 ? null : a.index;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = 3;
- t2 = b == null ? null : b.index;
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(t1, t2 == null ? 3 : t2, t);
- t1.toString;
- return B.List_c9P[A.clampInt(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1), 0, 8)];
- },
- TextStyle_TextStyle(background, color, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontVariations, fontWeight, foreground, height, leadingDistribution, letterSpacing, locale, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing) {
- return $.$get$_renderer().createTextStyle$21$background$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(background, color, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontVariations, fontWeight, foreground, height, leadingDistribution, letterSpacing, locale, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing);
- },
- ParagraphStyle_ParagraphStyle(ellipsis, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, height, locale, maxLines, strutStyle, textAlign, textDirection, textHeightBehavior) {
- return $.$get$_renderer().createParagraphStyle$12$ellipsis$fontFamily$fontSize$fontStyle$fontWeight$height$locale$maxLines$strutStyle$textAlign$textDirection$textHeightBehavior(ellipsis, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, height, locale, maxLines, strutStyle, textAlign, textDirection, textHeightBehavior);
- },
- PluginUtilities_getCallbackHandle(callback) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- },
- PluginUtilities_getCallbackFromHandle(handle) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- },
- ClipOp: function ClipOp(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- VertexMode: function VertexMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- PathFillType: function PathFillType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- PathOperation: function PathOperation(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _ChannelCallbackRecord: function _ChannelCallbackRecord(t0, t1) {
- this._ui$_callback = t0;
- this._ui$_zone = t1;
- },
- _StoredMessage: function _StoredMessage(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.data = t0;
- this._ui$_callback = t1;
- this._ui$_zone = t2;
- },
- _Channel: function _Channel(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._queue = t0;
- _.debugEnableDiscardWarnings = true;
- _._capacity = t1;
- _._draining = false;
- _._channelCallbackRecord = null;
- },
- ChannelBuffers: function ChannelBuffers(t0) {
- this._channels = t0;
- },
- ChannelBuffers_push_closure: function ChannelBuffers_push_closure() {
- },
- ChannelBuffers_setListener_closure: function ChannelBuffers_setListener_closure() {
- },
- OffsetBase: function OffsetBase() {
- },
- Offset: function Offset(t0, t1) {
- this._dx = t0;
- this._dy = t1;
- },
- Size: function Size(t0, t1) {
- this._dx = t0;
- this._dy = t1;
- },
- Rect: function Rect(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.left = t0;
- _.top = t1;
- _.right = t2;
- _.bottom = t3;
- },
- Radius: function Radius(t0, t1) {
- this.x = t0;
- this.y = t1;
- },
- RRect: function RRect(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _.left = t0;
- _.top = t1;
- _.right = t2;
- _.bottom = t3;
- _.tlRadiusX = t4;
- _.tlRadiusY = t5;
- _.trRadiusX = t6;
- _.trRadiusY = t7;
- _.brRadiusX = t8;
- _.brRadiusY = t9;
- _.blRadiusX = t10;
- _.blRadiusY = t11;
- _.webOnlyUniformRadii = t12;
- },
- webOnlyWarmupEngine_closure: function webOnlyWarmupEngine_closure() {
- },
- webOnlyWarmupEngine_closure0: function webOnlyWarmupEngine_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.registerPlugins = t0;
- this.runApp = t1;
- },
- KeyEventType: function KeyEventType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- KeyData: function KeyData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.timeStamp = t0;
- _.type = t1;
- _.physical = t2;
- _.logical = t3;
- _.character = t4;
- _.synthesized = t5;
- },
- KeyData__logicalToString_closure: function KeyData__logicalToString_closure(t0) {
- this.planeNum = t0;
- },
- KeyData__quotedCharCode_closure: function KeyData__quotedCharCode_closure() {
- },
- Color: function Color(t0) {
- this.value = t0;
- },
- StrokeCap: function StrokeCap(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- StrokeJoin: function StrokeJoin(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- PaintingStyle: function PaintingStyle(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- BlendMode: function BlendMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Clip: function Clip(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- BlurStyle: function BlurStyle(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- MaskFilter: function MaskFilter(t0, t1) {
- this._ui$_style = t0;
- this._sigma = t1;
- },
- FilterQuality: function FilterQuality(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ImageFilter: function ImageFilter() {
- },
- Shadow: function Shadow(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.color = t0;
- this.offset = t1;
- this.blurRadius = t2;
- },
- ImmutableBuffer: function ImmutableBuffer(t0) {
- this._ui$_list = null;
- this._ui$_length = t0;
- },
- Tangent: function Tangent() {
- },
- PlatformDispatcher: function PlatformDispatcher() {
- },
- FrameTiming: function FrameTiming(t0) {
- this._ui$_data = t0;
- },
- AppLifecycleState: function AppLifecycleState(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- AppExitResponse: function AppExitResponse(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Locale: function Locale(t0, t1) {
- this._languageCode = t0;
- this._countryCode = t1;
- },
- DartPerformanceMode: function DartPerformanceMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- PointerChange: function PointerChange(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- PointerDeviceKind: function PointerDeviceKind(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- PointerSignalKind: function PointerSignalKind(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- PointerPreferredStylusAuxiliaryAction: function PointerPreferredStylusAuxiliaryAction(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- PointerData: function PointerData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28) {
- var _ = this;
- _.timeStamp = t0;
- _.change = t1;
- _.kind = t2;
- _.signalKind = t3;
- _.device = t4;
- _.pointerIdentifier = t5;
- _.physicalX = t6;
- _.physicalY = t7;
- _.physicalDeltaX = t8;
- _.physicalDeltaY = t9;
- _.buttons = t10;
- _.obscured = t11;
- _.synthesized = t12;
- _.pressure = t13;
- _.pressureMin = t14;
- _.pressureMax = t15;
- _.distance = t16;
- _.distanceMax = t17;
- _.size = t18;
- _.radiusMajor = t19;
- _.radiusMinor = t20;
- _.radiusMin = t21;
- _.radiusMax = t22;
- _.orientation = t23;
- _.tilt = t24;
- _.platformData = t25;
- _.scrollDeltaX = t26;
- _.scrollDeltaY = t27;
- _.scale = t28;
- },
- PointerDataPacket: function PointerDataPacket(t0) {
- this.data = t0;
- },
- SemanticsAction: function SemanticsAction(t0) {
- this.index = t0;
- },
- SemanticsFlag: function SemanticsFlag(t0) {
- this.index = t0;
- },
- SemanticsUpdateBuilder: function SemanticsUpdateBuilder(t0) {
- this._nodeUpdates = t0;
- },
- FontStyle: function FontStyle(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- PlaceholderAlignment: function PlaceholderAlignment(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FontWeight: function FontWeight(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- },
- FontVariation: function FontVariation(t0, t1) {
- this.axis = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- },
- TextAlign: function TextAlign(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextBaseline: function TextBaseline(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextDecoration: function TextDecoration(t0) {
- this._mask = t0;
- },
- TextDecorationStyle: function TextDecorationStyle(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextLeadingDistribution: function TextLeadingDistribution(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextHeightBehavior: function TextHeightBehavior(t0) {
- this.leadingDistribution = t0;
- },
- TextDirection: function TextDirection(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextBox: function TextBox(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.left = t0;
- _.top = t1;
- _.right = t2;
- _.bottom = t3;
- _.direction = t4;
- },
- TextAffinity: function TextAffinity(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextPosition: function TextPosition(t0, t1) {
- this.offset = t0;
- this.affinity = t1;
- },
- TextRange: function TextRange(t0, t1) {
- this.start = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- ParagraphConstraints: function ParagraphConstraints(t0) {
- this.width = t0;
- },
- BoxHeightStyle: function BoxHeightStyle(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- BoxWidthStyle: function BoxWidthStyle(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TileMode: function TileMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FlutterView: function FlutterView() {
- },
- SingletonFlutterWindow: function SingletonFlutterWindow() {
- },
- Brightness: function Brightness(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- CallbackHandle: function CallbackHandle(t0) {
- this._ui$_handle = t0;
- },
- GestureSettings: function GestureSettings() {
- },
- UrlStrategy: function UrlStrategy() {
- },
- AudioBuffer: function AudioBuffer() {
- },
- AudioParamMap: function AudioParamMap() {
- },
- AudioParamMap_keys_closure: function AudioParamMap_keys_closure(t0) {
- this.keys = t0;
- },
- AudioParamMap_values_closure: function AudioParamMap_values_closure(t0) {
- this.values = t0;
- },
- AudioTrackList: function AudioTrackList() {
- },
- BaseAudioContext: function BaseAudioContext() {
- },
- OfflineAudioContext: function OfflineAudioContext() {
- },
- _AudioParamMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin: function _AudioParamMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin() {
- },
- ActiveInfo: function ActiveInfo() {
- },
- EventChannelExtension_receiveGuardedBroadcastStream(_this, onError) {
- var incomingStackTrace = A.StackTrace_current();
- return _this.receiveBroadcastStream$1(null).handleError$1(new A.EventChannelExtension_receiveGuardedBroadcastStream_closure(onError, incomingStackTrace));
- },
- EventChannelExtension_receiveGuardedBroadcastStream_closure: function EventChannelExtension_receiveGuardedBroadcastStream_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.onError = t0;
- this.incomingStackTrace = t1;
- },
- StringCharacterRange_StringCharacterRange$at(string, startIndex) {
- A.RangeError_checkValidRange(startIndex, null, string.length, "startIndex", "endIndex");
- return A.StringCharacterRange__expandRange(string, startIndex, startIndex);
- },
- StringCharacterRange__expandRange(string, start, end) {
- var t1 = string.length;
- start = A.previousBreak(string, 0, t1, start);
- return new A.StringCharacterRange(string, start, end !== start ? A.nextBreak(string, 0, t1, end) : end);
- },
- _indexOf(source, pattern, start, end) {
- var realEnd, index, t1,
- patternLength = pattern.length;
- if (patternLength === 0)
- return start;
- realEnd = end - patternLength;
- if (realEnd < start)
- return -1;
- if (source.length - realEnd <= (realEnd - start) * 2) {
- index = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (start < realEnd) {
- index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(source, pattern, start);
- t1 = index >= 0;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (!t1)
- break;
- if (index > realEnd)
- return -1;
- if (A.isGraphemeClusterBoundary(source, start, end, index) && A.isGraphemeClusterBoundary(source, start, end, index + patternLength))
- return index;
- start = index + 1;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- return A._gcIndexOf(source, pattern, start, end);
- },
- _gcIndexOf(source, pattern, start, end) {
- var t1, index, endIndex,
- breaks = new A.Breaks(source, end, start, 0);
- for (t1 = pattern.length; index = breaks.nextBreak$0(), index >= 0;) {
- endIndex = index + t1;
- if (endIndex > end)
- break;
- if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(source, pattern, index) && A.isGraphemeClusterBoundary(source, start, end, endIndex))
- return index;
- }
- return -1;
- },
- StringCharacters: function StringCharacters(t0) {
- this.string = t0;
- },
- StringCharacterRange: function StringCharacterRange(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._characters_impl$_string = t0;
- _._characters_impl$_start = t1;
- _._characters_impl$_end = t2;
- _._currentCache = null;
- },
- lookAhead(base, start, cursor, state) {
- if (state === 208)
- return A.lookAheadRegional(base, start, cursor);
- if (state === 224) {
- if (A.lookAheadPictorgraphicExtend(base, start, cursor) >= 0)
- return 145;
- return 64;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Unexpected state: " + B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(state, 16)));
- },
- lookAheadRegional(base, start, cursor) {
- var index, count, index0, tail, lead;
- for (index = cursor, count = 0; index0 = index - 2, index0 >= start; index = index0) {
- tail = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(base, index - 1);
- if ((tail & 64512) !== 56320)
- break;
- lead = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(base, index0);
- if ((lead & 64512) !== 55296)
- break;
- if (A.high(lead, tail) !== 6)
- break;
- count ^= 1;
- }
- if (count === 0)
- return 193;
- else
- return 144;
- },
- lookAheadPictorgraphicExtend(base, start, cursor) {
- var index, char, category, prevChar, t1;
- for (index = cursor; index > start;) {
- --index;
- char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(base, index);
- if ((char & 64512) !== 56320)
- category = A.low(char);
- else {
- if (index > start) {
- --index;
- prevChar = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(base, index);
- t1 = (prevChar & 64512) === 55296;
- } else {
- prevChar = 0;
- t1 = false;
- }
- if (t1)
- category = A.high(prevChar, char);
- else
- break;
- }
- if (category === 7)
- return index;
- if (category !== 4)
- break;
- }
- return -1;
- },
- isGraphemeClusterBoundary(text, start, end, index) {
- var char, index0, prevChar, catAfter, t1, nextChar, catBefore, prevPrevChar, state,
- _s208_ = string$.x10__0__;
- if (start < index && index < end) {
- char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, index);
- index0 = index - 1;
- prevChar = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, index0);
- if ((char & 63488) !== 55296)
- catAfter = A.low(char);
- else if ((char & 64512) === 55296) {
- t1 = index + 1;
- if (t1 >= end)
- return true;
- nextChar = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, t1);
- if ((nextChar & 64512) !== 56320)
- return true;
- catAfter = A.high(char, nextChar);
- } else
- return (prevChar & 64512) !== 55296;
- if ((prevChar & 64512) !== 56320) {
- catBefore = A.low(prevChar);
- index = index0;
- } else {
- index -= 2;
- if (start <= index) {
- prevPrevChar = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, index);
- if ((prevPrevChar & 64512) !== 55296)
- return true;
- catBefore = A.high(prevPrevChar, prevChar);
- } else
- return true;
- }
- state = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s208_, B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s208_, catAfter | 176) & 240 | catBefore);
- return ((state >= 208 ? A.lookAhead(text, start, index, state) : state) & 1) === 0;
- }
- return start !== end;
- },
- previousBreak(text, start, end, index) {
- var nextChar, category, indexBefore, indexAfter, secondChar, prevChar;
- if (index === start || index === end)
- return index;
- nextChar = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, index);
- if ((nextChar & 63488) !== 55296) {
- category = A.low(nextChar);
- indexBefore = index;
- } else if ((nextChar & 64512) === 55296) {
- indexAfter = index + 1;
- if (indexAfter < end) {
- secondChar = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, indexAfter);
- category = (secondChar & 64512) === 56320 ? A.high(nextChar, secondChar) : 2;
- } else
- category = 2;
- indexBefore = index;
- } else {
- indexBefore = index - 1;
- prevChar = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, indexBefore);
- if ((prevChar & 64512) === 55296)
- category = A.high(prevChar, nextChar);
- else {
- indexBefore = index;
- category = 2;
- }
- }
- return new A.BackBreaks(text, start, indexBefore, B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string$.x10__0__, category | 176)).nextBreak$0();
- },
- nextBreak(text, start, end, index) {
- var indexBefore, prevChar, prevCategory, nextChar, secondCharIndex, secondChar, state, t1;
- if (index === start || index === end)
- return index;
- indexBefore = index - 1;
- prevChar = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, indexBefore);
- if ((prevChar & 63488) !== 55296)
- prevCategory = A.low(prevChar);
- else if ((prevChar & 64512) === 55296) {
- nextChar = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, index);
- if ((nextChar & 64512) === 56320) {
- ++index;
- if (index === end)
- return end;
- prevCategory = A.high(prevChar, nextChar);
- } else
- prevCategory = 2;
- } else if (indexBefore > start) {
- secondCharIndex = indexBefore - 1;
- secondChar = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, secondCharIndex);
- if ((secondChar & 64512) === 55296) {
- prevCategory = A.high(secondChar, prevChar);
- indexBefore = secondCharIndex;
- } else
- prevCategory = 2;
- } else
- prevCategory = 2;
- if (prevCategory === 6)
- state = A.lookAheadRegional(text, start, indexBefore) !== 144 ? 160 : 48;
- else {
- t1 = prevCategory === 1;
- if (t1 || prevCategory === 4)
- if (A.lookAheadPictorgraphicExtend(text, start, indexBefore) >= 0)
- state = t1 ? 144 : 128;
- else
- state = 48;
- else
- state = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string$.x200_000, prevCategory | 176);
- }
- return new A.Breaks(text, text.length, index, state).nextBreak$0();
- },
- Breaks: function Breaks(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.base = t0;
- _.end = t1;
- _.cursor = t2;
- _.state = t3;
- },
- BackBreaks: function BackBreaks(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.base = t0;
- _.start = t1;
- _.cursor = t2;
- _.state = t3;
- },
- CanonicalizedMap: function CanonicalizedMap() {
- },
- CanonicalizedMap_addAll_closure: function CanonicalizedMap_addAll_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- CanonicalizedMap_entries_closure: function CanonicalizedMap_entries_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- CanonicalizedMap_forEach_closure: function CanonicalizedMap_forEach_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.f = t1;
- },
- CanonicalizedMap_keys_closure: function CanonicalizedMap_keys_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- CanonicalizedMap_map_closure: function CanonicalizedMap_map_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.K2 = t2;
- _.V2 = t3;
- },
- CanonicalizedMap_putIfAbsent_closure: function CanonicalizedMap_putIfAbsent_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- this.ifAbsent = t2;
- },
- CanonicalizedMap_values_closure: function CanonicalizedMap_values_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- DefaultEquality: function DefaultEquality(t0) {
- this.$ti = t0;
- },
- _MapEntry: function _MapEntry(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.equality = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- this.value = t2;
- },
- MapEquality: function MapEquality(t0) {
- this.$ti = t0;
- },
- HeapPriorityQueue: function HeapPriorityQueue(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.comparison = t0;
- _._priority_queue$_queue = t1;
- _._priority_queue$_modificationCount = _._priority_queue$_length = 0;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- CsvParser__argValue(allowInvalid, userValue, defaultValue, userValue2) {
- return userValue;
- },
- CsvParser: function CsvParser(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.fieldDelimiter = t0;
- _.textDelimiter = t1;
- _.textEndDelimiter = t2;
- _.eol = t3;
- _.shouldParseNumbers = t4;
- _.allowInvalid = t5;
- _.__CsvParser__field_A = $;
- _._csvText = null;
- _._currentPos = 0;
- _._pushbackBuffer = null;
- _.__CsvParser__insideString_A = $;
- _._previousWasTextEndDelimiter = _._insideQuotedString = false;
- _._matchingEol = _._matchingTextEndDelimiter = _._matchingTextDelimiter = _._matchingFieldDelimiter = 0;
- _.__CsvParser__matchedChars_A = $;
- },
- ParsingStopReason: function ParsingStopReason(t0) {
- this._csv_parser$_value = t0;
- },
- ParsingResult: function ParsingResult(t0, t1) {
- this.stopReason = t0;
- this.quoted = t1;
- },
- GradientImmut: function GradientImmut() {
- },
- PaletteRGB: function PaletteRGB() {
- },
- SwatchBase: function SwatchBase() {
- },
- SwatchBase_colors_closure: function SwatchBase_colors_closure() {
- },
- FilePickerWeb__fileType(type, allowedExtensions) {
- switch (type.index) {
- case 0:
- return "";
- case 4:
- return "audio/*";
- case 2:
- return "image/*";
- case 3:
- return "video/*";
- case 1:
- return "video/*|image/*";
- case 5:
- return B.JSArray_methods.fold$2(allowedExtensions, "", new A.FilePickerWeb__fileType_closure());
- }
- },
- FilePickerWeb: function FilePickerWeb() {
- this.__FilePickerWeb__target_A = $;
- },
- FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener: function FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.uploadInput = t2;
- _.onFileLoading = t3;
- _.filesCompleter = t4;
- _.withReadStream = t5;
- _.withData = t6;
- },
- FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener_addPickedFile: function FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener_addPickedFile(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.pickedFiles = t0;
- _.files = t1;
- _.onFileLoading = t2;
- _.filesCompleter = t3;
- },
- FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener_closure: function FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.addPickedFile = t0;
- this.file = t1;
- this.reader = t2;
- },
- FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener_closure0: function FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.addPickedFile = t0;
- this.file = t1;
- this.reader = t2;
- },
- FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_cancelledEventListener: function FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_cancelledEventListener(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.filesCompleter = t1;
- },
- FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_cancelledEventListener_closure: function FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_cancelledEventListener_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.filesCompleter = t1;
- },
- FilePickerWeb__fileType_closure: function FilePickerWeb__fileType_closure() {
- },
- FileType: function FileType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FilePicker: function FilePicker() {
- },
- FilePickerResult: function FilePickerResult(t0) {
- this.files = t0;
- },
- PlatformFile: function PlatformFile(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._platform_file$_path = t0;
- _.name = t1;
- _.bytes = t2;
- _.readStream = t3;
- _.size = t4;
- },
- FirebaseAuth_FirebaseAuth$instanceFor(app) {
- return $.FirebaseAuth__firebaseAuthInstances.putIfAbsent$2(0, app._firebase_core$_delegate.name, new A.FirebaseAuth_FirebaseAuth$instanceFor_closure(app, null));
- },
- FirebaseAuth: function FirebaseAuth(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._delegatePackingProperty = null;
- _._persistence = t0;
- _.app = t1;
- _._appName = t2;
- _._methodChannelName = t3;
- },
- FirebaseAuth_FirebaseAuth$instanceFor_closure: function FirebaseAuth_FirebaseAuth$instanceFor_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.app = t0;
- this.persistence = t1;
- },
- FirebaseAuthMultiFactorException: function FirebaseAuthMultiFactorException(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.email = t0;
- _.credential = t1;
- _.phoneNumber = t2;
- _.tenantId = t3;
- _.plugin = t4;
- _.message = t5;
- _.code = t6;
- },
- User: function User(t0) {
- this._firebase_auth$_delegate = t0;
- },
- UserCredential: function UserCredential(t0, t1) {
- this._auth = t0;
- this._firebase_auth$_delegate = t1;
- },
- AdditionalUserInfo: function AdditionalUserInfo(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.isNewUser = t0;
- _.profile = t1;
- _.providerId = t2;
- _.username = t3;
- },
- AuthCredential: function AuthCredential(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.providerId = t0;
- _.signInMethod = t1;
- _.token = t2;
- _.accessToken = t3;
- },
- FirebaseAuthException$(code, credential, email, message, phoneNumber, tenantId) {
- return new A.FirebaseAuthException(email, credential, phoneNumber, tenantId, "firebase_auth", message, code);
- },
- FirebaseAuthException: function FirebaseAuthException(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.email = t0;
- _.credential = t1;
- _.phoneNumber = t2;
- _.tenantId = t3;
- _.plugin = t4;
- _.message = t5;
- _.code = t6;
- },
- FirebaseAuthMultiFactorExceptionPlatform$(code, email, message, phoneNumber, resolver, tenantId) {
- return new A.FirebaseAuthMultiFactorExceptionPlatform(email, null, phoneNumber, tenantId, "firebase_auth", message, code);
- },
- FirebaseAuthMultiFactorExceptionPlatform: function FirebaseAuthMultiFactorExceptionPlatform(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.email = t0;
- _.credential = t1;
- _.phoneNumber = t2;
- _.tenantId = t3;
- _.plugin = t4;
- _.message = t5;
- _.code = t6;
- },
- MethodChannelFirebaseAuth$(app) {
- var t1 = $.$get$FirebaseAuthPlatform__token(),
- t2 = new A.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth(new A.FirebaseAuthHostApi(), app);
- $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens().$indexSet(0, t2, t1);
- t2.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth$1$app(app);
- return t2;
- },
- MethodChannelFirebaseAuth: function MethodChannelFirebaseAuth(t0, t1) {
- this._api = t0;
- this.currentUser = null;
- this.appInstance = t1;
- },
- MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_closure: function MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.app = t1;
- },
- MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__closure0: function MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.app = t1;
- },
- MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_closure0: function MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.app = t1;
- },
- MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__closure: function MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.app = t1;
- },
- MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_delegateFor_closure: function MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_delegateFor_closure(t0) {
- this.app = t0;
- },
- _ValueWrapper: function _ValueWrapper(t0, t1) {
- this.value = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- MethodChannelMultiFactor$(auth) {
- var t1 = $.$get$MultiFactorPlatform__token(),
- t2 = new A.MethodChannelMultiFactor(new A.MultiFactorUserHostApi());
- $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens().$indexSet(0, t2, t1);
- return t2;
- },
- MethodChannelMultiFactor: function MethodChannelMultiFactor(t0) {
- this._method_channel_multi_factor$_api = t0;
- },
- MethodChannelMultiFactorResolver: function MethodChannelMultiFactorResolver(t0) {
- this._method_channel_multi_factor$_api = t0;
- },
- MethodChannelUser$(auth, multiFactor, data) {
- var t1 = $.$get$UserPlatform__token(),
- t2 = new A.MethodChannelUser(new A.FirebaseAuthUserHostApi(), data);
- $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens().$indexSet(0, t2, t1);
- return t2;
- },
- MethodChannelUser: function MethodChannelUser(t0, t1) {
- this._method_channel_user$_api = t0;
- this._user = t1;
- },
- MethodChannelUserCredential: function MethodChannelUserCredential(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.additionalUserInfo = t0;
- this.credential = t1;
- this.user = t2;
- },
- multiFactorInfoPigeonToObject(pigeonMultiFactorInfo) {
- var t1 = A.IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull(pigeonMultiFactorInfo, type$.PigeonMultiFactorInfo);
- t1 = A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t1, new A.multiFactorInfoPigeonToObject_closure(), t1.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.MultiFactorInfo);
- return A.List_List$of(t1, true, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- },
- multiFactorInfoPigeonToObject_closure: function multiFactorInfoPigeonToObject_closure() {
- },
- PigeonMultiFactorInfo_decode(result) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
- type$.List_nullable_Object._as(result);
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(result);
- t2 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 0));
- t3 = t1.$index(result, 1);
- t3.toString;
- A._asDouble(t3);
- t4 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 2));
- t5 = t1.$index(result, 3);
- t5.toString;
- return new A.PigeonMultiFactorInfo(t2, t3, t4, A._asString(t5), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 4)));
- },
- PigeonActionCodeInfoData_decode(result) {
- var t1;
- type$.List_nullable_Object._as(result);
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(result);
- return new A.PigeonActionCodeInfoData(A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 0)), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 1)));
- },
- PigeonAdditionalUserInfo_decode(result) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- type$.List_nullable_Object._as(result);
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(result);
- t2 = t1.$index(result, 0);
- t2.toString;
- A._asBool(t2);
- t3 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 1));
- t4 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 2));
- t1 = type$.nullable_Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as(t1.$index(result, 3));
- return new A.PigeonAdditionalUserInfo(t2, t3, t4, t1 == null ? null : J.cast$2$0$ax(t1, type$.nullable_String, type$.nullable_Object));
- },
- PigeonAuthCredential_decode(result) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- type$.List_nullable_Object._as(result);
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(result);
- t2 = t1.$index(result, 0);
- t2.toString;
- A._asString(t2);
- t3 = t1.$index(result, 1);
- t3.toString;
- A._asString(t3);
- t4 = t1.$index(result, 2);
- t4.toString;
- return new A.PigeonAuthCredential(t2, t3, A._asInt(t4), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 3)));
- },
- PigeonUserInfo_decode(result) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8;
- type$.List_nullable_Object._as(result);
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(result);
- t2 = t1.$index(result, 0);
- t2.toString;
- A._asString(t2);
- t3 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 1));
- t4 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 2));
- t5 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 3));
- t6 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 4));
- t7 = t1.$index(result, 5);
- t7.toString;
- A._asBool(t7);
- t8 = t1.$index(result, 6);
- t8.toString;
- return new A.PigeonUserInfo(t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, A._asBool(t8), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 7)), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 8)), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 9)), A._asIntQ(t1.$index(result, 10)), A._asIntQ(t1.$index(result, 11)));
- },
- PigeonUserDetails_decode(result) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = type$.List_nullable_Object;
- t1._as(result);
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(result);
- t3 = t2.$index(result, 0);
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A.PigeonUserInfo_decode(t1._as(t3));
- t2 = type$.nullable_List_nullable_Object._as(t2.$index(result, 1));
- t2.toString;
- return new A.PigeonUserDetails(t3, J.cast$1$0$ax(t2, type$.nullable_Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object));
- },
- ActionCodeInfoOperation: function ActionCodeInfoOperation(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- PigeonMultiFactorSession: function PigeonMultiFactorSession(t0) {
- this.id = t0;
- },
- PigeonPhoneMultiFactorAssertion: function PigeonPhoneMultiFactorAssertion(t0, t1) {
- this.verificationId = t0;
- this.verificationCode = t1;
- },
- PigeonMultiFactorInfo: function PigeonMultiFactorInfo(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.displayName = t0;
- _.enrollmentTimestamp = t1;
- _.factorId = t2;
- _.uid = t3;
- _.phoneNumber = t4;
- },
- PigeonFirebaseApp: function PigeonFirebaseApp(t0, t1) {
- this.appName = t0;
- this.tenantId = t1;
- },
- PigeonActionCodeInfo: function PigeonActionCodeInfo(t0, t1) {
- this.operation = t0;
- this.data = t1;
- },
- PigeonActionCodeInfoData: function PigeonActionCodeInfoData(t0, t1) {
- this.email = t0;
- this.previousEmail = t1;
- },
- PigeonUserCredential: function PigeonUserCredential(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.user = t0;
- this.additionalUserInfo = t1;
- this.credential = t2;
- },
- PigeonAdditionalUserInfo: function PigeonAdditionalUserInfo(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.isNewUser = t0;
- _.providerId = t1;
- _.username = t2;
- _.profile = t3;
- },
- PigeonAuthCredential: function PigeonAuthCredential(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.providerId = t0;
- _.signInMethod = t1;
- _.nativeId = t2;
- _.accessToken = t3;
- },
- PigeonUserInfo: function PigeonUserInfo(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.uid = t0;
- _.email = t1;
- _.displayName = t2;
- _.photoUrl = t3;
- _.phoneNumber = t4;
- _.isAnonymous = t5;
- _.isEmailVerified = t6;
- _.providerId = t7;
- _.tenantId = t8;
- _.refreshToken = t9;
- _.creationTimestamp = t10;
- _.lastSignInTimestamp = t11;
- },
- PigeonUserDetails: function PigeonUserDetails(t0, t1) {
- this.userInfo = t0;
- this.providerData = t1;
- },
- PigeonActionCodeSettings: function PigeonActionCodeSettings(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.url = t0;
- _.dynamicLinkDomain = t1;
- _.handleCodeInApp = t2;
- _.iOSBundleId = t3;
- _.androidPackageName = t4;
- _.androidInstallApp = t5;
- _.androidMinimumVersion = t6;
- },
- PigeonFirebaseAuthSettings: function PigeonFirebaseAuthSettings(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.appVerificationDisabledForTesting = t0;
- _.userAccessGroup = t1;
- _.phoneNumber = t2;
- _.smsCode = t3;
- _.forceRecaptchaFlow = t4;
- },
- PigeonSignInProvider: function PigeonSignInProvider(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.providerId = t0;
- this.scopes = t1;
- this.customParameters = t2;
- },
- PigeonVerifyPhoneNumberRequest: function PigeonVerifyPhoneNumberRequest(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.phoneNumber = t0;
- _.timeout = t1;
- _.forceResendingToken = t2;
- _.autoRetrievedSmsCodeForTesting = t3;
- _.multiFactorInfoId = t4;
- _.multiFactorSessionId = t5;
- },
- PigeonIdTokenResult: function PigeonIdTokenResult(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.token = t0;
- _.expirationTimestamp = t1;
- _.authTimestamp = t2;
- _.issuedAtTimestamp = t3;
- _.signInProvider = t4;
- _.claims = t5;
- _.signInSecondFactor = t6;
- },
- PigeonUserProfile: function PigeonUserProfile(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.displayName = t0;
- _.photoUrl = t1;
- _.displayNameChanged = t2;
- _.photoUrlChanged = t3;
- },
- _FirebaseAuthHostApiCodec: function _FirebaseAuthHostApiCodec() {
- },
- FirebaseAuthHostApi: function FirebaseAuthHostApi() {
- },
- FirebaseAuthUserHostApi: function FirebaseAuthUserHostApi() {
- },
- MultiFactorUserHostApi: function MultiFactorUserHostApi() {
- },
- MultiFactoResolverHostApi: function MultiFactoResolverHostApi() {
- },
- FirebaseAuthPlatform: function FirebaseAuthPlatform() {
- },
- MultiFactorPlatform: function MultiFactorPlatform() {
- },
- MultiFactorResolverPlatform: function MultiFactorResolverPlatform() {
- },
- MultiFactorInfo: function MultiFactorInfo(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.displayName = t0;
- _.enrollmentTimestamp = t1;
- _.factorId = t2;
- _.uid = t3;
- },
- PhoneMultiFactorInfo: function PhoneMultiFactorInfo(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.phoneNumber = t0;
- _.displayName = t1;
- _.enrollmentTimestamp = t2;
- _.factorId = t3;
- _.uid = t4;
- },
- PhoneMultiFactorGeneratorPlatform: function PhoneMultiFactorGeneratorPlatform() {
- },
- RecaptchaVerifierFactoryPlatform: function RecaptchaVerifierFactoryPlatform() {
- },
- UserPlatform: function UserPlatform() {
- },
- UserCredentialPlatform: function UserCredentialPlatform() {
- },
- OAuthCredential: function OAuthCredential(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.providerId = t0;
- _.signInMethod = t1;
- _.token = t2;
- _.accessToken = t3;
- },
- UserInfo: function UserInfo(t0) {
- this._user_info$_data = t0;
- },
- UserMetadata: function UserMetadata(t0, t1) {
- this._creationTimestamp = t0;
- this._lastSignInTime = t1;
- },
- FirebaseAuthWeb$_() {
- var t1 = $.Zone__current,
- t2 = $.$get$FirebaseAuthPlatform__token();
- t1 = new A.FirebaseAuthWeb(new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t1, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void), null);
- $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens().$indexSet(0, t1, t2);
- return t1;
- },
- FirebaseAuthWeb$(app, persistence) {
- var t1 = $.Zone__current,
- t2 = $.$get$FirebaseAuthPlatform__token();
- t1 = new A.FirebaseAuthWeb(new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t1, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void), app);
- $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens().$indexSet(0, t1, t2);
- t1.FirebaseAuthWeb$2$app$persistence(app, persistence);
- return t1;
- },
- FirebaseAuthWeb_registerWith(registrar) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- A.FirebaseCoreWeb_registerService("auth", new A.FirebaseAuthWeb_registerWith_closure());
- t1 = A.FirebaseAuthWeb$_();
- A.PlatformInterface__verify(t1, $.$get$FirebaseAuthPlatform__token(), true);
- $.FirebaseAuthPlatform__instance = t1;
- t1 = $.$get$PhoneMultiFactorGeneratorPlatform__token();
- t2 = new A.PhoneMultiFactorGeneratorWeb();
- t3 = $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens();
- t3.$indexSet(0, t2, t1);
- A.PlatformInterface__verify(t2, t1, true);
- t1 = $.$get$RecaptchaVerifierFactoryPlatform__token();
- t2 = new A.RecaptchaVerifierFactoryWeb();
- t3.$indexSet(0, t2, t1);
- A.PlatformInterface__verify(t2, t1, true);
- },
- FirebaseAuthWeb: function FirebaseAuthWeb(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._initialized = t0;
- _._webAuth = _._firebase_auth_web$_persistence = null;
- _.appInstance = t1;
- },
- FirebaseAuthWeb_closure: function FirebaseAuthWeb_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- FirebaseAuthWeb_closure0: function FirebaseAuthWeb_closure0(t0) {
- this.app = t0;
- },
- FirebaseAuthWeb_closure1: function FirebaseAuthWeb_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- FirebaseAuthWeb_closure2: function FirebaseAuthWeb_closure2(t0) {
- this.app = t0;
- },
- FirebaseAuthWeb_registerWith_closure: function FirebaseAuthWeb_registerWith_closure() {
- },
- MultiFactorWeb$(auth, _webMultiFactorUser) {
- var t1 = $.$get$MultiFactorPlatform__token(),
- t2 = new A.MultiFactorWeb();
- $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens().$indexSet(0, t2, t1);
- return t2;
- },
- MultiFactorWeb: function MultiFactorWeb() {
- },
- MultiFactorResolverWeb: function MultiFactorResolverWeb() {
- },
- PhoneMultiFactorGeneratorWeb: function PhoneMultiFactorGeneratorWeb() {
- },
- RecaptchaVerifierFactoryWeb: function RecaptchaVerifierFactoryWeb() {
- },
- UserWeb$(auth, multiFactor, _webUser, _webAuth) {
- var t13,
- t1 = _webUser.jsObject,
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1),
- t3 = t2.get$displayName(t1),
- t4 = t2.get$email(t1),
- t5 = t2.get$emailVerified(t1),
- t6 = t2.get$isAnonymous(t1),
- t7 = J.get$creationTime$x(t2.get$metadata(t1)) != null ? $.$get$_context().$index(0, "Date").callMethod$2("parse", A._setArrayType([J.get$creationTime$x(t2.get$metadata(t1))], type$.JSArray_nullable_String)) : null,
- t8 = J.get$lastSignInTime$x(t2.get$metadata(t1)) != null ? $.$get$_context().$index(0, "Date").callMethod$2("parse", A._setArrayType([J.get$lastSignInTime$x(t2.get$metadata(t1))], type$.JSArray_nullable_String)) : null,
- t9 = t2.get$phoneNumber(t1),
- t10 = t2.get$photoURL(t1),
- t11 = t2.get$refreshToken(t1),
- t12 = t2.get$tenantId(t1);
- t1 = t2.get$uid(t1);
- t2 = _webUser.get$providerData(_webUser);
- t13 = A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Map>");
- t13 = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A.UserWeb_closure(), t13), true, t13._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- t2 = $.$get$UserPlatform__token();
- t13 = new A.UserWeb(new A.PigeonUserDetails(new A.PigeonUserInfo(t1, t4, t3, t10, t9, t6, t5, null, t12, t11, t7, t8), t13));
- $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens().$indexSet(0, t13, t2);
- return t13;
- },
- UserWeb: function UserWeb(t0) {
- this._user = t0;
- },
- UserWeb_closure: function UserWeb_closure() {
- },
- UserCredentialWeb: function UserCredentialWeb(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.additionalUserInfo = t0;
- this.credential = t1;
- this.user = t2;
- },
- getAuthInstance(app, persistence) {
- return A.Auth_getInstance(firebase_auth.initializeAuth(app.jsObject, A.jsify0(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["errorMap", firebase_auth.debugErrorMap, "persistence", A._setArrayType([firebase_auth.indexedDBLocalPersistence, firebase_auth.browserLocalPersistence, firebase_auth.browserSessionPersistence], type$.JSArray_Persistence), "popupRedirectResolver", firebase_auth.browserPopupRedirectResolver], type$.String, type$.dynamic), null)));
- },
- User_getInstance(jsObject) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (jsObject == null)
- return null;
- t1 = $.$get$User__expando();
- A.Expando__checkType(jsObject);
- t2 = t1._jsWeakMap.get(jsObject);
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = new A.User0(jsObject);
- t1.$indexSet(0, jsObject, t2);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = t2;
- return t1;
- },
- Auth_getInstance(jsObject) {
- var t2,
- t1 = $.$get$Auth__expando();
- A.Expando__checkType(jsObject);
- t2 = t1._jsWeakMap.get(jsObject);
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = new A.Auth(jsObject);
- t1.$indexSet(0, jsObject, t2);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = t2;
- return t1;
- },
- UserCredential___fromJsObject_tearOff(jsObject) {
- return new A.UserCredential0(jsObject);
- },
- UserInfo0: function UserInfo0(t0, t1) {
- this.jsObject = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- User0: function User0(t0) {
- this.jsObject = t0;
- },
- User_providerData_closure: function User_providerData_closure() {
- },
- Auth: function Auth(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._idTokenChangedController = _._onIdTokenChangedUnsubscribe = _._changeController = _._onAuthUnsubscribe = _._initUser = null;
- _.jsObject = t0;
- },
- Auth_onWaitInitState_closure: function Auth_onWaitInitState_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.completer = t1;
- },
- Auth_onWaitInitState_closure0: function Auth_onWaitInitState_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Auth_onAuthStateChanged_closure: function Auth_onAuthStateChanged_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Auth_onAuthStateChanged_closure0: function Auth_onAuthStateChanged_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Auth_onAuthStateChanged_startListen: function Auth_onAuthStateChanged_startListen(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.nextWrapper = t1;
- this.errorWrapper = t2;
- },
- Auth_onAuthStateChanged_stopListen: function Auth_onAuthStateChanged_stopListen(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Auth_onIdTokenChanged_closure: function Auth_onIdTokenChanged_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Auth_onIdTokenChanged_closure0: function Auth_onIdTokenChanged_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Auth_onIdTokenChanged_startListen: function Auth_onIdTokenChanged_startListen(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.nextWrapper = t1;
- this.errorWrapper = t2;
- },
- Auth_onIdTokenChanged_stopListen: function Auth_onIdTokenChanged_stopListen(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- UserCredential0: function UserCredential0(t0) {
- this.jsObject = t0;
- },
- AdditionalUserInfo0: function AdditionalUserInfo0(t0) {
- this.jsObject = t0;
- },
- AuthJsImpl: function AuthJsImpl() {
- },
- IdTokenResultImpl: function IdTokenResultImpl() {
- },
- UserInfoJsImpl: function UserInfoJsImpl() {
- },
- UserJsImpl: function UserJsImpl() {
- },
- Persistence: function Persistence() {
- },
- AuthCredential0: function AuthCredential0() {
- },
- OAuthCredential0: function OAuthCredential0() {
- },
- OAuthCredentialOptions: function OAuthCredentialOptions() {
- },
- AuthProviderJsImpl: function AuthProviderJsImpl() {
- },
- EmailAuthProviderJsImpl: function EmailAuthProviderJsImpl() {
- },
- FacebookAuthProviderJsImpl: function FacebookAuthProviderJsImpl() {
- },
- GithubAuthProviderJsImpl: function GithubAuthProviderJsImpl() {
- },
- GoogleAuthProviderJsImpl: function GoogleAuthProviderJsImpl() {
- },
- OAuthProviderJsImpl: function OAuthProviderJsImpl() {
- },
- TwitterAuthProviderJsImpl: function TwitterAuthProviderJsImpl() {
- },
- PhoneAuthProviderJsImpl: function PhoneAuthProviderJsImpl() {
- },
- SAMLAuthProviderJsImpl: function SAMLAuthProviderJsImpl() {
- },
- ApplicationVerifierJsImpl: function ApplicationVerifierJsImpl() {
- },
- RecaptchaVerifierJsImpl: function RecaptchaVerifierJsImpl() {
- },
- ConfirmationResultJsImpl: function ConfirmationResultJsImpl() {
- },
- ActionCodeInfo: function ActionCodeInfo() {
- },
- UserMetadata0: function UserMetadata0() {
- },
- UserProfile: function UserProfile() {
- },
- AuthError: function AuthError() {
- },
- ActionCodeData: function ActionCodeData() {
- },
- ActionCodeSettings: function ActionCodeSettings() {
- },
- IosSettings: function IosSettings() {
- },
- AndroidSettings: function AndroidSettings() {
- },
- UserCredentialJsImpl: function UserCredentialJsImpl() {
- },
- AdditionalUserInfoJsImpl: function AdditionalUserInfoJsImpl() {
- },
- AuthSettings: function AuthSettings() {
- },
- MultiFactorUserJsImpl: function MultiFactorUserJsImpl() {
- },
- MultiFactorInfoJsImpl: function MultiFactorInfoJsImpl() {
- },
- MultiFactorAssertionJsImpl: function MultiFactorAssertionJsImpl() {
- },
- MultiFactorError: function MultiFactorError() {
- },
- MultiFactorResolverJsImpl: function MultiFactorResolverJsImpl() {
- },
- MultiFactorSessionJsImpl: function MultiFactorSessionJsImpl() {
- },
- PhoneMultiFactorInfoJsImpl: function PhoneMultiFactorInfoJsImpl() {
- },
- PhoneMultiFactorEnrollInfoOptionsJsImpl: function PhoneMultiFactorEnrollInfoOptionsJsImpl() {
- },
- PhoneMultiFactorGeneratorJsImpl: function PhoneMultiFactorGeneratorJsImpl() {
- },
- PhoneMultiFactorAssertionJsImpl: function PhoneMultiFactorAssertionJsImpl() {
- },
- PhoneAuthCredentialJsImpl: function PhoneAuthCredentialJsImpl() {
- },
- MultiFactorUser_getInstance(jsObject) {
- var t2,
- t1 = $.$get$MultiFactorUser__expando();
- A.Expando__checkType(jsObject);
- t2 = t1._jsWeakMap.get(jsObject);
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = new A.MultiFactorUser(jsObject);
- t1.$indexSet(0, jsObject, t2);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = t2;
- return t1;
- },
- MultiFactorUser: function MultiFactorUser(t0) {
- this.jsObject = t0;
- },
- MultiFactorInfo0: function MultiFactorInfo0() {
- },
- PhoneMultiFactorInfo0: function PhoneMultiFactorInfo0(t0) {
- this.jsObject = t0;
- },
- MultiFactorResolver: function MultiFactorResolver(t0) {
- this.jsObject = t0;
- },
- MultiFactorResolver_hints_closure: function MultiFactorResolver_hints_closure() {
- },
- getFirebaseAuthException(exception, auth) {
- var t1, code, message, t2, resolverWeb, t3, t4, t5, t6, _null = null;
- if (!type$.FirebaseError._is(exception))
- return A.FirebaseAuthException$("unknown", _null, _null, "An unknown error occurred: " + A.S(exception), _null, _null);
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(exception);
- code = J.replaceFirst$2$s(t1.get$code(exception), "auth/", "");
- message = B.JSString_methods.replaceFirst$2(J.replaceFirst$2$s(t1.get$message(exception), " (" + A.S(t1.get$code(exception)) + ").", ""), "Firebase: ", "");
- if (code === "multi-factor-auth-required") {
- if (auth == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Multi-factor authentication is required, but the auth instance is null. Please ensure that the auth instance is not null before calling `getFirebaseAuthException()`.", _null));
- t2 = firebase_auth.getMultiFactorResolver(auth.jsObject, exception);
- resolverWeb = new A.MultiFactorResolver(t2);
- t3 = t1.get$email(exception);
- t4 = t1.get$phoneNumber(exception);
- t1 = t1.get$tenantId(exception);
- t5 = resolverWeb.get$hints(resolverWeb);
- t6 = A._arrayInstanceType(t5)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,MultiFactorInfo>");
- A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t5, new A.getFirebaseAuthException_closure(), t6), true, t6._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- J.get$session$x(t2);
- A.FirebaseAuthWeb$_();
- t2 = $.$get$MultiFactorResolverPlatform__token();
- t6 = new A.MultiFactorResolverWeb();
- $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens().$indexSet(0, t6, t2);
- return A.FirebaseAuthMultiFactorExceptionPlatform$(code, t3, message, t4, t6, t1);
- }
- return A.FirebaseAuthException$(code, _null, t1.get$email(exception), message, t1.get$phoneNumber(exception), t1.get$tenantId(exception));
- },
- convertWebAdditionalUserInfo(webAdditionalUserInfo) {
- var t1 = webAdditionalUserInfo.jsObject,
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
- return new A.AdditionalUserInfo(t2.get$isNewUser(t1), A.dartify0(t2.get$profile(t1), null), t2.get$providerId(t1), t2.get$username(t1));
- },
- convertWebOAuthCredential(userCredential) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5,
- t1 = firebase_auth.OAuthProvider.credentialFromResult(userCredential.jsObject);
- if (t1 == null)
- return null;
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
- t3 = t2.get$providerId(t1);
- t4 = t2.get$signInMethod(t1);
- t5 = t2.get$accessToken(t1);
- t2.get$secret(t1);
- t2.get$idToken(t1);
- return new A.OAuthCredential(t3, t4 == null ? "oauth" : t4, null, t5);
- },
- getFirebaseAuthException_closure: function getFirebaseAuthException_closure() {
- },
- Firebase_initializeApp(options) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.FirebaseApp),
- $async$returnValue, t1, app;
- var $async$Firebase_initializeApp = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $.Firebase_delegatePackingProperty;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait((t1 == null ? $.Firebase_delegatePackingProperty = $.$get$FirebasePlatform__instance() : t1).initializeApp$2$name$options(null, options), $async$Firebase_initializeApp);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- app = $async$result;
- A.PlatformInterface__verify(app, $.$get$FirebaseAppPlatform__token(), true);
- $async$returnValue = new A.FirebaseApp(app);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$Firebase_initializeApp, $async$completer);
- },
- FirebaseApp: function FirebaseApp(t0) {
- this._firebase_core$_delegate = t0;
- },
- noAppExists(appName) {
- return A.FirebaseException$("no-app", "No Firebase App '" + appName + "' has been created - call Firebase.initializeApp()", "core");
- },
- duplicateApp(appName) {
- return A.FirebaseException$("duplicate-app", 'A Firebase App named "' + appName + '" already exists', "core");
- },
- coreNotInitialized() {
- return A.FirebaseException$("not-initialized", "Firebase has not been correctly initialized.\n\nUsually this means you've attempted to use a Firebase service before calling `Firebase.initializeApp`.\n\nView the documentation for more information: https://firebase.flutter.dev/docs/overview#initialization\n ", "core");
- },
- FirebaseException$(code, message, plugin) {
- return new A.FirebaseException(plugin, message, code);
- },
- FirebaseOptions$fromPigeon(options) {
- return new A.FirebaseOptions(options.apiKey, options.appId, options.messagingSenderId, options.projectId, options.authDomain, options.databaseURL, options.storageBucket, options.measurementId, options.trackingId, options.deepLinkURLScheme, options.androidClientId, options.iosClientId, options.iosBundleId, options.appGroupId);
- },
- FirebaseException: function FirebaseException(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.plugin = t0;
- this.message = t1;
- this.code = t2;
- },
- FirebaseOptions: function FirebaseOptions(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13) {
- var _ = this;
- _.apiKey = t0;
- _.appId = t1;
- _.messagingSenderId = t2;
- _.projectId = t3;
- _.authDomain = t4;
- _.databaseURL = t5;
- _.storageBucket = t6;
- _.measurementId = t7;
- _.trackingId = t8;
- _.deepLinkURLScheme = t9;
- _.androidClientId = t10;
- _.iosClientId = t11;
- _.iosBundleId = t12;
- _.appGroupId = t13;
- },
- MethodChannelFirebase: function MethodChannelFirebase() {
- },
- MethodChannelFirebase__initializeCore_closure: function MethodChannelFirebase__initializeCore_closure() {
- },
- MethodChannelFirebaseApp: function MethodChannelFirebaseApp(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._firebase_core_platform_interface$_api = t0;
- this.name = t1;
- this.options = t2;
- },
- FirebasePlatform: function FirebasePlatform() {
- },
- FirebaseAppPlatform: function FirebaseAppPlatform() {
- },
- FirebasePluginPlatform: function FirebasePluginPlatform() {
- },
- PigeonFirebaseOptions_decode(result) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
- type$.List_nullable_Object._as(result);
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(result);
- t2 = t1.$index(result, 0);
- t2.toString;
- A._asString(t2);
- t3 = t1.$index(result, 1);
- t3.toString;
- A._asString(t3);
- t4 = t1.$index(result, 2);
- t4.toString;
- A._asString(t4);
- t5 = t1.$index(result, 3);
- t5.toString;
- return new A.PigeonFirebaseOptions(t2, t3, t4, A._asString(t5), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 4)), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 5)), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 6)), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 7)), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 8)), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 9)), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 10)), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 11)), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 12)), A._asStringQ(t1.$index(result, 13)));
- },
- PigeonFirebaseOptions: function PigeonFirebaseOptions(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13) {
- var _ = this;
- _.apiKey = t0;
- _.appId = t1;
- _.messagingSenderId = t2;
- _.projectId = t3;
- _.authDomain = t4;
- _.databaseURL = t5;
- _.storageBucket = t6;
- _.measurementId = t7;
- _.trackingId = t8;
- _.deepLinkURLScheme = t9;
- _.androidClientId = t10;
- _.iosClientId = t11;
- _.iosBundleId = t12;
- _.appGroupId = t13;
- },
- PigeonInitializeResponse: function PigeonInitializeResponse(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.name = t0;
- _.options = t1;
- _.isAutomaticDataCollectionEnabled = t2;
- _.pluginConstants = t3;
- },
- _FirebaseCoreHostApiCodec: function _FirebaseCoreHostApiCodec() {
- },
- FirebaseCoreHostApi: function FirebaseCoreHostApi() {
- },
- FirebaseAppHostApi: function FirebaseAppHostApi() {
- },
- _createFromJsOptions(options) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(options),
- t2 = t1.get$apiKey(options),
- t3 = t1.get$authDomain(options),
- t4 = t1.get$databaseURL(options),
- t5 = t1.get$projectId(options),
- t6 = t1.get$storageBucket(options),
- t7 = t1.get$messagingSenderId(options);
- return new A.FirebaseOptions(t2, t1.get$appId(options), t7, t5, t3, t4, t6, t1.get$measurementId(options), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- _getJSErrorCode(e) {
- var t1;
- if (J.$eq$(e.name, "FirebaseError")) {
- t1 = e.code;
- return t1 == null ? "" : t1;
- }
- return "";
- },
- _catchJSError(e) {
- var rawCode, message, chunks, code;
- if (J.$eq$(e.name, "FirebaseError")) {
- rawCode = e.code;
- message = e.message;
- if (message == null)
- message = "";
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(rawCode, "/")) {
- chunks = rawCode.split("/");
- code = chunks[chunks.length - 1];
- } else
- code = rawCode;
- return A.FirebaseException$(code, A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(message, " (" + rawCode + ")", ""), "core");
- }
- throw A.wrapException(e);
- },
- FirebaseAppWeb$_($name, options) {
- var t1 = $.$get$FirebaseAppPlatform__token(),
- t2 = new A.FirebaseAppWeb($name, options);
- $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens().$indexSet(0, t2, t1);
- return t2;
- },
- FirebaseWebService$_($name, ensurePluginInitialized, override) {
- return new A.FirebaseWebService($name, override, ensurePluginInitialized);
- },
- FirebaseCoreWeb_registerService(service, ensurePluginInitialized) {
- $.$get$FirebaseCoreWeb__services().putIfAbsent$2(0, service, new A.FirebaseCoreWeb_registerService_closure(service, null, ensurePluginInitialized));
- },
- _handleException(exception, stackTrace) {
- if (J.contains$1$asx(J.toString$0$(exception), "of undefined"))
- throw A.wrapException(A.coreNotInitialized());
- A.Error_throwWithStackTrace(exception, stackTrace);
- },
- guardNotInitialized(cb, $R) {
- var value, error, stackTrace, t1, exception;
- try {
- value = cb.call$0();
- if (type$.Future_dynamic._is(value)) {
- t1 = $R._as(value.catchError$1(A.firebase_core_web___handleException$closure()));
- return t1;
- }
- return value;
- } catch (exception) {
- error = A.unwrapException(exception);
- stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- A._handleException(error, stackTrace);
- }
- },
- FirebaseAppWeb: function FirebaseAppWeb(t0, t1) {
- this.name = t0;
- this.options = t1;
- },
- FirebaseWebService: function FirebaseWebService(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.name = t0;
- this.override = t1;
- this.ensurePluginInitialized = t2;
- },
- FirebaseCoreWeb: function FirebaseCoreWeb() {
- },
- FirebaseCoreWeb_registerService_closure: function FirebaseCoreWeb_registerService_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.service = t0;
- this.productNameOverride = t1;
- this.ensurePluginInitialized = t2;
- },
- FirebaseCoreWeb__ignoredServiceScripts_closure: function FirebaseCoreWeb__ignoredServiceScripts_closure() {
- },
- FirebaseCoreWeb_injectSrcScript_closure: function FirebaseCoreWeb_injectSrcScript_closure(t0) {
- this.src = t0;
- },
- FirebaseCoreWeb_injectSrcScript_closure0: function FirebaseCoreWeb_injectSrcScript_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.windowVar = t0;
- this.completer = t1;
- },
- FirebaseCoreWeb__initializeCore_closure: function FirebaseCoreWeb__initializeCore_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.ignored = t1;
- this.version = t2;
- },
- FirebaseCoreWeb_initializeApp_closure: function FirebaseCoreWeb_initializeApp_closure() {
- },
- FirebaseCoreWeb_initializeApp_closure0: function FirebaseCoreWeb_initializeApp_closure0(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- FirebaseCoreWeb_app_closure: function FirebaseCoreWeb_app_closure(t0) {
- this.name = t0;
- },
- App_getInstance(jsObject) {
- var t2,
- t1 = $.$get$App__expando();
- A.Expando__checkType(jsObject);
- t2 = t1._jsWeakMap.get(jsObject);
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = new A.App(jsObject);
- t1.$indexSet(0, jsObject, t2);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = t2;
- return t1;
- },
- App: function App(t0) {
- this.jsObject = t0;
- },
- AppJsImpl: function AppJsImpl() {
- },
- FirebaseError: function FirebaseError() {
- },
- FirebaseOptions0: function FirebaseOptions0() {
- },
- PromiseJsImpl: function PromiseJsImpl() {
- },
- JsObjectWrapper: function JsObjectWrapper() {
- },
- dartify0(jsObject, customDartify) {
- var jsDate, keys, map, t1, t2;
- if (A._isBasicType(jsObject))
- return jsObject;
- if (type$.Iterable_dynamic._is(jsObject))
- return J.map$1$1$ax(jsObject, new A.dartify_closure(customDartify), type$.dynamic).toList$0(0);
- jsObject.toString;
- jsDate = A.dartifyDate(jsObject);
- if (jsDate != null)
- return jsDate;
- keys = self.Object.keys(jsObject);
- map = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(keys); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
- map.$indexSet(0, t2, A.dartify0(jsObject[t2], customDartify));
- }
- return map;
- },
- jsifyList(list, customJsify) {
- return self.Array.from(J.map$1$1$ax(list, new A.jsifyList_closure(customJsify), type$.dynamic).toList$0(0));
- },
- jsify0(dartObject, customJsify) {
- var jsMap, t1;
- if (A._isBasicType(dartObject)) {
- if (dartObject == null)
- return null;
- return dartObject;
- }
- if (type$.Iterable_dynamic._is(dartObject))
- return A.jsifyList(dartObject, customJsify);
- if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(dartObject)) {
- jsMap = {};
- J.forEach$1$ax(dartObject, new A.jsify_closure(jsMap, customJsify));
- return jsMap;
- }
- if (type$.Function._is(dartObject))
- return A.allowInterop(dartObject);
- t1 = A.ArgumentError$value(dartObject, "dartObject", "Could not convert");
- throw A.wrapException(t1);
- },
- _isBasicType(value) {
- if (value == null || typeof value == "number" || A._isBool(value) || typeof value == "string")
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- handleThenable(thenable, $T) {
- return A.handleThenable$body(thenable, $T, $T);
- },
- handleThenable$body(thenable, $T, $async$type) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
- $async$returnValue;
- var $async$handleThenable = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = A.promiseToFuture(thenable, $T);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$handleThenable, $async$completer);
- },
- dartify_closure: function dartify_closure(t0) {
- this.customDartify = t0;
- },
- jsifyList_closure: function jsifyList_closure(t0) {
- this.customJsify = t0;
- },
- jsify_closure: function jsify_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.jsMap = t0;
- this.customJsify = t1;
- },
- AnimationStatus: function AnimationStatus(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Animation0: function Animation0() {
- },
- AnimationController$(debugLabel, duration, reverseDuration, upperBound, value, vsync) {
- var t1 = new A.AnimationController(0, upperBound, debugLabel, B.AnimationBehavior_0, duration, reverseDuration, B._AnimationDirection_0, B.AnimationStatus_0, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function));
- t1._ticker = vsync.createTicker$1(t1.get$_animation_controller$_tick());
- t1._internalSetValue$1(value == null ? 0 : value);
- return t1;
- },
- AnimationController$unbounded(debugLabel, value, vsync) {
- var t1 = new A.AnimationController(-1 / 0, 1 / 0, debugLabel, B.AnimationBehavior_1, null, null, B._AnimationDirection_0, B.AnimationStatus_0, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function));
- t1._ticker = vsync.createTicker$1(t1.get$_animation_controller$_tick());
- t1._internalSetValue$1(value);
- return t1;
- },
- _AnimationDirection: function _AnimationDirection(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- AnimationBehavior: function AnimationBehavior(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- AnimationController: function AnimationController(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.lowerBound = t0;
- _.upperBound = t1;
- _.debugLabel = t2;
- _.animationBehavior = t3;
- _.duration = t4;
- _.reverseDuration = t5;
- _._simulation = _._ticker = null;
- _.__AnimationController__value_A = $;
- _._lastElapsedDuration = null;
- _._direction = t6;
- _.__AnimationController__status_A = $;
- _._lastReportedStatus = t7;
- _.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners = t8;
- _.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners = t9;
- },
- _InterpolationSimulation: function _InterpolationSimulation(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._durationInSeconds = t0;
- _._begin = t1;
- _._animation_controller$_end = t2;
- _._curve = t3;
- _.tolerance = t4;
- },
- _RepeatingSimulation: function _RepeatingSimulation(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.min = t0;
- _.max = t1;
- _.reverse = t2;
- _.directionSetter = t3;
- _._periodInSeconds = t4;
- _._initialT = t5;
- _.tolerance = t6;
- },
- _AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin: function _AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin() {
- },
- _AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin: function _AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin() {
- },
- _AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin: function _AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin() {
- },
- ProxyAnimation$(animation) {
- var t1 = new A.ProxyAnimation(new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function), 0);
- t1._animations$_parent = animation;
- if (animation == null) {
- t1._status = B.AnimationStatus_0;
- t1._animations$_value = 0;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- CurvedAnimation$(curve, $parent, reverseCurve) {
- var t2,
- t1 = new A.CurvedAnimation($parent, curve, reverseCurve);
- t1._updateCurveDirection$1($parent.get$status($parent));
- $parent.didRegisterListener$0();
- t2 = $parent.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t2._isDirty = true;
- t2._list.push(t1.get$_updateCurveDirection());
- return t1;
- },
- TrainHoppingAnimation$(_currentTrain, _nextTrain, onSwitchedTrain) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = new A.TrainHoppingAnimation(_currentTrain, _nextTrain, onSwitchedTrain, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function));
- if (J.$eq$(_currentTrain.get$value(_currentTrain), _nextTrain.get$value(_nextTrain))) {
- t1._currentTrain = _nextTrain;
- t1._nextTrain = null;
- t2 = _nextTrain;
- } else {
- if (_currentTrain.get$value(_currentTrain) > _nextTrain.get$value(_nextTrain))
- t1._animations$_mode = B._TrainHoppingMode_1;
- else
- t1._animations$_mode = B._TrainHoppingMode_0;
- t2 = _currentTrain;
- }
- t2.addStatusListener$1(t1.get$_statusChangeHandler());
- t2 = t1.get$_valueChangeHandler();
- t1._currentTrain.addListener$1(0, t2);
- t3 = t1._nextTrain;
- if (t3 != null)
- t3.addListener$1(0, t2);
- return t1;
- },
- AnimationMin$(first, next, $T) {
- return new A.AnimationMin(first, next, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function), 0, $T._eval$1("AnimationMin<0>"));
- },
- _AlwaysCompleteAnimation: function _AlwaysCompleteAnimation() {
- },
- _AlwaysDismissedAnimation: function _AlwaysDismissedAnimation() {
- },
- AnimationWithParentMixin: function AnimationWithParentMixin() {
- },
- ProxyAnimation: function ProxyAnimation(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._animations$_parent = _._animations$_value = _._status = null;
- _.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners = t0;
- _.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners = t1;
- _.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter = t2;
- },
- ReverseAnimation: function ReverseAnimation(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.parent = t0;
- this.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners = t1;
- this.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter = t2;
- },
- CurvedAnimation: function CurvedAnimation(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.parent = t0;
- _.curve = t1;
- _.reverseCurve = t2;
- _._curveDirection = null;
- },
- _TrainHoppingMode: function _TrainHoppingMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TrainHoppingAnimation: function TrainHoppingAnimation(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._currentTrain = t0;
- _._nextTrain = t1;
- _._animations$_mode = null;
- _.onSwitchedTrain = t2;
- _._lastValue = _._lastStatus = null;
- _.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners = t3;
- _.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners = t4;
- },
- CompoundAnimation: function CompoundAnimation() {
- },
- AnimationMin: function AnimationMin(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.first = t0;
- _.next = t1;
- _._lastValue = _._lastStatus = null;
- _.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners = t2;
- _.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners = t3;
- _.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter = t4;
- _.$ti = t5;
- },
- _CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin: function _CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin() {
- },
- _CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin: function _CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin() {
- },
- _CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin: function _CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin() {
- },
- _CurvedAnimation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin: function _CurvedAnimation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin() {
- },
- _ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin: function _ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin() {
- },
- _ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin: function _ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin() {
- },
- _ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin: function _ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin() {
- },
- _ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin: function _ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin() {
- },
- _ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin: function _ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin() {
- },
- _TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin: function _TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin() {
- },
- _TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin: function _TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin() {
- },
- _TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin: function _TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin() {
- },
- _bounce(t) {
- if (t < 0.36363636363636365)
- return 7.5625 * t * t;
- else if (t < 0.7272727272727273) {
- t -= 0.5454545454545454;
- return 7.5625 * t * t + 0.75;
- } else if (t < 0.9090909090909091) {
- t -= 0.8181818181818182;
- return 7.5625 * t * t + 0.9375;
- }
- t -= 0.9545454545454546;
- return 7.5625 * t * t + 0.984375;
- },
- ParametricCurve: function ParametricCurve() {
- },
- Curve: function Curve() {
- },
- _Linear: function _Linear() {
- },
- SawTooth: function SawTooth(t0) {
- this.count = t0;
- },
- Interval: function Interval(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- this.curve = t2;
- },
- Threshold: function Threshold(t0) {
- this.threshold = t0;
- },
- Cubic: function Cubic(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.a = t0;
- _.b = t1;
- _.c = t2;
- _.d = t3;
- },
- ThreePointCubic: function ThreePointCubic(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.a1 = t0;
- _.b1 = t1;
- _.midpoint = t2;
- _.a2 = t3;
- _.b2 = t4;
- },
- FlippedCurve: function FlippedCurve(t0) {
- this.curve = t0;
- },
- _DecelerateCurve: function _DecelerateCurve() {
- },
- _BounceInOutCurve: function _BounceInOutCurve() {
- },
- AnimationLazyListenerMixin: function AnimationLazyListenerMixin() {
- },
- AnimationEagerListenerMixin: function AnimationEagerListenerMixin() {
- },
- AnimationLocalListenersMixin: function AnimationLocalListenersMixin() {
- },
- AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin: function AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin() {
- },
- Tween$(begin, end, $T) {
- return new A.Tween(begin, end, $T._eval$1("Tween<0>"));
- },
- ColorTween$(begin, end) {
- return new A.ColorTween(begin, end);
- },
- CurveTween$(curve) {
- return new A.CurveTween(curve);
- },
- Animatable: function Animatable() {
- },
- _AnimatedEvaluation: function _AnimatedEvaluation(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.parent = t0;
- this._evaluatable = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- _ChainedEvaluation: function _ChainedEvaluation(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._tween$_parent = t0;
- this._evaluatable = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- Tween: function Tween(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- ReverseTween: function ReverseTween(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.parent = t0;
- _.begin = t1;
- _.end = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- ColorTween: function ColorTween(t0, t1) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- SizeTween: function SizeTween(t0, t1) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- RectTween: function RectTween(t0, t1) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- IntTween: function IntTween(t0, t1) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- ConstantTween: function ConstantTween(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- CurveTween: function CurveTween(t0) {
- this.curve = t0;
- },
- __AnimatedEvaluation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin: function __AnimatedEvaluation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin() {
- },
- TweenSequence$(items, $T) {
- var t1 = new A.TweenSequence(A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray>")), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__Interval), $T._eval$1("TweenSequence<0>"));
- t1.TweenSequence$1(items, $T);
- return t1;
- },
- TweenSequenceItem$(tween, weight, $T) {
- return new A.TweenSequenceItem(tween, weight, $T._eval$1("TweenSequenceItem<0>"));
- },
- TweenSequence: function TweenSequence(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._items = t0;
- this._intervals = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- TweenSequenceItem: function TweenSequenceItem(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.tween = t0;
- this.weight = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- _Interval: function _Interval(t0, t1) {
- this.start = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- CupertinoActivityIndicator$(color, key) {
- return new A.CupertinoActivityIndicator(color, key);
- },
- CupertinoActivityIndicator: function CupertinoActivityIndicator(t0, t1) {
- this.color = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- _CupertinoActivityIndicatorState: function _CupertinoActivityIndicatorState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___CupertinoActivityIndicatorState__controller_A = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _CupertinoActivityIndicatorPainter: function _CupertinoActivityIndicatorPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.position = t0;
- _.activeColor = t1;
- _.radius = t2;
- _.progress = t3;
- _.tickFundamentalRRect = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- __CupertinoActivityIndicatorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __CupertinoActivityIndicatorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- CupertinoButton$(alignment, borderRadius, child, color, disabledColor, minSize, onPressed, padding, pressedOpacity) {
- return new A.CupertinoButton(child, padding, color, disabledColor, onPressed, minSize, pressedOpacity, borderRadius, alignment, null);
- },
- CupertinoButton: function CupertinoButton(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.padding = t1;
- _.color = t2;
- _.disabledColor = t3;
- _.onPressed = t4;
- _.minSize = t5;
- _.pressedOpacity = t6;
- _.borderRadius = t7;
- _.alignment = t8;
- _.key = t9;
- },
- _CupertinoButtonState: function _CupertinoButtonState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._opacityTween = t0;
- _.___CupertinoButtonState__opacityAnimation_A = _.___CupertinoButtonState__animationController_A = $;
- _._buttonHeldDown = false;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t1;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _CupertinoButtonState__animate_closure: function _CupertinoButtonState__animate_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.wasHeldDown = t1;
- },
- __CupertinoButtonState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __CupertinoButtonState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- CupertinoDynamicColor_maybeResolve(resolvable, context) {
- if (resolvable == null)
- return null;
- return resolvable instanceof A.CupertinoDynamicColor ? resolvable.resolveFrom$1(context) : resolvable;
- },
- CupertinoDynamicColor: function CupertinoDynamicColor(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _._effectiveColor = t0;
- _._colors$_debugLabel = t1;
- _._debugResolveContext = t2;
- _.color = t3;
- _.darkColor = t4;
- _.highContrastColor = t5;
- _.darkHighContrastColor = t6;
- _.elevatedColor = t7;
- _.darkElevatedColor = t8;
- _.highContrastElevatedColor = t9;
- _.darkHighContrastElevatedColor = t10;
- _.value = t11;
- },
- CupertinoDynamicColor_toString_toString: function CupertinoDynamicColor_toString_toString(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CupertinoDynamicColor_Color_Diagnosticable: function _CupertinoDynamicColor_Color_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionHandleControls: function _CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionHandleControls() {
- },
- CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionControls: function CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionControls() {
- },
- __CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionHandleControls_CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionControls_TextSelectionHandleControls: function __CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionHandleControls_CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionControls_TextSelectionHandleControls() {
- },
- CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbar: function CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbar(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.anchor = t0;
- this.children = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButton$text(context, onPressed, text) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButton(onPressed, A.Text$(text, _null, B.TextOverflow_2, _null, _null, B.TextStyle_mTi.copyWith$1$color(B.CupertinoDynamicColor_aTW.resolveFrom$1(context)), _null, _null, _null), _null);
- },
- CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButton: function CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButton(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.onPressed = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButtonState: function _CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButtonState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._isHovered = false;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButtonState__onEnter_closure: function _CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButtonState__onEnter_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButtonState__onExit_closure: function _CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButtonState__onExit_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- CupertinoIconThemeData$(color, fill, grade, opacity, opticalSize, shadows, size, weight) {
- return new A.CupertinoIconThemeData(size, fill, weight, grade, opticalSize, color, opacity, shadows);
- },
- CupertinoIconThemeData: function CupertinoIconThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.size = t0;
- _.fill = t1;
- _.weight = t2;
- _.grade = t3;
- _.opticalSize = t4;
- _.color = t5;
- _._opacity = t6;
- _.shadows = t7;
- },
- _CupertinoIconThemeData_IconThemeData_Diagnosticable: function _CupertinoIconThemeData_IconThemeData_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _CupertinoLocalizationsDelegate: function _CupertinoLocalizationsDelegate() {
- },
- DefaultCupertinoLocalizations: function DefaultCupertinoLocalizations() {
- },
- CupertinoTextMagnifier: function CupertinoTextMagnifier(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.controller = t0;
- this.magnifierInfo = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _CupertinoTextMagnifierState: function _CupertinoTextMagnifierState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._currentAdjustedMagnifierPosition = t0;
- _._verticalFocalPointAdjustment = 0;
- _.___CupertinoTextMagnifierState__ioAnimation_A = _.___CupertinoTextMagnifierState__ioAnimationController_A = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t1;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _CupertinoTextMagnifierState_initState_closure: function _CupertinoTextMagnifierState_initState_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CupertinoTextMagnifierState_initState__closure: function _CupertinoTextMagnifierState_initState__closure() {
- },
- _CupertinoTextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint_closure: function _CupertinoTextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.adjustedMagnifierPosition = t1;
- _.verticalCenterOfCurrentLine = t2;
- _.verticalPositionOfLens = t3;
- },
- CupertinoMagnifier: function CupertinoMagnifier(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.inOutAnimation = t0;
- this.additionalFocalPointOffset = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- __CupertinoTextMagnifierState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __CupertinoTextMagnifierState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin__isPopGestureEnabled(route) {
- var t1;
- if (route.get$isFirst())
- return false;
- t1 = route.LocalHistoryRoute__localHistory;
- if (t1 != null && t1.length !== 0)
- return false;
- if (route._willPopCallbacks.length !== 0)
- return false;
- t1 = route._animationProxy;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) !== B.AnimationStatus_3)
- return false;
- t1 = route._secondaryAnimationProxy;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) !== B.AnimationStatus_0)
- return false;
- if (route._navigator$_navigator.userGestureInProgressNotifier._change_notifier$_value)
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions(route, context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child, $T) {
- var t5, t6, t7,
- t1 = route._navigator$_navigator.userGestureInProgressNotifier._change_notifier$_value,
- t2 = t1 ? animation : A.CurvedAnimation$(B.ThreePointCubic_2E9, animation, new A.FlippedCurve(B.ThreePointCubic_2E9)),
- t3 = $.$get$_kRightMiddleTween(),
- t4 = type$.Animation_double;
- t4._as(t2);
- t5 = t1 ? secondaryAnimation : A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_izR, secondaryAnimation, B.Cubic_OcD);
- t6 = $.$get$_kMiddleLeftTween();
- t4._as(t5);
- t1 = t1 ? animation : A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_izR, animation, null);
- t7 = $.$get$_CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_kTween();
- return new A.CupertinoPageTransition(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t2, t3, t3.$ti._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t5, t6, t6.$ti._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t4._as(t1), t7, A._instanceType(t7)._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), new A._CupertinoBackGestureDetector(child, new A.CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure(route), new A.CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure0(route, $T), null, $T._eval$1("_CupertinoBackGestureDetector<0>")), null);
- },
- _CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, i, t5, t6;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- if (a == null) {
- t1 = b._route$_colors;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = b;
- else {
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Color>");
- t2 = new A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration(A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure(t), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E")));
- t1 = t2;
- }
- return t1;
- }
- if (b == null) {
- t1 = a._route$_colors;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = a;
- else {
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Color>");
- t2 = new A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration(A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure0(t), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E")));
- t1 = t2;
- }
- return t1;
- }
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Color);
- for (t2 = b._route$_colors, t3 = a._route$_colors, t4 = t3 == null, i = 0; i < t2.length; ++i) {
- t5 = t4 ? null : t3[i];
- t6 = t2[i];
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(t5, t6, t);
- t5.toString;
- t1.push(t5);
- }
- return new A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration(t1);
- },
- CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure: function CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure(t0) {
- this.route = t0;
- },
- CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure0: function CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.route = t0;
- this.T = t1;
- },
- CupertinoPageTransition: function CupertinoPageTransition(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._primaryPositionAnimation = t0;
- _._secondaryPositionAnimation = t1;
- _._primaryShadowAnimation = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _CupertinoBackGestureDetector: function _CupertinoBackGestureDetector(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.enabledCallback = t1;
- _.onStartPopGesture = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- _.$ti = t4;
- },
- _CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState: function _CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._backGestureController = null;
- _.___CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState__recognizer_A = $;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- _.$ti = t1;
- },
- _CupertinoBackGestureController: function _CupertinoBackGestureController(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.controller = t0;
- this.navigator = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- _CupertinoBackGestureController_dragEnd_closure: function _CupertinoBackGestureController_dragEnd_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.animationStatusCallback = t1;
- },
- _CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration: function _CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration(t0) {
- this._route$_colors = t0;
- },
- _CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure: function _CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure(t0) {
- this.t = t0;
- },
- _CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure0: function _CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure0(t0) {
- this.t = t0;
- },
- _CupertinoEdgeShadowPainter: function _CupertinoEdgeShadowPainter(t0, t1) {
- this._route$_decoration = t0;
- this.onChanged = t1;
- },
- CupertinoScrollbar: function CupertinoScrollbar(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _.thicknessWhileDragging = t0;
- _.radiusWhileDragging = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.controller = t3;
- _.thumbVisibility = t4;
- _.radius = t5;
- _.thickness = t6;
- _.trackVisibility = t7;
- _.fadeDuration = t8;
- _.timeToFade = t9;
- _.pressDuration = t10;
- _.notificationPredicate = t11;
- _.interactive = t12;
- _.scrollbarOrientation = t13;
- _.key = t14;
- },
- _CupertinoScrollbarState: function _CupertinoScrollbarState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___CupertinoScrollbarState__thicknessAnimationController_A = $;
- _._pressStartAxisPosition = 0;
- _._fadeoutTimer = _._cachedController = _._startDragThumbOffset = _._lastDragUpdateOffset = _._startDragScrollbarAxisOffset = null;
- _.__RawScrollbarState__fadeoutOpacityAnimation_A = _.__RawScrollbarState__fadeoutAnimationController_A = $;
- _._scrollbarPainterKey = t0;
- _._thumbDragging = _._hoverIsActive = false;
- _.__RawScrollbarState_scrollbarPainter_F = $;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t1;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _CupertinoScrollbarState_initState_closure: function _CupertinoScrollbarState_initState_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CupertinoScrollbarState_handleThumbPress_closure: function _CupertinoScrollbarState_handleThumbPress_closure() {
- },
- _TextSelectionHandlePainter0: function _TextSelectionHandlePainter0(t0, t1) {
- this.color = t0;
- this._repaint = t1;
- },
- CupertinoTextSelectionHandleControls: function CupertinoTextSelectionHandleControls() {
- },
- CupertinoTextSelectionControls: function CupertinoTextSelectionControls() {
- },
- _CupertinoTextSelectionHandleControls_CupertinoTextSelectionControls_TextSelectionHandleControls: function _CupertinoTextSelectionHandleControls_CupertinoTextSelectionControls_TextSelectionHandleControls() {
- },
- CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar$(anchorAbove, anchorBelow, children) {
- return new A.CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar(anchorAbove, anchorBelow, children, null);
- },
- CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar__addChildrenSpacers(children) {
- var i, child,
- nextChildren = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- for (i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
- child = children[i];
- if (i !== 0)
- nextChildren.push(new A._CupertinoToolbarButtonDivider(null));
- nextChildren.push(child);
- }
- return nextChildren;
- },
- CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar__defaultToolbarBuilder(context, anchor, isAbove, child) {
- var _null = null,
- outputChild = new A._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarShape(anchor, isAbove, A.DecoratedBox$(child, new A.BoxDecoration(B.CupertinoDynamicColor_3ub.resolveFrom$1(context), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.BoxShape_0), B.DecorationPosition_0), _null),
- inheritedTheme = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._InheritedCupertinoTheme),
- t1 = inheritedTheme == null ? _null : inheritedTheme.theme.data.get$brightness();
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_4);
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.platformBrightness;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = B.Brightness_1;
- }
- if (t1 === B.Brightness_0)
- return outputChild;
- return A.DecoratedBox$(outputChild, $.$get$_kToolbarShadow(), B.DecorationPosition_0);
- },
- _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_hitTestChild(child, result, position) {
- var t1;
- if (child == null)
- return false;
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.ToolbarItemsParentData._as(t1);
- if (!t1.shouldPaint)
- return false;
- return result.addWithPaintOffset$3$hitTest$offset$position(new A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_hitTestChild_closure(position, t1, child), t1.offset, position);
- },
- _CupertinoToolbarButtonDivider: function _CupertinoToolbarButtonDivider(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar: function CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.anchorAbove = t0;
- _.anchorBelow = t1;
- _.children = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarShape: function _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarShape(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._anchor = t0;
- _._text_selection_toolbar0$_isAbove = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarShape: function _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarShape(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._anchor = t0;
- _._text_selection_toolbar0$_isAbove = t1;
- _._heightConstraint = t2;
- _._clipPathLayer = t3;
- _._debugPaint = null;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t4;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t5;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarShape_paint_closure: function _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarShape_paint_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContent: function _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.anchor = t0;
- _.children = t1;
- _.isAbove = t2;
- _.toolbarBuilder = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState: function _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__controller_A = $;
- _._text_selection_toolbar0$_page = 0;
- _._nextPage = null;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t0;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__statusListener_closure: function _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__statusListener_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems: function _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backButton = t0;
- _.children = t1;
- _.dividerWidth = t2;
- _.nextButton = t3;
- _.nextButtonDisabled = t4;
- _.page = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsElement: function _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsElement(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsElement__children_A = $;
- _.slotToChild = t0;
- _._text_selection_toolbar0$_forgottenChildren = t1;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t2;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t3;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems: function _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.slottedChildren = t0;
- _._text_selection_toolbar0$_page = t1;
- _._dividerWidth = t2;
- _._nextButtonDisabled = _._nextButton = _._backButton = null;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t3;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t4;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t5;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t6;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_performLayout_closure: function _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_performLayout_closure() {
- },
- _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_performLayout_closure0: function _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_performLayout_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.subsequentPageButtonsWidth = t2;
- _.firstPageWidth = t3;
- _.greatestHeight = t4;
- _.toolbarWidth = t5;
- },
- _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_paint_closure: function _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_paint_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.offset = t0;
- this.context = t1;
- },
- _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_hitTestChild_closure: function _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_hitTestChild_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.position = t0;
- this.childParentData = t1;
- this.child = t2;
- },
- _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_redepthChildren_closure: function _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_redepthChildren_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_visitChildrenForSemantics_closure: function _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_visitChildrenForSemantics_closure(t0) {
- this.visitor = t0;
- },
- _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_debugDescribeChildren_closure: function _RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_debugDescribeChildren_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- },
- _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot: function _CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _NullElement0: function _NullElement0(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t0;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t1;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- _NullWidget: function _NullWidget(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- __CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- __RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function __RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- __RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function __RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() {
- },
- CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarButton$text(onPressed, text) {
- return new A.CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarButton(onPressed, null, text, null);
- },
- CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarButton_getButtonLabel(context, buttonItem) {
- var t1 = buttonItem.label;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1;
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_CupertinoLocalizations_10U, type$.CupertinoLocalizations).toString;
- switch (buttonItem.type.index) {
- case 0:
- return "Cut";
- case 1:
- return "Copy";
- case 2:
- return "Paste";
- case 3:
- return "Select All";
- case 4:
- case 5:
- return "";
- }
- },
- CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarButton: function CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarButton(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onPressed = t0;
- _.buttonItem = t1;
- _.text = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _resolveTextStyle(style, context) {
- return null;
- },
- CupertinoTextThemeData: function CupertinoTextThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _._text_theme$_defaults = t0;
- _._primaryColor = t1;
- _._textStyle = t2;
- _._actionTextStyle = t3;
- _._tabLabelTextStyle = t4;
- _._navTitleTextStyle = t5;
- _._navLargeTitleTextStyle = t6;
- _._navActionTextStyle = t7;
- _._pickerTextStyle = t8;
- _._dateTimePickerTextStyle = t9;
- },
- _TextThemeDefaultsBuilder: function _TextThemeDefaultsBuilder(t0, t1) {
- this.labelColor = t0;
- this.inactiveGrayColor = t1;
- },
- _CupertinoTextThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _CupertinoTextThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- CupertinoTheme_of(context) {
- var inheritedTheme = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._InheritedCupertinoTheme),
- t1 = inheritedTheme == null ? null : inheritedTheme.theme.data;
- return (t1 == null ? B.CupertinoThemeData_yPP : t1).resolveFrom$1(context);
- },
- CupertinoThemeData$_rawWithDefaults(brightness, primaryColor, primaryContrastingColor, textTheme, barBackgroundColor, scaffoldBackgroundColor, applyThemeToAll, _defaults) {
- return new A.CupertinoThemeData(_defaults, brightness, primaryColor, primaryContrastingColor, textTheme, barBackgroundColor, scaffoldBackgroundColor, applyThemeToAll);
- },
- CupertinoTheme: function CupertinoTheme(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.data = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _InheritedCupertinoTheme: function _InheritedCupertinoTheme(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.theme = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- CupertinoThemeData: function CupertinoThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _._defaults = t0;
- _.brightness = t1;
- _.primaryColor = t2;
- _.primaryContrastingColor = t3;
- _.textTheme = t4;
- _.barBackgroundColor = t5;
- _.scaffoldBackgroundColor = t6;
- _.applyThemeToAll = t7;
- },
- CupertinoThemeData_resolveFrom_convertColor: function CupertinoThemeData_resolveFrom_convertColor(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData: function NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.brightness = t0;
- _.primaryColor = t1;
- _.primaryContrastingColor = t2;
- _.textTheme = t3;
- _.barBackgroundColor = t4;
- _.scaffoldBackgroundColor = t5;
- _.applyThemeToAll = t6;
- },
- NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData_resolveFrom_convertColor: function NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData_resolveFrom_convertColor(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- _CupertinoThemeDefaults: function _CupertinoThemeDefaults(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.brightness = t0;
- _.primaryColor = t1;
- _.primaryContrastingColor = t2;
- _.barBackgroundColor = t3;
- _.scaffoldBackgroundColor = t4;
- _.applyThemeToAll = t5;
- _.textThemeDefaults = t6;
- },
- _CupertinoThemeDefaults_resolveFrom_convertColor: function _CupertinoThemeDefaults_resolveFrom_convertColor(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- _CupertinoTextThemeDefaults: function _CupertinoTextThemeDefaults(t0, t1) {
- this.labelColor = t0;
- this.inactiveGray = t1;
- },
- _DefaultCupertinoTextThemeData: function _DefaultCupertinoTextThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.labelColor = t0;
- _.inactiveGray = t1;
- _._text_theme$_defaults = t2;
- _._primaryColor = t3;
- _._textStyle = t4;
- _._actionTextStyle = t5;
- _._tabLabelTextStyle = t6;
- _._navTitleTextStyle = t7;
- _._navLargeTitleTextStyle = t8;
- _._navActionTextStyle = t9;
- _._pickerTextStyle = t10;
- _._dateTimePickerTextStyle = t11;
- },
- _CupertinoThemeData_NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData_Diagnosticable: function _CupertinoThemeData_NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- defaultTargetPlatform() {
- var t1 = $.$get$_testPlatform();
- return t1 == null ? $.$get$_browserPlatform() : t1;
- },
- _testPlatform_closure: function _testPlatform_closure() {
- },
- _browserPlatform_closure: function _browserPlatform_closure() {
- },
- ErrorDescription$(message) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([message], type$.JSArray_Object);
- return new A.ErrorDescription(_null, false, true, _null, _null, _null, false, t1, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, _null, false, false, _null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_7);
- },
- ErrorSummary$(message) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([message], type$.JSArray_Object);
- return new A.ErrorSummary(_null, false, true, _null, _null, _null, false, t1, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_6, _null, false, false, _null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_7);
- },
- ErrorHint$(message) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([message], type$.JSArray_Object);
- return new A.ErrorHint(_null, false, true, _null, _null, _null, false, t1, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_5, _null, false, false, _null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_7);
- },
- ErrorSpacer$() {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.ErrorSpacer("", false, true, _null, _null, _null, false, _null, B.C__NoDefaultValue, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, "", true, false, _null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8);
- },
- FlutterError_FlutterError(message) {
- var lines = A._setArrayType(message.split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String),
- t1 = A._setArrayType([A.ErrorSummary$(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(lines))], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode),
- t2 = A.SubListIterable$(lines, 1, null, type$.String);
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A.FlutterError_FlutterError_closure(), t2.$ti._eval$1("MappedListIterable")));
- return new A.FlutterError(t1);
- },
- FlutterError$fromParts(diagnostics) {
- return new A.FlutterError(diagnostics);
- },
- FlutterError__defaultStackTraceDemangler(stackTrace) {
- return stackTrace;
- },
- FlutterError_dumpErrorToConsole(details, forceReport) {
- if (details.silent && true)
- return;
- if ($.FlutterError__errorCount === 0 || false)
- A.debugPrintStack(J.toString$0$(details.exception), 100, details.stack);
- else
- A.print__debugPrintThrottled$closure().call$1("Another exception was thrown: " + details.get$summary().toString$0(0));
- $.FlutterError__errorCount = $.FlutterError__errorCount + 1;
- },
- FlutterError_defaultStackFilter($frames) {
- var skipped, index, t1, frame, className, $package, reasons, t2, _i, result, index0, t3, t4, suffix,
- removedPackagesAndClasses = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["dart:async-patch", 0, "dart:async", 0, "package:stack_trace", 0, "class _AssertionError", 0, "class _FakeAsync", 0, "class _FrameCallbackEntry", 0, "class _Timer", 0, "class _RawReceivePortImpl", 0], type$.String, type$.int),
- parsedFrames = A.StackFrame_fromStackString(J.join$1$ax($frames, "\n"));
- for (skipped = 0, index = 0; t1 = parsedFrames.length, index < t1; ++index) {
- frame = parsedFrames[index];
- className = "class " + frame.className;
- $package = frame.packageScheme + ":" + frame.$package;
- if (removedPackagesAndClasses.containsKey$1(0, className)) {
- ++skipped;
- removedPackagesAndClasses.update$2(removedPackagesAndClasses, className, new A.FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure());
- B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(parsedFrames, index);
- --index;
- } else if (removedPackagesAndClasses.containsKey$1(0, $package)) {
- ++skipped;
- removedPackagesAndClasses.update$2(removedPackagesAndClasses, $package, new A.FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure0());
- B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(parsedFrames, index);
- --index;
- }
- }
- reasons = A.List_List$filled(t1, null, false, type$.nullable_String);
- for (t2 = $.FlutterError__stackFilters.length, _i = 0; _i < $.FlutterError__stackFilters.length; $.FlutterError__stackFilters.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)($.FlutterError__stackFilters), ++_i)
- $.FlutterError__stackFilters[_i].filter$2(0, parsedFrames, reasons);
- t2 = type$.JSArray_String;
- result = A._setArrayType([], t2);
- for (--t1, index = 0; index < parsedFrames.length; index = index0 + 1) {
- index0 = index;
- while (true) {
- if (index0 < t1) {
- t3 = reasons[index0];
- t3 = t3 != null && J.$eq$(reasons[index0 + 1], t3);
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (!t3)
- break;
- ++index0;
- }
- t3 = reasons[index0];
- t4 = t3 == null;
- if (!t4)
- suffix = index0 !== index ? " (" + (index0 - index + 2) + " frames)" : " (1 frame)";
- else
- suffix = "";
- result.push(A.S(t4 ? parsedFrames[index0].source : t3) + suffix);
- }
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], t2);
- for (t2 = removedPackagesAndClasses.get$entries(removedPackagesAndClasses), t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2); t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
- if (t3.value > 0)
- t1.push(t3.key);
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(t1);
- if (skipped === 1)
- result.push("(elided one frame from " + B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1) + ")");
- else if (skipped > 1) {
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (t2 > 1)
- t1[t2 - 1] = "and " + B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1);
- t2 = "(elided " + skipped;
- if (t1.length > 2)
- result.push(t2 + " frames from " + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ") + ")");
- else
- result.push(t2 + " frames from " + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, " ") + ")");
- }
- return result;
- },
- FlutterError_reportError(details) {
- var t1 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError();
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$1(details);
- },
- debugPrintStack(label, maxFrames, stackTrace) {
- var lines, t1;
- if (label != null)
- A.print__debugPrintThrottled$closure().call$1(label);
- lines = A._setArrayType(B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(J.toString$0$(stackTrace == null ? A.StackTrace_current() : A.FlutterError__defaultStackTraceDemangler(stackTrace))).split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String);
- t1 = lines.length;
- lines = J.take$1$ax(t1 !== 0 ? new A.SkipWhileIterable(lines, new A.debugPrintStack_closure(), type$.SkipWhileIterable_String) : lines, maxFrames);
- A.print__debugPrintThrottled$closure().call$1(B.JSArray_methods.join$1(A.FlutterError_defaultStackFilter(lines), "\n"));
- },
- DiagnosticsStackTrace$($name, stack, stackFilter) {
- var t1 = A.DiagnosticsStackTrace__applyStackFilter(stack, stackFilter);
- return new A.DiagnosticsStackTrace(B.List_empty0, t1, "", stack, true, $name, true, true, null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_7);
- },
- DiagnosticsStackTrace__applyStackFilter(stack, stackFilter) {
- if (stack == null)
- return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode);
- return J.map$1$1$ax(A.FlutterError_defaultStackFilter(A._setArrayType(B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(A.S(A.FlutterError__defaultStackTraceDemangler(stack))).split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String)), A.assertions_DiagnosticsStackTrace__createStackFrame$closure(), type$.DiagnosticsNode).toList$0(0);
- },
- DiagnosticsStackTrace__createStackFrame(frame) {
- return A.DiagnosticsNode_DiagnosticsNode$message(frame, false, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8);
- },
- _FlutterErrorDetailsNode$($name, style, value) {
- return new A._FlutterErrorDetailsNode(value, $name, true, true, null, style);
- },
- _ErrorDiagnostic: function _ErrorDiagnostic() {
- },
- ErrorDescription: function ErrorDescription(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _._description = t0;
- _.expandableValue = t1;
- _.allowWrap = t2;
- _.ifNull = t3;
- _.ifEmpty = t4;
- _.tooltip = t5;
- _.missingIfNull = t6;
- _._diagnostics$_value = t7;
- _._valueComputed = true;
- _._diagnostics$_exception = null;
- _.defaultValue = t8;
- _._defaultLevel = t9;
- _.name = t10;
- _.showSeparator = t11;
- _.showName = t12;
- _.linePrefix = t13;
- _.style = t14;
- },
- ErrorSummary: function ErrorSummary(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _._description = t0;
- _.expandableValue = t1;
- _.allowWrap = t2;
- _.ifNull = t3;
- _.ifEmpty = t4;
- _.tooltip = t5;
- _.missingIfNull = t6;
- _._diagnostics$_value = t7;
- _._valueComputed = true;
- _._diagnostics$_exception = null;
- _.defaultValue = t8;
- _._defaultLevel = t9;
- _.name = t10;
- _.showSeparator = t11;
- _.showName = t12;
- _.linePrefix = t13;
- _.style = t14;
- },
- ErrorHint: function ErrorHint(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _._description = t0;
- _.expandableValue = t1;
- _.allowWrap = t2;
- _.ifNull = t3;
- _.ifEmpty = t4;
- _.tooltip = t5;
- _.missingIfNull = t6;
- _._diagnostics$_value = t7;
- _._valueComputed = true;
- _._diagnostics$_exception = null;
- _.defaultValue = t8;
- _._defaultLevel = t9;
- _.name = t10;
- _.showSeparator = t11;
- _.showName = t12;
- _.linePrefix = t13;
- _.style = t14;
- },
- ErrorSpacer: function ErrorSpacer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _._description = t0;
- _.expandableValue = t1;
- _.allowWrap = t2;
- _.ifNull = t3;
- _.ifEmpty = t4;
- _.tooltip = t5;
- _.missingIfNull = t6;
- _._diagnostics$_value = t7;
- _._valueComputed = true;
- _._diagnostics$_exception = null;
- _.defaultValue = t8;
- _._defaultLevel = t9;
- _.name = t10;
- _.showSeparator = t11;
- _.showName = t12;
- _.linePrefix = t13;
- _.style = t14;
- },
- FlutterErrorDetails: function FlutterErrorDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.exception = t0;
- _.stack = t1;
- _.library = t2;
- _.context = t3;
- _.informationCollector = t4;
- _.silent = t5;
- },
- FlutterErrorDetails_summary_formatException: function FlutterErrorDetails_summary_formatException(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure: function FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure() {
- },
- FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure0: function FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure0() {
- },
- FlutterErrorDetails_debugFillProperties_closure: function FlutterErrorDetails_debugFillProperties_closure() {
- },
- FlutterError: function FlutterError(t0) {
- this.diagnostics = t0;
- },
- FlutterError_FlutterError_closure: function FlutterError_FlutterError_closure() {
- },
- FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure: function FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure() {
- },
- FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure0: function FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure0() {
- },
- FlutterError_toString_closure: function FlutterError_toString_closure(t0) {
- this.renderer = t0;
- },
- debugPrintStack_closure: function debugPrintStack_closure() {
- },
- DiagnosticsStackTrace: function DiagnosticsStackTrace(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _._diagnostics$_children = t0;
- _._diagnostics$_properties = t1;
- _._description = t2;
- _.value = t3;
- _.allowTruncate = t4;
- _.name = t5;
- _.showSeparator = t6;
- _.showName = t7;
- _.linePrefix = t8;
- _.style = t9;
- },
- _FlutterErrorDetailsNode: function _FlutterErrorDetailsNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.value = t0;
- _._cachedBuilder = null;
- _.name = t1;
- _.showSeparator = t2;
- _.showName = t3;
- _.linePrefix = t4;
- _.style = t5;
- },
- _FlutterError_Error_DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function _FlutterError_Error_DiagnosticableTreeMixin() {
- },
- _FlutterErrorDetails_Object_Diagnosticable: function _FlutterErrorDetails_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- BindingBase: function BindingBase() {
- },
- BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure: function BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure() {
- },
- BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure0: function BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure0() {
- },
- BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure1: function BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure1() {
- },
- BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure2: function BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure2() {
- },
- BindingBase_lockEvents_closure: function BindingBase_lockEvents_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.timelineTask = t1;
- },
- BindingBase_registerBoolServiceExtension_closure: function BindingBase_registerBoolServiceExtension_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.setter = t1;
- _.name = t2;
- _.getter = t3;
- },
- BindingBase_registerNumericServiceExtension_closure: function BindingBase_registerNumericServiceExtension_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.name = t1;
- _.setter = t2;
- _.getter = t3;
- },
- BindingBase_registerStringServiceExtension_closure: function BindingBase_registerStringServiceExtension_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.setter = t1;
- _.name = t2;
- _.getter = t3;
- },
- BindingBase_registerServiceExtension_closure: function BindingBase_registerServiceExtension_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.methodName = t0;
- this.callback = t1;
- },
- BindingBase_registerServiceExtension__closure: function BindingBase_registerServiceExtension__closure() {
- },
- DebugReassembleConfig: function DebugReassembleConfig(t0) {
- this.widgetName = t0;
- },
- ValueNotifier$(_value, $T) {
- return new A.ValueNotifier(_value, $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners(), $T._eval$1("ValueNotifier<0>"));
- },
- Listenable: function Listenable() {
- },
- ChangeNotifier: function ChangeNotifier(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- ChangeNotifier_notifyListeners_closure: function ChangeNotifier_notifyListeners_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MergingListenable: function _MergingListenable(t0) {
- this._change_notifier$_children = t0;
- },
- ValueNotifier: function ValueNotifier(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._change_notifier$_value = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- TextTreeConfiguration$(addBlankLineIfNoChildren, afterDescriptionIfBody, afterName, afterProperties, beforeName, beforeProperties, bodyIndent, footer, isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren, isNameOnOwnLine, lineBreak, lineBreakProperties, linkCharacter, mandatoryFooter, prefixLastChildLineOne, prefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines, prefixOtherLinesRootNode, propertyPrefixIfChildren, propertyPrefixNoChildren, propertySeparator, showChildren, suffixLineOne) {
- return new A.TextTreeConfiguration(prefixLineOne, suffixLineOne, prefixOtherLines, prefixLastChildLineOne, prefixOtherLinesRootNode, propertyPrefixIfChildren, propertyPrefixNoChildren, linkCharacter, B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", linkCharacter.length), lineBreak, lineBreakProperties, beforeName, afterName, afterDescriptionIfBody, beforeProperties, afterProperties, propertySeparator, bodyIndent, showChildren, addBlankLineIfNoChildren, isNameOnOwnLine, footer, mandatoryFooter, isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren);
- },
- _PrefixedStringBuilder__wordWrapLine(message, wrapRanges, width, otherLineOffset, startOffset) {
- var wrappedLine, startForLengthCalculations, lastWordStart, noWrap, t2, index, mode, lastWordEnd, start, t3, _box_0 = {},
- t1 = message.length;
- if (t1 + startOffset < width)
- return A._setArrayType([message], type$.JSArray_String);
- wrappedLine = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- startForLengthCalculations = -startOffset;
- lastWordStart = A._Cell$named("lastWordStart");
- _box_0.currentChunk = 0;
- noWrap = new A._PrefixedStringBuilder__wordWrapLine_noWrap(_box_0, wrapRanges);
- for (t2 = lastWordStart.__late_helper$_name, index = 0, mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_00, lastWordEnd = null, start = 0; true;)
- switch (mode.index) {
- case 0:
- while (true) {
- if (!(index < t1 && message[index] === " "))
- break;
- ++index;
- }
- lastWordStart.__late_helper$_value = index;
- mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_10;
- break;
- case 1:
- while (true) {
- if (index < t1)
- t3 = message[index] !== " " || noWrap.call$1(index);
- else
- t3 = false;
- if (!t3)
- break;
- ++index;
- }
- mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_20;
- break;
- case 2:
- t3 = index - startForLengthCalculations;
- if (t3 > width || index === t1) {
- if (t3 <= width || lastWordEnd == null)
- lastWordEnd = index;
- wrappedLine.push(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(message, start, lastWordEnd));
- if (lastWordEnd >= t1)
- return wrappedLine;
- if (lastWordEnd === index) {
- while (true) {
- if (!(index < t1 && message[index] === " "))
- break;
- ++index;
- }
- start = index;
- mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_10;
- } else {
- start = lastWordStart.__late_helper$_value;
- if (start === lastWordStart)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t2));
- mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_20;
- }
- startForLengthCalculations = start - otherLineOffset;
- lastWordEnd = null;
- } else {
- lastWordEnd = index;
- mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_00;
- }
- break;
- }
- },
- DiagnosticsNode_DiagnosticsNode$message(message, allowWrap, style) {
- var _null = null;
- return A.DiagnosticsProperty$("", _null, allowWrap, B.C__NoDefaultValue, message, false, _null, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, _null, false, false, true, style, _null, type$.void);
- },
- DiagnosticsProperty$($name, value, allowWrap, defaultValue, description, expandableValue, ifEmpty, ifNull, level, linePrefix, missingIfNull, showName, showSeparator, style, tooltip, $T) {
- var t1;
- if (ifNull == null)
- t1 = missingIfNull ? "MISSING" : null;
- else
- t1 = ifNull;
- return new A.DiagnosticsProperty(description, false, allowWrap, t1, ifEmpty, tooltip, missingIfNull, value, defaultValue, level, $name, showSeparator, showName, linePrefix, style, $T._eval$1("DiagnosticsProperty<0>"));
- },
- DiagnosticableTreeNode$($name, style, value) {
- return new A.DiagnosticableTreeNode(value, $name, true, true, null, style);
- },
- shortHash(object) {
- return B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(J.get$hashCode$(object) & 1048575, 16), 5, "0");
- },
- DiagnosticLevel: function DiagnosticLevel(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- DiagnosticsTreeStyle: function DiagnosticsTreeStyle(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextTreeConfiguration: function TextTreeConfiguration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23) {
- var _ = this;
- _.prefixLineOne = t0;
- _.suffixLineOne = t1;
- _.prefixOtherLines = t2;
- _.prefixLastChildLineOne = t3;
- _.prefixOtherLinesRootNode = t4;
- _.propertyPrefixIfChildren = t5;
- _.propertyPrefixNoChildren = t6;
- _.linkCharacter = t7;
- _.childLinkSpace = t8;
- _.lineBreak = t9;
- _.lineBreakProperties = t10;
- _.beforeName = t11;
- _.afterName = t12;
- _.afterDescriptionIfBody = t13;
- _.beforeProperties = t14;
- _.afterProperties = t15;
- _.propertySeparator = t16;
- _.bodyIndent = t17;
- _.showChildren = t18;
- _.addBlankLineIfNoChildren = t19;
- _.isNameOnOwnLine = t20;
- _.footer = t21;
- _.mandatoryFooter = t22;
- _.isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren = t23;
- },
- _WordWrapParseMode: function _WordWrapParseMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _PrefixedStringBuilder: function _PrefixedStringBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.prefixLineOne = t0;
- _._prefixOtherLines = t1;
- _._nextPrefixOtherLines = null;
- _.wrapWidth = t2;
- _._diagnostics$_buffer = t3;
- _._currentLine = t4;
- _._wrappableRanges = t5;
- _._numLines = 0;
- },
- _PrefixedStringBuilder__wordWrapLine_noWrap: function _PrefixedStringBuilder__wordWrapLine_noWrap(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.wrapRanges = t1;
- },
- _NoDefaultValue: function _NoDefaultValue() {
- },
- TextTreeRenderer: function TextTreeRenderer(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._wrapWidth = t0;
- _._wrapWidthProperties = t1;
- _._minLevel = t2;
- _._maxDescendentsTruncatableNode = t3;
- },
- TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_visitor: function TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_visitor(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.descendants = t1;
- },
- TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_closure: function TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- DiagnosticsNode: function DiagnosticsNode() {
- },
- DiagnosticsProperty: function DiagnosticsProperty(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15) {
- var _ = this;
- _._description = t0;
- _.expandableValue = t1;
- _.allowWrap = t2;
- _.ifNull = t3;
- _.ifEmpty = t4;
- _.tooltip = t5;
- _.missingIfNull = t6;
- _._diagnostics$_value = t7;
- _._valueComputed = true;
- _._diagnostics$_exception = null;
- _.defaultValue = t8;
- _._defaultLevel = t9;
- _.name = t10;
- _.showSeparator = t11;
- _.showName = t12;
- _.linePrefix = t13;
- _.style = t14;
- _.$ti = t15;
- },
- DiagnosticableNode: function DiagnosticableNode() {
- },
- DiagnosticableTreeNode: function DiagnosticableTreeNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.value = t0;
- _._cachedBuilder = null;
- _.name = t1;
- _.showSeparator = t2;
- _.showName = t3;
- _.linePrefix = t4;
- _.style = t5;
- },
- DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder: function DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder(t0, t1) {
- this.properties = t0;
- this.defaultDiagnosticsTreeStyle = t1;
- },
- Diagnosticable: function Diagnosticable() {
- },
- DiagnosticableTree: function DiagnosticableTree() {
- },
- DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function DiagnosticableTreeMixin() {
- },
- DiagnosticsBlock: function DiagnosticsBlock() {
- },
- _DiagnosticableTree_Object_Diagnosticable: function _DiagnosticableTree_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- Key: function Key() {
- },
- LocalKey: function LocalKey() {
- },
- UniqueKey: function UniqueKey() {
- },
- ValueKey: function ValueKey(t0, t1) {
- this.value = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _TypeLiteral: function _TypeLiteral(t0) {
- this.$ti = t0;
- },
- LicenseEntry: function LicenseEntry() {
- },
- LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks: function LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks(t0) {
- this.text = t0;
- },
- AbstractNode: function AbstractNode() {
- },
- ObserverList$($T) {
- return new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray<0>")), $T._eval$1("ObserverList<0>"));
- },
- ObserverList: function ObserverList(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._list = t0;
- _._isDirty = false;
- _.__ObserverList__set_FI = $;
- _.$ti = t1;
- },
- HashedObserverList: function HashedObserverList(t0, t1) {
- this._observer_list$_map = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _makeArray($length) {
- return A.List_List$filled($length, null, false, type$.nullable_Object);
- },
- PersistentHashMap: function PersistentHashMap(t0, t1) {
- this._root = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _TrieNode: function _TrieNode() {
- },
- _FullNode: function _FullNode(t0) {
- this.descendants = t0;
- },
- _CompressedNode: function _CompressedNode(t0, t1) {
- this.occupiedIndices = t0;
- this.keyValuePairs = t1;
- },
- _HashCollisionNode: function _HashCollisionNode(t0, t1) {
- this.hash = t0;
- this.keyValuePairs = t1;
- },
- TargetPlatform: function TargetPlatform(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- debugPrintThrottled(message, wrapWidth) {
- var messageLines = message == null ? null : A._setArrayType(message.split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String);
- if (messageLines == null)
- messageLines = A._setArrayType(["null"], type$.JSArray_String);
- if (wrapWidth != null)
- $.$get$_debugPrintBuffer().addAll$1(0, new A.ExpandIterable(messageLines, new A.debugPrintThrottled_closure(wrapWidth), A._arrayInstanceType(messageLines)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<1,String>")));
- else
- $.$get$_debugPrintBuffer().addAll$1(0, messageLines);
- if (!$._debugPrintScheduled)
- A._debugPrintTask();
- },
- _debugPrintTask() {
- var line,
- t1 = $._debugPrintScheduled = false,
- t2 = $.$get$_debugPrintStopwatch();
- if (A.Duration$(0, 0, t2.get$elapsedMicroseconds(), 0, 0, 0)._duration > 1000000) {
- if (t2._stop == null)
- t2._stop = $.Primitives_timerTicks.call$0();
- t2.reset$0(0);
- $._debugPrintedCharacters = 0;
- }
- while (true) {
- if ($._debugPrintedCharacters < 12288) {
- t2 = $.$get$_debugPrintBuffer();
- t2 = !t2.get$isEmpty(t2);
- } else
- t2 = t1;
- if (!t2)
- break;
- line = $.$get$_debugPrintBuffer().removeFirst$0();
- $._debugPrintedCharacters = $._debugPrintedCharacters + line.length;
- A.printString(line);
- }
- t1 = $.$get$_debugPrintBuffer();
- if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) {
- $._debugPrintScheduled = true;
- $._debugPrintedCharacters = 0;
- A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_1000000, A.print___debugPrintTask$closure());
- if ($._debugPrintCompleter == null)
- $._debugPrintCompleter = new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void);
- } else {
- $.$get$_debugPrintStopwatch().start$0(0);
- t1 = $._debugPrintCompleter;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.complete$0(0);
- $._debugPrintCompleter = null;
- }
- },
- debugWordWrap(message, width) {
- var wrapped, prefix, index, lastWordStart, t2, index0, start, startForLengthCalculations, addPrefix, mode, lastWordEnd, t3,
- t1 = message.length;
- if (t1 < width || B.JSString_methods.trimLeft$0(message)[0] === "#")
- return A._setArrayType([message], type$.JSArray_String);
- wrapped = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- prefix = B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", $.$get$_indentPattern().matchAsPrefix$1(0, message)._match[0].length);
- index = prefix.length;
- lastWordStart = A._Cell$named("lastWordStart");
- for (t2 = lastWordStart.__late_helper$_name, index0 = index, start = 0, startForLengthCalculations = 0, addPrefix = false, mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_0, lastWordEnd = null; true;)
- switch (mode.index) {
- case 0:
- while (true) {
- if (!(index0 < t1 && message[index0] === " "))
- break;
- ++index0;
- }
- lastWordStart.__late_helper$_value = index0;
- mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_1;
- break;
- case 1:
- while (true) {
- if (!(index0 < t1 && message[index0] !== " "))
- break;
- ++index0;
- }
- mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_2;
- break;
- case 2:
- t3 = index0 - startForLengthCalculations;
- if (t3 > width || index0 === t1) {
- if (t3 <= width || lastWordEnd == null)
- lastWordEnd = index0;
- if (addPrefix)
- wrapped.push(prefix + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(message, start, lastWordEnd));
- else {
- wrapped.push(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(message, start, lastWordEnd));
- addPrefix = true;
- }
- if (lastWordEnd >= t1)
- return wrapped;
- if (lastWordEnd === index0) {
- while (true) {
- if (!(index0 < t1 && message[index0] === " "))
- break;
- ++index0;
- }
- start = index0;
- mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_1;
- } else {
- start = lastWordStart.__late_helper$_value;
- if (start === lastWordStart)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t2));
- mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_2;
- }
- startForLengthCalculations = start - index;
- lastWordEnd = null;
- } else {
- lastWordEnd = index0;
- mode = B._WordWrapParseMode_0;
- }
- break;
- }
- },
- debugPrintThrottled_closure: function debugPrintThrottled_closure(t0) {
- this.wrapWidth = t0;
- },
- _WordWrapParseMode0: function _WordWrapParseMode0(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- WriteBuffer_WriteBuffer(startCapacity) {
- var eightBytes = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8)),
- eightBytesAsList = A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(eightBytes.buffer, 0, null);
- return new A.WriteBuffer(new Uint8Array(startCapacity), eightBytes, eightBytesAsList);
- },
- WriteBuffer: function WriteBuffer(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._serialization$_buffer = t0;
- _._currentSize = 0;
- _._isDone = false;
- _._eightBytes = t1;
- _._eightBytesAsList = t2;
- },
- ReadBuffer: function ReadBuffer(t0) {
- this.data = t0;
- this._serialization$_position = 0;
- },
- StackFrame_fromStackString(stack) {
- var t1 = type$.WhereTypeIterable_StackFrame;
- return A.List_List$of(new A.WhereTypeIterable(new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(A._setArrayType(B.JSString_methods.trim$0(stack).split("\n"), type$.JSArray_String), new A.StackFrame_fromStackString_closure(), type$.WhereIterable_String), A.stack_frame_StackFrame_fromStackTraceLine$closure(), type$.MappedIterable_of_String_and_nullable_StackFrame), t1), true, t1._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- },
- StackFrame__parseWebNonDebugFrame(line) {
- var classAndMethod, className,
- _s9_ = "",
- match = $.$get$StackFrame__webNonDebugFramePattern().firstMatch$1(line);
- if (match == null)
- return null;
- classAndMethod = A._setArrayType(match._match[1].split("."), type$.JSArray_String);
- className = classAndMethod.length > 1 ? B.JSArray_methods.get$first(classAndMethod) : _s9_;
- return new A.StackFrame(line, -1, _s9_, _s9_, _s9_, -1, -1, className, classAndMethod.length > 1 ? A.SubListIterable$(classAndMethod, 1, null, type$.String).join$1(0, ".") : B.JSArray_methods.get$single(classAndMethod));
- },
- StackFrame_fromStackTraceLine(line) {
- var t1, t2, method, className, parts, packageUri, packagePath, $package, t3, t4,
- _s9_ = "";
- if (line === "")
- return B.StackFrame_SOW;
- else if (line === "...")
- return B.StackFrame_8sg;
- if (!B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(line, "#"))
- return A.StackFrame__parseWebNonDebugFrame(line);
- t1 = A.RegExp_RegExp("^#(\\d+) +(.+) \\((.+?):?(\\d+){0,1}:?(\\d+){0,1}\\)$", true, false).firstMatch$1(line)._match;
- t2 = t1[2];
- t2.toString;
- method = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t2, ".", "");
- if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(method, "new")) {
- className = method.split(" ").length > 1 ? method.split(" ")[1] : _s9_;
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(className, ".")) {
- parts = className.split(".");
- className = parts[0];
- method = parts[1];
- } else
- method = "";
- } else if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(method, ".")) {
- parts = method.split(".");
- className = parts[0];
- method = parts[1];
- } else
- className = "";
- t2 = t1[3];
- t2.toString;
- packageUri = A.Uri_parse(t2);
- packagePath = packageUri.get$path(packageUri);
- if (packageUri.get$scheme() === "dart" || packageUri.get$scheme() === "package") {
- $package = packageUri.get$pathSegments()[0];
- packagePath = B.JSString_methods.replaceFirst$2(packageUri.get$path(packageUri), A.S(packageUri.get$pathSegments()[0]) + "/", "");
- } else
- $package = _s9_;
- t2 = t1[1];
- t2.toString;
- t2 = A.int_parse(t2, null);
- t3 = packageUri.get$scheme();
- t4 = t1[4];
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = -1;
- else {
- t4 = t4;
- t4.toString;
- t4 = A.int_parse(t4, null);
- }
- t1 = t1[5];
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = -1;
- else {
- t1 = t1;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.int_parse(t1, null);
- }
- return new A.StackFrame(line, t2, t3, $package, packagePath, t4, t1, className, method);
- },
- StackFrame: function StackFrame(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.source = t0;
- _.number = t1;
- _.packageScheme = t2;
- _.$package = t3;
- _.packagePath = t4;
- _.line = t5;
- _.column = t6;
- _.className = t7;
- _.method = t8;
- },
- StackFrame_fromStackString_closure: function StackFrame_fromStackString_closure() {
- },
- SynchronousFuture: function SynchronousFuture(t0, t1) {
- this._synchronous_future$_value = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- SynchronousFuture_whenComplete_closure: function SynchronousFuture_whenComplete_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- GestureDisposition: function GestureDisposition(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- GestureArenaMember: function GestureArenaMember() {
- },
- GestureArenaEntry: function GestureArenaEntry(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._arena = t0;
- this._arena$_pointer = t1;
- this._member = t2;
- },
- _GestureArena: function _GestureArena(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.members = t0;
- _.isOpen = true;
- _.hasPendingSweep = _.isHeld = false;
- _.eagerWinner = null;
- },
- _GestureArena_toString_closure: function _GestureArena_toString_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- GestureArenaManager: function GestureArenaManager(t0) {
- this._arenas = t0;
- },
- GestureArenaManager_add_closure: function GestureArenaManager_add_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.pointer = t1;
- },
- GestureArenaManager__tryToResolveArena_closure: function GestureArenaManager__tryToResolveArena_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.pointer = t1;
- this.state = t2;
- },
- FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerEventDispatcher$(context, $event, exception, hitTestEntry, informationCollector, library, stack) {
- return new A.FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerEventDispatcher(exception, stack, library, context, informationCollector, false);
- },
- _Resampler: function _Resampler(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _._resamplers = t0;
- _._binding$_frameCallbackScheduled = false;
- _._frameTime = t1;
- _._frameTimeAge = t2;
- _._lastSampleTime = t3;
- _._lastEventTime = t4;
- _._handlePointerEvent = t5;
- _._handleSampleTimeChanged = t6;
- _._samplingInterval = t7;
- _._binding$_timer = null;
- },
- GestureBinding: function GestureBinding() {
- },
- GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure: function GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure(t0) {
- this.event = t0;
- },
- GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure0: function GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.event = t0;
- this.entry = t1;
- },
- FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerEventDispatcher: function FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerEventDispatcher(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.exception = t0;
- _.stack = t1;
- _.library = t2;
- _.context = t3;
- _.informationCollector = t4;
- _.silent = t5;
- },
- _synthesiseDownButtons(buttons, kind) {
- switch (kind.index) {
- case 1:
- case 4:
- return buttons;
- case 0:
- case 2:
- case 3:
- return buttons === 0 ? 1 : buttons;
- case 5:
- return buttons === 0 ? 1 : buttons;
- }
- },
- PointerEventConverter_expand(data, devicePixelRatio) {
- var t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(data);
- return new A.WhereTypeIterable(new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(data, new A.PointerEventConverter_expand_closure(), t1._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>")), new A.PointerEventConverter_expand_closure0(devicePixelRatio), t1._eval$1("MappedIterable<1,PointerEvent?>")), type$.WhereTypeIterable_PointerEvent);
- },
- PointerEventConverter_expand_closure: function PointerEventConverter_expand_closure() {
- },
- PointerEventConverter_expand_closure0: function PointerEventConverter_expand_closure0(t0) {
- this.devicePixelRatio = t0;
- },
- Drag: function Drag() {
- },
- DragDownDetails: function DragDownDetails(t0, t1) {
- this.globalPosition = t0;
- this.localPosition = t1;
- },
- DragStartDetails: function DragStartDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.sourceTimeStamp = t0;
- _.globalPosition = t1;
- _.localPosition = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- },
- DragUpdateDetails: function DragUpdateDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.sourceTimeStamp = t0;
- _.delta = t1;
- _.primaryDelta = t2;
- _.globalPosition = t3;
- _.localPosition = t4;
- },
- DragEndDetails: function DragEndDetails(t0, t1) {
- this.velocity = t0;
- this.primaryVelocity = t1;
- },
- PointerEvent_transformPosition(transform, position) {
- var position3, t1;
- if (transform == null)
- return position;
- position3 = new A.Vector30(new Float64Array(3));
- position3.setValues$3(position._dx, position._dy, 0);
- t1 = transform.perspectiveTransform$1(position3)._vector_math_64$_v3storage;
- return new A.Offset(t1[0], t1[1]);
- },
- PointerEvent_transformDeltaViaPositions(transform, transformedEndPosition, untransformedDelta, untransformedEndPosition) {
- if (transform == null)
- return untransformedDelta;
- if (transformedEndPosition == null)
- transformedEndPosition = A.PointerEvent_transformPosition(transform, untransformedEndPosition);
- return transformedEndPosition.$sub(0, A.PointerEvent_transformPosition(transform, untransformedEndPosition.$sub(0, untransformedDelta)));
- },
- PointerEvent_removePerspectiveTransform(transform) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = new Float64Array(4),
- vector = new A.Vector4(t1);
- vector.setValues$4(0, 0, 1, 0);
- t2 = new Float64Array(16);
- t3 = new A.Matrix40(t2);
- t3.setFrom$1(transform);
- t2[11] = t1[3];
- t2[10] = t1[2];
- t2[9] = t1[1];
- t2[8] = t1[0];
- t3.setRow$2(2, vector);
- return t3;
- },
- PointerAddedEvent$(device, distance, distanceMax, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, position, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMax, radiusMin, tilt, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerAddedEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, 0, kind, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, 0, false, false, 0, pressureMin, pressureMax, distance, distanceMax, 0, 0, 0, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, 0, false, null, null);
- },
- PointerRemovedEvent$(device, distanceMax, embedderId, kind, obscured, position, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMax, radiusMin, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerRemovedEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, 0, kind, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, 0, false, false, 0, pressureMin, pressureMax, 0, distanceMax, 0, 0, 0, radiusMin, radiusMax, 0, 0, 0, false, null, null);
- },
- PointerHoverEvent$(buttons, delta, device, distance, distanceMax, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, position, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, size, synthesized, tilt, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerHoverEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, 0, kind, device, position, delta, buttons, false, false, 0, pressureMin, pressureMax, distance, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, 0, synthesized, null, null);
- },
- PointerEnterEvent$(buttons, delta, device, distance, distanceMax, down, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, pointer, position, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, size, synthesized, tilt, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerEnterEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, pointer, kind, device, position, delta, buttons, down, false, 0, pressureMin, pressureMax, distance, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, 0, synthesized, null, null);
- },
- PointerExitEvent$(buttons, delta, device, distance, distanceMax, down, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, pointer, position, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, size, synthesized, tilt, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerExitEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, pointer, kind, device, position, delta, buttons, down, false, 0, pressureMin, pressureMax, distance, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, 0, synthesized, null, null);
- },
- PointerDownEvent$(buttons, device, distanceMax, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, pointer, position, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, size, tilt, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerDownEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, pointer, kind, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, buttons, true, false, pressure, pressureMin, pressureMax, 0, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, 0, false, null, null);
- },
- PointerMoveEvent$(buttons, delta, device, distanceMax, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, platformData, pointer, position, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, size, synthesized, tilt, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerMoveEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, pointer, kind, device, position, delta, buttons, true, false, pressure, pressureMin, pressureMax, 0, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, platformData, synthesized, null, null);
- },
- PointerUpEvent$(buttons, device, distance, distanceMax, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, pointer, position, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, size, tilt, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerUpEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, pointer, kind, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, buttons, false, false, pressure, pressureMin, pressureMax, distance, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, 0, false, null, null);
- },
- PointerScrollEvent$(device, embedderId, kind, position, scrollDelta, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerScrollEvent(scrollDelta, embedderId, timeStamp, 0, kind, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, 0, false, false, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, null, null);
- },
- PointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent$(device, embedderId, kind, position, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, 0, kind, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, 0, false, false, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, null, null);
- },
- PointerScaleEvent$(device, embedderId, kind, position, scale, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerScaleEvent(scale, embedderId, timeStamp, 0, kind, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, 0, false, false, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, null, null);
- },
- PointerPanZoomStartEvent$(device, embedderId, pointer, position, synthesized, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerPanZoomStartEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, pointer, B.PointerDeviceKind_4, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, 0, false, false, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, synthesized, null, null);
- },
- PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent$(device, embedderId, pan, panDelta, pointer, position, rotation, scale, synthesized, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent(pan, panDelta, scale, rotation, embedderId, timeStamp, pointer, B.PointerDeviceKind_4, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, 0, false, false, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, synthesized, null, null);
- },
- PointerPanZoomEndEvent$(device, embedderId, pointer, position, synthesized, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerPanZoomEndEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, pointer, B.PointerDeviceKind_4, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, 0, false, false, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, synthesized, null, null);
- },
- PointerCancelEvent$(buttons, device, distance, distanceMax, embedderId, kind, obscured, orientation, pointer, position, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, size, tilt, timeStamp) {
- return new A.PointerCancelEvent(embedderId, timeStamp, pointer, kind, device, position, B.Offset_0_0, buttons, false, false, 0, pressureMin, pressureMax, distance, distanceMax, size, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, radiusMin, radiusMax, orientation, tilt, 0, false, null, null);
- },
- computeHitSlop(kind, settings) {
- var t1;
- switch (kind.index) {
- case 1:
- return 1;
- case 2:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- case 0:
- case 4:
- t1 = settings == null ? null : settings.touchSlop;
- return t1 == null ? 18 : t1;
- }
- },
- computePanSlop(kind, settings) {
- var t1;
- switch (kind.index) {
- case 1:
- return 2;
- case 2:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- case 0:
- case 4:
- if (settings == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t1 = settings.touchSlop;
- t1 = t1 != null ? t1 * 2 : null;
- }
- return t1 == null ? 36 : t1;
- }
- },
- PointerEvent: function PointerEvent() {
- },
- _PointerEventDescription: function _PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _AbstractPointerEvent: function _AbstractPointerEvent() {
- },
- _TransformedPointerEvent: function _TransformedPointerEvent() {
- },
- _CopyPointerAddedEvent: function _CopyPointerAddedEvent() {
- },
- PointerAddedEvent: function PointerAddedEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) {
- var _ = this;
- _.embedderId = t0;
- _.timeStamp = t1;
- _.pointer = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _.device = t4;
- _.position = t5;
- _.delta = t6;
- _.buttons = t7;
- _.down = t8;
- _.obscured = t9;
- _.pressure = t10;
- _.pressureMin = t11;
- _.pressureMax = t12;
- _.distance = t13;
- _.distanceMax = t14;
- _.size = t15;
- _.radiusMajor = t16;
- _.radiusMinor = t17;
- _.radiusMin = t18;
- _.radiusMax = t19;
- _.orientation = t20;
- _.tilt = t21;
- _.platformData = t22;
- _.synthesized = t23;
- _.transform = t24;
- _.original = t25;
- },
- _TransformedPointerAddedEvent: function _TransformedPointerAddedEvent(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.original = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = $;
- },
- _CopyPointerRemovedEvent: function _CopyPointerRemovedEvent() {
- },
- PointerRemovedEvent: function PointerRemovedEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) {
- var _ = this;
- _.embedderId = t0;
- _.timeStamp = t1;
- _.pointer = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _.device = t4;
- _.position = t5;
- _.delta = t6;
- _.buttons = t7;
- _.down = t8;
- _.obscured = t9;
- _.pressure = t10;
- _.pressureMin = t11;
- _.pressureMax = t12;
- _.distance = t13;
- _.distanceMax = t14;
- _.size = t15;
- _.radiusMajor = t16;
- _.radiusMinor = t17;
- _.radiusMin = t18;
- _.radiusMax = t19;
- _.orientation = t20;
- _.tilt = t21;
- _.platformData = t22;
- _.synthesized = t23;
- _.transform = t24;
- _.original = t25;
- },
- _TransformedPointerRemovedEvent: function _TransformedPointerRemovedEvent(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.original = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = $;
- },
- _CopyPointerHoverEvent: function _CopyPointerHoverEvent() {
- },
- PointerHoverEvent: function PointerHoverEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) {
- var _ = this;
- _.embedderId = t0;
- _.timeStamp = t1;
- _.pointer = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _.device = t4;
- _.position = t5;
- _.delta = t6;
- _.buttons = t7;
- _.down = t8;
- _.obscured = t9;
- _.pressure = t10;
- _.pressureMin = t11;
- _.pressureMax = t12;
- _.distance = t13;
- _.distanceMax = t14;
- _.size = t15;
- _.radiusMajor = t16;
- _.radiusMinor = t17;
- _.radiusMin = t18;
- _.radiusMax = t19;
- _.orientation = t20;
- _.tilt = t21;
- _.platformData = t22;
- _.synthesized = t23;
- _.transform = t24;
- _.original = t25;
- },
- _TransformedPointerHoverEvent: function _TransformedPointerHoverEvent(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.original = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = $;
- },
- _CopyPointerEnterEvent: function _CopyPointerEnterEvent() {
- },
- PointerEnterEvent: function PointerEnterEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) {
- var _ = this;
- _.embedderId = t0;
- _.timeStamp = t1;
- _.pointer = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _.device = t4;
- _.position = t5;
- _.delta = t6;
- _.buttons = t7;
- _.down = t8;
- _.obscured = t9;
- _.pressure = t10;
- _.pressureMin = t11;
- _.pressureMax = t12;
- _.distance = t13;
- _.distanceMax = t14;
- _.size = t15;
- _.radiusMajor = t16;
- _.radiusMinor = t17;
- _.radiusMin = t18;
- _.radiusMax = t19;
- _.orientation = t20;
- _.tilt = t21;
- _.platformData = t22;
- _.synthesized = t23;
- _.transform = t24;
- _.original = t25;
- },
- _TransformedPointerEnterEvent: function _TransformedPointerEnterEvent(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.original = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = $;
- },
- _CopyPointerExitEvent: function _CopyPointerExitEvent() {
- },
- PointerExitEvent: function PointerExitEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) {
- var _ = this;
- _.embedderId = t0;
- _.timeStamp = t1;
- _.pointer = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _.device = t4;
- _.position = t5;
- _.delta = t6;
- _.buttons = t7;
- _.down = t8;
- _.obscured = t9;
- _.pressure = t10;
- _.pressureMin = t11;
- _.pressureMax = t12;
- _.distance = t13;
- _.distanceMax = t14;
- _.size = t15;
- _.radiusMajor = t16;
- _.radiusMinor = t17;
- _.radiusMin = t18;
- _.radiusMax = t19;
- _.orientation = t20;
- _.tilt = t21;
- _.platformData = t22;
- _.synthesized = t23;
- _.transform = t24;
- _.original = t25;
- },
- _TransformedPointerExitEvent: function _TransformedPointerExitEvent(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.original = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = $;
- },
- _CopyPointerDownEvent: function _CopyPointerDownEvent() {
- },
- PointerDownEvent: function PointerDownEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) {
- var _ = this;
- _.embedderId = t0;
- _.timeStamp = t1;
- _.pointer = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _.device = t4;
- _.position = t5;
- _.delta = t6;
- _.buttons = t7;
- _.down = t8;
- _.obscured = t9;
- _.pressure = t10;
- _.pressureMin = t11;
- _.pressureMax = t12;
- _.distance = t13;
- _.distanceMax = t14;
- _.size = t15;
- _.radiusMajor = t16;
- _.radiusMinor = t17;
- _.radiusMin = t18;
- _.radiusMax = t19;
- _.orientation = t20;
- _.tilt = t21;
- _.platformData = t22;
- _.synthesized = t23;
- _.transform = t24;
- _.original = t25;
- },
- _TransformedPointerDownEvent: function _TransformedPointerDownEvent(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.original = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = $;
- },
- _CopyPointerMoveEvent: function _CopyPointerMoveEvent() {
- },
- PointerMoveEvent: function PointerMoveEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) {
- var _ = this;
- _.embedderId = t0;
- _.timeStamp = t1;
- _.pointer = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _.device = t4;
- _.position = t5;
- _.delta = t6;
- _.buttons = t7;
- _.down = t8;
- _.obscured = t9;
- _.pressure = t10;
- _.pressureMin = t11;
- _.pressureMax = t12;
- _.distance = t13;
- _.distanceMax = t14;
- _.size = t15;
- _.radiusMajor = t16;
- _.radiusMinor = t17;
- _.radiusMin = t18;
- _.radiusMax = t19;
- _.orientation = t20;
- _.tilt = t21;
- _.platformData = t22;
- _.synthesized = t23;
- _.transform = t24;
- _.original = t25;
- },
- _TransformedPointerMoveEvent: function _TransformedPointerMoveEvent(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.original = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = $;
- },
- _CopyPointerUpEvent: function _CopyPointerUpEvent() {
- },
- PointerUpEvent: function PointerUpEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) {
- var _ = this;
- _.embedderId = t0;
- _.timeStamp = t1;
- _.pointer = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _.device = t4;
- _.position = t5;
- _.delta = t6;
- _.buttons = t7;
- _.down = t8;
- _.obscured = t9;
- _.pressure = t10;
- _.pressureMin = t11;
- _.pressureMax = t12;
- _.distance = t13;
- _.distanceMax = t14;
- _.size = t15;
- _.radiusMajor = t16;
- _.radiusMinor = t17;
- _.radiusMin = t18;
- _.radiusMax = t19;
- _.orientation = t20;
- _.tilt = t21;
- _.platformData = t22;
- _.synthesized = t23;
- _.transform = t24;
- _.original = t25;
- },
- _TransformedPointerUpEvent: function _TransformedPointerUpEvent(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.original = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = $;
- },
- PointerSignalEvent: function PointerSignalEvent() {
- },
- _CopyPointerScrollEvent: function _CopyPointerScrollEvent() {
- },
- PointerScrollEvent: function PointerScrollEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26) {
- var _ = this;
- _.scrollDelta = t0;
- _.embedderId = t1;
- _.timeStamp = t2;
- _.pointer = t3;
- _.kind = t4;
- _.device = t5;
- _.position = t6;
- _.delta = t7;
- _.buttons = t8;
- _.down = t9;
- _.obscured = t10;
- _.pressure = t11;
- _.pressureMin = t12;
- _.pressureMax = t13;
- _.distance = t14;
- _.distanceMax = t15;
- _.size = t16;
- _.radiusMajor = t17;
- _.radiusMinor = t18;
- _.radiusMin = t19;
- _.radiusMax = t20;
- _.orientation = t21;
- _.tilt = t22;
- _.platformData = t23;
- _.synthesized = t24;
- _.transform = t25;
- _.original = t26;
- },
- _TransformedPointerScrollEvent: function _TransformedPointerScrollEvent(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.original = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = $;
- },
- _CopyPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent: function _CopyPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent() {
- },
- PointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent: function PointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) {
- var _ = this;
- _.embedderId = t0;
- _.timeStamp = t1;
- _.pointer = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _.device = t4;
- _.position = t5;
- _.delta = t6;
- _.buttons = t7;
- _.down = t8;
- _.obscured = t9;
- _.pressure = t10;
- _.pressureMin = t11;
- _.pressureMax = t12;
- _.distance = t13;
- _.distanceMax = t14;
- _.size = t15;
- _.radiusMajor = t16;
- _.radiusMinor = t17;
- _.radiusMin = t18;
- _.radiusMax = t19;
- _.orientation = t20;
- _.tilt = t21;
- _.platformData = t22;
- _.synthesized = t23;
- _.transform = t24;
- _.original = t25;
- },
- _TransformedPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent: function _TransformedPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.original = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = $;
- },
- _CopyPointerScaleEvent: function _CopyPointerScaleEvent() {
- },
- PointerScaleEvent: function PointerScaleEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26) {
- var _ = this;
- _.scale = t0;
- _.embedderId = t1;
- _.timeStamp = t2;
- _.pointer = t3;
- _.kind = t4;
- _.device = t5;
- _.position = t6;
- _.delta = t7;
- _.buttons = t8;
- _.down = t9;
- _.obscured = t10;
- _.pressure = t11;
- _.pressureMin = t12;
- _.pressureMax = t13;
- _.distance = t14;
- _.distanceMax = t15;
- _.size = t16;
- _.radiusMajor = t17;
- _.radiusMinor = t18;
- _.radiusMin = t19;
- _.radiusMax = t20;
- _.orientation = t21;
- _.tilt = t22;
- _.platformData = t23;
- _.synthesized = t24;
- _.transform = t25;
- _.original = t26;
- },
- _TransformedPointerScaleEvent: function _TransformedPointerScaleEvent(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.original = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = $;
- },
- _CopyPointerPanZoomStartEvent: function _CopyPointerPanZoomStartEvent() {
- },
- PointerPanZoomStartEvent: function PointerPanZoomStartEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) {
- var _ = this;
- _.embedderId = t0;
- _.timeStamp = t1;
- _.pointer = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _.device = t4;
- _.position = t5;
- _.delta = t6;
- _.buttons = t7;
- _.down = t8;
- _.obscured = t9;
- _.pressure = t10;
- _.pressureMin = t11;
- _.pressureMax = t12;
- _.distance = t13;
- _.distanceMax = t14;
- _.size = t15;
- _.radiusMajor = t16;
- _.radiusMinor = t17;
- _.radiusMin = t18;
- _.radiusMax = t19;
- _.orientation = t20;
- _.tilt = t21;
- _.platformData = t22;
- _.synthesized = t23;
- _.transform = t24;
- _.original = t25;
- },
- _TransformedPointerPanZoomStartEvent: function _TransformedPointerPanZoomStartEvent(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.original = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = $;
- },
- _CopyPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent: function _CopyPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent() {
- },
- PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent: function PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29) {
- var _ = this;
- _.pan = t0;
- _.panDelta = t1;
- _.scale = t2;
- _.rotation = t3;
- _.embedderId = t4;
- _.timeStamp = t5;
- _.pointer = t6;
- _.kind = t7;
- _.device = t8;
- _.position = t9;
- _.delta = t10;
- _.buttons = t11;
- _.down = t12;
- _.obscured = t13;
- _.pressure = t14;
- _.pressureMin = t15;
- _.pressureMax = t16;
- _.distance = t17;
- _.distanceMax = t18;
- _.size = t19;
- _.radiusMajor = t20;
- _.radiusMinor = t21;
- _.radiusMin = t22;
- _.radiusMax = t23;
- _.orientation = t24;
- _.tilt = t25;
- _.platformData = t26;
- _.synthesized = t27;
- _.transform = t28;
- _.original = t29;
- },
- _TransformedPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent: function _TransformedPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___TransformedPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent_localPanDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent_localPan_FI = $;
- _.original = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = $;
- },
- _CopyPointerPanZoomEndEvent: function _CopyPointerPanZoomEndEvent() {
- },
- PointerPanZoomEndEvent: function PointerPanZoomEndEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) {
- var _ = this;
- _.embedderId = t0;
- _.timeStamp = t1;
- _.pointer = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _.device = t4;
- _.position = t5;
- _.delta = t6;
- _.buttons = t7;
- _.down = t8;
- _.obscured = t9;
- _.pressure = t10;
- _.pressureMin = t11;
- _.pressureMax = t12;
- _.distance = t13;
- _.distanceMax = t14;
- _.size = t15;
- _.radiusMajor = t16;
- _.radiusMinor = t17;
- _.radiusMin = t18;
- _.radiusMax = t19;
- _.orientation = t20;
- _.tilt = t21;
- _.platformData = t22;
- _.synthesized = t23;
- _.transform = t24;
- _.original = t25;
- },
- _TransformedPointerPanZoomEndEvent: function _TransformedPointerPanZoomEndEvent(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.original = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = $;
- },
- _CopyPointerCancelEvent: function _CopyPointerCancelEvent() {
- },
- PointerCancelEvent: function PointerCancelEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) {
- var _ = this;
- _.embedderId = t0;
- _.timeStamp = t1;
- _.pointer = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _.device = t4;
- _.position = t5;
- _.delta = t6;
- _.buttons = t7;
- _.down = t8;
- _.obscured = t9;
- _.pressure = t10;
- _.pressureMin = t11;
- _.pressureMax = t12;
- _.distance = t13;
- _.distanceMax = t14;
- _.size = t15;
- _.radiusMajor = t16;
- _.radiusMinor = t17;
- _.radiusMin = t18;
- _.radiusMax = t19;
- _.orientation = t20;
- _.tilt = t21;
- _.platformData = t22;
- _.synthesized = t23;
- _.transform = t24;
- _.original = t25;
- },
- _TransformedPointerCancelEvent: function _TransformedPointerCancelEvent(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.original = t0;
- _.transform = t1;
- _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = _.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = $;
- },
- _PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerAddedEvent: function _PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerAddedEvent() {
- },
- _PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerCancelEvent: function _PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerCancelEvent() {
- },
- _PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerDownEvent: function _PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerDownEvent() {
- },
- _PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerEnterEvent: function _PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerEnterEvent() {
- },
- _PointerEvent_Object_Diagnosticable: function _PointerEvent_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerExitEvent: function _PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerExitEvent() {
- },
- _PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerHoverEvent: function _PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerHoverEvent() {
- },
- _PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerMoveEvent: function _PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerMoveEvent() {
- },
- _PointerPanZoomEndEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerPanZoomEndEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _PointerPanZoomEndEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerPanZoomEndEvent: function _PointerPanZoomEndEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerPanZoomEndEvent() {
- },
- _PointerPanZoomStartEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerPanZoomStartEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _PointerPanZoomStartEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerPanZoomStartEvent: function _PointerPanZoomStartEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerPanZoomStartEvent() {
- },
- _PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent: function _PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent() {
- },
- _PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerRemovedEvent: function _PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerRemovedEvent() {
- },
- _PointerScaleEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerScaleEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _PointerScaleEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerScaleEvent: function _PointerScaleEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerScaleEvent() {
- },
- _PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerScrollEvent: function _PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerScrollEvent() {
- },
- _PointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _PointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent: function _PointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent() {
- },
- _PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription: function _PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- _PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerUpEvent: function _PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerUpEvent() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerAddedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerAddedEvent: function __TransformedPointerAddedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerAddedEvent() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerCancelEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerCancelEvent: function __TransformedPointerCancelEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerCancelEvent() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerDownEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerDownEvent: function __TransformedPointerDownEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerDownEvent() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerEnterEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerEnterEvent: function __TransformedPointerEnterEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerEnterEvent() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable: function __TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable__PointerEventDescription: function __TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable__PointerEventDescription() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerExitEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerExitEvent: function __TransformedPointerExitEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerExitEvent() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerHoverEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerHoverEvent: function __TransformedPointerHoverEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerHoverEvent() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerMoveEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerMoveEvent: function __TransformedPointerMoveEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerMoveEvent() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerPanZoomEndEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerPanZoomEndEvent: function __TransformedPointerPanZoomEndEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerPanZoomEndEvent() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerPanZoomStartEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerPanZoomStartEvent: function __TransformedPointerPanZoomStartEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerPanZoomStartEvent() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent: function __TransformedPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerRemovedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerRemovedEvent: function __TransformedPointerRemovedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerRemovedEvent() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerScaleEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerScaleEvent: function __TransformedPointerScaleEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerScaleEvent() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerScrollEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerScrollEvent: function __TransformedPointerScrollEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerScrollEvent() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent: function __TransformedPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent() {
- },
- __TransformedPointerUpEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerUpEvent: function __TransformedPointerUpEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerUpEvent() {
- },
- ForcePressGestureRecognizer$(debugOwner, supportedDevices) {
- var t1 = type$.int,
- t2 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t1);
- return new A.ForcePressGestureRecognizer(B._ForceState_0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.GestureArenaEntry), t2, debugOwner, supportedDevices, A.recognizer_GestureRecognizer__defaultButtonAcceptBehavior$closure(), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind));
- },
- ForcePressGestureRecognizer__inverseLerp(min, max, t) {
- var value = (t - min) / (max - min);
- return !isNaN(value) ? A.clampDouble(value, 0, 1) : value;
- },
- _ForceState: function _ForceState(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ForcePressDetails: function ForcePressDetails(t0, t1) {
- this.globalPosition = t0;
- this.localPosition = t1;
- },
- ForcePressGestureRecognizer: function ForcePressGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onEnd = _.onPeak = _.onUpdate = _.onStart = null;
- _.__ForcePressGestureRecognizer__lastPressure_A = _.__ForcePressGestureRecognizer__lastPosition_A = $;
- _._force_press$_state = t0;
- _._recognizer$_entries = t1;
- _._trackedPointers = t2;
- _._team = null;
- _.debugOwner = t3;
- _.gestureSettings = null;
- _.supportedDevices = t4;
- _._allowedButtonsFilter = t5;
- _._pointerToKind = t6;
- },
- ForcePressGestureRecognizer_handleEvent_closure: function ForcePressGestureRecognizer_handleEvent_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.pressure = t1;
- },
- ForcePressGestureRecognizer_acceptGesture_closure: function ForcePressGestureRecognizer_acceptGesture_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ForcePressGestureRecognizer_didStopTrackingLastPointer_closure: function ForcePressGestureRecognizer_didStopTrackingLastPointer_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- DeviceGestureSettings: function DeviceGestureSettings(t0) {
- this.touchSlop = t0;
- },
- HitTestResult$() {
- var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_HitTestEntry_HitTestTarget),
- t2 = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- t2.setIdentity$0();
- return new A.HitTestResult(t1, A._setArrayType([t2], type$.JSArray_Matrix4_2), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__TransformPart));
- },
- HitTestEntry: function HitTestEntry(t0, t1) {
- this.target = t0;
- this._transform = null;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _TransformPart: function _TransformPart() {
- },
- _MatrixTransformPart: function _MatrixTransformPart(t0) {
- this.matrix = t0;
- },
- _OffsetTransformPart: function _OffsetTransformPart(t0) {
- this.offset = t0;
- },
- HitTestResult: function HitTestResult(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._path = t0;
- this._transforms = t1;
- this._localTransforms = t2;
- },
- LongPressGestureRecognizer$(debugOwner, duration, postAcceptSlopTolerance, supportedDevices) {
- var t1 = duration == null ? B.Duration_500000 : duration,
- t2 = type$.int,
- t3 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t2),
- t4 = A.long_press_LongPressGestureRecognizer__defaultButtonAcceptBehavior$closure();
- return new A.LongPressGestureRecognizer(t1, postAcceptSlopTolerance, B.GestureRecognizerState_0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.GestureArenaEntry), t3, debugOwner, supportedDevices, t4, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.PointerDeviceKind));
- },
- LongPressGestureRecognizer__defaultButtonAcceptBehavior(buttons) {
- return buttons === 1 || buttons === 2 || buttons === 4;
- },
- LongPressStartDetails: function LongPressStartDetails(t0, t1) {
- this.globalPosition = t0;
- this.localPosition = t1;
- },
- LongPressMoveUpdateDetails: function LongPressMoveUpdateDetails(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.globalPosition = t0;
- this.localPosition = t1;
- this.offsetFromOrigin = t2;
- },
- LongPressEndDetails: function LongPressEndDetails(t0, t1) {
- this.localPosition = t0;
- this.velocity = t1;
- },
- LongPressGestureRecognizer: function LongPressGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _._longPressAccepted = false;
- _._velocityTracker = _.onTertiaryLongPressEnd = _.onTertiaryLongPressUp = _.onTertiaryLongPressMoveUpdate = _.onTertiaryLongPressStart = _.onTertiaryLongPress = _.onTertiaryLongPressCancel = _.onTertiaryLongPressDown = _.onSecondaryLongPressEnd = _.onSecondaryLongPressUp = _.onSecondaryLongPressMoveUpdate = _.onSecondaryLongPressStart = _.onSecondaryLongPress = _.onSecondaryLongPressCancel = _.onSecondaryLongPressDown = _.onLongPressEnd = _.onLongPressUp = _.onLongPressMoveUpdate = _.onLongPressStart = _.onLongPress = _.onLongPressCancel = _.onLongPressDown = _._long_press$_initialButtons = _._longPressOrigin = null;
- _.deadline = t0;
- _.postAcceptSlopTolerance = t1;
- _._recognizer$_state = t2;
- _._initialPosition = _._primaryPointer = null;
- _._gestureAccepted = false;
- _._recognizer$_timer = null;
- _._recognizer$_entries = t3;
- _._trackedPointers = t4;
- _._team = null;
- _.debugOwner = t5;
- _.gestureSettings = null;
- _.supportedDevices = t6;
- _._allowedButtonsFilter = t7;
- _._pointerToKind = t8;
- },
- LongPressGestureRecognizer__checkLongPressStart_closure: function LongPressGestureRecognizer__checkLongPressStart_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.details = t1;
- },
- LongPressGestureRecognizer__checkLongPressMoveUpdate_closure: function LongPressGestureRecognizer__checkLongPressMoveUpdate_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.details = t1;
- },
- LongPressGestureRecognizer__checkLongPressEnd_closure: function LongPressGestureRecognizer__checkLongPressEnd_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.details = t1;
- },
- _Vector: function _Vector(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._lsq_solver$_offset = t0;
- this._lsq_solver$_length = t1;
- this._lsq_solver$_elements = t2;
- },
- _Matrix: function _Matrix(t0, t1) {
- this._lsq_solver$_columns = t0;
- this._lsq_solver$_elements = t1;
- },
- PolynomialFit: function PolynomialFit(t0) {
- this.coefficients = t0;
- this.__PolynomialFit_confidence_A = $;
- },
- PolynomialFit_toString_closure: function PolynomialFit_toString_closure() {
- },
- LeastSquaresSolver: function LeastSquaresSolver(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.x = t0;
- this.y = t1;
- this.w = t2;
- },
- DragGestureRecognizer__defaultBuilder($event) {
- return new A.VelocityTracker($event.get$kind($event), A.List_List$filled(20, null, false, type$.nullable__PointAtTime));
- },
- DragGestureRecognizer__defaultButtonAcceptBehavior(buttons) {
- return buttons === 1;
- },
- VerticalDragGestureRecognizer$(debugOwner, supportedDevices) {
- var t1 = type$.int,
- t2 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t1),
- t3 = A.monodrag_DragGestureRecognizer__defaultButtonAcceptBehavior$closure();
- return new A.VerticalDragGestureRecognizer(B.DragStartBehavior_1, A.monodrag_DragGestureRecognizer__defaultBuilder$closure(), B._DragState_0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.VelocityTracker), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.GestureArenaEntry), t2, debugOwner, supportedDevices, t3, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind));
- },
- HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer$(debugOwner, supportedDevices) {
- var t1 = type$.int,
- t2 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t1),
- t3 = A.monodrag_DragGestureRecognizer__defaultButtonAcceptBehavior$closure();
- return new A.HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer(B.DragStartBehavior_1, A.monodrag_DragGestureRecognizer__defaultBuilder$closure(), B._DragState_0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.VelocityTracker), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.GestureArenaEntry), t2, debugOwner, supportedDevices, t3, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind));
- },
- PanGestureRecognizer$(debugOwner, supportedDevices) {
- var t1 = type$.int,
- t2 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t1),
- t3 = A.monodrag_DragGestureRecognizer__defaultButtonAcceptBehavior$closure();
- return new A.PanGestureRecognizer(B.DragStartBehavior_1, A.monodrag_DragGestureRecognizer__defaultBuilder$closure(), B._DragState_0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.VelocityTracker), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.GestureArenaEntry), t2, debugOwner, supportedDevices, t3, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind));
- },
- _DragState: function _DragState(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- DragGestureRecognizer: function DragGestureRecognizer() {
- },
- DragGestureRecognizer__checkDown_closure: function DragGestureRecognizer__checkDown_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.details = t1;
- },
- DragGestureRecognizer__checkStart_closure: function DragGestureRecognizer__checkStart_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.details = t1;
- },
- DragGestureRecognizer__checkUpdate_closure: function DragGestureRecognizer__checkUpdate_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.details = t1;
- },
- DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure: function DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure() {
- },
- DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure0: function DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.estimate = t1;
- },
- DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure1: function DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure1(t0) {
- this.estimate = t0;
- },
- DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure2: function DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure2(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- VerticalDragGestureRecognizer: function VerticalDragGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t0;
- _.maxFlingVelocity = _.minFlingVelocity = _.minFlingDistance = _.onCancel = _.onEnd = _.onUpdate = _.onStart = _.onDown = null;
- _.velocityTrackerBuilder = t1;
- _._monodrag$_state = t2;
- _.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset_A = _.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition_A = $;
- _._lastTransform = _._initialButtons = _._lastPendingEventTimestamp = null;
- _.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved_A = $;
- _._velocityTrackers = t3;
- _._acceptedActivePointers = t4;
- _._recognizer$_entries = t5;
- _._trackedPointers = t6;
- _._team = null;
- _.debugOwner = t7;
- _.gestureSettings = null;
- _.supportedDevices = t8;
- _._allowedButtonsFilter = t9;
- _._pointerToKind = t10;
- },
- HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer: function HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t0;
- _.maxFlingVelocity = _.minFlingVelocity = _.minFlingDistance = _.onCancel = _.onEnd = _.onUpdate = _.onStart = _.onDown = null;
- _.velocityTrackerBuilder = t1;
- _._monodrag$_state = t2;
- _.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset_A = _.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition_A = $;
- _._lastTransform = _._initialButtons = _._lastPendingEventTimestamp = null;
- _.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved_A = $;
- _._velocityTrackers = t3;
- _._acceptedActivePointers = t4;
- _._recognizer$_entries = t5;
- _._trackedPointers = t6;
- _._team = null;
- _.debugOwner = t7;
- _.gestureSettings = null;
- _.supportedDevices = t8;
- _._allowedButtonsFilter = t9;
- _._pointerToKind = t10;
- },
- PanGestureRecognizer: function PanGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t0;
- _.maxFlingVelocity = _.minFlingVelocity = _.minFlingDistance = _.onCancel = _.onEnd = _.onUpdate = _.onStart = _.onDown = null;
- _.velocityTrackerBuilder = t1;
- _._monodrag$_state = t2;
- _.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset_A = _.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition_A = $;
- _._lastTransform = _._initialButtons = _._lastPendingEventTimestamp = null;
- _.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved_A = $;
- _._velocityTrackers = t3;
- _._acceptedActivePointers = t4;
- _._recognizer$_entries = t5;
- _._trackedPointers = t6;
- _._team = null;
- _.debugOwner = t7;
- _.gestureSettings = null;
- _.supportedDevices = t8;
- _._allowedButtonsFilter = t9;
- _._pointerToKind = t10;
- },
- MultiDragGestureRecognizer__defaultButtonAcceptBehavior(buttons) {
- return buttons === 1;
- },
- ImmediateMultiDragGestureRecognizer$(allowedButtonsFilter, debugOwner) {
- var t1 = type$.int,
- t2 = A.multidrag_MultiDragGestureRecognizer__defaultButtonAcceptBehavior$closure();
- return new A.ImmediateMultiDragGestureRecognizer(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.MultiDragPointerState), debugOwner, null, t2, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind));
- },
- MultiDragPointerState: function MultiDragPointerState() {
- },
- MultiDragGestureRecognizer: function MultiDragGestureRecognizer() {
- },
- MultiDragGestureRecognizer_acceptGesture_closure: function MultiDragGestureRecognizer_acceptGesture_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.pointer = t1;
- },
- MultiDragGestureRecognizer__startDrag_closure: function MultiDragGestureRecognizer__startDrag_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.initialPosition = t1;
- },
- _ImmediatePointerState: function _ImmediatePointerState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.gestureSettings = t0;
- _.initialPosition = t1;
- _._multidrag$_velocityTracker = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _._multidrag$_client = null;
- _._pendingDelta = t4;
- _._arenaEntry = _._multidrag$_lastPendingEventTimestamp = null;
- },
- ImmediateMultiDragGestureRecognizer: function ImmediateMultiDragGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onStart = null;
- _._multidrag$_pointers = t0;
- _.debugOwner = t1;
- _.gestureSettings = null;
- _.supportedDevices = t2;
- _._allowedButtonsFilter = t3;
- _._pointerToKind = t4;
- },
- _HorizontalPointerState: function _HorizontalPointerState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.gestureSettings = t0;
- _.initialPosition = t1;
- _._multidrag$_velocityTracker = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _._multidrag$_client = null;
- _._pendingDelta = t4;
- _._arenaEntry = _._multidrag$_lastPendingEventTimestamp = null;
- },
- HorizontalMultiDragGestureRecognizer: function HorizontalMultiDragGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onStart = null;
- _._multidrag$_pointers = t0;
- _.debugOwner = t1;
- _.gestureSettings = null;
- _.supportedDevices = t2;
- _._allowedButtonsFilter = t3;
- _._pointerToKind = t4;
- },
- _VerticalPointerState: function _VerticalPointerState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.gestureSettings = t0;
- _.initialPosition = t1;
- _._multidrag$_velocityTracker = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _._multidrag$_client = null;
- _._pendingDelta = t4;
- _._arenaEntry = _._multidrag$_lastPendingEventTimestamp = null;
- },
- VerticalMultiDragGestureRecognizer: function VerticalMultiDragGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onStart = null;
- _._multidrag$_pointers = t0;
- _.debugOwner = t1;
- _.gestureSettings = null;
- _.supportedDevices = t2;
- _._allowedButtonsFilter = t3;
- _._pointerToKind = t4;
- },
- DoubleTapGestureRecognizer__defaultButtonAcceptBehavior(buttons) {
- return buttons === 1;
- },
- _CountdownZoned: function _CountdownZoned() {
- this._timeout = false;
- },
- _TapTracker: function _TapTracker(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.pointer = t0;
- _.entry = t1;
- _._initialGlobalPosition = t2;
- _.initialButtons = t3;
- _._doubleTapMinTimeCountdown = t4;
- _._isTrackingPointer = false;
- },
- DoubleTapGestureRecognizer: function DoubleTapGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._firstTap = _._doubleTapTimer = _.onDoubleTapCancel = _.onDoubleTap = _.onDoubleTapDown = null;
- _._trackers = t0;
- _.debugOwner = t1;
- _.gestureSettings = null;
- _.supportedDevices = t2;
- _._allowedButtonsFilter = t3;
- _._pointerToKind = t4;
- },
- PointerRouter: function PointerRouter(t0, t1) {
- this._routeMap = t0;
- this._globalRoutes = t1;
- },
- PointerRouter_addRoute_closure: function PointerRouter_addRoute_closure() {
- },
- PointerRouter__dispatchEventToRoutes_closure: function PointerRouter__dispatchEventToRoutes_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.referenceRoutes = t1;
- this.event = t2;
- },
- PointerSignalResolver: function PointerSignalResolver() {
- this._currentEvent = this._firstRegisteredCallback = null;
- },
- GestureRecognizer__defaultButtonAcceptBehavior(buttons) {
- return true;
- },
- DragStartBehavior: function DragStartBehavior(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- GestureRecognizer: function GestureRecognizer() {
- },
- OneSequenceGestureRecognizer: function OneSequenceGestureRecognizer() {
- },
- GestureRecognizerState: function GestureRecognizerState(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer: function PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer() {
- },
- PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer_addAllowedPointer_closure: function PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer_addAllowedPointer_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.event = t1;
- },
- OffsetPair: function OffsetPair(t0, t1) {
- this.local = t0;
- this.global = t1;
- },
- _GestureRecognizer_GestureArenaMember_DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function _GestureRecognizer_GestureArenaMember_DiagnosticableTreeMixin() {
- },
- TapGestureRecognizer$(debugOwner, supportedDevices) {
- var t1 = type$.int,
- t2 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t1);
- return new A.TapGestureRecognizer(B.Duration_100000, 18, B.GestureRecognizerState_0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.GestureArenaEntry), t2, debugOwner, supportedDevices, A.recognizer_GestureRecognizer__defaultButtonAcceptBehavior$closure(), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind));
- },
- TapDownDetails: function TapDownDetails(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.globalPosition = t0;
- this.kind = t1;
- this.localPosition = t2;
- },
- TapUpDetails: function TapUpDetails(t0, t1) {
- this.globalPosition = t0;
- this.localPosition = t1;
- },
- BaseTapGestureRecognizer: function BaseTapGestureRecognizer() {
- },
- TapGestureRecognizer: function TapGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onTertiaryTapCancel = _.onTertiaryTapUp = _.onTertiaryTapDown = _.onSecondaryTapCancel = _.onSecondaryTapUp = _.onSecondaryTapDown = _.onSecondaryTap = _.onTapCancel = _.onTap = _.onTapUp = _.onTapDown = null;
- _._wonArenaForPrimaryPointer = _._sentTapDown = false;
- _._up = _._down = null;
- _.deadline = t0;
- _.postAcceptSlopTolerance = t1;
- _._recognizer$_state = t2;
- _._initialPosition = _._primaryPointer = null;
- _._gestureAccepted = false;
- _._recognizer$_timer = null;
- _._recognizer$_entries = t3;
- _._trackedPointers = t4;
- _._team = null;
- _.debugOwner = t5;
- _.gestureSettings = null;
- _.supportedDevices = t6;
- _._allowedButtonsFilter = t7;
- _._pointerToKind = t8;
- },
- TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapDown_closure: function TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapDown_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.details = t1;
- },
- TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapDown_closure0: function TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapDown_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.details = t1;
- },
- TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapUp_closure: function TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapUp_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.details = t1;
- },
- TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapUp_closure0: function TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapUp_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.details = t1;
- },
- TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapUp_closure1: function TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapUp_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CombiningGestureArenaEntry: function _CombiningGestureArenaEntry(t0, t1) {
- this._combiner = t0;
- this._team$_member = t1;
- },
- _CombiningGestureArenaMember: function _CombiningGestureArenaMember(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._team$_owner = t0;
- _._members = t1;
- _._team$_pointer = t2;
- _._resolved = false;
- _._entry = _._winner = null;
- },
- GestureArenaTeam: function GestureArenaTeam(t0) {
- this._combiners = t0;
- this.captain = null;
- },
- GestureArenaTeam_add_closure: function GestureArenaTeam_add_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.pointer = t1;
- },
- IOSScrollViewFlingVelocityTracker$(kind) {
- var t1 = type$.nullable__PointAtTime;
- return new A.IOSScrollViewFlingVelocityTracker(A.List_List$filled(20, null, false, t1), kind, A.List_List$filled(20, null, false, t1));
- },
- Velocity: function Velocity(t0) {
- this.pixelsPerSecond = t0;
- },
- VelocityEstimate: function VelocityEstimate(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.pixelsPerSecond = t0;
- _.confidence = t1;
- _.duration = t2;
- _.offset = t3;
- },
- _PointAtTime: function _PointAtTime(t0, t1) {
- this.time = t0;
- this.point = t1;
- },
- VelocityTracker: function VelocityTracker(t0, t1) {
- this.kind = t0;
- this._samples = t1;
- this._velocity_tracker$_index = 0;
- },
- IOSScrollViewFlingVelocityTracker: function IOSScrollViewFlingVelocityTracker(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._touchSamples = t0;
- _.kind = t1;
- _._samples = t2;
- _._velocity_tracker$_index = 0;
- },
- MacOSScrollViewFlingVelocityTracker: function MacOSScrollViewFlingVelocityTracker(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._touchSamples = t0;
- _.kind = t1;
- _._samples = t2;
- _._velocity_tracker$_index = 0;
- },
- _ActionButton: function _ActionButton() {
- },
- _ActionButton_build_closure: function _ActionButton_build_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.context = t1;
- },
- _ActionIcon: function _ActionIcon(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.iconBuilderCallback = t0;
- _.getIcon = t1;
- _.getAndroidSemanticsLabel = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- BackButtonIcon: function BackButtonIcon(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- BackButtonIcon_build_closure: function BackButtonIcon_build_closure() {
- },
- BackButtonIcon_build_closure0: function BackButtonIcon_build_closure0() {
- },
- BackButtonIcon_build_closure1: function BackButtonIcon_build_closure1() {
- },
- BackButton: function BackButton(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.icon = t0;
- _.onPressed = t1;
- _.style = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- DrawerButtonIcon: function DrawerButtonIcon(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- DrawerButtonIcon_build_closure: function DrawerButtonIcon_build_closure() {
- },
- DrawerButtonIcon_build_closure0: function DrawerButtonIcon_build_closure0() {
- },
- DrawerButtonIcon_build_closure1: function DrawerButtonIcon_build_closure1() {
- },
- DrawerButton: function DrawerButton(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.icon = t0;
- _.onPressed = t1;
- _.style = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- EndDrawerButtonIcon: function EndDrawerButtonIcon(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- EndDrawerButtonIcon_build_closure: function EndDrawerButtonIcon_build_closure() {
- },
- EndDrawerButtonIcon_build_closure0: function EndDrawerButtonIcon_build_closure0() {
- },
- EndDrawerButtonIcon_build_closure1: function EndDrawerButtonIcon_build_closure1() {
- },
- EndDrawerButton: function EndDrawerButton(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.icon = t0;
- _.onPressed = t1;
- _.style = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- ActionIconThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, _null = null,
- t1 = a == null;
- if (t1 && b == null)
- return _null;
- t2 = t < 0.5;
- if (t2)
- t3 = t1 ? _null : a.backButtonIconBuilder;
- else
- t3 = b == null ? _null : b.backButtonIconBuilder;
- if (t2)
- t4 = t1 ? _null : a.closeButtonIconBuilder;
- else
- t4 = b == null ? _null : b.closeButtonIconBuilder;
- if (t2)
- t5 = t1 ? _null : a.drawerButtonIconBuilder;
- else
- t5 = b == null ? _null : b.drawerButtonIconBuilder;
- if (t2)
- t1 = t1 ? _null : a.endDrawerButtonIconBuilder;
- else
- t1 = b == null ? _null : b.endDrawerButtonIconBuilder;
- return new A.ActionIconThemeData(t3, t4, t5, t1);
- },
- ActionIconThemeData: function ActionIconThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backButtonIconBuilder = t0;
- _.closeButtonIconBuilder = t1;
- _.drawerButtonIconBuilder = t2;
- _.endDrawerButtonIconBuilder = t3;
- },
- _ActionIconThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ActionIconThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar$editableText(editableTextState) {
- return new A.AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar(editableTextState.get$contextMenuButtonItems(), editableTextState.get$contextMenuAnchors(), null);
- },
- AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getButtonLabel(context, buttonItem) {
- var t1 = buttonItem.label;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1;
- switch (A.Theme_of(context).platform.index) {
- case 2:
- case 4:
- return A.CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarButton_getButtonLabel(context, buttonItem);
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- switch (buttonItem.type.index) {
- case 0:
- return "Cut";
- case 1:
- return "Copy";
- case 2:
- return "Paste";
- case 3:
- return "Select all";
- case 4:
- return "Delete".toUpperCase();
- case 5:
- return "";
- }
- break;
- }
- },
- AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getAdaptiveButtons(context, buttonItems) {
- var buttons, i, t1, buttonItem, position, t2, _null = null;
- switch (A.Theme_of(context).platform.index) {
- case 2:
- return new A.MappedListIterable(buttonItems, new A.AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getAdaptiveButtons_closure(context), A._arrayInstanceType(buttonItems)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Widget>"));
- case 1:
- case 0:
- buttons = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- for (i = 0; t1 = buttonItems.length, i < t1; ++i) {
- buttonItem = buttonItems[i];
- position = A.TextSelectionToolbarTextButton__getPosition(i, t1);
- t1 = A.TextSelectionToolbarTextButton__getLeftPadding(position);
- t2 = A.TextSelectionToolbarTextButton__getRightPadding(position);
- buttons.push(new A.TextSelectionToolbarTextButton(new A.Text(A.AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getButtonLabel(context, buttonItem), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), buttonItem.onPressed, new A.EdgeInsets(t1, 0, t2, 0), _null, _null));
- }
- return buttons;
- case 3:
- case 5:
- return new A.MappedListIterable(buttonItems, new A.AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getAdaptiveButtons_closure0(context), A._arrayInstanceType(buttonItems)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Widget>"));
- case 4:
- return new A.MappedListIterable(buttonItems, new A.AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getAdaptiveButtons_closure1(context), A._arrayInstanceType(buttonItems)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Widget>"));
- }
- },
- AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar: function AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.buttonItems = t0;
- this.anchors = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getAdaptiveButtons_closure: function AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getAdaptiveButtons_closure(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getAdaptiveButtons_closure0: function AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getAdaptiveButtons_closure0(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getAdaptiveButtons_closure1: function AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getAdaptiveButtons_closure1(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- MaterialApp_createMaterialHeroController() {
- return new A.HeroController(new A.MaterialApp_createMaterialHeroController_closure(), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Object, type$._HeroFlight));
- },
- ThemeMode: function ThemeMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- MaterialApp: function MaterialApp(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.routes = t0;
- _.initialRoute = t1;
- _.title = t2;
- _.theme = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- MaterialApp_createMaterialHeroController_closure: function MaterialApp_createMaterialHeroController_closure() {
- },
- MaterialScrollBehavior: function MaterialScrollBehavior() {
- },
- _MaterialAppState: function _MaterialAppState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___MaterialAppState__heroController_A = $;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _MaterialAppState__buildWidgetApp_closure: function _MaterialAppState__buildWidgetApp_closure() {
- },
- _MaterialAppState_build_closure: function _MaterialAppState_build_closure() {
- },
- AppBar$(actions, automaticallyImplyLeading, backgroundColor, bottom, centerTitle, elevation, leading, title, titleSpacing) {
- var t1 = bottom == null ? null : bottom.preferredSize._dy;
- return new A.AppBar(leading, true, title, actions, bottom, elevation, backgroundColor, false, titleSpacing, new A._PreferredAppBarSize(null, t1, 1 / 0, 56 + (t1 == null ? 0 : t1)), null);
- },
- AppBar_preferredHeightFor(context, preferredSize) {
- return preferredSize._dy;
- },
- _ToolbarContainerLayout: function _ToolbarContainerLayout(t0) {
- this.toolbarHeight = t0;
- },
- _PreferredAppBarSize: function _PreferredAppBarSize(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.toolbarHeight = t0;
- _.bottomHeight = t1;
- _._dx = t2;
- _._dy = t3;
- },
- AppBar: function AppBar(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.leading = t0;
- _.automaticallyImplyLeading = t1;
- _.title = t2;
- _.actions = t3;
- _.bottom = t4;
- _.elevation = t5;
- _.backgroundColor = t6;
- _.centerTitle = t7;
- _.titleSpacing = t8;
- _.preferredSize = t9;
- _.key = t10;
- },
- _AppBarState: function _AppBarState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._scrollNotificationObserver = null;
- _._scrolledUnder = false;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _AppBarState__handleScrollNotification_closure: function _AppBarState__handleScrollNotification_closure() {
- },
- _AppBarTitleBox: function _AppBarTitleBox(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- _RenderAppBarTitleBox: function _RenderAppBarTitleBox(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._resolvedAlignment = null;
- _._alignment = t0;
- _._shifted_box$_textDirection = t1;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _AppBarDefaultsM2: function _AppBarDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___AppBarDefaultsM2__colors_FI = _.___AppBarDefaultsM2__theme_FI = $;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.foregroundColor = t2;
- _.elevation = t3;
- _.scrolledUnderElevation = t4;
- _.shadowColor = t5;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t6;
- _.shape = t7;
- _.iconTheme = t8;
- _.actionsIconTheme = t9;
- _.centerTitle = t10;
- _.titleSpacing = t11;
- _.toolbarHeight = t12;
- _.toolbarTextStyle = t13;
- _.titleTextStyle = t14;
- _.systemOverlayStyle = t15;
- },
- _AppBarDefaultsM3: function _AppBarDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___AppBarDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = _.___AppBarDefaultsM3__colors_FI = _.___AppBarDefaultsM3__theme_FI = $;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.foregroundColor = t2;
- _.elevation = t3;
- _.scrolledUnderElevation = t4;
- _.shadowColor = t5;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t6;
- _.shape = t7;
- _.iconTheme = t8;
- _.actionsIconTheme = t9;
- _.centerTitle = t10;
- _.titleSpacing = t11;
- _.toolbarHeight = t12;
- _.toolbarTextStyle = t13;
- _.titleTextStyle = t14;
- _.systemOverlayStyle = t15;
- },
- AppBarTheme$(actionsIconTheme, backgroundColor, centerTitle, elevation, foregroundColor, iconTheme, scrolledUnderElevation, shadowColor, shape, surfaceTintColor, systemOverlayStyle, titleSpacing, titleTextStyle, toolbarHeight, toolbarTextStyle) {
- return new A.AppBarTheme(backgroundColor == null ? null : backgroundColor, foregroundColor, elevation, scrolledUnderElevation, shadowColor, surfaceTintColor, shape, iconTheme, actionsIconTheme, centerTitle, titleSpacing, toolbarHeight, toolbarTextStyle, titleTextStyle, systemOverlayStyle);
- },
- AppBarTheme_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.foregroundColor, b.foregroundColor, t);
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t4 = A.lerpDouble(a.scrolledUnderElevation, b.scrolledUnderElevation, t);
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.shadowColor, b.shadowColor, t);
- t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.surfaceTintColor, b.surfaceTintColor, t);
- t7 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t);
- t8 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(a.iconTheme, b.iconTheme, t);
- t9 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(a.actionsIconTheme, b.actionsIconTheme, t);
- t10 = t < 0.5;
- if (t10)
- t11 = a.centerTitle;
- else
- t11 = b.centerTitle;
- t12 = A.lerpDouble(a.titleSpacing, b.titleSpacing, t);
- t13 = A.lerpDouble(a.toolbarHeight, b.toolbarHeight, t);
- t14 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.toolbarTextStyle, b.toolbarTextStyle, t);
- t15 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.titleTextStyle, b.titleTextStyle, t);
- if (t10)
- t10 = a.systemOverlayStyle;
- else
- t10 = b.systemOverlayStyle;
- return A.AppBarTheme$(t9, t1, t11, t3, t2, t8, t4, t5, t7, t6, t10, t12, t15, t13, t14);
- },
- AppBarTheme: function AppBarTheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.foregroundColor = t1;
- _.elevation = t2;
- _.scrolledUnderElevation = t3;
- _.shadowColor = t4;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t5;
- _.shape = t6;
- _.iconTheme = t7;
- _.actionsIconTheme = t8;
- _.centerTitle = t9;
- _.titleSpacing = t10;
- _.toolbarHeight = t11;
- _.toolbarTextStyle = t12;
- _.titleTextStyle = t13;
- _.systemOverlayStyle = t14;
- },
- _AppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _AppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _maxBy(input, keyFunc) {
- var maxKey, _i, value, key,
- maxValue = A._Cell$named("maxValue");
- for (maxKey = null, _i = 0; _i < 4; ++_i) {
- value = input[_i];
- key = keyFunc.call$1(value);
- if (maxKey == null || key > maxKey) {
- maxValue.__late_helper$_value = value;
- maxKey = key;
- }
- }
- return maxValue._readLocal$0();
- },
- MaterialPointArcTween: function MaterialPointArcTween(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._arc$_dirty = true;
- _._endAngle = _._beginAngle = _._arc$_radius = _._arc$_center = null;
- _.begin = t0;
- _.end = t1;
- },
- MaterialPointArcTween__initialize_sweepAngle: function MaterialPointArcTween__initialize_sweepAngle(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.distanceFromAtoB = t1;
- },
- _CornerId: function _CornerId(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _Diagonal: function _Diagonal(t0, t1) {
- this.beginId = t0;
- this.endId = t1;
- },
- MaterialRectArcTween: function MaterialRectArcTween(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._arc$_dirty = true;
- _.__MaterialRectArcTween__endArc_A = _.__MaterialRectArcTween__beginArc_A = $;
- _.begin = t0;
- _.end = t1;
- },
- MaterialRectArcTween__initialize_closure: function MaterialRectArcTween__initialize_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.centersVector = t1;
- },
- BadgeThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.textColor, b.textColor, t);
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.smallSize, b.smallSize, t);
- t4 = A.lerpDouble(a.largeSize, b.largeSize, t);
- t5 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.textStyle, b.textStyle, t);
- t6 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.padding, b.padding, t);
- t7 = A.AlignmentGeometry_lerp(a.alignment, b.alignment, t);
- return new A.BadgeThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, A.Offset_lerp(a.offset, b.offset, t));
- },
- BadgeThemeData: function BadgeThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.textColor = t1;
- _.smallSize = t2;
- _.largeSize = t3;
- _.textStyle = t4;
- _.padding = t5;
- _.alignment = t6;
- _.offset = t7;
- },
- _BadgeThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _BadgeThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- MaterialBannerThemeData: function MaterialBannerThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t1;
- _.shadowColor = t2;
- _.dividerColor = t3;
- _.contentTextStyle = t4;
- _.elevation = t5;
- _.padding = t6;
- _.leadingPadding = t7;
- },
- _MaterialBannerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _MaterialBannerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- BottomAppBarTheme_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t);
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- if (t < 0.5)
- t3 = a.shape;
- else
- t3 = b.shape;
- t4 = A.lerpDouble(a.height, b.height, t);
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.surfaceTintColor, b.surfaceTintColor, t);
- t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.shadowColor, b.shadowColor, t);
- return new A.BottomAppBarTheme(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.padding, b.padding, t));
- },
- BottomAppBarTheme: function BottomAppBarTheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.color = t0;
- _.elevation = t1;
- _.shape = t2;
- _.height = t3;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t4;
- _.shadowColor = t5;
- _.padding = t6;
- },
- _BottomAppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _BottomAppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- BottomNavigationBarThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t3 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(a.selectedIconTheme, b.selectedIconTheme, t);
- t4 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(a.unselectedIconTheme, b.unselectedIconTheme, t);
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.selectedItemColor, b.selectedItemColor, t);
- t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.unselectedItemColor, b.unselectedItemColor, t);
- t7 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.selectedLabelStyle, b.selectedLabelStyle, t);
- t8 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.unselectedLabelStyle, b.unselectedLabelStyle, t);
- t9 = t < 0.5;
- if (t9)
- t10 = a.showSelectedLabels;
- else
- t10 = b.showSelectedLabels;
- if (t9)
- t11 = a.showUnselectedLabels;
- else
- t11 = b.showUnselectedLabels;
- if (t9)
- t12 = a.type;
- else
- t12 = b.type;
- if (t9)
- t13 = a.enableFeedback;
- else
- t13 = b.enableFeedback;
- if (t9)
- t14 = a.landscapeLayout;
- else
- t14 = b.landscapeLayout;
- if (t9)
- t9 = a.mouseCursor;
- else
- t9 = b.mouseCursor;
- return new A.BottomNavigationBarThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t9);
- },
- BottomNavigationBarThemeData: function BottomNavigationBarThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.elevation = t1;
- _.selectedIconTheme = t2;
- _.unselectedIconTheme = t3;
- _.selectedItemColor = t4;
- _.unselectedItemColor = t5;
- _.selectedLabelStyle = t6;
- _.unselectedLabelStyle = t7;
- _.showSelectedLabels = t8;
- _.showUnselectedLabels = t9;
- _.type = t10;
- _.enableFeedback = t11;
- _.landscapeLayout = t12;
- _.mouseCursor = t13;
- },
- _BottomNavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _BottomNavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- BottomSheetThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.surfaceTintColor, b.surfaceTintColor, t);
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.modalBackgroundColor, b.modalBackgroundColor, t);
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.modalBarrierColor, b.modalBarrierColor, t);
- t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.shadowColor, b.shadowColor, t);
- t7 = A.lerpDouble(a.modalElevation, b.modalElevation, t);
- t8 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t);
- t9 = t < 0.5;
- if (t9)
- t10 = a.showDragHandle;
- else
- t10 = b.showDragHandle;
- t11 = A.Color_lerp(a.dragHandleColor, b.dragHandleColor, t);
- t12 = A.Size_lerp(a.dragHandleSize, b.dragHandleSize, t);
- if (t9)
- t9 = a.clipBehavior;
- else
- t9 = b.clipBehavior;
- return new A.BottomSheetThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t10, t11, t12, t9, A.BoxConstraints_lerp(a.constraints, b.constraints, t));
- },
- BottomSheetThemeData: function BottomSheetThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t1;
- _.elevation = t2;
- _.modalBackgroundColor = t3;
- _.modalBarrierColor = t4;
- _.shadowColor = t5;
- _.modalElevation = t6;
- _.shape = t7;
- _.showDragHandle = t8;
- _.dragHandleColor = t9;
- _.dragHandleSize = t10;
- _.clipBehavior = t11;
- _.constraints = t12;
- },
- _BottomSheetThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _BottomSheetThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- RawMaterialButton$(animationDuration, autofocus, child, clipBehavior, constraints, disabledElevation, elevation, enableFeedback, fillColor, focusColor, focusElevation, focusNode, highlightColor, highlightElevation, hoverColor, hoverElevation, materialTapTargetSize, mouseCursor, onHighlightChanged, onLongPress, onPressed, padding, shape, splashColor, textStyle, visualDensity) {
- return new A.RawMaterialButton(onPressed, onLongPress, onHighlightChanged, mouseCursor, textStyle, fillColor, focusColor, hoverColor, highlightColor, splashColor, elevation, hoverElevation, focusElevation, highlightElevation, disabledElevation, padding, visualDensity, constraints, shape, animationDuration, child, materialTapTargetSize, focusNode, false, clipBehavior, true, null);
- },
- RawMaterialButton: function RawMaterialButton(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onPressed = t0;
- _.onLongPress = t1;
- _.onHighlightChanged = t2;
- _.mouseCursor = t3;
- _.textStyle = t4;
- _.fillColor = t5;
- _.focusColor = t6;
- _.hoverColor = t7;
- _.highlightColor = t8;
- _.splashColor = t9;
- _.elevation = t10;
- _.hoverElevation = t11;
- _.focusElevation = t12;
- _.highlightElevation = t13;
- _.disabledElevation = t14;
- _.padding = t15;
- _.visualDensity = t16;
- _.constraints = t17;
- _.shape = t18;
- _.animationDuration = t19;
- _.child = t20;
- _.materialTapTargetSize = t21;
- _.focusNode = t22;
- _.autofocus = t23;
- _.clipBehavior = t24;
- _.enableFeedback = t25;
- _.key = t26;
- },
- _RawMaterialButtonState: function _RawMaterialButtonState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates = t0;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _InputPadding: function _InputPadding(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.minSize = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _RenderInputPadding: function _RenderInputPadding(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._minSize = t0;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderInputPadding_hitTest_closure: function _RenderInputPadding_hitTest_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.center = t1;
- },
- __RawMaterialButtonState_State_MaterialStateMixin: function __RawMaterialButtonState_State_MaterialStateMixin() {
- },
- ButtonBarThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = t < 0.5;
- if (t1)
- t2 = a.alignment;
- else
- t2 = b.alignment;
- if (t1)
- t3 = a.mainAxisSize;
- else
- t3 = b.mainAxisSize;
- if (t1)
- t4 = a.buttonTextTheme;
- else
- t4 = b.buttonTextTheme;
- t5 = A.lerpDouble(a.buttonMinWidth, b.buttonMinWidth, t);
- t6 = A.lerpDouble(a.buttonHeight, b.buttonHeight, t);
- t7 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.buttonPadding, b.buttonPadding, t);
- if (t1)
- t8 = a.buttonAlignedDropdown;
- else
- t8 = b.buttonAlignedDropdown;
- if (t1)
- t9 = a.layoutBehavior;
- else
- t9 = b.layoutBehavior;
- if (t1)
- t1 = a.overflowDirection;
- else
- t1 = b.overflowDirection;
- return new A.ButtonBarThemeData(t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t1);
- },
- ButtonBarThemeData: function ButtonBarThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.alignment = t0;
- _.mainAxisSize = t1;
- _.buttonTextTheme = t2;
- _.buttonMinWidth = t3;
- _.buttonHeight = t4;
- _.buttonPadding = t5;
- _.buttonAlignedDropdown = t6;
- _.layoutBehavior = t7;
- _.overflowDirection = t8;
- },
- _ButtonBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ButtonBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- ButtonStyle$(alignment, animationDuration, backgroundColor, elevation, enableFeedback, fixedSize, foregroundColor, iconColor, iconSize, maximumSize, minimumSize, mouseCursor, overlayColor, padding, shadowColor, shape, side, splashFactory, surfaceTintColor, tapTargetSize, textStyle, visualDensity) {
- return new A.ButtonStyle(textStyle, backgroundColor, foregroundColor, overlayColor, shadowColor, surfaceTintColor, elevation, padding, minimumSize, fixedSize, maximumSize, iconColor, iconSize, side, shape, mouseCursor, visualDensity, tapTargetSize, animationDuration, enableFeedback, alignment, splashFactory);
- },
- ButtonStyle_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, _null = null;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- t1 = a == null;
- t2 = t1 ? _null : a.textStyle;
- t3 = b == null;
- t4 = t3 ? _null : b.textStyle;
- t4 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t2, t4, t, A.text_style_TextStyle_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_TextStyle);
- t2 = t1 ? _null : a.backgroundColor;
- t5 = t3 ? _null : b.backgroundColor;
- t6 = type$.nullable_Color;
- t5 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t2, t5, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t6);
- t2 = t1 ? _null : a.foregroundColor;
- t2 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t2, t3 ? _null : b.foregroundColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t6);
- t7 = t1 ? _null : a.overlayColor;
- t7 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t7, t3 ? _null : b.overlayColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t6);
- t8 = t1 ? _null : a.shadowColor;
- t8 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t8, t3 ? _null : b.shadowColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t6);
- t9 = t1 ? _null : a.surfaceTintColor;
- t9 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t9, t3 ? _null : b.surfaceTintColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t6);
- t10 = t1 ? _null : a.elevation;
- t11 = t3 ? _null : b.elevation;
- t12 = type$.nullable_double;
- t11 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t10, t11, t, A.ui__lerpDouble$closure(), t12);
- t10 = t1 ? _null : a.padding;
- t13 = t3 ? _null : b.padding;
- t13 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t10, t13, t, A.edge_insets_EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_EdgeInsetsGeometry);
- t10 = t1 ? _null : a.minimumSize;
- t14 = t3 ? _null : b.minimumSize;
- t15 = type$.nullable_Size;
- t14 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t10, t14, t, A.ui_Size_lerp$closure(), t15);
- t10 = t1 ? _null : a.fixedSize;
- t10 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t10, t3 ? _null : b.fixedSize, t, A.ui_Size_lerp$closure(), t15);
- t16 = t1 ? _null : a.maximumSize;
- t15 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t16, t3 ? _null : b.maximumSize, t, A.ui_Size_lerp$closure(), t15);
- t16 = t1 ? _null : a.iconColor;
- t6 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t16, t3 ? _null : b.iconColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t6);
- t16 = t1 ? _null : a.iconSize;
- t12 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t16, t3 ? _null : b.iconSize, t, A.ui__lerpDouble$closure(), t12);
- t16 = t1 ? _null : a.side;
- t16 = A.ButtonStyle__lerpSides(t16, t3 ? _null : b.side, t);
- t17 = t1 ? _null : a.shape;
- t18 = t3 ? _null : b.shape;
- t18 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t17, t18, t, A.borders_OutlinedBorder_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_OutlinedBorder);
- t17 = t < 0.5;
- if (t17)
- t19 = t1 ? _null : a.mouseCursor;
- else
- t19 = t3 ? _null : b.mouseCursor;
- if (t17)
- t20 = t1 ? _null : a.visualDensity;
- else
- t20 = t3 ? _null : b.visualDensity;
- if (t17)
- t21 = t1 ? _null : a.tapTargetSize;
- else
- t21 = t3 ? _null : b.tapTargetSize;
- if (t17)
- t22 = t1 ? _null : a.animationDuration;
- else
- t22 = t3 ? _null : b.animationDuration;
- if (t17)
- t23 = t1 ? _null : a.enableFeedback;
- else
- t23 = t3 ? _null : b.enableFeedback;
- t24 = t1 ? _null : a.alignment;
- t24 = A.AlignmentGeometry_lerp(t24, t3 ? _null : b.alignment, t);
- if (t17)
- t1 = t1 ? _null : a.splashFactory;
- else
- t1 = t3 ? _null : b.splashFactory;
- return A.ButtonStyle$(t24, t22, t5, t11, t23, t10, t2, t6, t12, t15, t14, t19, t7, t13, t8, t18, t16, t1, t9, t21, t4, t20);
- },
- ButtonStyle__lerpSides(a, b, t) {
- if (a == null && b == null)
- return null;
- return new A._LerpSides(a, b, t);
- },
- ButtonStyle: function ButtonStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21) {
- var _ = this;
- _.textStyle = t0;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.foregroundColor = t2;
- _.overlayColor = t3;
- _.shadowColor = t4;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t5;
- _.elevation = t6;
- _.padding = t7;
- _.minimumSize = t8;
- _.fixedSize = t9;
- _.maximumSize = t10;
- _.iconColor = t11;
- _.iconSize = t12;
- _.side = t13;
- _.shape = t14;
- _.mouseCursor = t15;
- _.visualDensity = t16;
- _.tapTargetSize = t17;
- _.animationDuration = t18;
- _.enableFeedback = t19;
- _.alignment = t20;
- _.splashFactory = t21;
- },
- _LerpSides: function _LerpSides(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.a = t0;
- this.b = t1;
- this.t = t2;
- },
- _ButtonStyle_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ButtonStyle_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- ButtonStyleButton_scaledPadding(geometry1x, geometry2x, geometry3x, textScaleFactor) {
- var t1;
- if (textScaleFactor <= 1)
- return geometry1x;
- else if (textScaleFactor >= 3)
- return geometry3x;
- else if (textScaleFactor <= 2) {
- t1 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(geometry1x, geometry2x, textScaleFactor - 1);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- t1 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(geometry2x, geometry3x, textScaleFactor - 2);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- ButtonStyleButton: function ButtonStyleButton() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState: function _ButtonStyleState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.internalStatesController = _.backgroundColor = _.elevation = _.controller = null;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t0;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_handleStatesControllerChange_closure: function _ButtonStyleState_handleStatesControllerChange_closure() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_effectiveValue: function _ButtonStyleState_build_effectiveValue(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.widgetStyle = t0;
- this.themeStyle = t1;
- this.defaultStyle = t2;
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_resolve: function _ButtonStyleState_build_resolve(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.effectiveValue = t1;
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_resolve_closure: function _ButtonStyleState_build_resolve_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.getProperty = t1;
- this.T = t2;
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure0: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure0() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure1: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure1() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure2: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure2() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure3: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure3() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure4: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure4() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure5: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure5() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure6: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure6() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure7: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure7() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure8: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure8() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure9: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure9() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure10: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure10() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure11: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure11() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure12: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure12() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure20: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure20(t0) {
- this.effectiveValue = t0;
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build__closure0: function _ButtonStyleState_build__closure0(t0) {
- this.states = t0;
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure21: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure21(t0) {
- this.effectiveValue = t0;
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build__closure: function _ButtonStyleState_build__closure(t0) {
- this.states = t0;
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure13: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure13() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure14: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure14() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure15: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure15() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure16: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure16() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure17: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure17() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure18: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure18() {
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build_closure19: function _ButtonStyleState_build_closure19(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ButtonStyleState_build__closure1: function _ButtonStyleState_build__closure1() {
- },
- _MouseCursor: function _MouseCursor(t0) {
- this.resolveCallback = t0;
- },
- _InputPadding0: function _InputPadding0(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.minSize = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _RenderInputPadding0: function _RenderInputPadding0(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._button_style_button$_minSize = t0;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderInputPadding_hitTest_closure0: function _RenderInputPadding_hitTest_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.center = t1;
- },
- __ButtonStyleState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __ButtonStyleState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- ButtonTheme_of(context) {
- var theme, buttonTheme, t1, t2, t3;
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.ButtonTheme);
- theme = A.Theme_of(context);
- buttonTheme = theme.buttonTheme;
- if (buttonTheme.colorScheme == null) {
- t1 = buttonTheme.colorScheme;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = theme.colorScheme;
- t2 = buttonTheme.get$padding(buttonTheme);
- t3 = buttonTheme.get$shape(buttonTheme);
- buttonTheme = A.ButtonThemeData$(false, buttonTheme._buttonColor, t1, buttonTheme._disabledColor, buttonTheme._focusColor, buttonTheme.height, buttonTheme._highlightColor, buttonTheme._hoverColor, buttonTheme.layoutBehavior, buttonTheme._materialTapTargetSize, buttonTheme.minWidth, t2, t3, buttonTheme._splashColor, buttonTheme.textTheme);
- }
- buttonTheme.toString;
- return buttonTheme;
- },
- ButtonThemeData$(alignedDropdown, buttonColor, colorScheme, disabledColor, focusColor, height, highlightColor, hoverColor, layoutBehavior, materialTapTargetSize, minWidth, padding, shape, splashColor, textTheme) {
- return new A.ButtonThemeData(minWidth, height, textTheme, layoutBehavior, padding, shape, false, buttonColor, disabledColor, focusColor, hoverColor, highlightColor, splashColor, colorScheme, materialTapTargetSize);
- },
- ButtonTextTheme: function ButtonTextTheme(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ButtonBarLayoutBehavior: function ButtonBarLayoutBehavior(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ButtonThemeData: function ButtonThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _.minWidth = t0;
- _.height = t1;
- _.textTheme = t2;
- _.layoutBehavior = t3;
- _._button_theme$_padding = t4;
- _._button_theme$_shape = t5;
- _.alignedDropdown = t6;
- _._buttonColor = t7;
- _._disabledColor = t8;
- _._focusColor = t9;
- _._hoverColor = t10;
- _._highlightColor = t11;
- _._splashColor = t12;
- _.colorScheme = t13;
- _._materialTapTargetSize = t14;
- },
- _ButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- CalendarDatePicker: function CalendarDatePicker(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.initialDate = t0;
- _.firstDate = t1;
- _.lastDate = t2;
- _.currentDate = t3;
- _.onDateChanged = t4;
- _.initialCalendarMode = t5;
- _.selectableDayPredicate = t6;
- _.key = t7;
- },
- _CalendarDatePickerState: function _CalendarDatePickerState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._announcedInitialDate = false;
- _.___CalendarDatePickerState__selectedDate_A = _.___CalendarDatePickerState__currentDisplayedMonthDate_A = _.___CalendarDatePickerState__mode_A = $;
- _._monthPickerKey = t0;
- _._yearPickerKey = t1;
- _.___CalendarDatePickerState__textDirection_A = _.___CalendarDatePickerState__localizations_A = $;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _CalendarDatePickerState__handleModeChanged_closure: function _CalendarDatePickerState__handleModeChanged_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.mode = t1;
- },
- _CalendarDatePickerState__handleMonthChanged_closure: function _CalendarDatePickerState__handleMonthChanged_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.date = t1;
- },
- _CalendarDatePickerState__handleYearChanged_closure: function _CalendarDatePickerState__handleYearChanged_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- _CalendarDatePickerState__handleDayChanged_closure: function _CalendarDatePickerState__handleDayChanged_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- },
- _CalendarDatePickerState_build_closure: function _CalendarDatePickerState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerModeToggleButton: function _DatePickerModeToggleButton(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.mode = t0;
- _.title = t1;
- _.onTitlePressed = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _DatePickerModeToggleButtonState: function _DatePickerModeToggleButtonState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___DatePickerModeToggleButtonState__controller_A = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _MonthPicker: function _MonthPicker(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.initialMonth = t0;
- _.currentDate = t1;
- _.firstDate = t2;
- _.lastDate = t3;
- _.selectedDate = t4;
- _.onChanged = t5;
- _.onDisplayedMonthChanged = t6;
- _.selectableDayPredicate = t7;
- _.key = t8;
- },
- _MonthPickerState: function _MonthPickerState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._pageViewKey = t0;
- _.___MonthPickerState__textDirection_A = _.___MonthPickerState__localizations_A = _.___MonthPickerState__pageController_A = _.___MonthPickerState__currentMonth_A = $;
- _._actionMap = _._shortcutMap = null;
- _.___MonthPickerState__dayGridFocus_A = $;
- _._widget = _._focusedDay = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _MonthPickerState_didUpdateWidget_closure: function _MonthPickerState_didUpdateWidget_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MonthPickerState__handleMonthPageChanged_closure: function _MonthPickerState__handleMonthPageChanged_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.monthPage = t1;
- },
- _MonthPickerState__handleGridFocusChange_closure: function _MonthPickerState__handleGridFocusChange_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.focused = t1;
- },
- _MonthPickerState__handleDirectionFocus_closure: function _MonthPickerState__handleDirectionFocus_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.intent = t1;
- },
- _FocusedDate: function _FocusedDate(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.date = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _DayPicker: function _DayPicker(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.selectedDate = t0;
- _.currentDate = t1;
- _.onChanged = t2;
- _.firstDate = t3;
- _.lastDate = t4;
- _.displayedMonth = t5;
- _.selectableDayPredicate = t6;
- _.key = t7;
- },
- _DayPickerState: function _DayPickerState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___DayPickerState__dayFocusNodes_A = $;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _DayPickerState_build_effectiveValue: function _DayPickerState_build_effectiveValue(t0, t1) {
- this.datePickerTheme = t0;
- this.defaults = t1;
- },
- _DayPickerState_build_resolve: function _DayPickerState_build_resolve(t0) {
- this.effectiveValue = t0;
- },
- _DayPickerState_build_resolve_closure: function _DayPickerState_build_resolve_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.getProperty = t0;
- this.states = t1;
- this.T = t2;
- },
- _DayPickerState_build_closure: function _DayPickerState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.isToday = t0;
- },
- _DayPickerState_build_closure0: function _DayPickerState_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.isToday = t0;
- },
- _DayPickerState_build_closure2: function _DayPickerState_build_closure2(t0) {
- this.effectiveValue = t0;
- },
- _DayPickerState_build__closure: function _DayPickerState_build__closure(t0) {
- this.states = t0;
- },
- _DayPickerState_build_closure1: function _DayPickerState_build_closure1(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dayToBuild = t1;
- },
- _DayPickerGridDelegate: function _DayPickerGridDelegate() {
- },
- YearPicker: function YearPicker(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.currentDate = t0;
- _.firstDate = t1;
- _.lastDate = t2;
- _.initialDate = t3;
- _.selectedDate = t4;
- _.onChanged = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- _YearPickerState: function _YearPickerState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___YearPickerState__scrollController_A = $;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _YearPickerState__buildYearItem_effectiveValue: function _YearPickerState__buildYearItem_effectiveValue(t0, t1) {
- this.datePickerTheme = t0;
- this.defaults = t1;
- },
- _YearPickerState__buildYearItem_resolve: function _YearPickerState__buildYearItem_resolve(t0) {
- this.effectiveValue = t0;
- },
- _YearPickerState__buildYearItem_resolve_closure: function _YearPickerState__buildYearItem_resolve_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.getProperty = t0;
- this.states = t1;
- this.T = t2;
- },
- _YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure: function _YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure(t0) {
- this.isCurrentYear = t0;
- },
- _YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure0: function _YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure0(t0) {
- this.isCurrentYear = t0;
- },
- _YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure2: function _YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure2(t0) {
- this.effectiveValue = t0;
- },
- _YearPickerState__buildYearItem__closure: function _YearPickerState__buildYearItem__closure(t0) {
- this.states = t0;
- },
- _YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure1: function _YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure1(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.year = t1;
- },
- _YearPickerGridDelegate: function _YearPickerGridDelegate() {
- },
- __DatePickerModeToggleButtonState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __DatePickerModeToggleButtonState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- Card$(child, clipBehavior, color, elevation, shape) {
- return new A.Card(color, elevation, shape, clipBehavior, child, null);
- },
- Card: function Card(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.color = t0;
- _.elevation = t1;
- _.shape = t2;
- _.clipBehavior = t3;
- _.child = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _CardDefaultsM2: function _CardDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.clipBehavior = t1;
- _.color = t2;
- _.shadowColor = t3;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t4;
- _.elevation = t5;
- _.margin = t6;
- _.shape = t7;
- },
- _CardDefaultsM3: function _CardDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___CardDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.clipBehavior = t1;
- _.color = t2;
- _.shadowColor = t3;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t4;
- _.elevation = t5;
- _.margin = t6;
- _.shape = t7;
- },
- CardTheme_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- if (t < 0.5)
- t1 = a.clipBehavior;
- else
- t1 = b.clipBehavior;
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t);
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.shadowColor, b.shadowColor, t);
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.surfaceTintColor, b.surfaceTintColor, t);
- t5 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t6 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.margin, b.margin, t);
- return new A.CardTheme(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t));
- },
- CardTheme: function CardTheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.clipBehavior = t0;
- _.color = t1;
- _.shadowColor = t2;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t3;
- _.elevation = t4;
- _.margin = t5;
- _.shape = t6;
- },
- _CardTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _CardTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- Checkbox$(focusNode, onChanged, shape, tristate, value) {
- return new A.Checkbox(value, onChanged, tristate, focusNode, shape, null);
- },
- _CheckboxType: function _CheckboxType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Checkbox: function Checkbox(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.value = t0;
- _.onChanged = t1;
- _.tristate = t2;
- _.focusNode = t3;
- _.shape = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _CheckboxState: function _CheckboxState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15) {
- var _ = this;
- _._checkbox$_painter = t0;
- _._previousValue = null;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A = t1;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__position_A = t2;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionController_A = t3;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reaction_A = t4;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFade_A = t5;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFadeController_A = t6;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFade_A = t7;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFadeController_A = t8;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__actionMap_FI = t9;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin__downPosition = t10;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin__focused = t11;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin__hovering = t12;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t13;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t14;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t15;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _CheckboxState__widgetFillColor_closure: function _CheckboxState__widgetFillColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CheckboxState_build_closure: function _CheckboxState_build_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.checkboxTheme = t1;
- },
- _CheckboxPainter: function _CheckboxPainter(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._toggleable$_isHovered = _._toggleable$_isFocused = _._downPosition = _._splashRadius = _._toggleable$_focusColor = _._toggleable$_hoverColor = _._reactionColor = _._inactiveReactionColor = _._inactiveColor = _._activeColor = _._reactionHoverFade = _._reactionFocusFade = _._reaction = _._toggleable$_position = _._side = _._checkbox$_shape = _._previousValue = _._checkbox$_value = _._checkColor = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _CheckboxDefaultsM2: function _CheckboxDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _._checkbox$_theme = t0;
- _._checkbox$_colors = t1;
- _.mouseCursor = t2;
- _.fillColor = t3;
- _.checkColor = t4;
- _.overlayColor = t5;
- _.splashRadius = t6;
- _.materialTapTargetSize = t7;
- _.visualDensity = t8;
- _.shape = t9;
- _.side = t10;
- },
- _CheckboxDefaultsM2_fillColor_closure: function _CheckboxDefaultsM2_fillColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CheckboxDefaultsM2_overlayColor_closure: function _CheckboxDefaultsM2_overlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CheckboxDefaultsM3: function _CheckboxDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _._checkbox$_theme = t0;
- _._checkbox$_colors = t1;
- _.mouseCursor = t2;
- _.fillColor = t3;
- _.checkColor = t4;
- _.overlayColor = t5;
- _.splashRadius = t6;
- _.materialTapTargetSize = t7;
- _.visualDensity = t8;
- _.shape = t9;
- _.side = t10;
- },
- _CheckboxDefaultsM3_fillColor_closure: function _CheckboxDefaultsM3_fillColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CheckboxDefaultsM3_checkColor_closure: function _CheckboxDefaultsM3_checkColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CheckboxDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure: function _CheckboxDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- __CheckboxState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __CheckboxState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- __CheckboxState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_ToggleableStateMixin: function __CheckboxState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_ToggleableStateMixin() {
- },
- CheckboxThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- t1 = t < 0.5;
- if (t1)
- t2 = a.mouseCursor;
- else
- t2 = b.mouseCursor;
- t3 = type$.nullable_Color;
- t4 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.fillColor, b.fillColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t3);
- t5 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.checkColor, b.checkColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t3);
- t3 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.overlayColor, b.overlayColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t3);
- t6 = A.lerpDouble(a.splashRadius, b.splashRadius, t);
- if (t1)
- t7 = a.materialTapTargetSize;
- else
- t7 = b.materialTapTargetSize;
- if (t1)
- t1 = a.visualDensity;
- else
- t1 = b.visualDensity;
- t8 = type$.nullable_OutlinedBorder._as(A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t));
- return new A.CheckboxThemeData(t2, t4, t5, t3, t6, t7, t1, t8, A.CheckboxThemeData__lerpSides(a.side, b.side, t));
- },
- CheckboxThemeData__lerpSides(a, b, t) {
- if (a == null || b == null)
- return null;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(a, b, t);
- },
- CheckboxThemeData: function CheckboxThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.mouseCursor = t0;
- _.fillColor = t1;
- _.checkColor = t2;
- _.overlayColor = t3;
- _.splashRadius = t4;
- _.materialTapTargetSize = t5;
- _.visualDensity = t6;
- _.shape = t7;
- _.side = t8;
- },
- CheckboxTheme: function CheckboxTheme(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.data = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _CheckboxThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _CheckboxThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- RawChip$(autofocus, avatar, avatarBorder, backgroundColor, clipBehavior, defaultProperties, deleteButtonTooltipMessage, deleteIcon, deleteIconColor, disabledColor, elevation, focusNode, iconTheme, isEnabled, label, labelPadding, labelStyle, materialTapTargetSize, onDeleted, onSelected, padding, pressElevation, selected, selectedColor, selectedShadowColor, shadowColor, shape, showCheckmark, side, surfaceTintColor, tapEnabled, tooltip, useDeleteButtonTooltip, visualDensity) {
- return new A.RawChip(defaultProperties, avatar, label, labelStyle, labelPadding, B.Icon_xk6, onDeleted, deleteIconColor, deleteButtonTooltipMessage, onSelected, pressElevation, selected, isEnabled, disabledColor, selectedColor, tooltip, side, shape, clipBehavior, focusNode, false, backgroundColor, padding, visualDensity, materialTapTargetSize, elevation, shadowColor, surfaceTintColor, iconTheme, selectedShadowColor, showCheckmark, avatarBorder, true, tapEnabled, null);
- },
- _RenderChip__boxRect(box) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- if (box == null)
- t1 = B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- else {
- t1 = box.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = type$.BoxParentData._as(t1).offset;
- t2 = box._size;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = t1._dx;
- t1 = t1._dy;
- t2 = new A.Rect(t3, t1, t3 + t2._dx, t1 + t2._dy);
- t1 = t2;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- _hitIsOnDeleteIcon(chipSize, deleteButtonSize, padding, tapPosition, textDirection) {
- var adjustedPosition, t2, accessibleDeleteButtonWidth,
- t1 = chipSize._dx - padding.get$horizontal();
- padding.get$_top(padding);
- padding.get$_bottom(padding);
- adjustedPosition = tapPosition.$sub(0, new A.Offset(padding.left, padding.top));
- t2 = deleteButtonSize._dx;
- accessibleDeleteButtonWidth = Math.min(t1 * 0.499, Math.max(t2, 24 + t2 / 2));
- switch (textDirection.index) {
- case 1:
- return adjustedPosition._dx >= t1 - accessibleDeleteButtonWidth;
- case 0:
- return adjustedPosition._dx <= accessibleDeleteButtonWidth;
- }
- },
- Chip: function Chip(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.avatar = t0;
- _.label = t1;
- _.side = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- RawChip: function RawChip(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34) {
- var _ = this;
- _.defaultProperties = t0;
- _.avatar = t1;
- _.label = t2;
- _.labelStyle = t3;
- _.labelPadding = t4;
- _.deleteIcon = t5;
- _.onDeleted = t6;
- _.deleteIconColor = t7;
- _.deleteButtonTooltipMessage = t8;
- _.onSelected = t9;
- _.pressElevation = t10;
- _.selected = t11;
- _.isEnabled = t12;
- _.disabledColor = t13;
- _.selectedColor = t14;
- _.tooltip = t15;
- _.side = t16;
- _.shape = t17;
- _.clipBehavior = t18;
- _.focusNode = t19;
- _.autofocus = t20;
- _.backgroundColor = t21;
- _.padding = t22;
- _.visualDensity = t23;
- _.materialTapTargetSize = t24;
- _.elevation = t25;
- _.shadowColor = t26;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t27;
- _.iconTheme = t28;
- _.selectedShadowColor = t29;
- _.showCheckmark = t30;
- _.avatarBorder = t31;
- _.useDeleteButtonTooltip = t32;
- _.tapEnabled = t33;
- _.key = t34;
- },
- _RawChipState: function _RawChipState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___RawChipState_selectionFade_A = _.___RawChipState_enableAnimation_A = _.___RawChipState_deleteDrawerAnimation_A = _.___RawChipState_avatarDrawerAnimation_A = _.___RawChipState_checkmarkAnimation_A = _.___RawChipState_enableController_A = _.___RawChipState_deleteDrawerController_A = _.___RawChipState_avatarDrawerController_A = _.___RawChipState_selectController_A = $;
- _._isTapping = false;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t0;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _RawChipState__handleTapDown_closure: function _RawChipState__handleTapDown_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RawChipState__handleTapCancel_closure: function _RawChipState__handleTapCancel_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RawChipState__handleTap_closure: function _RawChipState__handleTap_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RawChipState_didUpdateWidget_closure: function _RawChipState_didUpdateWidget_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RawChipState_didUpdateWidget_closure0: function _RawChipState_didUpdateWidget_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RawChipState_didUpdateWidget_closure1: function _RawChipState_didUpdateWidget_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RawChipState_build_closure: function _RawChipState_build_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.resolvedShape = t1;
- _.theme = t2;
- _.chipTheme = t3;
- _.chipDefaults = t4;
- },
- _ChipRedirectingHitDetectionWidget: function _ChipRedirectingHitDetectionWidget(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.constraints = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _RenderChipRedirectingHitDetection: function _RenderChipRedirectingHitDetection(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._additionalConstraints = t0;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderChipRedirectingHitDetection_hitTest_closure: function _RenderChipRedirectingHitDetection_hitTest_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.offset = t1;
- },
- _ChipRenderWidget: function _ChipRenderWidget(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.theme = t0;
- _.value = t1;
- _.isEnabled = t2;
- _.checkmarkAnimation = t3;
- _.avatarDrawerAnimation = t4;
- _.deleteDrawerAnimation = t5;
- _.enableAnimation = t6;
- _.avatarBorder = t7;
- _.key = t8;
- },
- _ChipSlot: function _ChipSlot(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _ChipRenderTheme: function _ChipRenderTheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.avatar = t0;
- _.label = t1;
- _.deleteIcon = t2;
- _.brightness = t3;
- _.padding = t4;
- _.visualDensity = t5;
- _.labelPadding = t6;
- _.showAvatar = t7;
- _.showCheckmark = t8;
- _.checkmarkColor = t9;
- _.canTapBody = t10;
- },
- _RenderChip: function _RenderChip(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.value = t0;
- _.isEnabled = t1;
- _.___RenderChip__pressRect_A = _.___RenderChip__deleteButtonRect_A = $;
- _.checkmarkAnimation = t2;
- _.avatarDrawerAnimation = t3;
- _.deleteDrawerAnimation = t4;
- _.enableAnimation = t5;
- _.avatarBorder = t6;
- _._chip$_theme = t7;
- _._chip$_textDirection = t8;
- _.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild = t9;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t10;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderChip_hitTest_closure: function _RenderChip_hitTest_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.center = t0;
- this.hitTestChild = t1;
- },
- _RenderChip_performLayout_centerLayout: function _RenderChip_performLayout_centerLayout(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.sizes = t1;
- },
- _RenderChip__paintAvatar_paintWithOverlay: function _RenderChip__paintAvatar_paintWithOverlay(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RenderChip__paintChild_closure: function _RenderChip__paintChild_closure(t0) {
- this.child = t0;
- },
- _ChipSizes: function _ChipSizes(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.size = t0;
- _.overall = t1;
- _.content = t2;
- _.avatar = t3;
- _.label = t4;
- _.deleteIcon = t5;
- _.densityAdjustment = t6;
- },
- _ChipDefaultsM3: function _ChipDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.isEnabled = t1;
- _.___ChipDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = _.___ChipDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.backgroundColor = t2;
- _.deleteIconColor = t3;
- _.disabledColor = t4;
- _.selectedColor = t5;
- _.secondarySelectedColor = t6;
- _.shadowColor = t7;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t8;
- _.selectedShadowColor = t9;
- _.showCheckmark = t10;
- _.checkmarkColor = t11;
- _.labelPadding = t12;
- _.padding = t13;
- _.side = t14;
- _.shape = t15;
- _.labelStyle = t16;
- _.secondaryLabelStyle = t17;
- _.brightness = t18;
- _.elevation = t19;
- _.pressElevation = t20;
- _.iconTheme = t21;
- },
- __ChipRenderWidget_RenderObjectWidget_SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin: function __ChipRenderWidget_RenderObjectWidget_SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin() {
- },
- __RawChipState_State_MaterialStateMixin: function __RawChipState_State_MaterialStateMixin() {
- },
- __RawChipState_State_MaterialStateMixin_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __RawChipState_State_MaterialStateMixin_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- __RenderChip_RenderBox_SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin: function __RenderChip_RenderBox_SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- ChipTheme_of(context) {
- var t1;
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.ChipTheme);
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return t1.chipTheme;
- },
- ChipThemeData$(backgroundColor, brightness, checkmarkColor, deleteIconColor, disabledColor, elevation, iconTheme, labelPadding, labelStyle, padding, pressElevation, secondaryLabelStyle, secondarySelectedColor, selectedColor, selectedShadowColor, shadowColor, shape, showCheckmark, side, surfaceTintColor) {
- return new A.ChipThemeData(backgroundColor, deleteIconColor, disabledColor, selectedColor, secondarySelectedColor, shadowColor, surfaceTintColor, selectedShadowColor, true, checkmarkColor, labelPadding, padding, side, shape, labelStyle, secondaryLabelStyle, brightness, elevation, pressElevation, iconTheme);
- },
- ChipThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.deleteIconColor, b.deleteIconColor, t);
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.disabledColor, b.disabledColor, t);
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.selectedColor, b.selectedColor, t);
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.secondarySelectedColor, b.secondarySelectedColor, t);
- t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.shadowColor, b.shadowColor, t);
- t7 = A.Color_lerp(a.surfaceTintColor, b.surfaceTintColor, t);
- t8 = A.Color_lerp(a.selectedShadowColor, b.selectedShadowColor, t);
- t9 = t < 0.5;
- if (t9)
- t10 = a.showCheckmark !== false;
- else
- t10 = b.showCheckmark !== false;
- t11 = A.Color_lerp(a.checkmarkColor, b.checkmarkColor, t);
- t12 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.labelPadding, b.labelPadding, t);
- t13 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.padding, b.padding, t);
- t14 = A.ChipThemeData__lerpSides(a.side, b.side, t);
- t15 = A.ChipThemeData__lerpShapes(a.shape, b.shape, t);
- t16 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.labelStyle, b.labelStyle, t);
- t17 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.secondaryLabelStyle, b.secondaryLabelStyle, t);
- if (t9) {
- t9 = a.brightness;
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = B.Brightness_1;
- } else {
- t9 = b.brightness;
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = B.Brightness_1;
- }
- t18 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t19 = A.lerpDouble(a.pressElevation, b.pressElevation, t);
- t20 = a.iconTheme;
- if (t20 == null)
- t21 = b.iconTheme != null;
- else
- t21 = true;
- if (t21)
- t20 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(t20, b.iconTheme, t);
- else
- t20 = null;
- return A.ChipThemeData$(t1, t9, t11, t2, t3, t18, t20, t12, t16, t13, t19, t17, t5, t4, t8, t6, t15, t10, t14, t7);
- },
- ChipThemeData__lerpSides(a, b, t) {
- var t1 = a == null;
- if (t1 && b == null)
- return null;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = b.color;
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(0, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255), 0, B.BorderStyle_1, -1), b, t);
- }
- if (b == null) {
- t1 = a.color;
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(0, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255), 0, B.BorderStyle_1, -1), a, t);
- }
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(a, b, t);
- },
- ChipThemeData__lerpShapes(a, b, t) {
- if (a == null && b == null)
- return null;
- return type$.nullable_OutlinedBorder._as(A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a, b, t));
- },
- ChipThemeData: function ChipThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.deleteIconColor = t1;
- _.disabledColor = t2;
- _.selectedColor = t3;
- _.secondarySelectedColor = t4;
- _.shadowColor = t5;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t6;
- _.selectedShadowColor = t7;
- _.showCheckmark = t8;
- _.checkmarkColor = t9;
- _.labelPadding = t10;
- _.padding = t11;
- _.side = t12;
- _.shape = t13;
- _.labelStyle = t14;
- _.secondaryLabelStyle = t15;
- _.brightness = t16;
- _.elevation = t17;
- _.pressElevation = t18;
- _.iconTheme = t19;
- },
- _ChipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ChipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- ChoiceChip: function ChoiceChip() {
- },
- _ChoiceChipDefaultsM3: function _ChoiceChipDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.isEnabled = t1;
- _.isSelected = t2;
- _.___ChoiceChipDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = _.___ChoiceChipDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.backgroundColor = t3;
- _.deleteIconColor = t4;
- _.disabledColor = t5;
- _.selectedColor = t6;
- _.secondarySelectedColor = t7;
- _.shadowColor = t8;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t9;
- _.selectedShadowColor = t10;
- _.showCheckmark = t11;
- _.checkmarkColor = t12;
- _.labelPadding = t13;
- _.padding = t14;
- _.side = t15;
- _.shape = t16;
- _.labelStyle = t17;
- _.secondaryLabelStyle = t18;
- _.brightness = t19;
- _.elevation = t20;
- _.pressElevation = t21;
- _.iconTheme = t22;
- },
- ColorScheme$(background, brightness, error, errorContainer, inversePrimary, inverseSurface, onBackground, onError, onErrorContainer, onInverseSurface, onPrimary, onPrimaryContainer, onSecondary, onSecondaryContainer, onSurface, onSurfaceVariant, onTertiary, onTertiaryContainer, outline, outlineVariant, primary, primaryContainer, primaryVariant, scrim, secondary, secondaryContainer, secondaryVariant, shadow, surface, surfaceTint, surfaceVariant, tertiary, tertiaryContainer) {
- return new A.ColorScheme(brightness, primary, onPrimary, primaryContainer, onPrimaryContainer, secondary, onSecondary, secondaryContainer, onSecondaryContainer, tertiary, onTertiary, tertiaryContainer, onTertiaryContainer, error, onError, errorContainer, onErrorContainer, background, onBackground, surface, onSurface, surfaceVariant, onSurfaceVariant, outline, outlineVariant, shadow, scrim, inverseSurface, onInverseSurface, inversePrimary, surfaceTint, primaryVariant, secondaryVariant);
- },
- ColorScheme_ColorScheme$fromSeed(brightness, seedColor) {
- var cam, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, scheme;
- switch (brightness.index) {
- case 1:
- cam = A.Cam16_fromIntInViewingConditions(seedColor.value, $.$get$ViewingConditions_sRgb());
- t1 = A.CorePalette$_(cam.hue, cam.chroma);
- t2 = t1.primary;
- t3 = t2.$get$1(0, 40);
- t4 = t2.$get$1(0, 100);
- t5 = t2.$get$1(0, 90);
- t6 = t2.$get$1(0, 10);
- t7 = t1.secondary;
- t8 = t7.$get$1(0, 40);
- t9 = t7.$get$1(0, 100);
- t10 = t7.$get$1(0, 90);
- t7 = t7.$get$1(0, 10);
- t11 = t1.tertiary;
- t12 = t11.$get$1(0, 40);
- t13 = t11.$get$1(0, 100);
- t14 = t11.$get$1(0, 90);
- t11 = t11.$get$1(0, 10);
- t15 = t1.error;
- t16 = t15.$get$1(0, 40);
- t17 = t15.$get$1(0, 100);
- t18 = t15.$get$1(0, 90);
- t15 = t15.$get$1(0, 10);
- t19 = t1.neutral;
- t20 = t19.$get$1(0, 99);
- t21 = t19.$get$1(0, 10);
- t22 = t19.$get$1(0, 99);
- t23 = t19.$get$1(0, 10);
- t1 = t1.neutralVariant;
- t24 = t1.$get$1(0, 90);
- t25 = t1.$get$1(0, 30);
- t26 = t1.$get$1(0, 50);
- t1 = t1.$get$1(0, 80);
- t27 = t19.$get$1(0, 0);
- t28 = t19.$get$1(0, 0);
- t29 = t19.$get$1(0, 20);
- scheme = A.Scheme$(t20, t16, t18, t19.$get$1(0, 95), t2.$get$1(0, 80), t29, t21, t17, t15, t4, t6, t9, t7, t23, t25, t13, t11, t26, t1, t3, t5, t28, t8, t10, t27, t22, t24, t12, t14);
- break;
- case 0:
- cam = A.Cam16_fromIntInViewingConditions(seedColor.value, $.$get$ViewingConditions_sRgb());
- t1 = A.CorePalette$_(cam.hue, cam.chroma);
- t2 = t1.primary;
- t3 = t2.$get$1(0, 80);
- t4 = t2.$get$1(0, 20);
- t5 = t2.$get$1(0, 30);
- t6 = t2.$get$1(0, 90);
- t7 = t1.secondary;
- t8 = t7.$get$1(0, 80);
- t9 = t7.$get$1(0, 20);
- t10 = t7.$get$1(0, 30);
- t7 = t7.$get$1(0, 90);
- t11 = t1.tertiary;
- t12 = t11.$get$1(0, 80);
- t13 = t11.$get$1(0, 20);
- t14 = t11.$get$1(0, 30);
- t11 = t11.$get$1(0, 90);
- t15 = t1.error;
- t16 = t15.$get$1(0, 80);
- t17 = t15.$get$1(0, 20);
- t18 = t15.$get$1(0, 30);
- t15 = t15.$get$1(0, 80);
- t19 = t1.neutral;
- t20 = t19.$get$1(0, 10);
- t21 = t19.$get$1(0, 90);
- t22 = t19.$get$1(0, 10);
- t23 = t19.$get$1(0, 90);
- t1 = t1.neutralVariant;
- t24 = t1.$get$1(0, 30);
- t25 = t1.$get$1(0, 80);
- t26 = t1.$get$1(0, 60);
- t1 = t1.$get$1(0, 30);
- t27 = t19.$get$1(0, 0);
- t28 = t19.$get$1(0, 0);
- t29 = t19.$get$1(0, 90);
- scheme = A.Scheme$(t20, t16, t18, t19.$get$1(0, 20), t2.$get$1(0, 40), t29, t21, t17, t15, t4, t6, t9, t7, t23, t25, t13, t11, t26, t1, t3, t5, t28, t8, t10, t27, t22, t24, t12, t14);
- break;
- default:
- scheme = null;
- }
- t1 = scheme.primary >>> 0;
- t2 = scheme.onPrimary;
- t3 = scheme.primaryContainer;
- t4 = scheme.onPrimaryContainer;
- t5 = scheme.secondary;
- t6 = scheme.onSecondary;
- t7 = scheme.secondaryContainer;
- t8 = scheme.onSecondaryContainer;
- t9 = scheme.tertiary;
- t10 = scheme.onTertiary;
- t11 = scheme.tertiaryContainer;
- t12 = scheme.onTertiaryContainer;
- t13 = scheme.error;
- t14 = scheme.onError;
- t15 = scheme.errorContainer;
- t16 = scheme.onErrorContainer;
- t17 = scheme.outline;
- t18 = scheme.outlineVariant;
- t19 = scheme.background;
- t20 = scheme.onBackground;
- t21 = scheme.surface;
- t22 = scheme.onSurface;
- t23 = scheme.surfaceVariant;
- t24 = scheme.onSurfaceVariant;
- t25 = scheme.inverseSurface;
- t26 = scheme.inverseOnSurface;
- t27 = scheme.inversePrimary;
- t28 = scheme.shadow;
- t29 = scheme.scrim;
- return A.ColorScheme$(new A.Color(t19 >>> 0), brightness, new A.Color(t13 >>> 0), new A.Color(t15 >>> 0), new A.Color(t27 >>> 0), new A.Color(t25 >>> 0), new A.Color(t20 >>> 0), new A.Color(t14 >>> 0), new A.Color(t16 >>> 0), new A.Color(t26 >>> 0), new A.Color(t2 >>> 0), new A.Color(t4 >>> 0), new A.Color(t6 >>> 0), new A.Color(t8 >>> 0), new A.Color(t22 >>> 0), new A.Color(t24 >>> 0), new A.Color(t10 >>> 0), new A.Color(t12 >>> 0), new A.Color(t17 >>> 0), new A.Color(t18 >>> 0), new A.Color(t1), new A.Color(t3 >>> 0), null, new A.Color(t29 >>> 0), new A.Color(t5 >>> 0), new A.Color(t7 >>> 0), null, new A.Color(t28 >>> 0), new A.Color(t21 >>> 0), new A.Color(t1), new A.Color(t23 >>> 0), new A.Color(t9 >>> 0), new A.Color(t11 >>> 0));
- },
- ColorScheme_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = t < 0.5 ? a.brightness : b.brightness;
- t2 = a.primary;
- t3 = b.primary;
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(t2, t3, t);
- t4.toString;
- t5 = a.onPrimary;
- t6 = b.onPrimary;
- t7 = A.Color_lerp(t5, t6, t);
- t7.toString;
- t8 = a._primaryContainer;
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = t2;
- t9 = b._primaryContainer;
- t8 = A.Color_lerp(t8, t9 == null ? t3 : t9, t);
- t9 = a._onPrimaryContainer;
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = t5;
- t10 = b._onPrimaryContainer;
- t9 = A.Color_lerp(t9, t10 == null ? t6 : t10, t);
- t10 = a.secondary;
- t11 = b.secondary;
- t12 = A.Color_lerp(t10, t11, t);
- t12.toString;
- t13 = a.onSecondary;
- t14 = b.onSecondary;
- t15 = A.Color_lerp(t13, t14, t);
- t15.toString;
- t16 = a._secondaryContainer;
- if (t16 == null)
- t16 = t10;
- t17 = b._secondaryContainer;
- t16 = A.Color_lerp(t16, t17 == null ? t11 : t17, t);
- t17 = a._onSecondaryContainer;
- if (t17 == null)
- t17 = t13;
- t18 = b._onSecondaryContainer;
- t17 = A.Color_lerp(t17, t18 == null ? t14 : t18, t);
- t18 = a._tertiary;
- t19 = t18 == null;
- t20 = t19 ? t10 : t18;
- t21 = b._tertiary;
- t22 = t21 == null;
- t20 = A.Color_lerp(t20, t22 ? t11 : t21, t);
- t23 = a._onTertiary;
- t24 = t23 == null;
- t25 = t24 ? t13 : t23;
- t26 = b._onTertiary;
- t27 = t26 == null;
- t25 = A.Color_lerp(t25, t27 ? t14 : t26, t);
- t28 = a._tertiaryContainer;
- if (t28 == null) {
- if (t19)
- t18 = t10;
- } else
- t18 = t28;
- t19 = b._tertiaryContainer;
- if (t19 == null)
- t19 = t22 ? t11 : t21;
- t19 = A.Color_lerp(t18, t19, t);
- t18 = a._onTertiaryContainer;
- if (t18 == null)
- t13 = t24 ? t13 : t23;
- else
- t13 = t18;
- t18 = b._onTertiaryContainer;
- if (t18 == null)
- t14 = t27 ? t14 : t26;
- else
- t14 = t18;
- t14 = A.Color_lerp(t13, t14, t);
- t13 = a.error;
- t18 = b.error;
- t21 = A.Color_lerp(t13, t18, t);
- t21.toString;
- t22 = a.onError;
- t23 = b.onError;
- t24 = A.Color_lerp(t22, t23, t);
- t24.toString;
- t26 = a._errorContainer;
- t13 = t26 == null ? t13 : t26;
- t26 = b._errorContainer;
- t13 = A.Color_lerp(t13, t26 == null ? t18 : t26, t);
- t18 = a._onErrorContainer;
- if (t18 == null)
- t18 = t22;
- t22 = b._onErrorContainer;
- t18 = A.Color_lerp(t18, t22 == null ? t23 : t22, t);
- t22 = A.Color_lerp(a.background, b.background, t);
- t22.toString;
- t23 = a.onBackground;
- t26 = b.onBackground;
- t27 = A.Color_lerp(t23, t26, t);
- t27.toString;
- t28 = a.surface;
- t29 = b.surface;
- t30 = A.Color_lerp(t28, t29, t);
- t30.toString;
- t31 = a.onSurface;
- t32 = b.onSurface;
- t33 = A.Color_lerp(t31, t32, t);
- t33.toString;
- t34 = a._surfaceVariant;
- if (t34 == null)
- t34 = t28;
- t35 = b._surfaceVariant;
- t34 = A.Color_lerp(t34, t35 == null ? t29 : t35, t);
- t35 = a._onSurfaceVariant;
- if (t35 == null)
- t35 = t31;
- t36 = b._onSurfaceVariant;
- t35 = A.Color_lerp(t35, t36 == null ? t32 : t36, t);
- t36 = a._outline;
- if (t36 == null)
- t36 = t23;
- t37 = b._outline;
- t36 = A.Color_lerp(t36, t37 == null ? t26 : t37, t);
- t37 = a._outlineVariant;
- t23 = t37 == null ? t23 : t37;
- t37 = b._outlineVariant;
- t23 = A.Color_lerp(t23, t37 == null ? t26 : t37, t);
- t26 = a._shadow;
- if (t26 == null)
- t26 = B.Color_4278190080;
- t37 = b._shadow;
- t26 = A.Color_lerp(t26, t37 == null ? B.Color_4278190080 : t37, t);
- t37 = a._scrim;
- if (t37 == null)
- t37 = B.Color_4278190080;
- t38 = b._scrim;
- t37 = A.Color_lerp(t37, t38 == null ? B.Color_4278190080 : t38, t);
- t38 = a._inverseSurface;
- t31 = t38 == null ? t31 : t38;
- t38 = b._inverseSurface;
- t31 = A.Color_lerp(t31, t38 == null ? t32 : t38, t);
- t32 = a._onInverseSurface;
- t28 = t32 == null ? t28 : t32;
- t32 = b._onInverseSurface;
- t28 = A.Color_lerp(t28, t32 == null ? t29 : t32, t);
- t29 = a._inversePrimary;
- t5 = t29 == null ? t5 : t29;
- t29 = b._inversePrimary;
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(t5, t29 == null ? t6 : t29, t);
- t6 = a._primaryVariant;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = t2;
- t29 = b._primaryVariant;
- t6 = A.Color_lerp(t6, t29 == null ? t3 : t29, t);
- t29 = a._secondaryVariant;
- t10 = t29 == null ? t10 : t29;
- t29 = b._secondaryVariant;
- t10 = A.Color_lerp(t10, t29 == null ? t11 : t29, t);
- t11 = a._surfaceTint;
- t2 = t11 == null ? t2 : t11;
- t11 = b._surfaceTint;
- return A.ColorScheme$(t22, t1, t21, t13, t5, t31, t27, t24, t18, t28, t7, t9, t15, t17, t33, t35, t25, t14, t36, t23, t4, t8, t6, t37, t12, t16, t10, t26, t30, A.Color_lerp(t2, t11 == null ? t3 : t11, t), t34, t20, t19);
- },
- ColorScheme: function ColorScheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32) {
- var _ = this;
- _.brightness = t0;
- _.primary = t1;
- _.onPrimary = t2;
- _._primaryContainer = t3;
- _._onPrimaryContainer = t4;
- _.secondary = t5;
- _.onSecondary = t6;
- _._secondaryContainer = t7;
- _._onSecondaryContainer = t8;
- _._tertiary = t9;
- _._onTertiary = t10;
- _._tertiaryContainer = t11;
- _._onTertiaryContainer = t12;
- _.error = t13;
- _.onError = t14;
- _._errorContainer = t15;
- _._onErrorContainer = t16;
- _.background = t17;
- _.onBackground = t18;
- _.surface = t19;
- _.onSurface = t20;
- _._surfaceVariant = t21;
- _._onSurfaceVariant = t22;
- _._outline = t23;
- _._outlineVariant = t24;
- _._shadow = t25;
- _._scrim = t26;
- _._inverseSurface = t27;
- _._onInverseSurface = t28;
- _._inversePrimary = t29;
- _._surfaceTint = t30;
- _._primaryVariant = t31;
- _._secondaryVariant = t32;
- },
- _ColorScheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ColorScheme_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- MaterialColor: function MaterialColor(t0, t1) {
- this._swatch = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- },
- DataTableThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Decoration_lerp(a.decoration, b.decoration, t);
- t2 = type$.nullable_Color;
- t3 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.dataRowColor, b.dataRowColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t2);
- t4 = A.lerpDouble(a.dataRowMinHeight, b.dataRowMinHeight, t);
- t5 = A.lerpDouble(a.dataRowMaxHeight, b.dataRowMaxHeight, t);
- t6 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.dataTextStyle, b.dataTextStyle, t);
- t2 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.headingRowColor, b.headingRowColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t2);
- t7 = A.lerpDouble(a.headingRowHeight, b.headingRowHeight, t);
- t8 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.headingTextStyle, b.headingTextStyle, t);
- t9 = A.lerpDouble(a.horizontalMargin, b.horizontalMargin, t);
- t10 = A.lerpDouble(a.columnSpacing, b.columnSpacing, t);
- t11 = A.lerpDouble(a.dividerThickness, b.dividerThickness, t);
- t12 = A.lerpDouble(a.checkboxHorizontalMargin, b.checkboxHorizontalMargin, t);
- t13 = t < 0.5;
- t14 = t13 ? a.headingCellCursor : b.headingCellCursor;
- t13 = t13 ? a.dataRowCursor : b.dataRowCursor;
- return new A.DataTableThemeData(t1, t3, t4, t5, t6, t2, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t14, t13);
- },
- DataTableThemeData: function DataTableThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13) {
- var _ = this;
- _.decoration = t0;
- _.dataRowColor = t1;
- _.dataRowMinHeight = t2;
- _.dataRowMaxHeight = t3;
- _.dataTextStyle = t4;
- _.headingRowColor = t5;
- _.headingRowHeight = t6;
- _.headingTextStyle = t7;
- _.horizontalMargin = t8;
- _.columnSpacing = t9;
- _.dividerThickness = t10;
- _.checkboxHorizontalMargin = t11;
- _.headingCellCursor = t12;
- _.dataRowCursor = t13;
- },
- _DataTableThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _DataTableThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- DateUtils_isSameDay(dateA, dateB) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = dateA == null,
- t2 = t1 ? _null : A.Primitives_getYear(dateA),
- t3 = dateB == null;
- if (t2 == (t3 ? _null : A.Primitives_getYear(dateB))) {
- t2 = t1 ? _null : A.Primitives_getMonth(dateA);
- if (t2 == (t3 ? _null : A.Primitives_getMonth(dateB))) {
- t1 = t1 ? _null : A.Primitives_getDay(dateA);
- t1 = t1 == (t3 ? _null : A.Primitives_getDay(dateB));
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- DateUtils_isSameMonth(dateA, dateB) {
- var t1 = dateA == null,
- t2 = t1 ? null : A.Primitives_getYear(dateA);
- if (t2 === A.Primitives_getYear(dateB)) {
- t1 = t1 ? null : A.Primitives_getMonth(dateA);
- t1 = t1 === A.Primitives_getMonth(dateB);
- } else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- DateUtils_monthDelta(startDate, endDate) {
- return (A.Primitives_getYear(endDate) - A.Primitives_getYear(startDate)) * 12 + A.Primitives_getMonth(endDate) - A.Primitives_getMonth(startDate);
- },
- DateUtils_getDaysInMonth(year, month) {
- if (month === 2)
- return B.JSInt_methods.$mod(year, 4) === 0 && B.JSInt_methods.$mod(year, 100) !== 0 || B.JSInt_methods.$mod(year, 400) === 0 ? 29 : 28;
- return B.List_7L0[month - 1];
- },
- DatePickerEntryMode: function DatePickerEntryMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- DatePickerMode: function DatePickerMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- showDatePicker(context, firstDate, helpText, initialDate, lastDate) {
- return A.showDatePicker$body(context, firstDate, helpText, initialDate, lastDate);
- },
- showDatePicker$body(context, firstDate, helpText, initialDate, lastDate) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_DateTime),
- $async$returnValue, t3, t4, t1, t2;
- var $async$showDatePicker = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = {};
- t2 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(initialDate), A.Primitives_getMonth(initialDate), A.Primitives_getDay(initialDate), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t2))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t2));
- t3 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(firstDate), A.Primitives_getMonth(firstDate), A.Primitives_getDay(firstDate), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t3))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t3));
- t4 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(lastDate), A.Primitives_getMonth(lastDate), A.Primitives_getDay(lastDate), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t4))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t4));
- t1.dialog = A.DatePickerDialog$(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, new A.DateTime(t3, false), helpText, B.DatePickerMode_0, new A.DateTime(t2, false), B.DatePickerEntryMode_0, null, new A.DateTime(t4, false), null, null);
- $async$returnValue = A.showDialog(null, true, null, new A.showDatePicker_closure(t1, null), context, null, true, type$.DateTime);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$showDatePicker, $async$completer);
- },
- DatePickerDialog$(cancelText, confirmText, currentDate, errorFormatText, errorInvalidText, fieldHintText, fieldLabelText, firstDate, helpText, initialCalendarMode, initialDate, initialEntryMode, keyboardType, lastDate, onDatePickerModeChange, selectableDayPredicate) {
- var t2, t3, t4,
- t1 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(initialDate), A.Primitives_getMonth(initialDate), A.Primitives_getDay(initialDate), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t1))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t1));
- t2 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(firstDate), A.Primitives_getMonth(firstDate), A.Primitives_getDay(firstDate), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t2))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t2));
- t3 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(lastDate), A.Primitives_getMonth(lastDate), A.Primitives_getDay(lastDate), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t3))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t3));
- t4 = new A.DateTime(Date.now(), false);
- t4 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t4), A.Primitives_getMonth(t4), A.Primitives_getDay(t4), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t4))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t4));
- return new A.DatePickerDialog(new A.DateTime(t1, false), new A.DateTime(t2, false), new A.DateTime(t3, false), new A.DateTime(t4, false), initialEntryMode, selectableDayPredicate, cancelText, confirmText, helpText, initialCalendarMode, errorFormatText, errorInvalidText, fieldHintText, fieldLabelText, keyboardType, onDatePickerModeChange, null);
- },
- showDatePicker_closure: function showDatePicker_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.builder = t1;
- },
- DatePickerDialog: function DatePickerDialog(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16) {
- var _ = this;
- _.initialDate = t0;
- _.firstDate = t1;
- _.lastDate = t2;
- _.currentDate = t3;
- _.initialEntryMode = t4;
- _.selectableDayPredicate = t5;
- _.cancelText = t6;
- _.confirmText = t7;
- _.helpText = t8;
- _.initialCalendarMode = t9;
- _.errorFormatText = t10;
- _.errorInvalidText = t11;
- _.fieldHintText = t12;
- _.fieldLabelText = t13;
- _.keyboardType = t14;
- _.onDatePickerModeChange = t15;
- _.key = t16;
- },
- _DatePickerDialogState: function _DatePickerDialogState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___DatePickerDialogState__entryMode_FI = _.___DatePickerDialogState__selectedDate_FI = $;
- _._autovalidateMode = t0;
- _._calendarPickerKey = t1;
- _._formKey = t2;
- _.RestorationMixin__bucket = t3;
- _.RestorationMixin__properties = t4;
- _.RestorationMixin__debugPropertiesWaitingForReregistration = t5;
- _.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = t6;
- _.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t7;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t8;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _DatePickerDialogState__handleOk_closure: function _DatePickerDialogState__handleOk_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerDialogState__handleEntryModeToggle_closure: function _DatePickerDialogState__handleEntryModeToggle_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerDialogState__handleDateChanged_closure: function _DatePickerDialogState__handleDateChanged_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.date = t1;
- },
- _DatePickerDialogState_build_calendarDatePicker: function _DatePickerDialogState_build_calendarDatePicker(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerDialogState_build_inputDatePicker: function _DatePickerDialogState_build_inputDatePicker(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.orientation = t1;
- },
- _DatePickerDialogState_build_closure: function _DatePickerDialogState_build_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.orientation = t1;
- _.header = t2;
- _.useMaterial3 = t3;
- _.actions = t4;
- },
- _RestorableDatePickerEntryMode: function _RestorableDatePickerEntryMode(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._date_picker$_defaultValue = t0;
- _._restoration_properties$_value = null;
- _._restoration0$_disposed = false;
- _._restoration0$_owner = _._restoration0$_restorationId = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _RestorableAutovalidateMode: function _RestorableAutovalidateMode(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._date_picker$_defaultValue = t0;
- _._restoration_properties$_value = null;
- _._restoration0$_disposed = false;
- _._restoration0$_owner = _._restoration0$_restorationId = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _DatePickerHeader: function _DatePickerHeader(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.helpText = t0;
- _.titleText = t1;
- _.titleStyle = t2;
- _.orientation = t3;
- _.isShort = t4;
- _.entryModeButton = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- __DatePickerDialogState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure: function __DatePickerDialogState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure() {
- },
- __DatePickerDialogState_State_RestorationMixin: function __DatePickerDialogState_State_RestorationMixin() {
- },
- DatePickerThemeData$(backgroundColor, dayBackgroundColor, dayForegroundColor, dayOverlayColor, dayStyle, elevation, headerBackgroundColor, headerForegroundColor, headerHeadlineStyle, headerHelpStyle, rangePickerBackgroundColor, rangePickerElevation, rangePickerHeaderBackgroundColor, rangePickerHeaderForegroundColor, rangePickerHeaderHeadlineStyle, rangePickerHeaderHelpStyle, rangePickerShadowColor, rangePickerShape, rangePickerSurfaceTintColor, rangeSelectionBackgroundColor, rangeSelectionOverlayColor, shadowColor, shape, surfaceTintColor, todayBackgroundColor, todayBorder, todayForegroundColor, weekdayStyle, yearBackgroundColor, yearForegroundColor, yearOverlayColor, yearStyle) {
- return new A.DatePickerThemeData(backgroundColor, elevation, shadowColor, surfaceTintColor, shape, headerBackgroundColor, headerForegroundColor, headerHeadlineStyle, headerHelpStyle, weekdayStyle, dayStyle, dayForegroundColor, dayBackgroundColor, dayOverlayColor, todayForegroundColor, todayBackgroundColor, todayBorder, yearStyle, yearForegroundColor, yearBackgroundColor, yearOverlayColor, rangePickerBackgroundColor, rangePickerElevation, rangePickerShadowColor, rangePickerSurfaceTintColor, rangePickerShape, rangePickerHeaderBackgroundColor, rangePickerHeaderForegroundColor, rangePickerHeaderHeadlineStyle, rangePickerHeaderHelpStyle, rangeSelectionBackgroundColor, rangeSelectionOverlayColor);
- },
- DatePickerThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.shadowColor, b.shadowColor, t);
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.surfaceTintColor, b.surfaceTintColor, t);
- t5 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t);
- t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.headerBackgroundColor, b.headerBackgroundColor, t);
- t7 = A.Color_lerp(a.headerForegroundColor, b.headerForegroundColor, t);
- t8 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.headerHeadlineStyle, b.headerHeadlineStyle, t);
- t9 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.headerHelpStyle, b.headerHelpStyle, t);
- t10 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.weekdayStyle, b.weekdayStyle, t);
- t11 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.dayStyle, b.dayStyle, t);
- t12 = type$.nullable_Color;
- t13 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.dayForegroundColor, b.dayForegroundColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t12);
- t14 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.dayBackgroundColor, b.dayBackgroundColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t12);
- t15 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.dayOverlayColor, b.dayOverlayColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t12);
- t16 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.todayForegroundColor, b.todayForegroundColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t12);
- t17 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.todayBackgroundColor, b.todayBackgroundColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t12);
- t18 = A.DatePickerThemeData__lerpBorderSide(a.todayBorder, b.todayBorder, t);
- t19 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.yearStyle, b.yearStyle, t);
- t20 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.yearForegroundColor, b.yearForegroundColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t12);
- t21 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.yearBackgroundColor, b.yearBackgroundColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t12);
- t22 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.yearOverlayColor, b.yearOverlayColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t12);
- t23 = A.Color_lerp(a.rangePickerBackgroundColor, b.rangePickerBackgroundColor, t);
- t24 = A.lerpDouble(a.rangePickerElevation, b.rangePickerElevation, t);
- t25 = A.Color_lerp(a.rangePickerShadowColor, b.rangePickerShadowColor, t);
- t26 = A.Color_lerp(a.rangePickerSurfaceTintColor, b.rangePickerSurfaceTintColor, t);
- t27 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.rangePickerShape, b.rangePickerShape, t);
- t28 = A.Color_lerp(a.rangePickerHeaderBackgroundColor, b.rangePickerHeaderBackgroundColor, t);
- t29 = A.Color_lerp(a.rangePickerHeaderForegroundColor, b.rangePickerHeaderForegroundColor, t);
- t30 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.rangePickerHeaderHeadlineStyle, b.rangePickerHeaderHeadlineStyle, t);
- t31 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.rangePickerHeaderHelpStyle, b.rangePickerHeaderHelpStyle, t);
- t32 = A.Color_lerp(a.rangeSelectionBackgroundColor, b.rangeSelectionBackgroundColor, t);
- return A.DatePickerThemeData$(t1, t14, t13, t15, t11, t2, t6, t7, t8, t9, t23, t24, t28, t29, t30, t31, t25, t27, t26, t32, A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.rangeSelectionOverlayColor, b.rangeSelectionOverlayColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t12), t3, t5, t4, t17, t18, t16, t10, t21, t20, t22, t19);
- },
- DatePickerThemeData__lerpBorderSide(a, b, t) {
- var t1;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- if (a == null) {
- t1 = b.color;
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(0, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255), 0, B.BorderStyle_1, -1), b, t);
- }
- t1 = a.color;
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(a, new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(0, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255), 0, B.BorderStyle_1, -1), t);
- },
- DatePickerTheme_of(context) {
- var t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.DatePickerTheme);
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.get$data(t1);
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return t1.datePickerTheme;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM2$(context) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A._DatePickerDefaultsM2(context, _null, 24, _null, _null, B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D4, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 0, _null, _null, B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM3$(context) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A._DatePickerDefaultsM3(context, _null, 6, _null, _null, B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D2, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 0, _null, _null, B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- DatePickerThemeData: function DatePickerThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.elevation = t1;
- _.shadowColor = t2;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t3;
- _.shape = t4;
- _.headerBackgroundColor = t5;
- _.headerForegroundColor = t6;
- _.headerHeadlineStyle = t7;
- _.headerHelpStyle = t8;
- _.weekdayStyle = t9;
- _.dayStyle = t10;
- _.dayForegroundColor = t11;
- _.dayBackgroundColor = t12;
- _.dayOverlayColor = t13;
- _.todayForegroundColor = t14;
- _.todayBackgroundColor = t15;
- _.todayBorder = t16;
- _.yearStyle = t17;
- _.yearForegroundColor = t18;
- _.yearBackgroundColor = t19;
- _.yearOverlayColor = t20;
- _.rangePickerBackgroundColor = t21;
- _.rangePickerElevation = t22;
- _.rangePickerShadowColor = t23;
- _.rangePickerSurfaceTintColor = t24;
- _.rangePickerShape = t25;
- _.rangePickerHeaderBackgroundColor = t26;
- _.rangePickerHeaderForegroundColor = t27;
- _.rangePickerHeaderHeadlineStyle = t28;
- _.rangePickerHeaderHelpStyle = t29;
- _.rangeSelectionBackgroundColor = t30;
- _.rangeSelectionOverlayColor = t31;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM2: function _DatePickerDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__isDark_FI = _.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__textTheme_FI = _.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__colors_FI = _.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__theme_FI = $;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.elevation = t2;
- _.shadowColor = t3;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t4;
- _.shape = t5;
- _.headerBackgroundColor = t6;
- _.headerForegroundColor = t7;
- _.headerHeadlineStyle = t8;
- _.headerHelpStyle = t9;
- _.weekdayStyle = t10;
- _.dayStyle = t11;
- _.dayForegroundColor = t12;
- _.dayBackgroundColor = t13;
- _.dayOverlayColor = t14;
- _.todayForegroundColor = t15;
- _.todayBackgroundColor = t16;
- _.todayBorder = t17;
- _.yearStyle = t18;
- _.yearForegroundColor = t19;
- _.yearBackgroundColor = t20;
- _.yearOverlayColor = t21;
- _.rangePickerBackgroundColor = t22;
- _.rangePickerElevation = t23;
- _.rangePickerShadowColor = t24;
- _.rangePickerSurfaceTintColor = t25;
- _.rangePickerShape = t26;
- _.rangePickerHeaderBackgroundColor = t27;
- _.rangePickerHeaderForegroundColor = t28;
- _.rangePickerHeaderHeadlineStyle = t29;
- _.rangePickerHeaderHelpStyle = t30;
- _.rangeSelectionBackgroundColor = t31;
- _.rangeSelectionOverlayColor = t32;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM2_dayForegroundColor_closure: function _DatePickerDefaultsM2_dayForegroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM2_dayBackgroundColor_closure: function _DatePickerDefaultsM2_dayBackgroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM2_dayOverlayColor_closure: function _DatePickerDefaultsM2_dayOverlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM2_todayForegroundColor_closure: function _DatePickerDefaultsM2_todayForegroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM2_rangeSelectionOverlayColor_closure: function _DatePickerDefaultsM2_rangeSelectionOverlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM3: function _DatePickerDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___DatePickerDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = _.___DatePickerDefaultsM3__colors_FI = _.___DatePickerDefaultsM3__theme_FI = $;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.elevation = t2;
- _.shadowColor = t3;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t4;
- _.shape = t5;
- _.headerBackgroundColor = t6;
- _.headerForegroundColor = t7;
- _.headerHeadlineStyle = t8;
- _.headerHelpStyle = t9;
- _.weekdayStyle = t10;
- _.dayStyle = t11;
- _.dayForegroundColor = t12;
- _.dayBackgroundColor = t13;
- _.dayOverlayColor = t14;
- _.todayForegroundColor = t15;
- _.todayBackgroundColor = t16;
- _.todayBorder = t17;
- _.yearStyle = t18;
- _.yearForegroundColor = t19;
- _.yearBackgroundColor = t20;
- _.yearOverlayColor = t21;
- _.rangePickerBackgroundColor = t22;
- _.rangePickerElevation = t23;
- _.rangePickerShadowColor = t24;
- _.rangePickerSurfaceTintColor = t25;
- _.rangePickerShape = t26;
- _.rangePickerHeaderBackgroundColor = t27;
- _.rangePickerHeaderForegroundColor = t28;
- _.rangePickerHeaderHeadlineStyle = t29;
- _.rangePickerHeaderHelpStyle = t30;
- _.rangeSelectionBackgroundColor = t31;
- _.rangeSelectionOverlayColor = t32;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM3_dayForegroundColor_closure: function _DatePickerDefaultsM3_dayForegroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM3_dayBackgroundColor_closure: function _DatePickerDefaultsM3_dayBackgroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM3_dayOverlayColor_closure: function _DatePickerDefaultsM3_dayOverlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM3_todayForegroundColor_closure: function _DatePickerDefaultsM3_todayForegroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM3_yearForegroundColor_closure: function _DatePickerDefaultsM3_yearForegroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM3_yearBackgroundColor_closure: function _DatePickerDefaultsM3_yearBackgroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM3_yearOverlayColor_closure: function _DatePickerDefaultsM3_yearOverlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DatePickerDefaultsM3_rangeSelectionOverlayColor_closure: function _DatePickerDefaultsM3_rangeSelectionOverlayColor_closure() {
- },
- _DatePickerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _DatePickerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _DesktopTextSelectionHandleControls: function _DesktopTextSelectionHandleControls() {
- },
- DesktopTextSelectionControls: function DesktopTextSelectionControls() {
- },
- __DesktopTextSelectionHandleControls_DesktopTextSelectionControls_TextSelectionHandleControls: function __DesktopTextSelectionHandleControls_DesktopTextSelectionControls_TextSelectionHandleControls() {
- },
- DesktopTextSelectionToolbar: function DesktopTextSelectionToolbar(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.anchor = t0;
- this.children = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- DesktopTextSelectionToolbarButton$text(context, onPressed, text) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.DesktopTextSelectionToolbarButton(onPressed, A.Text$(text, _null, B.TextOverflow_2, _null, _null, B.TextStyle_mTi.copyWith$1$color(A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme.brightness === B.Brightness_0 ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_3707764736), _null, _null, _null), _null);
- },
- DesktopTextSelectionToolbarButton: function DesktopTextSelectionToolbarButton(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.onPressed = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- Dialog$(alignment, backgroundColor, child, clipBehavior, elevation, insetPadding, shadowColor, shape, surfaceTintColor) {
- return new A.Dialog(backgroundColor, elevation, shadowColor, surfaceTintColor, insetPadding, clipBehavior, shape, alignment, child, null);
- },
- _buildMaterialDialogTransitions(context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child) {
- return new A.FadeTransition(A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_xDo0, animation, null), false, child, null);
- },
- showDialog(anchorPoint, barrierDismissible, barrierLabel, builder, context, routeSettings, useRootNavigator, $T) {
- var themes,
- t1 = A.Navigator_of(context, true)._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- themes = A.InheritedTheme_capture(context, t1);
- t1 = A.Navigator_of(context, true);
- return t1.push$1(A.DialogRoute$(anchorPoint, B.Color_2315255808, true, barrierLabel, builder, context, routeSettings, themes, B.TraversalEdgeBehavior_0, true, $T));
- },
- DialogRoute$(anchorPoint, barrierColor, barrierDismissible, barrierLabel, builder, context, settings, themes, traversalEdgeBehavior, useSafeArea, $T) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _null = null;
- if (barrierLabel == null) {
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- t1 = "Dismiss";
- } else
- t1 = barrierLabel;
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_Future_bool_Function);
- t3 = $.Zone__current;
- t4 = A.ProxyAnimation$(B.C__AlwaysDismissedAnimation);
- t5 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_OverlayEntry);
- t6 = A.ValueNotifier$(_null, type$.nullable_String);
- t7 = $.Zone__current;
- return new A.DialogRoute(new A.DialogRoute_closure(builder, themes, true), true, t1, barrierColor, B.Duration_150000, A.dialog___buildMaterialDialogTransitions$closure(), anchorPoint, _null, traversalEdgeBehavior, t2, new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, $T._eval$1("LabeledGlobalKey<_ModalScopeState<0>>")), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), new A.PageStorageBucket(), _null, 0, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t3, $T._eval$1("_Future<0?>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0?>")), t4, t5, B.RouteSettings_null_null, t6, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t7, $T._eval$1("_Future<0?>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0?>")), $T._eval$1("DialogRoute<0>"));
- },
- _DialogDefaultsM2$(context) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A._DialogDefaultsM2(context, A.Theme_of(context).textTheme, A.Theme_of(context).iconTheme, _null, 24, _null, _null, B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D4, B.Alignment_0_0, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- _DialogDefaultsM3$(context) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A._DialogDefaultsM3(context, _null, 6, _null, _null, B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D2, B.Alignment_0_0, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- Dialog: function Dialog(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.elevation = t1;
- _.shadowColor = t2;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t3;
- _.insetPadding = t4;
- _.clipBehavior = t5;
- _.shape = t6;
- _.alignment = t7;
- _.child = t8;
- _.key = t9;
- },
- AlertDialog: function AlertDialog(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.title = t0;
- _.content = t1;
- _.actions = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- DialogRoute: function DialogRoute(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21) {
- var _ = this;
- _._pageBuilder = t0;
- _._barrierDismissible = t1;
- _._barrierLabel = t2;
- _._barrierColor = t3;
- _._transitionDuration = t4;
- _._transitionBuilder = t5;
- _.anchorPoint = t6;
- _.filter = t7;
- _.traversalEdgeBehavior = t8;
- _._routes$_offstage = false;
- _._secondaryAnimationProxy = _._animationProxy = null;
- _._willPopCallbacks = t9;
- _._scopeKey = t10;
- _._subtreeKey = t11;
- _._storageBucket = t12;
- _.__ModalRoute__modalBarrier_A = $;
- _._modalScopeCache = null;
- _.__ModalRoute__modalScope_A = $;
- _.LocalHistoryRoute__localHistory = t13;
- _.LocalHistoryRoute__entriesImpliesAppBarDismissal = t14;
- _._transitionCompleter = t15;
- _._performanceModeRequestHandle = null;
- _._popFinalized = false;
- _._routes$_controller = _._routes$_animation = null;
- _._secondaryAnimation = t16;
- _._trainHoppingListenerRemover = _._result = null;
- _._overlayEntries = t17;
- _._navigator$_navigator = null;
- _._settings = t18;
- _._restorationScopeId = t19;
- _._popCompleter = t20;
- _.$ti = t21;
- },
- DialogRoute_closure: function DialogRoute_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.builder = t0;
- this.themes = t1;
- this.useSafeArea = t2;
- },
- _DialogDefaultsM2: function _DialogDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _._dialog$_textTheme = t1;
- _._dialog$_iconTheme = t2;
- _.backgroundColor = t3;
- _.elevation = t4;
- _.shadowColor = t5;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t6;
- _.shape = t7;
- _.alignment = t8;
- _.titleTextStyle = t9;
- _.contentTextStyle = t10;
- _.actionsPadding = t11;
- _.iconColor = t12;
- },
- _DialogDefaultsM3: function _DialogDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___DialogDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = _.___DialogDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.elevation = t2;
- _.shadowColor = t3;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t4;
- _.shape = t5;
- _.alignment = t6;
- _.titleTextStyle = t7;
- _.contentTextStyle = t8;
- _.actionsPadding = t9;
- _.iconColor = t10;
- },
- DialogTheme_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.shadowColor, b.shadowColor, t);
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.surfaceTintColor, b.surfaceTintColor, t);
- t5 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t);
- t6 = A.AlignmentGeometry_lerp(a.alignment, b.alignment, t);
- t7 = A.Color_lerp(a.iconColor, b.iconColor, t);
- t8 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.titleTextStyle, b.titleTextStyle, t);
- t9 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.contentTextStyle, b.contentTextStyle, t);
- return new A.DialogTheme(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t8, t9, A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.actionsPadding, b.actionsPadding, t), t7);
- },
- DialogTheme: function DialogTheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.elevation = t1;
- _.shadowColor = t2;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t3;
- _.shape = t4;
- _.alignment = t5;
- _.titleTextStyle = t6;
- _.contentTextStyle = t7;
- _.actionsPadding = t8;
- _.iconColor = t9;
- },
- _DialogTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _DialogTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- Divider_createBorderSide(context, color, width) {
- var effectiveWidth, _null = null,
- dividerTheme = A.DividerTheme_of(context),
- defaults = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? A._DividerDefaultsM3$(context) : A._DividerDefaultsM2$(context),
- t1 = dividerTheme.color,
- effectiveColor = t1;
- if (effectiveColor == null)
- effectiveColor = defaults == null ? _null : defaults.get$color(defaults);
- if (width == null)
- t1 = dividerTheme.thickness;
- else
- t1 = width;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = defaults == null ? _null : defaults.thickness;
- effectiveWidth = t1;
- } else
- effectiveWidth = t1;
- if (effectiveWidth == null)
- effectiveWidth = 0;
- if (effectiveColor == null)
- return new A.BorderSide(B.Color_4278190080, effectiveWidth, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- return new A.BorderSide(effectiveColor, effectiveWidth, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- },
- _DividerDefaultsM2$(context) {
- return new A._DividerDefaultsM2(context, null, 16, 0, 0, 0);
- },
- _DividerDefaultsM3$(context) {
- return new A._DividerDefaultsM3(context, null, 16, 1, 0, 0);
- },
- Divider: function Divider(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.height = t0;
- _.indent = t1;
- _.endIndent = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- VerticalDivider: function VerticalDivider(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- _DividerDefaultsM2: function _DividerDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.color = t1;
- _.space = t2;
- _.thickness = t3;
- _.indent = t4;
- _.endIndent = t5;
- },
- _DividerDefaultsM3: function _DividerDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.color = t1;
- _.space = t2;
- _.thickness = t3;
- _.indent = t4;
- _.endIndent = t5;
- },
- DividerThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t);
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.space, b.space, t);
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.thickness, b.thickness, t);
- t4 = A.lerpDouble(a.indent, b.indent, t);
- return new A.DividerThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, A.lerpDouble(a.endIndent, b.endIndent, t));
- },
- DividerTheme_of(context) {
- var t1;
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.DividerTheme);
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return t1.dividerTheme;
- },
- DividerThemeData: function DividerThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.color = t0;
- _.space = t1;
- _.thickness = t2;
- _.indent = t3;
- _.endIndent = t4;
- },
- _DividerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _DividerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- DrawerAlignment: function DrawerAlignment(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Drawer: function Drawer(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.elevation = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _DrawerControllerScope: function _DrawerControllerScope(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.controller = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- DrawerController: function DrawerController(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.alignment = t1;
- _.drawerCallback = t2;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t3;
- _.scrimColor = t4;
- _.enableOpenDragGesture = t5;
- _.edgeDragWidth = t6;
- _.isDrawerOpen = t7;
- _.key = t8;
- },
- DrawerControllerState: function DrawerControllerState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._historyEntry = null;
- _._focusScopeNode = t0;
- _.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A = $;
- _._drawer$_drawerKey = t1;
- _._previouslyOpened = false;
- _.__DrawerControllerState__scrimColorTween_A = $;
- _._drawer$_gestureDetectorKey = t2;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t3;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t4;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t5;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- DrawerControllerState__animationChanged_closure: function DrawerControllerState__animationChanged_closure() {
- },
- _DrawerDefaultsM2: function _DrawerDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.scrimColor = t2;
- _.elevation = t3;
- _.shadowColor = t4;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t5;
- _.shape = t6;
- _.endShape = t7;
- _.width = t8;
- },
- _DrawerDefaultsM3: function _DrawerDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___DrawerDefaultsM3_direction_FI = $;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.scrimColor = t2;
- _.elevation = t3;
- _.shadowColor = t4;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t5;
- _.shape = t6;
- _.endShape = t7;
- _.width = t8;
- },
- _DrawerControllerState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function _DrawerControllerState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- DrawerHeader: function DrawerHeader(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.curve = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- DrawerThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.scrimColor, b.scrimColor, t);
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.shadowColor, b.shadowColor, t);
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.surfaceTintColor, b.surfaceTintColor, t);
- t6 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t);
- t7 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.endShape, b.endShape, t);
- return new A.DrawerThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, A.lerpDouble(a.width, b.width, t));
- },
- DrawerTheme_of(context) {
- var t1;
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.DrawerTheme);
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return t1.drawerTheme;
- },
- DrawerThemeData: function DrawerThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.scrimColor = t1;
- _.elevation = t2;
- _.shadowColor = t3;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t4;
- _.shape = t5;
- _.endShape = t6;
- _.width = t7;
- },
- _DrawerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _DrawerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- DropdownMenuItem$(child, value, $T) {
- return new A.DropdownMenuItem(value, child, B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_0, null, $T._eval$1("DropdownMenuItem<0>"));
- },
- DropdownButtonFormField$(decoration, icon, isExpanded, items, key, onChanged, style, value, $T) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.DropdownButtonFormField(onChanged, _null, _null, new A.DropdownButtonFormField_closure($T, decoration, _null, items, onChanged, _null, _null, _null, _null, 8, style, icon, _null, _null, 24, true, true, _null, _null, false, _null, _null, _null, B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_0, _null, _null), value, true, B.AutovalidateMode_0, _null, key, $T._eval$1("DropdownButtonFormField<0>"));
- },
- _DropdownMenuPainter: function _DropdownMenuPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.color = t0;
- _.elevation = t1;
- _.selectedIndex = t2;
- _.borderRadius = t3;
- _.resize = t4;
- _.getSelectedItemOffset = t5;
- _._dropdown$_painter = t6;
- _._repaint = t7;
- },
- _DropdownMenuItemButton: function _DropdownMenuItemButton(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.route = t0;
- _.padding = t1;
- _.buttonRect = t2;
- _.constraints = t3;
- _.itemIndex = t4;
- _.enableFeedback = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- _.$ti = t7;
- },
- _DropdownMenuItemButtonState: function _DropdownMenuItemButtonState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- _.$ti = t1;
- },
- _DropdownMenu: function _DropdownMenu(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.route = t0;
- _.padding = t1;
- _.buttonRect = t2;
- _.constraints = t3;
- _.dropdownColor = t4;
- _.enableFeedback = t5;
- _.borderRadius = t6;
- _.key = t7;
- _.$ti = t8;
- },
- _DropdownMenuState: function _DropdownMenuState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___DropdownMenuState__resize_A = _.___DropdownMenuState__fadeOpacity_A = $;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- _.$ti = t1;
- },
- _DropdownMenuState_build_closure: function _DropdownMenuState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.route = t0;
- },
- _DropdownMenuRouteLayout: function _DropdownMenuRouteLayout(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.buttonRect = t0;
- _.route = t1;
- _.textDirection = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _DropdownRouteResult: function _DropdownRouteResult(t0, t1) {
- this.result = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _MenuLimits: function _MenuLimits(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.top = t0;
- _.bottom = t1;
- _.height = t2;
- _.scrollOffset = t3;
- },
- _DropdownRoute: function _DropdownRoute(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28) {
- var _ = this;
- _.items = t0;
- _.padding = t1;
- _.buttonRect = t2;
- _.selectedIndex = t3;
- _.elevation = t4;
- _.capturedThemes = t5;
- _.style = t6;
- _.itemHeight = t7;
- _.dropdownColor = t8;
- _.menuMaxHeight = t9;
- _.enableFeedback = t10;
- _.borderRadius = t11;
- _.itemHeights = t12;
- _.scrollController = null;
- _.barrierLabel = t13;
- _.filter = t14;
- _.traversalEdgeBehavior = t15;
- _._routes$_offstage = false;
- _._secondaryAnimationProxy = _._animationProxy = null;
- _._willPopCallbacks = t16;
- _._scopeKey = t17;
- _._subtreeKey = t18;
- _._storageBucket = t19;
- _.__ModalRoute__modalBarrier_A = $;
- _._modalScopeCache = null;
- _.__ModalRoute__modalScope_A = $;
- _.LocalHistoryRoute__localHistory = t20;
- _.LocalHistoryRoute__entriesImpliesAppBarDismissal = t21;
- _._transitionCompleter = t22;
- _._performanceModeRequestHandle = null;
- _._popFinalized = false;
- _._routes$_controller = _._routes$_animation = null;
- _._secondaryAnimation = t23;
- _._trainHoppingListenerRemover = _._result = null;
- _._overlayEntries = t24;
- _._navigator$_navigator = null;
- _._settings = t25;
- _._restorationScopeId = t26;
- _._popCompleter = t27;
- _.$ti = t28;
- },
- _DropdownRoute_buildPage_closure: function _DropdownRoute_buildPage_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DropdownRoute_getItemOffset_closure: function _DropdownRoute_getItemOffset_closure() {
- },
- _DropdownRoute_getMenuLimits_closure: function _DropdownRoute_getMenuLimits_closure() {
- },
- _DropdownRoutePage: function _DropdownRoutePage(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.route = t0;
- _.constraints = t1;
- _.padding = t2;
- _.buttonRect = t3;
- _.selectedIndex = t4;
- _.capturedThemes = t5;
- _.dropdownColor = t6;
- _.enableFeedback = t7;
- _.borderRadius = t8;
- _.key = t9;
- _.$ti = t10;
- },
- _DropdownRoutePage_build_closure: function _DropdownRoutePage_build_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.textDirection = t1;
- this.menu = t2;
- },
- _MenuItem: function _MenuItem(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onLayout = t0;
- _.item = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- _.$ti = t4;
- },
- _RenderMenuItem: function _RenderMenuItem(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onLayout = t0;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _DropdownMenuItemContainer: function _DropdownMenuItemContainer() {
- },
- DropdownMenuItem: function DropdownMenuItem(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.value = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.alignment = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- _.$ti = t4;
- },
- DropdownButtonHideUnderline: function DropdownButtonHideUnderline(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- DropdownButton: function DropdownButton(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29) {
- var _ = this;
- _.items = t0;
- _.value = t1;
- _.hint = t2;
- _.disabledHint = t3;
- _.onChanged = t4;
- _.onTap = t5;
- _.selectedItemBuilder = t6;
- _.elevation = t7;
- _.style = t8;
- _.icon = t9;
- _.iconDisabledColor = t10;
- _.iconEnabledColor = t11;
- _.iconSize = t12;
- _.isDense = t13;
- _.isExpanded = t14;
- _.itemHeight = t15;
- _.focusColor = t16;
- _.focusNode = t17;
- _.autofocus = t18;
- _.dropdownColor = t19;
- _.padding = t20;
- _.menuMaxHeight = t21;
- _.enableFeedback = t22;
- _.alignment = t23;
- _.borderRadius = t24;
- _._inputDecoration = t25;
- _._isEmpty = t26;
- _._dropdown$_isFocused = t27;
- _.key = t28;
- _.$ti = t29;
- },
- _DropdownButtonState: function _DropdownButtonState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._dropdown$_internalNode = _._dropdown$_lastOrientation = _._dropdownRoute = _._dropdown$_selectedIndex = null;
- _._hasPrimaryFocus = false;
- _.___DropdownButtonState__actionMap_A = $;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- _.$ti = t1;
- },
- _DropdownButtonState_initState_closure: function _DropdownButtonState_initState_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DropdownButtonState_initState_closure0: function _DropdownButtonState_initState_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DropdownButtonState__handleFocusChanged_closure: function _DropdownButtonState__handleFocusChanged_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DropdownButtonState__updateSelectedIndex_closure: function _DropdownButtonState__updateSelectedIndex_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DropdownButtonState__handleTap_closure: function _DropdownButtonState__handleTap_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.index = t1;
- },
- _DropdownButtonState__handleTap_closure0: function _DropdownButtonState__handleTap_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- DropdownButtonFormField: function DropdownButtonFormField(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onChanged = t0;
- _.onSaved = t1;
- _.validator = t2;
- _.builder = t3;
- _.initialValue = t4;
- _.enabled = t5;
- _.autovalidateMode = t6;
- _.restorationId = t7;
- _.key = t8;
- _.$ti = t9;
- },
- DropdownButtonFormField_closure: function DropdownButtonFormField_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) {
- var _ = this;
- _.T = t0;
- _.decoration = t1;
- _.focusColor = t2;
- _.items = t3;
- _.onChanged = t4;
- _.hint = t5;
- _.disabledHint = t6;
- _.selectedItemBuilder = t7;
- _.onTap = t8;
- _.elevation = t9;
- _.style = t10;
- _.icon = t11;
- _.iconDisabledColor = t12;
- _.iconEnabledColor = t13;
- _.iconSize = t14;
- _.isDense = t15;
- _.isExpanded = t16;
- _.itemHeight = t17;
- _.focusNode = t18;
- _.autofocus = t19;
- _.dropdownColor = t20;
- _.menuMaxHeight = t21;
- _.enableFeedback = t22;
- _.alignment = t23;
- _.borderRadius = t24;
- _.padding = t25;
- },
- DropdownButtonFormField__closure: function DropdownButtonFormField__closure(t0, t1) {
- this.state = t0;
- this.T = t1;
- },
- DropdownButtonFormField_closure_isHintOrDisabledHintAvailable: function DropdownButtonFormField_closure_isHintOrDisabledHintAvailable(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onChanged = t0;
- _.items = t1;
- _.hint = t2;
- _.disabledHint = t3;
- },
- DropdownButtonFormField__closure0: function DropdownButtonFormField__closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28) {
- var _ = this;
- _.items = t0;
- _.selectedItemBuilder = t1;
- _.state = t2;
- _.hint = t3;
- _.disabledHint = t4;
- _.onChanged = t5;
- _.onTap = t6;
- _.elevation = t7;
- _.style = t8;
- _.icon = t9;
- _.iconDisabledColor = t10;
- _.iconEnabledColor = t11;
- _.iconSize = t12;
- _.isDense = t13;
- _.isExpanded = t14;
- _.itemHeight = t15;
- _.focusColor = t16;
- _.focusNode = t17;
- _.autofocus = t18;
- _.dropdownColor = t19;
- _.menuMaxHeight = t20;
- _.enableFeedback = t21;
- _.alignment = t22;
- _.borderRadius = t23;
- _.effectiveDecoration = t24;
- _.field = t25;
- _.isEmpty = t26;
- _.padding = t27;
- _.T = t28;
- },
- _DropdownButtonFormFieldState: function _DropdownButtonFormFieldState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__FormFieldState__value_AI = $;
- _._errorText = t0;
- _._hasInteractedByUser = t1;
- _.RestorationMixin__bucket = t2;
- _.RestorationMixin__properties = t3;
- _.RestorationMixin__debugPropertiesWaitingForReregistration = t4;
- _.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = t5;
- _.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t6;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t7;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- _.$ti = t8;
- },
- __DropdownButtonState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver: function __DropdownButtonState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver() {
- },
- DropdownMenuThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- t1 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.textStyle, b.textStyle, t);
- if (t < 0.5)
- t2 = a.inputDecorationTheme;
- else
- t2 = b.inputDecorationTheme;
- return new A.DropdownMenuThemeData(t1, t2, A.MenuStyle_lerp(a.menuStyle, b.menuStyle, t));
- },
- DropdownMenuThemeData: function DropdownMenuThemeData(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.textStyle = t0;
- this.inputDecorationTheme = t1;
- this.menuStyle = t2;
- },
- _DropdownMenuThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _DropdownMenuThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- ElevatedButton$(autofocus, child, clipBehavior, focusNode, key, onFocusChange, onHover, onLongPress, onPressed, statesController, style) {
- return new A.ElevatedButton(onPressed, onLongPress, onHover, onFocusChange, style, clipBehavior, focusNode, false, statesController, child, key);
- },
- ElevatedButton_styleFrom(alignment, animationDuration, backgroundColor, disabledBackgroundColor, disabledForegroundColor, disabledMouseCursor, elevation, enableFeedback, enabledMouseCursor, foregroundColor, maximumSize, minimumSize, padding, shadowColor, shape, splashFactory, tapTargetSize, textStyle, visualDensity) {
- var disabledBackground, backgroundColorProp, foreground, disabledForeground, t1, foregroundColorProp, overlayColor, elevationValue, mouseCursor, t2, t3, _null = null,
- background = backgroundColor == null ? _null : backgroundColor;
- if (disabledBackgroundColor == null)
- disabledBackground = _null;
- else
- disabledBackground = disabledBackgroundColor;
- backgroundColorProp = background == null && disabledBackground == null ? _null : new A._ElevatedButtonDefaultColor(background, disabledBackground);
- foreground = foregroundColor == null ? _null : foregroundColor;
- if (disabledForegroundColor == null)
- disabledForeground = _null;
- else
- disabledForeground = disabledForegroundColor;
- t1 = foreground == null;
- foregroundColorProp = t1 && disabledForeground == null ? _null : new A._ElevatedButtonDefaultColor(foreground, disabledForeground);
- overlayColor = t1 ? _null : new A._ElevatedButtonDefaultOverlay(foreground);
- elevationValue = elevation == null ? _null : new A._ElevatedButtonDefaultElevation(elevation);
- mouseCursor = enabledMouseCursor == null && disabledMouseCursor == null ? _null : new A._ElevatedButtonDefaultMouseCursor(enabledMouseCursor, disabledMouseCursor);
- t1 = shadowColor == null ? _null : new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(shadowColor, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color);
- t2 = minimumSize == null ? _null : new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(minimumSize, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Size);
- t3 = maximumSize == null ? _null : new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(maximumSize, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Size);
- return A.ButtonStyle$(alignment, animationDuration, backgroundColorProp, elevationValue, enableFeedback, _null, foregroundColorProp, _null, _null, t3, t2, mouseCursor, overlayColor, new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(padding, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_EdgeInsetsGeometry), t1, new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(shape, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_OutlinedBorder), _null, splashFactory, _null, tapTargetSize, new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(textStyle, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_nullable_TextStyle), visualDensity);
- },
- _scaledPadding0(context) {
- var padding1x = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? 24 : 16,
- t1 = padding1x / 2,
- t2 = t1 / 2,
- t3 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_3);
- t3 = t3 == null ? null : t3.textScaleFactor;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = 1;
- return A.ButtonStyleButton_scaledPadding(new A.EdgeInsets(padding1x, 0, padding1x, 0), new A.EdgeInsets(t1, 0, t1, 0), new A.EdgeInsets(t2, 0, t2, 0), t3);
- },
- _ElevatedButtonWithIcon$(icon, label, onPressed, style) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A._ElevatedButtonWithIcon(onPressed, _null, _null, _null, style, B.Clip_0, _null, false, _null, new A._ElevatedButtonWithIconChild(label, icon, _null), _null);
- },
- ElevatedButton: function ElevatedButton(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onPressed = t0;
- _.onLongPress = t1;
- _.onHover = t2;
- _.onFocusChange = t3;
- _.style = t4;
- _.clipBehavior = t5;
- _.focusNode = t6;
- _.autofocus = t7;
- _.statesController = t8;
- _.child = t9;
- _.key = t10;
- },
- _ElevatedButtonDefaultColor: function _ElevatedButtonDefaultColor(t0, t1) {
- this.color = t0;
- this.disabled = t1;
- },
- _ElevatedButtonDefaultOverlay: function _ElevatedButtonDefaultOverlay(t0) {
- this.overlay = t0;
- },
- _ElevatedButtonDefaultElevation: function _ElevatedButtonDefaultElevation(t0) {
- this.elevation = t0;
- },
- _ElevatedButtonDefaultMouseCursor: function _ElevatedButtonDefaultMouseCursor(t0, t1) {
- this.enabledCursor = t0;
- this.disabledCursor = t1;
- },
- _ElevatedButtonWithIcon: function _ElevatedButtonWithIcon(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onPressed = t0;
- _.onLongPress = t1;
- _.onHover = t2;
- _.onFocusChange = t3;
- _.style = t4;
- _.clipBehavior = t5;
- _.focusNode = t6;
- _.autofocus = t7;
- _.statesController = t8;
- _.child = t9;
- _.key = t10;
- },
- _ElevatedButtonWithIconChild: function _ElevatedButtonWithIconChild(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.label = t0;
- this.icon = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3: function _ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.textStyle = t1;
- _.backgroundColor = t2;
- _.foregroundColor = t3;
- _.overlayColor = t4;
- _.shadowColor = t5;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t6;
- _.elevation = t7;
- _.padding = t8;
- _.minimumSize = t9;
- _.fixedSize = t10;
- _.maximumSize = t11;
- _.iconColor = t12;
- _.iconSize = t13;
- _.side = t14;
- _.shape = t15;
- _.mouseCursor = t16;
- _.visualDensity = t17;
- _.tapTargetSize = t18;
- _.animationDuration = t19;
- _.enableFeedback = t20;
- _.alignment = t21;
- _.splashFactory = t22;
- },
- _ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure: function _ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure: function _ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure: function _ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_elevation_closure: function _ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_elevation_closure() {
- },
- _ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure: function _ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure() {
- },
- __ElevatedButtonDefaultColor_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable: function __ElevatedButtonDefaultColor_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- __ElevatedButtonDefaultElevation_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable: function __ElevatedButtonDefaultElevation_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- __ElevatedButtonDefaultMouseCursor_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable: function __ElevatedButtonDefaultMouseCursor_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- __ElevatedButtonDefaultOverlay_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable: function __ElevatedButtonDefaultOverlay_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- ElevatedButtonThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- return new A.ElevatedButtonThemeData(A.ButtonStyle_lerp(a.style, b.style, t));
- },
- ElevatedButtonThemeData: function ElevatedButtonThemeData(t0) {
- this.style = t0;
- },
- _ElevatedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ElevatedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- ElevationOverlay_applySurfaceTint(color, surfaceTint, elevation) {
- if (surfaceTint != null && !surfaceTint.$eq(0, B.Color_0))
- return A.Color_alphaBlend(A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(255 * A.ElevationOverlay__surfaceTintOpacityForElevation(elevation)), surfaceTint.get$value(surfaceTint) >>> 16 & 255, surfaceTint.get$value(surfaceTint) >>> 8 & 255, surfaceTint.get$value(surfaceTint) & 255), color);
- return color;
- },
- ElevationOverlay__surfaceTintOpacityForElevation(elevation) {
- var index, t1, t2, lower, t3, t4;
- if (elevation < 0)
- return 0;
- for (index = 0; t1 = B.List_N4E[index], t2 = t1.elevation, elevation >= t2;) {
- if (elevation === t2 || index + 1 === 6)
- return t1.opacity;
- ++index;
- }
- lower = B.List_N4E[index - 1];
- t3 = lower.elevation;
- t4 = lower.opacity;
- return t4 + (elevation - t3) / (t2 - t3) * (t1.opacity - t4);
- },
- ElevationOverlay_applyOverlay(context, color, elevation) {
- var t1,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context);
- if (elevation > 0)
- if (theme.applyElevationOverlayColor) {
- t1 = theme.colorScheme;
- if (t1.brightness === B.Brightness_0) {
- t1 = t1.surface.value;
- t1 = A.Color$fromARGB(255, color.get$value(color) >>> 16 & 255, color.get$value(color) >>> 8 & 255, color.get$value(color) & 255).$eq(0, A.Color$fromARGB(255, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255));
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = theme.colorScheme.onSurface.value;
- return A.Color_alphaBlend(A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(255 * ((4.5 * Math.log(elevation + 1) + 2) / 100)), t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255), color);
- }
- return color;
- },
- _ElevationOpacity: function _ElevationOpacity(t0, t1) {
- this.elevation = t0;
- this.opacity = t1;
- },
- ExpansionTileThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.collapsedBackgroundColor, b.collapsedBackgroundColor, t);
- t3 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.tilePadding, b.tilePadding, t);
- t4 = A.AlignmentGeometry_lerp(a.expandedAlignment, b.expandedAlignment, t);
- t5 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.childrenPadding, b.childrenPadding, t);
- t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.iconColor, b.iconColor, t);
- t7 = A.Color_lerp(a.collapsedIconColor, b.collapsedIconColor, t);
- t8 = A.Color_lerp(a.textColor, b.textColor, t);
- t9 = A.Color_lerp(a.collapsedTextColor, b.collapsedTextColor, t);
- t10 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t);
- return new A.ExpansionTileThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.collapsedShape, b.collapsedShape, t));
- },
- ExpansionTileThemeData: function ExpansionTileThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.collapsedBackgroundColor = t1;
- _.tilePadding = t2;
- _.expandedAlignment = t3;
- _.childrenPadding = t4;
- _.iconColor = t5;
- _.collapsedIconColor = t6;
- _.textColor = t7;
- _.collapsedTextColor = t8;
- _.shape = t9;
- _.collapsedShape = t10;
- },
- _ExpansionTileThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ExpansionTileThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- FilledButtonThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- return new A.FilledButtonThemeData(A.ButtonStyle_lerp(a.style, b.style, t));
- },
- FilledButtonThemeData: function FilledButtonThemeData(t0) {
- this.style = t0;
- },
- _FilledButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _FilledButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- FlexibleSpaceBarSettings: function FlexibleSpaceBarSettings(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.toolbarOpacity = t0;
- _.minExtent = t1;
- _.maxExtent = t2;
- _.currentExtent = t3;
- _.isScrolledUnder = t4;
- _.child = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- _DefaultHeroTag: function _DefaultHeroTag() {
- },
- _FloatingActionButtonType: function _FloatingActionButtonType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FloatingActionButton: function FloatingActionButton(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.onPressed = t1;
- _._floatingActionButtonType = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _EffectiveMouseCursor: function _EffectiveMouseCursor(t0, t1) {
- this.widgetCursor = t0;
- this.themeCursor = t1;
- },
- _ChildOverflowBox: function _ChildOverflowBox(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- _RenderChildOverflowBox: function _RenderChildOverflowBox(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._resolvedAlignment = null;
- _._alignment = t0;
- _._shifted_box$_textDirection = t1;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _FABDefaultsM2: function _FABDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24) {
- var _ = this;
- _.type = t0;
- _.hasChild = t1;
- _._floating_action_button$_theme = t2;
- _._colors = t3;
- _.foregroundColor = t4;
- _.backgroundColor = t5;
- _.focusColor = t6;
- _.hoverColor = t7;
- _.splashColor = t8;
- _.elevation = t9;
- _.focusElevation = t10;
- _.hoverElevation = t11;
- _.disabledElevation = t12;
- _.highlightElevation = t13;
- _.shape = t14;
- _.enableFeedback = t15;
- _.iconSize = t16;
- _.sizeConstraints = t17;
- _.smallSizeConstraints = t18;
- _.largeSizeConstraints = t19;
- _.extendedSizeConstraints = t20;
- _.extendedIconLabelSpacing = t21;
- _.extendedPadding = t22;
- _.extendedTextStyle = t23;
- _.mouseCursor = t24;
- },
- _FABDefaultsM3: function _FABDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.type = t1;
- _.hasChild = t2;
- _.___FABDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = _.___FABDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.foregroundColor = t3;
- _.backgroundColor = t4;
- _.focusColor = t5;
- _.hoverColor = t6;
- _.splashColor = t7;
- _.elevation = t8;
- _.focusElevation = t9;
- _.hoverElevation = t10;
- _.disabledElevation = t11;
- _.highlightElevation = t12;
- _.shape = t13;
- _.enableFeedback = t14;
- _.iconSize = t15;
- _.sizeConstraints = t16;
- _.smallSizeConstraints = t17;
- _.largeSizeConstraints = t18;
- _.extendedSizeConstraints = t19;
- _.extendedIconLabelSpacing = t20;
- _.extendedPadding = t21;
- _.extendedTextStyle = t22;
- _.mouseCursor = t23;
- },
- _AnimationSwap$(first, next, $parent, swapThreshold, $T) {
- return new A._AnimationSwap($parent, swapThreshold, first, next, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function), 0, $T._eval$1("_AnimationSwap<0>"));
- },
- FloatingActionButtonLocation: function FloatingActionButtonLocation() {
- },
- StandardFabLocation: function StandardFabLocation() {
- },
- FabFloatOffsetY: function FabFloatOffsetY() {
- },
- FabEndOffsetX: function FabEndOffsetX() {
- },
- _EndFloatFabLocation: function _EndFloatFabLocation() {
- },
- FloatingActionButtonAnimator: function FloatingActionButtonAnimator() {
- },
- _ScalingFabMotionAnimator: function _ScalingFabMotionAnimator() {
- },
- _AnimationSwap: function _AnimationSwap(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.parent = t0;
- _.swapThreshold = t1;
- _.first = t2;
- _.next = t3;
- _._lastValue = _._lastStatus = null;
- _.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners = t4;
- _.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners = t5;
- _.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter = t6;
- _.$ti = t7;
- },
- __EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX: function __EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX() {
- },
- __EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX_FabFloatOffsetY: function __EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX_FabFloatOffsetY() {
- },
- FloatingActionButtonThemeData$(backgroundColor, disabledElevation, elevation, enableFeedback, extendedIconLabelSpacing, extendedPadding, extendedSizeConstraints, extendedTextStyle, focusColor, focusElevation, foregroundColor, highlightElevation, hoverColor, hoverElevation, iconSize, largeSizeConstraints, mouseCursor, shape, sizeConstraints, smallSizeConstraints, splashColor) {
- return new A.FloatingActionButtonThemeData(foregroundColor, backgroundColor, focusColor, hoverColor, splashColor, elevation, focusElevation, hoverElevation, disabledElevation, highlightElevation, shape, enableFeedback, iconSize, sizeConstraints, smallSizeConstraints, largeSizeConstraints, extendedSizeConstraints, extendedIconLabelSpacing, extendedPadding, extendedTextStyle, mouseCursor);
- },
- FloatingActionButtonThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.foregroundColor, b.foregroundColor, t);
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.focusColor, b.focusColor, t);
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.hoverColor, b.hoverColor, t);
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.splashColor, b.splashColor, t);
- t6 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t7 = A.lerpDouble(a.focusElevation, b.focusElevation, t);
- t8 = A.lerpDouble(a.hoverElevation, b.hoverElevation, t);
- t9 = A.lerpDouble(a.disabledElevation, b.disabledElevation, t);
- t10 = A.lerpDouble(a.highlightElevation, b.highlightElevation, t);
- t11 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t);
- t12 = t < 0.5;
- if (t12)
- t13 = a.enableFeedback;
- else
- t13 = b.enableFeedback;
- t14 = A.lerpDouble(a.iconSize, b.iconSize, t);
- t15 = A.BoxConstraints_lerp(a.sizeConstraints, b.sizeConstraints, t);
- t16 = A.BoxConstraints_lerp(a.smallSizeConstraints, b.smallSizeConstraints, t);
- t17 = A.BoxConstraints_lerp(a.largeSizeConstraints, b.largeSizeConstraints, t);
- t18 = A.BoxConstraints_lerp(a.extendedSizeConstraints, b.extendedSizeConstraints, t);
- t19 = A.lerpDouble(a.extendedIconLabelSpacing, b.extendedIconLabelSpacing, t);
- t20 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.extendedPadding, b.extendedPadding, t);
- t21 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.extendedTextStyle, b.extendedTextStyle, t);
- if (t12)
- t12 = a.mouseCursor;
- else
- t12 = b.mouseCursor;
- return A.FloatingActionButtonThemeData$(t2, t9, t6, t13, t19, t20, t18, t21, t3, t7, t1, t10, t4, t8, t14, t17, t12, t11, t15, t16, t5);
- },
- FloatingActionButtonThemeData: function FloatingActionButtonThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20) {
- var _ = this;
- _.foregroundColor = t0;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.focusColor = t2;
- _.hoverColor = t3;
- _.splashColor = t4;
- _.elevation = t5;
- _.focusElevation = t6;
- _.hoverElevation = t7;
- _.disabledElevation = t8;
- _.highlightElevation = t9;
- _.shape = t10;
- _.enableFeedback = t11;
- _.iconSize = t12;
- _.sizeConstraints = t13;
- _.smallSizeConstraints = t14;
- _.largeSizeConstraints = t15;
- _.extendedSizeConstraints = t16;
- _.extendedIconLabelSpacing = t17;
- _.extendedPadding = t18;
- _.extendedTextStyle = t19;
- _.mouseCursor = t20;
- },
- _FloatingActionButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _FloatingActionButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- IconButton$(color, constraints, icon, iconSize, key, onPressed, padding, splashRadius, style, tooltip) {
- return new A.IconButton(iconSize, padding, splashRadius, icon, color, onPressed, tooltip, constraints, style, key);
- },
- IconButton_styleFrom(alignment, disabledForegroundColor, disabledMouseCursor, enableFeedback, enabledMouseCursor, focusColor, foregroundColor, highlightColor, hoverColor, iconSize, maximumSize, minimumSize, padding, visualDensity) {
- var overlayColor, t2, t3, t4, _null = null,
- t1 = foregroundColor == null,
- buttonForegroundColor = t1 && true ? _null : new A._IconButtonDefaultForeground(foregroundColor, disabledForegroundColor);
- if (t1)
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- overlayColor = t1 ? _null : new A._IconButtonDefaultOverlay(foregroundColor, focusColor, hoverColor, highlightColor);
- t1 = padding == null ? _null : new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(padding, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_EdgeInsetsGeometry);
- t2 = minimumSize == null ? _null : new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(minimumSize, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Size);
- t3 = maximumSize == null ? _null : new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(maximumSize, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Size);
- t4 = iconSize == null ? _null : new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(iconSize, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_double);
- return A.ButtonStyle$(alignment, _null, _null, _null, enableFeedback, _null, buttonForegroundColor, _null, t4, t3, t2, _null, overlayColor, t1, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, visualDensity);
- },
- _IconButtonVariant: function _IconButtonVariant(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- IconButton: function IconButton(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.iconSize = t0;
- _.padding = t1;
- _.splashRadius = t2;
- _.icon = t3;
- _.color = t4;
- _.onPressed = t5;
- _.tooltip = t6;
- _.constraints = t7;
- _.style = t8;
- _.key = t9;
- },
- _SelectableIconButton: function _SelectableIconButton(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.isSelected = t0;
- _.style = t1;
- _.focusNode = t2;
- _.variant = t3;
- _.autofocus = t4;
- _.onPressed = t5;
- _.child = t6;
- _.key = t7;
- },
- _SelectableIconButtonState: function _SelectableIconButtonState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___SelectableIconButtonState_statesController_F = $;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _IconButtonM3: function _IconButtonM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _.variant = t0;
- _.toggleable = t1;
- _.onPressed = t2;
- _.onLongPress = t3;
- _.onHover = t4;
- _.onFocusChange = t5;
- _.style = t6;
- _.clipBehavior = t7;
- _.focusNode = t8;
- _.autofocus = t9;
- _.statesController = t10;
- _.child = t11;
- _.key = t12;
- },
- _IconButtonM3_themeStyleOf_isIconThemeDefault: function _IconButtonM3_themeStyleOf_isIconThemeDefault(t0) {
- this.isDark = t0;
- },
- _IconButtonDefaultForeground: function _IconButtonDefaultForeground(t0, t1) {
- this.foregroundColor = t0;
- this.disabledForegroundColor = t1;
- },
- _IconButtonDefaultOverlay: function _IconButtonDefaultOverlay(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.foregroundColor = t0;
- _.focusColor = t1;
- _.hoverColor = t2;
- _.highlightColor = t3;
- },
- _IconButtonDefaultsM3: function _IconButtonDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___IconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.textStyle = t1;
- _.backgroundColor = t2;
- _.foregroundColor = t3;
- _.overlayColor = t4;
- _.shadowColor = t5;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t6;
- _.elevation = t7;
- _.padding = t8;
- _.minimumSize = t9;
- _.fixedSize = t10;
- _.maximumSize = t11;
- _.iconColor = t12;
- _.iconSize = t13;
- _.side = t14;
- _.shape = t15;
- _.mouseCursor = t16;
- _.visualDensity = t17;
- _.tapTargetSize = t18;
- _.animationDuration = t19;
- _.enableFeedback = t20;
- _.alignment = t21;
- _.splashFactory = t22;
- },
- _IconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure: function _IconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _IconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure: function _IconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _IconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure: function _IconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure() {
- },
- _FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3: function _FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.toggleable = t1;
- _.___FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.textStyle = t2;
- _.backgroundColor = t3;
- _.foregroundColor = t4;
- _.overlayColor = t5;
- _.shadowColor = t6;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t7;
- _.elevation = t8;
- _.padding = t9;
- _.minimumSize = t10;
- _.fixedSize = t11;
- _.maximumSize = t12;
- _.iconColor = t13;
- _.iconSize = t14;
- _.side = t15;
- _.shape = t16;
- _.mouseCursor = t17;
- _.visualDensity = t18;
- _.tapTargetSize = t19;
- _.animationDuration = t20;
- _.enableFeedback = t21;
- _.alignment = t22;
- _.splashFactory = t23;
- },
- _FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure: function _FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure: function _FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure: function _FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure: function _FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure() {
- },
- _FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3: function _FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.toggleable = t1;
- _.___FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.textStyle = t2;
- _.backgroundColor = t3;
- _.foregroundColor = t4;
- _.overlayColor = t5;
- _.shadowColor = t6;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t7;
- _.elevation = t8;
- _.padding = t9;
- _.minimumSize = t10;
- _.fixedSize = t11;
- _.maximumSize = t12;
- _.iconColor = t13;
- _.iconSize = t14;
- _.side = t15;
- _.shape = t16;
- _.mouseCursor = t17;
- _.visualDensity = t18;
- _.tapTargetSize = t19;
- _.animationDuration = t20;
- _.enableFeedback = t21;
- _.alignment = t22;
- _.splashFactory = t23;
- },
- _FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure: function _FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure: function _FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure: function _FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure: function _FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure() {
- },
- _OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3: function _OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.textStyle = t1;
- _.backgroundColor = t2;
- _.foregroundColor = t3;
- _.overlayColor = t4;
- _.shadowColor = t5;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t6;
- _.elevation = t7;
- _.padding = t8;
- _.minimumSize = t9;
- _.fixedSize = t10;
- _.maximumSize = t11;
- _.iconColor = t12;
- _.iconSize = t13;
- _.side = t14;
- _.shape = t15;
- _.mouseCursor = t16;
- _.visualDensity = t17;
- _.tapTargetSize = t18;
- _.animationDuration = t19;
- _.enableFeedback = t20;
- _.alignment = t21;
- _.splashFactory = t22;
- },
- _OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure: function _OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure: function _OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure: function _OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_side_closure: function _OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_side_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure: function _OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure() {
- },
- IconButtonThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- return new A.IconButtonThemeData(A.ButtonStyle_lerp(a.style, b.style, t));
- },
- IconButtonTheme$(child, data) {
- return new A.IconButtonTheme(data, child, null);
- },
- IconButtonTheme_of(context) {
- var buttonTheme = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.IconButtonTheme),
- t1 = buttonTheme == null ? null : buttonTheme.data;
- return t1 == null ? A.Theme_of(context).iconButtonTheme : t1;
- },
- IconButtonThemeData: function IconButtonThemeData(t0) {
- this.style = t0;
- },
- IconButtonTheme: function IconButtonTheme(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.data = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _IconButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _IconButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- Ink: function Ink(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.decoration = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _InkState: function _InkState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._boxKey = t0;
- _._widget = _._ink = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- InkDecoration: function InkDecoration(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._ink_decoration$_decoration = _._ink_decoration$_painter = null;
- _._isVisible = true;
- _._ink_decoration$_configuration = t0;
- _._material$_controller = t1;
- _.referenceBox = t2;
- _.onRemoved = t3;
- _._material$_debugDisposed = false;
- },
- InkHighlight: function InkHighlight(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _._ink_highlight$_shape = t0;
- _._ink_highlight$_radius = t1;
- _._ink_highlight$_borderRadius = t2;
- _._rectCallback = t3;
- _._ink_highlight$_textDirection = t4;
- _.__InkHighlight__alphaController_A = _.__InkHighlight__alpha_A = $;
- _._active = true;
- _._ink_well$_color = t5;
- _._customBorder = t6;
- _._material$_controller = t7;
- _.referenceBox = t8;
- _.onRemoved = t9;
- _._material$_debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _getClipCallback0(referenceBox, containedInkWell, rectCallback) {
- if (rectCallback != null)
- return rectCallback;
- if (containedInkWell)
- return new A._getClipCallback_closure0(referenceBox);
- return null;
- },
- _getClipCallback_closure0: function _getClipCallback_closure0(t0) {
- this.referenceBox = t0;
- },
- _InkRippleFactory: function _InkRippleFactory() {
- },
- InkRipple: function InkRipple(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _._ink_ripple$_position = t0;
- _._ink_ripple$_borderRadius = t1;
- _._ink_ripple$_targetRadius = t2;
- _._clipCallback = t3;
- _._ink_ripple$_textDirection = t4;
- _.__InkRipple__fadeOutController_A = _.__InkRipple__fadeOut_A = _.__InkRipple__fadeInController_A = _.__InkRipple__fadeIn_A = _.__InkRipple__radiusController_A = _.__InkRipple__radius_A = $;
- _._ink_well$_color = t5;
- _._customBorder = t6;
- _._material$_controller = t7;
- _.referenceBox = t8;
- _.onRemoved = t9;
- _._material$_debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _getClipCallback(referenceBox, containedInkWell, rectCallback) {
- if (rectCallback != null)
- return rectCallback;
- if (containedInkWell)
- return new A._getClipCallback_closure(referenceBox);
- return null;
- },
- _getTargetRadius(referenceBox, containedInkWell, rectCallback, position) {
- var t1, size, d1, d2, d3, d4;
- if (containedInkWell) {
- if (rectCallback != null) {
- t1 = rectCallback.call$0();
- size = new A.Size(t1.right - t1.left, t1.bottom - t1.top);
- } else {
- t1 = referenceBox._size;
- t1.toString;
- size = t1;
- }
- d1 = position.$sub(0, B.Offset_0_0).get$distance();
- d2 = position.$sub(0, new A.Offset(0 + size._dx, 0)).get$distance();
- d3 = position.$sub(0, new A.Offset(0, 0 + size._dy)).get$distance();
- d4 = position.$sub(0, size.bottomRight$1(0, B.Offset_0_0)).get$distance();
- return Math.ceil(Math.max(Math.max(d1, d2), Math.max(d3, d4)));
- }
- return 35;
- },
- _getClipCallback_closure: function _getClipCallback_closure(t0) {
- this.referenceBox = t0;
- },
- _InkSplashFactory: function _InkSplashFactory() {
- },
- InkSplash: function InkSplash(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _._ink_splash$_position = t0;
- _._ink_splash$_borderRadius = t1;
- _._targetRadius = t2;
- _._ink_splash$_clipCallback = t3;
- _._repositionToReferenceBox = t4;
- _._ink_splash$_textDirection = t5;
- _.__InkSplash__alpha_A = _.__InkSplash__radiusController_A = _.__InkSplash__radius_A = $;
- _._alphaController = null;
- _._ink_well$_color = t6;
- _._customBorder = t7;
- _._material$_controller = t8;
- _.referenceBox = t9;
- _.onRemoved = t10;
- _._material$_debugDisposed = false;
- },
- InkResponse$(autofocus, borderRadius, canRequestFocus, child, containedInkWell, customBorder, enableFeedback, excludeFromSemantics, focusColor, focusNode, highlightColor, highlightShape, hoverColor, key, mouseCursor, onDoubleTap, onFocusChange, onHighlightChanged, onHover, onLongPress, onSecondaryTap, onSecondaryTapCancel, onSecondaryTapDown, onSecondaryTapUp, onTap, onTapCancel, onTapDown, onTapUp, overlayColor, radius, splashColor, splashFactory, statesController) {
- return new A.InkResponse(child, onTap, onTapDown, onTapUp, onTapCancel, onDoubleTap, onLongPress, onSecondaryTap, onSecondaryTapDown, onSecondaryTapUp, onSecondaryTapCancel, onHighlightChanged, onHover, mouseCursor, containedInkWell, highlightShape, radius, borderRadius, customBorder, focusColor, hoverColor, highlightColor, overlayColor, splashColor, splashFactory, enableFeedback, false, onFocusChange, autofocus, focusNode, canRequestFocus, statesController, key);
- },
- InkWell$(autofocus, borderRadius, canRequestFocus, child, customBorder, enableFeedback, focusColor, focusNode, highlightColor, hoverColor, key, mouseCursor, onFocusChange, onHighlightChanged, onHover, onLongPress, onTap, onTapCancel, onTapDown, overlayColor, radius, splashColor, splashFactory, statesController) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.InkWell(child, onTap, onTapDown, _null, onTapCancel, _null, onLongPress, _null, _null, _null, _null, onHighlightChanged, onHover, mouseCursor, true, B.BoxShape_0, radius, borderRadius, customBorder, focusColor, hoverColor, highlightColor, overlayColor, splashColor, splashFactory, enableFeedback !== false, false, onFocusChange, autofocus, focusNode, canRequestFocus, statesController, key);
- },
- InteractiveInkFeature: function InteractiveInkFeature() {
- },
- InteractiveInkFeatureFactory: function InteractiveInkFeatureFactory() {
- },
- _ParentInkResponseProvider: function _ParentInkResponseProvider(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.state = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- InkResponse: function InkResponse(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.onTap = t1;
- _.onTapDown = t2;
- _.onTapUp = t3;
- _.onTapCancel = t4;
- _.onDoubleTap = t5;
- _.onLongPress = t6;
- _.onSecondaryTap = t7;
- _.onSecondaryTapDown = t8;
- _.onSecondaryTapUp = t9;
- _.onSecondaryTapCancel = t10;
- _.onHighlightChanged = t11;
- _.onHover = t12;
- _.mouseCursor = t13;
- _.containedInkWell = t14;
- _.highlightShape = t15;
- _.radius = t16;
- _.borderRadius = t17;
- _.customBorder = t18;
- _.focusColor = t19;
- _.hoverColor = t20;
- _.highlightColor = t21;
- _.overlayColor = t22;
- _.splashColor = t23;
- _.splashFactory = t24;
- _.enableFeedback = t25;
- _.excludeFromSemantics = t26;
- _.onFocusChange = t27;
- _.autofocus = t28;
- _.focusNode = t29;
- _.canRequestFocus = t30;
- _.statesController = t31;
- _.key = t32;
- },
- _InkResponseStateWidget: function _InkResponseStateWidget(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.onTap = t1;
- _.onTapDown = t2;
- _.onTapUp = t3;
- _.onTapCancel = t4;
- _.onDoubleTap = t5;
- _.onLongPress = t6;
- _.onSecondaryTap = t7;
- _.onSecondaryTapUp = t8;
- _.onSecondaryTapDown = t9;
- _.onSecondaryTapCancel = t10;
- _.onHighlightChanged = t11;
- _.onHover = t12;
- _.mouseCursor = t13;
- _.containedInkWell = t14;
- _.highlightShape = t15;
- _.radius = t16;
- _.borderRadius = t17;
- _.customBorder = t18;
- _.focusColor = t19;
- _.hoverColor = t20;
- _.highlightColor = t21;
- _.overlayColor = t22;
- _.splashColor = t23;
- _.splashFactory = t24;
- _.enableFeedback = t25;
- _.excludeFromSemantics = t26;
- _.onFocusChange = t27;
- _.autofocus = t28;
- _.focusNode = t29;
- _.canRequestFocus = t30;
- _.parentState = t31;
- _.getRectCallback = t32;
- _.debugCheckContext = t33;
- _.statesController = t34;
- _.key = t35;
- },
- _HighlightType: function _HighlightType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _InkResponseState: function _InkResponseState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._currentSplash = _._splashes = null;
- _._hovering = false;
- _._highlights = t0;
- _.___InkResponseState__actionMap_FI = $;
- _.internalStatesController = null;
- _._activeChildren = t1;
- _._hasFocus = false;
- _.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _InkResponseState_highlightsExist_closure: function _InkResponseState_highlightsExist_closure() {
- },
- _InkResponseState_handleStatesControllerChange_closure: function _InkResponseState_handleStatesControllerChange_closure() {
- },
- _InkResponseState_updateHighlight_handleInkRemoval: function _InkResponseState_updateHighlight_handleInkRemoval(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.type = t1;
- },
- _InkResponseState__createSplash_onRemoved: function _InkResponseState__createSplash_onRemoved(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- _InkResponseState_handleFocusHighlightModeChange_closure: function _InkResponseState_handleFocusHighlightModeChange_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InkResponseState_build_getHighlightColorForType: function _InkResponseState_build_getHighlightColorForType(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.context = t1;
- },
- InkWell: function InkWell(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.onTap = t1;
- _.onTapDown = t2;
- _.onTapUp = t3;
- _.onTapCancel = t4;
- _.onDoubleTap = t5;
- _.onLongPress = t6;
- _.onSecondaryTap = t7;
- _.onSecondaryTapDown = t8;
- _.onSecondaryTapUp = t9;
- _.onSecondaryTapCancel = t10;
- _.onHighlightChanged = t11;
- _.onHover = t12;
- _.mouseCursor = t13;
- _.containedInkWell = t14;
- _.highlightShape = t15;
- _.radius = t16;
- _.borderRadius = t17;
- _.customBorder = t18;
- _.focusColor = t19;
- _.hoverColor = t20;
- _.highlightColor = t21;
- _.overlayColor = t22;
- _.splashColor = t23;
- _.splashFactory = t24;
- _.enableFeedback = t25;
- _.excludeFromSemantics = t26;
- _.onFocusChange = t27;
- _.autofocus = t28;
- _.focusNode = t29;
- _.canRequestFocus = t30;
- _.statesController = t31;
- _.key = t32;
- },
- __InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin: function __InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin() {
- },
- InputBorder: function InputBorder() {
- },
- _NoInputBorder: function _NoInputBorder(t0) {
- this.borderSide = t0;
- },
- UnderlineInputBorder: function UnderlineInputBorder(t0, t1) {
- this.borderRadius = t0;
- this.borderSide = t1;
- },
- OutlineInputBorder: function OutlineInputBorder(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.gapPadding = t0;
- this.borderRadius = t1;
- this.borderSide = t2;
- },
- InputDatePickerFormField: function InputDatePickerFormField(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _.initialDate = t0;
- _.firstDate = t1;
- _.lastDate = t2;
- _.onDateSubmitted = t3;
- _.onDateSaved = t4;
- _.selectableDayPredicate = t5;
- _.errorFormatText = t6;
- _.errorInvalidText = t7;
- _.fieldHintText = t8;
- _.fieldLabelText = t9;
- _.keyboardType = t10;
- _.autofocus = t11;
- _.key = t12;
- },
- _InputDatePickerFormFieldState: function _InputDatePickerFormFieldState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._input_date_picker_form_field$_controller = t0;
- _._inputText = _._input_date_picker_form_field$_selectedDate = null;
- _._autoSelected = false;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _InputDatePickerFormFieldState_didUpdateWidget_closure: function _InputDatePickerFormFieldState_didUpdateWidget_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDatePickerFormFieldState_didUpdateWidget__closure: function _InputDatePickerFormFieldState_didUpdateWidget__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- FloatingLabelAlignment__stringify(x) {
- if (x === -1)
- return "FloatingLabelAlignment.start";
- if (x === 0)
- return "FloatingLabelAlignment.center";
- return "FloatingLabelAlignment(x: " + B.JSInt_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(x, 1) + ")";
- },
- InputDecorator$(baseStyle, child, decoration, expands, isEmpty, isFocused, isHovering, textAlign, textAlignVertical) {
- return new A.InputDecorator(decoration, baseStyle, textAlign, textAlignVertical, isFocused, isHovering, false, isEmpty, child, null);
- },
- InputDecoration$(alignLabelWithHint, border, constraints, contentPadding, counter, counterStyle, counterText, disabledBorder, enabled, enabledBorder, errorBorder, errorMaxLines, errorStyle, errorText, fillColor, filled, floatingLabelAlignment, floatingLabelBehavior, floatingLabelStyle, focusColor, focusedBorder, focusedErrorBorder, helperMaxLines, helperStyle, helperText, hintMaxLines, hintStyle, hintText, hintTextDirection, hoverColor, icon, iconColor, isCollapsed, isDense, label, labelStyle, labelText, prefix, prefixIcon, prefixIconColor, prefixIconConstraints, prefixStyle, prefixText, semanticCounterText, suffix, suffixIcon, suffixIconColor, suffixIconConstraints, suffixStyle, suffixText) {
- return new A.InputDecoration(icon, iconColor, label, labelText, labelStyle, floatingLabelStyle, helperText, helperStyle, helperMaxLines, hintText, hintStyle, hintTextDirection, hintMaxLines, errorText, errorStyle, errorMaxLines, floatingLabelBehavior, floatingLabelAlignment, isDense, contentPadding, false, prefixIcon, prefixIconConstraints, prefix, prefixText, prefixStyle, prefixIconColor, suffixIcon, suffix, suffixText, suffixStyle, suffixIconColor, suffixIconConstraints, counterText, counter, counterStyle, filled, fillColor, focusColor, hoverColor, errorBorder, focusedBorder, focusedErrorBorder, disabledBorder, enabledBorder, border, true, semanticCounterText, alignLabelWithHint, constraints);
- },
- _InputBorderGap: function _InputBorderGap(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._input_decorator$_start = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = _._extent = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _InputBorderTween: function _InputBorderTween(t0, t1) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- _InputBorderPainter: function _InputBorderPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.borderAnimation = t0;
- _.border = t1;
- _.gapAnimation = t2;
- _.gap = t3;
- _.textDirection = t4;
- _.fillColor = t5;
- _.hoverColorTween = t6;
- _.hoverAnimation = t7;
- _._repaint = t8;
- },
- _BorderContainer: function _BorderContainer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.border = t0;
- _.gap = t1;
- _.gapAnimation = t2;
- _.fillColor = t3;
- _.hoverColor = t4;
- _.isHovering = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- _BorderContainerState: function _BorderContainerState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___BorderContainerState__hoverColorTween_A = _.___BorderContainerState__hoverAnimation_A = _.___BorderContainerState__border_A = _.___BorderContainerState__borderAnimation_A = _.___BorderContainerState__hoverColorController_A = _.___BorderContainerState__controller_A = $;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t0;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _Shaker: function _Shaker(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.listenable = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _HelperError: function _HelperError(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.textAlign = t0;
- _.helperText = t1;
- _.helperStyle = t2;
- _.helperMaxLines = t3;
- _.errorText = t4;
- _.errorStyle = t5;
- _.errorMaxLines = t6;
- _.key = t7;
- },
- _HelperErrorState: function _HelperErrorState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___HelperErrorState__controller_A = $;
- _._error = _._helper = null;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _HelperErrorState__handleChange_closure: function _HelperErrorState__handleChange_closure() {
- },
- FloatingLabelBehavior: function FloatingLabelBehavior(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FloatingLabelAlignment: function FloatingLabelAlignment() {
- },
- _DecorationSlot: function _DecorationSlot(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _Decoration: function _Decoration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20) {
- var _ = this;
- _.contentPadding = t0;
- _.isCollapsed = t1;
- _.floatingLabelHeight = t2;
- _.floatingLabelProgress = t3;
- _.floatingLabelAlignment = t4;
- _.border = t5;
- _.borderGap = t6;
- _.alignLabelWithHint = t7;
- _.isDense = t8;
- _.visualDensity = t9;
- _.icon = t10;
- _.input = t11;
- _.label = t12;
- _.hint = t13;
- _.prefix = t14;
- _.suffix = t15;
- _.prefixIcon = t16;
- _.suffixIcon = t17;
- _.helperError = t18;
- _.counter = t19;
- _.container = t20;
- },
- _RenderDecorationLayout: function _RenderDecorationLayout(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.boxToBaseline = t0;
- _.inputBaseline = t1;
- _.outlineBaseline = t2;
- _.subtextBaseline = t3;
- _.containerHeight = t4;
- _.subtextHeight = t5;
- },
- _RenderDecoration: function _RenderDecoration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _._input_decorator$_decoration = t0;
- _._input_decorator$_textDirection = t1;
- _._input_decorator$_textBaseline = t2;
- _._textAlignVertical = t3;
- _._isFocused = t4;
- _._expands = t5;
- _._material3 = t6;
- _._labelTransform = null;
- _.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild = t7;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t8;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderDecoration_performLayout_centerLayout: function _RenderDecoration_performLayout_centerLayout(t0) {
- this.height = t0;
- },
- _RenderDecoration_performLayout_baselineLayout: function _RenderDecoration_performLayout_baselineLayout(t0, t1) {
- this.baseline = t0;
- this.layout = t1;
- },
- _RenderDecoration_paint_doPaint: function _RenderDecoration_paint_doPaint(t0, t1) {
- this.context = t0;
- this.offset = t1;
- },
- _RenderDecoration_hitTestChildren_closure: function _RenderDecoration_hitTestChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.position = t0;
- this.offset = t1;
- this.child = t2;
- },
- _Decorator: function _Decorator(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.decoration = t0;
- _.textDirection = t1;
- _.textBaseline = t2;
- _.textAlignVertical = t3;
- _.isFocused = t4;
- _.expands = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- InputDecorator: function InputDecorator(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.decoration = t0;
- _.baseStyle = t1;
- _.textAlign = t2;
- _.textAlignVertical = t3;
- _.isFocused = t4;
- _.isHovering = t5;
- _.expands = t6;
- _.isEmpty = t7;
- _.child = t8;
- _.key = t9;
- },
- _InputDecoratorState: function _InputDecoratorState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___InputDecoratorState__shakingLabelController_F = _.___InputDecoratorState__floatingLabelAnimation_F = _.___InputDecoratorState__floatingLabelController_F = $;
- _._borderGap = t0;
- _._effectiveDecoration = null;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t1;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _InputDecoratorState__handleChange_closure: function _InputDecoratorState__handleChange_closure() {
- },
- InputDecoration: function InputDecoration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49) {
- var _ = this;
- _.icon = t0;
- _.iconColor = t1;
- _.label = t2;
- _.labelText = t3;
- _.labelStyle = t4;
- _.floatingLabelStyle = t5;
- _.helperText = t6;
- _.helperStyle = t7;
- _.helperMaxLines = t8;
- _.hintText = t9;
- _.hintStyle = t10;
- _.hintTextDirection = t11;
- _.hintMaxLines = t12;
- _.errorText = t13;
- _.errorStyle = t14;
- _.errorMaxLines = t15;
- _.floatingLabelBehavior = t16;
- _.floatingLabelAlignment = t17;
- _.isDense = t18;
- _.contentPadding = t19;
- _.isCollapsed = t20;
- _.prefixIcon = t21;
- _.prefixIconConstraints = t22;
- _.prefix = t23;
- _.prefixText = t24;
- _.prefixStyle = t25;
- _.prefixIconColor = t26;
- _.suffixIcon = t27;
- _.suffix = t28;
- _.suffixText = t29;
- _.suffixStyle = t30;
- _.suffixIconColor = t31;
- _.suffixIconConstraints = t32;
- _.counterText = t33;
- _.counter = t34;
- _.counterStyle = t35;
- _.filled = t36;
- _.fillColor = t37;
- _.focusColor = t38;
- _.hoverColor = t39;
- _.errorBorder = t40;
- _.focusedBorder = t41;
- _.focusedErrorBorder = t42;
- _.disabledBorder = t43;
- _.enabledBorder = t44;
- _.border = t45;
- _.enabled = t46;
- _.semanticCounterText = t47;
- _.alignLabelWithHint = t48;
- _.constraints = t49;
- },
- InputDecorationTheme: function InputDecorationTheme() {
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_hintStyle_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_hintStyle_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_labelStyle_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_labelStyle_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_floatingLabelStyle_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_floatingLabelStyle_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_helperStyle_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_helperStyle_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_errorStyle_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_errorStyle_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_fillColor_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_fillColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_iconColor_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_iconColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_prefixIconColor_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_prefixIconColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_suffixIconColor_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_suffixIconColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- this.___InputDecoratorDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = this.___InputDecoratorDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_hintStyle_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_hintStyle_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_fillColor_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_fillColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_activeIndicatorBorder_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_activeIndicatorBorder_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_outlineBorder_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_outlineBorder_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_prefixIconColor_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_prefixIconColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_suffixIconColor_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_suffixIconColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_labelStyle_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_labelStyle_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_floatingLabelStyle_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_floatingLabelStyle_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_helperStyle_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_helperStyle_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_errorStyle_closure: function _InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_errorStyle_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _InputDecorationTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _InputDecorationTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- __BorderContainerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __BorderContainerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- __Decorator_RenderObjectWidget_SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin: function __Decorator_RenderObjectWidget_SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin() {
- },
- __HelperErrorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __HelperErrorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- __InputDecoratorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __InputDecoratorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- __RenderDecoration_RenderBox_SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin: function __RenderDecoration_RenderBox_SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- ListTile$(iconColor, leading, onTap, textColor, title, trailing) {
- return new A.ListTile(leading, title, trailing, iconColor, textColor, onTap, null);
- },
- _RenderListTile__layoutBox(box, constraints) {
- var t1;
- if (box == null)
- return B.Size_0_0;
- box.layout$2$parentUsesSize(constraints, true);
- t1 = box._size;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- ListTileStyle: function ListTileStyle(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ListTileTitleAlignment: function ListTileTitleAlignment(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ListTile: function ListTile(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.leading = t0;
- _.title = t1;
- _.trailing = t2;
- _.iconColor = t3;
- _.textColor = t4;
- _.onTap = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- ListTile_build_resolveColor: function ListTile_build_resolveColor(t0) {
- this.states = t0;
- },
- _IndividualOverrides: function _IndividualOverrides(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.explicitColor = t0;
- _.enabledColor = t1;
- _.selectedColor = t2;
- _.disabledColor = t3;
- },
- _ListTileSlot: function _ListTileSlot(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _ListTile: function _ListTile(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _.leading = t0;
- _.title = t1;
- _.subtitle = t2;
- _.trailing = t3;
- _.isThreeLine = t4;
- _.isDense = t5;
- _.visualDensity = t6;
- _.textDirection = t7;
- _.titleBaselineType = t8;
- _.subtitleBaselineType = t9;
- _.horizontalTitleGap = t10;
- _.minVerticalPadding = t11;
- _.minLeadingWidth = t12;
- _.titleAlignment = t13;
- _.key = t14;
- },
- _RenderListTile: function _RenderListTile(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _._isDense = t0;
- _._visualDensity = t1;
- _._isThreeLine = t2;
- _._list_tile$_textDirection = t3;
- _._titleBaselineType = t4;
- _._subtitleBaselineType = t5;
- _._horizontalTitleGap = t6;
- _._minVerticalPadding = t7;
- _._minLeadingWidth = t8;
- _._titleAlignment = t9;
- _.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild = t10;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t11;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderListTile_paint_doPaint: function _RenderListTile_paint_doPaint(t0, t1) {
- this.context = t0;
- this.offset = t1;
- },
- _RenderListTile_hitTestChildren_closure: function _RenderListTile_hitTestChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.position = t0;
- this.parentData = t1;
- this.child = t2;
- },
- _LisTileDefaultsM2: function _LisTileDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___LisTileDefaultsM2__textTheme_FI = _.___LisTileDefaultsM2__theme_FI = $;
- _.dense = t1;
- _.shape = t2;
- _.style = t3;
- _.selectedColor = t4;
- _.iconColor = t5;
- _.textColor = t6;
- _.titleTextStyle = t7;
- _.subtitleTextStyle = t8;
- _.leadingAndTrailingTextStyle = t9;
- _.contentPadding = t10;
- _.tileColor = t11;
- _.selectedTileColor = t12;
- _.horizontalTitleGap = t13;
- _.minVerticalPadding = t14;
- _.minLeadingWidth = t15;
- _.enableFeedback = t16;
- _.mouseCursor = t17;
- _.visualDensity = t18;
- _.titleAlignment = t19;
- },
- _LisTileDefaultsM3: function _LisTileDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___LisTileDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = _.___LisTileDefaultsM3__colors_FI = _.___LisTileDefaultsM3__theme_FI = $;
- _.dense = t1;
- _.shape = t2;
- _.style = t3;
- _.selectedColor = t4;
- _.iconColor = t5;
- _.textColor = t6;
- _.titleTextStyle = t7;
- _.subtitleTextStyle = t8;
- _.leadingAndTrailingTextStyle = t9;
- _.contentPadding = t10;
- _.tileColor = t11;
- _.selectedTileColor = t12;
- _.horizontalTitleGap = t13;
- _.minVerticalPadding = t14;
- _.minLeadingWidth = t15;
- _.enableFeedback = t16;
- _.mouseCursor = t17;
- _.visualDensity = t18;
- _.titleAlignment = t19;
- },
- __ListTile_RenderObjectWidget_SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin: function __ListTile_RenderObjectWidget_SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin() {
- },
- __RenderListTile_RenderBox_SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin: function __RenderListTile_RenderBox_SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- ListTileThemeData$(contentPadding, dense, enableFeedback, horizontalTitleGap, iconColor, leadingAndTrailingTextStyle, minLeadingWidth, minVerticalPadding, mouseCursor, selectedColor, selectedTileColor, shape, style, subtitleTextStyle, textColor, tileColor, titleAlignment, titleTextStyle, visualDensity) {
- return new A.ListTileThemeData(dense, shape, style, selectedColor, iconColor, textColor, titleTextStyle, subtitleTextStyle, leadingAndTrailingTextStyle, contentPadding, tileColor, selectedTileColor, horizontalTitleGap, minVerticalPadding, minLeadingWidth, enableFeedback, mouseCursor, visualDensity, titleAlignment);
- },
- ListTileThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = t < 0.5;
- if (t1)
- t2 = a.dense;
- else
- t2 = b.dense;
- t3 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t);
- if (t1)
- t4 = a.style;
- else
- t4 = b.style;
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.selectedColor, b.selectedColor, t);
- t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.iconColor, b.iconColor, t);
- t7 = A.Color_lerp(a.textColor, b.textColor, t);
- t8 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.titleTextStyle, b.titleTextStyle, t);
- t9 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.subtitleTextStyle, b.subtitleTextStyle, t);
- t10 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.leadingAndTrailingTextStyle, b.leadingAndTrailingTextStyle, t);
- t11 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.contentPadding, b.contentPadding, t);
- t12 = A.Color_lerp(a.tileColor, b.tileColor, t);
- t13 = A.Color_lerp(a.selectedTileColor, b.selectedTileColor, t);
- t14 = A.lerpDouble(a.horizontalTitleGap, b.horizontalTitleGap, t);
- t15 = A.lerpDouble(a.minVerticalPadding, b.minVerticalPadding, t);
- t16 = A.lerpDouble(a.minLeadingWidth, b.minLeadingWidth, t);
- if (t1)
- t17 = a.enableFeedback;
- else
- t17 = b.enableFeedback;
- if (t1)
- t18 = a.mouseCursor;
- else
- t18 = b.mouseCursor;
- if (t1)
- t19 = a.visualDensity;
- else
- t19 = b.visualDensity;
- if (t1)
- t1 = a.titleAlignment;
- else
- t1 = b.titleAlignment;
- return A.ListTileThemeData$(t11, t2, t17, t14, t6, t10, t16, t15, t18, t5, t13, t3, t4, t9, t7, t12, t1, t8, t19);
- },
- ListTileTheme$(child, data, key) {
- return new A.ListTileTheme(data, child, key);
- },
- ListTileTheme_of(context) {
- var result = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.ListTileTheme),
- t1 = result == null ? null : result.get$data(result);
- return t1 == null ? A.Theme_of(context).listTileTheme : t1;
- },
- ListTileTheme_merge(child, style) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.Builder(new A.ListTileTheme_merge_closure(_null, _null, _null, style, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, child), _null);
- },
- ListTileThemeData: function ListTileThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dense = t0;
- _.shape = t1;
- _.style = t2;
- _.selectedColor = t3;
- _.iconColor = t4;
- _.textColor = t5;
- _.titleTextStyle = t6;
- _.subtitleTextStyle = t7;
- _.leadingAndTrailingTextStyle = t8;
- _.contentPadding = t9;
- _.tileColor = t10;
- _.selectedTileColor = t11;
- _.horizontalTitleGap = t12;
- _.minVerticalPadding = t13;
- _.minLeadingWidth = t14;
- _.enableFeedback = t15;
- _.mouseCursor = t16;
- _.visualDensity = t17;
- _.titleAlignment = t18;
- },
- ListTileTheme: function ListTileTheme(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._list_tile_theme$_data = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- ListTileTheme_merge_closure: function ListTileTheme_merge_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20) {
- var _ = this;
- _.key = t0;
- _.dense = t1;
- _.shape = t2;
- _.style = t3;
- _.selectedColor = t4;
- _.iconColor = t5;
- _.textColor = t6;
- _.titleTextStyle = t7;
- _.subtitleTextStyle = t8;
- _.leadingAndTrailingTextStyle = t9;
- _.contentPadding = t10;
- _.tileColor = t11;
- _.selectedTileColor = t12;
- _.enableFeedback = t13;
- _.horizontalTitleGap = t14;
- _.minVerticalPadding = t15;
- _.minLeadingWidth = t16;
- _.titleAlignment = t17;
- _.mouseCursor = t18;
- _.visualDensity = t19;
- _.child = t20;
- },
- _ListTileThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ListTileThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- TextMagnifier: function TextMagnifier(t0, t1) {
- this.magnifierInfo = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- TextMagnifier_adaptiveMagnifierConfiguration_closure: function TextMagnifier_adaptiveMagnifierConfiguration_closure() {
- },
- _TextMagnifierState: function _TextMagnifierState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._positionShouldBeAnimatedTimer = _._magnifierPosition = null;
- _._extraFocalPointOffset = t0;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _TextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint_closure: function _TextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint__closure: function _TextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint_closure0: function _TextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.finalMagnifierPosition = t2;
- _.focalPointAdjustmentForScreenBoundsAdjustment = t3;
- },
- Magnifier: function Magnifier(t0, t1) {
- this.additionalFocalPointOffset = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- Material$(animationDuration, borderOnForeground, borderRadius, child, clipBehavior, color, elevation, key, shadowColor, shape, surfaceTintColor, textStyle, type) {
- return new A.Material(child, type, elevation, color, shadowColor, surfaceTintColor, textStyle, shape, true, clipBehavior, animationDuration, borderRadius, key);
- },
- InkFeature__getPaintTransform(fromRenderObject, toRenderObject) {
- var to, from, fromDepth, toDepth, fromParent, toParent, transform, inverseTransform, index, index0,
- t1 = type$.JSArray_RenderObject,
- fromPath = A._setArrayType([fromRenderObject], t1),
- toPath = A._setArrayType([toRenderObject], t1);
- for (to = toRenderObject, from = fromRenderObject; from !== to;) {
- fromDepth = from._depth;
- toDepth = to._depth;
- if (fromDepth >= toDepth) {
- fromParent = from.get$parent(from);
- if (!(fromParent instanceof A.RenderObject) || !fromParent.paintsChild$1(from))
- return null;
- fromPath.push(fromParent);
- from = fromParent;
- }
- if (fromDepth <= toDepth) {
- toParent = to.get$parent(to);
- if (!(toParent instanceof A.RenderObject) || !toParent.paintsChild$1(to))
- return null;
- toPath.push(toParent);
- to = toParent;
- }
- }
- transform = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- transform.setIdentity$0();
- inverseTransform = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- inverseTransform.setIdentity$0();
- for (index = toPath.length - 1; index > 0; index = index0) {
- index0 = index - 1;
- toPath[index].applyPaintTransform$2(toPath[index0], transform);
- }
- for (index = fromPath.length - 1; index > 0; index = index0) {
- index0 = index - 1;
- fromPath[index].applyPaintTransform$2(fromPath[index0], inverseTransform);
- }
- if (inverseTransform.copyInverse$1(inverseTransform) !== 0) {
- inverseTransform.multiply$1(0, transform);
- t1 = inverseTransform;
- } else
- t1 = null;
- return t1;
- },
- MaterialType: function MaterialType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Material: function Material(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.type = t1;
- _.elevation = t2;
- _.color = t3;
- _.shadowColor = t4;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t5;
- _.textStyle = t6;
- _.shape = t7;
- _.borderOnForeground = t8;
- _.clipBehavior = t9;
- _.animationDuration = t10;
- _.borderRadius = t11;
- _.key = t12;
- },
- _MaterialState: function _MaterialState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._inkFeatureRenderer = t0;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t1;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _MaterialState_build_closure: function _MaterialState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RenderInkFeatures: function _RenderInkFeatures(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.vsync = t0;
- _.color = t1;
- _.absorbHitTest = t2;
- _._inkFeatures = null;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t3;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t4;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _InkFeatures: function _InkFeatures(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.color = t0;
- _.vsync = t1;
- _.absorbHitTest = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- InkFeature: function InkFeature() {
- },
- ShapeBorderTween: function ShapeBorderTween(t0, t1) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- _MaterialInterior: function _MaterialInterior(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.shape = t1;
- _.borderOnForeground = t2;
- _.clipBehavior = t3;
- _.elevation = t4;
- _.color = t5;
- _.shadowColor = t6;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t7;
- _.curve = t8;
- _.duration = t9;
- _.onEnd = t10;
- _.key = t11;
- },
- _MaterialInteriorState: function _MaterialInteriorState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._border = _._shadowColor = _._surfaceTintColor = _._elevation = null;
- _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__animation_AI = _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__controller_FI = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure: function _MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure() {
- },
- _MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure0: function _MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure0() {
- },
- _MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure1: function _MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure1() {
- },
- _MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure2: function _MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure2() {
- },
- _ShapeBorderPaint: function _ShapeBorderPaint(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.shape = t1;
- _.borderOnForeground = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _ShapeBorderPainter: function _ShapeBorderPainter(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.border = t0;
- this.textDirection = t1;
- this._repaint = t2;
- },
- __MaterialState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __MaterialState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- MaterialButton$(child, key, onPressed, padding, shape) {
- return new A.MaterialButton(onPressed, child, padding, shape, key);
- },
- MaterialButton: function MaterialButton(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onPressed = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.padding = t2;
- _.shape = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _MaterialLocalizationsDelegate: function _MaterialLocalizationsDelegate() {
- },
- DefaultMaterialLocalizations: function DefaultMaterialLocalizations() {
- },
- _MaterialStateColor$(_resolve) {
- return new A._MaterialStateColor(_resolve, J.get$value$x(_resolve.call$1(B.Set_empty0)));
- },
- _MaterialStateBorderSide$(_resolve) {
- return new A._MaterialStateBorderSide(_resolve, B.Color_4278190080, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- },
- _MaterialStateTextStyle$(_resolve) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A._MaterialStateTextStyle(_resolve, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(value, states, $T) {
- if ($T._eval$1("MaterialStateProperty<0>")._is(value))
- return value.resolve$1(states);
- return value;
- },
- MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T) {
- if (a == null && b == null)
- return null;
- return new A._LerpProperties(a, b, t, lerpFunction, $T._eval$1("_LerpProperties<0>"));
- },
- MaterialStatesController$(value) {
- var t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.MaterialState);
- if (value != null)
- t1.addAll$1(0, value);
- return new A.MaterialStatesController(t1, $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- },
- MaterialState: function MaterialState(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- MaterialStateColor: function MaterialStateColor() {
- },
- _MaterialStateColor: function _MaterialStateColor(t0, t1) {
- this._material_state$_resolve = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- },
- MaterialStateMouseCursor: function MaterialStateMouseCursor() {
- },
- _EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor: function _EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor(t0, t1) {
- this.enabledCursor = t0;
- this.name = t1;
- },
- MaterialStateBorderSide: function MaterialStateBorderSide() {
- },
- _MaterialStateBorderSide: function _MaterialStateBorderSide(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._material_state$_resolve = t0;
- _.color = t1;
- _.width = t2;
- _.style = t3;
- _.strokeAlign = t4;
- },
- MaterialStateTextStyle: function MaterialStateTextStyle() {
- },
- _MaterialStateTextStyle: function _MaterialStateTextStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26) {
- var _ = this;
- _._material_state$_resolve = t0;
- _.inherit = t1;
- _.color = t2;
- _.backgroundColor = t3;
- _.fontFamily = t4;
- _._text_style$_fontFamilyFallback = t5;
- _._package = t6;
- _.fontSize = t7;
- _.fontWeight = t8;
- _.fontStyle = t9;
- _.letterSpacing = t10;
- _.wordSpacing = t11;
- _.textBaseline = t12;
- _.height = t13;
- _.leadingDistribution = t14;
- _.locale = t15;
- _.foreground = t16;
- _.background = t17;
- _.decoration = t18;
- _.decorationColor = t19;
- _.decorationStyle = t20;
- _.decorationThickness = t21;
- _.debugLabel = t22;
- _.shadows = t23;
- _.fontFeatures = t24;
- _.fontVariations = t25;
- _.overflow = t26;
- },
- MaterialStateProperty: function MaterialStateProperty() {
- },
- _LerpProperties: function _LerpProperties(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.a = t0;
- _.b = t1;
- _.t = t2;
- _.lerpFunction = t3;
- _.$ti = t4;
- },
- _MaterialStatePropertyWith: function _MaterialStatePropertyWith(t0, t1) {
- this._material_state$_resolve = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- MaterialStatePropertyAll: function MaterialStatePropertyAll(t0, t1) {
- this.value = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- MaterialStatesController: function MaterialStatesController(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._change_notifier$_value = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- MaterialStateMixin: function MaterialStateMixin() {
- },
- MaterialStateMixin_updateMaterialState_closure: function MaterialStateMixin_updateMaterialState_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- this.onChanged = t2;
- },
- MaterialStateMixin_addMaterialState_closure: function MaterialStateMixin_addMaterialState_closure() {
- },
- MaterialStateMixin_removeMaterialState_closure: function MaterialStateMixin_removeMaterialState_closure() {
- },
- MenuBarThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- return new A.MenuBarThemeData(A.MenuStyle_lerp(a.style, b.style, t));
- },
- MenuBarThemeData: function MenuBarThemeData(t0) {
- this.style = t0;
- },
- MenuButtonThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- return new A.MenuButtonThemeData(A.ButtonStyle_lerp(a.style, b.style, t));
- },
- MenuButtonThemeData: function MenuButtonThemeData(t0) {
- this.style = t0;
- },
- _MenuButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _MenuButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- MenuStyle_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, _null = null;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- t1 = a == null;
- t2 = t1 ? _null : a.backgroundColor;
- t3 = b == null;
- t4 = t3 ? _null : b.backgroundColor;
- t5 = type$.nullable_Color;
- t4 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t2, t4, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t5);
- t2 = t1 ? _null : a.shadowColor;
- t2 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t2, t3 ? _null : b.shadowColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t5);
- t6 = t1 ? _null : a.surfaceTintColor;
- t5 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t6, t3 ? _null : b.surfaceTintColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t5);
- t6 = t1 ? _null : a.elevation;
- t7 = t3 ? _null : b.elevation;
- t7 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t6, t7, t, A.ui__lerpDouble$closure(), type$.nullable_double);
- t6 = t1 ? _null : a.padding;
- t8 = t3 ? _null : b.padding;
- t8 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t6, t8, t, A.edge_insets_EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_EdgeInsetsGeometry);
- t6 = t1 ? _null : a.minimumSize;
- t9 = t3 ? _null : b.minimumSize;
- t10 = type$.nullable_Size;
- t9 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t6, t9, t, A.ui_Size_lerp$closure(), t10);
- t6 = t1 ? _null : a.fixedSize;
- t6 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t6, t3 ? _null : b.fixedSize, t, A.ui_Size_lerp$closure(), t10);
- t11 = t1 ? _null : a.maximumSize;
- t10 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t11, t3 ? _null : b.maximumSize, t, A.ui_Size_lerp$closure(), t10);
- t11 = t1 ? _null : a.side;
- t12 = t3 ? _null : b.side;
- t13 = t1 ? _null : a.shape;
- t14 = t3 ? _null : b.shape;
- t14 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(t13, t14, t, A.borders_OutlinedBorder_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_OutlinedBorder);
- t13 = t < 0.5;
- if (t13)
- t15 = t1 ? _null : a.mouseCursor;
- else
- t15 = t3 ? _null : b.mouseCursor;
- if (t13)
- t13 = t1 ? _null : a.visualDensity;
- else
- t13 = t3 ? _null : b.visualDensity;
- t1 = t1 ? _null : a.alignment;
- return new A.MenuStyle(t4, t2, t5, t7, t8, t9, t6, t10, new A._LerpSides1(t11, t12, t), t14, t15, t13, A.AlignmentGeometry_lerp(t1, t3 ? _null : b.alignment, t));
- },
- MenuStyle: function MenuStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.shadowColor = t1;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t2;
- _.elevation = t3;
- _.padding = t4;
- _.minimumSize = t5;
- _.fixedSize = t6;
- _.maximumSize = t7;
- _.side = t8;
- _.shape = t9;
- _.mouseCursor = t10;
- _.visualDensity = t11;
- _.alignment = t12;
- },
- _LerpSides1: function _LerpSides1(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.a = t0;
- this.b = t1;
- this.t = t2;
- },
- _MenuStyle_Object_Diagnosticable: function _MenuStyle_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- MenuThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- return new A.MenuThemeData(A.MenuStyle_lerp(a.style, b.style, t));
- },
- MenuThemeData: function MenuThemeData(t0) {
- this.style = t0;
- },
- _MenuThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _MenuThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- NavigationBarThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.height, b.height, t);
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.shadowColor, b.shadowColor, t);
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.surfaceTintColor, b.surfaceTintColor, t);
- t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.indicatorColor, b.indicatorColor, t);
- t7 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.indicatorShape, b.indicatorShape, t);
- t8 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.labelTextStyle, b.labelTextStyle, t, A.text_style_TextStyle_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_TextStyle);
- t9 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.iconTheme, b.iconTheme, t, A.icon_theme_data_IconThemeData_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_IconThemeData);
- if (t < 0.5)
- t10 = a.labelBehavior;
- else
- t10 = b.labelBehavior;
- return new A.NavigationBarThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10);
- },
- NavigationBarThemeData: function NavigationBarThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.height = t0;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.elevation = t2;
- _.shadowColor = t3;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t4;
- _.indicatorColor = t5;
- _.indicatorShape = t6;
- _.labelTextStyle = t7;
- _.iconTheme = t8;
- _.labelBehavior = t9;
- },
- _NavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _NavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- NavigationDrawerThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.tileHeight, b.tileHeight, t);
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.shadowColor, b.shadowColor, t);
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.surfaceTintColor, b.surfaceTintColor, t);
- t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.indicatorColor, b.indicatorColor, t);
- t7 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.indicatorShape, b.indicatorShape, t);
- t8 = a.indicatorSize;
- t8 = A.Size_lerp(t8, t8, t);
- t9 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.labelTextStyle, b.labelTextStyle, t, A.text_style_TextStyle_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_TextStyle);
- return new A.NavigationDrawerThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.iconTheme, b.iconTheme, t, A.icon_theme_data_IconThemeData_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_IconThemeData));
- },
- NavigationDrawerThemeData: function NavigationDrawerThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.tileHeight = t0;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.elevation = t2;
- _.shadowColor = t3;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t4;
- _.indicatorColor = t5;
- _.indicatorShape = t6;
- _.indicatorSize = t7;
- _.labelTextStyle = t8;
- _.iconTheme = t9;
- },
- _NavigationDrawerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _NavigationDrawerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- NavigationRailThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t3 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.unselectedLabelTextStyle, b.unselectedLabelTextStyle, t);
- t4 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.selectedLabelTextStyle, b.selectedLabelTextStyle, t);
- t5 = a.unselectedIconTheme;
- if (t5 == null)
- t6 = b.unselectedIconTheme == null;
- else
- t6 = false;
- if (t6)
- t5 = null;
- else
- t5 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(t5, b.unselectedIconTheme, t);
- t6 = a.selectedIconTheme;
- if (t6 == null)
- t7 = b.selectedIconTheme == null;
- else
- t7 = false;
- if (t7)
- t6 = null;
- else
- t6 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(t6, b.selectedIconTheme, t);
- t7 = A.lerpDouble(a.groupAlignment, b.groupAlignment, t);
- t8 = t < 0.5;
- if (t8)
- t9 = a.labelType;
- else
- t9 = b.labelType;
- if (t8)
- t8 = a.useIndicator;
- else
- t8 = b.useIndicator;
- t10 = A.Color_lerp(a.indicatorColor, b.indicatorColor, t);
- t11 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.indicatorShape, b.indicatorShape, t);
- t12 = A.lerpDouble(a.minWidth, b.minWidth, t);
- return new A.NavigationRailThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t9, t8, t10, t11, t12, A.lerpDouble(a.minExtendedWidth, b.minExtendedWidth, t));
- },
- NavigationRailThemeData: function NavigationRailThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.elevation = t1;
- _.unselectedLabelTextStyle = t2;
- _.selectedLabelTextStyle = t3;
- _.unselectedIconTheme = t4;
- _.selectedIconTheme = t5;
- _.groupAlignment = t6;
- _.labelType = t7;
- _.useIndicator = t8;
- _.indicatorColor = t9;
- _.indicatorShape = t10;
- _.minWidth = t11;
- _.minExtendedWidth = t12;
- },
- _NavigationRailThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _NavigationRailThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _scaledPadding1(context) {
- var padding1x = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? 24 : 16,
- t1 = padding1x / 2,
- t2 = t1 / 2,
- t3 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_3);
- t3 = t3 == null ? null : t3.textScaleFactor;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = 1;
- return A.ButtonStyleButton_scaledPadding(new A.EdgeInsets(padding1x, 0, padding1x, 0), new A.EdgeInsets(t1, 0, t1, 0), new A.EdgeInsets(t2, 0, t2, 0), t3);
- },
- OutlinedButton: function OutlinedButton(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onPressed = t0;
- _.onLongPress = t1;
- _.onHover = t2;
- _.onFocusChange = t3;
- _.style = t4;
- _.clipBehavior = t5;
- _.focusNode = t6;
- _.autofocus = t7;
- _.statesController = t8;
- _.child = t9;
- _.key = t10;
- },
- _OutlinedButtonDefaultColor: function _OutlinedButtonDefaultColor(t0, t1) {
- this.color = t0;
- this.disabled = t1;
- },
- _OutlinedButtonDefaultOverlay: function _OutlinedButtonDefaultOverlay(t0) {
- this.foreground = t0;
- },
- _OutlinedButtonDefaultMouseCursor: function _OutlinedButtonDefaultMouseCursor(t0, t1) {
- this.enabledCursor = t0;
- this.disabledCursor = t1;
- },
- _OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3: function _OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.textStyle = t1;
- _.backgroundColor = t2;
- _.foregroundColor = t3;
- _.overlayColor = t4;
- _.shadowColor = t5;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t6;
- _.elevation = t7;
- _.padding = t8;
- _.minimumSize = t9;
- _.fixedSize = t10;
- _.maximumSize = t11;
- _.iconColor = t12;
- _.iconSize = t13;
- _.side = t14;
- _.shape = t15;
- _.mouseCursor = t16;
- _.visualDensity = t17;
- _.tapTargetSize = t18;
- _.animationDuration = t19;
- _.enableFeedback = t20;
- _.alignment = t21;
- _.splashFactory = t22;
- },
- _OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure: function _OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure: function _OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_side_closure: function _OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_side_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure: function _OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure() {
- },
- __OutlinedButtonDefaultColor_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable: function __OutlinedButtonDefaultColor_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- __OutlinedButtonDefaultMouseCursor_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable: function __OutlinedButtonDefaultMouseCursor_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- __OutlinedButtonDefaultOverlay_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable: function __OutlinedButtonDefaultOverlay_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- OutlinedButtonThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- return new A.OutlinedButtonThemeData(A.ButtonStyle_lerp(a.style, b.style, t));
- },
- OutlinedButtonThemeData: function OutlinedButtonThemeData(t0) {
- this.style = t0;
- },
- _OutlinedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _OutlinedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- MaterialPageRoute$(builder, settings, $T) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_Future_bool_Function),
- t2 = $.Zone__current,
- t3 = A.ProxyAnimation$(B.C__AlwaysDismissedAnimation),
- t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_OverlayEntry),
- t5 = A.ValueNotifier$(_null, type$.nullable_String),
- t6 = $.Zone__current,
- t7 = settings == null ? B.RouteSettings_null_null : settings;
- return new A.MaterialPageRoute(builder, false, true, _null, _null, t1, new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, $T._eval$1("LabeledGlobalKey<_ModalScopeState<0>>")), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), new A.PageStorageBucket(), _null, 0, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t2, $T._eval$1("_Future<0?>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0?>")), t3, t4, t7, t5, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t6, $T._eval$1("_Future<0?>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0?>")), $T._eval$1("MaterialPageRoute<0>"));
- },
- MaterialPageRoute: function MaterialPageRoute(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17) {
- var _ = this;
- _.builder = t0;
- _.fullscreenDialog = t1;
- _.allowSnapshotting = t2;
- _.filter = t3;
- _.traversalEdgeBehavior = t4;
- _._routes$_offstage = false;
- _._secondaryAnimationProxy = _._animationProxy = null;
- _._willPopCallbacks = t5;
- _._scopeKey = t6;
- _._subtreeKey = t7;
- _._storageBucket = t8;
- _.__ModalRoute__modalBarrier_A = $;
- _._modalScopeCache = null;
- _.__ModalRoute__modalScope_A = $;
- _.LocalHistoryRoute__localHistory = t9;
- _.LocalHistoryRoute__entriesImpliesAppBarDismissal = t10;
- _._transitionCompleter = t11;
- _._performanceModeRequestHandle = null;
- _._popFinalized = false;
- _._routes$_controller = _._routes$_animation = null;
- _._secondaryAnimation = t12;
- _._trainHoppingListenerRemover = _._result = null;
- _._overlayEntries = t13;
- _._navigator$_navigator = null;
- _._settings = t14;
- _._restorationScopeId = t15;
- _._popCompleter = t16;
- _.$ti = t17;
- },
- MaterialRouteTransitionMixin: function MaterialRouteTransitionMixin() {
- },
- _MaterialPageRoute_PageRoute_MaterialRouteTransitionMixin: function _MaterialPageRoute_PageRoute_MaterialRouteTransitionMixin() {
- },
- _updateScaledTransform(transform, scale, size) {
- var t1, t2;
- transform.setIdentity$0();
- if (scale === 1)
- return;
- transform.scale$2(0, scale, scale);
- t1 = size._dx;
- t2 = size._dy;
- transform.translate$2(0, -((t1 * scale - t1) / 2), -((t2 * scale - t2) / 2));
- },
- _ZoomEnterTransitionPainter$(animation, fade, reverse, scale) {
- var t1 = new A._ZoomEnterTransitionPainter(reverse, animation, scale, fade, new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16)), A.LayerHandle$(type$.OpacityLayer), A.LayerHandle$(type$.TransformLayer), $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners()),
- t2 = t1.get$notifyListeners();
- animation.addListener$1(0, t2);
- animation.addStatusListener$1(t1.get$_onStatusChange());
- scale.parent.addListener$1(0, t2);
- fade.addListener$1(0, t2);
- return t1;
- },
- _ZoomExitTransitionPainter$(animation, fade, reverse, scale) {
- var t1 = new A._ZoomExitTransitionPainter(reverse, scale, fade, animation, new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16)), A.LayerHandle$(type$.OpacityLayer), A.LayerHandle$(type$.TransformLayer), $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners()),
- t2 = t1.get$notifyListeners();
- scale.parent.addListener$1(0, t2);
- fade.addListener$1(0, t2);
- animation.addStatusListener$1(t1.get$_onStatusChange());
- return t1;
- },
- _ZoomPageTransition: function _ZoomPageTransition(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.animation = t0;
- _.secondaryAnimation = t1;
- _.allowSnapshotting = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.allowEnterRouteSnapshotting = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _ZoomPageTransition_build_closure: function _ZoomPageTransition_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ZoomPageTransition_build_closure0: function _ZoomPageTransition_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ZoomPageTransition_build_closure1: function _ZoomPageTransition_build_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ZoomPageTransition_build_closure2: function _ZoomPageTransition_build_closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ZoomEnterTransition: function _ZoomEnterTransition(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.animation = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.allowSnapshotting = t2;
- _.reverse = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _ZoomEnterTransitionState: function _ZoomEnterTransitionState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___ZoomEnterTransitionState_delegate_A = $;
- _._ZoomTransitionBase_controller = t0;
- _._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_fadeTransition_A = t1;
- _._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_scaleTransition_A = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _ZoomExitTransition: function _ZoomExitTransition(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.animation = t0;
- _.allowSnapshotting = t1;
- _.reverse = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _ZoomExitTransitionState: function _ZoomExitTransitionState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___ZoomExitTransitionState_delegate_A = $;
- _._ZoomTransitionBase_controller = t0;
- _._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_fadeTransition_A = t1;
- _._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_scaleTransition_A = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- PageTransitionsBuilder: function PageTransitionsBuilder() {
- },
- ZoomPageTransitionsBuilder: function ZoomPageTransitionsBuilder() {
- },
- CupertinoPageTransitionsBuilder: function CupertinoPageTransitionsBuilder() {
- },
- PageTransitionsTheme: function PageTransitionsTheme() {
- },
- PageTransitionsTheme__all_closure: function PageTransitionsTheme__all_closure(t0) {
- this.builders = t0;
- },
- _ZoomTransitionBase: function _ZoomTransitionBase() {
- },
- _ZoomEnterTransitionPainter: function _ZoomEnterTransitionPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.reverse = t0;
- _.animation = t1;
- _.scale = t2;
- _.fade = t3;
- _._page_transitions_theme$_transform = t4;
- _._opacityHandle = t5;
- _._transformHandler = t6;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t7;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _ZoomEnterTransitionPainter_paint_closure: function _ZoomEnterTransitionPainter_paint_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.painter = t1;
- },
- _ZoomExitTransitionPainter: function _ZoomExitTransitionPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.reverse = t0;
- _.scale = t1;
- _.fade = t2;
- _.animation = t3;
- _._page_transitions_theme$_transform = t4;
- _._opacityHandle = t5;
- _._transformHandler = t6;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t7;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _ZoomExitTransitionPainter_paint_closure: function _ZoomExitTransitionPainter_paint_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.painter = t1;
- },
- _PageTransitionsTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _PageTransitionsTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- __ZoomEnterTransitionState_State__ZoomTransitionBase: function __ZoomEnterTransitionState_State__ZoomTransitionBase() {
- },
- __ZoomExitTransitionState_State__ZoomTransitionBase: function __ZoomExitTransitionState_State__ZoomTransitionBase() {
- },
- showMenu(color, constraints, context, items, position, $T) {
- var semanticLabel, $navigator, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, _null = null;
- switch (A.Theme_of(context).platform.index) {
- case 2:
- case 4:
- semanticLabel = _null;
- break;
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- semanticLabel = "Popup menu";
- break;
- default:
- semanticLabel = _null;
- }
- $navigator = A.Navigator_of(context, false);
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- t1 = $navigator._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.InheritedTheme_capture(context, t1);
- t2 = A.List_List$filled(1, _null, false, type$.nullable_Size);
- t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_Future_bool_Function);
- t4 = $.Zone__current;
- t5 = A.ProxyAnimation$(B.C__AlwaysDismissedAnimation);
- t6 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_OverlayEntry);
- t7 = A.ValueNotifier$(_null, type$.nullable_String);
- t8 = $.Zone__current;
- return $navigator.push$1(new A._PopupMenuRoute(position, items, t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, semanticLabel, _null, color, t1, constraints, B.Clip_0, "Dismiss", _null, B.TraversalEdgeBehavior_0, t3, new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, $T._eval$1("LabeledGlobalKey<_ModalScopeState<0>>")), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), new A.PageStorageBucket(), _null, 0, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t4, $T._eval$1("_Future<0?>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0?>")), t5, t6, B.RouteSettings_null_null, t7, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t8, $T._eval$1("_Future<0?>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0?>")), $T._eval$1("_PopupMenuRoute<0>")));
- },
- _PopupMenuDefaultsM2$(context) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A._PopupMenuDefaultsM2(context, _null, _null, 8, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- _PopupMenuDefaultsM3$(context) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A._PopupMenuDefaultsM3(context, _null, _null, 3, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- PopupMenuEntry: function PopupMenuEntry() {
- },
- _MenuItem0: function _MenuItem0(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.onLayout = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _RenderMenuItem0: function _RenderMenuItem0(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onLayout = t0;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- PopupMenuItem: function PopupMenuItem() {
- },
- PopupMenuItemState: function PopupMenuItemState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- _.$ti = t1;
- },
- _PopupMenu: function _PopupMenu(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.route = t0;
- _.semanticLabel = t1;
- _.constraints = t2;
- _.clipBehavior = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- _.$ti = t5;
- },
- _PopupMenu_build_closure: function _PopupMenu_build_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.i = t1;
- },
- _PopupMenu_build_closure0: function _PopupMenu_build_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.opacity = t1;
- _.popupMenuTheme = t2;
- _.defaults = t3;
- _.width = t4;
- _.height = t5;
- },
- _PopupMenuRouteLayout: function _PopupMenuRouteLayout(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.position = t0;
- _.itemSizes = t1;
- _.selectedItemIndex = t2;
- _.textDirection = t3;
- _.padding = t4;
- _.avoidBounds = t5;
- },
- _PopupMenuRoute: function _PopupMenuRoute(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28) {
- var _ = this;
- _.position = t0;
- _.items = t1;
- _.itemSizes = t2;
- _.initialValue = t3;
- _.elevation = t4;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t5;
- _.shadowColor = t6;
- _.semanticLabel = t7;
- _.shape = t8;
- _.color = t9;
- _.capturedThemes = t10;
- _.constraints = t11;
- _.clipBehavior = t12;
- _.barrierLabel = t13;
- _.filter = t14;
- _.traversalEdgeBehavior = t15;
- _._routes$_offstage = false;
- _._secondaryAnimationProxy = _._animationProxy = null;
- _._willPopCallbacks = t16;
- _._scopeKey = t17;
- _._subtreeKey = t18;
- _._storageBucket = t19;
- _.__ModalRoute__modalBarrier_A = $;
- _._modalScopeCache = null;
- _.__ModalRoute__modalScope_A = $;
- _.LocalHistoryRoute__localHistory = t20;
- _.LocalHistoryRoute__entriesImpliesAppBarDismissal = t21;
- _._transitionCompleter = t22;
- _._performanceModeRequestHandle = null;
- _._popFinalized = false;
- _._routes$_controller = _._routes$_animation = null;
- _._secondaryAnimation = t23;
- _._trainHoppingListenerRemover = _._result = null;
- _._overlayEntries = t24;
- _._navigator$_navigator = null;
- _._settings = t25;
- _._restorationScopeId = t26;
- _._popCompleter = t27;
- _.$ti = t28;
- },
- _PopupMenuRoute_buildPage_closure: function _PopupMenuRoute_buildPage_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.mediaQuery = t2;
- _.menu = t3;
- },
- _EffectiveMouseCursor0: function _EffectiveMouseCursor0(t0, t1) {
- this.widgetCursor = t0;
- this.themeCursor = t1;
- },
- _PopupMenuDefaultsM2: function _PopupMenuDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___PopupMenuDefaultsM2__textTheme_FI = _.___PopupMenuDefaultsM2__theme_FI = $;
- _.color = t1;
- _.shape = t2;
- _.elevation = t3;
- _.shadowColor = t4;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t5;
- _.textStyle = t6;
- _.labelTextStyle = t7;
- _.enableFeedback = t8;
- _.mouseCursor = t9;
- _.position = t10;
- },
- _PopupMenuDefaultsM3: function _PopupMenuDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___PopupMenuDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = _.___PopupMenuDefaultsM3__colors_FI = _.___PopupMenuDefaultsM3__theme_FI = $;
- _.color = t1;
- _.shape = t2;
- _.elevation = t3;
- _.shadowColor = t4;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t5;
- _.textStyle = t6;
- _.labelTextStyle = t7;
- _.enableFeedback = t8;
- _.mouseCursor = t9;
- _.position = t10;
- },
- _PopupMenuDefaultsM3_labelTextStyle_closure: function _PopupMenuDefaultsM3_labelTextStyle_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- PopupMenuThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t);
- t2 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t);
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.shadowColor, b.shadowColor, t);
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.surfaceTintColor, b.surfaceTintColor, t);
- t6 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.textStyle, b.textStyle, t);
- t7 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.labelTextStyle, b.labelTextStyle, t, A.text_style_TextStyle_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_TextStyle);
- t8 = t < 0.5;
- if (t8)
- t9 = a.enableFeedback;
- else
- t9 = b.enableFeedback;
- if (t8)
- t10 = a.mouseCursor;
- else
- t10 = b.mouseCursor;
- if (t8)
- t8 = a.position;
- else
- t8 = b.position;
- return new A.PopupMenuThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t9, t10, t8);
- },
- PopupMenuTheme_of(context) {
- var t1;
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.PopupMenuTheme);
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return t1.popupMenuTheme;
- },
- PopupMenuThemeData: function PopupMenuThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.color = t0;
- _.shape = t1;
- _.elevation = t2;
- _.shadowColor = t3;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t4;
- _.textStyle = t5;
- _.labelTextStyle = t6;
- _.enableFeedback = t7;
- _.mouseCursor = t8;
- _.position = t9;
- },
- _PopupMenuThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _PopupMenuThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _CircularProgressIndicatorPainter$(backgroundColor, headValue, offsetValue, rotationValue, strokeWidth, tailValue, value, valueColor) {
- var t1 = value != null,
- t2 = t1 ? -1.5707963267948966 : -1.5707963267948966 + tailValue * 3 / 2 * 3.141592653589793 + rotationValue * 3.141592653589793 * 2 + offsetValue * 0.5 * 3.141592653589793;
- return new A._CircularProgressIndicatorPainter(backgroundColor, valueColor, value, headValue, tailValue, offsetValue, rotationValue, strokeWidth, t2, t1 ? A.clampDouble(value, 0, 1) * 6.282185307179586 : Math.max(headValue * 3 / 2 * 3.141592653589793 - tailValue * 3 / 2 * 3.141592653589793, 0.001), null);
- },
- _ActivityIndicatorType: function _ActivityIndicatorType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ProgressIndicator: function ProgressIndicator() {
- },
- _LinearProgressIndicatorPainter: function _LinearProgressIndicatorPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.valueColor = t1;
- _.value = t2;
- _.animationValue = t3;
- _.textDirection = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- _LinearProgressIndicatorPainter_paint_drawBar: function _LinearProgressIndicatorPainter_paint_drawBar(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.size = t1;
- _.canvas = t2;
- _.paint = t3;
- },
- LinearProgressIndicator: function LinearProgressIndicator(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.value = t0;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.color = t2;
- _.valueColor = t3;
- _.semanticsLabel = t4;
- _.semanticsValue = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- _LinearProgressIndicatorState: function _LinearProgressIndicatorState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___LinearProgressIndicatorState__controller_A = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _LinearProgressIndicatorState_build_closure: function _LinearProgressIndicatorState_build_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.textDirection = t1;
- },
- _CircularProgressIndicatorPainter: function _CircularProgressIndicatorPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.valueColor = t1;
- _.value = t2;
- _.headValue = t3;
- _.tailValue = t4;
- _.offsetValue = t5;
- _.rotationValue = t6;
- _.strokeWidth = t7;
- _.arcStart = t8;
- _.arcSweep = t9;
- _._repaint = t10;
- },
- CircularProgressIndicator: function CircularProgressIndicator(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.strokeWidth = t0;
- _.value = t1;
- _.backgroundColor = t2;
- _.color = t3;
- _.valueColor = t4;
- _.semanticsLabel = t5;
- _.semanticsValue = t6;
- _.key = t7;
- },
- _CircularProgressIndicatorState: function _CircularProgressIndicatorState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _CircularProgressIndicatorState__buildAnimation_closure: function _CircularProgressIndicatorState__buildAnimation_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RefreshProgressIndicatorPainter: function _RefreshProgressIndicatorPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.arrowheadScale = t0;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.valueColor = t2;
- _.value = t3;
- _.headValue = t4;
- _.tailValue = t5;
- _.offsetValue = t6;
- _.rotationValue = t7;
- _.strokeWidth = t8;
- _.arcStart = t9;
- _.arcSweep = t10;
- _._repaint = t11;
- },
- RefreshProgressIndicator: function RefreshProgressIndicator(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.strokeWidth = t0;
- _.value = t1;
- _.backgroundColor = t2;
- _.color = t3;
- _.valueColor = t4;
- _.semanticsLabel = t5;
- _.semanticsValue = t6;
- _.key = t7;
- },
- _RefreshProgressIndicatorState: function _RefreshProgressIndicatorState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___RefreshProgressIndicatorState__additionalRotationTween_FI = _.___RefreshProgressIndicatorState__convertTween_FI = $;
- _._progress_indicator$_lastValue = null;
- _.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _RefreshProgressIndicatorState__buildAnimation_closure: function _RefreshProgressIndicatorState__buildAnimation_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2: function _CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2__colors_FI = $;
- _.color = t1;
- _.linearTrackColor = t2;
- _.linearMinHeight = t3;
- _.circularTrackColor = t4;
- _.refreshBackgroundColor = t5;
- },
- _LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2: function _LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2__colors_FI = $;
- _.color = t1;
- _.linearTrackColor = t2;
- _.linearMinHeight = t3;
- _.circularTrackColor = t4;
- _.refreshBackgroundColor = t5;
- },
- _CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3: function _CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.color = t1;
- _.linearTrackColor = t2;
- _.linearMinHeight = t3;
- _.circularTrackColor = t4;
- _.refreshBackgroundColor = t5;
- },
- _LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3: function _LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.color = t1;
- _.linearTrackColor = t2;
- _.linearMinHeight = t3;
- _.circularTrackColor = t4;
- _.refreshBackgroundColor = t5;
- },
- __CircularProgressIndicatorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __CircularProgressIndicatorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- __LinearProgressIndicatorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __LinearProgressIndicatorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- ProgressIndicatorThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t);
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.linearTrackColor, b.linearTrackColor, t);
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.linearMinHeight, b.linearMinHeight, t);
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.circularTrackColor, b.circularTrackColor, t);
- return new A.ProgressIndicatorThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, A.Color_lerp(a.refreshBackgroundColor, b.refreshBackgroundColor, t));
- },
- ProgressIndicatorTheme_of(context) {
- var t1;
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.ProgressIndicatorTheme);
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return t1.progressIndicatorTheme;
- },
- ProgressIndicatorThemeData: function ProgressIndicatorThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.color = t0;
- _.linearTrackColor = t1;
- _.linearMinHeight = t2;
- _.circularTrackColor = t3;
- _.refreshBackgroundColor = t4;
- },
- _ProgressIndicatorThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ProgressIndicatorThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- Radio$(activeColor, groupValue, key, onChanged, value, $T) {
- return new A.Radio(value, groupValue, onChanged, activeColor, key, $T._eval$1("Radio<0>"));
- },
- _RadioType: function _RadioType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Radio: function Radio(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.value = t0;
- _.groupValue = t1;
- _.onChanged = t2;
- _.activeColor = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- _.$ti = t5;
- },
- _RadioState: function _RadioState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16) {
- var _ = this;
- _._radio$_painter = t0;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A = t1;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__position_A = t2;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionController_A = t3;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reaction_A = t4;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFade_A = t5;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFadeController_A = t6;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFade_A = t7;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFadeController_A = t8;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__actionMap_FI = t9;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin__downPosition = t10;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin__focused = t11;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin__hovering = t12;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t13;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t14;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t15;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- _.$ti = t16;
- },
- _RadioState__widgetFillColor_closure: function _RadioState__widgetFillColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RadioState_build_closure: function _RadioState_build_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.radioTheme = t1;
- },
- _RadioPainter: function _RadioPainter(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._toggleable$_isHovered = _._toggleable$_isFocused = _._downPosition = _._splashRadius = _._toggleable$_focusColor = _._toggleable$_hoverColor = _._reactionColor = _._inactiveReactionColor = _._inactiveColor = _._activeColor = _._reactionHoverFade = _._reactionFocusFade = _._reaction = _._toggleable$_position = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _RadioDefaultsM2: function _RadioDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___RadioDefaultsM2__colors_FI = _.___RadioDefaultsM2__theme_FI = $;
- _.mouseCursor = t1;
- _.fillColor = t2;
- _.overlayColor = t3;
- _.splashRadius = t4;
- _.materialTapTargetSize = t5;
- _.visualDensity = t6;
- },
- _RadioDefaultsM2_fillColor_closure: function _RadioDefaultsM2_fillColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RadioDefaultsM2_overlayColor_closure: function _RadioDefaultsM2_overlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RadioDefaultsM3: function _RadioDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___RadioDefaultsM3__colors_FI = _.___RadioDefaultsM3__theme_FI = $;
- _.mouseCursor = t1;
- _.fillColor = t2;
- _.overlayColor = t3;
- _.splashRadius = t4;
- _.materialTapTargetSize = t5;
- _.visualDensity = t6;
- },
- _RadioDefaultsM3_fillColor_closure: function _RadioDefaultsM3_fillColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RadioDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure: function _RadioDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- __RadioState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __RadioState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- __RadioState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_ToggleableStateMixin: function __RadioState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_ToggleableStateMixin() {
- },
- RadioThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- t1 = t < 0.5;
- if (t1)
- t2 = a.mouseCursor;
- else
- t2 = b.mouseCursor;
- t3 = type$.nullable_Color;
- t4 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.fillColor, b.fillColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t3);
- if (t1)
- t5 = a.materialTapTargetSize;
- else
- t5 = b.materialTapTargetSize;
- t3 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.overlayColor, b.overlayColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t3);
- t6 = A.lerpDouble(a.splashRadius, b.splashRadius, t);
- if (t1)
- t1 = a.visualDensity;
- else
- t1 = b.visualDensity;
- return new A.RadioThemeData(t2, t4, t3, t6, t5, t1);
- },
- RadioThemeData: function RadioThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.mouseCursor = t0;
- _.fillColor = t1;
- _.overlayColor = t2;
- _.splashRadius = t3;
- _.materialTapTargetSize = t4;
- _.visualDensity = t5;
- },
- _RadioThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _RadioThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _RefreshIndicatorMode: function _RefreshIndicatorMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- RefreshIndicatorTriggerMode: function RefreshIndicatorTriggerMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _IndicatorType: function _IndicatorType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- RefreshIndicator: function RefreshIndicator(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.displacement = t1;
- _.onRefresh = t2;
- _.strokeWidth = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- RefreshIndicatorState: function RefreshIndicatorState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__RefreshIndicatorState__valueColor_A = _.__RefreshIndicatorState__value_A = _.__RefreshIndicatorState__scaleFactor_A = _.__RefreshIndicatorState__positionFactor_A = _.__RefreshIndicatorState__scaleController_A = _.__RefreshIndicatorState__positionController_A = $;
- _._dragOffset = _._isIndicatorAtTop = _._refresh_indicator$_mode = null;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t0;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- RefreshIndicatorState__handleScrollNotification_closure: function RefreshIndicatorState__handleScrollNotification_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RefreshIndicatorState__dismiss_closure: function RefreshIndicatorState__dismiss_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.newMode = t1;
- },
- RefreshIndicatorState__dismiss_closure0: function RefreshIndicatorState__dismiss_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RefreshIndicatorState__show_closure: function RefreshIndicatorState__show_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.completer = t1;
- },
- RefreshIndicatorState__show__closure: function RefreshIndicatorState__show__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RefreshIndicatorState__show__closure0: function RefreshIndicatorState__show__closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.completer = t1;
- },
- RefreshIndicatorState_build_closure: function RefreshIndicatorState_build_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.showIndeterminateIndicator = t1;
- },
- _RefreshIndicatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function _RefreshIndicatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- ReorderableListView: function ReorderableListView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.itemBuilder = t0;
- _.itemCount = t1;
- _.onReorder = t2;
- _.buildDefaultDragHandles = t3;
- _.padding = t4;
- _.shrinkWrap = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- _ReorderableListViewState: function _ReorderableListViewState(t0) {
- this._widget = null;
- this._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- this._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_reorder: function _ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_reorder(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveToStart: function _ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveToStart(t0, t1) {
- this.reorder = t0;
- this.index = t1;
- },
- _ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveToEnd: function _ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveToEnd(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.reorder = t1;
- this.index = t2;
- },
- _ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveBefore: function _ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveBefore(t0, t1) {
- this.reorder = t0;
- this.index = t1;
- },
- _ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveAfter: function _ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveAfter(t0, t1) {
- this.reorder = t0;
- this.index = t1;
- },
- _ReorderableListViewState__proxyDecorator_closure: function _ReorderableListViewState__proxyDecorator_closure(t0) {
- this.animation = t0;
- },
- _ReorderableListViewChildGlobalKey: function _ReorderableListViewChildGlobalKey(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.subKey = t0;
- this.state = t1;
- this.value = t2;
- },
- Scaffold$(appBar, body, drawer, resizeToAvoidBottomInset) {
- return new A.Scaffold(appBar, body, drawer, resizeToAvoidBottomInset, null);
- },
- Scaffold_of(context) {
- var result = context.findAncestorStateOfType$1$0(type$.ScaffoldState);
- if (result != null)
- return result;
- throw A.wrapException(A.FlutterError$fromParts(A._setArrayType([A.ErrorSummary$("Scaffold.of() called with a context that does not contain a Scaffold."), A.ErrorDescription$("No Scaffold ancestor could be found starting from the context that was passed to Scaffold.of(). This usually happens when the context provided is from the same StatefulWidget as that whose build function actually creates the Scaffold widget being sought."), A.ErrorHint$('There are several ways to avoid this problem. The simplest is to use a Builder to get a context that is "under" the Scaffold. For an example of this, please see the documentation for Scaffold.of():\n https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/material/Scaffold/of.html'), A.ErrorHint$("A more efficient solution is to split your build function into several widgets. This introduces a new context from which you can obtain the Scaffold. In this solution, you would have an outer widget that creates the Scaffold populated by instances of your new inner widgets, and then in these inner widgets you would use Scaffold.of().\nA less elegant but more expedient solution is assign a GlobalKey to the Scaffold, then use the key.currentState property to obtain the ScaffoldState rather than using the Scaffold.of() function."), context.describeElement$1("The context used was")], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode)));
- },
- _ScaffoldSlot: function _ScaffoldSlot(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ScaffoldMessenger: function ScaffoldMessenger(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- ScaffoldMessengerState: function ScaffoldMessengerState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._scaffolds = t0;
- _._materialBanners = t1;
- _._snackBars = t2;
- _._accessibleNavigation = _._snackBarTimer = _._snackBarController = null;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t3;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t4;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t5;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- ScaffoldMessengerState_showSnackBar_closure: function ScaffoldMessengerState_showSnackBar_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.controller = t1;
- },
- ScaffoldMessengerState_showSnackBar_closure0: function ScaffoldMessengerState_showSnackBar_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.controller = t1;
- },
- ScaffoldMessengerState__handleSnackBarStatusChanged_closure: function ScaffoldMessengerState__handleSnackBarStatusChanged_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ScaffoldMessengerState__handleSnackBarStatusChanged_closure0: function ScaffoldMessengerState__handleSnackBarStatusChanged_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ScaffoldMessengerState_hideCurrentSnackBar_closure: function ScaffoldMessengerState_hideCurrentSnackBar_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.completer = t1;
- this.reason = t2;
- },
- ScaffoldMessengerState_build_closure: function ScaffoldMessengerState_build_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.snackBar = t1;
- this.context = t2;
- },
- _ScaffoldMessengerScope: function _ScaffoldMessengerScope(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._scaffoldMessengerState = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry: function ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.floatingActionButtonSize = t0;
- _.bottomSheetSize = t1;
- _.contentBottom = t2;
- _.minInsets = t3;
- _.minViewPadding = t4;
- _.scaffoldSize = t5;
- _.snackBarSize = t6;
- _.textDirection = t7;
- },
- ScaffoldGeometry: function ScaffoldGeometry(t0, t1) {
- this.bottomNavigationBarTop = t0;
- this.floatingActionButtonArea = t1;
- },
- _ScaffoldGeometryNotifier: function _ScaffoldGeometryNotifier(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.floatingActionButtonScale = null;
- _.geometry = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t2;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _BodyBoxConstraints: function _BodyBoxConstraints(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.bottomWidgetsHeight = t0;
- _.appBarHeight = t1;
- _.materialBannerHeight = t2;
- _.minWidth = t3;
- _.maxWidth = t4;
- _.minHeight = t5;
- _.maxHeight = t6;
- },
- _BodyBuilder: function _BodyBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.body = t0;
- _.extendBody = t1;
- _.extendBodyBehindAppBar = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _ScaffoldLayout: function _ScaffoldLayout(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _.extendBody = t0;
- _.extendBodyBehindAppBar = t1;
- _.minInsets = t2;
- _.minViewPadding = t3;
- _.textDirection = t4;
- _.geometryNotifier = t5;
- _.previousFloatingActionButtonLocation = t6;
- _.currentFloatingActionButtonLocation = t7;
- _.floatingActionButtonMoveAnimationProgress = t8;
- _.floatingActionButtonMotionAnimator = t9;
- _.isSnackBarFloating = t10;
- _.snackBarWidth = t11;
- _.extendBodyBehindMaterialBanner = t12;
- _._debugChildrenNeedingLayout = _._idToChild = null;
- },
- _FloatingActionButtonTransition: function _FloatingActionButtonTransition(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.fabMoveAnimation = t1;
- _.fabMotionAnimator = t2;
- _.geometryNotifier = t3;
- _.currentController = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _FloatingActionButtonTransitionState: function _FloatingActionButtonTransitionState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentRotationAnimation_A = _.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__extendedCurrentScaleAnimation_A = _.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentScaleAnimation_A = _.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousRotationAnimation_A = _.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousScaleAnimation_A = _.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousController_A = $;
- _._previousChild = null;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t0;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__handlePreviousAnimationStatusChanged_closure: function _FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__handlePreviousAnimationStatusChanged_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.status = t1;
- },
- Scaffold: function Scaffold(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.appBar = t0;
- _.body = t1;
- _.drawer = t2;
- _.resizeToAvoidBottomInset = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- ScaffoldState: function ScaffoldState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15) {
- var _ = this;
- _._drawerKey = t0;
- _._endDrawerKey = t1;
- _._bodyKey = t2;
- _._appBarMaxHeight = null;
- _._drawerOpened = t3;
- _._endDrawerOpened = t4;
- _._messengerMaterialBanner = _._messengerSnackBar = _._scaffoldMessenger = null;
- _._dismissedBottomSheets = t5;
- _._currentBottomSheet = null;
- _._currentBottomSheetKey = t6;
- _._persistentSheetHistoryEntry = null;
- _.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonAnimator_A = _.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonMoveController_A = $;
- _._floatingActionButtonLocation = _._previousFloatingActionButtonLocation = null;
- _.__ScaffoldState__geometryNotifier_A = _.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonVisibilityController_A = $;
- _._showBodyScrim = false;
- _._bodyScrimColor = t7;
- _.RestorationMixin__bucket = t8;
- _.RestorationMixin__properties = t9;
- _.RestorationMixin__debugPropertiesWaitingForReregistration = t10;
- _.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = t11;
- _.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t12;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t13;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t14;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t15;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- ScaffoldState__drawerOpenedCallback_closure: function ScaffoldState__drawerOpenedCallback_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.isOpened = t1;
- },
- ScaffoldState__updateSnackBar_closure: function ScaffoldState__updateSnackBar_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.messengerSnackBar = t1;
- },
- ScaffoldState__updateMaterialBanner_closure: function ScaffoldState__updateMaterialBanner_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.messengerMaterialBanner = t1;
- },
- ScaffoldState_build_closure: function ScaffoldState_build_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.extendBody = t2;
- _.minInsets = t3;
- _.minViewPadding = t4;
- _.textDirection = t5;
- _.children = t6;
- },
- _DismissDrawerAction: function _DismissDrawerAction(t0, t1) {
- this.context = t0;
- this._actions$_listeners = t1;
- this._currentCallingAction = null;
- },
- ScaffoldFeatureController: function ScaffoldFeatureController(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._scaffold$_widget = t0;
- _._completer = t1;
- _.close = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _ScaffoldScope: function _ScaffoldScope(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.hasDrawer = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure: function _ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure() {
- },
- _ScaffoldMessengerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function _ScaffoldMessengerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- _ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function _ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- _ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin: function _ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin() {
- },
- __FloatingActionButtonTransitionState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __FloatingActionButtonTransitionState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- Scrollbar$(child, controller, notificationPredicate, thickness, thumbVisibility) {
- return new A.Scrollbar(child, controller, thumbVisibility, thickness, notificationPredicate, null);
- },
- Scrollbar: function Scrollbar(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.controller = t1;
- _.thumbVisibility = t2;
- _.thickness = t3;
- _.notificationPredicate = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _MaterialScrollbar: function _MaterialScrollbar(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _.showTrackOnHover = t0;
- _.hoverThickness = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.controller = t3;
- _.thumbVisibility = t4;
- _.radius = t5;
- _.thickness = t6;
- _.trackVisibility = t7;
- _.fadeDuration = t8;
- _.timeToFade = t9;
- _.pressDuration = t10;
- _.notificationPredicate = t11;
- _.interactive = t12;
- _.scrollbarOrientation = t13;
- _.key = t14;
- },
- _MaterialScrollbarState: function _MaterialScrollbarState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___MaterialScrollbarState__hoverAnimationController_A = $;
- _._scrollbar0$_hoverIsActive = _._dragIsActive = false;
- _.___MaterialScrollbarState__useAndroidScrollbar_A = _.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A = _.___MaterialScrollbarState__colorScheme_A = $;
- _._fadeoutTimer = _._cachedController = _._startDragThumbOffset = _._lastDragUpdateOffset = _._startDragScrollbarAxisOffset = null;
- _.__RawScrollbarState__fadeoutOpacityAnimation_A = _.__RawScrollbarState__fadeoutAnimationController_A = $;
- _._scrollbarPainterKey = t0;
- _._thumbDragging = _._hoverIsActive = false;
- _.__RawScrollbarState_scrollbarPainter_F = $;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t1;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _MaterialScrollbarState__trackVisibility_closure: function _MaterialScrollbarState__trackVisibility_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MaterialScrollbarState__thumbColor_closure: function _MaterialScrollbarState__thumbColor_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.dragColor = t1;
- _.hoverColor = t2;
- _.idleColor = t3;
- },
- _MaterialScrollbarState__trackColor_closure: function _MaterialScrollbarState__trackColor_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.brightness = t1;
- this.onSurface = t2;
- },
- _MaterialScrollbarState__trackBorderColor_closure: function _MaterialScrollbarState__trackBorderColor_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.brightness = t1;
- this.onSurface = t2;
- },
- _MaterialScrollbarState__thickness_closure: function _MaterialScrollbarState__thickness_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MaterialScrollbarState_initState_closure: function _MaterialScrollbarState_initState_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MaterialScrollbarState_handleThumbPressStart_closure: function _MaterialScrollbarState_handleThumbPressStart_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MaterialScrollbarState_handleThumbPressEnd_closure: function _MaterialScrollbarState_handleThumbPressEnd_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MaterialScrollbarState_handleHover_closure: function _MaterialScrollbarState_handleHover_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MaterialScrollbarState_handleHover_closure0: function _MaterialScrollbarState_handleHover_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MaterialScrollbarState_handleHoverExit_closure: function _MaterialScrollbarState_handleHoverExit_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ScrollbarThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- t1 = type$.nullable_bool;
- t2 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.thumbVisibility, b.thumbVisibility, t, A.scrollbar_theme___lerpBool$closure(), t1);
- t3 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.thickness, b.thickness, t, A.ui__lerpDouble$closure(), type$.nullable_double);
- t1 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.trackVisibility, b.trackVisibility, t, A.scrollbar_theme___lerpBool$closure(), t1);
- t4 = a.showTrackOnHover;
- t5 = b.showTrackOnHover;
- t6 = t < 0.5;
- t4 = t6 ? t4 : t5;
- t5 = a.isAlwaysShown;
- t7 = b.isAlwaysShown;
- t5 = t6 ? t5 : t7;
- t7 = a.interactive;
- t8 = b.interactive;
- t6 = t6 ? t7 : t8;
- t7 = A.Radius_lerp(a.radius, b.radius, t);
- t8 = type$.nullable_Color;
- t9 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.thumbColor, b.thumbColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t8);
- t10 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.trackColor, b.trackColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t8);
- t8 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.trackBorderColor, b.trackBorderColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t8);
- t11 = A.lerpDouble(a.crossAxisMargin, b.crossAxisMargin, t);
- t12 = A.lerpDouble(a.mainAxisMargin, b.mainAxisMargin, t);
- return new A.ScrollbarThemeData(t2, t3, t1, t4, t5, t6, t7, t9, t10, t8, t11, t12, A.lerpDouble(a.minThumbLength, b.minThumbLength, t));
- },
- _lerpBool(a, b, t) {
- return t < 0.5 ? a : b;
- },
- ScrollbarThemeData: function ScrollbarThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _.thumbVisibility = t0;
- _.thickness = t1;
- _.trackVisibility = t2;
- _.showTrackOnHover = t3;
- _.isAlwaysShown = t4;
- _.interactive = t5;
- _.radius = t6;
- _.thumbColor = t7;
- _.trackColor = t8;
- _.trackBorderColor = t9;
- _.crossAxisMargin = t10;
- _.mainAxisMargin = t11;
- _.minThumbLength = t12;
- },
- _ScrollbarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ScrollbarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SearchBarThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.elevation, b.elevation, t, A.ui__lerpDouble$closure(), type$.nullable_double);
- t2 = type$.nullable_Color;
- t3 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t2);
- t4 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.shadowColor, b.shadowColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t2);
- t5 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.surfaceTintColor, b.surfaceTintColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t2);
- t2 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.overlayColor, b.overlayColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t2);
- t6 = A.SearchBarThemeData__lerpSides(a.side, b.side, t);
- t7 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t, A.borders_OutlinedBorder_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_OutlinedBorder);
- t8 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.padding, b.padding, t, A.edge_insets_EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_EdgeInsetsGeometry);
- t9 = type$.nullable_TextStyle;
- t10 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.textStyle, b.textStyle, t, A.text_style_TextStyle_lerp$closure(), t9);
- t9 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.hintStyle, b.hintStyle, t, A.text_style_TextStyle_lerp$closure(), t9);
- return new A.SearchBarThemeData(t1, t3, t4, t5, t2, t6, t7, t8, t10, t9, A.BoxConstraints_lerp(a.constraints, b.constraints, t));
- },
- SearchBarThemeData__lerpSides(a, b, t) {
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- return new A._LerpSides0(a, b, t);
- },
- SearchBarThemeData: function SearchBarThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.elevation = t0;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.shadowColor = t2;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t3;
- _.overlayColor = t4;
- _.side = t5;
- _.shape = t6;
- _.padding = t7;
- _.textStyle = t8;
- _.hintStyle = t9;
- _.constraints = t10;
- },
- _LerpSides0: function _LerpSides0(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.a = t0;
- this.b = t1;
- this.t = t2;
- },
- _SearchBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SearchBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SearchViewThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.surfaceTintColor, b.surfaceTintColor, t);
- t4 = A.SearchViewThemeData__lerpSides(a.side, b.side, t);
- t5 = A.OutlinedBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t);
- t6 = a.headerTextStyle;
- t7 = b.headerTextStyle;
- t8 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t6, t7, t);
- t6 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t6, t7, t);
- t7 = A.BoxConstraints_lerp(a.constraints, b.constraints, t);
- return new A.SearchViewThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t8, t6, t7, A.Color_lerp(a.dividerColor, b.dividerColor, t));
- },
- SearchViewThemeData__lerpSides(a, b, t) {
- if (a == null || b == null)
- return null;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(a, b, t);
- },
- SearchViewThemeData: function SearchViewThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.elevation = t1;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t2;
- _.side = t3;
- _.shape = t4;
- _.headerTextStyle = t5;
- _.headerHintStyle = t6;
- _.constraints = t7;
- _.dividerColor = t8;
- },
- _SearchViewThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SearchViewThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SegmentedButtonThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- t1 = A.ButtonStyle_lerp(a.style, b.style, t);
- if (t < 0.5)
- t2 = a.selectedIcon;
- else
- t2 = b.selectedIcon;
- return new A.SegmentedButtonThemeData(t1, t2);
- },
- SegmentedButtonThemeData: function SegmentedButtonThemeData(t0, t1) {
- this.style = t0;
- this.selectedIcon = t1;
- },
- _SegmentedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SegmentedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SliderThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.trackHeight, b.trackHeight, t);
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.activeTrackColor, b.activeTrackColor, t);
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.inactiveTrackColor, b.inactiveTrackColor, t);
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.secondaryActiveTrackColor, b.secondaryActiveTrackColor, t);
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.disabledActiveTrackColor, b.disabledActiveTrackColor, t);
- t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.disabledInactiveTrackColor, b.disabledInactiveTrackColor, t);
- t7 = A.Color_lerp(a.disabledSecondaryActiveTrackColor, b.disabledSecondaryActiveTrackColor, t);
- t8 = A.Color_lerp(a.activeTickMarkColor, b.activeTickMarkColor, t);
- t9 = A.Color_lerp(a.inactiveTickMarkColor, b.inactiveTickMarkColor, t);
- t10 = A.Color_lerp(a.disabledActiveTickMarkColor, b.disabledActiveTickMarkColor, t);
- t11 = A.Color_lerp(a.disabledInactiveTickMarkColor, b.disabledInactiveTickMarkColor, t);
- t12 = A.Color_lerp(a.thumbColor, b.thumbColor, t);
- t13 = A.Color_lerp(a.overlappingShapeStrokeColor, b.overlappingShapeStrokeColor, t);
- t14 = A.Color_lerp(a.disabledThumbColor, b.disabledThumbColor, t);
- t15 = A.Color_lerp(a.overlayColor, b.overlayColor, t);
- t16 = A.Color_lerp(a.valueIndicatorColor, b.valueIndicatorColor, t);
- t17 = t < 0.5;
- t18 = t17 ? a.overlayShape : b.overlayShape;
- t19 = t17 ? a.tickMarkShape : b.tickMarkShape;
- t20 = t17 ? a.thumbShape : b.thumbShape;
- t21 = t17 ? a.trackShape : b.trackShape;
- t22 = t17 ? a.valueIndicatorShape : b.valueIndicatorShape;
- t23 = t17 ? a.rangeTickMarkShape : b.rangeTickMarkShape;
- t24 = t17 ? a.rangeThumbShape : b.rangeThumbShape;
- t25 = t17 ? a.rangeTrackShape : b.rangeTrackShape;
- t26 = t17 ? a.rangeValueIndicatorShape : b.rangeValueIndicatorShape;
- t27 = t17 ? a.showValueIndicator : b.showValueIndicator;
- t28 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.valueIndicatorTextStyle, b.valueIndicatorTextStyle, t);
- t29 = A.lerpDouble(a.minThumbSeparation, b.minThumbSeparation, t);
- t30 = t17 ? a.thumbSelector : b.thumbSelector;
- return new A.SliderThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t7, t6, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t17 ? a.mouseCursor : b.mouseCursor);
- },
- SliderThemeData: function SliderThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29) {
- var _ = this;
- _.trackHeight = t0;
- _.activeTrackColor = t1;
- _.inactiveTrackColor = t2;
- _.secondaryActiveTrackColor = t3;
- _.disabledActiveTrackColor = t4;
- _.disabledSecondaryActiveTrackColor = t5;
- _.disabledInactiveTrackColor = t6;
- _.activeTickMarkColor = t7;
- _.inactiveTickMarkColor = t8;
- _.disabledActiveTickMarkColor = t9;
- _.disabledInactiveTickMarkColor = t10;
- _.thumbColor = t11;
- _.overlappingShapeStrokeColor = t12;
- _.disabledThumbColor = t13;
- _.overlayColor = t14;
- _.valueIndicatorColor = t15;
- _.overlayShape = t16;
- _.tickMarkShape = t17;
- _.thumbShape = t18;
- _.trackShape = t19;
- _.valueIndicatorShape = t20;
- _.rangeTickMarkShape = t21;
- _.rangeThumbShape = t22;
- _.rangeTrackShape = t23;
- _.rangeValueIndicatorShape = t24;
- _.showValueIndicator = t25;
- _.valueIndicatorTextStyle = t26;
- _.minThumbSeparation = t27;
- _.thumbSelector = t28;
- _.mouseCursor = t29;
- },
- _SliderThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SliderThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SnackBarClosedReason: function SnackBarClosedReason(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SnackBar: function SnackBar(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17) {
- var _ = this;
- _.content = t0;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.elevation = t2;
- _.margin = t3;
- _.padding = t4;
- _.width = t5;
- _.shape = t6;
- _.behavior = t7;
- _.action = t8;
- _.actionOverflowThreshold = t9;
- _.showCloseIcon = t10;
- _.closeIconColor = t11;
- _.duration = t12;
- _.animation = t13;
- _.onVisible = t14;
- _.dismissDirection = t15;
- _.clipBehavior = t16;
- _.key = t17;
- },
- _SnackBarState: function _SnackBarState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._wasVisible = false;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _SnackBarState_build_closure: function _SnackBarState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- _SnackBarState_build_closure0: function _SnackBarState_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- _SnackBarState_build_closure1: function _SnackBarState_build_closure1(t0) {
- this.heightM3Animation = t0;
- },
- _SnackBarState_build_closure2: function _SnackBarState_build_closure2(t0) {
- this.heightAnimation = t0;
- },
- _SnackbarDefaultsM2: function _SnackbarDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___SnackbarDefaultsM2__theme_F = t0;
- _.___SnackbarDefaultsM2__colors_F = t1;
- _.backgroundColor = t2;
- _.actionTextColor = t3;
- _.disabledActionTextColor = t4;
- _.contentTextStyle = t5;
- _.elevation = t6;
- _.shape = t7;
- _.behavior = t8;
- _.width = t9;
- _.insetPadding = t10;
- _.closeIconColor = t11;
- _.actionOverflowThreshold = t12;
- _.actionBackgroundColor = t13;
- _.disabledActionBackgroundColor = t14;
- },
- _SnackbarDefaultsM3: function _SnackbarDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___SnackbarDefaultsM3__colors_FI = _.___SnackbarDefaultsM3__theme_FI = $;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.actionTextColor = t2;
- _.disabledActionTextColor = t3;
- _.contentTextStyle = t4;
- _.elevation = t5;
- _.shape = t6;
- _.behavior = t7;
- _.width = t8;
- _.insetPadding = t9;
- _.closeIconColor = t10;
- _.actionOverflowThreshold = t11;
- _.actionBackgroundColor = t12;
- _.disabledActionBackgroundColor = t13;
- },
- _SnackbarDefaultsM3_actionTextColor_closure: function _SnackbarDefaultsM3_actionTextColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SnackBarThemeData$(actionBackgroundColor, actionOverflowThreshold, actionTextColor, backgroundColor, behavior, closeIconColor, contentTextStyle, disabledActionBackgroundColor, disabledActionTextColor, elevation, insetPadding, shape, width) {
- return new A.SnackBarThemeData(backgroundColor, actionTextColor, disabledActionTextColor, contentTextStyle, elevation, shape, behavior, width, insetPadding, closeIconColor, actionOverflowThreshold, actionBackgroundColor, disabledActionBackgroundColor);
- },
- SnackBarThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.actionTextColor, b.actionTextColor, t);
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.disabledActionTextColor, b.disabledActionTextColor, t);
- t4 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.contentTextStyle, b.contentTextStyle, t);
- t5 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t6 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t);
- if (t < 0.5)
- t7 = a.behavior;
- else
- t7 = b.behavior;
- t8 = A.lerpDouble(a.width, b.width, t);
- t9 = A.EdgeInsets_lerp(a.insetPadding, b.insetPadding, t);
- t10 = A.Color_lerp(a.closeIconColor, b.closeIconColor, t);
- t11 = A.lerpDouble(a.actionOverflowThreshold, b.actionOverflowThreshold, t);
- t12 = A.Color_lerp(a.actionBackgroundColor, b.actionBackgroundColor, t);
- return A.SnackBarThemeData$(t12, t11, t2, t1, t7, t10, t4, A.Color_lerp(a.disabledActionBackgroundColor, b.disabledActionBackgroundColor, t), t3, t5, t9, t6, t8);
- },
- SnackBarBehavior: function SnackBarBehavior(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SnackBarThemeData: function SnackBarThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.actionTextColor = t1;
- _.disabledActionTextColor = t2;
- _.contentTextStyle = t3;
- _.elevation = t4;
- _.shape = t5;
- _.behavior = t6;
- _.width = t7;
- _.insetPadding = t8;
- _.closeIconColor = t9;
- _.actionOverflowThreshold = t10;
- _.actionBackgroundColor = t11;
- _.disabledActionBackgroundColor = t12;
- },
- _SnackBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SnackBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- Switch$(activeColor, inactiveThumbColor, onChanged, thumbIcon, value) {
- return new A.Switch(value, onChanged, activeColor, inactiveThumbColor, thumbIcon, null);
- },
- _SwitchType: function _SwitchType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Switch: function Switch(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.value = t0;
- _.onChanged = t1;
- _.activeColor = t2;
- _.inactiveThumbColor = t3;
- _.thumbIcon = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _MaterialSwitch: function _MaterialSwitch(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24) {
- var _ = this;
- _.value = t0;
- _.onChanged = t1;
- _.activeColor = t2;
- _.activeTrackColor = t3;
- _.inactiveThumbColor = t4;
- _.inactiveTrackColor = t5;
- _.activeThumbImage = t6;
- _.onActiveThumbImageError = t7;
- _.inactiveThumbImage = t8;
- _.onInactiveThumbImageError = t9;
- _.thumbColor = t10;
- _.trackColor = t11;
- _.trackOutlineColor = t12;
- _.thumbIcon = t13;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t14;
- _.mouseCursor = t15;
- _.focusColor = t16;
- _.hoverColor = t17;
- _.overlayColor = t18;
- _.splashRadius = t19;
- _.focusNode = t20;
- _.onFocusChange = t21;
- _.autofocus = t22;
- _.size = t23;
- _.key = t24;
- },
- _MaterialSwitchState: function _MaterialSwitchState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15) {
- var _ = this;
- _._switch$_painter = t0;
- _._needsPositionAnimation = false;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A = t1;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__position_A = t2;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionController_A = t3;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reaction_A = t4;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFade_A = t5;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFadeController_A = t6;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFade_A = t7;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFadeController_A = t8;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__actionMap_FI = t9;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin__downPosition = t10;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin__focused = t11;
- _.ToggleableStateMixin__hovering = t12;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t13;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t14;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t15;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _MaterialSwitchState__widgetThumbColor_closure: function _MaterialSwitchState__widgetThumbColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MaterialSwitchState__widgetTrackColor_closure: function _MaterialSwitchState__widgetTrackColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MaterialSwitchState__handleDragEnd_closure: function _MaterialSwitchState__handleDragEnd_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MaterialSwitchState_build_closure: function _MaterialSwitchState_build_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.switchTheme = t1;
- },
- _SwitchPainter: function _SwitchPainter(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._cachedThumbColor = _._thumbShadow = _._trackInnerLength = _._isInteractive = _._surfaceColor = _._switch$_textDirection = _._switch$_configuration = _._inactiveTrackColor = _._inactiveTrackOutlineColor = _._activeTrackOutlineColor = _._activeTrackColor = _._onInactiveThumbImageError = _._inactiveThumbImage = _._onActiveThumbImageError = _._activeThumbImage = _._trackWidth = _._trackHeight = _._transitionalThumbSize = _._thumbOffset = _._pressedThumbRadius = _._inactiveThumbRadius = _._activeThumbRadius = _._inactivePressedColor = _._activePressedColor = _._inactiveIconColor = _._activeIconColor = _._iconTheme = _._inactiveIcon = _._activeIcon = _._positionController = null;
- _._cachedThumbPainter = _._cachedThumbErrorListener = _._cachedThumbImage = null;
- _._stopPressAnimation = _._isPainting = false;
- _._toggleable$_isHovered = _._toggleable$_isFocused = _._downPosition = _._splashRadius = _._toggleable$_focusColor = _._toggleable$_hoverColor = _._reactionColor = _._inactiveReactionColor = _._inactiveColor = _._activeColor = _._reactionHoverFade = _._reactionFocusFade = _._reaction = _._toggleable$_position = _._pressedActiveThumbRadius = _._pressedInactiveThumbRadius = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _SwitchPainter_paint_thumbSizeAnimation: function _SwitchPainter_paint_thumbSizeAnimation(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.inactiveThumbSize = t1;
- this.activeThumbSize = t2;
- },
- _SwitchConfig: function _SwitchConfig() {
- },
- _SwitchConfigM2: function _SwitchConfigM2() {
- },
- _SwitchDefaultsM2: function _SwitchDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _._switch$_theme = t0;
- _._switch$_colors = t1;
- _.thumbColor = t2;
- _.trackColor = t3;
- _.trackOutlineColor = t4;
- _.materialTapTargetSize = t5;
- _.mouseCursor = t6;
- _.overlayColor = t7;
- _.splashRadius = t8;
- _.thumbIcon = t9;
- },
- _SwitchDefaultsM2_thumbColor_closure: function _SwitchDefaultsM2_thumbColor_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.isDark = t1;
- },
- _SwitchDefaultsM2_trackColor_closure: function _SwitchDefaultsM2_trackColor_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.isDark = t1;
- },
- _SwitchDefaultsM2_mouseCursor_closure: function _SwitchDefaultsM2_mouseCursor_closure() {
- },
- _SwitchDefaultsM2_overlayColor_closure: function _SwitchDefaultsM2_overlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _SwitchDefaultsM3: function _SwitchDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___SwitchDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.thumbColor = t1;
- _.trackColor = t2;
- _.trackOutlineColor = t3;
- _.materialTapTargetSize = t4;
- _.mouseCursor = t5;
- _.overlayColor = t6;
- _.splashRadius = t7;
- _.thumbIcon = t8;
- },
- _SwitchDefaultsM3_thumbColor_closure: function _SwitchDefaultsM3_thumbColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _SwitchDefaultsM3_trackColor_closure: function _SwitchDefaultsM3_trackColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _SwitchDefaultsM3_trackOutlineColor_closure: function _SwitchDefaultsM3_trackOutlineColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _SwitchDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure: function _SwitchDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _SwitchConfigM3: function _SwitchConfigM3(t0) {
- this._switch$_colors = t0;
- },
- _SwitchConfigM3_iconColor_closure: function _SwitchConfigM3_iconColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- __MaterialSwitchState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __MaterialSwitchState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- __MaterialSwitchState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_ToggleableStateMixin: function __MaterialSwitchState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_ToggleableStateMixin() {
- },
- __SwitchConfigM2_Object__SwitchConfig: function __SwitchConfigM2_Object__SwitchConfig() {
- },
- __SwitchConfigM3_Object__SwitchConfig: function __SwitchConfigM3_Object__SwitchConfig() {
- },
- SwitchThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- t1 = type$.nullable_Color;
- t2 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.thumbColor, b.thumbColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t1);
- t3 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.trackColor, b.trackColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t1);
- t4 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.trackOutlineColor, b.trackOutlineColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t1);
- t5 = t < 0.5;
- if (t5)
- t6 = a.materialTapTargetSize;
- else
- t6 = b.materialTapTargetSize;
- if (t5)
- t7 = a.mouseCursor;
- else
- t7 = b.mouseCursor;
- t1 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.overlayColor, b.overlayColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), t1);
- t8 = A.lerpDouble(a.splashRadius, b.splashRadius, t);
- if (t5)
- t5 = a.thumbIcon;
- else
- t5 = b.thumbIcon;
- return new A.SwitchThemeData(t2, t3, t4, t6, t7, t1, t8, t5);
- },
- SwitchTheme_of(context) {
- var t1;
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.SwitchTheme);
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return t1.switchTheme;
- },
- SwitchThemeData: function SwitchThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.thumbColor = t0;
- _.trackColor = t1;
- _.trackOutlineColor = t2;
- _.materialTapTargetSize = t3;
- _.mouseCursor = t4;
- _.overlayColor = t5;
- _.splashRadius = t6;
- _.thumbIcon = t7;
- },
- _SwitchThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SwitchThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- TabBarTheme_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Decoration_lerp(a.indicator, b.indicator, t);
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.indicatorColor, b.indicatorColor, t);
- t3 = t < 0.5;
- t4 = t3 ? a.indicatorSize : b.indicatorSize;
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.dividerColor, b.dividerColor, t);
- t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.labelColor, b.labelColor, t);
- t7 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.labelPadding, b.labelPadding, t);
- t8 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.labelStyle, b.labelStyle, t);
- t9 = A.Color_lerp(a.unselectedLabelColor, b.unselectedLabelColor, t);
- t10 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.unselectedLabelStyle, b.unselectedLabelStyle, t);
- t11 = A.MaterialStateProperty_lerp(a.overlayColor, b.overlayColor, t, A.ui_Color_lerp$closure(), type$.nullable_Color);
- t12 = t3 ? a.splashFactory : b.splashFactory;
- return new A.TabBarTheme(t1, t2, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t3 ? a.mouseCursor : b.mouseCursor);
- },
- TabBarTheme: function TabBarTheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.indicator = t0;
- _.indicatorColor = t1;
- _.indicatorSize = t2;
- _.dividerColor = t3;
- _.labelColor = t4;
- _.labelPadding = t5;
- _.labelStyle = t6;
- _.unselectedLabelColor = t7;
- _.unselectedLabelStyle = t8;
- _.overlayColor = t9;
- _.splashFactory = t10;
- _.mouseCursor = t11;
- },
- _TabBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TabBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- TabController: function TabController(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._tab_controller$_animationController = t0;
- _._animationDuration = t1;
- _.length = t2;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = _._indexIsChangingCount = _._previousIndex = _._tab_controller$_index = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t3;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- TabController__changeIndex_closure: function TabController__changeIndex_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TabStyle$(animation, child, defaults, isPrimary, isSelected, labelColor, labelStyle, unselectedLabelColor, unselectedLabelStyle) {
- return new A._TabStyle(labelStyle, unselectedLabelStyle, isSelected, labelColor, unselectedLabelColor, defaults, child, animation, null);
- },
- _indexChangeProgress(controller) {
- var previousIndex, currentIndex,
- t1 = controller.get$animation(controller).__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- previousIndex = controller._previousIndex;
- currentIndex = controller._tab_controller$_index;
- if (controller._indexIsChangingCount === 0)
- return A.clampDouble(Math.abs(currentIndex - t1), 0, 1);
- return Math.abs(t1 - currentIndex) / Math.abs(currentIndex - previousIndex);
- },
- TabBarIndicatorSize: function TabBarIndicatorSize(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Tab: function Tab(t0, t1) {
- this.icon = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- _TabStyle: function _TabStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.labelStyle = t0;
- _.unselectedLabelStyle = t1;
- _.isSelected = t2;
- _.labelColor = t3;
- _.unselectedLabelColor = t4;
- _.defaults = t5;
- _.child = t6;
- _.listenable = t7;
- _.key = t8;
- },
- _TabStyle__resolveWithLabelColor_closure: function _TabStyle__resolveWithLabelColor_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.animation = t1;
- },
- _TabLabelBarRenderer: function _TabLabelBarRenderer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onPerformLayout = t0;
- _._flex$_direction = t1;
- _._mainAxisAlignment = t2;
- _._mainAxisSize = t3;
- _._crossAxisAlignment = t4;
- _._flex$_textDirection = t5;
- _._verticalDirection = t6;
- _._flex$_textBaseline = t7;
- _._flex$_overflow = 0;
- _._flex$_clipBehavior = t8;
- _._flex$_clipRectLayer = t9;
- _.DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin__indicatorLabel = t10;
- _.DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin__overflowReportNeeded = t11;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t12;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t13;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t14;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t15;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _TabLabelBar: function _TabLabelBar(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onPerformLayout = t0;
- _.direction = t1;
- _.mainAxisAlignment = t2;
- _.mainAxisSize = t3;
- _.crossAxisAlignment = t4;
- _.textDirection = t5;
- _.verticalDirection = t6;
- _.textBaseline = t7;
- _.children = t8;
- _.key = t9;
- },
- _IndicatorPainter: function _IndicatorPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.controller = t0;
- _.indicator = t1;
- _.indicatorSize = t2;
- _.indicatorPadding = t3;
- _.tabKeys = t4;
- _.dividerColor = t5;
- _.labelPaddings = t6;
- _._tabs$_painter = _._currentRect = _._currentTextDirection = _._currentTabOffsets = null;
- _._tabs$_needsPaint = false;
- _._repaint = t7;
- },
- _ChangeAnimation: function _ChangeAnimation(t0) {
- this.controller = t0;
- },
- _DragAnimation: function _DragAnimation(t0, t1) {
- this.controller = t0;
- this.index = t1;
- },
- _TabBarScrollPosition: function _TabBarScrollPosition() {
- },
- TabBar: function TabBar(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.tabs = t0;
- _.controller = t1;
- _.indicatorPadding = t2;
- _.indicator = t3;
- _.automaticIndicatorColorAdjustment = t4;
- _.dividerColor = t5;
- _.labelColor = t6;
- _.key = t7;
- },
- _TabBarState: function _TabBarState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._currentIndex = _._indicatorPainter = _._tabs$_controller = _._tabs$_scrollController = null;
- _.___TabBarState__labelPaddings_A = _.___TabBarState__tabKeys_A = _.___TabBarState__tabStripWidth_A = $;
- _._debugHasScheduledValidTabsCountCheck = false;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _TabBarState_initState_closure: function _TabBarState_initState_closure() {
- },
- _TabBarState__handleTabControllerTick_closure: function _TabBarState__handleTabControllerTick_closure() {
- },
- _TabBarState_build_closure: function _TabBarState_build_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.tabBarTheme = t1;
- },
- _TabBarState_build_closure0: function _TabBarState_build_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.selectedState = t1;
- },
- _TabBarState_build_closure1: function _TabBarState_build_closure1(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.index = t1;
- },
- TabBarView: function TabBarView(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.controller = t0;
- this.children = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _TabBarViewState: function _TabBarViewState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._tabs$_controller = null;
- _.___TabBarViewState__childrenWithKey_A = _.___TabBarViewState__pageController_A = $;
- _._currentIndex = null;
- _._scrollUnderwayCount = _._warpUnderwayCount = 0;
- _._debugHasScheduledValidChildrenCountCheck = false;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _TabBarViewState__warpToAdjacentTab_closure: function _TabBarViewState__warpToAdjacentTab_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TabBarViewState__warpToNonAdjacentTab_closure: function _TabBarViewState__warpToNonAdjacentTab_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.initialPage = t1;
- this.previousIndex = t2;
- },
- _TabBarViewState__warpToNonAdjacentTab_closure0: function _TabBarViewState__warpToNonAdjacentTab_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TabsDefaultsM2: function _TabsDefaultsM2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.indicator = t1;
- _.indicatorColor = t2;
- _.indicatorSize = t3;
- _.dividerColor = t4;
- _.labelColor = t5;
- _.labelPadding = t6;
- _.labelStyle = t7;
- _.unselectedLabelColor = t8;
- _.unselectedLabelStyle = t9;
- _.overlayColor = t10;
- _.splashFactory = t11;
- _.mouseCursor = t12;
- },
- _TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3: function _TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = _.___TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.indicator = t1;
- _.indicatorColor = t2;
- _.indicatorSize = t3;
- _.dividerColor = t4;
- _.labelColor = t5;
- _.labelPadding = t6;
- _.labelStyle = t7;
- _.unselectedLabelColor = t8;
- _.unselectedLabelStyle = t9;
- _.overlayColor = t10;
- _.splashFactory = t11;
- _.mouseCursor = t12;
- },
- _TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure: function _TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- __ChangeAnimation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin: function __ChangeAnimation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin() {
- },
- __DragAnimation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin: function __DragAnimation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin() {
- },
- TextButton$(child, onPressed, style) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.TextButton(onPressed, _null, _null, _null, style, B.Clip_0, _null, false, _null, child, _null);
- },
- TextButton_styleFrom(alignment, animationDuration, backgroundColor, disabledBackgroundColor, disabledForegroundColor, disabledMouseCursor, elevation, enableFeedback, enabledMouseCursor, foregroundColor, maximumSize, minimumSize, padding, shadowColor, shape, splashFactory, tapTargetSize, textStyle, visualDensity) {
- var disabledForeground, foregroundColorProp, t1, backgroundColorProp, overlayColor, mouseCursor, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _null = null;
- if (disabledForegroundColor == null)
- disabledForeground = _null;
- else
- disabledForeground = disabledForegroundColor;
- foregroundColorProp = new A._TextButtonDefaultColor(foregroundColor, disabledForeground);
- t1 = backgroundColor == null;
- if (t1 && disabledBackgroundColor == null)
- backgroundColorProp = _null;
- else if (disabledBackgroundColor == null) {
- t1 = t1 ? _null : new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(backgroundColor, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_nullable_Color);
- backgroundColorProp = t1;
- } else {
- t1 = new A._TextButtonDefaultColor(backgroundColor, disabledBackgroundColor);
- backgroundColorProp = t1;
- }
- overlayColor = new A._TextButtonDefaultOverlay(foregroundColor);
- if (enabledMouseCursor == null && disabledMouseCursor == null)
- mouseCursor = _null;
- else {
- enabledMouseCursor.toString;
- disabledMouseCursor.toString;
- mouseCursor = new A._TextButtonDefaultMouseCursor(enabledMouseCursor, disabledMouseCursor);
- }
- t1 = textStyle == null ? _null : new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(textStyle, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_TextStyle);
- t2 = shadowColor == null ? _null : new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(shadowColor, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color);
- t3 = elevation == null ? _null : new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(elevation, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_double);
- t4 = minimumSize == null ? _null : new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(minimumSize, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Size);
- t5 = maximumSize == null ? _null : new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(maximumSize, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Size);
- t6 = shape == null ? _null : new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(shape, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_OutlinedBorder);
- return A.ButtonStyle$(alignment, animationDuration, backgroundColorProp, t3, enableFeedback, _null, foregroundColorProp, _null, _null, t5, t4, mouseCursor, overlayColor, new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(padding, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_EdgeInsetsGeometry), t2, t6, _null, splashFactory, _null, tapTargetSize, t1, visualDensity);
- },
- _scaledPadding(context) {
- var t1 = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? B.EdgeInsets_12_8_12_8 : B.EdgeInsets_8_8_8_8,
- t2 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_3);
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.textScaleFactor;
- return A.ButtonStyleButton_scaledPadding(t1, B.EdgeInsets_8_0_8_0, B.EdgeInsets_4_0_4_0, t2 == null ? 1 : t2);
- },
- TextButton: function TextButton(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onPressed = t0;
- _.onLongPress = t1;
- _.onHover = t2;
- _.onFocusChange = t3;
- _.style = t4;
- _.clipBehavior = t5;
- _.focusNode = t6;
- _.autofocus = t7;
- _.statesController = t8;
- _.child = t9;
- _.key = t10;
- },
- _TextButtonDefaultColor: function _TextButtonDefaultColor(t0, t1) {
- this.color = t0;
- this.disabled = t1;
- },
- _TextButtonDefaultOverlay: function _TextButtonDefaultOverlay(t0) {
- this.primary = t0;
- },
- _TextButtonDefaultMouseCursor: function _TextButtonDefaultMouseCursor(t0, t1) {
- this.enabledCursor = t0;
- this.disabledCursor = t1;
- },
- _TextButtonDefaultsM3: function _TextButtonDefaultsM3(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.___TextButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI = $;
- _.textStyle = t1;
- _.backgroundColor = t2;
- _.foregroundColor = t3;
- _.overlayColor = t4;
- _.shadowColor = t5;
- _.surfaceTintColor = t6;
- _.elevation = t7;
- _.padding = t8;
- _.minimumSize = t9;
- _.fixedSize = t10;
- _.maximumSize = t11;
- _.iconColor = t12;
- _.iconSize = t13;
- _.side = t14;
- _.shape = t15;
- _.mouseCursor = t16;
- _.visualDensity = t17;
- _.tapTargetSize = t18;
- _.animationDuration = t19;
- _.enableFeedback = t20;
- _.alignment = t21;
- _.splashFactory = t22;
- },
- _TextButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure: function _TextButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure: function _TextButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure: function _TextButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure() {
- },
- __TextButtonDefaultMouseCursor_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable: function __TextButtonDefaultMouseCursor_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- TextButtonThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- return new A.TextButtonThemeData(A.ButtonStyle_lerp(a.style, b.style, t));
- },
- TextButtonThemeData: function TextButtonThemeData(t0) {
- this.style = t0;
- },
- _TextButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TextButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- TextField$(autocorrect, autofillHints, autofocus, buildCounter, contextMenuBuilder, controller, cursorColor, cursorHeight, cursorRadius, cursorWidth, decoration, enableIMEPersonalizedLearning, enableInteractiveSelection, enableSuggestions, enabled, expands, focusNode, inputFormatters, key, keyboardAppearance, keyboardType, magnifierConfiguration, maxLength, maxLengthEnforcement, maxLines, minLines, mouseCursor, obscureText, obscuringCharacter, onChanged, onEditingComplete, onSubmitted, onTap, onTapOutside, readOnly, restorationId, scrollController, scrollPadding, scrollPhysics, selectionControls, showCursor, smartDashesType, smartQuotesType, spellCheckConfiguration, strutStyle, style, textAlign, textAlignVertical, textCapitalization, textDirection, textInputAction, toolbarOptions) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- if (smartDashesType == null)
- t1 = obscureText ? B.SmartDashesType_0 : B.SmartDashesType_1;
- else
- t1 = smartDashesType;
- if (smartQuotesType == null)
- t2 = obscureText ? B.SmartQuotesType_0 : B.SmartQuotesType_1;
- else
- t2 = smartQuotesType;
- if (keyboardType == null)
- t3 = maxLines === 1 ? B.TextInputType_0_null_null : B.TextInputType_1_null_null;
- else
- t3 = keyboardType;
- if (enableInteractiveSelection == null)
- t4 = true;
- else
- t4 = enableInteractiveSelection;
- return new A.TextField(magnifierConfiguration, controller, focusNode, decoration, t3, textInputAction, textCapitalization, style, strutStyle, textAlign, textAlignVertical, textDirection, autofocus, obscuringCharacter, obscureText, true, t1, t2, true, maxLines, minLines, false, false, toolbarOptions, showCursor, maxLength, maxLengthEnforcement, onChanged, onEditingComplete, onSubmitted, inputFormatters, enabled, cursorWidth, cursorHeight, cursorRadius, cursorColor, keyboardAppearance, scrollPadding, t4, selectionControls, onTap, onTapOutside, mouseCursor, buildCounter, scrollPhysics, scrollController, autofillHints, restorationId, true, contextMenuBuilder, spellCheckConfiguration, key);
- },
- TextField__defaultContextMenuBuilder(context, editableTextState) {
- return A.AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar$editableText(editableTextState);
- },
- TextField_inferAndroidSpellCheckConfiguration(configuration) {
- return B.SpellCheckConfiguration_Y2F;
- },
- _m2StateInputStyle(context) {
- return A._MaterialStateTextStyle$(new A._m2StateInputStyle_closure(context));
- },
- _m3StateInputStyle(context) {
- return A._MaterialStateTextStyle$(new A._m3StateInputStyle_closure(context));
- },
- _TextFieldSelectionGestureDetectorBuilder: function _TextFieldSelectionGestureDetectorBuilder(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._text_field$_state = t0;
- _.delegate = t1;
- _._shouldShowSelectionToolbar = true;
- _._dragStartViewportOffset = _._dragStartScrollOffset = 0;
- _._dragBeganOnPreviousSelection = _._dragStartSelection = null;
- _._longPressStartedWithoutFocus = false;
- },
- TextField: function TextField(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51) {
- var _ = this;
- _.magnifierConfiguration = t0;
- _.controller = t1;
- _.focusNode = t2;
- _.decoration = t3;
- _.keyboardType = t4;
- _.textInputAction = t5;
- _.textCapitalization = t6;
- _.style = t7;
- _.strutStyle = t8;
- _.textAlign = t9;
- _.textAlignVertical = t10;
- _.textDirection = t11;
- _.autofocus = t12;
- _.obscuringCharacter = t13;
- _.obscureText = t14;
- _.autocorrect = t15;
- _.smartDashesType = t16;
- _.smartQuotesType = t17;
- _.enableSuggestions = t18;
- _.maxLines = t19;
- _.minLines = t20;
- _.expands = t21;
- _.readOnly = t22;
- _.toolbarOptions = t23;
- _.showCursor = t24;
- _.maxLength = t25;
- _.maxLengthEnforcement = t26;
- _.onChanged = t27;
- _.onEditingComplete = t28;
- _.onSubmitted = t29;
- _.inputFormatters = t30;
- _.enabled = t31;
- _.cursorWidth = t32;
- _.cursorHeight = t33;
- _.cursorRadius = t34;
- _.cursorColor = t35;
- _.keyboardAppearance = t36;
- _.scrollPadding = t37;
- _.enableInteractiveSelection = t38;
- _.selectionControls = t39;
- _.onTap = t40;
- _.onTapOutside = t41;
- _.mouseCursor = t42;
- _.buildCounter = t43;
- _.scrollPhysics = t44;
- _.scrollController = t45;
- _.autofillHints = t46;
- _.restorationId = t47;
- _.enableIMEPersonalizedLearning = t48;
- _.contextMenuBuilder = t49;
- _.spellCheckConfiguration = t50;
- _.key = t51;
- },
- _TextFieldState: function _TextFieldState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._focusNode = _._text_field$_controller = null;
- _._showSelectionHandles = _._isHovering = false;
- _.___TextFieldState_forcePressEnabled_A = _.___TextFieldState__selectionGestureDetectorBuilder_A = $;
- _.editableTextKey = t0;
- _.RestorationMixin__bucket = t1;
- _.RestorationMixin__properties = t2;
- _.RestorationMixin__debugPropertiesWaitingForReregistration = t3;
- _.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = t4;
- _.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t5;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t6;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _TextFieldState__handleFocusChanged_closure: function _TextFieldState__handleFocusChanged_closure() {
- },
- _TextFieldState__handleSelectionChanged_closure: function _TextFieldState__handleSelectionChanged_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.willShowSelectionHandles = t1;
- },
- _TextFieldState__handleHover_closure: function _TextFieldState__handleHover_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.hovering = t1;
- },
- _TextFieldState_build_closure: function _TextFieldState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextFieldState_build_closure0: function _TextFieldState_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextFieldState_build_closure1: function _TextFieldState_build_closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.focusNode = t1;
- this.controller = t2;
- },
- _TextFieldState_build_closure3: function _TextFieldState_build_closure3(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextFieldState_build_closure4: function _TextFieldState_build_closure4(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextFieldState_build_closure2: function _TextFieldState_build_closure2(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- _TextFieldState_build__closure: function _TextFieldState_build__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _m2StateInputStyle_closure: function _m2StateInputStyle_closure(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- _m3StateInputStyle_closure: function _m3StateInputStyle_closure(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- __TextFieldState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure: function __TextFieldState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure() {
- },
- __TextFieldState_State_RestorationMixin: function __TextFieldState_State_RestorationMixin() {
- },
- TextFormField$(autofocus, controller, decoration, initialValue, keyboardType, obscureText, onChanged, onFieldSubmitted, onSaved, validator) {
- var t1, _null = null;
- if (controller != null)
- t1 = controller._change_notifier$_value.text;
- else
- t1 = initialValue == null ? "" : initialValue;
- return new A.TextFormField(controller, onSaved, validator, new A.TextFormField_closure(decoration, onChanged, _null, _null, keyboardType, _null, _null, _null, B.TextAlign_4, _null, _null, B.TextCapitalization_3, autofocus, _null, false, _null, "\u2022", obscureText, true, _null, _null, true, _null, 1, _null, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, onFieldSubmitted, _null, _null, 2, _null, _null, _null, B.EdgeInsets_20_20_20_20, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, A.text_form_field_TextFormField__defaultContextMenuBuilder$closure(), _null, _null), t1, true, B.AutovalidateMode_0, _null, _null);
- },
- TextFormField__defaultContextMenuBuilder(context, editableTextState) {
- return A.AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar$editableText(editableTextState);
- },
- TextFormField: function TextFormField(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.controller = t0;
- _.onSaved = t1;
- _.validator = t2;
- _.builder = t3;
- _.initialValue = t4;
- _.enabled = t5;
- _.autovalidateMode = t6;
- _.restorationId = t7;
- _.key = t8;
- },
- TextFormField_closure: function TextFormField_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49) {
- var _ = this;
- _.decoration = t0;
- _.onChanged = t1;
- _.restorationId = t2;
- _.focusNode = t3;
- _.keyboardType = t4;
- _.textInputAction = t5;
- _.style = t6;
- _.strutStyle = t7;
- _.textAlign = t8;
- _.textAlignVertical = t9;
- _.textDirection = t10;
- _.textCapitalization = t11;
- _.autofocus = t12;
- _.toolbarOptions = t13;
- _.readOnly = t14;
- _.showCursor = t15;
- _.obscuringCharacter = t16;
- _.obscureText = t17;
- _.autocorrect = t18;
- _.smartDashesType = t19;
- _.smartQuotesType = t20;
- _.enableSuggestions = t21;
- _.maxLengthEnforcement = t22;
- _.maxLines = t23;
- _.minLines = t24;
- _.expands = t25;
- _.maxLength = t26;
- _.onTap = t27;
- _.onTapOutside = t28;
- _.onEditingComplete = t29;
- _.onFieldSubmitted = t30;
- _.inputFormatters = t31;
- _.enabled = t32;
- _.cursorWidth = t33;
- _.cursorHeight = t34;
- _.cursorRadius = t35;
- _.cursorColor = t36;
- _.scrollPadding = t37;
- _.scrollPhysics = t38;
- _.keyboardAppearance = t39;
- _.enableInteractiveSelection = t40;
- _.selectionControls = t41;
- _.buildCounter = t42;
- _.autofillHints = t43;
- _.scrollController = t44;
- _.enableIMEPersonalizedLearning = t45;
- _.mouseCursor = t46;
- _.contextMenuBuilder = t47;
- _.spellCheckConfiguration = t48;
- _.magnifierConfiguration = t49;
- },
- TextFormField_closure_onChangedHandler: function TextFormField_closure_onChangedHandler(t0, t1) {
- this.field = t0;
- this.onChanged = t1;
- },
- _TextFormFieldState: function _TextFormFieldState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _._text_form_field$_controller = null;
- _.__FormFieldState__value_AI = $;
- _._errorText = t0;
- _._hasInteractedByUser = t1;
- _.RestorationMixin__bucket = t2;
- _.RestorationMixin__properties = t3;
- _.RestorationMixin__debugPropertiesWaitingForReregistration = t4;
- _.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = t5;
- _.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t6;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t7;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- MaterialTextSelectionHandleControls: function MaterialTextSelectionHandleControls() {
- },
- MaterialTextSelectionControls: function MaterialTextSelectionControls() {
- },
- _TextSelectionHandlePainter: function _TextSelectionHandlePainter(t0, t1) {
- this.color = t0;
- this._repaint = t1;
- },
- _MaterialTextSelectionHandleControls_MaterialTextSelectionControls_TextSelectionHandleControls: function _MaterialTextSelectionHandleControls_MaterialTextSelectionControls_TextSelectionHandleControls() {
- },
- TextSelectionThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.cursorColor, b.cursorColor, t);
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.selectionColor, b.selectionColor, t);
- return new A.TextSelectionThemeData(t1, t2, A.Color_lerp(a.selectionHandleColor, b.selectionHandleColor, t));
- },
- TextSelectionThemeData: function TextSelectionThemeData(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.cursorColor = t0;
- this.selectionColor = t1;
- this.selectionHandleColor = t2;
- },
- _TextSelectionThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TextSelectionThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- TextSelectionToolbar$(anchorAbove, anchorBelow, children) {
- return new A.TextSelectionToolbar(anchorAbove, anchorBelow, children, null);
- },
- TextSelectionToolbar__defaultToolbarBuilder(context, child) {
- return new A._TextSelectionToolbarContainer(child, null);
- },
- TextSelectionToolbar: function TextSelectionToolbar(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.anchorAbove = t0;
- _.anchorBelow = t1;
- _.children = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _TextSelectionToolbarOverflowable: function _TextSelectionToolbarOverflowable(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.children = t0;
- _.isAbove = t1;
- _.toolbarBuilder = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _TextSelectionToolbarOverflowableState: function _TextSelectionToolbarOverflowableState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._overflowOpen = false;
- _._containerKey = t0;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t1;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _TextSelectionToolbarOverflowableState_build_closure: function _TextSelectionToolbarOverflowableState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextSelectionToolbarOverflowableState_build__closure: function _TextSelectionToolbarOverflowableState_build__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextSelectionToolbarTrailingEdgeAlign: function _TextSelectionToolbarTrailingEdgeAlign(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.overflowOpen = t0;
- _.textDirection = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _TextSelectionToolbarTrailingEdgeAlignRenderBox: function _TextSelectionToolbarTrailingEdgeAlignRenderBox(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._closedWidth = null;
- _._overflowOpen = t0;
- _._text_selection_toolbar$_textDirection = t1;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _TextSelectionToolbarTrailingEdgeAlignRenderBox_hitTestChildren_closure: function _TextSelectionToolbarTrailingEdgeAlignRenderBox_hitTestChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.position = t1;
- this.childParentData = t2;
- },
- _TextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout: function _TextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.isAbove = t0;
- _.overflowOpen = t1;
- _.children = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _TextSelectionToolbarItemsLayoutElement: function _TextSelectionToolbarItemsLayoutElement(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__MultiChildRenderObjectElement__children_A = $;
- _._forgottenChildren = t0;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t1;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t2;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- _RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout: function _RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._lastIndexThatFits = -1;
- _._isAbove = t0;
- _._overflowOpen = t1;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t2;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t3;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t4;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t5;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout__layoutChildren_closure: function _RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout__layoutChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- this.sizedConstraints = t2;
- },
- _RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout__placeChildren_closure: function _RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout__placeChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- this.navButton = t2;
- },
- _RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout_paint_closure: function _RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout_paint_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.context = t0;
- this.offset = t1;
- },
- _RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout_hitTestChildren_closure: function _RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout_hitTestChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.position = t1;
- this.childParentData = t2;
- },
- _RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout_visitChildrenForSemantics_closure: function _RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout_visitChildrenForSemantics_closure(t0) {
- this.visitor = t0;
- },
- _TextSelectionToolbarContainer: function _TextSelectionToolbarContainer(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- _TextSelectionToolbarOverflowButton: function _TextSelectionToolbarOverflowButton(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.icon = t0;
- _.onPressed = t1;
- _.tooltip = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- __RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function __RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- __TextSelectionToolbarOverflowableState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __TextSelectionToolbarOverflowableState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- TextSelectionToolbarTextButton__getLeftPadding(position) {
- if (position === B._TextSelectionToolbarItemPosition_0 || position === B._TextSelectionToolbarItemPosition_3)
- return 14.5;
- return 9.5;
- },
- TextSelectionToolbarTextButton__getRightPadding(position) {
- if (position === B._TextSelectionToolbarItemPosition_2 || position === B._TextSelectionToolbarItemPosition_3)
- return 14.5;
- return 9.5;
- },
- TextSelectionToolbarTextButton__getPosition(index, total) {
- if (index === 0)
- return total === 1 ? B._TextSelectionToolbarItemPosition_3 : B._TextSelectionToolbarItemPosition_0;
- if (index === total - 1)
- return B._TextSelectionToolbarItemPosition_2;
- return B._TextSelectionToolbarItemPosition_1;
- },
- _TextSelectionToolbarItemPosition: function _TextSelectionToolbarItemPosition(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextSelectionToolbarTextButton: function TextSelectionToolbarTextButton(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.onPressed = t1;
- _.padding = t2;
- _.alignment = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- TextTheme$(bodyLarge, bodyMedium, bodySmall, displayLarge, displayMedium, displaySmall, headlineLarge, headlineMedium, headlineSmall, labelLarge, labelMedium, labelSmall, titleLarge, titleMedium, titleSmall) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = displayLarge == null ? _null : displayLarge,
- t2 = displayMedium == null ? _null : displayMedium,
- t3 = displaySmall == null ? _null : displaySmall,
- t4 = headlineMedium == null ? _null : headlineMedium,
- t5 = headlineSmall == null ? _null : headlineSmall,
- t6 = titleLarge == null ? _null : titleLarge,
- t7 = titleMedium == null ? _null : titleMedium,
- t8 = titleSmall == null ? _null : titleSmall,
- t9 = bodyLarge == null ? _null : bodyLarge,
- t10 = bodyMedium == null ? _null : bodyMedium,
- t11 = bodySmall == null ? _null : bodySmall,
- t12 = labelLarge == null ? _null : labelLarge;
- return new A.TextTheme(t1, t2, t3, headlineLarge, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, labelMedium, labelSmall == null ? _null : labelSmall);
- },
- TextTheme_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- t1 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.displayLarge, b.displayLarge, t);
- t2 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.displayMedium, b.displayMedium, t);
- t3 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.displaySmall, b.displaySmall, t);
- t4 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.headlineLarge, b.headlineLarge, t);
- t5 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.headlineMedium, b.headlineMedium, t);
- t6 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.headlineSmall, b.headlineSmall, t);
- t7 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.titleLarge, b.titleLarge, t);
- t8 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.titleMedium, b.titleMedium, t);
- t9 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.titleSmall, b.titleSmall, t);
- t10 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.bodyLarge, b.bodyLarge, t);
- t11 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.bodyMedium, b.bodyMedium, t);
- t12 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.bodySmall, b.bodySmall, t);
- t13 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.labelLarge, b.labelLarge, t);
- t14 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.labelMedium, b.labelMedium, t);
- return A.TextTheme$(t10, t11, t12, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t13, t14, A.TextStyle_lerp(a.labelSmall, b.labelSmall, t), t7, t8, t9);
- },
- TextTheme: function TextTheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _.displayLarge = t0;
- _.displayMedium = t1;
- _.displaySmall = t2;
- _.headlineLarge = t3;
- _.headlineMedium = t4;
- _.headlineSmall = t5;
- _.titleLarge = t6;
- _.titleMedium = t7;
- _.titleSmall = t8;
- _.bodyLarge = t9;
- _.bodyMedium = t10;
- _.bodySmall = t11;
- _.labelLarge = t12;
- _.labelMedium = t13;
- _.labelSmall = t14;
- },
- _TextTheme_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TextTheme_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- Theme_of(context) {
- var theme,
- inheritedTheme = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._InheritedTheme),
- category = A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations) == null ? null : B.ScriptCategory_0;
- if (category == null)
- category = B.ScriptCategory_0;
- theme = inheritedTheme == null ? null : inheritedTheme.theme.data;
- if (theme == null)
- theme = $.$get$Theme__kFallbackTheme();
- return A.ThemeData_localize(theme, theme.typography.geometryThemeFor$1(category));
- },
- Theme: function Theme(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.data = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _InheritedTheme: function _InheritedTheme(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.theme = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- ThemeDataTween: function ThemeDataTween(t0, t1) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- AnimatedTheme: function AnimatedTheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.data = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.curve = t2;
- _.duration = t3;
- _.onEnd = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _AnimatedThemeState: function _AnimatedThemeState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._theme$_data = null;
- _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__animation_AI = _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__controller_FI = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _AnimatedThemeState_forEachTween_closure: function _AnimatedThemeState_forEachTween_closure() {
- },
- ThemeData_ThemeData(brightness, colorScheme, useMaterial3) {
- var materialTapTargetSize, visualDensity, splashFactory, t1, effectiveBrightness, isDark, primarySurfaceColor, onPrimarySurfaceColor, canvasColor, bottomAppBarColor, dividerColor, errorColor, applyElevationOverlayColor, scaffoldBackgroundColor, primaryColor, indicatorColor, dialogBackgroundColor, cardColor, backgroundColor, estimatedPrimaryColorBrightness, primaryColorLight, primaryColorDark, primaryIsDark, toggleableActiveColor, focusColor, hoverColor, secondary, primaryIsDark0, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, unselectedWidgetColor, secondaryHeaderColor, hintColor, buttonTheme, disabledColor, highlightColor, splashColor, base, dark, light, typography, defaultTextTheme, defaultPrimaryTextTheme, textTheme, primaryTextTheme, iconTheme, primaryIconTheme, _null = null,
- extensions = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ThemeExtension_ThemeExtension_dynamic),
- platform = A.defaultTargetPlatform();
- platform = platform;
- switch (platform) {
- case B.TargetPlatform_0:
- case B.TargetPlatform_1:
- case B.TargetPlatform_2:
- materialTapTargetSize = B.MaterialTapTargetSize_0;
- break;
- case B.TargetPlatform_3:
- case B.TargetPlatform_4:
- case B.TargetPlatform_5:
- materialTapTargetSize = B.MaterialTapTargetSize_1;
- break;
- default:
- materialTapTargetSize = _null;
- }
- visualDensity = A.VisualDensity_defaultDensityForPlatform(platform);
- useMaterial3 = useMaterial3 === true;
- if (useMaterial3)
- splashFactory = B.C__InkRippleFactory;
- else
- splashFactory = B.C__InkSplashFactory;
- if (brightness == null) {
- t1 = colorScheme == null ? _null : colorScheme.brightness;
- effectiveBrightness = t1;
- } else
- effectiveBrightness = brightness;
- if (effectiveBrightness == null)
- effectiveBrightness = B.Brightness_1;
- isDark = effectiveBrightness === B.Brightness_0;
- if (useMaterial3) {
- if (colorScheme == null)
- colorScheme = isDark ? B.ColorScheme_ZBK : B.ColorScheme_myU;
- primarySurfaceColor = isDark ? colorScheme.surface : colorScheme.primary;
- onPrimarySurfaceColor = isDark ? colorScheme.onSurface : colorScheme.onPrimary;
- A.ThemeData_estimateBrightnessForColor(primarySurfaceColor);
- canvasColor = colorScheme.background;
- bottomAppBarColor = colorScheme.surface;
- dividerColor = colorScheme._outline;
- if (dividerColor == null)
- dividerColor = colorScheme.onBackground;
- errorColor = colorScheme.error;
- applyElevationOverlayColor = brightness === B.Brightness_0;
- scaffoldBackgroundColor = canvasColor;
- primaryColor = primarySurfaceColor;
- indicatorColor = onPrimarySurfaceColor;
- dialogBackgroundColor = scaffoldBackgroundColor;
- cardColor = bottomAppBarColor;
- backgroundColor = dialogBackgroundColor;
- } else {
- scaffoldBackgroundColor = _null;
- primaryColor = scaffoldBackgroundColor;
- indicatorColor = primaryColor;
- errorColor = indicatorColor;
- dividerColor = errorColor;
- dialogBackgroundColor = dividerColor;
- cardColor = dialogBackgroundColor;
- canvasColor = cardColor;
- bottomAppBarColor = canvasColor;
- backgroundColor = bottomAppBarColor;
- applyElevationOverlayColor = backgroundColor;
- }
- if (primaryColor == null)
- primaryColor = isDark ? B.Color_4280361249 : B.MaterialColor_Map_JNGTf_4280391411;
- estimatedPrimaryColorBrightness = A.ThemeData_estimateBrightnessForColor(primaryColor);
- primaryColorLight = isDark ? B.Color_4288585374 : B.Color_4290502395;
- primaryColorDark = isDark ? B.Color_4278190080 : B.Color_4279858898;
- primaryIsDark = estimatedPrimaryColorBrightness === B.Brightness_0;
- if (isDark)
- toggleableActiveColor = B.Color_4284809178;
- else {
- t1 = colorScheme == null ? _null : colorScheme.secondary;
- toggleableActiveColor = t1 == null ? B.Color_4280191205 : t1;
- }
- focusColor = isDark ? A.Color$fromARGB(31, 255, 255, 255) : A.Color$fromARGB(31, 0, 0, 0);
- hoverColor = isDark ? A.Color$fromARGB(10, 255, 255, 255) : A.Color$fromARGB(10, 0, 0, 0);
- if (canvasColor == null)
- canvasColor = isDark ? B.Color_4281348144 : B.Color_4294638330;
- if (scaffoldBackgroundColor == null)
- scaffoldBackgroundColor = canvasColor;
- if (cardColor == null)
- cardColor = isDark ? B.Color_4282532418 : B.Color_4294967295;
- if (dividerColor == null)
- dividerColor = isDark ? B.Color_536870911 : B.Color_520093696;
- if (colorScheme == null) {
- secondary = isDark ? B.Color_4284809178 : B.Color_4280391411;
- t1 = isDark ? B.Color_4284572001 : B.Color_4287679225;
- primaryIsDark0 = A.ThemeData_estimateBrightnessForColor(B.MaterialColor_Map_JNGTf_4280391411) === B.Brightness_0;
- t2 = A.ThemeData_estimateBrightnessForColor(secondary);
- t3 = isDark ? B.Color_4278239141 : B.Color_4279858898;
- t4 = primaryIsDark0 ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080;
- t2 = t2 === B.Brightness_0 ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080;
- t5 = isDark ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080;
- t6 = primaryIsDark0 ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080;
- colorScheme = A.ColorScheme$(t1, effectiveBrightness, B.Color_4292030255, _null, _null, _null, t6, isDark ? B.Color_4278190080 : B.Color_4294967295, _null, _null, t4, _null, t2, _null, t5, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.MaterialColor_Map_JNGTf_4280391411, _null, primaryColorDark, _null, secondary, _null, t3, _null, cardColor, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- unselectedWidgetColor = isDark ? B.Color_3019898879 : B.Color_2315255808;
- secondaryHeaderColor = isDark ? B.Color_4284572001 : B.Color_4293128957;
- if (dialogBackgroundColor == null)
- dialogBackgroundColor = isDark ? B.Color_4282532418 : B.Color_4294967295;
- if (indicatorColor == null) {
- indicatorColor = colorScheme.secondary;
- if (indicatorColor.$eq(0, primaryColor))
- indicatorColor = B.Color_4294967295;
- }
- hintColor = isDark ? B.Color_2583691263 : A.Color$fromARGB(153, 0, 0, 0);
- buttonTheme = A.ButtonThemeData$(false, isDark ? B.Color_4280191205 : B.Color_4292927712, colorScheme, _null, focusColor, 36, _null, hoverColor, B.ButtonBarLayoutBehavior_1, materialTapTargetSize, 88, _null, _null, _null, B.ButtonTextTheme_0);
- disabledColor = isDark ? B.Color_1660944383 : B.Color_1627389952;
- highlightColor = isDark ? B.Color_1087163596 : B.Color_1723645116;
- splashColor = isDark ? B.Color_1087163596 : B.Color_1724434632;
- if (useMaterial3) {
- base = A.Typography_Typography$_withPlatform(platform, _null, _null, B.TextTheme_fDq, B.TextTheme_CbP, B.TextTheme_I5Y);
- t1 = colorScheme.brightness === B.Brightness_1;
- dark = t1 ? colorScheme.onSurface : colorScheme.surface;
- light = t1 ? colorScheme.surface : colorScheme.onSurface;
- t1 = base.black.apply$3$bodyColor$decorationColor$displayColor(dark, dark, dark);
- t2 = base.white.apply$3$bodyColor$decorationColor$displayColor(light, light, light);
- typography = new A.Typography(t1, t2, base.englishLike, base.dense, base.tall);
- } else
- typography = A.Typography_Typography$material2014(platform);
- defaultTextTheme = isDark ? typography.white : typography.black;
- defaultPrimaryTextTheme = primaryIsDark ? typography.white : typography.black;
- textTheme = defaultTextTheme.merge$1(_null);
- primaryTextTheme = defaultPrimaryTextTheme.merge$1(_null);
- iconTheme = isDark ? B.IconThemeData_sES : B.IconThemeData_jR20;
- primaryIconTheme = primaryIsDark ? B.IconThemeData_sES : B.IconThemeData_jR21;
- if (errorColor == null)
- errorColor = B.Color_4292030255;
- if (backgroundColor == null)
- backgroundColor = isDark ? B.Color_4284572001 : B.Color_4287679225;
- if (bottomAppBarColor == null)
- bottomAppBarColor = isDark ? B.Color_4282532418 : B.Color_4294967295;
- return A.ThemeData$raw(_null, _null, B.AppBarTheme_unT, applyElevationOverlayColor === true, backgroundColor, B.BadgeThemeData_gsm, B.MaterialBannerThemeData_MYA, bottomAppBarColor, B.BottomAppBarTheme_S74, B.BottomNavigationBarThemeData_mRH, B.BottomSheetThemeData_N4X, B.ButtonBarThemeData_A0t, buttonTheme, canvasColor, cardColor, B.CardTheme_wEo, B.CheckboxThemeData_EkK, B.ChipThemeData_c4a, colorScheme, _null, B.DataTableThemeData_yHJ, B.DatePickerThemeData_Jeh, dialogBackgroundColor, B.DialogTheme_s6Q, disabledColor, dividerColor, B.DividerThemeData_Tnu, B.DrawerThemeData_Epp, B.DropdownMenuThemeData_null_null_null, B.ElevatedButtonThemeData_null, errorColor, B.ExpansionTileThemeData_ENh, A.ThemeData__themeExtensionIterableToMap(extensions), B.FilledButtonThemeData_null, true, B.FloatingActionButtonThemeData_RsV, focusColor, highlightColor, hintColor, hoverColor, B.IconButtonThemeData_null, iconTheme, indicatorColor, B.C_InputDecorationTheme, B.ListTileThemeData_m6K, materialTapTargetSize, B.MenuBarThemeData_null, B.MenuButtonThemeData_null, B.MenuThemeData_null, B.NavigationBarThemeData_WjX, B.NavigationDrawerThemeData_qEm, B.NavigationRailThemeData_27I, B.OutlinedButtonThemeData_null, B.C_PageTransitionsTheme, platform, B.PopupMenuThemeData_xLk, primaryColor, estimatedPrimaryColorBrightness, primaryColorDark, primaryColorLight, primaryIconTheme, primaryTextTheme, B.ProgressIndicatorThemeData_Z49, B.RadioThemeData_gDe, scaffoldBackgroundColor, B.ScrollbarThemeData_Ep5, B.SearchBarThemeData_fnR, B.SearchViewThemeData_sUY, secondaryHeaderColor, B.SegmentedButtonThemeData_null_null, B.Color_4294309365, B.Color_4278190080, B.SliderThemeData_4YV, B.SnackBarThemeData_sYn, splashColor, splashFactory, B.SwitchThemeData_IYz, B.TabBarTheme_IVn, B.TextButtonThemeData_null, B.TextSelectionThemeData_null_null_null, textTheme, B.TimePickerThemeData_ogV, B.ToggleButtonsThemeData_UsI, toggleableActiveColor, B.TooltipThemeData_OTV, typography, unselectedWidgetColor, useMaterial3, visualDensity);
- },
- ThemeData$raw(actionIconTheme, androidOverscrollIndicator, appBarTheme, applyElevationOverlayColor, backgroundColor, badgeTheme, bannerTheme, bottomAppBarColor, bottomAppBarTheme, bottomNavigationBarTheme, bottomSheetTheme, buttonBarTheme, buttonTheme, canvasColor, cardColor, cardTheme, checkboxTheme, chipTheme, colorScheme, cupertinoOverrideTheme, dataTableTheme, datePickerTheme, dialogBackgroundColor, dialogTheme, disabledColor, dividerColor, dividerTheme, drawerTheme, dropdownMenuTheme, elevatedButtonTheme, errorColor, expansionTileTheme, extensions, filledButtonTheme, fixTextFieldOutlineLabel, floatingActionButtonTheme, focusColor, highlightColor, hintColor, hoverColor, iconButtonTheme, iconTheme, indicatorColor, inputDecorationTheme, listTileTheme, materialTapTargetSize, menuBarTheme, menuButtonTheme, menuTheme, navigationBarTheme, navigationDrawerTheme, navigationRailTheme, outlinedButtonTheme, pageTransitionsTheme, platform, popupMenuTheme, primaryColor, primaryColorBrightness, primaryColorDark, primaryColorLight, primaryIconTheme, primaryTextTheme, progressIndicatorTheme, radioTheme, scaffoldBackgroundColor, scrollbarTheme, searchBarTheme, searchViewTheme, secondaryHeaderColor, segmentedButtonTheme, selectedRowColor, shadowColor, sliderTheme, snackBarTheme, splashColor, splashFactory, switchTheme, tabBarTheme, textButtonTheme, textSelectionTheme, textTheme, timePickerTheme, toggleButtonsTheme, toggleableActiveColor, tooltipTheme, typography, unselectedWidgetColor, useMaterial3, visualDensity) {
- return new A.ThemeData(applyElevationOverlayColor, cupertinoOverrideTheme, extensions, inputDecorationTheme, materialTapTargetSize, pageTransitionsTheme, platform, scrollbarTheme, splashFactory, useMaterial3, visualDensity, bottomAppBarColor, canvasColor, cardColor, colorScheme, dialogBackgroundColor, disabledColor, dividerColor, focusColor, highlightColor, hintColor, hoverColor, indicatorColor, primaryColor, primaryColorDark, primaryColorLight, scaffoldBackgroundColor, secondaryHeaderColor, selectedRowColor, shadowColor, splashColor, unselectedWidgetColor, iconTheme, primaryIconTheme, primaryTextTheme, textTheme, typography, actionIconTheme, appBarTheme, badgeTheme, bannerTheme, bottomAppBarTheme, bottomNavigationBarTheme, bottomSheetTheme, buttonBarTheme, buttonTheme, cardTheme, checkboxTheme, chipTheme, dataTableTheme, datePickerTheme, dialogTheme, dividerTheme, drawerTheme, dropdownMenuTheme, elevatedButtonTheme, expansionTileTheme, filledButtonTheme, floatingActionButtonTheme, iconButtonTheme, listTileTheme, menuBarTheme, menuButtonTheme, menuTheme, navigationBarTheme, navigationDrawerTheme, navigationRailTheme, outlinedButtonTheme, popupMenuTheme, progressIndicatorTheme, radioTheme, searchBarTheme, searchViewTheme, segmentedButtonTheme, sliderTheme, snackBarTheme, switchTheme, tabBarTheme, textButtonTheme, textSelectionTheme, timePickerTheme, toggleButtonsTheme, tooltipTheme, true, primaryColorBrightness, androidOverscrollIndicator, errorColor, backgroundColor, toggleableActiveColor);
- },
- ThemeData_ThemeData$fallback() {
- return A.ThemeData_ThemeData(B.Brightness_1, null, null);
- },
- ThemeData_localize(baseTheme, localTextGeometry) {
- return $.$get$ThemeData__localizedThemeDataCache().putIfAbsent$2(0, new A._IdentityThemeDataCacheKey(baseTheme, localTextGeometry), new A.ThemeData_localize_closure(baseTheme, localTextGeometry));
- },
- ThemeData_estimateBrightnessForColor(color) {
- var t1 = 0.2126 * A.Color__linearizeColorComponent((color.get$value(color) >>> 16 & 255) / 255) + 0.7152 * A.Color__linearizeColorComponent((color.get$value(color) >>> 8 & 255) / 255) + 0.0722 * A.Color__linearizeColorComponent((color.get$value(color) & 255) / 255) + 0.05;
- if (t1 * t1 > 0.15)
- return B.Brightness_1;
- return B.Brightness_0;
- },
- ThemeData__lerpThemeExtensions(a, b, t) {
- var t1 = a.extensions,
- newExtensions = t1.map$2$1(t1, new A.ThemeData__lerpThemeExtensions_closure(b, t), type$.Object, type$.ThemeExtension_dynamic);
- t1 = b.extensions;
- newExtensions.addEntries$1(newExtensions, t1.get$entries(t1).where$1(0, new A.ThemeData__lerpThemeExtensions_closure0(a)));
- return newExtensions;
- },
- ThemeData__themeExtensionIterableToMap(extensionsIterable) {
- var _i, extension,
- t1 = type$.Object,
- t2 = type$.ThemeExtension_ThemeExtension_dynamic,
- t3 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
- for (_i = 0; false; ++_i) {
- extension = extensionsIterable[_i];
- t3.$indexSet(0, extension.get$type(extension), t2._as(extension));
- }
- return A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(t3, t1, type$.ThemeExtension_dynamic);
- },
- ThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51, t52, t53, t54, t55, t56, t57, t58, t59, t60, t61, t62, t63, t64, t65, t66, t67, t68, t69, t70, t71, t72, t73, t74, t75, t76, t77, t78, t79, t80, t81, t82, t83, t84, t85, t86, t87, t88, t89, t90, t91, t92, t93, t94, t95, t96;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = t < 0.5;
- t2 = t1 ? a.applyElevationOverlayColor : b.applyElevationOverlayColor;
- t3 = t1 ? a.cupertinoOverrideTheme : b.cupertinoOverrideTheme;
- t4 = A.ThemeData__lerpThemeExtensions(a, b, t);
- t5 = t1 ? a.inputDecorationTheme : b.inputDecorationTheme;
- t6 = t1 ? a.materialTapTargetSize : b.materialTapTargetSize;
- t7 = t1 ? a.pageTransitionsTheme : b.pageTransitionsTheme;
- t8 = t1 ? a.platform : b.platform;
- t9 = A.ScrollbarThemeData_lerp(a.scrollbarTheme, b.scrollbarTheme, t);
- t10 = t1 ? a.splashFactory : b.splashFactory;
- t11 = t1 ? a.useMaterial3 : b.useMaterial3;
- t12 = A.VisualDensity_lerp(a.visualDensity, b.visualDensity, t);
- t13 = A.Color_lerp(a.canvasColor, b.canvasColor, t);
- t13.toString;
- t14 = A.Color_lerp(a.cardColor, b.cardColor, t);
- t14.toString;
- t15 = A.ColorScheme_lerp(a.colorScheme, b.colorScheme, t);
- t16 = A.Color_lerp(a.dialogBackgroundColor, b.dialogBackgroundColor, t);
- t16.toString;
- t17 = A.Color_lerp(a.disabledColor, b.disabledColor, t);
- t17.toString;
- t18 = A.Color_lerp(a.dividerColor, b.dividerColor, t);
- t18.toString;
- t19 = A.Color_lerp(a.focusColor, b.focusColor, t);
- t19.toString;
- t20 = A.Color_lerp(a.highlightColor, b.highlightColor, t);
- t20.toString;
- t21 = A.Color_lerp(a.hintColor, b.hintColor, t);
- t21.toString;
- t22 = A.Color_lerp(a.hoverColor, b.hoverColor, t);
- t22.toString;
- t23 = A.Color_lerp(a.indicatorColor, b.indicatorColor, t);
- t23.toString;
- t24 = A.Color_lerp(a.primaryColor, b.primaryColor, t);
- t24.toString;
- t25 = A.Color_lerp(a.primaryColorDark, b.primaryColorDark, t);
- t25.toString;
- t26 = A.Color_lerp(a.primaryColorLight, b.primaryColorLight, t);
- t26.toString;
- t27 = A.Color_lerp(a.scaffoldBackgroundColor, b.scaffoldBackgroundColor, t);
- t27.toString;
- t28 = A.Color_lerp(a.secondaryHeaderColor, b.secondaryHeaderColor, t);
- t28.toString;
- t29 = A.Color_lerp(a.shadowColor, b.shadowColor, t);
- t29.toString;
- t30 = A.Color_lerp(a.splashColor, b.splashColor, t);
- t30.toString;
- t31 = A.Color_lerp(a.unselectedWidgetColor, b.unselectedWidgetColor, t);
- t31.toString;
- t32 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(a.iconTheme, b.iconTheme, t);
- t33 = A.IconThemeData_lerp(a.primaryIconTheme, b.primaryIconTheme, t);
- t34 = A.TextTheme_lerp(a.primaryTextTheme, b.primaryTextTheme, t);
- t35 = A.TextTheme_lerp(a.textTheme, b.textTheme, t);
- t36 = A.Typography_lerp(a.typography, b.typography, t);
- t37 = A.ActionIconThemeData_lerp(a.actionIconTheme, b.actionIconTheme, t);
- t38 = A.AppBarTheme_lerp(a.appBarTheme, b.appBarTheme, t);
- t39 = A.BadgeThemeData_lerp(a.badgeTheme, b.badgeTheme, t);
- t40 = a.bannerTheme;
- t41 = b.bannerTheme;
- t42 = A.Color_lerp(t40.backgroundColor, t41.backgroundColor, t);
- t43 = A.Color_lerp(t40.surfaceTintColor, t41.surfaceTintColor, t);
- t44 = A.Color_lerp(t40.shadowColor, t41.shadowColor, t);
- t45 = A.Color_lerp(t40.dividerColor, t41.dividerColor, t);
- t46 = A.TextStyle_lerp(t40.contentTextStyle, t41.contentTextStyle, t);
- t47 = A.lerpDouble(t40.elevation, t41.elevation, t);
- t48 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(t40.padding, t41.padding, t);
- t40 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(t40.leadingPadding, t41.leadingPadding, t);
- t41 = A.BottomAppBarTheme_lerp(a.bottomAppBarTheme, b.bottomAppBarTheme, t);
- t49 = A.BottomNavigationBarThemeData_lerp(a.bottomNavigationBarTheme, b.bottomNavigationBarTheme, t);
- t50 = A.BottomSheetThemeData_lerp(a.bottomSheetTheme, b.bottomSheetTheme, t);
- t51 = A.ButtonBarThemeData_lerp(a.buttonBarTheme, b.buttonBarTheme, t);
- t52 = t1 ? a.buttonTheme : b.buttonTheme;
- t53 = A.CardTheme_lerp(a.cardTheme, b.cardTheme, t);
- t54 = A.CheckboxThemeData_lerp(a.checkboxTheme, b.checkboxTheme, t);
- t55 = A.ChipThemeData_lerp(a.chipTheme, b.chipTheme, t);
- t56 = A.DataTableThemeData_lerp(a.dataTableTheme, b.dataTableTheme, t);
- t57 = A.DatePickerThemeData_lerp(a.datePickerTheme, b.datePickerTheme, t);
- t58 = A.DialogTheme_lerp(a.dialogTheme, b.dialogTheme, t);
- t59 = A.DividerThemeData_lerp(a.dividerTheme, b.dividerTheme, t);
- t60 = A.DrawerThemeData_lerp(a.drawerTheme, b.drawerTheme, t);
- t61 = A.DropdownMenuThemeData_lerp(a.dropdownMenuTheme, b.dropdownMenuTheme, t);
- t62 = A.ElevatedButtonThemeData_lerp(a.elevatedButtonTheme, b.elevatedButtonTheme, t);
- t63 = A.ExpansionTileThemeData_lerp(a.expansionTileTheme, b.expansionTileTheme, t);
- t64 = A.FilledButtonThemeData_lerp(a.filledButtonTheme, b.filledButtonTheme, t);
- t65 = A.FloatingActionButtonThemeData_lerp(a.floatingActionButtonTheme, b.floatingActionButtonTheme, t);
- t66 = A.IconButtonThemeData_lerp(a.iconButtonTheme, b.iconButtonTheme, t);
- t67 = A.ListTileThemeData_lerp(a.listTileTheme, b.listTileTheme, t);
- t68 = A.MenuBarThemeData_lerp(a.menuBarTheme, b.menuBarTheme, t);
- t69 = A.MenuButtonThemeData_lerp(a.menuButtonTheme, b.menuButtonTheme, t);
- t70 = A.MenuThemeData_lerp(a.menuTheme, b.menuTheme, t);
- t71 = A.NavigationBarThemeData_lerp(a.navigationBarTheme, b.navigationBarTheme, t);
- t72 = A.NavigationDrawerThemeData_lerp(a.navigationDrawerTheme, b.navigationDrawerTheme, t);
- t73 = A.NavigationRailThemeData_lerp(a.navigationRailTheme, b.navigationRailTheme, t);
- t74 = A.OutlinedButtonThemeData_lerp(a.outlinedButtonTheme, b.outlinedButtonTheme, t);
- t75 = A.PopupMenuThemeData_lerp(a.popupMenuTheme, b.popupMenuTheme, t);
- t76 = A.ProgressIndicatorThemeData_lerp(a.progressIndicatorTheme, b.progressIndicatorTheme, t);
- t77 = A.RadioThemeData_lerp(a.radioTheme, b.radioTheme, t);
- t78 = A.SearchBarThemeData_lerp(a.searchBarTheme, b.searchBarTheme, t);
- t79 = A.SearchViewThemeData_lerp(a.searchViewTheme, b.searchViewTheme, t);
- t80 = A.SegmentedButtonThemeData_lerp(a.segmentedButtonTheme, b.segmentedButtonTheme, t);
- t81 = A.SliderThemeData_lerp(a.sliderTheme, b.sliderTheme, t);
- t82 = A.SnackBarThemeData_lerp(a.snackBarTheme, b.snackBarTheme, t);
- t83 = A.SwitchThemeData_lerp(a.switchTheme, b.switchTheme, t);
- t84 = A.TabBarTheme_lerp(a.tabBarTheme, b.tabBarTheme, t);
- t85 = A.TextButtonThemeData_lerp(a.textButtonTheme, b.textButtonTheme, t);
- t86 = A.TextSelectionThemeData_lerp(a.textSelectionTheme, b.textSelectionTheme, t);
- t87 = A.TimePickerThemeData_lerp(a.timePickerTheme, b.timePickerTheme, t);
- t88 = A.ToggleButtonsThemeData_lerp(a.toggleButtonsTheme, b.toggleButtonsTheme, t);
- t89 = A.TooltipThemeData_lerp(a.tooltipTheme, b.tooltipTheme, t);
- t90 = t1 ? a._primaryColorBrightness : b._primaryColorBrightness;
- t1 = t1 ? a.androidOverscrollIndicator : b.androidOverscrollIndicator;
- t91 = a._toggleableActiveColor;
- t91.toString;
- t92 = b._toggleableActiveColor;
- t92.toString;
- t92 = A.Color_lerp(t91, t92, t);
- t91 = a._selectedRowColor;
- t91.toString;
- t93 = b._selectedRowColor;
- t93.toString;
- t93 = A.Color_lerp(t91, t93, t);
- t91 = a._errorColor;
- t91.toString;
- t94 = b._errorColor;
- t94.toString;
- t94 = A.Color_lerp(t91, t94, t);
- t91 = a._backgroundColor;
- t91.toString;
- t95 = b._backgroundColor;
- t95.toString;
- t95 = A.Color_lerp(t91, t95, t);
- t91 = a._bottomAppBarColor;
- t91.toString;
- t96 = b._bottomAppBarColor;
- t96.toString;
- return A.ThemeData$raw(t37, t1, t38, t2, t95, t39, new A.MaterialBannerThemeData(t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t40), A.Color_lerp(t91, t96, t), t41, t49, t50, t51, t52, t13, t14, t53, t54, t55, t15, t3, t56, t57, t16, t58, t17, t18, t59, t60, t61, t62, t94, t63, t4, t64, true, t65, t19, t20, t21, t22, t66, t32, t23, t5, t67, t6, t68, t69, t70, t71, t72, t73, t74, t7, t8, t75, t24, t90, t25, t26, t33, t34, t76, t77, t27, t9, t78, t79, t28, t80, t93, t29, t81, t82, t30, t10, t83, t84, t85, t86, t35, t87, t88, t92, t89, t36, t31, t11, t12);
- },
- MaterialBasedCupertinoThemeData$_(_materialTheme, _cupertinoOverrideTheme) {
- return new A.MaterialBasedCupertinoThemeData(_materialTheme, _cupertinoOverrideTheme, B._CupertinoThemeDefaults_k4u, _cupertinoOverrideTheme.brightness, _cupertinoOverrideTheme.primaryColor, _cupertinoOverrideTheme.primaryContrastingColor, _cupertinoOverrideTheme.textTheme, _cupertinoOverrideTheme.barBackgroundColor, _cupertinoOverrideTheme.scaffoldBackgroundColor, _cupertinoOverrideTheme.applyThemeToAll);
- },
- VisualDensity_defaultDensityForPlatform(platform) {
- switch (platform.index) {
- case 0:
- case 2:
- case 1:
- break;
- case 3:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- return B.VisualDensity_m2_m2;
- }
- return B.VisualDensity_0_0;
- },
- VisualDensity_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.horizontal, b.horizontal, t);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.vertical, b.vertical, t);
- t2.toString;
- return new A.VisualDensity(t1, t2);
- },
- MaterialTapTargetSize: function MaterialTapTargetSize(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ThemeData: function ThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51, t52, t53, t54, t55, t56, t57, t58, t59, t60, t61, t62, t63, t64, t65, t66, t67, t68, t69, t70, t71, t72, t73, t74, t75, t76, t77, t78, t79, t80, t81, t82, t83, t84, t85, t86, t87, t88) {
- var _ = this;
- _.applyElevationOverlayColor = t0;
- _.cupertinoOverrideTheme = t1;
- _.extensions = t2;
- _.inputDecorationTheme = t3;
- _.materialTapTargetSize = t4;
- _.pageTransitionsTheme = t5;
- _.platform = t6;
- _.scrollbarTheme = t7;
- _.splashFactory = t8;
- _.useMaterial3 = t9;
- _.visualDensity = t10;
- _._bottomAppBarColor = t11;
- _.canvasColor = t12;
- _.cardColor = t13;
- _.colorScheme = t14;
- _.dialogBackgroundColor = t15;
- _.disabledColor = t16;
- _.dividerColor = t17;
- _.focusColor = t18;
- _.highlightColor = t19;
- _.hintColor = t20;
- _.hoverColor = t21;
- _.indicatorColor = t22;
- _.primaryColor = t23;
- _.primaryColorDark = t24;
- _.primaryColorLight = t25;
- _.scaffoldBackgroundColor = t26;
- _.secondaryHeaderColor = t27;
- _._selectedRowColor = t28;
- _.shadowColor = t29;
- _.splashColor = t30;
- _.unselectedWidgetColor = t31;
- _.iconTheme = t32;
- _.primaryIconTheme = t33;
- _.primaryTextTheme = t34;
- _.textTheme = t35;
- _.typography = t36;
- _.actionIconTheme = t37;
- _.appBarTheme = t38;
- _.badgeTheme = t39;
- _.bannerTheme = t40;
- _.bottomAppBarTheme = t41;
- _.bottomNavigationBarTheme = t42;
- _.bottomSheetTheme = t43;
- _.buttonBarTheme = t44;
- _.buttonTheme = t45;
- _.cardTheme = t46;
- _.checkboxTheme = t47;
- _.chipTheme = t48;
- _.dataTableTheme = t49;
- _.datePickerTheme = t50;
- _.dialogTheme = t51;
- _.dividerTheme = t52;
- _.drawerTheme = t53;
- _.dropdownMenuTheme = t54;
- _.elevatedButtonTheme = t55;
- _.expansionTileTheme = t56;
- _.filledButtonTheme = t57;
- _.floatingActionButtonTheme = t58;
- _.iconButtonTheme = t59;
- _.listTileTheme = t60;
- _.menuBarTheme = t61;
- _.menuButtonTheme = t62;
- _.menuTheme = t63;
- _.navigationBarTheme = t64;
- _.navigationDrawerTheme = t65;
- _.navigationRailTheme = t66;
- _.outlinedButtonTheme = t67;
- _.popupMenuTheme = t68;
- _.progressIndicatorTheme = t69;
- _.radioTheme = t70;
- _.searchBarTheme = t71;
- _.searchViewTheme = t72;
- _.segmentedButtonTheme = t73;
- _.sliderTheme = t74;
- _.snackBarTheme = t75;
- _.switchTheme = t76;
- _.tabBarTheme = t77;
- _.textButtonTheme = t78;
- _.textSelectionTheme = t79;
- _.timePickerTheme = t80;
- _.toggleButtonsTheme = t81;
- _.tooltipTheme = t82;
- _._fixTextFieldOutlineLabel = t83;
- _._primaryColorBrightness = t84;
- _.androidOverscrollIndicator = t85;
- _._errorColor = t86;
- _._backgroundColor = t87;
- _._toggleableActiveColor = t88;
- },
- ThemeData_localize_closure: function ThemeData_localize_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.baseTheme = t0;
- this.localTextGeometry = t1;
- },
- ThemeData__lerpThemeExtensions_closure: function ThemeData__lerpThemeExtensions_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.b = t0;
- this.t = t1;
- },
- ThemeData__lerpThemeExtensions_closure0: function ThemeData__lerpThemeExtensions_closure0(t0) {
- this.a = t0;
- },
- MaterialBasedCupertinoThemeData: function MaterialBasedCupertinoThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _._materialTheme = t0;
- _._cupertinoOverrideTheme = t1;
- _._defaults = t2;
- _.brightness = t3;
- _.primaryColor = t4;
- _.primaryContrastingColor = t5;
- _.textTheme = t6;
- _.barBackgroundColor = t7;
- _.scaffoldBackgroundColor = t8;
- _.applyThemeToAll = t9;
- },
- _IdentityThemeDataCacheKey: function _IdentityThemeDataCacheKey(t0, t1) {
- this.baseTheme = t0;
- this.localTextGeometry = t1;
- },
- _FifoCache: function _FifoCache(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._theme_data$_cache = t0;
- this._maximumSize = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- VisualDensity: function VisualDensity(t0, t1) {
- this.horizontal = t0;
- this.vertical = t1;
- },
- _ThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _VisualDensity_Object_Diagnosticable: function _VisualDensity_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- TimePickerThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var lerpedBorderSide, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20;
- if (a === b && true)
- return a;
- lerpedBorderSide = a.dayPeriodBorderSide;
- if (lerpedBorderSide == null)
- t1 = b.dayPeriodBorderSide == null;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- lerpedBorderSide = null;
- else if (lerpedBorderSide == null)
- lerpedBorderSide = b.dayPeriodBorderSide;
- else {
- t1 = b.dayPeriodBorderSide;
- if (!(t1 == null)) {
- lerpedBorderSide.toString;
- t1.toString;
- lerpedBorderSide = A.BorderSide_lerp(lerpedBorderSide, t1, t);
- }
- }
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t2 = A.ButtonStyle_lerp(a.cancelButtonStyle, b.cancelButtonStyle, t);
- t3 = A.ButtonStyle_lerp(a.confirmButtonStyle, b.confirmButtonStyle, t);
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.dayPeriodColor, b.dayPeriodColor, t);
- t5 = type$.nullable_OutlinedBorder._as(A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.dayPeriodShape, b.dayPeriodShape, t));
- t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.dayPeriodTextColor, b.dayPeriodTextColor, t);
- t7 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.dayPeriodTextStyle, b.dayPeriodTextStyle, t);
- t8 = A.Color_lerp(a.dialBackgroundColor, b.dialBackgroundColor, t);
- t9 = A.Color_lerp(a.dialHandColor, b.dialHandColor, t);
- t10 = A.Color_lerp(a.dialTextColor, b.dialTextColor, t);
- t11 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.dialTextStyle, b.dialTextStyle, t);
- t12 = A.lerpDouble(a.elevation, b.elevation, t);
- t13 = A.Color_lerp(a.entryModeIconColor, b.entryModeIconColor, t);
- t14 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.helpTextStyle, b.helpTextStyle, t);
- t15 = A.Color_lerp(a.hourMinuteColor, b.hourMinuteColor, t);
- t16 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.hourMinuteShape, b.hourMinuteShape, t);
- t17 = A.Color_lerp(a.hourMinuteTextColor, b.hourMinuteTextColor, t);
- t18 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.hourMinuteTextStyle, b.hourMinuteTextStyle, t);
- if (t < 0.5)
- t19 = a.inputDecorationTheme;
- else
- t19 = b.inputDecorationTheme;
- t20 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.padding, b.padding, t);
- return new A.TimePickerThemeData(t1, t2, t3, lerpedBorderSide, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, A.ShapeBorder_lerp(a.shape, b.shape, t));
- },
- TimePickerThemeData: function TimePickerThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.cancelButtonStyle = t1;
- _.confirmButtonStyle = t2;
- _.dayPeriodBorderSide = t3;
- _.dayPeriodColor = t4;
- _.dayPeriodShape = t5;
- _.dayPeriodTextColor = t6;
- _.dayPeriodTextStyle = t7;
- _.dialBackgroundColor = t8;
- _.dialHandColor = t9;
- _.dialTextColor = t10;
- _.dialTextStyle = t11;
- _.elevation = t12;
- _.entryModeIconColor = t13;
- _.helpTextStyle = t14;
- _.hourMinuteColor = t15;
- _.hourMinuteShape = t16;
- _.hourMinuteTextColor = t17;
- _.hourMinuteTextStyle = t18;
- _.inputDecorationTheme = t19;
- _.padding = t20;
- _.shape = t21;
- },
- _TimePickerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TimePickerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- ToggleButtonsThemeData$(borderColor, borderRadius, borderWidth, color, constraints, disabledBorderColor, disabledColor, fillColor, focusColor, highlightColor, hoverColor, selectedBorderColor, selectedColor, splashColor, textStyle) {
- return new A.ToggleButtonsThemeData(textStyle, constraints, color, selectedColor, disabledColor, fillColor, focusColor, highlightColor, splashColor, hoverColor, borderColor, selectedBorderColor, disabledBorderColor, borderWidth, borderRadius);
- },
- ToggleButtonsThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.textStyle, b.textStyle, t);
- t2 = A.BoxConstraints_lerp(a.constraints, b.constraints, t);
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t);
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(a.selectedColor, b.selectedColor, t);
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(a.disabledColor, b.disabledColor, t);
- t6 = A.Color_lerp(a.fillColor, b.fillColor, t);
- t7 = A.Color_lerp(a.focusColor, b.focusColor, t);
- t8 = A.Color_lerp(a.highlightColor, b.highlightColor, t);
- t9 = A.Color_lerp(a.hoverColor, b.hoverColor, t);
- t10 = A.Color_lerp(a.splashColor, b.splashColor, t);
- t11 = A.Color_lerp(a.borderColor, b.borderColor, t);
- t12 = A.Color_lerp(a.selectedBorderColor, b.selectedBorderColor, t);
- t13 = A.Color_lerp(a.disabledBorderColor, b.disabledBorderColor, t);
- t14 = A.BorderRadius_lerp(a.borderRadius, b.borderRadius, t);
- return A.ToggleButtonsThemeData$(t11, t14, A.lerpDouble(a.borderWidth, b.borderWidth, t), t3, t2, t13, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t12, t4, t10, t1);
- },
- ToggleButtonsThemeData: function ToggleButtonsThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _.textStyle = t0;
- _.constraints = t1;
- _.color = t2;
- _.selectedColor = t3;
- _.disabledColor = t4;
- _.fillColor = t5;
- _.focusColor = t6;
- _.highlightColor = t7;
- _.splashColor = t8;
- _.hoverColor = t9;
- _.borderColor = t10;
- _.selectedBorderColor = t11;
- _.disabledBorderColor = t12;
- _.borderWidth = t13;
- _.borderRadius = t14;
- },
- _ToggleButtonsThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ToggleButtonsThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- ToggleableStateMixin: function ToggleableStateMixin() {
- },
- ToggleableStateMixin__handleTapDown_closure: function ToggleableStateMixin__handleTapDown_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.details = t1;
- },
- ToggleableStateMixin__handleTapEnd_closure: function ToggleableStateMixin__handleTapEnd_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ToggleableStateMixin__handleFocusHighlightChanged_closure: function ToggleableStateMixin__handleFocusHighlightChanged_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.focused = t1;
- },
- ToggleableStateMixin__handleHoverChanged_closure: function ToggleableStateMixin__handleHoverChanged_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.hovering = t1;
- },
- ToggleablePainter: function ToggleablePainter() {
- },
- Tooltip$(child, message) {
- return new A.Tooltip(message, child, null);
- },
- Tooltip__concealOtherTooltips(current) {
- var openedTooltips, t1, _i, state;
- if ($.Tooltip__openedTooltips.length !== 0) {
- openedTooltips = A._setArrayType($.Tooltip__openedTooltips.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType($.Tooltip__openedTooltips));
- for (t1 = openedTooltips.length, _i = 0; _i < openedTooltips.length; openedTooltips.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(openedTooltips), ++_i) {
- state = openedTooltips[_i];
- if (J.$eq$(state, current))
- continue;
- state._concealTooltip$0();
- }
- }
- },
- Tooltip_dismissAllToolTips() {
- var openedTooltips, t1, _i;
- if ($.Tooltip__openedTooltips.length !== 0) {
- openedTooltips = A._setArrayType($.Tooltip__openedTooltips.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType($.Tooltip__openedTooltips));
- for (t1 = openedTooltips.length, _i = 0; _i < openedTooltips.length; openedTooltips.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(openedTooltips), ++_i)
- openedTooltips[_i]._dismissTooltip$1$immediately(true);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- Tooltip: function Tooltip(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.message = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- TooltipState: function TooltipState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__TooltipState__controller_A = _.__TooltipState__excludeFromSemantics_A = _.__TooltipState__preferBelow_A = _.__TooltipState__verticalOffset_A = _.__TooltipState__textAlign_A = _.__TooltipState__textStyle_A = _.__TooltipState__decoration_A = _.__TooltipState__margin_A = _.__TooltipState__padding_A = _.__TooltipState__height_A = $;
- _._showTimer = _._dismissTimer = _._tooltip$_entry = null;
- _.__TooltipState__mouseIsConnected_A = _.__TooltipState__waitDuration_A = _.__TooltipState__hoverShowDuration_A = _.__TooltipState__showDuration_A = $;
- _._pressActivated = false;
- _.__TooltipState__visible_A = _.__TooltipState__forceRemoval_A = _.__TooltipState__isConcealed_A = _.__TooltipState__enableFeedback_A = _.__TooltipState__triggerMode_A = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- TooltipState__handleMouseTrackerChange_closure: function TooltipState__handleMouseTrackerChange_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.mouseIsConnected = t1;
- },
- TooltipState__createNewEntry_closure: function TooltipState__createNewEntry_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TooltipState__createNewEntry_closure0: function TooltipState__createNewEntry_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TooltipState__createNewEntry_closure1: function TooltipState__createNewEntry_closure1(t0) {
- this.overlay = t0;
- },
- TooltipState_build_closure: function TooltipState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TooltipState_build_closure0: function TooltipState_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TooltipPositionDelegate: function _TooltipPositionDelegate(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.target = t0;
- this.verticalOffset = t1;
- this.preferBelow = t2;
- },
- _TooltipOverlay: function _TooltipOverlay(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13) {
- var _ = this;
- _.richMessage = t0;
- _.height = t1;
- _.padding = t2;
- _.margin = t3;
- _.decoration = t4;
- _.textStyle = t5;
- _.textAlign = t6;
- _.animation = t7;
- _.target = t8;
- _.verticalOffset = t9;
- _.preferBelow = t10;
- _.onEnter = t11;
- _.onExit = t12;
- _.key = t13;
- },
- _TooltipState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function _TooltipState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- TooltipThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.height, b.height, t);
- t2 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.padding, b.padding, t);
- t3 = A.EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a.margin, b.margin, t);
- t4 = A.lerpDouble(a.verticalOffset, b.verticalOffset, t);
- t5 = t < 0.5;
- if (t5)
- t6 = a.preferBelow;
- else
- t6 = b.preferBelow;
- if (t5)
- t7 = a.excludeFromSemantics;
- else
- t7 = b.excludeFromSemantics;
- t8 = A.Decoration_lerp(a.decoration, b.decoration, t);
- t9 = A.TextStyle_lerp(a.textStyle, b.textStyle, t);
- if (t5)
- t5 = a.textAlign;
- else
- t5 = b.textAlign;
- return new A.TooltipThemeData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t6, t7, t8, t9, t5);
- },
- TooltipThemeData: function TooltipThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.height = t0;
- _.padding = t1;
- _.margin = t2;
- _.verticalOffset = t3;
- _.preferBelow = t4;
- _.excludeFromSemantics = t5;
- _.decoration = t6;
- _.textStyle = t7;
- _.textAlign = t8;
- },
- TooltipTriggerMode: function TooltipTriggerMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _TooltipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TooltipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- Typography_Typography$material2014(platform) {
- return A.Typography_Typography$_withPlatform(platform, null, null, B.TextTheme_miO, B.TextTheme_i7B, B.TextTheme_eZ8);
- },
- Typography_Typography$_withPlatform(platform, black, white, englishLike, dense, tall) {
- switch (platform) {
- case B.TargetPlatform_2:
- black = B.TextTheme_woc;
- white = B.TextTheme_UqR;
- break;
- case B.TargetPlatform_0:
- case B.TargetPlatform_1:
- black = B.TextTheme_BCG;
- white = B.TextTheme_yTp;
- break;
- case B.TargetPlatform_5:
- black = B.TextTheme_mDg;
- white = B.TextTheme_P12;
- break;
- case B.TargetPlatform_4:
- black = B.TextTheme_2jN;
- white = B.TextTheme_E6J;
- break;
- case B.TargetPlatform_3:
- black = B.TextTheme_FOl;
- white = B.TextTheme_wEo;
- break;
- case null:
- break;
- }
- black.toString;
- white.toString;
- return new A.Typography(black, white, englishLike, dense, tall);
- },
- Typography_lerp(a, b, t) {
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- return new A.Typography(A.TextTheme_lerp(a.black, b.black, t), A.TextTheme_lerp(a.white, b.white, t), A.TextTheme_lerp(a.englishLike, b.englishLike, t), A.TextTheme_lerp(a.dense, b.dense, t), A.TextTheme_lerp(a.tall, b.tall, t));
- },
- ScriptCategory: function ScriptCategory(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Typography: function Typography(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.black = t0;
- _.white = t1;
- _.englishLike = t2;
- _.dense = t3;
- _.tall = t4;
- },
- _Typography_Object_Diagnosticable: function _Typography_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- AlignmentGeometry_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- if (a == null)
- return b.$mul(0, t);
- if (b == null)
- return a.$mul(0, 1 - t);
- if (a instanceof A.Alignment && b instanceof A.Alignment)
- return A.Alignment_lerp(a, b, t);
- if (a instanceof A.AlignmentDirectional && b instanceof A.AlignmentDirectional)
- return A.AlignmentDirectional_lerp(a, b, t);
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_x(), b.get$_x(), t);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_alignment$_start(a), b.get$_alignment$_start(b), t);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_y(), b.get$_y(), t);
- t3.toString;
- return new A._MixedAlignment(t1, t2, t3);
- },
- Alignment_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.x, b.x, t);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.y, b.y, t);
- t2.toString;
- return new A.Alignment(t1, t2);
- },
- Alignment__stringify(x, y) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = x === -1;
- if (t1 && y === -1)
- return "Alignment.topLeft";
- t2 = x === 0;
- if (t2 && y === -1)
- return "Alignment.topCenter";
- t3 = x === 1;
- if (t3 && y === -1)
- return "Alignment.topRight";
- if (t1 && y === 0)
- return "Alignment.centerLeft";
- if (t2 && y === 0)
- return "Alignment.center";
- if (t3 && y === 0)
- return "Alignment.centerRight";
- if (t1 && y === 1)
- return "Alignment.bottomLeft";
- if (t2 && y === 1)
- return "Alignment.bottomCenter";
- if (t3 && y === 1)
- return "Alignment.bottomRight";
- return "Alignment(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(x, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(y, 1) + ")";
- },
- AlignmentDirectional_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.start, b.start, t);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.y, b.y, t);
- t2.toString;
- return new A.AlignmentDirectional(t1, t2);
- },
- AlignmentDirectional__stringify(start, y) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = start === -1;
- if (t1 && y === -1)
- return "AlignmentDirectional.topStart";
- t2 = start === 0;
- if (t2 && y === -1)
- return "AlignmentDirectional.topCenter";
- t3 = start === 1;
- if (t3 && y === -1)
- return "AlignmentDirectional.topEnd";
- if (t1 && y === 0)
- return "AlignmentDirectional.centerStart";
- if (t2 && y === 0)
- return "AlignmentDirectional.center";
- if (t3 && y === 0)
- return "AlignmentDirectional.centerEnd";
- if (t1 && y === 1)
- return "AlignmentDirectional.bottomStart";
- if (t2 && y === 1)
- return "AlignmentDirectional.bottomCenter";
- if (t3 && y === 1)
- return "AlignmentDirectional.bottomEnd";
- return "AlignmentDirectional(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(start, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(y, 1) + ")";
- },
- AlignmentGeometry: function AlignmentGeometry() {
- },
- Alignment: function Alignment(t0, t1) {
- this.x = t0;
- this.y = t1;
- },
- AlignmentDirectional: function AlignmentDirectional(t0, t1) {
- this.start = t0;
- this.y = t1;
- },
- _MixedAlignment: function _MixedAlignment(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._x = t0;
- this._alignment$_start = t1;
- this._y = t2;
- },
- TextAlignVertical: function TextAlignVertical(t0) {
- this.y = t0;
- },
- flipAxis(direction) {
- switch (direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.Axis_1;
- case 1:
- return B.Axis_0;
- }
- },
- axisDirectionToAxis(axisDirection) {
- switch (axisDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- case 2:
- return B.Axis_1;
- case 3:
- case 1:
- return B.Axis_0;
- }
- },
- textDirectionToAxisDirection(textDirection) {
- switch (textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.AxisDirection_3;
- case 1:
- return B.AxisDirection_1;
- }
- },
- flipAxisDirection(axisDirection) {
- switch (axisDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.AxisDirection_2;
- case 1:
- return B.AxisDirection_3;
- case 2:
- return B.AxisDirection_0;
- case 3:
- return B.AxisDirection_1;
- }
- },
- axisDirectionIsReversed(axisDirection) {
- switch (axisDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- case 3:
- return true;
- case 2:
- case 1:
- return false;
- }
- },
- RenderComparison: function RenderComparison(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Axis: function Axis(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- VerticalDirection: function VerticalDirection(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- AxisDirection: function AxisDirection(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- PaintingBinding: function PaintingBinding() {
- },
- _SystemFontsNotifier: function _SystemFontsNotifier(t0) {
- this._systemFontsCallbacks = t0;
- },
- BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(a, b, t) {
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- if (a == null)
- a = B.BorderRadius_tLn;
- return a.add$1(0, (b == null ? B.BorderRadius_tLn : b).subtract$1(a).$mul(0, t));
- },
- BorderRadius$all(radius) {
- return new A.BorderRadius(radius, radius, radius, radius);
- },
- BorderRadius$circular(radius) {
- var t1 = new A.Radius(radius, radius);
- return new A.BorderRadius(t1, t1, t1, t1);
- },
- BorderRadius_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- if (a == null)
- return b.$mul(0, t);
- if (b == null)
- return a.$mul(0, 1 - t);
- t1 = A.Radius_lerp(a.topLeft, b.topLeft, t);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.Radius_lerp(a.topRight, b.topRight, t);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = A.Radius_lerp(a.bottomLeft, b.bottomLeft, t);
- t3.toString;
- t4 = A.Radius_lerp(a.bottomRight, b.bottomRight, t);
- t4.toString;
- return new A.BorderRadius(t1, t2, t3, t4);
- },
- BorderRadiusGeometry: function BorderRadiusGeometry() {
- },
- BorderRadius: function BorderRadius(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.topLeft = t0;
- _.topRight = t1;
- _.bottomLeft = t2;
- _.bottomRight = t3;
- },
- BorderRadiusDirectional: function BorderRadiusDirectional(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.topStart = t0;
- _.topEnd = t1;
- _.bottomStart = t2;
- _.bottomEnd = t3;
- },
- _MixedBorderRadius: function _MixedBorderRadius(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _._topLeft = t0;
- _._topRight = t1;
- _._bottomLeft = t2;
- _._bottomRight = t3;
- _._topStart = t4;
- _._topEnd = t5;
- _._bottomStart = t6;
- _._bottomEnd = t7;
- },
- BorderSide_merge(a, b) {
- var t1 = a.style,
- aIsNone = t1 === B.BorderStyle_0 && a.width === 0,
- bIsNone = b.style === B.BorderStyle_0 && b.width === 0;
- if (aIsNone && bIsNone)
- return B.BorderSide_8xm;
- if (aIsNone)
- return b;
- if (bIsNone)
- return a;
- return new A.BorderSide(a.color, a.width + b.width, t1, Math.max(a.strokeAlign, b.strokeAlign));
- },
- BorderSide_canMerge(a, b) {
- var t2,
- t1 = a.style;
- if (!(t1 === B.BorderStyle_0 && a.width === 0))
- t2 = b.style === B.BorderStyle_0 && b.width === 0;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- return true;
- return t1 === b.style && a.color.$eq(0, b.color);
- },
- BorderSide_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, colorA, colorB, t4;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- if (t === 0)
- return a;
- if (t === 1)
- return b;
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.width, b.width, t);
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 < 0)
- return B.BorderSide_8xm;
- t2 = a.style;
- t3 = b.style;
- if (t2 === t3 && a.strokeAlign === b.strokeAlign) {
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t);
- t3.toString;
- return new A.BorderSide(t3, t1, t2, a.strokeAlign);
- }
- switch (t2.index) {
- case 1:
- colorA = a.color;
- break;
- case 0:
- t2 = a.color;
- colorA = A.Color$fromARGB(0, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255);
- break;
- default:
- colorA = null;
- }
- switch (t3.index) {
- case 1:
- colorB = b.color;
- break;
- case 0:
- t2 = b.color;
- colorB = A.Color$fromARGB(0, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255);
- break;
- default:
- colorB = null;
- }
- t2 = a.strokeAlign;
- t3 = b.strokeAlign;
- if (t2 !== t3) {
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(colorA, colorB, t);
- t4.toString;
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(t2, t3, t);
- t3.toString;
- return new A.BorderSide(t4, t1, B.BorderStyle_1, t3);
- }
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(colorA, colorB, t);
- t3.toString;
- return new A.BorderSide(t3, t1, B.BorderStyle_1, t2);
- },
- ShapeBorder_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var result, t1;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- result = b != null ? b.lerpFrom$2(a, t) : null;
- if (result == null && a != null)
- result = a.lerpTo$2(b, t);
- if (result == null)
- t1 = t < 0.5 ? a : b;
- else
- t1 = result;
- return t1;
- },
- OutlinedBorder_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var result, t1;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- result = b != null ? b.lerpFrom$2(a, t) : null;
- if (result == null && a != null)
- result = a.lerpTo$2(b, t);
- if (result == null)
- t1 = t < 0.5 ? a : b;
- else
- t1 = result;
- return t1;
- },
- _CompoundBorder_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, index, localA, localB, t2, localResult,
- aList = a instanceof A._CompoundBorder ? a.borders : A._setArrayType([a], type$.JSArray_nullable_ShapeBorder),
- bList = b instanceof A._CompoundBorder ? b.borders : A._setArrayType([b], type$.JSArray_nullable_ShapeBorder),
- results = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ShapeBorder),
- $length = Math.max(aList.length, bList.length);
- for (t1 = 1 - t, index = 0; index < $length; ++index) {
- localA = index < aList.length ? aList[index] : null;
- localB = index < bList.length ? bList[index] : null;
- t2 = localA != null;
- if (t2 && localB != null) {
- localResult = localA.lerpTo$2(localB, t);
- if (localResult == null)
- localResult = localB.lerpFrom$2(localA, t);
- if (localResult != null) {
- results.push(localResult);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (localB != null)
- results.push(localB.scale$1(0, t));
- if (t2)
- results.push(localA.scale$1(0, t1));
- }
- return new A._CompoundBorder(results);
- },
- paintBorder(canvas, rect, bottom, left, right, $top) {
- var path, t2, t3, t4,
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer(),
- paint = t1.createPaint$0();
- paint.set$strokeWidth(0);
- path = t1.createPath$0();
- switch ($top.style.index) {
- case 1:
- paint.set$color(0, $top.color);
- path.reset$0(0);
- t1 = rect.left;
- t2 = rect.top;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1, t2);
- t3 = rect.right;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t3, t2);
- t4 = $top.width;
- if (t4 === 0)
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- else {
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_0);
- t2 += t4;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t3 - right.width, t2);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 + left.width, t2);
- }
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- break;
- case 0:
- break;
- }
- switch (right.style.index) {
- case 1:
- paint.set$color(0, right.color);
- path.reset$0(0);
- t1 = rect.right;
- t2 = rect.top;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1, t2);
- t3 = rect.bottom;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t3);
- t4 = right.width;
- if (t4 === 0)
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- else {
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_0);
- t1 -= t4;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t3 - bottom.width);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t2 + $top.width);
- }
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- break;
- case 0:
- break;
- }
- switch (bottom.style.index) {
- case 1:
- paint.set$color(0, bottom.color);
- path.reset$0(0);
- t1 = rect.right;
- t2 = rect.bottom;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1, t2);
- t3 = rect.left;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t3, t2);
- t4 = bottom.width;
- if (t4 === 0)
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- else {
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_0);
- t2 -= t4;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t3 + left.width, t2);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 - right.width, t2);
- }
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- break;
- case 0:
- break;
- }
- switch (left.style.index) {
- case 1:
- paint.set$color(0, left.color);
- path.reset$0(0);
- t1 = rect.left;
- t2 = rect.bottom;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1, t2);
- t3 = rect.top;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t3);
- t4 = left.width;
- if (t4 === 0)
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- else {
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_0);
- t1 += t4;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t3 + $top.width);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t2 - bottom.width);
- }
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- break;
- case 0:
- break;
- }
- },
- BorderStyle: function BorderStyle(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- BorderSide: function BorderSide(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.color = t0;
- _.width = t1;
- _.style = t2;
- _.strokeAlign = t3;
- },
- ShapeBorder: function ShapeBorder() {
- },
- OutlinedBorder: function OutlinedBorder() {
- },
- _CompoundBorder: function _CompoundBorder(t0) {
- this.borders = t0;
- },
- _CompoundBorder_dimensions_closure: function _CompoundBorder_dimensions_closure() {
- },
- _CompoundBorder_scale_closure: function _CompoundBorder_scale_closure(t0) {
- this.t = t0;
- },
- _CompoundBorder_toString_closure: function _CompoundBorder_toString_closure() {
- },
- _BorderSide_Object_Diagnosticable: function _BorderSide_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- BoxBorder_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t0, t2;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- t1 = type$.nullable_Border;
- if (t1._is(a) && t1._is(b))
- return A.Border_lerp(a, b, t);
- t1 = type$.nullable_BorderDirectional;
- if (t1._is(a) && t1._is(b))
- return A.BorderDirectional_lerp(a, b, t);
- if (b instanceof A.Border && a instanceof A.BorderDirectional) {
- t = 1 - t;
- t0 = b;
- b = a;
- a = t0;
- }
- if (a instanceof A.Border && b instanceof A.BorderDirectional) {
- t1 = b.start;
- if (t1.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm) && b.end.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm))
- return new A.Border(A.BorderSide_lerp(a.top, b.top, t), A.BorderSide_lerp(a.right, B.BorderSide_8xm, t), A.BorderSide_lerp(a.bottom, b.bottom, t), A.BorderSide_lerp(a.left, B.BorderSide_8xm, t));
- t2 = a.left;
- if (t2.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm) && a.right.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm))
- return new A.BorderDirectional(A.BorderSide_lerp(a.top, b.top, t), A.BorderSide_lerp(B.BorderSide_8xm, t1, t), A.BorderSide_lerp(B.BorderSide_8xm, b.end, t), A.BorderSide_lerp(a.bottom, b.bottom, t));
- if (t < 0.5) {
- t1 = t * 2;
- return new A.Border(A.BorderSide_lerp(a.top, b.top, t), A.BorderSide_lerp(a.right, B.BorderSide_8xm, t1), A.BorderSide_lerp(a.bottom, b.bottom, t), A.BorderSide_lerp(t2, B.BorderSide_8xm, t1));
- }
- t2 = (t - 0.5) * 2;
- return new A.BorderDirectional(A.BorderSide_lerp(a.top, b.top, t), A.BorderSide_lerp(B.BorderSide_8xm, t1, t2), A.BorderSide_lerp(B.BorderSide_8xm, b.end, t2), A.BorderSide_lerp(a.bottom, b.bottom, t));
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.FlutterError$fromParts(A._setArrayType([A.ErrorSummary$("BoxBorder.lerp can only interpolate Border and BorderDirectional classes."), A.ErrorDescription$("BoxBorder.lerp() was called with two objects of type " + J.get$runtimeType$(a).toString$0(0) + " and " + J.get$runtimeType$(b).toString$0(0) + ":\n " + A.S(a) + "\n " + A.S(b) + "\nHowever, only Border and BorderDirectional classes are supported by this method."), A.ErrorHint$("For a more general interpolation method, consider using ShapeBorder.lerp instead.")], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode)));
- },
- BoxBorder__paintUniformBorderWithRadius(canvas, rect, side, borderRadius) {
- var borderRect, inner,
- paint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- paint.set$color(0, side.color);
- if (side.width === 0) {
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- paint.set$strokeWidth(0);
- canvas.drawRRect$2(borderRadius.toRRect$1(rect), paint);
- } else {
- borderRect = borderRadius.toRRect$1(rect);
- inner = borderRect.inflate$1(-side.get$strokeInset());
- canvas.drawDRRect$3(borderRect.inflate$1(side.get$strokeOutset()), inner, paint);
- }
- },
- BoxBorder__paintNonUniformBorder(canvas, rect, borderRadius, bottom, left, right, shape, textDirection, $top) {
- var borderRect, t1, paint, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, inner;
- switch (shape.index) {
- case 0:
- borderRect = (borderRadius == null ? B.BorderRadius_tLn : borderRadius).toRRect$1(rect);
- break;
- case 1:
- t1 = rect.right - rect.left;
- borderRect = A.RRect$fromRectAndRadius(A.Rect$fromCircle(rect.get$center(), rect.get$shortestSide() / 2), new A.Radius(t1, t1));
- break;
- default:
- borderRect = null;
- }
- paint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- paint.set$color(0, $top.color);
- t1 = left.get$strokeInset();
- t2 = $top.get$strokeInset();
- t3 = right.get$strokeInset();
- t4 = bottom.get$strokeInset();
- t5 = borderRect.left;
- t6 = borderRect.top;
- t7 = borderRect.right;
- t8 = borderRect.bottom;
- t9 = borderRect.tlRadiusX;
- t10 = borderRect.tlRadiusY;
- t11 = new A.Radius(t9, t10).$sub(0, new A.Radius(t1, t2)).clamp$1$minimum(0, B.Radius_0_0);
- t12 = borderRect.trRadiusX;
- t13 = borderRect.trRadiusY;
- t14 = new A.Radius(t12, t13).$sub(0, new A.Radius(t3, t2)).clamp$1$minimum(0, B.Radius_0_0);
- t15 = borderRect.brRadiusX;
- t16 = borderRect.brRadiusY;
- t17 = new A.Radius(t15, t16).$sub(0, new A.Radius(t3, t4)).clamp$1$minimum(0, B.Radius_0_0);
- t18 = borderRect.blRadiusX;
- t19 = borderRect.blRadiusY;
- inner = A.RRect$fromLTRBAndCorners(t5 + t1, t6 + t2, t7 - t3, t8 - t4, new A.Radius(t18, t19).$sub(0, new A.Radius(t1, t4)).clamp$1$minimum(0, B.Radius_0_0), t17, t11, t14);
- t14 = left.get$strokeOutset();
- t11 = $top.get$strokeOutset();
- t17 = right.get$strokeOutset();
- t4 = bottom.get$strokeOutset();
- t10 = new A.Radius(t9, t10).$add(0, new A.Radius(t14, t11)).clamp$1$minimum(0, B.Radius_0_0);
- t13 = new A.Radius(t12, t13).$add(0, new A.Radius(t17, t11)).clamp$1$minimum(0, B.Radius_0_0);
- t16 = new A.Radius(t15, t16).$add(0, new A.Radius(t17, t4)).clamp$1$minimum(0, B.Radius_0_0);
- canvas.drawDRRect$3(A.RRect$fromLTRBAndCorners(t5 - t14, t6 - t11, t7 + t17, t8 + t4, new A.Radius(t18, t19).$add(0, new A.Radius(t14, t4)).clamp$1$minimum(0, B.Radius_0_0), t16, t10, t13), inner, paint);
- },
- BoxBorder__paintUniformBorderWithCircle(canvas, rect, side) {
- var t1 = rect.get$shortestSide();
- canvas.drawCircle$3(rect.get$center(), (t1 + side.width * side.strokeAlign) / 2, side.toPaint$0());
- },
- BoxBorder__paintUniformBorderWithRectangle(canvas, rect, side) {
- canvas.drawRect$2(rect.inflate$1(side.width * side.strokeAlign / 2), side.toPaint$0());
- },
- Border_Border$all(color, width) {
- var side = new A.BorderSide(color, width, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- return new A.Border(side, side, side, side);
- },
- Border_lerp(a, b, t) {
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- if (a == null)
- return b.scale$1(0, t);
- if (b == null)
- return a.scale$1(0, 1 - t);
- return new A.Border(A.BorderSide_lerp(a.top, b.top, t), A.BorderSide_lerp(a.right, b.right, t), A.BorderSide_lerp(a.bottom, b.bottom, t), A.BorderSide_lerp(a.left, b.left, t));
- },
- BorderDirectional_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- if (a == null)
- return b.scale$1(0, t);
- if (b == null)
- return a.scale$1(0, 1 - t);
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.top, b.top, t);
- t2 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.end, b.end, t);
- t3 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.bottom, b.bottom, t);
- return new A.BorderDirectional(t1, A.BorderSide_lerp(a.start, b.start, t), t2, t3);
- },
- BoxShape: function BoxShape(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- BoxBorder: function BoxBorder() {
- },
- Border: function Border(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.top = t0;
- _.right = t1;
- _.bottom = t2;
- _.left = t3;
- },
- BorderDirectional: function BorderDirectional(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.top = t0;
- _.start = t1;
- _.end = t2;
- _.bottom = t3;
- },
- BoxDecoration$(backgroundBlendMode, border, borderRadius, boxShadow, color, gradient, image, shape) {
- return new A.BoxDecoration(color, image, border, borderRadius, boxShadow, gradient, backgroundBlendMode, shape);
- },
- BoxDecoration_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- if (t === 0)
- return a;
- if (t === 1)
- return b;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t);
- t2 = t < 0.5;
- t3 = t2 ? a.image : b.image;
- t4 = A.BoxBorder_lerp(a.border, b.border, t);
- t5 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(a.borderRadius, b.borderRadius, t);
- t6 = A.BoxShadow_lerpList(a.boxShadow, b.boxShadow, t);
- t7 = A.Gradient_lerp(a.gradient, b.gradient, t);
- return new A.BoxDecoration(t1, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, null, t2 ? a.shape : b.shape);
- },
- BoxDecoration: function BoxDecoration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.color = t0;
- _.image = t1;
- _.border = t2;
- _.borderRadius = t3;
- _.boxShadow = t4;
- _.gradient = t5;
- _.backgroundBlendMode = t6;
- _.shape = t7;
- },
- _BoxDecorationPainter: function _BoxDecorationPainter(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_decoration$_decoration = t0;
- _._box_decoration$_imagePainter = _._rectForCachedBackgroundPaint = _._cachedBackgroundPaint = null;
- _.onChanged = t1;
- },
- applyBoxFit(fit, inputSize, outputSize) {
- var destinationSize, sourceSize, t2, t3, t4, aspectRatio,
- t1 = inputSize._dy;
- if (t1 <= 0 || inputSize._dx <= 0 || outputSize._dy <= 0 || outputSize._dx <= 0)
- return B.FittedSizes_46c;
- switch (fit.index) {
- case 0:
- destinationSize = outputSize;
- sourceSize = inputSize;
- break;
- case 1:
- t2 = outputSize._dx;
- t3 = outputSize._dy;
- t4 = inputSize._dx;
- destinationSize = t2 / t3 > t4 / t1 ? new A.Size(t4 * t3 / t1, t3) : new A.Size(t2, t1 * t2 / t4);
- sourceSize = inputSize;
- break;
- case 2:
- t2 = outputSize._dx;
- t3 = outputSize._dy;
- t4 = inputSize._dx;
- sourceSize = t2 / t3 > t4 / t1 ? new A.Size(t4, t4 * t3 / t2) : new A.Size(t1 * t2 / t3, t1);
- destinationSize = outputSize;
- break;
- case 3:
- t2 = outputSize._dx;
- t3 = outputSize._dy;
- t4 = inputSize._dx;
- if (t2 / t3 > t4 / t1) {
- sourceSize = new A.Size(t4, t4 * t3 / t2);
- destinationSize = outputSize;
- } else {
- destinationSize = new A.Size(t2, t1 * t2 / t4);
- sourceSize = inputSize;
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- t2 = outputSize._dx;
- t3 = outputSize._dy;
- t4 = inputSize._dx;
- if (t2 / t3 > t4 / t1) {
- destinationSize = new A.Size(t4 * t3 / t1, t3);
- sourceSize = inputSize;
- } else {
- sourceSize = new A.Size(t1 * t2 / t3, t1);
- destinationSize = outputSize;
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- sourceSize = new A.Size(Math.min(inputSize._dx, outputSize._dx), Math.min(t1, outputSize._dy));
- destinationSize = sourceSize;
- break;
- case 6:
- aspectRatio = inputSize._dx / t1;
- t2 = outputSize._dy;
- destinationSize = t1 > t2 ? new A.Size(t2 * aspectRatio, t2) : inputSize;
- t1 = outputSize._dx;
- if (destinationSize._dx > t1)
- destinationSize = new A.Size(t1, t1 / aspectRatio);
- sourceSize = inputSize;
- break;
- default:
- sourceSize = null;
- destinationSize = null;
- }
- return new A.FittedSizes(sourceSize, destinationSize);
- },
- BoxFit: function BoxFit(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FittedSizes: function FittedSizes(t0, t1) {
- this.source = t0;
- this.destination = t1;
- },
- BoxShadow$(blurRadius, blurStyle, color, offset, spreadRadius) {
- return new A.BoxShadow(spreadRadius, blurStyle, color, offset, blurRadius);
- },
- BoxShadow_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.Offset_lerp(a.offset, b.offset, t);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.blurRadius, b.blurRadius, t);
- t3.toString;
- t4 = A.lerpDouble(a.spreadRadius, b.spreadRadius, t);
- t4.toString;
- t5 = a.blurStyle;
- return new A.BoxShadow(t4, t5 === B.BlurStyle_0 ? b.blurStyle : t5, t1, t2, t3);
- },
- BoxShadow_lerpList(a, b, t) {
- var commonLength, t1, i, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
- if (a == null ? b == null : a === b)
- return a;
- if (a == null)
- a = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_BoxShadow);
- if (b == null)
- b = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_BoxShadow);
- commonLength = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_BoxShadow);
- for (i = 0; i < commonLength; ++i)
- t1.push(A.BoxShadow_lerp(a[i], b[i], t));
- for (t2 = 1 - t, i = commonLength; i < a.length; ++i) {
- t3 = a[i];
- t4 = t3.color;
- t5 = t3.offset;
- t6 = t3.blurRadius;
- t1.push(new A.BoxShadow(t3.spreadRadius * t2, t3.blurStyle, t4, new A.Offset(t5._dx * t2, t5._dy * t2), t6 * t2));
- }
- for (i = commonLength; i < b.length; ++i) {
- t2 = b[i];
- t3 = t2.color;
- t4 = t2.offset;
- t5 = t2.blurRadius;
- t1.push(new A.BoxShadow(t2.spreadRadius * t, t2.blurStyle, t3, new A.Offset(t4._dx * t, t4._dy * t), t5 * t));
- }
- return t1;
- },
- BoxShadow: function BoxShadow(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.spreadRadius = t0;
- _.blurStyle = t1;
- _.color = t2;
- _.offset = t3;
- _.blurRadius = t4;
- },
- CircleBorder: function CircleBorder(t0, t1) {
- this.eccentricity = t0;
- this.side = t1;
- },
- ClipContext: function ClipContext() {
- },
- ClipContext_clipPathAndPaint_closure: function ClipContext_clipPathAndPaint_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.path = t1;
- },
- ClipContext_clipRRectAndPaint_closure: function ClipContext_clipRRectAndPaint_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.rrect = t1;
- },
- ClipContext_clipRectAndPaint_closure: function ClipContext_clipRectAndPaint_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.rect = t1;
- },
- ColorSwatch: function ColorSwatch() {
- },
- ImageSizeInfo: function ImageSizeInfo(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.source = t0;
- this.displaySize = t1;
- this.imageSize = t2;
- },
- Decoration_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, _null = null;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- if (a == null) {
- t1 = b.lerpFrom$2(_null, t);
- return t1 == null ? b : t1;
- }
- if (b == null) {
- t1 = a.lerpTo$2(_null, t);
- return t1 == null ? a : t1;
- }
- if (t === 0)
- return a;
- if (t === 1)
- return b;
- t1 = b.lerpFrom$2(a, t);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = a.lerpTo$2(b, t);
- if (t1 == null)
- if (t < 0.5) {
- t1 = a.lerpTo$2(_null, t * 2);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = a;
- } else {
- t1 = b.lerpFrom$2(_null, (t - 0.5) * 2);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = b;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- Decoration: function Decoration() {
- },
- BoxPainter: function BoxPainter() {
- },
- _Decoration_Object_Diagnosticable: function _Decoration_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- DecorationImage$(fit, image, onError) {
- return new A.DecorationImage(image, onError, fit);
- },
- paintImage(alignment, canvas, centerSlice, colorFilter, debugImageLabel, filterQuality, fit, flipHorizontally, image, invertColors, isAntiAlias, opacity, rect, repeat, scale) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, outputSize, t5, t6, fittedSizes, sourceSize, destinationSize, t7, paint, t8, halfWidthDelta, t9, halfHeightDelta, destinationRect, maxDevicePixelRatio, sizeInfo, existingSizeInfo, needSave, dx, sourceRect, tmx, tmy, data, transform;
- if (rect.get$isEmpty(rect))
- return;
- t1 = rect.left;
- t2 = rect.right - t1;
- t3 = rect.top;
- t4 = rect.bottom - t3;
- outputSize = new A.Size(t2, t4);
- t5 = image.get$width(image);
- t6 = image.get$height(image);
- if (fit == null)
- fit = B.BoxFit_6;
- fittedSizes = A.applyBoxFit(fit, new A.Size(t5, t6).$div(0, scale), outputSize);
- sourceSize = fittedSizes.source.$mul(0, scale);
- destinationSize = fittedSizes.destination;
- if (repeat !== B.ImageRepeat_3 && destinationSize.$eq(0, outputSize))
- repeat = B.ImageRepeat_3;
- t7 = $.$get$_renderer();
- paint = t7.createPaint$0();
- paint.set$isAntiAlias(false);
- paint.set$color(0, A.Color$fromRGBO(0, 0, 0, opacity));
- paint.set$filterQuality(filterQuality);
- paint.set$invertColors(false);
- t8 = destinationSize._dx;
- halfWidthDelta = (t2 - t8) / 2;
- t9 = destinationSize._dy;
- halfHeightDelta = (t4 - t9) / 2;
- t4 = alignment.x;
- t4 = t1 + (halfWidthDelta + (flipHorizontally ? -t4 : t4) * halfWidthDelta);
- t3 += halfHeightDelta + alignment.y * halfHeightDelta;
- destinationRect = new A.Rect(t4, t3, t4 + t8, t3 + t9);
- $.PaintingBinding__instance.toString;
- t9 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().viewData;
- maxDevicePixelRatio = t9.get$values(t9).fold$2(0, 0, new A.paintImage_closure());
- t3 = debugImageLabel == null ? "" : debugImageLabel;
- t4 = image.get$width(image);
- t8 = image.get$height(image);
- t9 = outputSize.$mul(0, maxDevicePixelRatio);
- sizeInfo = new A.ImageSizeInfo(t3, t9, new A.Size(t4, t8));
- t4 = $._lastFrameImageSizeInfo.contains$1(0, sizeInfo);
- if (!t4) {
- existingSizeInfo = $._pendingImageSizeInfo.$index(0, t3);
- if (existingSizeInfo == null || existingSizeInfo._sizeToBytes$1(existingSizeInfo.displaySize) < sizeInfo._sizeToBytes$1(t9))
- $._pendingImageSizeInfo.$indexSet(0, t3, sizeInfo);
- $.SchedulerBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A.paintImage_closure0());
- }
- needSave = repeat !== B.ImageRepeat_3 || flipHorizontally;
- if (needSave)
- canvas.save$0(0);
- if (flipHorizontally) {
- dx = -(t1 + t2 / 2);
- canvas.translate$2(0, -dx, 0);
- canvas.scale$2(0, -1, 1);
- canvas.translate$2(0, dx, 0);
- }
- sourceRect = alignment.inscribe$2(sourceSize, new A.Rect(0, 0, t5, t6));
- if (repeat === B.ImageRepeat_3)
- canvas.drawImageRect$4(image, sourceRect, destinationRect, paint);
- else {
- tmx = repeat === B.ImageRepeat_1 || repeat === B.ImageRepeat_0 ? B.TileMode_1 : B.TileMode_3;
- tmy = repeat === B.ImageRepeat_2 || repeat === B.ImageRepeat_0 ? B.TileMode_1 : B.TileMode_3;
- data = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(A._generateImageTileRects(rect, destinationRect, repeat));
- t1 = new Float64Array(16);
- transform = new A.Matrix40(t1);
- transform.setIdentity$0();
- t2 = data.left;
- t3 = data.top;
- transform.scale$2(0, (data.right - t2) / (sourceRect.right - sourceRect.left), (data.bottom - t3) / (sourceRect.bottom - sourceRect.top));
- transform.setTranslationRaw$3(t2, t3, 0);
- paint.set$shader(t7.createImageShader$5(image, tmx, tmy, t1, filterQuality));
- canvas.drawRect$2(rect, paint);
- }
- if (needSave)
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- },
- _generateImageTileRects(outputRect, fundamentalRect, repeat) {
- var startX, stopX, startY, stopY, i, j,
- t1 = fundamentalRect.right,
- t2 = fundamentalRect.left,
- strideX = t1 - t2,
- t3 = fundamentalRect.bottom,
- t4 = fundamentalRect.top,
- strideY = t3 - t4,
- t5 = repeat !== B.ImageRepeat_0;
- if (!t5 || repeat === B.ImageRepeat_1) {
- startX = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0((outputRect.left - t2) / strideX);
- stopX = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0((outputRect.right - t1) / strideX);
- } else {
- startX = 0;
- stopX = 0;
- }
- if (!t5 || repeat === B.ImageRepeat_2) {
- startY = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0((outputRect.top - t4) / strideY);
- stopY = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0((outputRect.bottom - t3) / strideY);
- } else {
- startY = 0;
- stopY = 0;
- }
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Rect);
- for (i = startX; i <= stopX; ++i)
- for (t2 = i * strideX, j = startY; j <= stopY; ++j)
- t1.push(fundamentalRect.shift$1(new A.Offset(t2, j * strideY)));
- return t1;
- },
- ImageRepeat: function ImageRepeat(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- DecorationImage: function DecorationImage(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.image = t0;
- this.onError = t1;
- this.fit = t2;
- },
- DecorationImagePainter: function DecorationImagePainter(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._details = t0;
- _._onChanged = t1;
- _._image = _._imageStream = null;
- },
- paintImage_closure: function paintImage_closure() {
- },
- paintImage_closure0: function paintImage_closure0() {
- },
- EdgeInsetsGeometry_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- if (a == null)
- return b.$mul(0, t);
- if (b == null)
- return a.$mul(0, 1 - t);
- if (a instanceof A.EdgeInsets && b instanceof A.EdgeInsets)
- return A.EdgeInsets_lerp(a, b, t);
- if (a instanceof A.EdgeInsetsDirectional && b instanceof A.EdgeInsetsDirectional)
- return A.EdgeInsetsDirectional_lerp(a, b, t);
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_left(a), b.get$_left(b), t);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_right(a), b.get$_right(b), t);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_edge_insets$_start(a), b.get$_edge_insets$_start(b), t);
- t3.toString;
- t4 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_edge_insets$_end(), b.get$_edge_insets$_end(), t);
- t4.toString;
- t5 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_top(a), b.get$_top(b), t);
- t5.toString;
- t6 = A.lerpDouble(a.get$_bottom(a), b.get$_bottom(b), t);
- t6.toString;
- return new A._MixedEdgeInsets(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6);
- },
- EdgeInsets$fromViewPadding(padding, devicePixelRatio) {
- return new A.EdgeInsets(padding.left / devicePixelRatio, padding.top / devicePixelRatio, padding.right / devicePixelRatio, padding.bottom / devicePixelRatio);
- },
- EdgeInsets_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- if (a == null)
- return b.$mul(0, t);
- if (b == null)
- return a.$mul(0, 1 - t);
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.left, b.left, t);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.top, b.top, t);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.right, b.right, t);
- t3.toString;
- t4 = A.lerpDouble(a.bottom, b.bottom, t);
- t4.toString;
- return new A.EdgeInsets(t1, t2, t3, t4);
- },
- EdgeInsetsDirectional_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(a.start, b.start, t);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.top, b.top, t);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.end, b.end, t);
- t3.toString;
- t4 = A.lerpDouble(a.bottom, b.bottom, t);
- t4.toString;
- return new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(t1, t2, t3, t4);
- },
- EdgeInsetsGeometry: function EdgeInsetsGeometry() {
- },
- EdgeInsets: function EdgeInsets(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.left = t0;
- _.top = t1;
- _.right = t2;
- _.bottom = t3;
- },
- EdgeInsetsDirectional: function EdgeInsetsDirectional(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.start = t0;
- _.top = t1;
- _.end = t2;
- _.bottom = t3;
- },
- _MixedEdgeInsets: function _MixedEdgeInsets(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._left = t0;
- _._right = t1;
- _._edge_insets$_start = t2;
- _._edge_insets$_end = t3;
- _._top = t4;
- _._bottom = t5;
- },
- _sample(colors, stops, t) {
- var index, t1, t2, t3, t4;
- if (t <= B.JSArray_methods.get$first(stops))
- return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(colors);
- if (t >= B.JSArray_methods.get$last(stops))
- return B.JSArray_methods.get$last(colors);
- index = B.JSArray_methods.lastIndexWhere$1(stops, new A._sample_closure(t));
- t1 = colors[index];
- t2 = index + 1;
- t3 = colors[t2];
- t4 = stops[index];
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(t1, t3, (t - t4) / (stops[t2] - t4));
- t4.toString;
- return t4;
- },
- _interpolateColorsAndStops(aColors, aStops, bColors, bStops, t) {
- var interpolatedStops, t1,
- stops = A.SplayTreeSet$(null, null, type$.double);
- stops.addAll$1(0, aStops);
- stops.addAll$1(0, bStops);
- interpolatedStops = A.List_List$of(stops, false, stops.$ti._precomputed1);
- t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(interpolatedStops)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Color>");
- return new A._ColorsAndStops(A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(interpolatedStops, new A._interpolateColorsAndStops_closure(aColors, aStops, bColors, bStops, t), t1), false, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E")), interpolatedStops);
- },
- Gradient_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var result;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- result = b != null ? b.lerpFrom$2(a, t) : null;
- if (result == null && a != null)
- result = a.lerpTo$2(b, t);
- if (result != null)
- return result;
- return t < 0.5 ? a.scale$1(0, 1 - t * 2) : b.scale$1(0, (t - 0.5) * 2);
- },
- LinearGradient_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var interpolated, t1, t2, t3;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- if (a == null)
- return b.scale$1(0, t);
- if (b == null)
- return a.scale$1(0, 1 - t);
- interpolated = A._interpolateColorsAndStops(a.colors, a._impliedStops$0(), b.colors, b._impliedStops$0(), t);
- t1 = A.AlignmentGeometry_lerp(a.begin, b.begin, t);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.AlignmentGeometry_lerp(a.end, b.end, t);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = t < 0.5 ? a.tileMode : b.tileMode;
- return new A.LinearGradient(t1, t2, t3, interpolated.colors, interpolated.stops, null);
- },
- _ColorsAndStops: function _ColorsAndStops(t0, t1) {
- this.colors = t0;
- this.stops = t1;
- },
- _sample_closure: function _sample_closure(t0) {
- this.t = t0;
- },
- _interpolateColorsAndStops_closure: function _interpolateColorsAndStops_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.aColors = t0;
- _.aStops = t1;
- _.bColors = t2;
- _.bStops = t3;
- _.t = t4;
- },
- Gradient0: function Gradient0() {
- },
- LinearGradient: function LinearGradient(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.begin = t0;
- _.end = t1;
- _.tileMode = t2;
- _.colors = t3;
- _.stops = t4;
- _.transform = t5;
- },
- LinearGradient_scale_closure: function LinearGradient_scale_closure(t0) {
- this.factor = t0;
- },
- _LiveImage$(completer, handleRemove) {
- var t1;
- if (completer._image_stream$_disposed)
- A.throwExpression(A.StateError$(string$.Stream));
- ++completer._keepAliveHandles;
- t1 = new A._LiveImage(completer, null, new A.ImageStreamCompleterHandle(completer));
- t1._LiveImage$3$sizeBytes(completer, handleRemove, null);
- return t1;
- },
- ImageCache: function ImageCache(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._pendingImages = t0;
- _._image_cache$_cache = t1;
- _._liveImages = t2;
- _._currentSizeBytes = 0;
- },
- ImageCache__trackLiveImage_closure: function ImageCache__trackLiveImage_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.completer = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- ImageCache__trackLiveImage__closure: function ImageCache__trackLiveImage__closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- ImageCache_putIfAbsent_listener: function ImageCache_putIfAbsent_listener(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.key = t2;
- _.trackPendingImage = t3;
- _.pendingImage = t4;
- },
- _CachedImageBase: function _CachedImageBase() {
- },
- _CachedImageBase_dispose_closure: function _CachedImageBase_dispose_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CachedImage: function _CachedImage(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.completer = t0;
- this.sizeBytes = t1;
- this.handle = t2;
- },
- _LiveImage: function _LiveImage(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___LiveImage__handleRemove_A = $;
- _.completer = t0;
- _.sizeBytes = t1;
- _.handle = t2;
- },
- _LiveImage_closure: function _LiveImage_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.handleRemove = t1;
- },
- _PendingImage: function _PendingImage(t0, t1) {
- this.completer = t0;
- this.listener = t1;
- },
- ImageConfiguration: function ImageConfiguration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.bundle = t0;
- _.devicePixelRatio = t1;
- _.locale = t2;
- _.textDirection = t3;
- _.size = t4;
- _.platform = t5;
- },
- ImageProvider: function ImageProvider() {
- },
- ImageProvider_resolve_closure: function ImageProvider_resolve_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.configuration = t1;
- this.stream = t2;
- },
- ImageProvider_resolve_closure0: function ImageProvider_resolve_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.configuration = t1;
- this.stream = t2;
- },
- ImageProvider__createErrorHandlerAndKey_handleError: function ImageProvider__createErrorHandlerAndKey_handleError(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.errorCallback = t1;
- },
- ImageProvider__createErrorHandlerAndKey_closure: function ImageProvider__createErrorHandlerAndKey_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.successCallback = t2;
- _.handleError = t3;
- },
- ImageProvider_resolveStreamForKey_closure: function ImageProvider_resolveStreamForKey_closure(t0) {
- this.stream = t0;
- },
- ImageProvider_resolveStreamForKey_closure0: function ImageProvider_resolveStreamForKey_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- AssetBundleImageKey: function AssetBundleImageKey(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.bundle = t0;
- this.name = t1;
- this.scale = t2;
- },
- AssetBundleImageProvider: function AssetBundleImageProvider() {
- },
- _ErrorImageCompleter: function _ErrorImageCompleter(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._image_stream$_listeners = t0;
- _.debugLabel = _._currentError = _._currentImage = null;
- _._addingInitialListeners = _._hadAtLeastOneListener = false;
- _._keepAliveHandles = 0;
- _._image_stream$_disposed = false;
- _._onLastListenerRemovedCallbacks = t1;
- },
- AssetImage: function AssetImage(t0) {
- this.assetName = t0;
- },
- AssetImage_obtainKey_closure: function AssetImage_obtainKey_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.configuration = t2;
- _.chosenBundle = t3;
- },
- AssetImage_obtainKey_closure0: function AssetImage_obtainKey_closure0(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter$(codec, debugLabel, informationCollector, scale) {
- var t1 = new A.MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter(scale, informationCollector, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ImageStreamListener), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function));
- t1.MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter$5$chunkEvents$codec$debugLabel$informationCollector$scale(null, codec, debugLabel, informationCollector, scale);
- return t1;
- },
- ImageInfo: function ImageInfo(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.image = t0;
- this.scale = t1;
- this.debugLabel = t2;
- },
- ImageStreamListener: function ImageStreamListener(t0, t1) {
- this.onImage = t0;
- this.onError = t1;
- },
- ImageStream: function ImageStream() {
- this._image_stream$_listeners = this._image_stream$_completer = null;
- },
- ImageStreamCompleterHandle: function ImageStreamCompleterHandle(t0) {
- this._image_stream$_completer = t0;
- },
- ImageStreamCompleter: function ImageStreamCompleter() {
- },
- ImageStreamCompleter_reportError_closure: function ImageStreamCompleter_reportError_closure() {
- },
- MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter: function MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._codec = _._chunkSubscription = null;
- _._image_stream$_scale = t0;
- _._informationCollector = t1;
- _._nextFrame = null;
- _.__MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter__shownTimestamp_A = $;
- _._frameDuration = null;
- _._framesEmitted = 0;
- _._image_stream$_timer = null;
- _._frameCallbackScheduled = false;
- _._image_stream$_listeners = t2;
- _.debugLabel = _._currentError = _._currentImage = null;
- _._addingInitialListeners = _._hadAtLeastOneListener = false;
- _._keepAliveHandles = 0;
- _._image_stream$_disposed = false;
- _._onLastListenerRemovedCallbacks = t3;
- },
- MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter_closure: function MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.informationCollector = t1;
- },
- MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter__handleAppFrame_closure: function MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter__handleAppFrame_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ImageStream_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ImageStream_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _ImageStreamCompleter_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ImageStreamCompleter_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- InlineSpanSemanticsInformation$(text, recognizer, semanticsLabel, stringAttributes) {
- return new A.InlineSpanSemanticsInformation(text, semanticsLabel, recognizer, false, false, stringAttributes);
- },
- combineSemanticsInfo(infoList) {
- var t2, workingText, workingLabel, _i, info, effectiveLabel, effectiveLabel0, t3, t4, t5, _i0, infoAttribute, t6,
- combined = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_InlineSpanSemanticsInformation),
- t1 = type$.JSArray_StringAttribute,
- workingAttributes = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- for (t2 = infoList.length, workingText = "", workingLabel = "", _i = 0; _i < infoList.length; infoList.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(infoList), ++_i) {
- info = infoList[_i];
- if (info.requiresOwnNode) {
- combined.push(new A.InlineSpanSemanticsInformation(workingText, workingLabel, null, false, false, workingAttributes));
- workingAttributes = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- combined.push(info);
- workingText = "";
- workingLabel = "";
- } else {
- effectiveLabel = info.text;
- workingText += effectiveLabel;
- effectiveLabel0 = info.semanticsLabel;
- effectiveLabel = effectiveLabel0 == null ? effectiveLabel : effectiveLabel0;
- for (t3 = info.stringAttributes, t4 = t3.length, t5 = workingLabel.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i0) {
- infoAttribute = t3[_i0];
- t6 = infoAttribute.range;
- workingAttributes.push(infoAttribute.copy$1$range(new A.TextRange(t6.start + t5, t6.end + t5)));
- }
- workingLabel += effectiveLabel;
- }
- }
- combined.push(A.InlineSpanSemanticsInformation$(workingText, null, workingLabel, workingAttributes));
- return combined;
- },
- Accumulator: function Accumulator() {
- this._inline_span$_value = 0;
- },
- InlineSpanSemanticsInformation: function InlineSpanSemanticsInformation(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.text = t0;
- _.semanticsLabel = t1;
- _.recognizer = t2;
- _.isPlaceholder = t3;
- _.requiresOwnNode = t4;
- _.stringAttributes = t5;
- },
- InlineSpan: function InlineSpan() {
- },
- InlineSpan_getSpanForPosition_closure: function InlineSpan_getSpanForPosition_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.position = t1;
- this.offset = t2;
- },
- InlineSpan_codeUnitAt_closure: function InlineSpan_codeUnitAt_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.index = t1;
- this.offset = t2;
- },
- PlaceholderSpan0: function PlaceholderSpan0() {
- },
- RoundedRectangleBorder: function RoundedRectangleBorder(t0, t1) {
- this.borderRadius = t0;
- this.side = t1;
- },
- _RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder: function _RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.borderRadius = t0;
- _.circularity = t1;
- _.eccentricity = t2;
- _.side = t3;
- },
- ShapeDecoration_ShapeDecoration$fromBoxDecoration(source) {
- var t1, shape, t2;
- switch (source.shape.index) {
- case 1:
- t1 = source.border;
- shape = t1 != null ? new A.CircleBorder(0, t1.get$top(t1)) : B.CircleBorder_Umb;
- break;
- case 0:
- t1 = source.borderRadius;
- shape = source.border;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = shape == null ? null : shape.get$top(shape);
- shape = new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(t1, t2 == null ? B.BorderSide_8xm : t2);
- } else if (shape == null)
- shape = B.Border_bWW;
- break;
- default:
- shape = null;
- }
- return new A.ShapeDecoration(source.color, source.gradient, source.image, source.boxShadow, shape);
- },
- ShapeDecoration_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _null = null;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- t1 = a == null;
- if (!t1 && b != null) {
- if (t === 0)
- return a;
- if (t === 1)
- return b;
- }
- t2 = t1 ? _null : a.color;
- t3 = b == null;
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(t2, t3 ? _null : b.color, t);
- t4 = t1 ? _null : a.gradient;
- t4 = A.Gradient_lerp(t4, t3 ? _null : b.gradient, t);
- t5 = t < 0.5 ? a.image : b.image;
- t6 = t1 ? _null : a.shadows;
- t6 = A.BoxShadow_lerpList(t6, t3 ? _null : b.shadows, t);
- t1 = t1 ? _null : a.shape;
- t1 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(t1, t3 ? _null : b.shape, t);
- t1.toString;
- return new A.ShapeDecoration(t2, t4, t5, t6, t1);
- },
- _ShapeDecorationPainter$(_decoration, onChanged) {
- return new A._ShapeDecorationPainter(_decoration, onChanged);
- },
- ShapeDecoration: function ShapeDecoration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.color = t0;
- _.gradient = t1;
- _.image = t2;
- _.shadows = t3;
- _.shape = t4;
- },
- _ShapeDecorationPainter: function _ShapeDecorationPainter(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._shape_decoration$_decoration = t0;
- _._lastTextDirection = _._lastRect = null;
- _.___ShapeDecorationPainter__outerPath_A = $;
- _._shadowCount = _._interiorPaint = _._innerPath = null;
- _.___ShapeDecorationPainter__shadowPaints_A = _.___ShapeDecorationPainter__shadowPaths_A = _.___ShapeDecorationPainter__shadowBounds_A = $;
- _._imagePainter = null;
- _.onChanged = t1;
- },
- _ShapeDecorationPainter__precache_closure: function _ShapeDecorationPainter__precache_closure() {
- },
- _ShapeDecorationPainter__precache_closure0: function _ShapeDecorationPainter__precache_closure0(t0) {
- this.rect = t0;
- },
- _ShapeDecorationPainter__precache_closure1: function _ShapeDecorationPainter__precache_closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.rect = t1;
- this.textDirection = t2;
- },
- StadiumBorder: function StadiumBorder(t0) {
- this.side = t0;
- },
- _StadiumToCircleBorder: function _StadiumToCircleBorder(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.circularity = t0;
- this.eccentricity = t1;
- this.side = t2;
- },
- _StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder: function _StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.borderRadius = t0;
- this.rectilinearity = t1;
- this.side = t2;
- },
- StrutStyle: function StrutStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.fontFamily = t0;
- _._strut_style$_fontFamilyFallback = t1;
- _.fontSize = t2;
- _.height = t3;
- _.fontWeight = t4;
- _.fontStyle = t5;
- _.leading = t6;
- _.forceStrutHeight = t7;
- _.debugLabel = t8;
- },
- _StrutStyle_Object_Diagnosticable: function _StrutStyle_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- WordBoundary__isNewline(codePoint) {
- switch (codePoint) {
- case 10:
- case 133:
- case 11:
- case 12:
- case 8232:
- case 8233:
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- },
- TextPainter$(ellipsis, locale, maxLines, strutStyle, text, textAlign, textDirection, textHeightBehavior, textScaleFactor, textWidthBasis) {
- return new A.TextPainter(text, textAlign, textDirection, textScaleFactor, ellipsis, locale, maxLines, strutStyle, textWidthBasis, textHeightBehavior);
- },
- TextPainter__computePaintOffsetFraction(textAlign, textDirection) {
- switch (textAlign.index) {
- case 0:
- return 0;
- case 1:
- return 1;
- case 2:
- return 0.5;
- case 4:
- case 3:
- switch (textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return 1;
- case 1:
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- switch (textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return 0;
- case 1:
- return 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- },
- TextOverflow: function TextOverflow(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- PlaceholderDimensions: function PlaceholderDimensions(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.size = t0;
- _.alignment = t1;
- _.baselineOffset = t2;
- _.baseline = t3;
- },
- TextWidthBasis: function TextWidthBasis(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- WordBoundary: function WordBoundary(t0, t1) {
- this._text_painter$_text = t0;
- this._paragraph = t1;
- this.__WordBoundary_moveByWordBoundary_FI = $;
- },
- _UntilTextBoundary: function _UntilTextBoundary(t0, t1) {
- this._predicate = t0;
- this._textBoundary = t1;
- },
- _LineCaretMetrics: function _LineCaretMetrics(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.offset = t0;
- this.writingDirection = t1;
- this.fullHeight = t2;
- },
- _EmptyLineCaretMetrics: function _EmptyLineCaretMetrics(t0) {
- this.lineVerticalOffset = t0;
- },
- TextPainter: function TextPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _._paragraph = null;
- _._rebuildParagraphForPaint = true;
- _._debugMarkNeedsLayoutCallStack = null;
- _._text_painter$_text = t0;
- _._cachedPlainText = null;
- _._textAlign = t1;
- _._text_painter$_textDirection = t2;
- _._textScaleFactor = t3;
- _._ellipsis = t4;
- _._text_painter$_locale = t5;
- _._maxLines = t6;
- _._strutStyle = t7;
- _._textWidthBasis = t8;
- _._text_painter$_textHeightBehavior = t9;
- _._lastMaxWidth = _._lastMinWidth = _._layoutTemplate = _._text_painter$_placeholderDimensions = _._inlinePlaceholderScales = _._inlinePlaceholderBoxes = null;
- _.__TextPainter__caretMetrics_A = $;
- _._lineMetricsCache = _._previousCaretPosition = null;
- _._text_painter$_disposed = false;
- },
- TextSpan$(children, style, text) {
- return new A.TextSpan(text, children, B.C__DeferringMouseCursor, style);
- },
- TextSpan: function TextSpan(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.text = t0;
- _.children = t1;
- _.mouseCursor = t2;
- _.style = t3;
- },
- TextSpan_debugDescribeChildren_closure: function TextSpan_debugDescribeChildren_closure() {
- },
- TextStyle$(background, backgroundColor, color, debugLabel, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontVariations, fontWeight, foreground, height, inherit, leadingDistribution, letterSpacing, locale, overflow, $package, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing) {
- return new A.TextStyle(inherit, color, backgroundColor, $package == null ? fontFamily : "packages/" + $package + "/" + A.S(fontFamily), fontFamilyFallback, $package, fontSize, fontWeight, fontStyle, letterSpacing, wordSpacing, textBaseline, height, leadingDistribution, locale, foreground, background, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, debugLabel, shadows, fontFeatures, fontVariations, overflow);
- },
- TextStyle_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, _null = null;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- if (a == null) {
- t1 = b.inherit;
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(_null, b.color, t);
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(_null, b.backgroundColor, t);
- t4 = t < 0.5;
- t5 = t4 ? _null : b.fontSize;
- t6 = A.FontWeight_lerp(_null, b.fontWeight, t);
- t7 = t4 ? _null : b.fontStyle;
- t8 = t4 ? _null : b.letterSpacing;
- t9 = t4 ? _null : b.wordSpacing;
- t10 = t4 ? _null : b.textBaseline;
- t11 = t4 ? _null : b.height;
- t12 = t4 ? _null : b.leadingDistribution;
- t13 = t4 ? _null : b.locale;
- t14 = t4 ? _null : b.foreground;
- t15 = t4 ? _null : b.background;
- t16 = t4 ? _null : b.shadows;
- t17 = t4 ? _null : b.fontFeatures;
- t18 = t4 ? _null : b.fontVariations;
- t19 = t4 ? _null : b.decoration;
- t20 = A.Color_lerp(_null, b.decorationColor, t);
- t21 = t4 ? _null : b.decorationStyle;
- t22 = t4 ? _null : b.decorationThickness;
- t23 = t4 ? _null : b.get$_text_style$_fontFamily(b);
- t24 = t4 ? _null : b._text_style$_fontFamilyFallback;
- t25 = t4 ? _null : b._package;
- return A.TextStyle$(t15, t3, t2, _null, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t17, t5, t7, t18, t6, t14, t11, t1, t12, t8, t13, t4 ? _null : b.overflow, t25, t16, t10, t9);
- }
- if (b == null) {
- t1 = a.inherit;
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(a.color, _null, t);
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(_null, a.backgroundColor, t);
- t4 = t < 0.5;
- t5 = t4 ? a.fontSize : _null;
- t6 = A.FontWeight_lerp(a.fontWeight, _null, t);
- t7 = t4 ? a.fontStyle : _null;
- t8 = t4 ? a.letterSpacing : _null;
- t9 = t4 ? a.wordSpacing : _null;
- t10 = t4 ? a.textBaseline : _null;
- t11 = t4 ? a.height : _null;
- t12 = t4 ? a.leadingDistribution : _null;
- t13 = t4 ? a.locale : _null;
- t14 = t4 ? a.foreground : _null;
- t15 = t4 ? a.background : _null;
- t16 = t4 ? a.shadows : _null;
- t17 = t4 ? a.fontFeatures : _null;
- t18 = t4 ? a.fontVariations : _null;
- t19 = t4 ? a.decoration : _null;
- t20 = A.Color_lerp(a.decorationColor, _null, t);
- t21 = t4 ? a.decorationStyle : _null;
- t22 = t4 ? a.decorationThickness : _null;
- t23 = t4 ? a.get$_text_style$_fontFamily(a) : _null;
- t24 = t4 ? a._text_style$_fontFamilyFallback : _null;
- t25 = t4 ? a._package : _null;
- return A.TextStyle$(t15, t3, t2, _null, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t17, t5, t7, t18, t6, t14, t11, t1, t12, t8, t13, t4 ? a.overflow : _null, t25, t16, t10, t9);
- }
- t1 = t < 0.5;
- t2 = t1 ? a.inherit : b.inherit;
- t3 = a.foreground;
- t4 = t3 == null;
- t5 = t4 && b.foreground == null ? A.Color_lerp(a.color, b.color, t) : _null;
- t6 = a.background;
- t7 = t6 == null;
- t8 = t7 && b.background == null ? A.Color_lerp(a.backgroundColor, b.backgroundColor, t) : _null;
- t9 = a.fontSize;
- t10 = t9 == null ? b.fontSize : t9;
- t11 = b.fontSize;
- t9 = A.lerpDouble(t10, t11 == null ? t9 : t11, t);
- t10 = A.FontWeight_lerp(a.fontWeight, b.fontWeight, t);
- t11 = t1 ? a.fontStyle : b.fontStyle;
- t12 = a.letterSpacing;
- t13 = t12 == null ? b.letterSpacing : t12;
- t14 = b.letterSpacing;
- t12 = A.lerpDouble(t13, t14 == null ? t12 : t14, t);
- t13 = a.wordSpacing;
- t14 = t13 == null ? b.wordSpacing : t13;
- t15 = b.wordSpacing;
- t13 = A.lerpDouble(t14, t15 == null ? t13 : t15, t);
- t14 = t1 ? a.textBaseline : b.textBaseline;
- t15 = a.height;
- t16 = t15 == null ? b.height : t15;
- t17 = b.height;
- t15 = A.lerpDouble(t16, t17 == null ? t15 : t17, t);
- t16 = t1 ? a.leadingDistribution : b.leadingDistribution;
- t17 = t1 ? a.locale : b.locale;
- if (!t4 || b.foreground != null)
- if (t1) {
- if (t4) {
- t3 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t4 = a.color;
- t4.toString;
- t3.set$color(0, t4);
- }
- } else {
- t3 = b.foreground;
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t4 = b.color;
- t4.toString;
- t3.set$color(0, t4);
- }
- }
- else
- t3 = _null;
- if (!t7 || b.background != null)
- if (t1)
- if (t7) {
- t4 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t6 = a.backgroundColor;
- t6.toString;
- t4.set$color(0, t6);
- } else
- t4 = t6;
- else {
- t4 = b.background;
- if (t4 == null) {
- t4 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t6 = b.backgroundColor;
- t6.toString;
- t4.set$color(0, t6);
- }
- }
- else
- t4 = _null;
- t6 = t1 ? a.shadows : b.shadows;
- t7 = t1 ? a.fontFeatures : b.fontFeatures;
- t18 = t1 ? a.fontVariations : b.fontVariations;
- t19 = t1 ? a.decoration : b.decoration;
- t20 = A.Color_lerp(a.decorationColor, b.decorationColor, t);
- t21 = t1 ? a.decorationStyle : b.decorationStyle;
- t22 = a.decorationThickness;
- t23 = t22 == null ? b.decorationThickness : t22;
- t24 = b.decorationThickness;
- t22 = A.lerpDouble(t23, t24 == null ? t22 : t24, t);
- t23 = t1 ? a.get$_text_style$_fontFamily(a) : b.get$_text_style$_fontFamily(b);
- t24 = t1 ? a._text_style$_fontFamilyFallback : b._text_style$_fontFamilyFallback;
- t25 = t1 ? a._package : b._package;
- return A.TextStyle$(t4, t8, t5, _null, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t7, t9, t11, t18, t10, t3, t15, t2, t16, t12, t17, t1 ? a.overflow : b.overflow, t25, t6, t14, t13);
- },
- TextStyle: function TextStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25) {
- var _ = this;
- _.inherit = t0;
- _.color = t1;
- _.backgroundColor = t2;
- _.fontFamily = t3;
- _._text_style$_fontFamilyFallback = t4;
- _._package = t5;
- _.fontSize = t6;
- _.fontWeight = t7;
- _.fontStyle = t8;
- _.letterSpacing = t9;
- _.wordSpacing = t10;
- _.textBaseline = t11;
- _.height = t12;
- _.leadingDistribution = t13;
- _.locale = t14;
- _.foreground = t15;
- _.background = t16;
- _.decoration = t17;
- _.decorationColor = t18;
- _.decorationStyle = t19;
- _.decorationThickness = t20;
- _.debugLabel = t21;
- _.shadows = t22;
- _.fontFeatures = t23;
- _.fontVariations = t24;
- _.overflow = t25;
- },
- TextStyle_fontFamilyFallback_closure: function TextStyle_fontFamilyFallback_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextStyle_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TextStyle_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _newtonsMethod(df, f, initialGuess, iterations, target) {
- var guess, i;
- for (guess = initialGuess, i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
- guess -= (f.call$1(guess) - target) / df.call$1(guess);
- return guess;
- },
- FrictionSimulation$(drag, position, velocity, constantDeceleration) {
- var t1 = new A.FrictionSimulation(drag, Math.log(drag), position, velocity, constantDeceleration * J.get$sign$in(velocity), B.Tolerance_Gdw);
- t1.FrictionSimulation$5$constantDeceleration$tolerance(drag, position, velocity, constantDeceleration, B.Tolerance_Gdw);
- return t1;
- },
- FrictionSimulation: function FrictionSimulation(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._drag = t0;
- _._dragLog = t1;
- _._friction_simulation$_x = t2;
- _._v = t3;
- _._constantDeceleration = t4;
- _._finalTime = 1 / 0;
- _.tolerance = t5;
- },
- FrictionSimulation_closure: function FrictionSimulation_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Simulation: function Simulation() {
- },
- SpringDescription$withDampingRatio(mass, ratio, stiffness) {
- return new A.SpringDescription(mass, stiffness, ratio * 2 * Math.sqrt(mass * stiffness));
- },
- _SpringSolution__SpringSolution(spring, initialPosition, initialVelocity) {
- var r, r1, r2, c2, w,
- t1 = spring.damping,
- t2 = t1 * t1,
- t3 = spring.mass,
- t4 = 4 * t3 * spring.stiffness,
- cmk = t2 - t4;
- if (cmk === 0) {
- r = -t1 / (2 * t3);
- return new A._CriticalSolution(r, initialPosition, initialVelocity - r * initialPosition);
- }
- if (cmk > 0) {
- t1 = -t1;
- t3 = 2 * t3;
- r1 = (t1 - Math.sqrt(cmk)) / t3;
- r2 = (t1 + Math.sqrt(cmk)) / t3;
- c2 = (initialVelocity - r1 * initialPosition) / (r2 - r1);
- return new A._OverdampedSolution(r1, r2, initialPosition - c2, c2);
- }
- w = Math.sqrt(t4 - t2) / (2 * t3);
- r = -(t1 / 2 * t3);
- return new A._UnderdampedSolution(w, r, initialPosition, (initialVelocity - r * initialPosition) / w);
- },
- SpringDescription: function SpringDescription(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.mass = t0;
- this.stiffness = t1;
- this.damping = t2;
- },
- SpringType: function SpringType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SpringSimulation: function SpringSimulation(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._endPosition = t0;
- this._solution = t1;
- this.tolerance = t2;
- },
- ScrollSpringSimulation: function ScrollSpringSimulation(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._endPosition = t0;
- this._solution = t1;
- this.tolerance = t2;
- },
- _CriticalSolution: function _CriticalSolution(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._r = t0;
- this._c1 = t1;
- this._c2 = t2;
- },
- _OverdampedSolution: function _OverdampedSolution(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._r1 = t0;
- _._r2 = t1;
- _._c1 = t2;
- _._c2 = t3;
- },
- _UnderdampedSolution: function _UnderdampedSolution(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._spring_simulation$_w = t0;
- _._r = t1;
- _._c1 = t2;
- _._c2 = t3;
- },
- Tolerance: function Tolerance(t0, t1) {
- this.distance = t0;
- this.velocity = t1;
- },
- RenderAnimatedSize$(alignment, clipBehavior, curve, duration, reverseDuration, textDirection, vsync) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = new A.RenderAnimatedSize(new A.SizeTween(_null, _null), B.RenderAnimatedSizeState_0, clipBehavior, vsync, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ClipRectLayer), alignment, textDirection, _null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(_null);
- t1.RenderAnimatedSize$8$alignment$child$clipBehavior$curve$duration$reverseDuration$textDirection$vsync(alignment, _null, clipBehavior, curve, duration, reverseDuration, textDirection, vsync);
- return t1;
- },
- RenderAnimatedSizeState: function RenderAnimatedSizeState(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- RenderAnimatedSize: function RenderAnimatedSize(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__RenderAnimatedSize__animation_F = _.__RenderAnimatedSize__controller_F = $;
- _._sizeTween = t0;
- _.__RenderAnimatedSize__hasVisualOverflow_A = $;
- _._animated_size$_lastValue = null;
- _._animated_size$_state = t1;
- _._animated_size$_clipBehavior = t2;
- _._vsync = t3;
- _._animated_size$_clipRectLayer = t4;
- _._resolvedAlignment = null;
- _._alignment = t5;
- _._shifted_box$_textDirection = t6;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t7;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t8;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderAnimatedSize_closure: function RenderAnimatedSize_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _generateSemanticsTree(childOrder) {
- var tree,
- t1 = $.RendererBinding__instance.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1._rootNode.get$debugSemantics();
- if (t1 == null)
- tree = null;
- else {
- A._SemanticsDiagnosticableNode$(childOrder, null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_1, t1);
- tree = "";
- }
- if (tree != null)
- return tree;
- return "Semantics not generated.\nFor performance reasons, the framework only generates semantics when asked to do so by the platform.\nUsually, platforms only ask for semantics when assistive technologies (like screen readers) are running.\nTo generate semantics, try turning on an assistive technology (like VoiceOver or TalkBack) on your device.";
- },
- RendererBinding: function RendererBinding() {
- },
- RendererBinding__scheduleMouseTrackerUpdate_closure: function RendererBinding__scheduleMouseTrackerUpdate_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _BindingPipelineManifold: function _BindingPipelineManifold(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._binding = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- BoxConstraints$tight(size) {
- var t1 = size._dx,
- t2 = size._dy;
- return new A.BoxConstraints(t1, t1, t2, t2);
- },
- BoxConstraints$tightFor(height, width) {
- var t3, t4,
- t1 = width == null,
- t2 = t1 ? 0 : width;
- t1 = t1 ? 1 / 0 : width;
- t3 = height == null;
- t4 = t3 ? 0 : height;
- return new A.BoxConstraints(t2, t1, t4, t3 ? 1 / 0 : height);
- },
- BoxConstraints$tightForFinite(height, width) {
- var t3, t4,
- t1 = width !== 1 / 0,
- t2 = t1 ? width : 0;
- t1 = t1 ? width : 1 / 0;
- t3 = height !== 1 / 0;
- t4 = t3 ? height : 0;
- return new A.BoxConstraints(t2, t1, t4, t3 ? height : 1 / 0);
- },
- BoxConstraints$loose(size) {
- return new A.BoxConstraints(0, size._dx, 0, size._dy);
- },
- BoxConstraints_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- if (a == b)
- return a;
- if (a == null)
- return b.$mul(0, t);
- if (b == null)
- return a.$mul(0, 1 - t);
- t1 = a.minWidth;
- if (isFinite(t1)) {
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(t1, b.minWidth, t);
- t1.toString;
- } else
- t1 = 1 / 0;
- t2 = a.maxWidth;
- if (isFinite(t2)) {
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(t2, b.maxWidth, t);
- t2.toString;
- } else
- t2 = 1 / 0;
- t3 = a.minHeight;
- if (isFinite(t3)) {
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(t3, b.minHeight, t);
- t3.toString;
- } else
- t3 = 1 / 0;
- t4 = a.maxHeight;
- if (isFinite(t4)) {
- t4 = A.lerpDouble(t4, b.maxHeight, t);
- t4.toString;
- } else
- t4 = 1 / 0;
- return new A.BoxConstraints(t1, t2, t3, t4);
- },
- BoxHitTestResult$() {
- var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_HitTestEntry_HitTestTarget),
- t2 = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- t2.setIdentity$0();
- return new A.BoxHitTestResult(t1, A._setArrayType([t2], type$.JSArray_Matrix4_2), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__TransformPart));
- },
- BoxHitTestResult$wrap(result) {
- return new A.BoxHitTestResult(result._path, result._transforms, result._localTransforms);
- },
- BoxConstraints: function BoxConstraints(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.minWidth = t0;
- _.maxWidth = t1;
- _.minHeight = t2;
- _.maxHeight = t3;
- },
- BoxConstraints_toString_describe: function BoxConstraints_toString_describe() {
- },
- BoxHitTestResult: function BoxHitTestResult(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._path = t0;
- this._transforms = t1;
- this._localTransforms = t2;
- },
- BoxHitTestEntry: function BoxHitTestEntry(t0, t1) {
- this.localPosition = t0;
- this.target = t1;
- this._transform = null;
- },
- BoxParentData: function BoxParentData(t0) {
- this.offset = t0;
- },
- ContainerBoxParentData: function ContainerBoxParentData() {
- },
- _IntrinsicDimension: function _IntrinsicDimension(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _IntrinsicDimensionsCacheEntry: function _IntrinsicDimensionsCacheEntry(t0, t1) {
- this.dimension = t0;
- this.argument = t1;
- },
- RenderBox: function RenderBox() {
- },
- RenderBox__computeIntrinsicDimension_closure: function RenderBox__computeIntrinsicDimension_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.computer = t0;
- this.argument = t1;
- },
- RenderBox_getDryLayout_closure: function RenderBox_getDryLayout_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.constraints = t1;
- },
- RenderBox_getDistanceToActualBaseline_closure: function RenderBox_getDistanceToActualBaseline_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.baseline = t1;
- },
- RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() {
- },
- RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_defaultHitTestChildren_closure: function RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_defaultHitTestChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.position = t1;
- this.childParentData = t2;
- },
- _ContainerBoxParentData_BoxParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin: function _ContainerBoxParentData_BoxParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin() {
- },
- MultiChildLayoutParentData: function MultiChildLayoutParentData(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.id = null;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1;
- _.offset = t2;
- },
- MultiChildLayoutDelegate: function MultiChildLayoutDelegate() {
- },
- RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox: function RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._custom_layout$_delegate = t0;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t1;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t2;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t3;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t4;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function _RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- _RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function _RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() {
- },
- RenderCustomPaint__updateSemanticsChildren(oldSemantics, newChildSemantics) {
- var t1, oldChildrenBottom, newChildren, haveOldChildren, newSemantics, newChild, oldKeyedChildren, t2, oldChildrenTop, oldChild, t3, t4, newChildrenTop, key, _null = null, _box_0 = {};
- _box_0.newChildSemantics = newChildSemantics;
- if (oldSemantics == null)
- oldSemantics = B.List_empty16;
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(oldSemantics);
- oldChildrenBottom = t1.get$length(oldSemantics) - 1;
- newChildren = A.List_List$filled(0, _null, false, type$.nullable_SemanticsNode);
- haveOldChildren = 0 <= oldChildrenBottom;
- while (true) {
- if (!false)
- break;
- t1.$index(oldSemantics, 0);
- newSemantics = newChildSemantics[0];
- newSemantics.get$key(newSemantics);
- break;
- }
- while (true) {
- if (!false)
- break;
- t1.$index(oldSemantics, oldChildrenBottom);
- newChild = newChildSemantics[-1];
- newChild.get$key(newChild);
- break;
- }
- oldKeyedChildren = A._Cell$named("oldKeyedChildren");
- if (haveOldChildren) {
- oldKeyedChildren.set$finalLocalValue(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Key, type$.SemanticsNode));
- for (t2 = oldKeyedChildren.__late_helper$_name, oldChildrenTop = 0; oldChildrenTop <= oldChildrenBottom;) {
- oldChild = t1.$index(oldSemantics, oldChildrenTop);
- t3 = oldChild.key;
- if (t3 != null) {
- t4 = oldKeyedChildren.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t4 === oldKeyedChildren)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t2));
- J.$indexSet$ax(t4, t3, oldChild);
- }
- ++oldChildrenTop;
- }
- haveOldChildren = true;
- } else
- oldChildrenTop = 0;
- for (t2 = oldKeyedChildren.__late_helper$_name, newChildrenTop = 0; false;) {
- newSemantics = _box_0.newChildSemantics[newChildrenTop];
- if (haveOldChildren) {
- key = newSemantics.get$key(newSemantics);
- t3 = oldKeyedChildren.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t3 === oldKeyedChildren)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t2));
- oldChild = J.$index$asx(t3, key);
- if (oldChild != null) {
- newSemantics.get$key(newSemantics);
- oldChild = _null;
- }
- } else
- oldChild = _null;
- newChildren[newChildrenTop] = A.RenderCustomPaint__updateSemanticsChild(oldChild, newSemantics);
- ++newChildrenTop;
- }
- t1.get$length(oldSemantics);
- while (true) {
- if (!false)
- break;
- newChildren[newChildrenTop] = A.RenderCustomPaint__updateSemanticsChild(t1.$index(oldSemantics, oldChildrenTop), _box_0.newChildSemantics[newChildrenTop]);
- ++newChildrenTop;
- ++oldChildrenTop;
- }
- return new A.CastList(newChildren, A._arrayInstanceType(newChildren)._eval$1("CastList<1,SemanticsNode>"));
- },
- RenderCustomPaint__updateSemanticsChild(oldChild, newSemantics) {
- var t1,
- newChild = oldChild == null ? A.SemanticsNode$(newSemantics.get$key(newSemantics), null) : oldChild,
- properties = newSemantics.get$properties(),
- config = A.SemanticsConfiguration$();
- properties.get$sortKey();
- config._sortKey = properties.get$sortKey();
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- properties.get$checked(properties);
- t1 = properties.get$checked(properties);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_1, true);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_2, t1);
- properties.get$mixed();
- t1 = properties.get$mixed();
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_1, true);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_33554432, t1);
- properties.get$selected(properties);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_4, properties.get$selected(properties));
- properties.get$button(properties);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_8, properties.get$button(properties));
- properties.get$link();
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_4194304, properties.get$link());
- properties.get$textField();
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_16, properties.get$textField());
- properties.get$slider();
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_8388608, properties.get$slider());
- properties.get$keyboardKey();
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_16777216, properties.get$keyboardKey());
- properties.get$readOnly(properties);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_1048576, properties.get$readOnly(properties));
- properties.get$focusable();
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_2097152, properties.get$focusable());
- properties.get$focused(properties);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_32, properties.get$focused(properties));
- properties.get$enabled(properties);
- t1 = properties.get$enabled(properties);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_64, true);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_128, t1);
- properties.get$inMutuallyExclusiveGroup();
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_256, properties.get$inMutuallyExclusiveGroup());
- properties.get$obscured();
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_1024, properties.get$obscured());
- properties.get$multiline(properties);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_524288, properties.get$multiline(properties));
- properties.get$hidden(properties);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_8192, properties.get$hidden(properties));
- properties.get$header();
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_512, properties.get$header());
- properties.get$scopesRoute();
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_2048, properties.get$scopesRoute());
- properties.get$namesRoute();
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_4096, properties.get$namesRoute());
- properties.get$liveRegion();
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_32768, properties.get$liveRegion());
- properties.get$maxValueLength();
- config.set$maxValueLength(properties.get$maxValueLength());
- properties.get$currentValueLength();
- config.set$currentValueLength(properties.get$currentValueLength());
- properties.get$toggled();
- t1 = properties.get$toggled();
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_65536, true);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_131072, t1);
- properties.get$image(properties);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_16384, properties.get$image(properties));
- properties.get$label(properties);
- config._semantics$_attributedLabel = new A.AttributedString(properties.get$label(properties), B.List_empty2);
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- properties.get$value(properties);
- config._semantics$_attributedValue = new A.AttributedString(properties.get$value(properties), B.List_empty2);
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- properties.get$increasedValue();
- config._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = new A.AttributedString(properties.get$increasedValue(), B.List_empty2);
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- properties.get$decreasedValue();
- config._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = new A.AttributedString(properties.get$decreasedValue(), B.List_empty2);
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- properties.get$hint(properties);
- config._semantics$_attributedHint = new A.AttributedString(properties.get$hint(properties), B.List_empty2);
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- properties.get$textDirection();
- config._semantics$_textDirection = properties.get$textDirection();
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- properties.get$onTap();
- config.set$onTap(properties.get$onTap());
- properties.get$onLongPress();
- config.set$onLongPress(properties.get$onLongPress());
- properties.get$onScrollLeft();
- config.set$onScrollLeft(properties.get$onScrollLeft());
- properties.get$onScrollRight();
- config.set$onScrollRight(properties.get$onScrollRight());
- properties.get$onScrollUp();
- config.set$onScrollUp(properties.get$onScrollUp());
- properties.get$onScrollDown();
- config.set$onScrollDown(properties.get$onScrollDown());
- properties.get$onIncrease();
- config.set$onIncrease(properties.get$onIncrease());
- properties.get$onDecrease();
- config.set$onDecrease(properties.get$onDecrease());
- properties.get$onCopy(properties);
- config.set$onCopy(0, properties.get$onCopy(properties));
- properties.get$onCut(properties);
- config.set$onCut(0, properties.get$onCut(properties));
- properties.get$onPaste(properties);
- config.set$onPaste(0, properties.get$onPaste(properties));
- properties.get$onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter();
- config.set$onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter(properties.get$onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter());
- properties.get$onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter();
- config.set$onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter(properties.get$onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter());
- properties.get$onMoveCursorForwardByWord();
- config.set$onMoveCursorForwardByWord(properties.get$onMoveCursorForwardByWord());
- properties.get$onMoveCursorBackwardByWord();
- config.set$onMoveCursorBackwardByWord(properties.get$onMoveCursorBackwardByWord());
- properties.get$onSetSelection();
- config.set$onSetSelection(properties.get$onSetSelection());
- properties.get$onSetText();
- config.set$onSetText(properties.get$onSetText());
- properties.get$onDidGainAccessibilityFocus();
- config.set$onDidGainAccessibilityFocus(properties.get$onDidGainAccessibilityFocus());
- properties.get$onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus();
- config.set$onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus(properties.get$onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus());
- properties.get$onDismiss();
- config.set$onDismiss(properties.get$onDismiss());
- newChild.updateWith$2$childrenInInversePaintOrder$config(0, B.List_empty16, config);
- newChild.set$rect(0, newSemantics.get$rect(newSemantics));
- newChild.set$transform(0, newSemantics.get$transform(newSemantics));
- newChild.tags = newSemantics.get$tags();
- return newChild;
- },
- CustomPainter: function CustomPainter() {
- },
- RenderCustomPaint: function RenderCustomPaint(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._custom_paint$_painter = t0;
- _._foregroundPainter = t1;
- _._preferredSize = t2;
- _.isComplex = t3;
- _.willChange = t4;
- _._foregroundSemanticsNodes = _._backgroundSemanticsNodes = _._foregroundSemanticsBuilder = _._backgroundSemanticsBuilder = null;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t5;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t6;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin: function DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin() {
- },
- _RenderEditableCustomPaint$(painter) {
- var t1 = new A._RenderEditableCustomPaint(painter, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- return t1;
- },
- _TextHighlightPainter$() {
- return new A._TextHighlightPainter($.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0(), B.BoxHeightStyle_0, B.BoxWidthStyle_0, $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- },
- TextSelectionPoint: function TextSelectionPoint(t0, t1) {
- this.point = t0;
- this.direction = t1;
- },
- VerticalCaretMovementRun: function VerticalCaretMovementRun(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._currentOffset = t0;
- _._editable$_currentLine = t1;
- _._currentTextPosition = t2;
- _._lineMetrics = t3;
- _._editable = t4;
- _._isValid = true;
- _._positionCache = t5;
- },
- RenderEditable: function RenderEditable(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33) {
- var _ = this;
- _._backgroundRenderObject = _._foregroundRenderObject = null;
- _.__RenderEditable__placeholderSpans_A = $;
- _._editable$_painter = _._editable$_foregroundPainter = null;
- _.__RenderEditable__caretPainter_FI = $;
- _._selectionPainter = t0;
- _._autocorrectHighlightPainter = t1;
- _._lastCaretRect = _._textLayoutLastMinWidth = _._textLayoutLastMaxWidth = _._cachedBuiltInPainters = _._cachedBuiltInForegroundPainters = null;
- _.onCaretChanged = t2;
- _.ignorePointer = t3;
- _._editable$_devicePixelRatio = t4;
- _._obscuringCharacter = t5;
- _._obscureText = t6;
- _.textSelectionDelegate = t7;
- _._selectionStartInViewport = t8;
- _._selectionEndInViewport = t9;
- _._editable$_textPainter = t10;
- _._editable$_cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos = _._cachedAttributedValue = null;
- _._showCursor = t11;
- _._editable$_hasFocus = t12;
- _._forceLine = t13;
- _._readOnly = t14;
- _._editable$_maxLines = t15;
- _._minLines = t16;
- _._editable$_expands = t17;
- _._selection = t18;
- _._editable$_offset = t19;
- _._cursorWidth = t20;
- _._cursorHeight = t21;
- _._paintCursorOnTop = t22;
- _._editable$_startHandleLayerLink = t23;
- _._editable$_endHandleLayerLink = t24;
- _._floatingCursorOn = false;
- _.__RenderEditable__floatingCursorTextPosition_A = $;
- _._enableInteractiveSelection = t25;
- _._editable$_maxScrollExtent = 0;
- _._editable$_clipBehavior = t26;
- _._cachedLineBreakCount = _._cachedChildNodes = _._editable$_semanticsInfo = null;
- _.__RenderEditable__longPress_A = _.__RenderEditable__tap_A = $;
- _._editable$_placeholderDimensions = _._lastSecondaryTapDownPosition = _._lastTapDownPosition = null;
- _.__RenderEditable__caretPrototype_A = $;
- _._relativeOrigin = t27;
- _._previousOffset = null;
- _._resetOriginOnBottom = _._resetOriginOnTop = _._resetOriginOnRight = _._resetOriginOnLeft = false;
- _._resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue = null;
- _._editable$_clipRectLayer = t28;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t29;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t30;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t31;
- _.RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin__hasPendingSystemFontsDidChangeCallBack = t32;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t33;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderEditable__extractPlaceholderSpans_closure: function RenderEditable__extractPlaceholderSpans_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RenderEditable_getBoxesForSelection_closure: function RenderEditable_getBoxesForSelection_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RenderEditable_describeSemanticsConfiguration_closure: function RenderEditable_describeSemanticsConfiguration_closure() {
- },
- RenderEditable__createShowOnScreenFor_closure: function RenderEditable__createShowOnScreenFor_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- RenderEditable_getRectForComposingRange_closure: function RenderEditable_getRectForComposingRange_closure() {
- },
- RenderEditable_hitTestChildren_closure: function RenderEditable_hitTestChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.position = t1;
- this.textParentData = t2;
- },
- RenderEditable__paintContents_closure: function RenderEditable__paintContents_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- _RenderEditableCustomPaint: function _RenderEditableCustomPaint(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._editable$_painter = t0;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t1;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderEditablePainter: function RenderEditablePainter() {
- },
- _TextHighlightPainter: function _TextHighlightPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.highlightPaint = t0;
- _._highlightedRange = _._editable$_highlightColor = null;
- _._selectionHeightStyle = t1;
- _._selectionWidthStyle = t2;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t3;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _FloatingCursorPainter: function _FloatingCursorPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._shouldPaint = true;
- _.caretPaintCallback = t0;
- _.showRegularCaret = false;
- _.caretPaint = t1;
- _.___FloatingCursorPainter_floatingCursorPaint_FI = $;
- _._cursorRadius = _._caretColor = null;
- _._cursorOffset = t2;
- _._floatingCursorRect = _._backgroundCursorColor = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t3;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _CompositeRenderEditablePainter: function _CompositeRenderEditablePainter(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.painters = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _RenderEditable_RenderBox_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin: function _RenderEditable_RenderBox_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin() {
- },
- _RenderEditable_RenderBox_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function _RenderEditable_RenderBox_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- _RenderEditable_RenderBox_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function _RenderEditable_RenderBox_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() {
- },
- RenderErrorBox: function RenderErrorBox(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.message = t0;
- _.__RenderErrorBox__paragraph_F = $;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t1;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _startIsTopLeft(direction, textDirection, verticalDirection) {
- switch (direction.index) {
- case 0:
- switch (textDirection) {
- case B.TextDirection_1:
- return true;
- case B.TextDirection_0:
- return false;
- case null:
- return null;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- switch (verticalDirection) {
- case B.VerticalDirection_1:
- return true;
- case B.VerticalDirection_0:
- return false;
- case null:
- return null;
- }
- break;
- }
- },
- RenderFlex$(clipBehavior, crossAxisAlignment, direction, mainAxisAlignment, mainAxisSize, textBaseline, textDirection, verticalDirection) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = new A.RenderFlex(direction, mainAxisAlignment, mainAxisSize, crossAxisAlignment, textDirection, verticalDirection, textBaseline, clipBehavior, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ClipRectLayer), A.List_List$filled(4, A.TextPainter$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.TextAlign_4, B.TextDirection_1, _null, 1, B.TextWidthBasis_0), false, type$.TextPainter), true, 0, _null, _null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.addAll$1(0, _null);
- return t1;
- },
- FlexFit: function FlexFit(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FlexParentData: function FlexParentData(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.fit = _.flex = null;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1;
- _.offset = t2;
- },
- MainAxisSize: function MainAxisSize(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- MainAxisAlignment: function MainAxisAlignment(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- CrossAxisAlignment: function CrossAxisAlignment(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- RenderFlex: function RenderFlex(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _._flex$_direction = t0;
- _._mainAxisAlignment = t1;
- _._mainAxisSize = t2;
- _._crossAxisAlignment = t3;
- _._flex$_textDirection = t4;
- _._verticalDirection = t5;
- _._flex$_textBaseline = t6;
- _._flex$_overflow = 0;
- _._flex$_clipBehavior = t7;
- _._flex$_clipRectLayer = t8;
- _.DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin__indicatorLabel = t9;
- _.DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin__overflowReportNeeded = t10;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t11;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t12;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t13;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t14;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderFlex_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure: function RenderFlex_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure() {
- },
- RenderFlex_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure: function RenderFlex_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure() {
- },
- RenderFlex_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure: function RenderFlex_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure() {
- },
- RenderFlex_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure: function RenderFlex_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure() {
- },
- _LayoutSizes: function _LayoutSizes(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.mainSize = t0;
- this.crossSize = t1;
- this.allocatedSize = t2;
- },
- _RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function _RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- _RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function _RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() {
- },
- _RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin: function _RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin() {
- },
- LayerHandle$($T) {
- return new A.LayerHandle($T._eval$1("LayerHandle<0>"));
- },
- PictureLayer$(canvasBounds) {
- return new A.PictureLayer(canvasBounds, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.void_Function), A.LayerHandle$(type$.Layer));
- },
- OffsetLayer$(offset) {
- return new A.OffsetLayer(offset, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.void_Function), A.LayerHandle$(type$.Layer));
- },
- TransformLayer$(transform) {
- return new A.TransformLayer(transform, B.Offset_0_0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.void_Function), A.LayerHandle$(type$.Layer));
- },
- OpacityLayer$(alpha) {
- return new A.OpacityLayer(alpha, B.Offset_0_0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.void_Function), A.LayerHandle$(type$.Layer));
- },
- BackdropFilterLayer$(filter) {
- return new A.BackdropFilterLayer(filter, B.BlendMode_3, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.void_Function), A.LayerHandle$(type$.Layer));
- },
- LeaderLayer$(link, offset) {
- return new A.LeaderLayer(link, offset, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.void_Function), A.LayerHandle$(type$.Layer));
- },
- FollowerLayer__collectTransformForLayerChain(layers) {
- var index, t1,
- result = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- result.setIdentity$0();
- for (index = layers.length - 1; index > 0; --index) {
- t1 = layers[index];
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.applyTransform$2(layers[index - 1], result);
- }
- return result;
- },
- FollowerLayer__pathsToCommonAncestor(a, b, ancestorsA, ancestorsB) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (a == null || b == null)
- return null;
- if (a === b)
- return a;
- t1 = a._depth;
- t2 = b._depth;
- if (t1 < t2) {
- t1 = type$.nullable_ContainerLayer;
- ancestorsB.push(t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(b, b)));
- return A.FollowerLayer__pathsToCommonAncestor(a, t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(b, b)), ancestorsA, ancestorsB);
- } else if (t1 > t2) {
- t1 = type$.nullable_ContainerLayer;
- ancestorsA.push(t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(a, a)));
- return A.FollowerLayer__pathsToCommonAncestor(t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(a, a)), b, ancestorsA, ancestorsB);
- }
- t1 = type$.nullable_ContainerLayer;
- ancestorsA.push(t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(a, a)));
- ancestorsB.push(t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(b, b)));
- return A.FollowerLayer__pathsToCommonAncestor(t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(a, a)), t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(b, b)), ancestorsA, ancestorsB);
- },
- AnnotationEntry: function AnnotationEntry(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.annotation = t0;
- this.localPosition = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- AnnotationResult: function AnnotationResult(t0, t1) {
- this._layer$_entries = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- Layer: function Layer() {
- },
- Layer_addCompositionCallback_closure: function Layer_addCompositionCallback_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.callback = t1;
- },
- Layer_addCompositionCallback_closure0: function Layer_addCompositionCallback_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.callbackId = t1;
- },
- LayerHandle: function LayerHandle(t0) {
- this._layer = null;
- this.$ti = t0;
- },
- PictureLayer: function PictureLayer(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.canvasBounds = t0;
- _._picture = null;
- _._willChangeHint = _._isComplexHint = false;
- _._layer$_callbacks = t1;
- _._compositionCallbackCount = 0;
- _._layer$_debugDisposed = _._layer$_debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._parentHandle = t2;
- _._layer$_refCount = 0;
- _._needsAddToScene = true;
- _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- ContainerLayer: function ContainerLayer() {
- },
- OffsetLayer: function OffsetLayer(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._layer$_offset = t0;
- _._lastChild = _._firstChild = null;
- _._layer$_callbacks = t1;
- _._compositionCallbackCount = 0;
- _._layer$_debugDisposed = _._layer$_debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._parentHandle = t2;
- _._layer$_refCount = 0;
- _._needsAddToScene = true;
- _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- ClipRectLayer: function ClipRectLayer(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._layer$_clipRect = null;
- _._layer$_clipBehavior = t0;
- _._lastChild = _._firstChild = null;
- _._layer$_callbacks = t1;
- _._compositionCallbackCount = 0;
- _._layer$_debugDisposed = _._layer$_debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._parentHandle = t2;
- _._layer$_refCount = 0;
- _._needsAddToScene = true;
- _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- ClipRRectLayer: function ClipRRectLayer(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._clipRRect = null;
- _._layer$_clipBehavior = t0;
- _._lastChild = _._firstChild = null;
- _._layer$_callbacks = t1;
- _._compositionCallbackCount = 0;
- _._layer$_debugDisposed = _._layer$_debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._parentHandle = t2;
- _._layer$_refCount = 0;
- _._needsAddToScene = true;
- _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- ClipPathLayer: function ClipPathLayer(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._clipPath = null;
- _._layer$_clipBehavior = t0;
- _._lastChild = _._firstChild = null;
- _._layer$_callbacks = t1;
- _._compositionCallbackCount = 0;
- _._layer$_debugDisposed = _._layer$_debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._parentHandle = t2;
- _._layer$_refCount = 0;
- _._needsAddToScene = true;
- _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- TransformLayer: function TransformLayer(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._layer$_transform = t0;
- _._invertedTransform = _._lastEffectiveTransform = null;
- _._inverseDirty = true;
- _._layer$_offset = t1;
- _._lastChild = _._firstChild = null;
- _._layer$_callbacks = t2;
- _._compositionCallbackCount = 0;
- _._layer$_debugDisposed = _._layer$_debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._parentHandle = t3;
- _._layer$_refCount = 0;
- _._needsAddToScene = true;
- _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- OpacityLayer: function OpacityLayer(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._layer$_alpha = t0;
- _._layer$_offset = t1;
- _._lastChild = _._firstChild = null;
- _._layer$_callbacks = t2;
- _._compositionCallbackCount = 0;
- _._layer$_debugDisposed = _._layer$_debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._parentHandle = t3;
- _._layer$_refCount = 0;
- _._needsAddToScene = true;
- _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- ShaderMaskLayer: function ShaderMaskLayer(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._lastChild = _._firstChild = _._layer$_blendMode = _._maskRect = _._shader = null;
- _._layer$_callbacks = t0;
- _._compositionCallbackCount = 0;
- _._layer$_debugDisposed = _._layer$_debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._parentHandle = t1;
- _._layer$_refCount = 0;
- _._needsAddToScene = true;
- _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- BackdropFilterLayer: function BackdropFilterLayer(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._filter = t0;
- _._layer$_blendMode = t1;
- _._lastChild = _._firstChild = null;
- _._layer$_callbacks = t2;
- _._compositionCallbackCount = 0;
- _._layer$_debugDisposed = _._layer$_debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._parentHandle = t3;
- _._layer$_refCount = 0;
- _._needsAddToScene = true;
- _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- LayerLink: function LayerLink() {
- var _ = this;
- _._debugPreviousLeaders = _._leader = null;
- _._debugLeaderCheckScheduled = false;
- _.leaderSize = null;
- },
- LeaderLayer: function LeaderLayer(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._layer$_link = t0;
- _._layer$_offset = t1;
- _._lastChild = _._firstChild = null;
- _._layer$_callbacks = t2;
- _._compositionCallbackCount = 0;
- _._layer$_debugDisposed = _._layer$_debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._parentHandle = t3;
- _._layer$_refCount = 0;
- _._needsAddToScene = true;
- _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- FollowerLayer: function FollowerLayer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.link = t0;
- _.showWhenUnlinked = t1;
- _.unlinkedOffset = t2;
- _.linkedOffset = t3;
- _._invertedTransform = _._layer$_lastTransform = _._lastOffset = null;
- _._inverseDirty = true;
- _._lastChild = _._firstChild = null;
- _._layer$_callbacks = t4;
- _._compositionCallbackCount = 0;
- _._layer$_debugDisposed = _._layer$_debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._parentHandle = t5;
- _._layer$_refCount = 0;
- _._needsAddToScene = true;
- _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- AnnotatedRegionLayer: function AnnotatedRegionLayer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.value = t0;
- _.size = t1;
- _.offset = t2;
- _._lastChild = _._firstChild = null;
- _._layer$_callbacks = t3;
- _._compositionCallbackCount = 0;
- _._layer$_debugDisposed = _._layer$_debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._parentHandle = t4;
- _._layer$_refCount = 0;
- _._needsAddToScene = true;
- _.debugCreator = _._previousSibling = _._nextSibling = _._engineLayer = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- _.$ti = t5;
- },
- _Layer_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function _Layer_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin() {
- },
- ListBodyParentData: function ListBodyParentData(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0;
- this.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1;
- this.offset = t2;
- },
- RenderListBody: function RenderListBody(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._list_body$_axisDirection = t0;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t1;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t2;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t3;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t4;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure: function RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure(t0) {
- this.height = t0;
- },
- RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure0: function RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure0(t0) {
- this.height = t0;
- },
- RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure: function RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure(t0) {
- this.height = t0;
- },
- RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure0: function RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure0(t0) {
- this.height = t0;
- },
- RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure: function RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure(t0) {
- this.width = t0;
- },
- RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure0: function RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure0(t0) {
- this.width = t0;
- },
- RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure: function RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure(t0) {
- this.width = t0;
- },
- RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure0: function RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure0(t0) {
- this.width = t0;
- },
- _RenderListBody_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function _RenderListBody_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- _RenderListBody_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function _RenderListBody_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() {
- },
- MouseTracker__shouldMarkStateDirty(state, $event) {
- var lastEvent;
- if (state == null)
- return true;
- lastEvent = state._latestEvent;
- if (type$.PointerSignalEvent._is($event))
- return false;
- return type$.PointerAddedEvent._is(lastEvent) || type$.PointerRemovedEvent._is($event) || !lastEvent.get$position(lastEvent).$eq(0, $event.get$position($event));
- },
- MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents(details) {
- var lastAnnotations, nextAnnotations, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, enteringAnnotations, baseEnterEvent,
- result = details.triggeringEvent;
- if (result == null)
- result = details.previousEvent;
- lastAnnotations = details.lastAnnotations;
- nextAnnotations = details.nextAnnotations;
- t1 = result.get$timeStamp(result);
- t2 = result.get$pointer();
- t3 = result.get$kind(result);
- t4 = result.get$device(result);
- t5 = result.get$position(result);
- t6 = result.get$delta();
- t7 = result.get$buttons(result);
- result.get$obscured();
- t8 = result.get$pressureMin();
- t9 = result.get$pressureMax();
- t10 = result.get$distance();
- t11 = result.get$distanceMax();
- t12 = result.get$size(result);
- t13 = result.get$radiusMajor();
- t14 = result.get$radiusMinor();
- t15 = result.get$radiusMin();
- t16 = result.get$radiusMax();
- t17 = result.get$orientation(result);
- t18 = result.get$tilt();
- lastAnnotations.forEach$1(0, new A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure(nextAnnotations, A.PointerExitEvent$(t7, t6, t4, t10, t11, result.get$down(), 0, t3, false, t17, t2, t5, t9, t8, t13, t16, t15, t14, t12, result.get$synthesized(), t18, t1).transformed$1(result.get$transform(result)), lastAnnotations));
- t1 = A._instanceType(nextAnnotations)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>");
- t18 = t1._eval$1("WhereIterable");
- enteringAnnotations = A.List_List$of(new A.WhereIterable(new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(nextAnnotations, t1), new A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure0(lastAnnotations), t18), true, t18._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- t18 = result.get$timeStamp(result);
- t1 = result.get$pointer();
- t12 = result.get$kind(result);
- t14 = result.get$device(result);
- t15 = result.get$position(result);
- t16 = result.get$delta();
- t13 = result.get$buttons(result);
- result.get$obscured();
- t8 = result.get$pressureMin();
- t9 = result.get$pressureMax();
- t5 = result.get$distance();
- t2 = result.get$distanceMax();
- t17 = result.get$size(result);
- t3 = result.get$radiusMajor();
- t11 = result.get$radiusMinor();
- t10 = result.get$radiusMin();
- t4 = result.get$radiusMax();
- t6 = result.get$orientation(result);
- t7 = result.get$tilt();
- baseEnterEvent = A.PointerEnterEvent$(t13, t16, t14, t5, t2, result.get$down(), 0, t12, false, t6, t1, t15, t9, t8, t3, t4, t10, t11, t17, result.get$synthesized(), t7, t18).transformed$1(result.get$transform(result));
- for (t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(enteringAnnotations)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>"), t2 = new A.ReversedListIterable(enteringAnnotations, t1), t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2), t1._eval$1("ListIterator")), t1 = t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"); t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t2.__internal$_current;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = t1._as(t3);
- if (t3.get$validForMouseTracker() && t3.get$onEnter(t3) != null) {
- t4 = t3.get$onEnter(t3);
- t4.toString;
- t4.call$1(baseEnterEvent.transformed$1(nextAnnotations.$index(0, t3)));
- }
- }
- },
- _MouseState: function _MouseState(t0, t1) {
- this._annotations = t0;
- this._latestEvent = t1;
- },
- _MouseTrackerUpdateDetails: function _MouseTrackerUpdateDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.lastAnnotations = t0;
- _.nextAnnotations = t1;
- _.previousEvent = t2;
- _.triggeringEvent = t3;
- },
- MouseTracker: function MouseTracker(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._mouseCursorMixin = t0;
- _._mouseStates = t1;
- _._debugDuringDeviceUpdate = false;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t2;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdate_closure: function MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdate_closure() {
- },
- MouseTracker_updateWithEvent_closure: function MouseTracker_updateWithEvent_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.existingState = t1;
- _.event = t2;
- _.device = t3;
- _.result = t4;
- },
- MouseTracker_updateWithEvent__closure: function MouseTracker_updateWithEvent__closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.existingState = t1;
- _.event = t2;
- _.device = t3;
- _.result = t4;
- },
- MouseTracker_updateAllDevices_closure: function MouseTracker_updateAllDevices_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.hitTest = t1;
- },
- MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure: function MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.nextAnnotations = t0;
- this.baseExitEvent = t1;
- this.lastAnnotations = t2;
- },
- MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure0: function MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure0(t0) {
- this.lastAnnotations = t0;
- },
- __MouseTrackerUpdateDetails_Object_Diagnosticable: function __MouseTrackerUpdateDetails_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- PaintingContext__repaintCompositedChild(child, childContext, debugAlsoPaintedParent) {
- var layer, t2,
- t1 = child._layerHandle,
- childLayer = type$.nullable_OffsetLayer._as(t1._layer);
- if (childLayer == null) {
- layer = child.updateCompositedLayer$1$oldLayer(null);
- t1.set$layer(0, layer);
- t1 = layer;
- } else {
- childLayer.removeAllChildren$0();
- child.updateCompositedLayer$1$oldLayer(childLayer);
- t1 = childLayer;
- }
- child._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- t2 = child.get$paintBounds();
- childContext = new A.PaintingContext(t1, t2);
- child._paintWithContext$2(childContext, B.Offset_0_0);
- childContext.stopRecordingIfNeeded$0();
- },
- PaintingContext_updateLayerProperties(child) {
- var t1 = child._layerHandle._layer;
- t1.toString;
- child.updateCompositedLayer$1$oldLayer(type$.OffsetLayer._as(t1));
- child._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- },
- RenderObject__cleanChildRelayoutBoundary(child) {
- child._cleanRelayoutBoundary$0();
- },
- RenderObject__propagateRelayoutBoundaryToChild(child) {
- child._propagateRelayoutBoundary$0();
- },
- _SemanticsGeometry__transformRect(rect, transform) {
- if (rect == null)
- return null;
- if (rect.get$isEmpty(rect) || transform.isZero$0())
- return B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- return A.MatrixUtils_inverseTransformRect(transform, rect);
- },
- _SemanticsGeometry__applyIntermediatePaintTransforms(ancestor, child, transform, clipRectTransform) {
- var t2, intermediateParent, t3,
- t1 = child.get$parent(child);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = type$.RenderObject;
- t2._as(t1);
- for (intermediateParent = t1; intermediateParent !== ancestor; intermediateParent = t1, child = t3) {
- intermediateParent.applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform);
- t1 = intermediateParent.get$parent(intermediateParent);
- t1.toString;
- t2._as(t1);
- t3 = child.get$parent(child);
- t3.toString;
- t2._as(t3);
- }
- ancestor.applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform);
- ancestor.applyPaintTransform$2(child, clipRectTransform);
- },
- _SemanticsGeometry__intersectRects(a, b) {
- if (a == null)
- return b;
- if (b == null)
- return a;
- return a.intersect$1(b);
- },
- ParentData: function ParentData() {
- },
- PaintingContext: function PaintingContext(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._containerLayer = t0;
- _.estimatedBounds = t1;
- _._canvas = _._recorder = _._currentLayer = null;
- },
- PaintingContext_pushClipRect_closure: function PaintingContext_pushClipRect_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.painter = t1;
- this.offset = t2;
- },
- PaintingContext_pushClipRRect_closure: function PaintingContext_pushClipRRect_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.painter = t1;
- this.offset = t2;
- },
- PaintingContext_pushClipPath_closure: function PaintingContext_pushClipPath_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.painter = t1;
- this.offset = t2;
- },
- Constraints: function Constraints() {
- },
- PipelineOwner: function PipelineOwner(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onSemanticsOwnerCreated = t0;
- _.onSemanticsUpdate = t1;
- _.onSemanticsOwnerDisposed = t2;
- _._rootNode = null;
- _._shouldMergeDirtyNodes = false;
- _._nodesNeedingLayout = t3;
- _._debugAllowMutationsToDirtySubtrees = _._debugDoingLayout = false;
- _._nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate = t4;
- _._nodesNeedingPaint = t5;
- _._debugDoingPaint = false;
- _._semanticsOwner = null;
- _._outstandingSemanticsHandles = 0;
- _._debugDoingSemantics = false;
- _._nodesNeedingSemantics = t6;
- _._object$_children = t7;
- _._manifold = null;
- },
- PipelineOwner_flushLayout_closure: function PipelineOwner_flushLayout_closure() {
- },
- PipelineOwner_flushCompositingBits_closure: function PipelineOwner_flushCompositingBits_closure() {
- },
- PipelineOwner_flushPaint_closure: function PipelineOwner_flushPaint_closure() {
- },
- PipelineOwner_flushSemantics_closure: function PipelineOwner_flushSemantics_closure() {
- },
- RenderObject: function RenderObject() {
- },
- RenderObject__reportException_closure: function RenderObject__reportException_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RenderObject_invokeLayoutCallback_closure: function RenderObject_invokeLayoutCallback_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.callback = t1;
- this.T = t2;
- },
- RenderObject__updateCompositingBits_closure: function RenderObject__updateCompositingBits_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RenderObject_clearSemantics_closure: function RenderObject_clearSemantics_closure() {
- },
- RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure: function RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.childrenMergeIntoParent = t2;
- _.childConfigurations = t3;
- _.mergeUpFragments = t4;
- _.siblingMergeFragmentGroups = t5;
- _.config = t6;
- _.hasTags = t7;
- _.hasChildConfigurationsDelegate = t8;
- _.configToFragment = t9;
- },
- RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure0: function RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- this.configToFragment = t2;
- },
- RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure1: function RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure1(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.configToFragment = t1;
- },
- RenderObject_toStringDeep_closure: function RenderObject_toStringDeep_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.prefixLineOne = t1;
- _.prefixOtherLines = t2;
- _.minLevel = t3;
- },
- RenderObjectWithChildMixin: function RenderObjectWithChildMixin() {
- },
- ContainerParentDataMixin: function ContainerParentDataMixin() {
- },
- ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin: function RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin() {
- },
- RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin__scheduleSystemFontsUpdate_closure: function RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin__scheduleSystemFontsUpdate_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _SemanticsFragment: function _SemanticsFragment() {
- },
- _ContainerSemanticsFragment: function _ContainerSemanticsFragment(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.siblingMergeGroups = t0;
- this.mergeUpFragments = t1;
- this.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings = t2;
- },
- _InterestingSemanticsFragment: function _InterestingSemanticsFragment() {
- },
- _RootSemanticsFragment: function _RootSemanticsFragment(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._object$_children = t0;
- _._ancestorChain = t1;
- _._object$_tagsForChildren = null;
- _.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings = t2;
- },
- _IncompleteSemanticsFragment: function _IncompleteSemanticsFragment(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.config = t0;
- _._ancestorChain = t1;
- _._object$_tagsForChildren = null;
- _.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings = t2;
- },
- _SwitchableSemanticsFragment: function _SwitchableSemanticsFragment(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._mergeIntoParent = t0;
- _._config = t1;
- _._mergesToSibling = _._isConfigWritable = false;
- _._object$_siblingMergeGroups = t2;
- _._object$_children = t3;
- _._isExplicit = false;
- _._ancestorChain = t4;
- _._object$_tagsForChildren = null;
- _.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings = t5;
- },
- _SemanticsGeometry: function _SemanticsGeometry() {
- var _ = this;
- _._semanticsClipRect = _._paintClipRect = null;
- _.___SemanticsGeometry__rect_A = _.___SemanticsGeometry__transform_A = $;
- _._markAsHidden = false;
- },
- _RenderObject_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function _RenderObject_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin() {
- },
- _SelectableFragment__compareTextPositions(position, otherPosition) {
- var t1 = position.offset,
- t2 = otherPosition.offset;
- if (t1 < t2)
- return 1;
- else if (t1 > t2)
- return -1;
- else {
- t1 = position.affinity;
- if (t1 === otherPosition.affinity)
- return 0;
- else
- return t1 === B.TextAffinity_0 ? 1 : -1;
- }
- },
- TextParentData: function TextParentData(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.scale = null;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1;
- _.offset = t2;
- },
- PlaceholderSpanIndexSemanticsTag: function PlaceholderSpanIndexSemanticsTag(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this.name = t1;
- },
- RenderParagraph: function RenderParagraph(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _._textPainter = t0;
- _._registrar = _._lastSelectableFragments = _._cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos = _._cachedAttributedLabels = null;
- _.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans_A = $;
- _._softWrap = t1;
- _._overflow = t2;
- _._selectionColor = t3;
- _._needsClipping = false;
- _._paragraph$_cachedChildNodes = _._semanticsInfo = _._placeholderDimensions = _._overflowShader = null;
- _.RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin__hasPendingSystemFontsDidChangeCallBack = t4;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t5;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t6;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t7;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t8;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderParagraph_markNeedsLayout_closure: function RenderParagraph_markNeedsLayout_closure() {
- },
- RenderParagraph__extractPlaceholderSpans_closure: function RenderParagraph__extractPlaceholderSpans_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RenderParagraph_selectionColor_closure: function RenderParagraph_selectionColor_closure() {
- },
- RenderParagraph_hitTestChildren_closure: function RenderParagraph_hitTestChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.position = t1;
- this.textParentData = t2;
- },
- RenderParagraph_paint_closure: function RenderParagraph_paint_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- RenderParagraph__createShowOnScreenFor_closure: function RenderParagraph__createShowOnScreenFor_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- _SelectableFragment: function _SelectableFragment(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.range = t0;
- _.paragraph = t1;
- _.fullText = t2;
- _._paragraph$_endHandleLayerLink = _._paragraph$_startHandleLayerLink = _._textSelectionEnd = _._textSelectionStart = null;
- _.___SelectableFragment__selectionGeometry_A = $;
- _._cachedRect = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t3;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function _RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- _RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function _RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() {
- },
- _RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin: function _RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin() {
- },
- __SelectableFragment_Object_Selectable: function __SelectableFragment_Object_Selectable() {
- },
- __SelectableFragment_Object_Selectable_ChangeNotifier: function __SelectableFragment_Object_Selectable_ChangeNotifier() {
- },
- RenderConstrainedBox$(additionalConstraints) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderConstrainedBox(additionalConstraints, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- RenderIntrinsicWidth__applyStep(input, step) {
- if (step == null)
- return input;
- return B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(input / step) * step;
- },
- RenderProxyBox: function RenderProxyBox() {
- },
- RenderProxyBoxMixin: function RenderProxyBoxMixin() {
- },
- HitTestBehavior: function HitTestBehavior(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- RenderProxyBoxWithHitTestBehavior: function RenderProxyBoxWithHitTestBehavior() {
- },
- RenderConstrainedBox: function RenderConstrainedBox(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._additionalConstraints = t0;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderLimitedBox: function RenderLimitedBox(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._maxWidth = t0;
- _._maxHeight = t1;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderAspectRatio: function RenderAspectRatio(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._aspectRatio = t0;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderIntrinsicWidth: function RenderIntrinsicWidth(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._stepWidth = t0;
- _._stepHeight = t1;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderIntrinsicHeight: function RenderIntrinsicHeight(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t0;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t1;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderOpacity: function RenderOpacity(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._alpha = t0;
- _._proxy_box$_opacity = t1;
- _._alwaysIncludeSemantics = t2;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t3;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t4;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin: function RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin() {
- },
- RenderAnimatedOpacity: function RenderAnimatedOpacity(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alpha = t0;
- _.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__currentlyIsRepaintBoundary = t1;
- _.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__opacity = t2;
- _.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alwaysIncludeSemantics = t3;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t4;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t5;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderShaderMask: function RenderShaderMask(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._shaderCallback = t0;
- _._blendMode = t1;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- CustomClipper: function CustomClipper() {
- },
- ShapeBorderClipper: function ShapeBorderClipper(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.shape = t0;
- this.textDirection = t1;
- this._reclip = t2;
- },
- _RenderCustomClip: function _RenderCustomClip() {
- },
- RenderClipRect: function RenderClipRect(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._clipper = t0;
- _._clip = null;
- _._proxy_box$_clipBehavior = t1;
- _._debugText = _._proxy_box$_debugPaint = null;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderClipRRect: function RenderClipRRect(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._proxy_box$_borderRadius = t0;
- _._textDirection = t1;
- _._clipper = t2;
- _._clip = null;
- _._proxy_box$_clipBehavior = t3;
- _._debugText = _._proxy_box$_debugPaint = null;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t4;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t5;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderClipPath: function RenderClipPath(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._clipper = t0;
- _._clip = null;
- _._proxy_box$_clipBehavior = t1;
- _._debugText = _._proxy_box$_debugPaint = null;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderPhysicalModelBase: function _RenderPhysicalModelBase() {
- },
- RenderPhysicalModel: function RenderPhysicalModel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _._shape = t0;
- _._proxy_box$_borderRadius = t1;
- _._proxy_box$_elevation = t2;
- _._proxy_box$_shadowColor = t3;
- _._proxy_box$_color = t4;
- _._clipper = t5;
- _._clip = null;
- _._proxy_box$_clipBehavior = t6;
- _._debugText = _._proxy_box$_debugPaint = null;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t7;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t8;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderPhysicalModel_paint_closure: function RenderPhysicalModel_paint_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.usesSaveLayer = t1;
- },
- RenderPhysicalShape: function RenderPhysicalShape(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._proxy_box$_elevation = t0;
- _._proxy_box$_shadowColor = t1;
- _._proxy_box$_color = t2;
- _._clipper = t3;
- _._clip = null;
- _._proxy_box$_clipBehavior = t4;
- _._debugText = _._proxy_box$_debugPaint = null;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t5;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t6;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderPhysicalShape_paint_closure: function RenderPhysicalShape_paint_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.usesSaveLayer = t1;
- },
- DecorationPosition: function DecorationPosition(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- RenderDecoratedBox: function RenderDecoratedBox(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._painter = null;
- _._proxy_box$_decoration = t0;
- _._proxy_box$_position = t1;
- _._proxy_box$_configuration = t2;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t3;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t4;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderTransform: function RenderTransform(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._textDirection = _._proxy_box$_alignment = _._origin = null;
- _.transformHitTests = t0;
- _._filterQuality = _._proxy_box$_transform = null;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderTransform_hitTestChildren_closure: function RenderTransform_hitTestChildren_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RenderFractionalTranslation: function RenderFractionalTranslation(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._translation = t0;
- _.transformHitTests = t1;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderFractionalTranslation_hitTestChildren_closure: function RenderFractionalTranslation_hitTestChildren_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RenderPointerListener: function RenderPointerListener(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onPointerDown = t0;
- _.onPointerMove = t1;
- _.onPointerUp = t2;
- _.onPointerHover = t3;
- _.onPointerCancel = t4;
- _.onPointerPanZoomStart = t5;
- _.onPointerPanZoomUpdate = t6;
- _.onPointerPanZoomEnd = t7;
- _.onPointerSignal = t8;
- _.behavior = t9;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t10;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t11;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderMouseRegion: function RenderMouseRegion(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _._proxy_box$_opaque = t0;
- _.onEnter = t1;
- _.onHover = t2;
- _.onExit = t3;
- _._cursor = t4;
- _._validForMouseTracker = true;
- _.behavior = t5;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t6;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t7;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderRepaintBoundary: function RenderRepaintBoundary(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._debugAsymmetricPaintCount = _._debugSymmetricPaintCount = 0;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t0;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t1;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderIgnorePointer: function RenderIgnorePointer(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._ignoring = t0;
- _._ignoringSemantics = t1;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderOffstage: function RenderOffstage(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._offstage = t0;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderAbsorbPointer: function RenderAbsorbPointer(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._absorbing = t0;
- _._ignoringSemantics = t1;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderSemanticsGestureHandler: function RenderSemanticsGestureHandler(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._onVerticalDragUpdate = _._onHorizontalDragUpdate = _._onLongPress = _._proxy_box$_onTap = _._validActions = null;
- _.behavior = t0;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderSemanticsAnnotations: function RenderSemanticsAnnotations(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._properties = t0;
- _._container = t1;
- _._explicitChildNodes = t2;
- _._excludeSemantics = t3;
- _._attributedHint = _._attributedDecreasedValue = _._attributedIncreasedValue = _._attributedValue = _._attributedLabel = null;
- _._textDirection = t4;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t5;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t6;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderBlockSemantics: function RenderBlockSemantics(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._blocking = t0;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderMergeSemantics: function RenderMergeSemantics(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t0;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t1;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderExcludeSemantics: function RenderExcludeSemantics(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._excluding = t0;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderIndexedSemantics: function RenderIndexedSemantics(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._proxy_box$_index = t0;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderLeaderLayer: function RenderLeaderLayer(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._link = t0;
- _._previousLayoutSize = null;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderFollowerLayer: function RenderFollowerLayer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._link = t0;
- _._showWhenUnlinked = t1;
- _._proxy_box$_offset = t2;
- _._leaderAnchor = t3;
- _._followerAnchor = t4;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t5;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t6;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderFollowerLayer_hitTestChildren_closure: function RenderFollowerLayer_hitTestChildren_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RenderAnnotatedRegion: function RenderAnnotatedRegion(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._proxy_box$_value = t0;
- _._sized = t1;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- _.$ti = t4;
- },
- _RenderAnimatedOpacity_RenderProxyBox_RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin: function _RenderAnimatedOpacity_RenderProxyBox_RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin() {
- },
- _RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin: function _RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin() {
- },
- _RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderProxyBoxMixin: function _RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderProxyBoxMixin() {
- },
- SelectionUtils_getResultBasedOnRect(targetRect, point) {
- var t1;
- if (targetRect.contains$1(0, point))
- return B.SelectionResult_2;
- t1 = point._dy;
- if (t1 < targetRect.top)
- return B.SelectionResult_1;
- if (t1 > targetRect.bottom)
- return B.SelectionResult_0;
- return point._dx >= targetRect.right ? B.SelectionResult_0 : B.SelectionResult_1;
- },
- SelectionUtils_adjustDragOffset(targetRect, point, direction) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (targetRect.contains$1(0, point))
- return point;
- t1 = point._dy;
- t2 = targetRect.top;
- if (!(t1 <= t2))
- t1 = t1 <= targetRect.bottom && point._dx <= targetRect.left;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return direction === B.TextDirection_1 ? new A.Offset(targetRect.left, t2) : new A.Offset(targetRect.right, t2);
- else {
- t1 = targetRect.bottom;
- return direction === B.TextDirection_1 ? new A.Offset(targetRect.right, t1) : new A.Offset(targetRect.left, t1);
- }
- },
- SelectionResult: function SelectionResult(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Selectable: function Selectable() {
- },
- SelectionRegistrant: function SelectionRegistrant() {
- },
- SelectionEventType: function SelectionEventType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextGranularity: function TextGranularity(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SelectionEvent: function SelectionEvent() {
- },
- ClearSelectionEvent: function ClearSelectionEvent(t0) {
- this.type = t0;
- },
- SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent: function SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent(t0, t1) {
- this.globalPosition = t0;
- this.type = t1;
- },
- SelectionExtendDirection: function SelectionExtendDirection(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SelectionStatus: function SelectionStatus(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SelectionGeometry: function SelectionGeometry(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.startSelectionPoint = t0;
- _.endSelectionPoint = t1;
- _.status = t2;
- _.hasContent = t3;
- },
- SelectionPoint: function SelectionPoint(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.localPosition = t0;
- this.lineHeight = t1;
- this.handleType = t2;
- },
- TextSelectionHandleType: function TextSelectionHandleType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- RenderShiftedBox: function RenderShiftedBox() {
- },
- RenderShiftedBox_hitTestChildren_closure: function RenderShiftedBox_hitTestChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.position = t0;
- this.childParentData = t1;
- this.child = t2;
- },
- RenderPadding: function RenderPadding(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._resolvedPadding = null;
- _._padding = t0;
- _._shifted_box$_textDirection = t1;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderAligningShiftedBox: function RenderAligningShiftedBox() {
- },
- RenderPositionedBox: function RenderPositionedBox(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._widthFactor = t0;
- _._heightFactor = t1;
- _._resolvedAlignment = null;
- _._alignment = t2;
- _._shifted_box$_textDirection = t3;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t4;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t5;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- SingleChildLayoutDelegate: function SingleChildLayoutDelegate() {
- },
- RenderCustomSingleChildLayoutBox: function RenderCustomSingleChildLayoutBox(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._shifted_box$_delegate = t0;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderShiftedBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin: function _RenderShiftedBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin() {
- },
- applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(axisDirection, growthDirection) {
- switch (growthDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return axisDirection;
- case 1:
- return A.flipAxisDirection(axisDirection);
- }
- },
- applyGrowthDirectionToScrollDirection(scrollDirection, growthDirection) {
- switch (growthDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return scrollDirection;
- case 1:
- return A.flipScrollDirection(scrollDirection);
- }
- },
- SliverGeometry$(cacheExtent, hasVisualOverflow, hitTestExtent, layoutExtent, maxPaintExtent, paintExtent, paintOrigin, scrollExtent, scrollOffsetCorrection) {
- var t1 = layoutExtent == null ? paintExtent : layoutExtent,
- t2 = hitTestExtent == null ? paintExtent : hitTestExtent,
- t3 = cacheExtent == null ? layoutExtent : cacheExtent;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = paintExtent;
- return new A.SliverGeometry(scrollExtent, paintOrigin, paintExtent, t1, maxPaintExtent, t2, paintExtent > 0, hasVisualOverflow, scrollOffsetCorrection, t3);
- },
- GrowthDirection: function GrowthDirection(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SliverConstraints: function SliverConstraints(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.axisDirection = t0;
- _.growthDirection = t1;
- _.userScrollDirection = t2;
- _.scrollOffset = t3;
- _.precedingScrollExtent = t4;
- _.overlap = t5;
- _.remainingPaintExtent = t6;
- _.crossAxisExtent = t7;
- _.crossAxisDirection = t8;
- _.viewportMainAxisExtent = t9;
- _.cacheOrigin = t10;
- _.remainingCacheExtent = t11;
- },
- SliverGeometry: function SliverGeometry(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.scrollExtent = t0;
- _.paintOrigin = t1;
- _.paintExtent = t2;
- _.layoutExtent = t3;
- _.maxPaintExtent = t4;
- _.hitTestExtent = t5;
- _.visible = t6;
- _.hasVisualOverflow = t7;
- _.scrollOffsetCorrection = t8;
- _.cacheExtent = t9;
- },
- SliverHitTestResult: function SliverHitTestResult(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._path = t0;
- this._transforms = t1;
- this._localTransforms = t2;
- },
- SliverHitTestEntry: function SliverHitTestEntry(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.mainAxisPosition = t0;
- _.crossAxisPosition = t1;
- _.target = t2;
- _._transform = null;
- },
- SliverLogicalParentData: function SliverLogicalParentData() {
- },
- SliverLogicalContainerParentData: function SliverLogicalContainerParentData(t0, t1) {
- this.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0;
- this.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1;
- this.layoutOffset = null;
- },
- SliverPhysicalParentData: function SliverPhysicalParentData(t0) {
- this.paintOffset = t0;
- },
- SliverPhysicalContainerParentData: function SliverPhysicalContainerParentData(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0;
- this.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1;
- this.paintOffset = t2;
- },
- RenderSliver: function RenderSliver() {
- },
- RenderSliverHelpers: function RenderSliverHelpers() {
- },
- RenderSliverHelpers_hitTestBoxChild_closure: function RenderSliverHelpers_hitTestBoxChild_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- },
- _SliverGeometry_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SliverGeometry_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _SliverLogicalContainerParentData_SliverLogicalParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin: function _SliverLogicalContainerParentData_SliverLogicalParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin() {
- },
- _SliverPhysicalContainerParentData_SliverPhysicalParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin: function _SliverPhysicalContainerParentData_SliverPhysicalParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin() {
- },
- RenderSliverFillViewport: function RenderSliverFillViewport(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._sliver_fill0$_viewportFraction = t0;
- _._childManager = t1;
- _._keepAliveBucket = t2;
- _.__RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor__debugDanglingKeepAlives_A = $;
- _._debugChildIntegrityEnabled = true;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t3;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t4;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t5;
- _._geometry = null;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t6;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor: function RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor() {
- },
- SliverGridGeometry: function SliverGridGeometry(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.scrollOffset = t0;
- _.crossAxisOffset = t1;
- _.mainAxisExtent = t2;
- _.crossAxisExtent = t3;
- },
- SliverGridLayout: function SliverGridLayout() {
- },
- SliverGridRegularTileLayout: function SliverGridRegularTileLayout(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.crossAxisCount = t0;
- _.mainAxisStride = t1;
- _.crossAxisStride = t2;
- _.childMainAxisExtent = t3;
- _.childCrossAxisExtent = t4;
- _.reverseCrossAxis = t5;
- },
- SliverGridDelegate: function SliverGridDelegate() {
- },
- SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount: function SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.crossAxisCount = t0;
- _.mainAxisSpacing = t1;
- _.crossAxisSpacing = t2;
- _.childAspectRatio = t3;
- },
- SliverGridParentData: function SliverGridParentData(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.index = _.crossAxisOffset = null;
- _._keptAlive = false;
- _.KeepAliveParentDataMixin_keepAlive = t0;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t1;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t2;
- _.layoutOffset = null;
- },
- RenderSliverGrid: function RenderSliverGrid(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._gridDelegate = t0;
- _._childManager = t1;
- _._keepAliveBucket = t2;
- _.__RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor__debugDanglingKeepAlives_A = $;
- _._debugChildIntegrityEnabled = true;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t3;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t4;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t5;
- _._geometry = null;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t6;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderSliverList: function RenderSliverList(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._childManager = t0;
- _._keepAliveBucket = t1;
- _.__RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor__debugDanglingKeepAlives_A = $;
- _._debugChildIntegrityEnabled = true;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t2;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t3;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t4;
- _._geometry = null;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t5;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderSliverList_performLayout_advance: function RenderSliverList_performLayout_advance(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- this.childConstraints = t2;
- },
- KeepAliveParentDataMixin: function KeepAliveParentDataMixin() {
- },
- RenderSliverWithKeepAliveMixin: function RenderSliverWithKeepAliveMixin() {
- },
- SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData: function SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.index = null;
- _._keptAlive = false;
- _.KeepAliveParentDataMixin_keepAlive = t0;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t1;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t2;
- _.layoutOffset = null;
- },
- RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor: function RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor() {
- },
- RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor__createOrObtainChild_closure: function RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor__createOrObtainChild_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.index = t1;
- this.after = t2;
- },
- RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_collectGarbage_closure: function RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_collectGarbage_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_collectGarbage__closure: function RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_collectGarbage__closure() {
- },
- _RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_RenderSliver_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function _RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_RenderSliver_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- _RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_RenderSliver_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderSliverHelpers: function _RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_RenderSliver_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderSliverHelpers() {
- },
- _RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_RenderSliver_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderSliverHelpers_RenderSliverWithKeepAliveMixin: function _RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_RenderSliver_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderSliverHelpers_RenderSliverWithKeepAliveMixin() {
- },
- _SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData_SliverLogicalParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin: function _SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData_SliverLogicalParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin() {
- },
- _SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData_SliverLogicalParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin_KeepAliveParentDataMixin: function _SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData_SliverLogicalParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin_KeepAliveParentDataMixin() {
- },
- RenderSliverEdgeInsetsPadding: function RenderSliverEdgeInsetsPadding() {
- },
- RenderSliverPadding: function RenderSliverPadding(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._sliver_padding$_resolvedPadding = null;
- _._sliver_padding$_padding = t0;
- _._sliver_padding$_textDirection = t1;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._geometry = null;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderSliverEdgeInsetsPadding_RenderSliver_RenderObjectWithChildMixin: function _RenderSliverEdgeInsetsPadding_RenderSliver_RenderObjectWithChildMixin() {
- },
- RelativeRect_RelativeRect$fromSize(rect, container) {
- return new A.RelativeRect(rect.left, rect.top, container._dx - rect.right, container._dy - rect.bottom);
- },
- RenderStack$(alignment, children, clipBehavior, fit, textDirection) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderStack(alignment, textDirection, fit, clipBehavior, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ClipRectLayer), 0, null, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.addAll$1(0, children);
- return t1;
- },
- RenderStack_getIntrinsicDimension(firstChild, mainChildSizeGetter) {
- var t1, child, extent, t2;
- for (t1 = type$.StackParentData, child = firstChild, extent = 0; child != null;) {
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t1._as(t2);
- if (!t2.get$isPositioned())
- extent = Math.max(extent, A.checkNum(mainChildSizeGetter.call$1(child)));
- child = t2.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return extent;
- },
- RenderStack_layoutPositionedChild(child, childParentData, size, alignment) {
- var t2, childConstraints, x, hasVisualOverflow, y,
- t1 = childParentData.left;
- if (t1 != null && childParentData.right != null) {
- t2 = childParentData.right;
- t2.toString;
- t1.toString;
- childConstraints = B.BoxConstraints_mlX1.tighten$1$width(size._dx - t2 - t1);
- } else {
- t1 = childParentData.width;
- childConstraints = t1 != null ? B.BoxConstraints_mlX1.tighten$1$width(t1) : B.BoxConstraints_mlX1;
- }
- t1 = childParentData.top;
- if (t1 != null && childParentData.bottom != null) {
- t2 = childParentData.bottom;
- t2.toString;
- t1.toString;
- childConstraints = childConstraints.tighten$1$height(size._dy - t2 - t1);
- } else {
- t1 = childParentData.height;
- if (t1 != null)
- childConstraints = childConstraints.tighten$1$height(t1);
- }
- child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(childConstraints, true);
- x = childParentData.left;
- if (!(x != null)) {
- t1 = childParentData.right;
- t2 = child._size;
- if (t1 != null)
- x = size._dx - t1 - t2._dx;
- else {
- t2.toString;
- x = alignment.alongOffset$1(type$.Offset._as(size.$sub(0, t2)))._dx;
- }
- }
- hasVisualOverflow = (x < 0 || x + child._size._dx > size._dx) && true;
- y = childParentData.top;
- if (!(y != null)) {
- t1 = childParentData.bottom;
- t2 = child._size;
- if (t1 != null)
- y = size._dy - t1 - t2._dy;
- else {
- t2.toString;
- y = alignment.alongOffset$1(type$.Offset._as(size.$sub(0, t2)))._dy;
- }
- }
- if (y < 0 || y + child._size._dy > size._dy)
- hasVisualOverflow = true;
- childParentData.offset = new A.Offset(x, y);
- return hasVisualOverflow;
- },
- RelativeRect: function RelativeRect(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.left = t0;
- _.top = t1;
- _.right = t2;
- _.bottom = t3;
- },
- StackParentData: function StackParentData(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.height = _.width = _.left = _.bottom = _.right = _.top = null;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1;
- _.offset = t2;
- },
- StackFit: function StackFit(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- RenderStack: function RenderStack(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _._hasVisualOverflow = false;
- _._stack$_resolvedAlignment = null;
- _._stack$_alignment = t0;
- _._stack$_textDirection = t1;
- _._fit = t2;
- _._stack$_clipBehavior = t3;
- _._stack$_clipRectLayer = t4;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t5;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t6;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t7;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t8;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderStack_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure: function RenderStack_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure(t0) {
- this.height = t0;
- },
- RenderStack_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure: function RenderStack_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure(t0) {
- this.height = t0;
- },
- RenderStack_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure: function RenderStack_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure(t0) {
- this.width = t0;
- },
- RenderStack_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure: function RenderStack_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure(t0) {
- this.width = t0;
- },
- RenderIndexedStack: function RenderIndexedStack(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _._stack$_index = t0;
- _._hasVisualOverflow = false;
- _._stack$_resolvedAlignment = null;
- _._stack$_alignment = t1;
- _._stack$_textDirection = t2;
- _._fit = t3;
- _._stack$_clipBehavior = t4;
- _._stack$_clipRectLayer = t5;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t6;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t7;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t8;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t9;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderIndexedStack_hitTestChildren_closure: function RenderIndexedStack_hitTestChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.position = t0;
- this.childParentData = t1;
- this.child = t2;
- },
- _RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function _RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- _RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function _RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() {
- },
- AlignmentGeometryTween: function AlignmentGeometryTween(t0, t1) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- ViewConfiguration: function ViewConfiguration(t0, t1) {
- this.size = t0;
- this.devicePixelRatio = t1;
- },
- RenderView: function RenderView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._view$_size = t0;
- _._view$_configuration = t1;
- _._view = t2;
- _._rootTransform = null;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t3;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t4;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderView_RenderObject_RenderObjectWithChildMixin: function _RenderView_RenderObject_RenderObjectWithChildMixin() {
- },
- RenderAbstractViewport_maybeOf(object) {
- var t1, t2;
- for (t1 = type$.nullable_RenderObject, t2 = type$.RenderAbstractViewport; object != null;) {
- if (t2._is(object))
- return object;
- object = t1._as(object.get$parent(object));
- }
- return null;
- },
- RenderViewportBase_showInViewport(curve, descendant, duration, offset, rect, viewport) {
- var leadingEdgeOffset, trailingEdgeOffset, t1, t2, t3, targetOffset, transform;
- if (descendant == null)
- return rect;
- leadingEdgeOffset = viewport.getOffsetToReveal$3$rect(descendant, 0, rect);
- trailingEdgeOffset = viewport.getOffsetToReveal$3$rect(descendant, 1, rect);
- t1 = offset._pixels;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = leadingEdgeOffset.offset;
- t3 = trailingEdgeOffset.offset;
- if (t2 < t3)
- targetOffset = Math.abs(t1 - t2) < Math.abs(t1 - t3) ? leadingEdgeOffset : trailingEdgeOffset;
- else if (t1 > t2)
- targetOffset = leadingEdgeOffset;
- else {
- if (!(t1 < t3)) {
- t1 = viewport._node$_parent;
- t1.toString;
- transform = descendant.getTransformTo$1(0, type$.RenderObject._as(t1));
- return A.MatrixUtils_transformRect(transform, rect == null ? descendant.get$paintBounds() : rect);
- }
- targetOffset = trailingEdgeOffset;
- }
- offset.moveTo$3$curve$duration(0, targetOffset.offset, curve, duration);
- return targetOffset.rect;
- },
- CacheExtentStyle: function CacheExtentStyle(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- RevealedOffset: function RevealedOffset(t0, t1) {
- this.offset = t0;
- this.rect = t1;
- },
- RenderViewportBase: function RenderViewportBase() {
- },
- RenderViewportBase_visitChildrenForSemantics_closure: function RenderViewportBase_visitChildrenForSemantics_closure() {
- },
- RenderViewportBase_hitTestChildren_closure: function RenderViewportBase_hitTestChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.sliverResult = t3;
- },
- RenderViewport: function RenderViewport(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _._viewport$_anchor = t0;
- _._center = null;
- _.__RenderViewport__maxScrollExtent_A = _.__RenderViewport__minScrollExtent_A = $;
- _._viewport$_hasVisualOverflow = false;
- _._viewport$_axisDirection = t1;
- _._crossAxisDirection = t2;
- _._viewport$_offset = t3;
- _._cacheExtent = t4;
- _._calculatedCacheExtent = null;
- _._cacheExtentStyle = t5;
- _._viewport$_clipBehavior = t6;
- _._clipRectLayer = t7;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t8;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t9;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t10;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t11;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderShrinkWrappingViewport: function RenderShrinkWrappingViewport(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__RenderShrinkWrappingViewport__shrinkWrapExtent_A = _.__RenderShrinkWrappingViewport__maxScrollExtent_A = $;
- _._viewport$_hasVisualOverflow = false;
- _._viewport$_axisDirection = t0;
- _._crossAxisDirection = t1;
- _._viewport$_offset = t2;
- _._cacheExtent = t3;
- _._calculatedCacheExtent = null;
- _._cacheExtentStyle = t4;
- _._viewport$_clipBehavior = t5;
- _._clipRectLayer = t6;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t7;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t8;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t9;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t10;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderViewportBase_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function _RenderViewportBase_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- flipScrollDirection(direction) {
- switch (direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.ScrollDirection_0;
- case 1:
- return B.ScrollDirection_2;
- case 2:
- return B.ScrollDirection_1;
- }
- },
- ScrollDirection: function ScrollDirection(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ViewportOffset: function ViewportOffset() {
- },
- WrapAlignment: function WrapAlignment(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- WrapCrossAlignment: function WrapCrossAlignment(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _RunMetrics: function _RunMetrics(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.mainAxisExtent = t0;
- this.crossAxisExtent = t1;
- this.childCount = t2;
- },
- WrapParentData: function WrapParentData(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._runIndex = 0;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1;
- _.offset = t2;
- },
- RenderWrap: function RenderWrap(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13) {
- var _ = this;
- _._wrap$_direction = t0;
- _._wrap$_alignment = t1;
- _._spacing = t2;
- _._runAlignment = t3;
- _._runSpacing = t4;
- _._wrap$_crossAxisAlignment = t5;
- _._wrap$_textDirection = t6;
- _._wrap$_verticalDirection = t7;
- _._wrap$_clipBehavior = t8;
- _._wrap$_hasVisualOverflow = false;
- _._wrap$_clipRectLayer = t9;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t10;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t11;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t12;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t13;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderWrap_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function _RenderWrap_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- _RenderWrap_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function _RenderWrap_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() {
- },
- timeDilation(value) {
- var t1;
- if ($._timeDilation === value)
- return;
- t1 = $.SchedulerBinding__instance;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.resetEpoch$0();
- $._timeDilation = value;
- },
- SchedulerBinding__taskSorter(e1, e2) {
- return -B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(e1.priority, e2.priority);
- },
- defaultSchedulingStrategy(priority, scheduler) {
- if (scheduler.SchedulerBinding__transientCallbacks.__js_helper$_length > 0)
- return priority >= 100000;
- return true;
- },
- _FrameCallbackEntry: function _FrameCallbackEntry(t0) {
- this.callback = t0;
- this.debugStack = null;
- },
- SchedulerPhase: function SchedulerPhase(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- PerformanceModeRequestHandle: function PerformanceModeRequestHandle(t0) {
- this._cleanup = t0;
- },
- SchedulerBinding: function SchedulerBinding() {
- },
- SchedulerBinding_endOfFrame_closure: function SchedulerBinding_endOfFrame_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure: function SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure0: function SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.hadScheduledFrame = t1;
- },
- SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure1: function SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure1(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.timelineTask = t1;
- },
- SchedulerBinding__handleDrawFrame_closure: function SchedulerBinding__handleDrawFrame_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SchedulerBinding_handleBeginFrame_closure: function SchedulerBinding_handleBeginFrame_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TickerFuture$complete() {
- var t1 = new A.TickerFuture(new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void));
- t1._ticker$_complete$0();
- return t1;
- },
- Ticker: function Ticker(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._ticker$_future = null;
- _._muted = false;
- _._startTime = null;
- _._onTick = t0;
- _._animationId = null;
- _.debugLabel = t1;
- _.__Ticker__debugCreationStack_A = $;
- },
- TickerFuture: function TickerFuture(t0) {
- this._primaryCompleter = t0;
- this._completed = this._secondaryCompleter = null;
- },
- TickerFuture_whenCompleteOrCancel_thunk: function TickerFuture_whenCompleteOrCancel_thunk(t0) {
- this.callback = t0;
- },
- TickerCanceled: function TickerCanceled(t0) {
- this.ticker = t0;
- },
- SemanticsBinding: function SemanticsBinding() {
- },
- SemanticsHandle: function SemanticsHandle(t0) {
- this._onDispose = t0;
- },
- CustomSemanticsAction_getIdentifier(action) {
- var result = $.CustomSemanticsAction__ids.$index(0, action);
- if (result == null) {
- result = $.CustomSemanticsAction__nextId;
- $.CustomSemanticsAction__nextId = result + 1;
- $.CustomSemanticsAction__ids.$indexSet(0, action, result);
- $.CustomSemanticsAction__actions.$indexSet(0, result, action);
- }
- return result;
- },
- SemanticsData__sortedListsEqual(left, right) {
- var i;
- if (left.length !== right.length)
- return false;
- for (i = 0; i < left.length; ++i)
- if (!J.$eq$(left[i], right[i]))
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- _SemanticsDiagnosticableNode$(childOrder, $name, style, value) {
- return new A._SemanticsDiagnosticableNode(childOrder, value, $name, true, true, null, style);
- },
- SemanticsProperties$(attributedDecreasedValue, attributedHint, attributedIncreasedValue, attributedLabel, attributedValue, button, checked, currentValueLength, customSemanticsActions, decreasedValue, enabled, focusable, focused, header, hidden, hint, hintOverrides, image, inMutuallyExclusiveGroup, increasedValue, keyboardKey, label, link, liveRegion, maxValueLength, mixed, multiline, namesRoute, obscured, onCopy, onCut, onDecrease, onDidGainAccessibilityFocus, onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus, onDismiss, onIncrease, onLongPress, onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter, onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter, onPaste, onScrollDown, onScrollLeft, onScrollRight, onScrollUp, onSetSelection, onSetText, onTap, readOnly, scopesRoute, selected, slider, sortKey, tagForChildren, textDirection, textField, toggled, tooltip, value) {
- return new A.SemanticsProperties(enabled, checked, mixed, toggled, selected, button, link, header, textField, slider, keyboardKey, readOnly, focusable, focused, inMutuallyExclusiveGroup, hidden, obscured, multiline, scopesRoute, namesRoute, image, liveRegion, maxValueLength, currentValueLength, label, attributedLabel, value, attributedValue, increasedValue, attributedIncreasedValue, decreasedValue, attributedDecreasedValue, hint, attributedHint, tooltip, hintOverrides, textDirection, sortKey, tagForChildren, onTap, onLongPress, onScrollLeft, onScrollRight, onScrollUp, onScrollDown, onIncrease, onDecrease, onCopy, onCut, onPaste, onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter, onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter, onSetSelection, onSetText, onDidGainAccessibilityFocus, onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus, onDismiss, customSemanticsActions);
- },
- SemanticsNode$(key, showOnScreen) {
- var t15,
- t1 = $.$get$SemanticsNode__kEmptyConfig(),
- t2 = t1._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants,
- t3 = t1._actions,
- t4 = t1._customSemanticsActions,
- t5 = t1._actionsAsBits,
- t6 = t1._flags,
- t7 = t1._semantics$_attributedLabel,
- t8 = t1._semantics$_attributedValue,
- t9 = t1._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue,
- t10 = t1._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue,
- t11 = t1._semantics$_attributedHint,
- t12 = t1._tooltip,
- t13 = t1._semantics$_elevation,
- t14 = t1._semantics$_thickness;
- t1 = t1._semantics$_textDirection;
- t15 = ($.SemanticsNode__lastIdentifier + 1) % 65535;
- $.SemanticsNode__lastIdentifier = t15;
- return new A.SemanticsNode(key, t15, showOnScreen, B.Rect_0_0_0_0, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t1);
- },
- _pointInParentCoordinates(node, point) {
- var t1, vector;
- if (node._semantics$_transform == null)
- return point;
- t1 = new Float64Array(3);
- vector = new A.Vector30(t1);
- vector.setValues$3(point._dx, point._dy, 0);
- node._semantics$_transform.transform3$1(vector);
- return new A.Offset(t1[0], t1[1]);
- },
- _childrenInDefaultOrder(children, textDirection) {
- var t1, _i, child, t2, verticalGroups, group, depth, edge,
- edges = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__BoxEdge);
- for (t1 = children.length, _i = 0; _i < children.length; children.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(children), ++_i) {
- child = children[_i];
- t2 = child._semantics$_rect;
- edges.push(new A._BoxEdge(true, A._pointInParentCoordinates(child, new A.Offset(t2.left - -0.1, t2.top - -0.1))._dy, child));
- edges.push(new A._BoxEdge(false, A._pointInParentCoordinates(child, new A.Offset(t2.right + -0.1, t2.bottom + -0.1))._dy, child));
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(edges);
- verticalGroups = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__SemanticsSortGroup);
- for (t1 = edges.length, t2 = type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode, group = null, depth = 0, _i = 0; _i < edges.length; edges.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(edges), ++_i) {
- edge = edges[_i];
- if (edge.isLeadingEdge) {
- ++depth;
- if (group == null)
- group = new A._SemanticsSortGroup(edge.offset, textDirection, A._setArrayType([], t2));
- group.nodes.push(edge.node);
- } else
- --depth;
- if (depth === 0) {
- group.toString;
- verticalGroups.push(group);
- group = null;
- }
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(verticalGroups);
- t1 = type$.ExpandIterable__SemanticsSortGroup_SemanticsNode;
- return A.List_List$of(new A.ExpandIterable(verticalGroups, new A._childrenInDefaultOrder_closure(), t1), true, t1._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- },
- SemanticsConfiguration$() {
- return new A.SemanticsConfiguration(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.SemanticsAction, type$.void_Function_nullable_Object), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.CustomSemanticsAction, type$.void_Function), new A.AttributedString("", B.List_empty2), new A.AttributedString("", B.List_empty2), new A.AttributedString("", B.List_empty2), new A.AttributedString("", B.List_empty2), new A.AttributedString("", B.List_empty2));
- },
- _concatAttributedString(otherAttributedString, otherTextDirection, thisAttributedString, thisTextDirection) {
- if (otherAttributedString.string.length === 0)
- return thisAttributedString;
- if (thisTextDirection != otherTextDirection && otherTextDirection != null)
- switch (otherTextDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- otherAttributedString = new A.AttributedString("\u202b", B.List_empty2).$add(0, otherAttributedString).$add(0, new A.AttributedString("\u202c", B.List_empty2));
- break;
- case 1:
- otherAttributedString = new A.AttributedString("\u202a", B.List_empty2).$add(0, otherAttributedString).$add(0, new A.AttributedString("\u202c", B.List_empty2));
- break;
- }
- if (thisAttributedString.string.length === 0)
- return otherAttributedString;
- return thisAttributedString.$add(0, new A.AttributedString("\n", B.List_empty2)).$add(0, otherAttributedString);
- },
- SemanticsTag: function SemanticsTag(t0) {
- this.name = t0;
- },
- ChildSemanticsConfigurationsResult: function ChildSemanticsConfigurationsResult(t0, t1) {
- this.mergeUp = t0;
- this.siblingMergeGroups = t1;
- },
- ChildSemanticsConfigurationsResultBuilder: function ChildSemanticsConfigurationsResultBuilder(t0, t1) {
- this._mergeUp = t0;
- this._siblingMergeGroups = t1;
- },
- CustomSemanticsAction: function CustomSemanticsAction(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.label = t0;
- this.hint = t1;
- this.action = t2;
- },
- AttributedString: function AttributedString(t0, t1) {
- this.string = t0;
- this.attributes = t1;
- },
- SemanticsData: function SemanticsData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23) {
- var _ = this;
- _.flags = t0;
- _.actions = t1;
- _.attributedLabel = t2;
- _.attributedValue = t3;
- _.attributedIncreasedValue = t4;
- _.attributedDecreasedValue = t5;
- _.attributedHint = t6;
- _.tooltip = t7;
- _.textDirection = t8;
- _.textSelection = t9;
- _.scrollChildCount = t10;
- _.scrollIndex = t11;
- _.scrollPosition = t12;
- _.scrollExtentMax = t13;
- _.scrollExtentMin = t14;
- _.platformViewId = t15;
- _.maxValueLength = t16;
- _.currentValueLength = t17;
- _.rect = t18;
- _.tags = t19;
- _.transform = t20;
- _.elevation = t21;
- _.thickness = t22;
- _.customSemanticsActionIds = t23;
- },
- _SemanticsDiagnosticableNode: function _SemanticsDiagnosticableNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.childOrder = t0;
- _.value = t1;
- _._cachedBuilder = null;
- _.name = t2;
- _.showSeparator = t3;
- _.showName = t4;
- _.linePrefix = t5;
- _.style = t6;
- },
- SemanticsProperties: function SemanticsProperties(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51, t52, t53, t54, t55, t56, t57) {
- var _ = this;
- _.enabled = t0;
- _.checked = t1;
- _.mixed = t2;
- _.toggled = t3;
- _.selected = t4;
- _.button = t5;
- _.link = t6;
- _.header = t7;
- _.textField = t8;
- _.slider = t9;
- _.keyboardKey = t10;
- _.readOnly = t11;
- _.focusable = t12;
- _.focused = t13;
- _.inMutuallyExclusiveGroup = t14;
- _.hidden = t15;
- _.obscured = t16;
- _.multiline = t17;
- _.scopesRoute = t18;
- _.namesRoute = t19;
- _.image = t20;
- _.liveRegion = t21;
- _.maxValueLength = t22;
- _.currentValueLength = t23;
- _.label = t24;
- _.attributedLabel = t25;
- _.value = t26;
- _.attributedValue = t27;
- _.increasedValue = t28;
- _.attributedIncreasedValue = t29;
- _.decreasedValue = t30;
- _.attributedDecreasedValue = t31;
- _.hint = t32;
- _.attributedHint = t33;
- _.tooltip = t34;
- _.hintOverrides = t35;
- _.textDirection = t36;
- _.sortKey = t37;
- _.tagForChildren = t38;
- _.onTap = t39;
- _.onLongPress = t40;
- _.onScrollLeft = t41;
- _.onScrollRight = t42;
- _.onScrollUp = t43;
- _.onScrollDown = t44;
- _.onIncrease = t45;
- _.onDecrease = t46;
- _.onCopy = t47;
- _.onCut = t48;
- _.onPaste = t49;
- _.onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter = t50;
- _.onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter = t51;
- _.onSetSelection = t52;
- _.onSetText = t53;
- _.onDidGainAccessibilityFocus = t54;
- _.onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus = t55;
- _.onDismiss = t56;
- _.customSemanticsActions = t57;
- },
- SemanticsNode: function SemanticsNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17) {
- var _ = this;
- _.key = t0;
- _._id = t1;
- _._showOnScreen = t2;
- _._semantics$_transform = null;
- _._semantics$_rect = t3;
- _.indexInParent = _.elevationAdjustment = _.parentPaintClipRect = _.parentSemanticsClipRect = null;
- _._isMergedIntoParent = false;
- _._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode = t4;
- _._semantics$_children = null;
- _.__SemanticsNode__debugPreviousSnapshot_A = $;
- _._semantics$_dirty = _._dead = false;
- _._actions = t5;
- _._customSemanticsActions = t6;
- _._actionsAsBits = t7;
- _.tags = null;
- _._flags = t8;
- _._semantics$_attributedLabel = t9;
- _._semantics$_attributedValue = t10;
- _._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = t11;
- _._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = t12;
- _._semantics$_attributedHint = t13;
- _._tooltip = t14;
- _._semantics$_elevation = t15;
- _._semantics$_thickness = t16;
- _._hintOverrides = null;
- _._semantics$_textDirection = t17;
- _._currentValueLength = _._maxValueLength = _._platformViewId = _._scrollExtentMin = _._scrollExtentMax = _._scrollPosition = _._scrollIndex = _._scrollChildCount = _._textSelection = _._sortKey = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- SemanticsNode_getSemanticsData_closure: function SemanticsNode_getSemanticsData_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- this.customSemanticsActionIds = t2;
- },
- SemanticsNode__childrenInTraversalOrder_closure: function SemanticsNode__childrenInTraversalOrder_closure() {
- },
- SemanticsNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure: function SemanticsNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure(t0) {
- this.childOrder = t0;
- },
- _BoxEdge: function _BoxEdge(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.isLeadingEdge = t0;
- this.offset = t1;
- this.node = t2;
- },
- _SemanticsSortGroup: function _SemanticsSortGroup(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.startOffset = t0;
- this.textDirection = t1;
- this.nodes = t2;
- },
- _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinVerticalGroup_closure: function _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinVerticalGroup_closure() {
- },
- _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure: function _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure() {
- },
- _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_search: function _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_search(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.visitedIds = t0;
- this.edges = t1;
- this.sortedIds = t2;
- },
- _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure0: function _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure0() {
- },
- _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure1: function _SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure1(t0) {
- this.nodeMap = t0;
- },
- _childrenInDefaultOrder_closure: function _childrenInDefaultOrder_closure() {
- },
- _TraversalSortNode: function _TraversalSortNode(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.node = t0;
- this.sortKey = t1;
- this.position = t2;
- },
- SemanticsOwner: function SemanticsOwner(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onSemanticsUpdate = t0;
- _._semantics$_dirtyNodes = t1;
- _._nodes = t2;
- _._detachedNodes = t3;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t4;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure: function SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure0: function SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure0() {
- },
- SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure1: function SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure1() {
- },
- SemanticsOwner__getSemanticsActionHandlerForId_closure: function SemanticsOwner__getSemanticsActionHandlerForId_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.action = t1;
- },
- SemanticsConfiguration: function SemanticsConfiguration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._hasBeenAnnotated = _.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes = _.explicitChildNodes = _._isSemanticBoundary = false;
- _._actions = t0;
- _._actionsAsBits = 0;
- _._currentValueLength = _._maxValueLength = _._platformViewId = _._scrollIndex = _._scrollChildCount = _._indexInParent = _._sortKey = _._childConfigurationsDelegate = _._onTap = null;
- _._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants = false;
- _._customSemanticsActions = t1;
- _._semantics$_attributedLabel = t2;
- _._semantics$_attributedValue = t3;
- _._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = t4;
- _._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = t5;
- _._semantics$_attributedHint = t6;
- _._tooltip = "";
- _._hintOverrides = null;
- _._semantics$_thickness = _._semantics$_elevation = 0;
- _._tagsForChildren = _._scrollExtentMin = _._scrollExtentMax = _._scrollPosition = _._textSelection = _._semantics$_textDirection = null;
- _._flags = 0;
- },
- SemanticsConfiguration__addArgumentlessAction_closure: function SemanticsConfiguration__addArgumentlessAction_closure(t0) {
- this.handler = t0;
- },
- SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter_closure: function SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter_closure(t0) {
- this.value = t0;
- },
- SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter_closure: function SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter_closure(t0) {
- this.value = t0;
- },
- SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByWord_closure: function SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByWord_closure(t0) {
- this.value = t0;
- },
- SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByWord_closure: function SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByWord_closure(t0) {
- this.value = t0;
- },
- SemanticsConfiguration_onSetSelection_closure: function SemanticsConfiguration_onSetSelection_closure(t0) {
- this.value = t0;
- },
- SemanticsConfiguration_onSetText_closure: function SemanticsConfiguration_onSetText_closure(t0) {
- this.value = t0;
- },
- DebugSemanticsDumpOrder: function DebugSemanticsDumpOrder(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SemanticsSortKey: function SemanticsSortKey() {
- },
- OrdinalSortKey: function OrdinalSortKey(t0, t1) {
- this.order = t0;
- this.name = t1;
- },
- _SemanticsData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SemanticsData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _SemanticsNode_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function _SemanticsNode_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin() {
- },
- _SemanticsSortKey_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SemanticsSortKey_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- Assertiveness0: function Assertiveness0(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SemanticsEvent: function SemanticsEvent() {
- },
- AnnounceSemanticsEvent: function AnnounceSemanticsEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.message = t0;
- _.textDirection = t1;
- _.assertiveness = t2;
- _.type = t3;
- },
- TooltipSemanticsEvent: function TooltipSemanticsEvent(t0, t1) {
- this.message = t0;
- this.type = t1;
- },
- LongPressSemanticsEvent: function LongPressSemanticsEvent(t0) {
- this.type = t0;
- },
- TapSemanticEvent: function TapSemanticEvent(t0) {
- this.type = t0;
- },
- AssetBundle__utf8decode(data) {
- return B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(data.buffer, 0, null));
- },
- _errorSummaryWithKey(key) {
- return A.ErrorSummary$('Unable to load asset: "' + key + '".');
- },
- AssetBundle: function AssetBundle() {
- },
- CachingAssetBundle: function CachingAssetBundle() {
- },
- CachingAssetBundle_loadStructuredBinaryData_closure: function CachingAssetBundle_loadStructuredBinaryData_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.key = t2;
- _.T = t3;
- },
- CachingAssetBundle_loadStructuredBinaryData_closure0: function CachingAssetBundle_loadStructuredBinaryData_closure0(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- PlatformAssetBundle: function PlatformAssetBundle(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._stringCache = t0;
- this._structuredDataCache = t1;
- this._structuredBinaryDataCache = t2;
- },
- PlatformAssetBundle_load_closure: function PlatformAssetBundle_load_closure(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- _AssetManifestBin___fromStandardMessageCodecMessage_tearOff(message) {
- return new A._AssetManifestBin(type$.Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as(B.C_StandardMessageCodec.decodeMessage$1(message)), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.List_AssetMetadata));
- },
- _AssetManifestBin: function _AssetManifestBin(t0, t1) {
- this._asset_manifest$_data = t0;
- this._typeCastedData = t1;
- },
- _AssetManifestBin_getAssetVariants_closure: function _AssetManifestBin_getAssetVariants_closure(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- AssetMetadata: function AssetMetadata(t0, t1) {
- this.targetDevicePixelRatio = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- AutofillConfiguration: function AutofillConfiguration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.enabled = t0;
- _.uniqueIdentifier = t1;
- _.autofillHints = t2;
- _.currentEditingValue = t3;
- _.hintText = t4;
- },
- BinaryMessenger: function BinaryMessenger() {
- },
- ServicesBinding__parseLicenses(rawLicenses) {
- var _i, license, t2, split,
- t1 = B.JSString_methods.$mul("-", 80),
- result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LicenseEntry),
- licenses = rawLicenses.split("\n" + t1 + "\n");
- for (t1 = licenses.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
- license = licenses[_i];
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(license);
- split = t2.indexOf$1(license, "\n\n");
- if (split >= 0) {
- t2.substring$2(license, 0, split).split("\n");
- result.push(new A.LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks(t2.substring$1(license, split + 2)));
- } else
- result.push(new A.LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks(license));
- }
- return result;
- },
- ServicesBinding__parseAppLifecycleMessage(message) {
- switch (message) {
- case "AppLifecycleState.resumed":
- return B.AppLifecycleState_0;
- case "AppLifecycleState.inactive":
- return B.AppLifecycleState_1;
- case "AppLifecycleState.paused":
- return B.AppLifecycleState_2;
- case "AppLifecycleState.detached":
- return B.AppLifecycleState_3;
- }
- return null;
- },
- ServicesBinding: function ServicesBinding() {
- },
- ServicesBinding__addLicenses_closure: function ServicesBinding__addLicenses_closure(t0) {
- this.controller = t0;
- },
- _DefaultBinaryMessenger: function _DefaultBinaryMessenger() {
- },
- _DefaultBinaryMessenger_send_closure: function _DefaultBinaryMessenger_send_closure(t0) {
- this.completer = t0;
- },
- _DefaultBinaryMessenger_setMessageHandler_closure: function _DefaultBinaryMessenger_setMessageHandler_closure(t0) {
- this.handler = t0;
- },
- BrowserContextMenu: function BrowserContextMenu() {
- },
- Clipboard_setData(data) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$Clipboard_setData = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd.invokeMethod$1$2("Clipboard.setData", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["text", data.text], type$.String, type$.dynamic), type$.void), $async$Clipboard_setData);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$Clipboard_setData, $async$completer);
- },
- Clipboard_getData(format) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_ClipboardData),
- $async$returnValue, result;
- var $async$Clipboard_getData = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd.invokeMethod$1$2("Clipboard.getData", format, type$.Map_String_dynamic), $async$Clipboard_getData);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- result = $async$result;
- if (result == null) {
- $async$returnValue = null;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- $async$returnValue = new A.ClipboardData(A._asString(J.$index$asx(result, "text")));
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$Clipboard_getData, $async$completer);
- },
- Clipboard_hasStrings() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
- $async$returnValue, result;
- var $async$Clipboard_hasStrings = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd.invokeMethod$1$2("Clipboard.hasStrings", "text/plain", type$.Map_String_dynamic), $async$Clipboard_hasStrings);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- result = $async$result;
- if (result == null) {
- $async$returnValue = false;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- $async$returnValue = A._asBool(J.$index$asx(result, "value"));
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$Clipboard_hasStrings, $async$completer);
- },
- ClipboardData: function ClipboardData(t0) {
- this.text = t0;
- },
- KeyEventManager__eventFromData(keyData) {
- var logicalKey, timeStamp,
- t1 = keyData.physical,
- physicalKey = B.Map_6FUEQ.$index(0, t1);
- if (physicalKey == null)
- physicalKey = new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(t1);
- t1 = keyData.logical;
- logicalKey = B.Map_WPU06.$index(0, t1);
- if (logicalKey == null)
- logicalKey = new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(t1);
- timeStamp = keyData.timeStamp;
- switch (keyData.type.index) {
- case 0:
- return new A.KeyDownEvent(physicalKey, logicalKey, keyData.character, timeStamp, keyData.synthesized);
- case 1:
- return new A.KeyUpEvent(physicalKey, logicalKey, null, timeStamp, keyData.synthesized);
- case 2:
- return new A.KeyRepeatEvent(physicalKey, logicalKey, keyData.character, timeStamp, false);
- }
- },
- KeyboardLockMode: function KeyboardLockMode(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.logicalKey = t0;
- this.index = t1;
- this._core$_name = t2;
- },
- KeyEvent: function KeyEvent() {
- },
- KeyDownEvent: function KeyDownEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.physicalKey = t0;
- _.logicalKey = t1;
- _.character = t2;
- _.timeStamp = t3;
- _.synthesized = t4;
- },
- KeyUpEvent: function KeyUpEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.physicalKey = t0;
- _.logicalKey = t1;
- _.character = t2;
- _.timeStamp = t3;
- _.synthesized = t4;
- },
- KeyRepeatEvent: function KeyRepeatEvent(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.physicalKey = t0;
- _.logicalKey = t1;
- _.character = t2;
- _.timeStamp = t3;
- _.synthesized = t4;
- },
- HardwareKeyboard: function HardwareKeyboard(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._pressedKeys = t0;
- _._lockModes = t1;
- _._handlers = t2;
- _._duringDispatch = false;
- _._modifiedHandlers = null;
- },
- KeyDataTransitMode: function KeyDataTransitMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- KeyMessage: function KeyMessage(t0, t1) {
- this.events = t0;
- this.rawEvent = t1;
- },
- KeyEventManager: function KeyEventManager(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.keyMessageHandler = null;
- _._hardwareKeyboard = t0;
- _._rawKeyboard = t1;
- _._transitMode = null;
- _._keyEventsSinceLastMessage = t2;
- _._skippedRawKeysPressed = t3;
- },
- _KeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable: function _KeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- KeyboardInsertedContent: function KeyboardInsertedContent(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.mimeType = t0;
- this.uri = t1;
- this.data = t2;
- },
- KeyboardKey: function KeyboardKey() {
- },
- LogicalKeyboardKey: function LogicalKeyboardKey(t0) {
- this.keyId = t0;
- },
- PhysicalKeyboardKey: function PhysicalKeyboardKey(t0) {
- this.usbHidUsage = t0;
- },
- _KeyboardKey_Object_Diagnosticable: function _KeyboardKey_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- PlatformException$(code, details, message, stacktrace) {
- return new A.PlatformException(code, message, details, stacktrace);
- },
- MissingPluginException$(message) {
- return new A.MissingPluginException(message);
- },
- MethodCall0: function MethodCall0(t0, t1) {
- this.method = t0;
- this.$arguments = t1;
- },
- PlatformException: function PlatformException(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.code = t0;
- _.message = t1;
- _.details = t2;
- _.stacktrace = t3;
- },
- MissingPluginException: function MissingPluginException(t0) {
- this.message = t0;
- },
- StringCodec: function StringCodec() {
- },
- JSONMessageCodec0: function JSONMessageCodec0() {
- },
- JSONMethodCodec0: function JSONMethodCodec0() {
- },
- StandardMessageCodec0: function StandardMessageCodec0() {
- },
- StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure: function StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.buffer = t1;
- },
- StandardMethodCodec0: function StandardMethodCodec0() {
- },
- _DeferringMouseCursor_firstNonDeferred(cursors) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(cursors), t1 = t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1]), t2 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(cursors.__internal$_iterable), cursors._f, t1._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>")), t1 = t1._rest[1]; t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t2.__internal$_current;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = t1._as(t3);
- if (!t3.$eq(0, B.C__DeferringMouseCursor))
- return t3;
- }
- return null;
- },
- MouseCursorManager: function MouseCursorManager(t0, t1) {
- this.fallbackMouseCursor = t0;
- this._lastSession = t1;
- },
- MouseCursorSession: function MouseCursorSession() {
- },
- MouseCursor0: function MouseCursor0() {
- },
- _DeferringMouseCursor: function _DeferringMouseCursor() {
- },
- _SystemMouseCursorSession: function _SystemMouseCursorSession(t0, t1) {
- this.cursor = t0;
- this.device = t1;
- },
- SystemMouseCursor: function SystemMouseCursor(t0) {
- this.kind = t0;
- },
- _MouseCursor_Object_Diagnosticable: function _MouseCursor_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- BasicMessageChannel: function BasicMessageChannel(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.name = t0;
- _.codec = t1;
- _._platform_channel$_binaryMessenger = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- BasicMessageChannel_setMessageHandler_closure: function BasicMessageChannel_setMessageHandler_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.handler = t1;
- },
- MethodChannel: function MethodChannel(t0, t1) {
- this.name = t0;
- this.codec = t1;
- },
- MethodChannel_setMethodCallHandler_closure: function MethodChannel_setMethodCallHandler_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.handler = t1;
- },
- OptionalMethodChannel: function OptionalMethodChannel(t0, t1) {
- this.name = t0;
- this.codec = t1;
- },
- EventChannel: function EventChannel(t0, t1) {
- this.name = t0;
- this.codec = t1;
- },
- EventChannel_receiveBroadcastStream_closure: function EventChannel_receiveBroadcastStream_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.controller = t1;
- _.methodChannel = t2;
- _.$arguments = t3;
- },
- EventChannel_receiveBroadcastStream__closure: function EventChannel_receiveBroadcastStream__closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.controller = t1;
- },
- EventChannel_receiveBroadcastStream_closure0: function EventChannel_receiveBroadcastStream_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.methodChannel = t1;
- this.$arguments = t2;
- },
- RawKeyEvent_RawKeyEvent$fromMessage(message) {
- var data, t2, t3, repeat, t1 = {};
- t1.character = null;
- data = new A.RawKeyEvent_RawKeyEvent$fromMessage_dataFromWeb(t1, message).call$0();
- t2 = $.$get$RawKeyboard_instance()._keysPressed;
- t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>");
- repeat = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t2, t3), t3._eval$1("Iterable.E")).contains$1(0, data.get$physicalKey());
- t3 = J.$index$asx(message, "type");
- t3.toString;
- A._asString(t3);
- switch (t3) {
- case "keydown":
- return new A.RawKeyDownEvent(t1.character, repeat, data);
- case "keyup":
- return new A.RawKeyUpEvent(null, false, data);
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.FlutterError_FlutterError("Unknown key event type: " + t3));
- }
- },
- KeyboardSide: function KeyboardSide(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ModifierKey: function ModifierKey(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- RawKeyEventData: function RawKeyEventData() {
- },
- RawKeyEvent: function RawKeyEvent() {
- },
- RawKeyEvent_RawKeyEvent$fromMessage_dataFromWeb: function RawKeyEvent_RawKeyEvent$fromMessage_dataFromWeb(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.message = t1;
- },
- RawKeyDownEvent: function RawKeyDownEvent(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.character = t0;
- this.repeat = t1;
- this.data = t2;
- },
- RawKeyUpEvent: function RawKeyUpEvent(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.character = t0;
- this.repeat = t1;
- this.data = t2;
- },
- RawKeyboard0: function RawKeyboard0(t0, t1) {
- this._raw_keyboard$_listeners = t0;
- this._keysPressed = t1;
- },
- _ModifierSidePair: function _ModifierSidePair(t0, t1) {
- this.modifier = t0;
- this.side = t1;
- },
- _RawKeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable: function _RawKeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _RawKeyEventData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _RawKeyEventData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- RawKeyEventDataWeb: function RawKeyEventDataWeb(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.code = t0;
- _.key = t1;
- _.location = t2;
- _.metaState = t3;
- _.keyCode = t4;
- },
- RestorationManager: function RestorationManager(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._pendingRootBucket = _._restoration$_rootBucket = null;
- _._serializationScheduled = _._debugDoingUpdate = _._isReplacing = _._rootBucketIsValid = false;
- _._bucketsNeedingSerialization = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- RestorationManager_handleRestorationUpdateFromEngine_closure: function RestorationManager_handleRestorationUpdateFromEngine_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RestorationManager_scheduleSerializationFor_closure: function RestorationManager_scheduleSerializationFor_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RestorationBucket: function RestorationBucket(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._rawData = t0;
- _._debugOwner = null;
- _._restoration$_manager = t1;
- _._restoration$_parent = t2;
- _._restorationId = t3;
- _._claimedChildren = t4;
- _._childrenToAdd = t5;
- _._debugDisposed = _._needsSerialization = false;
- },
- RestorationBucket__rawChildren_closure: function RestorationBucket__rawChildren_closure() {
- },
- RestorationBucket__rawValues_closure: function RestorationBucket__rawValues_closure() {
- },
- RestorationBucket__addChildData_closure: function RestorationBucket__addChildData_closure() {
- },
- RestorationBucket__visitChildren_closure: function RestorationBucket__visitChildren_closure() {
- },
- DefaultSpellCheckService_mergeResults(oldResults, newResults) {
- var oldSpan, newSpan, t2, t3,
- mergedResults = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SuggestionSpan),
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(oldResults),
- oldSpanPointer = 0, newSpanPointer = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(oldSpanPointer < t1.get$length(oldResults) && newSpanPointer < newResults.length))
- break;
- oldSpan = t1.$index(oldResults, oldSpanPointer);
- newSpan = newResults[newSpanPointer];
- t2 = oldSpan.range.start;
- t3 = newSpan.range.start;
- if (t2 === t3) {
- mergedResults.push(oldSpan);
- ++oldSpanPointer;
- ++newSpanPointer;
- } else if (t2 < t3) {
- mergedResults.push(oldSpan);
- ++oldSpanPointer;
- } else {
- mergedResults.push(newSpan);
- ++newSpanPointer;
- }
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(mergedResults, t1.sublist$1(oldResults, oldSpanPointer));
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(mergedResults, B.JSArray_methods.sublist$1(newResults, newSpanPointer));
- return mergedResults;
- },
- SuggestionSpan: function SuggestionSpan(t0, t1) {
- this.range = t0;
- this.suggestions = t1;
- },
- SpellCheckResults: function SpellCheckResults(t0, t1) {
- this.spellCheckedText = t0;
- this.suggestionSpans = t1;
- },
- DefaultSpellCheckService: function DefaultSpellCheckService() {
- this.lastSavedResults = null;
- this.__DefaultSpellCheckService_spellCheckChannel_A = $;
- },
- SystemChrome_setApplicationSwitcherDescription(description) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$SystemChrome_setApplicationSwitcherDescription = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd.invokeMethod$1$2(string$.System, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["label", description.label, "primaryColor", description.primaryColor], type$.String, type$.dynamic), type$.void), $async$SystemChrome_setApplicationSwitcherDescription);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$SystemChrome_setApplicationSwitcherDescription, $async$completer);
- },
- SystemChrome_setSystemUIOverlayStyle(style) {
- if ($.SystemChrome__pendingStyle != null) {
- $.SystemChrome__pendingStyle = style;
- return;
- }
- if (style.$eq(0, $.SystemChrome__latestStyle))
- return;
- $.SystemChrome__pendingStyle = style;
- A.scheduleMicrotask(new A.SystemChrome_setSystemUIOverlayStyle_closure());
- },
- ApplicationSwitcherDescription: function ApplicationSwitcherDescription(t0, t1) {
- this.label = t0;
- this.primaryColor = t1;
- },
- SystemUiOverlayStyle: function SystemUiOverlayStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.systemNavigationBarColor = t0;
- _.systemNavigationBarDividerColor = t1;
- _.systemNavigationBarIconBrightness = t2;
- _.systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced = t3;
- _.statusBarColor = t4;
- _.statusBarBrightness = t5;
- _.statusBarIconBrightness = t6;
- _.systemStatusBarContrastEnforced = t7;
- },
- SystemChrome_setSystemUIOverlayStyle_closure: function SystemChrome_setSystemUIOverlayStyle_closure() {
- },
- SystemSound_play(type) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$SystemSound_play = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd.invokeMethod$1$2("SystemSound.play", type._enumToString$0(), type$.void), $async$SystemSound_play);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$SystemSound_play, $async$completer);
- },
- SystemSoundType: function SystemSoundType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextBoundary: function TextBoundary() {
- },
- CharacterBoundary: function CharacterBoundary(t0) {
- this._text_boundary$_text = t0;
- },
- LineBoundary: function LineBoundary(t0) {
- this._textLayout = t0;
- },
- ParagraphBoundary: function ParagraphBoundary(t0) {
- this._text_boundary$_text = t0;
- },
- DocumentBoundary: function DocumentBoundary(t0) {
- this._text_boundary$_text = t0;
- },
- TextSelection$(affinity, baseOffset, extentOffset, isDirectional) {
- var t1 = baseOffset < extentOffset,
- t2 = t1 ? baseOffset : extentOffset;
- return new A.TextSelection(baseOffset, extentOffset, affinity, isDirectional, t2, t1 ? extentOffset : baseOffset);
- },
- TextSelection$collapsed(affinity, offset) {
- return new A.TextSelection(offset, offset, affinity, false, offset, offset);
- },
- TextSelection$fromPosition(position) {
- var t1 = position.offset;
- return new A.TextSelection(t1, t1, position.affinity, false, t1, t1);
- },
- TextSelection: function TextSelection(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.baseOffset = t0;
- _.extentOffset = t1;
- _.affinity = t2;
- _.isDirectional = t3;
- _.start = t4;
- _.end = t5;
- },
- _toTextAffinity(affinity) {
- switch (affinity) {
- case "TextAffinity.downstream":
- return B.TextAffinity_1;
- case "TextAffinity.upstream":
- return B.TextAffinity_0;
- }
- return null;
- },
- TextEditingDelta_TextEditingDelta$fromJSON(encoded) {
- var t3, newComposing, t4, newSelection, newText, isDeletionGreaterThanOne, isDeletingByReplacingWithEmpty, isReplacedByShorter, isReplacedBySame, isInsertingInsideComposingRegion, isDeletingInsideComposingRegion, t5, newComposingText, originalComposingText, isReplaced,
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(encoded),
- oldText = A._asString(t1.$index(encoded, "oldText")),
- replacementDestinationStart = A._asInt(t1.$index(encoded, "deltaStart")),
- replacementDestinationEnd = A._asInt(t1.$index(encoded, "deltaEnd")),
- replacementSource = A._asString(t1.$index(encoded, "deltaText")),
- replacementSourceEnd = replacementSource.length,
- isNonTextUpdate = replacementDestinationStart === -1 && replacementDestinationStart === replacementDestinationEnd,
- t2 = A._asIntQ(t1.$index(encoded, "composingBase"));
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = -1;
- t3 = A._asIntQ(t1.$index(encoded, "composingExtent"));
- newComposing = new A.TextRange(t2, t3 == null ? -1 : t3);
- t2 = A._asIntQ(t1.$index(encoded, "selectionBase"));
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = -1;
- t3 = A._asIntQ(t1.$index(encoded, "selectionExtent"));
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = -1;
- t4 = A._toTextAffinity(A._asStringQ(t1.$index(encoded, "selectionAffinity")));
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = B.TextAffinity_1;
- t1 = A._asBoolQ(t1.$index(encoded, "selectionIsDirectional"));
- newSelection = A.TextSelection$(t4, t2, t3, t1 === true);
- if (isNonTextUpdate)
- return new A.TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate(oldText, newSelection, newComposing);
- newText = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(oldText, replacementDestinationStart, replacementDestinationEnd, replacementSource);
- t1 = replacementDestinationEnd - replacementDestinationStart;
- t2 = replacementSourceEnd - 0;
- isDeletionGreaterThanOne = t1 - t2 > 1;
- if (replacementSourceEnd === 0)
- isDeletingByReplacingWithEmpty = 0 === replacementSourceEnd;
- else
- isDeletingByReplacingWithEmpty = false;
- isReplacedByShorter = isDeletionGreaterThanOne && t2 < t1;
- isReplacedBySame = t2 === t1;
- t3 = replacementDestinationStart + replacementSourceEnd;
- isInsertingInsideComposingRegion = t3 > replacementDestinationEnd;
- t4 = !isReplacedByShorter;
- isDeletingInsideComposingRegion = t4 && !isDeletingByReplacingWithEmpty && t3 < replacementDestinationEnd;
- t5 = !isDeletingByReplacingWithEmpty;
- if (!t5 || isDeletingInsideComposingRegion || isReplacedByShorter) {
- newComposingText = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(replacementSource, 0, replacementSourceEnd);
- originalComposingText = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(oldText, replacementDestinationStart, t3);
- } else {
- newComposingText = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(replacementSource, 0, t1);
- originalComposingText = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(oldText, replacementDestinationStart, replacementDestinationEnd);
- }
- t3 = originalComposingText === newComposingText;
- isReplaced = !t3 || t2 > t1 || !t4 || isReplacedBySame;
- if (oldText === newText)
- return new A.TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate(oldText, newSelection, newComposing);
- else if ((!t5 || isDeletingInsideComposingRegion) && t3)
- return new A.TextEditingDeltaDeletion(new A.TextRange(!isDeletionGreaterThanOne ? replacementDestinationEnd - 1 : replacementDestinationStart, replacementDestinationEnd), oldText, newSelection, newComposing);
- else if ((replacementDestinationStart === replacementDestinationEnd || isInsertingInsideComposingRegion) && t3)
- return new A.TextEditingDeltaInsertion(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(replacementSource, t1, t1 + (replacementSourceEnd - t1)), replacementDestinationEnd, oldText, newSelection, newComposing);
- else if (isReplaced)
- return new A.TextEditingDeltaReplacement(replacementSource, new A.TextRange(replacementDestinationStart, replacementDestinationEnd), oldText, newSelection, newComposing);
- return new A.TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate(oldText, newSelection, newComposing);
- },
- TextEditingDelta: function TextEditingDelta() {
- },
- TextEditingDeltaInsertion: function TextEditingDeltaInsertion(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.textInserted = t0;
- _.insertionOffset = t1;
- _.oldText = t2;
- _.selection = t3;
- _.composing = t4;
- },
- TextEditingDeltaDeletion: function TextEditingDeltaDeletion(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.deletedRange = t0;
- _.oldText = t1;
- _.selection = t2;
- _.composing = t3;
- },
- TextEditingDeltaReplacement: function TextEditingDeltaReplacement(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.replacementText = t0;
- _.replacedRange = t1;
- _.oldText = t2;
- _.selection = t3;
- _.composing = t4;
- },
- TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate: function TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.oldText = t0;
- this.selection = t1;
- this.composing = t2;
- },
- _TextEditingDelta_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TextEditingDelta_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- MaxLengthEnforcement: function MaxLengthEnforcement(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextInputFormatter: function TextInputFormatter() {
- },
- _MutableTextRange: function _MutableTextRange(t0, t1) {
- this.base = t0;
- this.extent = t1;
- },
- _TextEditingValueAccumulator: function _TextEditingValueAccumulator(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.inputValue = t0;
- _.stringBuffer = t1;
- _.selection = t2;
- _.composingRegion = t3;
- _.debugFinalized = false;
- },
- FilteringTextInputFormatter: function FilteringTextInputFormatter(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.filterPattern = t0;
- this.allow = t1;
- this.replacementString = t2;
- },
- FilteringTextInputFormatter__processRegion_adjustIndex: function FilteringTextInputFormatter__processRegion_adjustIndex(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.regionStart = t0;
- this.regionEnd = t1;
- this.replacementString = t2;
- },
- TextInputConfiguration$(allowedMimeTypes, autocorrect, autofillConfiguration, enableDeltaModel, enableIMEPersonalizedLearning, enableInteractiveSelection, enableSuggestions, inputAction, inputType, keyboardAppearance, obscureText, readOnly, smartDashesType, smartQuotesType, textCapitalization) {
- return new A.TextInputConfiguration(inputType, readOnly, obscureText, true, autofillConfiguration, smartDashesType, smartQuotesType, true, enableInteractiveSelection, inputAction, textCapitalization, keyboardAppearance, true, allowedMimeTypes, false);
- },
- _toTextAffinity0(affinity) {
- switch (affinity) {
- case "TextAffinity.downstream":
- return B.TextAffinity_1;
- case "TextAffinity.upstream":
- return B.TextAffinity_0;
- }
- return null;
- },
- TextEditingValue_TextEditingValue$fromJSON(encoded) {
- var t3, t4, t5, selection,
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(encoded),
- text = A._asString(t1.$index(encoded, "text")),
- t2 = A._asIntQ(t1.$index(encoded, "selectionBase"));
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = -1;
- t3 = A._asIntQ(t1.$index(encoded, "selectionExtent"));
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = -1;
- t4 = A._toTextAffinity0(A._asStringQ(t1.$index(encoded, "selectionAffinity")));
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = B.TextAffinity_1;
- t5 = A._asBoolQ(t1.$index(encoded, "selectionIsDirectional"));
- selection = A.TextSelection$(t4, t2, t3, t5 === true);
- t2 = A._asIntQ(t1.$index(encoded, "composingBase"));
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = -1;
- t1 = A._asIntQ(t1.$index(encoded, "composingExtent"));
- return new A.TextEditingValue(text, selection, new A.TextRange(t2, t1 == null ? -1 : t1));
- },
- TextInputConnection$_(_client) {
- var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SelectionRect),
- t2 = $.TextInputConnection__nextId;
- $.TextInputConnection__nextId = t2 + 1;
- return new A.TextInputConnection(t1, t2, _client);
- },
- _toTextInputAction(action) {
- switch (action) {
- case "TextInputAction.none":
- return B.TextInputAction_0;
- case "TextInputAction.unspecified":
- return B.TextInputAction_1;
- case "TextInputAction.go":
- return B.TextInputAction_3;
- case "TextInputAction.search":
- return B.TextInputAction_4;
- case "TextInputAction.send":
- return B.TextInputAction_5;
- case "TextInputAction.next":
- return B.TextInputAction_6;
- case "TextInputAction.previous":
- return B.TextInputAction_7;
- case "TextInputAction.continueAction":
- return B.TextInputAction_8;
- case "TextInputAction.join":
- return B.TextInputAction_9;
- case "TextInputAction.route":
- return B.TextInputAction_10;
- case "TextInputAction.emergencyCall":
- return B.TextInputAction_11;
- case "TextInputAction.done":
- return B.TextInputAction_2;
- case "TextInputAction.newline":
- return B.TextInputAction_12;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.FlutterError$fromParts(A._setArrayType([A.ErrorSummary$("Unknown text input action: " + action)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode)));
- },
- _toTextCursorAction(state) {
- switch (state) {
- case "FloatingCursorDragState.start":
- return B.FloatingCursorDragState_0;
- case "FloatingCursorDragState.update":
- return B.FloatingCursorDragState_1;
- case "FloatingCursorDragState.end":
- return B.FloatingCursorDragState_2;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.FlutterError$fromParts(A._setArrayType([A.ErrorSummary$("Unknown text cursor action: " + state)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode)));
- },
- SmartDashesType: function SmartDashesType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SmartQuotesType: function SmartQuotesType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextInputType: function TextInputType(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.index = t0;
- this.signed = t1;
- this.decimal = t2;
- },
- TextInputAction: function TextInputAction(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextCapitalization0: function TextCapitalization0(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextInputConfiguration: function TextInputConfiguration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _.inputType = t0;
- _.readOnly = t1;
- _.obscureText = t2;
- _.autocorrect = t3;
- _.autofillConfiguration = t4;
- _.smartDashesType = t5;
- _.smartQuotesType = t6;
- _.enableSuggestions = t7;
- _.enableInteractiveSelection = t8;
- _.inputAction = t9;
- _.textCapitalization = t10;
- _.keyboardAppearance = t11;
- _.enableIMEPersonalizedLearning = t12;
- _.allowedMimeTypes = t13;
- _.enableDeltaModel = t14;
- },
- FloatingCursorDragState: function FloatingCursorDragState(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- RawFloatingCursorPoint: function RawFloatingCursorPoint(t0, t1) {
- this.offset = t0;
- this.state = t1;
- },
- TextEditingValue: function TextEditingValue(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.text = t0;
- this.selection = t1;
- this.composing = t2;
- },
- TextEditingValue_replaced_adjustIndex: function TextEditingValue_replaced_adjustIndex(t0, t1) {
- this.replacementRange = t0;
- this.replacementString = t1;
- },
- SelectionChangedCause: function SelectionChangedCause(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextSelectionDelegate: function TextSelectionDelegate() {
- },
- TextInputClient: function TextInputClient() {
- },
- SelectionRect: function SelectionRect(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.position = t0;
- this.bounds = t1;
- this.direction = t2;
- },
- TextInputConnection: function TextInputConnection(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._cachedCaretRect = _._text_input$_cachedRect = _._cachedTransform = _._cachedSize = null;
- _._cachedSelectionRects = t0;
- _._text_input$_id = t1;
- _._client = t2;
- },
- TextInput: function TextInput(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._currentControl = t0;
- _._inputControls = t1;
- _.__TextInput__channel_A = $;
- _._currentConnection = null;
- _.__TextInput__currentConfiguration_A = $;
- _._scribbleClients = t2;
- _._hidePending = _._scribbleInProgress = false;
- },
- TextInput__loudlyHandleTextInputInvocation_closure: function TextInput__loudlyHandleTextInputInvocation_closure(t0) {
- this.$call = t0;
- },
- TextInput__handleTextInputInvocation_closure0: function TextInput__handleTextInputInvocation_closure0() {
- },
- TextInput__handleTextInputInvocation_closure: function TextInput__handleTextInputInvocation_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.args = t1;
- },
- TextInput__handleTextInputInvocation_closure1: function TextInput__handleTextInputInvocation_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TextInput__scheduleHide_closure: function TextInput__scheduleHide_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TextInputControl: function TextInputControl() {
- },
- _PlatformTextInputControl: function _PlatformTextInputControl() {
- },
- _PlatformTextInputControl_setSelectionRects_closure: function _PlatformTextInputControl_setSelectionRects_closure() {
- },
- __PlatformTextInputControl_Object_TextInputControl: function __PlatformTextInputControl_Object_TextInputControl() {
- },
- UndoDirection: function UndoDirection(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- UndoManager: function UndoManager() {
- this.__UndoManager__channel_A = $;
- this._currentClient = null;
- },
- UndoManagerClient: function UndoManagerClient() {
- },
- _getParent(context) {
- var $parent = A._Cell$named("parent");
- context.visitAncestorElements$1(new A._getParent_closure($parent));
- return $parent._readLocal$0();
- },
- Actions$(actions, child) {
- return new A.Actions(actions, child, null);
- },
- Actions__visitActionsAncestors(context, visitor) {
- var t2,
- t1 = type$._ActionsScope,
- actionsElement = context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(t1);
- for (; t2 = actionsElement != null, t2;) {
- if (J.$eq$(visitor.call$1(actionsElement), true))
- break;
- actionsElement = A._getParent(actionsElement).getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(t1);
- }
- return t2;
- },
- Actions__findDispatcher(context) {
- var t1 = {};
- t1.dispatcher = null;
- A.Actions__visitActionsAncestors(context, new A.Actions__findDispatcher_closure(t1));
- return B.C_ActionDispatcher;
- },
- Actions_maybeFind(context, intent, $T) {
- var t1 = {};
- t1.action = null;
- if ((intent == null ? null : A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(intent)) == null)
- A.createRuntimeType($T);
- A.Actions__visitActionsAncestors(context, new A.Actions_maybeFind_closure(t1, intent, context, $T));
- return t1.action;
- },
- Actions__maybeFindWithoutDependingOn(context, $T) {
- var t1 = {};
- t1.action = null;
- A.createRuntimeType($T);
- A.Actions__visitActionsAncestors(context, new A.Actions__maybeFindWithoutDependingOn_closure(t1, null, $T));
- return t1.action;
- },
- Actions__castAction(actionsMarker, intent, $T) {
- var mappedAction,
- t1 = intent == null ? null : A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(intent);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = A.createRuntimeType($T);
- mappedAction = actionsMarker.actions.$index(0, t1);
- if ($T._eval$1("Action<0>?")._is(mappedAction))
- return mappedAction;
- else
- return null;
- },
- Actions_invoke(context, intent, $T) {
- var t1 = {};
- t1.returnValue = null;
- A.Actions__visitActionsAncestors(context, new A.Actions_invoke_closure(t1, intent, context, $T));
- return t1.returnValue;
- },
- Actions_maybeInvoke(context, intent, $T) {
- var t1 = {};
- t1.returnValue = null;
- A.Actions__visitActionsAncestors(context, new A.Actions_maybeInvoke_closure(t1, intent, context, $T));
- return t1.returnValue;
- },
- FocusableActionDetector$(actions, autofocus, child, enabled, focusNode, mouseCursor, onFocusChange, onShowFocusHighlight, onShowHoverHighlight, shortcuts) {
- return new A.FocusableActionDetector(enabled, focusNode, false, actions, shortcuts, onShowFocusHighlight, onShowHoverHighlight, onFocusChange, mouseCursor, child, null);
- },
- DoNothingAction$(consumesKey) {
- return new A.DoNothingAction(consumesKey, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_Action_Intent));
- },
- _getParent_closure: function _getParent_closure(t0) {
- this.parent = t0;
- },
- Intent: function Intent() {
- },
- Action: function Action() {
- },
- ContextAction: function ContextAction() {
- },
- CallbackAction: function CallbackAction(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onInvoke = t0;
- _._actions$_listeners = t1;
- _._currentCallingAction = null;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- ActionDispatcher: function ActionDispatcher() {
- },
- Actions: function Actions(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.actions = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- Actions__findDispatcher_closure: function Actions__findDispatcher_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- Actions_maybeFind_closure: function Actions_maybeFind_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.intent = t1;
- _.context = t2;
- _.T = t3;
- },
- Actions__maybeFindWithoutDependingOn_closure: function Actions__maybeFindWithoutDependingOn_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.intent = t1;
- this.T = t2;
- },
- Actions_invoke_closure: function Actions_invoke_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.intent = t1;
- _.context = t2;
- _.T = t3;
- },
- Actions_maybeInvoke_closure: function Actions_maybeInvoke_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.intent = t1;
- _.context = t2;
- _.T = t3;
- },
- _ActionsState: function _ActionsState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.listenedActions = t0;
- _.rebuildKey = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _ActionsState__handleActionChanged_closure: function _ActionsState__handleActionChanged_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ActionsScope: function _ActionsScope(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dispatcher = t0;
- _.actions = t1;
- _.rebuildKey = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- FocusableActionDetector: function FocusableActionDetector(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.enabled = t0;
- _.focusNode = t1;
- _.autofocus = t2;
- _.actions = t3;
- _.shortcuts = t4;
- _.onShowFocusHighlight = t5;
- _.onShowHoverHighlight = t6;
- _.onFocusChange = t7;
- _.mouseCursor = t8;
- _.child = t9;
- _.key = t10;
- },
- _FocusableActionDetectorState: function _FocusableActionDetectorState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._focused = _._actions$_hovering = _._canShowHighlight = false;
- _._mouseRegionKey = t0;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _FocusableActionDetectorState_initState_closure: function _FocusableActionDetectorState_initState_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FocusableActionDetectorState__updateHighlightMode_closure: function _FocusableActionDetectorState__updateHighlightMode_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FocusableActionDetectorState__handleMouseEnter_closure: function _FocusableActionDetectorState__handleMouseEnter_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FocusableActionDetectorState__handleMouseExit_closure: function _FocusableActionDetectorState__handleMouseExit_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FocusableActionDetectorState__handleFocusChange_closure: function _FocusableActionDetectorState__handleFocusChange_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.focused = t1;
- },
- _FocusableActionDetectorState__mayTriggerCallback_shouldShowHoverHighlight: function _FocusableActionDetectorState__mayTriggerCallback_shouldShowHoverHighlight(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FocusableActionDetectorState__mayTriggerCallback_canRequestFocus: function _FocusableActionDetectorState__mayTriggerCallback_canRequestFocus(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FocusableActionDetectorState__mayTriggerCallback_shouldShowFocusHighlight: function _FocusableActionDetectorState__mayTriggerCallback_shouldShowFocusHighlight(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.canRequestFocus = t1;
- },
- _FocusableActionDetectorState_didUpdateWidget_closure: function _FocusableActionDetectorState_didUpdateWidget_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.oldWidget = t1;
- },
- VoidCallbackAction: function VoidCallbackAction(t0) {
- this._actions$_listeners = t0;
- this._currentCallingAction = null;
- },
- DoNothingAction: function DoNothingAction(t0, t1) {
- this._consumesKey = t0;
- this._actions$_listeners = t1;
- this._currentCallingAction = null;
- },
- ActivateIntent: function ActivateIntent() {
- },
- ButtonActivateIntent: function ButtonActivateIntent() {
- },
- DismissIntent: function DismissIntent() {
- },
- DismissAction: function DismissAction() {
- },
- PrioritizedIntents: function PrioritizedIntents() {
- },
- PrioritizedAction: function PrioritizedAction(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__PrioritizedAction__selectedIntent_A = _.__PrioritizedAction__selectedAction_A = $;
- _._actions$_listeners = t0;
- _._currentCallingAction = null;
- },
- _OverridableActionMixin: function _OverridableActionMixin() {
- },
- _OverridableAction: function _OverridableAction(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.defaultAction = t0;
- _.lookupContext = t1;
- _._OverridableActionMixin_debugAssertMutuallyRecursive = t2;
- _._OverridableActionMixin_debugAssertIsActionEnabledMutuallyRecursive = t3;
- _._OverridableActionMixin_debugAssertIsEnabledMutuallyRecursive = t4;
- _._OverridableActionMixin_debugAssertConsumeKeyMutuallyRecursive = t5;
- _._actions$_listeners = t6;
- _._currentCallingAction = null;
- _.$ti = t7;
- },
- _OverridableContextAction: function _OverridableContextAction(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.defaultAction = t0;
- _.lookupContext = t1;
- _._OverridableActionMixin_debugAssertMutuallyRecursive = t2;
- _._OverridableActionMixin_debugAssertIsActionEnabledMutuallyRecursive = t3;
- _._OverridableActionMixin_debugAssertIsEnabledMutuallyRecursive = t4;
- _._OverridableActionMixin_debugAssertConsumeKeyMutuallyRecursive = t5;
- _._actions$_listeners = t6;
- _._currentCallingAction = null;
- _.$ti = t7;
- },
- _ContextActionToActionAdapter: function _ContextActionToActionAdapter(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.invokeContext = t0;
- _.action = t1;
- _._actions$_listeners = t2;
- _._currentCallingAction = null;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _Action_Object_Diagnosticable: function _Action_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _ActionDispatcher_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ActionDispatcher_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _Intent_Object_Diagnosticable: function _Intent_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- __OverridableAction_ContextAction__OverridableActionMixin: function __OverridableAction_ContextAction__OverridableActionMixin() {
- },
- __OverridableContextAction_ContextAction__OverridableActionMixin: function __OverridableContextAction_ContextAction__OverridableActionMixin() {
- },
- AnimatedSize$(child, duration) {
- return new A.AnimatedSize(child, duration, null);
- },
- AnimatedSize: function AnimatedSize(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.duration = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _AnimatedSizeState: function _AnimatedSizeState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _AnimatedSize: function _AnimatedSize(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.alignment = t0;
- _.curve = t1;
- _.duration = t2;
- _.reverseDuration = t3;
- _.vsync = t4;
- _.clipBehavior = t5;
- _.child = t6;
- _.key = t7;
- },
- __AnimatedSizeState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __AnimatedSizeState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- AnimatedSwitcher$(child, duration, switchInCurve) {
- return new A.AnimatedSwitcher(child, duration, switchInCurve, null);
- },
- AnimatedSwitcher_defaultTransitionBuilder(child, animation) {
- return new A.FadeTransition(animation, false, child, new A.ValueKey(child.key, type$.ValueKey_nullable_Key));
- },
- AnimatedSwitcher_defaultLayoutBuilder(currentChild, previousChildren) {
- var t1 = A.List_List$of(previousChildren, true, type$.Widget);
- if (currentChild != null)
- t1.push(currentChild);
- return new A.Stack(B.Alignment_0_0, null, B.StackFit_0, B.Clip_1, t1, null);
- },
- _ChildEntry: function _ChildEntry(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.controller = t0;
- _.animation = t1;
- _.transition = t2;
- _.widgetChild = t3;
- },
- AnimatedSwitcher: function AnimatedSwitcher(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.duration = t1;
- _.switchInCurve = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _AnimatedSwitcherState: function _AnimatedSwitcherState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._currentEntry = null;
- _._outgoingEntries = t0;
- _._outgoingWidgets = t1;
- _._childNumber = 0;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t2;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t3;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t4;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _AnimatedSwitcherState__newEntry_closure: function _AnimatedSwitcherState__newEntry_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.entry = t1;
- this.controller = t2;
- },
- _AnimatedSwitcherState__newEntry__closure: function _AnimatedSwitcherState__newEntry__closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.entry = t1;
- },
- _AnimatedSwitcherState__rebuildOutgoingWidgetsIfNeeded_closure: function _AnimatedSwitcherState__rebuildOutgoingWidgetsIfNeeded_closure() {
- },
- _AnimatedSwitcherState_build_closure: function _AnimatedSwitcherState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- __AnimatedSwitcherState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __AnimatedSwitcherState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- AnnotatedRegion: function AnnotatedRegion(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.value = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.key = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- basicLocaleListResolution(preferredLocales, supportedLocales) {
- var t1, t2, allSupportedLocales, languageAndCountryLocales, languageAndScriptLocales, languageLocales, countryLocales, _i, locale, t3, t4, matchesLanguageCode, matchesCountryCode, localeIndex, userLocale, match, resolvedLocale;
- if (preferredLocales == null || preferredLocales.length === 0)
- return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(supportedLocales);
- t1 = type$.String;
- t2 = type$.Locale;
- allSupportedLocales = A.HashMap_HashMap(t1, t2);
- languageAndCountryLocales = A.HashMap_HashMap(t1, t2);
- languageAndScriptLocales = A.HashMap_HashMap(t1, t2);
- languageLocales = A.HashMap_HashMap(t1, t2);
- countryLocales = A.HashMap_HashMap(type$.nullable_String, t2);
- for (_i = 0; _i < 1; ++_i) {
- locale = supportedLocales[_i];
- t1 = locale._languageCode;
- t2 = B.Map_oFQ7B.$index(0, t1);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = t1;
- t3 = locale._countryCode;
- t4 = B.Map_GxYRK.$index(0, t3);
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = t3;
- t4 = t2 + "_null_" + A.S(t4);
- if (allSupportedLocales.$index(0, t4) == null)
- allSupportedLocales.$indexSet(0, t4, locale);
- t2 = B.Map_oFQ7B.$index(0, t1);
- t2 = (t2 == null ? t1 : t2) + "_null";
- if (languageAndScriptLocales.$index(0, t2) == null)
- languageAndScriptLocales.$indexSet(0, t2, locale);
- t2 = B.Map_oFQ7B.$index(0, t1);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = t1;
- t4 = B.Map_GxYRK.$index(0, t3);
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = t3;
- t4 = t2 + "_" + A.S(t4);
- if (languageAndCountryLocales.$index(0, t4) == null)
- languageAndCountryLocales.$indexSet(0, t4, locale);
- t2 = B.Map_oFQ7B.$index(0, t1);
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1 : t2;
- if (languageLocales.$index(0, t1) == null)
- languageLocales.$indexSet(0, t1, locale);
- t1 = B.Map_GxYRK.$index(0, t3);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = t3;
- if (countryLocales.$index(0, t1) == null)
- countryLocales.$indexSet(0, t1, locale);
- }
- for (matchesLanguageCode = null, matchesCountryCode = null, localeIndex = 0; localeIndex < preferredLocales.length; ++localeIndex) {
- userLocale = preferredLocales[localeIndex];
- t1 = userLocale._languageCode;
- t2 = B.Map_oFQ7B.$index(0, t1);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = t1;
- t3 = userLocale._countryCode;
- t4 = B.Map_GxYRK.$index(0, t3);
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = t3;
- if (allSupportedLocales.containsKey$1(0, t2 + "_null_" + A.S(t4)))
- return userLocale;
- t2 = B.Map_GxYRK.$index(0, t3);
- if ((t2 == null ? t3 : t2) != null) {
- t2 = B.Map_oFQ7B.$index(0, t1);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = t1;
- t4 = B.Map_GxYRK.$index(0, t3);
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = t3;
- match = languageAndCountryLocales.$index(0, t2 + "_" + A.S(t4));
- if (match != null)
- return match;
- }
- if (matchesLanguageCode != null)
- return matchesLanguageCode;
- t2 = B.Map_oFQ7B.$index(0, t1);
- match = languageLocales.$index(0, t2 == null ? t1 : t2);
- if (match != null) {
- if (localeIndex === 0) {
- t2 = localeIndex + 1;
- if (t2 < preferredLocales.length) {
- t2 = preferredLocales[t2]._languageCode;
- t4 = B.Map_oFQ7B.$index(0, t2);
- t2 = t4 == null ? t2 : t4;
- t4 = B.Map_oFQ7B.$index(0, t1);
- t1 = t2 === (t4 == null ? t1 : t4);
- } else
- t1 = false;
- t1 = !t1;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- return match;
- matchesLanguageCode = match;
- }
- if (matchesCountryCode == null) {
- t1 = B.Map_GxYRK.$index(0, t3);
- t1 = (t1 == null ? t3 : t1) != null;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = B.Map_GxYRK.$index(0, t3);
- match = countryLocales.$index(0, t1 == null ? t3 : t1);
- if (match != null)
- matchesCountryCode = match;
- }
- }
- resolvedLocale = matchesLanguageCode == null ? matchesCountryCode : matchesLanguageCode;
- return resolvedLocale == null ? B.JSArray_methods.get$first(supportedLocales) : resolvedLocale;
- },
- WidgetsApp_defaultShortcuts() {
- return B.Map_UEybB;
- },
- WidgetsApp: function WidgetsApp(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33) {
- var _ = this;
- _.navigatorKey = t0;
- _.onGenerateRoute = t1;
- _.onGenerateInitialRoutes = t2;
- _.pageRouteBuilder = t3;
- _.routeInformationParser = t4;
- _.routerDelegate = t5;
- _.backButtonDispatcher = t6;
- _.routeInformationProvider = t7;
- _.routerConfig = t8;
- _.home = t9;
- _.routes = t10;
- _.onUnknownRoute = t11;
- _.initialRoute = t12;
- _.navigatorObservers = t13;
- _.builder = t14;
- _.title = t15;
- _.onGenerateTitle = t16;
- _.textStyle = t17;
- _.color = t18;
- _.locale = t19;
- _.localizationsDelegates = t20;
- _.localeListResolutionCallback = t21;
- _.localeResolutionCallback = t22;
- _.supportedLocales = t23;
- _.showPerformanceOverlay = t24;
- _.checkerboardRasterCacheImages = t25;
- _.checkerboardOffscreenLayers = t26;
- _.showSemanticsDebugger = t27;
- _.inspectorSelectButtonBuilder = t28;
- _.debugShowCheckedModeBanner = t29;
- _.shortcuts = t30;
- _.actions = t31;
- _.restorationScopeId = t32;
- _.key = t33;
- },
- _WidgetsAppState: function _WidgetsAppState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._widget = _._app$_locale = _._navigator = _._defaultBackButtonDispatcher = _._defaultRouteInformationProvider = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _WidgetsAppState_didChangeLocales_closure: function _WidgetsAppState_didChangeLocales_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.newLocale = t1;
- },
- _WidgetsAppState_build_closure: function _WidgetsAppState_build_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- __WidgetsAppState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver: function __WidgetsAppState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver() {
- },
- ConnectionState: function ConnectionState(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- AsyncSnapshot: function AsyncSnapshot(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.connectionState = t0;
- _.data = t1;
- _.error = t2;
- _.stackTrace = t3;
- _.$ti = t4;
- },
- FutureBuilder: function FutureBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.future = t0;
- _.builder = t1;
- _.key = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _FutureBuilderState: function _FutureBuilderState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._activeCallbackIdentity = null;
- _.___FutureBuilderState__snapshot_A = $;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- _.$ti = t1;
- },
- _FutureBuilderState__subscribe_closure: function _FutureBuilderState__subscribe_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.callbackIdentity = t1;
- },
- _FutureBuilderState__subscribe__closure0: function _FutureBuilderState__subscribe__closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.data = t1;
- },
- _FutureBuilderState__subscribe_closure0: function _FutureBuilderState__subscribe_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.callbackIdentity = t1;
- },
- _FutureBuilderState__subscribe__closure: function _FutureBuilderState__subscribe__closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.error = t1;
- this.stackTrace = t2;
- },
- AutomaticKeepAlive: function AutomaticKeepAlive(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- _AutomaticKeepAliveState: function _AutomaticKeepAliveState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._automatic_keep_alive$_handles = null;
- _.___AutomaticKeepAliveState__child_A = $;
- _._keepingAlive = false;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _AutomaticKeepAliveState__addClient_closure: function _AutomaticKeepAliveState__addClient_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _AutomaticKeepAliveState__getChildElement_closure: function _AutomaticKeepAliveState__getChildElement_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- _AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback_closure: function _AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.handle = t1;
- this.callback = t2;
- },
- _AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback__closure: function _AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback__closure0: function _AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback__closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback___closure: function _AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback___closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- KeepAliveNotification: function KeepAliveNotification(t0) {
- this.handle = t0;
- },
- KeepAliveHandle: function KeepAliveHandle(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin: function AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin() {
- },
- _NullWidget0: function _NullWidget0(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- _UbiquitousInheritedElement__recurseChildren(element, visitor) {
- element.visitChildren$1(new A._UbiquitousInheritedElement__recurseChildren_closure(visitor));
- visitor.call$1(element);
- },
- Directionality$(child, textDirection) {
- return new A.Directionality(textDirection, child, null);
- },
- Directionality_maybeOf(context) {
- var widget = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- return widget == null ? null : widget.textDirection;
- },
- Opacity$(child, opacity) {
- return new A.Opacity(opacity, child, null);
- },
- CustomPaint$(child, foregroundPainter, key, painter, size) {
- return new A.CustomPaint(painter, foregroundPainter, size, child, key);
- },
- ClipRect$(child, clipBehavior, clipper) {
- return new A.ClipRect(clipper, clipBehavior, child, null);
- },
- ClipPath$(child, clipBehavior, clipper) {
- return new A.ClipPath(clipper, clipBehavior, child, null);
- },
- ClipPath_shape(child, shape) {
- return new A.Builder(new A.ClipPath_shape_closure(shape, B.Clip_2, child), null);
- },
- Transform$(alignment, child, transform, transformHitTests) {
- return new A.Transform(transform, alignment, transformHitTests, null, child, null);
- },
- Transform$rotate(alignment, angle, child, filterQuality) {
- return new A.Transform(A.Transform__computeRotation(angle), alignment, true, filterQuality, child, null);
- },
- Transform$translate(child, offset) {
- return new A.Transform(A.Matrix4_Matrix4$translationValues(offset._dx, offset._dy, 0), null, true, null, child, null);
- },
- Transform$scale(alignment, child, filterQuality, scale, scaleX, scaleY) {
- var t1 = scale == null,
- t2 = t1 ? scaleX : scale;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = 1;
- t1 = t1 ? scaleY : scale;
- return new A.Transform(A.Matrix4_Matrix4$diagonal3Values(t2, t1 == null ? 1 : t1, 1), alignment, true, filterQuality, child, null);
- },
- Transform__computeRotation(radians) {
- var t1, sin, cos;
- if (radians === 0) {
- t1 = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- t1.setIdentity$0();
- return t1;
- }
- sin = Math.sin(radians);
- if (sin === 1)
- return A.Transform__createZRotation(1, 0);
- if (sin === -1)
- return A.Transform__createZRotation(-1, 0);
- cos = Math.cos(radians);
- if (cos === -1)
- return A.Transform__createZRotation(0, -1);
- return A.Transform__createZRotation(sin, cos);
- },
- Transform__createZRotation(sin, cos) {
- var t1 = new Float64Array(16);
- t1[0] = cos;
- t1[1] = sin;
- t1[4] = -sin;
- t1[5] = cos;
- t1[10] = 1;
- t1[15] = 1;
- return new A.Matrix40(t1);
- },
- CompositedTransformFollower$(child, link, offset, showWhenUnlinked) {
- return new A.CompositedTransformFollower(link, false, offset, child, null);
- },
- FractionalTranslation$(child, transformHitTests, translation) {
- return new A.FractionalTranslation(translation, transformHitTests, child, null);
- },
- Center$(child, heightFactor, widthFactor) {
- return new A.Center(B.Alignment_0_0, widthFactor, heightFactor, child, null);
- },
- LayoutId$(child, id) {
- return new A.LayoutId(id, child, new A.ValueKey(id, type$.ValueKey_Object));
- },
- SizedBox$(child, height, width) {
- return new A.SizedBox(width, height, child, null);
- },
- SizedBox$expand(child) {
- return new A.SizedBox(1 / 0, 1 / 0, child, null);
- },
- SizedBox$fromSize(child, size) {
- return new A.SizedBox(size._dx, size._dy, child, null);
- },
- IntrinsicWidth$(child, stepWidth) {
- return new A.IntrinsicWidth(stepWidth, child, null);
- },
- getAxisDirectionFromAxisReverseAndDirectionality(context, axis, reverse) {
- var t1, axisDirection;
- switch (axis.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- axisDirection = A.textDirectionToAxisDirection(t1.textDirection);
- return axisDirection;
- case 1:
- return B.AxisDirection_2;
- }
- },
- Positioned$(bottom, child, height, key, left, right, $top, width) {
- return new A.Positioned(left, $top, right, bottom, width, height, child, key);
- },
- Positioned$fill(bottom, child, $top) {
- return new A.Positioned(0, $top, 0, bottom, null, null, child, null);
- },
- Positioned_Positioned$directional(bottom, child, end, height, start, textDirection, $top, width) {
- var right, left;
- switch (textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- right = start;
- left = end;
- break;
- case 1:
- right = end;
- left = start;
- break;
- default:
- left = null;
- right = null;
- }
- return A.Positioned$(bottom, child, height, null, left, right, $top, width);
- },
- Row$(children, crossAxisAlignment, mainAxisAlignment, mainAxisSize) {
- return new A.Row(B.Axis_0, mainAxisAlignment, mainAxisSize, crossAxisAlignment, null, B.VerticalDirection_1, null, children, null);
- },
- Column$(children, crossAxisAlignment, mainAxisAlignment, mainAxisSize) {
- return new A.Column(B.Axis_1, mainAxisAlignment, mainAxisSize, crossAxisAlignment, null, B.VerticalDirection_1, null, children, null);
- },
- Expanded$(child, flex, key) {
- return new A.Expanded(flex, B.FlexFit_0, child, key);
- },
- Wrap$(children, direction, runAlignment, runSpacing, spacing) {
- return new A.Wrap(direction, spacing, runAlignment, runSpacing, children, null);
- },
- RichText$(locale, maxLines, overflow, selectionColor, selectionRegistrar, softWrap, strutStyle, text, textAlign, textDirection, textHeightBehavior, textScaleFactor, textWidthBasis) {
- return new A.RichText(text, textAlign, textDirection, softWrap, overflow, textScaleFactor, maxLines, locale, strutStyle, textWidthBasis, textHeightBehavior, selectionRegistrar, selectionColor, A.RichText__extractChildren(text), null);
- },
- RichText__extractChildren(span) {
- var result, t1 = {};
- t1.index = 0;
- result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- span.visitChildren$1(new A.RichText__extractChildren_closure(t1, result));
- return result;
- },
- Listener$(behavior, child, onPointerCancel, onPointerDown, onPointerMove, onPointerPanZoomStart, onPointerPanZoomUpdate, onPointerSignal, onPointerUp) {
- return new A.Listener(onPointerDown, onPointerMove, onPointerUp, onPointerCancel, onPointerPanZoomStart, onPointerPanZoomUpdate, onPointerSignal, behavior, child, null);
- },
- MouseRegion$(child, cursor, key, onEnter, onExit, onHover) {
- return new A.MouseRegion(onEnter, onHover, onExit, cursor, child, key);
- },
- RepaintBoundary_RepaintBoundary$wrap(child, childIndex) {
- var t1 = child.key;
- return new A.RepaintBoundary(child, t1 != null ? new A.ValueKey(t1, type$.ValueKey_Key) : new A.ValueKey(childIndex, type$.ValueKey_int));
- },
- RepaintBoundary_wrapAll(widgets) {
- var t2, t3, i, t4, t5,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RepaintBoundary);
- for (t2 = type$.ValueKey_int, t3 = type$.ValueKey_Key, i = 0; i < widgets.length; ++i) {
- t4 = widgets[i];
- t5 = t4.key;
- t1.push(new A.RepaintBoundary(t4, t5 != null ? new A.ValueKey(t5, t3) : new A.ValueKey(i, t2)));
- }
- return t1;
- },
- BlockSemantics$(child) {
- return new A.BlockSemantics(child, null);
- },
- KeyedSubtree_KeyedSubtree$wrap(child, childIndex) {
- var t1 = child.key;
- return new A.KeyedSubtree(child, t1 != null ? new A.ValueKey(t1, type$.ValueKey_Key) : new A.ValueKey(childIndex, type$.ValueKey_int));
- },
- KeyedSubtree_ensureUniqueKeysForList(items) {
- var t1, t2, itemIndex, _i, item, t3,
- itemsWithUniqueKeys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- for (t1 = type$.ValueKey_int, t2 = type$.ValueKey_Key, itemIndex = 0, _i = 0; _i < 2; ++_i) {
- item = items[_i];
- t3 = item.key;
- itemsWithUniqueKeys.push(new A.KeyedSubtree(item, t3 != null ? new A.ValueKey(t3, t2) : new A.ValueKey(itemIndex, t1)));
- ++itemIndex;
- }
- return itemsWithUniqueKeys;
- },
- _UbiquitousInheritedElement: function _UbiquitousInheritedElement(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._dependents = t0;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t1;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t2;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- _UbiquitousInheritedElement_notifyClients_closure: function _UbiquitousInheritedElement_notifyClients_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.oldWidget = t1;
- },
- _UbiquitousInheritedElement__recurseChildren_closure: function _UbiquitousInheritedElement__recurseChildren_closure(t0) {
- this.visitor = t0;
- },
- _UbiquitousInheritedWidget: function _UbiquitousInheritedWidget() {
- },
- Directionality: function Directionality(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.textDirection = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- Opacity: function Opacity(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.opacity = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- ShaderMask: function ShaderMask(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.shaderCallback = t0;
- _.blendMode = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- CustomPaint: function CustomPaint(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.painter = t0;
- _.foregroundPainter = t1;
- _.size = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- ClipRect: function ClipRect(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.clipper = t0;
- _.clipBehavior = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- ClipRRect: function ClipRRect(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.borderRadius = t0;
- _.clipBehavior = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- ClipPath: function ClipPath(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.clipper = t0;
- _.clipBehavior = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- ClipPath_shape_closure: function ClipPath_shape_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.shape = t0;
- this.clipBehavior = t1;
- this.child = t2;
- },
- PhysicalModel: function PhysicalModel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.shape = t0;
- _.clipBehavior = t1;
- _.borderRadius = t2;
- _.elevation = t3;
- _.color = t4;
- _.shadowColor = t5;
- _.child = t6;
- _.key = t7;
- },
- PhysicalShape: function PhysicalShape(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.clipper = t0;
- _.clipBehavior = t1;
- _.elevation = t2;
- _.color = t3;
- _.shadowColor = t4;
- _.child = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- Transform: function Transform(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.transform = t0;
- _.alignment = t1;
- _.transformHitTests = t2;
- _.filterQuality = t3;
- _.child = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- CompositedTransformTarget: function CompositedTransformTarget(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.link = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- CompositedTransformFollower: function CompositedTransformFollower(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.link = t0;
- _.showWhenUnlinked = t1;
- _.offset = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- FractionalTranslation: function FractionalTranslation(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.translation = t0;
- _.transformHitTests = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- Padding: function Padding(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.padding = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- Align: function Align(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.alignment = t0;
- _.widthFactor = t1;
- _.heightFactor = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- Center: function Center(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.alignment = t0;
- _.widthFactor = t1;
- _.heightFactor = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- CustomSingleChildLayout: function CustomSingleChildLayout(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.delegate = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- LayoutId: function LayoutId(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.id = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- CustomMultiChildLayout: function CustomMultiChildLayout(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.delegate = t0;
- this.children = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- SizedBox: function SizedBox(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.width = t0;
- _.height = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- ConstrainedBox: function ConstrainedBox(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.constraints = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- LimitedBox: function LimitedBox(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.maxWidth = t0;
- _.maxHeight = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- Offstage: function Offstage(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.offstage = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _OffstageElement: function _OffstageElement(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t0;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t1;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- AspectRatio: function AspectRatio(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.aspectRatio = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- IntrinsicWidth: function IntrinsicWidth(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.stepWidth = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- IntrinsicHeight: function IntrinsicHeight(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- SliverPadding: function SliverPadding(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.padding = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- ListBody: function ListBody(t0, t1) {
- this.children = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- Stack: function Stack(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.alignment = t0;
- _.textDirection = t1;
- _.fit = t2;
- _.clipBehavior = t3;
- _.children = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- IndexedStack: function IndexedStack(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.alignment = t0;
- _.index = t1;
- _.children = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _RawIndexedStack: function _RawIndexedStack(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.index = t0;
- _.alignment = t1;
- _.textDirection = t2;
- _.fit = t3;
- _.clipBehavior = t4;
- _.children = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- _IndexedStackElement: function _IndexedStackElement(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__MultiChildRenderObjectElement__children_A = $;
- _._forgottenChildren = t0;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t1;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t2;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- Positioned: function Positioned(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.left = t0;
- _.top = t1;
- _.right = t2;
- _.bottom = t3;
- _.width = t4;
- _.height = t5;
- _.child = t6;
- _.key = t7;
- },
- PositionedDirectional: function PositionedDirectional(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.start = t0;
- _.top = t1;
- _.bottom = t2;
- _.width = t3;
- _.child = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- Flex: function Flex() {
- },
- Row: function Row(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.direction = t0;
- _.mainAxisAlignment = t1;
- _.mainAxisSize = t2;
- _.crossAxisAlignment = t3;
- _.textDirection = t4;
- _.verticalDirection = t5;
- _.textBaseline = t6;
- _.children = t7;
- _.key = t8;
- },
- Column: function Column(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.direction = t0;
- _.mainAxisAlignment = t1;
- _.mainAxisSize = t2;
- _.crossAxisAlignment = t3;
- _.textDirection = t4;
- _.verticalDirection = t5;
- _.textBaseline = t6;
- _.children = t7;
- _.key = t8;
- },
- Flexible: function Flexible(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.flex = t0;
- _.fit = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- Expanded: function Expanded(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.flex = t0;
- _.fit = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- Wrap: function Wrap(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.direction = t0;
- _.spacing = t1;
- _.runAlignment = t2;
- _.runSpacing = t3;
- _.children = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- RichText: function RichText(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _.text = t0;
- _.textAlign = t1;
- _.textDirection = t2;
- _.softWrap = t3;
- _.overflow = t4;
- _.textScaleFactor = t5;
- _.maxLines = t6;
- _.locale = t7;
- _.strutStyle = t8;
- _.textWidthBasis = t9;
- _.textHeightBehavior = t10;
- _.selectionRegistrar = t11;
- _.selectionColor = t12;
- _.children = t13;
- _.key = t14;
- },
- RichText__extractChildren_closure: function RichText__extractChildren_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.result = t1;
- },
- Listener: function Listener(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onPointerDown = t0;
- _.onPointerMove = t1;
- _.onPointerUp = t2;
- _.onPointerCancel = t3;
- _.onPointerPanZoomStart = t4;
- _.onPointerPanZoomUpdate = t5;
- _.onPointerSignal = t6;
- _.behavior = t7;
- _.child = t8;
- _.key = t9;
- },
- MouseRegion: function MouseRegion(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onEnter = t0;
- _.onHover = t1;
- _.onExit = t2;
- _.cursor = t3;
- _.child = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- RepaintBoundary: function RepaintBoundary(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- IgnorePointer: function IgnorePointer(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.ignoring = t0;
- _.ignoringSemantics = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- AbsorbPointer: function AbsorbPointer(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.absorbing = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- Semantics: function Semantics(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.properties = t0;
- _.container = t1;
- _.explicitChildNodes = t2;
- _.excludeSemantics = t3;
- _.child = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- MergeSemantics: function MergeSemantics(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- BlockSemantics: function BlockSemantics(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- ExcludeSemantics: function ExcludeSemantics(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.excluding = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- IndexedSemantics: function IndexedSemantics(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.index = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- KeyedSubtree: function KeyedSubtree(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- Builder: function Builder(t0, t1) {
- this.builder = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- StatefulBuilder: function StatefulBuilder(t0, t1) {
- this.builder = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- _StatefulBuilderState: function _StatefulBuilderState(t0) {
- this._widget = null;
- this._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- this._framework$_element = null;
- },
- ColoredBox: function ColoredBox(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.color = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _RenderColoredBox: function _RenderColoredBox(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._basic$_color = t0;
- _.behavior = t1;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderObjectToWidgetElement$(widget, $T) {
- return new A.RenderObjectToWidgetElement(widget, B._ElementLifecycle_0, $T._eval$1("RenderObjectToWidgetElement<0>"));
- },
- WidgetsFlutterBinding$() {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_WidgetsBindingObserver),
- t2 = $.Zone__current,
- t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_List_FrameTiming),
- t4 = A.List_List$filled(7, _null, false, type$.nullable__TaskEntry_dynamic),
- t5 = type$.int,
- t6 = type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Duration;
- t5 = new A.WidgetsFlutterBinding(_null, $, t1, true, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t2, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void), false, _null, false, $, false, _null, $, false, 0, false, $, 0, _null, $, $, new A._SystemFontsNotifier(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.void_Function)), $, $, $, $, _null, t3, _null, A.binding0__defaultSchedulingStrategy$closure(), new A.HeapPriorityQueue(A.binding0_SchedulerBinding__taskSorter$closure(), t4, type$.HeapPriorityQueue__TaskEntry_dynamic), false, 0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t5, type$._FrameCallbackEntry), A.HashSet_HashSet(t5), A._setArrayType([], t6), A._setArrayType([], t6), _null, false, B.SchedulerPhase_0, true, false, _null, B.Duration_0, B.Duration_0, _null, 0, _null, false, new A.TimelineTask(_null, 0, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable__AsyncBlock)), _null, 0, A.ListQueue$(_null, type$.PointerEvent), new A.PointerRouter(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t5, type$.Map_of_void_Function_PointerEvent_and_nullable_Matrix4), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.void_Function_PointerEvent, type$.nullable_Matrix4)), new A.GestureArenaManager(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t5, type$._GestureArena)), new A.PointerSignalResolver(), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t5, type$.HitTestResult), $, false, B.Duration_m38000);
- t5.BindingBase$0();
- return t5;
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure5: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure5() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_dispatchEvent_closure: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_dispatchEvent_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.hitTestResult = t1;
- this.event = t2;
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initInstances_closure: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initInstances_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_initInstances_closure: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_initInstances_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- WidgetsBindingObserver: function WidgetsBindingObserver() {
- },
- WidgetsBinding: function WidgetsBinding() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure5: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure5() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure6: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure6() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure7: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure7() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_drawFrame_closure: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_drawFrame_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- WidgetsBinding_scheduleAttachRootWidget_closure: function WidgetsBinding_scheduleAttachRootWidget_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.rootWidget = t1;
- },
- RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter: function RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.container = t1;
- _.debugShortDescription = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- _.$ti = t4;
- },
- RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure: function RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- this.owner = t2;
- },
- RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure0: function RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure0(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- RenderObjectToWidgetElement: function RenderObjectToWidgetElement(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = _._newWidget = _._child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t0;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t1;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- WidgetsFlutterBinding: function WidgetsFlutterBinding(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51, t52, t53, t54, t55, t56, t57, t58) {
- var _ = this;
- _.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner = t0;
- _.WidgetsBinding___WidgetsBinding_platformMenuDelegate_A = t1;
- _.WidgetsBinding__observers = t2;
- _.WidgetsBinding__needToReportFirstFrame = t3;
- _.WidgetsBinding__firstFrameCompleter = t4;
- _.WidgetsBinding_debugBuildingDirtyElements = t5;
- _.WidgetsBinding__rootElement = t6;
- _.WidgetsBinding__readyToProduceFrames = t7;
- _.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__manifold_FI = t8;
- _.RendererBinding__debugIsRenderViewInitialized = t9;
- _.RendererBinding__mouseTracker = t10;
- _.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A = t11;
- _.RendererBinding__debugMouseTrackerUpdateScheduled = t12;
- _.RendererBinding__firstFrameDeferredCount = t13;
- _.RendererBinding__firstFrameSent = t14;
- _.SemanticsBinding___SemanticsBinding__semanticsEnabled_FI = t15;
- _.SemanticsBinding__outstandingHandles = t16;
- _.SemanticsBinding__semanticsHandle = t17;
- _.SemanticsBinding___SemanticsBinding__accessibilityFeatures_A = t18;
- _.PaintingBinding___PaintingBinding__imageCache_A = t19;
- _.PaintingBinding__systemFonts = t20;
- _.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__keyboard_F = t21;
- _.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__keyEventManager_F = t22;
- _.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__defaultBinaryMessenger_F = t23;
- _.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__restorationManager_A = t24;
- _.ServicesBinding__systemUiChangeCallback = t25;
- _.SchedulerBinding__timingsCallbacks = t26;
- _.SchedulerBinding__lifecycleState = t27;
- _.SchedulerBinding_schedulingStrategy = t28;
- _.SchedulerBinding__taskQueue = t29;
- _.SchedulerBinding__hasRequestedAnEventLoopCallback = t30;
- _.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCallbackId = t31;
- _.SchedulerBinding__transientCallbacks = t32;
- _.SchedulerBinding__removedIds = t33;
- _.SchedulerBinding__persistentCallbacks = t34;
- _.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks = t35;
- _.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCompleter = t36;
- _.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame = t37;
- _.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase = t38;
- _.SchedulerBinding__framesEnabled = t39;
- _.SchedulerBinding__warmUpFrame = t40;
- _.SchedulerBinding__firstRawTimeStampInEpoch = t41;
- _.SchedulerBinding__epochStart = t42;
- _.SchedulerBinding__lastRawTimeStamp = t43;
- _.SchedulerBinding__currentFrameTimeStamp = t44;
- _.SchedulerBinding__debugFrameNumber = t45;
- _.SchedulerBinding__debugBanner = t46;
- _.SchedulerBinding__rescheduleAfterWarmUpFrame = t47;
- _.SchedulerBinding__frameTimelineTask = t48;
- _.SchedulerBinding__performanceMode = t49;
- _.SchedulerBinding__numPerformanceModeRequests = t50;
- _.GestureBinding__pendingPointerEvents = t51;
- _.GestureBinding_pointerRouter = t52;
- _.GestureBinding_gestureArena = t53;
- _.GestureBinding_pointerSignalResolver = t54;
- _.GestureBinding__hitTests = t55;
- _.GestureBinding___GestureBinding__resampler_FI = t56;
- _.GestureBinding_resamplingEnabled = t57;
- _.GestureBinding_samplingOffset = t58;
- _._debugConstructed = false;
- _._debugBindingZone = null;
- _._lockCount = 0;
- },
- _RenderObjectToWidgetElement_RenderObjectElement_RootElementMixin: function _RenderObjectToWidgetElement_RenderObjectElement_RootElementMixin() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding() {
- },
- _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding: function _WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding() {
- },
- DecoratedBox$(child, decoration, position) {
- return new A.DecoratedBox(decoration, position, child, null);
- },
- Container$(alignment, child, clipBehavior, color, constraints, decoration, foregroundDecoration, height, key, margin, padding, transform, transformAlignment, width) {
- var t1;
- if (width != null || height != null) {
- t1 = constraints == null ? null : constraints.tighten$2$height$width(height, width);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(height, width);
- } else
- t1 = constraints;
- return new A.Container(child, alignment, padding, color, decoration, foregroundDecoration, t1, margin, transform, transformAlignment, clipBehavior, key);
- },
- DecoratedBox: function DecoratedBox(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.decoration = t0;
- _.position = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- Container: function Container(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.alignment = t1;
- _.padding = t2;
- _.color = t3;
- _.decoration = t4;
- _.foregroundDecoration = t5;
- _.constraints = t6;
- _.margin = t7;
- _.transform = t8;
- _.transformAlignment = t9;
- _.clipBehavior = t10;
- _.key = t11;
- },
- _DecorationClipper: function _DecorationClipper(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.textDirection = t0;
- this.decoration = t1;
- this._reclip = t2;
- },
- ContextMenuButtonType: function ContextMenuButtonType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ContextMenuButtonItem: function ContextMenuButtonItem(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.onPressed = t0;
- this.type = t1;
- this.label = t2;
- },
- ContextMenuController_removeAny() {
- var t1 = $.ContextMenuController__menuOverlayEntry;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.remove$0(0);
- $.ContextMenuController__menuOverlayEntry = null;
- if ($.ContextMenuController__shownInstance != null)
- $.ContextMenuController__shownInstance = null;
- },
- ContextMenuController: function ContextMenuController() {
- },
- ContextMenuController_show_closure: function ContextMenuController_show_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.capturedThemes = t0;
- this.contextMenuBuilder = t1;
- },
- DefaultSelectionStyle$(child, cursorColor, selectionColor) {
- return new A.DefaultSelectionStyle(cursorColor, selectionColor, child, null);
- },
- DefaultSelectionStyle: function DefaultSelectionStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.cursorColor = t0;
- _.selectionColor = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _NullWidget1: function _NullWidget1(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- DefaultTextEditingShortcuts__shortcuts() {
- switch (A.defaultTargetPlatform().index) {
- case 0:
- return $.$get$DefaultTextEditingShortcuts__androidShortcuts();
- case 1:
- return $.$get$DefaultTextEditingShortcuts__fuchsiaShortcuts();
- case 2:
- return $.$get$DefaultTextEditingShortcuts__iOSShortcuts();
- case 3:
- return $.$get$DefaultTextEditingShortcuts__linuxShortcuts();
- case 4:
- return $.$get$DefaultTextEditingShortcuts__macShortcuts();
- case 5:
- return $.$get$DefaultTextEditingShortcuts__windowsShortcuts();
- }
- },
- DefaultTextEditingShortcuts: function DefaultTextEditingShortcuts(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- DesktopTextSelectionToolbarLayoutDelegate: function DesktopTextSelectionToolbarLayoutDelegate(t0) {
- this.anchor = t0;
- },
- DismissDirection: function DismissDirection(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Dismissible: function Dismissible(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.onDismissed = t1;
- _.direction = t2;
- _.resizeDuration = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _FlingGestureKind: function _FlingGestureKind(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _DismissibleState: function _DismissibleState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._moveController = null;
- _.___DismissibleState__moveAnimation_A = $;
- _._resizeAnimation = _._resizeController = null;
- _._dragExtent = 0;
- _._dragUnderway = _._confirming = false;
- _._sizePriorToCollapse = null;
- _._dismissThresholdReached = false;
- _._contentKey = t0;
- _.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle = t1;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t2;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t3;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t4;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _DismissibleState__handleDragStart_closure: function _DismissibleState__handleDragStart_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DismissibleState__handleDragUpdate_closure: function _DismissibleState__handleDragUpdate_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- __DismissibleState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __DismissibleState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- __DismissibleState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin: function __DismissibleState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin() {
- },
- DisplayFeatureSubScreen__fallbackAnchorPoint(context) {
- var t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- switch (t1.textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.Offset_L9C;
- case 1:
- return B.Offset_0_0;
- }
- },
- DisplayFeatureSubScreen_avoidBounds(mediaQuery) {
- var t1 = mediaQuery.displayFeatures,
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
- return new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.DisplayFeatureSubScreen_avoidBounds_closure(), t2._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>")), new A.DisplayFeatureSubScreen_avoidBounds_closure0(), t2._eval$1("MappedIterable<1,Rect>"));
- },
- DisplayFeatureSubScreen__closestToAnchorPoint(subScreens, anchorPoint) {
- var t1, _i, $screen, subScreenDistance,
- closestScreen = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(subScreens),
- closestDistance = A.DisplayFeatureSubScreen__distanceFromPointToRect(anchorPoint, closestScreen);
- for (t1 = subScreens.length, _i = 0; _i < subScreens.length; subScreens.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(subScreens), ++_i) {
- $screen = subScreens[_i];
- subScreenDistance = A.DisplayFeatureSubScreen__distanceFromPointToRect(anchorPoint, $screen);
- if (subScreenDistance < closestDistance) {
- closestDistance = subScreenDistance;
- closestScreen = $screen;
- }
- }
- return closestScreen;
- },
- DisplayFeatureSubScreen__distanceFromPointToRect(point, rect) {
- var t3, t4,
- t1 = point._dx,
- t2 = rect.left;
- if (t1 < t2) {
- t3 = point._dy;
- t4 = rect.top;
- if (t3 < t4)
- return point.$sub(0, new A.Offset(t2, t4)).get$distance();
- else {
- t4 = rect.bottom;
- if (t3 > t4)
- return point.$sub(0, new A.Offset(t2, t4)).get$distance();
- else
- return t2 - t1;
- }
- } else {
- t2 = rect.right;
- if (t1 > t2) {
- t3 = point._dy;
- t4 = rect.top;
- if (t3 < t4)
- return point.$sub(0, new A.Offset(t2, t4)).get$distance();
- else {
- t4 = rect.bottom;
- if (t3 > t4)
- return point.$sub(0, new A.Offset(t2, t4)).get$distance();
- else
- return t1 - t2;
- }
- } else {
- t1 = point._dy;
- t2 = rect.top;
- if (t1 < t2)
- return t2 - t1;
- else {
- t2 = rect.bottom;
- if (t1 > t2)
- return t1 - t2;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- DisplayFeatureSubScreen_subScreensInBounds(wantedBounds, avoidBounds) {
- var t2, t3, newSubScreens, t4, t5, t6, t7, _i, $screen, t8, t9,
- t1 = type$.JSArray_Rect,
- subScreens = A._setArrayType([wantedBounds], t1);
- for (t2 = avoidBounds.get$iterator(avoidBounds); t2.moveNext$0(); subScreens = newSubScreens) {
- t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
- newSubScreens = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- for (t4 = subScreens.length, t5 = t3.left, t6 = t3.top, t7 = t3.bottom, t3 = t3.right, _i = 0; _i < subScreens.length; subScreens.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(subScreens), ++_i) {
- $screen = subScreens[_i];
- t8 = $screen.top;
- if (t8 >= t6 && $screen.bottom <= t7) {
- t9 = $screen.left;
- if (t9 < t5)
- newSubScreens.push(new A.Rect(t9, t8, t9 + (t5 - t9), t8 + ($screen.bottom - t8)));
- t9 = $screen.right;
- if (t9 > t3)
- newSubScreens.push(new A.Rect(t3, t8, t3 + (t9 - t3), t8 + ($screen.bottom - t8)));
- } else {
- t9 = $screen.left;
- if (t9 >= t5 && $screen.right <= t3) {
- if (t8 < t6)
- newSubScreens.push(new A.Rect(t9, t8, t9 + ($screen.right - t9), t8 + (t6 - t8)));
- t8 = $screen.bottom;
- if (t8 > t7)
- newSubScreens.push(new A.Rect(t9, t7, t9 + ($screen.right - t9), t7 + (t8 - t7)));
- } else
- newSubScreens.push($screen);
- }
- }
- }
- return subScreens;
- },
- DisplayFeatureSubScreen__capOffset(offset, maximum) {
- var t2,
- t1 = offset._dx;
- if (t1 >= 0)
- if (t1 <= maximum._dx) {
- t2 = offset._dy;
- t2 = t2 >= 0 && t2 <= maximum._dy;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2)
- return offset;
- else
- return new A.Offset(Math.min(Math.max(0, t1), maximum._dx), Math.min(Math.max(0, offset._dy), maximum._dy));
- },
- DisplayFeatureSubScreen: function DisplayFeatureSubScreen(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.anchorPoint = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- DisplayFeatureSubScreen_avoidBounds_closure: function DisplayFeatureSubScreen_avoidBounds_closure() {
- },
- DisplayFeatureSubScreen_avoidBounds_closure0: function DisplayFeatureSubScreen_avoidBounds_closure0() {
- },
- childDragAnchorStrategy(draggable, context, position) {
- var t1 = context.get$renderObject();
- t1.toString;
- return type$.RenderBox._as(t1).globalToLocal$1(position);
- },
- Draggable: function Draggable(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.feedback = t1;
- _.ignoringFeedbackPointer = t2;
- _.onDragStarted = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- _.$ti = t5;
- },
- _DraggableState: function _DraggableState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._drag_target$_recognizer = null;
- _._activeCount = 0;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- _.$ti = t1;
- },
- _DraggableState__startDrag_closure: function _DraggableState__startDrag_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DraggableState__startDrag_closure0: function _DraggableState__startDrag_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DraggableState__startDrag_closure1: function _DraggableState__startDrag_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DraggableState__startDrag__closure: function _DraggableState__startDrag__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DragEndKind: function _DragEndKind(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _DragAvatar: function _DragAvatar(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _.data = t0;
- _.axis = t1;
- _.dragStartPoint = t2;
- _.feedback = t3;
- _.feedbackOffset = t4;
- _.onDragUpdate = t5;
- _.onDragEnd = t6;
- _.overlayState = t7;
- _.ignoringFeedbackSemantics = t8;
- _.ignoringFeedbackPointer = t9;
- _._activeTarget = null;
- _._enteredTargets = t10;
- _._drag_target$_position = t11;
- _._drag_target$_entry = _._drag_target$_lastOffset = null;
- _.$ti = t12;
- },
- _DragAvatar_updateDrag_closure: function _DragAvatar_updateDrag_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DragAvatar_updateDrag_closure0: function _DragAvatar_updateDrag_closure0() {
- },
- DualTransitionBuilder: function DualTransitionBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.animation = t0;
- _.forwardBuilder = t1;
- _.reverseBuilder = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _DualTransitionBuilderState: function _DualTransitionBuilderState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___DualTransitionBuilderState__effectiveAnimationStatus_A = $;
- _._forwardAnimation = t0;
- _._reverseAnimation = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- TextEditingController$(text) {
- var t1 = text == null ? B.TextEditingValue_li8 : new A.TextEditingValue(text, B.TextSelection_ke5, B.TextRange_m1_m1);
- return new A.TextEditingController(t1, $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- },
- EditableText_getEditableButtonItems(clipboardStatus, onCopy, onCut, onPaste, onSelectAll) {
- var t2, _null = null,
- t1 = onPaste != null;
- if (t1 && clipboardStatus === B.ClipboardStatus_1)
- return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ContextMenuButtonItem);
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ContextMenuButtonItem);
- if (onCut != null)
- t2.push(new A.ContextMenuButtonItem(onCut, B.ContextMenuButtonType_0, _null));
- if (onCopy != null)
- t2.push(new A.ContextMenuButtonItem(onCopy, B.ContextMenuButtonType_1, _null));
- if (t1)
- t2.push(new A.ContextMenuButtonItem(onPaste, B.ContextMenuButtonType_2, _null));
- if (onSelectAll != null)
- t2.push(new A.ContextMenuButtonItem(onSelectAll, B.ContextMenuButtonType_3, _null));
- return t2;
- },
- EditableTextState__inferSpellCheckConfiguration(configuration) {
- var spellCheckServiceIsConfigured,
- spellCheckService = configuration.spellCheckService,
- spellCheckAutomaticallyDisabled = configuration.$eq(0, B.SpellCheckConfiguration_Y2F),
- t1 = spellCheckService == null;
- if (t1) {
- $.WidgetsBinding__instance.toString;
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- spellCheckServiceIsConfigured = false;
- } else
- spellCheckServiceIsConfigured = true;
- if (spellCheckAutomaticallyDisabled || !spellCheckServiceIsConfigured)
- return B.SpellCheckConfiguration_Y2F;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = new A.DefaultSpellCheckService();
- t1.__DefaultSpellCheckService_spellCheckChannel_A = B.OptionalMethodChannel_CGY;
- } else
- t1 = spellCheckService;
- return configuration.copyWith$1$spellCheckService(t1);
- },
- _Editable__extractChildren(span) {
- var result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- span.visitChildren$1(new A._Editable__extractChildren_closure(result));
- return result;
- },
- _UpdateTextSelectionAction$(state, getTextBoundary, applyTextBoundary, extentAtIndex, ignoreNonCollapsedSelection, isExpand, $T) {
- return new A._UpdateTextSelectionAction(state, ignoreNonCollapsedSelection, isExpand, extentAtIndex, getTextBoundary, applyTextBoundary, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), $T._eval$1("_UpdateTextSelectionAction<0>"));
- },
- _CompositionCallback: function _CompositionCallback(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.compositeCallback = t0;
- _.enabled = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _RenderCompositionCallback: function _RenderCompositionCallback(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.compositeCallback = t0;
- _._cancelCallback = null;
- _._enabled = t1;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- TextEditingController: function TextEditingController(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._change_notifier$_value = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- ToolbarOptions: function ToolbarOptions(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.copy = t0;
- _.cut = t1;
- _.paste = t2;
- _.selectAll = t3;
- },
- _KeyFrame: function _KeyFrame(t0, t1) {
- this.time = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- },
- _DiscreteKeyFrameSimulation: function _DiscreteKeyFrameSimulation(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.maxDuration = t0;
- _._keyFrames = t1;
- _._lastKeyFrameIndex = 0;
- _.tolerance = t2;
- },
- EditableText: function EditableText(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51, t52, t53, t54, t55, t56, t57, t58, t59, t60, t61, t62) {
- var _ = this;
- _.controller = t0;
- _.focusNode = t1;
- _.obscuringCharacter = t2;
- _.obscureText = t3;
- _.readOnly = t4;
- _.toolbarOptions = t5;
- _.showSelectionHandles = t6;
- _.showCursor = t7;
- _.autocorrect = t8;
- _.smartDashesType = t9;
- _.smartQuotesType = t10;
- _.enableSuggestions = t11;
- _.style = t12;
- _.undoController = t13;
- _._editable_text$_strutStyle = t14;
- _.textAlign = t15;
- _.textDirection = t16;
- _.textCapitalization = t17;
- _.cursorColor = t18;
- _.autocorrectionTextRectColor = t19;
- _.backgroundCursorColor = t20;
- _.maxLines = t21;
- _.minLines = t22;
- _.expands = t23;
- _.autofocus = t24;
- _.selectionColor = t25;
- _.selectionControls = t26;
- _.keyboardType = t27;
- _.textInputAction = t28;
- _.onChanged = t29;
- _.onEditingComplete = t30;
- _.onSubmitted = t31;
- _.onAppPrivateCommand = t32;
- _.onSelectionChanged = t33;
- _.onSelectionHandleTapped = t34;
- _.onTapOutside = t35;
- _.inputFormatters = t36;
- _.mouseCursor = t37;
- _.rendererIgnoresPointer = t38;
- _.cursorWidth = t39;
- _.cursorHeight = t40;
- _.cursorRadius = t41;
- _.cursorOpacityAnimates = t42;
- _.cursorOffset = t43;
- _.paintCursorAboveText = t44;
- _.selectionHeightStyle = t45;
- _.selectionWidthStyle = t46;
- _.keyboardAppearance = t47;
- _.scrollPadding = t48;
- _.enableInteractiveSelection = t49;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t50;
- _.scrollController = t51;
- _.scrollPhysics = t52;
- _.scribbleEnabled = t53;
- _.autofillClient = t54;
- _.clipBehavior = t55;
- _.restorationId = t56;
- _.enableIMEPersonalizedLearning = t57;
- _.contentInsertionConfiguration = t58;
- _.contextMenuBuilder = t59;
- _.spellCheckConfiguration = t60;
- _.magnifierConfiguration = t61;
- _.key = t62;
- },
- EditableTextState: function EditableTextState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _._backingCursorBlinkOpacityController = _._cursorTimer = null;
- _.__EditableTextState__iosBlinkCursorSimulation_FI = $;
- _._cursorVisibilityNotifier = t0;
- _._editableKey = t1;
- _.clipboardStatus = t2;
- _._selectionOverlay = _._textInputConnection = null;
- _._scrollableKey = t3;
- _._internalScrollController = null;
- _._toolbarLayerLink = t4;
- _._startHandleLayerLink = t5;
- _._endHandleLayerLink = t6;
- _._didAutoFocus = false;
- _._currentAutofillScope = null;
- _.__EditableTextState__style_A = _.__EditableTextState__spellCheckConfiguration_A = $;
- _._lastOrientation = _._floatingCursorResetController = _.spellCheckResults = null;
- _._tickersEnabled = true;
- _._lastBoundedOffset = _._pointOffsetOrigin = _._lastTextPosition = _._startCaretRect = _._lastKnownRemoteTextEditingValue = null;
- _._batchEditDepth = 0;
- _._nextFocusChangeIsInternal = _._restartConnectionScheduled = false;
- _._currentCaretRect = null;
- _._showCaretOnScreenScheduled = false;
- _.__EditableTextState__lastBottomViewInset_A = $;
- _._obscureShowCharTicksPending = 0;
- _._obscureLatestCharIndex = null;
- _._cursorActive = false;
- _._scribbleCacheKey = null;
- _.__EditableTextState_renderEditable_FI = $;
- _._placeholderLocation = -1;
- _._currentPromptRectRange = null;
- _.__EditableTextState__actions_FI = _.__EditableTextState__verticalSelectionUpdateAction_FI = _.__EditableTextState__updateSelectionAction_FI = _.__EditableTextState__replaceTextAction_FI = _.__EditableTextState__transposeCharactersAction_FI = $;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t7;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t8;
- _.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle = t9;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t10;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- EditableTextState__onChangedClipboardStatus_closure: function EditableTextState__onChangedClipboardStatus_closure() {
- },
- EditableTextState_cutSelection_closure: function EditableTextState_cutSelection_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_pasteText_closure: function EditableTextState_pasteText_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_buttonItemsForToolbarOptions_closure: function EditableTextState_buttonItemsForToolbarOptions_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_buttonItemsForToolbarOptions_closure0: function EditableTextState_buttonItemsForToolbarOptions_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_buttonItemsForToolbarOptions_closure1: function EditableTextState_buttonItemsForToolbarOptions_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_buttonItemsForToolbarOptions_closure2: function EditableTextState_buttonItemsForToolbarOptions_closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_contextMenuButtonItems_closure: function EditableTextState_contextMenuButtonItems_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_contextMenuButtonItems_closure0: function EditableTextState_contextMenuButtonItems_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_contextMenuButtonItems_closure1: function EditableTextState_contextMenuButtonItems_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_contextMenuButtonItems_closure2: function EditableTextState_contextMenuButtonItems_closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_didChangeDependencies_closure: function EditableTextState_didChangeDependencies_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState__createSelectionOverlay_closure: function EditableTextState__createSelectionOverlay_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState__scheduleShowCaretOnScreen_closure: function EditableTextState__scheduleShowCaretOnScreen_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.withAnimation = t1;
- },
- EditableTextState_didChangeMetrics_closure: function EditableTextState_didChangeMetrics_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState__formatAndSetValue_closure: function EditableTextState__formatAndSetValue_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState__startCursorBlink_closure: function EditableTextState__startCursorBlink_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState__onCursorTick_closure: function EditableTextState__onCursorTick_closure() {
- },
- EditableTextState__onCursorTick_closure0: function EditableTextState__onCursorTick_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState__onCursorTick_closure1: function EditableTextState__onCursorTick_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState__didChangeTextEditingValue_closure: function EditableTextState__didChangeTextEditingValue_closure() {
- },
- EditableTextState__handleFocusChanged_closure: function EditableTextState__handleFocusChanged_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_showSpellCheckSuggestionsToolbar_closure: function EditableTextState_showSpellCheckSuggestionsToolbar_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_insertTextPlaceholder_closure: function EditableTextState_insertTextPlaceholder_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_removeTextPlaceholder_closure: function EditableTextState_removeTextPlaceholder_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_showAutocorrectionPromptRect_closure: function EditableTextState_showAutocorrectionPromptRect_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.start = t1;
- this.end = t2;
- },
- EditableTextState__semanticsOnCopy_closure: function EditableTextState__semanticsOnCopy_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.controls = t1;
- },
- EditableTextState__semanticsOnCut_closure: function EditableTextState__semanticsOnCut_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.controls = t1;
- },
- EditableTextState__semanticsOnPaste_closure: function EditableTextState__semanticsOnPaste_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.controls = t1;
- },
- EditableTextState__actions_closure: function EditableTextState__actions_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_build_closure0: function EditableTextState_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_build_closure: function EditableTextState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- EditableTextState_build_closure1: function EditableTextState_build_closure1(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.controls = t1;
- },
- EditableTextState_build__closure: function EditableTextState_build__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _Editable: function _Editable(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40) {
- var _ = this;
- _.inlineSpan = t0;
- _.value = t1;
- _.cursorColor = t2;
- _.startHandleLayerLink = t3;
- _.endHandleLayerLink = t4;
- _.backgroundCursorColor = t5;
- _.showCursor = t6;
- _.forceLine = t7;
- _.readOnly = t8;
- _.hasFocus = t9;
- _.maxLines = t10;
- _.minLines = t11;
- _.expands = t12;
- _.strutStyle = t13;
- _.selectionColor = t14;
- _.textScaleFactor = t15;
- _.textAlign = t16;
- _.textDirection = t17;
- _.locale = t18;
- _.obscuringCharacter = t19;
- _.obscureText = t20;
- _.textHeightBehavior = t21;
- _.textWidthBasis = t22;
- _.offset = t23;
- _.onCaretChanged = t24;
- _.rendererIgnoresPointer = t25;
- _.cursorWidth = t26;
- _.cursorHeight = t27;
- _.cursorRadius = t28;
- _.cursorOffset = t29;
- _.paintCursorAboveText = t30;
- _.selectionHeightStyle = t31;
- _.selectionWidthStyle = t32;
- _.enableInteractiveSelection = t33;
- _.textSelectionDelegate = t34;
- _.devicePixelRatio = t35;
- _.promptRectRange = t36;
- _.promptRectColor = t37;
- _.clipBehavior = t38;
- _.children = t39;
- _.key = t40;
- },
- _Editable__extractChildren_closure: function _Editable__extractChildren_closure(t0) {
- this.result = t0;
- },
- _ScribbleCacheKey: function _ScribbleCacheKey(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.textAlign = t0;
- _.textDirection = t1;
- _.textScaleFactor = t2;
- _.textHeightBehavior = t3;
- _.locale = t4;
- _.structStyle = t5;
- _.placeholder = t6;
- _.size = t7;
- _.inlineSpan = t8;
- },
- _ScribbleFocusable: function _ScribbleFocusable(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.focusNode = t1;
- _.editableKey = t2;
- _.updateSelectionRects = t3;
- _.enabled = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _ScribbleFocusableState: function _ScribbleFocusableState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._elementIdentifier = t0;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _ScribbleFocusableState_isInScribbleRect_closure: function _ScribbleFocusableState_isInScribbleRect_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ScribblePlaceholder: function _ScribblePlaceholder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.size = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.alignment = t2;
- _.baseline = t3;
- _.style = t4;
- },
- _CodeUnitBoundary: function _CodeUnitBoundary(t0) {
- this._editable_text$_text = t0;
- },
- _DeleteTextAction: function _DeleteTextAction(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.state = t0;
- _.getTextBoundary = t1;
- _._applyTextBoundary = t2;
- _._actions$_listeners = t3;
- _._currentCallingAction = null;
- _.$ti = t4;
- },
- _UpdateTextSelectionAction: function _UpdateTextSelectionAction(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.state = t0;
- _.ignoreNonCollapsedSelection = t1;
- _.isExpand = t2;
- _.extentAtIndex = t3;
- _.getTextBoundary = t4;
- _.applyTextBoundary = t5;
- _._actions$_listeners = t6;
- _._currentCallingAction = null;
- _.$ti = t7;
- },
- _UpdateTextSelectionVerticallyAction: function _UpdateTextSelectionVerticallyAction(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.state = t0;
- _._runSelection = _._verticalMovementRun = null;
- _._actions$_listeners = t1;
- _._currentCallingAction = null;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- _SelectAllAction: function _SelectAllAction(t0, t1) {
- this.state = t0;
- this._actions$_listeners = t1;
- this._currentCallingAction = null;
- },
- _CopySelectionAction: function _CopySelectionAction(t0, t1) {
- this.state = t0;
- this._actions$_listeners = t1;
- this._currentCallingAction = null;
- },
- _GlyphHeights: function _GlyphHeights(t0, t1) {
- this.start = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- _EditableTextState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin: function _EditableTextState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin() {
- },
- _EditableTextState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin_WidgetsBindingObserver: function _EditableTextState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin_WidgetsBindingObserver() {
- },
- _EditableTextState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin_WidgetsBindingObserver_TickerProviderStateMixin: function _EditableTextState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin_WidgetsBindingObserver_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- _EditableTextState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin_WidgetsBindingObserver_TickerProviderStateMixin_TextSelectionDelegate: function _EditableTextState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin_WidgetsBindingObserver_TickerProviderStateMixin_TextSelectionDelegate() {
- },
- _EditableTextState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin_WidgetsBindingObserver_TickerProviderStateMixin_TextSelectionDelegate_TextInputClient: function _EditableTextState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin_WidgetsBindingObserver_TickerProviderStateMixin_TextSelectionDelegate_TextInputClient() {
- },
- combineKeyEventResults(results) {
- var t1, hasSkipRemainingHandlers, _i;
- for (t1 = results.length, hasSkipRemainingHandlers = false, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i)
- switch (results[_i].index) {
- case 0:
- return B.KeyEventResult_0;
- case 2:
- hasSkipRemainingHandlers = true;
- break;
- case 1:
- break;
- }
- return hasSkipRemainingHandlers ? B.KeyEventResult_2 : B.KeyEventResult_1;
- },
- FocusNode$(canRequestFocus, debugLabel, descendantsAreFocusable, descendantsAreTraversable, onKey, onKeyEvent, skipTraversal) {
- return new A.FocusNode(skipTraversal, canRequestFocus, true, true, onKey, onKeyEvent, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_FocusNode), $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- },
- FocusScopeNode$(canRequestFocus, debugLabel, skipTraversal) {
- var t1 = type$.JSArray_FocusNode;
- return new A.FocusScopeNode(B.TraversalEdgeBehavior_0, A._setArrayType([], t1), skipTraversal, canRequestFocus, true, true, null, null, A._setArrayType([], t1), $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- },
- _HighlightModeManager__defaultModeForPlatform() {
- switch (A.defaultTargetPlatform().index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 2:
- if ($.WidgetsBinding__instance.RendererBinding__mouseTracker._mouseStates.__js_helper$_length !== 0)
- return B.FocusHighlightMode_1;
- return B.FocusHighlightMode_0;
- case 3:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- return B.FocusHighlightMode_1;
- }
- },
- KeyEventResult: function KeyEventResult(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _Autofocus: function _Autofocus(t0, t1) {
- this.scope = t0;
- this.autofocusNode = t1;
- },
- FocusAttachment: function FocusAttachment(t0) {
- this._node = t0;
- },
- UnfocusDisposition: function UnfocusDisposition(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FocusNode: function FocusNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _._skipTraversal = t0;
- _._focus_manager$_canRequestFocus = t1;
- _._focus_manager$_descendantsAreFocusable = t2;
- _._focus_manager$_descendantsAreTraversable = t3;
- _._context = null;
- _.onKey = t4;
- _.onKeyEvent = t5;
- _._descendants = _._ancestors = _._manager = null;
- _._hasKeyboardToken = false;
- _._focus_manager$_parent = null;
- _._focus_manager$_children = t6;
- _._attachment = _._focus_manager$_debugLabel = null;
- _._requestFocusWhenReparented = false;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t7;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- FocusNode_traversalDescendants_closure: function FocusNode_traversalDescendants_closure() {
- },
- FocusNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure: function FocusNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- FocusScopeNode: function FocusScopeNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.traversalEdgeBehavior = t0;
- _._focusedChildren = t1;
- _._skipTraversal = t2;
- _._focus_manager$_canRequestFocus = t3;
- _._focus_manager$_descendantsAreFocusable = t4;
- _._focus_manager$_descendantsAreTraversable = t5;
- _._context = null;
- _.onKey = t6;
- _.onKeyEvent = t7;
- _._descendants = _._ancestors = _._manager = null;
- _._hasKeyboardToken = false;
- _._focus_manager$_parent = null;
- _._focus_manager$_children = t8;
- _._attachment = _._focus_manager$_debugLabel = null;
- _._requestFocusWhenReparented = false;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t9;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- FocusHighlightMode: function FocusHighlightMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FocusHighlightStrategy: function FocusHighlightStrategy(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FocusManager: function FocusManager(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._highlightManager = t0;
- _.rootScope = t1;
- _._primaryFocus = null;
- _._dirtyNodes = t2;
- _._markedForFocus = null;
- _._pendingAutofocuses = t3;
- _._haveScheduledUpdate = false;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t4;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _HighlightModeManager: function _HighlightModeManager(t0) {
- this._highlightMode = this._lastInteractionWasTouch = null;
- this._focus_manager$_listeners = t0;
- },
- _FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function _FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin() {
- },
- _FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier: function _FocusManager_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier() {
- },
- _FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin: function _FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin() {
- },
- _FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier: function _FocusNode_Object_DiagnosticableTreeMixin_ChangeNotifier() {
- },
- Focus$(autofocus, canRequestFocus, child, debugLabel, descendantsAreFocusable, descendantsAreTraversable, focusNode, includeSemantics, key, onFocusChange, onKey, onKeyEvent, parentNode, skipTraversal) {
- return new A.Focus(parentNode, child, focusNode, autofocus, onFocusChange, onKeyEvent, onKey, canRequestFocus, skipTraversal, descendantsAreFocusable, descendantsAreTraversable, includeSemantics, debugLabel, key);
- },
- Focus_maybeOf(context, createDependency, scopeOk) {
- var t1 = type$._FocusInheritedScope,
- scope = createDependency ? context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(t1) : context.getInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(t1),
- node = scope == null ? null : scope.notifier;
- if (node == null)
- return null;
- if (!scopeOk && node instanceof A.FocusScopeNode)
- return null;
- return node;
- },
- _FocusState$() {
- return new A._FocusState(B._StateLifecycle_0);
- },
- FocusScope$(autofocus, canRequestFocus, child, debugLabel, key, node, onFocusChange) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.FocusScope(_null, child, node, autofocus, onFocusChange, _null, _null, canRequestFocus, _null, _null, _null, true, debugLabel, key);
- },
- FocusScope_of(context) {
- var t1 = A.Focus_maybeOf(context, true, true);
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$nearestScope();
- return t1 == null ? context._owner.focusManager.rootScope : t1;
- },
- _FocusInheritedScope$(child, node) {
- return new A._FocusInheritedScope(node, child, null);
- },
- Focus: function Focus(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13) {
- var _ = this;
- _.parentNode = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.focusNode = t2;
- _.autofocus = t3;
- _.onFocusChange = t4;
- _._onKeyEvent = t5;
- _._onKey = t6;
- _._canRequestFocus = t7;
- _._focus_scope$_skipTraversal = t8;
- _._descendantsAreFocusable = t9;
- _._descendantsAreTraversable = t10;
- _.includeSemantics = t11;
- _._debugLabel = t12;
- _.key = t13;
- },
- _FocusState: function _FocusState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._internalNode = null;
- _.___FocusState__descendantsWereTraversable_A = _.___FocusState__descendantsWereFocusable_A = _.___FocusState__couldRequestFocus_A = _.___FocusState__hadPrimaryFocus_A = $;
- _._didAutofocus = false;
- _._widget = _._focusAttachment = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure: function _FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.hasPrimaryFocus = t1;
- },
- _FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure0: function _FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.canRequestFocus = t1;
- },
- _FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure1: function _FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure1(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.descendantsAreFocusable = t1;
- },
- _FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure2: function _FocusState__handleFocusChanged_closure2(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.descendantsAreTraversable = t1;
- },
- FocusScope: function FocusScope(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13) {
- var _ = this;
- _.parentNode = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.focusNode = t2;
- _.autofocus = t3;
- _.onFocusChange = t4;
- _._onKeyEvent = t5;
- _._onKey = t6;
- _._canRequestFocus = t7;
- _._focus_scope$_skipTraversal = t8;
- _._descendantsAreFocusable = t9;
- _._descendantsAreTraversable = t10;
- _.includeSemantics = t11;
- _._debugLabel = t12;
- _.key = t13;
- },
- _FocusScopeState: function _FocusScopeState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._internalNode = null;
- _.___FocusState__descendantsWereTraversable_A = _.___FocusState__descendantsWereFocusable_A = _.___FocusState__couldRequestFocus_A = _.___FocusState__hadPrimaryFocus_A = $;
- _._didAutofocus = false;
- _._widget = _._focusAttachment = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _FocusInheritedScope: function _FocusInheritedScope(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.notifier = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _getAncestor(context) {
- var count, t1 = {};
- t1.count = count;
- t1.count = 1;
- t1.target = null;
- context.visitAncestorElements$1(new A._getAncestor_closure(t1));
- return t1.target;
- },
- _focusAndEnsureVisible(node, alignmentPolicy) {
- var t1;
- node.requestFocus$0();
- t1 = node._context;
- t1.toString;
- A.Scrollable_ensureVisible(t1, 1, alignmentPolicy);
- },
- _FocusTraversalGroupInfo$(group, defaultPolicy, members) {
- var t1 = group == null ? null : group.policy;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = defaultPolicy;
- return new A._FocusTraversalGroupInfo(t1, members);
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__verticalCompare(target, a, b) {
- var t1 = target._dy;
- return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(Math.abs(a._dy - t1), Math.abs(b._dy - t1));
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__horizontalCompare(target, a, b) {
- var t1 = target._dx;
- return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(Math.abs(a._dx - t1), Math.abs(b._dx - t1));
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortByDistancePreferVertical(target, nodes) {
- var sorted = nodes.toList$0(0);
- A.mergeSort(sorted, new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortByDistancePreferVertical_closure(target), type$.FocusNode);
- return sorted;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortByDistancePreferHorizontal(target, nodes) {
- var sorted = nodes.toList$0(0);
- A.mergeSort(sorted, new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortByDistancePreferHorizontal_closure(target), type$.FocusNode);
- return sorted;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortClosestEdgesByDistancePreferHorizontal(target, nodes) {
- var sorted = J.toList$0$ax(nodes);
- A.mergeSort(sorted, new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortClosestEdgesByDistancePreferHorizontal_closure(target), type$.FocusNode);
- return sorted;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortClosestEdgesByDistancePreferVertical(target, nodes) {
- var sorted = J.toList$0$ax(nodes);
- A.mergeSort(sorted, new A.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortClosestEdgesByDistancePreferVertical_closure(target), type$.FocusNode);
- return sorted;
- },
- _ReadingOrderSortData_commonDirectionalityOf(list) {
- var t2, common, t3, common0,
- t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(list)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Set>"),
- allAncestors = new A.MappedListIterable(list, new A._ReadingOrderSortData_commonDirectionalityOf_closure(), t1);
- for (t2 = new A.ListIterator(allAncestors, allAncestors.get$length(allAncestors), t1._eval$1("ListIterator")), t1 = t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"), common = null; t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t2.__internal$_current;
- common0 = t3 == null ? t1._as(t3) : t3;
- common = (common == null ? common0 : common).intersection$1(0, common0);
- }
- if (common.get$isEmpty(common))
- return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(list).directionality;
- return B.JSArray_methods.firstWhere$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(list).get$directionalAncestors(), common.get$contains(common)).textDirection;
- },
- _ReadingOrderSortData_sortWithDirectionality(list, directionality) {
- A.mergeSort(list, new A._ReadingOrderSortData_sortWithDirectionality_closure(directionality), type$._ReadingOrderSortData);
- },
- _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_sortWithDirectionality(list, directionality) {
- A.mergeSort(list, new A._ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_sortWithDirectionality_closure(directionality), type$._ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData);
- },
- FocusTraversalGroup$(child, policy) {
- return new A.FocusTraversalGroup(policy == null ? new A.ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FocusScopeNode, type$._DirectionalPolicyData)) : policy, child, null);
- },
- FocusTraversalGroup__getGroupNode(node) {
- var node0;
- for (; node0 = node._focus_manager$_parent, node0 != null; node = node0) {
- if (node._context == null)
- return null;
- if (node instanceof A._FocusTraversalGroupNode)
- return node;
- }
- return null;
- },
- FocusTraversalGroup_maybeOf(context) {
- var t1,
- node = A.Focus_maybeOf(context, false, true);
- if (node == null)
- return null;
- t1 = A.FocusTraversalGroup__getGroupNode(node);
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.policy;
- },
- _getAncestor_closure: function _getAncestor_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- _FocusTraversalGroupInfo: function _FocusTraversalGroupInfo(t0, t1) {
- this.policy = t0;
- this.members = t1;
- },
- TraversalDirection: function TraversalDirection(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TraversalEdgeBehavior: function TraversalEdgeBehavior(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FocusTraversalPolicy: function FocusTraversalPolicy() {
- },
- FocusTraversalPolicy__sortAllDescendants_visitGroups: function FocusTraversalPolicy__sortAllDescendants_visitGroups(t0, t1) {
- this.groups = t0;
- this.sortedDescendants = t1;
- },
- FocusTraversalPolicy__sortAllDescendants_closure: function FocusTraversalPolicy__sortAllDescendants_closure() {
- },
- _DirectionalPolicyDataEntry: function _DirectionalPolicyDataEntry(t0, t1) {
- this.direction = t0;
- this.node = t1;
- },
- _DirectionalPolicyData: function _DirectionalPolicyData(t0) {
- this.history = t0;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin() {
- },
- _ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy_FocusTraversalPolicy_DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_changedScope_closure: function _ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy_FocusTraversalPolicy_DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_changedScope_closure(t0) {
- this.node = t0;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFindInitial_closure: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFindInitial_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.vertical = t0;
- this.first = t1;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortByDistancePreferVertical_closure: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortByDistancePreferVertical_closure(t0) {
- this.target = t0;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortByDistancePreferHorizontal_closure: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortByDistancePreferHorizontal_closure(t0) {
- this.target = t0;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortClosestEdgesByDistancePreferHorizontal_closure: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortClosestEdgesByDistancePreferHorizontal_closure(t0) {
- this.target = t0;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortClosestEdgesByDistancePreferVertical_closure: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortClosestEdgesByDistancePreferVertical_closure(t0) {
- this.target = t0;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure(t0) {
- this.target = t0;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure0: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure0(t0) {
- this.target = t0;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure1: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterHorizontally_closure1() {
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure(t0) {
- this.target = t0;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure0: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure0(t0) {
- this.target = t0;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure1: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__sortAndFilterVertically_closure1() {
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__popPolicyDataIfNeeded_popOrInvalidate: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__popPolicyDataIfNeeded_popOrInvalidate(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.policyData = t1;
- this.nearestScope = t2;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure(t0) {
- this.focusedScrollable = t0;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure0: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure0(t0) {
- this.band = t0;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure1: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure1(t0) {
- this.focusedScrollable = t0;
- },
- DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure2: function DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin_inDirection_closure2(t0) {
- this.band = t0;
- },
- _ReadingOrderSortData: function _ReadingOrderSortData(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.directionality = t0;
- _.rect = t1;
- _.node = t2;
- _._directionalAncestors = null;
- },
- _ReadingOrderSortData_commonDirectionalityOf_closure: function _ReadingOrderSortData_commonDirectionalityOf_closure() {
- },
- _ReadingOrderSortData_sortWithDirectionality_closure: function _ReadingOrderSortData_sortWithDirectionality_closure(t0) {
- this.directionality = t0;
- },
- _ReadingOrderSortData_directionalAncestors_getDirectionalityAncestors: function _ReadingOrderSortData_directionalAncestors_getDirectionalityAncestors() {
- },
- _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData: function _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData(t0) {
- this.members = t0;
- this._rect = null;
- },
- _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_rect_closure: function _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_rect_closure() {
- },
- _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_sortWithDirectionality_closure: function _ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_sortWithDirectionality_closure(t0) {
- this.directionality = t0;
- },
- ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy: function ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy(t0) {
- this.DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin__policyData = t0;
- },
- ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_closure: function ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_closure() {
- },
- ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_inBand: function ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_inBand() {
- },
- ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_inBand_closure: function ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy__pickNext_inBand_closure(t0) {
- this.band = t0;
- },
- FocusTraversalGroup: function FocusTraversalGroup(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.policy = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _FocusTraversalGroupNode: function _FocusTraversalGroupNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.policy = t0;
- _._skipTraversal = t1;
- _._focus_manager$_canRequestFocus = t2;
- _._focus_manager$_descendantsAreFocusable = t3;
- _._focus_manager$_descendantsAreTraversable = t4;
- _._context = null;
- _.onKey = t5;
- _.onKeyEvent = t6;
- _._descendants = _._ancestors = _._manager = null;
- _._hasKeyboardToken = false;
- _._focus_manager$_parent = null;
- _._focus_manager$_children = t7;
- _._attachment = _._focus_manager$_debugLabel = null;
- _._requestFocusWhenReparented = false;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t8;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _FocusTraversalGroupState: function _FocusTraversalGroupState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___FocusTraversalGroupState_focusNode_FI = $;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- RequestFocusAction: function RequestFocusAction(t0) {
- this._actions$_listeners = t0;
- this._currentCallingAction = null;
- },
- NextFocusIntent: function NextFocusIntent() {
- },
- NextFocusAction: function NextFocusAction(t0) {
- this._actions$_listeners = t0;
- this._currentCallingAction = null;
- },
- PreviousFocusIntent: function PreviousFocusIntent() {
- },
- PreviousFocusAction: function PreviousFocusAction(t0) {
- this._actions$_listeners = t0;
- this._currentCallingAction = null;
- },
- DirectionalFocusIntent: function DirectionalFocusIntent(t0) {
- this.direction = t0;
- },
- DirectionalFocusAction: function DirectionalFocusAction(t0, t1) {
- this._isForTextField = t0;
- this._actions$_listeners = t1;
- this._currentCallingAction = null;
- },
- _FocusTraversalPolicy_Object_Diagnosticable: function _FocusTraversalPolicy_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy_FocusTraversalPolicy_DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin: function _ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy_FocusTraversalPolicy_DirectionalFocusTraversalPolicyMixin() {
- },
- __ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_Object_Diagnosticable: function __ReadingOrderDirectionalGroupData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- __ReadingOrderSortData_Object_Diagnosticable: function __ReadingOrderSortData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- Form$(autovalidateMode, child, key) {
- return new A.Form(child, autovalidateMode == null ? B.AutovalidateMode_0 : autovalidateMode, key);
- },
- Form_maybeOf(context) {
- var scope = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._FormScope);
- return scope == null ? null : scope._formState;
- },
- FormFieldState$($T) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- return new A.FormFieldState(new A.RestorableStringN(_null, t1), new A.RestorableBool(false, t1), _null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.RestorableProperty_nullable_Object, type$.void_Function), _null, true, _null, B._StateLifecycle_0, $T._eval$1("FormFieldState<0>"));
- },
- Form: function Form(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.autovalidateMode = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- FormState: function FormState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._generation = 0;
- _._hasInteractedByUser = false;
- _._fields = t0;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- FormState__fieldDidChange_closure: function FormState__fieldDidChange_closure() {
- },
- FormState__forceRebuild_closure: function FormState__forceRebuild_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- FormState__validate_closure: function FormState__validate_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.directionality = t1;
- },
- _FormScope: function _FormScope(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._formState = t0;
- _._generation = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- FormField: function FormField() {
- },
- FormFieldState: function FormFieldState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__FormFieldState__value_AI = $;
- _._errorText = t0;
- _._hasInteractedByUser = t1;
- _.RestorationMixin__bucket = t2;
- _.RestorationMixin__properties = t3;
- _.RestorationMixin__debugPropertiesWaitingForReregistration = t4;
- _.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = t5;
- _.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t6;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t7;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- _.$ti = t8;
- },
- FormFieldState_validate_closure: function FormFieldState_validate_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- FormFieldState_didChange_closure: function FormFieldState_didChange_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- },
- AutovalidateMode: function AutovalidateMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _FormFieldState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure: function _FormFieldState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure() {
- },
- _FormFieldState_State_RestorationMixin: function _FormFieldState_State_RestorationMixin() {
- },
- _InactiveElements__deactivateRecursively(element) {
- element.deactivate$0();
- element.visitChildren$1(A.framework__InactiveElements__deactivateRecursively$closure());
- },
- Element__sort(a, b) {
- var t2, diff, isBDirty,
- t1 = a.__Element__depth_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = b.__Element__depth_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- diff = t1 - t2;
- if (diff !== 0)
- return diff;
- isBDirty = b._dirty;
- if (a._dirty !== isBDirty)
- return isBDirty ? -1 : 1;
- return 0;
- },
- Element__activateRecursively(element) {
- element.activate$0();
- element.visitChildren$1(A.framework_Element__activateRecursively$closure());
- },
- _ElementDiagnosticableTreeNode$($name, stateful, style, value) {
- return new A._ElementDiagnosticableTreeNode(stateful, value, $name, true, true, null, style);
- },
- ErrorWidget__defaultErrorWidgetBuilder(details) {
- var exception = details.exception,
- t1 = exception instanceof A.FlutterError ? exception : null;
- return new A.ErrorWidget("", t1, new A.UniqueKey());
- },
- StatefulElement$(widget) {
- var t1 = widget.createState$0(),
- t2 = new A.StatefulElement(t1, widget, B._ElementLifecycle_0);
- t1._framework$_element = t2;
- t1._widget = widget;
- return t2;
- },
- InheritedElement$(widget) {
- return new A.InheritedElement(A.HashMap_HashMap(type$.Element_2, type$.nullable_Object), widget, B._ElementLifecycle_0);
- },
- MultiChildRenderObjectElement$(widget) {
- return new A.MultiChildRenderObjectElement(A.HashSet_HashSet(type$.Element_2), widget, B._ElementLifecycle_0);
- },
- _reportException(context, exception, stack, informationCollector) {
- var details = new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "widgets library", context, informationCollector, false);
- A.FlutterError_reportError(details);
- return details;
- },
- ObjectKey: function ObjectKey(t0) {
- this.value = t0;
- },
- GlobalKey: function GlobalKey() {
- },
- LabeledGlobalKey: function LabeledGlobalKey(t0, t1) {
- this._framework$_debugLabel = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- GlobalObjectKey: function GlobalObjectKey(t0, t1) {
- this.value = t0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- Widget: function Widget() {
- },
- StatelessWidget: function StatelessWidget() {
- },
- StatefulWidget: function StatefulWidget() {
- },
- _StateLifecycle: function _StateLifecycle(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- State: function State() {
- },
- ProxyWidget: function ProxyWidget() {
- },
- ParentDataWidget: function ParentDataWidget() {
- },
- InheritedWidget: function InheritedWidget() {
- },
- RenderObjectWidget: function RenderObjectWidget() {
- },
- LeafRenderObjectWidget: function LeafRenderObjectWidget() {
- },
- SingleChildRenderObjectWidget: function SingleChildRenderObjectWidget() {
- },
- MultiChildRenderObjectWidget: function MultiChildRenderObjectWidget() {
- },
- _ElementLifecycle: function _ElementLifecycle(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _InactiveElements: function _InactiveElements(t0) {
- this._locked = false;
- this._framework$_elements = t0;
- },
- _InactiveElements__unmount_closure: function _InactiveElements__unmount_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.element = t1;
- },
- BuildOwner: function BuildOwner(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onBuildScheduled = null;
- _._inactiveElements = t0;
- _._dirtyElements = t1;
- _._scheduledFlushDirtyElements = false;
- _._dirtyElementsNeedsResorting = null;
- _.focusManager = t2;
- _._debugStateLockLevel = 0;
- _._debugBuilding = false;
- _._debugElementsThatWillNeedToBeRebuiltDueToGlobalKeyShenanigans = _._debugCurrentBuildTarget = null;
- _._globalKeyRegistry = t3;
- },
- BuildOwner_buildScope_closure: function BuildOwner_buildScope_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- this.element = t2;
- },
- NotifiableElementMixin: function NotifiableElementMixin() {
- },
- _NotificationNode: function _NotificationNode(t0, t1) {
- this.current = t0;
- this.parent = t1;
- },
- Element: function Element() {
- },
- Element_renderObject_closure: function Element_renderObject_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- Element_updateSlotForChild_visit: function Element_updateSlotForChild_visit(t0) {
- this.newSlot = t0;
- },
- Element__updateDepth_closure: function Element__updateDepth_closure(t0) {
- this.expectedDepth = t0;
- },
- Element_detachRenderObject_closure: function Element_detachRenderObject_closure() {
- },
- Element_attachRenderObject_closure: function Element_attachRenderObject_closure(t0) {
- this.newSlot = t0;
- },
- Element_debugDescribeChildren_closure: function Element_debugDescribeChildren_closure(t0) {
- this.children = t0;
- },
- _ElementDiagnosticableTreeNode: function _ElementDiagnosticableTreeNode(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateful = t0;
- _.value = t1;
- _._cachedBuilder = null;
- _.name = t2;
- _.showSeparator = t3;
- _.showName = t4;
- _.linePrefix = t5;
- _.style = t6;
- },
- ErrorWidget: function ErrorWidget(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.message = t0;
- this._flutterError = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- ComponentElement: function ComponentElement() {
- },
- ComponentElement_performRebuild_closure: function ComponentElement_performRebuild_closure() {
- },
- ComponentElement_performRebuild_closure0: function ComponentElement_performRebuild_closure0() {
- },
- StatelessElement: function StatelessElement(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t0;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t1;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- StatefulElement: function StatefulElement(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._framework$_state = t0;
- _._didChangeDependencies = false;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t1;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t2;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- ProxyElement: function ProxyElement() {
- },
- ParentDataElement: function ParentDataElement(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t0;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t1;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- ParentDataElement__applyParentData_applyParentDataToChild: function ParentDataElement__applyParentData_applyParentDataToChild(t0) {
- this.widget = t0;
- },
- InheritedElement: function InheritedElement(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._dependents = t0;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t1;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t2;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- RenderObjectElement: function RenderObjectElement() {
- },
- RenderObjectElement_updateChildren_replaceWithNullIfForgotten: function RenderObjectElement_updateChildren_replaceWithNullIfForgotten(t0) {
- this.forgottenChildren = t0;
- },
- RenderObjectElement_updateChildren_slotFor: function RenderObjectElement_updateChildren_slotFor(t0) {
- this.slots = t0;
- },
- RootElementMixin: function RootElementMixin() {
- },
- LeafRenderObjectElement: function LeafRenderObjectElement(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t0;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t1;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- SingleChildRenderObjectElement: function SingleChildRenderObjectElement(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t0;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t1;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- MultiChildRenderObjectElement: function MultiChildRenderObjectElement(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__MultiChildRenderObjectElement__children_A = $;
- _._forgottenChildren = t0;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t1;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t2;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- MultiChildRenderObjectElement_children_closure: function MultiChildRenderObjectElement_children_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- IndexedSlot: function IndexedSlot(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.value = t0;
- this.index = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- _NullElement: function _NullElement(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t0;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t1;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- _NullWidget2: function _NullWidget2(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- _State_Object_Diagnosticable: function _State_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- GestureDetector$(behavior, child, dragStartBehavior, excludeFromSemantics, key, onDoubleTap, onHorizontalDragCancel, onHorizontalDragDown, onHorizontalDragEnd, onHorizontalDragStart, onHorizontalDragUpdate, onLongPress, onLongPressEnd, onLongPressMoveUpdate, onPanDown, onPanEnd, onPanUpdate, onSecondaryTap, onSecondaryTapCancel, onSecondaryTapDown, onSecondaryTapUp, onTap, onTapCancel, onTapDown, onTapUp, onVerticalDragEnd, onVerticalDragStart, onVerticalDragUpdate) {
- return new A.GestureDetector(child, onTapDown, onTapUp, onTap, onTapCancel, onSecondaryTap, onSecondaryTapDown, onSecondaryTapUp, onSecondaryTapCancel, onDoubleTap, onLongPress, onLongPressMoveUpdate, onLongPressEnd, onVerticalDragStart, onVerticalDragUpdate, onVerticalDragEnd, onHorizontalDragDown, onHorizontalDragStart, onHorizontalDragUpdate, onHorizontalDragEnd, onHorizontalDragCancel, onPanDown, onPanUpdate, onPanEnd, behavior, excludeFromSemantics, dragStartBehavior, key);
- },
- GestureRecognizerFactory: function GestureRecognizerFactory() {
- },
- GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers: function GestureRecognizerFactoryWithHandlers(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._constructor = t0;
- this._initializer = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- GestureDetector: function GestureDetector(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.onTapDown = t1;
- _.onTapUp = t2;
- _.onTap = t3;
- _.onTapCancel = t4;
- _.onSecondaryTap = t5;
- _.onSecondaryTapDown = t6;
- _.onSecondaryTapUp = t7;
- _.onSecondaryTapCancel = t8;
- _.onDoubleTap = t9;
- _.onLongPress = t10;
- _.onLongPressMoveUpdate = t11;
- _.onLongPressEnd = t12;
- _.onVerticalDragStart = t13;
- _.onVerticalDragUpdate = t14;
- _.onVerticalDragEnd = t15;
- _.onHorizontalDragDown = t16;
- _.onHorizontalDragStart = t17;
- _.onHorizontalDragUpdate = t18;
- _.onHorizontalDragEnd = t19;
- _.onHorizontalDragCancel = t20;
- _.onPanDown = t21;
- _.onPanUpdate = t22;
- _.onPanEnd = t23;
- _.behavior = t24;
- _.excludeFromSemantics = t25;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t26;
- _.key = t27;
- },
- GestureDetector_build_closure: function GestureDetector_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- GestureDetector_build_closure0: function GestureDetector_build_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.gestureSettings = t1;
- },
- GestureDetector_build_closure1: function GestureDetector_build_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- GestureDetector_build_closure2: function GestureDetector_build_closure2(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.gestureSettings = t1;
- },
- GestureDetector_build_closure3: function GestureDetector_build_closure3(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- GestureDetector_build_closure4: function GestureDetector_build_closure4(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.gestureSettings = t1;
- },
- GestureDetector_build_closure5: function GestureDetector_build_closure5(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- GestureDetector_build_closure6: function GestureDetector_build_closure6(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.gestureSettings = t1;
- },
- GestureDetector_build_closure7: function GestureDetector_build_closure7(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- GestureDetector_build_closure8: function GestureDetector_build_closure8(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.gestureSettings = t1;
- },
- GestureDetector_build_closure9: function GestureDetector_build_closure9(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- GestureDetector_build_closure10: function GestureDetector_build_closure10(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.gestureSettings = t1;
- },
- GestureDetector_build_closure11: function GestureDetector_build_closure11(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- GestureDetector_build_closure12: function GestureDetector_build_closure12(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.gestureSettings = t1;
- },
- RawGestureDetector: function RawGestureDetector(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.gestures = t1;
- _.behavior = t2;
- _.excludeFromSemantics = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- RawGestureDetectorState: function RawGestureDetectorState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._recognizers = t0;
- _._widget = _._gesture_detector$_semantics = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _GestureSemantics: function _GestureSemantics(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.behavior = t0;
- _.assignSemantics = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- SemanticsGestureDelegate: function SemanticsGestureDelegate() {
- },
- _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate(t0) {
- this.detectorState = t0;
- },
- _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getTapHandler_closure: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getTapHandler_closure(t0) {
- this.tap = t0;
- },
- _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getLongPressHandler_closure: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getLongPressHandler_closure(t0) {
- this.longPress = t0;
- },
- _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure(t0) {
- this.horizontal = t0;
- },
- _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure0: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure0(t0) {
- this.pan = t0;
- },
- _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure1: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getHorizontalDragUpdateHandler_closure1(t0, t1) {
- this.horizontalHandler = t0;
- this.panHandler = t1;
- },
- _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure(t0) {
- this.vertical = t0;
- },
- _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure0: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure0(t0) {
- this.pan = t0;
- },
- _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure1: function _DefaultSemanticsGestureDelegate__getVerticalDragUpdateHandler_closure1(t0, t1) {
- this.verticalHandler = t0;
- this.panHandler = t1;
- },
- Hero$(child, tag, transitionOnUserGestures) {
- return new A.Hero(tag, child, transitionOnUserGestures, null);
- },
- Hero__allHeroesFor(context, isUserGestureTransition, $navigator) {
- var result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Object, type$._HeroState);
- context.visitChildren$1(new A.Hero__allHeroesFor_visitor($navigator, new A.Hero__allHeroesFor_inviteHero(result, isUserGestureTransition)));
- return result;
- },
- _HeroFlightManifest__boundingBoxFor(context, ancestorContext) {
- var t2,
- t1 = context.get$renderObject();
- t1.toString;
- type$.RenderBox._as(t1);
- t2 = t1.getTransformTo$1(0, ancestorContext == null ? null : ancestorContext.get$renderObject());
- t1 = t1._size;
- return A.MatrixUtils_transformRect(t2, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy));
- },
- HeroFlightDirection: function HeroFlightDirection(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Hero: function Hero(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.tag = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.transitionOnUserGestures = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- Hero__allHeroesFor_inviteHero: function Hero__allHeroesFor_inviteHero(t0, t1) {
- this.result = t0;
- this.isUserGestureTransition = t1;
- },
- Hero__allHeroesFor_visitor: function Hero__allHeroesFor_visitor(t0, t1) {
- this.navigator = t0;
- this.inviteHero = t1;
- },
- _HeroState: function _HeroState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._heroes$_key = t0;
- _._placeholderSize = null;
- _._shouldIncludeChild = true;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _HeroState_startFlight_closure: function _HeroState_startFlight_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.box = t1;
- },
- _HeroState_endFlight_closure: function _HeroState_endFlight_closure() {
- },
- _HeroFlightManifest: function _HeroFlightManifest(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.type = t0;
- _.overlay = t1;
- _.navigatorSize = t2;
- _.fromRoute = t3;
- _.toRoute = t4;
- _.fromHero = t5;
- _.toHero = t6;
- _.createRectTween = t7;
- _.shuttleBuilder = t8;
- _.isUserGestureTransition = t9;
- _.isDiverted = t10;
- _.___HeroFlightManifest_isValid_FI = _.___HeroFlightManifest_toHeroLocation_FI = _.___HeroFlightManifest_fromHeroLocation_FI = $;
- },
- _HeroFlight: function _HeroFlight(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onFlightEnded = t0;
- _.___HeroFlight_heroRectTween_A = $;
- _.shuttle = null;
- _._heroOpacity = t1;
- _.___HeroFlight_manifest_A = _.___HeroFlight__proxyAnimation_A = $;
- _.overlayEntry = null;
- _._scheduledPerformAnimationUpdate = _._aborted = false;
- },
- _HeroFlight__buildOverlay_closure: function _HeroFlight__buildOverlay_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _HeroFlight__handleAnimationUpdate_delayedPerformAnimationUpdate: function _HeroFlight__handleAnimationUpdate_delayedPerformAnimationUpdate(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.navigator = t1;
- },
- HeroController: function HeroController(t0, t1) {
- this.createRectTween = t0;
- this._flights = t1;
- },
- HeroController_didStopUserGesture_isInvalidFlight: function HeroController_didStopUserGesture_isInvalidFlight() {
- },
- HeroController__maybeStartHeroTransition_closure: function HeroController__maybeStartHeroTransition_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.from = t1;
- _.to = t2;
- _.flightType = t3;
- _.isUserGestureTransition = t4;
- },
- HeroController__defaultHeroFlightShuttleBuilder_closure: function HeroController__defaultHeroFlightShuttleBuilder_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.toMediaQueryData = t0;
- _.flightDirection = t1;
- _.fromHeroPadding = t2;
- _.toHeroPadding = t3;
- _.animation = t4;
- _.toHero = t5;
- },
- Icon$(icon, color, key, semanticLabel, size) {
- return new A.Icon(icon, size, color, semanticLabel, key);
- },
- Icon: function Icon(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.icon = t0;
- _.size = t1;
- _.color = t2;
- _.semanticLabel = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- IconData: function IconData(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.codePoint = t0;
- _.fontFamily = t1;
- _.fontPackage = t2;
- _.matchTextDirection = t3;
- },
- IconTheme$(child, data, key) {
- return new A.IconTheme(data, child, key);
- },
- IconTheme_merge(child, data) {
- return new A.Builder(new A.IconTheme_merge_closure(null, data, child), null);
- },
- IconTheme_of(context) {
- var t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8,
- iconThemeData = A.IconTheme__getInheritedIconThemeData(context).resolve$1(context),
- t1 = iconThemeData.size,
- t2 = t1 == null;
- if (!t2)
- if (iconThemeData.fill != null)
- if (iconThemeData.weight != null)
- if (iconThemeData.grade != null)
- if (iconThemeData.opticalSize != null)
- if (iconThemeData.color != null) {
- t3 = iconThemeData._opacity;
- t3 = (t3 == null ? null : A.clampDouble(t3, 0, 1)) != null;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- else
- t3 = false;
- else
- t3 = false;
- else
- t3 = false;
- else
- t3 = false;
- else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3)
- t1 = iconThemeData;
- else {
- if (t2)
- t1 = 24;
- t2 = iconThemeData.fill;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = 0;
- t3 = iconThemeData.weight;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = 400;
- t4 = iconThemeData.grade;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = 0;
- t5 = iconThemeData.opticalSize;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = 48;
- t6 = iconThemeData.color;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = B.Color_4278190080;
- t7 = iconThemeData._opacity;
- t7 = t7 == null ? null : A.clampDouble(t7, 0, 1);
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = A.clampDouble(1, 0, 1);
- t8 = iconThemeData.shadows;
- t1 = iconThemeData.copyWith$8$color$fill$grade$opacity$opticalSize$shadows$size$weight(t6, t2, t4, t7, t5, t8 == null ? null : t8, t1, t3);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- IconTheme__getInheritedIconThemeData(context) {
- var iconTheme = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.IconTheme),
- t1 = iconTheme == null ? null : iconTheme.data;
- return t1 == null ? B.IconThemeData_jR2 : t1;
- },
- IconTheme: function IconTheme(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.data = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- IconTheme_merge_closure: function IconTheme_merge_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.key = t0;
- this.data = t1;
- this.child = t2;
- },
- IconThemeData_lerp(a, b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, _null = null;
- if (a == b && a != null)
- return a;
- t1 = a == null;
- t2 = t1 ? _null : a.size;
- t3 = b == null;
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(t2, t3 ? _null : b.size, t);
- t4 = t1 ? _null : a.fill;
- t4 = A.lerpDouble(t4, t3 ? _null : b.fill, t);
- t5 = t1 ? _null : a.weight;
- t5 = A.lerpDouble(t5, t3 ? _null : b.weight, t);
- t6 = t1 ? _null : a.grade;
- t6 = A.lerpDouble(t6, t3 ? _null : b.grade, t);
- t7 = t1 ? _null : a.opticalSize;
- t7 = A.lerpDouble(t7, t3 ? _null : b.opticalSize, t);
- t8 = t1 ? _null : a.color;
- t8 = A.Color_lerp(t8, t3 ? _null : b.color, t);
- if (t1)
- t9 = _null;
- else {
- t9 = a._opacity;
- t9 = t9 == null ? _null : A.clampDouble(t9, 0, 1);
- }
- if (t3)
- t10 = _null;
- else {
- t10 = b._opacity;
- t10 = t10 == null ? _null : A.clampDouble(t10, 0, 1);
- }
- t10 = A.lerpDouble(t9, t10, t);
- t1 = t1 ? _null : a.shadows;
- return new A.IconThemeData(t2, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t10, A.Shadow_lerpList(t1, t3 ? _null : b.shadows, t));
- },
- IconThemeData: function IconThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.size = t0;
- _.fill = t1;
- _.weight = t2;
- _.grade = t3;
- _.opticalSize = t4;
- _.color = t5;
- _._opacity = t6;
- _.shadows = t7;
- },
- _IconThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _IconThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- DecorationTween$(begin, end) {
- return new A.DecorationTween(begin, end);
- },
- AnimatedContainer$(child, curve, decoration, duration, height, padding, width) {
- var t1, t2, _null = null;
- if (decoration == null)
- t1 = _null;
- else
- t1 = decoration;
- if (width != null || height != null)
- t2 = A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(height, width);
- else
- t2 = _null;
- return new A.AnimatedContainer(child, padding, t1, t2, curve, duration, _null, _null);
- },
- AnimatedPositioned$(child, curve, duration, left, $top) {
- return new A.AnimatedPositioned(child, left, $top, curve, duration, null, null);
- },
- AnimatedOpacity$(child, curve, duration, opacity) {
- return new A.AnimatedOpacity(child, opacity, curve, duration, null, null);
- },
- AnimatedDefaultTextStyle$(child, curve, duration, style) {
- return new A.AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(child, style, curve, duration, null, null);
- },
- BoxConstraintsTween: function BoxConstraintsTween(t0, t1) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- DecorationTween: function DecorationTween(t0, t1) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- EdgeInsetsTween: function EdgeInsetsTween(t0, t1) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- EdgeInsetsGeometryTween: function EdgeInsetsGeometryTween(t0, t1) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- BorderRadiusTween: function BorderRadiusTween(t0, t1) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- Matrix4Tween: function Matrix4Tween(t0, t1) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- TextStyleTween: function TextStyleTween(t0, t1) {
- this.begin = t0;
- this.end = t1;
- },
- ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget: function ImplicitlyAnimatedWidget() {
- },
- ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState: function ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState() {
- },
- ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_initState_closure: function ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_initState_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_didUpdateWidget_closure: function ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_didUpdateWidget_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__constructTweens_closure: function ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__constructTweens_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- AnimatedWidgetBaseState: function AnimatedWidgetBaseState() {
- },
- AnimatedWidgetBaseState__handleAnimationChanged_closure: function AnimatedWidgetBaseState__handleAnimationChanged_closure() {
- },
- AnimatedContainer: function AnimatedContainer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.padding = t1;
- _.decoration = t2;
- _.constraints = t3;
- _.curve = t4;
- _.duration = t5;
- _.onEnd = t6;
- _.key = t7;
- },
- _AnimatedContainerState: function _AnimatedContainerState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._transformAlignment = _._implicit_animations$_transform = _._margin = _._implicit_animations$_constraints = _._foregroundDecoration = _._implicit_animations$_decoration = _._implicit_animations$_padding = _._implicit_animations$_alignment = null;
- _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__animation_AI = _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__controller_FI = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure: function _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure() {
- },
- _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure0: function _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure0() {
- },
- _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure1: function _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure1() {
- },
- _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure2: function _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure2() {
- },
- _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure3: function _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure3() {
- },
- _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure4: function _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure4() {
- },
- _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure5: function _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure5() {
- },
- _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure6: function _AnimatedContainerState_forEachTween_closure6() {
- },
- AnimatedPadding: function AnimatedPadding(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.padding = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.curve = t2;
- _.duration = t3;
- _.onEnd = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _AnimatedPaddingState: function _AnimatedPaddingState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._implicit_animations$_padding = null;
- _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__animation_AI = _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__controller_FI = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _AnimatedPaddingState_forEachTween_closure: function _AnimatedPaddingState_forEachTween_closure() {
- },
- AnimatedPositioned: function AnimatedPositioned(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.left = t1;
- _.top = t2;
- _.curve = t3;
- _.duration = t4;
- _.onEnd = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- _AnimatedPositionedState: function _AnimatedPositionedState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._implicit_animations$_height = _._implicit_animations$_width = _._implicit_animations$_bottom = _._implicit_animations$_right = _._implicit_animations$_top = _._implicit_animations$_left = null;
- _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__animation_AI = _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__controller_FI = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _AnimatedPositionedState_forEachTween_closure: function _AnimatedPositionedState_forEachTween_closure() {
- },
- _AnimatedPositionedState_forEachTween_closure0: function _AnimatedPositionedState_forEachTween_closure0() {
- },
- _AnimatedPositionedState_forEachTween_closure1: function _AnimatedPositionedState_forEachTween_closure1() {
- },
- _AnimatedPositionedState_forEachTween_closure2: function _AnimatedPositionedState_forEachTween_closure2() {
- },
- _AnimatedPositionedState_forEachTween_closure3: function _AnimatedPositionedState_forEachTween_closure3() {
- },
- _AnimatedPositionedState_forEachTween_closure4: function _AnimatedPositionedState_forEachTween_closure4() {
- },
- AnimatedOpacity: function AnimatedOpacity(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.opacity = t1;
- _.curve = t2;
- _.duration = t3;
- _.onEnd = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _AnimatedOpacityState: function _AnimatedOpacityState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._implicit_animations$_opacity = null;
- _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__animation_AI = _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__controller_FI = _.___AnimatedOpacityState__opacityAnimation_A = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _AnimatedOpacityState_forEachTween_closure: function _AnimatedOpacityState_forEachTween_closure() {
- },
- AnimatedDefaultTextStyle: function AnimatedDefaultTextStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.style = t1;
- _.curve = t2;
- _.duration = t3;
- _.onEnd = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState: function _AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._style = null;
- _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__animation_AI = _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__controller_FI = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState_forEachTween_closure: function _AnimatedDefaultTextStyleState_forEachTween_closure() {
- },
- AnimatedPhysicalModel: function AnimatedPhysicalModel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.shape = t1;
- _.clipBehavior = t2;
- _.elevation = t3;
- _.color = t4;
- _.animateColor = t5;
- _.shadowColor = t6;
- _.curve = t7;
- _.duration = t8;
- _.onEnd = t9;
- _.key = t10;
- },
- _AnimatedPhysicalModelState: function _AnimatedPhysicalModelState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._implicit_animations$_shadowColor = _._implicit_animations$_color = _._implicit_animations$_elevation = _._borderRadius = null;
- _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__animation_AI = _.__ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState__controller_FI = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure: function _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure() {
- },
- _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure0: function _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure0() {
- },
- _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure1: function _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure1() {
- },
- _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure2: function _AnimatedPhysicalModelState_forEachTween_closure2() {
- },
- _ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function _ImplicitlyAnimatedWidgetState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- InheritedModel__findModels(context, aspect, results, $T) {
- var model = context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0($T);
- if (model == null)
- return;
- results.push(model);
- $T._as(model.get$widget());
- return;
- },
- InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, aspect, $T) {
- var models, lastModel, t1, _i, model, value;
- if (aspect == null)
- return context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0($T);
- models = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_InheritedElement);
- A.InheritedModel__findModels(context, aspect, models, $T);
- if (models.length === 0)
- return null;
- lastModel = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(models);
- for (t1 = models.length, _i = 0; _i < models.length; models.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(models), ++_i) {
- model = models[_i];
- value = $T._as(context.dependOnInheritedElement$2$aspect(model, aspect));
- if (model.$eq(0, lastModel))
- return value;
- }
- return null;
- },
- InheritedModel: function InheritedModel() {
- },
- InheritedModelElement: function InheritedModelElement(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._dependents = t0;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t1;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t2;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- InheritedNotifier: function InheritedNotifier() {
- },
- _InheritedNotifierElement: function _InheritedNotifierElement(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._inherited_notifier$_dirty = false;
- _._dependents = t0;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t1;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t2;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- InheritedTheme_capture(from, to) {
- var themes;
- if (from.$eq(0, to))
- return new A.CapturedThemes(B.List_empty8);
- themes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_InheritedTheme);
- from.visitAncestorElements$1(new A.InheritedTheme_capture_closure(to, A._Cell$named("debugDidFindAncestor"), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.Type), themes));
- return new A.CapturedThemes(themes);
- },
- InheritedTheme: function InheritedTheme() {
- },
- InheritedTheme_capture_closure: function InheritedTheme_capture_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.to = t0;
- _.debugDidFindAncestor = t1;
- _.themeTypes = t2;
- _.themes = t3;
- },
- CapturedThemes: function CapturedThemes(t0) {
- this._themes = t0;
- },
- _CaptureAll: function _CaptureAll(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.themes = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _reportException0(context, exception, stack, informationCollector) {
- var details = new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "widgets library", context, informationCollector, false);
- A.FlutterError_reportError(details);
- return details;
- },
- ConstrainedLayoutBuilder: function ConstrainedLayoutBuilder() {
- },
- _LayoutBuilderElement: function _LayoutBuilderElement(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = _._layout_builder$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t0;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t1;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- _LayoutBuilderElement__layout_layoutCallback: function _LayoutBuilderElement__layout_layoutCallback(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.constraints = t1;
- },
- _LayoutBuilderElement__layout_layoutCallback_closure: function _LayoutBuilderElement__layout_layoutCallback_closure() {
- },
- _LayoutBuilderElement__layout_layoutCallback_closure0: function _LayoutBuilderElement__layout_layoutCallback_closure0() {
- },
- RenderConstrainedLayoutBuilder: function RenderConstrainedLayoutBuilder() {
- },
- LayoutBuilder: function LayoutBuilder(t0, t1) {
- this.builder = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- _RenderLayoutBuilder: function _RenderLayoutBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.RenderConstrainedLayoutBuilder__callback = t0;
- _.RenderConstrainedLayoutBuilder__needsBuild = t1;
- _.RenderConstrainedLayoutBuilder__previousConstraints = t2;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t3;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t4;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- __RenderLayoutBuilder_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin: function __RenderLayoutBuilder_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin() {
- },
- __RenderLayoutBuilder_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderConstrainedLayoutBuilder: function __RenderLayoutBuilder_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderConstrainedLayoutBuilder() {
- },
- _loadAll(locale, allDelegates) {
- var types, delegates, _i, delegate, t3, t4, inputValue, futureValue, _box_1 = {},
- t1 = type$.Type,
- t2 = type$.dynamic,
- output = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t2);
- _box_1.pendingList = null;
- types = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1);
- delegates = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LocalizationsDelegate_dynamic);
- for (t1 = allDelegates.length, _i = 0; _i < allDelegates.length; allDelegates.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(allDelegates), ++_i) {
- delegate = allDelegates[_i];
- t3 = A.instanceType(delegate)._eval$1("LocalizationsDelegate.T");
- if (!types.contains$1(0, A.createRuntimeType(t3)) && delegate.isSupported$1(locale)) {
- types.add$1(0, A.createRuntimeType(t3));
- delegates.push(delegate);
- }
- }
- for (t1 = delegates.length, t3 = type$.JSArray__Pending, _i = 0; _i < delegates.length; delegates.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(delegates), ++_i) {
- t4 = {};
- delegate = delegates[_i];
- inputValue = delegate.load$1(0, locale);
- t4.completedValue = null;
- futureValue = inputValue.then$1$1(0, new A._loadAll_closure(t4), t2);
- if (t4.completedValue != null)
- output.$indexSet(0, A.createRuntimeType(A._instanceType(delegate)._eval$1("LocalizationsDelegate.T")), t4.completedValue);
- else {
- t4 = _box_1.pendingList;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = _box_1.pendingList = A._setArrayType([], t3);
- t4.push(new A._Pending(delegate, futureValue));
- }
- }
- t1 = _box_1.pendingList;
- if (t1 == null)
- return new A.SynchronousFuture(output, type$.SynchronousFuture_Map_Type_dynamic);
- return A.Future_wait(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._loadAll_closure0(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Future<@>>")), t2).then$1$1(0, new A._loadAll_closure1(_box_1, output), type$.Map_Type_dynamic);
- },
- Localizations_maybeLocaleOf(context) {
- var scope = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._LocalizationsScope);
- return scope == null ? null : scope.localizationsState._localizations$_locale;
- },
- Localizations_of(context, type, $T) {
- var scope = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._LocalizationsScope);
- return scope == null ? null : $T._eval$1("0?")._as(J.$index$asx(scope.localizationsState._typeToResources, type));
- },
- _Pending: function _Pending(t0, t1) {
- this.delegate = t0;
- this.futureValue = t1;
- },
- _loadAll_closure: function _loadAll_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- _loadAll_closure0: function _loadAll_closure0() {
- },
- _loadAll_closure1: function _loadAll_closure1(t0, t1) {
- this._box_1 = t0;
- this.output = t1;
- },
- LocalizationsDelegate: function LocalizationsDelegate() {
- },
- _WidgetsLocalizationsDelegate: function _WidgetsLocalizationsDelegate() {
- },
- DefaultWidgetsLocalizations: function DefaultWidgetsLocalizations() {
- },
- _LocalizationsScope: function _LocalizationsScope(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.localizationsState = t0;
- _.typeToResources = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- Localizations: function Localizations(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.locale = t0;
- _.delegates = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _LocalizationsState: function _LocalizationsState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._localizedResourcesScopeKey = t0;
- _._typeToResources = t1;
- _._widget = _._localizations$_locale = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _LocalizationsState_load_closure: function _LocalizationsState_load_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- _LocalizationsState_load_closure0: function _LocalizationsState_load_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.locale = t1;
- },
- _LocalizationsState_load__closure: function _LocalizationsState_load__closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- this.locale = t2;
- },
- LookupBoundary_dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType(context, $T) {
- var candidate;
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.LookupBoundary);
- candidate = A.LookupBoundary_getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType(context, $T);
- if (candidate == null)
- return null;
- context.super$Element$dependOnInheritedElement(candidate, null);
- return $T._as(candidate.get$widget());
- },
- LookupBoundary_getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType(context, $T) {
- var boundary, t1, t2,
- candidate = context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0($T);
- if (candidate == null)
- return null;
- boundary = context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.LookupBoundary);
- if (boundary != null) {
- t1 = boundary.__Element__depth_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = candidate.__Element__depth_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1 > t2;
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- return null;
- return candidate;
- },
- LookupBoundary_findAncestorStateOfType(context, $T) {
- var t1 = {};
- t1.target = null;
- context.visitAncestorElements$1(new A.LookupBoundary_findAncestorStateOfType_closure(t1, $T));
- t1 = t1.target;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t1 = t1._framework$_state;
- t1.toString;
- }
- return $T._eval$1("0?")._as(t1);
- },
- LookupBoundary_findRootAncestorStateOfType(context, $T) {
- var t1 = {};
- t1.target = null;
- context.visitAncestorElements$1(new A.LookupBoundary_findRootAncestorStateOfType_closure(t1, $T));
- t1 = t1.target;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t1 = t1._framework$_state;
- t1.toString;
- }
- return $T._eval$1("0?")._as(t1);
- },
- LookupBoundary_findAncestorRenderObjectOfType(context, $T) {
- var t1 = {};
- t1.target = null;
- context.visitAncestorElements$1(new A.LookupBoundary_findAncestorRenderObjectOfType_closure(t1, $T));
- t1 = t1.target;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$renderObject();
- return $T._eval$1("0?")._as(t1);
- },
- LookupBoundary_findAncestorStateOfType_closure: function LookupBoundary_findAncestorStateOfType_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.T = t1;
- },
- LookupBoundary_findRootAncestorStateOfType_closure: function LookupBoundary_findRootAncestorStateOfType_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.T = t1;
- },
- LookupBoundary_findAncestorRenderObjectOfType_closure: function LookupBoundary_findAncestorRenderObjectOfType_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.T = t1;
- },
- MagnifierController_shiftWithinBounds(bounds, rect) {
- var rectShift,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = bounds.left;
- if (t1 < t2)
- rectShift = B.Offset_0_0.$add(0, new A.Offset(t2 - t1, 0));
- else {
- t1 = rect.right;
- t2 = bounds.right;
- rectShift = t1 > t2 ? B.Offset_0_0.$add(0, new A.Offset(t2 - t1, 0)) : B.Offset_0_0;
- }
- t1 = rect.top;
- t2 = bounds.top;
- if (t1 < t2)
- rectShift = rectShift.$add(0, new A.Offset(0, t2 - t1));
- else {
- t1 = rect.bottom;
- t2 = bounds.bottom;
- if (t1 > t2)
- rectShift = rectShift.$add(0, new A.Offset(0, t2 - t1));
- }
- return rect.shift$1(rectShift);
- },
- MagnifierDecoration$(opacity, shadows, shape) {
- return new A.MagnifierDecoration(opacity, null, null, null, shadows, shape);
- },
- MagnifierInfo: function MagnifierInfo(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.globalGesturePosition = t0;
- _.currentLineBoundaries = t1;
- _.caretRect = t2;
- _.fieldBounds = t3;
- },
- TextMagnifierConfiguration: function TextMagnifierConfiguration(t0, t1) {
- this._magnifierBuilder = t0;
- this.shouldDisplayHandlesInMagnifier = t1;
- },
- TextMagnifierConfiguration_magnifierBuilder_closure: function TextMagnifierConfiguration_magnifierBuilder_closure() {
- },
- MagnifierController: function MagnifierController() {
- this._overlayEntry = this.animationController = null;
- },
- MagnifierController_show_closure: function MagnifierController_show_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.capturedThemes = t0;
- this.builder = t1;
- },
- MagnifierDecoration: function MagnifierDecoration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.opacity = t0;
- _.color = t1;
- _.gradient = t2;
- _.image = t3;
- _.shadows = t4;
- _.shape = t5;
- },
- RawMagnifier: function RawMagnifier(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.decoration = t1;
- _.focalPointOffset = t2;
- _.magnificationScale = t3;
- _.size = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _MagnifierStyle: function _MagnifierStyle(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.decoration = t0;
- this.size = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _DonutClip: function _DonutClip(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.spreadRadius = t0;
- this.shape = t1;
- this._reclip = t2;
- },
- _Magnifier: function _Magnifier(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.focalPointOffset = t0;
- _.magnificationScale = t1;
- _.shape = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _RenderMagnification: function _RenderMagnification(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._focalPointOffset = t0;
- _._magnificationScale = t1;
- _._magnifier$_shape = t2;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t3;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t4;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- MediaQuery$(child, data, key) {
- return new A.MediaQuery(data, child, key);
- },
- MediaQuery_MediaQuery$removePadding(child, context, removeBottom, removeLeft, removeRight, removeTop) {
- return A.MediaQuery$(child, A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, null, type$.MediaQuery).data.removePadding$4$removeBottom$removeLeft$removeRight$removeTop(removeBottom, removeLeft, removeRight, removeTop), null);
- },
- MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, aspect) {
- var t1 = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, aspect, type$.MediaQuery);
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.data;
- },
- Orientation: function Orientation(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _MediaQueryAspect: function _MediaQueryAspect(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- MediaQueryData: function MediaQueryData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16) {
- var _ = this;
- _.size = t0;
- _.devicePixelRatio = t1;
- _.textScaleFactor = t2;
- _.platformBrightness = t3;
- _.viewInsets = t4;
- _.padding = t5;
- _.viewPadding = t6;
- _.systemGestureInsets = t7;
- _.alwaysUse24HourFormat = t8;
- _.accessibleNavigation = t9;
- _.invertColors = t10;
- _.highContrast = t11;
- _.disableAnimations = t12;
- _.boldText = t13;
- _.navigationMode = t14;
- _.gestureSettings = t15;
- _.displayFeatures = t16;
- },
- MediaQueryData_removeDisplayFeatures_closure: function MediaQueryData_removeDisplayFeatures_closure(t0) {
- this.subScreen = t0;
- },
- MediaQuery: function MediaQuery(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.data = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- NavigationMode: function NavigationMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _MediaQueryFromView: function _MediaQueryFromView(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.view = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _MediaQueryFromViewState: function _MediaQueryFromViewState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._widget = _._media_query$_data = _._parentData = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _MediaQueryFromViewState__updateData_closure: function _MediaQueryFromViewState__updateData_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.newData = t1;
- },
- __MediaQueryFromViewState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver: function __MediaQueryFromViewState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver() {
- },
- ModalBarrier$(barrierSemanticsDismissible, clipDetailsNotifier, color, dismissible, onDismiss, semanticsLabel, semanticsOnTapHint) {
- return new A.ModalBarrier(color, dismissible, onDismiss, true, semanticsLabel, clipDetailsNotifier, semanticsOnTapHint, null);
- },
- ModalBarrier: function ModalBarrier(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.color = t0;
- _.dismissible = t1;
- _.onDismiss = t2;
- _.barrierSemanticsDismissible = t3;
- _.semanticsLabel = t4;
- _.clipDetailsNotifier = t5;
- _.semanticsOnTapHint = t6;
- _.key = t7;
- },
- ModalBarrier_build_handleDismiss: function ModalBarrier_build_handleDismiss(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.context = t1;
- },
- AnimatedModalBarrier: function AnimatedModalBarrier(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dismissible = t0;
- _.semanticsLabel = t1;
- _.barrierSemanticsDismissible = t2;
- _.listenable = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _AnyTapGestureRecognizer: function _AnyTapGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onAnyTapUp = null;
- _._wonArenaForPrimaryPointer = _._sentTapDown = false;
- _._up = _._down = null;
- _.deadline = t0;
- _.postAcceptSlopTolerance = t1;
- _._recognizer$_state = t2;
- _._initialPosition = _._primaryPointer = null;
- _._gestureAccepted = false;
- _._recognizer$_timer = null;
- _._recognizer$_entries = t3;
- _._trackedPointers = t4;
- _._team = null;
- _.debugOwner = t5;
- _.gestureSettings = null;
- _.supportedDevices = t6;
- _._allowedButtonsFilter = t7;
- _._pointerToKind = t8;
- },
- _AnyTapGestureRecognizerFactory: function _AnyTapGestureRecognizerFactory(t0) {
- this.onAnyTapUp = t0;
- },
- _ModalBarrierGestureDetector: function _ModalBarrierGestureDetector(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.onDismiss = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- NavigationToolbar: function NavigationToolbar(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.leading = t0;
- _.middle = t1;
- _.trailing = t2;
- _.centerMiddle = t3;
- _.middleSpacing = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _ToolbarSlot: function _ToolbarSlot(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _ToolbarLayout: function _ToolbarLayout(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.centerMiddle = t0;
- _.middleSpacing = t1;
- _.textDirection = t2;
- _._debugChildrenNeedingLayout = _._idToChild = null;
- },
- Navigator_pushNamed(context, routeName, $T) {
- return A.Navigator_of(context, false).pushNamed$1$2$arguments(routeName, null, $T);
- },
- Navigator_maybePop(context) {
- return A.Navigator_of(context, false).maybePop$1(null);
- },
- Navigator_of(context, rootNavigator) {
- var t1, $navigator, navigator0;
- if (context instanceof A.StatefulElement) {
- t1 = context._framework$_state;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = t1 instanceof A.NavigatorState;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = context._framework$_state;
- t1.toString;
- type$.NavigatorState._as(t1);
- $navigator = t1;
- } else
- $navigator = null;
- if (rootNavigator) {
- navigator0 = context.findRootAncestorStateOfType$1$0(type$.NavigatorState);
- $navigator = navigator0 == null ? $navigator : navigator0;
- t1 = $navigator;
- } else {
- if ($navigator == null)
- $navigator = context.findAncestorStateOfType$1$0(type$.NavigatorState);
- t1 = $navigator;
- }
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- Navigator_maybeOf(context) {
- var $navigator,
- t1 = context._framework$_state;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 instanceof A.NavigatorState)
- $navigator = t1;
- else
- $navigator = null;
- if ($navigator == null)
- $navigator = context.findAncestorStateOfType$1$0(type$.NavigatorState);
- return $navigator;
- },
- Navigator_defaultGenerateInitialRoutes($navigator, initialRouteName) {
- var t1, routeParts, t2, _i, t3, routeName, _null = null,
- result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable_Route_dynamic);
- if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(initialRouteName, "/") && initialRouteName.length > 1) {
- initialRouteName = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(initialRouteName, 1);
- t1 = type$.dynamic;
- result.push($navigator._routeNamed$1$3$allowNull$arguments("/", true, _null, t1));
- routeParts = initialRouteName.split("/");
- if (initialRouteName.length !== 0)
- for (t2 = routeParts.length, _i = 0, t3 = ""; _i < t2; ++_i, t3 = routeName) {
- routeName = t3 + ("/" + A.S(routeParts[_i]));
- result.push($navigator._routeNamed$1$3$allowNull$arguments(routeName, true, _null, t1));
- }
- if (B.JSArray_methods.get$last(result) == null)
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(result);
- } else if (initialRouteName !== "/")
- result.push($navigator._routeNamed$1$3$allowNull$arguments(initialRouteName, true, _null, type$.dynamic));
- if (!!result.fixed$length)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("removeWhere"));
- B.JSArray_methods._removeWhere$2(result, new A.Navigator_defaultGenerateInitialRoutes_closure(), true);
- if (result.length === 0)
- result.push($navigator._routeNamed$1$2$arguments("/", _null, type$.dynamic));
- return new A.CastList(result, type$.CastList_of_nullable_Route_dynamic_and_Route_dynamic);
- },
- _RouteEntry$(route, initialState, pageBased, restorationInformation) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_RouteEntry_notAnnounced();
- return new A._RouteEntry(route, restorationInformation, pageBased, initialState, t1, t1, t1);
- },
- _RouteEntry_isPresentPredicate(entry) {
- return entry.get$isPresent();
- },
- _RouteEntry_suitableForTransitionAnimationPredicate(entry) {
- var t1 = entry.currentState.index;
- return t1 <= 10 && t1 >= 3;
- },
- _RouteEntry_willBePresentPredicate(entry) {
- return entry.get$willBePresent();
- },
- _RouteEntry_isRoutePredicate(route) {
- return new A._RouteEntry_isRoutePredicate_closure(route);
- },
- _RestorationInformation__RestorationInformation$fromSerializableData(data) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- type$.List_nullable_Object._as(data);
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(data);
- t2 = t1.$index(data, 0);
- t2.toString;
- switch (B.List_xw8[A._asInt(t2)].index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = t1.sublist$1(data, 1);
- t2 = t1[0];
- t2.toString;
- A._asInt(t2);
- t3 = t1[1];
- t3.toString;
- A._asString(t3);
- return new A._NamedRestorationInformation(t2, t3, t1.length > 2 ? t1[2] : null, B._RouteRestorationType_0);
- case 1:
- t1 = t1.sublist$1(data, 1)[1];
- t1.toString;
- type$.Route_dynamic_Function_2_BuildContext_and_nullable_Object._as(A.PluginUtilities_getCallbackFromHandle(new A.CallbackHandle(A._asInt(t1))));
- return null;
- }
- },
- RoutePopDisposition: function RoutePopDisposition(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- Route: function Route() {
- },
- Route_didPush_closure: function Route_didPush_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Route_didAdd_closure: function Route_didAdd_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Route_isCurrent_closure: function Route_isCurrent_closure() {
- },
- Route_isCurrent_closure0: function Route_isCurrent_closure0() {
- },
- Route_isFirst_closure: function Route_isFirst_closure() {
- },
- Route_isFirst_closure0: function Route_isFirst_closure0() {
- },
- Route_isActive_closure: function Route_isActive_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Route_isActive_closure0: function Route_isActive_closure0() {
- },
- RouteSettings: function RouteSettings(t0, t1) {
- this.name = t0;
- this.$arguments = t1;
- },
- NavigatorObserver: function NavigatorObserver() {
- },
- HeroControllerScope: function HeroControllerScope(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.controller = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- RouteTransitionRecord: function RouteTransitionRecord() {
- },
- TransitionDelegate: function TransitionDelegate() {
- },
- DefaultTransitionDelegate: function DefaultTransitionDelegate(t0) {
- this.$ti = t0;
- },
- Navigator: function Navigator(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.initialRoute = t0;
- _.onGenerateRoute = t1;
- _.onUnknownRoute = t2;
- _.observers = t3;
- _.restorationScopeId = t4;
- _.onGenerateInitialRoutes = t5;
- _.reportsRouteUpdateToEngine = t6;
- _.clipBehavior = t7;
- _.key = t8;
- },
- Navigator_defaultGenerateInitialRoutes_closure: function Navigator_defaultGenerateInitialRoutes_closure() {
- },
- _RouteLifecycle: function _RouteLifecycle(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _NotAnnounced: function _NotAnnounced(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._navigator$_navigator = null;
- _._settings = t0;
- _._restorationScopeId = t1;
- _._popCompleter = t2;
- },
- _RouteEntry: function _RouteEntry(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.route = t0;
- _.restorationInformation = t1;
- _.pageBased = t2;
- _.currentState = t3;
- _.lastAnnouncedPreviousRoute = t4;
- _.lastAnnouncedPoppedNextRoute = t5;
- _.lastAnnouncedNextRoute = t6;
- _.pendingResult = null;
- _._reportRemovalToObserver = true;
- _._isWaitingForExitingDecision = false;
- },
- _RouteEntry_handlePush_closure: function _RouteEntry_handlePush_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.navigator = t1;
- },
- _RouteEntry_dispose_closure: function _RouteEntry_dispose_closure() {
- },
- _RouteEntry_dispose_closure0: function _RouteEntry_dispose_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.entry = t2;
- _.listener = t3;
- },
- _RouteEntry_isRoutePredicate_closure: function _RouteEntry_isRoutePredicate_closure(t0) {
- this.route = t0;
- },
- _NavigatorObservation: function _NavigatorObservation() {
- },
- _NavigatorPushObservation: function _NavigatorPushObservation(t0, t1) {
- this.primaryRoute = t0;
- this.secondaryRoute = t1;
- },
- _NavigatorPopObservation: function _NavigatorPopObservation(t0, t1) {
- this.primaryRoute = t0;
- this.secondaryRoute = t1;
- },
- _NavigatorRemoveObservation: function _NavigatorRemoveObservation(t0, t1) {
- this.primaryRoute = t0;
- this.secondaryRoute = t1;
- },
- _NavigatorReplaceObservation: function _NavigatorReplaceObservation(t0, t1) {
- this.primaryRoute = t0;
- this.secondaryRoute = t1;
- },
- NavigatorState: function NavigatorState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__NavigatorState__overlayKey_A = $;
- _._history = t0;
- _._serializableHistory = t1;
- _._observedRouteAdditions = t2;
- _._observedRouteDeletions = t3;
- _.focusNode = t4;
- _._debugLocked = false;
- _._heroControllerFromScope = null;
- _.__NavigatorState__effectiveObservers_A = $;
- _._rawNextPagelessRestorationScopeId = t5;
- _._lastAnnouncedRouteName = null;
- _._flushingHistory = _._debugUpdatingPage = false;
- _._userGesturesInProgressCount = 0;
- _.userGestureInProgressNotifier = t6;
- _._activePointers = t7;
- _.RestorationMixin__bucket = t8;
- _.RestorationMixin__properties = t9;
- _.RestorationMixin__debugPropertiesWaitingForReregistration = t10;
- _.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = t11;
- _.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t12;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t13;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t14;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t15;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- NavigatorState_restoreState_closure: function NavigatorState_restoreState_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- NavigatorState__flushHistoryUpdates_closure: function NavigatorState__flushHistoryUpdates_closure() {
- },
- NavigatorState__flushHistoryUpdates_closure0: function NavigatorState__flushHistoryUpdates_closure0() {
- },
- NavigatorState__afterNavigation_closure: function NavigatorState__afterNavigation_closure() {
- },
- NavigatorState_maybePop_closure: function NavigatorState_maybePop_closure() {
- },
- NavigatorState_maybePop_closure0: function NavigatorState_maybePop_closure0() {
- },
- NavigatorState_maybePop_closure1: function NavigatorState_maybePop_closure1() {
- },
- NavigatorState_maybePop_closure2: function NavigatorState_maybePop_closure2() {
- },
- NavigatorState_removeRoute_closure: function NavigatorState_removeRoute_closure() {
- },
- NavigatorState_removeRoute_closure0: function NavigatorState_removeRoute_closure0() {
- },
- NavigatorState__cancelActivePointers_closure: function NavigatorState__cancelActivePointers_closure(t0) {
- this.absorber = t0;
- },
- _RouteRestorationType: function _RouteRestorationType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _RestorationInformation: function _RestorationInformation() {
- },
- _NamedRestorationInformation: function _NamedRestorationInformation(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.restorationScopeId = t0;
- _.name = t1;
- _.$arguments = t2;
- _.type = t3;
- _._serializableData = null;
- },
- _AnonymousRestorationInformation: function _AnonymousRestorationInformation(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.restorationScopeId = t0;
- _.routeBuilder = t1;
- _.$arguments = t2;
- _.type = t3;
- _._serializableData = null;
- },
- _HistoryProperty: function _HistoryProperty(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._pageToPagelessRoutes = null;
- _._restoration0$_disposed = false;
- _._restoration0$_owner = _._restoration0$_restorationId = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _HistoryProperty_fromPrimitives_closure: function _HistoryProperty_fromPrimitives_closure() {
- },
- _NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure: function _NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure() {
- },
- _NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function _NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- _NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin: function _NavigatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin() {
- },
- Notification0: function Notification0() {
- },
- NotificationListener: function NotificationListener(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onNotification = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.key = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _NotificationElement: function _NotificationElement(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t0;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t1;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- LayoutChangedNotification: function LayoutChangedNotification() {
- },
- __NotificationElement_ProxyElement_NotifiableElementMixin: function __NotificationElement_ProxyElement_NotifiableElementMixin() {
- },
- OverflowBar$(alignment, children, overflowAlignment, overflowDirection, overflowSpacing, spacing) {
- return new A.OverflowBar(spacing, alignment, overflowSpacing, overflowAlignment, overflowDirection, children, null);
- },
- OverflowBarAlignment: function OverflowBarAlignment(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- OverflowBar: function OverflowBar(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.spacing = t0;
- _.alignment = t1;
- _.overflowSpacing = t2;
- _.overflowAlignment = t3;
- _.overflowDirection = t4;
- _.children = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- _OverflowBarParentData: function _OverflowBarParentData(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0;
- this.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1;
- this.offset = t2;
- },
- _RenderOverflowBar: function _RenderOverflowBar(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _._overflow_bar$_spacing = t0;
- _._overflow_bar$_alignment = t1;
- _._overflowSpacing = t2;
- _._overflowAlignment = t3;
- _._overflowDirection = t4;
- _._overflow_bar$_textDirection = t5;
- _._overflow_bar$_clipBehavior = t6;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t7;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t8;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t9;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t10;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderOverflowBar_performLayout_nextChild: function _RenderOverflowBar_performLayout_nextChild(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- __RenderOverflowBar_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function __RenderOverflowBar_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- __RenderOverflowBar_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function __RenderOverflowBar_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() {
- },
- OverlayEntry$(builder, maintainState) {
- return new A.OverlayEntry(builder, maintainState, A.ValueNotifier$(null, type$.nullable__OverlayEntryWidgetState), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey__OverlayEntryWidgetState));
- },
- _RenderTheater__detachChild(child) {
- return child.detach$0(0);
- },
- OverlayEntry: function OverlayEntry(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.builder = t0;
- _._opaque = false;
- _._maintainState = t1;
- _._overlayEntryStateNotifier = t2;
- _._overlay = null;
- _._key = t3;
- _._disposedByOwner = false;
- },
- OverlayEntry_remove_closure: function OverlayEntry_remove_closure(t0) {
- this.overlay = t0;
- },
- _OverlayEntryWidget: function _OverlayEntryWidget(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.entry = t0;
- _.overlayState = t1;
- _.tickerEnabled = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _OverlayEntryWidgetState: function _OverlayEntryWidgetState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___OverlayEntryWidgetState__theater_A = $;
- _._sortedTheaterSiblings = null;
- _.___OverlayEntryWidgetState__hitTestOrderIterable_FI = _.___OverlayEntryWidgetState__paintOrderIterable_FI = $;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _OverlayEntryWidgetState__markNeedsBuild_closure: function _OverlayEntryWidgetState__markNeedsBuild_closure() {
- },
- Overlay: function Overlay(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.initialEntries = t0;
- this.clipBehavior = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- OverlayState: function OverlayState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._entries = t0;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t1;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- OverlayState_insert_closure: function OverlayState_insert_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.below = t1;
- _.above = t2;
- _.entry = t3;
- },
- OverlayState_insertAll_closure: function OverlayState_insertAll_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.below = t1;
- _.above = t2;
- _.entries = t3;
- },
- OverlayState_rearrange_closure: function OverlayState_rearrange_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.newEntriesList = t1;
- _.old = t2;
- _.below = t3;
- _.above = t4;
- },
- OverlayState__markDirty_closure: function OverlayState__markDirty_closure() {
- },
- OverlayState__didChangeEntryOpacity_closure: function OverlayState__didChangeEntryOpacity_closure() {
- },
- _Theater: function _Theater(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.skipCount = t0;
- _.clipBehavior = t1;
- _.children = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _TheaterElement: function _TheaterElement(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__MultiChildRenderObjectElement__children_A = $;
- _._forgottenChildren = t0;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t1;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t2;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- _RenderTheaterMixin: function _RenderTheaterMixin() {
- },
- _RenderTheaterMixin_hitTestChildren_childHitTest: function _RenderTheaterMixin_hitTestChildren_childHitTest(t0) {
- this.localChild = t0;
- },
- _TheaterParentData: function _TheaterParentData(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.height = _.width = _.left = _.bottom = _.right = _.top = _.overlayEntry = null;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1;
- _.offset = t2;
- },
- _RenderTheater: function _RenderTheater(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _._alignmentCache = null;
- _._overlay$_textDirection = t0;
- _._overlay$_skipCount = t1;
- _._clipBehavior = t2;
- _._overlay$_clipRectLayer = t3;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t4;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t5;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t6;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t7;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderTheater_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure: function _RenderTheater_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure(t0) {
- this.height = t0;
- },
- _RenderTheater_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure: function _RenderTheater_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure(t0) {
- this.height = t0;
- },
- _RenderTheater_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure: function _RenderTheater_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure(t0) {
- this.width = t0;
- },
- _RenderTheater_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure: function _RenderTheater_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure(t0) {
- this.width = t0;
- },
- _RenderTheater_debugDescribeChildren_closure: function _RenderTheater_debugDescribeChildren_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_1 = t0;
- _._box_0 = t1;
- _.onstageChildren = t2;
- _.offstageChildren = t3;
- },
- _RenderTheaterMarker: function _RenderTheaterMarker(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.theater = t0;
- _.overlayEntryWidgetState = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _OverlayState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function _OverlayState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- __RenderTheater_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function __RenderTheater_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- __RenderTheater_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin__RenderTheaterMixin: function __RenderTheater_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin__RenderTheaterMixin() {
- },
- GlowingOverscrollIndicator$(axisDirection, child, color) {
- return new A.GlowingOverscrollIndicator(axisDirection, color, child, null);
- },
- _GlowController$(axis, color, vsync) {
- var t6, decelerator, _null = null,
- t1 = type$.Tween_double,
- t2 = new A.Tween(0, 0, t1),
- t3 = new A.Tween(0, 0, t1),
- t4 = new A._GlowController(B._GlowState_0, t2, t3, color, axis, $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners()),
- t5 = A.AnimationController$(_null, _null, _null, 1, _null, vsync);
- t5.didRegisterListener$0();
- t6 = t5.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t6._isDirty = true;
- t6._list.push(t4.get$_changePhase());
- t4.___GlowController__glowController_F !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldAI();
- t4.___GlowController__glowController_F = t5;
- decelerator = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.C__DecelerateCurve, t5, _null);
- decelerator.parent.addListener$1(0, t4.get$notifyListeners());
- type$.Animation_double._as(decelerator);
- t1 = t1._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation");
- t4.___GlowController__glowOpacity_F !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldAI();
- t4.___GlowController__glowOpacity_F = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(decelerator, t2, t1);
- t4.___GlowController__glowSize_F !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldAI();
- t4.___GlowController__glowSize_F = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(decelerator, t3, t1);
- t1 = vsync.createTicker$1(t4.get$_tickDisplacement());
- t4.___GlowController__displacementTicker_F !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldAI();
- t4.___GlowController__displacementTicker_F = t1;
- return t4;
- },
- StretchingOverscrollIndicator$(axisDirection, child, clipBehavior) {
- return new A.StretchingOverscrollIndicator(axisDirection, clipBehavior, child, null);
- },
- GlowingOverscrollIndicator: function GlowingOverscrollIndicator(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.axisDirection = t0;
- _.color = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _GlowingOverscrollIndicatorState: function _GlowingOverscrollIndicatorState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._lastNotificationType = _._leadingAndTrailingListener = _._trailingController = _._leadingController = null;
- _._accepted = t0;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t1;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _GlowState: function _GlowState(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _GlowController: function _GlowController(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._overscroll_indicator$_state = t0;
- _.___GlowController__glowController_F = $;
- _._pullRecedeTimer = null;
- _._paintOffsetScrollPixels = _._paintOffset = 0;
- _._glowOpacityTween = t1;
- _.___GlowController__glowOpacity_F = $;
- _._glowSizeTween = t2;
- _.___GlowController__displacementTicker_F = _.___GlowController__glowSize_F = $;
- _._displacementTickerLastElapsed = null;
- _._displacement = _._displacementTarget = 0.5;
- _._pullDistance = 0;
- _._overscroll_indicator$_color = t3;
- _._axis = t4;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t5;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _GlowController_pull_closure: function _GlowController_pull_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _GlowingOverscrollIndicatorPainter: function _GlowingOverscrollIndicatorPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.leadingController = t0;
- _.trailingController = t1;
- _.axisDirection = t2;
- _._repaint = t3;
- },
- _StretchDirection: function _StretchDirection(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- StretchingOverscrollIndicator: function StretchingOverscrollIndicator(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.axisDirection = t0;
- _.clipBehavior = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _StretchingOverscrollIndicatorState: function _StretchingOverscrollIndicatorState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___StretchingOverscrollIndicatorState__stretchController_FI = $;
- _._lastOverscrollNotification = _._lastNotification = null;
- _._totalOverscroll = 0;
- _._accepted = true;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t0;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _StretchingOverscrollIndicatorState_build_closure: function _StretchingOverscrollIndicatorState_build_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- this.size = t2;
- },
- _StretchState: function _StretchState(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _StretchController: function _StretchController(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___StretchController__stretchSize_F = _.___StretchController__stretchController_F = $;
- _._stretchSizeTween = t0;
- _._overscroll_indicator$_state = t1;
- _._pullDistance = 0;
- _._stretchDirection = t2;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t3;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- OverscrollIndicatorNotification: function OverscrollIndicatorNotification(t0, t1) {
- this.leading = t0;
- this.accepted = true;
- this.ViewportNotificationMixin__depth = t1;
- },
- _OverscrollIndicatorNotification_Notification_ViewportNotificationMixin: function _OverscrollIndicatorNotification_Notification_ViewportNotificationMixin() {
- },
- __GlowingOverscrollIndicatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __GlowingOverscrollIndicatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- __StretchingOverscrollIndicatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __StretchingOverscrollIndicatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- PageStorageBucket__maybeAddKey(context, keys) {
- var widget = context.get$widget();
- return !(widget instanceof A.PageStorage);
- },
- PageStorage_maybeOf(context) {
- var widget = context.findAncestorWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.PageStorage);
- return widget == null ? null : widget.bucket;
- },
- _StorageEntryIdentifier: function _StorageEntryIdentifier(t0) {
- this.keys = t0;
- },
- PageStorageBucket: function PageStorageBucket() {
- this._storage = null;
- },
- PageStorageBucket__allKeys_closure: function PageStorageBucket__allKeys_closure(t0) {
- this.keys = t0;
- },
- PageStorage: function PageStorage(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.bucket = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- PageController$(initialPage, viewportFraction) {
- return new A.PageController(initialPage, viewportFraction, 0, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ScrollPosition), $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- },
- PageView$(children, clipBehavior, controller, dragStartBehavior, physics) {
- var t1 = controller == null ? $.$get$_defaultPageController() : controller;
- return new A.PageView(t1, physics, null, A.SliverChildListDelegate$(children, true, true, true), dragStartBehavior, clipBehavior, null);
- },
- PageController: function PageController(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.initialPage = t0;
- _.viewportFraction = t1;
- _._initialScrollOffset = t2;
- _._positions = t3;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t4;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- PageMetrics: function PageMetrics(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.viewportFraction = t0;
- _._scroll_metrics$_minScrollExtent = t1;
- _._scroll_metrics$_maxScrollExtent = t2;
- _._scroll_metrics$_pixels = t3;
- _._scroll_metrics$_viewportDimension = t4;
- _.axisDirection = t5;
- _.devicePixelRatio = t6;
- },
- _PagePosition: function _PagePosition(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _._pageToUseOnStartup = t0;
- _._cachedPage = null;
- _._viewportFraction = t1;
- _._heldPreviousVelocity = 0;
- _._userScrollDirection = t2;
- _._currentDrag = null;
- _.physics = t3;
- _.context = t4;
- _.keepScrollOffset = t5;
- _.debugLabel = t6;
- _._viewportDimension = _._pixels = _._maxScrollExtent = _._minScrollExtent = null;
- _._haveDimensions = false;
- _._didChangeViewportDimensionOrReceiveCorrection = true;
- _._pendingDimensions = false;
- _._scroll_position$_lastMetrics = null;
- _._haveScheduledUpdateNotification = false;
- _._semanticActions = _._lastAxis = null;
- _.isScrollingNotifier = t7;
- _._activity = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t8;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _ForceImplicitScrollPhysics: function _ForceImplicitScrollPhysics(t0, t1) {
- this.allowImplicitScrolling = t0;
- this.parent = t1;
- },
- PageScrollPhysics: function PageScrollPhysics(t0) {
- this.parent = t0;
- },
- PageView: function PageView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.controller = t0;
- _.physics = t1;
- _.onPageChanged = t2;
- _.childrenDelegate = t3;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t4;
- _.clipBehavior = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- _PageViewState: function _PageViewState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._lastReportedPage = 0;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _PageViewState_build_closure: function _PageViewState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _PageViewState_build_closure0: function _PageViewState_build_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.axisDirection = t1;
- },
- PageRoute: function PageRoute() {
- },
- MenuSerializableShortcut: function MenuSerializableShortcut() {
- },
- PlatformMenuDelegate: function PlatformMenuDelegate() {
- },
- DefaultPlatformMenuDelegate: function DefaultPlatformMenuDelegate(t0, t1) {
- this._idMap = t0;
- this.channel = t1;
- },
- PreferredSize: function PreferredSize(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.preferredSize = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- PrimaryScrollController$(child, controller) {
- return new A.PrimaryScrollController(controller, B.Axis_1, B.Set_3bx81, child, null);
- },
- PrimaryScrollController$none(child) {
- return new A.PrimaryScrollController(null, null, B.Set_empty, child, null);
- },
- PrimaryScrollController_shouldInherit(context, scrollDirection) {
- var platform,
- result = context.findAncestorWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.PrimaryScrollController);
- if (result == null)
- return false;
- platform = A.ScrollConfiguration_of(context).getPlatform$1(context);
- if (J.containsKey$1$x(result.automaticallyInheritForPlatforms._collection$_map, platform))
- return result.scrollDirection === scrollDirection;
- return false;
- },
- PrimaryScrollController_maybeOf(context) {
- var result = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.PrimaryScrollController);
- return result == null ? null : result.controller;
- },
- PrimaryScrollController: function PrimaryScrollController(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.controller = t0;
- _.scrollDirection = t1;
- _.automaticallyInheritForPlatforms = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _overlayOrigin(context) {
- var t1;
- context.get$widget();
- t1 = A.LookupBoundary_findAncestorStateOfType(context, type$.OverlayState);
- t1 = t1._framework$_element.get$renderObject();
- t1.toString;
- return A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(type$.RenderBox._as(t1).getTransformTo$1(0, null), B.Offset_0_0);
- },
- _sizeExtent(size, scrollDirection) {
- switch (scrollDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return size._dx;
- case 1:
- return size._dy;
- }
- },
- _offsetExtent(offset, scrollDirection) {
- switch (scrollDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return offset._dx;
- case 1:
- return offset._dy;
- }
- },
- _extentOffset(extent, scrollDirection) {
- switch (scrollDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return new A.Offset(extent, 0);
- case 1:
- return new A.Offset(0, extent);
- }
- },
- _restrictAxis(offset, scrollDirection) {
- switch (scrollDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return new A.Offset(offset._dx, 0);
- case 1:
- return new A.Offset(0, offset._dy);
- }
- },
- SliverReorderableList: function SliverReorderableList(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.itemBuilder = t0;
- _.itemCount = t1;
- _.onReorder = t2;
- _.onReorderStart = t3;
- _.onReorderEnd = t4;
- _.proxyDecorator = t5;
- _.itemExtent = t6;
- _.prototypeItem = t7;
- _.key = t8;
- },
- SliverReorderableListState: function SliverReorderableListState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._reorderable_list$_items = t0;
- _._recognizerPointer = _._recognizer = _._finalDropPosition = _._insertIndex = _._dragInfo = _._dragIndex = _._reorderable_list$_overlayEntry = null;
- _._dragStartTransitionComplete = false;
- _._autoScroller = null;
- _.__SliverReorderableListState__scrollable_A = $;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t1;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- SliverReorderableListState_startItemDragReorder_closure: function SliverReorderableListState_startItemDragReorder_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.event = t1;
- _.index = t2;
- _.recognizer = t3;
- },
- SliverReorderableListState_cancelReorder_closure: function SliverReorderableListState_cancelReorder_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SliverReorderableListState__dragStart_closure: function SliverReorderableListState__dragStart_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SliverReorderableListState__dragUpdate_closure: function SliverReorderableListState__dragUpdate_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SliverReorderableListState__dragCancel_closure: function SliverReorderableListState__dragCancel_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SliverReorderableListState__dragEnd_closure: function SliverReorderableListState__dragEnd_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.item = t1;
- },
- SliverReorderableListState__dropCompleted_closure: function SliverReorderableListState__dropCompleted_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ReorderableItem: function _ReorderableItem(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.index = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.capturedThemes = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _ReorderableItemState: function _ReorderableItemState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___ReorderableItemState__listState_A = $;
- _._startOffset = t0;
- _._targetOffset = t1;
- _._offsetAnimation = null;
- _._dragging = false;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _ReorderableItemState_dragging_closure: function _ReorderableItemState_dragging_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dragging = t1;
- },
- _ReorderableItemState_updateForGap_closure: function _ReorderableItemState_updateForGap_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ReorderableItemState_rebuild_closure: function _ReorderableItemState_rebuild_closure() {
- },
- ReorderableDragStartListener: function ReorderableDragStartListener(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.index = t1;
- _.enabled = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- ReorderableDragStartListener_build_closure: function ReorderableDragStartListener_build_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.context = t1;
- },
- _DragInfo: function _DragInfo(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.scrollDirection = t0;
- _.onUpdate = t1;
- _.onEnd = t2;
- _.onCancel = t3;
- _.onDropCompleted = t4;
- _.proxyDecorator = t5;
- _.tickerProvider = t6;
- _.___DragInfo_capturedThemes_A = _.___DragInfo_itemExtent_A = _.___DragInfo_itemSize_A = _.___DragInfo_dragOffset_A = _.___DragInfo_dragPosition_A = _.___DragInfo_child_A = _.___DragInfo_index_A = _.___DragInfo_listState_A = $;
- _._proxyAnimation = null;
- },
- _DragInfo_startDrag_closure: function _DragInfo_startDrag_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DragItemProxy: function _DragItemProxy(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.listState = t0;
- _.index = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.position = t3;
- _.size = t4;
- _.animation = t5;
- _.proxyDecorator = t6;
- _.key = t7;
- },
- _DragItemProxy_build_closure: function _DragItemProxy_build_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.overlayOrigin = t1;
- },
- _ReorderableItemGlobalKey: function _ReorderableItemGlobalKey(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.subKey = t0;
- _.index = t1;
- _.state = t2;
- _.value = t3;
- },
- _SliverReorderableListState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function _SliverReorderableListState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- RestorationScope_maybeOf(context) {
- var t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.UnmanagedRestorationScope);
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.bucket;
- },
- UnmanagedRestorationScope$(bucket, child) {
- return new A.UnmanagedRestorationScope(bucket, child, null);
- },
- RestorationScope: function RestorationScope(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.restorationId = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _RestorationScopeState: function _RestorationScopeState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.RestorationMixin__bucket = t0;
- _.RestorationMixin__properties = t1;
- _.RestorationMixin__debugPropertiesWaitingForReregistration = t2;
- _.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = t3;
- _.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t4;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t5;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- UnmanagedRestorationScope: function UnmanagedRestorationScope(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.bucket = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- RootRestorationScope: function RootRestorationScope(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.restorationId = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _RootRestorationScopeState: function _RootRestorationScopeState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._okToRenderBlankContainer = null;
- _._rootBucketValid = false;
- _._ancestorBucket = _._rootBucket = null;
- _._isLoadingRootBucket = false;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _RootRestorationScopeState__loadRootBucketIfNecessary_closure: function _RootRestorationScopeState__loadRootBucketIfNecessary_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RootRestorationScopeState__loadRootBucketIfNecessary__closure: function _RootRestorationScopeState__loadRootBucketIfNecessary__closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.bucket = t1;
- },
- RestorableProperty: function RestorableProperty() {
- },
- RestorationMixin: function RestorationMixin() {
- },
- RestorationMixin_registerForRestoration_listener: function RestorationMixin_registerForRestoration_listener(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.property = t1;
- },
- __RestorationScopeState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure: function __RestorationScopeState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure() {
- },
- __RestorationScopeState_State_RestorationMixin: function __RestorationScopeState_State_RestorationMixin() {
- },
- RestorableValue: function RestorableValue() {
- },
- _RestorablePrimitiveValueN: function _RestorablePrimitiveValueN() {
- },
- _RestorablePrimitiveValue: function _RestorablePrimitiveValue() {
- },
- RestorableNum: function RestorableNum(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._defaultValue = t0;
- _._restoration_properties$_value = null;
- _._restoration0$_disposed = false;
- _._restoration0$_owner = _._restoration0$_restorationId = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- RestorableBool: function RestorableBool(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._defaultValue = t0;
- _._restoration_properties$_value = null;
- _._restoration0$_disposed = false;
- _._restoration0$_owner = _._restoration0$_restorationId = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- RestorableStringN: function RestorableStringN(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._defaultValue = t0;
- _._restoration_properties$_value = null;
- _._restoration0$_disposed = false;
- _._restoration0$_owner = _._restoration0$_restorationId = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- RestorableDateTime: function RestorableDateTime(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._defaultValue = t0;
- _._restoration_properties$_value = null;
- _._restoration0$_disposed = false;
- _._restoration0$_owner = _._restoration0$_restorationId = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- RestorableListenable: function RestorableListenable() {
- },
- RestorableChangeNotifier: function RestorableChangeNotifier() {
- },
- RestorableTextEditingController: function RestorableTextEditingController(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._initialValue = t0;
- _._restoration_properties$_value = null;
- _._restoration0$_disposed = false;
- _._restoration0$_owner = _._restoration0$_restorationId = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- __RouterState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure: function __RouterState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure() {
- },
- RouteInformation: function RouteInformation(t0, t1) {
- this.location = t0;
- this.state = t1;
- },
- Router: function Router(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.routeInformationProvider = t0;
- _.routeInformationParser = t1;
- _.routerDelegate = t2;
- _.backButtonDispatcher = t3;
- _.restorationScopeId = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- _.$ti = t6;
- },
- RouteInformationReportingType: function RouteInformationReportingType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _RouterState: function _RouterState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _._currentIntentionToReport = _._currentRouterTransaction = null;
- _._routeInformation = t0;
- _.___RouterState__routeParsePending_A = $;
- _._routeInformationReportingTaskScheduled = false;
- _.RestorationMixin__bucket = t1;
- _.RestorationMixin__properties = t2;
- _.RestorationMixin__debugPropertiesWaitingForReregistration = t3;
- _.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = t4;
- _.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t5;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t6;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- _.$ti = t7;
- },
- _RouterState_restoreState_closure: function _RouterState_restoreState_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RouterState_restoreState_closure0: function _RouterState_restoreState_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RouterState_didChangeDependencies_closure: function _RouterState_didChangeDependencies_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RouterState__processParsedRouteInformation_closure: function _RouterState__processParsedRouteInformation_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.transaction = t1;
- this.delegateRouteSetter = t2;
- },
- _RouterState__handleRouteInformationProviderNotification_closure: function _RouterState__handleRouteInformationProviderNotification_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _RouterState__handleRoutePopped_closure: function _RouterState__handleRoutePopped_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.transaction = t1;
- },
- _RouterState__rebuild_closure: function _RouterState__rebuild_closure() {
- },
- _RouterState__handleRouterDelegateNotification_closure: function _RouterState__handleRouterDelegateNotification_closure() {
- },
- _RouterScope: function _RouterScope(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.routeInformationProvider = t0;
- _.backButtonDispatcher = t1;
- _.routeInformationParser = t2;
- _.routerDelegate = t3;
- _.routerState = t4;
- _.child = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- _RestorableRouteInformation: function _RestorableRouteInformation(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._restoration_properties$_value = null;
- _._restoration0$_disposed = false;
- _._restoration0$_owner = _._restoration0$_restorationId = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- __RouterState_State_RestorationMixin: function __RouterState_State_RestorationMixin() {
- },
- ModalRoute_of(context, $T) {
- var widget = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._ModalScopeStatus),
- t1 = widget == null ? null : widget.route;
- return $T._eval$1("ModalRoute<0>?")._as(t1);
- },
- RawDialogRoute$(anchorPoint, barrierColor, barrierDismissible, barrierLabel, pageBuilder, settings, transitionBuilder, transitionDuration, traversalEdgeBehavior, $T) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_Future_bool_Function),
- t2 = $.Zone__current,
- t3 = A.ProxyAnimation$(B.C__AlwaysDismissedAnimation),
- t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_OverlayEntry),
- t5 = A.ValueNotifier$(_null, type$.nullable_String),
- t6 = $.Zone__current;
- return new A.RawDialogRoute(pageBuilder, true, barrierLabel, barrierColor, transitionDuration, transitionBuilder, anchorPoint, _null, traversalEdgeBehavior, t1, new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, $T._eval$1("LabeledGlobalKey<_ModalScopeState<0>>")), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), new A.PageStorageBucket(), _null, 0, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t2, $T._eval$1("_Future<0?>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0?>")), t3, t4, B.RouteSettings_null_null, t5, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t6, $T._eval$1("_Future<0?>")), $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0?>")), $T._eval$1("RawDialogRoute<0>"));
- },
- showGeneralDialog(barrierDismissible, barrierLabel, context, pageBuilder, transitionBuilder, transitionDuration, $T) {
- return A.Navigator_of(context, true).push$1(A.RawDialogRoute$(null, B.Color_2147483648, true, barrierLabel, pageBuilder, null, transitionBuilder, transitionDuration, null, $T));
- },
- OverlayRoute: function OverlayRoute() {
- },
- TransitionRoute: function TransitionRoute() {
- },
- TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_jumpOnAnimationEnd: function TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_jumpOnAnimationEnd(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.nextTrain = t1;
- this.nextRoute = t2;
- },
- TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_closure: function TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.nextTrain = t1;
- this.jumpOnAnimationEnd = t2;
- },
- TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_closure0: function TransitionRoute__updateSecondaryAnimation_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- this.nextRoute = t2;
- },
- TransitionRoute__setSecondaryAnimation_closure: function TransitionRoute__setSecondaryAnimation_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.animation = t1;
- },
- LocalHistoryEntry: function LocalHistoryEntry(t0, t1) {
- this.onRemove = t0;
- this._routes$_owner = null;
- this.impliesAppBarDismissal = t1;
- },
- LocalHistoryRoute: function LocalHistoryRoute() {
- },
- LocalHistoryRoute_removeLocalHistoryEntry_closure: function LocalHistoryRoute_removeLocalHistoryEntry_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DismissModalAction: function _DismissModalAction(t0, t1) {
- this.context = t0;
- this._actions$_listeners = t1;
- this._currentCallingAction = null;
- },
- _ModalScopeStatus: function _ModalScopeStatus(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.isCurrent = t0;
- _.canPop = t1;
- _.impliesAppBarDismissal = t2;
- _.route = t3;
- _.child = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _ModalScope: function _ModalScope(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.route = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- _ModalScopeState: function _ModalScopeState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._page = null;
- _.___ModalScopeState__listenable_A = $;
- _.focusScopeNode = t0;
- _.primaryScrollController = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _ModalScopeState__forceRebuildPage_closure: function _ModalScopeState__forceRebuildPage_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ModalScopeState_build_closure: function _ModalScopeState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ModalScopeState_build_closure0: function _ModalScopeState_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ModalScopeState_build__closure0: function _ModalScopeState_build__closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ModalScopeState_build___closure: function _ModalScopeState_build___closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ModalScopeState_build__closure: function _ModalScopeState_build__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ModalRoute: function ModalRoute() {
- },
- ModalRoute_offstage_closure: function ModalRoute_offstage_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- },
- ModalRoute_changedInternalState_closure: function ModalRoute_changedInternalState_closure() {
- },
- PopupRoute: function PopupRoute() {
- },
- RawDialogRoute: function RawDialogRoute(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21) {
- var _ = this;
- _._pageBuilder = t0;
- _._barrierDismissible = t1;
- _._barrierLabel = t2;
- _._barrierColor = t3;
- _._transitionDuration = t4;
- _._transitionBuilder = t5;
- _.anchorPoint = t6;
- _.filter = t7;
- _.traversalEdgeBehavior = t8;
- _._routes$_offstage = false;
- _._secondaryAnimationProxy = _._animationProxy = null;
- _._willPopCallbacks = t9;
- _._scopeKey = t10;
- _._subtreeKey = t11;
- _._storageBucket = t12;
- _.__ModalRoute__modalBarrier_A = $;
- _._modalScopeCache = null;
- _.__ModalRoute__modalScope_A = $;
- _.LocalHistoryRoute__localHistory = t13;
- _.LocalHistoryRoute__entriesImpliesAppBarDismissal = t14;
- _._transitionCompleter = t15;
- _._performanceModeRequestHandle = null;
- _._popFinalized = false;
- _._routes$_controller = _._routes$_animation = null;
- _._secondaryAnimation = t16;
- _._trainHoppingListenerRemover = _._result = null;
- _._overlayEntries = t17;
- _._navigator$_navigator = null;
- _._settings = t18;
- _._restorationScopeId = t19;
- _._popCompleter = t20;
- _.$ti = t21;
- },
- _ModalRoute_TransitionRoute_LocalHistoryRoute: function _ModalRoute_TransitionRoute_LocalHistoryRoute() {
- },
- SafeArea$(bottom, child, minimum, $top) {
- return new A.SafeArea($top, bottom, minimum, child, null);
- },
- SafeArea: function SafeArea(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.top = t0;
- _.bottom = t1;
- _.minimum = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- ScrollActivity: function ScrollActivity() {
- },
- IdleScrollActivity: function IdleScrollActivity(t0) {
- this._scroll_activity$_delegate = t0;
- },
- HoldScrollActivity: function HoldScrollActivity(t0, t1) {
- this.onHoldCanceled = t0;
- this._scroll_activity$_delegate = t1;
- },
- ScrollDragController: function ScrollDragController(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _._scroll_activity$_delegate = t0;
- _.onDragCanceled = t1;
- _.carriedVelocity = t2;
- _.motionStartDistanceThreshold = t3;
- _._lastNonStationaryTimestamp = t4;
- _._retainMomentum = t5;
- _._offsetSinceLastStop = t6;
- _._scroll_activity$_kind = t7;
- _._lastDetails = t8;
- },
- DragScrollActivity: function DragScrollActivity(t0, t1) {
- this._scroll_activity$_controller = t0;
- this._scroll_activity$_delegate = t1;
- },
- BallisticScrollActivity: function BallisticScrollActivity(t0, t1) {
- this.__BallisticScrollActivity__controller_A = $;
- this.shouldIgnorePointer = t0;
- this._scroll_activity$_delegate = t1;
- },
- DrivenScrollActivity: function DrivenScrollActivity(t0) {
- this.__DrivenScrollActivity__controller_F = this.__DrivenScrollActivity__completer_F = $;
- this._scroll_activity$_delegate = t0;
- },
- ScrollConfiguration$(behavior, child) {
- return new A.ScrollConfiguration(behavior, child, null);
- },
- ScrollConfiguration_of(context) {
- var configuration = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.ScrollConfiguration),
- t1 = configuration == null ? null : configuration.behavior;
- return t1 == null ? B.C_ScrollBehavior : t1;
- },
- AndroidOverscrollIndicator: function AndroidOverscrollIndicator(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ScrollBehavior: function ScrollBehavior() {
- },
- ScrollBehavior_velocityTrackerBuilder_closure: function ScrollBehavior_velocityTrackerBuilder_closure() {
- },
- ScrollBehavior_velocityTrackerBuilder_closure0: function ScrollBehavior_velocityTrackerBuilder_closure0() {
- },
- ScrollBehavior_velocityTrackerBuilder_closure1: function ScrollBehavior_velocityTrackerBuilder_closure1() {
- },
- _WrappedScrollBehavior: function _WrappedScrollBehavior(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.delegate = t0;
- _.scrollbars = t1;
- _.overscroll = t2;
- _.physics = t3;
- _.platform = t4;
- _._dragDevices = t5;
- _._pointerAxisModifiers = t6;
- _._androidOverscrollIndicator = t7;
- },
- ScrollConfiguration: function ScrollConfiguration(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.behavior = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- ScrollController$(initialScrollOffset) {
- return new A.ScrollController(initialScrollOffset, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ScrollPosition), $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- },
- ScrollController: function ScrollController(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._initialScrollOffset = t0;
- _._positions = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t2;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _kDefaultSemanticIndexCallback(_, localIndex) {
- return localIndex;
- },
- SliverChildListDelegate$(children, addAutomaticKeepAlives, addRepaintBoundaries, addSemanticIndexes) {
- return new A.SliverChildListDelegate(true, addRepaintBoundaries, true, children, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([null, 0], type$.nullable_Key, type$.int));
- },
- SliverChildDelegate: function SliverChildDelegate() {
- },
- _SaltedValueKey: function _SaltedValueKey(t0) {
- this.value = t0;
- },
- SliverChildBuilderDelegate: function SliverChildBuilderDelegate(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.builder = t0;
- _.childCount = t1;
- _.addAutomaticKeepAlives = t2;
- _.addRepaintBoundaries = t3;
- _.addSemanticIndexes = t4;
- _.findChildIndexCallback = t5;
- },
- SliverChildListDelegate: function SliverChildListDelegate(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.addAutomaticKeepAlives = t0;
- _.addRepaintBoundaries = t1;
- _.addSemanticIndexes = t2;
- _.children = t3;
- _._keyToIndex = t4;
- },
- _SelectionKeepAlive: function _SelectionKeepAlive(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- _SelectionKeepAliveState: function _SelectionKeepAliveState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._scroll_delegate$_registrar = _._selectableAttachments = _._selectablesWithSelections = null;
- _._wantKeepAlive = false;
- _.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle = t0;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _SelectionKeepAliveState_listensTo_closure: function _SelectionKeepAliveState_listensTo_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.selectable = t1;
- },
- __SelectionKeepAliveState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin: function __SelectionKeepAliveState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin() {
- },
- ScrollMetrics: function ScrollMetrics() {
- },
- FixedScrollMetrics: function FixedScrollMetrics(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._scroll_metrics$_minScrollExtent = t0;
- _._scroll_metrics$_maxScrollExtent = t1;
- _._scroll_metrics$_pixels = t2;
- _._scroll_metrics$_viewportDimension = t3;
- _.axisDirection = t4;
- _.devicePixelRatio = t5;
- },
- _FixedScrollMetrics_Object_ScrollMetrics: function _FixedScrollMetrics_Object_ScrollMetrics() {
- },
- ScrollUpdateNotification$(context, depth, dragDetails, metrics, scrollDelta) {
- var t1 = new A.ScrollUpdateNotification(dragDetails, scrollDelta, metrics, context, 0);
- if (depth != null)
- t1.ViewportNotificationMixin__depth = depth;
- return t1;
- },
- defaultScrollNotificationPredicate(notification) {
- return notification.ViewportNotificationMixin__depth === 0;
- },
- ViewportNotificationMixin: function ViewportNotificationMixin() {
- },
- ViewportElementMixin: function ViewportElementMixin() {
- },
- ScrollNotification: function ScrollNotification() {
- },
- ScrollStartNotification: function ScrollStartNotification(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dragDetails = t0;
- _.metrics = t1;
- _.context = t2;
- _.ViewportNotificationMixin__depth = t3;
- },
- ScrollUpdateNotification: function ScrollUpdateNotification(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dragDetails = t0;
- _.scrollDelta = t1;
- _.metrics = t2;
- _.context = t3;
- _.ViewportNotificationMixin__depth = t4;
- },
- OverscrollNotification: function OverscrollNotification(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dragDetails = t0;
- _.overscroll = t1;
- _.velocity = t2;
- _.metrics = t3;
- _.context = t4;
- _.ViewportNotificationMixin__depth = t5;
- },
- ScrollEndNotification: function ScrollEndNotification(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dragDetails = t0;
- _.metrics = t1;
- _.context = t2;
- _.ViewportNotificationMixin__depth = t3;
- },
- UserScrollNotification: function UserScrollNotification(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.direction = t0;
- _.metrics = t1;
- _.context = t2;
- _.ViewportNotificationMixin__depth = t3;
- },
- _ScrollNotification_LayoutChangedNotification_ViewportNotificationMixin: function _ScrollNotification_LayoutChangedNotification_ViewportNotificationMixin() {
- },
- _ScrollNotificationObserverScope: function _ScrollNotificationObserverScope(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._scrollNotificationObserverState = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _ListenerEntry: function _ListenerEntry(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.listener = t0;
- _._collection$_previous = _._collection$_next = _._collection$_list = null;
- },
- ScrollNotificationObserver: function ScrollNotificationObserver(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- ScrollNotificationObserverState: function ScrollNotificationObserverState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._scroll_notification_observer$_listeners = t0;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- ScrollNotificationObserverState__notifyListeners_closure: function ScrollNotificationObserverState__notifyListeners_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ScrollNotificationObserverState_build_closure: function ScrollNotificationObserverState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ScrollNotificationObserverState_build_closure0: function ScrollNotificationObserverState_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ConvertedScrollMetricsNotification: function _ConvertedScrollMetricsNotification(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dragDetails = t0;
- _.scrollDelta = t1;
- _.metrics = t2;
- _.context = t3;
- _.ViewportNotificationMixin__depth = t4;
- },
- BouncingScrollPhysics__applyFriction(extentOutside, absDelta, gamma) {
- var deltaToLimit, total;
- if (extentOutside > 0) {
- deltaToLimit = extentOutside / gamma;
- if (absDelta < deltaToLimit)
- return absDelta * gamma;
- total = 0 + extentOutside;
- absDelta -= deltaToLimit;
- } else
- total = 0;
- return total + absDelta;
- },
- ScrollDecelerationRate: function ScrollDecelerationRate(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ScrollPhysics: function ScrollPhysics(t0) {
- this.parent = t0;
- },
- RangeMaintainingScrollPhysics: function RangeMaintainingScrollPhysics(t0) {
- this.parent = t0;
- },
- BouncingScrollPhysics: function BouncingScrollPhysics(t0, t1) {
- this.decelerationRate = t0;
- this.parent = t1;
- },
- ClampingScrollPhysics: function ClampingScrollPhysics(t0) {
- this.parent = t0;
- },
- AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics: function AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics(t0) {
- this.parent = t0;
- },
- NeverScrollableScrollPhysics: function NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(t0) {
- this.parent = t0;
- },
- ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy: function ScrollPositionAlignmentPolicy(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ScrollPosition: function ScrollPosition() {
- },
- ScrollPosition_forcePixels_closure: function ScrollPosition_forcePixels_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ScrollMetricsNotification: function ScrollMetricsNotification(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.metrics = t0;
- this.context = t1;
- this.ViewportNotificationMixin__depth = t2;
- },
- _ScrollMetricsNotification_Notification_ViewportNotificationMixin: function _ScrollMetricsNotification_Notification_ViewportNotificationMixin() {
- },
- _ScrollPosition_ViewportOffset_ScrollMetrics: function _ScrollPosition_ViewportOffset_ScrollMetrics() {
- },
- ScrollPositionWithSingleContext$(context, debugLabel, initialPixels, keepScrollOffset, oldPosition, physics) {
- var t1 = new A.ScrollPositionWithSingleContext(B.ScrollDirection_0, physics, context, true, debugLabel, A.ValueNotifier$(false, type$.bool), $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- t1.ScrollPosition$5$context$debugLabel$keepScrollOffset$oldPosition$physics(context, debugLabel, true, oldPosition, physics);
- t1.ScrollPositionWithSingleContext$6$context$debugLabel$initialPixels$keepScrollOffset$oldPosition$physics(context, debugLabel, initialPixels, true, oldPosition, physics);
- return t1;
- },
- ScrollPositionWithSingleContext: function ScrollPositionWithSingleContext(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._heldPreviousVelocity = 0;
- _._userScrollDirection = t0;
- _._currentDrag = null;
- _.physics = t1;
- _.context = t2;
- _.keepScrollOffset = t3;
- _.debugLabel = t4;
- _._viewportDimension = _._pixels = _._maxScrollExtent = _._minScrollExtent = null;
- _._haveDimensions = false;
- _._didChangeViewportDimensionOrReceiveCorrection = true;
- _._pendingDimensions = false;
- _._scroll_position$_lastMetrics = null;
- _._haveScheduledUpdateNotification = false;
- _._semanticActions = _._lastAxis = null;
- _.isScrollingNotifier = t5;
- _._activity = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t6;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- BouncingScrollSimulation: function BouncingScrollSimulation(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.leadingExtent = t0;
- _.trailingExtent = t1;
- _.spring = t2;
- _.__BouncingScrollSimulation__springTime_A = _.__BouncingScrollSimulation__springSimulation_A = _.__BouncingScrollSimulation__frictionSimulation_A = $;
- _._timeOffset = 0;
- _.tolerance = t3;
- },
- ClampingScrollSimulation: function ClampingScrollSimulation(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.position = t0;
- _.velocity = t1;
- _.__ClampingScrollSimulation__distance_A = _.__ClampingScrollSimulation__duration_A = $;
- _.tolerance = t2;
- },
- GridView$builder(controller, dragStartBehavior, gridDelegate, itemBuilder, itemCount, padding, physics, scrollDirection, shrinkWrap) {
- var t1, _null = null;
- if (physics == null) {
- t1 = controller == null && scrollDirection === B.Axis_1;
- t1 = t1 ? B.AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics_null : _null;
- } else
- t1 = physics;
- return new A.GridView(gridDelegate, new A.SliverChildBuilderDelegate(itemBuilder, itemCount, true, true, true, _null), padding, scrollDirection, false, controller, _null, t1, _null, shrinkWrap, _null, 0, _null, itemCount, dragStartBehavior, B.ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior_0, _null, B.Clip_1, _null);
- },
- ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior: function ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ScrollView: function ScrollView() {
- },
- ScrollView_build_closure: function ScrollView_build_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.axisDirection = t1;
- this.slivers = t2;
- },
- ScrollView_build_closure0: function ScrollView_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- CustomScrollView: function CustomScrollView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16) {
- var _ = this;
- _.slivers = t0;
- _.scrollDirection = t1;
- _.reverse = t2;
- _.controller = t3;
- _.primary = t4;
- _.physics = t5;
- _.scrollBehavior = t6;
- _.shrinkWrap = t7;
- _.center = t8;
- _.anchor = t9;
- _.cacheExtent = t10;
- _.semanticChildCount = t11;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t12;
- _.keyboardDismissBehavior = t13;
- _.restorationId = t14;
- _.clipBehavior = t15;
- _.key = t16;
- },
- BoxScrollView: function BoxScrollView() {
- },
- ListView: function ListView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18) {
- var _ = this;
- _.prototypeItem = t0;
- _.childrenDelegate = t1;
- _.padding = t2;
- _.scrollDirection = t3;
- _.reverse = t4;
- _.controller = t5;
- _.primary = t6;
- _.physics = t7;
- _.scrollBehavior = t8;
- _.shrinkWrap = t9;
- _.center = t10;
- _.anchor = t11;
- _.cacheExtent = t12;
- _.semanticChildCount = t13;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t14;
- _.keyboardDismissBehavior = t15;
- _.restorationId = t16;
- _.clipBehavior = t17;
- _.key = t18;
- },
- GridView: function GridView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18) {
- var _ = this;
- _.gridDelegate = t0;
- _.childrenDelegate = t1;
- _.padding = t2;
- _.scrollDirection = t3;
- _.reverse = t4;
- _.controller = t5;
- _.primary = t6;
- _.physics = t7;
- _.scrollBehavior = t8;
- _.shrinkWrap = t9;
- _.center = t10;
- _.anchor = t11;
- _.cacheExtent = t12;
- _.semanticChildCount = t13;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t14;
- _.keyboardDismissBehavior = t15;
- _.restorationId = t16;
- _.clipBehavior = t17;
- _.key = t18;
- },
- Scrollable$(axisDirection, clipBehavior, controller, dragStartBehavior, excludeFromSemantics, key, physics, restorationId, scrollBehavior, semanticChildCount, viewportBuilder) {
- return new A.Scrollable(axisDirection, controller, physics, viewportBuilder, excludeFromSemantics, semanticChildCount, dragStartBehavior, restorationId, scrollBehavior, clipBehavior, key);
- },
- Scrollable_maybeOf(context) {
- var widget = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._ScrollableScope);
- return widget == null ? null : widget.scrollable;
- },
- Scrollable_ensureVisible(context, alignment, alignmentPolicy) {
- var t1, targetRenderObject, t2, t3, widget,
- futures = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Future_void),
- scrollable = A.Scrollable_maybeOf(context);
- for (t1 = type$._ScrollableScope, targetRenderObject = null; scrollable != null;) {
- t2 = scrollable._scrollable$_position;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = context.get$renderObject();
- t3.toString;
- futures.push(t2.ensureVisible$6$alignment$alignmentPolicy$curve$duration$targetRenderObject(t3, alignment, alignmentPolicy, B.Cubic_JUR, B.Duration_0, targetRenderObject));
- if (targetRenderObject == null)
- targetRenderObject = context.get$renderObject();
- context = scrollable._framework$_element;
- widget = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(t1);
- scrollable = widget == null ? null : widget.scrollable;
- }
- t1 = futures.length;
- if (t1 !== 0)
- t2 = 0 === B.Duration_0._duration;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- return A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.void);
- if (t1 === 1)
- return B.JSArray_methods.get$single(futures);
- t1 = type$.void;
- return A.Future_wait(futures, t1).then$1$1(0, new A.Scrollable_ensureVisible_closure(), t1);
- },
- _getDeltaToScrollOrigin(scrollableState) {
- var t1;
- switch (scrollableState._widget.axisDirection.index) {
- case 2:
- t1 = scrollableState._scrollable$_position._pixels;
- t1.toString;
- return new A.Offset(0, t1);
- case 0:
- t1 = scrollableState._scrollable$_position._pixels;
- t1.toString;
- return new A.Offset(0, -t1);
- case 3:
- t1 = scrollableState._scrollable$_position._pixels;
- t1.toString;
- return new A.Offset(-t1, 0);
- case 1:
- t1 = scrollableState._scrollable$_position._pixels;
- t1.toString;
- return new A.Offset(t1, 0);
- }
- },
- _ScrollableState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure: function _ScrollableState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure() {
- },
- Scrollable: function Scrollable(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.axisDirection = t0;
- _.controller = t1;
- _.physics = t2;
- _.viewportBuilder = t3;
- _.excludeFromSemantics = t4;
- _.semanticChildCount = t5;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t6;
- _.restorationId = t7;
- _.scrollBehavior = t8;
- _.clipBehavior = t9;
- _.key = t10;
- },
- Scrollable_ensureVisible_closure: function Scrollable_ensureVisible_closure() {
- },
- _ScrollableScope: function _ScrollableScope(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.scrollable = t0;
- _.position = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- ScrollableState: function ScrollableState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _._physics = _._scrollable$_position = null;
- _._persistedScrollOffset = t0;
- _.__ScrollableState__configuration_A = $;
- _._mediaQueryGestureSettings = _._fallbackScrollController = null;
- _._scrollSemanticsKey = t1;
- _._gestureDetectorKey = t2;
- _._ignorePointerKey = t3;
- _._gestureRecognizers = t4;
- _._shouldIgnorePointer = false;
- _._hold = _._scrollable$_drag = _._scrollable$_lastAxisDirection = _._lastCanDrag = null;
- _.RestorationMixin__bucket = t5;
- _.RestorationMixin__properties = t6;
- _.RestorationMixin__debugPropertiesWaitingForReregistration = t7;
- _.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = t8;
- _.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t9;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t10;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t11;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t12;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- ScrollableState_setCanDrag_closure: function ScrollableState_setCanDrag_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ScrollableState_setCanDrag_closure0: function ScrollableState_setCanDrag_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ScrollableState_setCanDrag_closure1: function ScrollableState_setCanDrag_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ScrollableState_setCanDrag_closure2: function ScrollableState_setCanDrag_closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ScrollableSelectionHandler: function _ScrollableSelectionHandler(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.state = t0;
- _.position = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.registrar = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _ScrollableSelectionHandlerState: function _ScrollableSelectionHandlerState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___ScrollableSelectionHandlerState__selectionDelegate_A = $;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _ScrollableSelectionContainerDelegate: function _ScrollableSelectionContainerDelegate(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.state = t0;
- _._scrollable$_autoScroller = t1;
- _._scheduledLayoutChange = false;
- _._currentDragEndRelatedToOrigin = _._currentDragStartRelatedToOrigin = null;
- _._selectionStartsInScrollable = false;
- _._scrollable$_position = t2;
- _._selectableStartEdgeUpdateRecords = t3;
- _._selectableEndEdgeUpdateRecords = t4;
- _.selectables = t5;
- _.currentSelectionStartIndex = _.currentSelectionEndIndex = -1;
- _._endHandleLayerOwner = _._endHandleLayer = _._startHandleLayerOwner = _._startHandleLayer = null;
- _._selectionInProgress = _._scheduledSelectableUpdate = _._isHandlingSelectionEvent = false;
- _._additions = t6;
- _._extendSelectionInProgress = false;
- _._selectionGeometry = t7;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t8;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- _._selectionContainerContext = null;
- },
- _ScrollableSelectionContainerDelegate__scheduleLayoutChange_closure: function _ScrollableSelectionContainerDelegate__scheduleLayoutChange_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ScrollableSelectionContainerDelegate_didChangeSelectables_closure: function _ScrollableSelectionContainerDelegate_didChangeSelectables_closure(t0) {
- this.selectableSet = t0;
- },
- _ScrollableSelectionContainerDelegate_didChangeSelectables_closure0: function _ScrollableSelectionContainerDelegate_didChangeSelectables_closure0(t0) {
- this.selectableSet = t0;
- },
- _ScrollSemantics: function _ScrollSemantics(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.position = t0;
- _.allowImplicitScrolling = t1;
- _.semanticChildCount = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _RenderScrollSemantics: function _RenderScrollSemantics(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._scrollable$_position = t0;
- _._allowImplicitScrolling = t1;
- _._semanticChildCount = t2;
- _._innerNode = null;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t3;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t4;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RestorableScrollOffset: function _RestorableScrollOffset(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._restoration_properties$_value = null;
- _._restoration0$_disposed = false;
- _._restoration0$_owner = _._restoration0$_restorationId = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _ScrollableState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function _ScrollableState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- _ScrollableState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin: function _ScrollableState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin() {
- },
- ScrollAction$() {
- return new A.ScrollAction(new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_Action_Intent));
- },
- ScrollAction__calculateScrollIncrement(state, type) {
- var t1;
- state._widget.toString;
- switch (type.index) {
- case 0:
- return 50;
- case 1:
- t1 = state._scrollable$_position._viewportDimension;
- t1.toString;
- return 0.8 * t1;
- }
- },
- ScrollAction_getDirectionalIncrement(state, intent) {
- var increment = A.ScrollAction__calculateScrollIncrement(state, intent.type);
- switch (intent.direction.index) {
- case 2:
- switch (state._widget.axisDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return -increment;
- case 2:
- return increment;
- case 1:
- case 3:
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case 0:
- switch (state._widget.axisDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return increment;
- case 2:
- return -increment;
- case 1:
- case 3:
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- switch (state._widget.axisDirection.index) {
- case 1:
- return -increment;
- case 3:
- return increment;
- case 0:
- case 2:
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- switch (state._widget.axisDirection.index) {
- case 1:
- return increment;
- case 3:
- return -increment;
- case 0:
- case 2:
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- }
- },
- ScrollableDetails: function ScrollableDetails(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.direction = t0;
- this.controller = t1;
- this.decorationClipBehavior = t2;
- },
- ScrollableDetails_toString_addIfNonNull: function ScrollableDetails_toString_addIfNonNull(t0) {
- this.description = t0;
- },
- EdgeDraggingAutoScroller: function EdgeDraggingAutoScroller(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.scrollable = t0;
- _.onScrollViewScrolled = t1;
- _.velocityScalar = t2;
- _.__EdgeDraggingAutoScroller__dragTargetRelatedToScrollOrigin_A = $;
- _._scrolling = false;
- },
- ScrollIncrementType: function ScrollIncrementType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ScrollIntent: function ScrollIntent(t0, t1) {
- this.direction = t0;
- this.type = t1;
- },
- ScrollAction: function ScrollAction(t0) {
- this._actions$_listeners = t0;
- this._currentCallingAction = null;
- },
- RawScrollbar$(child, controller, fadeDuration, interactive, key, notificationPredicate, pressDuration, radius, scrollbarOrientation, thickness, thumbVisibility, timeToFade, trackVisibility) {
- return new A.RawScrollbar(child, controller, thumbVisibility, radius, thickness, trackVisibility, fadeDuration, timeToFade, pressDuration, notificationPredicate, interactive, scrollbarOrientation, key);
- },
- RawScrollbarState$($T) {
- return new A.RawScrollbarState(new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0, $T._eval$1("RawScrollbarState<0>"));
- },
- _getLocalOffset(scrollbarPainterKey, position) {
- var t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner._globalKeyRegistry.$index(0, scrollbarPainterKey).get$renderObject();
- t1.toString;
- return type$.RenderBox._as(t1).globalToLocal$1(position);
- },
- ScrollbarOrientation: function ScrollbarOrientation(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ScrollbarPainter: function ScrollbarPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _._scrollbar$_color = t0;
- _._scrollbar$_trackColor = t1;
- _._scrollbar$_trackBorderColor = t2;
- _._trackRadius = t3;
- _._scrollbar$_textDirection = null;
- _._scrollbar$_thickness = t4;
- _.fadeoutOpacityAnimation = t5;
- _._mainAxisMargin = t6;
- _._crossAxisMargin = t7;
- _._radius = t8;
- _._scrollbar$_shape = t9;
- _._scrollbar$_padding = t10;
- _._minLength = t11;
- _._minOverscrollLength = t12;
- _._scrollbarOrientation = t13;
- _._ignorePointer = false;
- _._thumbRect = _._trackRect = null;
- _.__ScrollbarPainter__thumbExtent_A = _.__ScrollbarPainter__thumbOffset_A = $;
- _._lastAxisDirection = _._lastMetrics = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t14;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- ScrollbarPainter_update_needPaint: function ScrollbarPainter_update_needPaint() {
- },
- RawScrollbar: function RawScrollbar(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.controller = t1;
- _.thumbVisibility = t2;
- _.radius = t3;
- _.thickness = t4;
- _.trackVisibility = t5;
- _.fadeDuration = t6;
- _.timeToFade = t7;
- _.pressDuration = t8;
- _.notificationPredicate = t9;
- _.interactive = t10;
- _.scrollbarOrientation = t11;
- _.key = t12;
- },
- RawScrollbarState: function RawScrollbarState(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._fadeoutTimer = _._cachedController = _._startDragThumbOffset = _._lastDragUpdateOffset = _._startDragScrollbarAxisOffset = null;
- _.__RawScrollbarState__fadeoutOpacityAnimation_A = _.__RawScrollbarState__fadeoutAnimationController_A = $;
- _._scrollbarPainterKey = t0;
- _._thumbDragging = _._hoverIsActive = false;
- _.__RawScrollbarState_scrollbarPainter_F = $;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t1;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- _.$ti = t4;
- },
- RawScrollbarState__maybeStartFadeoutTimer_closure: function RawScrollbarState__maybeStartFadeoutTimer_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RawScrollbarState__gestures_closure: function RawScrollbarState__gestures_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RawScrollbarState__gestures_closure0: function RawScrollbarState__gestures_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RawScrollbarState__gestures__closure: function RawScrollbarState__gestures__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RawScrollbarState__gestures__closure0: function RawScrollbarState__gestures__closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RawScrollbarState__gestures__closure1: function RawScrollbarState__gestures__closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RawScrollbarState__gestures_closure1: function RawScrollbarState__gestures_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RawScrollbarState__gestures_closure2: function RawScrollbarState__gestures_closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RawScrollbarState_build_closure: function RawScrollbarState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- RawScrollbarState_build_closure0: function RawScrollbarState_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ThumbPressGestureRecognizer: function _ThumbPressGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _._customPaintKey = t0;
- _._longPressAccepted = false;
- _._velocityTracker = _.onTertiaryLongPressEnd = _.onTertiaryLongPressUp = _.onTertiaryLongPressMoveUpdate = _.onTertiaryLongPressStart = _.onTertiaryLongPress = _.onTertiaryLongPressCancel = _.onTertiaryLongPressDown = _.onSecondaryLongPressEnd = _.onSecondaryLongPressUp = _.onSecondaryLongPressMoveUpdate = _.onSecondaryLongPressStart = _.onSecondaryLongPress = _.onSecondaryLongPressCancel = _.onSecondaryLongPressDown = _.onLongPressEnd = _.onLongPressUp = _.onLongPressMoveUpdate = _.onLongPressStart = _.onLongPress = _.onLongPressCancel = _.onLongPressDown = _._long_press$_initialButtons = _._longPressOrigin = null;
- _.deadline = t1;
- _.postAcceptSlopTolerance = t2;
- _._recognizer$_state = t3;
- _._initialPosition = _._primaryPointer = null;
- _._gestureAccepted = false;
- _._recognizer$_timer = null;
- _._recognizer$_entries = t4;
- _._trackedPointers = t5;
- _._team = null;
- _.debugOwner = t6;
- _.gestureSettings = null;
- _.supportedDevices = t7;
- _._allowedButtonsFilter = t8;
- _._pointerToKind = t9;
- },
- _TrackTapGestureRecognizer: function _TrackTapGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _._customPaintKey = t0;
- _.onTertiaryTapCancel = _.onTertiaryTapUp = _.onTertiaryTapDown = _.onSecondaryTapCancel = _.onSecondaryTapUp = _.onSecondaryTapDown = _.onSecondaryTap = _.onTapCancel = _.onTap = _.onTapUp = _.onTapDown = null;
- _._wonArenaForPrimaryPointer = _._sentTapDown = false;
- _._up = _._down = null;
- _.deadline = t1;
- _.postAcceptSlopTolerance = t2;
- _._recognizer$_state = t3;
- _._initialPosition = _._primaryPointer = null;
- _._gestureAccepted = false;
- _._recognizer$_timer = null;
- _._recognizer$_entries = t4;
- _._trackedPointers = t5;
- _._team = null;
- _.debugOwner = t6;
- _.gestureSettings = null;
- _.supportedDevices = t7;
- _._allowedButtonsFilter = t8;
- _._pointerToKind = t9;
- },
- _RawScrollbarState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function _RawScrollbarState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate__compareVertically(a, b) {
- var t4,
- t1 = a.top,
- t2 = b.top,
- t3 = t1 - t2;
- if (!(t3 < 1e-10 && a.bottom - b.bottom > -1e-10))
- t4 = t2 - t1 < 1e-10 && b.bottom - a.bottom > -1e-10;
- else
- t4 = true;
- if (t4)
- return 0;
- if (Math.abs(t3) > 1e-10)
- return t1 > t2 ? 1 : -1;
- return a.bottom > b.bottom ? 1 : -1;
- },
- MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate__compareHorizontally(a, b) {
- var t1 = a.left,
- t2 = b.left,
- t3 = t1 - t2;
- if (t3 < 1e-10 && a.right - b.right > -1e-10)
- return -1;
- if (t2 - t1 < 1e-10 && b.right - a.right > -1e-10)
- return 1;
- if (Math.abs(t3) > 1e-10)
- return t1 > t2 ? 1 : -1;
- return a.right > b.right ? 1 : -1;
- },
- MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate: function MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate() {
- },
- MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate__scheduleSelectableUpdate_closure: function MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate__scheduleSelectableUpdate_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate_handleSelectWord_closure: function MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate_handleSelectWord_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.index = t1;
- },
- MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate_handleSelectWord_closure0: function MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate_handleSelectWord_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate_SelectionContainerDelegate_ChangeNotifier: function _MultiSelectableSelectionContainerDelegate_SelectionContainerDelegate_ChangeNotifier() {
- },
- SelectionContainer_maybeOf(context) {
- var scope = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.SelectionRegistrarScope);
- return scope == null ? null : scope.registrar;
- },
- SelectionRegistrarScope$(child, registrar) {
- return new A.SelectionRegistrarScope(registrar, child, null);
- },
- SelectionContainer: function SelectionContainer(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.registrar = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.delegate = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _SelectionContainerState: function _SelectionContainerState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._selection_container$_listeners = t0;
- _.SelectionRegistrant__registrar = t1;
- _.SelectionRegistrant__subscribedToSelectionRegistrar = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- SelectionRegistrarScope: function SelectionRegistrarScope(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.registrar = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- SelectionContainerDelegate: function SelectionContainerDelegate() {
- },
- __SelectionContainerState_State_Selectable: function __SelectionContainerState_State_Selectable() {
- },
- __SelectionContainerState_State_Selectable_SelectionRegistrant: function __SelectionContainerState_State_Selectable_SelectionRegistrant() {
- },
- SharedAppData: function SharedAppData(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- _SharedAppDataState: function _SharedAppDataState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___SharedAppDataState_data_AI = $;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _SharedAppModel: function _SharedAppModel(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.data = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- SingleActivator$(trigger, alt, control, meta, shift) {
- return new A.SingleActivator(trigger, control, shift, alt, meta);
- },
- ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts(source) {
- var result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.nullable_LogicalKeyboardKey, type$.List__ActivatorIntentPair);
- source.forEach$1(0, new A.ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts_closure(result));
- return result;
- },
- Shortcuts$(child, debugLabel, shortcuts) {
- return new A.Shortcuts(null, shortcuts, child, debugLabel, null);
- },
- SingleActivator: function SingleActivator(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.trigger = t0;
- _.control = t1;
- _.shift = t2;
- _.alt = t3;
- _.meta = t4;
- },
- _ActivatorIntentPair: function _ActivatorIntentPair(t0, t1) {
- this.activator = t0;
- this.intent = t1;
- },
- ShortcutManager: function ShortcutManager(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._shortcuts = t0;
- _._indexedShortcutsCache = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts_closure: function ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts_closure(t0) {
- this.result = t0;
- },
- ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts__closure: function ShortcutManager__indexShortcuts__closure() {
- },
- Shortcuts: function Shortcuts(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.manager = t0;
- _._shortcuts = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.debugLabel = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _ShortcutsState: function _ShortcutsState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._widget = _._internalManager = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- ShortcutRegistry: function ShortcutRegistry(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._registeredShortcuts = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- ShortcutRegistrar: function ShortcutRegistrar(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- _ShortcutRegistrarState: function _ShortcutRegistrarState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.registry = t0;
- _.manager = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _ShortcutRegistrarScope: function _ShortcutRegistrarScope(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.registry = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _ShortcutManager_Object_Diagnosticable: function _ShortcutManager_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _ShortcutManager_Object_Diagnosticable_ChangeNotifier: function _ShortcutManager_Object_Diagnosticable_ChangeNotifier() {
- },
- _ShortcutRegistry_Object_ChangeNotifier: function _ShortcutRegistry_Object_ChangeNotifier() {
- },
- _SingleActivator_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SingleActivator_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _SingleActivator_Object_Diagnosticable_MenuSerializableShortcut: function _SingleActivator_Object_Diagnosticable_MenuSerializableShortcut() {
- },
- __ActivatorIntentPair_Object_Diagnosticable: function __ActivatorIntentPair_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SingleChildScrollView$(child, controller, dragStartBehavior, key, padding, physics, scrollDirection) {
- return new A.SingleChildScrollView(scrollDirection, padding, controller, physics, child, dragStartBehavior, key);
- },
- SingleChildScrollView: function SingleChildScrollView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.scrollDirection = t0;
- _.padding = t1;
- _.controller = t2;
- _.physics = t3;
- _.child = t4;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- SingleChildScrollView_build_closure: function SingleChildScrollView_build_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- this.axisDirection = t2;
- },
- _SingleChildViewport: function _SingleChildViewport(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.axisDirection = t0;
- _.offset = t1;
- _.clipBehavior = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _SingleChildViewportElement: function _SingleChildViewportElement(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t0;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t1;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- _RenderSingleChildViewport: function _RenderSingleChildViewport(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._axisDirection = t0;
- _._single_child_scroll_view$_offset = t1;
- _._single_child_scroll_view$_clipBehavior = t2;
- _._single_child_scroll_view$_clipRectLayer = t3;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t4;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t5;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- _RenderSingleChildViewport_paint_paintContents: function _RenderSingleChildViewport_paint_paintContents(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.paintOffset = t1;
- },
- _RenderSingleChildViewport_hitTestChildren_closure: function _RenderSingleChildViewport_hitTestChildren_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.position = t1;
- },
- __RenderSingleChildViewport_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin: function __RenderSingleChildViewport_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin() {
- },
- __SingleChildViewportElement_SingleChildRenderObjectElement_NotifiableElementMixin: function __SingleChildViewportElement_SingleChildRenderObjectElement_NotifiableElementMixin() {
- },
- __SingleChildViewportElement_SingleChildRenderObjectElement_NotifiableElementMixin_ViewportElementMixin: function __SingleChildViewportElement_SingleChildRenderObjectElement_NotifiableElementMixin_ViewportElementMixin() {
- },
- SliverList$(delegate) {
- return new A.SliverList(delegate, null);
- },
- SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement$(widget, replaceMovedChildren) {
- return new A.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement(replaceMovedChildren, A.SplayTreeMap$(type$.int, type$.nullable_Element), widget, B._ElementLifecycle_0);
- },
- SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement__extrapolateMaxScrollOffset(firstIndex, lastIndex, leadingScrollOffset, trailingScrollOffset, childCount) {
- if (lastIndex === childCount - 1)
- return trailingScrollOffset;
- return trailingScrollOffset + (trailingScrollOffset - leadingScrollOffset) / (lastIndex - firstIndex + 1) * (childCount - lastIndex - 1);
- },
- KeepAlive$(child, keepAlive) {
- return new A.KeepAlive(keepAlive, child, null);
- },
- SliverWithKeepAliveWidget: function SliverWithKeepAliveWidget() {
- },
- SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget: function SliverMultiBoxAdaptorWidget() {
- },
- SliverList: function SliverList(t0, t1) {
- this.delegate = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- SliverGrid: function SliverGrid(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.gridDelegate = t0;
- this.delegate = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement: function SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._replaceMovedChildren = t0;
- _._childElements = t1;
- _._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex = _._currentBeforeChild = null;
- _._didUnderflow = false;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t2;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t3;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement_performRebuild_processElement: function SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement_performRebuild_processElement(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.newChildren = t2;
- _.adaptorWidget = t3;
- _.indexToLayoutOffset = t4;
- },
- SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement_performRebuild_closure: function SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement_performRebuild_closure() {
- },
- SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement_performRebuild_closure0: function SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement_performRebuild_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.index = t1;
- },
- SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement_createChild_closure: function SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement_createChild_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.after = t1;
- this.index = t2;
- },
- SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement_removeChild_closure: function SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement_removeChild_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.index = t1;
- },
- KeepAlive: function KeepAlive(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.keepAlive = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- SliverFillViewport: function SliverFillViewport(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.viewportFraction = t0;
- _.padEnds = t1;
- _.delegate = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _SliverFillViewportRenderObjectWidget: function _SliverFillViewportRenderObjectWidget(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.viewportFraction = t0;
- this.delegate = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _SliverFractionalPadding: function _SliverFractionalPadding(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.viewportFraction = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _RenderSliverFractionalPadding: function _RenderSliverFractionalPadding(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._lastResolvedConstraints = null;
- _._sliver_fill$_viewportFraction = t0;
- _._sliver_fill$_resolvedPadding = null;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t1;
- _._geometry = null;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t2;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- SliverPrototypeExtentList$(delegate, prototypeItem) {
- return new A.SliverPrototypeExtentList(prototypeItem, delegate, null);
- },
- SliverPrototypeExtentList: function SliverPrototypeExtentList(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.prototypeItem = t0;
- this.delegate = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _SliverPrototypeExtentListElement: function _SliverPrototypeExtentListElement(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._prototype = null;
- _._replaceMovedChildren = t0;
- _._childElements = t1;
- _._currentlyUpdatingChildIndex = _._currentBeforeChild = null;
- _._didUnderflow = false;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t2;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t3;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- _RenderSliverPrototypeExtentList: function _RenderSliverPrototypeExtentList(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._sliver_prototype_extent_list$_child = null;
- _._childManager = t0;
- _._keepAliveBucket = t1;
- _.__RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor__debugDanglingKeepAlives_A = $;
- _._debugChildIntegrityEnabled = true;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t2;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t3;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t4;
- _._geometry = null;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t5;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin: function SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin() {
- },
- SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin: function SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- SlottedRenderObjectElement: function SlottedRenderObjectElement(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._slotToChild = t0;
- _._keyedChildren = t1;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = _._debugPreviousSlots = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t2;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t3;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- _.$ti = t4;
- },
- SnapshotWidget$(autoresize, child, controller, mode, painter) {
- return new A.SnapshotWidget(controller, mode, true, painter, child, null);
- },
- SnapshotMode: function SnapshotMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SnapshotController: function SnapshotController(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._allowSnapshotting = false;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- SnapshotWidget: function SnapshotWidget(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.controller = t0;
- _.mode = t1;
- _.autoresize = t2;
- _.painter = t3;
- _.child = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _RenderSnapshotWidget: function _RenderSnapshotWidget(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._devicePixelRatio = t0;
- _._snapshot_widget$_painter = t1;
- _._snapshot_widget$_controller = t2;
- _._mode = t3;
- _._autoresize = t4;
- _._childRasterSize = _._childRaster = null;
- _._disableSnapshotAttempt = false;
- _._lastCachedSize = null;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t5;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t6;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- SnapshotPainter: function SnapshotPainter() {
- },
- _DefaultSnapshotPainter: function _DefaultSnapshotPainter() {
- },
- Spacer: function Spacer(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- _correctSpellCheckResults(newText, resultsText, results) {
- var t1, spanPointer, offset, searchStart, currentSpan, t2, t3, currentSpanTextRegexp, foundIndex, t4, t5, currentSpanFoundExactlyWithOffset, adjustedSpanStart, adjustedSpanEnd,
- correctedSpellCheckResults = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SuggestionSpan);
- for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(results), spanPointer = 0, offset = 0, searchStart = 0; spanPointer < t1.get$length(results);) {
- currentSpan = t1.$index(results, spanPointer);
- t2 = currentSpan.range;
- t3 = t2.start;
- t2 = t2.end;
- currentSpanTextRegexp = A.RegExp_RegExp("\\b" + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(resultsText, t3, t2) + "\\b", true, false);
- foundIndex = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(B.JSString_methods.substring$1(newText, searchStart), currentSpanTextRegexp);
- t4 = foundIndex + searchStart;
- t5 = t3 + offset;
- currentSpanFoundExactlyWithOffset = t5 === t4;
- if (t3 === t4 || currentSpanFoundExactlyWithOffset) {
- searchStart = t2 + 1 + offset;
- correctedSpellCheckResults.push(new A.SuggestionSpan(new A.TextRange(t5, t2 + offset), currentSpan.suggestions));
- } else if (foundIndex >= 0) {
- adjustedSpanStart = searchStart + foundIndex;
- adjustedSpanEnd = adjustedSpanStart + (t2 - t3);
- searchStart = adjustedSpanEnd + 1;
- offset = adjustedSpanStart - t3;
- correctedSpellCheckResults.push(new A.SuggestionSpan(new A.TextRange(adjustedSpanStart, adjustedSpanEnd), currentSpan.suggestions));
- }
- ++spanPointer;
- }
- return correctedSpellCheckResults;
- },
- buildTextSpanWithSpellCheckSuggestions(value, composingWithinCurrentTextRange, style, misspelledTextStyle, spellCheckResults) {
- var spellCheckResultsSpans = spellCheckResults.suggestionSpans,
- spellCheckResultsText = spellCheckResults.spellCheckedText,
- t1 = value.text;
- if (spellCheckResultsText !== t1)
- spellCheckResultsSpans = A._correctSpellCheckResults(t1, spellCheckResultsText, spellCheckResultsSpans);
- if (A.defaultTargetPlatform() === B.TargetPlatform_0)
- return A.TextSpan$(A._buildSubtreesWithComposingRegion(spellCheckResultsSpans, value, style, misspelledTextStyle, composingWithinCurrentTextRange), style, null);
- return A.TextSpan$(A._buildSubtreesWithoutComposingRegion(spellCheckResultsSpans, value, style, misspelledTextStyle, value.selection.baseOffset), style, null);
- },
- _buildSubtreesWithoutComposingRegion(spellCheckSuggestions, value, style, misspelledStyle, cursorIndex) {
- var t2, endIndex0, endIndex1, endIndex2,
- textSpanTreeChildren = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TextSpan),
- text = value.text,
- misspelledJointStyle = style.merge$1(misspelledStyle),
- endIndex = text.length,
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(spellCheckSuggestions),
- textPointer = 0, currentSpanPointer = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(textPointer < endIndex && currentSpanPointer < t1.get$length(spellCheckSuggestions)))
- break;
- t2 = t1.$index(spellCheckSuggestions, currentSpanPointer).range;
- endIndex0 = t2.start;
- if (endIndex0 > textPointer) {
- endIndex0 = endIndex0 < endIndex ? endIndex0 : endIndex;
- textSpanTreeChildren.push(A.TextSpan$(null, style, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, textPointer, endIndex0)));
- textPointer = endIndex0;
- } else {
- endIndex1 = t2.end;
- endIndex2 = endIndex1 < endIndex ? endIndex1 : endIndex;
- t2 = endIndex0 <= cursorIndex && endIndex1 >= cursorIndex ? style : misspelledJointStyle;
- textSpanTreeChildren.push(A.TextSpan$(null, t2, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, endIndex0, endIndex2)));
- ++currentSpanPointer;
- textPointer = endIndex2;
- }
- }
- t1 = text.length;
- if (textPointer < t1)
- textSpanTreeChildren.push(A.TextSpan$(null, style, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, textPointer, t1)));
- return textSpanTreeChildren;
- },
- _buildSubtreesWithComposingRegion(spellCheckSuggestions, value, style, misspelledStyle, composingWithinCurrentTextRange) {
- var t5, endIndex0, endIndex1, _null = null,
- textSpanTreeChildren = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TextSpan),
- text = value.text,
- composingRegion = value.composing,
- composingTextStyle = style.merge$1(B.TextStyle_9Zz),
- misspelledJointStyle = style.merge$1(misspelledStyle),
- t1 = composingRegion.start,
- endIndex = text.length,
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(spellCheckSuggestions),
- t3 = composingRegion.end,
- t4 = !composingWithinCurrentTextRange,
- textPointer = 0, currentSpanPointer = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(textPointer < endIndex && currentSpanPointer < t2.get$length(spellCheckSuggestions)))
- break;
- t5 = t2.$index(spellCheckSuggestions, currentSpanPointer).range;
- endIndex0 = t5.start;
- if (endIndex0 > textPointer) {
- endIndex0 = endIndex0 < endIndex ? endIndex0 : endIndex;
- if (t1 >= textPointer && t3 <= endIndex0 && t4) {
- textSpanTreeChildren.push(A.TextSpan$(_null, style, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, textPointer, t1)));
- textSpanTreeChildren.push(A.TextSpan$(_null, composingTextStyle, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, t1, t3)));
- textSpanTreeChildren.push(A.TextSpan$(_null, style, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, t3, endIndex0)));
- } else
- textSpanTreeChildren.push(A.TextSpan$(_null, style, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, textPointer, endIndex0)));
- textPointer = endIndex0;
- } else {
- endIndex1 = t5.end;
- endIndex1 = endIndex1 < endIndex ? endIndex1 : endIndex;
- t5 = textPointer >= t1 && endIndex1 <= t3 && t4 ? composingTextStyle : misspelledJointStyle;
- textSpanTreeChildren.push(A.TextSpan$(_null, t5, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, endIndex0, endIndex1)));
- ++currentSpanPointer;
- textPointer = endIndex1;
- }
- }
- t1 = text.length;
- if (textPointer < t1)
- if (textPointer < composingRegion.start && !composingWithinCurrentTextRange) {
- A._addComposingRegionTextSpans(textSpanTreeChildren, text, textPointer, composingRegion, style, composingTextStyle);
- t2 = composingRegion.end;
- if (t2 !== t1)
- textSpanTreeChildren.push(A.TextSpan$(_null, style, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, t2, t1)));
- } else
- textSpanTreeChildren.push(A.TextSpan$(_null, style, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, textPointer, t1)));
- return textSpanTreeChildren;
- },
- _addComposingRegionTextSpans(treeChildren, text, start, composingRegion, style, composingTextStyle) {
- var t1 = composingRegion.start;
- treeChildren.push(A.TextSpan$(null, style, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, start, t1)));
- treeChildren.push(A.TextSpan$(null, composingTextStyle, B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, t1, composingRegion.end)));
- },
- SpellCheckConfiguration: function SpellCheckConfiguration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.spellCheckService = t0;
- _.misspelledSelectionColor = t1;
- _.misspelledTextStyle = t2;
- _.spellCheckSuggestionsToolbarBuilder = t3;
- _._spellCheckEnabled = t4;
- },
- _DragState0: function _DragState0(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TapDragDownDetails: function TapDragDownDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.globalPosition = t0;
- _.localPosition = t1;
- _.kind = t2;
- _.consecutiveTapCount = t3;
- _.keysPressedOnDown = t4;
- },
- TapDragUpDetails: function TapDragUpDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.globalPosition = t0;
- _.localPosition = t1;
- _.kind = t2;
- _.consecutiveTapCount = t3;
- _.keysPressedOnDown = t4;
- },
- TapDragStartDetails: function TapDragStartDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.sourceTimeStamp = t0;
- _.globalPosition = t1;
- _.localPosition = t2;
- _.kind = t3;
- _.consecutiveTapCount = t4;
- _.keysPressedOnDown = t5;
- },
- TapDragUpdateDetails: function TapDragUpdateDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.sourceTimeStamp = t0;
- _.delta = t1;
- _.globalPosition = t2;
- _.localPosition = t3;
- _.kind = t4;
- _.offsetFromOrigin = t5;
- _.localOffsetFromOrigin = t6;
- _.consecutiveTapCount = t7;
- _.keysPressedOnDown = t8;
- },
- TapDragEndDetails: function TapDragEndDetails(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.primaryVelocity = t0;
- this.consecutiveTapCount = t1;
- this.keysPressedOnDown = t2;
- },
- _TapStatusTrackerMixin: function _TapStatusTrackerMixin() {
- },
- BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer: function BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer() {
- },
- BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__handleDragUpdateThrottled_closure: function BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__handleDragUpdateThrottled_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer_addAllowedPointer_closure: function BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer_addAllowedPointer_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.event = t1;
- },
- BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__checkTapDown_closure: function BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__checkTapDown_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.details = t1;
- },
- BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__checkTapUp_closure: function BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__checkTapUp_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.upDetails = t1;
- },
- BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__checkDragStart_closure: function BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__checkDragStart_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.details = t1;
- },
- BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__checkDragUpdate_closure: function BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__checkDragUpdate_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.details = t1;
- },
- BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__checkDragEnd_closure: function BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__checkDragEnd_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.endDetails = t1;
- },
- TapAndHorizontalDragGestureRecognizer: function TapAndHorizontalDragGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t0;
- _.onCancel = _.onDragEnd = _.onDragUpdate = _.onDragStart = _.onTapUp = _.onTapDown = null;
- _._tap_and_drag_gestures$_wonArenaForPrimaryPointer = _._tap_and_drag_gestures$_sentTapDown = _._pastSlopTolerance = false;
- _._deadlineTimer = _._tap_and_drag_gestures$_primaryPointer = null;
- _._dragState = t1;
- _._tap_and_drag_gestures$_start = null;
- _.__BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMovedAllAxes_A = _.__BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved_A = _.__BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition_A = $;
- _._dragUpdateThrottleTimer = _._lastDragUpdateDetails = _._correctedPosition = null;
- _._tap_and_drag_gestures$_acceptedActivePointers = t2;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__down = t3;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__up = t4;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__consecutiveTapCount = t5;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__keysPressedOnDown = t6;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__originPosition = t7;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__previousButtons = t8;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__consecutiveTapTimer = t9;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__lastTapOffset = t10;
- _._recognizer$_entries = t11;
- _._trackedPointers = t12;
- _._team = null;
- _.debugOwner = t13;
- _.gestureSettings = null;
- _.supportedDevices = t14;
- _._allowedButtonsFilter = t15;
- _._pointerToKind = t16;
- },
- TapAndPanGestureRecognizer: function TapAndPanGestureRecognizer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t0;
- _.onCancel = _.onDragEnd = _.onDragUpdate = _.onDragStart = _.onTapUp = _.onTapDown = null;
- _._tap_and_drag_gestures$_wonArenaForPrimaryPointer = _._tap_and_drag_gestures$_sentTapDown = _._pastSlopTolerance = false;
- _._deadlineTimer = _._tap_and_drag_gestures$_primaryPointer = null;
- _._dragState = t1;
- _._tap_and_drag_gestures$_start = null;
- _.__BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMovedAllAxes_A = _.__BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved_A = _.__BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition_A = $;
- _._dragUpdateThrottleTimer = _._lastDragUpdateDetails = _._correctedPosition = null;
- _._tap_and_drag_gestures$_acceptedActivePointers = t2;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__down = t3;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__up = t4;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__consecutiveTapCount = t5;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__keysPressedOnDown = t6;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__originPosition = t7;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__previousButtons = t8;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__consecutiveTapTimer = t9;
- _._TapStatusTrackerMixin__lastTapOffset = t10;
- _._recognizer$_entries = t11;
- _._trackedPointers = t12;
- _._team = null;
- _.debugOwner = t13;
- _.gestureSettings = null;
- _.supportedDevices = t14;
- _._allowedButtonsFilter = t15;
- _._pointerToKind = t16;
- },
- _BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer_OneSequenceGestureRecognizer__TapStatusTrackerMixin: function _BaseTapAndDragGestureRecognizer_OneSequenceGestureRecognizer__TapStatusTrackerMixin() {
- },
- _TapDragDownDetails_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TapDragDownDetails_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _TapDragEndDetails_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TapDragEndDetails_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _TapDragStartDetails_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TapDragStartDetails_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _TapDragUpDetails_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TapDragUpDetails_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- _TapDragUpdateDetails_Object_Diagnosticable: function _TapDragUpdateDetails_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- TextFieldTapRegion$(child, debugLabel, onTapOutside) {
- return new A.TextFieldTapRegion(true, onTapOutside, null, B.Type_EditableText_C3e, debugLabel, child, null);
- },
- TapRegionSurface: function TapRegionSurface(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- RenderTapRegionSurface: function RenderTapRegionSurface(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._cachedResults = t0;
- _._registeredRegions = t1;
- _._groupIdToRegions = t2;
- _.behavior = t3;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t4;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t5;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- TapRegion: function TapRegion() {
- },
- RenderTapRegion: function RenderTapRegion(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _._isRegistered = false;
- _.onTapOutside = t0;
- _.onTapInside = t1;
- _.debugLabel = t2;
- _._tap_region$_enabled = t3;
- _._groupId = t4;
- _._registry = t5;
- _.behavior = t6;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t7;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t8;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- TextFieldTapRegion: function TextFieldTapRegion(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.enabled = t0;
- _.onTapOutside = t1;
- _.onTapInside = t2;
- _.groupId = t3;
- _.debugLabel = t4;
- _.child = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- },
- DefaultTextStyle$(child, key, maxLines, overflow, softWrap, style, textAlign, textHeightBehavior, textWidthBasis) {
- return new A.DefaultTextStyle(style, textAlign, softWrap, overflow, maxLines, textWidthBasis, textHeightBehavior, child, key);
- },
- DefaultTextHeightBehavior_maybeOf(context) {
- var t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.DefaultTextHeightBehavior);
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.get$textHeightBehavior();
- },
- Text$(data, maxLines, overflow, semanticsLabel, softWrap, style, textAlign, textDirection, textScaleFactor) {
- return new A.Text(data, null, style, textAlign, textDirection, softWrap, overflow, textScaleFactor, maxLines, semanticsLabel, null);
- },
- DefaultTextStyle: function DefaultTextStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.style = t0;
- _.textAlign = t1;
- _.softWrap = t2;
- _.overflow = t3;
- _.maxLines = t4;
- _.textWidthBasis = t5;
- _.textHeightBehavior = t6;
- _.child = t7;
- _.key = t8;
- },
- _NullWidget3: function _NullWidget3(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- Text: function Text(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.data = t0;
- _.textSpan = t1;
- _.style = t2;
- _.textAlign = t3;
- _.textDirection = t4;
- _.softWrap = t5;
- _.overflow = t6;
- _.textScaleFactor = t7;
- _.maxLines = t8;
- _.semanticsLabel = t9;
- _.key = t10;
- },
- DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent: function DoNothingAndStopPropagationTextIntent() {
- },
- DirectionalTextEditingIntent: function DirectionalTextEditingIntent() {
- },
- DeleteCharacterIntent: function DeleteCharacterIntent(t0) {
- this.forward = t0;
- },
- DeleteToNextWordBoundaryIntent: function DeleteToNextWordBoundaryIntent(t0) {
- this.forward = t0;
- },
- DeleteToLineBreakIntent: function DeleteToLineBreakIntent(t0) {
- this.forward = t0;
- },
- DirectionalCaretMovementIntent: function DirectionalCaretMovementIntent() {
- },
- ExtendSelectionByCharacterIntent: function ExtendSelectionByCharacterIntent(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.collapseSelection = t0;
- _.collapseAtReversal = t1;
- _.continuesAtWrap = t2;
- _.forward = t3;
- },
- ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryIntent: function ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryIntent(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.collapseSelection = t0;
- _.collapseAtReversal = t1;
- _.continuesAtWrap = t2;
- _.forward = t3;
- },
- ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryOrCaretLocationIntent: function ExtendSelectionToNextWordBoundaryOrCaretLocationIntent(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.collapseSelection = t0;
- _.collapseAtReversal = t1;
- _.continuesAtWrap = t2;
- _.forward = t3;
- },
- ExpandSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent: function ExpandSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.collapseSelection = t0;
- _.collapseAtReversal = t1;
- _.continuesAtWrap = t2;
- _.forward = t3;
- },
- ExpandSelectionToLineBreakIntent: function ExpandSelectionToLineBreakIntent(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.collapseSelection = t0;
- _.collapseAtReversal = t1;
- _.continuesAtWrap = t2;
- _.forward = t3;
- },
- ExtendSelectionToLineBreakIntent: function ExtendSelectionToLineBreakIntent(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.collapseSelection = t0;
- _.collapseAtReversal = t1;
- _.continuesAtWrap = t2;
- _.forward = t3;
- },
- ExtendSelectionVerticallyToAdjacentLineIntent: function ExtendSelectionVerticallyToAdjacentLineIntent(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.collapseSelection = t0;
- _.collapseAtReversal = t1;
- _.continuesAtWrap = t2;
- _.forward = t3;
- },
- ExtendSelectionVerticallyToAdjacentPageIntent: function ExtendSelectionVerticallyToAdjacentPageIntent(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.collapseSelection = t0;
- _.collapseAtReversal = t1;
- _.continuesAtWrap = t2;
- _.forward = t3;
- },
- ExtendSelectionToNextParagraphBoundaryIntent: function ExtendSelectionToNextParagraphBoundaryIntent(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.collapseSelection = t0;
- _.collapseAtReversal = t1;
- _.continuesAtWrap = t2;
- _.forward = t3;
- },
- ExtendSelectionToNextParagraphBoundaryOrCaretLocationIntent: function ExtendSelectionToNextParagraphBoundaryOrCaretLocationIntent(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.collapseSelection = t0;
- _.collapseAtReversal = t1;
- _.continuesAtWrap = t2;
- _.forward = t3;
- },
- ExtendSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent: function ExtendSelectionToDocumentBoundaryIntent(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.collapseSelection = t0;
- _.collapseAtReversal = t1;
- _.continuesAtWrap = t2;
- _.forward = t3;
- },
- ScrollToDocumentBoundaryIntent: function ScrollToDocumentBoundaryIntent(t0) {
- this.forward = t0;
- },
- SelectAllTextIntent: function SelectAllTextIntent() {
- },
- CopySelectionTextIntent: function CopySelectionTextIntent(t0) {
- this.collapseSelection = t0;
- },
- PasteTextIntent: function PasteTextIntent() {
- },
- RedoTextIntent: function RedoTextIntent() {
- },
- ReplaceTextIntent: function ReplaceTextIntent(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.currentTextEditingValue = t0;
- _.replacementText = t1;
- _.replacementRange = t2;
- _.cause = t3;
- },
- UndoTextIntent: function UndoTextIntent() {
- },
- UpdateSelectionIntent: function UpdateSelectionIntent(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.currentTextEditingValue = t0;
- this.newSelection = t1;
- this.cause = t2;
- },
- TransposeCharactersIntent: function TransposeCharactersIntent() {
- },
- _SelectionHandleOverlay$(dragStartBehavior, handleLayerLink, onSelectionHandleDragEnd, onSelectionHandleDragStart, onSelectionHandleDragUpdate, onSelectionHandleTapped, preferredLineHeight, selectionControls, type, visibility) {
- return new A._SelectionHandleOverlay(handleLayerLink, onSelectionHandleTapped, onSelectionHandleDragStart, onSelectionHandleDragUpdate, onSelectionHandleDragEnd, selectionControls, visibility, preferredLineHeight, type, dragStartBehavior, null);
- },
- _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState__getEffectiveConsecutiveTapCount(rawCount) {
- var t1;
- switch (A.defaultTargetPlatform().index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 3:
- if (rawCount <= 3)
- t1 = rawCount;
- else {
- t1 = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(rawCount, 3);
- if (t1 === 0)
- t1 = 3;
- }
- return t1;
- case 2:
- case 4:
- return Math.min(rawCount, 3);
- case 5:
- return rawCount < 2 ? rawCount : 2 + B.JSInt_methods.$mod(rawCount, 2);
- }
- },
- ToolbarItemsParentData: function ToolbarItemsParentData(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.shouldPaint = false;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1;
- _.offset = t2;
- },
- TextSelectionControls: function TextSelectionControls() {
- },
- TextSelectionOverlay: function TextSelectionOverlay(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _.renderObject = t1;
- _.selectionControls = t2;
- _.selectionDelegate = t3;
- _.__TextSelectionOverlay__selectionOverlay_F = $;
- _.contextMenuBuilder = t4;
- _._text_selection$_value = t5;
- _._effectiveStartHandleVisibility = t6;
- _._effectiveEndHandleVisibility = t7;
- _._effectiveToolbarVisibility = t8;
- _._handlesVisible = false;
- _.__TextSelectionOverlay__startHandleDragPositionToCenterOfLine_A = _.__TextSelectionOverlay__startHandleDragPosition_A = _.__TextSelectionOverlay__endHandleDragPositionToCenterOfLine_A = _.__TextSelectionOverlay__endHandleDragPosition_A = $;
- },
- SelectionOverlay: function SelectionOverlay(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29) {
- var _ = this;
- _.context = t0;
- _._magnifierInfo = t1;
- _._magnifierController = t2;
- _.magnifierConfiguration = t3;
- _._startHandleType = t4;
- _._lineHeightAtStart = t5;
- _._isDraggingStartHandle = false;
- _.startHandlesVisible = t6;
- _.onStartHandleDragStart = t7;
- _.onStartHandleDragUpdate = t8;
- _.onStartHandleDragEnd = t9;
- _._endHandleType = t10;
- _._lineHeightAtEnd = t11;
- _._isDraggingEndHandle = false;
- _.endHandlesVisible = t12;
- _.onEndHandleDragStart = t13;
- _.onEndHandleDragUpdate = t14;
- _.onEndHandleDragEnd = t15;
- _.toolbarVisible = t16;
- _._selectionEndpoints = t17;
- _.debugRequiredFor = t18;
- _.toolbarLayerLink = t19;
- _.startHandleLayerLink = t20;
- _.endHandleLayerLink = t21;
- _.selectionControls = t22;
- _.selectionDelegate = t23;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t24;
- _.onSelectionHandleTapped = t25;
- _.clipboardStatus = t26;
- _._toolbarLocation = t27;
- _._toolbar = _._handles = null;
- _._contextMenuController = t28;
- _._spellCheckToolbarController = t29;
- _._buildScheduled = false;
- },
- SelectionOverlay_showMagnifier_closure: function SelectionOverlay_showMagnifier_closure(t0) {
- this.builtMagnifier = t0;
- },
- SelectionOverlay_showToolbar_closure: function SelectionOverlay_showToolbar_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.renderBox = t1;
- this.contextMenuBuilder = t2;
- },
- SelectionOverlay_showSpellCheckSuggestionsToolbar_closure: function SelectionOverlay_showSpellCheckSuggestionsToolbar_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.renderBox = t1;
- this.builder = t2;
- },
- SelectionOverlay_markNeedsBuild_closure: function SelectionOverlay_markNeedsBuild_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SelectionOverlay__buildToolbar_closure: function SelectionOverlay__buildToolbar_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.editingRegion = t1;
- this.midpoint = t2;
- },
- _SelectionToolbarWrapper: function _SelectionToolbarWrapper(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.offset = t1;
- _.layerLink = t2;
- _.visibility = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _SelectionToolbarWrapperState: function _SelectionToolbarWrapperState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___SelectionToolbarWrapperState__controller_A = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _SelectionHandleOverlay: function _SelectionHandleOverlay(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.handleLayerLink = t0;
- _.onSelectionHandleTapped = t1;
- _.onSelectionHandleDragStart = t2;
- _.onSelectionHandleDragUpdate = t3;
- _.onSelectionHandleDragEnd = t4;
- _.selectionControls = t5;
- _.visibility = t6;
- _.preferredLineHeight = t7;
- _.type = t8;
- _.dragStartBehavior = t9;
- _.key = t10;
- },
- _SelectionHandleOverlayState: function _SelectionHandleOverlayState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___SelectionHandleOverlayState__controller_A = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _SelectionHandleOverlayState_build_closure: function _SelectionHandleOverlayState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _SelectionHandleOverlayState_build_closure0: function _SelectionHandleOverlayState_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TextSelectionGestureDetectorBuilder: function TextSelectionGestureDetectorBuilder() {
- },
- TextSelectionGestureDetector: function TextSelectionGestureDetector(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onTapDown = t0;
- _.onForcePressStart = t1;
- _.onForcePressEnd = t2;
- _.onSecondaryTap = t3;
- _.onSecondaryTapDown = t4;
- _.onSingleTapUp = t5;
- _.onSingleTapCancel = t6;
- _.onSingleLongTapStart = t7;
- _.onSingleLongTapMoveUpdate = t8;
- _.onSingleLongTapEnd = t9;
- _.onDoubleTapDown = t10;
- _.onTripleTapDown = t11;
- _.onDragSelectionStart = t12;
- _.onDragSelectionUpdate = t13;
- _.onDragSelectionEnd = t14;
- _.behavior = t15;
- _.child = t16;
- _.key = t17;
- },
- _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState: function _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState(t0) {
- this._widget = null;
- this._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- this._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure: function _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure0: function _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure1: function _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure2: function _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure3: function _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure3(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure4: function _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure4(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure5: function _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure5(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure6: function _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure6(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure7: function _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure7(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure8: function _TextSelectionGestureDetectorState_build_closure8(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ClipboardStatusNotifier: function ClipboardStatusNotifier(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._text_selection$_disposed = false;
- _._change_notifier$_value = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- ClipboardStatus: function ClipboardStatus(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TextSelectionHandleControls: function TextSelectionHandleControls() {
- },
- _ClipboardStatusNotifier_ValueNotifier_WidgetsBindingObserver: function _ClipboardStatusNotifier_ValueNotifier_WidgetsBindingObserver() {
- },
- __SelectionHandleOverlayState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __SelectionHandleOverlayState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- __SelectionToolbarWrapperState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __SelectionToolbarWrapperState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- TextSelectionToolbarAnchors_TextSelectionToolbarAnchors$fromSelection(endGlyphHeight, renderBox, selectionEndpoints, startGlyphHeight) {
- var isMultiline, t3, t4, t5,
- t1 = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(renderBox.getTransformTo$1(0, null), B.Offset_0_0),
- t2 = renderBox._size.bottomRight$1(0, B.Offset_0_0),
- editingRegion = A.Rect$fromPoints(t1, A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(renderBox.getTransformTo$1(0, null), t2));
- t1 = editingRegion.left;
- if (isNaN(t1) || isNaN(editingRegion.top) || isNaN(editingRegion.right) || isNaN(editingRegion.bottom))
- return B.TextSelectionToolbarAnchors_Offset_0_0_null;
- isMultiline = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(selectionEndpoints).point._dy - B.JSArray_methods.get$first(selectionEndpoints).point._dy > endGlyphHeight / 2;
- t2 = isMultiline ? t1 : t1 + B.JSArray_methods.get$first(selectionEndpoints).point._dx;
- t3 = editingRegion.top;
- t4 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(selectionEndpoints);
- t1 = isMultiline ? editingRegion.right : t1 + B.JSArray_methods.get$last(selectionEndpoints).point._dx;
- t5 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(selectionEndpoints);
- t2 += (t1 - t2) / 2;
- t1 = editingRegion.bottom;
- return new A.TextSelectionToolbarAnchors(new A.Offset(t2, A.clampDouble(t3 + t4.point._dy - startGlyphHeight, t3, t1)), new A.Offset(t2, A.clampDouble(t3 + t5.point._dy, t3, t1)));
- },
- TextSelectionToolbarAnchors: function TextSelectionToolbarAnchors(t0, t1) {
- this.primaryAnchor = t0;
- this.secondaryAnchor = t1;
- },
- TextSelectionToolbarLayoutDelegate_centerOn(position, width, max) {
- var t1 = width / 2,
- t2 = position - t1;
- if (t2 < 0)
- return 0;
- if (position + t1 > max)
- return max - width;
- return t2;
- },
- TextSelectionToolbarLayoutDelegate: function TextSelectionToolbarLayoutDelegate(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.anchorAbove = t0;
- this.anchorBelow = t1;
- this.fitsAbove = t2;
- },
- TickerMode_of(context) {
- var widget = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._EffectiveTickerMode),
- t1 = widget == null ? null : widget.enabled;
- return t1 !== false;
- },
- TickerMode_getNotifier(context) {
- var widget = context.getInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._EffectiveTickerMode),
- t1 = widget == null ? null : widget.notifier;
- return t1 == null ? A.ValueNotifier$(true, type$.bool) : t1;
- },
- TickerMode: function TickerMode(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.enabled = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _TickerModeState: function _TickerModeState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._ancestorTicketMode = true;
- _._effectiveMode = t0;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _EffectiveTickerMode: function _EffectiveTickerMode(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.enabled = t0;
- _.notifier = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- TickerProviderStateMixin: function TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- _WidgetTicker: function _WidgetTicker(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._creator = t0;
- _._ticker$_future = null;
- _._muted = false;
- _._startTime = null;
- _._onTick = t1;
- _._animationId = null;
- _.debugLabel = t2;
- _.__Ticker__debugCreationStack_A = $;
- },
- Title: function Title(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.title = t0;
- _.color = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- SlideTransition$(child, position, textDirection, transformHitTests) {
- return new A.SlideTransition(textDirection, transformHitTests, child, position, null);
- },
- ScaleTransition$(child, scale) {
- return new A.ScaleTransition(child, scale, null);
- },
- RotationTransition$(child, turns) {
- return new A.RotationTransition(child, turns, null);
- },
- SizeTransition$(axis, axisAlignment, child, sizeFactor) {
- return new A.SizeTransition(axis, axisAlignment, child, sizeFactor, null);
- },
- AnimatedBuilder$(animation, builder, child) {
- return new A.AnimatedBuilder(builder, child, animation, null);
- },
- AnimatedWidget: function AnimatedWidget() {
- },
- _AnimatedState: function _AnimatedState(t0) {
- this._widget = null;
- this._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- this._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _AnimatedState__handleChange_closure: function _AnimatedState__handleChange_closure() {
- },
- SlideTransition: function SlideTransition(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.textDirection = t0;
- _.transformHitTests = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.listenable = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- ScaleTransition: function ScaleTransition(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.listenable = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- RotationTransition: function RotationTransition(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.listenable = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- SizeTransition: function SizeTransition(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.axis = t0;
- _.axisAlignment = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.listenable = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- FadeTransition: function FadeTransition(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.opacity = t0;
- _.alwaysIncludeSemantics = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- DecoratedBoxTransition: function DecoratedBoxTransition(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.decoration = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.listenable = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- ListenableBuilder: function ListenableBuilder() {
- },
- AnimatedBuilder: function AnimatedBuilder(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.builder = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.listenable = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _throttle(duration, $function, $T) {
- var t1 = {};
- t1.timer = null;
- return new A._throttle_closure(t1, A._Cell$named("arg"), duration, $function, $T);
- },
- UndoHistory: function UndoHistory(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.value = t0;
- _.shouldChangeUndoStack = t1;
- _.onTriggered = t2;
- _.focusNode = t3;
- _.controller = t4;
- _.child = t5;
- _.key = t6;
- _.$ti = t7;
- },
- UndoHistoryState: function UndoHistoryState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._undo_history$_stack = t0;
- _.__UndoHistoryState__throttledPush_F = $;
- _._throttleTimer = null;
- _._duringTrigger = false;
- _._widget = _._undo_history$_controller = _._undo_history$_lastValue = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- UndoHistoryState_initState_closure: function UndoHistoryState_initState_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- UndoHistoryValue: function UndoHistoryValue(t0, t1) {
- this.canUndo = t0;
- this.canRedo = t1;
- },
- UndoHistoryController: function UndoHistoryController(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.onUndo = t0;
- _.onRedo = t1;
- _._change_notifier$_value = t2;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t3;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- _UndoStack: function _UndoStack(t0, t1) {
- this._undo_history$_list = t0;
- this._undo_history$_index = -1;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- _throttle_closure: function _throttle_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.arg = t1;
- _.duration = t2;
- _.$function = t3;
- _.T = t4;
- },
- _throttle__closure: function _throttle__closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$function = t1;
- this.arg = t2;
- },
- _UndoHistoryState_State_UndoManagerClient: function _UndoHistoryState_State_UndoManagerClient() {
- },
- View_maybeOf(context) {
- var t1 = A.LookupBoundary_dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType(context, type$._ViewScope);
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.view;
- },
- View: function View(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.view = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _ViewScope: function _ViewScope(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.view = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- Viewport$(anchor, axisDirection, cacheExtent, cacheExtentStyle, center, clipBehavior, offset, slivers) {
- return new A.Viewport(axisDirection, anchor, offset, center, cacheExtent, cacheExtentStyle, clipBehavior, slivers, null);
- },
- Viewport_getDefaultCrossAxisDirection(context, axisDirection) {
- var t1;
- switch (axisDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- return A.textDirectionToAxisDirection(t1.textDirection);
- case 1:
- return B.AxisDirection_2;
- case 2:
- t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- return A.textDirectionToAxisDirection(t1.textDirection);
- case 3:
- return B.AxisDirection_2;
- }
- },
- Viewport: function Viewport(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.axisDirection = t0;
- _.anchor = t1;
- _.offset = t2;
- _.center = t3;
- _.cacheExtent = t4;
- _.cacheExtentStyle = t5;
- _.clipBehavior = t6;
- _.children = t7;
- _.key = t8;
- },
- _ViewportElement: function _ViewportElement(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._doingMountOrUpdate = false;
- _._centerSlotIndex = null;
- _.__MultiChildRenderObjectElement__children_A = $;
- _._forgottenChildren = t0;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._ancestorRenderObjectElement = _._renderObject = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t1;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t2;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- ShrinkWrappingViewport: function ShrinkWrappingViewport(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.axisDirection = t0;
- _.offset = t1;
- _.clipBehavior = t2;
- _.children = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- __ViewportElement_MultiChildRenderObjectElement_NotifiableElementMixin: function __ViewportElement_MultiChildRenderObjectElement_NotifiableElementMixin() {
- },
- __ViewportElement_MultiChildRenderObjectElement_NotifiableElementMixin_ViewportElementMixin: function __ViewportElement_MultiChildRenderObjectElement_NotifiableElementMixin_ViewportElementMixin() {
- },
- Visibility$(child, replacement, visible) {
- return new A.Visibility(child, replacement, visible, false, false, false, false, false, null);
- },
- Visibility_of(context) {
- var t1, ancestor, isVisible, _box_0 = {};
- _box_0.ancestorContext = context;
- t1 = type$._VisibilityScope;
- ancestor = context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(t1);
- isVisible = true;
- while (true) {
- if (!(isVisible && ancestor != null))
- break;
- isVisible = t1._as(context.dependOnInheritedElement$1(ancestor)).isVisible;
- ancestor.visitAncestorElements$1(new A.Visibility_of_closure(_box_0));
- ancestor = _box_0.ancestorContext.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(t1);
- }
- return isVisible;
- },
- Visibility: function Visibility(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.replacement = t1;
- _.visible = t2;
- _.maintainState = t3;
- _.maintainAnimation = t4;
- _.maintainSize = t5;
- _.maintainSemantics = t6;
- _.maintainInteractivity = t7;
- _.key = t8;
- },
- Visibility_of_closure: function Visibility_of_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- _VisibilityScope: function _VisibilityScope(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.isVisible = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _Visibility: function _Visibility(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.visible = t0;
- _.maintainSemantics = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _RenderVisibility: function _RenderVisibility(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._visible = t0;
- _._maintainSemantics = t1;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t2;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t3;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- WidgetSpan: function WidgetSpan() {
- },
- WillPopScope: function WillPopScope(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.onWillPop = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _WillPopScopeState: function _WillPopScopeState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._widget = _._route = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- AnimateWidgetExtensions_animate(_this) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = new A.Animate(_this, _null, _null, _null, true, B.Duration_0, _null, _null, _null, B.Duration_0, B.Duration_0, _null);
- A.warn(true, "Animate.onPlay is not called when Animate.autoPlay=false");
- A.warn(true, "Animate.onInit is not called when used with Animate.controller");
- t1.__Animate__entries_F = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_EffectEntry);
- return t1;
- },
- Animate: function Animate(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.onInit = t1;
- _.onPlay = t2;
- _.onComplete = t3;
- _.autoPlay = t4;
- _.delay = t5;
- _.controller = t6;
- _.adapter = t7;
- _.target = t8;
- _.__Animate__entries_F = $;
- _._animate$_duration = t9;
- _._lastEntry = null;
- _._baseDelay = t10;
- _.key = t11;
- },
- Animate_reparentTypes_closure: function Animate_reparentTypes_closure() {
- },
- Animate_reparentTypes_closure0: function Animate_reparentTypes_closure0() {
- },
- Animate_reparentTypes_closure1: function Animate_reparentTypes_closure1() {
- },
- _AnimateState: function _AnimateState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___AnimateState__controller_A = $;
- _._isInternalController = false;
- _._delayed = _._adapter = null;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _AnimateState__restart_closure: function _AnimateState__restart_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _Animate_StatefulWidget_AnimateManager: function _Animate_StatefulWidget_AnimateManager() {
- },
- __AnimateState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __AnimateState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- Effect: function Effect() {
- },
- Effect_getOptimizedBuilder_closure: function Effect_getOptimizedBuilder_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.animation = t1;
- _.builder = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- },
- FadeEffect: function FadeEffect(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.delay = t0;
- _.duration = t1;
- _.curve = t2;
- _.begin = t3;
- _.end = t4;
- },
- ScaleEffect: function ScaleEffect(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.alignment = t0;
- _.delay = t1;
- _.duration = t2;
- _.curve = t3;
- _.begin = t4;
- _.end = t5;
- },
- ScaleEffect_build_closure: function ScaleEffect_build_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.animation = t1;
- this.child = t2;
- },
- SlideEffect: function SlideEffect(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.delay = t0;
- _.duration = t1;
- _.curve = t2;
- _.begin = t3;
- _.end = t4;
- },
- AnimateManager: function AnimateManager() {
- },
- EffectEntry: function EffectEntry(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.delay = t0;
- _.duration = t1;
- _.curve = t2;
- _.effect = t3;
- },
- Google: function Google(t0) {
- this._palette_rgb$_value = t0;
- },
- GoogleGrad: function GoogleGrad(t0) {
- this._palettes = t0;
- },
- Instagram: function Instagram(t0) {
- this._palette_rgb$_value = t0;
- },
- InstagramGrad: function InstagramGrad(t0) {
- this._palettes = t0;
- },
- JsUrlStrategy0: function JsUrlStrategy0() {
- },
- Registrar: function Registrar() {
- },
- Registrar_send_closure: function Registrar_send_closure(t0) {
- this.completer = t0;
- },
- PluginRegistry: function PluginRegistry(t0) {
- this._plugin_registry$_handlers = t0;
- },
- post(url, body, headers) {
- return A._withClient(new A.post_closure(url, headers, body, null), type$.Response);
- },
- $delete(url, headers) {
- return A._withClient(new A.delete_closure(url, headers, null, null), type$.Response);
- },
- _withClient(fn, $T) {
- return A._withClient$body(fn, $T, $T);
- },
- _withClient$body(fn, $T, $async$type) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
- $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], t1, client;
- var $async$_withClient = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- client = new A.BrowserClient(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.HttpRequest));
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$goto = 6;
- return A._asyncAwait(fn.call$1(client), $async$_withClient);
- case 6:
- // returning from await.
- t1 = $async$result;
- $async$returnValue = t1;
- $async$next = [1];
- // goto finally
- $async$goto = 4;
- break;
- $async$next.push(5);
- // goto finally
- $async$goto = 4;
- break;
- case 3:
- // uncaught
- $async$next = [2];
- case 4:
- // finally
- $async$handler = 2;
- J.close$0$z(client);
- // goto the next finally handler
- $async$goto = $async$next.pop();
- break;
- case 5:
- // after finally
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- case 2:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_withClient, $async$completer);
- },
- post_closure: function post_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.url = t0;
- _.headers = t1;
- _.body = t2;
- _.encoding = t3;
- },
- delete_closure: function delete_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.url = t0;
- _.headers = t1;
- _.body = t2;
- _.encoding = t3;
- },
- BaseClient: function BaseClient() {
- },
- BaseRequest: function BaseRequest() {
- },
- BaseRequest_closure: function BaseRequest_closure() {
- },
- BaseRequest_closure0: function BaseRequest_closure0() {
- },
- BaseResponse: function BaseResponse() {
- },
- BrowserClient: function BrowserClient(t0) {
- this._xhrs = t0;
- this._isClosed = false;
- },
- BrowserClient_send_closure: function BrowserClient_send_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.xhr = t0;
- this.completer = t1;
- this.request = t2;
- },
- BrowserClient_send_closure0: function BrowserClient_send_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.completer = t0;
- this.request = t1;
- },
- ByteStream: function ByteStream(t0) {
- this._stream = t0;
- },
- ByteStream_toBytes_closure: function ByteStream_toBytes_closure(t0) {
- this.completer = t0;
- },
- ClientException$(message, uri) {
- return new A.ClientException(message, uri);
- },
- ClientException: function ClientException(t0, t1) {
- this.message = t0;
- this.uri = t1;
- },
- Request$(method, url) {
- var t1 = new Uint8Array(0),
- t2 = $.$get$BaseRequest__tokenRE()._nativeRegExp;
- if (!t2.test(method))
- A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$value(method, "method", "Not a valid method"));
- t2 = type$.String;
- return new A.Request(B.C_Utf8Codec, t1, method, url, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(new A.BaseRequest_closure(), new A.BaseRequest_closure0(), null, t2, t2));
- },
- Request: function Request(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._defaultEncoding = t0;
- _._bodyBytes = t1;
- _.method = t2;
- _.url = t3;
- _.headers = t4;
- _._finalized = false;
- },
- Response_fromStream(response) {
- return A.Response_fromStream$body(response);
- },
- Response_fromStream$body(response) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Response),
- $async$returnValue, body, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
- var $async$Response_fromStream = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(response.stream.toBytes$0(), $async$Response_fromStream);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- body = $async$result;
- t1 = response.statusCode;
- t2 = response.request;
- t3 = response.headers;
- t4 = response.reasonPhrase;
- t5 = A.toUint8List(body);
- t6 = body.length;
- t5 = new A.Response(t5, t2, t1, t4, t6, t3, false, true);
- t5.BaseResponse$7$contentLength$headers$isRedirect$persistentConnection$reasonPhrase$request(t1, t6, t3, false, true, t4, t2);
- $async$returnValue = t5;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$Response_fromStream, $async$completer);
- },
- _contentTypeForHeaders(headers) {
- var contentType = headers.$index(0, "content-type");
- if (contentType != null)
- return A.MediaType_MediaType$parse(contentType);
- return A.MediaType$("application", "octet-stream", null);
- },
- Response: function Response(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.bodyBytes = t0;
- _.request = t1;
- _.statusCode = t2;
- _.reasonPhrase = t3;
- _.contentLength = t4;
- _.headers = t5;
- _.isRedirect = t6;
- _.persistentConnection = t7;
- },
- StreamedResponse: function StreamedResponse(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stream = t0;
- _.request = t1;
- _.statusCode = t2;
- _.reasonPhrase = t3;
- _.contentLength = t4;
- _.headers = t5;
- _.isRedirect = t6;
- _.persistentConnection = t7;
- },
- CaseInsensitiveMap$from(other, $V) {
- var t1 = new A.CaseInsensitiveMap(new A.CaseInsensitiveMap$from_closure(), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, $V._eval$1("MapEntry")), $V._eval$1("CaseInsensitiveMap<0>"));
- t1.addAll$1(0, other);
- return t1;
- },
- CaseInsensitiveMap: function CaseInsensitiveMap(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._canonicalize = t0;
- this._base = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- CaseInsensitiveMap$from_closure: function CaseInsensitiveMap$from_closure() {
- },
- MediaType_MediaType$parse(mediaType) {
- return A.wrapFormatException("media type", mediaType, new A.MediaType_MediaType$parse_closure(mediaType));
- },
- MediaType$(type, subtype, parameters) {
- var t1 = type$.String;
- t1 = parameters == null ? A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1) : A.CaseInsensitiveMap$from(parameters, t1);
- return new A.MediaType(type.toLowerCase(), subtype.toLowerCase(), new A.UnmodifiableMapView(t1, type$.UnmodifiableMapView_String_String));
- },
- MediaType: function MediaType(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.type = t0;
- this.subtype = t1;
- this.parameters = t2;
- },
- MediaType_MediaType$parse_closure: function MediaType_MediaType$parse_closure(t0) {
- this.mediaType = t0;
- },
- MediaType_toString_closure: function MediaType_toString_closure(t0) {
- this.buffer = t0;
- },
- MediaType_toString__closure: function MediaType_toString__closure() {
- },
- expectQuotedString(scanner) {
- var string;
- scanner.expect$2$name($.$get$_quotedString(), "quoted string");
- string = scanner.get$lastMatch().$index(0, 0);
- return A.stringReplaceAllFuncUnchecked(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(string, 1, string.length - 1), $.$get$_quotedPair(), new A.expectQuotedString_closure(), null);
- },
- expectQuotedString_closure: function expectQuotedString_closure() {
- },
- DateSymbols: function DateSymbols(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16) {
- var _ = this;
- _.NAME = t0;
- _.ERAS = t1;
- _.ERANAMES = t2;
- _.MONTHS = t5;
- _.WEEKDAYS = t9;
- _.QUARTERS = t15;
- _.AMPMS = t16;
- },
- },
- NumberSymbols: function NumberSymbols(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.NAME = t0;
- _.DECIMAL_SEP = t1;
- _.GROUP_SEP = t2;
- _.PERCENT = t3;
- _.ZERO_DIGIT = t4;
- _.PLUS_SIGN = t5;
- _.MINUS_SIGN = t6;
- _.EXP_SYMBOL = t7;
- _.PERMILL = t8;
- _.INFINITY = t9;
- _.NAN = t10;
- },
- DateBuilder: function DateBuilder(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.year = 1970;
- _.day = _.month = 1;
- _.fractionalSecond = _.second = _.minute = _.hour = _.dayOfYear = 0;
- _._hasAmbiguousCentury = _.utc = _.pm = false;
- _._date_builder$_locale = t0;
- _._date = null;
- _._retried = 0;
- _.dateOnly = false;
- _._dateTimeConstructor = t1;
- },
- DateFormat$(newPattern, locale) {
- var t1 = A.verifiedLocale(locale, A.date_format_DateFormat_localeExists$closure(), null);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = new A.DateFormat(new A.DateFormat_dateTimeConstructor_closure(), t1);
- t1.addPattern$1(newPattern);
- return t1;
- },
- DateFormat$d() {
- var t1 = A.verifiedLocale(null, A.date_format_DateFormat_localeExists$closure(), null);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = new A.DateFormat(new A.DateFormat_dateTimeConstructor_closure(), t1);
- t1.addPattern$1("d");
- return t1;
- },
- DateFormat$MEd() {
- var t1 = A.verifiedLocale(null, A.date_format_DateFormat_localeExists$closure(), null);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = new A.DateFormat(new A.DateFormat_dateTimeConstructor_closure(), t1);
- t1.addPattern$1("MEd");
- return t1;
- },
- DateFormat$MMM() {
- var t1 = A.verifiedLocale(null, A.date_format_DateFormat_localeExists$closure(), null);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = new A.DateFormat(new A.DateFormat_dateTimeConstructor_closure(), t1);
- t1.addPattern$1("MMM");
- return t1;
- },
- DateFormat$MMMd() {
- var t1 = A.verifiedLocale(null, A.date_format_DateFormat_localeExists$closure(), null);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = new A.DateFormat(new A.DateFormat_dateTimeConstructor_closure(), t1);
- t1.addPattern$1("MMMd");
- return t1;
- },
- DateFormat$y() {
- var t1 = A.verifiedLocale(null, A.date_format_DateFormat_localeExists$closure(), null);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = new A.DateFormat(new A.DateFormat_dateTimeConstructor_closure(), t1);
- t1.addPattern$1("y");
- return t1;
- },
- DateFormat$Hm() {
- var t1 = A.verifiedLocale(null, A.date_format_DateFormat_localeExists$closure(), null);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = new A.DateFormat(new A.DateFormat_dateTimeConstructor_closure(), t1);
- t1.addPattern$1("Hm");
- return t1;
- },
- DateFormat$j() {
- var t1 = A.verifiedLocale(null, A.date_format_DateFormat_localeExists$closure(), null);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = new A.DateFormat(new A.DateFormat_dateTimeConstructor_closure(), t1);
- t1.addPattern$1("j");
- return t1;
- },
- DateFormat$ms() {
- var t1 = A.verifiedLocale(null, A.date_format_DateFormat_localeExists$closure(), null);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = new A.DateFormat(new A.DateFormat_dateTimeConstructor_closure(), t1);
- t1.addPattern$1("ms");
- return t1;
- },
- DateFormat_localeExists(localeName) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_dateTimeSymbols();
- t1.toString;
- if (A.canonicalizedLocale(localeName) !== "en_US")
- t1._throwException$0();
- return true;
- },
- DateFormat__fieldConstructors() {
- return A._setArrayType([new A.DateFormat__fieldConstructors_closure(), new A.DateFormat__fieldConstructors_closure0(), new A.DateFormat__fieldConstructors_closure1()], type$.JSArray_of__DateFormatField_Function_String_DateFormat);
- },
- _DateFormatQuotedField__patchQuotes(pattern) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (pattern === "''")
- return "'";
- else {
- t1 = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(pattern, 1, pattern.length - 1);
- t2 = $.$get$_DateFormatQuotedField__twoEscapedQuotes();
- return A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1, t2, "'");
- }
- },
- DateFormat: function DateFormat(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dateTimeConstructor = t0;
- _._dateOnly = null;
- _._date_format$_locale = t1;
- _._localeZero = _._localeZeroCodeUnit = _._digitMatcher = _._useNativeDigits = _._formatFieldsPrivate = _._date_format$_pattern = null;
- },
- DateFormat_dateTimeConstructor_closure: function DateFormat_dateTimeConstructor_closure() {
- },
- DateFormat__checkDateOnly_closure: function DateFormat__checkDateOnly_closure() {
- },
- DateFormat__initDigitMatcher_closure: function DateFormat__initDigitMatcher_closure() {
- },
- DateFormat__initDigitMatcher_closure0: function DateFormat__initDigitMatcher_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- DateFormat__fieldConstructors_closure: function DateFormat__fieldConstructors_closure() {
- },
- DateFormat__fieldConstructors_closure0: function DateFormat__fieldConstructors_closure0() {
- },
- DateFormat__fieldConstructors_closure1: function DateFormat__fieldConstructors_closure1() {
- },
- _DateFormatField: function _DateFormatField() {
- },
- _DateFormatLiteralField: function _DateFormatLiteralField(t0, t1) {
- this.pattern = t0;
- this.parent = t1;
- },
- _DateFormatQuotedField: function _DateFormatQuotedField(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._fullPattern = t0;
- this.pattern = t1;
- this.parent = t2;
- },
- _DateFormatPatternField: function _DateFormatPatternField(t0, t1) {
- this._forDate = null;
- this.pattern = t0;
- this.parent = t1;
- },
- _DateFormatPatternField_parseStandaloneDay_closure: function _DateFormatPatternField_parseStandaloneDay_closure() {
- },
- NumberFormat_NumberFormat(newPattern) {
- var symbols, localeZero, t2, $name, pattern, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, _null = null,
- t1 = A.verifiedLocale(_null, A.number_format_NumberFormat_localeExists$closure(), _null);
- t1.toString;
- symbols = type$.NumberSymbols._as($.$get$numberFormatSymbols().$index(0, t1));
- localeZero = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(symbols.ZERO_DIGIT, 0);
- t2 = $.$get$asciiZeroCodeUnit();
- $name = symbols.DEF_CURRENCY_CODE;
- pattern = new A.NumberFormat_NumberFormat_closure(newPattern).call$1(symbols);
- t3 = symbols.MINUS_SIGN;
- if (pattern == null)
- t3 = new A.NumberFormatParseResult(t3, _null);
- else {
- t3 = new A.NumberFormatParseResult(t3, _null);
- new A.NumberFormatParser(symbols, new A.StringStack(pattern), false, $name, $name, t3)._number_format_parser$_parse$0();
- }
- t4 = t3.positivePrefix;
- t5 = t3.negativePrefix;
- t6 = t3.positiveSuffix;
- t7 = t3.negativeSuffix;
- t8 = t3.multiplier;
- t9 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(Math.log(t8) / $.$get$_ln100());
- t10 = t3.useExponentialNotation;
- t11 = t3.minimumExponentDigits;
- t12 = t3.maximumIntegerDigits;
- t13 = t3.minimumIntegerDigits;
- t14 = t3.maximumFractionDigits;
- t15 = t3.minimumFractionDigits;
- t16 = t3.groupingSize;
- t17 = t3.finalGroupingSize;
- t18 = t3.useSignForPositiveExponent;
- return new A.NumberFormat(t5, t4, t7, t6, t16, t17, t3.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown, t18, t10, false, t12, t13, t14, t15, t11, t8, t9, pattern, t1, symbols, t3.decimalDigits, new A.StringBuffer(""), localeZero - t2);
- },
- NumberFormat_localeExists(localeName) {
- return $.$get$numberFormatSymbols().containsKey$1(0, localeName);
- },
- NumberFormat_numberOfIntegerDigits(number) {
- var simpleNumber;
- number.toString;
- simpleNumber = Math.abs(number);
- if (simpleNumber < 10)
- return 1;
- if (simpleNumber < 100)
- return 2;
- if (simpleNumber < 1000)
- return 3;
- if (simpleNumber < 10000)
- return 4;
- if (simpleNumber < 100000)
- return 5;
- if (simpleNumber < 1000000)
- return 6;
- if (simpleNumber < 10000000)
- return 7;
- if (simpleNumber < 100000000)
- return 8;
- if (simpleNumber < 1000000000)
- return 9;
- if (simpleNumber < 1e10)
- return 10;
- if (simpleNumber < 1e11)
- return 11;
- if (simpleNumber < 1e12)
- return 12;
- if (simpleNumber < 1e13)
- return 13;
- if (simpleNumber < 1e14)
- return 14;
- if (simpleNumber < 1e15)
- return 15;
- if (simpleNumber < 1e16)
- return 16;
- if (simpleNumber < 1e17)
- return 17;
- if (simpleNumber < 1e18)
- return 18;
- return 19;
- },
- NumberFormat: function NumberFormat(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22) {
- var _ = this;
- _.negativePrefix = t0;
- _.positivePrefix = t1;
- _.negativeSuffix = t2;
- _.positiveSuffix = t3;
- _._groupingSize = t4;
- _._finalGroupingSize = t5;
- _._decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = t6;
- _._useSignForPositiveExponent = t7;
- _._useExponentialNotation = t8;
- _._isForCurrency = t9;
- _.maximumIntegerDigits = t10;
- _.minimumIntegerDigits = t11;
- _._maximumFractionDigits = t12;
- _._minimumFractionDigits = t13;
- _.minimumExponentDigits = t14;
- _.multiplier = t15;
- _._multiplierDigits = t16;
- _._number_format$_pattern = t17;
- _._number_format$_locale = t18;
- _._symbols = t19;
- _.decimalDigits = t20;
- _._number_format$_buffer = t21;
- _._zeroOffset = t22;
- },
- NumberFormat_NumberFormat_closure: function NumberFormat_NumberFormat_closure(t0) {
- this.newPattern = t0;
- },
- NumberFormat__formatFixed_computeFractionDigits: function NumberFormat__formatFixed_computeFractionDigits(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- this.number = t2;
- },
- NumberFormatParseResult: function NumberFormatParseResult(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.negativePrefix = t0;
- _.positiveSuffix = _.negativeSuffix = _.positivePrefix = "";
- _.multiplier = 1;
- _.minimumExponentDigits = 0;
- _.maximumIntegerDigits = 40;
- _.minimumIntegerDigits = 1;
- _.maximumFractionDigits = 3;
- _.minimumFractionDigits = 0;
- _.finalGroupingSize = _.groupingSize = 3;
- _.useExponentialNotation = _.useSignForPositiveExponent = _.decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = false;
- _.decimalDigits = t1;
- },
- NumberFormatParser: function NumberFormatParser(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.symbols = t0;
- _.pattern = t1;
- _.isForCurrency = t2;
- _.currencySymbol = t3;
- _.currencyName = t4;
- _.result = t5;
- _.inQuote = _.groupingSizeSetExplicitly = false;
- _.decimalPos = -1;
- _.digitRightCount = _.zeroDigitCount = _.digitLeftCount = 0;
- _.groupingCount = -1;
- },
- StringStack: function StringStack(t0) {
- this.contents = t0;
- this._string_stack$_index = 0;
- },
- UninitializedLocaleData$(message, fallbackData, $F) {
- return new A.UninitializedLocaleData(message, fallbackData, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String), $F._eval$1("UninitializedLocaleData<0>"));
- },
- _separatorIndex(locale) {
- var t2,
- t1 = locale.length;
- if (t1 < 3)
- return -1;
- t2 = locale[2];
- if (t2 === "-" || t2 === "_")
- return 2;
- if (t1 < 4)
- return -1;
- t1 = locale[3];
- if (t1 === "-" || t1 === "_")
- return 3;
- return -1;
- },
- canonicalizedLocale(aLocale) {
- var separatorIndex, language, region;
- if (aLocale === "C")
- return "en_ISO";
- if (aLocale.length < 5)
- return aLocale;
- separatorIndex = A._separatorIndex(aLocale);
- if (separatorIndex === -1)
- return aLocale;
- language = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(aLocale, 0, separatorIndex);
- region = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(aLocale, separatorIndex + 1);
- if (region.length <= 3)
- region = region.toUpperCase();
- return language + "_" + region;
- },
- verifiedLocale(newLocale, localeExists, onFailure) {
- var t1, _i, each;
- if (newLocale == null) {
- if (A.defaultLocale() == null)
- $._defaultLocale = "en_US";
- t1 = A.defaultLocale();
- t1.toString;
- return A.verifiedLocale(t1, localeExists, onFailure);
- }
- if (localeExists.call$1(newLocale))
- return newLocale;
- for (t1 = [A.canonicalizedLocale(newLocale), A.shortLocale(newLocale), "fallback"], _i = 0; _i < 3; ++_i) {
- each = t1[_i];
- if (localeExists.call$1(each))
- return each;
- }
- return A._throwLocaleError(newLocale);
- },
- _throwLocaleError(localeName) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$('Invalid locale "' + localeName + '"', null));
- },
- shortLocale(aLocale) {
- var t1, separatorIndex;
- if (aLocale === "invalid")
- return "in";
- t1 = aLocale.length;
- if (t1 < 2)
- return aLocale;
- separatorIndex = A._separatorIndex(aLocale);
- if (separatorIndex === -1)
- if (t1 < 4)
- return aLocale.toLowerCase();
- else
- return aLocale;
- return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(aLocale, 0, separatorIndex).toLowerCase();
- },
- UninitializedLocaleData: function UninitializedLocaleData(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.message = t0;
- _.fallbackData = t1;
- _._badMessages = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- LocaleDataException: function LocaleDataException(t0) {
- this.message = t0;
- },
- Cam16_fromIntInViewingConditions(argb, viewingConditions) {
- var rAF, gAF, bAF, rA, gA, bA, a, b, atanDegrees, hue, hueRadians, t2, t3, t4, $J, alpha, $C,
- xyz = A.ColorUtils_xyzFromArgb(argb),
- x = xyz[0],
- y = xyz[1],
- z = xyz[2],
- t1 = viewingConditions.rgbD,
- rD = t1[0] * (0.401288 * x + 0.650173 * y - 0.051461 * z),
- gD = t1[1] * (-0.250268 * x + 1.204414 * y + 0.045854 * z),
- bD = t1[2] * (-0.002079 * x + 0.048952 * y + 0.953127 * z);
- t1 = viewingConditions.fl;
- rAF = Math.pow(t1 * Math.abs(rD) / 100, 0.42);
- gAF = Math.pow(t1 * Math.abs(gD) / 100, 0.42);
- bAF = Math.pow(t1 * Math.abs(bD) / 100, 0.42);
- rA = A.MathUtils_signum(rD) * 400 * rAF / (rAF + 27.13);
- gA = A.MathUtils_signum(gD) * 400 * gAF / (gAF + 27.13);
- bA = A.MathUtils_signum(bD) * 400 * bAF / (bAF + 27.13);
- a = (11 * rA + -12 * gA + bA) / 11;
- b = (rA + gA - 2 * bA) / 9;
- t1 = 20 * gA;
- atanDegrees = Math.atan2(b, a) * 180 / 3.141592653589793;
- if (atanDegrees < 0)
- hue = atanDegrees + 360;
- else
- hue = atanDegrees >= 360 ? atanDegrees - 360 : atanDegrees;
- hueRadians = hue * 3.141592653589793 / 180;
- t2 = viewingConditions.nbb;
- t3 = viewingConditions.aw;
- t4 = viewingConditions.c;
- $J = 100 * Math.pow((40 * rA + t1 + bA) / 20 * t2 / t3, t4 * viewingConditions.z);
- t2 = $J / 100;
- Math.sqrt(t2);
- alpha = Math.pow(3846.153846153846 * (0.25 * (Math.cos((hue < 20.14 ? hue + 360 : hue) * 3.141592653589793 / 180 + 2) + 3.8)) * viewingConditions.nC * viewingConditions.ncb * Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b) / ((20 * rA + t1 + 21 * bA) / 20 + 0.305), 0.9) * Math.pow(1.64 - Math.pow(0.29, viewingConditions.backgroundYTowhitePointY), 0.73);
- $C = alpha * Math.sqrt(t2);
- t1 = viewingConditions.fLRoot;
- Math.sqrt(alpha * t4 / (t3 + 4));
- Math.log(1 + 0.0228 * ($C * t1));
- Math.cos(hueRadians);
- Math.sin(hueRadians);
- return new A.Cam16(hue, $C, $J);
- },
- Cam16: function Cam16(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.hue = t0;
- this.chroma = t1;
- this.j = t2;
- },
- Hct: function Hct() {
- var _ = this;
- _.__Hct__argb_A = _.__Hct__tone_A = _.__Hct__chroma_A = _.__Hct__hue_A = $;
- },
- ViewingConditions: function ViewingConditions(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundYTowhitePointY = t0;
- _.aw = t1;
- _.nbb = t2;
- _.ncb = t3;
- _.c = t4;
- _.nC = t5;
- _.rgbD = t6;
- _.fl = t7;
- _.fLRoot = t8;
- _.z = t9;
- },
- CorePalette$_(hue, chroma) {
- var t1 = type$.int;
- return new A.CorePalette(new A.TonalPalette(hue, Math.max(48, chroma), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1)), new A.TonalPalette(hue, 16, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1)), new A.TonalPalette(hue + 60, 24, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1)), new A.TonalPalette(hue, 4, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1)), new A.TonalPalette(hue, 8, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1)), new A.TonalPalette(25, 84, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1)));
- },
- CorePalette: function CorePalette(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.primary = t0;
- _.secondary = t1;
- _.tertiary = t2;
- _.neutral = t3;
- _.neutralVariant = t4;
- _.error = t5;
- },
- TonalPalette: function TonalPalette(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._hue = t0;
- this._chroma = t1;
- this._tonal_palette$_cache = t2;
- },
- TonalPalette_get_closure: function TonalPalette_get_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.chroma = t1;
- this.tone = t2;
- },
- Scheme$(background, error, errorContainer, inverseOnSurface, inversePrimary, inverseSurface, onBackground, onError, onErrorContainer, onPrimary, onPrimaryContainer, onSecondary, onSecondaryContainer, onSurface, onSurfaceVariant, onTertiary, onTertiaryContainer, outline, outlineVariant, primary, primaryContainer, scrim, secondary, secondaryContainer, shadow, surface, surfaceVariant, tertiary, tertiaryContainer) {
- return new A.Scheme(primary, onPrimary, primaryContainer, onPrimaryContainer, secondary, onSecondary, secondaryContainer, onSecondaryContainer, tertiary, onTertiary, tertiaryContainer, onTertiaryContainer, error, onError, errorContainer, onErrorContainer, background, onBackground, surface, onSurface, surfaceVariant, onSurfaceVariant, outline, outlineVariant, shadow, scrim, inverseSurface, inverseOnSurface, inversePrimary);
- },
- Scheme: function Scheme(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28) {
- var _ = this;
- _.primary = t0;
- _.onPrimary = t1;
- _.primaryContainer = t2;
- _.onPrimaryContainer = t3;
- _.secondary = t4;
- _.onSecondary = t5;
- _.secondaryContainer = t6;
- _.onSecondaryContainer = t7;
- _.tertiary = t8;
- _.onTertiary = t9;
- _.tertiaryContainer = t10;
- _.onTertiaryContainer = t11;
- _.error = t12;
- _.onError = t13;
- _.errorContainer = t14;
- _.onErrorContainer = t15;
- _.background = t16;
- _.onBackground = t17;
- _.surface = t18;
- _.onSurface = t19;
- _.surfaceVariant = t20;
- _.onSurfaceVariant = t21;
- _.outline = t22;
- _.outlineVariant = t23;
- _.shadow = t24;
- _.scrim = t25;
- _.inverseSurface = t26;
- _.inverseOnSurface = t27;
- _.inversePrimary = t28;
- },
- SingleChildStatelessElement$(widget) {
- return new A.SingleChildStatelessElement(null, widget, B._ElementLifecycle_0);
- },
- Nested: function Nested() {
- },
- _NestedElement: function _NestedElement(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.nodes = t0;
- _.SingleChildWidgetElementMixin__parent = t1;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t2;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t3;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- _NestedHook: function _NestedHook(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.wrappedWidget = t0;
- _.injectedChild = t1;
- _.owner = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _NestedHookElement: function _NestedHookElement(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._framework$_child = _._wrappedChild = _._injectedChild = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t0;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t1;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- _NestedHookElement_injectedChild_closure: function _NestedHookElement_injectedChild_closure() {
- },
- SingleChildWidgetElementMixin: function SingleChildWidgetElementMixin() {
- },
- _SingleChildStatelessElement_StatelessElement_SingleChildWidgetElementMixin_activate_closure: function _SingleChildStatelessElement_StatelessElement_SingleChildWidgetElementMixin_activate_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- __NestedElement_StatelessElement_SingleChildWidgetElementMixin_activate_closure: function __NestedElement_StatelessElement_SingleChildWidgetElementMixin_activate_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SingleChildStatelessWidget: function SingleChildStatelessWidget() {
- },
- SingleChildStatelessElement: function SingleChildStatelessElement(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.SingleChildWidgetElementMixin__parent = t0;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t1;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t2;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- _SingleChildStatelessElement_StatelessElement_SingleChildWidgetElementMixin: function _SingleChildStatelessElement_StatelessElement_SingleChildWidgetElementMixin() {
- },
- __NestedElement_StatelessElement_SingleChildWidgetElementMixin: function __NestedElement_StatelessElement_SingleChildWidgetElementMixin() {
- },
- _parseUri(uri) {
- if (type$.Uri._is(uri))
- return uri;
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(uri, "uri", "Value must be a String or a Uri"));
- },
- _validateArgList(method, args) {
- var numArgs, i, numArgs0, message, t1, t2, t3, t4;
- for (numArgs = args.length, i = 1; i < numArgs; ++i) {
- if (args[i] == null || args[i - 1] != null)
- continue;
- for (; numArgs >= 1; numArgs = numArgs0) {
- numArgs0 = numArgs - 1;
- if (args[numArgs0] != null)
- break;
- }
- message = new A.StringBuffer("");
- t1 = "" + (method + "(");
- message._contents = t1;
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(args);
- t3 = t2._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>");
- t4 = new A.SubListIterable(args, 0, numArgs, t3);
- t4.SubListIterable$3(args, 0, numArgs, t2._precomputed1);
- t3 = t1 + new A.MappedListIterable(t4, new A._validateArgList_closure(), t3._eval$1("MappedListIterable")).join$1(0, ", ");
- message._contents = t3;
- message._contents = t3 + ("): part " + (i - 1) + " was null, but part " + i + " was not.");
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(message.toString$0(0), null));
- }
- },
- Context: function Context(t0) {
- this.style = t0;
- },
- Context_joinAll_closure: function Context_joinAll_closure() {
- },
- Context_split_closure: function Context_split_closure() {
- },
- _validateArgList_closure: function _validateArgList_closure() {
- },
- InternalStyle: function InternalStyle() {
- },
- ParsedPath_ParsedPath$parse(path, style) {
- var t1, parts, separators, start, i,
- root = style.getRoot$1(path);
- style.isRootRelative$1(path);
- if (root != null)
- path = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(path, root.length);
- t1 = type$.JSArray_String;
- parts = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- separators = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- t1 = path.length;
- if (t1 !== 0 && style.isSeparator$1(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, 0))) {
- separators.push(path[0]);
- start = 1;
- } else {
- separators.push("");
- start = 0;
- }
- for (i = start; i < t1; ++i)
- if (style.isSeparator$1(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(path, i))) {
- parts.push(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(path, start, i));
- separators.push(path[i]);
- start = i + 1;
- }
- if (start < t1) {
- parts.push(B.JSString_methods.substring$1(path, start));
- separators.push("");
- }
- return new A.ParsedPath(style, root, parts, separators);
- },
- ParsedPath: function ParsedPath(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.style = t0;
- _.root = t1;
- _.parts = t2;
- _.separators = t3;
- },
- PathException$(message) {
- return new A.PathException(message);
- },
- PathException: function PathException(t0) {
- this.message = t0;
- },
- Style__getPlatformStyle() {
- if (A.Uri_base().get$scheme() !== "file")
- return $.$get$Style_url();
- var t1 = A.Uri_base();
- if (!B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(t1.get$path(t1), "/"))
- return $.$get$Style_url();
- if (A._Uri__Uri(null, "a/b", null).toFilePath$0() === "a\\b")
- return $.$get$Style_windows();
- return $.$get$Style_posix();
- },
- Style: function Style() {
- },
- PosixStyle: function PosixStyle(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.separatorPattern = t0;
- this.needsSeparatorPattern = t1;
- this.rootPattern = t2;
- },
- UrlStyle: function UrlStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.separatorPattern = t0;
- _.needsSeparatorPattern = t1;
- _.rootPattern = t2;
- _.relativeRootPattern = t3;
- },
- WindowsStyle: function WindowsStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.separatorPattern = t0;
- _.needsSeparatorPattern = t1;
- _.rootPattern = t2;
- _.relativeRootPattern = t3;
- },
- PlatformInterface__verify(instance, token, preventConstObject) {
- var t1;
- if (preventConstObject) {
- t1 = $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens();
- A.Expando__checkType(instance);
- t1 = t1._jsWeakMap.get(instance) === B.C_Object;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("`const Object()` cannot be used as the token."));
- t1 = $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens();
- A.Expando__checkType(instance);
- if (token !== t1._jsWeakMap.get(instance))
- throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("Platform interfaces must not be implemented with `implements`"));
- },
- PlatformInterface: function PlatformInterface() {
- },
- ChangeNotifierProvider$(child, create, $T) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.ChangeNotifierProvider(new A._CreateInheritedProvider(create, _null, _null, _null, A.listenable_provider_ListenableProvider__startListening$closure(), A.change_notifier_provider_ChangeNotifierProvider__dispose$closure(), $T._eval$1("_CreateInheritedProvider<0>")), _null, _null, child, _null, $T._eval$1("ChangeNotifierProvider<0>"));
- },
- ChangeNotifierProvider$value(child, value, $T) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.ChangeNotifierProvider(new A._ValueInheritedProvider(value, _null, A.listenable_provider_ListenableProvider__startListening$closure(), $T._eval$1("_ValueInheritedProvider<0>")), _null, _null, child, _null, $T._eval$1("ChangeNotifierProvider<0>"));
- },
- ChangeNotifierProvider__dispose(context, notifier) {
- if (notifier != null)
- notifier.dispose$0();
- },
- ChangeNotifierProvider: function ChangeNotifierProvider(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._delegate = t0;
- _._lazy = t1;
- _.builder = t2;
- _._nested$_child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- _.$ti = t5;
- },
- Consumer$(builder, $T) {
- return new A.Consumer(builder, null, null, $T._eval$1("Consumer<0>"));
- },
- Consumer: function Consumer(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.builder = t0;
- _._nested$_child = t1;
- _.key = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- ListenableProvider__startListening(e, value) {
- if (value != null)
- value.addListener$1(0, e.get$markNeedsNotifyDependents());
- return new A.ListenableProvider__startListening_closure(value, e);
- },
- ListenableProvider: function ListenableProvider() {
- },
- ListenableProvider__startListening_closure: function ListenableProvider__startListening_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.value = t0;
- this.e = t1;
- },
- MultiProvider$(child, providers) {
- return new A.MultiProvider(providers, child, null);
- },
- Provider_of(context, $T) {
- var value,
- inheritedElement = $T._eval$1("_InheritedProviderScopeElement<0?>?")._as(context.getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0($T._eval$1("_InheritedProviderScope<0?>"))),
- t1 = inheritedElement == null;
- if (t1 && !$T._is(null))
- A.throwExpression(new A.ProviderNotFoundException(A.createRuntimeType($T), A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(context.get$widget())));
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0($T._eval$1("_InheritedProviderScope<0?>"));
- if (t1)
- value = null;
- else {
- t1 = inheritedElement.get$_delegateState();
- value = t1.get$value(t1);
- }
- if ($.$get$_isSoundMode()) {
- if (!$T._is(value))
- throw A.wrapException(new A.ProviderNullException(A.createRuntimeType($T), A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(context.get$widget())));
- return value;
- }
- return value == null ? $T._as(value) : value;
- },
- InheritedProvider: function InheritedProvider() {
- },
- _InheritedProviderElement: function _InheritedProviderElement(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.SingleChildWidgetElementMixin__parent = t0;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t1;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t2;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _InheritedProviderScope: function _InheritedProviderScope(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.owner = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.key = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _InheritedProviderScopeElement: function _InheritedProviderScopeElement(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._debugInheritLocked = _._shouldNotifyDependents = false;
- _._isNotifyDependentsEnabled = true;
- _._isBuildFromExternalSources = _._updatedShouldNotify = false;
- _.___InheritedProviderScopeElement__delegateState_FI = $;
- _._dependents = t0;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t1;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t2;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _InheritedProviderScopeElement_getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType_closure: function _InheritedProviderScopeElement_getElementForInheritedWidgetOfExactType_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.InheritedWidgetType = t1;
- },
- _Delegate: function _Delegate() {
- },
- _DelegateState: function _DelegateState() {
- },
- _CreateInheritedProvider: function _CreateInheritedProvider(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.create = t0;
- _.update = t1;
- _._updateShouldNotify = t2;
- _.debugCheckInvalidValueType = t3;
- _.startListening = t4;
- _.dispose = t5;
- _.$ti = t6;
- },
- _CreateInheritedProviderState: function _CreateInheritedProviderState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._provider$_removeListener = null;
- _._didInitValue = false;
- _.element = _._initError = _._previousWidget = _._provider$_value = null;
- _.$ti = t0;
- },
- _ValueInheritedProvider: function _ValueInheritedProvider(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.value = t0;
- _._updateShouldNotify = t1;
- _.startListening = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- _ValueInheritedProviderState: function _ValueInheritedProviderState(t0) {
- this.element = this._provider$_removeListener = null;
- this.$ti = t0;
- },
- MultiProvider: function MultiProvider(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._children = t0;
- this._nested$_child = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- ProviderNullException: function ProviderNullException(t0, t1) {
- this.valueType = t0;
- this.widgetType = t1;
- },
- ProviderNotFoundException: function ProviderNotFoundException(t0, t1) {
- this.valueType = t0;
- this.widgetType = t1;
- },
- FileLocation$_(file, offset) {
- if (offset < 0)
- A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$("Offset may not be negative, was " + offset + "."));
- else if (offset > file._decodedChars.length)
- A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$("Offset " + offset + string$.x20must_ + file.get$length(file) + "."));
- return new A.FileLocation(file, offset);
- },
- SourceFile: function SourceFile(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.url = t0;
- _._lineStarts = t1;
- _._decodedChars = t2;
- _._cachedLine = null;
- },
- FileLocation: function FileLocation(t0, t1) {
- this.file = t0;
- this.offset = t1;
- },
- _FileSpan: function _FileSpan(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.file = t0;
- this._file$_start = t1;
- this._file$_end = t2;
- },
- Highlighter$(span, color) {
- var t1 = A.Highlighter__collateLines(A._setArrayType([A._Highlight$(span, true)], type$.JSArray__Highlight)),
- t2 = new A.Highlighter_closure(color).call$0(),
- t3 = B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).number + 1),
- t4 = A.Highlighter__contiguous(t1) ? 0 : 3,
- t5 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
- return new A.Highlighter(t1, t2, null, 1 + Math.max(t3.length, t4), new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.Highlighter$__closure(), t5._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,int>")).reduce$1(0, B.CONSTANT), !A.isAllTheSame(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.Highlighter$__closure0(), t5._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Object?>"))), new A.StringBuffer(""));
- },
- Highlighter__contiguous(lines) {
- var i, thisLine, nextLine;
- for (i = 0; i < lines.length - 1;) {
- thisLine = lines[i];
- ++i;
- nextLine = lines[i];
- if (thisLine.number + 1 !== nextLine.number && J.$eq$(thisLine.url, nextLine.url))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- Highlighter__collateLines(highlights) {
- var t1, t2, t3,
- highlightsByUrl = A.groupBy(highlights, new A.Highlighter__collateLines_closure(), type$._Highlight, type$.Object);
- for (t1 = highlightsByUrl.get$values(highlightsByUrl), t2 = A._instanceType(t1), t2 = t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._rest[1]), t1 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t1.__internal$_iterable), t1._f, t2._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>")), t2 = t2._rest[1]; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1.__internal$_current;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = t2._as(t3);
- J.sort$1$ax(t3, new A.Highlighter__collateLines_closure0());
- }
- t1 = highlightsByUrl.get$entries(highlightsByUrl);
- t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("ExpandIterable");
- return A.List_List$of(new A.ExpandIterable(t1, new A.Highlighter__collateLines_closure1(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- },
- _Highlight$(span, primary) {
- var t1 = new A._Highlight_closure(span).call$0();
- return new A._Highlight(t1, true, null);
- },
- _Highlight__normalizeNewlines(span) {
- var t1, endOffset, i, t2, t3, t4,
- text = span.get$text(span);
- if (!B.JSString_methods.contains$1(text, "\r\n"))
- return span;
- t1 = span.get$end(span);
- endOffset = t1.get$offset(t1);
- for (t1 = text.length - 1, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
- if (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i) === 13 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(text, i + 1) === 10)
- --endOffset;
- t1 = span.get$start(span);
- t2 = span.get$sourceUrl();
- t3 = span.get$end(span);
- t3 = t3.get$line(t3);
- t2 = A.SourceLocation$(endOffset, span.get$end(span).get$column(), t3, t2);
- t3 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(text, "\r\n", "\n");
- t4 = span.get$context(span);
- return A.SourceSpanWithContext$(t1, t2, t3, A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t4, "\r\n", "\n"));
- },
- _Highlight__normalizeTrailingNewline(span) {
- var context, text, start, end, t1, t2, t3;
- if (!B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(span.get$context(span), "\n"))
- return span;
- if (B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(span.get$text(span), "\n\n"))
- return span;
- context = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(span.get$context(span), 0, span.get$context(span).length - 1);
- text = span.get$text(span);
- start = span.get$start(span);
- end = span.get$end(span);
- if (B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(span.get$text(span), "\n")) {
- t1 = A.findLineStart(span.get$context(span), span.get$text(span), span.get$start(span).get$column());
- t1.toString;
- t1 = t1 + span.get$start(span).get$column() + span.get$length(span) === span.get$context(span).length;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- text = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(span.get$text(span), 0, span.get$text(span).length - 1);
- if (text.length === 0)
- end = start;
- else {
- t1 = span.get$end(span);
- t1 = t1.get$offset(t1);
- t2 = span.get$sourceUrl();
- t3 = span.get$end(span);
- t3 = t3.get$line(t3);
- end = A.SourceLocation$(t1 - 1, A._Highlight__lastLineLength(context), t3 - 1, t2);
- t1 = span.get$start(span);
- t1 = t1.get$offset(t1);
- t2 = span.get$end(span);
- start = t1 === t2.get$offset(t2) ? end : span.get$start(span);
- }
- }
- return A.SourceSpanWithContext$(start, end, text, context);
- },
- _Highlight__normalizeEndOfLine(span) {
- var t1, t2, text, t3, t4;
- if (span.get$end(span).get$column() !== 0)
- return span;
- t1 = span.get$end(span);
- t1 = t1.get$line(t1);
- t2 = span.get$start(span);
- if (t1 === t2.get$line(t2))
- return span;
- text = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(span.get$text(span), 0, span.get$text(span).length - 1);
- t1 = span.get$start(span);
- t2 = span.get$end(span);
- t2 = t2.get$offset(t2);
- t3 = span.get$sourceUrl();
- t4 = span.get$end(span);
- t4 = t4.get$line(t4);
- t3 = A.SourceLocation$(t2 - 1, text.length - B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$1(text, "\n") - 1, t4 - 1, t3);
- return A.SourceSpanWithContext$(t1, t3, text, B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(span.get$context(span), "\n") ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(span.get$context(span), 0, span.get$context(span).length - 1) : span.get$context(span));
- },
- _Highlight__lastLineLength(text) {
- var t1 = text.length;
- if (t1 === 0)
- return 0;
- else if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, t1 - 1) === 10)
- return t1 === 1 ? 0 : t1 - B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$2(text, "\n", t1 - 2) - 1;
- else
- return t1 - B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$1(text, "\n") - 1;
- },
- Highlighter: function Highlighter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._lines = t0;
- _._highlighter$_primaryColor = t1;
- _._secondaryColor = t2;
- _._paddingBeforeSidebar = t3;
- _._maxMultilineSpans = t4;
- _._multipleFiles = t5;
- _._highlighter$_buffer = t6;
- },
- Highlighter_closure: function Highlighter_closure(t0) {
- this.color = t0;
- },
- Highlighter$__closure: function Highlighter$__closure() {
- },
- Highlighter$___closure: function Highlighter$___closure() {
- },
- Highlighter$__closure0: function Highlighter$__closure0() {
- },
- Highlighter__collateLines_closure: function Highlighter__collateLines_closure() {
- },
- Highlighter__collateLines_closure0: function Highlighter__collateLines_closure0() {
- },
- Highlighter__collateLines_closure1: function Highlighter__collateLines_closure1() {
- },
- Highlighter__collateLines__closure: function Highlighter__collateLines__closure(t0) {
- this.line = t0;
- },
- Highlighter_highlight_closure: function Highlighter_highlight_closure() {
- },
- Highlighter__writeFileStart_closure: function Highlighter__writeFileStart_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure: function Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.startLine = t1;
- this.line = t2;
- },
- Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure0: function Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.highlight = t1;
- },
- Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure1: function Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure2: function Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights_closure2(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.current = t2;
- _.startLine = t3;
- _.line = t4;
- _.highlight = t5;
- _.endLine = t6;
- },
- Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights__closure: function Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights__closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights__closure0: function Highlighter__writeMultilineHighlights__closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.vertical = t1;
- },
- Highlighter__writeHighlightedText_closure: function Highlighter__writeHighlightedText_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.text = t1;
- _.startColumn = t2;
- _.endColumn = t3;
- },
- Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure: function Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.line = t1;
- this.highlight = t2;
- },
- Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure0: function Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.line = t1;
- this.highlight = t2;
- },
- Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure1: function Highlighter__writeIndicator_closure1(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.coversWholeLine = t1;
- _.line = t2;
- _.highlight = t3;
- },
- Highlighter__writeSidebar_closure: function Highlighter__writeSidebar_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- this.end = t2;
- },
- _Highlight: function _Highlight(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.span = t0;
- this.isPrimary = t1;
- this.label = t2;
- },
- _Highlight_closure: function _Highlight_closure(t0) {
- this.span = t0;
- },
- _Line: function _Line(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.text = t0;
- _.number = t1;
- _.url = t2;
- _.highlights = t3;
- },
- SourceLocation$(offset, column, line, sourceUrl) {
- if (offset < 0)
- A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$("Offset may not be negative, was " + offset + "."));
- else if (line < 0)
- A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$("Line may not be negative, was " + line + "."));
- else if (column < 0)
- A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$("Column may not be negative, was " + column + "."));
- return new A.SourceLocation(sourceUrl, offset, line, column);
- },
- SourceLocation: function SourceLocation(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.sourceUrl = t0;
- _.offset = t1;
- _.line = t2;
- _.column = t3;
- },
- SourceLocationMixin: function SourceLocationMixin() {
- },
- SourceSpanBase: function SourceSpanBase() {
- },
- SourceSpanFormatException$(message, span, source) {
- return new A.SourceSpanFormatException(source, message, span);
- },
- SourceSpanException: function SourceSpanException() {
- },
- SourceSpanFormatException: function SourceSpanFormatException(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.source = t0;
- this._span_exception$_message = t1;
- this._span = t2;
- },
- SourceSpanMixin: function SourceSpanMixin() {
- },
- SourceSpanWithContext$(start, end, text, _context) {
- var t1 = new A.SourceSpanWithContext(_context, start, end, text);
- t1.SourceSpanBase$3(start, end, text);
- if (!B.JSString_methods.contains$1(_context, text))
- A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$('The context line "' + _context + '" must contain "' + text + '".', null));
- if (A.findLineStart(_context, text, start.get$column()) == null)
- A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$('The span text "' + text + '" must start at column ' + (start.get$column() + 1) + ' in a line within "' + _context + '".', null));
- return t1;
- },
- SourceSpanWithContext: function SourceSpanWithContext(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._span_with_context$_context = t0;
- _.start = t1;
- _.end = t2;
- _.text = t3;
- },
- StringScannerException: function StringScannerException(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.source = t0;
- this._span_exception$_message = t1;
- this._span = t2;
- },
- StringScanner: function StringScanner(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.sourceUrl = t0;
- _.string = t1;
- _._string_scanner$_position = 0;
- _._lastMatchPosition = _._lastMatch = null;
- },
- VisibleRange$(min, max) {
- var t1 = new A.VisibleRange();
- if (min < max) {
- t1.minimum = min;
- t1.maximum = max;
- } else {
- t1.minimum = max;
- t1.maximum = min;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- ChartAxis: function ChartAxis() {
- },
- AxisLabel: function AxisLabel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.labelStyle = t0;
- _.labelSize = t1;
- _.text = t2;
- _.trimmedText = t3;
- _.renderText = t4;
- _.value = t5;
- _._labelCollection = null;
- _._axis$_index = 1;
- _._labelRegion = null;
- _._needRender = true;
- },
- MajorTickLines: function MajorTickLines(t0) {
- this.size = t0;
- },
- MinorTickLines: function MinorTickLines() {
- },
- MajorGridLines: function MajorGridLines(t0) {
- this.width = t0;
- },
- MinorGridLines: function MinorGridLines() {
- },
- AxisTitle: function AxisTitle() {
- },
- AxisLine: function AxisLine() {
- },
- VisibleRange: function VisibleRange() {
- var _ = this;
- _.interval = _.maximum = _.minimum = null;
- _.__VisibleRange_delta_A = $;
- },
- ChartAxisRenderer: function ChartAxisRenderer() {
- },
- ChartAxisRendererDetails: function ChartAxisRendererDetails() {
- },
- ChartAxisRendererDetails__gettingLabelCollection_closure: function ChartAxisRendererDetails__gettingLabelCollection_closure() {
- },
- _ChartAxisRenderer_Object_CustomizeAxisElements: function _ChartAxisRenderer_Object_CustomizeAxisElements() {
- },
- ChartAxisPanel: function ChartAxisPanel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.primaryYAxisRenderer = _.primaryXAxisRenderer = null;
- _.__ChartAxisPanel_primaryYAxisDetails_A = _.__ChartAxisPanel_primaryXAxisDetails_A = $;
- _.leftAxisRenderers = t1;
- _.rightAxisRenderers = t2;
- _.topAxisRenderers = t3;
- _.bottomAxisRenderers = t4;
- _.__ChartAxisPanel_rightAxesCount_A = _.__ChartAxisPanel_topAxesCount_A = _.__ChartAxisPanel_bottomAxesCount_A = _.__ChartAxisPanel_leftAxesCount_A = $;
- _.axisPadding = _.innerPadding = _.rightSize = _.leftSize = _.topSize = _.bottomSize = 0;
- _.axisLabelTitlePadding = _.axisLineLabelPadding = null;
- _.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A = $;
- _.verticalAxisRenderers = t5;
- _.horizontalAxisRenderers = t6;
- _.axisRenderersCollection = t7;
- _.__ChartAxisPanel_needsRepaint_A = $;
- },
- CustomizeAxisElements: function CustomizeAxisElements() {
- },
- CartesianAxisWidget: function CartesianAxisWidget(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.renderType = t1;
- _.__CartesianAxisWidget_state_A = $;
- _.dataLabelTemplateNotifier = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _CartesianAxisWidgetState: function _CartesianAxisWidgetState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___CartesianAxisWidgetState_axisRepaintNotifier_A = _.___CartesianAxisWidgetState_animationController_A = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _CartesianAxesPainter: function _CartesianAxesPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.renderType = t3;
- _.axisAnimation = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- __CartesianAxisWidgetState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __CartesianAxisWidgetState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- CategoryAxis$(labelPlacement, majorGridLines, $name) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PlotBand);
- return new A.CategoryAxis(labelPlacement, true, true, B.C_AxisLine, B.MajorTickLines_5, B.C_MinorTickLines, majorGridLines, B.C_MinorGridLines, _null, new A.AxisTitle(), B.ChartRangePadding_0, _null, 3, 0, 0, B.AxisLabelIntersectAction_1, false, false, B.ChartDataLabelPosition_1, B.LabelAlignment_2, B.TickPosition_1, B.EdgeLabelPlacement_0, _null, 0, $name, 1, 0, true, B.C_InteractiveTooltip, _null, _null, true, t1, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.AutoScrollingMode_1, B.Color_0, 0, B.AxisBorderType_0, B.C_MultiLevelLabelStyle, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- CategoryAxis: function CategoryAxis(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44) {
- var _ = this;
- _.labelPlacement = t0;
- _.isVisible = t1;
- _.anchorRangeToVisiblePoints = t2;
- _.axisLine = t3;
- _.majorTickLines = t4;
- _.minorTickLines = t5;
- _.majorGridLines = t6;
- _.minorGridLines = t7;
- _.labelStyle = t8;
- _.title = t9;
- _.rangePadding = t10;
- _.desiredIntervals = t11;
- _.maximumLabels = t12;
- _.minorTicksPerInterval = t13;
- _.labelRotation = t14;
- _.labelIntersectAction = t15;
- _.opposedPosition = t16;
- _.isInversed = t17;
- _.labelPosition = t18;
- _.labelAlignment = t19;
- _.tickPosition = t20;
- _.edgeLabelPlacement = t21;
- _.interval = t22;
- _.plotOffset = t23;
- _.name = t24;
- _.zoomFactor = t25;
- _.zoomPosition = t26;
- _.enableAutoIntervalOnZooming = t27;
- _.interactiveTooltip = t28;
- _.crossesAt = t29;
- _.associatedAxisName = t30;
- _.placeLabelsNearAxisLine = t31;
- _.plotBands = t32;
- _.rangeController = t33;
- _.maximumLabelWidth = t34;
- _.labelsExtent = t35;
- _.autoScrollingDelta = t36;
- _.autoScrollingMode = t37;
- _.borderColor = t38;
- _.borderWidth = t39;
- _.axisBorderType = t40;
- _.multiLevelLabelStyle = t41;
- _.multiLevelLabels = t42;
- _.multiLevelLabelFormatter = t43;
- _.axisLabelFormatter = t44;
- },
- CategoryAxisRenderer: function CategoryAxisRenderer() {
- this.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A = this.__CategoryAxisRenderer__axisDetails_A = $;
- },
- CategoryAxisDetails: function CategoryAxisDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__CategoryAxisDetails_rect_A = _.__CategoryAxisDetails_labels_A = $;
- _._categoryAxis = t0;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axisRenderer_A = t1;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A = t2;
- _.oldAxis = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_chartThemeData_A = $;
- _.stateProperties = t3;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_chart_A = $;
- _.isStack100 = false;
- _.rangeMaximum = _.rangeMinimum = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleAxisMultiLevelLabels_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleLabels_A = $;
- _.multiLevelsMaximumSize = t4;
- _.maximumLabelSize = t5;
- _.multiLevelLabelTotalSize = t6;
- _.maximumMultiLevelLabelValue = _.minimumMultiLevelLabelValue = _.actualRange = _.visibleRange = _.orientation = _.highestLevel = _.axisBorderEnd = null;
- _.isMultiLevelLabelEnabled = false;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_seriesRenderers_A = $;
- _.bounds = t7;
- _.isInsideTickPosition = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_totalSize_A = $;
- _.name = _.previousZoomPosition = _.previousZoomFactor = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomPosition_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomFactor_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_labelRotation_A = $;
- _.isCollide = false;
- _.highMax = _.highMin = _.lowMax = _.lowMin = _.max = _.min = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_crossAxisRenderer_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axisSize_A = $;
- _.scrollingDelta = _.visibleMaximum = _.visibleMinimum = _.xAxisEnd = _.xAxisStart = _.titleHeight = _.titleOffset = _.labelOffset = _.crossRange = _.crossValue = null;
- },
- DateTimeAxisRenderer: function DateTimeAxisRenderer() {
- this.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A = this.__DateTimeAxisRenderer__axisDetails_A = $;
- },
- DateTimeAxisDetails: function DateTimeAxisDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__DateTimeAxisDetails_dateTimeInterval_A = _.__DateTimeAxisDetails_actualIntervalType_A = $;
- _.dateTimeAxis = t0;
- _.isSingleDataPoint = false;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axisRenderer_A = t1;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A = t2;
- _.oldAxis = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_chartThemeData_A = $;
- _.stateProperties = t3;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_chart_A = $;
- _.isStack100 = false;
- _.rangeMaximum = _.rangeMinimum = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleAxisMultiLevelLabels_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleLabels_A = $;
- _.multiLevelsMaximumSize = t4;
- _.maximumLabelSize = t5;
- _.multiLevelLabelTotalSize = t6;
- _.maximumMultiLevelLabelValue = _.minimumMultiLevelLabelValue = _.actualRange = _.visibleRange = _.orientation = _.highestLevel = _.axisBorderEnd = null;
- _.isMultiLevelLabelEnabled = false;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_seriesRenderers_A = $;
- _.bounds = t7;
- _.isInsideTickPosition = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_totalSize_A = $;
- _.name = _.previousZoomPosition = _.previousZoomFactor = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomPosition_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomFactor_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_labelRotation_A = $;
- _.isCollide = false;
- _.highMax = _.highMin = _.lowMax = _.lowMin = _.max = _.min = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_crossAxisRenderer_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axisSize_A = $;
- _.scrollingDelta = _.visibleMaximum = _.visibleMinimum = _.xAxisEnd = _.xAxisStart = _.titleHeight = _.titleOffset = _.labelOffset = _.crossRange = _.crossValue = null;
- },
- DateTimeCategoryAxisRenderer: function DateTimeCategoryAxisRenderer() {
- this.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A = this.__DateTimeCategoryAxisRenderer__axisDetails_A = $;
- },
- DateTimeCategoryAxisDetails: function DateTimeCategoryAxisDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__DateTimeCategoryAxisDetails_rect_A = _.__DateTimeCategoryAxisDetails_labels_A = $;
- _.dateTimeCategoryAxis = t0;
- _.__DateTimeCategoryAxisDetails_actualIntervalType_A = $;
- _.dateTimeFormat = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axisRenderer_A = t1;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A = t2;
- _.oldAxis = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_chartThemeData_A = $;
- _.stateProperties = t3;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_chart_A = $;
- _.isStack100 = false;
- _.rangeMaximum = _.rangeMinimum = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleAxisMultiLevelLabels_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleLabels_A = $;
- _.multiLevelsMaximumSize = t4;
- _.maximumLabelSize = t5;
- _.multiLevelLabelTotalSize = t6;
- _.maximumMultiLevelLabelValue = _.minimumMultiLevelLabelValue = _.actualRange = _.visibleRange = _.orientation = _.highestLevel = _.axisBorderEnd = null;
- _.isMultiLevelLabelEnabled = false;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_seriesRenderers_A = $;
- _.bounds = t7;
- _.isInsideTickPosition = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_totalSize_A = $;
- _.name = _.previousZoomPosition = _.previousZoomFactor = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomPosition_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomFactor_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_labelRotation_A = $;
- _.isCollide = false;
- _.highMax = _.highMin = _.lowMax = _.lowMin = _.max = _.min = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_crossAxisRenderer_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axisSize_A = $;
- _.scrollingDelta = _.visibleMaximum = _.visibleMinimum = _.xAxisEnd = _.xAxisStart = _.titleHeight = _.titleOffset = _.labelOffset = _.crossRange = _.crossValue = null;
- },
- DateTimeCategoryAxisDetails__getStartAndEndDate_closure: function DateTimeCategoryAxisDetails__getStartAndEndDate_closure() {
- },
- LogarithmicAxisRenderer: function LogarithmicAxisRenderer() {
- this.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A = this.__LogarithmicAxisRenderer__axisDetails_A = $;
- },
- LogarithmicAxisDetails: function LogarithmicAxisDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.logarithmicAxis = t0;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axisRenderer_A = t1;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A = t2;
- _.oldAxis = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_chartThemeData_A = $;
- _.stateProperties = t3;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_chart_A = $;
- _.isStack100 = false;
- _.rangeMaximum = _.rangeMinimum = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleAxisMultiLevelLabels_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleLabels_A = $;
- _.multiLevelsMaximumSize = t4;
- _.maximumLabelSize = t5;
- _.multiLevelLabelTotalSize = t6;
- _.maximumMultiLevelLabelValue = _.minimumMultiLevelLabelValue = _.actualRange = _.visibleRange = _.orientation = _.highestLevel = _.axisBorderEnd = null;
- _.isMultiLevelLabelEnabled = false;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_seriesRenderers_A = $;
- _.bounds = t7;
- _.isInsideTickPosition = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_totalSize_A = $;
- _.name = _.previousZoomPosition = _.previousZoomFactor = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomPosition_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomFactor_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_labelRotation_A = $;
- _.isCollide = false;
- _.highMax = _.highMin = _.lowMax = _.lowMin = _.max = _.min = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_crossAxisRenderer_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axisSize_A = $;
- _.scrollingDelta = _.visibleMaximum = _.visibleMinimum = _.xAxisEnd = _.xAxisStart = _.titleHeight = _.titleOffset = _.labelOffset = _.crossRange = _.crossValue = null;
- },
- setAxisBorderEndPoint(axisRendererDetails, borderStartPoint) {
- var isLabelPositionInside, t2, t3, labelHeight, borderEndPoint, labelWidth, maximumTickHeight,
- t1 = axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- isLabelPositionInside = t1.labelPosition === B.ChartDataLabelPosition_0;
- t2 = axisRendererDetails.orientation === B.AxisOrientation_1;
- t3 = axisRendererDetails.maximumLabelSize;
- if (t2) {
- labelHeight = t3._dy;
- borderEndPoint = isLabelPositionInside ? borderStartPoint - labelHeight : borderStartPoint + labelHeight;
- } else {
- labelWidth = t3._dx;
- borderEndPoint = isLabelPositionInside ? borderStartPoint + labelWidth : borderStartPoint - labelWidth;
- }
- maximumTickHeight = Math.max(t1.majorTickLines.size, 3);
- t1 = axisRendererDetails.isInsideTickPosition;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 === isLabelPositionInside)
- if (t2)
- borderEndPoint = isLabelPositionInside ? borderEndPoint - maximumTickHeight : borderEndPoint + maximumTickHeight;
- else
- borderEndPoint = isLabelPositionInside ? borderEndPoint + maximumTickHeight : borderEndPoint - maximumTickHeight;
- axisRendererDetails.crossValue != null;
- axisRendererDetails.axisBorderEnd = borderEndPoint;
- },
- generateMultiLevelLabels(axisRendererDetails) {
- var multiLevelLabelsList, index, t2, labelText, actualStart, actualEnd, t3,
- t1 = axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- multiLevelLabelsList = t1.multiLevelLabels;
- for (t1 = !(t1 instanceof A.NumericAxis), index = 0; B.JSInt_methods.$lt(index, multiLevelLabelsList.get$length(multiLevelLabelsList)); ++index) {
- t2 = multiLevelLabelsList.$index(0, index);
- labelText = t2.get$text(t2);
- t2 = multiLevelLabelsList.$index(0, index);
- actualStart = A._getActualValue(axisRendererDetails, t2.get$start(t2));
- t2 = multiLevelLabelsList.$index(0, index);
- actualEnd = A._getActualValue(axisRendererDetails, t2.get$end(t2));
- t2 = axisRendererDetails.minimumMultiLevelLabelValue;
- if (t2 == null && axisRendererDetails.maximumMultiLevelLabelValue == null) {
- axisRendererDetails.minimumMultiLevelLabelValue = actualStart;
- axisRendererDetails.maximumMultiLevelLabelValue = actualEnd;
- t2 = actualStart;
- }
- t2.toString;
- if (t2 > actualStart)
- axisRendererDetails.minimumMultiLevelLabelValue = actualStart;
- t2 = axisRendererDetails.maximumMultiLevelLabelValue;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2 < actualEnd)
- axisRendererDetails.maximumMultiLevelLabelValue = actualEnd;
- !t1 || false;
- t2 = axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleAxisMultiLevelLabels_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = multiLevelLabelsList.$index(0, index);
- t2.push(new A.AxisMultiLevelLabel(labelText, index, t3.get$level(t3), actualStart, actualEnd));
- }
- A._sortMultiLevelLabels(axisRendererDetails);
- A._triggerMultiLabelRenderCallback(axisRendererDetails);
- },
- _triggerMultiLabelRenderCallback(axisRendererDetails) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, axisBounds, i, actualText, labelTextStyle, textSize, betweenTicksInterval, t6, t7, t8, labelRectWidth, trimmedText, renderText, labelSize,
- t1 = axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_chartThemeData_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.axisMultiLevelLabelTextStyle;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleAxisMultiLevelLabels_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = axisRendererDetails.stateProperties;
- t4 = t3.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t4.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- for (t5 = axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A, t3 = t3.__CartesianStateProperties_renderingDetails_A, axisBounds = t4, i = 0; i < t2.length; ++i) {
- actualText = t2[i].text;
- labelTextStyle = t1.copyWith$0();
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- textSize = A.measureText(actualText, labelTextStyle, 0);
- if (axisRendererDetails.orientation === B.AxisOrientation_1) {
- t4 = t5.plotOffset;
- if (t4 !== 0)
- axisBounds = new A.Rect(axisBounds.left + t4, axisBounds.top, axisBounds.right - 2 * t4, axisBounds.bottom);
- betweenTicksInterval = A.isLabelBetweenTicks(t5) ? 0.5 : 0;
- t4 = t2[i];
- t6 = A.valueToCoefficient(t4.actualStart - betweenTicksInterval, axisRendererDetails);
- t7 = axisBounds.left;
- t8 = axisBounds.right - t7;
- labelRectWidth = Math.abs(A.valueToCoefficient(t4.actualEnd + betweenTicksInterval, axisRendererDetails) * t8 + t7 - (t6 * t8 + t7));
- if (labelRectWidth > 0 && labelRectWidth <= textSize._dx) {
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t3.__RenderingDetails_isRtl_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- trimmedText = A.getTrimmedText(actualText, labelRectWidth - 10, labelTextStyle, null, t4);
- } else
- trimmedText = null;
- } else
- trimmedText = null;
- renderText = trimmedText == null ? actualText : trimmedText;
- labelSize = A.measureText(renderText, labelTextStyle, 0);
- t4 = t2[i];
- t4.textStyle = labelTextStyle;
- t4.labelSize = labelSize;
- t4.text = actualText;
- t4.renderText = renderText;
- }
- },
- _sortMultiLevelLabels(axisRendererDetails) {
- var currentLevel, count, currentLevel0,
- t1 = axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleAxisMultiLevelLabels_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(t1, new A._sortMultiLevelLabels_closure());
- if (t1.length > 1)
- for (currentLevel = 0, count = 0; count < t1.length; ++count, currentLevel = currentLevel0) {
- if (count === 0 && true)
- currentLevel0 = 0;
- else {
- currentLevel0 = currentLevel + 1;
- if (!(t1[count].level.$gt(0, currentLevel0) && true))
- currentLevel0 = currentLevel;
- }
- t1[count].actualLevel = currentLevel0;
- axisRendererDetails.highestLevel = Math.max(currentLevel, currentLevel0);
- }
- else
- axisRendererDetails.highestLevel = t1[0].actualLevel = 0;
- },
- calculateMultiLevelLabelBounds(axisRendererDetails) {
- var maximumSizeMapping, multiLevelLabelsCount, t2, axisMultiLevelLabel, levelCount, t3, maxWidth, maxHeight, maxWidth0, maxHeight0, maximumWidth, maximumHeight, k, t4,
- t1 = axisRendererDetails.highestLevel;
- t1.toString;
- maximumSizeMapping = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.Size);
- multiLevelLabelsCount = 0;
- while (true) {
- t2 = axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleAxisMultiLevelLabels_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!(multiLevelLabelsCount < t2.length))
- break;
- axisMultiLevelLabel = t2[multiLevelLabelsCount];
- t2 = axisMultiLevelLabel.actualLevel;
- t2.toString;
- for (levelCount = 0; levelCount <= t1; ++levelCount)
- if (t2 === levelCount) {
- t3 = maximumSizeMapping.$index(0, levelCount);
- maxWidth = t3 == null ? null : t3._dx;
- if (maxWidth == null)
- maxWidth = 0;
- t3 = maximumSizeMapping.$index(0, levelCount);
- maxHeight = t3 == null ? null : t3._dy;
- if (maxHeight == null)
- maxHeight = 0;
- t3 = axisMultiLevelLabel.labelSize;
- maxWidth0 = t3._dx;
- if (maxWidth0 > maxWidth)
- maxWidth = maxWidth0;
- maxHeight0 = t3._dy;
- maximumSizeMapping.$indexSet(0, levelCount, new A.Size(maxWidth, maxHeight0 > maxHeight ? maxHeight0 : maxHeight));
- }
- ++multiLevelLabelsCount;
- }
- axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- for (t2 = axisRendererDetails.multiLevelsMaximumSize, maximumWidth = 0, maximumHeight = 0, k = 0; k <= t1; ++k) {
- t3 = maximumSizeMapping.$index(0, k)._dx + 6;
- t4 = maximumSizeMapping.$index(0, k)._dy + 6;
- t2.push(new A.Size(t3, t4));
- maximumWidth += t3;
- maximumHeight += t4;
- }
- axisRendererDetails.multiLevelLabelTotalSize = new A.Size(maximumWidth, maximumHeight);
- },
- _getMultiLevelLabelRect(axisRendererDetails, startValue, endValue, currentLevel) {
- var isNotDefaultChart, betweenTicksInterval, t2, t3, left, right, bottom, i, $top, t4,
- axisBounds = axisRendererDetails.bounds,
- t1 = axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- isNotDefaultChart = B.JSBool_methods.$xor(t1.labelPosition === B.ChartDataLabelPosition_0, false);
- betweenTicksInterval = A.isLabelBetweenTicks(t1) ? 0.5 : 0;
- t1 = axisRendererDetails.axisBorderEnd;
- t1.toString;
- if (axisRendererDetails.orientation === B.AxisOrientation_1) {
- t2 = axisBounds.left;
- t3 = axisBounds.right - t2;
- left = B.JSNumber_methods.roundToDouble$0(A.valueToCoefficient(startValue - betweenTicksInterval, axisRendererDetails) * t3 + t2);
- right = B.JSNumber_methods.roundToDouble$0(A.valueToCoefficient(endValue + betweenTicksInterval, axisRendererDetails) * t3 + t2);
- t2 = axisRendererDetails.multiLevelsMaximumSize;
- t3 = isNotDefaultChart ? -t2[currentLevel]._dy : t2[currentLevel]._dy;
- bottom = t1 + 0 + t3;
- for (i = 0; i < currentLevel; ++i)
- bottom += isNotDefaultChart ? -t2[i]._dy : t2[i]._dy;
- $top = bottom - (isNotDefaultChart ? -t2[currentLevel]._dy : t2[currentLevel]._dy);
- } else {
- t2 = axisBounds.top;
- t3 = axisBounds.bottom - t2;
- t4 = t2 + t3;
- $top = t4 - (B.JSNumber_methods.roundToDouble$0(A.valueToCoefficient(startValue - betweenTicksInterval, axisRendererDetails) * t3 + t2) - t2);
- bottom = t4 - (B.JSNumber_methods.roundToDouble$0(A.valueToCoefficient(endValue + betweenTicksInterval, axisRendererDetails) * t3 + t2) - t2);
- t2 = axisRendererDetails.multiLevelsMaximumSize;
- t3 = isNotDefaultChart ? -t2[currentLevel]._dx : t2[currentLevel]._dx;
- left = t1 + 0 - t3;
- for (i = 0; i < currentLevel; ++i)
- left -= isNotDefaultChart ? -t2[i]._dx : t2[i]._dx;
- right = left + (isNotDefaultChart ? -t2[currentLevel]._dx : t2[currentLevel]._dx);
- }
- return new A.Rect(left, $top, right, bottom);
- },
- drawMultiLevelLabels(axisRendererDetails, canvas) {
- var multiLevelBorderPaint, t2, isLabelPositionInside, isNotDefaultChart, clipRectBorderPadding, k, t3, multiLevelLabel, multiLevelBorderRect, multiLevelLabelStart, t4, t5, t6,
- t1 = axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- multiLevelBorderPaint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t2 = axisRendererDetails.stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_renderingDetails_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- multiLevelBorderPaint.set$color(0, t2.axisLineColor);
- multiLevelBorderPaint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- multiLevelBorderPaint.set$strokeWidth(1);
- isLabelPositionInside = t1.labelPosition === B.ChartDataLabelPosition_0;
- isNotDefaultChart = B.JSBool_methods.$xor(isLabelPositionInside, false);
- clipRectBorderPadding = multiLevelBorderPaint.get$strokeWidth() / 2;
- t1 = -clipRectBorderPadding;
- k = 0;
- while (true) {
- t2 = axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleAxisMultiLevelLabels_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!(k < t2.length))
- break;
- t3 = axisRendererDetails.axisBorderEnd;
- t3.toString;
- multiLevelLabel = t2[k];
- t2 = multiLevelLabel.actualLevel;
- t2.toString;
- multiLevelBorderRect = multiLevelLabel.multiLabelRegion = A._getMultiLevelLabelRect(axisRendererDetails, multiLevelLabel.actualStart, multiLevelLabel.actualEnd, t2);
- t2 = multiLevelLabel.renderText;
- t2.toString;
- canvas.save$0(0);
- if (axisRendererDetails.orientation === B.AxisOrientation_1) {
- multiLevelLabelStart = t3 + 0;
- t3 = axisRendererDetails.bounds;
- t4 = isNotDefaultChart ? clipRectBorderPadding : t1;
- t5 = axisRendererDetails.multiLevelLabelTotalSize._dy;
- t5 = isNotDefaultChart ? -t5 - clipRectBorderPadding : t5 + clipRectBorderPadding;
- canvas.clipRect$1(new A.Rect(t3.left - clipRectBorderPadding, multiLevelLabelStart + t4, t3.right + clipRectBorderPadding, multiLevelLabelStart + t5));
- } else {
- multiLevelLabelStart = t3 + 0;
- t3 = axisRendererDetails.multiLevelLabelTotalSize._dx;
- t3 = isNotDefaultChart ? t3 + clipRectBorderPadding : -t3 - clipRectBorderPadding;
- t4 = axisRendererDetails.bounds;
- t5 = isNotDefaultChart ? t1 : clipRectBorderPadding;
- canvas.clipRect$1(new A.Rect(multiLevelLabelStart + t3, t4.top - clipRectBorderPadding, multiLevelLabelStart + t5, t4.bottom + clipRectBorderPadding));
- }
- canvas.drawRect$2(multiLevelBorderRect, multiLevelBorderPaint);
- t3 = multiLevelLabel.labelSize;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = axisRendererDetails.orientation;
- B.JSBool_methods.$xor(isLabelPositionInside, false);
- t5 = multiLevelBorderRect.left;
- t6 = multiLevelBorderRect.top;
- t4 = multiLevelLabel.textStyle;
- t4.toString;
- A.drawText(canvas, t2, new A.Offset(t5 + (multiLevelBorderRect.right - t5) / 2 - t3._dx / 2, t6 + (multiLevelBorderRect.bottom - t6) / 2 - t3._dy / 2), t4, 0, null);
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- ++k;
- }
- },
- _getActualValue(axisRendererDetails, multiLevelLabelInputValue) {
- var t1 = axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 instanceof A.NumericAxis)
- multiLevelLabelInputValue = multiLevelLabelInputValue.toDouble$0(0);
- if (t1 instanceof A.CategoryAxis) {
- t1 = type$.CategoryAxisDetails._as(axisRendererDetails).__CategoryAxisDetails_labels_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- multiLevelLabelInputValue = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(t1, multiLevelLabelInputValue);
- }
- return multiLevelLabelInputValue;
- },
- isLabelBetweenTicks(axis) {
- var isBetweenTicks,
- t1 = axis instanceof A.CategoryAxis;
- if (t1 || false)
- if (t1)
- isBetweenTicks = axis.labelPlacement === B.LabelPlacement_0;
- else
- isBetweenTicks = false;
- else
- isBetweenTicks = false;
- return isBetweenTicks;
- },
- MultiLevelLabelStyle: function MultiLevelLabelStyle() {
- },
- AxisMultiLevelLabel: function AxisMultiLevelLabel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.labelSize = _.textStyle = null;
- _.text = t0;
- _.renderText = null;
- _.index = t1;
- _.actualLevel = null;
- _.level = t2;
- _.actualStart = t3;
- _.actualEnd = t4;
- _.multiLabelRegion = null;
- },
- _sortMultiLevelLabels_closure: function _sortMultiLevelLabels_closure() {
- },
- NumericAxis$(axisLine, edgeLabelPlacement, labelFormat, majorTickLines, minimum, $name) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = axisLine == null ? B.C_AxisLine : axisLine,
- t2 = majorTickLines == null ? B.MajorTickLines_5 : majorTickLines,
- t3 = edgeLabelPlacement == null ? B.EdgeLabelPlacement_0 : edgeLabelPlacement,
- t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PlotBand);
- return new A.NumericAxis(labelFormat, minimum, true, true, t1, t2, B.C_MinorTickLines, B.MajorGridLines_K3W, B.C_MinorGridLines, _null, new A.AxisTitle(), B.ChartRangePadding_0, _null, 3, 0, 0, B.AxisLabelIntersectAction_1, false, false, B.ChartDataLabelPosition_1, B.LabelAlignment_2, B.TickPosition_1, t3, _null, 0, $name, 1, 0, true, B.C_InteractiveTooltip, _null, _null, true, t4, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.AutoScrollingMode_1, B.Color_0, 0, B.AxisBorderType_0, B.C_MultiLevelLabelStyle, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- NumericAxisRenderer$(numericAxis, stateProperties) {
- var t1 = new A.NumericAxisRenderer(),
- t2 = new A.NumericAxisDetails(numericAxis, t1, numericAxis, stateProperties, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Size), B.Size_0_0, B.Size_0_0, B.Rect_0_0_0_0);
- t2.ChartAxisRendererDetails$3(numericAxis, stateProperties, t1);
- t1.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A = t1.__NumericAxisRenderer__axisDetails_A = t2;
- return t1;
- },
- NumericAxis: function NumericAxis(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45) {
- var _ = this;
- _.labelFormat = t0;
- _.minimum = t1;
- _.isVisible = t2;
- _.anchorRangeToVisiblePoints = t3;
- _.axisLine = t4;
- _.majorTickLines = t5;
- _.minorTickLines = t6;
- _.majorGridLines = t7;
- _.minorGridLines = t8;
- _.labelStyle = t9;
- _.title = t10;
- _.rangePadding = t11;
- _.desiredIntervals = t12;
- _.maximumLabels = t13;
- _.minorTicksPerInterval = t14;
- _.labelRotation = t15;
- _.labelIntersectAction = t16;
- _.opposedPosition = t17;
- _.isInversed = t18;
- _.labelPosition = t19;
- _.labelAlignment = t20;
- _.tickPosition = t21;
- _.edgeLabelPlacement = t22;
- _.interval = t23;
- _.plotOffset = t24;
- _.name = t25;
- _.zoomFactor = t26;
- _.zoomPosition = t27;
- _.enableAutoIntervalOnZooming = t28;
- _.interactiveTooltip = t29;
- _.crossesAt = t30;
- _.associatedAxisName = t31;
- _.placeLabelsNearAxisLine = t32;
- _.plotBands = t33;
- _.rangeController = t34;
- _.maximumLabelWidth = t35;
- _.labelsExtent = t36;
- _.autoScrollingDelta = t37;
- _.autoScrollingMode = t38;
- _.borderColor = t39;
- _.borderWidth = t40;
- _.axisBorderType = t41;
- _.multiLevelLabelStyle = t42;
- _.multiLevelLabels = t43;
- _.multiLevelLabelFormatter = t44;
- _.axisLabelFormatter = t45;
- },
- NumericAxisRenderer: function NumericAxisRenderer() {
- this.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A = this.__NumericAxisRenderer__axisDetails_A = $;
- },
- NumericAxisDetails: function NumericAxisDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__NumericAxisDetails_axisSize_A = $;
- _.numericAxis = t0;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axisRenderer_A = t1;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A = t2;
- _.oldAxis = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_chartThemeData_A = $;
- _.stateProperties = t3;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_chart_A = $;
- _.isStack100 = false;
- _.rangeMaximum = _.rangeMinimum = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleAxisMultiLevelLabels_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleLabels_A = $;
- _.multiLevelsMaximumSize = t4;
- _.maximumLabelSize = t5;
- _.multiLevelLabelTotalSize = t6;
- _.maximumMultiLevelLabelValue = _.minimumMultiLevelLabelValue = _.actualRange = _.visibleRange = _.orientation = _.highestLevel = _.axisBorderEnd = null;
- _.isMultiLevelLabelEnabled = false;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_seriesRenderers_A = $;
- _.bounds = t7;
- _.isInsideTickPosition = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_totalSize_A = $;
- _.name = _.previousZoomPosition = _.previousZoomFactor = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomPosition_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomFactor_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_labelRotation_A = $;
- _.isCollide = false;
- _.highMax = _.highMin = _.lowMax = _.lowMin = _.max = _.min = null;
- _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_crossAxisRenderer_A = _.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axisSize_A = $;
- _.scrollingDelta = _.visibleMaximum = _.visibleMinimum = _.xAxisEnd = _.xAxisStart = _.titleHeight = _.titleOffset = _.labelOffset = _.crossRange = _.crossValue = null;
- },
- _PlotBandPainter: function _PlotBandPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.shouldRenderAboveSeries = t2;
- _._repaint = t3;
- },
- SfCartesianChart$(borderWidth, legend, primaryXAxis, primaryYAxis, series, tooltipBehavior) {
- var t1 = A.ChartTitle$(),
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ChartAxis),
- t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TechnicalIndicators_dynamic_dynamic);
- return new A.SfCartesianChart(t1, legend, borderWidth, primaryXAxis, primaryYAxis, B.EdgeInsets_10_10_10_10, t2, tooltipBehavior, new A.CrosshairBehavior(), new A.TrackballBehavior(), new A.ZoomPanBehavior(), B.SelectionType_0, false, B.ActivationMode_0, series, t3, null);
- },
- SfCartesianChart: function SfCartesianChart(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16) {
- var _ = this;
- _.title = t0;
- _.legend = t1;
- _.borderWidth = t2;
- _.primaryXAxis = t3;
- _.primaryYAxis = t4;
- _.margin = t5;
- _.axes = t6;
- _.tooltipBehavior = t7;
- _.crosshairBehavior = t8;
- _.trackballBehavior = t9;
- _.zoomPanBehavior = t10;
- _.selectionType = t11;
- _.enableMultiSelection = t12;
- _.selectionGesture = t13;
- _.series = t14;
- _.indicators = t15;
- _.key = t16;
- },
- SfCartesianChartState: function SfCartesianChartState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__SfCartesianChartState__stateProperties_A = $;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t0;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- SfCartesianChartState__refresh_closure: function SfCartesianChartState__refresh_closure() {
- },
- SfCartesianChartState__renderChartElements_closure: function SfCartesianChartState__renderChartElements_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SfCartesianChartState__renderChartElements__closure: function SfCartesianChartState__renderChartElements__closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.crosshairPoint = t1;
- },
- SfCartesianChartState__renderChartElements__closure0: function SfCartesianChartState__renderChartElements__closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ContainerArea: function ContainerArea(t0, t1) {
- this._stateProperties = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState: function _ContainerAreaState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___ContainerAreaState_renderBox_A = $;
- _._touchPosition = null;
- _.___ContainerAreaState_dataLabelTemplateNotifier_A = $;
- _._mousePointerDetails = _._tapDownDetails = null;
- _.___ContainerAreaState__seriesRenderer_A = _.___ContainerAreaState__series_A = $;
- _._widget = _._zoomStartPosition = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build_closure: function _ContainerAreaState_build_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.zoomingBehaviorDetails = t1;
- _.isXYPanMode = t2;
- _.isYPan = t3;
- _.isXPan = t4;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure17: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure17(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure16: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure16(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure11: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure11(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure12: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure12(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure15: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure15(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure14: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure14(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure13: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure13(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure9: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure9(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure8: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure8(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.zoomingBehaviorDetails = t1;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure10: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure10(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure3: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure3(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure6: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure6(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure4: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure4(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure5: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure5(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure7: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure7(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure0: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure1: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState_build__closure2: function _ContainerAreaState_build__closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ContainerAreaState__bindLoadMoreIndicatorWidget_closure: function _ContainerAreaState__bindLoadMoreIndicatorWidget_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _SfCartesianChartState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function _SfCartesianChartState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- ChartSeriesPanel: function ChartSeriesPanel(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.isStacked100 = false;
- _.sumOfYvalues = _.paletteIndex = 0;
- _.yValues = t1;
- _.visibleSeriesRenderers = t2;
- _.clusterStackedItemInfo = t3;
- _.needAxisRangeAnimation = false;
- },
- ChartSeriesPanel__sortDataSource_closure: function ChartSeriesPanel__sortDataSource_closure(t0) {
- this.seriesRendererDetails = t0;
- },
- ChartBehavior: function ChartBehavior() {
- },
- ChartSelectionBehavior: function ChartSelectionBehavior() {
- },
- ZoomBehavior: function ZoomBehavior() {
- },
- AreaSegment: function AreaSegment(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__AreaSegment__segmentProperties_A = $;
- _._area_segment$_isInitialize = false;
- _.strokePaint = _.fillPaint = null;
- _.__ChartSegment_animationFactor_A = $;
- _.points = t0;
- _._segmentProperties = _.currentSegmentIndex = null;
- },
- ChartSegment: function ChartSegment() {
- },
- ColumnSegment$() {
- return new A.ColumnSegment(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Offset));
- },
- ColumnSegment: function ColumnSegment(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__ColumnSegment__segmentProperties_A = _.__ColumnSegment_segmentRect_A = $;
- _._column_segment$_isInitialize = false;
- _.strokePaint = _.fillPaint = null;
- _.__ChartSegment_animationFactor_A = $;
- _.points = t0;
- _._segmentProperties = _.currentSegmentIndex = null;
- },
- LineSegment: function LineSegment(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._line_segment$_oldY2 = _._line_segment$_oldX2 = _._line_segment$_oldY1 = _._line_segment$_oldX1 = null;
- _.__LineSegment__yAxisRenderer_A = _.__LineSegment__xAxisRenderer_A = _.__LineSegment__nextPointLocation_A = _.__LineSegment__currentPointLocation_A = _.__LineSegment__second_A = _.__LineSegment__first_A = _.__LineSegment__axisClipRect_A = _.__LineSegment__newlyAddedSegment_AI = _.__LineSegment__needAnimate_A = $;
- _._line_segment$_oldYAxisRenderer = _._line_segment$_oldXAxisRenderer = null;
- _.__LineSegment__currentSegment_A = $;
- _._line_segment$_oldSegment = null;
- _.__LineSegment__segmentProperties_A = $;
- _._line_segment$_isInitialize = false;
- _.strokePaint = _.fillPaint = null;
- _.__ChartSegment_animationFactor_A = $;
- _.points = t0;
- _._segmentProperties = _.currentSegmentIndex = null;
- },
- RangeAreaSegment: function RangeAreaSegment(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__RangeAreaSegment__segmentProperties_A = $;
- _._isInitialize = false;
- _.strokePaint = _.fillPaint = null;
- _.__ChartSegment_animationFactor_A = $;
- _.points = t0;
- _._segmentProperties = _.currentSegmentIndex = null;
- },
- SplineSegment: function SplineSegment(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._nextPointLocation = _._currentPointLocation = _.endControlY = _.endControlX = _.startControlY = _.startControlX = _._oldY4 = _._oldX4 = _._oldY3 = _._oldX3 = _._oldY2 = _._oldX2 = _._oldY1 = _._oldX1 = null;
- _.__SplineSegment__yAxisRenderer_A = _.__SplineSegment__xAxisRenderer_A = $;
- _._oldYAxisRenderer = _._oldXAxisRenderer = null;
- _.__SplineSegment__axisClipRect_A = $;
- _._oldSegment = _._currentSegment = null;
- _.__SplineSegment__needAnimate_A = $;
- _.strokePaint = _.fillPaint = null;
- _.__ChartSegment_animationFactor_A = $;
- _.points = t0;
- _._segmentProperties = _.currentSegmentIndex = null;
- },
- AreaSeries$(color, dataSource, enableTooltip, $name, xAxisName, xValueMapper, yAxisName, yValueMapper, $T, $D) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = new A.XyDataSeries_closure(xValueMapper, dataSource, $D),
- t2 = new A.XyDataSeries_closure0(yValueMapper, dataSource),
- t3 = A.EmptyPointSettings$(),
- t4 = A._setArrayType([0, 0], type$.JSArray_double),
- t5 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int),
- t6 = A.SelectionBehavior$();
- return new A.AreaSeries(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, dataSource, t1, t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, xAxisName, yAxisName, color, _null, B.C_MarkerSettings, t3, B.DataLabelSettings_qx4, _null, _null, _null, $name, true, t4, 1500, B.Color_0, 0, B.LegendIconType_0, true, _null, t6, 1, _null, B.SortingOrder_2, true, 0, t5, _null, dataSource, t1, t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, $name, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, $T._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($D)._eval$1("AreaSeries<1,2>"));
- },
- AreaSeries: function AreaSeries(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51, t52, t53, t54, t55, t56, t57, t58, t59) {
- var _ = this;
- _.key = t0;
- _.onCreateRenderer = t1;
- _.onRendererCreated = t2;
- _.onPointTap = t3;
- _.onPointDoubleTap = t4;
- _.onPointLongPress = t5;
- _.CartesianSeries_dataSource = t6;
- _.CartesianSeries_xValueMapper = t7;
- _.CartesianSeries_yValueMapper = t8;
- _.CartesianSeries_pointColorMapper = t9;
- _.CartesianSeries_dataLabelMapper = t10;
- _.sizeValueMapper = t11;
- _.highValueMapper = t12;
- _.lowValueMapper = t13;
- _.intermediateSumPredicate = t14;
- _.totalSumPredicate = t15;
- _.xAxisName = t16;
- _.yAxisName = t17;
- _.color = t18;
- _.width = t19;
- _.markerSettings = t20;
- _.CartesianSeries_emptyPointSettings = t21;
- _.CartesianSeries_dataLabelSettings = t22;
- _.trendlines = t23;
- _.gradient = t24;
- _.borderGradient = t25;
- _.CartesianSeries_name = t26;
- _.CartesianSeries_enableTooltip = t27;
- _.dashArray = t28;
- _.CartesianSeries_animationDuration = t29;
- _.CartesianSeries_borderColor = t30;
- _.CartesianSeries_borderWidth = t31;
- _.CartesianSeries_legendIconType = t32;
- _.isVisibleInLegend = t33;
- _.CartesianSeries_legendItemText = t34;
- _.CartesianSeries_selectionBehavior = t35;
- _.CartesianSeries_opacity = t36;
- _.CartesianSeries_sortFieldValueMapper = t37;
- _.CartesianSeries_sortingOrder = t38;
- _.CartesianSeries_isVisible = t39;
- _.CartesianSeries_animationDelay = t40;
- _.initialSelectedDataIndexes = t41;
- _.onCreateShader = t42;
- _.dataSource = t43;
- _.xValueMapper = t44;
- _.yValueMapper = t45;
- _.pointColorMapper = t46;
- _.dataLabelMapper = t47;
- _.emptyPointSettings = t48;
- _.dataLabelSettings = t49;
- _.name = t50;
- _.enableTooltip = t51;
- _.animationDuration = t52;
- _.legendIconType = t53;
- _.selectionBehavior = t54;
- _.opacity = t55;
- _.sortFieldValueMapper = t56;
- _.sortingOrder = t57;
- _.animationDelay = t58;
- _.$ti = t59;
- },
- ColumnSeries$(animationDelay, animationDuration, borderRadius, color, dataLabelSettings, dataSource, $name, xAxisName, xValueMapper, yAxisName, yValueMapper, $T, $D) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = new A.XyDataSeries_closure(xValueMapper, dataSource, $D),
- t2 = new A.XyDataSeries_closure0(yValueMapper, dataSource),
- t3 = dataLabelSettings == null ? B.DataLabelSettings_qx4 : dataLabelSettings,
- t4 = A.EmptyPointSettings$(),
- t5 = A._setArrayType([0, 0], type$.JSArray_double),
- t6 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int),
- t7 = A.SelectionBehavior$();
- return new A.ColumnSeries(borderRadius, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, dataSource, t1, t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, xAxisName, yAxisName, color, 0.7, B.C_MarkerSettings, t4, t3, _null, _null, _null, $name, true, t5, 1500, B.Color_0, 0, B.LegendIconType_0, true, _null, t7, 1, _null, B.SortingOrder_2, true, 0, t6, _null, dataSource, t1, t2, _null, _null, _null, dataLabelSettings, $name, true, animationDuration, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, animationDelay, $T._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($D)._eval$1("ColumnSeries<1,2>"));
- },
- ColumnSeries: function ColumnSeries(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51, t52, t53, t54, t55, t56, t57, t58, t59, t60) {
- var _ = this;
- _.borderRadius = t0;
- _.key = t1;
- _.onCreateRenderer = t2;
- _.onRendererCreated = t3;
- _.onPointTap = t4;
- _.onPointDoubleTap = t5;
- _.onPointLongPress = t6;
- _.CartesianSeries_dataSource = t7;
- _.CartesianSeries_xValueMapper = t8;
- _.CartesianSeries_yValueMapper = t9;
- _.CartesianSeries_pointColorMapper = t10;
- _.CartesianSeries_dataLabelMapper = t11;
- _.sizeValueMapper = t12;
- _.highValueMapper = t13;
- _.lowValueMapper = t14;
- _.intermediateSumPredicate = t15;
- _.totalSumPredicate = t16;
- _.xAxisName = t17;
- _.yAxisName = t18;
- _.color = t19;
- _.width = t20;
- _.markerSettings = t21;
- _.CartesianSeries_emptyPointSettings = t22;
- _.CartesianSeries_dataLabelSettings = t23;
- _.trendlines = t24;
- _.gradient = t25;
- _.borderGradient = t26;
- _.CartesianSeries_name = t27;
- _.CartesianSeries_enableTooltip = t28;
- _.dashArray = t29;
- _.CartesianSeries_animationDuration = t30;
- _.CartesianSeries_borderColor = t31;
- _.CartesianSeries_borderWidth = t32;
- _.CartesianSeries_legendIconType = t33;
- _.isVisibleInLegend = t34;
- _.CartesianSeries_legendItemText = t35;
- _.CartesianSeries_selectionBehavior = t36;
- _.CartesianSeries_opacity = t37;
- _.CartesianSeries_sortFieldValueMapper = t38;
- _.CartesianSeries_sortingOrder = t39;
- _.CartesianSeries_isVisible = t40;
- _.CartesianSeries_animationDelay = t41;
- _.initialSelectedDataIndexes = t42;
- _.onCreateShader = t43;
- _.dataSource = t44;
- _.xValueMapper = t45;
- _.yValueMapper = t46;
- _.pointColorMapper = t47;
- _.dataLabelMapper = t48;
- _.emptyPointSettings = t49;
- _.dataLabelSettings = t50;
- _.name = t51;
- _.enableTooltip = t52;
- _.animationDuration = t53;
- _.legendIconType = t54;
- _.selectionBehavior = t55;
- _.opacity = t56;
- _.sortFieldValueMapper = t57;
- _.sortingOrder = t58;
- _.animationDelay = t59;
- _.$ti = t60;
- },
- ChartErrorValues: function ChartErrorValues(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.errorX = t0;
- _.errorY = t1;
- _.customNegativeX = t2;
- _.customNegativeY = t3;
- },
- RangeAreaSeries: function RangeAreaSeries() {
- },
- CartesianSeries: function CartesianSeries() {
- },
- ChartSeriesRenderer: function ChartSeriesRenderer() {
- },
- ChartSeriesController: function ChartSeriesController() {
- },
- CartesianSeriesRenderer: function CartesianSeriesRenderer() {
- },
- SeriesRendererDetails$(renderer) {
- var t1 = type$.JSArray_List_Offset,
- t2 = type$.JSArray_CartesianChartPoint_dynamic,
- t3 = type$.JSArray_nullable_num;
- return new A.SeriesRendererDetails(renderer, A._setArrayType([], t1), A._setArrayType([], t1), A._setArrayType([], t1), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ChartSegment), A._setArrayType([], t2), A._setArrayType([], t2), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TrendlineRenderer), A._setArrayType([], t2), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_StackedValues), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_num), A._setArrayType([], t3), A._setArrayType([], t3), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable_CartesianChartPoint_dynamic));
- },
- SeriesRendererDetails: function SeriesRendererDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13) {
- var _ = this;
- _.renderer = t0;
- _.visible = _.seriesName = null;
- _.needsRepaint = true;
- _.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A = _.__SeriesRendererDetails_chart_A = $;
- _.needsToCalculateRegion = _.isCalculateRegion = _.hasSideBySideInfo = _.isPointSeries = _.isRectSeries = false;
- _.__SeriesRendererDetails_histogramValues_A = $;
- _.drawControlPoints = t1;
- _.drawLowControlPoints = t2;
- _.drawHighControlPoints = t3;
- _.segmentPath = null;
- _.segments = t4;
- _.oldSeries = null;
- _.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A = $;
- _.dataPoints = t5;
- _.sampledDataPoints = t6;
- _.xValues = _.seriesColor = _.regionalData = _.maximumY = _.minimumY = _.maximumX = _.minimumX = _.yAxisDetails = _.xAxisDetails = _.oldSelectedIndexes = _.oldDataPoints = _.visibleDataPoints = null;
- _.__SeriesRendererDetails_markerShapes2_A = _.__SeriesRendererDetails_markerShapes_A = _.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A = $;
- _.isIndicator = _.isOuterRegion = false;
- _.minDelta = null;
- _.__SeriesRendererDetails_repaintNotifier_A = $;
- _.calculateRegion = _.reAnimate = _.needsAnimation = _.needAnimateSeriesElements = false;
- _.seriesElementAnimation = _.seriesAnimation = null;
- _.__SeriesRendererDetails_animationController_A = $;
- _.controller = null;
- _.trendlineRenderer = t7;
- _.__SeriesRendererDetails_dataLabelSettingsRenderer_A = $;
- _.markerSettingsRenderer = null;
- _.isSelectionEnable = false;
- _.selectionBehavior = _.selectionBehaviorRenderer = null;
- _.__SeriesRendererDetails_animationCompleted_A = $;
- _.hasDataLabelTemplate = false;
- _.sideBySideInfo = null;
- _.__SeriesRendererDetails_rectPosition_A = $;
- _.seriesIndex = _.minSize = _.maxSize = null;
- _.overallDataPoints = t8;
- _.stackingValues = t9;
- _.percentageValues = t10;
- _.xValueList = t11;
- _.yValueList = t12;
- _.dashArray = null;
- _.containsEmptyPoints = false;
- _.overAllDataPoints = t13;
- },
- SplineSeries$(color, dataSource, enableTooltip, $name, width, xAxisName, xValueMapper, yAxisName, yValueMapper, $T, $D) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = new A.XyDataSeries_closure(xValueMapper, dataSource, $D),
- t2 = new A.XyDataSeries_closure0(yValueMapper, dataSource),
- t3 = A.EmptyPointSettings$(),
- t4 = A._setArrayType([0, 0], type$.JSArray_double),
- t5 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int),
- t6 = A.SelectionBehavior$();
- return new A.SplineSeries(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, dataSource, t1, t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, xAxisName, yAxisName, color, width, B.C_MarkerSettings, t3, B.DataLabelSettings_qx4, _null, _null, _null, $name, true, t4, 1500, B.Color_0, 0, B.LegendIconType_0, true, _null, t6, 1, _null, B.SortingOrder_2, true, 0, t5, _null, dataSource, t1, t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, $name, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, $T._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($D)._eval$1("SplineSeries<1,2>"));
- },
- SplineSeries: function SplineSeries(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51, t52, t53, t54, t55, t56, t57, t58, t59) {
- var _ = this;
- _.key = t0;
- _.onCreateRenderer = t1;
- _.onRendererCreated = t2;
- _.onPointTap = t3;
- _.onPointDoubleTap = t4;
- _.onPointLongPress = t5;
- _.CartesianSeries_dataSource = t6;
- _.CartesianSeries_xValueMapper = t7;
- _.CartesianSeries_yValueMapper = t8;
- _.CartesianSeries_pointColorMapper = t9;
- _.CartesianSeries_dataLabelMapper = t10;
- _.sizeValueMapper = t11;
- _.highValueMapper = t12;
- _.lowValueMapper = t13;
- _.intermediateSumPredicate = t14;
- _.totalSumPredicate = t15;
- _.xAxisName = t16;
- _.yAxisName = t17;
- _.color = t18;
- _.width = t19;
- _.markerSettings = t20;
- _.CartesianSeries_emptyPointSettings = t21;
- _.CartesianSeries_dataLabelSettings = t22;
- _.trendlines = t23;
- _.gradient = t24;
- _.borderGradient = t25;
- _.CartesianSeries_name = t26;
- _.CartesianSeries_enableTooltip = t27;
- _.dashArray = t28;
- _.CartesianSeries_animationDuration = t29;
- _.CartesianSeries_borderColor = t30;
- _.CartesianSeries_borderWidth = t31;
- _.CartesianSeries_legendIconType = t32;
- _.isVisibleInLegend = t33;
- _.CartesianSeries_legendItemText = t34;
- _.CartesianSeries_selectionBehavior = t35;
- _.CartesianSeries_opacity = t36;
- _.CartesianSeries_sortFieldValueMapper = t37;
- _.CartesianSeries_sortingOrder = t38;
- _.CartesianSeries_isVisible = t39;
- _.CartesianSeries_animationDelay = t40;
- _.initialSelectedDataIndexes = t41;
- _.onCreateShader = t42;
- _.dataSource = t43;
- _.xValueMapper = t44;
- _.yValueMapper = t45;
- _.pointColorMapper = t46;
- _.dataLabelMapper = t47;
- _.emptyPointSettings = t48;
- _.dataLabelSettings = t49;
- _.name = t50;
- _.enableTooltip = t51;
- _.animationDuration = t52;
- _.legendIconType = t53;
- _.selectionBehavior = t54;
- _.opacity = t55;
- _.sortFieldValueMapper = t56;
- _.sortingOrder = t57;
- _.animationDelay = t58;
- _.$ti = t59;
- },
- CartesianChartPoint$(x, y, dataLabelMapper, pointColorMapper, bubbleSize, high, low, $open, $close, volume, sortValue, minimum, maximum, isIntermediateSum, isTotalSum, $D) {
- var t1 = type$.JSArray_ChartLocation;
- return new A.CartesianChartPoint(x, y, sortValue, high, low, $open, $close, volume, bubbleSize, pointColorMapper, dataLabelMapper, minimum, maximum, null, isIntermediateSum, isTotalSum, A._setArrayType([], t1), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RRect), A._setArrayType([], t1), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Rect), $D._eval$1("CartesianChartPoint<0>"));
- },
- XyDataSeries: function XyDataSeries() {
- },
- XyDataSeries_closure: function XyDataSeries_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.xValueMapper = t0;
- this.dataSource = t1;
- this.D = t2;
- },
- XyDataSeries_closure0: function XyDataSeries_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.yValueMapper = t0;
- this.dataSource = t1;
- },
- CartesianChartPoint: function CartesianChartPoint(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21) {
- var _ = this;
- _.x = t0;
- _.y = t1;
- _.yValue = _.xValue = null;
- _.sortValue = t2;
- _.high = t3;
- _.low = t4;
- _.open = t5;
- _.close = t6;
- _.volume = t7;
- _.markerPoint2 = _.markerPoint = null;
- _.bubbleSize = t8;
- _.isEmpty = null;
- _._isMarkerEventTriggered = _.isDrop = _.isGap = false;
- _._markerDetails = null;
- _.isVisible = true;
- _.pointColorMapper = t9;
- _.dataLabelMapper = t10;
- _.outlierRegionPosition = _.outlierRegion = _.boxRectRegion = _.region = null;
- _.minimum = t11;
- _.maximum = t12;
- _.outliers = t13;
- _.median = _.mean = _.lowerQuartile = _.upperQuartile = null;
- _.isIntermediateSum = t14;
- _.isTotalSum = t15;
- _.originValue = _.endValue = null;
- _.maxYValue = 0;
- _.isTooltipRenderEvent = _.labelRenderEvent = false;
- _.errorBarValues = _.centerMedianPoint = _.upperQuartilePoint = _.lowerQuartilePoint = _.lowEndControl = _.lowStartControl = _.highEndControl = _.highStartControl = _.endControl = _.startControl = _.highPoint = _.lowPoint = _.centerClosePoint = _.centerOpenPoint = _.closePoint = _.openPoint = null;
- _.outliersPoint = t16;
- _.label5 = _.label4 = _.label3 = _.label2 = _.label = _.trackerRectRegion = _.cumulativeValue = _.controlPointslow = _.controlPointshigh = _.controlPoint = null;
- _.outliersLabel = t17;
- _.labelFillRect5 = _.labelFillRect4 = _.labelFillRect3 = _.labelFillRect2 = _.labelFillRect = null;
- _.outliersFillRect = t18;
- _.labelLocation5 = _.labelLocation4 = _.labelLocation3 = _.labelLocation2 = _.labelLocation = null;
- _.outliersLocation = t19;
- _.dataLabelSaturationRegionInside = false;
- _.dataLabelRegion5 = _.dataLabelRegion4 = _.dataLabelRegion3 = _.dataLabelRegion2 = _.dataLabelRegion = null;
- _.outliersDataLabelRegion = t20;
- _._dataLabelColor = _._dataLabelTextStyle = _.visiblePointIndex = _.overallDataPointIndex = _.index = null;
- _._isCustomTextColor = false;
- _.$ti = t21;
- },
- ChartLocation: function ChartLocation(t0, t1) {
- this.x = t0;
- this.y = t1;
- },
- XyDataSeriesRenderer: function XyDataSeriesRenderer() {
- },
- CartesianStateProperties: function CartesianStateProperties(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.CartesianStateProperties_chartState = t0;
- _.__CartesianStateProperties_renderingDetails_A = t1;
- _.__CartesianStateProperties_annotationRegions_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_renderDatalabelRegions_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_unselectedSegments_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_selectedSegments_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_zoomAxes_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_zoomProgress_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_oldAxisRenderers_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_zoomedAxisRendererStates_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_repaintNotifiers_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_controllerList_A = $;
- _.legendRefresh = false;
- _.renderDataLabel = null;
- _.__CartesianStateProperties_oldSeriesVisible_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_segments_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_oldSeriesKeys_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_oldSeriesRenderers_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_renderOutsideAxis_A = $;
- _.zoomedState = null;
- _.__CartesianStateProperties_enableMouseHover_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_enableDoubleTap_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_touchMovePositions_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_touchStartPositions_A = $;
- _.legendToggling = false;
- _.backgroundImage = null;
- _.isTrendlineToggled = false;
- _.__CartesianStateProperties_triggerLoaded_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_painterKeys_A = $;
- _.isRangeSelectionSlider = _.rangeChangedByChart = _.rangeChangeBySlider = false;
- _.isSeriesLoaded = null;
- _.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_containerArea_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_chartSeries_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_seriesRenderers_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_isNeedUpdate_A = $;
- _.isTooltipHidden = _.isTooltipOrientationChanged = _.isTrackballOrientationChanged = _.requireAxisTooltip = false;
- _.chartPointInfo = t2;
- _.__CartesianStateProperties_animationCompleteCount_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_totalAnimatingSeries_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_trackballMarkerSettingsRenderer_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_technicalIndicatorRenderer_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_crosshairBehaviorRenderer_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_trackballBehaviorRenderer_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_zoomPanBehaviorRenderer_A = $;
- _.selectionArgs = null;
- _.isTouchUp = false;
- _.__CartesianStateProperties_swipeDirection_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_loadMoreViewStateSetter_A = $;
- _.currentPosition = _.startOffset = null;
- _.__CartesianStateProperties_isLoadMoreIndicator_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_pointerDeviceKind_A = _.__CartesianStateProperties_isRedrawByZoomPan_A = $;
- _.canSetRangeController = false;
- _.sideBySideIndicatorCount = _.sideBySideSeriesCount = _.shader = null;
- _.__CartesianStateProperties_plotBandRepaintNotifier_A = $;
- _.renderingDetails = t3;
- _.chartState = t4;
- },
- CartesianStateProperties_redraw_closure: function CartesianStateProperties_redraw_closure() {
- },
- getDataLabelSaturationColor(currentPoint, seriesRendererDetails, stateProperties, dataLabelSettingsRenderer) {
- var t1, t2, t3, seriesType, t4, color, _null = null;
- stateProperties.CartesianStateProperties_chartState._widget.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_renderingDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t2 === "rangecolumn";
- t3;
- if (t2 === "line" || t2 === "stackedline" || t2 === "stackedline100" || t2 === "spline" || t2 === "stepline")
- seriesType = "Line";
- else if (seriesRendererDetails.isRectSeries)
- seriesType = "Column";
- else {
- if (t2 === "bubble" || t2 === "scatter")
- t4 = "Circle";
- else
- t4 = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "area") ? "area" : "Default";
- seriesType = t4;
- }
- switch (seriesType) {
- case "Line":
- t1 = t1.__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- color = A._getOuterDataLabelColor(dataLabelSettingsRenderer, _null, t1);
- break;
- case "Column":
- if (!currentPoint.dataLabelSaturationRegionInside) {
- t3;
- t2 = !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "100") && t2 !== "stackedbar" && t2 !== "stackedcolumn";
- } else
- t2 = false;
- t1 = t1.__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A;
- if (t2) {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- color = A._getOuterDataLabelColor(dataLabelSettingsRenderer, _null, t1);
- } else {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- color = A._getInnerDataLabelColor(currentPoint, seriesRendererDetails, t1);
- }
- break;
- case "Circle":
- t2 = false;
- t1 = t1.__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A;
- if (t2) {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- color = A._getInnerDataLabelColor(currentPoint, seriesRendererDetails, t1);
- } else {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- color = A._getOuterDataLabelColor(dataLabelSettingsRenderer, _null, t1);
- }
- break;
- case "area":
- t1 = t1.__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- color = A._getOuterDataLabelColor(dataLabelSettingsRenderer, _null, t1);
- break;
- default:
- color = B.Color_4294967295;
- }
- return A.getSaturationColor(color);
- },
- _getOuterDataLabelColor(dataLabelSettingsRenderer, backgroundColor, theme) {
- var t1 = theme.brightness === B.Brightness_1 ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080;
- return t1;
- },
- _getInnerDataLabelColor(currentPoint, seriesRendererDetails, theme) {
- var t1, seriesColor, t2, innerColor;
- seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_dataLabelSettingsRenderer_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- seriesColor = t1.color;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2 === "waterfall")
- seriesColor = A.getWaterfallSeriesColor(type$.WaterfallSeries_dynamic_dynamic._as(t1), currentPoint, seriesColor);
- t1 = currentPoint.pointColorMapper;
- if (t1 != null)
- innerColor = t1;
- else {
- if (seriesColor != null)
- t1 = seriesColor;
- else {
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.seriesColor;
- if (!(t1 != null))
- t1 = theme.brightness === B.Brightness_1 ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080;
- }
- innerColor = t1;
- }
- return innerColor;
- },
- _checkSingleSeries(seriesRendererDetails) {
- var t2, count, _i, t3, t4,
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__CartesianStateProperties_chartSeries_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.visibleSeriesRenderers;
- t2 = t1.length;
- count = 0;
- _i = 0;
- for (; _i < t2; ++_i) {
- t3 = t1[_i].__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t3.visible;
- t4.toString;
- if (t4) {
- t3 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3 === "column" || t3 === "bar";
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3)
- ++count;
- }
- return count === 1;
- },
- animateLineTypeSeries(canvas, seriesRendererDetails, strokePaint, animationFactor, newX1, newY1, newX2, newY2, oldX1, oldY1, oldX2, oldY2, newX3, newY3, oldX3, oldY3, newX4, newY4, oldX4, oldY4) {
- var t1,
- y1 = A.getAnimateValue(animationFactor, newY1, oldY1, newY1, seriesRendererDetails),
- y2 = A.getAnimateValue(animationFactor, newY2, oldY2, newY2, seriesRendererDetails),
- y3 = newY3 != null ? A.getAnimateValue(animationFactor, newY3, oldY3, newY3, seriesRendererDetails) : newY3,
- y4 = newY4 != null ? A.getAnimateValue(animationFactor, newY4, oldY4, newY4, seriesRendererDetails) : newY4,
- x1 = A.getAnimateValue(animationFactor, newX1, oldX1, newX1, seriesRendererDetails),
- x2 = A.getAnimateValue(animationFactor, newX2, oldX2, newX2, seriesRendererDetails),
- x3 = newX3 != null ? A.getAnimateValue(animationFactor, newX3, oldX3, newX3, seriesRendererDetails) : newX3,
- x4 = newX4 != null ? A.getAnimateValue(animationFactor, newX4, oldX4, newX4, seriesRendererDetails) : newX4,
- path = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- path.moveTo$2(0, x1, y1);
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 === "stepline") {
- x3.toString;
- y3.toString;
- path.lineTo$2(0, x3, y3);
- }
- if (seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A === "spline") {
- x3.toString;
- y3.toString;
- x4.toString;
- y4.toString;
- path.cubicTo$6(x3, y3, x4, y4, x2, y2);
- } else
- path.lineTo$2(0, x2, y2);
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- A.drawDashedLine(canvas, t1.dashArray, strokePaint, path);
- },
- getAnimateValue(animationFactor, value, oldvalue, newValue, seriesRendererDetails) {
- var t1;
- seriesRendererDetails.needAnimateSeriesElements = seriesRendererDetails.needAnimateSeriesElements || oldvalue != newValue;
- if (oldvalue != null && newValue != null && !isNaN(oldvalue))
- t1 = oldvalue > newValue ? oldvalue - (oldvalue - newValue) * animationFactor : oldvalue + (newValue - oldvalue) * animationFactor;
- else
- t1 = value;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- performLinearAnimation(stateProperties, axis, canvas, animationFactor) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- stateProperties.CartesianStateProperties_chartState._widget.toString;
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.left;
- t3 = t1.top;
- canvas.clipRect$1(new A.Rect(0, 0, animationFactor * (t2 + (t1.right - t2)), t3 + (t1.bottom - t3)));
- },
- getNearestChartPoints(pointX, pointY, actualXAxisRenderer, actualYAxisRenderer, seriesRendererDetails, firstNearestDataPoints) {
- var t2, t3, dataPointList, t4, xValues, yValues, dataList, i, nearPointX, nearPointY, t5, t6, rect, touchXValue, touchYValue, delta, currX, currY, delta0, dataPoint,
- t1 = actualXAxisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = actualYAxisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = type$.JSArray_CartesianChartPoint_dynamic;
- dataPointList = A._setArrayType([], t3);
- t4 = type$.JSArray_num;
- xValues = A._setArrayType([], t4);
- yValues = A._setArrayType([], t4);
- if (firstNearestDataPoints != null)
- dataList = firstNearestDataPoints;
- else {
- dataList = seriesRendererDetails.visibleDataPoints;
- dataList = dataList != null ? dataList : A._setArrayType([], t3);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < dataList.length; ++i) {
- xValues.push(dataList[i].xValue);
- t3 = dataList[i];
- t4 = t3.yValue;
- yValues.push(t4 == null ? (t3.high + t3.low) / 2 : t4);
- }
- if (B.JSArray_methods.get$isNotEmpty(dataList)) {
- nearPointX = dataList[0].xValue;
- nearPointY = t2.visibleRange.minimum;
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t3.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t4.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- rect = A.calculatePlotOffset(t4, new A.Offset(t5.plotOffset, t6.plotOffset));
- t3 = t3.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.bounds;
- t4 = pointX - rect.left;
- t5 = pointY - rect.top;
- touchXValue = A.pointToXValue(t3, actualXAxisRenderer, t1, t4, t5);
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.bounds;
- touchYValue = A.pointToYValue(t1, actualYAxisRenderer, t2, t4, t5);
- for (delta = 0, i = 0; i < dataList.length; ++i) {
- currX = xValues[i];
- currY = yValues[i];
- delta0 = touchXValue - currX;
- if (delta === delta0) {
- dataPoint = dataList[i];
- if (!dataPoint.isDrop && !dataPoint.isGap) {
- if (Math.abs(touchYValue - currY) > Math.abs(touchYValue - nearPointY))
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(dataPointList);
- dataPointList.push(dataPoint);
- }
- } else if (Math.abs(delta0) <= Math.abs(touchXValue - nearPointX)) {
- dataPoint = dataList[i];
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(dataPointList);
- if (!dataPoint.isDrop && !dataPoint.isGap)
- dataPointList.push(dataPoint);
- delta = delta0;
- nearPointY = currY;
- nearPointX = currX;
- }
- }
- }
- return dataPointList;
- },
- bindZoomEvent(chart, axisDetails, zoomEventType) {
- var zoomPanArgs,
- t1 = axisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- zoomPanArgs = new A.ZoomPanArgs(t1);
- t1 = axisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomFactor_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- zoomPanArgs.__ZoomPanArgs_currentZoomFactor_A = t1;
- t1 = axisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomPosition_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- zoomPanArgs.__ZoomPanArgs_currentZoomPosition_A = t1;
- null.call$1(zoomPanArgs);
- return zoomPanArgs;
- },
- setShader(segmentProperties, paint) {
- var t1 = paint.get$shader();
- paint.set$shader(t1);
- return t1;
- },
- _getErrorValues(seriesRendererDetails, series, actualXValue, actualYValue, dataPointsLength, mean) {
- var errorY, errorX, chartErrorValues;
- series.get$mode(series);
- series.get$type(series);
- errorY = series.get$verticalErrorValue();
- errorX = series.get$horizontalErrorValue();
- chartErrorValues = new A.ChartErrorValues(errorX, errorY, null, null);
- series.get$type(series);
- series.get$type(series);
- series.get$type(series);
- return chartErrorValues;
- },
- _getCalculatedErrorValues(seriesRendererDetails, series, chartErrorValues, actualXValue, actualYValue) {
- var _null = null;
- series.get$direction(series);
- series.get$direction(series);
- series.get$direction(series);
- series.get$type(series);
- series.get$type(series);
- seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails.toString;
- series.get$mode(series);
- series.get$mode(series);
- series.get$mode(series);
- series.get$mode(series);
- return new A.ErrorBarValues(_null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- updateErrorBarAxisRange(seriesRendererDetails, point) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _null = null;
- if (!point.isGap) {
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- type$.ErrorBarSeries_dynamic_dynamic._as(t1);
- t1.get$type(t1);
- t1.get$type(t1);
- point.errorBarValues = A._getCalculatedErrorValues(seriesRendererDetails, t1, A._getErrorValues(seriesRendererDetails, t1, point.xValue, point.yValue, _null, _null), point.xValue, point.yValue);
- }
- t1 = point.errorBarValues;
- t2 = t1 == null;
- if ((t2 ? _null : t1.verticalNegativeErrorValue) != null) {
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.minimumY;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = point.yValue;
- t4 = t1.verticalNegativeErrorValue;
- t4.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.minimumY = Math.min(t3, t4);
- }
- if ((t2 ? _null : t1.verticalPositiveErrorValue) != null) {
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.maximumY;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = point.yValue;
- t4 = t1.verticalPositiveErrorValue;
- t4.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.maximumY = Math.max(t3, t4);
- }
- if ((t2 ? _null : t1.horizontalPositiveErrorValue) != null) {
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.maximumX;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = point.xValue;
- t4 = t1.horizontalPositiveErrorValue;
- t4.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.maximumX = Math.max(t3, t4);
- }
- if ((t2 ? _null : t1.horizontalNegativeErrorValue) != null) {
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.minimumX;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = point.xValue;
- t1 = t1.horizontalNegativeErrorValue;
- t1.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.minimumX = Math.min(t2, t1);
- }
- },
- CustomPaintStyle: function CustomPaintStyle(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.color = t0;
- this.strokeWidth = t1;
- this.paintStyle = t2;
- },
- AxisSize: function AxisSize(t0, t1) {
- this.size = t0;
- this.axisRenderer = t1;
- },
- PainterKey: function PainterKey(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.index = t0;
- this.name = t1;
- this.isRenderCompleted = t2;
- },
- DataLabelSettingsRenderer$(dataLabelSettings) {
- var t1 = new A.DataLabelSettingsRenderer(dataLabelSettings);
- t1.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A = 0;
- return t1;
- },
- DataLabelSettings: function DataLabelSettings(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.alignment = t0;
- _.textStyle = t1;
- _.isVisible = t2;
- _.labelPosition = t3;
- },
- DataLabelSettingsRenderer: function DataLabelSettingsRenderer(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dataLabelSettings = t0;
- _.originalStyle = _.textStyle = _.color = null;
- _.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A = $;
- _.offset = null;
- _.isCustomTextColor = false;
- },
- InteractiveTooltip: function InteractiveTooltip() {
- },
- MarkerSettings: function MarkerSettings() {
- },
- MarkerSettingsRenderer: function MarkerSettingsRenderer(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.markerSettings = t0;
- _.borderColor = _.color = null;
- _.__MarkerSettingsRenderer_borderWidth_A = $;
- _.image = null;
- _.isImageDrawn = false;
- },
- calculateTooltipRegion(point, seriesIndex, seriesRendererDetails, stateProperties, trendline, trendlineRenderer, trendlineIndex) {
- var t2, t3, crossesAt, t4, regionData, regionRect, t5, t6, t7, dateFormat, date, _s4_ = "hilo", _s6_ = "candle",
- _s13_ = "boxandwhisker",
- t1 = stateProperties.CartesianStateProperties_chartState._widget;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- crossesAt = A.getCrossesAtValue(seriesRendererDetails.renderer, stateProperties);
- if (!t3.CartesianSeries_enableTooltip) {
- seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_chart_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = false;
- } else
- t4 = true;
- t4 = t4 && !point.isGap && !point.isDrop && seriesRendererDetails.regionalData != null;
- if (t4) {
- regionData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- regionRect = [];
- t4 = t2 instanceof A.DateTimeAxisDetails;
- if (t4) {
- t5 = t2.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- type$.DateTimeAxis._as(t5);
- J.ceil$0$n(t2.visibleRange.minimum);
- t6 = t2.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleLabels_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t7 = t6.length;
- if (t7 !== 0)
- t6[t7 - 1].toString;
- dateFormat = t5.get$dateFormat();
- date = dateFormat.format$1(A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(J.floor$0$n(point.xValue), false));
- } else if (t2 instanceof A.DateTimeCategoryAxisDetails) {
- t5 = point.x;
- date = t5 instanceof A.DateTime ? t2.get$dateFormat().format$1(point.x) : J.toString$0$(t5);
- } else
- date = null;
- if (t2 instanceof A.CategoryAxisDetails)
- regionData.push(J.toString$0$(point.x));
- else if (t4 || t2 instanceof A.DateTimeCategoryAxisDetails) {
- date.toString;
- regionData.push(date);
- } else {
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = point.xValue;
- t2 = t2.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t1 = t1.tooltipBehavior.decimalPlaces;
- if (t4 !== "histogram") {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- regionData.push(A.getLabelValue(t5, t2, t1));
- } else {
- t4 = J.$sub$n(t5, 0);
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- regionData.push(A.getLabelValue(t4, t2, t1) + " - " + A.getLabelValue(J.$add$ansx(point.xValue, 0), t2, t1));
- }
- }
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "range") && true || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, _s4_) || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, _s6_) || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, _s13_))
- if (t1 !== "hiloopenclose" && t1 !== "candle" && t1 !== "boxandwhisker") {
- regionData.push(J.toString$0$(point.high));
- regionData.push(J.toString$0$(point.low));
- } else if (t1 !== "boxandwhisker") {
- regionData.push(J.toString$0$(point.high));
- regionData.push(J.toString$0$(point.low));
- regionData.push(J.toString$0$(point.open));
- regionData.push(J.toString$0$(point.close));
- } else {
- regionData.push(J.toString$0$(point.minimum));
- regionData.push(J.toString$0$(point.maximum));
- regionData.push(B.JSNull_methods.toString$0(point.lowerQuartile));
- regionData.push(B.JSNull_methods.toString$0(point.upperQuartile));
- regionData.push(B.JSNull_methods.toString$0(point.median));
- regionData.push(B.JSNull_methods.toString$0(point.mean));
- }
- else
- regionData.push(J.toString$0$(point.yValue));
- regionData.push(t3.CartesianSeries_name);
- regionRect.push(B.JSString_methods.contains$1(seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A, _s13_) ? point.boxRectRegion : point.region);
- if (!seriesRendererDetails.isRectSeries) {
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t1 = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, _s4_) || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, _s6_) || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, _s13_);
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (t1 === "column" || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "stackedcolumn") || t1 === "histogram") {
- t1 = point.yValue;
- t1 = J.$gt$n(t1, crossesAt == null ? 0 : crossesAt);
- t2 = point.region;
- t1 = t1 === true ? t2.get$topCenter() : t2.get$bottomCenter();
- } else {
- t1 = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, _s4_) || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, _s6_) || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, _s13_);
- t2 = point.region;
- t1 = t1 ? t2.get$topCenter() : t2.get$topCenter();
- }
- } else if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A, "rangearea")) {
- t1 = point.markerPoint;
- t1 = new A.Offset(t1.x, t1.y);
- } else
- t1 = point.region.get$center();
- regionRect.push(t1);
- t1 = point.pointColorMapper;
- regionRect.push(t1);
- regionRect.push(point.bubbleSize);
- regionRect.push(point);
- regionRect.push(point.outlierRegion);
- regionRect.push(point.outlierRegionPosition);
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A, "stacked"))
- regionData.push(J.toString$0$(point.cumulativeValue));
- regionData.push("false");
- seriesRendererDetails.regionalData.$indexSet(0, regionRect, regionData);
- }
- },
- drawDashedLine(canvas, dashArray, paint, path) {
- var even, i, t1;
- for (even = false, i = 1; i < dashArray.length; i += 2)
- if (J.$eq$(dashArray[i], 0))
- even = true;
- if (!even) {
- paint.set$isAntiAlias(false);
- t1 = A.dashPath(path, new A.CircularIntervalList(dashArray, type$.CircularIntervalList_double));
- t1.toString;
- canvas.drawPath$2(t1, paint);
- } else
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- },
- disposeOldSegments(chart, seriesRendererDetails) {
- var t1;
- if (!chart.legend.isVisible)
- if (!seriesRendererDetails.isSelectionEnable)
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- seriesRendererDetails.dispose$0();
- },
- DataLabelRenderer: function DataLabelRenderer(t0, t1) {
- this.stateProperties = t0;
- this.state = null;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- _DataLabelRendererState: function _DataLabelRendererState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___DataLabelRendererState_dataLabelRepaintNotifier_A = _.___DataLabelRendererState_animationController_A = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _DataLabelRendererState_render_closure: function _DataLabelRendererState_render_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DataLabelPainter: function _DataLabelPainter(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.stateProperties = t0;
- this.animation = t1;
- this._repaint = t2;
- },
- __DataLabelRendererState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __DataLabelRendererState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- SegmentProperties$(stateProperties, segment) {
- return new A.SegmentProperties(stateProperties, segment);
- },
- SegmentProperties: function SegmentProperties(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.strokeWidth = _.strokeColor = _.color = null;
- _.__SegmentProperties_series_A = $;
- _.oldSeries = null;
- _.__SegmentProperties_seriesRenderer_A = $;
- _.oldSegmentIndex = _.defaultStrokeColor = _.defaultFillColor = _.segmentRect = _.oldSeriesRenderer = null;
- _.__SegmentProperties_seriesIndex_A = $;
- _.oldRegion = _.oldSeriesVisible = _.nextPoint = _.oldPoint = _.currentPoint = null;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.segment = t1;
- _.__SegmentProperties_path_A = $;
- _.pointColorMapper = _.trackerStrokePaint = _.trackerFillPaint = _.pathRect = _.strokePath = null;
- _.__SegmentProperties_y2_A = _.__SegmentProperties_x2_A = _.__SegmentProperties_y1_A = _.__SegmentProperties_x1_A = _.__SegmentProperties_trackRect_A = _.__SegmentProperties_isBull_AI = _.__SegmentProperties_isSolid_AI = $;
- _.borderPath = null;
- },
- AreaSeriesRenderer: function AreaSeriesRenderer() {
- this.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A = this.__AreaSeriesRenderer__segmentSeriesDetails_A = this.__AreaSeriesRenderer__currentSeriesDetails_A = $;
- },
- AreaChartPainter: function AreaChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- BarChartPainter: function BarChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- BoxAndWhiskerPainter: function BoxAndWhiskerPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.currentChartLocations = t3;
- _.seriesRenderer = t4;
- _.painterKey = t5;
- _._repaint = t6;
- },
- BubbleChartPainter: function BubbleChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- CandlePainter: function CandlePainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.currentChartLocations = t3;
- _.seriesRenderer = t4;
- _.painterKey = t5;
- _._repaint = t6;
- },
- ColumnSeriesRenderer$() {
- return new A.ColumnSeriesRenderer();
- },
- ColumnSeriesRenderer: function ColumnSeriesRenderer() {
- this.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A = this.__ColumnSeriesRenderer__segmentSeriesDetails_A = this.__ColumnSeriesRenderer__currentSeriesDetails_A = $;
- },
- ColumnChartPainter: function ColumnChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.currentChartLocations = t3;
- _.seriesRenderer = t4;
- _.painterKey = t5;
- _._repaint = t6;
- },
- ErrorBarChartPainter: function ErrorBarChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.currentChartLocations = t3;
- _.seriesRenderer = t4;
- _.painterKey = t5;
- _._repaint = t6;
- },
- FastLineChartPainter: function FastLineChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- HiloPainter: function HiloPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.currentChartLocations = t3;
- _.seriesRenderer = t4;
- _.painterKey = t5;
- _._repaint = t6;
- },
- HiloOpenClosePainter: function HiloOpenClosePainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.currentChartLocations = t3;
- _.seriesRenderer = t4;
- _.painterKey = t5;
- _._repaint = t6;
- },
- HistogramChartPainter: function HistogramChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.currentChartLocations = t3;
- _.seriesRenderer = t4;
- _.chartSeries = t5;
- _.painterKey = t6;
- _._repaint = t7;
- },
- LineSeriesRenderer: function LineSeriesRenderer() {
- },
- LineChartPainter: function LineChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- RangeAreaSeriesRenderer: function RangeAreaSeriesRenderer() {
- },
- RangeAreaChartPainter: function RangeAreaChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- RangeColumnChartPainter: function RangeColumnChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.currentChartLocations = t3;
- _.seriesRenderer = t4;
- _.painterKey = t5;
- _._repaint = t6;
- },
- ScatterChartPainter: function ScatterChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- SplineAreaChartPainter: function SplineAreaChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- SplineSeriesRenderer: function SplineSeriesRenderer() {
- this.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A = $;
- },
- SplineChartPainter: function SplineChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- SplineRangeAreaChartPainter: function SplineRangeAreaChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- stackedAreaPainter(canvas, seriesRenderer, seriesRendererDetails, stateProperties, seriesAnimation, chartElementAnimation, painterKey) {
- var t2, crossesAt, dataPoints, t3, t4, t5, t6, animationFactor, path, strokePath, points, t7, stackedValues, seriesRendererCollection, t8, t9, t10, t11, point1, startPoint, pointIndex, point, t12, t13, j, point2, areaSegment, clipRect,
- seriesIndex = painterKey.index,
- t1 = stateProperties.CartesianStateProperties_chartState._widget;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_renderingDetails_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- seriesRendererDetails.storeSeriesProperties$2(stateProperties, seriesIndex);
- crossesAt = A.getCrossesAtValue(seriesRenderer, stateProperties);
- dataPoints = seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints;
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.visible;
- t3.toString;
- if (t3) {
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- canvas.save$0(0);
- t4 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t4.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- canvas.clipRect$1(A.calculatePlotOffset(t4, new A.Offset(t5.plotOffset, t6.plotOffset)));
- if (seriesAnimation != null) {
- t4 = seriesAnimation._evaluatable;
- t5 = seriesAnimation.parent;
- animationFactor = t4.transform$1(0, t5.get$value(t5));
- } else
- animationFactor = 1;
- stateProperties.shader = null;
- t4 = t2.__RenderingDetails_widgetNeedUpdate_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t4) {
- t4 = t2.__RenderingDetails_isLegendToggled_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- } else
- t4 = true;
- if (t4) {
- t4 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_oldSeriesKeys_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = !B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(t4, t3.key);
- } else
- t4 = true;
- t3 = t4 && t3.CartesianSeries_animationDuration > 0;
- if (t3) {
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- A.performLinearAnimation(stateProperties, t3, canvas, animationFactor);
- }
- t3 = $.$get$_renderer();
- path = t3.createPath$0();
- strokePath = t3.createPath$0();
- t3 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails;
- t4.toString;
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t5.toString;
- t6 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- points = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Offset);
- t7 = J.getInterceptor$asx(dataPoints);
- if (t7.get$isNotEmpty(dataPoints)) {
- stackedValues = seriesRendererDetails.stackingValues[0];
- seriesRendererCollection = A.findSeriesCollection(stateProperties);
- t8 = t7.$index(dataPoints, 0).xValue;
- t9 = t5.visibleRange.minimum;
- t10 = crossesAt == null;
- t11 = t10 ? stackedValues.startValues[0] : crossesAt;
- t11 = Math.max(A.checkNum(t9), t11);
- t9 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t9 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- point1 = A.calculatePoint(t8, t11, t4, t5, t9, t6, t3);
- path.moveTo$2(0, point1.x, point1.y);
- strokePath.moveTo$2(0, point1.x, point1.y);
- t8 = seriesRendererDetails.visibleDataPoints;
- if (t8 == null || t8.length !== 0)
- seriesRendererDetails.visibleDataPoints = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CartesianChartPoint_dynamic);
- seriesRendererDetails.setSeriesProperties$1(seriesRendererDetails);
- for (t8 = stackedValues.startValues, t9 = stackedValues.endValues, startPoint = 0, pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < t7.get$length(dataPoints); ++pointIndex) {
- point = t7.$index(dataPoints, pointIndex);
- seriesRendererDetails.calculateRegionData$5(stateProperties, seriesRendererDetails, seriesIndex, point, pointIndex);
- if (point.isVisible) {
- point1 = A.calculatePoint(t7.$index(dataPoints, pointIndex).xValue, t9[pointIndex], t4, t5, stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A, t6, t3);
- points.push(new A.Offset(point1.x, point1.y));
- path.lineTo$2(0, point1.x, point1.y);
- t11 = (pointIndex === 0 || t7.$index(dataPoints, pointIndex - 1).isGap) && t6.get$borderDrawMode() === B.BorderDrawMode_1;
- t12 = point1.x;
- t13 = point1.y;
- if (t11)
- strokePath.moveTo$2(0, t12, t13);
- else
- strokePath.lineTo$2(0, t12, t13);
- } else {
- for (j = pointIndex - 1; j >= startPoint; --j) {
- t11 = t7.$index(dataPoints, j).xValue;
- t12 = t10 ? t8[j] : crossesAt;
- point2 = A.calculatePoint(t11, t12, t4, t5, stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A, t6, t3);
- path.lineTo$2(0, point2.x, point2.y);
- if (t6.get$borderDrawMode() === B.BorderDrawMode_2)
- strokePath.lineTo$2(0, point1.x, point2.y);
- else if (t6.get$borderDrawMode() === B.BorderDrawMode_0)
- strokePath.lineTo$2(0, point2.x, point2.y);
- }
- startPoint = pointIndex + 1;
- if (t7.get$length(dataPoints) > startPoint && t7.$index(dataPoints, startPoint) != null && t7.$index(dataPoints, startPoint).isVisible) {
- t11 = t7.$index(dataPoints, startPoint).xValue;
- t12 = t10 ? t8[startPoint] : crossesAt;
- point1 = A.calculatePoint(t11, t12, t4, t5, stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A, t6, t3);
- path.moveTo$2(0, point1.x, point1.y);
- strokePath.moveTo$2(0, point1.x, point1.y);
- }
- }
- if (pointIndex >= t7.get$length(dataPoints) - 1)
- seriesRenderer._stacked_area_painter$_createSegments$4(seriesIndex, t1, animationFactor, points);
- }
- for (j = t7.get$length(dataPoints) - 1; j >= startPoint; --j) {
- t9 = A.getPreviousSeriesRenderer(seriesRendererCollection, seriesIndex).__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t9 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t9.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t9 = t7.$index(dataPoints, j).xValue;
- t11 = t10 ? t8[j] : crossesAt;
- point2 = A.calculatePoint(t9, t11, t4, t5, stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A, t6, t3);
- path.lineTo$2(0, point2.x, point2.y);
- if (t6.get$borderDrawMode() === B.BorderDrawMode_2)
- strokePath.lineTo$2(0, point1.x, point2.y);
- else if (t6.get$borderDrawMode() === B.BorderDrawMode_0)
- strokePath.lineTo$2(0, point2.x, point2.y);
- }
- }
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.segments.length !== 0;
- if (t4) {
- areaSegment = seriesRendererDetails.segments[0];
- t4 = areaSegment._segmentProperties;
- t4.__SegmentProperties_path_A = path;
- t4.strokePath = strokePath;
- seriesRenderer._stacked_area_painter$_drawSegment$2(canvas, areaSegment);
- }
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- clipRect = A.calculatePlotOffset(new A.Rect(t3.left - 8, t3.top - 8, t3.right + 8, t3.bottom + 8), new A.Offset(t4.plotOffset, t5.plotOffset));
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- if (t6.CartesianSeries_animationDuration > 0) {
- t2 = t2.initialRender;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = !t2 || animationFactor >= 0.85;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- t2 = t6.CartesianSeries_dataLabelSettings.isVisible;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- canvas.clipRect$1(clipRect);
- seriesRendererDetails.renderSeriesElements$3(t1, canvas, chartElementAnimation);
- }
- if (animationFactor >= 1)
- stateProperties.setPainterKey$3(seriesIndex, painterKey.name, true);
- }
- },
- StackedAreaChartPainter: function StackedAreaChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- StackedArea100ChartPainter: function StackedArea100ChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- _stackedBarPainter(canvas, seriesRenderer, seriesRendererDetails, stateProperties, painterKey) {
- var t2, seriesIndex, t3, t4, t5, animationFactor, t6, segmentIndex, pointIndex, point, withInXRange, withInYRange, clipRect,
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.visible;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1) {
- canvas.save$0(0);
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_renderingDetails_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- seriesIndex = painterKey.index;
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.seriesAnimation;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.seriesElementAnimation;
- t4.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.storeSeriesProperties$2(stateProperties, seriesIndex);
- t5 = t2.__RenderingDetails_widgetNeedUpdate_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t5) {
- t5 = t2.__RenderingDetails_isLegendToggled_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- } else
- t5 = true;
- t5 = !t5;
- if (t5) {
- t5 = t3.parent;
- animationFactor = t3._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t5.get$value(t5));
- } else
- animationFactor = 1;
- stateProperties.shader = null;
- t3 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- canvas.clipRect$1(A.calculatePlotOffset(t3, new A.Offset(t5.plotOffset, t6.plotOffset)));
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.visibleDataPoints;
- if (t3 == null || t3.length !== 0)
- seriesRendererDetails.visibleDataPoints = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CartesianChartPoint_dynamic);
- seriesRendererDetails.setSeriesProperties$1(seriesRendererDetails);
- for (segmentIndex = -1, pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < J.get$length$asx(seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints); ++pointIndex) {
- point = J.$index$asx(seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints, pointIndex);
- t3 = point.xValue;
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails;
- t5.toString;
- withInXRange = A.withInRange(t3, t5);
- t3 = point.yValue;
- if (t3 != null) {
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t5.toString;
- t5 = A.withInRange(t3, t5);
- withInYRange = t5;
- } else
- withInYRange = false;
- if (withInXRange || withInYRange) {
- seriesRendererDetails.calculateRegionData$5(stateProperties, seriesRendererDetails, seriesIndex, point, pointIndex);
- if (point.isVisible && !point.isGap) {
- ++segmentIndex;
- seriesRendererDetails.drawSegment$2(canvas, seriesRenderer._stacked_bar_painter$_createSegments$4(point, segmentIndex, seriesIndex, animationFactor));
- }
- }
- }
- t3 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- clipRect = A.calculatePlotOffset(new A.Rect(t3.left - 8, t3.top - 8, t3.right + 8, t3.bottom + 8), new A.Offset(t5.plotOffset, t6.plotOffset));
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- if (t1.CartesianSeries_animationDuration > 0) {
- t2 = t2.initialRender;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = !t2 || animationFactor >= 0.85;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- t1 = t1.CartesianSeries_dataLabelSettings.isVisible;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- canvas.clipRect$1(clipRect);
- t1 = stateProperties.CartesianStateProperties_chartState._widget;
- t1.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.renderSeriesElements$3(t1, canvas, t4);
- }
- if (animationFactor >= 1)
- stateProperties.setPainterKey$3(seriesIndex, painterKey.name, true);
- }
- },
- StackedBarChartPainter: function StackedBarChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.currentChartLocations = t3;
- _.seriesRenderer = t4;
- _.painterKey = t5;
- _._repaint = t6;
- },
- StackedBar100ChartPainter: function StackedBar100ChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.currentChartLocations = t3;
- _.seriesRenderer = t4;
- _.painterKey = t5;
- _._repaint = t6;
- },
- _stackedRectPainter(canvas, seriesRenderer, seriesRendererDetails, stateProperties, painterKey) {
- var t2, seriesIndex, t3, t4, t5, animationFactor, t6, segmentIndex, pointIndex, point, withInXRange, withInYRange, clipRect,
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.visible;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1) {
- canvas.save$0(0);
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_renderingDetails_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- seriesIndex = painterKey.index;
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.seriesAnimation;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.seriesElementAnimation;
- t4.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.storeSeriesProperties$2(stateProperties, seriesIndex);
- t5 = t2.__RenderingDetails_widgetNeedUpdate_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t5) {
- t5 = t2.__RenderingDetails_isLegendToggled_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- } else
- t5 = true;
- t5 = !t5;
- if (t5) {
- t5 = t3.parent;
- animationFactor = t3._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t5.get$value(t5));
- } else
- animationFactor = 1;
- stateProperties.shader = null;
- t3 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- canvas.clipRect$1(A.calculatePlotOffset(t3, new A.Offset(t5.plotOffset, t6.plotOffset)));
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.visibleDataPoints;
- if (t3 == null || t3.length !== 0)
- seriesRendererDetails.visibleDataPoints = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CartesianChartPoint_dynamic);
- seriesRendererDetails.setSeriesProperties$1(seriesRendererDetails);
- for (segmentIndex = -1, pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < J.get$length$asx(seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints); ++pointIndex) {
- point = J.$index$asx(seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints, pointIndex);
- t3 = point.xValue;
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails;
- t5.toString;
- withInXRange = A.withInRange(t3, t5);
- t3 = point.yValue;
- if (t3 != null) {
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t5.toString;
- t5 = A.withInRange(t3, t5);
- withInYRange = t5;
- } else
- withInYRange = false;
- if (withInXRange || withInYRange) {
- seriesRendererDetails.calculateRegionData$5(stateProperties, seriesRendererDetails, seriesIndex, point, pointIndex);
- if (point.isVisible && !point.isGap) {
- ++segmentIndex;
- seriesRendererDetails.drawSegment$2(canvas, seriesRenderer._stacked_column_painter$_createSegments$4(point, segmentIndex, seriesIndex, animationFactor));
- }
- }
- }
- t3 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- clipRect = A.calculatePlotOffset(new A.Rect(t3.left - 8, t3.top - 8, t3.right + 8, t3.bottom + 8), new A.Offset(t5.plotOffset, t6.plotOffset));
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- if (t1.CartesianSeries_animationDuration > 0) {
- t2 = t2.initialRender;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = !t2 || animationFactor >= 0.85;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- t1 = t1.CartesianSeries_dataLabelSettings.isVisible;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- canvas.clipRect$1(clipRect);
- t1 = stateProperties.CartesianStateProperties_chartState._widget;
- t1.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.renderSeriesElements$3(t1, canvas, t4);
- }
- if (animationFactor >= 1)
- stateProperties.setPainterKey$3(seriesIndex, painterKey.name, true);
- }
- },
- StackedColummnChartPainter: function StackedColummnChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.currentChartLocations = t3;
- _.seriesRenderer = t4;
- _.painterKey = t5;
- _._repaint = t6;
- },
- StackedColumn100ChartPainter: function StackedColumn100ChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.currentChartLocations = t3;
- _.seriesRenderer = t4;
- _.painterKey = t5;
- _._repaint = t6;
- },
- _stackedLinePainter(canvas, seriesRenderer, seriesRendererDetails, seriesAnimation, stateProperties, chartElementAnimation, painterKey) {
- var t2, t3, t4, animationFactor, seriesIndex, stackedValues, t5, endPoint, startPoint, nextCummulativePos, currentCummulativePos, segmentIndex, pointIndex, currentPoint, t6, withInXRange, withInYRange, nextPoint, prevPoint, clipRect, _null = null,
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_renderingDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.visible;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2) {
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- canvas.save$0(0);
- if (seriesAnimation != null) {
- t3 = seriesAnimation._evaluatable;
- t4 = seriesAnimation.parent;
- animationFactor = t3.transform$1(0, t4.get$value(t4));
- } else
- animationFactor = 1;
- stateProperties.shader = null;
- seriesIndex = painterKey.index;
- seriesRendererDetails.storeSeriesProperties$2(stateProperties, seriesIndex);
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.stackingValues;
- t4 = t3.length;
- stackedValues = t4 !== 0 ? t3[0] : _null;
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- canvas.clipRect$1(A.calculatePlotOffset(t3, new A.Offset(t4.plotOffset, t5.plotOffset)));
- t4 = t1.__RenderingDetails_widgetNeedUpdate_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t4) {
- t4 = t1.__RenderingDetails_isLegendToggled_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- } else
- t4 = true;
- if (t4) {
- t4 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_oldSeriesKeys_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = !B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(t4, t2.key);
- } else
- t4 = true;
- t4 = t4 && t2.CartesianSeries_animationDuration > 0;
- if (t4) {
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- A.performLinearAnimation(stateProperties, t4, canvas, animationFactor);
- }
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.visibleDataPoints;
- if (t4 == null || t4.length !== 0)
- seriesRendererDetails.visibleDataPoints = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CartesianChartPoint_dynamic);
- seriesRendererDetails.setSeriesProperties$1(seriesRendererDetails);
- for (t4 = stackedValues != null, endPoint = _null, startPoint = endPoint, nextCummulativePos = startPoint, currentCummulativePos = nextCummulativePos, segmentIndex = -1, pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < J.get$length$asx(seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints); ++pointIndex) {
- currentPoint = J.$index$asx(seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints, pointIndex);
- t5 = currentPoint.xValue;
- t6 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails;
- t6.toString;
- withInXRange = A.withInRange(t5, t6);
- t5 = currentPoint.yValue;
- if (t5 != null) {
- t6 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t6.toString;
- t6 = A.withInRange(t5, t6);
- withInYRange = t6;
- } else
- withInYRange = false;
- if (!(withInXRange || withInYRange) && pointIndex + 1 < J.get$length$asx(seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints)) {
- nextPoint = J.$index$asx(seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints, pointIndex + 1);
- t5 = nextPoint.xValue;
- t6 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails;
- t6.toString;
- withInXRange = A.withInRange(t5, t6);
- t5 = nextPoint.yValue;
- if (t5 != null) {
- t6 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t6.toString;
- t6 = A.withInRange(t5, t6);
- withInYRange = t6;
- } else
- withInYRange = false;
- if (!(withInXRange || withInYRange) && pointIndex - 1 >= 0) {
- prevPoint = J.$index$asx(seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints, pointIndex - 1);
- t5 = prevPoint.xValue;
- t6 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails;
- t6.toString;
- withInXRange = A.withInRange(t5, t6);
- t5 = prevPoint.yValue;
- if (t5 != null) {
- t6 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t6.toString;
- t6 = A.withInRange(t5, t6);
- withInYRange = t6;
- } else
- withInYRange = false;
- }
- }
- if (withInXRange || withInYRange) {
- seriesRendererDetails.calculateRegionData$5(stateProperties, seriesRendererDetails, seriesIndex, currentPoint, pointIndex);
- if (currentPoint.isVisible && !currentPoint.isGap && startPoint == null && t4) {
- currentCummulativePos = stackedValues.endValues[pointIndex];
- startPoint = currentPoint;
- }
- t5 = pointIndex + 1;
- if (t5 < J.get$length$asx(seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints)) {
- nextPoint = J.$index$asx(seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints, t5);
- if (startPoint != null && nextPoint.isGap)
- startPoint = _null;
- else if (nextPoint.isVisible && !nextPoint.isGap && t4) {
- nextCummulativePos = stackedValues.endValues[t5];
- endPoint = nextPoint;
- }
- }
- if (startPoint != null && endPoint != null) {
- ++segmentIndex;
- currentCummulativePos.toString;
- nextCummulativePos.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.drawSegment$2(canvas, seriesRenderer._stacked_line_painter$_createSegments$7(startPoint, endPoint, segmentIndex, seriesIndex, animationFactor, currentCummulativePos, nextCummulativePos));
- endPoint = _null;
- startPoint = endPoint;
- }
- }
- }
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- clipRect = A.calculatePlotOffset(new A.Rect(t3.left - 8, t3.top - 8, t3.right + 8, t3.bottom + 8), new A.Offset(t4.plotOffset, t5.plotOffset));
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- if (t2.CartesianSeries_animationDuration > 0) {
- t1 = t1.initialRender;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = !t1 || animationFactor >= 0.85;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- t1 = t2.CartesianSeries_dataLabelSettings.isVisible;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- canvas.clipRect$1(clipRect);
- t1 = stateProperties.CartesianStateProperties_chartState._widget;
- t1.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.renderSeriesElements$3(t1, canvas, chartElementAnimation);
- }
- if (animationFactor >= 1)
- stateProperties.setPainterKey$3(seriesIndex, painterKey.name, true);
- }
- },
- StackedLineChartPainter: function StackedLineChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- StackedLine100ChartPainter: function StackedLine100ChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- StepAreaChartPainter: function StepAreaChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- StepLineChartPainter: function StepLineChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesRenderer = t3;
- _.painterKey = t4;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- WaterfallChartPainter: function WaterfallChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.currentChartLocations = t3;
- _.seriesRenderer = t4;
- _.painterKey = t5;
- _._repaint = t6;
- },
- TrendlinePainter: function TrendlinePainter(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.stateProperties = t0;
- this.trendlineAnimations = t1;
- this._repaint = t2;
- },
- CrosshairBehavior: function CrosshairBehavior() {
- this.__CrosshairBehavior__stateProperties_A = $;
- },
- CrosshairBehavior_hide_closure: function CrosshairBehavior_hide_closure(t0) {
- this.renderingDetails = t0;
- },
- CrosshairBehaviorRenderer: function CrosshairBehaviorRenderer(t0) {
- this._crosshair$_stateProperties = t0;
- this.__CrosshairBehaviorRenderer__crosshairRenderingDetails_A = $;
- },
- CrosshairRenderingDetails: function CrosshairRenderingDetails(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._crosshair$_stateProperties = t0;
- _.crosshairPainter = _.position = null;
- _.isLongPressActivated = false;
- },
- _CrosshairBehaviorRenderer_Object_ChartBehavior: function _CrosshairBehaviorRenderer_Object_ChartBehavior() {
- },
- CrosshairPainter: function CrosshairPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.timer = null;
- _.backgroundPath = t2;
- _.canResetPath = true;
- _.stringValue = t3;
- _._repaint = t4;
- },
- SelectionRenderer$() {
- var t1 = type$.JSArray_ChartSegment;
- return new A.SelectionRenderer(A._setArrayType([], t1), A._setArrayType([], t1));
- },
- SelectionRenderer_getPointDirection(point1, point2, point3) {
- var value = J.toInt$0$n(J.$sub$n(J.$mul$ns(J.$sub$n(point2.y, point1.y), J.$sub$n(point3.x, point2.x)), J.$mul$ns(J.$sub$n(point2.x, point1.x), J.$sub$n(point3.y, point2.y))));
- if (value === 0)
- return 0;
- return value > 0 ? 1 : 2;
- },
- SelectionRenderer: function SelectionRenderer(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.seriesIndex = _.pointIndex = null;
- _.__SelectionRenderer_cartesianSeriesIndex_A = $;
- _.currentSegmentProperties = _.selectedSegmentProperties = _.cartesianPointIndex = null;
- _.defaultselectedSegments = t0;
- _.defaultunselectedSegments = t1;
- _.isSelected = false;
- _.__SelectionRenderer_stateProperties_A = _.__SelectionRenderer_chart_A = $;
- _.seriesRendererDetails = null;
- _.__SelectionRenderer_strokeWidth_A = _.__SelectionRenderer_fillOpacity_A = _.__SelectionRenderer_strokeColor_A = _.__SelectionRenderer_fillColor_A = $;
- _.selectionArgs = null;
- _.__SelectionRenderer_selectedSegments_A = $;
- _.viewportIndex = _.unselectedSegments = null;
- _.isInteraction = _.selected = false;
- },
- TrackballBehavior: function TrackballBehavior() {
- this.__TrackballBehavior__stateProperties_A = $;
- },
- TrackballBehavior_hide_closure: function TrackballBehavior_hide_closure(t0) {
- this.trackballRenderingDetails = t0;
- },
- TrackballBehavior_hide_closure0: function TrackballBehavior_hide_closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.stateProperties = t1;
- this.trackballRenderingDetails = t2;
- },
- TrackballBehaviorRenderer: function TrackballBehaviorRenderer(t0) {
- this._trackball$_stateProperties = t0;
- this.__TrackballBehaviorRenderer__trackballRenderingDetails_A = $;
- },
- TrackballRenderingDetails: function TrackballRenderingDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12) {
- var _ = this;
- _._trackball$_stateProperties = t0;
- _.isMoving = _.isLongPressActivated = false;
- _.__TrackballRenderingDetails_tapPosition_A = $;
- _.trackballTemplate = _.trackballPainter = null;
- _._visibleLocation = t1;
- _.markerShapes = t2;
- _.__TrackballRenderingDetails__axisClipRect_A = $;
- _._points = t3;
- _._currentPointIndices = t4;
- _._visibleSeriesIndices = t5;
- _._visibleSeriesList = t6;
- _.__TrackballRenderingDetails__groupingModeInfo_A = $;
- _.chartPointInfo = t7;
- _.tooltipTop = t8;
- _.tooltipBottom = t9;
- _.xAxesInfo = t10;
- _.yAxesInfo = t11;
- _.visiblePoints = t12;
- _.__TrackballRenderingDetails__tooltipPadding_A = $;
- _.isTrackballTemplate = _.isBoxSeries = _.isRangeSeries = false;
- },
- _TrackballBehaviorRenderer_Object_ChartBehavior: function _TrackballBehaviorRenderer_Object_ChartBehavior() {
- },
- TrackballMarkerSettingsRenderer: function TrackballMarkerSettingsRenderer() {
- this.image = null;
- },
- TrackballPainter: function TrackballPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.timer = null;
- _.__TrackballPainter_pointerWidth_A = _.__TrackballPainter_pointerLength_A = $;
- _.totalWidth = _.nosePointX = _.nosePointY = 0;
- _.yPos = _.xPos = _.y = _.x = null;
- _.isTop = false;
- _.__TrackballPainter_borderRadius_A = $;
- _.backgroundPath = t2;
- _.canResetPath = true;
- _.isRight = _.isLeft = false;
- _.stringValue = t3;
- _.boundaryRect = t4;
- _.isRectSeries = false;
- _.__TrackballPainter_labelStyle_A = $;
- _.divider = true;
- _._markerShapes = null;
- _.tooltipTop = t5;
- _.tooltipBottom = t6;
- _._xAxesInfo = t7;
- _._yAxesInfo = t8;
- _.__TrackballPainter__visiblePoints_A = _.__TrackballPainter_chartPointInfo_A = $;
- _._tooltipPosition = null;
- _._trackball_painter$_padding = 5;
- _.__TrackballPainter_markerPadding_A = _.__TrackballPainter_markerSize_A = _.__TrackballPainter_labelRect_A = _.__TrackballPainter__tooltipPadding_A = $;
- _.isGroupMode = false;
- _.__TrackballPainter_lastMarkerResultHeight_A = $;
- _._maxLocation = _._minLocation = null;
- _.xFormat = _.headerText = false;
- _.isColon = true;
- _._repaint = t9;
- },
- TrackballTemplateState_hideTrackballTemplate_closure: function TrackballTemplateState_hideTrackballTemplate_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TooltipPositions: function TooltipPositions(t0, t1) {
- this.tooltipTop = t0;
- this.tooltipBottom = t1;
- },
- TrackballElement: function TrackballElement(t0, t1) {
- this.label = t0;
- this.seriesRenderer = t1;
- this.needRender = true;
- },
- ZoomRectPainter$(notifier, stateProperties) {
- var t1 = stateProperties.CartesianStateProperties_chartState._widget;
- t1.toString;
- return new A.ZoomRectPainter(t1, stateProperties, notifier);
- },
- ZoomRectPainter: function ZoomRectPainter(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.chart = t0;
- _.stateProperties = t1;
- _.__ZoomRectPainter_fillPaint_A = _.__ZoomRectPainter_strokePaint_A = $;
- _._repaint = t2;
- },
- ZoomPanBehavior: function ZoomPanBehavior() {
- },
- ZoomPanBehaviorRenderer: function ZoomPanBehaviorRenderer(t0) {
- this.__ZoomPanBehaviorRenderer__zoomingBehaviorDetails_A = $;
- this._zooming_panning$_stateProperties = t0;
- },
- ZoomingBehaviorDetails: function ZoomingBehaviorDetails(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.__ZoomingBehaviorDetails_painter_A = $;
- _.isPinching = _.isPanning = _.previousMovedPosition = null;
- _.canPerformSelection = false;
- _.zoomingRect = t1;
- _.delayRedraw = false;
- _.rectPath = _._zoomPosition = null;
- },
- _ZoomPanBehaviorRenderer_Object_ZoomBehavior: function _ZoomPanBehaviorRenderer_Object_ZoomBehavior() {
- },
- AxisOrientation: function AxisOrientation(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ChartRangePadding: function ChartRangePadding(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- LabelPlacement: function LabelPlacement(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- AxisLabelIntersectAction: function AxisLabelIntersectAction(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- DateTimeIntervalType: function DateTimeIntervalType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ChartDataLabelPosition: function ChartDataLabelPosition(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SplineType: function SplineType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- EdgeLabelPlacement: function EdgeLabelPlacement(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- EmptyPointMode: function EmptyPointMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SortingOrder: function SortingOrder(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TickPosition: function TickPosition(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ActivationMode: function ActivationMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TrackballDisplayMode: function TrackballDisplayMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- CrosshairLineType: function CrosshairLineType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TrackballLineType: function TrackballLineType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ZoomMode: function ZoomMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SelectionType: function SelectionType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- BorderDrawMode: function BorderDrawMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- TooltipPosition: function TooltipPosition(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- LabelAlignment: function LabelAlignment(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- AutoScrollingMode: function AutoScrollingMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- AxisBorderType: function AxisBorderType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- MultiLevelBorderType: function MultiLevelBorderType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- percentageToValue(value, size) {
- var t1;
- if (value != null) {
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(value, "%")) {
- t1 = A.RegExp_RegExp("%", true, false);
- t1 = A.num_tryParse(A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(value, t1, ""));
- t1.toString;
- t1 = size / 100 * t1;
- } else
- t1 = A.num_tryParse(value);
- return t1;
- }
- return null;
- },
- drawText(canvas, text, point, style, angle, isRtl) {
- var t1, t2, labelOffset, _null = null,
- maxLines = A.getMaxLinesContent(text),
- span = A.TextSpan$(_null, style, text),
- tp = A.TextPainter$(_null, _null, maxLines, _null, span, B.TextAlign_2, isRtl === true ? B.TextDirection_0 : B.TextDirection_1, _null, 1, B.TextWidthBasis_0);
- tp.layout$0();
- canvas.save$0(0);
- canvas.translate$2(0, point._dx, point._dy);
- if (angle > 0) {
- canvas.rotate$1(0, angle * 0.017453292519943295);
- t1 = tp.get$width(tp);
- t2 = tp._paragraph;
- labelOffset = new A.Offset(-t1 / 2, -Math.ceil(t2.get$height(t2)) / 2);
- } else
- labelOffset = B.Offset_0_0;
- tp.paint$2(canvas, labelOffset);
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- },
- drawDashedPath(canvas, style, moveToPoint, lineToPoint, dashArray) {
- var paint,
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer(),
- path = t1.createPath$0();
- path.moveTo$2(0, moveToPoint._dx, moveToPoint._dy);
- path.lineTo$2(0, lineToPoint._dx, lineToPoint._dy);
- paint = t1.createPaint$0();
- paint.set$strokeWidth(style.strokeWidth);
- paint.set$color(0, style.color);
- paint.set$style(0, style.paintStyle);
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- },
- valueToCoefficient(value, axisRendererDetails) {
- var t1, t2, result,
- range = axisRendererDetails.visibleRange;
- if (range != null && value != null) {
- t1 = range.minimum;
- t2 = range.__VisibleRange_delta_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- result = (value - t1) / t2;
- axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- } else
- result = 0;
- return result;
- },
- withInRange(value, axisDetails) {
- var t1, visibleMinimum, visibleMaximum;
- axisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = axisDetails.visibleRange;
- visibleMinimum = t1.minimum;
- visibleMaximum = t1.maximum;
- return value <= visibleMaximum && value >= visibleMinimum;
- },
- getWaterfallSeriesColor(series, point, seriesColor) {
- var t1 = point.isIntermediateSum;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1)
- t1 = series.get$intermediateSumColor();
- else {
- t1 = point.isTotalSum;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1)
- t1 = series.get$totalSumColor();
- else if (J.$lt$n(point.yValue, 0) === true)
- t1 = series.get$negativePointsColor();
- else
- t1 = seriesColor;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- calculatePoint(x, y, xAxisRendererDetails, yAxisRendererDetails, isInverted, series, rect) {
- var t1, xLength, yLength, t2;
- xAxisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- yAxisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- x = A.valueToCoefficient(x == 1 / 0 || x == -1 / 0 ? 0 : x, xAxisRendererDetails);
- if (y != null)
- t1 = y == 1 / 0 || y == -1 / 0 ? 0 : y;
- else
- t1 = y;
- y = A.valueToCoefficient(t1, yAxisRendererDetails);
- xLength = isInverted ? rect.bottom - rect.top : rect.right - rect.left;
- yLength = isInverted ? rect.right - rect.left : rect.bottom - rect.top;
- t1 = isInverted ? y * yLength : x * xLength;
- t2 = isInverted ? (1 - x) * xLength : (1 - y) * yLength;
- return new A.ChartLocation(rect.left + t1, rect.top + t2);
- },
- calculateMinPointsDelta(axisRenderer, seriesRenderers, stateProperties) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, minDelta, _i, t5, t6, t7, t8, isRectSeries, t9, xValues, minimumInSeconds, seriesMin, minVal, i, value, _null = null;
- for (t1 = seriesRenderers.length, t2 = stateProperties.CartesianStateProperties_chartState, t3 = type$.dynamic, t4 = axisRenderer instanceof A.DateTimeAxisRenderer, minDelta = 17976931348623157e292, _i = 0; _i < seriesRenderers.length; seriesRenderers.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(seriesRenderers), ++_i) {
- t5 = seriesRenderers[_i].__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = t5.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t7 = t5.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t7 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t8 = t7.length;
- if (!A.stringContainsUnchecked(t7, "column", 0))
- if (!A.stringContainsUnchecked(t7, "stackedbar", 0)) {
- if (t7 !== "bar")
- if (t7 !== "histogram")
- if (t7 !== "waterfall")
- if (!A.stringContainsUnchecked(t7, "candle", 0))
- if (!A.stringContainsUnchecked(t7, "hilo", 0))
- t7 = A.stringContainsUnchecked(t7, "box", 0);
- else
- t7 = true;
- else
- t7 = true;
- else
- t7 = true;
- else
- t7 = true;
- else
- t7 = true;
- isRectSeries = t7;
- } else
- isRectSeries = true;
- else
- isRectSeries = true;
- t7 = axisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t7 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t8 = t5.visible;
- t8.toString;
- if (t8)
- if (isRectSeries) {
- t8 = t7.name;
- t6 = t6.xAxisName;
- if (t8 != t6) {
- t9 = t2._widget;
- t9.toString;
- t9 = t9.primaryXAxis.name;
- if (!(t8 === (t9 == null ? "primaryXAxis" : t9) && t6 == null)) {
- t9 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t9 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t9 = t9.primaryXAxisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t9 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = t8 == t9.name && t6 != null;
- } else
- t6 = true;
- } else
- t6 = true;
- } else
- t6 = false;
- else
- t6 = false;
- if (t6) {
- if (t4) {
- t6 = t5.overAllDataPoints;
- t8 = A._arrayInstanceType(t6)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,@>");
- xValues = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t6, new A.calculateMinPointsDelta_closure(), t8), true, t8._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- } else
- xValues = J.map$1$1$ax(t5.dataPoints, new A.calculateMinPointsDelta_closure0(), t3).toList$0(0);
- if (!!xValues.immutable$list)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("sort"));
- t6 = xValues.length - 1;
- if (t6 - 0 <= 32)
- A.Sort__insertionSort(xValues, 0, t6, J._interceptors_JSArray__compareAny$closure());
- else
- A.Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(xValues, 0, t6, J._interceptors_JSArray__compareAny$closure());
- t6 = xValues.length;
- if (t6 === 1) {
- if (t4) {
- t6 = t5.minimumX;
- t6.toString;
- A._asInt(t6);
- new A.DateTime(t6, false).DateTime$_withValue$2$isUtc(t6, false);
- minimumInSeconds = t6 - 86400000;
- new A.DateTime(minimumInSeconds, false).DateTime$_withValue$2$isUtc(minimumInSeconds, false);
- } else
- minimumInSeconds = _null;
- seriesMin = t4 && t5.minimumX == t5.maximumX ? minimumInSeconds : t5.minimumX;
- t5 = xValues[0];
- minVal = J.$sub$n(t5, seriesMin == null ? t7.visibleRange.minimum : seriesMin);
- if (minVal !== 0)
- minDelta = Math.min(minDelta, minVal);
- } else
- for (i = 0; i < t6; ++i) {
- value = xValues[i];
- if (i > 0 && true) {
- minVal = value - xValues[i - 1];
- if (minVal !== 0)
- minDelta = Math.min(minDelta, minVal);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return minDelta === 17976931348623157e292 ? 1 : minDelta;
- },
- calculateRectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, seriesRenderer, stateProperties) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, rect, point1, point2,
- t1 = seriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t1.xAxisDetails;
- t4 = t3.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = t1.yAxisDetails;
- t6 = t5.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- rect = A.calculatePlotOffset(t2, new A.Offset(t4.plotOffset, t6.plotOffset));
- t6 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- point1 = A.calculatePoint(x1, y1, t3, t5, t6, t4, rect);
- t4 = t1.xAxisDetails;
- t4.toString;
- t5 = t1.yAxisDetails;
- t5.toString;
- point2 = A.calculatePoint(x2, y2, t4, t5, t6, t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A, rect);
- t1 = point1.x;
- t6 = point2.x;
- t5 = Math.min(t1, t6);
- point1 = point1.y;
- point2 = point2.y;
- t4 = Math.min(point1, point2);
- return new A.Rect(t5, t4, t5 + Math.abs(t6 - t1), t4 + Math.abs(point2 - point1));
- },
- calculateSideBySideInfo(seriesRenderer, stateProperties) {
- var t1, t2, t3, count, rectPosition, pointSpacing, seriesSpacing, minPointsDelta, width, $location, doubleRange;
- stateProperties.CartesianStateProperties_chartState._widget.toString;
- t1 = seriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t3 === "column" && true) {
- A._calculateSideBySidePositions(type$.ColumnSeriesRenderer._as(seriesRenderer), stateProperties);
- t3 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_rectPosition_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- count = t1.isIndicator ? stateProperties.sideBySideIndicatorCount : stateProperties.sideBySideSeriesCount;
- rectPosition = t3;
- } else if (t3 === "histogram" && true) {
- A._calculateSideBySidePositions(type$.HistogramSeriesRenderer._as(seriesRenderer), stateProperties);
- t3 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_rectPosition_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- count = stateProperties.sideBySideSeriesCount;
- rectPosition = t3;
- } else if (t3 === "bar" && true) {
- A._calculateSideBySidePositions(type$.BarSeriesRenderer._as(seriesRenderer), stateProperties);
- t3 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_rectPosition_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- count = stateProperties.sideBySideSeriesCount;
- rectPosition = t3;
- } else if ((B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t3, "stackedcolumn") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t3, "stackedbar")) && true) {
- A._calculateSideBySidePositions(type$.StackedSeriesRenderer._as(seriesRenderer), stateProperties);
- t3 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_rectPosition_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- count = stateProperties.sideBySideSeriesCount;
- rectPosition = t3;
- } else if (t3 === "rangecolumn" && true) {
- A._calculateSideBySidePositions(type$.RangeColumnSeriesRenderer._as(seriesRenderer), stateProperties);
- t3 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_rectPosition_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- count = stateProperties.sideBySideSeriesCount;
- rectPosition = t3;
- } else if (t3 === "hilo" && true) {
- A._calculateSideBySidePositions(type$.HiloSeriesRenderer._as(seriesRenderer), stateProperties);
- t3 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_rectPosition_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- count = stateProperties.sideBySideSeriesCount;
- rectPosition = t3;
- } else if (t3 === "hiloopenclose" && true) {
- A._calculateSideBySidePositions(type$.HiloOpenCloseSeriesRenderer._as(seriesRenderer), stateProperties);
- t3 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_rectPosition_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- count = stateProperties.sideBySideSeriesCount;
- rectPosition = t3;
- } else if (t3 === "candle" && true) {
- A._calculateSideBySidePositions(type$.CandleSeriesRenderer._as(seriesRenderer), stateProperties);
- t3 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_rectPosition_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- count = stateProperties.sideBySideSeriesCount;
- rectPosition = t3;
- } else if (t3 === "boxandwhisker" && true) {
- A._calculateSideBySidePositions(type$.BoxAndWhiskerSeriesRenderer._as(seriesRenderer), stateProperties);
- t3 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_rectPosition_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- count = stateProperties.sideBySideSeriesCount;
- rectPosition = t3;
- } else if (t3 === "waterfall" && true) {
- A._calculateSideBySidePositions(type$.WaterfallSeriesRenderer._as(seriesRenderer), stateProperties);
- t3 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_rectPosition_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- count = stateProperties.sideBySideSeriesCount;
- rectPosition = t3;
- } else {
- rectPosition = null;
- count = null;
- }
- t3 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (t3 === "column") {
- type$.ColumnSeries_dynamic_dynamic._as(t2);
- t2 = t2.width;
- t2.toString;
- pointSpacing = t2;
- seriesSpacing = 0;
- } else if (t3 === "histogram") {
- type$.HistogramSeries_dynamic_dynamic._as(t2);
- seriesSpacing = t2.get$spacing(t2);
- pointSpacing = t2.get$width(t2);
- } else if (t3 === "stackedcolumn" || t3 === "stackedcolumn100" || t3 === "stackedbar" || t3 === "stackedbar100") {
- type$.StackedSeriesBase_dynamic_dynamic._as(t2);
- seriesSpacing = t2.get$spacing(t2);
- pointSpacing = t2.get$width(t2);
- } else if (t3 === "rangecolumn") {
- type$.RangeColumnSeries_dynamic_dynamic._as(t2);
- seriesSpacing = t2.get$spacing(t2);
- pointSpacing = t2.get$width(t2);
- } else if (t3 === "hilo") {
- type$.HiloSeries_dynamic_dynamic._as(t2);
- seriesSpacing = t2.get$spacing(t2);
- pointSpacing = t2.get$width(t2);
- } else if (t3 === "hiloopenclose") {
- type$.HiloOpenCloseSeries_dynamic_dynamic._as(t2);
- seriesSpacing = t2.get$spacing(t2);
- pointSpacing = t2.get$width(t2);
- } else if (t3 === "candle") {
- type$.CandleSeries_dynamic_dynamic._as(t2);
- seriesSpacing = t2.get$spacing(t2);
- pointSpacing = t2.get$width(t2);
- } else if (t3 === "boxandwhisker") {
- type$.BoxAndWhiskerSeries_dynamic_dynamic._as(t2);
- seriesSpacing = t2.get$spacing(t2);
- pointSpacing = t2.get$width(t2);
- } else if (t3 === "waterfall") {
- type$.WaterfallSeries_dynamic_dynamic._as(t2);
- seriesSpacing = t2.get$spacing(t2);
- pointSpacing = t2.get$width(t2);
- } else {
- type$.BarSeries_dynamic_dynamic._as(t2);
- seriesSpacing = t2.get$spacing(t2);
- pointSpacing = t2.get$width(t2);
- }
- rectPosition.toString;
- count.toString;
- minPointsDelta = t1.minDelta;
- if (minPointsDelta == null) {
- t1 = t1.xAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axisRenderer_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_seriesRenderers_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- minPointsDelta = A.calculateMinPointsDelta(t1, t2, stateProperties);
- }
- width = minPointsDelta * pointSpacing;
- $location = rectPosition / count - 0.5;
- doubleRange = A.VisibleRange$($location, $location + 1 / count);
- t1 = doubleRange.minimum;
- if (typeof t1 == "number" && typeof doubleRange.maximum == "number") {
- doubleRange = A.VisibleRange$(t1 * width, doubleRange.maximum * width);
- t1 = doubleRange.maximum;
- t2 = doubleRange.minimum;
- t3 = t1 - t2;
- doubleRange.__VisibleRange_delta_A = t3;
- t3 = seriesSpacing * t3 / 2;
- doubleRange = A.VisibleRange$(t2 + t3, t1 - t3);
- doubleRange.__VisibleRange_delta_A = doubleRange.maximum - doubleRange.minimum;
- }
- return doubleRange;
- },
- _calculateSideBySidePositions(seriesRenderer, stateProperties) {
- var t2, rectCount, indicatorPosition, _i, t3, indicatorPosition0, t4, rectCount0,
- seriesCollection = A._findRectSeriesCollection(stateProperties),
- t1 = seriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- for (t2 = seriesCollection.length, rectCount = 0, indicatorPosition = 0, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
- seriesRenderer = seriesCollection[_i];
- if (!(seriesRenderer instanceof A.ColumnSeriesRenderer))
- t3 = false;
- else
- t3 = true;
- if (t3) {
- t3 = seriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t3.isIndicator) {
- indicatorPosition0 = indicatorPosition + 1;
- t4 = indicatorPosition;
- indicatorPosition = indicatorPosition0;
- } else {
- rectCount0 = rectCount + 1;
- t4 = rectCount;
- rectCount = rectCount0;
- }
- t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_rectPosition_A = t4;
- }
- }
- t1 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "stackedcolumn") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "stackedbar"))
- stateProperties.sideBySideSeriesCount = rectCount;
- },
- findSeriesCollection(stateProperties) {
- var t1, xSeriesIndex, t2, xAxisSeriesRenderer, yAxisIndex, ySeriesIndex, t3, yAxisSeriesRenderer, t4, _null = null,
- seriesRendererCollection = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CartesianSeriesRenderer),
- xAxisIndex = 0;
- while (true) {
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.horizontalAxisRenderers;
- if (!(xAxisIndex < t1.length))
- break;
- t1 = t1[xAxisIndex].__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- xSeriesIndex = 0;
- while (true) {
- t2 = t1.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_seriesRenderers_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!(xSeriesIndex < t2.length))
- break;
- xAxisSeriesRenderer = t2[xSeriesIndex];
- for (yAxisIndex = 0; t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A.verticalAxisRenderers, yAxisIndex < t2.length; ++yAxisIndex) {
- t2 = t2[yAxisIndex].__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- ySeriesIndex = 0;
- while (true) {
- t3 = t2.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_seriesRenderers_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!(ySeriesIndex < t3.length))
- break;
- yAxisSeriesRenderer = t3[ySeriesIndex];
- t3 = xAxisSeriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (xAxisSeriesRenderer === yAxisSeriesRenderer) {
- t4 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!A.stringContainsUnchecked(t4, "column", 0)) {
- t4 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (!A.stringContainsUnchecked(t4, "bar", 0)) {
- t4 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (!A.stringContainsUnchecked(t4, "hilo", 0)) {
- t4 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (!A.stringContainsUnchecked(t4, "candle", 0)) {
- t4 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (!A.stringContainsUnchecked(t4, "stackedarea", 0)) {
- t4 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (!A.stringContainsUnchecked(t4, "stackedline", 0)) {
- t4 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t4 = t4 === "histogram" || t4 === "boxandwhisker";
- } else
- t4 = true;
- } else
- t4 = true;
- } else
- t4 = true;
- } else
- t4 = true;
- } else
- t4 = true;
- } else
- t4 = true;
- if (t4) {
- t3 = t3.visible;
- t3.toString;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3)
- if (!B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(seriesRendererCollection, yAxisSeriesRenderer))
- seriesRendererCollection.push(yAxisSeriesRenderer);
- ++ySeriesIndex;
- }
- }
- ++xSeriesIndex;
- }
- ++xAxisIndex;
- }
- return seriesRendererCollection;
- },
- getRRectFromRect(rect, borderRadius) {
- return A.RRect$fromRectAndCorners(rect, borderRadius.bottomLeft, borderRadius.bottomRight, borderRadius.topLeft, borderRadius.topRight);
- },
- _findRectSeriesCollection(stateProperties) {
- var t1, xSeriesIndex, t2, xAxisSeriesRenderer, yAxisIndex, ySeriesIndex, t3, yAxisSeriesRenderer, t4, _null = null,
- seriesRenderCollection = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CartesianSeriesRenderer),
- rectSeriesCount = 0, rectIndicatorCount = 0, xAxisIndex = 0;
- while (true) {
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.horizontalAxisRenderers;
- if (!(xAxisIndex < t1.length))
- break;
- t1 = t1[xAxisIndex].__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- xSeriesIndex = 0;
- while (true) {
- t2 = t1.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_seriesRenderers_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!(xSeriesIndex < t2.length))
- break;
- xAxisSeriesRenderer = t2[xSeriesIndex];
- for (yAxisIndex = 0; t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A.verticalAxisRenderers, yAxisIndex < t2.length; ++yAxisIndex) {
- t2 = t2[yAxisIndex].__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- ySeriesIndex = 0;
- while (true) {
- t3 = t2.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_seriesRenderers_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!(ySeriesIndex < t3.length))
- break;
- yAxisSeriesRenderer = t3[ySeriesIndex];
- t3 = xAxisSeriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (xAxisSeriesRenderer === yAxisSeriesRenderer) {
- t4 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!A.stringContainsUnchecked(t4, "column", 0)) {
- t4 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (!A.stringContainsUnchecked(t4, "waterfall", 0)) {
- t4 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (A.stringContainsUnchecked(t4, "bar", 0)) {
- t4 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t4 = !A.stringContainsUnchecked(t4, "errorbar", 0);
- } else
- t4 = false;
- if (!t4) {
- t4 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (!A.stringContainsUnchecked(t4, "hilo", 0)) {
- t4 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t4 = t4 === "candle" || t4 === "histogram" || t4 === "boxandwhisker";
- } else
- t4 = true;
- } else
- t4 = true;
- } else
- t4 = true;
- } else
- t4 = true;
- if (t4) {
- t4 = t3.visible;
- t4.toString;
- } else
- t4 = false;
- } else
- t4 = false;
- if (t4)
- if (!B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(seriesRenderCollection, yAxisSeriesRenderer)) {
- seriesRenderCollection.push(yAxisSeriesRenderer);
- if (t3.isIndicator)
- ++rectIndicatorCount;
- else
- ++rectSeriesCount;
- }
- ++ySeriesIndex;
- }
- }
- ++xSeriesIndex;
- }
- ++xAxisIndex;
- }
- stateProperties.sideBySideSeriesCount = rectSeriesCount;
- stateProperties.sideBySideIndicatorCount = rectIndicatorCount;
- return seriesRenderCollection;
- },
- calculatePlotOffset(axisClipRect, plotOffset) {
- var t1 = axisClipRect.left,
- t2 = plotOffset._dx,
- t3 = t1 + t2,
- t4 = axisClipRect.top,
- t5 = plotOffset._dy,
- t6 = t4 + t5;
- return new A.Rect(t3, t6, t3 + (axisClipRect.right - t1 - 2 * t2), t6 + (axisClipRect.bottom - t4 - 2 * t5));
- },
- getLabelValue(value, axis, showDigits) {
- var list, t2, t3,
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$(value);
- if (t1.toString$0(value).split(".").length > 1) {
- list = t1.toString$0(value).split(".");
- value = A.double_parse(t1.toStringAsFixed$1(value, showDigits == null ? 3 : showDigits));
- t1 = list[1];
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$(t1);
- if (t2.$eq(t1, "0") || t2.$eq(t1, "00") || t2.$eq(t1, "000") || t2.$eq(t1, "0000") || t2.$eq(t1, "00000") || t2.$eq(t1, "000000") || t2.$eq(t1, "0000000"))
- value = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(value);
- }
- t1 = axis.get$labelFormat() != null && axis.get$labelFormat() !== "";
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$(value);
- if (t1) {
- t1 = axis.get$labelFormat();
- t3 = A.RegExp_RegExp("{value}", true, false);
- t2 = t2.toString$0(value);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1, t3, t2);
- } else
- t1 = t2.toString$0(value);
- return A._asString(t1);
- },
- pointToXValue(requireInvertedAxis, axisRenderer, rect, x, y) {
- if (!requireInvertedAxis)
- return A._coefficientToValue(x / (rect.right - rect.left), axisRenderer);
- return A._coefficientToValue(1 - y / (rect.bottom - rect.top), axisRenderer);
- },
- pointToYValue(requireInvertedAxis, axisRenderer, rect, x, y) {
- if (!requireInvertedAxis)
- return A._coefficientToValue(1 - y / (rect.bottom - rect.top), axisRenderer);
- return A._coefficientToValue(x / (rect.right - rect.left), axisRenderer);
- },
- _coefficientToValue(coefficient, axisRenderer) {
- var t2,
- t1 = axisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.visibleRange;
- t2 = t1.minimum;
- t1 = t1.__VisibleRange_delta_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t2 + t1 * coefficient;
- },
- needsRepaintChart(stateProperties, oldChartAxisRenderers, oldChartSeriesRenderers) {
- var seriesIndex, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, axisIndex, axisRenderer, oldWidgetAxisRenderer, _null = null,
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartSeries_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.visibleSeriesRenderers.length === oldChartSeriesRenderers.length) {
- seriesIndex = 0;
- while (true) {
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_seriesRenderers_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!(seriesIndex < t1.length))
- break;
- t1 = t1[seriesIndex].__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = oldChartSeriesRenderers[seriesIndex].__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2.CartesianSeries_animationDuration === t4.CartesianSeries_animationDuration) {
- t5 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = t5.__CartesianStateProperties_chartSeries_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t5 === stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartSeries_A) {
- t5 = t2.color;
- t5 = t5.get$value(t5);
- t6 = t4.color;
- t6 = t6.get$value(t6);
- if (t5 === t6)
- if (t2.width == t4.width)
- if (t2.CartesianSeries_enableTooltip === t4.CartesianSeries_enableTooltip)
- if (t2.CartesianSeries_name === t4.CartesianSeries_name) {
- t5 = t1.xAxisDetails;
- t6 = t5.visibleRange;
- t7 = t6 == null;
- if (t7)
- t8 = _null;
- else {
- t8 = t6.__VisibleRange_delta_A;
- t8 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- }
- t9 = t3.xAxisDetails;
- t10 = t9.visibleRange;
- t11 = t10 == null;
- if (t11)
- t12 = _null;
- else {
- t12 = t10.__VisibleRange_delta_A;
- t12 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- }
- if (t8 == t12) {
- t8 = t7 ? _null : t6.maximum;
- if (t8 == (t11 ? _null : t10.maximum)) {
- t8 = t7 ? _null : t6.minimum;
- if (t8 == (t11 ? _null : t10.minimum)) {
- t6 = t7 ? _null : t6.interval;
- if (t6 == (t11 ? _null : t10.interval)) {
- t5.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t9.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t5.bounds.$eq(0, t9.bounds)) {
- t5 = t1.xAxisDetails;
- t6 = t5.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t7 = t3.xAxisDetails;
- t8 = t7.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t8 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t5.orientation == t7.orientation)
- if (t6.plotOffset === t8.plotOffset)
- if (t6.rangePadding === t8.rangePadding)
- if (J.get$length$asx(t1.dataPoints) === J.get$length$asx(t3.dataPoints)) {
- t5 = t1.yAxisDetails;
- t6 = t5.visibleRange;
- t7 = t6 == null;
- if (t7)
- t8 = _null;
- else {
- t8 = t6.__VisibleRange_delta_A;
- t8 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- }
- t9 = t3.yAxisDetails;
- t10 = t9.visibleRange;
- t11 = t10 == null;
- if (t11)
- t12 = _null;
- else {
- t12 = t10.__VisibleRange_delta_A;
- t12 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- }
- if (t8 == t12) {
- t8 = t7 ? _null : t6.maximum;
- if (t8 == (t11 ? _null : t10.maximum)) {
- t8 = t7 ? _null : t6.minimum;
- if (t8 == (t11 ? _null : t10.minimum)) {
- t6 = t7 ? _null : t6.interval;
- if (t6 == (t11 ? _null : t10.interval)) {
- t5.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t9.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t5.bounds.$eq(0, t9.bounds)) {
- t5 = t1.yAxisDetails;
- t6 = t5.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t7 = t3.yAxisDetails;
- t8 = t7.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t8 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t5.orientation == t7.orientation)
- if (t6.plotOffset === t8.plotOffset)
- if (t6.rangePadding === t8.rangePadding)
- if (t2.CartesianSeries_borderColor.$eq(0, t4.CartesianSeries_borderColor))
- if (t2.CartesianSeries_borderWidth === t4.CartesianSeries_borderWidth)
- if (J.$eq$(t2.sizeValueMapper, t4.sizeValueMapper))
- if (B.Color_0.$eq(0, B.Color_0))
- if (B.MaterialColor_Map_MUpTk_4288585374.$eq(0, B.MaterialColor_Map_MUpTk_4288585374))
- if (t1.maximumX == t3.maximumX)
- if (t1.maximumY == t3.maximumY)
- if (t1.minimumX == t3.minimumX)
- if (t1.minimumY == t3.minimumY)
- if (t2.dashArray.length === t4.dashArray.length)
- if (t2.CartesianSeries_dataSource.length === t4.CartesianSeries_dataSource.length) {
- t2 = t2.CartesianSeries_dataLabelSettings;
- t4 = t4.CartesianSeries_dataLabelSettings;
- if (t2.isVisible === t4.isVisible)
- if (t2.alignment === t4.alignment) {
- t2 = t2.textStyle;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t3 = t2.color;
- t3 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.get$value(t3);
- t4 = t4.textStyle;
- t5 = t4 == null;
- if (t5)
- t6 = _null;
- else {
- t6 = t4.color;
- t6 = t6 == null ? _null : t6.get$value(t6);
- }
- if (t3 == t6) {
- t3 = t2.fontStyle;
- if (t3 == (t5 ? _null : t4.fontStyle)) {
- t3 = t2.fontFamily;
- if (t3 == (t5 ? _null : t4.fontFamily)) {
- t3 = t2.fontSize;
- if (t3 == (t5 ? _null : t4.fontSize)) {
- t2 = t2.fontWeight;
- t2 = t2 != (t5 ? _null : t4.fontWeight);
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (!t2)
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- t1.needsRepaint = true;
- else
- t1.needsRepaint = false;
- ++seriesIndex;
- }
- } else {
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_seriesRenderers_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(t1, new A.needsRepaintChart_closure());
- }
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.axisRenderersCollection.length === oldChartAxisRenderers.length)
- for (axisIndex = 0; axisIndex < oldChartAxisRenderers.length; ++axisIndex) {
- t2 = t1.axisRenderersCollection;
- t3 = t2.length;
- if (t3 !== 0) {
- axisRenderer = t2[axisIndex];
- oldWidgetAxisRenderer = oldChartAxisRenderers[axisIndex];
- t1 = axisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = oldWidgetAxisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t1.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t2.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t3.rangePadding.index === t4.rangePadding.index)
- if (t3.plotOffset === t4.plotOffset)
- if (t1.orientation == t2.orientation)
- if (t3.minorTicksPerInterval === t4.minorTicksPerInterval)
- if (t1.bounds.$eq(0, t2.bounds))
- if (t3.majorGridLines.width === t4.majorGridLines.width)
- if (t3.title.$eq(0, t4.title)) {
- t5 = t1.visibleRange;
- t6 = t5 == null;
- t7 = t6 ? _null : t5.interval;
- t8 = t2.visibleRange;
- t9 = t8 == null;
- if (t7 == (t9 ? _null : t8.interval)) {
- t7 = t6 ? _null : t5.minimum;
- if (t7 == (t9 ? _null : t8.minimum)) {
- t7 = t6 ? _null : t5.maximum;
- if (t7 == (t9 ? _null : t8.maximum)) {
- if (t6)
- t5 = _null;
- else {
- t5 = t5.__VisibleRange_delta_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- }
- if (t9)
- t6 = _null;
- else {
- t6 = t8.__VisibleRange_delta_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- }
- if (t5 == t6)
- if (t1.isInsideTickPosition == t2.isInsideTickPosition)
- if (t3.maximumLabels === t4.maximumLabels)
- t1 = t3.tickPosition.index !== t4.tickPosition.index;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- if (t1)
- t2.__ChartAxisPanel_needsRepaint_A = true;
- else
- t2.__ChartAxisPanel_needsRepaint_A = false;
- t1 = t2;
- }
- t2 = t1.__ChartAxisPanel_needsRepaint_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2)
- break;
- }
- else
- t1.__ChartAxisPanel_needsRepaint_A = true;
- },
- getInteractiveTooltipLabel(value, axisRenderer) {
- var t2, t3, dateFormat,
- t1 = axisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (axisRenderer instanceof A.CategoryAxisRenderer) {
- type$.CategoryAxisDetails._as(t1);
- if (value < 0)
- value = 0;
- t1 = t1.__CategoryAxisDetails_labels_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(value);
- t3 = t1.length;
- if (t2 >= t3)
- t2 = t2 > t3 ? t3 - 1 : value - 1;
- else
- t2 = value;
- value = t1[B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t2)];
- } else if (axisRenderer instanceof A.DateTimeCategoryAxisRenderer) {
- type$.DateTimeCategoryAxisDetails._as(t1);
- if (value < 0)
- value = 0;
- t1 = t1.__DateTimeCategoryAxisDetails_labels_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(value);
- t3 = t1.length;
- if (t2 >= t3)
- t2 = t2 > t3 ? t3 - 1 : value - 1;
- else
- t2 = value;
- value = t1[B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t2)];
- } else if (axisRenderer instanceof A.DateTimeAxisRenderer) {
- type$.DateTimeAxis._as(t2);
- J.ceil$0$n(t1.visibleRange.minimum);
- t1 = t1.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_visibleLabels_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t1.length;
- if (t3 !== 0)
- t1[t3 - 1].toString;
- dateFormat = t2.get$dateFormat();
- value = dateFormat.format$1(A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(value), false));
- } else
- value = A.getLabelValue(value, t2, 3);
- return value;
- },
- getMarkerShapesPath(markerType, position, size, seriesRendererDetails, index, trackballBehavior, animationController) {
- var path = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0(),
- t1 = size._dx,
- t2 = position._dx - t1 / 2,
- t3 = size._dy,
- t4 = position._dy - t3 / 2,
- rect = new A.Rect(t2, t4, t2 + t1, t4 + t3);
- switch (markerType.index) {
- case 0:
- A.getShapesPath(path, rect, B.ShapeMarkerType_1);
- break;
- case 1:
- A.getShapesPath(path, rect, B.ShapeMarkerType_2);
- break;
- case 2:
- seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- A._loadMarkerImage(seriesRendererDetails.renderer, trackballBehavior);
- break;
- case 3:
- A.getShapesPath(path, rect, B.ShapeMarkerType_8);
- break;
- case 4:
- A.getShapesPath(path, rect, B.ShapeMarkerType_9);
- break;
- case 8:
- A.getShapesPath(path, rect, B.ShapeMarkerType_5);
- break;
- case 5:
- A.getShapesPath(path, rect, B.ShapeMarkerType_10);
- break;
- case 6:
- A.getShapesPath(path, rect, B.ShapeMarkerType_3);
- break;
- case 7:
- A.getShapesPath(path, rect, B.ShapeMarkerType_4);
- break;
- case 9:
- break;
- }
- return path;
- },
- _loadMarkerImage(seriesRenderer, trackballBehavior) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.dynamic),
- t2, t1;
- var $async$_loadMarkerImage = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = seriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- trackballBehavior != null;
- t2 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 === "scatter";
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_loadMarkerImage, $async$completer);
- },
- drawTooltipArrowhead(canvas, backgroundPath, fillPaint, strokePaint, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) {
- backgroundPath.moveTo$2(0, x1, y1);
- backgroundPath.lineTo$2(0, x2, y2);
- backgroundPath.lineTo$2(0, x3, y3);
- backgroundPath.lineTo$2(0, x4, y4);
- backgroundPath.lineTo$2(0, x1, y1);
- fillPaint.set$isAntiAlias(true);
- canvas.drawPath$2(backgroundPath, strokePaint);
- canvas.drawPath$2(backgroundPath, fillPaint);
- },
- getRoundedCornerRect(rect, cornerRadius) {
- return A.RRect$fromRectAndCorners(rect, new A.Radius(cornerRadius, cornerRadius), new A.Radius(cornerRadius, cornerRadius), new A.Radius(cornerRadius, cornerRadius), new A.Radius(cornerRadius, cornerRadius));
- },
- pointToXVal(chart, axisRenderer, rect, x, y) {
- var t1 = A._coefficientToValue(x / (rect.right - rect.left), axisRenderer);
- return t1;
- },
- pointToYVal(chart, axisRenderer, rect, x, y) {
- var t1 = A._coefficientToValue(1 - y / (rect.bottom - rect.top), axisRenderer);
- return t1;
- },
- validateRectXPosition(labelRect, stateProperties) {
- var t3, validatedRect,
- t1 = labelRect.right,
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t2.right;
- if (t1 >= t3)
- validatedRect = new A.Rect(labelRect.left - (t1 - t3), labelRect.top, t3, labelRect.bottom);
- else {
- t3 = labelRect.left;
- t2 = t2.left;
- validatedRect = t3 <= t2 ? new A.Rect(t2, labelRect.top, t1 + (t2 - t3), labelRect.bottom) : labelRect;
- }
- return validatedRect;
- },
- validateRectYPosition(labelRect, stateProperties) {
- var t3, validatedRect,
- t1 = labelRect.bottom,
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t2.bottom;
- if (t1 >= t3)
- validatedRect = new A.Rect(labelRect.left, labelRect.top - (t1 - t3), labelRect.right, t3);
- else {
- t3 = labelRect.top;
- t2 = t2.top;
- validatedRect = t3 <= t2 ? new A.Rect(labelRect.left, t2, labelRect.right, t1 + (t2 - t3)) : labelRect;
- }
- return validatedRect;
- },
- validateRectBounds(tooltipRect, boundary) {
- var difference, validatedRect,
- t1 = tooltipRect.left,
- t2 = boundary.left;
- if (t1 < t2) {
- difference = t2 - t1 + 0.5;
- validatedRect = new A.Rect(t1 + difference, tooltipRect.top, tooltipRect.right + difference, tooltipRect.bottom);
- } else
- validatedRect = tooltipRect;
- t1 = tooltipRect.right;
- t2 = boundary.right;
- if (t1 > t2) {
- difference = t1 - t2 + 0.5;
- validatedRect = new A.Rect(validatedRect.left - difference, validatedRect.top, validatedRect.right - difference, validatedRect.bottom);
- }
- t1 = tooltipRect.top;
- t2 = boundary.top;
- if (t1 < t2) {
- difference = t2 - t1 + 0.5;
- validatedRect = new A.Rect(validatedRect.left, validatedRect.top + difference, validatedRect.right, validatedRect.bottom + difference);
- }
- t1 = tooltipRect.bottom;
- t2 = boundary.bottom;
- if (t1 > t2) {
- difference = t1 - t2 + 0.5;
- validatedRect = new A.Rect(validatedRect.left, validatedRect.top - difference, validatedRect.right, validatedRect.bottom - difference);
- }
- return validatedRect;
- },
- getPreviousSeriesRenderer(seriesRendererCollection, seriesIndex) {
- var i;
- for (i = 0; i < seriesRendererCollection.length; ++i)
- if (seriesIndex === B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(seriesRendererCollection, seriesRendererCollection[i]) && i !== 0)
- return seriesRendererCollection[i - 1];
- return seriesRendererCollection[0];
- },
- naturalSpline(xValues, yValues, yCoeff, dataCount, splineType) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, i, i0, d1, t6, d3, t7, t8, p, k,
- t1 = type$.nullable_num,
- yCoef = A.List_List$filled(dataCount, null, false, t1),
- u = A.List_List$filled(dataCount, null, false, t1);
- t1 = splineType === B.SplineType_3 && xValues.length > 1;
- t2 = dataCount - 1;
- if (t1) {
- u[0] = 0.5;
- t1 = xValues[1] - xValues[0];
- t3 = yValues[1] - yValues[0];
- t4 = dataCount - 2;
- t5 = xValues[t2] - xValues[t4];
- t4 = yValues[t2] - yValues[t4];
- yCoef[0] = 3 * t3 / t1 - 3 * (t1 / t3);
- yCoef[t2] = 3 * (t5 / t4) - 3 * t4 / t5;
- t1 = yCoef[0];
- if (t1 !== 1 / 0) {
- t1.toString;
- t1 = isNaN(t1);
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- yCoef[0] = 0;
- t1 = yCoef[t2];
- if (t1 !== 1 / 0) {
- t1.toString;
- t1 = isNaN(t1);
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- yCoef[t2] = 0;
- } else {
- u[0] = 0;
- yCoef[0] = 0;
- yCoef[t2] = 0;
- }
- for (i = 1; i < t2; i = i0) {
- yCoef[i] = 0;
- i0 = i + 1;
- t1 = yValues[i0];
- if (!isNaN(t1))
- if (!isNaN(yValues[i - 1]))
- if (!isNaN(yValues[i]))
- t3 = true;
- else
- t3 = false;
- else
- t3 = false;
- else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3) {
- t3 = xValues[i];
- t4 = i - 1;
- t5 = xValues[t4];
- d1 = t3 - t5;
- t6 = xValues[i0];
- d3 = t6 - t3;
- t7 = yValues[i];
- t8 = yValues[t4];
- if (t3 === t5 || t3 === t6) {
- yCoef[i] = 0;
- u[i] = 0;
- } else {
- t3 = yCoef[t4];
- t3.toString;
- p = 1 / (d1 * t3 + 2 * (t6 - t5));
- yCoef[i] = -p * d3;
- t3 = u[t4];
- if (t3 != null)
- u[i] = p * (6 * ((t1 - t7) / d3 - (t7 - t8) / d1) - d1 * t3);
- }
- }
- }
- for (k = dataCount - 2; k >= 0; --k) {
- t1 = u[k];
- if (t1 != null && yCoef[k] != null && yCoef[k + 1] != null) {
- t2 = yCoef[k];
- t2.toString;
- t3 = yCoef[k + 1];
- t3.toString;
- t1.toString;
- yCoef[k] = t2 * t3 + t1;
- }
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(yCoeff, yCoef);
- return yCoeff;
- },
- calculateControlPoints(xValues, yValues, yCoef, nextyCoef, i, controlPoints) {
- var y1, y2, t2,
- values = A.List_List$filled(4, null, false, type$.nullable_double),
- x = xValues[i],
- y = yValues[i],
- t1 = i + 1,
- nextX = xValues[t1],
- nextY = yValues[t1],
- deltaX2 = nextX - x;
- t1 = 0.3333333333333333 * (deltaX2 * deltaX2);
- y1 = 0.3333333333333333 * (2 * y + nextY - t1 * (yCoef + 0.5 * nextyCoef));
- y2 = 0.3333333333333333 * (y + 2 * nextY - t1 * (0.5 * yCoef + nextyCoef));
- t1 = (2 * x + nextX) * 0.3333333333333333;
- values[0] = t1;
- values[1] = y1;
- t2 = (x + 2 * nextX) * 0.3333333333333333;
- values[2] = t2;
- values[3] = y2;
- controlPoints.push(new A.Offset(t1, y1));
- controlPoints.push(new A.Offset(t2, y2));
- return controlPoints;
- },
- calculateSplineAreaControlPoints(seriesRenderer) {
- var t2, t3, yCoef, lowCoef, highCoef, xValues, yValues, highValues, lowValues, splineType, i, dx,
- t1 = seriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = type$.JSArray_nullable_num;
- yCoef = A._setArrayType([], t3);
- lowCoef = A._setArrayType([], t3);
- highCoef = A._setArrayType([], t3);
- t3 = type$.JSArray_num;
- xValues = A._setArrayType([], t3);
- yValues = A._setArrayType([], t3);
- highValues = A._setArrayType([], t3);
- lowValues = A._setArrayType([], t3);
- splineType = t2.get$splineType();
- for (t2 = seriesRenderer instanceof A.SplineSeriesRenderer, i = 0; i < J.get$length$asx(t1.dataPoints); ++i) {
- xValues.push(J.$index$asx(t1.dataPoints, i).xValue);
- if (t2)
- yValues.push(J.$index$asx(t1.dataPoints, i).yValue);
- }
- t1 = xValues.length;
- if (t1 !== 0) {
- dx = A.List_List$filled(t1 - 1, null, false, type$.nullable_num);
- t1 = xValues.length;
- if (t2)
- yCoef = A.naturalSpline(xValues, yValues, yCoef, t1, splineType);
- else {
- lowCoef = A.naturalSpline(xValues, lowValues, lowCoef, t1, splineType);
- highCoef = A.naturalSpline(xValues, highValues, highCoef, xValues.length, splineType);
- }
- if (t2)
- A._updateSplineAreaControlPoints(seriesRenderer, splineType, xValues, yValues, yCoef, dx);
- else
- A._findSplineRangeAreaControlPoint(type$.SplineRangeAreaSeriesRenderer._as(seriesRenderer), splineType, xValues, lowValues, highValues, dx, lowCoef, highCoef);
- }
- },
- _updateSplineAreaControlPoints(seriesRenderer, splineType, xValues, yValues, yCoef, dx) {
- var t2, pointIndex, controlPoints, t3, t4,
- t1 = seriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- for (t2 = type$.JSArray_Offset, t1 = t1.drawControlPoints, pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < xValues.length - 1; ++pointIndex) {
- controlPoints = A._setArrayType([], t2);
- t3 = true;
- if (t3) {
- t3 = yCoef[pointIndex];
- t3.toString;
- t4 = yCoef[pointIndex + 1];
- t4.toString;
- t1.push(A.calculateControlPoints(xValues, yValues, t3, t4, pointIndex, controlPoints));
- }
- }
- },
- _findSplineRangeAreaControlPoint(seriesRenderer, splineType, xValues, lowValues, highValues, dx, lowCoef, highCoef) {
- var t1, pointIndex, controlPointslow, controlPointshigh, t2, t3, t4, t5;
- for (t1 = type$.JSArray_Offset, pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < xValues.length - 1; ++pointIndex) {
- controlPointslow = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- controlPointshigh = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- t2 = seriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (J.$index$asx(t2.dataPoints, pointIndex).low != null)
- if (J.$index$asx(t2.dataPoints, pointIndex).high != null) {
- t3 = pointIndex + 1;
- t3 = J.$index$asx(t2.dataPoints, t3).low != null && J.$index$asx(t2.dataPoints, t3).high != null;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3) {
- J.$index$asx(t2.dataPoints, pointIndex).low.toString;
- J.$index$asx(t2.dataPoints, pointIndex).high.toString;
- t3 = pointIndex + 1;
- J.$index$asx(t2.dataPoints, t3).low.toString;
- J.$index$asx(t2.dataPoints, t3).high.toString;
- t4 = lowCoef[pointIndex];
- t4.toString;
- t5 = lowCoef[t3];
- t5.toString;
- t2.drawLowControlPoints.push(A.calculateControlPoints(xValues, lowValues, t4, t5, pointIndex, controlPointslow));
- t5 = highCoef[pointIndex];
- t5.toString;
- t3 = highCoef[t3];
- t3.toString;
- t2.drawHighControlPoints.push(A.calculateControlPoints(xValues, highValues, t5, t3, pointIndex, controlPointshigh));
- }
- }
- },
- getOldAxisRenderer(axisRenderer, oldAxisRendererList) {
- var t1, t2, i, t3, t4;
- for (t1 = oldAxisRendererList.length, t2 = axisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
- t3 = oldAxisRendererList[i];
- t4 = t3.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t4.name;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t4 == t2.name)
- return t3;
- }
- return null;
- },
- getChartPoint(seriesRenderer, data, pointIndex) {
- var xMap, yMap, highMap, lowMap, isIntermediateSumMap, isTotalSumMap, sortFieldMap, pointColorMap, sizeMap, pointTextMap, xVal, yVal, highVal, lowVal, sortVal, sizeVal, colorVal, textVal, isIntermediateSum, isTotalSum, currentPoint, _null = null,
- t1 = seriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- xMap = t1.CartesianSeries_xValueMapper;
- yMap = t1.CartesianSeries_yValueMapper;
- highMap = t1.highValueMapper;
- lowMap = t1.lowValueMapper;
- isIntermediateSumMap = t1.intermediateSumPredicate;
- isTotalSumMap = t1.totalSumPredicate;
- sortFieldMap = t1.CartesianSeries_sortFieldValueMapper;
- pointColorMap = t1.CartesianSeries_pointColorMapper;
- sizeMap = t1.sizeValueMapper;
- pointTextMap = t1.CartesianSeries_dataLabelMapper;
- xVal = xMap != null ? xMap.call$1(pointIndex) : _null;
- if (yMap != null) {
- if (!(t1 instanceof A.RangeAreaSeries))
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- yVal = t1 ? _null : yMap.call$1(pointIndex);
- } else
- yVal = _null;
- if (xVal != null) {
- highVal = highMap != null ? highMap.call$1(pointIndex) : _null;
- lowVal = lowMap != null ? lowMap.call$1(pointIndex) : _null;
- sortVal = sortFieldMap != null ? sortFieldMap.call$1(pointIndex) : _null;
- sizeVal = sizeMap != null ? sizeMap.call$1(pointIndex) : _null;
- colorVal = pointColorMap != null ? pointColorMap.call$1(pointIndex) : _null;
- textVal = pointTextMap != null ? pointTextMap.call$1(pointIndex) : _null;
- if (isIntermediateSumMap != null) {
- isIntermediateSum = isIntermediateSumMap.call$1(pointIndex);
- isIntermediateSum = isIntermediateSum === true;
- } else
- isIntermediateSum = false;
- if (isTotalSumMap != null) {
- isTotalSum = isTotalSumMap.call$1(pointIndex);
- isTotalSum = isTotalSum === true;
- } else
- isTotalSum = false;
- currentPoint = A.CartesianChartPoint$(xVal, yVal, textVal, colorVal, sizeVal, highVal, lowVal, _null, _null, _null, sortVal, _null, _null, isIntermediateSum, isTotalSum, type$.dynamic);
- } else
- currentPoint = _null;
- return currentPoint;
- },
- findChangesInPoint(point, oldPoint, seriesRendererDetails) {
- var t2, i,
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.oldSeries;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.CartesianSeries_sortingOrder;
- if (t1.CartesianSeries_sortingOrder === t2) {
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "range") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "hilo");
- if (t1) {
- if (J.$eq$(point.x, oldPoint.x))
- if (point.high == oldPoint.high)
- if (point.low == oldPoint.low)
- if (point.open == oldPoint.open)
- if (point.close == oldPoint.close)
- t1 = !J.$eq$(point.sortValue, oldPoint.sortValue);
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- } else {
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 === "waterfall") {
- if (J.$eq$(point.x, oldPoint.x)) {
- t1 = point.y;
- t1 = t1 != null && !J.$eq$(t1, oldPoint.y) || !J.$eq$(point.sortValue, oldPoint.sortValue) || point.isIntermediateSum != oldPoint.isIntermediateSum || point.isTotalSum != oldPoint.isTotalSum;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- } else if (t1 === "boxandwhisker")
- if (!J.$eq$(J.get$length$asx(point.y), J.get$length$asx(oldPoint.y)) || !J.$eq$(point.x, oldPoint.x) || !J.$eq$(point.sortValue, oldPoint.sortValue))
- return true;
- else {
- J.sort$0$ax(point.y);
- for (i = 0; i < J.get$length$asx(point.y); ++i)
- if (!J.$eq$(J.$index$asx(point.y, i), J.$index$asx(oldPoint.y, i)))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- else
- return !J.$eq$(point.x, oldPoint.x) || !J.$eq$(point.y, oldPoint.y) || point.bubbleSize != oldPoint.bubbleSize || !J.$eq$(point.sortValue, oldPoint.sortValue);
- }
- } else
- return true;
- },
- calculateYRangeOnZoomX(actualRange, axisRenderer) {
- var t2, minimum, mini, maxi, i, t3, xAxisRenderer, xRange, t4, dataPoints, j, point, yValue, t5, t6,
- t1 = axisRenderer.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = axisRenderer.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_seriesRenderers_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- minimum = t1.get$minimum();
- t1.get$maximum();
- t1 = axisRenderer.stateProperties;
- mini = null;
- maxi = null;
- i = 0;
- while (true) {
- t3 = t2.length;
- if (!(i < t3 && t3 !== 0))
- break;
- t3 = t2[i].__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- xAxisRenderer = t3.xAxisDetails;
- xAxisRenderer.calculateRangeAndInterval$2(t1, "AnchoringRange");
- xRange = xAxisRenderer.visibleRange;
- if (t3.yAxisDetails === axisRenderer) {
- t4 = t3.visible;
- t4.toString;
- } else
- t4 = false;
- if (t4) {
- t4 = t3.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- dataPoints = t4 === "fastline" ? t3.sampledDataPoints : t3.dataPoints;
- for (t3 = J.getInterceptor$asx(dataPoints), j = 0; j < t3.get$length(dataPoints); ++j) {
- point = t3.$index(dataPoints, j);
- if (J.$ge$n(point.xValue, xRange.minimum) === true && J.$le$n(point.xValue, xRange.maximum) === true) {
- yValue = point.cumulativeValue;
- t4 = yValue == null;
- if (!t4 || point.yValue != null) {
- yValue = !t4 ? yValue : point.yValue;
- t4 = mini == null ? yValue : mini;
- mini = Math.min(t4, yValue);
- t4 = maxi == null ? yValue : maxi;
- maxi = Math.max(t4, yValue);
- } else {
- t4 = point.high;
- if (t4 != null && point.low != null) {
- t5 = mini == null ? point.low : mini;
- t6 = point.low;
- mini = Math.min(A.checkNum(t5), A.checkNum(t6));
- maxi = Math.max(A.checkNum(maxi == null ? t4 : maxi), A.checkNum(t4));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ++i;
- }
- if (minimum == null)
- t1 = mini == null ? actualRange.minimum : mini;
- else
- t1 = minimum;
- t2 = maxi == null ? actualRange.maximum : maxi;
- return A.VisibleRange$(t1, t2);
- },
- needCalculateYRange(minimum, maximum, stateProperties, orientation) {
- var t1;
- stateProperties.CartesianStateProperties_chartState._widget.toString;
- if (!stateProperties.rangeChangeBySlider) {
- t1 = stateProperties.zoomedState;
- if (t1 !== true) {
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_zoomProgress_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1 || false;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- !t1;
- }
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- getOldSegmentIndex(segment) {
- var t2, _i, oldSegment, t3,
- segmentProperties = segment._segmentProperties,
- t1 = segmentProperties.oldSeriesRenderer;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1 = t1.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.segments;
- t2 = t1.length;
- _i = 0;
- for (; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- oldSegment = t1[_i];
- t3 = oldSegment._segmentProperties;
- t3.toString;
- if (A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(segment) === A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(oldSegment)) {
- segmentProperties.__SegmentProperties_seriesRenderer_A.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = J.$eq$(t3.currentPoint.xValue, segmentProperties.currentPoint.xValue);
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3) {
- t1 = segmentProperties.oldSeriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(t1.segments, oldSegment);
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
- },
- setAnimationStatus(stateProperties) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_totalAnimatingSeries_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_animationCompleteCount_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_renderingDetails_A;
- if (t1 === t2) {
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3.__RenderingDetails_animateCompleted_A = true;
- stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_animationCompleteCount_A = 0;
- } else {
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3.__RenderingDetails_animateCompleted_A = false;
- }
- t1 = stateProperties.renderDataLabel;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1 = t1.state;
- if (t1._framework$_element != null)
- t1.render$0(0);
- }
- },
- calculateDateTimeNiceInterval(axisRenderer, size, range, startDate, endDate) {
- var totalDays, interval, _null = null,
- t1 = axisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (startDate == null)
- startDate = A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(J.toInt$0$n(range.minimum), false);
- if (endDate == null)
- endDate = A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(J.toInt$0$n(range.maximum), false);
- totalDays = Math.abs((startDate._value - endDate._value) / 86400000);
- switch (null) {
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_1:
- interval = _null.calculateNumericNiceInterval$3(axisRenderer, totalDays / 365, size);
- break;
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_2:
- interval = _null.calculateNumericNiceInterval$3(axisRenderer, totalDays / 30, size);
- break;
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_3:
- interval = _null.calculateNumericNiceInterval$3(axisRenderer, totalDays, size);
- break;
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_4:
- interval = _null.calculateNumericNiceInterval$3(axisRenderer, totalDays * 24, size);
- break;
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_5:
- interval = _null.calculateNumericNiceInterval$3(axisRenderer, totalDays * 24 * 60, size);
- break;
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_6:
- interval = _null.calculateNumericNiceInterval$3(axisRenderer, totalDays * 24 * 60 * 60, size);
- break;
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_7:
- interval = _null.calculateNumericNiceInterval$3(axisRenderer, totalDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, size);
- break;
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_0:
- interval = _null.calculateNumericNiceInterval$3(axisRenderer, totalDays / 365, size);
- if (interval >= 1) {
- A._setActualIntervalType(axisRenderer, B.DateTimeIntervalType_1);
- return interval.floor$0(interval);
- }
- interval = _null.calculateNumericNiceInterval$3(axisRenderer, totalDays / 30, size);
- if (interval >= 1) {
- A._setActualIntervalType(axisRenderer, B.DateTimeIntervalType_2);
- return interval.floor$0(interval);
- }
- interval = _null.calculateNumericNiceInterval$3(axisRenderer, totalDays, size);
- if (interval >= 1) {
- A._setActualIntervalType(axisRenderer, B.DateTimeIntervalType_3);
- return interval.floor$0(interval);
- }
- t1 = totalDays * 24;
- interval = _null.calculateNumericNiceInterval$3(axisRenderer, t1, size);
- if (interval >= 1) {
- A._setActualIntervalType(axisRenderer, B.DateTimeIntervalType_4);
- return interval.floor$0(interval);
- }
- t1 *= 60;
- interval = _null.calculateNumericNiceInterval$3(axisRenderer, t1, size);
- if (interval >= 1) {
- A._setActualIntervalType(axisRenderer, B.DateTimeIntervalType_5);
- return interval.floor$0(interval);
- }
- t1 *= 60;
- interval = _null.calculateNumericNiceInterval$3(axisRenderer, t1, size);
- if (interval >= 1) {
- A._setActualIntervalType(axisRenderer, B.DateTimeIntervalType_6);
- return interval.floor$0(interval);
- }
- interval = _null.calculateNumericNiceInterval$3(axisRenderer, t1 * 1000, size);
- A._setActualIntervalType(axisRenderer, B.DateTimeIntervalType_7);
- return interval < 1 ? interval.ceil$0(interval) : interval.floor$0(interval);
- default:
- interval = _null;
- break;
- }
- null.toString;
- A._setActualIntervalType(axisRenderer, null);
- interval.toString;
- return interval < 1 ? interval.ceil$0(interval) : interval.floor$0(interval);
- },
- _setActualIntervalType(axisRenderer, intervalType) {
- var t1;
- if (axisRenderer instanceof A.DateTimeAxisRenderer) {
- t1 = axisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- type$.DateTimeAxisDetails._as(t1).__DateTimeAxisDetails_actualIntervalType_A = intervalType;
- } else if (axisRenderer instanceof A.DateTimeCategoryAxisRenderer) {
- t1 = axisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- type$.DateTimeCategoryAxisDetails._as(t1).__DateTimeCategoryAxisDetails_actualIntervalType_A = intervalType;
- }
- },
- getDateTimeLabelFormat(axisRenderer, interval, prevInterval) {
- var t2, visibleRange, minimum, actualIntervalType, format, dateFormat, _null = null,
- t1 = axisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (axisRenderer instanceof A.DateTimeAxisRenderer) {
- type$.DateTimeAxisDetails._as(t1);
- t2 = t1.__DateTimeAxisDetails_actualIntervalType_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- visibleRange = t1.visibleRange;
- minimum = t1.min;
- actualIntervalType = t2;
- } else if (axisRenderer instanceof A.DateTimeCategoryAxisRenderer) {
- type$.DateTimeCategoryAxisDetails._as(t1);
- visibleRange = t1.visibleRange;
- minimum = t1.min;
- t1 = t1.__DateTimeCategoryAxisDetails_actualIntervalType_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- actualIntervalType = t1;
- } else {
- minimum = _null;
- visibleRange = minimum;
- actualIntervalType = visibleRange;
- }
- switch (actualIntervalType) {
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_1:
- format = A.DateFormat$y();
- break;
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_2:
- format = minimum == interval || interval == prevInterval ? A._getFirstLabelFormat(actualIntervalType) : A._getDateTimeFormat(actualIntervalType, visibleRange, interval, prevInterval);
- break;
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_3:
- format = minimum == interval || interval == prevInterval ? A._getFirstLabelFormat(actualIntervalType) : A._getDateTimeFormat(actualIntervalType, visibleRange, interval, prevInterval);
- break;
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_4:
- format = A.DateFormat$j();
- break;
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_5:
- format = A.DateFormat$Hm();
- break;
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_6:
- format = A.DateFormat$ms();
- break;
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_7:
- dateFormat = A.DateFormat$("ss.SSS", _null);
- format = dateFormat;
- break;
- case B.DateTimeIntervalType_0:
- format = _null;
- break;
- default:
- format = _null;
- break;
- }
- format.toString;
- return format;
- },
- _getDateTimeFormat(actualIntervalType, visibleRange, interval, prevInterval) {
- var minimum, maximum, isIntervalDecimal, format;
- interval.toString;
- minimum = A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(interval, false);
- prevInterval.toString;
- maximum = A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(prevInterval, false);
- isIntervalDecimal = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(visibleRange.interval, 1) === 0;
- if (actualIntervalType === B.DateTimeIntervalType_2)
- if (A.Primitives_getYear(minimum) === A.Primitives_getYear(maximum))
- format = isIntervalDecimal ? A.DateFormat$MMM() : A.DateFormat$MMMd();
- else
- format = A.DateFormat$("yyy MMM", null);
- else if (actualIntervalType === B.DateTimeIntervalType_3)
- if (A.Primitives_getMonth(minimum) !== A.Primitives_getMonth(maximum))
- format = isIntervalDecimal ? A.DateFormat$MMMd() : A.DateFormat$MEd();
- else
- format = A.DateFormat$d();
- else
- format = null;
- return format;
- },
- _getFirstLabelFormat(actualIntervalType) {
- var format;
- if (actualIntervalType === B.DateTimeIntervalType_2)
- format = A.DateFormat$("yyy MMM", null);
- else if (actualIntervalType === B.DateTimeIntervalType_3)
- format = A.DateFormat$MMMd();
- else
- format = actualIntervalType === B.DateTimeIntervalType_5 ? A.DateFormat$Hm() : null;
- return format;
- },
- setCategoryMinMaxValues(axisRenderer, isXVisibleRange, isYVisibleRange, point, pointIndex, dataLength, seriesRendererDetails) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _s5_ = "range", _s4_ = "hilo", _s6_ = "candle",
- t1 = axisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (isYVisibleRange) {
- if (seriesRendererDetails.minimumX == null)
- seriesRendererDetails.minimumX = point.xValue;
- if (seriesRendererDetails.maximumX == null)
- seriesRendererDetails.maximumX = point.xValue;
- }
- t3 = !isXVisibleRange;
- if ((!t3 || false) && !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s5_) && !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s4_) && !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s6_) && t2 !== "boxandwhisker" && t2 !== "waterfall") {
- if (seriesRendererDetails.minimumY == null)
- seriesRendererDetails.minimumY = point.yValue;
- if (seriesRendererDetails.maximumY == null)
- seriesRendererDetails.maximumY = point.yValue;
- }
- if (isYVisibleRange && point.xValue != null) {
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.minimumX;
- t4.toString;
- t5 = point.xValue;
- seriesRendererDetails.minimumX = Math.min(t4, A.checkNum(t5));
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.maximumX;
- t4.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.maximumX = Math.max(t4, A.checkNum(t5));
- }
- if (!t3 || false) {
- t3 = point.yValue;
- t4 = t3 == null;
- if (!t4 && !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s5_) && !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s4_) && !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s6_) && t2 !== "boxandwhisker" && t2 !== "waterfall") {
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.minimumY;
- t5.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.minimumY = Math.min(t5, A.checkNum(t3));
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.maximumY;
- t5.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.maximumY = Math.max(t5, A.checkNum(t3));
- }
- t5 = point.high;
- if (t5 != null) {
- t6 = t1.highMin;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = t5;
- t1.highMin = Math.min(t6, t5);
- t6 = t1.highMax;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = t5;
- t1.highMax = Math.max(t6, t5);
- }
- t5 = point.low;
- if (t5 != null) {
- t6 = t1.lowMin;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = t5;
- t1.lowMin = Math.min(t6, t5);
- t6 = t1.lowMax;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = t5;
- t1.lowMax = Math.max(t6, t5);
- }
- t5 = point.maximum;
- if (t5 != null) {
- t6 = t1.highMin;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = t5;
- t1.highMin = Math.min(t6, t5);
- t6 = t1.highMax;
- if (t6 == null) {
- t6 = point.minimum;
- t6.toString;
- }
- t1.highMax = Math.max(t6, t5);
- }
- t5 = point.minimum;
- if (t5 != null) {
- t6 = t1.lowMin;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = t5;
- t1.lowMin = Math.min(t6, t5);
- t6 = t1.lowMax;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = t5;
- t1.lowMax = Math.max(t6, t5);
- }
- if (t2 === "waterfall") {
- if (t4) {
- point.yValue = 0;
- t3 = 0;
- }
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.minimumY;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = t3;
- seriesRendererDetails.minimumY = Math.min(t4, t3);
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.maximumY;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = point.maxYValue;
- seriesRendererDetails.maximumY = Math.max(t3, point.maxYValue);
- } else if (t2 === "errorbar")
- A.updateErrorBarAxisRange(seriesRendererDetails, point);
- }
- if (pointIndex >= dataLength - 1) {
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s5_) || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s4_) || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s6_) || t2 === "boxandwhisker") {
- t2 = t1.lowMin;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = t1.lowMin = 0;
- t3 = t1.lowMax;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = t1.lowMax = 5;
- t4 = t1.highMin;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = t1.highMin = 0;
- t5 = t1.highMax;
- t1 = t5 == null ? t1.highMax = 5 : t5;
- seriesRendererDetails.minimumY = Math.min(t2, t4);
- seriesRendererDetails.maximumY = Math.max(t3, t1);
- }
- if (seriesRendererDetails.minimumY == null)
- seriesRendererDetails.minimumY = 0;
- if (seriesRendererDetails.maximumY == null)
- seriesRendererDetails.maximumY = 5;
- }
- },
- calculateDateTimeVisibleRange(availableSize, axisRenderer) {
- var t2, stateProperties, visibleRange, t3,
- t1 = axisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.actualRange;
- t2.toString;
- stateProperties = t1.stateProperties;
- t1.setOldRangeFromRangeController$0();
- stateProperties.rangeChangeBySlider;
- visibleRange = A.VisibleRange$(t2.minimum, t2.maximum);
- t1.visibleRange = visibleRange;
- t3 = t2.__VisibleRange_delta_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- visibleRange.__VisibleRange_delta_A = t3;
- visibleRange.interval = t2.interval;
- t1.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = !(stateProperties.rangeChangeBySlider && !stateProperties.canSetRangeController);
- if (t2) {
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_zoomedAxisRendererStates_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.setZoomFactorAndPosition$2(axisRenderer, t2);
- }
- t2 = t1.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomFactor_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!(t2 < 1)) {
- t2 = t1.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomPosition_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!(t2 > 0))
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2) {
- stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_zoomProgress_A = true;
- t1.calculateZoomRange$2(axisRenderer, availableSize);
- if (stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_zoomProgress_A)
- t2 = axisRenderer instanceof A.DateTimeAxisRenderer || axisRenderer instanceof A.DateTimeCategoryAxisRenderer;
- else
- t2 = false;
- visibleRange.interval = t2 ? axisRenderer.calculateInterval$2(visibleRange, availableSize) : visibleRange.interval;
- if (axisRenderer instanceof A.DateTimeAxisRenderer) {
- visibleRange.minimum = J.floor$0$n(visibleRange.minimum);
- visibleRange.maximum = J.floor$0$n(visibleRange.maximum);
- }
- }
- t1.setZoomValuesFromRangeController$0();
- },
- getCrossesAtValue(seriesRenderer, stateProperties) {
- var seriesIndex, t2, axisCollection, crossesAt, i, t3, t4,
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartSeries_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- seriesIndex = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(t1.visibleSeriesRenderers, seriesRenderer);
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- if (t1) {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- axisCollection = t2.verticalAxisRenderers;
- } else {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- axisCollection = t2.horizontalAxisRenderers;
- }
- t1 = axisCollection.length;
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartSeries_A.visibleSeriesRenderers;
- i = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(i < t1)) {
- crossesAt = null;
- break;
- }
- t3 = axisCollection[i].__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t2[seriesIndex].__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t4.xAxisDetails.name == t3.name) {
- crossesAt = t3.crossValue;
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- return crossesAt;
- },
- getTooltipPaddingData(seriesRendererDetails, isTrendLine, region, paddedRegion, tooltipPosition) {
- var t2, padding, position, t3,
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 === "bubble" && !isTrendLine) {
- t1 = region.get$center()._dx - region.get$centerLeft()._dx;
- t2 = 2 * (region.get$center()._dy - region.get$topCenter()._dy);
- padding = new A.Offset(t1, t2);
- position = new A.Offset(tooltipPosition._dx, paddedRegion.top);
- t3 = region.top;
- if (t3 < 0)
- padding = new A.Offset(t1, t2 + t3);
- } else if (t1 === "scatter") {
- seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- padding = new A.Offset(8, 4);
- position = new A.Offset(tooltipPosition._dx, tooltipPosition._dy);
- } else if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "rangearea")) {
- seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- padding = new A.Offset(8, 4);
- position = new A.Offset(tooltipPosition._dx, tooltipPosition._dy);
- } else {
- seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- padding = B.Offset_2_2;
- position = null;
- }
- return A._setArrayType([padding, position == null ? tooltipPosition : position], type$.JSArray_nullable_Offset);
- },
- getOldSeriesRenderer(stateProperties, seriesRendererDetails, seriesIndex, oldSeriesRenderers) {
- var t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_renderingDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__RenderingDetails_widgetNeedUpdate_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1) {
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomFactor_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 === 1) {
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_zoomFactor_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 === 1) {
- t1 = oldSeriesRenderers.length;
- if (t1 !== 0)
- if (t1 - 1 >= seriesIndex) {
- t1 = oldSeriesRenderers[seriesIndex].__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.seriesName == seriesRendererDetails.seriesName;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- return oldSeriesRenderers[seriesIndex];
- else
- return null;
- },
- getOldChartPoint(stateProperties, seriesRendererDetails, segmentType, seriesIndex, pointIndex, oldSeriesRenderer, oldSeriesRenderers) {
- var t2,
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_renderingDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2.CartesianSeries_animationDuration > 0) {
- t2 = t1.__RenderingDetails_widgetNeedUpdate_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2) {
- t1 = t1.__RenderingDetails_isLegendToggled_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t1)
- if (oldSeriesRenderers.length !== 0)
- if (oldSeriesRenderer != null) {
- t1 = oldSeriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.segments;
- t1 = t1.length !== 0 && A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(t1[0]) === segmentType && oldSeriesRenderers.length - 1 >= seriesIndex && J.get$length$asx(oldSeriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A.dataPoints) - 1 >= pointIndex;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 === "fastline") {
- t1 = oldSeriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = J.$index$asx(t1.sampledDataPoints, pointIndex);
- } else {
- t1 = oldSeriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = J.$index$asx(t1.dataPoints, pointIndex);
- }
- } else
- t1 = null;
- return t1;
- },
- shouldShowAxisTooltip(stateProperties) {
- var t2, i, t3,
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.axisRenderersCollection;
- t2 = t1.length;
- i = 0;
- for (; i < t2; ++i) {
- t3 = t1[i].__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- }
- return false;
- },
- calculateBubbleRadius(seriesRendererDetails, series, currentPoint) {
- var t1, t2, minRadius, maxRadius, bubbleSize, bubbleRadius;
- type$.BubbleSeries_dynamic_dynamic._as(series);
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.maxSize;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.minSize;
- t2.toString;
- minRadius = series.get$minimumRadius();
- maxRadius = series.get$maximumRadius();
- bubbleSize = currentPoint.bubbleSize;
- if (bubbleSize == null)
- bubbleSize = 4;
- series.get$sizeValueMapper();
- if (t1 - t2 === 0)
- bubbleRadius = bubbleSize === 0 ? minRadius : maxRadius;
- else
- bubbleRadius = minRadius.$add(0, maxRadius.$sub(0, minRadius).$mul(0, Math.abs(Math.abs(bubbleSize) / t1)));
- return bubbleRadius.toDouble$0(0);
- },
- getSeriesType(seriesRenderer) {
- var seriesType;
- if (seriesRenderer instanceof A.AreaSeriesRenderer)
- seriesType = "area";
- else if (seriesRenderer instanceof A.ColumnSeriesRenderer)
- seriesType = "column";
- else if (seriesRenderer instanceof A.LineSeriesRenderer)
- seriesType = "line";
- else if (seriesRenderer instanceof A.SplineSeriesRenderer)
- seriesType = "spline";
- else if (seriesRenderer instanceof A.RangeAreaSeriesRenderer)
- seriesType = "rangearea";
- else
- seriesType = "";
- return seriesType;
- },
- calculateMinPointsDelta_closure: function calculateMinPointsDelta_closure() {
- },
- calculateMinPointsDelta_closure0: function calculateMinPointsDelta_closure0() {
- },
- needsRepaintChart_closure: function needsRepaintChart_closure() {
- },
- CircularIntervalList: function CircularIntervalList(t0, t1) {
- this._helper0$_values = t0;
- this._helper0$_index = 0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- CircularArea$(stateProperties) {
- return new A.CircularArea(stateProperties, null);
- },
- _showTrimmedDataLabelTooltip(position, stateProperties, seriesRenderer) {
- var t2, t3, i, t4, t5,
- t1 = stateProperties.requireDataLabelTooltip;
- stateProperties.requireDataLabelTooltip = t1 == null && !stateProperties.isTooltipHidden && t1;
- for (t1 = position._dx, t2 = position._dy, t3 = stateProperties.renderingDetails, i = 0; i < seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderPoints.length; ++i) {
- if (seriesRenderer.get$series().CircularSeries_dataLabelSettings.isVisible) {
- t4 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderPoints[i].__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t4.contains$1(0, new A.Offset(t1, t2))) {
- t4 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderPoints[i].trimmedText;
- if (t4 != null) {
- t5 = t4.length;
- t4 = A.stringContainsUnchecked(t4, "...", 0);
- } else
- t4 = false;
- } else
- t4 = false;
- } else
- t4 = false;
- if (t4) {
- stateProperties.requireDataLabelTooltip = true;
- t4 = t3.__RenderingDetails_tooltipBehaviorRenderer_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t4.__TooltipBehaviorRenderer__tooltipRenderingDetails_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t4._tooltip_rendering_details$_stateProperties.get$chart().get$tooltipBehavior()._tooltip0$_stateProperties;
- if (t4 != null) {
- t4 = t4.get$renderingDetails().__RenderingDetails_tooltipBehaviorRenderer_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t4.__TooltipBehaviorRenderer__tooltipRenderingDetails_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4.internalShowByPixel$2(t1, t2);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- CircularArea: function CircularArea(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.__CircularArea_renderBox_A = $;
- _.pointerHoldingTime = _.doubleTapPosition = _.pointRegion = null;
- _.key = t1;
- },
- CircularArea_build_closure: function CircularArea_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- CircularArea_build__closure4: function CircularArea_build__closure4(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- CircularArea_build__closure3: function CircularArea_build__closure3(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- CircularArea_build__closure2: function CircularArea_build__closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- CircularArea_build__closure0: function CircularArea_build__closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- CircularArea_build__closure1: function CircularArea_build__closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- CircularArea_build__closure: function CircularArea_build__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- CircularArea__bindSeriesWidgets_closure: function CircularArea__bindSeriesWidgets_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SfCircularChart: function SfCircularChart(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.title = t0;
- _.series = t1;
- _.margin = t2;
- _.legend = t3;
- _.tooltipBehavior = t4;
- _.annotations = t5;
- _.centerX = t6;
- _.centerY = t7;
- _.palette = t8;
- _.selectionGesture = t9;
- _.enableMultiSelection = t10;
- _.key = t11;
- },
- SfCircularChartState: function SfCircularChartState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__SfCircularChartState__stateProperties_A = $;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t0;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- SfCircularChartState__refresh_closure: function SfCircularChartState__refresh_closure() {
- },
- SfCircularChartState__renderChartElements_closure: function SfCircularChartState__renderChartElements_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SfCircularChartState__renderChartElements__closure: function SfCircularChartState__renderChartElements__closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.tooltipPoint = t1;
- },
- SfCircularChartState__renderChartElements__closure0: function SfCircularChartState__renderChartElements__closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _SfCircularChartState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function _SfCircularChartState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- CircularStateProperties: function CircularStateProperties(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.CircularStateProperties_chartState = t0;
- _.__CircularStateProperties_annotationRegions_A = _.__CircularStateProperties_centerLocation_A = $;
- _.oldPoints = _.prevSeriesRenderer = _.renderDataLabel = null;
- _.__CircularStateProperties_isToggled_A = _.__CircularStateProperties_needExplodeAll_A = _.__CircularStateProperties_needToMoveFromCenter_A = _.__CircularStateProperties_circularArea_A = _.__CircularStateProperties_chartSeries_A = $;
- _.requireDataLabelTooltip = null;
- _.__CircularStateProperties_isRtl_A = $;
- _.isTooltipHidden = _.isTooltipOrientationChanged = _.legendRefresh = false;
- _.renderingDetails = t1;
- _.chartState = t2;
- },
- CircularStateProperties_redraw_closure: function CircularStateProperties_redraw_closure() {
- },
- CircularSeriesBase: function CircularSeriesBase(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.__CircularSeriesBase_sumOfGroup_A = _.__CircularSeriesBase_size_A = _.__CircularSeriesBase_currentSeries_A = $;
- _.visibleSeriesRenderers = t1;
- },
- CircularSeriesBase__sortDataSource_closure: function CircularSeriesBase__sortDataSource_closure(t0) {
- this.seriesRenderer = t0;
- },
- ChartPoint$(x, y, radius, pointColor, sortValue, $D) {
- return new A.ChartPoint(x, y, sortValue, B.Size_0_0, radius, pointColor, $D._eval$1("ChartPoint<0>"));
- },
- ChartPoint: function ChartPoint(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.x = t0;
- _.y = t1;
- _.text = _.center = _.midAngle = _.endAngle = _.startAngle = _.degree = null;
- _.__ChartPoint_strokeColor_A = _.__ChartPoint_fill_A = $;
- _.sortValue = t2;
- _.__ChartPoint_strokeWidth_A = $;
- _.outerRadius = _.innerRadius = null;
- _.isEmpty = false;
- _.isVisible = true;
- _.__ChartPoint_dataLabelPosition_A = $;
- _.renderPosition = null;
- _.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A = $;
- _.dataLabelSize = t3;
- _.saturationRegionOutside = false;
- _.radius = t4;
- _.pointColor = t5;
- _.overflowTrimmedText = _.trimmedText = null;
- _.labelRenderEvent = _.isTooltipRenderEvent = false;
- _.__ChartPoint_index_A = $;
- _._pathRect = _._newAngle = _._isLabelUpdated = _._pointShaderMapper = null;
- _.$ti = t6;
- },
- CircularChartAnnotation: function CircularChartAnnotation(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.angle = t0;
- _.radius = t1;
- _.widget = t2;
- _.height = t3;
- _.width = t4;
- _.horizontalAlignment = t5;
- _.verticalAlignment = t6;
- },
- ConnectorLineSettings: function ConnectorLineSettings() {
- },
- getVisiblePointIndex(points, loc, index) {
- var i, t1;
- if (loc === "before")
- for (i = index; i >= 0;) {
- --i;
- if (points[i].isVisible)
- return i;
- }
- else
- for (t1 = points.length, i = index; i < t1;) {
- ++i;
- if (points[i].isVisible)
- return i;
- }
- return null;
- },
- CircularSeries: function CircularSeries() {
- },
- getCircularDataLabelColor(currentPoint, seriesRenderer, stateProperties) {
- var t1, t2, seriesType, color, t3;
- seriesRenderer.get$series();
- t1 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_dataLabelSettingsRenderer_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_seriesType_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2 === "pie")
- seriesType = "Pie";
- else if (t2 === "doughnut")
- seriesType = "Doughnut";
- else {
- t2 = t2 === "radialbar" ? "RadialBar" : "Default";
- seriesType = t2;
- }
- switch (seriesType) {
- case "Pie":
- case "Doughnut":
- t2 = currentPoint.renderPosition === B.ChartDataLabelPosition_0 && !currentPoint.saturationRegionOutside;
- t1 = t1.color;
- if (t2) {
- t1 = currentPoint.__ChartPoint_fill_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- stateProperties.renderingDetails.__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- color = t1;
- } else {
- stateProperties.CircularStateProperties_chartState._widget.toString;
- t2 = stateProperties.renderingDetails.__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.plotAreaBackgroundColor;
- t3 = stateProperties.renderingDetails.__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t2.$eq(0, B.Color_0))
- t1 = t2;
- else
- t1 = t3.brightness === B.Brightness_1 ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080;
- color = t1;
- }
- break;
- case "RadialBar":
- color = type$.RadialBarSeries_dynamic_dynamic._as(seriesRenderer.get$series()).get$trackColor();
- break;
- default:
- color = B.Color_4294967295;
- }
- return A.getSaturationColor(color);
- },
- checkIsAnyPointSelect(seriesRenderer, point, chart) {
- var t3, isAnyPointSelected, i, data, t4, j,
- t1 = seriesRenderer.get$series().initialSelectedDataIndexes,
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (t2 !== 0)
- for (t3 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderPoints, isAnyPointSelected = false, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
- data = t1[i];
- for (t4 = t3.length, j = 0; j < t4; ++j)
- if (j === data) {
- isAnyPointSelected = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- isAnyPointSelected = false;
- return isAnyPointSelected;
- },
- Region: function Region(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.seriesIndex = t0;
- _.pointIndex = t1;
- _.startAngle = t2;
- _.start = t3;
- _.end = t4;
- _.endAngle = t5;
- _.center = t6;
- _.innerRadius = t7;
- _.outerRadius = t8;
- },
- StyleOptions: function StyleOptions(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.fill = t0;
- _.strokeColor = t1;
- _.opacity = t2;
- _.strokeWidth = t3;
- },
- ChartInteraction: function ChartInteraction(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.seriesIndex = t0;
- _.pointIndex = t1;
- _.series = t2;
- _.point = t3;
- _.region = t4;
- },
- CircularChartSegment: function CircularChartSegment() {
- },
- LabelSegment: function LabelSegment() {
- },
- ChartSeriesRender: function ChartSeriesRender() {
- },
- _ChartSeriesRender_Object_CircularChartSegment: function _ChartSeriesRender_Object_CircularChartSegment() {
- },
- _ChartSeriesRender_Object_CircularChartSegment_LabelSegment: function _ChartSeriesRender_Object_CircularChartSegment_LabelSegment() {
- },
- _decreaseAngle(currentPoint, previousPoint, seriesRenderer, isRightSide) {
- var count, t1, t2, newAngle;
- if (isRightSide) {
- count = 1;
- while (true) {
- t1 = currentPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = previousPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!A.isOverlap(t1, t2))
- if (seriesRenderer.get$series().pointRadiusMapper != null) {
- t1 = previousPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t2 = t1.top;
- t2 = !(t1.bottom - t2 + t2 < currentPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A.top);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (!t1)
- break;
- t1 = previousPoint._newAngle;
- t1.toString;
- newAngle = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1) - count;
- if (newAngle < 0)
- newAngle = 360 + newAngle;
- if (newAngle <= 270 && newAngle >= 90) {
- $.isIncreaseAngle = true;
- break;
- }
- A._changeLabelAngle(previousPoint, newAngle, seriesRenderer);
- ++count;
- }
- } else {
- t1 = currentPoint._newAngle;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 > 270) {
- A._changeLabelAngle(currentPoint, 270, seriesRenderer);
- previousPoint._newAngle = 270;
- }
- count = 1;
- while (true) {
- t1 = currentPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = previousPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!A.isOverlap(t1, t2))
- if (seriesRenderer.get$series().pointRadiusMapper != null) {
- t1 = currentPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t2 = t1.top;
- t2 = t2 + (t1.bottom - t2) > previousPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A.bottom;
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (!t1)
- break;
- t1 = previousPoint._newAngle;
- t1.toString;
- newAngle = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1) - count;
- if (!(newAngle <= 270 && newAngle >= 90)) {
- $.isIncreaseAngle = true;
- break;
- }
- A._changeLabelAngle(previousPoint, newAngle, seriesRenderer);
- if (A.isOverlap(currentPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A, previousPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A))
- B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1($.leftPoints, previousPoint);
- ++count;
- }
- }
- },
- _increaseAngle(currentPoint, nextPoint, seriesRenderer, isRightSide) {
- var count, t1, t2, newAngle, t3;
- if (isRightSide) {
- count = 1;
- while (true) {
- t1 = currentPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = nextPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!A.isOverlap(t1, t2))
- if (seriesRenderer.get$series().pointRadiusMapper != null) {
- t1 = currentPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t2 = t1.top;
- t2 = !(t2 + (t1.bottom - t2) < nextPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A.top);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (!t1)
- break;
- t1 = nextPoint._newAngle;
- t1.toString;
- newAngle = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1) + count;
- if (newAngle < 270 && newAngle > 90) {
- $.isIncreaseAngle = true;
- break;
- }
- A._changeLabelAngle(nextPoint, newAngle, seriesRenderer);
- if (A.isOverlap(currentPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A, nextPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A)) {
- t1 = newAngle + 1;
- t1 = t1 > 90 && t1 < 270 && B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1($.rightPoints, nextPoint) === $.rightPoints.length - 1;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = currentPoint._newAngle;
- t1.toString;
- A._changeLabelAngle(currentPoint, t1 - 1, seriesRenderer);
- A._arrangeRightSidePoints(seriesRenderer);
- break;
- }
- ++count;
- }
- } else {
- count = 1;
- while (true) {
- t1 = currentPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = nextPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!A.isOverlap(t1, t2))
- if (seriesRenderer.get$series().pointRadiusMapper != null) {
- t1 = currentPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t2 = nextPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t3 = t2.top;
- t3 = t1.top < t3 + (t2.bottom - t3);
- t1 = t3;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (!t1)
- break;
- t1 = nextPoint._newAngle;
- t1.toString;
- newAngle = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1) + count;
- if (!(newAngle < 270 && newAngle > 90)) {
- $.isIncreaseAngle = false;
- break;
- }
- A._changeLabelAngle(nextPoint, newAngle, seriesRenderer);
- ++count;
- }
- }
- },
- _changeLabelAngle(currentPoint, newAngle, seriesRenderer) {
- var t2, renderingDetails, t3, dataLabelStyle, textSize, angleChangedConnectorPath, startPoint, endPoint,
- t1 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_dataLabelSettingsRenderer_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_stateProperties_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- renderingDetails = t2.renderingDetails;
- t2 = renderingDetails.__RenderingDetails_themeData_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.textTheme.bodySmall;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = renderingDetails.__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- dataLabelStyle = t2.merge$1(t3.dataLabelTextStyle).merge$1(t1.dataLabelSettings.textStyle);
- t1 = currentPoint.text;
- t1.toString;
- textSize = A.measureText(t1, dataLabelStyle, null);
- angleChangedConnectorPath = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1 = currentPoint.outerRadius;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.percentToValue("10%", t1);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = currentPoint.outerRadius;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = currentPoint.center;
- t3.toString;
- startPoint = A.degreeToPoint(newAngle, t2, t3);
- t3 = currentPoint.outerRadius;
- t3.toString;
- t2 = currentPoint.center;
- t2.toString;
- endPoint = A.degreeToPoint(newAngle, t3 + t1, t2);
- angleChangedConnectorPath.moveTo$2(0, startPoint._dx, startPoint._dy);
- angleChangedConnectorPath.lineTo$2(0, endPoint._dx, endPoint._dy);
- t1 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderPoints;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = t1[B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(t1, currentPoint)];
- t2 = currentPoint.__ChartPoint_dataLabelPosition_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = A.getDataLabelRect(t2, B.ConnectorType_1, B.EdgeInsets_5_5_5_5, angleChangedConnectorPath, endPoint, textSize, null);
- t2.toString;
- t1.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A = t2;
- currentPoint._isLabelUpdated = 1;
- currentPoint._newAngle = newAngle;
- },
- _arrangeLeftSidePoints(seriesRenderer) {
- var angleChanged, startFresh, i, t1, currentPoint, previousPoint, k, k0, index;
- for (angleChanged = false, startFresh = false, i = 1; t1 = $.leftPoints, i < t1.length; ++i) {
- currentPoint = t1[i];
- previousPoint = t1[i - 1];
- if (!(A.isOverlapWithPrevious(currentPoint, t1, i) && currentPoint.isVisible)) {
- t1 = currentPoint._newAngle;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = !(t1 < 270);
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- if (startFresh)
- $.isIncreaseAngle = false;
- if (!$.isIncreaseAngle)
- for (k = i; k > 0; k = k0) {
- t1 = $.leftPoints;
- k0 = k - 1;
- A._decreaseAngle(t1[k], t1[k0], seriesRenderer, false);
- for (index = 1; t1 = $.leftPoints, index < t1.length; ++index) {
- t1 = t1[index];
- if (t1._isLabelUpdated != null) {
- t1 = t1._newAngle;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = t1 - 10 < 100;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- $.isIncreaseAngle = true;
- }
- }
- else
- for (k = i; t1 = $.leftPoints, k < t1.length; ++k)
- A._increaseAngle(t1[k - 1], t1[k], seriesRenderer, false);
- angleChanged = true;
- } else {
- if (angleChanged)
- t1 = previousPoint._isLabelUpdated === 1;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- startFresh = true;
- }
- }
- },
- _arrangeRightSidePoints(series) {
- var i, startFresh, angleChanged, currentPoint, k, nextPoint, checkAngle, k0,
- t1 = $.rightPoints,
- t2 = t1.length,
- lastPoint = t2 > 1 ? t1[t2 - 1] : null;
- if (lastPoint != null) {
- t1 = lastPoint._newAngle;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 > 360)
- t1 = lastPoint._newAngle = t1 - 360;
- if (t1 > 90 && t1 < 270) {
- $.isIncreaseAngle = true;
- A._changeLabelAngle(lastPoint, 89, series);
- }
- }
- for (i = $.rightPoints.length - 2, startFresh = false, angleChanged = false; i >= 0; --i) {
- t1 = $.rightPoints;
- currentPoint = t1[i];
- k = i + 1;
- nextPoint = t1[k];
- if (!(A.isOverlapWithNext(currentPoint, t1, i) && currentPoint.isVisible)) {
- t1 = currentPoint._newAngle;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = !(t1 <= 90 || t1 >= 270);
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = lastPoint._newAngle;
- t1.toString;
- checkAngle = t1 + 1;
- if (startFresh)
- $.isIncreaseAngle = false;
- else if (checkAngle > 90 && checkAngle < 270 && nextPoint._isLabelUpdated === 1)
- $.isIncreaseAngle = true;
- if (!$.isIncreaseAngle)
- for (; t1 = $.rightPoints, k < t1.length; ++k)
- A._increaseAngle(t1[k - 1], t1[k], series, true);
- else
- for (; k > 0; k = k0) {
- t1 = $.rightPoints;
- k0 = k - 1;
- A._decreaseAngle(t1[k], t1[k0], series, true);
- }
- angleChanged = true;
- } else {
- if (angleChanged)
- t1 = nextPoint._isLabelUpdated === 1;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- startFresh = true;
- }
- }
- },
- renderCircularDataLabel(seriesRenderer, canvas, stateProperties, seriesIndex, animation) {
- var dataLabel, t3, t4, animateOpacity, t5, t6, t7, dataLabelStyle, renderDataLabelRegions, label, pointIndex, t8, point, textStyle, textSize, t9, t10, degree, t11, t12, t13, t14, isDataLabelCollide, textStyle0, dataLabelStyle0, i, labelLocation, shiftedConnectorPath, t15, t16, t17, _null = null,
- t1 = stateProperties.CircularStateProperties_chartState,
- t2 = t1._widget;
- t2.toString;
- dataLabel = seriesRenderer.get$series().CircularSeries_dataLabelSettings;
- t3 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_dataLabelSettingsRenderer_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = animation.parent;
- animateOpacity = animation._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t4.get$value(t4));
- t4 = stateProperties.renderingDetails;
- t5 = t4.__RenderingDetails_themeData_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = t5.textTheme.bodySmall;
- t5.toString;
- t6 = t4.__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t7 = dataLabel.textStyle;
- dataLabelStyle = t5.merge$1(t6.dataLabelTextStyle).merge$1(t7);
- renderDataLabelRegions = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Rect);
- for (t5 = dataLabel.labelPosition === B.ChartDataLabelPosition_0, t6 = t7 == null, label = _null, pointIndex = 0; t8 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderPoints, pointIndex < t8.length; ++pointIndex) {
- point = t8[pointIndex];
- textStyle = dataLabelStyle.copyWith$0();
- if (point.isVisible)
- t8 = true;
- else
- t8 = false;
- if (t8) {
- label = point.text;
- seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderer_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- label.toString;
- seriesRenderer.get$series();
- t3.color = null;
- seriesRenderer.get$series();
- textSize = A.measureText(label, textStyle, _null);
- if (label !== "") {
- t8 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_seriesType_A;
- t8 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t8 === "radialbar") {
- textStyle = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderer_A.getDataLabelStyle$6(seriesRenderer, point, pointIndex, seriesIndex, textStyle, t1);
- t8 = point.startAngle;
- t8.toString;
- t9 = point.innerRadius;
- t9.toString;
- t10 = point.outerRadius;
- t10.toString;
- t10 = (t9 + t10) / 2;
- t9 = point.center;
- degree = t8 * 0.017453292519943295;
- t8 = t9._dx;
- t11 = Math.cos(degree);
- t9 = t9._dy;
- t12 = Math.sin(degree);
- t13 = textSize._dx;
- t8 = t8 + t11 * t10 - t13 - 5 + 0;
- t11 = textSize._dy;
- t9 = t9 + t12 * t10 - t11 / 2 + 0;
- t10 = t8 - 2;
- t12 = t9 - 2;
- t11 = new A.Rect(t10, t12, t10 + (t13 + 4), t12 + (t11 + 4));
- point.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A = t11;
- A.drawLabel(t11, new A.Offset(t8, t9), label, _null, canvas, seriesRenderer, point, pointIndex, seriesIndex, t2, textStyle, renderDataLabelRegions, animateOpacity);
- } else {
- t8 = t1._widget;
- t8.toString;
- if (t5) {
- t9 = point.midAngle;
- t9.toString;
- t10 = point.innerRadius;
- t10.toString;
- t11 = point.outerRadius;
- t11.toString;
- t11 = (t10 + t11) / 2;
- t10 = point.center;
- degree = t9 * 0.017453292519943295;
- t9 = t10._dx;
- t12 = Math.cos(degree);
- t10 = t10._dy;
- t13 = Math.sin(degree);
- t14 = textSize._dx;
- t9 = t9 + t12 * t11 - t14 / 2 + 0;
- t12 = textSize._dy;
- t10 = t10 + t13 * t11 - t12 / 2 + 0;
- t11 = t9 - 2;
- t13 = t10 - 2;
- t12 = new A.Rect(t11, t13, t11 + (t14 + 4), t13 + (t12 + 4));
- point.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A = t12;
- isDataLabelCollide = A.findingCollision(t12, renderDataLabelRegions);
- t12 = point.overflowTrimmedText;
- if (t12 == null)
- t11 = label;
- else
- t11 = t12;
- point.overflowTrimmedText = t11;
- if ((t6 ? _null : t7.color) == null)
- t11 = false;
- else
- t11 = true;
- textStyle0 = textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t11 ? textStyle.color : A.getSaturationColor(A.findthemecolor(stateProperties, point, dataLabel)));
- seriesRenderer.get$series();
- if (isDataLabelCollide && true) {
- point.saturationRegionOutside = true;
- point.renderPosition = B.ChartDataLabelPosition_1;
- A.renderOutsideDataLabel(canvas, label, point, textSize, pointIndex, seriesRenderer, seriesIndex, stateProperties, textStyle0, renderDataLabelRegions, animateOpacity);
- } else {
- if (!(isDataLabelCollide && true))
- t11 = false;
- else
- t11 = true;
- if (t11) {
- point.saturationRegionOutside = true;
- point.renderPosition = B.ChartDataLabelPosition_1;
- A.renderOutsideDataLabel(canvas, label, point, textSize, pointIndex, seriesRenderer, seriesIndex, stateProperties, textStyle0, renderDataLabelRegions, animateOpacity);
- } else {
- if (isDataLabelCollide)
- t11 = false;
- else
- t11 = true;
- if (t11) {
- point.renderPosition = B.ChartDataLabelPosition_0;
- if ((t6 ? _null : t7.color) == null)
- t11 = false;
- else
- t11 = true;
- if (t11)
- t11 = textStyle.color;
- else {
- t11 = point.__ChartPoint_fill_A;
- t11 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t11 = A.getSaturationColor(t11);
- }
- dataLabelStyle0 = textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t11);
- t11 = !isDataLabelCollide;
- if (t11)
- t12 = true;
- else
- t12 = false;
- if (t12)
- renderDataLabelRegions.push(point.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A);
- else {
- t11;
- A.drawLabel(point.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A, new A.Offset(t9, t10), label, _null, canvas, seriesRenderer, point, pointIndex, seriesIndex, t8, dataLabelStyle0, renderDataLabelRegions, animateOpacity);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- point.renderPosition = B.ChartDataLabelPosition_1;
- if ((t6 ? _null : t7.color) == null)
- t8 = false;
- else
- t8 = true;
- dataLabelStyle0 = textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t8 ? textStyle.color : A.getSaturationColor(A.findthemecolor(stateProperties, point, dataLabel)));
- A.renderOutsideDataLabel(canvas, label, point, textSize, pointIndex, seriesRenderer, seriesIndex, stateProperties, dataLabelStyle0, renderDataLabelRegions, animateOpacity);
- }
- }
- }
- seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderer_A.getDataLabelStyle$6(seriesRenderer, point, pointIndex, seriesIndex, textStyle, t1);
- } else
- point.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A = B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- }
- t1 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_seriesType_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 !== "radialbar") {
- t1 = type$.JSArray_ChartPoint_dynamic;
- $.leftPoints = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- $.rightPoints = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- for (i = 0; t1 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderPoints, i < t1.length; ++i) {
- t1 = t1[i];
- if (t1.isVisible) {
- t1._newAngle = t1.midAngle;
- t3 = t1.__ChartPoint_dataLabelPosition_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t3 === B.Position_0 && t1.renderPosition === B.ChartDataLabelPosition_1)
- $.leftPoints.push(t1);
- else if (t3 === B.Position_1 && t1.renderPosition === B.ChartDataLabelPosition_1)
- $.rightPoints.push(t1);
- }
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$1($.leftPoints, new A.renderCircularDataLabel_closure());
- if ($.leftPoints.length !== 0)
- A._arrangeLeftSidePoints(seriesRenderer);
- $.isIncreaseAngle = false;
- if ($.rightPoints.length !== 0)
- A._arrangeRightSidePoints(seriesRenderer);
- for (pointIndex = 0; t1 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderPoints, pointIndex < t1.length; ++pointIndex) {
- t1 = t1[pointIndex];
- if (t1.isVisible) {
- seriesRenderer.get$series();
- t3 = t1.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = t4.__RenderingDetails_themeData_A.textTheme.bodySmall;
- t5.toString;
- if (t6) {
- if (t1.renderPosition === B.ChartDataLabelPosition_1)
- t8 = A.findthemecolor(stateProperties, t1, dataLabel);
- else {
- t8 = t1.__ChartPoint_fill_A;
- t8 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- }
- t8 = A.getSaturationColor(t8);
- } else
- t8 = t7.color;
- dataLabelStyle = t5.copyWith$1$color(t8).merge$1(t4.__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A.dataLabelTextStyle).merge$1(t7);
- seriesRenderer.get$series();
- label.toString;
- textSize = A.measureText(label, dataLabelStyle, _null);
- t5 = t3.left;
- t8 = t1.renderPosition === B.ChartDataLabelPosition_0 ? 2 : 5;
- t9 = t3.top;
- t9 = t9 + (t3.bottom - t9) / 2 - textSize._dy / 2;
- labelLocation = new A.Offset(t5 + t8, t9);
- t1.trimmedText = t1.text;
- t8 = $.$get$_renderer();
- shiftedConnectorPath = t8.createPath$0();
- t10 = t1.outerRadius;
- t10.toString;
- t10 = A.percentToValue("10%", t10);
- t10.toString;
- t11 = t1.startAngle;
- t11.toString;
- t12 = t1.endAngle;
- t12.toString;
- t13 = t1.outerRadius;
- t13.toString;
- t14 = t1.center;
- degree = (t11 + t12) / 2 * 0.017453292519943295;
- t12 = t14._dx;
- t11 = Math.cos(degree);
- t14 = t14._dy;
- t15 = Math.sin(degree);
- t16 = t1._newAngle;
- t16.toString;
- t17 = t1.outerRadius;
- t17.toString;
- t10 = t17 + t10;
- t17 = t1.center;
- degree = t16 * 0.017453292519943295;
- t16 = t17._dx + Math.cos(degree) * t10;
- t10 = t17._dy + Math.sin(degree) * t10;
- shiftedConnectorPath.moveTo$2(0, t12 + t11 * t13, t14 + t15 * t13);
- shiftedConnectorPath.lineTo$2(0, t16, t10);
- t11 = t1.__ChartPoint_dataLabelPosition_A;
- t11 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- A.getDataLabelRect(t11, B.ConnectorType_1, B.EdgeInsets_5_5_5_5, shiftedConnectorPath, new A.Offset(t16, t10), textSize, _null);
- t10 = t1.midAngle;
- t10.toString;
- Math.sin(t10 * 3.141592653589793 / 360);
- t10 = t1.midAngle;
- t10.toString;
- if (t10 > 270 && t10 < 360) {
- Math.cos((360 - t10) * 3.141592653589793 / 180);
- t10 = t1.midAngle;
- t10.toString;
- Math.sin((360 - t10) * 3.141592653589793 / 180);
- } else {
- t11 = t10 > 0;
- if (t11 && t10 < 90) {
- Math.cos(t10 * 3.141592653589793 / 180);
- t10 = t1.midAngle;
- t10.toString;
- Math.sin(t10 * 3.141592653589793 / 180);
- } else if (t11 && t10 < 90) {
- Math.cos((t10 - 90) * 3.141592653589793 / 180);
- t10 = t1.midAngle;
- t10.toString;
- Math.sin((t10 - 90) * 3.141592653589793 / 180);
- } else {
- Math.cos((t10 - 180) * 3.141592653589793 / 180);
- t10 = t1.midAngle;
- t10.toString;
- Math.sin((t10 - 180) * 3.141592653589793 / 180);
- }
- }
- t10 = t4.__RenderingDetails_chartAreaRect_A;
- t10 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t11 = t10.left;
- if (t11 > t5)
- labelLocation = new A.Offset(t11, t9);
- t5 = t1.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- if (t5.left < t11 && t1.renderPosition === B.ChartDataLabelPosition_1) {
- t9 = t1.trimmedText;
- t9.toString;
- t12 = stateProperties.__CircularStateProperties_isRtl_A;
- t12 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.trimmedText = A.getTrimmedText(t9, t5.right - t11, dataLabelStyle, _null, t12);
- }
- t5 = t1.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t10 = t10.right;
- if (t5.right > t10 && t1.renderPosition === B.ChartDataLabelPosition_1) {
- t9 = t1.trimmedText;
- t9.toString;
- t11 = stateProperties.__CircularStateProperties_isRtl_A;
- t11 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.trimmedText = A.getTrimmedText(t9, t10 - t5.left, dataLabelStyle, _null, t11);
- }
- if (t1.trimmedText !== "") {
- t5 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderPoints;
- t5.toString;
- t5 = !A.isOverlapWithPrevious(t1, t5, pointIndex) && !t3.$eq(0, B.Rect_0_0_0_0);
- } else
- t5 = false;
- if (t5) {
- t5 = t1.trimmedText;
- t5.toString;
- A.drawLabel(t3, labelLocation, t5, t1.renderPosition === B.ChartDataLabelPosition_1 ? shiftedConnectorPath : t8.createPath$0(), canvas, seriesRenderer, t1, pointIndex, seriesIndex, t2, dataLabelStyle, renderDataLabelRegions, animateOpacity);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- renderOutsideDataLabel(canvas, label, point, textSize, pointIndex, seriesRenderer, seriesIndex, stateProperties, textStyle, renderDataLabelRegions, animateOpacity) {
- var connectorPath, t1, t2, t3, t4, startPoint, endPoint, rect;
- seriesRenderer.get$series();
- seriesRenderer.get$series();
- connectorPath = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1 = point.outerRadius;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.percentToValue("10%", t1);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = point.midAngle;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = point.outerRadius;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = point.center;
- t4.toString;
- startPoint = A.degreeToPoint(t2, t3, t4);
- t4 = point.midAngle;
- t4.toString;
- t3 = point.outerRadius;
- t3.toString;
- t2 = point.center;
- t2.toString;
- endPoint = A.degreeToPoint(t4, t3 + t1, t2);
- connectorPath.moveTo$2(0, startPoint._dx, startPoint._dy);
- connectorPath.lineTo$2(0, endPoint._dx, endPoint._dy);
- seriesRenderer.get$series();
- t1 = point.__ChartPoint_dataLabelPosition_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- seriesRenderer.get$series();
- rect = A.getDataLabelRect(t1, B.ConnectorType_1, B.EdgeInsets_5_5_5_5, connectorPath, endPoint, textSize, null);
- rect.toString;
- point.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A = rect;
- stateProperties.renderingDetails.__RenderingDetails_chartAreaRect_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- seriesRenderer.get$series();
- seriesRenderer.get$series();
- seriesRenderer.get$series();
- renderDataLabelRegions.push(rect);
- },
- drawLabel(labelRect, $location, label, connectorPath, canvas, seriesRenderer, point, pointIndex, seriesIndex, chart, textStyle, renderDataLabelRegions, animateOpacity) {
- var t1 = seriesRenderer.get$series();
- seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_dataLabelSettingsRenderer_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (connectorPath != null)
- A._drawConnectorLine($location, connectorPath, canvas, seriesRenderer, point, animateOpacity, t1.CircularSeries_dataLabelSettings);
- seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderer_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- A.Color$fromARGB(255, 0, 0, 0);
- A.drawText(canvas, label, $location, textStyle, 0, null);
- seriesRenderer.get$series();
- },
- findthemecolor(stateProperties, point, dataLabel) {
- var t1;
- stateProperties.CircularStateProperties_chartState._widget.toString;
- t1 = stateProperties.renderingDetails.__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.brightness === B.Brightness_1 ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080;
- return t1;
- },
- _drawConnectorLine($location, connectorPath, canvas, seriesRenderer, point, animateOpacity, dataLabel) {
- A._drawConnectedPath(canvas, connectorPath, B.C_ConnectorLineSettings, point, animateOpacity);
- },
- _drawConnectedPath(canvas, connectorPath, line, point, animateOpacity) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0(),
- t2 = point.__ChartPoint_fill_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(255 * animateOpacity), t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255);
- t1.set$color(0, t2);
- t1.set$strokeWidth(1);
- t1.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- canvas.drawPath$2(connectorPath, t1);
- },
- CircularDataLabelRenderer: function CircularDataLabelRenderer(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.show = t1;
- _.__CircularDataLabelRenderer_state_A = $;
- _.key = t2;
- },
- CircularDataLabelRendererState: function CircularDataLabelRendererState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__CircularDataLabelRendererState_dataLabelRepaintNotifier_A = _.__CircularDataLabelRendererState_animationController_A = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- CircularDataLabelRendererState_render_closure: function CircularDataLabelRendererState_render_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CircularDataLabelPainter: function _CircularDataLabelPainter(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.stateProperties = t0;
- this.animation = t1;
- this._repaint = t2;
- },
- renderCircularDataLabel_closure: function renderCircularDataLabel_closure() {
- },
- _CircularDataLabelRendererState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function _CircularDataLabelRendererState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- DoughnutSeries$(animationDuration, dataLabelMapper, dataLabelSettings, dataSource, explode, explodeOffset, innerRadius, radius, xValueMapper, yValueMapper, $T, $D) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = A.EmptyPointSettings$(),
- t2 = A.SelectionBehavior$(),
- t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int);
- return new A.DoughnutSeries(1, dataLabelSettings, dataSource, new A.DoughnutSeries_closure(xValueMapper, dataSource, $D), new A.DoughnutSeries_closure0(yValueMapper, dataSource), new A.DoughnutSeries_closure1(_null, dataSource), _null, _null, new A.DoughnutSeries_closure2(dataLabelMapper, dataSource), _null, B.LegendIconType_0, B.SortingOrder_2, true, 0, B.Color_0, t1, t2, 0, 360, radius, innerRadius, true, false, _null, explodeOffset, B.ActivationMode_0, _null, _null, _null, "1%", B.CornerStyle_0, _null, animationDuration, 0, t3, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, $T._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1($D)._eval$1("DoughnutSeries<1,2>"));
- },
- DoughnutSeries: function DoughnutSeries(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44, t45, t46, t47, t48, t49, t50, t51, t52, t53, t54, t55, t56, t57) {
- var _ = this;
- _.CircularSeries_opacity = t0;
- _.CircularSeries_dataLabelSettings = t1;
- _.CircularSeries_dataSource = t2;
- _.CircularSeries_xValueMapper = t3;
- _.CircularSeries_yValueMapper = t4;
- _.CircularSeries_pointColorMapper = t5;
- _.pointShaderMapper = t6;
- _.pointRadiusMapper = t7;
- _.CircularSeries_dataLabelMapper = t8;
- _.CircularSeries_sortFieldValueMapper = t9;
- _.CircularSeries_legendIconType = t10;
- _.CircularSeries_sortingOrder = t11;
- _.CircularSeries_enableTooltip = t12;
- _.CircularSeries_borderWidth = t13;
- _.CircularSeries_borderColor = t14;
- _.CircularSeries_emptyPointSettings = t15;
- _.CircularSeries_selectionBehavior = t16;
- _.startAngle = t17;
- _.endAngle = t18;
- _.radius = t19;
- _.innerRadius = t20;
- _.explode = t21;
- _.explodeAll = t22;
- _.explodeIndex = t23;
- _.explodeOffset = t24;
- _.explodeGesture = t25;
- _.groupTo = t26;
- _.groupMode = t27;
- _.pointRenderMode = t28;
- _.gap = t29;
- _.cornerStyle = t30;
- _.CircularSeries_name = t31;
- _.CircularSeries_animationDuration = t32;
- _.CircularSeries_animationDelay = t33;
- _.initialSelectedDataIndexes = t34;
- _.key = t35;
- _.onCreateRenderer = t36;
- _.onPointTap = t37;
- _.onPointDoubleTap = t38;
- _.onPointLongPress = t39;
- _.onRendererCreated = t40;
- _.dataSource = t41;
- _.xValueMapper = t42;
- _.yValueMapper = t43;
- _.pointColorMapper = t44;
- _.dataLabelMapper = t45;
- _.emptyPointSettings = t46;
- _.dataLabelSettings = t47;
- _.name = t48;
- _.enableTooltip = t49;
- _.animationDuration = t50;
- _.legendIconType = t51;
- _.selectionBehavior = t52;
- _.opacity = t53;
- _.sortFieldValueMapper = t54;
- _.sortingOrder = t55;
- _.animationDelay = t56;
- _.$ti = t57;
- },
- DoughnutSeries_closure: function DoughnutSeries_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.xValueMapper = t0;
- this.dataSource = t1;
- this.D = t2;
- },
- DoughnutSeries_closure0: function DoughnutSeries_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.yValueMapper = t0;
- this.dataSource = t1;
- },
- DoughnutSeries_closure1: function DoughnutSeries_closure1(t0, t1) {
- this.pointColorMapper = t0;
- this.dataSource = t1;
- },
- DoughnutSeries_closure2: function DoughnutSeries_closure2(t0, t1) {
- this.dataLabelMapper = t0;
- this.dataSource = t1;
- },
- CircularSeriesRenderer: function CircularSeriesRenderer() {
- },
- DoughnutSeriesRenderer: function DoughnutSeriesRenderer() {
- },
- DoughnutSeriesRendererExtension$() {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = new A.DoughnutSeriesRendererExtension($, $, $, $, true, _null, _null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.num), _null, $, $, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Path), [], _null, _null, $, _null, $, $, $, $, _null, false);
- t1.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_seriesType_A = "doughnut";
- return t1;
- },
- CircularSeriesRendererExtension: function CircularSeriesRendererExtension() {
- },
- PieSeriesRendererExtension: function PieSeriesRendererExtension() {
- },
- DoughnutSeriesRendererExtension: function DoughnutSeriesRendererExtension(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__DoughnutSeriesRendererExtension_radius_A = _.__DoughnutSeriesRendererExtension_series_A = $;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_series_A = t0;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderer_A = t1;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_seriesType_A = t2;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_dataPoints_A = t3;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_needsRepaint = t4;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderPoints = t5;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_oldRenderPoints = t6;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_segmentRenderingValues = t7;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_center = t8;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_pointRegions_A = t9;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_rect_A = t10;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderPaths = t11;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderList = t12;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_innerRadialradius = t13;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_selectionArgs = t14;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_needsAnimation_A = t15;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_controller = t16;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_stateProperties_A = t17;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_repaintNotifier_A = t18;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_dataLabelSettingsRenderer_A = t19;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_selectionBehaviorRenderer_A = t20;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_selectionBehavior = t21;
- _.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_isSelectionEnable = t22;
- },
- RadialBarSeriesRendererExtension: function RadialBarSeriesRendererExtension() {
- },
- _DoughnutSeriesRendererExtension_DoughnutSeriesRenderer_CircularSeriesRendererExtension: function _DoughnutSeriesRendererExtension_DoughnutSeriesRenderer_CircularSeriesRendererExtension() {
- },
- DoughnutChartPainter: function DoughnutChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.index = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesAnimation = t3;
- _.__DoughnutChartPainter_seriesRenderer_A = $;
- _._repaint = t4;
- },
- PieChartPainter: function PieChartPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.chart = t1;
- _.index = t2;
- _.isRepaint = t3;
- _.seriesAnimation = t4;
- _.__PieChartPainter_seriesRenderer_A = $;
- _._repaint = t5;
- },
- RadialBarPainter: function RadialBarPainter(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.index = t1;
- _.isRepaint = t2;
- _.seriesAnimation = t3;
- _.__RadialBarPainter_actualDegree_A = _.__RadialBarPainter__oldSeriesRenderer_A = _.__RadialBarPainter__isLegendToggle_A = _.__RadialBarPainter__gap_A = _.__RadialBarPainter__firstVisible_A = _.__RadialBarPainter__actualStartAngle_A = _.__RadialBarPainter__animationValue_A = _.__RadialBarPainter__ringSize_A = _.__RadialBarPainter__sum_A = _.__RadialBarPainter__length_A = _.__RadialBarPainter_seriesRenderer_A = $;
- _._repaint = t4;
- },
- Position: function Position(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- LabelIntersectAction: function LabelIntersectAction(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ConnectorType: function ConnectorType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- CornerStyle: function CornerStyle(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- OverflowMode: function OverflowMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- percentToValue(value, size) {
- var t1;
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(value, "%")) {
- t1 = A.RegExp_RegExp("%", true, false);
- t1 = A.num_tryParse(A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(value, t1, ""));
- t1.toString;
- t1 = size / 100 * Math.abs(t1);
- } else {
- t1 = A.num_tryParse(value);
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : Math.abs(t1);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- getArcPath(innerRadius, radius, center, startAngle, endAngle, degree, chart, isAnimate) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, isFullCircle, midpointAngle,
- path = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- startAngle.toString;
- startAngle *= 0.017453292519943295;
- endAngle.toString;
- endAngle *= 0.017453292519943295;
- degree.toString;
- t1 = Math.cos(startAngle);
- t2 = center._dx;
- t3 = Math.sin(startAngle);
- t4 = center._dy;
- t5 = Math.cos(endAngle);
- t6 = Math.sin(endAngle);
- t7 = radius * Math.cos(startAngle) + t2;
- t8 = radius * Math.sin(startAngle) + t4;
- if (isAnimate)
- path.moveTo$2(0, innerRadius * t1 + t2, innerRadius * t3 + t4);
- isFullCircle = B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(endAngle - startAngle, 5) === B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(6.283185307179586, 5);
- midpointAngle = (endAngle + startAngle) / 2;
- if (isFullCircle) {
- path.arcTo$4(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(center, radius), startAngle, midpointAngle - startAngle, true);
- path.arcTo$4(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(center, radius), midpointAngle, endAngle - midpointAngle, true);
- } else {
- path.lineTo$2(0, t7, t8);
- path.arcTo$4(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(center, radius), startAngle, degree * 0.017453292519943295, true);
- }
- if (isFullCircle) {
- path.arcTo$4(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(center, innerRadius), endAngle, midpointAngle - endAngle, true);
- path.arcTo$4(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(center, innerRadius), midpointAngle, startAngle - midpointAngle, true);
- } else {
- path.lineTo$2(0, innerRadius * t5 + t2, innerRadius * t6 + t4);
- path.arcTo$4(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(center, innerRadius), endAngle, startAngle - endAngle, true);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t7, t8);
- }
- return path;
- },
- getRoundedCornerArcPath(innerRadius, outerRadius, center, startAngle, endAngle, degree, cornerStyle, point) {
- var startPoint, endPoint, t1, t2, t3,
- path = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- if (cornerStyle === B.CornerStyle_2 || cornerStyle === B.CornerStyle_1) {
- center.toString;
- startPoint = A.degreeToPoint(startAngle, innerRadius, center);
- endPoint = A.degreeToPoint(startAngle, outerRadius, center);
- path.moveTo$2(0, startPoint._dx, startPoint._dy);
- t1 = Math.abs(innerRadius - outerRadius) / 2;
- path.arcToPoint$2$radius(endPoint, new A.Radius(t1, t1));
- }
- center.toString;
- t1 = startAngle * 0.017453292519943295;
- path.addArc$3(A.Rect$fromCircle(center, outerRadius), t1, (endAngle - startAngle) * 0.017453292519943295);
- t2 = cornerStyle === B.CornerStyle_3;
- if (t2 || cornerStyle === B.CornerStyle_1) {
- t3 = Math.abs(innerRadius - outerRadius) / 2;
- path.arcToPoint$2$radius(A.degreeToPoint(endAngle, innerRadius, center), new A.Radius(t3, t3));
- }
- t3 = endAngle * 0.017453292519943295;
- path.arcTo$4(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(center, innerRadius), t3, t1 - t3, false);
- if (t2)
- path.close$0(0);
- return path;
- },
- getCircularPointRegion(chart, position, seriesRenderer) {
- var pointRegion, _i, region, t3, fromCenterX, fromCenterY, tapAngle, pointStartAngle, pointEndAngle, t4, distanceFromCenter,
- t1 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_renderPoints,
- t2 = t1 == null;
- if ((t2 ? null : t1.length) === 0 || t2) {
- t1 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_stateProperties_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.prevSeriesRenderer;
- t1.toString;
- seriesRenderer = t1;
- }
- t1 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_pointRegions_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.length;
- pointRegion = null;
- _i = 0;
- for (; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- region = t1[_i];
- t3 = region.center;
- fromCenterX = position._dx - t3._dx;
- fromCenterY = position._dy - t3._dy;
- tapAngle = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(Math.atan2(fromCenterY, fromCenterX) - -1.5707963267948966, 6.283185307179586);
- pointStartAngle = region.start - -1.5707963267948966;
- pointEndAngle = region.end - -1.5707963267948966;
- t3 = region.endAngle + 90;
- t4 = t3 > 360;
- if (t4 && region.startAngle + 90 > 360) {
- pointEndAngle = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(t3, 360) * 0.017453292519943295;
- pointStartAngle = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(region.startAngle + 90, 360) * 0.017453292519943295;
- } else if (t4)
- tapAngle = tapAngle > pointStartAngle ? tapAngle : 6.283185307179586 + tapAngle;
- if (tapAngle >= pointStartAngle && tapAngle <= pointEndAngle) {
- distanceFromCenter = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(fromCenterX), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(fromCenterY), 2));
- if (distanceFromCenter <= region.outerRadius) {
- t3 = region.innerRadius;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = distanceFromCenter >= t3;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3)
- pointRegion = region;
- }
- }
- return pointRegion;
- },
- drawPath(canvas, style, path, rect, shader) {
- var t1, t2,
- paint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- if (shader != null)
- paint.set$shader(shader);
- t1 = style.fill;
- if (t1 != null) {
- if (!t1.$eq(0, B.Color_0))
- t1 = A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(255 * style.opacity), t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- paint.set$color(0, t1);
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_0);
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- }
- t1 = style.strokeColor;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = style.strokeWidth;
- t2 = t2 != null && t2 > 0;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t1.toString;
- paint.set$color(0, t1);
- t1 = style.strokeWidth;
- t1.toString;
- paint.set$strokeWidth(t1);
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- }
- },
- degreeToPoint(degree, radius, center) {
- degree *= 0.017453292519943295;
- return new A.Offset(center._dx + Math.cos(degree) * radius, center._dy + Math.sin(degree) * radius);
- },
- needsRepaintCircularChart(currentSeriesRenderers, oldSeriesRenderers) {
- var seriesIndex, seriesRenderer, t1, series, oldWidgetSeries, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _null = null,
- _s18_ = "currentInnerRadius",
- _s13_ = "currentRadius",
- _s10_ = "totalAngle";
- if (currentSeriesRenderers.length === 1 && currentSeriesRenderers[0].get$series().$eq(0, oldSeriesRenderers[0].get$series()))
- for (seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < 1; ++seriesIndex) {
- seriesRenderer = currentSeriesRenderers[0];
- t1 = oldSeriesRenderers[seriesIndex];
- t1.toString;
- series = seriesRenderer.get$series();
- oldWidgetSeries = t1.get$series();
- t2 = seriesRenderer.get$center();
- t2 = t2 == null ? _null : t2._dy;
- t3 = t1.get$center();
- if (t2 == (t3 == null ? _null : t3._dy)) {
- t2 = seriesRenderer.get$center();
- t2 = t2 == null ? _null : t2._dx;
- t3 = t1.get$center();
- if (t2 == (t3 == null ? _null : t3._dx))
- if (series.CircularSeries_borderWidth === oldWidgetSeries.CircularSeries_borderWidth)
- if (series.CircularSeries_borderColor.value === oldWidgetSeries.CircularSeries_borderColor.value) {
- t2 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_segmentRenderingValues;
- t3 = t1.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_segmentRenderingValues;
- if (J.$eq$(t2.$index(0, _s18_), t3.$index(0, _s18_)))
- if (J.$eq$(t2.$index(0, _s13_), t3.$index(0, _s13_)))
- if (J.$eq$(t2.$index(0, "start"), t3.$index(0, "start")))
- if (J.$eq$(t2.$index(0, _s10_), t3.$index(0, _s10_))) {
- t2 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_dataPoints_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.length;
- t1 = t1.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_dataPoints_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2 === t1.length) {
- t1 = series.CircularSeries_dataSource.length;
- t2 = oldWidgetSeries.CircularSeries_dataSource.length;
- if (t1 === t2) {
- t1 = series.CircularSeries_dataLabelSettings;
- t2 = oldWidgetSeries.CircularSeries_dataLabelSettings;
- if (t1.isVisible === t2.isVisible) {
- t3 = t1.textStyle;
- if (t3 != null) {
- t4 = t3.color;
- t4 = t4 == null ? _null : t4.get$value(t4);
- t5 = t2.textStyle;
- t6 = t5 == null;
- if (t6)
- t7 = _null;
- else {
- t7 = t5.color;
- t7 = t7 == null ? _null : t7.get$value(t7);
- }
- if (t4 == t7) {
- t4 = t3.fontStyle;
- if (t4 == (t6 ? _null : t5.fontStyle)) {
- t4 = t3.fontFamily;
- if (t4 == (t6 ? _null : t5.fontFamily)) {
- t4 = t3.fontSize;
- if (t4 == (t6 ? _null : t5.fontSize)) {
- t3 = t3.fontWeight;
- t3 = t3 != (t6 ? _null : t5.fontWeight);
- } else
- t3 = true;
- } else
- t3 = true;
- } else
- t3 = true;
- } else
- t3 = true;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (!t3)
- if (t1.labelPosition === t2.labelPosition)
- t1 = !J.$eq$(series.CircularSeries_xValueMapper, oldWidgetSeries.CircularSeries_xValueMapper) || !J.$eq$(series.CircularSeries_yValueMapper, oldWidgetSeries.CircularSeries_yValueMapper) || false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_needsRepaint = true;
- else
- seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension_needsRepaint = false;
- }
- else
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(currentSeriesRenderers, new A.needsRepaintCircularChart_closure());
- },
- findAngleDeviation(innerRadius, outerRadius, totalAngle) {
- return Math.abs(innerRadius - outerRadius) / 2 / (6.283185307179586 * ((innerRadius + outerRadius) / 2)) * 100 * 360 / 100;
- },
- getDecimalLabelValue(value, showDigits) {
- var t1, list, t2;
- if (value != null && B.JSNumber_methods.toString$0(value).split(".").length > 1) {
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$(value);
- list = t1.toString$0(value).split(".");
- value = A.double_parse(t1.toStringAsFixed$1(value, showDigits));
- t1 = list[1];
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$(t1);
- if (t2.$eq(t1, "0") || t2.$eq(t1, "00") || t2.$eq(t1, "000") || t2.$eq(t1, "0000") || t2.$eq(t1, "00000") || t2.$eq(t1, "000000") || t2.$eq(t1, "0000000"))
- value = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(value);
- }
- return J.toString$0$(value);
- },
- circularPointToPixel(point, chartState) {
- var x, t1, t2, seriesRenderer, i, t3, t4, $location;
- if (point.midAngle == null) {
- x = point.x;
- t1 = point.y;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = chartState.__CircularStateProperties_chartSeries_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- seriesRenderer = t2.visibleSeriesRenderers[0];
- i = 0;
- while (true) {
- t2 = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_dataPoints_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!(i < t2.length))
- break;
- if (J.$eq$(t2[i].x, x) && seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_dataPoints_A[i].y === t1)
- point = seriesRenderer.CircularSeriesRendererExtension___CircularSeriesRendererExtension_dataPoints_A[i];
- ++i;
- }
- }
- t1 = point.midAngle;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = point.innerRadius;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = point.outerRadius;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = point.center;
- t4.toString;
- $location = A.degreeToPoint(t1, (t2 + t3) / 2, t4);
- return new A.Offset($location._dx, $location._dy);
- },
- isOverlapWithPrevious(currentPoint, points, currentPointIndex) {
- var i, t1, t2;
- for (i = 0; i < currentPointIndex; ++i) {
- if (i !== B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(points, currentPoint)) {
- t1 = points[i];
- if (t1.isVisible) {
- t2 = currentPoint.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = A.isOverlap(t2, t1);
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- isOverlapWithNext(point, points, pointIndex) {
- var i, t1, t2;
- for (i = pointIndex; i < points.length; ++i) {
- if (i !== B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(points, point)) {
- t1 = points[i];
- if (t1.isVisible) {
- t1 = t1.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = point.__ChartPoint_labelRect_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = A.isOverlap(t2, t1);
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- needsRepaintCircularChart_closure: function needsRepaintCircularChart_closure() {
- },
- ChartTitle$() {
- return new A.ChartTitle();
- },
- EmptyPointSettings$() {
- return new A.EmptyPointSettings();
- },
- ChartContainer: function ChartContainer(t0, t1) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- _ChartContainerBox: function _ChartContainerBox(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t0;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t1;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- ChartTitle: function ChartTitle() {
- },
- Legend: function Legend(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.isVisible = t0;
- this.position = t1;
- this.overflowMode = t2;
- },
- LegendRenderer: function LegendRenderer(t0) {
- this.legend = t0;
- this.__LegendRenderer_orientation_A = this.__LegendRenderer_legendPosition_A = $;
- },
- LegendTitle: function LegendTitle() {
- },
- EmptyPointSettings: function EmptyPointSettings() {
- },
- ZoomPanArgs: function ZoomPanArgs(t0) {
- this.axis = t0;
- this.__ZoomPanArgs_currentZoomFactor_A = this.__ZoomPanArgs_currentZoomPosition_A = $;
- },
- ShaderDetails: function ShaderDetails() {
- },
- ErrorBarValues: function ErrorBarValues(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.horizontalPositiveErrorValue = t0;
- _.horizontalNegativeErrorValue = t1;
- _.verticalPositiveErrorValue = t2;
- _.verticalNegativeErrorValue = t3;
- },
- ChartLegend$(stateProperties) {
- return new A.ChartLegend(stateProperties, B.Size_0_0, B.Size_0_0, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int));
- },
- ChartLegend: function ChartLegend(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.stateProperties = t0;
- _.legendCollections = _.legend = null;
- _.__ChartLegend_legendItems_A = $;
- _.legendSize = t1;
- _.chartSize = t2;
- _.shouldRenderLegend = false;
- _.__ChartLegend_isNeedScrollable_A = $;
- _.toggledIndices = t3;
- _.sumOfPoints = 0;
- },
- LegendRenderContext$(iconColor, iconType, indicatorRenderer, isSelect, isTrendline, point, seriesIndex, seriesRenderer, text, trendline, trendlineIndex) {
- var t1;
- if (seriesRenderer instanceof A.CartesianSeriesRenderer) {
- t1 = seriesRenderer.__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- } else
- t1 = seriesRenderer.get$series();
- return new A.LegendRenderContext(text, iconColor, iconType, t1, seriesRenderer, indicatorRenderer, trendline, point, seriesIndex, trendlineIndex, isSelect, isTrendline);
- },
- LegendRenderContext: function LegendRenderContext(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.text = t0;
- _.iconColor = t1;
- _.iconType = t2;
- _.size = null;
- _.series = t3;
- _.seriesRenderer = t4;
- _.indicatorRenderer = t5;
- _.trendline = t6;
- _.point = t7;
- _.seriesIndex = t8;
- _.trendlineIndex = t9;
- _.isSelect = t10;
- _.isTrendline = t11;
- },
- RenderingDetails$() {
- return new A.RenderingDetails();
- },
- RenderingDetails: function RenderingDetails() {
- var _ = this;
- _.__RenderingDetails_tooltipBehaviorRenderer_A = _.__RenderingDetails_legendRenderer_A = _.__RenderingDetails_chartLegend_A = _.__RenderingDetails_isLegendToggled_A = _.__RenderingDetails_legendToggleStates_A = _.__RenderingDetails_legendToggleTemplateStates_A = _.__RenderingDetails_legendWidgetContext_A = _.__RenderingDetails_seriesRepaintNotifier_A = _.__RenderingDetails_animationController_A = $;
- _.tapPosition = _.currentActive = null;
- _.__RenderingDetails_templates_A = _.__RenderingDetails_dataLabelTemplateRegions_A = _.__RenderingDetails_chartAreaRect_A = _.__RenderingDetails_chartContainerRect_A = _.__RenderingDetails_selectionData_A = $;
- _.chartTemplate = null;
- _.__RenderingDetails_explodedPoints_A = _.__RenderingDetails_themeData_A = _.__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A = $;
- _.initialRender = null;
- _.__RenderingDetails_widgetNeedUpdate_A = _.__RenderingDetails_animateCompleted_A = $;
- _.oldDeviceOrientation = null;
- _.__RenderingDetails_deviceOrientation_A = $;
- _.prevLocale = _.prevSize = null;
- _.__RenderingDetails_didLocaleChange_A = _.__RenderingDetails_didSizeChange_A = $;
- _.chartWidgets = null;
- _.__RenderingDetails_isRtl_A = $;
- },
- ChartSeries: function ChartSeries() {
- },
- StateProperties: function StateProperties() {
- },
- _ChartTemplateRenderObject$(animationController, child, notifier, stateProperties, templateInfo) {
- return new A._ChartTemplateRenderObject(templateInfo, stateProperties, animationController, notifier, child, null);
- },
- ChartTemplateInfo$(animationDuration, clipRect, horizontalAlignment, key, labelLocation, $location, pointIndex, seriesIndex, templateType, verticalAlignment, widget) {
- var t1 = horizontalAlignment == null ? B.ChartAlignment_1 : horizontalAlignment;
- return new A.ChartTemplateInfo(key, widget, $location, animationDuration, pointIndex, seriesIndex, clipRect, templateType, t1, verticalAlignment == null ? B.ChartAlignment_1 : verticalAlignment, labelLocation);
- },
- RenderTemplate: function RenderTemplate(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.template = t0;
- _.stateProperties = t1;
- _.notifier = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _RenderTemplateState: function _RenderTemplateState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___RenderTemplateState_templateControllerList_A = $;
- _.animationController = null;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickers = t0;
- _.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _RenderTemplateState_build_closure: function _RenderTemplateState_build_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.needsAnimate = t1;
- },
- _ChartTemplateRenderObject: function _ChartTemplateRenderObject(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.templateInfo = t0;
- _.stateProperties = t1;
- _.animationController = t2;
- _.notifier = t3;
- _.child = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _ChartTemplateRenderBox: function _ChartTemplateRenderBox(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._templateInfo = t0;
- _.stateProperties = t1;
- _._rendering$_animationController = t2;
- _.notifier = t3;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t4;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t5;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- ChartTemplate: function ChartTemplate(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.templates = t0;
- _.stateProperties = t1;
- _.__ChartTemplate_state_A = $;
- _.key = t2;
- },
- _ChartTemplateState: function _ChartTemplateState(t0) {
- this._widget = null;
- this._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- this._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _ChartTemplateState_templateRender_closure: function _ChartTemplateState_templateRender_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ChartTemplateInfo: function ChartTemplateInfo(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.key = t0;
- _.widget = t1;
- _.location = t2;
- _.animationDuration = t3;
- _.pointIndex = t4;
- _.seriesIndex = t5;
- _.clipRect = t6;
- _.templateType = t7;
- _.horizontalAlignment = t8;
- _.verticalAlignment = t9;
- _.labelLocation = t10;
- },
- __RenderTemplateState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin: function __RenderTemplateState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- SelectionBehavior$() {
- return new A.SelectionBehavior(false, 1, 0.5, true);
- },
- SelectionBehavior: function SelectionBehavior(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.enable = t0;
- _.selectedOpacity = t1;
- _.unselectedOpacity = t2;
- _.toggleSelection = t3;
- },
- SelectionBehaviorRenderer: function SelectionBehaviorRenderer() {
- this.__SelectionBehaviorRenderer__selectionDetails_A = $;
- },
- SelectionDetails: function SelectionDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.chart = t0;
- _.stateProperties = t1;
- _.selectionBehavior = t2;
- _.selectionRenderer = null;
- _.selectionBehaviorRenderer = t3;
- },
- _SelectionBehaviorRenderer_Object_ChartSelectionBehavior: function _SelectionBehaviorRenderer_Object_ChartSelectionBehavior() {
- },
- TooltipBehavior$(enable, format) {
- return new A.TooltipBehavior(enable === true, 1, 3, format, 350, true, B.ActivationMode_0, B.Color_0, 0, 2.5, false, 3000, B.ChartAlignment_1, B.TooltipPosition_0, false);
- },
- TooltipBehaviorRenderer$(_stateProperties) {
- var t1 = new A.TooltipBehaviorRenderer(_stateProperties);
- t1.__TooltipBehaviorRenderer__tooltipRenderingDetails_A = new A.TooltipRenderingDetails(_stateProperties, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_CartesianSeriesRenderer));
- return t1;
- },
- TooltipBehavior: function TooltipBehavior(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _.enable = t0;
- _.opacity = t1;
- _.decimalPlaces = t2;
- _.format = t3;
- _.animationDuration = t4;
- _.canShowMarker = t5;
- _.activationMode = t6;
- _.borderColor = t7;
- _.borderWidth = t8;
- _.elevation = t9;
- _.shouldAlwaysShow = t10;
- _.duration = t11;
- _.textAlignment = t12;
- _.tooltipPosition = t13;
- _.shared = t14;
- _._tooltip0$_stateProperties = null;
- },
- TooltipBehaviorRenderer: function TooltipBehaviorRenderer(t0) {
- this._tooltip0$_stateProperties = t0;
- this.__TooltipBehaviorRenderer__tooltipRenderingDetails_A = $;
- },
- TooltipBehaviorRenderer_onExit_closure: function TooltipBehaviorRenderer_onExit_closure() {
- },
- TooltipValue: function TooltipValue(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.seriesIndex = t0;
- _.pointIndex = t1;
- _.outlierIndex = t2;
- _.pointerPosition = null;
- },
- _TooltipBehaviorRenderer_Object_ChartBehavior: function _TooltipBehaviorRenderer_Object_ChartBehavior() {
- },
- TooltipRenderingDetails: function TooltipRenderingDetails(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._tooltip_rendering_details$_stateProperties = t0;
- _.chartTooltip = null;
- _._mouseTooltip = _.isHovering = _.isInteraction = false;
- _.tooltipTemplate = null;
- _._textValues = t1;
- _._seriesRendererCollection = t2;
- _.pointIndex = _._dataPoint = _.currentSeriesDetails = _._seriesRendererDetails = _.currentTooltipValue = _.prevTooltipData = _._presentTooltipValue = _.prevTooltipValue = null;
- _.__TooltipRenderingDetails__markerType_A = _.__TooltipRenderingDetails__markerColor_A = $;
- _.timer = null;
- _.show = false;
- _.showLocation = null;
- _.showTooltipPosition = false;
- _._header = _._stringVal = _.tooltipBounds = _.dataPointValues = null;
- },
- TooltipRenderingDetails_showTooltipView_closure: function TooltipRenderingDetails_showTooltipView_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TooltipRenderingDetails_internalShowByPixel_closure: function TooltipRenderingDetails_internalShowByPixel_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.padding = t1;
- _.seriesRendererDetails = t2;
- _.x = t3;
- _.y = t4;
- },
- TooltipRenderingDetails_internalShowByPixel_closure0: function TooltipRenderingDetails_internalShowByPixel_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.tooltipRenderingDetails = t1;
- },
- TooltipRenderingDetails_hide_closure: function TooltipRenderingDetails_hide_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TooltipRenderingDetails_hideTooltipTemplate_closure: function TooltipRenderingDetails_hideTooltipTemplate_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TooltipRenderingDetails__showMouseTooltip_closure: function TooltipRenderingDetails__showMouseTooltip_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TooltipRenderingDetails_showTrimmedTooltip_closure: function TooltipRenderingDetails_showTrimmedTooltip_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- TooltipRenderingDetails__renderCartesianChartTooltip_closure: function TooltipRenderingDetails__renderCartesianChartTooltip_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_1 = t0;
- _._box_0 = t1;
- _.$this = t2;
- _.position = t3;
- _.stateProperties = t4;
- _.i = t5;
- _.markerGradients = t6;
- _.markerImages = t7;
- _.markerPaints = t8;
- _.markerTypes = t9;
- },
- LegendPosition: function LegendPosition(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ChartAlignment: function ChartAlignment(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- LegendItemOverflowMode: function LegendItemOverflowMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- LegendItemOrientation: function LegendItemOrientation(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- LegendIconType: function LegendIconType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ChartDataLabelAlignment: function ChartDataLabelAlignment(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- getSaturationColor(color) {
- return B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(((color.get$value(color) >>> 16 & 255) * 299 + (color.get$value(color) >>> 8 & 255) * 587 + (color.get$value(color) & 255) * 114) / 1000) >= 128 ? B.Color_4278190080 : B.Color_4294967295;
- },
- dashPath(source, dashArray) {
- var t1, t2, measurePath, distance, draw, t3, $length,
- path = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- for (t1 = source.computeMetrics$0(), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1), t2 = dashArray._helper0$_values; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- measurePath = t1.get$current(t1);
- for (distance = 0, draw = true; distance < measurePath.get$length(measurePath);) {
- t3 = dashArray._helper0$_index;
- if (t3 >= t2.length)
- t3 = dashArray._helper0$_index = 0;
- dashArray._helper0$_index = t3 + 1;
- $length = t2[t3];
- if (draw)
- path.addPath$2(0, measurePath.extractPath$2(distance, distance + $length), B.Offset_0_0);
- distance += $length;
- draw = !draw;
- }
- }
- return path;
- },
- getTextStyle(background, fontColor, textStyle) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, _null = null;
- if (textStyle != null) {
- t1 = textStyle.color;
- if (t1 != null)
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = false;
- t1 = t2 ? t1 : fontColor;
- t2 = textStyle.fontWeight;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _null;
- t3 = textStyle.fontSize;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = _null;
- t4 = textStyle.fontStyle;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = _null;
- t5 = textStyle.fontFamily;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = _null;
- t6 = textStyle.inherit;
- t7 = textStyle.backgroundColor;
- t8 = textStyle.letterSpacing;
- t9 = textStyle.wordSpacing;
- t10 = textStyle.textBaseline;
- t11 = textStyle.height;
- t12 = textStyle.locale;
- t13 = textStyle.foreground;
- t14 = textStyle.background;
- t15 = textStyle.shadows;
- t16 = textStyle.fontFeatures;
- t17 = textStyle.decoration;
- t18 = textStyle.decorationColor;
- t19 = textStyle.decorationStyle;
- t20 = textStyle.decorationThickness;
- return A.TextStyle$(t14, t7, t1, textStyle.debugLabel, t17, t18, t19, t20, t5, textStyle.get$fontFamilyFallback(), t16, t3, t4, _null, t2, t13, t11, t6, _null, t8, t12, _null, _null, t15, t10, t9);
- } else
- return A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, fontColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- getElements(stateProperties, chartWidget, constraints) {
- var t2, t3, legend, element, t4, toggledIndices, t5, legendCollections, i, context, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, chart0, t16, overflowMode, needPadding, padding, _null = null,
- chart = stateProperties.get$chart(),
- t1 = stateProperties.get$renderingDetails().__RenderingDetails_chartLegend_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = stateProperties.get$renderingDetails().__RenderingDetails_legendRenderer_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__LegendRenderer_legendPosition_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = stateProperties.get$renderingDetails().__RenderingDetails_legendRenderer_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- legend = chart.get$legend();
- stateProperties.get$renderingDetails().__RenderingDetails_legendWidgetContext_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.shouldRenderLegend)
- chart.get$legend();
- if (!t1.shouldRenderLegend)
- element = A.SizedBox$(chartWidget, constraints.maxHeight, constraints.maxWidth);
- else {
- t4 = t1.legendSize;
- toggledIndices = t1.toggledIndices;
- if (chart instanceof A.SfCartesianChart) {
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(toggledIndices);
- t5 = stateProperties.get$renderingDetails().__RenderingDetails_chartLegend_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- legendCollections = t5.legendCollections;
- for (i = 0; i < legendCollections.length; ++i) {
- context = legendCollections[i];
- t5 = J.get$visible$x(context.seriesRenderer) === false;
- context.isSelect = t5;
- if (t5)
- toggledIndices.push(i);
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(toggledIndices);
- }
- t5 = A.getLegendTitleWidget(legend, stateProperties.get$renderingDetails());
- t6 = t1.toggledIndices;
- t7 = t1.__ChartLegend_legendItems_A;
- t7 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t8 = t1.legend;
- t8.toString;
- t9 = A.getLegendBorder(B.Color_0, 0);
- t10 = A.getEffectiveChartLegendPosition(t2);
- t11 = A.getEffectiveChartLegendOrientation(t8, t3);
- t12 = A.getEffectiveChartLegendOrientation(t8, t3);
- t13 = A.getEffectiveLegendAlignment(B.ChartAlignment_1);
- t8 = A.getEffectiveLegendItemOverflowMode(t8.overflowMode, t1);
- t14 = A.getLegendIconBorder(B.Color_0, 0);
- t15 = stateProperties.get$renderingDetails().__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A;
- t15 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- chart0 = t1.stateProperties.get$chart();
- t16 = t1.legend;
- t16.toString;
- t3 = t3.__LegendRenderer_orientation_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- overflowMode = t16.overflowMode;
- if (!(chart0 instanceof A.SfCircularChart))
- needPadding = false;
- else
- needPadding = true;
- if (t2 === B.LegendPosition_4 || t2 === B.LegendPosition_1)
- if (t3 === B.LegendItemOrientation_1)
- if (overflowMode === B.LegendItemOverflowMode_0) {
- t3 = t1.__ChartLegend_isNeedScrollable_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- padding = !t3 ? new A.EdgeInsets(15, 0, 0, 0) : new A.EdgeInsets(15, 7.5, 0, 7.5);
- } else if (overflowMode === B.LegendItemOverflowMode_1)
- padding = new A.EdgeInsets(15, 0, 0, 0);
- else
- padding = new A.EdgeInsets(15, 0, 0, 0);
- else if (overflowMode === B.LegendItemOverflowMode_0) {
- t3 = t1.__ChartLegend_isNeedScrollable_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- padding = !t3 ? new A.EdgeInsets(0, 7.5, 0, 0) : new A.EdgeInsets(15, 7.5, 0, 0);
- } else if (overflowMode === B.LegendItemOverflowMode_1)
- padding = new A.EdgeInsets(7.5, 7.5, 0, 7.5);
- else
- padding = new A.EdgeInsets(0, 7.5, 0, 0);
- else if (t2 === B.LegendPosition_3 || t2 === B.LegendPosition_2)
- if (t3 === B.LegendItemOrientation_1)
- if (overflowMode === B.LegendItemOverflowMode_0) {
- t3 = t1.__ChartLegend_isNeedScrollable_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t3)
- padding = new A.EdgeInsets(15, 0, 0, 0);
- else
- padding = new A.EdgeInsets(15, 7.5, 0, 7.5);
- } else if (overflowMode === B.LegendItemOverflowMode_1)
- padding = new A.EdgeInsets(15, 0, 0, 0);
- else
- padding = new A.EdgeInsets(15, 0, 0, 0);
- else if (overflowMode === B.LegendItemOverflowMode_0) {
- t3 = t1.__ChartLegend_isNeedScrollable_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t3) {
- t3 = needPadding ? 7.5 : 0;
- padding = new A.EdgeInsets(t3, 7.5, 0, 0);
- } else
- padding = new A.EdgeInsets(15, 7.5, 0, 0);
- } else if (overflowMode === B.LegendItemOverflowMode_1)
- padding = new A.EdgeInsets(7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5);
- else
- padding = new A.EdgeInsets(0, 7.5, 0, 0);
- else
- padding = B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0;
- element = new A.SfLegend(t7, t5, _null, t9, t10, t8, false, 10, 15, 15, B.ShapeMarkerType_1, new A.Size(12, 12), t14, t11, t12, t13, t4._dx, t4._dy, _null, padding, A.getEffectiveLegendMargin(t1, t2), t15.legendTextStyle, _null, 0, chartWidget, new A.getElements_closure(chart, stateProperties, t1), new A.getElements_closure0(t1), B.Color_4292072403, 0.2, _null, t6, _null);
- }
- return element;
- },
- getEffectiveChartLegendPosition(position) {
- switch (position.index) {
- case 4:
- return B.LegendPosition_20;
- case 1:
- return B.LegendPosition_30;
- case 2:
- return B.LegendPosition_00;
- case 3:
- return B.LegendPosition_10;
- default:
- return B.LegendPosition_30;
- }
- },
- getEffectiveChartLegendOrientation(legend, renderer) {
- var t1 = renderer.__LegendRenderer_orientation_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 === B.LegendItemOrientation_1)
- return B.Axis_0;
- else
- return B.Axis_1;
- },
- getEffectiveLegendAlignment(alignment) {
- var legendAlignment;
- switch (alignment.index) {
- case 0:
- legendAlignment = B.LegendAlignment_0;
- break;
- case 2:
- legendAlignment = B.LegendAlignment_2;
- break;
- case 1:
- legendAlignment = B.LegendAlignment_1;
- break;
- default:
- legendAlignment = null;
- }
- return legendAlignment;
- },
- getEffectiveLegendItemOverflowMode(overflowMode, chartLegend) {
- var t1, mode;
- switch (overflowMode.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = chartLegend.__ChartLegend_isNeedScrollable_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- mode = t1 ? B.LegendOverflowMode_2 : B.LegendOverflowMode_1;
- break;
- case 1:
- mode = B.LegendOverflowMode_0;
- break;
- case 2:
- mode = B.LegendOverflowMode_3;
- break;
- default:
- mode = null;
- }
- return mode;
- },
- getLegendBorder(borderColor, borderWidth) {
- if (borderWidth > 0)
- return new A.BorderSide(borderColor, borderWidth, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- return null;
- },
- getLegendIconBorder(iconBorderColor, iconBorderWidth) {
- if (iconBorderWidth > 0)
- return new A.BorderSide(iconBorderColor, iconBorderWidth, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- return null;
- },
- getLegendTitleWidget(legend, renderingDetails) {
- return null;
- },
- getEffectiveLegendMargin(chartLegend, legendPosition) {
- var needPadding, margin, t1;
- if (!(chartLegend.stateProperties.get$chart() instanceof A.SfCircularChart))
- needPadding = false;
- else
- needPadding = true;
- chartLegend.legend.toString;
- if (legendPosition === B.LegendPosition_4)
- margin = new A.EdgeInsets(0, 5, 0, 5);
- else if (legendPosition === B.LegendPosition_1)
- margin = new A.EdgeInsets(0, 5, 0, needPadding ? 5 : 0);
- else if (legendPosition === B.LegendPosition_3) {
- t1 = needPadding ? 15 : 0;
- margin = new A.EdgeInsets(5, 0, t1, needPadding ? 15 : 0);
- } else if (legendPosition === B.LegendPosition_2) {
- t1 = needPadding ? 2.5 : 0;
- margin = new A.EdgeInsets(t1, 0, 0, needPadding ? 15 : 0);
- } else
- margin = B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0;
- return margin;
- },
- cartesianToggle(index, stateProperties) {
- var t1, t2;
- stateProperties.CartesianStateProperties_chartState._widget.toString;
- stateProperties.isTooltipHidden = true;
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_renderingDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.__RenderingDetails_chartLegend_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- A.cartesianLegendToggleState(t2.legendCollections[index], stateProperties);
- stateProperties.legendToggling = t1.__RenderingDetails_isLegendToggled_A = true;
- stateProperties.redraw$0();
- },
- circularAndTriangularToggle(index, stateProperties) {
- var chart = stateProperties.get$chart(),
- t1 = stateProperties.get$renderingDetails().__RenderingDetails_chartLegend_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- stateProperties.set$isTooltipHidden(true);
- chart.get$onLegendTapped();
- chart.get$legend();
- chart.get$legend();
- A.legendToggleState(t1.legendCollections[index], stateProperties);
- stateProperties.get$renderingDetails().__RenderingDetails_isLegendToggled_A = true;
- stateProperties.redraw$0();
- },
- legendToggleState(currentItem, stateProperties) {
- var t2, needSelect, t3, i,
- t1 = stateProperties.get$renderingDetails().__RenderingDetails_legendToggleStates_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (t2 !== 0) {
- t3 = currentItem.seriesIndex;
- i = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(i < t2)) {
- needSelect = false;
- break;
- }
- if (t3 === t1[i].seriesIndex) {
- B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(t1, i);
- needSelect = true;
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- } else
- needSelect = false;
- if (!needSelect)
- t1.push(currentItem);
- },
- cartesianLegendToggleState(currentItem, stateProperties) {
- var needSelect, t2, t3, i, item, t4,
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_renderingDetails_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__RenderingDetails_legendToggleStates_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.length !== 0) {
- t2 = currentItem.text;
- t3 = currentItem.seriesIndex;
- i = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(i < t1.length)) {
- needSelect = false;
- break;
- }
- item = t1[i];
- if (t3 === item.seriesIndex) {
- t4 = item.isTrendline;
- t4.toString;
- t4 = !t4 && true;
- } else
- t4 = false;
- if (t4 ? J.$eq$(currentItem.series, item.series) : t2 === item.text) {
- B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(t1, i);
- needSelect = true;
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- } else
- needSelect = false;
- if (!needSelect) {
- t2 = currentItem.seriesRenderer.get$renderer().__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.visible === false && !stateProperties.isTrendlineToggled;
- if (!t2) {
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartSeries_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.visibleSeriesRenderers;
- t3 = currentItem.seriesIndex;
- t4 = t2[t3].__CartesianSeriesRenderer__seriesRendererDetails_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (currentItem.trendlineIndex != null) {
- t4.minimumY = t4.minimumX = 1 / 0;
- t4.maximumY = t4.maximumX = -1 / 0;
- }
- t2[t3] = t4.renderer;
- if (!B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(t1, currentItem))
- t1.push(currentItem);
- }
- }
- },
- findingCollision(rect, regions) {
- var isCollide, regionRect, t6,
- t1 = regions.length,
- t2 = rect.left,
- t3 = t2 + (rect.right - t2),
- t4 = rect.top,
- t5 = t4 + (rect.bottom - t4),
- i = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(i < t1)) {
- isCollide = false;
- break;
- }
- regionRect = regions[i];
- t6 = regionRect.left;
- if (t2 < t6 + (regionRect.right - t6))
- if (t3 > t6) {
- t6 = regionRect.top;
- t6 = t4 < t6 + (regionRect.bottom - t6) && t5 > t6;
- } else
- t6 = false;
- else
- t6 = false;
- if (t6) {
- isCollide = true;
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- return isCollide;
- },
- isOverlap(currentRect, rect) {
- var t1 = currentRect.left,
- t2 = rect.left;
- if (t1 < t2 + (rect.right - t2))
- if (t1 + (currentRect.right - t1) > t2) {
- t1 = currentRect.top;
- t2 = rect.top;
- t1 = t1 < t2 + (rect.bottom - t2) && currentRect.bottom - t1 + t1 > t2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- getTrimmedText(text, labelsExtent, labelStyle, axisRenderer, isRtl) {
- var t2, axisRendererDetails, size, textLength, label, i, t3, _null = null,
- t1 = axisRenderer != null;
- if (t1) {
- t2 = axisRenderer.__ChartAxisRenderer__axisRendererDetails_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- axisRendererDetails = t2;
- } else
- axisRendererDetails = _null;
- if (t1) {
- t2 = axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_labelRotation_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- size = A.measureText(text, labelStyle, t2)._dx;
- } else
- size = A.measureText(text, labelStyle, _null)._dx;
- if (size > labelsExtent) {
- textLength = text.length;
- if (isRtl)
- for (t2 = textLength - 1, label = text, i = 0; i < t2;) {
- ++i;
- label = "..." + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, i, textLength);
- if (t1) {
- t3 = axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_labelRotation_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- size = A.measureText(label, labelStyle, t3)._dx;
- } else
- size = A.measureText(label, labelStyle, _null)._dx;
- if (size <= labelsExtent)
- return label === "..." ? "" : label;
- }
- else
- for (i = textLength - 1, label = text; i >= 0; --i) {
- label = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(text, 0, i) + "...";
- if (t1) {
- t2 = axisRendererDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_labelRotation_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- size = A.measureText(label, labelStyle, t2)._dx;
- } else
- size = A.measureText(label, labelStyle, _null)._dx;
- if (size <= labelsExtent)
- return label === "..." ? "" : label;
- }
- } else
- label = text;
- return label === "..." ? "" : label;
- },
- getValueByPercentage(value1, value2) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (B.JSNumber_methods.get$isNegative(value1)) {
- t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.toString$0(value1);
- t2 = A.RegExp_RegExp("-", true, false);
- t1 = A.num_tryParse(A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1, t2, ""));
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.num_tryParse("-" + A.S(B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(t1, value2)));
- t1.toString;
- } else
- t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(value1, value2);
- return t1;
- },
- bindLegendTemplateWidgets(stateProperties) {
- var t1, templates;
- stateProperties.CircularStateProperties_chartState._widget.toString;
- t1 = type$.JSArray_Widget;
- templates = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- stateProperties.renderingDetails.chartWidgets = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- return templates;
- },
- validIndex(pointIndex, seriesIndex, chart) {
- var t1 = chart.series;
- t1 = seriesIndex < t1.length && pointIndex >= 0 && pointIndex < J.get$length$asx(t1[seriesIndex].get$dataSource());
- return t1;
- },
- disposeAnimationController(animationController, listener) {
- if (animationController != null) {
- animationController.removeListener$1(0, listener);
- animationController.dispose$0();
- }
- },
- isTemplateWithinBounds(bounds, templateRect) {
- var t1 = templateRect.left,
- t2 = bounds.left;
- if (t1 >= t2)
- if (t1 + (templateRect.right - t1) <= t2 + (bounds.right - t2)) {
- t1 = templateRect.top;
- t2 = bounds.top;
- t1 = t1 >= t2 && t1 + (templateRect.bottom - t1) <= t2 + (bounds.bottom - t2);
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- getElements_closure0: function getElements_closure0(t0) {
- this.chartLegend = t0;
- },
- getElements_closure: function getElements_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.chart = t0;
- this.stateProperties = t1;
- this.chartLegend = t2;
- },
- drawPentagon(path, x, y, width, height) {
- var t1, t2, i, t3, t4;
- for (t1 = width / 2, t2 = height / 2, i = 0; i <= 5; ++i) {
- t3 = 0.017453292519943295 * (i * 72);
- t4 = x + t1 * Math.cos(t3);
- t3 = y + t2 * Math.sin(t3);
- if (i === 0)
- path.moveTo$2(0, t4, t3);
- else
- path.lineTo$2(0, t4, t3);
- }
- path.close$0(0);
- },
- measureText(textValue, textStyle, angle) {
- var t1, t2, rect, size, _null = null,
- textPainter = A.TextPainter$(_null, _null, _null, _null, A.TextSpan$(_null, textStyle, textValue), B.TextAlign_2, B.TextDirection_1, _null, 1, B.TextWidthBasis_0);
- textPainter.layout$0();
- if (angle != null) {
- t1 = textPainter.get$width(textPainter);
- t2 = textPainter._paragraph;
- rect = A.rotatedTextSize(new A.Size(t1, Math.ceil(t2.get$height(t2))), angle);
- size = new A.Size(rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top);
- } else {
- t1 = textPainter.get$width(textPainter);
- t2 = textPainter._paragraph;
- size = new A.Size(t1, Math.ceil(t2.get$height(t2)));
- }
- return size;
- },
- rotatedTextSize(size, angle) {
- var movedToCenterAsOrigin, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, rotOffsets, minX, maxX,
- rect = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + size._dx, 0 + size._dy),
- t1 = angle * 0.017453292519943295,
- t2 = new Float32Array(4),
- rotatorMatrix = new A.Matrix2(t2),
- c = Math.cos(t1),
- s = Math.sin(t1);
- t2[0] = c;
- t2[1] = s;
- t2[2] = -s;
- t2[3] = c;
- t2 = rect.get$center();
- movedToCenterAsOrigin = rect.shift$1(new A.Offset(-t2._dx, -t2._dy));
- t2 = movedToCenterAsOrigin.left;
- t1 = movedToCenterAsOrigin.top;
- t3 = movedToCenterAsOrigin.right;
- t4 = movedToCenterAsOrigin.bottom;
- t5 = new A.Vector2(new Float32Array(2));
- t5.setValues$2(t2, t1);
- t5 = rotatorMatrix.$mul(0, t5)._v2storage;
- t6 = t5[0];
- t5 = t5[1];
- t7 = new A.Vector2(new Float32Array(2));
- t7.setValues$2(t3, t1);
- t7 = rotatorMatrix.$mul(0, t7)._v2storage;
- t1 = t7[0];
- t7 = t7[1];
- t8 = new A.Vector2(new Float32Array(2));
- t8.setValues$2(t2, t4);
- t8 = rotatorMatrix.$mul(0, t8)._v2storage;
- t2 = t8[0];
- t8 = t8[1];
- t9 = new A.Vector2(new Float32Array(2));
- t9.setValues$2(t3, t4);
- t9 = rotatorMatrix.$mul(0, t9)._v2storage;
- rotOffsets = A._setArrayType([new A.Offset(t6, t5), new A.Offset(t1, t7), new A.Offset(t2, t8), new A.Offset(t9[0], t9[1])], type$.JSArray_Offset);
- t9 = type$.MappedListIterable_Offset_double;
- minX = new A.MappedListIterable(rotOffsets, new A.rotatedTextSize_closure(), t9).reduce$1(0, B.CONSTANT0);
- maxX = new A.MappedListIterable(rotOffsets, new A.rotatedTextSize_closure0(), t9).reduce$1(0, B.CONSTANT1);
- return A.Rect$fromPoints(new A.Offset(minX, new A.MappedListIterable(rotOffsets, new A.rotatedTextSize_closure1(), t9).reduce$1(0, B.CONSTANT0)), new A.Offset(maxX, new A.MappedListIterable(rotOffsets, new A.rotatedTextSize_closure2(), t9).reduce$1(0, B.CONSTANT1)));
- },
- getMaxLinesContent(text) {
- return text != null && text.length !== 0 && B.JSString_methods.contains$1(text, "\n") ? text.split("\n").length : 1;
- },
- TooltipRenderArgs: function TooltipRenderArgs(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.text = t0;
- this.header = t1;
- this.location = t2;
- },
- TooltipAlignment: function TooltipAlignment(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- DataMarkerType: function DataMarkerType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- rotatedTextSize_closure: function rotatedTextSize_closure() {
- },
- rotatedTextSize_closure0: function rotatedTextSize_closure0() {
- },
- rotatedTextSize_closure1: function rotatedTextSize_closure1() {
- },
- rotatedTextSize_closure2: function rotatedTextSize_closure2() {
- },
- _LegendIconShape$(color, degree, endAngle, iconBorder, iconStrokeWidth, iconType, image, overlayMarkerType, shader, startAngle) {
- return new A._LegendIconShape(color, iconType, iconBorder, iconStrokeWidth, image, shader, overlayMarkerType, startAngle, degree, endAngle, null);
- },
- _LegendType: function _LegendType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- LegendPosition0: function LegendPosition0(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- LegendOverflowMode: function LegendOverflowMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- LegendAlignment: function LegendAlignment(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ItemRendererDetails: function ItemRendererDetails(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.index = t0;
- _.text = t1;
- _.color = t2;
- _.iconType = t3;
- _.iconBorder = t4;
- },
- LegendItem: function LegendItem(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.text = t0;
- _.color = t1;
- _.shader = t2;
- _.imageProvider = t3;
- _.iconType = t4;
- _.iconStrokeWidth = t5;
- _.overlayMarkerType = t6;
- _.startAngle = t7;
- _.degree = t8;
- _.endAngle = t9;
- },
- SfLegend: function SfLegend(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31) {
- var _ = this;
- _.items = t0;
- _.title = t1;
- _.color = t2;
- _.border = t3;
- _.position = t4;
- _.overflowMode = t5;
- _.shouldAlwaysShowScrollbar = t6;
- _.spacing = t7;
- _.itemSpacing = t8;
- _.itemRunSpacing = t9;
- _.iconType = t10;
- _.iconSize = t11;
- _.iconBorder = t12;
- _.direction = t13;
- _.scrollDirection = t14;
- _.alignment = t15;
- _.width = t16;
- _.height = t17;
- _.offset = t18;
- _.padding = t19;
- _.margin = t20;
- _.textStyle = t21;
- _.itemBuilder = t22;
- _.itemCount = t23;
- _.child = t24;
- _.onToggledIndicesChanged = t25;
- _.onItemRenderer = t26;
- _.toggledIconColor = t27;
- _.toggledTextOpacity = t28;
- _.toggledItemColor = t29;
- _.toggledIndices = t30;
- _.key = t31;
- },
- _SfLegendState: function _SfLegendState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._omitLegend = false;
- _._legend$_textStyle = null;
- _._legend$_scrollController = t0;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _VectorLegend: function _VectorLegend(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19) {
- var _ = this;
- _.items = t0;
- _.iconType = t1;
- _.imageProvider = t2;
- _.iconSize = t3;
- _.iconBorder = t4;
- _.textStyle = t5;
- _.spacing = t6;
- _.toggledTextOpacity = t7;
- _.onToggledIndicesChanged = t8;
- _.onItemRenderer = t9;
- _.itemBuilder = t10;
- _.itemCount = t11;
- _.toggledIconColor = t12;
- _.toggledItemColor = t13;
- _.position = t14;
- _.itemSpacing = t15;
- _.itemRunSpacing = t16;
- _.direction = t17;
- _.toggledIndices = t18;
- _.key = t19;
- },
- _VectorLegendState: function _VectorLegendState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _LegendItem: function _LegendItem(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21) {
- var _ = this;
- _.index = t0;
- _.itemBuilder = t1;
- _.text = t2;
- _.textStyle = t3;
- _.iconType = t4;
- _.iconStrokeWidth = t5;
- _.imageProvider = t6;
- _.shader = t7;
- _.iconSize = t8;
- _.iconColor = t9;
- _.iconBorder = t10;
- _.spacing = t11;
- _.toggledIndices = t12;
- _.toggledColor = t13;
- _.toggledTextOpacity = t14;
- _.onToggledIndicesChanged = t15;
- _.onItemRenderer = t16;
- _.overlayMarkerType = t17;
- _.startAngle = t18;
- _.degree = t19;
- _.endAngle = t20;
- _.key = t21;
- },
- _LegendItemState: function _LegendItemState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___LegendItemState__opacityTween_A = _.___LegendItemState__iconColorTween_A = _.___LegendItemState__toggleAnimation_A = _.___LegendItemState__toggleAnimationController_A = $;
- _._obtainImage = _._legend$_completer = _._legend$_imageStream = _._imageInfo = null;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _LegendItemState__buildShaderMask_closure: function _LegendItemState__buildShaderMask_closure(t0) {
- this.color = t0;
- },
- _LegendItemState_rebuild_closure: function _LegendItemState_rebuild_closure() {
- },
- _LegendItemState_build_closure: function _LegendItemState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _LegendIconShape: function _LegendIconShape(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.color = t0;
- _.iconType = t1;
- _.iconBorder = t2;
- _.iconStrokeWidth = t3;
- _.image = t4;
- _.shader = t5;
- _.overlayMarkerType = t6;
- _.startAngle = t7;
- _.degree = t8;
- _.endAngle = t9;
- _._repaint = t10;
- },
- __LegendItemState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __LegendItemState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- __VectorLegendState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __VectorLegendState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- _DefaultLocalizations: function _DefaultLocalizations() {
- },
- SfBarcodeThemeData_SfBarcodeThemeData(brightness) {
- var isLight, barColor, textColor;
- if (brightness == null)
- brightness = B.Brightness_1;
- isLight = brightness === B.Brightness_1;
- barColor = isLight ? B.Color_4280361249 : B.Color_4292927712;
- textColor = isLight ? B.Color_4280361249 : B.Color_4292927712;
- return new A.SfBarcodeThemeData(brightness, B.Color_0, barColor, textColor, null);
- },
- SfBarcodeThemeData: function SfBarcodeThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.brightness = t0;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.barColor = t2;
- _.textColor = t3;
- _.textStyle = t4;
- },
- _SfBarcodeThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SfBarcodeThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SfCalendarThemeData_SfCalendarThemeData(brightness) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.SfCalendarThemeData(brightness, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- SfCalendarThemeData: function SfCalendarThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26) {
- var _ = this;
- _.brightness = t0;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.headerTextStyle = t2;
- _.cellBorderColor = t3;
- _.headerBackgroundColor = t4;
- _.selectionBorderColor = t5;
- _.agendaBackgroundColor = t6;
- _.viewHeaderBackgroundColor = t7;
- _.viewHeaderDayTextStyle = t8;
- _.agendaDayTextStyle = t9;
- _.agendaDateTextStyle = t10;
- _.activeDatesBackgroundColor = t11;
- _.todayBackgroundColor = t12;
- _.trailingDatesBackgroundColor = t13;
- _.leadingDatesBackgroundColor = t14;
- _.leadingDatesTextStyle = t15;
- _.blackoutDatesTextStyle = t16;
- _.todayTextStyle = t17;
- _.todayHighlightColor = t18;
- _.viewHeaderDateTextStyle = t19;
- _.timeTextStyle = t20;
- _.activeDatesTextStyle = t21;
- _.trailingDatesTextStyle = t22;
- _.weekNumberBackgroundColor = t23;
- _.weekNumberTextStyle = t24;
- _.timeIndicatorTextStyle = t25;
- _.allDayPanelColor = t26;
- },
- _SfCalendarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SfCalendarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SfChartTheme_of(context) {
- var t1;
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.SfChartTheme);
- t1 = A.SfTheme_of(context);
- return t1.chartThemeData;
- },
- SfChartThemeData_SfChartThemeData(brightness) {
- var isLight, axisLabelColor, axisTitleColor, axisLineColor, majorGridLineColor, minorGridLineColor, majorTickLineColor, minorTickLineColor, titleTextColor, legendTextColor, legendBackgroundColor, legendTitleColor, plotAreaBorderColor, crosshairLineColor, crosshairBackgroundColor, crosshairLabelColor, tooltipColor, tooltipLabelColor, tooltipSeparatorColor, selectionRectColor, selectionRectBorderColor, selectionTooltipConnectorLineColor, waterfallConnectorLineColor, _null = null;
- if (brightness == null)
- brightness = B.Brightness_1;
- isLight = brightness === B.Brightness_1;
- axisLabelColor = isLight ? B.Color_4285032552 : B.Color_4294111986;
- axisTitleColor = isLight ? B.Color_4282532418 : B.Color_4294967295;
- axisLineColor = isLight ? B.Color_4290098613 : B.Color_4284835173;
- majorGridLineColor = isLight ? B.Color_4292598747 : B.Color_4282796630;
- minorGridLineColor = isLight ? B.Color_4293585642 : B.Color_4282796630;
- majorTickLineColor = isLight ? B.Color_4290098613 : B.Color_4290756543;
- minorTickLineColor = isLight ? B.Color_4292269782 : B.Color_4288059030;
- titleTextColor = isLight ? B.Color_4282532418 : B.Color_4294967295;
- legendTextColor = isLight ? B.Color_4281677109 : B.Color_4294967295;
- legendBackgroundColor = isLight ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080;
- legendTitleColor = isLight ? B.Color_4282532418 : B.Color_4294967295;
- plotAreaBorderColor = isLight ? B.Color_4292598747 : B.Color_4284835173;
- crosshairLineColor = isLight ? B.Color_4283387727 : B.Color_4294967295;
- crosshairBackgroundColor = isLight ? B.Color_4283387727 : B.Color_4294967295;
- crosshairLabelColor = isLight ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080;
- tooltipColor = isLight ? B.Color_3204450326 : B.Color_4294967295;
- tooltipLabelColor = isLight ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080;
- tooltipSeparatorColor = isLight ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4288059030;
- selectionRectColor = isLight ? B.Color_422161378 : B.Color_1291835705;
- selectionRectBorderColor = isLight ? B.Color_4280921058 : B.Color_4294967295;
- selectionTooltipConnectorLineColor = isLight ? B.Color_4283387727 : B.Color_4288059030;
- waterfallConnectorLineColor = isLight ? B.Color_4278190080 : B.Color_4294967295;
- return A.SfChartThemeData$raw(axisLabelColor, _null, axisLineColor, _null, axisTitleColor, _null, B.Color_0, brightness, crosshairBackgroundColor, crosshairLabelColor, crosshairLineColor, _null, _null, legendBackgroundColor, legendTextColor, _null, legendTitleColor, _null, majorGridLineColor, majorTickLineColor, minorGridLineColor, minorTickLineColor, B.Color_0, plotAreaBorderColor, _null, selectionRectBorderColor, selectionRectColor, selectionTooltipConnectorLineColor, _null, B.Color_0, titleTextColor, _null, tooltipColor, tooltipLabelColor, tooltipSeparatorColor, _null, _null, waterfallConnectorLineColor);
- },
- SfChartThemeData$raw(axisLabelColor, axisLabelTextStyle, axisLineColor, axisMultiLevelLabelTextStyle, axisTitleColor, axisTitleTextStyle, backgroundColor, brightness, crosshairBackgroundColor, crosshairLabelColor, crosshairLineColor, crosshairTextStyle, dataLabelTextStyle, legendBackgroundColor, legendTextColor, legendTextStyle, legendTitleColor, legendTitleTextStyle, majorGridLineColor, majorTickLineColor, minorGridLineColor, minorTickLineColor, plotAreaBackgroundColor, plotAreaBorderColor, plotBandLabelTextStyle, selectionRectBorderColor, selectionRectColor, selectionTooltipConnectorLineColor, selectionZoomingTooltipTextStyle, titleBackgroundColor, titleTextColor, titleTextStyle, tooltipColor, tooltipLabelColor, tooltipSeparatorColor, tooltipTextStyle, trackballTextStyle, waterfallConnectorLineColor) {
- return new A.SfChartThemeData(brightness, backgroundColor, axisLabelColor, axisTitleColor, axisLineColor, majorGridLineColor, minorGridLineColor, majorTickLineColor, minorTickLineColor, titleTextColor, titleBackgroundColor, legendTextColor, legendTitleColor, legendBackgroundColor, plotAreaBackgroundColor, plotAreaBorderColor, crosshairLineColor, crosshairBackgroundColor, crosshairLabelColor, tooltipColor, tooltipLabelColor, tooltipSeparatorColor, selectionRectColor, selectionRectBorderColor, selectionTooltipConnectorLineColor, waterfallConnectorLineColor, titleTextStyle, axisTitleTextStyle, axisLabelTextStyle, axisMultiLevelLabelTextStyle, plotBandLabelTextStyle, legendTitleTextStyle, legendTextStyle, dataLabelTextStyle, tooltipTextStyle, trackballTextStyle, crosshairTextStyle, selectionZoomingTooltipTextStyle);
- },
- SfChartThemeData: function SfChartThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37) {
- var _ = this;
- _.brightness = t0;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.axisLabelColor = t2;
- _.axisTitleColor = t3;
- _.axisLineColor = t4;
- _.majorGridLineColor = t5;
- _.minorGridLineColor = t6;
- _.majorTickLineColor = t7;
- _.minorTickLineColor = t8;
- _.titleTextColor = t9;
- _.titleBackgroundColor = t10;
- _.legendTextColor = t11;
- _.legendTitleColor = t12;
- _.legendBackgroundColor = t13;
- _.plotAreaBackgroundColor = t14;
- _.plotAreaBorderColor = t15;
- _.crosshairLineColor = t16;
- _.crosshairBackgroundColor = t17;
- _.crosshairLabelColor = t18;
- _.tooltipColor = t19;
- _.tooltipLabelColor = t20;
- _.tooltipSeparatorColor = t21;
- _.selectionRectColor = t22;
- _.selectionRectBorderColor = t23;
- _.selectionTooltipConnectorLineColor = t24;
- _.waterfallConnectorLineColor = t25;
- _.titleTextStyle = t26;
- _.axisTitleTextStyle = t27;
- _.axisLabelTextStyle = t28;
- _.axisMultiLevelLabelTextStyle = t29;
- _.plotBandLabelTextStyle = t30;
- _.legendTitleTextStyle = t31;
- _.legendTextStyle = t32;
- _.dataLabelTextStyle = t33;
- _.tooltipTextStyle = t34;
- _.trackballTextStyle = t35;
- _.crosshairTextStyle = t36;
- _.selectionZoomingTooltipTextStyle = t37;
- },
- _SfChartThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SfChartThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SfDataGridTheme$(child, data) {
- return new A.SfDataGridTheme(data, child, child, null);
- },
- SfDataGridThemeData_SfDataGridThemeData(brightness, gridLineStrokeWidth, headerColor) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.SfDataGridThemeData(brightness, _null, gridLineStrokeWidth, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, headerColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- SfDataGridTheme: function SfDataGridTheme(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.data = t0;
- _.SfDataGridTheme_child = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- SfDataGridThemeData: function SfDataGridThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24) {
- var _ = this;
- _.brightness = t0;
- _.gridLineColor = t1;
- _.gridLineStrokeWidth = t2;
- _.selectionColor = t3;
- _.currentCellStyle = t4;
- _.frozenPaneLineWidth = t5;
- _.frozenPaneLineColor = t6;
- _.sortIconColor = t7;
- _.headerHoverColor = t8;
- _.headerColor = t9;
- _.frozenPaneElevation = t10;
- _.columnResizeIndicatorColor = t11;
- _.columnResizeIndicatorStrokeWidth = t12;
- _.rowHoverColor = t13;
- _.rowHoverTextStyle = t14;
- _.sortIcon = t15;
- _.filterIcon = t16;
- _.filterIconColor = t17;
- _.filterIconHoverColor = t18;
- _.sortOrderNumberColor = t19;
- _.sortOrderNumberBackgroundColor = t20;
- _.filterPopupTextStyle = t21;
- _.filterPopupDisabledTextStyle = t22;
- _.columnDragIndicatorStrokeWidth = t23;
- _.columnDragIndicatorColor = t24;
- },
- DataGridCurrentCellStyle: function DataGridCurrentCellStyle(t0, t1) {
- this.borderColor = t0;
- this.borderWidth = t1;
- },
- _SfDataGridThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SfDataGridThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SfDataPagerThemeData_SfDataPagerThemeData(brightness) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.SfDataPagerThemeData(brightness, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- SfDataPagerThemeData: function SfDataPagerThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.brightness = t0;
- _.itemColor = t1;
- _.backgroundColor = t2;
- _.itemTextStyle = t3;
- _.disabledItemColor = t4;
- _.disabledItemTextStyle = t5;
- _.selectedItemColor = t6;
- _.selectedItemTextStyle = t7;
- _.itemBorderColor = t8;
- _.itemBorderWidth = t9;
- _.itemBorderRadius = t10;
- _.dropdownButtonBorderColor = t11;
- },
- _SfDataPagerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SfDataPagerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SfDateRangePickerThemeData_SfDateRangePickerThemeData(brightness) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.SfDateRangePickerThemeData(brightness, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- SfDateRangePickerThemeData: function SfDateRangePickerThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26) {
- var _ = this;
- _.brightness = t0;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.viewHeaderTextStyle = t2;
- _.headerTextStyle = t3;
- _.trailingDatesTextStyle = t4;
- _.leadingCellTextStyle = t5;
- _.activeDatesTextStyle = t6;
- _.cellTextStyle = t7;
- _.rangeSelectionTextStyle = t8;
- _.leadingDatesTextStyle = t9;
- _.disabledDatesTextStyle = t10;
- _.disabledCellTextStyle = t11;
- _.selectionColor = t12;
- _.rangeSelectionColor = t13;
- _.weekNumberBackgroundColor = t14;
- _.selectionTextStyle = t15;
- _.startRangeSelectionColor = t16;
- _.endRangeSelectionColor = t17;
- _.headerBackgroundColor = t18;
- _.viewHeaderBackgroundColor = t19;
- _.blackoutDatesTextStyle = t20;
- _.todayHighlightColor = t21;
- _.todayTextStyle = t22;
- _.todayCellTextStyle = t23;
- _.weekendDatesTextStyle = t24;
- _.specialDatesTextStyle = t25;
- _.weekNumberTextStyle = t26;
- },
- _SfDateRangePickerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SfDateRangePickerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SfGaugeThemeData_SfGaugeThemeData(brightness) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.SfGaugeThemeData(brightness, B.Color_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.Color_0, _null, _null, B.Color_0, _null, B.Color_0, _null, _null, B.Color_0, B.Color_0, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- SfGaugeThemeData: function SfGaugeThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20) {
- var _ = this;
- _.brightness = t0;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.titleColor = t2;
- _.axisLabelColor = t3;
- _.axisLineColor = t4;
- _.majorTickColor = t5;
- _.minorTickColor = t6;
- _.markerColor = t7;
- _.markerBorderColor = t8;
- _.needleColor = t9;
- _.knobColor = t10;
- _.knobBorderColor = t11;
- _.tailColor = t12;
- _.tailBorderColor = t13;
- _.rangePointerColor = t14;
- _.rangeColor = t15;
- _.titleBorderColor = t16;
- _.titleBackgroundColor = t17;
- _.titleTextStyle = t18;
- _.axisLabelTextStyle = t19;
- _.markerTextStyle = t20;
- },
- _SfGaugeThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SfGaugeThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SfMapsThemeData_SfMapsThemeData(brightness) {
- var _null = null;
- if (brightness == null)
- brightness = B.Brightness_1;
- return new A.SfMapsThemeData(brightness, _null, _null, 1, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 1, _null, _null, _null, 1, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 0.5, _null, _null, 1, B.BorderRadius_tLn1, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- SfMapsThemeData: function SfMapsThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27) {
- var _ = this;
- _.brightness = t0;
- _.layerColor = t1;
- _.layerStrokeColor = t2;
- _.layerStrokeWidth = t3;
- _.shapeHoverColor = t4;
- _.shapeHoverStrokeColor = t5;
- _.shapeHoverStrokeWidth = t6;
- _.legendTextStyle = t7;
- _.markerIconColor = t8;
- _.markerIconStrokeColor = t9;
- _.markerIconStrokeWidth = t10;
- _.dataLabelTextStyle = t11;
- _.bubbleColor = t12;
- _.bubbleStrokeColor = t13;
- _.bubbleStrokeWidth = t14;
- _.bubbleHoverColor = t15;
- _.bubbleHoverStrokeColor = t16;
- _.bubbleHoverStrokeWidth = t17;
- _.selectionColor = t18;
- _.selectionStrokeColor = t19;
- _.selectionStrokeWidth = t20;
- _.tooltipColor = t21;
- _.tooltipStrokeColor = t22;
- _.tooltipStrokeWidth = t23;
- _.tooltipBorderRadius = t24;
- _.toggledItemColor = t25;
- _.toggledItemStrokeColor = t26;
- _.toggledItemStrokeWidth = t27;
- },
- _SfMapsThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SfMapsThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SfPdfViewerThemeData_SfPdfViewerThemeData(brightness) {
- var isLight, backgroundColor, scrollHeadStyle, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, bookmarkViewStyle, paginationDialogStyle, hyperlinkDialogStyle, passwordDialogStyle, _null = null;
- if (brightness == null)
- brightness = B.Brightness_1;
- isLight = brightness === B.Brightness_1;
- backgroundColor = isLight ? B.Color_4292269782 : B.Color_4281348144;
- scrollHeadStyle = new A.PdfScrollHeadStyle(isLight ? B.Color_4294638330 : B.Color_4282532418);
- t1 = isLight ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4280361249;
- t2 = isLight ? A.Color$fromARGB(138, 0, 0, 0) : A.Color$fromARGB(138, 255, 255, 255);
- t3 = isLight ? A.Color$fromARGB(138, 0, 0, 0) : A.Color$fromARGB(138, 255, 255, 255);
- t4 = isLight ? B.Color_4294638330 : B.Color_4282532418;
- t5 = isLight ? A.Color$fromARGB(138, 0, 0, 0) : A.Color$fromARGB(138, 255, 255, 255);
- t6 = isLight ? B.Color_335544320 : B.Color_520093695;
- bookmarkViewStyle = new A.PdfBookmarkViewStyle(t1, t4, t2, t3, t5, t6, isLight ? B.Color_671088640 : B.Color_687865855);
- paginationDialogStyle = new A.PdfPaginationDialogStyle(isLight ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4282532418);
- t1 = isLight ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4282532418;
- hyperlinkDialogStyle = new A.PdfHyperlinkDialogStyle(t1, isLight ? A.Color$fromARGB(153, 0, 0, 0) : A.Color$fromARGB(153, 255, 255, 255));
- t1 = isLight ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4282532418;
- t2 = isLight ? A.Color$fromARGB(153, 0, 0, 0) : A.Color$fromARGB(153, 255, 255, 255);
- passwordDialogStyle = new A.PdfPasswordDialogStyle(t1, t2, isLight ? A.Color$fromARGB(153, 0, 0, 0) : A.Color$fromARGB(153, 255, 255, 255));
- return new A.SfPdfViewerThemeData(brightness, backgroundColor, _null, _null, scrollHeadStyle, bookmarkViewStyle, paginationDialogStyle, hyperlinkDialogStyle, passwordDialogStyle);
- },
- SfPdfViewerThemeData: function SfPdfViewerThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.brightness = t0;
- _.backgroundColor = t1;
- _.progressBarColor = t2;
- _.scrollStatusStyle = t3;
- _.scrollHeadStyle = t4;
- _.bookmarkViewStyle = t5;
- _.paginationDialogStyle = t6;
- _.hyperlinkDialogStyle = t7;
- _.passwordDialogStyle = t8;
- },
- PdfScrollHeadStyle: function PdfScrollHeadStyle(t0) {
- this.backgroundColor = t0;
- },
- PdfBookmarkViewStyle: function PdfBookmarkViewStyle(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.backgroundColor = t0;
- _.headerBarColor = t1;
- _.closeIconColor = t2;
- _.backIconColor = t3;
- _.navigationIconColor = t4;
- _.selectionColor = t5;
- _.titleSeparatorColor = t6;
- },
- PdfPaginationDialogStyle: function PdfPaginationDialogStyle(t0) {
- this.backgroundColor = t0;
- },
- PdfHyperlinkDialogStyle: function PdfHyperlinkDialogStyle(t0, t1) {
- this.backgroundColor = t0;
- this.closeIconColor = t1;
- },
- PdfPasswordDialogStyle: function PdfPasswordDialogStyle(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.backgroundColor = t0;
- this.closeIconColor = t1;
- this.visibleIconColor = t2;
- },
- _SfPdfViewerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SfPdfViewerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SfRangeSelectorThemeData_SfRangeSelectorThemeData(brightness) {
- var _null = null;
- if (brightness == null)
- brightness = B.Brightness_1;
- return new A.SfRangeSelectorThemeData(_null, _null, _null, _null, brightness, 6, 4, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.Size_1_8, B.Size_1_5, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 24, 10);
- },
- SfRangeSelectorThemeData: function SfRangeSelectorThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42, t43, t44) {
- var _ = this;
- _.activeRegionColor = t0;
- _.inactiveRegionColor = t1;
- _.overlappingThumbStrokeColor = t2;
- _.overlappingTooltipStrokeColor = t3;
- _.brightness = t4;
- _.activeTrackHeight = t5;
- _.inactiveTrackHeight = t6;
- _.activeDividerRadius = t7;
- _.inactiveDividerRadius = t8;
- _.thumbStrokeWidth = t9;
- _.activeDividerStrokeWidth = t10;
- _.inactiveDividerStrokeWidth = t11;
- _.tickSize = t12;
- _.minorTickSize = t13;
- _.tickOffset = t14;
- _.labelOffset = t15;
- _.inactiveLabelStyle = t16;
- _.activeLabelStyle = t17;
- _.tooltipTextStyle = t18;
- _.inactiveTrackColor = t19;
- _.activeTrackColor = t20;
- _.thumbColor = t21;
- _.thumbStrokeColor = t22;
- _.activeDividerStrokeColor = t23;
- _.inactiveDividerStrokeColor = t24;
- _.activeTickColor = t25;
- _.inactiveTickColor = t26;
- _.disabledActiveTickColor = t27;
- _.disabledInactiveTickColor = t28;
- _.activeMinorTickColor = t29;
- _.inactiveMinorTickColor = t30;
- _.disabledActiveMinorTickColor = t31;
- _.disabledInactiveMinorTickColor = t32;
- _.overlayColor = t33;
- _.inactiveDividerColor = t34;
- _.activeDividerColor = t35;
- _.disabledActiveTrackColor = t36;
- _.disabledInactiveTrackColor = t37;
- _.disabledActiveDividerColor = t38;
- _.disabledInactiveDividerColor = t39;
- _.disabledThumbColor = t40;
- _.tooltipBackgroundColor = t41;
- _.trackCornerRadius = t42;
- _.overlayRadius = t43;
- _.thumbRadius = t44;
- },
- SfRangeSliderThemeData_SfRangeSliderThemeData(brightness) {
- var _null = null;
- if (brightness == null)
- brightness = B.Brightness_1;
- return A.SfRangeSliderThemeData$raw(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 6, brightness, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 4, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 24, _null, 10, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- SfRangeSliderThemeData$raw(activeDividerColor, activeDividerRadius, activeDividerStrokeColor, activeDividerStrokeWidth, activeLabelStyle, activeMinorTickColor, activeTickColor, activeTrackColor, activeTrackHeight, brightness, disabledActiveDividerColor, disabledActiveMinorTickColor, disabledActiveTickColor, disabledActiveTrackColor, disabledInactiveDividerColor, disabledInactiveMinorTickColor, disabledInactiveTickColor, disabledInactiveTrackColor, disabledThumbColor, inactiveDividerColor, inactiveDividerRadius, inactiveDividerStrokeColor, inactiveDividerStrokeWidth, inactiveLabelStyle, inactiveMinorTickColor, inactiveTickColor, inactiveTrackColor, inactiveTrackHeight, labelOffset, minorTickSize, overlappingThumbStrokeColor, overlappingTooltipStrokeColor, overlayColor, overlayRadius, thumbColor, thumbRadius, thumbStrokeColor, thumbStrokeWidth, tickOffset, tickSize, tooltipBackgroundColor, tooltipTextStyle, trackCornerRadius) {
- return new A.SfRangeSliderThemeData(overlappingThumbStrokeColor, overlappingTooltipStrokeColor, brightness, activeTrackHeight, inactiveTrackHeight, activeDividerRadius, inactiveDividerRadius, thumbStrokeWidth, activeDividerStrokeWidth, inactiveDividerStrokeWidth, tickSize, minorTickSize, tickOffset, labelOffset, inactiveLabelStyle, activeLabelStyle, tooltipTextStyle, inactiveTrackColor, activeTrackColor, thumbColor, thumbStrokeColor, activeDividerStrokeColor, inactiveDividerStrokeColor, activeTickColor, inactiveTickColor, disabledActiveTickColor, disabledInactiveTickColor, activeMinorTickColor, inactiveMinorTickColor, disabledActiveMinorTickColor, disabledInactiveMinorTickColor, overlayColor, inactiveDividerColor, activeDividerColor, disabledActiveTrackColor, disabledInactiveTrackColor, disabledActiveDividerColor, disabledInactiveDividerColor, disabledThumbColor, tooltipBackgroundColor, trackCornerRadius, overlayRadius, thumbRadius);
- },
- SfRangeSliderThemeData: function SfRangeSliderThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40, t41, t42) {
- var _ = this;
- _.overlappingThumbStrokeColor = t0;
- _.overlappingTooltipStrokeColor = t1;
- _.brightness = t2;
- _.activeTrackHeight = t3;
- _.inactiveTrackHeight = t4;
- _.activeDividerRadius = t5;
- _.inactiveDividerRadius = t6;
- _.thumbStrokeWidth = t7;
- _.activeDividerStrokeWidth = t8;
- _.inactiveDividerStrokeWidth = t9;
- _.tickSize = t10;
- _.minorTickSize = t11;
- _.tickOffset = t12;
- _.labelOffset = t13;
- _.inactiveLabelStyle = t14;
- _.activeLabelStyle = t15;
- _.tooltipTextStyle = t16;
- _.inactiveTrackColor = t17;
- _.activeTrackColor = t18;
- _.thumbColor = t19;
- _.thumbStrokeColor = t20;
- _.activeDividerStrokeColor = t21;
- _.inactiveDividerStrokeColor = t22;
- _.activeTickColor = t23;
- _.inactiveTickColor = t24;
- _.disabledActiveTickColor = t25;
- _.disabledInactiveTickColor = t26;
- _.activeMinorTickColor = t27;
- _.inactiveMinorTickColor = t28;
- _.disabledActiveMinorTickColor = t29;
- _.disabledInactiveMinorTickColor = t30;
- _.overlayColor = t31;
- _.inactiveDividerColor = t32;
- _.activeDividerColor = t33;
- _.disabledActiveTrackColor = t34;
- _.disabledInactiveTrackColor = t35;
- _.disabledActiveDividerColor = t36;
- _.disabledInactiveDividerColor = t37;
- _.disabledThumbColor = t38;
- _.tooltipBackgroundColor = t39;
- _.trackCornerRadius = t40;
- _.overlayRadius = t41;
- _.thumbRadius = t42;
- },
- SfSliderThemeData_SfSliderThemeData(brightness) {
- var _null = null;
- if (brightness == null)
- brightness = B.Brightness_1;
- return A.SfSliderThemeData$raw(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 6, brightness, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 4, _null, _null, _null, 24, _null, 10, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- SfSliderThemeData$raw(activeDividerColor, activeDividerRadius, activeDividerStrokeColor, activeDividerStrokeWidth, activeLabelStyle, activeMinorTickColor, activeTickColor, activeTrackColor, activeTrackHeight, brightness, disabledActiveDividerColor, disabledActiveMinorTickColor, disabledActiveTickColor, disabledActiveTrackColor, disabledInactiveDividerColor, disabledInactiveMinorTickColor, disabledInactiveTickColor, disabledInactiveTrackColor, disabledThumbColor, inactiveDividerColor, inactiveDividerRadius, inactiveDividerStrokeColor, inactiveDividerStrokeWidth, inactiveLabelStyle, inactiveMinorTickColor, inactiveTickColor, inactiveTrackColor, inactiveTrackHeight, labelOffset, minorTickSize, overlayColor, overlayRadius, thumbColor, thumbRadius, thumbStrokeColor, thumbStrokeWidth, tickOffset, tickSize, tooltipBackgroundColor, tooltipTextStyle, trackCornerRadius) {
- return new A.SfSliderThemeData(brightness, activeTrackHeight, inactiveTrackHeight, activeDividerRadius, inactiveDividerRadius, thumbStrokeWidth, activeDividerStrokeWidth, inactiveDividerStrokeWidth, tickSize, minorTickSize, tickOffset, labelOffset, inactiveLabelStyle, activeLabelStyle, tooltipTextStyle, inactiveTrackColor, activeTrackColor, thumbColor, thumbStrokeColor, activeDividerStrokeColor, inactiveDividerStrokeColor, activeTickColor, inactiveTickColor, disabledActiveTickColor, disabledInactiveTickColor, activeMinorTickColor, inactiveMinorTickColor, disabledActiveMinorTickColor, disabledInactiveMinorTickColor, overlayColor, inactiveDividerColor, activeDividerColor, disabledActiveTrackColor, disabledInactiveTrackColor, disabledActiveDividerColor, disabledInactiveDividerColor, disabledThumbColor, tooltipBackgroundColor, trackCornerRadius, overlayRadius, thumbRadius);
- },
- SfSliderThemeData: function SfSliderThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, t34, t35, t36, t37, t38, t39, t40) {
- var _ = this;
- _.brightness = t0;
- _.activeTrackHeight = t1;
- _.inactiveTrackHeight = t2;
- _.activeDividerRadius = t3;
- _.inactiveDividerRadius = t4;
- _.thumbStrokeWidth = t5;
- _.activeDividerStrokeWidth = t6;
- _.inactiveDividerStrokeWidth = t7;
- _.tickSize = t8;
- _.minorTickSize = t9;
- _.tickOffset = t10;
- _.labelOffset = t11;
- _.inactiveLabelStyle = t12;
- _.activeLabelStyle = t13;
- _.tooltipTextStyle = t14;
- _.inactiveTrackColor = t15;
- _.activeTrackColor = t16;
- _.thumbColor = t17;
- _.thumbStrokeColor = t18;
- _.activeDividerStrokeColor = t19;
- _.inactiveDividerStrokeColor = t20;
- _.activeTickColor = t21;
- _.inactiveTickColor = t22;
- _.disabledActiveTickColor = t23;
- _.disabledInactiveTickColor = t24;
- _.activeMinorTickColor = t25;
- _.inactiveMinorTickColor = t26;
- _.disabledActiveMinorTickColor = t27;
- _.disabledInactiveMinorTickColor = t28;
- _.overlayColor = t29;
- _.inactiveDividerColor = t30;
- _.activeDividerColor = t31;
- _.disabledActiveTrackColor = t32;
- _.disabledInactiveTrackColor = t33;
- _.disabledActiveDividerColor = t34;
- _.disabledInactiveDividerColor = t35;
- _.disabledThumbColor = t36;
- _.tooltipBackgroundColor = t37;
- _.trackCornerRadius = t38;
- _.overlayRadius = t39;
- _.thumbRadius = t40;
- },
- _SfSliderThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SfSliderThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SfTheme_of(context) {
- var t1;
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._SfInheritedTheme);
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme.brightness === B.Brightness_1 ? A.SfThemeData_SfThemeData(B.Brightness_1) : A.SfThemeData_SfThemeData(B.Brightness_0);
- return t1;
- },
- SfThemeData_SfThemeData(brightness) {
- var pdfViewerThemeData = A.SfPdfViewerThemeData_SfPdfViewerThemeData(brightness),
- chartThemeData = A.SfChartThemeData_SfChartThemeData(brightness),
- calendarThemeData = A.SfCalendarThemeData_SfCalendarThemeData(brightness),
- dataGridThemeData = A.SfDataGridThemeData_SfDataGridThemeData(brightness, null, null),
- dateRangePickerThemeData = A.SfDateRangePickerThemeData_SfDateRangePickerThemeData(brightness),
- barcodeThemeData = A.SfBarcodeThemeData_SfBarcodeThemeData(brightness),
- gaugeThemeData = A.SfGaugeThemeData_SfGaugeThemeData(brightness),
- sliderThemeData = A.SfSliderThemeData_SfSliderThemeData(brightness),
- rangeSelectorThemeData = A.SfRangeSelectorThemeData_SfRangeSelectorThemeData(brightness),
- rangeSliderThemeData = A.SfRangeSliderThemeData_SfRangeSliderThemeData(brightness),
- mapsThemeData = A.SfMapsThemeData_SfMapsThemeData(brightness),
- treemapThemeData = A.SfTreemapThemeData_SfTreemapThemeData(brightness),
- dataPagerThemeData = A.SfDataPagerThemeData_SfDataPagerThemeData(brightness);
- return new A.SfThemeData(brightness, pdfViewerThemeData, chartThemeData, dataGridThemeData, dateRangePickerThemeData, calendarThemeData, barcodeThemeData, gaugeThemeData, rangeSelectorThemeData, rangeSliderThemeData, sliderThemeData, mapsThemeData, dataPagerThemeData, treemapThemeData);
- },
- SfThemeData: function SfThemeData(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13) {
- var _ = this;
- _.brightness = t0;
- _.pdfViewerThemeData = t1;
- _.chartThemeData = t2;
- _.dataGridThemeData = t3;
- _.dateRangePickerThemeData = t4;
- _.calendarThemeData = t5;
- _.barcodeThemeData = t6;
- _.gaugeThemeData = t7;
- _.rangeSelectorThemeData = t8;
- _.rangeSliderThemeData = t9;
- _.sliderThemeData = t10;
- _.mapsThemeData = t11;
- _.dataPagerThemeData = t12;
- _.treemapThemeData = t13;
- },
- _SfThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SfThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- SfTreemapThemeData_SfTreemapThemeData(brightness) {
- return new A.SfTreemapThemeData(null);
- },
- SfTreemapThemeData: function SfTreemapThemeData(t0) {
- this.legendTextStyle = t0;
- },
- _SfTreemapThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable: function _SfTreemapThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable() {
- },
- getShapesPath(path, rect, shapeType) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer(),
- t2 = t1.createCanvas$2(t1.createPictureRecorder$0(), _null),
- t3 = t1.createPaint$0();
- return A._processShapes(_null, t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, t3, path == null ? t1.createPath$0() : path, -1.5707963267948966, _null, rect, shapeType, _null);
- },
- _processShapes(borderPaint, canvas, degree, elevation, elevationColor, endAngle, isNeedToReturnPath, overlayMarkerType, paint, path, pentagonRotation, radius, rect, shapeType, startAngle) {
- var _null = null;
- switch (shapeType.index) {
- case 1:
- return A._processCircleShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 2:
- return A._processRectangleShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 3:
- return A._processDiamondShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 4:
- return A._processTriangleShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 5:
- return A._processInvertedTriangleShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 6:
- return A._processVerticalTriangleShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 7:
- return A._processVerticalInvertedTriangleShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 8:
- return A._processPentagonShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect, pentagonRotation);
- case 9:
- return A._processVerticalLineShape(canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, borderPaint, path, rect, paint.get$shader() != null ? paint : _null);
- case 10:
- return A._processHorizontalLineShape(canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, borderPaint, path, rect, paint.get$shader() != null ? paint : _null);
- case 11:
- case 13:
- case 15:
- case 17:
- return A._processLineShape(canvas, false, true, isNeedToReturnPath, overlayMarkerType, borderPaint, path, rect, paint.get$shader() != null ? paint : _null);
- case 12:
- case 14:
- case 16:
- case 18:
- return A._processLineShape(canvas, true, true, isNeedToReturnPath, overlayMarkerType, borderPaint, path, rect, paint.get$shader() != null ? paint : _null);
- case 19:
- return A._processSplineShape(canvas, false, isNeedToReturnPath, borderPaint, path, rect, paint.get$shader() != null ? paint : _null);
- case 20:
- return A._processSplineShape(canvas, true, isNeedToReturnPath, borderPaint, path, rect, paint.get$shader() != null ? paint : _null);
- case 21:
- case 22:
- return A._processSplineAreaShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 23:
- case 24:
- case 25:
- case 26:
- return A._processAreaShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 27:
- return A._processStepAreaShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 28:
- return A._processStepLineShape(canvas, false, isNeedToReturnPath, borderPaint, path, rect, paint.get$shader() != null ? paint : _null);
- case 29:
- return A._processStepLineShape(canvas, true, isNeedToReturnPath, borderPaint, path, rect, paint.get$shader() != null ? paint : _null);
- case 30:
- return A._processBubbleShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 31:
- case 32:
- case 33:
- case 34:
- case 35:
- return A._processColumnShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 36:
- case 37:
- case 38:
- return A._processBarShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 39:
- return A._processHiloShape(canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, borderPaint, path, rect, paint.get$shader() != null ? paint : _null);
- case 40:
- case 41:
- return A._processHiloOpenCloseShape(canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, borderPaint, path, rect, paint.get$shader() != null ? paint : _null);
- case 42:
- case 43:
- return A._processWaterfallShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 44:
- return A._processPieShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 45:
- return A._processDoughnutShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, radius, rect);
- case 46:
- return A._processRadialBarShape(borderPaint, canvas, degree, endAngle, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, radius, rect, startAngle);
- case 47:
- return A._processPyramidShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 48:
- return A._processFunnelShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect);
- case 0:
- return $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- }
- },
- _processCircleShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- path.addOval$1(rect);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processRectangleShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- path.addRect$1(rect);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processInvertedTriangleShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- var t3,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = rect.top;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1, t2);
- t3 = rect.right - t1;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 + t3, t2);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 + t3 / 2, t2 + (rect.bottom - t2));
- path.close$0(0);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processTriangleShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- var t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = rect.right - t1,
- t3 = rect.top;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1 + t2 / 2, t3);
- t3 += rect.bottom - t3;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t3);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 + t2, t3);
- path.close$0(0);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processVerticalTriangleShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- var t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = rect.top,
- t3 = rect.bottom - t2;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1, t2 + t3 / 2);
- t1 += rect.right - t1;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t2);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t2 + t3);
- path.close$0(0);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processVerticalInvertedTriangleShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- var t3,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = rect.top;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1, t2);
- t3 = rect.bottom - t2;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 + (rect.right - t1), t2 + t3 / 2);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t2 + t3);
- path.close$0(0);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processDiamondShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- var t5, t6,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = rect.right - t1,
- t3 = t1 + t2 / 2,
- t4 = rect.top;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t3, t4);
- t5 = rect.bottom - t4;
- t6 = t4 + t5 / 2;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t6);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t3, t4 + t5);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 + t2, t6);
- path.close$0(0);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processPentagonShape(borderPaint, canvas, elevation, elevationColor, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect, rotation) {
- var $top, i, angle,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = (rect.right - t1) / 2,
- left = t1 + t2;
- t1 = rect.top;
- $top = t1 + (rect.bottom - t1) / 2;
- for (i = 0; i <= 5; ++i) {
- angle = i / 5 * 3.141592653589793 * 2 + rotation;
- if (i === 0)
- path.moveTo$2(0, Math.cos(angle) * t2 + left, Math.sin(angle) * t2 + $top);
- else
- path.lineTo$2(0, Math.cos(angle) * t2 + left, Math.sin(angle) * t2 + $top);
- }
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processVerticalLineShape(canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect, shaderPaint) {
- var t2, $top,
- t1 = rect.left,
- left = t1 + (rect.right - t1) / 2;
- t1 = rect.top;
- t2 = (rect.bottom - t1) / 2;
- $top = t1 + t2;
- path.moveTo$2(0, left, $top + t2);
- path.lineTo$2(0, left, $top - t2);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- if (paint != null) {
- paint.set$shader(shaderPaint != null ? shaderPaint.get$shader() : paint.get$shader());
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- }
- return path;
- },
- _processHorizontalLineShape(canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect, shaderPaint) {
- var $top,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = (rect.right - t1) / 2,
- left = t1 + t2;
- t1 = rect.top;
- $top = t1 + (rect.bottom - t1) / 2;
- path.moveTo$2(0, left - t2, $top);
- path.lineTo$2(0, left + t2, $top);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- if (paint != null) {
- paint.set$shader(shaderPaint != null ? shaderPaint.get$shader() : paint.get$shader());
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- }
- return path;
- },
- _processStepLineShape(canvas, isDashArray, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect, shaderPaint) {
- var t4, y, t5, t6,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = rect.right - t1,
- t3 = t2 / 2,
- x = t1 + t3;
- t1 = rect.top;
- t4 = (rect.bottom - t1) / 2;
- y = t1 + t4;
- t1 = x - t3;
- t5 = y + t4;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1 - 2.5, t5);
- t6 = t2 / 10;
- t1 += t6;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t5);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, y);
- t6 = x - t6;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t6, y);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t6, t5);
- t2 = x + t2 / 5;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t2, t5);
- t4 = y - t4;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t2, t4);
- t3 = x + t3;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t3, t4);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t3, t5);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t3 + 2.5, t5);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- if (paint != null) {
- paint.set$shader(shaderPaint != null ? shaderPaint.get$shader() : paint.get$shader());
- t1 = isDashArray ? A._processDashPath(path, new A._CircularIntervalList(A._setArrayType([3, 2], type$.JSArray_double), type$._CircularIntervalList_double)) : path;
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- canvas.drawPath$2(t1, paint);
- }
- return path;
- },
- _processPieShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- var t3, y, r,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = rect.right - t1,
- x = t1 + t2 / 2;
- t1 = rect.top;
- t3 = rect.bottom - t1;
- y = t1 + t3 / 2;
- r = Math.min(t3, t2) / 2;
- path.moveTo$2(0, x, y);
- t1 = x + r;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, y);
- path.arcTo$4(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(new A.Offset(x, y), r), 0, 4.71238898038469, false);
- path.close$0(0);
- t3 = y - t3 / 10;
- path.moveTo$2(0, x + t2 / 10, t3);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t3);
- path.arcTo$4(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(new A.Offset(x + 2, y - 2), r), -0.08726646259971647, -1.3962634015954636, false);
- path.close$0(0);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processDoughnutShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, radius, rect) {
- var t3, y, path1, path2,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = rect.right - t1,
- x = t1 + t2 / 2;
- t1 = rect.top;
- t3 = rect.bottom - t1;
- y = t1 + t3 / 2;
- path1 = A._Cell$named("path1");
- path2 = A._Cell$named("path2");
- radius = (t2 + t3) / 2;
- if (isNeedToReturnPath) {
- if (borderPaint != null)
- path1.__late_helper$_value = A._getArcPath(path, radius / 4, radius / 2, new A.Offset(x, y), 0, 270, 270, true);
- else
- path2.__late_helper$_value = A._getArcPath(path, radius / 4, radius / 2, new A.Offset(x + 1, y - 1), -5, -85, -85, true);
- return path;
- }
- t1 = radius / 4;
- t2 = radius / 2;
- path1.__late_helper$_value = A._getArcPath(path, t1, t2, new A.Offset(x, y), 0, 270, 270, true);
- path2.__late_helper$_value = A._getArcPath($.$get$_renderer().createPath$0(), t1, t2, new A.Offset(x + 1, y - 1), -5, -85, -85, true);
- canvas.drawPath$2(path1._readLocal$0(), paint);
- t1 = borderPaint != null;
- if (t1) {
- t2 = path1._readLocal$0();
- borderPaint.set$color(0, A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(127.5), 224, 224, 224));
- canvas.drawPath$2(t2, borderPaint);
- }
- canvas.drawPath$2(path2._readLocal$0(), paint);
- if (t1) {
- t1 = path2._readLocal$0();
- borderPaint.set$color(0, A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(127.5), 224, 224, 224));
- canvas.drawPath$2(t1, borderPaint);
- }
- return path;
- },
- _processRadialBarShape(borderPaint, canvas, degree, endAngle, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, radius, rect, startAngle) {
- var t3, y, path1, path2, t4,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = rect.right - t1,
- x = t1 + t2 / 2;
- t1 = rect.top;
- t3 = rect.bottom - t1;
- y = t1 + t3 / 2;
- path1 = A._Cell$named("path1");
- path2 = A._Cell$named("path2");
- radius = (t2 + t3) / 2;
- if (isNeedToReturnPath) {
- if (borderPaint != null) {
- t1 = radius / 2;
- path1.__late_helper$_value = A._getArcPath(path, t1 - 2, t1, new A.Offset(x, y), 0, 359.99, 359.99, true);
- } else {
- t1 = radius / 2;
- startAngle.toString;
- endAngle.toString;
- degree.toString;
- path2.__late_helper$_value = A._getArcPath(path, t1 - 2, t1, new A.Offset(x, y), startAngle, endAngle, degree, true);
- }
- return path;
- }
- t1 = radius / 2;
- t2 = t1 - 2;
- path1.__late_helper$_value = A._getArcPath(path, t2, t1, new A.Offset(x, y), 0, 359.99, 359.99, true);
- t3 = $.$get$_renderer();
- t4 = t3.createPath$0();
- startAngle.toString;
- endAngle.toString;
- degree.toString;
- path2.__late_helper$_value = A._getArcPath(t4, t2, t1, new A.Offset(x, y), startAngle, endAngle, degree, true);
- t1 = borderPaint != null;
- if (t1) {
- t2 = path1._readLocal$0();
- t3 = t3.createPaint$0();
- t3.set$color(0, B.Color_4294309365);
- t3.set$strokeWidth(borderPaint.get$strokeWidth());
- canvas.drawPath$2(t2, t3);
- t3 = path1._readLocal$0();
- borderPaint.set$color(0, A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(127.5), 224, 224, 224));
- canvas.drawPath$2(t3, borderPaint);
- }
- canvas.drawPath$2(path2._readLocal$0(), paint);
- if (t1) {
- t1 = path2._readLocal$0();
- borderPaint.set$color(0, B.Color_0);
- canvas.drawPath$2(t1, borderPaint);
- }
- return path;
- },
- _getArcPath(path, innerRadius, radius, center, startAngle, endAngle, degree, isAnimate) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, isFullCircle, midpointAngle;
- startAngle *= 0.017453292519943295;
- endAngle *= 0.017453292519943295;
- t1 = Math.cos(startAngle);
- t2 = center._dx;
- t3 = Math.sin(startAngle);
- t4 = center._dy;
- t5 = Math.cos(endAngle);
- t6 = Math.sin(endAngle);
- t7 = radius * Math.cos(startAngle) + t2;
- t8 = radius * Math.sin(startAngle) + t4;
- path.moveTo$2(0, innerRadius * t1 + t2, innerRadius * t3 + t4);
- isFullCircle = endAngle - startAngle === 6.283185307179586;
- midpointAngle = (endAngle + startAngle) / 2;
- if (isFullCircle) {
- path.arcTo$4(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(center, radius), startAngle, midpointAngle - startAngle, true);
- path.arcTo$4(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(center, radius), midpointAngle, endAngle - midpointAngle, true);
- } else {
- path.lineTo$2(0, t7, t8);
- path.arcTo$4(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(center, radius), startAngle, degree * 0.017453292519943295, true);
- }
- if (isFullCircle) {
- path.arcTo$4(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(center, innerRadius), endAngle, midpointAngle - endAngle, true);
- path.arcTo$4(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(center, innerRadius), midpointAngle, startAngle - midpointAngle, true);
- } else {
- path.lineTo$2(0, innerRadius * t5 + t2, innerRadius * t6 + t4);
- path.arcTo$4(0, A.Rect$fromCircle(center, innerRadius), endAngle, startAngle - endAngle, true);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t7, t8);
- }
- return path;
- },
- _processHiloShape(canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect, shaderPaint) {
- var t2, y,
- t1 = rect.left,
- x = t1 + (rect.right - t1) / 2;
- t1 = rect.top;
- t2 = (rect.bottom - t1) / 2;
- y = t1 + t2;
- path.moveTo$2(0, x, y + t2);
- path.lineTo$2(0, x, y - t2);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- if (paint != null) {
- paint.set$shader(shaderPaint != null ? shaderPaint.get$shader() : paint.get$shader());
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- }
- return path;
- },
- _processHiloOpenCloseShape(canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect, shaderPaint) {
- var y,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = (rect.right - t1) / 2,
- x = t1 + t2;
- t1 = rect.top;
- y = t1 + (rect.bottom - t1) / 2;
- path.moveTo$2(0, x - t2, y);
- path.lineTo$2(0, x + t2, y);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- if (paint != null) {
- paint.set$shader(shaderPaint != null ? shaderPaint.get$shader() : paint.get$shader());
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- }
- return path;
- },
- _processWaterfallShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- var t3, y,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = (rect.right - t1) / 2,
- x = t1 + t2;
- t1 = rect.top;
- t3 = (rect.bottom - t1) / 2;
- y = t1 + t3;
- path.addRect$1(new A.Rect(x - t2, y - t3, x + t2, y + t3));
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processPyramidShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- var t3, y, t4,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = (rect.right - t1) / 2,
- x = t1 + t2;
- t1 = rect.top;
- t3 = (rect.bottom - t1) / 2;
- y = t1 + t3;
- t1 = x - t2;
- t4 = y + t3;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1, t4);
- path.lineTo$2(0, x + t2, t4);
- path.lineTo$2(0, x, y - t3);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t4);
- path.close$0(0);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processFunnelShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- var t3, y, t4,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = (rect.right - t1) / 2,
- x = t1 + t2;
- t1 = rect.top;
- t3 = (rect.bottom - t1) / 2;
- y = t1 + t3;
- t1 = x + t2;
- t4 = y - t3;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1, t4);
- path.lineTo$2(0, x, y + t3);
- path.lineTo$2(0, x - t2, t4);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t4);
- path.close$0(0);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processBubbleShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- var t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = rect.right - t1,
- t3 = t2 / 2,
- t4 = rect.top,
- t5 = rect.bottom - t4,
- t6 = t5 / 2;
- t3 = t1 + t3 - t3;
- t6 = t4 + t6 - t6;
- path.addArc$3(new A.Rect(t3, t6, t3 + t2, t6 + t5), 0, 6.283185307179586);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processStepAreaShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- var t4, t5, y, t6, t7, t8,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = rect.right - t1,
- t3 = t2 / 2,
- x = t1 + t3;
- t1 = rect.top;
- t4 = rect.bottom - t1;
- t5 = t4 / 2;
- y = t1 + t5;
- t1 = x - t3;
- t6 = t1 - 2.5;
- t7 = y + t5;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t6, t7);
- t8 = y - t4 / 4;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t6, t8);
- t6 = t2 / 10;
- t1 += t6;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t8);
- t5 = y - t5;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t5);
- t6 = x - t6;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t6, t5);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t6, y);
- t2 = x + t2 / 5;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t2, y);
- t4 = y - t4 / 3;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t2, t4);
- t3 = x + t3;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t3, t4);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t3, t7);
- path.close$0(0);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processSplineAreaShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- var t3, t4, y,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = (rect.right - t1) / 2,
- x = t1 + t2;
- t1 = rect.top;
- t3 = rect.bottom - t1;
- t4 = t3 / 2;
- y = t1 + t4;
- t1 = y + t4;
- path.moveTo$2(0, x - t2, t1);
- path.quadraticBezierTo$4(x, y - t3, x, y + t3 / 5);
- t2 = x + t2;
- path.quadraticBezierTo$4(t2, y - t4, t2, t1);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processLineShape(canvas, isDashArray, isNeedMarker, isNeedToReturnPath, overlayMarkerType, paint, path, rect, shaderPaint) {
- var t1, t2, left, $top;
- if (overlayMarkerType != null) {
- t1 = A.getShapesPath(null, A.Rect$fromCenter(rect.get$center(), (rect.bottom - rect.top) / 1.5, (rect.right - rect.left) / 1.5), overlayMarkerType);
- t2 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t2.set$color(0, paint.get$color(paint));
- canvas.drawPath$2(t1, t2);
- }
- t1 = rect.left;
- t2 = rect.right - t1;
- left = t1 + t2 / 2;
- t1 = rect.top;
- $top = t1 + (rect.bottom - t1) / 2;
- t2 /= 1.5;
- path.moveTo$2(0, left - t2, $top);
- path.lineTo$2(0, left + t2, $top);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- if (paint != null) {
- paint.set$shader(shaderPaint != null ? shaderPaint.get$shader() : paint.get$shader());
- t1 = isDashArray ? A._processDashPath(path, new A._CircularIntervalList(A._setArrayType([3, 2], type$.JSArray_double), type$._CircularIntervalList_double)) : path;
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- canvas.drawPath$2(t1, paint);
- }
- return path;
- },
- _processColumnShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- var t3, t4, $top, t5, t6, t7,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = rect.right - t1,
- left = t1 + t2 / 2;
- t1 = rect.top;
- t3 = rect.bottom - t1;
- t4 = t3 / 2;
- $top = t1 + t4;
- t1 = 3 * (t2 / 5);
- t5 = left - t1;
- t6 = $top - t3 / 5;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t5, t6);
- t7 = left + 3 * (-t2 / 10);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t7, t6);
- t4 = $top + t4;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t7, t4);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t5, t4);
- path.close$0(0);
- t5 = t2 / 10;
- t2 /= 20;
- t7 = left - t5 - t2;
- t3 = $top - t3 / 4 - 5;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t7, t3);
- t2 = left + t5 + t2;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t2, t3);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t2, t4);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t7, t4);
- path.close$0(0);
- t5 = left + 3 * t5;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t5, $top);
- t1 = left + t1;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, $top);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t4);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t5, t4);
- path.close$0(0);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processAreaShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- var t4, t5, y,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = rect.right - t1,
- t3 = t2 / 2,
- x = t1 + t3;
- t1 = rect.top;
- t4 = rect.bottom - t1;
- t5 = t4 / 2;
- y = t1 + t5;
- t1 = y + t5;
- path.moveTo$2(0, x - t3 - 2.5, t1);
- t2 /= 4;
- t3 = y - t5;
- path.lineTo$2(0, x - t2 - 1.25, t3);
- t4 /= 4;
- path.lineTo$2(0, x, y + t4);
- path.lineTo$2(0, x + t2 + 1.25, t3 + t4);
- path.lineTo$2(0, x + t5 + 2.5, t1);
- path.close$0(0);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processBarShape(borderPaint, canvas, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect) {
- var t4, t5, y, t6, t7, t8,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = rect.right - t1,
- t3 = t2 / 2,
- x = t1 + t3;
- t1 = rect.top;
- t4 = rect.bottom - t1;
- t5 = t4 / 2;
- y = t1 + t5;
- t1 = x - t3 - 2.5;
- t6 = t4 / 5;
- t7 = y - 3 * t6;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1, t7);
- t8 = x + 3 * (t2 / 10);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t8, t7);
- t4 /= 10;
- t7 = y - 3 * t4;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t8, t7);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t7);
- path.close$0(0);
- t7 = y - t6 + 0.5;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1, t7);
- t3 = x + t3 + 2.5;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t3, t7);
- t4 = y + t4 + 0.5;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t3, t4);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t4);
- path.close$0(0);
- t6 = y + t6 + 1;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1, t6);
- t2 = x - t2 / 4;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t2, t6);
- t5 = y + t5 + 1;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t2, t5);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t5);
- path.close$0(0);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- if (borderPaint != null)
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, borderPaint);
- return path;
- },
- _processSplineShape(canvas, isDashArray, isNeedToReturnPath, paint, path, rect, shaderPaint) {
- var t3, t4, y,
- t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = (rect.right - t1) / 2,
- x = t1 + t2;
- t1 = rect.top;
- t3 = rect.bottom - t1;
- t4 = t3 / 2;
- y = t1 + t4;
- t1 = y + t3 / 5;
- path.moveTo$2(0, x - t2, t1);
- path.quadraticBezierTo$4(x, y - t3, x, t1);
- path.moveTo$2(0, x, t1);
- t2 = x + t2;
- path.quadraticBezierTo$4(t2, y + t4, t2, y - t4);
- if (isNeedToReturnPath)
- return path;
- if (paint != null) {
- paint.set$shader(shaderPaint != null ? shaderPaint.get$shader() : paint.get$shader());
- t1 = isDashArray ? A._processDashPath(path, new A._CircularIntervalList(A._setArrayType([3, 2], type$.JSArray_double), type$._CircularIntervalList_double)) : path;
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- canvas.drawPath$2(t1, paint);
- }
- return path;
- },
- _processDashPath(source, dashArray) {
- var t1, t2, measurePath, distance, draw, t3, $length,
- path = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- for (t1 = source.computeMetrics$0(), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1), t2 = dashArray._values; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- measurePath = t1.get$current(t1);
- for (distance = 0, draw = true; distance < measurePath.get$length(measurePath);) {
- t3 = dashArray._shape_helper$_index;
- if (t3 >= 2)
- t3 = dashArray._shape_helper$_index = 0;
- dashArray._shape_helper$_index = t3 + 1;
- $length = t2[t3];
- if (draw)
- path.addPath$2(0, measurePath.extractPath$2(distance, distance + $length), B.Offset_0_0);
- distance += $length;
- draw = !draw;
- }
- }
- return path;
- },
- ShapeMarkerType: function ShapeMarkerType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- _CircularIntervalList: function _CircularIntervalList(t0, t1) {
- this._values = t0;
- this._shape_helper$_index = 0;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- SfTooltip$(animationCurve, animationDuration, borderColor, borderWidth, canShowMarker, color, decimalPlaces, duration, elevation, enable, format, header, key, labelColor, onTooltipRender, opacity, shadowColor, shouldAlwaysShow, textAlignment, textStyle) {
- return new A.SfTooltip(enable, color, labelColor, borderColor, shadowColor, header, opacity, textStyle, decimalPlaces, format, animationDuration, animationCurve, true, borderWidth, elevation, false, duration, textAlignment, onTooltipRender, key);
- },
- _getMarkerShapesPath(markerType, position, image, size) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6,
- path = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- switch (markerType.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = position._dx;
- t2 = position._dy;
- t3 = size._dx / 2;
- t4 = size._dy / 2;
- path.addArc$3(new A.Rect(t1 - t3, t2 - t4, t1 + t3, t2 + t4), 0, 6.283185307179586);
- break;
- case 1:
- t1 = position._dx;
- t2 = position._dy;
- t3 = size._dx / 2;
- t4 = size._dy / 2;
- path.addRect$1(new A.Rect(t1 - t3, t2 - t4, t1 + t3, t2 + t4));
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- case 3:
- A.drawPentagon(path, position._dx, position._dy, size._dx, size._dy);
- break;
- case 4:
- t1 = position._dx;
- t2 = position._dy;
- t3 = size._dy / 2;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1, t2 + t3);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t2 - t3);
- break;
- case 8:
- t1 = position._dx;
- t2 = position._dy;
- t3 = size._dx / 2;
- t4 = t1 + t3;
- t5 = size._dy / 2;
- t6 = t2 - t5;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t4, t6);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t2 + t5);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 - t3, t6);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t4, t6);
- path.close$0(0);
- break;
- case 5:
- t1 = position._dx;
- t2 = position._dy;
- t3 = size._dx / 2;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1 - t3, t2);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 + t3, t2);
- break;
- case 6:
- t1 = position._dx;
- t2 = position._dy;
- t3 = size._dx / 2;
- t4 = t1 - t3;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t4, t2);
- t5 = size._dy / 2;
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t2 + t5);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 + t3, t2);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t2 - t5);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t4, t2);
- path.close$0(0);
- break;
- case 7:
- t1 = position._dx;
- t2 = position._dy;
- t3 = size._dx / 2;
- t4 = t1 - t3;
- t5 = size._dy / 2;
- t6 = t2 + t5;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t4, t6);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 + t3, t6);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t2 - t5);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t4, t6);
- path.close$0(0);
- break;
- case 9:
- break;
- }
- return path;
- },
- SfTooltip: function SfTooltip(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19) {
- var _ = this;
- _.enable = t0;
- _.color = t1;
- _.labelColor = t2;
- _.borderColor = t3;
- _.shadowColor = t4;
- _.header = t5;
- _.opacity = t6;
- _.textStyle = t7;
- _.decimalPlaces = t8;
- _.format = t9;
- _.animationDuration = t10;
- _.animationCurve = t11;
- _.canShowMarker = t12;
- _.borderWidth = t13;
- _.elevation = t14;
- _.shouldAlwaysShow = t15;
- _.duration = t16;
- _.textAlignment = t17;
- _.onTooltipRender = t18;
- _.key = t19;
- },
- SfTooltipState: function SfTooltipState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.animationController = null;
- _.__SfTooltipState_needMarker_A = _.__SfTooltipState__show_A = $;
- _._tooltip_internal$_timer = _._template = _.renderBox = null;
- _._isRtl = _._didUpdate = _._animating = _._hidden = false;
- _._previouslocation = _._previousTooltipData = null;
- _.__SfTooltipState__showDuration_A = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- SfTooltipState_show_closure: function SfTooltipState_show_closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- SfTooltipState_hide_closure: function SfTooltipState_hide_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.duration = t1;
- },
- SfTooltipState_build_closure: function SfTooltipState_build_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.tooltipAnimation = t1;
- },
- TooltipRenderObject: function TooltipRenderObject(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._tooltipState = t0;
- _._tooltipAnimation = t1;
- _._animationController = t2;
- _.child = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- TooltipRenderBox: function TooltipRenderBox(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _._tooltipState = t0;
- _.__TooltipRenderBox__tooltipAnimation_A = t1;
- _.__TooltipRenderBox__animationController_A = t2;
- _.__TooltipRenderBox__animationFactor_A = $;
- _._tooltip_internal$_header = _._stringValue = "";
- _._normalPadding = 0;
- _._inversePadding = null;
- _.__TooltipRenderBox__markerSize_A = $;
- _._boundaryRect = t3;
- _._markerTypes = t4;
- _._markerPaints = t5;
- _._markerImages = t6;
- _._tooltip_internal$_position = _._tooltip_internal$_y = _._tooltip_internal$_x = _._yPos = _._xPos = _._markerGradients = null;
- _._nosePointY = _._nosePointX = 0;
- _._tooltip_internal$_borderRadius = 5;
- _._totalWidth = 0;
- _._isOutOfBoundInTop = _._isTop = _._isRight = _._isLeft = false;
- _.__TooltipRenderBox__markerPointY_A = $;
- _._tooltipRect = null;
- _._arrowPath = t7;
- _.__TooltipRenderBox__templateSize_A = $;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t8;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t9;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- TooltipRenderBox__renderTemplateTooltipView_closure: function TooltipRenderBox__renderTemplateTooltipView_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.offset = t2;
- _.renderOffset = t3;
- },
- _SfTooltipState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function _SfTooltipState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- DataGridColumnDragDetails: function DataGridColumnDragDetails(t0) {
- this.offset = t0;
- },
- DataGridConfiguration: function DataGridConfiguration(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__DataGridConfiguration_columnResizeController_A = _.__DataGridConfiguration_currentCell_A = _.__DataGridConfiguration_controller_A = _.__DataGridConfiguration_rowSelectionManager_A = _.__DataGridConfiguration_columnSizer_A = _.__DataGridConfiguration_columnWidthCalculationRange_A = _.__DataGridConfiguration_columnWidthMode_A = _.__DataGridConfiguration_rowGenerator_A = _.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A = _.__DataGridConfiguration_columns_A = _.__DataGridConfiguration_source_A = _.__DataGridConfiguration_cellRenderers_A = $;
- _.dataGridFilterHelper = null;
- _.__DataGridConfiguration_verticalScrollPhysics_A = _.__DataGridConfiguration_horizontalScrollPhysics_A = _.__DataGridConfiguration_viewHeight_A = _.__DataGridConfiguration_viewWidth_A = $;
- _.footerFrozenRowsCount = _.frozenRowsCount = _.footerFrozenColumnsCount = _.frozenColumnsCount = _.headerLineCount = 0;
- _.rowsPerPage = null;
- _.defaultColumnWidth = _.headerRowHeight = _.rowHeight = 0 / 0;
- _.swipingOffset = 0;
- _.refreshIndicatorDisplacement = 40;
- _.refreshIndicatorStrokeWidth = 2;
- _.effectiveSwipeMaxOffset = null;
- _.swipeMaxOffset = 200;
- _.textScaleFactor = 1;
- _.footerHeight = 49;
- _.isSwipingApplied = _.allowSwiping = _.allowPullToRefresh = _.isScrollbarAlwaysShown = _.isDesktop = _.showSortNumbers = _.allowTriStateSorting = _.isShiftKeyPressed = _.isControlKeyPressed = _.allowMultiColumnSorting = _.allowSorting = false;
- _.highlightRowOnHover = true;
- _.allowFiltering = _.shrinkWrapColumns = _.shrinkWrapRows = _.headerCheckboxState = _.showCheckboxColumn = _.allowEditing = _.allowColumnsResizing = false;
- _.onFilterChanged = _.onFilterChanging = null;
- _.checkboxColumnSettings = t0;
- _.sortingGestureType = t1;
- _.navigationMode = t2;
- _.textDirection = t3;
- _.rowsCacheExtent = null;
- _.gridLinesVisibility = t4;
- _.headerGridLinesVisibility = t5;
- _.selectionMode = t6;
- _.columnResizeMode = t7;
- _.scrollingState = t8;
- _.editingGestureType = t9;
- _.swipingAnimationController = _.swipingAnimation = _.refreshIndicatorKey = _.configuration = _.dataGridFocusNode = _.boxPainter = _.gridPaint = null;
- _.stackedHeaderRows = t10;
- _.tableSummaryRows = t11;
- _.visualDensity = t12;
- _.dataGridThemeHelper = null;
- _.__DataGridConfiguration_localizations_A = $;
- _.colorScheme = _.footer = _.onColumnResizeEnd = _.onColumnResizeUpdate = _.onColumnResizeStart = _.loadMoreViewBuilder = _.onCellLongPress = _.onCellSecondaryTap = _.onCellDoubleTap = _.onCellTap = _.onCurrentCellActivating = _.onCurrentCellActivated = _.onSelectionChanged = _.onSelectionChanging = _.onQueryRowHeight = _.endSwipeActionsBuilder = _.startSwipeActionsBuilder = _.onSwipeEnd = _.onSwipeUpdate = _.onSwipeStart = _.horizontalScrollController = _.verticalScrollController = null;
- _.disposeHorizontalScrollController = _.disposeVerticalScrollController = true;
- _.checkboxShape = null;
- _.isCommandKeyPressed = _.isMacPlatform = false;
- _.showVerticalScrollbar = _.showHorizontalScrollbar = true;
- _.allowColumnsDragging = _.showFilterIconOnHover = false;
- _.columnDragFeedbackBuilder = _.onColumnDragging = null;
- _.dataGridKey = t13;
- _.__DataGridConfiguration_columnDragAndDropController_A = $;
- },
- getHeaderIndex(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var headerIndex = dataGridConfiguration.headerLineCount - 1;
- return headerIndex < 0 ? 0 : headerIndex;
- },
- resolveToGridVisibleColumnIndex(dataGridConfiguration, columnIndex) {
- var t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_columnWidthsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (columnIndex >= t1._lineCount)
- return -1;
- return columnIndex;
- },
- resolveToDataGridRowAdapterCellIndex(dataGridConfiguration, columnIndex) {
- var t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_columnWidthsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (columnIndex >= t1._lineCount)
- return -1;
- if (columnIndex === 0)
- return columnIndex;
- else
- return columnIndex - 0;
- },
- resolveToRowIndex0(dataGridConfiguration, rowIndex) {
- var t1;
- if (rowIndex < 0)
- return -1;
- rowIndex += dataGridConfiguration.headerLineCount;
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1._lineCount;
- if (rowIndex <= t1)
- return rowIndex;
- else
- return -1;
- },
- resolveToRecordIndex(dataGridConfiguration, rowIndex) {
- var t1;
- if (rowIndex < 0)
- return -1;
- if (rowIndex === 0)
- return 0;
- rowIndex -= dataGridConfiguration.headerLineCount;
- if (rowIndex >= 0) {
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_source_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = rowIndex <= A.effectiveRows(t1).length - 1;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- return rowIndex;
- else
- return -1;
- },
- resolveToRecordRowColumnIndex(dataGridConfiguration, rowColumnIndex) {
- return new A.RowColumnIndex(A.resolveToRecordIndex(dataGridConfiguration, rowColumnIndex.rowIndex), A.resolveToGridVisibleColumnIndex(dataGridConfiguration, rowColumnIndex.columnIndex));
- },
- getLastFrozenColumnIndex(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var t1, startScrollColumnIndex;
- if (dataGridConfiguration.frozenColumnsCount <= 0)
- return -1;
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_columnWidthsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- startScrollColumnIndex = t1._headerLineCount - 1;
- return isFinite(startScrollColumnIndex) ? startScrollColumnIndex : -1;
- },
- getStartFooterFrozenColumnIndex(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var columnsCount,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_columnWidthsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- columnsCount = t1._lineCount;
- if (columnsCount <= 0 || dataGridConfiguration.footerFrozenColumnsCount <= 0)
- return -1;
- return columnsCount - t1._footerLineCount;
- },
- getLastFrozenRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var t1, rowIndex;
- if (dataGridConfiguration.frozenRowsCount <= 0)
- return -1;
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- rowIndex = t1._headerLineCount - 1;
- return isFinite(rowIndex) ? rowIndex : -1;
- },
- getStartFooterFrozenRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var rowCount, rowIndex,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- rowCount = t1._lineCount;
- if (rowCount <= 0 || dataGridConfiguration.footerFrozenRowsCount <= 0)
- return -1;
- rowIndex = rowCount - t1._footerLineCount;
- return isFinite(rowIndex) ? rowIndex : -1;
- },
- isFooterWidgetRow(rowIndex, dataGridConfiguration) {
- var t1;
- A.getTableSummaryCount(dataGridConfiguration, B.GridTableSummaryRowPosition_1);
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return false;
- },
- isTopTableSummaryRow(dataGridConfiguration, rowIndex) {
- return false;
- },
- isBottomTableSummaryRow(dataGridConfiguration, rowIndex) {
- return false;
- },
- getStartBottomSummaryRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var bottomSummariesCount = A.getTableSummaryCount(dataGridConfiguration, B.GridTableSummaryRowPosition_1),
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1._lineCount - bottomSummariesCount;
- },
- getTableSummaryCount(dataGridConfiguration, position) {
- return 0;
- },
- getSummaryColumnSpan(dataGridConfiguration, index, rowType, tableSummaryRow) {
- var columnCount, span,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_columnWidthsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- columnCount = t1._lineCount;
- if (rowType === B.RowType_4)
- span = 0;
- else
- span = columnCount - 1;
- return span;
- },
- getTableSummaryRow(dataGridConfiguration, rowIndex, position) {
- var t1,
- currentSummaryRowIndex = A._Cell$named("currentSummaryRowIndex");
- if (position === B.GridTableSummaryRowPosition_1) {
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- currentSummaryRowIndex.__late_helper$_value = rowIndex - (t1._lineCount - A.getTableSummaryCount(dataGridConfiguration, B.GridTableSummaryRowPosition_1));
- } else if (position === B.GridTableSummaryRowPosition_0)
- currentSummaryRowIndex.__late_helper$_value = rowIndex - (A.getHeaderIndex(dataGridConfiguration) + 1);
- return new A.getTableSummaryRow_getSummaryRowByPosition(dataGridConfiguration).call$2(position, currentSummaryRowIndex._readLocal$0());
- },
- compareEquals(condition, cellValue) {
- var value,
- t1 = condition.value,
- t2 = t1 == null;
- if (t2 && cellValue == null)
- return true;
- if (!(t2 && cellValue != null))
- t2 = !t2 && cellValue == null;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- return false;
- if (typeof cellValue == "string" || condition.filterBehavior === B.FilterBehavior_0)
- return A._compareByType(condition, cellValue, "equals");
- value = A._getCompareValue(cellValue, t1);
- return value != null && value === 0;
- },
- _compareByType(condition, cellValue, type) {
- var t1, filterText,
- displayText = cellValue == null ? null : J.toString$0$(cellValue);
- if (displayText == null)
- displayText = "";
- t1 = condition.value;
- filterText = t1 == null ? null : J.toString$0$(t1);
- if (filterText == null)
- filterText = "";
- if (!condition.isCaseSensitive) {
- filterText = filterText.toLowerCase();
- displayText = displayText.toLowerCase();
- }
- switch (type) {
- case "contains":
- return B.JSString_methods.contains$1(displayText, filterText);
- case "startsWidth":
- return B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(displayText, filterText);
- case "endsWidth":
- return B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(displayText, filterText);
- case "equals":
- return displayText === filterText;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- },
- compareGreaterThan(condition, cellValue, checkEqual) {
- var value,
- t1 = condition.value;
- if (t1 == null || cellValue == null)
- return false;
- value = A._getCompareValue(cellValue, t1);
- if (value != null) {
- if (checkEqual)
- t1 = value === 0 || value === 1;
- else
- t1 = value === 1;
- return t1;
- }
- return false;
- },
- compareLessThan(condition, cellValue, checkEqual) {
- var value,
- t1 = condition.value;
- if (t1 == null || cellValue == null)
- return false;
- value = A._getCompareValue(cellValue, t1);
- if (value != null) {
- if (checkEqual)
- t1 = value === 0 || value === -1;
- else
- t1 = value === -1;
- return t1;
- }
- return false;
- },
- _getCompareValue(cellValue, filterValue) {
- if (cellValue == null || filterValue == null)
- return null;
- if (typeof cellValue == "number")
- return B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(cellValue, A._asNum(filterValue));
- return null;
- },
- getFilterTileText(localizations, type) {
- switch (type.index) {
- case 0:
- return "Text Filters";
- case 1:
- return "Number Filters";
- case 2:
- return "Date Filters";
- }
- },
- getSortButtonText(localizations, isAscending, type) {
- switch (type.index) {
- case 0:
- return isAscending ? "Sort A to Z" : "Sort Z to A";
- case 1:
- return isAscending ? "Sort Smallest to Largest" : "Sort Largest to Smallest";
- case 2:
- return isAscending ? "Sort Oldest to Newest" : "Sort Newest to Oldest";
- }
- },
- getFilterType(dataGridConfiguration, value) {
- var t1 = new A.getFilterType_isEqual(value);
- dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_localizations_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.call$1("Equals") || t1.call$1("Empty") || t1.call$1("Null"))
- return B.FilterType_2;
- else if (t1.call$1("Does Not Equal") || t1.call$1("Not Empty") || t1.call$1("Not Null"))
- return B.FilterType_9;
- else if (t1.call$1("Begins With"))
- return B.FilterType_11;
- else if (t1.call$1("Does Not Begin With"))
- return B.FilterType_10;
- else if (t1.call$1("Ends With"))
- return B.FilterType_1;
- else if (t1.call$1("Does Not End With"))
- return B.FilterType_8;
- else if (t1.call$1("Contains"))
- return B.FilterType_0;
- else if (t1.call$1("Does Not Contain"))
- return B.FilterType_7;
- else if (t1.call$1("Less Than") || t1.call$1("Before"))
- return B.FilterType_5;
- else if (t1.call$1("Before Or Equal") || t1.call$1("Less Than Or Equal"))
- return B.FilterType_6;
- else if (t1.call$1("Greater Than") || t1.call$1("After"))
- return B.FilterType_3;
- else if (t1.call$1("Greater Than Or Equal") || t1.call$1("After Or Equal"))
- return B.FilterType_4;
- return B.FilterType_2;
- },
- getFilterName(dataGridConfiguration, type, value) {
- dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_localizations_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- switch (type.index) {
- case 2:
- if (value == null)
- return "Null";
- else if (typeof value == "string" && value.length === 0)
- return "Empty";
- else
- return "Equals";
- case 9:
- if (value == null)
- return "Not Null";
- else if (typeof value == "string" && value.length === 0)
- return "Not Empty";
- else
- return "Does Not Equal";
- case 11:
- return "Begins With";
- case 10:
- return "Does Not Begin With";
- case 1:
- return "Ends With";
- case 8:
- return "Does Not End With";
- case 0:
- return "Contains";
- case 7:
- return "Does Not Contain";
- case 5:
- if (value instanceof A.DateTime)
- return "Before";
- return "Less Than";
- case 6:
- if (value instanceof A.DateTime)
- return "Before Or Equal";
- return "Less Than Or Equal";
- case 3:
- if (value instanceof A.DateTime)
- return "After";
- return "Greater Than";
- case 4:
- if (value instanceof A.DateTime)
- return "After Or Equal";
- return "Greater Than Or Equal";
- }
- },
- getChildSequence(dataGridConfiguration, column, rowIndex) {
- var t2, t3, i,
- childSequenceNo = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int),
- t1 = column.get$columnNames();
- t1 = t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
- if (t1)
- for (t1 = column.get$columnNames(), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t1.get$current(t1);
- t2 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_columns_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- for (t3 = t2.length, i = 0; i < t3; ++i)
- t2[i].toString;
- }
- return childSequenceNo;
- },
- getRowSpan(dataGridConfiguration, rowIndex, columnIndex, isStackedHeader, mappingName, stackedHeaderCell) {
- var rowSpan, stackedHeaderRow, t1, stackedColumn, t2, children, child;
- if (rowIndex >= 0)
- return 0;
- for (rowSpan = 0; rowIndex >= 0;) {
- stackedHeaderRow = dataGridConfiguration.stackedHeaderRows[rowIndex];
- for (t1 = stackedHeaderRow.get$cells(stackedHeaderRow), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- stackedColumn = t1.get$current(t1);
- if (isStackedHeader)
- A.getConsecutiveRanges(A.getChildColumnIndexes(stackedColumn));
- else {
- t2 = stackedColumn.get$columnNames();
- if (t2.get$isNotEmpty(t2)) {
- children = stackedColumn.get$columnNames();
- for (child = 0; B.JSInt_methods.$lt(child, children.get$length(children)); ++child)
- children.$index(0, child);
- }
- }
- }
- ++rowSpan;
- --rowIndex;
- }
- return rowSpan;
- },
- getConsecutiveRanges(columnsIndex) {
- var i, t1,
- list = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_List_int);
- if (columnsIndex.get$isEmpty(columnsIndex))
- return list;
- for (i = 1; B.JSInt_methods.$le(i, columnsIndex.get$length(columnsIndex)); ++i) {
- columnsIndex.get$length(columnsIndex);
- t1 = i - 1;
- columnsIndex.$index(0, i).$sub(0, columnsIndex.$index(0, t1));
- list.push(columnsIndex.sublist$2(0, t1, t1 + 1));
- }
- return list;
- },
- getVisibleLines(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var t1;
- if (dataGridConfiguration.textDirection === B.TextDirection_0) {
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.get$scrollColumns()._layoutDirty = true;
- }
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1.get$scrollColumns().getVisibleLines$1(dataGridConfiguration.textDirection === B.TextDirection_0);
- },
- scrollVertical(dataGridConfiguration, verticalOffset) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, t1, t2, verticalController;
- var $async$scrollVertical = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- verticalController = dataGridConfiguration.verticalScrollController;
- if (verticalController == null || verticalController._positions.length === 0) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.get$totalExtent();
- t2 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_viewHeight_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- verticalOffset = Math.min(verticalOffset, Math.max(t1 - t2, 0));
- if (B.JSNumber_methods.get$isNegative(verticalOffset) || verticalOffset === 0) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(verticalController._positions)._minScrollExtent;
- t1.toString;
- verticalOffset = t1;
- }
- dataGridConfiguration.verticalScrollController.jumpTo$1(verticalOffset);
- dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.updateScrollBars$0();
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$scrollVertical, $async$completer);
- },
- scrollHorizontal(dataGridConfiguration, horizontalOffset) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, t1, t2, horizontalController;
- var $async$scrollHorizontal = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- horizontalController = dataGridConfiguration.horizontalScrollController;
- if (horizontalController == null || horizontalController._positions.length === 0) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_columnWidthsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.get$totalExtent();
- t2 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_viewWidth_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- horizontalOffset = Math.min(horizontalOffset, Math.max(t1 - t2, 0));
- if (B.JSNumber_methods.get$isNegative(horizontalOffset) || horizontalOffset === 0) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(horizontalController._positions)._minScrollExtent;
- t1.toString;
- horizontalOffset = t1;
- }
- dataGridConfiguration.horizontalScrollController.jumpTo$1(horizontalOffset);
- dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.updateScrollBars$0();
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$scrollHorizontal, $async$completer);
- },
- getDataGridRowAdapter(dataGridConfiguration, dataGridRow) {
- var t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_source_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.buildRow$1(dataGridRow);
- return t1;
- },
- getCumulativeFrozenRowsHeight(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var topFrozenRowsLength, cumulativeFrozenRowsHeight, index,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- topFrozenRowsLength = t1._headerLineCount;
- for (cumulativeFrozenRowsHeight = 0, index = 0; index < topFrozenRowsLength; ++index) {
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- cumulativeFrozenRowsHeight += A._asDouble(t1.getRange$2(0, index, -1)[0]);
- }
- return cumulativeFrozenRowsHeight;
- },
- getCumulativeFooterFrozenRowsHeight(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var bottomFrozenRowsLength, cumulativeFooterFrozenRowsHeight, index,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- bottomFrozenRowsLength = t1._footerLineCount;
- for (cumulativeFooterFrozenRowsHeight = 0, index = 0; index < bottomFrozenRowsLength; ++index) {
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- cumulativeFooterFrozenRowsHeight += A._asDouble(t1.getRange$2(0, t1._lineCount - index, -1)[0]);
- }
- return cumulativeFooterFrozenRowsHeight;
- },
- getCumulativeFrozenColumnsWidth(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var leftColumnCount, cumulativeFrozenColumnWidth, index,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_columnWidthsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- leftColumnCount = t1._headerLineCount;
- for (cumulativeFrozenColumnWidth = 0, index = 0; index < leftColumnCount; ++index) {
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.__VisualContainerHelper_columnWidthsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- cumulativeFrozenColumnWidth += A._asDouble(t1.getRange$2(0, index, -1)[0]);
- }
- return cumulativeFrozenColumnWidth;
- },
- getCumulativeFooterFrozenColumnsWidth(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var rightColumnCount, cumulativeFooterFrozenColumnWidth, index,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_columnWidthsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- rightColumnCount = t1._footerLineCount;
- for (cumulativeFooterFrozenColumnWidth = 0, index = 0; index < rightColumnCount; ++index) {
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.__VisualContainerHelper_columnWidthsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- cumulativeFooterFrozenColumnWidth += A._asDouble(t1.getRange$2(0, t1._lineCount - index, -1)[0]);
- }
- return cumulativeFooterFrozenColumnWidth;
- },
- resolveVerticalScrollOffset(dataGridConfiguration, verticalOffset) {
- var i,
- leftOffset = A.getCumulativeFrozenRowsHeight(dataGridConfiguration),
- rightOffset = A.getCumulativeFooterFrozenRowsHeight(dataGridConfiguration),
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (verticalOffset >= type$.PixelScrollAxis._as(t1.get$scrollRows()).get$totalExtent() - rightOffset) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(dataGridConfiguration.verticalScrollController._positions)._maxScrollExtent;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- if (verticalOffset <= leftOffset) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(dataGridConfiguration.verticalScrollController._positions)._minScrollExtent;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- i = 0;
- while (true) {
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!(i < t1._headerLineCount))
- break;
- verticalOffset -= A._asDouble(t1.getRange$2(0, i, -1)[0]);
- ++i;
- }
- return verticalOffset;
- },
- resolveHorizontalScrollOffset(dataGridConfiguration, horizontalOffset) {
- var i,
- topOffset = A.getCumulativeFrozenColumnsWidth(dataGridConfiguration),
- bottomOffset = A.getCumulativeFooterFrozenColumnsWidth(dataGridConfiguration),
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (horizontalOffset >= type$.PixelScrollAxis._as(t1.get$scrollColumns()).get$totalExtent() - bottomOffset) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(dataGridConfiguration.horizontalScrollController._positions)._maxScrollExtent;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- if (horizontalOffset <= topOffset) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(dataGridConfiguration.horizontalScrollController._positions)._minScrollExtent;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- i = 0;
- while (true) {
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.__VisualContainerHelper_columnWidthsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!(i < t1._headerLineCount))
- break;
- horizontalOffset -= A._asDouble(t1.getRange$2(0, i, -1)[0]);
- ++i;
- }
- return horizontalOffset;
- },
- getTableSummaryRow_getSummaryRowByPosition: function getTableSummaryRow_getSummaryRowByPosition(t0) {
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t0;
- },
- getTableSummaryRow_getSummaryRowByPosition_closure: function getTableSummaryRow_getSummaryRowByPosition_closure(t0) {
- this.position = t0;
- },
- getFilterType_isEqual: function getFilterType_isEqual(t0) {
- this.value = t0;
- },
- RowRegion: function RowRegion(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- RowType: function RowType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- CellType: function CellType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- GridLinesVisibility: function GridLinesVisibility(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ColumnWidthMode: function ColumnWidthMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ColumnWidthCalculationRange: function ColumnWidthCalculationRange(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SelectionMode: function SelectionMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- GridNavigationMode: function GridNavigationMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- DataGridSortDirection: function DataGridSortDirection(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- SortingGestureType: function SortingGestureType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ColumnResizeMode: function ColumnResizeMode(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- EditingGestureType: function EditingGestureType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- GridTableSummaryRowPosition: function GridTableSummaryRowPosition(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FilterType: function FilterType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FilterOperator: function FilterOperator(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FilterBehavior: function FilterBehavior(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- FilteredFrom: function FilteredFrom(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- AdvancedFilterType: function AdvancedFilterType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ColumnHeaderIconPosition: function ColumnHeaderIconPosition(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- DataGridColumnDragAction: function DataGridColumnDragAction(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- resolveToRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration, record) {
- var rec, recordIndex,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_source_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- rec = A.IterableExtension_firstWhereOrNull(A.effectiveRows(t1), new A.resolveToRowIndex_closure(record));
- if (rec == null)
- return -1;
- recordIndex = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(A.effectiveRows(dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_source_A), rec) + dataGridConfiguration.headerLineCount;
- return B.JSInt_methods.get$isNegative(recordIndex) ? -1 : recordIndex;
- },
- getRecord(dataGridConfiguration, index) {
- var t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_source_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (A.effectiveRows(t1).length === 0 || index < 0 || index >= A.effectiveRows(dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_source_A).length)
- return null;
- return A.effectiveRows(dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_source_A)[index];
- },
- getRecordsCount(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_source_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (A.effectiveRows(t1).length !== 0)
- return A.effectiveRows(dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_source_A).length;
- else
- return 0;
- },
- getFirstNavigatingRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var start, t1, rangeValue,
- index = A.getFirstRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration);
- for (start = index; start >= 0; --start) {
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- rangeValue = t1._lineHidden.getRange$2(0, start, 0);
- if (!A._asBool(B.JSArray_methods.get$first([rangeValue[0], rangeValue[1]])))
- return start;
- }
- return index;
- },
- getLastNavigatingRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var t1, lastRowIndex, start, rangeValue;
- if (A.getRecordsCount(dataGridConfiguration) === 0)
- return -1;
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- lastRowIndex = t1._lineCount - 1;
- for (start = lastRowIndex; start >= 0; --start) {
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- rangeValue = t1._lineHidden.getRange$2(0, start, 0);
- if (!A._asBool(B.JSArray_methods.get$first([rangeValue[0], rangeValue[1]])))
- return start;
- }
- return lastRowIndex;
- },
- getFirstRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var t1;
- if (A.getRecordsCount(dataGridConfiguration) === 0)
- return -1;
- t1 = A.getHeaderIndex(dataGridConfiguration);
- return t1 + 1;
- },
- getLastRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var t1, index, start, rangeValue;
- if (A.getRecordsCount(dataGridConfiguration) === 0)
- return -1;
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- index = t1._lineCount - 1;
- for (start = index; start >= 0; --start) {
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- rangeValue = t1._lineHidden.getRange$2(0, start, 0);
- if (!A._asBool(B.JSArray_methods.get$first([rangeValue[0], rangeValue[1]])))
- return start;
- }
- return index;
- },
- getFirstCellIndex(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var gridColumn, firstIndex,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_columns_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- gridColumn = A.IterableExtension_firstWhereOrNull(t1, new A.getFirstCellIndex_closure());
- if (gridColumn == null)
- return -1;
- firstIndex = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_columns_A, gridColumn);
- if (firstIndex < 0)
- return firstIndex;
- return firstIndex;
- },
- getLastCellIndex(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var lastColumn,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_columns_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- lastColumn = A.IterableExtension_lastWhereOrNull(t1, new A.getLastCellIndex_closure());
- if (lastColumn != null)
- return B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_columns_A, lastColumn);
- return -1;
- },
- getPreviousPageIndex(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var rowIndex, visibleLines, t2, lastBodyVisibleIndex, index, firstRowIndex,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_currentCell_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- rowIndex = t1.rowIndex;
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- visibleLines = t1.get$scrollRows().getVisibleLines$0();
- t1 = visibleLines.firstFooterVisibleIndex - 1;
- t2 = visibleLines.visibleLines;
- if (t1 < t2.length) {
- t1 = t2[t1 - 1];
- t1.toString;
- lastBodyVisibleIndex = t1.lineIndex;
- } else
- lastBodyVisibleIndex = -1;
- index = lastBodyVisibleIndex < rowIndex ? lastBodyVisibleIndex : rowIndex;
- index = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.get$scrollRows().getPreviousPage$1(index);
- firstRowIndex = A.getFirstRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration);
- if (index < firstRowIndex || rowIndex < firstRowIndex)
- return firstRowIndex;
- return index;
- },
- getNextPageIndex(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var rowIndex, t2, visibleLines, t3, firstBodyVisibleIndex, index, lastRowIndex,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_currentCell_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- rowIndex = t1.rowIndex;
- if (rowIndex < A.getFirstNavigatingRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration))
- rowIndex = 0;
- t2 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- visibleLines = t2.get$scrollRows().getVisibleLines$0();
- t2 = visibleLines.firstBodyVisibleIndex;
- t3 = visibleLines.visibleLines;
- if (t2 < t3.length) {
- t2 = t3[t2];
- t2.toString;
- firstBodyVisibleIndex = t2.lineIndex;
- } else
- firstBodyVisibleIndex = -1;
- index = firstBodyVisibleIndex > rowIndex ? firstBodyVisibleIndex : rowIndex;
- lastRowIndex = A.getLastRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration);
- index = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.get$scrollRows().getNextPage$1(index);
- if (index > A.getLastNavigatingRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration) && t1.rowIndex > lastRowIndex)
- return t1.rowIndex;
- return index <= lastRowIndex ? index : lastRowIndex;
- },
- getPreviousColumnIndex(dataGridConfiguration, currentColumnIndex) {
- var t1, previousCellIndex,
- column = A.getNextGridColumn(dataGridConfiguration, currentColumnIndex - 1, false);
- if (column != null) {
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_columns_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- previousCellIndex = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(t1, column);
- } else
- previousCellIndex = currentColumnIndex;
- return previousCellIndex === currentColumnIndex ? -1 : previousCellIndex;
- },
- getNextColumnIndex(dataGridConfiguration, currentColumnIndex) {
- var t1, columnIndex, nextCellIndex,
- lastCellIndex = A.getLastCellIndex(dataGridConfiguration),
- column = A.getNextGridColumn(dataGridConfiguration, currentColumnIndex + 1, true);
- if (column != null) {
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_columns_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- columnIndex = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(t1, column);
- nextCellIndex = columnIndex;
- } else
- nextCellIndex = currentColumnIndex;
- if (nextCellIndex === currentColumnIndex)
- nextCellIndex = -1;
- return nextCellIndex >= 0 && nextCellIndex > lastCellIndex ? lastCellIndex : nextCellIndex;
- },
- getPreviousRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration, currentRowIndex) {
- var firstRowIndex, t1, previousIndex,
- lastRowIndex = A.getLastNavigatingRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration);
- if (currentRowIndex > lastRowIndex)
- return lastRowIndex;
- firstRowIndex = A.getFirstNavigatingRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration);
- if (currentRowIndex <= firstRowIndex)
- return firstRowIndex;
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- previousIndex = t1.get$scrollRows().getPreviousScrollLineIndex$1(currentRowIndex);
- return previousIndex === currentRowIndex ? previousIndex - 1 : previousIndex;
- },
- getNextRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration, currentRowIndex) {
- var firstRowIndex, t1, nextIndex,
- lastRowIndex = A.getLastNavigatingRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration);
- if (currentRowIndex >= lastRowIndex)
- return lastRowIndex;
- firstRowIndex = A.getFirstNavigatingRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration);
- if (currentRowIndex < firstRowIndex)
- return firstRowIndex;
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (currentRowIndex >= t1.get$scrollRows().get$lineCount())
- return -1;
- nextIndex = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.get$scrollRows().getNextScrollLineIndex$1(currentRowIndex);
- return nextIndex === currentRowIndex ? nextIndex + 1 : nextIndex;
- },
- getNextGridColumn(dataGridConfiguration, columnIndex, moveToRight) {
- var t1, gridColumn,
- resolvedIndex = A.resolveToGridVisibleColumnIndex(dataGridConfiguration, columnIndex);
- if (resolvedIndex >= 0) {
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_columns_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = resolvedIndex >= t1.length;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return null;
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_columns_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- gridColumn = t1[resolvedIndex];
- t1 = gridColumn.__GridColumn__actualWidth_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 === 0)
- gridColumn = A.getNextGridColumn(dataGridConfiguration, moveToRight ? columnIndex + 1 : columnIndex - 1, moveToRight);
- return gridColumn;
- },
- getVerticalCumulativeDistance(dataGridConfiguration, rowIndex) {
- var t1,
- headerRowIndex = A.getHeaderIndex(dataGridConfiguration);
- rowIndex = rowIndex > headerRowIndex ? rowIndex : headerRowIndex + 1;
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return type$.PixelScrollAxis._as(t1.get$scrollRows()).get$distances()._getCumulatedDistanceAt$1(rowIndex);
- },
- getHorizontalCumulativeDistance(dataGridConfiguration, columnIndex) {
- var t1;
- if (columnIndex < 0)
- columnIndex = 0;
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return type$.PixelScrollAxis._as(t1.get$scrollColumns()).get$distances()._getCumulatedDistanceAt$1(columnIndex);
- },
- needToScrollDown(dataGridConfiguration, nextRowIndex) {
- var visibleLines, nextRowInfo,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- visibleLines = t1.get$scrollRows().getVisibleLines$0();
- if (visibleLines.get$length(visibleLines) === 0)
- return false;
- nextRowInfo = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.get$scrollRows().getVisibleLines$1(false).getVisibleLineAtLineIndex$1(nextRowIndex);
- return nextRowInfo == null || nextRowInfo._scrollOffset + nextRowInfo.clippedCornerExtent > 0;
- },
- needToScrollUp(dataGridConfiguration, previousRowIndex) {
- var visibleLineCollection, previousRowLineInfo,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- visibleLineCollection = t1.get$scrollRows().getVisibleLines$0();
- if (visibleLineCollection.get$length(visibleLineCollection) === 0)
- return false;
- previousRowLineInfo = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.get$scrollRows().getVisibleLines$1(false).getVisibleLineAtLineIndex$1(previousRowIndex);
- return previousRowLineInfo == null || previousRowLineInfo._scrollOffset + previousRowLineInfo.clippedCornerExtent > 0;
- },
- needToScrollLeft(dataGridConfiguration, rowColumnIndex) {
- var previousCellLineInfo,
- visibleLineCollection = A.getVisibleLines(dataGridConfiguration);
- if (visibleLineCollection.get$length(visibleLineCollection) === 0)
- return false;
- previousCellLineInfo = visibleLineCollection.getVisibleLineAtLineIndex$1(rowColumnIndex.columnIndex);
- return previousCellLineInfo == null || previousCellLineInfo._scrollOffset + previousCellLineInfo.clippedCornerExtent > 0;
- },
- needToScrollRight(dataGridConfiguration, rowColumnIndex) {
- var nextCellLineInfo,
- visibleLineCollection = A.getVisibleLines(dataGridConfiguration);
- if (visibleLineCollection.get$length(visibleLineCollection) === 0)
- return false;
- nextCellLineInfo = visibleLineCollection.getVisibleLineAtLineIndex$1(rowColumnIndex.columnIndex);
- return nextCellLineInfo == null || nextCellLineInfo._scrollOffset + nextCellLineInfo.clippedCornerExtent > 0;
- },
- scrollInViewFromLeft(dataGridConfiguration, needToScrollMaxExtent, nextCellIndex) {
- var lastFrozenColumnIndex, firstFooterFrozenColumnIndex, measuredHorizontalOffset, t2, nextCellIndexHeight, nextCellInfo, visibleInfoCollection, t3, firstBodyVisibleLineIndex,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.horizontalScrollController;
- if (t1 != null) {
- lastFrozenColumnIndex = A.getLastFrozenColumnIndex(dataGridConfiguration);
- firstFooterFrozenColumnIndex = A.getStartFooterFrozenColumnIndex(dataGridConfiguration);
- if (dataGridConfiguration.frozenColumnsCount > 0 && lastFrozenColumnIndex + 1 === nextCellIndex) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions)._minScrollExtent;
- t1.toString;
- measuredHorizontalOffset = t1;
- } else {
- if (!needToScrollMaxExtent)
- t2 = dataGridConfiguration.footerFrozenColumnsCount > 0 && firstFooterFrozenColumnIndex - 1 === nextCellIndex;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions)._maxScrollExtent;
- t1.toString;
- measuredHorizontalOffset = t1;
- } else {
- t2 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_currentCell_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.columnIndex;
- if (t2 !== -1 && nextCellIndex === t2 + 1) {
- t2 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__VisualContainerHelper_columnWidthsProvider_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- nextCellIndexHeight = t2.getSize$2(nextCellIndex, 0);
- nextCellInfo = A.getVisibleLines(dataGridConfiguration).getVisibleLineAtLineIndex$1(nextCellIndex);
- if (nextCellInfo != null)
- if (dataGridConfiguration.textDirection === B.TextDirection_0) {
- t2 = nextCellInfo.get$clippedSize() - (~B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(nextCellInfo._clippedOrigin) >>> 0);
- measuredHorizontalOffset = t2;
- } else {
- t2 = nextCellInfo._visible_line_info$_size;
- t2 -= t2 - nextCellInfo.clippedCornerExtent;
- measuredHorizontalOffset = t2;
- }
- else
- measuredHorizontalOffset = A._asDouble(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(nextCellIndexHeight));
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions)._pixels;
- t1.toString;
- measuredHorizontalOffset = t1 + measuredHorizontalOffset;
- } else {
- visibleInfoCollection = A.getVisibleLines(dataGridConfiguration);
- t2 = visibleInfoCollection.firstBodyVisibleIndex;
- t3 = visibleInfoCollection.visibleLines;
- if (t2 < t3.length) {
- t2 = t3[t2];
- t2.toString;
- firstBodyVisibleLineIndex = t2.lineIndex;
- } else
- firstBodyVisibleLineIndex = 0;
- if (nextCellIndex < firstBodyVisibleLineIndex) {
- A.scrollInViewFromRight(dataGridConfiguration, false, nextCellIndex);
- measuredHorizontalOffset = 0;
- } else {
- measuredHorizontalOffset = A.resolveHorizontalScrollOffset(dataGridConfiguration, A.getHorizontalCumulativeDistance(dataGridConfiguration, nextCellIndex));
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions)._pixels;
- t1.toString;
- measuredHorizontalOffset = t1 + measuredHorizontalOffset;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- A.scrollHorizontal(dataGridConfiguration, measuredHorizontalOffset);
- }
- },
- scrollInViewFromRight(dataGridConfiguration, needToScrollToMinExtent, previousCellIndex) {
- var startingFooterFrozenColumnIndex, lastFrozenColumnIndex, measuredHorizontalOffset, t2, previousCellIndexWidth, previousCellInfo,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.horizontalScrollController;
- if (t1 != null) {
- startingFooterFrozenColumnIndex = A.getStartFooterFrozenColumnIndex(dataGridConfiguration);
- lastFrozenColumnIndex = A.getLastFrozenColumnIndex(dataGridConfiguration);
- if (dataGridConfiguration.footerFrozenColumnsCount > 0 && startingFooterFrozenColumnIndex - 1 === previousCellIndex) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions)._maxScrollExtent;
- t1.toString;
- measuredHorizontalOffset = t1;
- } else {
- if (!needToScrollToMinExtent)
- t2 = dataGridConfiguration.frozenColumnsCount > 0 && lastFrozenColumnIndex + 1 === previousCellIndex;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions)._minScrollExtent;
- t1.toString;
- measuredHorizontalOffset = t1;
- } else {
- t2 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_currentCell_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.columnIndex;
- if (t2 !== -1 && previousCellIndex === t2 - 1) {
- t2 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__VisualContainerHelper_columnWidthsProvider_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- previousCellIndexWidth = t2.getSize$2(previousCellIndex, 0);
- previousCellInfo = A.getVisibleLines(dataGridConfiguration).getVisibleLineAtLineIndex$1(previousCellIndex);
- measuredHorizontalOffset = previousCellInfo != null ? previousCellInfo._visible_line_info$_size - (previousCellInfo.get$clippedSize() - previousCellInfo.clippedCornerExtent) : A._asDouble(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(previousCellIndexWidth));
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions)._pixels;
- t1.toString;
- measuredHorizontalOffset = t1 - measuredHorizontalOffset;
- } else {
- measuredHorizontalOffset = A.resolveHorizontalScrollOffset(dataGridConfiguration, A.getHorizontalCumulativeDistance(dataGridConfiguration, previousCellIndex));
- t1 = t1._positions;
- t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1)._pixels;
- t2.toString;
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1)._pixels;
- t1.toString;
- measuredHorizontalOffset = t2 - (t1 - measuredHorizontalOffset);
- }
- }
- }
- A.scrollHorizontal(dataGridConfiguration, measuredHorizontalOffset);
- }
- },
- scrollInViewFromTop(dataGridConfiguration, needToScrollToMaxExtent, nextRowIndex) {
- var measuredVerticalOffset, t2, t3, nextRowIndexHeight, nextRowInfo, visibleInfoCollection, firstBodyVisibleLineIndex,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.verticalScrollController;
- if (t1 != null) {
- if (dataGridConfiguration.frozenRowsCount > 0 && A.getLastFrozenRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration) + 1 === nextRowIndex) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions)._minScrollExtent;
- t1.toString;
- measuredVerticalOffset = t1;
- } else if (needToScrollToMaxExtent) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions)._maxScrollExtent;
- t1.toString;
- measuredVerticalOffset = t1;
- } else {
- t2 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_currentCell_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.rowIndex;
- t2 = t2 !== -1 && nextRowIndex === t2 + 1;
- t3 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- if (t2) {
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t3.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- nextRowIndexHeight = t2.getSize$2(nextRowIndex, 0);
- nextRowInfo = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.get$scrollRows().getVisibleLines$1(false).getVisibleLineAtLineIndex$1(nextRowIndex);
- if (nextRowInfo != null) {
- t2 = nextRowInfo._visible_line_info$_size;
- measuredVerticalOffset = t2 - (t2 - nextRowInfo.clippedCornerExtent);
- } else
- measuredVerticalOffset = A._asDouble(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(nextRowIndexHeight));
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions)._pixels;
- t1.toString;
- measuredVerticalOffset = t1 + measuredVerticalOffset;
- } else {
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- visibleInfoCollection = t3.get$scrollRows().getVisibleLines$0();
- t1 = visibleInfoCollection.firstBodyVisibleIndex;
- t2 = visibleInfoCollection.visibleLines;
- if (t1 < t2.length) {
- t1 = t2[t1];
- t1.toString;
- firstBodyVisibleLineIndex = t1.lineIndex;
- } else
- firstBodyVisibleLineIndex = 0;
- if (nextRowIndex < firstBodyVisibleLineIndex) {
- A.scrollInViewFromDown(dataGridConfiguration, false, nextRowIndex);
- measuredVerticalOffset = 0;
- } else
- measuredVerticalOffset = A.resolveVerticalScrollOffset(dataGridConfiguration, A.getVerticalCumulativeDistance(dataGridConfiguration, nextRowIndex));
- }
- }
- A.scrollVertical(dataGridConfiguration, measuredVerticalOffset);
- }
- },
- scrollInViewFromDown(dataGridConfiguration, needToScrollToMinExtent, previousRowIndex) {
- var measuredVerticalOffset, t2, previousRowIndexHeight, previousRowInfo,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.verticalScrollController;
- if (t1 != null) {
- if (dataGridConfiguration.footerFrozenRowsCount > 0 && A.getStartFooterFrozenRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration) - 1 === previousRowIndex) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions)._maxScrollExtent;
- t1.toString;
- measuredVerticalOffset = t1;
- } else if (needToScrollToMinExtent) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions)._minScrollExtent;
- t1.toString;
- measuredVerticalOffset = t1;
- } else {
- t2 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_currentCell_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.rowIndex;
- if (t2 !== -1 && previousRowIndex === t2 - 1) {
- t2 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- previousRowIndexHeight = t2.getSize$2(previousRowIndex, 0);
- previousRowInfo = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A.get$scrollRows().getVisibleLines$1(false).getVisibleLineAtLineIndex$1(previousRowIndex);
- measuredVerticalOffset = previousRowInfo != null ? previousRowInfo._visible_line_info$_size - (previousRowInfo.get$clippedSize() - previousRowInfo.clippedCornerExtent) : A._asDouble(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(previousRowIndexHeight));
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions)._pixels;
- t1.toString;
- measuredVerticalOffset = t1 - measuredVerticalOffset;
- } else {
- measuredVerticalOffset = A.resolveVerticalScrollOffset(dataGridConfiguration, A.getVerticalCumulativeDistance(dataGridConfiguration, previousRowIndex));
- t1 = t1._positions;
- t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1)._pixels;
- t2.toString;
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1)._pixels;
- t1.toString;
- measuredVerticalOffset = t2 - (t1 - measuredVerticalOffset);
- }
- }
- A.scrollVertical(dataGridConfiguration, measuredVerticalOffset);
- }
- },
- resolveToRowIndex_closure: function resolveToRowIndex_closure(t0) {
- this.record = t0;
- },
- getFirstCellIndex_closure: function getFirstCellIndex_closure() {
- },
- getLastCellIndex_closure: function getLastCellIndex_closure() {
- },
- GridCellRendererBase: function GridCellRendererBase() {
- },
- GridStackedHeaderCellRenderer: function GridStackedHeaderCellRenderer() {
- this.isEditable = true;
- this.__GridCellRendererBase__dataGridStateDetails_A = $;
- },
- GridCellTextFieldRenderer: function GridCellTextFieldRenderer() {
- this.isEditable = true;
- this.__GridCellRendererBase__dataGridStateDetails_A = $;
- },
- GridHeaderCellRenderer: function GridHeaderCellRenderer() {
- this.isEditable = true;
- this.__GridCellRendererBase__dataGridStateDetails_A = $;
- },
- GridHeaderCellRenderer_setCellStyle_getDefaultHeaderTextStyle: function GridHeaderCellRenderer_setCellStyle_getDefaultHeaderTextStyle(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- GridVirtualizingCellRendererBase: function GridVirtualizingCellRendererBase() {
- },
- GridVirtualizingCellRendererBase_onInitializeDisplayWidget_getChild: function GridVirtualizingCellRendererBase_onInitializeDisplayWidget_getChild(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t0;
- this.dataCell = t1;
- this.child = t2;
- },
- GridCheckboxRenderer: function GridCheckboxRenderer() {
- this.isEditable = true;
- this.__GridCellRendererBase__dataGridStateDetails_A = $;
- },
- GridCheckboxRenderer_onInitializeDisplayWidget_closure: function GridCheckboxRenderer_onInitializeDisplayWidget_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t0;
- this.dataCell = t1;
- this.selectionState = t2;
- },
- GridTableSummaryCellRenderer: function GridTableSummaryCellRenderer() {
- this.isEditable = true;
- this.__GridCellRendererBase__dataGridStateDetails_A = $;
- },
- GridTableSummaryCellRenderer_onInitializeDisplayWidget_getSummaryCell: function GridTableSummaryCellRenderer_onInitializeDisplayWidget_getSummaryCell(t0, t1) {
- this.dataCell = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- },
- GridColumn$(columnName, label, width) {
- var t1 = new A.GridColumn(label, columnName, B.FilteredFrom_2, width);
- t1.__GridColumn__autoWidth_A = t1.__GridColumn__actualWidth_A = 0 / 0;
- return t1;
- },
- GridColumn: function GridColumn(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__GridColumn__autoWidth_A = $;
- _.label = t0;
- _.columnName = t1;
- _.__GridColumn__actualWidth_A = $;
- _._filterFrom = t2;
- _.width = t3;
- },
- DataGridCheckboxColumnSettings: function DataGridCheckboxColumnSettings() {
- },
- ColumnSizer: function ColumnSizer() {
- this._autoFillColumn = this._column$_dataGridStateDetails = null;
- this._isColumnSizerLoadedInitially = false;
- },
- ColumnSizer__refresh_closure: function ColumnSizer__refresh_closure() {
- },
- ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure: function ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure() {
- },
- ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure0: function ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure0() {
- },
- ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure1: function ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure1() {
- },
- ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure2: function ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure2() {
- },
- ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure3: function ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure3() {
- },
- ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure4: function ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure4() {
- },
- ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure5: function ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure5() {
- },
- ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure6: function ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure6() {
- },
- ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure7: function ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure7(t0) {
- this.calculatedColumns = t0;
- },
- ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure8: function ColumnSizer__sizerColumnWidth_closure8(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ColumnSizer__getColumnToFill_closure: function ColumnSizer__getColumnToFill_closure() {
- },
- ColumnSizer__getColumnToFill_closure0: function ColumnSizer__getColumnToFill_closure0() {
- },
- ColumnSizer__setWidthBasedOnGrid_closure: function ColumnSizer__setWidthBasedOnGrid_closure() {
- },
- ColumnSizer__getCellValue_closure: function ColumnSizer__getCellValue_closure(t0) {
- this.column = t0;
- },
- ColumnSizer__getSortIconWidth_closure: function ColumnSizer__getSortIconWidth_closure(t0) {
- this.column = t0;
- },
- ColumnSizer__getGridLineStrokeWidth_closure: function ColumnSizer__getGridLineStrokeWidth_closure() {
- },
- ColumnResizeController: function ColumnResizeController(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dataGridStateDetails = t0;
- _._hitTestPrecision = null;
- _.isResizeIndicatorVisible = _.canSwitchResizeColumnCursor = _.isResizing = false;
- _.indicatorPosition = 0;
- _._resizingLine = _.resizingDataCell = null;
- _._resizingColumnWidth = 0;
- _._currentResizingColumn = null;
- _._isLongPressEnabled = _._canStartResizeInMobile = false;
- _.rowSpan = _.rowIndex = 0;
- },
- FilterCondition: function FilterCondition(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.type = t0;
- _.value = t1;
- _.isCaseSensitive = t2;
- _.filterOperator = t3;
- _.filterBehavior = t4;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper: function DataGridFilterHelper(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._previousDataRows = t0;
- _.isFilterPopupMenuShowing = false;
- _.filterFrom = t1;
- _._column$_dataGridStateDetails = t2;
- _.__DataGridFilterHelper_advancedFilterHelper_A = _.__DataGridFilterHelper_checkboxFilterHelper_A = _.__DataGridFilterHelper__unCheckedItemsCount_A = _.__DataGridFilterHelper__checkedItemsCount_A = $;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper_createFilterConditions_closure: function DataGridFilterHelper_createFilterConditions_closure() {
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper_getActualValue_closure: function DataGridFilterHelper_getActualValue_closure() {
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper__debugCheckDataType_getFirstCellValue: function DataGridFilterHelper__debugCheckDataType_getFirstCellValue(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper__debugCheckDataType_throwAssertFailure: function DataGridFilterHelper__debugCheckDataType_throwAssertFailure() {
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper__debugCheckDataType_closure: function DataGridFilterHelper__debugCheckDataType_closure(t0) {
- this.columnName = t0;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper__getCellValues_isSelected: function DataGridFilterHelper__getCellValues_isSelected(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.conditions = t0;
- this.source = t1;
- this.column = t2;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper__getCellValues_isSelected_closure: function DataGridFilterHelper__getCellValues_isSelected_closure(t0) {
- this.column = t0;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper__getCellValues_closure: function DataGridFilterHelper__getCellValues_closure(t0) {
- this.column = t0;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper__getCellValues_closure0: function DataGridFilterHelper__getCellValues_closure0(t0) {
- this.convertToString = t0;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper__getCellValues_closure1: function DataGridFilterHelper__getCellValues_closure1(t0) {
- this.isSelected = t0;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper_setDataGridSource_isNullOrEmpty: function DataGridFilterHelper_setDataGridSource_isNullOrEmpty() {
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper_setDataGridSource_closure: function DataGridFilterHelper_setDataGridSource_closure(t0) {
- this.isNullOrEmpty = t0;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper__getFilterRows_closure: function DataGridFilterHelper__getFilterRows_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.conditions = t1;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper__setPreviousDataGridSource_closure: function DataGridFilterHelper__setPreviousDataGridSource_closure(t0) {
- this.useSelected = t0;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper__getCellValue_closure: function DataGridFilterHelper__getCellValue_closure(t0) {
- this.columnName = t0;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper__getCellValue_closure0: function DataGridFilterHelper__getCellValue_closure0(t0) {
- this.column = t0;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper__createAdvancedFilterConditions_canCreateFilterCondition: function DataGridFilterHelper__createAdvancedFilterConditions_canCreateFilterCondition(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.localizations = t1;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper__createAdvancedFilterConditions_canCreateFilterCondition_setFilterValue: function DataGridFilterHelper__createAdvancedFilterConditions_canCreateFilterCondition_setFilterValue(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.isFirstCondition = t1;
- },
- DataGridFilterHelper__createAdvancedFilterConditions_getFilterOperator: function DataGridFilterHelper__createAdvancedFilterConditions_getFilterOperator(t0, t1) {
- this.filterConditions = t0;
- this.filterOperator = t1;
- },
- DataGridCheckboxFilterHelper: function DataGridCheckboxFilterHelper(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.items = t0;
- _._searchedItems = t1;
- _.filterCheckboxItems = t2;
- _._previousDataGridSource = t3;
- _.textController = t4;
- _.searchboxFocusNode = t5;
- _.__DataGridCheckboxFilterHelper_isSelectAllInTriState_A = _.__DataGridCheckboxFilterHelper_isSelectAllChecked_A = $;
- },
- DataGridCheckboxFilterHelper_ensureSelectAllCheckboxState_closure: function DataGridCheckboxFilterHelper_ensureSelectAllCheckboxState_closure() {
- },
- DataGridCheckboxFilterHelper_onSearchTextFieldTextChanged_closure: function DataGridCheckboxFilterHelper_onSearchTextFieldTextChanged_closure() {
- },
- DataGridCheckboxFilterHelper_onSearchTextFieldTextChanged_closure0: function DataGridCheckboxFilterHelper_onSearchTextFieldTextChanged_closure0(t0) {
- this.item = t0;
- },
- DataGridCheckboxFilterHelper_onSearchTextFieldTextChanged_closure1: function DataGridCheckboxFilterHelper_onSearchTextFieldTextChanged_closure1(t0) {
- this.searchText = t0;
- },
- DataGridAdvancedFilterHelper: function DataGridAdvancedFilterHelper(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _._column$_dataGridStateDetails = t0;
- _.filterTypeItems = t1;
- _.items = t2;
- _.advancedFilterType = t3;
- _.filterValue2 = _.filterValue1 = _.filterType2 = _.filterType1 = null;
- _.isCaseSensitive2 = _.isCaseSensitive1 = false;
- _.isOrPredicate = true;
- _.disableFilterTypes = t4;
- _.textFieldFilterTypes = t5;
- _.firstValueTextController = t6;
- _.secondValueTextController = t7;
- },
- DataGridAdvancedFilterHelper_setAdvancedFilterType_closure: function DataGridAdvancedFilterHelper_setAdvancedFilterType_closure(t0) {
- this.column = t0;
- },
- DataGridAdvancedFilterHelper_setAdvancedFilterValues_getValue: function DataGridAdvancedFilterHelper_setAdvancedFilterValues_getValue(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- DataGridAdvancedFilterHelper_setAdvancedFilterValues_getValue_closure: function DataGridAdvancedFilterHelper_setAdvancedFilterValues_getValue_closure(t0) {
- this.value = t0;
- },
- FilterElement: function FilterElement(t0, t1) {
- this.value = t0;
- this.isSelected = t1;
- },
- ColumnDragAndDropController: function ColumnDragAndDropController(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dataGridStateDetails = t0;
- _.offset = _.dragColumnEndIndex = _.dragColumnStartIndex = null;
- _.canDrawRightIndicator = false;
- _.columnIndex = null;
- _.autoScrolling = false;
- _.dragDelta = 0;
- _.disableScrolling = true;
- _.canResetColumnWidthCalculation = _.isHoverDisabled = _.allowColumnDrag = false;
- _.scrollOrigin = null;
- _.canWrapDraggableView = true;
- _._isLeftToRightDrag = _._dragDirectionChangedPosition = _.isWindowsPlatform = null;
- },
- DataCellBase: function DataCellBase() {
- },
- DataCell: function DataCell() {
- var _ = this;
- _.key = null;
- _.isVisible = true;
- _.isEditing = _.isCurrentCell = _.isDirty = _.isEnsured = false;
- _.rowIndex = _.columnIndex = -1;
- _.rowSpan = _.columnSpan = 0;
- _.summaryColumn = _.stackedHeaderCell = _.gridColumn = _.dataRow = _.renderer = _.editingWidget = _.columnElement = _.cellType = _.textStyle = null;
- },
- DataRowBase: function DataRowBase() {
- },
- DataRow: function DataRow(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.footerView = _.key = null;
- _.isEnsured = _.isDirty = false;
- _.isVisible = true;
- _.visibleColumns = t0;
- _.isEditing = _.isSwipingRow = false;
- _.rowIndex = -1;
- _.rowType = t1;
- _.rowRegion = t2;
- _.isHoveredRow = _.isCurrentRow = false;
- _.tableSummaryRow = _.dataGridStateDetails = _.dataGridRowAdapter = _.dataGridRow = null;
- _._isSelectedRow = false;
- },
- DataRow__ensureColumns_closure: function DataRow__ensureColumns_closure() {
- },
- DataRow__ensureColumns_closure0: function DataRow__ensureColumns_closure0(t0) {
- this.index = t0;
- },
- DataRow__reUseCell_closure: function DataRow__reUseCell_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.startColumnIndex = t0;
- this.endColumnIndex = t1;
- },
- RowGenerator: function RowGenerator(t0, t1) {
- this.items = t0;
- this.dataGridStateDetails = t1;
- },
- RowGenerator_ensureRows_reUseRows: function RowGenerator_ensureRows_reUseRows(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- },
- RowGenerator_ensureRows_reUseRows_closure: function RowGenerator_ensureRows_reUseRows_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- RowGenerator_ensureRows_reuseRow: function RowGenerator_ensureRows_reuseRow(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.reUseRows = t1;
- },
- RowGenerator_ensureRows_closure: function RowGenerator_ensureRows_closure(t0) {
- this.index = t0;
- },
- RowGenerator__updateHeaderRow_createHeaderRow: function RowGenerator__updateHeaderRow_createHeaderRow(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.index = t2;
- _.visibleColumns = t3;
- },
- RowGenerator__updateHeaderRow_closure: function RowGenerator__updateHeaderRow_closure() {
- },
- RowGenerator__updateHeaderRow_closure0: function RowGenerator__updateHeaderRow_closure0() {
- },
- RowGenerator__updateHeaderRow_closure1: function RowGenerator__updateHeaderRow_closure1(t0) {
- this.region = t0;
- },
- RowGenerator__updateDataRow_closure: function RowGenerator__updateDataRow_closure() {
- },
- RowGenerator__updateDataRow_createDataRow: function RowGenerator__updateDataRow_createDataRow(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.index = t2;
- _.visibleColumns = t3;
- },
- RowGenerator__updateDataRow_closure0: function RowGenerator__updateDataRow_closure0() {
- },
- RowGenerator__updateFooterRow_closure: function RowGenerator__updateFooterRow_closure(t0) {
- this.region = t0;
- },
- RowGenerator__checkForCurrentRow_getDataCell: function RowGenerator__checkForCurrentRow_getDataCell(t0, t1) {
- this.dr = t0;
- this.currentCellManager = t1;
- },
- RowGenerator__checkForCurrentRow_getDataCell_closure: function RowGenerator__checkForCurrentRow_getDataCell_closure(t0) {
- this.currentCellManager = t0;
- },
- _SpannedDataRow: function _SpannedDataRow(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.footerView = _.key = null;
- _.isEnsured = _.isDirty = false;
- _.isVisible = true;
- _.visibleColumns = t0;
- _.isEditing = _.isSwipingRow = false;
- _.rowIndex = -1;
- _.rowType = t1;
- _.rowRegion = t2;
- _.isHoveredRow = _.isCurrentRow = false;
- _.tableSummaryRow = _.dataGridStateDetails = _.dataGridRowAdapter = _.dataGridRow = null;
- _._isSelectedRow = false;
- },
- _SpannedDataRow__ensureSpannedColumn_closure: function _SpannedDataRow__ensureSpannedColumn_closure() {
- },
- _SpannedDataRow__ensureSpannedColumn_closure0: function _SpannedDataRow__ensureSpannedColumn_closure0(t0) {
- this.columnIndex = t0;
- },
- _SpannedDataRow__isEnsuredSpannedCell_closure: function _SpannedDataRow__isEnsuredSpannedCell_closure(t0) {
- this.index = t0;
- },
- _SpannedDataColumn: function _SpannedDataColumn() {
- var _ = this;
- _.key = null;
- _.isVisible = true;
- _.isEditing = _.isCurrentCell = _.isDirty = _.isEnsured = false;
- _.rowIndex = _.columnIndex = -1;
- _.rowSpan = _.columnSpan = 0;
- _.summaryColumn = _.stackedHeaderCell = _.gridColumn = _.dataRow = _.renderer = _.editingWidget = _.columnElement = _.cellType = _.textStyle = null;
- },
- updateSelectionController(dataGridConfiguration, isDataSourceChanged, isNavigationModeChanged, isSelectionModeChanged) {
- var t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_rowSelectionManager_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (isDataSourceChanged)
- t1._clearSelection$1(t1._selection_manager$_dataGridStateDetails.call$0());
- if (isSelectionModeChanged)
- t1.onGridSelectionModeChanged$0();
- if (isNavigationModeChanged)
- t1._onNavigationModeChanged$0();
- },
- isSelectedRow(dataGridConfiguration, dataGridRow) {
- var t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_rowSelectionManager_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(t1._selectedRows, dataGridRow);
- return t1;
- },
- handleSelectionFromCheckbox(dataGridConfiguration, dataCell, oldValue, newValue) {
- var t2, oldSelectedItems,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_rowSelectionManager_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = dataGridConfiguration.selectionMode;
- if (t2 !== B.SelectionMode_0)
- if (t2 === B.SelectionMode_1) {
- if (dataCell.cellType === B.CellType_5) {
- oldValue.toString;
- t1 = !oldValue;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- dataCell.onTouchUp$0();
- } else if (t2 === B.SelectionMode_2) {
- if (dataCell.cellType === B.CellType_5 && oldValue != newValue)
- dataCell.onTouchUp$0();
- } else if (dataCell.cellType === B.CellType_0) {
- if (oldValue == null || !oldValue) {
- dataGridConfiguration.headerCheckboxState = true;
- dataCell.updateColumn$0();
- t1._processSelectedAll$0();
- } else if (oldValue) {
- dataGridConfiguration.headerCheckboxState = false;
- dataCell.updateColumn$0();
- t2 = t1._selectedRows;
- oldSelectedItems = A._setArrayType(t2.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t2));
- t2 = type$.JSArray_DataGridRow;
- t1._raiseSelectionChanging$2$newItems$oldItems(A._setArrayType([], t2), oldSelectedItems);
- t1._clearSelectedRows$1(dataGridConfiguration);
- t1.notifyListeners$0();
- t1._raiseSelectionChanged$2$newItems$oldItems(A._setArrayType([], t2), oldSelectedItems);
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(oldSelectedItems);
- }
- } else
- dataCell.onTouchUp$0();
- },
- SelectionManagerBase: function SelectionManagerBase() {
- },
- RowSelectionManager: function RowSelectionManager(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._pressedRowColumnIndex = t0;
- _._pressedRowIndex = -1;
- _._selectedRows = t1;
- _._shiftSelectedRows = t2;
- _._selection_manager$_dataGridStateDetails = null;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t3;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- RowSelectionManager__addSelectionForShiftKey_closure: function RowSelectionManager__addSelectionForShiftKey_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- },
- RowSelectionManager__setRowSelection_closure: function RowSelectionManager__setRowSelection_closure(t0) {
- this.rowIndex = t0;
- },
- RowSelectionManager_onSelectedRowChanged_canClearSelections: function RowSelectionManager_onSelectedRowChanged_canClearSelections(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- },
- RowSelectionManager_onSelectedIndexChanged_canClearSelections: function RowSelectionManager_onSelectedIndexChanged_canClearSelections(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- },
- CurrentCellManager: function CurrentCellManager(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dataGridStateDetails = t0;
- _.columnIndex = _.rowIndex = -1;
- _.dataCell = null;
- _.isEditing = false;
- },
- CurrentCellManager__getDataRow_closure: function CurrentCellManager__getDataRow_closure(t0) {
- this.rowIndex = t0;
- },
- CurrentCellManager__getDataCell_closure: function CurrentCellManager__getDataCell_closure(t0) {
- this.columnIndex = t0;
- },
- CurrentCellManager_onCellSubmit_resetEditing: function CurrentCellManager_onCellSubmit_resetEditing(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dataCell = t1;
- this.dataRow = t2;
- },
- CurrentCellManager__getEditingRow_closure: function CurrentCellManager__getEditingRow_closure() {
- },
- CurrentCellManager__getEditingCell_closure: function CurrentCellManager__getEditingCell_closure() {
- },
- SfDataGrid$(allowMultiColumnSorting, allowPullToRefresh, columnWidthMode, columns, gridLinesVisibility, headerGridLinesVisibility, showFilterIconOnHover, source) {
- return new A.SfDataGrid(columns, source, columnWidthMode, gridLinesVisibility, headerGridLinesVisibility, allowMultiColumnSorting, allowPullToRefresh, showFilterIconOnHover, null);
- },
- handleRefresh(source) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue;
- var $async$handleRefresh = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = source.handleRefresh$0();
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$handleRefresh, $async$completer);
- },
- effectiveRows(source) {
- var t1 = source._effectiveRows;
- return t1;
- },
- getChildColumnIndexes(stackedHeaderCell) {
- return stackedHeaderCell.get$_childColumnIndexes();
- },
- DataGridRow: function DataGridRow(t0) {
- this._cells = t0;
- },
- DataGridCell: function DataGridCell(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.columnName = t0;
- this.value = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- DataGridRowAdapter: function DataGridRowAdapter(t0) {
- this.cells = t0;
- },
- SfDataGrid: function SfDataGrid(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.columns = t0;
- _.source = t1;
- _.columnWidthMode = t2;
- _.gridLinesVisibility = t3;
- _.headerGridLinesVisibility = t4;
- _.allowMultiColumnSorting = t5;
- _.allowPullToRefresh = t6;
- _.showFilterIconOnHover = t7;
- _.key = t8;
- },
- SfDataGridState: function SfDataGridState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__SfDataGridState__dataGridConfiguration_A = _.__SfDataGridState__container_A = _.__SfDataGridState__rowGenerator_A = $;
- _._swipingAnimationController = null;
- _.__SfDataGridState__cellRenderers_A = $;
- _._sfdatagrid$_textDirection = t0;
- _._screenSize = _._dataGridStateDetails = _._sfdatagrid$_controller = _._rowSelectionManager = _._columns = _._sfdatagrid$_source = _._localizations = _._dataGridThemeHelper = _._dataGridThemeData = null;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t1;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t2;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- SfDataGridState__processCellUpdate_closure: function SfDataGridState__processCellUpdate_closure() {
- },
- SfDataGridState__processCellUpdate_closure0: function SfDataGridState__processCellUpdate_closure0(t0) {
- this.rowIndex = t0;
- },
- SfDataGridState__processCellUpdate_closure1: function SfDataGridState__processCellUpdate_closure1(t0) {
- this.columnIndex = t0;
- },
- SfDataGridState__processCellUpdate_closure2: function SfDataGridState__processCellUpdate_closure2(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dataCell = t1;
- this.columnIndex = t2;
- },
- SfDataGridState__processUpdateDataSource_closure: function SfDataGridState__processUpdateDataSource_closure() {
- },
- SfDataGridState__processSorting_closure: function SfDataGridState__processSorting_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SfDataGridState__processEditing_closure: function SfDataGridState__processEditing_closure() {
- },
- SfDataGridState__processEditing_closure0: function SfDataGridState__processEditing_closure0() {
- },
- SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure: function SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure(t0) {
- this.rowIndex = t0;
- },
- SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure0: function SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.dataRow = t1;
- _.recalculateRowHeight = t2;
- _.rowIndex = t3;
- },
- SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure1: function SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure1() {
- },
- SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure2: function SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure2() {
- },
- SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure3: function SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure3() {
- },
- SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure4: function SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure4(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure5: function SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure5() {
- },
- SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure6: function SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure6() {
- },
- SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure7: function SfDataGridState__handleDataGridPropertyChangeListeners_closure7(t0) {
- this.dataRow = t0;
- },
- SfDataGridState__updateProperties_refreshEditing: function SfDataGridState__updateProperties_refreshEditing(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.isSourceChanged = t1;
- _.isDataSourceChanged = t2;
- _.oldWidget = t3;
- _.isSortingChanged = t4;
- _.isMultiColumnSortingChanged = t5;
- _.isEditingChanged = t6;
- _.isSelectionManagerChanged = t7;
- _.isColumnsChanged = t8;
- _.isStackedHeaderRowsChanged = t9;
- },
- SfDataGridState__updateProperties_refreshFooterView: function SfDataGridState__updateProperties_refreshFooterView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.oldWidget = t1;
- _.isFooterRowChanged = t2;
- _.isSourceChanged = t3;
- _.isDataSourceChanged = t4;
- _.isStackedHeaderRowsChanged = t5;
- },
- SfDataGridState__updateProperties_refreshTableSummaryRows: function SfDataGridState__updateProperties_refreshTableSummaryRows(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.isTableSummaryRowsChanged = t1;
- this.oldWidget = t2;
- },
- SfDataGridState__updateProperties_closure: function SfDataGridState__updateProperties_closure() {
- },
- SfDataGridState_build_closure: function SfDataGridState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- DataGridSource: function DataGridSource() {
- },
- DataGridSource_performSorting_closure: function DataGridSource_performSorting_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- DataGridSource__compareValues_closure: function DataGridSource__compareValues_closure(t0) {
- this.sortColumn = t0;
- },
- DataGridSource_compare_getCellValue: function DataGridSource_compare_getCellValue() {
- },
- DataGridSource_compare_getCellValue_closure: function DataGridSource_compare_getCellValue_closure(t0) {
- this.columnName = t0;
- },
- DataGridController: function DataGridController(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._sfdatagrid$_selectedRows = t0;
- _._selectedIndex = -1;
- _._selectedRow = null;
- _._dataGridSourceListeners = t1;
- _._dataGridPropertyChangeListeners = t2;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t3;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- DataPagerDelegate: function DataPagerDelegate() {
- },
- DataGridSourceChangeNotifier: function DataGridSourceChangeNotifier() {
- },
- DataGridThemeHelper: function DataGridThemeHelper() {
- var _ = this;
- _.__DataGridThemeHelper_columnDragIndicatorStrokeWidth_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_columnDragIndicatorColor_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper__filterPopupDisabledTextStyle_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper__filterPopupTextStyle_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_filterPopupDisabledTextStyle_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_filterPopupTextStyle_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_sortOrderNumberBackgroundColor_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_sortOrderNumberColor_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_filterIconHoverColor_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_filterIconColor_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_filterIcon_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_sortIcon_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_rowHoverTextStyle_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_rowHoverColor_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_columnResizeIndicatorStrokeWidth_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_columnResizeIndicatorColor_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_frozenPaneElevation_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_headerHoverColor_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_sortIconColor_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_frozenPaneLineColor_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_frozenPaneLineWidth_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_currentCellStyle_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_selectionColor_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_gridLineStrokeWidth_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_gridLineColor_A = _.__DataGridThemeHelper_headerColor_A = $;
- },
- _DataGridSource_DataGridSourceChangeNotifier_DataPagerDelegate: function _DataGridSource_DataGridSourceChangeNotifier_DataPagerDelegate() {
- },
- _SfDataGridState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function _SfDataGridState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- GridHeaderCellElement$(gridHeaderCell, column) {
- var t1 = gridHeaderCell.createState$0(),
- t2 = new A.GridHeaderCellElement(t1, gridHeaderCell, B._ElementLifecycle_0);
- t1._framework$_element = t2;
- t1._widget = gridHeaderCell;
- return t2;
- },
- _FilterPopupMenuTile$(child, height, onTap, prefix, prefixPadding, style, suffix) {
- return new A._FilterPopupMenuTile(child, prefix, suffix, height, style, onTap, prefixPadding, null);
- },
- _getCellBorder(dataGridConfiguration, dataCell) {
- var t3, rowIndex, columnIndex, isStackedHeaderCell, isHeaderCell, isTableSummaryCell, isCheckboxCell, canSkipBottomBorder, canDrawStartBottomSummaryRowTopBorder, t4, canDrawHeaderHorizontalBorder, canDrawHeaderVerticalBorder, canDrawHorizontalBorder, canDrawVerticalBorder, firstVisibleColumn, canDrawGridTopOuterBorder, canDrawGridHeaderLeftOuterBorder, canDrawGridRowsLeftOuterBorder, canDrawBottomFrozenBorder, canDrawTopFrozenBorder, canDrawRightFrozenBorder, canDrawLeftFrozenBorder, isFrozenPaneElevationApplied, t5,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.dataGridThemeHelper,
- t2 = t1.__DataGridThemeHelper_gridLineColor_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__DataGridThemeHelper_gridLineStrokeWidth_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = dataCell.rowSpan;
- rowIndex = dataCell.rowIndex;
- if (t3 > 0)
- rowIndex -= t3;
- columnIndex = dataCell.columnIndex;
- t3 = dataCell.cellType;
- isStackedHeaderCell = t3 === B.CellType_4;
- isHeaderCell = t3 === B.CellType_0;
- isTableSummaryCell = t3 === B.CellType_6;
- isCheckboxCell = t3 === B.CellType_5;
- canSkipBottomBorder = A.getTableSummaryCount(dataGridConfiguration, B.GridTableSummaryRowPosition_1) > 0 && dataCell.rowIndex === A.getStartBottomSummaryRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration) - 1;
- canDrawStartBottomSummaryRowTopBorder = isTableSummaryCell && dataCell.rowIndex === A.getStartBottomSummaryRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration);
- t4 = dataGridConfiguration.headerGridLinesVisibility;
- if (t4 === B.GridLinesVisibility_3 || t4 === B.GridLinesVisibility_1)
- canDrawHeaderHorizontalBorder = isHeaderCell || isStackedHeaderCell;
- else
- canDrawHeaderHorizontalBorder = false;
- if (t4 === B.GridLinesVisibility_2 || t4 === B.GridLinesVisibility_1)
- canDrawHeaderVerticalBorder = isHeaderCell || isStackedHeaderCell;
- else
- canDrawHeaderVerticalBorder = false;
- dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_columnDragAndDropController_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = dataGridConfiguration.gridLinesVisibility;
- canDrawHorizontalBorder = (t4 === B.GridLinesVisibility_3 || t4 === B.GridLinesVisibility_1) && !isHeaderCell && !isStackedHeaderCell;
- canDrawVerticalBorder = (t4 === B.GridLinesVisibility_2 || t4 === B.GridLinesVisibility_1) && !isStackedHeaderCell && !isTableSummaryCell && !isHeaderCell;
- t4 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_columns_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- firstVisibleColumn = B.JSArray_methods.firstWhere$1(t4, new A._getCellBorder_closure());
- t4 = dataCell.gridColumn;
- t4.toString;
- canDrawGridTopOuterBorder = rowIndex === 0 && dataGridConfiguration.headerGridLinesVisibility !== B.GridLinesVisibility_0;
- canDrawGridHeaderLeftOuterBorder = (isHeaderCell || isStackedHeaderCell) && dataGridConfiguration.headerGridLinesVisibility !== B.GridLinesVisibility_0 && t4.columnName === firstVisibleColumn.columnName;
- canDrawGridRowsLeftOuterBorder = (t3 === B.CellType_1 || isTableSummaryCell || isCheckboxCell) && dataGridConfiguration.gridLinesVisibility !== B.GridLinesVisibility_0 && t4.columnName === firstVisibleColumn.columnName;
- t3 = dataGridConfiguration.frozenRowsCount;
- canDrawBottomFrozenBorder = isFinite(t3) && t3 > 0 && A.getLastFrozenRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration) === rowIndex;
- t3 = dataGridConfiguration.footerFrozenRowsCount;
- canDrawTopFrozenBorder = isFinite(t3) && t3 > 0 && A.getStartFooterFrozenRowIndex(dataGridConfiguration) === rowIndex;
- t3 = dataGridConfiguration.frozenColumnsCount;
- canDrawRightFrozenBorder = isFinite(t3) && t3 > 0 && A.getLastFrozenColumnIndex(dataGridConfiguration) === columnIndex;
- t3 = dataGridConfiguration.footerFrozenColumnsCount;
- canDrawLeftFrozenBorder = isFinite(t3) && t3 > 0 && A.getStartFooterFrozenColumnIndex(dataGridConfiguration) === columnIndex;
- t3 = dataGridConfiguration.dataGridThemeHelper;
- t4 = t3.__DataGridThemeHelper_frozenPaneElevation_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- isFrozenPaneElevationApplied = t4 > 0;
- t4 = t3.__DataGridThemeHelper_frozenPaneLineColor_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3.__DataGridThemeHelper_frozenPaneLineWidth_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = new A._getCellBorder_getLeftBorder(columnIndex, canDrawVerticalBorder, canDrawHeaderVerticalBorder, false, canDrawLeftFrozenBorder, canDrawGridHeaderLeftOuterBorder, canDrawGridRowsLeftOuterBorder, false, dataGridConfiguration, isStackedHeaderCell, isFrozenPaneElevationApplied, t3, t4, t1, t2).call$0();
- return new A.BorderDirectional(new A._getCellBorder_getTopBorder(rowIndex, canDrawHorizontalBorder, canDrawHeaderHorizontalBorder, canDrawTopFrozenBorder, canDrawStartBottomSummaryRowTopBorder, canDrawGridTopOuterBorder, isStackedHeaderCell, isFrozenPaneElevationApplied, t3, t4, t1, t2).call$0(), t5, new A._getCellBorder_getRightBorder(canDrawVerticalBorder, canDrawHeaderVerticalBorder, canDrawRightFrozenBorder, false, isStackedHeaderCell, isFrozenPaneElevationApplied, t3, t4, false, dataGridConfiguration, t1, t2).call$0(), new A._getCellBorder_getBottomBorder(canDrawHorizontalBorder, canDrawHeaderHorizontalBorder, canDrawBottomFrozenBorder, isStackedHeaderCell, isFrozenPaneElevationApplied, t3, t4, canSkipBottomBorder, t1, t2).call$0());
- },
- _wrapInsideCellContainer(backgroundColor, child, dataCell, dataGridConfiguration, key) {
- var t1 = dataGridConfiguration.dataGridThemeHelper.__DataGridThemeHelper_currentCellStyle_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return new A.LayoutBuilder(new A._wrapInsideCellContainer_closure(new A._wrapInsideCellContainer_getChild(new A._wrapInsideCellContainer_getCellWidth(), dataCell, new A._wrapInsideCellContainer_getCellHeight(), backgroundColor, child, key, new A._wrapInsideCellContainer_getBorder(dataCell, t1.borderColor, t1.borderWidth))), null);
- },
- _handleOnTapUp(dataCell, dataGridConfiguration, isSecondaryTapDown, kind, tapDownDetails, tapUpDetails) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, t1;
- var $async$_handleOnTapUp = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_currentCell_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- $async$goto = t1.isEditing ? 3 : 4;
- break;
- case 3:
- // then
- $async$goto = 8;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1.canSubmitCell$1(dataGridConfiguration), $async$_handleOnTapUp);
- case 8:
- // returning from await.
- $async$goto = $async$result ? 5 : 7;
- break;
- case 5:
- // then
- $async$goto = 9;
- return A._asyncAwait(dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_currentCell_A.onCellSubmit$2$cancelCanSubmitCell(dataGridConfiguration, true), $async$_handleOnTapUp);
- case 9:
- // returning from await.
- // goto join
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 7:
- // else
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 6:
- // join
- case 4:
- // join
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.dataGridFocusNode;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.requestFocus$0();
- dataCell.onTouchUp$0();
- if (dataGridConfiguration.editingGestureType === B.EditingGestureType_0)
- dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_currentCell_A.onCellBeginEdit$1$editingDataCell(dataCell);
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleOnTapUp, $async$completer);
- },
- _handleOnSecondaryTapUp(dataCell, dataGridConfiguration, kind, tapUpDetails) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, t1;
- var $async$_handleOnSecondaryTapUp = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_currentCell_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- $async$goto = t1.isEditing ? 3 : 4;
- break;
- case 3:
- // then
- $async$goto = 8;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1.canSubmitCell$1(dataGridConfiguration), $async$_handleOnSecondaryTapUp);
- case 8:
- // returning from await.
- $async$goto = $async$result ? 5 : 7;
- break;
- case 5:
- // then
- $async$goto = 9;
- return A._asyncAwait(dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_currentCell_A.onCellSubmit$2$cancelCanSubmitCell(dataGridConfiguration, true), $async$_handleOnSecondaryTapUp);
- case 9:
- // returning from await.
- // goto join
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 7:
- // else
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 6:
- // join
- case 4:
- // join
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleOnSecondaryTapUp, $async$completer);
- },
- GridCell: function GridCell(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dataCell = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.backgroundColor = t2;
- _.isDirty = t3;
- _.dataGridStateDetails = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _GridCellState: function _GridCellState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___GridCellState__kind_A = $;
- _._widget = _.tapTimer = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _GridCellState__wrapInsideGestureDetector_closure: function _GridCellState__wrapInsideGestureDetector_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- this.dataCell = t2;
- },
- _GridCellState__wrapInsideGestureDetector_closure3: function _GridCellState__wrapInsideGestureDetector_closure3(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _GridCellState__wrapInsideGestureDetector_closure2: function _GridCellState__wrapInsideGestureDetector_closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _GridCellState__wrapInsideGestureDetector_closure1: function _GridCellState__wrapInsideGestureDetector_closure1(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- this.dataCell = t2;
- },
- _GridCellState__wrapInsideGestureDetector_closure0: function _GridCellState__wrapInsideGestureDetector_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- GridHeaderCell: function GridHeaderCell(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dataCell = t0;
- _.child = t1;
- _.backgroundColor = t2;
- _.isDirty = t3;
- _.dataGridStateDetails = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- GridHeaderCellElement: function GridHeaderCellElement(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._framework$_state = t0;
- _._didChangeDependencies = false;
- _._slot = _._notificationTree = _._debugReassembleConfig = _._framework$_parent = _._framework$_child = null;
- _.__Element__depth_A = $;
- _._widget = t1;
- _._owner = null;
- _._lifecycleState = t2;
- _._dependencies = _._inheritedElements = null;
- _._hadUnsatisfiedDependencies = false;
- _._dirty = true;
- _._debugBuiltOnce = _._inDirtyList = false;
- },
- _GridHeaderCellState: function _GridHeaderCellState(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._sortDirection = null;
- _._sortIconColor = t0;
- _._sortNumber = -1;
- _._sortNumberBackgroundColor = t1;
- _._sortNumberTextColor = t2;
- _.___GridHeaderCellState__sortIcon_A = _.___GridHeaderCellState__kind_A = $;
- _.isHovered = false;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t3;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _GridHeaderCellState__wrapInsideContainer_checkHeaderCellConstraints: function _GridHeaderCellState__wrapInsideContainer_checkHeaderCellConstraints(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _GridHeaderCellState__wrapInsideContainer_checkHeaderCellConstraints_closure: function _GridHeaderCellState__wrapInsideContainer_checkHeaderCellConstraints_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.child = t1;
- },
- _GridHeaderCellState__wrapInsideContainer_getFeedbackWidget: function _GridHeaderCellState__wrapInsideContainer_getFeedbackWidget(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- },
- _GridHeaderCellState__wrapInsideContainer_buildDraggableHeaderCell: function _GridHeaderCellState__wrapInsideContainer_buildDraggableHeaderCell(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- this.getFeedbackWidget = t2;
- },
- _GridHeaderCellState__wrapInsideContainer_buildDraggableHeaderCell_closure: function _GridHeaderCellState__wrapInsideContainer_buildDraggableHeaderCell_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.configuration = t1;
- },
- _GridHeaderCellState__ensureSortIconVisibility_closure: function _GridHeaderCellState__ensureSortIconVisibility_closure(t0) {
- this.column = t0;
- },
- _GridHeaderCellState__buildHeaderCell_closure: function _GridHeaderCellState__buildHeaderCell_closure(t0) {
- this.gridColumn = t0;
- },
- _GridHeaderCellState__buildHeaderCell_canShowFilterIcon: function _GridHeaderCellState__buildHeaderCell_canShowFilterIcon(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- },
- _GridHeaderCellState__buildHeaderCell_closure0: function _GridHeaderCellState__buildHeaderCell_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _GridHeaderCellState__buildHeaderCell__closure0: function _GridHeaderCellState__buildHeaderCell__closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _GridHeaderCellState__buildHeaderCell_closure1: function _GridHeaderCellState__buildHeaderCell_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _GridHeaderCellState__buildHeaderCell__closure: function _GridHeaderCellState__buildHeaderCell__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _SortIcon: function _SortIcon(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.sortDirection = t0;
- _.sortIconColor = t1;
- _.sortIcon = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _SortIconState: function _SortIconState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___SortIconState__sortingAnimation_A = _.___SortIconState__animationController_A = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _SortIconState_build_closure: function _SortIconState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FilterIcon: function _FilterIcon(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.column = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _FilterIcon_onHandleTap_closure: function _FilterIcon_onHandleTap_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FilterIcon_onHandleTap_closure0: function _FilterIcon_onHandleTap_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FilterIcon_build_closure0: function _FilterIcon_build_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.context = t1;
- },
- _FilterIcon_build_closure: function _FilterIcon_build_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- this.isFiltered = t2;
- },
- _FilterIcon_build__closure: function _FilterIcon_build__closure(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.setState = t1;
- },
- _FilterIcon_build___closure0: function _FilterIcon_build___closure0(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- _FilterIcon_build__closure0: function _FilterIcon_build__closure0(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.setState = t1;
- },
- _FilterIcon_build___closure: function _FilterIcon_build___closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- _UnfilteredIcon: function _UnfilteredIcon(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.iconColor = t0;
- _.filterIcon = t1;
- _.gridColumnName = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _FilteredIcon: function _FilteredIcon(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.iconColor = t0;
- _.filterIcon = t1;
- _.gridColumnName = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _FilterPopupMenuItem: function _FilterPopupMenuItem(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.column = t0;
- _.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- _.$ti = t4;
- },
- _FilterPopupMenuItemState: function _FilterPopupMenuItemState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- _.$ti = t1;
- },
- _FilterPopup: function _FilterPopup(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.column = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _FilterPopupState: function _FilterPopupState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___FilterPopupState_filterHelper_A = _.___FilterPopupState_isAdvancedFilter_A = _.___FilterPopupState_isMobile_A = $;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _FilterPopupState__buildPopupView_buildPopup: function _FilterPopupState__buildPopupView_buildPopup(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.isSortAscendingEnabled = t2;
- _.iconColor = t3;
- _.localizations = t4;
- _.filterType = t5;
- _.isSortDescendingEnabled = t6;
- _.isClearFilterEnabled = t7;
- },
- _FilterPopupState__buildPopupView_buildPopup_closure: function _FilterPopupState__buildPopupView_buildPopup_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FilterPopupState__buildPopupView_closure: function _FilterPopupState__buildPopupView_closure(t0) {
- this.buildPopup = t0;
- },
- _FilterPopupState_onHandleExpansionTileTap_closure: function _FilterPopupState_onHandleExpansionTileTap_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _FilterPopupMenuTile: function _FilterPopupMenuTile(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.prefix = t1;
- _.suffix = t2;
- _.height = t3;
- _.style = t4;
- _.onTap = t5;
- _.prefixPadding = t6;
- _.key = t7;
- },
- _FilterMenuDropdown: function _FilterMenuDropdown(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.child = t0;
- _.suffix = t1;
- _.height = t2;
- _.padding = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _CheckboxFilterMenu: function _CheckboxFilterMenu(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.setState = t0;
- _.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- _.column = t2;
- _.viewSize = t3;
- _.checkboxFocusNode = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _CheckboxFilterMenu__buildCheckboxListView_closure0: function _CheckboxFilterMenu__buildCheckboxListView_closure0(t0) {
- this.helper = t0;
- },
- _CheckboxFilterMenu__buildCheckboxListView_closure: function _CheckboxFilterMenu__buildCheckboxListView_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CheckboxFilterMenu__buildCheckboxListView_closure1: function _CheckboxFilterMenu__buildCheckboxListView_closure1(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.helper = t1;
- },
- _CheckboxFilterMenu__buildSearchBox_onSearchboxSubmitted: function _CheckboxFilterMenu__buildSearchBox_onSearchboxSubmitted(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.helper = t1;
- this.context = t2;
- },
- _CheckboxFilterMenu__buildSearchBox_closure: function _CheckboxFilterMenu__buildSearchBox_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _CheckboxFilterMenu_buildCheckboxTile_closure: function _CheckboxFilterMenu_buildCheckboxTile_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.element = t1;
- },
- _CheckboxFilterMenu_buildCheckboxTile_closure0: function _CheckboxFilterMenu_buildCheckboxTile_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.element = t1;
- },
- _CheckboxFilterMenu_onHandleCheckboxTap_closure: function _CheckboxFilterMenu_onHandleCheckboxTap_closure() {
- },
- _CheckboxFilterMenu_onHandleSelectAllCheckboxTap_closure: function _CheckboxFilterMenu_onHandleSelectAllCheckboxTap_closure() {
- },
- _CheckboxFilterMenu_onHandleSearchTextFieldChanged_closure: function _CheckboxFilterMenu_onHandleSearchTextFieldChanged_closure() {
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.setState = t0;
- _.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- _.advanceFilterTopPadding = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildRadioButtons_handleChanged: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildRadioButtons_handleChanged(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildRadioButtons_handleChanged_closure: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildRadioButtons_handleChanged_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_setValue: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_setValue(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.isTopButton = t1;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_setValue_closure: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_setValue_closure() {
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_getTextInputType: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_getTextInputType(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_getInputFormatters: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_getInputFormatters(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_buildDropdownFormField: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_buildDropdownFormField(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.isTopButton = t1;
- _.helper = t2;
- _.setValue = t3;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_buildDropdownFormField_closure: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_buildDropdownFormField_closure(t0) {
- this.helper = t0;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_buildTextField: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_buildTextField(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.helper = t1;
- _.isTopButton = t2;
- _.getTextInputType = t3;
- _.getInputFormatters = t4;
- _.setValue = t5;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_buildTextField_closure: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterValueDropdown_buildTextField_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.setValue = t0;
- this.helper = t1;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterTypeDropdown_handleChanged: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterTypeDropdown_handleChanged(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.isFirstButton = t1;
- this.helper = t2;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterTypeDropdown_handleChanged_isInValidText: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterTypeDropdown_handleChanged_isInValidText(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterTypeDropdown_handleChanged_isInValidText_closure: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterTypeDropdown_handleChanged_isInValidText_closure(t0) {
- this.filterValue = t0;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterTypeDropdown_handleChanged_closure: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterTypeDropdown_handleChanged_closure() {
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterTypeDropdown_closure: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__buildFilterTypeDropdown_closure() {
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__getTrailingWidget_handleDatePickerTap: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__getTrailingWidget_handleDatePickerTap(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.context = t1;
- _.isFirstButton = t2;
- _.helper = t3;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__getTrailingWidget_handleDatePickerTap_closure: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__getTrailingWidget_handleDatePickerTap_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__getTrailingWidget_handleDatePickerTap_closure0: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__getTrailingWidget_handleDatePickerTap_closure0(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.$this = t1;
- _.helper = t2;
- _.isFirstButton = t3;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__getTrailingWidget_handleCaseSensitiveTap: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__getTrailingWidget_handleCaseSensitiveTap(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.isFirstButton = t1;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__getTrailingWidget_handleCaseSensitiveTap_closure: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__getTrailingWidget_handleCaseSensitiveTap_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.isFirstButton = t1;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__getTrailingWidget_getColor: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__getTrailingWidget_getColor(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.isFirstButton = t1;
- this.helper = t2;
- },
- _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__getTrailingWidget_canEnableButton: function _AdvancedFilterPopupMenu__getTrailingWidget_canEnableButton(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.isFirstButton = t1;
- },
- _getCellBorder_closure: function _getCellBorder_closure() {
- },
- _getCellBorder_getLeftBorder: function _getCellBorder_getLeftBorder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14) {
- var _ = this;
- _.columnIndex = t0;
- _.canDrawVerticalBorder = t1;
- _.canDrawHeaderVerticalBorder = t2;
- _.canDrawLeftColumnDragAndDropIndicator = t3;
- _.canDrawLeftFrozenBorder = t4;
- _.canDrawGridHeaderLeftOuterBorder = t5;
- _.canDrawGridRowsLeftOuterBorder = t6;
- _.canSkipLeftColumnDragAndDropIndicator = t7;
- _.dataGridConfiguration = t8;
- _.isStackedHeaderCell = t9;
- _.isFrozenPaneElevationApplied = t10;
- _.frozenPaneLineWidth = t11;
- _.frozenPaneLineColor = t12;
- _.borderWidth = t13;
- _.borderColor = t14;
- },
- _getCellBorder_getTopBorder: function _getCellBorder_getTopBorder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.rowIndex = t0;
- _.canDrawHorizontalBorder = t1;
- _.canDrawHeaderHorizontalBorder = t2;
- _.canDrawTopFrozenBorder = t3;
- _.canDrawStartBottomSummaryRowTopBorder = t4;
- _.canDrawGridTopOuterBorder = t5;
- _.isStackedHeaderCell = t6;
- _.isFrozenPaneElevationApplied = t7;
- _.frozenPaneLineWidth = t8;
- _.frozenPaneLineColor = t9;
- _.borderWidth = t10;
- _.borderColor = t11;
- },
- _getCellBorder_getRightBorder: function _getCellBorder_getRightBorder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.canDrawVerticalBorder = t0;
- _.canDrawHeaderVerticalBorder = t1;
- _.canDrawRightFrozenBorder = t2;
- _.canDrawRightColumnDragAndDropIndicator = t3;
- _.isStackedHeaderCell = t4;
- _.isFrozenPaneElevationApplied = t5;
- _.frozenPaneLineWidth = t6;
- _.frozenPaneLineColor = t7;
- _.canSkipRightColumnDragAndDropIndicator = t8;
- _.dataGridConfiguration = t9;
- _.borderWidth = t10;
- _.borderColor = t11;
- },
- _getCellBorder_getBottomBorder: function _getCellBorder_getBottomBorder(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.canDrawHorizontalBorder = t0;
- _.canDrawHeaderHorizontalBorder = t1;
- _.canDrawBottomFrozenBorder = t2;
- _.isStackedHeaderCell = t3;
- _.isFrozenPaneElevationApplied = t4;
- _.frozenPaneLineWidth = t5;
- _.frozenPaneLineColor = t6;
- _.canSkipBottomBorder = t7;
- _.borderWidth = t8;
- _.borderColor = t9;
- },
- _wrapInsideCellContainer_getBorder: function _wrapInsideCellContainer_getBorder(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.dataCell = t0;
- this.color = t1;
- this.borderWidth = t2;
- },
- _wrapInsideCellContainer_getCellHeight: function _wrapInsideCellContainer_getCellHeight() {
- },
- _wrapInsideCellContainer_getCellWidth: function _wrapInsideCellContainer_getCellWidth() {
- },
- _wrapInsideCellContainer_getChild: function _wrapInsideCellContainer_getChild(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.getCellWidth = t0;
- _.dataCell = t1;
- _.getCellHeight = t2;
- _.backgroundColor = t3;
- _.child = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- _.getBorder = t6;
- },
- _wrapInsideCellContainer_closure: function _wrapInsideCellContainer_closure(t0) {
- this.getChild = t0;
- },
- __SortIconState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __SortIconState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- RenderVisualContainer$(containerSize, dataGridStateDetails, isDirty) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderVisualContainer(isDirty, containerSize, dataGridStateDetails, 0, null, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.RenderVisualContainer$4$children$containerSize$dataGridStateDetails$isDirty(null, containerSize, dataGridStateDetails, isDirty);
- return t1;
- },
- GridCellRenderObjectWidget$(child, dataCell, dataGridStateDetails, isDirty, key) {
- return new A.GridCellRenderObjectWidget(child, dataCell, isDirty, dataGridStateDetails, A.RepaintBoundary_RepaintBoundary$wrap(child, 0), key);
- },
- _getCellClipRect(dataGridConfiguration, lineInfo, rowHeight) {
- var left, t1, right;
- if (lineInfo == null)
- return null;
- if (lineInfo.get$isClippedBody() && lineInfo._scrollOffset > 0 && lineInfo.clippedCornerExtent > 0) {
- left = dataGridConfiguration.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1 ? lineInfo._visible_line_info$_size - lineInfo.get$clippedSize() - lineInfo.clippedCornerExtent : lineInfo.get$clippedSize();
- return new A.Rect(left, 0, left + (dataGridConfiguration.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1 ? lineInfo.get$clippedSize() : lineInfo.clippedCornerExtent), 0 + rowHeight);
- } else if (lineInfo.get$isClippedBody() && lineInfo._scrollOffset > 0) {
- left = dataGridConfiguration.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1 ? lineInfo._visible_line_info$_size - lineInfo.get$clippedSize() - lineInfo.clippedCornerExtent : 0;
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.textDirection;
- right = lineInfo._visible_line_info$_size;
- return new A.Rect(left, 0, left + (t1 === B.TextDirection_1 ? right : right - lineInfo._scrollOffset), 0 + rowHeight);
- } else if (lineInfo.get$isClippedBody() && lineInfo.clippedCornerExtent > 0) {
- if (dataGridConfiguration.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1)
- left = 0;
- else {
- t1 = lineInfo._visible_line_info$_size;
- left = t1 - (t1 - lineInfo.get$clippedSize());
- }
- return new A.Rect(left, 0, left + (dataGridConfiguration.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1 ? lineInfo.get$clippedSize() : lineInfo._visible_line_info$_size), 0 + rowHeight);
- } else
- return null;
- },
- _getSpannedCellClipRect(dataGridConfiguration, dataRow, dataCell, cellHeight, cellWidth) {
- var t2, columnsNotInViewWidth, clippedWidth, t3, visibleLineInfo, clippedOrigin, left, clipRect, clippedOriginLTR, clippedOriginRTL, _null = null, t1 = {};
- t1.firstVisibleStackedColumnIndex = dataCell.columnIndex;
- t1.lastCellClippedSize = 0;
- t1.isLastCellClippedBody = t1.isLastCellClippedCorner = false;
- t2 = new A._getSpannedCellClipRect_getClippedWidth(t1, dataGridConfiguration);
- if (dataCell.renderer != null) {
- columnsNotInViewWidth = t2.call$3$columnsNotInViewWidth(dataCell, dataRow, true);
- clippedWidth = t2.call$3$allCellsClippedWidth(dataCell, dataRow, true);
- t2 = t1.firstVisibleStackedColumnIndex;
- t3 = dataRow.dataGridStateDetails.call$0().__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- visibleLineInfo = t3.get$scrollColumns().getVisibleLines$1(false).getVisibleLineAtLineIndex$1(t2);
- if (visibleLineInfo != null) {
- t2 = visibleLineInfo._scrollOffset > 0;
- if (t2 && visibleLineInfo.clippedCornerExtent > 0) {
- clippedOrigin = columnsNotInViewWidth + visibleLineInfo._visible_line_info$_size - (visibleLineInfo.get$clippedSize() + visibleLineInfo.clippedCornerExtent);
- left = dataGridConfiguration.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1 ? clippedOrigin : visibleLineInfo.get$clippedSize();
- clipRect = new A.Rect(left, 0, left + (dataGridConfiguration.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1 ? clippedWidth : visibleLineInfo.clippedCornerExtent), 0 + cellHeight);
- } else if (t2) {
- clippedOriginLTR = columnsNotInViewWidth + visibleLineInfo._visible_line_info$_size - visibleLineInfo.get$clippedSize();
- clippedOriginRTL = t1.isLastCellClippedCorner && t1.isLastCellClippedBody ? t1.lastCellClippedSize : 0;
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1;
- left = t1 ? clippedOriginLTR : clippedOriginRTL;
- clipRect = new A.Rect(left, 0, left + (t1 ? clippedWidth : cellWidth - (columnsNotInViewWidth + visibleLineInfo._scrollOffset)), 0 + cellHeight);
- } else if (t1.isLastCellClippedCorner && t1.isLastCellClippedBody) {
- t2 = dataGridConfiguration.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1;
- if (t2)
- left = columnsNotInViewWidth;
- else
- left = dataCell.columnIndex < t1.firstVisibleStackedColumnIndex ? 0 : cellWidth - clippedWidth;
- clipRect = new A.Rect(left, 0, left + (t2 ? clippedWidth : cellWidth), 0 + cellHeight);
- } else if (clippedWidth < cellWidth) {
- if (dataCell.columnIndex < t1.firstVisibleStackedColumnIndex)
- left = dataGridConfiguration.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1 ? cellWidth - clippedWidth : 0;
- else
- left = dataGridConfiguration.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1 ? 0 : cellWidth - clippedWidth;
- clipRect = new A.Rect(left, 0, left + clippedWidth, 0 + cellHeight);
- } else
- clipRect = _null;
- } else
- clipRect = _null;
- } else
- clipRect = _null;
- return clipRect;
- },
- VisualContainerRenderObjectWidget: function VisualContainerRenderObjectWidget(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.VisualContainerRenderObjectWidget_children = t0;
- _.containerSize = t1;
- _.isDirty = t2;
- _.dataGridStateDetails = t3;
- _.children = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _VisualContainerParentData: function _VisualContainerParentData(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.height = _.width = 0;
- _.rowClipRect = null;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1;
- _.offset = t2;
- },
- RenderVisualContainer: function RenderVisualContainer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _._rendering_widget$_isDirty = t0;
- _._containerSize = t1;
- _._swipeWholeRowElement = null;
- _._rendering_widget$_dataGridStateDetails = t2;
- _.__RenderVisualContainer__gestureArenaTeam_A = _.__RenderVisualContainer__panGestureRecognizer_A = $;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t3;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t4;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t5;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t6;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderVisualContainer_closure: function RenderVisualContainer_closure() {
- },
- RenderVisualContainer_hitTestChildren_closure: function RenderVisualContainer_hitTestChildren_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- RenderVisualContainer_performLayout_layout: function RenderVisualContainer_performLayout_layout() {
- },
- RenderVisualContainer_paint_closure: function RenderVisualContainer_paint_closure(t0) {
- this.swipeWidget = t0;
- },
- RenderVisualContainer_paint_closure0: function RenderVisualContainer_paint_closure0(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- VirtualizingCellsRenderObjectWidget: function VirtualizingCellsRenderObjectWidget(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.VirtualizingCellsRenderObjectWidget_children = t0;
- _.dataRow = t1;
- _.isDirty = t2;
- _.dataGridStateDetails = t3;
- _.children = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _VirtualizingCellWidgetParentData: function _VirtualizingCellWidgetParentData(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.height = _.width = 0;
- _.cellClipRect = null;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t0;
- _.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1;
- _.offset = t2;
- },
- RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget: function RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) {
- var _ = this;
- _._rendering_widget$_isDirty = t0;
- _._canStartSwiping = true;
- _._dataRow = t1;
- _._rowRect = t2;
- _._dataCellBase = _._longPressStartDetails = _._swipeDirection = _._rowClipRect = null;
- _.__RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__onLongPressGesture_A = $;
- _.dy = 0;
- _._rendering_widget$_dataGridStateDetails = t3;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount = t4;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t5;
- _.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t6;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t7;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__getRowRect_needToSetMaxConstraint: function RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__getRowRect_needToSetMaxConstraint(t0) {
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t0;
- },
- RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__drawRowBackground_getDefaultRowBackgroundColor: function RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__drawRowBackground_getDefaultRowBackgroundColor() {
- },
- RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__drawRowBackground_drawSpannedRowBackgroundColor: function RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__drawRowBackground_drawSpannedRowBackgroundColor(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.context = t1;
- },
- RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__drawRowBackground_drawSpannedRowBackgroundColor_closure: function RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__drawRowBackground_drawSpannedRowBackgroundColor_closure() {
- },
- RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__drawCurrentRowBorder_needToSetMaxConstraint: function RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__drawCurrentRowBorder_needToSetMaxConstraint(t0) {
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t0;
- },
- RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget_hitTestChildren_closure: function RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget_hitTestChildren_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget_hitTest_closure: function RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget_hitTest_closure() {
- },
- RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget_performLayout_layout: function RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget_performLayout_layout() {
- },
- RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__drawTableSummaryRowBorder_getRowRect: function RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__drawTableSummaryRowBorder_getRowRect(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- this.offset = t2;
- },
- RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget_paint_closure: function RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget_paint_closure(t0) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- },
- RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__getDataCellBase_closure: function RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__getDataCellBase_closure(t0) {
- this.resizingLine = t0;
- },
- RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__getDataCellBase_closure0: function RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget__getDataCellBase_closure0(t0) {
- this.resizingLine = t0;
- },
- GridCellRenderObjectWidget: function GridCellRenderObjectWidget(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.GridCellRenderObjectWidget_child = t0;
- _.dataCell = t1;
- _.isDirty = t2;
- _.dataGridStateDetails = t3;
- _.child = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- RenderGridCell: function RenderGridCell(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _._dataCell = t0;
- _._rendering_widget$_isDirty = t1;
- _._columnRect = t2;
- _._cellClipRect = null;
- _._rendering_widget$_isHovered = false;
- _._rendering_widget$_dataGridStateDetails = t3;
- _.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = t4;
- _._cachedDryLayoutSizes = _._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = null;
- _._computingThisDryLayout = false;
- _._cachedBaselines = _._size = null;
- _._debugActivePointers = 0;
- _._object$_debugDisposed = false;
- _.debugCreator = _.parentData = null;
- _._debugDoingThisLayout = _._debugDoingThisResize = false;
- _._debugCanParentUseSize = null;
- _._debugMutationsLocked = false;
- _._needsLayout = true;
- _._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- _._constraints = null;
- _._debugDoingThisPaint = false;
- _.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = $;
- _._layerHandle = t5;
- _._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = $;
- _._needsPaint = true;
- _._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- _._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- _._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- _._semantics = null;
- _._depth = 0;
- _._node$_parent = _._node$_owner = null;
- },
- RenderGridCell_hitTestChildren_closure: function RenderGridCell_hitTestChildren_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _getSpannedCellClipRect_getClippedWidth: function _getSpannedCellClipRect_getClippedWidth(t0, t1) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- },
- _RenderGridCell_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin: function _RenderGridCell_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin() {
- },
- _RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function _RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- _RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function _RenderVirtualizingCellsWidget_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() {
- },
- _RenderVisualContainer_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin: function _RenderVisualContainer_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin() {
- },
- _RenderVisualContainer_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin: function _RenderVisualContainer_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin() {
- },
- _canDisableVerticalScrolling(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.get$scrollRows().get$headerExtent();
- t1 = t1.get$scrollRows().get$footerExtent();
- t3 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_viewHeight_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t2 + t1 > t3;
- },
- _canDisableHorizontalScrolling(dataGridConfiguration) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_container_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.get$scrollColumns().get$headerExtent();
- t1 = t1.get$scrollColumns().get$footerExtent();
- t3 = dataGridConfiguration.__DataGridConfiguration_viewWidth_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t2 + t1 > t3;
- },
- ScrollViewWidget: function ScrollViewWidget(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.width = t0;
- _.height = t1;
- _.dataGridStateDetails = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState: function _ScrollViewWidgetState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._dataGridFocusNode = _._horizontalController = _._verticalController = null;
- _._scrollview_widget$_height = _._scrollview_widget$_width = 0;
- _._isLoadMoreViewLoaded = _._isScrolling = false;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__verticalListener_closure: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__verticalListener_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__horizontalListener_closure: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__horizontalListener_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__buildScrollView_handleNotificationPredicate: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__buildScrollView_handleNotificationPredicate() {
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__buildScrollView_closure0: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__buildScrollView_closure0(t0) {
- this.handleNotificationPredicate = t0;
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__buildScrollView_closure: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__buildScrollView_closure(t0) {
- this.handleNotificationPredicate = t0;
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__buildScrollView_closure1: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__buildScrollView_closure1(t0) {
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t0;
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__addHeaderRows_buildHeaderRows: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__addHeaderRows_buildHeaderRows(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__addHeaderRows_buildHeaderRows_closure: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__addHeaderRows_buildHeaderRows_closure() {
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__addHeaderRows_buildHeaderRows_closure0: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__addHeaderRows_buildHeaderRows_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__addHeaderRows_getStartX: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__addHeaderRows_getStartX(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__addFreezePaneLinesElevation_drawElevation: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__addFreezePaneLinesElevation_drawElevation(t0, t1) {
- this.children = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__addFreezePaneLinesElevation_getTopPosition: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__addFreezePaneLinesElevation_getTopPosition(t0) {
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t0;
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__addFreezePaneLinesElevation_closure: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__addFreezePaneLinesElevation_closure() {
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__handleSelectionController_closure: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__handleSelectionController_closure() {
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__handleKeyOperation_processKeys: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__handleKeyOperation_processKeys(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.keyEvent = t1;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t2;
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__handleKeyOperation_needToMoveFocus: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__handleKeyOperation_needToMoveFocus(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- _.currentCell = t2;
- _.keyEvent = t3;
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState__handleKeyOperation_needToMoveFocus_canAllowToRemoveFocus: function _ScrollViewWidgetState__handleKeyOperation_needToMoveFocus_canAllowToRemoveFocus(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.dataGridConfiguration = t1;
- this.currentCell = t2;
- },
- _ScrollViewWidgetState_build_addContainer: function _ScrollViewWidgetState_build_addContainer(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.children = t1;
- },
- _CustomResizingCursorPainter: function _CustomResizingCursorPainter(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._arrowColor = t0;
- this._arrowPaint = t1;
- this._repaint = t2;
- },
- _VisualContainer: function _VisualContainer(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.containerSize = t0;
- _.rowGenerator = t1;
- _.isDirty = t2;
- _.dataGridStateDetails = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- _VisualContainerState: function _VisualContainerState(t0) {
- this._widget = null;
- this._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- this._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _VisualContainerState__addRows_closure: function _VisualContainerState__addRows_closure(t0) {
- this.rowRegion = t0;
- },
- _VisualContainerState__addRows_closure0: function _VisualContainerState__addRows_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _VisualContainerState__addRows_closure1: function _VisualContainerState__addRows_closure1(t0) {
- this.rowRegion = t0;
- },
- _VisualContainerState__addRows_closure2: function _VisualContainerState__addRows_closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _VisualContainerState__addRows_closure3: function _VisualContainerState__addRows_closure3(t0) {
- this.rowRegion = t0;
- },
- _VisualContainerState__addRows_closure4: function _VisualContainerState__addRows_closure4(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _VirtualizingCellsWidget: function _VirtualizingCellsWidget(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dataRow = t0;
- _.isDirty = t1;
- _.dataGridStateDetails = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- _VirtualizingCellsWidgetState: function _VirtualizingCellsWidgetState(t0) {
- this._widget = null;
- this._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- this._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _VirtualizingCellsWidgetState_build_closure: function _VirtualizingCellsWidgetState_build_closure() {
- },
- _VirtualizingCellsWidgetState_build_closure0: function _VirtualizingCellsWidgetState_build_closure0() {
- },
- _HeaderCellsWidget: function _HeaderCellsWidget(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dataRow = t0;
- _.isDirty = t1;
- _.dataGridStateDetails = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- VisualContainerHelper: function VisualContainerHelper(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.needToRefreshColumn = _.isPreGenerator = false;
- _.headerLineCount = 1;
- _.__VisualContainerHelper_needToSetHorizontalOffset_A = _.__VisualContainerHelper_isGridLoaded_A = _.__VisualContainerHelper_isDirty_A = $;
- _.__VisualContainerHelper_rowGenerator_A = t0;
- _.__VisualContainerHelper_columnWidthsProvider_A = _.__VisualContainerHelper_rowHeightsProvider_A = $;
- _.rowHeightManager = t1;
- _.dataGridStateDetails = t2;
- _._verticalScrollBar = _._horizontalScrollBar = _._scrollColumns = _._scrollRows = null;
- },
- VisualContainerHelper_refreshView_resetRowIndex: function VisualContainerHelper_refreshView_resetRowIndex(t0) {
- this.clearEditing = t0;
- },
- VisualContainerHelper_refreshViewStyle_updateColumn: function VisualContainerHelper_refreshViewStyle_updateColumn() {
- },
- RowHeightManager: function RowHeightManager(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.header = t0;
- _.body = t1;
- _.footer = t2;
- _.dirtyRows = t3;
- },
- Range: function Range() {
- this.end = this.start = -1;
- },
- DistanceRangeCounterCollection$() {
- return new A.DistanceRangeCounterCollection(0, 0, 0);
- },
- DistanceRangeCounterCollection$fromPaddingDistance(paddingDistance) {
- var t1 = new A.DistanceRangeCounterCollection(paddingDistance, 0, 1),
- startPos = A.DistanceLineCounter$(0, 0),
- t2 = new A.DistanceLineCounterTree();
- t2.__TreeTableBase__isInitializing_A = false;
- t2.__TreeTableWithCounter__startPos_A = startPos;
- t1.__DistanceRangeCounterCollection__rbTree_A = t2;
- return t1;
- },
- DistanceLineCounter$(distance, lineCount) {
- var t1 = new A.DistanceLineCounter();
- t1._distance = distance;
- t1._distance_counter$_lineCount = lineCount;
- return t1;
- },
- DistanceLineCounter$empty() {
- return new A.DistanceLineCounter();
- },
- DistanceCounterCollectionBase: function DistanceCounterCollectionBase() {
- },
- DistanceRangeCounterCollection: function DistanceRangeCounterCollection(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__DistanceRangeCounterCollection__rbTree_A = $;
- _.paddingDistance = t0;
- _._distance_counter$_count = t1;
- _._defaultDistance = t2;
- },
- LineIndexEntryAt: function LineIndexEntryAt() {
- var _ = this;
- _.rbEntryPosition = _.rbValue = _.rbEntry = _.searchPosition = null;
- },
- NestedDistanceCounterCollectionSource: function NestedDistanceCounterCollectionSource(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._nestedDistances = null;
- _.entry = t0;
- _.lineCount = t1;
- _.singleLineDistance = t2;
- },
- DistanceLineCounterSource: function DistanceLineCounterSource(t0, t1) {
- this.lineCount = t0;
- this.singleLineDistance = t1;
- },
- DistanceLineCounter: function DistanceLineCounter() {
- this._distance_counter$_lineCount = this._distance = 0;
- },
- DistanceLineCounterTree: function DistanceLineCounterTree() {
- var _ = this;
- _.__TreeTableWithCounter__startPos_A = $;
- _._lastFoundEntry = _._lastAddBranch = null;
- _.lastIndex = -1;
- _._tree_table$_root = _._lastIndexLeaf = _.tag = null;
- _._sorted = false;
- _.__TreeTableBase__isInitializing_A = $;
- },
- DistanceLineCounterEntry: function DistanceLineCounterEntry(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._counter = null;
- _.TreeTableEntryBase__value = t0;
- _._tree_table$_parent = _._tree_table$_color = _._tree_table$_tree = null;
- },
- TreeTableNodeColor: function TreeTableNodeColor(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ScrollAxisRegion: function ScrollAxisRegion(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- RangeChangedArgs: function RangeChangedArgs() {
- this._to = this._from = 0;
- },
- LinesRemovedArgs: function LinesRemovedArgs() {
- this._event_args$_count = this._event_args$_removeAt = 0;
- },
- LinesInsertedArgs: function LinesInsertedArgs() {
- this._event_args$_count = this._insertAt = 0;
- },
- DefaultLineSizeChangedArgs: function DefaultLineSizeChangedArgs() {
- },
- HiddenRangeChangedArgs: function HiddenRangeChangedArgs() {
- this._to = this._from = 0;
- },
- ScrollChangedAction: function ScrollChangedAction(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- LineSizeCollection$() {
- return new A.LineSizeCollection(A.SortedRangeValueList$from(-1, type$.double), A.SortedRangeValueList$from(false, type$.bool), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.LineSizeCollection), 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- },
- DistancesUtil_distancesLineHiddenChanged(distances, linesHost, from, to) {
- var t1, t2, _box_00, rangeValue, hiddenLine, hide, _box_0 = {};
- for (_box_0.n = from, t1 = linesHost._lineHidden; t2 = _box_0.n, t2 <= to; _box_00 = {}, t2 = _box_0.n, _box_00.n = t2, _box_00.n = t2 + 1, _box_0 = _box_00) {
- _box_0.repeatSizeCount = -1;
- rangeValue = t1.getRange$2(0, t2, -1);
- hiddenLine = [rangeValue[0], rangeValue[1]];
- hide = A._asBool(hiddenLine[0]);
- _box_0.repeatSizeCount = A._asInt(hiddenLine[1]);
- if (linesHost.getDistances$1(_box_0.n) == null)
- new A.DistancesUtil_distancesLineHiddenChanged_setRange(_box_0, to, hide, distances, linesHost).call$0();
- else {
- t2 = _box_0.n;
- distances.setNestedDistances$2(t2, hide ? null : linesHost.getDistances$1(t2));
- }
- }
- },
- DistancesUtil_distancesLineSizeChanged(distances, linesHost, from, to) {
- var t1, _box_00, _box_0 = {};
- for (_box_0.n = from; t1 = _box_0.n, t1 <= to; _box_00 = {}, t1 = _box_0.n, _box_00.n = t1, _box_00.n = t1 + 1, _box_0 = _box_00)
- if (linesHost.getDistances$1(t1) == null)
- new A.DistancesUtil_distancesLineSizeChanged_setRange(_box_0, linesHost, to, distances).call$0();
- else {
- t1 = _box_0.n;
- distances.setNestedDistances$2(t1, linesHost.getDistances$1(t1));
- }
- },
- DistancesUtil_getRangeToHelper(n, to, repeatSizeCount) {
- if (repeatSizeCount === 55)
- return to;
- return Math.min(to, n + repeatSizeCount - 1);
- },
- DistancesUtil_onInserted(distances, linesHost, insertAt, count) {
- var to, index, repeatSizeCount, lineSize, size, rangeTo, t1, rangeValue;
- distances.insertBase$3(insertAt, count, A.DistanceCounterCollectionBase.prototype.get$defaultDistance.call(distances));
- to = insertAt + count - 1;
- for (index = insertAt, repeatSizeCount = -1; index <= to; ++index) {
- lineSize = linesHost.getSize$2(index, repeatSizeCount);
- size = A._asDouble(lineSize[0]);
- repeatSizeCount = A._asInt(lineSize[1]);
- if (size !== A.DistanceCounterCollectionBase.prototype.get$defaultDistance.call(distances)) {
- rangeTo = A.DistancesUtil_getRangeToHelper(index, to, repeatSizeCount);
- distances.setRange$3(0, index, rangeTo, size);
- index = rangeTo;
- }
- }
- for (t1 = linesHost._lineHidden, index = insertAt; index <= to; ++index) {
- rangeValue = t1.getRange$2(0, index, repeatSizeCount);
- if (A._asBool([rangeValue[0], rangeValue[1]][0])) {
- rangeTo = A.DistancesUtil_getRangeToHelper(index, to, repeatSizeCount);
- distances.setRange$3(0, index, rangeTo, 0);
- index = rangeTo;
- }
- }
- },
- LineSizeHostBase: function LineSizeHostBase() {
- },
- DistancesHostBase: function DistancesHostBase() {
- },
- NestedDistancesHostBase: function NestedDistancesHostBase() {
- },
- EditableLineSizeHostBase: function EditableLineSizeHostBase() {
- },
- PaddedEditableLineSizeHostBase: function PaddedEditableLineSizeHostBase() {
- },
- LineSizeCollection: function LineSizeCollection(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _._lineSizes = t0;
- _._distances = null;
- _._isSuspendUpdates = 0;
- _._lineHidden = t1;
- _._lineNested = t2;
- _._paddingDistance = t3;
- _._defaultLineSize = t4;
- _._footerLineCount = t5;
- _._headerLineCount = t6;
- _._lineCount = t7;
- _._totalExtent = t8;
- _.onLinesRemoved = _.onLinesInserted = _.onLineHiddenChanged = _.onLineSizeChanged = _.onFooterLineCountChanged = _.onDefaultLineSizeChanged = null;
- },
- LineSizeCollection_initializeDistances_closure: function LineSizeCollection_initializeDistances_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- LineSizeCollection_insertLines_closure: function LineSizeCollection_insertLines_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.insertAtLine = t1;
- this.count = t2;
- },
- LineSizeCollection_insertLines__closure: function LineSizeCollection_insertLines__closure(t0) {
- this.value = t0;
- },
- LineSizeCollection_insertLines__closure0: function LineSizeCollection_insertLines__closure0(t0) {
- this.value = t0;
- },
- LineSizeCollection_removeLines_closure: function LineSizeCollection_removeLines_closure(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.$this = t0;
- _.removeAtLine = t1;
- _.count = t2;
- _.removeLines = t3;
- },
- LineSizeCollection_removeLines__closure: function LineSizeCollection_removeLines__closure(t0) {
- this.value = t0;
- },
- LineSizeCollection_removeLines__closure0: function LineSizeCollection_removeLines__closure0(t0) {
- this.value = t0;
- },
- DistancesUtil_distancesLineHiddenChanged_setRange: function DistancesUtil_distancesLineHiddenChanged_setRange(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.to = t1;
- _.hide = t2;
- _.distances = t3;
- _.linesHost = t4;
- },
- DistancesUtil_distancesLineSizeChanged_setRange: function DistancesUtil_distancesLineSizeChanged_setRange(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._box_0 = t0;
- _.linesHost = t1;
- _.to = t2;
- _.distances = t3;
- },
- _LineSizeCollection_PaddedEditableLineSizeHostBase_DistancesHostBase: function _LineSizeCollection_PaddedEditableLineSizeHostBase_DistancesHostBase() {
- },
- _LineSizeCollection_PaddedEditableLineSizeHostBase_DistancesHostBase_NestedDistancesHostBase: function _LineSizeCollection_PaddedEditableLineSizeHostBase_DistancesHostBase_NestedDistancesHostBase() {
- },
- RowColumnIndex: function RowColumnIndex(t0, t1) {
- this.rowIndex = t0;
- this.columnIndex = t1;
- },
- ScrollAxisBase_areClose(d1, d2) {
- if (d1 === d2)
- return true;
- return Math.abs(d1 - d2) < (Math.abs(d1) + Math.abs(d2) + 10) * 2220446049250313e-31;
- },
- PixelScrollAxis$fromPixelScrollAxis(scrollBar, scrollLinesHost, distancesHost) {
- var t2,
- t1 = new A.PixelScrollAxis(A.VisibleLinesCollection$(), A.DoubleSpan$empty(), 0);
- t1.ScrollAxisBase$6$defaultLineSize$footerExtent$headerExtent$viewSize(scrollBar, scrollLinesHost, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- if (distancesHost != null)
- t1._distancesHost = distancesHost;
- else {
- t2 = A.DistanceRangeCounterCollection$();
- t2.set$defaultDistance(scrollLinesHost._defaultLineSize);
- t1._scroll_axis$_distances = t2;
- scrollLinesHost.initializeScrollAxis$1(t1);
- }
- if (t1.get$distances() == null)
- A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("Distances", null));
- return t1;
- },
- ScrollAxisBase: function ScrollAxisBase() {
- },
- PixelScrollAxis: function PixelScrollAxis(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._distancesHost = _._scroll_axis$_distances = null;
- _._renderSize = 0;
- _._scrollBar = null;
- _.__ScrollAxisBase__scrollLinesHost_A = $;
- _._layoutDirty = false;
- _._visibleLines = t0;
- _._lastScrollValue = -1;
- _.clip = t1;
- _.indebug = _._inGetVisibleLines = _._ignoreScrollBarPropertyChange = false;
- _._scroll_axis$_defaultLineSize = t2;
- _._scroll_axis$_lineCount = _.headerExtent = _.footerExtent = 0;
- _._scroll_axis$_name = null;
- _.viewSize = 0;
- },
- ScrollInfo$() {
- var t1 = new A.ScrollInfo(true, 100, 0, 10, 1, 0, $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- t1.__ScrollInfo__proposedLargeChange_A = 10;
- return t1;
- },
- ScrollBarBase: function ScrollBarBase() {
- },
- ScrollInfo: function ScrollInfo(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__ScrollInfo__proposedLargeChange_A = $;
- _._scrollbar1$_enabled = t0;
- _._maximum = t1;
- _._minimum = t2;
- _._largeChange = t3;
- _._smallChange = t4;
- _._scrollbar1$_value = t5;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t6;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- TreeTableWithCounterBranch$(tree) {
- var t1 = new A.TreeTableWithCounterBranch($.$get$TreeTableNode_emptyMin(), null, null);
- t1.set$tree(tree);
- return t1;
- },
- TreeTableNodeBase: function TreeTableNodeBase() {
- },
- TreeTableBranchBase: function TreeTableBranchBase() {
- },
- TreeTableEntryBase: function TreeTableEntryBase() {
- },
- TreeTableNode: function TreeTableNode() {
- },
- TreeTableBranch: function TreeTableBranch() {
- },
- TreeTableEntry: function TreeTableEntry() {
- },
- TreeTableEmpty: function TreeTableEmpty() {
- this._tree_table$_parent = this._tree_table$_color = this._tree_table$_tree = null;
- },
- TreeTableBase: function TreeTableBase() {
- },
- TreeTable: function TreeTable() {
- },
- TreeTableCounterNodeBase: function TreeTableCounterNodeBase() {
- },
- TreeTableCounterSourceBase: function TreeTableCounterSourceBase() {
- },
- TreeTableCounterBase: function TreeTableCounterBase() {
- },
- TreeTableWithCounterBranch: function TreeTableWithCounterBranch(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.counter = null;
- _.entryCount = -1;
- _._tree_table$_minimum = t0;
- _.TreeTableBranchBase__left = t1;
- _.TreeTableBranchBase__right = t2;
- _._tree_table$_parent = _._tree_table$_color = _._tree_table$_tree = null;
- },
- TreeTableWithCounterEntry: function TreeTableWithCounterEntry() {
- },
- TreeTableWithCounter: function TreeTableWithCounter() {
- },
- TreeTableSummaryNodeBase: function TreeTableSummaryNodeBase() {
- },
- TreeTableWithSummaryBranch: function TreeTableWithSummaryBranch() {
- },
- TreeTableWithSummaryEntryBase: function TreeTableWithSummaryEntryBase() {
- },
- TreeTableWithSummary: function TreeTableWithSummary() {
- },
- _TreeTableBranch_TreeTableNode_TreeTableBranchBase: function _TreeTableBranch_TreeTableNode_TreeTableBranchBase() {
- },
- _TreeTableEntry_TreeTableNode_TreeTableEntryBase: function _TreeTableEntry_TreeTableNode_TreeTableEntryBase() {
- },
- _TreeTableWithCounterBranch_TreeTableWithSummaryBranch_TreeTableCounterNodeBase: function _TreeTableWithCounterBranch_TreeTableWithSummaryBranch_TreeTableCounterNodeBase() {
- },
- _TreeTableWithCounterEntry_TreeTableWithSummaryEntryBase_TreeTableCounterNodeBase: function _TreeTableWithCounterEntry_TreeTableWithSummaryEntryBase_TreeTableCounterNodeBase() {
- },
- _TreeTableWithSummaryBranch_TreeTableBranch_TreeTableSummaryNodeBase: function _TreeTableWithSummaryBranch_TreeTableBranch_TreeTableSummaryNodeBase() {
- },
- _TreeTableWithSummaryEntryBase_TreeTableEntry_TreeTableSummaryNodeBase: function _TreeTableWithSummaryEntryBase_TreeTableEntry_TreeTableSummaryNodeBase() {
- },
- RangeValuePair$(start, $T) {
- var t1 = new A.RangeValuePair(start, $, null, $T._eval$1("RangeValuePair<0>"));
- t1.__RangeValuePair_count_A = 1;
- t1.value = 0;
- return t1;
- },
- SortedRangeValueList$from(defaultValue, $T) {
- var t1 = new A.SortedRangeValueList(A._setArrayType([], $T._eval$1("JSArray>")), $T._eval$1("SortedRangeValueList<0>"));
- t1._utility_helper$_defaultValue = defaultValue;
- return t1;
- },
- binarySearch(sortedList, value) {
- var min, index, mid, comp,
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(sortedList),
- max = t1.get$length(sortedList);
- for (min = 0, index = -1; min < max;) {
- mid = min + B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(max - min, 1);
- comp = J.compareTo$1$ns(t1.$index(sortedList, mid), value);
- if (comp === 0)
- return mid;
- if (comp < 0) {
- min = mid + 1;
- index = mid;
- } else
- max = mid;
- }
- return index;
- },
- DoubleSpan$empty() {
- var t1 = new A.DoubleSpan($, $);
- t1.__DoubleSpan_start_A = 0;
- t1.__DoubleSpan_end_A = -1;
- return t1;
- },
- RangeValuePair: function RangeValuePair(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.__RangeValuePair_start_A = t0;
- _.__RangeValuePair_count_A = t1;
- _.value = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- SortedRangeValueList: function SortedRangeValueList(t0, t1) {
- this.rangeValues = t0;
- this._utility_helper$_defaultValue = null;
- this.$ti = t1;
- },
- ListBase0: function ListBase0() {
- },
- EnumerableGenericBase: function EnumerableGenericBase() {
- },
- DoubleSpan: function DoubleSpan(t0, t1) {
- this.__DoubleSpan_start_A = t0;
- this.__DoubleSpan_end_A = t1;
- },
- _EnumerableGenericBase_Object_IterableMixin: function _EnumerableGenericBase_Object_IterableMixin() {
- },
- VisibleLinesCollection$() {
- var t1 = J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, type$.nullable_VisibleLineInfo);
- return new A.VisibleLinesCollection(t1, new A.VisibleLineInfoLineIndexComparer(), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.VisibleLineInfo));
- },
- VisibleLineInfo: function VisibleLineInfo(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._clippedOrigin = 0;
- _._isFooter = _._isHeader = false;
- _.clippedCornerExtent = _._scrollOffset = _._visible_line_info$_size = _._visibleIndex = 0;
- _.lineIndex = t0;
- _.isLastLine = false;
- },
- VisibleLinesCollection: function VisibleLinesCollection(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.visibleLines = t0;
- _.lineIndexComparer = t1;
- _.lineIndexes = t2;
- _.firstFooterVisibleIndex = _.firstBodyVisibleIndex = 0;
- },
- VisibleLinesCollection_getVisibleLineAtLineIndex_closure: function VisibleLinesCollection_getVisibleLineAtLineIndex_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.i = t1;
- },
- VisibleLineInfoLineIndexComparer: function VisibleLineInfoLineIndexComparer() {
- },
- Matrix2: function Matrix2(t0) {
- this._m2storage = t0;
- },
- Vector2: function Vector2(t0) {
- this._v2storage = t0;
- },
- Matrix4_tryInvert(other) {
- var r = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- if (r.copyInverse$1(other) === 0)
- return null;
- return r;
- },
- Matrix4$zero() {
- return new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- },
- Matrix4_Matrix4$identity() {
- var t1 = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- t1.setIdentity$0();
- return t1;
- },
- Matrix4_Matrix4$translationValues(x, y, z) {
- var t1 = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- t1.setIdentity$0();
- t1.setTranslationRaw$3(x, y, z);
- return t1;
- },
- Matrix4_Matrix4$diagonal3Values(x, y, z) {
- var t1 = new Float64Array(16);
- t1[15] = 1;
- t1[10] = z;
- t1[5] = y;
- t1[0] = x;
- return new A.Matrix40(t1);
- },
- Quaternion_Quaternion$identity() {
- var t1 = new Float64Array(4);
- t1[3] = 1;
- return new A.Quaternion(t1);
- },
- Matrix3: function Matrix3(t0) {
- this._m3storage = t0;
- },
- Matrix40: function Matrix40(t0) {
- this._vector_math_64$_m4storage = t0;
- },
- Quaternion: function Quaternion(t0) {
- this._qStorage = t0;
- },
- Vector30: function Vector30(t0) {
- this._vector_math_64$_v3storage = t0;
- },
- Vector4: function Vector4(t0) {
- this._v4storage = t0;
- },
- ElasticSearchClient_ElasticSearchClient$fromModel(model, $M) {
- return new A.ElasticSearchClient(model.get$index(model), model.get$fromJson(), model.get$toJson(), $M._eval$1("ElasticSearchClient<0>"));
- },
- ElasticSearchClient_getSumConsumptionDataByTime(endTime, startTime, tagId) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.List_SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataModel),
- $async$returnValue, t1, query, t2, targetDateTime, t3, t4;
- var $async$ElasticSearchClient_getSumConsumptionDataByTime = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = type$.String;
- query = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.dynamic);
- t2 = type$.Map_String_String;
- targetDateTime = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["datetime", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["time_zone", "+08:00", "gte", startTime.toIso8601String$0(), "lte", endTime.toIso8601String$0()], t1, t1)], t1, t2);
- t3 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["match", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["tagid", tagId], t1, type$.nullable_String)], t1, type$.Map_of_String_and_nullable_String);
- t4 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["range", targetDateTime], t1, type$.Map_of_String_and_Map_String_String);
- t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["datetime", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["order", "asc"], t1, t1)], t1, t2);
- query.$indexSet(0, "size", 9999);
- query.$indexSet(0, "query", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["bool", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["must", [t3, t4]], t1, type$.List_dynamic)], t1, type$.Map_of_String_and_List_dynamic));
- query.$indexSet(0, "sort", [t2]);
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.ElasticSearchClient_ElasticSearchClient$fromModel(A.SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataModel$(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null), type$.SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataModel).search$1$query(0, query), $async$ElasticSearchClient_getSumConsumptionDataByTime);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- $async$returnValue = $async$result;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$ElasticSearchClient_getSumConsumptionDataByTime, $async$completer);
- },
- ElasticSearchClient: function ElasticSearchClient(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.index = t0;
- _.fromJson = t1;
- _.toJson = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- main0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- t1, t2;
- var $async$main0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- if ($.WidgetsBinding__instance == null)
- A.WidgetsFlutterBinding$();
- $.WidgetsBinding__instance.toString;
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.Firebase_initializeApp(A.DefaultFirebaseOptions_currentPlatform()), $async$main0);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- if ($.WidgetsBinding__instance == null)
- A.WidgetsFlutterBinding$();
- t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().viewData.$index(0, 0);
- t2.toString;
- t1.scheduleAttachRootWidget$1(new A.View(t2, B.MyApp_null, new A.GlobalObjectKey(t2, type$.GlobalObjectKey_State_StatefulWidget)));
- t1.scheduleWarmUpFrame$0();
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$main0, $async$completer);
- },
- MyApp: function MyApp(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- MyApp_build_closure: function MyApp_build_closure() {
- },
- MyApp_build_closure0: function MyApp_build_closure0() {
- },
- MyApp_build_closure1: function MyApp_build_closure1() {
- },
- MyApp_build__closure: function MyApp_build__closure(t0) {
- this.authManager = t0;
- },
- MyApp_build___closure: function MyApp_build___closure() {
- },
- MyApp_build___closure0: function MyApp_build___closure0() {
- },
- MyApp_build___closure1: function MyApp_build___closure1() {
- },
- MyApp_build___closure2: function MyApp_build___closure2() {
- },
- MyApp_build___closure3: function MyApp_build___closure3() {
- },
- MyApp_build___closure4: function MyApp_build___closure4() {
- },
- BoundDataClass_fromJson(json) {
- var e, t1, t2, t3, t4, exception;
- try {
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(json);
- t2 = t1.$index(json, "lb");
- t3 = t1.$index(json, "ub");
- t4 = t1.$index(json, "wub");
- t1 = t1.$index(json, "wlb");
- return new A.BoundDataClass(t2, t3, t4, t1);
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- t1 = J.toString$0$(e);
- A.print__debugPrintThrottled$closure().call$1("Error Log(BoundDataClass): json serializer error -> " + t1);
- throw exception;
- }
- },
- BoundDataClass: function BoundDataClass(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.lowerBound = t0;
- _.upperBound = t1;
- _.warningUpperBound = t2;
- _.warningLowerBound = t3;
- },
- DeviceDataClass_DeviceDataClass$fromJson(json) {
- var t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _s5_ = "empty",
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(json),
- t2 = t1.$index(json, "tagid");
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _s5_;
- t3 = t1.$index(json, "loc");
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = _s5_;
- t4 = t1.$index(json, "building");
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = _s5_;
- t5 = t1.$index(json, "assettype");
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = _s5_;
- t6 = t1.$index(json, "linetype");
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = _s5_;
- t7 = t1.$index(json, "department");
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = _s5_;
- t1 = t1.$index(json, "desc");
- return new A.DeviceDataClass(t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t1 == null ? "" : t1);
- },
- DeviceDataClass: function DeviceDataClass(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.tagId = t0;
- _.loc = t1;
- _.building = t2;
- _.assetType = t3;
- _.lineType = t4;
- _.department = t5;
- _.description = t6;
- },
- LayerFilterData: function LayerFilterData(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.layerLabel = t0;
- _.layerSelectedIndex = t1;
- _.layerIndex = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- LoadingState: function LoadingState(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- ElectricityConsumptionDataModel: function ElectricityConsumptionDataModel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9) {
- var _ = this;
- _.index = t0;
- _.repoId = t1;
- _.recordTime = t2;
- _.deviceData = t3;
- _.boundData = t4;
- _.power = t5;
- _.energyConsumed = t6;
- _.sumOfEnergyConsumed = t7;
- _.ampere = t8;
- _.volt = t9;
- },
- ElectricityConsumptionErrorType_fromLabel(label) {
- return B.JSArray_methods.firstWhere$1(B.List_FFX, new A.ElectricityConsumptionErrorType_fromLabel_closure(label));
- },
- ElectricityConsumptionErrorType_fromDBField(label) {
- return B.JSArray_methods.firstWhere$1(B.List_FFX, new A.ElectricityConsumptionErrorType_fromDBField_closure(label));
- },
- DeviceErrorReportModel: function DeviceErrorReportModel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.index = t0;
- _.repoId = t1;
- _.errorType = t2;
- _.startTime = t3;
- _.loc = t4;
- _.building = t5;
- _.tagId = t6;
- _.ampere = t7;
- _.voltage = t8;
- _.power = t9;
- _.boundData = t10;
- },
- ElectricityConsumptionErrorType: function ElectricityConsumptionErrorType(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.label = t0;
- _.iconsColor = t1;
- _.icon = t2;
- _.dbFieldName = t3;
- _.index = t4;
- _._core$_name = t5;
- },
- ElectricityConsumptionErrorType_fromLabel_closure: function ElectricityConsumptionErrorType_fromLabel_closure(t0) {
- this.label = t0;
- },
- ElectricityConsumptionErrorType_fromDBField_closure: function ElectricityConsumptionErrorType_fromDBField_closure(t0) {
- this.label = t0;
- },
- MonitoringDeviceModel: function MonitoringDeviceModel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.index = t0;
- _.repoId = t1;
- _.changeBy = t2;
- _.changeDate = t3;
- _.device = t4;
- _.boundData = t5;
- },
- SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataModel$(averageMonthConsumptionPerMonth, dateTime, dayConsumption, deviceData, monthConsumption, quarterConsumption, repoId, yearConsumption) {
- return new A.SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataModel("sumconsumption_202308", repoId, dayConsumption, monthConsumption, yearConsumption, quarterConsumption, averageMonthConsumptionPerMonth, dateTime, deviceData);
- },
- SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataModel: function SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataModel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8) {
- var _ = this;
- _.index = t0;
- _.repoId = t1;
- _.dayConsumption = t2;
- _.monthConsumption = t3;
- _.yearConsumption = t4;
- _.quarterConsumption = t5;
- _.averageMonthConsumptionPerMonth = t6;
- _.dateTime = t7;
- _.deviceData = t8;
- },
- PieChartProportion: function PieChartProportion(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.model = t0;
- _.amount = t1;
- _.proportion = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- ConsumptionSearchNode_ConsumptionSearchNode$buildTree(data, indexes) {
- var t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(data)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,ConsumptionSearchNode>"),
- d = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(data, new A.ConsumptionSearchNode_ConsumptionSearchNode$buildTree_closure(), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- return new A.ConsumptionSearchNode("all", null, indexes == null || indexes.length === 0 ? d : A._setArrayType([A.ConsumptionSearchNode_groupDataByIndex(d, indexes)], type$.JSArray_SearchTreeNode_SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataModel));
- },
- ConsumptionSearchNode_groupDataByIndex(data, indexes) {
- var t3, t4, t5, _i, candidate, tempData,
- index = B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(indexes, 0),
- t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(data),
- t2 = new A.MappedListIterable(data, new A.ConsumptionSearchNode_groupDataByIndex_closure(index), t1._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).toSet$0(0),
- candidateList = A.List_List$of(t2, true, A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1),
- tempGroup = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ConsumptionSearchNode);
- for (t2 = candidateList.length, t3 = type$.String, t4 = type$.JSArray_SearchTreeNode_SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataModel, t1 = t1._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"), t5 = t1._eval$1("Iterable.E"), _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
- candidate = candidateList[_i];
- tempData = A.List_List$of(new A.WhereIterable(data, new A.ConsumptionSearchNode_groupDataByIndex_closure0(index, candidate), t1), true, t5);
- tempGroup.push(new A.ConsumptionSearchNode(candidate, null, indexes.length === 0 ? tempData : A._setArrayType([A.ConsumptionSearchNode_groupDataByIndex(tempData, A.List_List$from(indexes, true, t3))], t4)));
- }
- return new A.ConsumptionSearchNode(index, null, tempGroup);
- },
- ConsumptionSearchNode: function ConsumptionSearchNode(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.index = t0;
- this.data = t1;
- this.children = t2;
- },
- ConsumptionSearchNode_dayConsumption_closure: function ConsumptionSearchNode_dayConsumption_closure() {
- },
- ConsumptionSearchNode_monthConsumption_closure: function ConsumptionSearchNode_monthConsumption_closure() {
- },
- ConsumptionSearchNode_averageMonthConsumptionPerMonth_closure: function ConsumptionSearchNode_averageMonthConsumptionPerMonth_closure() {
- },
- ConsumptionSearchNode_dateTime_closure: function ConsumptionSearchNode_dateTime_closure() {
- },
- ConsumptionSearchNode_ConsumptionSearchNode$buildTree_closure: function ConsumptionSearchNode_ConsumptionSearchNode$buildTree_closure() {
- },
- ConsumptionSearchNode_groupDataByIndex_closure: function ConsumptionSearchNode_groupDataByIndex_closure(t0) {
- this.index = t0;
- },
- ConsumptionSearchNode_groupDataByIndex_closure0: function ConsumptionSearchNode_groupDataByIndex_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this.candidate = t1;
- },
- ConsumptionSearchNode_addNewGroup_closure: function ConsumptionSearchNode_addNewGroup_closure(t0) {
- this.indexBuilder = t0;
- },
- ConsumptionSearchNode_addNewGroup_closure0: function ConsumptionSearchNode_addNewGroup_closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.indexBuilder = t0;
- this.candidate = t1;
- },
- ConsumptionSearchNode_toProportionList_closure: function ConsumptionSearchNode_toProportionList_closure() {
- },
- FilterSearchTreeNode_FilterSearchTreeNode$buildTree(data) {
- var t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(data)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,FilterSearchTreeNode>");
- return A.FilterSearchTreeNode_build(A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(data, new A.FilterSearchTreeNode_FilterSearchTreeNode$buildTree_closure(), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E")));
- },
- FilterSearchTreeNode_build(data) {
- var d = B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(data, 0);
- if (data.length === 0)
- return d;
- else
- return new A.FilterSearchTreeNode(d.index, d.data, A._setArrayType([A.FilterSearchTreeNode_build(data)], type$.JSArray_SearchTreeNode_LayerFilterData_String));
- },
- FilterSearchTreeNode: function FilterSearchTreeNode(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.index = t0;
- this.data = t1;
- this.children = t2;
- },
- FilterSearchTreeNode_FilterSearchTreeNode$buildTree_closure: function FilterSearchTreeNode_FilterSearchTreeNode$buildTree_closure() {
- },
- SearchTreeNode: function SearchTreeNode() {
- },
- AuthManager: function AuthManager(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _._isLoading = _._isLogin = false;
- _._isError = null;
- _.account = "nickyin@tw.ibm.com";
- _.password = "123456";
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- BaseViewModel: function BaseViewModel() {
- },
- ConsumptionReportDashboardViewModel: function ConsumptionReportDashboardViewModel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dataSource = t0;
- _.lastYearDataSource = t1;
- _.filterSearchTreeNode = _.searchTree = null;
- _.filterOrder = t2;
- _.loadingState = t3;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t4;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- ConsumptionReportDashboardViewModel_init_closure: function ConsumptionReportDashboardViewModel_init_closure() {
- },
- ConsumptionReportDashboardViewModel_init_closure0: function ConsumptionReportDashboardViewModel_init_closure0() {
- },
- ConsumptionReportDashboardViewModel_init_closure1: function ConsumptionReportDashboardViewModel_init_closure1() {
- },
- ConsumptionReportDashboardViewModel_init_closure2: function ConsumptionReportDashboardViewModel_init_closure2() {
- },
- ConsumptionReportDashboardViewModel_init_closure3: function ConsumptionReportDashboardViewModel_init_closure3() {
- },
- DeviceErrorReportViewModel: function DeviceErrorReportViewModel(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._deviceErrorReportList = t0;
- _.client = t1;
- _.loadingState = t2;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t3;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- ElectricityConsumptionDashboardViewModel: function ElectricityConsumptionDashboardViewModel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.filterSearchTreeNode = _.consumptionDataGroupSearchTree = null;
- _.isDashboardView = true;
- _.targetDateTime = t0;
- _.filterOrder = t1;
- _._sumOfConsumptionDataList = t2;
- _._electricity_consumption_view_model$_deviceErrorReportList = t3;
- _._electricityConsumptionDataList = t4;
- _.loadingState = t5;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t6;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- ElectricityConsumptionDashboardViewModel_setFilterOrder_closure: function ElectricityConsumptionDashboardViewModel_setFilterOrder_closure() {
- },
- ElectricityConsumptionDashboardViewModel_init_closure: function ElectricityConsumptionDashboardViewModel_init_closure() {
- },
- ElectricityConsumptionDashboardViewModel_init_closure0: function ElectricityConsumptionDashboardViewModel_init_closure0() {
- },
- MonitoringDeviceManageViewModel: function MonitoringDeviceManageViewModel(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _._monitoringDeviceList = t0;
- _._missionDescription = "";
- _._missionCompleteCount = _._missionCount = 0;
- _.client = t1;
- _.loadingState = t2;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t3;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- MonitoringDeviceManageViewModel_uploadCsvFile_closure: function MonitoringDeviceManageViewModel_uploadCsvFile_closure() {
- },
- MonitoringDeviceManageViewModel_uploadCsvFile_closure0: function MonitoringDeviceManageViewModel_uploadCsvFile_closure0(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- MonitoringDeviceManageViewModel_uploadCsvFile_closure1: function MonitoringDeviceManageViewModel_uploadCsvFile_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- DashboardThemeManager: function DashboardThemeManager(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _._theme = t0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t1;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- InfoCard: function InfoCard(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.title = t0;
- _.value = t1;
- _.unit = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- MonthlyReportLineChart: function MonthlyReportLineChart(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.data = t0;
- _.cmpLine = t1;
- _.key = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- MonthlyReportLineChart_build_closure: function MonthlyReportLineChart_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- MonthlyReportLineChart_build_closure0: function MonthlyReportLineChart_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- MonthlyReportLineChart_build_closure1: function MonthlyReportLineChart_build_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- MonthlyReportLineChart_build_closure2: function MonthlyReportLineChart_build_closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ConsumptionDetailGridView: function ConsumptionDetailGridView(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.label = t0;
- _.dayConsumption = t1;
- _.monthConsumption = t2;
- _.averageMonthConsumptionPerMonth = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- ConsumptionPieChart: function ConsumptionPieChart(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.dataSource = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- this.$ti = t2;
- },
- ConsumptionPieChart_build_closure0: function ConsumptionPieChart_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ConsumptionPieChart_build_closure1: function ConsumptionPieChart_build_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- ConsumptionPieChart_build_closure: function ConsumptionPieChart_build_closure() {
- },
- WeeklyConsumptionLineChart: function WeeklyConsumptionLineChart(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.data = t0;
- _.cmpLine = t1;
- _.key = t2;
- _.$ti = t3;
- },
- WeeklyConsumptionLineChart_build_closure: function WeeklyConsumptionLineChart_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- WeeklyConsumptionLineChart_build_closure0: function WeeklyConsumptionLineChart_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- WeeklyConsumptionLineChart_build_closure1: function WeeklyConsumptionLineChart_build_closure1(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- WeeklyConsumptionLineChart_build_closure2: function WeeklyConsumptionLineChart_build_closure2(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- DeviceErrorReportTableDataGrid: function DeviceErrorReportTableDataGrid(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.dataSource = t0;
- this.isLarge = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- DeviceErrorReportTableDataGrid_build_closure: function DeviceErrorReportTableDataGrid_build_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.context = t1;
- },
- DeviceErrorReportTableDataSource: function DeviceErrorReportTableDataSource(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dataSource = t0;
- _.isLarge = t1;
- _._effectiveRows = t2;
- _._unSortedRows = t3;
- _._paginatedRows = t4;
- _._suspendDataPagerUpdate = false;
- _._dataGridStateDetails = null;
- _._filterConditions = t5;
- _._sortedColumns = t6;
- _.DataPagerDelegate__pageCount = t7;
- _.DataPagerDelegate__rowsPerPage = t8;
- _._dataGridSourceListeners = t9;
- _._dataGridPropertyChangeListeners = t10;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t11;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- DeviceErrorReportTableDataSource_buildRow_closure: function DeviceErrorReportTableDataSource_buildRow_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- DeviceManagingTableDataGrid: function DeviceManagingTableDataGrid(t0, t1) {
- this.dataSource = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- DeviceManagingTableDataGrid_build_closure: function DeviceManagingTableDataGrid_build_closure(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- DeviceManagingTableDataSource: function DeviceManagingTableDataSource(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dataSource = t0;
- _._effectiveRows = t1;
- _._unSortedRows = t2;
- _._paginatedRows = t3;
- _._suspendDataPagerUpdate = false;
- _._dataGridStateDetails = null;
- _._filterConditions = t4;
- _._sortedColumns = t5;
- _.DataPagerDelegate__pageCount = t6;
- _.DataPagerDelegate__rowsPerPage = t7;
- _._dataGridSourceListeners = t8;
- _._dataGridPropertyChangeListeners = t9;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t10;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- DeviceManagingTableDataSource_buildRow_closure: function DeviceManagingTableDataSource_buildRow_closure() {
- },
- ElectricityConsumptionDataGrid: function ElectricityConsumptionDataGrid(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dataSource = t0;
- _.__ElectricityConsumptionDataGrid_columnsLabel_F = _.__ElectricityConsumptionDataGrid_dataGridSource_F = $;
- _.key = t1;
- },
- ElectricityConsumptionDataGrid_build_closure: function ElectricityConsumptionDataGrid_build_closure() {
- },
- ElectricityConsumptionDataSource: function ElectricityConsumptionDataSource(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dataSource = t0;
- _._effectiveRows = t1;
- _._unSortedRows = t2;
- _._paginatedRows = t3;
- _._suspendDataPagerUpdate = false;
- _._dataGridStateDetails = null;
- _._filterConditions = t4;
- _._sortedColumns = t5;
- _.DataPagerDelegate__pageCount = t6;
- _.DataPagerDelegate__rowsPerPage = t7;
- _._dataGridSourceListeners = t8;
- _._dataGridPropertyChangeListeners = t9;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t10;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- ElectricityConsumptionDataSource_buildRow_closure: function ElectricityConsumptionDataSource_buildRow_closure() {
- },
- SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataGrid: function SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataGrid(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dataSource = t0;
- _.__SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataGrid_columnsLabel_F = _.__SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataGrid_dataGridSource_F = $;
- _.key = t1;
- },
- SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataGrid_build_closure: function SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataGrid_build_closure() {
- },
- SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataSource: function SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataSource(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.dataSource = t0;
- _._effectiveRows = t1;
- _._unSortedRows = t2;
- _._paginatedRows = t3;
- _._suspendDataPagerUpdate = false;
- _._dataGridStateDetails = null;
- _._filterConditions = t4;
- _._sortedColumns = t5;
- _.DataPagerDelegate__pageCount = t6;
- _.DataPagerDelegate__rowsPerPage = t7;
- _._dataGridSourceListeners = t8;
- _._dataGridPropertyChangeListeners = t9;
- _.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t10;
- _.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = _.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = 0;
- _.ChangeNotifier__debugDisposed = false;
- },
- SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataSource_buildRow_closure: function SumOfElectricityConsumptionDataSource_buildRow_closure() {
- },
- DashboardAppBar: function DashboardAppBar(t0, t1) {
- this.title = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- DashboardFrameCard$(child, elevation, padding) {
- return new A.DashboardFrameCard(padding, elevation, child, null);
- },
- DashboardFrameCard: function DashboardFrameCard(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.padding = t0;
- _.elevation = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- DashboardSearchBar: function DashboardSearchBar(t0, t1) {
- this.children = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- DashboardDrawer: function DashboardDrawer(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- DashboardDrawer_build_closure: function DashboardDrawer_build_closure() {
- },
- DashboardDrawer_build__closure: function DashboardDrawer_build__closure(t0) {
- this.themeManager = t0;
- },
- DashboardDrawer_build___closure: function DashboardDrawer_build___closure(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- DashboardDrawer_build___closure0: function DashboardDrawer_build___closure0(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- DashboardDrawer_build___closure1: function DashboardDrawer_build___closure1(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- DashboardDrawer_build___closure2: function DashboardDrawer_build___closure2(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- DashboardDrawer_build___closure3: function DashboardDrawer_build___closure3() {
- },
- DashboardDrawer_build___closure5: function DashboardDrawer_build___closure5(t0) {
- this.themeManager = t0;
- },
- DashboardDrawer_build___closure4: function DashboardDrawer_build___closure4(t0) {
- this.themeManager = t0;
- },
- DashboardDrawer_build___closure6: function DashboardDrawer_build___closure6(t0, t1) {
- this.authManager = t0;
- this.context = t1;
- },
- DashboardDrawer_build____closure: function DashboardDrawer_build____closure() {
- },
- FrameQuote$(color, quoteText, style) {
- return new A.FrameQuote(quoteText, color, style, null, null);
- },
- FrameQuote: function FrameQuote(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.quoteText = t0;
- _.color = t1;
- _.style = t2;
- _.notes = t3;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- TreeSearchLegend$(filterTree, plate) {
- return new A.TreeSearchLegend(filterTree, plate, null);
- },
- TreeSearchCard$(filterTree, onConfirm, onOrderChange, onValueChange, plate, searchTree) {
- return new A.TreeSearchCard(plate, onValueChange, onOrderChange, searchTree, filterTree, null);
- },
- SearchTreeLabel$(color, label, onSelected, selected) {
- var t3, t4, _null = null,
- t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(25.5),
- t2 = A.Color$fromARGB(t1, color.get$value(color) >>> 16 & 255, color.get$value(color) >>> 8 & 255, color.get$value(color) & 255);
- t1 = A.Color$fromARGB(t1, color.get$value(color) >>> 16 & 255, color.get$value(color) >>> 8 & 255, color.get$value(color) & 255);
- t3 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(127.5);
- t4 = A.Color$fromARGB(t3, color.get$value(color) >>> 16 & 255, color.get$value(color) >>> 8 & 255, color.get$value(color) & 255);
- return new A.SearchTreeLabel(label, onSelected, selected, t1, new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(t3, color.get$value(color) >>> 16 & 255, color.get$value(color) >>> 8 & 255, color.get$value(color) & 255), 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1), new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(A.BorderRadius$circular(20), B.BorderSide_8xm), t2, B.EdgeInsets_6_2_6_2, 2, new A.IconThemeData(16, _null, _null, _null, _null, t4, _null, _null), _null);
- },
- TreeSearchLegend: function TreeSearchLegend(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.filterTree = t0;
- this.plate = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- TreeSearchLegend_getLabelList_closure: function TreeSearchLegend_getLabelList_closure() {
- },
- TreeSearchCard: function TreeSearchCard(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5) {
- var _ = this;
- _.plate = t0;
- _.onValueChange = t1;
- _.onOrderChange = t2;
- _.searchTree = t3;
- _.filterTree = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- },
- _TreeSearchCardState: function _TreeSearchCardState(t0) {
- var _ = this;
- _.isReordering = false;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _TreeSearchCardState_getAllEntries_closure: function _TreeSearchCardState_getAllEntries_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.level = t1;
- this.layerData = t2;
- },
- _TreeSearchCardState_getAllEntries__closure: function _TreeSearchCardState_getAllEntries__closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.layerData = t1;
- this.data = t2;
- },
- _TreeSearchCardState_onSelected_closure: function _TreeSearchCardState_onSelected_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.layerData = t1;
- this.index = t2;
- },
- _TreeSearchCardState_onReorder_closure: function _TreeSearchCardState_onReorder_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this._box_0 = t0;
- this.$this = t1;
- this.oldIndex = t2;
- },
- _TreeSearchCardState_onRest_closure: function _TreeSearchCardState_onRest_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TreeSearchCardState_onClickReorderMode_closure: function _TreeSearchCardState_onClickReorderMode_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _TreeSearchCardState_build_closure: function _TreeSearchCardState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- SearchTreeLabel: function SearchTreeLabel(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10) {
- var _ = this;
- _.label = t0;
- _.onSelected = t1;
- _.selected = t2;
- _.selectedColor = t3;
- _.side = t4;
- _.shape = t5;
- _.backgroundColor = t6;
- _.padding = t7;
- _.elevation = t8;
- _.iconTheme = t9;
- _.key = t10;
- },
- FilterEntries: function FilterEntries(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6) {
- var _ = this;
- _.label = t0;
- _.color = t1;
- _.index = t2;
- _.dataSource = t3;
- _.labelMapper = t4;
- _.key = t5;
- _.$ti = t6;
- },
- LoginPageView$() {
- return new A.LoginPageView(new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_FormState), null);
- },
- LoginPageView: function LoginPageView(t0, t1) {
- this.formKey = t0;
- this.key = t1;
- },
- LoginPageView_accountTextField_closure: function LoginPageView_accountTextField_closure(t0) {
- this.authManager = t0;
- },
- LoginPageView_passwordTextField_closure: function LoginPageView_passwordTextField_closure(t0) {
- this.authManager = t0;
- },
- LoginPageView_loginButton_closure: function LoginPageView_loginButton_closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.authManager = t1;
- this.context = t2;
- },
- LoginPageView_build_closure: function LoginPageView_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- LoginPageView_build__closure: function LoginPageView_build__closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.authManager = t1;
- },
- ConsumptionMonitorDashboardView: function ConsumptionMonitorDashboardView(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- _ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState: function _ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _.___ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState_viewModel_FI = _.___ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState_tabController_F = $;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__ticker = t0;
- _.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = t1;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t2;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState_tableSwitcher_closure: function _ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState_tableSwitcher_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState_groupDetailDataFrame_closure: function _ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState_groupDetailDataFrame_closure(t0) {
- this.source = t0;
- },
- _ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState_overViewFrame_closure: function _ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState_overViewFrame_closure() {
- },
- _ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState_build_closure: function _ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState_build__closure: function _ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState_build__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- LevelFilterList0: function LevelFilterList0(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- _LevelFilterListState0: function _LevelFilterListState0(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.buttonKey = t0;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _LevelFilterListState_build_closure0: function _LevelFilterListState_build_closure0(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _LevelFilterListState_build__closure0: function _LevelFilterListState_build__closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.context = t1;
- this.viewModel = t2;
- },
- _LevelFilterListState_build___closure0: function _LevelFilterListState_build___closure0() {
- },
- _LevelFilterListState_build___closure1: function _LevelFilterListState_build___closure1(t0, t1) {
- this.viewModel = t0;
- this.buttonPosition = t1;
- },
- _LevelFilterListState_build____closure: function _LevelFilterListState_build____closure(t0) {
- this.buttonPosition = t0;
- },
- _LevelFilterListState_build_____closure: function _LevelFilterListState_build_____closure(t0, t1) {
- this.viewModel = t0;
- this.buttonPosition = t1;
- },
- _LevelFilterListState_build______closure: function _LevelFilterListState_build______closure(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- _LevelFilterListState_build______closure0: function _LevelFilterListState_build______closure0(t0) {
- this.viewModel = t0;
- },
- DateFilterList: function DateFilterList(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- _DateFilterListState: function _DateFilterListState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.buttonKey = t0;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _DateFilterListState_build_closure: function _DateFilterListState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _DateFilterListState_build__closure: function _DateFilterListState_build__closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.context = t1;
- this.viewModel = t2;
- },
- _DateFilterListState_build___closure: function _DateFilterListState_build___closure() {
- },
- _DateFilterListState_build___closure0: function _DateFilterListState_build___closure0(t0, t1) {
- this.viewModel = t0;
- this.buttonPosition = t1;
- },
- _DateFilterListState_build____closure: function _DateFilterListState_build____closure(t0, t1) {
- this.viewModel = t0;
- this.buttonPosition = t1;
- },
- __ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin: function __ConsumptionMonitorDashboardViewState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin() {
- },
- DashboardDataCard$(label, unit, value, valueColor) {
- return new A.DashboardDataCard(label, value, unit, valueColor, null);
- },
- ConsumptionReportDashboardView: function ConsumptionReportDashboardView(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- _ConsumptionReportDashboardViewState: function _ConsumptionReportDashboardViewState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.viewModel = t0;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _ConsumptionReportDashboardViewState_build_closure: function _ConsumptionReportDashboardViewState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- _ConsumptionReportDashboardViewState_build__closure: function _ConsumptionReportDashboardViewState_build__closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- DashboardDataCard: function DashboardDataCard(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4) {
- var _ = this;
- _.label = t0;
- _.value = t1;
- _.unit = t2;
- _.labelColor = null;
- _.valueColor = t3;
- _.unitColor = null;
- _.key = t4;
- },
- LevelFilterList: function LevelFilterList(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.treeSearchCard = t0;
- this.treeSearchLegend = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- _LevelFilterListState: function _LevelFilterListState(t0, t1) {
- var _ = this;
- _.buttonKey = t0;
- _._widget = null;
- _._debugLifecycleState = t1;
- _._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _LevelFilterListState_build_closure: function _LevelFilterListState_build_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.context = t1;
- },
- _LevelFilterListState_build__closure: function _LevelFilterListState_build__closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.buttonPosition = t1;
- },
- _LevelFilterListState_build___closure: function _LevelFilterListState_build___closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.buttonPosition = t1;
- },
- DeviceErrorReportView: function DeviceErrorReportView(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- _DeviceErrorReportViewState: function _DeviceErrorReportViewState(t0) {
- this._widget = null;
- this._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- this._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _DeviceErrorReportViewState_build_closure0: function _DeviceErrorReportViewState_build_closure0() {
- },
- _DeviceErrorReportViewState_build_closure: function _DeviceErrorReportViewState_build_closure() {
- },
- MonitoringDeviceManageView: function MonitoringDeviceManageView(t0) {
- this.key = t0;
- },
- _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState: function _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState(t0) {
- this._widget = null;
- this._debugLifecycleState = t0;
- this._framework$_element = null;
- },
- _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_getToolBar_closure: function _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_getToolBar_closure(t0, t1) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.buttonStyle = t1;
- },
- _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_getToolBar__closure: function _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_getToolBar__closure(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.context = t1;
- this.viewModel = t2;
- },
- _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_getToolBar___closure: function _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_getToolBar___closure() {
- },
- _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_getToolBar____closure: function _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_getToolBar____closure(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_getToolBar____closure0: function _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_getToolBar____closure0(t0) {
- this.context = t0;
- },
- _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_getToolBar__closure0: function _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_getToolBar__closure0(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.$this = t0;
- this.viewModel = t1;
- this.context = t2;
- },
- _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_getDataGrid_closure: function _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_getDataGrid_closure() {
- },
- _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_build_closure0: function _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_build_closure0() {
- },
- _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_build_closure: function _MonitoringDeviceManageViewState_build_closure(t0) {
- this.$this = t0;
- },
- DashboardLayout_getLayout(constraints) {
- var _0_0 = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(constraints.maxWidth);
- if (_0_0 >= 1200)
- return B.ResponsiveLayoutType_0;
- if (_0_0 >= 800)
- return B.ResponsiveLayoutType_2;
- if (_0_0 >= 400)
- return B.ResponsiveLayoutType_1;
- return B.ResponsiveLayoutType_3;
- },
- ResponsiveLayoutType: function ResponsiveLayoutType(t0, t1) {
- this.index = t0;
- this._core$_name = t1;
- },
- DashboardPadding_DashboardPadding$large(child) {
- return new A.DashboardPadding(child, B.EdgeInsets_40_20_40_20, null);
- },
- DashboardPadding_DashboardPadding$small(child) {
- return new A.DashboardPadding(child, B.EdgeInsets_10_10_10_10, null);
- },
- DashboardPadding_DashboardPadding$object(child) {
- return new A.DashboardPadding(child, B.EdgeInsets_20_20_20_20, null);
- },
- DashboardPadding: function DashboardPadding(t0, t1, t2) {
- this.child = t0;
- this.padding = t1;
- this.key = t2;
- },
- DashboardSizedBox_DashboardSizedBox$large() {
- return new A.DashboardSizedBox(15, 15, null, null);
- },
- DashboardSizedBox_DashboardSizedBox$small() {
- return new A.DashboardSizedBox(5, 5, null, null);
- },
- DashboardSizedBox: function DashboardSizedBox(t0, t1, t2, t3) {
- var _ = this;
- _.width = t0;
- _.height = t1;
- _.child = t2;
- _.key = t3;
- },
- main() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$main = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.webOnlyWarmupEngine(new A.main_closure(), new A.main_closure0()), $async$main);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$main, $async$completer);
- },
- main_closure0: function main_closure0() {
- },
- main_closure: function main_closure() {
- },
- min(a, b) {
- return Math.min(A.checkNum(a), A.checkNum(b));
- },
- max(a, b) {
- return Math.max(A.checkNum(a), A.checkNum(b));
- },
- sqrt(x) {
- return Math.sqrt(x);
- },
- exp(x) {
- return Math.exp(x);
- },
- log(x) {
- return Math.log(x);
- },
- pow(x, exponent) {
- return Math.pow(x, exponent);
- },
- CupertinoUserInterfaceLevel_maybeOf(context) {
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.CupertinoUserInterfaceLevel);
- return null;
- },
- isBrowserObject(o) {
- return type$.Blob._is(o) || type$.Event._is(o) || type$.KeyRange._is(o) || type$.ImageData._is(o) || type$.Node._is(o) || type$.Window._is(o) || type$.WorkerGlobalScope._is(o);
- },
- printString(string) {
- if (typeof dartPrint == "function") {
- dartPrint(string);
- return;
- }
- if (typeof console == "object" && typeof console.log != "undefined") {
- console.log(string);
- return;
- }
- if (typeof print == "function") {
- print(string);
- return;
- }
- throw "Unable to print message: " + String(string);
- },
- low(codeUnit) {
- var index = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string$.u1ac4_____, codeUnit >>> 6) + (codeUnit & 63),
- bit = index & 1,
- pair = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string$.E53333, index >>> 1);
- return pair >>> 4 & -bit | pair & 15 & bit - 1;
- },
- high(lead, tail) {
- var offset = (lead & 1023) << 10 | tail & 1023,
- index = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string$.u1ac4_____, 1024 + (offset >>> 9)) + (offset & 511),
- bit = index & 1,
- pair = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string$.E53333, index >>> 1);
- return pair >>> 4 & -bit | pair & 15 & bit - 1;
- },
- systemTime() {
- return new A.DateTime(Date.now(), false);
- },
- groupBy(values, key, $S, $T) {
- var t1, _i, element, t2, t3,
- map = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty($T, $S._eval$1("List<0>"));
- for (t1 = $S._eval$1("JSArray<0>"), _i = 0; _i < 1; ++_i) {
- element = values[_i];
- t2 = key.call$1(element);
- t3 = map.$index(0, t2);
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- map.$indexSet(0, t2, t3);
- t2 = t3;
- } else
- t2 = t3;
- J.add$1$ax(t2, element);
- }
- return map;
- },
- IterableExtension_firstWhereOrNull(_this, test) {
- var t1, element;
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(_this); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- element = t1.get$current(t1);
- if (test.call$1(element))
- return element;
- }
- return null;
- },
- IterableExtension_lastWhereOrNull(_this, test) {
- var t1, result, _i, element;
- for (t1 = _this.length, result = null, _i = 0; _i < _this.length; _this.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(_this), ++_i) {
- element = _this[_i];
- if (test.call$1(element))
- result = element;
- }
- return result;
- },
- IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull(_this, $T) {
- return A.IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull$body(_this, $T, $T);
- },
- IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull$body($async$_this, $async$$T, $async$type) {
- return A._makeSyncStarIterable(function() {
- var _this = $async$_this,
- $T = $async$$T;
- var $async$goto = 0, $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, t1, element;
- return function $async$IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(_this);
- case 2:
- // for condition
- if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
- // goto after for
- $async$goto = 3;
- break;
- }
- element = t1.get$current(t1);
- $async$goto = element != null ? 4 : 5;
- break;
- case 4:
- // then
- $async$goto = 6;
- return element;
- case 6:
- // after yield
- case 5:
- // join
- // goto for condition
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 3:
- // after for
- // implicit return
- return A._IterationMarker_endOfIteration();
- case 1:
- // rethrow
- return A._IterationMarker_uncaughtError($async$currentError);
- }
- };
- }, $async$type);
- },
- _buildNewParserWithSettings(unparsedCsvChunks, noMoreChunks, csvSettingsDetector, fieldDelimiter, textDelimiter, textEndDelimiter, eol, shouldParseNumbers, allowInvalid) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = A.CsvParser__argValue(true, fieldDelimiter, ",", _null),
- t2 = A.CsvParser__argValue(true, textDelimiter, '"', _null),
- t3 = A.CsvParser__argValue(true, textEndDelimiter, '"', textDelimiter),
- t4 = A.CsvParser__argValue(true, eol, "\r\n", _null);
- t1 = new A.CsvParser(t1, t2, t3, t4, true, true);
- t1.__CsvParser__field_A = new A.StringBuffer("");
- t1.__CsvParser__insideString_A = false;
- t1.__CsvParser__matchedChars_A = new A.StringBuffer("");
- return t1;
- },
- convertPlatformException(exception, stackTrace, fromPigeon) {
- if (!(exception instanceof A.PlatformException))
- A.Error_throwWithStackTrace(exception, stackTrace);
- A.Error_throwWithStackTrace(A.platformExceptionToFirebaseAuthException(exception, true), stackTrace);
- },
- platformExceptionToFirebaseAuthException(platformException, fromPigeon) {
- var customCode, _null = null,
- t1 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(platformException.code, "ERROR_", ""),
- code = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1.toLowerCase(), "_", "-");
- t1 = platformException.message;
- customCode = A._getCustomCode(platformException.details, t1);
- if (customCode != null)
- code = customCode;
- if (code.length !== 0)
- if (code === "second-factor-required")
- return A.parseMultiFactorError(platformException);
- return A.FirebaseAuthException$(code, _null, _null, t1 == null ? _null : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1.split(": ")), _null, _null);
- },
- _getCustomCode(additionalData, message) {
- var t1, t2, _i, recognizedCode, t3, _null = null,
- for (t1 = additionalData == null, t2 = message == null, _i = 0; _i < 2; ++_i) {
- recognizedCode = listOfRecognizedCode[_i];
- if (!J.$eq$(t1 ? _null : J.$index$asx(additionalData, "message"), recognizedCode)) {
- if (t2)
- t3 = _null;
- else {
- t3 = message.length;
- t3 = A.stringContainsUnchecked(message, recognizedCode, 0);
- }
- t3 = t3 === true;
- } else
- t3 = true;
- if (t3)
- return recognizedCode;
- }
- return _null;
- },
- parseMultiFactorError(exception) {
- var t1, t2, sessionId, resolverId, multiFactorResolver, _null = null,
- _s30_ = "Can't parse multi factor error",
- _s22_ = "second-factor-required",
- message = exception.message,
- additionalData = type$.nullable_Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as(exception.details);
- if (additionalData == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.FirebaseAuthException$(_s30_, _null, _null, message, _null, _null));
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(additionalData);
- t2 = type$.nullable_List_nullable_Object._as(t1.$index(additionalData, "multiFactorHints"));
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = [];
- t2 = A.IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull(t2, type$.Object);
- t2 = A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t2, A.messages_pigeon_PigeonMultiFactorInfo_decode$closure(), t2.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.PigeonMultiFactorInfo);
- A.multiFactorInfoPigeonToObject(A.List_List$of(t2, true, A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("Iterable.E")));
- if ($.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_methodChannelFirebaseAuthInstances.$index(0, t1.$index(additionalData, "appName")) == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.FirebaseAuthException$(_s22_, _null, _null, message, _null, _null));
- sessionId = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(additionalData, "multiFactorSessionId"));
- resolverId = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(additionalData, "multiFactorResolverId"));
- if (sessionId == null || resolverId == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.FirebaseAuthException$(_s30_, _null, _null, message, _null, _null));
- t1 = $.$get$MultiFactorResolverPlatform__token();
- multiFactorResolver = new A.MethodChannelMultiFactorResolver(new A.MultiFactoResolverHostApi());
- $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens().$indexSet(0, multiFactorResolver, t1);
- return A.FirebaseAuthMultiFactorExceptionPlatform$(_s22_, _null, message, _null, multiFactorResolver, _null);
- },
- initializeApp(apiKey, appId, authDomain, databaseURL, measurementId, messagingSenderId, $name, projectId, storageBucket) {
- return A.App_getInstance(firebase_core.initializeApp({apiKey: apiKey, authDomain: authDomain, databaseURL: databaseURL, projectId: projectId, storageBucket: storageBucket, messagingSenderId: messagingSenderId, measurementId: measurementId, appId: appId}, "[DEFAULT]"));
- },
- dartifyDate(jsObject) {
- var date, t1, exception;
- if ("toDateString" in jsObject)
- try {
- date = jsObject;
- t1 = A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(date.getTime$0(), false);
- return t1;
- } catch (exception) {
- if (type$.NoSuchMethodError._is(A.unwrapException(exception)))
- return null;
- else
- throw exception;
- }
- return null;
- },
- CupertinoTextField_inferIOSSpellCheckConfiguration(configuration) {
- return B.SpellCheckConfiguration_Y2F;
- },
- compute0(callback, message, debugLabel, $M, $R) {
- return A.compute$body(callback, message, debugLabel, $M, $R, $R);
- },
- compute$body(callback, message, debugLabel, $M, $R, $async$type) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
- $async$returnValue;
- var $async$compute0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(null, $async$compute0);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- $async$returnValue = callback.call$1(message);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$compute0, $async$completer);
- },
- setEquals(a, b) {
- var t1;
- if (a == null)
- return b == null;
- if (b == null || a.get$length(a) !== b.get$length(b))
- return false;
- if (a === b)
- return true;
- for (t1 = a.get$iterator(a); t1.moveNext$0();)
- if (!b.contains$1(0, t1.get$current(t1)))
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- listEquals0(a, b) {
- var t1, t2, index;
- if (a == null)
- return b == null;
- if (b == null || J.get$length$asx(a) !== J.get$length$asx(b))
- return false;
- if (a === b)
- return true;
- for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(a), t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(b), index = 0; index < t1.get$length(a); ++index)
- if (!J.$eq$(t1.$index(a, index), t2.$index(b, index)))
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- mapEquals(a, b) {
- var key,
- t1 = a.get$length(a),
- t2 = b.get$length(b);
- if (t1 !== t2)
- return false;
- if (a === b)
- return true;
- for (t1 = a.get$keys(a), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- key = t1.get$current(t1);
- if (!b.containsKey$1(0, key) || !J.$eq$(b.$index(0, key), a.$index(0, key)))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- mergeSort(list, compare, $T) {
- var middle, secondLength, scratchSpace, firstTarget,
- end = list.length,
- $length = end - 0;
- if ($length < 2)
- return;
- if ($length < 32) {
- A._insertionSort(list, compare, end, 0, $T);
- return;
- }
- middle = B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1($length, 1);
- secondLength = end - middle;
- scratchSpace = A.List_List$filled(secondLength, list[0], false, $T);
- A._mergeSort(list, compare, middle, end, scratchSpace, 0);
- firstTarget = end - (middle - 0);
- A._mergeSort(list, compare, 0, middle, list, firstTarget);
- A._merge(compare, list, firstTarget, end, scratchSpace, 0, secondLength, list, 0);
- },
- _insertionSort(list, compare, end, start, $T) {
- var pos, element, max, min, mid;
- for (pos = start + 1; pos < end;) {
- element = list[pos];
- for (max = pos, min = start; min < max;) {
- mid = min + B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(max - min, 1);
- if (compare.call$2(element, list[mid]) < 0)
- max = mid;
- else
- min = mid + 1;
- }
- ++pos;
- B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(list, min + 1, pos, list, min);
- list[min] = element;
- }
- },
- _movingInsertionSort(list, compare, start, end, target, targetOffset) {
- var i, element, max, max0, min, mid,
- $length = end - start;
- if ($length === 0)
- return;
- target[targetOffset] = list[start];
- for (i = 1; i < $length; ++i) {
- element = list[start + i];
- max = targetOffset + i;
- for (max0 = max, min = targetOffset; min < max0;) {
- mid = min + B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(max0 - min, 1);
- if (compare.call$2(element, target[mid]) < 0)
- max0 = mid;
- else
- min = mid + 1;
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, min + 1, max + 1, target, min);
- target[min] = element;
- }
- },
- _mergeSort(list, compare, start, end, target, targetOffset) {
- var middle, firstLength, targetMiddle,
- $length = end - start;
- if ($length < 32) {
- A._movingInsertionSort(list, compare, start, end, target, targetOffset);
- return;
- }
- middle = start + B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1($length, 1);
- firstLength = middle - start;
- targetMiddle = targetOffset + firstLength;
- A._mergeSort(list, compare, middle, end, target, targetMiddle);
- A._mergeSort(list, compare, start, middle, list, middle);
- A._merge(compare, list, middle, middle + firstLength, target, targetMiddle, targetMiddle + (end - middle), target, targetOffset);
- },
- _merge(compare, firstList, firstStart, firstEnd, secondList, secondStart, secondEnd, target, targetOffset) {
- var targetOffset0, cursor10, cursor20,
- cursor1 = firstStart + 1,
- firstElement = firstList[firstStart],
- cursor2 = secondStart + 1,
- secondElement = secondList[secondStart];
- for (; true; targetOffset = targetOffset0) {
- targetOffset0 = targetOffset + 1;
- if (compare.call$2(firstElement, secondElement) <= 0) {
- target[targetOffset] = firstElement;
- if (cursor1 === firstEnd) {
- targetOffset = targetOffset0;
- break;
- }
- cursor10 = cursor1 + 1;
- firstElement = firstList[cursor1];
- } else {
- target[targetOffset] = secondElement;
- if (cursor2 !== secondEnd) {
- cursor20 = cursor2 + 1;
- secondElement = secondList[cursor2];
- cursor2 = cursor20;
- continue;
- }
- targetOffset = targetOffset0 + 1;
- target[targetOffset0] = firstElement;
- B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, targetOffset, targetOffset + (firstEnd - cursor1), firstList, cursor1);
- return;
- }
- cursor1 = cursor10;
- }
- targetOffset0 = targetOffset + 1;
- target[targetOffset] = secondElement;
- B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, targetOffset0, targetOffset0 + (secondEnd - cursor2), secondList, cursor2);
- },
- debugInstrumentAction(description, action, $T) {
- return A.debugInstrumentAction$body(description, action, $T, $T);
- },
- debugInstrumentAction$body(description, action, $T, $async$type) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
- $async$returnValue, t1;
- var $async$debugInstrumentAction = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = action.call$0();
- $async$returnValue = t1;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$debugInstrumentAction, $async$completer);
- },
- debugFormatDouble(value) {
- if (value == null)
- return "null";
- return B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(value, 1);
- },
- compute(callback, message, debugLabel, $M, $R) {
- return A.compute0(callback, message, debugLabel, $M, $R);
- },
- clampDouble(x, min, max) {
- if (x < min)
- return min;
- if (x > max)
- return max;
- if (isNaN(x))
- return max;
- return x;
- },
- Feedback_forTap(context) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue;
- var $async$Feedback_forTap = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- $async$outer:
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- context.get$renderObject().sendSemanticsEvent$1(B.TapSemanticEvent_tap);
- switch (A.Theme_of(context).platform.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- $async$returnValue = A.SystemSound_play(B.SystemSoundType_0);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break $async$outer;
- case 2:
- case 3:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- $async$returnValue = A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.void);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break $async$outer;
- }
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$Feedback_forTap, $async$completer);
- },
- Feedback_forLongPress(context) {
- context.get$renderObject().sendSemanticsEvent$1(B.LongPressSemanticsEvent_longPress);
- switch (A.Theme_of(context).platform.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- return A.HapticFeedback_vibrate();
- case 2:
- case 3:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- return A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.void);
- }
- },
- positionDependentBox(childSize, preferBelow, size, target, verticalOffset) {
- var fitsAbove, tooltipBelow, y, x, normalizedTargetX, edge,
- t1 = target._dy,
- t2 = t1 + verticalOffset,
- t3 = childSize._dy,
- t4 = size._dy - 10,
- fitsBelow = t2 + t3 <= t4;
- t3 = t1 - verticalOffset - t3;
- fitsAbove = t3 >= 10;
- if (preferBelow)
- tooltipBelow = fitsBelow || !fitsAbove;
- else
- tooltipBelow = !(fitsAbove || !fitsBelow);
- y = tooltipBelow ? Math.min(t2, t4) : Math.max(t3, 10);
- t1 = size._dx;
- t2 = childSize._dx;
- if (t1 - 20 < t2)
- x = (t1 - t2) / 2;
- else {
- t3 = t1 - 10;
- normalizedTargetX = A.clampDouble(target._dx, 10, t3);
- t4 = t2 / 2;
- edge = 10 + t4;
- if (normalizedTargetX < edge)
- x = 10;
- else
- x = normalizedTargetX > t1 - edge ? t3 - t2 : normalizedTargetX - t4;
- }
- return new A.Offset(x, y);
- },
- MatrixUtils_getAsTranslation(transform) {
- var values = transform._vector_math_64$_m4storage;
- if (values[0] === 1 && values[1] === 0 && values[2] === 0 && values[3] === 0 && values[4] === 0 && values[5] === 1 && values[6] === 0 && values[7] === 0 && values[8] === 0 && values[9] === 0 && values[10] === 1 && values[11] === 0 && values[14] === 0 && values[15] === 1)
- return new A.Offset(values[12], values[13]);
- return null;
- },
- MatrixUtils_matrixEquals(a, b) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- if (a == b)
- return true;
- if (a == null) {
- b.toString;
- return A.MatrixUtils_isIdentity(b);
- }
- if (b == null)
- return A.MatrixUtils_isIdentity(a);
- t1 = a._vector_math_64$_m4storage;
- t2 = t1[0];
- t3 = b._vector_math_64$_m4storage;
- return t2 === t3[0] && t1[1] === t3[1] && t1[2] === t3[2] && t1[3] === t3[3] && t1[4] === t3[4] && t1[5] === t3[5] && t1[6] === t3[6] && t1[7] === t3[7] && t1[8] === t3[8] && t1[9] === t3[9] && t1[10] === t3[10] && t1[11] === t3[11] && t1[12] === t3[12] && t1[13] === t3[13] && t1[14] === t3[14] && t1[15] === t3[15];
- },
- MatrixUtils_isIdentity(a) {
- var t1 = a._vector_math_64$_m4storage;
- return t1[0] === 1 && t1[1] === 0 && t1[2] === 0 && t1[3] === 0 && t1[4] === 0 && t1[5] === 1 && t1[6] === 0 && t1[7] === 0 && t1[8] === 0 && t1[9] === 0 && t1[10] === 1 && t1[11] === 0 && t1[12] === 0 && t1[13] === 0 && t1[14] === 0 && t1[15] === 1;
- },
- MatrixUtils_transformPoint(transform, point) {
- var storage = transform._vector_math_64$_m4storage,
- x = point._dx,
- y = point._dy,
- rx = storage[0] * x + storage[4] * y + storage[12],
- ry = storage[1] * x + storage[5] * y + storage[13],
- rw = storage[3] * x + storage[7] * y + storage[15];
- if (rw === 1)
- return new A.Offset(rx, ry);
- else
- return new A.Offset(rx / rw, ry / rw);
- },
- MatrixUtils__accumulate(m, x, y, first, isAffine) {
- var t1,
- w = isAffine ? 1 : 1 / (m[3] * x + m[7] * y + m[15]),
- tx = (m[0] * x + m[4] * y + m[12]) * w,
- ty = (m[1] * x + m[5] * y + m[13]) * w;
- if (first) {
- t1 = $.$get$MatrixUtils__minMax();
- t1[2] = tx;
- t1[0] = tx;
- t1[3] = ty;
- t1[1] = ty;
- } else {
- t1 = $.$get$MatrixUtils__minMax();
- if (tx < t1[0])
- t1[0] = tx;
- if (ty < t1[1])
- t1[1] = ty;
- if (tx > t1[2])
- t1[2] = tx;
- if (ty > t1[3])
- t1[3] = ty;
- }
- },
- MatrixUtils_transformRect(transform, rect) {
- var isAffine, wx, hx, rx, wy, hy, ry, left, right, $top, bottom, hw, rw, ulx, uly, urx, t3, ury, t4, llx, lly, lrx, lry,
- storage = transform._vector_math_64$_m4storage,
- x = rect.left,
- y = rect.top,
- t1 = rect.right,
- w = t1 - x,
- t2 = rect.bottom,
- h = t2 - y;
- if (!isFinite(w) || !isFinite(h)) {
- isAffine = storage[3] === 0 && storage[7] === 0 && storage[15] === 1;
- A.MatrixUtils__accumulate(storage, x, y, true, isAffine);
- A.MatrixUtils__accumulate(storage, t1, y, false, isAffine);
- A.MatrixUtils__accumulate(storage, x, t2, false, isAffine);
- A.MatrixUtils__accumulate(storage, t1, t2, false, isAffine);
- t1 = $.$get$MatrixUtils__minMax();
- return new A.Rect(t1[0], t1[1], t1[2], t1[3]);
- }
- t1 = storage[0];
- wx = t1 * w;
- t2 = storage[4];
- hx = t2 * h;
- rx = t1 * x + t2 * y + storage[12];
- t2 = storage[1];
- wy = t2 * w;
- t1 = storage[5];
- hy = t1 * h;
- ry = t2 * x + t1 * y + storage[13];
- t1 = storage[3];
- if (t1 === 0 && storage[7] === 0 && storage[15] === 1) {
- left = rx + wx;
- if (wx < 0)
- right = rx;
- else {
- right = left;
- left = rx;
- }
- if (hx < 0)
- left += hx;
- else
- right += hx;
- $top = ry + wy;
- if (wy < 0)
- bottom = ry;
- else {
- bottom = $top;
- $top = ry;
- }
- if (hy < 0)
- $top += hy;
- else
- bottom += hy;
- return new A.Rect(left, $top, right, bottom);
- } else {
- t2 = storage[7];
- hw = t2 * h;
- rw = t1 * x + t2 * y + storage[15];
- ulx = rx / rw;
- uly = ry / rw;
- t2 = rx + wx;
- t1 = rw + t1 * w;
- urx = t2 / t1;
- t3 = ry + wy;
- ury = t3 / t1;
- t4 = rw + hw;
- llx = (rx + hx) / t4;
- lly = (ry + hy) / t4;
- t1 += hw;
- lrx = (t2 + hx) / t1;
- lry = (t3 + hy) / t1;
- return new A.Rect(A.MatrixUtils__min4(ulx, urx, llx, lrx), A.MatrixUtils__min4(uly, ury, lly, lry), A.MatrixUtils__max4(ulx, urx, llx, lrx), A.MatrixUtils__max4(uly, ury, lly, lry));
- }
- },
- MatrixUtils__min4(a, b, c, d) {
- var e = a < b ? a : b,
- f = c < d ? c : d;
- return e < f ? e : f;
- },
- MatrixUtils__max4(a, b, c, d) {
- var e = a > b ? a : b,
- f = c > d ? c : d;
- return e > f ? e : f;
- },
- MatrixUtils_inverseTransformRect(transform, rect) {
- var transform0;
- if (A.MatrixUtils_isIdentity(transform))
- return rect;
- transform0 = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- transform0.setFrom$1(transform);
- transform0.copyInverse$1(transform0);
- return A.MatrixUtils_transformRect(transform0, rect);
- },
- MatrixUtils_forceToPoint(offset) {
- var t2,
- t1 = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- t1.setIdentity$0();
- t2 = new A.Vector4(new Float64Array(4));
- t2.setValues$4(0, 0, 0, offset._dx);
- t1.setRow$2(0, t2);
- t2 = new A.Vector4(new Float64Array(4));
- t2.setValues$4(0, 0, 0, offset._dy);
- t1.setRow$2(1, t2);
- return t1;
- },
- nearEqual(a, b, epsilon) {
- if (a == null || false)
- return a === b;
- return a > b - epsilon && a < b + epsilon || a === b;
- },
- ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild(child, constraints) {
- return child.getDryLayout$1(constraints);
- },
- ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild(child, constraints) {
- var t1;
- child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(constraints, true);
- t1 = child._size;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- SemanticsService_announce(message, textDirection, assertiveness) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$SemanticsService_announce = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(B.BasicMessageChannel_QXb.send$1(0, new A.AnnounceSemanticsEvent(message, textDirection, assertiveness, "announce").toMap$0()), $async$SemanticsService_announce);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$SemanticsService_announce, $async$completer);
- },
- SemanticsService_tooltip(message) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$SemanticsService_tooltip = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(B.BasicMessageChannel_QXb.send$1(0, new A.TooltipSemanticsEvent(message, "tooltip").toMap$0()), $async$SemanticsService_tooltip);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$SemanticsService_tooltip, $async$completer);
- },
- HapticFeedback_vibrate() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$HapticFeedback_vibrate = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd.invokeMethod$1$1("HapticFeedback.vibrate", type$.void), $async$HapticFeedback_vibrate);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$HapticFeedback_vibrate, $async$completer);
- },
- HapticFeedback_mediumImpact() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$HapticFeedback_mediumImpact = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd.invokeMethod$1$2("HapticFeedback.vibrate", "HapticFeedbackType.mediumImpact", type$.void), $async$HapticFeedback_mediumImpact);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$HapticFeedback_mediumImpact, $async$completer);
- },
- HapticFeedback_selectionClick() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$HapticFeedback_selectionClick = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd.invokeMethod$1$2("HapticFeedback.vibrate", "HapticFeedbackType.selectionClick", type$.void), $async$HapticFeedback_selectionClick);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$HapticFeedback_selectionClick, $async$completer);
- },
- SystemNavigator_pop() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$SystemNavigator_pop = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd.invokeMethod$1$2("SystemNavigator.pop", null, type$.void), $async$SystemNavigator_pop);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$SystemNavigator_pop, $async$completer);
- },
- SystemNavigator_routeInformationUpdated($location, replace, state) {
- return B.OptionalMethodChannel_urv.invokeMethod$1$2("routeInformationUpdated", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["location", $location, "state", state, "replace", replace], type$.String, type$.dynamic), type$.void);
- },
- TextLayoutMetrics_isWhitespace(codeUnit) {
- switch (codeUnit) {
- case 9:
- case 10:
- case 11:
- case 12:
- case 13:
- case 28:
- case 29:
- case 30:
- case 31:
- case 32:
- case 160:
- case 5760:
- case 8192:
- case 8193:
- case 8194:
- case 8195:
- case 8196:
- case 8197:
- case 8198:
- case 8199:
- case 8200:
- case 8201:
- case 8202:
- case 8239:
- case 8287:
- case 12288:
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- TextLayoutMetrics_isLineTerminator(codeUnit) {
- switch (codeUnit) {
- case 10:
- case 11:
- case 12:
- case 13:
- case 133:
- case 8232:
- case 8233:
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- },
- createLocalImageConfiguration(context) {
- var t1, t2;
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.DefaultAssetBundle);
- t1 = $.$get$rootBundle();
- t2 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_2);
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = 1;
- return new A.ImageConfiguration(t1, t2, A.Localizations_maybeLocaleOf(context), A.Directionality_maybeOf(context), null, A.defaultTargetPlatform());
- },
- debugIsWidgetLocalCreation(widget) {
- return false;
- },
- OffsetCopyWithExtensions_copyWith(_this, dy) {
- return new A.Offset(_this._dx, dy);
- },
- warn(condition, message) {
- if (condition)
- return;
- A.print__debugPrintThrottled$closure().call$1("\x1b[48;5;229m\x1b[38;5;0m[flutter_animate] " + message);
- },
- encodingForCharset(charset) {
- var t1;
- if (charset == null)
- return B.C_Latin1Codec;
- t1 = A.Encoding_getByName(charset);
- return t1 == null ? B.C_Latin1Codec : t1;
- },
- toUint8List(input) {
- if (type$.Uint8List._is(input))
- return input;
- if (type$.TypedData._is(input))
- return A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(input.buffer, 0, null);
- return new Uint8Array(A._ensureNativeList(input));
- },
- toByteStream(stream) {
- return stream;
- },
- wrapFormatException($name, value, body) {
- var error, error0, t1, exception;
- try {
- t1 = body.call$0();
- return t1;
- } catch (exception) {
- t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
- if (t1 instanceof A.SourceSpanFormatException) {
- error = t1;
- throw A.wrapException(A.SourceSpanFormatException$("Invalid " + $name + ": " + error._span_exception$_message, error._span, J.get$source$z(error)));
- } else if (type$.FormatException._is(t1)) {
- error0 = t1;
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid " + $name + ' "' + value + '": ' + J.get$message$x(error0), J.get$source$z(error0), J.get$offset$x(error0)));
- } else
- throw exception;
- }
- },
- defaultLocale() {
- var t1 = $._defaultLocale;
- return t1;
- },
- dayOfYear(month, day, leapYear) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (month === 1)
- return day;
- if (month === 2)
- return day + 31;
- t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(30.6 * month - 91.4);
- t2 = leapYear ? 1 : 0;
- return t1 + day + 59 + t2;
- },
- HctSolver__trueDelinearized(rgbComponent) {
- var normalized = rgbComponent / 100;
- return (normalized <= 0.0031308 ? normalized * 12.92 : 1.055 * Math.pow(normalized, 0.4166666666666667) - 0.055) * 255;
- },
- HctSolver__chromaticAdaptation(component) {
- var af = Math.pow(Math.abs(component), 0.42);
- return A.MathUtils_signum(component) * 400 * af / (af + 27.13);
- },
- HctSolver__hueOf(linrgb) {
- var scaledDiscount = A.MathUtils_matrixMultiply(linrgb, $.HctSolver__SCALED_DISCOUNT_FROM_LINRGB),
- rA = A.HctSolver__chromaticAdaptation(scaledDiscount[0]),
- gA = A.HctSolver__chromaticAdaptation(scaledDiscount[1]),
- bA = A.HctSolver__chromaticAdaptation(scaledDiscount[2]);
- return Math.atan2((rA + gA - 2 * bA) / 9, (11 * rA + -12 * gA + bA) / 11);
- },
- HctSolver__nthVertex(y, n) {
- var r, t1, t2, g, b,
- kR = $.HctSolver__Y_FROM_LINRGB[0],
- kG = $.HctSolver__Y_FROM_LINRGB[1],
- kB = $.HctSolver__Y_FROM_LINRGB[2],
- coordA = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(n, 4) <= 1 ? 0 : 100,
- coordB = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(n, 2) === 0 ? 0 : 100;
- if (n < 4) {
- r = (y - coordA * kG - coordB * kB) / kR;
- t1 = 0 <= r && r <= 100;
- t2 = type$.JSArray_double;
- if (t1)
- return A._setArrayType([r, coordA, coordB], t2);
- else
- return A._setArrayType([-1, -1, -1], t2);
- } else if (n < 8) {
- g = (y - coordB * kR - coordA * kB) / kG;
- t1 = 0 <= g && g <= 100;
- t2 = type$.JSArray_double;
- if (t1)
- return A._setArrayType([coordB, g, coordA], t2);
- else
- return A._setArrayType([-1, -1, -1], t2);
- } else {
- b = (y - coordA * kR - coordB * kG) / kB;
- t1 = 0 <= b && b <= 100;
- t2 = type$.JSArray_double;
- if (t1)
- return A._setArrayType([coordA, coordB, b], t2);
- else
- return A._setArrayType([-1, -1, -1], t2);
- }
- },
- HctSolver__bisectToSegment(y, targetHue) {
- var right, leftHue, rightHue, initialized, uncut, n, mid, midHue,
- left = A._setArrayType([-1, -1, -1], type$.JSArray_double);
- for (right = left, leftHue = 0, rightHue = 0, initialized = false, uncut = true, n = 0; n < 12; ++n) {
- mid = A.HctSolver__nthVertex(y, n);
- if (mid[0] < 0)
- continue;
- midHue = A.HctSolver__hueOf(mid);
- if (!initialized) {
- rightHue = midHue;
- leftHue = rightHue;
- right = mid;
- left = right;
- initialized = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (uncut || B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(midHue - leftHue + 25.132741228718345, 6.283185307179586) < B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(rightHue - leftHue + 25.132741228718345, 6.283185307179586)) {
- if (B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(targetHue - leftHue + 25.132741228718345, 6.283185307179586) < B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(midHue - leftHue + 25.132741228718345, 6.283185307179586)) {
- rightHue = midHue;
- right = mid;
- } else {
- leftHue = midHue;
- left = mid;
- }
- uncut = false;
- }
- }
- return A._setArrayType([left, right], type$.JSArray_List_double);
- },
- HctSolver__bisectToLimit(y, targetHue) {
- var t1, axis, t2, t3, lPlane, rPlane, i, mPlane, midPlaneCoordinate, t, t4, t5, t6, mid, midHue,
- segment = A.HctSolver__bisectToSegment(y, targetHue),
- left = segment[0],
- leftHue = A.HctSolver__hueOf(left),
- right = segment[1];
- for (t1 = type$.JSArray_double, axis = 0; axis < 3; ++axis) {
- t2 = left[axis];
- t3 = right[axis];
- if (t2 !== t3) {
- if (t2 < t3) {
- lPlane = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(A.HctSolver__trueDelinearized(t2) - 0.5);
- rPlane = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(A.HctSolver__trueDelinearized(right[axis]) - 0.5);
- } else {
- lPlane = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(A.HctSolver__trueDelinearized(t2) - 0.5);
- rPlane = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(A.HctSolver__trueDelinearized(right[axis]) - 0.5);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
- if (Math.abs(rPlane - lPlane) <= 1)
- break;
- else {
- mPlane = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0((lPlane + rPlane) / 2);
- midPlaneCoordinate = $.HctSolver__CRITICAL_PLANES[mPlane];
- t2 = left[axis];
- t = (midPlaneCoordinate - t2) / (right[axis] - t2);
- t2 = left[0];
- t3 = right[0];
- t4 = left[1];
- t5 = right[1];
- t6 = left[2];
- mid = A._setArrayType([t2 + (t3 - t2) * t, t4 + (t5 - t4) * t, t6 + (right[2] - t6) * t], t1);
- midHue = A.HctSolver__hueOf(mid);
- if (B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(targetHue - leftHue + 25.132741228718345, 6.283185307179586) < B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(midHue - leftHue + 25.132741228718345, 6.283185307179586)) {
- rPlane = mPlane;
- right = mid;
- } else {
- lPlane = mPlane;
- leftHue = midHue;
- left = mid;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return A._setArrayType([(left[0] + right[0]) / 2, (left[1] + right[1]) / 2, (left[2] + right[2]) / 2], t1);
- },
- HctSolver__inverseChromaticAdaptation(adapted) {
- var adaptedAbs = Math.abs(adapted),
- base = Math.max(0, 27.13 * adaptedAbs / (400 - adaptedAbs));
- return A.MathUtils_signum(adapted) * Math.pow(base, 2.380952380952381);
- },
- HctSolver__findResultByJ(hueRadians, chroma, y) {
- var t4, t5, t6, iterationRound, jNormalized, t, p2, gamma, a, b, t7, linrgb, kR, kG, kB, t8, t9, fnj,
- j = Math.sqrt(y) * 11,
- viewingConditions = $.$get$ViewingConditions_standard(),
- tInnerCoeff = 1 / Math.pow(1.64 - Math.pow(0.29, viewingConditions.backgroundYTowhitePointY), 0.73),
- t1 = Math.cos(hueRadians + 2),
- t2 = viewingConditions.nC,
- t3 = viewingConditions.ncb,
- hSin = Math.sin(hueRadians),
- hCos = Math.cos(hueRadians);
- for (t4 = viewingConditions.aw, t5 = 1 / viewingConditions.c / viewingConditions.z, t6 = viewingConditions.nbb, t3 = 23 * (0.25 * (t1 + 3.8) * 3846.153846153846 * t2 * t3), t2 = type$.JSArray_double, t1 = chroma !== 0, iterationRound = 0; iterationRound < 5; ++iterationRound) {
- jNormalized = j / 100;
- t = Math.pow((!t1 || j === 0 ? 0 : chroma / Math.sqrt(jNormalized)) * tInnerCoeff, 1.1111111111111112);
- p2 = t4 * Math.pow(jNormalized, t5) / t6;
- gamma = 23 * (p2 + 0.305) * t / (t3 + 11 * t * hCos + 108 * t * hSin);
- a = gamma * hCos;
- b = gamma * hSin;
- t7 = 460 * p2;
- linrgb = A.MathUtils_matrixMultiply(A._setArrayType([A.HctSolver__inverseChromaticAdaptation((t7 + 451 * a + 288 * b) / 1403), A.HctSolver__inverseChromaticAdaptation((t7 - 891 * a - 261 * b) / 1403), A.HctSolver__inverseChromaticAdaptation((t7 - 220 * a - 6300 * b) / 1403)], t2), $.HctSolver__LINRGB_FROM_SCALED_DISCOUNT);
- t7 = linrgb[0];
- if (t7 < 0 || linrgb[1] < 0 || linrgb[2] < 0)
- return 0;
- kR = $.HctSolver__Y_FROM_LINRGB[0];
- kG = $.HctSolver__Y_FROM_LINRGB[1];
- kB = $.HctSolver__Y_FROM_LINRGB[2];
- t8 = linrgb[1];
- t9 = linrgb[2];
- fnj = kR * t7 + kG * t8 + kB * t9;
- if (fnj <= 0)
- return 0;
- if (iterationRound === 4 || Math.abs(fnj - y) < 0.002) {
- if (t7 > 100.01 || t8 > 100.01 || t9 > 100.01)
- return 0;
- return ((A.ColorUtils_delinearized(t7) & 255) << 16 | (A.ColorUtils_delinearized(linrgb[1]) & 255) << 8 | A.ColorUtils_delinearized(linrgb[2]) & 255 | 4278190080) >>> 0;
- }
- j -= (fnj - y) * j / (2 * fnj);
- }
- return 0;
- },
- HctSolver_solveToInt(hueDegrees, chroma, lstar) {
- var component, degrees, hueRadians, y, exactAnswer;
- if (chroma < 0.0001 || lstar < 0.0001 || lstar > 99.9999) {
- component = A.ColorUtils_delinearized(A.ColorUtils_yFromLstar(lstar));
- return A.ColorUtils_argbFromRgb(component, component, component);
- }
- degrees = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(hueDegrees, 360);
- hueRadians = (degrees < 0 ? degrees + 360 : degrees) / 180 * 3.141592653589793;
- y = A.ColorUtils_yFromLstar(lstar);
- exactAnswer = A.HctSolver__findResultByJ(hueRadians, chroma, y);
- if (exactAnswer !== 0)
- return exactAnswer;
- return A.ColorUtils_argbFromLinrgb(A.HctSolver__bisectToLimit(y, hueRadians));
- },
- ColorUtils_argbFromRgb(red, green, blue) {
- return ((red & 255) << 16 | (green & 255) << 8 | blue & 255 | 4278190080) >>> 0;
- },
- ColorUtils_argbFromLinrgb(linrgb) {
- return A.ColorUtils_argbFromRgb(A.ColorUtils_delinearized(linrgb[0]), A.ColorUtils_delinearized(linrgb[1]), A.ColorUtils_delinearized(linrgb[2]));
- },
- ColorUtils_xyzFromArgb(argb) {
- return A.MathUtils_matrixMultiply(A._setArrayType([A.ColorUtils_linearized(argb >>> 16 & 255), A.ColorUtils_linearized(argb >>> 8 & 255), A.ColorUtils_linearized(argb & 255)], type$.JSArray_double), $.ColorUtils__SRGB_TO_XYZ);
- },
- ColorUtils_yFromLstar(lstar) {
- return 100 * A.ColorUtils__labInvf((lstar + 16) / 116);
- },
- ColorUtils_linearized(rgbComponent) {
- var normalized = rgbComponent / 255;
- if (normalized <= 0.040449936)
- return normalized / 12.92 * 100;
- else
- return Math.pow((normalized + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4) * 100;
- },
- ColorUtils_delinearized(rgbComponent) {
- var normalized = rgbComponent / 100;
- return A.MathUtils_clampInt(0, 255, B.JSNumber_methods.round$0((normalized <= 0.0031308 ? normalized * 12.92 : 1.055 * Math.pow(normalized, 0.4166666666666667) - 0.055) * 255));
- },
- ColorUtils__labF(t) {
- if (t > 0.008856451679035631)
- return Math.pow(t, 0.3333333333333333);
- else
- return (903.2962962962963 * t + 16) / 116;
- },
- ColorUtils__labInvf(ft) {
- var ft3 = ft * ft * ft;
- if (ft3 > 0.008856451679035631)
- return ft3;
- else
- return (116 * ft - 16) / 903.2962962962963;
- },
- MathUtils_signum(num) {
- if (num < 0)
- return -1;
- else if (num === 0)
- return 0;
- else
- return 1;
- },
- MathUtils_lerp(start, $stop, amount) {
- return (1 - amount) * start + amount * $stop;
- },
- MathUtils_clampInt(min, max, input) {
- if (input < min)
- return min;
- else if (input > max)
- return max;
- return input;
- },
- MathUtils_matrixMultiply(row, matrix) {
- var t7, t8, t9, t10,
- t1 = row[0],
- t2 = matrix[0],
- t3 = t2[0],
- t4 = row[1],
- t5 = t2[1],
- t6 = row[2];
- t2 = t2[2];
- t7 = matrix[1];
- t8 = t7[0];
- t9 = t7[1];
- t7 = t7[2];
- t10 = matrix[2];
- return A._setArrayType([t1 * t3 + t4 * t5 + t6 * t2, t1 * t8 + t4 * t9 + t6 * t7, t1 * t10[0] + t4 * t10[1] + t6 * t10[2]], type$.JSArray_double);
- },
- current() {
- var exception, t1, path, lastIndex, uri = null;
- try {
- uri = A.Uri_base();
- } catch (exception) {
- if (type$.Exception._is(A.unwrapException(exception))) {
- t1 = $._current;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1;
- throw exception;
- } else
- throw exception;
- }
- if (J.$eq$(uri, $._currentUriBase)) {
- t1 = $._current;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- $._currentUriBase = uri;
- if ($.$get$Style_platform() == $.$get$Style_url())
- t1 = $._current = uri.resolve$1(".").toString$0(0);
- else {
- path = uri.toFilePath$0();
- lastIndex = path.length - 1;
- t1 = $._current = lastIndex === 0 ? path : B.JSString_methods.substring$2(path, 0, lastIndex);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- isAlphabetic(char) {
- var t1;
- if (!(char >= 65 && char <= 90))
- t1 = char >= 97 && char <= 122;
- else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- isDriveLetter(path, index) {
- var t1 = path.length,
- t2 = index + 2;
- if (t1 < t2)
- return false;
- if (!A.isAlphabetic(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(path, index)))
- return false;
- if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(path, index + 1) !== 58)
- return false;
- if (t1 === t2)
- return true;
- return B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(path, t2) === 47;
- },
- isAllTheSame(iter) {
- var firstValue, t1, t2, value;
- if (iter.get$length(iter) === 0)
- return true;
- firstValue = iter.get$first(iter);
- for (t1 = A.SubListIterable$(iter, 1, null, iter.$ti._eval$1("ListIterable.E")), t2 = t1.$ti, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1), t2._eval$1("ListIterator")), t2 = t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- value = t1.__internal$_current;
- if (!J.$eq$(value == null ? t2._as(value) : value, firstValue))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- replaceFirstNull(list, element) {
- var index = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(list, null);
- if (index < 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(A.S(list) + " contains no null elements.", null));
- list[index] = element;
- },
- replaceWithNull(list, element) {
- var index = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(list, element);
- if (index < 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(A.S(list) + " contains no elements matching " + element.toString$0(0) + ".", null));
- list[index] = null;
- },
- countCodeUnits(string, codeUnit) {
- var t1, t2, count, t3;
- for (t1 = new A.CodeUnits(string), t2 = type$.CodeUnits, t1 = new A.ListIterator(t1, t1.get$length(t1), t2._eval$1("ListIterator")), t2 = t2._eval$1("ListBase.E"), count = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1.__internal$_current;
- if ((t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3) === codeUnit)
- ++count;
- }
- return count;
- },
- findLineStart(context, text, column) {
- var beginningOfLine, index, lineStart;
- if (text.length === 0)
- for (beginningOfLine = 0; true;) {
- index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(context, "\n", beginningOfLine);
- if (index === -1)
- return context.length - beginningOfLine >= column ? beginningOfLine : null;
- if (index - beginningOfLine >= column)
- return beginningOfLine;
- beginningOfLine = index + 1;
- }
- index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(context, text);
- for (; index !== -1;) {
- lineStart = index === 0 ? 0 : B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$2(context, "\n", index - 1) + 1;
- if (column === index - lineStart)
- return lineStart;
- index = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(context, text, index + 1);
- }
- return null;
- },
- _getAlignedLabelLocations(stateProperties, seriesRendererDetails, point, dataLabel, chartLocation, chartLocation2, textSize) {
- var t1, isRangeSeries, isBoxSeries;
- stateProperties.CartesianStateProperties_chartState._widget.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- isRangeSeries = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "range") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "hilo") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "candle");
- isBoxSeries = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "boxandwhisker");
- if (!(B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "bar") && true)) {
- B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "column");
- B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "waterfall");
- t1 = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "hilo") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "candle") || isBoxSeries;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = chartLocation.x;
- chartLocation.x = t1;
- if (isRangeSeries || isBoxSeries) {
- t1 = chartLocation2.x;
- chartLocation2.x = t1;
- }
- } else {
- t1 = chartLocation.y;
- chartLocation.y = t1;
- if (isRangeSeries || isBoxSeries) {
- t1 = chartLocation2.y;
- chartLocation2.y = t1;
- }
- }
- return A._setArrayType([chartLocation, chartLocation2], type$.JSArray_nullable_ChartLocation);
- },
- _getLabelLocations(index, stateProperties, seriesRendererDetails, point, dataLabel, chartLocation, chartLocation2, textSize, textSize2) {
- var t2, isRangeSeries, isBoxSeries, value, minus, t3,
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- isRangeSeries = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "range") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "hilo") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "candle");
- isBoxSeries = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "boxandwhisker");
- seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (isRangeSeries)
- value = point.high;
- else
- value = isBoxSeries ? point.maximum : point.yValue;
- if (!(value < 0 && true))
- minus = false;
- else
- minus = true;
- if (!t1) {
- t1 = chartLocation.y;
- if (!isBoxSeries) {
- t2 = point.region;
- t2.toString;
- isRangeSeries;
- t1 = A._calculateRectPosition(t1, t2, minus, B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_0, seriesRendererDetails, textSize, 0, index, chartLocation, stateProperties, false, B.EdgeInsets_5_5_5_5);
- }
- chartLocation.y = t1;
- } else {
- t1 = chartLocation.x;
- if (!isBoxSeries) {
- t3 = point.region;
- t3.toString;
- if (!(B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "hilo") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "candle") || false))
- isRangeSeries;
- t1 = A._calculateRectPosition(t1, t3, minus, B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_0, seriesRendererDetails, textSize, 0, index, chartLocation, stateProperties, true, B.EdgeInsets_5_5_5_5);
- }
- chartLocation.x = t1;
- }
- if (isRangeSeries) {
- chartLocation2.toString;
- seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- if (seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A === "boxandwhisker") {
- t2 = point.minimum;
- t2.toString;
- if (!(t2 < 0 && true))
- minus = false;
- else
- minus = true;
- } else if (!(point.low < 0 && true))
- minus = false;
- else
- minus = true;
- t2 = point.region;
- if (!t1) {
- t1 = chartLocation2.y;
- t2.toString;
- chartLocation2.y = A._calculateRectPosition(t1, t2, minus, B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_2, seriesRendererDetails, textSize, 0, index, chartLocation, stateProperties, false, B.EdgeInsets_5_5_5_5);
- } else {
- t1 = chartLocation2.x;
- t2.toString;
- chartLocation2.x = A._calculateRectPosition(t1, t2, minus, B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_2, seriesRendererDetails, textSize, 0, index, chartLocation, stateProperties, true, B.EdgeInsets_5_5_5_5);
- }
- }
- return A._setArrayType([chartLocation, chartLocation2], type$.JSArray_nullable_ChartLocation);
- },
- _calculatePathPosition(labelLocation, position, size, borderWidth, seriesRendererDetails, index, inverted, point, stateProperties, currentPoint, markerSize) {
- var t1, t2;
- seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "area"))
- if (!B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "rangearea"))
- seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartSeries_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2.visibleSeriesRenderers.length === 1)
- t1 = (t1 === "stackedarea100" || t1 === "stackedline100") && position === B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_0;
- else
- t1 = false;
- switch ((t1 ? B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_3 : position).index) {
- case 2:
- case 1:
- labelLocation = labelLocation - markerSize._dy - borderWidth - size._dy / 2 - 5 - 5;
- break;
- case 3:
- labelLocation = labelLocation + markerSize._dy + borderWidth + size._dy / 2 + 5 + 5;
- break;
- case 0:
- seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- labelLocation = A._calculatePathActualPosition(seriesRendererDetails, size, index, inverted, borderWidth, point, stateProperties, currentPoint, false);
- break;
- case 4:
- break;
- }
- return labelLocation;
- },
- _calculatePathActualPosition(seriesRendererDetails, size, index, inverted, borderWidth, point, stateProperties, currentPoint, inversed) {
- var yLocation, points, t1, yValue, nextPoint, previousPoint, t2, position, slope, isBottom, dataLabelPosition, positionIndex, isOverLap, labelRect;
- seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- yLocation = A._Cell$named("yLocation");
- points = seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints;
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(points);
- yValue = t1.$index(points, index).yValue;
- nextPoint = t1.get$length(points) - 1 > index ? t1.$index(points, index + 1) : null;
- previousPoint = index > 0 ? t1.$index(points, index - 1) : null;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2 === "bubble" || index === t1.get$length(points) - 1)
- position = B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_2;
- else if (index === 0) {
- if (nextPoint.isVisible)
- if (!(yValue > nextPoint.yValue))
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- position = t1 ? B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_2 : B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_3;
- } else if (index === t1.get$length(points) - 1) {
- if (previousPoint.isVisible)
- if (!(yValue > previousPoint.yValue))
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- position = t1 ? B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_2 : B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_3;
- } else {
- t1 = !nextPoint.isVisible;
- if (t1 && !previousPoint.isVisible)
- position = B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_2;
- else if (t1)
- position = J.$gt$n(nextPoint.yValue, yValue) === true || J.$gt$n(previousPoint.yValue, yValue) === true ? B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_3 : B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_2;
- else {
- slope = J.$div$n(J.$sub$n(nextPoint.yValue, previousPoint.yValue), 2);
- t1 = J.$sub$n(nextPoint.yValue, slope * (index + 1));
- position = slope * index + t1 < yValue ? B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_2 : B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_3;
- }
- }
- isBottom = position === B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_3;
- dataLabelPosition = A.List_List$filled(5, null, false, type$.nullable_String);
- dataLabelPosition[0] = "DataLabelPosition.Outer";
- dataLabelPosition[1] = "DataLabelPosition.Top";
- dataLabelPosition[2] = "DataLabelPosition.Bottom";
- dataLabelPosition[3] = "DataLabelPosition.Middle";
- dataLabelPosition[4] = "DataLabelPosition.Auto";
- positionIndex = B.JSInt_methods.toInt$0(B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(dataLabelPosition, position._enumToString$0()));
- isOverLap = true;
- while (true) {
- if (!(isOverLap && positionIndex < 4))
- break;
- t1 = A._calculatePathPosition(point.y, position, size, borderWidth, seriesRendererDetails, index, inverted, point, stateProperties, currentPoint, new A.Size(4, 4));
- yLocation.__late_helper$_value = t1;
- t2 = point.x;
- labelRect = A._calculateLabelRect(new A.ChartLocation(t2, t1), size, B.EdgeInsets_5_5_5_5, false);
- t1 = labelRect.top;
- if (!(t1 < 0)) {
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!(t1 + (labelRect.bottom - t1) > t2.bottom - t2.top)) {
- t1 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_renderDatalabelRegions_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = A.findingCollision(labelRect, t1);
- isOverLap = t1;
- } else
- isOverLap = true;
- } else
- isOverLap = true;
- positionIndex = isBottom ? positionIndex - 1 : positionIndex + 1;
- isBottom = false;
- }
- return yLocation._readLocal$0();
- },
- _getPosition(position) {
- var dataLabelPosition = A._Cell$named("dataLabelPosition");
- switch (position) {
- case 0:
- dataLabelPosition.__late_helper$_value = B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_1;
- break;
- case 1:
- dataLabelPosition.__late_helper$_value = B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_2;
- break;
- case 2:
- dataLabelPosition.__late_helper$_value = B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_3;
- break;
- case 3:
- dataLabelPosition.__late_helper$_value = B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_4;
- break;
- case 4:
- dataLabelPosition.__late_helper$_value = B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_0;
- break;
- }
- return dataLabelPosition._readLocal$0();
- },
- _calculateLabelRect($location, textSize, margin, needRect) {
- var t7,
- t1 = $location.x,
- t2 = textSize._dx,
- t3 = $location.y,
- t4 = textSize._dy,
- t5 = t2 / 2,
- t6 = t4 / 2;
- if (needRect) {
- t7 = margin.left;
- t5 = t1 - t5 - t7;
- t1 = margin.top;
- t6 = t3 - t6 - t1;
- t1 = new A.Rect(t5, t6, t5 + (t2 + t7 + margin.right), t6 + (t4 + t1 + margin.bottom));
- } else {
- t1 -= t5;
- t6 = t3 - t6;
- t4 = new A.Rect(t1, t6, t1 + t2, t6 + t4);
- t1 = t4;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- _drawDataLabelRectAndText(canvas, seriesRendererDetails, index, dataLabel, point, textStyle, opacity, label, x, y, stateProperties, chart) {
- var label2, t2, label20, label3, label4, label5, isRangeSeries, isBoxSeries, t3, rect, t4, padding, t5, t6, index0, color, textStyleOpenClose, _null = null,
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_dataLabelSettingsRenderer_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- label2 = point.dataLabelMapper;
- t2 = label2 == null;
- label20 = t2 ? point.label2 : label2;
- label3 = t2 ? point.label3 : label2;
- label4 = t2 ? point.label4 : label2;
- label5 = t2 ? point.label5 : label2;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- isRangeSeries = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "range") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "hilo") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "candle");
- isBoxSeries = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "boxandwhisker");
- t2 = t1.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2 > 0) {
- t3 = point.dataLabelRegion;
- rect = A.rotatedTextSize(new A.Size(t3.right - t3.left, t3.bottom - t3.top), t2);
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = rect.top;
- if (t2.top > point.dataLabelRegion.get$center()._dy + t3) {
- t2 = point.dataLabelRegion.get$center();
- t4 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- padding = t2._dy + t3 - t4.top;
- } else {
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = rect.bottom;
- if (t2.bottom < point.dataLabelRegion.get$center()._dy + t3) {
- t2 = point.dataLabelRegion.get$center();
- t4 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- padding = t2._dy + t3 - t4.bottom;
- } else
- padding = 0;
- }
- } else
- padding = 0;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.renderer;
- t3 = t1.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A !== 0 ? point.dataLabelRegion.get$center()._dx + x : point.labelLocation.x + x;
- t4 = t1.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A !== 0 ? point.dataLabelRegion.get$center()._dy - y - padding : point.labelLocation.y - y;
- t2.drawDataLabel$7(index, canvas, label, t3, t4, t1.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A, textStyle);
- if (isRangeSeries || isBoxSeries) {
- t3 = isBoxSeries ? point.minimum : point.low;
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t4.toString;
- if (A.withInRange(t3, t4)) {
- label20.toString;
- t3 = point.labelLocation2;
- t2.drawDataLabel$7(index, canvas, label20, t3.x + x, t3.y - y, t1.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A, textStyle);
- }
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (t3 === "hiloopenclose")
- t4 = label3 != null && label4 != null && B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(point.labelLocation3.y - point.labelLocation4.y) >= 8 || B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(point.labelLocation4.x - point.labelLocation3.x) >= 15;
- else
- t4 = false;
- if (t4) {
- label3.toString;
- t3 = point.labelLocation3;
- t2.drawDataLabel$7(index, canvas, label3, t3.x + x, t3.y + y, t1.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A, textStyle);
- label4.toString;
- t2.drawDataLabel$7(index, canvas, label4, point.labelLocation4.x + x, point.labelLocation3.y + y, t1.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A, textStyle);
- } else {
- if (label3 != null)
- if (label4 != null) {
- t4 = point.labelLocation3;
- t5 = t4.y;
- t6 = point.labelLocation4;
- t4 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t5 - t6.y) >= 8 || B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t6.x - t4.x) >= 15;
- } else
- t4 = false;
- else
- t4 = false;
- if (t4) {
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t3, "candle")) {
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.visibleDataPoints;
- t3.toString;
- index0 = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(t3, point);
- } else
- index0 = J.indexOf$1$asx(seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints, point);
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.segments[index0].fillPaint;
- if (t3.get$style(t3) === B.PaintingStyle_0) {
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.segments[index0]._segmentProperties.color;
- t3.toString;
- color = t3;
- } else
- color = B.Color_4294967295;
- t3 = A.getSaturationColor(color).value;
- textStyleOpenClose = A.TextStyle$(textStyle.background, textStyle.backgroundColor, A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(255 * opacity), t3 >>> 16 & 255, t3 >>> 8 & 255, t3 & 255), textStyle.debugLabel, textStyle.decoration, textStyle.decorationColor, textStyle.decorationStyle, textStyle.decorationThickness, textStyle.fontFamily, textStyle.get$fontFamilyFallback(), textStyle.fontFeatures, textStyle.fontSize, textStyle.fontStyle, _null, textStyle.fontWeight, textStyle.foreground, textStyle.height, textStyle.inherit, _null, textStyle.letterSpacing, textStyle.locale, _null, _null, textStyle.shadows, textStyle.textBaseline, textStyle.wordSpacing);
- t3 = point.labelLocation2;
- t4 = t3.y;
- t5 = point.labelLocation3;
- t6 = t5.y;
- if (Math.abs(t4 - t6) >= 8 || Math.abs(t3.x - t5.x) >= 8)
- t2.drawDataLabel$7(index, canvas, label3, t5.x + x, t6 + y, t1.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A, textStyleOpenClose);
- t3 = point.labelLocation;
- t4 = t3.y;
- t5 = point.labelLocation4;
- t6 = t5.y;
- if (Math.abs(t4 - t6) >= 8 || Math.abs(t3.x - t5.x) >= 8)
- t2.drawDataLabel$7(index, canvas, label4, t5.x + x, t6 + y, t1.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A, textStyleOpenClose);
- if (label5 != null && point.labelLocation5 != null) {
- t3 = point.labelLocation5;
- t2.drawDataLabel$7(index, canvas, label5, t3.x + x, t3.y + y, t1.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A, textStyleOpenClose);
- }
- if (isBoxSeries)
- point.outliers.toString;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- _getLabelText(labelValue, seriesRendererDetails) {
- var list, t2, t3,
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$(labelValue);
- if (t1.toString$0(labelValue).split(".").length > 1) {
- list = t1.toString$0(labelValue).split(".");
- labelValue = A.double_parse(t1.toStringAsFixed$1(labelValue, 6));
- t1 = list[1];
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$(t1);
- if (t2.$eq(t1, "0") || t2.$eq(t1, "00") || t2.$eq(t1, "000") || t2.$eq(t1, "0000") || t2.$eq(t1, "00000") || t2.$eq(t1, "000000"))
- labelValue = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(labelValue);
- }
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 instanceof A.NumericAxis || false) {
- t1 = t1.labelFormat;
- t2 = t1 != null && t1 !== "";
- t3 = J.getInterceptor$(labelValue);
- if (t2) {
- t2 = A.RegExp_RegExp("{value}", true, false);
- t3 = t3.toString$0(labelValue);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1, t2, t3);
- } else
- t1 = t3.toString$0(labelValue);
- return A._asString(t1);
- } else
- return J.toString$0$(labelValue);
- },
- _calculateRectPosition(labelLocation, rect, isMinus, position, seriesRendererDetails, textSize, borderWidth, index, point, stateProperties, inverted, margin) {
- var t1, padding, t2, textLength, extraSpace, $location;
- seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- padding = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "hilo") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "candle") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "rangecolumn") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "boxandwhisker") ? 2 : 5;
- t2 = !inverted;
- textLength = t2 ? textSize._dy : textSize._dx;
- extraSpace = borderWidth + textLength / 2 + padding + padding;
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "stack"))
- position = position === B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_1 ? B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_2 : position;
- switch (position.index) {
- case 3:
- if (t2) {
- t1 = rect.bottom - rect.top;
- labelLocation = isMinus ? labelLocation - t1 + extraSpace : labelLocation + t1 - extraSpace;
- } else {
- t1 = rect.right - rect.left;
- labelLocation = isMinus ? labelLocation + t1 - extraSpace : labelLocation - t1 + extraSpace;
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- if (t2) {
- t1 = rect.bottom - rect.top;
- labelLocation = isMinus ? labelLocation - t1 / 2 : labelLocation + t1 / 2;
- } else {
- t1 = rect.right - rect.left;
- labelLocation = isMinus ? labelLocation + t1 / 2 : labelLocation - t1 / 2;
- }
- break;
- case 0:
- labelLocation = A._calculateRectActualPosition(labelLocation, rect, isMinus, seriesRendererDetails, textSize, index, point, inverted, borderWidth, stateProperties, margin);
- break;
- case 2:
- case 1:
- if (!(isMinus && !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "range") && position === B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_2))
- t1 = (!isMinus || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "range")) && position === B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_1;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- $location = t2 ? labelLocation - extraSpace - 0 : labelLocation + extraSpace + 0;
- else
- $location = t2 ? labelLocation + extraSpace + 0 : labelLocation - extraSpace - 0;
- labelLocation = $location;
- break;
- }
- return labelLocation;
- },
- _calculateRectActualPosition(labelLocation, rect, minus, seriesRendererDetails, textSize, index, point, inverted, borderWidth, stateProperties, margin) {
- var t1, finalPosition, isOverLap, position, t2, t3, labelRect, dataPoints,
- $location = A._Cell$named("location");
- seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- finalPosition = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "range") ? 2 : 4;
- t1 = !inverted;
- isOverLap = true;
- position = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(isOverLap && position < finalPosition))
- break;
- t2 = $location.__late_helper$_value = A._calculateRectPosition(labelLocation, rect, minus, A._getPosition(position), seriesRendererDetails, textSize, borderWidth, index, point, stateProperties, inverted, margin);
- if (t1) {
- t3 = point.x;
- labelRect = A._calculateLabelRect(new A.ChartLocation(t3, t2), textSize, margin, false);
- t2 = labelRect.top;
- if (!(t2 < 0)) {
- t3 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!(t2 > t3.bottom - t3.top)) {
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_renderDatalabelRegions_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = A.findingCollision(labelRect, t2);
- isOverLap = t2;
- } else
- isOverLap = true;
- } else
- isOverLap = true;
- } else {
- t3 = point.y;
- labelRect = A._calculateLabelRect(new A.ChartLocation(t2, t3), textSize, margin, false);
- t2 = labelRect.left;
- if (!(t2 < 0)) {
- t3 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!(t2 + (labelRect.right - t2) > t3.right))
- isOverLap = false;
- else
- isOverLap = true;
- } else
- isOverLap = true;
- }
- dataPoints = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A === "fastline" ? seriesRendererDetails.sampledDataPoints : seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints;
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(dataPoints);
- t3 = t2.$index(dataPoints, index);
- t3.dataLabelSaturationRegionInside = isOverLap || t2.$index(dataPoints, index).dataLabelSaturationRegionInside;
- ++position;
- }
- return $location._readLocal$0();
- },
- _validateRect(rect, clipRect) {
- var t1, t2, t3,
- left = rect.left,
- left0 = clipRect.left,
- left1 = left < left0 ? left0 : left,
- $top = rect.top,
- top0 = clipRect.top;
- top0 = A.double_parse(B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1($top, 2)) < top0 ? top0 : $top;
- t1 = rect.right - left;
- t2 = clipRect.right;
- left = left1 - (A.double_parse(B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(left1, 2)) + t1 > t2 ? A.double_parse(B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(left1, 2)) + t1 - t2 : 0);
- t2 = rect.bottom - $top;
- t3 = clipRect.bottom;
- $top = top0 - (A.double_parse(B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(top0, 2)) + t2 > t3 ? A.double_parse(B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(top0, 2)) + t2 - t3 : 0);
- if (left < left0)
- left = left0;
- return new A.Rect(left, $top, left + t1, $top + t2);
- },
- isLabelWithinRange(seriesRendererDetails, point) {
- var isBoxSeries, t2, isWithInRange,
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- isBoxSeries = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "boxandwhisker");
- if (!(seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails instanceof A.LogarithmicAxisDetails)) {
- t1 = point.xValue;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails;
- t2.toString;
- if (A.withInRange(t1, t2)) {
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "range") || t1 === "hilo") {
- if (!(isBoxSeries && point.minimum != null && point.maximum != null))
- if (!isBoxSeries) {
- t1 = point.low;
- if (t1 != null)
- if (point.high != null) {
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t2.toString;
- if (!A.withInRange(t1, t2)) {
- t1 = point.high;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = A.withInRange(t1, t2);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- isWithInRange = t1;
- } else {
- if (t1 === "hiloopenclose" || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "candle") || isBoxSeries) {
- t1 = isBoxSeries ? point.minimum : point.low;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t2.toString;
- if (A.withInRange(t1, t2)) {
- t1 = isBoxSeries ? point.maximum : point.high;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t2.toString;
- if (A.withInRange(t1, t2)) {
- t1 = isBoxSeries ? point.lowerQuartile : point.open;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t2.toString;
- if (A.withInRange(t1, t2)) {
- t1 = isBoxSeries ? point.upperQuartile : point.close;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = A.withInRange(t1, t2);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else {
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "100"))
- t1 = point.cumulativeValue;
- else if (t1 === "waterfall") {
- t1 = point.endValue;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = 0;
- } else
- t1 = point.yValue;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = A.withInRange(t1, t2);
- t1 = t2;
- }
- isWithInRange = t1;
- }
- } else
- isWithInRange = false;
- } else
- isWithInRange = true;
- return isWithInRange;
- },
- calculateDataLabelPosition(seriesRendererDetails, point, index, stateProperties, dataLabelSettingsRenderer, dataLabelAnimation, templateSize, templateLocation) {
- var t1, t2, dataLabel, t3, t4, rect, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, value1, value2, clipRect, isRangeSeries, isBoxSeries, labelList, label, isCustomTextColor, textStyle, markerPointX, markerPointY, markerPoint2, markerPoint3, font, textSize, chartLocation, textSize2, chartLocation2, alignedLabelLocations, locations, textSize3, chartLocation3, textSize4, chartLocation4, textSize5, chartLocation5, alignedLabelLocations2, rect2, rect3, rect4, rect5, t10, t0, _null = null, _s4_ = "hilo", _s6_ = "candle",
- _s13_ = "boxandwhisker";
- stateProperties.CartesianStateProperties_chartState._widget.toString;
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_series_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = dataLabelSettingsRenderer.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (B.JSInt_methods.get$isNegative(t2))
- dataLabelSettingsRenderer.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A = dataLabelSettingsRenderer.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A + 360;
- dataLabel = t1.CartesianSeries_dataLabelSettings;
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_chartAxis_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__ChartAxisPanel_axisClipRect_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3.plotOffset;
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t4.plotOffset;
- rect = A.calculatePlotOffset(t2, new A.Offset(t3, t4));
- t5 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t5, _s4_);
- if (!t6 || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t5, _s6_)) {
- t7 = point.open;
- t8 = t7 != null;
- if (t8) {
- t9 = point.close;
- t9 = t9 != null && t9 < t7;
- } else
- t9 = false;
- value1 = t9 ? point.close : t7;
- if (value1 == null)
- value1 = _null;
- if (t8) {
- t8 = point.close;
- t8 = t8 != null && t8 > t7;
- } else
- t8 = false;
- value2 = t8 ? point.close : t7;
- if (value2 == null)
- value2 = _null;
- } else {
- value2 = _null;
- value1 = value2;
- }
- t7 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t7 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- clipRect = A.calculatePlotOffset(t2, new A.Offset(t3, t4));
- isRangeSeries = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t5, "range") || !t6 || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t5, _s6_);
- isBoxSeries = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t5, _s13_);
- if (isBoxSeries) {
- t2 = point.lowerQuartile;
- t2.toString;
- value2 = t2;
- value1 = value2;
- }
- labelList = [];
- t2 = point.dataLabelMapper;
- label = t2 == null ? point.label : t2;
- if (label == null) {
- if (isRangeSeries)
- t2 = point.high;
- else if (isBoxSeries)
- t2 = point.maximum;
- else
- t2 = point.yValue;
- label = A._getLabelText(t2, seriesRendererDetails);
- }
- if (isRangeSeries) {
- t2 = point.dataLabelMapper;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = point.label2;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = point.low;
- t2 = A._getLabelText(t2, seriesRendererDetails);
- }
- point.label2 = t2;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (t2 === "hiloopenclose" || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s6_)) {
- t2 = point.dataLabelMapper;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = point.label3;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = point.open;
- t3 = point.close;
- if (t2 > t3)
- t2 = t3;
- t2 = A._getLabelText(t2, seriesRendererDetails);
- }
- point.label3 = t2;
- t2 = point.dataLabelMapper;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = point.label4;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = point.open;
- t3 = point.close;
- if (!(t2 > t3))
- t2 = t3;
- t2 = A._getLabelText(t2, seriesRendererDetails);
- }
- point.label4 = t2;
- }
- } else if (isBoxSeries) {
- t2 = point.dataLabelMapper;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = point.label2;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = point.minimum;
- t2 = A._getLabelText(t2, seriesRendererDetails);
- }
- point.label2 = t2;
- t2 = point.dataLabelMapper;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = point.label3;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = point.lowerQuartile;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = point.upperQuartile;
- t3.toString;
- if (t2.$gt(0, t3))
- t2 = point.upperQuartile;
- else
- t2 = point.lowerQuartile;
- t2 = A._getLabelText(t2, seriesRendererDetails);
- }
- point.label3 = t2;
- t2 = point.dataLabelMapper;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = point.label4;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = point.lowerQuartile;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = point.upperQuartile;
- t3.toString;
- if (t2.$gt(0, t3))
- t2 = point.lowerQuartile;
- else
- t2 = point.upperQuartile;
- t2 = A._getLabelText(t2, seriesRendererDetails);
- }
- point.label4 = t2;
- t2 = point.dataLabelMapper;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = point.label5;
- point.label5 = t2 == null ? A._getLabelText(point.median, seriesRendererDetails) : t2;
- }
- t2 = dataLabelSettingsRenderer.originalStyle;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_renderingDetails_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t2.__RenderingDetails_themeData_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3.textTheme.bodySmall;
- t3.toString;
- t2 = t2.__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = dataLabelSettingsRenderer.originalStyle = t3.merge$1(t2.dataLabelTextStyle).merge$1(dataLabel.textStyle);
- }
- t3 = dataLabel.textStyle;
- t4 = stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_renderingDetails_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4.__RenderingDetails_chartTheme_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if ((t3 == null ? _null : t3.color) == null)
- isCustomTextColor = false;
- else
- isCustomTextColor = true;
- point._isCustomTextColor = dataLabelSettingsRenderer.isCustomTextColor = isCustomTextColor;
- textStyle = t2.copyWith$1$color(isCustomTextColor ? t2.color : A.getDataLabelSaturationColor(point, seriesRendererDetails, stateProperties, dataLabelSettingsRenderer)).copyWith$0();
- dataLabelSettingsRenderer.textStyle = textStyle;
- if (point.isVisible)
- if (!point.isGap) {
- J.$eq$(point.y, 0);
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s4_) || t2 === "candle" || isBoxSeries) {
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = point.region;
- markerPointX = t2 ? t3.get$centerRight()._dx : t3.get$topCenter()._dx;
- } else
- markerPointX = point.markerPoint.x;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s4_) || t2 === "candle" || isBoxSeries) {
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = point.region;
- markerPointY = t2 ? t3.get$centerRight()._dy : t3.get$topCenter()._dy;
- } else
- markerPointY = point.markerPoint.y;
- t2 = point.xValue;
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t3.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails;
- t4.toString;
- markerPoint2 = A.calculatePoint(t2, value1, t4, t3, stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A, t1, rect);
- t3 = point.xValue;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.yAxisDetails;
- t2.__ChartAxisRendererDetails_axis_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.xAxisDetails;
- t4.toString;
- markerPoint3 = A.calculatePoint(t3, value2, t4, t2, stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A, t1, rect);
- font = dataLabelSettingsRenderer.textStyle;
- if (font == null)
- font = textStyle;
- t1 = labelList.length !== 0 ? labelList[0] : label;
- point.label = t1;
- textSize = A.measureText(t1, font, _null);
- chartLocation = new A.ChartLocation(markerPointX, markerPointY);
- t1 = !isRangeSeries;
- if (!t1 || isBoxSeries) {
- t2 = labelList.length !== 0 ? labelList[1] : point.label2;
- point.label2 = t2;
- t2.toString;
- textSize2 = A.measureText(t2, font, _null);
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s4_) || t2 === "candle" || isBoxSeries) {
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = point.region;
- t2 = t2 ? t3.get$centerLeft()._dx : t3.get$bottomCenter()._dx;
- } else
- t2 = point.markerPoint2.x;
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t3, _s4_) || t3 === "candle" || isBoxSeries) {
- t3 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = point.region;
- t3 = t3 ? t4.get$centerLeft()._dy : t4.get$bottomCenter()._dy;
- } else
- t3 = point.markerPoint2.y;
- chartLocation2 = new A.ChartLocation(t2, t3);
- if (isBoxSeries) {
- t4 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t4.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t4) {
- chartLocation.y = markerPointY - 8;
- chartLocation2.y = t3 + 8;
- } else {
- chartLocation.x = markerPointX + 8;
- chartLocation2.x = t2 - 8;
- }
- }
- } else {
- chartLocation2 = _null;
- textSize2 = chartLocation2;
- }
- alignedLabelLocations = A._getAlignedLabelLocations(stateProperties, seriesRendererDetails, point, dataLabel, chartLocation, chartLocation2, textSize);
- chartLocation = alignedLabelLocations[0];
- chartLocation2 = alignedLabelLocations[1];
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (!B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "column") && !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "waterfall") && !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "bar") && !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "histogram") && !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, "rangearea") && !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s4_) && !B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s6_) && !isBoxSeries) {
- t2 = chartLocation.y;
- chartLocation.y = A._calculatePathPosition(t2, B.ChartDataLabelAlignment_0, textSize, 0, seriesRendererDetails, index, t7, chartLocation, stateProperties, point, new A.Size(0, 0));
- } else {
- locations = A._getLabelLocations(index, stateProperties, seriesRendererDetails, point, dataLabel, chartLocation, chartLocation2, textSize, textSize2);
- chartLocation = locations[0];
- chartLocation2 = locations[1];
- }
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (t2 === "hiloopenclose" || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s6_) || isBoxSeries) {
- if (!isBoxSeries) {
- t2 = labelList.length !== 0;
- t3 = point.label3 = t2 ? labelList[2] : point.label3;
- point.label4 = t2 ? labelList[3] : point.label4;
- t2 = t3;
- } else {
- t2 = labelList.length !== 0;
- t3 = point.label3 = t2 ? labelList[2] : point.label3;
- point.label4 = t2 ? labelList[3] : point.label4;
- point.label5 = t2 ? labelList[4] : point.label5;
- t2 = t3;
- }
- t2.toString;
- textSize3 = A.measureText(t2, font, _null);
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s4_))
- chartLocation3 = point.open > point.close ? new A.ChartLocation(point.centerClosePoint.x + textSize3._dx, point.closePoint.y) : new A.ChartLocation(point.centerOpenPoint.x - textSize3._dx, point.openPoint.y);
- else {
- if (t2 === "candle") {
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t2 = point.open;
- t3 = point.close;
- markerPoint2 = markerPoint2.y + 1;
- chartLocation3 = t2 > t3 ? new A.ChartLocation(point.closePoint.x, markerPoint2) : new A.ChartLocation(point.openPoint.x, markerPoint2);
- } else if (isBoxSeries) {
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- chartLocation3 = t2 ? new A.ChartLocation(point.lowerQuartilePoint.x + 8, markerPoint2.y + 1) : new A.ChartLocation(point.region.get$topCenter()._dx, markerPoint2.y - 8);
- } else
- chartLocation3 = new A.ChartLocation(point.region.get$topCenter()._dx, markerPoint2.y);
- }
- t2 = point.label4;
- t2.toString;
- textSize4 = A.measureText(t2, font, _null);
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s4_))
- chartLocation4 = point.open > point.close ? new A.ChartLocation(point.centerOpenPoint.x - textSize4._dx, point.openPoint.y) : new A.ChartLocation(point.centerClosePoint.x + textSize4._dx, point.closePoint.y);
- else {
- if (t2 === "candle") {
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t2 = point.open;
- t3 = point.close;
- markerPoint3 = markerPoint3.y + 1;
- chartLocation4 = t2 > t3 ? new A.ChartLocation(point.openPoint.x, markerPoint3) : new A.ChartLocation(point.closePoint.x, markerPoint3);
- } else if (isBoxSeries) {
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- chartLocation4 = t2 ? new A.ChartLocation(point.upperQuartilePoint.x - 8, markerPoint3.y + 1) : new A.ChartLocation(point.region.get$bottomCenter()._dx, markerPoint3.y + 8);
- } else
- chartLocation4 = new A.ChartLocation(point.region.get$bottomCenter()._dx, markerPoint3.y + 1);
- }
- if (isBoxSeries) {
- t2 = point.label5;
- t2.toString;
- textSize5 = A.measureText(t2, font, _null);
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_stateProperties_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = point.centerMedianPoint;
- chartLocation5 = !t2 ? new A.ChartLocation(t3.x, t3.y) : new A.ChartLocation(t3.x, t3.y);
- } else {
- chartLocation5 = _null;
- textSize5 = chartLocation5;
- }
- alignedLabelLocations2 = A._getAlignedLabelLocations(stateProperties, seriesRendererDetails, point, dataLabel, chartLocation3, chartLocation4, textSize3);
- locations = A._getLabelLocations(index, stateProperties, seriesRendererDetails, point, dataLabel, alignedLabelLocations2[0], alignedLabelLocations2[1], textSize3, textSize4);
- chartLocation3 = locations[0];
- chartLocation4 = locations[1];
- } else {
- chartLocation5 = _null;
- chartLocation4 = chartLocation5;
- chartLocation3 = chartLocation4;
- textSize5 = chartLocation3;
- textSize4 = textSize5;
- textSize3 = textSize4;
- }
- chartLocation.toString;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_dataLabelSettingsRenderer_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- isBoxSeries = B.JSString_methods.contains$1(seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A, _s13_);
- rect = A._calculateLabelRect(chartLocation, textSize, B.EdgeInsets_5_5_5_5, false);
- if (index === 0 || index === J.get$length$asx(seriesRendererDetails.dataPoints) - 1) {
- t3 = t2.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(t3 / 90, 2) === 1 && !stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (!t3) {
- t2 = t2.__DataLabelSettingsRenderer_angle_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- rect = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(t2 / 90, 2) === 1 ? rect : A._validateRect(rect, clipRect);
- }
- if (!t1 || isBoxSeries) {
- chartLocation2.toString;
- textSize2.toString;
- rect2 = A._validateRect(A._calculateLabelRect(chartLocation2, textSize2, B.EdgeInsets_5_5_5_5, false), clipRect);
- } else
- rect2 = _null;
- t2 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s6_) || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t2, _s4_) || isBoxSeries)
- t2 = chartLocation3 != null || chartLocation4 != null || chartLocation5 != null;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- chartLocation3.toString;
- textSize3.toString;
- rect3 = A._validateRect(A._calculateLabelRect(chartLocation3, textSize3, B.EdgeInsets_5_5_5_5, false), clipRect);
- chartLocation4.toString;
- textSize4.toString;
- rect4 = A._validateRect(A._calculateLabelRect(chartLocation4, textSize4, B.EdgeInsets_5_5_5_5, false), clipRect);
- if (isBoxSeries) {
- chartLocation5.toString;
- textSize5.toString;
- rect5 = A._validateRect(A._calculateLabelRect(chartLocation5, textSize5, B.EdgeInsets_5_5_5_5, false), clipRect);
- } else
- rect5 = _null;
- } else {
- rect5 = _null;
- rect4 = rect5;
- rect3 = rect4;
- }
- if (seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A === "candle" && stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A && point.close > point.high) {
- t2 = rect.left;
- t3 = textSize._dx;
- t4 = rect.top;
- t5 = textSize._dy;
- t4 = point.labelLocation = new A.ChartLocation(t2 - (rect.right - t2) - t3 - 2, t4 + (rect.bottom - t4) / 2 - t5 / 2);
- t2 = t3;
- t3 = t5;
- } else {
- if (isBoxSeries)
- if (stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A) {
- t2 = point.upperQuartile;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = point.maximum;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t2.$gt(0, t3);
- t2 = t3;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t2 = rect.left;
- t3 = textSize._dx;
- t4 = rect.top;
- t5 = textSize._dy;
- t4 = new A.ChartLocation(t2 - (rect.right - t2) - t3 - 2, t4 + (rect.bottom - t4) / 2 - t5 / 2);
- point.labelLocation = t4;
- t2 = t3;
- t3 = t5;
- } else if (seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A === "candle" && !stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A && point.close > point.high) {
- t2 = rect.left;
- t3 = textSize._dx;
- t4 = rect.top;
- t5 = textSize._dy;
- t4 = new A.ChartLocation(t2 + (rect.right - t2) / 2 - t3 / 2, t4 + (rect.bottom - t4) + t5 / 2);
- point.labelLocation = t4;
- t2 = t3;
- t3 = t5;
- } else {
- if (isBoxSeries)
- if (!stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A) {
- t2 = point.upperQuartile;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = point.maximum;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t2.$gt(0, t3);
- t2 = t3;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = false;
- t3 = rect.left;
- t4 = textSize._dx;
- t5 = rect.top;
- t6 = textSize._dy;
- t7 = rect.right - t3;
- t8 = t4 / 2;
- t9 = rect.bottom - t5;
- t10 = t6 / 2;
- if (t2) {
- t2 = new A.ChartLocation(t3 + t7 / 2 - t8, t5 + t9 + t10);
- point.labelLocation = t2;
- } else {
- t2 = new A.ChartLocation(t3 + t7 / 2 - t8, t5 + t9 / 2 - t10);
- point.labelLocation = t2;
- }
- t3 = t6;
- t0 = t4;
- t4 = t2;
- t2 = t0;
- }
- }
- t5 = t4.x;
- t4 = t4.y;
- point.dataLabelRegion = new A.Rect(t5, t4, t5 + t2, t4 + t3);
- if (!t1 || isBoxSeries) {
- if (seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A === "candle" && stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A && point.close > point.high) {
- t1 = rect2.left;
- t2 = rect2.right;
- t3 = textSize2._dx;
- t4 = rect2.top;
- rect2 = rect2.bottom;
- t5 = textSize2._dy;
- t4 = point.labelLocation2 = new A.ChartLocation(t1 + (t2 - t1) + t3 + 2, t4 + (rect2 - t4) / 2 - t5 / 2);
- t2 = t5;
- t1 = t3;
- t3 = t4;
- } else {
- if (isBoxSeries)
- if (stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A) {
- t1 = point.upperQuartile;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = point.maximum;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = t1.$gt(0, t2);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = rect2.left;
- t2 = rect2.right;
- t3 = textSize2._dx;
- t4 = rect2.top;
- rect2 = rect2.bottom;
- t5 = textSize2._dy;
- t4 = new A.ChartLocation(t1 + (t2 - t1) + t3 + 2, t4 + (rect2 - t4) / 2 - t5 / 2);
- point.labelLocation2 = t4;
- t2 = t5;
- t1 = t3;
- t3 = t4;
- } else if (seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A === "candle" && !stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A && point.close > point.high) {
- t1 = rect2.left;
- t2 = rect2.right;
- t3 = textSize2._dx;
- t4 = rect2.top;
- rect2 = rect2.bottom;
- t5 = textSize2._dy;
- t4 = new A.ChartLocation(t1 + (t2 - t1) / 2 - t3 / 2, t4 - (rect2 - t4) - t5);
- point.labelLocation2 = t4;
- t2 = t5;
- t1 = t3;
- t3 = t4;
- } else {
- if (isBoxSeries)
- if (!stateProperties.__CartesianStateProperties_requireInvertedAxis_A) {
- t1 = point.upperQuartile;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = point.maximum;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = t1.$gt(0, t2);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = rect2.left;
- t2 = rect2.right;
- t3 = textSize2._dx;
- t4 = rect2.top;
- rect2 = rect2.bottom;
- t5 = textSize2._dy;
- t4 = new A.ChartLocation(t1 + (t2 - t1) / 2 - t3 / 2, t4 - (rect2 - t4) - t5);
- point.labelLocation2 = t4;
- t2 = t5;
- t1 = t3;
- t3 = t4;
- } else {
- t1 = rect2.left;
- t2 = rect2.right;
- t3 = textSize2._dx;
- t4 = rect2.top;
- rect2 = rect2.bottom;
- t5 = textSize2._dy;
- t4 = new A.ChartLocation(t1 + (t2 - t1) / 2 - t3 / 2, t4 + (rect2 - t4) / 2 - t5 / 2);
- point.labelLocation2 = t4;
- t2 = t5;
- t1 = t3;
- t3 = t4;
- }
- }
- }
- t4 = t3.x;
- t3 = t3.y;
- textSize2.toString;
- point.dataLabelRegion2 = new A.Rect(t4, t3, t4 + t1, t3 + t2);
- }
- t1 = seriesRendererDetails.__SeriesRendererDetails_seriesType_A;
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, _s6_) || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, _s4_) || isBoxSeries)
- t1 = rect3 != null || rect4 != null;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = rect3.left;
- t2 = rect3.right;
- t3 = textSize3._dx;
- t1 = t1 + (t2 - t1) / 2 - t3 / 2;
- t2 = rect3.top;
- rect3 = rect3.bottom;
- t4 = textSize3._dy;
- t2 = t2 + (rect3 - t2) / 2 - t4 / 2;
- point.labelLocation3 = new A.ChartLocation(t1, t2);
- point.dataLabelRegion3 = new A.Rect(t1, t2, t1 + t3, t2 + t4);
- t4 = rect4.left;
- t2 = rect4.right;
- t3 = textSize4._dx;
- t4 = t4 + (t2 - t4) / 2 - t3 / 2;
- t2 = rect4.top;
- rect4 = rect4.bottom;
- t1 = textSize4._dy;
- t2 = t2 + (rect4 - t2) / 2 - t1 / 2;
- point.labelLocation4 = new A.ChartLocation(t4, t2);
- point.dataLabelRegion4 = new A.Rect(t4, t2, t4 + t3, t2 + t1);
- if (rect5 != null) {
- t1 = rect5.left;
- t2 = rect5.right;
- t3 = textSize5._dx;
- t1 = t1 + (t2 - t1) / 2 - t3 / 2;
- t2 = rect5.top;
- rect5 = rect5.bottom;
- t4 = textSize5._dy;
- t2 = t2 + (rect5 - t2) / 2 - t4 / 2;
- point.labelLocation5 = new A.ChartLocation(t1, t2);
- point.dataLabelRegion5 = new A.Rect(t1, t2, t1 + t3, t2 + t4);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- getDataLabelRect(position, connectorType, margin, connectorPath, endPoint, textSize, dataLabelSettings) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, rect, t5, t6, t7;
- switch (position.index) {
- case 1:
- t1 = endPoint._dx;
- t2 = endPoint._dy;
- t3 = t1 + 10;
- if (connectorType === B.ConnectorType_1)
- connectorPath.lineTo$2(0, t3, t2);
- else
- connectorPath.quadraticBezierTo$4(t1, t2, t3, t2);
- t1 += 10;
- t3 = textSize._dy;
- t4 = margin.top;
- t2 = t2 - t3 / 2 - t4;
- rect = new A.Rect(t1, t2, t1 + (textSize._dx + margin.left + margin.right), t2 + (t3 + t4 + margin.bottom));
- break;
- case 0:
- t1 = endPoint._dx;
- t2 = endPoint._dy;
- t3 = t1 - 10;
- if (connectorType === B.ConnectorType_1)
- connectorPath.lineTo$2(0, t3, t2);
- else
- connectorPath.quadraticBezierTo$4(t1, t2, t3, t2);
- t3 = margin.right;
- t4 = textSize._dx;
- t5 = margin.left;
- t1 = t1 - 10 - t3 - t4 - t5;
- t6 = textSize._dy;
- t7 = margin.top;
- t2 -= t6 / 2 + t7;
- rect = new A.Rect(t1, t2, t1 + (t4 + t5 + t3), t2 + (t6 + t7 + margin.bottom));
- break;
- default:
- rect = null;
- }
- return rect;
- },
- LargeViewDeviceErrorReportTableConfig_getRows(data) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, _null = null, _s2_ = "-1",
- t1 = data.errorType;
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.label;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = "\u7121";
- t2 = type$.DataGridCell_dynamic;
- t3 = data.startTime;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A.DateFormat$("MM/dd hh:mm", _null).format$1(t3);
- t4 = data.loc;
- t5 = data.building;
- t6 = data.tagId;
- t7 = data.ampere;
- t8 = data.voltage;
- t9 = data.power;
- t10 = data.boundData;
- t11 = t10 == null;
- t12 = t11 ? _null : t10.upperBound;
- if (t12 == null)
- t12 = _s2_;
- t13 = t11 ? _null : t10.lowerBound;
- if (t13 == null)
- t13 = _s2_;
- t14 = t11 ? _null : t10.warningUpperBound;
- if (t14 == null)
- t14 = _s2_;
- t10 = t11 ? _null : t10.warningLowerBound;
- if (t10 == null)
- t10 = _s2_;
- return new A.DataGridRow(A._setArrayType([new A.DataGridCell("\u7570\u5e38\u985e\u5225", t1, t2), new A.DataGridCell("\u958b\u59cb\u6642\u9593", t3, t2), new A.DataGridCell("\u4f4d\u7f6e", t4, t2), new A.DataGridCell("\u5efa\u7bc9\u7269", t5, t2), new A.DataGridCell("\u8a2d\u5099\u7de8\u865f", t6, t2), new A.DataGridCell("\u7576\u4e0b\u96fb\u6d41", t7, t2), new A.DataGridCell("\u7576\u4e0b\u96fb\u58d3", t8, t2), new A.DataGridCell("\u7576\u4e0b\u529f\u7387", t9, t2), new A.DataGridCell("Ub", t12, t2), new A.DataGridCell("Lb", t13, t2), new A.DataGridCell("WUb", t14, t2), new A.DataGridCell("WLb", t10, t2)], type$.JSArray_DataGridCell_dynamic));
- },
- SmallViewDeviceErrorReportTableConfig_getRows(data) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, _null = null, _s2_ = "-1",
- t1 = data.errorType;
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.label;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = "\u7121";
- t2 = type$.DataGridCell_dynamic;
- t3 = data.startTime;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A.DateFormat$("MM/dd hh:mm", _null).format$1(t3);
- t4 = data.ampere;
- t5 = data.voltage;
- t6 = data.power;
- t7 = data.boundData;
- t8 = t7 == null;
- t9 = t8 ? _null : t7.upperBound;
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = _s2_;
- t10 = t8 ? _null : t7.lowerBound;
- if (t10 == null)
- t10 = _s2_;
- t11 = t8 ? _null : t7.warningUpperBound;
- if (t11 == null)
- t11 = _s2_;
- t7 = t8 ? _null : t7.warningLowerBound;
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = _s2_;
- return new A.DataGridRow(A._setArrayType([new A.DataGridCell("\u7570\u5e38\u985e\u5225", t1, t2), new A.DataGridCell("\u958b\u59cb\u6642\u9593", t3, t2), new A.DataGridCell("\u7576\u4e0b\u96fb\u6d41", t4, t2), new A.DataGridCell("\u7576\u4e0b\u96fb\u58d3", t5, t2), new A.DataGridCell("\u7576\u4e0b\u529f\u7387", t6, t2), new A.DataGridCell("Ub", t9, t2), new A.DataGridCell("Lb", t10, t2), new A.DataGridCell("WUb", t11, t2), new A.DataGridCell("WLb", t7, t2)], type$.JSArray_DataGridCell_dynamic));
- },
- DeviceManageTableConfig_getRows(data) {
- var t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, _null = null, _s2_ = "-1",
- t1 = data.device,
- t2 = t1 == null,
- t3 = t2 ? _null : t1.loc;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = "";
- t4 = type$.DataGridCell_String;
- t5 = t2 ? _null : t1.building;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = "";
- t6 = t2 ? _null : t1.tagId;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = "";
- t7 = t2 ? _null : t1.assetType;
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = "";
- t8 = t2 ? _null : t1.lineType;
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = "";
- t1 = t2 ? _null : t1.department;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = "";
- t2 = data.boundData;
- t9 = t2 == null;
- t10 = t9 ? _null : J.toString$0$(t2.upperBound);
- if (t10 == null)
- t10 = _s2_;
- t11 = t9 ? _null : J.toString$0$(t2.lowerBound);
- if (t11 == null)
- t11 = _s2_;
- t12 = t9 ? _null : J.toString$0$(t2.warningUpperBound);
- if (t12 == null)
- t12 = _s2_;
- t2 = t9 ? _null : J.toString$0$(t2.warningLowerBound);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _s2_;
- t9 = data.changeBy;
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = "";
- t13 = data.changeDate;
- t13.toString;
- return new A.DataGridRow(A._setArrayType([new A.DataGridCell("\u5de5\u5ee0", t3, t4), new A.DataGridCell("\u5340\u57df", t5, t4), new A.DataGridCell("\u8a2d\u5099\u7de8\u865f", t6, t4), new A.DataGridCell("\u8a2d\u5099\u985e\u578b", t7, t4), new A.DataGridCell("\u7522\u7dda\u985e\u578b", t8, t4), new A.DataGridCell("\u7528\u96fb\u90e8\u9580", t1, t4), new A.DataGridCell("Ub", t10, t4), new A.DataGridCell("Lb", t11, t4), new A.DataGridCell("WUb", t12, t4), new A.DataGridCell("WLb", t2, t4), new A.DataGridCell("\u4fee\u6539\u8005", t9, t4), new A.DataGridCell("\u4fee\u6539\u6642\u9593", A.DateFormat$("MM/dd hh:mm", _null).format$1(t13), t4)], type$.JSArray_DataGridCell_dynamic));
- },
- ConsumptionTableConfig_getRows(data) {
- var t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16,
- t1 = data.deviceData,
- t2 = t1.loc,
- t3 = type$.DataGridCell_String,
- t4 = t1.building,
- t5 = t1.assetType,
- t6 = t1.lineType;
- t1 = t1.tagId;
- t7 = J.toString$0$(data.power);
- t8 = J.toString$0$(data.volt);
- t9 = J.toString$0$(data.ampere);
- t10 = J.toString$0$(data.energyConsumed);
- t11 = J.toString$0$(data.sumOfEnergyConsumed);
- t12 = data.boundData;
- t13 = J.toString$0$(t12.upperBound);
- t14 = J.toString$0$(t12.lowerBound);
- t15 = J.toString$0$(t12.warningUpperBound);
- t12 = J.toString$0$(t12.warningLowerBound);
- t16 = data.recordTime;
- t16.toString;
- return new A.DataGridRow(A._setArrayType([new A.DataGridCell("\u5de5\u5ee0", t2, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u5340\u57df", t4, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u8a2d\u5099\u8a2d\u5099", t5, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u8a2d\u5099\u7522\u7dda", t6, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u8a2d\u5099\u7de8\u865f", t1, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u8017\u96fb(KW)", t7, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u96fb\u58d3", t8, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u96fb\u6d41", t9, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u8017\u96fb\u91cf", t10, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u7e3d\u8017\u96fb\u91cf", t11, t3), new A.DataGridCell("Ub", t13, t3), new A.DataGridCell("Lb", t14, t3), new A.DataGridCell("WUb", t15, t3), new A.DataGridCell("WLb", t12, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u66f4\u65b0\u6642\u9593", A.DateFormat$("MM/dd HH:mm:ss", null).format$1(t16), t3)], type$.JSArray_DataGridCell_dynamic));
- },
- SumConsumptionTableConfig_getRows(data) {
- var t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11,
- t1 = data.deviceData,
- t2 = t1.tagId,
- t3 = type$.DataGridCell_String,
- t4 = t1.loc,
- t5 = t1.building;
- t1 = t1.assetType;
- t6 = J.toString$0$(data.dayConsumption);
- t7 = J.toString$0$(data.monthConsumption);
- t8 = J.toString$0$(data.quarterConsumption);
- t9 = J.toString$0$(data.yearConsumption);
- t10 = data.averageMonthConsumptionPerMonth;
- t10 = t10 == null ? null : B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t10));
- if (t10 == null)
- t10 = "-1";
- t11 = data.dateTime;
- t11.toString;
- return new A.DataGridRow(A._setArrayType([new A.DataGridCell("\u8a2d\u5099\u7de8\u865f", t2, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u5de5\u5ee0", t4, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u5340\u57df", t5, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u8a2d\u5099\u985e\u578b", t1, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u65e5\u7d2f\u7d2f\u7a4d\u96fb\u91cf", t6, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u6708\u7d2f\u7d2f\u7a4d\u96fb\u91cf", t7, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u5b63\u7d2f\u7a4d\u96fb\u91cf", t8, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u5e74\u7d2f\u7a4d\u96fb\u91cf", t9, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u6708\u5e73\u5747\u5c0f\u6642\u8017\u96fb\u91cf", t10, t3), new A.DataGridCell("\u76e3\u6e2c\u6642\u9593", A.DateFormat$("MM/dd HH:mm:ss", null).format$1(t11), t3)], type$.JSArray_DataGridCell_dynamic));
- },
- DefaultFirebaseOptions_currentPlatform() {
- return B.FirebaseOptions_CvM;
- },
- DashBoardFormat_timePickerLabel(time) {
- var t = new A.DateTime(Date.now(), false);
- if (A.Primitives_getDay(t) === A.Primitives_getDay(time) && A.Primitives_getMonth(t) === A.Primitives_getMonth(time) && A.Primitives_getYear(t) === A.Primitives_getYear(time))
- return "\u4eca\u5929";
- else if (A.Primitives_getYear(t) === A.Primitives_getYear(time))
- return A.DateFormat$("MM\u6708dd\u65e5", null).format$1(time);
- else
- return A.DateFormat$("yyyy\u5e74MM\u6708dd\u65e5", null).format$1(time);
- },
- DashboardText_titleLarge(context) {
- var t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return t1.textTheme.titleLarge.copyWith$2$fontFamily$fontWeight("NotoSansTC", B.FontWeight_6_700);
- },
- DashboardText_titleMedium(context) {
- var t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return t1.textTheme.titleMedium.copyWith$2$fontFamily$fontWeight("NotoSansTC", B.FontWeight_6_700);
- },
- DashboardText_titleSmall(context) {
- var t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return t1.textTheme.titleSmall.copyWith$2$fontFamily$fontWeight("NotoSansTC", B.FontWeight_6_700);
- },
- DashboardText_labelLarge(context) {
- var t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return t1.textTheme.labelLarge.copyWith$2$fontFamily$fontWeight("NotoSansTC", B.FontWeight_6_700);
- },
- DashboardText_headLineMedium(context) {
- var t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return t1.textTheme.headlineMedium.copyWith$2$fontFamily$fontWeight("NotoSansTC", B.FontWeight_6_700);
- },
- DashboardText_headLineSmall(context) {
- var t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return t1.textTheme.headlineSmall.copyWith$2$fontFamily$fontWeight("NotoSansTC", B.FontWeight_6_700);
- }
- },
- J = {
- makeDispatchRecord(interceptor, proto, extension, indexability) {
- return {i: interceptor, p: proto, e: extension, x: indexability};
- },
- getNativeInterceptor(object) {
- var proto, objectProto, $constructor, interceptor, t1,
- record = object[init.dispatchPropertyName];
- if (record == null)
- if ($.initNativeDispatchFlag == null) {
- A.initNativeDispatch();
- record = object[init.dispatchPropertyName];
- }
- if (record != null) {
- proto = record.p;
- if (false === proto)
- return record.i;
- if (true === proto)
- return object;
- objectProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);
- if (proto === objectProto)
- return record.i;
- if (record.e === objectProto)
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("Return interceptor for " + A.S(proto(object, record))));
- }
- $constructor = object.constructor;
- if ($constructor == null)
- interceptor = null;
- else {
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = $._JS_INTEROP_INTERCEPTOR_TAG = init.getIsolateTag("_$dart_js");
- interceptor = $constructor[t1];
- }
- if (interceptor != null)
- return interceptor;
- interceptor = A.lookupAndCacheInterceptor(object);
- if (interceptor != null)
- return interceptor;
- if (typeof object == "function")
- return B.JavaScriptFunction_methods;
- proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(object);
- if (proto == null)
- return B.PlainJavaScriptObject_methods;
- if (proto === Object.prototype)
- return B.PlainJavaScriptObject_methods;
- if (typeof $constructor == "function") {
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = $._JS_INTEROP_INTERCEPTOR_TAG = init.getIsolateTag("_$dart_js");
- Object.defineProperty($constructor, t1, {value: B.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
- return B.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods;
- }
- return B.UnknownJavaScriptObject_methods;
- },
- JSArray_JSArray$fixed($length, $E) {
- if ($length < 0 || $length > 4294967295)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range($length, 0, 4294967295, "length", null));
- return J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(new Array($length), $E);
- },
- JSArray_JSArray$allocateFixed($length, $E) {
- if ($length < 0 || $length > 4294967295)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range($length, 0, 4294967295, "length", null));
- return J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(new Array($length), $E);
- },
- JSArray_JSArray$growable($length, $E) {
- if ($length < 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Length must be a non-negative integer: " + $length, null));
- return A._setArrayType(new Array($length), $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
- },
- JSArray_JSArray$allocateGrowable($length, $E) {
- if ($length < 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Length must be a non-negative integer: " + $length, null));
- return A._setArrayType(new Array($length), $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"));
- },
- JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(allocation, $E) {
- return J.JSArray_markFixedList(A._setArrayType(allocation, $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>")));
- },
- JSArray_markFixedList(list) {
- list.fixed$length = Array;
- return list;
- },
- JSArray_markUnmodifiableList(list) {
- list.fixed$length = Array;
- list.immutable$list = Array;
- return list;
- },
- JSArray__compareAny(a, b) {
- return J.compareTo$1$ns(a, b);
- },
- JSString__isWhitespace(codeUnit) {
- if (codeUnit < 256)
- switch (codeUnit) {
- case 9:
- case 10:
- case 11:
- case 12:
- case 13:
- case 32:
- case 133:
- case 160:
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- switch (codeUnit) {
- case 5760:
- case 8192:
- case 8193:
- case 8194:
- case 8195:
- case 8196:
- case 8197:
- case 8198:
- case 8199:
- case 8200:
- case 8201:
- case 8202:
- case 8232:
- case 8233:
- case 8239:
- case 8287:
- case 12288:
- case 65279:
- return true;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- },
- JSString__skipLeadingWhitespace(string, index) {
- var t1, codeUnit;
- for (t1 = string.length; index < t1;) {
- codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, index);
- if (codeUnit !== 32 && codeUnit !== 13 && !J.JSString__isWhitespace(codeUnit))
- break;
- ++index;
- }
- return index;
- },
- JSString__skipTrailingWhitespace(string, index) {
- var index0, codeUnit;
- for (; index > 0; index = index0) {
- index0 = index - 1;
- codeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string, index0);
- if (codeUnit !== 32 && codeUnit !== 13 && !J.JSString__isWhitespace(codeUnit))
- break;
- }
- return index;
- },
- getInterceptor$(receiver) {
- if (typeof receiver == "number") {
- if (Math.floor(receiver) == receiver)
- return J.JSInt.prototype;
- return J.JSNumNotInt.prototype;
- }
- if (typeof receiver == "string")
- return J.JSString.prototype;
- if (receiver == null)
- return J.JSNull.prototype;
- if (typeof receiver == "boolean")
- return J.JSBool.prototype;
- if (receiver.constructor == Array)
- return J.JSArray.prototype;
- if (typeof receiver != "object") {
- if (typeof receiver == "function")
- return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
- return receiver;
- }
- if (receiver instanceof A.Object)
- return receiver;
- return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
- },
- getInterceptor$ansx(receiver) {
- if (typeof receiver == "number")
- return J.JSNumber.prototype;
- if (typeof receiver == "string")
- return J.JSString.prototype;
- if (receiver == null)
- return receiver;
- if (receiver.constructor == Array)
- return J.JSArray.prototype;
- if (typeof receiver != "object") {
- if (typeof receiver == "function")
- return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
- return receiver;
- }
- if (receiver instanceof A.Object)
- return receiver;
- return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
- },
- getInterceptor$asx(receiver) {
- if (typeof receiver == "string")
- return J.JSString.prototype;
- if (receiver == null)
- return receiver;
- if (receiver.constructor == Array)
- return J.JSArray.prototype;
- if (typeof receiver != "object") {
- if (typeof receiver == "function")
- return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
- return receiver;
- }
- if (receiver instanceof A.Object)
- return receiver;
- return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
- },
- getInterceptor$ax(receiver) {
- if (receiver == null)
- return receiver;
- if (receiver.constructor == Array)
- return J.JSArray.prototype;
- if (typeof receiver != "object") {
- if (typeof receiver == "function")
- return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
- return receiver;
- }
- if (receiver instanceof A.Object)
- return receiver;
- return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
- },
- getInterceptor$in(receiver) {
- if (typeof receiver == "number") {
- if (Math.floor(receiver) == receiver)
- return J.JSInt.prototype;
- return J.JSNumNotInt.prototype;
- }
- if (receiver == null)
- return receiver;
- if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object))
- return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
- return receiver;
- },
- getInterceptor$n(receiver) {
- if (typeof receiver == "number")
- return J.JSNumber.prototype;
- if (receiver == null)
- return receiver;
- if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object))
- return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
- return receiver;
- },
- getInterceptor$ns(receiver) {
- if (typeof receiver == "number")
- return J.JSNumber.prototype;
- if (typeof receiver == "string")
- return J.JSString.prototype;
- if (receiver == null)
- return receiver;
- if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object))
- return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
- return receiver;
- },
- getInterceptor$s(receiver) {
- if (typeof receiver == "string")
- return J.JSString.prototype;
- if (receiver == null)
- return receiver;
- if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object))
- return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
- return receiver;
- },
- getInterceptor$x(receiver) {
- if (receiver == null)
- return receiver;
- if (typeof receiver != "object") {
- if (typeof receiver == "function")
- return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype;
- return receiver;
- }
- if (receiver instanceof A.Object)
- return receiver;
- return J.getNativeInterceptor(receiver);
- },
- getInterceptor$z(receiver) {
- if (receiver == null)
- return receiver;
- if (!(receiver instanceof A.Object))
- return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype;
- return receiver;
- },
- set$length$asx(receiver, value) {
- return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).set$length(receiver, value);
- },
- get$add$ax(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$add(receiver);
- },
- get$apiKey$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$apiKey(receiver);
- },
- get$children$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$children(receiver);
- },
- get$creationTime$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$creationTime(receiver);
- },
- get$databaseURL$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$databaseURL(receiver);
- },
- get$entries$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$entries(receiver);
- },
- get$error$z(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).get$error(receiver);
- },
- get$fill$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$fill(receiver);
- },
- get$first$ax(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$first(receiver);
- },
- get$hashCode$(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).get$hashCode(receiver);
- },
- get$hints$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$hints(receiver);
- },
- get$index$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$index(receiver);
- },
- get$isEmpty$asx(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).get$isEmpty(receiver);
- },
- get$isNegative$n(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).get$isNegative(receiver);
- },
- get$isNotEmpty$asx(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).get$isNotEmpty(receiver);
- },
- get$iterator$ax(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$iterator(receiver);
- },
- get$key$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$key(receiver);
- },
- get$keys$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$keys(receiver);
- },
- get$last$ax(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).get$last(receiver);
- },
- get$lastSignInTime$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$lastSignInTime(receiver);
- },
- get$length$asx(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).get$length(receiver);
- },
- get$lineNumber$z(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).get$lineNumber(receiver);
- },
- get$message$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$message(receiver);
- },
- get$name$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$name(receiver);
- },
- get$offset$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$offset(receiver);
- },
- get$providerData$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$providerData(receiver);
- },
- get$region$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$region(receiver);
- },
- get$runtimeType$(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).get$runtimeType(receiver);
- },
- get$session$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$session(receiver);
- },
- get$setRequestHeader$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$setRequestHeader(receiver);
- },
- get$sign$in(receiver) {
- if (typeof receiver === "number")
- return receiver > 0 ? 1 : receiver < 0 ? -1 : receiver;
- return J.getInterceptor$in(receiver).get$sign(receiver);
- },
- get$size$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$size(receiver);
- },
- get$source$z(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).get$source(receiver);
- },
- get$storageBucket$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$storageBucket(receiver);
- },
- get$stream$z(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).get$stream(receiver);
- },
- get$uid$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$uid(receiver);
- },
- get$value$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$value(receiver);
- },
- get$values$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$values(receiver);
- },
- get$visible$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$visible(receiver);
- },
- get$x$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$x(receiver);
- },
- get$y$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).get$y(receiver);
- },
- $add$ansx(receiver, a0) {
- if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
- return receiver + a0;
- return J.getInterceptor$ansx(receiver).$add(receiver, a0);
- },
- $div$n(receiver, a0) {
- if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
- return receiver / a0;
- return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$div(receiver, a0);
- },
- $eq$(receiver, a0) {
- if (receiver == null)
- return a0 == null;
- if (typeof receiver != "object")
- return a0 != null && receiver === a0;
- return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).$eq(receiver, a0);
- },
- $ge$n(receiver, a0) {
- if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
- return receiver >= a0;
- return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$ge(receiver, a0);
- },
- $gt$n(receiver, a0) {
- if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
- return receiver > a0;
- return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$gt(receiver, a0);
- },
- $index$asx(receiver, a0) {
- if (typeof a0 === "number")
- if (receiver.constructor == Array || typeof receiver == "string" || A.isJsIndexable(receiver, receiver[init.dispatchPropertyName]))
- if (a0 >>> 0 === a0 && a0 < receiver.length)
- return receiver[a0];
- return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).$index(receiver, a0);
- },
- $indexSet$ax(receiver, a0, a1) {
- if (typeof a0 === "number")
- if ((receiver.constructor == Array || A.isJsIndexable(receiver, receiver[init.dispatchPropertyName])) && !receiver.immutable$list && a0 >>> 0 === a0 && a0 < receiver.length)
- return receiver[a0] = a1;
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).$indexSet(receiver, a0, a1);
- },
- $le$n(receiver, a0) {
- if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
- return receiver <= a0;
- return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$le(receiver, a0);
- },
- $lt$n(receiver, a0) {
- if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
- return receiver < a0;
- return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$lt(receiver, a0);
- },
- $mul$ns(receiver, a0) {
- if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
- return receiver * a0;
- return J.getInterceptor$ns(receiver).$mul(receiver, a0);
- },
- $sub$n(receiver, a0) {
- if (typeof receiver == "number" && typeof a0 == "number")
- return receiver - a0;
- return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).$sub(receiver, a0);
- },
- _clearChildren$0$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver)._clearChildren$0(receiver);
- },
- _replaceChild$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver)._replaceChild$2(receiver, a0, a1);
- },
- abs$0$in(receiver) {
- if (typeof receiver === "number")
- return Math.abs(receiver);
- return J.getInterceptor$in(receiver).abs$0(receiver);
- },
- add$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).add$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- addAll$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).addAll$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- addEventListener$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).addEventListener$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2);
- },
- addListener$1$x(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).addListener$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- allMatches$1$s(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).allMatches$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- cast$1$0$ax(receiver, $T1) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).cast$1$0(receiver, $T1);
- },
- cast$2$0$ax(receiver, $T1, $T2) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).cast$2$0(receiver, $T1, $T2);
- },
- ceil$0$n(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).ceil$0(receiver);
- },
- clamp$2$n(receiver, a0, a1) {
- return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).clamp$2(receiver, a0, a1);
- },
- close$0$z(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).close$0(receiver);
- },
- codeUnitAt$1$s(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).codeUnitAt$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- compareTo$1$ns(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ns(receiver).compareTo$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- complete$0$z(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).complete$0(receiver);
- },
- contains$1$asx(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).contains$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- containsKey$1$x(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).containsKey$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- detach$0$z(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).detach$0(receiver);
- },
- elementAt$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).elementAt$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- endsWith$1$s(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).endsWith$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- floor$0$n(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).floor$0(receiver);
- },
- followedBy$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).followedBy$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- forEach$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).forEach$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- getRange$2$ax(receiver, a0, a1) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).getRange$2(receiver, a0, a1);
- },
- getTransformTo$1$z(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).getTransformTo$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- indexOf$1$asx(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$asx(receiver).indexOf$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- isIdentity$0$z(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).isIdentity$0(receiver);
- },
- join$0$ax(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).join$0(receiver);
- },
- join$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).join$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- listener$1$z(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).listener$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- map$1$1$ax(receiver, a0, $T1) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).map$1$1(receiver, a0, $T1);
- },
- map$2$1$ax(receiver, a0, $T1, $T2) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).map$2$1(receiver, a0, $T1, $T2);
- },
- matchAsPrefix$2$s(receiver, a0, a1) {
- return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).matchAsPrefix$2(receiver, a0, a1);
- },
- noSuchMethod$1$(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).noSuchMethod$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- onAuthStateChanged$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).onAuthStateChanged$2(receiver, a0, a1);
- },
- onIdTokenChanged$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).onIdTokenChanged$2(receiver, a0, a1);
- },
- open$3$async$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).open$3$async(receiver, a0, a1, a2);
- },
- parse$2$z(receiver, a0, a1) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).parse$2(receiver, a0, a1);
- },
- put$4$z(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).put$4(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3);
- },
- putIfAbsent$2$x(receiver, a0, a1) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).putIfAbsent$2(receiver, a0, a1);
- },
- remove$0$ax(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).remove$0(receiver);
- },
- remove$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).remove$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- removeAt$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).removeAt$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- removeEventListener$3$x(receiver, a0, a1, a2) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).removeEventListener$3(receiver, a0, a1, a2);
- },
- removeLast$0$ax(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).removeLast$0(receiver);
- },
- removeListener$1$x(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).removeListener$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- replaceFirst$2$s(receiver, a0, a1) {
- return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).replaceFirst$2(receiver, a0, a1);
- },
- replaceWith$1$x(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).replaceWith$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- scale$1$z(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).scale$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- send$1$x(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).send$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- setRange$4$ax(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).setRange$4(receiver, a0, a1, a2, a3);
- },
- signOut$0$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).signOut$0(receiver);
- },
- skip$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).skip$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- sort$0$ax(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).sort$0(receiver);
- },
- sort$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).sort$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- split$1$s(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).split$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- startsWith$1$s(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).startsWith$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- take$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).take$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- then$1$1$z(receiver, a0, $T1) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).then$1$1(receiver, a0, $T1);
- },
- then$1$2$onError$z(receiver, a0, a1, $T1) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).then$1$2$onError(receiver, a0, a1, $T1);
- },
- toInt$0$n(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$n(receiver).toInt$0(receiver);
- },
- toJSON$0$x(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$x(receiver).toJSON$0(receiver);
- },
- toList$0$ax(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).toList$0(receiver);
- },
- toLowerCase$0$s(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).toLowerCase$0(receiver);
- },
- toSet$0$ax(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).toSet$0(receiver);
- },
- toString$0$(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$(receiver).toString$0(receiver);
- },
- trim$0$s(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).trim$0(receiver);
- },
- trimLeft$0$s(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).trimLeft$0(receiver);
- },
- trimRight$0$s(receiver) {
- return J.getInterceptor$s(receiver).trimRight$0(receiver);
- },
- updateWith$1$config$z(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$z(receiver).updateWith$1$config(receiver, a0);
- },
- where$1$ax(receiver, a0) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).where$1(receiver, a0);
- },
- whereType$1$0$ax(receiver, $T1) {
- return J.getInterceptor$ax(receiver).whereType$1$0(receiver, $T1);
- },
- Interceptor: function Interceptor() {
- },
- JSBool: function JSBool() {
- },
- JSNull: function JSNull() {
- },
- JavaScriptObject: function JavaScriptObject() {
- },
- LegacyJavaScriptObject: function LegacyJavaScriptObject() {
- },
- PlainJavaScriptObject: function PlainJavaScriptObject() {
- },
- UnknownJavaScriptObject: function UnknownJavaScriptObject() {
- },
- JavaScriptFunction: function JavaScriptFunction() {
- },
- JSArray: function JSArray(t0) {
- this.$ti = t0;
- },
- JSUnmodifiableArray: function JSUnmodifiableArray(t0) {
- this.$ti = t0;
- },
- ArrayIterator: function ArrayIterator(t0, t1, t2) {
- var _ = this;
- _._iterable = t0;
- _.__interceptors$_length = t1;
- _._index = 0;
- _.__interceptors$_current = null;
- _.$ti = t2;
- },
- JSNumber: function JSNumber() {
- },
- JSInt: function JSInt() {
- },
- JSNumNotInt: function JSNumNotInt() {
- },
- JSString: function JSString() {
- }
- },
- B = {};
- var holders = [A, J, B];
- var $ = {};
- A.AlarmClock.prototype = {
- set$datetime(value) {
- var now, t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (J.$eq$(value, _this._datetime))
- return;
- if (value == null) {
- _this._cancelTimer$0();
- _this._datetime = null;
- return;
- }
- now = _this._timestampFunction.call$0();
- t1 = value._value;
- t2 = now._value;
- if (t1 < t2) {
- _this._cancelTimer$0();
- _this._datetime = value;
- return;
- }
- if (_this._timer == null)
- _this._timer = A.Timer_Timer(A.Duration$(0, 0, 0, t1 - t2, 0, 0), _this.get$_timerDidFire());
- else if (_this._datetime._value > t1) {
- _this._cancelTimer$0();
- _this._timer = A.Timer_Timer(A.Duration$(0, 0, 0, t1 - t2, 0, 0), _this.get$_timerDidFire());
- }
- _this._datetime = value;
- },
- _cancelTimer$0() {
- var t1 = this._timer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- this._timer = null;
- },
- _timerDidFire$0() {
- var _this = this,
- now = _this._timestampFunction.call$0(),
- t1 = _this._datetime,
- t2 = now._value;
- t1 = t1._value;
- if (t2 >= t1) {
- _this._timer = null;
- t1 = _this.callback;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$0();
- } else
- _this._timer = A.Timer_Timer(A.Duration$(0, 0, 0, t1 - t2, 0, 0), _this.get$_timerDidFire());
- }
- };
- A.AppBootstrap.prototype = {
- autoStart$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this;
- var $async$autoStart$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self._initializeEngine.call$0(), $async$autoStart$0);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self._runApp.call$0(), $async$autoStart$0);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$autoStart$0, $async$completer);
- },
- prepareEngineInitializer$0() {
- var t1 = A.allowInterop(new A.AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer_closure(this));
- return type$.JavaScriptObject._as({initializeEngine: A.allowInterop(new A.AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer_closure0(this)), autoStart: t1});
- },
- _prepareAppRunner$0() {
- return type$.JavaScriptObject._as({runApp: A.allowInterop(new A.AppBootstrap__prepareAppRunner_closure(this))});
- }
- };
- A.AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return A.futureToPromise(new A.AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer__closure0(this.$this).call$0(), type$.JavaScriptObject);
- },
- $signature: 226
- };
- A.AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer__closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.JavaScriptObject),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.$this.autoStart$0(), $async$call$0);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- $async$returnValue = type$.JavaScriptObject._as({});
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 150
- };
- A.AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(configuration) {
- return A.futureToPromise(new A.AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer__closure(this.$this, configuration).call$0(), type$.JavaScriptObject);
- },
- call$0() {
- return this.call$1(null);
- },
- "call*": "call$1",
- $requiredArgCount: 0,
- $defaultValues() {
- return [null];
- },
- $signature: 244
- };
- A.AppBootstrap_prepareEngineInitializer__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.JavaScriptObject),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $async$self.$this;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1._initializeEngine.call$1($async$self.configuration), $async$call$0);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- $async$returnValue = t1._prepareAppRunner$0();
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 150
- };
- A.AppBootstrap__prepareAppRunner_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(params) {
- return A.Promise__staticInteropFactoryStub(A.allowInterop(new A.AppBootstrap__prepareAppRunner__closure(this.$this)));
- },
- call$0() {
- return this.call$1(null);
- },
- "call*": "call$1",
- $requiredArgCount: 0,
- $defaultValues() {
- return [null];
- },
- $signature: 244
- };
- A.AppBootstrap__prepareAppRunner__closure.prototype = {
- call$2(resolve, _) {
- return this.$call$body$AppBootstrap__prepareAppRunner__closure(resolve, _);
- },
- $call$body$AppBootstrap__prepareAppRunner__closure(resolve, _) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this;
- var $async$call$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.$this._runApp.call$0(), $async$call$2);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- A.PromiseResolverExtension_resolve(resolve, type$.JavaScriptObject._as({}));
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$2, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 283
- };
- A.AssetManager.prototype = {
- getAssetUrl$1(asset) {
- var t1, fallbackBaseUrl, t2;
- if (A.Uri_parse(asset).get$hasScheme())
- return A._Uri__uriEncode(B.List_5Q7, asset, B.C_Utf8Codec, false);
- t1 = this._assetBase;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = self.window.document.querySelector("meta[name=assetBase]");
- fallbackBaseUrl = t1 == null ? null : t1.content;
- t1 = fallbackBaseUrl == null;
- if (!t1)
- self.window.console.warn("The `assetBase` meta tag is now deprecated.\nUse engineInitializer.initializeEngine(config) instead.\nSee: https://docs.flutter.dev/development/platform-integration/web/initialization");
- t2 = this._assetBase = t1 ? "" : fallbackBaseUrl;
- t1 = t2;
- }
- return A._Uri__uriEncode(B.List_5Q7, t1 + "assets/" + asset, B.C_Utf8Codec, false);
- }
- };
- A.BrowserEngine.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "BrowserEngine." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.OperatingSystem.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "OperatingSystem." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.CanvasPool.prototype = {
- get$context(_) {
- var ctx = this.__engine$_context;
- if (ctx == null) {
- this._createCanvas$0();
- ctx = this.__engine$_context;
- }
- ctx.toString;
- return ctx;
- },
- get$contextHandle() {
- if (this.__engine$_canvas == null)
- this._createCanvas$0();
- var t1 = this._contextHandle;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- _createCanvas$0() {
- var canvas0, requiresClearRect, t2, t3, t4, t5, exception, ctx, _this = this,
- reused = false,
- canvas = null,
- t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas;
- if (t1 != null) {
- A.DomCanvasElementExtension_set_width(t1, 0);
- t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas;
- t1.toString;
- A.DomCanvasElementExtension_set_height(t1, 0);
- _this.__engine$_canvas = null;
- }
- t1 = _this._reusablePool;
- if (t1 != null && t1.length !== 0) {
- t1.toString;
- canvas0 = B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(t1, 0);
- _this.__engine$_canvas = canvas0;
- canvas = canvas0;
- reused = true;
- requiresClearRect = true;
- } else {
- t1 = _this._widthInBitmapPixels;
- t2 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 === 0)
- t2 = 1;
- t3 = _this._heightInBitmapPixels;
- t4 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t4 === 0)
- t4 = 1;
- canvas = _this._allocCanvas$2(t1, t3);
- t5 = canvas;
- _this.__engine$_canvas = t5;
- if (t5 == null) {
- A.reduceCanvasMemoryUsage();
- canvas = _this._allocCanvas$2(t1, t3);
- }
- t5 = canvas.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t5, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t5, "width", A.S(t1 / t2) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t5, "height", A.S(t3 / t4) + "px");
- requiresClearRect = false;
- }
- if (!J.$eq$(_this._rootElement.lastChild, canvas))
- _this._rootElement.append(canvas);
- try {
- if (reused)
- canvas.style.removeProperty("z-index");
- t1 = A.DomCanvasElementExtension_getContext(canvas, "2d", null);
- t1.toString;
- _this.__engine$_context = type$.JavaScriptObject._as(t1);
- } catch (exception) {
- }
- t1 = _this.__engine$_context;
- if (t1 == null) {
- A.reduceCanvasMemoryUsage();
- t1 = A.DomCanvasElementExtension_getContext(canvas, "2d", null);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = _this.__engine$_context = type$.JavaScriptObject._as(t1);
- }
- t2 = _this._density;
- _this._contextHandle = new A.ContextStateHandle(t1, _this, t2, B.BlendMode_3, B.StrokeCap_0, B.StrokeJoin_0);
- ctx = _this.get$context(_this);
- ctx.save();
- ++_this._saveContextCount;
- A.callMethod(ctx, "setTransform", [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]);
- if (requiresClearRect)
- ctx.clearRect(0, 0, _this._widthInBitmapPixels * t2, _this._heightInBitmapPixels * t2);
- t1 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t1 === 0)
- t1 = 1;
- t3 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t3 === 0)
- t3 = 1;
- ctx.scale(t1 * t2, t3 * t2);
- _this._replayClipStack$0();
- },
- _allocCanvas$2(width, height) {
- var t1 = this._density;
- return A.tryCreateCanvasElement(B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(width * t1), B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(height * t1));
- },
- clear$0(_) {
- var ctx, e, exception, t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$_SaveStackTracking$clear(0);
- if (_this.__engine$_canvas != null) {
- ctx = _this.__engine$_context;
- if (ctx != null)
- try {
- ctx.font = "";
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- if (!J.$eq$(e.name, "NS_ERROR_FAILURE"))
- throw exception;
- }
- }
- if (_this.__engine$_canvas != null) {
- _this._restoreContextSave$0();
- _this._contextHandle.reset$0(0);
- t1 = _this._activeCanvasList;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _this._activeCanvasList = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_JavaScriptObject);
- t2 = _this.__engine$_canvas;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(t2);
- _this._contextHandle = _this.__engine$_context = null;
- }
- _this._reusablePool = _this._activeCanvasList;
- _this._contextHandle = _this.__engine$_context = _this.__engine$_canvas = _this._activeCanvasList = null;
- },
- _replaySingleSaveEntry$4(clipDepth, prevTransform, transform, clipStack) {
- var clipCount, t1, t2, clipEntry, clipTimeTransform, t3, t4, ratio, t5, path, _this = this,
- ctx = _this.get$context(_this);
- if (clipStack != null)
- for (clipCount = clipStack.length, t1 = _this._density, t2 = type$.SurfacePath; clipDepth < clipCount; ++clipDepth) {
- clipEntry = clipStack[clipDepth];
- clipTimeTransform = clipEntry.currentTransform;
- t3 = clipTimeTransform._m4storage;
- t4 = prevTransform._m4storage;
- if (t3[0] !== t4[0] || t3[1] !== t4[1] || t3[4] !== t4[4] || t3[5] !== t4[5] || t3[12] !== t4[12] || t3[13] !== t4[13]) {
- t4 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- ratio = (t4 === 0 ? 1 : t4) * t1;
- ctx.setTransform.apply(ctx, [ratio, 0, 0, ratio, 0, 0]);
- ctx.transform.apply(ctx, [t3[0], t3[1], t3[4], t3[5], t3[12], t3[13]]);
- prevTransform = clipTimeTransform;
- }
- t3 = clipEntry.rect;
- if (t3 != null) {
- ctx.beginPath();
- t4 = t3.left;
- t5 = t3.top;
- ctx.rect(t4, t5, t3.right - t4, t3.bottom - t5);
- ctx.clip();
- } else {
- t3 = clipEntry.rrect;
- if (t3 != null) {
- path = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- path.addRRect$1(t3);
- _this._runPath$2(ctx, t2._as(path));
- ctx.clip();
- } else {
- t3 = clipEntry.path;
- if (t3 != null) {
- _this._runPath$2(ctx, t3);
- if (t3._fillType === B.PathFillType_0)
- ctx.clip();
- else
- ctx.clip.apply(ctx, ["evenodd"]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- t1 = transform._m4storage;
- t2 = prevTransform._m4storage;
- if (t1[0] !== t2[0] || t1[1] !== t2[1] || t1[4] !== t2[4] || t1[5] !== t2[5] || t1[12] !== t2[12] || t1[13] !== t2[13]) {
- t2 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 === 0)
- t2 = 1;
- ratio = t2 * _this._density;
- A.callMethod(ctx, "setTransform", [ratio, 0, 0, ratio, 0, 0]);
- A.callMethod(ctx, "transform", [t1[0], t1[1], t1[4], t1[5], t1[12], t1[13]]);
- }
- return clipDepth;
- },
- _replayClipStack$0() {
- var clipDepth, saveStackIndex, saveEntry, prevTransform0, _this = this,
- ctx = _this.get$context(_this),
- prevTransform = A.Matrix4$identity(),
- t1 = _this._saveStack,
- len = t1.length;
- for (clipDepth = 0, saveStackIndex = 0; saveStackIndex < len; ++saveStackIndex, prevTransform = prevTransform0) {
- saveEntry = t1[saveStackIndex];
- prevTransform0 = saveEntry.transform;
- clipDepth = _this._replaySingleSaveEntry$4(clipDepth, prevTransform, prevTransform0, saveEntry.clipStack);
- ctx.save();
- ++_this._saveContextCount;
- }
- _this._replaySingleSaveEntry$4(clipDepth, prevTransform, _this._currentTransform, _this.clipStack);
- },
- endOfPaint$0() {
- var t2, _i, e, t3,
- t1 = this._reusablePool;
- if (t1 != null) {
- for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- e = t1[_i];
- t3 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t3 === B.BrowserEngine_1) {
- e.height = 0;
- e.width = 0;
- }
- e.remove();
- }
- this._reusablePool = null;
- }
- this._restoreContextSave$0();
- },
- _restoreContextSave$0() {
- for (; this._saveContextCount !== 0;) {
- this.__engine$_context.restore();
- --this._saveContextCount;
- }
- },
- translate$2(_, dx, dy) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$_SaveStackTracking$translate(0, dx, dy);
- if (_this.__engine$_canvas != null)
- _this.get$context(_this).translate(dx, dy);
- },
- _clipRect$2(ctx, rect) {
- var t1, t2;
- ctx.beginPath();
- t1 = rect.left;
- t2 = rect.top;
- ctx.rect(t1, t2, rect.right - t1, rect.bottom - t2);
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_clip(ctx, null);
- },
- __engine$_clipRRect$2(ctx, rrect) {
- var path = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- path.addRRect$1(rrect);
- this._runPath$2(ctx, type$.SurfacePath._as(path));
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_clip(ctx, null);
- },
- clipPath$1(_, path) {
- var ctx, _this = this;
- _this.super$_SaveStackTracking$clipPath(0, path);
- if (_this.__engine$_canvas != null) {
- ctx = _this.get$context(_this);
- _this._runPath$2(ctx, path);
- if (path._fillType === B.PathFillType_0)
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_clip(ctx, null);
- else
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_clip(ctx, "evenodd");
- }
- },
- fill$0(_) {
- var ctx = this.get$context(this);
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.fillRect(-10000, -10000, 20000, 20000);
- },
- _runPath$2(ctx, path) {
- var p, t1, iter, verb, w, points, len, i, t2, t3;
- ctx.beginPath();
- p = $.$get$CanvasPool__runBuffer();
- t1 = path.pathRef;
- iter = new A.PathRefIterator(t1);
- iter.PathRefIterator$1(t1);
- for (; verb = iter.next$1(0, p), verb !== 6;)
- switch (verb) {
- case 0:
- ctx.moveTo(p[0], p[1]);
- break;
- case 1:
- ctx.lineTo(p[2], p[3]);
- break;
- case 4:
- ctx.bezierCurveTo.apply(ctx, [p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], p[6], p[7]]);
- break;
- case 2:
- ctx.quadraticCurveTo(p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5]);
- break;
- case 3:
- w = t1._conicWeights[iter._conicWeightIndex];
- points = new A.Conic(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], w).toQuads$0();
- len = points.length;
- for (i = 1; i < len; i += 2) {
- t2 = points[i];
- t3 = points[i + 1];
- ctx.quadraticCurveTo(t2._dx, t2._dy, t3._dx, t3._dy);
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- ctx.closePath();
- break;
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("Unknown path verb " + verb));
- }
- },
- _runPathWithOffset$4(ctx, path, offsetX, offsetY) {
- var p, t1, iter, verb, w, points, len, i, t2, t3;
- ctx.beginPath();
- p = $.$get$CanvasPool__runBuffer();
- t1 = path.pathRef;
- iter = new A.PathRefIterator(t1);
- iter.PathRefIterator$1(t1);
- for (; verb = iter.next$1(0, p), verb !== 6;)
- switch (verb) {
- case 0:
- ctx.moveTo(p[0] + offsetX, p[1] + offsetY);
- break;
- case 1:
- ctx.lineTo(p[2] + offsetX, p[3] + offsetY);
- break;
- case 4:
- ctx.bezierCurveTo.apply(ctx, [p[2] + offsetX, p[3] + offsetY, p[4] + offsetX, p[5] + offsetY, p[6] + offsetX, p[7] + offsetY]);
- break;
- case 2:
- ctx.quadraticCurveTo(p[2] + offsetX, p[3] + offsetY, p[4] + offsetX, p[5] + offsetY);
- break;
- case 3:
- w = t1._conicWeights[iter._conicWeightIndex];
- points = new A.Conic(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4], p[5], w).toQuads$0();
- len = points.length;
- for (i = 1; i < len; i += 2) {
- t2 = points[i];
- t3 = points[i + 1];
- ctx.quadraticCurveTo(t2._dx + offsetX, t2._dy + offsetY, t3._dx + offsetX, t3._dy + offsetY);
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- ctx.closePath();
- break;
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("Unknown path verb " + verb));
- }
- },
- drawPath$2(path, style) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- shaderBounds = _this.get$contextHandle()._shaderBounds,
- t1 = type$.SurfacePath;
- if (shaderBounds == null)
- _this._runPath$2(_this.get$context(_this), t1._as(path));
- else
- _this._runPathWithOffset$4(_this.get$context(_this), t1._as(path), -shaderBounds.left, -shaderBounds.top);
- t1 = _this.get$contextHandle();
- t2 = path._fillType;
- if (style === B.PaintingStyle_1)
- t1.context.stroke();
- else {
- t1 = t1.context;
- if (t2 === B.PathFillType_0)
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_fill(t1, null);
- else
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_fill(t1, "evenodd");
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1 && this.__engine$_canvas != null) {
- t1 = this.__engine$_canvas;
- t1.toString;
- A.DomCanvasElementExtension_set_height(t1, 0);
- A.DomCanvasElementExtension_set_width(t1, 0);
- }
- this._clearActiveCanvasList$0();
- },
- _clearActiveCanvasList$0() {
- var t2, _i, c, t3,
- t1 = this._activeCanvasList;
- if (t1 != null)
- for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- c = t1[_i];
- t3 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t3 === B.BrowserEngine_1) {
- c.height = 0;
- c.width = 0;
- }
- c.remove();
- }
- this._activeCanvasList = null;
- }
- };
- A.ContextStateHandle.prototype = {
- set$fillStyle(_, colorOrGradient) {
- var t1 = this._currentFillStyle;
- if (colorOrGradient == null ? t1 != null : colorOrGradient !== t1) {
- this._currentFillStyle = colorOrGradient;
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_fillStyle(this.context, colorOrGradient);
- }
- },
- set$strokeStyle(_, colorOrGradient) {
- var t1 = this._currentStrokeStyle;
- if (colorOrGradient == null ? t1 != null : colorOrGradient !== t1) {
- this._currentStrokeStyle = colorOrGradient;
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_strokeStyle(this.context, colorOrGradient);
- }
- },
- setUpPaint$2(paint, shaderBounds) {
- var t1, strokeCap, t2, paintStyle, colorString, maskFilter, tempVector, shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY, _this = this;
- _this._lastUsedPaint = paint;
- t1 = paint.strokeWidth;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = 1;
- if (t1 !== _this._currentLineWidth) {
- _this._currentLineWidth = t1;
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_lineWidth(_this.context, t1);
- }
- t1 = paint.blendMode;
- if (t1 != _this._currentBlendMode) {
- _this._currentBlendMode = t1;
- t1 = A.blendModeToCssMixBlendMode(t1);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = "source-over";
- _this.context.globalCompositeOperation = t1;
- }
- strokeCap = paint.strokeCap;
- if (strokeCap == null)
- strokeCap = B.StrokeCap_0;
- if (strokeCap !== _this._currentStrokeCap) {
- _this._currentStrokeCap = strokeCap;
- t1 = A.stringForStrokeCap(strokeCap);
- t1.toString;
- _this.context.lineCap = t1;
- }
- if (B.StrokeJoin_0 !== _this._currentStrokeJoin) {
- _this._currentStrokeJoin = B.StrokeJoin_0;
- _this.context.lineJoin = A.stringForStrokeJoin(B.StrokeJoin_0);
- }
- t1 = paint.shader;
- if (t1 != null) {
- if (t1 instanceof A.EngineGradient) {
- t2 = _this._canvasPool;
- paintStyle = t1.createPaintStyle$3(t2.get$context(t2), shaderBounds, _this.density);
- _this.set$fillStyle(0, paintStyle);
- _this.set$strokeStyle(0, paintStyle);
- _this._shaderBounds = shaderBounds;
- _this.context.translate(shaderBounds.left, shaderBounds.top);
- } else if (t1 instanceof A.EngineImageShader) {
- t2 = _this._canvasPool;
- paintStyle = t1.createPaintStyle$3(t2.get$context(t2), shaderBounds, _this.density);
- _this.set$fillStyle(0, paintStyle);
- _this.set$strokeStyle(0, paintStyle);
- if (t1.requiresTileOffset) {
- _this._shaderBounds = shaderBounds;
- _this.context.translate(shaderBounds.left, shaderBounds.top);
- }
- }
- } else {
- colorString = A.colorValueToCssString(paint.color);
- _this.set$fillStyle(0, colorString);
- _this.set$strokeStyle(0, colorString);
- }
- maskFilter = paint.maskFilter;
- t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (!(t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1 || false)) {
- if (!J.$eq$(_this._currentFilter, maskFilter)) {
- _this._currentFilter = maskFilter;
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_filter(_this.context, A.maskFilterToCanvasFilter(maskFilter));
- }
- } else if (maskFilter != null) {
- t1 = _this.context;
- t1.save();
- t1.shadowBlur = maskFilter._sigma * 2;
- t2 = paint.color;
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_shadowColor(t1, A.colorToCssString(A.Color$fromARGB(255, t2 >>> 16 & 255, t2 >>> 8 & 255, t2 & 255)));
- t1.translate(-50000, 0);
- tempVector = new Float32Array(2);
- t2 = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 === 0)
- t2 = 1;
- }
- tempVector[0] = 50000 * t2;
- t2 = _this._canvasPool;
- t2._currentTransform.transform2$1(tempVector);
- shadowOffsetX = tempVector[0];
- shadowOffsetY = tempVector[1];
- tempVector[1] = 0;
- tempVector[0] = 0;
- t2._currentTransform.transform2$1(tempVector);
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_shadowOffsetX(t1, shadowOffsetX - tempVector[0]);
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_shadowOffsetY(t1, shadowOffsetY - tempVector[1]);
- }
- },
- tearDownPaint$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._lastUsedPaint;
- if ((t1 == null ? null : t1.maskFilter) != null) {
- t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- t1 = t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1 || false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- _this.context.restore();
- t1 = _this._shaderBounds;
- if (t1 != null) {
- _this.context.translate(-t1.left, -t1.top);
- _this._shaderBounds = null;
- }
- },
- paint$1(style) {
- var t1 = this.context;
- if (style === B.PaintingStyle_1)
- t1.stroke();
- else
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_fill(t1, null);
- },
- reset$0(_) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.context;
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_fillStyle(t1, "");
- t2 = t1.fillStyle;
- _this._currentFillStyle = t2 == null ? null : t2;
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_strokeStyle(t1, "");
- t2 = t1.strokeStyle;
- _this._currentStrokeStyle = t2 == null ? null : t2;
- t1.shadowBlur = 0;
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_shadowColor(t1, "none");
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_shadowOffsetX(t1, 0);
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_shadowOffsetY(t1, 0);
- t1.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
- _this._currentBlendMode = B.BlendMode_3;
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_lineWidth(t1, 1);
- _this._currentLineWidth = 1;
- t1.lineCap = "butt";
- _this._currentStrokeCap = B.StrokeCap_0;
- t1.lineJoin = "miter";
- _this._currentStrokeJoin = B.StrokeJoin_0;
- _this._shaderBounds = null;
- }
- };
- A._SaveStackTracking.prototype = {
- clear$0(_) {
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(this._saveStack);
- this.clipStack = null;
- this._currentTransform = A.Matrix4$identity();
- },
- save$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._currentTransform,
- t2 = new A.Matrix4(new Float32Array(16));
- t2.setFrom$1(t1);
- t1 = this.clipStack;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : A.List_List$from(t1, true, type$.SaveClipEntry);
- this._saveStack.push(new A.SaveStackEntry(t2, t1));
- },
- restore$0(_) {
- var entry,
- t1 = this._saveStack;
- if (t1.length === 0)
- return;
- entry = t1.pop();
- this._currentTransform = entry.transform;
- this.clipStack = entry.clipStack;
- },
- translate$2(_, dx, dy) {
- this._currentTransform.translate$2(0, dx, dy);
- },
- scale$2(_, sx, sy) {
- this._currentTransform.scale$2(0, sx, sy);
- },
- rotate$1(_, radians) {
- this._currentTransform.rotate$2(0, $.$get$_SaveStackTracking__unitZ(), radians);
- },
- transform$1(_, matrix4) {
- this._currentTransform.multiply$1(0, new A.Matrix4(matrix4));
- },
- clipRect$1(rect) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = this.clipStack;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = this.clipStack = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SaveClipEntry);
- t2 = this._currentTransform;
- t3 = new A.Matrix4(new Float32Array(16));
- t3.setFrom$1(t2);
- t1.push(new A.SaveClipEntry(rect, null, null, t3));
- },
- clipRRect$1(rrect) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = this.clipStack;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = this.clipStack = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SaveClipEntry);
- t2 = this._currentTransform;
- t3 = new A.Matrix4(new Float32Array(16));
- t3.setFrom$1(t2);
- t1.push(new A.SaveClipEntry(null, rrect, null, t3));
- },
- clipPath$1(_, path) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = this.clipStack;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = this.clipStack = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SaveClipEntry);
- t2 = this._currentTransform;
- t3 = new A.Matrix4(new Float32Array(16));
- t3.setFrom$1(t2);
- t1.push(new A.SaveClipEntry(null, null, path, t3));
- }
- };
- A.CompositorContext.prototype = {};
- A.Rasterizer.prototype = {};
- A.CanvasKitRenderer.prototype = {};
- A.Surface.prototype = {
- _syncCacheBytes$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._skiaCacheBytes;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = this._grContext;
- if (t2 != null)
- t2.setResourceCacheLimitBytes(t1);
- }
- }
- };
- A.SurfaceFactory.prototype = {};
- A.ClipboardMessageHandler.prototype = {
- setDataMethodCall$2(methodCall, callback) {
- var t1 = {};
- t1.errorEnvelopeEncoded = false;
- this._copyToClipboardStrategy.setData$1(0, A._asStringQ(J.$index$asx(methodCall.$arguments, "text"))).then$1$1(0, new A.ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure(t1, callback), type$.Null).catchError$1(new A.ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure0(t1, callback));
- },
- getDataMethodCall$1(callback) {
- this._pasteFromClipboardStrategy.getData$0(0).then$1$1(0, new A.ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure(callback), type$.Null).catchError$1(new A.ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure0(this, callback));
- }
- };
- A.ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(success) {
- var t1 = this.callback;
- if (success) {
- t1.toString;
- t1.call$1(B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true]));
- } else {
- t1.toString;
- t1.call$1(B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1(["copy_fail", "Clipboard.setData failed", null]));
- this._box_0.errorEnvelopeEncoded = true;
- }
- },
- $signature: 79
- };
- A.ClipboardMessageHandler_setDataMethodCall_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var t1;
- if (!this._box_0.errorEnvelopeEncoded) {
- t1 = this.callback;
- t1.toString;
- t1.call$1(B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1(["copy_fail", "Clipboard.setData failed", null]));
- }
- },
- $signature: 26
- };
- A.ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(data) {
- var map = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["text", data], type$.String, type$.dynamic),
- t1 = this.callback;
- t1.toString;
- t1.call$1(B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([map]));
- },
- $signature: 127
- };
- A.ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(error) {
- var t1;
- if (error instanceof A.UnimplementedError) {
- A.Future_Future$delayed(B.Duration_0, null, type$.void).then$1$1(0, new A.ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall__closure(this.callback), type$.Null);
- return;
- }
- t1 = this.callback;
- A.print("Could not get text from clipboard: " + A.S(error));
- t1.toString;
- t1.call$1(B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1(["paste_fail", "Clipboard.getData failed", null]));
- },
- $signature: 26
- };
- A.ClipboardMessageHandler_getDataMethodCall__closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var t1 = this.callback;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$1(null);
- },
- $signature: 44
- };
- A.ClipboardAPICopyStrategy.prototype = {
- setData$1(_, text) {
- return this.setData$body$ClipboardAPICopyStrategy(0, text);
- },
- setData$body$ClipboardAPICopyStrategy(_, text) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
- $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, error, t1, exception, $async$exception;
- var $async$setData$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$handler = 4;
- t1 = self.window.navigator.clipboard;
- t1.toString;
- text.toString;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.promiseToFuture(t1.writeText(text), type$.dynamic), $async$setData$1);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- $async$handler = 2;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 4:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$exception = $async$currentError;
- error = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
- A.print("copy is not successful " + A.S(error));
- t1 = A.Future_Future$value(false, type$.bool);
- $async$returnValue = t1;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 3:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 6:
- // after finally
- $async$returnValue = A.Future_Future$value(true, type$.bool);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- case 2:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$setData$1, $async$completer);
- }
- };
- A.ClipboardAPIPasteStrategy.prototype = {
- getData$0(_) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
- $async$returnValue;
- var $async$getData$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = A.promiseToFuture(self.window.navigator.clipboard.readText(), type$.String);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$getData$0, $async$completer);
- }
- };
- A.ExecCommandCopyStrategy.prototype = {
- setData$1(_, text) {
- return A.Future_Future$value(this._setDataSync$1(text), type$.bool);
- },
- _setDataSync$1(text) {
- var tempTextArea, result, error, exception,
- _s8_ = "-99999px",
- _s11_ = "transparent",
- tempElement = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "textarea"),
- t1 = tempElement.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "top", _s8_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "left", _s8_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "opacity", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "color", _s11_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "background-color", _s11_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "background", _s11_);
- self.document.body.append(tempElement);
- tempTextArea = tempElement;
- A.DomHTMLTextAreaElementExtension_set_value(tempTextArea, text);
- tempTextArea.focus();
- tempTextArea.select();
- result = false;
- try {
- result = self.document.execCommand("copy");
- if (!result)
- A.print("copy is not successful");
- } catch (exception) {
- error = A.unwrapException(exception);
- A.print("copy is not successful " + A.S(error));
- } finally {
- tempTextArea.remove();
- }
- return result;
- }
- };
- A.ExecCommandPasteStrategy.prototype = {
- getData$0(_) {
- return A.Future_Future$error(new A.UnimplementedError("Paste is not implemented for this browser."), null, type$.String);
- }
- };
- A.FlutterConfiguration.prototype = {
- get$debugShowSemanticsNodes() {
- var t1 = this._configuration;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t1 = t1.debugShowSemanticsNodes;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- }
- return t1 === true;
- }
- };
- A.DomConsoleExtension_get_warn_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(arg) {
- return this._this.warn(J.toString$0$(arg));
- },
- $signature: 11
- };
- A.DomNavigatorExtension_get_languages_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(any) {
- any.toString;
- return A._asString(any);
- },
- $signature: 223
- };
- A.HttpFetchResponseImpl.prototype = {
- get$status(_) {
- return B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(this._domResponse.status);
- },
- get$hasPayload() {
- var t1 = this._domResponse,
- accepted = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1.status) >= 200 && B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1.status) < 300,
- t2 = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1.status),
- t3 = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1.status),
- unknownRedirect = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1.status) > 307 && B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1.status) < 400;
- return accepted || t2 === 0 || t3 === 304 || unknownRedirect;
- },
- get$payload() {
- var _this = this;
- if (!_this.get$hasPayload())
- throw A.wrapException(new A.HttpFetchNoPayloadError(_this.url, _this.get$status(_this)));
- return new A.HttpFetchPayloadImpl(_this._domResponse);
- },
- $isHttpFetchResponse: 1
- };
- A.HttpFetchPayloadImpl.prototype = {
- asByteBuffer$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.ByteBuffer),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1;
- var $async$asByteBuffer$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.promiseToFuture($async$self._domResponse.arrayBuffer(), type$.nullable_Object), $async$asByteBuffer$0);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- t1 = $async$result;
- t1.toString;
- $async$returnValue = type$.ByteBuffer._as(t1);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$asByteBuffer$0, $async$completer);
- }
- };
- A.HttpFetchNoPayloadError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return 'Flutter Web engine failed to fetch "' + this.url + '". HTTP request succeeded, but the server responded with HTTP status ' + this.status + ".";
- },
- $isException: 1
- };
- A.HttpFetchError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return 'Flutter Web engine failed to complete HTTP request to fetch "' + this.url + '": ' + A.S(this.requestError);
- },
- $isException: 1
- };
- A.DomFontFaceSetExtension_get_add_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(font) {
- return this._this.add(font);
- },
- $signature: 343
- };
- A.DomSubscription.prototype = {};
- A.DomPoint.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return this.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return this.y;
- }
- };
- A.createDomResizeObserver_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(entries, observer) {
- this.fn.call$2(J.cast$1$0$ax(entries, type$.JavaScriptObject), observer);
- },
- $signature: 506
- };
- A._DomListIterator.prototype = {
- moveNext$0() {
- var t1 = ++this.index,
- t2 = this.list;
- if (t1 > t2.length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Iterator out of bounds"));
- return t1 < t2.length;
- },
- get$current(_) {
- return this.$ti._precomputed1._as(this.list.item(this.index));
- },
- get$index(receiver) {
- return this.index;
- }
- };
- A._DomListWrapper.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- return new A._DomListIterator(this.list, this.$ti._eval$1("_DomListIterator<1>"));
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(this.list.length);
- }
- };
- A._DomTouchListIterator.prototype = {
- moveNext$0() {
- var t1 = ++this.index,
- t2 = this.list;
- if (t1 > t2.length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Iterator out of bounds"));
- return t1 < t2.length;
- },
- get$current(_) {
- return this.$ti._precomputed1._as(this.list.item(this.index));
- },
- get$index(receiver) {
- return this.index;
- }
- };
- A._DomTouchListWrapper.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- return new A._DomTouchListIterator(this.list, this.$ti._eval$1("_DomTouchListIterator<1>"));
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(this.list.length);
- }
- };
- A.FlutterViewEmbedder.prototype = {
- addSceneToSceneHost$1(sceneElement) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (!J.$eq$(sceneElement, _this._sceneElement)) {
- t1 = _this._sceneElement;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.remove();
- _this._sceneElement = sceneElement;
- t1 = _this._sceneHostElement;
- t1.toString;
- sceneElement.toString;
- t1.append(sceneElement);
- }
- },
- get$_glassPaneShadow() {
- var t1 = this.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneShadow_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1;
- },
- updateSemanticsScreenProperties$0() {
- var t1 = this._semanticsHostElement.style,
- t2 = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 === 0)
- t2 = 1;
- }
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "transform", "scale(" + A.S(1 / t2) + ")");
- },
- _metricsDidChange$1(newSize) {
- var t1;
- this.updateSemanticsScreenProperties$0();
- t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- if (!J.containsKey$1$x(B.Set_uTMs5._collection$_map, t1) && !$.$get$window().isRotation$0() && $.$get$textEditing().isEditing) {
- $.$get$window().computeOnScreenKeyboardInsets$1(true);
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnMetricsChanged$0();
- } else {
- t1 = $.$get$window();
- t1.computePhysicalSize$0();
- t1.computeOnScreenKeyboardInsets$1(false);
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnMetricsChanged$0();
- }
- },
- setPreferredOrientation$1(orientations) {
- var screenOrientation, lockType, completer, exception,
- t1 = self.window.screen;
- if (t1 != null) {
- screenOrientation = t1.orientation;
- if (screenOrientation != null) {
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(orientations);
- if (t1.get$isEmpty(orientations)) {
- screenOrientation.unlock();
- return A.Future_Future$value(true, type$.bool);
- } else {
- lockType = A.FlutterViewEmbedder__deviceOrientationToLockType(A._asStringQ(t1.get$first(orientations)));
- if (lockType != null) {
- completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_bool), type$._AsyncCompleter_bool);
- try {
- A.promiseToFuture(screenOrientation.lock(lockType), type$.dynamic).then$1$1(0, new A.FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure(completer), type$.Null).catchError$1(new A.FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure0(completer));
- } catch (exception) {
- t1 = A.Future_Future$value(false, type$.bool);
- return t1;
- }
- return completer.future;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return A.Future_Future$value(false, type$.bool);
- },
- addResource$1(element) {
- var resourcesHost, _this = this,
- t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine(),
- t2 = _this._resourcesHost;
- if (t2 == null) {
- resourcesHost = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-svg-filters");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(resourcesHost.style, "visibility", "hidden");
- if (t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1) {
- t1 = _this.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneElement_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this._embeddingStrategy.attachResourcesHost$2$nextTo(resourcesHost, t1);
- } else {
- t1 = _this.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneShadow_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.get$node().insertBefore(resourcesHost, _this.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneShadow_A.get$node().firstChild);
- }
- _this._resourcesHost = resourcesHost;
- t1 = resourcesHost;
- } else
- t1 = t2;
- t1.append(element);
- },
- removeResource$1(element) {
- if (element == null)
- return;
- element.remove();
- }
- };
- A.FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- this.completer.complete$1(0, true);
- },
- $signature: 26
- };
- A.FlutterViewEmbedder_setPreferredOrientation_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(error) {
- this.completer.complete$1(0, false);
- },
- $signature: 26
- };
- A.EngineCanvas.prototype = {};
- A.SaveStackEntry.prototype = {};
- A.SaveClipEntry.prototype = {};
- A._SaveElementStackEntry.prototype = {};
- A.SaveElementStackTracking.prototype = {
- save$0(_) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SaveElementStackTracking__elementStack;
- t1 = t1.length === 0 ? _this.rootElement : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1);
- t2 = _this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform;
- t3 = new A.Matrix4(new Float32Array(16));
- t3.setFrom$1(t2);
- _this.SaveElementStackTracking__saveStack.push(new A._SaveElementStackEntry(t1, t3));
- },
- restore$0(_) {
- var entry, t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SaveElementStackTracking__saveStack;
- if (t1.length === 0)
- return;
- entry = t1.pop();
- _this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform = entry.transform;
- t1 = _this.SaveElementStackTracking__elementStack;
- t2 = entry.savedElement;
- t3 = _this.rootElement;
- while (true) {
- if (!!J.$eq$(t1.length === 0 ? t3 : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1), t2))
- break;
- t1.pop();
- }
- },
- translate$2(_, dx, dy) {
- this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform.translate$2(0, dx, dy);
- },
- scale$2(_, sx, sy) {
- this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform.scale$2(0, sx, sy);
- },
- rotate$1(_, radians) {
- this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform.rotate$2(0, $.$get$SaveElementStackTracking__unitZ(), radians);
- },
- transform$1(_, matrix4) {
- this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform.multiply$1(0, new A.Matrix4(matrix4));
- }
- };
- A.FrameReference.prototype = {};
- A.CrossFrameCache.prototype = {
- commitFrame$0() {
- var t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._reusablePool;
- if (t1 != null)
- for (t1 = t1.get$values(t1), t2 = A._instanceType(t1), t2 = t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._rest[1]), t1 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t1.__internal$_iterable), t1._f, t2._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>")), t2 = t2._rest[1]; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1.__internal$_current;
- for (t3 = J.get$iterator$ax(t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3); t3.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t3.get$current(t3);
- t4.evictCallback.call$1(t4.value);
- }
- }
- _this._reusablePool = _this._cache;
- _this._cache = null;
- },
- _addToCache$2(key, item) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._cache;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _this._cache = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, _this.$ti._eval$1("List<_CrossFrameCacheItem<1>>"));
- t2 = t1.$index(0, key);
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], _this.$ti._eval$1("JSArray<_CrossFrameCacheItem<1>>"));
- t1.$indexSet(0, key, t2);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = t2;
- t1.push(item);
- },
- reuse$1(key) {
- var items, item,
- t1 = this._reusablePool;
- if (t1 == null)
- return null;
- items = t1.$index(0, key);
- if (items == null || items.length === 0)
- return null;
- item = (items && B.JSArray_methods).removeAt$1(items, 0);
- this._addToCache$2(key, item);
- return item.value;
- }
- };
- A._CrossFrameCacheItem.prototype = {};
- A.ShadowDomHostNode.prototype = {
- get$activeElement(_) {
- var t1 = this.__ShadowDomHostNode__shadow_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1.activeElement;
- },
- append$1(_, node) {
- var t1 = this.__ShadowDomHostNode__shadow_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1.appendChild(node);
- },
- contains$1(_, other) {
- var t1 = this.__ShadowDomHostNode__shadow_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1.contains(other);
- },
- get$node() {
- var t1 = this.__ShadowDomHostNode__shadow_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1;
- },
- appendAll$1(nodes) {
- return B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(nodes, this.get$append(this));
- }
- };
- A.ElementHostNode.prototype = {
- get$activeElement(_) {
- var t1 = this.__ElementHostNode__element_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.ownerDocument;
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.activeElement;
- },
- append$1(_, node) {
- var t1 = this.__ElementHostNode__element_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1.appendChild(node);
- },
- contains$1(_, other) {
- var t1 = this.__ElementHostNode__element_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1.contains(other);
- },
- get$node() {
- var t1 = this.__ElementHostNode__element_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1;
- },
- appendAll$1(nodes) {
- return B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(nodes, this.get$append(this));
- }
- };
- A.PersistedBackdropFilter.prototype = {
- get$childContainer() {
- return this._childContainer;
- },
- adoptElements$1(oldSurface) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$PersistedSurface$adoptElements(oldSurface);
- _this._childContainer = oldSurface._childContainer;
- _this._filterElement = oldSurface._filterElement;
- _this._svgFilter = oldSurface._svgFilter;
- oldSurface._childContainer = null;
- },
- createElement$0(_) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- _s16_ = "transform-origin",
- element = _this.defaultCreateElement$1("flt-backdrop");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(element.style, _s16_, "0 0 0");
- t1 = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-backdrop-interior");
- _this._childContainer = t1;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1.style, "position", "absolute");
- t1 = _this.defaultCreateElement$1("flt-backdrop-filter");
- _this._filterElement = t1;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1.style, _s16_, "0 0 0");
- t1 = _this._filterElement;
- t1.toString;
- element.append(t1);
- t1 = _this._childContainer;
- t1.toString;
- element.append(t1);
- return element;
- },
- discard$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$discard();
- $._flutterViewEmbedder.removeResource$1(_this._svgFilter);
- _this._filterElement = _this._childContainer = _this._svgFilter = null;
- },
- apply$0() {
- var t1, t2, r, dpr, rect, left, $top, width, height, parentSurface, activeClipBounds, _this = this,
- backendFilter = type$.EngineImageFilter._as(_this.filter);
- $._flutterViewEmbedder.removeResource$1(_this._svgFilter);
- _this._svgFilter = null;
- t1 = _this._previousTransform;
- t2 = _this.transform;
- if (t1 != t2) {
- t2.toString;
- r = new A.Matrix4(new Float32Array(16));
- if (r.copyInverse$1(t2) === 0)
- A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$value(t2, "other", "Matrix cannot be inverted"));
- _this.__PersistedBackdropFilter__invertedTransform_A = r;
- _this._previousTransform = _this.transform;
- }
- t1 = $.$get$window();
- dpr = t1._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (dpr == null) {
- t2 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- dpr = t2 === 0 ? 1 : t2;
- }
- t2 = _this.__PersistedBackdropFilter__invertedTransform_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- rect = A.transformRect(t2, new A.Rect(0, 0, t1.get$physicalSize()._dx * dpr, t1.get$physicalSize()._dy * dpr));
- left = rect.left;
- $top = rect.top;
- width = rect.right - left;
- height = rect.bottom - $top;
- parentSurface = _this.parent;
- for (; parentSurface != null;) {
- if (parentSurface.get$isClipping()) {
- activeClipBounds = _this._activeClipBounds = parentSurface.localClipBounds;
- left = activeClipBounds.left;
- $top = activeClipBounds.top;
- width = activeClipBounds.right - left;
- height = activeClipBounds.bottom - $top;
- break;
- }
- parentSurface = parentSurface.parent;
- }
- t1 = _this._filterElement.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "left", A.S(left) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "top", A.S($top) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "width", A.S(width) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "height", A.S(height) + "px");
- t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t2 === B.BrowserEngine_2) {
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "background-color", "#000");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "opacity", "0.2");
- } else {
- if (t2 === B.BrowserEngine_1) {
- t1 = _this._filterElement;
- t1.toString;
- A.setElementStyle(t1, "-webkit-backdrop-filter", backendFilter.get$filterAttribute());
- }
- t1 = _this._filterElement;
- t1.toString;
- A.setElementStyle(t1, "backdrop-filter", backendFilter.get$filterAttribute());
- }
- },
- update$1(_, oldSurface) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$update(0, oldSurface);
- if (!_this.filter.$eq(0, oldSurface.filter))
- _this.apply$0();
- else
- _this._checkForUpdatedAncestorClipElement$0();
- },
- _checkForUpdatedAncestorClipElement$0() {
- var parentSurface = this.parent;
- for (; parentSurface != null;) {
- if (parentSurface.get$isClipping()) {
- if (!J.$eq$(parentSurface.localClipBounds, this._activeClipBounds))
- this.apply$0();
- break;
- }
- parentSurface = parentSurface.parent;
- }
- },
- retain$0() {
- this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$retain();
- this._checkForUpdatedAncestorClipElement$0();
- },
- $isBackdropFilterEngineLayer: 1
- };
- A.BitmapCanvas.prototype = {
- set$bounds(_, newValue) {
- var newCanvasPositionX, newCanvasPositionY, _this = this;
- _this._bounds = newValue;
- newCanvasPositionX = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(newValue.left) - 1;
- newCanvasPositionY = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(_this._bounds.top) - 1;
- if (_this._canvasPositionX !== newCanvasPositionX || _this._canvasPositionY !== newCanvasPositionY) {
- _this._canvasPositionX = newCanvasPositionX;
- _this._canvasPositionY = newCanvasPositionY;
- _this._updateRootElementTransform$0();
- }
- },
- _updateRootElementTransform$0() {
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(this.rootElement.style, "transform", "translate(" + this._canvasPositionX + "px, " + this._canvasPositionY + "px)");
- },
- _setupInitialTransform$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._bounds,
- t2 = t1.left;
- t1 = t1.top;
- _this._canvasPool.translate$2(0, -t2 + (t2 - 1 - _this._canvasPositionX) + 1, -t1 + (t1 - 1 - _this._canvasPositionY) + 1);
- },
- doesFitBounds$2(newBounds, newDensity) {
- return this.widthInBitmapPixels >= A.BitmapCanvas_widthToPhysical(newBounds.right - newBounds.left) && this.heightInBitmapPixels >= A.BitmapCanvas_heightToPhysical(newBounds.bottom - newBounds.top) && this._density === newDensity;
- },
- clear$0(_) {
- var t1, len, t2, i, child, _this = this;
- _this._contains3dTransform = false;
- _this._canvasPool.clear$0(0);
- t1 = _this.__engine$_children;
- len = t1.length;
- for (t2 = _this.rootElement, i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
- child = t1[i];
- if (J.$eq$(child.parentNode, t2))
- child.remove();
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(t1);
- _this._childOverdraw = false;
- _this._cachedLastCssFont = null;
- _this._setupInitialTransform$0();
- },
- save$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._canvasPool;
- t1.super$_SaveStackTracking$save(0);
- if (t1.__engine$_canvas != null) {
- t1.get$context(t1).save();
- ++t1._saveContextCount;
- }
- return this._saveCount++;
- },
- restore$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._canvasPool;
- t1.super$_SaveStackTracking$restore(0);
- if (t1.__engine$_canvas != null) {
- t1.get$context(t1).restore();
- t1.get$contextHandle().reset$0(0);
- --t1._saveContextCount;
- }
- --this._saveCount;
- this._cachedLastCssFont = null;
- },
- translate$2(_, dx, dy) {
- this._canvasPool.translate$2(0, dx, dy);
- },
- scale$2(_, sx, sy) {
- var t1 = this._canvasPool;
- t1.super$_SaveStackTracking$scale(0, sx, sy);
- if (t1.__engine$_canvas != null)
- t1.get$context(t1).scale(sx, sy);
- },
- rotate$1(_, radians) {
- var t1 = this._canvasPool;
- t1.super$_SaveStackTracking$rotate(0, radians);
- if (t1.__engine$_canvas != null)
- t1.get$context(t1).rotate(radians);
- },
- transform$1(_, matrix4) {
- var t1;
- if (A.transformKindOf(matrix4) === B.TransformKind_2)
- this._contains3dTransform = true;
- t1 = this._canvasPool;
- t1.super$_SaveStackTracking$transform(0, matrix4);
- if (t1.__engine$_canvas != null)
- A.callMethod(t1.get$context(t1), "transform", [matrix4[0], matrix4[1], matrix4[4], matrix4[5], matrix4[12], matrix4[13]]);
- },
- clipRect$2(rect, clipOp) {
- var path, t2,
- t1 = this._canvasPool;
- if (clipOp === B.ClipOp_0) {
- path = A.SurfacePath$();
- path._fillType = B.PathFillType_1;
- t2 = this._bounds;
- path.addRectWithDirection$3(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + (t2.right - t2.left), 0 + (t2.bottom - t2.top)), 0, 0);
- path.addRectWithDirection$3(rect, 0, 0);
- t1.clipPath$1(0, path);
- } else {
- t1.super$_SaveStackTracking$clipRect(rect);
- if (t1.__engine$_canvas != null)
- t1._clipRect$2(t1.get$context(t1), rect);
- }
- },
- clipRRect$1(rrect) {
- var t1 = this._canvasPool;
- t1.super$_SaveStackTracking$clipRRect(rrect);
- if (t1.__engine$_canvas != null)
- t1.__engine$_clipRRect$2(t1.get$context(t1), rrect);
- },
- clipPath$1(_, path) {
- this._canvasPool.clipPath$1(0, path);
- },
- _useDomForRenderingFill$1(paint) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._preserveImageData)
- return false;
- if (!_this._renderStrategy.isInsideSvgFilterTree)
- if (!_this._contains3dTransform)
- t1 = _this._childOverdraw && _this._canvasPool.__engine$_canvas == null && paint.maskFilter == null && paint.shader == null && paint.style !== B.PaintingStyle_1;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- _useDomForRenderingFillAndStroke$1(paint) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._preserveImageData)
- return false;
- t1 = _this._renderStrategy;
- if (!t1.isInsideSvgFilterTree)
- if (!_this._contains3dTransform)
- t1 = (_this._childOverdraw || t1.hasImageElements || t1.hasParagraphs) && _this._canvasPool.__engine$_canvas == null && paint.maskFilter == null && paint.shader == null;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- drawLine$3(p1, p2, paint) {
- var path, shaderBounds, t1, ctx, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
- if (this._useDomForRenderingFill$1(paint)) {
- path = A.SurfacePath$();
- path.moveTo$2(0, p1._dx, p1._dy);
- path.lineTo$2(0, p2._dx, p2._dy);
- this.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- } else {
- shaderBounds = paint.shader != null ? A.Rect$fromPoints(p1, p2) : null;
- t1 = this._canvasPool;
- t1.get$contextHandle().setUpPaint$2(paint, shaderBounds);
- ctx = t1.get$context(t1);
- ctx.beginPath();
- shaderBounds = t1.get$contextHandle()._shaderBounds;
- t2 = p1._dx;
- t3 = p1._dy;
- t4 = p2._dx;
- t5 = p2._dy;
- if (shaderBounds == null) {
- ctx.moveTo(t2, t3);
- ctx.lineTo(t4, t5);
- } else {
- t6 = shaderBounds.left;
- t7 = shaderBounds.top;
- ctx.moveTo(t2 - t6, t3 - t7);
- ctx.lineTo(t4 - t6, t5 - t7);
- }
- ctx.stroke();
- t1.get$contextHandle().tearDownPaint$0();
- }
- },
- drawPaint$1(paint) {
- var t1, inverted, dpr, t2, width, height, topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, shaderBounds, _this = this;
- if (_this._useDomForRenderingFill$1(paint)) {
- t1 = _this._canvasPool._currentTransform;
- inverted = new A.Matrix4(new Float32Array(16));
- inverted.setFrom$1(t1);
- inverted.copyInverse$1(inverted);
- t1 = $.$get$window();
- dpr = t1._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (dpr == null) {
- t2 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- dpr = t2 === 0 ? 1 : t2;
- }
- width = t1.get$physicalSize()._dx * dpr;
- height = t1.get$physicalSize()._dy * dpr;
- t1 = new A.Vector3(new Float32Array(3));
- t1.setValues$3(0, 0, 0);
- topLeft = inverted.perspectiveTransform$1(t1);
- t1 = new A.Vector3(new Float32Array(3));
- t1.setValues$3(width, 0, 0);
- topRight = inverted.perspectiveTransform$1(t1);
- t1 = new A.Vector3(new Float32Array(3));
- t1.setValues$3(width, height, 0);
- bottomRight = inverted.perspectiveTransform$1(t1);
- t1 = new A.Vector3(new Float32Array(3));
- t1.setValues$3(0, height, 0);
- bottomLeft = inverted.perspectiveTransform$1(t1);
- t1 = topLeft._v3storage;
- t2 = t1[0];
- t3 = topRight._v3storage;
- t4 = t3[0];
- t5 = bottomRight._v3storage;
- t6 = t5[0];
- t7 = bottomLeft._v3storage;
- t8 = t7[0];
- t9 = Math.min(t2, Math.min(t4, Math.min(t6, t8)));
- t1 = t1[1];
- t3 = t3[1];
- t5 = t5[1];
- t7 = t7[1];
- _this.drawRect$2(new A.Rect(t9, Math.min(t1, Math.min(t3, Math.min(t5, t7))), Math.max(t2, Math.max(t4, Math.max(t6, t8))), Math.max(t1, Math.max(t3, Math.max(t5, t7)))), paint);
- } else {
- if (paint.shader != null) {
- t1 = _this._bounds;
- shaderBounds = new A.Rect(0, 0, t1.right - t1.left, t1.bottom - t1.top);
- } else
- shaderBounds = null;
- t1 = _this._canvasPool;
- t1.get$contextHandle().setUpPaint$2(paint, shaderBounds);
- t1.fill$0(0);
- t1.get$contextHandle().tearDownPaint$0();
- }
- },
- drawRect$2(rect, paint) {
- var t2, shaderBounds, t3, t4, t5, t6,
- t1 = this._canvasPool;
- if (this._useDomForRenderingFillAndStroke$1(paint)) {
- rect = A.adjustRectForDom(rect, paint);
- this._drawElement$3(A.buildDrawRectElement(rect, paint, "draw-rect", t1._currentTransform), new A.Offset(rect.left, rect.top), paint);
- } else {
- t1.get$contextHandle().setUpPaint$2(paint, rect);
- t2 = paint.style;
- t1.get$context(t1).beginPath();
- shaderBounds = t1.get$contextHandle()._shaderBounds;
- t3 = rect.left;
- t4 = rect.top;
- t5 = rect.right - t3;
- t6 = rect.bottom - t4;
- if (shaderBounds == null)
- t1.get$context(t1).rect(t3, t4, t5, t6);
- else
- t1.get$context(t1).rect(t3 - shaderBounds.left, t4 - shaderBounds.top, t5, t6);
- t1.get$contextHandle().paint$1(t2);
- t1.get$contextHandle().tearDownPaint$0();
- }
- },
- _drawElement$3(element, offset, paint) {
- var clipElements, t3, _i, clipElement, blendMode, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._canvasPool,
- t2 = t1.clipStack;
- if (t2 != null) {
- clipElements = A._clipContent(t2, element, B.Offset_0_0, A.transformWithOffset(t1._currentTransform, offset));
- for (t1 = clipElements.length, t2 = _this.rootElement, t3 = _this.__engine$_children, _i = 0; _i < clipElements.length; clipElements.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(clipElements), ++_i) {
- clipElement = clipElements[_i];
- t2.append(clipElement);
- t3.push(clipElement);
- }
- } else {
- _this.rootElement.append(element);
- _this.__engine$_children.push(element);
- }
- blendMode = paint.blendMode;
- if (blendMode != null) {
- t1 = element.style;
- t2 = A.blendModeToCssMixBlendMode(blendMode);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "mix-blend-mode", t2 == null ? "" : t2);
- }
- _this._closeCanvas$0();
- },
- drawRRect$2(rrect, paint) {
- var rect, element, shaderBounds, left, right, $top, bottom, t0, trRadiusX, tlRadiusX, trRadiusY, tlRadiusY, blRadiusX, brRadiusX, blRadiusY, brRadiusY,
- t1 = rrect.left,
- t2 = rrect.top,
- t3 = rrect.right,
- t4 = rrect.bottom,
- t5 = this._canvasPool;
- if (this._useDomForRenderingFillAndStroke$1(paint)) {
- rect = A.adjustRectForDom(new A.Rect(t1, t2, t3, t4), paint);
- element = A.buildDrawRectElement(rect, paint, "draw-rrect", t5._currentTransform);
- A.applyRRectBorderRadius(element.style, rrect);
- this._drawElement$3(element, new A.Offset(rect.left, rect.top), paint);
- } else {
- t5.get$contextHandle().setUpPaint$2(paint, new A.Rect(t1, t2, t3, t4));
- t1 = paint.style;
- shaderBounds = t5.get$contextHandle()._shaderBounds;
- t2 = t5.get$context(t5);
- rrect = (shaderBounds == null ? rrect : rrect.shift$1(new A.Offset(-shaderBounds.left, -shaderBounds.top))).scaleRadii$0();
- left = rrect.left;
- right = rrect.right;
- $top = rrect.top;
- bottom = rrect.bottom;
- if (left > right) {
- t0 = right;
- right = left;
- left = t0;
- }
- if ($top > bottom) {
- t0 = bottom;
- bottom = $top;
- $top = t0;
- }
- trRadiusX = Math.abs(rrect.trRadiusX);
- tlRadiusX = Math.abs(rrect.tlRadiusX);
- trRadiusY = Math.abs(rrect.trRadiusY);
- tlRadiusY = Math.abs(rrect.tlRadiusY);
- blRadiusX = Math.abs(rrect.blRadiusX);
- brRadiusX = Math.abs(rrect.brRadiusX);
- blRadiusY = Math.abs(rrect.blRadiusY);
- brRadiusY = Math.abs(rrect.brRadiusY);
- t2.beginPath();
- t2.moveTo(left + trRadiusX, $top);
- t3 = right - trRadiusX;
- t2.lineTo(t3, $top);
- A.drawEllipse(t2, t3, $top + trRadiusY, trRadiusX, trRadiusY, 0, 4.71238898038469, 6.283185307179586, false);
- t3 = bottom - brRadiusY;
- t2.lineTo(right, t3);
- A.drawEllipse(t2, right - brRadiusX, t3, brRadiusX, brRadiusY, 0, 0, 1.5707963267948966, false);
- t3 = left + blRadiusX;
- t2.lineTo(t3, bottom);
- A.drawEllipse(t2, t3, bottom - blRadiusY, blRadiusX, blRadiusY, 0, 1.5707963267948966, 3.141592653589793, false);
- t3 = $top + tlRadiusY;
- t2.lineTo(left, t3);
- A.drawEllipse(t2, left + tlRadiusX, t3, tlRadiusX, tlRadiusY, 0, 3.141592653589793, 4.71238898038469, false);
- t5.get$contextHandle().paint$1(t1);
- t5.get$contextHandle().tearDownPaint$0();
- }
- },
- drawOval$2(rect, paint) {
- var element, t2, shaderBounds, t3, cx, cy,
- t1 = this._canvasPool;
- if (this._useDomForRenderingFill$1(paint)) {
- rect = A.adjustRectForDom(rect, paint);
- element = A.buildDrawRectElement(rect, paint, "draw-oval", t1._currentTransform);
- t1 = rect.left;
- t2 = rect.top;
- this._drawElement$3(element, new A.Offset(t1, t2), paint);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(element.style, "border-radius", A.S((rect.right - t1) / 2) + "px / " + A.S((rect.bottom - t2) / 2) + "px");
- } else {
- t1.get$contextHandle().setUpPaint$2(paint, rect);
- t2 = paint.style;
- t1.get$context(t1).beginPath();
- shaderBounds = t1.get$contextHandle()._shaderBounds;
- t3 = shaderBounds == null;
- cx = t3 ? rect.get$center()._dx : rect.get$center()._dx - shaderBounds.left;
- cy = t3 ? rect.get$center()._dy : rect.get$center()._dy - shaderBounds.top;
- A.drawEllipse(t1.get$context(t1), cx, cy, (rect.right - rect.left) / 2, (rect.bottom - rect.top) / 2, 0, 0, 6.283185307179586, false);
- t1.get$contextHandle().paint$1(t2);
- t1.get$contextHandle().tearDownPaint$0();
- }
- },
- drawCircle$3(c, radius, paint) {
- var rect, element, t1, t2, shaderBounds, t3, cx, cy, _this = this;
- if (_this._useDomForRenderingFillAndStroke$1(paint)) {
- rect = A.adjustRectForDom(A.Rect$fromCircle(c, radius), paint);
- element = A.buildDrawRectElement(rect, paint, "draw-circle", _this._canvasPool._currentTransform);
- _this._drawElement$3(element, new A.Offset(rect.left, rect.top), paint);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(element.style, "border-radius", "50%");
- } else {
- t1 = paint.shader != null ? A.Rect$fromCircle(c, radius) : null;
- t2 = _this._canvasPool;
- t2.get$contextHandle().setUpPaint$2(paint, t1);
- t1 = paint.style;
- t2.get$context(t2).beginPath();
- shaderBounds = t2.get$contextHandle()._shaderBounds;
- t3 = shaderBounds == null;
- cx = c._dx;
- cx = t3 ? cx : cx - shaderBounds.left;
- cy = c._dy;
- cy = t3 ? cy : cy - shaderBounds.top;
- A.drawEllipse(t2.get$context(t2), cx, cy, radius, radius, 0, 0, 6.283185307179586, false);
- t2.get$contextHandle().paint$1(t1);
- t2.get$contextHandle().tearDownPaint$0();
- }
- },
- drawPath$2(path, paint) {
- var t1, transform, pathAsRect, t2, pathAsRRect, root, t3, t4, sigma, _this = this,
- _s12_ = "setAttribute";
- if (_this._useDomForRenderingFill$1(paint)) {
- t1 = _this._canvasPool;
- transform = t1._currentTransform;
- type$.SurfacePath._as(path);
- pathAsRect = path.pathRef.getRect$0();
- if (pathAsRect != null) {
- _this.drawRect$2(pathAsRect, paint);
- return;
- }
- t2 = path.pathRef;
- pathAsRRect = t2.fIsRRect ? t2._getRRect$0() : null;
- if (pathAsRRect != null) {
- _this.drawRRect$2(pathAsRRect, paint);
- return;
- }
- root = A.createSVGSVGElement();
- t2 = A.jsify("visible");
- A.callMethod(root, _s12_, ["overflow", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- t2 = self.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path");
- root.append(t2);
- t3 = paint.style;
- if (t3 !== B.PaintingStyle_1)
- if (t3 !== B.PaintingStyle_0) {
- t3 = paint.strokeWidth;
- t3 = t3 !== 0 && t3 != null;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- else
- t3 = true;
- t4 = paint.color;
- if (t3) {
- t3 = A.colorValueToCssString(t4);
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A.jsify(t3);
- A.callMethod(t2, _s12_, ["stroke", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- t3 = paint.strokeWidth;
- t3 = A.jsify(A.S(t3 == null ? 1 : t3));
- A.callMethod(t2, _s12_, ["stroke-width", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- t3 = paint.strokeCap;
- if (t3 != null) {
- t3 = A.jsify(A.S(A.stringForStrokeCap(t3)));
- A.callMethod(t2, _s12_, ["stroke-linecap", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- }
- t3 = A.jsify("none");
- A.callMethod(t2, _s12_, ["fill", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- } else {
- t3 = A.colorValueToCssString(t4);
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A.jsify(t3);
- A.callMethod(t2, _s12_, ["fill", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- }
- if (path._fillType === B.PathFillType_1) {
- t3 = A.jsify("evenodd");
- A.callMethod(t2, _s12_, ["fill-rule", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- }
- t3 = A.jsify(A.pathToSvg(path.pathRef, 0, 0));
- A.callMethod(t2, _s12_, ["d", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- if (t1.clipStack == null) {
- t1 = root.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "position", "absolute");
- if (!transform.isIdentity$0(0)) {
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "transform", A.float64ListToCssTransform(transform._m4storage));
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "transform-origin", "0 0 0");
- }
- }
- if (paint.maskFilter != null) {
- t1 = paint.style;
- t2 = A.colorValueToCssString(paint.color);
- t2.toString;
- sigma = paint.maskFilter._sigma;
- t3 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t3 === B.BrowserEngine_1 && t1 !== B.PaintingStyle_1)
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(root.style, "box-shadow", "0px 0px " + A.S(sigma * 2) + "px " + t2);
- else
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(root.style, "filter", "blur(" + A.S(sigma) + "px)");
- }
- _this._drawElement$3(root, B.Offset_0_0, paint);
- } else {
- t1 = paint.shader != null ? path.getBounds$0(0) : null;
- t2 = _this._canvasPool;
- t2.get$contextHandle().setUpPaint$2(paint, t1);
- t1 = paint.style;
- if (t1 == null && paint.strokeWidth != null)
- t2.drawPath$2(path, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- else
- t2.drawPath$2(path, t1);
- t2.get$contextHandle().tearDownPaint$0();
- }
- },
- drawShadow$4(path, color, elevation, transparentOccluder) {
- var t2, solidColor, t3, t4, t5,
- t1 = this._canvasPool,
- shadow = A.computeShadow(path.getBounds$0(0), elevation);
- if (shadow != null) {
- t2 = (B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(0.3 * (color.get$value(color) >>> 24 & 255)) & 255) << 24 | color.get$value(color) & 16777215;
- solidColor = A.colorComponentsToCssString(t2 >>> 16 & 255, t2 >>> 8 & 255, t2 & 255, 255);
- t1.get$context(t1).save();
- t3 = t1.get$context(t1);
- t3.globalAlpha = (t2 >>> 24 & 255) / 255;
- if (transparentOccluder) {
- t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- t2 = t2 !== B.BrowserEngine_1;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- t3 = shadow.offset;
- t4 = shadow.blurWidth;
- t5 = t3._dx;
- t3 = t3._dy;
- if (t2) {
- t1.get$context(t1).translate(t5, t3);
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_filter(t1.get$context(t1), A.maskFilterToCanvasFilter(new A.MaskFilter(B.BlurStyle_0, t4)));
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_strokeStyle(t1.get$context(t1), "");
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_fillStyle(t1.get$context(t1), solidColor);
- } else {
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_filter(t1.get$context(t1), "none");
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_strokeStyle(t1.get$context(t1), "");
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_fillStyle(t1.get$context(t1), solidColor);
- t1.get$context(t1).shadowBlur = t4;
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_shadowColor(t1.get$context(t1), solidColor);
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_shadowOffsetX(t1.get$context(t1), t5);
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_set_shadowOffsetY(t1.get$context(t1), t3);
- }
- t1._runPath$2(t1.get$context(t1), path);
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_fill(t1.get$context(t1), null);
- t1.get$context(t1).restore();
- }
- },
- _reuseOrCreateImage$1(htmlImage) {
- var t3, imageElement,
- t1 = htmlImage.imgElement,
- t2 = t1.src;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = null;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = this._elementCache;
- if (t3 != null) {
- imageElement = t3.reuse$1(t2);
- if (imageElement != null)
- return imageElement;
- }
- if (!htmlImage._didClone) {
- htmlImage._didClone = true;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1.style, "position", "absolute");
- }
- t1 = t1.cloneNode(true);
- t3 = this._elementCache;
- if (t3 != null)
- t3._addToCache$2(t2, new A._CrossFrameCacheItem(t1, A._engine_BitmapCanvas__onEvictElement$closure(), t3.$ti._eval$1("_CrossFrameCacheItem<1>")));
- return t1;
- },
- _drawImage$3(image, p, paint) {
- var blendMode, colorFilter, imgElement, svgFilter, t1, t2, clipElements, t3, _i, clipElement, cssTransform, _this = this;
- type$.HtmlImage._as(image);
- blendMode = paint.blendMode;
- colorFilter = A.createHtmlColorFilter(paint.colorFilter);
- if (colorFilter instanceof A.ModeHtmlColorFilter)
- imgElement = _this._createImageElementWithBlend$4(image, colorFilter.color, colorFilter.blendMode, paint);
- else if (colorFilter instanceof A.MatrixHtmlColorFilter) {
- svgFilter = A.svgFilterFromColorMatrix(colorFilter.matrix);
- t1 = svgFilter.element;
- _this.rootElement.append(t1);
- _this.__engine$_children.push(t1);
- imgElement = _this._reuseOrCreateImage$1(image);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(imgElement.style, "filter", "url(#" + svgFilter.id + ")");
- } else
- imgElement = _this._reuseOrCreateImage$1(image);
- t1 = imgElement.style;
- t2 = A.blendModeToCssMixBlendMode(blendMode);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "mix-blend-mode", t2 == null ? "" : t2);
- if (_this._preserveImageData && true) {
- t1 = _this._canvasPool;
- t1.get$contextHandle().setUpPaint$2(paint, null);
- t1.get$context(t1).drawImage(imgElement, p._dx, p._dy);
- t1.get$contextHandle().tearDownPaint$0();
- } else {
- t1 = _this._canvasPool;
- if (t1.clipStack != null) {
- t2 = imgElement.style;
- t2.removeProperty("width");
- t2.removeProperty("height");
- t2 = t1.clipStack;
- t2.toString;
- clipElements = A._clipContent(t2, imgElement, p, t1._currentTransform);
- for (t1 = clipElements.length, t2 = _this.rootElement, t3 = _this.__engine$_children, _i = 0; _i < clipElements.length; clipElements.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(clipElements), ++_i) {
- clipElement = clipElements[_i];
- t2.append(clipElement);
- t3.push(clipElement);
- }
- } else {
- cssTransform = A.float64ListToCssTransform(A.transformWithOffset(t1._currentTransform, p)._m4storage);
- t1 = imgElement.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "transform-origin", "0 0 0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "transform", cssTransform);
- t1.removeProperty("width");
- t1.removeProperty("height");
- _this.rootElement.append(imgElement);
- _this.__engine$_children.push(imgElement);
- }
- }
- return imgElement;
- },
- _createImageElementWithBlend$4(image, color, blendMode, paint) {
- var svgFilter, t1, imgElement, t2, _this = this;
- switch (blendMode.index) {
- case 19:
- case 18:
- case 25:
- case 13:
- case 15:
- case 12:
- case 5:
- case 9:
- case 7:
- case 26:
- case 27:
- case 28:
- case 11:
- case 10:
- svgFilter = A.svgFilterFromBlendMode(color, blendMode);
- t1 = svgFilter.element;
- _this.rootElement.append(t1);
- _this.__engine$_children.push(t1);
- imgElement = _this._reuseOrCreateImage$1(image);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(imgElement.style, "filter", "url(#" + svgFilter.id + ")");
- if (blendMode === B.BlendMode_26) {
- t1 = imgElement.style;
- t2 = A.colorToCssString(color);
- t2.toString;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "background-color", t2);
- }
- return imgElement;
- default:
- return _this._createBackgroundImageWithBlend$4(image, color, blendMode, paint);
- }
- },
- drawImageRect$4(image, src, dst, paint) {
- var t2, requiresClipping, targetLeft, targetWidth, targetTop, t3, targetTop0, imgElement, targetHeight, widthPx, heightPx, $constructor, _this = this,
- t1 = src.left;
- if (t1 === 0) {
- t2 = src.top;
- requiresClipping = t2 !== 0 || src.right - t1 !== image.get$width(image) || src.bottom - t2 !== image.get$height(image);
- } else
- requiresClipping = true;
- targetLeft = dst.left;
- targetWidth = dst.right - targetLeft;
- if (targetWidth === image.get$width(image) && dst.bottom - dst.top === image.get$height(image) && !requiresClipping && true)
- _this._drawImage$3(image, new A.Offset(targetLeft, dst.top), paint);
- else {
- if (requiresClipping) {
- _this.save$0(0);
- _this.clipRect$2(dst, B.ClipOp_1);
- }
- targetTop = dst.top;
- if (requiresClipping) {
- t2 = src.right - t1;
- if (t2 !== image.get$width(image))
- targetLeft += -t1 * (targetWidth / t2);
- t2 = src.top;
- t3 = src.bottom - t2;
- targetTop0 = t3 !== image.get$height(image) ? targetTop + -t2 * ((dst.bottom - targetTop) / t3) : targetTop;
- } else
- targetTop0 = targetTop;
- imgElement = _this._drawImage$3(image, new A.Offset(targetLeft, targetTop0), paint);
- targetHeight = dst.bottom - targetTop;
- if (requiresClipping) {
- targetWidth *= image.get$width(image) / (src.right - t1);
- targetHeight *= image.get$height(image) / (src.bottom - src.top);
- }
- t1 = imgElement.style;
- widthPx = B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(targetWidth, 2) + "px";
- heightPx = B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(targetHeight, 2) + "px";
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "left", "0px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "top", "0px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "width", widthPx);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "height", heightPx);
- $constructor = globalThis.HTMLImageElement;
- if (!($constructor != null && imgElement instanceof $constructor))
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(imgElement.style, "background-size", widthPx + " " + heightPx);
- if (requiresClipping)
- _this.restore$0(0);
- }
- _this._closeCanvas$0();
- },
- _createBackgroundImageWithBlend$4(image, filterColor, colorFilterBlendMode, paint) {
- var t2,
- _s8_ = "absolute",
- _s8_0 = "position",
- _s16_ = "background-color",
- _s16_0 = "background-image",
- imgElement = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "div"),
- t1 = imgElement.style;
- switch (colorFilterBlendMode.index) {
- case 0:
- case 8:
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, _s8_0, _s8_);
- break;
- case 1:
- case 3:
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, _s8_0, _s8_);
- t2 = A.colorToCssString(filterColor);
- t2.toString;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, _s16_, t2);
- break;
- case 2:
- case 6:
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, _s8_0, _s8_);
- t2 = image.imgElement.src;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, _s16_0, "url('" + A.S(t2 == null ? null : t2) + "')");
- break;
- default:
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, _s8_0, _s8_);
- t2 = image.imgElement.src;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, _s16_0, "url('" + A.S(t2 == null ? null : t2) + "')");
- t2 = A.blendModeToCssMixBlendMode(colorFilterBlendMode);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "background-blend-mode", t2 == null ? "" : t2);
- t2 = A.colorToCssString(filterColor);
- t2.toString;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, _s16_, t2);
- break;
- }
- return imgElement;
- },
- _closeCanvas$0() {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = this._canvasPool;
- if (t1.__engine$_canvas != null) {
- t1._restoreContextSave$0();
- t1._contextHandle.reset$0(0);
- t2 = t1._activeCanvasList;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = t1._activeCanvasList = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_JavaScriptObject);
- t3 = t1.__engine$_canvas;
- t3.toString;
- t2.push(t3);
- t1._contextHandle = t1.__engine$_context = t1.__engine$_canvas = null;
- }
- this._childOverdraw = true;
- this._cachedLastCssFont = null;
- },
- drawText$5$shadows$style(text, x, y, shadows, style) {
- var t2, _i, shadow, t3,
- t1 = this._canvasPool,
- ctx = t1.get$context(t1);
- if (shadows != null) {
- ctx.save();
- for (t1 = shadows.length, t2 = style === B.PaintingStyle_1, _i = 0; _i < shadows.length; shadows.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(shadows), ++_i) {
- shadow = shadows[_i];
- t3 = A.colorToCssString(shadow.color);
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = null;
- ctx.shadowColor = t3;
- ctx.shadowBlur = shadow.blurRadius;
- t3 = shadow.offset;
- ctx.shadowOffsetX = t3._dx;
- ctx.shadowOffsetY = t3._dy;
- if (t2)
- ctx.strokeText(text, x, y);
- else
- ctx.fillText(text, x, y);
- }
- ctx.restore();
- }
- if (style === B.PaintingStyle_1)
- ctx.strokeText(text, x, y);
- else
- A.DomCanvasRenderingContext2DExtension_fillText(ctx, text, x, y);
- },
- drawParagraph$2(paragraph, offset) {
- var value, paragraphElement, t1, t2, clipElements, t3, _i, clipElement, _this = this;
- if (paragraph.canDrawOnCanvas && _this._canvasPool.__engine$_canvas != null && !_this._childOverdraw && !_this._renderStrategy.isInsideSvgFilterTree) {
- value = paragraph.__CanvasParagraph__paintService_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- value !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = paragraph.__CanvasParagraph__paintService_FI = new A.TextPaintService(paragraph);
- }
- value.paint$2(_this, offset);
- return;
- }
- paragraphElement = A.drawParagraphElement(paragraph, offset, null);
- t1 = _this._canvasPool;
- t2 = t1.clipStack;
- t1 = t1._currentTransform;
- if (t2 != null) {
- clipElements = A._clipContent(t2, paragraphElement, offset, t1);
- for (t1 = clipElements.length, t2 = _this.rootElement, t3 = _this.__engine$_children, _i = 0; _i < clipElements.length; clipElements.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(clipElements), ++_i) {
- clipElement = clipElements[_i];
- t2.append(clipElement);
- t3.push(clipElement);
- }
- } else {
- A.setElementTransform(paragraphElement, A.transformWithOffset(t1, offset)._m4storage);
- _this.rootElement.append(paragraphElement);
- }
- _this.__engine$_children.push(paragraphElement);
- t1 = paragraphElement.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "left", "0px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "top", "0px");
- _this._closeCanvas$0();
- },
- endOfPaint$0() {
- var t1, t2, children, t3, _i, element, paintOrderElement, t4, $constructor, _this = this;
- _this._canvasPool.endOfPaint$0();
- t1 = _this._elementCache;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.commitFrame$0();
- if (_this._contains3dTransform) {
- t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- t1 = t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this.rootElement;
- t2 = type$._DomListWrapper_JavaScriptObject;
- t2 = A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomListWrapper(t1.children, t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.JavaScriptObject);
- children = A.List_List$of(t2, true, A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- for (t2 = children.length, t3 = _this.__engine$_children, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
- element = children[_i];
- paintOrderElement = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "div");
- t4 = paintOrderElement.style;
- t4.setProperty("transform", "translate3d(0,0,0)", "");
- paintOrderElement.append(element);
- t1.append(paintOrderElement);
- t3.push(paintOrderElement);
- }
- }
- t1 = _this.rootElement.firstChild;
- if (t1 != null) {
- $constructor = globalThis.HTMLElement;
- if ($constructor != null && t1 instanceof $constructor)
- if (t1.tagName.toLowerCase() === "canvas")
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1.style, "z-index", "-1");
- }
- }
- };
- A.SvgBlendMode.prototype = {};
- A.SurfaceCanvas.prototype = {
- save$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.__engine$_canvas;
- t1._paintBounds.saveTransformsAndClip$0();
- t1._commands.push(B.C_PaintSave);
- ++t1._saveCount;
- },
- saveLayer$2(bounds, paint) {
- var t1 = this.__engine$_canvas;
- type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint);
- t1.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true;
- t1._commands.push(B.C_PaintSave);
- t1._paintBounds.saveTransformsAndClip$0();
- ++t1._saveCount;
- },
- restore$0(_) {
- var t2, clipRect,
- t1 = this.__engine$_canvas;
- if (!t1._recordingEnded && t1._saveCount > 1) {
- t2 = t1._paintBounds;
- t2._currentMatrix = t2.__engine$_transforms.pop();
- clipRect = t2._clipStack.pop();
- if (clipRect != null) {
- t2._currentClipLeft = clipRect.left;
- t2._currentClipTop = clipRect.top;
- t2._currentClipRight = clipRect.right;
- t2._currentClipBottom = clipRect.bottom;
- t2._clipRectInitialized = true;
- } else if (t2._clipRectInitialized)
- t2._clipRectInitialized = false;
- }
- t2 = t1._commands;
- if (t2.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2) instanceof A.PaintSave)
- t2.pop();
- else
- t2.push(B.C_PaintRestore);
- --t1._saveCount;
- },
- translate$2(_, dx, dy) {
- var t1 = this.__engine$_canvas,
- t2 = t1._paintBounds;
- if (dx !== 0 || dy !== 0)
- t2._currentMatrixIsIdentity = false;
- t2._currentMatrix.translate$2(0, dx, dy);
- t1._commands.push(new A.PaintTranslate(dx, dy));
- },
- scale$2(_, sx, sy) {
- var t1 = sy == null ? sx : sy,
- t2 = this.__engine$_canvas,
- t3 = t2._paintBounds;
- if (sx !== 1 || t1 !== 1)
- t3._currentMatrixIsIdentity = false;
- t3._currentMatrix.scale$3(0, sx, t1, 1);
- t2._commands.push(new A.PaintScale(sx, t1));
- return null;
- },
- rotate$1(_, radians) {
- var cosAngle, sinAngle, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11,
- t1 = this.__engine$_canvas,
- t2 = t1._paintBounds;
- if (radians !== 0)
- t2._currentMatrixIsIdentity = false;
- t2 = t2._currentMatrix;
- cosAngle = Math.cos(radians);
- sinAngle = Math.sin(radians);
- t2 = t2._m4storage;
- t3 = t2[0];
- t4 = t2[4];
- t5 = t2[1];
- t6 = t2[5];
- t7 = t2[2];
- t8 = t2[6];
- t9 = t2[3];
- t10 = t2[7];
- t11 = -sinAngle;
- t2[0] = t3 * cosAngle + t4 * sinAngle;
- t2[1] = t5 * cosAngle + t6 * sinAngle;
- t2[2] = t7 * cosAngle + t8 * sinAngle;
- t2[3] = t9 * cosAngle + t10 * sinAngle;
- t2[4] = t3 * t11 + t4 * cosAngle;
- t2[5] = t5 * t11 + t6 * cosAngle;
- t2[6] = t7 * t11 + t8 * cosAngle;
- t2[7] = t9 * t11 + t10 * cosAngle;
- t1._commands.push(new A.PaintRotate(radians));
- },
- transform$1(_, matrix4) {
- var t1 = A.toMatrix32(matrix4),
- t2 = this.__engine$_canvas,
- t3 = t2._paintBounds;
- t3._currentMatrix.multiply$1(0, new A.Matrix4(t1));
- t3._currentMatrixIsIdentity = t3._currentMatrix.isIdentity$0(0);
- t2._commands.push(new A.PaintTransform(t1));
- },
- clipRect$3$clipOp$doAntiAlias(rect, clipOp, doAntiAlias) {
- this.__engine$_canvas.clipRect$2(rect, clipOp);
- },
- clipRect$2$doAntiAlias(rect, doAntiAlias) {
- return this.clipRect$3$clipOp$doAntiAlias(rect, B.ClipOp_1, doAntiAlias);
- },
- clipRect$1(rect) {
- return this.clipRect$3$clipOp$doAntiAlias(rect, B.ClipOp_1, true);
- },
- clipRRect$2$doAntiAlias(rrect, doAntiAlias) {
- var t1 = this.__engine$_canvas,
- command = new A.PaintClipRRect(rrect);
- t1._paintBounds.clipRect$2(new A.Rect(rrect.left, rrect.top, rrect.right, rrect.bottom), command);
- t1.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true;
- t1._commands.push(command);
- },
- clipRRect$1(rrect) {
- return this.clipRRect$2$doAntiAlias(rrect, true);
- },
- clipPath$2$doAntiAlias(_, path, doAntiAlias) {
- var command,
- t1 = this.__engine$_canvas;
- type$.SurfacePath._as(path);
- command = new A.PaintClipPath(path);
- t1._paintBounds.clipRect$2(path.getBounds$0(0), command);
- t1.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true;
- t1._commands.push(command);
- },
- clipPath$1($receiver, path) {
- return this.clipPath$2$doAntiAlias($receiver, path, true);
- },
- drawLine$3(p1, p2, paint) {
- var paintSpread, command, t2, t3, t4, t5,
- t1 = this.__engine$_canvas;
- type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint);
- paintSpread = Math.max(A._getPaintSpread(paint), 1);
- paint._frozen = true;
- command = new A.PaintDrawLine(p1, p2, paint._paintData);
- t2 = p1._dx;
- t3 = p2._dx;
- t4 = p1._dy;
- t5 = p2._dy;
- t1._paintBounds.growLTRB$5(Math.min(t2, t3) - paintSpread, Math.min(t4, t5) - paintSpread, Math.max(t2, t3) + paintSpread, Math.max(t4, t5) + paintSpread, command);
- t1._didDraw = t1.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true;
- t1._commands.push(command);
- },
- drawPaint$1(paint) {
- var command, t2,
- t1 = this.__engine$_canvas;
- type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint);
- paint._frozen = t1._didDraw = t1.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true;
- command = new A.PaintDrawPaint(paint._paintData);
- t2 = t1._paintBounds;
- t2.grow$2(t2.maxPaintBounds, command);
- t1._commands.push(command);
- },
- drawRect$2(rect, paint) {
- this.__engine$_canvas.drawRect$2(rect, type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint));
- },
- drawRRect$2(rrect, paint) {
- this.__engine$_canvas.drawRRect$2(rrect, type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint));
- },
- drawDRRect$3(outer, inner, paint) {
- this.__engine$_canvas.drawDRRect$3(outer, inner, type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint));
- },
- drawOval$2(rect, paint) {
- var paintSpread, command, t2,
- t1 = this.__engine$_canvas;
- type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint);
- t1._didDraw = t1.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true;
- paintSpread = A._getPaintSpread(paint);
- paint._frozen = true;
- command = new A.PaintDrawOval(rect, paint._paintData);
- t2 = t1._paintBounds;
- if (paintSpread !== 0)
- t2.grow$2(rect.inflate$1(paintSpread), command);
- else
- t2.grow$2(rect, command);
- t1._commands.push(command);
- },
- drawCircle$3(c, radius, paint) {
- var paintSpread, command, distance, t2, t3,
- t1 = this.__engine$_canvas;
- type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint);
- t1._didDraw = t1.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true;
- paintSpread = A._getPaintSpread(paint);
- paint._frozen = true;
- command = new A.PaintDrawCircle(c, radius, paint._paintData);
- distance = radius + paintSpread;
- t2 = c._dx;
- t3 = c._dy;
- t1._paintBounds.growLTRB$5(t2 - distance, t3 - distance, t2 + distance, t3 + distance, command);
- t1._commands.push(command);
- },
- drawArc$5(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle, useCenter, paint) {
- var forceMoveTo,
- path = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- if (sweepAngle <= -6.283185307179586) {
- path.arcTo$4(0, rect, startAngle, -3.141592653589793, true);
- startAngle -= 3.141592653589793;
- path.arcTo$4(0, rect, startAngle, -3.141592653589793, false);
- startAngle -= 3.141592653589793;
- sweepAngle += 6.283185307179586;
- forceMoveTo = false;
- } else
- forceMoveTo = true;
- for (; sweepAngle >= 6.283185307179586; forceMoveTo = false) {
- path.arcTo$4(0, rect, startAngle, 3.141592653589793, forceMoveTo);
- startAngle += 3.141592653589793;
- path.arcTo$4(0, rect, startAngle, 3.141592653589793, false);
- startAngle += 3.141592653589793;
- sweepAngle -= 6.283185307179586;
- }
- path.arcTo$4(0, rect, startAngle, sweepAngle, forceMoveTo);
- this.__engine$_canvas.drawPath$2(path, type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint));
- },
- drawPath$2(path, paint) {
- this.__engine$_canvas.drawPath$2(path, type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint));
- },
- drawImageRect$4(image, src, dst, paint) {
- var t2, command,
- t1 = this.__engine$_canvas;
- type$.SurfacePaint._as(paint);
- t2 = t1.renderStrategy;
- paint._frozen = t1._didDraw = t2.hasImageElements = t2.hasArbitraryPaint = true;
- command = new A.PaintDrawImageRect(image, src, dst, paint._paintData);
- t1._paintBounds.grow$2(dst, command);
- t1._commands.push(command);
- },
- drawParagraph$2(paragraph, offset) {
- this.__engine$_canvas.drawParagraph$2(paragraph, offset);
- },
- drawShadow$4(path, color, elevation, transparentOccluder) {
- var shadowRect, command,
- t1 = this.__engine$_canvas;
- t1._didDraw = t1.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true;
- shadowRect = A.computePenumbraBounds(path.getBounds$0(0), elevation);
- command = new A.PaintDrawShadow(type$.SurfacePath._as(path), color, elevation, transparentOccluder);
- t1._paintBounds.grow$2(shadowRect, command);
- t1._commands.push(command);
- }
- };
- A._DomClip.prototype = {
- get$childContainer() {
- return this._DomClip__childContainer;
- },
- createElement$0(_) {
- var element = this.defaultCreateElement$1("flt-clip"),
- t1 = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-clip-interior");
- this._DomClip__childContainer = t1;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1.style, "position", "absolute");
- t1 = this._DomClip__childContainer;
- t1.toString;
- element.append(t1);
- return element;
- },
- applyOverflow$2(element, clipBehaviour) {
- var t1;
- if (clipBehaviour !== B.Clip_0) {
- t1 = element.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "overflow", "hidden");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "z-index", "0");
- }
- }
- };
- A.PersistedClipRect.prototype = {
- recomputeTransformAndClip$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.transform = _this.parent.transform;
- if (_this.clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0)
- _this.localClipBounds = _this.rect;
- else
- _this.localClipBounds = null;
- _this.projectedClip = null;
- },
- createElement$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$_DomClip$createElement(0),
- t2 = A.jsify("rect");
- A.callMethod(t1, "setAttribute", ["clip-type", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- return t1;
- },
- apply$0() {
- var t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.rootElement.style,
- t2 = _this.rect,
- t3 = t2.left;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "left", A.S(t3) + "px");
- t4 = t2.top;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "top", A.S(t4) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "width", A.S(t2.right - t3) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "height", A.S(t2.bottom - t4) + "px");
- t2 = _this.rootElement;
- t2.toString;
- _this.applyOverflow$2(t2, _this.clipBehavior);
- t2 = _this._DomClip__childContainer.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "left", A.S(-t3) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "top", A.S(-t4) + "px");
- },
- update$1(_, oldSurface) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$update(0, oldSurface);
- if (!_this.rect.$eq(0, oldSurface.rect) || _this.clipBehavior !== oldSurface.clipBehavior) {
- _this.localClipBounds = null;
- _this.apply$0();
- }
- },
- get$isClipping() {
- return true;
- },
- $isClipRectEngineLayer: 1
- };
- A.PersistedClipRRect.prototype = {
- recomputeTransformAndClip$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.transform = _this.parent.transform;
- if (_this.clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0) {
- t1 = _this.rrect;
- _this.localClipBounds = new A.Rect(t1.left, t1.top, t1.right, t1.bottom);
- } else
- _this.localClipBounds = null;
- _this.projectedClip = null;
- },
- createElement$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$_DomClip$createElement(0),
- t2 = A.jsify("rrect");
- A.callMethod(t1, "setAttribute", ["clip-type", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- return t1;
- },
- apply$0() {
- var t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.rootElement.style,
- t2 = _this.rrect,
- t3 = t2.left;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "left", A.S(t3) + "px");
- t4 = t2.top;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "top", A.S(t4) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "width", A.S(t2.right - t3) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "height", A.S(t2.bottom - t4) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "border-top-left-radius", A.S(t2.tlRadiusX) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "border-top-right-radius", A.S(t2.trRadiusX) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "border-bottom-right-radius", A.S(t2.brRadiusX) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "border-bottom-left-radius", A.S(t2.blRadiusX) + "px");
- t2 = _this.rootElement;
- t2.toString;
- _this.applyOverflow$2(t2, _this.clipBehavior);
- t2 = _this._DomClip__childContainer.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "left", A.S(-t3) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "top", A.S(-t4) + "px");
- },
- update$1(_, oldSurface) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$update(0, oldSurface);
- if (!_this.rrect.$eq(0, oldSurface.rrect) || _this.clipBehavior !== oldSurface.clipBehavior) {
- _this.localClipBounds = null;
- _this.apply$0();
- }
- },
- get$isClipping() {
- return true;
- },
- $isClipRRectEngineLayer: 1
- };
- A.PersistedClipPath.prototype = {
- createElement$0(_) {
- return this.defaultCreateElement$1("flt-clippath");
- },
- recomputeTransformAndClip$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$recomputeTransformAndClip();
- if (_this.clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0) {
- if (_this.localClipBounds == null)
- _this.localClipBounds = _this.clipPath.getBounds$0(0);
- } else
- _this.localClipBounds = null;
- },
- apply$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._clipElement;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.remove();
- t1 = _this.rootElement;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.createSvgClipDef(t1, _this.clipPath);
- _this._clipElement = t1;
- _this.rootElement.append(t1);
- },
- update$1(_, oldSurface) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$update(0, oldSurface);
- if (oldSurface.clipPath !== _this.clipPath) {
- _this.localClipBounds = null;
- t1 = oldSurface._clipElement;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.remove();
- _this.apply$0();
- } else
- _this._clipElement = oldSurface._clipElement;
- oldSurface._clipElement = null;
- },
- discard$0() {
- var t1 = this._clipElement;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.remove();
- this._clipElement = null;
- this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$discard();
- },
- get$isClipping() {
- return true;
- },
- $isClipPathEngineLayer: 1
- };
- A.SvgFilterBuilder.prototype = {
- setFeColorMatrix$2$result(matrix, result) {
- var t3, i, t4, t5,
- t1 = self.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feColorMatrix"),
- t2 = t1.type;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedEnumerationExtenson_set_baseVal(t2, 1);
- t2 = t1.result;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedStringExtension_set_baseVal(t2, result);
- t2 = t1.values.baseVal;
- t2.toString;
- for (t3 = this.root, i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
- t4 = t3.createSVGNumber();
- t5 = matrix[i];
- t4.value = t5;
- t2.appendItem(t4);
- }
- this.filter.append(t1);
- },
- setFeFlood$3$floodColor$floodOpacity$result(floodColor, floodOpacity, result) {
- var _s12_ = "setAttribute",
- t1 = self.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feFlood"),
- t2 = A.jsify(floodColor);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s12_, ["flood-color", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- t2 = A.jsify(floodOpacity);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s12_, ["flood-opacity", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- t2 = t1.result;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedStringExtension_set_baseVal(t2, result);
- this.filter.append(t1);
- },
- setFeBlend$3$in1$in2$mode(in1, in2, mode) {
- var t1 = self.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feBlend"),
- t2 = t1.in1;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedStringExtension_set_baseVal(t2, in1);
- t2 = t1.in2;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedStringExtension_set_baseVal(t2, in2);
- t2 = t1.mode;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedEnumerationExtenson_set_baseVal(t2, mode);
- this.filter.append(t1);
- },
- setFeComposite$8$in1$in2$k1$k2$k3$k4$operator$result(in1, in2, k1, k2, k3, k4, operator, result) {
- var t1 = self.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feComposite"),
- t2 = t1.in1;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedStringExtension_set_baseVal(t2, in1);
- t2 = t1.in2;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedStringExtension_set_baseVal(t2, in2);
- t2 = t1.operator;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedEnumerationExtenson_set_baseVal(t2, operator);
- if (k1 != null) {
- t2 = t1.k1;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedNumberExtension_set_baseVal(t2, k1);
- }
- if (k2 != null) {
- t2 = t1.k2;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedNumberExtension_set_baseVal(t2, k2);
- }
- if (k3 != null) {
- t2 = t1.k3;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedNumberExtension_set_baseVal(t2, k3);
- }
- if (k4 != null) {
- t2 = t1.k4;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedNumberExtension_set_baseVal(t2, k4);
- }
- t2 = t1.result;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedStringExtension_set_baseVal(t2, result);
- this.filter.append(t1);
- },
- setFeComposite$4$in1$in2$operator$result(in1, in2, operator, result) {
- return this.setFeComposite$8$in1$in2$k1$k2$k3$k4$operator$result(in1, in2, null, null, null, null, operator, result);
- },
- setFeImage$4$height$href$result$width(height, href, result, width) {
- var t1 = self.document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "feImage"),
- t2 = t1.href;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedStringExtension_set_baseVal(t2, href);
- t2 = t1.result;
- t2.toString;
- A.SVGAnimatedStringExtension_set_baseVal(t2, result);
- t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t2 !== B.BrowserEngine_1) {
- t1.x.baseVal.newValueSpecifiedUnits(1, 0);
- t1.y.baseVal.newValueSpecifiedUnits(1, 0);
- t1.width.baseVal.newValueSpecifiedUnits(1, width);
- t1.height.baseVal.newValueSpecifiedUnits(1, height);
- }
- this.filter.append(t1);
- },
- build$0() {
- var t1 = this.root;
- t1.append(this.filter);
- return new A.SvgFilter(this.id, t1);
- }
- };
- A.SvgFilter.prototype = {};
- A.DomCanvas.prototype = {
- clipRect$2(rect, clipOp) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- },
- clipRRect$1(rrect) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- },
- clipPath$1(_, path) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- },
- drawLine$3(p1, p2, paint) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- },
- drawPaint$1(paint) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- },
- drawRect$2(rect, paint) {
- var t1;
- rect = A.adjustRectForDom(rect, paint);
- t1 = this.SaveElementStackTracking__elementStack;
- t1 = t1.length === 0 ? this.rootElement : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1);
- t1.append(A.buildDrawRectElement(rect, paint, "draw-rect", this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform));
- },
- drawRRect$2(rrect, paint) {
- var t1,
- element = A.buildDrawRectElement(A.adjustRectForDom(new A.Rect(rrect.left, rrect.top, rrect.right, rrect.bottom), paint), paint, "draw-rrect", this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform);
- A.applyRRectBorderRadius(element.style, rrect);
- t1 = this.SaveElementStackTracking__elementStack;
- t1 = t1.length === 0 ? this.rootElement : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1);
- t1.append(element);
- },
- drawOval$2(rect, paint) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- },
- drawCircle$3(c, radius, paint) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- },
- drawPath$2(path, paint) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- },
- drawShadow$4(path, color, elevation, transparentOccluder) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- },
- drawImageRect$4(image, src, dst, paint) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- },
- drawParagraph$2(paragraph, offset) {
- var paragraphElement = A.drawParagraphElement(paragraph, offset, this.SaveElementStackTracking__currentTransform),
- t1 = this.SaveElementStackTracking__elementStack;
- t1 = t1.length === 0 ? this.rootElement : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1);
- t1.append(paragraphElement);
- },
- endOfPaint$0() {
- }
- };
- A.PersistedOffset.prototype = {
- recomputeTransformAndClip$0() {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.parent.transform;
- _this.transform = t1;
- t2 = _this.dx;
- if (t2 !== 0 || _this.dy !== 0) {
- t1.toString;
- t3 = new A.Matrix4(new Float32Array(16));
- t3.setFrom$1(t1);
- _this.transform = t3;
- t3.translate$2(0, t2, _this.dy);
- }
- _this.projectedClip = null;
- },
- get$localTransformInverse() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._localTransformInverse;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = A.Matrix4$identity();
- t1.setTranslationRaw$3(-_this.dx, -_this.dy, 0);
- _this._localTransformInverse = t1;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- createElement$0(_) {
- var element = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-offset");
- A.setElementStyle(element, "position", "absolute");
- A.setElementStyle(element, "transform-origin", "0 0 0");
- return element;
- },
- apply$0() {
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(this.rootElement.style, "transform", "translate(" + A.S(this.dx) + "px, " + A.S(this.dy) + "px)");
- },
- update$1(_, oldSurface) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$update(0, oldSurface);
- if (oldSurface.dx !== _this.dx || oldSurface.dy !== _this.dy)
- _this.apply$0();
- },
- $isOffsetEngineLayer: 1
- };
- A.PersistedOpacity.prototype = {
- recomputeTransformAndClip$0() {
- var t2, dx, dy, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.parent.transform;
- _this.transform = t1;
- t2 = _this.offset;
- dx = t2._dx;
- dy = t2._dy;
- if (dx !== 0 || dy !== 0) {
- t1.toString;
- t2 = new A.Matrix4(new Float32Array(16));
- t2.setFrom$1(t1);
- _this.transform = t2;
- t2.translate$2(0, dx, dy);
- }
- _this.projectedClip = null;
- },
- get$localTransformInverse() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._localTransformInverse;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this.offset;
- t2 = A.Matrix4$identity();
- t2.setTranslationRaw$3(-t1._dx, -t1._dy, 0);
- this._localTransformInverse = t2;
- t1 = t2;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- createElement$0(_) {
- var element = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-opacity");
- A.setElementStyle(element, "position", "absolute");
- A.setElementStyle(element, "transform-origin", "0 0 0");
- return element;
- },
- apply$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.rootElement;
- t1.toString;
- A.setElementStyle(t1, "opacity", A.S(this.alpha / 255));
- t2 = this.offset;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1.style, "transform", "translate(" + A.S(t2._dx) + "px, " + A.S(t2._dy) + "px)");
- },
- update$1(_, oldSurface) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$update(0, oldSurface);
- if (_this.alpha !== oldSurface.alpha || !_this.offset.$eq(0, oldSurface.offset))
- _this.apply$0();
- },
- $isOpacityEngineLayer: 1
- };
- A.SurfacePaint.prototype = {
- set$blendMode(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._frozen) {
- _this._paintData = _this._paintData.clone$0(0);
- _this._frozen = false;
- }
- _this._paintData.blendMode = value;
- },
- get$style(_) {
- var t1 = this._paintData.style;
- return t1 == null ? B.PaintingStyle_0 : t1;
- },
- set$style(_, value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._frozen) {
- _this._paintData = _this._paintData.clone$0(0);
- _this._frozen = false;
- }
- _this._paintData.style = value;
- },
- get$strokeWidth() {
- var t1 = this._paintData.strokeWidth;
- return t1 == null ? 0 : t1;
- },
- set$strokeWidth(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._frozen) {
- _this._paintData = _this._paintData.clone$0(0);
- _this._frozen = false;
- }
- _this._paintData.strokeWidth = value;
- },
- set$strokeCap(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._frozen) {
- _this._paintData = _this._paintData.clone$0(0);
- _this._frozen = false;
- }
- _this._paintData.strokeCap = value;
- },
- set$isAntiAlias(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._frozen) {
- _this._paintData = _this._paintData.clone$0(0);
- _this._frozen = false;
- }
- _this._paintData.isAntiAlias = value;
- },
- get$color(_) {
- return new A.Color(this._paintData.color);
- },
- set$color(_, value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._frozen) {
- _this._paintData = _this._paintData.clone$0(0);
- _this._frozen = false;
- }
- _this._paintData.color = value.get$value(value);
- },
- set$invertColors(value) {
- },
- get$shader() {
- return this._paintData.shader;
- },
- set$shader(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._frozen) {
- _this._paintData = _this._paintData.clone$0(0);
- _this._frozen = false;
- }
- _this._paintData.shader = value;
- },
- set$maskFilter(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._frozen) {
- _this._paintData = _this._paintData.clone$0(0);
- _this._frozen = false;
- }
- _this._paintData.maskFilter = value;
- },
- set$filterQuality(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._frozen) {
- _this._paintData = _this._paintData.clone$0(0);
- _this._frozen = false;
- }
- _this._paintData.filterQuality = value;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t4, semicolon,
- t1 = "" + "Paint(",
- t2 = this._paintData.style,
- t3 = t2 == null;
- if ((t3 ? B.PaintingStyle_0 : t2) === B.PaintingStyle_1) {
- t1 += (t3 ? B.PaintingStyle_0 : t2).toString$0(0);
- t2 = this._paintData;
- t3 = t2.strokeWidth;
- t4 = t3 == null;
- if ((t4 ? 0 : t3) !== 0)
- t1 += " " + A.S(t4 ? 0 : t3);
- else
- t1 += " hairline";
- t2 = t2.strokeCap;
- t3 = t2 == null;
- if ((t3 ? B.StrokeCap_0 : t2) !== B.StrokeCap_0)
- t1 += " " + (t3 ? B.StrokeCap_0 : t2).toString$0(0);
- semicolon = "; ";
- } else
- semicolon = "";
- t2 = this._paintData;
- if (!t2.isAntiAlias) {
- t1 += semicolon + "antialias off";
- semicolon = "; ";
- }
- t2 = t2.color;
- t1 = (t2 !== 4278190080 ? t1 + (semicolon + new A.Color(t2).toString$0(0)) : t1) + ")";
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- $isPaint: 1
- };
- A.SurfacePaintData.prototype = {
- clone$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = new A.SurfacePaintData();
- t1.blendMode = _this.blendMode;
- t1.filterQuality = _this.filterQuality;
- t1.maskFilter = _this.maskFilter;
- t1.shader = _this.shader;
- t1.isAntiAlias = _this.isAntiAlias;
- t1.color = _this.color;
- t1.colorFilter = _this.colorFilter;
- t1.strokeWidth = _this.strokeWidth;
- t1.style = _this.style;
- t1.strokeJoin = _this.strokeJoin;
- t1.strokeCap = _this.strokeCap;
- return t1;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- },
- get$strokeWidth() {
- return this.strokeWidth;
- }
- };
- A.Conic.prototype = {
- toQuads$0() {
- var dst, t1, t2, t3, controlPointOffset, skipSubdivide, pointCount, hasNonFinitePoints, p, _this = this,
- pointList = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Offset),
- subdivideCount = _this._computeSubdivisionCount$1(0.25),
- quadCount = B.JSInt_methods._shlPositive$1(1, subdivideCount);
- pointList.push(new A.Offset(_this.p0x, _this.p0y));
- if (subdivideCount === 5) {
- dst = new A._ConicPair();
- _this._chop$1(dst);
- t1 = dst.first;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = dst.second;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = t1.p1x;
- if (t3 === t1.p2x && t1.p1y === t1.p2y && t2.p0x === t2.p1x && t2.p0y === t2.p1y) {
- controlPointOffset = new A.Offset(t3, t1.p1y);
- pointList.push(controlPointOffset);
- pointList.push(controlPointOffset);
- pointList.push(controlPointOffset);
- pointList.push(new A.Offset(t2.p2x, t2.p2y));
- quadCount = 2;
- skipSubdivide = true;
- } else
- skipSubdivide = false;
- } else
- skipSubdivide = false;
- if (!skipSubdivide)
- A.Conic__subdivide(_this, subdivideCount, pointList);
- pointCount = 2 * quadCount + 1;
- p = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(p < pointCount)) {
- hasNonFinitePoints = false;
- break;
- }
- t1 = pointList[p];
- if (isNaN(t1._dx) || isNaN(t1._dy)) {
- hasNonFinitePoints = true;
- break;
- }
- ++p;
- }
- if (hasNonFinitePoints)
- for (t1 = pointCount - 1, t2 = _this.p1x, t3 = _this.p1y, p = 1; p < t1; ++p)
- pointList[p] = new A.Offset(t2, t3);
- return pointList;
- },
- _chop$1(pair) {
- var w2, scaleHalf, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.fW,
- scale = 1 / (1 + t1),
- newW = Math.sqrt(0.5 + t1 * 0.5),
- t2 = _this.p1x,
- t3 = t1 * t2,
- t4 = _this.p1y,
- t5 = t1 * t4,
- t6 = _this.p0x,
- t7 = _this.p2x,
- t8 = (t6 + 2 * t3 + t7) * scale * 0.5,
- t9 = _this.p0y,
- t10 = _this.p2y,
- t11 = (t9 + 2 * t5 + t10) * scale * 0.5,
- m = new A.Offset(t8, t11);
- if (isNaN(t8) || isNaN(t11)) {
- w2 = t1 * 2;
- scaleHalf = scale * 0.5;
- m = new A.Offset((t6 + w2 * t2 + t7) * scaleHalf, (t9 + w2 * t4 + t10) * scaleHalf);
- }
- t1 = m._dx;
- t2 = m._dy;
- pair.first = new A.Conic(t6, t9, (t6 + t3) * scale, (t9 + t5) * scale, t1, t2, newW);
- pair.second = new A.Conic(t1, t2, (t7 + t3) * scale, (t10 + t5) * scale, t7, t10, newW);
- },
- chopAtYExtrema$1(dst) {
- var _this = this,
- t = _this._findYExtrema$0();
- if (t == null) {
- dst.push(_this);
- return;
- }
- if (!_this._chopAt$3$cleanupMiddle(t, dst, true)) {
- dst.push(_this);
- return;
- }
- },
- _findYExtrema$0() {
- var wP10, quadRoots, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.p2y,
- t2 = _this.p0y,
- p20 = t1 - t2;
- t1 = _this.fW;
- wP10 = t1 * (_this.p1y - t2);
- quadRoots = new A.QuadRoots();
- if (quadRoots.findRoots$3(t1 * p20 - p20, p20 - 2 * wP10, wP10) === 1)
- return quadRoots.root0;
- return null;
- },
- _chopAt$3$cleanupMiddle(t, dst, cleanupMiddle) {
- var chopPointX, chopPointY, t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
- tx0 = _this.p0x,
- ty0 = _this.p0y,
- t1 = _this.fW,
- tx1 = _this.p1x * t1,
- ty1 = _this.p1y * t1,
- ty2 = _this.p2y,
- dx0 = tx0 + (tx1 - tx0) * t,
- dx2 = tx1 + (_this.p2x - tx1) * t,
- dy0 = ty0 + (ty1 - ty0) * t,
- dz0 = 1 + (t1 - 1) * t,
- dz2 = t1 + (1 - t1) * t,
- dz1 = dz0 + (dz2 - dz0) * t,
- root = Math.sqrt(dz1);
- if (Math.abs(root - 0) < 0.000244140625)
- return false;
- if (Math.abs(dz0 - 0) < 0.000244140625 || Math.abs(dz1 - 0) < 0.000244140625 || Math.abs(dz2 - 0) < 0.000244140625)
- return false;
- chopPointX = (dx0 + (dx2 - dx0) * t) / dz1;
- chopPointY = (dy0 + (ty1 + (ty2 - ty1) * t - dy0) * t) / dz1;
- t1 = _this.p0x;
- t2 = _this.p0y;
- t3 = _this.p2x;
- t4 = _this.p2y;
- dst.push(new A.Conic(t1, t2, dx0 / dz0, chopPointY, chopPointX, chopPointY, dz0 / root));
- dst.push(new A.Conic(chopPointX, chopPointY, dx2 / dz2, chopPointY, t3, t4, dz2 / root));
- return true;
- },
- _computeSubdivisionCount$1(tolerance) {
- var a, k, x, y, error, pow2, _this = this;
- if (tolerance < 0)
- return 0;
- a = _this.fW - 1;
- k = a / (4 * (2 + a));
- x = k * (_this.p0x - 2 * _this.p1x + _this.p2x);
- y = k * (_this.p0y - 2 * _this.p1y + _this.p2y);
- error = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
- for (pow2 = 0; pow2 < 5; ++pow2) {
- if (error <= tolerance)
- break;
- error *= 0.25;
- }
- return pow2;
- },
- evalTangentAt$1(t) {
- var t1, t2, p20x, t3, p20y, cx, cy, quadC, _this = this;
- if (!(t === 0 && _this.p0x === _this.p1x && _this.p0y === _this.p1y))
- t1 = t === 1 && _this.p1x === _this.p2x && _this.p1y === _this.p2y;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return new A.Offset(_this.p2x - _this.p0x, _this.p2y - _this.p0y);
- t1 = _this.p2x;
- t2 = _this.p0x;
- p20x = t1 - t2;
- t1 = _this.p2y;
- t3 = _this.p0y;
- p20y = t1 - t3;
- t1 = _this.fW;
- cx = t1 * (_this.p1x - t2);
- cy = t1 * (_this.p1y - t3);
- quadC = A.SkQuadCoefficients$(t1 * p20x - p20x, t1 * p20y - p20y, p20x - cx - cx, p20y - cy - cy, cx, cy);
- return new A.Offset(quadC.evalX$1(t), quadC.evalY$1(t));
- }
- };
- A.QuadBounds.prototype = {};
- A.ConicBounds.prototype = {};
- A._ConicPair.prototype = {};
- A.CubicBounds.prototype = {};
- A.SurfacePath.prototype = {
- _resetFields$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.fLastMoveToIndex = 0;
- _this._fillType = B.PathFillType_0;
- _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1;
- },
- _copyFields$1(source) {
- var _this = this;
- _this._fillType = source._fillType;
- _this.fLastMoveToIndex = source.fLastMoveToIndex;
- _this._convexityType = source._convexityType;
- _this._firstDirection = source._firstDirection;
- },
- get$fillType() {
- return this._fillType;
- },
- set$fillType(value) {
- this._fillType = value;
- },
- reset$0(_) {
- if (this.pathRef._fVerbsLength !== 0) {
- this.pathRef = A.PathRef$();
- this._resetFields$0();
- }
- },
- moveTo$2(_, x, y) {
- var _this = this,
- pointIndex = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(0, 0);
- _this.fLastMoveToIndex = pointIndex + 1;
- _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex, x, y);
- _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1;
- },
- _injectMoveToIfNeeded$0() {
- var t2, x, y, pointIndex,
- t1 = this.fLastMoveToIndex;
- if (t1 <= 0) {
- t2 = this.pathRef;
- if (t2._fPointsLength === 0) {
- x = 0;
- y = 0;
- } else {
- pointIndex = 2 * (-t1 - 1);
- t1 = t2.fPoints;
- x = t1[pointIndex];
- y = t1[pointIndex + 1];
- }
- this.moveTo$2(0, x, y);
- }
- },
- lineTo$2(_, x, y) {
- var pointIndex, _this = this;
- if (_this.fLastMoveToIndex <= 0)
- _this._injectMoveToIfNeeded$0();
- pointIndex = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(1, 0);
- _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex, x, y);
- _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1;
- },
- quadraticBezierTo$4(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
- this._injectMoveToIfNeeded$0();
- this._quadTo$4(x1, y1, x2, y2);
- },
- _quadTo$4(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
- var _this = this,
- pointIndex = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(2, 0);
- _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex, x1, y1);
- _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex + 1, x2, y2);
- _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1;
- },
- conicTo$5(x1, y1, x2, y2, w) {
- var pointIndex, _this = this;
- _this._injectMoveToIfNeeded$0();
- pointIndex = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(3, w);
- _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex, x1, y1);
- _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex + 1, x2, y2);
- _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1;
- },
- cubicTo$6(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) {
- var pointIndex, _this = this;
- _this._injectMoveToIfNeeded$0();
- pointIndex = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(4, 0);
- _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex, x1, y1);
- _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex + 1, x2, y2);
- _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex + 2, x3, y3);
- _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1;
- },
- close$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.pathRef,
- verbCount = t1._fVerbsLength;
- if (verbCount !== 0 && t1._fVerbs[verbCount - 1] !== 5)
- t1.growForVerb$2(5, 0);
- t1 = _this.fLastMoveToIndex;
- if (t1 >= 0)
- _this.fLastMoveToIndex = -t1;
- _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1;
- },
- addRect$1(rect) {
- this.addRectWithDirection$3(rect, 0, 0);
- },
- _hasOnlyMoveTos$0() {
- var i,
- t1 = this.pathRef,
- verbCount = t1._fVerbsLength;
- for (t1 = t1._fVerbs, i = 0; i < verbCount; ++i)
- switch (t1[i]) {
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 3:
- case 4:
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- addRectWithDirection$3(rect, direction, startIndex) {
- var pointIndex1, pointIndex2, pointIndex3, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
- isRect = _this._hasOnlyMoveTos$0(),
- finalDirection = _this._hasOnlyMoveTos$0() ? direction : -1,
- pointIndex0 = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(0, 0);
- _this.fLastMoveToIndex = pointIndex0 + 1;
- pointIndex1 = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(1, 0);
- pointIndex2 = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(1, 0);
- pointIndex3 = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(1, 0);
- _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(5, 0);
- t1 = _this.pathRef;
- t2 = rect.left;
- t3 = rect.top;
- t4 = rect.right;
- t5 = rect.bottom;
- if (direction === 0) {
- t1.setPoint$3(pointIndex0, t2, t3);
- _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex1, t4, t3);
- _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex2, t4, t5);
- _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex3, t2, t5);
- } else {
- t1.setPoint$3(pointIndex3, t2, t5);
- _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex2, t4, t5);
- _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex1, t4, t3);
- _this.pathRef.setPoint$3(pointIndex0, t2, t3);
- }
- t1 = _this.pathRef;
- t1.fIsRect = isRect;
- t1.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = direction === 1;
- t1.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = 0;
- _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1;
- _this._firstDirection = finalDirection;
- },
- arcTo$4(_, rect, startAngle, sweepAngle, forceMoveTo) {
- var lonePoint, t2, t3, stopAngle, cosStart, sinStart, cosStop, sinStop, sweep, deltaRad, stopAngle0, dir, radiusX, radiusY, px, py, x, y, quadrant, conics, i, quadPointIndex, p0, p1, p2, lastQuadrantPoint, dot, offCurveX, offCurveY, cosThetaOver2, t4, conicCount, centerX, centerY, _i, conic, firstConicPx, firstConicPy, _this = this,
- t1 = rect.right - rect.left;
- if (t1 === 0 && rect.bottom - rect.top === 0)
- return;
- if (_this.pathRef._fPointsLength === 0)
- forceMoveTo = true;
- lonePoint = A._arcIsLonePoint(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle);
- if (lonePoint != null) {
- t2 = lonePoint._dx;
- t3 = lonePoint._dy;
- if (forceMoveTo)
- _this.moveTo$2(0, t2, t3);
- else
- _this.lineTo$2(0, t2, t3);
- }
- stopAngle = startAngle + sweepAngle;
- cosStart = Math.cos(startAngle);
- sinStart = Math.sin(startAngle);
- cosStop = Math.cos(stopAngle);
- sinStop = Math.sin(stopAngle);
- if (Math.abs(cosStart - cosStop) < 0.000244140625 && Math.abs(sinStart - sinStop) < 0.000244140625) {
- sweep = Math.abs(sweepAngle) * 180 / 3.141592653589793;
- if (sweep <= 360 && sweep > 359) {
- deltaRad = sweepAngle < 0 ? -0.001953125 : 0.001953125;
- stopAngle0 = stopAngle;
- do {
- stopAngle0 -= deltaRad;
- cosStop = Math.cos(stopAngle0);
- sinStop = Math.sin(stopAngle0);
- } while (cosStart === cosStop && sinStart === sinStop);
- }
- }
- dir = sweepAngle > 0 ? 0 : 1;
- radiusX = t1 / 2;
- radiusY = (rect.bottom - rect.top) / 2;
- px = rect.get$center()._dx + radiusX * Math.cos(stopAngle);
- py = rect.get$center()._dy + radiusY * Math.sin(stopAngle);
- if (cosStart === cosStop && sinStart === sinStop) {
- if (forceMoveTo)
- _this.moveTo$2(0, px, py);
- else
- _this._lineToIfNotTooCloseToLastPoint$2(px, py);
- return;
- }
- x = cosStart * cosStop + sinStart * sinStop;
- y = cosStart * sinStop - sinStart * cosStop;
- if (Math.abs(y) <= 0.000244140625)
- if (x > 0)
- if (!(y >= 0 && dir === 0))
- t1 = y <= 0 && dir === 1;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- if (forceMoveTo)
- _this.moveTo$2(0, px, py);
- else
- _this._lineToIfNotTooCloseToLastPoint$2(px, py);
- return;
- }
- t1 = dir === 1;
- if (t1)
- y = -y;
- if (0 === y)
- quadrant = 2;
- else if (0 === x)
- quadrant = y > 0 ? 1 : 3;
- else {
- t2 = y < 0;
- quadrant = t2 ? 2 : 0;
- if (x < 0 !== t2)
- ++quadrant;
- }
- conics = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Conic);
- for (i = 0; i < quadrant; ++i) {
- quadPointIndex = i * 2;
- p0 = B.List_mVm[quadPointIndex];
- p1 = B.List_mVm[quadPointIndex + 1];
- p2 = B.List_mVm[quadPointIndex + 2];
- conics.push(new A.Conic(p0._dx, p0._dy, p1._dx, p1._dy, p2._dx, p2._dy, 0.707106781));
- }
- lastQuadrantPoint = B.List_mVm[quadrant * 2];
- t2 = lastQuadrantPoint._dx;
- t3 = lastQuadrantPoint._dy;
- dot = x * t2 + y * t3;
- if (dot < 1) {
- offCurveX = t2 + x;
- offCurveY = t3 + y;
- cosThetaOver2 = Math.sqrt((1 + dot) / 2);
- t4 = cosThetaOver2 * Math.sqrt(offCurveX * offCurveX + offCurveY * offCurveY);
- offCurveX /= t4;
- offCurveY /= t4;
- if (!(Math.abs(offCurveX - t2) < 0.000244140625) || !(Math.abs(offCurveY - t3) < 0.000244140625)) {
- conics.push(new A.Conic(t2, t3, offCurveX, offCurveY, x, y, cosThetaOver2));
- conicCount = quadrant + 1;
- } else
- conicCount = quadrant;
- } else
- conicCount = quadrant;
- centerX = rect.get$center()._dx;
- centerY = rect.get$center()._dy;
- for (t2 = conics.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
- conic = conics[_i];
- x = conic.p0x;
- y = conic.p0y;
- if (t1)
- y = -y;
- conic.p0x = (cosStart * x - sinStart * y) * radiusX + centerX;
- conic.p0y = (cosStart * y + sinStart * x) * radiusY + centerY;
- x = conic.p1x;
- y = conic.p1y;
- if (t1)
- y = -y;
- conic.p1x = (cosStart * x - sinStart * y) * radiusX + centerX;
- conic.p1y = (cosStart * y + sinStart * x) * radiusY + centerY;
- x = conic.p2x;
- y = conic.p2y;
- if (t1)
- y = -y;
- conic.p2x = (cosStart * x - sinStart * y) * radiusX + centerX;
- conic.p2y = (cosStart * y + sinStart * x) * radiusY + centerY;
- }
- t1 = conics[0];
- firstConicPx = t1.p0x;
- firstConicPy = t1.p0y;
- if (forceMoveTo)
- _this.moveTo$2(0, firstConicPx, firstConicPy);
- else
- _this._lineToIfNotTooCloseToLastPoint$2(firstConicPx, firstConicPy);
- for (i = 0; i < conicCount; ++i) {
- conic = conics[i];
- _this.conicTo$5(conic.p1x, conic.p1y, conic.p2x, conic.p2y, conic.fW);
- }
- _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1;
- },
- _lineToIfNotTooCloseToLastPoint$2(px, py) {
- var lastPoint,
- t1 = this.pathRef,
- pointCount = t1._fPointsLength;
- if (pointCount !== 0) {
- lastPoint = t1.atPoint$1(pointCount - 1);
- if (!(Math.abs(px - lastPoint._dx) < 0.000244140625) || !(Math.abs(py - lastPoint._dy) < 0.000244140625))
- this.lineTo$2(0, px, py);
- }
- },
- arcToPoint$3$clockwise$radius(arcEnd, clockwise, radius) {
- var t1, pointCount, lastPointX, lastPointY, pointIndex, x, y, rx, ry, midPointX, midPointY, cosXAxisRotation, sinXAxisRotation, xPrime, yPrime, radiiScale, unitPts0x, unitPts0y, unitPts1x, unitPts1y, deltaX, deltaY, scaleFactor, centerPointX, centerPointY, theta1, thetaArc, segments, thetaWidth, t, w, expectIntegers, startTheta, i, endTheta, sinEndTheta, cosEndTheta, xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd, _this = this;
- _this._injectMoveToIfNeeded$0();
- t1 = _this.pathRef;
- pointCount = t1._fPointsLength;
- if (pointCount === 0) {
- lastPointX = 0;
- lastPointY = 0;
- } else {
- pointIndex = (pointCount - 1) * 2;
- t1 = t1.fPoints;
- lastPointX = t1[pointIndex];
- lastPointY = t1[pointIndex + 1];
- }
- x = arcEnd._dx;
- y = arcEnd._dy;
- rx = Math.abs(radius.x);
- ry = Math.abs(radius.y);
- if (lastPointX === x && lastPointY === y || B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(rx) === 0 || B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(ry) === 0)
- if (rx === 0 || ry === 0) {
- _this.lineTo$2(0, x, y);
- return;
- }
- midPointX = (lastPointX - x) / 2;
- midPointY = (lastPointY - y) / 2;
- cosXAxisRotation = Math.cos(0);
- sinXAxisRotation = Math.sin(0);
- xPrime = cosXAxisRotation * midPointX + sinXAxisRotation * midPointY;
- yPrime = -sinXAxisRotation * midPointX + cosXAxisRotation * midPointY;
- radiiScale = xPrime * xPrime / (rx * rx) + yPrime * yPrime / (ry * ry);
- if (radiiScale > 1) {
- radiiScale = Math.sqrt(radiiScale);
- rx *= radiiScale;
- ry *= radiiScale;
- }
- unitPts0x = (lastPointX * cosXAxisRotation + lastPointY * sinXAxisRotation) / rx;
- unitPts0y = (lastPointY * cosXAxisRotation - lastPointX * sinXAxisRotation) / ry;
- unitPts1x = (x * cosXAxisRotation + y * sinXAxisRotation) / rx;
- unitPts1y = (y * cosXAxisRotation - x * sinXAxisRotation) / ry;
- deltaX = unitPts1x - unitPts0x;
- deltaY = unitPts1y - unitPts0y;
- scaleFactor = Math.sqrt(Math.max(1 / (deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY) - 0.25, 0));
- t1 = !clockwise;
- if (t1)
- scaleFactor = -scaleFactor;
- centerPointX = (unitPts0x + unitPts1x) / 2 - deltaY * scaleFactor;
- centerPointY = (unitPts0y + unitPts1y) / 2 + deltaX * scaleFactor;
- theta1 = Math.atan2(unitPts0y - centerPointY, unitPts0x - centerPointX);
- thetaArc = Math.atan2(unitPts1y - centerPointY, unitPts1x - centerPointX) - theta1;
- if (clockwise && thetaArc < 0)
- thetaArc += 6.283185307179586;
- else if (t1 && thetaArc > 0)
- thetaArc -= 6.283185307179586;
- if (Math.abs(thetaArc) < 0.0000031415926535897933) {
- _this.lineTo$2(0, x, y);
- return;
- }
- segments = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(Math.abs(thetaArc / 2.0943951023931953));
- thetaWidth = thetaArc / segments;
- t = Math.tan(thetaWidth / 2);
- if (!isFinite(t))
- return;
- w = Math.sqrt(0.5 + Math.cos(thetaWidth) * 0.5);
- expectIntegers = Math.abs(1.5707963267948966 - Math.abs(thetaWidth) - 0) < 0.000244140625 && B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(rx) === rx && B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(ry) === ry && B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(x) === x && B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(y) === y;
- for (startTheta = theta1, i = 0; i < segments; ++i, startTheta = endTheta) {
- endTheta = startTheta + thetaWidth;
- sinEndTheta = Math.sin(endTheta);
- if (Math.abs(sinEndTheta - 0) < 0.000244140625)
- sinEndTheta = 0;
- cosEndTheta = Math.cos(endTheta);
- if (Math.abs(cosEndTheta - 0) < 0.000244140625)
- cosEndTheta = 0;
- unitPts1x = cosEndTheta + centerPointX;
- unitPts1y = sinEndTheta + centerPointY;
- unitPts0x = (unitPts1x + t * sinEndTheta) * rx;
- unitPts0y = (unitPts1y - t * cosEndTheta) * ry;
- unitPts1x *= rx;
- unitPts1y *= ry;
- xStart = unitPts0x * cosXAxisRotation - unitPts0y * sinXAxisRotation;
- yStart = unitPts0y * cosXAxisRotation + unitPts0x * sinXAxisRotation;
- xEnd = unitPts1x * cosXAxisRotation - unitPts1y * sinXAxisRotation;
- yEnd = unitPts1y * cosXAxisRotation + unitPts1x * sinXAxisRotation;
- if (expectIntegers) {
- xStart = Math.floor(xStart + 0.5);
- yStart = Math.floor(yStart + 0.5);
- xEnd = Math.floor(xEnd + 0.5);
- yEnd = Math.floor(yEnd + 0.5);
- }
- _this.conicTo$5(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd, w);
- }
- },
- arcToPoint$2$radius(arcEnd, radius) {
- return this.arcToPoint$3$clockwise$radius(arcEnd, true, radius);
- },
- addOval$1(oval) {
- this._addOval$3(oval, 0, 0);
- },
- _addOval$3(oval, direction, startIndex) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- isOval = _this._hasOnlyMoveTos$0(),
- left = oval.left,
- right = oval.right,
- centerX = (left + right) / 2,
- $top = oval.top,
- bottom = oval.bottom,
- centerY = ($top + bottom) / 2;
- if (direction === 0) {
- _this.moveTo$2(0, right, centerY);
- _this.conicTo$5(right, bottom, centerX, bottom, 0.707106781);
- _this.conicTo$5(left, bottom, left, centerY, 0.707106781);
- _this.conicTo$5(left, $top, centerX, $top, 0.707106781);
- _this.conicTo$5(right, $top, right, centerY, 0.707106781);
- } else {
- _this.moveTo$2(0, right, centerY);
- _this.conicTo$5(right, $top, centerX, $top, 0.707106781);
- _this.conicTo$5(left, $top, left, centerY, 0.707106781);
- _this.conicTo$5(left, bottom, centerX, bottom, 0.707106781);
- _this.conicTo$5(right, bottom, right, centerY, 0.707106781);
- }
- _this.close$0(0);
- t1 = _this.pathRef;
- t1.fIsOval = isOval;
- t1.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = direction === 1;
- t1.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = 0;
- _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1;
- if (isOval)
- _this._firstDirection = direction;
- },
- addArc$3(oval, startAngle, sweepAngle) {
- var startOver90, startOver90I, startIndex, t1;
- if (0 === sweepAngle)
- return;
- if (sweepAngle >= 6.283185307179586 || sweepAngle <= -6.283185307179586) {
- startOver90 = startAngle / 1.5707963267948966;
- startOver90I = Math.floor(startOver90 + 0.5);
- if (Math.abs(startOver90 - startOver90I - 0) < 0.000244140625) {
- startIndex = startOver90I + 1;
- if (startIndex < 0)
- startIndex += 4;
- t1 = sweepAngle > 0 ? 0 : 1;
- this._addOval$3(oval, t1, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(startIndex));
- return;
- }
- }
- this.arcTo$4(0, oval, startAngle, sweepAngle, true);
- },
- addRRect$1(rrect) {
- var t6, width, height, tlRadiusX, trRadiusX, blRadiusX, brRadiusX, tlRadiusY, trRadiusY, blRadiusY, brRadiusY, scale, _this = this,
- isRRect = _this._hasOnlyMoveTos$0(),
- t1 = rrect.left,
- t2 = rrect.top,
- t3 = rrect.right,
- t4 = rrect.bottom,
- bounds = new A.Rect(t1, t2, t3, t4),
- t5 = rrect.tlRadiusX;
- if (t5 === 0 || rrect.tlRadiusY === 0)
- if (rrect.trRadiusX === 0 || rrect.trRadiusY === 0)
- if (rrect.blRadiusX === 0 || rrect.blRadiusY === 0)
- t6 = rrect.brRadiusX === 0 || rrect.brRadiusY === 0;
- else
- t6 = false;
- else
- t6 = false;
- else
- t6 = false;
- if (t6 || t1 >= t3 || t2 >= t4)
- _this.addRectWithDirection$3(bounds, 0, 3);
- else if (A.isRRectOval(rrect))
- _this._addOval$3(bounds, 0, 3);
- else {
- width = t3 - t1;
- height = t4 - t2;
- tlRadiusX = Math.max(0, t5);
- trRadiusX = Math.max(0, rrect.trRadiusX);
- blRadiusX = Math.max(0, rrect.blRadiusX);
- brRadiusX = Math.max(0, rrect.brRadiusX);
- tlRadiusY = Math.max(0, rrect.tlRadiusY);
- trRadiusY = Math.max(0, rrect.trRadiusY);
- blRadiusY = Math.max(0, rrect.blRadiusY);
- brRadiusY = Math.max(0, rrect.brRadiusY);
- scale = A._computeMinScale(blRadiusY, brRadiusY, height, A._computeMinScale(tlRadiusY, trRadiusY, height, A._computeMinScale(blRadiusX, brRadiusX, width, A._computeMinScale(tlRadiusX, trRadiusX, width, 1))));
- t5 = t4 - scale * blRadiusY;
- _this.moveTo$2(0, t1, t5);
- _this.lineTo$2(0, t1, t2 + scale * tlRadiusY);
- _this.conicTo$5(t1, t2, t1 + scale * tlRadiusX, t2, 0.707106781);
- _this.lineTo$2(0, t3 - scale * trRadiusX, t2);
- _this.conicTo$5(t3, t2, t3, t2 + scale * trRadiusY, 0.707106781);
- _this.lineTo$2(0, t3, t4 - scale * brRadiusY);
- _this.conicTo$5(t3, t4, t3 - scale * brRadiusX, t4, 0.707106781);
- _this.lineTo$2(0, t1 + scale * blRadiusX, t4);
- _this.conicTo$5(t1, t4, t1, t5, 0.707106781);
- _this.close$0(0);
- _this._firstDirection = isRRect ? 0 : -1;
- t1 = _this.pathRef;
- t1.fIsRRect = isRRect;
- t1.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = false;
- t1.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = 6;
- }
- },
- addPath$2(_, path, offset) {
- this.addPathWithMode$5(path, offset._dx, offset._dy, null, 0);
- },
- addPathWithMode$5(path, offsetX, offsetY, matrix4, mode) {
- var t1, t2, verbCount, pointCount, weightCount, t3, t4, source, previousPointCount, iter, outPts, listIndex, listIndex0, firstVerb, verb, point0X, t5, point0Y, t6, t7, lastPointX, lastPointY, pointIndex, index, t8, newPointCount, points, p, x, y, _this = this;
- type$.SurfacePath._as(path);
- t1 = path.pathRef;
- if (t1._fVerbsLength === 0)
- return;
- if (t1.$eq(0, _this.pathRef)) {
- t1 = A.PathRef$();
- t2 = _this.pathRef;
- verbCount = t2._fVerbsLength;
- pointCount = t2._fPointsLength;
- weightCount = t2._conicWeightsLength;
- t1.fBoundsIsDirty = true;
- t1.fSegmentMask = 0;
- t1.startEdit$0();
- t1._resizePoints$1(pointCount);
- t1._resizeVerbs$1(verbCount);
- t1._resizeConicWeights$1(weightCount);
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.setAll$2(t1._fVerbs, 0, t2._fVerbs);
- B.NativeFloat32List_methods.setAll$2(t1.fPoints, 0, t2.fPoints);
- t3 = t2._conicWeights;
- if (t3 == null)
- t1._conicWeights = null;
- else {
- t4 = t1._conicWeights;
- t4.toString;
- B.NativeFloat32List_methods.setAll$2(t4, 0, t3);
- }
- t3 = t2.fBoundsIsDirty;
- t1.fBoundsIsDirty = t3;
- if (!t3) {
- t1.fBounds = t2.fBounds;
- t1.cachedBounds = t2.cachedBounds;
- t1.fIsFinite = t2.fIsFinite;
- }
- t1.fSegmentMask = t2.fSegmentMask;
- t1.fIsOval = t2.fIsOval;
- t1.fIsRRect = t2.fIsRRect;
- t1.fIsRect = t2.fIsRect;
- t1.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = t2.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW;
- t1.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = t2.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx;
- source = new A.SurfacePath(t1, B.PathFillType_0);
- source._copyFields$1(_this);
- } else
- source = path;
- t1 = _this.pathRef;
- previousPointCount = t1._fPointsLength;
- if (mode === 0)
- if (matrix4 != null)
- t2 = matrix4[15] === 1 && matrix4[14] === 0 && matrix4[11] === 0 && matrix4[10] === 1 && matrix4[9] === 0 && matrix4[8] === 0 && matrix4[7] === 0 && matrix4[6] === 0 && matrix4[3] === 0 && matrix4[2] === 0;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = false;
- t3 = source.pathRef;
- if (t2)
- t1.append$1(0, t3);
- else {
- iter = new A.PathRefIterator(t3);
- iter.PathRefIterator$1(t3);
- outPts = new Float32Array(8);
- for (t1 = matrix4 == null, listIndex = 2 * (previousPointCount - 1), listIndex0 = listIndex + 1, t2 = previousPointCount === 0, firstVerb = true; verb = iter.next$1(0, outPts), verb !== 6; firstVerb = false)
- switch (verb) {
- case 0:
- if (t1) {
- t4 = outPts[0];
- point0X = t4 + offsetX;
- } else {
- t4 = matrix4[0];
- t5 = outPts[0];
- point0X = t4 * (t5 + offsetX) + matrix4[4] * (outPts[1] + offsetY) + matrix4[12];
- t4 = t5;
- }
- if (t1) {
- t5 = outPts[1];
- point0Y = t5 + offsetY;
- } else {
- t5 = matrix4[1];
- t6 = matrix4[5];
- t7 = outPts[1];
- point0Y = t5 * (t4 + offsetX) + t6 * (t7 + offsetY) + matrix4[13] + offsetY;
- t5 = t7;
- }
- if (firstVerb && _this.pathRef._fVerbsLength !== 0) {
- _this._injectMoveToIfNeeded$0();
- if (t2) {
- lastPointX = 0;
- lastPointY = 0;
- } else {
- t4 = _this.pathRef.fPoints;
- lastPointX = t4[listIndex];
- lastPointY = t4[listIndex0];
- }
- if (_this.fLastMoveToIndex <= 0 || !t2 || lastPointX !== point0X || lastPointY !== point0Y)
- _this.lineTo$2(0, outPts[0], outPts[1]);
- } else {
- pointIndex = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(0, 0);
- _this.fLastMoveToIndex = pointIndex + 1;
- index = pointIndex * 2;
- t6 = _this.pathRef.fPoints;
- t6[index] = t4;
- t6[index + 1] = t5;
- _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- _this.lineTo$2(0, outPts[2], outPts[3]);
- break;
- case 2:
- t4 = outPts[2];
- t5 = outPts[3];
- t6 = outPts[4];
- t7 = outPts[5];
- pointIndex = _this.pathRef.growForVerb$2(2, 0);
- index = pointIndex * 2;
- t8 = _this.pathRef.fPoints;
- t8[index] = t4;
- t8[index + 1] = t5;
- index = (pointIndex + 1) * 2;
- t8[index] = t6;
- t8[index + 1] = t7;
- _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1;
- break;
- case 3:
- _this.conicTo$5(outPts[2], outPts[3], outPts[4], outPts[5], t3._conicWeights[iter._conicWeightIndex]);
- break;
- case 4:
- _this.cubicTo$6(outPts[2], outPts[3], outPts[4], outPts[5], outPts[6], outPts[7]);
- break;
- case 5:
- _this.close$0(0);
- break;
- }
- }
- t1 = source.fLastMoveToIndex;
- if (t1 >= 0)
- _this.fLastMoveToIndex = previousPointCount + t1;
- t1 = _this.pathRef;
- newPointCount = t1._fPointsLength;
- points = t1.fPoints;
- for (p = previousPointCount * 2, t1 = newPointCount * 2, t2 = matrix4 == null; p < t1; p += 2) {
- t3 = p + 1;
- if (t2) {
- points[p] = points[p] + offsetX;
- points[t3] = points[t3] + offsetY;
- } else {
- x = points[p];
- y = points[t3];
- points[p] = matrix4[0] * x + matrix4[4] * y + (matrix4[12] + offsetX);
- points[t3] = matrix4[1] * x + matrix4[5] * y + (matrix4[13] + offsetY);
- }
- }
- _this._firstDirection = _this._convexityType = -1;
- },
- contains$1(_, point) {
- var bounds, x, y, t1, windings, evenOddFill, w, onCurveCount, iter, buffer, tangents, done, oldCount, t2, last, tangent, dx, dy, index, test, t3, offset, _this = this;
- if (_this.pathRef._fVerbsLength === 0)
- return false;
- bounds = _this.getBounds$0(0);
- x = point._dx;
- y = point._dy;
- if (x < bounds.left || y < bounds.top || x > bounds.right || y > bounds.bottom)
- return false;
- t1 = _this.pathRef;
- windings = new A.PathWinding(t1, x, y, new Float32Array(18));
- windings._walkPath$0();
- evenOddFill = B.PathFillType_1 === _this._fillType;
- w = windings._w;
- if ((evenOddFill ? w & 1 : w) !== 0)
- return true;
- onCurveCount = windings._onCurveCount;
- if (onCurveCount <= 1)
- return onCurveCount !== 0;
- t1 = (onCurveCount & 1) === 0;
- if (!t1 || evenOddFill)
- return !t1;
- iter = A.PathIterator$(_this.pathRef, true);
- buffer = new Float32Array(18);
- tangents = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Offset);
- t1 = iter.pathRef;
- done = false;
- do {
- oldCount = tangents.length;
- switch (iter.next$1(0, buffer)) {
- case 0:
- case 5:
- break;
- case 1:
- A.tangentLine(buffer, x, y, tangents);
- break;
- case 2:
- A.tangentQuad(buffer, x, y, tangents);
- break;
- case 3:
- t2 = iter._conicWeightIndex;
- A.tangentConic(buffer, x, y, t1._conicWeights[t2], tangents);
- break;
- case 4:
- A.tangentCubic(buffer, x, y, tangents);
- break;
- case 6:
- done = true;
- break;
- }
- t2 = tangents.length;
- if (t2 > oldCount) {
- last = t2 - 1;
- tangent = tangents[last];
- dx = tangent._dx;
- dy = tangent._dy;
- if (Math.abs(dx * dx + dy * dy - 0) < 0.000244140625)
- B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(tangents, last);
- else
- for (index = 0; index < last; ++index) {
- test = tangents[index];
- t2 = test._dx;
- t3 = test._dy;
- if (Math.abs(t2 * dy - t3 * dx - 0) < 0.000244140625) {
- t2 = dx * t2;
- if (t2 < 0)
- t2 = -1;
- else
- t2 = t2 > 0 ? 1 : 0;
- if (t2 <= 0) {
- t2 = dy * t3;
- if (t2 < 0)
- t2 = -1;
- else
- t2 = t2 > 0 ? 1 : 0;
- t2 = t2 <= 0;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- offset = B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(tangents, last);
- if (index !== tangents.length)
- tangents[index] = offset;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- } while (!done);
- return tangents.length !== 0;
- },
- shift$1(offset) {
- var t6,
- t1 = offset._dx,
- t2 = offset._dy,
- t3 = this.pathRef,
- t4 = A.PathRef__fPointsFromSource(t3, t1, t2),
- t5 = t3._fVerbsCapacity,
- verbs = new Uint8Array(t5);
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.setAll$2(verbs, 0, t3._fVerbs);
- t4 = new A.PathRef(t4, verbs);
- t5 = t3._conicWeightsCapacity;
- t4._conicWeightsCapacity = t5;
- t4._conicWeightsLength = t3._conicWeightsLength;
- t6 = t3._conicWeights;
- if (t6 != null) {
- t5 = new Float32Array(t5);
- t4._conicWeights = t5;
- B.NativeFloat32List_methods.setAll$2(t5, 0, t6);
- }
- t4._fVerbsCapacity = t3._fVerbsCapacity;
- t4._fVerbsLength = t3._fVerbsLength;
- t4._fPointsCapacity = t3._fPointsCapacity;
- t4._fPointsLength = t3._fPointsLength;
- t5 = t3.fBoundsIsDirty;
- t4.fBoundsIsDirty = t5;
- if (!t5) {
- t4.fBounds = t3.fBounds.translate$2(0, t1, t2);
- t5 = t3.cachedBounds;
- t4.cachedBounds = t5 == null ? null : t5.translate$2(0, t1, t2);
- t4.fIsFinite = t3.fIsFinite;
- }
- t4.fSegmentMask = t3.fSegmentMask;
- t4.fIsOval = t3.fIsOval;
- t4.fIsRRect = t3.fIsRRect;
- t4.fIsRect = t3.fIsRect;
- t4.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW = t3.fRRectOrOvalIsCCW;
- t4.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx = t3.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx;
- t1 = new A.SurfacePath(t4, B.PathFillType_0);
- t1._copyFields$1(this);
- return t1;
- },
- getBounds$0(_) {
- var t2, iter, points, ltrbInitialized, left, $top, right, bottom, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, cubicBounds, quadBounds, conicBounds, verb, pIndex, pointIndex, x1, pointIndex0, y1, cpX, cpY, x2, y2, t3, t4, t5, denom, t10, tprime, t6, t7, extremaX, extremaY, t20, tprime2, extrema2X, extrema2Y, roots, p20x, wP10x, $B, src2w, p20y, wP10y, startX, startY, cpX1, cpY1, cpX2, cpY2, endX, endY, a, b, s, t, newBounds, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.pathRef;
- if ((t1.fIsRRect ? t1.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx : -1) === -1)
- t2 = (t1.fIsOval ? t1.fRRectOrOvalStartIdx : -1) !== -1;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- return t1.getBounds$0(0);
- if (!t1.fBoundsIsDirty && t1.cachedBounds != null) {
- t1 = t1.cachedBounds;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- iter = new A.PathRefIterator(t1);
- iter.PathRefIterator$1(t1);
- points = _this.pathRef.fPoints;
- for (ltrbInitialized = false, left = 0, $top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0, minX = 0, maxX = 0, minY = 0, maxY = 0, cubicBounds = null, quadBounds = null, conicBounds = null; verb = iter.nextIndex$0(), verb !== 6;) {
- pIndex = iter.iterIndex;
- switch (verb) {
- case 0:
- maxX = points[pIndex];
- maxY = points[pIndex + 1];
- minY = maxY;
- minX = maxX;
- break;
- case 1:
- maxX = points[pIndex + 2];
- maxY = points[pIndex + 3];
- minY = maxY;
- minX = maxX;
- break;
- case 2:
- if (quadBounds == null)
- quadBounds = new A.QuadBounds();
- pointIndex = pIndex + 1;
- x1 = points[pIndex];
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- y1 = points[pointIndex];
- pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1;
- cpX = points[pointIndex0];
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- cpY = points[pointIndex];
- x2 = points[pointIndex0];
- y2 = points[pointIndex0 + 1];
- t2 = quadBounds.minX = Math.min(x1, x2);
- t3 = quadBounds.minY = Math.min(y1, y2);
- t4 = quadBounds.maxX = Math.max(x1, x2);
- t5 = quadBounds.maxY = Math.max(y1, y2);
- denom = x1 - 2 * cpX + x2;
- if (Math.abs(denom) > 0.000244140625) {
- t10 = (x1 - cpX) / denom;
- if (t10 >= 0 && t10 <= 1) {
- tprime = 1 - t10;
- t6 = tprime * tprime;
- t7 = 2 * t10 * tprime;
- t10 *= t10;
- extremaX = t6 * x1 + t7 * cpX + t10 * x2;
- extremaY = t6 * y1 + t7 * cpY + t10 * y2;
- t2 = Math.min(t2, extremaX);
- quadBounds.minX = t2;
- t4 = Math.max(t4, extremaX);
- quadBounds.maxX = t4;
- t3 = Math.min(t3, extremaY);
- quadBounds.minY = t3;
- t5 = Math.max(t5, extremaY);
- quadBounds.maxY = t5;
- }
- }
- denom = y1 - 2 * cpY + y2;
- if (Math.abs(denom) > 0.000244140625) {
- t20 = (y1 - cpY) / denom;
- if (t20 >= 0 && t20 <= 1) {
- tprime2 = 1 - t20;
- t6 = tprime2 * tprime2;
- t7 = 2 * t20 * tprime2;
- t20 *= t20;
- extrema2X = t6 * x1 + t7 * cpX + t20 * x2;
- extrema2Y = t6 * y1 + t7 * cpY + t20 * y2;
- t2 = Math.min(t2, extrema2X);
- quadBounds.minX = t2;
- t4 = Math.max(t4, extrema2X);
- quadBounds.maxX = t4;
- t3 = Math.min(t3, extrema2Y);
- quadBounds.minY = t3;
- t5 = Math.max(t5, extrema2Y);
- quadBounds.maxY = t5;
- }
- maxY = t5;
- maxX = t4;
- minY = t3;
- minX = t2;
- } else {
- maxY = t5;
- maxX = t4;
- minY = t3;
- minX = t2;
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- if (conicBounds == null)
- conicBounds = new A.ConicBounds();
- t2 = t1._conicWeights[iter._conicWeightIndex];
- pointIndex = pIndex + 1;
- x1 = points[pIndex];
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- y1 = points[pointIndex];
- pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1;
- cpX = points[pointIndex0];
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- cpY = points[pointIndex];
- x2 = points[pointIndex0];
- y2 = points[pointIndex0 + 1];
- conicBounds.minX = Math.min(x1, x2);
- conicBounds.minY = Math.min(y1, y2);
- conicBounds.maxX = Math.max(x1, x2);
- conicBounds.maxY = Math.max(y1, y2);
- roots = new A.QuadRoots();
- p20x = x2 - x1;
- wP10x = t2 * (cpX - x1);
- if (roots.findRoots$3(t2 * p20x - p20x, p20x - 2 * wP10x, wP10x) !== 0) {
- t3 = roots.root0;
- t3.toString;
- if (t3 >= 0 && t3 <= 1) {
- $B = 2 * (t2 - 1);
- denom = (-$B * t3 + $B) * t3 + 1;
- src2w = cpX * t2;
- extremaX = (((x2 - 2 * src2w + x1) * t3 + 2 * (src2w - x1)) * t3 + x1) / denom;
- src2w = cpY * t2;
- extremaY = (((y2 - 2 * src2w + y1) * t3 + 2 * (src2w - y1)) * t3 + y1) / denom;
- conicBounds.minX = Math.min(conicBounds.minX, extremaX);
- conicBounds.maxX = Math.max(conicBounds.maxX, extremaX);
- conicBounds.minY = Math.min(conicBounds.minY, extremaY);
- conicBounds.maxY = Math.max(conicBounds.maxY, extremaY);
- }
- }
- p20y = y2 - y1;
- wP10y = t2 * (cpY - y1);
- if (roots.findRoots$3(t2 * p20y - p20y, p20y - 2 * wP10y, wP10y) !== 0) {
- t3 = roots.root0;
- t3.toString;
- if (t3 >= 0 && t3 <= 1) {
- $B = 2 * (t2 - 1);
- denom = (-$B * t3 + $B) * t3 + 1;
- src2w = cpX * t2;
- extrema2X = (((x2 - 2 * src2w + x1) * t3 + 2 * (src2w - x1)) * t3 + x1) / denom;
- src2w = cpY * t2;
- extrema2Y = (((y2 - 2 * src2w + y1) * t3 + 2 * (src2w - y1)) * t3 + y1) / denom;
- conicBounds.minX = Math.min(conicBounds.minX, extrema2X);
- conicBounds.maxX = Math.max(conicBounds.maxX, extrema2X);
- conicBounds.minY = Math.min(conicBounds.minY, extrema2Y);
- conicBounds.maxY = Math.max(conicBounds.maxY, extrema2Y);
- }
- }
- minX = conicBounds.minX;
- minY = conicBounds.minY;
- maxX = conicBounds.maxX;
- maxY = conicBounds.maxY;
- break;
- case 4:
- if (cubicBounds == null)
- cubicBounds = new A.CubicBounds();
- pointIndex = pIndex + 1;
- startX = points[pIndex];
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- startY = points[pointIndex];
- pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1;
- cpX1 = points[pointIndex0];
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- cpY1 = points[pointIndex];
- pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1;
- cpX2 = points[pointIndex0];
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- cpY2 = points[pointIndex];
- endX = points[pointIndex0];
- endY = points[pointIndex0 + 1];
- t2 = Math.min(startX, endX);
- cubicBounds.minX = t2;
- cubicBounds.minY = Math.min(startY, endY);
- t3 = Math.max(startX, endX);
- cubicBounds.maxX = t3;
- cubicBounds.maxY = Math.max(startY, endY);
- if (!(startX < cpX1 && cpX1 < cpX2 && cpX2 < endX))
- t4 = startX > cpX1 && cpX1 > cpX2 && cpX2 > endX;
- else
- t4 = true;
- if (!t4) {
- t4 = -startX;
- a = t4 + 3 * (cpX1 - cpX2) + endX;
- b = 2 * (startX - 2 * cpX1 + cpX2);
- s = b * b - 4 * a * (t4 + cpX1);
- if (s >= 0 && Math.abs(a) > 0.000244140625) {
- t4 = -b;
- t5 = 2 * a;
- if (s === 0) {
- t = t4 / t5;
- tprime = 1 - t;
- if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) {
- t4 = 3 * tprime;
- extremaX = tprime * tprime * tprime * startX + t4 * tprime * t * cpX1 + t4 * t * t * cpX2 + t * t * t * endX;
- cubicBounds.minX = Math.min(extremaX, t2);
- cubicBounds.maxX = Math.max(extremaX, t3);
- }
- } else {
- s = Math.sqrt(s);
- t = (t4 - s) / t5;
- tprime = 1 - t;
- if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) {
- t2 = 3 * tprime;
- extremaX = tprime * tprime * tprime * startX + t2 * tprime * t * cpX1 + t2 * t * t * cpX2 + t * t * t * endX;
- cubicBounds.minX = Math.min(extremaX, cubicBounds.minX);
- cubicBounds.maxX = Math.max(extremaX, cubicBounds.maxX);
- }
- t = (t4 + s) / t5;
- tprime = 1 - t;
- if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) {
- t2 = 3 * tprime;
- extremaX = tprime * tprime * tprime * startX + t2 * tprime * t * cpX1 + t2 * t * t * cpX2 + t * t * t * endX;
- cubicBounds.minX = Math.min(extremaX, cubicBounds.minX);
- cubicBounds.maxX = Math.max(extremaX, cubicBounds.maxX);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!(startY < cpY1 && cpY1 < cpY2 && cpY2 < endY))
- t2 = startY > cpY1 && cpY1 > cpY2 && cpY2 > endY;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (!t2) {
- t2 = -startY;
- a = t2 + 3 * (cpY1 - cpY2) + endY;
- b = 2 * (startY - 2 * cpY1 + cpY2);
- s = b * b - 4 * a * (t2 + cpY1);
- if (s >= 0 && Math.abs(a) > 0.000244140625) {
- t2 = -b;
- t3 = 2 * a;
- if (s === 0) {
- t = t2 / t3;
- tprime = 1 - t;
- if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) {
- t2 = 3 * tprime;
- extremaY = tprime * tprime * tprime * startY + t2 * tprime * t * cpY1 + t2 * t * t * cpY2 + t * t * t * endY;
- cubicBounds.minY = Math.min(extremaY, cubicBounds.minY);
- cubicBounds.maxY = Math.max(extremaY, cubicBounds.maxY);
- }
- } else {
- s = Math.sqrt(s);
- t = (t2 - s) / t3;
- tprime = 1 - t;
- if (t >= 0 && t <= 1) {
- t4 = 3 * tprime;
- extremaY = tprime * tprime * tprime * startY + t4 * tprime * t * cpY1 + t4 * t * t * cpY2 + t * t * t * endY;
- cubicBounds.minY = Math.min(extremaY, cubicBounds.minY);
- cubicBounds.maxY = Math.max(extremaY, cubicBounds.maxY);
- }
- t2 = (t2 + s) / t3;
- tprime2 = 1 - t2;
- if (t2 >= 0 && t2 <= 1) {
- t3 = 3 * tprime2;
- extremaY = tprime2 * tprime2 * tprime2 * startY + t3 * tprime2 * t2 * cpY1 + t3 * t2 * t2 * cpY2 + t2 * t2 * t2 * endY;
- cubicBounds.minY = Math.min(extremaY, cubicBounds.minY);
- cubicBounds.maxY = Math.max(extremaY, cubicBounds.maxY);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- minX = cubicBounds.minX;
- minY = cubicBounds.minY;
- maxX = cubicBounds.maxX;
- maxY = cubicBounds.maxY;
- break;
- }
- if (!ltrbInitialized) {
- bottom = maxY;
- right = maxX;
- $top = minY;
- left = minX;
- ltrbInitialized = true;
- } else {
- left = Math.min(left, minX);
- right = Math.max(right, maxX);
- $top = Math.min($top, minY);
- bottom = Math.max(bottom, maxY);
- }
- }
- newBounds = ltrbInitialized ? new A.Rect(left, $top, right, bottom) : B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- _this.pathRef.getBounds$0(0);
- return _this.pathRef.cachedBounds = newBounds;
- },
- computeMetrics$0() {
- var t1 = A.PathRef$shallowCopy(this.pathRef),
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__PathContourMeasure);
- return new A.SurfacePathMetrics(new A.SurfacePathMetricIterator(new A._SurfacePathMeasure(t1, A.PathIterator$(t1, false), t2, false)));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- },
- $isPath: 1
- };
- A.PathIterator.prototype = {
- _autoClose$1(outPts) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._lastPointX,
- t2 = _this._moveToX;
- if (t1 !== t2 || _this._lastPointY !== _this._moveToY) {
- if (isNaN(t1) || isNaN(_this._lastPointY) || isNaN(t2) || isNaN(_this._moveToY))
- return 5;
- outPts[0] = t1;
- outPts[1] = _this._lastPointY;
- outPts[2] = t2;
- t1 = _this._moveToY;
- outPts[3] = t1;
- _this._lastPointX = t2;
- _this._lastPointY = t1;
- return 1;
- } else {
- outPts[0] = t2;
- outPts[1] = _this._moveToY;
- return 5;
- }
- },
- _constructMoveTo$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this._segmentState === 1) {
- _this._segmentState = 2;
- return new A.Offset(_this._moveToX, _this._moveToY);
- }
- t1 = _this.pathRef.fPoints;
- t2 = _this._pointIndex;
- return new A.Offset(t1[t2 - 2], t1[t2 - 1]);
- },
- peek$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._verbIndex,
- t2 = _this.pathRef;
- if (t1 < t2._fVerbsLength)
- return t2._fVerbs[t1];
- if (_this._needClose && _this._segmentState === 2)
- return _this._lastPointX !== _this._moveToX || _this._lastPointY !== _this._moveToY ? 1 : 5;
- return 6;
- },
- next$1(_, outPts) {
- var t3, verb, autoVerb, offsetX, offsetY, start, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._verbIndex,
- t2 = _this.pathRef;
- if (t1 === t2._fVerbsLength) {
- if (_this._needClose && _this._segmentState === 2) {
- if (1 === _this._autoClose$1(outPts))
- return 1;
- _this._needClose = false;
- return 5;
- }
- return 6;
- }
- t3 = _this._verbIndex = t1 + 1;
- verb = t2._fVerbs[t1];
- switch (verb) {
- case 0:
- if (_this._needClose) {
- _this._verbIndex = t3 - 1;
- autoVerb = _this._autoClose$1(outPts);
- if (autoVerb === 5)
- _this._needClose = false;
- return autoVerb;
- }
- if (t3 === _this._verbCount)
- return 6;
- t1 = t2.fPoints;
- t2 = _this._pointIndex;
- t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1;
- offsetX = t1[t2];
- _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1;
- offsetY = t1[t3];
- _this._moveToX = offsetX;
- _this._moveToY = offsetY;
- outPts[0] = offsetX;
- outPts[1] = offsetY;
- _this._segmentState = 1;
- _this._lastPointX = offsetX;
- _this._lastPointY = offsetY;
- _this._needClose = _this._forceClose;
- break;
- case 1:
- start = _this._constructMoveTo$0();
- t1 = t2.fPoints;
- t2 = _this._pointIndex;
- t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1;
- offsetX = t1[t2];
- _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1;
- offsetY = t1[t3];
- outPts[0] = start._dx;
- outPts[1] = start._dy;
- outPts[2] = offsetX;
- outPts[3] = offsetY;
- _this._lastPointX = offsetX;
- _this._lastPointY = offsetY;
- break;
- case 3:
- ++_this._conicWeightIndex;
- start = _this._constructMoveTo$0();
- outPts[0] = start._dx;
- outPts[1] = start._dy;
- t1 = t2.fPoints;
- t2 = _this._pointIndex;
- t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1;
- outPts[2] = t1[t2];
- t2 = _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1;
- outPts[3] = t1[t3];
- t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1;
- t2 = t1[t2];
- outPts[4] = t2;
- _this._lastPointX = t2;
- _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1;
- t3 = t1[t3];
- outPts[5] = t3;
- _this._lastPointY = t3;
- break;
- case 2:
- start = _this._constructMoveTo$0();
- outPts[0] = start._dx;
- outPts[1] = start._dy;
- t1 = t2.fPoints;
- t2 = _this._pointIndex;
- t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1;
- outPts[2] = t1[t2];
- t2 = _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1;
- outPts[3] = t1[t3];
- t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1;
- t2 = t1[t2];
- outPts[4] = t2;
- _this._lastPointX = t2;
- _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1;
- t3 = t1[t3];
- outPts[5] = t3;
- _this._lastPointY = t3;
- break;
- case 4:
- start = _this._constructMoveTo$0();
- outPts[0] = start._dx;
- outPts[1] = start._dy;
- t1 = t2.fPoints;
- t2 = _this._pointIndex;
- t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1;
- outPts[2] = t1[t2];
- t2 = _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1;
- outPts[3] = t1[t3];
- t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1;
- outPts[4] = t1[t2];
- t2 = _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1;
- outPts[5] = t1[t3];
- t3 = _this._pointIndex = t2 + 1;
- t2 = t1[t2];
- outPts[6] = t2;
- _this._lastPointX = t2;
- _this._pointIndex = t3 + 1;
- t3 = t1[t3];
- outPts[7] = t3;
- _this._lastPointY = t3;
- break;
- case 5:
- verb = _this._autoClose$1(outPts);
- if (verb === 1)
- --_this._verbIndex;
- else {
- _this._needClose = false;
- _this._segmentState = 0;
- }
- _this._lastPointX = _this._moveToX;
- _this._lastPointY = _this._moveToY;
- break;
- case 6:
- break;
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Unsupport Path verb " + verb, null, null));
- }
- return verb;
- }
- };
- A.SurfacePathMetrics.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- return this.__engine$_iterator;
- }
- };
- A._SurfacePathMeasure.prototype = {
- length$1(_, contourIndex) {
- return this._contours[contourIndex]._contourLength;
- },
- _nativeNextContour$0() {
- var measure, _this = this;
- if (_this._verbIterIndex === _this.__engine$_path._fVerbsLength)
- return false;
- measure = new A._PathContourMeasure(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__PathSegment));
- _this._verbIterIndex = measure._verbEndIndex = measure._buildSegments$1(_this._pathIterator);
- _this._contours.push(measure);
- return true;
- }
- };
- A._PathContourMeasure.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return this._contourLength;
- },
- _segmentIndexAtDistance$1(distance) {
- var distance0, t1, t2, hi, lo, mid;
- if (isNaN(distance))
- return -1;
- if (distance < 0)
- distance = 0;
- else {
- distance0 = this._contourLength;
- if (distance > distance0)
- distance = distance0;
- }
- t1 = this._segments;
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (t2 === 0)
- return -1;
- hi = t2 - 1;
- for (lo = 0; lo < hi;) {
- mid = B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(lo + hi, 1);
- if (t1[mid].distance < distance)
- lo = mid + 1;
- else
- hi = mid;
- }
- return t1[hi].distance < distance ? hi + 1 : hi;
- },
- _getPosTan$2(segmentIndex, distance) {
- var t1 = this._segments,
- segment = t1[segmentIndex],
- startDistance = segmentIndex === 0 ? 0 : t1[segmentIndex - 1].distance,
- totalDistance = segment.distance - startDistance;
- return segment.computeTangent$1(totalDistance < 1e-9 ? 0 : (distance - startDistance) / totalDistance);
- },
- extractPath$3(startDistance, stopDistance, startWithMoveTo) {
- var stopDistance0, path, startSegmentIndex, stopSegmentIndex, t1, seg, startTangent, startPosition, startT, stopT, currentSegmentIndex, _this = this;
- if (startDistance < 0)
- startDistance = 0;
- stopDistance0 = _this._contourLength;
- if (stopDistance > stopDistance0)
- stopDistance = stopDistance0;
- path = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- if (startDistance > stopDistance || _this._segments.length === 0)
- return path;
- startSegmentIndex = _this._segmentIndexAtDistance$1(startDistance);
- stopSegmentIndex = _this._segmentIndexAtDistance$1(stopDistance);
- if (startSegmentIndex === -1 || stopSegmentIndex === -1)
- return path;
- t1 = _this._segments;
- seg = t1[startSegmentIndex];
- startTangent = _this._getPosTan$2(startSegmentIndex, startDistance);
- startPosition = startTangent.position;
- path.moveTo$2(0, startPosition._dx, startPosition._dy);
- startT = startTangent.t;
- stopT = _this._getPosTan$2(stopSegmentIndex, stopDistance).t;
- if (startSegmentIndex === stopSegmentIndex)
- _this._outputSegmentTo$4(seg, startT, stopT, path);
- else {
- currentSegmentIndex = startSegmentIndex;
- do {
- _this._outputSegmentTo$4(seg, startT, 1, path);
- ++currentSegmentIndex;
- seg = t1[currentSegmentIndex];
- if (currentSegmentIndex !== stopSegmentIndex) {
- startT = 0;
- continue;
- } else
- break;
- } while (true);
- _this._outputSegmentTo$4(seg, 0, stopT, path);
- }
- return path;
- },
- _outputSegmentTo$4(segment, startT, stopT, path) {
- var t1,
- points = segment.points;
- switch (segment.segmentType) {
- case 1:
- t1 = 1 - stopT;
- path.lineTo$2(0, points[2] * stopT + points[0] * t1, points[3] * stopT + points[1] * t1);
- break;
- case 4:
- t1 = $.$get$_PathContourMeasure__buffer();
- A.chopCubicBetweenT(points, startT, stopT, t1);
- path.cubicTo$6(t1[2], t1[3], t1[4], t1[5], t1[6], t1[7]);
- break;
- case 2:
- t1 = $.$get$_PathContourMeasure__buffer();
- A._chopQuadBetweenT(points, startT, stopT, t1);
- path.quadraticBezierTo$4(t1[2], t1[3], t1[4], t1[5]);
- break;
- case 3:
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Invalid segment type"));
- }
- },
- _buildSegments$1(iter) {
- var lineToHandler, points, t1, t2, haveSeenMoveTo, verb, t3, w, conicPoints, len, startX, startY, i, t4, p2x, p2y, _this = this, _1073741823 = 1073741823, _box_0 = {};
- _this.__engine$_isClosed = false;
- _box_0.distance = 0;
- lineToHandler = new A._PathContourMeasure__buildSegments_lineToHandler(_box_0, _this);
- points = new Float32Array(8);
- t1 = iter.pathRef;
- t2 = _this._segments;
- haveSeenMoveTo = false;
- do {
- if (iter.peek$0() === 0 && haveSeenMoveTo)
- break;
- verb = iter.next$1(0, points);
- switch (verb) {
- case 0:
- haveSeenMoveTo = true;
- break;
- case 1:
- lineToHandler.call$4(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]);
- break;
- case 4:
- _box_0.distance = A._PathContourMeasure__computeCubicSegments(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5], points[6], points[7], _box_0.distance, 0, _1073741823, t2);
- break;
- case 3:
- t3 = iter._conicWeightIndex;
- w = t1._conicWeights[t3];
- conicPoints = new A.Conic(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5], w).toQuads$0();
- len = conicPoints.length;
- t3 = conicPoints[0];
- startX = t3._dx;
- startY = t3._dy;
- for (i = 1; i < len; i += 2, startY = p2y, startX = p2x) {
- t3 = conicPoints[i];
- t4 = conicPoints[i + 1];
- p2x = t4._dx;
- p2y = t4._dy;
- _box_0.distance = _this._computeQuadSegments$9(startX, startY, t3._dx, t3._dy, p2x, p2y, _box_0.distance, 0, _1073741823);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- _box_0.distance = _this._computeQuadSegments$9(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3], points[4], points[5], _box_0.distance, 0, _1073741823);
- break;
- case 5:
- _this._contourLength = _box_0.distance;
- return iter._verbIndex;
- default:
- break;
- }
- } while (verb !== 6);
- _this._contourLength = _box_0.distance;
- return iter._verbIndex;
- },
- _computeQuadSegments$9(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, distance, tMin, tMax) {
- var p01x, p01y, p12x, p12y, p012x, p012y, tHalf, dx, dy, distance0;
- if (B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(tMax - tMin, 10) !== 0 && A._PathContourMeasure__quadTooCurvy(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2)) {
- p01x = (x0 + x1) / 2;
- p01y = (y0 + y1) / 2;
- p12x = (x1 + x2) / 2;
- p12y = (y1 + y2) / 2;
- p012x = (p01x + p12x) / 2;
- p012y = (p01y + p12y) / 2;
- tHalf = tMin + tMax >>> 1;
- distance = this._computeQuadSegments$9(p012x, p012y, p12x, p12y, x2, y2, this._computeQuadSegments$9(x0, y0, p01x, p01y, p012x, p012y, distance, tMin, tHalf), tMin, tHalf);
- } else {
- dx = x0 - x2;
- dy = y0 - y2;
- distance0 = distance + Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- if (distance0 > distance)
- this._segments.push(new A._PathSegment(2, distance0, A._setArrayType([x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2], type$.JSArray_double)));
- distance = distance0;
- }
- return distance;
- }
- };
- A._PathContourMeasure__buildSegments_lineToHandler.prototype = {
- call$4(fromX, fromY, x, y) {
- var dx = fromX - x,
- dy = fromY - y,
- t1 = this._box_0,
- prevDistance = t1.distance,
- distance = t1.distance = prevDistance + Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- if (distance > prevDistance)
- this.$this._segments.push(new A._PathSegment(1, distance, A._setArrayType([fromX, fromY, x, y], type$.JSArray_double)));
- },
- $signature: 545
- };
- A.SurfacePathMetricIterator.prototype = {
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this._pathMetric;
- if (t1 == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$('PathMetricIterator is not pointing to a PathMetric. This can happen in two situations:\n- The iteration has not started yet. If so, call "moveNext" to start iteration.\n- The iterator ran out of elements. If so, check that "moveNext" returns true prior to calling "current".'));
- return t1;
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._pathMeasure,
- next = t1._nativeNextContour$0();
- if (next)
- ++t1._currentContourIndex;
- if (next) {
- t2 = t1._currentContourIndex;
- this._pathMetric = new A.SurfacePathMetric(t1._contours[t2]._contourLength, t2, t1);
- return true;
- }
- this._pathMetric = null;
- return false;
- }
- };
- A.SurfacePathMetric.prototype = {
- extractPath$2(start, end) {
- return this._measure._contours[this.contourIndex].extractPath$3(start, end, true);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "PathMetric";
- },
- $isPathMetric: 1,
- get$length(receiver) {
- return this.length;
- }
- };
- A._SurfaceTangent.prototype = {};
- A._PathSegment.prototype = {
- computeTangent$1(t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, tAtZero, t15, dx, dy, quadEval, _this = this;
- switch (_this.segmentType) {
- case 1:
- t1 = _this.points;
- t2 = t1[2];
- t3 = t1[0];
- t4 = 1 - t;
- t5 = t1[3];
- t1 = t1[1];
- A._normalizeSlope(t2 - t3, t5 - t1);
- return new A._SurfaceTangent(t, new A.Offset(t2 * t + t3 * t4, t5 * t + t1 * t4));
- case 4:
- t1 = _this.points;
- t2 = t1[0];
- t3 = t1[1];
- t4 = t1[2];
- t5 = t1[3];
- t6 = t1[4];
- t7 = t1[5];
- t8 = t1[6];
- t1 = t1[7];
- t9 = t6 - 2 * t4 + t2;
- t10 = t7 - 2 * t5 + t3;
- t11 = t4 - t2;
- t12 = t5 - t3;
- t13 = (t8 + 3 * (t4 - t6) - t2) * t;
- t14 = (t1 + 3 * (t5 - t7) - t3) * t;
- tAtZero = t === 0;
- if (!(tAtZero && t2 === t4 && t3 === t5))
- t15 = t === 1 && t6 === t8 && t7 === t1;
- else
- t15 = true;
- if (t15) {
- dx = tAtZero ? t6 - t2 : t8 - t4;
- dy = tAtZero ? t7 - t3 : t1 - t5;
- if (dx === 0 && dy === 0) {
- dx = t8 - t2;
- dy = t1 - t3;
- }
- A._normalizeSlope(dx, dy);
- } else
- A._normalizeSlope((t13 + 2 * t9) * t + t11, (t14 + 2 * t10) * t + t12);
- return new A._SurfaceTangent(t, new A.Offset(((t13 + 3 * t9) * t + 3 * t11) * t + t2, ((t14 + 3 * t10) * t + 3 * t12) * t + t3));
- case 2:
- t1 = _this.points;
- t2 = t1[0];
- t3 = t1[1];
- t4 = t1[2];
- t5 = t1[3];
- t6 = t1[4];
- t1 = t1[5];
- quadEval = A.SkQuadCoefficients$(t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t1);
- t7 = quadEval.evalX$1(t);
- t8 = quadEval.evalY$1(t);
- if (!(t === 0 && t2 === t4 && t3 === t5))
- t9 = t === 1 && t4 === t6 && t5 === t1;
- else
- t9 = true;
- t6 -= t2;
- t1 -= t3;
- if (t9)
- A._normalizeSlope(t6, t1);
- else
- A._normalizeSlope(2 * (t6 * t + (t4 - t2)), 2 * (t1 * t + (t5 - t3)));
- return new A._SurfaceTangent(t, new A.Offset(t7, t8));
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Invalid segment type"));
- }
- }
- };
- A.PathRef.prototype = {
- setPoint$3(pointIndex, x, y) {
- var index = pointIndex * 2,
- t1 = this.fPoints;
- t1[index] = x;
- t1[index + 1] = y;
- },
- atPoint$1(index) {
- var t1 = this.fPoints,
- t2 = index * 2;
- return new A.Offset(t1[t2], t1[t2 + 1]);
- },
- getRect$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.fIsRect)
- return new A.Rect(_this.atPoint$1(0)._dx, _this.atPoint$1(0)._dy, _this.atPoint$1(1)._dx, _this.atPoint$1(2)._dy);
- else
- return _this._fVerbsLength === 4 ? _this._detectRect$0() : null;
- },
- getBounds$0(_) {
- var t1;
- if (this.fBoundsIsDirty)
- this._computeBounds$0();
- t1 = this.fBounds;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- _detectRect$0() {
- var width, x2, y2, height, t1, y3, x, y, _this = this, _null = null,
- x0 = _this.atPoint$1(0)._dx,
- y0 = _this.atPoint$1(0)._dy,
- x1 = _this.atPoint$1(1)._dx,
- y1 = _this.atPoint$1(1)._dy;
- if (_this._fVerbs[1] !== 1 || y1 !== y0)
- return _null;
- width = x1 - x0;
- x2 = _this.atPoint$1(2)._dx;
- y2 = _this.atPoint$1(2)._dy;
- if (_this._fVerbs[2] !== 1 || x2 !== x1)
- return _null;
- height = y2 - y1;
- t1 = _this.atPoint$1(3);
- y3 = _this.atPoint$1(3)._dy;
- if (_this._fVerbs[3] !== 1 || y3 !== y2)
- return _null;
- if (x2 - t1._dx !== width || y3 - y0 !== height)
- return _null;
- x = Math.min(x0, x1);
- y = Math.min(y0, y2);
- return new A.Rect(x, y, x + Math.abs(width), y + Math.abs(height));
- },
- getStraightLine$0() {
- var t1, x0, y0, x1, y1;
- if (this._fVerbsLength === 2) {
- t1 = this._fVerbs;
- t1 = t1[0] !== 0 || t1[1] !== 1;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return null;
- t1 = this.fPoints;
- x0 = t1[0];
- y0 = t1[1];
- x1 = t1[2];
- y1 = t1[3];
- if (y0 === y1 || x0 === x1)
- return new A.Rect(x0, y0, x1, y1);
- return null;
- },
- _getRRect$0() {
- var pts, cornerIndex, verb, controlPx, controlPy, vector1_0x, vector1_0y, t1, t2, dx, dy, t3,
- bounds = this.getBounds$0(0),
- radii = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Radius),
- iter = new A.PathRefIterator(this);
- iter.PathRefIterator$1(this);
- pts = new Float32Array(8);
- iter.next$1(0, pts);
- for (cornerIndex = 0; verb = iter.next$1(0, pts), verb !== 6;)
- if (3 === verb) {
- controlPx = pts[2];
- controlPy = pts[3];
- vector1_0x = controlPx - pts[0];
- vector1_0y = controlPy - pts[1];
- t1 = pts[4];
- t2 = pts[5];
- if (vector1_0x !== 0) {
- dx = Math.abs(vector1_0x);
- dy = Math.abs(t2 - controlPy);
- } else {
- dy = Math.abs(vector1_0y);
- dx = vector1_0y !== 0 ? Math.abs(t1 - controlPx) : Math.abs(vector1_0x);
- }
- radii.push(new A.Radius(dx, dy));
- ++cornerIndex;
- }
- t1 = radii[0];
- t2 = radii[1];
- t3 = radii[2];
- return A.RRect$fromRectAndCorners(bounds, radii[3], t3, t1, t2);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.PathRef && this.equals$1(other);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.fSegmentMask, _this.fPoints, _this._conicWeights, _this._fVerbs, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- equals$1(ref) {
- var pointCount, len, t1, t2, i, weightCount, verbCount, _this = this;
- if (_this.fSegmentMask !== ref.fSegmentMask)
- return false;
- pointCount = _this._fPointsLength;
- if (pointCount !== ref._fPointsLength)
- return false;
- len = pointCount * 2;
- for (t1 = _this.fPoints, t2 = ref.fPoints, i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- if (t1[i] !== t2[i])
- return false;
- t1 = _this._conicWeights;
- if (t1 == null) {
- if (ref._conicWeights != null)
- return false;
- } else {
- t2 = ref._conicWeights;
- if (t2 == null)
- return false;
- weightCount = t1.length;
- if (t2.length !== weightCount)
- return false;
- for (i = 0; i < weightCount; ++i)
- if (t1[i] !== t2[i])
- return false;
- }
- verbCount = _this._fVerbsLength;
- if (verbCount !== ref._fVerbsLength)
- return false;
- for (t1 = _this._fVerbs, t2 = ref._fVerbs, i = 0; i < verbCount; ++i)
- if (t1[i] !== t2[i])
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- _resizePoints$1(newLength) {
- var t1, newPoints, _this = this;
- if (newLength > _this._fPointsCapacity) {
- t1 = newLength + 10;
- _this._fPointsCapacity = t1;
- newPoints = new Float32Array(t1 * 2);
- B.NativeFloat32List_methods.setAll$2(newPoints, 0, _this.fPoints);
- _this.fPoints = newPoints;
- }
- _this._fPointsLength = newLength;
- },
- _resizeVerbs$1(newLength) {
- var t1, newVerbs, _this = this;
- if (newLength > _this._fVerbsCapacity) {
- t1 = newLength + 8;
- _this._fVerbsCapacity = t1;
- newVerbs = new Uint8Array(t1);
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.setAll$2(newVerbs, 0, _this._fVerbs);
- _this._fVerbs = newVerbs;
- }
- _this._fVerbsLength = newLength;
- },
- _resizeConicWeights$1(newLength) {
- var t1, newWeights, _this = this;
- if (newLength > _this._conicWeightsCapacity) {
- t1 = newLength + 4;
- _this._conicWeightsCapacity = t1;
- newWeights = new Float32Array(t1);
- t1 = _this._conicWeights;
- if (t1 != null)
- B.NativeFloat32List_methods.setAll$2(newWeights, 0, t1);
- _this._conicWeights = newWeights;
- }
- _this._conicWeightsLength = newLength;
- },
- append$1(_, source) {
- var sourcePoints, source0, dst, t1, verbCount, newVerbCount, t2, i, weightCount, newWeightCount, _this = this,
- pointCount = source._fPointsLength,
- newPointCount = _this._fPointsLength + pointCount;
- _this.startEdit$0();
- _this._resizePoints$1(newPointCount);
- sourcePoints = source.fPoints;
- for (source0 = pointCount * 2 - 1, dst = newPointCount * 2 - 1, t1 = _this.fPoints; source0 >= 0; --source0, --dst)
- t1[dst] = sourcePoints[source0];
- verbCount = _this._fVerbsLength;
- newVerbCount = source._fVerbsLength;
- _this._resizeVerbs$1(verbCount + newVerbCount);
- for (t1 = _this._fVerbs, t2 = source._fVerbs, i = 0; i < newVerbCount; ++i)
- t1[verbCount + i] = t2[i];
- if (source._conicWeights != null) {
- weightCount = _this._conicWeightsLength;
- newWeightCount = source._conicWeightsLength;
- _this._resizeConicWeights$1(weightCount + newWeightCount);
- t1 = source._conicWeights;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._conicWeights;
- t2.toString;
- for (i = 0; i < newWeightCount; ++i)
- t2[weightCount + i] = t1[i];
- }
- _this.fBoundsIsDirty = true;
- },
- _computeBounds$0() {
- var t1, maxX, maxY, accum, len, minY, minX, i, x, y, _this = this,
- pointCount = _this._fPointsLength;
- _this.fBoundsIsDirty = false;
- _this.cachedBounds = null;
- if (pointCount === 0) {
- _this.fBounds = B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- _this.fIsFinite = true;
- } else {
- t1 = _this.fPoints;
- maxX = t1[0];
- maxY = t1[1];
- accum = 0 * maxX * maxY;
- len = 2 * pointCount;
- for (minY = maxY, minX = maxX, i = 2; i < len; i += 2) {
- x = t1[i];
- y = t1[i + 1];
- accum = accum * x * y;
- minX = Math.min(minX, x);
- minY = Math.min(minY, y);
- maxX = Math.max(maxX, x);
- maxY = Math.max(maxY, y);
- }
- if (accum * 0 === 0) {
- _this.fBounds = new A.Rect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
- _this.fIsFinite = true;
- } else {
- _this.fBounds = B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- _this.fIsFinite = false;
- }
- }
- },
- growForVerb$2(verb, weight) {
- var pCnt, mask, verbCount, weightCount, ptsIndex, _this = this;
- switch (verb) {
- case 0:
- pCnt = 1;
- mask = 0;
- break;
- case 1:
- pCnt = 1;
- mask = 1;
- break;
- case 2:
- pCnt = 2;
- mask = 2;
- break;
- case 3:
- pCnt = 2;
- mask = 4;
- break;
- case 4:
- pCnt = 3;
- mask = 8;
- break;
- case 5:
- pCnt = 0;
- mask = 0;
- break;
- case 6:
- pCnt = 0;
- mask = 0;
- break;
- default:
- pCnt = 0;
- mask = 0;
- break;
- }
- _this.fSegmentMask |= mask;
- _this.fBoundsIsDirty = true;
- _this.startEdit$0();
- verbCount = _this._fVerbsLength;
- _this._resizeVerbs$1(verbCount + 1);
- _this._fVerbs[verbCount] = verb;
- if (3 === verb) {
- weightCount = _this._conicWeightsLength;
- _this._resizeConicWeights$1(weightCount + 1);
- _this._conicWeights[weightCount] = weight;
- }
- ptsIndex = _this._fPointsLength;
- _this._resizePoints$1(ptsIndex + pCnt);
- return ptsIndex;
- },
- startEdit$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.fIsRect = _this.fIsRRect = _this.fIsOval = false;
- _this.cachedBounds = null;
- _this.fBoundsIsDirty = true;
- }
- };
- A.PathRefIterator.prototype = {
- PathRefIterator$1(pathRef) {
- var t1;
- this._pointIndex = 0;
- t1 = this.pathRef;
- if (t1.fBoundsIsDirty)
- t1._computeBounds$0();
- if (!t1.fIsFinite)
- this._verbIndex = t1._fVerbsLength;
- },
- nextIndex$0() {
- var verb, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._verbIndex,
- t2 = _this.pathRef;
- if (t1 === t2._fVerbsLength)
- return 6;
- t2 = t2._fVerbs;
- _this._verbIndex = t1 + 1;
- verb = t2[t1];
- switch (verb) {
- case 0:
- t1 = _this._pointIndex;
- _this.iterIndex = t1;
- _this._pointIndex = t1 + 2;
- break;
- case 1:
- t1 = _this._pointIndex;
- _this.iterIndex = t1 - 2;
- _this._pointIndex = t1 + 2;
- break;
- case 3:
- ++_this._conicWeightIndex;
- t1 = _this._pointIndex;
- _this.iterIndex = t1 - 2;
- _this._pointIndex = t1 + 4;
- break;
- case 2:
- t1 = _this._pointIndex;
- _this.iterIndex = t1 - 2;
- _this._pointIndex = t1 + 4;
- break;
- case 4:
- t1 = _this._pointIndex;
- _this.iterIndex = t1 - 2;
- _this._pointIndex = t1 + 6;
- break;
- case 5:
- break;
- case 6:
- break;
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Unsupport Path verb " + verb, null, null));
- }
- return verb;
- },
- next$1(_, outPts) {
- var t3, verb, points, pointIndex, pointIndex0, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._verbIndex,
- t2 = _this.pathRef;
- if (t1 === t2._fVerbsLength)
- return 6;
- t3 = t2._fVerbs;
- _this._verbIndex = t1 + 1;
- verb = t3[t1];
- points = t2.fPoints;
- pointIndex = _this._pointIndex;
- switch (verb) {
- case 0:
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- outPts[0] = points[pointIndex];
- pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1;
- outPts[1] = points[pointIndex0];
- break;
- case 1:
- outPts[0] = points[pointIndex - 2];
- outPts[1] = points[pointIndex - 1];
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- outPts[2] = points[pointIndex];
- pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1;
- outPts[3] = points[pointIndex0];
- break;
- case 3:
- ++_this._conicWeightIndex;
- outPts[0] = points[pointIndex - 2];
- outPts[1] = points[pointIndex - 1];
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- outPts[2] = points[pointIndex];
- pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1;
- outPts[3] = points[pointIndex0];
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- outPts[4] = points[pointIndex];
- pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1;
- outPts[5] = points[pointIndex0];
- break;
- case 2:
- outPts[0] = points[pointIndex - 2];
- outPts[1] = points[pointIndex - 1];
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- outPts[2] = points[pointIndex];
- pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1;
- outPts[3] = points[pointIndex0];
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- outPts[4] = points[pointIndex];
- pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1;
- outPts[5] = points[pointIndex0];
- break;
- case 4:
- outPts[0] = points[pointIndex - 2];
- outPts[1] = points[pointIndex - 1];
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- outPts[2] = points[pointIndex];
- pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1;
- outPts[3] = points[pointIndex0];
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- outPts[4] = points[pointIndex];
- pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1;
- outPts[5] = points[pointIndex0];
- pointIndex0 = pointIndex + 1;
- outPts[6] = points[pointIndex];
- pointIndex = pointIndex0 + 1;
- outPts[7] = points[pointIndex0];
- break;
- case 5:
- break;
- case 6:
- break;
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Unsupport Path verb " + verb, null, null));
- }
- _this._pointIndex = pointIndex;
- return verb;
- }
- };
- A.QuadRoots.prototype = {
- findRoots$3(a, b, c) {
- var t1, dr, q, res, rootCount, rootCount0, t2, _this = this;
- if (a === 0) {
- t1 = A.validUnitDivide(-c, b);
- _this.root0 = t1;
- return t1 == null ? 0 : 1;
- }
- dr = b * b - 4 * a * c;
- if (dr < 0)
- return 0;
- dr = Math.sqrt(dr);
- if (!isFinite(dr))
- return 0;
- q = b < 0 ? -(b - dr) / 2 : -(b + dr) / 2;
- res = A.validUnitDivide(q, a);
- if (res != null) {
- _this.root0 = res;
- rootCount = 1;
- } else
- rootCount = 0;
- res = A.validUnitDivide(c, q);
- if (res != null) {
- rootCount0 = rootCount + 1;
- if (rootCount === 0)
- _this.root0 = res;
- else
- _this.root1 = res;
- rootCount = rootCount0;
- }
- if (rootCount === 2) {
- t1 = _this.root0;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this.root1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t1 > t2) {
- _this.root0 = t2;
- _this.root1 = t1;
- } else if (t1 === t2)
- return 1;
- }
- return rootCount;
- }
- };
- A.SkQuadCoefficients.prototype = {
- evalX$1(t) {
- return (this.ax * t + this.bx) * t + this.cx;
- },
- evalY$1(t) {
- return (this.ay * t + this.by) * t + this.cy;
- }
- };
- A.PathWinding.prototype = {
- _walkPath$0() {
- var t2, t3, verb, n, winding, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, isMono, conics, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.pathRef,
- iter = A.PathIterator$(t1, true);
- for (t2 = _this.__engine$_buffer, t3 = type$.JSArray_Conic; verb = iter.next$1(0, t2), verb !== 6;)
- switch (verb) {
- case 0:
- case 5:
- break;
- case 1:
- _this._computeLineWinding$0();
- break;
- case 2:
- n = !A.PathWinding__isQuadMonotonic(t2) ? A.PathWinding__chopQuadAtExtrema(t2) : 0;
- winding = _this._computeMonoQuadWinding$6(t2[0], t2[1], t2[2], t2[3], t2[4], t2[5]);
- _this._w += n > 0 ? winding + _this._computeMonoQuadWinding$6(t2[4], t2[5], t2[6], t2[7], t2[8], t2[9]) : winding;
- break;
- case 3:
- t4 = t1._conicWeights[iter._conicWeightIndex];
- t5 = t2[0];
- t6 = t2[1];
- t7 = t2[2];
- t8 = t2[3];
- t9 = t2[4];
- t10 = t2[5];
- isMono = A.PathWinding__isQuadMonotonic(t2);
- conics = A._setArrayType([], t3);
- new A.Conic(t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t4).chopAtYExtrema$1(conics);
- _this._computeMonoConicWinding$1(conics[0]);
- if (!isMono && conics.length === 2)
- _this._computeMonoConicWinding$1(conics[1]);
- break;
- case 4:
- _this._computeCubicWinding$0();
- break;
- }
- },
- _computeLineWinding$0() {
- var y1, y0, dir, t2, crossProduct, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__engine$_buffer,
- x0 = t1[0],
- startY = t1[1],
- x1 = t1[2],
- endY = t1[3];
- if (startY > endY) {
- y1 = startY;
- y0 = endY;
- dir = -1;
- } else {
- y1 = endY;
- y0 = startY;
- dir = 1;
- }
- t1 = _this.y;
- if (t1 < y0 || t1 > y1)
- return;
- t2 = _this.x;
- if (A.PathWinding__checkOnCurve(t2, t1, x0, startY, x1, endY)) {
- ++_this._onCurveCount;
- return;
- }
- if (t1 === y1)
- return;
- crossProduct = (x1 - x0) * (t1 - startY) - (endY - startY) * (t2 - x0);
- if (crossProduct === 0) {
- if (t2 !== x1 || t1 !== endY)
- ++_this._onCurveCount;
- dir = 0;
- } else if (A.SPath_scalarSignedAsInt(crossProduct) === dir)
- dir = 0;
- _this._w += dir;
- },
- _computeMonoQuadWinding$6(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
- var y20, y00, dir, t1, t2, quadRoots, xt, t3, _this = this;
- if (y0 > y2) {
- y20 = y0;
- y00 = y2;
- dir = -1;
- } else {
- y20 = y2;
- y00 = y0;
- dir = 1;
- }
- t1 = _this.y;
- if (t1 < y00 || t1 > y20)
- return 0;
- t2 = _this.x;
- if (A.PathWinding__checkOnCurve(t2, t1, x0, y0, x2, y2)) {
- ++_this._onCurveCount;
- return 0;
- }
- if (t1 === y20)
- return 0;
- quadRoots = new A.QuadRoots();
- if (0 === quadRoots.findRoots$3(y0 - 2 * y1 + y2, 2 * (y1 - y0), y0 - t1))
- xt = dir === 1 ? x0 : x2;
- else {
- t3 = quadRoots.root0;
- t3.toString;
- xt = ((x2 - 2 * x1 + x0) * t3 + 2 * (x1 - x0)) * t3 + x0;
- }
- if (Math.abs(xt - t2) < 0.000244140625)
- if (t2 !== x2 || t1 !== y2) {
- ++_this._onCurveCount;
- return 0;
- }
- return xt < t2 ? dir : 0;
- },
- _computeMonoConicWinding$1(conic) {
- var y20, y00, dir, t1, t2, t3, $B, quadRoots, xt, t4, _this = this,
- y0 = conic.p0y,
- y2 = conic.p2y;
- if (y0 > y2) {
- y20 = y0;
- y00 = y2;
- dir = -1;
- } else {
- y20 = y2;
- y00 = y0;
- dir = 1;
- }
- t1 = _this.y;
- if (t1 < y00 || t1 > y20)
- return;
- t2 = _this.x;
- if (A.PathWinding__checkOnCurve(t2, t1, conic.p0x, y0, conic.p2x, y2)) {
- ++_this._onCurveCount;
- return;
- }
- if (t1 === y20)
- return;
- t3 = conic.fW;
- $B = conic.p1y * t3 - t1 * t3 + t1;
- quadRoots = new A.QuadRoots();
- if (0 === quadRoots.findRoots$3(y2 + (y0 - 2 * $B), 2 * ($B - y0), y0 - t1))
- xt = dir === 1 ? conic.p0x : conic.p2x;
- else {
- t4 = quadRoots.root0;
- t4.toString;
- xt = A.Conic_evalNumerator(conic.p0x, conic.p1x, conic.p2x, t3, t4) / A.Conic_evalDenominator(t3, t4);
- }
- if (Math.abs(xt - t2) < 0.000244140625)
- if (t2 !== conic.p2x || t1 !== conic.p2y) {
- ++_this._onCurveCount;
- return;
- }
- t1 = _this._w;
- _this._w = t1 + (xt < t2 ? dir : 0);
- },
- _computeCubicWinding$0() {
- var i,
- t1 = this.__engine$_buffer,
- n = A.chopCubicAtYExtrema(t1, t1);
- for (i = 0; i <= n; ++i)
- this._windingMonoCubic$1(i * 3 * 2);
- },
- _windingMonoCubic$1(bufferIndex) {
- var px2, px3, py3, y3, y0, dir, t2, t3, min, max, t, xt, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__engine$_buffer,
- bufferIndex0 = bufferIndex + 1,
- px0 = t1[bufferIndex],
- bufferIndex1 = bufferIndex0 + 1,
- py0 = t1[bufferIndex0],
- px1 = t1[bufferIndex1];
- bufferIndex0 = bufferIndex1 + 1 + 1;
- px2 = t1[bufferIndex0];
- bufferIndex0 = bufferIndex0 + 1 + 1;
- px3 = t1[bufferIndex0];
- py3 = t1[bufferIndex0 + 1];
- if (py0 > py3) {
- y3 = py0;
- y0 = py3;
- dir = -1;
- } else {
- y3 = py3;
- y0 = py0;
- dir = 1;
- }
- t2 = _this.y;
- if (t2 < y0 || t2 > y3)
- return;
- t3 = _this.x;
- if (A.PathWinding__checkOnCurve(t3, t2, px0, py0, px3, py3)) {
- ++_this._onCurveCount;
- return;
- }
- if (t2 === y3)
- return;
- min = Math.min(px0, Math.min(px1, Math.min(px2, px3)));
- max = Math.max(px0, Math.max(px1, Math.max(px2, px3)));
- if (t3 < min)
- return;
- if (t3 > max) {
- _this._w += dir;
- return;
- }
- t = A.chopMonoAtY(t1, bufferIndex, t2);
- if (t == null)
- return;
- xt = A.evalCubicPts(px0, px1, px2, px3, t);
- if (Math.abs(xt - t3) < 0.000244140625)
- if (t3 !== px3 || t2 !== py3) {
- ++_this._onCurveCount;
- return;
- }
- t1 = _this._w;
- _this._w = t1 + (xt < t3 ? dir : 0);
- },
- get$x(receiver) {
- return this.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return this.y;
- }
- };
- A.PaintRequest.prototype = {
- paintCallback$0() {
- return this.paintCallback.call$0();
- }
- };
- A.PersistedPicture.prototype = {
- createElement$0(_) {
- var element = this.defaultCreateElement$1("flt-picture"),
- t1 = A.jsify("true");
- A.callMethod(element, "setAttribute", ["aria-hidden", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- return element;
- },
- preroll$1(prerollContext) {
- var t1;
- if (prerollContext.activeShaderMaskCount !== 0 || false) {
- t1 = this.picture.recordingCanvas;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.renderStrategy.isInsideSvgFilterTree = true;
- }
- this.super$PersistedSurface$preroll(prerollContext);
- },
- recomputeTransformAndClip$0() {
- var t2, t3, paintWidth, paintHeight, newDensity, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.parent.transform;
- _this.transform = t1;
- t2 = _this.dx;
- if (t2 !== 0 || _this.dy !== 0) {
- t1.toString;
- t3 = new A.Matrix4(new Float32Array(16));
- t3.setFrom$1(t1);
- _this.transform = t3;
- t3.translate$2(0, t2, _this.dy);
- }
- t1 = _this.localPaintBounds;
- paintWidth = t1.right - t1.left;
- paintHeight = t1.bottom - t1.top;
- newDensity = paintWidth === 0 || paintHeight === 0 ? 1 : A._computePixelDensity(_this.transform, paintWidth, paintHeight);
- if (newDensity !== _this._density) {
- _this._density = newDensity;
- _this._requiresRepaint = true;
- }
- _this._computeExactCullRects$0();
- },
- _computeExactCullRects$0() {
- var clipTransform, bounds, localClipBounds, localInverse, t1, t2, _this = this,
- parentSurface = _this.parent;
- if (parentSurface.projectedClip == null) {
- clipTransform = A.Matrix4$identity();
- for (bounds = null; parentSurface != null;) {
- localClipBounds = parentSurface.localClipBounds;
- if (localClipBounds != null)
- bounds = bounds == null ? A.transformRect(clipTransform, localClipBounds) : bounds.intersect$1(A.transformRect(clipTransform, localClipBounds));
- localInverse = parentSurface.get$localTransformInverse();
- if (localInverse != null && !localInverse.isIdentity$0(0))
- clipTransform.multiply$1(0, localInverse);
- parentSurface = parentSurface.parent;
- }
- if (bounds != null)
- t1 = bounds.right - bounds.left <= 0 || bounds.bottom - bounds.top <= 0;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- bounds = B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- t1 = _this.parent;
- t1.projectedClip = bounds;
- } else
- t1 = parentSurface;
- t1 = t1.projectedClip;
- t2 = _this.localPaintBounds;
- if (t1 == null) {
- _this._exactLocalCullRect = t2;
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = _this._exactLocalCullRect = t2.intersect$1(t1);
- if (t1.right - t1.left <= 0 || t1.bottom - t1.top <= 0)
- _this._exactGlobalCullRect = _this._exactLocalCullRect = B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- },
- _computeOptimalCullRect$1(oldSurface) {
- var oldOptimalLocalCullRect, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, newLocalCullRect, _this = this;
- if (oldSurface == null || !oldSurface.picture.recordingCanvas._didDraw) {
- _this._optimalLocalCullRect = _this._exactLocalCullRect;
- _this._requiresRepaint = true;
- return;
- }
- oldOptimalLocalCullRect = oldSurface === _this ? _this._optimalLocalCullRect : oldSurface._optimalLocalCullRect;
- if (J.$eq$(_this._exactLocalCullRect, B.Rect_0_0_0_0)) {
- _this._optimalLocalCullRect = B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- if (!J.$eq$(oldOptimalLocalCullRect, B.Rect_0_0_0_0))
- _this._requiresRepaint = true;
- return;
- }
- oldOptimalLocalCullRect.toString;
- t1 = _this._exactLocalCullRect;
- t1.toString;
- if (A.rectContainsOther(oldOptimalLocalCullRect, t1)) {
- _this._optimalLocalCullRect = oldOptimalLocalCullRect;
- return;
- }
- t2 = t1.left;
- t3 = t1.top;
- t4 = t1.right;
- t1 = t1.bottom;
- t5 = t4 - t2;
- t6 = A.PersistedPicture__predictTrend(oldOptimalLocalCullRect.left - t2, t5);
- t7 = t1 - t3;
- t8 = A.PersistedPicture__predictTrend(oldOptimalLocalCullRect.top - t3, t7);
- t5 = A.PersistedPicture__predictTrend(t4 - oldOptimalLocalCullRect.right, t5);
- t7 = A.PersistedPicture__predictTrend(t1 - oldOptimalLocalCullRect.bottom, t7);
- t9 = _this.localPaintBounds;
- t9.toString;
- newLocalCullRect = new A.Rect(t2 - t6, t3 - t8, t4 + t5, t1 + t7).intersect$1(t9);
- _this._requiresRepaint = !J.$eq$(_this._optimalLocalCullRect, newLocalCullRect);
- _this._optimalLocalCullRect = newLocalCullRect;
- },
- _applyPaint$1(oldSurface) {
- var t4, domCanvas, _this = this,
- t1 = oldSurface == null,
- oldCanvas = t1 ? null : oldSurface.__engine$_canvas,
- t2 = _this._requiresRepaint = false,
- t3 = _this.picture.recordingCanvas;
- if (t3._didDraw) {
- t4 = _this._optimalLocalCullRect;
- t4 = t4.get$isEmpty(t4);
- } else
- t4 = true;
- if (t4) {
- A._recycleCanvas(oldCanvas);
- if (!t1)
- oldSurface.__engine$_canvas = null;
- t1 = _this.rootElement;
- if (t1 != null)
- A.removeAllChildren(t1);
- t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas;
- if (t1 != null ? t1 !== oldCanvas : t2)
- A._recycleCanvas(t1);
- _this.__engine$_canvas = null;
- return;
- }
- if (t3.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint)
- _this._applyBitmapPaint$1(oldCanvas);
- else {
- A._recycleCanvas(_this.__engine$_canvas);
- t1 = _this.rootElement;
- t1.toString;
- domCanvas = _this.__engine$_canvas = new A.DomCanvas(t1, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__SaveElementStackEntry), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_JavaScriptObject), A.Matrix4$identity());
- t1 = _this.rootElement;
- t1.toString;
- A.removeAllChildren(t1);
- t1 = _this._optimalLocalCullRect;
- t1.toString;
- t3.applyCommands$2(domCanvas, t1);
- domCanvas.endOfPaint$0();
- }
- },
- matchForUpdate$1(existingSurface) {
- var didRequireBitmap, requiresBitmap, oldCanvas, oldPixelCount, _this = this,
- t1 = existingSurface.picture,
- t2 = _this.picture;
- if (t1 === t2)
- return 0;
- t1 = t1.recordingCanvas;
- if (!t1._didDraw)
- return 1;
- didRequireBitmap = t1.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint;
- requiresBitmap = t2.recordingCanvas.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint;
- if (didRequireBitmap !== requiresBitmap)
- return 1;
- else if (!requiresBitmap)
- return 1;
- else {
- oldCanvas = type$.nullable_BitmapCanvas._as(existingSurface.__engine$_canvas);
- if (oldCanvas == null)
- return 1;
- else {
- t1 = _this._exactLocalCullRect;
- t1.toString;
- if (!oldCanvas.doesFitBounds$2(t1, _this._density))
- return 1;
- else {
- t1 = _this._exactLocalCullRect;
- t1 = A.BitmapCanvas_widthToPhysical(t1.right - t1.left);
- t2 = _this._exactLocalCullRect;
- t2 = A.BitmapCanvas_heightToPhysical(t2.bottom - t2.top);
- oldPixelCount = oldCanvas.widthInBitmapPixels * oldCanvas.heightInBitmapPixels;
- if (oldPixelCount === 0)
- return 1;
- return 1 - t1 * t2 / oldPixelCount;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- _applyBitmapPaint$1(oldCanvas) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (oldCanvas instanceof A.BitmapCanvas) {
- t1 = _this._optimalLocalCullRect;
- t1.toString;
- if (oldCanvas.doesFitBounds$2(t1, _this._density)) {
- t1 = oldCanvas.__engine$_devicePixelRatio;
- t2 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- t1 = t1 === (t2 === 0 ? 1 : t2);
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this._optimalLocalCullRect;
- t1.toString;
- oldCanvas.set$bounds(0, t1);
- _this.__engine$_canvas = oldCanvas;
- oldCanvas._elementCache = _this._elementCache;
- oldCanvas.clear$0(0);
- t1 = _this.picture.recordingCanvas;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._optimalLocalCullRect;
- t2.toString;
- t1.applyCommands$2(oldCanvas, t2);
- oldCanvas.endOfPaint$0();
- } else {
- A._recycleCanvas(oldCanvas);
- t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas;
- if (t1 instanceof A.BitmapCanvas)
- t1._elementCache = null;
- _this.__engine$_canvas = null;
- t1 = $.paintQueue;
- t2 = _this._optimalLocalCullRect;
- t1.push(new A.PaintRequest(new A.Size(t2.right - t2.left, t2.bottom - t2.top), new A.PersistedPicture__applyBitmapPaint_closure(_this)));
- }
- },
- _findOrCreateCanvas$1(bounds) {
- var boundsWidth, boundsHeight, requestedPixelCount, t3, bestRecycledCanvas, lastPixelCount, i, candidate, t4, t5, candidatePixelCount, t6, t7, fits, isSmaller, canvas, _this = this,
- t1 = bounds.right - bounds.left,
- t2 = bounds.bottom - bounds.top;
- for (boundsWidth = t1 + 1, boundsHeight = t2 + 1, requestedPixelCount = t1 * t2, t3 = requestedPixelCount > 1, bestRecycledCanvas = null, lastPixelCount = 1 / 0, i = 0; i < $._recycledCanvases.length; ++i) {
- candidate = $._recycledCanvases[i];
- t4 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t4 === 0)
- t4 = 1;
- if (candidate.__engine$_devicePixelRatio !== t4)
- continue;
- t4 = candidate._bounds;
- t5 = t4.right - t4.left;
- t4 = t4.bottom - t4.top;
- candidatePixelCount = t5 * t4;
- t6 = _this._density;
- t7 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (candidate.widthInBitmapPixels >= B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(boundsWidth * (t7 === 0 ? 1 : t7)) + 2) {
- t7 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- fits = candidate.heightInBitmapPixels >= B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(boundsHeight * (t7 === 0 ? 1 : t7)) + 2 && candidate._density === t6;
- } else
- fits = false;
- isSmaller = candidatePixelCount < lastPixelCount;
- if (fits && isSmaller)
- if (!(isSmaller && t3 && candidatePixelCount / requestedPixelCount > 4)) {
- if (t5 === t1 && t4 === t2) {
- bestRecycledCanvas = candidate;
- break;
- }
- lastPixelCount = candidatePixelCount;
- bestRecycledCanvas = candidate;
- }
- }
- if (bestRecycledCanvas != null) {
- B.JSArray_methods.remove$1($._recycledCanvases, bestRecycledCanvas);
- bestRecycledCanvas.set$bounds(0, bounds);
- bestRecycledCanvas._elementCache = _this._elementCache;
- return bestRecycledCanvas;
- }
- canvas = A.BitmapCanvas$(bounds, _this.picture.recordingCanvas.renderStrategy, _this._density);
- canvas._elementCache = _this._elementCache;
- return canvas;
- },
- _applyTranslate$0() {
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(this.rootElement.style, "transform", "translate(" + A.S(this.dx) + "px, " + A.S(this.dy) + "px)");
- },
- apply$0() {
- this._applyTranslate$0();
- this._applyPaint$1(null);
- },
- build$0() {
- this._computeOptimalCullRect$1(null);
- this._requiresRepaint = true;
- this.super$PersistedSurface$build();
- },
- update$1(_, oldSurface) {
- var t1, densityChanged, _this = this;
- _this.super$PersistedSurface$update(0, oldSurface);
- _this._elementCache = oldSurface._elementCache;
- if (oldSurface !== _this)
- oldSurface._elementCache = null;
- if (_this.dx !== oldSurface.dx || _this.dy !== oldSurface.dy)
- _this._applyTranslate$0();
- _this._computeOptimalCullRect$1(oldSurface);
- if (_this.picture === oldSurface.picture) {
- t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas;
- densityChanged = t1 instanceof A.BitmapCanvas && _this._density !== t1._density;
- if (_this._requiresRepaint || densityChanged)
- _this._applyPaint$1(oldSurface);
- else
- _this.__engine$_canvas = oldSurface.__engine$_canvas;
- } else
- _this._applyPaint$1(oldSurface);
- },
- retain$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$PersistedSurface$retain();
- _this._computeOptimalCullRect$1(_this);
- if (_this._requiresRepaint)
- _this._applyPaint$1(_this);
- },
- discard$0() {
- A._recycleCanvas(this.__engine$_canvas);
- this.__engine$_canvas = null;
- this.super$PersistedSurface$discard();
- }
- };
- A.PersistedPicture__applyBitmapPaint_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var bitmapCanvas,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._optimalLocalCullRect;
- t2.toString;
- bitmapCanvas = t1.__engine$_canvas = t1._findOrCreateCanvas$1(t2);
- bitmapCanvas._elementCache = t1._elementCache;
- t2 = t1.rootElement;
- t2.toString;
- A.removeAllChildren(t2);
- t1.rootElement.append(bitmapCanvas.rootElement);
- bitmapCanvas.clear$0(0);
- t2 = t1.picture.recordingCanvas;
- t2.toString;
- t1 = t1._optimalLocalCullRect;
- t1.toString;
- t2.applyCommands$2(bitmapCanvas, t1);
- bitmapCanvas.endOfPaint$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.RecordingCanvas.prototype = {
- applyCommands$2(engineCanvas, clipRect) {
- var len, i, len0, i0, command, e, t1, t2, len1, exception;
- try {
- t1 = this._pictureBounds;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.rectContainsOther(clipRect, t1);
- t2 = this._commands;
- len1 = t2.length;
- if (t1) {
- len = len1;
- for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- t2[i].apply$1(engineCanvas);
- } else {
- len0 = len1;
- for (i0 = 0; i0 < len0; ++i0) {
- command = t2[i0];
- if (command instanceof A.DrawCommand)
- if (command.isInvisible$1(clipRect))
- continue;
- command.apply$1(engineCanvas);
- }
- }
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- if (!J.$eq$(e.name, "NS_ERROR_FAILURE"))
- throw exception;
- }
- },
- clipRect$2(rect, clipOp) {
- var command = new A.PaintClipRect(rect, clipOp);
- switch (clipOp.index) {
- case 1:
- this._paintBounds.clipRect$2(rect, command);
- break;
- case 0:
- break;
- }
- this.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true;
- this._commands.push(command);
- },
- drawRect$2(rect, paint) {
- var paintSpread, command, _this = this,
- t1 = paint._paintData;
- if (t1.shader != null)
- _this.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true;
- _this._didDraw = true;
- paintSpread = A._getPaintSpread(paint);
- paint._frozen = true;
- command = new A.PaintDrawRect(rect, t1);
- t1 = _this._paintBounds;
- if (paintSpread !== 0)
- t1.grow$2(rect.inflate$1(paintSpread), command);
- else
- t1.grow$2(rect, command);
- _this._commands.push(command);
- },
- drawRRect$2(rrect, paint) {
- var paintSpread, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, command, _this = this,
- t1 = paint._paintData;
- if (t1.shader != null || !rrect.webOnlyUniformRadii)
- _this.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true;
- _this._didDraw = true;
- paintSpread = A._getPaintSpread(paint);
- t2 = rrect.left;
- t3 = rrect.right;
- t4 = Math.min(t2, t3);
- t5 = rrect.top;
- t6 = rrect.bottom;
- t7 = Math.min(t5, t6);
- t3 = Math.max(t2, t3);
- t6 = Math.max(t5, t6);
- paint._frozen = true;
- command = new A.PaintDrawRRect(rrect, t1);
- _this._paintBounds.growLTRB$5(t4 - paintSpread, t7 - paintSpread, t3 + paintSpread, t6 + paintSpread, command);
- _this._commands.push(command);
- },
- drawDRRect$3(outer, inner, paint) {
- var scaledOuter, scaledInner, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, paintSpread, command, left, right, _this = this,
- innerRect = new A.Rect(inner.left, inner.top, inner.right, inner.bottom),
- t1 = outer.left,
- t2 = outer.top,
- t3 = outer.right,
- t4 = outer.bottom,
- outerRect = new A.Rect(t1, t2, t3, t4);
- if (outerRect.$eq(0, innerRect) || !outerRect.intersect$1(innerRect).$eq(0, innerRect))
- return;
- scaledOuter = outer.scaleRadii$0();
- scaledInner = inner.scaleRadii$0();
- t5 = scaledOuter.tlRadiusX;
- t6 = scaledOuter.tlRadiusY;
- t7 = scaledOuter.trRadiusX;
- t8 = scaledOuter.trRadiusY;
- t9 = scaledOuter.blRadiusX;
- t10 = scaledOuter.blRadiusY;
- t11 = scaledOuter.brRadiusX;
- t12 = scaledOuter.brRadiusY;
- t13 = scaledInner.tlRadiusX;
- t14 = scaledInner.tlRadiusY;
- t15 = scaledInner.trRadiusX;
- t16 = scaledInner.trRadiusY;
- t17 = scaledInner.blRadiusX;
- t18 = scaledInner.blRadiusY;
- t19 = scaledInner.brRadiusX;
- t20 = scaledInner.brRadiusY;
- if (t13 * t13 + t14 * t14 > t5 * t5 + t6 * t6 || t15 * t15 + t16 * t16 > t7 * t7 + t8 * t8 || t17 * t17 + t18 * t18 > t9 * t9 + t10 * t10 || t19 * t19 + t20 * t20 > t11 * t11 + t12 * t12)
- return;
- _this._didDraw = _this.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true;
- paintSpread = A._getPaintSpread(paint);
- paint._frozen = true;
- command = new A.PaintDrawDRRect(outer, inner, paint._paintData);
- t5 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t5.set$fillType(B.PathFillType_1);
- t5.addRRect$1(outer);
- t5.addRRect$1(inner);
- t5.close$0(0);
- command.path = t5;
- left = Math.min(t1, t3);
- right = Math.max(t1, t3);
- _this._paintBounds.growLTRB$5(left - paintSpread, Math.min(t2, t4) - paintSpread, right + paintSpread, Math.max(t2, t4) + paintSpread, command);
- _this._commands.push(command);
- },
- drawPath$2(path, paint) {
- var rect, t1, rrect, line, t2, left, t3, t4, $top, width, height, inflatedHeight, inflatedWidth, pathBounds, paintSpread, clone, command, _this = this;
- if (paint._paintData.shader == null) {
- type$.SurfacePath._as(path);
- rect = path.pathRef.getRect$0();
- if (rect != null) {
- _this.drawRect$2(rect, paint);
- return;
- }
- t1 = path.pathRef;
- rrect = t1.fIsRRect ? t1._getRRect$0() : null;
- if (rrect != null) {
- _this.drawRRect$2(rrect, paint);
- return;
- }
- line = path.pathRef.getStraightLine$0();
- if (line != null) {
- t1 = paint._paintData.strokeWidth;
- t1 = (t1 == null ? 0 : t1) === 0;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = line.left;
- t2 = line.right;
- left = Math.min(t1, t2);
- t3 = line.top;
- t4 = line.bottom;
- $top = Math.min(t3, t4);
- t1 = t2 - t1;
- width = Math.abs(t1);
- t3 = t4 - t3;
- height = Math.abs(t3);
- inflatedHeight = t3 === 0 ? 1 : height;
- inflatedWidth = t1 === 0 ? 1 : width;
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_0);
- _this.drawRect$2(new A.Rect(left, $top, left + inflatedWidth, $top + inflatedHeight), paint);
- return;
- }
- }
- type$.SurfacePath._as(path);
- if (path.pathRef._fVerbsLength !== 0) {
- _this._didDraw = _this.renderStrategy.hasArbitraryPaint = true;
- pathBounds = path.getBounds$0(0);
- paintSpread = A._getPaintSpread(paint);
- if (paintSpread !== 0)
- pathBounds = pathBounds.inflate$1(paintSpread);
- clone = new A.SurfacePath(A.PathRef$shallowCopy(path.pathRef), B.PathFillType_0);
- clone._copyFields$1(path);
- paint._frozen = true;
- command = new A.PaintDrawPath(clone, paint._paintData);
- _this._paintBounds.grow$2(pathBounds, command);
- clone._fillType = path._fillType;
- _this._commands.push(command);
- }
- },
- drawParagraph$2(paragraph, offset) {
- var t1, command, paragraphBounds, t2, _this = this;
- type$.CanvasParagraph._as(paragraph);
- if (!paragraph.isLaidOut)
- return;
- _this._didDraw = true;
- t1 = _this.renderStrategy;
- t1.hasArbitraryPaint = true;
- t1.hasParagraphs = true;
- command = new A.PaintDrawParagraph(paragraph, offset);
- paragraphBounds = paragraph.get$_layoutService()._paintBounds;
- t1 = offset._dx;
- t2 = offset._dy;
- _this._paintBounds.growLTRB$5(t1 + paragraphBounds.left, t2 + paragraphBounds.top, t1 + paragraphBounds.right, t2 + paragraphBounds.bottom, command);
- _this._commands.push(command);
- }
- };
- A.PaintCommand.prototype = {};
- A.DrawCommand.prototype = {
- isInvisible$1(clipRect) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.isClippedOut)
- return true;
- return _this.bottomBound < clipRect.top || _this.topBound > clipRect.bottom || _this.rightBound < clipRect.left || _this.leftBound > clipRect.right;
- }
- };
- A.PaintSave.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.save$0(0);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintRestore.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintTranslate.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.translate$2(0, this.dx, this.dy);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintScale.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.scale$2(0, this.sx, this.sy);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintRotate.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.rotate$1(0, this.radians);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintTransform.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.transform$1(0, this.matrix4);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintClipRect.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.clipRect$2(this.rect, this.clipOp);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintClipRRect.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.clipRRect$1(this.rrect);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintClipPath.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.clipPath$1(0, this.path);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintDrawLine.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.drawLine$3(this.p1, this.p2, this.paint);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintDrawPaint.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.drawPaint$1(this.paint);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintDrawRect.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.drawRect$2(this.rect, this.paint);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintDrawRRect.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.drawRRect$2(this.rrect, this.paint);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintDrawDRRect.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- var t1 = this.paint;
- if (t1.style == null)
- t1.style = B.PaintingStyle_0;
- canvas.drawPath$2(this.path, t1);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintDrawOval.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.drawOval$2(this.rect, this.paint);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintDrawCircle.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.drawCircle$3(this.c, this.radius, this.paint);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintDrawPath.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.drawPath$2(this.path, this.paint);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintDrawShadow.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- var _this = this;
- canvas.drawShadow$4(_this.path, _this.color, _this.elevation, _this.transparentOccluder);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintDrawImageRect.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- var _this = this;
- canvas.drawImageRect$4(_this.image, _this.src, _this.dst, _this.paint);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PaintDrawParagraph.prototype = {
- apply$1(canvas) {
- canvas.drawParagraph$2(this.paragraph, this.offset);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._PaintBounds.prototype = {
- clipRect$2(rect, command) {
- var t1, t4, t3, t2, _this = this,
- left = rect.left,
- $top = rect.top,
- right = rect.right,
- bottom = rect.bottom;
- if (!_this._currentMatrixIsIdentity) {
- t1 = $.$get$_PaintBounds__tempRectData();
- t1[0] = left;
- t1[1] = $top;
- t1[2] = right;
- t1[3] = bottom;
- A.transformLTRB(_this._currentMatrix, t1);
- left = t1[0];
- $top = t1[1];
- right = t1[2];
- bottom = t1[3];
- }
- if (!_this._clipRectInitialized) {
- _this._currentClipLeft = left;
- _this._currentClipTop = $top;
- _this._currentClipRight = right;
- _this._currentClipBottom = bottom;
- _this._clipRectInitialized = true;
- t4 = bottom;
- t3 = right;
- t2 = $top;
- t1 = left;
- } else {
- t1 = _this._currentClipLeft;
- if (left > t1) {
- _this._currentClipLeft = left;
- t1 = left;
- }
- t2 = _this._currentClipTop;
- if ($top > t2) {
- _this._currentClipTop = $top;
- t2 = $top;
- }
- t3 = _this._currentClipRight;
- if (right < t3) {
- _this._currentClipRight = right;
- t3 = right;
- }
- t4 = _this._currentClipBottom;
- if (bottom < t4) {
- _this._currentClipBottom = bottom;
- t4 = bottom;
- }
- }
- if (t1 >= t3 || t2 >= t4)
- command.isClippedOut = true;
- else {
- command.leftBound = t1;
- command.topBound = t2;
- command.rightBound = t3;
- command.bottomBound = t4;
- }
- },
- grow$2(r, command) {
- this.growLTRB$5(r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, command);
- },
- growLTRB$5(left, $top, right, bottom, command) {
- var t1, transformedPointLeft, transformedPointTop, transformedPointRight, transformedPointBottom, transformedPointRight0, transformedPointLeft0, transformedPointBottom0, transformedPointTop0, _this = this;
- if (left === right || $top === bottom) {
- command.isClippedOut = true;
- return;
- }
- if (!_this._currentMatrixIsIdentity) {
- t1 = $.$get$_PaintBounds__tempRectData();
- t1[0] = left;
- t1[1] = $top;
- t1[2] = right;
- t1[3] = bottom;
- A.transformLTRB(_this._currentMatrix, t1);
- transformedPointLeft = t1[0];
- transformedPointTop = t1[1];
- transformedPointRight = t1[2];
- transformedPointBottom = t1[3];
- } else {
- transformedPointBottom = bottom;
- transformedPointRight = right;
- transformedPointTop = $top;
- transformedPointLeft = left;
- }
- if (_this._clipRectInitialized) {
- transformedPointRight0 = _this._currentClipRight;
- if (transformedPointLeft >= transformedPointRight0) {
- command.isClippedOut = true;
- return;
- }
- transformedPointLeft0 = _this._currentClipLeft;
- if (transformedPointRight <= transformedPointLeft0) {
- command.isClippedOut = true;
- return;
- }
- transformedPointBottom0 = _this._currentClipBottom;
- if (transformedPointTop >= transformedPointBottom0) {
- command.isClippedOut = true;
- return;
- }
- transformedPointTop0 = _this._currentClipTop;
- if (transformedPointBottom <= transformedPointTop0) {
- command.isClippedOut = true;
- return;
- }
- if (transformedPointLeft < transformedPointLeft0)
- transformedPointLeft = transformedPointLeft0;
- if (transformedPointRight > transformedPointRight0)
- transformedPointRight = transformedPointRight0;
- if (transformedPointTop < transformedPointTop0)
- transformedPointTop = transformedPointTop0;
- if (transformedPointBottom > transformedPointBottom0)
- transformedPointBottom = transformedPointBottom0;
- }
- command.leftBound = transformedPointLeft;
- command.topBound = transformedPointTop;
- command.rightBound = transformedPointRight;
- command.bottomBound = transformedPointBottom;
- if (_this._didPaintInsideClipArea) {
- _this.__engine$_left = Math.min(Math.min(_this.__engine$_left, transformedPointLeft), transformedPointRight);
- _this.__engine$_right = Math.max(Math.max(_this.__engine$_right, transformedPointLeft), transformedPointRight);
- _this.__engine$_top = Math.min(Math.min(_this.__engine$_top, transformedPointTop), transformedPointBottom);
- _this.__engine$_bottom = Math.max(Math.max(_this.__engine$_bottom, transformedPointTop), transformedPointBottom);
- } else {
- _this.__engine$_left = Math.min(transformedPointLeft, transformedPointRight);
- _this.__engine$_right = Math.max(transformedPointLeft, transformedPointRight);
- _this.__engine$_top = Math.min(transformedPointTop, transformedPointBottom);
- _this.__engine$_bottom = Math.max(transformedPointTop, transformedPointBottom);
- }
- _this._didPaintInsideClipArea = true;
- },
- saveTransformsAndClip$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._currentMatrix,
- t2 = new A.Matrix4(new Float32Array(16));
- t2.setFrom$1(t1);
- _this.__engine$_transforms.push(t2);
- t1 = _this._clipRectInitialized ? new A.Rect(_this._currentClipLeft, _this._currentClipTop, _this._currentClipRight, _this._currentClipBottom) : null;
- _this._clipStack.push(t1);
- },
- computeBounds$0() {
- var t1, maxLeft, maxRight, maxTop, maxBottom, t2, left, right, $top, bottom, _this = this;
- if (!_this._didPaintInsideClipArea)
- return B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- t1 = _this.maxPaintBounds;
- maxLeft = t1.left;
- if (isNaN(maxLeft))
- maxLeft = -1 / 0;
- maxRight = t1.right;
- if (isNaN(maxRight))
- maxRight = 1 / 0;
- maxTop = t1.top;
- if (isNaN(maxTop))
- maxTop = -1 / 0;
- maxBottom = t1.bottom;
- if (isNaN(maxBottom))
- maxBottom = 1 / 0;
- t1 = _this.__engine$_left;
- t2 = _this.__engine$_right;
- left = Math.min(t1, t2);
- right = Math.max(t1, t2);
- t2 = _this.__engine$_top;
- t1 = _this.__engine$_bottom;
- $top = Math.min(t2, t1);
- bottom = Math.max(t2, t1);
- if (right < maxLeft || bottom < maxTop)
- return B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- return new A.Rect(Math.max(left, maxLeft), Math.max($top, maxTop), Math.min(right, maxRight), Math.min(bottom, maxBottom));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.RenderStrategy.prototype = {};
- A._WebGlRenderer.prototype = {
- drawRect$6(targetRect, gl, glProgram, gradient, widthInPixels, heightInPixels) {
- var image, t1,
- _s10_ = "bindBuffer";
- this.drawRectToGl$6(targetRect, gl, glProgram, gradient, widthInPixels, heightInPixels);
- image = gl.readPatternData$1(gradient.isOpaque);
- t1 = gl.glContext;
- A.callMethod(t1, _s10_, [gl.get$kArrayBuffer(), null]);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s10_, [gl.get$kElementArrayBuffer(), null]);
- return image;
- },
- drawRectToImageUrl$6(targetRect, gl, glProgram, gradient, widthInPixels, heightInPixels) {
- var t1, canvas, t2,
- _s10_ = "bindBuffer";
- this.drawRectToGl$6(targetRect, gl, glProgram, gradient, widthInPixels, heightInPixels);
- t1 = gl._widthInPixels;
- canvas = A.createDomCanvasElement(gl._heightInPixels, t1);
- t1 = A.DomCanvasElementExtension_getContext(canvas, "2d", null);
- t1.toString;
- gl.drawImage$3(0, type$.JavaScriptObject._as(t1), 0, 0);
- t1 = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
- A.DomCanvasElementExtension_set_width(canvas, 0);
- A.DomCanvasElementExtension_set_height(canvas, 0);
- t2 = gl.glContext;
- A.callMethod(t2, _s10_, [gl.get$kArrayBuffer(), null]);
- A.callMethod(t2, _s10_, [gl.get$kElementArrayBuffer(), null]);
- return t1;
- },
- drawRectToGl$6(targetRect, gl, glProgram, gradient, widthInPixels, heightInPixels) {
- var t1, t2, t3, colorsBuffer, colors, indexBuffer, t4,
- _s9_ = "uniform4f",
- _s10_ = "bindBuffer",
- _s10_0 = "bufferData",
- _s19_ = "vertexAttribPointer",
- _s23_ = "enableVertexAttribArray",
- left = targetRect.left,
- $top = targetRect.top,
- right = targetRect.right,
- bottom = targetRect.bottom,
- vertices = new Float32Array(8);
- vertices[0] = left;
- vertices[1] = $top;
- vertices[2] = right;
- vertices[3] = $top;
- vertices[4] = right;
- vertices[5] = bottom;
- vertices[6] = left;
- vertices[7] = bottom;
- t1 = glProgram.program;
- t2 = gl.glContext;
- A.callMethod(t2, "uniformMatrix4fv", [gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t1, "u_ctransform"), false, A.Matrix4$identity()._m4storage]);
- A.callMethod(t2, _s9_, [gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t1, "u_scale"), 2 / widthInPixels, -2 / heightInPixels, 1, 1]);
- A.callMethod(t2, _s9_, [gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t1, "u_shift"), -1, 1, 0, 0]);
- t3 = t2.createBuffer();
- t3.toString;
- A.callMethod(t2, _s10_, [gl.get$kArrayBuffer(), t3]);
- t3 = gl.get$kStaticDraw();
- A.callMethod(t2, _s10_0, [gl.get$kArrayBuffer(), vertices, t3]);
- A.callMethod(t2, _s19_, [0, 2, gl.get$kFloat(), false, 0, 0]);
- A.callMethod(t2, _s23_, [0]);
- colorsBuffer = t2.createBuffer();
- A.callMethod(t2, _s10_, [gl.get$kArrayBuffer(), colorsBuffer]);
- colors = new Int32Array(A._ensureNativeList(A._setArrayType([4278255360, 4278190335, 4294967040, 4278255615], type$.JSArray_int)));
- t3 = gl.get$kStaticDraw();
- A.callMethod(t2, _s10_0, [gl.get$kArrayBuffer(), colors, t3]);
- A.callMethod(t2, _s19_, [1, 4, gl.get$kUnsignedByte(), true, 0, 0]);
- A.callMethod(t2, _s23_, [1]);
- indexBuffer = t2.createBuffer();
- A.callMethod(t2, _s10_, [gl.get$kElementArrayBuffer(), indexBuffer]);
- t3 = $.$get$VertexShaders_vertexIndicesForRect();
- t4 = gl.get$kStaticDraw();
- A.callMethod(t2, _s10_0, [gl.get$kElementArrayBuffer(), t3, t4]);
- if (A.callMethod(t2, "getUniformLocation", [t1, "u_resolution"]) != null)
- A.callMethod(t2, "uniform2f", [gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t1, "u_resolution"), widthInPixels, heightInPixels]);
- A.callMethod(t2, "clear", [gl.get$kColorBufferBit()]);
- t2.viewport(0, 0, widthInPixels, heightInPixels);
- t1 = gl.get$kTriangles();
- t3 = t3.length;
- t4 = gl._kUnsignedShort;
- A.callMethod(t2, "drawElements", [t1, t3, t4 == null ? gl._kUnsignedShort = t2.UNSIGNED_SHORT : t4, 0]);
- }
- };
- A.HtmlRenderer.prototype = {
- get$rendererTag() {
- return "html";
- },
- get$fontCollection() {
- var value = this.__HtmlRenderer__fontCollection_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- value !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = this.__HtmlRenderer__fontCollection_FI = new A.HtmlFontCollection();
- }
- return value;
- },
- initialize$0(_) {
- A.scheduleMicrotask(new A.HtmlRenderer_initialize_closure());
- $.HtmlRenderer____instance.__late_helper$_value = this;
- },
- reset$1(_, embedder) {
- this.__HtmlRenderer__viewEmbedder_A = embedder;
- },
- createPaint$0() {
- return new A.SurfacePaint(new A.SurfacePaintData());
- },
- createCanvas$2(recorder, cullRect) {
- type$.EnginePictureRecorder._as(recorder);
- if (recorder._isRecording)
- A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$('"recorder" must not already be associated with another Canvas.', null));
- return new A.SurfaceCanvas(recorder.beginRecording$1(cullRect == null ? B.Rect_aha : cullRect));
- },
- createLinearGradient$6(_, from, to, colors, colorStops, tileMode, matrix4) {
- var t1 = matrix4 == null ? null : new A.FastMatrix32(matrix4);
- return new A.GradientLinear(from, to, colors, colorStops, tileMode, t1);
- },
- createPictureRecorder$0() {
- return new A.EnginePictureRecorder();
- },
- createSceneBuilder$0() {
- var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedContainerSurface),
- t2 = $.SurfaceSceneBuilder__lastFrameScene,
- t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface);
- t2 = t2 != null && t2.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? t2 : null;
- t2 = new A.FrameReference(t2, type$.FrameReference_PersistedSurface);
- $.frameReferences.push(t2);
- t2 = new A.PersistedScene(t3, t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0);
- t2.transform = A.Matrix4$identity();
- t1.push(t2);
- return new A.SurfaceSceneBuilder(t1);
- },
- createMatrixImageFilter$2$filterQuality(matrix4, filterQuality) {
- return new A._MatrixEngineImageFilter(new Float64Array(A._ensureNativeList(matrix4)), filterQuality);
- },
- instantiateImageCodec$4$allowUpscaling$targetHeight$targetWidth(list, allowUpscaling, targetHeight, targetWidth) {
- return this.instantiateImageCodec$body$HtmlRenderer(list, allowUpscaling, targetHeight, targetWidth);
- },
- instantiateImageCodec$1(list) {
- return this.instantiateImageCodec$4$allowUpscaling$targetHeight$targetWidth(list, true, null, null);
- },
- instantiateImageCodec$body$HtmlRenderer(list, allowUpscaling, targetHeight, targetWidth) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Codec),
- $async$returnValue, t1;
- var $async$instantiateImageCodec$4$allowUpscaling$targetHeight$targetWidth = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = list.buffer;
- t1 = new globalThis.Blob([t1]);
- $async$returnValue = new A.HtmlBlobCodec(A.callMethod(self.window.URL, "createObjectURL", [t1]));
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$instantiateImageCodec$4$allowUpscaling$targetHeight$targetWidth, $async$completer);
- },
- createImageShader$5(image, tmx, tmy, matrix4, filterQuality) {
- type$.HtmlImage._as(image);
- return new A.EngineImageShader(tmx, tmy, new Float32Array(A._ensureNativeList(matrix4)), image);
- },
- createPath$0() {
- return A.SurfacePath$();
- },
- combinePaths$3(op, path1, path2) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("combinePaths not implemented in HTML renderer."));
- },
- createTextStyle$21$background$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(background, color, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontVariations, fontWeight, foreground, height, leadingDistribution, letterSpacing, locale, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing) {
- return A.EngineTextStyle$only(background, color, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontVariations, fontWeight, foreground, height, letterSpacing, locale, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing);
- },
- createParagraphStyle$12$ellipsis$fontFamily$fontSize$fontStyle$fontWeight$height$locale$maxLines$strutStyle$textAlign$textDirection$textHeightBehavior(ellipsis, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, height, locale, maxLines, strutStyle, textAlign, textDirection, textHeightBehavior) {
- type$.nullable_EngineStrutStyle._as(strutStyle);
- return new A.EngineParagraphStyle(textAlign, textDirection, fontWeight, fontStyle, maxLines, fontFamily, fontSize, height, textHeightBehavior, ellipsis, locale);
- },
- createStrutStyle$9$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSize$fontStyle$fontWeight$forceStrutHeight$height$leading$leadingDistribution(fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, forceStrutHeight, height, leading, leadingDistribution) {
- return new A.EngineStrutStyle(fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontSize, height, leading, fontWeight, fontStyle, true, leadingDistribution);
- },
- createParagraphBuilder$1(style) {
- type$.EngineParagraphStyle._as(style);
- return new A.CanvasParagraphBuilder(new A.StringBuffer(""), style, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ParagraphSpan), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_StyleNode), new A.RootStyleNode(style), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_double));
- },
- renderScene$1(scene) {
- var t1 = this.__HtmlRenderer__viewEmbedder_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.addSceneToSceneHost$1(type$.SurfaceScene._as(scene).webOnlyRootElement);
- A.frameTimingsOnRasterFinish();
- },
- clearFragmentProgramCache$0() {
- }
- };
- A.HtmlRenderer_initialize_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- A.ensureLineLookupInitialized();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.SurfaceScene.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- }
- };
- A.PersistedScene.prototype = {
- recomputeTransformAndClip$0() {
- var $screen = $.$get$window().get$physicalSize();
- this.localClipBounds = new A.Rect(0, 0, $screen._dx, $screen._dy);
- this.projectedClip = null;
- },
- get$localTransformInverse() {
- var t1 = this._localTransformInverse;
- return t1 == null ? this._localTransformInverse = A.Matrix4$identity() : t1;
- },
- createElement$0(_) {
- return this.defaultCreateElement$1("flt-scene");
- },
- apply$0() {
- }
- };
- A.SurfaceSceneBuilder.prototype = {
- _pushSurface$1$1(surface) {
- var t2,
- t1 = surface._oldLayer.value;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_3;
- t1 = this._surfaceStack;
- t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1);
- t2.__engine$_children.push(surface);
- surface.parent = t2;
- t1.push(surface);
- return surface;
- },
- _pushSurface$1(surface) {
- return this._pushSurface$1$1(surface, type$.PersistedContainerSurface);
- },
- pushOffset$3$oldLayer(dx, dy, oldLayer) {
- var t1, t2;
- type$.nullable_PersistedOffset._as(oldLayer);
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface);
- t2 = oldLayer != null && oldLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? oldLayer : null;
- t2 = new A.FrameReference(t2, type$.FrameReference_PersistedSurface);
- $.frameReferences.push(t2);
- return this._pushSurface$1(new A.PersistedOffset(dx, dy, t1, t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0));
- },
- pushTransform$2$oldLayer(matrix4, oldLayer) {
- var matrix, t1, t2;
- if (this._surfaceStack.length === 1)
- matrix = A.Matrix4$identity()._m4storage;
- else
- matrix = A.toMatrix32(matrix4);
- type$.nullable_PersistedTransform._as(oldLayer);
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface);
- t2 = oldLayer != null && oldLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? oldLayer : null;
- t2 = new A.FrameReference(t2, type$.FrameReference_PersistedSurface);
- $.frameReferences.push(t2);
- return this._pushSurface$1(new A.PersistedTransform(matrix, t1, t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0));
- },
- pushClipRect$3$clipBehavior$oldLayer(rect, clipBehavior, oldLayer) {
- var t1, t2;
- type$.nullable_PersistedClipRect._as(oldLayer);
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface);
- t2 = oldLayer != null && oldLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? oldLayer : null;
- t2 = new A.FrameReference(t2, type$.FrameReference_PersistedSurface);
- $.frameReferences.push(t2);
- return this._pushSurface$1(new A.PersistedClipRect(clipBehavior, rect, null, t1, t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0));
- },
- pushClipRRect$3$clipBehavior$oldLayer(rrect, clipBehavior, oldLayer) {
- var t1, t2;
- type$.nullable_PersistedSurface._as(oldLayer);
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface);
- t2 = oldLayer != null && oldLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? oldLayer : null;
- t2 = new A.FrameReference(t2, type$.FrameReference_PersistedSurface);
- $.frameReferences.push(t2);
- return this._pushSurface$1(new A.PersistedClipRRect(rrect, clipBehavior, null, t1, t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0));
- },
- pushClipPath$3$clipBehavior$oldLayer(path, clipBehavior, oldLayer) {
- var t1, t2;
- type$.nullable_PersistedClipPath._as(oldLayer);
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface);
- t2 = oldLayer != null && oldLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? oldLayer : null;
- t2 = new A.FrameReference(t2, type$.FrameReference_PersistedSurface);
- $.frameReferences.push(t2);
- return this._pushSurface$1(new A.PersistedClipPath(path, clipBehavior, t1, t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0));
- },
- pushOpacity$3$offset$oldLayer(alpha, offset, oldLayer) {
- var t1, t2;
- type$.nullable_PersistedOpacity._as(oldLayer);
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface);
- t2 = oldLayer != null && oldLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? oldLayer : null;
- t2 = new A.FrameReference(t2, type$.FrameReference_PersistedSurface);
- $.frameReferences.push(t2);
- return this._pushSurface$1(new A.PersistedOpacity(alpha, offset, t1, t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0));
- },
- pushBackdropFilter$3$blendMode$oldLayer(filter, blendMode, oldLayer) {
- var t1, t2;
- type$.nullable_PersistedBackdropFilter._as(oldLayer);
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface);
- t2 = oldLayer != null && oldLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? oldLayer : null;
- t2 = new A.FrameReference(t2, type$.FrameReference_PersistedSurface);
- $.frameReferences.push(t2);
- return this._pushSurface$1(new A.PersistedBackdropFilter(filter, t1, t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0));
- },
- pushShaderMask$4$oldLayer(shader, maskRect, blendMode, oldLayer) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- type$.nullable_PersistedShaderMask._as(oldLayer);
- t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface);
- t3 = oldLayer != null && oldLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 ? oldLayer : null;
- t3 = new A.FrameReference(t3, type$.FrameReference_PersistedSurface);
- $.frameReferences.push(t3);
- return this._pushSurface$1(new A.PersistedShaderMask(shader, maskRect, blendMode, t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1, t2, t3, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0));
- },
- addRetained$1(retainedLayer) {
- var t1;
- type$.PersistedContainerSurface._as(retainedLayer);
- if (retainedLayer.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1)
- retainedLayer.__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_2;
- else
- retainedLayer.revive$0();
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this._surfaceStack);
- t1.__engine$_children.push(retainedLayer);
- retainedLayer.parent = t1;
- },
- pop$0() {
- this._surfaceStack.pop();
- },
- addPicture$4$isComplexHint$willChangeHint(offset, picture, isComplexHint, willChangeHint) {
- var t1, t2;
- type$.EnginePicture._as(picture);
- t1 = picture.recordingCanvas._pictureBounds;
- t2 = new A.FrameReference(null, type$.FrameReference_PersistedSurface);
- $.frameReferences.push(t2);
- t2 = new A.PersistedPicture(offset._dx, offset._dy, picture, t1, new A.CrossFrameCache(type$.CrossFrameCache_JavaScriptObject), t2, B.PersistedSurfaceState_0);
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this._surfaceStack);
- t1.__engine$_children.push(t2);
- t2.parent = t1;
- },
- build$0() {
- A.frameTimingsOnBuildFinish();
- A.frameTimingsOnRasterStart();
- A.timeAction("preroll_frame", new A.SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure(this));
- return A.timeAction("apply_frame", new A.SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure0(this));
- }
- };
- A.SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- for (var t1 = this.$this._surfaceStack; t1.length > 1;)
- t1.pop();
- type$.PersistedScene._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1)).preroll$1(new A.PrerollSurfaceContext());
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.SurfaceSceneBuilder_build_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t3, t4,
- t1 = type$.PersistedScene,
- t2 = this.$this._surfaceStack;
- if ($.SurfaceSceneBuilder__lastFrameScene == null)
- t1._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2)).build$0();
- else {
- t3 = t1._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2));
- t4 = $.SurfaceSceneBuilder__lastFrameScene;
- t4.toString;
- t3.update$1(0, t4);
- }
- A.commitScene(t1._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2)));
- $.SurfaceSceneBuilder__lastFrameScene = t1._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2));
- return new A.SurfaceScene(t1._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2)).rootElement);
- },
- $signature: 500
- };
- A.PersistedShaderMask.prototype = {
- adoptElements$1(oldSurface) {
- this.super$PersistedSurface$adoptElements(oldSurface);
- this._childContainer = oldSurface._childContainer;
- this._shaderElement = oldSurface._shaderElement;
- oldSurface._shaderElement = oldSurface._childContainer = null;
- },
- get$childContainer() {
- return this._childContainer;
- },
- discard$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$discard();
- $._flutterViewEmbedder.removeResource$1(_this._shaderElement);
- _this._childContainer = _this._shaderElement = null;
- },
- preroll$1(prerollContext) {
- ++prerollContext.activeShaderMaskCount;
- this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$preroll(prerollContext);
- --prerollContext.activeShaderMaskCount;
- },
- createElement$0(_) {
- var element = this.defaultCreateElement$1("flt-shader-mask"),
- container = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-mask-interior");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(container.style, "position", "absolute");
- this._childContainer = container;
- element.append(container);
- return element;
- },
- apply$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this;
- $._flutterViewEmbedder.removeResource$1(_this._shaderElement);
- _this._shaderElement = null;
- if (type$.Gradient._is(_this.shader)) {
- t1 = _this.rootElement.style;
- t2 = _this.maskRect;
- t3 = t2.left;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "left", A.S(t3) + "px");
- t4 = t2.top;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "top", A.S(t4) + "px");
- t5 = t2.right - t3;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "width", A.S(t5) + "px");
- t2 = t2.bottom - t4;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "height", A.S(t2) + "px");
- t1 = _this._childContainer.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "left", A.S(-t3) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "top", A.S(-t4) + "px");
- if (t5 > 0 && t2 > 0)
- _this._applyGradientShader$0();
- return;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Shader type not supported for ShaderMask"));
- },
- _applyGradientShader$0() {
- var t2, t3, t4, imageUrl, blendModeTemp, svgFilter, embedder, _this = this, _s6_ = "filter",
- t1 = _this.shader;
- if (t1 instanceof A.EngineGradient) {
- t2 = _this.maskRect;
- t3 = t2.left;
- t4 = t2.top;
- imageUrl = A._asString(t1.createImageBitmap$3(t2.translate$2(0, -t3, -t4), 1, true));
- blendModeTemp = _this.blendMode;
- switch (blendModeTemp.index) {
- case 0:
- case 8:
- case 7:
- t1 = _this._childContainer;
- if (t1 != null)
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1.style, "visibility", "hidden");
- return;
- case 2:
- case 6:
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(_this.rootElement.style, _s6_, "");
- return;
- case 3:
- blendModeTemp = B.BlendMode_5;
- break;
- case 1:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- case 9:
- case 10:
- case 11:
- case 12:
- case 13:
- case 14:
- case 15:
- case 16:
- case 17:
- case 18:
- case 19:
- case 20:
- case 21:
- case 22:
- case 23:
- case 24:
- case 25:
- case 26:
- case 27:
- case 28:
- break;
- }
- svgFilter = A.svgMaskFilterFromImageAndBlendMode(imageUrl, blendModeTemp, t2.right - t3, t2.bottom - t4);
- _this._shaderElement = svgFilter.element;
- t1 = "url(#" + svgFilter.id;
- if (_this.isWebKit)
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(_this._childContainer.style, _s6_, t1 + ")");
- else
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(_this.rootElement.style, _s6_, t1 + ")");
- embedder = $._flutterViewEmbedder;
- embedder.toString;
- t1 = _this._shaderElement;
- t1.toString;
- embedder.addResource$1(t1);
- }
- },
- update$1(_, oldSurface) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$update(0, oldSurface);
- if (_this.shader !== oldSurface.shader || !_this.maskRect.$eq(0, oldSurface.maskRect) || _this.blendMode !== oldSurface.blendMode)
- _this.apply$0();
- },
- $isShaderMaskEngineLayer: 1
- };
- A.EngineImageShader.prototype = {
- createPaintStyle$3(context, shaderBounds, density) {
- var repeatX, repeatY, t2, dpr, t3, widthInPixels, t4, heightInPixels, t5, t6, isWebGl2, vertexShader, builder, method, fragmentShader, gl, vertices, vRect, t7, t8, t9, res, result, transformUniform, transformAtOffset, vao, texture, bitmapImage, _this = this,
- _s13_ = "createPattern",
- _s12_ = "u_ctransform",
- _s14_ = "u_textransform",
- _s10_ = "v_texcoord",
- _s9_ = "texture2D",
- _s9_0 = "uniform4f",
- _s10_0 = "bindBuffer",
- _s13_0 = "texParameteri",
- tileX = _this.tileModeX,
- tileY = _this.tileModeY,
- t1 = tileX === B.TileMode_0;
- if (!t1 && tileY !== B.TileMode_0) {
- t1 = _this._resolveTiledImageSource$3(_this.image, tileX, tileY);
- t1.toString;
- repeatX = tileX === B.TileMode_1 || tileX === B.TileMode_2;
- repeatY = tileY === B.TileMode_1 || tileY === B.TileMode_2;
- if (repeatX)
- t2 = repeatY ? "repeat" : "repeat-x";
- else
- t2 = repeatY ? "repeat-y" : "no-repeat";
- t2 = A.callMethod(context, _s13_, [t1, t2]);
- t2.toString;
- return t2;
- } else {
- if ($.glRenderer == null)
- $.glRenderer = new A._WebGlRenderer();
- shaderBounds.toString;
- t2 = $.$get$window();
- dpr = t2._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (dpr == null) {
- t3 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- dpr = t3 === 0 ? 1 : t3;
- }
- t3 = shaderBounds.left;
- widthInPixels = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0((shaderBounds.right - t3) * dpr);
- t4 = shaderBounds.top;
- heightInPixels = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0((shaderBounds.bottom - t4) * dpr);
- t5 = $._cachedWebGLVersion;
- if (t5 == null) {
- t5 = $._cachedWebGLVersion = A._detectWebGLVersion();
- t6 = t5;
- } else
- t6 = t5;
- isWebGl2 = t5 === 2;
- vertexShader = $.VertexShaders__textureVertexShader;
- if (vertexShader == null) {
- builder = A.ShaderBuilder$(t6);
- builder.addIn$2$name(11, "position");
- builder.addUniform$2$name(14, _s12_);
- builder.addUniform$2$name(11, "u_scale");
- builder.addUniform$2$name(11, _s14_);
- builder.addUniform$2$name(11, "u_shift");
- builder.addOut$2$name(9, _s10_);
- method = new A.ShaderMethod("main", A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String));
- builder._methods.push(method);
- method.addStatement$1(string$.gl_Pos);
- method.addStatement$1("v_texcoord = vec2((u_textransform.z + position.x) * u_textransform.x, ((u_textransform.w + position.y) * u_textransform.y));");
- vertexShader = $.VertexShaders__textureVertexShader = builder.build$0();
- }
- t5 = $._cachedWebGLVersion;
- builder = A.ShaderBuilder$fragment(t5 == null ? $._cachedWebGLVersion = A._detectWebGLVersion() : t5);
- builder.floatPrecision = 1;
- builder.addIn$2$name(9, _s10_);
- builder.addUniform$2$name(16, "u_texture");
- method = new A.ShaderMethod("main", A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String));
- builder._methods.push(method);
- if (!isWebGl2)
- t1 = t1 && tileY === B.TileMode_0;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = builder.get$fragmentColor();
- t5 = builder.isWebGl2 ? "texture" : _s9_;
- method.addStatement$1(t1.name + " = " + t5 + "(u_texture, v_texcoord);");
- } else {
- method.addTileStatements$3("v_texcoord.x", "u", tileX);
- method.addTileStatements$3("v_texcoord.y", "v", tileY);
- method.addStatement$1("vec2 uv = vec2(u, v);");
- t1 = builder.get$fragmentColor();
- t5 = builder.isWebGl2 ? "texture" : _s9_;
- method.addStatement$1(t1.name + " = " + t5 + "(u_texture, uv);");
- }
- fragmentShader = builder.build$0();
- gl = A.GlContext_GlContext(A.OffScreenCanvas$(widthInPixels, heightInPixels));
- gl._widthInPixels = widthInPixels;
- gl._heightInPixels = heightInPixels;
- t1 = gl.glContext;
- t5 = gl.cacheProgram$2(vertexShader, fragmentShader).program;
- A.callMethod(t1, "useProgram", [t5]);
- vertices = new Float32Array(12);
- vRect = shaderBounds.translate$2(0, -t3, -t4);
- t6 = vRect.left;
- vertices[0] = t6;
- t7 = vRect.top;
- vertices[1] = t7;
- t8 = vRect.right;
- vertices[2] = t8;
- vertices[3] = t7;
- vertices[4] = t8;
- t9 = vRect.bottom;
- vertices[5] = t9;
- vertices[6] = t8;
- vertices[7] = t9;
- vertices[8] = t6;
- vertices[9] = t9;
- vertices[10] = t6;
- vertices[11] = t7;
- res = A.callMethod(t1, "getAttribLocation", [t5, "position"]);
- if (res == null) {
- A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception("position not found"));
- result = null;
- } else
- result = res;
- transformUniform = gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t5, _s12_);
- t6 = new Float32Array(16);
- transformAtOffset = new A.Matrix4(t6);
- transformAtOffset.setFrom$1(new A.Matrix4(_this.matrix4));
- transformAtOffset.translate$2(0, -0.0, -0.0);
- A.callMethod(t1, "uniformMatrix4fv", [transformUniform, false, t6]);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s9_0, [gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t5, "u_scale"), 2 / widthInPixels, -2 / heightInPixels, 1, 1]);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s9_0, [gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t5, "u_shift"), -1, 1, 0, 0]);
- _this.requiresTileOffset = t3 !== 0 || t4 !== 0;
- t6 = _this.image;
- A.callMethod(t1, _s9_0, [gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t5, _s14_), 1 / t6.width, 1 / t6.height, t3, t4]);
- t4 = t1.createBuffer();
- t4.toString;
- if (isWebGl2) {
- vao = t1.createVertexArray();
- vao.toString;
- A.callMethod(t1, "bindVertexArray", [vao]);
- } else
- vao = null;
- A.callMethod(t1, "enableVertexAttribArray", [result]);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s10_0, [gl.get$kArrayBuffer(), t4]);
- t2 = t2._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 === 0)
- t2 = 1;
- }
- A.bufferVertexData(gl, vertices, t2);
- A.callMethod(t1, "vertexAttribPointer", [result, 2, gl.get$kFloat(), false, 0, 0]);
- texture = t1.createTexture();
- t2 = gl._kTexture0;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = gl._kTexture0 = t1.TEXTURE0;
- t1.activeTexture(t2);
- A.callMethod(t1, "bindTexture", [gl.get$kTexture2D(), texture]);
- A.callMethod(t1, "texImage2D", [gl.get$kTexture2D(), 0, gl.get$kRGBA(), gl.get$kRGBA(), gl.get$kUnsignedByte(), t6.imgElement]);
- if (isWebGl2) {
- A.callMethod(t1, _s13_0, [gl.get$kTexture2D(), gl.get$kTextureWrapS(), A.tileModeToGlWrapping(gl, tileX)]);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s13_0, [gl.get$kTexture2D(), gl.get$kTextureWrapT(), A.tileModeToGlWrapping(gl, tileY)]);
- A.callMethod(t1, "generateMipmap", [gl.get$kTexture2D()]);
- } else {
- A.callMethod(t1, _s13_0, [gl.get$kTexture2D(), gl.get$kTextureWrapS(), gl.get$kClampToEdge()]);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s13_0, [gl.get$kTexture2D(), gl.get$kTextureWrapT(), gl.get$kClampToEdge()]);
- t2 = gl.get$kTexture2D();
- t3 = gl._kTextureMinFilter;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = gl._kTextureMinFilter = t1.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER;
- t4 = gl._kLinear;
- A.callMethod(t1, _s13_0, [t2, t3, t4 == null ? gl._kLinear = t1.LINEAR : t4]);
- }
- A.callMethod(t1, "clear", [gl.get$kColorBufferBit()]);
- A.callMethod(t1, "drawArrays", [gl._triangleTypeFromMode$1(B.VertexMode_0), 0, 6]);
- if (vao != null)
- t1.bindVertexArray(null);
- bitmapImage = gl.readPatternData$1(false);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s10_0, [gl.get$kArrayBuffer(), null]);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s10_0, [gl.get$kElementArrayBuffer(), null]);
- bitmapImage.toString;
- t1 = A.callMethod(context, _s13_, [bitmapImage, "no-repeat"]);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- },
- _resolveTiledImageSource$3(image, tileX, tileY) {
- var imageWidth, imageHeight, newWidth, newHeight, offscreenCanvas, t1, t2, t3, t4, y, t5, t6, x, t7, flipX, flipY, t8, canvas,
- mirrorX = tileX === B.TileMode_2 ? 2 : 1,
- mirrorY = tileY === B.TileMode_2 ? 2 : 1;
- if (mirrorX === 1 && mirrorY === 1)
- return image.imgElement;
- imageWidth = image.width;
- imageHeight = image.height;
- newWidth = imageWidth * mirrorX;
- newHeight = imageHeight * mirrorY;
- offscreenCanvas = A.OffScreenCanvas$(newWidth, newHeight);
- t1 = offscreenCanvas.offScreenCanvas;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1 = A.DomOffscreenCanvasExtension_getContext(t1, "2d", null);
- else {
- t1 = offscreenCanvas.canvasElement;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.DomCanvasElementExtension_getContext(t1, "2d", null);
- }
- t1.toString;
- for (t2 = -2 * imageHeight, t3 = -2 * imageWidth, t4 = image.imgElement, y = 0; y < mirrorY; ++y)
- for (t5 = y === 0, t6 = !t5, x = 0; x < mirrorX; ++x) {
- t7 = x === 0;
- flipX = !t7 ? -1 : 1;
- flipY = t6 ? -1 : 1;
- t8 = flipX === 1;
- if (!t8 || flipY !== 1)
- t1.scale(flipX, flipY);
- t7 = t7 ? 0 : t3;
- t1.drawImage.apply(t1, [t4, t7, t5 ? 0 : t2]);
- if (!t8 || flipY !== 1)
- t1.scale(flipX, flipY);
- }
- t1 = $.OffScreenCanvas__supported;
- if (t1 == null ? $.OffScreenCanvas__supported = "OffscreenCanvas" in self.window : t1) {
- t1 = offscreenCanvas.offScreenCanvas;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = "transferToImageBitmap" in t1;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- return offscreenCanvas.offScreenCanvas.transferToImageBitmap();
- else {
- canvas = A.createDomCanvasElement(newHeight, newWidth);
- t1 = A.DomCanvasElementExtension_getContext(canvas, "2d", null);
- t1.toString;
- type$.JavaScriptObject._as(t1);
- t2 = offscreenCanvas.offScreenCanvas;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = offscreenCanvas.canvasElement;
- t2.toString;
- }
- t3 = offscreenCanvas.width;
- t4 = offscreenCanvas.height;
- A.callMethod(t1, "drawImage", [t2, 0, 0, t3, t4, 0, 0, t3, t4]);
- return canvas;
- }
- }
- };
- A.NormalizedGradient.prototype = {
- setupUniforms$2(gl, glProgram) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, i, t6, t7, res, result, t8, t9, t10, _this = this;
- for (t1 = _this.thresholdCount, t2 = _this._scale, t3 = gl.glContext, t4 = _this._bias, t5 = glProgram.program, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
- t6 = "" + i;
- t7 = "bias_" + t6;
- res = t3.getUniformLocation.apply(t3, [t5, t7]);
- if (res == null) {
- A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception(t7 + " not found"));
- result = null;
- } else
- result = res;
- t7 = i * 4;
- t8 = t7 + 1;
- t9 = t7 + 2;
- t10 = t7 + 3;
- t3.uniform4f.apply(t3, [result, t4[t7], t4[t8], t4[t9], t4[t10]]);
- t6 = "scale_" + t6;
- res = t3.getUniformLocation.apply(t3, [t5, t6]);
- if (res == null) {
- A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception(t6 + " not found"));
- result = null;
- } else
- result = res;
- t3.uniform4f.apply(t3, [result, t2[t7], t2[t8], t2[t9], t2[t10]]);
- }
- for (t1 = _this._thresholds, t2 = t1.length, i = 0; i < t2; i += 4) {
- t4 = "threshold_" + B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(i, 4);
- res = t3.getUniformLocation.apply(t3, [t5, t4]);
- if (res == null) {
- A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception(t4 + " not found"));
- result = null;
- } else
- result = res;
- t3.uniform4f.apply(t3, [result, t1[i], t1[i + 1], t1[i + 2], t1[i + 3]]);
- }
- }
- };
- A.NormalizedGradient_NormalizedGradient_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(c) {
- return (c.get$value(c) >>> 24 & 255) < 1;
- },
- $signature: 453
- };
- A.SharedCanvas.prototype = {
- checkOutContext$2(width, height) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this._checkedOut = true;
- t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas;
- if (t1 == null)
- _this.__engine$_canvas = A.OffScreenCanvas$(width, height);
- else if (width !== t1.width && height !== t1.height) {
- t1.width = width;
- t1.height = height;
- t2 = t1.offScreenCanvas;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t2.width = width;
- t1 = t1.offScreenCanvas;
- t1.toString;
- t1.height = height;
- } else {
- t2 = t1.canvasElement;
- if (t2 != null) {
- A.DomCanvasElementExtension_set_width(t2, width);
- t2 = t1.canvasElement;
- t2.toString;
- A.DomCanvasElementExtension_set_height(t2, height);
- t2 = t1.canvasElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1._updateCanvasCssSize$1(t2);
- }
- }
- }
- t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas;
- t1.toString;
- return A.GlContext_GlContext(t1);
- }
- };
- A.EngineGradient.prototype = {$isGradient: 1};
- A.GradientLinear.prototype = {
- createPaintStyle$3(ctx, shaderBounds, density) {
- var matrix4, offsetX, offsetY, t2, t3, t4, t5, centerX, centerY, gradient, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.tileMode;
- if (t1 === B.TileMode_0 || t1 === B.TileMode_3) {
- matrix4 = _this.matrix4;
- offsetX = shaderBounds.left;
- offsetY = shaderBounds.top;
- t2 = _this.from;
- t3 = _this.to;
- t4 = t2._dx;
- t5 = t3._dx;
- t2 = t2._dy;
- t3 = t3._dy;
- if (matrix4 != null) {
- centerX = (t4 + t5) / 2 - offsetX;
- centerY = (t2 + t3) / 2 - offsetY;
- matrix4.transform$2(0, t4 - centerX, t2 - centerY);
- t2 = matrix4.transformedX;
- t4 = matrix4.transformedY;
- matrix4.transform$2(0, t5 - centerX, t3 - centerY);
- gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(t2 + centerX - offsetX, t4 + centerY - offsetY, matrix4.transformedX + centerX - offsetX, matrix4.transformedY + centerY - offsetY);
- } else
- gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(t4 - offsetX, t2 - offsetY, t5 - offsetX, t3 - offsetY);
- A._addColorStopsToCanvasGradient(gradient, _this.colors, _this.colorStops, t1 === B.TileMode_3);
- return gradient;
- } else {
- t1 = A.callMethod(ctx, "createPattern", [_this.createImageBitmap$3(shaderBounds, density, false), "no-repeat"]);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- },
- createImageBitmap$3(shaderBounds, density, createDataUrl) {
- var widthInPixels, t3, t4, heightInPixels, gl, normalizedGradient, t5, t6, t7, builder, fragColor, method, glProgram, t8, fromX, fromY, toX, toY, dx, dy, $length, sinVal, cosVal, isRepeated, originX, originY, originTranslation, rotationZ, storage, gradientTransform, result, _this = this,
- _s12_ = "u_resolution",
- _s10_ = "m_gradient",
- t1 = shaderBounds.right,
- t2 = shaderBounds.left;
- t1 -= t2;
- widthInPixels = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(t1);
- t3 = shaderBounds.bottom;
- t4 = shaderBounds.top;
- t3 -= t4;
- heightInPixels = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(t3);
- if ($.glRenderer == null)
- $.glRenderer = new A._WebGlRenderer();
- gl = $.$get$_sharedCanvas().checkOutContext$2(widthInPixels, heightInPixels);
- gl._widthInPixels = widthInPixels;
- gl._heightInPixels = heightInPixels;
- normalizedGradient = A.NormalizedGradient_NormalizedGradient(_this.colors, _this.colorStops);
- t5 = A.VertexShaders_writeBaseVertexShader();
- t6 = _this.tileMode;
- t7 = $._cachedWebGLVersion;
- builder = A.ShaderBuilder$fragment(t7 == null ? $._cachedWebGLVersion = A._detectWebGLVersion() : t7);
- builder.floatPrecision = 1;
- builder.addIn$2$name(11, "v_color");
- builder.addUniform$2$name(9, _s12_);
- builder.addUniform$2$name(14, _s10_);
- fragColor = builder.get$fragmentColor();
- method = new A.ShaderMethod("main", A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String));
- builder._methods.push(method);
- method.addStatement$1("vec4 localCoord = m_gradient * vec4(gl_FragCoord.x, u_resolution.y - gl_FragCoord.y, 0, 1);");
- method.addStatement$1("float st = localCoord.x;");
- method.addStatement$1(fragColor.name + " = " + A._writeSharedGradientShader(builder, method, normalizedGradient, t6) + " * scale + bias;");
- glProgram = gl.cacheProgram$2(t5, builder.build$0());
- t5 = gl.glContext;
- t7 = glProgram.program;
- A.callMethod(t5, "useProgram", [t7]);
- t8 = _this.from;
- fromX = t8._dx;
- fromY = t8._dy;
- t8 = _this.to;
- toX = t8._dx;
- toY = t8._dy;
- dx = toX - fromX;
- dy = toY - fromY;
- $length = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
- t8 = $length < 11920929e-14;
- sinVal = t8 ? 0 : -dy / $length;
- cosVal = t8 ? 1 : dx / $length;
- isRepeated = t6 !== B.TileMode_0;
- originX = isRepeated ? t1 / 2 : (fromX + toX) / 2 - t2;
- originY = isRepeated ? t3 / 2 : (fromY + toY) / 2 - t4;
- originTranslation = A.Matrix4$identity();
- originTranslation.setTranslationRaw$3(-originX, -originY, 0);
- rotationZ = A.Matrix4$identity();
- storage = rotationZ._m4storage;
- storage[0] = cosVal;
- storage[1] = sinVal;
- storage[4] = -sinVal;
- storage[5] = cosVal;
- gradientTransform = A.Matrix4$identity();
- gradientTransform.translate$1(0, 0.5);
- if ($length > 11920929e-14)
- gradientTransform.scale$1(0, 1 / $length);
- t1 = _this.matrix4;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1 = t1.matrix;
- gradientTransform.scale$2(0, 1, -1);
- gradientTransform.translate$2(0, -shaderBounds.get$center()._dx, -shaderBounds.get$center()._dy);
- gradientTransform.multiply$1(0, new A.Matrix4(t1));
- gradientTransform.translate$2(0, shaderBounds.get$center()._dx, shaderBounds.get$center()._dy);
- gradientTransform.scale$2(0, 1, -1);
- }
- gradientTransform.multiply$1(0, rotationZ);
- gradientTransform.multiply$1(0, originTranslation);
- normalizedGradient.setupUniforms$2(gl, glProgram);
- A.callMethod(t5, "uniformMatrix4fv", [gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t7, _s10_), false, gradientTransform._m4storage]);
- A.callMethod(t5, "uniform2f", [gl.getUniformLocation$2(0, t7, _s12_), widthInPixels, heightInPixels]);
- result = new A.GradientLinear_createImageBitmap_closure(createDataUrl, shaderBounds, gl, glProgram, normalizedGradient, widthInPixels, heightInPixels).call$0();
- $.$get$_sharedCanvas()._checkedOut = false;
- return result;
- }
- };
- A.GradientLinear_createImageBitmap_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = $.glRenderer,
- t2 = _this.shaderBounds,
- t3 = _this.gl,
- t4 = _this.glProgram,
- t5 = _this.normalizedGradient,
- t6 = _this.widthInPixels,
- t7 = _this.heightInPixels,
- t8 = t2.right,
- t9 = t2.left,
- t10 = t2.bottom;
- t2 = t2.top;
- if (_this.createDataUrl)
- return t1.drawRectToImageUrl$6(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + (t8 - t9), 0 + (t10 - t2)), t3, t4, t5, t6, t7);
- else {
- t1 = t1.drawRect$6(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + (t8 - t9), 0 + (t10 - t2)), t3, t4, t5, t6, t7);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- },
- $signature: 452
- };
- A.EngineImageFilter.prototype = {
- get$filterAttribute() {
- return "";
- }
- };
- A._MatrixEngineImageFilter.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A._MatrixEngineImageFilter && other.filterQuality === this.filterQuality && A.listEquals(other.webMatrix, this.webMatrix);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(A.Object_hashAll(this.webMatrix), this.filterQuality, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "ImageFilter.matrix(" + A.S(this.webMatrix) + ", " + this.filterQuality.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.ModeHtmlColorFilter.prototype = {$isModeHtmlColorFilter: 1};
- A.MatrixHtmlColorFilter.prototype = {$isMatrixHtmlColorFilter: 1};
- A.ShaderBuilder.prototype = {
- get$fragmentColor() {
- var t1 = this._fragmentColorDeclaration;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = this._fragmentColorDeclaration = new A.ShaderDeclaration(this.isWebGl2 ? "gFragColor" : "gl_FragColor", 11, 3);
- return t1;
- },
- addIn$2$name(dataType, $name) {
- var attrib = new A.ShaderDeclaration($name, dataType, 1);
- this.declarations.push(attrib);
- return attrib;
- },
- addUniform$2$name(dataType, $name) {
- var uniform = new A.ShaderDeclaration($name, dataType, 2);
- this.declarations.push(uniform);
- return uniform;
- },
- addOut$2$name(dataType, $name) {
- var varying = new A.ShaderDeclaration($name, dataType, 3);
- this.declarations.push(varying);
- return varying;
- },
- _writeVariableDeclaration$2(sb, variable) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- _s8_ = "varying ",
- t1 = variable.storage;
- switch (t1) {
- case 0:
- _this.__engine$_buffer._contents += "const ";
- break;
- case 1:
- if (_this.isWebGl2)
- t2 = "in ";
- else
- t2 = _this._isFragmentShader ? _s8_ : "attribute ";
- _this.__engine$_buffer._contents += t2;
- break;
- case 2:
- _this.__engine$_buffer._contents += "uniform ";
- break;
- case 3:
- t2 = _this.isWebGl2 ? "out " : _s8_;
- _this.__engine$_buffer._contents += t2;
- break;
- }
- t2 = _this.__engine$_buffer;
- t3 = t2._contents += A.ShaderBuilder_typeToString(variable.dataType) + " " + variable.name;
- if (t1 === 0)
- t1 = t2._contents = t3 + " = ";
- else
- t1 = t3;
- t2._contents = t1 + ";\n";
- },
- build$0() {
- var t2, t3, _i, t4, method, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.isWebGl2;
- if (t1)
- _this.__engine$_buffer._contents += "#version 300 es\n";
- t2 = _this.floatPrecision;
- if (t2 != null) {
- if (t2 === 0)
- t2 = "lowp";
- else
- t2 = t2 === 1 ? "mediump" : "highp";
- _this.__engine$_buffer._contents += "precision " + t2 + " float;\n";
- }
- if (t1 && _this._fragmentColorDeclaration != null) {
- t1 = _this._fragmentColorDeclaration;
- t1.toString;
- _this._writeVariableDeclaration$2(_this.__engine$_buffer, t1);
- }
- for (t1 = _this.declarations, t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this.__engine$_buffer, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- _this._writeVariableDeclaration$2(t3, t1[_i]);
- for (t1 = _this._methods, t2 = t1.length, t4 = t3.get$writeln(), _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- method = t1[_i];
- t3._contents += "void " + method.name + "() {\n";
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(method._statements, t4);
- t3._contents += "}\n";
- }
- t1 = t3._contents;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- };
- A.ShaderMethod.prototype = {
- addStatement$1(statement) {
- this._statements.push(statement);
- },
- addTileStatements$3(source, destination, tileMode) {
- var _this = this;
- switch (tileMode.index) {
- case 1:
- _this.addStatement$1("float " + destination + " = fract(" + source + ");");
- break;
- case 2:
- _this.addStatement$1("float " + destination + " = (" + source + " - 1.0);");
- _this.addStatement$1(destination + " = abs((" + destination + " - 2.0 * floor(" + destination + " * 0.5)) - 1.0);");
- break;
- case 0:
- case 3:
- _this.addStatement$1("float " + destination + " = " + source + ";");
- break;
- }
- },
- get$name(receiver) {
- return this.name;
- }
- };
- A.ShaderDeclaration.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return this.name;
- }
- };
- A.commitScene_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(a, b) {
- var bSize,
- t1 = a.canvasSize,
- aSize = t1._dy * t1._dx;
- t1 = b.canvasSize;
- bSize = t1._dy * t1._dx;
- return J.compareTo$1$ns(bSize, aSize);
- },
- $signature: 378
- };
- A.PersistedSurfaceState.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "PersistedSurfaceState." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.PersistedSurface.prototype = {
- revive$0() {
- this.__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_0;
- },
- get$childContainer() {
- return this.rootElement;
- },
- build$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.createElement$0(0);
- _this.rootElement = t1;
- t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t2 === B.BrowserEngine_1)
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1.style, "z-index", "0");
- _this.apply$0();
- _this.__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_1;
- },
- adoptElements$1(oldSurface) {
- this.rootElement = oldSurface.rootElement;
- oldSurface.rootElement = null;
- oldSurface.__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_4;
- },
- update$1(_, oldSurface) {
- this.adoptElements$1(oldSurface);
- this.__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_1;
- },
- retain$0() {
- if (this.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_2)
- $.retainedSurfaces.push(this);
- },
- discard$0() {
- this.rootElement.remove();
- this.rootElement = null;
- this.__engine$_state = B.PersistedSurfaceState_4;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- },
- defaultCreateElement$1(tagName) {
- var element = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, tagName);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(element.style, "position", "absolute");
- return element;
- },
- get$localTransformInverse() {
- return null;
- },
- recomputeTransformAndClip$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.transform = _this.parent.transform;
- _this.projectedClip = _this.localClipBounds = null;
- },
- preroll$1(prerollContext) {
- this.recomputeTransformAndClip$0();
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PersistedLeafSurface.prototype = {};
- A.PersistedContainerSurface.prototype = {
- preroll$1(prerollContext) {
- var t1, $length, i;
- this.super$PersistedSurface$preroll(prerollContext);
- t1 = this.__engine$_children;
- $length = t1.length;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- t1[i].preroll$1(prerollContext);
- },
- recomputeTransformAndClip$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.transform = _this.parent.transform;
- _this.projectedClip = _this.localClipBounds = null;
- },
- build$0() {
- var t1, len, containerElement, i, child, t2;
- this.super$PersistedSurface$build();
- t1 = this.__engine$_children;
- len = t1.length;
- containerElement = this.get$childContainer();
- for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
- child = t1[i];
- if (child.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_2)
- child.retain$0();
- else if (child instanceof A.PersistedContainerSurface && child._oldLayer.value != null) {
- t2 = child._oldLayer.value;
- t2.toString;
- child.update$1(0, t2);
- } else
- child.build$0();
- containerElement.toString;
- t2 = child.rootElement;
- t2.toString;
- containerElement.append(t2);
- child.__engine$_index = i;
- }
- },
- matchForUpdate$1(existingSurface) {
- return 1;
- },
- update$1(_, oldSurface) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$PersistedSurface$update(0, oldSurface);
- if (oldSurface.__engine$_children.length === 0)
- _this._updateZeroToMany$1(oldSurface);
- else {
- t1 = _this.__engine$_children.length;
- if (t1 === 1)
- _this._updateManyToOne$1(oldSurface);
- else if (t1 === 0)
- A.PersistedContainerSurface__discardActiveChildren(oldSurface);
- else
- _this._updateManyToMany$1(oldSurface);
- }
- },
- get$isClipping() {
- return false;
- },
- _updateZeroToMany$1(oldSurface) {
- var i, newChild, t2,
- containerElement = this.get$childContainer(),
- t1 = this.__engine$_children,
- $length = t1.length;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- newChild = t1[i];
- if (newChild.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_2)
- newChild.retain$0();
- else if (newChild instanceof A.PersistedContainerSurface && newChild._oldLayer.value != null) {
- t2 = newChild._oldLayer.value;
- t2.toString;
- newChild.update$1(0, t2);
- } else
- newChild.build$0();
- newChild.__engine$_index = i;
- containerElement.toString;
- t2 = newChild.rootElement;
- t2.toString;
- containerElement.append(t2);
- }
- },
- _updateManyToOne$1(oldSurface) {
- var t1, t2, oldLayer, bestMatch, bestScore, i, candidate, score, t3, oldChild, _this = this,
- newChild = _this.__engine$_children[0];
- newChild.__engine$_index = 0;
- if (newChild.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_2) {
- if (!J.$eq$(newChild.rootElement.parentElement, _this.get$childContainer())) {
- t1 = _this.get$childContainer();
- t1.toString;
- t2 = newChild.rootElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.append(t2);
- }
- newChild.retain$0();
- A.PersistedContainerSurface__discardActiveChildren(oldSurface);
- return;
- }
- if (newChild instanceof A.PersistedContainerSurface && newChild._oldLayer.value != null) {
- oldLayer = newChild._oldLayer.value;
- if (!J.$eq$(oldLayer.rootElement.parentElement, _this.get$childContainer())) {
- t1 = _this.get$childContainer();
- t1.toString;
- t2 = oldLayer.rootElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.append(t2);
- }
- newChild.update$1(0, oldLayer);
- A.PersistedContainerSurface__discardActiveChildren(oldSurface);
- return;
- }
- for (t1 = oldSurface.__engine$_children, bestMatch = null, bestScore = 2, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) {
- candidate = t1[i];
- if (!(candidate.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 && A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(newChild) === A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(candidate)))
- continue;
- score = newChild.matchForUpdate$1(candidate);
- if (score < bestScore) {
- bestScore = score;
- bestMatch = candidate;
- }
- }
- if (bestMatch != null) {
- newChild.update$1(0, bestMatch);
- if (!J.$eq$(newChild.rootElement.parentElement, _this.get$childContainer())) {
- t2 = _this.get$childContainer();
- t2.toString;
- t3 = newChild.rootElement;
- t3.toString;
- t2.append(t3);
- }
- } else {
- newChild.build$0();
- t2 = _this.get$childContainer();
- t2.toString;
- t3 = newChild.rootElement;
- t3.toString;
- t2.append(t3);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) {
- oldChild = t1[i];
- if (oldChild !== bestMatch && oldChild.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1)
- oldChild.discard$0();
- }
- },
- _updateManyToMany$1(oldSurface) {
- var t1, t2, indexMapNew, indexMapOld, requiresDomInserts, topInNew, newChild, isReparenting, matchedOldChild, oldLayer, indexInOld, backfill, _this = this,
- containerElement = _this.get$childContainer(),
- matches = _this._matchChildren$1(oldSurface);
- for (t1 = _this.__engine$_children, t2 = type$.JSArray_int, indexMapNew = null, indexMapOld = null, requiresDomInserts = false, topInNew = 0; topInNew < t1.length; ++topInNew) {
- newChild = t1[topInNew];
- if (newChild.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_2) {
- isReparenting = !J.$eq$(newChild.rootElement.parentElement, containerElement);
- newChild.retain$0();
- matchedOldChild = newChild;
- } else if (newChild instanceof A.PersistedContainerSurface && newChild._oldLayer.value != null) {
- oldLayer = newChild._oldLayer.value;
- isReparenting = !J.$eq$(oldLayer.rootElement.parentElement, containerElement);
- newChild.update$1(0, oldLayer);
- matchedOldChild = oldLayer;
- } else {
- matchedOldChild = matches.$index(0, newChild);
- if (matchedOldChild != null) {
- isReparenting = !J.$eq$(matchedOldChild.rootElement.parentElement, containerElement);
- newChild.update$1(0, matchedOldChild);
- } else {
- newChild.build$0();
- isReparenting = true;
- }
- }
- indexInOld = matchedOldChild != null && !isReparenting ? matchedOldChild.__engine$_index : -1;
- if (!requiresDomInserts && indexInOld !== topInNew) {
- indexMapNew = A._setArrayType([], t2);
- indexMapOld = A._setArrayType([], t2);
- for (backfill = 0; backfill < topInNew; ++backfill) {
- indexMapNew.push(backfill);
- indexMapOld.push(backfill);
- }
- requiresDomInserts = true;
- }
- if (requiresDomInserts && indexInOld !== -1) {
- indexMapNew.push(topInNew);
- indexMapOld.push(indexInOld);
- }
- newChild.__engine$_index = topInNew;
- }
- if (requiresDomInserts) {
- indexMapOld.toString;
- _this._insertChildDomNodes$2(indexMapNew, indexMapOld);
- }
- A.PersistedContainerSurface__discardActiveChildren(oldSurface);
- },
- _insertChildDomNodes$2(indexMapNew, indexMapOld) {
- var t1, i, containerElement, refNode, isStationary, t2,
- stationaryIndices = A.longestIncreasingSubsequence(indexMapOld);
- for (t1 = stationaryIndices.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
- stationaryIndices[i] = indexMapNew[stationaryIndices[i]];
- containerElement = this.get$childContainer();
- for (t1 = this.__engine$_children, i = t1.length - 1, refNode = null; i >= 0; --i, refNode = t2) {
- indexMapNew.toString;
- isStationary = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(indexMapNew, i) !== -1 && B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(stationaryIndices, i);
- t2 = t1[i].rootElement;
- t2.toString;
- if (!isStationary)
- if (refNode == null)
- containerElement.append(t2);
- else
- containerElement.insertBefore(t2, refNode);
- }
- },
- _matchChildren$1(oldSurface) {
- var i, child, oldChildren, newChildCount, oldChildCount, allMatches, indexInNew, newChild, indexInOld, oldChild, result, match, matchedChild, newChildNeedsMatch,
- t1 = this.__engine$_children,
- newUnfilteredChildCount = t1.length,
- t2 = oldSurface.__engine$_children,
- oldUnfilteredChildCount = t2.length,
- newChildren = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PersistedSurface);
- for (i = 0; i < newUnfilteredChildCount; ++i) {
- child = t1[i];
- if (child.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_0 && child._oldLayer.value == null)
- newChildren.push(child);
- }
- oldChildren = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable_PersistedSurface);
- for (i = 0; i < oldUnfilteredChildCount; ++i) {
- child = t2[i];
- if (child.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1)
- oldChildren.push(child);
- }
- newChildCount = newChildren.length;
- oldChildCount = oldChildren.length;
- if (newChildCount === 0 || oldChildCount === 0)
- return B.Map_empty6;
- allMatches = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__PersistedSurfaceMatch);
- for (indexInNew = 0; indexInNew < newChildCount; ++indexInNew) {
- newChild = newChildren[indexInNew];
- for (indexInOld = 0; indexInOld < oldChildCount; ++indexInOld) {
- oldChild = oldChildren[indexInOld];
- if (oldChild != null)
- t1 = !(oldChild.__engine$_state === B.PersistedSurfaceState_1 && A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(newChild) === A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(oldChild));
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- continue;
- allMatches.push(new A._PersistedSurfaceMatch(newChild, indexInOld, newChild.matchForUpdate$1(oldChild)));
- }
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(allMatches, new A.PersistedContainerSurface__matchChildren_closure());
- result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.nullable_PersistedSurface, type$.PersistedSurface);
- for (i = 0; i < allMatches.length; ++i) {
- match = allMatches[i];
- t1 = match.oldChildIndex;
- matchedChild = oldChildren[t1];
- t2 = match.newChild;
- newChildNeedsMatch = result.$index(0, t2) == null;
- if (matchedChild != null && newChildNeedsMatch) {
- oldChildren[t1] = null;
- result.$indexSet(0, t2, matchedChild);
- }
- }
- return result;
- },
- retain$0() {
- var t1, len, i;
- this.super$PersistedSurface$retain();
- t1 = this.__engine$_children;
- len = t1.length;
- for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- t1[i].retain$0();
- },
- revive$0() {
- var t1, len, i;
- this.super$PersistedSurface$revive();
- t1 = this.__engine$_children;
- len = t1.length;
- for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- t1[i].revive$0();
- },
- discard$0() {
- this.super$PersistedSurface$discard();
- A.PersistedContainerSurface__discardActiveChildren(this);
- }
- };
- A.PersistedContainerSurface__matchChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(m1, m2) {
- return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(m1.matchQuality, m2.matchQuality);
- },
- $signature: 350
- };
- A._PersistedSurfaceMatch.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PrerollSurfaceContext.prototype = {};
- A.PersistedTransform.prototype = {
- get$matrix4() {
- var t1 = this._matrix4;
- return t1 == null ? this._matrix4 = new A.Matrix4(this._matrixStorage) : t1;
- },
- recomputeTransformAndClip$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.parent.transform;
- t1.toString;
- _this.transform = t1.multiplied$1(_this.get$matrix4());
- _this.projectedClip = null;
- },
- get$localTransformInverse() {
- var t1 = this._localTransformInverse;
- return t1 == null ? this._localTransformInverse = A.Matrix4_tryInvert0(this.get$matrix4()) : t1;
- },
- createElement$0(_) {
- var element = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-transform");
- A.setElementStyle(element, "position", "absolute");
- A.setElementStyle(element, "transform-origin", "0 0 0");
- return element;
- },
- apply$0() {
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(this.rootElement.style, "transform", A.float64ListToCssTransform(this._matrixStorage));
- },
- update$1(_, oldSurface) {
- var t1, t2, matrixChanged, t3, i, _this = this;
- _this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$update(0, oldSurface);
- t1 = oldSurface._matrixStorage;
- t2 = _this._matrixStorage;
- if (t1 === t2) {
- _this._matrix4 = oldSurface._matrix4;
- _this._localTransformInverse = oldSurface._localTransformInverse;
- return;
- }
- t3 = t2.length;
- i = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(i < t3)) {
- matrixChanged = false;
- break;
- }
- if (t2[i] !== t1[i]) {
- matrixChanged = true;
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- if (matrixChanged)
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(_this.rootElement.style, "transform", A.float64ListToCssTransform(t2));
- else {
- _this._matrix4 = oldSurface._matrix4;
- _this._localTransformInverse = oldSurface._localTransformInverse;
- }
- },
- $isTransformEngineLayer: 1
- };
- A.HtmlCodec.prototype = {
- get$frameCount() {
- return 1;
- },
- get$repetitionCount() {
- return 0;
- },
- getNextFrame$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.FrameInfo),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, imgElement, t1, completer;
- var $async$getNextFrame$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_FrameInfo);
- completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_FrameInfo);
- if ($.$get$_supportsDecode()) {
- imgElement = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "img");
- A.DomHTMLImageElementExtension_set_src(imgElement, $async$self.src);
- imgElement.decoding = "async";
- A.promiseToFuture(imgElement.decode(), type$.nullable_Object).then$1$1(0, new A.HtmlCodec_getNextFrame_closure($async$self, imgElement, completer), type$.Null).catchError$1(new A.HtmlCodec_getNextFrame_closure0($async$self, completer));
- } else
- $async$self._decodeUsingOnLoad$1(completer);
- $async$returnValue = t1;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$getNextFrame$0, $async$completer);
- },
- _decodeUsingOnLoad$1(completer) {
- var t2, loadListener, t1 = {},
- imgElement = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "img"),
- errorListener = A._Cell$named("errorListener");
- t1.loadListener = null;
- t2 = type$.JavaScriptObject;
- errorListener.__late_helper$_value = t2._as(A.allowInterop(new A.HtmlCodec__decodeUsingOnLoad_closure(t1, imgElement, errorListener, completer)));
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(imgElement, "error", errorListener._readLocal$0(), null);
- loadListener = t2._as(A.allowInterop(new A.HtmlCodec__decodeUsingOnLoad_closure0(t1, this, imgElement, errorListener, completer)));
- t1.loadListener = loadListener;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(imgElement, "load", loadListener, null);
- A.DomHTMLImageElementExtension_set_src(imgElement, this.src);
- },
- $isCodec: 1
- };
- A.HtmlCodec_getNextFrame_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.imgElement,
- naturalWidth = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1.naturalWidth),
- naturalHeight = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1.naturalHeight);
- if (naturalWidth === 0)
- if (naturalHeight === 0) {
- t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- t2 = t2 === B.BrowserEngine_2;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- naturalWidth = 300;
- naturalHeight = 300;
- }
- this.completer.complete$1(0, new A.SingleFrameInfo(A.HtmlImage$(t1, naturalWidth, naturalHeight)));
- },
- $signature: 26
- };
- A.HtmlCodec_getNextFrame_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- this.$this._decodeUsingOnLoad$1(this.completer);
- },
- $signature: 26
- };
- A.HtmlCodec__decodeUsingOnLoad_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._box_0.loadListener;
- if (t1 != null)
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_removeEventListener(_this.imgElement, "load", t1, null);
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_removeEventListener(_this.imgElement, "error", _this.errorListener._readLocal$0(), null);
- _this.completer.completeError$1($event);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.HtmlCodec__decodeUsingOnLoad_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.imgElement;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_removeEventListener(t1, "load", _this._box_0.loadListener, null);
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_removeEventListener(t1, "error", _this.errorListener._readLocal$0(), null);
- _this.completer.complete$1(0, new A.SingleFrameInfo(A.HtmlImage$(t1, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1.naturalWidth), B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1.naturalHeight))));
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.HtmlBlobCodec.prototype = {};
- A.SingleFrameInfo.prototype = {
- get$duration(_) {
- return B.Duration_0;
- },
- $isFrameInfo: 1,
- get$image(receiver) {
- return this.image;
- }
- };
- A.HtmlImage.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- },
- clone$0(_) {
- return this;
- },
- isCloneOf$1(other) {
- return other === this;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "[" + this.width + "\xd7" + this.height + "]";
- },
- $isImage: 1,
- get$width(receiver) {
- return this.width;
- },
- get$height(receiver) {
- return this.height;
- }
- };
- A.DebugEngineInitializationState.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "DebugEngineInitializationState." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.initializeEngineServices_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(_, __) {
- var t1, _i;
- for (t1 = $._hotRestartListeners.length, _i = 0; _i < $._hotRestartListeners.length; $._hotRestartListeners.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)($._hotRestartListeners), ++_i)
- $._hotRestartListeners[_i].call$0();
- return A.Future_Future$value(A.ServiceExtensionResponse$result("OK"), type$.ServiceExtensionResponse);
- },
- $signature: 154
- };
- A.initializeEngineServices_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this._box_0;
- if (!t1.waitingForAnimation) {
- t1.waitingForAnimation = true;
- A.callMethod(self.window, "requestAnimationFrame", [A.allowInterop(new A.initializeEngineServices__closure(t1))]);
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.initializeEngineServices__closure.prototype = {
- call$1(highResTime) {
- var highResTimeMicroseconds, t1, t2, t3;
- A.frameTimingsOnVsync();
- this._box_0.waitingForAnimation = false;
- highResTimeMicroseconds = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(1000 * highResTime);
- A.frameTimingsOnBuildStart();
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- t2 = t1._onBeginFrame;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t3 = A.Duration$(0, 0, highResTimeMicroseconds, 0, 0, 0);
- A.invoke1(t2, t1._onBeginFrameZone, t3);
- }
- t2 = t1._onDrawFrame;
- if (t2 != null)
- A.invoke(t2, t1._onDrawFrameZone);
- },
- $signature: 278
- };
- A.initializeEngineServices_initializeRendererCallback.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = $.$get$_renderer().initialize$0(0);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 15
- };
- A._addUrlStrategyListener_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(jsStrategy) {
- if (jsStrategy == null) {
- $._isUrlStrategySet = true;
- $._customUrlStrategy = null;
- } else {
- if (!("addPopStateListener" in jsStrategy))
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Unexpected JsUrlStrategy: " + A.S(jsStrategy) + " is missing `addPopStateListener` property"));
- $._isUrlStrategySet = true;
- $._customUrlStrategy = new A.CustomUrlStrategy(jsStrategy);
- }
- },
- $signature: 254
- };
- A._addUrlStrategyListener_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- self._flutter_web_set_location_strategy = null;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.futureToPromise_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(resolver, rejecter) {
- this.future.then$1$2$onError(0, new A.futureToPromise__closure(resolver, this.T), new A.futureToPromise__closure0(rejecter), type$.void);
- },
- $signature: 269
- };
- A.futureToPromise__closure.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return A.PromiseResolverExtension_resolve(this.resolver, value);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.T._eval$1("~(0)");
- }
- };
- A.futureToPromise__closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(error) {
- var t1, t2;
- $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Rejecting promise with error: " + A.S(error));
- t1 = this.rejecter;
- t2 = A._setArrayType([t1], type$.JSArray_Object);
- if (error != null)
- t2.push(error);
- A.callMethod(t1, "call", t2);
- },
- $signature: 275
- };
- A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- return $event._event.altKey;
- },
- $signature: 47
- };
- A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- return $event._event.altKey;
- },
- $signature: 47
- };
- A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- return $event._event.ctrlKey;
- },
- $signature: 47
- };
- A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure2.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- return $event._event.ctrlKey;
- },
- $signature: 47
- };
- A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure3.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- return $event._event.shiftKey;
- },
- $signature: 47
- };
- A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure4.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- return $event._event.shiftKey;
- },
- $signature: 47
- };
- A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure5.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- return $event._event.metaKey;
- },
- $signature: 47
- };
- A._kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter_closure6.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- return $event._event.metaKey;
- },
- $signature: 47
- };
- A._cached_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this._box_0,
- t2 = t1.cache;
- return t2 == null ? t1.cache = this.body.call$0() : t2;
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.T._eval$1("0()");
- }
- };
- A.KeyboardBinding.prototype = {
- KeyboardBinding$_$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this._addEventListener$2(0, "keydown", new A.KeyboardBinding$__closure(_this));
- _this._addEventListener$2(0, "keyup", new A.KeyboardBinding$__closure0(_this));
- },
- get$_converter() {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this,
- value = _this.__KeyboardBinding__converter_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- t2 = type$.int;
- t3 = t1 === B.OperatingSystem_4 || t1 === B.OperatingSystem_0;
- t1 = A.KeyboardConverter__mappingFromPlatform(t1);
- _this.__KeyboardBinding__converter_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.__KeyboardBinding__converter_FI = new A.KeyboardConverter(_this.get$_onKeyData(), t3, t1, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t2), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.void_Function));
- }
- return value;
- },
- _addEventListener$2(_, eventName, handler) {
- var wrappedHandler = type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(new A.KeyboardBinding__addEventListener_loggedHandler(handler)));
- this._listeners.$indexSet(0, eventName, wrappedHandler);
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(self.window, eventName, wrappedHandler, true);
- },
- _onKeyData$1(data) {
- var t1 = {};
- t1.result = null;
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnKeyData$2(data, new A.KeyboardBinding__onKeyData_closure(t1));
- t1 = t1.result;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.KeyboardBinding$__closure.prototype = {
- call$1(domEvent) {
- this.$this.get$_converter().handleEvent$1(new A.FlutterHtmlKeyboardEvent(domEvent));
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.KeyboardBinding$__closure0.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- this.$this.get$_converter().handleEvent$1(new A.FlutterHtmlKeyboardEvent($event));
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.KeyboardBinding__addEventListener_loggedHandler.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance;
- if ((t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1).receiveGlobalEvent$1($event))
- this.handler.call$1($event);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.KeyboardBinding__onKeyData_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(handled) {
- this._box_0.result = handled;
- },
- $signature: 12
- };
- A.FlutterHtmlKeyboardEvent.prototype = {};
- A.KeyboardConverter.prototype = {
- _scheduleAsyncEvent$3(duration, getData, callback) {
- var t2, t1 = {};
- t1.canceled = false;
- t2 = type$.void;
- A.Future_Future$delayed(duration, null, t2).then$1$1(0, new A.KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure(t1, this, callback, getData), t2);
- return new A.KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure0(t1);
- },
- _startGuardingKey$3(physicalKey, logicalKey, currentTimeStamp) {
- var cancelingCallback, t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (!_this.onDarwin)
- return;
- cancelingCallback = _this._scheduleAsyncEvent$3(B.Duration_2000000, new A.KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure(currentTimeStamp, physicalKey, logicalKey), new A.KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure0(_this, physicalKey));
- t1 = _this._keyGuards;
- t2 = t1.remove$1(0, physicalKey);
- if (t2 != null)
- t2.call$0();
- t1.$indexSet(0, physicalKey, cancelingCallback);
- },
- _handleEvent$1($event) {
- var timeStamp, t3, physicalKey, logicalKeyIsCharacter, logicalKey, isPhysicalDown, type, t4, lastLogicalRecord, nextLogicalRecord, character, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = $event._event,
- t2 = t1.timeStamp;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _null;
- t2.toString;
- timeStamp = A._eventTimeStampToDuration(t2);
- t2 = t1.key;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _null;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = t1.code;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = _null;
- t3.toString;
- physicalKey = A.KeyboardConverter__getPhysicalCode(t3);
- logicalKeyIsCharacter = !(t2.length > 1 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t2, 0) < 127 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t2, 1) < 127);
- logicalKey = A._cached(new A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure(_this, t2, $event, logicalKeyIsCharacter, physicalKey), type$.int);
- if (t1.type !== "keydown")
- if (_this.onDarwin) {
- t3 = t1.code;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = _null;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t3 === "CapsLock";
- isPhysicalDown = t3;
- } else
- isPhysicalDown = false;
- else
- isPhysicalDown = true;
- if (_this.onDarwin) {
- t3 = t1.code;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = _null;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t3 === "CapsLock";
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3) {
- _this._scheduleAsyncEvent$3(B.Duration_0, new A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure0(timeStamp, physicalKey, logicalKey), new A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure1(_this, physicalKey));
- type = B.KeyEventType_0;
- } else if (isPhysicalDown) {
- t3 = _this._pressingRecords;
- if (t3.$index(0, physicalKey) != null) {
- t4 = t1.repeat;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = _null;
- if (t4 === true)
- type = B.KeyEventType_2;
- else {
- t4 = _this._dispatchKeyData;
- t4.toString;
- t4.call$1(new A.KeyData(timeStamp, B.KeyEventType_1, physicalKey, logicalKey.call$0(), _null, true));
- t3.remove$1(0, physicalKey);
- type = B.KeyEventType_0;
- }
- } else
- type = B.KeyEventType_0;
- } else {
- if (_this._pressingRecords.$index(0, physicalKey) == null) {
- t1.preventDefault();
- return;
- }
- type = B.KeyEventType_1;
- }
- t3 = _this._pressingRecords;
- lastLogicalRecord = t3.$index(0, physicalKey);
- switch (type.index) {
- case 0:
- nextLogicalRecord = logicalKey.call$0();
- break;
- case 1:
- nextLogicalRecord = _null;
- break;
- case 2:
- nextLogicalRecord = lastLogicalRecord;
- break;
- default:
- nextLogicalRecord = _null;
- }
- t4 = nextLogicalRecord == null;
- if (t4)
- t3.remove$1(0, physicalKey);
- else
- t3.$indexSet(0, physicalKey, nextLogicalRecord);
- $.$get$_kLogicalKeyToModifierGetter().forEach$1(0, new A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure2(_this, logicalKey, $event, timeStamp));
- if (logicalKeyIsCharacter)
- if (!t4)
- _this._startGuardingKey$3(physicalKey, logicalKey.call$0(), timeStamp);
- else {
- t3 = _this._keyGuards.remove$1(0, physicalKey);
- if (t3 != null)
- t3.call$0();
- }
- if (logicalKeyIsCharacter)
- character = t2;
- else
- character = _null;
- t2 = lastLogicalRecord == null ? logicalKey.call$0() : lastLogicalRecord;
- t3 = type === B.KeyEventType_1 ? _null : character;
- if (_this._dispatchKeyData.call$1(new A.KeyData(timeStamp, type, physicalKey, t2, t3, false)))
- t1.preventDefault();
- },
- handleEvent$1($event) {
- var _this = this, t1 = {};
- t1.sentAnyEvents = false;
- _this._dispatchKeyData = new A.KeyboardConverter_handleEvent_closure(t1, _this);
- try {
- _this._handleEvent$1($event);
- } finally {
- if (!t1.sentAnyEvents)
- _this._dispatchKeyData.call$1(B.KeyData_cgD);
- _this._dispatchKeyData = null;
- }
- },
- synthesizeModifiersIfNeeded$5(altPressed, controlPressed, metaPressed, shiftPressed, eventTimestamp) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = $.$get$_kPhysicalAltLeft(),
- t2 = $.$get$_kPhysicalAltRight(),
- t3 = $.$get$_kLogicalAltLeft();
- _this._synthesizeModifierIfNeeded$5(t1, t2, t3, altPressed ? B.KeyEventType_0 : B.KeyEventType_1, eventTimestamp);
- t1 = $.$get$kPhysicalControlLeft();
- t2 = $.$get$kPhysicalControlRight();
- t3 = $.$get$_kLogicalControlLeft();
- _this._synthesizeModifierIfNeeded$5(t1, t2, t3, controlPressed ? B.KeyEventType_0 : B.KeyEventType_1, eventTimestamp);
- t1 = $.$get$_kPhysicalMetaLeft();
- t2 = $.$get$_kPhysicalMetaRight();
- t3 = $.$get$_kLogicalMetaLeft();
- _this._synthesizeModifierIfNeeded$5(t1, t2, t3, metaPressed ? B.KeyEventType_0 : B.KeyEventType_1, eventTimestamp);
- t1 = $.$get$_kPhysicalShiftLeft();
- t2 = $.$get$_kPhysicalShiftRight();
- t3 = $.$get$_kLogicalShiftLeft();
- _this._synthesizeModifierIfNeeded$5(t1, t2, t3, shiftPressed ? B.KeyEventType_0 : B.KeyEventType_1, eventTimestamp);
- },
- _synthesizeModifierIfNeeded$5(physicalLeft, physicalRight, logicalLeft, type, domTimestamp) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._pressingRecords,
- leftPressed = t1.containsKey$1(0, physicalLeft),
- rightPressed = t1.containsKey$1(0, physicalRight),
- alreadyPressed = leftPressed || rightPressed,
- synthesizeDown = type === B.KeyEventType_0 && !alreadyPressed,
- synthesizeUp = type === B.KeyEventType_1 && alreadyPressed;
- if (synthesizeDown) {
- _this.performDispatchKeyData.call$1(new A.KeyData(A._eventTimeStampToDuration(domTimestamp), B.KeyEventType_0, physicalLeft, logicalLeft, null, true));
- t1.$indexSet(0, physicalLeft, logicalLeft);
- }
- if (synthesizeUp && leftPressed) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, physicalLeft);
- t2.toString;
- _this._synthesizeKeyUpEvent$3(domTimestamp, physicalLeft, t2);
- }
- if (synthesizeUp && rightPressed) {
- t1 = t1.$index(0, physicalRight);
- t1.toString;
- _this._synthesizeKeyUpEvent$3(domTimestamp, physicalRight, t1);
- }
- },
- _synthesizeKeyUpEvent$3(domTimestamp, physical, logical) {
- this.performDispatchKeyData.call$1(new A.KeyData(A._eventTimeStampToDuration(domTimestamp), B.KeyEventType_1, physical, logical, null, true));
- this._pressingRecords.remove$1(0, physical);
- }
- };
- A.KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var _this = this;
- if (!_this._box_0.canceled && !_this.$this._disposed) {
- _this.callback.call$0();
- _this.$this.performDispatchKeyData.call$1(_this.getData.call$0());
- }
- },
- $signature: 44
- };
- A.KeyboardConverter__scheduleAsyncEvent_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this._box_0.canceled = true;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return new A.KeyData(new A.Duration(this.currentTimeStamp._duration + 2000000), B.KeyEventType_1, this.physicalKey, this.logicalKey, null, true);
- },
- $signature: 221
- };
- A.KeyboardConverter__startGuardingKey_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._pressingRecords.remove$1(0, this.physicalKey);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t2, t3, result, t4, localeLogicalKeys, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this.eventKey,
- mappedLogicalKey = B.Map_OKwAg.$index(0, t1);
- if (mappedLogicalKey != null)
- return mappedLogicalKey;
- t2 = _this.event._event;
- t3 = t2.key;
- if (B.Map_wskGA.containsKey$1(0, t3 == null ? _null : t3)) {
- t1 = t2.key;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = B.Map_wskGA.$index(0, t1);
- result = t1 == null ? _null : t1[B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t2.location)];
- result.toString;
- return result;
- }
- if (_this.logicalKeyIsCharacter) {
- t3 = t2.code;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = _null;
- t4 = t2.key;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = _null;
- localeLogicalKeys = _this.$this._mapping.getLogicalKey$3(t3, t4, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t2.keyCode));
- if (localeLogicalKeys != null)
- return localeLogicalKeys;
- }
- if (t1 === "Dead") {
- t1 = t2.altKey;
- t3 = t2.ctrlKey;
- t4 = t2.shiftKey;
- t2 = t2.metaKey;
- t1 = t1 ? 1073741824 : 0;
- t3 = t3 ? 268435456 : 0;
- t4 = t4 ? 536870912 : 0;
- t2 = t2 ? 2147483648 : 0;
- return _this.physicalKey + (t1 + t3 + t4 + t2) + 98784247808;
- }
- return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(t1) + 98784247808;
- },
- $signature: 53
- };
- A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return new A.KeyData(this.timeStamp, B.KeyEventType_1, this.physicalKey, this.logicalKey.call$0(), null, true);
- },
- $signature: 221
- };
- A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure1.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._pressingRecords.remove$1(0, this.physicalKey);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent_closure2.prototype = {
- call$2(testeeLogicalKey, getModifier) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (J.$eq$(_this.logicalKey.call$0(), testeeLogicalKey))
- return;
- t1 = _this.$this;
- t2 = t1._pressingRecords;
- if (t2.containsValue$1(0, testeeLogicalKey) && !getModifier.call$1(_this.event))
- t2.removeWhere$1(t2, new A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent__closure(t1, testeeLogicalKey, _this.timeStamp));
- },
- $signature: 397
- };
- A.KeyboardConverter__handleEvent__closure.prototype = {
- call$2(physicalKey, logicalRecord) {
- var t1 = this.testeeLogicalKey;
- if (logicalRecord !== t1)
- return false;
- this.$this._dispatchKeyData.call$1(new A.KeyData(this.timeStamp, B.KeyEventType_1, physicalKey, t1, null, true));
- return true;
- },
- $signature: 208
- };
- A.KeyboardConverter_handleEvent_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(data) {
- this._box_0.sentAnyEvents = true;
- return this.$this.performDispatchKeyData.call$1(data);
- },
- $signature: 126
- };
- A.MouseCursor.prototype = {};
- A.BrowserHistory.prototype = {
- get$_unsubscribe() {
- var t1 = this.__BrowserHistory__unsubscribe_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._isDisposed || _this.get$urlStrategy() == null)
- return;
- _this._isDisposed = true;
- _this._unsubscribe$0();
- },
- exit$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this;
- var $async$exit$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = $async$self.get$urlStrategy() != null ? 2 : 3;
- break;
- case 2:
- // then
- $async$goto = 4;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.tearDown$0(), $async$exit$0);
- case 4:
- // returning from await.
- $async$goto = 5;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.get$urlStrategy().go$1(0, -1), $async$exit$0);
- case 5:
- // returning from await.
- case 3:
- // join
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$exit$0, $async$completer);
- },
- get$currentPath() {
- var t1 = this.get$urlStrategy();
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.getPath$0(0);
- return t1 == null ? "/" : t1;
- },
- get$currentState() {
- var t1 = this.get$urlStrategy();
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.getState$0(0);
- },
- _unsubscribe$0() {
- return this.get$_unsubscribe().call$0();
- }
- };
- A.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory.prototype = {
- MultiEntriesBrowserHistory$1$urlStrategy(urlStrategy) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- strategy = _this.urlStrategy;
- if (strategy == null)
- return;
- _this.__BrowserHistory__unsubscribe_A = strategy.addPopStateListener$1(0, _this.get$onPopState(_this));
- if (!_this._hasSerialCount$1(_this.get$currentState())) {
- t1 = type$.dynamic;
- strategy.replaceState$3(0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["serialCount", 0, "state", _this.get$currentState()], t1, t1), "flutter", _this.get$currentPath());
- }
- _this.__MultiEntriesBrowserHistory__lastSeenSerialCount_A = _this.get$_currentSerialCount();
- },
- get$_currentSerialCount() {
- if (this._hasSerialCount$1(this.get$currentState())) {
- var t1 = this.get$currentState();
- t1.toString;
- return B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(A._asDouble(J.$index$asx(type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(t1), "serialCount")));
- }
- return 0;
- },
- _hasSerialCount$1(state) {
- return type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(state) && J.$index$asx(state, "serialCount") != null;
- },
- setRouteName$3$replace$state(routeName, replace, state) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = this.urlStrategy;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = type$.dynamic;
- t3 = this.__MultiEntriesBrowserHistory__lastSeenSerialCount_A;
- if (replace) {
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["serialCount", t3, "state", state], t2, t2);
- routeName.toString;
- t1.replaceState$3(0, t2, "flutter", routeName);
- } else {
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- ++t3;
- this.__MultiEntriesBrowserHistory__lastSeenSerialCount_A = t3;
- t2 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["serialCount", t3, "state", state], t2, t2);
- routeName.toString;
- t1.pushState$3(0, t2, "flutter", routeName);
- }
- }
- },
- setRouteName$1(routeName) {
- return this.setRouteName$3$replace$state(routeName, false, null);
- },
- onPopState$1(_, state) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this;
- if (!_this._hasSerialCount$1(state)) {
- t1 = _this.urlStrategy;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this.__MultiEntriesBrowserHistory__lastSeenSerialCount_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = type$.dynamic;
- t1.replaceState$3(0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["serialCount", t2 + 1, "state", state], t3, t3), "flutter", _this.get$currentPath());
- }
- _this.__MultiEntriesBrowserHistory__lastSeenSerialCount_A = _this.get$_currentSerialCount();
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- t2 = _this.get$currentPath();
- type$.nullable_Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(state);
- t3 = state == null ? null : J.$index$asx(state, "state");
- t4 = type$.dynamic;
- t1.invokeOnPlatformMessage$3("flutter/navigation", B.C_JSONMethodCodec.encodeMethodCall$1(new A.MethodCall("pushRouteInformation", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["location", t2, "state", t3], t4, t4))), new A.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure());
- },
- tearDown$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, backCount, t1, t2;
- var $async$tearDown$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$self.dispose$0();
- if ($async$self._isTornDown || $async$self.urlStrategy == null) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- $async$self._isTornDown = true;
- backCount = $async$self.get$_currentSerialCount();
- $async$goto = backCount > 0 ? 3 : 4;
- break;
- case 3:
- // then
- $async$goto = 5;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.urlStrategy.go$1(0, -backCount), $async$tearDown$0);
- case 5:
- // returning from await.
- case 4:
- // join
- t1 = $async$self.get$currentState();
- t1.toString;
- type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(t1);
- t2 = $async$self.urlStrategy;
- t2.toString;
- t2.replaceState$3(0, J.$index$asx(t1, "state"), "flutter", $async$self.get$currentPath());
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$tearDown$0, $async$completer);
- },
- get$urlStrategy() {
- return this.urlStrategy;
- }
- };
- A.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- },
- $signature: 40
- };
- A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory.prototype = {
- SingleEntryBrowserHistory$1$urlStrategy(urlStrategy) {
- var path, t1, _this = this,
- strategy = _this.urlStrategy;
- if (strategy == null)
- return;
- _this.__BrowserHistory__unsubscribe_A = strategy.addPopStateListener$1(0, _this.get$onPopState(_this));
- path = _this.get$currentPath();
- t1 = self.window.history.state;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t1 = A.dartify(t1);
- t1.toString;
- }
- if (!A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory__isFlutterEntry(t1)) {
- strategy.replaceState$3(0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["origin", true, "state", _this.get$currentState()], type$.String, type$.dynamic), "origin", "");
- _this._setupFlutterEntry$2$path(strategy, path);
- }
- },
- setRouteName$3$replace$state(routeName, replace, state) {
- var t1 = this.urlStrategy;
- if (t1 != null)
- this._setupFlutterEntry$3$path$replace(t1, routeName, true);
- },
- setRouteName$1(routeName) {
- return this.setRouteName$3$replace$state(routeName, false, null);
- },
- onPopState$1(_, state) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- _s18_ = "flutter/navigation";
- if (A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory__isOriginEntry(state)) {
- t1 = _this.urlStrategy;
- t1.toString;
- _this._setupFlutterEntry$1(t1);
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3(_s18_, B.C_JSONMethodCodec.encodeMethodCall$1(B.MethodCall_popRoute_null), new A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure());
- } else if (A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory__isFlutterEntry(state)) {
- t1 = _this._userProvidedRouteName;
- t1.toString;
- _this._userProvidedRouteName = null;
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3(_s18_, B.C_JSONMethodCodec.encodeMethodCall$1(new A.MethodCall("pushRoute", t1)), new A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure0());
- } else {
- _this._userProvidedRouteName = _this.get$currentPath();
- _this.urlStrategy.go$1(0, -1);
- }
- },
- _setupFlutterEntry$3$path$replace(strategy, path, replace) {
- var t1;
- if (path == null)
- path = this.get$currentPath();
- t1 = this._flutterState;
- if (replace)
- strategy.replaceState$3(0, t1, "flutter", path);
- else
- strategy.pushState$3(0, t1, "flutter", path);
- },
- _setupFlutterEntry$2$path(strategy, path) {
- return this._setupFlutterEntry$3$path$replace(strategy, path, false);
- },
- _setupFlutterEntry$1(strategy) {
- return this._setupFlutterEntry$3$path$replace(strategy, null, false);
- },
- tearDown$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2;
- var $async$tearDown$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$self.dispose$0();
- if ($async$self._isTornDown || $async$self.urlStrategy == null) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- $async$self._isTornDown = true;
- t1 = $async$self.urlStrategy;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1.go$1(0, -1), $async$tearDown$0);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- t2 = $async$self.get$currentState();
- t2.toString;
- t1.replaceState$3(0, J.$index$asx(type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(t2), "state"), "flutter", $async$self.get$currentPath());
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$tearDown$0, $async$completer);
- },
- get$urlStrategy() {
- return this.urlStrategy;
- }
- };
- A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- },
- $signature: 40
- };
- A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory_onPopState_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- },
- $signature: 40
- };
- A.HashUrlStrategy.prototype = {
- addPopStateListener$1(_, fn) {
- var wrappedFn = type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(new A.HashUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure(fn)));
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(self.window, "popstate", wrappedFn, null);
- return new A.HashUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure0(this, wrappedFn);
- },
- getPath$0(_) {
- var t1 = self.window.location.hash;
- if (t1.length === 0 || t1 === "#")
- return "/";
- return B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t1, 1);
- },
- getState$0(_) {
- var t1 = self.window.history.state;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t1 = A.dartify(t1);
- t1.toString;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- prepareExternalUrl$1(_, internalUrl) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (internalUrl.length === 0) {
- t1 = self.window.location.pathname;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = self.window.location.search;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = null;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = t1 + t2;
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = "#" + internalUrl;
- return t1;
- },
- pushState$3(_, state, title, url) {
- var t1 = this.prepareExternalUrl$1(0, url),
- t2 = self.window.history,
- t3 = A.jsify(state);
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = type$.Object._as(t3);
- A.callMethod(t2, "pushState", [t3, title, t1]);
- },
- replaceState$3(_, state, title, url) {
- var t3,
- t1 = this.prepareExternalUrl$1(0, url),
- t2 = self.window.history;
- if (state == null)
- t3 = null;
- else {
- t3 = A.jsify(state);
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = type$.Object._as(t3);
- }
- A.callMethod(t2, "replaceState", [t3, title, t1]);
- },
- go$1(_, count) {
- var t1 = self.window.history;
- t1.go(count);
- return this._waitForPopState$0();
- },
- _waitForPopState$0() {
- var t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void),
- unsubscribe = A._Cell$named("unsubscribe");
- unsubscribe.__late_helper$_value = this.addPopStateListener$1(0, new A.HashUrlStrategy__waitForPopState_closure(unsubscribe, new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_void)));
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.HashUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var t1 = $event.state;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t1 = A.dartify(t1);
- t1.toString;
- }
- this.fn.call$1(t1);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.HashUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_removeEventListener(self.window, "popstate", this.wrappedFn, null);
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.HashUrlStrategy__waitForPopState_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- this.unsubscribe._readLocal$0().call$0();
- this.completer.complete$0(0);
- },
- $signature: 11
- };
- A.CustomUrlStrategy.prototype = {
- addPopStateListener$1(_, fn) {
- return A.callMethod(this.delegate, "addPopStateListener", [A.allowInterop(new A.CustomUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure(fn))]);
- },
- getPath$0(_) {
- return this.delegate.getPath();
- },
- getState$0(_) {
- return this.delegate.getState();
- },
- pushState$3(_, state, title, url) {
- return A.callMethod(this.delegate, "pushState", [state, title, url]);
- },
- replaceState$3(_, state, title, url) {
- return A.callMethod(this.delegate, "replaceState", [state, title, url]);
- },
- go$1(_, count) {
- return this.delegate.go(count);
- }
- };
- A.CustomUrlStrategy_addPopStateListener_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var t1 = $event.state;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t1 = A.dartify(t1);
- t1.toString;
- }
- return this.fn.call$1(t1);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.PlatformLocation.prototype = {};
- A.BrowserPlatformLocation.prototype = {};
- A.EnginePictureRecorder.prototype = {
- beginRecording$1(bounds) {
- var t1;
- this.__EnginePictureRecorder_cullRect_A = bounds;
- this._isRecording = true;
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PaintCommand);
- return this.__engine$_canvas = new A.RecordingCanvas(new A._PaintBounds(bounds, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Matrix4), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable_Rect), A.Matrix4$identity()), t1, new A.RenderStrategy());
- },
- endRecording$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (!_this._isRecording)
- _this.beginRecording$1(B.Rect_aha);
- _this._isRecording = false;
- t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas;
- t1._pictureBounds = t1._paintBounds.computeBounds$0();
- t1._recordingEnded = true;
- t1 = _this.__engine$_canvas;
- _this.__EnginePictureRecorder_cullRect_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return new A.EnginePicture(t1);
- }
- };
- A.EnginePicture.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- this._disposed = true;
- }
- };
- A.HighContrastSupport.prototype = {
- get$_onHighContrastChangeListener() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.__HighContrastSupport__onHighContrastChangeListener_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(_this.get$_onHighContrastChange()));
- _this.__HighContrastSupport__onHighContrastChangeListener_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.__HighContrastSupport__onHighContrastChangeListener_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- _onHighContrastChange$1($event) {
- var t2, t3, _i,
- t1 = $event.matches;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- t1.toString;
- for (t2 = this._listeners, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i)
- t2[_i].call$1(t1);
- }
- };
- A.EnginePlatformDispatcher.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this._brightnessMediaQuery.removeListener(_this._brightnessMediaQueryListener);
- _this._brightnessMediaQueryListener = null;
- t1 = _this._fontSizeObserver;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.disconnect();
- _this._fontSizeObserver = null;
- t1 = _this._onLocaleChangedSubscription;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.target.removeEventListener(t1.type, t1.listener);
- _this._onLocaleChangedSubscription = null;
- t1 = $.$get$HighContrastSupport_instance();
- t2 = t1._listeners;
- B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t2, _this.get$_updateHighContrast());
- if (t2.length === 0)
- t1._highContrastMediaQuery.removeListener(t1.get$_onHighContrastChangeListener());
- },
- invokeOnMetricsChanged$0() {
- var t1 = this._onMetricsChanged;
- if (t1 != null)
- A.invoke(t1, this._onMetricsChangedZone);
- },
- invokeOnKeyData$2(data, callback) {
- var onKeyData = this._onKeyData;
- if (onKeyData != null)
- A.invoke(new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_invokeOnKeyData_closure(callback, onKeyData, data), this._onKeyDataZone);
- else
- callback.call$1(false);
- },
- invokeOnPlatformMessage$3($name, data, callback) {
- var t1;
- if ($name === "dev.flutter/channel-buffers")
- try {
- t1 = $.$get$channelBuffers();
- data.toString;
- t1.handleMessage$1(data);
- } finally {
- callback.call$1(null);
- }
- else
- $.$get$channelBuffers().push$3($name, data, callback);
- },
- _sendPlatformMessage$3($name, data, callback) {
- var decoded, cacheSizeInBytes, t1, t2, $arguments, label, primaryColor, theme, dataMap, message, assertivenessIndex, _this = this;
- switch ($name) {
- case "flutter/skia":
- decoded = B.C_JSONMethodCodec.decodeMethodCall$1(data);
- switch (decoded.method) {
- case "Skia.setResourceCacheMaxBytes":
- if ($.$get$_renderer() instanceof A.CanvasKitRenderer) {
- cacheSizeInBytes = A._asInt(decoded.$arguments);
- $.CanvasKitRenderer____instance._readField$0().get$rasterizer();
- t1 = A.SurfaceFactory_instance().baseSurface;
- t1._skiaCacheBytes = cacheSizeInBytes;
- t1._syncCacheBytes$0();
- }
- _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([A._setArrayType([true], type$.JSArray_bool)]));
- break;
- }
- return;
- case "flutter/assets":
- _this._handleFlutterAssetsMessage$2(B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(data.buffer, 0, null)), callback);
- return;
- case "flutter/platform":
- decoded = B.C_JSONMethodCodec.decodeMethodCall$1(data);
- switch (decoded.method) {
- case "SystemNavigator.pop":
- _this.viewData.$index(0, 0).get$browserHistory().exit$0().then$1$1(0, new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure(_this, callback), type$.Null);
- return;
- case "HapticFeedback.vibrate":
- t1 = _this._getHapticFeedbackDuration$1(A._asStringQ(decoded.$arguments));
- t2 = self.window.navigator;
- if ("vibrate" in t2)
- t2.vibrate(t1);
- _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true]));
- return;
- case string$.System:
- $arguments = type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(decoded.$arguments);
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
- label = A._asStringQ(t1.$index($arguments, "label"));
- if (label == null)
- label = "";
- primaryColor = A._asIntQ(t1.$index($arguments, "primaryColor"));
- if (primaryColor == null)
- primaryColor = 4278190080;
- t1 = self.document;
- t1.title = label;
- theme = self.document.querySelector("#flutterweb-theme");
- if (theme == null) {
- theme = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "meta");
- theme.id = "flutterweb-theme";
- theme.name = "theme-color";
- self.document.head.append(theme);
- }
- t1 = A.colorToCssString(new A.Color(primaryColor >>> 0));
- t1.toString;
- theme.content = t1;
- _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true]));
- return;
- case "SystemChrome.setPreferredOrientations":
- $arguments = type$.List_dynamic._as(decoded.$arguments);
- $._flutterViewEmbedder.setPreferredOrientation$1($arguments).then$1$1(0, new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure0(_this, callback), type$.Null);
- return;
- case "SystemSound.play":
- _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true]));
- return;
- case "Clipboard.setData":
- t1 = self.window.navigator.clipboard != null ? new A.ClipboardAPICopyStrategy() : new A.ExecCommandCopyStrategy();
- new A.ClipboardMessageHandler(t1, A.PasteFromClipboardStrategy_PasteFromClipboardStrategy()).setDataMethodCall$2(decoded, callback);
- return;
- case "Clipboard.getData":
- t1 = self.window.navigator.clipboard != null ? new A.ClipboardAPICopyStrategy() : new A.ExecCommandCopyStrategy();
- new A.ClipboardMessageHandler(t1, A.PasteFromClipboardStrategy_PasteFromClipboardStrategy()).getDataMethodCall$1(callback);
- return;
- }
- break;
- case "flutter/service_worker":
- t1 = self.window;
- t2 = self.document.createEvent("Event");
- t2.initEvent("flutter-first-frame", true, true);
- t1.dispatchEvent(t2);
- return;
- case "flutter/textinput":
- t1 = $.$get$textEditing();
- t1.get$channel(t1).handleTextInput$2(data, callback);
- return;
- case "flutter/contextmenu":
- switch (B.C_JSONMethodCodec.decodeMethodCall$1(data).method) {
- case "enableContextMenu":
- $._flutterViewEmbedder._embeddingStrategy.enableContextMenu$0();
- _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true]));
- return;
- case "disableContextMenu":
- $._flutterViewEmbedder._embeddingStrategy.disableContextMenu$0();
- _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true]));
- return;
- }
- return;
- case "flutter/mousecursor":
- decoded = B.C_StandardMethodCodec0.decodeMethodCall$1(data);
- $arguments = type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(decoded.$arguments);
- switch (decoded.method) {
- case "activateSystemCursor":
- $.MouseCursor__instance.toString;
- t1 = A._asStringQ(J.$index$asx($arguments, "kind"));
- t2 = $._flutterViewEmbedder.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneElement_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = B.Map_JwQic.$index(0, t1);
- A.setElementStyle(t2, "cursor", t1 == null ? "default" : t1);
- break;
- }
- return;
- case "flutter/web_test_e2e":
- _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([A._handleWebTestEnd2EndMessage(B.C_JSONMethodCodec, data)]));
- return;
- case "flutter/platform_views":
- t1 = _this._platformViewMessageHandler;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _this._platformViewMessageHandler = new A.PlatformViewMessageHandler($.$get$platformViewManager(), new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure1());
- callback.toString;
- t1.handlePlatformViewCall$2(data, callback);
- return;
- case "flutter/accessibility":
- t1 = $._accessibilityAnnouncements;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic;
- dataMap = t2._as(J.$index$asx(t2._as(B.C_StandardMessageCodec0.decodeMessage$1(data)), "data"));
- message = A._asStringQ(J.$index$asx(dataMap, "message"));
- if (message != null && message.length !== 0) {
- assertivenessIndex = A.JsonExtensions_tryInt(dataMap, "assertiveness");
- t1.announce$2(message, B.List_Assertiveness_0_Assertiveness_1[assertivenessIndex == null ? 0 : assertivenessIndex]);
- }
- _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, B.C_StandardMessageCodec0.encodeMessage$1(true));
- return;
- case "flutter/navigation":
- _this.viewData.$index(0, 0).handleNavigationMessage$1(data).then$1$1(0, new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure2(_this, callback), type$.Null);
- _this._defaultRouteName = "/";
- return;
- }
- t1 = $.pluginMessageCallHandler;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.call$3($name, data, callback);
- return;
- }
- _this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, null);
- },
- _handleFlutterAssetsMessage$2(url, callback) {
- return this._handleFlutterAssetsMessage$body$EnginePlatformDispatcher(url, callback);
- },
- _handleFlutterAssetsMessage$body$EnginePlatformDispatcher(url, callback) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, $async$self = this, response, assetData, error, exception, $async$exception;
- var $async$_handleFlutterAssetsMessage$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$goto = 6;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.httpFetch($._assetManager.getAssetUrl$1(url)), $async$_handleFlutterAssetsMessage$2);
- case 6:
- // returning from await.
- response = $async$result;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait(response.get$payload().asByteBuffer$0(), $async$_handleFlutterAssetsMessage$2);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- assetData = $async$result;
- $async$self.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(assetData, 0, null));
- $async$handler = 1;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- case 3:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 2;
- $async$exception = $async$currentError;
- error = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
- $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Error while trying to load an asset: " + A.S(error));
- $async$self.replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, null);
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- case 2:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 5:
- // after finally
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- case 1:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleFlutterAssetsMessage$2, $async$completer);
- },
- _getHapticFeedbackDuration$1(type) {
- switch (type) {
- case "HapticFeedbackType.lightImpact":
- return 10;
- case "HapticFeedbackType.mediumImpact":
- return 20;
- case "HapticFeedbackType.heavyImpact":
- return 30;
- case "HapticFeedbackType.selectionClick":
- return 10;
- default:
- return 50;
- }
- },
- scheduleFrame$0() {
- var t1 = $.scheduleFrameCallback;
- if (t1 == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("scheduleFrameCallback must be initialized first."));
- t1.call$0();
- },
- _addLocaleChangedListener$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._onLocaleChangedSubscription != null)
- return;
- _this.configuration = _this.configuration.copyWith$1$locales(A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_parseBrowserLanguages());
- _this._onLocaleChangedSubscription = A.DomSubscription$(self.window, "languagechange", new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__addLocaleChangedListener_closure(_this));
- },
- _addFontSizeObserver$0() {
- var t2, t3, t4,
- t1 = A.allowInterop(new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__addFontSizeObserver_closure(this));
- t1 = A.callConstructor(globalThis.MutationObserver, [t1]);
- this._fontSizeObserver = t1;
- t2 = self.document.documentElement;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = A._setArrayType(["style"], type$.JSArray_String);
- t4 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- t4.$indexSet(0, "attributes", true);
- t4.$indexSet(0, "attributeFilter", t3);
- t3 = A.jsify(t4);
- A.callMethod(t1, "observe", [t2, t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- },
- _updatePlatformBrightness$1(value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.configuration;
- if (t1.platformBrightness !== value) {
- _this.configuration = t1.copyWith$1$platformBrightness(value);
- A.invoke(null, null);
- A.invoke(_this._onPlatformBrightnessChanged, _this._onPlatformBrightnessChangedZone);
- }
- },
- _updateHighContrast$1(value) {
- var t1 = this.configuration,
- t2 = t1.accessibilityFeatures;
- if ((t2.__engine$_index & 32) !== 0 !== value) {
- this.configuration = t1.copyWith$1$accessibilityFeatures(t2.copyWith$1$highContrast(value));
- A.invoke(null, null);
- }
- },
- _addBrightnessMediaQueryListener$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._brightnessMediaQuery;
- _this._updatePlatformBrightness$1(t1.matches ? B.Brightness_0 : B.Brightness_1);
- t2 = type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__addBrightnessMediaQueryListener_closure(_this)));
- _this._brightnessMediaQueryListener = t2;
- t1.addListener(t2);
- },
- get$defaultRouteName() {
- var t1 = this._defaultRouteName;
- return t1 == null ? this._defaultRouteName = this.viewData.$index(0, 0).get$browserHistory().get$currentPath() : t1;
- },
- replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, data) {
- A.Future_Future$delayed(B.Duration_0, null, type$.void).then$1$1(0, new A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_replyToPlatformMessage_closure(callback, data), type$.Null);
- }
- };
- A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_invokeOnKeyData_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.callback.call$1(this.onKeyData.call$1(this.data));
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__zonedPlatformMessageResponseCallback_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(data) {
- this.registrationZone.runUnaryGuarded$2(this.callback, data);
- },
- $signature: 40
- };
- A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- this.$this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(this.callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true]));
- },
- $signature: 44
- };
- A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(success) {
- this.$this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(this.callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([success]));
- },
- $signature: 79
- };
- A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1($content) {
- var t1 = $._flutterViewEmbedder.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneElement_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.append($content);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__sendPlatformMessage_closure2.prototype = {
- call$1(handled) {
- var t1 = this.callback;
- if (handled)
- this.$this.replyToPlatformMessage$2(t1, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true]));
- else if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$1(null);
- },
- $signature: 79
- };
- A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__addLocaleChangedListener_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1.configuration = t1.configuration.copyWith$1$locales(A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_parseBrowserLanguages());
- A.invoke(t1._onLocaleChanged, t1._onLocaleChangedZone);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__addFontSizeObserver_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(mutations, _) {
- var t1, t2, t3, mutation, t4, fontSize, newTextScaleFactor, _null = null;
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(mutations), t2 = type$.JavaScriptObject, t3 = this.$this; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- mutation = t1.get$current(t1);
- mutation.toString;
- t2._as(mutation);
- t4 = mutation.type;
- if ((t4 == null ? _null : t4) === "attributes") {
- t4 = mutation.attributeName;
- t4 = (t4 == null ? _null : t4) === "style";
- } else
- t4 = false;
- if (t4) {
- t4 = self.document.documentElement;
- t4.toString;
- fontSize = A.parseFontSize(t4);
- newTextScaleFactor = (fontSize == null ? 16 : fontSize) / 16;
- t4 = t3.configuration;
- if (t4.textScaleFactor !== newTextScaleFactor) {
- t3.configuration = t4.copyWith$1$textScaleFactor(newTextScaleFactor);
- A.invoke(_null, _null);
- A.invoke(t3._onTextScaleFactorChanged, t3._onTextScaleFactorChangedZone);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- $signature: 556
- };
- A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__addBrightnessMediaQueryListener_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var t1 = $event.matches;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = t1 ? B.Brightness_0 : B.Brightness_1;
- this.$this._updatePlatformBrightness$1(t1);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.EnginePlatformDispatcher_replyToPlatformMessage_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var t1 = this.callback;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$1(this.data);
- },
- $signature: 44
- };
- A.invoke2_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.callback.call$2(this.arg1, this.arg2);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.invoke3_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.callback.call$3(_this.arg1, _this.arg2, _this.arg3);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ViewConfiguration0.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this).toString$0(0) + "[view: null, geometry: " + B.Rect_0_0_0_0.toString$0(0) + "]";
- },
- get$visible() {
- return false;
- }
- };
- A.PlatformConfiguration.prototype = {
- copyWith$5$accessibilityFeatures$locales$platformBrightness$semanticsEnabled$textScaleFactor(accessibilityFeatures, locales, platformBrightness, semanticsEnabled, textScaleFactor) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = accessibilityFeatures == null ? _this.accessibilityFeatures : accessibilityFeatures,
- t2 = semanticsEnabled == null ? _this.semanticsEnabled : semanticsEnabled,
- t3 = platformBrightness == null ? _this.platformBrightness : platformBrightness,
- t4 = textScaleFactor == null ? _this.textScaleFactor : textScaleFactor,
- t5 = locales == null ? _this.locales : locales;
- return new A.PlatformConfiguration(t1, false, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this.defaultRouteName, _this.systemFontFamily);
- },
- copyWith$1$accessibilityFeatures(accessibilityFeatures) {
- return this.copyWith$5$accessibilityFeatures$locales$platformBrightness$semanticsEnabled$textScaleFactor(accessibilityFeatures, null, null, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$1$locales(locales) {
- return this.copyWith$5$accessibilityFeatures$locales$platformBrightness$semanticsEnabled$textScaleFactor(null, locales, null, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$1$textScaleFactor(textScaleFactor) {
- return this.copyWith$5$accessibilityFeatures$locales$platformBrightness$semanticsEnabled$textScaleFactor(null, null, null, null, textScaleFactor);
- },
- copyWith$1$platformBrightness(platformBrightness) {
- return this.copyWith$5$accessibilityFeatures$locales$platformBrightness$semanticsEnabled$textScaleFactor(null, null, platformBrightness, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$1$semanticsEnabled(semanticsEnabled) {
- return this.copyWith$5$accessibilityFeatures$locales$platformBrightness$semanticsEnabled$textScaleFactor(null, null, null, semanticsEnabled, null);
- }
- };
- A.PlatformViewManager.prototype = {
- renderContent$3(viewType, viewId, params) {
- this._viewIdToType.$indexSet(0, viewId, viewType);
- return this.__engine$_contents.putIfAbsent$2(0, viewId, new A.PlatformViewManager_renderContent_closure(this, "flt-pv-slot-" + viewId, viewType, viewId, params));
- },
- _safelyRemoveSlottedElement$1(element) {
- var t1, tombstoneName, slot,
- _s12_ = "setAttribute";
- if (element == null)
- return;
- t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t1 !== B.BrowserEngine_1) {
- element.remove();
- return;
- }
- tombstoneName = "tombstone-" + A.S(A.DomElementExtension_getAttribute(element, "slot"));
- slot = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "slot");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(slot.style, "display", "none");
- t1 = A.jsify(tombstoneName);
- A.callMethod(slot, _s12_, ["name", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- t1 = $._flutterViewEmbedder.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneShadow_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.append$1(0, slot);
- t1 = A.jsify(tombstoneName);
- A.callMethod(element, _s12_, ["slot", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- element.remove();
- slot.remove();
- },
- isInvisible$1(viewId) {
- var viewType = this._viewIdToType.$index(0, viewId);
- return viewType != null && this._invisibleViews.contains$1(0, viewType);
- },
- isVisible$1(viewId) {
- return !this.isInvisible$1(viewId);
- }
- };
- A.PlatformViewManager_renderContent_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t2, $content, _this = this,
- wrapper = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-platform-view"),
- t1 = A.jsify(_this.slotName);
- A.callMethod(wrapper, "setAttribute", ["slot", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- t1 = _this.viewType;
- t2 = _this.$this._factories.$index(0, t1);
- t2.toString;
- $content = A._Cell$named("content");
- $content.__late_helper$_value = type$.JavaScriptObject_Function_int._as(t2).call$1(_this.viewId);
- t2 = $content._readLocal$0();
- if (t2.style.getPropertyValue("height").length === 0) {
- $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Height of Platform View type: [" + t1 + "] may not be set. Defaulting to `height: 100%`.\nSet `style.height` to any appropriate value to stop this message.");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2.style, "height", "100%");
- }
- if (t2.style.getPropertyValue("width").length === 0) {
- $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Width of Platform View type: [" + t1 + "] may not be set. Defaulting to `width: 100%`.\nSet `style.width` to any appropriate value to stop this message.");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2.style, "width", "100%");
- }
- wrapper.append($content._readLocal$0());
- return wrapper;
- },
- $signature: 226
- };
- A.PlatformViewMessageHandler.prototype = {
- _createPlatformView$2(methodCall, callback) {
- var args = type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(methodCall.$arguments),
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(args),
- viewId = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(A._asNum(t1.$index(args, "id"))),
- viewType = A._asString(t1.$index(args, "viewType"));
- t1 = this._contentManager;
- if (!t1._factories.containsKey$1(0, viewType)) {
- callback.call$1(B.C_StandardMethodCodec0.encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message("unregistered_view_type", "If you are the author of the PlatformView, make sure `registerViewFactory` is invoked.", "A HtmlElementView widget is trying to create a platform view with an unregistered type: <" + viewType + ">."));
- return;
- }
- if (t1.__engine$_contents.containsKey$1(0, viewId)) {
- callback.call$1(B.C_StandardMethodCodec0.encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message("recreating_view", "view id: " + viewId, "trying to create an already created view"));
- return;
- }
- this._contentHandler.call$1(t1.renderContent$3(viewType, viewId, args));
- callback.call$1(B.C_StandardMethodCodec0.encodeSuccessEnvelope$1(null));
- },
- handlePlatformViewCall$2(data, callback) {
- var t1,
- decoded = B.C_StandardMethodCodec0.decodeMethodCall$1(data);
- switch (decoded.method) {
- case "create":
- this._createPlatformView$2(decoded, callback);
- return;
- case "dispose":
- t1 = this._contentManager;
- t1._safelyRemoveSlottedElement$1(t1.__engine$_contents.remove$1(0, A._asInt(decoded.$arguments)));
- callback.call$1(B.C_StandardMethodCodec0.encodeSuccessEnvelope$1(null));
- return;
- }
- callback.call$1(null);
- }
- };
- A.SafariPointerEventWorkaround.prototype = {
- workAroundMissingPointerEvents$0() {
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(self.document, "touchstart", type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(new A.SafariPointerEventWorkaround_workAroundMissingPointerEvents_closure())), null);
- }
- };
- A.SafariPointerEventWorkaround_workAroundMissingPointerEvents_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.PointerBinding.prototype = {
- _createAdapter$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if ("PointerEvent" in self.window) {
- t1 = new A._PointerAdapter(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$._ButtonSanitizer), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__Listener), _this.glassPaneElement, _this.get$_onPointerData(), _this._pointerDataConverter, _this._keyboardConverter);
- t1.setup$0();
- return t1;
- }
- if ("TouchEvent" in self.window) {
- t1 = new A._TouchAdapter(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.int), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__Listener), _this.glassPaneElement, _this.get$_onPointerData(), _this._pointerDataConverter, _this._keyboardConverter);
- t1.setup$0();
- return t1;
- }
- if ("MouseEvent" in self.window) {
- t1 = new A._MouseAdapter(new A._ButtonSanitizer(), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__Listener), _this.glassPaneElement, _this.get$_onPointerData(), _this._pointerDataConverter, _this._keyboardConverter);
- t1.setup$0();
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("This browser does not support pointer, touch, or mouse events."));
- },
- _onPointerData$1(data) {
- var t1 = A._setArrayType(data.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(data)),
- t2 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- A.invoke1(t2._onPointerDataPacket, t2._onPointerDataPacketZone, new A.PointerDataPacket(t1));
- }
- };
- A.PointerSupportDetector.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "pointers:" + ("PointerEvent" in self.window) + ", touch:" + ("TouchEvent" in self.window) + ", mouse:" + ("MouseEvent" in self.window);
- }
- };
- A._Listener.prototype = {};
- A._BaseAdapter.prototype = {
- addEventListener$4$useCapture(_, target, eventName, handler, useCapture) {
- var jsHandler = type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(new A._BaseAdapter_addEventListener_loggedHandler(handler)));
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(target, eventName, jsHandler, useCapture);
- this._listeners.push(new A._Listener(eventName, target, jsHandler, useCapture, false));
- },
- addEventListener$3($receiver, target, eventName, handler) {
- return this.addEventListener$4$useCapture($receiver, target, eventName, handler, true);
- }
- };
- A._BaseAdapter_addEventListener_loggedHandler.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance;
- if ((t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1).receiveGlobalEvent$1($event))
- this.handler.call$1($event);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A._WheelEventListenerMixin.prototype = {
- _isAcceleratedMouseWheelDelta$2(delta, wheelDelta) {
- if (wheelDelta == null)
- return false;
- return Math.abs(wheelDelta - -3 * delta) > 1;
- },
- _isTrackpadEvent$1($event) {
- var t2, t3, t4, deltaXChange, deltaYChange, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t1 === B.BrowserEngine_2)
- return false;
- t1 = $event.deltaX;
- t2 = $event.wheelDeltaX;
- if (!_this._isAcceleratedMouseWheelDelta$2(t1, t2 == null ? _null : t2)) {
- t1 = $event.deltaY;
- t2 = $event.wheelDeltaY;
- t1 = _this._isAcceleratedMouseWheelDelta$2(t1, t2 == null ? _null : t2);
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return false;
- if (!(B.JSNumber_methods.$mod($event.deltaX, 120) === 0 && B.JSNumber_methods.$mod($event.deltaY, 120) === 0)) {
- t1 = $event.wheelDeltaX;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- if (B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(t1 == null ? 1 : t1, 120) === 0) {
- t1 = $event.wheelDeltaY;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(t1 == null ? 1 : t1, 120) === 0;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = $event.deltaX;
- t2 = _this._lastWheelEvent;
- t3 = t2 == null;
- t4 = t3 ? _null : t2.deltaX;
- deltaXChange = Math.abs(t1 - (t4 == null ? 0 : t4));
- t1 = $event.deltaY;
- t4 = t3 ? _null : t2.deltaY;
- deltaYChange = Math.abs(t1 - (t4 == null ? 0 : t4));
- if (!t3)
- if (!(deltaXChange === 0 && deltaYChange === 0))
- t1 = !(deltaXChange < 20 && deltaYChange < 20);
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = $event.timeStamp;
- if ((t1 == null ? _null : t1) != null) {
- if (t3)
- t1 = _null;
- else {
- t1 = t2.timeStamp;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- }
- t1 = t1 != null;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = $event.timeStamp;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = t2.timeStamp;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _null;
- t2.toString;
- if (t1 - t2 < 50 && _this._lastWheelEventWasTrackpad)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- _convertWheelEventToPointerData$1($event) {
- var kind, deviceId, deltaX, deltaY, t1, probe, res, t2, data, offset, ignoreCtrlKey, t3, t4, t5, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (_this._isTrackpadEvent$1($event)) {
- kind = B.PointerDeviceKind_4;
- deviceId = -2;
- } else {
- kind = B.PointerDeviceKind_1;
- deviceId = -1;
- }
- deltaX = $event.deltaX;
- deltaY = $event.deltaY;
- switch (B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0($event.deltaMode)) {
- case 1:
- t1 = $._WheelEventListenerMixin__defaultScrollLineHeight;
- if (t1 == null) {
- probe = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "div");
- t1 = probe.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "font-size", "initial");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "display", "none");
- self.document.body.append(probe);
- t1 = A.DomWindowExtension_getComputedStyle(self.window, probe).getPropertyValue("font-size");
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(t1, "px"))
- res = A.Primitives_parseDouble(A.stringReplaceAllUnchecked(t1, "px", ""));
- else
- res = _null;
- probe.remove();
- t1 = $._WheelEventListenerMixin__defaultScrollLineHeight = res == null ? 16 : res / 4;
- }
- deltaX *= t1;
- deltaY *= t1;
- break;
- case 2:
- t1 = $.$get$window();
- deltaX *= t1.get$physicalSize()._dx;
- deltaY *= t1.get$physicalSize()._dy;
- break;
- case 0:
- t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- if (t1 === B.OperatingSystem_4) {
- t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t1 !== B.BrowserEngine_1)
- t1 = t1 === B.BrowserEngine_2;
- else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = $.$get$window();
- t2 = t1._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 === 0)
- t2 = 1;
- }
- deltaX *= t2;
- t1 = t1._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t1 === 0)
- t1 = 1;
- }
- deltaY *= t1;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- data = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData);
- offset = A.computeEventOffsetToTarget($event, _this.glassPaneElement);
- t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- if (t1 === B.OperatingSystem_4) {
- t1 = $.KeyboardBinding__instance;
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.get$_converter()._pressingRecords.containsKey$1(0, $.$get$kPhysicalControlLeft());
- if (t1 !== true) {
- t1 = $.KeyboardBinding__instance;
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.get$_converter()._pressingRecords.containsKey$1(0, $.$get$kPhysicalControlRight());
- ignoreCtrlKey = t1 === true;
- } else
- ignoreCtrlKey = true;
- } else
- ignoreCtrlKey = false;
- t1 = $event.ctrlKey && !ignoreCtrlKey;
- t2 = _this._pointerDataConverter;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = $event.timeStamp;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A._BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(t1);
- t3 = $.$get$window();
- t4 = t3._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t4 == null) {
- t4 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t4 === 0)
- t4 = 1;
- }
- t3 = t3._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t3 === 0)
- t3 = 1;
- }
- t5 = $event.buttons;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = _null;
- t5.toString;
- t2.convert$12$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$scale$signalKind$timeStamp(data, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t5), B.PointerChange_3, deviceId, kind, offset._dx * t4, offset._dy * t3, 1, 1, Math.exp(-deltaY / 200), B.PointerSignalKind_3, t1);
- } else {
- t1 = $event.timeStamp;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A._BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(t1);
- t3 = $.$get$window();
- t4 = t3._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t4 == null) {
- t4 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t4 === 0)
- t4 = 1;
- }
- t3 = t3._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t3 === 0)
- t3 = 1;
- }
- t5 = $event.buttons;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = _null;
- t5.toString;
- t2.convert$13$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$timeStamp(data, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t5), B.PointerChange_3, deviceId, kind, offset._dx * t4, offset._dy * t3, 1, 1, deltaX, deltaY, B.PointerSignalKind_1, t1);
- }
- _this._lastWheelEvent = $event;
- _this._lastWheelEventWasTrackpad = kind === B.PointerDeviceKind_4;
- return data;
- },
- _addWheelEventListener$1(handler) {
- var t1 = this.glassPaneElement,
- t2 = type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(handler)),
- t3 = type$.Object,
- t4 = A.jsify(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["capture", false, "passive", false], type$.String, t3));
- A.callMethod(t1, "addEventListener", ["wheel", t2, t4 == null ? t3._as(t4) : t4]);
- this._listeners.push(new A._Listener("wheel", t1, t2, false, true));
- },
- _handleWheelEvent$1(e) {
- this._callback.call$1(this._convertWheelEventToPointerData$1(e));
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- };
- A._SanitizedDetails.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this).toString$0(0) + "(change: " + this.change.toString$0(0) + ", buttons: " + this.buttons + ")";
- }
- };
- A._ButtonSanitizer.prototype = {
- sanitizeDownEvent$2$button$buttons(button, buttons) {
- var t1;
- if (this._pressedButtons !== 0)
- return this.sanitizeMoveEvent$1$buttons(buttons);
- t1 = (buttons === 0 && button > -1 ? A.convertButtonToButtons(button) : buttons) & 1073741823;
- this._pressedButtons = t1;
- return new A._SanitizedDetails(B.PointerChange_4, t1);
- },
- sanitizeMoveEvent$1$buttons(buttons) {
- var newPressedButtons = buttons & 1073741823,
- t1 = this._pressedButtons;
- if (t1 === 0 && newPressedButtons !== 0)
- return new A._SanitizedDetails(B.PointerChange_3, t1);
- this._pressedButtons = newPressedButtons;
- return new A._SanitizedDetails(newPressedButtons === 0 ? B.PointerChange_3 : B.PointerChange_5, newPressedButtons);
- },
- sanitizeMissingRightClickUp$1$buttons(buttons) {
- if (this._pressedButtons !== 0 && (buttons & 1073741823) === 0) {
- this._pressedButtons = 0;
- return new A._SanitizedDetails(B.PointerChange_6, 0);
- }
- return null;
- },
- sanitizeLeaveEvent$1$buttons(buttons) {
- if ((buttons & 1073741823) === 0) {
- this._pressedButtons = 0;
- return new A._SanitizedDetails(B.PointerChange_3, 0);
- }
- return null;
- },
- sanitizeUpEvent$1$buttons(buttons) {
- var t1;
- if (this._pressedButtons === 0)
- return null;
- t1 = this._pressedButtons = (buttons == null ? 0 : buttons) & 1073741823;
- if (t1 === 0)
- return new A._SanitizedDetails(B.PointerChange_6, t1);
- else
- return new A._SanitizedDetails(B.PointerChange_5, t1);
- }
- };
- A._PointerAdapter.prototype = {
- _ensureSanitizer$1(device) {
- return this._sanitizers.putIfAbsent$2(0, device, new A._PointerAdapter__ensureSanitizer_closure());
- },
- _removePointerIfUnhoverable$1($event) {
- var t1 = $event.pointerType;
- if ((t1 == null ? null : t1) === "touch") {
- t1 = $event.pointerId;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- this._sanitizers.remove$1(0, t1);
- }
- },
- _addPointerEventListener$5$checkModifiers$useCapture(target, eventName, handler, checkModifiers, useCapture) {
- this.addEventListener$4$useCapture(0, target, eventName, new A._PointerAdapter__addPointerEventListener_closure(this, checkModifiers, handler), useCapture);
- },
- _addPointerEventListener$3(target, eventName, handler) {
- return this._addPointerEventListener$5$checkModifiers$useCapture(target, eventName, handler, true, true);
- },
- _addPointerEventListener$4$checkModifiers(target, eventName, handler, checkModifiers) {
- return this._addPointerEventListener$5$checkModifiers$useCapture(target, eventName, handler, checkModifiers, true);
- },
- setup$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.glassPaneElement;
- _this._addPointerEventListener$3(t1, "pointerdown", new A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure(_this));
- _this._addPointerEventListener$3(self.window, "pointermove", new A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure0(_this));
- _this._addPointerEventListener$5$checkModifiers$useCapture(t1, "pointerleave", new A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure1(_this), false, false);
- _this._addPointerEventListener$3(self.window, "pointerup", new A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure2(_this));
- _this._addPointerEventListener$4$checkModifiers(t1, "pointercancel", new A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure3(_this), false);
- _this._addWheelEventListener$1(new A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure4(_this));
- },
- _convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(data, details, $event) {
- var kind, t2, timeStamp, pressure, offset, t3, t4, t5, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = $event.pointerType;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t1.toString;
- kind = _this._pointerTypeToDeviceKind$1(t1);
- t1 = $event.tiltX;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = $event.tiltY;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _null;
- t2.toString;
- if (Math.abs(t1) > Math.abs(t2)) {
- t1 = $event.tiltX;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- } else {
- t1 = $event.tiltY;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- }
- t1.toString;
- t2 = $event.timeStamp;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _null;
- t2.toString;
- timeStamp = A._BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(t2);
- pressure = $event.pressure;
- if (pressure == null)
- pressure = _null;
- offset = A.computeEventOffsetToTarget($event, _this.glassPaneElement);
- t2 = _this._getPointerId$1($event);
- t3 = $.$get$window();
- t4 = t3._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t4 == null) {
- t4 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t4 === 0)
- t4 = 1;
- }
- t3 = t3._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t3 === 0)
- t3 = 1;
- }
- t5 = pressure == null ? 0 : pressure;
- _this._pointerDataConverter.convert$12$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp(data, details.buttons, details.change, t2, kind, offset._dx * t4, offset._dy * t3, t5, 1, B.PointerSignalKind_0, t1 / 180 * 3.141592653589793, timeStamp);
- },
- _expandEvents$1($event) {
- var t1, coalescedEvents;
- if ("getCoalescedEvents" in $event) {
- t1 = J.cast$1$0$ax($event.getCoalescedEvents(), type$.JavaScriptObject);
- coalescedEvents = new A.CastList(t1._source, t1.$ti._eval$1("CastList<1,JavaScriptObject>"));
- if (!coalescedEvents.get$isEmpty(coalescedEvents))
- return coalescedEvents;
- }
- return A._setArrayType([$event], type$.JSArray_JavaScriptObject);
- },
- _pointerTypeToDeviceKind$1(pointerType) {
- switch (pointerType) {
- case "mouse":
- return B.PointerDeviceKind_1;
- case "pen":
- return B.PointerDeviceKind_2;
- case "touch":
- return B.PointerDeviceKind_0;
- default:
- return B.PointerDeviceKind_5;
- }
- },
- _getPointerId$1($event) {
- var t1 = $event.pointerType;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- t1.toString;
- if (this._pointerTypeToDeviceKind$1(t1) === B.PointerDeviceKind_1)
- t1 = -1;
- else {
- t1 = $event.pointerId;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1);
- }
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._PointerAdapter__ensureSanitizer_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return new A._ButtonSanitizer();
- },
- $signature: 734
- };
- A._PointerAdapter__addPointerEventListener_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
- if (this.checkModifiers) {
- t1 = $event.getModifierState("Alt");
- t2 = $event.getModifierState("Control");
- t3 = $event.getModifierState("Meta");
- t4 = $event.getModifierState("Shift");
- t5 = $event.timeStamp;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = null;
- t5.toString;
- this.$this._keyboardConverter.synthesizeModifiersIfNeeded$5(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5);
- }
- this.handler.call$1($event);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var up, t3,
- t1 = this.$this,
- device = t1._getPointerId$1($event),
- pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData),
- sanitizer = t1._ensureSanitizer$1(device),
- t2 = $event.buttons;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = null;
- t2.toString;
- up = sanitizer.sanitizeMissingRightClickUp$1$buttons(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t2));
- if (up != null)
- t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, up, $event);
- t2 = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0($event.button);
- t3 = $event.buttons;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = null;
- t3.toString;
- t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, sanitizer.sanitizeDownEvent$2$button$buttons(t2, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t3)), $event);
- t1._callback.call$1(pointerData);
- },
- $signature: 24
- };
- A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var t2, t3, t4, up,
- t1 = this.$this,
- sanitizer = t1._ensureSanitizer$1(t1._getPointerId$1($event)),
- pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData);
- for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1._expandEvents$1($event)); t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t2.get$current(t2);
- t4 = t3.buttons;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = null;
- t4.toString;
- up = sanitizer.sanitizeMissingRightClickUp$1$buttons(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t4));
- if (up != null)
- t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, up, t3);
- t4 = t3.buttons;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = null;
- t4.toString;
- t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, sanitizer.sanitizeMoveEvent$1$buttons(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t4)), t3);
- }
- t1._callback.call$1(pointerData);
- },
- $signature: 24
- };
- A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var details,
- t1 = this.$this,
- sanitizer = t1._ensureSanitizer$1(t1._getPointerId$1($event)),
- pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData),
- t2 = $event.buttons;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = null;
- t2.toString;
- details = sanitizer.sanitizeLeaveEvent$1$buttons(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t2));
- if (details != null) {
- t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, details, $event);
- t1._callback.call$1(pointerData);
- }
- },
- $signature: 24
- };
- A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure2.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var pointerData, t3, details,
- t1 = this.$this,
- device = t1._getPointerId$1($event),
- t2 = t1._sanitizers;
- if (t2.containsKey$1(0, device)) {
- pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData);
- t2 = t2.$index(0, device);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = $event.buttons;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = null;
- details = t2.sanitizeUpEvent$1$buttons(t3 == null ? null : B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t3));
- t1._removePointerIfUnhoverable$1($event);
- if (details != null) {
- t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, details, $event);
- t1._callback.call$1(pointerData);
- }
- }
- },
- $signature: 24
- };
- A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure3.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var pointerData,
- t1 = this.$this,
- device = t1._getPointerId$1($event),
- t2 = t1._sanitizers;
- if (t2.containsKey$1(0, device)) {
- pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData);
- t2 = t2.$index(0, device);
- t2.toString;
- t2._pressedButtons = 0;
- t1._removePointerIfUnhoverable$1($event);
- t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, new A._SanitizedDetails(B.PointerChange_0, 0), $event);
- t1._callback.call$1(pointerData);
- }
- },
- $signature: 24
- };
- A._PointerAdapter_setup_closure4.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- this.$this._handleWheelEvent$1($event);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A._TouchAdapter.prototype = {
- _addTouchEventListener$3(target, eventName, handler) {
- this.addEventListener$3(0, target, eventName, new A._TouchAdapter__addTouchEventListener_closure(this, true, handler));
- },
- setup$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.glassPaneElement;
- _this._addTouchEventListener$3(t1, "touchstart", new A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure(_this));
- _this._addTouchEventListener$3(t1, "touchmove", new A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure0(_this));
- _this._addTouchEventListener$3(t1, "touchend", new A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure1(_this));
- _this._addTouchEventListener$3(t1, "touchcancel", new A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure2(_this));
- },
- _convertEventToPointerData$5$change$data$pressed$timeStamp$touch(change, data, pressed, timeStamp, touch) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6,
- t1 = touch.identifier;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1);
- t2 = touch.clientX;
- t3 = $.$get$window();
- t4 = t3._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t4 == null) {
- t4 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t4 === 0)
- t4 = 1;
- }
- t5 = touch.clientY;
- t3 = t3._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t3 === 0)
- t3 = 1;
- }
- t6 = pressed ? 1 : 0;
- this._pointerDataConverter.convert$10$buttons$change$device$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$signalKind$timeStamp(data, t6, change, t1, t2 * t4, t5 * t3, 1, 1, B.PointerSignalKind_0, timeStamp);
- }
- };
- A._TouchAdapter__addTouchEventListener_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var t1 = $event.altKey,
- t2 = $event.ctrlKey,
- t3 = $event.metaKey,
- t4 = $event.shiftKey,
- t5 = $event.timeStamp;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = null;
- t5.toString;
- this.$this._keyboardConverter.synthesizeModifiersIfNeeded$5(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5);
- this.handler.call$1($event);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var timeStamp, pointerData, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6,
- t1 = $event.timeStamp;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- t1.toString;
- timeStamp = A._BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(t1);
- pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData);
- for (t1 = type$.JavaScriptObject, t2 = type$._DomTouchListWrapper_JavaScriptObject, t2 = A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomTouchListWrapper($event.changedTouches, t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"), t1), t1 = A.CastIterable_CastIterable(t2._source, A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1, t1), t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1._source), t1 = A._instanceType(t1), t1 = t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._rest[1], t3 = this.$this; t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t1._as(t2.get$current(t2));
- t5 = t4.identifier;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = null;
- t5.toString;
- t6 = t3._pressedTouches;
- if (!t6.contains$1(0, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t5))) {
- t5 = t4.identifier;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = null;
- t5.toString;
- t6.add$1(0, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t5));
- t3._convertEventToPointerData$5$change$data$pressed$timeStamp$touch(B.PointerChange_4, pointerData, true, timeStamp, t4);
- }
- }
- t3._callback.call$1(pointerData);
- },
- $signature: 24
- };
- A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var t1, timeStamp, pointerData, t2, t3, t4, t5;
- $event.preventDefault();
- t1 = $event.timeStamp;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- t1.toString;
- timeStamp = A._BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(t1);
- pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData);
- for (t1 = type$.JavaScriptObject, t2 = type$._DomTouchListWrapper_JavaScriptObject, t2 = A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomTouchListWrapper($event.changedTouches, t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"), t1), t1 = A.CastIterable_CastIterable(t2._source, A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1, t1), t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1._source), t1 = A._instanceType(t1), t1 = t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._rest[1], t3 = this.$this; t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t1._as(t2.get$current(t2));
- t5 = t4.identifier;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = null;
- t5.toString;
- if (t3._pressedTouches.contains$1(0, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t5)))
- t3._convertEventToPointerData$5$change$data$pressed$timeStamp$touch(B.PointerChange_5, pointerData, true, timeStamp, t4);
- }
- t3._callback.call$1(pointerData);
- },
- $signature: 24
- };
- A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var t1, timeStamp, pointerData, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
- $event.preventDefault();
- t1 = $event.timeStamp;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- t1.toString;
- timeStamp = A._BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(t1);
- pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData);
- for (t1 = type$.JavaScriptObject, t2 = type$._DomTouchListWrapper_JavaScriptObject, t2 = A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomTouchListWrapper($event.changedTouches, t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"), t1), t1 = A.CastIterable_CastIterable(t2._source, A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1, t1), t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1._source), t1 = A._instanceType(t1), t1 = t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._rest[1], t3 = this.$this; t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t1._as(t2.get$current(t2));
- t5 = t4.identifier;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = null;
- t5.toString;
- t6 = t3._pressedTouches;
- if (t6.contains$1(0, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t5))) {
- t5 = t4.identifier;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = null;
- t5.toString;
- t6.remove$1(0, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t5));
- t3._convertEventToPointerData$5$change$data$pressed$timeStamp$touch(B.PointerChange_6, pointerData, false, timeStamp, t4);
- }
- }
- t3._callback.call$1(pointerData);
- },
- $signature: 24
- };
- A._TouchAdapter_setup_closure2.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var timeStamp, pointerData, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6,
- t1 = $event.timeStamp;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- t1.toString;
- timeStamp = A._BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(t1);
- pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData);
- for (t1 = type$.JavaScriptObject, t2 = type$._DomTouchListWrapper_JavaScriptObject, t2 = A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomTouchListWrapper($event.changedTouches, t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"), t1), t1 = A.CastIterable_CastIterable(t2._source, A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1, t1), t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1._source), t1 = A._instanceType(t1), t1 = t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._rest[1], t3 = this.$this; t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t1._as(t2.get$current(t2));
- t5 = t4.identifier;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = null;
- t5.toString;
- t6 = t3._pressedTouches;
- if (t6.contains$1(0, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t5))) {
- t5 = t4.identifier;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = null;
- t5.toString;
- t6.remove$1(0, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t5));
- t3._convertEventToPointerData$5$change$data$pressed$timeStamp$touch(B.PointerChange_0, pointerData, false, timeStamp, t4);
- }
- }
- t3._callback.call$1(pointerData);
- },
- $signature: 24
- };
- A._MouseAdapter.prototype = {
- _addMouseEventListener$4$useCapture(target, eventName, handler, useCapture) {
- this.addEventListener$4$useCapture(0, target, eventName, new A._MouseAdapter__addMouseEventListener_closure(this, true, handler), useCapture);
- },
- _addMouseEventListener$3(target, eventName, handler) {
- return this._addMouseEventListener$4$useCapture(target, eventName, handler, true);
- },
- setup$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.glassPaneElement;
- _this._addMouseEventListener$3(t1, "mousedown", new A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure(_this));
- _this._addMouseEventListener$3(self.window, "mousemove", new A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure0(_this));
- _this._addMouseEventListener$4$useCapture(t1, "mouseleave", new A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure1(_this), false);
- _this._addMouseEventListener$3(self.window, "mouseup", new A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure2(_this));
- _this._addWheelEventListener$1(new A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure3(_this));
- },
- _convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(data, details, $event) {
- var t2, t3,
- offset = A.computeEventOffsetToTarget($event, this.glassPaneElement),
- t1 = $event.timeStamp;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A._BaseAdapter__eventTimeStampToDuration(t1);
- t2 = $.$get$window();
- t3 = t2._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t3 === 0)
- t3 = 1;
- }
- t2 = t2._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 === 0)
- t2 = 1;
- }
- this._pointerDataConverter.convert$11$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$signalKind$timeStamp(data, details.buttons, details.change, -1, B.PointerDeviceKind_1, offset._dx * t3, offset._dy * t2, 1, 1, B.PointerSignalKind_0, t1);
- }
- };
- A._MouseAdapter__addMouseEventListener_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var t1 = $event.getModifierState("Alt"),
- t2 = $event.getModifierState("Control"),
- t3 = $event.getModifierState("Meta"),
- t4 = $event.getModifierState("Shift"),
- t5 = $event.timeStamp;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = null;
- t5.toString;
- this.$this._keyboardConverter.synthesizeModifiersIfNeeded$5(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5);
- this.handler.call$1($event);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var up, t4,
- pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData),
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._sanitizer,
- t3 = $event.buttons;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = null;
- t3.toString;
- up = t2.sanitizeMissingRightClickUp$1$buttons(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t3));
- if (up != null)
- t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, up, $event);
- t3 = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0($event.button);
- t4 = $event.buttons;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = null;
- t4.toString;
- t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, t2.sanitizeDownEvent$2$button$buttons(t3, B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t4)), $event);
- t1._callback.call$1(pointerData);
- },
- $signature: 24
- };
- A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var up,
- pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData),
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._sanitizer,
- t3 = $event.buttons;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = null;
- t3.toString;
- up = t2.sanitizeMissingRightClickUp$1$buttons(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t3));
- if (up != null)
- t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, up, $event);
- t3 = $event.buttons;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = null;
- t3.toString;
- t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, t2.sanitizeMoveEvent$1$buttons(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t3)), $event);
- t1._callback.call$1(pointerData);
- },
- $signature: 24
- };
- A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var details,
- pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData),
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = $event.buttons;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = null;
- t2.toString;
- details = t1._sanitizer.sanitizeLeaveEvent$1$buttons(B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t2));
- if (details != null) {
- t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, details, $event);
- t1._callback.call$1(pointerData);
- }
- },
- $signature: 24
- };
- A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure2.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var sanitizedDetails,
- pointerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PointerData),
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = $event.buttons;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = null;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t2);
- sanitizedDetails = t1._sanitizer.sanitizeUpEvent$1$buttons(t2);
- if (sanitizedDetails != null) {
- t1._convertEventsToPointerData$3$data$details$event(pointerData, sanitizedDetails, $event);
- t1._callback.call$1(pointerData);
- }
- },
- $signature: 24
- };
- A._MouseAdapter_setup_closure3.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- this.$this._handleWheelEvent$1($event);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A._PointerState.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return this.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return this.y;
- }
- };
- A.PointerDataConverter.prototype = {
- _ensureStateForPointer$3(device, x, y) {
- return this._pointers.putIfAbsent$2(0, device, new A.PointerDataConverter__ensureStateForPointer_closure(x, y));
- },
- _generateCompletePointerData$25$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, distance, distanceMax, kind, obscured, orientation, physicalX, physicalY, platformData, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, size, tilt, timeStamp) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = this._pointers.$index(0, device);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = t1.x;
- t3 = t1.y;
- t1.x = physicalX;
- t1.y = physicalY;
- t1 = t1._pointer;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = 0;
- return A.PointerData$(buttons, change, device, distance, distanceMax, kind, false, orientation, physicalX - t2, physicalY - t3, physicalX, physicalY, platformData, t1, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, size, false, tilt, timeStamp);
- },
- _locationHasChanged$3(device, physicalX, physicalY) {
- var t1 = this._pointers.$index(0, device);
- t1.toString;
- return t1.x !== physicalX || t1.y !== physicalY;
- },
- _synthesizePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, distance, distanceMax, kind, obscured, orientation, physicalX, physicalY, platformData, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, size, tilt, timeStamp) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = this._pointers.$index(0, device);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = t1.x;
- t3 = t1.y;
- t1.x = physicalX;
- t1.y = physicalY;
- t1 = t1._pointer;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = 0;
- return A.PointerData$(buttons, change, device, distance, distanceMax, kind, false, orientation, physicalX - t2, physicalY - t3, physicalX, physicalY, platformData, t1, pressure, pressureMax, pressureMin, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, B.PointerSignalKind_0, size, true, tilt, timeStamp);
- },
- convert$15$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, tilt, timeStamp) {
- var alreadyAdded, t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (signalKind === B.PointerSignalKind_0)
- switch (change.index) {
- case 1:
- _this._ensureStateForPointer$3(device, physicalX, physicalY);
- result.push(_this._generateCompletePointerData$25$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, tilt, timeStamp));
- break;
- case 3:
- alreadyAdded = _this._pointers.containsKey$1(0, device);
- _this._ensureStateForPointer$3(device, physicalX, physicalY);
- if (!alreadyAdded)
- result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, B.PointerChange_1, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp));
- result.push(_this._generateCompletePointerData$25$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, tilt, timeStamp));
- _this._activeButtons = buttons;
- break;
- case 4:
- alreadyAdded = _this._pointers.containsKey$1(0, device);
- _this._ensureStateForPointer$3(device, physicalX, physicalY)._pointer = $._PointerState__pointerCount = $._PointerState__pointerCount + 1;
- if (!alreadyAdded)
- result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, B.PointerChange_1, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp));
- if (_this._locationHasChanged$3(device, physicalX, physicalY))
- result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(0, B.PointerChange_3, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, 0, pressureMax, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp));
- result.push(_this._generateCompletePointerData$25$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, tilt, timeStamp));
- _this._activeButtons = buttons;
- break;
- case 5:
- result.push(_this._generateCompletePointerData$25$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, tilt, timeStamp));
- _this._activeButtons = buttons;
- break;
- case 6:
- case 0:
- t1 = _this._pointers;
- t2 = t1.$index(0, device);
- t2.toString;
- if (change === B.PointerChange_0) {
- physicalX = t2.x;
- physicalY = t2.y;
- }
- if (_this._locationHasChanged$3(device, physicalX, physicalY))
- result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(_this._activeButtons, B.PointerChange_5, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp));
- result.push(_this._generateCompletePointerData$25$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, tilt, timeStamp));
- if (kind === B.PointerDeviceKind_0) {
- result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(0, B.PointerChange_2, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, 0, pressureMax, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp));
- t1.remove$1(0, device);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- t1 = _this._pointers;
- t2 = t1.$index(0, device);
- t2.toString;
- result.push(_this._generateCompletePointerData$25$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, t2.x, t2.y, 0, pressure, pressureMax, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, tilt, timeStamp));
- t1.remove$1(0, device);
- break;
- case 7:
- case 8:
- case 9:
- break;
- }
- else
- switch (signalKind.index) {
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 3:
- alreadyAdded = _this._pointers.containsKey$1(0, device);
- _this._ensureStateForPointer$3(device, physicalX, physicalY);
- if (!alreadyAdded)
- result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, B.PointerChange_1, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp));
- if (_this._locationHasChanged$3(device, physicalX, physicalY))
- if (buttons !== 0)
- result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, B.PointerChange_5, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp));
- else
- result.push(_this._synthesizePointerData$24$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, B.PointerChange_3, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, 0, tilt, timeStamp));
- result.push(_this._generateCompletePointerData$25$buttons$change$device$distance$distanceMax$kind$obscured$orientation$physicalX$physicalY$platformData$pressure$pressureMax$pressureMin$radiusMajor$radiusMax$radiusMin$radiusMinor$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$size$tilt$timeStamp(buttons, change, device, 0, 0, kind, false, 0, physicalX, physicalY, 0, pressure, pressureMax, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, scale, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, tilt, timeStamp));
- break;
- case 0:
- break;
- case 4:
- break;
- }
- },
- convert$12$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$scale$signalKind$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, scale, signalKind, timeStamp) {
- return this.convert$15$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, scale, 0, 0, signalKind, 0, timeStamp);
- },
- convert$13$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, timeStamp) {
- return this.convert$15$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, 1, scrollDeltaX, scrollDeltaY, signalKind, 0, timeStamp);
- },
- convert$11$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$signalKind$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, signalKind, timeStamp) {
- return this.convert$15$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, 1, 0, 0, signalKind, 0, timeStamp);
- },
- convert$10$buttons$change$device$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$signalKind$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, signalKind, timeStamp) {
- return this.convert$15$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, B.PointerDeviceKind_0, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, 1, 0, 0, signalKind, 0, timeStamp);
- },
- convert$12$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, signalKind, tilt, timeStamp) {
- return this.convert$15$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$scale$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp(result, buttons, change, device, kind, physicalX, physicalY, pressure, pressureMax, 1, 0, 0, signalKind, tilt, timeStamp);
- }
- };
- A.PointerDataConverter__ensureStateForPointer_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return new A._PointerState(this.x, this.y);
- },
- $signature: 716
- };
- A.Profiler.prototype = {};
- A.RawKeyboard.prototype = {
- RawKeyboard$_$1(_onMacOs) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = type$.JavaScriptObject;
- _this._keydownListener = t1._as(A.allowInterop(new A.RawKeyboard$__closure(_this)));
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(self.window, "keydown", _this._keydownListener, null);
- _this._keyupListener = t1._as(A.allowInterop(new A.RawKeyboard$__closure0(_this)));
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(self.window, "keyup", _this._keyupListener, null);
- $._hotRestartListeners.push(new A.RawKeyboard$__closure1(_this));
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_removeEventListener(self.window, "keydown", _this._keydownListener, null);
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_removeEventListener(self.window, "keyup", _this._keyupListener, null);
- for (t1 = _this._keydownTimers, t2 = A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$(t1, t1._modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1); t2.moveNext$0();)
- t1.$index(0, t2.__js_helper$_current).cancel$0(0);
- t1.clear$0(0);
- $.RawKeyboard__instance = _this._keyupListener = _this._keydownListener = null;
- },
- _handleHtmlEvent$1(domEvent) {
- var $event, t1, t2, t3, metaState, t4, eventData, _this = this, _null = null,
- $constructor = globalThis.KeyboardEvent;
- if (!($constructor != null && domEvent instanceof $constructor))
- return;
- $event = new A.FlutterHtmlKeyboardEvent(domEvent);
- t1 = domEvent.code;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t1.toString;
- if (domEvent.type === "keydown") {
- t2 = domEvent.key;
- t2 = (t2 == null ? _null : t2) === "Tab" && domEvent.isComposing;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2)
- return;
- t2 = domEvent.key;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _null;
- t2.toString;
- if (!(t2 === "Meta" || t2 === "Shift" || t2 === "Alt" || t2 === "Control") && _this._onMacOs) {
- t2 = _this._keydownTimers;
- t3 = t2.$index(0, t1);
- if (t3 != null)
- t3.cancel$0(0);
- if (domEvent.type === "keydown")
- t3 = domEvent.ctrlKey || domEvent.shiftKey || domEvent.altKey || domEvent.metaKey;
- else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3)
- t2.$indexSet(0, t1, A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_2000000, new A.RawKeyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure(_this, t1, $event)));
- else
- t2.remove$1(0, t1);
- }
- metaState = domEvent.getModifierState("Shift") ? 1 : 0;
- if (domEvent.getModifierState("Alt") || domEvent.getModifierState("AltGraph"))
- metaState |= 2;
- if (domEvent.getModifierState("Control"))
- metaState |= 4;
- if (domEvent.getModifierState("Meta"))
- metaState |= 8;
- _this._lastMetaState = metaState;
- if (domEvent.type === "keydown") {
- t1 = domEvent.key;
- if ((t1 == null ? _null : t1) === "CapsLock") {
- t1 = metaState | 32;
- _this._lastMetaState = t1;
- } else {
- t1 = domEvent.code;
- if ((t1 == null ? _null : t1) === "NumLock") {
- t1 = metaState | 16;
- _this._lastMetaState = t1;
- } else {
- t1 = domEvent.key;
- if ((t1 == null ? _null : t1) === "ScrollLock") {
- t1 = metaState | 64;
- _this._lastMetaState = t1;
- } else
- t1 = metaState;
- }
- }
- } else
- t1 = metaState;
- t2 = domEvent.type;
- t3 = domEvent.code;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = _null;
- t4 = domEvent.key;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = _null;
- eventData = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["type", t2, "keymap", "web", "code", t3, "key", t4, "location", B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(domEvent.location), "metaState", t1, "keyCode", B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(domEvent.keyCode)], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3("flutter/keyevent", B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1(eventData), new A.RawKeyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure0($event));
- }
- };
- A.RawKeyboard$__closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- this.$this._handleHtmlEvent$1($event);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.RawKeyboard$__closure0.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- this.$this._handleHtmlEvent$1($event);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.RawKeyboard$__closure1.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.dispose$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.RawKeyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t2, t3, t4, eventData,
- t1 = this.$this;
- t1._keydownTimers.remove$1(0, this.timerKey);
- t2 = this.event._event;
- t3 = t2.code;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = null;
- t4 = t2.key;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = null;
- eventData = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["type", "keyup", "keymap", "web", "code", t3, "key", t4, "location", B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t2.location), "metaState", t1._lastMetaState, "keyCode", B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t2.keyCode)], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3("flutter/keyevent", B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1(eventData), A._engine___noopCallback$closure());
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.RawKeyboard__handleHtmlEvent_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(data) {
- if (data == null)
- return;
- if (A._asBool(J.$index$asx(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(B.C_JSONMessageCodec.decodeMessage$1(data)), "handled")))
- this.event._event.preventDefault();
- },
- $signature: 40
- };
- A.GlProgram.prototype = {};
- A.GlContext.prototype = {
- drawImage$3(_, context, left, $top) {
- var t1 = this.__engine$_canvas,
- t2 = this._widthInPixels,
- t3 = this._heightInPixels;
- A.callMethod(context, "drawImage", [t1, 0, 0, t2, t3, left, $top, t2, t3]);
- },
- cacheProgram$2(vertexShaderSource, fragmentShaderSource) {
- var vertexShader, fragmentShader, t1, t2, t3, _this = this,
- _s12_ = "attachShader",
- cacheKey = vertexShaderSource + "||" + fragmentShaderSource,
- cachedProgram = J.$index$asx($.GlContext____programCache._readField$0(), cacheKey);
- if (cachedProgram == null) {
- vertexShader = _this.compileShader$2(0, "VERTEX_SHADER", vertexShaderSource);
- fragmentShader = _this.compileShader$2(0, "FRAGMENT_SHADER", fragmentShaderSource);
- t1 = _this.glContext;
- t2 = t1.createProgram();
- A.callMethod(t1, _s12_, [t2, vertexShader]);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s12_, [t2, fragmentShader]);
- A.callMethod(t1, "linkProgram", [t2]);
- t3 = _this._kLinkStatus;
- if (!A.callMethod(t1, "getProgramParameter", [t2, t3 == null ? _this._kLinkStatus = t1.LINK_STATUS : t3]))
- A.throwExpression(A.Exception_Exception(A.callMethod(t1, "getProgramInfoLog", [t2])));
- cachedProgram = new A.GlProgram(t2);
- J.$indexSet$ax($.GlContext____programCache._readField$0(), cacheKey, cachedProgram);
- }
- return cachedProgram;
- },
- compileShader$2(_, shaderType, source) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.glContext,
- shader = t1.createShader(t1[shaderType]);
- if (shader == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception(A._callMethodUnchecked0(t1, "getError")));
- A.callMethod(t1, "shaderSource", [shader, source]);
- A.callMethod(t1, "compileShader", [shader]);
- t2 = this._kCompileStatus;
- if (!A.callMethod(t1, "getShaderParameter", [shader, t2 == null ? this._kCompileStatus = t1.COMPILE_STATUS : t2]))
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Shader compilation failed: " + A.S(A.callMethod(t1, "getShaderInfoLog", [shader]))));
- return shader;
- },
- _triangleTypeFromMode$1(mode) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- switch (mode.index) {
- case 0:
- return _this.get$kTriangles();
- case 2:
- t1 = _this._kTriangles;
- return t1 == null ? _this._kTriangles = _this.glContext.TRIANGLE_FAN : t1;
- case 1:
- t1 = _this._kTriangles;
- return t1 == null ? _this._kTriangles = _this.glContext.TRIANGLE_STRIP : t1;
- }
- },
- get$kArrayBuffer() {
- var t1 = this._kArrayBuffer;
- return t1 == null ? this._kArrayBuffer = this.glContext.ARRAY_BUFFER : t1;
- },
- get$kElementArrayBuffer() {
- var t1 = this._kElementArrayBuffer;
- return t1 == null ? this._kElementArrayBuffer = this.glContext.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER : t1;
- },
- get$kFloat() {
- var t1 = this._kFloat;
- return t1 == null ? this._kFloat = this.glContext.FLOAT : t1;
- },
- get$kRGBA() {
- var t1 = this._kRGBA;
- return t1 == null ? this._kRGBA = this.glContext.RGBA : t1;
- },
- get$kUnsignedByte() {
- var t1 = this._kUnsignedByte;
- return t1 == null ? this._kUnsignedByte = this.glContext.UNSIGNED_BYTE : t1;
- },
- get$kStaticDraw() {
- var t1 = this._kStaticDraw;
- return t1 == null ? this._kStaticDraw = this.glContext.STATIC_DRAW : t1;
- },
- get$kTriangles() {
- var t1 = this._kTriangles;
- return t1 == null ? this._kTriangles = this.glContext.TRIANGLES : t1;
- },
- get$kColorBufferBit() {
- var t1 = this._kColorBufferBit;
- return t1 == null ? this._kColorBufferBit = this.glContext.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT : t1;
- },
- get$kTexture2D() {
- var t1 = this._kTexture2D;
- return t1 == null ? this._kTexture2D = this.glContext.TEXTURE_2D : t1;
- },
- get$kTextureWrapS() {
- var t1 = this._kTextureWrapS;
- return t1 == null ? this._kTextureWrapS = this.glContext.TEXTURE_WRAP_S : t1;
- },
- get$kTextureWrapT() {
- var t1 = this._kTextureWrapT;
- return t1 == null ? this._kTextureWrapT = this.glContext.TEXTURE_WRAP_T : t1;
- },
- get$kClampToEdge() {
- var t1 = this._kClampToEdge;
- return t1 == null ? this._kClampToEdge = this.glContext.CLAMP_TO_EDGE : t1;
- },
- getUniformLocation$2(_, program, uniformName) {
- var res = A.callMethod(this.glContext, "getUniformLocation", [program, uniformName]);
- if (res == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception(uniformName + " not found"));
- else
- return res;
- },
- readPatternData$1(isOpaque) {
- var t1, canvas, _this = this;
- if ("transferToImageBitmap" in _this.__engine$_canvas && isOpaque) {
- _this.__engine$_canvas.getContext("webgl2");
- return _this.__engine$_canvas.transferToImageBitmap();
- } else {
- t1 = _this._widthInPixels;
- canvas = A.createDomCanvasElement(_this._heightInPixels, t1);
- t1 = A.DomCanvasElementExtension_getContext(canvas, "2d", null);
- t1.toString;
- _this.drawImage$3(0, type$.JavaScriptObject._as(t1), 0, 0);
- return canvas;
- }
- }
- };
- A.OffScreenCanvas.prototype = {
- _updateCanvasCssSize$1(element) {
- var t3, t4, t5,
- t1 = this.width,
- t2 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 === 0)
- t2 = 1;
- t3 = this.height;
- t4 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t4 === 0)
- t4 = 1;
- t5 = element.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t5, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t5, "width", A.S(t1 / t2) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t5, "height", A.S(t3 / t4) + "px");
- }
- };
- A.Assertiveness.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "Assertiveness." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.initializeAccessibilityAnnouncements_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = $._accessibilityAnnouncements;
- t1._isDisposed = true;
- t1._politeElement.remove();
- t1._assertiveElement.remove();
- $._accessibilityAnnouncements = null;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.AccessibilityAnnouncements.prototype = {
- ariaLiveElementFor$1(assertiveness) {
- switch (assertiveness.index) {
- case 0:
- return this._politeElement;
- case 1:
- return this._assertiveElement;
- }
- },
- announce$2(message, assertiveness) {
- var ariaLiveElement = this.ariaLiveElementFor$1(assertiveness);
- A.DomNodeExtension_set_text(ariaLiveElement, message + (ariaLiveElement.innerText === message ? "." : ""));
- }
- };
- A._CheckableKind.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_CheckableKind." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.Checkable.prototype = {
- update$0(_) {
- var element, t2, t3, _s4_ = "true",
- _s12_ = "setAttribute",
- t1 = this.semanticsObject;
- if ((t1._dirtyFields & 1) !== 0) {
- switch (this.__engine$_kind.index) {
- case 0:
- t1.setAriaRole$2("checkbox", true);
- break;
- case 1:
- t1.setAriaRole$2("radio", true);
- break;
- case 2:
- t1.setAriaRole$2("switch", true);
- break;
- }
- if (t1.enabledState$0() === B.EnabledState_2) {
- element = t1.element;
- t2 = A.jsify(_s4_);
- A.callMethod(element, _s12_, ["aria-disabled", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- t2 = A.jsify(_s4_);
- A.callMethod(element, _s12_, ["disabled", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- } else
- this._removeDisabledAttribute$0();
- t2 = t1.__engine$_flags;
- t3 = A.jsify((t2 & 2) !== 0 || (t2 & 131072) !== 0 ? _s4_ : "false");
- t2 = t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3;
- A.callMethod(t1.element, _s12_, ["aria-checked", t2]);
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this;
- switch (_this.__engine$_kind.index) {
- case 0:
- _this.semanticsObject.setAriaRole$2("checkbox", false);
- break;
- case 1:
- _this.semanticsObject.setAriaRole$2("radio", false);
- break;
- case 2:
- _this.semanticsObject.setAriaRole$2("switch", false);
- break;
- }
- _this._removeDisabledAttribute$0();
- },
- _removeDisabledAttribute$0() {
- var element = this.semanticsObject.element;
- element.removeAttribute("aria-disabled");
- element.removeAttribute("disabled");
- }
- };
- A.ImageRoleManager.prototype = {
- update$0(_) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.semanticsObject;
- if (t1.get$isVisualOnly()) {
- t2 = t1.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder;
- t2 = t2 != null && !B.NativeInt32List_methods.get$isEmpty(t2);
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- if (_this._auxiliaryImageElement == null) {
- _this._auxiliaryImageElement = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-semantics-img");
- t2 = t1.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder;
- if (t2 != null && !B.NativeInt32List_methods.get$isEmpty(t2)) {
- t2 = _this._auxiliaryImageElement.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "top", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "left", "0");
- t3 = t1.__engine$_rect;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "width", A.S(t3.right - t3.left) + "px");
- t3 = t1.__engine$_rect;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "height", A.S(t3.bottom - t3.top) + "px");
- }
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(_this._auxiliaryImageElement.style, "font-size", "6px");
- t2 = _this._auxiliaryImageElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.element.append(t2);
- }
- t1 = _this._auxiliaryImageElement;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.jsify("img");
- A.callMethod(t1, "setAttribute", ["role", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- _this._setLabel$1(_this._auxiliaryImageElement);
- } else if (t1.get$isVisualOnly()) {
- t1.setAriaRole$2("img", true);
- _this._setLabel$1(t1.element);
- _this._cleanUpAuxiliaryElement$0();
- } else {
- _this._cleanUpAuxiliaryElement$0();
- _this._cleanupElement$0();
- }
- },
- _setLabel$1(element) {
- var t1 = this.semanticsObject._label;
- if (t1 != null && t1.length !== 0) {
- element.toString;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.jsify(t1);
- A.callMethod(element, "setAttribute", ["aria-label", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- }
- },
- _cleanUpAuxiliaryElement$0() {
- var t1 = this._auxiliaryImageElement;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.remove();
- this._auxiliaryImageElement = null;
- }
- },
- _cleanupElement$0() {
- var t1 = this.semanticsObject;
- t1.setAriaRole$2("img", false);
- t1.element.removeAttribute("aria-label");
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._cleanUpAuxiliaryElement$0();
- this._cleanupElement$0();
- }
- };
- A.Incrementable.prototype = {
- Incrementable$1(semanticsObject) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__engine$_element;
- semanticsObject.element.append(t1);
- A.DomHTMLInputElementExtension_set_type(t1, "range");
- t2 = A.jsify("slider");
- A.callMethod(t1, "setAttribute", ["role", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(t1, "change", type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(new A.Incrementable_closure(_this, semanticsObject))), null);
- t1 = new A.Incrementable_closure0(_this);
- _this._gestureModeListener = t1;
- semanticsObject.owner._gestureModeListeners.push(t1);
- },
- update$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- switch (_this.semanticsObject.owner._gestureMode.index) {
- case 1:
- _this._enableBrowserGestureHandling$0();
- _this._updateInputValues$0();
- break;
- case 0:
- _this._disableBrowserGestureHandling$0();
- break;
- }
- },
- _enableBrowserGestureHandling$0() {
- var t1 = this.__engine$_element,
- t2 = t1.disabled;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = null;
- t2.toString;
- if (!t2)
- return;
- A.DomHTMLInputElementExtension_set_disabled(t1, false);
- },
- _updateInputValues$0() {
- var t1, updateNeeded, surrogateTextValue, t2, t3, surrogateMaxTextValue, surrogateMinTextValue, _this = this,
- _s12_ = "setAttribute";
- if (!_this._pendingResync) {
- t1 = _this.semanticsObject._dirtyFields;
- updateNeeded = (t1 & 4096) !== 0 || (t1 & 8192) !== 0 || (t1 & 16384) !== 0;
- } else
- updateNeeded = true;
- if (!updateNeeded)
- return;
- _this._pendingResync = false;
- surrogateTextValue = "" + _this._currentSurrogateValue;
- t1 = _this.__engine$_element;
- A.DomHTMLInputElementExtension_set_value(t1, surrogateTextValue);
- t2 = A.jsify(surrogateTextValue);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s12_, ["aria-valuenow", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- t2 = _this.semanticsObject;
- t3 = t2.__engine$_value;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A.jsify(t3);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s12_, ["aria-valuetext", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- surrogateMaxTextValue = t2._increasedValue.length !== 0 ? "" + (_this._currentSurrogateValue + 1) : surrogateTextValue;
- t1.max = surrogateMaxTextValue;
- t3 = A.jsify(surrogateMaxTextValue);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s12_, ["aria-valuemax", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- surrogateMinTextValue = t2._decreasedValue.length !== 0 ? "" + (_this._currentSurrogateValue - 1) : surrogateTextValue;
- t1.min = surrogateMinTextValue;
- t2 = A.jsify(surrogateMinTextValue);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s12_, ["aria-valuemin", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- },
- _disableBrowserGestureHandling$0() {
- var t1 = this.__engine$_element,
- t2 = t1.disabled;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = null;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- return;
- A.DomHTMLInputElementExtension_set_disabled(t1, true);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this;
- B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(_this.semanticsObject.owner._gestureModeListeners, _this._gestureModeListener);
- _this._gestureModeListener = null;
- _this._disableBrowserGestureHandling$0();
- _this.__engine$_element.remove();
- }
- };
- A.Incrementable_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var newInputValue, _null = null,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.__engine$_element,
- t3 = t2.disabled;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = _null;
- t3.toString;
- if (t3)
- return;
- t1._pendingResync = true;
- t2 = t2.value;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _null;
- t2.toString;
- newInputValue = A.int_parse(t2, _null);
- t2 = t1._currentSurrogateValue;
- if (newInputValue > t2) {
- t1._currentSurrogateValue = t2 + 1;
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- A.invoke3(t1._onSemanticsAction, t1._onSemanticsActionZone, this.semanticsObject.id, B.SemanticsAction_64, _null);
- } else if (newInputValue < t2) {
- t1._currentSurrogateValue = t2 - 1;
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- A.invoke3(t1._onSemanticsAction, t1._onSemanticsActionZone, this.semanticsObject.id, B.SemanticsAction_128, _null);
- }
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.Incrementable_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(mode) {
- this.$this.update$0(0);
- },
- $signature: 142
- };
- A.LabelAndValue.prototype = {
- update$0(_) {
- var t5, shouldDisplayValue,
- t1 = this.semanticsObject,
- t2 = t1.__engine$_value,
- hasValue = t2 != null && t2.length !== 0,
- t3 = t1._label,
- hasLabel = t3 != null && t3.length !== 0,
- t4 = t1.__engine$_tooltip,
- hasTooltip = t4 != null && t4.length !== 0;
- if (hasValue) {
- t5 = t1.__engine$_actions;
- t5.toString;
- shouldDisplayValue = !((t5 & 64) !== 0 || (t5 & 128) !== 0);
- } else
- shouldDisplayValue = false;
- t5 = !hasLabel;
- if (t5 && !shouldDisplayValue && !hasTooltip) {
- this._cleanUpDom$0();
- return;
- }
- if (hasTooltip) {
- t4 = "" + A.S(t4);
- if (!t5 || shouldDisplayValue)
- t4 += "\n";
- } else
- t4 = "";
- if (hasLabel) {
- t3 = t4 + A.S(t3);
- if (shouldDisplayValue)
- t3 += " ";
- } else
- t3 = t4;
- t2 = shouldDisplayValue ? t3 + A.S(t2) : t3;
- t2 = A.jsify(t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = type$.Object._as(t2);
- A.callMethod(t1.element, "setAttribute", ["aria-label", t2]);
- t2 = t1.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder;
- if (t2 != null && !B.NativeInt32List_methods.get$isEmpty(t2))
- t1.setAriaRole$2("group", true);
- else if ((t1.__engine$_flags & 512) !== 0)
- t1.setAriaRole$2("heading", true);
- else
- t1.setAriaRole$2("text", true);
- },
- _cleanUpDom$0() {
- var t1 = this.semanticsObject.element;
- t1.removeAttribute("aria-label");
- t1.removeAttribute("role");
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._cleanUpDom$0();
- }
- };
- A.LiveRegion.prototype = {
- update$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._lastAnnouncement,
- t2 = this.semanticsObject._label;
- if (t1 != t2) {
- this._lastAnnouncement = t2;
- if (t2 != null && t2.length !== 0) {
- t1 = $._accessibilityAnnouncements;
- t1.toString;
- t2.toString;
- t1.announce$2(t2, B.Assertiveness_0);
- }
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- }
- };
- A.Scrollable0.prototype = {
- _recomputeScrollPosition$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, semanticsId, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (_this.get$_domScrollPosition() !== _this._effectiveNeutralScrollPosition) {
- t1 = _this.semanticsObject;
- if (!t1.owner.shouldAcceptBrowserGesture$1("scroll"))
- return;
- t2 = _this.get$_domScrollPosition();
- t3 = _this._effectiveNeutralScrollPosition;
- _this._neutralizeDomScrollPosition$0();
- t1.recomputePositionAndSize$0();
- semanticsId = t1.id;
- if (t2 > t3) {
- t1 = t1.__engine$_actions;
- t1.toString;
- if ((t1 & 32) !== 0 || (t1 & 16) !== 0) {
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- A.invoke3(t1._onSemanticsAction, t1._onSemanticsActionZone, semanticsId, B.SemanticsAction_16, _null);
- } else {
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- A.invoke3(t1._onSemanticsAction, t1._onSemanticsActionZone, semanticsId, B.SemanticsAction_4, _null);
- }
- } else {
- t1 = t1.__engine$_actions;
- t1.toString;
- if ((t1 & 32) !== 0 || (t1 & 16) !== 0) {
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- A.invoke3(t1._onSemanticsAction, t1._onSemanticsActionZone, semanticsId, B.SemanticsAction_32, _null);
- } else {
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- A.invoke3(t1._onSemanticsAction, t1._onSemanticsActionZone, semanticsId, B.SemanticsAction_8, _null);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- update$0(_) {
- var t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.semanticsObject,
- t2 = t1.owner;
- t2._oneTimePostUpdateCallbacks.push(new A.Scrollable_update_closure(_this));
- if (_this._scrollListener == null) {
- t1 = t1.element;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1.style, "touch-action", "none");
- _this._gestureModeDidChange$0();
- t3 = new A.Scrollable_update_closure0(_this);
- _this._gestureModeListener = t3;
- t2._gestureModeListeners.push(t3);
- t3 = type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(new A.Scrollable_update_closure1(_this)));
- _this._scrollListener = t3;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(t1, "scroll", t3, null);
- }
- },
- get$_domScrollPosition() {
- var t1 = this.semanticsObject,
- t2 = t1.__engine$_actions;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = (t2 & 32) !== 0 || (t2 & 16) !== 0;
- t1 = t1.element;
- if (t2)
- return B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1.scrollTop);
- else
- return B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(t1.scrollLeft);
- },
- _neutralizeDomScrollPosition$0() {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
- _s9_ = "transform",
- t1 = _this.semanticsObject,
- element = t1.element,
- rect = t1.__engine$_rect;
- if (rect == null) {
- $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Warning! the rect attribute of semanticsObject is null");
- return;
- }
- t2 = t1.__engine$_actions;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = (t2 & 32) !== 0 || (t2 & 16) !== 0;
- t3 = _this._scrollOverflowElement;
- t4 = rect.bottom - rect.top;
- t5 = rect.right - rect.left;
- if (t2) {
- t2 = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(t4);
- t3 = t3.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, _s9_, "translate(0px," + (t2 + 10) + "px)");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, "width", "" + B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t5) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, "height", "10px");
- element.scrollTop = 10;
- t1.verticalContainerAdjustment = _this._effectiveNeutralScrollPosition = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(element.scrollTop);
- t1.horizontalContainerAdjustment = 0;
- } else {
- t2 = B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(t5);
- t3 = t3.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, _s9_, "translate(" + (t2 + 10) + "px,0px)");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, "width", "10px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3, "height", "" + B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t4) + "px");
- element.scrollLeft = 10;
- t4 = B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(element.scrollLeft);
- _this._effectiveNeutralScrollPosition = t4;
- t1.verticalContainerAdjustment = 0;
- t1.horizontalContainerAdjustment = t4;
- }
- },
- _gestureModeDidChange$0() {
- var _s10_ = "overflow-y",
- _s10_0 = "overflow-x",
- t1 = this.semanticsObject,
- element = t1.element;
- switch (t1.owner._gestureMode.index) {
- case 1:
- t1 = t1.__engine$_actions;
- t1.toString;
- if ((t1 & 32) !== 0 || (t1 & 16) !== 0)
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(element.style, _s10_, "scroll");
- else
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(element.style, _s10_0, "scroll");
- break;
- case 0:
- t1 = t1.__engine$_actions;
- t1.toString;
- if ((t1 & 32) !== 0 || (t1 & 16) !== 0)
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(element.style, _s10_, "hidden");
- else
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(element.style, _s10_0, "hidden");
- break;
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.semanticsObject,
- t2 = t1.element,
- t3 = t2.style;
- t3.removeProperty("overflowY");
- t3.removeProperty("overflowX");
- t3.removeProperty("touch-action");
- t3 = _this._scrollListener;
- if (t3 != null)
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_removeEventListener(t2, "scroll", t3, null);
- B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1.owner._gestureModeListeners, _this._gestureModeListener);
- _this._gestureModeListener = null;
- }
- };
- A.Scrollable_update_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1._neutralizeDomScrollPosition$0();
- t1.semanticsObject.recomputePositionAndSize$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.Scrollable_update_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- this.$this._gestureModeDidChange$0();
- },
- $signature: 142
- };
- A.Scrollable_update_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- this.$this._recomputeScrollPosition$0();
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.EngineAccessibilityFeatures.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var features = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String),
- t1 = this.__engine$_index;
- if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
- features.push("accessibleNavigation");
- if ((t1 & 2) !== 0)
- features.push("invertColors");
- if ((t1 & 4) !== 0)
- features.push("disableAnimations");
- if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
- features.push("boldText");
- if ((t1 & 16) !== 0)
- features.push("reduceMotion");
- if ((t1 & 32) !== 0)
- features.push("highContrast");
- if ((t1 & 64) !== 0)
- features.push("onOffSwitchLabels");
- return "AccessibilityFeatures" + A.S(features);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.EngineAccessibilityFeatures && other.__engine$_index === this.__engine$_index;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this.__engine$_index);
- },
- copyWith$2$accessibleNavigation$highContrast(accessibleNavigation, highContrast) {
- var t1 = (accessibleNavigation == null ? (this.__engine$_index & 1) !== 0 : accessibleNavigation) ? 1 : 0,
- t2 = this.__engine$_index;
- t1 = (t2 & 2) !== 0 ? t1 | 2 : t1 & 4294967293;
- t1 = (t2 & 4) !== 0 ? t1 | 4 : t1 & 4294967291;
- t1 = (t2 & 8) !== 0 ? t1 | 8 : t1 & 4294967287;
- t1 = (t2 & 16) !== 0 ? t1 | 16 : t1 & 4294967279;
- t1 = (highContrast == null ? (t2 & 32) !== 0 : highContrast) ? t1 | 32 : t1 & 4294967263;
- return new A.EngineAccessibilityFeatures((t2 & 64) !== 0 ? t1 | 64 : t1 & 4294967231);
- },
- copyWith$1$highContrast(highContrast) {
- return this.copyWith$2$accessibleNavigation$highContrast(null, highContrast);
- },
- copyWith$1$accessibleNavigation(accessibleNavigation) {
- return this.copyWith$2$accessibleNavigation$highContrast(accessibleNavigation, null);
- }
- };
- A.EngineAccessibilityFeaturesBuilder.prototype = {
- set$highContrast(value) {
- var t1 = this.__engine$_index;
- this.__engine$_index = value ? t1 | 32 : t1 & 4294967263;
- },
- build$0() {
- return new A.EngineAccessibilityFeatures(this.__engine$_index);
- }
- };
- A.SemanticsUpdate.prototype = {$isSemanticsUpdate0: 1};
- A.SemanticsNodeUpdate.prototype = {};
- A.Role.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "Role." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._roleFactories_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(object) {
- return A.Incrementable$(object);
- },
- $signature: 700
- };
- A._roleFactories_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(object) {
- var t1 = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-semantics-scroll-overflow"),
- t2 = t1.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "transform-origin", "0 0 0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "pointer-events", "none");
- object.element.append(t1);
- return new A.Scrollable0(t1, object);
- },
- $signature: 680
- };
- A._roleFactories_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(object) {
- return new A.LabelAndValue(object);
- },
- $signature: 678
- };
- A._roleFactories_closure2.prototype = {
- call$1(object) {
- return new A.Tappable(object);
- },
- $signature: 677
- };
- A._roleFactories_closure3.prototype = {
- call$1(object) {
- var t1 = new A.TextField0(object);
- t1._setupDomElement$0();
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 667
- };
- A._roleFactories_closure4.prototype = {
- call$1(object) {
- return new A.Checkable(A._checkableKindFromSemanticsFlag(object), object);
- },
- $signature: 665
- };
- A._roleFactories_closure5.prototype = {
- call$1(object) {
- return new A.ImageRoleManager(object);
- },
- $signature: 664
- };
- A._roleFactories_closure6.prototype = {
- call$1(object) {
- return new A.LiveRegion(object);
- },
- $signature: 660
- };
- A.RoleManager.prototype = {};
- A.SemanticsObject.prototype = {
- getOrCreateChildContainer$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._childContainerElement == null) {
- t1 = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-semantics-container");
- _this._childContainerElement = t1;
- t1 = t1.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "pointer-events", "none");
- t1 = _this._childContainerElement;
- t1.toString;
- _this.element.append(t1);
- }
- return _this._childContainerElement;
- },
- get$isVisualOnly() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.__engine$_flags;
- if ((t1 & 16384) !== 0) {
- t2 = this.__engine$_actions;
- t2.toString;
- t1 = (t2 & 1) === 0 && (t1 & 8) === 0;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- enabledState$0() {
- var t1 = this.__engine$_flags;
- if ((t1 & 64) !== 0)
- if ((t1 & 128) !== 0)
- return B.EnabledState_1;
- else
- return B.EnabledState_2;
- else
- return B.EnabledState_0;
- },
- updateChildren$0() {
- var t1, len, t2, i, object, childCount, containerElement, childrenInRenderOrder, t3, t4, previousChildrenInRenderOrder, _i, child, previousCount, intersectionIndicesOld, minLength, newIndex, oldIndex, longestSequence, stationaryIds, refNode, _this = this,
- childrenInHitTestOrder = _this.__engine$_childrenInHitTestOrder;
- if (childrenInHitTestOrder == null || childrenInHitTestOrder.length === 0) {
- t1 = _this._currentChildrenInRenderOrder;
- if (t1 == null || t1.length === 0) {
- _this._currentChildrenInRenderOrder = null;
- return;
- }
- len = t1.length;
- for (t1 = _this.owner, t2 = t1._semanticsTree, i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
- object = t2.$index(0, _this._currentChildrenInRenderOrder[i].id);
- t1._detachments.push(object);
- }
- _this._childContainerElement.remove();
- _this._currentChildrenInRenderOrder = _this._childContainerElement = null;
- return;
- }
- t1 = _this.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder;
- t1.toString;
- childCount = childrenInHitTestOrder.length;
- containerElement = _this.getOrCreateChildContainer$0();
- childrenInRenderOrder = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsObject);
- for (t2 = _this.owner, t3 = t2._semanticsTree, i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) {
- t4 = t3.$index(0, t1[i]);
- t4.toString;
- childrenInRenderOrder.push(t4);
- }
- if (childCount > 1)
- for (i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) {
- t1 = t3.$index(0, childrenInHitTestOrder[i]).element.style;
- t1.setProperty("z-index", "" + (childCount - i), "");
- }
- previousChildrenInRenderOrder = _this._currentChildrenInRenderOrder;
- if (previousChildrenInRenderOrder == null || previousChildrenInRenderOrder.length === 0) {
- for (t1 = childrenInRenderOrder.length, _i = 0; _i < childrenInRenderOrder.length; childrenInRenderOrder.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(childrenInRenderOrder), ++_i) {
- child = childrenInRenderOrder[_i];
- containerElement.append(child.element);
- child.__engine$_parent = _this;
- t2._attachments.$indexSet(0, child.id, _this);
- }
- _this._currentChildrenInRenderOrder = childrenInRenderOrder;
- return;
- }
- previousCount = previousChildrenInRenderOrder.length;
- t1 = type$.JSArray_int;
- intersectionIndicesOld = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- minLength = Math.min(previousCount, childCount);
- newIndex = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(newIndex < minLength && previousChildrenInRenderOrder[newIndex] === childrenInRenderOrder[newIndex]))
- break;
- intersectionIndicesOld.push(newIndex);
- ++newIndex;
- }
- if (previousCount === childrenInRenderOrder.length && newIndex === childCount)
- return;
- for (; newIndex < childCount;) {
- for (oldIndex = 0; oldIndex < previousCount; ++oldIndex)
- if (previousChildrenInRenderOrder[oldIndex] === childrenInRenderOrder[newIndex]) {
- intersectionIndicesOld.push(oldIndex);
- break;
- }
- ++newIndex;
- }
- longestSequence = A.longestIncreasingSubsequence(intersectionIndicesOld);
- stationaryIds = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- for (t1 = longestSequence.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
- stationaryIds.push(previousChildrenInRenderOrder[intersectionIndicesOld[longestSequence[i]]].id);
- for (i = 0; i < previousCount; ++i)
- if (!B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(intersectionIndicesOld, i)) {
- object = t3.$index(0, previousChildrenInRenderOrder[i].id);
- t2._detachments.push(object);
- }
- for (i = childCount - 1, refNode = null; i >= 0; --i) {
- child = childrenInRenderOrder[i];
- t1 = child.id;
- if (!B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(stationaryIds, t1)) {
- t3 = child.element;
- if (refNode == null)
- containerElement.append(t3);
- else
- containerElement.insertBefore(t3, refNode);
- child.__engine$_parent = _this;
- t2._attachments.$indexSet(0, t1, _this);
- }
- refNode = child.element;
- }
- _this._currentChildrenInRenderOrder = childrenInRenderOrder;
- },
- setAriaRole$2(ariaRoleName, condition) {
- var t1;
- if (condition) {
- t1 = A.jsify(ariaRoleName);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = type$.Object._as(t1);
- A.callMethod(this.element, "setAttribute", ["role", t1]);
- } else {
- t1 = this.element;
- if (A.DomElementExtension_getAttribute(t1, "role") === ariaRoleName)
- t1.removeAttribute("role");
- }
- },
- _updateRole$2(role, enabled) {
- var t1 = this._roleManagers,
- manager = t1.$index(0, role);
- if (enabled) {
- if (manager == null) {
- manager = $.$get$_roleFactories().$index(0, role).call$1(this);
- t1.$indexSet(0, role, manager);
- }
- manager.update$0(0);
- } else if (manager != null) {
- manager.dispose$0();
- t1.remove$1(0, role);
- }
- },
- recomputePositionAndSize$0() {
- var containerElement, hasZeroRectOffset, transform, hasIdentityTransform, effectiveTransform, left, $top, effectiveTransformIsIdentity, t4, t5, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.element,
- t2 = t1.style,
- t3 = _this.__engine$_rect;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "width", A.S(t3.right - t3.left) + "px");
- t3 = _this.__engine$_rect;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "height", A.S(t3.bottom - t3.top) + "px");
- t2 = _this.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder;
- containerElement = t2 != null && !B.NativeInt32List_methods.get$isEmpty(t2) ? _this.getOrCreateChildContainer$0() : null;
- t2 = _this.__engine$_rect;
- hasZeroRectOffset = t2.top === 0 && t2.left === 0;
- transform = _this.__engine$_transform;
- t2 = transform == null;
- hasIdentityTransform = t2 || A.transformKindOf(transform) === B.TransformKind_0;
- if (hasZeroRectOffset && hasIdentityTransform && _this.verticalContainerAdjustment === 0 && _this.horizontalContainerAdjustment === 0) {
- A.SemanticsObject__clearSemanticElementTransform(t1);
- if (containerElement != null)
- A.SemanticsObject__clearSemanticElementTransform(containerElement);
- return;
- }
- effectiveTransform = A._Cell$named("effectiveTransform");
- if (!hasZeroRectOffset)
- if (t2) {
- t2 = _this.__engine$_rect;
- left = t2.left;
- $top = t2.top;
- t2 = A.Matrix4$identity();
- t2.setTranslationRaw$3(left, $top, 0);
- effectiveTransform.__late_helper$_value = t2;
- effectiveTransformIsIdentity = left === 0 && $top === 0;
- } else {
- t2 = new A.Matrix4(new Float32Array(16));
- t2.setFrom$1(new A.Matrix4(transform));
- t3 = _this.__engine$_rect;
- t2.translate$2(0, t3.left, t3.top);
- effectiveTransform.__late_helper$_value = t2;
- effectiveTransformIsIdentity = J.isIdentity$0$z(effectiveTransform._readLocal$0());
- }
- else if (!hasIdentityTransform) {
- effectiveTransform.__late_helper$_value = new A.Matrix4(transform);
- effectiveTransformIsIdentity = false;
- } else
- effectiveTransformIsIdentity = true;
- if (!effectiveTransformIsIdentity) {
- t1 = t1.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "transform-origin", "0 0 0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "transform", A.float64ListToCssTransform(effectiveTransform._readLocal$0()._m4storage));
- } else
- A.SemanticsObject__clearSemanticElementTransform(t1);
- if (containerElement != null)
- if (!hasZeroRectOffset || _this.verticalContainerAdjustment !== 0 || _this.horizontalContainerAdjustment !== 0) {
- t1 = _this.__engine$_rect;
- t2 = t1.left;
- t3 = _this.horizontalContainerAdjustment;
- t1 = t1.top;
- t4 = _this.verticalContainerAdjustment;
- t5 = containerElement.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t5, "top", A.S(-t1 + t4) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t5, "left", A.S(-t2 + t3) + "px");
- } else
- A.SemanticsObject__clearSemanticElementTransform(containerElement);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.AccessibilityMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "AccessibilityMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.GestureMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "GestureMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.EngineSemanticsOwner.prototype = {
- EngineSemanticsOwner$_$0() {
- $._hotRestartListeners.push(new A.EngineSemanticsOwner$__closure(this));
- },
- _finalizeTree$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, _i, object, t4, t5, _this = this;
- for (t1 = _this._detachments, t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._semanticsTree, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- object = t1[_i];
- t4 = _this._attachments;
- t5 = object.id;
- if (t4.$index(0, t5) == null) {
- t3.remove$1(0, t5);
- object.__engine$_parent = null;
- object.element.remove();
- }
- }
- _this._detachments = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable_SemanticsObject);
- _this._attachments = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.nullable_int, type$.SemanticsObject);
- t1 = _this._oneTimePostUpdateCallbacks;
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (t2 !== 0) {
- for (_i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].call$0();
- _this._oneTimePostUpdateCallbacks = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function);
- }
- },
- set$semanticsEnabled(value) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- if (this._semanticsEnabled)
- return;
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- t2 = t1.configuration;
- t1.configuration = t2.copyWith$1$accessibilityFeatures(t2.accessibilityFeatures.copyWith$1$accessibleNavigation(true));
- this._semanticsEnabled = true;
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- t2 = this._semanticsEnabled;
- t3 = t1.configuration;
- if (t2 !== t3.semanticsEnabled) {
- t1.configuration = t3.copyWith$1$semanticsEnabled(t2);
- t2 = t1._onSemanticsEnabledChanged;
- if (t2 != null)
- A.invoke(t2, t1._onSemanticsEnabledChangedZone);
- }
- },
- _getGestureModeClock$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._gestureModeClock;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this._gestureModeClock = new A.AlarmClock(_this._now);
- t1.callback = new A.EngineSemanticsOwner__getGestureModeClock_closure(_this);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- receiveGlobalEvent$1($event) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(B.List_CEh, $event.type)) {
- t1 = _this._getGestureModeClock$0();
- t1.toString;
- t1.set$datetime(J.add$1$ax(_this._now.call$0(), B.Duration_500000));
- if (_this._gestureMode !== B.GestureMode_0) {
- _this._gestureMode = B.GestureMode_0;
- _this._notifyGestureModeListeners$0();
- }
- }
- return _this.semanticsHelper._semanticsEnabler.shouldEnableSemantics$1($event);
- },
- _notifyGestureModeListeners$0() {
- var t1, i;
- for (t1 = this._gestureModeListeners, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i)
- t1[i].call$1(this._gestureMode);
- },
- shouldAcceptBrowserGesture$1(eventType) {
- if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(B.List_click_scroll, eventType))
- return this._gestureMode === B.GestureMode_1;
- return false;
- },
- updateSemantics$1(uiUpdate) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _i, t7, nodeUpdate, object, t8, t9, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (!_this._semanticsEnabled) {
- _this.semanticsHelper._semanticsEnabler.dispose$0();
- _this.set$semanticsEnabled(true);
- }
- for (t1 = uiUpdate.__engine$_nodeUpdates, t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._semanticsTree, t4 = type$.Role, t5 = type$.nullable_RoleManager, t6 = type$.Object, _i = 0; t7 = t1.length, _i < t7; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- nodeUpdate = t1[_i];
- t7 = nodeUpdate.id;
- object = t3.$index(0, t7);
- if (object == null) {
- t8 = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-semantics");
- object = new A.SemanticsObject(t7, _this, t8, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t5));
- t9 = t8.style;
- t9.setProperty("position", "absolute", "");
- t9 = A.jsify("flt-semantic-node-" + t7);
- t8.setAttribute.apply(t8, ["id", t9 == null ? t6._as(t9) : t9]);
- if (t7 === 0) {
- t9 = $._configuration;
- t9 = (t9 == null ? $._configuration = A.FlutterConfiguration$legacy(self.window.flutterConfiguration) : t9)._configuration;
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = _null;
- else {
- t9 = t9.debugShowSemanticsNodes;
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = _null;
- }
- t9 = t9 !== true;
- } else
- t9 = false;
- if (t9) {
- t9 = t8.style;
- t9.setProperty("filter", "opacity(0%)", "");
- t9 = t8.style;
- t9.setProperty("color", "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "");
- }
- t9 = $._configuration;
- t9 = (t9 == null ? $._configuration = A.FlutterConfiguration$legacy(self.window.flutterConfiguration) : t9)._configuration;
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = _null;
- else {
- t9 = t9.debugShowSemanticsNodes;
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = _null;
- }
- if (t9 === true) {
- t8 = t8.style;
- t8.setProperty("outline", "1px solid green", "");
- }
- t3.$indexSet(0, t7, object);
- }
- t7 = nodeUpdate.flags;
- if (object.__engine$_flags !== t7) {
- object.__engine$_flags = t7;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 1) >>> 0;
- }
- t7 = nodeUpdate.value;
- if (object.__engine$_value !== t7) {
- object.__engine$_value = t7;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 4096) >>> 0;
- }
- t7 = nodeUpdate.valueAttributes;
- if (object._valueAttributes !== t7) {
- object._valueAttributes = t7;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 4096) >>> 0;
- }
- t7 = nodeUpdate.label;
- if (object._label !== t7) {
- object._label = t7;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 1024) >>> 0;
- }
- t7 = nodeUpdate.labelAttributes;
- if (object._labelAttributes !== t7) {
- object._labelAttributes = t7;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 1024) >>> 0;
- }
- t7 = nodeUpdate.rect;
- if (!J.$eq$(object.__engine$_rect, t7)) {
- object.__engine$_rect = t7;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 512) >>> 0;
- }
- t7 = nodeUpdate.transform;
- if (object.__engine$_transform !== t7) {
- object.__engine$_transform = t7;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 65536) >>> 0;
- }
- t7 = nodeUpdate.scrollPosition;
- if (object.__engine$_scrollPosition !== t7) {
- object.__engine$_scrollPosition = t7;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 64) >>> 0;
- }
- t7 = object.__engine$_actions;
- t8 = nodeUpdate.actions;
- if (t7 !== t8) {
- object.__engine$_actions = t8;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 2) >>> 0;
- t7 = t8;
- }
- t8 = nodeUpdate.textSelectionBase;
- if (object._textSelectionBase !== t8) {
- object._textSelectionBase = t8;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 4) >>> 0;
- }
- t8 = nodeUpdate.textSelectionExtent;
- if (object._textSelectionExtent !== t8) {
- object._textSelectionExtent = t8;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 8) >>> 0;
- }
- t8 = nodeUpdate.scrollChildren;
- if (object._scrollChildren !== t8) {
- object._scrollChildren = t8;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 16) >>> 0;
- }
- t8 = nodeUpdate.scrollIndex;
- if (object.__engine$_scrollIndex !== t8) {
- object.__engine$_scrollIndex = t8;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 32) >>> 0;
- }
- t8 = nodeUpdate.scrollExtentMax;
- if (object.__engine$_scrollExtentMax !== t8) {
- object.__engine$_scrollExtentMax = t8;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 128) >>> 0;
- }
- t8 = nodeUpdate.scrollExtentMin;
- if (object.__engine$_scrollExtentMin !== t8) {
- object.__engine$_scrollExtentMin = t8;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 256) >>> 0;
- }
- t8 = nodeUpdate.hint;
- if (object._hint !== t8) {
- object._hint = t8;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 2048) >>> 0;
- }
- t8 = nodeUpdate.hintAttributes;
- if (object._hintAttributes !== t8) {
- object._hintAttributes = t8;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 2048) >>> 0;
- }
- t8 = nodeUpdate.increasedValue;
- if (object._increasedValue !== t8) {
- object._increasedValue = t8;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 8192) >>> 0;
- }
- t8 = nodeUpdate.increasedValueAttributes;
- if (object._increasedValueAttributes !== t8) {
- object._increasedValueAttributes = t8;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 8192) >>> 0;
- }
- t8 = nodeUpdate.decreasedValue;
- if (object._decreasedValue !== t8) {
- object._decreasedValue = t8;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 16384) >>> 0;
- }
- t8 = nodeUpdate.decreasedValueAttributes;
- if (object._decreasedValueAttributes !== t8) {
- object._decreasedValueAttributes = t8;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 16384) >>> 0;
- }
- t8 = object.__engine$_tooltip;
- t9 = nodeUpdate.tooltip;
- if (t8 !== t9) {
- object.__engine$_tooltip = t9;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 4194304) >>> 0;
- t8 = t9;
- }
- t9 = nodeUpdate.textDirection;
- if (object.__engine$_textDirection != t9) {
- object.__engine$_textDirection = t9;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 32768) >>> 0;
- }
- t9 = nodeUpdate.childrenInHitTestOrder;
- if (object.__engine$_childrenInHitTestOrder !== t9) {
- object.__engine$_childrenInHitTestOrder = t9;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 1048576) >>> 0;
- }
- t9 = nodeUpdate.childrenInTraversalOrder;
- if (object.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder !== t9) {
- object.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder = t9;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 524288) >>> 0;
- }
- t9 = nodeUpdate.additionalActions;
- if (object._additionalActions !== t9) {
- object._additionalActions = t9;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 2097152) >>> 0;
- }
- t9 = nodeUpdate.platformViewId;
- if (object.__engine$_platformViewId !== t9) {
- object.__engine$_platformViewId = t9;
- object._dirtyFields = (object._dirtyFields | 8388608) >>> 0;
- }
- t9 = object._label;
- if (!(t9 != null && t9.length !== 0)) {
- t9 = object.__engine$_value;
- if (!(t9 != null && t9.length !== 0))
- t8 = t8 != null && t8.length !== 0;
- else
- t8 = true;
- } else
- t8 = true;
- if (t8) {
- t8 = object.__engine$_flags;
- if ((t8 & 16) === 0) {
- if ((t8 & 16384) !== 0) {
- t7.toString;
- t7 = (t7 & 1) === 0 && (t8 & 8) === 0;
- } else
- t7 = false;
- t7 = !t7;
- } else
- t7 = false;
- } else
- t7 = false;
- object._updateRole$2(B.Role_2, t7);
- object._updateRole$2(B.Role_4, (object.__engine$_flags & 16) !== 0);
- t7 = object.__engine$_actions;
- t7.toString;
- object._updateRole$2(B.Role_3, ((t7 & 1) !== 0 || (object.__engine$_flags & 8) !== 0) && (object.__engine$_flags & 16) === 0);
- t7 = object.__engine$_actions;
- t7.toString;
- object._updateRole$2(B.Role_0, (t7 & 64) !== 0 || (t7 & 128) !== 0);
- t7 = object.__engine$_actions;
- t7.toString;
- object._updateRole$2(B.Role_1, (t7 & 32) !== 0 || (t7 & 16) !== 0 || (t7 & 4) !== 0 || (t7 & 8) !== 0);
- t7 = object.__engine$_flags;
- object._updateRole$2(B.Role_5, (t7 & 1) !== 0 || (t7 & 65536) !== 0);
- t7 = object.__engine$_flags;
- if ((t7 & 16384) !== 0) {
- t8 = object.__engine$_actions;
- t8.toString;
- t7 = (t8 & 1) === 0 && (t7 & 8) === 0;
- } else
- t7 = false;
- object._updateRole$2(B.Role_6, t7);
- t7 = object.__engine$_flags;
- object._updateRole$2(B.Role_7, (t7 & 32768) !== 0 && (t7 & 8192) === 0);
- t7 = object._dirtyFields;
- if ((t7 & 512) !== 0 || (t7 & 65536) !== 0 || (t7 & 64) !== 0)
- object.recomputePositionAndSize$0();
- t7 = object.__engine$_childrenInTraversalOrder;
- t7 = !(t7 != null && !B.NativeInt32List_methods.get$isEmpty(t7)) && object.__engine$_platformViewId === -1;
- t8 = object.element;
- if (t7) {
- t7 = t8.style;
- t7.setProperty("pointer-events", "all", "");
- } else {
- t7 = t8.style;
- t7.setProperty("pointer-events", "none", "");
- }
- }
- for (_i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t7 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- object = t3.$index(0, t1[_i].id);
- object.updateChildren$0();
- object._dirtyFields = 0;
- }
- if (_this._rootSemanticsElement == null) {
- t1 = t3.$index(0, 0).element;
- _this._rootSemanticsElement = t1;
- $._flutterViewEmbedder._semanticsHostElement.append(t1);
- }
- _this._finalizeTree$0();
- }
- };
- A.EngineSemanticsOwner$__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this._rootSemanticsElement;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.remove();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.EngineSemanticsOwner__now_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return new A.DateTime(Date.now(), false);
- },
- $signature: 630
- };
- A.EngineSemanticsOwner__getGestureModeClock_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1._gestureMode === B.GestureMode_1)
- return;
- t1._gestureMode = B.GestureMode_1;
- t1._notifyGestureModeListeners$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.EnabledState.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "EnabledState." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.SemanticsHelper.prototype = {};
- A.SemanticsEnabler.prototype = {
- shouldEnableSemantics$1($event) {
- if (!this.get$isWaitingToEnableSemantics())
- return true;
- else
- return this.tryEnableSemantics$1($event);
- }
- };
- A.DesktopSemanticsEnabler.prototype = {
- get$isWaitingToEnableSemantics() {
- return this._semanticsPlaceholder != null;
- },
- tryEnableSemantics$1($event) {
- var t1;
- if (this._semanticsPlaceholder == null)
- return true;
- t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance;
- if ((t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1)._semanticsEnabled)
- return true;
- if (!J.containsKey$1$x(B.Set_8Gl9._collection$_map, $event.type))
- return true;
- if (!J.$eq$($event.target, this._semanticsPlaceholder))
- return true;
- t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance;
- (t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1).set$semanticsEnabled(true);
- this.dispose$0();
- return false;
- },
- prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder$0() {
- var t1,
- _s12_ = "setAttribute",
- placeholder = this._semanticsPlaceholder = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-semantics-placeholder");
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(placeholder, "click", type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(new A.DesktopSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure(this))), true);
- t1 = A.jsify("button");
- A.callMethod(placeholder, _s12_, ["role", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- t1 = A.jsify("polite");
- A.callMethod(placeholder, _s12_, ["aria-live", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- t1 = A.jsify("0");
- A.callMethod(placeholder, _s12_, ["tabindex", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- t1 = A.jsify("Enable accessibility");
- A.callMethod(placeholder, _s12_, ["aria-label", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- t1 = placeholder.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "left", "-1px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "top", "-1px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "width", "1px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "height", "1px");
- return placeholder;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this._semanticsPlaceholder;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.remove();
- this._semanticsPlaceholder = null;
- }
- };
- A.DesktopSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- this.$this.tryEnableSemantics$1($event);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.MobileSemanticsEnabler.prototype = {
- get$isWaitingToEnableSemantics() {
- return this._semanticsPlaceholder != null;
- },
- tryEnableSemantics$1($event) {
- var t1, activationPoint, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, deltaX, deltaY, _this = this;
- if (_this._semanticsPlaceholder == null)
- return true;
- if (_this._schedulePlaceholderRemoval) {
- t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t1 !== B.BrowserEngine_1 || $event.type === "touchend" || $event.type === "pointerup" || $event.type === "click")
- _this.dispose$0();
- return true;
- }
- t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance;
- if ((t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1)._semanticsEnabled)
- return true;
- if (++_this.semanticsActivationAttempts >= 20)
- return _this._schedulePlaceholderRemoval = true;
- if (!J.containsKey$1$x(B.Set_EGZpe._collection$_map, $event.type))
- return true;
- if (_this.semanticsActivationTimer != null)
- return false;
- activationPoint = A._Cell$named("activationPoint");
- switch ($event.type) {
- case "click":
- activationPoint.set$finalLocalValue(new A.DomPoint($event.offsetX, $event.offsetY));
- break;
- case "touchstart":
- case "touchend":
- t1 = type$._DomTouchListWrapper_JavaScriptObject;
- t1 = A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomTouchListWrapper($event.changedTouches, t1), t1._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.JavaScriptObject);
- t1 = A._instanceType(t1)._rest[1]._as(J.get$first$ax(t1._source));
- activationPoint.set$finalLocalValue(new A.DomPoint(t1.clientX, t1.clientY));
- break;
- case "pointerdown":
- case "pointerup":
- activationPoint.set$finalLocalValue(new A.DomPoint($event.clientX, $event.clientY));
- break;
- default:
- return true;
- }
- t1 = _this._semanticsPlaceholder.getBoundingClientRect();
- t2 = t1.left;
- t3 = t1.right;
- t4 = t1.left;
- t5 = t1.top;
- t6 = t1.bottom;
- t1 = t1.top;
- deltaX = activationPoint._readLocal$0().x - (t2 + (t3 - t4) / 2);
- deltaY = activationPoint._readLocal$0().y - (t5 + (t6 - t1) / 2);
- if (deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY < 1 && true) {
- _this._schedulePlaceholderRemoval = true;
- _this.semanticsActivationTimer = A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_300000, new A.MobileSemanticsEnabler_tryEnableSemantics_closure(_this));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder$0() {
- var t1,
- _s12_ = "setAttribute",
- placeholder = this._semanticsPlaceholder = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-semantics-placeholder");
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(placeholder, "click", type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(new A.MobileSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure(this))), true);
- t1 = A.jsify("button");
- A.callMethod(placeholder, _s12_, ["role", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- t1 = A.jsify("Enable accessibility");
- A.callMethod(placeholder, _s12_, ["aria-label", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- t1 = placeholder.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "left", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "top", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "right", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "bottom", "0");
- return placeholder;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this._semanticsPlaceholder;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.remove();
- this.semanticsActivationTimer = this._semanticsPlaceholder = null;
- }
- };
- A.MobileSemanticsEnabler_tryEnableSemantics_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.dispose$0();
- var t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance;
- (t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1).set$semanticsEnabled(true);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.MobileSemanticsEnabler_prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- this.$this.tryEnableSemantics$1($event);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.Tappable.prototype = {
- update$0(_) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.semanticsObject,
- element = t1.element;
- element.tabIndex = 0;
- t1.setAriaRole$2("button", (t1.__engine$_flags & 8) !== 0);
- if (t1.enabledState$0() === B.EnabledState_2 && (t1.__engine$_flags & 8) !== 0) {
- t2 = A.jsify("true");
- A.callMethod(element, "setAttribute", ["aria-disabled", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- _this._stopListening$0();
- } else {
- element.removeAttribute("aria-disabled");
- t2 = t1.__engine$_actions;
- t2.toString;
- if ((t2 & 1) !== 0 && (t1.__engine$_flags & 16) === 0) {
- if (_this._clickListener == null) {
- t2 = type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(new A.Tappable_update_closure(_this)));
- _this._clickListener = t2;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(element, "click", t2, null);
- }
- } else
- _this._stopListening$0();
- }
- if ((t1._dirtyFields & 1) !== 0 && (t1.__engine$_flags & 32) !== 0)
- t1.owner._oneTimePostUpdateCallbacks.push(new A.Tappable_update_closure0(element));
- },
- _stopListening$0() {
- var t1 = this._clickListener;
- if (t1 == null)
- return;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_removeEventListener(this.semanticsObject.element, "click", t1, null);
- this._clickListener = null;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._stopListening$0();
- this.semanticsObject.setAriaRole$2("button", false);
- }
- };
- A.Tappable_update_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.$this.semanticsObject;
- if (t1.owner._gestureMode !== B.GestureMode_1)
- return;
- t2 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- A.invoke3(t2._onSemanticsAction, t2._onSemanticsActionZone, t1.id, B.SemanticsAction_1, null);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.Tappable_update_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.element.focus();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy.prototype = {
- enable$3$onAction$onChange(_, inputConfig, onAction, onChange) {
- this.inputConfig = inputConfig;
- this.onChange = onChange;
- this.onAction = onAction;
- },
- activate$1(textField) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.activeTextField;
- if (t1 === textField)
- return;
- else if (t1 != null)
- _this.disable$0(0);
- _this.activeTextField = textField;
- _this.domElement = textField.editableElement;
- _this._syncStyle$0();
- t1 = _this.inputConfig;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this.onChange;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this.onAction;
- t3.toString;
- _this.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$enable(0, t1, t3, t2);
- },
- disable$0(_) {
- var t1, i, t2, _this = this;
- if (!_this.isEnabled)
- return;
- _this.isEnabled = false;
- _this.geometry = _this.style = null;
- for (t1 = _this.subscriptions, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) {
- t2 = t1[i];
- t2.target.removeEventListener(t2.type, t2.listener);
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(t1);
- _this.lastEditingState = null;
- t1 = _this.domElement;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.blur();
- _this._queuedStyle = _this.activeTextField = _this.domElement = null;
- },
- addEventHandlers$0() {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.autofillGroup;
- if (t1 != null)
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(_this.subscriptions, t1.addInputEventListeners$0());
- t1 = _this.subscriptions;
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this.get$handleChange();
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "input", t3));
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "keydown", _this.get$maybeSendAction()));
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(self.document, "selectionchange", t3));
- _this.preventDefaultForMouseEvents$0();
- },
- initializeTextEditing$3$onAction$onChange(inputConfig, onAction, onChange) {
- this.isEnabled = true;
- this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A = inputConfig;
- this.applyConfiguration$1(inputConfig);
- },
- placeElement$0() {
- this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- this.domElement.focus();
- },
- initializeElementPlacement$0() {
- },
- updateElementPlacement$1(textGeometry) {
- },
- updateElementStyle$1(textStyle) {
- this._queuedStyle = textStyle;
- this._syncStyle$0();
- },
- _syncStyle$0() {
- var t1 = this._queuedStyle;
- if (t1 == null || this.domElement == null)
- return;
- t1.toString;
- this.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$updateElementStyle(t1);
- }
- };
- A.TextField0.prototype = {
- _initializeEditableElement$0() {
- var t3, _this = this,
- _s12_ = "setAttribute",
- t1 = _this.semanticsObject,
- t2 = (t1.__engine$_flags & 524288) !== 0 ? A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "textarea") : A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "input");
- _this.editableElement = t2;
- t2.spellcheck = false;
- t3 = A.jsify("off");
- A.callMethod(t2, _s12_, ["autocorrect", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- t3 = A.jsify("off");
- A.callMethod(t2, _s12_, ["autocomplete", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- t3 = A.jsify("text-field");
- A.callMethod(t2, _s12_, ["data-semantics-role", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- t2 = _this.editableElement.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "top", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "left", "0");
- t3 = t1.__engine$_rect;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "width", A.S(t3.right - t3.left) + "px");
- t3 = t1.__engine$_rect;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "height", A.S(t3.bottom - t3.top) + "px");
- t3 = _this.editableElement;
- t3.toString;
- t1.element.append(t3);
- },
- _setupDomElement$0() {
- var t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- switch (t1.index) {
- case 0:
- case 2:
- this._initializeForBlink$0();
- break;
- case 1:
- this._initializeForWebkit$0();
- break;
- }
- },
- _initializeForBlink$0() {
- this._initializeEditableElement$0();
- var t1 = this.editableElement;
- t1.toString;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(t1, "focus", type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(new A.TextField__initializeForBlink_closure(this))), null);
- },
- _initializeForWebkit$0() {
- var t3,
- _s12_ = "setAttribute",
- t1 = {},
- t2 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- if (t2 === B.OperatingSystem_4) {
- this._initializeForBlink$0();
- return;
- }
- t2 = this.semanticsObject.element;
- t3 = A.jsify("textbox");
- A.callMethod(t2, _s12_, ["role", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- t3 = A.jsify("false");
- A.callMethod(t2, _s12_, ["contenteditable", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- t3 = A.jsify("0");
- A.callMethod(t2, _s12_, ["tabindex", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- t1.lastPointerDownOffsetY = t1.lastPointerDownOffsetX = null;
- t3 = type$.JavaScriptObject;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(t2, "pointerdown", t3._as(A.allowInterop(new A.TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure(t1))), true);
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(t2, "pointerup", t3._as(A.allowInterop(new A.TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure0(t1, this))), true);
- },
- _invokeIosWorkaround$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.editableElement != null)
- return;
- _this._initializeEditableElement$0();
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(_this.editableElement.style, "transform", "translate(-9999px, -9999px)");
- t1 = _this._positionInputElementTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._positionInputElementTimer = A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_100000, new A.TextField__invokeIosWorkaround_closure(_this));
- _this.editableElement.focus();
- _this.semanticsObject.element.removeAttribute("role");
- t1 = _this.editableElement;
- t1.toString;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(t1, "blur", type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(new A.TextField__invokeIosWorkaround_closure0(_this))), null);
- },
- update$0(_) {
- var t2, t3, element, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.editableElement;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1 = t1.style;
- t2 = _this.semanticsObject;
- t3 = t2.__engine$_rect;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "width", A.S(t3.right - t3.left) + "px");
- t3 = t2.__engine$_rect;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "height", A.S(t3.bottom - t3.top) + "px");
- if ((t2.__engine$_flags & 32) !== 0) {
- t1 = $._flutterViewEmbedder.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneShadow_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.get$activeElement(t1);
- t3 = _this.editableElement;
- t3.toString;
- if (!J.$eq$(t1, t3))
- t2.owner._oneTimePostUpdateCallbacks.push(new A.TextField_update_closure(_this));
- t1 = $.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy__instance;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.activate$1(_this);
- } else {
- t1 = $._flutterViewEmbedder.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneShadow_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.get$activeElement(t1);
- t2 = _this.editableElement;
- t2.toString;
- if (J.$eq$(t1, t2)) {
- t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1) {
- t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- t1 = t1 === B.OperatingSystem_0;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (!t1) {
- t1 = $.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy__instance;
- if (t1 != null)
- if (t1.activeTextField === _this)
- t1.disable$0(0);
- }
- _this.editableElement.blur();
- }
- }
- }
- element = _this.editableElement;
- if (element == null)
- element = _this.semanticsObject.element;
- t1 = _this.semanticsObject._label;
- if (t1 != null && t1.length !== 0) {
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.jsify(t1);
- A.callMethod(element, "setAttribute", ["aria-label", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- } else
- element.removeAttribute("aria-label");
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._positionInputElementTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._positionInputElementTimer = null;
- t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1) {
- t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- t1 = t1 === B.OperatingSystem_0;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (!t1) {
- t1 = _this.editableElement;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.remove();
- }
- t1 = $.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy__instance;
- if (t1 != null)
- if (t1.activeTextField === _this)
- t1.disable$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.TextField__initializeForBlink_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.$this.semanticsObject;
- if (t1.owner._gestureMode !== B.GestureMode_1)
- return;
- t2 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- A.invoke3(t2._onSemanticsAction, t2._onSemanticsActionZone, t1.id, B.SemanticsAction_1, null);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var t1 = this._box_0;
- t1.lastPointerDownOffsetX = $event.clientX;
- t1.lastPointerDownOffsetY = $event.clientY;
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.TextField__initializeForWebkit_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var deltaX, t3, deltaY,
- t1 = this._box_0,
- t2 = t1.lastPointerDownOffsetX;
- if (t2 != null) {
- deltaX = $event.clientX - t2;
- t2 = $event.clientY;
- t3 = t1.lastPointerDownOffsetY;
- t3.toString;
- deltaY = t2 - t3;
- if (deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY < 324) {
- t2 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- t3 = this.$this;
- A.invoke3(t2._onSemanticsAction, t2._onSemanticsActionZone, t3.semanticsObject.id, B.SemanticsAction_1, null);
- t3._invokeIosWorkaround$0();
- }
- }
- t1.lastPointerDownOffsetY = t1.lastPointerDownOffsetX = null;
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.TextField__invokeIosWorkaround_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.editableElement;
- if (t2 != null)
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2.style, "transform", "");
- t1._positionInputElementTimer = null;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.TextField__invokeIosWorkaround_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.semanticsObject.element,
- t3 = A.jsify("textbox");
- A.callMethod(t2, "setAttribute", ["role", t3 == null ? type$.Object._as(t3) : t3]);
- t1.editableElement.remove();
- t3 = $.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy__instance;
- if (t3 != null)
- if (t3.activeTextField === t1)
- t3.disable$0(0);
- t2.focus();
- t1.editableElement = null;
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.TextField_update_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.editableElement.focus();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._TypedDataBuffer.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return this.__engine$_length;
- },
- $index(_, index) {
- if (index >= this.__engine$_length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, this, null, null, null));
- return this.__engine$_buffer[index];
- },
- $indexSet(_, index, value) {
- if (index >= this.__engine$_length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, this, null, null, null));
- this.__engine$_buffer[index] = value;
- },
- set$length(_, newLength) {
- var t2, i, newBuffer, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__engine$_length;
- if (newLength < t1)
- for (t2 = _this.__engine$_buffer, i = newLength; i < t1; ++i)
- t2[i] = 0;
- else {
- t1 = _this.__engine$_buffer.length;
- if (newLength > t1) {
- if (t1 === 0)
- newBuffer = new Uint8Array(newLength);
- else
- newBuffer = _this._createBiggerBuffer$1(newLength);
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$3(newBuffer, 0, _this.__engine$_length, _this.__engine$_buffer);
- _this.__engine$_buffer = newBuffer;
- }
- }
- _this.__engine$_length = newLength;
- },
- __engine$_add$1(_, value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__engine$_length;
- if (t1 === _this.__engine$_buffer.length)
- _this.__engine$_grow$1(t1);
- _this.__engine$_buffer[_this.__engine$_length++] = value;
- },
- add$1(_, value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__engine$_length;
- if (t1 === _this.__engine$_buffer.length)
- _this.__engine$_grow$1(t1);
- _this.__engine$_buffer[_this.__engine$_length++] = value;
- },
- addAll$3(_, values, start, end) {
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(start, "start");
- if (end != null && start > end)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, null, "end", null));
- this.__engine$_addAll$3(values, start, end);
- },
- addAll$1($receiver, values) {
- return this.addAll$3($receiver, values, 0, null);
- },
- __engine$_addAll$3(values, start, end) {
- var t1, i, value, _this = this;
- if (A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("List<_TypedDataBuffer.E>")._is(values))
- end = end == null ? values.length : end;
- if (end != null) {
- _this._insertKnownLength$4(_this.__engine$_length, values, start, end);
- return;
- }
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(values), i = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- value = t1.get$current(t1);
- if (i >= start)
- _this.__engine$_add$1(0, value);
- ++i;
- }
- if (i < start)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Too few elements"));
- },
- _insertKnownLength$4(index, values, start, end) {
- var valuesLength, newLength, t2, _this = this,
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(values);
- if (start > t1.get$length(values) || end > t1.get$length(values))
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Too few elements"));
- valuesLength = end - start;
- newLength = _this.__engine$_length + valuesLength;
- _this._ensureCapacity$1(newLength);
- t1 = _this.__engine$_buffer;
- t2 = index + valuesLength;
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$4(t1, t2, _this.__engine$_length + valuesLength, t1, index);
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$4(_this.__engine$_buffer, index, t2, values, start);
- _this.__engine$_length = newLength;
- },
- _ensureCapacity$1(requiredCapacity) {
- var newBuffer, _this = this;
- if (requiredCapacity <= _this.__engine$_buffer.length)
- return;
- newBuffer = _this._createBiggerBuffer$1(requiredCapacity);
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$3(newBuffer, 0, _this.__engine$_length, _this.__engine$_buffer);
- _this.__engine$_buffer = newBuffer;
- },
- _createBiggerBuffer$1(requiredCapacity) {
- var newLength = this.__engine$_buffer.length * 2;
- if (requiredCapacity != null && newLength < requiredCapacity)
- newLength = requiredCapacity;
- else if (newLength < 8)
- newLength = 8;
- return new Uint8Array(newLength);
- },
- __engine$_grow$1($length) {
- var t1 = this._createBiggerBuffer$1(null);
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$3(t1, 0, $length, this.__engine$_buffer);
- this.__engine$_buffer = t1;
- },
- setRange$4(_, start, end, source, skipCount) {
- var t1 = this.__engine$_length;
- if (end > t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, 0, t1, null, null));
- t1 = this.__engine$_buffer;
- if (A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_TypedDataBuffer<_TypedDataBuffer.E>")._is(source))
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$4(t1, start, end, source.__engine$_buffer, skipCount);
- else
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$4(t1, start, end, source, skipCount);
- },
- setRange$3($receiver, start, end, source) {
- return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, source, 0);
- }
- };
- A._IntBuffer.prototype = {};
- A.Uint8Buffer.prototype = {};
- A.MethodCall.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this).toString$0(0) + "(" + this.method + ", " + A.S(this.$arguments) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.JSONMessageCodec.prototype = {
- encodeMessage$1(message) {
- return A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(B.C_Utf8Encoder.convert$1(B.C_JsonCodec.encode$1(message)).buffer, 0, null);
- },
- decodeMessage$1(message) {
- if (message == null)
- return message;
- return B.C_JsonCodec.decode$1(0, B.Utf8Decoder_false.convert$1(A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(message.buffer, 0, null)));
- }
- };
- A.JSONMethodCodec.prototype = {
- encodeMethodCall$1($call) {
- return B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["method", $call.method, "args", $call.$arguments], type$.String, type$.dynamic));
- },
- decodeMethodCall$1(methodCall) {
- var t1, method, $arguments, _null = null,
- decoded = B.C_JSONMessageCodec.decodeMessage$1(methodCall);
- if (!type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(decoded))
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Expected method call Map, got " + A.S(decoded), _null, _null));
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(decoded);
- method = t1.$index(decoded, "method");
- $arguments = t1.$index(decoded, "args");
- if (typeof method == "string")
- return new A.MethodCall(method, $arguments);
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid method call: " + A.S(decoded), _null, _null));
- }
- };
- A.StandardMessageCodec.prototype = {
- encodeMessage$1(message) {
- var buffer = A.WriteBuffer_WriteBuffer0();
- this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, true);
- return buffer.done$0();
- },
- decodeMessage$1(message) {
- var buffer, result;
- if (message == null)
- return null;
- buffer = new A.ReadBuffer0(message);
- result = this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- if (buffer.__engine$_position < message.byteLength)
- throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_oCg);
- return result;
- },
- writeValue$2(_, buffer, value) {
- var t1, t2, t3, bytes, _this = this;
- if (value == null)
- buffer.__engine$_buffer.__engine$_add$1(0, 0);
- else if (A._isBool(value)) {
- t1 = value ? 1 : 2;
- buffer.__engine$_buffer.__engine$_add$1(0, t1);
- } else if (typeof value == "number") {
- t1 = buffer.__engine$_buffer;
- t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 6);
- buffer.__engine$_alignTo$1(8);
- buffer.__engine$_eightBytes.setFloat64(0, value, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host());
- t1.addAll$1(0, buffer.__engine$_eightBytesAsList);
- } else if (A._isInt(value)) {
- t1 = -2147483648 <= value && value <= 2147483647;
- t2 = buffer.__engine$_buffer;
- t3 = buffer.__engine$_eightBytes;
- if (t1) {
- t2.__engine$_add$1(0, 3);
- t3.setInt32(0, value, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host());
- t2.addAll$3(0, buffer.__engine$_eightBytesAsList, 0, 4);
- } else {
- t2.__engine$_add$1(0, 4);
- B.NativeByteData_methods.setInt64$3(t3, 0, value, $.$get$Endian_host());
- }
- } else if (typeof value == "string") {
- t1 = buffer.__engine$_buffer;
- t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 7);
- bytes = B.C_Utf8Encoder.convert$1(value);
- _this.writeSize$2(buffer, bytes.length);
- t1.addAll$1(0, bytes);
- } else if (type$.Uint8List._is(value)) {
- t1 = buffer.__engine$_buffer;
- t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 8);
- _this.writeSize$2(buffer, value.length);
- t1.addAll$1(0, value);
- } else if (type$.Int32List._is(value)) {
- t1 = buffer.__engine$_buffer;
- t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 9);
- t2 = value.length;
- _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t2);
- buffer.__engine$_alignTo$1(4);
- t1.addAll$1(0, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, 4 * t2));
- } else if (type$.Float64List._is(value)) {
- t1 = buffer.__engine$_buffer;
- t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 11);
- t2 = value.length;
- _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t2);
- buffer.__engine$_alignTo$1(8);
- t1.addAll$1(0, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, 8 * t2));
- } else if (type$.List_dynamic._is(value)) {
- buffer.__engine$_buffer.__engine$_add$1(0, 12);
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(value);
- _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t1.get$length(value));
- for (t1 = t1.get$iterator(value); t1.moveNext$0();)
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, t1.get$current(t1));
- } else if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(value)) {
- buffer.__engine$_buffer.__engine$_add$1(0, 13);
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(value);
- _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t1.get$length(value));
- t1.forEach$1(value, new A.StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure0(_this, buffer));
- } else
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(value, null, null));
- },
- readValue$1(_, buffer) {
- if (buffer.__engine$_position >= buffer.data.byteLength)
- throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_oCg);
- return this.readValueOfType$2(buffer.getUint8$0(0), buffer);
- },
- readValueOfType$2(type, buffer) {
- var result, value, $length, t1, list, i, t2, t3, _this = this;
- switch (type) {
- case 0:
- result = null;
- break;
- case 1:
- result = true;
- break;
- case 2:
- result = false;
- break;
- case 3:
- value = buffer.data.getInt32(buffer.__engine$_position, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host());
- buffer.__engine$_position += 4;
- result = value;
- break;
- case 4:
- result = buffer.getInt64$0(0);
- break;
- case 5:
- $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer);
- result = A.int_parse(B.Utf8Decoder_false.convert$1(buffer.getUint8List$1($length)), 16);
- break;
- case 6:
- buffer.__engine$_alignTo$1(8);
- value = buffer.data.getFloat64(buffer.__engine$_position, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host());
- buffer.__engine$_position += 8;
- result = value;
- break;
- case 7:
- $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer);
- result = B.Utf8Decoder_false.convert$1(buffer.getUint8List$1($length));
- break;
- case 8:
- result = buffer.getUint8List$1(_this.readSize$1(buffer));
- break;
- case 9:
- $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer);
- buffer.__engine$_alignTo$1(4);
- t1 = buffer.data;
- list = A.NativeInt32List_NativeInt32List$view(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + buffer.__engine$_position, $length);
- buffer.__engine$_position = buffer.__engine$_position + 4 * $length;
- result = list;
- break;
- case 10:
- result = buffer.getInt64List$1(_this.readSize$1(buffer));
- break;
- case 11:
- $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer);
- buffer.__engine$_alignTo$1(8);
- t1 = buffer.data;
- list = A.NativeFloat64List_NativeFloat64List$view(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + buffer.__engine$_position, $length);
- buffer.__engine$_position = buffer.__engine$_position + 8 * $length;
- result = list;
- break;
- case 12:
- $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer);
- result = [];
- for (t1 = buffer.data, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- t2 = buffer.__engine$_position;
- if (t2 >= t1.byteLength)
- A.throwExpression(B.FormatException_oCg);
- buffer.__engine$_position = t2 + 1;
- result.push(_this.readValueOfType$2(t1.getUint8(t2), buffer));
- }
- break;
- case 13:
- $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer);
- t1 = type$.dynamic;
- result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
- for (t1 = buffer.data, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- t2 = buffer.__engine$_position;
- if (t2 >= t1.byteLength)
- A.throwExpression(B.FormatException_oCg);
- buffer.__engine$_position = t2 + 1;
- t2 = _this.readValueOfType$2(t1.getUint8(t2), buffer);
- t3 = buffer.__engine$_position;
- if (t3 >= t1.byteLength)
- A.throwExpression(B.FormatException_oCg);
- buffer.__engine$_position = t3 + 1;
- result.$indexSet(0, t2, _this.readValueOfType$2(t1.getUint8(t3), buffer));
- }
- break;
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_oCg);
- }
- return result;
- },
- writeSize$2(buffer, value) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- if (value < 254)
- buffer.__engine$_buffer.__engine$_add$1(0, value);
- else {
- t1 = buffer.__engine$_buffer;
- t2 = buffer.__engine$_eightBytes;
- t3 = buffer.__engine$_eightBytesAsList;
- if (value <= 65535) {
- t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 254);
- t2.setUint16(0, value, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host());
- t1.addAll$3(0, t3, 0, 2);
- } else {
- t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 255);
- t2.setUint32(0, value, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host());
- t1.addAll$3(0, t3, 0, 4);
- }
- }
- },
- readSize$1(buffer) {
- var value = buffer.getUint8$0(0);
- switch (value) {
- case 254:
- value = buffer.data.getUint16(buffer.__engine$_position, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host());
- buffer.__engine$_position += 2;
- return value;
- case 255:
- value = buffer.data.getUint32(buffer.__engine$_position, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host());
- buffer.__engine$_position += 4;
- return value;
- default:
- return value;
- }
- }
- };
- A.StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure0.prototype = {
- call$2(key, value) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = this.buffer;
- t1.writeValue$2(0, t2, key);
- t1.writeValue$2(0, t2, value);
- },
- $signature: 73
- };
- A.StandardMethodCodec.prototype = {
- decodeMethodCall$1(methodCall) {
- var buffer, method, $arguments;
- methodCall.toString;
- buffer = new A.ReadBuffer0(methodCall);
- method = B.C_StandardMessageCodec0.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- $arguments = B.C_StandardMessageCodec0.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- if (typeof method == "string" && buffer.__engine$_position >= methodCall.byteLength)
- return new A.MethodCall(method, $arguments);
- else
- throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_Qi2);
- },
- encodeSuccessEnvelope$1(result) {
- var buffer = A.WriteBuffer_WriteBuffer0();
- buffer.__engine$_buffer.__engine$_add$1(0, 0);
- B.C_StandardMessageCodec0.writeValue$2(0, buffer, result);
- return buffer.done$0();
- },
- encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message(code, details, message) {
- var buffer = A.WriteBuffer_WriteBuffer0();
- buffer.__engine$_buffer.__engine$_add$1(0, 1);
- B.C_StandardMessageCodec0.writeValue$2(0, buffer, code);
- B.C_StandardMessageCodec0.writeValue$2(0, buffer, message);
- B.C_StandardMessageCodec0.writeValue$2(0, buffer, details);
- return buffer.done$0();
- }
- };
- A.WriteBuffer0.prototype = {
- __engine$_alignTo$1(alignment) {
- var t2, i,
- t1 = this.__engine$_buffer,
- mod = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t1.__engine$_length, alignment);
- if (mod !== 0)
- for (t2 = alignment - mod, i = 0; i < t2; ++i)
- t1.__engine$_add$1(0, 0);
- },
- done$0() {
- var t1, t2;
- this._debugFinalized = true;
- t1 = this.__engine$_buffer;
- t2 = t1.__engine$_buffer;
- return A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(t2.buffer, 0, t1.__engine$_length * t2.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
- }
- };
- A.ReadBuffer0.prototype = {
- getUint8$0(_) {
- return this.data.getUint8(this.__engine$_position++);
- },
- getInt64$0(_) {
- B.NativeByteData_methods.getInt64$2(this.data, this.__engine$_position, $.$get$Endian_host());
- },
- getUint8List$1($length) {
- var t1 = this.data,
- list = A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + this.__engine$_position, $length);
- this.__engine$_position += $length;
- return list;
- },
- getInt64List$1($length) {
- var t1;
- this.__engine$_alignTo$1(8);
- t1 = this.data;
- B.NativeByteBuffer_methods.asInt64List$2(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + this.__engine$_position, $length);
- },
- __engine$_alignTo$1(alignment) {
- var t1 = this.__engine$_position,
- mod = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t1, alignment);
- if (mod !== 0)
- this.__engine$_position = t1 + (alignment - mod);
- }
- };
- A.SurfaceShadowData.prototype = {};
- A.CanvasParagraph.prototype = {
- get$width(_) {
- return this.get$_layoutService().width;
- },
- get$height(_) {
- return this.get$_layoutService().height;
- },
- get$longestLine() {
- var t1 = this.get$_layoutService().longestLine;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.lineMetrics.width;
- return t1 == null ? 0 : t1;
- },
- get$minIntrinsicWidth() {
- return this.get$_layoutService().minIntrinsicWidth;
- },
- get$maxIntrinsicWidth() {
- return this.get$_layoutService().maxIntrinsicWidth;
- },
- get$alphabeticBaseline(_) {
- return this.get$_layoutService().alphabeticBaseline;
- },
- get$ideographicBaseline(_) {
- return this.get$_layoutService().ideographicBaseline;
- },
- get$didExceedMaxLines() {
- return this.get$_layoutService().didExceedMaxLines;
- },
- get$_layoutService() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ParagraphLine);
- _this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService_FI = new A.TextLayoutService(_this, t1, B.Rect_0_0_0_0);
- }
- return value;
- },
- layout$1(constraints) {
- var _this = this;
- constraints = new A.ParagraphConstraints(Math.floor(constraints.width));
- if (constraints.$eq(0, _this._lastUsedConstraints))
- return;
- A._Cell$named("stopwatch");
- _this.get$_layoutService().performLayout$1(constraints);
- _this.isLaidOut = true;
- _this._lastUsedConstraints = constraints;
- _this._cachedDomElement = null;
- },
- toDomElement$0() {
- var t1,
- domElement = this._cachedDomElement;
- if (domElement == null) {
- t1 = this._cachedDomElement = this._createDomElement$0();
- return t1;
- }
- return domElement.cloneNode(true);
- },
- _createDomElement$0() {
- var t2, i, value, t3, result, value0, t4, _i, fragment, text, spanElement, t5, t6, t7, t8, color, strokeWidth, adaptedWidth, background, fontSize, updateDecoration, shadows, t9, textDecoration, decorationColor, fontVariations, _this = this, _null = null,
- rootElement = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-paragraph"),
- t1 = rootElement.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "white-space", "pre");
- t1 = type$.Object;
- t2 = type$.JSArray_ParagraphLine;
- i = 0;
- while (true) {
- value = _this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t3 = A._setArrayType([], t2);
- _this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- result = _this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService_FI = new A.TextLayoutService(_this, t3, B.Rect_0_0_0_0);
- value0 = result;
- value = value0;
- } else
- value0 = value;
- if (!(i < value.lines.length))
- break;
- if (value0 === $) {
- t3 = A._setArrayType([], t2);
- _this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService_FI = new A.TextLayoutService(_this, t3, B.Rect_0_0_0_0);
- } else
- value = value0;
- for (t3 = value.lines[i].fragments, t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
- fragment = t3[_i];
- if (fragment.get$isPlaceholder())
- continue;
- text = fragment.getText$1(_this);
- if (text.length === 0)
- continue;
- spanElement = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-span");
- if (fragment.__engine$_textDirection === B.TextDirection_0) {
- t5 = A.jsify("rtl");
- spanElement.setAttribute.apply(spanElement, ["dir", t5 == null ? t1._as(t5) : t5]);
- }
- t5 = fragment.span;
- t5 = t5.get$style(t5);
- t6 = spanElement.style;
- t7 = t5.foreground;
- t8 = t7 == null;
- color = t8 ? _null : t7.get$color(t7);
- if (color == null)
- color = t5.color;
- if ((t8 ? _null : t7.get$style(t7)) === B.PaintingStyle_1) {
- t6.setProperty("color", "transparent", "");
- strokeWidth = t8 ? _null : t7.get$strokeWidth();
- if (strokeWidth != null && strokeWidth > 0)
- adaptedWidth = strokeWidth;
- else {
- t7 = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t7 == null) {
- t7 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t7 === 0)
- t7 = 1;
- }
- adaptedWidth = 1 / t7;
- }
- t7 = A.colorToCssString(color);
- t6.setProperty("-webkit-text-stroke", A.S(adaptedWidth) + "px " + A.S(t7), "");
- } else if (color != null) {
- t7 = A.colorToCssString(color);
- t7.toString;
- t6.setProperty("color", t7, "");
- }
- t7 = t5.background;
- background = t7 == null ? _null : t7.get$color(t7);
- if (background != null) {
- t7 = A.colorToCssString(background);
- t7.toString;
- t6.setProperty("background-color", t7, "");
- }
- fontSize = t5.fontSize;
- if (fontSize != null) {
- t7 = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(fontSize);
- t6.setProperty("font-size", "" + t7 + "px", "");
- }
- t7 = t5.fontWeight;
- if (t7 != null) {
- t7 = A.fontWeightToCss(t7);
- t7.toString;
- t6.setProperty("font-weight", t7, "");
- }
- t7 = t5.fontStyle;
- if (t7 != null) {
- t7 = t7 === B.FontStyle_0 ? "normal" : "italic";
- t6.setProperty("font-style", t7, "");
- }
- t7 = A.canonicalizeFontFamily(t5.fontFamily);
- t7.toString;
- t6.setProperty("font-family", t7, "");
- t7 = t5.letterSpacing;
- if (t7 != null)
- t6.setProperty("letter-spacing", A.S(t7) + "px", "");
- t7 = t5.wordSpacing;
- if (t7 != null)
- t6.setProperty("word-spacing", A.S(t7) + "px", "");
- t7 = t5.decoration;
- t8 = t7 != null;
- updateDecoration = t8 && true;
- shadows = t5.shadows;
- if (shadows != null) {
- t9 = A._shadowListToCss(shadows);
- t6.setProperty("text-shadow", t9, "");
- }
- if (updateDecoration)
- if (t8) {
- t8 = t5.decorationStyle;
- t7 = t7._mask;
- t9 = (t7 | 1) === t7 ? "" + "underline " : "";
- if ((t7 | 2) === t7)
- t9 += "overline ";
- t7 = (t7 | 4) === t7 ? t9 + "line-through " : t9;
- if (t8 != null)
- t7 += A.S(A._decorationStyleToCssString(t8));
- textDecoration = t7.length === 0 ? _null : t7.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t7 : t7;
- if (textDecoration != null) {
- t7 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t7 === B.BrowserEngine_1) {
- t7 = spanElement.style;
- t7.setProperty("-webkit-text-decoration", textDecoration, "");
- } else
- t6.setProperty("text-decoration", textDecoration, "");
- decorationColor = t5.decorationColor;
- if (decorationColor != null) {
- t7 = A.colorToCssString(decorationColor);
- t7.toString;
- t6.setProperty("text-decoration-color", t7, "");
- }
- }
- }
- fontVariations = t5.fontVariations;
- if (fontVariations != null && fontVariations.length !== 0) {
- t5 = A._fontVariationListToCss(fontVariations);
- t6.setProperty("font-variation-settings", t5, "");
- }
- t5 = fragment.toPaintingTextBox$0();
- t6 = t5.left;
- t7 = t5.top;
- t8 = spanElement.style;
- t8.setProperty("position", "absolute", "");
- t8.setProperty("top", A.S(t7) + "px", "");
- t8.setProperty("left", A.S(t6) + "px", "");
- t8.setProperty("width", A.S(t5.right - t6) + "px", "");
- t8.setProperty("line-height", A.S(t5.bottom - t7) + "px", "");
- spanElement.append(self.document.createTextNode(text));
- rootElement.append(spanElement);
- }
- ++i;
- }
- return rootElement;
- },
- getBoxesForPlaceholders$0() {
- return this.get$_layoutService().getBoxesForPlaceholders$0();
- },
- getBoxesForRange$4$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle(start, end, boxHeightStyle, boxWidthStyle) {
- return this.get$_layoutService().getBoxesForRange$4(start, end, boxHeightStyle, boxWidthStyle);
- },
- getBoxesForRange$3$boxHeightStyle(start, end, boxHeightStyle) {
- return this.getBoxesForRange$4$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle(start, end, boxHeightStyle, B.BoxWidthStyle_0);
- },
- getPositionForOffset$1(offset) {
- return this.get$_layoutService().getPositionForOffset$1(offset);
- },
- getWordBoundary$1(position) {
- var characterPosition, t1;
- switch (position.affinity.index) {
- case 0:
- characterPosition = position.offset - 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- characterPosition = position.offset;
- break;
- default:
- characterPosition = null;
- }
- t1 = this.__CanvasParagraph_plainText_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return new A.TextRange(A.WordBreaker__findBreakIndex(B._FindBreakDirection_m1_1_backward, t1, characterPosition + 1), A.WordBreaker__findBreakIndex(B._FindBreakDirection_1_0_forward, t1, characterPosition));
- },
- getLineBoundary$1(position) {
- var value, t2, result, value0, line, _this = this,
- index = position.offset,
- t1 = type$.JSArray_ParagraphLine,
- i = 0;
- while (true) {
- value = _this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- _this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- result = _this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService_FI = new A.TextLayoutService(_this, t2, B.Rect_0_0_0_0);
- value0 = result;
- value = value0;
- } else
- value0 = value;
- if (!(i < value.lines.length - 1))
- break;
- if (value0 === $) {
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- _this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.__CanvasParagraph__layoutService_FI = new A.TextLayoutService(_this, t2, B.Rect_0_0_0_0);
- } else
- value = value0;
- line = value.lines[i];
- if (index >= line.startIndex && index < line.endIndex)
- break;
- ++i;
- }
- line = _this.get$_layoutService().lines[i];
- return new A.TextRange(line.startIndex, line.endIndex - line.trailingNewlines);
- },
- computeLineMetrics$0() {
- var t1 = this.get$_layoutService().lines,
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,EngineLineMetrics>");
- return A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.CanvasParagraph_computeLineMetrics_closure(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._disposed = true;
- }
- };
- A.CanvasParagraph_computeLineMetrics_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(line) {
- return line.lineMetrics;
- },
- $signature: 626
- };
- A.ParagraphSpan.prototype = {
- get$style(receiver) {
- return this.style;
- },
- get$end(receiver) {
- return this.end;
- }
- };
- A.PlaceholderSpan.prototype = {$isParagraphSpan: 1,
- get$style(receiver) {
- return this.style;
- },
- get$end(receiver) {
- return this.end;
- }
- };
- A.StyleNode.prototype = {
- resolveStyle$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, _this = this,
- style = _this._cachedStyle;
- if (style == null) {
- t1 = _this.get$_color(_this);
- t2 = _this.get$_decoration();
- t3 = _this.get$_decorationColor();
- t4 = _this.get$_decorationStyle();
- t5 = _this.get$_decorationThickness();
- t6 = _this.get$_fontWeight(_this);
- t7 = _this.get$_fontStyle(_this);
- t8 = _this.get$_textBaseline();
- t9 = _this.get$_fontFamily(_this);
- t10 = _this.get$_fontFamilyFallback();
- t11 = _this.get$_fontFeatures();
- t12 = _this.get$_fontVariations();
- t13 = _this.get$_fontSize(_this);
- t14 = _this.get$_letterSpacing(_this);
- t15 = _this.get$_wordSpacing(_this);
- t16 = _this.get$__engine$_height(_this);
- t17 = _this.get$_locale();
- t15 = _this._cachedStyle = A.EngineTextStyle$only(_this.get$_background(_this), t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t9, t10, t11, t13, t7, t12, t6, _this.get$_foreground(), t16, t14, t17, _this.get$_shadows(), t8, t15);
- return t15;
- }
- return style;
- }
- };
- A.ChildStyleNode.prototype = {
- get$_color(_) {
- var t1 = this.style.color;
- if (t1 == null)
- if (this.get$_foreground() == null) {
- t1 = this.parent;
- t1 = t1.get$_color(t1);
- } else
- t1 = null;
- return t1;
- },
- get$_decoration() {
- var t1 = this.style.decoration;
- return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_decoration() : t1;
- },
- get$_decorationColor() {
- var t1 = this.style.decorationColor;
- return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_decorationColor() : t1;
- },
- get$_decorationStyle() {
- var t1 = this.style.decorationStyle;
- return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_decorationStyle() : t1;
- },
- get$_decorationThickness() {
- var t1 = this.style.decorationThickness;
- return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_decorationThickness() : t1;
- },
- get$_fontWeight(_) {
- var t1 = this.style.fontWeight;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this.parent;
- t1 = t1.get$_fontWeight(t1);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$_fontStyle(_) {
- var t1 = this.style.fontStyle;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this.parent;
- t1 = t1.get$_fontStyle(t1);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$_textBaseline() {
- var t1 = this.style.textBaseline;
- return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_textBaseline() : t1;
- },
- get$_fontFamilyFallback() {
- var t1 = this.style.fontFamilyFallback;
- return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_fontFamilyFallback() : t1;
- },
- get$_fontFeatures() {
- var t1 = this.parent.get$_fontFeatures();
- return t1;
- },
- get$_fontVariations() {
- var t1 = this.style.fontVariations;
- return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_fontVariations() : t1;
- },
- get$_fontSize(_) {
- var t1 = this.style.fontSize;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this.parent;
- t1 = t1.get$_fontSize(t1);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$_letterSpacing(_) {
- var t1 = this.style.letterSpacing;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this.parent;
- t1 = t1.get$_letterSpacing(t1);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$_wordSpacing(_) {
- var t1 = this.style.wordSpacing;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this.parent;
- t1 = t1.get$_wordSpacing(t1);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$__engine$_height(_) {
- var t1 = this.style.height;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this.parent;
- t1 = t1.get$__engine$_height(t1);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$_locale() {
- var t1 = this.style.locale;
- return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_locale() : t1;
- },
- get$_background(_) {
- var t1 = this.style.background;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this.parent;
- t1 = t1.get$_background(t1);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$_foreground() {
- var t1 = this.style.foreground;
- return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_foreground() : t1;
- },
- get$_shadows() {
- var t1 = this.style.shadows;
- return t1 == null ? this.parent.get$_shadows() : t1;
- },
- get$_fontFamily(_) {
- var t1 = this.style;
- if (t1.isFontFamilyProvided)
- t1 = t1.fontFamily;
- else {
- t1 = this.parent;
- t1 = t1.get$_fontFamily(t1);
- }
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.RootStyleNode.prototype = {
- get$_decoration() {
- return null;
- },
- get$_decorationColor() {
- return null;
- },
- get$_decorationStyle() {
- return null;
- },
- get$_decorationThickness() {
- return null;
- },
- get$_fontWeight(_) {
- return this.paragraphStyle.fontWeight;
- },
- get$_fontStyle(_) {
- return this.paragraphStyle.fontStyle;
- },
- get$_textBaseline() {
- return null;
- },
- get$_fontFamily(_) {
- var t1 = this.paragraphStyle.fontFamily;
- return t1 == null ? "sans-serif" : t1;
- },
- get$_fontFamilyFallback() {
- return null;
- },
- get$_fontFeatures() {
- return null;
- },
- get$_fontVariations() {
- return null;
- },
- get$_fontSize(_) {
- var t1 = this.paragraphStyle.fontSize;
- return t1 == null ? 14 : t1;
- },
- get$_letterSpacing(_) {
- return null;
- },
- get$_wordSpacing(_) {
- return null;
- },
- get$__engine$_height(_) {
- return this.paragraphStyle.height;
- },
- get$_locale() {
- return this.paragraphStyle.locale;
- },
- get$_background(_) {
- return null;
- },
- get$_foreground() {
- return null;
- },
- get$_shadows() {
- return null;
- },
- get$_color() {
- return B.Color_4294901760;
- }
- };
- A.CanvasParagraphBuilder.prototype = {
- get$_currentStyleNode() {
- var t1 = this._styleStack,
- t2 = t1.length;
- return t2 === 0 ? this._rootStyleNode : t1[t2 - 1];
- },
- get$placeholderCount() {
- return this._placeholderCount;
- },
- get$placeholderScales() {
- return this._placeholderScales;
- },
- addPlaceholder$6$baseline$baselineOffset$scale(width, height, alignment, baseline, baselineOffset, scale) {
- var style, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._plainTextBuffer,
- t2 = t1._contents,
- t3 = t2 + A.S($.$get$placeholderChar());
- t1._contents = t3;
- style = _this.get$_currentStyleNode().resolveStyle$0();
- _this._updateCanDrawOnCanvas$1(style);
- ++_this._placeholderCount;
- _this._placeholderScales.push(scale);
- t1 = baselineOffset == null ? height : baselineOffset;
- _this._spans.push(new A.PlaceholderSpan(style, t2.length, t3.length, width * scale, height * scale, alignment, t1 * scale));
- },
- addPlaceholder$4$scale(width, height, alignment, scale) {
- return this.addPlaceholder$6$baseline$baselineOffset$scale(width, height, alignment, null, null, scale);
- },
- pushStyle$1(style) {
- this._styleStack.push(new A.ChildStyleNode(this.get$_currentStyleNode(), type$.EngineTextStyle._as(style)));
- },
- pop$0() {
- var t1 = this._styleStack;
- if (t1.length !== 0)
- t1.pop();
- },
- addText$1(text) {
- var style, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._plainTextBuffer,
- t2 = t1._contents,
- t3 = t2 + text;
- t1._contents = t3;
- style = _this.get$_currentStyleNode().resolveStyle$0();
- _this._updateCanDrawOnCanvas$1(style);
- _this._spans.push(new A.ParagraphSpan(style, t2.length, t3.length));
- },
- _updateCanDrawOnCanvas$1(style) {
- var decoration, t1, fontVariations;
- if (!this._canDrawOnCanvas)
- return;
- decoration = style.decoration;
- if (decoration != null) {
- t1 = decoration._mask;
- t1 = B.TextDecoration_0._mask !== t1;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- this._canDrawOnCanvas = false;
- return;
- }
- fontVariations = style.fontVariations;
- if (fontVariations != null && fontVariations.length !== 0) {
- this._canDrawOnCanvas = false;
- return;
- }
- },
- build$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._spans;
- if (t1.length === 0)
- t1.push(new A.ParagraphSpan(_this._rootStyleNode.resolveStyle$0(), 0, 0));
- t2 = _this._plainTextBuffer._contents;
- return new A.CanvasParagraph(t1, _this._paragraphStyle, t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2, _this._canDrawOnCanvas);
- }
- };
- A.HtmlFontCollection.prototype = {
- downloadAssetFonts$1(assetManager) {
- return this.downloadAssetFonts$body$HtmlFontCollection(assetManager);
- },
- downloadAssetFonts$body$HtmlFontCollection(assetManager) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, fontManifest, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, family, t8, t9, asset, descriptors, t10, t11, response, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
- var $async$downloadAssetFonts$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.httpFetch(assetManager.getAssetUrl$1("FontManifest.json")), $async$downloadAssetFonts$1);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- response = $async$result;
- if (!response.get$hasPayload()) {
- $.$get$printWarning().call$1("Font manifest does not exist at `" + response.url + "` - ignoring.");
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- $async$temp1 = type$.nullable_List_dynamic;
- $async$temp2 = B.C_JsonCodec;
- $async$temp3 = B.C_Utf8Codec;
- $async$goto = 4;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.HttpFetchResponseExtension_asUint8List(response), $async$downloadAssetFonts$1);
- case 4:
- // returning from await.
- fontManifest = $async$temp1._as($async$temp2.decode$1(0, $async$temp3.decode$1(0, $async$result)));
- if (fontManifest == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.AssertionError$("There was a problem trying to load FontManifest.json"));
- $async$self._assetFontManager = new A.FontManager(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Future_nullable_JavaScriptObject), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_JavaScriptObject));
- for (t1 = type$.Map_String_dynamic, t2 = J.cast$1$0$ax(fontManifest, t1), t3 = A._instanceType(t2), t2 = new A.ListIterator(t2, t2.get$length(t2), t3._eval$1("ListIterator")), t4 = type$.String, t5 = type$.List_dynamic, t3 = t3._eval$1("ListBase.E"); t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t6 = t2.__internal$_current;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = t3._as(t6);
- t7 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t6);
- family = A._asStringQ(t7.$index(t6, "family"));
- t6 = J.cast$1$0$ax(t5._as(t7.$index(t6, "fonts")), t1);
- for (t7 = t6.$ti, t6 = new A.ListIterator(t6, t6.get$length(t6), t7._eval$1("ListIterator")), t7 = t7._eval$1("ListBase.E"); t6.moveNext$0();) {
- t8 = t6.__internal$_current;
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = t7._as(t8);
- t9 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t8);
- asset = A._asString(t9.$index(t8, "asset"));
- descriptors = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t4);
- for (t10 = J.get$iterator$ax(t9.get$keys(t8)); t10.moveNext$0();) {
- t11 = t10.get$current(t10);
- if (t11 !== "asset")
- descriptors.$indexSet(0, t11, A.S(t9.$index(t8, t11)));
- }
- t8 = $async$self._assetFontManager;
- t8.toString;
- family.toString;
- t9 = "url(" + assetManager.getAssetUrl$1(asset) + ")";
- t10 = $.$get$FontManager_startWithDigit()._nativeRegExp;
- if (t10.test(family) || $.$get$FontManager_notPunctuation().stringMatch$1(family) !== family)
- t8._loadFontFace$3("'" + family + "'", t9, descriptors);
- t8._loadFontFace$3(family, t9, descriptors);
- }
- }
- $async$goto = 5;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self._assetFontManager.downloadAllFonts$0(), $async$downloadAssetFonts$1);
- case 5:
- // returning from await.
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$downloadAssetFonts$1, $async$completer);
- },
- registerDownloadedFonts$0() {
- var t1 = this._assetFontManager;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.registerDownloadedFonts$0();
- t1 = this._testFontManager;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.registerDownloadedFonts$0();
- },
- clear$0(_) {
- this._testFontManager = this._assetFontManager = null;
- self.document.fonts.clear();
- }
- };
- A.FontManager.prototype = {
- _loadFontFace$3(family, asset, descriptors) {
- var fontFace, e, exception,
- fontFaceLoad = new A.FontManager__loadFontFace_fontFaceLoad(family);
- try {
- fontFace = A.createDomFontFace(family, asset, descriptors);
- this._fontLoadingFutures.push(fontFaceLoad.call$1(fontFace));
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- $.$get$printWarning().call$1('Error while loading font family "' + family + '":\n' + A.S(e));
- }
- },
- registerDownloadedFonts$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._downloadedFonts;
- if (t1.length === 0)
- return;
- t2 = self.document.fonts;
- t2.toString;
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(t1, A.DomFontFaceSetExtension_get_add(t2));
- },
- downloadAllFonts$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
- var $async$downloadAllFonts$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$temp1 = B.JSArray_methods;
- $async$temp2 = $async$self._downloadedFonts;
- $async$temp3 = J;
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.Future_wait($async$self._fontLoadingFutures, type$.nullable_JavaScriptObject), $async$downloadAllFonts$0);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- $async$temp1.addAll$1($async$temp2, $async$temp3.whereType$1$0$ax($async$result, type$.JavaScriptObject));
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$downloadAllFonts$0, $async$completer);
- }
- };
- A.FontManager__loadFontFace_fontFaceLoad.prototype = {
- $call$body$FontManager__loadFontFace_fontFaceLoad(fontFace) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_JavaScriptObject),
- $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$self = this, loadedFontFace, e, exception, $async$exception;
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$handler = 4;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.promiseToFuture(fontFace.load(), type$.JavaScriptObject), $async$call$1);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- loadedFontFace = $async$result;
- $async$returnValue = loadedFontFace;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- $async$handler = 2;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 4:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$exception = $async$currentError;
- e = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
- $.$get$printWarning().call$1('Error while trying to load font family "' + $async$self.family + '":\n' + A.S(e));
- $async$returnValue = null;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 3:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 6:
- // after finally
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- case 2:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- call$1(fontFace) {
- return this.$call$body$FontManager__loadFontFace_fontFaceLoad(fontFace);
- },
- $signature: 625
- };
- A.TextFragmenter.prototype = {};
- A.TextFragment.prototype = {};
- A.LayoutFragmenter.prototype = {
- fragment$0() {
- var bidiFragments, t4, spans, currentLineBreakFragment, currentBidiFragment, currentSpan, fragmentStart, t5, fragmentEnd, distanceFromLineBreak, lineBreakType, fragmentLength, moved,
- fragments = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LayoutFragment),
- t1 = this.text,
- t2 = A.LineBreakFragmenter_LineBreakFragmenter(t1).fragment$0(),
- t3 = A._arrayInstanceType(t2),
- lineBreakFragments = new J.ArrayIterator(t2, t2.length, t3._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
- lineBreakFragments.moveNext$0();
- t1 = A._computeBidiFragments(t1);
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
- bidiFragments = new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, t2._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
- bidiFragments.moveNext$0();
- t1 = this.paragraphSpans;
- t4 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
- spans = new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, t4._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
- spans.moveNext$0();
- currentLineBreakFragment = lineBreakFragments.__interceptors$_current;
- if (currentLineBreakFragment == null)
- currentLineBreakFragment = t3._precomputed1._as(currentLineBreakFragment);
- currentBidiFragment = bidiFragments.__interceptors$_current;
- if (currentBidiFragment == null)
- currentBidiFragment = t2._precomputed1._as(currentBidiFragment);
- currentSpan = spans.__interceptors$_current;
- if (currentSpan == null)
- currentSpan = t4._precomputed1._as(currentSpan);
- for (t1 = t3._precomputed1, t2 = t2._precomputed1, t4 = t4._precomputed1, fragmentStart = 0; true; fragmentStart = fragmentEnd) {
- t3 = currentLineBreakFragment.end;
- t5 = currentBidiFragment.end;
- fragmentEnd = Math.min(t3, Math.min(t5, currentSpan.get$end(currentSpan)));
- distanceFromLineBreak = t3 - fragmentEnd;
- lineBreakType = distanceFromLineBreak === 0 ? currentLineBreakFragment.type : B.LineBreakType_1;
- fragmentLength = fragmentEnd - fragmentStart;
- fragments.push(A.LayoutFragment$(fragmentStart, fragmentEnd, lineBreakType, currentBidiFragment.textDirection, currentBidiFragment.fragmentFlow, currentSpan, A.clampInt(currentLineBreakFragment.trailingNewlines - distanceFromLineBreak, 0, fragmentLength), A.clampInt(currentLineBreakFragment.trailingSpaces - distanceFromLineBreak, 0, fragmentLength)));
- if (t3 === fragmentEnd)
- if (lineBreakFragments.moveNext$0()) {
- currentLineBreakFragment = lineBreakFragments.__interceptors$_current;
- if (currentLineBreakFragment == null)
- currentLineBreakFragment = t1._as(currentLineBreakFragment);
- moved = true;
- } else
- moved = false;
- else
- moved = false;
- if (t5 === fragmentEnd)
- if (bidiFragments.moveNext$0()) {
- currentBidiFragment = bidiFragments.__interceptors$_current;
- if (currentBidiFragment == null)
- currentBidiFragment = t2._as(currentBidiFragment);
- moved = true;
- }
- if (currentSpan.get$end(currentSpan) === fragmentEnd)
- if (spans.moveNext$0()) {
- currentSpan = spans.__interceptors$_current;
- if (currentSpan == null)
- currentSpan = t4._as(currentSpan);
- moved = true;
- }
- if (!moved)
- break;
- }
- return fragments;
- }
- };
- A._CombinedFragment.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.start, _this.end, _this.type, _this.__engine$_textDirection, _this.fragmentFlow, _this.span, _this.trailingNewlines, _this.trailingSpaces, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.LayoutFragment && other.start === _this.start && other.end === _this.end && other.type === _this.type && other.__engine$_textDirection == _this.__engine$_textDirection && other.fragmentFlow === _this.fragmentFlow && other.span === _this.span && other.trailingNewlines === _this.trailingNewlines && other.trailingSpaces === _this.trailingSpaces;
- }
- };
- A.LayoutFragment.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return this.end - this.start;
- },
- get$isSpaceOnly() {
- return this.end - this.start === this.trailingSpaces;
- },
- get$isPlaceholder() {
- return this.span instanceof A.PlaceholderSpan;
- },
- getText$1(paragraph) {
- var t1 = paragraph.__CanvasParagraph_plainText_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, this.start, this.end - this.trailingNewlines);
- },
- split$1(_, index) {
- var t2, secondLength, t3, secondTrailingNewlines, t4, secondTrailingSpaces, t5, t6, t7, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.start;
- if (t1 === index)
- return A._setArrayType([null, _this], type$.JSArray_nullable_LayoutFragment);
- t2 = _this.end;
- if (t2 === index)
- return A._setArrayType([_this, null], type$.JSArray_nullable_LayoutFragment);
- secondLength = t2 - index;
- t3 = _this.trailingNewlines;
- secondTrailingNewlines = Math.min(t3, secondLength);
- t4 = _this.trailingSpaces;
- secondTrailingSpaces = Math.min(t4, secondLength);
- t5 = _this.__engine$_textDirection;
- t6 = _this.fragmentFlow;
- t7 = _this.span;
- return A._setArrayType([A.LayoutFragment$(t1, index, B.LineBreakType_1, t5, t6, t7, t3 - secondTrailingNewlines, t4 - secondTrailingSpaces), A.LayoutFragment$(index, t2, _this.type, t5, t6, t7, secondTrailingNewlines, secondTrailingSpaces)], type$.JSArray_LayoutFragment);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return B.Type_LayoutFragment_fdh.toString$0(0) + "(" + _this.start + ", " + _this.end + ", " + _this.type.toString$0(0) + ", " + A.S(_this.__engine$_textDirection) + ")";
- }
- };
- A._FragmentMetrics.prototype = {
- setMetrics$5$ascent$descent$widthExcludingTrailingSpaces$widthIncludingTrailingSpaces(spanometer, ascent, descent, widthExcludingTrailingSpaces, widthIncludingTrailingSpaces) {
- var _this = this;
- _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__spanometer_A = spanometer;
- _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__ascent_A = ascent;
- _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__descent_A = descent;
- _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthExcludingTrailingSpaces_A = widthExcludingTrailingSpaces;
- _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A = widthIncludingTrailingSpaces;
- }
- };
- A._FragmentPosition.prototype = {
- get$left(_) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition__startOffset_A;
- if (t1.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1) {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t2;
- } else {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t1.lineMetrics.width - (t2 + (t3 + _this._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification));
- t1 = t3;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$right(_) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition__startOffset_A;
- if (t1.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1) {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t2 + (t1 + _this._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification);
- } else {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.lineMetrics.width - t2;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- justifyTo$1$paragraphWidth(paragraphWidth) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.trailingSpaces;
- if (_this.end > t1.endIndex - t2)
- return;
- t3 = _this.trailingSpaces;
- if (t3 === 0)
- return;
- _this._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification = (paragraphWidth - t1.lineMetrics.width) / (t1.spaceCount - t2) * t3;
- }
- };
- A._FragmentBox.prototype = {
- get$_textBoxIncludingTrailingSpaces() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this,
- value = _this._FragmentBox____FragmentBox__textBoxIncludingTrailingSpaces_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this.get$left(_this);
- t3 = _this._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A.lineMetrics;
- t4 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__ascent_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = _this.get$right(_this);
- t6 = _this._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A;
- t7 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__descent_A;
- t7 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t8 = _this.__engine$_textDirection;
- t8.toString;
- _this._FragmentBox____FragmentBox__textBoxIncludingTrailingSpaces_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this._FragmentBox____FragmentBox__textBoxIncludingTrailingSpaces_FI = new A.TextBox(t1.lineMetrics.left + t2, t3.baseline - t4, t3.left + t5, t6.lineMetrics.baseline + t7, t8);
- }
- return value;
- },
- toPaintingTextBox$0() {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (_this.end > t1.endIndex - t1.trailingSpaces) {
- t2 = _this.__engine$_textDirection;
- t2.toString;
- t1 = t1.lineMetrics.left;
- if (t2 === B.TextDirection_1) {
- t2 = _this.get$left(_this);
- t3 = _this._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A.lineMetrics;
- t4 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__ascent_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = _this.get$right(_this);
- t6 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t7 = _this._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification;
- t8 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthExcludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t8 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t9 = _this._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A;
- t10 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__descent_A;
- t10 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t11 = _this.__engine$_textDirection;
- t11.toString;
- t11 = new A.TextBox(t1 + t2, t3.baseline - t4, t3.left + t5 - (t6 + t7 - t8), t9.lineMetrics.baseline + t10, t11);
- t1 = t11;
- } else {
- t2 = _this.get$left(_this);
- t3 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = _this._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification;
- t5 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthExcludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = _this._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A.lineMetrics;
- t7 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__ascent_A;
- t7 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t8 = _this.get$right(_this);
- t9 = _this._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A;
- t10 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__descent_A;
- t10 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t11 = _this.__engine$_textDirection;
- t11.toString;
- t11 = new A.TextBox(t1 + t2 + (t3 + t4 - t5), t6.baseline - t7, t6.left + t8, t9.lineMetrics.baseline + t10, t11);
- t1 = t11;
- }
- return t1;
- }
- return _this.get$_textBoxIncludingTrailingSpaces();
- },
- toTextBox$2$end$start(end, start) {
- var t1, t2, before, t3, t4, after, left, right, t5, _this = this;
- if (start == null)
- start = _this.start;
- if (end == null)
- end = _this.end;
- t1 = _this.start;
- t2 = start <= t1;
- if (t2 && end >= _this.end - _this.trailingNewlines)
- return _this.get$_textBoxIncludingTrailingSpaces();
- if (t2)
- before = 0;
- else {
- t2 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__spanometer_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.set$currentSpan(_this.span);
- t2 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__spanometer_A;
- t3 = $.$get$textContext();
- t4 = t2.paragraph.__CanvasParagraph_plainText_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2._currentSpan;
- before = A.measureSubstring(t3, t4, t1, start, t2.get$style(t2).letterSpacing);
- }
- t1 = _this.end - _this.trailingNewlines;
- if (end >= t1)
- after = 0;
- else {
- t2 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__spanometer_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.set$currentSpan(_this.span);
- t2 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__spanometer_A;
- t3 = $.$get$textContext();
- t4 = t2.paragraph.__CanvasParagraph_plainText_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2._currentSpan;
- after = A.measureSubstring(t3, t4, end, t1, t2.get$style(t2).letterSpacing);
- }
- t1 = _this.__engine$_textDirection;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 === B.TextDirection_1) {
- left = _this.get$left(_this) + before;
- right = _this.get$right(_this) - after;
- } else {
- left = _this.get$left(_this) + after;
- right = _this.get$right(_this) - before;
- }
- t1 = _this._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.lineMetrics;
- t2 = t1.left;
- t1 = t1.baseline;
- t3 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__ascent_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__descent_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = _this.__engine$_textDirection;
- t5.toString;
- return new A.TextBox(t2 + left, t1 - t3, t2 + right, t1 + t4, t5);
- },
- toTextBox$0() {
- return this.toTextBox$2$end$start(null, null);
- },
- getPositionForX$1(x) {
- var startIndex, endIndex, $length, t1, cutoff, t2, t3, lowWidth, t4, _this = this;
- x = _this._makeXDirectionAgnostic$1(x);
- startIndex = _this.start;
- endIndex = _this.end - _this.trailingNewlines;
- $length = endIndex - startIndex;
- if ($length === 0)
- return new A.TextPosition(startIndex, B.TextAffinity_1);
- if ($length === 1) {
- t1 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return x < t1 + _this._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification - x ? new A.TextPosition(startIndex, B.TextAffinity_1) : new A.TextPosition(endIndex, B.TextAffinity_0);
- }
- t1 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__spanometer_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$currentSpan(_this.span);
- cutoff = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__spanometer_A.forceBreak$4$allowEmpty$availableWidth(startIndex, endIndex, true, x);
- if (cutoff === endIndex)
- return new A.TextPosition(cutoff, B.TextAffinity_0);
- t1 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__spanometer_A;
- t2 = $.$get$textContext();
- t3 = t1.paragraph.__CanvasParagraph_plainText_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1._currentSpan;
- lowWidth = A.measureSubstring(t2, t3, startIndex, cutoff, t1.get$style(t1).letterSpacing);
- t1 = _this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__spanometer_A;
- t3 = cutoff + 1;
- t4 = t1.paragraph.__CanvasParagraph_plainText_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1._currentSpan;
- if (x - lowWidth < A.measureSubstring(t2, t4, startIndex, t3, t1.get$style(t1).letterSpacing) - x)
- return new A.TextPosition(cutoff, B.TextAffinity_1);
- else
- return new A.TextPosition(t3, B.TextAffinity_0);
- },
- _makeXDirectionAgnostic$1(x) {
- var t1;
- if (this.__engine$_textDirection === B.TextDirection_0) {
- t1 = this._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1 + this._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification - x;
- }
- return x;
- }
- };
- A.EllipsisFragment.prototype = {
- get$isSpaceOnly() {
- return false;
- },
- get$isPlaceholder() {
- return false;
- },
- getText$1(paragraph) {
- var t1 = paragraph.paragraphStyle.ellipsis;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- split$1(_, index) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Cannot split an EllipsisFragment"));
- }
- };
- A.TextLayoutService.prototype = {
- get$spanometer() {
- var value = this.__TextLayoutService_spanometer_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- value !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = this.__TextLayoutService_spanometer_FI = new A.Spanometer(this.paragraph);
- }
- return value;
- },
- performLayout$1(constraints) {
- var t2, t3, currentLine, value, fragments, i, fragment, maxLines, boundsLeft, boundsRight, _i, line, t4, t5, longestLineWidth, left, right, runningMinIntrinsicWidth, runningMaxIntrinsicWidth, _this = this,
- t1 = constraints.width;
- _this.width = t1;
- _this.height = 0;
- _this.longestLine = null;
- _this.maxIntrinsicWidth = _this.minIntrinsicWidth = 0;
- _this.didExceedMaxLines = false;
- t2 = _this.lines;
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(t2);
- t3 = _this.paragraph;
- currentLine = A.LineBuilder$_(t3, _this.get$spanometer(), 0, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LayoutFragment), 0, t1);
- value = _this.__TextLayoutService_layoutFragmenter_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = t3.__CanvasParagraph_plainText_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- value !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.__TextLayoutService_layoutFragmenter_FI = new A.LayoutFragmenter(t3.spans, t1);
- }
- fragments = value.fragment$0();
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(fragments, _this.get$spanometer().get$measureFragment());
- $label0$0:
- for (i = 0; i < fragments.length; ++i) {
- fragment = fragments[i];
- currentLine._updateMetrics$1(fragment);
- if (fragment.type !== B.LineBreakType_1)
- currentLine._lastBreakableFragment = currentLine._fragments.length;
- B.JSArray_methods.add$1(currentLine._fragments, fragment);
- for (; currentLine.width > currentLine.maxWidth;) {
- if (currentLine.get$canHaveEllipsis()) {
- currentLine.insertEllipsis$0();
- t2.push(currentLine.build$0());
- _this.didExceedMaxLines = true;
- break $label0$0;
- }
- if (currentLine.get$isBreakable())
- currentLine.revertToLastBreakOpportunity$0();
- else
- currentLine.forceBreakLastFragment$0();
- i += currentLine.appendZeroWidthFragments$2$startFrom(fragments, i + 1);
- t2.push(currentLine.build$0());
- currentLine = currentLine.nextLine$0();
- }
- t1 = currentLine._fragments;
- if (t1.length !== 0) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).type;
- t1 = t1 === B.LineBreakType_2 || t1 === B.LineBreakType_3;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t2.push(currentLine.build$0());
- currentLine = currentLine.nextLine$0();
- }
- }
- t1 = t3.paragraphStyle;
- maxLines = t1.maxLines;
- if (maxLines != null && t2.length > maxLines) {
- _this.didExceedMaxLines = true;
- B.JSArray_methods.removeRange$2(t2, maxLines, t2.length);
- }
- for (t3 = t2.length, boundsLeft = 1 / 0, boundsRight = -1 / 0, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
- line = t2[_i];
- t4 = line.lineMetrics;
- _this.height = _this.height + t4.height;
- if (_this.alphabeticBaseline === -1) {
- t5 = t4.baseline;
- _this.alphabeticBaseline = t5;
- _this.ideographicBaseline = t5 * 1.1662499904632568;
- }
- t5 = _this.longestLine;
- longestLineWidth = t5 == null ? null : t5.lineMetrics.width;
- if (longestLineWidth == null)
- longestLineWidth = 0;
- t5 = t4.width;
- if (longestLineWidth < t5)
- _this.longestLine = line;
- left = t4.left;
- if (left < boundsLeft)
- boundsLeft = left;
- right = left + t5;
- if (right > boundsRight)
- boundsRight = right;
- }
- _this._paintBounds = new A.Rect(boundsLeft, 0, boundsRight, _this.height);
- if (t3 !== 0)
- if (isFinite(_this.width) && t1.textAlign === B.TextAlign_3)
- for (i = 0; i < t2.length - 1; ++i)
- for (t1 = t2[i].fragments, t3 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].justifyTo$1$paragraphWidth(_this.width);
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(t2, _this.get$_positionLineFragments());
- for (t1 = fragments.length, runningMinIntrinsicWidth = 0, runningMaxIntrinsicWidth = 0, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
- fragment = fragments[_i];
- t2 = fragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthExcludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- runningMinIntrinsicWidth += t2;
- t2 = fragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- runningMaxIntrinsicWidth += t2 + fragment._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification;
- switch (fragment.type.index) {
- case 1:
- break;
- case 0:
- _this.minIntrinsicWidth = Math.max(_this.minIntrinsicWidth, runningMinIntrinsicWidth);
- runningMinIntrinsicWidth = 0;
- break;
- case 2:
- case 3:
- _this.minIntrinsicWidth = Math.max(_this.minIntrinsicWidth, runningMinIntrinsicWidth);
- _this.maxIntrinsicWidth = Math.max(_this.maxIntrinsicWidth, runningMaxIntrinsicWidth);
- runningMinIntrinsicWidth = 0;
- runningMaxIntrinsicWidth = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- _positionLineFragments$1(line) {
- var t2, sandwichStart, startOffset, sequenceStart, i, t3, _this = this, _null = null,
- previousDirection = _this.paragraph.paragraphStyle.textDirection,
- t1 = previousDirection == null,
- previousDirection0 = t1 ? B.TextDirection_1 : previousDirection;
- for (t2 = line.fragments, sandwichStart = _null, startOffset = 0, sequenceStart = 0, i = 0; t3 = t2.length, i <= t3; ++i) {
- if (i < t3) {
- t3 = t2[i].fragmentFlow;
- if (t3 === B.FragmentFlow_2) {
- sandwichStart = _null;
- continue;
- }
- if (t3 === B.FragmentFlow_3) {
- if (sandwichStart == null)
- sandwichStart = i;
- continue;
- }
- if ((t3 === B.FragmentFlow_0 ? B.TextDirection_1 : B.TextDirection_0) === previousDirection0) {
- sandwichStart = _null;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (sandwichStart == null)
- startOffset += _this._positionFragmentRange$5$direction$end$line$start$startOffset(previousDirection0, i, line, sequenceStart, startOffset);
- else {
- startOffset += _this._positionFragmentRange$5$direction$end$line$start$startOffset(previousDirection0, sandwichStart, line, sequenceStart, startOffset);
- startOffset += _this._positionFragmentRange$5$direction$end$line$start$startOffset(t1 ? B.TextDirection_1 : previousDirection, i, line, sandwichStart, startOffset);
- }
- if (i < t2.length) {
- t3 = t2[i].__engine$_textDirection;
- t3.toString;
- previousDirection0 = t3;
- }
- sequenceStart = i;
- sandwichStart = _null;
- }
- },
- _positionFragmentRange$5$direction$end$line$start$startOffset(direction, end, line, start, startOffset) {
- var i, cumulativeWidth, fragment, t2,
- t1 = this.paragraph.paragraphStyle.textDirection;
- if (direction === (t1 == null ? B.TextDirection_1 : t1))
- for (t1 = line.fragments, i = start, cumulativeWidth = 0; i < end; ++i) {
- fragment = t1[i];
- fragment._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition__startOffset_A = startOffset + cumulativeWidth;
- if (fragment.__engine$_textDirection == null)
- fragment.__engine$_textDirection = direction;
- t2 = fragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- cumulativeWidth += t2 + fragment._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification;
- }
- else
- for (i = end - 1, t1 = line.fragments, cumulativeWidth = 0; i >= start; --i) {
- fragment = t1[i];
- fragment._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition__startOffset_A = startOffset + cumulativeWidth;
- if (fragment.__engine$_textDirection == null)
- fragment.__engine$_textDirection = direction;
- t2 = fragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- cumulativeWidth += t2 + fragment._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification;
- }
- return cumulativeWidth;
- },
- getBoxesForPlaceholders$0() {
- var t1, t2, _i, t3, t4, _i0, fragment,
- boxes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TextBox);
- for (t1 = this.lines, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- for (t3 = t1[_i].fragments, t4 = t3.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i0) {
- fragment = t3[_i0];
- if (fragment.get$isPlaceholder())
- boxes.push(fragment.toTextBox$0());
- }
- return boxes;
- },
- getBoxesForRange$4(start, end, boxHeightStyle, boxWidthStyle) {
- var t1, $length, boxes, t2, _i, line, t3, t4, _i0, fragment;
- if (start >= end || start < 0 || end < 0)
- return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TextBox);
- t1 = this.paragraph.__CanvasParagraph_plainText_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- $length = t1.length;
- if (start > $length || end > $length)
- return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TextBox);
- boxes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TextBox);
- for (t1 = this.lines, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- line = t1[_i];
- if (start < line.endIndex && line.startIndex < end)
- for (t3 = line.fragments, t4 = t3.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i0) {
- fragment = t3[_i0];
- if (!fragment.get$isPlaceholder() && start < fragment.end && fragment.start < end)
- boxes.push(fragment.toTextBox$2$end$start(end, start));
- }
- }
- return boxes;
- },
- getPositionForOffset$1(offset) {
- var dx, _i, fragment, t3, t4, t5, t6,
- line = this._findLineForY$1(offset._dy),
- t1 = offset._dx,
- t2 = line.lineMetrics.left;
- if (t1 <= t2)
- return new A.TextPosition(line.startIndex, B.TextAffinity_1);
- if (t1 >= t2 + line.widthWithTrailingSpaces)
- return new A.TextPosition(line.endIndex - line.trailingNewlines, B.TextAffinity_0);
- dx = t1 - t2;
- for (t1 = line.fragments, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
- fragment = t1[_i];
- t3 = fragment._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t3.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1;
- t5 = fragment._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition__startOffset_A;
- if (t4) {
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = t5;
- } else {
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = fragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = t3.lineMetrics.width - (t5 + (t6 + fragment._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification));
- }
- if (t6 <= dx) {
- if (t4) {
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = fragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = t5 + (t6 + fragment._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification);
- } else {
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = t3.lineMetrics.width - t5;
- }
- t6 = dx <= t6;
- } else
- t6 = false;
- if (t6) {
- if (t4) {
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t5;
- } else {
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = fragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t3.lineMetrics.width - (t5 + (t1 + fragment._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification));
- }
- return fragment.getPositionForX$1(dx - t1);
- }
- }
- return new A.TextPosition(line.startIndex, B.TextAffinity_1);
- },
- _findLineForY$1(y) {
- var t1, t2, _i, line, t3;
- for (t1 = this.lines, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
- line = t1[_i];
- t3 = line.lineMetrics.height;
- if (y <= t3)
- return line;
- y -= t3;
- }
- return B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1);
- }
- };
- A.LineBuilder.prototype = {
- get$endIndex() {
- var t1 = this._fragments;
- if (t1.length !== 0)
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).end;
- else {
- t1 = this._fragmentsForNextLine;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).start;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$isBreakable() {
- var t1 = this._fragments;
- if (t1.length === 0)
- return false;
- if (B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).type !== B.LineBreakType_1)
- return this._breakCount > 1;
- return this._breakCount > 0;
- },
- get$alignOffset() {
- var emptySpace = this.maxWidth - this.width,
- t1 = this.paragraph.paragraphStyle;
- switch (t1.textAlign.index) {
- case 2:
- return emptySpace / 2;
- case 1:
- return emptySpace;
- case 4:
- t1 = t1.textDirection;
- return (t1 == null ? B.TextDirection_1 : t1) === B.TextDirection_0 ? emptySpace : 0;
- case 5:
- t1 = t1.textDirection;
- return (t1 == null ? B.TextDirection_1 : t1) === B.TextDirection_0 ? 0 : emptySpace;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- },
- get$canHaveEllipsis() {
- var maxLines,
- t1 = this.paragraph.paragraphStyle;
- if (t1.ellipsis == null)
- return false;
- maxLines = t1.maxLines;
- return maxLines == null || maxLines === this.lineNumber + 1;
- },
- get$_canAppendEmptyFragments() {
- var t1 = this._fragments;
- if (t1.length !== 0) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).type;
- t1 = t1 === B.LineBreakType_2 || t1 === B.LineBreakType_3;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- return false;
- t1 = this._fragmentsForNextLine;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.length !== 0;
- if (t1 === true)
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- addFragment$1(fragment) {
- var _this = this;
- _this._updateMetrics$1(fragment);
- if (fragment.type !== B.LineBreakType_1)
- _this._lastBreakableFragment = _this._fragments.length;
- B.JSArray_methods.add$1(_this._fragments, fragment);
- },
- _updateMetrics$1(fragment) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = fragment.trailingSpaces;
- _this._spaceCount = _this._spaceCount + t1;
- if (fragment.get$isSpaceOnly())
- _this._trailingSpaces += t1;
- else {
- _this._trailingSpaces = t1;
- t1 = _this.widthIncludingSpace;
- t2 = fragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthExcludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.width = t1 + t2;
- }
- t1 = _this.widthIncludingSpace;
- t2 = fragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.widthIncludingSpace = t1 + (t2 + fragment._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification);
- if (fragment.get$isPlaceholder())
- _this._adjustPlaceholderAscentDescent$1(fragment);
- if (fragment.type !== B.LineBreakType_1)
- ++_this._breakCount;
- t1 = _this.ascent;
- t2 = fragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__ascent_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.ascent = Math.max(t1, t2);
- t2 = _this.descent;
- t1 = fragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__descent_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.descent = Math.max(t2, t1);
- },
- _adjustPlaceholderAscentDescent$1(fragment) {
- var ascent, descent, t1, t2, diff, _this = this,
- placeholder = type$.PlaceholderSpan._as(fragment.span);
- switch (placeholder.alignment.index) {
- case 3:
- ascent = _this.ascent;
- descent = placeholder.height - ascent;
- break;
- case 4:
- descent = _this.descent;
- ascent = placeholder.height - descent;
- break;
- case 5:
- t1 = _this.ascent;
- t2 = _this.descent;
- diff = placeholder.height / 2 - (t1 + t2) / 2;
- ascent = t1 + diff;
- descent = t2 + diff;
- break;
- case 1:
- ascent = placeholder.height;
- descent = 0;
- break;
- case 2:
- descent = placeholder.height;
- ascent = 0;
- break;
- case 0:
- ascent = placeholder.baselineOffset;
- descent = placeholder.height - ascent;
- break;
- default:
- ascent = null;
- descent = null;
- }
- t1 = fragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthExcludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = fragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- fragment.setMetrics$5$ascent$descent$widthExcludingTrailingSpaces$widthIncludingTrailingSpaces(_this.spanometer, ascent, descent, t1, t2 + fragment._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification);
- },
- _recalculateMetrics$0() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- i = _this._breakCount = _this._trailingSpaces = _this._spaceCount = _this.descent = _this.ascent = _this.widthIncludingSpace = _this.width = 0;
- _this._lastBreakableFragment = -1;
- for (t1 = _this._fragments; i < t1.length; ++i) {
- _this._updateMetrics$1(t1[i]);
- if (t1[i].type !== B.LineBreakType_1)
- _this._lastBreakableFragment = i;
- }
- },
- forceBreakLastFragment$2$allowEmptyLine$availableWidth(allowEmptyLine, availableWidth) {
- var t1, allowLastFragmentToBeEmpty, lastFragment, t2, t3, t4, t5, forceBreakEnd, breakingPoint, split, first, second, _this = this;
- if (availableWidth == null)
- availableWidth = _this.maxWidth;
- if (_this._fragmentsForNextLine == null)
- _this._fragmentsForNextLine = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LayoutFragment);
- t1 = _this._fragments;
- allowLastFragmentToBeEmpty = t1.length > 1 || allowEmptyLine;
- lastFragment = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1);
- if (lastFragment.get$isPlaceholder()) {
- if (allowLastFragmentToBeEmpty) {
- t2 = _this._fragmentsForNextLine;
- t2.toString;
- B.JSArray_methods.insert$2(t2, 0, B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t1));
- _this._recalculateMetrics$0();
- }
- return;
- }
- t2 = _this.spanometer;
- t2.set$currentSpan(lastFragment.span);
- t3 = _this.widthIncludingSpace;
- t4 = lastFragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = lastFragment._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification;
- forceBreakEnd = lastFragment.end - lastFragment.trailingNewlines;
- breakingPoint = t2.forceBreak$4$allowEmpty$availableWidth(lastFragment.start, forceBreakEnd, allowLastFragmentToBeEmpty, availableWidth - (t3 - (t4 + t5)));
- if (breakingPoint === forceBreakEnd)
- return;
- B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t1);
- _this._recalculateMetrics$0();
- split = lastFragment.split$1(0, breakingPoint);
- first = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(split);
- if (first != null) {
- t2.measureFragment$1(first);
- _this.addFragment$1(first);
- }
- second = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(split);
- if (second != null) {
- t2.measureFragment$1(second);
- t1 = _this._fragmentsForNextLine;
- t1.toString;
- B.JSArray_methods.insert$2(t1, 0, second);
- }
- },
- forceBreakLastFragment$0() {
- return this.forceBreakLastFragment$2$allowEmptyLine$availableWidth(false, null);
- },
- insertEllipsis$0() {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, ellipsisWidth, t6, availableWidth, t7, t8, t9, lastFragment, ellipsisFragment, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.paragraph.paragraphStyle.ellipsis;
- t1.toString;
- _this._fragmentsForNextLine = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LayoutFragment);
- t2 = _this.spanometer;
- t3 = _this._fragments;
- t2.set$currentSpan(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t3).span);
- t4 = $.$get$textContext();
- t5 = t1.length;
- ellipsisWidth = A.measureSubstring(t4, t1, 0, t5, null);
- t6 = _this.maxWidth;
- availableWidth = Math.max(0, t6 - ellipsisWidth);
- while (true) {
- if (t3.length > 1) {
- t7 = _this.widthIncludingSpace;
- t8 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t3);
- t9 = t8._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthIncludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t9 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t8 = t7 - (t9 + t8._FragmentMetrics__extraWidthForJustification);
- t7 = t8;
- } else
- t7 = 0;
- if (!(t7 > availableWidth))
- break;
- t7 = _this._fragmentsForNextLine;
- t7.toString;
- B.JSArray_methods.insert$2(t7, 0, B.JSArray_methods.removeLast$0(t3));
- _this._recalculateMetrics$0();
- t2.set$currentSpan(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t3).span);
- ellipsisWidth = A.measureSubstring(t4, t1, 0, t5, null);
- availableWidth = t6 - ellipsisWidth;
- }
- lastFragment = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t3);
- _this.forceBreakLastFragment$2$allowEmptyLine$availableWidth(true, availableWidth);
- t1 = _this.get$endIndex();
- ellipsisFragment = new A.EllipsisFragment($, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, 0, B.LineBreakType_3, null, B.FragmentFlow_3, lastFragment.span, 0, 0, t1, t1);
- t1 = lastFragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__ascent_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = lastFragment._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__descent_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- ellipsisFragment.setMetrics$5$ascent$descent$widthExcludingTrailingSpaces$widthIncludingTrailingSpaces(t2, t1, t3, ellipsisWidth, ellipsisWidth);
- _this.addFragment$1(ellipsisFragment);
- },
- revertToLastBreakOpportunity$0() {
- var t3,
- t1 = this._fragments,
- t2 = t1.length,
- i = t2 - 2;
- for (; t1[i].type === B.LineBreakType_1;)
- --i;
- t3 = i + 1;
- A.RangeError_checkValidRange(t3, t2, t2, null, null);
- this._fragmentsForNextLine = A.SubListIterable$(t1, t3, t2, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._precomputed1).toList$0(0);
- B.JSArray_methods.removeRange$2(t1, t3, t1.length);
- this._recalculateMetrics$0();
- },
- appendZeroWidthFragments$2$startFrom(fragments, startFrom) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._fragments,
- i = startFrom;
- while (true) {
- if (_this.get$_canAppendEmptyFragments())
- if (i < fragments.length) {
- t2 = fragments[i]._FragmentMetrics____FragmentMetrics__widthExcludingTrailingSpaces_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2 === 0;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (!t2)
- break;
- t2 = fragments[i];
- _this._updateMetrics$1(t2);
- if (t2.type !== B.LineBreakType_1)
- _this._lastBreakableFragment = t1.length;
- B.JSArray_methods.add$1(t1, t2);
- ++i;
- }
- return i - startFrom;
- },
- build$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, trailingNewlines, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, line, _i, _this = this;
- if (_this._fragmentsForNextLine == null) {
- t1 = _this._fragments;
- t2 = _this._lastBreakableFragment + 1;
- t3 = t1.length;
- A.RangeError_checkValidRange(t2, t3, t3, null, null);
- _this._fragmentsForNextLine = A.SubListIterable$(t1, t2, t3, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._precomputed1).toList$0(0);
- B.JSArray_methods.removeRange$2(t1, _this._lastBreakableFragment + 1, t1.length);
- }
- t1 = _this._fragments;
- trailingNewlines = t1.length === 0 ? 0 : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).trailingNewlines;
- if (t1.length !== 0)
- t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).start;
- else {
- t2 = _this._fragmentsForNextLine;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2).start;
- }
- t3 = _this.get$endIndex();
- t4 = _this._trailingSpaces;
- t5 = _this._spaceCount;
- if (t1.length !== 0) {
- t6 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).type;
- t6 = t6 === B.LineBreakType_2 || t6 === B.LineBreakType_3;
- } else
- t6 = false;
- t7 = _this.width;
- t8 = _this.widthIncludingSpace;
- t9 = _this.get$alignOffset();
- t10 = _this.ascent;
- t11 = _this.descent;
- t12 = _this.paragraph.paragraphStyle.textDirection;
- if (t12 == null)
- t12 = B.TextDirection_1;
- line = new A.ParagraphLine(new A.EngineLineMetrics(t6, t10, t11, t10, t10 + t11, t7, t9, _this.accumulatedHeight + t10, _this.lineNumber), t2, t3, trailingNewlines, t4, t5, t8, t1, t12);
- for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
- t1[_i]._FragmentPosition____FragmentPosition_line_A = line;
- return line;
- },
- nextLine$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.ascent,
- t2 = _this.descent,
- t3 = _this._fragmentsForNextLine;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LayoutFragment);
- return A.LineBuilder$_(_this.paragraph, _this.spanometer, _this.accumulatedHeight + (t1 + t2), t3, _this.lineNumber + 1, _this.maxWidth);
- }
- };
- A.Spanometer.prototype = {
- set$currentSpan(span) {
- var t1, value, t2, t3, ruler,
- newCssFontString = span.get$style(span).get$cssFontString();
- if ($._lastContextFont !== newCssFontString) {
- $._lastContextFont = newCssFontString;
- $.$get$textContext().font = newCssFontString;
- }
- if (span === this._currentSpan)
- return;
- this._currentSpan = span;
- t1 = span.get$style(span);
- value = t1.__EngineTextStyle_heightStyle_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t2 = t1.get$effectiveFontFamily();
- t3 = t1.fontSize;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = 14;
- t1.__EngineTextStyle_heightStyle_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = t1.__EngineTextStyle_heightStyle_FI = new A.TextHeightStyle(t2, t3, t1.height, null, null);
- }
- ruler = $.Spanometer__rulers.$index(0, value);
- if (ruler == null) {
- ruler = new A.TextHeightRuler(value, $.$get$Spanometer__rulerHost(), new A.TextDimensions(A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "flt-paragraph")));
- $.Spanometer__rulers.$indexSet(0, value, ruler);
- }
- this._currentRuler = ruler;
- },
- measureFragment$1(fragment) {
- var t3, t4, t5, t6, widthExcludingTrailingSpaces, widthIncludingTrailingSpaces, value, cachedHeight, _this = this,
- t1 = fragment.get$isPlaceholder(),
- t2 = fragment.span;
- if (t1) {
- type$.PlaceholderSpan._as(t2);
- t1 = t2.width;
- fragment.setMetrics$5$ascent$descent$widthExcludingTrailingSpaces$widthIncludingTrailingSpaces(_this, t2.height, 0, t1, t1);
- } else {
- _this.set$currentSpan(t2);
- t1 = fragment.start;
- t2 = fragment.end;
- t3 = fragment.trailingSpaces;
- t4 = $.$get$textContext();
- t5 = _this.paragraph.__CanvasParagraph_plainText_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = _this._currentSpan;
- widthExcludingTrailingSpaces = A.measureSubstring(t4, t5, t1, t2 - t3, t6.get$style(t6).letterSpacing);
- t6 = fragment.trailingNewlines;
- t3 = _this._currentSpan;
- widthIncludingTrailingSpaces = A.measureSubstring(t4, t5, t1, t2 - t6, t3.get$style(t3).letterSpacing);
- t3 = _this._currentRuler;
- t3 = t3.get$alphabeticBaseline(t3);
- t6 = _this._currentRuler;
- value = t6.__TextHeightRuler_height_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = t6._dimensions;
- t2 = t1._cachedBoundingClientRect;
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1._cachedBoundingClientRect = t1.__engine$_element.getBoundingClientRect() : t2;
- cachedHeight = t1.height;
- t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t1 === B.BrowserEngine_2 && true)
- ++cachedHeight;
- t6.__TextHeightRuler_height_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = t6.__TextHeightRuler_height_FI = cachedHeight;
- }
- t1 = _this._currentRuler;
- fragment.setMetrics$5$ascent$descent$widthExcludingTrailingSpaces$widthIncludingTrailingSpaces(_this, t3, value - t1.get$alphabeticBaseline(t1), widthExcludingTrailingSpaces, widthIncludingTrailingSpaces);
- }
- },
- forceBreak$4$allowEmpty$availableWidth(start, end, allowEmpty, availableWidth) {
- var t1, high, low, mid, t2, t3, width;
- if (availableWidth <= 0)
- return allowEmpty ? start : start + 1;
- for (t1 = this.paragraph.__CanvasParagraph_plainText_A, high = end, low = start; high - low > 1;) {
- mid = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(low + high, 2);
- t2 = $.$get$textContext();
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = this._currentSpan;
- width = A.measureSubstring(t2, t1, start, mid, t3.get$style(t3).letterSpacing);
- if (width < availableWidth)
- low = mid;
- else {
- low = width > availableWidth ? low : mid;
- high = mid;
- }
- }
- return low === start && !allowEmpty ? low + 1 : low;
- }
- };
- A.LineBreakType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "LineBreakType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.FWLineBreakFragmenter.prototype = {
- fragment$0() {
- return A._computeLineBreakFragments(this.text);
- }
- };
- A.V8LineBreakFragmenter.prototype = {
- fragment$0() {
- return A.breakLinesUsingV8BreakIterator(this.text, this._v8BreakIterator);
- }
- };
- A.LineBreakFragment.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.start, _this.end, _this.type, _this.trailingNewlines, _this.trailingSpaces, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.LineBreakFragment && other.start === _this.start && other.end === _this.end && other.type === _this.type && other.trailingNewlines === _this.trailingNewlines && other.trailingSpaces === _this.trailingSpaces;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "LineBreakFragment(" + this.start + ", " + this.end + ", " + this.type.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A._computeLineBreakFragments_setBreak.prototype = {
- call$2(type, debugRuleNumber) {
- var _this = this,
- fragmentEnd = type === B.LineBreakType_3 ? _this.text.length : _this._box_0.index,
- t1 = _this._box_0,
- t2 = t1.prev1;
- if (t2 === B.LineCharProperty_5)
- ++t1.trailingSpaces;
- else if (t2 === B.LineCharProperty_2 || t2 === B.LineCharProperty_3 || t2 === B.LineCharProperty_4) {
- ++t1.trailingNewlines;
- ++t1.trailingSpaces;
- }
- if (type === B.LineBreakType_1)
- return;
- t2 = t1.fragmentStart;
- _this.fragments.push(new A.LineBreakFragment(type, t1.trailingNewlines, t1.trailingSpaces, t2, fragmentEnd));
- t1.fragmentStart = t1.index;
- t1.trailingSpaces = t1.trailingNewlines = 0;
- t1.prev1 = t1.prev2 = null;
- },
- $signature: 562
- };
- A.RulerHost.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- this._rulerHost.remove();
- }
- };
- A.TextPaintService.prototype = {
- paint$2(canvas, offset) {
- var t1, _i, line, t2, t3, _i0, fragment,
- lines = this.paragraph.get$_layoutService().lines;
- for (t1 = lines.length, _i = 0; _i < lines.length; lines.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(lines), ++_i) {
- line = lines[_i];
- for (t2 = line.fragments, t3 = t2.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i0) {
- fragment = t2[_i0];
- this._paintBackground$3(canvas, offset, fragment);
- this._paintText$4(canvas, offset, line, fragment);
- }
- }
- },
- _paintBackground$3(canvas, offset, fragment) {
- var t1, background, rect;
- if (fragment.get$isPlaceholder())
- return;
- t1 = fragment.span;
- background = type$.nullable_SurfacePaint._as(t1.get$style(t1).background);
- if (background != null) {
- t1 = fragment.toPaintingTextBox$0();
- rect = new A.Rect(t1.left, t1.top, t1.right, t1.bottom);
- if (!rect.get$isEmpty(rect)) {
- t1 = rect.shift$1(offset);
- background._frozen = true;
- canvas.drawRect$2(t1, background._paintData);
- }
- }
- },
- _paintText$4(canvas, offset, line, fragment) {
- var t1, style, foreground, t2, paint, t3, t4, ctx, fragmentX, x, y, text, letterSpacing, len, charX, i, char, t5, _null = null;
- if (fragment.get$isPlaceholder())
- return;
- if (fragment.get$isSpaceOnly())
- return;
- t1 = fragment.span;
- style = t1.get$style(t1);
- foreground = style.foreground;
- t2 = type$.SurfacePaint;
- if (foreground != null) {
- t2._as(foreground);
- paint = foreground;
- } else {
- t3 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t4 = style.color;
- t4.toString;
- t3.set$color(0, t4);
- t2._as(t3);
- paint = t3;
- }
- t2 = style.get$cssFontString();
- t3 = fragment.__engine$_textDirection;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = canvas._canvasPool;
- ctx = t4.get$context(t4);
- t3 = t3 === B.TextDirection_1 ? "ltr" : "rtl";
- ctx.direction = t3;
- if (t2 !== canvas._cachedLastCssFont) {
- ctx.font = t2;
- canvas._cachedLastCssFont = t2;
- }
- t2 = paint._frozen = true;
- t3 = paint._paintData;
- t4.get$contextHandle().setUpPaint$2(t3, _null);
- t3 = fragment.__engine$_textDirection;
- t3.toString;
- fragmentX = t3 === B.TextDirection_1 ? fragment.get$left(fragment) : fragment.get$right(fragment);
- t3 = line.lineMetrics;
- x = offset._dx + t3.left + fragmentX;
- y = offset._dy + t3.baseline;
- style = t1.get$style(t1);
- text = fragment.getText$1(this.paragraph);
- letterSpacing = style.letterSpacing;
- if (letterSpacing != null ? letterSpacing === 0 : t2) {
- t1 = style.foreground;
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.get$style(t1);
- canvas.drawText$5$shadows$style(text, x, y, style.shadows, t1);
- } else {
- len = text.length;
- for (t1 = style.shadows, t2 = style.foreground, t3 = t2 == null, charX = x, i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
- char = text[i];
- t5 = B.JSNumber_methods.roundToDouble$0(charX);
- canvas.drawText$5$shadows$style(char, t5, y, t1, t3 ? _null : t2.get$style(t2));
- ctx = t4.__engine$_context;
- if (ctx == null) {
- t4._createCanvas$0();
- ctx = t4.__engine$_context;
- }
- t5 = ctx.measureText(char).width;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = _null;
- t5.toString;
- charX += letterSpacing + t5;
- }
- }
- t4.get$contextHandle().tearDownPaint$0();
- }
- };
- A.EngineLineMetrics.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.hardBreak, _this.ascent, _this.descent, _this.unscaledAscent, _this.height, _this.width, _this.left, _this.baseline, _this.lineNumber, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.EngineLineMetrics && other.hardBreak === _this.hardBreak && other.ascent === _this.ascent && other.descent === _this.descent && other.unscaledAscent === _this.unscaledAscent && other.height === _this.height && other.width === _this.width && other.left === _this.left && other.baseline === _this.baseline && other.lineNumber === _this.lineNumber;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- },
- get$descent() {
- return this.descent;
- },
- get$baseline() {
- return this.baseline;
- },
- get$lineNumber(receiver) {
- return this.lineNumber;
- }
- };
- A.ParagraphLine.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.lineMetrics, _this.startIndex, _this.endIndex, _this.trailingNewlines, _this.trailingSpaces, _this.spaceCount, _this.widthWithTrailingSpaces, _this.fragments, _this.textDirection, null, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ParagraphLine && other.lineMetrics.$eq(0, _this.lineMetrics) && other.startIndex === _this.startIndex && other.endIndex === _this.endIndex && other.trailingNewlines === _this.trailingNewlines && other.trailingSpaces === _this.trailingSpaces && other.spaceCount === _this.spaceCount && other.widthWithTrailingSpaces === _this.widthWithTrailingSpaces && other.fragments === _this.fragments && other.textDirection === _this.textDirection && true;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return B.Type_ParagraphLine_MEg.toString$0(0) + "(" + this.startIndex + ", " + this.endIndex + ", " + this.lineMetrics.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.EngineParagraphStyle.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.EngineParagraphStyle && other.textAlign === _this.textAlign && other.textDirection == _this.textDirection && other.fontWeight == _this.fontWeight && other.fontStyle == _this.fontStyle && other.maxLines == _this.maxLines && other.fontFamily == _this.fontFamily && other.fontSize == _this.fontSize && other.height == _this.height && J.$eq$(other._textHeightBehavior, _this._textHeightBehavior) && other.ellipsis == _this.ellipsis && J.$eq$(other.locale, _this.locale);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.textAlign, _this.textDirection, _this.fontWeight, _this.fontStyle, _this.maxLines, _this.fontFamily, _this.fontSize, _this.height, _this._textHeightBehavior, _this.ellipsis, _this.locale, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.EngineTextStyle.prototype = {
- get$effectiveFontFamily() {
- var fontFamily = this.fontFamily;
- if (fontFamily.length === 0)
- fontFamily = "sans-serif";
- return fontFamily;
- },
- get$cssFontString() {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._cssFontString;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this.fontStyle;
- t2 = _this.fontWeight;
- t3 = _this.fontSize;
- t4 = _this.get$effectiveFontFamily();
- if (t1 != null) {
- t5 = "" + (t1 === B.FontStyle_0 ? "normal" : "italic");
- t1 = t5;
- } else
- t1 = "" + "normal";
- t1 += " ";
- t1 = (t2 != null ? t1 + A.S(A.fontWeightToCss(t2)) : t1 + "normal") + " ";
- t1 = t3 != null ? t1 + B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(t3) : t1 + "14";
- t4 = t1 + "px " + A.S(A.canonicalizeFontFamily(t4));
- t4 = _this._cssFontString = t4.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t4 : t4;
- t1 = t4;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.EngineTextStyle && J.$eq$(other.color, _this.color) && J.$eq$(other.decoration, _this.decoration) && J.$eq$(other.decorationColor, _this.decorationColor) && other.decorationStyle == _this.decorationStyle && other.fontWeight == _this.fontWeight && other.fontStyle == _this.fontStyle && other.textBaseline == _this.textBaseline && other.fontFamily === _this.fontFamily && other.fontSize == _this.fontSize && other.letterSpacing == _this.letterSpacing && other.wordSpacing == _this.wordSpacing && other.height == _this.height && J.$eq$(other.locale, _this.locale) && other.background == _this.background && other.foreground == _this.foreground && A.listEquals(other.shadows, _this.shadows) && A.listEquals(other.fontFamilyFallback, _this.fontFamilyFallback);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.color, _this.decoration, _this.decorationColor, _this.decorationStyle, _this.decorationThickness, _this.fontWeight, _this.fontStyle, _this.textBaseline, _this.fontFamily, _this.fontFamilyFallback, _this.fontSize, _this.letterSpacing, _this.wordSpacing, _this.height, _this.locale, _this.background, _this.foreground, _this.shadows, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.EngineStrutStyle.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.EngineStrutStyle)
- if (other._fontFamily == _this._fontFamily)
- if (other._fontSize == _this._fontSize)
- if (other.__engine$_height == _this.__engine$_height)
- if (other._fontWeight == _this._fontWeight)
- if (other._fontStyle == _this._fontStyle)
- t1 = A.listEquals(other._fontFamilyFallback, _this._fontFamilyFallback);
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this._fontFamily, _this._fontFamilyFallback, _this._fontSize, _this.__engine$_height, _this._leading, _this._leadingDistribution, _this._fontWeight, _this._fontStyle, true, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.ParagraphPlaceholder.prototype = {};
- A.TextHeightStyle.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- return other instanceof A.TextHeightStyle && other.get$hashCode(other) === this.get$hashCode(this);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.__TextHeightStyle_hashCode_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.Object_hash(_this.fontFamily, _this.fontSize, _this.height, null, null, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- _this.__TextHeightStyle_hashCode_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.__TextHeightStyle_hashCode_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- }
- };
- A.TextDimensions.prototype = {};
- A.TextHeightRuler.prototype = {
- get$__engine$_host() {
- var host, t1, t2, fontFamily, t3, t4, t5, height, effectiveLineHeight, _this = this,
- value = _this.__TextHeightRuler__host_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- host = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "div");
- t1 = host.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "visibility", "hidden");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "top", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "left", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "display", "flex");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "flex-direction", "row");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "align-items", "baseline");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "margin", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "border", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "padding", "0");
- t1 = _this._dimensions;
- t2 = _this.textHeightStyle;
- fontFamily = t2.fontFamily;
- t3 = t1.__engine$_element;
- t4 = t3.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t4, "font-size", "" + B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(t2.fontSize) + "px");
- t5 = A.canonicalizeFontFamily(fontFamily);
- t5.toString;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t4, "font-family", t5);
- height = t2.height;
- if (height == null)
- effectiveLineHeight = fontFamily === "FlutterTest" ? 1 : null;
- else
- effectiveLineHeight = height;
- if (effectiveLineHeight != null)
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t4, "line-height", B.JSNumber_methods.toString$0(effectiveLineHeight));
- t1._cachedBoundingClientRect = null;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t3.style, "white-space", "pre");
- t1._cachedBoundingClientRect = null;
- A.DomNodeExtension_set_text(t3, " ");
- host.append(t3);
- t1._cachedBoundingClientRect = null;
- _this.rulerHost._rulerHost.append(host);
- _this.__TextHeightRuler__host_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.__TextHeightRuler__host_FI = host;
- value = host;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$alphabeticBaseline(_) {
- var probe, _this = this,
- value = _this.__TextHeightRuler_alphabeticBaseline_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- value = _this.__TextHeightRuler__probe_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- probe = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "div");
- _this.get$__engine$_host().append(probe);
- _this.__TextHeightRuler__probe_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.__TextHeightRuler__probe_FI = probe;
- value = probe;
- }
- value = value.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
- _this.__TextHeightRuler_alphabeticBaseline_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.__TextHeightRuler_alphabeticBaseline_FI = value;
- }
- return value;
- }
- };
- A.FragmentFlow.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "FragmentFlow." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.BidiFragment.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.start, _this.end, _this.textDirection, _this.fragmentFlow, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.BidiFragment && other.start === _this.start && other.end === _this.end && other.textDirection == _this.textDirection && other.fragmentFlow === _this.fragmentFlow;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "BidiFragment(" + this.start + ", " + this.end + ", " + A.S(this.textDirection) + ")";
- }
- };
- A._ComparisonResult.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_ComparisonResult." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.UnicodeRange.prototype = {
- compare$1(value) {
- if (value < this.start)
- return B._ComparisonResult_2;
- if (value > this.end)
- return B._ComparisonResult_1;
- return B._ComparisonResult_0;
- }
- };
- A.UnicodePropertyLookup.prototype = {
- find$2(_, text, index) {
- var codePoint = A.getCodePoint(text, index);
- return codePoint == null ? this.defaultProperty : this.findForChar$1(codePoint);
- },
- findForChar$1(char) {
- var t1, cacheHit, rangeIndex, result, _this = this;
- if (char == null)
- return _this.defaultProperty;
- t1 = _this._cache;
- cacheHit = t1.$index(0, char);
- if (cacheHit != null)
- return cacheHit;
- rangeIndex = _this._binarySearch$1(char);
- result = rangeIndex === -1 ? _this.defaultProperty : _this.ranges[rangeIndex].property;
- t1.$indexSet(0, char, result);
- return result;
- },
- _binarySearch$1(value) {
- var min, mid,
- t1 = this.ranges,
- max = t1.length;
- for (min = 0; min < max;) {
- mid = min + B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(max - min, 1);
- switch (t1[mid].compare$1(value).index) {
- case 1:
- min = mid + 1;
- break;
- case 2:
- max = mid;
- break;
- case 0:
- return mid;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- };
- A._FindBreakDirection.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_FindBreakDirection." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.BrowserAutofillHints.prototype = {};
- A.CompositionAwareMixin.prototype = {
- get$_compositionStartListener() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionStartListener_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(_this.get$_handleCompositionStart()));
- _this.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionStartListener_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionStartListener_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_compositionUpdateListener() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionUpdateListener_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(_this.get$_handleCompositionUpdate()));
- _this.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionUpdateListener_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionUpdateListener_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_compositionEndListener() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionEndListener_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(_this.get$_handleCompositionEnd()));
- _this.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionEndListener_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.CompositionAwareMixin___CompositionAwareMixin__compositionEndListener_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- addCompositionEventHandlers$1(domElement) {
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(domElement, "compositionstart", this.get$_compositionStartListener(), null);
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(domElement, "compositionupdate", this.get$_compositionUpdateListener(), null);
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(domElement, "compositionend", this.get$_compositionEndListener(), null);
- },
- _handleCompositionStart$1($event) {
- this.CompositionAwareMixin_composingText = null;
- },
- _handleCompositionUpdate$1($event) {
- var t1,
- $constructor = globalThis.CompositionEvent;
- if ($constructor != null && $event instanceof $constructor) {
- t1 = $event.data;
- this.CompositionAwareMixin_composingText = t1 == null ? null : t1;
- }
- },
- _handleCompositionEnd$1($event) {
- this.CompositionAwareMixin_composingText = null;
- },
- determineCompositionState$1(editingState) {
- var t1, t2, composingBase;
- if (this.CompositionAwareMixin_composingText == null || editingState.text == null)
- return editingState;
- t1 = editingState.baseOffset;
- t2 = this.CompositionAwareMixin_composingText.length;
- composingBase = t1 - t2;
- if (composingBase < 0)
- return editingState;
- return A.EditingState$(t1, composingBase, composingBase + t2, editingState.extentOffset, editingState.text);
- }
- };
- A.EngineInputAction.prototype = {
- configureInputAction$1(domElement) {
- var t1;
- if (this.get$enterkeyhintAttribute() == null)
- return;
- t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- if (t1 !== B.OperatingSystem_0)
- t1 = t1 === B.OperatingSystem_1 || this.get$enterkeyhintAttribute() == null;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = this.get$enterkeyhintAttribute();
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.jsify(t1);
- A.callMethod(domElement, "setAttribute", ["enterkeyhint", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- }
- }
- };
- A.NoInputAction.prototype = {
- get$enterkeyhintAttribute() {
- return null;
- }
- };
- A.EnterInputAction.prototype = {
- get$enterkeyhintAttribute() {
- return "enter";
- }
- };
- A.DoneInputAction.prototype = {
- get$enterkeyhintAttribute() {
- return "done";
- }
- };
- A.GoInputAction.prototype = {
- get$enterkeyhintAttribute() {
- return "go";
- }
- };
- A.NextInputAction.prototype = {
- get$enterkeyhintAttribute() {
- return "next";
- }
- };
- A.PreviousInputAction.prototype = {
- get$enterkeyhintAttribute() {
- return "previous";
- }
- };
- A.SearchInputAction.prototype = {
- get$enterkeyhintAttribute() {
- return "search";
- }
- };
- A.SendInputAction.prototype = {
- get$enterkeyhintAttribute() {
- return "send";
- }
- };
- A.EngineInputType.prototype = {
- createDomElement$0() {
- return A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "input");
- },
- configureInputMode$1(domElement) {
- var t1;
- if (this.get$inputmodeAttribute() == null)
- return;
- t1 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- if (t1 !== B.OperatingSystem_0)
- t1 = t1 === B.OperatingSystem_1 || this.get$inputmodeAttribute() === "none";
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = this.get$inputmodeAttribute();
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.jsify(t1);
- A.callMethod(domElement, "setAttribute", ["inputmode", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- }
- }
- };
- A.NoTextInputType.prototype = {
- get$inputmodeAttribute() {
- return "none";
- }
- };
- A.TextInputType0.prototype = {
- get$inputmodeAttribute() {
- return null;
- }
- };
- A.NumberInputType.prototype = {
- get$inputmodeAttribute() {
- return "numeric";
- }
- };
- A.DecimalInputType.prototype = {
- get$inputmodeAttribute() {
- return "decimal";
- }
- };
- A.PhoneInputType.prototype = {
- get$inputmodeAttribute() {
- return "tel";
- }
- };
- A.EmailInputType.prototype = {
- get$inputmodeAttribute() {
- return "email";
- }
- };
- A.UrlInputType.prototype = {
- get$inputmodeAttribute() {
- return "url";
- }
- };
- A.MultilineInputType.prototype = {
- get$inputmodeAttribute() {
- return null;
- },
- createDomElement$0() {
- return A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "textarea");
- }
- };
- A.TextCapitalization.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TextCapitalization." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextCapitalizationConfig.prototype = {
- setAutocapitalizeAttribute$1(domElement) {
- var t1, autocapitalize, $constructor,
- _s9_ = "sentences",
- _s12_ = "setAttribute";
- switch (this.textCapitalization.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- autocapitalize = t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1 ? _s9_ : "words";
- break;
- case 2:
- autocapitalize = "characters";
- break;
- case 1:
- autocapitalize = _s9_;
- break;
- case 3:
- default:
- autocapitalize = "off";
- break;
- }
- $constructor = globalThis.HTMLInputElement;
- if ($constructor != null && domElement instanceof $constructor) {
- t1 = A.jsify(autocapitalize);
- A.callMethod(domElement, _s12_, ["autocapitalize", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- } else {
- $constructor = globalThis.HTMLTextAreaElement;
- if ($constructor != null && domElement instanceof $constructor) {
- t1 = A.jsify(autocapitalize);
- A.callMethod(domElement, _s12_, ["autocapitalize", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- A.EngineAutofillForm.prototype = {
- addInputEventListeners$0() {
- var t1 = this.elements,
- subscriptions = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DomSubscription);
- new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>")).forEach$1(0, new A.EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey(this, subscriptions));
- return subscriptions;
- }
- };
- A.EngineAutofillForm_fromFrameworkMessage_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey.prototype = {
- call$1(key) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.elements.$index(0, key);
- t2.toString;
- this.subscriptions.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "input", new A.EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey_closure(t1, key, t2)));
- },
- $signature: 29
- };
- A.EngineAutofillForm_addInputEventListeners_addSubscriptionForKey_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- var newEditingState,
- t1 = this.$this.items,
- t2 = this.key;
- if (t1.$index(0, t2) == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("AutofillInfo must have a valid uniqueIdentifier."));
- else {
- t1 = t1.$index(0, t2);
- t1.toString;
- newEditingState = A.EditingState_EditingState$fromDomElement(this.element);
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3("flutter/textinput", B.C_JSONMethodCodec.encodeMethodCall$1(new A.MethodCall(string$.TextInT, [0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([t1.uniqueIdentifier, newEditingState.toFlutter$0()], type$.nullable_String, type$.dynamic)])), A._engine___emptyCallback$closure());
- }
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.AutofillInfo.prototype = {
- applyToDomElement$2$focusedElement(domElement, focusedElement) {
- var t1, t2,
- _s8_ = "password",
- autofillHint = this.autofillHint,
- placeholder = this.placeholder,
- $constructor = globalThis.HTMLInputElement;
- if ($constructor != null && domElement instanceof $constructor) {
- if (placeholder != null)
- domElement.placeholder = placeholder;
- t1 = autofillHint == null;
- if (!t1) {
- domElement.name = autofillHint;
- domElement.id = autofillHint;
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(autofillHint, _s8_))
- A.DomHTMLInputElementExtension_set_type(domElement, _s8_);
- else
- A.DomHTMLInputElementExtension_set_type(domElement, "text");
- }
- t1 = t1 ? "on" : autofillHint;
- domElement.autocomplete = t1;
- } else {
- $constructor = globalThis.HTMLTextAreaElement;
- if ($constructor != null && domElement instanceof $constructor) {
- if (placeholder != null)
- domElement.placeholder = placeholder;
- t1 = autofillHint == null;
- if (!t1) {
- domElement.name = autofillHint;
- domElement.id = autofillHint;
- }
- t2 = A.jsify(t1 ? "on" : autofillHint);
- A.callMethod(domElement, "setAttribute", ["autocomplete", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- }
- }
- },
- applyToDomElement$1(domElement) {
- return this.applyToDomElement$2$focusedElement(domElement, false);
- }
- };
- A.TextEditingDeltaState.prototype = {};
- A.EditingState.prototype = {
- get$minOffset() {
- return Math.min(this.baseOffset, this.extentOffset);
- },
- get$maxOffset() {
- return Math.max(this.baseOffset, this.extentOffset);
- },
- toFlutter$0() {
- var _this = this;
- return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["text", _this.text, "selectionBase", _this.baseOffset, "selectionExtent", _this.extentOffset, "composingBase", _this.composingBaseOffset, "composingExtent", _this.composingExtentOffset], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.text, _this.baseOffset, _this.extentOffset, _this.composingBaseOffset, _this.composingExtentOffset, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this) !== J.get$runtimeType$(other))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.EditingState && other.text == _this.text && other.get$minOffset() === _this.get$minOffset() && other.get$maxOffset() === _this.get$maxOffset() && other.composingBaseOffset === _this.composingBaseOffset && other.composingExtentOffset === _this.composingExtentOffset;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- },
- applyToDomElement$1(domElement) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this,
- $constructor = globalThis.HTMLInputElement;
- if ($constructor != null && domElement instanceof $constructor) {
- domElement.toString;
- A.DomHTMLInputElementExtension_set_value(domElement, _this.text);
- t1 = _this.get$minOffset();
- t2 = _this.get$maxOffset();
- domElement.setSelectionRange(t1, t2);
- } else {
- $constructor = globalThis.HTMLTextAreaElement;
- if ($constructor != null && domElement instanceof $constructor) {
- domElement.toString;
- A.DomHTMLTextAreaElementExtension_set_value(domElement, _this.text);
- t1 = _this.get$minOffset();
- t2 = _this.get$maxOffset();
- domElement.setSelectionRange(t1, t2);
- } else {
- t1 = domElement == null ? null : A.DomElementExtension_get_tagName(domElement);
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Unsupported DOM element type: <" + A.S(t1) + "> (" + J.get$runtimeType$(domElement).toString$0(0) + ")"));
- }
- }
- }
- };
- A.InputConfiguration.prototype = {};
- A.GloballyPositionedTextEditingStrategy.prototype = {
- placeElement$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.geometry;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2);
- }
- t1 = _this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.autofillGroup != null) {
- _this.placeForm$0();
- t1 = _this.lastEditingState;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.applyToDomElement$1(_this.domElement);
- _this.get$focusedFormElement().focus();
- _this.domElement.focus();
- }
- }
- };
- A.SafariDesktopTextEditingStrategy.prototype = {
- placeElement$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.geometry;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2);
- }
- t1 = _this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.autofillGroup != null) {
- _this.placeForm$0();
- _this.get$focusedFormElement().focus();
- _this.domElement.focus();
- t1 = _this.lastEditingState;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2);
- }
- }
- },
- initializeElementPlacement$0() {
- if (this.geometry != null)
- this.placeElement$0();
- this.domElement.focus();
- }
- };
- A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy.prototype = {
- get$editingDeltaState() {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = this._editingDeltaState;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this.lastEditingState.text;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = this._editingDeltaState = new A.TextEditingDeltaState(t1, "", -1, -1, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$focusedFormElement() {
- var t1 = this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.autofillGroup;
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.formElement;
- },
- initializeTextEditing$3$onAction$onChange(inputConfig, onAction, onChange) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this, _s4_ = "none",
- _s11_ = "transparent";
- _this.domElement = inputConfig.inputType.createDomElement$0();
- _this.applyConfiguration$1(inputConfig);
- t1 = _this.domElement;
- t1.classList.add("flt-text-editing");
- t2 = t1.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "forced-color-adjust", _s4_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "white-space", "pre-wrap");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "align-content", "center");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "top", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "left", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "padding", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "opacity", "1");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "color", _s11_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "background-color", _s11_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "background", _s11_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "caret-color", _s11_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "outline", _s4_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "border", _s4_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "resize", _s4_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "text-shadow", _s4_);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "overflow", "hidden");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t2, "transform-origin", "0 0 0");
- t2 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t2 !== B.BrowserEngine_0)
- t2 = t2 === B.BrowserEngine_1;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- t1.classList.add("transparentTextEditing");
- t1 = _this.style;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2);
- }
- t1 = _this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.autofillGroup == null) {
- t1 = $._flutterViewEmbedder.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneShadow_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.append$1(0, t2);
- _this._appendedToForm = false;
- }
- _this.initializeElementPlacement$0();
- _this.isEnabled = true;
- _this.onChange = onChange;
- _this.onAction = onAction;
- },
- applyConfiguration$1(config) {
- var t1, t2, action, autofill, autocorrectValue, _this = this,
- _s12_ = "setAttribute";
- _this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A = config;
- t1 = _this.domElement;
- if (config.readOnly) {
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.jsify("readonly");
- A.callMethod(t1, _s12_, ["readonly", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- } else
- t1.removeAttribute("readonly");
- if (config.obscureText) {
- t1 = _this.domElement;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.jsify("password");
- A.callMethod(t1, _s12_, ["type", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- }
- if (config.inputType === B.C_NoTextInputType) {
- t1 = _this.domElement;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.jsify("none");
- A.callMethod(t1, _s12_, ["inputmode", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- }
- action = A.EngineInputAction_fromName(config.inputAction);
- t1 = _this.domElement;
- t1.toString;
- action.configureInputAction$1(t1);
- autofill = config.autofill;
- t1 = _this.domElement;
- if (autofill != null) {
- t1.toString;
- autofill.applyToDomElement$2$focusedElement(t1, true);
- } else {
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.jsify("off");
- A.callMethod(t1, _s12_, ["autocomplete", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- }
- autocorrectValue = config.autocorrect ? "on" : "off";
- t1 = _this.domElement;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.jsify(autocorrectValue);
- A.callMethod(t1, _s12_, ["autocorrect", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- },
- initializeElementPlacement$0() {
- this.placeElement$0();
- },
- addEventHandlers$0() {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.autofillGroup;
- if (t1 != null)
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(_this.subscriptions, t1.addInputEventListeners$0());
- t1 = _this.subscriptions;
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this.get$handleChange();
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "input", t3));
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "keydown", _this.get$maybeSendAction()));
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(self.document, "selectionchange", t3));
- t3 = _this.domElement;
- t3.toString;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(t3, "beforeinput", type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(_this.get$handleBeforeInput())), null);
- t3 = _this.domElement;
- t3.toString;
- _this.addCompositionEventHandlers$1(t3);
- t3 = _this.domElement;
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t3, "blur", new A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(_this)));
- _this.preventDefaultForMouseEvents$0();
- },
- updateElementPlacement$1(textGeometry) {
- this.geometry = textGeometry;
- if (this.isEnabled)
- this.placeElement$0();
- },
- updateElementStyle$1(textStyle) {
- var t1;
- this.style = textStyle;
- if (this.isEnabled) {
- t1 = this.domElement;
- t1.toString;
- textStyle.applyToDomElement$1(t1);
- }
- },
- disable$0(_) {
- var t2, i, t3, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this.isEnabled = false;
- _this.geometry = _this.style = _this._editingDeltaState = _this.lastEditingState = null;
- for (t2 = _this.subscriptions, i = 0; i < t2.length; ++i) {
- t3 = t2[i];
- t3.target.removeEventListener(t3.type, t3.listener);
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(t2);
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_removeEventListener(t2, "compositionstart", _this.get$_compositionStartListener(), _null);
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_removeEventListener(t2, "compositionupdate", _this.get$_compositionUpdateListener(), _null);
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_removeEventListener(t2, "compositionend", _this.get$_compositionEndListener(), _null);
- if (_this._appendedToForm) {
- t1 = _this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.autofillGroup;
- t1 = (t1 == null ? _null : t1.formElement) != null;
- }
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- if (t1) {
- t2.blur();
- t1 = _this.domElement;
- t1.toString;
- A._hideAutofillElements(t1, true);
- t1 = _this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.autofillGroup;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = t1.formIdentifier;
- t1 = t1.formElement;
- $.formsOnTheDom.$indexSet(0, t2, t1);
- A._hideAutofillElements(t1, true);
- }
- } else
- t2.remove();
- _this.domElement = null;
- },
- setEditingState$1(editingState) {
- var t1;
- this.lastEditingState = editingState;
- if (this.isEnabled)
- t1 = !(editingState.baseOffset >= 0 && editingState.extentOffset >= 0);
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return;
- editingState.applyToDomElement$1(this.domElement);
- },
- placeElement$0() {
- this.domElement.focus();
- },
- placeForm$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.autofillGroup;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1 = t1.formElement;
- t1.append(t2);
- t2 = $._flutterViewEmbedder.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneShadow_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.append$1(0, t1);
- this._appendedToForm = true;
- },
- handleChange$1($event) {
- var newEditingState, newTextEditingDeltaState, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.domElement;
- t1.toString;
- newEditingState = _this.determineCompositionState$1(A.EditingState_EditingState$fromDomElement(t1));
- t1 = _this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.enableDeltaModel) {
- _this.get$editingDeltaState().composingOffset = newEditingState.composingBaseOffset;
- _this.get$editingDeltaState().composingExtent = newEditingState.composingExtentOffset;
- newTextEditingDeltaState = A.TextEditingDeltaState_inferDeltaState(newEditingState, _this.lastEditingState, _this.get$editingDeltaState());
- } else
- newTextEditingDeltaState = null;
- if (!newEditingState.$eq(0, _this.lastEditingState)) {
- _this.lastEditingState = newEditingState;
- _this._editingDeltaState = newTextEditingDeltaState;
- _this.onChange.call$2(newEditingState, newTextEditingDeltaState);
- _this._editingDeltaState = null;
- }
- },
- handleBeforeInput$1($event) {
- var _this = this,
- eventData = A._asStringQ($event.data),
- inputType = A._asStringQ($event.inputType);
- if (inputType != null)
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(inputType, "delete")) {
- _this.get$editingDeltaState().deltaText = "";
- _this.get$editingDeltaState().deltaEnd = _this.lastEditingState.extentOffset;
- } else if (inputType === "insertLineBreak") {
- _this.get$editingDeltaState().deltaText = "\n";
- _this.get$editingDeltaState().deltaStart = _this.lastEditingState.extentOffset;
- _this.get$editingDeltaState().deltaEnd = _this.lastEditingState.extentOffset;
- } else if (eventData != null) {
- _this.get$editingDeltaState().deltaText = eventData;
- _this.get$editingDeltaState().deltaStart = _this.lastEditingState.extentOffset;
- _this.get$editingDeltaState().deltaEnd = _this.lastEditingState.extentOffset;
- }
- },
- maybeSendAction$1(e) {
- var t1, t2,
- $constructor = globalThis.KeyboardEvent;
- if ($constructor != null && e instanceof $constructor)
- if (e.keyCode === 13) {
- t1 = this.onAction;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.call$1(t2.inputAction);
- if (!(this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A.inputType instanceof A.MultilineInputType))
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- },
- enable$3$onAction$onChange(_, inputConfig, onAction, onChange) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.initializeTextEditing$3$onAction$onChange(inputConfig, onAction, onChange);
- _this.addEventHandlers$0();
- t1 = _this.lastEditingState;
- if (t1 != null)
- _this.setEditingState$1(t1);
- _this.domElement.focus();
- },
- preventDefaultForMouseEvents$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.subscriptions,
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "mousedown", new A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure()));
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "mouseup", new A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure0()));
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "mousemove", new A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure1()));
- }
- };
- A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- this.$this.domElement.focus();
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- _.preventDefault();
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- _.preventDefault();
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.DefaultTextEditingStrategy_preventDefaultForMouseEvents_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- _.preventDefault();
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.IOSTextEditingStrategy.prototype = {
- initializeTextEditing$3$onAction$onChange(inputConfig, onAction, onChange) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$initializeTextEditing(inputConfig, onAction, onChange);
- t1 = _this.domElement;
- t1.toString;
- inputConfig.inputType.configureInputMode$1(t1);
- t1 = _this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.autofillGroup != null)
- _this.placeForm$0();
- t1 = _this.domElement;
- t1.toString;
- inputConfig.textCapitalization.setAutocapitalizeAttribute$1(t1);
- },
- initializeElementPlacement$0() {
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(this.domElement.style, "transform", "translate(-9999px, -9999px)");
- this._canPosition = false;
- },
- addEventHandlers$0() {
- var t2, t3, blurWatch, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.autofillGroup;
- if (t1 != null)
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(_this.subscriptions, t1.addInputEventListeners$0());
- t1 = _this.subscriptions;
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this.get$handleChange();
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "input", t3));
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "keydown", _this.get$maybeSendAction()));
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(self.document, "selectionchange", t3));
- t3 = _this.domElement;
- t3.toString;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(t3, "beforeinput", type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(_this.get$handleBeforeInput())), null);
- t3 = _this.domElement;
- t3.toString;
- _this.addCompositionEventHandlers$1(t3);
- t3 = _this.domElement;
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t3, "focus", new A.IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(_this)));
- _this._addTapListener$0();
- blurWatch = new A.Stopwatch();
- $.$get$Stopwatch__frequency();
- blurWatch.start$0(0);
- t3 = _this.domElement;
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t3, "blur", new A.IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0(_this, blurWatch)));
- },
- updateElementPlacement$1(textGeometry) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.geometry = textGeometry;
- if (_this.isEnabled && _this._canPosition)
- _this.placeElement$0();
- },
- disable$0(_) {
- var t1;
- this.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$disable(0);
- t1 = this._positionInputElementTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- this._positionInputElementTimer = null;
- },
- _addTapListener$0() {
- var t1 = this.domElement;
- t1.toString;
- this.subscriptions.push(A.DomSubscription$(t1, "click", new A.IOSTextEditingStrategy__addTapListener_closure(this)));
- },
- _schedulePlacement$0() {
- var t1 = this._positionInputElementTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- this._positionInputElementTimer = A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_100000, new A.IOSTextEditingStrategy__schedulePlacement_closure(this));
- },
- placeElement$0() {
- var t1, t2;
- this.domElement.focus();
- t1 = this.geometry;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2);
- }
- }
- };
- A.IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- this.$this._schedulePlacement$0();
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.IOSTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var isFastCallback = A.Duration$(0, 0, this.blurWatch.get$elapsedMicroseconds(), 0, 0, 0)._duration < 200000,
- t1 = self.document.hasFocus() && isFastCallback,
- t2 = this.$this;
- if (t1)
- t2.domElement.focus();
- else
- t2.owner.sendTextConnectionClosedToFrameworkIfAny$0();
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.IOSTextEditingStrategy__addTapListener_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1._canPosition) {
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1.domElement.style, "transform", "translate(-9999px, -9999px)");
- t1._canPosition = false;
- t1._schedulePlacement$0();
- }
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.IOSTextEditingStrategy__schedulePlacement_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1._canPosition = true;
- t1.placeElement$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.AndroidTextEditingStrategy.prototype = {
- initializeTextEditing$3$onAction$onChange(inputConfig, onAction, onChange) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$initializeTextEditing(inputConfig, onAction, onChange);
- t1 = _this.domElement;
- t1.toString;
- inputConfig.inputType.configureInputMode$1(t1);
- t1 = _this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.autofillGroup != null)
- _this.placeForm$0();
- else {
- t1 = $._flutterViewEmbedder.__FlutterViewEmbedder__glassPaneShadow_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.append$1(0, t2);
- }
- t1 = _this.domElement;
- t1.toString;
- inputConfig.textCapitalization.setAutocapitalizeAttribute$1(t1);
- },
- addEventHandlers$0() {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.autofillGroup;
- if (t1 != null)
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(_this.subscriptions, t1.addInputEventListeners$0());
- t1 = _this.subscriptions;
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this.get$handleChange();
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "input", t3));
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "keydown", _this.get$maybeSendAction()));
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(self.document, "selectionchange", t3));
- t3 = _this.domElement;
- t3.toString;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(t3, "beforeinput", type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(_this.get$handleBeforeInput())), null);
- t3 = _this.domElement;
- t3.toString;
- _this.addCompositionEventHandlers$1(t3);
- t3 = _this.domElement;
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t3, "blur", new A.AndroidTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(_this)));
- },
- placeElement$0() {
- var t1, t2;
- this.domElement.focus();
- t1 = this.geometry;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2);
- }
- }
- };
- A.AndroidTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (self.document.hasFocus())
- t1.domElement.focus();
- else
- t1.owner.sendTextConnectionClosedToFrameworkIfAny$0();
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy.prototype = {
- initializeTextEditing$3$onAction$onChange(inputConfig, onAction, onChange) {
- var t1;
- this.super$DefaultTextEditingStrategy$initializeTextEditing(inputConfig, onAction, onChange);
- t1 = this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.autofillGroup != null)
- this.placeForm$0();
- },
- addEventHandlers$0() {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__DefaultTextEditingStrategy_inputConfiguration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.autofillGroup;
- if (t1 != null)
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(_this.subscriptions, t1.addInputEventListeners$0());
- t1 = _this.subscriptions;
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this.get$handleChange();
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "input", t3));
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "keydown", _this.get$maybeSendAction()));
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(t2, "beforeinput", type$.JavaScriptObject._as(A.allowInterop(_this.get$handleBeforeInput())), null);
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- _this.addCompositionEventHandlers$1(t2);
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "keyup", new A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure(_this)));
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t2, "select", t3));
- t3 = _this.domElement;
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(A.DomSubscription$(t3, "blur", new A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0(_this)));
- _this.preventDefaultForMouseEvents$0();
- },
- _postponeFocus$0() {
- A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_0, new A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy__postponeFocus_closure(this));
- },
- placeElement$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.domElement.focus();
- t1 = _this.geometry;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2);
- }
- t1 = _this.lastEditingState;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = _this.domElement;
- t2.toString;
- t1.applyToDomElement$1(t2);
- }
- }
- };
- A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- this.$this.handleChange$1($event);
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy_addEventHandlers_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- this.$this._postponeFocus$0();
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy__postponeFocus_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.domElement.focus();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.TextInputCommand.prototype = {};
- A.TextInputSetClient.prototype = {
- run$1(textEditing) {
- var t1 = textEditing._clientId;
- if (t1 != null && t1 !== this.clientId && textEditing.isEditing) {
- textEditing.isEditing = false;
- textEditing.get$strategy().disable$0(0);
- }
- textEditing._clientId = this.clientId;
- textEditing.configuration = this.configuration;
- }
- };
- A.TextInputUpdateConfig.prototype = {
- run$1(textEditing) {
- var t1 = textEditing.get$strategy(),
- t2 = textEditing.configuration;
- t2.toString;
- t1.applyConfiguration$1(t2);
- }
- };
- A.TextInputSetEditingState.prototype = {
- run$1(textEditing) {
- textEditing.get$strategy().setEditingState$1(this.state);
- }
- };
- A.TextInputShow.prototype = {
- run$1(textEditing) {
- if (!textEditing.isEditing)
- textEditing._startEditing$0();
- }
- };
- A.TextInputSetEditableSizeAndTransform.prototype = {
- run$1(textEditing) {
- textEditing.get$strategy().updateElementPlacement$1(this.geometry);
- }
- };
- A.TextInputSetStyle.prototype = {
- run$1(textEditing) {
- textEditing.get$strategy().updateElementStyle$1(this.style);
- }
- };
- A.TextInputClearClient.prototype = {
- run$1(textEditing) {
- if (textEditing.isEditing) {
- textEditing.isEditing = false;
- textEditing.get$strategy().disable$0(0);
- }
- }
- };
- A.TextInputHide.prototype = {
- run$1(textEditing) {
- if (textEditing.isEditing) {
- textEditing.isEditing = false;
- textEditing.get$strategy().disable$0(0);
- }
- }
- };
- A.TextInputSetMarkedTextRect.prototype = {
- run$1(textEditing) {
- }
- };
- A.TextInputSetCaretRect.prototype = {
- run$1(textEditing) {
- }
- };
- A.TextInputRequestAutofill.prototype = {
- run$1(textEditing) {
- }
- };
- A.TextInputFinishAutofillContext.prototype = {
- run$1(textEditing) {
- textEditing.sendTextConnectionClosedToFrameworkIfAny$0();
- if (this.saveForm)
- A.saveForms();
- A.cleanForms();
- }
- };
- A.saveForms_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(identifier, form) {
- var t1 = type$._DomListWrapper_JavaScriptObject;
- t1 = A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomListWrapper(form.getElementsByClassName("submitBtn"), t1), t1._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.JavaScriptObject);
- A._instanceType(t1)._rest[1]._as(J.get$first$ax(t1._source)).click();
- },
- $signature: 542
- };
- A.TextEditingChannel.prototype = {
- handleTextInput$2(data, callback) {
- var t1, t2, command, textAlignIndex, textDirectionIndex, fontWeightIndex, fontWeight, t3,
- $call = B.C_JSONMethodCodec.decodeMethodCall$1(data);
- switch ($call.method) {
- case "TextInput.setClient":
- t1 = $call.$arguments;
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- command = new A.TextInputSetClient(A._asInt(t2.$index(t1, 0)), A.InputConfiguration$fromFrameworkMessage(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(t2.$index(t1, 1))));
- break;
- case "TextInput.updateConfig":
- this.implementation.configuration = A.InputConfiguration$fromFrameworkMessage(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as($call.$arguments));
- command = B.C_TextInputUpdateConfig;
- break;
- case "TextInput.setEditingState":
- command = new A.TextInputSetEditingState(A.EditingState_EditingState$fromFrameworkMessage(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as($call.$arguments)));
- break;
- case "TextInput.show":
- command = B.C_TextInputShow;
- break;
- case "TextInput.setEditableSizeAndTransform":
- command = new A.TextInputSetEditableSizeAndTransform(A.EditableTextGeometry_EditableTextGeometry$fromFrameworkMessage(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as($call.$arguments)));
- break;
- case "TextInput.setStyle":
- t1 = type$.Map_String_dynamic._as($call.$arguments);
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- textAlignIndex = A._asInt(t2.$index(t1, "textAlignIndex"));
- textDirectionIndex = A._asInt(t2.$index(t1, "textDirectionIndex"));
- fontWeightIndex = A._asIntQ(t2.$index(t1, "fontWeightIndex"));
- fontWeight = fontWeightIndex != null ? A.fontWeightIndexToCss(fontWeightIndex) : "normal";
- t3 = A._asNumQ(t2.$index(t1, "fontSize"));
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = null;
- command = new A.TextInputSetStyle(new A.EditableTextStyle(t3, fontWeight, A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, "fontFamily")), B.List_jfs[textAlignIndex], B.List_TextDirection_0_TextDirection_1[textDirectionIndex]));
- break;
- case "TextInput.clearClient":
- command = B.C_TextInputClearClient;
- break;
- case "TextInput.hide":
- command = B.C_TextInputHide;
- break;
- case "TextInput.requestAutofill":
- command = B.C_TextInputRequestAutofill;
- break;
- case "TextInput.finishAutofillContext":
- command = new A.TextInputFinishAutofillContext(A._asBool($call.$arguments));
- break;
- case "TextInput.setMarkedTextRect":
- command = B.C_TextInputSetMarkedTextRect;
- break;
- case "TextInput.setCaretRect":
- command = B.C_TextInputSetCaretRect;
- break;
- default:
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().replyToPlatformMessage$2(callback, null);
- return;
- }
- command.run$1(this.implementation);
- new A.TextEditingChannel_handleTextInput_closure(callback).call$0();
- }
- };
- A.TextEditingChannel_handleTextInput_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().replyToPlatformMessage$2(this.callback, B.C_JSONMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1([true]));
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.HybridTextEditing.prototype = {
- get$channel(_) {
- var value = this.__HybridTextEditing_channel_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- value !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = this.__HybridTextEditing_channel_FI = new A.TextEditingChannel(this);
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$strategy() {
- var t1, result, t2, strategy, _this = this, _null = null,
- value = _this.__HybridTextEditing_strategy_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance;
- if ((t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1)._semanticsEnabled) {
- t1 = A.SemanticsTextEditingStrategy_ensureInitialized(_this);
- result = t1;
- } else {
- t1 = $.$get$_browserEngine();
- if (t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1) {
- t2 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- t2 = t2 === B.OperatingSystem_0;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2)
- strategy = new A.IOSTextEditingStrategy(_this, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DomSubscription), $, $, $, _null);
- else if (t1 === B.BrowserEngine_1)
- strategy = new A.SafariDesktopTextEditingStrategy(_this, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DomSubscription), $, $, $, _null);
- else {
- if (t1 === B.BrowserEngine_0) {
- t2 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- t2 = t2 === B.OperatingSystem_1;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2)
- strategy = new A.AndroidTextEditingStrategy(_this, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DomSubscription), $, $, $, _null);
- else
- strategy = t1 === B.BrowserEngine_2 ? new A.FirefoxTextEditingStrategy(_this, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DomSubscription), $, $, $, _null) : A.GloballyPositionedTextEditingStrategy$(_this);
- }
- result = strategy;
- }
- _this.__HybridTextEditing_strategy_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.__HybridTextEditing_strategy_FI = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- _startEditing$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.isEditing = true;
- t1 = _this.get$strategy();
- t2 = _this.configuration;
- t2.toString;
- t1.enable$3$onAction$onChange(0, t2, new A.HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure(_this), new A.HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure0(_this));
- },
- sendTextConnectionClosedToFrameworkIfAny$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.isEditing) {
- _this.isEditing = false;
- _this.get$strategy().disable$0(0);
- _this.get$channel(_this);
- t1 = _this._clientId;
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3("flutter/textinput", B.C_JSONMethodCodec.encodeMethodCall$1(new A.MethodCall("TextInputClient.onConnectionClosed", [t1])), A._engine___emptyCallback$closure());
- }
- }
- };
- A.HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure0.prototype = {
- call$2(editingState, editingDeltaState) {
- var t2, t3,
- _s17_ = "flutter/textinput",
- t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1.configuration.enableDeltaModel) {
- t1.get$channel(t1);
- t1 = t1._clientId;
- t2 = type$.String;
- t3 = type$.dynamic;
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3(_s17_, B.C_JSONMethodCodec.encodeMethodCall$1(new A.MethodCall(string$.TextInD, [t1, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["deltas", A._setArrayType([A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["oldText", editingDeltaState.oldText, "deltaText", editingDeltaState.deltaText, "deltaStart", editingDeltaState.deltaStart, "deltaEnd", editingDeltaState.deltaEnd, "selectionBase", editingDeltaState.baseOffset, "selectionExtent", editingDeltaState.extentOffset, "composingBase", editingDeltaState.composingOffset, "composingExtent", editingDeltaState.composingExtent], t2, t3)], type$.JSArray_Map_String_dynamic)], t2, t3)])), A._engine___emptyCallback$closure());
- } else {
- t1.get$channel(t1);
- t1 = t1._clientId;
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3(_s17_, B.C_JSONMethodCodec.encodeMethodCall$1(new A.MethodCall("TextInputClient.updateEditingState", [t1, editingState.toFlutter$0()])), A._engine___emptyCallback$closure());
- }
- },
- $signature: 512
- };
- A.HybridTextEditing__startEditing_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(inputAction) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1.get$channel(t1);
- t1 = t1._clientId;
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().invokeOnPlatformMessage$3("flutter/textinput", B.C_JSONMethodCodec.encodeMethodCall$1(new A.MethodCall("TextInputClient.performAction", [t1, inputAction])), A._engine___emptyCallback$closure());
- },
- $signature: 71
- };
- A.EditableTextStyle.prototype = {
- applyToDomElement$1(domElement) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = domElement.style,
- t2 = A.textAlignToCssValue(_this.textAlign, _this.textDirection);
- t2.toString;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "text-align", t2);
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "font", _this.fontWeight + " " + A.S(_this.fontSize) + "px " + A.S(A.canonicalizeFontFamily(_this.fontFamily)));
- }
- };
- A.EditableTextGeometry.prototype = {
- applyToDomElement$1(domElement) {
- var cssTransform = A.float64ListToCssTransform(this.globalTransform),
- t1 = domElement.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "width", A.S(this.width) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "height", A.S(this.height) + "px");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "transform", cssTransform);
- }
- };
- A.EditableTextGeometry_EditableTextGeometry$fromFrameworkMessage_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- return A._asNum(e);
- },
- $signature: 454
- };
- A.TransformKind.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TransformKind." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.Matrix4.prototype = {
- index$2(_, row, col) {
- return col * 4 + row;
- },
- setFrom$1(arg) {
- var argStorage = arg._m4storage,
- t1 = this._m4storage;
- t1[15] = argStorage[15];
- t1[14] = argStorage[14];
- t1[13] = argStorage[13];
- t1[12] = argStorage[12];
- t1[11] = argStorage[11];
- t1[10] = argStorage[10];
- t1[9] = argStorage[9];
- t1[8] = argStorage[8];
- t1[7] = argStorage[7];
- t1[6] = argStorage[6];
- t1[5] = argStorage[5];
- t1[4] = argStorage[4];
- t1[3] = argStorage[3];
- t1[2] = argStorage[2];
- t1[1] = argStorage[1];
- t1[0] = argStorage[0];
- },
- $index(_, i) {
- return this._m4storage[i];
- },
- translate$2(_, x, y) {
- var t1 = this._m4storage,
- t2 = t1[0],
- t3 = t1[4],
- t4 = t1[8],
- t5 = t1[12],
- t6 = t1[1],
- t7 = t1[5],
- t8 = t1[9],
- t9 = t1[13],
- t10 = t1[2],
- t11 = t1[6],
- t12 = t1[10],
- t13 = t1[14],
- t14 = t1[3],
- t15 = t1[7],
- t16 = t1[11],
- t17 = t1[15];
- t1[12] = t2 * x + t3 * y + t4 * 0 + t5;
- t1[13] = t6 * x + t7 * y + t8 * 0 + t9;
- t1[14] = t10 * x + t11 * y + t12 * 0 + t13;
- t1[15] = t14 * x + t15 * y + t16 * 0 + t17;
- },
- translate$1($receiver, x) {
- return this.translate$2($receiver, x, 0);
- },
- scale$3(_, x, y, z) {
- var sy = y == null ? x : y,
- sz = z == null ? x : z,
- t1 = this._m4storage;
- t1[15] = t1[15];
- t1[0] = t1[0] * x;
- t1[1] = t1[1] * x;
- t1[2] = t1[2] * x;
- t1[3] = t1[3] * x;
- t1[4] = t1[4] * sy;
- t1[5] = t1[5] * sy;
- t1[6] = t1[6] * sy;
- t1[7] = t1[7] * sy;
- t1[8] = t1[8] * sz;
- t1[9] = t1[9] * sz;
- t1[10] = t1[10] * sz;
- t1[11] = t1[11] * sz;
- t1[12] = t1[12];
- t1[13] = t1[13];
- t1[14] = t1[14];
- },
- scale$1($receiver, x) {
- return this.scale$3($receiver, x, null, null);
- },
- scale$2($receiver, x, y) {
- return this.scale$3($receiver, x, y, null);
- },
- perspectiveTransform$1(arg) {
- var argStorage = arg._v3storage,
- t1 = this._m4storage,
- t2 = t1[0],
- t3 = argStorage[0],
- t4 = t1[4],
- t5 = argStorage[1],
- t6 = t1[8],
- t7 = argStorage[2],
- t8 = t1[12],
- t9 = t1[1],
- t10 = t1[5],
- t11 = t1[9],
- t12 = t1[13],
- t13 = t1[2],
- t14 = t1[6],
- t15 = t1[10],
- t16 = t1[14],
- w = 1 / (t1[3] * t3 + t1[7] * t5 + t1[11] * t7 + t1[15]);
- argStorage[0] = (t2 * t3 + t4 * t5 + t6 * t7 + t8) * w;
- argStorage[1] = (t9 * t3 + t10 * t5 + t11 * t7 + t12) * w;
- argStorage[2] = (t13 * t3 + t14 * t5 + t15 * t7 + t16) * w;
- return arg;
- },
- isIdentity$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._m4storage;
- return t1[0] === 1 && t1[1] === 0 && t1[2] === 0 && t1[3] === 0 && t1[4] === 0 && t1[5] === 1 && t1[6] === 0 && t1[7] === 0 && t1[8] === 0 && t1[9] === 0 && t1[10] === 1 && t1[11] === 0 && t1[12] === 0 && t1[13] === 0 && t1[14] === 0 && t1[15] === 1;
- },
- rotate$2(_, axis, angle) {
- var m23, m31, m32, m33, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13,
- len = Math.sqrt(axis.get$length2()),
- axisStorage = axis._v3storage,
- x = axisStorage[0] / len,
- y = axisStorage[1] / len,
- z = axisStorage[2] / len,
- c = Math.cos(angle),
- s = Math.sin(angle),
- $C = 1 - c,
- m11 = x * x * $C + c,
- t1 = z * s,
- m12 = x * y * $C - t1,
- t2 = y * s,
- m13 = x * z * $C + t2,
- m21 = y * x * $C + t1,
- m22 = y * y * $C + c;
- t1 = x * s;
- m23 = y * z * $C - t1;
- m31 = z * x * $C - t2;
- m32 = z * y * $C + t1;
- m33 = z * z * $C + c;
- t1 = this._m4storage;
- t2 = t1[0];
- t3 = t1[4];
- t4 = t1[8];
- t5 = t1[1];
- t6 = t1[5];
- t7 = t1[9];
- t8 = t1[2];
- t9 = t1[6];
- t10 = t1[10];
- t11 = t1[3];
- t12 = t1[7];
- t13 = t1[11];
- t1[0] = t2 * m11 + t3 * m21 + t4 * m31;
- t1[1] = t5 * m11 + t6 * m21 + t7 * m31;
- t1[2] = t8 * m11 + t9 * m21 + t10 * m31;
- t1[3] = t11 * m11 + t12 * m21 + t13 * m31;
- t1[4] = t2 * m12 + t3 * m22 + t4 * m32;
- t1[5] = t5 * m12 + t6 * m22 + t7 * m32;
- t1[6] = t8 * m12 + t9 * m22 + t10 * m32;
- t1[7] = t11 * m12 + t12 * m22 + t13 * m32;
- t1[8] = t2 * m13 + t3 * m23 + t4 * m33;
- t1[9] = t5 * m13 + t6 * m23 + t7 * m33;
- t1[10] = t8 * m13 + t9 * m23 + t10 * m33;
- t1[11] = t11 * m13 + t12 * m23 + t13 * m33;
- },
- setTranslationRaw$3(x, y, z) {
- var t1 = this._m4storage;
- t1[14] = z;
- t1[13] = y;
- t1[12] = x;
- },
- copyInverse$1(arg) {
- var invDet, t1, t2, t3,
- argStorage = arg._m4storage,
- a00 = argStorage[0],
- a01 = argStorage[1],
- a02 = argStorage[2],
- a03 = argStorage[3],
- a10 = argStorage[4],
- a11 = argStorage[5],
- a12 = argStorage[6],
- a13 = argStorage[7],
- a20 = argStorage[8],
- a21 = argStorage[9],
- a22 = argStorage[10],
- a23 = argStorage[11],
- a30 = argStorage[12],
- a31 = argStorage[13],
- a32 = argStorage[14],
- a33 = argStorage[15],
- b00 = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10,
- b01 = a00 * a12 - a02 * a10,
- b02 = a00 * a13 - a03 * a10,
- b03 = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11,
- b04 = a01 * a13 - a03 * a11,
- b05 = a02 * a13 - a03 * a12,
- b06 = a20 * a31 - a21 * a30,
- b07 = a20 * a32 - a22 * a30,
- b08 = a20 * a33 - a23 * a30,
- b09 = a21 * a32 - a22 * a31,
- b10 = a21 * a33 - a23 * a31,
- b11 = a22 * a33 - a23 * a32,
- det = b00 * b11 - b01 * b10 + b02 * b09 + b03 * b08 - b04 * b07 + b05 * b06;
- if (det === 0) {
- this.setFrom$1(arg);
- return 0;
- }
- invDet = 1 / det;
- t1 = this._m4storage;
- t1[0] = (a11 * b11 - a12 * b10 + a13 * b09) * invDet;
- t1[1] = (-a01 * b11 + a02 * b10 - a03 * b09) * invDet;
- t1[2] = (a31 * b05 - a32 * b04 + a33 * b03) * invDet;
- t1[3] = (-a21 * b05 + a22 * b04 - a23 * b03) * invDet;
- t2 = -a10;
- t1[4] = (t2 * b11 + a12 * b08 - a13 * b07) * invDet;
- t1[5] = (a00 * b11 - a02 * b08 + a03 * b07) * invDet;
- t3 = -a30;
- t1[6] = (t3 * b05 + a32 * b02 - a33 * b01) * invDet;
- t1[7] = (a20 * b05 - a22 * b02 + a23 * b01) * invDet;
- t1[8] = (a10 * b10 - a11 * b08 + a13 * b06) * invDet;
- t1[9] = (-a00 * b10 + a01 * b08 - a03 * b06) * invDet;
- t1[10] = (a30 * b04 - a31 * b02 + a33 * b00) * invDet;
- t1[11] = (-a20 * b04 + a21 * b02 - a23 * b00) * invDet;
- t1[12] = (t2 * b09 + a11 * b07 - a12 * b06) * invDet;
- t1[13] = (a00 * b09 - a01 * b07 + a02 * b06) * invDet;
- t1[14] = (t3 * b03 + a31 * b01 - a32 * b00) * invDet;
- t1[15] = (a20 * b03 - a21 * b01 + a22 * b00) * invDet;
- return det;
- },
- multiply$1(_, arg) {
- var t1 = this._m4storage,
- m33 = t1[15],
- m00 = t1[0],
- m01 = t1[4],
- m02 = t1[8],
- m03 = t1[12],
- m10 = t1[1],
- m11 = t1[5],
- m12 = t1[9],
- m13 = t1[13],
- m20 = t1[2],
- m21 = t1[6],
- m22 = t1[10],
- m23 = t1[14],
- m30 = t1[3],
- m31 = t1[7],
- m32 = t1[11],
- argStorage = arg._m4storage,
- n33 = argStorage[15],
- n00 = argStorage[0],
- n01 = argStorage[4],
- n02 = argStorage[8],
- n03 = argStorage[12],
- n10 = argStorage[1],
- n11 = argStorage[5],
- n12 = argStorage[9],
- n13 = argStorage[13],
- n20 = argStorage[2],
- n21 = argStorage[6],
- n22 = argStorage[10],
- n23 = argStorage[14],
- n30 = argStorage[3],
- n31 = argStorage[7],
- n32 = argStorage[11];
- t1[0] = m00 * n00 + m01 * n10 + m02 * n20 + m03 * n30;
- t1[4] = m00 * n01 + m01 * n11 + m02 * n21 + m03 * n31;
- t1[8] = m00 * n02 + m01 * n12 + m02 * n22 + m03 * n32;
- t1[12] = m00 * n03 + m01 * n13 + m02 * n23 + m03 * n33;
- t1[1] = m10 * n00 + m11 * n10 + m12 * n20 + m13 * n30;
- t1[5] = m10 * n01 + m11 * n11 + m12 * n21 + m13 * n31;
- t1[9] = m10 * n02 + m11 * n12 + m12 * n22 + m13 * n32;
- t1[13] = m10 * n03 + m11 * n13 + m12 * n23 + m13 * n33;
- t1[2] = m20 * n00 + m21 * n10 + m22 * n20 + m23 * n30;
- t1[6] = m20 * n01 + m21 * n11 + m22 * n21 + m23 * n31;
- t1[10] = m20 * n02 + m21 * n12 + m22 * n22 + m23 * n32;
- t1[14] = m20 * n03 + m21 * n13 + m22 * n23 + m23 * n33;
- t1[3] = m30 * n00 + m31 * n10 + m32 * n20 + m33 * n30;
- t1[7] = m30 * n01 + m31 * n11 + m32 * n21 + m33 * n31;
- t1[11] = m30 * n02 + m31 * n12 + m32 * n22 + m33 * n32;
- t1[15] = m30 * n03 + m31 * n13 + m32 * n23 + m33 * n33;
- },
- multiplied$1(arg) {
- var t1 = new A.Matrix4(new Float32Array(16));
- t1.setFrom$1(this);
- t1.multiply$1(0, arg);
- return t1;
- },
- transform2$1(vector) {
- var x = vector[0],
- y = vector[1],
- t1 = this._m4storage;
- vector[0] = t1[0] * x + t1[4] * y + t1[12];
- vector[1] = t1[1] * x + t1[5] * y + t1[13];
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.Vector3.prototype = {
- setValues$3(x, y, z) {
- var t1 = this._v3storage;
- t1[0] = x;
- t1[1] = y;
- t1[2] = z;
- },
- $index(_, i) {
- return this._v3storage[i];
- },
- get$length(_) {
- var t1 = this._v3storage,
- t2 = t1[0],
- t3 = t1[1];
- t1 = t1[2];
- return Math.sqrt(t2 * t2 + t3 * t3 + t1 * t1);
- },
- get$length2() {
- var t1 = this._v3storage,
- t2 = t1[0],
- t3 = t1[1];
- t1 = t1[2];
- return t2 * t2 + t3 * t3 + t1 * t1;
- },
- get$x(_) {
- return this._v3storage[0];
- },
- get$y(_) {
- return this._v3storage[1];
- }
- };
- A.FastMatrix32.prototype = {
- transform$2(_, x, y) {
- var t1 = this.matrix;
- this.transformedX = t1[12] + t1[0] * x + t1[4] * y;
- this.transformedY = t1[13] + t1[1] * x + t1[5] * y;
- }
- };
- A.CustomElementDimensionsProvider.prototype = {
- CustomElementDimensionsProvider$1(_hostElement) {
- var t1 = A.createDomResizeObserver(new A.CustomElementDimensionsProvider_closure(this));
- this.__CustomElementDimensionsProvider__hostElementResizeObserver_A = t1;
- t1.observe(this._hostElement);
- },
- _broadcastSize$1(size) {
- this._onResizeStreamController.add$1(0, size);
- },
- close$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.__CustomElementDimensionsProvider__hostElementResizeObserver_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.disconnect();
- this._onResizeStreamController.close$0(0);
- },
- get$onResize(_) {
- var t1 = this._onResizeStreamController;
- return new A._BroadcastStream(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_BroadcastStream<1>"));
- },
- computePhysicalSize$0() {
- var t1,
- devicePixelRatio = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (devicePixelRatio == null) {
- t1 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- devicePixelRatio = t1 === 0 ? 1 : t1;
- }
- t1 = this._hostElement;
- return new A.Size(t1.clientWidth * devicePixelRatio, t1.clientHeight * devicePixelRatio);
- },
- computeKeyboardInsets$2(physicalHeight, isEditingOnMobile) {
- return B.ViewPadding_0_0_0_0;
- }
- };
- A.CustomElementDimensionsProvider_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(entries, _) {
- new A.MappedListIterable(entries, new A.CustomElementDimensionsProvider__closure(), entries.$ti._eval$1("MappedListIterable")).forEach$1(0, this.$this.get$_broadcastSize());
- },
- $signature: 435
- };
- A.CustomElementDimensionsProvider__closure.prototype = {
- call$1(entry) {
- return new A.Size(entry.contentRect.width, entry.contentRect.height);
- },
- $signature: 412
- };
- A.DimensionsProvider.prototype = {};
- A.FullPageDimensionsProvider.prototype = {
- _onVisualViewportResize$1($event) {
- this._onResizeStreamController.add$1(0, null);
- },
- close$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.__FullPageDimensionsProvider__domResizeSubscription_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.target.removeEventListener(t1.type, t1.listener);
- this._onResizeStreamController.close$0(0);
- },
- get$onResize(_) {
- var t1 = this._onResizeStreamController;
- return new A._BroadcastStream(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_BroadcastStream<1>"));
- },
- computePhysicalSize$0() {
- var t2, _null = null,
- windowInnerWidth = A._Cell$named("windowInnerWidth"),
- windowInnerHeight = A._Cell$named("windowInnerHeight"),
- t1 = self.window.visualViewport,
- devicePixelRatio = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (devicePixelRatio == null) {
- t2 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- devicePixelRatio = t2 === 0 ? 1 : t2;
- }
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- if (t2 === B.OperatingSystem_0) {
- t1 = self.document.documentElement.clientWidth;
- t2 = self.document.documentElement.clientHeight;
- windowInnerWidth.__late_helper$_value = t1 * devicePixelRatio;
- windowInnerHeight.__late_helper$_value = t2 * devicePixelRatio;
- } else {
- t2 = t1.width;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _null;
- t2.toString;
- windowInnerWidth.__late_helper$_value = t2 * devicePixelRatio;
- t1 = t1.height;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t1.toString;
- windowInnerHeight.__late_helper$_value = t1 * devicePixelRatio;
- }
- } else {
- t1 = self.window.innerWidth;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t1.toString;
- windowInnerWidth.__late_helper$_value = t1 * devicePixelRatio;
- t1 = self.window.innerHeight;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t1.toString;
- windowInnerHeight.__late_helper$_value = t1 * devicePixelRatio;
- }
- return new A.Size(windowInnerWidth._readLocal$0(), windowInnerHeight._readLocal$0());
- },
- computeKeyboardInsets$2(physicalHeight, isEditingOnMobile) {
- var t1, windowInnerHeight, t2,
- devicePixelRatio = $.$get$window()._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (devicePixelRatio == null) {
- t1 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- devicePixelRatio = t1 === 0 ? 1 : t1;
- }
- t1 = self.window.visualViewport;
- windowInnerHeight = A._Cell$named("windowInnerHeight");
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = $.$get$_operatingSystem();
- if (t2 === B.OperatingSystem_0 && !isEditingOnMobile)
- windowInnerHeight.__late_helper$_value = self.document.documentElement.clientHeight * devicePixelRatio;
- else {
- t1 = t1.height;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- t1.toString;
- windowInnerHeight.__late_helper$_value = t1 * devicePixelRatio;
- }
- } else {
- t1 = self.window.innerHeight;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- t1.toString;
- windowInnerHeight.__late_helper$_value = t1 * devicePixelRatio;
- }
- return new A.ViewPadding(0, 0, 0, physicalHeight - windowInnerHeight._readLocal$0());
- }
- };
- A.CustomElementEmbeddingStrategy.prototype = {
- initialize$1$hostElementAttributes(_, hostElementAttributes) {
- var t1;
- hostElementAttributes.get$entries(hostElementAttributes).forEach$1(0, new A.CustomElementEmbeddingStrategy_initialize_closure(this));
- t1 = A.jsify("custom-element");
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = type$.Object._as(t1);
- A.callMethod(this._hostElement, "setAttribute", ["flt-embedding", t1]);
- },
- attachGlassPane$1(glassPaneElement) {
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(glassPaneElement.style, "width", "100%");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(glassPaneElement.style, "height", "100%");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(glassPaneElement.style, "display", "block");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(glassPaneElement.style, "overflow", "hidden");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(glassPaneElement.style, "position", "relative");
- this._hostElement.appendChild(glassPaneElement);
- this.registerElementForCleanup$1(glassPaneElement);
- },
- attachResourcesHost$2$nextTo(resourceHost, nextTo) {
- this._hostElement.insertBefore(resourceHost, nextTo);
- this.registerElementForCleanup$1(resourceHost);
- },
- disableContextMenu$0() {
- return this.disableContextMenuOn$1(this._hostElement);
- },
- enableContextMenu$0() {
- return this.enableContextMenuOn$1(this._hostElement);
- }
- };
- A.CustomElementEmbeddingStrategy_initialize_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(entry) {
- var t1 = entry.key,
- t2 = A.jsify(entry.value);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = type$.Object._as(t2);
- A.callMethod(this.$this._hostElement, "setAttribute", [t1, t2]);
- },
- $signature: 149
- };
- A.EmbeddingStrategy.prototype = {
- registerElementForCleanup$1(element) {
- }
- };
- A._ContextMenu.prototype = {
- disableContextMenuOn$1(element) {
- if (!this._ContextMenu__contextMenuEnabled)
- return;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_addEventListener(element, "contextmenu", this._ContextMenu__disablingContextMenuListener, null);
- this._ContextMenu__contextMenuEnabled = false;
- },
- enableContextMenuOn$1(element) {
- if (this._ContextMenu__contextMenuEnabled)
- return;
- A.DomEventTargetExtension_removeEventListener(element, "contextmenu", this._ContextMenu__disablingContextMenuListener, null);
- this._ContextMenu__contextMenuEnabled = true;
- }
- };
- A._ContextMenu__disablingContextMenuListener_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- $event.preventDefault();
- },
- $signature: 2
- };
- A.FullPageEmbeddingStrategy.prototype = {
- initialize$1$hostElementAttributes(_, hostElementAttributes) {
- var t1, t2, _s1_ = "0", _s4_ = "none";
- hostElementAttributes.get$entries(hostElementAttributes).forEach$1(0, new A.FullPageEmbeddingStrategy_initialize_closure(this));
- t1 = self.document.body;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.jsify("full-page");
- A.callMethod(t1, "setAttribute", ["flt-embedding", t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- this._applyViewportMeta$0();
- t1 = self.document.body;
- t1.toString;
- A.setElementStyle(t1, "position", "fixed");
- A.setElementStyle(t1, "top", _s1_);
- A.setElementStyle(t1, "right", _s1_);
- A.setElementStyle(t1, "bottom", _s1_);
- A.setElementStyle(t1, "left", _s1_);
- A.setElementStyle(t1, "overflow", "hidden");
- A.setElementStyle(t1, "padding", _s1_);
- A.setElementStyle(t1, "margin", _s1_);
- A.setElementStyle(t1, "user-select", _s4_);
- A.setElementStyle(t1, "-webkit-user-select", _s4_);
- A.setElementStyle(t1, "touch-action", _s4_);
- },
- attachGlassPane$1(glassPaneElement) {
- var t1 = glassPaneElement.style;
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "position", "absolute");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "top", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "right", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "bottom", "0");
- A.DomCSSStyleDeclarationExtension_setProperty(t1, "left", "0");
- self.document.body.append(glassPaneElement);
- this.registerElementForCleanup$1(glassPaneElement);
- },
- attachResourcesHost$2$nextTo(resourceHost, nextTo) {
- self.document.body.insertBefore(resourceHost, nextTo);
- this.registerElementForCleanup$1(resourceHost);
- },
- disableContextMenu$0() {
- return this.disableContextMenuOn$1(self.window);
- },
- enableContextMenu$0() {
- return this.enableContextMenuOn$1(self.window);
- },
- _applyViewportMeta$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, viewportMeta;
- for (t1 = type$._DomListWrapper_JavaScriptObject, t1 = A.CastIterable_CastIterable(new A._DomListWrapper(self.document.head.querySelectorAll('meta[name="viewport"]'), t1), t1._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.JavaScriptObject), t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1._source), t1 = A._instanceType(t1), t1 = t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._rest[1]; t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1._as(t2.get$current(t2));
- t3.remove();
- }
- viewportMeta = A.DomDocumentExtension_createElement(self.document, "meta");
- t1 = A.jsify("");
- A.callMethod(viewportMeta, "setAttribute", ["flt-viewport", t1 == null ? type$.Object._as(t1) : t1]);
- viewportMeta.name = "viewport";
- viewportMeta.content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no";
- self.document.head.append(viewportMeta);
- this.registerElementForCleanup$1(viewportMeta);
- }
- };
- A.FullPageEmbeddingStrategy_initialize_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(entry) {
- var t1 = entry.key,
- t2 = entry.value,
- t3 = self.document.body;
- t3.toString;
- t2 = A.jsify(t2);
- A.callMethod(t3, "setAttribute", [t1, t2 == null ? type$.Object._as(t2) : t2]);
- },
- $signature: 149
- };
- A.EngineFlutterWindow.prototype = {
- EngineFlutterWindow$2(viewId, platformDispatcher) {
- var _this = this,
- engineDispatcher = _this.platformDispatcher,
- t1 = _this.viewId;
- engineDispatcher.viewData.$indexSet(0, t1, _this);
- engineDispatcher._windowConfigurations.$indexSet(0, t1, B.C_ViewConfiguration);
- if ($._isUrlStrategySet)
- _this._browserHistory = A.createHistoryForExistingState($._customUrlStrategy);
- $._hotRestartListeners.push(new A.EngineFlutterWindow_closure(_this));
- },
- get$browserHistory() {
- var urlStrategy,
- t1 = this._browserHistory;
- if (t1 == null) {
- if ($._isUrlStrategySet)
- urlStrategy = $._customUrlStrategy;
- else
- urlStrategy = B.C_HashUrlStrategy;
- $._isUrlStrategySet = true;
- t1 = this._browserHistory = A.createHistoryForExistingState(urlStrategy);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- _useSingleEntryBrowserHistory$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, urlStrategy, strategy, t1;
- var $async$_useSingleEntryBrowserHistory$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $async$self._browserHistory;
- if (t1 == null) {
- if ($._isUrlStrategySet)
- urlStrategy = $._customUrlStrategy;
- else
- urlStrategy = B.C_HashUrlStrategy;
- $._isUrlStrategySet = true;
- t1 = $async$self._browserHistory = A.createHistoryForExistingState(urlStrategy);
- }
- if (t1 instanceof A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- strategy = t1.get$urlStrategy();
- t1 = $async$self._browserHistory;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1 == null ? null : t1.tearDown$0(), $async$_useSingleEntryBrowserHistory$0);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- $async$self._browserHistory = A.SingleEntryBrowserHistory$(strategy);
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_useSingleEntryBrowserHistory$0, $async$completer);
- },
- _useMultiEntryBrowserHistory$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, urlStrategy, strategy, t1;
- var $async$_useMultiEntryBrowserHistory$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $async$self._browserHistory;
- if (t1 == null) {
- if ($._isUrlStrategySet)
- urlStrategy = $._customUrlStrategy;
- else
- urlStrategy = B.C_HashUrlStrategy;
- $._isUrlStrategySet = true;
- t1 = $async$self._browserHistory = A.createHistoryForExistingState(urlStrategy);
- }
- if (t1 instanceof A.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- strategy = t1.get$urlStrategy();
- t1 = $async$self._browserHistory;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1 == null ? null : t1.tearDown$0(), $async$_useMultiEntryBrowserHistory$0);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- $async$self._browserHistory = A.MultiEntriesBrowserHistory$(strategy);
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_useMultiEntryBrowserHistory$0, $async$completer);
- },
- _waitInTheLine$1(callback) {
- return this._waitInTheLine$body$EngineFlutterWindow(callback);
- },
- _waitInTheLine$body$EngineFlutterWindow(callback) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
- $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, result, currentPosition, completer;
- var $async$_waitInTheLine$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- currentPosition = $async$self._endOfTheLine;
- completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void);
- $async$self._endOfTheLine = completer.future;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(currentPosition, $async$_waitInTheLine$1);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- result = false;
- $async$handler = 4;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait(callback.call$0(), $async$_waitInTheLine$1);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- result = $async$result;
- $async$next.push(6);
- // goto finally
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- case 4:
- // uncaught
- $async$next = [2];
- case 5:
- // finally
- $async$handler = 2;
- J.complete$0$z(completer);
- // goto the next finally handler
- $async$goto = $async$next.pop();
- break;
- case 6:
- // after finally
- $async$returnValue = result;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- case 2:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_waitInTheLine$1, $async$completer);
- },
- handleNavigationMessage$1(data) {
- return this.handleNavigationMessage$body$EngineFlutterWindow(data);
- },
- handleNavigationMessage$body$EngineFlutterWindow(data) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
- var $async$handleNavigationMessage$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = $async$self._waitInTheLine$1(new A.EngineFlutterWindow_handleNavigationMessage_closure($async$self, data));
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$handleNavigationMessage$1, $async$completer);
- },
- get$_viewConfiguration() {
- var t1 = this.platformDispatcher._windowConfigurations.$index(0, this.viewId);
- return t1 == null ? B.C_ViewConfiguration : t1;
- },
- get$physicalSize() {
- if (this._physicalSize == null)
- this.computePhysicalSize$0();
- var t1 = this._physicalSize;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- computePhysicalSize$0() {
- var t1 = this.__EngineFlutterWindow__dimensionsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- this._physicalSize = t1.computePhysicalSize$0();
- },
- computeOnScreenKeyboardInsets$1(isEditingOnMobile) {
- var t1 = this.__EngineFlutterWindow__dimensionsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- this._viewInsets = t1.computeKeyboardInsets$2(this._physicalSize._dy, isEditingOnMobile);
- },
- isRotation$0() {
- var t1, current, t2, t3;
- if (this._physicalSize != null) {
- t1 = this.__EngineFlutterWindow__dimensionsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- current = t1.computePhysicalSize$0();
- t1 = this._physicalSize;
- t2 = t1._dy;
- t3 = current._dy;
- if (t2 !== t3 && t1._dx !== current._dx) {
- t1 = t1._dx;
- if (!(t2 > t1 && t3 < current._dx))
- t1 = t1 > t2 && current._dx < t3;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- };
- A.EngineFlutterWindow_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._browserHistory;
- if (t2 != null)
- t2.dispose$0();
- $.$get$_renderer().clearFragmentProgramCache$0();
- t1 = t1.__EngineFlutterWindow__dimensionsProvider_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.close$0(0);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.EngineFlutterWindow_handleNavigationMessage_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, uriString, uri, t2, t3, path, decoded, $arguments;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- decoded = B.C_JSONMethodCodec.decodeMethodCall$1($async$self.data);
- $arguments = type$.nullable_Map_String_dynamic._as(decoded.$arguments);
- case 3:
- // switch
- switch (decoded.method) {
- case "selectMultiEntryHistory":
- // goto case
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- case "selectSingleEntryHistory":
- // goto case
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case "routeUpdated":
- // goto case
- $async$goto = 7;
- break;
- case "routeInformationUpdated":
- // goto case
- $async$goto = 8;
- break;
- default:
- // goto after switch
- $async$goto = 4;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- // case
- $async$goto = 9;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.$this._useMultiEntryBrowserHistory$0(), $async$call$0);
- case 9:
- // returning from await.
- $async$returnValue = true;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 6:
- // case
- $async$goto = 10;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.$this._useSingleEntryBrowserHistory$0(), $async$call$0);
- case 10:
- // returning from await.
- $async$returnValue = true;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 7:
- // case
- t1 = $async$self.$this;
- $async$goto = 11;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1._useSingleEntryBrowserHistory$0(), $async$call$0);
- case 11:
- // returning from await.
- t1 = t1.get$browserHistory();
- $arguments.toString;
- t1.setRouteName$1(A._asStringQ(J.$index$asx($arguments, "routeName")));
- $async$returnValue = true;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 8:
- // case
- $arguments.toString;
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx($arguments);
- uriString = A._asStringQ(t1.$index($arguments, "uri"));
- if (uriString != null) {
- uri = A.Uri_parse(uriString);
- t2 = uri.get$path(uri).length === 0 ? "/" : uri.get$path(uri);
- t3 = uri.get$queryParametersAll();
- t3 = t3.get$isEmpty(t3) ? null : uri.get$queryParametersAll();
- t2 = A._Uri__Uri(uri.get$fragment().length === 0 ? null : uri.get$fragment(), t2, t3).get$_text();
- path = A._Uri__uriDecode(t2, 0, t2.length, B.C_Utf8Codec, false);
- } else {
- t2 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index($arguments, "location"));
- t2.toString;
- path = t2;
- }
- t2 = $async$self.$this.get$browserHistory();
- t3 = t1.$index($arguments, "state");
- t1 = A._asBoolQ(t1.$index($arguments, "replace"));
- t2.setRouteName$3$replace$state(path, t1 === true, t3);
- $async$returnValue = true;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 4:
- // after switch
- $async$returnValue = false;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 64
- };
- A.EngineSingletonFlutterWindow.prototype = {};
- A.ViewPadding.prototype = {};
- A._DefaultTextEditingStrategy_Object_CompositionAwareMixin.prototype = {};
- A._DomCanvas_EngineCanvas_SaveElementStackTracking.prototype = {};
- A._EmbeddingStrategy_Object__ContextMenu.prototype = {};
- A._LayoutFragment__CombinedFragment__FragmentMetrics.prototype = {};
- A._LayoutFragment__CombinedFragment__FragmentMetrics__FragmentPosition.prototype = {};
- A._LayoutFragment__CombinedFragment__FragmentMetrics__FragmentPosition__FragmentBox.prototype = {};
- A._PersistedClipRRect_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip.prototype = {
- adoptElements$1(oldSurface) {
- this.super$PersistedSurface$adoptElements(oldSurface);
- this._DomClip__childContainer = oldSurface._DomClip__childContainer;
- oldSurface._DomClip__childContainer = null;
- },
- discard$0() {
- this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$discard();
- this._DomClip__childContainer = null;
- }
- };
- A._PersistedClipRect_PersistedContainerSurface__DomClip.prototype = {
- adoptElements$1(oldSurface) {
- this.super$PersistedSurface$adoptElements(oldSurface);
- this._DomClip__childContainer = oldSurface._DomClip__childContainer;
- oldSurface._DomClip__childContainer = null;
- },
- discard$0() {
- this.super$PersistedContainerSurface$discard();
- this._DomClip__childContainer = null;
- }
- };
- A.__MouseAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin.prototype = {};
- A.__PointerAdapter__BaseAdapter__WheelEventListenerMixin.prototype = {};
- A.JS_CONST.prototype = {};
- A.HttpException.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = "" + "HttpException: " + this.message;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- $isException: 1
- };
- A.HttpDate_parse_expect.prototype = {
- call$1(s) {
- var _s18_ = "Invalid HTTP date ",
- t1 = this.date,
- t2 = this._box_0,
- t3 = t2.index,
- t4 = s.length;
- if (t1.length - t3 < t4)
- throw A.wrapException(A.HttpException$(_s18_ + t1));
- t4 = t3 + t4;
- if (B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, t3, t4) !== s)
- throw A.wrapException(A.HttpException$(_s18_ + t1));
- t2.index = t4;
- },
- $signature: 29
- };
- A.HttpDate_parse_expectWeekday.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var tmp, _this = this,
- _s18_ = "Invalid HTTP date ",
- t1 = _this.date,
- t2 = _this._box_0,
- t3 = t2.index,
- pos = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(t1, ",", t3);
- if (pos === -1) {
- pos = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(t1, " ", t3);
- if (pos === -1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.HttpException$(_s18_ + t1));
- tmp = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, t3, pos);
- t2.tmp = tmp;
- t2.index = pos + 1;
- if (B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(B.List_n7o0, tmp) !== -1)
- return _this.formatAsctime;
- } else {
- tmp = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, t3, pos);
- t2.tmp = tmp;
- t2.index = pos + 1;
- if (B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(B.List_n7o0, tmp) !== -1)
- return _this.formatRfc1123;
- if (B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(B.List_6TA0, t2.tmp) !== -1)
- return _this.formatRfc850;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.HttpException$(_s18_ + t1));
- },
- $signature: 53
- };
- A.HttpDate_parse_expectMonth.prototype = {
- call$1(separator) {
- var tmp, month,
- _s18_ = "Invalid HTTP date ",
- t1 = this.date,
- t2 = this._box_0,
- t3 = t2.index,
- pos = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(t1, separator, t3);
- if (pos - t3 !== 3)
- throw A.wrapException(A.HttpException$(_s18_ + t1));
- tmp = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, t3, pos);
- t2.tmp = tmp;
- t2.index = pos + 1;
- month = B.JSArray_methods.indexOf$1(B.List_Au80, tmp);
- if (month !== -1)
- return month;
- throw A.wrapException(A.HttpException$(_s18_ + t1));
- },
- $signature: 123
- };
- A.HttpDate_parse_expectNum.prototype = {
- call$1(separator) {
- var value, exception,
- t1 = separator.length,
- t2 = this.date,
- pos = t1 !== 0 ? B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(t2, separator, this._box_0.index) : t2.length,
- t3 = this._box_0,
- tmp = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t2, t3.index, pos);
- t3.index = pos + t1;
- try {
- value = A.int_parse(tmp, null);
- return value;
- } catch (exception) {
- if (type$.FormatException._is(A.unwrapException(exception)))
- throw A.wrapException(A.HttpException$("Invalid HTTP date " + t2));
- else
- throw exception;
- }
- },
- $signature: 123
- };
- A.HttpDate_parse_expectEnd.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.date;
- if (this._box_0.index !== t1.length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.HttpException$("Invalid HTTP date " + t1));
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- J.Interceptor.prototype = {
- $eq(receiver, other) {
- return receiver === other;
- },
- get$hashCode(receiver) {
- return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(receiver);
- },
- toString$0(receiver) {
- return "Instance of '" + A.Primitives_objectTypeName(receiver) + "'";
- },
- noSuchMethod$1(receiver, invocation) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.NoSuchMethodError_NoSuchMethodError$withInvocation(receiver, invocation));
- },
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return A.createRuntimeType(A._instanceTypeFromConstructor(this));
- }
- };
- J.JSBool.prototype = {
- toString$0(receiver) {
- return String(receiver);
- },
- $and(receiver, other) {
- return other && receiver;
- },
- $or(receiver, other) {
- return other || receiver;
- },
- $xor(receiver, other) {
- return receiver !== other;
- },
- get$hashCode(receiver) {
- return receiver ? 519018 : 218159;
- },
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return A.createRuntimeType(type$.bool);
- },
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1,
- $isbool: 1
- };
- J.JSNull.prototype = {
- $eq(receiver, other) {
- return null == other;
- },
- toString$0(receiver) {
- return "null";
- },
- get$hashCode(receiver) {
- return 0;
- },
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return A.createRuntimeType(type$.Null);
- },
- noSuchMethod$1(receiver, invocation) {
- return this.super$Interceptor$noSuchMethod(receiver, invocation);
- },
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1,
- $isNull: 1
- };
- J.JavaScriptObject.prototype = {};
- J.LegacyJavaScriptObject.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(receiver) {
- return 0;
- },
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return B.Type_JSObject_8k0;
- },
- toString$0(receiver) {
- return String(receiver);
- },
- $isAuthJsImpl: 1,
- $isUserInfoJsImpl: 1,
- $isUserJsImpl: 1,
- $isPersistence: 1,
- $isUserCredentialJsImpl: 1,
- $isAdditionalUserInfoJsImpl: 1,
- $isMultiFactorUserJsImpl: 1,
- $isMultiFactorInfoJsImpl: 1,
- $isMultiFactorResolverJsImpl: 1,
- $isPhoneMultiFactorInfoJsImpl: 1,
- $isAppJsImpl: 1,
- $isFirebaseError: 1,
- get$tenantId(obj) {
- return obj.tenantId;
- },
- onAuthStateChanged$2(receiver, p0, p1) {
- return receiver.onAuthStateChanged(p0, p1);
- },
- onIdTokenChanged$2(receiver, p0, p1) {
- return receiver.onIdTokenChanged(p0, p1);
- },
- signOut$0(receiver) {
- return receiver.signOut();
- },
- get$displayName(obj) {
- return obj.displayName;
- },
- get$email(obj) {
- return obj.email;
- },
- get$phoneNumber(obj) {
- return obj.phoneNumber;
- },
- get$photoURL(obj) {
- return obj.photoURL;
- },
- get$providerId(obj) {
- return obj.providerId;
- },
- get$uid(obj) {
- return obj.uid;
- },
- get$emailVerified(obj) {
- return obj.emailVerified;
- },
- get$isAnonymous(obj) {
- return obj.isAnonymous;
- },
- get$providerData(obj) {
- return obj.providerData;
- },
- get$refreshToken(obj) {
- return obj.refreshToken;
- },
- get$metadata(obj) {
- return obj.metadata;
- },
- toJSON$0(receiver) {
- return receiver.toJSON();
- },
- get$signInMethod(obj) {
- return obj.signInMethod;
- },
- get$accessToken(obj) {
- return obj.accessToken;
- },
- get$idToken(obj) {
- return obj.idToken;
- },
- get$secret(obj) {
- return obj.secret;
- },
- get$creationTime(obj) {
- return obj.creationTime;
- },
- get$lastSignInTime(obj) {
- return obj.lastSignInTime;
- },
- get$code(obj) {
- return obj.code;
- },
- get$message(obj) {
- return obj.message;
- },
- get$user(obj) {
- return obj.user;
- },
- get$profile(obj) {
- return obj.profile;
- },
- get$username(obj) {
- return obj.username;
- },
- get$isNewUser(obj) {
- return obj.isNewUser;
- },
- get$enrollmentTime(obj) {
- return obj.enrollmentTime;
- },
- get$factorId(obj) {
- return obj.factorId;
- },
- get$hints(obj) {
- return obj.hints;
- },
- get$session(obj) {
- return obj.session;
- },
- get$name(obj) {
- return obj.name;
- },
- get$options(obj) {
- return obj.options;
- },
- get$apiKey(obj) {
- return obj.apiKey;
- },
- get$authDomain(obj) {
- return obj.authDomain;
- },
- get$databaseURL(obj) {
- return obj.databaseURL;
- },
- get$projectId(obj) {
- return obj.projectId;
- },
- get$storageBucket(obj) {
- return obj.storageBucket;
- },
- get$messagingSenderId(obj) {
- return obj.messagingSenderId;
- },
- get$measurementId(obj) {
- return obj.measurementId;
- },
- get$appId(obj) {
- return obj.appId;
- }
- };
- J.PlainJavaScriptObject.prototype = {};
- J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype = {};
- J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype = {
- toString$0(receiver) {
- var dartClosure = receiver[$.$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME()];
- if (dartClosure == null)
- return this.super$LegacyJavaScriptObject$toString(receiver);
- return "JavaScript function for " + A.S(J.toString$0$(dartClosure));
- },
- $isFunction: 1
- };
- J.JSArray.prototype = {
- cast$1$0(receiver, $R) {
- return new A.CastList(receiver, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("CastList<1,2>"));
- },
- add$1(receiver, value) {
- if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("add"));
- receiver.push(value);
- },
- removeAt$1(receiver, index) {
- if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("removeAt"));
- if (index < 0 || index >= receiver.length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$value(index, null));
- return receiver.splice(index, 1)[0];
- },
- insert$2(receiver, index, value) {
- if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("insert"));
- if (index < 0 || index > receiver.length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$value(index, null));
- receiver.splice(index, 0, value);
- },
- insertAll$2(receiver, index, iterable) {
- var insertionLength, end;
- if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("insertAll"));
- A.RangeError_checkValueInInterval(index, 0, receiver.length, "index");
- if (!type$.EfficientLengthIterable_dynamic._is(iterable))
- iterable = J.toList$0$ax(iterable);
- insertionLength = J.get$length$asx(iterable);
- receiver.length = receiver.length + insertionLength;
- end = index + insertionLength;
- this.setRange$4(receiver, end, receiver.length, receiver, index);
- this.setRange$3(receiver, index, end, iterable);
- },
- removeLast$0(receiver) {
- if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("removeLast"));
- if (receiver.length === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, -1));
- return receiver.pop();
- },
- remove$1(receiver, element) {
- var i;
- if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("remove"));
- for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i)
- if (J.$eq$(receiver[i], element)) {
- receiver.splice(i, 1);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- _removeWhere$2(receiver, test, removeMatching) {
- var i, element, t1, retained = [],
- end = receiver.length;
- for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
- element = receiver[i];
- if (!test.call$1(element))
- retained.push(element);
- if (receiver.length !== end)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
- }
- t1 = retained.length;
- if (t1 === end)
- return;
- this.set$length(receiver, t1);
- for (i = 0; i < retained.length; ++i)
- receiver[i] = retained[i];
- },
- where$1(receiver, f) {
- return new A.WhereIterable(receiver, f, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"));
- },
- addAll$1(receiver, collection) {
- var t1;
- if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("addAll"));
- if (Array.isArray(collection)) {
- this._addAllFromArray$1(receiver, collection);
- return;
- }
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(collection); t1.moveNext$0();)
- receiver.push(t1.get$current(t1));
- },
- _addAllFromArray$1(receiver, array) {
- var i,
- len = array.length;
- if (len === 0)
- return;
- if (receiver === array)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
- for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
- receiver.push(array[i]);
- },
- clear$0(receiver) {
- if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("clear"));
- receiver.length = 0;
- },
- forEach$1(receiver, f) {
- var i,
- end = receiver.length;
- for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
- f.call$1(receiver[i]);
- if (receiver.length !== end)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
- }
- },
- map$1$1(receiver, f, $T) {
- return new A.MappedListIterable(receiver, f, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>"));
- },
- join$1(receiver, separator) {
- var i,
- list = A.List_List$filled(receiver.length, "", false, type$.String);
- for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i)
- list[i] = A.S(receiver[i]);
- return list.join(separator);
- },
- join$0($receiver) {
- return this.join$1($receiver, "");
- },
- take$1(receiver, n) {
- return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, 0, A.checkNotNullable(n, "count", type$.int), A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1);
- },
- skip$1(receiver, n) {
- return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, n, null, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1);
- },
- reduce$1(receiver, combine) {
- var value, i,
- $length = receiver.length;
- if ($length === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- value = receiver[0];
- for (i = 1; i < $length; ++i) {
- value = combine.call$2(value, receiver[i]);
- if ($length !== receiver.length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
- }
- return value;
- },
- fold$1$2(receiver, initialValue, combine) {
- var value, i,
- $length = receiver.length;
- for (value = initialValue, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- value = combine.call$2(value, receiver[i]);
- if (receiver.length !== $length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
- }
- return value;
- },
- fold$2($receiver, initialValue, combine) {
- return this.fold$1$2($receiver, initialValue, combine, type$.dynamic);
- },
- firstWhere$2$orElse(receiver, test, orElse) {
- var i, element,
- end = receiver.length;
- for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
- element = receiver[i];
- if (test.call$1(element))
- return element;
- if (receiver.length !== end)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- },
- firstWhere$1($receiver, test) {
- return this.firstWhere$2$orElse($receiver, test, null);
- },
- lastWhere$2$orElse(receiver, test, orElse) {
- var i, element,
- $length = receiver.length;
- for (i = $length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- element = receiver[i];
- if (test.call$1(element))
- return element;
- if ($length !== receiver.length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
- }
- if (orElse != null)
- return orElse.call$0();
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- },
- lastWhere$1($receiver, test) {
- return this.lastWhere$2$orElse($receiver, test, null);
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
- if (start < 0 || start > receiver.length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, receiver.length, "start", null));
- if (end == null)
- end = receiver.length;
- else if (end < start || end > receiver.length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(end, start, receiver.length, "end", null));
- if (start === end)
- return A._setArrayType([], A._arrayInstanceType(receiver));
- return A._setArrayType(receiver.slice(start, end), A._arrayInstanceType(receiver));
- },
- sublist$1($receiver, start) {
- return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
- },
- getRange$2(receiver, start, end) {
- A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length, null, null);
- return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, start, end, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1);
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- if (receiver.length > 0)
- return receiver[0];
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- if (t1 > 0)
- return receiver[t1 - 1];
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- },
- get$single(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- if (t1 === 1)
- return receiver[0];
- if (t1 === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooMany());
- },
- removeRange$2(receiver, start, end) {
- if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("removeRange"));
- A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length, null, null);
- receiver.splice(start, end - start);
- },
- setRange$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
- var $length, otherList, otherStart, t1, i;
- if (!!receiver.immutable$list)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("setRange"));
- A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length, null, null);
- $length = end - start;
- if ($length === 0)
- return;
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(skipCount, "skipCount");
- if (type$.List_dynamic._is(iterable)) {
- otherList = iterable;
- otherStart = skipCount;
- } else {
- t1 = J.skip$1$ax(iterable, skipCount);
- otherList = t1.toList$1$growable(t1, false);
- otherStart = 0;
- }
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(otherList);
- if (otherStart + $length > t1.get$length(otherList))
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooFew());
- if (otherStart < start)
- for (i = $length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- receiver[start + i] = t1.$index(otherList, otherStart + i);
- else
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- receiver[start + i] = t1.$index(otherList, otherStart + i);
- },
- setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) {
- return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0);
- },
- any$1(receiver, test) {
- var i,
- end = receiver.length;
- for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
- if (test.call$1(receiver[i]))
- return true;
- if (receiver.length !== end)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
- }
- return false;
- },
- every$1(receiver, test) {
- var i,
- end = receiver.length;
- for (i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
- if (!test.call$1(receiver[i]))
- return false;
- if (receiver.length !== end)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
- }
- return true;
- },
- sort$1(receiver, compare) {
- if (!!receiver.immutable$list)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("sort"));
- A.Sort_sort(receiver, compare == null ? J._interceptors_JSArray__compareAny$closure() : compare);
- },
- sort$0($receiver) {
- return this.sort$1($receiver, null);
- },
- indexOf$1(receiver, element) {
- var i,
- $length = receiver.length;
- if (0 >= $length)
- return -1;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- if (J.$eq$(receiver[i], element))
- return i;
- return -1;
- },
- contains$1(receiver, other) {
- var i;
- for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i)
- if (J.$eq$(receiver[i], other))
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- get$isEmpty(receiver) {
- return receiver.length === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(receiver) {
- return receiver.length !== 0;
- },
- toString$0(receiver) {
- return A.Iterable_iterableToFullString(receiver, "[", "]");
- },
- toList$1$growable(receiver, growable) {
- var t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(receiver);
- return growable ? A._setArrayType(receiver.slice(0), t1) : J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(receiver.slice(0), t1._precomputed1);
- },
- toList$0($receiver) {
- return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
- },
- toSet$0(receiver) {
- return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$from(receiver, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1);
- },
- get$iterator(receiver) {
- return new J.ArrayIterator(receiver, receiver.length, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
- },
- get$hashCode(receiver) {
- return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(receiver);
- },
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- },
- set$length(receiver, newLength) {
- if (!!receiver.fixed$length)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("set length"));
- if (newLength < 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(newLength, 0, null, "newLength", null));
- if (newLength > receiver.length)
- A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1._as(null);
- receiver.length = newLength;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
- throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- if (!!receiver.immutable$list)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("indexed set"));
- if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
- throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
- receiver[index] = value;
- },
- followedBy$1(receiver, other) {
- return A.FollowedByIterable_FollowedByIterable$firstEfficient(receiver, other, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1);
- },
- whereType$1$0(receiver, $T) {
- return new A.WhereTypeIterable(receiver, $T._eval$1("WhereTypeIterable<0>"));
- },
- $add(receiver, other) {
- var t1 = A.List_List$of(receiver, true, A._arrayInstanceType(receiver)._precomputed1);
- this.addAll$1(t1, other);
- return t1;
- },
- indexWhere$1(receiver, test) {
- var i;
- if (0 >= receiver.length)
- return -1;
- for (i = 0; i < receiver.length; ++i)
- if (test.call$1(receiver[i]))
- return i;
- return -1;
- },
- lastIndexWhere$1(receiver, test) {
- var i,
- start = receiver.length - 1;
- if (start < 0)
- return -1;
- for (i = start; i >= 0; --i)
- if (test.call$1(receiver[i]))
- return i;
- return -1;
- },
- set$last(receiver, element) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- if (t1 === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- this.$indexSet(receiver, t1 - 1, element);
- },
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return A.createRuntimeType(A._arrayInstanceType(receiver));
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- J.JSUnmodifiableArray.prototype = {};
- J.ArrayIterator.prototype = {
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this.__interceptors$_current;
- return t1 == null ? this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1) : t1;
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._iterable,
- $length = t1.length;
- if (_this.__interceptors$_length !== $length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.throwConcurrentModificationError(t1));
- t2 = _this._index;
- if (t2 >= $length) {
- _this.__interceptors$_current = null;
- return false;
- }
- _this.__interceptors$_current = t1[t2];
- _this._index = t2 + 1;
- return true;
- }
- };
- J.JSNumber.prototype = {
- compareTo$1(receiver, b) {
- var bIsNegative;
- if (receiver < b)
- return -1;
- else if (receiver > b)
- return 1;
- else if (receiver === b) {
- if (receiver === 0) {
- bIsNegative = this.get$isNegative(b);
- if (this.get$isNegative(receiver) === bIsNegative)
- return 0;
- if (this.get$isNegative(receiver))
- return -1;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- } else if (isNaN(receiver)) {
- if (isNaN(b))
- return 0;
- return 1;
- } else
- return -1;
- },
- get$isNegative(receiver) {
- return receiver === 0 ? 1 / receiver < 0 : receiver < 0;
- },
- abs$0(receiver) {
- return Math.abs(receiver);
- },
- get$sign(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver > 0)
- t1 = 1;
- else
- t1 = receiver < 0 ? -1 : receiver;
- return t1;
- },
- toInt$0(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver >= -2147483648 && receiver <= 2147483647)
- return receiver | 0;
- if (isFinite(receiver)) {
- t1 = receiver < 0 ? Math.ceil(receiver) : Math.floor(receiver);
- return t1 + 0;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("" + receiver + ".toInt()"));
- },
- ceil$0(receiver) {
- var truncated, d;
- if (receiver >= 0) {
- if (receiver <= 2147483647) {
- truncated = receiver | 0;
- return receiver === truncated ? truncated : truncated + 1;
- }
- } else if (receiver >= -2147483648)
- return receiver | 0;
- d = Math.ceil(receiver);
- if (isFinite(d))
- return d;
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("" + receiver + ".ceil()"));
- },
- floor$0(receiver) {
- var truncated, d;
- if (receiver >= 0) {
- if (receiver <= 2147483647)
- return receiver | 0;
- } else if (receiver >= -2147483648) {
- truncated = receiver | 0;
- return receiver === truncated ? truncated : truncated - 1;
- }
- d = Math.floor(receiver);
- if (isFinite(d))
- return d;
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("" + receiver + ".floor()"));
- },
- round$0(receiver) {
- if (receiver > 0) {
- if (receiver !== 1 / 0)
- return Math.round(receiver);
- } else if (receiver > -1 / 0)
- return 0 - Math.round(0 - receiver);
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("" + receiver + ".round()"));
- },
- roundToDouble$0(receiver) {
- if (receiver < 0)
- return -Math.round(-receiver);
- else
- return Math.round(receiver);
- },
- clamp$2(receiver, lowerLimit, upperLimit) {
- if (B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(lowerLimit, upperLimit) > 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(lowerLimit));
- if (this.compareTo$1(receiver, lowerLimit) < 0)
- return lowerLimit;
- if (this.compareTo$1(receiver, upperLimit) > 0)
- return upperLimit;
- return receiver;
- },
- toStringAsFixed$1(receiver, fractionDigits) {
- var result;
- if (fractionDigits < 0 || fractionDigits > 20)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(fractionDigits, 0, 20, "fractionDigits", null));
- result = receiver.toFixed(fractionDigits);
- if (receiver === 0 && this.get$isNegative(receiver))
- return "-" + result;
- return result;
- },
- toStringAsPrecision$1(receiver, precision) {
- var result;
- if (precision < 1 || precision > 21)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(precision, 1, 21, "precision", null));
- result = receiver.toPrecision(precision);
- if (receiver === 0 && this.get$isNegative(receiver))
- return "-" + result;
- return result;
- },
- toRadixString$1(receiver, radix) {
- var result, match, exponent, t1;
- if (radix < 2 || radix > 36)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(radix, 2, 36, "radix", null));
- result = receiver.toString(radix);
- if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(result, result.length - 1) !== 41)
- return result;
- match = /^([\da-z]+)(?:\.([\da-z]+))?\(e\+(\d+)\)$/.exec(result);
- if (match == null)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("Unexpected toString result: " + result));
- result = match[1];
- exponent = +match[3];
- t1 = match[2];
- if (t1 != null) {
- result += t1;
- exponent -= t1.length;
- }
- return result + B.JSString_methods.$mul("0", exponent);
- },
- toString$0(receiver) {
- if (receiver === 0 && 1 / receiver < 0)
- return "-0.0";
- else
- return "" + receiver;
- },
- get$hashCode(receiver) {
- var absolute, floorLog2, factor, scaled,
- intValue = receiver | 0;
- if (receiver === intValue)
- return intValue & 536870911;
- absolute = Math.abs(receiver);
- floorLog2 = Math.log(absolute) / 0.6931471805599453 | 0;
- factor = Math.pow(2, floorLog2);
- scaled = absolute < 1 ? absolute / factor : factor / absolute;
- return ((scaled * 9007199254740992 | 0) + (scaled * 3542243181176521 | 0)) * 599197 + floorLog2 * 1259 & 536870911;
- },
- $add(receiver, other) {
- return receiver + other;
- },
- $sub(receiver, other) {
- return receiver - other;
- },
- $div(receiver, other) {
- return receiver / other;
- },
- $mul(receiver, other) {
- return receiver * other;
- },
- $mod(receiver, other) {
- var result = receiver % other;
- if (result === 0)
- return 0;
- if (result > 0)
- return result;
- if (other < 0)
- return result - other;
- else
- return result + other;
- },
- $tdiv(receiver, other) {
- if ((receiver | 0) === receiver)
- if (other >= 1 || other < -1)
- return receiver / other | 0;
- return this._tdivSlow$1(receiver, other);
- },
- _tdivFast$1(receiver, other) {
- return (receiver | 0) === receiver ? receiver / other | 0 : this._tdivSlow$1(receiver, other);
- },
- _tdivSlow$1(receiver, other) {
- var quotient = receiver / other;
- if (quotient >= -2147483648 && quotient <= 2147483647)
- return quotient | 0;
- if (quotient > 0) {
- if (quotient !== 1 / 0)
- return Math.floor(quotient);
- } else if (quotient > -1 / 0)
- return Math.ceil(quotient);
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Result of truncating division is " + A.S(quotient) + ": " + A.S(receiver) + " ~/ " + A.S(other)));
- },
- $shl(receiver, other) {
- if (other < 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(other));
- return other > 31 ? 0 : receiver << other >>> 0;
- },
- _shlPositive$1(receiver, other) {
- return other > 31 ? 0 : receiver << other >>> 0;
- },
- _shrOtherPositive$1(receiver, other) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver > 0)
- t1 = this._shrBothPositive$1(receiver, other);
- else {
- t1 = other > 31 ? 31 : other;
- t1 = receiver >> t1 >>> 0;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- _shrReceiverPositive$1(receiver, other) {
- if (0 > other)
- throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(other));
- return this._shrBothPositive$1(receiver, other);
- },
- _shrBothPositive$1(receiver, other) {
- return other > 31 ? 0 : receiver >>> other;
- },
- $shru(receiver, other) {
- if (other < 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.argumentErrorValue(other));
- return this._shruOtherPositive$1(receiver, other);
- },
- _shruOtherPositive$1(receiver, other) {
- if (other > 31)
- return 0;
- return receiver >>> other;
- },
- $lt(receiver, other) {
- return receiver < other;
- },
- $gt(receiver, other) {
- return receiver > other;
- },
- $le(receiver, other) {
- return receiver <= other;
- },
- $ge(receiver, other) {
- return receiver >= other;
- },
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return A.createRuntimeType(type$.num);
- },
- $isComparable: 1,
- $isdouble: 1,
- $isnum: 1
- };
- J.JSInt.prototype = {
- abs$0(receiver) {
- return Math.abs(receiver);
- },
- get$sign(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver > 0)
- t1 = 1;
- else
- t1 = receiver < 0 ? -1 : receiver;
- return t1;
- },
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return A.createRuntimeType(type$.int);
- },
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1,
- $isint: 1
- };
- J.JSNumNotInt.prototype = {
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return A.createRuntimeType(type$.double);
- },
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1
- };
- J.JSString.prototype = {
- codeUnitAt$1(receiver, index) {
- if (index < 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
- if (index >= receiver.length)
- A.throwExpression(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
- return receiver.charCodeAt(index);
- },
- _codeUnitAt$1(receiver, index) {
- if (index >= receiver.length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
- return receiver.charCodeAt(index);
- },
- allMatches$2(receiver, string, start) {
- var t1 = string.length;
- if (start > t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, t1, null, null));
- return new A._StringAllMatchesIterable(string, receiver, start);
- },
- allMatches$1($receiver, string) {
- return this.allMatches$2($receiver, string, 0);
- },
- matchAsPrefix$2(receiver, string, start) {
- var t1, i, _null = null;
- if (start < 0 || start > string.length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, string.length, _null, _null));
- t1 = receiver.length;
- if (start + t1 > string.length)
- return _null;
- for (i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
- if (this.codeUnitAt$1(string, start + i) !== this._codeUnitAt$1(receiver, i))
- return _null;
- return new A.StringMatch(start, receiver);
- },
- $add(receiver, other) {
- return receiver + other;
- },
- endsWith$1(receiver, other) {
- var otherLength = other.length,
- t1 = receiver.length;
- if (otherLength > t1)
- return false;
- return other === this.substring$1(receiver, t1 - otherLength);
- },
- replaceFirst$2(receiver, from, to) {
- A.RangeError_checkValueInInterval(0, 0, receiver.length, "startIndex");
- return A.stringReplaceFirstUnchecked(receiver, from, to, 0);
- },
- split$1(receiver, pattern) {
- if (typeof pattern == "string")
- return A._setArrayType(receiver.split(pattern), type$.JSArray_String);
- else if (pattern instanceof A.JSSyntaxRegExp && pattern.get$_nativeAnchoredVersion().exec("").length - 2 === 0)
- return A._setArrayType(receiver.split(pattern._nativeRegExp), type$.JSArray_String);
- else
- return this._defaultSplit$1(receiver, pattern);
- },
- replaceRange$3(receiver, start, end, replacement) {
- var e = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length, null, null);
- return A.stringReplaceRangeUnchecked(receiver, start, e, replacement);
- },
- _defaultSplit$1(receiver, pattern) {
- var t1, start, $length, match, matchStart, matchEnd,
- result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- for (t1 = J.allMatches$1$s(pattern, receiver), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1), start = 0, $length = 1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- match = t1.get$current(t1);
- matchStart = match.get$start(match);
- matchEnd = match.get$end(match);
- $length = matchEnd - matchStart;
- if ($length === 0 && start === matchStart)
- continue;
- result.push(this.substring$2(receiver, start, matchStart));
- start = matchEnd;
- }
- if (start < receiver.length || $length > 0)
- result.push(this.substring$1(receiver, start));
- return result;
- },
- startsWith$2(receiver, pattern, index) {
- var endIndex;
- if (index < 0 || index > receiver.length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(index, 0, receiver.length, null, null));
- endIndex = index + pattern.length;
- if (endIndex > receiver.length)
- return false;
- return pattern === receiver.substring(index, endIndex);
- },
- startsWith$1($receiver, pattern) {
- return this.startsWith$2($receiver, pattern, 0);
- },
- substring$2(receiver, start, end) {
- return receiver.substring(start, A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length, null, null));
- },
- substring$1($receiver, start) {
- return this.substring$2($receiver, start, null);
- },
- toLowerCase$0(receiver) {
- return receiver.toLowerCase();
- },
- trim$0(receiver) {
- var startIndex, t1, endIndex0,
- result = receiver.trim(),
- endIndex = result.length;
- if (endIndex === 0)
- return result;
- if (this._codeUnitAt$1(result, 0) === 133) {
- startIndex = J.JSString__skipLeadingWhitespace(result, 1);
- if (startIndex === endIndex)
- return "";
- } else
- startIndex = 0;
- t1 = endIndex - 1;
- endIndex0 = this.codeUnitAt$1(result, t1) === 133 ? J.JSString__skipTrailingWhitespace(result, t1) : endIndex;
- if (startIndex === 0 && endIndex0 === endIndex)
- return result;
- return result.substring(startIndex, endIndex0);
- },
- trimLeft$0(receiver) {
- var result, startIndex;
- if (typeof receiver.trimLeft != "undefined") {
- result = receiver.trimLeft();
- if (result.length === 0)
- return result;
- startIndex = this._codeUnitAt$1(result, 0) === 133 ? J.JSString__skipLeadingWhitespace(result, 1) : 0;
- } else {
- startIndex = J.JSString__skipLeadingWhitespace(receiver, 0);
- result = receiver;
- }
- if (startIndex === 0)
- return result;
- if (startIndex === result.length)
- return "";
- return result.substring(startIndex);
- },
- trimRight$0(receiver) {
- var result, endIndex, t1;
- if (typeof receiver.trimRight != "undefined") {
- result = receiver.trimRight();
- endIndex = result.length;
- if (endIndex === 0)
- return result;
- t1 = endIndex - 1;
- if (this.codeUnitAt$1(result, t1) === 133)
- endIndex = J.JSString__skipTrailingWhitespace(result, t1);
- } else {
- endIndex = J.JSString__skipTrailingWhitespace(receiver, receiver.length);
- result = receiver;
- }
- if (endIndex === result.length)
- return result;
- if (endIndex === 0)
- return "";
- return result.substring(0, endIndex);
- },
- $mul(receiver, times) {
- var s, result;
- if (0 >= times)
- return "";
- if (times === 1 || receiver.length === 0)
- return receiver;
- if (times !== times >>> 0)
- throw A.wrapException(B.C_OutOfMemoryError);
- for (s = receiver, result = ""; true;) {
- if ((times & 1) === 1)
- result = s + result;
- times = times >>> 1;
- if (times === 0)
- break;
- s += s;
- }
- return result;
- },
- padLeft$2(receiver, width, padding) {
- var delta = width - receiver.length;
- if (delta <= 0)
- return receiver;
- return this.$mul(padding, delta) + receiver;
- },
- padRight$1(receiver, width) {
- var delta = width - receiver.length;
- if (delta <= 0)
- return receiver;
- return receiver + this.$mul(" ", delta);
- },
- indexOf$2(receiver, pattern, start) {
- var match, t1, t2, i;
- if (start < 0 || start > receiver.length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, receiver.length, null, null));
- if (typeof pattern == "string")
- return receiver.indexOf(pattern, start);
- if (pattern instanceof A.JSSyntaxRegExp) {
- match = pattern._execGlobal$2(receiver, start);
- return match == null ? -1 : match._match.index;
- }
- for (t1 = receiver.length, t2 = J.getInterceptor$s(pattern), i = start; i <= t1; ++i)
- if (t2.matchAsPrefix$2(pattern, receiver, i) != null)
- return i;
- return -1;
- },
- indexOf$1($receiver, pattern) {
- return this.indexOf$2($receiver, pattern, 0);
- },
- lastIndexOf$2(receiver, pattern, start) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (start == null)
- start = receiver.length;
- else if (start < 0 || start > receiver.length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, receiver.length, null, null));
- t1 = pattern.length;
- t2 = receiver.length;
- if (start + t1 > t2)
- start = t2 - t1;
- return receiver.lastIndexOf(pattern, start);
- },
- lastIndexOf$1($receiver, pattern) {
- return this.lastIndexOf$2($receiver, pattern, null);
- },
- contains$2(receiver, other, startIndex) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- if (startIndex > t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(startIndex, 0, t1, null, null));
- return A.stringContainsUnchecked(receiver, other, startIndex);
- },
- contains$1($receiver, other) {
- return this.contains$2($receiver, other, 0);
- },
- compareTo$1(receiver, other) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver === other)
- t1 = 0;
- else
- t1 = receiver < other ? -1 : 1;
- return t1;
- },
- toString$0(receiver) {
- return receiver;
- },
- get$hashCode(receiver) {
- var t1, hash, i;
- for (t1 = receiver.length, hash = 0, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
- hash = hash + receiver.charCodeAt(i) & 536870911;
- hash = hash + ((hash & 524287) << 10) & 536870911;
- hash ^= hash >> 6;
- }
- hash = hash + ((hash & 67108863) << 3) & 536870911;
- hash ^= hash >> 11;
- return hash + ((hash & 16383) << 15) & 536870911;
- },
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return A.createRuntimeType(type$.String);
- },
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- if (!(index >= 0 && index < receiver.length))
- throw A.wrapException(A.diagnoseIndexError(receiver, index));
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1,
- $isComparable: 1,
- $isString: 1
- };
- A._CastIterableBase.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
- return new A.CastIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.get$_source()), t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("CastIterator<1,2>"));
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return J.get$length$asx(this.get$_source());
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.get$_source());
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this.get$_source());
- },
- skip$1(_, count) {
- var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
- return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.skip$1$ax(this.get$_source(), count), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]);
- },
- take$1(_, count) {
- var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
- return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.take$1$ax(this.get$_source(), count), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]);
- },
- elementAt$1(_, index) {
- return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(J.elementAt$1$ax(this.get$_source(), index));
- },
- get$first(_) {
- return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(J.get$first$ax(this.get$_source()));
- },
- get$last(_) {
- return A._instanceType(this)._rest[1]._as(J.get$last$ax(this.get$_source()));
- },
- contains$1(_, other) {
- return J.contains$1$asx(this.get$_source(), other);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return J.toString$0$(this.get$_source());
- }
- };
- A.CastIterator.prototype = {
- moveNext$0() {
- return this._source.moveNext$0();
- },
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this._source;
- return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(t1.get$current(t1));
- }
- };
- A.CastIterable.prototype = {
- cast$1$0(_, $R) {
- return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(this._source, A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1, $R);
- },
- get$_source() {
- return this._source;
- }
- };
- A._EfficientLengthCastIterable.prototype = {$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1};
- A._CastListBase.prototype = {
- $index(_, index) {
- return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(J.$index$asx(this._source, index));
- },
- $indexSet(_, index, value) {
- J.$indexSet$ax(this._source, index, this.$ti._precomputed1._as(value));
- },
- set$length(_, $length) {
- J.set$length$asx(this._source, $length);
- },
- add$1(_, value) {
- J.add$1$ax(this._source, this.$ti._precomputed1._as(value));
- },
- sort$1(_, compare) {
- var t1 = compare == null ? null : new A._CastListBase_sort_closure(this, compare);
- J.sort$1$ax(this._source, t1);
- },
- sort$0($receiver) {
- return this.sort$1($receiver, null);
- },
- remove$1(_, value) {
- return J.remove$1$ax(this._source, value);
- },
- removeLast$0(_) {
- return this.$ti._rest[1]._as(J.removeLast$0$ax(this._source));
- },
- getRange$2(_, start, end) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.getRange$2$ax(this._source, start, end), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]);
- },
- setRange$4(_, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- J.setRange$4$ax(this._source, start, end, A.CastIterable_CastIterable(iterable, t1._rest[1], t1._precomputed1), skipCount);
- },
- setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) {
- return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0);
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A._CastListBase_sort_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(v1, v2) {
- var t1 = this.$this.$ti._rest[1];
- return this.compare.call$2(t1._as(v1), t1._as(v2));
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("int(1,1)");
- }
- };
- A.CastList.prototype = {
- cast$1$0(_, $R) {
- return new A.CastList(this._source, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("CastList<1,2>"));
- },
- get$_source() {
- return this._source;
- }
- };
- A.CastSet.prototype = {
- cast$1$0(_, $R) {
- return new A.CastSet(this._source, this._emptySet, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("CastSet<1,2>"));
- },
- add$1(_, value) {
- return this._source.add$1(0, this.$ti._precomputed1._as(value));
- },
- addAll$1(_, elements) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- this._source.addAll$1(0, A.CastIterable_CastIterable(elements, t1._rest[1], t1._precomputed1));
- },
- remove$1(_, object) {
- return this._source.remove$1(0, object);
- },
- intersection$1(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._emptySet != null)
- return _this._conditionalAdd$2(other, true);
- t1 = _this.$ti;
- return new A.CastSet(_this._source.intersection$1(0, other), null, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("CastSet<1,2>"));
- },
- _conditionalAdd$2(other, otherContains) {
- var castElement,
- emptySet = this._emptySet,
- t1 = this.$ti,
- t2 = t1._rest[1],
- result = emptySet == null ? A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(t2) : emptySet.call$1$0(t2);
- for (t2 = this._source, t2 = t2.get$iterator(t2), t1 = t1._rest[1]; t2.moveNext$0();) {
- castElement = t1._as(t2.get$current(t2));
- if (otherContains === other.contains$1(0, castElement))
- result.add$1(0, castElement);
- }
- return result;
- },
- _clone$0() {
- var emptySet = this._emptySet,
- t1 = this.$ti._rest[1],
- result = emptySet == null ? A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(t1) : emptySet.call$1$0(t1);
- result.addAll$1(0, this);
- return result;
- },
- toSet$0(_) {
- var emptySet = this._emptySet,
- t1 = this.$ti._rest[1],
- result = emptySet == null ? A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(t1) : emptySet.call$1$0(t1);
- result.addAll$1(0, this);
- return result;
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isSet: 1,
- get$_source() {
- return this._source;
- }
- };
- A.CastMap.prototype = {
- cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- return new A.CastMap(this._source, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._bind$1(RK)._bind$1(RV)._eval$1("CastMap<1,2,3,4>"));
- },
- containsKey$1(_, key) {
- return J.containsKey$1$x(this._source, key);
- },
- $index(_, key) {
- return this.$ti._eval$1("4?")._as(J.$index$asx(this._source, key));
- },
- $indexSet(_, key, value) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- J.$indexSet$ax(this._source, t1._precomputed1._as(key), t1._rest[1]._as(value));
- },
- putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- return t1._rest[3]._as(J.putIfAbsent$2$x(this._source, t1._precomputed1._as(key), new A.CastMap_putIfAbsent_closure(this, ifAbsent)));
- },
- remove$1(_, key) {
- return this.$ti._eval$1("4?")._as(J.remove$1$ax(this._source, key));
- },
- forEach$1(_, f) {
- J.forEach$1$ax(this._source, new A.CastMap_forEach_closure(this, f));
- },
- get$keys(_) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.get$keys$x(this._source), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[2]);
- },
- get$values(_) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(J.get$values$x(this._source), t1._rest[1], t1._rest[3]);
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return J.get$length$asx(this._source);
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this._source);
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this._source);
- },
- get$entries(_) {
- var t1 = J.get$entries$x(this._source);
- return t1.map$1$1(t1, new A.CastMap_entries_closure(this), this.$ti._eval$1("MapEntry<3,4>"));
- }
- };
- A.CastMap_putIfAbsent_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.$ti._rest[1]._as(this.ifAbsent.call$0());
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("2()");
- }
- };
- A.CastMap_forEach_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(key, value) {
- var t1 = this.$this.$ti;
- this.f.call$2(t1._rest[2]._as(key), t1._rest[3]._as(value));
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("~(1,2)");
- }
- };
- A.CastMap_entries_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- var t1 = this.$this.$ti,
- t2 = t1._rest[3];
- return new A.MapEntry(t1._rest[2]._as(e.key), t2._as(e.value), t1._eval$1("@<3>")._bind$1(t2)._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>"));
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("MapEntry<3,4>(MapEntry<1,2>)");
- }
- };
- A.CastQueue.prototype = {
- cast$1$0(_, $R) {
- return new A.CastQueue(this._source, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("CastQueue<1,2>"));
- },
- remove$1(_, other) {
- return this._source.remove$1(0, other);
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- get$_source() {
- return this._source;
- }
- };
- A.LateError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "LateInitializationError: " + this._message;
- }
- };
- A.CodeUnits.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return this._string.length;
- },
- $index(_, i) {
- return B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(this._string, i);
- }
- };
- A.nullFuture_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.Null);
- },
- $signature: 151
- };
- A.SentinelValue.prototype = {};
- A.EfficientLengthIterable.prototype = {};
- A.ListIterable.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.ListIterator(_this, _this.get$length(_this), A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ListIterator"));
- },
- forEach$1(_, action) {
- var i, _this = this,
- $length = _this.get$length(_this);
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- action.call$1(_this.elementAt$1(0, i));
- if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
- }
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this.get$length(this) === 0;
- },
- get$first(_) {
- if (this.get$length(this) === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- return this.elementAt$1(0, 0);
- },
- get$last(_) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.get$length(_this) === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- return _this.elementAt$1(0, _this.get$length(_this) - 1);
- },
- contains$1(_, element) {
- var i, _this = this,
- $length = _this.get$length(_this);
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- if (J.$eq$(_this.elementAt$1(0, i), element))
- return true;
- if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
- }
- return false;
- },
- join$1(_, separator) {
- var first, t1, i, _this = this,
- $length = _this.get$length(_this);
- if (separator.length !== 0) {
- if ($length === 0)
- return "";
- first = A.S(_this.elementAt$1(0, 0));
- if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
- for (t1 = first, i = 1; i < $length; ++i) {
- t1 = t1 + separator + A.S(_this.elementAt$1(0, i));
- if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
- }
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- } else {
- for (i = 0, t1 = ""; i < $length; ++i) {
- t1 += A.S(_this.elementAt$1(0, i));
- if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
- }
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- },
- where$1(_, test) {
- return this.super$Iterable$where(0, test);
- },
- map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) {
- return new A.MappedListIterable(this, toElement, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("@")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>"));
- },
- reduce$1(_, combine) {
- var value, i, _this = this,
- $length = _this.get$length(_this);
- if ($length === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- value = _this.elementAt$1(0, 0);
- for (i = 1; i < $length; ++i) {
- value = combine.call$2(value, _this.elementAt$1(0, i));
- if ($length !== _this.get$length(_this))
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
- }
- return value;
- },
- skip$1(_, count) {
- return A.SubListIterable$(this, count, null, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- },
- take$1(_, count) {
- return A.SubListIterable$(this, 0, A.checkNotNullable(count, "count", type$.int), A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- },
- toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
- return A.List_List$of(this, growable, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- },
- toList$0($receiver) {
- return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
- },
- toSet$0(_) {
- var i, _this = this,
- result = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- for (i = 0; i < _this.get$length(_this); ++i)
- result.add$1(0, _this.elementAt$1(0, i));
- return result;
- }
- };
- A.SubListIterable.prototype = {
- SubListIterable$3(_iterable, _start, _endOrLength, $E) {
- var endOrLength,
- t1 = this._start;
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(t1, "start");
- endOrLength = this._endOrLength;
- if (endOrLength != null) {
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(endOrLength, "end");
- if (t1 > endOrLength)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(t1, 0, endOrLength, "start", null));
- }
- },
- get$_endIndex() {
- var $length = J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable),
- endOrLength = this._endOrLength;
- if (endOrLength == null || endOrLength > $length)
- return $length;
- return endOrLength;
- },
- get$_startIndex() {
- var $length = J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable),
- t1 = this._start;
- if (t1 > $length)
- return $length;
- return t1;
- },
- get$length(_) {
- var endOrLength,
- $length = J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable),
- t1 = this._start;
- if (t1 >= $length)
- return 0;
- endOrLength = this._endOrLength;
- if (endOrLength == null || endOrLength >= $length)
- return $length - t1;
- return endOrLength - t1;
- },
- elementAt$1(_, index) {
- var _this = this,
- realIndex = _this.get$_startIndex() + index;
- if (index < 0 || realIndex >= _this.get$_endIndex())
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, _this.get$length(_this), _this, null, "index"));
- return J.elementAt$1$ax(_this.__internal$_iterable, realIndex);
- },
- skip$1(_, count) {
- var newStart, endOrLength, _this = this;
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
- newStart = _this._start + count;
- endOrLength = _this._endOrLength;
- if (endOrLength != null && newStart >= endOrLength)
- return new A.EmptyIterable(_this.$ti._eval$1("EmptyIterable<1>"));
- return A.SubListIterable$(_this.__internal$_iterable, newStart, endOrLength, _this.$ti._precomputed1);
- },
- take$1(_, count) {
- var endOrLength, t1, newEnd, _this = this;
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
- endOrLength = _this._endOrLength;
- t1 = _this._start;
- newEnd = t1 + count;
- if (endOrLength == null)
- return A.SubListIterable$(_this.__internal$_iterable, t1, newEnd, _this.$ti._precomputed1);
- else {
- if (endOrLength < newEnd)
- return _this;
- return A.SubListIterable$(_this.__internal$_iterable, t1, newEnd, _this.$ti._precomputed1);
- }
- },
- toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
- var $length, result, i, _this = this,
- start = _this._start,
- t1 = _this.__internal$_iterable,
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1),
- end = t2.get$length(t1),
- endOrLength = _this._endOrLength;
- if (endOrLength != null && endOrLength < end)
- end = endOrLength;
- $length = end - start;
- if ($length <= 0) {
- t1 = _this.$ti._precomputed1;
- return growable ? J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, t1) : J.JSArray_JSArray$fixed(0, t1);
- }
- result = A.List_List$filled($length, t2.elementAt$1(t1, start), growable, _this.$ti._precomputed1);
- for (i = 1; i < $length; ++i) {
- result[i] = t2.elementAt$1(t1, start + i);
- if (t2.get$length(t1) < end)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
- }
- return result;
- },
- toList$0($receiver) {
- return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
- }
- };
- A.ListIterator.prototype = {
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this.__internal$_current;
- return t1 == null ? this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1) : t1;
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- var t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__internal$_iterable,
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1),
- $length = t2.get$length(t1);
- if (_this.__internal$_length !== $length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
- t3 = _this.__internal$_index;
- if (t3 >= $length) {
- _this.__internal$_current = null;
- return false;
- }
- _this.__internal$_current = t2.elementAt$1(t1, t3);
- ++_this.__internal$_index;
- return true;
- }
- };
- A.MappedIterable.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
- return new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_iterable), this._f, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>"));
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable);
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.__internal$_iterable);
- },
- get$first(_) {
- return this._f.call$1(J.get$first$ax(this.__internal$_iterable));
- },
- get$last(_) {
- return this._f.call$1(J.get$last$ax(this.__internal$_iterable));
- },
- elementAt$1(_, index) {
- return this._f.call$1(J.elementAt$1$ax(this.__internal$_iterable, index));
- }
- };
- A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable.prototype = {$isEfficientLengthIterable: 1};
- A.MappedIterator.prototype = {
- moveNext$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._iterator;
- if (t1.moveNext$0()) {
- _this.__internal$_current = _this._f.call$1(t1.get$current(t1));
- return true;
- }
- _this.__internal$_current = null;
- return false;
- },
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this.__internal$_current;
- return t1 == null ? this.$ti._rest[1]._as(t1) : t1;
- }
- };
- A.MappedListIterable.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return J.get$length$asx(this._source);
- },
- elementAt$1(_, index) {
- return this._f.call$1(J.elementAt$1$ax(this._source, index));
- }
- };
- A.WhereIterable.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- return new A.WhereIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_iterable), this._f, this.$ti._eval$1("WhereIterator<1>"));
- },
- map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) {
- return new A.MappedIterable(this, toElement, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedIterable<1,2>"));
- }
- };
- A.WhereIterator.prototype = {
- moveNext$0() {
- var t1, t2;
- for (t1 = this._iterator, t2 = this._f; t1.moveNext$0();)
- if (t2.call$1(t1.get$current(t1)))
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this._iterator;
- return t1.get$current(t1);
- }
- };
- A.ExpandIterable.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- return new A.ExpandIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_iterable), this._f, B.C_EmptyIterator, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("ExpandIterator<1,2>"));
- }
- };
- A.ExpandIterator.prototype = {
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this.__internal$_current;
- return t1 == null ? this.$ti._rest[1]._as(t1) : t1;
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._currentExpansion;
- if (t1 == null)
- return false;
- for (t2 = _this._iterator, t3 = _this._f; !t1.moveNext$0();) {
- _this.__internal$_current = null;
- if (t2.moveNext$0()) {
- _this._currentExpansion = null;
- t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(t3.call$1(t2.get$current(t2)));
- _this._currentExpansion = t1;
- } else
- return false;
- }
- t1 = _this._currentExpansion;
- _this.__internal$_current = t1.get$current(t1);
- return true;
- }
- };
- A.TakeIterable.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- return new A.TakeIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_iterable), this._takeCount, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("TakeIterator<1>"));
- }
- };
- A.EfficientLengthTakeIterable.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- var iterableLength = J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable),
- t1 = this._takeCount;
- if (iterableLength > t1)
- return t1;
- return iterableLength;
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1
- };
- A.TakeIterator.prototype = {
- moveNext$0() {
- if (--this._remaining >= 0)
- return this._iterator.moveNext$0();
- this._remaining = -1;
- return false;
- },
- get$current(_) {
- var t1;
- if (this._remaining < 0) {
- this.$ti._precomputed1._as(null);
- return null;
- }
- t1 = this._iterator;
- return t1.get$current(t1);
- }
- };
- A.SkipIterable.prototype = {
- skip$1(_, count) {
- A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(count, "count");
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
- return new A.SkipIterable(this.__internal$_iterable, this._skipCount + count, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("SkipIterable<1>"));
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- return new A.SkipIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_iterable), this._skipCount, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("SkipIterator<1>"));
- }
- };
- A.EfficientLengthSkipIterable.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- var $length = J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_iterable) - this._skipCount;
- if ($length >= 0)
- return $length;
- return 0;
- },
- skip$1(_, count) {
- A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull(count, "count");
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
- return new A.EfficientLengthSkipIterable(this.__internal$_iterable, this._skipCount + count, this.$ti);
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1
- };
- A.SkipIterator.prototype = {
- moveNext$0() {
- var t1, i;
- for (t1 = this._iterator, i = 0; i < this._skipCount; ++i)
- t1.moveNext$0();
- this._skipCount = 0;
- return t1.moveNext$0();
- },
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this._iterator;
- return t1.get$current(t1);
- }
- };
- A.SkipWhileIterable.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- return new A.SkipWhileIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_iterable), this._f, this.$ti._eval$1("SkipWhileIterator<1>"));
- }
- };
- A.SkipWhileIterator.prototype = {
- moveNext$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (!_this._hasSkipped) {
- _this._hasSkipped = true;
- for (t1 = _this._iterator, t2 = _this._f; t1.moveNext$0();)
- if (!t2.call$1(t1.get$current(t1)))
- return true;
- }
- return _this._iterator.moveNext$0();
- },
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this._iterator;
- return t1.get$current(t1);
- }
- };
- A.EmptyIterable.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- return B.C_EmptyIterator;
- },
- forEach$1(_, action) {
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return true;
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return 0;
- },
- get$first(_) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- },
- get$last(_) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- },
- elementAt$1(_, index) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(index, 0, 0, "index", null));
- },
- contains$1(_, element) {
- return false;
- },
- where$1(_, test) {
- return this;
- },
- map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) {
- return new A.EmptyIterable($T._eval$1("EmptyIterable<0>"));
- },
- skip$1(_, count) {
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
- return this;
- },
- take$1(_, count) {
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
- return this;
- },
- toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
- var t1 = this.$ti._precomputed1;
- return growable ? J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, t1) : J.JSArray_JSArray$fixed(0, t1);
- },
- toList$0($receiver) {
- return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
- },
- toSet$0(_) {
- return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(this.$ti._precomputed1);
- }
- };
- A.EmptyIterator.prototype = {
- moveNext$0() {
- return false;
- },
- get$current(_) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- }
- };
- A.FollowedByIterable.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- return new A.FollowedByIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_first), this._second, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("FollowedByIterator<1>"));
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return J.get$length$asx(this.__internal$_first) + J.get$length$asx(this._second);
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.__internal$_first) && J.get$isEmpty$asx(this._second);
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this.__internal$_first) || J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this._second);
- },
- contains$1(_, value) {
- return J.contains$1$asx(this.__internal$_first, value) || J.contains$1$asx(this._second, value);
- },
- get$first(_) {
- var iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(this.__internal$_first);
- if (iterator.moveNext$0())
- return iterator.get$current(iterator);
- return J.get$first$ax(this._second);
- },
- get$last(_) {
- var last,
- iterator = J.get$iterator$ax(this._second);
- if (iterator.moveNext$0()) {
- last = iterator.get$current(iterator);
- for (; iterator.moveNext$0();)
- last = iterator.get$current(iterator);
- return last;
- }
- return J.get$last$ax(this.__internal$_first);
- }
- };
- A.EfficientLengthFollowedByIterable.prototype = {
- elementAt$1(_, index) {
- var t1 = this.__internal$_first,
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1),
- firstLength = t2.get$length(t1);
- if (index < firstLength)
- return t2.elementAt$1(t1, index);
- return J.elementAt$1$ax(this._second, index - firstLength);
- },
- get$first(_) {
- var t1 = this.__internal$_first,
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- if (t2.get$isNotEmpty(t1))
- return t2.get$first(t1);
- return J.get$first$ax(this._second);
- },
- get$last(_) {
- var t1 = this._second,
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- if (t2.get$isNotEmpty(t1))
- return t2.get$last(t1);
- return J.get$last$ax(this.__internal$_first);
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1
- };
- A.FollowedByIterator.prototype = {
- moveNext$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._currentIterator.moveNext$0())
- return true;
- t1 = _this._nextIterable;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1);
- _this._currentIterator = t1;
- _this._nextIterable = null;
- return t1.moveNext$0();
- }
- return false;
- },
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this._currentIterator;
- return t1.get$current(t1);
- }
- };
- A.WhereTypeIterable.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- return new A.WhereTypeIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(this._source), this.$ti._eval$1("WhereTypeIterator<1>"));
- }
- };
- A.WhereTypeIterator.prototype = {
- moveNext$0() {
- var t1, t2;
- for (t1 = this._source, t2 = this.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();)
- if (t2._is(t1.get$current(t1)))
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this._source;
- return this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1.get$current(t1));
- }
- };
- A.FixedLengthListMixin.prototype = {
- set$length(receiver, newLength) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot change the length of a fixed-length list"));
- },
- add$1(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to a fixed-length list"));
- },
- remove$1(receiver, element) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from a fixed-length list"));
- },
- clear$0(receiver) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot clear a fixed-length list"));
- },
- removeLast$0(receiver) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from a fixed-length list"));
- }
- };
- A.UnmodifiableListMixin.prototype = {
- $indexSet(_, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"));
- },
- set$length(_, newLength) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot change the length of an unmodifiable list"));
- },
- add$1(_, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to an unmodifiable list"));
- },
- remove$1(_, element) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from an unmodifiable list"));
- },
- sort$1(_, compare) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"));
- },
- sort$0($receiver) {
- return this.sort$1($receiver, null);
- },
- clear$0(_) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot clear an unmodifiable list"));
- },
- removeLast$0(_) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from an unmodifiable list"));
- },
- setRange$4(_, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list"));
- },
- setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) {
- return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0);
- }
- };
- A.UnmodifiableListBase.prototype = {};
- A.ReversedListIterable.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return J.get$length$asx(this._source);
- },
- elementAt$1(_, index) {
- var t1 = this._source,
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- return t2.elementAt$1(t1, t2.get$length(t1) - 1 - index);
- }
- };
- A.Symbol.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var hash = this._hashCode;
- if (hash != null)
- return hash;
- hash = 664597 * J.get$hashCode$(this._name) & 536870911;
- this._hashCode = hash;
- return hash;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return 'Symbol("' + A.S(this._name) + '")';
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.Symbol && this._name == other._name;
- },
- $isSymbol0: 1
- };
- A.__CastListBase__CastIterableBase_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A.ConstantMapView.prototype = {};
- A.ConstantMap.prototype = {
- cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) {
- var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
- return A.Map_castFrom(this, t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1], RK, RV);
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this.get$length(this) === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return this.get$length(this) !== 0;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.MapBase_mapToString(this);
- },
- $indexSet(_, key, val) {
- A.ConstantMap__throwUnmodifiable();
- },
- putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) {
- A.ConstantMap__throwUnmodifiable();
- },
- remove$1(_, key) {
- A.ConstantMap__throwUnmodifiable();
- },
- get$entries(_) {
- return this.entries$body$ConstantMap(0, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>"));
- },
- entries$body$ConstantMap($async$_, $async$type) {
- var $async$self = this;
- return A._makeSyncStarIterable(function() {
- var _ = $async$_;
- var $async$goto = 0, $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, t1, t2, key;
- return function $async$get$entries($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $async$self.get$keys($async$self), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1), t2 = A._instanceType($async$self), t2 = t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._rest[1])._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>");
- case 2:
- // for condition
- if (!t1.moveNext$0()) {
- // goto after for
- $async$goto = 3;
- break;
- }
- key = t1.get$current(t1);
- $async$goto = 4;
- return new A.MapEntry(key, $async$self.$index(0, key), t2);
- case 4:
- // after yield
- // goto for condition
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 3:
- // after for
- // implicit return
- return A._IterationMarker_endOfIteration();
- case 1:
- // rethrow
- return A._IterationMarker_uncaughtError($async$currentError);
- }
- };
- }, $async$type);
- },
- map$2$1(_, transform, K2, V2) {
- var result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(K2, V2);
- this.forEach$1(0, new A.ConstantMap_map_closure(this, transform, result));
- return result;
- },
- $isMap: 1
- };
- A.ConstantMap_map_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(key, value) {
- var entry = this.transform.call$2(key, value);
- this.result.$indexSet(0, entry.key, entry.value);
- },
- $signature() {
- return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(1,2)");
- }
- };
- A.ConstantStringMap.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return this.__js_helper$_length;
- },
- containsKey$1(_, key) {
- if (typeof key != "string")
- return false;
- if ("__proto__" === key)
- return false;
- return this._jsObject.hasOwnProperty(key);
- },
- $index(_, key) {
- if (!this.containsKey$1(0, key))
- return null;
- return this._jsObject[key];
- },
- forEach$1(_, f) {
- var t1, t2, i, key,
- keys = this._keys;
- for (t1 = keys.length, t2 = this._jsObject, i = 0; i < t1; ++i) {
- key = keys[i];
- f.call$2(key, t2[key]);
- }
- },
- get$keys(_) {
- return new A._ConstantMapKeyIterable(this, this.$ti._eval$1("_ConstantMapKeyIterable<1>"));
- },
- get$values(_) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(this._keys, new A.ConstantStringMap_values_closure(this), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]);
- }
- };
- A.ConstantStringMap_values_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(key) {
- return this.$this._jsObject[key];
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("2(1)");
- }
- };
- A._ConstantMapKeyIterable.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = this._map._keys;
- return new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return this._map._keys.length;
- }
- };
- A.GeneralConstantMap.prototype = {
- _getMap$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this,
- backingMap = _this.$map;
- if (backingMap == null) {
- t1 = _this.$ti;
- t2 = t1._precomputed1;
- t3 = A.GeneralConstantMap__typeTest(t2);
- backingMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, A._js_helper_GeneralConstantMap__constantMapHashCode$closure(), t3, t2, t1._rest[1]);
- A.fillLiteralMap(_this._jsData, backingMap);
- _this.$map = backingMap;
- }
- return backingMap;
- },
- containsKey$1(_, key) {
- return this._getMap$0().containsKey$1(0, key);
- },
- $index(_, key) {
- return this._getMap$0().$index(0, key);
- },
- forEach$1(_, f) {
- this._getMap$0().forEach$1(0, f);
- },
- get$keys(_) {
- var t1 = this._getMap$0();
- return new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>"));
- },
- get$values(_) {
- var t1 = this._getMap$0();
- return t1.get$values(t1);
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return this._getMap$0().__js_helper$_length;
- }
- };
- A.GeneralConstantMap__typeTest_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(o) {
- return this.T._is(o);
- },
- $signature: 43
- };
- A.Instantiation.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.Instantiation && this._genericClosure.$eq(0, other._genericClosure) && A.getRuntimeTypeOfClosure(this) === A.getRuntimeTypeOfClosure(other);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this._genericClosure, A.getRuntimeTypeOfClosure(this), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = B.JSArray_methods.join$1([A.createRuntimeType(this.$ti._precomputed1)], ", ");
- return this._genericClosure.toString$0(0) + " with " + ("<" + t1 + ">");
- }
- };
- A.Instantiation1.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this._genericClosure.call$1$0(this.$ti._rest[0]);
- },
- call$1(a0) {
- return this._genericClosure.call$1$1(a0, this.$ti._rest[0]);
- },
- call$2(a0, a1) {
- return this._genericClosure.call$1$2(a0, a1, this.$ti._rest[0]);
- },
- $signature() {
- return A.instantiatedGenericFunctionType(A.closureFunctionType(this._genericClosure), this.$ti);
- }
- };
- A.JSInvocationMirror.prototype = {
- get$memberName() {
- var t1 = this.__js_helper$_memberName;
- if (type$.Symbol._is(t1))
- return t1;
- return this.__js_helper$_memberName = new A.Symbol(t1);
- },
- get$positionalArguments() {
- var t1, t2, argumentCount, list, index, _this = this;
- if (_this.__js_helper$_kind === 1)
- return B.List_empty;
- t1 = _this._arguments;
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- argumentCount = t2.get$length(t1) - J.get$length$asx(_this._namedArgumentNames) - _this._typeArgumentCount;
- if (argumentCount === 0)
- return B.List_empty;
- list = [];
- for (index = 0; index < argumentCount; ++index)
- list.push(t2.$index(t1, index));
- return J.JSArray_markUnmodifiableList(list);
- },
- get$namedArguments() {
- var t1, t2, namedArgumentCount, t3, t4, namedArgumentsStartIndex, map, i, _this = this;
- if (_this.__js_helper$_kind !== 0)
- return B.Map_empty;
- t1 = _this._namedArgumentNames;
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- namedArgumentCount = t2.get$length(t1);
- t3 = _this._arguments;
- t4 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t3);
- namedArgumentsStartIndex = t4.get$length(t3) - namedArgumentCount - _this._typeArgumentCount;
- if (namedArgumentCount === 0)
- return B.Map_empty;
- map = new A.JsLinkedHashMap(type$.JsLinkedHashMap_Symbol_dynamic);
- for (i = 0; i < namedArgumentCount; ++i)
- map.$indexSet(0, new A.Symbol(t2.$index(t1, i)), t4.$index(t3, namedArgumentsStartIndex + i));
- return new A.ConstantMapView(map, type$.ConstantMapView_Symbol_dynamic);
- }
- };
- A.Primitives_initTicker_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(1000 * this.performance.now());
- },
- $signature: 53
- };
- A.Primitives_functionNoSuchMethod_closure.prototype = {
- call$2($name, argument) {
- var t1 = this._box_0;
- t1.names = t1.names + "$" + $name;
- this.namedArgumentList.push($name);
- this.$arguments.push(argument);
- ++t1.argumentCount;
- },
- $signature: 39
- };
- A.TypeErrorDecoder.prototype = {
- matchTypeError$1(message) {
- var result, t1, _this = this,
- match = new RegExp(_this._pattern).exec(message);
- if (match == null)
- return null;
- result = Object.create(null);
- t1 = _this._arguments;
- if (t1 !== -1)
- result.arguments = match[t1 + 1];
- t1 = _this._argumentsExpr;
- if (t1 !== -1)
- result.argumentsExpr = match[t1 + 1];
- t1 = _this._expr;
- if (t1 !== -1)
- result.expr = match[t1 + 1];
- t1 = _this._method;
- if (t1 !== -1)
- result.method = match[t1 + 1];
- t1 = _this._receiver;
- if (t1 !== -1)
- result.receiver = match[t1 + 1];
- return result;
- }
- };
- A.NullError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._method;
- if (t1 == null)
- return "NoSuchMethodError: " + this.__js_helper$_message;
- return "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '" + t1 + "' on null";
- },
- $isNoSuchMethodError: 1
- };
- A.JsNoSuchMethodError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- _s38_ = "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '",
- t1 = _this._method;
- if (t1 == null)
- return "NoSuchMethodError: " + _this.__js_helper$_message;
- t2 = _this._receiver;
- if (t2 == null)
- return _s38_ + t1 + "' (" + _this.__js_helper$_message + ")";
- return _s38_ + t1 + "' on '" + t2 + "' (" + _this.__js_helper$_message + ")";
- },
- $isNoSuchMethodError: 1
- };
- A.UnknownJsTypeError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.__js_helper$_message;
- return t1.length === 0 ? "Error" : "Error: " + t1;
- }
- };
- A.NullThrownFromJavaScriptException.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Throw of null ('" + (this._irritant === null ? "null" : "undefined") + "' from JavaScript)";
- },
- $isException: 1
- };
- A.ExceptionAndStackTrace.prototype = {};
- A._StackTrace.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var trace,
- t1 = this._trace;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1;
- t1 = this._exception;
- trace = t1 !== null && typeof t1 === "object" ? t1.stack : null;
- return this._trace = trace == null ? "" : trace;
- },
- $isStackTrace: 1
- };
- A.Closure.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var $constructor = this.constructor,
- $name = $constructor == null ? null : $constructor.name;
- return "Closure '" + A.unminifyOrTag($name == null ? "unknown" : $name) + "'";
- },
- get$runtimeType(_) {
- var rti = A.closureFunctionType(this);
- return A.createRuntimeType(rti == null ? A.instanceType(this) : rti);
- },
- $isFunction: 1,
- get$$call() {
- return this;
- },
- "call*": "call$1",
- $requiredArgCount: 1,
- $defaultValues: null
- };
- A.Closure0Args.prototype = {"call*": "call$0", $requiredArgCount: 0};
- A.Closure2Args.prototype = {"call*": "call$2", $requiredArgCount: 2};
- A.TearOffClosure.prototype = {};
- A.StaticClosure.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var $name = this.$static_name;
- if ($name == null)
- return "Closure of unknown static method";
- return "Closure '" + A.unminifyOrTag($name) + "'";
- }
- };
- A.BoundClosure.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (!(other instanceof A.BoundClosure))
- return false;
- return this.$_target === other.$_target && this._receiver === other._receiver;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return (A.objectHashCode(this._receiver) ^ A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this.$_target)) >>> 0;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Closure '" + this.$_name + "' of " + ("Instance of '" + A.Primitives_objectTypeName(this._receiver) + "'");
- }
- };
- A._CyclicInitializationError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Reading static variable '" + this.variableName + "' during its initialization";
- }
- };
- A.RuntimeError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "RuntimeError: " + this.message;
- }
- };
- A._Required.prototype = {};
- A.JsLinkedHashMap.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return this.__js_helper$_length;
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this.__js_helper$_length === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return this.__js_helper$_length !== 0;
- },
- get$keys(_) {
- return new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>"));
- },
- get$values(_) {
- var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
- return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(this, t1._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>")), new A.JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure(this), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]);
- },
- containsKey$1(_, key) {
- var strings, nums;
- if (typeof key == "string") {
- strings = this._strings;
- if (strings == null)
- return false;
- return strings[key] != null;
- } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 0x3fffffff) === key) {
- nums = this._nums;
- if (nums == null)
- return false;
- return nums[key] != null;
- } else
- return this.internalContainsKey$1(key);
- },
- internalContainsKey$1(key) {
- var rest = this.__js_helper$_rest;
- if (rest == null)
- return false;
- return this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(rest[this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key)], key) >= 0;
- },
- containsValue$1(_, value) {
- return new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>")).any$1(0, new A.JsLinkedHashMap_containsValue_closure(this, value));
- },
- addAll$1(_, other) {
- J.forEach$1$ax(other, new A.JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure(this));
- },
- $index(_, key) {
- var strings, cell, t1, nums, _null = null;
- if (typeof key == "string") {
- strings = this._strings;
- if (strings == null)
- return _null;
- cell = strings[key];
- t1 = cell == null ? _null : cell.hashMapCellValue;
- return t1;
- } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 0x3fffffff) === key) {
- nums = this._nums;
- if (nums == null)
- return _null;
- cell = nums[key];
- t1 = cell == null ? _null : cell.hashMapCellValue;
- return t1;
- } else
- return this.internalGet$1(key);
- },
- internalGet$1(key) {
- var bucket, index,
- rest = this.__js_helper$_rest;
- if (rest == null)
- return null;
- bucket = rest[this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key)];
- index = this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
- if (index < 0)
- return null;
- return bucket[index].hashMapCellValue;
- },
- $indexSet(_, key, value) {
- var strings, nums, _this = this;
- if (typeof key == "string") {
- strings = _this._strings;
- _this._addHashTableEntry$3(strings == null ? _this._strings = _this._newHashTable$0() : strings, key, value);
- } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 0x3fffffff) === key) {
- nums = _this._nums;
- _this._addHashTableEntry$3(nums == null ? _this._nums = _this._newHashTable$0() : nums, key, value);
- } else
- _this.internalSet$2(key, value);
- },
- internalSet$2(key, value) {
- var hash, bucket, index, _this = this,
- rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest;
- if (rest == null)
- rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest = _this._newHashTable$0();
- hash = _this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key);
- bucket = rest[hash];
- if (bucket == null)
- rest[hash] = [_this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value)];
- else {
- index = _this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
- if (index >= 0)
- bucket[index].hashMapCellValue = value;
- else
- bucket.push(_this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value));
- }
- },
- putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) {
- var t1, value, _this = this;
- if (_this.containsKey$1(0, key)) {
- t1 = _this.$index(0, key);
- return t1 == null ? A._instanceType(_this)._rest[1]._as(t1) : t1;
- }
- value = ifAbsent.call$0();
- _this.$indexSet(0, key, value);
- return value;
- },
- remove$1(_, key) {
- var _this = this;
- if (typeof key == "string")
- return _this._removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._strings, key);
- else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 0x3fffffff) === key)
- return _this._removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._nums, key);
- else
- return _this.internalRemove$1(key);
- },
- internalRemove$1(key) {
- var hash, bucket, index, cell, _this = this,
- rest = _this.__js_helper$_rest;
- if (rest == null)
- return null;
- hash = _this.internalComputeHashCode$1(key);
- bucket = rest[hash];
- index = _this.internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
- if (index < 0)
- return null;
- cell = bucket.splice(index, 1)[0];
- _this._unlinkCell$1(cell);
- if (bucket.length === 0)
- delete rest[hash];
- return cell.hashMapCellValue;
- },
- clear$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.__js_helper$_length > 0) {
- _this._strings = _this._nums = _this.__js_helper$_rest = _this._first = _this._last = null;
- _this.__js_helper$_length = 0;
- _this._modified$0();
- }
- },
- forEach$1(_, action) {
- var _this = this,
- cell = _this._first,
- modifications = _this._modifications;
- for (; cell != null;) {
- action.call$2(cell.hashMapCellKey, cell.hashMapCellValue);
- if (modifications !== _this._modifications)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
- cell = cell._next;
- }
- },
- _addHashTableEntry$3(table, key, value) {
- var cell = table[key];
- if (cell == null)
- table[key] = this._newLinkedCell$2(key, value);
- else
- cell.hashMapCellValue = value;
- },
- _removeHashTableEntry$2(table, key) {
- var cell;
- if (table == null)
- return null;
- cell = table[key];
- if (cell == null)
- return null;
- this._unlinkCell$1(cell);
- delete table[key];
- return cell.hashMapCellValue;
- },
- _modified$0() {
- this._modifications = this._modifications + 1 & 1073741823;
- },
- _newLinkedCell$2(key, value) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- cell = new A.LinkedHashMapCell(key, value);
- if (_this._first == null)
- _this._first = _this._last = cell;
- else {
- t1 = _this._last;
- t1.toString;
- cell._previous = t1;
- _this._last = t1._next = cell;
- }
- ++_this.__js_helper$_length;
- _this._modified$0();
- return cell;
- },
- _unlinkCell$1(cell) {
- var _this = this,
- previous = cell._previous,
- next = cell._next;
- if (previous == null)
- _this._first = next;
- else
- previous._next = next;
- if (next == null)
- _this._last = previous;
- else
- next._previous = previous;
- --_this.__js_helper$_length;
- _this._modified$0();
- },
- internalComputeHashCode$1(key) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(key) & 0x3fffffff;
- },
- internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
- var $length, i;
- if (bucket == null)
- return -1;
- $length = bucket.length;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- if (J.$eq$(bucket[i].hashMapCellKey, key))
- return i;
- return -1;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.MapBase_mapToString(this);
- },
- _newHashTable$0() {
- var table = Object.create(null);
- table[""] = table;
- delete table[""];
- return table;
- }
- };
- A.JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(each) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.$index(0, each);
- return t2 == null ? A._instanceType(t1)._rest[1]._as(t2) : t2;
- },
- $signature() {
- return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("2(1)");
- }
- };
- A.JsLinkedHashMap_containsValue_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(each) {
- return J.$eq$(this.$this.$index(0, each), this.value);
- },
- $signature() {
- return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("bool(1)");
- }
- };
- A.JsLinkedHashMap_addAll_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(key, value) {
- this.$this.$indexSet(0, key, value);
- },
- $signature() {
- return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(1,2)");
- }
- };
- A.LinkedHashMapCell.prototype = {};
- A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return this._map.__js_helper$_length;
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._map.__js_helper$_length === 0;
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = this._map,
- t2 = new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator(t1, t1._modifications, this.$ti._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterator<1>"));
- t2._cell = t1._first;
- return t2;
- },
- contains$1(_, element) {
- return this._map.containsKey$1(0, element);
- },
- forEach$1(_, f) {
- var t1 = this._map,
- cell = t1._first,
- modifications = t1._modifications;
- for (; cell != null;) {
- f.call$1(cell.hashMapCellKey);
- if (modifications !== t1._modifications)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
- cell = cell._next;
- }
- }
- };
- A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator.prototype = {
- get$current(_) {
- return this.__js_helper$_current;
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- var cell, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._map;
- if (_this._modifications !== t1._modifications)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
- cell = _this._cell;
- if (cell == null) {
- _this.__js_helper$_current = null;
- return false;
- } else {
- _this.__js_helper$_current = cell.hashMapCellKey;
- _this._cell = cell._next;
- return true;
- }
- }
- };
- A.initHooks_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(o) {
- return this.getTag(o);
- },
- $signature: 51
- };
- A.initHooks_closure0.prototype = {
- call$2(o, tag) {
- return this.getUnknownTag(o, tag);
- },
- $signature: 277
- };
- A.initHooks_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(tag) {
- return this.prototypeForTag(tag);
- },
- $signature: 156
- };
- A._Record.prototype = {};
- A.JSSyntaxRegExp.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "RegExp/" + this.pattern + "/" + this._nativeRegExp.flags;
- },
- get$_nativeGlobalVersion() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._nativeGlobalRegExp;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1;
- t1 = _this._nativeRegExp;
- return _this._nativeGlobalRegExp = A.JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(_this.pattern, t1.multiline, !t1.ignoreCase, t1.unicode, t1.dotAll, true);
- },
- get$_nativeAnchoredVersion() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._nativeAnchoredRegExp;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1;
- t1 = _this._nativeRegExp;
- return _this._nativeAnchoredRegExp = A.JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(_this.pattern + "|()", t1.multiline, !t1.ignoreCase, t1.unicode, t1.dotAll, true);
- },
- firstMatch$1(string) {
- var m = this._nativeRegExp.exec(string);
- if (m == null)
- return null;
- return new A._MatchImplementation(m);
- },
- stringMatch$1(string) {
- var match = this.firstMatch$1(string);
- if (match != null)
- return match._match[0];
- return null;
- },
- allMatches$2(_, string, start) {
- var t1 = string.length;
- if (start > t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, t1, null, null));
- return new A._AllMatchesIterable(this, string, start);
- },
- allMatches$1($receiver, string) {
- return this.allMatches$2($receiver, string, 0);
- },
- _execGlobal$2(string, start) {
- var match,
- regexp = this.get$_nativeGlobalVersion();
- regexp.lastIndex = start;
- match = regexp.exec(string);
- if (match == null)
- return null;
- return new A._MatchImplementation(match);
- },
- _execAnchored$2(string, start) {
- var match,
- regexp = this.get$_nativeAnchoredVersion();
- regexp.lastIndex = start;
- match = regexp.exec(string);
- if (match == null)
- return null;
- if (match.pop() != null)
- return null;
- return new A._MatchImplementation(match);
- },
- matchAsPrefix$2(_, string, start) {
- if (start < 0 || start > string.length)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, string.length, null, null));
- return this._execAnchored$2(string, start);
- },
- matchAsPrefix$1($receiver, string) {
- return this.matchAsPrefix$2($receiver, string, 0);
- },
- $isRegExp: 1
- };
- A._MatchImplementation.prototype = {
- get$start(_) {
- return this._match.index;
- },
- get$end(_) {
- var t1 = this._match;
- return t1.index + t1[0].length;
- },
- $index(_, index) {
- return this._match[index];
- },
- $isMatch: 1,
- $isRegExpMatch: 1
- };
- A._AllMatchesIterable.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- return new A._AllMatchesIterator(this._re, this.__js_helper$_string, this.__js_helper$_start);
- }
- };
- A._AllMatchesIterator.prototype = {
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this.__js_helper$_current;
- return t1 == null ? type$.RegExpMatch._as(t1) : t1;
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, match, nextIndex, _this = this,
- string = _this.__js_helper$_string;
- if (string == null)
- return false;
- t1 = _this._nextIndex;
- t2 = string.length;
- if (t1 <= t2) {
- t3 = _this._regExp;
- match = t3._execGlobal$2(string, t1);
- if (match != null) {
- _this.__js_helper$_current = match;
- nextIndex = match.get$end(match);
- if (match._match.index === nextIndex) {
- if (t3._nativeRegExp.unicode) {
- t1 = _this._nextIndex;
- t3 = t1 + 1;
- if (t3 < t2) {
- t1 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string, t1);
- if (t1 >= 55296 && t1 <= 56319) {
- t1 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string, t3);
- t1 = t1 >= 56320 && t1 <= 57343;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- nextIndex = (t1 ? nextIndex + 1 : nextIndex) + 1;
- }
- _this._nextIndex = nextIndex;
- return true;
- }
- }
- _this.__js_helper$_string = _this.__js_helper$_current = null;
- return false;
- }
- };
- A.StringMatch.prototype = {
- get$end(_) {
- return this.start + this.pattern.length;
- },
- $index(_, g) {
- if (g !== 0)
- A.throwExpression(A.RangeError$value(g, null));
- return this.pattern;
- },
- $isMatch: 1,
- get$start(receiver) {
- return this.start;
- }
- };
- A._StringAllMatchesIterable.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- return new A._StringAllMatchesIterator(this._input, this._pattern, this.__js_helper$_index);
- },
- get$first(_) {
- var t1 = this._pattern,
- index = this._input.indexOf(t1, this.__js_helper$_index);
- if (index >= 0)
- return new A.StringMatch(index, t1);
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- }
- };
- A._StringAllMatchesIterator.prototype = {
- moveNext$0() {
- var index, end, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__js_helper$_index,
- t2 = _this._pattern,
- t3 = t2.length,
- t4 = _this._input,
- t5 = t4.length;
- if (t1 + t3 > t5) {
- _this.__js_helper$_current = null;
- return false;
- }
- index = t4.indexOf(t2, t1);
- if (index < 0) {
- _this.__js_helper$_index = t5 + 1;
- _this.__js_helper$_current = null;
- return false;
- }
- end = index + t3;
- _this.__js_helper$_current = new A.StringMatch(index, t2);
- _this.__js_helper$_index = end === _this.__js_helper$_index ? end + 1 : end;
- return true;
- },
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this.__js_helper$_current;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._Cell.prototype = {
- _readLocal$0() {
- var t1 = this.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t1 === this)
- throw A.wrapException(new A.LateError("Local '" + this.__late_helper$_name + "' has not been initialized."));
- return t1;
- },
- _readField$0() {
- var t1 = this.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t1 === this)
- throw A.wrapException(A.LateError$fieldNI(this.__late_helper$_name));
- return t1;
- },
- set$finalLocalValue(v) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.__late_helper$_value !== _this)
- throw A.wrapException(new A.LateError("Local '" + _this.__late_helper$_name + "' has already been initialized."));
- _this.__late_helper$_value = v;
- }
- };
- A._InitializedCell.prototype = {
- _read$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__late_helper$_value;
- return t1 === _this ? _this.__late_helper$_value = _this.__late_helper$_initializer.call$0() : t1;
- }
- };
- A.NativeByteBuffer.prototype = {
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return B.Type_ByteBuffer_RkP;
- },
- asInt64List$2(receiver, offsetInBytes, $length) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Int64List not supported by dart2js."));
- },
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1,
- $isByteBuffer: 1
- };
- A.NativeTypedData.prototype = {
- _invalidPosition$3(receiver, position, $length, $name) {
- var t1 = A.RangeError$range(position, 0, $length, $name, null);
- throw A.wrapException(t1);
- },
- _checkPosition$3(receiver, position, $length, $name) {
- if (position >>> 0 !== position || position > $length)
- this._invalidPosition$3(receiver, position, $length, $name);
- },
- $isTypedData: 1
- };
- A.NativeByteData.prototype = {
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return B.Type_ByteData_zNC;
- },
- getInt64$2(receiver, byteOffset, endian) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Int64 accessor not supported by dart2js."));
- },
- setInt64$3(receiver, byteOffset, value, endian) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Int64 accessor not supported by dart2js."));
- },
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1,
- $isByteData: 1
- };
- A.NativeTypedArray.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- },
- _setRangeFast$4(receiver, start, end, source, skipCount) {
- var count, sourceLength,
- targetLength = receiver.length;
- this._checkPosition$3(receiver, start, targetLength, "start");
- this._checkPosition$3(receiver, end, targetLength, "end");
- if (start > end)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(start, 0, end, null, null));
- count = end - start;
- if (skipCount < 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(skipCount, null));
- sourceLength = source.length;
- if (sourceLength - skipCount < count)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Not enough elements"));
- if (skipCount !== 0 || sourceLength !== count)
- source = source.subarray(skipCount, skipCount + count);
- receiver.set(source, start);
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1
- };
- A.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble.prototype = {
- $index(receiver, index) {
- A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
- receiver[index] = value;
- },
- setRange$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
- if (type$.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble._is(iterable)) {
- this._setRangeFast$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount);
- return;
- }
- this.super$ListBase$setRange(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount);
- },
- setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) {
- return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0);
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.NativeTypedArrayOfInt.prototype = {
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
- receiver[index] = value;
- },
- setRange$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
- if (type$.NativeTypedArrayOfInt._is(iterable)) {
- this._setRangeFast$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount);
- return;
- }
- this.super$ListBase$setRange(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount);
- },
- setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) {
- return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0);
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.NativeFloat32List.prototype = {
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return B.Type_Float32List_LB7;
- },
- sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
- return new Float32Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
- },
- sublist$1($receiver, start) {
- return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
- },
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1,
- $isFloat32List: 1
- };
- A.NativeFloat64List.prototype = {
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return B.Type_Float64List_LB7;
- },
- sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
- return new Float64Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
- },
- sublist$1($receiver, start) {
- return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
- },
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1,
- $isFloat64List: 1
- };
- A.NativeInt16List.prototype = {
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return B.Type_Int16List_uXf;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
- return receiver[index];
- },
- sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
- return new Int16Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
- },
- sublist$1($receiver, start) {
- return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
- },
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1,
- $isInt16List: 1
- };
- A.NativeInt32List.prototype = {
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return B.Type_Int32List_O50;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
- return receiver[index];
- },
- sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
- return new Int32Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
- },
- sublist$1($receiver, start) {
- return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
- },
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1,
- $isInt32List: 1
- };
- A.NativeInt8List.prototype = {
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return B.Type_Int8List_ekJ;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
- return receiver[index];
- },
- sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
- return new Int8Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
- },
- sublist$1($receiver, start) {
- return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
- },
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1,
- $isInt8List: 1
- };
- A.NativeUint16List.prototype = {
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return B.Type_Uint16List_2bx;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
- return receiver[index];
- },
- sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
- return new Uint16Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
- },
- sublist$1($receiver, start) {
- return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
- },
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1,
- $isUint16List: 1
- };
- A.NativeUint32List.prototype = {
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return B.Type_Uint32List_2bx;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
- return receiver[index];
- },
- sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
- return new Uint32Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
- },
- sublist$1($receiver, start) {
- return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
- },
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1,
- $isUint32List: 1
- };
- A.NativeUint8ClampedList.prototype = {
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return B.Type_Uint8ClampedList_Jik;
- },
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
- return receiver[index];
- },
- sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
- return new Uint8ClampedArray(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
- },
- sublist$1($receiver, start) {
- return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
- },
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1,
- $isUint8ClampedList: 1
- };
- A.NativeUint8List.prototype = {
- get$runtimeType(receiver) {
- return B.Type_Uint8List_WLA;
- },
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- A._checkValidIndex(index, receiver, receiver.length);
- return receiver[index];
- },
- sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
- return new Uint8Array(receiver.subarray(start, A._checkValidRange(start, end, receiver.length)));
- },
- sublist$1($receiver, start) {
- return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
- },
- $isNativeUint8List: 1,
- $isTrustedGetRuntimeType: 1,
- $isUint8List: 1
- };
- A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin.prototype = {};
- A.Rti.prototype = {
- _eval$1(recipe) {
- return A._Universe_evalInEnvironment(init.typeUniverse, this, recipe);
- },
- _bind$1(typeOrTuple) {
- return A._Universe_bind(init.typeUniverse, this, typeOrTuple);
- }
- };
- A._FunctionParameters.prototype = {};
- A._Type.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return A._rtiToString(this._rti, null);
- },
- $isType: 1
- };
- A._Error.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return this.__rti$_message;
- }
- };
- A._TypeError.prototype = {$isTypeError: 1};
- A._StringStream.prototype = {
- readIntAsVerbatim$0() {
- var t1 = this.__web_locale_keymap$_offset,
- result = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(this._data, t1);
- this.__web_locale_keymap$_offset = t1 + 1;
- return result - $.$get$_kMarshallIntBase();
- },
- readIntAsChar$0() {
- var t1 = this.__web_locale_keymap$_offset,
- result = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(this._data, t1);
- this.__web_locale_keymap$_offset = t1 + 1;
- return result;
- },
- readEventKey$0() {
- var char = A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(this.readIntAsChar$0());
- if (char === $.$get$_kUseDead())
- return "Dead";
- else
- return char;
- }
- };
- A._StringStream__goalToEventCode_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(beforeEntry) {
- return new A.MapEntry(J.codeUnitAt$1$s(beforeEntry.value, 0), beforeEntry.key, type$.MapEntry_int_String);
- },
- $signature: 253
- };
- A.LocaleKeymap.prototype = {
- getLogicalKey$3(eventCode, eventKey, eventKeyCode) {
- var heuristicResult, characterLogicalKey,
- t1 = this.__web_locale_keymap$_mapping.$index(0, eventCode),
- result = t1 == null ? null : t1.$index(0, eventKey);
- if (result === 255)
- return eventKeyCode;
- if (result == null) {
- t1 = eventCode == null ? "" : eventCode;
- heuristicResult = A.heuristicMapper(t1, eventKey == null ? "" : eventKey);
- if (heuristicResult != null)
- return heuristicResult;
- characterLogicalKey = A._characterToLogicalKey(eventKey);
- if (characterLogicalKey != null)
- return characterLogicalKey;
- }
- return result;
- }
- };
- A.LineCharProperty.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "LineCharProperty." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.WordCharProperty.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "WordCharProperty." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_internalCallback.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var t1 = this._box_0,
- f = t1.storedCallback;
- t1.storedCallback = null;
- f.call$0();
- },
- $signature: 26
- };
- A._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(callback) {
- var t1, t2;
- this._box_0.storedCallback = callback;
- t1 = this.div;
- t2 = this.span;
- t1.firstChild ? t1.removeChild(t2) : t1.appendChild(t2);
- },
- $signature: 247
- };
- A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride_internalCallback.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.callback.call$0();
- },
- $signature: 6
- };
- A._AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate_internalCallback.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.callback.call$0();
- },
- $signature: 6
- };
- A._TimerImpl.prototype = {
- _TimerImpl$2(milliseconds, callback) {
- if (self.setTimeout != null)
- this._handle = self.setTimeout(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._TimerImpl_internalCallback(this, callback), 0), milliseconds);
- else
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("`setTimeout()` not found."));
- },
- _TimerImpl$periodic$2(milliseconds, callback) {
- if (self.setTimeout != null)
- this._handle = self.setInterval(A.convertDartClosureToJS(new A._TimerImpl$periodic_closure(this, milliseconds, Date.now(), callback), 0), milliseconds);
- else
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Periodic timer."));
- },
- cancel$0(_) {
- var t1;
- if (self.setTimeout != null) {
- t1 = this._handle;
- if (t1 == null)
- return;
- if (this._once)
- self.clearTimeout(t1);
- else
- self.clearInterval(t1);
- this._handle = null;
- } else
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Canceling a timer."));
- },
- $isTimer: 1
- };
- A._TimerImpl_internalCallback.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1._handle = null;
- t1._tick = 1;
- this.callback.call$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._TimerImpl$periodic_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var duration, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.$this,
- tick = t1._tick + 1,
- t2 = _this.milliseconds;
- if (t2 > 0) {
- duration = Date.now() - _this.start;
- if (duration > (tick + 1) * t2)
- tick = B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(duration, t2);
- }
- t1._tick = tick;
- _this.callback.call$1(t1);
- },
- $signature: 6
- };
- A._AsyncAwaitCompleter.prototype = {
- complete$1(_, value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (value == null)
- value = _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(value);
- if (!_this.isSync)
- _this._future._asyncComplete$1(value);
- else {
- t1 = _this._future;
- if (_this.$ti._eval$1("Future<1>")._is(value))
- t1._chainFuture$1(value);
- else
- t1._completeWithValue$1(value);
- }
- },
- completeError$2(e, st) {
- var t1 = this._future;
- if (this.isSync)
- t1._completeError$2(e, st);
- else
- t1._asyncCompleteError$2(e, st);
- }
- };
- A._awaitOnObject_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(result) {
- return this.bodyFunction.call$2(0, result);
- },
- $signature: 19
- };
- A._awaitOnObject_closure0.prototype = {
- call$2(error, stackTrace) {
- this.bodyFunction.call$2(1, new A.ExceptionAndStackTrace(error, stackTrace));
- },
- $signature: 257
- };
- A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(errorCode, result) {
- this.$protected(errorCode, result);
- },
- $signature: 266
- };
- A._asyncStarHelper_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t3,
- t1 = this.controller,
- t2 = t1.___AsyncStarStreamController_controller_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t2._state;
- if ((t3 & 1) !== 0 ? (t2.get$_subscription()._state & 4) !== 0 : (t3 & 2) === 0) {
- t1.isSuspended = true;
- return;
- }
- this.bodyFunction.call$2(0, null);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._asyncStarHelper_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var errorCode = this.controller.cancelationFuture != null ? 2 : 0;
- this.bodyFunction.call$2(errorCode, null);
- },
- $signature: 26
- };
- A._AsyncStarStreamController.prototype = {
- _AsyncStarStreamController$1(body, $T) {
- var t1 = new A._AsyncStarStreamController__resumeBody(body);
- this.___AsyncStarStreamController_controller_A = A.StreamController_StreamController(new A._AsyncStarStreamController_closure(this, body), new A._AsyncStarStreamController_closure0(t1), new A._AsyncStarStreamController_closure1(this, t1), $T);
- }
- };
- A._AsyncStarStreamController__resumeBody.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- A.scheduleMicrotask(new A._AsyncStarStreamController__resumeBody_closure(this.body));
- },
- $signature: 6
- };
- A._AsyncStarStreamController__resumeBody_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.body.call$2(0, null);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._AsyncStarStreamController_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this._resumeBody.call$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._AsyncStarStreamController_closure1.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1.isSuspended) {
- t1.isSuspended = false;
- this._resumeBody.call$0();
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._AsyncStarStreamController_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.___AsyncStarStreamController_controller_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if ((t2._state & 4) === 0) {
- t1.cancelationFuture = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_dynamic);
- if (t1.isSuspended) {
- t1.isSuspended = false;
- A.scheduleMicrotask(new A._AsyncStarStreamController__closure(this.body));
- }
- return t1.cancelationFuture;
- }
- },
- $signature: 268
- };
- A._AsyncStarStreamController__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.body.call$2(2, null);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._IterationMarker.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "IterationMarker(" + this.state + ", " + A.S(this.value) + ")";
- }
- };
- A._SyncStarIterator.prototype = {
- get$current(_) {
- var nested = this._nestedIterator;
- if (nested == null)
- return this._async$_current;
- return nested.get$current(nested);
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- var t1, value, state, suspendedBodies, inner, _this = this;
- for (; true;) {
- t1 = _this._nestedIterator;
- if (t1 != null)
- if (t1.moveNext$0())
- return true;
- else
- _this._nestedIterator = null;
- value = function(body, SUCCESS, ERROR) {
- var errorValue,
- errorCode = SUCCESS;
- while (true)
- try {
- return body(errorCode, errorValue);
- } catch (error) {
- errorValue = error;
- errorCode = ERROR;
- }
- }(_this._body, 0, 1);
- if (value instanceof A._IterationMarker) {
- state = value.state;
- if (state === 2) {
- suspendedBodies = _this._suspendedBodies;
- if (suspendedBodies == null || suspendedBodies.length === 0) {
- _this._async$_current = null;
- return false;
- }
- _this._body = suspendedBodies.pop();
- continue;
- } else {
- t1 = value.value;
- if (state === 3)
- throw t1;
- else {
- inner = J.get$iterator$ax(t1);
- if (inner instanceof A._SyncStarIterator) {
- t1 = _this._suspendedBodies;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _this._suspendedBodies = [];
- t1.push(_this._body);
- _this._body = inner._body;
- continue;
- } else {
- _this._nestedIterator = inner;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- _this._async$_current = value;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- };
- A._SyncStarIterable.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- return new A._SyncStarIterator(this._outerHelper(), this.$ti._eval$1("_SyncStarIterator<1>"));
- }
- };
- A.AsyncError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.S(this.error);
- },
- $isError: 1,
- get$stackTrace() {
- return this.stackTrace;
- }
- };
- A._BroadcastStream.prototype = {};
- A._BroadcastSubscription.prototype = {
- _onPause$0() {
- },
- _onResume$0() {
- }
- };
- A._BroadcastStreamController.prototype = {
- get$stream(_) {
- return new A._BroadcastStream(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_BroadcastStream<1>"));
- },
- get$_mayAddEvent() {
- return this._state < 4;
- },
- _removeListener$1(subscription) {
- var previous = subscription._async$_previous,
- next = subscription._async$_next;
- if (previous == null)
- this._firstSubscription = next;
- else
- previous._async$_next = next;
- if (next == null)
- this._lastSubscription = previous;
- else
- next._async$_previous = previous;
- subscription._async$_previous = subscription;
- subscription._async$_next = subscription;
- },
- _subscribe$4(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, subscription, oldLast, _this = this;
- if ((_this._state & 4) !== 0)
- return A._DoneStreamSubscription$(onDone, A._instanceType(_this)._precomputed1);
- t1 = $.Zone__current;
- t2 = cancelOnError ? 1 : 0;
- t3 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(t1, onData);
- t4 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerErrorHandler(t1, onError);
- t5 = onDone == null ? A.async___nullDoneHandler$closure() : onDone;
- subscription = new A._BroadcastSubscription(_this, t3, t4, t5, t1, t2, A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_BroadcastSubscription<1>"));
- subscription._async$_previous = subscription;
- subscription._async$_next = subscription;
- subscription._eventState = _this._state & 1;
- oldLast = _this._lastSubscription;
- _this._lastSubscription = subscription;
- subscription._async$_next = null;
- subscription._async$_previous = oldLast;
- if (oldLast == null)
- _this._firstSubscription = subscription;
- else
- oldLast._async$_next = subscription;
- if (_this._firstSubscription === subscription)
- A._runGuarded(_this.onListen);
- return subscription;
- },
- _recordCancel$1(sub) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_BroadcastSubscription<1>")._as(sub);
- if (sub._async$_next === sub)
- return null;
- t1 = sub._eventState;
- if ((t1 & 2) !== 0)
- sub._eventState = t1 | 4;
- else {
- _this._removeListener$1(sub);
- if ((_this._state & 2) === 0 && _this._firstSubscription == null)
- _this._callOnCancel$0();
- }
- return null;
- },
- _recordPause$1(subscription) {
- },
- _recordResume$1(subscription) {
- },
- _addEventError$0() {
- if ((this._state & 4) !== 0)
- return new A.StateError("Cannot add new events after calling close");
- return new A.StateError("Cannot add new events while doing an addStream");
- },
- add$1(_, data) {
- if (!this.get$_mayAddEvent())
- throw A.wrapException(this._addEventError$0());
- this._sendData$1(data);
- },
- addError$2(error, stackTrace) {
- A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
- if (!this.get$_mayAddEvent())
- throw A.wrapException(this._addEventError$0());
- stackTrace = A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error);
- this._sendError$2(error, stackTrace);
- },
- addError$1(error) {
- return this.addError$2(error, null);
- },
- close$0(_) {
- var t1, doneFuture, _this = this;
- if ((_this._state & 4) !== 0) {
- t1 = _this._doneFuture;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- if (!_this.get$_mayAddEvent())
- throw A.wrapException(_this._addEventError$0());
- _this._state |= 4;
- doneFuture = _this._doneFuture;
- if (doneFuture == null)
- doneFuture = _this._doneFuture = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void);
- _this._sendDone$0();
- return doneFuture;
- },
- _forEachListener$1(action) {
- var subscription, id, next, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state;
- if ((t1 & 2) !== 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$(string$.Cannotf));
- subscription = _this._firstSubscription;
- if (subscription == null)
- return;
- id = t1 & 1;
- _this._state = t1 ^ 3;
- for (; subscription != null;) {
- t1 = subscription._eventState;
- if ((t1 & 1) === id) {
- subscription._eventState = t1 | 2;
- action.call$1(subscription);
- t1 = subscription._eventState ^= 1;
- next = subscription._async$_next;
- if ((t1 & 4) !== 0)
- _this._removeListener$1(subscription);
- subscription._eventState &= 4294967293;
- subscription = next;
- } else
- subscription = subscription._async$_next;
- }
- _this._state &= 4294967293;
- if (_this._firstSubscription == null)
- _this._callOnCancel$0();
- },
- _callOnCancel$0() {
- if ((this._state & 4) !== 0) {
- var doneFuture = this._doneFuture;
- if ((doneFuture._state & 30) === 0)
- doneFuture._asyncComplete$1(null);
- }
- A._runGuarded(this.onCancel);
- },
- $isStreamController: 1
- };
- A._SyncBroadcastStreamController.prototype = {
- get$_mayAddEvent() {
- return A._BroadcastStreamController.prototype.get$_mayAddEvent.call(this) && (this._state & 2) === 0;
- },
- _addEventError$0() {
- if ((this._state & 2) !== 0)
- return new A.StateError(string$.Cannotf);
- return this.super$_BroadcastStreamController$_addEventError();
- },
- _sendData$1(data) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._firstSubscription;
- if (t1 == null)
- return;
- if (t1 === _this._lastSubscription) {
- _this._state |= 2;
- t1._async$_add$1(0, data);
- _this._state &= 4294967293;
- if (_this._firstSubscription == null)
- _this._callOnCancel$0();
- return;
- }
- _this._forEachListener$1(new A._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendData_closure(_this, data));
- },
- _sendError$2(error, stackTrace) {
- if (this._firstSubscription == null)
- return;
- this._forEachListener$1(new A._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendError_closure(this, error, stackTrace));
- },
- _sendDone$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._firstSubscription != null)
- _this._forEachListener$1(new A._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendDone_closure(_this));
- else
- _this._doneFuture._asyncComplete$1(null);
- }
- };
- A._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendData_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(subscription) {
- subscription._async$_add$1(0, this.data);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("~(_BufferingStreamSubscription<1>)");
- }
- };
- A._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendError_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(subscription) {
- subscription._addError$2(this.error, this.stackTrace);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("~(_BufferingStreamSubscription<1>)");
- }
- };
- A._SyncBroadcastStreamController__sendDone_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(subscription) {
- subscription._async$_close$0();
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("~(_BufferingStreamSubscription<1>)");
- }
- };
- A._AsyncBroadcastStreamController.prototype = {
- _sendData$1(data) {
- var subscription, t1;
- for (subscription = this._firstSubscription, t1 = this.$ti._eval$1("_DelayedData<1>"); subscription != null; subscription = subscription._async$_next)
- subscription._addPending$1(new A._DelayedData(data, t1));
- },
- _sendError$2(error, stackTrace) {
- var subscription;
- for (subscription = this._firstSubscription; subscription != null; subscription = subscription._async$_next)
- subscription._addPending$1(new A._DelayedError(error, stackTrace));
- },
- _sendDone$0() {
- var subscription = this._firstSubscription;
- if (subscription != null)
- for (; subscription != null; subscription = subscription._async$_next)
- subscription._addPending$1(B.C__DelayedDone);
- else
- this._doneFuture._asyncComplete$1(null);
- }
- };
- A.Future_Future_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var e, s, exception;
- try {
- this.result._complete$1(this.computation.call$0());
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- A._completeWithErrorCallback(this.result, e, s);
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.Future_Future$delayed_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var e, s, exception, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.computation;
- if (t1 == null) {
- _this.T._as(null);
- _this.result._complete$1(null);
- } else
- try {
- _this.result._complete$1(t1.call$0());
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- A._completeWithErrorCallback(_this.result, e, s);
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.Future_wait_handleError.prototype = {
- call$2(theError, theStackTrace) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._box_0,
- t2 = --t1.remaining;
- if (t1.values != null) {
- t1.values = null;
- if (t1.remaining === 0 || _this.eagerError)
- _this._future._completeError$2(theError, theStackTrace);
- else {
- _this.error.__late_helper$_value = theError;
- _this.stackTrace.__late_helper$_value = theStackTrace;
- }
- } else if (t2 === 0 && !_this.eagerError)
- _this._future._completeError$2(_this.error._readLocal$0(), _this.stackTrace._readLocal$0());
- },
- $signature: 55
- };
- A.Future_wait_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- var valueList, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._box_0;
- --t1.remaining;
- valueList = t1.values;
- if (valueList != null) {
- J.$indexSet$ax(valueList, _this.pos, value);
- if (t1.remaining === 0)
- _this._future._completeWithValue$1(A.List_List$from(valueList, true, _this.T));
- } else if (t1.remaining === 0 && !_this.eagerError)
- _this._future._completeError$2(_this.error._readLocal$0(), _this.stackTrace._readLocal$0());
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.T._eval$1("Null(0)");
- }
- };
- A.FutureExtensions_onError_onError.prototype = {
- call$2(error, stackTrace) {
- var t1;
- if (this.E._is(error))
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- throw A.wrapException(error);
- return this.handleError.call$2(error, stackTrace);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.T._eval$1("0/(Object,StackTrace)");
- }
- };
- A.FutureExtensions_onError_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return value;
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.T._eval$1("0(0)");
- }
- };
- A._Completer.prototype = {
- completeError$2(error, stackTrace) {
- A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
- if ((this.future._state & 30) !== 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Future already completed"));
- if (stackTrace == null)
- stackTrace = A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error);
- this._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
- },
- completeError$1(error) {
- return this.completeError$2(error, null);
- }
- };
- A._AsyncCompleter.prototype = {
- complete$1(_, value) {
- var t1 = this.future;
- if ((t1._state & 30) !== 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Future already completed"));
- t1._asyncComplete$1(value);
- },
- complete$0($receiver) {
- return this.complete$1($receiver, null);
- },
- _completeError$2(error, stackTrace) {
- this.future._asyncCompleteError$2(error, stackTrace);
- }
- };
- A._FutureListener.prototype = {
- matchesErrorTest$1(asyncError) {
- if ((this.state & 15) !== 6)
- return true;
- return this.result._zone.runUnary$2(this.callback, asyncError.error);
- },
- handleError$1(asyncError) {
- var exception,
- errorCallback = this.errorCallback,
- result = null,
- t1 = asyncError.error,
- t2 = this.result._zone;
- if (type$.dynamic_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(errorCallback))
- result = t2.runBinary$3(errorCallback, t1, asyncError.stackTrace);
- else
- result = t2.runUnary$2(errorCallback, t1);
- try {
- t1 = result;
- return t1;
- } catch (exception) {
- if (type$.TypeError._is(A.unwrapException(exception))) {
- if ((this.state & 1) !== 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("The error handler of Future.then must return a value of the returned future's type", "onError"));
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("The error handler of Future.catchError must return a value of the future's type", "onError"));
- } else
- throw exception;
- }
- }
- };
- A._Future.prototype = {
- then$1$2$onError(_, f, onError, $R) {
- var result, t1,
- currentZone = $.Zone__current;
- if (currentZone === B.C__RootZone) {
- if (onError != null && !type$.dynamic_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(onError) && !type$.dynamic_Function_Object._is(onError))
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(onError, "onError", string$.Error_));
- } else if (onError != null)
- onError = A._registerErrorHandler(onError, currentZone);
- result = new A._Future(currentZone, $R._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
- t1 = onError == null ? 1 : 3;
- this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, t1, f, onError, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>")));
- return result;
- },
- then$1$1($receiver, f, $R) {
- return this.then$1$2$onError($receiver, f, null, $R);
- },
- _thenAwait$1$2(f, onError, $E) {
- var result = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $E._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
- this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, 3, f, onError, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($E)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>")));
- return result;
- },
- catchError$2$test(onError, test) {
- var t1 = this.$ti,
- t2 = $.Zone__current,
- result = new A._Future(t2, t1);
- if (t2 !== B.C__RootZone)
- onError = A._registerErrorHandler(onError, t2);
- this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, 2, test, onError, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._precomputed1)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>")));
- return result;
- },
- catchError$1(onError) {
- return this.catchError$2$test(onError, null);
- },
- whenComplete$1(action) {
- var t1 = this.$ti,
- result = new A._Future($.Zone__current, t1);
- this._addListener$1(new A._FutureListener(result, 8, action, null, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._precomputed1)._eval$1("_FutureListener<1,2>")));
- return result;
- },
- _setErrorObject$1(error) {
- this._state = this._state & 1 | 16;
- this._resultOrListeners = error;
- },
- _cloneResult$1(source) {
- this._state = source._state & 30 | this._state & 1;
- this._resultOrListeners = source._resultOrListeners;
- },
- _addListener$1(listener) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state;
- if (t1 <= 3) {
- listener._nextListener = _this._resultOrListeners;
- _this._resultOrListeners = listener;
- } else {
- if ((t1 & 4) !== 0) {
- t1 = _this._resultOrListeners;
- if ((t1._state & 24) === 0) {
- t1._addListener$1(listener);
- return;
- }
- _this._cloneResult$1(t1);
- }
- A._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, _this._zone, new A._Future__addListener_closure(_this, listener));
- }
- },
- _prependListeners$1(listeners) {
- var t1, existingListeners, next, cursor, next0, _this = this, _box_0 = {};
- _box_0.listeners = listeners;
- if (listeners == null)
- return;
- t1 = _this._state;
- if (t1 <= 3) {
- existingListeners = _this._resultOrListeners;
- _this._resultOrListeners = listeners;
- if (existingListeners != null) {
- next = listeners._nextListener;
- for (cursor = listeners; next != null; cursor = next, next = next0)
- next0 = next._nextListener;
- cursor._nextListener = existingListeners;
- }
- } else {
- if ((t1 & 4) !== 0) {
- t1 = _this._resultOrListeners;
- if ((t1._state & 24) === 0) {
- t1._prependListeners$1(listeners);
- return;
- }
- _this._cloneResult$1(t1);
- }
- _box_0.listeners = _this._reverseListeners$1(listeners);
- A._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, _this._zone, new A._Future__prependListeners_closure(_box_0, _this));
- }
- },
- _removeListeners$0() {
- var current = this._resultOrListeners;
- this._resultOrListeners = null;
- return this._reverseListeners$1(current);
- },
- _reverseListeners$1(listeners) {
- var current, prev, next;
- for (current = listeners, prev = null; current != null; prev = current, current = next) {
- next = current._nextListener;
- current._nextListener = prev;
- }
- return prev;
- },
- _chainForeignFuture$1(source) {
- var e, s, exception, _this = this;
- _this._state ^= 2;
- try {
- source.then$1$2$onError(0, new A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure(_this), new A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0(_this), type$.Null);
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- A.scheduleMicrotask(new A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1(_this, e, s));
- }
- },
- _complete$1(value) {
- var listeners, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.$ti;
- if (t1._eval$1("Future<1>")._is(value))
- if (t1._is(value))
- A._Future__chainCoreFuture(value, _this);
- else
- _this._chainForeignFuture$1(value);
- else {
- listeners = _this._removeListeners$0();
- _this._state = 8;
- _this._resultOrListeners = value;
- A._Future__propagateToListeners(_this, listeners);
- }
- },
- _completeWithValue$1(value) {
- var _this = this,
- listeners = _this._removeListeners$0();
- _this._state = 8;
- _this._resultOrListeners = value;
- A._Future__propagateToListeners(_this, listeners);
- },
- _completeError$2(error, stackTrace) {
- var listeners = this._removeListeners$0();
- this._setErrorObject$1(A.AsyncError$(error, stackTrace));
- A._Future__propagateToListeners(this, listeners);
- },
- _asyncComplete$1(value) {
- if (this.$ti._eval$1("Future<1>")._is(value)) {
- this._chainFuture$1(value);
- return;
- }
- this._asyncCompleteWithValue$1(value);
- },
- _asyncCompleteWithValue$1(value) {
- this._state ^= 2;
- A._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, this._zone, new A._Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure(this, value));
- },
- _chainFuture$1(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.$ti._is(value)) {
- if ((value._state & 16) !== 0) {
- _this._state ^= 2;
- A._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, _this._zone, new A._Future__chainFuture_closure(_this, value));
- } else
- A._Future__chainCoreFuture(value, _this);
- return;
- }
- _this._chainForeignFuture$1(value);
- },
- _asyncCompleteError$2(error, stackTrace) {
- this._state ^= 2;
- A._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, this._zone, new A._Future__asyncCompleteError_closure(this, error, stackTrace));
- },
- $isFuture: 1
- };
- A._Future__addListener_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- A._Future__propagateToListeners(this.$this, this.listener);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._Future__prependListeners_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- A._Future__propagateToListeners(this.$this, this._box_0.listeners);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- var error, stackTrace, exception,
- t1 = this.$this;
- t1._state ^= 2;
- try {
- t1._completeWithValue$1(t1.$ti._precomputed1._as(value));
- } catch (exception) {
- error = A.unwrapException(exception);
- stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- t1._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
- }
- },
- $signature: 26
- };
- A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure0.prototype = {
- call$2(error, stackTrace) {
- this.$this._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
- },
- $signature: 68
- };
- A._Future__chainForeignFuture_closure1.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._completeError$2(this.e, this.s);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._Future__asyncCompleteWithValue_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._completeWithValue$1(this.value);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._Future__chainFuture_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- A._Future__chainCoreFuture(this.value, this.$this);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._Future__asyncCompleteError_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._completeError$2(this.error, this.stackTrace);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var e, s, t1, exception, t2, originalSource, _this = this, completeResult = null;
- try {
- t1 = _this._box_0.listener;
- completeResult = t1.result._zone.run$1(t1.callback);
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- t1 = _this.hasError && _this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners.error === e;
- t2 = _this._box_0;
- if (t1)
- t2.listenerValueOrError = _this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners;
- else
- t2.listenerValueOrError = A.AsyncError$(e, s);
- t2.listenerHasError = true;
- return;
- }
- if (completeResult instanceof A._Future && (completeResult._state & 24) !== 0) {
- if ((completeResult._state & 16) !== 0) {
- t1 = _this._box_0;
- t1.listenerValueOrError = completeResult._resultOrListeners;
- t1.listenerHasError = true;
- }
- return;
- }
- if (type$.Future_dynamic._is(completeResult)) {
- originalSource = _this._box_1.source;
- t1 = _this._box_0;
- t1.listenerValueOrError = J.then$1$1$z(completeResult, new A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure(originalSource), type$.dynamic);
- t1.listenerHasError = false;
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- return this.originalSource;
- },
- $signature: 282
- };
- A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var e, s, t1, t2, exception;
- try {
- t1 = this._box_0;
- t2 = t1.listener;
- t1.listenerValueOrError = t2.result._zone.runUnary$2(t2.callback, this.sourceResult);
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- t1 = this._box_0;
- t1.listenerValueOrError = A.AsyncError$(e, s);
- t1.listenerHasError = true;
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._Future__propagateToListeners_handleError.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var asyncError, e, s, t1, exception, t2, _this = this;
- try {
- asyncError = _this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners;
- t1 = _this._box_0;
- if (t1.listener.matchesErrorTest$1(asyncError) && t1.listener.errorCallback != null) {
- t1.listenerValueOrError = t1.listener.handleError$1(asyncError);
- t1.listenerHasError = false;
- }
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- t1 = _this._box_1.source._resultOrListeners;
- t2 = _this._box_0;
- if (t1.error === e)
- t2.listenerValueOrError = t1;
- else
- t2.listenerValueOrError = A.AsyncError$(e, s);
- t2.listenerHasError = true;
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._AsyncCallbackEntry.prototype = {};
- A.Stream.prototype = {
- handleError$1(onError) {
- var callback;
- if (type$.void_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(onError))
- callback = onError;
- else if (type$.void_Function_Object._is(onError))
- callback = new A.Stream_handleError_closure(onError);
- else
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(onError, "onError", "Error handler must accept one Object or one Object and a StackTrace as arguments."));
- return new A._HandleErrorStream(callback, null, this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_HandleErrorStream"));
- },
- contains$1(_, needle) {
- var future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_bool),
- subscription = this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(null, true, new A.Stream_contains_closure(future), future.get$_completeError());
- subscription.onData$1(new A.Stream_contains_closure0(this, needle, subscription, future));
- return future;
- },
- get$length(_) {
- var t1 = {},
- future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_int);
- t1.count = 0;
- this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(new A.Stream_length_closure(t1, this), true, new A.Stream_length_closure0(t1, future), future.get$_completeError());
- return future;
- },
- get$first(_) {
- var future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_Future")),
- subscription = this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(null, true, new A.Stream_first_closure(future), future.get$_completeError());
- subscription.onData$1(new A.Stream_first_closure0(this, subscription, future));
- return future;
- }
- };
- A.Stream_handleError_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(error, _) {
- this.onError.call$1(error);
- },
- $signature: 55
- };
- A.Stream_contains_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.future._complete$1(false);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.Stream_contains_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(element) {
- var t1 = this.subscription,
- t2 = this.future;
- A._runUserCode(new A.Stream_contains__closure(element, this.needle), new A.Stream_contains__closure0(t1, t2), A._cancelAndErrorClosure(t1, t2));
- },
- $signature() {
- return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(Stream.T)");
- }
- };
- A.Stream_contains__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return J.$eq$(this.element, this.needle);
- },
- $signature: 30
- };
- A.Stream_contains__closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(isMatch) {
- if (isMatch)
- A._cancelAndValue(this.subscription, this.future, true);
- },
- $signature: 79
- };
- A.Stream_length_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- ++this._box_0.count;
- },
- $signature() {
- return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(Stream.T)");
- }
- };
- A.Stream_length_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.future._complete$1(this._box_0.count);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.Stream_first_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var e, s, t1, exception;
- try {
- t1 = A.IterableElementError_noElement();
- throw A.wrapException(t1);
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- A._completeWithErrorCallback(this.future, e, s);
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.Stream_first_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- A._cancelAndValue(this.subscription, this.future, value);
- },
- $signature() {
- return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(Stream.T)");
- }
- };
- A.StreamView.prototype = {
- listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
- return this._stream.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError);
- },
- listen$3$onDone$onError(onData, onDone, onError) {
- return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, onDone, onError);
- }
- };
- A._StreamController.prototype = {
- get$stream(_) {
- return new A._ControllerStream(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_ControllerStream<1>"));
- },
- get$_pendingEvents() {
- if ((this._state & 8) === 0)
- return this._varData;
- return this._varData.varData;
- },
- _ensurePendingEvents$0() {
- var events, state, _this = this;
- if ((_this._state & 8) === 0) {
- events = _this._varData;
- return events == null ? _this._varData = new A._PendingEvents(A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_PendingEvents<1>")) : events;
- }
- state = _this._varData;
- events = state.varData;
- return events == null ? state.varData = new A._PendingEvents(A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_PendingEvents<1>")) : events;
- },
- get$_subscription() {
- var varData = this._varData;
- return (this._state & 8) !== 0 ? varData.varData : varData;
- },
- _badEventState$0() {
- if ((this._state & 4) !== 0)
- return new A.StateError("Cannot add event after closing");
- return new A.StateError("Cannot add event while adding a stream");
- },
- addStream$2$cancelOnError(_, source, cancelOnError) {
- var t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state;
- if (t1 >= 4)
- throw A.wrapException(_this._badEventState$0());
- if ((t1 & 2) !== 0) {
- t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_dynamic);
- t1._asyncComplete$1(null);
- return t1;
- }
- t1 = _this._varData;
- t2 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_dynamic);
- t3 = source.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(_this.get$_async$_add(_this), false, _this.get$_async$_close(), _this.get$_addError());
- t4 = _this._state;
- if ((t4 & 1) !== 0 ? (_this.get$_subscription()._state & 4) !== 0 : (t4 & 2) === 0)
- t3.pause$0(0);
- _this._varData = new A._StreamControllerAddStreamState(t1, t2, t3, A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_StreamControllerAddStreamState<1>"));
- _this._state |= 8;
- return t2;
- },
- _ensureDoneFuture$0() {
- var t1 = this._doneFuture;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = this._doneFuture = (this._state & 2) !== 0 ? $.$get$Future__nullFuture() : new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void);
- return t1;
- },
- add$1(_, value) {
- if (this._state >= 4)
- throw A.wrapException(this._badEventState$0());
- this._async$_add$1(0, value);
- },
- addError$2(error, stackTrace) {
- A.checkNotNullable(error, "error", type$.Object);
- if (this._state >= 4)
- throw A.wrapException(this._badEventState$0());
- if (stackTrace == null)
- stackTrace = A.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(error);
- this._addError$2(error, stackTrace);
- },
- addError$1(error) {
- return this.addError$2(error, null);
- },
- close$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state;
- if ((t1 & 4) !== 0)
- return _this._ensureDoneFuture$0();
- if (t1 >= 4)
- throw A.wrapException(_this._badEventState$0());
- _this._closeUnchecked$0();
- return _this._ensureDoneFuture$0();
- },
- _closeUnchecked$0() {
- var t1 = this._state |= 4;
- if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
- this._sendDone$0();
- else if ((t1 & 3) === 0)
- this._ensurePendingEvents$0().add$1(0, B.C__DelayedDone);
- },
- _async$_add$1(_, value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state;
- if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
- _this._sendData$1(value);
- else if ((t1 & 3) === 0)
- _this._ensurePendingEvents$0().add$1(0, new A._DelayedData(value, A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_DelayedData<1>")));
- },
- _addError$2(error, stackTrace) {
- var t1 = this._state;
- if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
- this._sendError$2(error, stackTrace);
- else if ((t1 & 3) === 0)
- this._ensurePendingEvents$0().add$1(0, new A._DelayedError(error, stackTrace));
- },
- _async$_close$0() {
- var addState = this._varData;
- this._varData = addState.varData;
- this._state &= 4294967287;
- addState.addStreamFuture._asyncComplete$1(null);
- },
- _subscribe$4(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError) {
- var subscription, pendingEvents, t1, addState, _this = this;
- if ((_this._state & 3) !== 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Stream has already been listened to."));
- subscription = A._ControllerSubscription$(_this, onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError, A._instanceType(_this)._precomputed1);
- pendingEvents = _this.get$_pendingEvents();
- t1 = _this._state |= 1;
- if ((t1 & 8) !== 0) {
- addState = _this._varData;
- addState.varData = subscription;
- addState.addSubscription.resume$0(0);
- } else
- _this._varData = subscription;
- subscription._setPendingEvents$1(pendingEvents);
- subscription._guardCallback$1(new A._StreamController__subscribe_closure(_this));
- return subscription;
- },
- _recordCancel$1(subscription) {
- var onCancel, cancelResult, e, s, exception, result0, t1, _this = this, result = null;
- if ((_this._state & 8) !== 0)
- result = _this._varData.cancel$0(0);
- _this._varData = null;
- _this._state = _this._state & 4294967286 | 2;
- onCancel = _this.onCancel;
- if (onCancel != null)
- if (result == null)
- try {
- cancelResult = onCancel.call$0();
- if (type$.Future_void._is(cancelResult))
- result = cancelResult;
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- result0 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void);
- result0._asyncCompleteError$2(e, s);
- result = result0;
- }
- else
- result = result.whenComplete$1(onCancel);
- t1 = new A._StreamController__recordCancel_complete(_this);
- if (result != null)
- result = result.whenComplete$1(t1);
- else
- t1.call$0();
- return result;
- },
- _recordPause$1(subscription) {
- if ((this._state & 8) !== 0)
- this._varData.addSubscription.pause$0(0);
- A._runGuarded(this.onPause);
- },
- _recordResume$1(subscription) {
- if ((this._state & 8) !== 0)
- this._varData.addSubscription.resume$0(0);
- A._runGuarded(this.onResume);
- },
- $isStreamController: 1
- };
- A._StreamController__subscribe_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- A._runGuarded(this.$this.onListen);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._StreamController__recordCancel_complete.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var doneFuture = this.$this._doneFuture;
- if (doneFuture != null && (doneFuture._state & 30) === 0)
- doneFuture._asyncComplete$1(null);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._AsyncStreamControllerDispatch.prototype = {
- _sendData$1(data) {
- this.get$_subscription()._addPending$1(new A._DelayedData(data, this.$ti._eval$1("_DelayedData<1>")));
- },
- _sendError$2(error, stackTrace) {
- this.get$_subscription()._addPending$1(new A._DelayedError(error, stackTrace));
- },
- _sendDone$0() {
- this.get$_subscription()._addPending$1(B.C__DelayedDone);
- }
- };
- A._AsyncStreamController.prototype = {};
- A._ControllerStream.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return (A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this._controller) ^ 892482866) >>> 0;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- return other instanceof A._ControllerStream && other._controller === this._controller;
- }
- };
- A._ControllerSubscription.prototype = {
- _onCancel$0() {
- return this._controller._recordCancel$1(this);
- },
- _onPause$0() {
- this._controller._recordPause$1(this);
- },
- _onResume$0() {
- this._controller._recordResume$1(this);
- }
- };
- A._AddStreamState.prototype = {
- cancel$0(_) {
- var cancel = this.addSubscription.cancel$0(0);
- return cancel.whenComplete$1(new A._AddStreamState_cancel_closure(this));
- }
- };
- A._AddStreamState_cancel_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.addStreamFuture._asyncComplete$1(null);
- },
- $signature: 6
- };
- A._StreamControllerAddStreamState.prototype = {};
- A._BufferingStreamSubscription.prototype = {
- _setPendingEvents$1(pendingEvents) {
- var _this = this;
- if (pendingEvents == null)
- return;
- _this._pending = pendingEvents;
- if (pendingEvents.lastPendingEvent != null) {
- _this._state = (_this._state | 64) >>> 0;
- pendingEvents.schedule$1(_this);
- }
- },
- onData$1(handleData) {
- this._onData = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(this._zone, handleData);
- },
- pause$0(_) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state;
- if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
- return;
- t2 = (t1 + 128 | 4) >>> 0;
- _this._state = t2;
- if (t1 < 128) {
- t3 = _this._pending;
- if (t3 != null)
- if (t3._state === 1)
- t3._state = 3;
- }
- if ((t1 & 4) === 0 && (t2 & 32) === 0)
- _this._guardCallback$1(_this.get$_onPause());
- },
- resume$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state;
- if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
- return;
- if (t1 >= 128) {
- t1 = _this._state = t1 - 128;
- if (t1 < 128)
- if ((t1 & 64) !== 0 && _this._pending.lastPendingEvent != null)
- _this._pending.schedule$1(_this);
- else {
- t1 = (t1 & 4294967291) >>> 0;
- _this._state = t1;
- if ((t1 & 32) === 0)
- _this._guardCallback$1(_this.get$_onResume());
- }
- }
- },
- cancel$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = (_this._state & 4294967279) >>> 0;
- _this._state = t1;
- if ((t1 & 8) === 0)
- _this._cancel$0();
- t1 = _this._cancelFuture;
- return t1 == null ? $.$get$Future__nullFuture() : t1;
- },
- _cancel$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state = (_this._state | 8) >>> 0;
- if ((t1 & 64) !== 0) {
- t2 = _this._pending;
- if (t2._state === 1)
- t2._state = 3;
- }
- if ((t1 & 32) === 0)
- _this._pending = null;
- _this._cancelFuture = _this._onCancel$0();
- },
- _async$_add$1(_, data) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state;
- if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
- return;
- if (t1 < 32)
- _this._sendData$1(data);
- else
- _this._addPending$1(new A._DelayedData(data, A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_DelayedData<_BufferingStreamSubscription.T>")));
- },
- _addError$2(error, stackTrace) {
- var t1 = this._state;
- if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
- return;
- if (t1 < 32)
- this._sendError$2(error, stackTrace);
- else
- this._addPending$1(new A._DelayedError(error, stackTrace));
- },
- _async$_close$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state;
- if ((t1 & 8) !== 0)
- return;
- t1 = (t1 | 2) >>> 0;
- _this._state = t1;
- if (t1 < 32)
- _this._sendDone$0();
- else
- _this._addPending$1(B.C__DelayedDone);
- },
- _onPause$0() {
- },
- _onResume$0() {
- },
- _onCancel$0() {
- return null;
- },
- _addPending$1($event) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- pending = _this._pending;
- if (pending == null)
- pending = _this._pending = new A._PendingEvents(A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_PendingEvents<_BufferingStreamSubscription.T>"));
- pending.add$1(0, $event);
- t1 = _this._state;
- if ((t1 & 64) === 0) {
- t1 = (t1 | 64) >>> 0;
- _this._state = t1;
- if (t1 < 128)
- pending.schedule$1(_this);
- }
- },
- _sendData$1(data) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state;
- _this._state = (t1 | 32) >>> 0;
- _this._zone.runUnaryGuarded$2(_this._onData, data);
- _this._state = (_this._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
- _this._checkState$1((t1 & 4) !== 0);
- },
- _sendError$2(error, stackTrace) {
- var cancelFuture, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state,
- t2 = new A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError(_this, error, stackTrace);
- if ((t1 & 1) !== 0) {
- _this._state = (t1 | 16) >>> 0;
- _this._cancel$0();
- cancelFuture = _this._cancelFuture;
- if (cancelFuture != null && cancelFuture !== $.$get$Future__nullFuture())
- cancelFuture.whenComplete$1(t2);
- else
- t2.call$0();
- } else {
- t2.call$0();
- _this._checkState$1((t1 & 4) !== 0);
- }
- },
- _sendDone$0() {
- var cancelFuture, _this = this,
- t1 = new A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone(_this);
- _this._cancel$0();
- _this._state = (_this._state | 16) >>> 0;
- cancelFuture = _this._cancelFuture;
- if (cancelFuture != null && cancelFuture !== $.$get$Future__nullFuture())
- cancelFuture.whenComplete$1(t1);
- else
- t1.call$0();
- },
- _guardCallback$1(callback) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state;
- _this._state = (t1 | 32) >>> 0;
- callback.call$0();
- _this._state = (_this._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
- _this._checkState$1((t1 & 4) !== 0);
- },
- _checkState$1(wasInputPaused) {
- var t2, isInputPaused, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state;
- if ((t1 & 64) !== 0 && _this._pending.lastPendingEvent == null) {
- t1 = _this._state = (t1 & 4294967231) >>> 0;
- if ((t1 & 4) !== 0)
- if (t1 < 128) {
- t2 = _this._pending;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.lastPendingEvent == null;
- t2 = t2 !== false;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t1 = (t1 & 4294967291) >>> 0;
- _this._state = t1;
- }
- }
- for (; true; wasInputPaused = isInputPaused) {
- if ((t1 & 8) !== 0) {
- _this._pending = null;
- return;
- }
- isInputPaused = (t1 & 4) !== 0;
- if (wasInputPaused === isInputPaused)
- break;
- _this._state = (t1 ^ 32) >>> 0;
- if (isInputPaused)
- _this._onPause$0();
- else
- _this._onResume$0();
- t1 = (_this._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
- _this._state = t1;
- }
- if ((t1 & 64) !== 0 && t1 < 128)
- _this._pending.schedule$1(_this);
- }
- };
- A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendError_sendError.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var onError, t3,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._state;
- if ((t2 & 8) !== 0 && (t2 & 16) === 0)
- return;
- t1._state = (t2 | 32) >>> 0;
- onError = t1._onError;
- t2 = this.error;
- t3 = t1._zone;
- if (type$.void_Function_Object_StackTrace._is(onError))
- t3.runBinaryGuarded$3(onError, t2, this.stackTrace);
- else
- t3.runUnaryGuarded$2(onError, t2);
- t1._state = (t1._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._BufferingStreamSubscription__sendDone_sendDone.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._state;
- if ((t2 & 16) === 0)
- return;
- t1._state = (t2 | 42) >>> 0;
- t1._zone.runGuarded$1(t1._onDone);
- t1._state = (t1._state & 4294967263) >>> 0;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._StreamImpl.prototype = {
- listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
- return this._controller._subscribe$4(onData, onError, onDone, cancelOnError === true);
- },
- listen$1(onData) {
- return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, null, null);
- },
- listen$3$onDone$onError(onData, onDone, onError) {
- return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, onDone, onError);
- }
- };
- A._DelayedEvent.prototype = {
- get$next(receiver) {
- return this.next;
- },
- set$next(receiver, val) {
- return this.next = val;
- }
- };
- A._DelayedData.prototype = {
- perform$1(dispatch) {
- dispatch._sendData$1(this.value);
- }
- };
- A._DelayedError.prototype = {
- perform$1(dispatch) {
- dispatch._sendError$2(this.error, this.stackTrace);
- }
- };
- A._DelayedDone.prototype = {
- perform$1(dispatch) {
- dispatch._sendDone$0();
- },
- get$next(_) {
- return null;
- },
- set$next(_, _0) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No events after a done."));
- }
- };
- A._PendingEvents.prototype = {
- schedule$1(dispatch) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state;
- if (t1 === 1)
- return;
- if (t1 >= 1) {
- _this._state = 1;
- return;
- }
- A.scheduleMicrotask(new A._PendingEvents_schedule_closure(_this, dispatch));
- _this._state = 1;
- },
- add$1(_, $event) {
- var _this = this,
- lastEvent = _this.lastPendingEvent;
- if (lastEvent == null)
- _this.firstPendingEvent = _this.lastPendingEvent = $event;
- else {
- lastEvent.set$next(0, $event);
- _this.lastPendingEvent = $event;
- }
- }
- };
- A._PendingEvents_schedule_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $event, nextEvent,
- t1 = this.$this,
- oldState = t1._state;
- t1._state = 0;
- if (oldState === 3)
- return;
- $event = t1.firstPendingEvent;
- nextEvent = $event.get$next($event);
- t1.firstPendingEvent = nextEvent;
- if (nextEvent == null)
- t1.lastPendingEvent = null;
- $event.perform$1(this.dispatch);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._DoneStreamSubscription.prototype = {
- _schedule$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if ((_this._state & 2) !== 0)
- return;
- A._rootScheduleMicrotask(null, null, _this._zone, _this.get$_sendDone());
- _this._state = (_this._state | 2) >>> 0;
- },
- onData$1(handleData) {
- },
- pause$0(_) {
- this._state += 4;
- },
- resume$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._state;
- if (t1 >= 4) {
- t1 = this._state = t1 - 4;
- if (t1 < 4 && (t1 & 1) === 0)
- this._schedule$0();
- }
- },
- cancel$0(_) {
- return $.$get$Future__nullFuture();
- },
- _sendDone$0() {
- var doneHandler, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._state = (_this._state & 4294967293) >>> 0;
- if (t1 >= 4)
- return;
- _this._state = (t1 | 1) >>> 0;
- doneHandler = _this._onDone;
- if (doneHandler != null)
- _this._zone.runGuarded$1(doneHandler);
- }
- };
- A._StreamIterator.prototype = {
- get$current(_) {
- if (this._async$_hasValue)
- return this._stateData;
- return null;
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- var future, _this = this,
- subscription = _this._subscription;
- if (subscription != null) {
- if (_this._async$_hasValue) {
- future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_bool);
- _this._stateData = future;
- _this._async$_hasValue = false;
- subscription.resume$0(0);
- return future;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Already waiting for next."));
- }
- return _this._initializeOrDone$0();
- },
- _initializeOrDone$0() {
- var future, subscription, _this = this,
- stateData = _this._stateData;
- if (stateData != null) {
- future = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_bool);
- _this._stateData = future;
- subscription = stateData.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(_this.get$_onData(), true, _this.get$_onDone(), _this.get$_onError());
- if (_this._stateData != null)
- _this._subscription = subscription;
- return future;
- }
- return $.$get$Future__falseFuture();
- },
- cancel$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- subscription = _this._subscription,
- stateData = _this._stateData;
- _this._stateData = null;
- if (subscription != null) {
- _this._subscription = null;
- if (!_this._async$_hasValue)
- stateData._asyncComplete$1(false);
- else
- _this._async$_hasValue = false;
- return subscription.cancel$0(0);
- }
- return $.$get$Future__nullFuture();
- },
- _onData$1(data) {
- var moveNextFuture, t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._subscription == null)
- return;
- moveNextFuture = _this._stateData;
- _this._stateData = data;
- _this._async$_hasValue = true;
- moveNextFuture._complete$1(true);
- if (_this._async$_hasValue) {
- t1 = _this._subscription;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.pause$0(0);
- }
- },
- _onError$2(error, stackTrace) {
- var _this = this,
- subscription = _this._subscription,
- moveNextFuture = _this._stateData;
- _this._stateData = _this._subscription = null;
- if (subscription != null)
- moveNextFuture._completeError$2(error, stackTrace);
- else
- moveNextFuture._asyncCompleteError$2(error, stackTrace);
- },
- _onDone$0() {
- var _this = this,
- subscription = _this._subscription,
- moveNextFuture = _this._stateData;
- _this._stateData = _this._subscription = null;
- if (subscription != null)
- moveNextFuture._completeWithValue$1(false);
- else
- moveNextFuture._asyncCompleteWithValue$1(false);
- }
- };
- A._EmptyStream.prototype = {
- listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
- return A._DoneStreamSubscription$(onDone, this.$ti._precomputed1);
- },
- listen$3$onDone$onError(onData, onDone, onError) {
- return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, onDone, onError);
- }
- };
- A._cancelAndError_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.future._completeError$2(this.error, this.stackTrace);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._cancelAndErrorClosure_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(error, stackTrace) {
- A._cancelAndError(this.subscription, this.future, error, stackTrace);
- },
- $signature: 55
- };
- A._cancelAndValue_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.future._complete$1(this.value);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._ForwardingStream.prototype = {
- listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
- var t1 = A._instanceType(this),
- t2 = $.Zone__current,
- t3 = cancelOnError === true ? 1 : 0,
- t4 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerDataHandler(t2, onData),
- t5 = A._BufferingStreamSubscription__registerErrorHandler(t2, onError),
- t6 = onDone == null ? A.async___nullDoneHandler$closure() : onDone;
- t1 = new A._ForwardingStreamSubscription(this, t4, t5, t6, t2, t3, t1._eval$1("@<_ForwardingStream.S>")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("_ForwardingStream.T"))._eval$1("_ForwardingStreamSubscription<1,2>"));
- t1._subscription = this._async$_source.listen$3$onDone$onError(t1.get$_handleData(), t1.get$_handleDone(), t1.get$_handleError());
- return t1;
- },
- listen$1(onData) {
- return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, null, null);
- },
- listen$3$onDone$onError(onData, onDone, onError) {
- return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, onDone, onError);
- },
- _handleError$3(error, stackTrace, sink) {
- sink._addError$2(error, stackTrace);
- }
- };
- A._ForwardingStreamSubscription.prototype = {
- _async$_add$1(_, data) {
- if ((this._state & 2) !== 0)
- return;
- this.super$_BufferingStreamSubscription$_add(0, data);
- },
- _addError$2(error, stackTrace) {
- if ((this._state & 2) !== 0)
- return;
- this.super$_BufferingStreamSubscription$_addError(error, stackTrace);
- },
- _onPause$0() {
- var t1 = this._subscription;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.pause$0(0);
- },
- _onResume$0() {
- var t1 = this._subscription;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.resume$0(0);
- },
- _onCancel$0() {
- var subscription = this._subscription;
- if (subscription != null) {
- this._subscription = null;
- return subscription.cancel$0(0);
- }
- return null;
- },
- _handleData$1(data) {
- this._stream._handleData$2(data, this);
- },
- _handleError$2(error, stackTrace) {
- this._stream._handleError$3(error, stackTrace, this);
- },
- _handleDone$0() {
- this._async$_close$0();
- }
- };
- A._MapStream.prototype = {
- _handleData$2(inputEvent, sink) {
- var e, s, exception, outputEvent = null;
- try {
- outputEvent = this._async$_transform.call$1(inputEvent);
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- A._addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, s);
- return;
- }
- sink._async$_add$1(0, outputEvent);
- }
- };
- A._HandleErrorStream.prototype = {
- _handleData$2(data, sink) {
- sink._async$_add$1(0, data);
- },
- _handleError$3(error, stackTrace, sink) {
- var e, s, e0, s0, exception,
- matches = true,
- test = this._test;
- if (test != null)
- try {
- matches = test.call$1(error);
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- A._addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e, s);
- return;
- }
- if (matches)
- try {
- this._onError.call$2(error, stackTrace);
- } catch (exception) {
- e0 = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- if (e0 === error)
- sink._addError$2(error, stackTrace);
- else
- A._addErrorWithReplacement(sink, e0, s0);
- return;
- }
- else
- sink._addError$2(error, stackTrace);
- }
- };
- A._Zone.prototype = {};
- A._rootHandleError_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- A.Error_throwWithStackTrace(this.error, this.stackTrace);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._RootZone.prototype = {
- runGuarded$1(f) {
- var e, s, exception;
- try {
- if (B.C__RootZone === $.Zone__current) {
- f.call$0();
- return;
- }
- A._rootRun(null, null, this, f);
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- A._rootHandleError(e, s);
- }
- },
- runUnaryGuarded$1$2(f, arg) {
- var e, s, exception;
- try {
- if (B.C__RootZone === $.Zone__current) {
- f.call$1(arg);
- return;
- }
- A._rootRunUnary(null, null, this, f, arg);
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- A._rootHandleError(e, s);
- }
- },
- runUnaryGuarded$2(f, arg) {
- return this.runUnaryGuarded$1$2(f, arg, type$.dynamic);
- },
- runBinaryGuarded$2$3(f, arg1, arg2) {
- var e, s, exception;
- try {
- if (B.C__RootZone === $.Zone__current) {
- f.call$2(arg1, arg2);
- return;
- }
- A._rootRunBinary(null, null, this, f, arg1, arg2);
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- s = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- A._rootHandleError(e, s);
- }
- },
- runBinaryGuarded$3(f, arg1, arg2) {
- return this.runBinaryGuarded$2$3(f, arg1, arg2, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic);
- },
- bindBinaryCallback$3$1(f, $R, T1, T2) {
- return new A._RootZone_bindBinaryCallback_closure(this, f, T1, T2, $R);
- },
- bindCallbackGuarded$1(f) {
- return new A._RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure(this, f);
- },
- bindUnaryCallbackGuarded$1$1(f, $T) {
- return new A._RootZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure(this, f, $T);
- },
- $index(_, key) {
- return null;
- },
- run$1$1(f) {
- if ($.Zone__current === B.C__RootZone)
- return f.call$0();
- return A._rootRun(null, null, this, f);
- },
- run$1(f) {
- return this.run$1$1(f, type$.dynamic);
- },
- runUnary$2$2(f, arg) {
- if ($.Zone__current === B.C__RootZone)
- return f.call$1(arg);
- return A._rootRunUnary(null, null, this, f, arg);
- },
- runUnary$2(f, arg) {
- return this.runUnary$2$2(f, arg, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic);
- },
- runBinary$3$3(f, arg1, arg2) {
- if ($.Zone__current === B.C__RootZone)
- return f.call$2(arg1, arg2);
- return A._rootRunBinary(null, null, this, f, arg1, arg2);
- },
- runBinary$3(f, arg1, arg2) {
- return this.runBinary$3$3(f, arg1, arg2, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic);
- },
- registerBinaryCallback$3$1(f) {
- return f;
- },
- registerBinaryCallback$1(f) {
- return this.registerBinaryCallback$3$1(f, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic, type$.dynamic);
- }
- };
- A._RootZone_bindBinaryCallback_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(arg1, arg2) {
- return this.$this.runBinary$3(this.f, arg1, arg2);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.R._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1(this.T1)._bind$1(this.T2)._eval$1("1(2,3)");
- }
- };
- A._RootZone_bindCallbackGuarded_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.runGuarded$1(this.f);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._RootZone_bindUnaryCallbackGuarded_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(arg) {
- return this.$this.runUnaryGuarded$2(this.f, arg);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.T._eval$1("~(0)");
- }
- };
- A._HashMap.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return this._collection$_length;
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._collection$_length === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return this._collection$_length !== 0;
- },
- get$keys(_) {
- return new A._HashMapKeyIterable(this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_HashMapKeyIterable<1>"));
- },
- get$values(_) {
- var t1 = A._instanceType(this);
- return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(new A._HashMapKeyIterable(this, t1._eval$1("_HashMapKeyIterable<1>")), new A._HashMap_values_closure(this), t1._precomputed1, t1._rest[1]);
- },
- containsKey$1(_, key) {
- var strings, nums;
- if (typeof key == "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
- strings = this._collection$_strings;
- return strings == null ? false : strings[key] != null;
- } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 1073741823) === key) {
- nums = this._collection$_nums;
- return nums == null ? false : nums[key] != null;
- } else
- return this._containsKey$1(key);
- },
- _containsKey$1(key) {
- var rest = this._collection$_rest;
- if (rest == null)
- return false;
- return this._findBucketIndex$2(this._getBucket$2(rest, key), key) >= 0;
- },
- $index(_, key) {
- var strings, t1, nums;
- if (typeof key == "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
- strings = this._collection$_strings;
- t1 = strings == null ? null : A._HashMap__getTableEntry(strings, key);
- return t1;
- } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 1073741823) === key) {
- nums = this._collection$_nums;
- t1 = nums == null ? null : A._HashMap__getTableEntry(nums, key);
- return t1;
- } else
- return this._get$1(0, key);
- },
- _get$1(_, key) {
- var bucket, index,
- rest = this._collection$_rest;
- if (rest == null)
- return null;
- bucket = this._getBucket$2(rest, key);
- index = this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
- return index < 0 ? null : bucket[index + 1];
- },
- $indexSet(_, key, value) {
- var strings, nums, _this = this;
- if (typeof key == "string" && key !== "__proto__") {
- strings = _this._collection$_strings;
- _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$3(strings == null ? _this._collection$_strings = A._HashMap__newHashTable() : strings, key, value);
- } else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 1073741823) === key) {
- nums = _this._collection$_nums;
- _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$3(nums == null ? _this._collection$_nums = A._HashMap__newHashTable() : nums, key, value);
- } else
- _this._set$2(key, value);
- },
- _set$2(key, value) {
- var hash, bucket, index, _this = this,
- rest = _this._collection$_rest;
- if (rest == null)
- rest = _this._collection$_rest = A._HashMap__newHashTable();
- hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(key);
- bucket = rest[hash];
- if (bucket == null) {
- A._HashMap__setTableEntry(rest, hash, [key, value]);
- ++_this._collection$_length;
- _this._collection$_keys = null;
- } else {
- index = _this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
- if (index >= 0)
- bucket[index + 1] = value;
- else {
- bucket.push(key, value);
- ++_this._collection$_length;
- _this._collection$_keys = null;
- }
- }
- },
- putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) {
- var t1, value, _this = this;
- if (_this.containsKey$1(0, key)) {
- t1 = _this.$index(0, key);
- return t1 == null ? A._instanceType(_this)._rest[1]._as(t1) : t1;
- }
- value = ifAbsent.call$0();
- _this.$indexSet(0, key, value);
- return value;
- },
- remove$1(_, key) {
- var _this = this;
- if (typeof key == "string" && key !== "__proto__")
- return _this._collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_strings, key);
- else if (typeof key == "number" && (key & 1073741823) === key)
- return _this._collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_nums, key);
- else
- return _this._remove$1(0, key);
- },
- _remove$1(_, key) {
- var hash, bucket, index, result, _this = this,
- rest = _this._collection$_rest;
- if (rest == null)
- return null;
- hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(key);
- bucket = rest[hash];
- index = _this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key);
- if (index < 0)
- return null;
- --_this._collection$_length;
- _this._collection$_keys = null;
- result = bucket.splice(index, 2)[1];
- if (0 === bucket.length)
- delete rest[hash];
- return result;
- },
- forEach$1(_, action) {
- var $length, t1, i, key, t2, _this = this,
- keys = _this._computeKeys$0();
- for ($length = keys.length, t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._rest[1], i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- key = keys[i];
- t2 = _this.$index(0, key);
- action.call$2(key, t2 == null ? t1._as(t2) : t2);
- if (keys !== _this._collection$_keys)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
- }
- },
- _computeKeys$0() {
- var strings, names, entries, index, i, nums, rest, bucket, $length, i0, _this = this,
- result = _this._collection$_keys;
- if (result != null)
- return result;
- result = A.List_List$filled(_this._collection$_length, null, false, type$.dynamic);
- strings = _this._collection$_strings;
- if (strings != null) {
- names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(strings);
- entries = names.length;
- for (index = 0, i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
- result[index] = names[i];
- ++index;
- }
- } else
- index = 0;
- nums = _this._collection$_nums;
- if (nums != null) {
- names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(nums);
- entries = names.length;
- for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
- result[index] = +names[i];
- ++index;
- }
- }
- rest = _this._collection$_rest;
- if (rest != null) {
- names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rest);
- entries = names.length;
- for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
- bucket = rest[names[i]];
- $length = bucket.length;
- for (i0 = 0; i0 < $length; i0 += 2) {
- result[index] = bucket[i0];
- ++index;
- }
- }
- }
- return _this._collection$_keys = result;
- },
- _collection$_addHashTableEntry$3(table, key, value) {
- if (table[key] == null) {
- ++this._collection$_length;
- this._collection$_keys = null;
- }
- A._HashMap__setTableEntry(table, key, value);
- },
- _collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(table, key) {
- var value;
- if (table != null && table[key] != null) {
- value = A._HashMap__getTableEntry(table, key);
- delete table[key];
- --this._collection$_length;
- this._collection$_keys = null;
- return value;
- } else
- return null;
- },
- _computeHashCode$1(key) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(key) & 1073741823;
- },
- _getBucket$2(table, key) {
- return table[this._computeHashCode$1(key)];
- },
- _findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
- var $length, i;
- if (bucket == null)
- return -1;
- $length = bucket.length;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; i += 2)
- if (J.$eq$(bucket[i], key))
- return i;
- return -1;
- }
- };
- A._HashMap_values_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(each) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.$index(0, each);
- return t2 == null ? A._instanceType(t1)._rest[1]._as(t2) : t2;
- },
- $signature() {
- return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("2(1)");
- }
- };
- A._IdentityHashMap.prototype = {
- _computeHashCode$1(key) {
- return A.objectHashCode(key) & 1073741823;
- },
- _findBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
- var $length, i, t1;
- if (bucket == null)
- return -1;
- $length = bucket.length;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; i += 2) {
- t1 = bucket[i];
- if (t1 == null ? key == null : t1 === key)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- };
- A._HashMapKeyIterable.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return this._collection$_map._collection$_length;
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._collection$_map._collection$_length === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return this._collection$_map._collection$_length !== 0;
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map;
- return new A._HashMapKeyIterator(t1, t1._computeKeys$0(), this.$ti._eval$1("_HashMapKeyIterator<1>"));
- },
- contains$1(_, element) {
- return this._collection$_map.containsKey$1(0, element);
- },
- forEach$1(_, f) {
- var $length, i,
- t1 = this._collection$_map,
- keys = t1._computeKeys$0();
- for ($length = keys.length, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- f.call$1(keys[i]);
- if (keys !== t1._collection$_keys)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
- }
- }
- };
- A._HashMapKeyIterator.prototype = {
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_current;
- return t1 == null ? this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1) : t1;
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- var _this = this,
- keys = _this._collection$_keys,
- offset = _this._offset,
- t1 = _this._collection$_map;
- if (keys !== t1._collection$_keys)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
- else if (offset >= keys.length) {
- _this._collection$_current = null;
- return false;
- } else {
- _this._collection$_current = keys[offset];
- _this._offset = offset + 1;
- return true;
- }
- }
- };
- A._LinkedIdentityHashMap.prototype = {
- internalComputeHashCode$1(key) {
- return A.objectHashCode(key) & 1073741823;
- },
- internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
- var $length, i, t1;
- if (bucket == null)
- return -1;
- $length = bucket.length;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- t1 = bucket[i].hashMapCellKey;
- if (t1 == null ? key == null : t1 === key)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- };
- A._LinkedCustomHashMap.prototype = {
- $index(_, key) {
- if (!this._validKey.call$1(key))
- return null;
- return this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalGet(key);
- },
- $indexSet(_, key, value) {
- this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalSet(key, value);
- },
- containsKey$1(_, key) {
- if (!this._validKey.call$1(key))
- return false;
- return this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalContainsKey(key);
- },
- remove$1(_, key) {
- if (!this._validKey.call$1(key))
- return null;
- return this.super$JsLinkedHashMap$internalRemove(key);
- },
- internalComputeHashCode$1(key) {
- return this._hashCode.call$1(key) & 1073741823;
- },
- internalFindBucketIndex$2(bucket, key) {
- var $length, t1, i;
- if (bucket == null)
- return -1;
- $length = bucket.length;
- for (t1 = this._equals, i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- if (t1.call$2(bucket[i].hashMapCellKey, key))
- return i;
- return -1;
- }
- };
- A._LinkedCustomHashMap_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(v) {
- return this.K._is(v);
- },
- $signature: 122
- };
- A._HashSet.prototype = {
- _newSet$0() {
- return new A._HashSet(A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_HashSet<1>"));
- },
- _newSimilarSet$1$0($R) {
- return new A._HashSet($R._eval$1("_HashSet<0>"));
- },
- _newSimilarSet$0() {
- return this._newSimilarSet$1$0(type$.dynamic);
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- return new A._HashSetIterator(this, this._computeElements$0(), A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_HashSetIterator<1>"));
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return this._collection$_length;
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._collection$_length === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return this._collection$_length !== 0;
- },
- contains$1(_, object) {
- var strings, nums;
- if (typeof object == "string" && object !== "__proto__") {
- strings = this._collection$_strings;
- return strings == null ? false : strings[object] != null;
- } else if (typeof object == "number" && (object & 1073741823) === object) {
- nums = this._collection$_nums;
- return nums == null ? false : nums[object] != null;
- } else
- return this._contains$1(object);
- },
- _contains$1(object) {
- var rest = this._collection$_rest;
- if (rest == null)
- return false;
- return this._findBucketIndex$2(rest[this._computeHashCode$1(object)], object) >= 0;
- },
- add$1(_, element) {
- var strings, nums, _this = this;
- if (typeof element == "string" && element !== "__proto__") {
- strings = _this._collection$_strings;
- return _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(strings == null ? _this._collection$_strings = A._HashSet__newHashTable() : strings, element);
- } else if (typeof element == "number" && (element & 1073741823) === element) {
- nums = _this._collection$_nums;
- return _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(nums == null ? _this._collection$_nums = A._HashSet__newHashTable() : nums, element);
- } else
- return _this._add$1(0, element);
- },
- _add$1(_, element) {
- var hash, bucket, _this = this,
- rest = _this._collection$_rest;
- if (rest == null)
- rest = _this._collection$_rest = A._HashSet__newHashTable();
- hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(element);
- bucket = rest[hash];
- if (bucket == null)
- rest[hash] = [element];
- else {
- if (_this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) >= 0)
- return false;
- bucket.push(element);
- }
- ++_this._collection$_length;
- _this._elements = null;
- return true;
- },
- addAll$1(_, objects) {
- var t1;
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(objects); t1.moveNext$0();)
- this.add$1(0, t1.get$current(t1));
- },
- remove$1(_, object) {
- var _this = this;
- if (typeof object == "string" && object !== "__proto__")
- return _this._collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_strings, object);
- else if (typeof object == "number" && (object & 1073741823) === object)
- return _this._collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_nums, object);
- else
- return _this._remove$1(0, object);
- },
- _remove$1(_, object) {
- var hash, bucket, index, _this = this,
- rest = _this._collection$_rest;
- if (rest == null)
- return false;
- hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(object);
- bucket = rest[hash];
- index = _this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, object);
- if (index < 0)
- return false;
- --_this._collection$_length;
- _this._elements = null;
- bucket.splice(index, 1);
- if (0 === bucket.length)
- delete rest[hash];
- return true;
- },
- clear$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._collection$_length > 0) {
- _this._collection$_strings = _this._collection$_nums = _this._collection$_rest = _this._elements = null;
- _this._collection$_length = 0;
- }
- },
- _computeElements$0() {
- var strings, names, entries, index, i, nums, rest, bucket, $length, i0, _this = this,
- result = _this._elements;
- if (result != null)
- return result;
- result = A.List_List$filled(_this._collection$_length, null, false, type$.dynamic);
- strings = _this._collection$_strings;
- if (strings != null) {
- names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(strings);
- entries = names.length;
- for (index = 0, i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
- result[index] = names[i];
- ++index;
- }
- } else
- index = 0;
- nums = _this._collection$_nums;
- if (nums != null) {
- names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(nums);
- entries = names.length;
- for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
- result[index] = +names[i];
- ++index;
- }
- }
- rest = _this._collection$_rest;
- if (rest != null) {
- names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(rest);
- entries = names.length;
- for (i = 0; i < entries; ++i) {
- bucket = rest[names[i]];
- $length = bucket.length;
- for (i0 = 0; i0 < $length; ++i0) {
- result[index] = bucket[i0];
- ++index;
- }
- }
- }
- return _this._elements = result;
- },
- _collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(table, element) {
- if (table[element] != null)
- return false;
- table[element] = 0;
- ++this._collection$_length;
- this._elements = null;
- return true;
- },
- _collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(table, element) {
- if (table != null && table[element] != null) {
- delete table[element];
- --this._collection$_length;
- this._elements = null;
- return true;
- } else
- return false;
- },
- _computeHashCode$1(element) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(element) & 1073741823;
- },
- _findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) {
- var $length, i;
- if (bucket == null)
- return -1;
- $length = bucket.length;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- if (J.$eq$(bucket[i], element))
- return i;
- return -1;
- }
- };
- A._HashSetIterator.prototype = {
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_current;
- return t1 == null ? this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1) : t1;
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- var _this = this,
- elements = _this._elements,
- offset = _this._offset,
- t1 = _this._set;
- if (elements !== t1._elements)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
- else if (offset >= elements.length) {
- _this._collection$_current = null;
- return false;
- } else {
- _this._collection$_current = elements[offset];
- _this._offset = offset + 1;
- return true;
- }
- }
- };
- A._LinkedHashSet.prototype = {
- _newSet$0() {
- return new A._LinkedHashSet(A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<1>"));
- },
- _newSimilarSet$1$0($R) {
- return new A._LinkedHashSet($R._eval$1("_LinkedHashSet<0>"));
- },
- _newSimilarSet$0() {
- return this._newSimilarSet$1$0(type$.dynamic);
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = new A._LinkedHashSetIterator(_this, _this._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("_LinkedHashSetIterator<1>"));
- t1._collection$_cell = _this._collection$_first;
- return t1;
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return this._collection$_length;
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._collection$_length === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return this._collection$_length !== 0;
- },
- contains$1(_, object) {
- var strings, nums;
- if (typeof object == "string" && object !== "__proto__") {
- strings = this._collection$_strings;
- if (strings == null)
- return false;
- return strings[object] != null;
- } else if (typeof object == "number" && (object & 1073741823) === object) {
- nums = this._collection$_nums;
- if (nums == null)
- return false;
- return nums[object] != null;
- } else
- return this._contains$1(object);
- },
- _contains$1(object) {
- var rest = this._collection$_rest;
- if (rest == null)
- return false;
- return this._findBucketIndex$2(rest[this._computeHashCode$1(object)], object) >= 0;
- },
- forEach$1(_, action) {
- var _this = this,
- cell = _this._collection$_first,
- modifications = _this._collection$_modifications;
- for (; cell != null;) {
- action.call$1(cell._element);
- if (modifications !== _this._collection$_modifications)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
- cell = cell._collection$_next;
- }
- },
- get$first(_) {
- var first = this._collection$_first;
- if (first == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- return first._element;
- },
- get$last(_) {
- var last = this._collection$_last;
- if (last == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- return last._element;
- },
- add$1(_, element) {
- var strings, nums, _this = this;
- if (typeof element == "string" && element !== "__proto__") {
- strings = _this._collection$_strings;
- return _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(strings == null ? _this._collection$_strings = A._LinkedHashSet__newHashTable() : strings, element);
- } else if (typeof element == "number" && (element & 1073741823) === element) {
- nums = _this._collection$_nums;
- return _this._collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(nums == null ? _this._collection$_nums = A._LinkedHashSet__newHashTable() : nums, element);
- } else
- return _this._add$1(0, element);
- },
- _add$1(_, element) {
- var hash, bucket, _this = this,
- rest = _this._collection$_rest;
- if (rest == null)
- rest = _this._collection$_rest = A._LinkedHashSet__newHashTable();
- hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(element);
- bucket = rest[hash];
- if (bucket == null)
- rest[hash] = [_this._collection$_newLinkedCell$1(element)];
- else {
- if (_this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) >= 0)
- return false;
- bucket.push(_this._collection$_newLinkedCell$1(element));
- }
- return true;
- },
- remove$1(_, object) {
- var _this = this;
- if (typeof object == "string" && object !== "__proto__")
- return _this._collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_strings, object);
- else if (typeof object == "number" && (object & 1073741823) === object)
- return _this._collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(_this._collection$_nums, object);
- else
- return _this._remove$1(0, object);
- },
- _remove$1(_, object) {
- var hash, bucket, index, cell, _this = this,
- rest = _this._collection$_rest;
- if (rest == null)
- return false;
- hash = _this._computeHashCode$1(object);
- bucket = rest[hash];
- index = _this._findBucketIndex$2(bucket, object);
- if (index < 0)
- return false;
- cell = bucket.splice(index, 1)[0];
- if (0 === bucket.length)
- delete rest[hash];
- _this._collection$_unlinkCell$1(cell);
- return true;
- },
- clear$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._collection$_length > 0) {
- _this._collection$_strings = _this._collection$_nums = _this._collection$_rest = _this._collection$_first = _this._collection$_last = null;
- _this._collection$_length = 0;
- _this._collection$_modified$0();
- }
- },
- _collection$_addHashTableEntry$2(table, element) {
- if (table[element] != null)
- return false;
- table[element] = this._collection$_newLinkedCell$1(element);
- return true;
- },
- _collection$_removeHashTableEntry$2(table, element) {
- var cell;
- if (table == null)
- return false;
- cell = table[element];
- if (cell == null)
- return false;
- this._collection$_unlinkCell$1(cell);
- delete table[element];
- return true;
- },
- _collection$_modified$0() {
- this._collection$_modifications = this._collection$_modifications + 1 & 1073741823;
- },
- _collection$_newLinkedCell$1(element) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- cell = new A._LinkedHashSetCell(element);
- if (_this._collection$_first == null)
- _this._collection$_first = _this._collection$_last = cell;
- else {
- t1 = _this._collection$_last;
- t1.toString;
- cell._collection$_previous = t1;
- _this._collection$_last = t1._collection$_next = cell;
- }
- ++_this._collection$_length;
- _this._collection$_modified$0();
- return cell;
- },
- _collection$_unlinkCell$1(cell) {
- var _this = this,
- previous = cell._collection$_previous,
- next = cell._collection$_next;
- if (previous == null)
- _this._collection$_first = next;
- else
- previous._collection$_next = next;
- if (next == null)
- _this._collection$_last = previous;
- else
- next._collection$_previous = previous;
- --_this._collection$_length;
- _this._collection$_modified$0();
- },
- _computeHashCode$1(element) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(element) & 1073741823;
- },
- _findBucketIndex$2(bucket, element) {
- var $length, i;
- if (bucket == null)
- return -1;
- $length = bucket.length;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- if (J.$eq$(bucket[i]._element, element))
- return i;
- return -1;
- },
- $isLinkedHashSet: 1
- };
- A._LinkedHashSetCell.prototype = {};
- A._LinkedHashSetIterator.prototype = {
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_current;
- return t1 == null ? this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1) : t1;
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- var _this = this,
- cell = _this._collection$_cell,
- t1 = _this._set;
- if (_this._collection$_modifications !== t1._collection$_modifications)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
- else if (cell == null) {
- _this._collection$_current = null;
- return false;
- } else {
- _this._collection$_current = cell._element;
- _this._collection$_cell = cell._collection$_next;
- return true;
- }
- }
- };
- A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(k, v) {
- this.result.$indexSet(0, this.K._as(k), this.V._as(v));
- },
- $signature: 73
- };
- A.LinkedList.prototype = {
- remove$1(_, entry) {
- entry.get$_collection$_list();
- return false;
- },
- contains$1(_, entry) {
- return entry instanceof A.LinkedListEntry && this === entry._collection$_list;
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A._LinkedListIterator(_this, _this._modificationCount, _this._collection$_first, _this.$ti._eval$1("_LinkedListIterator<1>"));
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return this._collection$_length;
- },
- get$first(_) {
- var t1;
- if (this._collection$_length === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No such element"));
- t1 = this._collection$_first;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$last(_) {
- var t1;
- if (this._collection$_length === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No such element"));
- t1 = this._collection$_first._collection$_previous;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- forEach$1(_, action) {
- var t1, current, _this = this,
- modificationCount = _this._modificationCount;
- if (_this._collection$_length === 0)
- return;
- t1 = _this._collection$_first;
- t1.toString;
- current = t1;
- do {
- action.call$1(current);
- if (modificationCount !== _this._modificationCount)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
- t1 = current._collection$_next;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 !== _this._collection$_first) {
- current = t1;
- continue;
- } else
- break;
- } while (true);
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._collection$_length === 0;
- },
- _insertBefore$3$updateFirst(entry, newEntry, updateFirst) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (newEntry._collection$_list != null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("LinkedListEntry is already in a LinkedList"));
- ++_this._modificationCount;
- newEntry._collection$_list = _this;
- t1 = _this._collection$_length;
- if (t1 === 0) {
- newEntry._collection$_next = newEntry;
- _this._collection$_first = newEntry._collection$_previous = newEntry;
- _this._collection$_length = t1 + 1;
- return;
- }
- t2 = entry._collection$_previous;
- t2.toString;
- newEntry._collection$_previous = t2;
- newEntry._collection$_next = entry;
- entry._collection$_previous = t2._collection$_next = newEntry;
- _this._collection$_length = t1 + 1;
- },
- _unlink$1(entry) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- ++_this._modificationCount;
- t1 = entry._collection$_next;
- t1._collection$_previous = entry._collection$_previous;
- entry._collection$_previous._collection$_next = t1;
- t2 = --_this._collection$_length;
- entry._collection$_list = entry._collection$_next = entry._collection$_previous = null;
- if (t2 === 0)
- _this._collection$_first = null;
- else if (entry === _this._collection$_first)
- _this._collection$_first = t1;
- }
- };
- A._LinkedListIterator.prototype = {
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_current;
- return t1 == null ? this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1) : t1;
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._collection$_list;
- if (_this._modificationCount !== t1._modificationCount)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
- if (t1._collection$_length !== 0)
- t1 = _this._visitedFirst && _this._collection$_next === t1.get$first(t1);
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- _this._collection$_current = null;
- return false;
- }
- _this._visitedFirst = true;
- t1 = _this._collection$_next;
- _this._collection$_current = t1;
- _this._collection$_next = t1._collection$_next;
- return true;
- }
- };
- A.LinkedListEntry.prototype = {};
- A.ListBase.prototype = {
- get$iterator(receiver) {
- return new A.ListIterator(receiver, this.get$length(receiver), A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListIterator"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return this.$index(receiver, index);
- },
- forEach$1(receiver, action) {
- var i,
- $length = this.get$length(receiver);
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- action.call$1(this.$index(receiver, i));
- if ($length !== this.get$length(receiver))
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
- }
- },
- get$isEmpty(receiver) {
- return this.get$length(receiver) === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(receiver) {
- return !this.get$isEmpty(receiver);
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- if (this.get$length(receiver) === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- return this.$index(receiver, 0);
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- if (this.get$length(receiver) === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- return this.$index(receiver, this.get$length(receiver) - 1);
- },
- contains$1(receiver, element) {
- var i,
- $length = this.get$length(receiver);
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- if (J.$eq$(this.$index(receiver, i), element))
- return true;
- if ($length !== this.get$length(receiver))
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
- }
- return false;
- },
- firstWhere$2$orElse(receiver, test, orElse) {
- var i, element,
- $length = this.get$length(receiver);
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- element = this.$index(receiver, i);
- if (test.call$1(element))
- return element;
- if ($length !== this.get$length(receiver))
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
- }
- return orElse.call$0();
- },
- lastWhere$2$orElse(receiver, test, orElse) {
- var i, element,
- $length = this.get$length(receiver);
- for (i = $length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- element = this.$index(receiver, i);
- if (test.call$1(element))
- return element;
- if ($length !== this.get$length(receiver))
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(receiver));
- }
- if (orElse != null)
- return orElse.call$0();
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- },
- join$1(receiver, separator) {
- var t1;
- if (this.get$length(receiver) === 0)
- return "";
- t1 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll("", receiver, separator);
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- join$0($receiver) {
- return this.join$1($receiver, "");
- },
- where$1(receiver, test) {
- return new A.WhereIterable(receiver, test, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("WhereIterable"));
- },
- whereType$1$0(receiver, $T) {
- return new A.WhereTypeIterable(receiver, $T._eval$1("WhereTypeIterable<0>"));
- },
- map$1$1(receiver, f, $T) {
- return new A.MappedListIterable(receiver, f, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,2>"));
- },
- skip$1(receiver, count) {
- return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, count, null, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListBase.E"));
- },
- take$1(receiver, count) {
- return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, 0, A.checkNotNullable(count, "count", type$.int), A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListBase.E"));
- },
- toList$1$growable(receiver, growable) {
- var t1, first, result, i, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$isEmpty(receiver)) {
- t1 = A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListBase.E");
- return growable ? J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, t1) : J.JSArray_JSArray$fixed(0, t1);
- }
- first = _this.$index(receiver, 0);
- result = A.List_List$filled(_this.get$length(receiver), first, growable, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListBase.E"));
- for (i = 1; i < _this.get$length(receiver); ++i)
- result[i] = _this.$index(receiver, i);
- return result;
- },
- toList$0($receiver) {
- return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
- },
- toSet$0(receiver) {
- var i,
- result = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListBase.E"));
- for (i = 0; i < this.get$length(receiver); ++i)
- result.add$1(0, this.$index(receiver, i));
- return result;
- },
- add$1(receiver, element) {
- var t1 = this.get$length(receiver);
- this.set$length(receiver, t1 + 1);
- this.$indexSet(receiver, t1, element);
- },
- remove$1(receiver, element) {
- var i;
- for (i = 0; i < this.get$length(receiver); ++i)
- if (J.$eq$(this.$index(receiver, i), element)) {
- this._closeGap$2(receiver, i, i + 1);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- _closeGap$2(receiver, start, end) {
- var i, _this = this,
- $length = _this.get$length(receiver),
- size = end - start;
- for (i = end; i < $length; ++i)
- _this.$indexSet(receiver, i - size, _this.$index(receiver, i));
- _this.set$length(receiver, $length - size);
- },
- clear$0(receiver) {
- this.set$length(receiver, 0);
- },
- cast$1$0(receiver, $R) {
- return new A.CastList(receiver, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("@")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("CastList<1,2>"));
- },
- removeLast$0(receiver) {
- var result, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$length(receiver) === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- result = _this.$index(receiver, _this.get$length(receiver) - 1);
- _this.set$length(receiver, _this.get$length(receiver) - 1);
- return result;
- },
- sort$1(receiver, compare) {
- A.Sort_sort(receiver, compare == null ? A.collection_ListBase__compareAny$closure() : compare);
- },
- sort$0($receiver) {
- return this.sort$1($receiver, null);
- },
- $add(receiver, other) {
- var t1 = A.List_List$of(receiver, true, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListBase.E"));
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, other);
- return t1;
- },
- sublist$2(receiver, start, end) {
- var listLength = this.get$length(receiver);
- A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, listLength, listLength, null, null);
- return A.List_List$from(this.getRange$2(receiver, start, listLength), true, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListBase.E"));
- },
- sublist$1($receiver, start) {
- return this.sublist$2($receiver, start, null);
- },
- getRange$2(receiver, start, end) {
- A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, this.get$length(receiver), null, null);
- return A.SubListIterable$(receiver, start, end, A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("ListBase.E"));
- },
- fillRange$3(receiver, start, end, fill) {
- var i;
- A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, this.get$length(receiver), null, null);
- for (i = start; i < end; ++i)
- this.$indexSet(receiver, i, fill);
- },
- setRange$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
- var $length, otherStart, otherList, t1, i;
- A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, this.get$length(receiver), null, null);
- $length = end - start;
- if ($length === 0)
- return;
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(skipCount, "skipCount");
- if (A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("List")._is(iterable)) {
- otherStart = skipCount;
- otherList = iterable;
- } else {
- t1 = J.skip$1$ax(iterable, skipCount);
- otherList = t1.toList$1$growable(t1, false);
- otherStart = 0;
- }
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(otherList);
- if (otherStart + $length > t1.get$length(otherList))
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_tooFew());
- if (otherStart < start)
- for (i = $length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- this.$indexSet(receiver, start + i, t1.$index(otherList, otherStart + i));
- else
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- this.$indexSet(receiver, start + i, t1.$index(otherList, otherStart + i));
- },
- setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) {
- return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0);
- },
- indexOf$1(receiver, element) {
- var i;
- for (i = 0; i < this.get$length(receiver); ++i)
- if (J.$eq$(this.$index(receiver, i), element))
- return i;
- return -1;
- },
- setAll$2(receiver, index, iterable) {
- var t1, index0;
- if (type$.List_dynamic._is(iterable))
- this.setRange$3(receiver, index, index + iterable.length, iterable);
- else
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(iterable); t1.moveNext$0(); index = index0) {
- index0 = index + 1;
- this.$indexSet(receiver, index, t1.get$current(t1));
- }
- },
- toString$0(receiver) {
- return A.Iterable_iterableToFullString(receiver, "[", "]");
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.MapBase.prototype = {
- cast$2$0(receiver, RK, RV) {
- var t1 = A.instanceType(receiver);
- return A.Map_castFrom(receiver, t1._eval$1("MapBase.K"), t1._eval$1("MapBase.V"), RK, RV);
- },
- forEach$1(receiver, action) {
- var t1, t2, key, t3;
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(this.get$keys(receiver)), t2 = A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("MapBase.V"); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- key = t1.get$current(t1);
- t3 = this.$index(receiver, key);
- action.call$2(key, t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3);
- }
- },
- putIfAbsent$2(receiver, key, ifAbsent) {
- var t1;
- if (this.containsKey$1(receiver, key)) {
- t1 = this.$index(receiver, key);
- return t1 == null ? A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("MapBase.V")._as(t1) : t1;
- }
- t1 = ifAbsent.call$0();
- this.$indexSet(receiver, key, t1);
- return t1;
- },
- update$3$ifAbsent(receiver, key, update, ifAbsent) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.containsKey$1(receiver, key)) {
- t1 = _this.$index(receiver, key);
- t1 = update.call$1(t1 == null ? A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("MapBase.V")._as(t1) : t1);
- _this.$indexSet(receiver, key, t1);
- return t1;
- }
- if (ifAbsent != null) {
- t1 = ifAbsent.call$0();
- _this.$indexSet(receiver, key, t1);
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(key, "key", "Key not in map."));
- },
- update$2($receiver, key, update) {
- return this.update$3$ifAbsent($receiver, key, update, null);
- },
- updateAll$1(receiver, update) {
- var t1, t2, key, t3;
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(this.get$keys(receiver)), t2 = A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("MapBase.V"); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- key = t1.get$current(t1);
- t3 = this.$index(receiver, key);
- this.$indexSet(receiver, key, update.call$2(key, t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3));
- }
- },
- get$entries(receiver) {
- return J.map$1$1$ax(this.get$keys(receiver), new A.MapBase_entries_closure(receiver), A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("MapEntry"));
- },
- map$2$1(receiver, transform, K2, V2) {
- var t1, t2, key, t3, entry,
- result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(K2, V2);
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(this.get$keys(receiver)), t2 = A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("MapBase.V"); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- key = t1.get$current(t1);
- t3 = this.$index(receiver, key);
- entry = transform.call$2(key, t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3);
- result.$indexSet(0, entry.key, entry.value);
- }
- return result;
- },
- addEntries$1(receiver, newEntries) {
- var t1, t2;
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(newEntries); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
- this.$indexSet(receiver, t2.key, t2.value);
- }
- },
- removeWhere$1(receiver, test) {
- var t2, key, t3, _i,
- t1 = A.instanceType(receiver),
- keysToRemove = A._setArrayType([], t1._eval$1("JSArray"));
- for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(this.get$keys(receiver)), t1 = t1._eval$1("MapBase.V"); t2.moveNext$0();) {
- key = t2.get$current(t2);
- t3 = this.$index(receiver, key);
- if (test.call$2(key, t3 == null ? t1._as(t3) : t3))
- keysToRemove.push(key);
- }
- for (t1 = keysToRemove.length, _i = 0; _i < keysToRemove.length; keysToRemove.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(keysToRemove), ++_i)
- this.remove$1(receiver, keysToRemove[_i]);
- },
- containsKey$1(receiver, key) {
- return J.contains$1$asx(this.get$keys(receiver), key);
- },
- get$length(receiver) {
- return J.get$length$asx(this.get$keys(receiver));
- },
- get$isEmpty(receiver) {
- return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this.get$keys(receiver));
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(receiver) {
- return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this.get$keys(receiver));
- },
- get$values(receiver) {
- var t1 = A.instanceType(receiver);
- return new A._MapBaseValueIterable(receiver, t1._eval$1("@")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("MapBase.V"))._eval$1("_MapBaseValueIterable<1,2>"));
- },
- toString$0(receiver) {
- return A.MapBase_mapToString(receiver);
- },
- $isMap: 1
- };
- A.MapBase_entries_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(key) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = J.$index$asx(t1, key);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = A.instanceType(t1)._eval$1("MapBase.V")._as(t2);
- t1 = A.instanceType(t1);
- return new A.MapEntry(key, t2, t1._eval$1("@")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("MapBase.V"))._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>"));
- },
- $signature() {
- return A.instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("MapEntry(MapBase.K)");
- }
- };
- A.MapBase_mapToString_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(k, v) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._box_0;
- if (!t1.first)
- this.result._contents += ", ";
- t1.first = false;
- t1 = this.result;
- t2 = t1._contents += A.S(k);
- t1._contents = t2 + ": ";
- t1._contents += A.S(v);
- },
- $signature: 112
- };
- A._MapBaseValueIterable.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return J.get$length$asx(this._collection$_map);
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return J.get$isEmpty$asx(this._collection$_map);
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(this._collection$_map);
- },
- get$first(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map,
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
- t1 = t2.$index(t1, J.get$first$ax(t2.get$keys(t1)));
- return t1 == null ? this.$ti._rest[1]._as(t1) : t1;
- },
- get$last(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map,
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
- t1 = t2.$index(t1, J.get$last$ax(t2.get$keys(t1)));
- return t1 == null ? this.$ti._rest[1]._as(t1) : t1;
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map,
- t2 = this.$ti;
- return new A._MapBaseValueIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$x(t1)), t1, t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._rest[1])._eval$1("_MapBaseValueIterator<1,2>"));
- }
- };
- A._MapBaseValueIterator.prototype = {
- moveNext$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._collection$_keys;
- if (t1.moveNext$0()) {
- _this._collection$_current = J.$index$asx(_this._collection$_map, t1.get$current(t1));
- return true;
- }
- _this._collection$_current = null;
- return false;
- },
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_current;
- return t1 == null ? this.$ti._rest[1]._as(t1) : t1;
- }
- };
- A._UnmodifiableMapMixin.prototype = {
- $indexSet(_, key, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify unmodifiable map"));
- },
- remove$1(_, key) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify unmodifiable map"));
- },
- putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot modify unmodifiable map"));
- }
- };
- A.MapView.prototype = {
- cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map;
- return t1.cast$2$0(t1, RK, RV);
- },
- $index(_, key) {
- return this._collection$_map.$index(0, key);
- },
- $indexSet(_, key, value) {
- this._collection$_map.$indexSet(0, key, value);
- },
- putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) {
- return this._collection$_map.putIfAbsent$2(0, key, ifAbsent);
- },
- containsKey$1(_, key) {
- return this._collection$_map.containsKey$1(0, key);
- },
- forEach$1(_, action) {
- this._collection$_map.forEach$1(0, action);
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map;
- return t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map;
- return t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
- },
- get$length(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map;
- return t1.get$length(t1);
- },
- get$keys(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map;
- return t1.get$keys(t1);
- },
- remove$1(_, key) {
- return this._collection$_map.remove$1(0, key);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map;
- return t1.toString$0(t1);
- },
- get$values(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map;
- return t1.get$values(t1);
- },
- get$entries(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map;
- return t1.get$entries(t1);
- },
- map$2$1(_, transform, K2, V2) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map;
- return t1.map$2$1(t1, transform, K2, V2);
- },
- $isMap: 1
- };
- A.UnmodifiableMapView.prototype = {
- cast$2$0(_, RK, RV) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map;
- return new A.UnmodifiableMapView(t1.cast$2$0(t1, RK, RV), RK._eval$1("@<0>")._bind$1(RV)._eval$1("UnmodifiableMapView<1,2>"));
- }
- };
- A.ListQueue.prototype = {
- cast$1$0(_, $R) {
- return new A.CastQueue(this, this.$ti._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($R)._eval$1("CastQueue<1,2>"));
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A._ListQueueIterator(_this, _this._tail, _this._modificationCount, _this._head, _this.$ti._eval$1("_ListQueueIterator<1>"));
- },
- forEach$1(_, f) {
- var i, t1, t2, _this = this,
- modificationCount = _this._modificationCount;
- for (i = _this._head, t1 = _this.$ti._precomputed1; i !== _this._tail; i = (i + 1 & _this._table.length - 1) >>> 0) {
- t2 = _this._table[i];
- f.call$1(t2 == null ? t1._as(t2) : t2);
- if (modificationCount !== _this._modificationCount)
- A.throwExpression(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
- }
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._head === this._tail;
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return (this._tail - this._head & this._table.length - 1) >>> 0;
- },
- get$first(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._head;
- if (t1 === _this._tail)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- t1 = _this._table[t1];
- return t1 == null ? _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1) : t1;
- },
- get$last(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._head,
- t2 = _this._tail;
- if (t1 === t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- t1 = _this._table;
- t1 = t1[(t2 - 1 & t1.length - 1) >>> 0];
- return t1 == null ? _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1) : t1;
- },
- elementAt$1(_, index) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- A.IndexError_check(index, _this.get$length(_this), _this, null);
- t1 = _this._table;
- t1 = t1[(_this._head + index & t1.length - 1) >>> 0];
- return t1 == null ? _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1) : t1;
- },
- toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
- var t1, list, t2, t3, i, t4, _this = this,
- mask = _this._table.length - 1,
- $length = (_this._tail - _this._head & mask) >>> 0;
- if ($length === 0) {
- t1 = _this.$ti._precomputed1;
- return growable ? J.JSArray_JSArray$growable(0, t1) : J.JSArray_JSArray$fixed(0, t1);
- }
- t1 = _this.$ti._precomputed1;
- list = A.List_List$filled($length, _this.get$first(_this), growable, t1);
- for (t2 = _this._table, t3 = _this._head, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- t4 = t2[(t3 + i & mask) >>> 0];
- list[i] = t4 == null ? t1._as(t4) : t4;
- }
- return list;
- },
- toList$0($receiver) {
- return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
- },
- addAll$1(_, elements) {
- var addCount, $length, t2, t3, t4, newTable, endSpace, preSpace, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.$ti;
- if (t1._eval$1("List<1>")._is(elements)) {
- addCount = elements.length;
- $length = _this.get$length(_this);
- t2 = $length + addCount;
- t3 = _this._table;
- t4 = t3.length;
- if (t2 >= t4) {
- newTable = A.List_List$filled(A.ListQueue__nextPowerOf2(t2 + (t2 >>> 1)), null, false, t1._eval$1("1?"));
- _this._tail = _this._writeToList$1(newTable);
- _this._table = newTable;
- _this._head = 0;
- B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(newTable, $length, t2, elements, 0);
- _this._tail += addCount;
- } else {
- t1 = _this._tail;
- endSpace = t4 - t1;
- if (addCount < endSpace) {
- B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(t3, t1, t1 + addCount, elements, 0);
- _this._tail += addCount;
- } else {
- preSpace = addCount - endSpace;
- B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(t3, t1, t1 + endSpace, elements, 0);
- B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(_this._table, 0, preSpace, elements, endSpace);
- _this._tail = preSpace;
- }
- }
- ++_this._modificationCount;
- } else
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();)
- _this._add$1(0, t1.get$current(t1));
- },
- remove$1(_, value) {
- var i, _this = this;
- for (i = _this._head; i !== _this._tail; i = (i + 1 & _this._table.length - 1) >>> 0)
- if (J.$eq$(_this._table[i], value)) {
- _this._remove$1(0, i);
- ++_this._modificationCount;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- clear$0(_) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- i = _this._head,
- t1 = _this._tail;
- if (i !== t1) {
- for (t2 = _this._table, t3 = t2.length - 1; i !== t1; i = (i + 1 & t3) >>> 0)
- t2[i] = null;
- _this._head = _this._tail = 0;
- ++_this._modificationCount;
- }
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.Iterable_iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}");
- },
- addFirst$1(value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._head,
- t2 = _this._table;
- t1 = _this._head = (t1 - 1 & t2.length - 1) >>> 0;
- t2[t1] = value;
- if (t1 === _this._tail)
- _this._grow$0();
- ++_this._modificationCount;
- },
- removeFirst$0() {
- var t2, result, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._head;
- if (t1 === _this._tail)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- ++_this._modificationCount;
- t2 = _this._table;
- result = t2[t1];
- if (result == null)
- result = _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(result);
- t2[t1] = null;
- _this._head = (t1 + 1 & t2.length - 1) >>> 0;
- return result;
- },
- removeLast$0(_) {
- var result, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._head,
- t2 = _this._tail;
- if (t1 === t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- ++_this._modificationCount;
- t1 = _this._table;
- t2 = _this._tail = (t2 - 1 & t1.length - 1) >>> 0;
- result = t1[t2];
- if (result == null)
- result = _this.$ti._precomputed1._as(result);
- t1[t2] = null;
- return result;
- },
- _add$1(_, element) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._table,
- t2 = _this._tail;
- t1[t2] = element;
- t1 = (t2 + 1 & t1.length - 1) >>> 0;
- _this._tail = t1;
- if (_this._head === t1)
- _this._grow$0();
- ++_this._modificationCount;
- },
- _remove$1(_, offset) {
- var i, prevOffset, nextOffset, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._table,
- mask = t1.length - 1,
- t2 = _this._head,
- t3 = _this._tail;
- if ((offset - t2 & mask) >>> 0 < (t3 - offset & mask) >>> 0) {
- for (i = offset; i !== t2; i = prevOffset) {
- prevOffset = (i - 1 & mask) >>> 0;
- t1[i] = t1[prevOffset];
- }
- t1[t2] = null;
- _this._head = (t2 + 1 & mask) >>> 0;
- return (offset + 1 & mask) >>> 0;
- } else {
- t2 = _this._tail = (t3 - 1 & mask) >>> 0;
- for (i = offset; i !== t2; i = nextOffset) {
- nextOffset = (i + 1 & mask) >>> 0;
- t1[i] = t1[nextOffset];
- }
- t1[t2] = null;
- return offset;
- }
- },
- _grow$0() {
- var _this = this,
- newTable = A.List_List$filled(_this._table.length * 2, null, false, _this.$ti._eval$1("1?")),
- t1 = _this._table,
- t2 = _this._head,
- split = t1.length - t2;
- B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(newTable, 0, split, t1, t2);
- B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(newTable, split, split + _this._head, _this._table, 0);
- _this._head = 0;
- _this._tail = _this._table.length;
- _this._table = newTable;
- },
- _writeToList$1(target) {
- var $length, firstPartSize, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._head,
- t2 = _this._tail,
- t3 = _this._table;
- if (t1 <= t2) {
- $length = t2 - t1;
- B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, 0, $length, t3, t1);
- return $length;
- } else {
- firstPartSize = t3.length - t1;
- B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, 0, firstPartSize, t3, t1);
- B.JSArray_methods.setRange$4(target, firstPartSize, firstPartSize + _this._tail, _this._table, 0);
- return _this._tail + firstPartSize;
- }
- }
- };
- A._ListQueueIterator.prototype = {
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_current;
- return t1 == null ? this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1) : t1;
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._collection$_queue;
- if (_this._modificationCount !== t1._modificationCount)
- A.throwExpression(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t1));
- t2 = _this._collection$_position;
- if (t2 === _this._end) {
- _this._collection$_current = null;
- return false;
- }
- t1 = t1._table;
- _this._collection$_current = t1[t2];
- _this._collection$_position = (t2 + 1 & t1.length - 1) >>> 0;
- return true;
- }
- };
- A.SetBase.prototype = {
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this.get$length(this) === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return this.get$length(this) !== 0;
- },
- cast$1$0(_, $R) {
- return A.Set_castFrom(this, null, A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1, $R);
- },
- addAll$1(_, elements) {
- var t1;
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();)
- this.add$1(0, t1.get$current(t1));
- },
- removeAll$1(elements) {
- var t1, _i;
- for (t1 = elements.length, _i = 0; _i < elements.length; elements.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(elements), ++_i)
- this.remove$1(0, elements[_i]);
- },
- intersection$1(_, other) {
- var t1, element,
- result = this.toSet$0(0);
- for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- element = t1.get$current(t1);
- if (!other.contains$1(0, element))
- result.remove$1(0, element);
- }
- return result;
- },
- toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
- return A.List_List$of(this, growable, A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1);
- },
- toList$0($receiver) {
- return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
- },
- map$1$1(_, f, $T) {
- return new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(this, f, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1($T)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,2>"));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.Iterable_iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}");
- },
- forEach$1(_, f) {
- var t1;
- for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();)
- f.call$1(t1.get$current(t1));
- },
- any$1(_, test) {
- var t1;
- for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();)
- if (test.call$1(t1.get$current(t1)))
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- take$1(_, n) {
- return A.TakeIterable_TakeIterable(this, n, A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1);
- },
- skip$1(_, n) {
- return A.SkipIterable_SkipIterable(this, n, A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1);
- },
- get$first(_) {
- var it = this.get$iterator(this);
- if (!it.moveNext$0())
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- return it.get$current(it);
- },
- get$last(_) {
- var result,
- it = this.get$iterator(this);
- if (!it.moveNext$0())
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- do
- result = it.get$current(it);
- while (it.moveNext$0());
- return result;
- },
- elementAt$1(_, index) {
- var iterator, skipCount;
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(index, "index");
- iterator = this.get$iterator(this);
- for (skipCount = index; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
- if (skipCount === 0)
- return iterator.get$current(iterator);
- --skipCount;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, index - skipCount, this, null, "index"));
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isSet: 1
- };
- A._SetBase.prototype = {
- cast$1$0(_, $R) {
- return A.Set_castFrom(this, this.get$_newSimilarSet(), A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1, $R);
- },
- difference$1(other) {
- var t1, element,
- result = this._newSet$0();
- for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- element = t1.get$current(t1);
- if (!other.contains$1(0, element))
- result.add$1(0, element);
- }
- return result;
- },
- intersection$1(_, other) {
- var t1, element,
- result = this._newSet$0();
- for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- element = t1.get$current(t1);
- if (other.contains$1(0, element))
- result.add$1(0, element);
- }
- return result;
- },
- toSet$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._newSet$0();
- t1.addAll$1(0, this);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._UnmodifiableSetMixin.prototype = {
- add$1(_, value) {
- return A._UnmodifiableSetMixin__throwUnmodifiable();
- },
- addAll$1(_, elements) {
- return A._UnmodifiableSetMixin__throwUnmodifiable();
- },
- remove$1(_, value) {
- return A._UnmodifiableSetMixin__throwUnmodifiable();
- }
- };
- A._UnmodifiableSet.prototype = {
- _newSet$0() {
- return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(this.$ti._precomputed1);
- },
- _newSimilarSet$1$0($R) {
- return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet($R);
- },
- _newSimilarSet$0() {
- return this._newSimilarSet$1$0(type$.dynamic);
- },
- contains$1(_, element) {
- return J.containsKey$1$x(this._collection$_map, element);
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- return J.get$iterator$ax(J.get$keys$x(this._collection$_map));
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return J.get$length$asx(this._collection$_map);
- }
- };
- A._SplayTreeNode.prototype = {};
- A._SplayTreeSetNode.prototype = {};
- A._SplayTreeMapNode.prototype = {
- _replaceValue$1(value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.$ti;
- t1 = new A._SplayTreeMapNode(value, _this.key, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("_SplayTreeMapNode<1,2>"));
- t1._collection$_left = _this._collection$_left;
- t1._collection$_right = _this._collection$_right;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._SplayTree.prototype = {
- _splay$1(key) {
- var compare, comp, current, newTreeLeft, left, newTreeRight, right, currentLeft, currentLeft0, currentRight, currentRight0, _this = this, _null = null,
- root = _this.get$_collection$_root();
- if (root == null) {
- _this._compare$2(key, key);
- return -1;
- }
- compare = _this.get$_compare();
- for (comp = _null, current = root, newTreeLeft = comp, left = newTreeLeft, newTreeRight = left, right = newTreeRight; true;) {
- comp = compare.call$2(current.key, key);
- if (comp > 0) {
- currentLeft = current._collection$_left;
- if (currentLeft == null)
- break;
- comp = compare.call$2(currentLeft.key, key);
- if (comp > 0) {
- current._collection$_left = currentLeft._collection$_right;
- currentLeft._collection$_right = current;
- currentLeft0 = currentLeft._collection$_left;
- if (currentLeft0 == null) {
- current = currentLeft;
- break;
- }
- current = currentLeft;
- currentLeft = currentLeft0;
- }
- if (right == null)
- newTreeRight = current;
- else
- right._collection$_left = current;
- right = current;
- current = currentLeft;
- } else {
- if (comp < 0) {
- currentRight = current._collection$_right;
- if (currentRight == null)
- break;
- comp = compare.call$2(currentRight.key, key);
- if (comp < 0) {
- current._collection$_right = currentRight._collection$_left;
- currentRight._collection$_left = current;
- currentRight0 = currentRight._collection$_right;
- if (currentRight0 == null) {
- current = currentRight;
- break;
- }
- current = currentRight;
- currentRight = currentRight0;
- }
- if (left == null)
- newTreeLeft = current;
- else
- left._collection$_right = current;
- } else
- break;
- left = current;
- current = currentRight;
- }
- }
- if (left != null) {
- left._collection$_right = current._collection$_left;
- current._collection$_left = newTreeLeft;
- }
- if (right != null) {
- right._collection$_left = current._collection$_right;
- current._collection$_right = newTreeRight;
- }
- if (_this.get$_collection$_root() !== current) {
- _this.set$_collection$_root(current);
- ++_this._splayCount;
- }
- return comp;
- },
- _splayMin$1(node) {
- var current, nextLeft0,
- nextLeft = node._collection$_left;
- for (current = node; nextLeft != null; current = nextLeft, nextLeft = nextLeft0) {
- current._collection$_left = nextLeft._collection$_right;
- nextLeft._collection$_right = current;
- nextLeft0 = nextLeft._collection$_left;
- }
- return current;
- },
- _splayMax$1(node) {
- var current, nextRight0,
- nextRight = node._collection$_right;
- for (current = node; nextRight != null; current = nextRight, nextRight = nextRight0) {
- current._collection$_right = nextRight._collection$_left;
- nextRight._collection$_left = current;
- nextRight0 = nextRight._collection$_right;
- }
- return current;
- },
- _remove$1(_, key) {
- var root, left, t1, root0, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$_collection$_root() == null)
- return null;
- if (_this._splay$1(key) !== 0)
- return null;
- root = _this.get$_collection$_root();
- left = root._collection$_left;
- --_this._collection$_count;
- t1 = root._collection$_right;
- if (left == null)
- _this.set$_collection$_root(t1);
- else {
- root0 = _this._splayMax$1(left);
- root0._collection$_right = t1;
- _this.set$_collection$_root(root0);
- }
- ++_this._modificationCount;
- return root;
- },
- _addNewRoot$2(node, comp) {
- var root, _this = this;
- ++_this._collection$_count;
- ++_this._modificationCount;
- root = _this.get$_collection$_root();
- if (root == null) {
- _this.set$_collection$_root(node);
- return;
- }
- if (comp < 0) {
- node._collection$_left = root;
- node._collection$_right = root._collection$_right;
- root._collection$_right = null;
- } else {
- node._collection$_right = root;
- node._collection$_left = root._collection$_left;
- root._collection$_left = null;
- }
- _this.set$_collection$_root(node);
- },
- get$_collection$_first() {
- var _this = this,
- root = _this.get$_collection$_root();
- if (root == null)
- return null;
- _this.set$_collection$_root(_this._splayMin$1(root));
- return _this.get$_collection$_root();
- },
- get$_collection$_last() {
- var _this = this,
- root = _this.get$_collection$_root();
- if (root == null)
- return null;
- _this.set$_collection$_root(_this._splayMax$1(root));
- return _this.get$_collection$_root();
- },
- _containsKey$1(key) {
- return this._validKey$1(key) && this._splay$1(key) === 0;
- },
- _compare$2(arg0, arg1) {
- return this.get$_compare().call$2(arg0, arg1);
- },
- _validKey$1(arg0) {
- return this.get$_validKey().call$1(arg0);
- }
- };
- A.SplayTreeMap.prototype = {
- $index(_, key) {
- var _this = this;
- if (!_this._validKey.call$1(key))
- return null;
- if (_this._collection$_root != null)
- if (_this._splay$1(key) === 0)
- return _this._collection$_root.value;
- return null;
- },
- remove$1(_, key) {
- var mapRoot;
- if (!this._validKey.call$1(key))
- return null;
- mapRoot = this._remove$1(0, key);
- if (mapRoot != null)
- return mapRoot.value;
- return null;
- },
- $indexSet(_, key, value) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- comp = _this._splay$1(key);
- if (comp === 0) {
- _this._collection$_root = _this._collection$_root._replaceValue$1(value);
- ++_this._splayCount;
- return;
- }
- t1 = _this.$ti;
- _this._addNewRoot$2(new A._SplayTreeMapNode(value, key, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("_SplayTreeMapNode<1,2>")), comp);
- },
- putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) {
- var modificationCount, splayCount, value, t1, _this = this,
- comp = _this._splay$1(key);
- if (comp === 0)
- return _this._collection$_root.value;
- modificationCount = _this._modificationCount;
- splayCount = _this._splayCount;
- value = ifAbsent.call$0();
- if (modificationCount !== _this._modificationCount)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
- if (splayCount !== _this._splayCount)
- comp = _this._splay$1(key);
- t1 = _this.$ti;
- _this._addNewRoot$2(new A._SplayTreeMapNode(value, key, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("_SplayTreeMapNode<1,2>")), comp);
- return value;
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._collection$_root == null;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return this._collection$_root != null;
- },
- forEach$1(_, f) {
- var nodes, node,
- t1 = this.$ti;
- t1 = t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1]);
- nodes = new A._SplayTreeMapEntryIterator(this, A._setArrayType([], t1._eval$1("JSArray<_SplayTreeMapNode<1,2>>")), this._splayCount, t1._eval$1("_SplayTreeMapEntryIterator<1,2>"));
- for (; nodes.moveNext$0();) {
- node = nodes.get$current(nodes);
- f.call$2(node.key, node.value);
- }
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return this._collection$_count;
- },
- containsKey$1(_, key) {
- return this._containsKey$1(key);
- },
- get$keys(_) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- return new A._SplayTreeKeyIterable(this, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("_SplayTreeMapNode<1,2>"))._eval$1("_SplayTreeKeyIterable<1,2>"));
- },
- get$values(_) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- return new A._SplayTreeValueIterable(this, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("_SplayTreeValueIterable<1,2>"));
- },
- get$entries(_) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- return new A._SplayTreeMapEntryIterable(this, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("_SplayTreeMapEntryIterable<1,2>"));
- },
- firstKey$0() {
- if (this._collection$_root == null)
- return null;
- return this.get$_collection$_first().key;
- },
- lastKey$0() {
- if (this._collection$_root == null)
- return null;
- return this.get$_collection$_last().key;
- },
- lastKeyBefore$1(key) {
- var node, nodeRight, nodeRight0, _this = this;
- if (_this._collection$_root == null)
- return null;
- if (_this._splay$1(key) < 0)
- return _this._collection$_root.key;
- node = _this._collection$_root._collection$_left;
- if (node == null)
- return null;
- nodeRight = node._collection$_right;
- for (; nodeRight != null; node = nodeRight, nodeRight = nodeRight0)
- nodeRight0 = nodeRight._collection$_right;
- return node.key;
- },
- firstKeyAfter$1(key) {
- var node, nodeLeft, nodeLeft0, _this = this;
- if (_this._collection$_root == null)
- return null;
- if (_this._splay$1(key) > 0)
- return _this._collection$_root.key;
- node = _this._collection$_root._collection$_right;
- if (node == null)
- return null;
- nodeLeft = node._collection$_left;
- for (; nodeLeft != null; node = nodeLeft, nodeLeft = nodeLeft0)
- nodeLeft0 = nodeLeft._collection$_left;
- return node.key;
- },
- $isMap: 1,
- _compare$2(arg0, arg1) {
- return this._compare.call$2(arg0, arg1);
- },
- _validKey$1(arg0) {
- return this._validKey.call$1(arg0);
- },
- get$_collection$_root() {
- return this._collection$_root;
- },
- get$_compare() {
- return this._compare;
- },
- set$_collection$_root(val) {
- return this._collection$_root = val;
- }
- };
- A.SplayTreeMap_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(a) {
- return this.K._is(a);
- },
- $signature: 122
- };
- A._SplayTreeIterator.prototype = {
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_path;
- if (t1.length === 0) {
- A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_SplayTreeIterator.T")._as(null);
- return null;
- }
- return this._getValue$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1));
- },
- _rebuildPath$1(key) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = this._collection$_path;
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(t1);
- t2 = this._tree;
- t2._splay$1(key);
- t3 = t2.get$_collection$_root();
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- this._splayCount = t2._splayCount;
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- var node, next, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._modificationCount,
- t2 = _this._tree,
- t3 = t2._modificationCount;
- if (t1 !== t3) {
- if (t1 == null) {
- _this._modificationCount = t3;
- node = t2.get$_collection$_root();
- for (t1 = _this._collection$_path; node != null;) {
- t1.push(node);
- node = node._collection$_left;
- }
- return t1.length !== 0;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(t2));
- }
- t1 = _this._collection$_path;
- if (t1.length === 0)
- return false;
- if (_this._splayCount !== t2._splayCount)
- _this._rebuildPath$1(B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).key);
- node = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1);
- next = node._collection$_right;
- if (next != null) {
- for (; next != null;) {
- t1.push(next);
- next = next._collection$_left;
- }
- return true;
- }
- t1.pop();
- while (true) {
- if (!(t1.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1)._collection$_right === node))
- break;
- node = t1.pop();
- }
- return t1.length !== 0;
- }
- };
- A._SplayTreeKeyIterable.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return this._tree._collection$_count;
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._tree._collection$_count === 0;
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = this._tree,
- t2 = this.$ti;
- return new A._SplayTreeKeyIterator(t1, A._setArrayType([], t2._eval$1("JSArray<2>")), t1._splayCount, t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._rest[1])._eval$1("_SplayTreeKeyIterator<1,2>"));
- },
- contains$1(_, o) {
- return this._tree._containsKey$1(o);
- },
- toSet$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._tree,
- t2 = this.$ti,
- set = A.SplayTreeSet$(t1._compare, t1._validKey, t2._precomputed1);
- set._collection$_count = t1._collection$_count;
- set._collection$_root = set._copyNode$1$1(t1._collection$_root, t2._rest[1]);
- return set;
- }
- };
- A._SplayTreeValueIterable.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return this._collection$_map._collection$_count;
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._collection$_map._collection$_count === 0;
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map,
- t2 = this.$ti;
- t2 = t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._rest[1]);
- return new A._SplayTreeValueIterator(t1, A._setArrayType([], t2._eval$1("JSArray<_SplayTreeMapNode<1,2>>")), t1._splayCount, t2._eval$1("_SplayTreeValueIterator<1,2>"));
- }
- };
- A._SplayTreeMapEntryIterable.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return this._collection$_map._collection$_count;
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._collection$_map._collection$_count === 0;
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = this._collection$_map,
- t2 = this.$ti;
- t2 = t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._rest[1]);
- return new A._SplayTreeMapEntryIterator(t1, A._setArrayType([], t2._eval$1("JSArray<_SplayTreeMapNode<1,2>>")), t1._splayCount, t2._eval$1("_SplayTreeMapEntryIterator<1,2>"));
- }
- };
- A._SplayTreeKeyIterator.prototype = {
- _getValue$1(node) {
- return node.key;
- }
- };
- A._SplayTreeValueIterator.prototype = {
- _getValue$1(node) {
- return node.value;
- }
- };
- A._SplayTreeMapEntryIterator.prototype = {
- _getValue$1(node) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- return new A.MapEntry(node.key, node.value, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>"));
- }
- };
- A.SplayTreeSet.prototype = {
- _newSet$1$0($T) {
- return A.SplayTreeSet$(new A.SplayTreeSet__newSet_closure(this, $T), this._validKey, $T);
- },
- _newSet$0() {
- return this._newSet$1$0(type$.dynamic);
- },
- cast$1$0(_, $R) {
- return A.Set_castFrom(this, this.get$_newSet(), this.$ti._precomputed1, $R);
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- return new A._SplayTreeKeyIterator(this, A._setArrayType([], t1._eval$1("JSArray<_SplayTreeSetNode<1>>")), this._splayCount, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("_SplayTreeSetNode<1>"))._eval$1("_SplayTreeKeyIterator<1,2>"));
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return this._collection$_count;
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._collection$_root == null;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return this._collection$_root != null;
- },
- get$first(_) {
- if (this._collection$_count === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- return this.get$_collection$_first().key;
- },
- get$last(_) {
- if (this._collection$_count === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- return this.get$_collection$_last().key;
- },
- contains$1(_, element) {
- return this._validKey.call$1(element) && this._splay$1(this.$ti._precomputed1._as(element)) === 0;
- },
- add$1(_, element) {
- return this._add$1(0, element);
- },
- _add$1(_, element) {
- var compare = this._splay$1(element);
- if (compare === 0)
- return false;
- this._addNewRoot$2(new A._SplayTreeSetNode(element, this.$ti._eval$1("_SplayTreeSetNode<1>")), compare);
- return true;
- },
- remove$1(_, object) {
- if (!this._validKey.call$1(object))
- return false;
- return this._remove$1(0, this.$ti._precomputed1._as(object)) != null;
- },
- addAll$1(_, elements) {
- var t1;
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(elements); t1.moveNext$0();)
- this._add$1(0, t1.get$current(t1));
- },
- intersection$1(_, other) {
- var element, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.$ti,
- result = A.SplayTreeSet$(_this._compare, _this._validKey, t1._precomputed1);
- for (t1 = new A._SplayTreeKeyIterator(_this, A._setArrayType([], t1._eval$1("JSArray<_SplayTreeSetNode<1>>")), _this._splayCount, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("_SplayTreeSetNode<1>"))._eval$1("_SplayTreeKeyIterator<1,2>")); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- element = t1.get$current(t1);
- if (other.contains$1(0, element))
- result._add$1(0, element);
- }
- return result;
- },
- _copyNode$1$1(node, $Node) {
- var result;
- if (node == null)
- return null;
- result = new A._SplayTreeSetNode(node.key, this.$ti._eval$1("_SplayTreeSetNode<1>"));
- new A.SplayTreeSet__copyNode_copyChildren(this, $Node).call$2(node, result);
- return result;
- },
- toSet$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.$ti,
- set = A.SplayTreeSet$(_this._compare, _this._validKey, t1._precomputed1);
- set._collection$_count = _this._collection$_count;
- set._collection$_root = _this._copyNode$1$1(_this._collection$_root, t1._eval$1("_SplayTreeSetNode<1>"));
- return set;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.Iterable_iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}");
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isSet: 1,
- _compare$2(arg0, arg1) {
- return this._compare.call$2(arg0, arg1);
- },
- _validKey$1(arg0) {
- return this._validKey.call$1(arg0);
- },
- get$_collection$_root() {
- return this._collection$_root;
- },
- get$_compare() {
- return this._compare;
- },
- set$_collection$_root(val) {
- return this._collection$_root = val;
- }
- };
- A.SplayTreeSet_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(v) {
- return this.E._is(v);
- },
- $signature: 122
- };
- A.SplayTreeSet__newSet_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(a, b) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.$ti._precomputed1;
- t2._as(a);
- t2._as(b);
- return t1._compare.call$2(a, b);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.T._eval$1("int(0,0)");
- }
- };
- A.SplayTreeSet__copyNode_copyChildren.prototype = {
- call$2(node, dest) {
- var left, right, newLeft, t2, newRight,
- t1 = this.$this.$ti._eval$1("_SplayTreeSetNode<1>");
- do {
- left = node._collection$_left;
- right = node._collection$_right;
- if (left != null) {
- newLeft = new A._SplayTreeSetNode(left.key, t1);
- dest._collection$_left = newLeft;
- this.call$2(left, newLeft);
- }
- t2 = right != null;
- if (t2) {
- newRight = new A._SplayTreeSetNode(right.key, t1);
- dest._collection$_right = newRight;
- dest = newRight;
- node = right;
- }
- } while (t2);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._bind$1(this.Node)._eval$1("~(1,_SplayTreeSetNode<2>)");
- }
- };
- A._SplayTreeMap__SplayTree_MapMixin.prototype = {};
- A._SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_Iterable.prototype = {};
- A._SplayTreeSet__SplayTree_Iterable_SetMixin.prototype = {};
- A._UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin.prototype = {};
- A.__UnmodifiableSet__SetBase__UnmodifiableSetMixin.prototype = {};
- A._JsonMap.prototype = {
- $index(_, key) {
- var result,
- t1 = this._processed;
- if (t1 == null)
- return this._convert$_data.$index(0, key);
- else if (typeof key != "string")
- return null;
- else {
- result = t1[key];
- return typeof result == "undefined" ? this._process$1(key) : result;
- }
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return this._processed == null ? this._convert$_data.__js_helper$_length : this._convert$_computeKeys$0().length;
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this.get$length(this) === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return this.get$length(this) > 0;
- },
- get$keys(_) {
- var t1;
- if (this._processed == null) {
- t1 = this._convert$_data;
- return new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>"));
- }
- return new A._JsonMapKeyIterable(this);
- },
- get$values(_) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._processed == null) {
- t1 = _this._convert$_data;
- return t1.get$values(t1);
- }
- return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(_this._convert$_computeKeys$0(), new A._JsonMap_values_closure(_this), type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- },
- $indexSet(_, key, value) {
- var processed, original, _this = this;
- if (_this._processed == null)
- _this._convert$_data.$indexSet(0, key, value);
- else if (_this.containsKey$1(0, key)) {
- processed = _this._processed;
- processed[key] = value;
- original = _this._original;
- if (original == null ? processed != null : original !== processed)
- original[key] = null;
- } else
- _this._upgrade$0().$indexSet(0, key, value);
- },
- containsKey$1(_, key) {
- if (this._processed == null)
- return this._convert$_data.containsKey$1(0, key);
- if (typeof key != "string")
- return false;
- return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._original, key);
- },
- putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) {
- var value;
- if (this.containsKey$1(0, key))
- return this.$index(0, key);
- value = ifAbsent.call$0();
- this.$indexSet(0, key, value);
- return value;
- },
- remove$1(_, key) {
- if (this._processed != null && !this.containsKey$1(0, key))
- return null;
- return this._upgrade$0().remove$1(0, key);
- },
- forEach$1(_, f) {
- var keys, i, key, value, _this = this;
- if (_this._processed == null)
- return _this._convert$_data.forEach$1(0, f);
- keys = _this._convert$_computeKeys$0();
- for (i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
- key = keys[i];
- value = _this._processed[key];
- if (typeof value == "undefined") {
- value = A._convertJsonToDartLazy(_this._original[key]);
- _this._processed[key] = value;
- }
- f.call$2(key, value);
- if (keys !== _this._convert$_data)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ConcurrentModificationError$(_this));
- }
- },
- _convert$_computeKeys$0() {
- var keys = this._convert$_data;
- if (keys == null)
- keys = this._convert$_data = A._setArrayType(Object.keys(this._original), type$.JSArray_String);
- return keys;
- },
- _upgrade$0() {
- var result, keys, i, t1, key, _this = this;
- if (_this._processed == null)
- return _this._convert$_data;
- result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- keys = _this._convert$_computeKeys$0();
- for (i = 0; t1 = keys.length, i < t1; ++i) {
- key = keys[i];
- result.$indexSet(0, key, _this.$index(0, key));
- }
- if (t1 === 0)
- keys.push("");
- else
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(keys);
- _this._original = _this._processed = null;
- return _this._convert$_data = result;
- },
- _process$1(key) {
- var result;
- if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._original, key))
- return null;
- result = A._convertJsonToDartLazy(this._original[key]);
- return this._processed[key] = result;
- }
- };
- A._JsonMap_values_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(each) {
- return this.$this.$index(0, each);
- },
- $signature: 156
- };
- A._JsonMapKeyIterable.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- var t1 = this._parent;
- return t1.get$length(t1);
- },
- elementAt$1(_, index) {
- var t1 = this._parent;
- return t1._processed == null ? t1.get$keys(t1).elementAt$1(0, index) : t1._convert$_computeKeys$0()[index];
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = this._parent;
- if (t1._processed == null) {
- t1 = t1.get$keys(t1);
- t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1);
- } else {
- t1 = t1._convert$_computeKeys$0();
- t1 = new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
- }
- return t1;
- },
- contains$1(_, key) {
- return this._parent.containsKey$1(0, key);
- }
- };
- A.Utf8Decoder__decoder_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1, exception;
- try {
- t1 = new TextDecoder("utf-8", {fatal: true});
- return t1;
- } catch (exception) {
- }
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 109
- };
- A.Utf8Decoder__decoderNonfatal_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1, exception;
- try {
- t1 = new TextDecoder("utf-8", {fatal: false});
- return t1;
- } catch (exception) {
- }
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 109
- };
- A.AsciiCodec.prototype = {
- get$name(_) {
- return "us-ascii";
- },
- encode$1(source) {
- return B.AsciiEncoder_127.convert$1(source);
- },
- decode$1(_, bytes) {
- var t1 = B.AsciiDecoder_false_127.convert$1(bytes);
- return t1;
- },
- get$encoder() {
- return B.AsciiEncoder_127;
- }
- };
- A._UnicodeSubsetEncoder.prototype = {
- convert$1(string) {
- var t1, i, codeUnit,
- $length = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(0, null, string.length, null, null) - 0,
- result = new Uint8Array($length);
- for (t1 = ~this._subsetMask, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string, i);
- if ((codeUnit & t1) !== 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(string, "string", "Contains invalid characters."));
- result[i] = codeUnit;
- }
- return result;
- }
- };
- A.AsciiEncoder.prototype = {};
- A._UnicodeSubsetDecoder.prototype = {
- convert$1(bytes) {
- var t1, i, byte, _null = null,
- end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(0, _null, bytes.length, _null, _null);
- for (t1 = ~this._subsetMask, i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
- byte = bytes[i];
- if ((byte & t1) !== 0) {
- if (!this._allowInvalid)
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid value in input: " + byte, _null, _null));
- return this._convertInvalid$3(bytes, 0, end);
- }
- }
- return A.String_String$fromCharCodes(bytes, 0, end);
- },
- _convertInvalid$3(bytes, start, end) {
- var t1, i, t2, value;
- for (t1 = ~this._subsetMask, i = start, t2 = ""; i < end; ++i) {
- value = bytes[i];
- t2 += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode((value & t1) !== 0 ? 65533 : value);
- }
- return t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
- }
- };
- A.AsciiDecoder.prototype = {};
- A.Base64Codec.prototype = {
- get$encoder() {
- return B.C_Base64Encoder;
- },
- normalize$3(_, source, start, end) {
- var inverseAlphabet, i, sliceStart, buffer, firstPadding, firstPaddingSourceIndex, paddingCount, i0, char, i1, char0, value, t1, t2, endLength, $length, _null = null,
- _s31_ = "Invalid base64 encoding length ";
- end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, end, source.length, _null, _null);
- inverseAlphabet = $.$get$_Base64Decoder__inverseAlphabet();
- for (i = start, sliceStart = i, buffer = _null, firstPadding = -1, firstPaddingSourceIndex = -1, paddingCount = 0; i < end; i = i0) {
- i0 = i + 1;
- char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(source, i);
- if (char === 37) {
- i1 = i0 + 2;
- if (i1 <= end) {
- char0 = A.parseHexByte(source, i0);
- if (char0 === 37)
- char0 = -1;
- i0 = i1;
- } else
- char0 = -1;
- } else
- char0 = char;
- if (0 <= char0 && char0 <= 127) {
- value = inverseAlphabet[char0];
- if (value >= 0) {
- char0 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string$.ABCDEF, value);
- if (char0 === char)
- continue;
- char = char0;
- } else {
- if (value === -1) {
- if (firstPadding < 0) {
- t1 = buffer == null ? _null : buffer._contents.length;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = 0;
- firstPadding = t1 + (i - sliceStart);
- firstPaddingSourceIndex = i;
- }
- ++paddingCount;
- if (char === 61)
- continue;
- }
- char = char0;
- }
- if (value !== -2) {
- if (buffer == null) {
- buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
- t1 = buffer;
- } else
- t1 = buffer;
- t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, sliceStart, i);
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(char);
- sliceStart = i0;
- continue;
- }
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid base64 data", source, i));
- }
- if (buffer != null) {
- t1 = buffer._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, sliceStart, end);
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (firstPadding >= 0)
- A.Base64Codec__checkPadding(source, firstPaddingSourceIndex, end, firstPadding, paddingCount, t2);
- else {
- endLength = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t2 - 1, 4) + 1;
- if (endLength === 1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s31_, source, end));
- for (; endLength < 4;) {
- t1 += "=";
- buffer._contents = t1;
- ++endLength;
- }
- }
- t1 = buffer._contents;
- return B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(source, start, end, t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1);
- }
- $length = end - start;
- if (firstPadding >= 0)
- A.Base64Codec__checkPadding(source, firstPaddingSourceIndex, end, firstPadding, paddingCount, $length);
- else {
- endLength = B.JSInt_methods.$mod($length, 4);
- if (endLength === 1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(_s31_, source, end));
- if (endLength > 1)
- source = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(source, end, end, endLength === 2 ? "==" : "=");
- }
- return source;
- }
- };
- A.Base64Encoder.prototype = {
- convert$1(input) {
- var t1 = input.length;
- if (t1 === 0)
- return "";
- t1 = new A._Base64Encoder(string$.ABCDEF).encode$4(input, 0, t1, true);
- t1.toString;
- return A.String_String$fromCharCodes(t1, 0, null);
- }
- };
- A._Base64Encoder.prototype = {
- encode$4(bytes, start, end, isLast) {
- var output,
- t1 = this._convert$_state,
- byteCount = (t1 & 3) + (end - start),
- fullChunks = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(byteCount, 3),
- bufferLength = fullChunks * 4;
- if (byteCount - fullChunks * 3 > 0)
- bufferLength += 4;
- output = new Uint8Array(bufferLength);
- this._convert$_state = A._Base64Encoder_encodeChunk(this._alphabet, bytes, start, end, true, output, 0, t1);
- if (bufferLength > 0)
- return output;
- return null;
- }
- };
- A.ByteConversionSink.prototype = {};
- A._ByteCallbackSink.prototype = {
- add$1(_, chunk) {
- var v, grown, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._buffer,
- t2 = _this._bufferIndex,
- t3 = J.getInterceptor$asx(chunk);
- if (t3.get$length(chunk) > t1.length - t2) {
- t1 = _this._buffer;
- v = t3.get$length(chunk) + t1.length - 1;
- v |= B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(v, 1);
- v |= v >>> 2;
- v |= v >>> 4;
- v |= v >>> 8;
- grown = new Uint8Array((((v | v >>> 16) >>> 0) + 1) * 2);
- t1 = _this._buffer;
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$3(grown, 0, t1.length, t1);
- _this._buffer = grown;
- }
- t1 = _this._buffer;
- t2 = _this._bufferIndex;
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$3(t1, t2, t2 + t3.get$length(chunk), chunk);
- _this._bufferIndex = _this._bufferIndex + t3.get$length(chunk);
- },
- close$0(_) {
- this._convert$_callback.call$1(B.NativeUint8List_methods.sublist$2(this._buffer, 0, this._bufferIndex));
- }
- };
- A.Codec0.prototype = {
- encode$1(input) {
- return this.get$encoder().convert$1(input);
- }
- };
- A.Converter.prototype = {};
- A.Encoding.prototype = {};
- A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var safeString = A.Error_safeToString(this.unsupportedObject);
- return (this.cause != null ? "Converting object to an encodable object failed:" : "Converting object did not return an encodable object:") + " " + safeString;
- }
- };
- A.JsonCyclicError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Cyclic error in JSON stringify";
- }
- };
- A.JsonCodec.prototype = {
- decode$2$reviver(_, source, reviver) {
- var t1 = A._parseJson(source, this.get$decoder()._reviver);
- return t1;
- },
- decode$1($receiver, source) {
- return this.decode$2$reviver($receiver, source, null);
- },
- encode$2$toEncodable(value, toEncodable) {
- if (toEncodable == null)
- toEncodable = null;
- if (toEncodable == null)
- return A._JsonStringStringifier_stringify(value, this.get$encoder()._toEncodable, null);
- return A._JsonStringStringifier_stringify(value, toEncodable, null);
- },
- encode$1(value) {
- return this.encode$2$toEncodable(value, null);
- },
- get$encoder() {
- return B.JsonEncoder_null;
- },
- get$decoder() {
- return B.JsonDecoder_null;
- }
- };
- A.JsonEncoder.prototype = {
- convert$1(object) {
- var t1,
- output = new A.StringBuffer(""),
- stringifier = A._JsonStringStringifier$(output, this._toEncodable);
- stringifier.writeObject$1(object);
- t1 = output._contents;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- };
- A.JsonDecoder.prototype = {
- convert$1(input) {
- return A._parseJson(input, this._reviver);
- }
- };
- A._JsonStringifier.prototype = {
- writeStringContent$1(s) {
- var t1, offset, i, charCode, t2, t3,
- $length = s.length;
- for (t1 = this._sink, offset = 0, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- charCode = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(s, i);
- if (charCode > 92) {
- if (charCode >= 55296) {
- t2 = charCode & 64512;
- if (t2 === 55296) {
- t3 = i + 1;
- t3 = !(t3 < $length && (B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(s, t3) & 64512) === 56320);
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (!t3)
- if (t2 === 56320) {
- t2 = i - 1;
- t2 = !(t2 >= 0 && (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(s, t2) & 64512) === 55296);
- } else
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2) {
- if (i > offset)
- t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(s, offset, i);
- offset = i + 1;
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(92);
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(117);
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(100);
- t2 = charCode >>> 8 & 15;
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t2 < 10 ? 48 + t2 : 87 + t2);
- t2 = charCode >>> 4 & 15;
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t2 < 10 ? 48 + t2 : 87 + t2);
- t2 = charCode & 15;
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t2 < 10 ? 48 + t2 : 87 + t2);
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (charCode < 32) {
- if (i > offset)
- t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(s, offset, i);
- offset = i + 1;
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(92);
- switch (charCode) {
- case 8:
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(98);
- break;
- case 9:
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(116);
- break;
- case 10:
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(110);
- break;
- case 12:
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(102);
- break;
- case 13:
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(114);
- break;
- default:
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(117);
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(48);
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(48);
- t2 = charCode >>> 4 & 15;
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t2 < 10 ? 48 + t2 : 87 + t2);
- t2 = charCode & 15;
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(t2 < 10 ? 48 + t2 : 87 + t2);
- break;
- }
- } else if (charCode === 34 || charCode === 92) {
- if (i > offset)
- t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(s, offset, i);
- offset = i + 1;
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(92);
- t1._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(charCode);
- }
- }
- if (offset === 0)
- t1._contents += s;
- else if (offset < $length)
- t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.substring$2(s, offset, $length);
- },
- _checkCycle$1(object) {
- var t1, t2, i, t3;
- for (t1 = this._seen, t2 = t1.length, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
- t3 = t1[i];
- if (object == null ? t3 == null : object === t3)
- throw A.wrapException(new A.JsonCyclicError(object, null));
- }
- t1.push(object);
- },
- writeObject$1(object) {
- var customJson, e, t1, exception, _this = this;
- if (_this.writeJsonValue$1(object))
- return;
- _this._checkCycle$1(object);
- try {
- customJson = _this._toEncodable.call$1(object);
- if (!_this.writeJsonValue$1(customJson)) {
- t1 = A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError$(object, null, _this.get$_partialResult());
- throw A.wrapException(t1);
- }
- _this._seen.pop();
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- t1 = A.JsonUnsupportedObjectError$(object, e, _this.get$_partialResult());
- throw A.wrapException(t1);
- }
- },
- writeJsonValue$1(object) {
- var t1, success, _this = this;
- if (typeof object == "number") {
- if (!isFinite(object))
- return false;
- _this._sink._contents += B.JSNumber_methods.toString$0(object);
- return true;
- } else if (object === true) {
- _this._sink._contents += "true";
- return true;
- } else if (object === false) {
- _this._sink._contents += "false";
- return true;
- } else if (object == null) {
- _this._sink._contents += "null";
- return true;
- } else if (typeof object == "string") {
- t1 = _this._sink;
- t1._contents += '"';
- _this.writeStringContent$1(object);
- t1._contents += '"';
- return true;
- } else if (type$.List_dynamic._is(object)) {
- _this._checkCycle$1(object);
- _this.writeList$1(object);
- _this._seen.pop();
- return true;
- } else if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(object)) {
- _this._checkCycle$1(object);
- success = _this.writeMap$1(object);
- _this._seen.pop();
- return success;
- } else
- return false;
- },
- writeList$1(list) {
- var t2, i,
- t1 = this._sink;
- t1._contents += "[";
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(list);
- if (t2.get$isNotEmpty(list)) {
- this.writeObject$1(t2.$index(list, 0));
- for (i = 1; i < t2.get$length(list); ++i) {
- t1._contents += ",";
- this.writeObject$1(t2.$index(list, i));
- }
- }
- t1._contents += "]";
- },
- writeMap$1(map) {
- var t2, keyValueList, i, separator, _this = this, _box_0 = {},
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(map);
- if (t1.get$isEmpty(map)) {
- _this._sink._contents += "{}";
- return true;
- }
- t2 = t1.get$length(map) * 2;
- keyValueList = A.List_List$filled(t2, null, false, type$.nullable_Object);
- i = _box_0.i = 0;
- _box_0.allStringKeys = true;
- t1.forEach$1(map, new A._JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure(_box_0, keyValueList));
- if (!_box_0.allStringKeys)
- return false;
- t1 = _this._sink;
- t1._contents += "{";
- for (separator = '"'; i < t2; i += 2, separator = ',"') {
- t1._contents += separator;
- _this.writeStringContent$1(A._asString(keyValueList[i]));
- t1._contents += '":';
- _this.writeObject$1(keyValueList[i + 1]);
- }
- t1._contents += "}";
- return true;
- }
- };
- A._JsonStringifier_writeMap_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(key, value) {
- var t1, t2, t3, i;
- if (typeof key != "string")
- this._box_0.allStringKeys = false;
- t1 = this.keyValueList;
- t2 = this._box_0;
- t3 = t2.i;
- i = t2.i = t3 + 1;
- t1[t3] = key;
- t2.i = i + 1;
- t1[i] = value;
- },
- $signature: 112
- };
- A._JsonStringStringifier.prototype = {
- get$_partialResult() {
- var t1 = this._sink._contents;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- };
- A.Latin1Codec.prototype = {
- get$name(_) {
- return "iso-8859-1";
- },
- encode$1(source) {
- return B.Latin1Encoder_255.convert$1(source);
- },
- decode$1(_, bytes) {
- var t1 = B.Latin1Decoder_false_255.convert$1(bytes);
- return t1;
- },
- get$encoder() {
- return B.Latin1Encoder_255;
- }
- };
- A.Latin1Encoder.prototype = {};
- A.Latin1Decoder.prototype = {};
- A.Utf8Codec.prototype = {
- get$name(_) {
- return "utf-8";
- },
- decode$1(_, codeUnits) {
- return B.Utf8Decoder_false.convert$1(codeUnits);
- },
- get$encoder() {
- return B.C_Utf8Encoder;
- }
- };
- A.Utf8Encoder.prototype = {
- convert$1(string) {
- var t1, encoder,
- end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(0, null, string.length, null, null),
- $length = end - 0;
- if ($length === 0)
- return new Uint8Array(0);
- t1 = new Uint8Array($length * 3);
- encoder = new A._Utf8Encoder(t1);
- if (encoder._fillBuffer$3(string, 0, end) !== end) {
- B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(string, end - 1);
- encoder._writeReplacementCharacter$0();
- }
- return B.NativeUint8List_methods.sublist$2(t1, 0, encoder._bufferIndex);
- }
- };
- A._Utf8Encoder.prototype = {
- _writeReplacementCharacter$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._buffer,
- t2 = _this._bufferIndex,
- t3 = _this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1;
- t1[t2] = 239;
- t2 = _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1;
- t1[t3] = 191;
- _this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1;
- t1[t2] = 189;
- },
- _writeSurrogate$2(leadingSurrogate, nextCodeUnit) {
- var rune, t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if ((nextCodeUnit & 64512) === 56320) {
- rune = 65536 + ((leadingSurrogate & 1023) << 10) | nextCodeUnit & 1023;
- t1 = _this._buffer;
- t2 = _this._bufferIndex;
- t3 = _this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1;
- t1[t2] = rune >>> 18 | 240;
- t2 = _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1;
- t1[t3] = rune >>> 12 & 63 | 128;
- t3 = _this._bufferIndex = t2 + 1;
- t1[t2] = rune >>> 6 & 63 | 128;
- _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1;
- t1[t3] = rune & 63 | 128;
- return true;
- } else {
- _this._writeReplacementCharacter$0();
- return false;
- }
- },
- _fillBuffer$3(str, start, end) {
- var t1, t2, stringIndex, codeUnit, t3, stringIndex0, t4, _this = this;
- if (start !== end && (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(str, end - 1) & 64512) === 55296)
- --end;
- for (t1 = _this._buffer, t2 = t1.length, stringIndex = start; stringIndex < end; ++stringIndex) {
- codeUnit = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(str, stringIndex);
- if (codeUnit <= 127) {
- t3 = _this._bufferIndex;
- if (t3 >= t2)
- break;
- _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1;
- t1[t3] = codeUnit;
- } else {
- t3 = codeUnit & 64512;
- if (t3 === 55296) {
- if (_this._bufferIndex + 4 > t2)
- break;
- stringIndex0 = stringIndex + 1;
- if (_this._writeSurrogate$2(codeUnit, B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(str, stringIndex0)))
- stringIndex = stringIndex0;
- } else if (t3 === 56320) {
- if (_this._bufferIndex + 3 > t2)
- break;
- _this._writeReplacementCharacter$0();
- } else if (codeUnit <= 2047) {
- t3 = _this._bufferIndex;
- t4 = t3 + 1;
- if (t4 >= t2)
- break;
- _this._bufferIndex = t4;
- t1[t3] = codeUnit >>> 6 | 192;
- _this._bufferIndex = t4 + 1;
- t1[t4] = codeUnit & 63 | 128;
- } else {
- t3 = _this._bufferIndex;
- if (t3 + 2 >= t2)
- break;
- t4 = _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1;
- t1[t3] = codeUnit >>> 12 | 224;
- t3 = _this._bufferIndex = t4 + 1;
- t1[t4] = codeUnit >>> 6 & 63 | 128;
- _this._bufferIndex = t3 + 1;
- t1[t3] = codeUnit & 63 | 128;
- }
- }
- }
- return stringIndex;
- }
- };
- A.Utf8Decoder.prototype = {
- convert$1(codeUnits) {
- var t1 = this._allowMalformed,
- result = A.Utf8Decoder__convertIntercepted(t1, codeUnits, 0, null);
- if (result != null)
- return result;
- return new A._Utf8Decoder(t1).convertGeneral$4(codeUnits, 0, null, true);
- }
- };
- A._Utf8Decoder.prototype = {
- convertGeneral$4(codeUnits, start, maybeEnd, single) {
- var bytes, errorOffset, result, t1, message, _this = this,
- end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(start, maybeEnd, J.get$length$asx(codeUnits), null, null);
- if (start === end)
- return "";
- if (type$.Uint8List._is(codeUnits)) {
- bytes = codeUnits;
- errorOffset = 0;
- } else {
- bytes = A._Utf8Decoder__makeUint8List(codeUnits, start, end);
- end -= start;
- errorOffset = start;
- start = 0;
- }
- result = _this._convertRecursive$4(bytes, start, end, true);
- t1 = _this._convert$_state;
- if ((t1 & 1) !== 0) {
- message = A._Utf8Decoder_errorDescription(t1);
- _this._convert$_state = 0;
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$(message, codeUnits, errorOffset + _this._charOrIndex));
- }
- return result;
- },
- _convertRecursive$4(bytes, start, end, single) {
- var mid, s1, _this = this;
- if (end - start > 1000) {
- mid = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(start + end, 2);
- s1 = _this._convertRecursive$4(bytes, start, mid, false);
- if ((_this._convert$_state & 1) !== 0)
- return s1;
- return s1 + _this._convertRecursive$4(bytes, mid, end, single);
- }
- return _this.decodeGeneral$4(bytes, start, end, single);
- },
- decodeGeneral$4(bytes, start, end, single) {
- var t1, type, t2, i0, markEnd, i1, m, _this = this, _65533 = 65533,
- state = _this._convert$_state,
- char = _this._charOrIndex,
- buffer = new A.StringBuffer(""),
- i = start + 1,
- byte = bytes[start];
- $label0$0:
- for (t1 = _this.allowMalformed; true;) {
- for (; true; i = i0) {
- char = state <= 32 ? byte & 61694 >>> type : (byte & 63 | char << 6) >>> 0;
- state = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(" \x000:XECCCCCN:lDb \x000:XECCCCCNvlDb \x000:XECCCCCN:lDb AAAAA\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00AAAAA00000AAAAA:::::AAAAAGG000AAAAA00KKKAAAAAG::::AAAAA:IIIIAAAAA000\x800AAAAA\x00\x00\x00\x00 AAAAA", state + type);
- if (state === 0) {
- buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(char);
- if (i === end)
- break $label0$0;
- break;
- } else if ((state & 1) !== 0) {
- if (t1)
- switch (state) {
- case 69:
- case 67:
- buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(_65533);
- break;
- case 65:
- buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(_65533);
- --i;
- break;
- default:
- t2 = buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(_65533);
- buffer._contents = t2 + A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(_65533);
- break;
- }
- else {
- _this._convert$_state = state;
- _this._charOrIndex = i - 1;
- return "";
- }
- state = 0;
- }
- if (i === end)
- break $label0$0;
- i0 = i + 1;
- byte = bytes[i];
- }
- i0 = i + 1;
- byte = bytes[i];
- if (byte < 128) {
- while (true) {
- if (!(i0 < end)) {
- markEnd = end;
- break;
- }
- i1 = i0 + 1;
- byte = bytes[i0];
- if (byte >= 128) {
- markEnd = i1 - 1;
- i0 = i1;
- break;
- }
- i0 = i1;
- }
- if (markEnd - i < 20)
- for (m = i; m < markEnd; ++m)
- buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(bytes[m]);
- else
- buffer._contents += A.String_String$fromCharCodes(bytes, i, markEnd);
- if (markEnd === end)
- break $label0$0;
- i = i0;
- } else
- i = i0;
- }
- if (single && state > 32)
- if (t1)
- buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(_65533);
- else {
- _this._convert$_state = 77;
- _this._charOrIndex = end;
- return "";
- }
- _this._convert$_state = state;
- _this._charOrIndex = char;
- t1 = buffer._contents;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- };
- A.NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(key, value) {
- var t1 = this.sb,
- t2 = this._box_0,
- t3 = t1._contents += t2.comma;
- t3 += key._name;
- t1._contents = t3;
- t1._contents = t3 + ": ";
- t1._contents += A.Error_safeToString(value);
- t2.comma = ", ";
- },
- $signature: 345
- };
- A.Comparable.prototype = {};
- A.DateTime.prototype = {
- add$1(_, duration) {
- return A.DateTime$_withValue(this._value + B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(duration._duration, 1000), this.isUtc);
- },
- subtract$1(duration) {
- return A.DateTime$_withValue(this._value - B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(duration._duration, 1000), this.isUtc);
- },
- get$millisecondsSinceEpoch() {
- return this._value;
- },
- get$microsecondsSinceEpoch() {
- return 1000 * this._value;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.DateTime && this._value === other._value && this.isUtc === other.isUtc;
- },
- compareTo$1(_, other) {
- return B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(this._value, other._value);
- },
- DateTime$_withValue$2$isUtc(_value, isUtc) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._value;
- if (Math.abs(t1) <= 864e13)
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("DateTime is outside valid range: " + t1, null));
- A.checkNotNullable(this.isUtc, "isUtc", type$.bool);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var t1 = this._value;
- return (t1 ^ B.JSInt_methods._shrOtherPositive$1(t1, 30)) & 1073741823;
- },
- toUtc$0() {
- if (this.isUtc)
- return this;
- return A.DateTime$_withValue(this._value, true);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- y = A.DateTime__fourDigits(A.Primitives_getYear(_this)),
- m = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getMonth(_this)),
- d = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getDay(_this)),
- h = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getHours(_this)),
- min = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getMinutes(_this)),
- sec = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getSeconds(_this)),
- ms = A.DateTime__threeDigits(A.Primitives_getMilliseconds(_this)),
- t1 = y + "-" + m;
- if (_this.isUtc)
- return t1 + "-" + d + " " + h + ":" + min + ":" + sec + "." + ms + "Z";
- else
- return t1 + "-" + d + " " + h + ":" + min + ":" + sec + "." + ms;
- },
- toIso8601String$0() {
- var _this = this,
- y = A.Primitives_getYear(_this) >= -9999 && A.Primitives_getYear(_this) <= 9999 ? A.DateTime__fourDigits(A.Primitives_getYear(_this)) : A.DateTime__sixDigits(A.Primitives_getYear(_this)),
- m = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getMonth(_this)),
- d = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getDay(_this)),
- h = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getHours(_this)),
- min = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getMinutes(_this)),
- sec = A.DateTime__twoDigits(A.Primitives_getSeconds(_this)),
- ms = A.DateTime__threeDigits(A.Primitives_getMilliseconds(_this)),
- t1 = y + "-" + m;
- if (_this.isUtc)
- return t1 + "-" + d + "T" + h + ":" + min + ":" + sec + "." + ms + "Z";
- else
- return t1 + "-" + d + "T" + h + ":" + min + ":" + sec + "." + ms;
- },
- $isComparable: 1
- };
- A.DateTime_parse_parseIntOrZero.prototype = {
- call$1(matched) {
- if (matched == null)
- return 0;
- return A.int_parse(matched, null);
- },
- $signature: 217
- };
- A.DateTime_parse_parseMilliAndMicroseconds.prototype = {
- call$1(matched) {
- var t1, result, i;
- if (matched == null)
- return 0;
- for (t1 = matched.length, result = 0, i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
- result *= 10;
- if (i < t1)
- result += B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(matched, i) ^ 48;
- }
- return result;
- },
- $signature: 217
- };
- A.Duration.prototype = {
- $add(_, other) {
- return new A.Duration(this._duration + other._duration);
- },
- $sub(_, other) {
- return new A.Duration(this._duration - other._duration);
- },
- $mul(_, factor) {
- return new A.Duration(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(this._duration * factor));
- },
- $lt(_, other) {
- return this._duration < other._duration;
- },
- $gt(_, other) {
- return this._duration > other._duration;
- },
- $le(_, other) {
- return this._duration <= other._duration;
- },
- $ge(_, other) {
- return this._duration >= other._duration;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.Duration && this._duration === other._duration;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this._duration);
- },
- compareTo$1(_, other) {
- return B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(this._duration, other._duration);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var sign, minutes, minutesPadding, seconds, secondsPadding,
- microseconds = this._duration,
- hours = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(microseconds, 3600000000),
- microseconds0 = microseconds % 3600000000;
- if (microseconds < 0) {
- hours = 0 - hours;
- microseconds = 0 - microseconds0;
- sign = "-";
- } else {
- microseconds = microseconds0;
- sign = "";
- }
- minutes = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(microseconds, 60000000);
- microseconds %= 60000000;
- minutesPadding = minutes < 10 ? "0" : "";
- seconds = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(microseconds, 1000000);
- secondsPadding = seconds < 10 ? "0" : "";
- return sign + hours + ":" + minutesPadding + minutes + ":" + secondsPadding + seconds + "." + B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(microseconds % 1000000), 6, "0");
- },
- get$isNegative(_) {
- return this._duration < 0;
- },
- abs$0(_) {
- return new A.Duration(Math.abs(this._duration));
- },
- $isComparable: 1
- };
- A._Enum.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return this._enumToString$0();
- },
- $isEnum: 1,
- get$index(receiver) {
- return this.index;
- }
- };
- A.Error.prototype = {
- get$stackTrace() {
- return A.getTraceFromException(this.$thrownJsError);
- }
- };
- A.AssertionError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.message;
- if (t1 != null)
- return "Assertion failed: " + A.Error_safeToString(t1);
- return "Assertion failed";
- },
- get$message(receiver) {
- return this.message;
- }
- };
- A.TypeError.prototype = {};
- A.ArgumentError.prototype = {
- get$_errorName() {
- return "Invalid argument" + (!this._hasValue ? "(s)" : "");
- },
- get$_errorExplanation() {
- return "";
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- $name = _this.name,
- nameString = $name == null ? "" : " (" + $name + ")",
- message = _this.message,
- messageString = message == null ? "" : ": " + A.S(message),
- prefix = _this.get$_errorName() + nameString + messageString;
- if (!_this._hasValue)
- return prefix;
- return prefix + _this.get$_errorExplanation() + ": " + A.Error_safeToString(_this.get$invalidValue());
- },
- get$invalidValue() {
- return this.invalidValue;
- },
- get$name(receiver) {
- return this.name;
- }
- };
- A.RangeError.prototype = {
- get$invalidValue() {
- return this.invalidValue;
- },
- get$_errorName() {
- return "RangeError";
- },
- get$_errorExplanation() {
- var explanation,
- start = this.start,
- end = this.end;
- if (start == null)
- explanation = end != null ? ": Not less than or equal to " + A.S(end) : "";
- else if (end == null)
- explanation = ": Not greater than or equal to " + A.S(start);
- else if (end > start)
- explanation = ": Not in inclusive range " + A.S(start) + ".." + A.S(end);
- else
- explanation = end < start ? ": Valid value range is empty" : ": Only valid value is " + A.S(start);
- return explanation;
- }
- };
- A.IndexError.prototype = {
- get$invalidValue() {
- return this.invalidValue;
- },
- get$_errorName() {
- return "RangeError";
- },
- get$_errorExplanation() {
- if (this.invalidValue < 0)
- return ": index must not be negative";
- var t1 = this.length;
- if (t1 === 0)
- return ": no indices are valid";
- return ": index should be less than " + t1;
- },
- get$length(receiver) {
- return this.length;
- }
- };
- A.NoSuchMethodError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var $arguments, t1, _i, t2, t3, argument, receiverText, actualParameters, _this = this, _box_0 = {},
- sb = new A.StringBuffer("");
- _box_0.comma = "";
- $arguments = _this._core$_arguments;
- for (t1 = $arguments.length, _i = 0, t2 = "", t3 = ""; _i < t1; ++_i, t3 = ", ") {
- argument = $arguments[_i];
- sb._contents = t2 + t3;
- t2 = sb._contents += A.Error_safeToString(argument);
- _box_0.comma = ", ";
- }
- _this._namedArguments.forEach$1(0, new A.NoSuchMethodError_toString_closure(_box_0, sb));
- receiverText = A.Error_safeToString(_this._core$_receiver);
- actualParameters = sb.toString$0(0);
- return "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '" + _this._memberName._name + "'\nReceiver: " + receiverText + "\nArguments: [" + actualParameters + "]";
- }
- };
- A.UnsupportedError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Unsupported operation: " + this.message;
- }
- };
- A.UnimplementedError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var message = this.message;
- return message != null ? "UnimplementedError: " + message : "UnimplementedError";
- }
- };
- A.StateError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Bad state: " + this.message;
- }
- };
- A.ConcurrentModificationError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.modifiedObject;
- if (t1 == null)
- return "Concurrent modification during iteration.";
- return "Concurrent modification during iteration: " + A.Error_safeToString(t1) + ".";
- }
- };
- A.OutOfMemoryError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Out of Memory";
- },
- get$stackTrace() {
- return null;
- },
- $isError: 1
- };
- A.StackOverflowError.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Stack Overflow";
- },
- get$stackTrace() {
- return null;
- },
- $isError: 1
- };
- A._Exception.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var message = this.message;
- if (message == null)
- return "Exception";
- return "Exception: " + A.S(message);
- },
- $isException: 1
- };
- A.FormatException.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1, lineNum, lineStart, previousCharWasCR, i, char, lineEnd, end, start, prefix, postfix,
- message = this.message,
- report = "" !== message ? "FormatException: " + message : "FormatException",
- offset = this.offset,
- source = this.source;
- if (typeof source == "string") {
- if (offset != null)
- t1 = offset < 0 || offset > source.length;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- offset = null;
- if (offset == null) {
- if (source.length > 78)
- source = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, 0, 75) + "...";
- return report + "\n" + source;
- }
- for (lineNum = 1, lineStart = 0, previousCharWasCR = false, i = 0; i < offset; ++i) {
- char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(source, i);
- if (char === 10) {
- if (lineStart !== i || !previousCharWasCR)
- ++lineNum;
- lineStart = i + 1;
- previousCharWasCR = false;
- } else if (char === 13) {
- ++lineNum;
- lineStart = i + 1;
- previousCharWasCR = true;
- }
- }
- report = lineNum > 1 ? report + (" (at line " + lineNum + ", character " + (offset - lineStart + 1) + ")\n") : report + (" (at character " + (offset + 1) + ")\n");
- lineEnd = source.length;
- for (i = offset; i < lineEnd; ++i) {
- char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(source, i);
- if (char === 10 || char === 13) {
- lineEnd = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (lineEnd - lineStart > 78)
- if (offset - lineStart < 75) {
- end = lineStart + 75;
- start = lineStart;
- prefix = "";
- postfix = "...";
- } else {
- if (lineEnd - offset < 75) {
- start = lineEnd - 75;
- end = lineEnd;
- postfix = "";
- } else {
- start = offset - 36;
- end = offset + 36;
- postfix = "...";
- }
- prefix = "...";
- }
- else {
- end = lineEnd;
- start = lineStart;
- prefix = "";
- postfix = "";
- }
- return report + prefix + B.JSString_methods.substring$2(source, start, end) + postfix + "\n" + B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", offset - start + prefix.length) + "^\n";
- } else
- return offset != null ? report + (" (at offset " + A.S(offset) + ")") : report;
- },
- $isException: 1,
- get$message(receiver) {
- return this.message;
- },
- get$source(receiver) {
- return this.source;
- },
- get$offset(receiver) {
- return this.offset;
- }
- };
- A.Iterable.prototype = {
- cast$1$0(_, $R) {
- return A.CastIterable_CastIterable(this, A.instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), $R);
- },
- followedBy$1(_, other) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = A.instanceType(_this);
- if (t1._eval$1("EfficientLengthIterable")._is(_this))
- return A.FollowedByIterable_FollowedByIterable$firstEfficient(_this, other, t1._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- return new A.FollowedByIterable(_this, other, t1._eval$1("FollowedByIterable"));
- },
- map$1$1(_, toElement, $T) {
- return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(this, toElement, A.instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), $T);
- },
- where$1(_, test) {
- return new A.WhereIterable(this, test, A.instanceType(this)._eval$1("WhereIterable"));
- },
- whereType$1$0(_, $T) {
- return new A.WhereTypeIterable(this, $T._eval$1("WhereTypeIterable<0>"));
- },
- contains$1(_, element) {
- var t1;
- for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();)
- if (J.$eq$(t1.get$current(t1), element))
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- forEach$1(_, action) {
- var t1;
- for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();)
- action.call$1(t1.get$current(t1));
- },
- fold$1$2(_, initialValue, combine) {
- var t1, value;
- for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this), value = initialValue; t1.moveNext$0();)
- value = combine.call$2(value, t1.get$current(t1));
- return value;
- },
- fold$2($receiver, initialValue, combine) {
- return this.fold$1$2($receiver, initialValue, combine, type$.dynamic);
- },
- join$1(_, separator) {
- var first, t1,
- iterator = this.get$iterator(this);
- if (!iterator.moveNext$0())
- return "";
- first = J.toString$0$(iterator.get$current(iterator));
- if (!iterator.moveNext$0())
- return first;
- if (separator.length === 0) {
- t1 = first;
- do
- t1 += A.S(J.toString$0$(iterator.get$current(iterator)));
- while (iterator.moveNext$0());
- } else {
- t1 = first;
- do
- t1 = t1 + separator + A.S(J.toString$0$(iterator.get$current(iterator)));
- while (iterator.moveNext$0());
- }
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- join$0($receiver) {
- return this.join$1($receiver, "");
- },
- any$1(_, test) {
- var t1;
- for (t1 = this.get$iterator(this); t1.moveNext$0();)
- if (test.call$1(t1.get$current(t1)))
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
- return A.List_List$of(this, growable, A.instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- },
- toList$0($receiver) {
- return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
- },
- toSet$0(_) {
- return A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(this, A.instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- },
- get$length(_) {
- var count,
- it = this.get$iterator(this);
- for (count = 0; it.moveNext$0();)
- ++count;
- return count;
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return !this.get$iterator(this).moveNext$0();
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return !this.get$isEmpty(this);
- },
- take$1(_, count) {
- return A.TakeIterable_TakeIterable(this, count, A.instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- },
- skip$1(_, count) {
- return A.SkipIterable_SkipIterable(this, count, A.instanceType(this)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- },
- get$first(_) {
- var it = this.get$iterator(this);
- if (!it.moveNext$0())
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- return it.get$current(it);
- },
- get$last(_) {
- var result,
- it = this.get$iterator(this);
- if (!it.moveNext$0())
- throw A.wrapException(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- do
- result = it.get$current(it);
- while (it.moveNext$0());
- return result;
- },
- elementAt$1(_, index) {
- var iterator, skipCount;
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(index, "index");
- iterator = this.get$iterator(this);
- for (skipCount = index; iterator.moveNext$0();) {
- if (skipCount === 0)
- return iterator.get$current(iterator);
- --skipCount;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, index - skipCount, this, null, "index"));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.Iterable_iterableToShortString(this, "(", ")");
- }
- };
- A._GeneratorIterable.prototype = {
- elementAt$1(_, index) {
- A.IndexError_check(index, this.length, this, null);
- return this._generator.call$1(index);
- },
- get$length(receiver) {
- return this.length;
- }
- };
- A.MapEntry.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "MapEntry(" + A.S(this.key) + ": " + A.S(this.value) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.Null.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object.prototype.get$hashCode.call(this, this);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "null";
- }
- };
- A.Object.prototype = {$isObject: 1,
- $eq(_, other) {
- return this === other;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Instance of '" + A.Primitives_objectTypeName(this) + "'";
- },
- noSuchMethod$1(_, invocation) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.NoSuchMethodError_NoSuchMethodError$withInvocation(this, invocation));
- },
- get$runtimeType(_) {
- return A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this);
- },
- toString() {
- return this.toString$0(this);
- },
- call$0() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$0", 0, [], [], 0));
- },
- call$1($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- call$2($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2", 0, [$0, $1], [], 0));
- },
- call$1$2$onError($0, $1, $T1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$2$onError", 0, [$0, $1, $T1], ["onError"], 1));
- },
- call$3($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3", 0, [$0, $1, $2], [], 0));
- },
- call$4($0, $1, $2, $3) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$4", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3], [], 0));
- },
- call$1$1($0, $T1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$1", 0, [$0, $T1], [], 1));
- },
- call$1$hostElementAttributes($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$hostElementAttributes", 0, [$0], ["hostElementAttributes"], 0));
- },
- call$1$highContrast($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$highContrast", 0, [$0], ["highContrast"], 0));
- },
- call$1$accessibilityFeatures($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$accessibilityFeatures", 0, [$0], ["accessibilityFeatures"], 0));
- },
- call$1$locales($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$locales", 0, [$0], ["locales"], 0));
- },
- call$1$textScaleFactor($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$textScaleFactor", 0, [$0], ["textScaleFactor"], 0));
- },
- call$1$platformBrightness($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$platformBrightness", 0, [$0], ["platformBrightness"], 0));
- },
- call$12$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$scale$signalKind$timeStamp($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$12$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$scale$signalKind$timeStamp", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11], ["buttons", "change", "device", "kind", "physicalX", "physicalY", "pressure", "pressureMax", "scale", "signalKind", "timeStamp"], 0));
- },
- call$13$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$timeStamp($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$13$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$scrollDeltaX$scrollDeltaY$signalKind$timeStamp", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12], ["buttons", "change", "device", "kind", "physicalX", "physicalY", "pressure", "pressureMax", "scrollDeltaX", "scrollDeltaY", "signalKind", "timeStamp"], 0));
- },
- call$11$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$signalKind$timeStamp($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$11$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$signalKind$timeStamp", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10], ["buttons", "change", "device", "kind", "physicalX", "physicalY", "pressure", "pressureMax", "signalKind", "timeStamp"], 0));
- },
- call$10$buttons$change$device$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$signalKind$timeStamp($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$10$buttons$change$device$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$signalKind$timeStamp", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9], ["buttons", "change", "device", "physicalX", "physicalY", "pressure", "pressureMax", "signalKind", "timeStamp"], 0));
- },
- call$4$checkModifiers($0, $1, $2, $3) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$4$checkModifiers", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3], ["checkModifiers"], 0));
- },
- call$12$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$12$buttons$change$device$kind$physicalX$physicalY$pressure$pressureMax$signalKind$tilt$timeStamp", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11], ["buttons", "change", "device", "kind", "physicalX", "physicalY", "pressure", "pressureMax", "signalKind", "tilt", "timeStamp"], 0));
- },
- call$1$0($T1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$0", 0, [$T1], [], 1));
- },
- call$1$accessibleNavigation($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$accessibleNavigation", 0, [$0], ["accessibleNavigation"], 0));
- },
- call$1$semanticsEnabled($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$semanticsEnabled", 0, [$0], ["semanticsEnabled"], 0));
- },
- call$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError($0, $1, $2, $3) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3], ["cancelOnError", "onDone", "onError"], 0));
- },
- call$1$growable($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$growable", 0, [$0], ["growable"], 0));
- },
- call$2$path($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$path", 0, [$0, $1], ["path"], 0));
- },
- call$2$priority$scheduler($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$priority$scheduler", 0, [$0, $1], ["priority", "scheduler"], 0));
- },
- call$2$position($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$position", 0, [$0, $1], ["position"], 0));
- },
- call$1$style($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$style", 0, [$0], ["style"], 0));
- },
- call$21$background$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$21$background$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20], ["background", "color", "decoration", "decorationColor", "decorationStyle", "decorationThickness", "fontFamily", "fontFamilyFallback", "fontFeatures", "fontSize", "fontStyle", "fontVariations", "fontWeight", "foreground", "height", "leadingDistribution", "letterSpacing", "locale", "shadows", "textBaseline", "wordSpacing"], 0));
- },
- call$12$ellipsis$fontFamily$fontSize$fontStyle$fontWeight$height$locale$maxLines$strutStyle$textAlign$textDirection$textHeightBehavior($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$12$ellipsis$fontFamily$fontSize$fontStyle$fontWeight$height$locale$maxLines$strutStyle$textAlign$textDirection$textHeightBehavior", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11], ["ellipsis", "fontFamily", "fontSize", "fontStyle", "fontWeight", "height", "locale", "maxLines", "strutStyle", "textAlign", "textDirection", "textHeightBehavior"], 0));
- },
- call$2$aspect($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$aspect", 0, [$0, $1], ["aspect"], 0));
- },
- call$1$isBuildFromExternalSources($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$isBuildFromExternalSources", 0, [$0], ["isBuildFromExternalSources"], 0));
- },
- call$1$findFirstFocus($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$findFirstFocus", 0, [$0], ["findFirstFocus"], 0));
- },
- call$1$immediately($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$immediately", 0, [$0], ["immediately"], 0));
- },
- call$1$2$arguments($0, $1, $T1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$2$arguments", 0, [$0, $1, $T1], ["arguments"], 1));
- },
- call$2$1($0, $T1, $T2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$1", 0, [$0, $T1, $T2], [], 2));
- },
- call$5($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$5", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4], [], 0));
- },
- call$1$range($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$range", 0, [$0], ["range"], 0));
- },
- call$2$after($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$after", 0, [$0, $1], ["after"], 0));
- },
- call$1$reversed($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$reversed", 0, [$0], ["reversed"], 0));
- },
- call$1$2($0, $1, $T1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$2", 0, [$0, $1, $T1], [], 1));
- },
- call$6$alignment$alignmentPolicy$curve$duration$targetRenderObject($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$6$alignment$alignmentPolicy$curve$duration$targetRenderObject", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5], ["alignment", "alignmentPolicy", "curve", "duration", "targetRenderObject"], 0));
- },
- call$2$ignoreCurrentFocus($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$ignoreCurrentFocus", 0, [$0, $1], ["ignoreCurrentFocus"], 0));
- },
- call$1$paragraphWidth($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$paragraphWidth", 0, [$0], ["paragraphWidth"], 0));
- },
- call$9$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSize$fontStyle$fontWeight$forceStrutHeight$height$leading$leadingDistribution($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$9$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSize$fontStyle$fontWeight$forceStrutHeight$height$leading$leadingDistribution", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8], ["fontFamily", "fontFamilyFallback", "fontSize", "fontStyle", "fontWeight", "forceStrutHeight", "height", "leading", "leadingDistribution"], 0));
- },
- call$4$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle($0, $1, $2, $3) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$4$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3], ["boxHeightStyle", "boxWidthStyle"], 0));
- },
- call$2$end$start($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$end$start", 0, [$0, $1], ["end", "start"], 0));
- },
- call$3$dimensions$textScaleFactor($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$dimensions$textScaleFactor", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["dimensions", "textScaleFactor"], 0));
- },
- call$3$boxHeightStyle($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$boxHeightStyle", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["boxHeightStyle"], 0));
- },
- call$3$includePlaceholders$includeSemanticsLabels($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$includePlaceholders$includeSemanticsLabels", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["includePlaceholders", "includeSemanticsLabels"], 0));
- },
- call$8$color$fill$grade$opacity$opticalSize$shadows$size$weight($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$8$color$fill$grade$opacity$opticalSize$shadows$size$weight", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7], ["color", "fill", "grade", "opacity", "opticalSize", "shadows", "size", "weight"], 0));
- },
- call$1$color($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$color", 0, [$0], ["color"], 0));
- },
- call$3$textDirection($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$textDirection", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["textDirection"], 0));
- },
- call$1$parentConfiguration($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$parentConfiguration", 0, [$0], ["parentConfiguration"], 0));
- },
- call$3$debugReport($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$debugReport", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["debugReport"], 0));
- },
- call$3$cancel$down$reason($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$cancel$down$reason", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["cancel", "down", "reason"], 0));
- },
- call$2$down$up($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$down$up", 0, [$0, $1], ["down", "up"], 0));
- },
- call$1$down($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$down", 0, [$0], ["down"], 0));
- },
- call$2$value($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$value", 0, [$0, $1], ["value"], 0));
- },
- call$1$details($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$details", 0, [$0], ["details"], 0));
- },
- call$11$borderRadius$color$containedInkWell$controller$customBorder$onRemoved$position$radius$rectCallback$referenceBox$textDirection($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$11$borderRadius$color$containedInkWell$controller$customBorder$onRemoved$position$radius$rectCallback$referenceBox$textDirection", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10], ["borderRadius", "color", "containedInkWell", "controller", "customBorder", "onRemoved", "position", "radius", "rectCallback", "referenceBox", "textDirection"], 0));
- },
- call$1$context($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$context", 0, [$0], ["context"], 0));
- },
- call$2$textDirection($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$textDirection", 0, [$0, $1], ["textDirection"], 0));
- },
- call$2$reversed($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$reversed", 0, [$0, $1], ["reversed"], 0));
- },
- call$2$minHeight$minWidth($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$minHeight$minWidth", 0, [$0, $1], ["minHeight", "minWidth"], 0));
- },
- call$1$letterSpacing($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$letterSpacing", 0, [$0], ["letterSpacing"], 0));
- },
- call$2$primaryTextTheme$textTheme($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$primaryTextTheme$textTheme", 0, [$0, $1], ["primaryTextTheme", "textTheme"], 0));
- },
- call$25$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$25$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24], ["background", "backgroundColor", "color", "debugLabel", "decoration", "decorationColor", "decorationStyle", "decorationThickness", "fontFamily", "fontFamilyFallback", "fontFeatures", "fontSize", "fontStyle", "fontVariations", "fontWeight", "foreground", "height", "leadingDistribution", "letterSpacing", "locale", "overflow", "package", "shadows", "textBaseline", "wordSpacing"], 0));
- },
- call$3$bodyColor$decorationColor$displayColor($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$bodyColor$decorationColor$displayColor", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["bodyColor", "decorationColor", "displayColor"], 0));
- },
- call$1$5($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $T1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$5", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $T1], [], 1));
- },
- call$2$defaultColor($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$defaultColor", 0, [$0, $1], ["defaultColor"], 0));
- },
- call$2$child$context($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$child$context", 0, [$0, $1], ["child", "context"], 0));
- },
- call$8$removeBottomInset$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$8$removeBottomInset$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7], ["removeBottomInset", "removeBottomPadding", "removeLeftPadding", "removeRightPadding", "removeTopPadding"], 0));
- },
- call$7$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$7$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6], ["removeBottomPadding", "removeLeftPadding", "removeRightPadding", "removeTopPadding"], 0));
- },
- call$8$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$8$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7], ["maintainBottomViewPadding", "removeBottomPadding", "removeLeftPadding", "removeRightPadding", "removeTopPadding"], 0));
- },
- call$1$bottom($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$bottom", 0, [$0], ["bottom"], 0));
- },
- call$1$floatingActionButtonScale($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$floatingActionButtonScale", 0, [$0], ["floatingActionButtonScale"], 0));
- },
- call$1$removeBottom($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$removeBottom", 0, [$0], ["removeBottom"], 0));
- },
- call$1$padding($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$padding", 0, [$0], ["padding"], 0));
- },
- call$2$padding$viewPadding($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$padding$viewPadding", 0, [$0, $1], ["padding", "viewPadding"], 0));
- },
- call$2$initialRestore($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$initialRestore", 0, [$0, $1], ["initialRestore"], 0));
- },
- call$3$rect($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$rect", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["rect"], 0));
- },
- call$1$colorScheme($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$colorScheme", 0, [$0], ["colorScheme"], 0));
- },
- call$2$app$persistence($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$app$persistence", 0, [$0, $1], ["app", "persistence"], 0));
- },
- call$2$currentUser$languageCode($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$currentUser$languageCode", 0, [$0, $1], ["currentUser", "languageCode"], 0));
- },
- call$2$0($T1, $T2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$0", 0, [$T1, $T2], [], 2));
- },
- call$3$onDone$onError($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$onDone$onError", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["onDone", "onError"], 0));
- },
- call$2$fontFamily$fontWeight($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$fontFamily$fontWeight", 0, [$0, $1], ["fontFamily", "fontWeight"], 0));
- },
- call$3$composing$selection$text($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$composing$selection$text", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["composing", "selection", "text"], 0));
- },
- call$2$maxWidth$minWidth($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$maxWidth$minWidth", 0, [$0, $1], ["maxWidth", "minWidth"], 0));
- },
- call$2$maxHeight$minHeight($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$maxHeight$minHeight", 0, [$0, $1], ["maxHeight", "minHeight"], 0));
- },
- call$1$side($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$side", 0, [$0], ["side"], 0));
- },
- call$2$color$fontSize($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$color$fontSize", 0, [$0, $1], ["color", "fontSize"], 0));
- },
- call$1$selection($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$selection", 0, [$0], ["selection"], 0));
- },
- call$1$rect($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$rect", 0, [$0], ["rect"], 0));
- },
- call$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect($0, $1, $2, $3) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3], ["curve", "descendant", "duration", "rect"], 0));
- },
- call$2$cause$from($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$cause$from", 0, [$0, $1], ["cause", "from"], 0));
- },
- call$1$composing($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$composing", 0, [$0], ["composing"], 0));
- },
- call$1$affinity($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$affinity", 0, [$0], ["affinity"], 0));
- },
- call$3$code$details$message($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$code$details$message", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["code", "details", "message"], 0));
- },
- call$2$code$message($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$code$message", 0, [$0, $1], ["code", "message"], 0));
- },
- call$2$composing$selection($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$composing$selection", 0, [$0, $1], ["composing", "selection"], 0));
- },
- call$6$baseline$baselineOffset$scale($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$6$baseline$baselineOffset$scale", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5], ["baseline", "baselineOffset", "scale"], 0));
- },
- call$4$scale($0, $1, $2, $3) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$4$scale", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3], ["scale"], 0));
- },
- call$3$curve$duration$rect($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$curve$duration$rect", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["curve", "duration", "rect"], 0));
- },
- call$1$text($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$text", 0, [$0], ["text"], 0));
- },
- call$2$affinity$extentOffset($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$affinity$extentOffset", 0, [$0, $1], ["affinity", "extentOffset"], 0));
- },
- call$1$errorText($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$errorText", 0, [$0], ["errorText"], 0));
- },
- call$2$overscroll$scrollbars($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$overscroll$scrollbars", 0, [$0, $1], ["overscroll", "scrollbars"], 0));
- },
- call$2$baseOffset$extentOffset($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$baseOffset$extentOffset", 0, [$0, $1], ["baseOffset", "extentOffset"], 0));
- },
- call$1$extentOffset($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$extentOffset", 0, [$0], ["extentOffset"], 0));
- },
- call$1$height($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$height", 0, [$0], ["height"], 0));
- },
- call$1$borderSide($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$borderSide", 0, [$0], ["borderSide"], 0));
- },
- call$2$enabled$hintMaxLines($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$enabled$hintMaxLines", 0, [$0, $1], ["enabled", "hintMaxLines"], 0));
- },
- call$27$alignLabelWithHint$border$constraints$contentPadding$counterStyle$disabledBorder$enabledBorder$errorBorder$errorMaxLines$errorStyle$fillColor$filled$floatingLabelAlignment$floatingLabelBehavior$floatingLabelStyle$focusColor$focusedBorder$focusedErrorBorder$helperMaxLines$helperStyle$hintStyle$hoverColor$isCollapsed$isDense$labelStyle$prefixStyle$suffixStyle($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$27$alignLabelWithHint$border$constraints$contentPadding$counterStyle$disabledBorder$enabledBorder$errorBorder$errorMaxLines$errorStyle$fillColor$filled$floatingLabelAlignment$floatingLabelBehavior$floatingLabelStyle$focusColor$focusedBorder$focusedErrorBorder$helperMaxLines$helperStyle$hintStyle$hoverColor$isCollapsed$isDense$labelStyle$prefixStyle$suffixStyle", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26], ["alignLabelWithHint", "border", "constraints", "contentPadding", "counterStyle", "disabledBorder", "enabledBorder", "errorBorder", "errorMaxLines", "errorStyle", "fillColor", "filled", "floatingLabelAlignment", "floatingLabelBehavior", "floatingLabelStyle", "focusColor", "focusedBorder", "focusedErrorBorder", "helperMaxLines", "helperStyle", "hintStyle", "hoverColor", "isCollapsed", "isDense", "labelStyle", "prefixStyle", "suffixStyle"], 0));
- },
- call$1$end($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$end", 0, [$0], ["end"], 0));
- },
- call$1$line($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$line", 0, [$0], ["line"], 0));
- },
- call$2$color($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$color", 0, [$0, $1], ["color"], 0));
- },
- call$2$withDrive($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$withDrive", 0, [$0, $1], ["withDrive"], 0));
- },
- call$3$async($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$async", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["async"], 0));
- },
- call$1$task($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$task", 0, [$0], ["task"], 0));
- },
- call$1$oldWidget($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$oldWidget", 0, [$0], ["oldWidget"], 0));
- },
- call$3$foregroundColor$iconSize$overlayColor($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$foregroundColor$iconSize$overlayColor", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["foregroundColor", "iconSize", "overlayColor"], 0));
- },
- call$2$cancelCanSubmitCell($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$cancelCanSubmitCell", 0, [$0, $1], ["cancelCanSubmitCell"], 0));
- },
- call$3$isSelectionChanged($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$isSelectionChanged", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["isSelectionChanged"], 0));
- },
- call$8$axis$blurRadiusValue$bottom$frozenLineColor$margin$spreadRadiusValue$start$top($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$8$axis$blurRadiusValue$bottom$frozenLineColor$margin$spreadRadiusValue$start$top", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7], ["axis", "blurRadiusValue", "bottom", "frozenLineColor", "margin", "spreadRadiusValue", "start", "top"], 0));
- },
- call$8$axis$blurRadiusValue$bottom$end$frozenLineColor$margin$spreadRadiusValue$top($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$8$axis$blurRadiusValue$bottom$end$frozenLineColor$margin$spreadRadiusValue$top", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7], ["axis", "blurRadiusValue", "bottom", "end", "frozenLineColor", "margin", "spreadRadiusValue", "top"], 0));
- },
- call$8$axis$blurRadiusValue$end$frozenLineColor$margin$spreadRadiusValue$start$top($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$8$axis$blurRadiusValue$end$frozenLineColor$margin$spreadRadiusValue$start$top", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7], ["axis", "blurRadiusValue", "end", "frozenLineColor", "margin", "spreadRadiusValue", "start", "top"], 0));
- },
- call$8$axis$blurRadiusValue$bottom$end$frozenLineColor$margin$spreadRadiusValue$start($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$8$axis$blurRadiusValue$bottom$end$frozenLineColor$margin$spreadRadiusValue$start", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7], ["axis", "blurRadiusValue", "bottom", "end", "frozenLineColor", "margin", "spreadRadiusValue", "start"], 0));
- },
- call$3$propertyName$recalculateRowHeight$rowColumnIndex($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$propertyName$recalculateRowHeight$rowColumnIndex", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["propertyName", "recalculateRowHeight", "rowColumnIndex"], 0));
- },
- call$2$columnIndex$columnSpan($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$columnIndex$columnSpan", 0, [$0, $1], ["columnIndex", "columnSpan"], 0));
- },
- call$1$maxWidth($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$maxWidth", 0, [$0], ["maxWidth"], 0));
- },
- call$2$nextRowColumnIndex($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$nextRowColumnIndex", 0, [$0, $1], ["nextRowColumnIndex"], 0));
- },
- call$2$canRefresh($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$canRefresh", 0, [$0, $1], ["canRefresh"], 0));
- },
- call$4$displayFeatures$padding$viewInsets$viewPadding($0, $1, $2, $3) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$4$displayFeatures$padding$viewInsets$viewPadding", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3], ["displayFeatures", "padding", "viewInsets", "viewPadding"], 0));
- },
- call$2$hitTest$paintTransform($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$hitTest$paintTransform", 0, [$0, $1], ["hitTest", "paintTransform"], 0));
- },
- call$3$crossAxisPosition$mainAxisPosition($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$crossAxisPosition$mainAxisPosition", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["crossAxisPosition", "mainAxisPosition"], 0));
- },
- call$2$hitTest$paintOffset($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$hitTest$paintOffset", 0, [$0, $1], ["hitTest", "paintOffset"], 0));
- },
- call$1$removeTop($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$removeTop", 0, [$0], ["removeTop"], 0));
- },
- call$5$duration$position$tooltipContent$tooltipData$tooltipHeader($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$5$duration$position$tooltipContent$tooltipData$tooltipHeader", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4], ["duration", "position", "tooltipContent", "tooltipData", "tooltipHeader"], 0));
- },
- call$1$propertyName($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$propertyName", 0, [$0], ["propertyName"], 0));
- },
- call$5$axisLabelTextStyle$axisMultiLevelLabelTextStyle$axisTitleTextStyle$crosshairTextStyle$selectionZoomingTooltipTextStyle($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$5$axisLabelTextStyle$axisMultiLevelLabelTextStyle$axisTitleTextStyle$crosshairTextStyle$selectionZoomingTooltipTextStyle", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4], ["axisLabelTextStyle", "axisMultiLevelLabelTextStyle", "axisTitleTextStyle", "crosshairTextStyle", "selectionZoomingTooltipTextStyle"], 0));
- },
- call$8($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$8", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7], [], 0));
- },
- call$1$scrollbars($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$scrollbars", 0, [$0], ["scrollbars"], 0));
- },
- call$6($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$6", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5], [], 0));
- },
- call$2$bottom$top($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$bottom$top", 0, [$0, $1], ["bottom", "top"], 0));
- },
- call$2$left$right($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$left$right", 0, [$0, $1], ["left", "right"], 0));
- },
- call$3$continueCsv($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$continueCsv", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["continueCsv"], 0));
- },
- call$2$viewInsets$viewPadding($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$viewInsets$viewPadding", 0, [$0, $1], ["viewInsets", "viewPadding"], 0));
- },
- call$2$color$fontWeight($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$color$fontWeight", 0, [$0, $1], ["color", "fontWeight"], 0));
- },
- call$4$legendTextStyle$legendTitleTextStyle$titleTextStyle$tooltipTextStyle($0, $1, $2, $3) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$4$legendTextStyle$legendTitleTextStyle$titleTextStyle$tooltipTextStyle", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3], ["legendTextStyle", "legendTitleTextStyle", "titleTextStyle", "tooltipTextStyle"], 0));
- },
- call$2$animation$builder($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$animation$builder", 0, [$0, $1], ["animation", "builder"], 0));
- },
- call$1$inherit($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$inherit", 0, [$0], ["inherit"], 0));
- },
- call$1$editingDataCell($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$editingDataCell", 0, [$0], ["editingDataCell"], 0));
- },
- call$5$autofocus$focusNode$mouseCursor$painter$size($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$5$autofocus$focusNode$mouseCursor$painter$size", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4], ["autofocus", "focusNode", "mouseCursor", "painter", "size"], 0));
- },
- call$1$action($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$action", 0, [$0], ["action"], 0));
- },
- call$1$viewSize($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$viewSize", 0, [$0], ["viewSize"], 0));
- },
- call$4$overscroll$physics$platform$scrollbars($0, $1, $2, $3) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$4$overscroll$physics$platform$scrollbars", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3], ["overscroll", "physics", "platform", "scrollbars"], 0));
- },
- call$1$spellCheckService($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$spellCheckService", 0, [$0], ["spellCheckService"], 0));
- },
- call$1$direction($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$direction", 0, [$0], ["direction"], 0));
- },
- call$2$name$options($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$name$options", 0, [$0, $1], ["name", "options"], 0));
- },
- call$1$childOrder($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$childOrder", 0, [$0], ["childOrder"], 0));
- },
- call$5$elevationAdjustment$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect$result$siblingNodes($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$5$elevationAdjustment$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect$result$siblingNodes", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4], ["elevationAdjustment", "parentPaintClipRect", "parentSemanticsClipRect", "result", "siblingNodes"], 0));
- },
- call$1$config($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$config", 0, [$0], ["config"], 0));
- },
- call$2$descendant$rect($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$descendant$rect", 0, [$0, $1], ["descendant", "rect"], 0));
- },
- call$1$3$onlyFirst($0, $1, $2, $T1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$3$onlyFirst", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $T1], ["onlyFirst"], 1));
- },
- call$1$includeChildren($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$includeChildren", 0, [$0], ["includeChildren"], 0));
- },
- call$1$oldLayer($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$oldLayer", 0, [$0], ["oldLayer"], 0));
- },
- call$3$oldLayer($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$oldLayer", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["oldLayer"], 0));
- },
- call$3$offset$oldLayer($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$offset$oldLayer", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["offset", "oldLayer"], 0));
- },
- call$3$clipBehavior$oldLayer($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$clipBehavior$oldLayer", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["clipBehavior", "oldLayer"], 0));
- },
- call$4$isComplexHint$willChangeHint($0, $1, $2, $3) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$4$isComplexHint$willChangeHint", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3], ["isComplexHint", "willChangeHint"], 0));
- },
- call$2$doAntiAlias($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$doAntiAlias", 0, [$0, $1], ["doAntiAlias"], 0));
- },
- call$4$oldLayer($0, $1, $2, $3) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$4$oldLayer", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3], ["oldLayer"], 0));
- },
- call$2$nextTo($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$nextTo", 0, [$0, $1], ["nextTo"], 0));
- },
- call$4$in1$in2$operator$result($0, $1, $2, $3) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$4$in1$in2$operator$result", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3], ["in1", "in2", "operator", "result"], 0));
- },
- call$2$oldLayer($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$oldLayer", 0, [$0, $1], ["oldLayer"], 0));
- },
- call$3$clockwise$radius($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$clockwise$radius", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["clockwise", "radius"], 0));
- },
- call$3$color$fontSize$fontWeight($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$color$fontSize$fontWeight", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["color", "fontSize", "fontWeight"], 0));
- },
- call$5$clipBehavior($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$5$clipBehavior", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4], ["clipBehavior"], 0));
- },
- call$5$borderRadius$shape$textDirection($0, $1, $2, $3, $4) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$5$borderRadius$shape$textDirection", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4], ["borderRadius", "shape", "textDirection"], 0));
- },
- call$3$replace$state($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$replace$state", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["replace", "state"], 0));
- },
- call$3$onAction$onChange($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$onAction$onChange", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["onAction", "onChange"], 0));
- },
- call$3$context$exception$stack($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$context$exception$stack", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["context", "exception", "stack"], 0));
- },
- call$2$decode($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$decode", 0, [$0, $1], ["decode"], 0));
- },
- call$3$blendMode$oldLayer($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$blendMode$oldLayer", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["blendMode", "oldLayer"], 0));
- },
- call$2$filterQuality($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$filterQuality", 0, [$0, $1], ["filterQuality"], 0));
- },
- call$6$oldLayer($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$6$oldLayer", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5], ["oldLayer"], 0));
- },
- call$4$textDirection($0, $1, $2, $3) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$4$textDirection", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3], ["textDirection"], 0));
- },
- call$2$radius($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$radius", 0, [$0, $1], ["radius"], 0));
- },
- call$7($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$7", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6], [], 0));
- },
- call$11($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$11", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10], [], 0));
- },
- call$6$gapExtent$gapPercentage$gapStart$textDirection($0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$6$gapExtent$gapPercentage$gapStart$textDirection", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3, $4, $5], ["gapExtent", "gapPercentage", "gapStart", "textDirection"], 0));
- },
- call$1$width($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$width", 0, [$0], ["width"], 0));
- },
- call$1$maxHeight($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$1$maxHeight", 0, [$0], ["maxHeight"], 0));
- },
- call$2$parentUsesSize($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$parentUsesSize", 0, [$0, $1], ["parentUsesSize"], 0));
- },
- call$2$maxExtent$minExtent($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$maxExtent$minExtent", 0, [$0, $1], ["maxExtent", "minExtent"], 0));
- },
- call$2$maxHeight$maxWidth($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$maxHeight$maxWidth", 0, [$0, $1], ["maxHeight", "maxWidth"], 0));
- },
- call$4$isScrolling$newPosition$oldPosition$velocity($0, $1, $2, $3) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$4$isScrolling$newPosition$oldPosition$velocity", 0, [$0, $1, $2, $3], ["isScrolling", "newPosition", "oldPosition", "velocity"], 0));
- },
- call$3$child$height$width($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$child$height$width", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["child", "height", "width"], 0));
- },
- call$3$columnsNotInViewWidth($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$columnsNotInViewWidth", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["columnsNotInViewWidth"], 0));
- },
- call$3$allCellsClippedWidth($0, $1, $2) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$3$allCellsClippedWidth", 0, [$0, $1, $2], ["allCellsClippedWidth"], 0));
- },
- call$2$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("call", "call$2$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea", 0, [$0, $1], ["bottomNavigationBarTop", "floatingActionButtonArea"], 0));
- },
- $index($receiver, $0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("[]", "$index", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- contains$1($receiver, $0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("contains", "contains$1", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- remove$1($receiver, $0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("remove", "remove$1", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- toJson$0() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("toJson", "toJson$0", 0, [], [], 0));
- },
- sort$0($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("sort", "sort$0", 0, [], [], 0));
- },
- compareTo$1($receiver, $0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("compareTo", "compareTo$1", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- _removeAt$1($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("_removeAt", "_removeAt$1", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- didRegisterListener$0() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("didRegisterListener", "didRegisterListener$0", 0, [], [], 0));
- },
- didUnregisterListener$0() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("didUnregisterListener", "didUnregisterListener$0", 0, [], [], 0));
- },
- $sub($receiver, $0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("-", "$sub", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- $mul($receiver, $0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("*", "$mul", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- $add($receiver, $0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("+", "$add", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- signOut$0($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("signOut", "signOut$0", 0, [], [], 0));
- },
- $lt($receiver, $0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("<", "$lt", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- $gt($receiver, $0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror(">", "$gt", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- toStringAsFixed$1($receiver, $0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("toStringAsFixed", "toStringAsFixed$1", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- toInt$0($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("toInt", "toInt$0", 0, [], [], 0));
- },
- toLowerCase$0($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("toLowerCase", "toLowerCase$0", 0, [], [], 0));
- },
- floor$0($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("floor", "floor$0", 0, [], [], 0));
- },
- $ge($receiver, $0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror(">=", "$ge", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- $le($receiver, $0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("<=", "$le", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- abs$0($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("abs", "abs$0", 0, [], [], 0));
- },
- $div($receiver, $0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("/", "$div", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- getDataByKey$1($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("getDataByKey", "getDataByKey$1", 0, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- callMethod$2($0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("callMethod", "callMethod$2", 0, [$0, $1], [], 0));
- },
- toJSON$0($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("toJSON", "toJSON$0", 0, [], [], 0));
- },
- getTime$0() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("getTime", "getTime$0", 0, [], [], 0));
- },
- onIdTokenChanged$2($receiver, $0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("onIdTokenChanged", "onIdTokenChanged$2", 0, [$0, $1], [], 0));
- },
- onAuthStateChanged$2($receiver, $0, $1) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("onAuthStateChanged", "onAuthStateChanged$2", 0, [$0, $1], [], 0));
- },
- get$iterator($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("iterator", "get$iterator", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$length($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("length", "get$length", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$message($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("message", "get$message", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$_count($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("_count", "get$_count", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$_notificationCallStackDepth() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("_notificationCallStackDepth", "get$_notificationCallStackDepth", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$_change_notifier$_listeners() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("_listeners", "get$_change_notifier$_listeners", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$_reentrantlyRemovedListeners() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("_reentrantlyRemovedListeners", "get$_reentrantlyRemovedListeners", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$child() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("child", "get$child", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$trackColor() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("trackColor", "get$trackColor", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$x($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("x", "get$x", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$name($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("name", "get$name", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$index($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("index", "get$index", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$chartAxis() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("chartAxis", "get$chartAxis", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$requireAxisTooltip() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("requireAxisTooltip", "get$requireAxisTooltip", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$requireDataLabelTooltip() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("requireDataLabelTooltip", "get$requireDataLabelTooltip", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$renderPoints() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("renderPoints", "get$renderPoints", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$dataLabelSettingsRenderer() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("dataLabelSettingsRenderer", "get$dataLabelSettingsRenderer", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$isRectSeries() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("isRectSeries", "get$isRectSeries", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$series() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("series", "get$series", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$tooltipPointIndex() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("tooltipPointIndex", "get$tooltipPointIndex", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$dataPoints() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("dataPoints", "get$dataPoints", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$explode() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("explode", "get$explode", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$y($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("y", "get$y", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$labelFormat() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("labelFormat", "get$labelFormat", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$isVisible() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("isVisible", "get$isVisible", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$visiblePointIndex() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("visiblePointIndex", "get$visiblePointIndex", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$seriesType() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("seriesType", "get$seriesType", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$renderer() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("renderer", "get$renderer", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$selectionType() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("selectionType", "get$selectionType", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$segments() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("segments", "get$segments", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$selectionArgs() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("selectionArgs", "get$selectionArgs", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$strokeWidth() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("strokeWidth", "get$strokeWidth", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$xAxisDetails() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("xAxisDetails", "get$xAxisDetails", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$yAxisDetails() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("yAxisDetails", "get$yAxisDetails", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$millisecondsSinceEpoch() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("millisecondsSinceEpoch", "get$millisecondsSinceEpoch", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$microsecondsSinceEpoch() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("microsecondsSinceEpoch", "get$microsecondsSinceEpoch", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$labelPlacement() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("labelPlacement", "get$labelPlacement", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$visible($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("visible", "get$visible", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$fill($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("fill", "get$fill", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$legendIconType() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("legendIconType", "get$legendIconType", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$maximumValue() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("maximumValue", "get$maximumValue", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$onCreateShader() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("onCreateShader", "get$onCreateShader", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$dashArray() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("dashArray", "get$dashArray", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$markerSettings() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("markerSettings", "get$markerSettings", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$seriesIndex() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("seriesIndex", "get$seriesIndex", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$region($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("region", "get$region", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$center() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("center", "get$center", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$dataSource() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("dataSource", "get$dataSource", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$explodeGesture() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("explodeGesture", "get$explodeGesture", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$trackBorderWidth() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("trackBorderWidth", "get$trackBorderWidth", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$gradient() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("gradient", "get$gradient", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$trackBorderColor() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("trackBorderColor", "get$trackBorderColor", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$strokeColor() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("strokeColor", "get$strokeColor", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$isTrackVisible() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("isTrackVisible", "get$isTrackVisible", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$isNegative($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("isNegative", "get$isNegative", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$borderDrawMode() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("borderDrawMode", "get$borderDrawMode", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$splineType() {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("splineType", "get$splineType", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$options($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("options", "get$options", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$apiKey($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("apiKey", "get$apiKey", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$authDomain($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("authDomain", "get$authDomain", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$databaseURL($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("databaseURL", "get$databaseURL", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$projectId($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("projectId", "get$projectId", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$storageBucket($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("storageBucket", "get$storageBucket", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$messagingSenderId($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("messagingSenderId", "get$messagingSenderId", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$appId($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("appId", "get$appId", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$measurementId($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("measurementId", "get$measurementId", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$code($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("code", "get$code", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$email($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("email", "get$email", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$phoneNumber($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("phoneNumber", "get$phoneNumber", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$tenantId($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("tenantId", "get$tenantId", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$session($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("session", "get$session", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$displayName($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("displayName", "get$displayName", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$factorId($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("factorId", "get$factorId", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$enrollmentTime($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("enrollmentTime", "get$enrollmentTime", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$uid($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("uid", "get$uid", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$hints($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("hints", "get$hints", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$user($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("user", "get$user", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$emailVerified($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("emailVerified", "get$emailVerified", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$isAnonymous($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("isAnonymous", "get$isAnonymous", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$metadata($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("metadata", "get$metadata", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$creationTime($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("creationTime", "get$creationTime", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$lastSignInTime($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("lastSignInTime", "get$lastSignInTime", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$photoURL($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("photoURL", "get$photoURL", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$refreshToken($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("refreshToken", "get$refreshToken", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$providerId($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("providerId", "get$providerId", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$providerData($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("providerData", "get$providerData", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$signInMethod($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("signInMethod", "get$signInMethod", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$accessToken($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("accessToken", "get$accessToken", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$secret($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("secret", "get$secret", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$idToken($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("idToken", "get$idToken", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$isNewUser($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("isNewUser", "get$isNewUser", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$profile($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("profile", "get$profile", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- get$username($receiver) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("username", "get$username", 1, [], [], 0));
- },
- set$_notificationCallStackDepth($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("_notificationCallStackDepth=", "set$_notificationCallStackDepth", 2, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- set$_change_notifier$_listeners($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("_listeners=", "set$_change_notifier$_listeners", 2, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- set$_reentrantlyRemovedListeners($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("_reentrantlyRemovedListeners=", "set$_reentrantlyRemovedListeners", 2, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- set$_count($receiver, $0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1($receiver, A.createInvocationMirror("_count=", "set$_count", 2, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- set$requireAxisTooltip($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("requireAxisTooltip=", "set$requireAxisTooltip", 2, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- set$tooltipPointIndex($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("tooltipPointIndex=", "set$tooltipPointIndex", 2, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- set$renderDatalabelRegions($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("renderDatalabelRegions=", "set$renderDatalabelRegions", 2, [$0], [], 0));
- },
- set$selectionArgs($0) {
- return this.noSuchMethod$1(this, A.createInvocationMirror("selectionArgs=", "set$selectionArgs", 2, [$0], [], 0));
- }
- };
- A._StringStackTrace.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "";
- },
- $isStackTrace: 1
- };
- A.Stopwatch.prototype = {
- get$elapsedMicroseconds() {
- var ticks,
- t1 = this._stop;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = $.Primitives_timerTicks.call$0();
- ticks = t1 - this._core$_start;
- if ($.$get$Stopwatch__frequency() === 1000000)
- return ticks;
- return ticks * 1000;
- },
- start$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- $stop = _this._stop;
- if ($stop != null) {
- _this._core$_start = _this._core$_start + ($.Primitives_timerTicks.call$0() - $stop);
- _this._stop = null;
- }
- },
- reset$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._stop;
- this._core$_start = t1 == null ? $.Primitives_timerTicks.call$0() : t1;
- }
- };
- A.StringBuffer.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return this._contents.length;
- },
- writeln$1(obj) {
- this._contents += A.S(obj) + "\n";
- },
- writeln$0() {
- return this.writeln$1("");
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._contents;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- };
- A.Uri__parseIPv4Address_error.prototype = {
- call$2(msg, position) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Illegal IPv4 address, " + msg, this.host, position));
- },
- $signature: 363
- };
- A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_error.prototype = {
- call$2(msg, position) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Illegal IPv6 address, " + msg, this.host, position));
- },
- $signature: 371
- };
- A.Uri_parseIPv6Address_parseHex.prototype = {
- call$2(start, end) {
- var value;
- if (end - start > 4)
- this.error.call$2("an IPv6 part can only contain a maximum of 4 hex digits", start);
- value = A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this.host, start, end), 16);
- if (value < 0 || value > 65535)
- this.error.call$2("each part must be in the range of `0x0..0xFFFF`", start);
- return value;
- },
- $signature: 70
- };
- A._Uri.prototype = {
- get$_text() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
- value = _this.___Uri__text_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.scheme;
- t2 = t1.length !== 0 ? "" + t1 + ":" : "";
- t3 = _this._host;
- t4 = t3 == null;
- if (!t4 || t1 === "file") {
- t1 = t2 + "//";
- t2 = _this._userInfo;
- if (t2.length !== 0)
- t1 = t1 + t2 + "@";
- if (!t4)
- t1 += t3;
- t2 = _this._port;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1 = t1 + ":" + A.S(t2);
- } else
- t1 = t2;
- t1 += _this.path;
- t2 = _this._query;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1 = t1 + "?" + t2;
- t2 = _this._fragment;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1 = t1 + "#" + t2;
- value !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___Uri__text_FI = t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$pathSegments() {
- var pathToSplit, result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___Uri_pathSegments_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- pathToSplit = _this.path;
- if (pathToSplit.length !== 0 && B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(pathToSplit, 0) === 47)
- pathToSplit = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(pathToSplit, 1);
- result = pathToSplit.length === 0 ? B.List_empty1 : A.List_List$unmodifiable(new A.MappedListIterable(A._setArrayType(pathToSplit.split("/"), type$.JSArray_String), A.core_Uri_decodeComponent$closure(), type$.MappedListIterable_String_dynamic), type$.String);
- _this.___Uri_pathSegments_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___Uri_pathSegments_FI = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___Uri_hashCode_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(_this.get$_text());
- _this.___Uri_hashCode_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___Uri_hashCode_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$queryParametersAll() {
- var t1, result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___Uri_queryParametersAll_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this._query;
- result = A._Uri__computeQueryParametersAll(t1 == null ? "" : t1);
- _this.___Uri_queryParametersAll_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___Uri_queryParametersAll_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$userInfo() {
- return this._userInfo;
- },
- get$host(_) {
- var host = this._host;
- if (host == null)
- return "";
- if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(host, "["))
- return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(host, 1, host.length - 1);
- return host;
- },
- get$port(_) {
- var t1 = this._port;
- return t1 == null ? A._Uri__defaultPort(this.scheme) : t1;
- },
- get$query(_) {
- var t1 = this._query;
- return t1 == null ? "" : t1;
- },
- get$fragment() {
- var t1 = this._fragment;
- return t1 == null ? "" : t1;
- },
- isScheme$1(scheme) {
- var thisScheme = this.scheme;
- if (scheme.length !== thisScheme.length)
- return false;
- return A._caseInsensitiveCompareStart(scheme, thisScheme, 0) >= 0;
- },
- _mergePaths$2(base, reference) {
- var backCount, refStart, baseEnd, newEnd, delta, t1;
- for (backCount = 0, refStart = 0; B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(reference, "../", refStart);) {
- refStart += 3;
- ++backCount;
- }
- baseEnd = B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$1(base, "/");
- while (true) {
- if (!(baseEnd > 0 && backCount > 0))
- break;
- newEnd = B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$2(base, "/", baseEnd - 1);
- if (newEnd < 0)
- break;
- delta = baseEnd - newEnd;
- t1 = delta !== 2;
- if (!t1 || delta === 3)
- if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(base, newEnd + 1) === 46)
- t1 = !t1 || B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(base, newEnd + 2) === 46;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- break;
- --backCount;
- baseEnd = newEnd;
- }
- return B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(base, baseEnd + 1, null, B.JSString_methods.substring$1(reference, refStart - 3 * backCount));
- },
- resolve$1(reference) {
- return this.resolveUri$1(A.Uri_parse(reference));
- },
- resolveUri$1(reference) {
- var targetScheme, targetUserInfo, targetHost, targetPort, targetPath, targetQuery, packageNameEnd, packageName, mergedPath, t1, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (reference.get$scheme().length !== 0) {
- targetScheme = reference.get$scheme();
- if (reference.get$hasAuthority()) {
- targetUserInfo = reference.get$userInfo();
- targetHost = reference.get$host(reference);
- targetPort = reference.get$hasPort() ? reference.get$port(reference) : _null;
- } else {
- targetPort = _null;
- targetHost = targetPort;
- targetUserInfo = "";
- }
- targetPath = A._Uri__removeDotSegments(reference.get$path(reference));
- targetQuery = reference.get$hasQuery() ? reference.get$query(reference) : _null;
- } else {
- targetScheme = _this.scheme;
- if (reference.get$hasAuthority()) {
- targetUserInfo = reference.get$userInfo();
- targetHost = reference.get$host(reference);
- targetPort = A._Uri__makePort(reference.get$hasPort() ? reference.get$port(reference) : _null, targetScheme);
- targetPath = A._Uri__removeDotSegments(reference.get$path(reference));
- targetQuery = reference.get$hasQuery() ? reference.get$query(reference) : _null;
- } else {
- targetUserInfo = _this._userInfo;
- targetHost = _this._host;
- targetPort = _this._port;
- targetPath = _this.path;
- if (reference.get$path(reference) === "")
- targetQuery = reference.get$hasQuery() ? reference.get$query(reference) : _this._query;
- else {
- packageNameEnd = A._Uri__packageNameEnd(_this, targetPath);
- if (packageNameEnd > 0) {
- packageName = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(targetPath, 0, packageNameEnd);
- targetPath = reference.get$hasAbsolutePath() ? packageName + A._Uri__removeDotSegments(reference.get$path(reference)) : packageName + A._Uri__removeDotSegments(_this._mergePaths$2(B.JSString_methods.substring$1(targetPath, packageName.length), reference.get$path(reference)));
- } else if (reference.get$hasAbsolutePath())
- targetPath = A._Uri__removeDotSegments(reference.get$path(reference));
- else if (targetPath.length === 0)
- if (targetHost == null)
- targetPath = targetScheme.length === 0 ? reference.get$path(reference) : A._Uri__removeDotSegments(reference.get$path(reference));
- else
- targetPath = A._Uri__removeDotSegments("/" + reference.get$path(reference));
- else {
- mergedPath = _this._mergePaths$2(targetPath, reference.get$path(reference));
- t1 = targetScheme.length === 0;
- if (!t1 || targetHost != null || B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(targetPath, "/"))
- targetPath = A._Uri__removeDotSegments(mergedPath);
- else
- targetPath = A._Uri__normalizeRelativePath(mergedPath, !t1 || targetHost != null);
- }
- targetQuery = reference.get$hasQuery() ? reference.get$query(reference) : _null;
- }
- }
- }
- return A._Uri$_internal(targetScheme, targetUserInfo, targetHost, targetPort, targetPath, targetQuery, reference.get$hasFragment() ? reference.get$fragment() : _null);
- },
- get$hasScheme() {
- return this.scheme.length !== 0;
- },
- get$hasAuthority() {
- return this._host != null;
- },
- get$hasPort() {
- return this._port != null;
- },
- get$hasQuery() {
- return this._query != null;
- },
- get$hasFragment() {
- return this._fragment != null;
- },
- get$hasAbsolutePath() {
- return B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(this.path, "/");
- },
- toFilePath$0() {
- var pathSegments, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.scheme;
- if (t1 !== "" && t1 !== "file")
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot extract a file path from a " + t1 + " URI"));
- t1 = _this._query;
- if ((t1 == null ? "" : t1) !== "")
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Cannotefq));
- t1 = _this._fragment;
- if ((t1 == null ? "" : t1) !== "")
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Cannoteff));
- t1 = $.$get$_Uri__isWindowsCached();
- if (t1)
- t1 = A._Uri__toWindowsFilePath(_this);
- else {
- if (_this._host != null && _this.get$host(_this) !== "")
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Cannoten));
- pathSegments = _this.get$pathSegments();
- A._Uri__checkNonWindowsPathReservedCharacters(pathSegments, false);
- t1 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this.path, "/") ? "" + "/" : "", pathSegments, "/");
- t1 = t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return this.get$_text();
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (type$.Uri._is(other))
- if (_this.scheme === other.get$scheme())
- if (_this._host != null === other.get$hasAuthority())
- if (_this._userInfo === other.get$userInfo())
- if (_this.get$host(_this) === other.get$host(other))
- if (_this.get$port(_this) === other.get$port(other))
- if (_this.path === other.get$path(other)) {
- t1 = _this._query;
- t2 = t1 == null;
- if (!t2 === other.get$hasQuery()) {
- if (t2)
- t1 = "";
- if (t1 === other.get$query(other)) {
- t1 = _this._fragment;
- t2 = t1 == null;
- if (!t2 === other.get$hasFragment()) {
- if (t2)
- t1 = "";
- t1 = t1 === other.get$fragment();
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- $isUri: 1,
- get$scheme() {
- return this.scheme;
- },
- get$path(receiver) {
- return this.path;
- }
- };
- A._Uri__makeQuery_writeParameter.prototype = {
- call$2(key, value) {
- var t1 = this.result,
- t2 = this._box_0;
- t1._contents += t2.separator;
- t2.separator = "&";
- t2 = t1._contents += A._Uri__uriEncode(B.List_M1A, key, B.C_Utf8Codec, true);
- if (value != null && value.length !== 0) {
- t1._contents = t2 + "=";
- t1._contents += A._Uri__uriEncode(B.List_M1A, value, B.C_Utf8Codec, true);
- }
- },
- $signature: 386
- };
- A._Uri__makeQuery_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(key, value) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (value == null || typeof value == "string")
- this.writeParameter.call$2(key, value);
- else
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(value), t2 = this.writeParameter; t1.moveNext$0();)
- t2.call$2(key, t1.get$current(t1));
- },
- $signature: 39
- };
- A._Uri__splitQueryStringAll_parsePair.prototype = {
- call$3(start, equalsIndex, end) {
- var t1, t2, key, value;
- if (start === end)
- return;
- t1 = this.query;
- t2 = this.encoding;
- if (equalsIndex < 0) {
- key = A._Uri__uriDecode(t1, start, end, t2, true);
- value = "";
- } else {
- key = A._Uri__uriDecode(t1, start, equalsIndex, t2, true);
- value = A._Uri__uriDecode(t1, equalsIndex + 1, end, t2, true);
- }
- J.add$1$ax(this.result.putIfAbsent$2(0, key, A.core__Uri__createList$closure()), value);
- },
- $signature: 387
- };
- A.UriData.prototype = {
- get$uri() {
- var t2, queryIndex, end, query, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this._uriCache;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this._text;
- t2 = _this._separatorIndices[0] + 1;
- queryIndex = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(t1, "?", t2);
- end = t1.length;
- if (queryIndex >= 0) {
- query = A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(t1, queryIndex + 1, end, B.List_oFp, false, false);
- end = queryIndex;
- } else
- query = _null;
- t1 = _this._uriCache = new A._DataUri("data", "", _null, _null, A._Uri__normalizeOrSubstring(t1, t2, end, B.List_XRg, false, false), query, _null);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._text;
- return this._separatorIndices[0] === -1 ? "data:" + t1 : t1;
- }
- };
- A._createTables_build.prototype = {
- call$2(state, defaultTransition) {
- var t1 = this.tables[state];
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.fillRange$3(t1, 0, 96, defaultTransition);
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 389
- };
- A._createTables_setChars.prototype = {
- call$3(target, chars, transition) {
- var t1, i;
- for (t1 = chars.length, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
- target[B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(chars, i) ^ 96] = transition;
- },
- $signature: 209
- };
- A._createTables_setRange.prototype = {
- call$3(target, range, transition) {
- var i, n;
- for (i = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(range, 0), n = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(range, 1); i <= n; ++i)
- target[(i ^ 96) >>> 0] = transition;
- },
- $signature: 209
- };
- A._SimpleUri.prototype = {
- get$hasScheme() {
- return this._schemeEnd > 0;
- },
- get$hasAuthority() {
- return this._hostStart > 0;
- },
- get$hasPort() {
- return this._hostStart > 0 && this._portStart + 1 < this._pathStart;
- },
- get$hasQuery() {
- return this._queryStart < this._fragmentStart;
- },
- get$hasFragment() {
- return this._fragmentStart < this._uri.length;
- },
- get$hasAbsolutePath() {
- return B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(this._uri, "/", this._pathStart);
- },
- get$scheme() {
- var t1 = this._schemeCache;
- return t1 == null ? this._schemeCache = this._computeScheme$0() : t1;
- },
- _computeScheme$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._schemeEnd;
- if (t1 <= 0)
- return "";
- t2 = t1 === 4;
- if (t2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "http"))
- return "http";
- if (t1 === 5 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "https"))
- return "https";
- if (t2 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "file"))
- return "file";
- if (t1 === 7 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "package"))
- return "package";
- return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(_this._uri, 0, t1);
- },
- get$userInfo() {
- var t1 = this._hostStart,
- t2 = this._schemeEnd + 3;
- return t1 > t2 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, t2, t1 - 1) : "";
- },
- get$host(_) {
- var t1 = this._hostStart;
- return t1 > 0 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, t1, this._portStart) : "";
- },
- get$port(_) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$hasPort())
- return A.int_parse(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(_this._uri, _this._portStart + 1, _this._pathStart), null);
- t1 = _this._schemeEnd;
- if (t1 === 4 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "http"))
- return 80;
- if (t1 === 5 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "https"))
- return 443;
- return 0;
- },
- get$path(_) {
- return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, this._pathStart, this._queryStart);
- },
- get$query(_) {
- var t1 = this._queryStart,
- t2 = this._fragmentStart;
- return t1 < t2 ? B.JSString_methods.substring$2(this._uri, t1 + 1, t2) : "";
- },
- get$fragment() {
- var t1 = this._fragmentStart,
- t2 = this._uri;
- return t1 < t2.length ? B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t2, t1 + 1) : "";
- },
- get$pathSegments() {
- var parts, i,
- start = this._pathStart,
- end = this._queryStart,
- t1 = this._uri;
- if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(t1, "/", start))
- ++start;
- if (start === end)
- return B.List_empty1;
- parts = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- for (i = start; i < end; ++i)
- if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1, i) === 47) {
- parts.push(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, start, i));
- start = i + 1;
- }
- parts.push(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, start, end));
- return A.List_List$unmodifiable(parts, type$.String);
- },
- get$queryParametersAll() {
- var queryParameterLists, _this = this;
- if (_this._queryStart >= _this._fragmentStart)
- return B.Map_empty7;
- queryParameterLists = A._Uri__splitQueryStringAll(_this.get$query(_this));
- queryParameterLists.updateAll$1(queryParameterLists, A.core___toUnmodifiableStringList$closure());
- return A.ConstantMap_ConstantMap$from(queryParameterLists, type$.String, type$.List_String);
- },
- _isPort$1(port) {
- var portDigitStart = this._portStart + 1;
- return portDigitStart + port.length === this._pathStart && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(this._uri, port, portDigitStart);
- },
- removeFragment$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._fragmentStart,
- t2 = _this._uri;
- if (t1 >= t2.length)
- return _this;
- return new A._SimpleUri(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t2, 0, t1), _this._schemeEnd, _this._hostStart, _this._portStart, _this._pathStart, _this._queryStart, t1, _this._schemeCache);
- },
- resolve$1(reference) {
- return this.resolveUri$1(A.Uri_parse(reference));
- },
- resolveUri$1(reference) {
- if (reference instanceof A._SimpleUri)
- return this._simpleMerge$2(this, reference);
- return this._toNonSimple$0().resolveUri$1(reference);
- },
- _simpleMerge$2(base, ref) {
- var t2, t3, t4, isSimple, delta, refStart, basePathStart, packageNameEnd, basePathStart0, baseStart, baseEnd, baseUri, baseStart0, backCount, refStart0, insert,
- t1 = ref._schemeEnd;
- if (t1 > 0)
- return ref;
- t2 = ref._hostStart;
- if (t2 > 0) {
- t3 = base._schemeEnd;
- if (t3 <= 0)
- return ref;
- t4 = t3 === 4;
- if (t4 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(base._uri, "file"))
- isSimple = ref._pathStart !== ref._queryStart;
- else if (t4 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(base._uri, "http"))
- isSimple = !ref._isPort$1("80");
- else
- isSimple = !(t3 === 5 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(base._uri, "https")) || !ref._isPort$1("443");
- if (isSimple) {
- delta = t3 + 1;
- return new A._SimpleUri(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(base._uri, 0, delta) + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(ref._uri, t1 + 1), t3, t2 + delta, ref._portStart + delta, ref._pathStart + delta, ref._queryStart + delta, ref._fragmentStart + delta, base._schemeCache);
- } else
- return this._toNonSimple$0().resolveUri$1(ref);
- }
- refStart = ref._pathStart;
- t1 = ref._queryStart;
- if (refStart === t1) {
- t2 = ref._fragmentStart;
- if (t1 < t2) {
- t3 = base._queryStart;
- delta = t3 - t1;
- return new A._SimpleUri(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(base._uri, 0, t3) + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(ref._uri, t1), base._schemeEnd, base._hostStart, base._portStart, base._pathStart, t1 + delta, t2 + delta, base._schemeCache);
- }
- t1 = ref._uri;
- if (t2 < t1.length) {
- t3 = base._fragmentStart;
- return new A._SimpleUri(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(base._uri, 0, t3) + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t1, t2), base._schemeEnd, base._hostStart, base._portStart, base._pathStart, base._queryStart, t2 + (t3 - t2), base._schemeCache);
- }
- return base.removeFragment$0();
- }
- t2 = ref._uri;
- if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(t2, "/", refStart)) {
- basePathStart = base._pathStart;
- packageNameEnd = A._SimpleUri__packageNameEnd(this);
- basePathStart0 = packageNameEnd > 0 ? packageNameEnd : basePathStart;
- delta = basePathStart0 - refStart;
- return new A._SimpleUri(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(base._uri, 0, basePathStart0) + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t2, refStart), base._schemeEnd, base._hostStart, base._portStart, basePathStart, t1 + delta, ref._fragmentStart + delta, base._schemeCache);
- }
- baseStart = base._pathStart;
- baseEnd = base._queryStart;
- if (baseStart === baseEnd && base._hostStart > 0) {
- for (; B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(t2, "../", refStart);)
- refStart += 3;
- delta = baseStart - refStart + 1;
- return new A._SimpleUri(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(base._uri, 0, baseStart) + "/" + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t2, refStart), base._schemeEnd, base._hostStart, base._portStart, baseStart, t1 + delta, ref._fragmentStart + delta, base._schemeCache);
- }
- baseUri = base._uri;
- packageNameEnd = A._SimpleUri__packageNameEnd(this);
- if (packageNameEnd >= 0)
- baseStart0 = packageNameEnd;
- else
- for (baseStart0 = baseStart; B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(baseUri, "../", baseStart0);)
- baseStart0 += 3;
- backCount = 0;
- while (true) {
- refStart0 = refStart + 3;
- if (!(refStart0 <= t1 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(t2, "../", refStart)))
- break;
- ++backCount;
- refStart = refStart0;
- }
- for (insert = ""; baseEnd > baseStart0;) {
- --baseEnd;
- if (B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(baseUri, baseEnd) === 47) {
- if (backCount === 0) {
- insert = "/";
- break;
- }
- --backCount;
- insert = "/";
- }
- }
- if (baseEnd === baseStart0 && base._schemeEnd <= 0 && !B.JSString_methods.startsWith$2(baseUri, "/", baseStart)) {
- refStart -= backCount * 3;
- insert = "";
- }
- delta = baseEnd - refStart + insert.length;
- return new A._SimpleUri(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(baseUri, 0, baseEnd) + insert + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t2, refStart), base._schemeEnd, base._hostStart, base._portStart, baseStart, t1 + delta, ref._fragmentStart + delta, base._schemeCache);
- },
- toFilePath$0() {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._schemeEnd;
- if (t1 >= 0) {
- t2 = !(t1 === 4 && B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(_this._uri, "file"));
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot extract a file path from a " + _this.get$scheme() + " URI"));
- t1 = _this._queryStart;
- t2 = _this._uri;
- if (t1 < t2.length) {
- if (t1 < _this._fragmentStart)
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Cannotefq));
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Cannoteff));
- }
- t3 = $.$get$_Uri__isWindowsCached();
- if (t3)
- t1 = A._Uri__toWindowsFilePath(_this);
- else {
- if (_this._hostStart < _this._portStart)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$(string$.Cannoten));
- t1 = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t2, _this._pathStart, t1);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var t1 = this._hashCodeCache;
- return t1 == null ? this._hashCodeCache = B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this._uri) : t1;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- return type$.Uri._is(other) && this._uri === other.toString$0(0);
- },
- _toNonSimple$0() {
- var _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this.get$scheme(),
- t2 = _this.get$userInfo(),
- t3 = _this._hostStart > 0 ? _this.get$host(_this) : _null,
- t4 = _this.get$hasPort() ? _this.get$port(_this) : _null,
- t5 = _this._uri,
- t6 = _this._queryStart,
- t7 = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t5, _this._pathStart, t6),
- t8 = _this._fragmentStart;
- t6 = t6 < t8 ? _this.get$query(_this) : _null;
- return A._Uri$_internal(t1, t2, t3, t4, t7, t6, t8 < t5.length ? _this.get$fragment() : _null);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return this._uri;
- },
- $isUri: 1
- };
- A._DataUri.prototype = {};
- A.Expando.prototype = {
- $index(_, object) {
- if (A._isBool(object) || typeof object == "number" || typeof object == "string" || type$.Record._is(object))
- A.Expando__badExpandoKey(object);
- return this._jsWeakMap.get(object);
- },
- $indexSet(_, object, value) {
- if (type$.Record._is(object))
- A.Expando__badExpandoKey(object);
- this._jsWeakMap.set(object, value);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Expando:null";
- },
- get$name() {
- return null;
- }
- };
- A._FakeUserTag.prototype = {};
- A.ServiceExtensionResponse.prototype = {};
- A.TimelineTask.prototype = {
- start$2$arguments(_, $name, $arguments) {
- A.ArgumentError_checkNotNull($name, "name");
- this._stack.push(null);
- return;
- },
- start$1($receiver, $name) {
- return this.start$2$arguments($receiver, $name, null);
- },
- finish$1$arguments(_, $arguments) {
- var t1 = this._stack;
- if (t1.length === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Uneven calls to start and finish"));
- if (t1.pop() == null)
- return;
- A._argumentsAsJson($arguments);
- },
- finish$0($receiver) {
- return this.finish$1$arguments($receiver, null);
- }
- };
- A.HtmlElement.prototype = {};
- A.Accelerometer.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.AccessibleNode.prototype = {
- get$sort(receiver) {
- return receiver.sort;
- },
- sort$0($receiver) {
- return this.get$sort($receiver).call$0();
- }
- };
- A.AccessibleNodeList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- },
- remove$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver.remove(index);
- }
- };
- A.AnchorElement.prototype = {
- toString$0(receiver) {
- var t1 = String(receiver);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.AnimationEffectTiming.prototype = {
- get$fill(receiver) {
- return receiver.fill;
- }
- };
- A.AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly.prototype = {
- get$fill(receiver) {
- return receiver.fill;
- }
- };
- A.AreaElement.prototype = {
- toString$0(receiver) {
- var t1 = String(receiver);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.BarProp.prototype = {
- get$visible(receiver) {
- return receiver.visible;
- }
- };
- A.Blob.prototype = {$isBlob: 1};
- A.BroadcastChannel.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.ButtonElement.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.name;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype = {
- fill$2(receiver, path_OR_winding, winding) {
- return receiver.fill(path_OR_winding, winding);
- },
- fill$0($receiver) {
- return $receiver.fill();
- },
- fill$1($receiver, path_OR_winding) {
- return $receiver.fill(path_OR_winding);
- }
- };
- A.CharacterData.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- }
- };
- A.Credential.prototype = {};
- A.CredentialUserData.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.CssKeyframesRule.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.CssPerspective.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- }
- };
- A.CssPositionValue.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.CssRotation.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.CssRule.prototype = {$isCssRule: 1};
- A.CssScale.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.CssStyleDeclaration.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.CssStyleDeclarationBase.prototype = {};
- A.CssStyleValue.prototype = {};
- A.CssTransformComponent.prototype = {};
- A.CssTransformValue.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- }
- };
- A.CssTranslation.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.CssUnparsedValue.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- }
- };
- A.DataTransferItemList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- },
- remove$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver.remove(index);
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.DeviceAcceleration.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.Document.prototype = {$isDocument: 1};
- A.DomError.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.DomException0.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- var errorName = receiver.name,
- t1 = $.$get$Device_isWebKit();
- if (t1 && errorName === "SECURITY_ERR")
- return "SecurityError";
- if (t1 && errorName === "SYNTAX_ERR")
- return "SyntaxError";
- return errorName;
- },
- toString$0(receiver) {
- var t1 = String(receiver);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.DomPoint0.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.DomPointReadOnly.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.DomRectList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.DomRectReadOnly0.prototype = {
- toString$0(receiver) {
- var t2,
- t1 = receiver.left;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = receiver.top;
- t2.toString;
- return "Rectangle (" + A.S(t1) + ", " + A.S(t2) + ") " + A.S(this.get$width(receiver)) + " x " + A.S(this.get$height(receiver));
- },
- $eq(receiver, other) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (type$.Rectangle_num._is(other)) {
- t1 = receiver.left;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(other);
- if (t1 === t2.get$left(other)) {
- t1 = receiver.top;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = t1 === t2.get$top(other) && this.get$width(receiver) === t2.get$width(other) && this.get$height(receiver) === t2.get$height(other);
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(receiver) {
- var t2,
- t1 = receiver.left;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = receiver.top;
- t2.toString;
- return A.Object_hash(t1, t2, this.get$width(receiver), this.get$height(receiver), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- get$_height(receiver) {
- return receiver.height;
- },
- get$height(receiver) {
- var t1 = this.get$_height(receiver);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$left(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.left;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$top(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.top;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$_width(receiver) {
- return receiver.width;
- },
- get$width(receiver) {
- var t1 = this.get$_width(receiver);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- },
- $isRectangle: 1
- };
- A.DomStringList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.DomTokenList0.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- contains$1(receiver, token) {
- var t1 = receiver.contains(token);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- remove$1(receiver, tokens) {
- return receiver.remove(tokens);
- }
- };
- A._ChildrenElementList.prototype = {
- contains$1(_, element) {
- return J.contains$1$asx(this._html$_childElements, element);
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._html$_element.firstElementChild == null;
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return this._html$_childElements.length;
- },
- $index(_, index) {
- return type$.Element._as(this._html$_childElements[index]);
- },
- $indexSet(_, index, value) {
- this._html$_element.replaceChild(value, this._html$_childElements[index]).toString;
- },
- set$length(_, newLength) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize element lists"));
- },
- add$1(_, value) {
- this._html$_element.appendChild(value).toString;
- return value;
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = this.toList$0(this);
- return new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
- },
- sort$1(_, compare) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot sort element lists"));
- },
- sort$0($receiver) {
- return this.sort$1($receiver, null);
- },
- setRange$4(_, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- },
- setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) {
- return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0);
- },
- remove$1(_, object) {
- return A._ChildrenElementList__remove(this._html$_element, object);
- },
- clear$0(_) {
- J._clearChildren$0$x(this._html$_element);
- },
- removeLast$0(_) {
- var result = this.get$last(this);
- this._html$_element.removeChild(result).toString;
- return result;
- },
- get$first(_) {
- return A._ChildrenElementList__first(this._html$_element);
- },
- get$last(_) {
- var result = this._html$_element.lastElementChild;
- if (result == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- return result;
- }
- };
- A.Element0.prototype = {
- get$children(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.children;
- t1.toString;
- return new A._ChildrenElementList(receiver, t1);
- },
- toString$0(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.localName;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $isElement0: 1
- };
- A.EmbedElement.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.Entry.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.Event.prototype = {$isEvent: 1};
- A.EventTarget.prototype = {
- addEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
- if (listener != null)
- this._html$_addEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, useCapture);
- },
- addEventListener$2($receiver, type, listener) {
- return this.addEventListener$3($receiver, type, listener, null);
- },
- removeEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
- if (listener != null)
- this._removeEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, useCapture);
- },
- removeEventListener$2($receiver, type, listener) {
- return this.removeEventListener$3($receiver, type, listener, null);
- },
- _html$_addEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, options) {
- return receiver.addEventListener(type, A.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), options);
- },
- _removeEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, options) {
- return receiver.removeEventListener(type, A.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1), options);
- }
- };
- A.FederatedCredential.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.FieldSetElement.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.name;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.File.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.name;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $isFile: 1
- };
- A.FileList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.FileReader.prototype = {
- get$result(receiver) {
- var res = receiver.result;
- if (type$.ByteBuffer._is(res))
- return A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(res, 0, null);
- return res;
- }
- };
- A.FileSystem.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.FileWriter.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- }
- };
- A.FormElement.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- },
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.Gamepad.prototype = {
- get$index(receiver) {
- return receiver.index;
- },
- $isGamepad: 1
- };
- A.Gyroscope.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.History.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.HtmlCollection.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.HttpRequest.prototype = {
- get$responseHeaders(receiver) {
- var _i, header, t2, splitIdx, key, value,
- t1 = type$.String,
- headers = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1),
- headersString = receiver.getAllResponseHeaders(),
- headersList = headersString.split("\r\n");
- for (t1 = headersList.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
- header = headersList[_i];
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(header);
- if (t2.get$length(header) === 0)
- continue;
- splitIdx = t2.indexOf$1(header, ": ");
- if (splitIdx === -1)
- continue;
- key = t2.substring$2(header, 0, splitIdx).toLowerCase();
- value = t2.substring$1(header, splitIdx + 2);
- if (headers.containsKey$1(0, key))
- headers.$indexSet(0, key, A.S(headers.$index(0, key)) + ", " + value);
- else
- headers.$indexSet(0, key, value);
- }
- return headers;
- },
- open$3$async(receiver, method, url, async) {
- return receiver.open(method, url, true);
- },
- send$1(receiver, body_OR_data) {
- return receiver.send(body_OR_data);
- },
- setRequestHeader$2(receiver, $name, value) {
- return receiver.setRequestHeader($name, value);
- },
- $isHttpRequest: 1
- };
- A.HttpRequestEventTarget.prototype = {};
- A.IFrameElement.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.ImageData.prototype = {$isImageData: 1};
- A.InputElement.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- },
- $isInputElement: 1
- };
- A.Location.prototype = {
- toString$0(receiver) {
- var t1 = String(receiver);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.Magnetometer.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.MapElement.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.name;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.MediaList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- }
- };
- A.MessagePort.prototype = {
- addEventListener$3(receiver, type, listener, useCapture) {
- if (type === "message")
- receiver.start();
- this.super$EventTarget$addEventListener(receiver, type, listener, false);
- }
- };
- A.MetaElement.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.name;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.MidiInputMap.prototype = {
- containsKey$1(receiver, key) {
- return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)) != null;
- },
- $index(receiver, key) {
- return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key));
- },
- forEach$1(receiver, f) {
- var entry, t1,
- entries = receiver.entries();
- for (; true;) {
- entry = entries.next();
- t1 = entry.done;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1)
- return;
- t1 = entry.value[0];
- t1.toString;
- f.call$2(t1, A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(entry.value[1]));
- }
- },
- get$keys(receiver) {
- var keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.MidiInputMap_keys_closure(keys));
- return keys;
- },
- get$values(receiver) {
- var values = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Map_dynamic_dynamic);
- this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.MidiInputMap_values_closure(values));
- return values;
- },
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.size;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$isEmpty(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.size;
- t1.toString;
- return t1 === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.size;
- t1.toString;
- return t1 !== 0;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, key, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
- },
- putIfAbsent$2(receiver, key, ifAbsent) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
- },
- remove$1(receiver, key) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
- },
- $isMap: 1
- };
- A.MidiInputMap_keys_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(k, v) {
- return this.keys.push(k);
- },
- $signature: 39
- };
- A.MidiInputMap_values_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(k, v) {
- return this.values.push(v);
- },
- $signature: 39
- };
- A.MidiOutputMap.prototype = {
- containsKey$1(receiver, key) {
- return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)) != null;
- },
- $index(receiver, key) {
- return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key));
- },
- forEach$1(receiver, f) {
- var entry, t1,
- entries = receiver.entries();
- for (; true;) {
- entry = entries.next();
- t1 = entry.done;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1)
- return;
- t1 = entry.value[0];
- t1.toString;
- f.call$2(t1, A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(entry.value[1]));
- }
- },
- get$keys(receiver) {
- var keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.MidiOutputMap_keys_closure(keys));
- return keys;
- },
- get$values(receiver) {
- var values = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Map_dynamic_dynamic);
- this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.MidiOutputMap_values_closure(values));
- return values;
- },
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.size;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$isEmpty(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.size;
- t1.toString;
- return t1 === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.size;
- t1.toString;
- return t1 !== 0;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, key, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
- },
- putIfAbsent$2(receiver, key, ifAbsent) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
- },
- remove$1(receiver, key) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
- },
- $isMap: 1
- };
- A.MidiOutputMap_keys_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(k, v) {
- return this.keys.push(k);
- },
- $signature: 39
- };
- A.MidiOutputMap_values_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(k, v) {
- return this.values.push(v);
- },
- $signature: 39
- };
- A.MidiPort.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.MimeType.prototype = {$isMimeType: 1};
- A.MimeTypeArray.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.MouseEvent.prototype = {
- get$region(receiver) {
- return receiver.region;
- }
- };
- A.NavigatorUserMediaError.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A._ChildNodeListLazy.prototype = {
- get$first(_) {
- var result = this._this.firstChild;
- if (result == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- return result;
- },
- get$last(_) {
- var result = this._this.lastChild;
- if (result == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- return result;
- },
- add$1(_, value) {
- this._this.appendChild(value).toString;
- },
- removeLast$0(_) {
- var result = this.get$last(this);
- this._this.removeChild(result).toString;
- return result;
- },
- remove$1(_, object) {
- return false;
- },
- clear$0(_) {
- J._clearChildren$0$x(this._this);
- },
- $indexSet(_, index, value) {
- var t1 = this._this;
- t1.replaceChild(value, t1.childNodes[index]).toString;
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = this._this.childNodes;
- return new A.FixedSizeListIterator(t1, t1.length, A.instanceType(t1)._eval$1("FixedSizeListIterator"));
- },
- sort$1(_, compare) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot sort Node list"));
- },
- sort$0($receiver) {
- return this.sort$1($receiver, null);
- },
- setRange$4(_, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot setRange on Node list"));
- },
- setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) {
- return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0);
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return this._this.childNodes.length;
- },
- set$length(_, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot set length on immutable List."));
- },
- $index(_, index) {
- return this._this.childNodes[index];
- }
- };
- A.Node.prototype = {
- remove$0(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.parentNode;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeChild(receiver).toString;
- },
- replaceWith$1(receiver, otherNode) {
- var $parent, t1, exception;
- try {
- t1 = receiver.parentNode;
- t1.toString;
- $parent = t1;
- J._replaceChild$2$x($parent, otherNode, receiver);
- } catch (exception) {
- }
- return receiver;
- },
- _clearChildren$0(receiver) {
- var t1;
- for (; t1 = receiver.firstChild, t1 != null;)
- receiver.removeChild(t1).toString;
- },
- toString$0(receiver) {
- var value = receiver.nodeValue;
- return value == null ? this.super$Interceptor$toString(receiver) : value;
- },
- contains$1(receiver, other) {
- var t1 = receiver.contains(other);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- _replaceChild$2(receiver, node, child) {
- var t1 = receiver.replaceChild(node, child);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $isNode: 1
- };
- A.NodeList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.ObjectElement.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.name;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype = {
- fill$2(receiver, path_OR_winding, winding) {
- return receiver.fill(path_OR_winding, winding);
- },
- fill$0($receiver) {
- return $receiver.fill();
- },
- fill$1($receiver, path_OR_winding) {
- return $receiver.fill(path_OR_winding);
- }
- };
- A.OptionElement.prototype = {
- get$index(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.index;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.OutputElement.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.OverconstrainedError.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.PaintRenderingContext2D.prototype = {
- fill$2(receiver, path_OR_winding, winding) {
- return receiver.fill(path_OR_winding, winding);
- },
- fill$0($receiver) {
- return $receiver.fill();
- },
- fill$1($receiver, path_OR_winding) {
- return $receiver.fill(path_OR_winding);
- }
- };
- A.ParamElement.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.name;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PasswordCredential.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.PaymentAddress.prototype = {
- get$region(receiver) {
- return receiver.region;
- }
- };
- A.PerformanceEntry.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.name;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.PerformanceServerTiming.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.Plugin.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- },
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- },
- $isPlugin: 1
- };
- A.PluginArray.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.ProgressEvent.prototype = {$isProgressEvent: 1};
- A.RtcStatsReport.prototype = {
- containsKey$1(receiver, key) {
- return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)) != null;
- },
- $index(receiver, key) {
- return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key));
- },
- forEach$1(receiver, f) {
- var entry, t1,
- entries = receiver.entries();
- for (; true;) {
- entry = entries.next();
- t1 = entry.done;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1)
- return;
- t1 = entry.value[0];
- t1.toString;
- f.call$2(t1, A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(entry.value[1]));
- }
- },
- get$keys(receiver) {
- var keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.RtcStatsReport_keys_closure(keys));
- return keys;
- },
- get$values(receiver) {
- var values = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Map_dynamic_dynamic);
- this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.RtcStatsReport_values_closure(values));
- return values;
- },
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.size;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$isEmpty(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.size;
- t1.toString;
- return t1 === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.size;
- t1.toString;
- return t1 !== 0;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, key, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
- },
- putIfAbsent$2(receiver, key, ifAbsent) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
- },
- remove$1(receiver, key) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
- },
- $isMap: 1
- };
- A.RtcStatsReport_keys_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(k, v) {
- return this.keys.push(k);
- },
- $signature: 39
- };
- A.RtcStatsReport_values_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(k, v) {
- return this.values.push(v);
- },
- $signature: 39
- };
- A.SelectElement.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- },
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.Sensor.prototype = {};
- A.SharedWorkerGlobalScope.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.SlotElement.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.SourceBuffer.prototype = {$isSourceBuffer: 1};
- A.SourceBufferList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.SpeechGrammar.prototype = {$isSpeechGrammar: 1};
- A.SpeechGrammarList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.SpeechRecognitionResult.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- },
- $isSpeechRecognitionResult: 1
- };
- A.SpeechSynthesisEvent.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.SpeechSynthesisVoice.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.Storage.prototype = {
- containsKey$1(receiver, key) {
- return receiver.getItem(A._asString(key)) != null;
- },
- $index(receiver, key) {
- return receiver.getItem(A._asString(key));
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, key, value) {
- receiver.setItem(key, value);
- },
- putIfAbsent$2(receiver, key, ifAbsent) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.getItem(key) == null)
- receiver.setItem(key, ifAbsent.call$0());
- t1 = receiver.getItem(key);
- return t1 == null ? A._asString(t1) : t1;
- },
- remove$1(receiver, key) {
- var value;
- A._asString(key);
- value = receiver.getItem(key);
- receiver.removeItem(key);
- return value;
- },
- forEach$1(receiver, f) {
- var i, key, t1;
- for (i = 0; true; ++i) {
- key = receiver.key(i);
- if (key == null)
- return;
- t1 = receiver.getItem(key);
- t1.toString;
- f.call$2(key, t1);
- }
- },
- get$keys(receiver) {
- var keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.Storage_keys_closure(keys));
- return keys;
- },
- get$values(receiver) {
- var values = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.Storage_values_closure(values));
- return values;
- },
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$isEmpty(receiver) {
- return receiver.key(0) == null;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(receiver) {
- return receiver.key(0) != null;
- },
- $isMap: 1
- };
- A.Storage_keys_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(k, v) {
- return this.keys.push(k);
- },
- $signature: 101
- };
- A.Storage_values_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(k, v) {
- return this.values.push(v);
- },
- $signature: 101
- };
- A.StyleSheet.prototype = {$isStyleSheet: 1};
- A.TextAreaElement.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.name;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.TextTrack.prototype = {$isTextTrack: 1};
- A.TextTrackCue.prototype = {$isTextTrackCue: 1};
- A.TextTrackCueList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.TextTrackList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.TimeRanges.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.Touch.prototype = {
- get$region(receiver) {
- return receiver.region;
- },
- $isTouch: 1
- };
- A.TouchList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.TrackDefaultList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- }
- };
- A.UIEvent.prototype = {};
- A.Url.prototype = {
- toString$0(receiver) {
- var t1 = String(receiver);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.UrlSearchParams.prototype = {
- sort$0(receiver) {
- return receiver.sort();
- }
- };
- A.VRStageBoundsPoint.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- }
- };
- A.VideoTrackList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- }
- };
- A.VttCue.prototype = {
- get$region(receiver) {
- return receiver.region;
- }
- };
- A.Window.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- },
- $isWindow: 1
- };
- A.WorkerGlobalScope.prototype = {$isWorkerGlobalScope: 1};
- A._Attr.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A._CssRuleList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A._DomRect.prototype = {
- toString$0(receiver) {
- var t2, t3, t4,
- t1 = receiver.left;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = receiver.top;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = receiver.width;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = receiver.height;
- t4.toString;
- return "Rectangle (" + A.S(t1) + ", " + A.S(t2) + ") " + A.S(t3) + " x " + A.S(t4);
- },
- $eq(receiver, other) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (type$.Rectangle_num._is(other)) {
- t1 = receiver.left;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(other);
- if (t1 === t2.get$left(other)) {
- t1 = receiver.top;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 === t2.get$top(other)) {
- t1 = receiver.width;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 === t2.get$width(other)) {
- t1 = receiver.height;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = t1 === t2.get$height(other);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(receiver) {
- var t2, t3, t4,
- t1 = receiver.left;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = receiver.top;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = receiver.width;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = receiver.height;
- t4.toString;
- return A.Object_hash(t1, t2, t3, t4, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- get$_height(receiver) {
- return receiver.height;
- },
- get$height(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.height;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$_width(receiver) {
- return receiver.width;
- },
- get$width(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.width;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A._GamepadList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- if (receiver.length > 0)
- return receiver[0];
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0)
- return receiver[len - 1];
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A._NamedNodeMap.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A._SpeechRecognitionResultList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A._StyleSheetList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length,
- t2 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t2.toString;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, t1, receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver[index];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1;
- if (receiver.length > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1,
- len = receiver.length;
- if (len > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[len - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return receiver[index];
- },
- $isJSIndexable: 1,
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.EventStreamProvider.prototype = {};
- A._EventStream.prototype = {
- listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, cancelOnError, onDone, onError) {
- return A._EventStreamSubscription$(this._target, this._eventType, onData, false, A._instanceType(this)._precomputed1);
- },
- listen$3$onDone$onError(onData, onDone, onError) {
- return this.listen$4$cancelOnError$onDone$onError(onData, null, onDone, onError);
- }
- };
- A._ElementEventStreamImpl.prototype = {};
- A._EventStreamSubscription.prototype = {
- cancel$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._target == null)
- return $.$get$nullFuture();
- _this._unlisten$0();
- _this._html$_onData = _this._target = null;
- return $.$get$nullFuture();
- },
- onData$1(handleData) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._target == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Subscription has been canceled."));
- _this._unlisten$0();
- t1 = A._wrapZone(new A._EventStreamSubscription_onData_closure(handleData), type$.Event);
- _this._html$_onData = t1;
- _this._tryResume$0();
- },
- pause$0(_) {
- if (this._target == null)
- return;
- ++this._pauseCount;
- this._unlisten$0();
- },
- resume$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._target == null || _this._pauseCount <= 0)
- return;
- --_this._pauseCount;
- _this._tryResume$0();
- },
- _tryResume$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._html$_onData;
- if (t1 != null && _this._pauseCount <= 0) {
- t2 = _this._target;
- t2.toString;
- J.addEventListener$3$x(t2, _this._eventType, t1, false);
- }
- },
- _unlisten$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._html$_onData;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = this._target;
- t2.toString;
- J.removeEventListener$3$x(t2, this._eventType, t1, false);
- }
- }
- };
- A._EventStreamSubscription_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- return this.onData.call$1(e);
- },
- $signature: 205
- };
- A._EventStreamSubscription_onData_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- return this.handleData.call$1(e);
- },
- $signature: 205
- };
- A.ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {
- get$iterator(receiver) {
- return new A.FixedSizeListIterator(receiver, this.get$length(receiver), A.instanceType(receiver)._eval$1("FixedSizeListIterator"));
- },
- add$1(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot add to immutable List."));
- },
- sort$1(receiver, compare) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot sort immutable List."));
- },
- sort$0($receiver) {
- return this.sort$1($receiver, null);
- },
- removeLast$0(receiver) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from immutable List."));
- },
- remove$1(receiver, object) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot remove from immutable List."));
- },
- setRange$4(receiver, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot setRange on immutable List."));
- },
- setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) {
- return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0);
- }
- };
- A.FixedSizeListIterator.prototype = {
- moveNext$0() {
- var _this = this,
- nextPosition = _this._position + 1,
- t1 = _this._length;
- if (nextPosition < t1) {
- _this._current = J.$index$asx(_this._array, nextPosition);
- _this._position = nextPosition;
- return true;
- }
- _this._current = null;
- _this._position = t1;
- return false;
- },
- get$current(_) {
- var t1 = this._current;
- return t1 == null ? this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1) : t1;
- }
- };
- A._CssStyleDeclaration_JavaScriptObject_CssStyleDeclarationBase.prototype = {};
- A._DomRectList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._DomRectList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._DomStringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._FileList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._HtmlCollection_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._MidiInputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin.prototype = {};
- A._MidiOutputMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin.prototype = {};
- A._MimeTypeArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._MimeTypeArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._NodeList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._NodeList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._PluginArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._PluginArray_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._RtcStatsReport_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin.prototype = {};
- A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._SourceBufferList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._SpeechGrammarList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._SpeechGrammarList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._Storage_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin.prototype = {};
- A._TextTrackCueList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._TextTrackCueList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._TextTrackList_EventTarget_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._TouchList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._TouchList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A.__CssRuleList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A.__CssRuleList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A.__GamepadList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A.__GamepadList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A.__NamedNodeMap_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A.__NamedNodeMap_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A.__SpeechRecognitionResultList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A.__SpeechRecognitionResultList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A.__StyleSheetList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A.__StyleSheetList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._AcceptStructuredClone.prototype = {
- findSlot$1(value) {
- var i,
- t1 = this.values,
- $length = t1.length;
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- if (t1[i] === value)
- return i;
- t1.push(value);
- this.copies.push(null);
- return $length;
- },
- walk$1(e) {
- var t1, slot, copy, t2, map, t3, $length, t4, i, _this = this;
- if (e == null)
- return e;
- if (A._isBool(e))
- return e;
- if (typeof e == "number")
- return e;
- if (typeof e == "string")
- return e;
- t1 = e instanceof Date;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = e.getTime();
- t1.toString;
- return A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(t1, true);
- }
- t1 = e instanceof RegExp;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$("structured clone of RegExp"));
- t1 = typeof Promise != "undefined" && e instanceof Promise;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1)
- return A.promiseToFuture(e, type$.dynamic);
- if (A.isJavaScriptSimpleObject(e)) {
- slot = _this.findSlot$1(e);
- t1 = _this.copies;
- copy = t1[slot];
- if (copy != null)
- return copy;
- t2 = type$.dynamic;
- map = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t2);
- t1[slot] = map;
- _this.forEachJsField$2(e, new A._AcceptStructuredClone_walk_closure(_this, map));
- return map;
- }
- t1 = e instanceof Array;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = e;
- t1.toString;
- slot = _this.findSlot$1(t1);
- t2 = _this.copies;
- copy = t2[slot];
- if (copy != null)
- return copy;
- t3 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- $length = t3.get$length(t1);
- if (_this.mustCopy) {
- t4 = new Array($length);
- t4.toString;
- copy = t4;
- } else
- copy = t1;
- t2[slot] = copy;
- for (t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(copy), i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- t2.$indexSet(copy, i, _this.walk$1(t3.$index(t1, i)));
- return copy;
- }
- return e;
- },
- convertNativeToDart_AcceptStructuredClone$2$mustCopy(object, mustCopy) {
- this.mustCopy = mustCopy;
- return this.walk$1(object);
- }
- };
- A._AcceptStructuredClone_walk_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(key, value) {
- var t1 = this.$this.walk$1(value);
- this.map.$indexSet(0, key, t1);
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 427
- };
- A._AcceptStructuredCloneDart2Js.prototype = {
- forEachJsField$2(object, action) {
- var t1, t2, _i, key;
- for (t1 = Object.keys(object), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- key = t1[_i];
- action.call$2(key, object[key]);
- }
- }
- };
- A.FilteredElementList.prototype = {
- get$_html_common$_iterable() {
- var t1 = this._childNodes,
- t2 = A._instanceType(t1);
- return new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.FilteredElementList__iterable_closure(), t2._eval$1("WhereIterable")), new A.FilteredElementList__iterable_closure0(), t2._eval$1("MappedIterable"));
- },
- forEach$1(_, f) {
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(A.List_List$from(this.get$_html_common$_iterable(), false, type$.Element), f);
- },
- $indexSet(_, index, value) {
- var t1 = this.get$_html_common$_iterable();
- J.replaceWith$1$x(t1._f.call$1(J.elementAt$1$ax(t1.__internal$_iterable, index)), value);
- },
- set$length(_, newLength) {
- var len = J.get$length$asx(this.get$_html_common$_iterable().__internal$_iterable);
- if (newLength >= len)
- return;
- else if (newLength < 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("Invalid list length", null));
- this.removeRange$2(0, newLength, len);
- },
- add$1(_, value) {
- this._childNodes._this.appendChild(value).toString;
- },
- contains$1(_, needle) {
- if (!type$.Element._is(needle))
- return false;
- return needle.parentNode === this._html_common$_node;
- },
- sort$1(_, compare) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot sort filtered list"));
- },
- sort$0($receiver) {
- return this.sort$1($receiver, null);
- },
- setRange$4(_, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot setRange on filtered list"));
- },
- setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) {
- return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0);
- },
- removeRange$2(_, start, end) {
- var t1 = this.get$_html_common$_iterable();
- t1 = A.SkipIterable_SkipIterable(t1, start, t1.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(A.List_List$from(A.TakeIterable_TakeIterable(t1, end - start, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E")), true, type$.Element), new A.FilteredElementList_removeRange_closure());
- },
- clear$0(_) {
- J._clearChildren$0$x(this._childNodes._this);
- },
- removeLast$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.get$_html_common$_iterable(),
- result = t1._f.call$1(J.get$last$ax(t1.__internal$_iterable));
- J.remove$0$ax(result);
- return result;
- },
- remove$1(_, element) {
- return false;
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return J.get$length$asx(this.get$_html_common$_iterable().__internal$_iterable);
- },
- $index(_, index) {
- var t1 = this.get$_html_common$_iterable();
- return t1._f.call$1(J.elementAt$1$ax(t1.__internal$_iterable, index));
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = A.List_List$from(this.get$_html_common$_iterable(), false, type$.Element);
- return new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
- }
- };
- A.FilteredElementList__iterable_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(n) {
- return type$.Element._is(n);
- },
- $signature: 432
- };
- A.FilteredElementList__iterable_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(n) {
- return type$.Element._as(n);
- },
- $signature: 469
- };
- A.FilteredElementList_removeRange_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(el) {
- return J.remove$0$ax(el);
- },
- $signature: 480
- };
- A.Database.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- }
- };
- A.Index.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- },
- $isIndex: 1
- };
- A.KeyRange.prototype = {$isKeyRange: 1};
- A.ObjectStore.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return receiver.name;
- },
- index$1(receiver, $name) {
- var t1 = receiver.index($name);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._convertToJS_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(o) {
- var jsFunction = function(_call, f, captureThis) {
- return function() {
- return _call(f, captureThis, this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));
- };
- }(A._callDartFunction, o, false);
- A._defineProperty(jsFunction, $.$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME(), o);
- return jsFunction;
- },
- $signature: 51
- };
- A._convertToJS_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(o) {
- return new this.ctor(o);
- },
- $signature: 51
- };
- A._wrapToDart_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(o) {
- return new A.JsFunction(o);
- },
- $signature: 484
- };
- A._wrapToDart_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(o) {
- return new A.JsArray(o, type$.JsArray_dynamic);
- },
- $signature: 501
- };
- A._wrapToDart_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(o) {
- return new A.JsObject(o);
- },
- $signature: 502
- };
- A.JsObject.prototype = {
- $index(_, property) {
- if (typeof property != "string" && typeof property != "number")
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("property is not a String or num", null));
- return A._convertToDart(this._js$_jsObject[property]);
- },
- $indexSet(_, property, value) {
- if (typeof property != "string" && typeof property != "number")
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("property is not a String or num", null));
- this._js$_jsObject[property] = A._convertToJS(value);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.JsObject && this._js$_jsObject === other._js$_jsObject;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1, exception;
- try {
- t1 = String(this._js$_jsObject);
- return t1;
- } catch (exception) {
- t1 = this.super$Object$toString(0);
- return t1;
- }
- },
- callMethod$2(method, args) {
- var t1 = this._js$_jsObject,
- t2 = args == null ? null : A.List_List$from(new A.MappedListIterable(args, A.js___convertToJS$closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(args)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,@>")), true, type$.dynamic);
- return A._convertToDart(t1[method].apply(t1, t2));
- },
- callMethod$1(method) {
- return this.callMethod$2(method, null);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return 0;
- }
- };
- A.JsFunction.prototype = {};
- A.JsArray.prototype = {
- _checkIndex$1(index) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = index < 0 || index >= _this.get$length(_this);
- if (t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$range(index, 0, _this.get$length(_this), null, null));
- },
- $index(_, index) {
- if (A._isInt(index))
- this._checkIndex$1(index);
- return this.super$JsObject$$index(0, index);
- },
- $indexSet(_, index, value) {
- if (A._isInt(index))
- this._checkIndex$1(index);
- this.super$_JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin$$indexSet(0, index, value);
- },
- get$length(_) {
- var len = this._js$_jsObject.length;
- if (typeof len === "number" && len >>> 0 === len)
- return len;
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Bad JsArray length"));
- },
- set$length(_, $length) {
- this.super$_JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin$$indexSet(0, "length", $length);
- },
- add$1(_, value) {
- this.callMethod$2("push", [value]);
- },
- removeLast$0(_) {
- if (this.get$length(this) === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(A.RangeError$(-1));
- return this.callMethod$1("pop");
- },
- setRange$4(_, start, end, iterable, skipCount) {
- var $length, args;
- A.JsArray__checkRange(start, end, this.get$length(this));
- $length = end - start;
- if ($length === 0)
- return;
- args = [start, $length];
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(args, J.skip$1$ax(iterable, skipCount).take$1(0, $length));
- this.callMethod$2("splice", args);
- },
- setRange$3($receiver, start, end, iterable) {
- return this.setRange$4($receiver, start, end, iterable, 0);
- },
- sort$1(_, compare) {
- this.callMethod$2("sort", compare == null ? [] : [compare]);
- },
- sort$0($receiver) {
- return this.sort$1($receiver, null);
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A._JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin.prototype = {
- $indexSet(_, property, value) {
- return this.super$JsObject$$indexSet(0, property, value);
- }
- };
- A.jsify__convert.prototype = {
- call$1(o) {
- var t1, convertedMap, t2, key, convertedList;
- if (A._noJsifyRequired(o))
- return o;
- t1 = this._convertedObjects;
- if (t1.containsKey$1(0, o))
- return t1.$index(0, o);
- if (type$.Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._is(o)) {
- convertedMap = {};
- t1.$indexSet(0, o, convertedMap);
- for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(o), t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1.get$keys(o)); t2.moveNext$0();) {
- key = t2.get$current(t2);
- convertedMap[key] = this.call$1(t1.$index(o, key));
- }
- return convertedMap;
- } else if (type$.Iterable_nullable_Object._is(o)) {
- convertedList = [];
- t1.$indexSet(0, o, convertedList);
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(convertedList, J.map$1$1$ax(o, this, type$.dynamic));
- return convertedList;
- } else
- return o;
- },
- $signature: 105
- };
- A.promiseToFuture_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(r) {
- return this.completer.complete$1(0, r);
- },
- $signature: 19
- };
- A.promiseToFuture_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- if (e == null)
- return this.completer.completeError$1(new A.NullRejectionException(e === undefined));
- return this.completer.completeError$1(e);
- },
- $signature: 19
- };
- A.dartify_convert.prototype = {
- call$1(o) {
- var t1, proto, t2, dartObject, originalKeys, dartKeys, i, jsKey, dartKey, l, $length;
- if (A._noDartifyRequired(o))
- return o;
- t1 = this._convertedObjects;
- o.toString;
- if (t1.containsKey$1(0, o))
- return t1.$index(0, o);
- if (o instanceof Date)
- return A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(o.getTime(), true);
- if (o instanceof RegExp)
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$("structured clone of RegExp", null));
- if (typeof Promise != "undefined" && o instanceof Promise)
- return A.promiseToFuture(o, type$.nullable_Object);
- proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(o);
- if (proto === Object.prototype || proto === null) {
- t2 = type$.nullable_Object;
- dartObject = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, t2);
- t1.$indexSet(0, o, dartObject);
- originalKeys = Object.keys(o);
- dartKeys = [];
- for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$ax(originalKeys), t2 = t1.get$iterator(originalKeys); t2.moveNext$0();)
- dartKeys.push(A.dartify(t2.get$current(t2)));
- for (i = 0; i < t1.get$length(originalKeys); ++i) {
- jsKey = t1.$index(originalKeys, i);
- dartKey = dartKeys[i];
- if (jsKey != null)
- dartObject.$indexSet(0, dartKey, this.call$1(o[jsKey]));
- }
- return dartObject;
- }
- if (o instanceof Array) {
- l = o;
- dartObject = [];
- t1.$indexSet(0, o, dartObject);
- $length = o.length;
- for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(l), i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- dartObject.push(this.call$1(t1.$index(l, i)));
- return dartObject;
- }
- return o;
- },
- $signature: 105
- };
- A.NullRejectionException.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Promise was rejected with a value of `" + (this.isUndefined ? "undefined" : "null") + "`.";
- },
- $isException: 1
- };
- A.FEBlendElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FEColorMatrixElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FEComponentTransferElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FECompositeElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FEConvolveMatrixElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FEDiffuseLightingElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FEDisplacementMapElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FEFloodElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FEGaussianBlurElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FEImageElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FEMergeElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FEMorphologyElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FEOffsetElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FEPointLightElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FESpecularLightingElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FESpotLightElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FETileElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FETurbulenceElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.FilterElement0.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.ForeignObjectElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.GeometryElement.prototype = {};
- A.GraphicsElement.prototype = {};
- A.ImageElement0.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.Length.prototype = {$isLength: 1};
- A.LengthList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, this.get$length(receiver), receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver.getItem(index);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[t1 - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return this.$index(receiver, index);
- },
- clear$0(receiver) {
- return receiver.clear();
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.MaskElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.Number.prototype = {$isNumber: 1};
- A.NumberList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, this.get$length(receiver), receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver.getItem(index);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[t1 - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return this.$index(receiver, index);
- },
- clear$0(receiver) {
- return receiver.clear();
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.PatternElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.Point.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.PointList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- }
- };
- A.Rect0.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.RectElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.StringList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, this.get$length(receiver), receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver.getItem(index);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[t1 - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return this.$index(receiver, index);
- },
- clear$0(receiver) {
- return receiver.clear();
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.SvgElement.prototype = {
- get$children(receiver) {
- return new A.FilteredElementList(receiver, new A._ChildNodeListLazy(receiver));
- }
- };
- A.SvgSvgElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.TextContentElement.prototype = {};
- A.TextPositioningElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A.Transform0.prototype = {$isTransform0: 1};
- A.TransformList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $index(receiver, index) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = index >>> 0 !== index || index >= t1;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$withLength(index, this.get$length(receiver), receiver, null, null));
- t1 = receiver.getItem(index);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, index, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot assign element of immutable List."));
- },
- set$length(receiver, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Cannot resize immutable List."));
- },
- get$first(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[0];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- get$last(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.length;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 > 0) {
- t1 = receiver[t1 - 1];
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("No elements"));
- },
- elementAt$1(receiver, index) {
- return this.$index(receiver, index);
- },
- clear$0(receiver) {
- return receiver.clear();
- },
- $isEfficientLengthIterable: 1,
- $isIterable: 1,
- $isList: 1
- };
- A.UseElement.prototype = {
- get$x(receiver) {
- return receiver.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return receiver.y;
- }
- };
- A._LengthList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._LengthList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._NumberList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._NumberList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._StringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._StringList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._TransformList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin.prototype = {};
- A._TransformList_JavaScriptObject_ListMixin_ImmutableListMixin.prototype = {};
- A.Endian.prototype = {};
- A.ClipOp.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "ClipOp." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.VertexMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "VertexMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.PathFillType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "PathFillType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.PathOperation.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "PathOperation." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._ChannelCallbackRecord.prototype = {
- invoke$2(dataArg, callbackArg) {
- A.invoke2(this._ui$_callback, this._ui$_zone, dataArg, callbackArg);
- }
- };
- A._StoredMessage.prototype = {
- invoke$1(dataArg) {
- A.invoke1(this._ui$_callback, this._ui$_zone, dataArg);
- }
- };
- A._Channel.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- var t1 = this._queue;
- return t1.get$length(t1);
- },
- push$1(message) {
- var t1, result, _this = this;
- if (!_this._draining && _this._channelCallbackRecord != null) {
- _this._channelCallbackRecord.invoke$2(message.data, message.get$invoke());
- return false;
- }
- t1 = _this._capacity;
- if (t1 <= 0)
- return true;
- result = _this._dropOverflowMessages$1(t1 - 1);
- _this._queue._add$1(0, message);
- return result;
- },
- _dropOverflowMessages$1(lengthLimit) {
- var t1, result, message;
- for (t1 = this._queue, result = false; (t1._tail - t1._head & t1._table.length - 1) >>> 0 > lengthLimit; result = true) {
- message = t1.removeFirst$0();
- A.invoke1(message._ui$_callback, message._ui$_zone, null);
- }
- return result;
- },
- _drainStep$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._queue;
- if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1) && _this._channelCallbackRecord != null) {
- t1 = t1.removeFirst$0();
- _this._channelCallbackRecord.invoke$2(t1.data, t1.get$invoke());
- A.scheduleMicrotask(_this.get$_drainStep());
- } else
- _this._draining = false;
- }
- };
- A.ChannelBuffers.prototype = {
- push$3($name, data, callback) {
- this._channels.putIfAbsent$2(0, $name, new A.ChannelBuffers_push_closure()).push$1(new A._StoredMessage(data, callback, $.Zone__current));
- },
- setListener$2($name, callback) {
- var channel = this._channels.putIfAbsent$2(0, $name, new A.ChannelBuffers_setListener_closure()),
- t1 = channel._channelCallbackRecord;
- channel._channelCallbackRecord = new A._ChannelCallbackRecord(callback, $.Zone__current);
- if (t1 == null && !channel._draining) {
- channel._draining = true;
- A.scheduleMicrotask(channel.get$_drainStep());
- }
- },
- handleMessage$1(data) {
- var methodNameLength, t1, methodName, index, channelNameLength, channelName, parts,
- _s143_ = "Invalid arguments for 'resize' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (arguments must be a two-element list, channel name and new capacity)",
- _s143_0 = "Invalid arguments for 'overflow' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (arguments must be a two-element list, channel name and flag state)",
- bytes = A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength);
- if (bytes[0] === 7) {
- methodNameLength = bytes[1];
- if (methodNameLength >= 254)
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Unrecognized message sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (method name too long)"));
- t1 = 2 + methodNameLength;
- methodName = B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, B.NativeUint8List_methods.sublist$2(bytes, 2, t1));
- switch (methodName) {
- case "resize":
- if (bytes[t1] !== 12)
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception(_s143_));
- index = t1 + 1;
- if (bytes[index] < 2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception(_s143_));
- ++index;
- if (bytes[index] !== 7)
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Invalid arguments for 'resize' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (first argument must be a string)"));
- ++index;
- channelNameLength = bytes[index];
- if (channelNameLength >= 254)
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Invalid arguments for 'resize' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (channel name must be less than 254 characters long)"));
- ++index;
- t1 = index + channelNameLength;
- channelName = B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, B.NativeUint8List_methods.sublist$2(bytes, index, t1));
- if (bytes[t1] !== 3)
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Invalid arguments for 'resize' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (second argument must be an integer in the range 0 to 2147483647)"));
- this.resize$2(0, channelName, data.getUint32(t1 + 1, B.C_Endian === $.$get$Endian_host()));
- break;
- case "overflow":
- if (bytes[t1] !== 12)
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception(_s143_0));
- index = t1 + 1;
- if (bytes[index] < 2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception(_s143_0));
- ++index;
- if (bytes[index] !== 7)
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Invalid arguments for 'overflow' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (first argument must be a string)"));
- ++index;
- channelNameLength = bytes[index];
- if (channelNameLength >= 254)
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Invalid arguments for 'overflow' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (channel name must be less than 254 characters long)"));
- ++index;
- t1 = index + channelNameLength;
- B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, B.NativeUint8List_methods.sublist$2(bytes, index, t1));
- t1 = bytes[t1];
- if (t1 !== 1 && t1 !== 2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Invalid arguments for 'overflow' method sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers (second argument must be a boolean)"));
- break;
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Unrecognized method '" + methodName + "' sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers"));
- }
- } else {
- parts = A._setArrayType(B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, bytes).split("\r"), type$.JSArray_String);
- if (parts.length === 3 && J.$eq$(parts[0], "resize"))
- this.resize$2(0, parts[1], A.int_parse(parts[2], null));
- else
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("Unrecognized message " + A.S(parts) + " sent to dev.flutter/channel-buffers."));
- }
- },
- resize$2(_, $name, newSize) {
- var t1 = this._channels,
- channel = t1.$index(0, $name);
- if (channel == null)
- t1.$indexSet(0, $name, new A._Channel(A.ListQueue$(newSize, type$._StoredMessage), newSize));
- else {
- channel._capacity = newSize;
- channel._dropOverflowMessages$1(newSize);
- }
- }
- };
- A.ChannelBuffers_push_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return new A._Channel(A.ListQueue$(1, type$._StoredMessage), 1);
- },
- $signature: 184
- };
- A.ChannelBuffers_setListener_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return new A._Channel(A.ListQueue$(1, type$._StoredMessage), 1);
- },
- $signature: 184
- };
- A.OffsetBase.prototype = {
- $lt(_, other) {
- return B.JSNumber_methods.$lt(this._dx, other.get$_dx()) && B.JSNumber_methods.$lt(this._dy, other.get$_dy());
- },
- $le(_, other) {
- return this._dx <= other._dx && this._dy <= other._dy;
- },
- $gt(_, other) {
- return this._dx > other._dx && this._dy > other._dy;
- },
- $ge(_, other) {
- return this._dx >= other._dx && this._dy >= other._dy;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.OffsetBase && other._dx === this._dx && other._dy === this._dy;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this._dx, this._dy, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "OffsetBase(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._dx, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._dy, 1) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.Offset.prototype = {
- get$distance() {
- var t1 = this._dx,
- t2 = this._dy;
- return Math.sqrt(t1 * t1 + t2 * t2);
- },
- get$distanceSquared() {
- var t1 = this._dx,
- t2 = this._dy;
- return t1 * t1 + t2 * t2;
- },
- $sub(_, other) {
- return new A.Offset(this._dx - other._dx, this._dy - other._dy);
- },
- $add(_, other) {
- return new A.Offset(this._dx + other._dx, this._dy + other._dy);
- },
- $mul(_, operand) {
- return new A.Offset(this._dx * operand, this._dy * operand);
- },
- $div(_, operand) {
- return new A.Offset(this._dx / operand, this._dy / operand);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.Offset && other._dx === this._dx && other._dy === this._dy;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this._dx, this._dy, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Offset(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._dx, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._dy, 1) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.Size.prototype = {
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._dx <= 0 || this._dy <= 0;
- },
- $sub(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other instanceof A.Size)
- return new A.Offset(_this._dx - other._dx, _this._dy - other._dy);
- if (other instanceof A.Offset)
- return new A.Size(_this._dx - other._dx, _this._dy - other._dy);
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$(other, null));
- },
- $add(_, other) {
- return new A.Size(this._dx + other._dx, this._dy + other._dy);
- },
- $mul(_, operand) {
- return new A.Size(this._dx * operand, this._dy * operand);
- },
- $div(_, operand) {
- return new A.Size(this._dx / operand, this._dy / operand);
- },
- center$1(origin) {
- return new A.Offset(origin._dx + this._dx / 2, origin._dy + this._dy / 2);
- },
- bottomRight$1(_, origin) {
- return new A.Offset(origin._dx + this._dx, origin._dy + this._dy);
- },
- contains$1(_, offset) {
- var t1 = offset._dx;
- if (t1 >= 0)
- if (t1 < this._dx) {
- t1 = offset._dy;
- t1 = t1 >= 0 && t1 < this._dy;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.Size && other._dx === this._dx && other._dy === this._dy;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this._dx, this._dy, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Size(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._dx, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._dy, 1) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.Rect.prototype = {
- get$size(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.Size(_this.right - _this.left, _this.bottom - _this.top);
- },
- get$isFinite(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return isFinite(_this.left) && isFinite(_this.top) && isFinite(_this.right) && isFinite(_this.bottom);
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return _this.left >= _this.right || _this.top >= _this.bottom;
- },
- shift$1(offset) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = offset._dx,
- t2 = offset._dy;
- return new A.Rect(_this.left + t1, _this.top + t2, _this.right + t1, _this.bottom + t2);
- },
- translate$2(_, translateX, translateY) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.Rect(_this.left + translateX, _this.top + translateY, _this.right + translateX, _this.bottom + translateY);
- },
- inflate$1(delta) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.Rect(_this.left - delta, _this.top - delta, _this.right + delta, _this.bottom + delta);
- },
- intersect$1(other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.Rect(Math.max(_this.left, other.left), Math.max(_this.top, other.top), Math.min(_this.right, other.right), Math.min(_this.bottom, other.bottom));
- },
- expandToInclude$1(other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.Rect(Math.min(_this.left, other.left), Math.min(_this.top, other.top), Math.max(_this.right, other.right), Math.max(_this.bottom, other.bottom));
- },
- overlaps$1(other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.right <= other.left || other.right <= _this.left)
- return false;
- if (_this.bottom <= other.top || other.bottom <= _this.top)
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- get$shortestSide() {
- var _this = this;
- return Math.min(Math.abs(_this.right - _this.left), Math.abs(_this.bottom - _this.top));
- },
- get$topCenter() {
- var t1 = this.left;
- return new A.Offset(t1 + (this.right - t1) / 2, this.top);
- },
- get$centerLeft() {
- var t1 = this.top;
- return new A.Offset(this.left, t1 + (this.bottom - t1) / 2);
- },
- get$center() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.left,
- t2 = _this.top;
- return new A.Offset(t1 + (_this.right - t1) / 2, t2 + (_this.bottom - t2) / 2);
- },
- get$centerRight() {
- var t1 = this.top;
- return new A.Offset(this.right, t1 + (this.bottom - t1) / 2);
- },
- get$bottomCenter() {
- var t1 = this.left;
- return new A.Offset(t1 + (this.right - t1) / 2, this.bottom);
- },
- contains$1(_, offset) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = offset._dx;
- if (t1 >= _this.left)
- if (t1 < _this.right) {
- t1 = offset._dy;
- t1 = t1 >= _this.top && t1 < _this.bottom;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this) !== J.get$runtimeType$(other))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.Rect && other.left === _this.left && other.top === _this.top && other.right === _this.right && other.bottom === _this.bottom;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.left, _this.top, _this.right, _this.bottom, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return "Rect.fromLTRB(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.left, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.top, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.right, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.bottom, 1) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.Radius.prototype = {
- clamp$1$minimum(_, minimum) {
- return new A.Radius(A.clampDouble0(this.x, minimum.x, 1 / 0), A.clampDouble0(this.y, minimum.y, 1 / 0));
- },
- $sub(_, other) {
- return new A.Radius(this.x - other.x, this.y - other.y);
- },
- $add(_, other) {
- return new A.Radius(this.x + other.x, this.y + other.y);
- },
- $mul(_, operand) {
- return new A.Radius(this.x * operand, this.y * operand);
- },
- $div(_, operand) {
- return new A.Radius(this.x / operand, this.y / operand);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this) !== J.get$runtimeType$(other))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.Radius && other.x === _this.x && other.y === _this.y;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.x, this.y, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.x,
- t2 = this.y;
- return t1 === t2 ? "Radius.circular(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1, 1) + ")" : "Radius.elliptical(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t2, 1) + ")";
- },
- get$x(receiver) {
- return this.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return this.y;
- }
- };
- A.RRect.prototype = {
- shift$1(offset) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = offset._dx,
- t2 = offset._dy;
- return new A.RRect(_this.left + t1, _this.top + t2, _this.right + t1, _this.bottom + t2, _this.tlRadiusX, _this.tlRadiusY, _this.trRadiusX, _this.trRadiusY, _this.brRadiusX, _this.brRadiusY, _this.blRadiusX, _this.blRadiusY, false);
- },
- inflate$1(delta) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = Math.max(0, _this.tlRadiusX + delta),
- t2 = Math.max(0, _this.tlRadiusY + delta),
- t3 = Math.max(0, _this.trRadiusX + delta),
- t4 = Math.max(0, _this.trRadiusY + delta),
- t5 = Math.max(0, _this.blRadiusX + delta),
- t6 = Math.max(0, _this.blRadiusY + delta);
- return new A.RRect(_this.left - delta, _this.top - delta, _this.right + delta, _this.bottom + delta, t1, t2, t3, t4, Math.max(0, _this.brRadiusX + delta), Math.max(0, _this.brRadiusY + delta), t5, t6, false);
- },
- get$middleRect() {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.Rect(_this.left + Math.max(_this.blRadiusX, _this.tlRadiusX), _this.top + Math.max(_this.tlRadiusY, _this.trRadiusY), _this.right - Math.max(_this.trRadiusX, _this.brRadiusX), _this.bottom - Math.max(_this.brRadiusY, _this.blRadiusY));
- },
- get$center() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.left,
- t2 = _this.top;
- return new A.Offset(t1 + (_this.right - t1) / 2, t2 + (_this.bottom - t2) / 2);
- },
- _getMin$4(min, radius1, radius2, limit) {
- var sum = radius1 + radius2;
- if (sum > limit && sum !== 0)
- return Math.min(min, limit / sum);
- return min;
- },
- scaleRadii$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.right,
- t2 = _this.left,
- absWidth = Math.abs(t1 - t2),
- t3 = _this.bottom,
- t4 = _this.top,
- absHeight = Math.abs(t3 - t4),
- t5 = _this.blRadiusY,
- t6 = _this.tlRadiusY,
- t7 = _this.tlRadiusX,
- t8 = _this.trRadiusX,
- t9 = _this.trRadiusY,
- t10 = _this.brRadiusY,
- t11 = _this.brRadiusX,
- t12 = _this.blRadiusX,
- scale = _this._getMin$4(_this._getMin$4(_this._getMin$4(_this._getMin$4(1, t5, t6, absHeight), t7, t8, absWidth), t9, t10, absHeight), t11, t12, absWidth);
- if (scale < 1)
- return new A.RRect(t2, t4, t1, t3, t7 * scale, t6 * scale, t8 * scale, t9 * scale, t11 * scale, t10 * scale, t12 * scale, t5 * scale, false);
- return new A.RRect(t2, t4, t1, t3, t7, t6, t8, t9, t11, t10, t12, t5, false);
- },
- contains$1(_, point) {
- var t3, scaled, radiusX, x, radiusY, y, _this = this,
- t1 = point._dx,
- t2 = _this.left;
- if (!(t1 < t2))
- if (!(t1 >= _this.right)) {
- t3 = point._dy;
- t3 = t3 < _this.top || t3 >= _this.bottom;
- } else
- t3 = true;
- else
- t3 = true;
- if (t3)
- return false;
- scaled = _this.scaleRadii$0();
- radiusX = scaled.tlRadiusX;
- if (t1 < t2 + radiusX && point._dy < _this.top + scaled.tlRadiusY) {
- x = t1 - t2 - radiusX;
- radiusY = scaled.tlRadiusY;
- y = point._dy - _this.top - radiusY;
- } else {
- t3 = _this.right;
- radiusX = scaled.trRadiusX;
- if (t1 > t3 - radiusX && point._dy < _this.top + scaled.trRadiusY) {
- x = t1 - t3 + radiusX;
- radiusY = scaled.trRadiusY;
- y = point._dy - _this.top - radiusY;
- } else {
- radiusX = scaled.brRadiusX;
- if (t1 > t3 - radiusX && point._dy > _this.bottom - scaled.brRadiusY) {
- x = t1 - t3 + radiusX;
- radiusY = scaled.brRadiusY;
- y = point._dy - _this.bottom + radiusY;
- } else {
- radiusX = scaled.blRadiusX;
- if (t1 < t2 + radiusX && point._dy > _this.bottom - scaled.blRadiusY) {
- x = t1 - t2 - radiusX;
- radiusY = scaled.blRadiusY;
- y = point._dy - _this.bottom + radiusY;
- } else
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- x /= radiusX;
- y /= radiusY;
- if (x * x + y * y > 1)
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this) !== J.get$runtimeType$(other))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.RRect && other.left === _this.left && other.top === _this.top && other.right === _this.right && other.bottom === _this.bottom && other.tlRadiusX === _this.tlRadiusX && other.tlRadiusY === _this.tlRadiusY && other.trRadiusX === _this.trRadiusX && other.trRadiusY === _this.trRadiusY && other.blRadiusX === _this.blRadiusX && other.blRadiusY === _this.blRadiusY && other.brRadiusX === _this.brRadiusX && other.brRadiusY === _this.brRadiusY;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.left, _this.top, _this.right, _this.bottom, _this.tlRadiusX, _this.tlRadiusY, _this.trRadiusX, _this.trRadiusY, _this.blRadiusX, _this.blRadiusY, _this.brRadiusX, _this.brRadiusY, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t5, t6, _this = this,
- rect = B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.left, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.top, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.right, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.bottom, 1),
- t1 = _this.tlRadiusX,
- t2 = _this.tlRadiusY,
- t3 = _this.trRadiusX,
- t4 = _this.trRadiusY;
- if (new A.Radius(t1, t2).$eq(0, new A.Radius(t3, t4))) {
- t5 = _this.brRadiusX;
- t6 = _this.brRadiusY;
- t5 = new A.Radius(t3, t4).$eq(0, new A.Radius(t5, t6)) && new A.Radius(t5, t6).$eq(0, new A.Radius(_this.blRadiusX, _this.blRadiusY));
- } else
- t5 = false;
- if (t5) {
- if (t1 === t2)
- return "RRect.fromLTRBR(" + rect + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1, 1) + ")";
- return "RRect.fromLTRBXY(" + rect + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t2, 1) + ")";
- }
- return "RRect.fromLTRBAndCorners(" + rect + ", topLeft: " + new A.Radius(t1, t2).toString$0(0) + ", topRight: " + new A.Radius(t3, t4).toString$0(0) + ", bottomRight: " + new A.Radius(_this.brRadiusX, _this.brRadiusY).toString$0(0) + ", bottomLeft: " + new A.Radius(_this.blRadiusX, _this.blRadiusY).toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.webOnlyWarmupEngine_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(configuration) {
- return this.$call$body$webOnlyWarmupEngine_closure(configuration);
- },
- call$0() {
- return this.call$1(null);
- },
- "call*": "call$1",
- $requiredArgCount: 0,
- $defaultValues() {
- return [null];
- },
- $call$body$webOnlyWarmupEngine_closure(configuration) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.initializeEngineServices(configuration), $async$call$1);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 525
- };
- A.webOnlyWarmupEngine_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
- $async$self = this;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$self.registerPlugins.call$0();
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.initializeEngineUi(), $async$call$0);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- $async$self.runApp.call$0();
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 151
- };
- A.KeyEventType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "KeyEventType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.KeyData.prototype = {
- _logicalToString$0() {
- var t1 = this.logical;
- return "0x" + B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(t1, 16) + new A.KeyData__logicalToString_closure(B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(t1 / 4294967296)).call$0();
- },
- _escapeCharacter$0() {
- var t1 = this.character;
- if (t1 == null)
- return "";
- switch (t1) {
- case "\n":
- return '"\\n"';
- case "\t":
- return '"\\t"';
- case "\r":
- return '"\\r"';
- case "\b":
- return '"\\b"';
- case "\f":
- return '"\\f"';
- default:
- return '"' + t1 + '"';
- }
- },
- _quotedCharCode$0() {
- var t1 = this.character;
- if (t1 == null)
- return "";
- return " (0x" + new A.MappedListIterable(new A.CodeUnits(t1), new A.KeyData__quotedCharCode_closure(), type$.CodeUnits._eval$1("MappedListIterable")).join$1(0, " ") + ")";
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = A.KeyData__typeToString(_this.type),
- t2 = B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(_this.physical, 16),
- t3 = _this._logicalToString$0(),
- t4 = _this._escapeCharacter$0(),
- t5 = _this._quotedCharCode$0(),
- t6 = _this.synthesized ? ", synthesized" : "";
- return "KeyData(type: " + A.S(t1) + ", physical: 0x" + t2 + ", logical: " + t3 + ", character: " + t4 + t5 + t6 + ")";
- }
- };
- A.KeyData__logicalToString_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- switch (this.planeNum) {
- case 0:
- return " (Unicode)";
- case 1:
- return " (Unprintable)";
- case 2:
- return " (Flutter)";
- case 23:
- return " (Web)";
- }
- return "";
- },
- $signature: 54
- };
- A.KeyData__quotedCharCode_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(code) {
- return B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(code, 16), 2, "0");
- },
- $signature: 565
- };
- A.Color.prototype = {
- withOpacity$1(opacity) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(255 * opacity), _this.get$value(_this) >>> 16 & 255, _this.get$value(_this) >>> 8 & 255, _this.get$value(_this) & 255);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.Color && other.get$value(other) === _this.get$value(_this);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this.get$value(this));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Color(0x" + B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toRadixString$1(this.get$value(this), 16), 8, "0") + ")";
- },
- get$value(receiver) {
- return this.value;
- }
- };
- A.StrokeCap.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "StrokeCap." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.StrokeJoin.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "StrokeJoin." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.PaintingStyle.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "PaintingStyle." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.BlendMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "BlendMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.Clip.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "Clip." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.BlurStyle.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "BlurStyle." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.MaskFilter.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.MaskFilter && other._ui$_style === this._ui$_style && other._sigma === this._sigma;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this._ui$_style, this._sigma, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "MaskFilter.blur(" + this._ui$_style.toString$0(0) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._sigma, 1) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.FilterQuality.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "FilterQuality." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.ImageFilter.prototype = {};
- A.Shadow.prototype = {
- scale$1(_, factor) {
- return new A.Shadow(this.color, this.offset.$mul(0, factor), this.blurRadius * factor);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- return other instanceof A.Shadow && other.color.$eq(0, _this.color) && other.offset.$eq(0, _this.offset) && other.blurRadius === _this.blurRadius;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.color, this.offset, this.blurRadius, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "TextShadow(" + this.color.toString$0(0) + ", " + this.offset.toString$0(0) + ", " + A.S(this.blurRadius) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.ImmutableBuffer.prototype = {
- get$length(_) {
- return this._ui$_length;
- }
- };
- A.Tangent.prototype = {};
- A.PlatformDispatcher.prototype = {};
- A.FrameTiming.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t9,
- t1 = A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this).toString$0(0),
- t2 = this._ui$_data,
- t3 = A.Duration$(0, 0, t2[2], 0, 0, 0),
- t4 = t2[1],
- t5 = A.Duration$(0, 0, t4, 0, 0, 0),
- t6 = t2[4],
- t7 = A.Duration$(0, 0, t6, 0, 0, 0),
- t8 = A.Duration$(0, 0, t2[3], 0, 0, 0);
- t4 = A.Duration$(0, 0, t4, 0, 0, 0);
- t9 = t2[0];
- return t1 + "(buildDuration: " + (A.S((t3._duration - t5._duration) * 0.001) + "ms") + ", rasterDuration: " + (A.S((t7._duration - t8._duration) * 0.001) + "ms") + ", vsyncOverhead: " + (A.S((t4._duration - A.Duration$(0, 0, t9, 0, 0, 0)._duration) * 0.001) + "ms") + ", totalSpan: " + (A.S((A.Duration$(0, 0, t6, 0, 0, 0)._duration - A.Duration$(0, 0, t9, 0, 0, 0)._duration) * 0.001) + "ms") + ", layerCacheCount: " + t2[6] + ", layerCacheBytes: " + t2[7] + ", pictureCacheCount: " + t2[8] + ", pictureCacheBytes: " + t2[9] + ", frameNumber: " + B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.AppLifecycleState.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "AppLifecycleState." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.AppExitResponse.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "AppExitResponse." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.Locale.prototype = {
- get$languageCode(_) {
- var t1 = this._languageCode,
- t2 = B.Map_oFQ7B.$index(0, t1);
- return t2 == null ? t1 : t2;
- },
- get$countryCode() {
- var t1 = this._countryCode,
- t2 = B.Map_GxYRK.$index(0, t1);
- return t2 == null ? t1 : t2;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (other instanceof A.Locale)
- if (other.get$languageCode(other) === _this.get$languageCode(_this))
- t1 = other.get$countryCode() == _this.get$countryCode();
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.get$languageCode(this), null, this.get$countryCode(), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return this._rawToString$1("_");
- },
- _rawToString$1(separator) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.get$languageCode(_this);
- if (_this._countryCode != null)
- t1 += separator + A.S(_this.get$countryCode());
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- };
- A.DartPerformanceMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "DartPerformanceMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.PointerChange.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "PointerChange." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.PointerDeviceKind.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "PointerDeviceKind." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.PointerSignalKind.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "PointerSignalKind." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.PointerPreferredStylusAuxiliaryAction.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "PointerPreferredStylusAuxiliaryAction." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.PointerData.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "PointerData(x: " + A.S(this.physicalX) + ", y: " + A.S(this.physicalY) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.PointerDataPacket.prototype = {};
- A.SemanticsAction.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- switch (this.index) {
- case 1:
- return "SemanticsAction.tap";
- case 2:
- return "SemanticsAction.longPress";
- case 4:
- return "SemanticsAction.scrollLeft";
- case 8:
- return "SemanticsAction.scrollRight";
- case 16:
- return "SemanticsAction.scrollUp";
- case 32:
- return "SemanticsAction.scrollDown";
- case 64:
- return "SemanticsAction.increase";
- case 128:
- return "SemanticsAction.decrease";
- case 256:
- return "SemanticsAction.showOnScreen";
- case 512:
- return "SemanticsAction.moveCursorForwardByCharacter";
- case 1024:
- return "SemanticsAction.moveCursorBackwardByCharacter";
- case 2048:
- return "SemanticsAction.setSelection";
- case 4096:
- return "SemanticsAction.copy";
- case 8192:
- return "SemanticsAction.cut";
- case 16384:
- return "SemanticsAction.paste";
- case 32768:
- return "SemanticsAction.didGainAccessibilityFocus";
- case 65536:
- return "SemanticsAction.didLoseAccessibilityFocus";
- case 131072:
- return "SemanticsAction.customAction";
- case 262144:
- return "SemanticsAction.dismiss";
- case 524288:
- return "SemanticsAction.moveCursorForwardByWord";
- case 1048576:
- return "SemanticsAction.moveCursorBackwardByWord";
- case 2097152:
- return "SemanticsAction.setText";
- }
- return "";
- },
- get$index(receiver) {
- return this.index;
- }
- };
- A.SemanticsFlag.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- switch (this.index) {
- case 1:
- return "SemanticsFlag.hasCheckedState";
- case 2:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isChecked";
- case 4:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isSelected";
- case 8:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isButton";
- case 16:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isTextField";
- case 32:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isFocused";
- case 64:
- return "SemanticsFlag.hasEnabledState";
- case 128:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isEnabled";
- case 256:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isInMutuallyExclusiveGroup";
- case 512:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isHeader";
- case 1024:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isObscured";
- case 2048:
- return "SemanticsFlag.scopesRoute";
- case 4096:
- return "SemanticsFlag.namesRoute";
- case 8192:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isHidden";
- case 16384:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isImage";
- case 32768:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isLiveRegion";
- case 65536:
- return "SemanticsFlag.hasToggledState";
- case 131072:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isToggled";
- case 262144:
- return "SemanticsFlag.hasImplicitScrolling";
- case 524288:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isMultiline";
- case 1048576:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isReadOnly";
- case 2097152:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isFocusable";
- case 4194304:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isLink";
- case 8388608:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isSlider";
- case 16777216:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isKeyboardKey";
- case 33554432:
- return "SemanticsFlag.isCheckStateMixed";
- }
- return "";
- },
- get$index(receiver) {
- return this.index;
- }
- };
- A.SemanticsUpdateBuilder.prototype = {};
- A.FontStyle.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "FontStyle." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.PlaceholderAlignment.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "PlaceholderAlignment." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.FontWeight.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = B.Map_C7Iaj.$index(0, this.index);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$index(receiver) {
- return this.index;
- }
- };
- A.FontVariation.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.FontVariation && other.axis === this.axis && other.value === this.value;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.axis, this.value, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "FontVariation('" + this.axis + "', " + A.S(this.value) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.TextAlign.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TextAlign." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextBaseline.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TextBaseline." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextDecoration.prototype = {
- contains$1(_, other) {
- var t1 = this._mask;
- return (t1 | other._mask) === t1;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.TextDecoration && other._mask === this._mask;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this._mask);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var values,
- t1 = this._mask;
- if (t1 === 0)
- return "TextDecoration.none";
- values = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- if ((t1 & 1) !== 0)
- values.push("underline");
- if ((t1 & 2) !== 0)
- values.push("overline");
- if ((t1 & 4) !== 0)
- values.push("lineThrough");
- if (values.length === 1)
- return "TextDecoration." + values[0];
- return "TextDecoration.combine([" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(values, ", ") + "])";
- }
- };
- A.TextDecorationStyle.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TextDecorationStyle." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextLeadingDistribution.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TextLeadingDistribution." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextHeightBehavior.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.TextHeightBehavior)
- t1 = other.leadingDistribution === this.leadingDistribution;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(true, true, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "TextHeightBehavior(applyHeightToFirstAscent: true, applyHeightToLastDescent: true, leadingDistribution: " + this.leadingDistribution.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.TextDirection.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TextDirection." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextBox.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.TextBox && other.left === _this.left && other.top === _this.top && other.right === _this.right && other.bottom === _this.bottom && other.direction === _this.direction;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.left, _this.top, _this.right, _this.bottom, _this.direction, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return "TextBox.fromLTRBD(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.left, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.top, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.right, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.bottom, 1) + ", " + _this.direction.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.TextAffinity.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TextAffinity." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextPosition.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.TextPosition && other.offset === this.offset && other.affinity === this.affinity;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.offset, this.affinity, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this).toString$0(0) + "(offset: " + this.offset + ", affinity: " + this.affinity.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.TextRange.prototype = {
- get$isValid() {
- return this.start >= 0 && this.end >= 0;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- return other instanceof A.TextRange && other.start === this.start && other.end === this.end;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this.start), B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this.end), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "TextRange(start: " + this.start + ", end: " + this.end + ")";
- }
- };
- A.ParagraphConstraints.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ParagraphConstraints && other.width === this.width;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return B.JSNumber_methods.get$hashCode(this.width);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this).toString$0(0) + "(width: " + A.S(this.width) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.BoxHeightStyle.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "BoxHeightStyle." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.BoxWidthStyle.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "BoxWidthStyle." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TileMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TileMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.FlutterView.prototype = {};
- A.SingletonFlutterWindow.prototype = {};
- A.Brightness.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "Brightness." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.CallbackHandle.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return this === other;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object.prototype.get$hashCode.call(this, this);
- }
- };
- A.GestureSettings.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.GestureSettings)
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(null, null, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "GestureSettings(physicalTouchSlop: null, physicalDoubleTapSlop: null)";
- }
- };
- A.UrlStrategy.prototype = {};
- A.AudioBuffer.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- }
- };
- A.AudioParamMap.prototype = {
- containsKey$1(receiver, key) {
- return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key)) != null;
- },
- $index(receiver, key) {
- return A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(receiver.get(key));
- },
- forEach$1(receiver, f) {
- var entry, t1,
- entries = receiver.entries();
- for (; true;) {
- entry = entries.next();
- t1 = entry.done;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1)
- return;
- t1 = entry.value[0];
- t1.toString;
- f.call$2(t1, A.convertNativeToDart_Dictionary(entry.value[1]));
- }
- },
- get$keys(receiver) {
- var keys = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.AudioParamMap_keys_closure(keys));
- return keys;
- },
- get$values(receiver) {
- var values = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Map_dynamic_dynamic);
- this.forEach$1(receiver, new A.AudioParamMap_values_closure(values));
- return values;
- },
- get$length(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.size;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$isEmpty(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.size;
- t1.toString;
- return t1 === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.size;
- t1.toString;
- return t1 !== 0;
- },
- $indexSet(receiver, key, value) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
- },
- putIfAbsent$2(receiver, key, ifAbsent) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
- },
- remove$1(receiver, key) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("Not supported"));
- },
- $isMap: 1
- };
- A.AudioParamMap_keys_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(k, v) {
- return this.keys.push(k);
- },
- $signature: 39
- };
- A.AudioParamMap_values_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(k, v) {
- return this.values.push(v);
- },
- $signature: 39
- };
- A.AudioTrackList.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- }
- };
- A.BaseAudioContext.prototype = {};
- A.OfflineAudioContext.prototype = {
- get$length(receiver) {
- return receiver.length;
- }
- };
- A._AudioParamMap_JavaScriptObject_MapMixin.prototype = {};
- A.ActiveInfo.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- var t1 = receiver.name;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.EventChannelExtension_receiveGuardedBroadcastStream_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(error) {
- return this.onError.call$2(error, this.incomingStackTrace);
- },
- $signature: 584
- };
- A.StringCharacters.prototype = {
- get$iterator(_) {
- return new A.StringCharacterRange(this.string, 0, 0);
- },
- get$first(_) {
- var t1 = this.string,
- t2 = t1.length;
- return t2 === 0 ? A.throwExpression(A.StateError$("No element")) : B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, 0, new A.Breaks(t1, t2, 0, 176).nextBreak$0());
- },
- get$last(_) {
- var t1 = this.string,
- t2 = t1.length;
- return t2 === 0 ? A.throwExpression(A.StateError$("No element")) : B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t1, new A.BackBreaks(t1, 0, t2, 176).nextBreak$0());
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this.string.length === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return this.string.length !== 0;
- },
- get$length(_) {
- var brk, $length,
- t1 = this.string,
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (t2 === 0)
- return 0;
- brk = new A.Breaks(t1, t2, 0, 176);
- for ($length = 0; brk.nextBreak$0() >= 0;)
- ++$length;
- return $length;
- },
- elementAt$1(_, index) {
- var t1, t2, breaks, count, start, end;
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(index, "index");
- t1 = this.string;
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (t2 !== 0) {
- breaks = new A.Breaks(t1, t2, 0, 176);
- for (count = 0, start = 0; end = breaks.nextBreak$0(), end >= 0; start = end) {
- if (count === index)
- return B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, start, end);
- ++count;
- }
- } else
- count = 0;
- throw A.wrapException(A.IndexError$(index, this, "index", null, count));
- },
- contains$1(_, singleCharacterString) {
- var t1;
- if (typeof singleCharacterString != "string")
- return false;
- t1 = singleCharacterString.length;
- if (t1 === 0)
- return false;
- if (new A.Breaks(singleCharacterString, t1, 0, 176).nextBreak$0() !== t1)
- return false;
- t1 = this.string;
- return A._indexOf(t1, singleCharacterString, 0, t1.length) >= 0;
- },
- _skipIndices$3(count, cursor, breaks) {
- var t1, nextBreak;
- if (count === 0 || cursor === this.string.length)
- return cursor;
- t1 = this.string;
- breaks = new A.Breaks(t1, t1.length, cursor, 176);
- do {
- nextBreak = breaks.nextBreak$0();
- if (nextBreak < 0)
- break;
- if (--count, count > 0) {
- cursor = nextBreak;
- continue;
- } else {
- cursor = nextBreak;
- break;
- }
- } while (true);
- return cursor;
- },
- skip$1(_, count) {
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
- return this._skip$1(count);
- },
- _skip$1(count) {
- var start = this._skipIndices$3(count, 0, null),
- t1 = this.string;
- if (start === t1.length)
- return B.StringCharacters_ehH;
- return new A.StringCharacters(B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t1, start));
- },
- take$1(_, count) {
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
- return this._take$1(count);
- },
- _take$1(count) {
- var end = this._skipIndices$3(count, 0, null),
- t1 = this.string;
- if (end === t1.length)
- return this;
- return new A.StringCharacters(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(t1, 0, end));
- },
- $add(_, characters) {
- return new A.StringCharacters(this.string + characters.string);
- },
- toLowerCase$0(_) {
- return new A.StringCharacters(this.string.toLowerCase());
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return type$.Characters._is(other) && this.string === other.string;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.string);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return this.string;
- },
- $isCharacters: 1
- };
- A.StringCharacterRange.prototype = {
- get$current(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._currentCache;
- return t1 == null ? _this._currentCache = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(_this._characters_impl$_string, _this._characters_impl$_start, _this._characters_impl$_end) : t1;
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- return this._advanceEnd$2(1, this._characters_impl$_end);
- },
- _advanceEnd$2(count, newStart) {
- var index, t1, t2, state, char, nextIndex, category, nextChar, t3, _this = this;
- if (count > 0) {
- index = _this._characters_impl$_end;
- for (t1 = _this._characters_impl$_string, t2 = t1.length, state = 176; index < t2; index = nextIndex) {
- char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1, index);
- nextIndex = index + 1;
- if ((char & 64512) !== 55296)
- category = A.low(char);
- else if (nextIndex < t2) {
- nextChar = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1, nextIndex);
- if ((nextChar & 64512) === 56320) {
- ++nextIndex;
- category = A.high(char, nextChar);
- } else
- category = 2;
- } else
- category = 2;
- state = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(string$.x200_000, state & 240 | category);
- if ((state & 1) === 0) {
- --count;
- t3 = count === 0;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3) {
- _this._characters_impl$_start = newStart;
- _this._characters_impl$_end = index;
- _this._currentCache = null;
- return true;
- }
- }
- _this._characters_impl$_start = newStart;
- _this._characters_impl$_end = t2;
- _this._currentCache = null;
- return count === 1 && state !== 176;
- } else {
- _this._characters_impl$_start = newStart;
- _this._currentCache = null;
- return true;
- }
- },
- _retractStart$2(count, newEnd) {
- var start, breaks, nextBreak, _this = this;
- A.RangeError_checkNotNegative(count, "count");
- start = _this._characters_impl$_start;
- breaks = new A.BackBreaks(_this._characters_impl$_string, 0, start, 176);
- for (; count > 0; start = nextBreak) {
- nextBreak = breaks.nextBreak$0();
- if (nextBreak < 0)
- break;
- --count;
- }
- _this._characters_impl$_start = start;
- _this._characters_impl$_end = newEnd;
- _this._currentCache = null;
- return count === 0;
- }
- };
- A.Breaks.prototype = {
- nextBreak$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, char, nextChar, category, _this = this,
- _s192_ = string$.x200_000;
- for (t1 = _this.end, t2 = _this.base; t3 = _this.cursor, t3 < t1;) {
- t4 = _this.cursor = t3 + 1;
- char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t2, t3);
- if ((char & 64512) !== 55296) {
- t4 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s192_, _this.state & 240 | A.low(char));
- _this.state = t4;
- if ((t4 & 1) === 0)
- return t3;
- continue;
- }
- if (t4 < t1) {
- nextChar = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t2, t4);
- if ((nextChar & 64512) === 56320) {
- category = A.high(char, nextChar);
- ++_this.cursor;
- } else
- category = 2;
- } else
- category = 2;
- t4 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s192_, _this.state & 240 | category);
- _this.state = t4;
- if ((t4 & 1) === 0)
- return t3;
- }
- t1 = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s192_, _this.state & 240 | 15);
- _this.state = t1;
- if ((t1 & 1) === 0)
- return t3;
- return -1;
- }
- };
- A.BackBreaks.prototype = {
- nextBreak$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, char, prevChar, category, t5, _this = this,
- _s208_ = string$.x10__0__;
- for (t1 = _this.start, t2 = _this.base; t3 = _this.cursor, t3 > t1;) {
- t4 = _this.cursor = t3 - 1;
- char = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t2, t4);
- if ((char & 64512) !== 56320) {
- t4 = _this.state = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s208_, _this.state & 240 | A.low(char));
- if (((t4 >= 208 ? _this.state = A.lookAhead(t2, t1, _this.cursor, t4) : t4) & 1) === 0)
- return t3;
- continue;
- }
- if (t4 >= t1) {
- prevChar = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t2, t4 - 1);
- if ((prevChar & 64512) === 55296) {
- category = A.high(prevChar, char);
- t4 = --_this.cursor;
- } else
- category = 2;
- } else
- category = 2;
- t5 = _this.state = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s208_, _this.state & 240 | category);
- if (((t5 >= 208 ? _this.state = A.lookAhead(t2, t1, t4, t5) : t5) & 1) === 0)
- return t3;
- }
- t4 = _this.state = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(_s208_, _this.state & 240 | 15);
- if (((t4 >= 208 ? _this.state = A.lookAhead(t2, t1, t3, t4) : t4) & 1) === 0)
- return _this.cursor;
- return -1;
- }
- };
- A.CanonicalizedMap.prototype = {
- $index(_, key) {
- var pair, _this = this;
- if (!_this._isValidKey$1(key))
- return null;
- pair = _this._base.$index(0, _this._canonicalize.call$1(_this.$ti._eval$1("CanonicalizedMap.K")._as(key)));
- return pair == null ? null : pair.value;
- },
- $indexSet(_, key, value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (!_this._isValidKey$1(key))
- return;
- t1 = _this.$ti;
- _this._base.$indexSet(0, _this._canonicalize.call$1(key), new A.MapEntry(key, value, t1._eval$1("@")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("CanonicalizedMap.V"))._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>")));
- },
- addAll$1(_, other) {
- other.forEach$1(0, new A.CanonicalizedMap_addAll_closure(this));
- },
- cast$2$0(_, K2, V2) {
- var t1 = this._base;
- return t1.cast$2$0(t1, K2, V2);
- },
- containsKey$1(_, key) {
- var _this = this;
- if (!_this._isValidKey$1(key))
- return false;
- return _this._base.containsKey$1(0, _this._canonicalize.call$1(_this.$ti._eval$1("CanonicalizedMap.K")._as(key)));
- },
- get$entries(_) {
- var t1 = this._base;
- return t1.get$entries(t1).map$1$1(0, new A.CanonicalizedMap_entries_closure(this), this.$ti._eval$1("MapEntry"));
- },
- forEach$1(_, f) {
- this._base.forEach$1(0, new A.CanonicalizedMap_forEach_closure(this, f));
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._base.__js_helper$_length === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return this._base.__js_helper$_length !== 0;
- },
- get$keys(_) {
- var t1 = this._base;
- t1 = t1.get$values(t1);
- return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t1, new A.CanonicalizedMap_keys_closure(this), A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), this.$ti._eval$1("CanonicalizedMap.K"));
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return this._base.__js_helper$_length;
- },
- map$2$1(_, transform, K2, V2) {
- var t1 = this._base;
- return t1.map$2$1(t1, new A.CanonicalizedMap_map_closure(this, transform, K2, V2), K2, V2);
- },
- putIfAbsent$2(_, key, ifAbsent) {
- return this._base.putIfAbsent$2(0, this._canonicalize.call$1(key), new A.CanonicalizedMap_putIfAbsent_closure(this, key, ifAbsent)).value;
- },
- remove$1(_, key) {
- var pair, _this = this;
- if (!_this._isValidKey$1(key))
- return null;
- pair = _this._base.remove$1(0, _this._canonicalize.call$1(_this.$ti._eval$1("CanonicalizedMap.K")._as(key)));
- return pair == null ? null : pair.value;
- },
- get$values(_) {
- var t1 = this._base;
- t1 = t1.get$values(t1);
- return A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t1, new A.CanonicalizedMap_values_closure(this), A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), this.$ti._eval$1("CanonicalizedMap.V"));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.MapBase_mapToString(this);
- },
- _isValidKey$1(key) {
- var t1;
- if (this.$ti._eval$1("CanonicalizedMap.K")._is(key))
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- $isMap: 1
- };
- A.CanonicalizedMap_addAll_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(key, value) {
- this.$this.$indexSet(0, key, value);
- return value;
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("~(CanonicalizedMap.K,CanonicalizedMap.V)");
- }
- };
- A.CanonicalizedMap_entries_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- var t1 = e.value,
- t2 = this.$this.$ti;
- return new A.MapEntry(t1.key, t1.value, t2._eval$1("@")._bind$1(t2._eval$1("CanonicalizedMap.V"))._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>"));
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("MapEntry(MapEntry>)");
- }
- };
- A.CanonicalizedMap_forEach_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(key, pair) {
- return this.f.call$2(pair.key, pair.value);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("~(CanonicalizedMap.C,MapEntry)");
- }
- };
- A.CanonicalizedMap_keys_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(pair) {
- return pair.key;
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("CanonicalizedMap.K(MapEntry)");
- }
- };
- A.CanonicalizedMap_map_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(_, pair) {
- return this.transform.call$2(pair.key, pair.value);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._bind$1(this.K2)._bind$1(this.V2)._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>(CanonicalizedMap.C,MapEntry)");
- }
- };
- A.CanonicalizedMap_putIfAbsent_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this.$ti;
- return new A.MapEntry(this.key, this.ifAbsent.call$0(), t1._eval$1("@")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("CanonicalizedMap.V"))._eval$1("MapEntry<1,2>"));
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("MapEntry()");
- }
- };
- A.CanonicalizedMap_values_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(pair) {
- return pair.value;
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("CanonicalizedMap.V(MapEntry)");
- }
- };
- A.DefaultEquality.prototype = {};
- A._MapEntry.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return 3 * J.get$hashCode$(this.key) + 7 * J.get$hashCode$(this.value) & 2147483647;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A._MapEntry && J.$eq$(this.key, other.key) && J.$eq$(this.value, other.value);
- }
- };
- A.MapEquality.prototype = {
- equals$2(map1, map2) {
- var equalElementCounts, t1, key, entry, count;
- if (map1 === map2)
- return true;
- if (map1.__js_helper$_length !== map2.__js_helper$_length)
- return false;
- equalElementCounts = A.HashMap_HashMap(type$._MapEntry, type$.int);
- for (t1 = A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$(map1, map1._modifications, A._instanceType(map1)._precomputed1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- key = t1.__js_helper$_current;
- entry = new A._MapEntry(this, key, map1.$index(0, key));
- count = equalElementCounts.$index(0, entry);
- equalElementCounts.$indexSet(0, entry, (count == null ? 0 : count) + 1);
- }
- for (t1 = A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$(map2, map2._modifications, A._instanceType(map2)._precomputed1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- key = t1.__js_helper$_current;
- entry = new A._MapEntry(this, key, map2.$index(0, key));
- count = equalElementCounts.$index(0, entry);
- if (count == null || count === 0)
- return false;
- equalElementCounts.$indexSet(0, entry, count - 1);
- }
- return true;
- },
- hash$1(_, map) {
- var t1, t2, hash, key, keyHash, t3;
- for (t1 = A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$(map, map._modifications, A._instanceType(map)._precomputed1), t2 = this.$ti._rest[1], hash = 0; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- key = t1.__js_helper$_current;
- keyHash = J.get$hashCode$(key);
- t3 = map.$index(0, key);
- hash = hash + 3 * keyHash + 7 * J.get$hashCode$(t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3) & 2147483647;
- }
- hash = hash + (hash << 3 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
- hash ^= hash >>> 11;
- return hash + (hash << 15 >>> 0) & 2147483647;
- }
- };
- A.HeapPriorityQueue.prototype = {
- _elementAt$1(index) {
- var t1 = this._priority_queue$_queue[index];
- if (t1 == null) {
- this.$ti._precomputed1._as(null);
- t1 = null;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- contains$1(_, object) {
- return this._locate$1(object) >= 0;
- },
- get$length(_) {
- return this._priority_queue$_length;
- },
- remove$1(_, element) {
- var last, _this = this,
- index = _this._locate$1(element);
- if (index < 0)
- return false;
- ++_this._priority_queue$_modificationCount;
- last = _this._removeLast$0();
- if (index < _this._priority_queue$_length)
- if (_this.comparison.call$2(last, element) <= 0)
- _this._bubbleUp$2(last, index);
- else
- _this._bubbleDown$2(last, index);
- return true;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._priority_queue$_queue;
- return A.Iterable_iterableToShortString(A.SubListIterable$(t1, 0, A.checkNotNullable(this._priority_queue$_length, "count", type$.int), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._precomputed1), "(", ")");
- },
- _locate$1(object) {
- var t1, position, index, element, comp, leftChildPosition, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this._priority_queue$_length === 0)
- return -1;
- t1 = _this.comparison;
- position = 1;
- do
- c$0: {
- index = position - 1;
- element = _this._elementAt$1(index);
- comp = t1.call$2(element, object);
- if (comp <= 0) {
- if (comp === 0 && J.$eq$(element, object))
- return index;
- leftChildPosition = position * 2;
- if (leftChildPosition <= _this._priority_queue$_length) {
- position = leftChildPosition;
- break c$0;
- }
- }
- t2 = _this._priority_queue$_length;
- do {
- for (; (position & 1) === 1;)
- position = position >>> 1;
- ++position;
- } while (position > t2);
- }
- while (position !== 1);
- return -1;
- },
- _removeLast$0() {
- var _this = this,
- newLength = _this._priority_queue$_length - 1,
- last = _this._elementAt$1(newLength);
- _this._priority_queue$_queue[newLength] = null;
- _this._priority_queue$_length = newLength;
- return last;
- },
- _bubbleUp$2(element, index) {
- var t1, t2, parentIndex, $parent, _this = this;
- for (t1 = _this.comparison, t2 = _this.$ti._precomputed1; index > 0; index = parentIndex) {
- parentIndex = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(index - 1, 2);
- $parent = _this._priority_queue$_queue[parentIndex];
- if ($parent == null) {
- t2._as(null);
- $parent = null;
- }
- if (t1.call$2(element, $parent) > 0)
- break;
- _this._priority_queue$_queue[index] = $parent;
- }
- _this._priority_queue$_queue[index] = element;
- },
- _bubbleDown$2(element, index) {
- var t1, t2, t3, leftChildIndex, leftChild, rightChild, minChild, minChildIndex, child, _this = this,
- rightChildIndex = index * 2 + 2;
- for (t1 = _this.comparison, t2 = _this.$ti._precomputed1; t3 = _this._priority_queue$_length, rightChildIndex < t3; index = minChildIndex) {
- leftChildIndex = rightChildIndex - 1;
- t3 = _this._priority_queue$_queue;
- leftChild = t3[leftChildIndex];
- if (leftChild == null) {
- t2._as(null);
- leftChild = null;
- }
- rightChild = t3[rightChildIndex];
- if (rightChild == null) {
- t2._as(null);
- rightChild = null;
- }
- if (t1.call$2(leftChild, rightChild) < 0) {
- minChild = leftChild;
- minChildIndex = leftChildIndex;
- } else {
- minChild = rightChild;
- minChildIndex = rightChildIndex;
- }
- if (t1.call$2(element, minChild) <= 0) {
- _this._priority_queue$_queue[index] = element;
- return;
- }
- _this._priority_queue$_queue[index] = minChild;
- rightChildIndex = minChildIndex * 2 + 2;
- }
- leftChildIndex = rightChildIndex - 1;
- if (leftChildIndex < t3) {
- child = _this._elementAt$1(leftChildIndex);
- if (t1.call$2(element, child) > 0) {
- _this._priority_queue$_queue[index] = child;
- index = leftChildIndex;
- }
- }
- _this._priority_queue$_queue[index] = element;
- }
- };
- A.CsvParser.prototype = {
- _addTextToField$1(c) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__CsvParser__field_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1._contents += A.S(c);
- _this._previousWasTextEndDelimiter = false;
- _this.__CsvParser__insideString_A = true;
- _this._resetMatcher$0();
- },
- _resetMatcher$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._matchingEol = _this._matchingFieldDelimiter = _this._matchingTextEndDelimiter = _this._matchingTextDelimiter = 0;
- t1 = _this.__CsvParser__matchedChars_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1._contents = "";
- },
- _reparseWronglyMatched$0() {
- var matchedCharsText, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__CsvParser__matchedChars_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1._contents;
- matchedCharsText = t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- _this._addTextToField$1(matchedCharsText[0]);
- _this._pushbackBuffer = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(matchedCharsText, 1);
- return _this._parseField$0();
- },
- _parseField$0() {
- var backupCurrentPos, backupCsvText, result, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, c, t8, matching, t9, onlyTextEndDelimiterMatches, matchTextDelimiters, matchTextEndDelimiters, matchFieldDelimiters, matchEols, foundMatch, t10, t11, quoted, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._pushbackBuffer;
- if (t1 != null) {
- backupCurrentPos = _this._currentPos;
- backupCsvText = _this._csvText;
- _this._csvText = t1;
- _this._currentPos = 0;
- _this._pushbackBuffer = null;
- result = _this._parseField$0();
- t2 = _this._currentPos;
- if (t2 < t1.length)
- _this._pushbackBuffer = B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t1, t2);
- _this._currentPos = backupCurrentPos;
- _this._csvText = backupCsvText;
- if (result.stopReason !== B.ParsingStopReason_EndOfString)
- return result;
- }
- for (t1 = _this.fieldDelimiter, t2 = _this.eol, t3 = _this.textEndDelimiter, t4 = _this.textDelimiter, t5 = A.S(t3); t6 = _this._currentPos, t7 = _this._csvText, t6 < t7.length;) {
- c = t7[t6];
- ++t6;
- _this._currentPos = t6;
- t7 = _this._matchingEol;
- t8 = t7 > 0;
- matching = t8 || _this._matchingFieldDelimiter > 0 || _this._matchingTextDelimiter > 0 || _this._matchingTextEndDelimiter > 0;
- t9 = _this._insideQuotedString;
- onlyTextEndDelimiterMatches = t9 && !_this._previousWasTextEndDelimiter;
- if (!t9)
- matchTextDelimiters = !matching || _this._matchingTextDelimiter > 0;
- else
- matchTextDelimiters = false;
- if (t9)
- matchTextEndDelimiters = !matching || _this._matchingTextEndDelimiter > 0;
- else
- matchTextEndDelimiters = false;
- t9 = !onlyTextEndDelimiterMatches;
- if (t9)
- matchFieldDelimiters = !matching || _this._matchingFieldDelimiter > 0;
- else
- matchFieldDelimiters = false;
- if (t9)
- matchEols = !matching || t8;
- else
- matchEols = false;
- if (matchTextDelimiters && c === t4[_this._matchingTextDelimiter]) {
- t8 = ++_this._matchingTextDelimiter;
- foundMatch = true;
- } else {
- t8 = _this._matchingTextDelimiter = 0;
- foundMatch = false;
- }
- if (matchTextEndDelimiters && c === t3[_this._matchingTextEndDelimiter]) {
- t9 = ++_this._matchingTextEndDelimiter;
- foundMatch = true;
- } else {
- _this._matchingTextEndDelimiter = 0;
- t9 = 0;
- }
- if (matchEols && c === t2[t7]) {
- ++t7;
- _this._matchingEol = t7;
- foundMatch = true;
- } else {
- _this._matchingEol = 0;
- t7 = 0;
- }
- if (matchFieldDelimiters && c === t1[_this._matchingFieldDelimiter]) {
- t10 = ++_this._matchingFieldDelimiter;
- foundMatch = true;
- } else {
- _this._matchingFieldDelimiter = 0;
- t10 = 0;
- }
- if (foundMatch) {
- t11 = _this.__CsvParser__matchedChars_A;
- t11 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t11._contents += c;
- }
- if (matching && !foundMatch) {
- _this._currentPos = t6 - 1;
- result = _this._reparseWronglyMatched$0();
- if (result.stopReason !== B.ParsingStopReason_EndOfString)
- return result;
- continue;
- }
- if (!foundMatch) {
- t6 = _this.__CsvParser__field_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6._contents += c;
- _this._previousWasTextEndDelimiter = false;
- _this.__CsvParser__insideString_A = true;
- _this._matchingEol = _this._matchingFieldDelimiter = _this._matchingTextEndDelimiter = _this._matchingTextDelimiter = 0;
- t6 = _this.__CsvParser__matchedChars_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6._contents = "";
- continue;
- }
- if (t8 === t4.length) {
- _this._matchingEol = _this._matchingFieldDelimiter = _this._matchingTextEndDelimiter = _this._matchingTextDelimiter = 0;
- t6 = _this.__CsvParser__matchedChars_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6._contents = "";
- t6 = _this.__CsvParser__insideString_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t6)
- _this._insideQuotedString = _this.__CsvParser__insideString_A = true;
- t6 = 0;
- t7 = 0;
- t8 = 0;
- } else {
- t8 = t10;
- t6 = t7;
- t7 = t9;
- }
- if (t7 === t3.length) {
- _this._matchingEol = _this._matchingFieldDelimiter = _this._matchingTextEndDelimiter = _this._matchingTextDelimiter = 0;
- t6 = _this.__CsvParser__matchedChars_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6._contents = "";
- if (_this._previousWasTextEndDelimiter) {
- t7 = _this.__CsvParser__field_A;
- t7 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t7._contents += t5;
- _this._previousWasTextEndDelimiter = false;
- _this.__CsvParser__insideString_A = true;
- t6._contents = "";
- } else
- _this._previousWasTextEndDelimiter = true;
- t6 = 0;
- t7 = 0;
- } else
- t7 = t8;
- if (t6 === t2.length) {
- _this._matchingEol = _this._matchingFieldDelimiter = _this._matchingTextEndDelimiter = _this._matchingTextDelimiter = 0;
- t1 = _this.__CsvParser__matchedChars_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1._contents = "";
- _this._insideQuotedString = _this.__CsvParser__insideString_A = false;
- quoted = _this._previousWasTextEndDelimiter;
- _this._previousWasTextEndDelimiter = false;
- return new A.ParsingResult(B.ParsingStopReason_Eol, quoted);
- }
- if (t7 === t1.length) {
- _this._matchingEol = _this._matchingFieldDelimiter = _this._matchingTextEndDelimiter = _this._matchingTextDelimiter = 0;
- t1 = _this.__CsvParser__matchedChars_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1._contents = "";
- _this._insideQuotedString = _this.__CsvParser__insideString_A = false;
- quoted = _this._previousWasTextEndDelimiter;
- _this._previousWasTextEndDelimiter = false;
- return new A.ParsingResult(B.ParsingStopReason_FieldDelimiter, quoted);
- }
- }
- return new A.ParsingResult(B.ParsingStopReason_EndOfString, _this._previousWasTextEndDelimiter);
- },
- convertRow$1$3$continueCsv(csv, currentRow, continueCsv) {
- var result, stopReason, t2, value, source, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._csvText;
- if (t1 == null) {
- _this._csvText = csv;
- _this._currentPos = 0;
- }
- for (result = null; true;) {
- result = _this._parseField$0();
- stopReason = result.stopReason;
- while (true) {
- if (stopReason === B.ParsingStopReason_EndOfString)
- t1 = _this._matchingEol > 0 || _this._matchingFieldDelimiter > 0 || _this._matchingTextDelimiter > 0 || _this._matchingTextEndDelimiter > 0;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (!t1)
- break;
- result = _this._reparseWronglyMatched$0();
- stopReason = result.stopReason;
- }
- t1 = _this.__CsvParser__field_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1._contents;
- value = t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
- t1._contents = "";
- t1 = stopReason === B.ParsingStopReason_EndOfString;
- if (t1 && !result.quoted && value.length === 0 && currentRow.length === 0)
- break;
- if (result.quoted)
- currentRow.push(value);
- else {
- source = B.JSString_methods.trim$0(value);
- t2 = A.Primitives_parseInt(source, null);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = A.Primitives_parseDouble(source);
- currentRow.push(t2 == null ? value : t2);
- }
- if (stopReason === B.ParsingStopReason_Eol)
- break;
- if (t1)
- break;
- }
- return result;
- },
- convertRow$3$continueCsv(csv, currentRow, continueCsv) {
- return this.convertRow$1$3$continueCsv(csv, currentRow, continueCsv, type$.dynamic);
- },
- convert$1$1(csv, $E) {
- var t1, currentRow, result,
- rows = A._setArrayType([], $E._eval$1("JSArray>"));
- for (t1 = $E._eval$1("JSArray<0>"); true;) {
- currentRow = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- result = this.convertRow$3$continueCsv(csv, currentRow, true);
- if (currentRow.length !== 0)
- rows.push(currentRow);
- if (result.stopReason === B.ParsingStopReason_EndOfString)
- break;
- }
- return rows;
- }
- };
- A.ParsingStopReason.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return this._csv_parser$_value;
- }
- };
- A.ParsingResult.prototype = {};
- A.GradientImmut.prototype = {};
- A.PaletteRGB.prototype = {$isPalette: 1};
- A.SwatchBase.prototype = {
- get$colors() {
- var t1 = this._palettes;
- return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.SwatchBase_colors_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Color>"));
- }
- };
- A.SwatchBase_colors_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(palette) {
- return new A.Color(palette._palette_rgb$_value);
- },
- $signature: 589
- };
- A.FilePickerWeb.prototype = {
- pickFiles$2$allowedExtensions$type(allowedExtensions, type) {
- return this.pickFiles$body$FilePickerWeb(allowedExtensions, type);
- },
- pickFiles$body$FilePickerWeb(allowedExtensions, type) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_FilePickerResult),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t2, filesCompleter, accept, uploadInput, t3, files, t1;
- var $async$pickFiles$2$allowedExtensions$type = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = {};
- if (type !== B.FileType_5)
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.Exception_Exception("You are setting a type [" + type.toString$0(0) + "]. Custom extension filters are only allowed with FileType.custom, please change it or remove filters."));
- t2 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_nullable_List_PlatformFile);
- filesCompleter = new A._AsyncCompleter(t2, type$._AsyncCompleter_nullable_List_PlatformFile);
- accept = A.FilePickerWeb__fileType(type, allowedExtensions);
- uploadInput = A.InputElement_InputElement("file");
- uploadInput.draggable = true;
- uploadInput.multiple = false;
- uploadInput.accept = accept;
- t3 = uploadInput.style;
- t3.display = "none";
- t1.changeEventTriggered = false;
- t3 = new A.FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener(t1, $async$self, uploadInput, null, filesCompleter, false, true);
- A._EventStreamSubscription$(uploadInput, "change", t3, false, type$._ElementEventStreamImpl_Event._precomputed1);
- B.InputElement_methods.addEventListener$2(uploadInput, "change", t3);
- t3 = window;
- t3.toString;
- B.Window_methods.addEventListener$2(t3, "focus", new A.FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_cancelledEventListener(t1, filesCompleter));
- t1 = $async$self.__FilePickerWeb__target_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- J.get$children$x(t1).clear$0(0);
- J.get$children$x($async$self.__FilePickerWeb__target_A).add$1(0, uploadInput);
- uploadInput.click();
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(t2, $async$pickFiles$2$allowedExtensions$type);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- files = $async$result;
- $async$returnValue = files == null ? null : new A.FilePickerResult(files);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$pickFiles$2$allowedExtensions$type, $async$completer);
- }
- };
- A.FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- var addPickedFile, t2, t3, t4, _i, file, t5, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._box_0;
- if (t1.changeEventTriggered)
- return;
- t1.changeEventTriggered = true;
- t1 = _this.uploadInput.files;
- t1.toString;
- addPickedFile = new A.FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener_addPickedFile(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PlatformFile), t1, _this.onFileLoading, _this.filesCompleter);
- for (t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.ProgressEvent, t4 = !_this.withData, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- file = t1[_i];
- if (t4) {
- t5 = new FileReader();
- t5.toString;
- A._EventStreamSubscription$(t5, "loadend", new A.FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener_closure(addPickedFile, file, t5), false, t3);
- t5.readAsDataURL(file);
- continue;
- }
- t5 = new FileReader();
- t5.toString;
- A._EventStreamSubscription$(t5, "loadend", new A.FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener_closure0(addPickedFile, file, t5), false, t3);
- t5.readAsArrayBuffer(file);
- }
- },
- $signature: 19
- };
- A.FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener_addPickedFile.prototype = {
- call$4(file, bytes, path, readStream) {
- var t3,
- t1 = this.pickedFiles,
- t2 = file.name;
- t2.toString;
- if (bytes != null)
- t3 = bytes.length;
- else {
- t3 = file.size;
- t3.toString;
- }
- t1.push(new A.PlatformFile(path, t2, bytes, readStream, t3));
- if (t1.length >= this.files.length)
- this.filesCompleter.complete$1(0, t1);
- },
- $signature: 590
- };
- A.FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- this.addPickedFile.call$4(this.file, null, A._asStringQ(B.FileReader_methods.get$result(this.reader)), null);
- },
- $signature: 167
- };
- A.FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_changeEventListener_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- this.addPickedFile.call$4(this.file, type$.nullable_Uint8List._as(B.FileReader_methods.get$result(this.reader)), null, null);
- },
- $signature: 167
- };
- A.FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_cancelledEventListener.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var t1 = window;
- t1.toString;
- B.Window_methods.removeEventListener$2(t1, "focus", this);
- A.Future_Future$delayed(A.Duration$(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), null, type$.dynamic).then$1$1(0, new A.FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_cancelledEventListener_closure(this._box_0, this.filesCompleter), type$.Null);
- },
- $signature: 19
- };
- A.FilePickerWeb_pickFiles_cancelledEventListener_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- var t1 = this._box_0;
- if (!t1.changeEventTriggered) {
- t1.changeEventTriggered = true;
- this.filesCompleter.complete$1(0, null);
- }
- },
- $signature: 26
- };
- A.FilePickerWeb__fileType_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(prev, next) {
- return (prev.length === 0 ? "" : prev + ",") + " ." + next;
- },
- $signature: 593
- };
- A.FileType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "FileType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.FilePicker.prototype = {};
- A.FilePickerResult.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- return other instanceof A.FilePickerResult && A.listEquals0(other.files, this.files);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(this.files);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "FilePickerResult(files: " + A.S(this.files) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.PlatformFile.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (other instanceof A.PlatformFile)
- if (other.name === _this.name) {
- t1 = other.bytes;
- t2 = _this.bytes;
- if (t1 == null ? t2 == null : t1 === t2)
- if (J.$eq$(other.readStream, _this.readStream))
- t1 = other.size === _this.size;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return 0;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return "PlatformFile(, name: " + _this.name + ", bytes: " + A.S(_this.bytes) + ", readStream: " + A.S(_this.readStream) + ", size: " + _this.size + ")";
- },
- get$name(receiver) {
- return this.name;
- }
- };
- A.FirebaseAuth.prototype = {
- get$_firebase_auth$_delegate() {
- var t2, currentUser, t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._delegatePackingProperty;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this.get$pluginConstants();
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- currentUser = t2.$index(t1, "APP_CURRENT_USER");
- if (currentUser != null)
- currentUser = A.PigeonUserDetails_decode(type$.List_nullable_Object._as(currentUser));
- t3 = $.FirebaseAuthPlatform__instance;
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = $.$get$FirebaseAuthPlatform__token();
- t4 = new A.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth(new A.FirebaseAuthHostApi(), null);
- $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens().$indexSet(0, t4, t3);
- $.FirebaseAuthPlatform__instance = t4;
- t3 = t4;
- }
- t1 = _this._delegatePackingProperty = t3.delegateFor$2$app$persistence(_this.app, _this._persistence).setInitialValues$2$currentUser$languageCode(currentUser, t2.$index(t1, "APP_LANGUAGE_CODE"));
- }
- return t1;
- },
- signInWithEmailAndPassword$2$email$password(email, password) {
- return this.signInWithEmailAndPassword$body$FirebaseAuth(email, password);
- },
- signInWithEmailAndPassword$body$FirebaseAuth(email, password) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.UserCredential),
- $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$self = this, e, t1, exception, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, $async$exception;
- var $async$signInWithEmailAndPassword$2$email$password = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$handler = 4;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.get$_firebase_auth$_delegate().signInWithEmailAndPassword$2(email, password), $async$signInWithEmailAndPassword$2$email$password);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- t1 = $async$result;
- A.PlatformInterface__verify(t1, $.$get$UserCredentialPlatform__token(), true);
- $async$returnValue = new A.UserCredential($async$self, t1);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- $async$handler = 2;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 4:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$exception = $async$currentError;
- t1 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
- if (t1 instanceof A.FirebaseAuthMultiFactorExceptionPlatform) {
- e = t1;
- t1 = e;
- t2 = t1.code;
- t3 = t1.message;
- t4 = t1.email;
- t5 = t1.credential;
- t6 = t1.phoneNumber;
- t1 = t1.tenantId;
- throw A.wrapException(new A.FirebaseAuthMultiFactorException(t4, t5, t6, t1, "firebase_auth", t3, t2));
- } else
- throw $async$exception;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 3:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 6:
- // after finally
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- case 2:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$signInWithEmailAndPassword$2$email$password, $async$completer);
- },
- signOut$0(_) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this;
- var $async$signOut$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.get$_firebase_auth$_delegate().signOut$0(0), $async$signOut$0);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$signOut$0, $async$completer);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "FirebaseAuth(app: " + this.app._firebase_core$_delegate.name + ")";
- }
- };
- A.FirebaseAuth_FirebaseAuth$instanceFor_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.app,
- t2 = $.$get$FirebasePluginPlatform__token();
- t1 = new A.FirebaseAuth(this.persistence, t1, t1._firebase_core$_delegate.name, "plugins.flutter.io/firebase_auth");
- $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens().$indexSet(0, t1, t2);
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 594
- };
- A.FirebaseAuthMultiFactorException.prototype = {};
- A.User.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._firebase_auth$_delegate,
- t2 = t1._user.userInfo;
- return B.Type_User_16T.toString$0(0) + "(displayName: " + A.S(t2.displayName) + ", email: " + A.S(t2.email) + ", isEmailVerified: " + t2.isEmailVerified + ", isAnonymous: " + t2.isAnonymous + ", metadata: " + new A.UserMetadata(t2.creationTimestamp, t2.lastSignInTimestamp).toString$0(0) + ", phoneNumber: " + A.S(t2.phoneNumber) + ", photoURL: " + A.S(t2.photoUrl) + ", providerData, " + A.S(t1.get$providerData(t1)) + ", refreshToken: " + A.S(t2.refreshToken) + ", tenantId: " + A.S(t2.tenantId) + ", uid: " + t2.uid + ")";
- }
- };
- A.UserCredential.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t4,
- t1 = this._firebase_auth$_delegate,
- t2 = A.S(t1.additionalUserInfo),
- t3 = A.S(t1.credential);
- t1 = t1.user;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t4 = new A.User(t1);
- A.PlatformInterface__verify(t1, $.$get$UserPlatform__token(), true);
- t1 = t4;
- }
- return "UserCredential(additionalUserInfo: " + t2 + ", credential: " + t3 + ", user: " + A.S(t1) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.AdditionalUserInfo.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return B.Type_AdditionalUserInfo_QGQ.toString$0(0) + "(isNewUser: " + _this.isNewUser + ", profile: " + A.S(_this.profile) + ", providerId: " + A.S(_this.providerId) + ", username: " + A.S(_this.username) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.AuthCredential.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return "AuthCredential(providerId: " + _this.providerId + ", signInMethod: " + _this.signInMethod + ", token: " + A.S(_this.token) + ", accessToken: " + A.S(_this.accessToken) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.FirebaseAuthException.prototype = {};
- A.FirebaseAuthMultiFactorExceptionPlatform.prototype = {};
- A.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth.prototype = {
- MethodChannelFirebaseAuth$1$app(app) {
- var _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this._api,
- t2 = type$.Null;
- t1.registerIdTokenListener$1(new A.PigeonFirebaseApp(_this.get$app(_this)._firebase_core$_delegate.name, _null)).then$1$1(0, new A.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_closure(_this, app), t2);
- t1.registerAuthStateListener$1(new A.PigeonFirebaseApp(_this.get$app(_this)._firebase_core$_delegate.name, _null)).then$1$1(0, new A.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_closure0(_this, app), t2);
- t2 = app._firebase_core$_delegate.name;
- t1 = type$._AsyncBroadcastStreamController__ValueWrapper_UserPlatform;
- $.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__authStateChangesListeners.$indexSet(0, t2, new A._AsyncBroadcastStreamController(_null, _null, t1));
- $.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__idTokenChangesListeners.$indexSet(0, t2, new A._AsyncBroadcastStreamController(_null, _null, t1));
- $.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__userChangesListeners.$indexSet(0, t2, new A._AsyncBroadcastStreamController(_null, _null, t1));
- },
- _handleAuthStateChangesListener$2(appName, $arguments) {
- return this._handleAuthStateChangesListener$body$MethodChannelFirebaseAuth(appName, $arguments);
- },
- _handleAuthStateChangesListener$body$MethodChannelFirebaseAuth(appName, $arguments) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- t2, multiFactorInstance, userMap, user, t1;
- var $async$_handleAuthStateChangesListener$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__authStateChangesListeners.$index(0, appName);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = $.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_methodChannelFirebaseAuthInstances.$index(0, appName);
- t2.toString;
- multiFactorInstance = $.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__multiFactorInstances.$index(0, appName);
- if (multiFactorInstance == null) {
- multiFactorInstance = A.MethodChannelMultiFactor$(t2);
- $.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__multiFactorInstances.$indexSet(0, appName, multiFactorInstance);
- }
- userMap = J.$index$asx($arguments, "user");
- if (userMap == null) {
- t2.currentUser = null;
- t1.add$1(0, B._ValueWrapper_null);
- } else {
- user = A.MethodChannelUser$(t2, multiFactorInstance, A.PigeonUserDetails_decode(userMap));
- t2.currentUser = user;
- t1.add$1(0, new A._ValueWrapper(user, type$._ValueWrapper_UserPlatform));
- }
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleAuthStateChangesListener$2, $async$completer);
- },
- _handleIdTokenChangesListener$2(appName, $arguments) {
- return this._handleIdTokenChangesListener$body$MethodChannelFirebaseAuth(appName, $arguments);
- },
- _handleIdTokenChangesListener$body$MethodChannelFirebaseAuth(appName, $arguments) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- t2, t3, multiFactorInstance, userMap, user, t1;
- var $async$_handleIdTokenChangesListener$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__idTokenChangesListeners.$index(0, appName);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = $.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__userChangesListeners.$index(0, appName);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = $.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_methodChannelFirebaseAuthInstances.$index(0, appName);
- t3.toString;
- multiFactorInstance = $.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__multiFactorInstances.$index(0, appName);
- if (multiFactorInstance == null) {
- multiFactorInstance = A.MethodChannelMultiFactor$(t3);
- $.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__multiFactorInstances.$indexSet(0, appName, multiFactorInstance);
- }
- userMap = J.$index$asx($arguments, "user");
- if (userMap == null) {
- t3.currentUser = null;
- t1.add$1(0, B._ValueWrapper_null);
- t2.add$1(0, B._ValueWrapper_null);
- } else {
- user = t3.currentUser = A.MethodChannelUser$(t3, multiFactorInstance, A.PigeonUserDetails_decode(userMap));
- t3 = type$._ValueWrapper_UserPlatform;
- t1.add$1(0, new A._ValueWrapper(user, t3));
- t2.add$1(0, new A._ValueWrapper(user, t3));
- }
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleIdTokenChangesListener$2, $async$completer);
- },
- delegateFor$2$app$persistence(app, persistence) {
- return $.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_methodChannelFirebaseAuthInstances.putIfAbsent$2(0, app._firebase_core$_delegate.name, new A.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_delegateFor_closure(app));
- },
- setInitialValues$2$currentUser$languageCode(currentUser, languageCode) {
- var _this = this;
- if (currentUser != null)
- _this.currentUser = A.MethodChannelUser$(_this, A.MethodChannelMultiFactor$(_this), currentUser);
- return _this;
- },
- signInWithEmailAndPassword$2(email, password) {
- return this.signInWithEmailAndPassword$body$MethodChannelFirebaseAuth(email, password);
- },
- signInWithEmailAndPassword$body$MethodChannelFirebaseAuth(email, password) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.UserCredentialPlatform),
- $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$self = this, result, userCredential, e, stack, t1, t2, t3, t4, userCredential0, exception, $async$exception;
- var $async$signInWithEmailAndPassword$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$handler = 4;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self._api.signInWithEmailAndPassword$3(new A.PigeonFirebaseApp($async$self.get$app($async$self)._firebase_core$_delegate.name, null), email, password), $async$signInWithEmailAndPassword$2);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- result = $async$result;
- t1 = result;
- t2 = t1.additionalUserInfo;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = null;
- else {
- t3 = t2.isNewUser;
- t4 = t2.profile;
- if (t4 == null) {
- t4 = type$.dynamic;
- t4 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, t4);
- }
- t2 = new A.AdditionalUserInfo(t3, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from(t4, type$.String, type$.dynamic), t2.providerId, t2.username);
- }
- t3 = t1.credential;
- t3 = t3 == null ? null : new A.AuthCredential(t3.providerId, t3.signInMethod, t3.nativeId, t3.accessToken);
- t1 = t1.user;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : A.MethodChannelUser$($async$self, A.MethodChannelMultiFactor$($async$self), t1);
- t4 = $.$get$UserCredentialPlatform__token();
- userCredential0 = new A.MethodChannelUserCredential(t2, t3, t1);
- $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens().$indexSet(0, userCredential0, t4);
- userCredential = userCredential0;
- $async$self.currentUser = userCredential.user;
- $async$returnValue = userCredential;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- $async$handler = 2;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 4:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$exception = $async$currentError;
- e = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
- A.convertPlatformException(e, stack, true);
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 3:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 6:
- // after finally
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- case 2:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$signInWithEmailAndPassword$2, $async$completer);
- },
- signOut$0(_) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, $async$self = this, e, stack, exception, $async$exception;
- var $async$signOut$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$goto = 6;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self._api.signOut$1(0, new A.PigeonFirebaseApp($async$self.get$app($async$self)._firebase_core$_delegate.name, null)), $async$signOut$0);
- case 6:
- // returning from await.
- $async$self.currentUser = null;
- $async$handler = 1;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- case 3:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 2;
- $async$exception = $async$currentError;
- e = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception);
- A.convertPlatformException(e, stack, true);
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- case 2:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 5:
- // after finally
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- case 1:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$signOut$0, $async$completer);
- }
- };
- A.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(channelName) {
- A.EventChannelExtension_receiveGuardedBroadcastStream(new A.EventChannel(channelName, B.C_StandardMethodCodec), A.exception__convertPlatformException$closure()).listen$1(new A.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__closure0(this.$this, this.app));
- },
- $signature: 127
- };
- A.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__closure0.prototype = {
- call$1($arguments) {
- this.$this._handleIdTokenChangesListener$2(this.app._firebase_core$_delegate.name, $arguments);
- },
- $signature: 19
- };
- A.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(channelName) {
- A.EventChannelExtension_receiveGuardedBroadcastStream(new A.EventChannel(channelName, B.C_StandardMethodCodec), A.exception__convertPlatformException$closure()).listen$1(new A.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__closure(this.$this, this.app));
- },
- $signature: 127
- };
- A.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth__closure.prototype = {
- call$1($arguments) {
- this.$this._handleAuthStateChangesListener$2(this.app._firebase_core$_delegate.name, $arguments);
- },
- $signature: 19
- };
- A.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth_delegateFor_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return A.MethodChannelFirebaseAuth$(this.app);
- },
- $signature: 595
- };
- A._ValueWrapper.prototype = {};
- A.MethodChannelMultiFactor.prototype = {};
- A.MethodChannelMultiFactorResolver.prototype = {};
- A.MethodChannelUser.prototype = {};
- A.MethodChannelUserCredential.prototype = {};
- A.multiFactorInfoPigeonToObject_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- var t2, t3, t4,
- t1 = e.phoneNumber;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = e.displayName;
- t3 = e.enrollmentTimestamp;
- t4 = e.factorId;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = "phone";
- return new A.PhoneMultiFactorInfo(t1, t2, t3, t4, e.uid);
- }
- t1 = e.displayName;
- t2 = e.enrollmentTimestamp;
- t3 = e.factorId;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = "";
- return new A.MultiFactorInfo(t1, t2, t3, e.uid);
- },
- $signature: 761
- };
- A.ActionCodeInfoOperation.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "ActionCodeInfoOperation." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.PigeonMultiFactorSession.prototype = {};
- A.PigeonPhoneMultiFactorAssertion.prototype = {};
- A.PigeonMultiFactorInfo.prototype = {};
- A.PigeonFirebaseApp.prototype = {};
- A.PigeonActionCodeInfo.prototype = {};
- A.PigeonActionCodeInfoData.prototype = {};
- A.PigeonUserCredential.prototype = {};
- A.PigeonAdditionalUserInfo.prototype = {
- encode$0() {
- var _this = this;
- return [_this.isNewUser, _this.providerId, _this.username, _this.profile];
- }
- };
- A.PigeonAuthCredential.prototype = {
- encode$0() {
- var _this = this;
- return [_this.providerId, _this.signInMethod, _this.nativeId, _this.accessToken];
- }
- };
- A.PigeonUserInfo.prototype = {
- encode$0() {
- var _this = this;
- return [_this.uid, _this.email, _this.displayName, _this.photoUrl, _this.phoneNumber, _this.isAnonymous, _this.isEmailVerified, _this.providerId, _this.tenantId, _this.refreshToken, _this.creationTimestamp, _this.lastSignInTimestamp];
- }
- };
- A.PigeonUserDetails.prototype = {};
- A.PigeonActionCodeSettings.prototype = {};
- A.PigeonFirebaseAuthSettings.prototype = {};
- A.PigeonSignInProvider.prototype = {};
- A.PigeonVerifyPhoneNumberRequest.prototype = {};
- A.PigeonIdTokenResult.prototype = {};
- A.PigeonUserProfile.prototype = {};
- A._FirebaseAuthHostApiCodec.prototype = {
- writeValue$2(_, buffer, value) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (value instanceof A.PigeonActionCodeInfo) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 128);
- t1 = value.operation;
- t2 = value.data;
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, [t1.index, [t2.email, t2.previousEmail]]);
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonActionCodeInfoData) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 129);
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, [value.email, value.previousEmail]);
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonActionCodeSettings) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 130);
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, [value.url, value.dynamicLinkDomain, value.handleCodeInApp, value.iOSBundleId, value.androidPackageName, value.androidInstallApp, value.androidMinimumVersion]);
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonAdditionalUserInfo) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 131);
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, value.encode$0());
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonAuthCredential) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 132);
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, value.encode$0());
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonFirebaseApp) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 133);
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, [value.appName, value.tenantId]);
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonFirebaseAuthSettings) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 134);
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, [value.appVerificationDisabledForTesting, value.userAccessGroup, value.phoneNumber, value.smsCode, value.forceRecaptchaFlow]);
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonIdTokenResult) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 135);
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, [value.token, value.expirationTimestamp, value.authTimestamp, value.issuedAtTimestamp, value.signInProvider, value.claims, value.signInSecondFactor]);
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonMultiFactorInfo) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 136);
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, [value.displayName, value.enrollmentTimestamp, value.factorId, value.uid, value.phoneNumber]);
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonMultiFactorSession) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 137);
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, [value.id]);
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonPhoneMultiFactorAssertion) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 138);
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, [value.verificationId, value.verificationCode]);
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonSignInProvider) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 139);
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, [value.providerId, value.scopes, value.customParameters]);
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonUserCredential) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 140);
- t1 = value.user;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : [t1.userInfo.encode$0(), t1.providerData];
- t2 = value.additionalUserInfo;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.encode$0();
- t3 = value.credential;
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, [t1, t2, t3 == null ? null : t3.encode$0()]);
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonUserDetails) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 141);
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, [value.userInfo.encode$0(), value.providerData]);
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonUserInfo) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 142);
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, value.encode$0());
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonUserProfile) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 143);
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, [value.displayName, value.photoUrl, value.displayNameChanged, value.photoUrlChanged]);
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonVerifyPhoneNumberRequest) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 144);
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, [value.phoneNumber, value.timeout, value.forceResendingToken, value.autoRetrievedSmsCodeForTesting, value.multiFactorInfoId, value.multiFactorSessionId]);
- } else
- _this.super$StandardMessageCodec$writeValue(0, buffer, value);
- },
- readValueOfType$2(type, buffer) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this, _null = null;
- switch (type) {
- case 128:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = type$.List_nullable_Object;
- t2._as(t1);
- t3 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- t4 = t3.$index(t1, 0);
- t4.toString;
- t4 = B.List_4yw[A._asInt(t4)];
- t1 = t3.$index(t1, 1);
- t1.toString;
- return new A.PigeonActionCodeInfo(t4, A.PigeonActionCodeInfoData_decode(t2._as(t1)));
- case 129:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- return A.PigeonActionCodeInfoData_decode(t1);
- case 130:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- type$.List_nullable_Object._as(t1);
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- t3 = t2.$index(t1, 0);
- t3.toString;
- A._asString(t3);
- t4 = A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 1));
- t5 = t2.$index(t1, 2);
- t5.toString;
- A._asBool(t5);
- t6 = A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 3));
- t7 = A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 4));
- t8 = t2.$index(t1, 5);
- t8.toString;
- return new A.PigeonActionCodeSettings(t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, A._asBool(t8), A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 6)));
- case 131:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- return A.PigeonAdditionalUserInfo_decode(t1);
- case 132:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- return A.PigeonAuthCredential_decode(t1);
- case 133:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- type$.List_nullable_Object._as(t1);
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- t3 = t2.$index(t1, 0);
- t3.toString;
- return new A.PigeonFirebaseApp(A._asString(t3), A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 1)));
- case 134:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- type$.List_nullable_Object._as(t1);
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- t3 = t2.$index(t1, 0);
- t3.toString;
- return new A.PigeonFirebaseAuthSettings(A._asBool(t3), A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 1)), A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 2)), A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 3)), A._asBoolQ(t2.$index(t1, 4)));
- case 135:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- type$.List_nullable_Object._as(t1);
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- t3 = A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 0));
- t4 = A._asIntQ(t2.$index(t1, 1));
- t5 = A._asIntQ(t2.$index(t1, 2));
- t6 = A._asIntQ(t2.$index(t1, 3));
- t7 = A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 4));
- t8 = type$.nullable_Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as(t2.$index(t1, 5));
- t8 = t8 == null ? _null : J.cast$2$0$ax(t8, type$.nullable_String, type$.nullable_Object);
- return new A.PigeonIdTokenResult(t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 6)));
- case 136:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- return A.PigeonMultiFactorInfo_decode(t1);
- case 137:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = J.$index$asx(type$.List_nullable_Object._as(t1), 0);
- t1.toString;
- return new A.PigeonMultiFactorSession(A._asString(t1));
- case 138:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- type$.List_nullable_Object._as(t1);
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- t3 = t2.$index(t1, 0);
- t3.toString;
- A._asString(t3);
- t1 = t2.$index(t1, 1);
- t1.toString;
- return new A.PigeonPhoneMultiFactorAssertion(t3, A._asString(t1));
- case 139:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- type$.List_nullable_Object._as(t1);
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- t3 = t2.$index(t1, 0);
- t3.toString;
- A._asString(t3);
- t4 = type$.nullable_List_nullable_Object._as(t2.$index(t1, 1));
- t4 = t4 == null ? _null : J.cast$1$0$ax(t4, type$.nullable_String);
- t1 = type$.nullable_Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as(t2.$index(t1, 2));
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- else {
- t2 = type$.nullable_String;
- t2 = J.cast$2$0$ax(t1, t2, t2);
- t1 = t2;
- }
- return new A.PigeonSignInProvider(t3, t4, t1);
- case 140:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = type$.List_nullable_Object;
- t2._as(t1);
- t3 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- if (t3.$index(t1, 0) != null) {
- t4 = t3.$index(t1, 0);
- t4.toString;
- t4 = A.PigeonUserDetails_decode(t2._as(t4));
- } else
- t4 = _null;
- if (t3.$index(t1, 1) != null) {
- t5 = t3.$index(t1, 1);
- t5.toString;
- t5 = A.PigeonAdditionalUserInfo_decode(t2._as(t5));
- } else
- t5 = _null;
- if (t3.$index(t1, 2) != null) {
- t1 = t3.$index(t1, 2);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.PigeonAuthCredential_decode(t2._as(t1));
- } else
- t1 = _null;
- return new A.PigeonUserCredential(t4, t5, t1);
- case 141:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- return A.PigeonUserDetails_decode(t1);
- case 142:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- return A.PigeonUserInfo_decode(t1);
- case 143:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- type$.List_nullable_Object._as(t1);
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- t3 = A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 0));
- t4 = A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 1));
- t5 = t2.$index(t1, 2);
- t5.toString;
- A._asBool(t5);
- t1 = t2.$index(t1, 3);
- t1.toString;
- return new A.PigeonUserProfile(t3, t4, t5, A._asBool(t1));
- case 144:
- t1 = _this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- type$.List_nullable_Object._as(t1);
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- t3 = A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 0));
- t4 = t2.$index(t1, 1);
- t4.toString;
- return new A.PigeonVerifyPhoneNumberRequest(t3, A._asInt(t4), A._asIntQ(t2.$index(t1, 2)), A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 3)), A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 4)), A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, 5)));
- default:
- return _this.super$StandardMessageCodec$readValueOfType(type, buffer);
- }
- }
- };
- A.FirebaseAuthHostApi.prototype = {
- registerIdTokenListener$1(arg_app) {
- return this.registerIdTokenListener$body$FirebaseAuthHostApi(arg_app);
- },
- registerIdTokenListener$body$FirebaseAuthHostApi(arg_app) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
- $async$returnValue, t1, t2, t3, replyList, $async$temp1;
- var $async$registerIdTokenListener$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$temp1 = type$.nullable_List_nullable_Object;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(new A.BasicMessageChannel("dev.flutter.pigeon.FirebaseAuthHostApi.registerIdTokenListener", B.C__FirebaseAuthHostApiCodec, null, type$.BasicMessageChannel_nullable_Object).send$1(0, [arg_app]), $async$registerIdTokenListener$1);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- replyList = $async$temp1._as($async$result);
- if (replyList == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$("channel-error", null, string$.Unable, null));
- else {
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(replyList);
- if (t1.get$length(replyList) > 1) {
- t2 = t1.$index(replyList, 0);
- t2.toString;
- A._asString(t2);
- t3 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(replyList, 1));
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$(t2, t1.$index(replyList, 2), t3, null));
- } else if (t1.$index(replyList, 0) == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$("null-error", null, string$.Host_p, null));
- else {
- t1 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(replyList, 0));
- t1.toString;
- $async$returnValue = t1;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$registerIdTokenListener$1, $async$completer);
- },
- registerAuthStateListener$1(arg_app) {
- return this.registerAuthStateListener$body$FirebaseAuthHostApi(arg_app);
- },
- registerAuthStateListener$body$FirebaseAuthHostApi(arg_app) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
- $async$returnValue, t1, t2, t3, replyList, $async$temp1;
- var $async$registerAuthStateListener$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$temp1 = type$.nullable_List_nullable_Object;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(new A.BasicMessageChannel("dev.flutter.pigeon.FirebaseAuthHostApi.registerAuthStateListener", B.C__FirebaseAuthHostApiCodec, null, type$.BasicMessageChannel_nullable_Object).send$1(0, [arg_app]), $async$registerAuthStateListener$1);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- replyList = $async$temp1._as($async$result);
- if (replyList == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$("channel-error", null, string$.Unable, null));
- else {
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(replyList);
- if (t1.get$length(replyList) > 1) {
- t2 = t1.$index(replyList, 0);
- t2.toString;
- A._asString(t2);
- t3 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(replyList, 1));
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$(t2, t1.$index(replyList, 2), t3, null));
- } else if (t1.$index(replyList, 0) == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$("null-error", null, string$.Host_p, null));
- else {
- t1 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(replyList, 0));
- t1.toString;
- $async$returnValue = t1;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$registerAuthStateListener$1, $async$completer);
- },
- signInWithEmailAndPassword$3(arg_app, arg_email, arg_password) {
- return this.signInWithEmailAndPassword$body$FirebaseAuthHostApi(arg_app, arg_email, arg_password);
- },
- signInWithEmailAndPassword$body$FirebaseAuthHostApi(arg_app, arg_email, arg_password) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.PigeonUserCredential),
- $async$returnValue, t1, t2, t3, replyList, $async$temp1;
- var $async$signInWithEmailAndPassword$3 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$temp1 = type$.nullable_List_nullable_Object;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(new A.BasicMessageChannel("dev.flutter.pigeon.FirebaseAuthHostApi.signInWithEmailAndPassword", B.C__FirebaseAuthHostApiCodec, null, type$.BasicMessageChannel_nullable_Object).send$1(0, [arg_app, arg_email, arg_password]), $async$signInWithEmailAndPassword$3);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- replyList = $async$temp1._as($async$result);
- if (replyList == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$("channel-error", null, string$.Unable, null));
- else {
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(replyList);
- if (t1.get$length(replyList) > 1) {
- t2 = t1.$index(replyList, 0);
- t2.toString;
- A._asString(t2);
- t3 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(replyList, 1));
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$(t2, t1.$index(replyList, 2), t3, null));
- } else if (t1.$index(replyList, 0) == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$("null-error", null, string$.Host_p, null));
- else {
- t1 = type$.nullable_PigeonUserCredential._as(t1.$index(replyList, 0));
- t1.toString;
- $async$returnValue = t1;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$signInWithEmailAndPassword$3, $async$completer);
- },
- signOut$1(_, arg_app) {
- return this.signOut$body$FirebaseAuthHostApi(0, arg_app);
- },
- signOut$body$FirebaseAuthHostApi(_, arg_app) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, t1, t2, t3, replyList, $async$temp1;
- var $async$signOut$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$temp1 = type$.nullable_List_nullable_Object;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(new A.BasicMessageChannel("dev.flutter.pigeon.FirebaseAuthHostApi.signOut", B.C__FirebaseAuthHostApiCodec, null, type$.BasicMessageChannel_nullable_Object).send$1(0, [arg_app]), $async$signOut$1);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- replyList = $async$temp1._as($async$result);
- if (replyList == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$("channel-error", null, string$.Unable, null));
- else {
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(replyList);
- if (t1.get$length(replyList) > 1) {
- t2 = t1.$index(replyList, 0);
- t2.toString;
- A._asString(t2);
- t3 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(replyList, 1));
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$(t2, t1.$index(replyList, 2), t3, null));
- } else {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$signOut$1, $async$completer);
- }
- };
- A.FirebaseAuthUserHostApi.prototype = {};
- A.MultiFactorUserHostApi.prototype = {};
- A.MultiFactoResolverHostApi.prototype = {};
- A.FirebaseAuthPlatform.prototype = {
- get$app(_) {
- var app,
- t1 = this.appInstance;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = $.Firebase_delegatePackingProperty;
- app = (t1 == null ? $.Firebase_delegatePackingProperty = $.$get$FirebasePlatform__instance() : t1).app$1(0, "[DEFAULT]");
- A.PlatformInterface__verify(app, $.$get$FirebaseAppPlatform__token(), true);
- return new A.FirebaseApp(app);
- }
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.MultiFactorPlatform.prototype = {};
- A.MultiFactorResolverPlatform.prototype = {};
- A.MultiFactorInfo.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "MultiFactorInfo{enrollmentTimestamp: " + A.S(this.enrollmentTimestamp) + ", displayName: " + A.S(this.displayName) + ", uid: " + this.uid + "}";
- }
- };
- A.PhoneMultiFactorInfo.prototype = {};
- A.PhoneMultiFactorGeneratorPlatform.prototype = {};
- A.RecaptchaVerifierFactoryPlatform.prototype = {};
- A.UserPlatform.prototype = {
- get$providerData(_) {
- var t1, t2, t3,
- inputData = A.IterableNullableExtension_whereNotNull(this._user.providerData, type$.Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object),
- providerData = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_UserInfo);
- for (t1 = new A._SyncStarIterator(inputData._outerHelper(), inputData.$ti._eval$1("_SyncStarIterator<1>")); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
- t3 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t2);
- providerData.push(new A.UserInfo(new A.PigeonUserInfo(A._asString(t3.$index(t2, "uid")), A._asStringQ(t3.$index(t2, "email")), A._asStringQ(t3.$index(t2, "displayName")), A._asStringQ(t3.$index(t2, "photoUrl")), A._asStringQ(t3.$index(t2, "phoneNumber")), A._asBool(t3.$index(t2, "isAnonymous")), A._asBool(t3.$index(t2, "isEmailVerified")), A._asStringQ(t3.$index(t2, "providerId")), A._asStringQ(t3.$index(t2, "tenantId")), A._asStringQ(t3.$index(t2, "refreshToken")), A._asIntQ(t3.$index(t2, "creationTimestamp")), A._asIntQ(t3.$index(t2, "lastSignInTimestamp")))));
- }
- return providerData;
- }
- };
- A.UserCredentialPlatform.prototype = {};
- A.OAuthCredential.prototype = {};
- A.UserInfo.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = B.Type_UserInfo_S19.toString$0(0),
- t2 = this._user_info$_data,
- t3 = t2.providerId;
- t3.toString;
- return t1 + "(displayName: " + A.S(t2.displayName) + ", email: " + A.S(t2.email) + ", phoneNumber: " + A.S(t2.phoneNumber) + ", photoURL: " + A.S(t2.photoUrl) + ", providerId: " + t3 + ", uid: " + t2.uid + ")";
- }
- };
- A.UserMetadata.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._creationTimestamp;
- t1 = A.S(t1 == null ? null : A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(t1, true));
- t2 = this._lastSignInTime;
- return "UserMetadata(creationTime: " + t1 + ", lastSignInTime: " + A.S(t2 == null ? null : A.DateTime$fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(t2, true)) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.FirebaseAuthWeb.prototype = {
- FirebaseAuthWeb$2$app$persistence(app, persistence) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this._firebase_auth_web$_persistence = persistence;
- t1 = $.FirebaseAuthWeb__userChangesListeners;
- t2 = app._firebase_core$_delegate.name;
- t3 = type$._AsyncBroadcastStreamController_nullable_UserPlatform;
- t1.$indexSet(0, t2, new A._AsyncBroadcastStreamController(_null, _null, t3));
- t1 = $.FirebaseAuthWeb__authStateChangesListeners;
- t1.$indexSet(0, t2, new A._AsyncBroadcastStreamController(_null, _null, t3));
- t1 = $.FirebaseAuthWeb__idTokenChangesListeners;
- t1.$indexSet(0, t2, new A._AsyncBroadcastStreamController(_null, _null, t3));
- t1 = _this.get$delegate();
- t1 = t1.get$onAuthStateChanged(t1);
- new A._MapStream(new A.FirebaseAuthWeb_closure(_this), t1, t1.$ti._eval$1("_MapStream")).listen$1(new A.FirebaseAuthWeb_closure0(app));
- t1 = _this.get$delegate();
- t1 = t1.get$onIdTokenChanged(t1);
- new A._MapStream(new A.FirebaseAuthWeb_closure1(_this), t1, t1.$ti._eval$1("_MapStream")).listen$1(new A.FirebaseAuthWeb_closure2(app));
- },
- get$delegate() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._webAuth;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = firebase_core.getApp(_this.get$app(_this)._firebase_core$_delegate.name);
- t1 = _this._webAuth = A.getAuthInstance(A.App_getInstance(t1), _this._firebase_auth_web$_persistence);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- delegateFor$2$app$persistence(app, persistence) {
- return A.FirebaseAuthWeb$(app, persistence);
- },
- setInitialValues$2$currentUser$languageCode(currentUser, languageCode) {
- return this;
- },
- signInWithEmailAndPassword$2(email, password) {
- return this.signInWithEmailAndPassword$body$FirebaseAuthWeb(email, password);
- },
- signInWithEmailAndPassword$body$FirebaseAuthWeb(email, password) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.UserCredentialPlatform),
- $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$self = this, e, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, exception, $async$exception;
- var $async$signInWithEmailAndPassword$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$handler = 4;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.handleThenable(firebase_auth.signInWithEmailAndPassword($async$self.get$delegate().jsObject, email, password), type$.UserCredentialJsImpl).then$1$1(0, A.auth_UserCredential___fromJsObject_tearOff$closure(), type$.UserCredential_2), $async$signInWithEmailAndPassword$2);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- t1 = $async$result;
- t2 = $async$self._webAuth;
- t3 = t1.jsObject;
- t4 = A.convertWebAdditionalUserInfo(new A.AdditionalUserInfo0(firebase_auth.getAdditionalUserInfo(t3)));
- t1 = A.convertWebOAuthCredential(t1);
- t5 = J.getInterceptor$x(t3);
- t6 = A.MultiFactorWeb$($async$self, A.MultiFactorUser_getInstance(firebase_auth.multiFactor(A.User_getInstance(t5.get$user(t3)).jsObject)));
- t3 = A.User_getInstance(t5.get$user(t3));
- t3.toString;
- t2 = A.UserWeb$($async$self, t6, t3, t2);
- t3 = $.$get$UserCredentialPlatform__token();
- t2 = new A.UserCredentialWeb(t4, t1, t2);
- $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens().$indexSet(0, t2, t3);
- $async$returnValue = t2;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- $async$handler = 2;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 4:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$exception = $async$currentError;
- e = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
- t1 = A.getFirebaseAuthException(e, $async$self._webAuth);
- throw A.wrapException(t1);
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 3:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 6:
- // after finally
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- case 2:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$signInWithEmailAndPassword$2, $async$completer);
- },
- signOut$0(_) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, $async$self = this, e, exception, t1, $async$exception;
- var $async$signOut$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$goto = 6;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.handleThenable(J.signOut$0$x($async$self.get$delegate().jsObject), type$.dynamic), $async$signOut$0);
- case 6:
- // returning from await.
- $async$handler = 1;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- case 3:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 2;
- $async$exception = $async$currentError;
- e = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
- t1 = A.getFirebaseAuthException(e, null);
- throw A.wrapException(t1);
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- case 2:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 5:
- // after finally
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- case 1:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$signOut$0, $async$completer);
- }
- };
- A.FirebaseAuthWeb_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(webUser) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._initialized;
- if ((t2.future._state & 30) === 0)
- t2.complete$0(0);
- if (webUser == null)
- return null;
- else
- return A.UserWeb$(t1, A.MultiFactorWeb$(t1, A.MultiFactorUser_getInstance(firebase_auth.multiFactor(webUser.jsObject))), webUser, t1._webAuth);
- },
- $signature: 165
- };
- A.FirebaseAuthWeb_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(webUser) {
- $.FirebaseAuthWeb__authStateChangesListeners.$index(0, this.app._firebase_core$_delegate.name).add$1(0, webUser);
- },
- $signature: 161
- };
- A.FirebaseAuthWeb_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(webUser) {
- var t1;
- if (webUser == null)
- return null;
- else {
- t1 = this.$this;
- return A.UserWeb$(t1, A.MultiFactorWeb$(t1, A.MultiFactorUser_getInstance(firebase_auth.multiFactor(webUser.jsObject))), webUser, t1._webAuth);
- }
- },
- $signature: 165
- };
- A.FirebaseAuthWeb_closure2.prototype = {
- call$1(webUser) {
- var t1 = this.app._firebase_core$_delegate.name;
- $.FirebaseAuthWeb__idTokenChangesListeners.$index(0, t1).add$1(0, webUser);
- $.FirebaseAuthWeb__userChangesListeners.$index(0, t1).add$1(0, webUser);
- },
- $signature: 161
- };
- A.FirebaseAuthWeb_registerWith_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(firebaseApp) {
- return this.$call$body$FirebaseAuthWeb_registerWith_closure(firebaseApp);
- },
- $call$body$FirebaseAuthWeb_registerWith_closure(firebaseApp) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- authDelegate;
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- authDelegate = A.getAuthInstance(firebaseApp, null);
- window.location.hostname;
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(authDelegate.onWaitInitState$0(), $async$call$1);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 640
- };
- A.MultiFactorWeb.prototype = {};
- A.MultiFactorResolverWeb.prototype = {};
- A.PhoneMultiFactorGeneratorWeb.prototype = {};
- A.RecaptchaVerifierFactoryWeb.prototype = {};
- A.UserWeb.prototype = {};
- A.UserWeb_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(webUserInfo) {
- var t1 = webUserInfo.jsObject,
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
- return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["displayName", t2.get$displayName(t1), "email", t2.get$email(t1), "isAnonymous", false, "isEmailVerified", true, "phoneNumber", t2.get$phoneNumber(t1), "providerId", t2.get$providerId(t1), "photoUrl", t2.get$photoURL(t1), "uid", webUserInfo.get$uid(webUserInfo)], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- },
- $signature: 644
- };
- A.UserCredentialWeb.prototype = {};
- A.UserInfo0.prototype = {
- get$uid(_) {
- return J.get$uid$x(this.jsObject);
- }
- };
- A.User0.prototype = {
- get$uid(_) {
- return J.get$uid$x(this.jsObject);
- },
- get$providerData(_) {
- return J.map$1$1$ax(J.get$providerData$x(this.jsObject), new A.User_providerData_closure(), type$.UserInfo_UserInfoJsImpl).toList$0(0);
- },
- toJson$0() {
- return A.dartify0(J.toJSON$0$x(this.jsObject), null);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "User: " + J.get$uid$x(this.jsObject);
- }
- };
- A.User_providerData_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(data) {
- return new A.UserInfo0(data, type$.UserInfo_UserInfoJsImpl);
- },
- $signature: 645
- };
- A.Auth.prototype = {
- onWaitInitState$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this, t1, unsubscribe;
- var $async$onWaitInitState$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_dynamic);
- unsubscribe = J.onAuthStateChanged$2$x($async$self.jsObject, A.allowInterop(new A.Auth_onWaitInitState_closure($async$self, new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_dynamic))), A.allowInterop(new A.Auth_onWaitInitState_closure0($async$self)));
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1, $async$onWaitInitState$0);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- unsubscribe.call$0();
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$onWaitInitState$0, $async$completer);
- },
- get$onAuthStateChanged(_) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._changeController == null) {
- t1 = new A._SyncBroadcastStreamController(new A.Auth_onAuthStateChanged_startListen(_this, A.allowInterop(new A.Auth_onAuthStateChanged_closure(_this)), A.allowInterop(new A.Auth_onAuthStateChanged_closure0(_this))), new A.Auth_onAuthStateChanged_stopListen(_this), type$._SyncBroadcastStreamController_nullable_User);
- _this._changeController = t1;
- t1.add$1(0, _this._initUser);
- }
- t1 = _this._changeController;
- t1.toString;
- return new A._BroadcastStream(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_BroadcastStream<1>"));
- },
- get$onIdTokenChanged(_) {
- var nextWrapper, errorWrapper, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._idTokenChangedController;
- if (t1 == null) {
- nextWrapper = A.allowInterop(new A.Auth_onIdTokenChanged_closure(_this));
- errorWrapper = A.allowInterop(new A.Auth_onIdTokenChanged_closure0(_this));
- t1 = _this._idTokenChangedController = new A._SyncBroadcastStreamController(new A.Auth_onIdTokenChanged_startListen(_this, nextWrapper, errorWrapper), new A.Auth_onIdTokenChanged_stopListen(_this), type$._SyncBroadcastStreamController_nullable_User);
- }
- return new A._BroadcastStream(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_BroadcastStream<1>"));
- }
- };
- A.Auth_onWaitInitState_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(user) {
- this.$this._initUser = A.User_getInstance(user);
- this.completer.complete$0(0);
- },
- $signature: 104
- };
- A.Auth_onWaitInitState_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- return this.$this._changeController.addError$1(e);
- },
- $signature: 19
- };
- A.Auth_onAuthStateChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(user) {
- var t1 = this.$this._changeController;
- t1.toString;
- t1.add$1(0, A.User_getInstance(user));
- },
- $signature: 104
- };
- A.Auth_onAuthStateChanged_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- return this.$this._changeController.addError$1(e);
- },
- $signature: 19
- };
- A.Auth_onAuthStateChanged_startListen.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1._onAuthUnsubscribe = J.onAuthStateChanged$2$x(t1.jsObject, this.nextWrapper, this.errorWrapper);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.Auth_onAuthStateChanged_stopListen.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1._onAuthUnsubscribe.call$0();
- t1._onAuthUnsubscribe = null;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.Auth_onIdTokenChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(user) {
- var t1 = this.$this._idTokenChangedController;
- t1.toString;
- t1.add$1(0, A.User_getInstance(user));
- },
- $signature: 104
- };
- A.Auth_onIdTokenChanged_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- return this.$this._idTokenChangedController.addError$1(e);
- },
- $signature: 19
- };
- A.Auth_onIdTokenChanged_startListen.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1._onIdTokenChangedUnsubscribe = J.onIdTokenChanged$2$x(t1.jsObject, this.nextWrapper, this.errorWrapper);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.Auth_onIdTokenChanged_stopListen.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1._onIdTokenChangedUnsubscribe.call$0();
- t1._onIdTokenChangedUnsubscribe = null;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.UserCredential0.prototype = {};
- A.AdditionalUserInfo0.prototype = {};
- A.AuthJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.IdTokenResultImpl.prototype = {};
- A.UserInfoJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.UserJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.Persistence.prototype = {};
- A.AuthCredential0.prototype = {};
- A.OAuthCredential0.prototype = {};
- A.OAuthCredentialOptions.prototype = {};
- A.AuthProviderJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.EmailAuthProviderJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.FacebookAuthProviderJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.GithubAuthProviderJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.GoogleAuthProviderJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.OAuthProviderJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.TwitterAuthProviderJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.PhoneAuthProviderJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.SAMLAuthProviderJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.ApplicationVerifierJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.RecaptchaVerifierJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.ConfirmationResultJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.ActionCodeInfo.prototype = {};
- A.UserMetadata0.prototype = {};
- A.UserProfile.prototype = {};
- A.AuthError.prototype = {};
- A.ActionCodeData.prototype = {};
- A.ActionCodeSettings.prototype = {};
- A.IosSettings.prototype = {};
- A.AndroidSettings.prototype = {};
- A.UserCredentialJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.AdditionalUserInfoJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.AuthSettings.prototype = {};
- A.MultiFactorUserJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.MultiFactorInfoJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.MultiFactorAssertionJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.MultiFactorError.prototype = {};
- A.MultiFactorResolverJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.MultiFactorSessionJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.PhoneMultiFactorInfoJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.PhoneMultiFactorEnrollInfoOptionsJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.PhoneMultiFactorGeneratorJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.PhoneMultiFactorAssertionJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.PhoneAuthCredentialJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.MultiFactorUser.prototype = {};
- A.MultiFactorInfo0.prototype = {};
- A.PhoneMultiFactorInfo0.prototype = {};
- A.MultiFactorResolver.prototype = {
- get$hints(_) {
- return J.map$1$1$ax(J.get$hints$x(this.jsObject), new A.MultiFactorResolver_hints_closure(), type$.MultiFactorInfo_MultiFactorInfoJsImpl).toList$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.MultiFactorResolver_hints_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- return new A.PhoneMultiFactorInfo0(e);
- },
- $signature: 679
- };
- A.getFirebaseAuthException_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6;
- if (e instanceof A.PhoneMultiFactorInfo0) {
- t1 = e.jsObject;
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
- t3 = t2.get$displayName(t1);
- t4 = t2.get$factorId(t1);
- t5 = A.HttpDate_parse(t2.get$enrollmentTime(t1));
- t6 = t2.get$uid(t1);
- return new A.PhoneMultiFactorInfo(t2.get$phoneNumber(t1), t3, t5._value / 1000, t4, t6);
- }
- t1 = e.jsObject;
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
- t3 = t2.get$displayName(t1);
- t4 = t2.get$factorId(t1);
- return new A.MultiFactorInfo(t3, A.HttpDate_parse(t2.get$enrollmentTime(t1))._value / 1000, t4, t2.get$uid(t1));
- },
- $signature: 685
- };
- A.FirebaseApp.prototype = {
- get$name(_) {
- return this._firebase_core$_delegate.name;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (!(other instanceof A.FirebaseApp))
- return false;
- t1 = other._firebase_core$_delegate;
- t2 = this._firebase_core$_delegate;
- return t1.name === t2.name && t1.options.$eq(0, t2.options);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var t1 = this._firebase_core$_delegate;
- return A.Object_hash(t1.name, t1.options, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return B.Type_FirebaseApp_EuK.toString$0(0) + "(" + this._firebase_core$_delegate.name + ")";
- }
- };
- A.FirebaseException.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (!(other instanceof A.FirebaseException))
- return false;
- return A.Object_hash(other.plugin, other.code, other.message, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue) === A.Object_hash(_this.plugin, _this.code, _this.message, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.plugin, this.code, this.message, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "[" + this.plugin + "/" + this.code + "] " + A.S(this.message);
- },
- $isException: 1
- };
- A.FirebaseOptions.prototype = {
- get$asMap(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["apiKey", _this.apiKey, "appId", _this.appId, "messagingSenderId", _this.messagingSenderId, "projectId", _this.projectId, "authDomain", _this.authDomain, "databaseURL", _this.databaseURL, "storageBucket", _this.storageBucket, "measurementId", _this.measurementId, "trackingId", _this.trackingId, "deepLinkURLScheme", _this.deepLinkURLScheme, "androidClientId", _this.androidClientId, "iosClientId", _this.iosClientId, "iosBundleId", _this.iosBundleId, "appGroupId", _this.appGroupId], type$.String, type$.nullable_String);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (!(other instanceof A.FirebaseOptions))
- return false;
- return B.C_MapEquality.equals$2(this.get$asMap(this), other.get$asMap(other));
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return B.C_MapEquality.hash$1(0, this.get$asMap(this));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.MapBase_mapToString(this.get$asMap(this));
- }
- };
- A.MethodChannelFirebase.prototype = {
- _initializeCore$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1;
- var $async$_initializeCore$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$temp1 = J;
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait($.$get$MethodChannelFirebase_api().initializeCore$0(), $async$_initializeCore$0);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- t1 = $async$temp1.where$1$ax($async$result, new A.MethodChannelFirebase__initializeCore_closure());
- A.CastIterable_CastIterable(t1, t1.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.PigeonInitializeResponse).forEach$1(0, $async$self.get$_initializeFirebaseAppFromMap());
- $.MethodChannelFirebase_isCoreInitialized = true;
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_initializeCore$0, $async$completer);
- },
- _initializeFirebaseAppFromMap$1(response) {
- var t1 = response.name,
- t2 = A.FirebaseOptions$fromPigeon(response.options),
- t3 = $.$get$FirebaseAppPlatform__token(),
- methodChannelFirebaseApp = new A.MethodChannelFirebaseApp(new A.FirebaseAppHostApi(), t1, t2);
- $.$get$PlatformInterface__instanceTokens().$indexSet(0, methodChannelFirebaseApp, t3);
- $.MethodChannelFirebase_appInstances.$indexSet(0, t1, methodChannelFirebaseApp);
- $.FirebasePluginPlatform__constantsForPluginApps.$indexSet(0, t1, response.pluginConstants);
- },
- initializeApp$2$name$options($name, options) {
- return this.initializeApp$body$MethodChannelFirebase($name, options);
- },
- initializeApp$body$MethodChannelFirebase($name, options) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.FirebaseAppPlatform),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, defaultApp, t1, t2;
- var $async$initializeApp$2$name$options = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = !$.MethodChannelFirebase_isCoreInitialized ? 3 : 4;
- break;
- case 3:
- // then
- $async$goto = 5;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self._initializeCore$0(), $async$initializeApp$2$name$options);
- case 5:
- // returning from await.
- case 4:
- // join
- defaultApp = $.MethodChannelFirebase_appInstances.$index(0, "[DEFAULT]");
- A.defaultTargetPlatform() === B.TargetPlatform_0;
- $async$goto = defaultApp == null && true ? 6 : 7;
- break;
- case 6:
- // then
- $async$goto = 8;
- return A._asyncAwait($.$get$MethodChannelFirebase_api().initializeApp$2("[DEFAULT]", new A.PigeonFirebaseOptions(options.apiKey, options.appId, options.messagingSenderId, options.projectId, options.authDomain, options.databaseURL, options.storageBucket, options.measurementId, options.trackingId, options.deepLinkURLScheme, options.androidClientId, options.iosClientId, options.iosBundleId, options.appGroupId)), $async$initializeApp$2$name$options);
- case 8:
- // returning from await.
- $async$self._initializeFirebaseAppFromMap$1($async$result);
- defaultApp = $.MethodChannelFirebase_appInstances.$index(0, "[DEFAULT]");
- case 7:
- // join
- if (defaultApp != null && true) {
- t1 = defaultApp.options;
- if (options.apiKey === t1.apiKey) {
- t2 = options.databaseURL;
- if (!(t2 != null && t2 !== t1.databaseURL)) {
- t2 = options.storageBucket;
- t1 = t2 != null && t2 !== t1.storageBucket;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.duplicateApp("[DEFAULT]"));
- }
- t1 = $.MethodChannelFirebase_appInstances.$index(0, "[DEFAULT]");
- t1.toString;
- $async$returnValue = t1;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$initializeApp$2$name$options, $async$completer);
- },
- app$1(_, $name) {
- var t1;
- if ($.MethodChannelFirebase_appInstances.containsKey$1(0, $name)) {
- t1 = $.MethodChannelFirebase_appInstances.$index(0, $name);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.noAppExists($name));
- }
- };
- A.MethodChannelFirebase__initializeCore_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(element) {
- return element != null;
- },
- $signature: 713
- };
- A.MethodChannelFirebaseApp.prototype = {};
- A.FirebasePlatform.prototype = {};
- A.FirebaseAppPlatform.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (!(other instanceof A.FirebaseAppPlatform))
- return false;
- return other.name === this.name && other.options.$eq(0, this.options);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.name, this.options, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return B.Type_FirebaseAppPlatform_ot1.toString$0(0) + "(" + this.name + ")";
- },
- get$name(receiver) {
- return this.name;
- }
- };
- A.FirebasePluginPlatform.prototype = {
- get$pluginConstants() {
- var t1,
- appConstants = $.FirebasePluginPlatform__constantsForPluginApps.$index(0, this._appName);
- if (appConstants != null && appConstants.$index(0, this._methodChannelName) != null) {
- t1 = appConstants.$index(0, this._methodChannelName);
- t1.toString;
- return type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(t1);
- }
- t1 = type$.dynamic;
- return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
- }
- };
- A.PigeonFirebaseOptions.prototype = {
- encode$0() {
- var _this = this;
- return [_this.apiKey, _this.appId, _this.messagingSenderId, _this.projectId, _this.authDomain, _this.databaseURL, _this.storageBucket, _this.measurementId, _this.trackingId, _this.deepLinkURLScheme, _this.androidClientId, _this.iosClientId, _this.iosBundleId, _this.appGroupId];
- }
- };
- A.PigeonInitializeResponse.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return this.name;
- }
- };
- A._FirebaseCoreHostApiCodec.prototype = {
- writeValue$2(_, buffer, value) {
- if (value instanceof A.PigeonFirebaseOptions) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 128);
- this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, value.encode$0());
- } else if (value instanceof A.PigeonInitializeResponse) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 129);
- this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, [value.name, value.options.encode$0(), value.isAutomaticDataCollectionEnabled, value.pluginConstants]);
- } else
- this.super$StandardMessageCodec$writeValue(0, buffer, value);
- },
- readValueOfType$2(type, buffer) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
- switch (type) {
- case 128:
- t1 = this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- return A.PigeonFirebaseOptions_decode(t1);
- case 129:
- t1 = this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = type$.List_nullable_Object;
- t2._as(t1);
- t3 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- t4 = t3.$index(t1, 0);
- t4.toString;
- A._asString(t4);
- t5 = t3.$index(t1, 1);
- t5.toString;
- t5 = A.PigeonFirebaseOptions_decode(t2._as(t5));
- t2 = A._asBoolQ(t3.$index(t1, 2));
- t1 = type$.nullable_Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as(t3.$index(t1, 3));
- t1.toString;
- return new A.PigeonInitializeResponse(t4, t5, t2, J.cast$2$0$ax(t1, type$.nullable_String, type$.nullable_Object));
- default:
- return this.super$StandardMessageCodec$readValueOfType(type, buffer);
- }
- }
- };
- A.FirebaseCoreHostApi.prototype = {
- initializeApp$2(arg_appName, arg_initializeAppRequest) {
- return this.initializeApp$body$FirebaseCoreHostApi(arg_appName, arg_initializeAppRequest);
- },
- initializeApp$body$FirebaseCoreHostApi(arg_appName, arg_initializeAppRequest) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.PigeonInitializeResponse),
- $async$returnValue, t1, t2, t3, replyList, $async$temp1;
- var $async$initializeApp$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$temp1 = type$.nullable_List_nullable_Object;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(new A.BasicMessageChannel("dev.flutter.pigeon.FirebaseCoreHostApi.initializeApp", B.C__FirebaseCoreHostApiCodec, null, type$.BasicMessageChannel_nullable_Object).send$1(0, [arg_appName, arg_initializeAppRequest]), $async$initializeApp$2);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- replyList = $async$temp1._as($async$result);
- if (replyList == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$("channel-error", null, string$.Unable, null));
- else {
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(replyList);
- if (t1.get$length(replyList) > 1) {
- t2 = t1.$index(replyList, 0);
- t2.toString;
- A._asString(t2);
- t3 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(replyList, 1));
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$(t2, t1.$index(replyList, 2), t3, null));
- } else if (t1.$index(replyList, 0) == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$("null-error", null, string$.Host_p, null));
- else {
- t1 = type$.nullable_PigeonInitializeResponse._as(t1.$index(replyList, 0));
- t1.toString;
- $async$returnValue = t1;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$initializeApp$2, $async$completer);
- },
- initializeCore$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.List_nullable_PigeonInitializeResponse),
- $async$returnValue, t2, t3, t1, replyList, $async$temp1;
- var $async$initializeCore$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = type$.nullable_List_nullable_Object;
- $async$temp1 = t1;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(new A.BasicMessageChannel("dev.flutter.pigeon.FirebaseCoreHostApi.initializeCore", B.C__FirebaseCoreHostApiCodec, null, type$.BasicMessageChannel_nullable_Object).send$1(0, null), $async$initializeCore$0);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- replyList = $async$temp1._as($async$result);
- if (replyList == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$("channel-error", null, string$.Unable, null));
- else {
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(replyList);
- if (t2.get$length(replyList) > 1) {
- t1 = t2.$index(replyList, 0);
- t1.toString;
- A._asString(t1);
- t3 = A._asStringQ(t2.$index(replyList, 1));
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$(t1, t2.$index(replyList, 2), t3, null));
- } else if (t2.$index(replyList, 0) == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$("null-error", null, string$.Host_p, null));
- else {
- t1 = t1._as(t2.$index(replyList, 0));
- t1.toString;
- $async$returnValue = J.cast$1$0$ax(t1, type$.nullable_PigeonInitializeResponse);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$initializeCore$0, $async$completer);
- }
- };
- A.FirebaseAppHostApi.prototype = {};
- A.FirebaseAppWeb.prototype = {};
- A.FirebaseWebService.prototype = {
- get$name(receiver) {
- return this.name;
- }
- };
- A.FirebaseCoreWeb.prototype = {
- get$_ignoredServiceScripts() {
- var ignored, t1, t2, exception;
- try {
- t1 = $.$get$_context().$index(0, "flutterfire_ignore_scripts");
- if (typeof t1 == "number" || typeof t1 == "string" || A._isBool(t1) || false)
- A.throwExpression(A.ArgumentError$("object cannot be a num, string, bool, or null", null));
- ignored = A._wrapToDart(A._convertToJS(t1));
- t1 = type$.Iterable_dynamic;
- if (t1._is(ignored)) {
- t1 = t1._as(ignored);
- t2 = A.instanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable");
- t2 = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.FirebaseCoreWeb__ignoredServiceScripts_closure(), t2), false, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- return t2;
- }
- } catch (exception) {
- }
- return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- },
- injectSrcScript$2(src, windowVar) {
- return this.injectSrcScript$body$FirebaseCoreWeb(src, windowVar);
- },
- injectSrcScript$body$FirebaseCoreWeb(src, windowVar) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- factory, policy, t1, exception, script, trustedUrl, trustedPolicyName;
- var $async$injectSrcScript$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- trustedUrl = null;
- trustedPolicyName = "flutterfire-" + windowVar;
- if (self.trustedTypes != null) {
- self.console.debug.call$2("TrustedTypes available. Creating policy:", trustedPolicyName);
- t1 = self.trustedTypes;
- t1.toString;
- factory = t1;
- try {
- policy = factory.createPolicy(trustedPolicyName, type$.JavaScriptObject._as({createScriptURL: A.allowInterop(new A.FirebaseCoreWeb_injectSrcScript_closure(src))}));
- trustedUrl = policy.createScriptURL(src);
- } catch (exception) {
- throw exception;
- }
- }
- t1 = document;
- script = t1.createElement("script");
- script.type = "text/javascript";
- script.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
- script.textContent = " window.ff_trigger_" + windowVar + ' = async (callback) => {\n console.debug("Initializing Firebase ' + windowVar + '");\n callback(await import("' + A.S(trustedUrl != null ? trustedUrl.toString() : src) + '"));\n };\n ';
- t1.head.appendChild(script).toString;
- t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_dynamic);
- $.$get$_context().callMethod$2("ff_trigger_" + windowVar, [new A.FirebaseCoreWeb_injectSrcScript_closure0(windowVar, new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_dynamic))]);
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1, $async$injectSrcScript$2);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$injectSrcScript$2, $async$completer);
- },
- _firebase_core_web$_initializeCore$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, ignored, t2, t1;
- var $async$_firebase_core_web$_initializeCore$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $.$get$_context();
- if (t1.$index(0, "firebase_core") != null) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- t1 = t1.$index(0, "flutterfire_web_sdk_version");
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = "9.22.1";
- ignored = $async$self.get$_ignoredServiceScripts();
- t2 = $.$get$FirebaseCoreWeb__services();
- t2 = t2.get$values(t2);
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.Future_wait(A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t2, new A.FirebaseCoreWeb__initializeCore_closure($async$self, ignored, t1), A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.Future_void), type$.void), $async$_firebase_core_web$_initializeCore$0);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_firebase_core_web$_initializeCore$0, $async$completer);
- },
- initializeApp$2$name$options($name, options) {
- return this.initializeApp$body$FirebaseCoreWeb($name, options);
- },
- initializeApp$body$FirebaseCoreWeb($name, options) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.FirebaseAppPlatform),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, defaultAppExists, t2, exception, t3, t4, t5, t1;
- var $async$initializeApp$2$name$options = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = {};
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self._firebase_core_web$_initializeCore$0(), $async$initializeApp$2$name$options);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- A.guardNotInitialized(new A.FirebaseCoreWeb_initializeApp_closure(), type$.String);
- t1.app = null;
- defaultAppExists = false;
- try {
- t2 = firebase_core.getApp();
- t1.app = A.App_getInstance(t2);
- defaultAppExists = true;
- } catch (exception) {
- }
- if (defaultAppExists) {
- t2 = t1.app.jsObject;
- t3 = J.getInterceptor$x(t2);
- if (options.apiKey === J.get$apiKey$x(t3.get$options(t2))) {
- t4 = options.databaseURL;
- t5 = J.get$databaseURL$x(t3.get$options(t2));
- if (t4 == null ? t5 == null : t4 === t5) {
- t4 = options.storageBucket;
- t2 = J.get$storageBucket$x(t3.get$options(t2));
- t2 = t4 == null ? t2 != null : t4 !== t2;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- throw A.wrapException(A.duplicateApp("[DEFAULT]"));
- } else
- t1.app = A.initializeApp(options.apiKey, options.appId, options.authDomain, options.databaseURL, options.measurementId, options.messagingSenderId, null, options.projectId, options.storageBucket);
- t2 = $.$get$FirebaseCoreWeb__services();
- t2 = t2.get$values(t2);
- $async$goto = 4;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.Future_wait(A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(t2, new A.FirebaseCoreWeb_initializeApp_closure0(t1), A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.Future_void), type$.void), $async$initializeApp$2$name$options);
- case 4:
- // returning from await.
- t1 = t1.app.jsObject;
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
- $async$returnValue = A.FirebaseAppWeb$_(t2.get$name(t1), A._createFromJsOptions(t2.get$options(t1)));
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$initializeApp$2$name$options, $async$completer);
- },
- app$1(_, $name) {
- var e, exception, t1, t2, app = null;
- try {
- app = A.guardNotInitialized(new A.FirebaseCoreWeb_app_closure($name), type$.App);
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- if (A._getJSErrorCode(e) === "app/no-app")
- throw A.wrapException(A.noAppExists($name));
- throw A.wrapException(A._catchJSError(e));
- }
- t1 = app.jsObject;
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
- return A.FirebaseAppWeb$_(t2.get$name(t1), A._createFromJsOptions(t2.get$options(t1)));
- }
- };
- A.FirebaseCoreWeb_registerService_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return new A.FirebaseWebService(this.service, this.productNameOverride, this.ensurePluginInitialized);
- },
- $signature: 714
- };
- A.FirebaseCoreWeb__ignoredServiceScripts_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(e) {
- return J.toString$0$(e);
- },
- $signature: 220
- };
- A.FirebaseCoreWeb_injectSrcScript_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(url) {
- return this.src;
- },
- $signature: 89
- };
- A.FirebaseCoreWeb_injectSrcScript_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(module) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_context(),
- t2 = this.windowVar;
- t1.$indexSet(0, t2, module);
- delete t1._js$_jsObject["ff_trigger_" + t2];
- this.completer.complete$0(0);
- },
- $signature: 26
- };
- A.FirebaseCoreWeb__initializeCore_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(service) {
- var t1 = service.override,
- t2 = t1 == null,
- t3 = t2 ? service.name : t1;
- if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(this.ignored, t3))
- return A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.dynamic);
- t3 = service.name;
- if (t2)
- t1 = t3;
- return this.$this.injectSrcScript$2("https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/" + this.version + "/firebase-" + t3 + ".js", "firebase_" + t1);
- },
- $signature: 140
- };
- A.FirebaseCoreWeb_initializeApp_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return firebase_core.SDK_VERSION;
- },
- $signature: 54
- };
- A.FirebaseCoreWeb_initializeApp_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(service) {
- var ensureInitializedFunction = service.ensurePluginInitialized;
- if (ensureInitializedFunction == null || this._box_0.app == null)
- return A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.dynamic);
- return ensureInitializedFunction.call$1(this._box_0.app);
- },
- $signature: 140
- };
- A.FirebaseCoreWeb_app_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = firebase_core.getApp(this.name);
- return A.App_getInstance(t1);
- },
- $signature: 757
- };
- A.App.prototype = {
- get$name(_) {
- return J.get$name$x(this.jsObject);
- }
- };
- A.AppJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.FirebaseError.prototype = {};
- A.FirebaseOptions0.prototype = {};
- A.PromiseJsImpl.prototype = {};
- A.JsObjectWrapper.prototype = {};
- A.dartify_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(item) {
- return A.dartify0(item, this.customDartify);
- },
- $signature: 51
- };
- A.jsifyList_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(item) {
- return A.jsify0(item, this.customJsify);
- },
- $signature: 51
- };
- A.jsify_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(key, value) {
- this.jsMap[key] = A.jsify0(value, this.customJsify);
- },
- $signature: 73
- };
- A.AnimationStatus.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "AnimationStatus." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.Animation0.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "#" + A.shortHash(this) + "(" + A.S(this.toStringDetails$0()) + ")";
- },
- toStringDetails$0() {
- switch (this.get$status(this)) {
- case B.AnimationStatus_1:
- return "\u25b6";
- case B.AnimationStatus_2:
- return "\u25c0";
- case B.AnimationStatus_3:
- return "\u23ed";
- case B.AnimationStatus_0:
- return "\u23ee";
- }
- }
- };
- A._AnimationDirection.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_AnimationDirection." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.AnimationBehavior.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "AnimationBehavior." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.AnimationController.prototype = {
- get$value(_) {
- var t1 = this.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1;
- },
- set$value(_, newValue) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.stop$0(0);
- _this._internalSetValue$1(newValue);
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- _this._checkStatusChanged$0();
- },
- get$velocity() {
- var t1 = this._ticker;
- if (!(t1 != null && t1._ticker$_future != null))
- return 0;
- t1 = this._simulation;
- t1.toString;
- return t1.dx$1(0, this._lastElapsedDuration._duration / 1000000);
- },
- _internalSetValue$1(newValue) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.lowerBound,
- t2 = _this.upperBound,
- t3 = _this.__AnimationController__value_A = A.clampDouble(newValue, t1, t2);
- if (t3 === t1)
- _this.__AnimationController__status_A = B.AnimationStatus_0;
- else if (t3 === t2)
- _this.__AnimationController__status_A = B.AnimationStatus_3;
- else
- _this.__AnimationController__status_A = _this._direction === B._AnimationDirection_0 ? B.AnimationStatus_1 : B.AnimationStatus_2;
- },
- get$status(_) {
- var t1 = this.__AnimationController__status_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1;
- },
- forward$1$from(_, from) {
- var _this = this;
- _this._direction = B._AnimationDirection_0;
- if (from != null)
- _this.set$value(0, from);
- return _this._animateToInternal$1(_this.upperBound);
- },
- forward$0($receiver) {
- return this.forward$1$from($receiver, null);
- },
- reverse$1$from(_, from) {
- var _this = this;
- _this._direction = B._AnimationDirection_1;
- if (from != null)
- _this.set$value(0, from);
- return _this._animateToInternal$1(_this.lowerBound);
- },
- reverse$0($receiver) {
- return this.reverse$1$from($receiver, null);
- },
- _animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(target, curve, duration) {
- var scale, range, remainingFraction, directionDuration, simulationDuration, t2, _this = this,
- t1 = $.SemanticsBinding__instance.SemanticsBinding___SemanticsBinding__accessibilityFeatures_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if ((t1.__engine$_index & 4) !== 0)
- switch (_this.animationBehavior.index) {
- case 0:
- scale = 0.05;
- break;
- case 1:
- scale = 1;
- break;
- default:
- scale = 1;
- }
- else
- scale = 1;
- if (duration == null) {
- range = _this.upperBound - _this.lowerBound;
- if (isFinite(range)) {
- t1 = _this.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- remainingFraction = Math.abs(target - t1) / range;
- } else
- remainingFraction = 1;
- if (_this._direction === B._AnimationDirection_1 && _this.reverseDuration != null) {
- t1 = _this.reverseDuration;
- t1.toString;
- directionDuration = t1;
- } else {
- t1 = _this.duration;
- t1.toString;
- directionDuration = t1;
- }
- simulationDuration = new A.Duration(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(directionDuration._duration * remainingFraction));
- } else {
- t1 = _this.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- simulationDuration = target === t1 ? B.Duration_0 : duration;
- }
- _this.stop$0(0);
- t1 = simulationDuration._duration;
- if (t1 === B.Duration_0._duration) {
- t1 = _this.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 !== target) {
- _this.__AnimationController__value_A = A.clampDouble(target, _this.lowerBound, _this.upperBound);
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- }
- _this.__AnimationController__status_A = _this._direction === B._AnimationDirection_0 ? B.AnimationStatus_3 : B.AnimationStatus_0;
- _this._checkStatusChanged$0();
- return A.TickerFuture$complete();
- }
- t2 = _this.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return _this._startSimulation$1(new A._InterpolationSimulation(t1 * scale / 1000000, t2, target, curve, B.Tolerance_Gdw));
- },
- _animateToInternal$1(target) {
- return this._animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(target, B.C__Linear, null);
- },
- repeat$0(_) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this,
- min = _this.lowerBound,
- max = _this.upperBound,
- period = _this.duration;
- _this.stop$0(0);
- t1 = _this.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = period._duration / 1000000;
- t1 = max === min ? 0 : t1 / (max - min) * t2;
- return _this._startSimulation$1(new A._RepeatingSimulation(min, max, false, _this.get$_directionSetter(), t2, t1, B.Tolerance_Gdw));
- },
- _directionSetter$1(direction) {
- this._direction = direction;
- this.__AnimationController__status_A = direction === B._AnimationDirection_0 ? B.AnimationStatus_1 : B.AnimationStatus_2;
- this._checkStatusChanged$0();
- },
- fling$1$velocity(velocity) {
- var target, scale, simulation, _this = this,
- springDescription = $.$get$_kFlingSpringDescription(),
- t1 = velocity < 0;
- _this._direction = t1 ? B._AnimationDirection_1 : B._AnimationDirection_0;
- target = t1 ? _this.lowerBound - 0.01 : _this.upperBound + 0.01;
- t1 = $.SemanticsBinding__instance.SemanticsBinding___SemanticsBinding__accessibilityFeatures_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if ((t1.__engine$_index & 4) !== 0)
- switch (_this.animationBehavior.index) {
- case 0:
- scale = 200;
- break;
- case 1:
- scale = 1;
- break;
- default:
- scale = 1;
- }
- else
- scale = 1;
- t1 = _this.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- simulation = new A.SpringSimulation(target, A._SpringSolution__SpringSolution(springDescription, t1 - target, velocity * scale), B.Tolerance_Gdw);
- simulation.tolerance = B.Tolerance_qbZ;
- _this.stop$0(0);
- return _this._startSimulation$1(simulation);
- },
- fling$0() {
- return this.fling$1$velocity(1);
- },
- animateWith$1(simulation) {
- this.stop$0(0);
- this._direction = B._AnimationDirection_0;
- return this._startSimulation$1(simulation);
- },
- _startSimulation$1(simulation) {
- var result, _this = this;
- _this._simulation = simulation;
- _this._lastElapsedDuration = B.Duration_0;
- _this.__AnimationController__value_A = A.clampDouble(simulation.x$1(0, 0), _this.lowerBound, _this.upperBound);
- result = _this._ticker.start$0(0);
- _this.__AnimationController__status_A = _this._direction === B._AnimationDirection_0 ? B.AnimationStatus_1 : B.AnimationStatus_2;
- _this._checkStatusChanged$0();
- return result;
- },
- stop$1$canceled(_, canceled) {
- this._lastElapsedDuration = this._simulation = null;
- this._ticker.stop$1$canceled(0, canceled);
- },
- stop$0($receiver) {
- return this.stop$1$canceled($receiver, true);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this._ticker.dispose$0();
- _this._ticker = null;
- _this.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners.clear$0(0);
- _this.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners.clear$0(0);
- _this.super$AnimationEagerListenerMixin$dispose();
- },
- _checkStatusChanged$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__AnimationController__status_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (_this._lastReportedStatus !== t1) {
- _this._lastReportedStatus = t1;
- _this.notifyStatusListeners$1(t1);
- }
- },
- _animation_controller$_tick$1(elapsed) {
- var elapsedInSeconds, _this = this;
- _this._lastElapsedDuration = elapsed;
- elapsedInSeconds = elapsed._duration / 1000000;
- _this.__AnimationController__value_A = A.clampDouble(_this._simulation.x$1(0, elapsedInSeconds), _this.lowerBound, _this.upperBound);
- if (_this._simulation.isDone$1(elapsedInSeconds)) {
- _this.__AnimationController__status_A = _this._direction === B._AnimationDirection_0 ? B.AnimationStatus_3 : B.AnimationStatus_0;
- _this.stop$1$canceled(0, false);
- }
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- _this._checkStatusChanged$0();
- },
- toStringDetails$0() {
- var ticker,
- t1 = this._ticker,
- t2 = t1 == null,
- paused = !t2 && t1._ticker$_future != null ? "" : "; paused";
- if (t2)
- ticker = "; DISPOSED";
- else
- ticker = t1._muted ? "; silenced" : "";
- t1 = this.super$Animation$toStringDetails();
- t2 = this.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return A.S(t1) + " " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t2, 3) + paused + ticker;
- }
- };
- A._InterpolationSimulation.prototype = {
- x$1(_, timeInSeconds) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this,
- t = A.clampDouble(timeInSeconds / _this._durationInSeconds, 0, 1);
- if (t === 0)
- return _this._begin;
- else {
- t1 = _this._animation_controller$_end;
- if (t === 1)
- return t1;
- else {
- t2 = _this._begin;
- return t2 + (t1 - t2) * _this._curve.transform$1(0, t);
- }
- }
- },
- dx$1(_, timeInSeconds) {
- return (this.x$1(0, timeInSeconds + 0.001) - this.x$1(0, timeInSeconds - 0.001)) / 0.002;
- },
- isDone$1(timeInSeconds) {
- return timeInSeconds > this._durationInSeconds;
- }
- };
- A._RepeatingSimulation.prototype = {
- x$1(_, timeInSeconds) {
- var _this = this,
- totalTimeInSeconds = timeInSeconds + _this._initialT,
- t1 = _this._periodInSeconds,
- t = B.JSNumber_methods.$mod(totalTimeInSeconds / t1, 1);
- B.JSNumber_methods.$tdiv(totalTimeInSeconds, t1);
- _this.directionSetter.call$1(B._AnimationDirection_0);
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(_this.min, _this.max, t);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- dx$1(_, timeInSeconds) {
- return (this.max - this.min) / this._periodInSeconds;
- },
- isDone$1(timeInSeconds) {
- return false;
- }
- };
- A._AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin.prototype = {};
- A._AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin.prototype = {};
- A._AnimationController_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin.prototype = {};
- A._AlwaysCompleteAnimation.prototype = {
- addListener$1(_, listener) {
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- },
- addStatusListener$1(listener) {
- },
- removeStatusListener$1(listener) {
- },
- get$status(_) {
- return B.AnimationStatus_3;
- },
- get$value(_) {
- return 1;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "kAlwaysCompleteAnimation";
- }
- };
- A._AlwaysDismissedAnimation.prototype = {
- addListener$1(_, listener) {
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- },
- addStatusListener$1(listener) {
- },
- removeStatusListener$1(listener) {
- },
- get$status(_) {
- return B.AnimationStatus_0;
- },
- get$value(_) {
- return 0;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "kAlwaysDismissedAnimation";
- }
- };
- A.AnimationWithParentMixin.prototype = {
- addListener$1(_, listener) {
- return this.get$parent(this).addListener$1(0, listener);
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- return this.get$parent(this).removeListener$1(0, listener);
- },
- addStatusListener$1(listener) {
- return this.get$parent(this).addStatusListener$1(listener);
- },
- removeStatusListener$1(listener) {
- return this.get$parent(this).removeStatusListener$1(listener);
- },
- get$status(_) {
- var t1 = this.get$parent(this);
- return t1.get$status(t1);
- }
- };
- A.ProxyAnimation.prototype = {
- set$parent(_, value) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._animations$_parent;
- if (value == t1)
- return;
- if (t1 != null) {
- _this._status = t1.get$status(t1);
- t1 = _this._animations$_parent;
- _this._animations$_value = t1.get$value(t1);
- if (_this.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter > 0)
- _this.didStopListening$0();
- }
- _this._animations$_parent = value;
- if (value != null) {
- if (_this.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter > 0)
- _this.didStartListening$0();
- t1 = _this._animations$_value;
- t2 = _this._animations$_parent;
- t2 = t2.get$value(t2);
- if (t1 == null ? t2 != null : t1 !== t2)
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- t1 = _this._status;
- t2 = _this._animations$_parent;
- if (t1 != t2.get$status(t2)) {
- t1 = _this._animations$_parent;
- _this.notifyStatusListeners$1(t1.get$status(t1));
- }
- _this._animations$_value = _this._status = null;
- }
- },
- didStartListening$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._animations$_parent;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.addListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners());
- _this._animations$_parent.addStatusListener$1(_this.get$notifyStatusListeners());
- }
- },
- didStopListening$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._animations$_parent;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners());
- _this._animations$_parent.removeStatusListener$1(_this.get$notifyStatusListeners());
- }
- },
- get$status(_) {
- var t1 = this._animations$_parent;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1 = t1.get$status(t1);
- else {
- t1 = this._status;
- t1.toString;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$value(_) {
- var t1 = this._animations$_parent;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1 = t1.get$value(t1);
- else {
- t1 = this._animations$_value;
- t1.toString;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._animations$_parent;
- if (t1 == null)
- return "ProxyAnimation(null; " + A.S(_this.super$Animation$toStringDetails()) + " " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$value(_this), 3) + ")";
- return t1.toString$0(0) + "\u27a9ProxyAnimation";
- }
- };
- A.ReverseAnimation.prototype = {
- addListener$1(_, listener) {
- this.didRegisterListener$0();
- this.parent.addListener$1(0, listener);
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- this.parent.removeListener$1(0, listener);
- this.didUnregisterListener$0();
- },
- didStartListening$0() {
- this.parent.addStatusListener$1(this.get$_statusChangeHandler());
- },
- didStopListening$0() {
- this.parent.removeStatusListener$1(this.get$_statusChangeHandler());
- },
- _statusChangeHandler$1($status) {
- this.notifyStatusListeners$1(this._reverseStatus$1($status));
- },
- get$status(_) {
- var t1 = this.parent;
- return this._reverseStatus$1(t1.get$status(t1));
- },
- get$value(_) {
- var t1 = this.parent;
- return 1 - t1.get$value(t1);
- },
- _reverseStatus$1($status) {
- switch ($status.index) {
- case 1:
- return B.AnimationStatus_2;
- case 2:
- return B.AnimationStatus_1;
- case 3:
- return B.AnimationStatus_0;
- case 0:
- return B.AnimationStatus_3;
- }
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return this.parent.toString$0(0) + "\u27aaReverseAnimation";
- }
- };
- A.CurvedAnimation.prototype = {
- _updateCurveDirection$1($status) {
- var _this = this;
- switch ($status.index) {
- case 0:
- case 3:
- _this._curveDirection = null;
- break;
- case 1:
- if (_this._curveDirection == null)
- _this._curveDirection = B.AnimationStatus_1;
- break;
- case 2:
- if (_this._curveDirection == null)
- _this._curveDirection = B.AnimationStatus_2;
- break;
- }
- },
- get$_useForwardCurve() {
- if (this.reverseCurve != null) {
- var t1 = this._curveDirection;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this.parent;
- t1 = t1.get$status(t1);
- }
- t1 = t1 !== B.AnimationStatus_2;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this.parent.removeStatusListener$1(this.get$_updateCurveDirection());
- },
- get$value(_) {
- var _this = this,
- activeCurve = _this.get$_useForwardCurve() ? _this.curve : _this.reverseCurve,
- t1 = _this.parent,
- t = t1.get$value(t1);
- if (activeCurve == null)
- return t;
- if (t === 0 || t === 1)
- return t;
- return activeCurve.transform$1(0, t);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.reverseCurve == null)
- return _this.parent.toString$0(0) + "\u27a9" + _this.curve.toString$0(0);
- if (_this.get$_useForwardCurve())
- return _this.parent.toString$0(0) + "\u27a9" + _this.curve.toString$0(0) + "\u2092\u2099/" + A.S(_this.reverseCurve);
- return _this.parent.toString$0(0) + "\u27a9" + _this.curve.toString$0(0) + "/" + A.S(_this.reverseCurve) + "\u2092\u2099";
- },
- get$parent(receiver) {
- return this.parent;
- }
- };
- A._TrainHoppingMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_TrainHoppingMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TrainHoppingAnimation.prototype = {
- _statusChangeHandler$1($status) {
- if ($status !== this._lastStatus) {
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- this._lastStatus = $status;
- }
- },
- get$status(_) {
- var t1 = this._currentTrain;
- return t1.get$status(t1);
- },
- _valueChangeHandler$0() {
- var t2, hop, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._nextTrain;
- if (t1 != null) {
- switch (_this._animations$_mode.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = t1.get$value(t1);
- t2 = _this._currentTrain;
- hop = t1 <= t2.get$value(t2);
- break;
- case 1:
- t1 = t1.get$value(t1);
- t2 = _this._currentTrain;
- hop = t1 >= t2.get$value(t2);
- break;
- default:
- hop = false;
- }
- if (hop) {
- t1 = _this._currentTrain;
- t2 = _this.get$_statusChangeHandler();
- t1.removeStatusListener$1(t2);
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_valueChangeHandler());
- t1 = _this._nextTrain;
- _this._currentTrain = t1;
- _this._nextTrain = null;
- t1.addStatusListener$1(t2);
- t2 = _this._currentTrain;
- _this._statusChangeHandler$1(t2.get$status(t2));
- }
- } else
- hop = false;
- t1 = _this._currentTrain;
- t1 = t1.get$value(t1);
- if (t1 !== _this._lastValue) {
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- _this._lastValue = t1;
- }
- if (hop && _this.onSwitchedTrain != null)
- _this.onSwitchedTrain.call$0();
- },
- get$value(_) {
- var t1 = this._currentTrain;
- return t1.get$value(t1);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this._currentTrain.removeStatusListener$1(_this.get$_statusChangeHandler());
- t1 = _this.get$_valueChangeHandler();
- _this._currentTrain.removeListener$1(0, t1);
- _this._currentTrain = null;
- t2 = _this._nextTrain;
- if (t2 != null)
- t2.removeListener$1(0, t1);
- _this._nextTrain = null;
- _this.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners.clear$0(0);
- _this.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners.clear$0(0);
- _this.super$AnimationEagerListenerMixin$dispose();
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._nextTrain != null)
- return A.S(_this._currentTrain) + "\u27a9TrainHoppingAnimation(next: " + A.S(_this._nextTrain) + ")";
- return A.S(_this._currentTrain) + "\u27a9TrainHoppingAnimation(no next)";
- }
- };
- A.CompoundAnimation.prototype = {
- didStartListening$0() {
- var t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.first,
- t2 = _this.get$_maybeNotifyListeners();
- t1.addListener$1(0, t2);
- t3 = _this.get$_maybeNotifyStatusListeners();
- t1.addStatusListener$1(t3);
- t1 = _this.next;
- t1.addListener$1(0, t2);
- t1.addStatusListener$1(t3);
- },
- didStopListening$0() {
- var t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.first,
- t2 = _this.get$_maybeNotifyListeners();
- t1.removeListener$1(0, t2);
- t3 = _this.get$_maybeNotifyStatusListeners();
- t1.removeStatusListener$1(t3);
- t1 = _this.next;
- t1.removeListener$1(0, t2);
- t1.removeStatusListener$1(t3);
- },
- get$status(_) {
- var t1 = this.next;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_1 || t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_2)
- return t1.get$status(t1);
- t1 = this.first;
- return t1.get$status(t1);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "CompoundAnimation(" + this.first.toString$0(0) + ", " + this.next.toString$0(0) + ")";
- },
- _maybeNotifyStatusListeners$1(_) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.get$status(_this) != _this._lastStatus) {
- _this._lastStatus = _this.get$status(_this);
- _this.notifyStatusListeners$1(_this.get$status(_this));
- }
- },
- _maybeNotifyListeners$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (!J.$eq$(_this.get$value(_this), _this._lastValue)) {
- _this._lastValue = _this.get$value(_this);
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- }
- }
- };
- A.AnimationMin.prototype = {
- get$value(_) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.first;
- t1 = t1.get$value(t1);
- t2 = this.next;
- t2 = t2.get$value(t2);
- return Math.min(A.checkNum(t1), A.checkNum(t2));
- }
- };
- A._CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin.prototype = {};
- A._CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin.prototype = {};
- A._CompoundAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin.prototype = {};
- A._CurvedAnimation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin.prototype = {};
- A._ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin.prototype = {};
- A._ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin.prototype = {};
- A._ProxyAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin.prototype = {};
- A._ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin.prototype = {};
- A._ReverseAnimation_Animation_AnimationLazyListenerMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin.prototype = {};
- A._TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin.prototype = {};
- A._TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin.prototype = {};
- A._TrainHoppingAnimation_Animation_AnimationEagerListenerMixin_AnimationLocalListenersMixin_AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin.prototype = {};
- A.ParametricCurve.prototype = {
- transform$1(_, t) {
- return this.transformInternal$1(t);
- },
- transformInternal$1(t) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "ParametricCurve";
- }
- };
- A.Curve.prototype = {
- transform$1(_, t) {
- if (t === 0 || t === 1)
- return t;
- return this.super$ParametricCurve$transform(0, t);
- }
- };
- A._Linear.prototype = {
- transformInternal$1(t) {
- return t;
- }
- };
- A.SawTooth.prototype = {
- transformInternal$1(t) {
- t *= this.count;
- return t - (t < 0 ? Math.ceil(t) : Math.floor(t));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "SawTooth(" + this.count + ")";
- }
- };
- A.Interval.prototype = {
- transformInternal$1(t) {
- var t1 = this.begin;
- t = A.clampDouble((t - t1) / (this.end - t1), 0, 1);
- if (t === 0 || t === 1)
- return t;
- return this.curve.transform$1(0, t);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.curve;
- if (!(t1 instanceof A._Linear))
- return "Interval(" + A.S(_this.begin) + "\u22ef" + A.S(_this.end) + ")\u27a9" + t1.toString$0(0);
- return "Interval(" + A.S(_this.begin) + "\u22ef" + A.S(_this.end) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.Threshold.prototype = {
- transformInternal$1(t) {
- return t < this.threshold ? 0 : 1;
- }
- };
- A.Cubic.prototype = {
- _evaluateCubic$3(a, b, m) {
- var t1 = 1 - m;
- return 3 * a * t1 * t1 * m + 3 * b * t1 * m * m + m * m * m;
- },
- transformInternal$1(t) {
- var t1, t2, start, end, midpoint, estimate, _this = this;
- for (t1 = _this.a, t2 = _this.c, start = 0, end = 1; true;) {
- midpoint = (start + end) / 2;
- estimate = _this._evaluateCubic$3(t1, t2, midpoint);
- if (Math.abs(t - estimate) < 0.001)
- return _this._evaluateCubic$3(_this.b, _this.d, midpoint);
- if (estimate < t)
- start = midpoint;
- else
- end = midpoint;
- }
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return "Cubic(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.a, 2) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.b, 2) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.c, 2) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.d, 2) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.ThreePointCubic.prototype = {
- transformInternal$1(t) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.midpoint,
- scaleX = t1._dx,
- firstCurve = t < scaleX,
- scaleX0 = firstCurve ? scaleX : 1 - scaleX,
- scaleY = t1._dy,
- scaleY0 = firstCurve ? scaleY : 1 - scaleY,
- scaledT = (t - (firstCurve ? 0 : scaleX)) / scaleX0;
- if (firstCurve) {
- t1 = _this.a1;
- t2 = _this.b1;
- return new A.Cubic(t1._dx / scaleX0, t1._dy / scaleY0, t2._dx / scaleX0, t2._dy / scaleY0).transform$1(0, scaledT) * scaleY0;
- } else {
- t1 = _this.a2;
- t2 = _this.b2;
- return new A.Cubic((t1._dx - scaleX) / scaleX0, (t1._dy - scaleY) / scaleY0, (t2._dx - scaleX) / scaleX0, (t2._dy - scaleY) / scaleY0).transform$1(0, scaledT) * scaleY0 + scaleY;
- }
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return "ThreePointCubic(" + _this.a1.toString$0(0) + ", " + _this.b1.toString$0(0) + ", " + _this.midpoint.toString$0(0) + ", " + _this.a2.toString$0(0) + ", " + _this.b2.toString$0(0) + ") ";
- }
- };
- A.FlippedCurve.prototype = {
- transformInternal$1(t) {
- return 1 - this.curve.transform$1(0, 1 - t);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "FlippedCurve(" + this.curve.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A._DecelerateCurve.prototype = {
- transformInternal$1(t) {
- t = 1 - t;
- return 1 - t * t;
- }
- };
- A._BounceInOutCurve.prototype = {
- transformInternal$1(t) {
- var t1 = t * 2;
- if (t < 0.5)
- return (1 - A._bounce(1 - t1)) * 0.5;
- else
- return A._bounce(t1 - 1) * 0.5 + 0.5;
- }
- };
- A.AnimationLazyListenerMixin.prototype = {
- didRegisterListener$0() {
- if (this.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter === 0)
- this.didStartListening$0();
- ++this.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter;
- },
- didUnregisterListener$0() {
- if (--this.AnimationLazyListenerMixin__listenerCounter === 0)
- this.didStopListening$0();
- }
- };
- A.AnimationEagerListenerMixin.prototype = {
- didRegisterListener$0() {
- },
- didUnregisterListener$0() {
- },
- dispose$0() {
- }
- };
- A.AnimationLocalListenersMixin.prototype = {
- addListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1;
- this.didRegisterListener$0();
- t1 = this.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t1._list.push(listener);
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- if (this.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners.remove$1(0, listener))
- this.didUnregisterListener$0();
- },
- notifyListeners$0() {
- var listener, exception, stack, _i, t3, exception0, t4, t5,
- t1 = this.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners,
- t2 = t1._list,
- localListeners = J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(t2.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._precomputed1);
- for (t2 = localListeners.length, _i = 0; _i < localListeners.length; localListeners.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(localListeners), ++_i) {
- t3 = {};
- listener = localListeners[_i];
- t3.collector = null;
- try {
- if (t1.contains$1(0, listener))
- listener.call$0();
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- t4 = A.ErrorDescription$("while notifying listeners for " + A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this).toString$0(0));
- t3 = t3.collector;
- t5 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError();
- if (t5 != null)
- t5.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "animation library", t4, t3, false));
- }
- }
- }
- };
- A.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin.prototype = {
- addStatusListener$1(listener) {
- var t1;
- this.didRegisterListener$0();
- t1 = this.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t1._list.push(listener);
- },
- removeStatusListener$1(listener) {
- if (this.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners.remove$1(0, listener))
- this.didUnregisterListener$0();
- },
- notifyStatusListeners$1($status) {
- var listener, exception, stack, _i, exception0, t3, t4,
- t1 = this.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners,
- t2 = t1._list,
- localListeners = J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(t2.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._precomputed1);
- for (t2 = localListeners.length, _i = 0; _i < localListeners.length; localListeners.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(localListeners), ++_i) {
- listener = localListeners[_i];
- try {
- if (t1.contains$1(0, listener))
- listener.call$1($status);
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- t3 = A.ErrorDescription$("while notifying status listeners for " + A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this).toString$0(0));
- t4 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError();
- if (t4 != null)
- t4.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "animation library", t3, null, false));
- }
- }
- }
- };
- A.Animatable.prototype = {
- chain$1($parent) {
- return new A._ChainedEvaluation($parent, this, A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_ChainedEvaluation"));
- }
- };
- A._AnimatedEvaluation.prototype = {
- get$value(_) {
- var t1 = this.parent;
- return this._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.parent,
- t2 = this._evaluatable;
- return t1.toString$0(0) + "\u27a9" + t2.toString$0(0) + "\u27a9" + A.S(t2.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1)));
- },
- toStringDetails$0() {
- return A.S(this.super$Animation$toStringDetails()) + " " + this._evaluatable.toString$0(0);
- },
- get$parent(receiver) {
- return this.parent;
- }
- };
- A._ChainedEvaluation.prototype = {
- transform$1(_, t) {
- return this._evaluatable.transform$1(0, this._tween$_parent.transform$1(0, t));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return this._tween$_parent.toString$0(0) + "\u27a9" + this._evaluatable.toString$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.Tween.prototype = {
- lerp$1(t) {
- var t1 = this.begin;
- return A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("Tween.T")._as(J.$add$ansx(t1, J.$mul$ns(J.$sub$n(this.end, t1), t)));
- },
- transform$1(_, t) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (t === 0) {
- t1 = _this.begin;
- return t1 == null ? A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("Tween.T")._as(t1) : t1;
- }
- if (t === 1) {
- t1 = _this.end;
- return t1 == null ? A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("Tween.T")._as(t1) : t1;
- }
- return _this.lerp$1(t);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Animatable(" + A.S(this.begin) + " \u2192 " + A.S(this.end) + ")";
- },
- set$begin(val) {
- return this.begin = val;
- },
- set$end(receiver, val) {
- return this.end = val;
- }
- };
- A.ReverseTween.prototype = {
- lerp$1(t) {
- return this.parent.lerp$1(1 - t);
- }
- };
- A.ColorTween.prototype = {
- lerp$1(t) {
- return A.Color_lerp(this.begin, this.end, t);
- }
- };
- A.SizeTween.prototype = {
- lerp$1(t) {
- return A.Size_lerp(this.begin, this.end, t);
- }
- };
- A.RectTween.prototype = {
- lerp$1(t) {
- return A.Rect_lerp(this.begin, this.end, t);
- }
- };
- A.IntTween.prototype = {
- lerp$1(t) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.begin;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = this.end;
- t2.toString;
- return B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1 + (t2 - t1) * t);
- }
- };
- A.ConstantTween.prototype = {
- lerp$1(t) {
- var t1 = this.begin;
- return t1 == null ? this.$ti._precomputed1._as(t1) : t1;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "ConstantTween(value: " + A.S(this.begin) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.CurveTween.prototype = {
- transform$1(_, t) {
- if (t === 0 || t === 1)
- return t;
- return this.curve.transform$1(0, t);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "CurveTween(curve: " + this.curve.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.__AnimatedEvaluation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin.prototype = {};
- A.TweenSequence.prototype = {
- TweenSequence$1(items, $T) {
- var t2, totalWeight, _i, start, i, t3, end,
- t1 = this._items;
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, items);
- for (t2 = t1.length, totalWeight = 0, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
- totalWeight += t1[_i].weight;
- for (t2 = this._intervals, start = 0, i = 0; t3 = t1.length, i < t3; ++i, start = end) {
- end = i === t3 - 1 ? 1 : start + t1[i].weight / totalWeight;
- t2.push(new A._Interval(start, end));
- }
- },
- _evaluateAt$2(t, index) {
- var element = this._items[index],
- t1 = this._intervals[index],
- t2 = t1.start;
- return element.tween.transform$1(0, (t - t2) / (t1.end - t2));
- },
- transform$1(_, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, index, t4, t5, _this = this;
- if (t === 1)
- return _this._evaluateAt$2(t, _this._items.length - 1);
- for (t1 = _this._items, t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this._intervals, index = 0; index < t2; ++index) {
- t4 = t3[index];
- t5 = t4.start;
- if (t >= t5 && t < t4.end)
- return t1[index].tween.transform$1(0, (t - t5) / (t4.end - t5));
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("TweenSequence.evaluate() could not find an interval for " + A.S(t)));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "TweenSequence(" + this._items.length + " items)";
- }
- };
- A.TweenSequenceItem.prototype = {};
- A._Interval.prototype = {
- contains$1(_, t) {
- return t >= this.start && t < this.end;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "<" + A.S(this.start) + ", " + A.S(this.end) + ">";
- }
- };
- A.CupertinoActivityIndicator.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._CupertinoActivityIndicatorState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoActivityIndicatorState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(null, B.Duration_1000000, null, 1, null, _this);
- _this.___CupertinoActivityIndicatorState__controller_A = t1;
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1.repeat$0(0);
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- this._widget.toString;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.___CupertinoActivityIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$__CupertinoActivityIndicatorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = this.___CupertinoActivityIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.color;
- t1 = B.CupertinoDynamicColor_YNl.resolveFrom$1(context);
- this._widget.toString;
- return A.SizedBox$(A.CustomPaint$(null, null, null, new A._CupertinoActivityIndicatorPainter(t2, t1, 10, 1, new A.RRect(-1, -3.3333333333333335, 1, -10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, true), t2), B.Size_0_0), 20, 20);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoActivityIndicatorPainter.prototype = {
- paint$2(canvas, size) {
- var t1, activeTick, t2, t3, t4, i, t, t5, _this = this,
- paint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- canvas.save$0(0);
- canvas.translate$2(0, size._dx / 2, size._dy / 2);
- t1 = _this.position.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- activeTick = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(8 * t1);
- for (t1 = _this.progress, t2 = 8 * t1, t3 = _this.tickFundamentalRRect, t1 = t1 < 1, t4 = _this.activeColor, i = 0; i < t2; ++i) {
- t = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(i - activeTick, 8);
- t5 = t1 ? 147 : B.List_YmH0[t];
- paint.set$color(0, A.Color$fromARGB(t5, t4.get$value(t4) >>> 16 & 255, t4.get$value(t4) >>> 8 & 255, t4.get$value(t4) & 255));
- canvas.drawRRect$2(t3, paint);
- canvas.rotate$1(0, 0.7853981633974483);
- }
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- },
- shouldRepaint$1(oldPainter) {
- return oldPainter.position !== this.position || !oldPainter.activeColor.$eq(0, this.activeColor) || oldPainter.progress !== this.progress;
- }
- };
- A.__CupertinoActivityIndicatorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTicker());
- _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTicker$0();
- }
- };
- A.CupertinoButton.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._CupertinoButtonState(new A.Tween(1, null, type$.Tween_double), null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoButtonState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(null, B.Duration_200000, null, 1, 0, _this);
- _this.___CupertinoButtonState__animationController_A = t1;
- t2 = type$.Animation_double;
- t3 = _this._opacityTween;
- _this.___CupertinoButtonState__opacityAnimation_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t2._as(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t2._as(t1), new A.CurveTween(B.C__DecelerateCurve), type$.CurveTween._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"))), t3, t3.$ti._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- _this._setTween$0();
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(old) {
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(old);
- this._setTween$0();
- },
- _setTween$0() {
- var t1 = this._widget.pressedOpacity;
- this._opacityTween.end = t1;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.___CupertinoButtonState__animationController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$__CupertinoButtonState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- _handleTapDown$1($event) {
- if (!this._buttonHeldDown) {
- this._buttonHeldDown = true;
- this._animate$0(0);
- }
- },
- _handleTapUp$1($event) {
- if (this._buttonHeldDown) {
- this._buttonHeldDown = false;
- this._animate$0(0);
- }
- },
- _handleTapCancel$0() {
- if (this._buttonHeldDown) {
- this._buttonHeldDown = false;
- this._animate$0(0);
- }
- },
- _animate$0(_) {
- var t2, wasHeldDown, ticker,
- t1 = this.___CupertinoButtonState__animationController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1._ticker;
- if (t2 != null && t2._ticker$_future != null)
- return;
- wasHeldDown = this._buttonHeldDown;
- if (wasHeldDown) {
- t1._direction = B._AnimationDirection_0;
- ticker = t1._animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(1, B.ThreePointCubic_699, B.Duration_120000);
- } else {
- t1._direction = B._AnimationDirection_0;
- ticker = t1._animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(0, B.Cubic_2jN, B.Duration_180000);
- }
- ticker.then$1$1(0, new A._CupertinoButtonState__animate_closure(this, wasHeldDown), type$.void);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var backgroundColor, foregroundColor, t3, textStyle, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this._widget.onPressed == null,
- enabled = !t1,
- themeData = A.CupertinoTheme_of(context),
- primaryColor = themeData.get$primaryColor(),
- t2 = _this._widget.color;
- if (t2 == null)
- backgroundColor = _null;
- else
- backgroundColor = A.CupertinoDynamicColor_maybeResolve(t2, context);
- t2 = backgroundColor != null;
- if (t2)
- foregroundColor = themeData.get$primaryContrastingColor();
- else if (enabled)
- foregroundColor = primaryColor;
- else {
- t3 = B.CupertinoDynamicColor_oxt.resolveFrom$1(context);
- foregroundColor = t3;
- }
- textStyle = themeData.get$textTheme().get$textStyle().copyWith$1$color(foregroundColor);
- t3 = enabled && true ? B.SystemMouseCursor_click : B.C__DeferringMouseCursor;
- t4 = enabled ? _this.get$_handleTapDown() : _null;
- t5 = enabled ? _this.get$_handleTapUp() : _null;
- t6 = enabled ? _this.get$_handleTapCancel() : _null;
- t7 = _this._widget;
- t8 = t7.onPressed;
- t9 = t7.minSize;
- t10 = _this.___CupertinoButtonState__opacityAnimation_A;
- t10 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t11 = t7.borderRadius;
- if (t2 && t1)
- t1 = t7.disabledColor.resolveFrom$1(context);
- else
- t1 = backgroundColor;
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t7 = t2.padding;
- t1 = A.DecoratedBox$(new A.Padding(t7, new A.Align(t2.alignment, 1, 1, A.DefaultTextStyle$(A.IconTheme$(t2.child, new A.IconThemeData(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, foregroundColor, _null, _null), _null), _null, _null, B.TextOverflow_0, true, textStyle, _null, _null, B.TextWidthBasis_0), _null), _null), new A.BoxDecoration(t1, _null, _null, t11, _null, _null, _null, B.BoxShape_0), B.DecorationPosition_0);
- return A.MouseRegion$(A.GestureDetector$(B.HitTestBehavior_1, new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, new A.ConstrainedBox(new A.BoxConstraints(t9, 1 / 0, t9, 1 / 0), new A.FadeTransition(t10, false, t1, _null), _null), _null), B.DragStartBehavior_1, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t8, t6, t4, t5, _null, _null, _null), t3, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoButtonState__animate_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1._framework$_element != null && this.wasHeldDown !== t1._buttonHeldDown)
- t1._animate$0(0);
- },
- $signature: 44
- };
- A.__CupertinoButtonState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTicker());
- _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTicker$0();
- }
- };
- A.CupertinoDynamicColor.prototype = {
- get$value(_) {
- return this._effectiveColor.value;
- },
- get$_isPlatformBrightnessDependent() {
- var _this = this;
- return !_this.color.$eq(0, _this.darkColor) || !_this.elevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.darkElevatedColor) || !_this.highContrastColor.$eq(0, _this.darkHighContrastColor) || !_this.highContrastElevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.darkHighContrastElevatedColor);
- },
- get$_isHighContrastDependent() {
- var _this = this;
- return !_this.color.$eq(0, _this.highContrastColor) || !_this.darkColor.$eq(0, _this.darkHighContrastColor) || !_this.elevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.highContrastElevatedColor) || !_this.darkElevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.darkHighContrastElevatedColor);
- },
- get$_isInterfaceElevationDependent() {
- var _this = this;
- return !_this.color.$eq(0, _this.elevatedColor) || !_this.darkColor.$eq(0, _this.darkElevatedColor) || !_this.highContrastColor.$eq(0, _this.highContrastElevatedColor) || !_this.darkHighContrastColor.$eq(0, _this.darkHighContrastElevatedColor);
- },
- resolveFrom$1(context) {
- var inheritedTheme, t1, brightness, isHighContrastEnabled, resolved, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (_this.get$_isPlatformBrightnessDependent()) {
- inheritedTheme = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._InheritedCupertinoTheme);
- t1 = inheritedTheme == null ? _null : inheritedTheme.theme.data.get$brightness();
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_4);
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.platformBrightness;
- brightness = t1;
- } else
- brightness = t1;
- if (brightness == null)
- brightness = B.Brightness_1;
- } else
- brightness = B.Brightness_1;
- if (_this.get$_isHighContrastDependent()) {
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_12);
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.highContrast;
- isHighContrastEnabled = t1 === true;
- } else
- isHighContrastEnabled = false;
- if (_this.get$_isInterfaceElevationDependent())
- A.CupertinoUserInterfaceLevel_maybeOf(context);
- switch (brightness.index) {
- case 1:
- switch (0) {
- case 0:
- resolved = isHighContrastEnabled ? _this.highContrastColor : _this.color;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 0:
- switch (0) {
- case 0:
- resolved = isHighContrastEnabled ? _this.darkHighContrastColor : _this.darkColor;
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- resolved = _null;
- }
- return new A.CupertinoDynamicColor(resolved, _this._colors$_debugLabel, _null, _this.color, _this.darkColor, _this.highContrastColor, _this.darkHighContrastColor, _this.elevatedColor, _this.darkElevatedColor, _this.highContrastElevatedColor, _this.darkHighContrastElevatedColor, 0);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.CupertinoDynamicColor && other._effectiveColor.value === _this._effectiveColor.value && other.color.$eq(0, _this.color) && other.darkColor.$eq(0, _this.darkColor) && other.highContrastColor.$eq(0, _this.highContrastColor) && other.darkHighContrastColor.$eq(0, _this.darkHighContrastColor) && other.elevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.elevatedColor) && other.darkElevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.darkElevatedColor) && other.highContrastElevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.highContrastElevatedColor) && other.darkHighContrastElevatedColor.$eq(0, _this.darkHighContrastElevatedColor);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this._effectiveColor.value, _this.color, _this.darkColor, _this.highContrastColor, _this.elevatedColor, _this.darkElevatedColor, _this.darkHighContrastColor, _this.darkHighContrastElevatedColor, _this.highContrastElevatedColor, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = new A.CupertinoDynamicColor_toString_toString(_this),
- t2 = A._setArrayType([t1.call$2("color", _this.color)], type$.JSArray_String);
- if (_this.get$_isPlatformBrightnessDependent())
- t2.push(t1.call$2("darkColor", _this.darkColor));
- if (_this.get$_isHighContrastDependent())
- t2.push(t1.call$2("highContrastColor", _this.highContrastColor));
- if (_this.get$_isPlatformBrightnessDependent() && _this.get$_isHighContrastDependent())
- t2.push(t1.call$2("darkHighContrastColor", _this.darkHighContrastColor));
- if (_this.get$_isInterfaceElevationDependent())
- t2.push(t1.call$2("elevatedColor", _this.elevatedColor));
- if (_this.get$_isPlatformBrightnessDependent() && _this.get$_isInterfaceElevationDependent())
- t2.push(t1.call$2("darkElevatedColor", _this.darkElevatedColor));
- if (_this.get$_isHighContrastDependent() && _this.get$_isInterfaceElevationDependent())
- t2.push(t1.call$2("highContrastElevatedColor", _this.highContrastElevatedColor));
- if (_this.get$_isPlatformBrightnessDependent() && _this.get$_isHighContrastDependent() && _this.get$_isInterfaceElevationDependent())
- t2.push(t1.call$2("darkHighContrastElevatedColor", _this.darkHighContrastElevatedColor));
- t1 = _this._colors$_debugLabel;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = "CupertinoDynamicColor";
- t2 = B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t2, ", ");
- return t1 + "(" + t2 + ", resolved by: UNRESOLVED)";
- }
- };
- A.CupertinoDynamicColor_toString_toString.prototype = {
- call$2($name, color) {
- var marker = color.$eq(0, this.$this._effectiveColor) ? "*" : "";
- return marker + $name + " = " + color.toString$0(0) + marker;
- },
- $signature: 697
- };
- A._CupertinoDynamicColor_Color_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionHandleControls.prototype = {};
- A.CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionControls.prototype = {
- getHandleSize$1(textLineHeight) {
- return B.Size_0_0;
- },
- buildHandle$4(context, type, textLineHeight, onTap) {
- return B.SizedBox_0_0_null_null;
- },
- getHandleAnchor$2(type, textLineHeight) {
- return B.Offset_0_0;
- }
- };
- A.__CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionHandleControls_CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionControls_TextSelectionHandleControls.prototype = {};
- A.CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbar.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var _null = null,
- paddingAbove = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_5, type$.MediaQuery).data.padding.top + 8;
- return new A.Padding(new A.EdgeInsets(8, paddingAbove, 8, 8), new A.CustomSingleChildLayout(new A.DesktopTextSelectionToolbarLayoutDelegate(this.anchor.$sub(0, new A.Offset(8, paddingAbove))), A.Container$(_null, new A.Padding(B.EdgeInsets_0_3_0_3, A.Column$(this.children, B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_0), _null), B.Clip_0, _null, _null, new A.BoxDecoration(B.CupertinoDynamicColor_AOy.resolveFrom$1(context), _null, A.Border_Border$all(B.CupertinoDynamicColor_Hla.resolveFrom$1(context), 1), B.BorderRadius_tLn1, _null, _null, _null, B.BoxShape_0), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 222), _null), _null);
- }
- };
- A.CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButton.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButtonState(B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButtonState.prototype = {
- _onEnter$1($event) {
- this.setState$1(new A._CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButtonState__onEnter_closure(this));
- },
- _onExit$1($event) {
- this.setState$1(new A._CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButtonState__onExit_closure(this));
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var _this = this, _null = null,
- child = _this._widget.child,
- t1 = _this._isHovered ? A.CupertinoTheme_of(context).get$primaryColor() : _null;
- return A.SizedBox$(A.MouseRegion$(A.CupertinoButton$(B.Alignment_m1_0, _null, child, t1, B.CupertinoDynamicColor_xDe, 0, _this._widget.onPressed, B.EdgeInsets_20_0_20_3, 0.7), B.C__DeferringMouseCursor, _null, _this.get$_onEnter(), _this.get$_onExit(), _null), _null, 1 / 0);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButtonState__onEnter_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._isHovered = true;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButtonState__onExit_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._isHovered = false;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.CupertinoIconThemeData.prototype = {
- resolve$1(context) {
- var t1 = this.color,
- resolvedColor = A.CupertinoDynamicColor_maybeResolve(t1, context);
- return J.$eq$(resolvedColor, t1) ? this : this.copyWith$1$color(resolvedColor);
- },
- copyWith$8$color$fill$grade$opacity$opticalSize$shadows$size$weight(color, fill, grade, opacity, opticalSize, shadows, size, weight) {
- var t7, _this = this,
- t1 = size == null ? _this.size : size,
- t2 = fill == null ? _this.fill : fill,
- t3 = weight == null ? _this.weight : weight,
- t4 = grade == null ? _this.grade : grade,
- t5 = opticalSize == null ? _this.opticalSize : opticalSize,
- t6 = color == null ? _this.color : color;
- if (opacity == null) {
- t7 = _this._opacity;
- t7 = t7 == null ? null : A.clampDouble(t7, 0, 1);
- } else
- t7 = opacity;
- return A.CupertinoIconThemeData$(t6, t2, t4, t7, t5, shadows == null ? _this.shadows : shadows, t1, t3);
- },
- copyWith$1$color(color) {
- return this.copyWith$8$color$fill$grade$opacity$opticalSize$shadows$size$weight(color, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoIconThemeData_IconThemeData_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._CupertinoLocalizationsDelegate.prototype = {
- isSupported$1(locale) {
- return locale.get$languageCode(locale) === "en";
- },
- load$1(_, locale) {
- return new A.SynchronousFuture(B.C_DefaultCupertinoLocalizations, type$.SynchronousFuture_CupertinoLocalizations);
- },
- shouldReload$1(old) {
- return false;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "DefaultCupertinoLocalizations.delegate(en_US)";
- }
- };
- A.DefaultCupertinoLocalizations.prototype = {$isCupertinoLocalizations: 1};
- A.CupertinoTextMagnifier.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._CupertinoTextMagnifierState(B.Offset_0_0, null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoTextMagnifierState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(null, B.Duration_150000, null, 1, 0, _this);
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t2 = t1.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t2._isDirty = true;
- t2._list.push(new A._CupertinoTextMagnifierState_initState_closure(_this));
- _this.___CupertinoTextMagnifierState__ioAnimationController_A = t1;
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t2.controller.animationController = t1;
- t2.magnifierInfo.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_magnifier0$_determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint());
- t2 = type$.Tween_double;
- t1 = _this.___CupertinoTextMagnifierState__ioAnimationController_A;
- _this._widget.toString;
- _this.___CupertinoTextMagnifierState__ioAnimation_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_xDo0, t1, null), new A.Tween(0, 1, t2), t2._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._widget.controller.animationController = null;
- t1 = _this.___CupertinoTextMagnifierState__ioAnimationController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this._widget.magnifierInfo.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_magnifier0$_determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint());
- _this.super$__CupertinoTextMagnifierState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = oldWidget.magnifierInfo;
- if (t1 !== _this._widget.magnifierInfo) {
- t2 = _this.get$_magnifier0$_determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint();
- t1.removeListener$1(0, t2);
- _this._widget.magnifierInfo.addListener$1(0, t2);
- }
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- this._magnifier0$_determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint$0();
- this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- },
- _magnifier0$_determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint$0() {
- var verticalPositionOfLens, _this = this,
- textEditingContext = _this._widget.magnifierInfo._change_notifier$_value,
- verticalCenterOfCurrentLine = textEditingContext.caretRect.get$center()._dy,
- t1 = textEditingContext.globalGesturePosition,
- t2 = verticalCenterOfCurrentLine - t1._dy,
- t3 = _this._widget;
- t3.toString;
- if (t2 < -48) {
- if (t3.controller.get$shown())
- _this._widget.controller.hide$1$removeFromOverlay(false);
- return;
- }
- if (!t3.controller.get$shown()) {
- t3 = _this.___CupertinoTextMagnifierState__ioAnimationController_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3.forward$0(0);
- }
- _this._widget.toString;
- verticalPositionOfLens = Math.max(verticalCenterOfCurrentLine, verticalCenterOfCurrentLine - t2 / 10);
- t1 = t1._dx - 40;
- t2 = verticalPositionOfLens - 73.5;
- t3 = _this._framework$_element;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(t3, B._MediaQueryAspect_0, type$.MediaQuery).data.size;
- _this._widget.toString;
- t2 = A.MagnifierController_shiftWithinBounds(new A.Rect(10, -21.5, 0 + t3._dx - 10, 0 + t3._dy + 21.5), new A.Rect(t1, t2, t1 + 80, t2 + 47.5));
- _this.setState$1(new A._CupertinoTextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint_closure(_this, new A.Offset(t2.left, t2.top), verticalCenterOfCurrentLine, verticalPositionOfLens));
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = _this._currentAdjustedMagnifierPosition;
- t2 = _this.___CupertinoTextMagnifierState__ioAnimation_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return A.AnimatedPositioned$(new A.CupertinoMagnifier(t2, new A.Offset(0, _this._verticalFocalPointAdjustment), null), B.Cubic_xDo0, B.Duration_45000, t1._dx, t1._dy);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoTextMagnifierState_initState_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.setState$1(new A._CupertinoTextMagnifierState_initState__closure());
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._CupertinoTextMagnifierState_initState__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._CupertinoTextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.$this;
- t1._currentAdjustedMagnifierPosition = _this.adjustedMagnifierPosition;
- t1._verticalFocalPointAdjustment = _this.verticalCenterOfCurrentLine - _this.verticalPositionOfLens;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.CupertinoMagnifier.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var focalPointOffset, t3,
- t1 = this.inOutAnimation,
- t2 = t1._evaluatable;
- t1 = t1.parent;
- t2.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
- focalPointOffset = new A.Offset(0, 49.75).$add(0, this.additionalFocalPointOffset);
- t3 = t2.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
- t3 = A.Offset_lerp(B.Offset_0_26, B.Offset_0_0, t3 == null ? 1 : t3);
- t3.toString;
- t1 = t2.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = 1;
- return A.Transform$translate(new A.RawMagnifier(null, A.MagnifierDecoration$(t1, B.List_cop, new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(B.BorderRadius_tLn5, B.BorderSide_2Vu)), focalPointOffset, 1, B.Size_6v8, null), t3);
- }
- };
- A.__CupertinoTextMagnifierState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTicker());
- _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTicker$0();
- }
- };
- A.CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return A.CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin__isPopGestureEnabled(this.route);
- },
- $signature: 30
- };
- A.CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.route,
- t2 = t1._navigator$_navigator;
- t2.toString;
- t1 = t1._routes$_controller;
- t1.toString;
- t2.didStartUserGesture$0();
- return new A._CupertinoBackGestureController(t1, t2, this.T._eval$1("_CupertinoBackGestureController<0>"));
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.T._eval$1("_CupertinoBackGestureController<0>()");
- }
- };
- A.CupertinoPageTransition.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var textDirection, _this = this,
- t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- textDirection = t1.textDirection;
- t1 = _this._primaryShadowAnimation;
- return A.SlideTransition$(A.SlideTransition$(new A.DecoratedBoxTransition(t1, _this.child, t1, null), _this._primaryPositionAnimation, textDirection, true), _this._secondaryPositionAnimation, textDirection, false);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoBackGestureDetector.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState(B._StateLifecycle_0, this.$ti._eval$1("_CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState<1>"));
- },
- enabledCallback$0() {
- return this.enabledCallback.call$0();
- },
- onStartPopGesture$0() {
- return this.onStartPopGesture.call$0();
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = A.HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer$(_this, null);
- t1.onStart = _this.get$_route$_handleDragStart();
- t1.onUpdate = _this.get$_route$_handleDragUpdate();
- t1.onEnd = _this.get$_route$_handleDragEnd();
- t1.onCancel = _this.get$_route$_handleDragCancel();
- _this.___CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState__recognizer_A = t1;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.___CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState__recognizer_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1._velocityTrackers.clear$0(0);
- t1.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$dispose();
- this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- _route$_handleDragStart$1(details) {
- this._backGestureController = this._widget.onStartPopGesture$0();
- },
- _route$_handleDragUpdate$1(details) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = this._backGestureController;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = details.primaryDelta;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = this._framework$_element;
- t3 = this._convertToLogical$1(t2 / t3.get$size(t3)._dx);
- t1 = t1.controller;
- t2 = t1.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$value(0, t2 - t3);
- },
- _route$_handleDragEnd$1(details) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._backGestureController;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.dragEnd$1(_this._convertToLogical$1(details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond._dx / t2.get$size(t2)._dx));
- _this._backGestureController = null;
- },
- _route$_handleDragCancel$0() {
- var t1 = this._backGestureController;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dragEnd$1(0);
- this._backGestureController = null;
- },
- _route$_handlePointerDown$1($event) {
- var t1;
- if (this._widget.enabledCallback$0()) {
- t1 = this.___CupertinoBackGestureDetectorState__recognizer_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.addPointer$1($event);
- }
- },
- _convertToLogical$1(value) {
- var t1 = this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- switch (t1.textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return -value;
- case 1:
- return value;
- }
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t2, dragAreaWidth, _null = null,
- t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = type$.MediaQuery;
- dragAreaWidth = t1.textDirection === B.TextDirection_1 ? A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_5, t2).data.padding.left : A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_5, t2).data.padding.right;
- dragAreaWidth = Math.max(dragAreaWidth, 20);
- return new A.Stack(B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_m1, _null, B.StackFit_2, B.Clip_1, A._setArrayType([this._widget.child, new A.PositionedDirectional(0, 0, 0, dragAreaWidth, A.Listener$(B.HitTestBehavior_2, _null, _null, this.get$_route$_handlePointerDown(), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), _null)], type$.JSArray_Widget), _null);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoBackGestureController.prototype = {
- dragEnd$1(velocity) {
- var animateForward, t1, t2, animationStatusCallback, _this = this;
- if (Math.abs(velocity) >= 1)
- animateForward = velocity <= 0;
- else {
- t1 = _this.controller.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- animateForward = t1 > 0.5;
- }
- if (animateForward) {
- t1 = _this.controller;
- t2 = t1.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(800, 0, t2);
- t2.toString;
- t2 = A.Duration$(0, 0, 0, Math.min(B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(t2), 300), 0, 0);
- t1._direction = B._AnimationDirection_0;
- t1._animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(1, B.Cubic_2Vk, t2);
- } else {
- _this.navigator.pop$0();
- t1 = _this.controller;
- t2 = t1._ticker;
- if (t2 != null && t2._ticker$_future != null) {
- t2 = t1.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(0, 800, t2);
- t2.toString;
- t2 = A.Duration$(0, 0, 0, B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(t2), 0, 0);
- t1._direction = B._AnimationDirection_1;
- t1._animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(0, B.Cubic_2Vk, t2);
- }
- }
- t2 = t1._ticker;
- if (t2 != null && t2._ticker$_future != null) {
- animationStatusCallback = A._Cell$named("animationStatusCallback");
- animationStatusCallback.__late_helper$_value = new A._CupertinoBackGestureController_dragEnd_closure(_this, animationStatusCallback);
- t2 = animationStatusCallback._readLocal$0();
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t1 = t1.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t1._list.push(t2);
- } else
- _this.navigator.didStopUserGesture$0();
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoBackGestureController_dragEnd_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($status) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1.navigator.didStopUserGesture$0();
- t1.controller.removeStatusListener$1(this.animationStatusCallback._readLocal$0());
- },
- $signature: 5
- };
- A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration.prototype = {
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- var t1;
- if (a instanceof A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration) {
- t1 = A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp(a, this, t);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- t1 = A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp(null, this, t);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- var t1;
- if (b instanceof A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration) {
- t1 = A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp(this, b, t);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- t1 = A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp(this, null, t);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- createBoxPainter$1(onChanged) {
- return new A._CupertinoEdgeShadowPainter(this, onChanged);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration) {
- t1 = other._route$_colors;
- t2 = this._route$_colors;
- t2 = t1 == null ? t2 == null : t1 === t2;
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(this._route$_colors);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(color) {
- var t1 = A.Color_lerp(null, color, this.t);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 83
- };
- A._CupertinoEdgeShadowDecoration_lerp_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(color) {
- var t1 = A.Color_lerp(null, color, 1 - this.t);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 83
- };
- A._CupertinoEdgeShadowPainter.prototype = {
- paint$3(canvas, offset, configuration) {
- var t1, t2, shadowWidth, shadowHeight, bandWidth, start, shadowDirection, bandColorIndex, dx, paint, t3,
- colors = this._route$_decoration._route$_colors;
- if (colors == null)
- return;
- t1 = configuration.size;
- t2 = t1._dx;
- shadowWidth = 0.05 * t2;
- shadowHeight = t1._dy;
- bandWidth = shadowWidth / (colors.length - 1);
- switch (configuration.textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- start = offset._dx + t2;
- shadowDirection = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- start = offset._dx;
- shadowDirection = -1;
- break;
- default:
- start = null;
- shadowDirection = null;
- }
- for (t1 = offset._dy, t2 = t1 + shadowHeight, bandColorIndex = 0, dx = 0; dx < shadowWidth; ++dx) {
- if (B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(dx, bandWidth) !== bandColorIndex)
- ++bandColorIndex;
- paint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(colors[bandColorIndex], colors[bandColorIndex + 1], B.JSInt_methods.$mod(dx, bandWidth) / bandWidth);
- t3.toString;
- paint.set$color(0, t3);
- t3 = start + shadowDirection * dx - 1;
- canvas.drawRect$2(new A.Rect(t3, t1, t3 + 1, t2), paint);
- }
- }
- };
- A.CupertinoScrollbar.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._CupertinoScrollbarState(new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoScrollbarState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$RawScrollbarState$initState();
- t1 = _this.___CupertinoScrollbarState__thicknessAnimationController_A = A.AnimationController$(null, B.Duration_100000, null, 1, null, _this);
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t1 = t1.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t1._list.push(new A._CupertinoScrollbarState_initState_closure(_this));
- },
- updateScrollbarPainter$0() {
- var t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__RawScrollbarState_scrollbarPainter_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this._framework$_element;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = B.CupertinoDynamicColor_zPV.resolveFrom$1(t2);
- t1.set$color(0, t2);
- t2 = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t2.toString;
- t1.set$textDirection(t2.textDirection);
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t3 = t2.thickness;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = _this.___CupertinoScrollbarState__thicknessAnimationController_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t4.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$thickness(t3 + t4 * (t2.thicknessWhileDragging - t3));
- t1.set$mainAxisMargin(3);
- t1.set$crossAxisMargin(3);
- t3 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t3.radius;
- t3 = t3.radiusWhileDragging;
- t4 = _this.___CupertinoScrollbarState__thicknessAnimationController_A.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = A.Radius_lerp(t2, t3, t4);
- t4.toString;
- t1.set$radius(t4);
- t4 = _this._framework$_element;
- t4.toString;
- t1.set$padding(0, A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(t4, B._MediaQueryAspect_5, type$.MediaQuery).data.padding);
- t1.set$minLength(0, 36);
- t1.set$minOverscrollLength(8);
- t1.set$scrollbarOrientation(_this._widget.scrollbarOrientation);
- },
- handleThumbPressStart$1(localPosition) {
- var direction, _this = this;
- _this.super$RawScrollbarState$handleThumbPressStart(localPosition);
- direction = _this.getScrollbarDirection$0();
- if (direction == null)
- return;
- switch (direction.index) {
- case 1:
- _this._pressStartAxisPosition = localPosition._dy;
- break;
- case 0:
- _this._pressStartAxisPosition = localPosition._dx;
- break;
- }
- },
- handleThumbPress$0() {
- if (this.getScrollbarDirection$0() == null)
- return;
- this.super$RawScrollbarState$handleThumbPress();
- var t1 = this.___CupertinoScrollbarState__thicknessAnimationController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0).then$1$1(0, new A._CupertinoScrollbarState_handleThumbPress_closure(), type$.void);
- },
- handleThumbPressEnd$2(localPosition, velocity) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- direction = _this.getScrollbarDirection$0();
- if (direction == null)
- return;
- t1 = _this.___CupertinoScrollbarState__thicknessAnimationController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.reverse$0(0);
- _this.super$RawScrollbarState$handleThumbPressEnd(localPosition, velocity);
- switch (direction.index) {
- case 1:
- if (Math.abs(velocity.pixelsPerSecond._dy) < 10 && Math.abs(localPosition._dy - _this._pressStartAxisPosition) > 0)
- A.HapticFeedback_mediumImpact();
- break;
- case 0:
- if (Math.abs(velocity.pixelsPerSecond._dx) < 10 && Math.abs(localPosition._dx - _this._pressStartAxisPosition) > 0)
- A.HapticFeedback_mediumImpact();
- break;
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.___CupertinoScrollbarState__thicknessAnimationController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$RawScrollbarState$dispose();
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoScrollbarState_initState_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.updateScrollbarPainter$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._CupertinoScrollbarState_handleThumbPress_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- return A.HapticFeedback_mediumImpact();
- },
- $signature: 654
- };
- A._TextSelectionHandlePainter0.prototype = {
- paint$2(canvas, size) {
- var circle, line, path,
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer(),
- paint = t1.createPaint$0();
- paint.set$color(0, this.color);
- circle = A.Rect$fromCircle(B.Offset_6_6, 6);
- line = A.Rect$fromPoints(B.Offset_6pl, new A.Offset(7, size._dy));
- path = t1.createPath$0();
- path.addOval$1(circle);
- path.addRect$1(line);
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- },
- shouldRepaint$1(oldPainter) {
- return !this.color.$eq(0, oldPainter.color);
- }
- };
- A.CupertinoTextSelectionHandleControls.prototype = {};
- A.CupertinoTextSelectionControls.prototype = {
- getHandleSize$1(textLineHeight) {
- return new A.Size(12, textLineHeight + 12 - 1.5);
- },
- buildHandle$4(context, type, textLineHeight, onTap) {
- var t1, handle, t2, _null = null,
- customPaint = A.CustomPaint$(_null, _null, _null, new A._TextSelectionHandlePainter0(A.CupertinoTheme_of(context).get$primaryColor(), _null), B.Size_0_0);
- switch (type.index) {
- case 0:
- return A.SizedBox$fromSize(customPaint, new A.Size(12, textLineHeight + 12 - 1.5));
- case 1:
- t1 = textLineHeight + 12 - 1.5;
- handle = A.SizedBox$fromSize(customPaint, new A.Size(12, t1));
- t2 = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- t2.setIdentity$0();
- t2.translate$2(0, 6, t1 / 2);
- t2.rotateZ$1(3.141592653589793);
- t2.translate$2(0, -6, -t1 / 2);
- return A.Transform$(_null, handle, t2, true);
- case 2:
- return B.SizedBox_0_0_null_null;
- }
- },
- getHandleAnchor$2(type, textLineHeight) {
- switch (type.index) {
- case 0:
- return new A.Offset(6, textLineHeight + 12 - 1.5);
- case 1:
- return new A.Offset(6, textLineHeight + 12 - 1.5 - 12 + 1.5);
- case 2:
- return new A.Offset(6, textLineHeight + (textLineHeight + 12 - 1.5 - textLineHeight) / 2);
- }
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoTextSelectionHandleControls_CupertinoTextSelectionControls_TextSelectionHandleControls.prototype = {};
- A._CupertinoToolbarButtonDivider.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- return A.SizedBox$(null, null, 1 / A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_2, type$.MediaQuery).data.devicePixelRatio);
- }
- };
- A.CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var anchorBelowAdjusted,
- t1 = type$.MediaQuery,
- mediaQueryPadding = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_5, t1).data.padding,
- paddingAbove = mediaQueryPadding.top + 8,
- t2 = this.anchorAbove,
- t3 = t2._dy,
- fitsAbove = t3 >= paddingAbove + 8 + 43,
- leftMargin = 26 + mediaQueryPadding.left,
- rightMargin = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_0, t1).data.size._dx - mediaQueryPadding.right - 26,
- anchorAboveAdjusted = new A.Offset(A.clampDouble(t2._dx, leftMargin, rightMargin), t3 - 8 - paddingAbove);
- t3 = this.anchorBelow;
- anchorBelowAdjusted = new A.Offset(A.clampDouble(t3._dx, leftMargin, rightMargin), t3._dy + 8 - paddingAbove);
- t1 = fitsAbove ? anchorAboveAdjusted : anchorBelowAdjusted;
- return new A.Padding(new A.EdgeInsets(8, paddingAbove, 8, 8), new A.CustomSingleChildLayout(new A.TextSelectionToolbarLayoutDelegate(anchorAboveAdjusted, anchorBelowAdjusted, fitsAbove), new A._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContent(t1, A.CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar__addChildrenSpacers(this.children), fitsAbove, A.text_selection_toolbar0_CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar__defaultToolbarBuilder$closure(), null), null), null);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarShape.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarShape(this._anchor, this._text_selection_toolbar0$_isAbove, A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(50, null), A.LayerHandle$(type$.ClipPathLayer), null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$anchor(this._anchor);
- renderObject.set$isAbove(this._text_selection_toolbar0$_isAbove);
- }
- };
- A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarShape.prototype = {
- get$isRepaintBoundary() {
- return true;
- },
- set$anchor(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._anchor))
- return;
- this._anchor = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$isAbove(value) {
- if (this._text_selection_toolbar0$_isAbove === value)
- return;
- this._text_selection_toolbar0$_isAbove = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child == null)
- return;
- t1 = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- t2 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t2.toString;
- t2.layout$2$parentUsesSize(_this._heightConstraint.enforce$1(new A.BoxConstraints(0, t1.maxWidth, 0, t1.maxHeight)), true);
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t2 = t1.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- type$.BoxParentData._as(t2);
- t2.offset = new A.Offset(0, _this._text_selection_toolbar0$_isAbove ? -7 : 0);
- t1 = t1._size;
- _this._size = new A.Size(t1._dx, t1._dy - 7);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, rrect, t8, localAnchor, t9, arrowTipX, arrowBaseY, arrowTipY, arrow, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 == null)
- return;
- t1 = t1.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = type$.BoxParentData;
- t2._as(t1);
- t3 = _this._clipPathLayer;
- t4 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = offset.$add(0, t1.offset);
- t5 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t6 = t5._size;
- t7 = t6._dx;
- t6 = t6._dy;
- t5 = t5.parentData;
- t5.toString;
- t2._as(t5);
- t2 = $.$get$_renderer();
- rrect = t2.createPath$0();
- t8 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size;
- rrect.addRRect$1(A.RRect$fromRectAndRadius(new A.Rect(0, 7, 0 + t8._dx, 7 + (t8._dy - 14)), B.Radius_8_8));
- localAnchor = _this.globalToLocal$1(_this._anchor);
- t5 = t5.offset._dx;
- t8 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size;
- t9 = t8._dx / 2;
- arrowTipX = t9 + (localAnchor._dx - (t5 + t9));
- t5 = _this._text_selection_toolbar0$_isAbove;
- arrowBaseY = t5 ? t8._dy - 7 : 7;
- arrowTipY = t5 ? t8._dy : 0;
- arrow = t2.createPath$0();
- arrow.moveTo$2(0, arrowTipX, arrowTipY);
- arrow.lineTo$2(0, arrowTipX - 7, arrowBaseY);
- arrow.lineTo$2(0, arrowTipX + 7, arrowBaseY);
- arrow.close$0(0);
- t3.set$layer(0, context.pushClipPath$6$oldLayer(t4, t1, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t7, 0 + t6), t2.combinePaths$3(B.PathOperation_2, rrect, arrow), new A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarShape_paint_closure(_this), t3._layer));
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._clipPathLayer.set$layer(0, null);
- this.super$RenderObject$dispose();
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var t3,
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child,
- t2 = t1.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = type$.BoxParentData._as(t2).offset;
- t3 = t2._dx;
- t2 = t2._dy + 7;
- t1 = t1._size;
- if (!new A.Rect(t3, t2, t3 + t1._dx, t2 + (t1._dy - 14)).contains$1(0, position))
- return false;
- return this.super$RenderShiftedBox$hitTestChildren(result, position);
- }
- };
- A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarShape_paint_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(innerContext, innerOffset) {
- var t1 = this.$this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t1.toString;
- return innerContext.paintChild$2(t1, innerOffset);
- },
- $signature: 7
- };
- A._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContent.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- },
- toolbarBuilder$4(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) {
- return this.toolbarBuilder.call$4(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState.prototype = {
- _handleNextPage$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.reverse$0(0);
- t1 = _this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__controller_A;
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t1 = t1.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t1._list.push(_this.get$_statusListener());
- _this._nextPage = _this._text_selection_toolbar0$_page + 1;
- },
- _handlePreviousPage$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.reverse$0(0);
- t1 = _this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__controller_A;
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t1 = t1.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t1._list.push(_this.get$_statusListener());
- _this._nextPage = _this._text_selection_toolbar0$_page - 1;
- },
- _statusListener$1($status) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if ($status !== B.AnimationStatus_0)
- return;
- _this.setState$1(new A._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__statusListener_closure(_this));
- t1 = _this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- _this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__controller_A.removeStatusListener$1(_this.get$_statusListener());
- },
- initState$0() {
- this.super$State$initState();
- this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__controller_A = A.AnimationController$(null, B.Duration_150000, null, 1, 1, this);
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- if (_this._widget.children !== oldWidget.children) {
- _this._text_selection_toolbar0$_page = 0;
- _this._nextPage = null;
- t1 = _this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- _this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__controller_A.removeStatusListener$1(_this.get$_statusListener());
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$__CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._widget,
- t2 = t1.anchor,
- t3 = t1.isAbove,
- t4 = _this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__controller_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = _this._text_selection_toolbar0$_page;
- t6 = A.CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarButton$text(_this.get$_handlePreviousPage(), "\u25c0");
- t7 = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_2, type$.MediaQuery).data;
- t8 = A.CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarButton$text(_this.get$_handleNextPage(), "\u25b6");
- return t1.toolbarBuilder$4(context, t2, t3, new A.FadeTransition(t4, false, new A._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems(t6, _this._widget.children, 1 / t7.devicePixelRatio, t8, B.CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarButton_ek3, t5, null), null));
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState__statusListener_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._nextPage;
- t2.toString;
- t1._text_selection_toolbar0$_page = t2;
- t1._nextPage = null;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot, type$.RenderBox), this.page, this.dividerWidth, 0, null, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$page(0, this.page);
- renderObject.set$dividerWidth(this.dividerWidth);
- },
- createElement$0(_) {
- var t1 = type$.Element_2;
- return new A._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsElement(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot, t1), A.HashSet_HashSet(t1), this, B._ElementLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsElement.prototype = {
- get$renderObject() {
- return type$._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$renderObject.call(this));
- },
- _updateRenderObject$2(child, slot) {
- var t1;
- switch (slot.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = type$._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$renderObject.call(this));
- t1._backButton = t1._updateChild$3(t1._backButton, child, B._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot_0);
- break;
- case 1:
- t1 = type$._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$renderObject.call(this));
- t1._nextButton = t1._updateChild$3(t1._nextButton, child, B._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot_1);
- break;
- case 2:
- t1 = type$._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$renderObject.call(this));
- t1._nextButtonDisabled = t1._updateChild$3(t1._nextButtonDisabled, child, B._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot_2);
- break;
- }
- },
- insertRenderObjectChild$2(child, slot) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (slot instanceof A._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot) {
- this._updateRenderObject$2(type$.RenderBox._as(child), slot);
- return;
- }
- if (slot instanceof A.IndexedSlot) {
- t1 = type$._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$renderObject.call(this));
- type$.RenderBox._as(child);
- t2 = slot.value;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.get$renderObject();
- type$.nullable_RenderBox._as(t2);
- t1.adoptChild$1(child);
- t1._insertIntoChildList$2$after(child, t2);
- return;
- }
- },
- moveRenderObjectChild$3(child, oldSlot, newSlot) {
- type$._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$renderObject.call(this)).move$2$after(type$.RenderBox._as(child), type$.nullable_RenderBox._as(newSlot.value.get$renderObject()));
- },
- removeRenderObjectChild$2(child, slot) {
- var t1;
- if (slot instanceof A._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot) {
- this._updateRenderObject$2(null, slot);
- return;
- }
- t1 = type$._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$renderObject.call(this));
- type$.RenderBox._as(child);
- t1._removeFromChildList$1(child);
- t1.dropChild$1(child);
- },
- visitChildren$1(visitor) {
- var t2, t3, _i, child,
- t1 = this.slotToChild;
- t1.get$values(t1).forEach$1(0, visitor);
- t1 = this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsElement__children_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.length;
- t3 = this._text_selection_toolbar0$_forgottenChildren;
- _i = 0;
- for (; _i < t2; ++_i) {
- child = t1[_i];
- if (!t3.contains$1(0, child))
- visitor.call$1(child);
- }
- },
- forgetChild$1(child) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.slotToChild;
- if (t1.containsKey$1(0, child._slot)) {
- t2 = child._slot;
- t2.toString;
- t1.remove$1(0, type$._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot._as(t2));
- } else
- this._text_selection_toolbar0$_forgottenChildren.add$1(0, child);
- this.super$Element$forgetChild(child);
- },
- _mountChild$2(widget, slot) {
- var t1 = this.slotToChild,
- oldChild = t1.$index(0, slot),
- newChild = this.updateChild$3(oldChild, widget, slot);
- if (oldChild != null)
- t1.remove$1(0, slot);
- if (newChild != null)
- t1.$indexSet(0, slot, newChild);
- },
- mount$2($parent, newSlot) {
- var t1, t2, t3, previousChild, i, newChild, _this = this;
- _this.super$RenderObjectElement$mount($parent, newSlot);
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- type$._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems._as(t1);
- _this._mountChild$2(t1.backButton, B._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot_0);
- _this._mountChild$2(t1.nextButton, B._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot_1);
- _this._mountChild$2(t1.nextButtonDisabled, B._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot_2);
- t1 = t1.children;
- t2 = _this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsElement__children_A = A.List_List$filled(t1.length, $.$get$_NullElement_instance0(), false, type$.Element_2);
- for (t3 = type$.IndexedSlot_nullable_Element, previousChild = null, i = 0; i < t2.length; ++i, previousChild = newChild) {
- newChild = _this.inflateWidget$2(t1[i], new A.IndexedSlot(previousChild, i, t3));
- t2 = _this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsElement__children_A;
- t2[i] = newChild;
- }
- },
- update$1(_, newWidget) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- _this.super$RenderObjectElement$update(0, newWidget);
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- type$._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems._as(t1);
- _this._mountChild$2(t1.backButton, B._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot_0);
- _this._mountChild$2(t1.nextButton, B._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot_1);
- _this._mountChild$2(t1.nextButtonDisabled, B._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot_2);
- t2 = _this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsElement__children_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = _this._text_selection_toolbar0$_forgottenChildren;
- _this.___CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsElement__children_A = _this.updateChildren$3$forgottenChildren(t2, t1.children, t3);
- t3.clear$0(0);
- }
- };
- A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems.prototype = {
- _updateChild$3(oldChild, newChild, slot) {
- var _this = this;
- if (oldChild != null) {
- _this.dropChild$1(oldChild);
- _this.slottedChildren.remove$1(0, slot);
- }
- if (newChild != null) {
- _this.slottedChildren.$indexSet(0, slot, newChild);
- _this.adoptChild$1(newChild);
- }
- return newChild;
- },
- set$page(_, value) {
- if (value === this._text_selection_toolbar0$_page)
- return;
- this._text_selection_toolbar0$_page = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$dividerWidth(value) {
- if (value === this._dividerWidth)
- return;
- this._dividerWidth = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t2, t3, t4, toolbarWidth, greatestHeight, firstPageWidth, t5, t6, _this = this, t1 = {};
- if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild == null) {
- t1 = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- _this._size = new A.Size(A.clampDouble(0, t1.minWidth, t1.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(0, t1.minHeight, t1.maxHeight));
- return;
- }
- t2 = _this._backButton;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = type$.BoxConstraints;
- t4 = t3._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- t2.layout$2$parentUsesSize(new A.BoxConstraints(0, t4.maxWidth, 0, t4.maxHeight), true);
- t4 = _this._nextButton;
- t4.toString;
- t2 = t3._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- t4.layout$2$parentUsesSize(new A.BoxConstraints(0, t2.maxWidth, 0, t2.maxHeight), true);
- t2 = _this._nextButtonDisabled;
- t2.toString;
- t4 = t3._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- t2.layout$2$parentUsesSize(new A.BoxConstraints(0, t4.maxWidth, 0, t4.maxHeight), true);
- t4 = _this._backButton._size._dx;
- t2 = _this._nextButton._size._dx;
- t1.currentButtonPosition = 0;
- toolbarWidth = A._Cell$named("toolbarWidth");
- greatestHeight = A._InitializedCell$named("greatestHeight", new A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_performLayout_closure());
- firstPageWidth = A._Cell$named("firstPageWidth");
- t1.currentPage = 0;
- t1.i = -1;
- _this.visitChildren$1(new A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_performLayout_closure0(t1, _this, t4 + t2, firstPageWidth, greatestHeight, toolbarWidth));
- t1 = t1.currentPage;
- if (t1 > 0) {
- t2 = _this._nextButton.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t4 = type$.ToolbarItemsParentData;
- t4._as(t2);
- t5 = _this._nextButtonDisabled.parentData;
- t5.toString;
- t4._as(t5);
- t6 = _this._backButton.parentData;
- t6.toString;
- t4._as(t6);
- if (_this._text_selection_toolbar0$_page === t1) {
- t5.offset = new A.Offset(toolbarWidth._readLocal$0(), 0);
- t5.shouldPaint = true;
- toolbarWidth.__late_helper$_value = toolbarWidth._readLocal$0() + _this._nextButtonDisabled._size._dx;
- } else {
- t2.offset = new A.Offset(toolbarWidth._readLocal$0(), 0);
- t2.shouldPaint = true;
- toolbarWidth.__late_helper$_value = toolbarWidth._readLocal$0() + _this._nextButton._size._dx;
- }
- if (_this._text_selection_toolbar0$_page > 0) {
- t6.offset = B.Offset_0_0;
- t6.shouldPaint = true;
- }
- } else
- toolbarWidth.__late_helper$_value = toolbarWidth._readLocal$0() - _this._dividerWidth;
- _this._size = t3._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).constrain$1(new A.Size(toolbarWidth._readLocal$0(), greatestHeight._read$0()));
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- this.visitChildren$1(new A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_paint_closure(offset, context));
- },
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.ToolbarItemsParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.ToolbarItemsParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0);
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this,
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild;
- for (t1 = type$.ToolbarItemsParentData; child != null;) {
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t1._as(t2);
- if (!t2.shouldPaint) {
- child = t2.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- continue;
- }
- if (A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_hitTestChild(child, result, position))
- return true;
- child = t2.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- }
- if (A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_hitTestChild(_this._backButton, result, position))
- return true;
- if (A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_hitTestChild(_this._nextButton, result, position))
- return true;
- if (A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_hitTestChild(_this._nextButtonDisabled, result, position))
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- this.super$__RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$attach(owner);
- for (t1 = this.slottedChildren, t1 = t1.get$values(t1), t2 = A._instanceType(t1), t2 = t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._rest[1]), t1 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t1.__internal$_iterable), t1._f, t2._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>")), t2 = t2._rest[1]; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1.__internal$_current;
- (t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3).attach$1(owner);
- }
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- this.super$__RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$detach(0);
- for (t1 = this.slottedChildren, t1 = t1.get$values(t1), t2 = A._instanceType(t1), t2 = t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._rest[1]), t1 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t1.__internal$_iterable), t1._f, t2._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>")), t2 = t2._rest[1]; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1.__internal$_current;
- (t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3).detach$0(0);
- }
- },
- redepthChildren$0() {
- this.visitChildren$1(new A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_redepthChildren_closure(this));
- },
- visitChildren$1(visitor) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._backButton;
- if (t1 != null)
- visitor.call$1(t1);
- t1 = _this._nextButton;
- if (t1 != null)
- visitor.call$1(t1);
- t1 = _this._nextButtonDisabled;
- if (t1 != null)
- visitor.call$1(t1);
- _this.super$ContainerRenderObjectMixin$visitChildren(visitor);
- },
- visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) {
- this.visitChildren$1(new A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_visitChildrenForSemantics_closure(visitor));
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$0() {
- var value = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode);
- this.visitChildren$1(new A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_debugDescribeChildren_closure(this, value));
- return value;
- }
- };
- A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_performLayout_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return 0;
- },
- $signature: 66
- };
- A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_performLayout_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(renderObjectChild) {
- var t3, t4, t5, paginationButtonsWidth, t6, currentButtonPosition, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._box_0,
- t2 = ++t1.i;
- type$.RenderBox._as(renderObjectChild);
- t3 = renderObjectChild.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- type$.ToolbarItemsParentData._as(t3);
- t3.shouldPaint = false;
- t4 = _this.$this;
- if (renderObjectChild === t4._backButton || renderObjectChild === t4._nextButton || renderObjectChild === t4._nextButtonDisabled || t1.currentPage > t4._text_selection_toolbar0$_page)
- return;
- t5 = t1.currentPage === 0;
- if (t5)
- paginationButtonsWidth = t2 === t4.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount + 2 ? 0 : t4._nextButton._size._dx;
- else
- paginationButtonsWidth = _this.subsequentPageButtonsWidth;
- t2 = t5 ? type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(t4)).maxWidth : _this.firstPageWidth._readLocal$0();
- t5 = type$.BoxConstraints;
- renderObjectChild.layout$2$parentUsesSize(A.BoxConstraints$loose(new A.Size(t2 - paginationButtonsWidth, t5._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(t4)).maxHeight)), true);
- t2 = _this.greatestHeight;
- t2.__late_helper$_value = renderObjectChild._size._dy > t2._read$0() ? renderObjectChild._size._dy : t2._read$0();
- if (t1.currentButtonPosition + paginationButtonsWidth + renderObjectChild._size._dx > t5._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(t4)).maxWidth) {
- ++t1.currentPage;
- t2 = t4._backButton._size._dx;
- t1.currentButtonPosition = t2 + t4._dividerWidth;
- t6 = t4._nextButton._size._dx;
- renderObjectChild.layout$2$parentUsesSize(A.BoxConstraints$loose(new A.Size(_this.firstPageWidth._readLocal$0() - (t2 + t6), t5._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(t4)).maxHeight)), true);
- }
- t2 = t1.currentButtonPosition;
- t3.offset = new A.Offset(t2, 0);
- currentButtonPosition = t1.currentButtonPosition = t2 + (renderObjectChild._size._dx + t4._dividerWidth);
- t1 = t1.currentPage;
- t2 = t1 === t4._text_selection_toolbar0$_page;
- t3.shouldPaint = t2;
- if (t1 === 0)
- _this.firstPageWidth.__late_helper$_value = currentButtonPosition + t4._nextButton._size._dx;
- if (t2)
- _this.toolbarWidth.__late_helper$_value = currentButtonPosition;
- },
- $signature: 21
- };
- A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_paint_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(renderObjectChild) {
- var t1;
- type$.RenderBox._as(renderObjectChild);
- t1 = renderObjectChild.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.ToolbarItemsParentData._as(t1);
- if (t1.shouldPaint)
- this.context.paintChild$2(renderObjectChild, t1.offset.$add(0, this.offset));
- },
- $signature: 21
- };
- A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_hitTestChild_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, transformed) {
- return this.child.hitTest$2$position(result, transformed);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_redepthChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(renderObjectChild) {
- this.$this.redepthChild$1(type$.RenderBox._as(renderObjectChild));
- },
- $signature: 21
- };
- A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_visitChildrenForSemantics_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(renderObjectChild) {
- var t1;
- type$.RenderBox._as(renderObjectChild);
- t1 = renderObjectChild.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- if (type$.ToolbarItemsParentData._as(t1).shouldPaint)
- this.visitor.call$1(renderObjectChild);
- },
- $signature: 21
- };
- A._RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_debugDescribeChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(renderObjectChild) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this, _null = null;
- type$.RenderBox._as(renderObjectChild);
- t1 = _this.$this;
- if (renderObjectChild === t1._backButton)
- _this.value.push(A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("back button", _null, renderObjectChild));
- else if (renderObjectChild === t1._nextButton)
- _this.value.push(A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("next button", _null, renderObjectChild));
- else {
- t2 = _this.value;
- if (renderObjectChild === t1._nextButtonDisabled)
- t2.push(A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("next button disabled", _null, renderObjectChild));
- else
- t2.push(A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("menu item", _null, renderObjectChild));
- }
- },
- $signature: 21
- };
- A._CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItemsSlot." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._NullElement0.prototype = {};
- A._NullWidget.prototype = {
- createElement$0(_) {
- return A.throwExpression(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- }
- };
- A.__CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarContentState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.__RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.ToolbarItemsParentData; child != null;) {
- child.attach$1(owner);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.ToolbarItemsParentData; child != null;) {
- child.detach$0(0);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- }
- };
- A.__RenderCupertinoTextSelectionToolbarItems_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.prototype = {};
- A.CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarButton.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var child, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this.text;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this.buttonItem;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarButton_getButtonLabel(context, t1);
- }
- child = A.Text$(t1, _null, B.TextOverflow_2, _null, _null, B.TextStyle_mTi.copyWith$1$color(_this.onPressed != null ? B.CupertinoDynamicColor_aTW.resolveFrom$1(context) : B.CupertinoDynamicColor_YIZ), _null, _null, _null);
- t1 = _this.onPressed;
- return A.CupertinoButton$(B.Alignment_0_0, _null, child, B.CupertinoDynamicColor_KUR, B.CupertinoDynamicColor_KUR, 44, t1, B.EdgeInsets_18_16_18_16, t1 == null ? 1 : 0.7);
- }
- };
- A.CupertinoTextThemeData.prototype = {
- get$textStyle() {
- var t1 = this._textStyle,
- t2 = this._text_theme$_defaults.labelColor;
- t1 = B.CupertinoDynamicColor_qQo.$eq(0, t2) ? B.TextStyle_c8s : B.TextStyle_c8s.copyWith$1$color(t2);
- return t1;
- },
- resolveFrom$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._text_theme$_defaults,
- resolvedLabelColor = t1.labelColor,
- resolvedLabelColor0 = resolvedLabelColor instanceof A.CupertinoDynamicColor ? resolvedLabelColor.resolveFrom$1(context) : resolvedLabelColor,
- resolvedInactiveGray = t1.inactiveGrayColor;
- if (resolvedInactiveGray instanceof A.CupertinoDynamicColor)
- resolvedInactiveGray = resolvedInactiveGray.resolveFrom$1(context);
- t1 = resolvedLabelColor0.$eq(0, resolvedLabelColor) && resolvedInactiveGray.$eq(0, B.CupertinoDynamicColor_YIZ) ? t1 : new A._TextThemeDefaultsBuilder(resolvedLabelColor0, resolvedInactiveGray);
- return new A.CupertinoTextThemeData(t1, A.CupertinoDynamicColor_maybeResolve(_this._primaryColor, context), A._resolveTextStyle(_this._textStyle, context), A._resolveTextStyle(_this._actionTextStyle, context), A._resolveTextStyle(_this._tabLabelTextStyle, context), A._resolveTextStyle(_this._navTitleTextStyle, context), A._resolveTextStyle(_this._navLargeTitleTextStyle, context), A._resolveTextStyle(_this._navActionTextStyle, context), A._resolveTextStyle(_this._pickerTextStyle, context), A._resolveTextStyle(_this._dateTimePickerTextStyle, context));
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.CupertinoTextThemeData)
- if (other._text_theme$_defaults.$eq(0, _this._text_theme$_defaults))
- if (J.$eq$(other._primaryColor, _this._primaryColor))
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this._text_theme$_defaults, _this._primaryColor, _this._textStyle, _this._actionTextStyle, _this._tabLabelTextStyle, _this._navTitleTextStyle, _this._navLargeTitleTextStyle, _this._navActionTextStyle, _this._pickerTextStyle, _this._dateTimePickerTextStyle, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A._TextThemeDefaultsBuilder.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A._TextThemeDefaultsBuilder && other.labelColor.$eq(0, _this.labelColor) && other.inactiveGrayColor.$eq(0, _this.inactiveGrayColor);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.labelColor, this.inactiveGrayColor, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoTextThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.CupertinoTheme.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var _null = null;
- return new A._InheritedCupertinoTheme(this, A.IconTheme$(this.child, A.CupertinoIconThemeData$(this.data.get$primaryColor(), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), _null), _null);
- }
- };
- A._InheritedCupertinoTheme.prototype = {
- updateShouldNotify$1(old) {
- return !this.theme.data.$eq(0, old.theme.data);
- }
- };
- A.CupertinoThemeData.prototype = {
- get$primaryColor() {
- var t1 = this.primaryColor;
- return t1 == null ? this._defaults.primaryColor : t1;
- },
- get$primaryContrastingColor() {
- var t1 = this.primaryContrastingColor;
- return t1 == null ? this._defaults.primaryContrastingColor : t1;
- },
- get$textTheme() {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = this.textTheme;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this._defaults.textThemeDefaults;
- t1 = new A._DefaultCupertinoTextThemeData(t1.labelColor, t1.inactiveGray, B._TextThemeDefaultsBuilder_1yH, this.get$primaryColor(), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$barBackgroundColor() {
- var t1 = this.barBackgroundColor;
- return t1 == null ? this._defaults.barBackgroundColor : t1;
- },
- get$scaffoldBackgroundColor() {
- var t1 = this.scaffoldBackgroundColor;
- return t1 == null ? this._defaults.scaffoldBackgroundColor : t1;
- },
- get$applyThemeToAll() {
- var t1 = this.applyThemeToAll;
- return t1 == null ? false : t1;
- },
- resolveFrom$1(context) {
- var t6, _this = this,
- t1 = new A.CupertinoThemeData_resolveFrom_convertColor(context),
- t2 = _this.get$brightness(),
- t3 = t1.call$1(_this.primaryColor),
- t4 = t1.call$1(_this.primaryContrastingColor),
- t5 = _this.textTheme;
- t5 = t5 == null ? null : t5.resolveFrom$1(context);
- t6 = t1.call$1(_this.barBackgroundColor);
- t1 = t1.call$1(_this.scaffoldBackgroundColor);
- _this.get$applyThemeToAll();
- return A.CupertinoThemeData$_rawWithDefaults(t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t1, false, _this._defaults.resolveFrom$2(context, _this.textTheme == null));
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.CupertinoThemeData)
- if (other.get$brightness() == _this.get$brightness())
- if (other.get$primaryColor().$eq(0, _this.get$primaryColor()))
- if (other.get$primaryContrastingColor().$eq(0, _this.get$primaryContrastingColor()))
- if (other.get$textTheme().$eq(0, _this.get$textTheme()))
- if (other.get$barBackgroundColor().$eq(0, _this.get$barBackgroundColor()))
- if (other.get$scaffoldBackgroundColor().$eq(0, _this.get$scaffoldBackgroundColor())) {
- other.get$applyThemeToAll();
- _this.get$applyThemeToAll();
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.get$brightness(),
- t2 = _this.get$primaryColor(),
- t3 = _this.get$primaryContrastingColor(),
- t4 = _this.get$textTheme(),
- t5 = _this.get$barBackgroundColor(),
- t6 = _this.get$scaffoldBackgroundColor();
- _this.get$applyThemeToAll();
- return A.Object_hash(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, false, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.CupertinoThemeData_resolveFrom_convertColor.prototype = {
- call$1(color) {
- return A.CupertinoDynamicColor_maybeResolve(color, this.context);
- },
- $signature: 143
- };
- A.NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData.prototype = {
- resolveFrom$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = new A.NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData_resolveFrom_convertColor(context),
- t2 = _this.get$brightness(),
- t3 = t1.call$1(_this.get$primaryColor()),
- t4 = t1.call$1(_this.get$primaryContrastingColor()),
- t5 = _this.get$textTheme();
- t5 = t5 == null ? null : t5.resolveFrom$1(context);
- return new A.NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData(t2, t3, t4, t5, t1.call$1(_this.get$barBackgroundColor()), t1.call$1(_this.get$scaffoldBackgroundColor()), _this.get$applyThemeToAll());
- },
- get$brightness() {
- return this.brightness;
- },
- get$primaryColor() {
- return this.primaryColor;
- },
- get$primaryContrastingColor() {
- return this.primaryContrastingColor;
- },
- get$textTheme() {
- return this.textTheme;
- },
- get$barBackgroundColor() {
- return this.barBackgroundColor;
- },
- get$scaffoldBackgroundColor() {
- return this.scaffoldBackgroundColor;
- },
- get$applyThemeToAll() {
- return this.applyThemeToAll;
- }
- };
- A.NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData_resolveFrom_convertColor.prototype = {
- call$1(color) {
- return A.CupertinoDynamicColor_maybeResolve(color, this.context);
- },
- $signature: 143
- };
- A._CupertinoThemeDefaults.prototype = {
- resolveFrom$2(context, resolveTextTheme) {
- var t5, t6, _this = this,
- t1 = new A._CupertinoThemeDefaults_resolveFrom_convertColor(context),
- t2 = t1.call$1(_this.primaryColor),
- t3 = t1.call$1(_this.primaryContrastingColor),
- t4 = t1.call$1(_this.barBackgroundColor);
- t1 = t1.call$1(_this.scaffoldBackgroundColor);
- t5 = _this.textThemeDefaults;
- if (resolveTextTheme) {
- t6 = t5.labelColor;
- if (t6 instanceof A.CupertinoDynamicColor)
- t6 = t6.resolveFrom$1(context);
- t5 = t5.inactiveGray;
- t5 = new A._CupertinoTextThemeDefaults(t6, t5 instanceof A.CupertinoDynamicColor ? t5.resolveFrom$1(context) : t5);
- }
- return new A._CupertinoThemeDefaults(_this.brightness, t2, t3, t4, t1, false, t5);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoThemeDefaults_resolveFrom_convertColor.prototype = {
- call$1(color) {
- return color instanceof A.CupertinoDynamicColor ? color.resolveFrom$1(this.context) : color;
- },
- $signature: 83
- };
- A._CupertinoTextThemeDefaults.prototype = {};
- A._DefaultCupertinoTextThemeData.prototype = {
- get$textStyle() {
- return A.CupertinoTextThemeData.prototype.get$textStyle.call(this).copyWith$1$color(this.labelColor);
- }
- };
- A._CupertinoThemeData_NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._testPlatform_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 614
- };
- A._browserPlatform_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = self.window.navigator.platform,
- navigatorPlatform = t1 == null ? null : t1.toLowerCase();
- if (navigatorPlatform == null)
- navigatorPlatform = "";
- if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(navigatorPlatform, "mac"))
- return B.TargetPlatform_4;
- if (B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(navigatorPlatform, "win"))
- return B.TargetPlatform_5;
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(navigatorPlatform, "iphone") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(navigatorPlatform, "ipad") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(navigatorPlatform, "ipod"))
- return B.TargetPlatform_2;
- if (B.JSString_methods.contains$1(navigatorPlatform, "android"))
- return B.TargetPlatform_0;
- if (self.window.matchMedia("only screen and (pointer: fine)").matches)
- return B.TargetPlatform_3;
- return B.TargetPlatform_0;
- },
- $signature: 604
- };
- A._ErrorDiagnostic.prototype = {
- toString$1$minLevel(_, minLevel) {
- var t1 = A.DiagnosticsProperty.prototype.get$value.call(this, this);
- t1.toString;
- return J.join$0$ax(t1);
- },
- toString$0($receiver) {
- return this.toString$1$minLevel($receiver, B.DiagnosticLevel_3);
- },
- get$value(_) {
- var t1 = A.DiagnosticsProperty.prototype.get$value.call(this, this);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- valueToString$1$parentConfiguration(parentConfiguration) {
- var t1 = A.DiagnosticsProperty.prototype.get$value.call(this, this);
- t1.toString;
- return J.join$0$ax(t1);
- }
- };
- A.ErrorDescription.prototype = {};
- A.ErrorSummary.prototype = {};
- A.ErrorHint.prototype = {};
- A.ErrorSpacer.prototype = {};
- A.FlutterErrorDetails.prototype = {
- exceptionAsString$0() {
- var message, fullMessage, t1, t2, position, body, splitPoint,
- longMessage = this.exception;
- if (type$.AssertionError._is(longMessage)) {
- message = longMessage.get$message(longMessage);
- fullMessage = longMessage.toString$0(0);
- if (typeof message == "string" && message !== fullMessage) {
- t1 = fullMessage.length;
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(message);
- if (t1 > t2.get$length(message)) {
- position = B.JSString_methods.lastIndexOf$1(fullMessage, message);
- if (position === t1 - t2.get$length(message) && position > 2 && B.JSString_methods.substring$2(fullMessage, position - 2, position) === ": ") {
- body = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(fullMessage, 0, position - 2);
- splitPoint = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$1(body, " Failed assertion:");
- if (splitPoint >= 0)
- body = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(body, 0, splitPoint) + "\n" + B.JSString_methods.substring$1(body, splitPoint + 1);
- longMessage = t2.trimRight$0(message) + "\n" + body;
- } else
- longMessage = null;
- } else
- longMessage = null;
- } else
- longMessage = null;
- if (longMessage == null)
- longMessage = fullMessage;
- } else if (!(typeof longMessage == "string"))
- longMessage = type$.Error._is(longMessage) || type$.Exception._is(longMessage) ? J.toString$0$(longMessage) : " " + A.S(longMessage);
- longMessage = J.trimRight$0$s(longMessage);
- return longMessage.length === 0 ? " " : longMessage;
- },
- _exceptionToDiagnosticable$0() {
- var t1,
- exception = this.exception;
- if (exception instanceof A.FlutterError)
- return exception;
- if (type$.AssertionError._is(exception) && exception.get$message(exception) instanceof A.FlutterError) {
- t1 = J.get$message$x(exception);
- t1.toString;
- return type$.FlutterError._as(t1);
- }
- return null;
- },
- get$summary() {
- var t1, summary;
- if (this._exceptionToDiagnosticable$0() != null) {
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode);
- this.debugFillProperties$1(new A.DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder(t1, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_1));
- t1 = new A.CastList(t1, type$.CastList_of_DiagnosticsNode_and_nullable_DiagnosticsNode);
- summary = t1.firstWhere$2$orElse(t1, new A.FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure(), new A.FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure0());
- } else
- summary = null;
- return summary == null ? A.ErrorSummary$(new A.FlutterErrorDetails_summary_formatException(this).call$0()) : summary;
- },
- debugFillProperties$1(properties) {
- var t1, verb, diagnosticable, errorName, t2, t3, prefix, message, stackFrames, _this = this;
- _this.super$Diagnosticable$debugFillProperties(properties);
- t1 = _this.context;
- verb = A.ErrorDescription$("thrown" + A.S(t1 != null ? A.ErrorDescription$(" " + t1.toString$0(0)) : ""));
- diagnosticable = _this._exceptionToDiagnosticable$0();
- t1 = _this.exception;
- if (typeof t1 == "number")
- A.ErrorDescription$("The number " + A.S(t1) + " was " + verb.toString$0(0) + ".");
- else {
- if (type$.AssertionError._is(t1))
- errorName = A.ErrorDescription$("assertion");
- else if (typeof t1 == "string")
- errorName = A.ErrorDescription$("message");
- else {
- t2 = type$.Error._is(t1) || type$.Exception._is(t1);
- t3 = J.getInterceptor$(t1);
- errorName = t2 ? A.ErrorDescription$(t3.get$runtimeType(t1).toString$0(0)) : A.ErrorDescription$(t3.get$runtimeType(t1).toString$0(0) + " object");
- }
- A.ErrorDescription$("The following " + errorName.toString$0(0) + " was " + verb.toString$0(0) + ":");
- if (diagnosticable != null)
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(diagnosticable.diagnostics, properties.get$add(properties));
- else {
- prefix = J.get$runtimeType$(t1).toString$0(0) + ": ";
- message = _this.exceptionAsString$0();
- A.ErrorSummary$(B.JSString_methods.startsWith$1(message, prefix) ? B.JSString_methods.substring$1(message, prefix.length) : message);
- }
- }
- t2 = _this.stack;
- if (t2 != null) {
- if (type$.AssertionError._is(t1) && diagnosticable == null) {
- t1 = A.StackFrame_fromStackString(A.FlutterError__defaultStackTraceDemangler(t2).toString$0(0));
- t3 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("SkipWhileIterable<1>");
- stackFrames = A.List_List$of(new A.SkipWhileIterable(t1, new A.FlutterErrorDetails_debugFillProperties_closure(), t3), true, t3._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- if (stackFrames.length >= 2 && stackFrames[0].$package === "flutter" && stackFrames[1].$package === "flutter") {
- A.ErrorSpacer$();
- A.ErrorHint$("Either the assertion indicates an error in the framework itself, or we should provide substantially more information in this error message to help you determine and fix the underlying cause.\nIn either case, please report this assertion by filing a bug on GitHub:\n https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/new?template=2_bug.md");
- }
- }
- A.ErrorSpacer$();
- A.DiagnosticsStackTrace$("When the exception was thrown, this was the stack", t2, null);
- }
- t1 = _this.informationCollector;
- if (t1 != null) {
- A.ErrorSpacer$();
- J.forEach$1$ax(t1.call$0(), properties.get$add(properties));
- }
- },
- toStringShort$0() {
- return "Exception caught by " + this.library;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- A._FlutterErrorDetailsNode$(null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_5, this);
- return "";
- }
- };
- A.FlutterErrorDetails_summary_formatException.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return J.trimLeft$0$s(this.$this.exceptionAsString$0().split("\n")[0]);
- },
- $signature: 54
- };
- A.FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(node) {
- return node.get$level(node) === B.DiagnosticLevel_6;
- },
- $signature: 602
- };
- A.FlutterErrorDetails_summary_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 6
- };
- A.FlutterErrorDetails_debugFillProperties_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(frame) {
- return frame.packageScheme === "dart";
- },
- $signature: 592
- };
- A.FlutterError.prototype = {
- get$message(_) {
- return this.toString$0(0);
- },
- toStringShort$0() {
- return "FlutterError";
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.diagnostics;
- return new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.FlutterError_toString_closure(new A.TextTreeRenderer(4000000000, 65, B.DiagnosticLevel_2, -1)), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$1(0, "\n");
- },
- $isAssertionError: 1,
- $isDiagnosticableTree: 1
- };
- A.FlutterError_FlutterError_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(line) {
- return A.ErrorDescription$(line);
- },
- $signature: 576
- };
- A.FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return value + 1;
- },
- $signature: 60
- };
- A.FlutterError_defaultStackFilter_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return value + 1;
- },
- $signature: 60
- };
- A.FlutterError_toString_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(node) {
- return B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(this.renderer._debugRender$4$parentConfiguration$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(node, null, "", null));
- },
- $signature: 567
- };
- A.debugPrintStack_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(line) {
- return B.JSString_methods.contains$1(line, "StackTrace.current") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(line, "dart-sdk/lib/_internal") || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(line, "dart:sdk_internal");
- },
- $signature: 45
- };
- A.DiagnosticsStackTrace.prototype = {
- get$allowTruncate() {
- return false;
- }
- };
- A._FlutterErrorDetailsNode.prototype = {
- get$builder() {
- A.DiagnosticableNode.prototype.get$builder.call(this);
- return null;
- }
- };
- A._FlutterError_Error_DiagnosticableTreeMixin.prototype = {};
- A._FlutterErrorDetails_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.BindingBase.prototype = {
- BindingBase$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this, _null = null;
- A.Timeline_startSync("Framework initialization", _null, _null);
- _this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding$initInstances();
- $.WidgetsBinding__instance = _this;
- t1 = type$.Element_2;
- t2 = A.HashSet_HashSet(t1);
- t3 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Element);
- t4 = type$.int;
- t5 = new A._HighlightModeManager(new A.HashedObserverList(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(_null, _null, _null, type$.void_Function_FocusHighlightMode, t4), type$.HashedObserverList_of_void_Function_FocusHighlightMode));
- t6 = A.FocusScopeNode$(true, "Root Focus Scope", false);
- t7 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__Autofocus);
- t8 = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- t6 = t6._manager = new A.FocusManager(t5, t6, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.FocusNode), t7, t8);
- t7 = $.ServicesBinding__instance.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__keyEventManager_F;
- t7 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t7.keyMessageHandler = t5.get$handleKeyMessage();
- $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter._globalRoutes.$indexSet(0, t5.get$handlePointerEvent(), _null);
- t5 = t6;
- t1 = new A.BuildOwner(new A._InactiveElements(t2), t3, t5, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.GlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget, t1));
- _this.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner = t1;
- t1.onBuildScheduled = _this.get$_handleBuildScheduled();
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- t1._onLocaleChanged = _this.get$handleLocaleChanged();
- t1._onLocaleChangedZone = $.Zone__current;
- B.OptionalMethodChannel_urv.setMethodCallHandler$1(_this.get$_handleNavigationInvocation());
- t1 = new A.DefaultPlatformMenuDelegate(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t4, type$.PlatformMenuItem), B.OptionalMethodChannel_SON);
- B.OptionalMethodChannel_SON.setMethodCallHandler$1(t1.get$_methodCallHandler());
- _this.WidgetsBinding___WidgetsBinding_platformMenuDelegate_A = t1;
- _this.initServiceExtensions$0();
- t1 = type$.String;
- A.postEvent("Flutter.FrameworkInitialization", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1), "Extension");
- A.Timeline_finishSync();
- },
- initInstances$0() {
- },
- initServiceExtensions$0() {
- this.registerStringServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(new A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure(), "connectedVmServiceUri", new A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure0());
- this.registerStringServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(new A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure1(), "activeDevToolsServerAddress", new A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure2());
- },
- lockEvents$1(callback) {
- var future,
- timelineTask = new A.TimelineTask(null, 0, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable__AsyncBlock));
- timelineTask.start$1(0, "Lock events");
- ++this._lockCount;
- future = callback.call$0();
- future.whenComplete$1(new A.BindingBase_lockEvents_closure(this, timelineTask));
- return future;
- },
- unlocked$0() {
- },
- registerBoolServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(getter, $name, setter) {
- this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A.BindingBase_registerBoolServiceExtension_closure(this, setter, $name, getter), $name);
- },
- registerNumericServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(getter, $name, setter) {
- this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A.BindingBase_registerNumericServiceExtension_closure(this, $name, setter, getter), $name);
- },
- _postExtensionStateChangedEvent$2($name, value) {
- A.postEvent("Flutter.ServiceExtensionStateChanged", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["extension", "ext.flutter." + $name, "value", value], type$.String, type$.dynamic), "Extension");
- },
- registerStringServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(getter, $name, setter) {
- this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A.BindingBase_registerStringServiceExtension_closure(this, setter, $name, getter), $name);
- },
- registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(callback, $name) {
- var methodName = "ext.flutter." + $name;
- A.registerExtension(methodName, new A.BindingBase_registerServiceExtension_closure(methodName, callback));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "";
- }
- };
- A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
- $async$returnValue, t1;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $.connectedVmServiceUri;
- $async$returnValue = t1 == null ? "" : t1;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 144
- };
- A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(uri) {
- return this.$call$body$BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure0(uri);
- },
- $call$body$BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure0(uri) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $.connectedVmServiceUri = uri;
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 145
- };
- A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure1.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
- $async$returnValue, t1;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $.activeDevToolsServerAddress;
- $async$returnValue = t1 == null ? "" : t1;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 144
- };
- A.BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure2.prototype = {
- call$1(serverAddress) {
- return this.$call$body$BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure(serverAddress);
- },
- $call$body$BindingBase_initServiceExtensions_closure(serverAddress) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $.activeDevToolsServerAddress = serverAddress;
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 145
- };
- A.BindingBase_lockEvents_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (--t1._lockCount <= 0) {
- this.timelineTask.finish$0(0);
- t1.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding$unlocked();
- if (t1.SchedulerBinding__taskQueue._priority_queue$_length !== 0)
- t1._ensureEventLoopCallback$0();
- }
- },
- $signature: 6
- };
- A.BindingBase_registerBoolServiceExtension_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(parameters) {
- return this.$call$body$BindingBase_registerBoolServiceExtension_closure(parameters);
- },
- $call$body$BindingBase_registerBoolServiceExtension_closure(parameters) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_dynamic),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1;
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(parameters);
- $async$goto = t1.containsKey$1(parameters, "enabled") ? 3 : 4;
- break;
- case 3:
- // then
- $async$goto = 5;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.setter.call$1(J.$eq$(t1.$index(parameters, "enabled"), "true")), $async$call$1);
- case 5:
- // returning from await.
- $async$goto = 6;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.getter.call$0(), $async$call$1);
- case 6:
- // returning from await.
- t1 = $async$result ? "true" : "false";
- $async$self.$this._postExtensionStateChangedEvent$2($async$self.name, t1);
- case 4:
- // join
- $async$temp1 = A;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.getter.call$0(), $async$call$1);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["enabled", $async$result ? "true" : "false"], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 77
- };
- A.BindingBase_registerNumericServiceExtension_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(parameters) {
- return this.$call$body$BindingBase_registerNumericServiceExtension_closure(parameters);
- },
- $call$body$BindingBase_registerNumericServiceExtension_closure(parameters) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_dynamic),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, $async$temp1, $async$temp2, $async$temp3;
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $async$self.name;
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(parameters);
- $async$goto = t2.containsKey$1(parameters, t1) ? 3 : 4;
- break;
- case 3:
- // then
- t2 = t2.$index(parameters, t1);
- t2.toString;
- $async$goto = 5;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.setter.call$1(A.double_parse(t2)), $async$call$1);
- case 5:
- // returning from await.
- $async$temp1 = $async$self.$this;
- $async$temp2 = t1;
- $async$temp3 = J;
- $async$goto = 6;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.getter.call$0(), $async$call$1);
- case 6:
- // returning from await.
- $async$temp1._postExtensionStateChangedEvent$2($async$temp2, $async$temp3.toString$0$($async$result));
- case 4:
- // join
- $async$temp1 = A;
- $async$temp2 = t1;
- $async$temp3 = J;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.getter.call$0(), $async$call$1);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([$async$temp2, $async$temp3.toString$0$($async$result)], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 77
- };
- A.BindingBase_registerStringServiceExtension_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(parameters) {
- return this.$call$body$BindingBase_registerStringServiceExtension_closure(parameters);
- },
- $call$body$BindingBase_registerStringServiceExtension_closure(parameters) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_dynamic),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$x(parameters);
- $async$goto = t1.containsKey$1(parameters, "value") ? 3 : 4;
- break;
- case 3:
- // then
- t1 = t1.$index(parameters, "value");
- t1.toString;
- $async$goto = 5;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.setter.call$1(t1), $async$call$1);
- case 5:
- // returning from await.
- $async$temp1 = $async$self.$this;
- $async$temp2 = $async$self.name;
- $async$goto = 6;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.getter.call$0(), $async$call$1);
- case 6:
- // returning from await.
- $async$temp1._postExtensionStateChangedEvent$2($async$temp2, $async$result);
- case 4:
- // join
- $async$temp1 = A;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.getter.call$0(), $async$call$1);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["value", $async$result], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 77
- };
- A.BindingBase_registerServiceExtension_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(method, parameters) {
- return this.$call$body$BindingBase_registerServiceExtension_closure(method, parameters);
- },
- $call$body$BindingBase_registerServiceExtension_closure(method, parameters) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.ServiceExtensionResponse),
- $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$self = this, result, exception, stack, exception0, t1, t2, $async$exception0, $async$temp1;
- var $async$call$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.debugInstrumentAction("Wait for outer event loop", new A.BindingBase_registerServiceExtension__closure(), type$.void), $async$call$2);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- result = A._Cell$named("result");
- $async$handler = 5;
- $async$temp1 = result;
- $async$goto = 8;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.callback.call$1(parameters), $async$call$2);
- case 8:
- // returning from await.
- $async$temp1.__late_helper$_value = $async$result;
- $async$handler = 2;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 7;
- break;
- case 5:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 4;
- $async$exception0 = $async$currentError;
- exception = A.unwrapException($async$exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception0);
- t1 = A.ErrorDescription$('during a service extension callback for "' + method + '"');
- A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "Flutter framework", t1, null, false));
- t1 = type$.String;
- t2 = B.C_JsonCodec.encode$1(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["exception", J.toString$0$(exception), "stack", J.toString$0$(stack), "method", method], t1, t1));
- A.ServiceExtensionResponse__validateErrorCode(-32000);
- A.checkNotNullable(t2, "errorDetail", t1);
- $async$returnValue = new A.ServiceExtensionResponse();
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 7;
- break;
- case 4:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 7:
- // after finally
- J.$indexSet$ax(result._readLocal$0(), "type", "_extensionType");
- J.$indexSet$ax(result._readLocal$0(), "method", method);
- $async$returnValue = A.ServiceExtensionResponse$result(B.C_JsonCodec.encode$1(result._readLocal$0()));
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- case 2:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$2, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 154
- };
- A.BindingBase_registerServiceExtension__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return A.Future_Future$delayed(B.Duration_0, null, type$.void);
- },
- $signature: 15
- };
- A.DebugReassembleConfig.prototype = {};
- A.Listenable.prototype = {};
- A.ChangeNotifier.prototype = {
- addListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1, newListeners, i, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$_count(_this) === _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners().length) {
- t1 = type$.nullable_void_Function;
- if (_this.get$_count(_this) === 0)
- _this.set$_change_notifier$_listeners(A.List_List$filled(1, null, false, t1));
- else {
- newListeners = A.List_List$filled(_this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners().length * 2, null, false, t1);
- for (i = 0; i < _this.get$_count(_this); ++i)
- newListeners[i] = _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners()[i];
- _this.set$_change_notifier$_listeners(newListeners);
- }
- }
- t1 = _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners();
- t2 = _this.get$_count(_this);
- _this.set$_count(0, t2 + 1);
- t1[t2] = listener;
- },
- _removeAt$1(index) {
- var newListeners, i, i0, _this = this;
- _this.set$_count(0, _this.get$_count(_this) - 1);
- if (_this.get$_count(_this) * 2 <= _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners().length) {
- newListeners = A.List_List$filled(_this.get$_count(_this), null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function);
- for (i = 0; i < index; ++i)
- newListeners[i] = _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners()[i];
- for (i = index; i < _this.get$_count(_this); i = i0) {
- i0 = i + 1;
- newListeners[i] = _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners()[i0];
- }
- _this.set$_change_notifier$_listeners(newListeners);
- } else {
- for (i = index; i < _this.get$_count(_this); i = i0) {
- i0 = i + 1;
- _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners()[i] = _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners()[i0];
- }
- _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners()[_this.get$_count(_this)] = null;
- }
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- var i, _this = this;
- for (i = 0; i < _this.get$_count(_this); ++i)
- if (J.$eq$(_this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners()[i], listener)) {
- if (_this.get$_notificationCallStackDepth() > 0) {
- _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners()[i] = null;
- _this.set$_reentrantlyRemovedListeners(_this.get$_reentrantlyRemovedListeners() + 1);
- } else
- _this._removeAt$1(i);
- break;
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this.set$_change_notifier$_listeners($.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- this.set$_count(0, 0);
- },
- notifyListeners$0() {
- var i, exception, stack, end, t1, exception0, t2, newLength, newListeners, newIndex, listener, newIndex0, swapIndex, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$_count(_this) === 0)
- return;
- _this.set$_notificationCallStackDepth(_this.get$_notificationCallStackDepth() + 1);
- end = _this.get$_count(_this);
- for (i = 0; i < end; ++i)
- try {
- t1 = _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners()[i];
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$0();
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("while dispatching notifications for " + A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this).toString$0(0));
- t2 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError();
- if (t2 != null)
- t2.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "foundation library", t1, new A.ChangeNotifier_notifyListeners_closure(_this), false));
- }
- _this.set$_notificationCallStackDepth(_this.get$_notificationCallStackDepth() - 1);
- if (_this.get$_notificationCallStackDepth() === 0 && _this.get$_reentrantlyRemovedListeners() > 0) {
- newLength = _this.get$_count(_this) - _this.get$_reentrantlyRemovedListeners();
- if (newLength * 2 <= _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners().length) {
- newListeners = A.List_List$filled(newLength, null, false, type$.nullable_void_Function);
- for (newIndex = 0, i = 0; i < _this.get$_count(_this); ++i) {
- listener = _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners()[i];
- if (listener != null) {
- newIndex0 = newIndex + 1;
- newListeners[newIndex] = listener;
- newIndex = newIndex0;
- }
- }
- _this.set$_change_notifier$_listeners(newListeners);
- } else
- for (i = 0; i < newLength; ++i)
- if (_this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners()[i] == null) {
- swapIndex = i + 1;
- for (; _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners()[swapIndex] == null;)
- ++swapIndex;
- _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners()[i] = _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners()[swapIndex];
- _this.get$_change_notifier$_listeners()[swapIndex] = null;
- }
- _this.set$_reentrantlyRemovedListeners(0);
- _this.set$_count(0, newLength);
- }
- },
- $isListenable: 1,
- get$_count(receiver) {
- return this.ChangeNotifier__count;
- },
- get$_change_notifier$_listeners() {
- return this.ChangeNotifier__listeners;
- },
- get$_notificationCallStackDepth() {
- return this.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth;
- },
- get$_reentrantlyRemovedListeners() {
- return this.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners;
- },
- set$_count(receiver, val) {
- return this.ChangeNotifier__count = val;
- },
- set$_change_notifier$_listeners(val) {
- return this.ChangeNotifier__listeners = val;
- },
- set$_notificationCallStackDepth(val) {
- return this.ChangeNotifier__notificationCallStackDepth = val;
- },
- set$_reentrantlyRemovedListeners(val) {
- return this.ChangeNotifier__reentrantlyRemovedListeners = val;
- }
- };
- A.ChangeNotifier_notifyListeners_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = this.$this;
- return A._setArrayType([A.DiagnosticsProperty$("The " + A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(t1).toString$0(0) + " sending notification was", t1, true, B.C__NoDefaultValue, _null, false, _null, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, _null, false, true, true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_9, _null, type$.ChangeNotifier)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode);
- },
- $signature: 32
- };
- A._MergingListenable.prototype = {
- addListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- for (t1 = this._change_notifier$_children, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].addListener$1(0, listener);
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- for (t1 = this._change_notifier$_children, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].removeListener$1(0, listener);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Listenable.merge([" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(this._change_notifier$_children, ", ") + "])";
- }
- };
- A.ValueNotifier.prototype = {
- set$value(_, newValue) {
- if (J.$eq$(this._change_notifier$_value, newValue))
- return;
- this._change_notifier$_value = newValue;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "#" + A.shortHash(this) + "(" + A.S(this._change_notifier$_value) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.DiagnosticLevel.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "DiagnosticLevel." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.DiagnosticsTreeStyle.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "DiagnosticsTreeStyle." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextTreeConfiguration.prototype = {};
- A._WordWrapParseMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_WordWrapParseMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._PrefixedStringBuilder.prototype = {
- incrementPrefixOtherLines$2$updateCurrentLine(suffix, updateCurrentLine) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._currentLine._contents.length === 0 || updateCurrentLine,
- t2 = _this._nextPrefixOtherLines;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = t2 == null ? _this._prefixOtherLines : t2;
- t1.toString;
- _this._prefixOtherLines = t1 + suffix;
- _this._nextPrefixOtherLines = null;
- } else {
- t1 = t2 == null ? _this._prefixOtherLines : t2;
- t1.toString;
- _this._nextPrefixOtherLines = t1 + suffix;
- }
- },
- get$requiresMultipleLines() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._numLines;
- if (t1 <= 1)
- if (!(t1 === 1 && _this._currentLine._contents.length !== 0)) {
- t1 = _this._currentLine._contents;
- t1 = t1.length + (_this._diagnostics$_buffer._contents.length === 0 ? _this.prefixLineOne : _this._prefixOtherLines).length > _this.wrapWidth;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- _finalizeLine$1(addTrailingLineBreak) {
- var lines, $length, i, _i, line, _this = this,
- firstLine = _this._diagnostics$_buffer._contents.length === 0,
- t1 = _this._currentLine,
- t2 = t1._contents,
- text = t2.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t2 : t2;
- t1._contents = "";
- t1 = _this._wrappableRanges;
- if (t1.length === 0) {
- _this._writeLine$3$firstLine$includeLineBreak(text, firstLine, addTrailingLineBreak);
- return;
- }
- t2 = firstLine ? _this.prefixLineOne.length : _this._prefixOtherLines.length;
- lines = A._PrefixedStringBuilder__wordWrapLine(text, t1, _this.wrapWidth, _this._prefixOtherLines.length, t2);
- $length = lines.length;
- for (t2 = !addTrailingLineBreak, i = 0, _i = 0; _i < lines.length; lines.length === $length || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(lines), ++_i) {
- line = lines[_i];
- ++i;
- _this._writeLine$3$firstLine$includeLineBreak(line, firstLine, !t2 || i < $length);
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(t1);
- },
- write$2$allowWrap(_, s, allowWrap) {
- var lines, t1, t2, i, t3, line, wrapStart, wrapEnd, _this = this;
- if (s.length === 0)
- return;
- lines = s.split("\n");
- for (t1 = _this._currentLine, t2 = _this._wrappableRanges, i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
- if (i > 0) {
- _this._finalizeLine$1(true);
- t3 = _this._nextPrefixOtherLines;
- if (t3 != null) {
- _this._prefixOtherLines = t3;
- _this._nextPrefixOtherLines = null;
- }
- }
- line = lines[i];
- t3 = line.length;
- if (t3 !== 0) {
- if (allowWrap && true) {
- wrapStart = t1._contents.length;
- wrapEnd = wrapStart + t3;
- if (t2.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2) === wrapStart)
- B.JSArray_methods.set$last(t2, wrapEnd);
- else {
- t2.push(wrapStart);
- t2.push(wrapEnd);
- }
- }
- t1._contents += line;
- }
- }
- },
- write$1($receiver, s) {
- return this.write$2$allowWrap($receiver, s, false);
- },
- _updatePrefix$0() {
- var t1 = this._nextPrefixOtherLines;
- if (t1 != null) {
- this._prefixOtherLines = t1;
- this._nextPrefixOtherLines = null;
- }
- },
- _writeLine$3$firstLine$includeLineBreak(line, firstLine, includeLineBreak) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._diagnostics$_buffer,
- t2 = t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(A.S(t1._contents.length === 0 ? _this.prefixLineOne : _this._prefixOtherLines) + line);
- if (includeLineBreak)
- t1._contents = t2 + "\n";
- ++_this._numLines;
- },
- writeRawLines$1(lines) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (lines.length === 0)
- return;
- if (_this._currentLine._contents.length !== 0)
- _this._finalizeLine$1(true);
- t1 = _this._diagnostics$_buffer;
- t2 = t1._contents += lines;
- if (!B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(lines, "\n"))
- t1._contents = t2 + "\n";
- ++_this._numLines;
- _this._updatePrefix$0();
- },
- writeStretched$2(text, targetLineLength) {
- var t1, t2, targetLength, _this = this;
- _this.write$1(0, text);
- t1 = _this._currentLine;
- t2 = t1._contents;
- targetLength = targetLineLength - (t2.length + (_this._diagnostics$_buffer._contents.length === 0 ? _this.prefixLineOne : _this._prefixOtherLines).length);
- if (targetLength > 0)
- t1._contents += B.JSString_methods.$mul(text[text.length - 1], targetLength);
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(_this._wrappableRanges);
- }
- };
- A._PrefixedStringBuilder__wordWrapLine_noWrap.prototype = {
- call$1(index) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- for (t1 = this._box_0, t2 = this.wrapRanges; true;) {
- t3 = t1.currentChunk;
- if (t3 >= t2.length)
- return true;
- if (index < t2[t3 + 1])
- break;
- t1.currentChunk = t3 + 2;
- }
- return index < t2[t1.currentChunk];
- },
- $signature: 57
- };
- A._NoDefaultValue.prototype = {};
- A.TextTreeRenderer.prototype = {
- _debugRender$4$parentConfiguration$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(node, parentConfiguration, prefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines) {
- var isSingleLine, t1, t2, descendants, t3, t4, t5, builder, children, description, wrapName, wrapDescription, uppercaseTitle, $name, includeName, propertiesIterable, properties, i, t6, property, propertyRender, propertyLines, t7, t8, t9, prefixChildrenRaw, child, childStyle, childPrefixOtherLines, nextChildStyle, _this = this, _s1_ = "\n", _box_0 = {};
- _box_0.prefixOtherLines = prefixOtherLines;
- if (node.get$style(node) === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8)
- isSingleLine = (parentConfiguration == null ? null : parentConfiguration.lineBreakProperties) !== true;
- else
- isSingleLine = false;
- if (prefixOtherLines == null) {
- _box_0.prefixOtherLines = prefixLineOne;
- t1 = prefixLineOne;
- } else
- t1 = prefixOtherLines;
- t2 = node.get$textTreeConfiguration();
- t2.toString;
- if (t1.length === 0)
- t1 = _box_0.prefixOtherLines = t1 + t2.prefixOtherLinesRootNode;
- if (node.get$style(node) === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_11) {
- descendants = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- _box_0.lines = _box_0.depth = 0;
- new A.TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_visitor(_box_0, descendants).call$1(node);
- if (_box_0.lines > 1)
- t1 = prefixLineOne + ("This " + A.S(node.name) + " had the following descendants (showing up to depth 5):\n");
- else {
- t1 = A.S(node.name);
- t1 = descendants.length === 1 ? prefixLineOne + ("This " + t1 + " had the following child:\n") : prefixLineOne + ("This " + t1 + " has no descendants.\n");
- }
- t1 = A.StringBuffer__writeAll(t1, descendants, _s1_);
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- t3 = _this._wrapWidthProperties;
- t4 = Math.max(_this._wrapWidth, t1.length + t3);
- t5 = new A.StringBuffer("");
- builder = new A._PrefixedStringBuilder(prefixLineOne, t1, t4, new A.StringBuffer(""), t5, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int));
- children = node.getChildren$0();
- description = node.toDescription$1$parentConfiguration(parentConfiguration);
- t1 = t2.beforeName;
- if (t1.length !== 0)
- builder.write$1(0, t1);
- t1 = !isSingleLine;
- wrapName = t1 && node.get$allowNameWrap();
- wrapDescription = t1 && node.get$allowWrap();
- uppercaseTitle = node.get$style(node) === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_5;
- $name = node.name;
- if (uppercaseTitle)
- $name = $name == null ? null : $name.toUpperCase();
- if (description.length === 0) {
- if (node.get$showName() && $name != null)
- builder.write$2$allowWrap(0, $name, wrapName);
- } else {
- if ($name != null && $name.length !== 0 && node.get$showName()) {
- builder.write$2$allowWrap(0, $name, wrapName);
- if (node.showSeparator)
- builder.write$2$allowWrap(0, t2.afterName, wrapName);
- builder.write$2$allowWrap(0, t2.isNameOnOwnLine || B.JSString_methods.contains$1(description, _s1_) ? _s1_ : " ", wrapName);
- includeName = true;
- } else
- includeName = false;
- if (t1 && builder.get$requiresMultipleLines() && t5._contents.length !== 0)
- builder.write$1(0, _s1_);
- if (includeName)
- builder.incrementPrefixOtherLines$2$updateCurrentLine(children.length === 0 ? t2.propertyPrefixNoChildren : t2.propertyPrefixIfChildren, true);
- if (uppercaseTitle)
- description = description.toUpperCase();
- builder.write$2$allowWrap(0, B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(description), wrapDescription);
- if (!includeName)
- builder.incrementPrefixOtherLines$2$updateCurrentLine(children.length === 0 ? t2.propertyPrefixNoChildren : t2.propertyPrefixIfChildren, false);
- }
- t1 = t2.suffixLineOne;
- if (t1.length !== 0)
- builder.writeStretched$2(t1, t4);
- t1 = node.getProperties$0(0);
- t4 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>");
- propertiesIterable = new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_closure(_this), t4);
- t1 = _this._maxDescendentsTruncatableNode;
- if (t1 >= 0 && node.get$allowTruncate()) {
- t4 = t4._eval$1("Iterable.E");
- if (propertiesIterable.get$length(propertiesIterable) < t1) {
- t4 = A.TakeIterable_TakeIterable(propertiesIterable, t1, t4);
- properties = A.List_List$of(t4, true, A._instanceType(t4)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- B.JSArray_methods.add$1(properties, A.DiagnosticsNode_DiagnosticsNode$message("...", true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8));
- } else
- properties = A.List_List$of(propertiesIterable, true, t4);
- if (t1 < children.length) {
- children = A.SubListIterable$(children, 0, A.checkNotNullable(t1, "count", type$.int), A._arrayInstanceType(children)._precomputed1).toList$0(0);
- B.JSArray_methods.add$1(children, A.DiagnosticsNode_DiagnosticsNode$message("...", true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8));
- }
- } else
- properties = A.List_List$of(propertiesIterable, true, t4._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- if (properties.length !== 0 || children.length !== 0 || node.get$emptyBodyDescription() != null)
- t1 = node.showSeparator || description.length !== 0;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- builder.write$1(0, t2.afterDescriptionIfBody);
- t1 = t2.lineBreakProperties;
- if (t1)
- builder.write$1(0, t2.lineBreak);
- if (properties.length !== 0)
- builder.write$1(0, t2.beforeProperties);
- t4 = t2.bodyIndent;
- builder.incrementPrefixOtherLines$2$updateCurrentLine(t4, false);
- if (node.get$emptyBodyDescription() != null && properties.length === 0 && children.length === 0 && prefixLineOne.length !== 0) {
- t5 = node.get$emptyBodyDescription();
- t5.toString;
- builder.write$1(0, t5);
- if (t1)
- builder.write$1(0, t2.lineBreak);
- }
- for (t5 = t2.propertySeparator, t1 = !t1, i = 0; t6 = properties.length, i < t6; ++i) {
- property = properties[i];
- if (i > 0)
- builder.write$1(0, t5);
- t6 = property.get$textTreeConfiguration();
- t6.toString;
- if (property.get$style(property) === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8) {
- propertyRender = _this._debugRender$4$parentConfiguration$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(property, t2, t6.prefixLineOne, t6.childLinkSpace + t6.prefixOtherLines);
- propertyLines = propertyRender.split(_s1_);
- if (propertyLines.length === 1 && t1)
- builder.write$1(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(propertyLines));
- else {
- builder.write$1(0, propertyRender);
- if (!B.JSString_methods.endsWith$1(propertyRender, _s1_))
- builder.write$1(0, _s1_);
- }
- } else {
- t7 = builder._nextPrefixOtherLines;
- t8 = t7 == null;
- t9 = t8 ? builder._prefixOtherLines : t7;
- if (t8)
- t7 = builder._prefixOtherLines;
- builder.writeRawLines$1(_this._debugRender$4$parentConfiguration$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(property, t2, A.S(t9) + t6.prefixLineOne, A.S(t7) + t6.childLinkSpace + t6.prefixOtherLines));
- }
- }
- if (t6 !== 0)
- builder.write$1(0, t2.afterProperties);
- builder.write$1(0, "");
- if (t1)
- builder.write$1(0, t2.lineBreak);
- prefixChildrenRaw = A.S(_box_0.prefixOtherLines) + t4;
- if (children.length === 0)
- if (t2.addBlankLineIfNoChildren)
- if (builder.get$requiresMultipleLines()) {
- t1 = builder._nextPrefixOtherLines;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = builder._prefixOtherLines;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = B.JSString_methods.trimRight$0(t1).length !== 0;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- builder.write$1(0, t2.lineBreak);
- if (children.length !== 0 && t2.showChildren) {
- if (t2.isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren && properties.length !== 0 && B.JSArray_methods.get$first(children).get$textTreeConfiguration().isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren)
- builder.write$1(0, t2.lineBreak);
- builder._prefixOtherLines = _box_0.prefixOtherLines;
- builder._nextPrefixOtherLines = null;
- for (t1 = t2.lineBreak, t4 = builder.wrapWidth, i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
- child = children[i];
- childStyle = child.get$style(child);
- if (childStyle === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8 || childStyle === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_9)
- t5 = t2;
- else
- t5 = child.get$textTreeConfiguration();
- t5.toString;
- if (i === children.length - 1) {
- t6 = t5.childLinkSpace;
- childPrefixOtherLines = prefixChildrenRaw + t6 + t5.prefixOtherLines;
- builder.writeRawLines$1(_this._debugRender$4$parentConfiguration$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(child, t2, prefixChildrenRaw + t5.prefixLastChildLineOne, childPrefixOtherLines));
- t7 = t5.footer;
- if (t7.length !== 0) {
- builder._prefixOtherLines = prefixChildrenRaw;
- builder._nextPrefixOtherLines = null;
- builder.write$1(0, t6 + t7);
- t5 = t5.mandatoryFooter;
- if (t5.length !== 0)
- builder.writeStretched$2(t5, Math.max(t4, t3 + childPrefixOtherLines.length));
- builder.write$1(0, t1);
- }
- } else {
- t6 = children[i + 1];
- childStyle = t6.get$style(t6);
- if (childStyle === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8 || childStyle === B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_9)
- nextChildStyle = t2;
- else
- nextChildStyle = t6.get$textTreeConfiguration();
- childPrefixOtherLines = prefixChildrenRaw + nextChildStyle.linkCharacter + t5.prefixOtherLines;
- builder.writeRawLines$1(_this._debugRender$4$parentConfiguration$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(child, t2, prefixChildrenRaw + t5.prefixLineOne, childPrefixOtherLines));
- t6 = t5.footer;
- if (t6.length !== 0) {
- builder._prefixOtherLines = prefixChildrenRaw;
- builder._nextPrefixOtherLines = null;
- builder.write$1(0, t5.linkCharacter + t6);
- t5 = t5.mandatoryFooter;
- if (t5.length !== 0)
- builder.writeStretched$2(t5, Math.max(t4, t3 + childPrefixOtherLines.length));
- builder.write$1(0, t1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (parentConfiguration == null && t2.mandatoryFooter.length !== 0) {
- builder.writeStretched$2(t2.mandatoryFooter, builder.wrapWidth);
- builder.write$1(0, t2.lineBreak);
- }
- if (builder._currentLine._contents.length !== 0)
- builder._finalizeLine$1(false);
- t1 = builder._diagnostics$_buffer._contents;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- };
- A.TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_visitor.prototype = {
- call$1(node) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, child, t5;
- for (t1 = node.getChildren$0(), t2 = t1.length, t3 = this._box_0, t4 = this.descendants, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- child = t1[_i];
- t5 = t3.lines;
- if (t5 < 25) {
- t5 = ++t3.depth;
- t4.push(A.S(t3.prefixOtherLines) + B.JSString_methods.$mul(" ", t5) + A.S(child));
- if (t3.depth < 5)
- this.call$1(child);
- --t3.depth;
- } else if (t5 === 25)
- t4.push(A.S(t3.prefixOtherLines) + " ...(descendants list truncated after " + t5 + " lines)");
- ++t3.lines;
- }
- },
- $signature: 146
- };
- A.TextTreeRenderer__debugRender_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(n) {
- var t1 = n.get$level(n);
- return t1.index >= this.$this._minLevel.index;
- },
- $signature: 540
- };
- A.DiagnosticsNode.prototype = {
- get$level(_) {
- return B.DiagnosticLevel_3;
- },
- get$emptyBodyDescription() {
- return null;
- },
- get$allowWrap() {
- return false;
- },
- get$allowNameWrap() {
- return false;
- },
- get$allowTruncate() {
- return false;
- },
- toString$1$minLevel(_, minLevel) {
- return this.super$Object$toString(0);
- },
- toString$0($receiver) {
- return this.toString$1$minLevel($receiver, B.DiagnosticLevel_3);
- },
- get$textTreeConfiguration() {
- switch (this.get$style(this).index) {
- case 0:
- return null;
- case 3:
- return $.$get$denseTextConfiguration();
- case 1:
- return $.$get$sparseTextConfiguration();
- case 2:
- return $.$get$dashedTextConfiguration();
- case 6:
- return $.$get$whitespaceTextConfiguration();
- case 4:
- return $.$get$transitionTextConfiguration();
- case 8:
- return $.$get$singleLineTextConfiguration();
- case 9:
- return $.$get$errorPropertyTextConfiguration();
- case 10:
- return $.$get$shallowTextConfiguration();
- case 5:
- return $.$get$errorTextConfiguration();
- case 11:
- return $.$get$whitespaceTextConfiguration();
- case 7:
- return $.$get$flatTextConfiguration();
- }
- },
- get$name(receiver) {
- return this.name;
- },
- get$showName() {
- return this.showName;
- },
- get$style(receiver) {
- return this.style;
- }
- };
- A.DiagnosticsProperty.prototype = {
- valueToString$1$parentConfiguration(parentConfiguration) {
- var v = this.get$value(this);
- return type$.DiagnosticableTree._is(v) ? v.toStringShort$0() : J.toString$0$(v);
- },
- toDescription$1$parentConfiguration(parentConfiguration) {
- var t2, result, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._description;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = _this.tooltip;
- return t2 == null ? t1 : t1 + " (" + t2 + ")";
- }
- _this._maybeCacheValue$0();
- if (_this._diagnostics$_exception != null) {
- _this._maybeCacheValue$0();
- return "EXCEPTION (" + J.get$runtimeType$(_this._diagnostics$_exception).toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- t1 = _this.ifNull;
- if (t1 != null && _this.get$value(_this) == null) {
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this.tooltip;
- if (!(t2 == null))
- t1 = t1 + " (" + t2 + ")";
- return t1;
- }
- result = _this.valueToString$1$parentConfiguration(parentConfiguration);
- if (result.length === 0 && _this.ifEmpty != null) {
- t1 = _this.ifEmpty;
- t1.toString;
- result = t1;
- }
- t1 = _this.tooltip;
- return t1 == null ? result : result + " (" + t1 + ")";
- },
- get$value(_) {
- this._maybeCacheValue$0();
- return this._diagnostics$_value;
- },
- _maybeCacheValue$0() {
- return;
- },
- get$isInteresting() {
- var t1 = this.defaultValue;
- return J.$eq$(t1, B.C__NoDefaultValue) || !J.$eq$(this.get$value(this), t1);
- },
- get$level(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._defaultLevel;
- if (t1 === B.DiagnosticLevel_0)
- return t1;
- _this._maybeCacheValue$0();
- if (_this._diagnostics$_exception != null)
- return B.DiagnosticLevel_7;
- if (_this.get$value(_this) == null && _this.missingIfNull)
- return B.DiagnosticLevel_4;
- if (!_this.get$isInteresting())
- return B.DiagnosticLevel_1;
- return t1;
- },
- getProperties$0(_) {
- return B.List_empty0;
- },
- getChildren$0() {
- return B.List_empty0;
- },
- get$allowWrap() {
- return this.allowWrap;
- },
- get$allowNameWrap() {
- return true;
- }
- };
- A.DiagnosticableNode.prototype = {
- get$builder() {
- return this._cachedBuilder;
- },
- get$style(_) {
- var t1 = this.style;
- return t1 == null ? this.get$builder().defaultDiagnosticsTreeStyle : t1;
- },
- get$emptyBodyDescription() {
- return "";
- },
- getProperties$0(_) {
- return B.List_empty0;
- },
- getChildren$0() {
- return B.List_empty0;
- },
- toDescription$1$parentConfiguration(parentConfiguration) {
- return "";
- }
- };
- A.DiagnosticableTreeNode.prototype = {
- getChildren$0() {
- return this.value.debugDescribeChildren$0();
- }
- };
- A.DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder.prototype = {
- add$1(_, property) {
- }
- };
- A.Diagnosticable.prototype = {
- toStringShort$0() {
- return "#" + A.shortHash(this);
- },
- toString$1$minLevel(_, minLevel) {
- var t1 = this.toStringShort$0();
- return t1;
- },
- toString$0($receiver) {
- return this.toString$1$minLevel($receiver, B.DiagnosticLevel_3);
- },
- debugFillProperties$1(properties) {
- }
- };
- A.DiagnosticableTree.prototype = {
- toStringShort$0() {
- return "#" + A.shortHash(this);
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$0() {
- return B.List_empty0;
- }
- };
- A.DiagnosticableTreeMixin.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return this.toDiagnosticsNode$1$style(B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_8).super$Object$toString(0);
- },
- toStringDeep$3$minLevel$prefixLineOne$prefixOtherLines(minLevel, prefixLineOne, prefixOtherLines) {
- this.toDiagnosticsNode$0();
- return "";
- },
- toStringShort$0() {
- return "#" + A.shortHash(this);
- },
- toDiagnosticsNode$2$name$style($name, style) {
- return A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$($name, style, this);
- },
- toDiagnosticsNode$1$style(style) {
- return this.toDiagnosticsNode$2$name$style(null, style);
- },
- toDiagnosticsNode$0() {
- return this.toDiagnosticsNode$2$name$style(null, null);
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$0() {
- return B.List_empty0;
- }
- };
- A.DiagnosticsBlock.prototype = {
- getChildren$0() {
- return this._diagnostics$_children;
- },
- getProperties$0(_) {
- return this._diagnostics$_properties;
- },
- toDescription$1$parentConfiguration(parentConfiguration) {
- return this._description;
- },
- get$level() {
- return B.DiagnosticLevel_3;
- },
- get$allowTruncate() {
- return this.allowTruncate;
- }
- };
- A._DiagnosticableTree_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.Key.prototype = {};
- A.LocalKey.prototype = {};
- A.UniqueKey.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "[#" + A.shortHash(this) + "]";
- }
- };
- A.ValueKey.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ValueKey")._is(other) && J.$eq$(other.value, this.value);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this), this.value, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = A._instanceType(this),
- t2 = t1._eval$1("ValueKey.T"),
- t3 = this.value,
- valueString = A.createRuntimeType(t2) === B.Type_String_k8F ? "<'" + A.S(t3) + "'>" : "<" + A.S(t3) + ">";
- if (A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this) === A.createRuntimeType(t1._eval$1("ValueKey")))
- return "[" + valueString + "]";
- return "[" + A.createRuntimeType(t2).toString$0(0) + " " + valueString + "]";
- }
- };
- A._TypeLiteral.prototype = {};
- A.LicenseEntry.prototype = {};
- A.LicenseEntryWithLineBreaks.prototype = {};
- A.AbstractNode.prototype = {
- redepthChild$1(child) {
- var t1 = child._depth,
- t2 = this._depth;
- if (t1 <= t2) {
- child._depth = t2 + 1;
- child.redepthChildren$0();
- }
- },
- redepthChildren$0() {
- },
- get$owner() {
- return this._node$_owner;
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- this._node$_owner = owner;
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- this._node$_owner = null;
- },
- get$parent(_) {
- return this._node$_parent;
- },
- adoptChild$1(child) {
- var t1;
- child._node$_parent = this;
- t1 = this._node$_owner;
- if (t1 != null)
- child.attach$1(t1);
- this.redepthChild$1(child);
- },
- dropChild$1(child) {
- child._node$_parent = null;
- if (this._node$_owner != null)
- child.detach$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.ObserverList.prototype = {
- get$_observer_list$_set() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.__ObserverList__set_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.HashSet_HashSet(_this.$ti._precomputed1);
- _this.__ObserverList__set_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.__ObserverList__set_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- remove$1(_, item) {
- this._isDirty = true;
- this.get$_observer_list$_set().clear$0(0);
- return B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(this._list, item);
- },
- clear$0(_) {
- this._isDirty = false;
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(this._list);
- this.get$_observer_list$_set().clear$0(0);
- },
- contains$1(_, element) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._list;
- if (t1.length < 3)
- return B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(t1, element);
- if (_this._isDirty) {
- _this.get$_observer_list$_set().addAll$1(0, t1);
- _this._isDirty = false;
- }
- return _this.get$_observer_list$_set().contains$1(0, element);
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = this._list;
- return new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._list.length === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return this._list.length !== 0;
- },
- toList$1$growable(_, growable) {
- var t1 = this._list,
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
- return growable ? A._setArrayType(t1.slice(0), t2) : J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(t1.slice(0), t2._precomputed1);
- },
- toList$0($receiver) {
- return this.toList$1$growable($receiver, true);
- }
- };
- A.HashedObserverList.prototype = {
- add$1(_, item) {
- var t1 = this._observer_list$_map,
- t2 = t1.$index(0, item);
- t1.$indexSet(0, item, (t2 == null ? 0 : t2) + 1);
- },
- remove$1(_, item) {
- var t1 = this._observer_list$_map,
- value = t1.$index(0, item);
- if (value == null)
- return false;
- if (value === 1)
- t1.remove$1(0, item);
- else
- t1.$indexSet(0, item, value - 1);
- return true;
- },
- contains$1(_, element) {
- return this._observer_list$_map.containsKey$1(0, element);
- },
- get$iterator(_) {
- var t1 = this._observer_list$_map;
- return A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$(t1, t1._modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1);
- },
- get$isEmpty(_) {
- return this._observer_list$_map.__js_helper$_length === 0;
- },
- get$isNotEmpty(_) {
- return this._observer_list$_map.__js_helper$_length !== 0;
- }
- };
- A.PersistentHashMap.prototype = {
- put$2(_, key, value) {
- var t1 = this._root,
- t2 = t1 == null ? $.$get$_CompressedNode_empty() : t1,
- newRoot = t2.put$4(0, 0, key, A.Primitives_objectHashCode(key), value);
- if (newRoot === t1)
- return this;
- t1 = this.$ti;
- return new A.PersistentHashMap(newRoot, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._rest[1])._eval$1("PersistentHashMap<1,2>"));
- },
- $index(_, key) {
- var t1 = this._root;
- if (t1 == null)
- return null;
- return t1.$get$3(0, 0, key, J.get$hashCode$(key));
- }
- };
- A._TrieNode.prototype = {};
- A._FullNode.prototype = {
- put$4(_, bitIndex, key, keyHash, value) {
- var newNode, t2, clone, j,
- index = B.JSInt_methods._shruOtherPositive$1(keyHash, bitIndex) & 31,
- t1 = this.descendants,
- node = t1[index];
- if (node == null)
- node = $.$get$_CompressedNode_empty();
- newNode = node.put$4(0, bitIndex + 5, key, keyHash, value);
- if (newNode === node)
- t1 = this;
- else {
- t2 = t1.length;
- clone = A.List_List$filled(t2, null, false, type$.nullable_Object);
- for (j = 0; j < t2; ++j)
- clone[j] = t1[j];
- clone[index] = newNode;
- t1 = new A._FullNode(clone);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- $get$3(_, bitIndex, key, keyHash) {
- var node = this.descendants[B.JSInt_methods.$shru(keyHash, bitIndex) & 31];
- return node == null ? null : node.$get$3(0, bitIndex + 5, key, keyHash);
- }
- };
- A._CompressedNode.prototype = {
- put$4(_, bitIndex, key, keyHash, value) {
- var index, keyOrNull, t4, valueOrNode, newNode, clone, j, t5, existingKeyHash, list, occupiedCount, prefixLength, totalLength, newKeyValuePairs, srcIndex, dstIndex, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = B.JSInt_methods._shruOtherPositive$1(keyHash, bitIndex) & 31,
- bit = 1 << t1 >>> 0,
- t2 = _this.occupiedIndices,
- t3 = (t2 & bit - 1) >>> 0,
- n = t3 - (t3 >>> 1 & 1431655765);
- n = (n & 858993459) + (n >>> 2 & 858993459);
- n = n + (n >>> 4) & 252645135;
- n += n >>> 8;
- index = n + (n >>> 16) & 63;
- if ((t2 & bit) >>> 0 !== 0) {
- t1 = _this.keyValuePairs;
- t3 = 2 * index;
- keyOrNull = t1[t3];
- t4 = t3 + 1;
- valueOrNode = t1[t4];
- if (keyOrNull == null) {
- newNode = J.put$4$z(valueOrNode, bitIndex + 5, key, keyHash, value);
- if (newNode === valueOrNode)
- return _this;
- t3 = t1.length;
- clone = A.List_List$filled(t3, _null, false, type$.nullable_Object);
- for (j = 0; j < t3; ++j)
- clone[j] = t1[j];
- clone[t4] = newNode;
- return new A._CompressedNode(t2, clone);
- }
- if (J.$eq$(key, keyOrNull)) {
- if (value == null ? valueOrNode == null : value === valueOrNode)
- t1 = _this;
- else {
- t3 = t1.length;
- clone = A.List_List$filled(t3, _null, false, type$.nullable_Object);
- for (j = 0; j < t3; ++j)
- clone[j] = t1[j];
- clone[t4] = value;
- t1 = new A._CompressedNode(t2, clone);
- }
- return t1;
- }
- t5 = bitIndex + 5;
- existingKeyHash = J.get$hashCode$(keyOrNull);
- if (existingKeyHash === keyHash) {
- list = A.List_List$filled(4, _null, false, type$.nullable_Object);
- list[0] = keyOrNull;
- list[1] = valueOrNode;
- list[2] = key;
- list[3] = value;
- newNode = new A._HashCollisionNode(keyHash, list);
- } else
- newNode = $.$get$_CompressedNode_empty().put$4(0, t5, keyOrNull, existingKeyHash, valueOrNode).put$4(0, t5, key, keyHash, value);
- t5 = t1.length;
- clone = A.List_List$filled(t5, _null, false, type$.nullable_Object);
- for (j = 0; j < t5; ++j)
- clone[j] = t1[j];
- clone[t3] = null;
- clone[t4] = newNode;
- return new A._CompressedNode(t2, clone);
- } else {
- n = t2 - (t2 >>> 1 & 1431655765);
- n = (n & 858993459) + (n >>> 2 & 858993459);
- n = n + (n >>> 4) & 252645135;
- n += n >>> 8;
- occupiedCount = n + (n >>> 16) & 63;
- if (occupiedCount >= 16) {
- t2 = _this._inflate$1(bitIndex);
- t2.descendants[t1] = $.$get$_CompressedNode_empty().put$4(0, bitIndex + 5, key, keyHash, value);
- return t2;
- } else {
- prefixLength = 2 * index;
- totalLength = 2 * occupiedCount;
- newKeyValuePairs = A.List_List$filled(totalLength + 2, _null, false, type$.nullable_Object);
- for (t1 = _this.keyValuePairs, srcIndex = 0; srcIndex < prefixLength; ++srcIndex)
- newKeyValuePairs[srcIndex] = t1[srcIndex];
- newKeyValuePairs[prefixLength] = key;
- newKeyValuePairs[prefixLength + 1] = value;
- for (dstIndex = prefixLength + 2, srcIndex = prefixLength; srcIndex < totalLength; ++srcIndex, ++dstIndex)
- newKeyValuePairs[dstIndex] = t1[srcIndex];
- return new A._CompressedNode((t2 | bit) >>> 0, newKeyValuePairs);
- }
- }
- },
- $get$3(_, bitIndex, key, keyHash) {
- var n, t2, keyOrNull, valueOrNode,
- bit = 1 << (B.JSInt_methods.$shru(keyHash, bitIndex) & 31) >>> 0,
- t1 = this.occupiedIndices;
- if ((t1 & bit) >>> 0 === 0)
- return null;
- t1 = (t1 & bit - 1) >>> 0;
- n = t1 - (t1 >>> 1 & 1431655765);
- n = (n & 858993459) + (n >>> 2 & 858993459);
- n = n + (n >>> 4) & 252645135;
- n += n >>> 8;
- t1 = this.keyValuePairs;
- t2 = 2 * (n + (n >>> 16) & 63);
- keyOrNull = t1[t2];
- valueOrNode = t1[t2 + 1];
- if (keyOrNull == null)
- return valueOrNode.$get$3(0, bitIndex + 5, key, keyHash);
- if (key === keyOrNull)
- return valueOrNode;
- return null;
- },
- _inflate$1(bitIndex) {
- var t1, t2, t3, srcIndex, dstIndex, keyOrNull, t4,
- nodes = A.List_List$filled(32, null, false, type$.nullable_Object);
- for (t1 = this.occupiedIndices, t2 = bitIndex + 5, t3 = this.keyValuePairs, srcIndex = 0, dstIndex = 0; dstIndex < 32; ++dstIndex)
- if ((B.JSInt_methods._shruOtherPositive$1(t1, dstIndex) & 1) !== 0) {
- keyOrNull = t3[srcIndex];
- t4 = srcIndex + 1;
- if (keyOrNull == null)
- nodes[dstIndex] = t3[t4];
- else
- nodes[dstIndex] = $.$get$_CompressedNode_empty().put$4(0, t2, keyOrNull, J.get$hashCode$(keyOrNull), t3[t4]);
- srcIndex += 2;
- }
- return new A._FullNode(nodes);
- }
- };
- A._HashCollisionNode.prototype = {
- put$4(_, bitIndex, key, keyHash, val) {
- var index, t2, t3, clone, j, $length, newArray, i, keyValuePairs, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.hash;
- if (keyHash === t1) {
- index = _this._indexOf$1(key);
- if (index !== -1) {
- t1 = _this.keyValuePairs;
- t2 = index + 1;
- t3 = t1[t2];
- if (t3 == null ? val == null : t3 === val)
- t1 = _this;
- else {
- t3 = t1.length;
- clone = A.List_List$filled(t3, null, false, type$.nullable_Object);
- for (j = 0; j < t3; ++j)
- clone[j] = t1[j];
- clone[t2] = val;
- t1 = new A._HashCollisionNode(keyHash, clone);
- }
- return t1;
- }
- t1 = _this.keyValuePairs;
- $length = t1.length;
- newArray = A.List_List$filled($length + 2, null, false, type$.nullable_Object);
- for (i = 0; i < $length; ++i)
- newArray[i] = t1[i];
- newArray[$length] = key;
- newArray[$length + 1] = val;
- return new A._HashCollisionNode(keyHash, newArray);
- }
- t1 = B.JSInt_methods._shruOtherPositive$1(t1, bitIndex);
- keyValuePairs = A.List_List$filled(2, null, false, type$.nullable_Object);
- keyValuePairs[1] = _this;
- return new A._CompressedNode(1 << (t1 & 31) >>> 0, keyValuePairs).put$4(0, bitIndex, key, keyHash, val);
- },
- $get$3(_, bitIndex, key, keyHash) {
- var index = this._indexOf$1(key);
- return index < 0 ? null : this.keyValuePairs[index + 1];
- },
- _indexOf$1(key) {
- var t2, i,
- t1 = this.keyValuePairs,
- $length = t1.length;
- for (t2 = J.getInterceptor$(key), i = 0; i < $length; i += 2)
- if (t2.$eq(key, t1[i]))
- return i;
- return -1;
- }
- };
- A.TargetPlatform.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TargetPlatform." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.debugPrintThrottled_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(line) {
- return A.debugWordWrap(line, this.wrapWidth);
- },
- $signature: 528
- };
- A._WordWrapParseMode0.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_WordWrapParseMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.WriteBuffer.prototype = {
- _serialization$_add$1(_, byte) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this._currentSize === _this._serialization$_buffer.length)
- _this._resize$0();
- t1 = _this._serialization$_buffer;
- t2 = _this._currentSize;
- t1[t2] = byte;
- _this._currentSize = t2 + 1;
- },
- _append$1(other) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = other.length,
- newSize = _this._currentSize + t1;
- if (newSize >= _this._serialization$_buffer.length)
- _this._resize$1(newSize);
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$3(_this._serialization$_buffer, _this._currentSize, newSize, other);
- _this._currentSize += t1;
- },
- _addAll$3(data, start, end) {
- var _this = this,
- newEnd = end == null ? _this._eightBytesAsList.length : end,
- newSize = _this._currentSize + (newEnd - start);
- if (newSize >= _this._serialization$_buffer.length)
- _this._resize$1(newSize);
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$3(_this._serialization$_buffer, _this._currentSize, newSize, data);
- _this._currentSize = newSize;
- },
- _addAll$1(data) {
- return this._addAll$3(data, 0, null);
- },
- _resize$1(requiredLength) {
- var t1 = this._serialization$_buffer,
- t2 = t1.length,
- t3 = requiredLength == null ? 0 : requiredLength,
- newLength = Math.max(t3, t2 * 2),
- newBuffer = new Uint8Array(newLength);
- B.NativeUint8List_methods.setRange$3(newBuffer, 0, t2, t1);
- this._serialization$_buffer = newBuffer;
- },
- _resize$0() {
- return this._resize$1(null);
- },
- _alignTo$1(alignment) {
- var mod = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(this._currentSize, alignment);
- if (mod !== 0)
- this._addAll$3($.$get$WriteBuffer__zeroBuffer(), 0, alignment - mod);
- },
- done$0() {
- var result, _this = this;
- if (_this._isDone)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("done() must not be called more than once on the same " + A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this).toString$0(0) + "."));
- result = A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(_this._serialization$_buffer.buffer, 0, _this._currentSize);
- _this._serialization$_buffer = new Uint8Array(0);
- _this._isDone = true;
- return result;
- }
- };
- A.ReadBuffer.prototype = {
- getUint8$0(_) {
- return this.data.getUint8(this._serialization$_position++);
- },
- getInt64$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._serialization$_position,
- t2 = $.$get$Endian_host();
- B.NativeByteData_methods.getInt64$2(this.data, t1, t2);
- },
- getUint8List$1($length) {
- var t1 = this.data,
- list = A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + this._serialization$_position, $length);
- this._serialization$_position += $length;
- return list;
- },
- getInt64List$1($length) {
- var t1;
- this._alignTo$1(8);
- t1 = this.data;
- B.NativeByteBuffer_methods.asInt64List$2(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + this._serialization$_position, $length);
- },
- _alignTo$1(alignment) {
- var t1 = this._serialization$_position,
- mod = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t1, alignment);
- if (mod !== 0)
- this._serialization$_position = t1 + (alignment - mod);
- }
- };
- A.StackFrame.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.number, _this.$package, _this.line, _this.column, _this.className, _this.method, _this.source, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.StackFrame && other.number === _this.number && other.$package === _this.$package && other.line === _this.line && other.column === _this.column && other.className === _this.className && other.method === _this.method && other.source === _this.source;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return "StackFrame(#" + _this.number + ", " + _this.packageScheme + ":" + _this.$package + "/" + _this.packagePath + ":" + _this.line + ":" + _this.column + ", className: " + _this.className + ", method: " + _this.method + ")";
- }
- };
- A.StackFrame_fromStackString_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(line) {
- return line.length !== 0;
- },
- $signature: 45
- };
- A.SynchronousFuture.prototype = {
- catchError$2$test(onError, test) {
- return new A._Future($.Zone__current, this.$ti._eval$1("_Future<1>"));
- },
- catchError$1(onError) {
- return this.catchError$2$test(onError, null);
- },
- then$1$2$onError(_, onValue, onError, $R) {
- var result = onValue.call$1(this._synchronous_future$_value);
- if ($R._eval$1("Future<0>")._is(result))
- return result;
- return new A.SynchronousFuture(result, $R._eval$1("SynchronousFuture<0>"));
- },
- then$1$1($receiver, onValue, $R) {
- return this.then$1$2$onError($receiver, onValue, null, $R);
- },
- whenComplete$1(action) {
- var result, e, stack, t1, exception, _this = this;
- try {
- result = action.call$0();
- if (type$.Future_dynamic._is(result)) {
- t1 = J.then$1$1$z(result, new A.SynchronousFuture_whenComplete_closure(_this), _this.$ti._precomputed1);
- return t1;
- }
- return _this;
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- t1 = A.Future_Future$error(e, stack, _this.$ti._precomputed1);
- return t1;
- }
- },
- $isFuture: 1
- };
- A.SynchronousFuture_whenComplete_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return this.$this._synchronous_future$_value;
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("1(@)");
- }
- };
- A.GestureDisposition.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "GestureDisposition." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.GestureArenaMember.prototype = {};
- A.GestureArenaEntry.prototype = {
- resolve$1(disposition) {
- this._arena._resolve$3(this._arena$_pointer, this._member, disposition);
- }
- };
- A._GestureArena.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.members;
- t1 = t1.length === 0 ? "" + "" : "" + new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._GestureArena_toString_closure(_this), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>")).join$1(0, ", ");
- if (_this.isOpen)
- t1 += " [open]";
- if (_this.isHeld)
- t1 += " [held]";
- if (_this.hasPendingSweep)
- t1 += " [hasPendingSweep]";
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- };
- A._GestureArena_toString_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(member) {
- if (member === this.$this.eagerWinner)
- return member.toString$0(0) + " (eager winner)";
- return member.toString$0(0);
- },
- $signature: 527
- };
- A.GestureArenaManager.prototype = {
- add$2(_, pointer, member) {
- this._arenas.putIfAbsent$2(0, pointer, new A.GestureArenaManager_add_closure(this, pointer)).members.push(member);
- return new A.GestureArenaEntry(this, pointer, member);
- },
- close$1(_, pointer) {
- var state = this._arenas.$index(0, pointer);
- if (state == null)
- return;
- state.isOpen = false;
- this._tryToResolveArena$2(pointer, state);
- },
- sweep$1(pointer) {
- var i,
- t1 = this._arenas,
- state = t1.$index(0, pointer);
- if (state == null)
- return;
- if (state.isHeld) {
- state.hasPendingSweep = true;
- return;
- }
- t1.remove$1(0, pointer);
- t1 = state.members;
- if (t1.length !== 0) {
- B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).acceptGesture$1(pointer);
- for (i = 1; i < t1.length; ++i)
- t1[i].rejectGesture$1(pointer);
- }
- },
- hold$1(pointer) {
- var state = this._arenas.$index(0, pointer);
- if (state == null)
- return;
- state.isHeld = true;
- },
- release$1(_, pointer) {
- var state = this._arenas.$index(0, pointer);
- if (state == null)
- return;
- state.isHeld = false;
- if (state.hasPendingSweep)
- this.sweep$1(pointer);
- },
- _resolve$3(pointer, member, disposition) {
- var state = this._arenas.$index(0, pointer);
- if (state == null)
- return;
- if (disposition === B.GestureDisposition_1) {
- B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(state.members, member);
- member.rejectGesture$1(pointer);
- if (!state.isOpen)
- this._tryToResolveArena$2(pointer, state);
- } else if (state.isOpen) {
- if (state.eagerWinner == null)
- state.eagerWinner = member;
- } else
- this._resolveInFavorOf$3(pointer, state, member);
- },
- _tryToResolveArena$2(pointer, state) {
- var t1 = state.members.length;
- if (t1 === 1)
- A.scheduleMicrotask(new A.GestureArenaManager__tryToResolveArena_closure(this, pointer, state));
- else if (t1 === 0)
- this._arenas.remove$1(0, pointer);
- else {
- t1 = state.eagerWinner;
- if (t1 != null)
- this._resolveInFavorOf$3(pointer, state, t1);
- }
- },
- _resolveByDefault$2(pointer, state) {
- var t1 = this._arenas;
- if (!t1.containsKey$1(0, pointer))
- return;
- t1.remove$1(0, pointer);
- B.JSArray_methods.get$first(state.members).acceptGesture$1(pointer);
- },
- _resolveInFavorOf$3(pointer, state, member) {
- var t1, t2, _i, rejectedMember;
- this._arenas.remove$1(0, pointer);
- for (t1 = state.members, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- rejectedMember = t1[_i];
- if (rejectedMember !== member)
- rejectedMember.rejectGesture$1(pointer);
- }
- member.acceptGesture$1(pointer);
- }
- };
- A.GestureArenaManager_add_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return new A._GestureArena(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_GestureArenaMember));
- },
- $signature: 526
- };
- A.GestureArenaManager__tryToResolveArena_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this._resolveByDefault$2(this.pointer, this.state);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._Resampler.prototype = {
- stop$0(_) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this;
- for (t1 = _this._resamplers, t2 = t1.get$values(t1), t3 = A._instanceType(t2), t3 = t3._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t3._rest[1]), t2 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t2.__internal$_iterable), t2._f, t3._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>")), t4 = _this._handlePointerEvent, t3 = t3._rest[1]; t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t5 = t2.__internal$_current;
- (t5 == null ? t3._as(t5) : t5).stop$1(0, t4);
- }
- t1.clear$0(0);
- _this._frameTime = B.Duration_0;
- t1 = _this._binding$_timer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.GestureBinding.prototype = {
- _handlePointerDataPacket$1(packet) {
- var error, stack, t1, t2, exception;
- try {
- t1 = packet.data;
- t2 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().viewData.$index(0, 0)._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 === 0)
- t2 = 1;
- }
- this.GestureBinding__pendingPointerEvents.addAll$1(0, A.PointerEventConverter_expand(t1, t2));
- if (this._lockCount <= 0)
- this._flushPointerEventQueue$0();
- } catch (exception) {
- error = A.unwrapException(exception);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("while handling a pointer data packet");
- A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(error, stack, "gestures library", t1, null, false));
- }
- },
- cancelPointer$1(pointer) {
- var t1 = this.GestureBinding__pendingPointerEvents;
- if (t1._head === t1._tail && this._lockCount <= 0)
- A.scheduleMicrotask(this.get$_flushPointerEventQueue());
- t1.addFirst$1(A.PointerCancelEvent$(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, B.PointerDeviceKind_0, false, 0, pointer, B.Offset_0_0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, B.Duration_0));
- },
- _flushPointerEventQueue$0() {
- for (var t1 = this.GestureBinding__pendingPointerEvents; !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);)
- this.handlePointerEvent$1(t1.removeFirst$0());
- },
- handlePointerEvent$1($event) {
- this.get$_resampler().stop$0(0);
- this._handlePointerEventImmediately$1($event);
- },
- _handlePointerEventImmediately$1($event) {
- var hitTestResult, t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = !type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event);
- if (!t1 || type$.PointerSignalEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerHoverEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerPanZoomStartEvent._is($event)) {
- hitTestResult = A.HitTestResult$();
- t2 = $event.get$position($event);
- t3 = _this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3._rootNode.hitTest$2$position(hitTestResult, t2);
- _this.super$GestureBinding$hitTest(hitTestResult, t2);
- if (!t1 || type$.PointerPanZoomStartEvent._is($event))
- _this.GestureBinding__hitTests.$indexSet(0, $event.get$pointer(), hitTestResult);
- t1 = hitTestResult;
- } else if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerPanZoomEndEvent._is($event)) {
- hitTestResult = _this.GestureBinding__hitTests.remove$1(0, $event.get$pointer());
- t1 = hitTestResult;
- } else
- t1 = $event.get$down() || type$.PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent._is($event) ? _this.GestureBinding__hitTests.$index(0, $event.get$pointer()) : null;
- if (t1 != null || type$.PointerAddedEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerRemovedEvent._is($event))
- _this.dispatchEvent$2(0, $event, t1);
- },
- hitTest$2(result, position) {
- result.add$1(0, new A.HitTestEntry(this, type$.HitTestEntry_HitTestTarget));
- },
- dispatchEvent$2(_, $event, hitTestResult) {
- var exception, stack, entry, exception0, stack0, t1, t2, _i, t3, t4,
- _s15_ = "gesture library";
- if (hitTestResult == null) {
- try {
- this.GestureBinding_pointerRouter.route$1($event);
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- A.FlutterError_reportError(A.FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerEventDispatcher$(A.ErrorDescription$("while dispatching a non-hit-tested pointer event"), $event, exception, null, new A.GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure($event), _s15_, stack));
- }
- return;
- }
- for (t1 = hitTestResult._path, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- entry = t1[_i];
- try {
- entry.target.handleEvent$2($event.transformed$1(entry._transform), entry);
- } catch (exception) {
- exception0 = A.unwrapException(exception);
- stack0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- t3 = A.ErrorDescription$("while dispatching a pointer event");
- t4 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError();
- if (t4 != null)
- t4.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerEventDispatcher(exception0, stack0, _s15_, t3, new A.GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure0($event, entry), false));
- }
- }
- },
- handleEvent$2($event, entry) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.GestureBinding_pointerRouter.route$1($event);
- if (type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerPanZoomStartEvent._is($event))
- _this.GestureBinding_gestureArena.close$1(0, $event.get$pointer());
- else if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerPanZoomEndEvent._is($event))
- _this.GestureBinding_gestureArena.sweep$1($event.get$pointer());
- else if (type$.PointerSignalEvent._is($event))
- _this.GestureBinding_pointerSignalResolver.resolve$1($event);
- },
- _handleSampleTimeChanged$0() {
- if (this._lockCount <= 0)
- this.get$_resampler().stop$0(0);
- },
- get$_resampler() {
- var _this = this,
- value = _this.GestureBinding___GestureBinding__resampler_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- $.$get$Stopwatch__frequency();
- value !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.GestureBinding___GestureBinding__resampler_FI = new A._Resampler(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.PointerEventResampler), B.Duration_0, new A.Stopwatch(), B.Duration_0, B.Duration_0, _this.get$_handlePointerEventImmediately(), _this.get$_handleSampleTimeChanged(), B.Duration_16667);
- }
- return value;
- },
- $isHitTestTarget: 1
- };
- A.GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var _null = null;
- return A._setArrayType([A.DiagnosticsProperty$("Event", this.event, true, B.C__NoDefaultValue, _null, false, _null, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, _null, false, true, true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_9, _null, type$.PointerEvent)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode);
- },
- $signature: 32
- };
- A.GestureBinding_dispatchEvent_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var _null = null;
- return A._setArrayType([A.DiagnosticsProperty$("Event", this.event, true, B.C__NoDefaultValue, _null, false, _null, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, _null, false, true, true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_9, _null, type$.PointerEvent), A.DiagnosticsProperty$("Target", this.entry.target, true, B.C__NoDefaultValue, _null, false, _null, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, _null, false, true, true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_9, _null, type$.HitTestTarget)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode);
- },
- $signature: 32
- };
- A.FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerEventDispatcher.prototype = {};
- A.PointerEventConverter_expand_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(datum) {
- return datum.signalKind !== B.PointerSignalKind_4;
- },
- $signature: 491
- };
- A.PointerEventConverter_expand_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(datum) {
- var t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, pan, panDelta, scrollDelta,
- t1 = this.devicePixelRatio,
- position = new A.Offset(datum.physicalX, datum.physicalY).$div(0, t1),
- delta = new A.Offset(datum.physicalDeltaX, datum.physicalDeltaY).$div(0, t1),
- radiusMinor = datum.radiusMinor / t1,
- radiusMajor = datum.radiusMajor / t1,
- radiusMin = datum.radiusMin / t1,
- radiusMax = datum.radiusMax / t1,
- timeStamp = datum.timeStamp,
- kind = datum.kind,
- t2 = datum.signalKind;
- switch ((t2 == null ? B.PointerSignalKind_0 : t2).index) {
- case 0:
- switch (datum.change.index) {
- case 1:
- t1 = datum.device;
- t2 = datum.pressureMin;
- t3 = datum.pressureMax;
- return A.PointerAddedEvent$(t1, datum.distance, datum.distanceMax, 0, kind, false, datum.orientation, position, t3, t2, radiusMax, radiusMin, datum.tilt, timeStamp);
- case 3:
- t1 = datum.device;
- t2 = datum.buttons;
- t3 = datum.pressureMin;
- t4 = datum.pressureMax;
- t5 = datum.distance;
- t6 = datum.distanceMax;
- t7 = datum.size;
- t8 = datum.orientation;
- t9 = datum.tilt;
- return A.PointerHoverEvent$(t2, delta, t1, t5, t6, 0, kind, false, t8, position, t4, t3, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, t7, datum.synthesized, t9, timeStamp);
- case 4:
- t1 = datum.pointerIdentifier;
- t2 = datum.device;
- t3 = A._synthesiseDownButtons(datum.buttons, kind);
- t4 = datum.pressure;
- t5 = datum.pressureMin;
- t6 = datum.pressureMax;
- t7 = datum.distanceMax;
- t8 = datum.size;
- return A.PointerDownEvent$(t3, t2, t7, 0, kind, false, datum.orientation, t1, position, t4, t6, t5, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, t8, datum.tilt, timeStamp);
- case 5:
- t1 = datum.pointerIdentifier;
- t2 = datum.device;
- t3 = A._synthesiseDownButtons(datum.buttons, kind);
- t4 = datum.pressure;
- t5 = datum.pressureMin;
- t6 = datum.pressureMax;
- t7 = datum.distanceMax;
- t8 = datum.size;
- t9 = datum.orientation;
- t10 = datum.tilt;
- return A.PointerMoveEvent$(t3, delta, t2, t7, 0, kind, false, t9, datum.platformData, t1, position, t4, t6, t5, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, t8, datum.synthesized, t10, timeStamp);
- case 6:
- t1 = datum.pointerIdentifier;
- t2 = datum.device;
- t3 = datum.buttons;
- t4 = datum.pressure;
- t5 = datum.pressureMin;
- t6 = datum.pressureMax;
- t7 = datum.distance;
- t8 = datum.distanceMax;
- t9 = datum.size;
- return A.PointerUpEvent$(t3, t2, t7, t8, 0, kind, false, datum.orientation, t1, position, t4, t6, t5, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, t9, datum.tilt, timeStamp);
- case 0:
- t1 = datum.pointerIdentifier;
- t2 = datum.device;
- t3 = datum.buttons;
- t4 = datum.pressureMin;
- t5 = datum.pressureMax;
- t6 = datum.distance;
- t7 = datum.distanceMax;
- t8 = datum.size;
- return A.PointerCancelEvent$(t3, t2, t6, t7, 0, kind, false, datum.orientation, t1, position, t5, t4, radiusMajor, radiusMax, radiusMin, radiusMinor, t8, datum.tilt, timeStamp);
- case 2:
- t1 = datum.device;
- t2 = datum.pressureMin;
- t3 = datum.pressureMax;
- return A.PointerRemovedEvent$(t1, datum.distanceMax, 0, kind, false, position, t3, t2, radiusMax, radiusMin, timeStamp);
- case 7:
- t1 = datum.pointerIdentifier;
- return A.PointerPanZoomStartEvent$(datum.device, 0, t1, position, datum.synthesized, timeStamp);
- case 8:
- pan = new A.Offset(0, 0).$div(0, t1);
- panDelta = new A.Offset(0, 0).$div(0, t1);
- t1 = datum.pointerIdentifier;
- return A.PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent$(datum.device, 0, pan, panDelta, t1, position, 0, datum.scale, datum.synthesized, timeStamp);
- case 9:
- t1 = datum.pointerIdentifier;
- return A.PointerPanZoomEndEvent$(datum.device, 0, t1, position, datum.synthesized, timeStamp);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- t2 = datum.scrollDeltaX;
- if (!isFinite(t2) || !isFinite(datum.scrollDeltaY) || t1 <= 0)
- return null;
- scrollDelta = new A.Offset(t2, datum.scrollDeltaY).$div(0, t1);
- return A.PointerScrollEvent$(datum.device, 0, kind, position, scrollDelta, timeStamp);
- case 2:
- return A.PointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent$(datum.device, 0, kind, position, timeStamp);
- case 3:
- return A.PointerScaleEvent$(datum.device, 0, kind, position, datum.scale, timeStamp);
- case 4:
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("Unreachable"));
- }
- },
- $signature: 470
- };
- A.Drag.prototype = {
- update$1(_, details) {
- },
- end$1(_, details) {
- },
- cancel$0(_) {
- }
- };
- A.DragDownDetails.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "DragDownDetails(" + this.globalPosition.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.DragStartDetails.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "DragStartDetails(" + this.globalPosition.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.DragUpdateDetails.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "DragUpdateDetails(" + this.delta.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.DragEndDetails.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "DragEndDetails(" + this.velocity.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.PointerEvent.prototype = {
- get$localPosition() {
- return this.position;
- },
- get$localDelta() {
- return this.delta;
- },
- get$timeStamp(receiver) {
- return this.timeStamp;
- },
- get$pointer() {
- return this.pointer;
- },
- get$kind(receiver) {
- return this.kind;
- },
- get$device(receiver) {
- return this.device;
- },
- get$position(receiver) {
- return this.position;
- },
- get$delta() {
- return this.delta;
- },
- get$buttons(receiver) {
- return this.buttons;
- },
- get$down() {
- return this.down;
- },
- get$obscured() {
- return this.obscured;
- },
- get$pressure(receiver) {
- return this.pressure;
- },
- get$pressureMin() {
- return this.pressureMin;
- },
- get$pressureMax() {
- return this.pressureMax;
- },
- get$distance() {
- return this.distance;
- },
- get$distanceMax() {
- return this.distanceMax;
- },
- get$size(receiver) {
- return this.size;
- },
- get$radiusMajor() {
- return this.radiusMajor;
- },
- get$radiusMinor() {
- return this.radiusMinor;
- },
- get$radiusMin() {
- return this.radiusMin;
- },
- get$radiusMax() {
- return this.radiusMax;
- },
- get$orientation(receiver) {
- return this.orientation;
- },
- get$tilt() {
- return this.tilt;
- },
- get$synthesized() {
- return this.synthesized;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A._PointerEventDescription.prototype = {$isPointerEvent: 1};
- A._AbstractPointerEvent.prototype = {$isPointerEvent: 1};
- A._TransformedPointerEvent.prototype = {
- get$timeStamp(_) {
- return this.get$original().timeStamp;
- },
- get$pointer() {
- return this.get$original().pointer;
- },
- get$kind(_) {
- return this.get$original().kind;
- },
- get$device(_) {
- return this.get$original().device;
- },
- get$position(_) {
- return this.get$original().position;
- },
- get$delta() {
- return this.get$original().delta;
- },
- get$buttons(_) {
- return this.get$original().buttons;
- },
- get$down() {
- return this.get$original().down;
- },
- get$obscured() {
- this.get$original();
- return false;
- },
- get$pressure(_) {
- return this.get$original().pressure;
- },
- get$pressureMin() {
- return this.get$original().pressureMin;
- },
- get$pressureMax() {
- return this.get$original().pressureMax;
- },
- get$distance() {
- return this.get$original().distance;
- },
- get$distanceMax() {
- return this.get$original().distanceMax;
- },
- get$size(_) {
- return this.get$original().size;
- },
- get$radiusMajor() {
- return this.get$original().radiusMajor;
- },
- get$radiusMinor() {
- return this.get$original().radiusMinor;
- },
- get$radiusMin() {
- return this.get$original().radiusMin;
- },
- get$radiusMax() {
- return this.get$original().radiusMax;
- },
- get$orientation(_) {
- return this.get$original().orientation;
- },
- get$tilt() {
- return this.get$original().tilt;
- },
- get$synthesized() {
- return this.get$original().synthesized;
- },
- get$localPosition() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.PointerEvent_transformPosition(_this.get$transform(_this), _this.get$original().position);
- _this.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___TransformedPointerEvent_localPosition_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$localDelta() {
- var t1, t2, t3, result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.get$transform(_this);
- t2 = _this.get$original();
- t3 = _this.get$original();
- result = A.PointerEvent_transformDeltaViaPositions(t1, _this.get$localPosition(), t2.delta, t3.position);
- _this.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___TransformedPointerEvent_localDelta_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- }
- };
- A._CopyPointerAddedEvent.prototype = {};
- A.PointerAddedEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform))
- return this;
- return new A._TransformedPointerAddedEvent(this, transform);
- }
- };
- A._TransformedPointerAddedEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- return this.original.transformed$1(transform);
- },
- $isPointerAddedEvent: 1,
- get$original() {
- return this.original;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A._CopyPointerRemovedEvent.prototype = {};
- A.PointerRemovedEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform))
- return this;
- return new A._TransformedPointerRemovedEvent(this, transform);
- }
- };
- A._TransformedPointerRemovedEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- return this.original.transformed$1(transform);
- },
- $isPointerRemovedEvent: 1,
- get$original() {
- return this.original;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A._CopyPointerHoverEvent.prototype = {};
- A.PointerHoverEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform))
- return this;
- return new A._TransformedPointerHoverEvent(this, transform);
- }
- };
- A._TransformedPointerHoverEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- return this.original.transformed$1(transform);
- },
- $isPointerHoverEvent: 1,
- get$original() {
- return this.original;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A._CopyPointerEnterEvent.prototype = {};
- A.PointerEnterEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform))
- return this;
- return new A._TransformedPointerEnterEvent(this, transform);
- }
- };
- A._TransformedPointerEnterEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- return this.original.transformed$1(transform);
- },
- $isPointerEnterEvent: 1,
- get$original() {
- return this.original;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A._CopyPointerExitEvent.prototype = {};
- A.PointerExitEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform))
- return this;
- return new A._TransformedPointerExitEvent(this, transform);
- }
- };
- A._TransformedPointerExitEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- return this.original.transformed$1(transform);
- },
- $isPointerExitEvent: 1,
- get$original() {
- return this.original;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A._CopyPointerDownEvent.prototype = {};
- A.PointerDownEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform))
- return this;
- return new A._TransformedPointerDownEvent(this, transform);
- }
- };
- A._TransformedPointerDownEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- return this.original.transformed$1(transform);
- },
- $isPointerDownEvent: 1,
- get$original() {
- return this.original;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A._CopyPointerMoveEvent.prototype = {};
- A.PointerMoveEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform))
- return this;
- return new A._TransformedPointerMoveEvent(this, transform);
- }
- };
- A._TransformedPointerMoveEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- return this.original.transformed$1(transform);
- },
- $isPointerMoveEvent: 1,
- get$original() {
- return this.original;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A._CopyPointerUpEvent.prototype = {};
- A.PointerUpEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform))
- return this;
- return new A._TransformedPointerUpEvent(this, transform);
- }
- };
- A._TransformedPointerUpEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- return this.original.transformed$1(transform);
- },
- $isPointerUpEvent: 1,
- get$original() {
- return this.original;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A.PointerSignalEvent.prototype = {};
- A._CopyPointerScrollEvent.prototype = {};
- A.PointerScrollEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform))
- return this;
- return new A._TransformedPointerScrollEvent(this, transform);
- },
- get$scrollDelta() {
- return this.scrollDelta;
- }
- };
- A._TransformedPointerScrollEvent.prototype = {
- get$scrollDelta() {
- return this.original.scrollDelta;
- },
- transformed$1(transform) {
- return this.original.transformed$1(transform);
- },
- $isPointerSignalEvent: 1,
- $isPointerScrollEvent: 1,
- get$original() {
- return this.original;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A._CopyPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent.prototype = {};
- A.PointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform))
- return this;
- return new A._TransformedPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent(this, transform);
- }
- };
- A._TransformedPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- return this.original.transformed$1(transform);
- },
- $isPointerSignalEvent: 1,
- $isPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent: 1,
- get$original() {
- return this.original;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A._CopyPointerScaleEvent.prototype = {};
- A.PointerScaleEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform))
- return this;
- return new A._TransformedPointerScaleEvent(this, transform);
- }
- };
- A._TransformedPointerScaleEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- return this.original.transformed$1(transform);
- },
- $isPointerSignalEvent: 1,
- get$original() {
- return this.original;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A._CopyPointerPanZoomStartEvent.prototype = {};
- A.PointerPanZoomStartEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform))
- return this;
- return new A._TransformedPointerPanZoomStartEvent(this, transform);
- }
- };
- A._TransformedPointerPanZoomStartEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- return this.original.transformed$1(transform);
- },
- $isPointerPanZoomStartEvent: 1,
- get$original() {
- return this.original;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A._CopyPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent.prototype = {};
- A.PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent.prototype = {
- get$localPan() {
- return this.pan;
- },
- get$localPanDelta() {
- return this.panDelta;
- },
- transformed$1(transform) {
- if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform))
- return this;
- return new A._TransformedPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent(this, transform);
- },
- get$pan(receiver) {
- return this.pan;
- },
- get$panDelta() {
- return this.panDelta;
- }
- };
- A._TransformedPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent.prototype = {
- get$pan(_) {
- return this.original.pan;
- },
- get$localPan() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___TransformedPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent_localPan_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.PointerEvent_transformPosition(_this.transform, _this.original.pan);
- _this.___TransformedPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent_localPan_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___TransformedPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent_localPan_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$panDelta() {
- return this.original.panDelta;
- },
- get$localPanDelta() {
- var t1, result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___TransformedPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent_localPanDelta_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.original;
- result = A.PointerEvent_transformDeltaViaPositions(_this.transform, _this.get$localPan(), t1.panDelta, t1.pan);
- _this.___TransformedPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent_localPanDelta_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___TransformedPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent_localPanDelta_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- transformed$1(transform) {
- return this.original.transformed$1(transform);
- },
- $isPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent: 1,
- get$original() {
- return this.original;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A._CopyPointerPanZoomEndEvent.prototype = {};
- A.PointerPanZoomEndEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform))
- return this;
- return new A._TransformedPointerPanZoomEndEvent(this, transform);
- }
- };
- A._TransformedPointerPanZoomEndEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- return this.original.transformed$1(transform);
- },
- $isPointerPanZoomEndEvent: 1,
- get$original() {
- return this.original;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A._CopyPointerCancelEvent.prototype = {};
- A.PointerCancelEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- if (transform == null || transform.$eq(0, this.transform))
- return this;
- return new A._TransformedPointerCancelEvent(this, transform);
- }
- };
- A._TransformedPointerCancelEvent.prototype = {
- transformed$1(transform) {
- return this.original.transformed$1(transform);
- },
- $isPointerCancelEvent: 1,
- get$original() {
- return this.original;
- },
- get$transform(receiver) {
- return this.transform;
- }
- };
- A._PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A._PointerAddedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerAddedEvent.prototype = {};
- A._PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A._PointerCancelEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerCancelEvent.prototype = {};
- A._PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A._PointerDownEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerDownEvent.prototype = {};
- A._PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A._PointerEnterEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerEnterEvent.prototype = {};
- A._PointerEvent_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A._PointerExitEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerExitEvent.prototype = {};
- A._PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A._PointerHoverEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerHoverEvent.prototype = {};
- A._PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A._PointerMoveEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerMoveEvent.prototype = {};
- A._PointerPanZoomEndEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A._PointerPanZoomEndEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerPanZoomEndEvent.prototype = {};
- A._PointerPanZoomStartEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A._PointerPanZoomStartEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerPanZoomStartEvent.prototype = {};
- A._PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A._PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent.prototype = {};
- A._PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A._PointerRemovedEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerRemovedEvent.prototype = {};
- A._PointerScaleEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A._PointerScaleEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerScaleEvent.prototype = {};
- A._PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A._PointerScrollEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerScrollEvent.prototype = {};
- A._PointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A._PointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent_PointerSignalEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent.prototype = {};
- A._PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A._PointerUpEvent_PointerEvent__PointerEventDescription__CopyPointerUpEvent.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerAddedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerAddedEvent.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerCancelEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerCancelEvent.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerDownEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerDownEvent.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerEnterEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerEnterEvent.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerEvent__AbstractPointerEvent_Diagnosticable__PointerEventDescription.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerExitEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerExitEvent.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerHoverEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerHoverEvent.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerMoveEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerMoveEvent.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerPanZoomEndEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerPanZoomEndEvent.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerPanZoomStartEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerPanZoomStartEvent.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerPanZoomUpdateEvent.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerRemovedEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerRemovedEvent.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerScaleEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerScaleEvent.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerScrollEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerScrollEvent.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerScrollInertiaCancelEvent.prototype = {};
- A.__TransformedPointerUpEvent__TransformedPointerEvent__CopyPointerUpEvent.prototype = {};
- A._ForceState.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_ForceState." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.ForcePressDetails.prototype = {};
- A.ForcePressGestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- addAllowedPointer$1($event) {
- var _this = this;
- if ($event.get$pressureMax() <= 1)
- _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1);
- else {
- _this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$addAllowedPointer($event);
- if (_this._force_press$_state === B._ForceState_0) {
- _this._force_press$_state = B._ForceState_1;
- _this.__ForcePressGestureRecognizer__lastPosition_A = new A.OffsetPair($event.get$localPosition(), $event.get$position($event));
- }
- }
- },
- handleEvent$1($event) {
- var pressure, _this = this;
- if (type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event)) {
- pressure = A.ForcePressGestureRecognizer__inverseLerp($event.get$pressureMin(), $event.get$pressureMax(), $event.get$pressure($event));
- _this.__ForcePressGestureRecognizer__lastPosition_A = new A.OffsetPair($event.get$localPosition(), $event.get$position($event));
- _this.__ForcePressGestureRecognizer__lastPressure_A = pressure;
- if (_this._force_press$_state === B._ForceState_1)
- if (pressure > 0.4) {
- _this._force_press$_state = B._ForceState_3;
- _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_0);
- } else if ($event.get$delta().get$distanceSquared() > A.computeHitSlop($event.get$kind($event), _this.gestureSettings))
- _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1);
- if (pressure > 0.4 && _this._force_press$_state === B._ForceState_2) {
- _this._force_press$_state = B._ForceState_3;
- if (_this.onStart != null)
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onStart", new A.ForcePressGestureRecognizer_handleEvent_closure(_this, pressure));
- }
- }
- _this.stopTrackingIfPointerNoLongerDown$1($event);
- },
- acceptGesture$1(pointer) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._force_press$_state;
- if (t1 === B._ForceState_1)
- t1 = _this._force_press$_state = B._ForceState_2;
- if (_this.onStart != null && t1 === B._ForceState_3)
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onStart", new A.ForcePressGestureRecognizer_acceptGesture_closure(_this));
- },
- didStopTrackingLastPointer$1(pointer) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._force_press$_state,
- wasAccepted = t1 === B._ForceState_3 || t1 === B._ForceState_4;
- if (t1 === B._ForceState_1) {
- _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1);
- return;
- }
- if (wasAccepted && _this.onEnd != null)
- if (_this.onEnd != null)
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onEnd", new A.ForcePressGestureRecognizer_didStopTrackingLastPointer_closure(_this));
- _this._force_press$_state = B._ForceState_0;
- },
- rejectGesture$1(pointer) {
- this.stopTrackingPointer$1(pointer);
- this.didStopTrackingLastPointer$1(pointer);
- }
- };
- A.ForcePressGestureRecognizer_handleEvent_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.onStart;
- t2.toString;
- t1 = t1.__ForcePressGestureRecognizer__lastPosition_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t2.call$1(new A.ForcePressDetails(t1.global, t1.local));
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ForcePressGestureRecognizer_acceptGesture_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.onStart;
- t2.toString;
- t1.__ForcePressGestureRecognizer__lastPressure_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__ForcePressGestureRecognizer__lastPosition_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t2.call$1(new A.ForcePressDetails(t1.global, t1.local));
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ForcePressGestureRecognizer_didStopTrackingLastPointer_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.onEnd;
- t2.toString;
- t1 = t1.__ForcePressGestureRecognizer__lastPosition_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t2.call$1(new A.ForcePressDetails(t1.global, t1.local));
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.DeviceGestureSettings.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.touchSlop, 23, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.DeviceGestureSettings && other.touchSlop == this.touchSlop;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "DeviceGestureSettings(touchSlop: " + A.S(this.touchSlop) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.HitTestEntry.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "#" + A.shortHash(this) + "(" + this.target.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A._TransformPart.prototype = {};
- A._MatrixTransformPart.prototype = {
- multiply$1(_, rhs) {
- return this.matrix.multiplied$1(rhs);
- }
- };
- A._OffsetTransformPart.prototype = {
- multiply$1(_, rhs) {
- var t3, tx, ty, t4,
- t1 = new Float64Array(16),
- t2 = new A.Matrix40(t1);
- t2.setFrom$1(rhs);
- t3 = this.offset;
- tx = t3._dx;
- ty = t3._dy;
- t3 = t1[0];
- t4 = t1[3];
- t1[0] = t3 + tx * t4;
- t1[1] = t1[1] + ty * t4;
- t1[2] = t1[2] + 0 * t4;
- t1[3] = t4;
- t4 = t1[4];
- t3 = t1[7];
- t1[4] = t4 + tx * t3;
- t1[5] = t1[5] + ty * t3;
- t1[6] = t1[6] + 0 * t3;
- t1[7] = t3;
- t3 = t1[8];
- t4 = t1[11];
- t1[8] = t3 + tx * t4;
- t1[9] = t1[9] + ty * t4;
- t1[10] = t1[10] + 0 * t4;
- t1[11] = t4;
- t4 = t1[12];
- t3 = t1[15];
- t1[12] = t4 + tx * t3;
- t1[13] = t1[13] + ty * t3;
- t1[14] = t1[14] + 0 * t3;
- t1[15] = t3;
- return t2;
- }
- };
- A.HitTestResult.prototype = {
- _globalizeTransforms$0() {
- var t2, last, t3, _i,
- t1 = this._localTransforms;
- if (t1.length === 0)
- return;
- t2 = this._transforms;
- last = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2);
- for (t3 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- last = t1[_i].multiply$1(0, last);
- t2.push(last);
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(t1);
- },
- add$1(_, entry) {
- this._globalizeTransforms$0();
- entry._transform = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(this._transforms);
- this._path.push(entry);
- },
- popTransform$0() {
- var t1 = this._localTransforms;
- if (t1.length !== 0)
- t1.pop();
- else
- this._transforms.pop();
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._path;
- return "HitTestResult(" + (t1.length === 0 ? "" : B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ")) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.LongPressStartDetails.prototype = {
- get$localPosition() {
- return this.localPosition;
- }
- };
- A.LongPressMoveUpdateDetails.prototype = {};
- A.LongPressEndDetails.prototype = {
- get$localPosition() {
- return this.localPosition;
- }
- };
- A.LongPressGestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- isPointerAllowed$1($event) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- switch ($event.get$buttons($event)) {
- case 1:
- if (_this.onLongPressStart == null && _this.onLongPress == null && _this.onLongPressMoveUpdate == null && _this.onLongPressEnd == null && true)
- return false;
- break;
- case 2:
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return false;
- break;
- case 4:
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return false;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- return _this.super$GestureRecognizer$isPointerAllowed($event);
- },
- didExceedDeadline$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_0);
- _this._longPressAccepted = true;
- t1 = _this._primaryPointer;
- t1.toString;
- _this.super$PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer$acceptGesture(t1);
- _this._checkLongPressStart$0();
- },
- handlePrimaryPointer$1($event) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (!$event.get$synthesized()) {
- if (type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event)) {
- t1 = new A.VelocityTracker($event.get$kind($event), A.List_List$filled(20, null, false, type$.nullable__PointAtTime));
- _this._velocityTracker = t1;
- t1.addPosition$2($event.get$timeStamp($event), $event.get$localPosition());
- }
- if (type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event)) {
- t1 = _this._velocityTracker;
- t1.toString;
- t1.addPosition$2($event.get$timeStamp($event), $event.get$localPosition());
- }
- }
- if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event)) {
- if (_this._longPressAccepted)
- _this._checkLongPressEnd$1($event);
- else
- _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1);
- _this._reset$0();
- } else if (type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event)) {
- _this._checkLongPressCancel$0();
- _this._reset$0();
- } else if (type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event)) {
- _this._longPressOrigin = new A.OffsetPair($event.get$localPosition(), $event.get$position($event));
- _this._long_press$_initialButtons = $event.get$buttons($event);
- _this._checkLongPressDown$1($event);
- } else if (type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event))
- if ($event.get$buttons($event) !== _this._long_press$_initialButtons) {
- _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1);
- t1 = _this._primaryPointer;
- t1.toString;
- _this.stopTrackingPointer$1(t1);
- } else if (_this._longPressAccepted)
- _this._checkLongPressMoveUpdate$1($event);
- },
- _checkLongPressDown$1($event) {
- this._longPressOrigin.toString;
- this._pointerToKind.$index(0, $event.get$pointer()).toString;
- switch (this._long_press$_initialButtons) {
- case 1:
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- case 4:
- break;
- }
- },
- _checkLongPressCancel$0() {
- if (this._recognizer$_state === B.GestureRecognizerState_1)
- switch (this._long_press$_initialButtons) {
- case 1:
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- case 4:
- break;
- }
- },
- _checkLongPressStart$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- switch (_this._long_press$_initialButtons) {
- case 1:
- if (_this.onLongPressStart != null) {
- t1 = _this._longPressOrigin;
- t2 = t1.global;
- t1 = t1.local;
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onLongPressStart", new A.LongPressGestureRecognizer__checkLongPressStart_closure(_this, new A.LongPressStartDetails(t2, t1)));
- }
- t1 = _this.onLongPress;
- if (t1 != null)
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onLongPress", t1);
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- case 4:
- break;
- }
- },
- _checkLongPressMoveUpdate$1($event) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = $event.get$position($event),
- t2 = $event.get$localPosition(),
- t3 = $event.get$position($event).$sub(0, _this._longPressOrigin.global);
- $event.get$localPosition().$sub(0, _this._longPressOrigin.local);
- switch (_this._long_press$_initialButtons) {
- case 1:
- if (_this.onLongPressMoveUpdate != null)
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onLongPressMoveUpdate", new A.LongPressGestureRecognizer__checkLongPressMoveUpdate_closure(_this, new A.LongPressMoveUpdateDetails(t1, t2, t3)));
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- case 4:
- break;
- }
- },
- _checkLongPressEnd$1($event) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- estimate = _this._velocityTracker.getVelocityEstimate$0(),
- velocity = estimate == null ? B.Velocity_Offset_0_0 : new A.Velocity(estimate.pixelsPerSecond);
- $event.get$position($event);
- t1 = $event.get$localPosition();
- _this._velocityTracker = null;
- switch (_this._long_press$_initialButtons) {
- case 1:
- if (_this.onLongPressEnd != null)
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onLongPressEnd", new A.LongPressGestureRecognizer__checkLongPressEnd_closure(_this, new A.LongPressEndDetails(t1, velocity)));
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- case 4:
- break;
- }
- },
- _reset$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this._longPressAccepted = false;
- _this._velocityTracker = _this._long_press$_initialButtons = _this._longPressOrigin = null;
- },
- resolve$1(disposition) {
- var _this = this;
- if (disposition === B.GestureDisposition_1)
- if (_this._longPressAccepted)
- _this._reset$0();
- else
- _this._checkLongPressCancel$0();
- _this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$resolve(disposition);
- },
- acceptGesture$1(pointer) {
- }
- };
- A.LongPressGestureRecognizer__checkLongPressStart_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.onLongPressStart.call$1(this.details);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.LongPressGestureRecognizer__checkLongPressMoveUpdate_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.onLongPressMoveUpdate.call$1(this.details);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.LongPressGestureRecognizer__checkLongPressEnd_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.onLongPressEnd.call$1(this.details);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._Vector.prototype = {
- $index(_, i) {
- return this._lsq_solver$_elements[i + this._lsq_solver$_offset];
- },
- $mul(_, a) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, result, i;
- for (t1 = this._lsq_solver$_length, t2 = this._lsq_solver$_elements, t3 = this._lsq_solver$_offset, t4 = a._lsq_solver$_elements, t5 = a._lsq_solver$_offset, result = 0, i = 0; i < t1; ++i)
- result += t2[i + t3] * t4[i + t5];
- return result;
- }
- };
- A._Matrix.prototype = {};
- A.PolynomialFit.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.coefficients,
- t2 = A.instanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable"),
- coefficientString = A.Iterable_iterableToFullString(A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.PolynomialFit_toString_closure(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E")), "[", "]");
- t2 = this.__PolynomialFit_confidence_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return "PolynomialFit(" + coefficientString + ", confidence: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t2, 3) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.PolynomialFit_toString_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(c) {
- return B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsPrecision$1(c, 3);
- },
- $signature: 468
- };
- A.LeastSquaresSolver.prototype = {
- solve$1(degree) {
- var t3, result, t4, t5, t6, t7, h, i, j, t8, t9, dot, t10, norm, inverseNorm, wy, i0, yMean, sumSquaredError, sumSquaredTotal, err, term, v,
- t1 = this.x,
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (degree > t2)
- return null;
- t3 = degree + 1;
- result = new A.PolynomialFit(new Float64Array(t3));
- t4 = t3 * t2;
- t5 = new Float64Array(t4);
- for (t6 = this.w, t7 = 0 * t2, h = 0; h < t2; ++h) {
- t5[t7 + h] = t6[h];
- for (i = 1; i < t3; ++i)
- t5[i * t2 + h] = t5[(i - 1) * t2 + h] * t1[h];
- }
- t4 = new Float64Array(t4);
- t7 = new Float64Array(t3 * t3);
- for (j = 0; j < t3; ++j) {
- for (t8 = j * t2, h = 0; h < t2; ++h) {
- t9 = t8 + h;
- t4[t9] = t5[t9];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < j; ++i) {
- t9 = i * t2;
- dot = new A._Vector(t8, t2, t4).$mul(0, new A._Vector(t9, t2, t4));
- for (h = 0; h < t2; ++h) {
- t10 = t8 + h;
- t4[t10] = t4[t10] - dot * t4[t9 + h];
- }
- }
- t9 = new A._Vector(t8, t2, t4);
- norm = Math.sqrt(t9.$mul(0, t9));
- if (norm < 1e-10)
- return null;
- inverseNorm = 1 / norm;
- for (h = 0; h < t2; ++h) {
- t9 = t8 + h;
- t4[t9] = t4[t9] * inverseNorm;
- }
- for (t9 = j * t3, i = 0; i < t3; ++i) {
- t10 = i < j ? 0 : new A._Vector(t8, t2, t4).$mul(0, new A._Vector(i * t2, t2, t5));
- t7[t9 + i] = t10;
- }
- }
- t5 = new Float64Array(t2);
- wy = new A._Vector(0, t2, t5);
- for (t8 = this.y, h = 0; h < t2; ++h)
- t5[h] = t8[h] * t6[h];
- for (i = t3 - 1, t5 = result.coefficients, i0 = i; i0 >= 0; --i0) {
- t5[i0] = new A._Vector(i0 * t2, t2, t4).$mul(0, wy);
- for (t9 = i0 * t3, j = i; j > i0; --j)
- t5[i0] = t5[i0] - t7[t9 + j] * t5[j];
- t5[i0] = t5[i0] / t7[t9 + i0];
- }
- for (yMean = 0, h = 0; h < t2; ++h)
- yMean += t8[h];
- yMean /= t2;
- for (sumSquaredError = 0, sumSquaredTotal = 0, h = 0; h < t2; ++h) {
- t4 = t8[h];
- err = t4 - t5[0];
- for (term = 1, i = 1; i < t3; ++i) {
- term *= t1[h];
- err -= term * t5[i];
- }
- t7 = t6[h];
- t7 *= t7;
- sumSquaredError += t7 * err * err;
- v = t4 - yMean;
- sumSquaredTotal += t7 * v * v;
- }
- result.__PolynomialFit_confidence_A = sumSquaredTotal <= 1e-10 ? 1 : 1 - sumSquaredError / sumSquaredTotal;
- return result;
- },
- get$x(receiver) {
- return this.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return this.y;
- }
- };
- A._DragState.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_DragState." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.DragGestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- isPointerAllowed$1($event) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._initialButtons == null) {
- if (_this.onDown == null && _this.onStart == null && _this.onUpdate == null && _this.onEnd == null && _this.onCancel == null)
- return false;
- } else if ($event.get$buttons($event) !== _this._initialButtons)
- return false;
- return _this.super$GestureRecognizer$isPointerAllowed($event);
- },
- _addPointer$1($event) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._velocityTrackers.$indexSet(0, $event.get$pointer(), _this.velocityTrackerBuilder.call$1($event));
- t1 = _this._monodrag$_state;
- if (t1 === B._DragState_0) {
- _this._monodrag$_state = B._DragState_1;
- t1 = $event.get$position($event);
- _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition_A = new A.OffsetPair($event.get$localPosition(), t1);
- _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset_A = B.OffsetPair_G6F;
- _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved_A = 0;
- _this._lastPendingEventTimestamp = $event.get$timeStamp($event);
- _this._lastTransform = $event.get$transform($event);
- _this._checkDown$0();
- } else if (t1 === B._DragState_2)
- _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_0);
- },
- addAllowedPointer$1($event) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$addAllowedPointer($event);
- if (_this._monodrag$_state === B._DragState_0)
- _this._initialButtons = $event.get$buttons($event);
- _this._addPointer$1($event);
- },
- addAllowedPointerPanZoom$1($event) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$GestureRecognizer$addAllowedPointerPanZoom($event);
- _this.startTrackingPointer$2($event.get$pointer(), $event.get$transform($event));
- if (_this._monodrag$_state === B._DragState_0)
- _this._initialButtons = 1;
- _this._addPointer$1($event);
- },
- handleEvent$1($event) {
- var t1, delta, localDelta, position, t2, localPosition, movedLocally, localToGlobalTransform, t3, _this = this;
- if (!$event.get$synthesized())
- t1 = type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerPanZoomStartEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent._is($event);
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this._velocityTrackers.$index(0, $event.get$pointer());
- t1.toString;
- if (type$.PointerPanZoomStartEvent._is($event))
- t1.addPosition$2($event.get$timeStamp($event), B.Offset_0_0);
- else if (type$.PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent._is($event))
- t1.addPosition$2($event.get$timeStamp($event), $event.get$pan($event));
- else
- t1.addPosition$2($event.get$timeStamp($event), $event.get$localPosition());
- }
- t1 = type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event);
- if (t1 && $event.get$buttons($event) !== _this._initialButtons) {
- _this._giveUpPointer$1($event.get$pointer());
- return;
- }
- if (t1 || type$.PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent._is($event)) {
- delta = t1 ? $event.get$delta() : type$.PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent._as($event).get$panDelta();
- localDelta = t1 ? $event.get$localDelta() : type$.PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent._as($event).get$localPanDelta();
- if (t1)
- position = $event.get$position($event);
- else {
- t2 = $event.get$position($event);
- type$.PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent._as($event);
- position = t2.$add(0, $event.get$pan($event));
- }
- localPosition = t1 ? $event.get$localPosition() : $event.get$localPosition().$add(0, type$.PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent._as($event).get$localPan());
- if (_this._monodrag$_state === B._DragState_2) {
- t1 = $event.get$timeStamp($event);
- _this._checkUpdate$5$delta$globalPosition$localPosition$primaryDelta$sourceTimeStamp(_this._getDeltaForDetails$1(localDelta), position, localPosition, _this._getPrimaryValueFromOffset$1(localDelta), t1);
- } else {
- t1 = _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset_A = t1.$add(0, new A.OffsetPair(localDelta, delta));
- _this._lastPendingEventTimestamp = $event.get$timeStamp($event);
- _this._lastTransform = $event.get$transform($event);
- movedLocally = _this._getDeltaForDetails$1(localDelta);
- if ($event.get$transform($event) == null)
- localToGlobalTransform = null;
- else {
- t1 = $event.get$transform($event);
- t1.toString;
- localToGlobalTransform = A.Matrix4_tryInvert(t1);
- }
- t1 = _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = A.PointerEvent_transformDeltaViaPositions(localToGlobalTransform, null, movedLocally, localPosition).get$distance();
- t3 = _this._getPrimaryValueFromOffset$1(movedLocally);
- _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved_A = t1 + t2 * J.get$sign$in(t3 == null ? 1 : t3);
- t1 = $event.get$kind($event);
- t2 = _this.gestureSettings;
- if (_this._hasSufficientGlobalDistanceToAccept$2(t1, t2 == null ? null : t2.touchSlop))
- _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_0);
- }
- }
- if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerPanZoomEndEvent._is($event))
- _this._giveUpPointer$1($event.get$pointer());
- },
- acceptGesture$1(pointer) {
- var t1, timestamp, transform, t2, localUpdateDelta, localToGlobal, globalUpdateDelta, correctedPosition, _this = this;
- _this._acceptedActivePointers.add$1(0, pointer);
- if (_this._monodrag$_state !== B._DragState_2) {
- _this._monodrag$_state = B._DragState_2;
- t1 = _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- timestamp = _this._lastPendingEventTimestamp;
- transform = _this._lastTransform;
- switch (_this.dragStartBehavior.index) {
- case 1:
- t2 = _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition_A = t2.$add(0, t1);
- localUpdateDelta = B.Offset_0_0;
- break;
- case 0:
- localUpdateDelta = _this._getDeltaForDetails$1(t1.local);
- break;
- default:
- localUpdateDelta = null;
- }
- _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__pendingDragOffset_A = B.OffsetPair_G6F;
- _this._lastTransform = _this._lastPendingEventTimestamp = null;
- _this._checkStart$2(timestamp, pointer);
- if (!J.$eq$(localUpdateDelta, B.Offset_0_0) && _this.onUpdate != null) {
- localToGlobal = transform != null ? A.Matrix4_tryInvert(transform) : null;
- t1 = _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- globalUpdateDelta = A.PointerEvent_transformDeltaViaPositions(localToGlobal, null, localUpdateDelta, t1.local.$add(0, localUpdateDelta));
- correctedPosition = _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition_A.$add(0, new A.OffsetPair(localUpdateDelta, globalUpdateDelta));
- _this._checkUpdate$5$delta$globalPosition$localPosition$primaryDelta$sourceTimeStamp(localUpdateDelta, correctedPosition.global, correctedPosition.local, _this._getPrimaryValueFromOffset$1(localUpdateDelta), timestamp);
- }
- _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_0);
- }
- },
- rejectGesture$1(pointer) {
- this._giveUpPointer$1(pointer);
- },
- didStopTrackingLastPointer$1(pointer) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- switch (_this._monodrag$_state.index) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1);
- t1 = _this.onCancel;
- if (t1 != null)
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onCancel", t1);
- break;
- case 2:
- _this._checkEnd$1(pointer);
- break;
- }
- _this._velocityTrackers.clear$0(0);
- _this._initialButtons = null;
- _this._monodrag$_state = B._DragState_0;
- },
- _giveUpPointer$1(pointer) {
- this.stopTrackingPointer$1(pointer);
- if (!this._acceptedActivePointers.remove$1(0, pointer))
- this.resolvePointer$2(pointer, B.GestureDisposition_1);
- },
- _checkDown$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.onDown != null) {
- t1 = _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onDown", new A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkDown_closure(_this, new A.DragDownDetails(t1.global, t1.local)));
- }
- },
- _checkStart$2(timestamp, pointer) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this.onStart != null) {
- t1 = _this.__DragGestureRecognizer__initialPosition_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this._pointerToKind.$index(0, pointer);
- t2.toString;
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onStart", new A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkStart_closure(_this, new A.DragStartDetails(timestamp, t1.global, t1.local, t2)));
- }
- },
- _checkUpdate$5$delta$globalPosition$localPosition$primaryDelta$sourceTimeStamp(delta, globalPosition, localPosition, primaryDelta, sourceTimeStamp) {
- if (this.onUpdate != null)
- this.invokeCallback$2("onUpdate", new A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkUpdate_closure(this, new A.DragUpdateDetails(sourceTimeStamp, delta, primaryDelta, globalPosition, localPosition)));
- },
- _checkEnd$1(pointer) {
- var tracker, estimate, debugReport, t2, details, _this = this, t1 = {};
- if (_this.onEnd == null)
- return;
- tracker = _this._velocityTrackers.$index(0, pointer);
- estimate = tracker.getVelocityEstimate$0();
- t1.details = null;
- if (estimate == null) {
- debugReport = new A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure();
- t2 = null;
- } else {
- details = t1.details = _this._considerFling$2(estimate, tracker.kind);
- debugReport = details != null ? new A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure0(t1, estimate) : new A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure1(estimate);
- t2 = details;
- }
- if (t2 == null)
- t1.details = new A.DragEndDetails(B.Velocity_Offset_0_0, 0);
- _this.invokeCallback$3$debugReport("onEnd", new A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure2(t1, _this), debugReport);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._velocityTrackers.clear$0(0);
- this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkDown_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.onDown.call$1(this.details);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkStart_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.onStart.call$1(this.details);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkUpdate_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.onUpdate.call$1(this.details);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return "Could not estimate velocity.";
- },
- $signature: 54
- };
- A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.estimate.toString$0(0) + "; fling at " + this._box_0.details.velocity.toString$0(0) + ".";
- },
- $signature: 54
- };
- A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure1.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.estimate.toString$0(0) + "; judged to not be a fling.";
- },
- $signature: 54
- };
- A.DragGestureRecognizer__checkEnd_closure2.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.$this.onEnd;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = this._box_0.details;
- t2.toString;
- return t1.call$1(t2);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.VerticalDragGestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- _considerFling$2(estimate, kind) {
- var minDistance, t1, maxVelocity, dy, _this = this,
- minVelocity = _this.minFlingVelocity;
- if (minVelocity == null)
- minVelocity = 50;
- minDistance = _this.minFlingDistance;
- if (minDistance == null)
- minDistance = A.computeHitSlop(kind, _this.gestureSettings);
- t1 = estimate.pixelsPerSecond._dy;
- if (!(Math.abs(t1) > minVelocity && Math.abs(estimate.offset._dy) > minDistance))
- return null;
- maxVelocity = _this.maxFlingVelocity;
- if (maxVelocity == null)
- maxVelocity = 8000;
- dy = A.clampDouble(t1, -maxVelocity, maxVelocity);
- return new A.DragEndDetails(new A.Velocity(new A.Offset(0, dy)), dy);
- },
- _hasSufficientGlobalDistanceToAccept$2(pointerDeviceKind, deviceTouchSlop) {
- var t1 = this.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return Math.abs(t1) > A.computeHitSlop(pointerDeviceKind, this.gestureSettings);
- },
- _getDeltaForDetails$1(delta) {
- return new A.Offset(0, delta._dy);
- },
- _getPrimaryValueFromOffset$1(value) {
- return value._dy;
- }
- };
- A.HorizontalDragGestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- _considerFling$2(estimate, kind) {
- var minDistance, t1, maxVelocity, dx, _this = this,
- minVelocity = _this.minFlingVelocity;
- if (minVelocity == null)
- minVelocity = 50;
- minDistance = _this.minFlingDistance;
- if (minDistance == null)
- minDistance = A.computeHitSlop(kind, _this.gestureSettings);
- t1 = estimate.pixelsPerSecond._dx;
- if (!(Math.abs(t1) > minVelocity && Math.abs(estimate.offset._dx) > minDistance))
- return null;
- maxVelocity = _this.maxFlingVelocity;
- if (maxVelocity == null)
- maxVelocity = 8000;
- dx = A.clampDouble(t1, -maxVelocity, maxVelocity);
- return new A.DragEndDetails(new A.Velocity(new A.Offset(dx, 0)), dx);
- },
- _hasSufficientGlobalDistanceToAccept$2(pointerDeviceKind, deviceTouchSlop) {
- var t1 = this.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return Math.abs(t1) > A.computeHitSlop(pointerDeviceKind, this.gestureSettings);
- },
- _getDeltaForDetails$1(delta) {
- return new A.Offset(delta._dx, 0);
- },
- _getPrimaryValueFromOffset$1(value) {
- return value._dx;
- }
- };
- A.PanGestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- _considerFling$2(estimate, kind) {
- var minDistance, t1, t2, t3, _this = this,
- minVelocity = _this.minFlingVelocity;
- if (minVelocity == null)
- minVelocity = 50;
- minDistance = _this.minFlingDistance;
- if (minDistance == null)
- minDistance = A.computeHitSlop(kind, _this.gestureSettings);
- t1 = estimate.pixelsPerSecond;
- if (!(t1.get$distanceSquared() > minVelocity * minVelocity && estimate.offset.get$distanceSquared() > minDistance * minDistance))
- return null;
- t2 = _this.minFlingVelocity;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = 50;
- t3 = _this.maxFlingVelocity;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = 8000;
- return new A.DragEndDetails(new A.Velocity(t1).clampMagnitude$2(t2, t3), null);
- },
- _hasSufficientGlobalDistanceToAccept$2(pointerDeviceKind, deviceTouchSlop) {
- var t1 = this.__DragGestureRecognizer__globalDistanceMoved_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return Math.abs(t1) > A.computePanSlop(pointerDeviceKind, this.gestureSettings);
- },
- _getDeltaForDetails$1(delta) {
- return delta;
- },
- _getPrimaryValueFromOffset$1(value) {
- return null;
- }
- };
- A.MultiDragPointerState.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this._arenaEntry;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1._arena._resolve$3(t1._arena$_pointer, t1._member, B.GestureDisposition_1);
- this._arenaEntry = null;
- }
- };
- A.MultiDragGestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- addAllowedPointer$1($event) {
- var _this = this,
- state = _this.createNewPointerState$1($event),
- t1 = _this._multidrag$_pointers;
- t1.toString;
- t1.$indexSet(0, $event.get$pointer(), state);
- $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter.addRoute$2($event.get$pointer(), _this.get$_multidrag$_handleEvent());
- state._arenaEntry = $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_gestureArena.add$2(0, $event.get$pointer(), _this);
- },
- _multidrag$_handleEvent$1($event) {
- var t2, t3, t4,
- t1 = this._multidrag$_pointers;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = t1.$index(0, $event.get$pointer());
- t1.toString;
- if (type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event)) {
- if (!$event.get$synthesized())
- t1._multidrag$_velocityTracker.addPosition$2($event.get$timeStamp($event), $event.get$position($event));
- t2 = t1._multidrag$_client;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t1 = $event.get$timeStamp($event);
- t3 = $event.get$delta();
- t4 = $event.get$position($event);
- t2.update$1(0, new A.DragUpdateDetails(t1, t3, null, t4, t4));
- } else {
- t2 = t1._pendingDelta;
- t2.toString;
- t1._pendingDelta = t2.$add(0, $event.get$delta());
- t1._multidrag$_lastPendingEventTimestamp = $event.get$timeStamp($event);
- t1.checkForResolutionAfterMove$0();
- }
- } else if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event)) {
- if (t1._multidrag$_client != null) {
- t2 = t1._multidrag$_velocityTracker.getVelocity$0();
- t3 = t1._multidrag$_client;
- t3.toString;
- t1._multidrag$_client = null;
- t3.end$1(0, new A.DragEndDetails(t2, null));
- } else
- t1._multidrag$_lastPendingEventTimestamp = t1._pendingDelta = null;
- this._removeState$1($event.get$pointer());
- } else if (type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event)) {
- t2 = t1._multidrag$_client;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t1._multidrag$_client = null;
- t2.cancel$0(0);
- } else
- t1._multidrag$_lastPendingEventTimestamp = t1._pendingDelta = null;
- this._removeState$1($event.get$pointer());
- }
- },
- acceptGesture$1(pointer) {
- var state = this._multidrag$_pointers.$index(0, pointer);
- if (state == null)
- return;
- state.accepted$1(new A.MultiDragGestureRecognizer_acceptGesture_closure(this, pointer));
- },
- _startDrag$2(initialPosition, pointer) {
- var drag, t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._multidrag$_pointers.$index(0, pointer);
- t1.toString;
- drag = _this.onStart != null ? _this.invokeCallback$2("onStart", new A.MultiDragGestureRecognizer__startDrag_closure(_this, initialPosition)) : null;
- if (drag != null) {
- t1._multidrag$_client = drag;
- t2 = t1._multidrag$_lastPendingEventTimestamp;
- t3 = t1._pendingDelta;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = t1.initialPosition;
- t1._multidrag$_lastPendingEventTimestamp = t1._pendingDelta = null;
- drag.update$1(0, new A.DragUpdateDetails(t2, t3, null, t4, t4));
- } else
- _this._removeState$1(pointer);
- return drag;
- },
- rejectGesture$1(pointer) {
- var state;
- if (this._multidrag$_pointers.containsKey$1(0, pointer)) {
- state = this._multidrag$_pointers.$index(0, pointer);
- state._arenaEntry = state._multidrag$_lastPendingEventTimestamp = state._pendingDelta = null;
- this._removeState$1(pointer);
- }
- },
- _removeState$1(pointer) {
- if (this._multidrag$_pointers == null)
- return;
- $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter.removeRoute$2(pointer, this.get$_multidrag$_handleEvent());
- this._multidrag$_pointers.remove$1(0, pointer).dispose$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._multidrag$_pointers;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>");
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(A.List_List$of(new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t1, t2), true, t2._eval$1("Iterable.E")), _this.get$_removeState());
- _this._multidrag$_pointers = null;
- _this.super$GestureRecognizer$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.MultiDragGestureRecognizer_acceptGesture_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(initialPosition) {
- return this.$this._startDrag$2(initialPosition, this.pointer);
- },
- $signature: 147
- };
- A.MultiDragGestureRecognizer__startDrag_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.onStart.call$1(this.initialPosition);
- },
- $signature: 467
- };
- A._ImmediatePointerState.prototype = {
- checkForResolutionAfterMove$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._pendingDelta.get$distance() > A.computeHitSlop(_this.kind, _this.gestureSettings)) {
- t1 = _this._arenaEntry;
- t1._arena._resolve$3(t1._arena$_pointer, t1._member, B.GestureDisposition_0);
- }
- },
- accepted$1(starter) {
- starter.call$1(this.initialPosition);
- }
- };
- A.ImmediateMultiDragGestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- createNewPointerState$1($event) {
- var t1 = $event.get$position($event),
- t2 = $event.get$kind($event);
- return new A._ImmediatePointerState(this.gestureSettings, t1, new A.VelocityTracker(t2, A.List_List$filled(20, null, false, type$.nullable__PointAtTime)), t2, B.Offset_0_0);
- }
- };
- A._HorizontalPointerState.prototype = {
- checkForResolutionAfterMove$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (Math.abs(_this._pendingDelta._dx) > A.computeHitSlop(_this.kind, _this.gestureSettings)) {
- t1 = _this._arenaEntry;
- t1._arena._resolve$3(t1._arena$_pointer, t1._member, B.GestureDisposition_0);
- }
- },
- accepted$1(starter) {
- starter.call$1(this.initialPosition);
- }
- };
- A.HorizontalMultiDragGestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- createNewPointerState$1($event) {
- var t1 = $event.get$position($event),
- t2 = $event.get$kind($event);
- return new A._HorizontalPointerState(this.gestureSettings, t1, new A.VelocityTracker(t2, A.List_List$filled(20, null, false, type$.nullable__PointAtTime)), t2, B.Offset_0_0);
- }
- };
- A._VerticalPointerState.prototype = {
- checkForResolutionAfterMove$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (Math.abs(_this._pendingDelta._dy) > A.computeHitSlop(_this.kind, _this.gestureSettings)) {
- t1 = _this._arenaEntry;
- t1._arena._resolve$3(t1._arena$_pointer, t1._member, B.GestureDisposition_0);
- }
- },
- accepted$1(starter) {
- starter.call$1(this.initialPosition);
- }
- };
- A.VerticalMultiDragGestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- createNewPointerState$1($event) {
- var t1 = $event.get$position($event),
- t2 = $event.get$kind($event);
- return new A._VerticalPointerState(this.gestureSettings, t1, new A.VelocityTracker(t2, A.List_List$filled(20, null, false, type$.nullable__PointAtTime)), t2, B.Offset_0_0);
- }
- };
- A._CountdownZoned.prototype = {
- _onTimeout$0() {
- this._timeout = true;
- }
- };
- A._TapTracker.prototype = {
- stopTrackingPointer$1(route) {
- if (this._isTrackingPointer) {
- this._isTrackingPointer = false;
- $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter.removeRoute$2(this.pointer, route);
- }
- },
- isWithinGlobalTolerance$2($event, tolerance) {
- return $event.get$position($event).$sub(0, this._initialGlobalPosition).get$distance() <= tolerance;
- }
- };
- A.DoubleTapGestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- isPointerAllowed$1($event) {
- var isPointerAllowed, _this = this;
- if (_this._firstTap == null)
- if (_this.onDoubleTap == null && true)
- return false;
- isPointerAllowed = _this.super$GestureRecognizer$isPointerAllowed($event);
- if (!isPointerAllowed)
- _this._multitap$_reset$0();
- return isPointerAllowed;
- },
- addAllowedPointer$1($event) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._firstTap;
- if (t1 != null)
- if (!t1.isWithinGlobalTolerance$2($event, 100))
- return;
- else {
- t1 = _this._firstTap;
- if (!t1._doubleTapMinTimeCountdown._timeout || $event.get$buttons($event) !== t1.initialButtons) {
- _this._multitap$_reset$0();
- return _this._trackTap$1($event);
- }
- }
- _this._trackTap$1($event);
- },
- _trackTap$1($event) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, tracker, _this = this;
- _this._stopDoubleTapTimer$0();
- t1 = $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_gestureArena.add$2(0, $event.get$pointer(), _this);
- t2 = $event.get$pointer();
- t3 = $event.get$position($event);
- t4 = $event.get$buttons($event);
- t5 = new A._CountdownZoned();
- A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_40000, t5.get$_onTimeout());
- tracker = new A._TapTracker(t2, t1, t3, t4, t5);
- _this._trackers.$indexSet(0, $event.get$pointer(), tracker);
- t5 = $event.get$transform($event);
- if (!tracker._isTrackingPointer) {
- tracker._isTrackingPointer = true;
- $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter.addRoute$3(t2, _this.get$_multitap$_handleEvent(), t5);
- }
- },
- _multitap$_handleEvent$1($event) {
- var t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._trackers,
- t2 = t1.$index(0, $event.get$pointer());
- t2.toString;
- if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event)) {
- t3 = _this._firstTap;
- if (t3 == null) {
- if (_this._doubleTapTimer == null)
- _this._doubleTapTimer = A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_300000, _this.get$_multitap$_reset());
- t3 = t2.pointer;
- $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_gestureArena.hold$1(t3);
- t2.stopTrackingPointer$1(_this.get$_multitap$_handleEvent());
- t1.remove$1(0, t3);
- _this._clearTrackers$0();
- _this._firstTap = t2;
- } else {
- t3 = t3.entry;
- t3._arena._resolve$3(t3._arena$_pointer, t3._member, B.GestureDisposition_0);
- t3 = t2.entry;
- t3._arena._resolve$3(t3._arena$_pointer, t3._member, B.GestureDisposition_0);
- t2.stopTrackingPointer$1(_this.get$_multitap$_handleEvent());
- t1.remove$1(0, t2.pointer);
- t1 = _this.onDoubleTap;
- if (t1 != null)
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onDoubleTap", t1);
- _this._multitap$_reset$0();
- }
- } else if (type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event)) {
- if (!t2.isWithinGlobalTolerance$2($event, 18))
- _this._reject$1(t2);
- } else if (type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event))
- _this._reject$1(t2);
- },
- acceptGesture$1(pointer) {
- },
- rejectGesture$1(pointer) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- tracker = _this._trackers.$index(0, pointer);
- if (tracker == null) {
- t1 = _this._firstTap;
- t1 = t1 != null && t1.pointer === pointer;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- tracker = _this._firstTap;
- if (tracker != null)
- _this._reject$1(tracker);
- },
- _reject$1(tracker) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._trackers;
- t1.remove$1(0, tracker.pointer);
- t2 = tracker.entry;
- t2._arena._resolve$3(t2._arena$_pointer, t2._member, B.GestureDisposition_1);
- tracker.stopTrackingPointer$1(_this.get$_multitap$_handleEvent());
- t2 = _this._firstTap;
- if (t2 != null)
- if (tracker === t2)
- _this._multitap$_reset$0();
- else {
- _this._checkCancel$0();
- if (t1.__js_helper$_length === 0)
- _this._multitap$_reset$0();
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._multitap$_reset$0();
- this.super$GestureRecognizer$dispose();
- },
- _multitap$_reset$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._stopDoubleTapTimer$0();
- if (_this._firstTap != null) {
- if (_this._trackers.__js_helper$_length !== 0)
- _this._checkCancel$0();
- t1 = _this._firstTap;
- t1.toString;
- _this._firstTap = null;
- _this._reject$1(t1);
- $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_gestureArena.release$1(0, t1.pointer);
- }
- _this._clearTrackers$0();
- },
- _clearTrackers$0() {
- var t1 = this._trackers;
- t1 = t1.get$values(t1);
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(A.List_List$of(t1, true, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E")), this.get$_reject());
- },
- _stopDoubleTapTimer$0() {
- var t1 = this._doubleTapTimer;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- this._doubleTapTimer = null;
- }
- },
- _checkCancel$0() {
- }
- };
- A.PointerRouter.prototype = {
- addRoute$3(pointer, route, transform) {
- J.$indexSet$ax(this._routeMap.putIfAbsent$2(0, pointer, new A.PointerRouter_addRoute_closure()), route, transform);
- },
- addRoute$2(pointer, route) {
- return this.addRoute$3(pointer, route, null);
- },
- removeRoute$2(pointer, route) {
- var t3,
- t1 = this._routeMap,
- t2 = t1.$index(0, pointer);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t2);
- t3.remove$1(t2, route);
- if (t3.get$isEmpty(t2))
- t1.remove$1(0, pointer);
- },
- _dispatch$3($event, route, transform) {
- var exception, stack, exception0, t1;
- try {
- route.call$1($event.transformed$1(transform));
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("while routing a pointer event");
- A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "gesture library", t1, null, false));
- }
- },
- route$1($event) {
- var _this = this,
- routes = _this._routeMap.$index(0, $event.get$pointer()),
- t1 = _this._globalRoutes,
- t2 = type$.void_Function_PointerEvent,
- t3 = type$.nullable_Matrix4,
- copiedGlobalRoutes = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(t1, t2, t3);
- if (routes != null)
- _this._dispatchEventToRoutes$3($event, routes, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(routes, t2, t3));
- _this._dispatchEventToRoutes$3($event, t1, copiedGlobalRoutes);
- },
- _dispatchEventToRoutes$3($event, referenceRoutes, copiedRoutes) {
- copiedRoutes.forEach$1(0, new A.PointerRouter__dispatchEventToRoutes_closure(this, referenceRoutes, $event));
- }
- };
- A.PointerRouter_addRoute_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.void_Function_PointerEvent, type$.nullable_Matrix4);
- },
- $signature: 457
- };
- A.PointerRouter__dispatchEventToRoutes_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(route, transform) {
- if (J.containsKey$1$x(this.referenceRoutes, route))
- this.$this._dispatch$3(this.event, route, transform);
- },
- $signature: 456
- };
- A.PointerSignalResolver.prototype = {
- register$2(_, $event, callback) {
- if (this._firstRegisteredCallback != null)
- return;
- this._currentEvent = $event;
- this._firstRegisteredCallback = callback;
- },
- resolve$1($event) {
- var exception, stack, t2, exception0, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._firstRegisteredCallback;
- if (t1 == null)
- return;
- try {
- t2 = _this._currentEvent;
- t2.toString;
- t1.call$1(t2);
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("while resolving a PointerSignalEvent");
- A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "gesture library", t1, null, false));
- }
- _this._currentEvent = _this._firstRegisteredCallback = null;
- }
- };
- A.DragStartBehavior.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "DragStartBehavior." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.GestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- addAllowedPointerPanZoom$1($event) {
- },
- addPointer$1($event) {
- var _this = this;
- _this._pointerToKind.$indexSet(0, $event.get$pointer(), $event.get$kind($event));
- if (_this.isPointerAllowed$1($event))
- _this.addAllowedPointer$1($event);
- else
- _this.handleNonAllowedPointer$1($event);
- },
- addAllowedPointer$1($event) {
- },
- handleNonAllowedPointer$1($event) {
- },
- isPointerAllowed$1($event) {
- var t1 = this.supportedDevices;
- return (t1 == null || t1.contains$1(0, $event.get$kind($event))) && this._allowedButtonsFilter.call$1($event.get$buttons($event));
- },
- isPointerPanZoomAllowed$1($event) {
- var t1 = this.supportedDevices;
- return t1 == null || t1.contains$1(0, $event.get$kind($event));
- },
- dispose$0() {
- },
- invokeCallback$1$3$debugReport($name, callback, debugReport) {
- var exception, stack, exception0, t1, result = null;
- try {
- result = callback.call$0();
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("while handling a gesture");
- A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "gesture", t1, null, false));
- }
- return result;
- },
- invokeCallback$2($name, callback) {
- return this.invokeCallback$1$3$debugReport($name, callback, null, type$.dynamic);
- },
- invokeCallback$3$debugReport($name, callback, debugReport) {
- return this.invokeCallback$1$3$debugReport($name, callback, debugReport, type$.dynamic);
- },
- $isDiagnosticableTree: 1
- };
- A.OneSequenceGestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- addAllowedPointer$1($event) {
- this.startTrackingPointer$2($event.get$pointer(), $event.get$transform($event));
- },
- handleNonAllowedPointer$1($event) {
- this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1);
- },
- acceptGesture$1(pointer) {
- },
- rejectGesture$1(pointer) {
- },
- resolve$1(disposition) {
- var _i,
- t1 = this._recognizer$_entries,
- localEntries = A.List_List$of(t1.get$values(t1), true, type$.GestureArenaEntry);
- t1.clear$0(0);
- for (t1 = localEntries.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i)
- localEntries[_i].resolve$1(disposition);
- },
- resolvePointer$2(pointer, disposition) {
- var t1 = this._recognizer$_entries,
- entry = t1.$index(0, pointer);
- if (entry != null) {
- t1.remove$1(0, pointer);
- entry.resolve$1(disposition);
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this;
- _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1);
- for (t1 = _this._trackedPointers, t2 = A._instanceType(t1), t3 = new A._HashSetIterator(t1, t1._computeElements$0(), t2._eval$1("_HashSetIterator<1>")), t2 = t2._precomputed1; t3.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t3._collection$_current;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = t2._as(t4);
- t5 = $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter;
- t6 = _this.get$handleEvent();
- t5 = t5._routeMap;
- t7 = t5.$index(0, t4);
- t7.toString;
- t8 = J.getInterceptor$ax(t7);
- t8.remove$1(t7, t6);
- if (t8.get$isEmpty(t7))
- t5.remove$1(0, t4);
- }
- t1.clear$0(0);
- _this.super$GestureRecognizer$dispose();
- },
- _addPointerToArena$1(pointer) {
- var t1 = this._team;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1.add$2(0, pointer, this);
- return $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_gestureArena.add$2(0, pointer, this);
- },
- startTrackingPointer$2(pointer, transform) {
- var _this = this;
- $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter.addRoute$3(pointer, _this.get$handleEvent(), transform);
- _this._trackedPointers.add$1(0, pointer);
- _this._recognizer$_entries.$indexSet(0, pointer, _this._addPointerToArena$1(pointer));
- },
- stopTrackingPointer$1(pointer) {
- var t1 = this._trackedPointers;
- if (t1.contains$1(0, pointer)) {
- $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter.removeRoute$2(pointer, this.get$handleEvent());
- t1.remove$1(0, pointer);
- if (t1._collection$_length === 0)
- this.didStopTrackingLastPointer$1(pointer);
- }
- },
- stopTrackingIfPointerNoLongerDown$1($event) {
- if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerPanZoomEndEvent._is($event))
- this.stopTrackingPointer$1($event.get$pointer());
- }
- };
- A.GestureRecognizerState.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "GestureRecognizerState." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- addAllowedPointer$1($event) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$addAllowedPointer($event);
- if (_this._recognizer$_state === B.GestureRecognizerState_0) {
- _this._recognizer$_state = B.GestureRecognizerState_1;
- _this._primaryPointer = $event.get$pointer();
- _this._initialPosition = new A.OffsetPair($event.get$localPosition(), $event.get$position($event));
- _this._recognizer$_timer = A.Timer_Timer(_this.deadline, new A.PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer_addAllowedPointer_closure(_this, $event));
- }
- },
- handleNonAllowedPointer$1($event) {
- if (!this._gestureAccepted)
- this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$handleNonAllowedPointer($event);
- },
- handleEvent$1($event) {
- var isPreAcceptSlopPastTolerance, t1, isPostAcceptSlopPastTolerance, _this = this;
- if (_this._recognizer$_state === B.GestureRecognizerState_1 && $event.get$pointer() === _this._primaryPointer) {
- if (!_this._gestureAccepted)
- isPreAcceptSlopPastTolerance = _this._getGlobalDistance$1($event) > 18;
- else
- isPreAcceptSlopPastTolerance = false;
- if (_this._gestureAccepted) {
- t1 = _this.postAcceptSlopTolerance;
- isPostAcceptSlopPastTolerance = t1 != null && _this._getGlobalDistance$1($event) > t1;
- } else
- isPostAcceptSlopPastTolerance = false;
- if (type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event))
- t1 = isPreAcceptSlopPastTolerance || isPostAcceptSlopPastTolerance;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1);
- t1 = _this._primaryPointer;
- t1.toString;
- _this.stopTrackingPointer$1(t1);
- } else
- _this.handlePrimaryPointer$1($event);
- }
- _this.stopTrackingIfPointerNoLongerDown$1($event);
- },
- didExceedDeadline$0() {
- },
- acceptGesture$1(pointer) {
- if (pointer === this._primaryPointer) {
- this._stopTimer$0();
- this._gestureAccepted = true;
- }
- },
- rejectGesture$1(pointer) {
- var _this = this;
- if (pointer === _this._primaryPointer && _this._recognizer$_state === B.GestureRecognizerState_1) {
- _this._stopTimer$0();
- _this._recognizer$_state = B.GestureRecognizerState_2;
- }
- },
- didStopTrackingLastPointer$1(pointer) {
- var _this = this;
- _this._stopTimer$0();
- _this._recognizer$_state = B.GestureRecognizerState_0;
- _this._initialPosition = null;
- _this._gestureAccepted = false;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._stopTimer$0();
- this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$dispose();
- },
- _stopTimer$0() {
- var t1 = this._recognizer$_timer;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- this._recognizer$_timer = null;
- }
- },
- _getGlobalDistance$1($event) {
- return $event.get$position($event).$sub(0, this._initialPosition.global).get$distance();
- }
- };
- A.PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer_addAllowedPointer_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.didExceedDeadline$0();
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.OffsetPair.prototype = {
- $add(_, other) {
- return new A.OffsetPair(this.local.$add(0, other.local), this.global.$add(0, other.global));
- },
- $sub(_, other) {
- return new A.OffsetPair(this.local.$sub(0, other.local), this.global.$sub(0, other.global));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "OffsetPair(local: " + this.local.toString$0(0) + ", global: " + this.global.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A._GestureRecognizer_GestureArenaMember_DiagnosticableTreeMixin.prototype = {};
- A.TapDownDetails.prototype = {};
- A.TapUpDetails.prototype = {};
- A.BaseTapGestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- addAllowedPointer$1($event) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._recognizer$_state === B.GestureRecognizerState_0) {
- if (_this._down != null && _this._up != null)
- _this._tap$_reset$0();
- _this._down = $event;
- }
- if (_this._down != null)
- _this.super$PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer$addAllowedPointer($event);
- },
- startTrackingPointer$2(pointer, transform) {
- this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$startTrackingPointer(pointer, transform);
- },
- handlePrimaryPointer$1($event) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event)) {
- _this._up = $event;
- _this._checkUp$0();
- } else if (type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event)) {
- _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1);
- if (_this._sentTapDown) {
- t1 = _this._down;
- t1.toString;
- _this.handleTapCancel$3$cancel$down$reason($event, t1, "");
- }
- _this._tap$_reset$0();
- } else {
- t1 = $event.get$buttons($event);
- t2 = _this._down;
- if (t1 !== t2.get$buttons(t2)) {
- _this.resolve$1(B.GestureDisposition_1);
- t1 = _this._primaryPointer;
- t1.toString;
- _this.stopTrackingPointer$1(t1);
- }
- }
- },
- resolve$1(disposition) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._wonArenaForPrimaryPointer && disposition === B.GestureDisposition_1) {
- t1 = _this._down;
- t1.toString;
- _this.handleTapCancel$3$cancel$down$reason(null, t1, "spontaneous");
- _this._tap$_reset$0();
- }
- _this.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$resolve(disposition);
- },
- didExceedDeadline$0() {
- this._tap$_checkDown$0();
- },
- acceptGesture$1(pointer) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer$acceptGesture(pointer);
- if (pointer === _this._primaryPointer) {
- _this._tap$_checkDown$0();
- _this._wonArenaForPrimaryPointer = true;
- _this._checkUp$0();
- }
- },
- rejectGesture$1(pointer) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$PrimaryPointerGestureRecognizer$rejectGesture(pointer);
- if (pointer === _this._primaryPointer) {
- if (_this._sentTapDown) {
- t1 = _this._down;
- t1.toString;
- _this.handleTapCancel$3$cancel$down$reason(null, t1, "forced");
- }
- _this._tap$_reset$0();
- }
- },
- _tap$_checkDown$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._sentTapDown)
- return;
- t1 = _this._down;
- t1.toString;
- _this.handleTapDown$1$down(t1);
- _this._sentTapDown = true;
- },
- _checkUp$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (!_this._wonArenaForPrimaryPointer || _this._up == null)
- return;
- t1 = _this._down;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._up;
- t2.toString;
- _this.handleTapUp$2$down$up(t1, t2);
- _this._tap$_reset$0();
- },
- _tap$_reset$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this._wonArenaForPrimaryPointer = _this._sentTapDown = false;
- _this._down = _this._up = null;
- }
- };
- A.TapGestureRecognizer.prototype = {
- isPointerAllowed$1($event) {
- var _this = this;
- switch ($event.get$buttons($event)) {
- case 1:
- if (_this.onTapDown == null && _this.onTap == null && _this.onTapUp == null && _this.onTapCancel == null)
- return false;
- break;
- case 2:
- if (_this.onSecondaryTap == null && _this.onSecondaryTapDown == null && _this.onSecondaryTapUp == null && _this.onSecondaryTapCancel == null)
- return false;
- break;
- case 4:
- return false;
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- return _this.super$GestureRecognizer$isPointerAllowed($event);
- },
- handleTapDown$1$down(down) {
- var details, _this = this,
- t1 = down.get$position(down),
- t2 = down.get$localPosition(),
- t3 = _this._pointerToKind.$index(0, down.get$pointer());
- t3.toString;
- details = new A.TapDownDetails(t1, t3, t2);
- switch (down.get$buttons(down)) {
- case 1:
- if (_this.onTapDown != null)
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onTapDown", new A.TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapDown_closure(_this, details));
- break;
- case 2:
- if (_this.onSecondaryTapDown != null)
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onSecondaryTapDown", new A.TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapDown_closure0(_this, details));
- break;
- case 4:
- break;
- }
- },
- handleTapUp$2$down$up(down, up) {
- var t1, t2, details, _this = this;
- up.get$kind(up);
- t1 = up.get$position(up);
- t2 = up.get$localPosition();
- details = new A.TapUpDetails(t1, t2);
- switch (down.get$buttons(down)) {
- case 1:
- if (_this.onTapUp != null)
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onTapUp", new A.TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapUp_closure(_this, details));
- t1 = _this.onTap;
- if (t1 != null)
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onTap", t1);
- break;
- case 2:
- if (_this.onSecondaryTapUp != null)
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onSecondaryTapUp", new A.TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapUp_closure0(_this, details));
- if (_this.onSecondaryTap != null)
- _this.invokeCallback$2("onSecondaryTap", new A.TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapUp_closure1(_this));
- break;
- case 4:
- break;
- }
- },
- handleTapCancel$3$cancel$down$reason(cancel, down, reason) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- note = reason === "" ? reason : reason + " ";
- switch (down.get$buttons(down)) {
- case 1:
- t1 = _this.onTapCancel;
- if (t1 != null)
- _this.invokeCallback$2(note + "onTapCancel", t1);
- break;
- case 2:
- t1 = _this.onSecondaryTapCancel;
- if (t1 != null)
- _this.invokeCallback$2(note + "onSecondaryTapCancel", t1);
- break;
- case 4:
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- A.TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapDown_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.onTapDown.call$1(this.details);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapDown_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.onSecondaryTapDown.call$1(this.details);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapUp_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.onTapUp.call$1(this.details);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapUp_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.onSecondaryTapUp.call$1(this.details);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.TapGestureRecognizer_handleTapUp_closure1.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.onSecondaryTap.call$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._CombiningGestureArenaEntry.prototype = {
- resolve$1(disposition) {
- this._combiner._team$_resolve$2(this._team$_member, disposition);
- },
- $isGestureArenaEntry: 1
- };
- A._CombiningGestureArenaMember.prototype = {
- acceptGesture$1(pointer) {
- var t1, t2, _i, member, _this = this;
- _this._close$0();
- if (_this._winner == null) {
- t1 = _this._team$_owner.captain;
- _this._winner = t1 == null ? _this._members[0] : t1;
- }
- for (t1 = _this._members, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- member = t1[_i];
- if (member !== _this._winner)
- member.rejectGesture$1(pointer);
- }
- _this._winner.acceptGesture$1(pointer);
- },
- rejectGesture$1(pointer) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- this._close$0();
- for (t1 = this._members, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].rejectGesture$1(pointer);
- },
- _close$0() {
- this._resolved = true;
- this._team$_owner._combiners.remove$1(0, this._team$_pointer);
- },
- _team$_resolve$2(member, disposition) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._resolved)
- return;
- if (disposition === B.GestureDisposition_1) {
- t1 = _this._members;
- B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1, member);
- member.rejectGesture$1(_this._team$_pointer);
- if (t1.length === 0) {
- t1 = _this._entry;
- t1._arena._resolve$3(t1._arena$_pointer, t1._member, disposition);
- }
- } else {
- if (_this._winner == null) {
- t1 = _this._team$_owner.captain;
- _this._winner = t1 == null ? member : t1;
- }
- t1 = _this._entry;
- t1._arena._resolve$3(t1._arena$_pointer, t1._member, disposition);
- }
- }
- };
- A.GestureArenaTeam.prototype = {
- add$2(_, pointer, member) {
- var combiner = this._combiners.putIfAbsent$2(0, pointer, new A.GestureArenaTeam_add_closure(this, pointer));
- combiner._members.push(member);
- if (combiner._entry == null)
- combiner._entry = $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_gestureArena.add$2(0, pointer, combiner);
- return new A._CombiningGestureArenaEntry(combiner, member);
- }
- };
- A.GestureArenaTeam_add_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return new A._CombiningGestureArenaMember(this.$this, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_GestureArenaMember), this.pointer);
- },
- $signature: 455
- };
- A.Velocity.prototype = {
- $sub(_, other) {
- return new A.Velocity(this.pixelsPerSecond.$sub(0, other.pixelsPerSecond));
- },
- $add(_, other) {
- return new A.Velocity(this.pixelsPerSecond.$add(0, other.pixelsPerSecond));
- },
- clampMagnitude$2(minValue, maxValue) {
- var t1 = this.pixelsPerSecond,
- valueSquared = t1.get$distanceSquared();
- if (valueSquared > maxValue * maxValue)
- return new A.Velocity(t1.$div(0, t1.get$distance()).$mul(0, maxValue));
- if (valueSquared < minValue * minValue)
- return new A.Velocity(t1.$div(0, t1.get$distance()).$mul(0, minValue));
- return this;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.Velocity && other.pixelsPerSecond.$eq(0, this.pixelsPerSecond);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var t1 = this.pixelsPerSecond;
- return A.Object_hash(t1._dx, t1._dy, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.pixelsPerSecond;
- return "Velocity(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1._dx, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1._dy, 1) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.VelocityEstimate.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.pixelsPerSecond;
- return "VelocityEstimate(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1._dx, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1._dy, 1) + "; offset: " + _this.offset.toString$0(0) + ", duration: " + _this.duration.toString$0(0) + ", confidence: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.confidence, 1) + ")";
- }
- };
- A._PointAtTime.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "_PointAtTime(" + this.point.toString$0(0) + " at " + this.time.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.VelocityTracker.prototype = {
- addPosition$2(time, position) {
- var t1 = ++this._velocity_tracker$_index;
- if (t1 === 20)
- t1 = this._velocity_tracker$_index = 0;
- this._samples[t1] = new A._PointAtTime(time, position);
- },
- getVelocityEstimate$0() {
- var newestSample, t2, oldestSample, previousSample, sampleCount, sample, t3, age, position, xFit, yFit, t4, t5,
- t1 = type$.JSArray_double,
- x = A._setArrayType([], t1),
- y = A._setArrayType([], t1),
- w = A._setArrayType([], t1),
- time = A._setArrayType([], t1),
- index = this._velocity_tracker$_index;
- t1 = this._samples;
- newestSample = t1[index];
- if (newestSample == null)
- return null;
- t2 = newestSample.time._duration;
- oldestSample = newestSample;
- previousSample = oldestSample;
- sampleCount = 0;
- do {
- sample = t1[index];
- if (sample == null)
- break;
- t3 = sample.time._duration;
- age = (t2 - t3) / 1000;
- if (age > 100 || Math.abs(t3 - previousSample.time._duration) / 1000 > 40)
- break;
- position = sample.point;
- x.push(position._dx);
- y.push(position._dy);
- w.push(1);
- time.push(-age);
- index = (index === 0 ? 20 : index) - 1;
- ++sampleCount;
- if (sampleCount < 20) {
- oldestSample = sample;
- previousSample = oldestSample;
- continue;
- } else {
- oldestSample = sample;
- break;
- }
- } while (true);
- if (sampleCount >= 3) {
- xFit = new A.LeastSquaresSolver(time, x, w).solve$1(2);
- if (xFit != null) {
- yFit = new A.LeastSquaresSolver(time, y, w).solve$1(2);
- if (yFit != null) {
- t1 = xFit.coefficients[1];
- t3 = yFit.coefficients[1];
- t4 = xFit.__PolynomialFit_confidence_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = yFit.__PolynomialFit_confidence_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return new A.VelocityEstimate(new A.Offset(t1 * 1000, t3 * 1000), t4 * t5, new A.Duration(t2 - oldestSample.time._duration), newestSample.point.$sub(0, oldestSample.point));
- }
- }
- }
- return new A.VelocityEstimate(B.Offset_0_0, 1, new A.Duration(t2 - oldestSample.time._duration), newestSample.point.$sub(0, oldestSample.point));
- },
- getVelocity$0() {
- var estimate = this.getVelocityEstimate$0();
- if (estimate == null || estimate.pixelsPerSecond.$eq(0, B.Offset_0_0))
- return B.Velocity_Offset_0_0;
- return new A.Velocity(estimate.pixelsPerSecond);
- }
- };
- A.IOSScrollViewFlingVelocityTracker.prototype = {
- addPosition$2(time, position) {
- var t1 = (this._velocity_tracker$_index + 1) % 20;
- this._velocity_tracker$_index = t1;
- this._touchSamples[t1] = new A._PointAtTime(time, position);
- },
- _previousVelocityAt$1(index) {
- var end, start,
- t1 = this._velocity_tracker$_index + index,
- endIndex = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t1, 20),
- startIndex = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t1 - 1, 20);
- t1 = this._touchSamples;
- end = t1[endIndex];
- start = t1[startIndex];
- if (end == null || start == null)
- return B.Offset_0_0;
- t1 = end.time._duration - start.time._duration;
- return t1 > 0 ? end.point.$sub(0, start.point).$mul(0, 1000).$div(0, t1 / 1000) : B.Offset_0_0;
- },
- getVelocityEstimate$0() {
- var oldestNonNullSample, i, _this = this,
- estimatedVelocity = _this._previousVelocityAt$1(-2).$mul(0, 0.6).$add(0, _this._previousVelocityAt$1(-1).$mul(0, 0.35)).$add(0, _this._previousVelocityAt$1(0).$mul(0, 0.05)),
- t1 = _this._touchSamples,
- t2 = _this._velocity_tracker$_index,
- newestSample = t1[t2];
- for (oldestNonNullSample = null, i = 1; i <= 20; ++i) {
- oldestNonNullSample = t1[B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t2 + i, 20)];
- if (oldestNonNullSample != null)
- break;
- }
- if (oldestNonNullSample == null || newestSample == null)
- return B.VelocityEstimate_MMm;
- else
- return new A.VelocityEstimate(estimatedVelocity, 1, new A.Duration(newestSample.time._duration - oldestNonNullSample.time._duration), newestSample.point.$sub(0, oldestNonNullSample.point));
- }
- };
- A.MacOSScrollViewFlingVelocityTracker.prototype = {
- getVelocityEstimate$0() {
- var oldestNonNullSample, i, _this = this,
- estimatedVelocity = _this._previousVelocityAt$1(-2).$mul(0, 0.15).$add(0, _this._previousVelocityAt$1(-1).$mul(0, 0.65)).$add(0, _this._previousVelocityAt$1(0).$mul(0, 0.2)),
- t1 = _this._touchSamples,
- t2 = _this._velocity_tracker$_index,
- newestSample = t1[t2];
- for (oldestNonNullSample = null, i = 1; i <= 20; ++i) {
- oldestNonNullSample = t1[B.JSInt_methods.$mod(t2 + i, 20)];
- if (oldestNonNullSample != null)
- break;
- }
- if (oldestNonNullSample == null || newestSample == null)
- return B.VelocityEstimate_MMm;
- else
- return new A.VelocityEstimate(estimatedVelocity, 1, new A.Duration(newestSample.time._duration - oldestNonNullSample.time._duration), newestSample.point.$sub(0, oldestNonNullSample.point));
- }
- };
- A._ActionButton.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var _this = this, _null = null;
- return A.IconButton$(_null, _null, _this.icon, _null, _null, new A._ActionButton_build_closure(_this, context), _null, _null, _this.style, _this._getTooltip$1(context));
- }
- };
- A._ActionButton_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._onPressedCallback$1(this.context);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._ActionIcon.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, iconBuilder, data, semanticsLabel, _null = null;
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.ActionIconTheme);
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- iconBuilder = this.iconBuilderCallback.call$1(t1.actionIconTheme);
- if (iconBuilder != null)
- return iconBuilder.call$1(context);
- data = this.getIcon.call$1(context);
- switch (A.defaultTargetPlatform().index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations);
- t1.toString;
- semanticsLabel = this.getAndroidSemanticsLabel.call$1(t1);
- break;
- case 1:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- case 2:
- case 4:
- semanticsLabel = _null;
- break;
- default:
- semanticsLabel = _null;
- }
- return A.Icon$(data, _null, _null, semanticsLabel, _null);
- }
- };
- A.BackButtonIcon.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- return new A._ActionIcon(new A.BackButtonIcon_build_closure(), new A.BackButtonIcon_build_closure0(), new A.BackButtonIcon_build_closure1(), null);
- }
- };
- A.BackButtonIcon_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(actionIconTheme) {
- return actionIconTheme == null ? null : actionIconTheme.backButtonIconBuilder;
- },
- $signature: 119
- };
- A.BackButtonIcon_build_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(context) {
- return B.IconData_57490_MaterialIcons_null_true;
- },
- $signature: 128
- };
- A.BackButtonIcon_build_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(materialLocalization) {
- return "Back";
- },
- $signature: 125
- };
- A.BackButton.prototype = {
- _onPressedCallback$1(context) {
- return A.Navigator_maybePop(context);
- },
- _getTooltip$1(context) {
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- return "Back";
- }
- };
- A.DrawerButtonIcon.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- return new A._ActionIcon(new A.DrawerButtonIcon_build_closure(), new A.DrawerButtonIcon_build_closure0(), new A.DrawerButtonIcon_build_closure1(), null);
- }
- };
- A.DrawerButtonIcon_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(actionIconTheme) {
- return actionIconTheme == null ? null : actionIconTheme.drawerButtonIconBuilder;
- },
- $signature: 119
- };
- A.DrawerButtonIcon_build_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(context) {
- return B.IconData_58332_MaterialIcons_null_false;
- },
- $signature: 128
- };
- A.DrawerButtonIcon_build_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(materialLocalization) {
- return "Open navigation menu";
- },
- $signature: 125
- };
- A.DrawerButton.prototype = {
- _onPressedCallback$1(context) {
- var t3, t4,
- t1 = A.Scaffold_of(context),
- t2 = t1._endDrawerKey;
- if (t2.get$currentState() != null) {
- t3 = t1._endDrawerOpened;
- t4 = t3._restoration_properties$_value;
- t3 = t4 == null ? A._instanceType(t3)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t4) : t4;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3)
- t2.get$currentState().close$0(0);
- t1 = t1._drawerKey.get$currentState();
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.open$0(0);
- return null;
- },
- _getTooltip$1(context) {
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- return "Open navigation menu";
- }
- };
- A.EndDrawerButtonIcon.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- return new A._ActionIcon(new A.EndDrawerButtonIcon_build_closure(), new A.EndDrawerButtonIcon_build_closure0(), new A.EndDrawerButtonIcon_build_closure1(), null);
- }
- };
- A.EndDrawerButtonIcon_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(actionIconTheme) {
- return actionIconTheme == null ? null : actionIconTheme.endDrawerButtonIconBuilder;
- },
- $signature: 119
- };
- A.EndDrawerButtonIcon_build_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(context) {
- return B.IconData_58332_MaterialIcons_null_false;
- },
- $signature: 128
- };
- A.EndDrawerButtonIcon_build_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(materialLocalization) {
- return "Open navigation menu";
- },
- $signature: 125
- };
- A.EndDrawerButton.prototype = {
- _onPressedCallback$1(context) {
- var t3, t4,
- t1 = A.Scaffold_of(context),
- t2 = t1._drawerKey;
- if (t2.get$currentState() != null) {
- t3 = t1._drawerOpened;
- t4 = t3._restoration_properties$_value;
- t3 = t4 == null ? A._instanceType(t3)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t4) : t4;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3)
- t2.get$currentState().close$0(0);
- t1 = t1._endDrawerKey.get$currentState();
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.open$0(0);
- return null;
- },
- _getTooltip$1(context) {
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- return "Open navigation menu";
- }
- };
- A.ActionIconThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hashAll([_this.backButtonIconBuilder, _this.closeButtonIconBuilder, _this.drawerButtonIconBuilder, _this.endDrawerButtonIconBuilder]);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.ActionIconThemeData)
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._ActionIconThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var resultChildren, t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.buttonItems.length === 0;
- if (t1)
- return B.SizedBox_0_0_null_null;
- resultChildren = J.toList$0$ax(A.AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getAdaptiveButtons(context, _this.buttonItems));
- switch (A.Theme_of(context).platform.index) {
- case 2:
- t1 = _this.anchors;
- t2 = t1.primaryAnchor;
- t1 = t1.secondaryAnchor;
- return A.CupertinoTextSelectionToolbar$(t2, t1 == null ? t2 : t1, resultChildren);
- case 0:
- t1 = _this.anchors;
- t2 = t1.primaryAnchor;
- t1 = t1.secondaryAnchor;
- return A.TextSelectionToolbar$(t2, t1 == null ? t2 : t1, resultChildren);
- case 1:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- return new A.DesktopTextSelectionToolbar(_this.anchors.primaryAnchor, resultChildren, null);
- case 4:
- return new A.CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbar(_this.anchors.primaryAnchor, resultChildren, null);
- }
- }
- };
- A.AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getAdaptiveButtons_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(buttonItem) {
- return A.CupertinoTextSelectionToolbarButton$text(buttonItem.onPressed, A.AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getButtonLabel(this.context, buttonItem));
- },
- $signature: 451
- };
- A.AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getAdaptiveButtons_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(buttonItem) {
- var t1 = this.context;
- return A.DesktopTextSelectionToolbarButton$text(t1, buttonItem.onPressed, A.AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getButtonLabel(t1, buttonItem));
- },
- $signature: 450
- };
- A.AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getAdaptiveButtons_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(buttonItem) {
- var t1 = this.context;
- return A.CupertinoDesktopTextSelectionToolbarButton$text(t1, buttonItem.onPressed, A.AdaptiveTextSelectionToolbar_getButtonLabel(t1, buttonItem));
- },
- $signature: 448
- };
- A.ThemeMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "ThemeMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.MaterialApp.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._MaterialAppState(B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A.MaterialApp_createMaterialHeroController_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(begin, end) {
- return new A.MaterialRectArcTween(begin, end);
- },
- $signature: 445
- };
- A.MaterialScrollBehavior.prototype = {
- getPlatform$1(context) {
- return A.Theme_of(context).platform;
- },
- buildScrollbar$3(context, child, details) {
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(details.direction)) {
- case B.Axis_0:
- return child;
- case B.Axis_1:
- switch (A.Theme_of(context).platform.index) {
- case 3:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- return A.Scrollbar$(child, details.controller, null, null, null);
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 2:
- return child;
- }
- break;
- }
- },
- buildOverscrollIndicator$3(context, child, details) {
- var indicator = A._Cell$named("indicator");
- if (A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3)
- indicator.set$finalLocalValue(B.AndroidOverscrollIndicator_0);
- else {
- A.Theme_of(context);
- indicator.set$finalLocalValue(B.AndroidOverscrollIndicator_1);
- }
- switch (A.Theme_of(context).platform.index) {
- case 2:
- case 3:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- return child;
- case 0:
- switch (indicator._readLocal$0()) {
- case B.AndroidOverscrollIndicator_0:
- return A.StretchingOverscrollIndicator$(details.direction, child, details.decorationClipBehavior);
- case B.AndroidOverscrollIndicator_1:
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- break;
- }
- return A.GlowingOverscrollIndicator$(details.direction, child, A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme.secondary);
- }
- };
- A._MaterialAppState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- this.super$State$initState();
- this.___MaterialAppState__heroController_A = A.MaterialApp_createMaterialHeroController();
- },
- get$_localizationsDelegates() {
- var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LocalizationsDelegate_dynamic);
- this._widget.toString;
- t1.push(B.C__MaterialLocalizationsDelegate);
- t1.push(B.C__CupertinoLocalizationsDelegate);
- return t1;
- },
- _inspectorSelectButtonBuilder$2(context, onPressed) {
- return new A.FloatingActionButton(B.Icon_AKW, onPressed, B._FloatingActionButtonType_1, null);
- },
- _materialBuilder$2(context, child) {
- var t1, platformBrightness, useDarkTheme, highContrast, theme, effectiveSelectionColor, t2, effectiveCursorColor, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_4);
- platformBrightness = t1 == null ? _null : t1.platformBrightness;
- if (platformBrightness == null)
- platformBrightness = B.Brightness_1;
- useDarkTheme = platformBrightness === B.Brightness_0;
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_12);
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.highContrast;
- highContrast = t1 === true;
- if (useDarkTheme)
- if (highContrast)
- _this._widget.toString;
- if (useDarkTheme)
- _this._widget.toString;
- if (highContrast)
- _this._widget.toString;
- theme = _this._widget.theme;
- t1 = theme.textSelectionTheme;
- effectiveSelectionColor = t1.selectionColor;
- if (effectiveSelectionColor == null) {
- t2 = theme.colorScheme.primary;
- effectiveSelectionColor = A.Color$fromARGB(102, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255);
- }
- effectiveCursorColor = t1.cursorColor;
- if (effectiveCursorColor == null)
- effectiveCursorColor = theme.colorScheme.primary;
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = child == null ? B.SizedBox_0_0_null_null : child;
- return new A.ScaffoldMessenger(A.DefaultSelectionStyle$(new A.AnimatedTheme(theme, t1, B.C__Linear, B.Duration_200000, _null, _null), effectiveCursorColor, effectiveSelectionColor), _null);
- },
- _buildWidgetApp$1(context) {
- var materialColor, t3, t4, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this._widget,
- t2 = t1.theme;
- t2 = t2.primaryColor;
- materialColor = t2;
- if (materialColor == null)
- materialColor = B.MaterialColor_Map_JNGTf_4280391411;
- t2 = t1.routes;
- t3 = t1.initialRoute;
- t1 = t1.title;
- t4 = _this.get$_localizationsDelegates();
- _this._widget.toString;
- return new A.WidgetsApp(_null, _null, _null, new A._MaterialAppState__buildWidgetApp_closure(), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t2, _null, t3, B.List_empty3, _this.get$_materialBuilder(), t1, _null, B.TextStyle_vxo, materialColor, _null, t4, _null, _null, B.List_Locale_en_US, false, false, false, false, _this.get$_inspectorSelectButtonBuilder(), true, _null, _null, _null, new A.GlobalObjectKey(_this, type$.GlobalObjectKey_State_StatefulWidget));
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, _null = null,
- result = A.Focus$(false, false, this._buildWidgetApp$1(context), _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, new A._MaterialAppState_build_closure(), _null, _null, _null);
- this._widget.toString;
- t1 = this.___MaterialAppState__heroController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return A.ScrollConfiguration$(B.C_MaterialScrollBehavior, new A.HeroControllerScope(t1, result, _null));
- }
- };
- A._MaterialAppState__buildWidgetApp_closure.prototype = {
- call$1$2(settings, builder, $T) {
- return A.MaterialPageRoute$(builder, settings, $T);
- },
- call$2(settings, builder) {
- return this.call$1$2(settings, builder, type$.dynamic);
- },
- $signature: 421
- };
- A._MaterialAppState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(node, $event) {
- if (!($event instanceof A.RawKeyDownEvent) || !$event.data.get$logicalKey().$eq(0, B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967323))
- return B.KeyEventResult_1;
- return A.Tooltip_dismissAllToolTips() ? B.KeyEventResult_0 : B.KeyEventResult_1;
- },
- $signature: 129
- };
- A._ToolbarContainerLayout.prototype = {
- getConstraintsForChild$1(constraints) {
- return constraints.tighten$1$height(this.toolbarHeight);
- },
- getSize$1(constraints) {
- return new A.Size(constraints.maxWidth, this.toolbarHeight);
- },
- getPositionForChild$2(size, childSize) {
- return new A.Offset(0, size._dy - childSize._dy);
- },
- shouldRelayout$1(oldDelegate) {
- return this.toolbarHeight !== oldDelegate.toolbarHeight;
- }
- };
- A._PreferredAppBarSize.prototype = {};
- A.AppBar.prototype = {
- _getEffectiveCenterTitle$1(theme) {
- return false;
- },
- createState$0() {
- return new A._AppBarState(B._StateLifecycle_0);
- },
- notificationPredicate$1(arg0) {
- return A.scroll_notification__defaultScrollNotificationPredicate$closure().call$1(arg0);
- }
- };
- A._AppBarState.prototype = {
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- t1 = _this._scrollNotificationObserver;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_app_bar$_handleScrollNotification());
- t1 = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._ScrollNotificationObserverScope);
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1._scrollNotificationObserverState;
- _this._scrollNotificationObserver = t1;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1 = t1._scroll_notification_observer$_listeners;
- t1._insertBefore$3$updateFirst(t1._collection$_first, new A._ListenerEntry(_this.get$_app_bar$_handleScrollNotification()), false);
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._scrollNotificationObserver;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_app_bar$_handleScrollNotification());
- _this._scrollNotificationObserver = null;
- }
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- _app_bar$_handleScrollNotification$1(notification) {
- var oldScrolledUnder, metrics, t1, _this = this;
- if (notification instanceof A.ScrollUpdateNotification && _this._widget.notificationPredicate$1(notification)) {
- oldScrolledUnder = _this._scrolledUnder;
- metrics = notification.metrics;
- switch (metrics.axisDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = _this._scrolledUnder = Math.max(metrics.get$maxScrollExtent() - metrics.get$pixels(), 0) > 0;
- break;
- case 2:
- t1 = _this._scrolledUnder = Math.max(metrics.get$pixels() - metrics.get$minScrollExtent(), 0) > 0;
- break;
- case 1:
- case 3:
- t1 = oldScrolledUnder;
- break;
- default:
- t1 = oldScrolledUnder;
- }
- if (t1 !== oldScrolledUnder)
- _this.setState$1(new A._AppBarState__handleScrollNotification_closure());
- }
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var defaults, t2, parentRoute, t3, t4, t5, hasEndDrawer, canPop, toolbarHeight, t6, t7, actionForegroundColor, foregroundColor, elevation, effectiveElevation, overallIconTheme, overallIconTheme0, actionsIconTheme, toolbarTextStyle, titleTextStyle, leading, effectiveIconButtonTheme, leadingIconButtonStyle, title, namesRoute, mediaQueryData, actions, effectiveActionsIconButtonTheme, actionsIconButtonStyle, appBar, style, overlayStyle, _this = this, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- iconButtonTheme = A.IconButtonTheme_of(context),
- appBarTheme = A.Theme_of(context).appBarTheme,
- t1 = theme.useMaterial3;
- if (t1)
- defaults = new A._AppBarDefaultsM3(context, _null, _null, 0, 3, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 16, 64, _null, _null, _null);
- else
- defaults = new A._AppBarDefaultsM2(context, _null, _null, 4, _null, B.Color_4278190080, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 16, 56, _null, _null, _null);
- t2 = context.findAncestorStateOfType$1$0(type$.ScaffoldState);
- parentRoute = A.ModalRoute_of(context, type$.nullable_Object);
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.FlexibleSpaceBarSettings);
- t3 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.MaterialState);
- t4 = _this._scrolledUnder;
- if (t4)
- t3.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_5);
- t4 = t2 == null;
- t5 = t4 ? _null : t2._widget.drawer != null;
- if (t4)
- t2 = _null;
- else {
- t2._widget.toString;
- t2 = false;
- }
- hasEndDrawer = t2 === true;
- t2 = parentRoute == null;
- if (t2)
- t4 = _null;
- else if (!parentRoute.get$hasActiveRouteBelow()) {
- t4 = parentRoute.LocalHistoryRoute__localHistory;
- t4 = t4 != null && t4.length !== 0;
- } else
- t4 = true;
- canPop = t4 === true;
- t4 = _this._widget;
- t4.toString;
- toolbarHeight = appBarTheme.toolbarHeight;
- if (toolbarHeight == null)
- toolbarHeight = 56;
- t6 = defaults.get$backgroundColor(defaults);
- t7 = type$.nullable_Color;
- t4 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(t4.backgroundColor, t3, t7);
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(appBarTheme.backgroundColor, t3, t7);
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(t6, t3, type$.Color);
- _this._widget.toString;
- actionForegroundColor = appBarTheme.foregroundColor;
- foregroundColor = actionForegroundColor == null ? defaults.get$foregroundColor() : actionForegroundColor;
- t6 = _this._widget.elevation;
- elevation = t6 == null ? appBarTheme.elevation : t6;
- if (elevation == null) {
- t6 = defaults.elevation;
- t6.toString;
- elevation = t6;
- }
- if (t3.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_5)) {
- _this._widget.toString;
- t3 = appBarTheme.scrolledUnderElevation;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = defaults.scrolledUnderElevation;
- effectiveElevation = t3 == null ? elevation : t3;
- } else
- effectiveElevation = elevation;
- _this._widget.toString;
- overallIconTheme = appBarTheme.iconTheme;
- overallIconTheme0 = overallIconTheme == null ? defaults.get$iconTheme().copyWith$1$color(foregroundColor) : overallIconTheme;
- _this._widget.toString;
- t3 = appBarTheme.actionsIconTheme;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = _null;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = overallIconTheme;
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = defaults.get$actionsIconTheme();
- t3 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.copyWith$1$color(actionForegroundColor);
- actionsIconTheme = t3;
- } else
- actionsIconTheme = t3;
- if (actionsIconTheme == null)
- actionsIconTheme = overallIconTheme0;
- _this._widget.toString;
- toolbarTextStyle = appBarTheme.toolbarTextStyle;
- if (toolbarTextStyle == null) {
- t3 = defaults.get$toolbarTextStyle();
- toolbarTextStyle = t3 == null ? _null : t3.copyWith$1$color(foregroundColor);
- }
- _this._widget.toString;
- titleTextStyle = appBarTheme.titleTextStyle;
- if (titleTextStyle == null) {
- t3 = defaults.get$titleTextStyle();
- titleTextStyle = t3 == null ? _null : t3.copyWith$1$color(foregroundColor);
- }
- t3 = _this._widget;
- leading = t3.leading;
- if (leading == null && true)
- if (t5 === true) {
- t2 = overallIconTheme0.size;
- leading = new A.DrawerButton(B.DrawerButtonIcon_null, _null, A.IconButton_styleFrom(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t2 == null ? 24 : t2, _null, _null, _null, _null), _null);
- } else {
- if (!(!hasEndDrawer && canPop)) {
- if (t2)
- t2 = _null;
- else
- t2 = parentRoute.get$hasActiveRouteBelow() || parentRoute.LocalHistoryRoute__entriesImpliesAppBarDismissal > 0;
- t2 = t2 === true;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- leading = B.BackButton_46c;
- }
- if (leading != null)
- if (t1) {
- if (overallIconTheme0.$eq(0, defaults.get$iconTheme()))
- effectiveIconButtonTheme = iconButtonTheme;
- else {
- leadingIconButtonStyle = A.IconButton_styleFrom(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, overallIconTheme0.color, _null, _null, overallIconTheme0.size, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- t2 = iconButtonTheme.style;
- effectiveIconButtonTheme = new A.IconButtonThemeData(t2 == null ? _null : t2.copyWith$3$foregroundColor$iconSize$overlayColor(leadingIconButtonStyle.foregroundColor, leadingIconButtonStyle.iconSize, leadingIconButtonStyle.overlayColor));
- }
- leading = A.IconButtonTheme$(leading instanceof A.IconButton ? A.Center$(leading, _null, _null) : leading, effectiveIconButtonTheme);
- _this._widget.toString;
- leading = new A.ConstrainedBox(A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(_null, 56), leading, _null);
- } else {
- _this._widget.toString;
- leading = new A.ConstrainedBox(A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(_null, 56), leading, _null);
- }
- title = _this._widget.title;
- switch (theme.platform.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- namesRoute = true;
- break;
- case 2:
- case 4:
- namesRoute = _null;
- break;
- default:
- namesRoute = _null;
- }
- title = new A._AppBarTitleBox(title, _null);
- title = new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, namesRoute, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, title, _null);
- titleTextStyle.toString;
- title = A.DefaultTextStyle$(title, _null, _null, B.TextOverflow_2, false, titleTextStyle, _null, _null, B.TextWidthBasis_0);
- mediaQueryData = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, _null, type$.MediaQuery).data;
- title = A.MediaQuery$(title, mediaQueryData.copyWith$1$textScaleFactor(Math.min(mediaQueryData.textScaleFactor, 1.34)), _null);
- t2 = _this._widget.actions;
- if (t2 != null && true) {
- t3 = t1 ? B.CrossAxisAlignment_2 : B.CrossAxisAlignment_3;
- t2.toString;
- actions = A.Row$(t2, t3, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_0);
- } else if (hasEndDrawer) {
- t2 = overallIconTheme0.size;
- actions = new A.EndDrawerButton(B.EndDrawerButtonIcon_null, _null, A.IconButton_styleFrom(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t2 == null ? 24 : t2, _null, _null, _null, _null), _null);
- } else
- actions = _null;
- if (actions != null) {
- if (actionsIconTheme.$eq(0, defaults.get$actionsIconTheme()))
- effectiveActionsIconButtonTheme = iconButtonTheme;
- else {
- actionsIconButtonStyle = A.IconButton_styleFrom(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, actionsIconTheme.color, _null, _null, actionsIconTheme.size, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- t2 = iconButtonTheme.style;
- effectiveActionsIconButtonTheme = new A.IconButtonThemeData(t2 == null ? _null : t2.copyWith$3$foregroundColor$iconSize$overlayColor(actionsIconButtonStyle.foregroundColor, actionsIconButtonStyle.iconSize, actionsIconButtonStyle.overlayColor));
- }
- actions = A.IconButtonTheme$(A.IconTheme_merge(actions, actionsIconTheme), effectiveActionsIconButtonTheme);
- }
- t2 = _this._widget._getEffectiveCenterTitle$1(theme);
- t3 = _this._widget;
- t5 = t3.titleSpacing;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = appBarTheme.titleSpacing;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = 16;
- toolbarTextStyle.toString;
- appBar = A.ClipRect$(new A.CustomSingleChildLayout(new A._ToolbarContainerLayout(toolbarHeight), A.IconTheme_merge(A.DefaultTextStyle$(new A.NavigationToolbar(leading, title, actions, t2, t5, _null), _null, _null, B.TextOverflow_0, true, toolbarTextStyle, _null, _null, B.TextWidthBasis_0), overallIconTheme0), _null), B.Clip_1, _null);
- if (t3.bottom != null) {
- t2 = A._setArrayType([new A.Flexible(1, B.FlexFit_1, new A.ConstrainedBox(new A.BoxConstraints(0, 1 / 0, 0, toolbarHeight), appBar, _null), _null)], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- t3 = _this._widget.bottom;
- t3.toString;
- t2.push(t3);
- appBar = A.Column$(t2, B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, B.MainAxisAlignment_3, B.MainAxisSize_1);
- }
- _this._widget.toString;
- appBar = A.SafeArea$(false, appBar, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, true);
- t2 = A.ThemeData_estimateBrightnessForColor(t4);
- t1 = t1 ? B.Color_0 : _null;
- style = t2 === B.Brightness_0 ? B.SystemUiOverlayStyle_6UD : B.SystemUiOverlayStyle_qsc;
- overlayStyle = new A.SystemUiOverlayStyle(_null, _null, _null, _null, t1, style.statusBarBrightness, style.statusBarIconBrightness, style.systemStatusBarContrastEnforced);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = appBarTheme.shadowColor;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = defaults.get$shadowColor(defaults);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t2 = appBarTheme.surfaceTintColor;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = defaults.get$surfaceTintColor();
- _this._widget.toString;
- t3 = appBarTheme.shape;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = defaults.shape;
- t1 = A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, true, _null, new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, true, false, new A.Align(B.Alignment_0_m1, _null, _null, appBar, _null), _null), B.Clip_0, t4, effectiveElevation, _null, t1, t3, t2, _null, B.MaterialType_0);
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), true, false, false, new A.AnnotatedRegion(overlayStyle, t1, _null, type$.AnnotatedRegion_SystemUiOverlayStyle), _null);
- }
- };
- A._AppBarState__handleScrollNotification_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._AppBarTitleBox.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = new A._RenderAppBarTitleBox(B.Alignment_0_0, t1.textDirection, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- renderObject.set$textDirection(t1.textDirection);
- }
- };
- A._RenderAppBarTitleBox.prototype = {
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- var innerConstraints = constraints.copyWith$1$maxHeight(1 / 0);
- return constraints.constrain$1(this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.getDryLayout$1(innerConstraints));
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = type$.BoxConstraints,
- innerConstraints = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).copyWith$1$maxHeight(1 / 0);
- _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(innerConstraints, true);
- t1 = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- t2 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size;
- t2.toString;
- _this._size = t1.constrain$1(t2);
- _this.alignChild$0();
- }
- };
- A._AppBarDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$_app_bar$_theme() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___AppBarDefaultsM2__theme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___AppBarDefaultsM2__theme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___AppBarDefaultsM2__theme_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_app_bar$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___AppBarDefaultsM2__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.get$_app_bar$_theme();
- _this.___AppBarDefaultsM2__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___AppBarDefaultsM2__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return this.get$_app_bar$_colors().brightness === B.Brightness_0 ? this.get$_app_bar$_colors().surface : this.get$_app_bar$_colors().primary;
- },
- get$foregroundColor() {
- return this.get$_app_bar$_colors().brightness === B.Brightness_0 ? this.get$_app_bar$_colors().onSurface : this.get$_app_bar$_colors().onPrimary;
- },
- get$iconTheme() {
- return this.get$_app_bar$_theme().iconTheme;
- },
- get$toolbarTextStyle() {
- return this.get$_app_bar$_theme().textTheme.bodyMedium;
- },
- get$titleTextStyle() {
- return this.get$_app_bar$_theme().textTheme.titleLarge;
- }
- };
- A._AppBarDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_app_bar$_theme() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___AppBarDefaultsM3__theme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___AppBarDefaultsM3__theme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___AppBarDefaultsM3__theme_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_app_bar$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___AppBarDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.get$_app_bar$_theme();
- _this.___AppBarDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___AppBarDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_app_bar$_textTheme() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___AppBarDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.get$_app_bar$_theme();
- _this.___AppBarDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___AppBarDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = t1.textTheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return this.get$_app_bar$_colors().surface;
- },
- get$foregroundColor() {
- return this.get$_app_bar$_colors().onSurface;
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_app_bar$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._surfaceTint;
- return t2 == null ? t1.primary : t2;
- },
- get$iconTheme() {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.IconThemeData(24, _null, _null, _null, _null, this.get$_app_bar$_colors().onSurface, _null, _null);
- },
- get$actionsIconTheme() {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = this.get$_app_bar$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return new A.IconThemeData(24, _null, _null, _null, _null, t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2, _null, _null);
- },
- get$toolbarTextStyle() {
- return this.get$_app_bar$_textTheme().bodyMedium;
- },
- get$titleTextStyle() {
- return this.get$_app_bar$_textTheme().titleLarge;
- }
- };
- A.AppBarTheme.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.get$backgroundColor(_this), _this.get$foregroundColor(), _this.elevation, _this.scrolledUnderElevation, _this.get$shadowColor(_this), _this.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.shape, _this.get$iconTheme(), _this.get$actionsIconTheme(), _this.centerTitle, _this.titleSpacing, _this.toolbarHeight, _this.get$toolbarTextStyle(), _this.get$titleTextStyle(), _this.systemOverlayStyle, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.AppBarTheme && J.$eq$(other.get$backgroundColor(other), _this.get$backgroundColor(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$foregroundColor(), _this.get$foregroundColor()) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && other.scrolledUnderElevation == _this.scrolledUnderElevation && J.$eq$(other.get$shadowColor(other), _this.get$shadowColor(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.get$surfaceTintColor()) && J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape) && J.$eq$(other.get$iconTheme(), _this.get$iconTheme()) && J.$eq$(other.get$actionsIconTheme(), _this.get$actionsIconTheme()) && other.titleSpacing == _this.titleSpacing && other.toolbarHeight == _this.toolbarHeight && J.$eq$(other.get$toolbarTextStyle(), _this.get$toolbarTextStyle()) && J.$eq$(other.get$titleTextStyle(), _this.get$titleTextStyle()) && true;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(receiver) {
- return this.backgroundColor;
- },
- get$foregroundColor() {
- return this.foregroundColor;
- },
- get$shadowColor(receiver) {
- return this.shadowColor;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- return this.surfaceTintColor;
- },
- get$iconTheme() {
- return this.iconTheme;
- },
- get$actionsIconTheme() {
- return this.actionsIconTheme;
- },
- get$toolbarTextStyle() {
- return this.toolbarTextStyle;
- },
- get$titleTextStyle() {
- return this.titleTextStyle;
- }
- };
- A._AppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.MaterialPointArcTween.prototype = {
- _initialize$0() {
- var t2, delta, deltaX, deltaY, distanceFromAtoB, t3, t4, c, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.begin;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this.end;
- t2.toString;
- delta = t2.$sub(0, t1);
- deltaX = Math.abs(delta._dx);
- deltaY = Math.abs(delta._dy);
- distanceFromAtoB = delta.get$distance();
- t3 = t2._dx;
- t4 = t1._dy;
- c = new A.Offset(t3, t4);
- t5 = new A.MaterialPointArcTween__initialize_sweepAngle(_this, distanceFromAtoB);
- if (deltaX > 2 && deltaY > 2) {
- t6 = distanceFromAtoB * distanceFromAtoB;
- t7 = t1._dx;
- t8 = t2._dy;
- if (deltaX < deltaY) {
- t1 = t6 / c.$sub(0, t1).get$distance() / 2;
- _this._arc$_radius = t1;
- _this._arc$_center = new A.Offset(t3 + t1 * J.get$sign$in(t7 - t3), t8);
- if (t7 < t3) {
- _this._beginAngle = t5.call$0() * J.get$sign$in(t4 - t8);
- _this._endAngle = 0;
- } else {
- _this._beginAngle = 3.141592653589793 + t5.call$0() * J.get$sign$in(t8 - t4);
- _this._endAngle = 3.141592653589793;
- }
- } else {
- _this._arc$_radius = t6 / c.$sub(0, t2).get$distance() / 2;
- t1 = J.get$sign$in(t8 - t4);
- t2 = _this._arc$_radius;
- t2.toString;
- _this._arc$_center = new A.Offset(t7, t4 + t1 * t2);
- if (t4 < t8) {
- _this._beginAngle = -1.5707963267948966;
- _this._endAngle = -1.5707963267948966 + t5.call$0() * J.get$sign$in(t3 - t7);
- } else {
- _this._beginAngle = 1.5707963267948966;
- _this._endAngle = 1.5707963267948966 + t5.call$0() * J.get$sign$in(t7 - t3);
- }
- }
- } else
- _this._endAngle = _this._beginAngle = null;
- _this._arc$_dirty = false;
- },
- get$center() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.begin == null || _this.end == null)
- return null;
- if (_this._arc$_dirty)
- _this._initialize$0();
- return _this._arc$_center;
- },
- get$radius() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.begin == null || _this.end == null)
- return null;
- if (_this._arc$_dirty)
- _this._initialize$0();
- return _this._arc$_radius;
- },
- get$beginAngle() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.begin == null || _this.end == null)
- return null;
- if (_this._arc$_dirty)
- _this._initialize$0();
- return _this._beginAngle;
- },
- get$endAngle() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.begin == null || _this.end == null)
- return null;
- if (_this._arc$_dirty)
- _this._initialize$0();
- return _this._beginAngle;
- },
- set$begin(value) {
- if (!J.$eq$(value, this.begin)) {
- this.begin = value;
- this._arc$_dirty = true;
- }
- },
- set$end(_, value) {
- if (!J.$eq$(value, this.end)) {
- this.end = value;
- this._arc$_dirty = true;
- }
- },
- lerp$1(t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this;
- if (_this._arc$_dirty)
- _this._initialize$0();
- if (t === 0) {
- t1 = _this.begin;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- if (t === 1) {
- t1 = _this.end;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- t1 = _this._beginAngle;
- if (t1 == null || _this._endAngle == null) {
- t1 = A.Offset_lerp(_this.begin, _this.end, t);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(t1, _this._endAngle, t);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = Math.cos(t1);
- t3 = _this._arc$_radius;
- t3.toString;
- t1 = Math.sin(t1);
- t4 = _this._arc$_radius;
- t4.toString;
- return _this._arc$_center.$add(0, new A.Offset(t2 * t3, t1 * t4));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return "MaterialPointArcTween(" + A.S(_this.begin) + " \u2192 " + A.S(_this.end) + "; center=" + A.S(_this.get$center()) + ", radius=" + A.S(_this.get$radius()) + ", beginAngle=" + A.S(_this.get$beginAngle()) + ", endAngle=" + A.S(_this.get$endAngle()) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.MaterialPointArcTween__initialize_sweepAngle.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this._arc$_radius;
- t1.toString;
- return 2 * Math.asin(this.distanceFromAtoB / (2 * t1));
- },
- $signature: 66
- };
- A._CornerId.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_CornerId." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._Diagonal.prototype = {};
- A.MaterialRectArcTween.prototype = {
- _initialize$0() {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- diagonal = A._maxBy(B.List_Tkv, new A.MaterialRectArcTween__initialize_closure(_this, _this.end.get$center().$sub(0, _this.begin.get$center()))),
- t1 = _this.begin;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = diagonal.beginId;
- t1 = _this._cornerFor$2(t1, t2);
- t3 = _this.end;
- t3.toString;
- _this.__MaterialRectArcTween__beginArc_A = new A.MaterialPointArcTween(t1, _this._cornerFor$2(t3, t2));
- t2 = _this.begin;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = diagonal.endId;
- t2 = _this._cornerFor$2(t2, t3);
- t1 = _this.end;
- t1.toString;
- _this.__MaterialRectArcTween__endArc_A = new A.MaterialPointArcTween(t2, _this._cornerFor$2(t1, t3));
- _this._arc$_dirty = false;
- },
- _cornerFor$2(rect, id) {
- switch (id.index) {
- case 0:
- return new A.Offset(rect.left, rect.top);
- case 1:
- return new A.Offset(rect.right, rect.top);
- case 2:
- return new A.Offset(rect.left, rect.bottom);
- case 3:
- return new A.Offset(rect.right, rect.bottom);
- }
- },
- get$beginArc() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.begin == null)
- return null;
- if (_this._arc$_dirty)
- _this._initialize$0();
- t1 = _this.__MaterialRectArcTween__beginArc_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1;
- },
- get$endArc() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.end == null)
- return null;
- if (_this._arc$_dirty)
- _this._initialize$0();
- t1 = _this.__MaterialRectArcTween__endArc_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1;
- },
- set$begin(value) {
- if (!J.$eq$(value, this.begin)) {
- this.begin = value;
- this._arc$_dirty = true;
- }
- },
- set$end(_, value) {
- if (!J.$eq$(value, this.end)) {
- this.end = value;
- this._arc$_dirty = true;
- }
- },
- lerp$1(t) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this._arc$_dirty)
- _this._initialize$0();
- if (t === 0) {
- t1 = _this.begin;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- if (t === 1) {
- t1 = _this.end;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- t1 = _this.__MaterialRectArcTween__beginArc_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.lerp$1(t);
- t2 = _this.__MaterialRectArcTween__endArc_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return A.Rect$fromPoints(t1, t2.lerp$1(t));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return "MaterialRectArcTween(" + A.S(_this.begin) + " \u2192 " + A.S(_this.end) + "; beginArc=" + A.S(_this.get$beginArc()) + ", endArc=" + A.S(_this.get$endArc()) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.MaterialRectArcTween__initialize_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(d) {
- var t4, delta, $length,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = this.centersVector,
- t3 = t1.begin;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t1._cornerFor$2(t3, d.endId);
- t4 = t1.begin;
- t4.toString;
- delta = t3.$sub(0, t1._cornerFor$2(t4, d.beginId));
- $length = delta.get$distance();
- return t2._dx * delta._dx / $length + t2._dy * delta._dy / $length;
- },
- $signature: 405
- };
- A.BadgeThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.backgroundColor, _this.textColor, _this.smallSize, _this.largeSize, _this.textStyle, _this.padding, _this.alignment, _this.offset, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.BadgeThemeData && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && J.$eq$(other.textColor, _this.textColor) && other.smallSize == _this.smallSize && other.largeSize == _this.largeSize && J.$eq$(other.textStyle, _this.textStyle) && J.$eq$(other.padding, _this.padding) && J.$eq$(other.alignment, _this.alignment) && J.$eq$(other.offset, _this.offset);
- }
- };
- A._BadgeThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.MaterialBannerThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.backgroundColor, _this.surfaceTintColor, _this.shadowColor, _this.dividerColor, _this.contentTextStyle, _this.elevation, _this.padding, _this.leadingPadding, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.MaterialBannerThemeData && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && J.$eq$(other.surfaceTintColor, _this.surfaceTintColor) && J.$eq$(other.shadowColor, _this.shadowColor) && J.$eq$(other.dividerColor, _this.dividerColor) && J.$eq$(other.contentTextStyle, _this.contentTextStyle) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.padding, _this.padding) && J.$eq$(other.leadingPadding, _this.leadingPadding);
- }
- };
- A._MaterialBannerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.BottomAppBarTheme.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.color, _this.elevation, _this.shape, _this.height, _this.surfaceTintColor, _this.shadowColor, _this.padding, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.BottomAppBarTheme && J.$eq$(other.color, _this.color) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && other.height == _this.height && J.$eq$(other.surfaceTintColor, _this.surfaceTintColor) && J.$eq$(other.shadowColor, _this.shadowColor) && J.$eq$(other.padding, _this.padding);
- }
- };
- A._BottomAppBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.BottomNavigationBarThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.backgroundColor, _this.elevation, _this.selectedIconTheme, _this.unselectedIconTheme, _this.selectedItemColor, _this.unselectedItemColor, _this.selectedLabelStyle, _this.unselectedLabelStyle, _this.showSelectedLabels, _this.showUnselectedLabels, _this.type, _this.enableFeedback, _this.landscapeLayout, _this.mouseCursor, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.BottomNavigationBarThemeData)
- if (J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor))
- if (other.elevation == _this.elevation)
- if (J.$eq$(other.selectedIconTheme, _this.selectedIconTheme))
- if (J.$eq$(other.unselectedIconTheme, _this.unselectedIconTheme))
- if (J.$eq$(other.selectedItemColor, _this.selectedItemColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.unselectedItemColor, _this.unselectedItemColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.selectedLabelStyle, _this.selectedLabelStyle))
- if (J.$eq$(other.unselectedLabelStyle, _this.unselectedLabelStyle))
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._BottomNavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.BottomSheetThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.get$backgroundColor(_this), _this.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.elevation, _this.modalBackgroundColor, _this.modalBarrierColor, _this.get$shadowColor(_this), _this.modalElevation, _this.shape, _this.showDragHandle, _this.get$dragHandleColor(), _this.get$dragHandleSize(), _this.clipBehavior, _this.constraints, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.BottomSheetThemeData)
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$backgroundColor(other), _this.get$backgroundColor(_this)))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.get$surfaceTintColor()))
- if (other.elevation == _this.elevation)
- if (J.$eq$(other.modalBackgroundColor, _this.modalBackgroundColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$shadowColor(other), _this.get$shadowColor(_this)))
- if (J.$eq$(other.modalBarrierColor, _this.modalBarrierColor))
- if (other.modalElevation == _this.modalElevation)
- if (J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$dragHandleColor(), _this.get$dragHandleColor()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$dragHandleSize(), _this.get$dragHandleSize()))
- t1 = J.$eq$(other.constraints, _this.constraints);
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(receiver) {
- return this.backgroundColor;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- return this.surfaceTintColor;
- },
- get$shadowColor(receiver) {
- return this.shadowColor;
- },
- get$dragHandleColor() {
- return this.dragHandleColor;
- },
- get$dragHandleSize() {
- return this.dragHandleSize;
- }
- };
- A._BottomSheetThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.RawMaterialButton.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._RawMaterialButtonState(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.MaterialState), B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._RawMaterialButtonState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- if (!(_this._widget.onPressed != null || false))
- _this.addMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_6);
- else
- _this.removeMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_6);
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- if (!(_this._widget.onPressed != null || false))
- _this.addMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_6);
- else
- _this.removeMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_6);
- t1 = _this.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates;
- if (t1.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6) && t1.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2))
- _this.removeMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_2);
- },
- get$_effectiveElevation() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates;
- if (t1.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return _this._widget.disabledElevation;
- if (t1.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2))
- return _this._widget.highlightElevation;
- if (t1.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0))
- return _this._widget.hoverElevation;
- if (t1.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return _this._widget.focusElevation;
- return _this._widget.elevation;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var densityAdjustment, effectiveConstraints, effectiveMouseCursor, padding, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, minSize, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this._widget.textStyle,
- t2 = _this.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates,
- effectiveTextColor = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(t1.color, t2, type$.nullable_Color),
- effectiveShape = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_this._widget.shape, t2, type$.nullable_ShapeBorder);
- t1 = _this._widget.visualDensity;
- densityAdjustment = new A.Offset(t1.horizontal, t1.vertical).$mul(0, 4);
- t1 = _this._widget;
- effectiveConstraints = t1.visualDensity.effectiveConstraints$1(t1.constraints);
- t1 = _this._widget.mouseCursor;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = B._EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor_SystemMouseCursor_click_clickable;
- effectiveMouseCursor = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(t1, t2, type$.nullable_MouseCursor);
- t2 = densityAdjustment._dx;
- t1 = densityAdjustment._dy;
- padding = _this._widget.padding.add$1(0, new A.EdgeInsets(t2, t1, t2, t1)).clamp$2(0, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, B._MixedEdgeInsets_QWq);
- t3 = _this.get$_effectiveElevation();
- t4 = _this._widget.textStyle.copyWith$1$color(effectiveTextColor);
- t5 = _this._widget.fillColor;
- t6 = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? A.Theme_of(context).shadowColor : _null;
- t7 = _this._widget;
- t8 = t7.fillColor == null ? B.MaterialType_4 : B.MaterialType_3;
- t9 = t7.animationDuration;
- t10 = t7.clipBehavior;
- t11 = t7.focusNode;
- t7 = t7.onPressed != null || false;
- t12 = _this.updateMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_1);
- t13 = _this.updateMaterialState$2$onChanged(B.MaterialState_2, _this._widget.onHighlightChanged);
- t14 = _this._widget;
- t15 = t14.splashColor;
- t16 = t14.highlightColor;
- t17 = t14.focusColor;
- t14 = t14.hoverColor;
- t18 = _this.updateMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_0);
- t19 = _this._widget;
- t20 = t19.onPressed;
- t21 = t19.onLongPress;
- t8 = A.Material$(t9, true, _null, A.InkWell$(false, _null, t7, A.IconTheme_merge(A.Container$(_null, A.Center$(t19.child, 1, 1), B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, padding, _null, _null, _null), new A.IconThemeData(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, effectiveTextColor, _null, _null)), effectiveShape, true, t17, t11, t16, t14, _null, effectiveMouseCursor, t12, t13, t18, t21, t20, _null, _null, _null, _null, t15, _null, _null), t10, t5, t3, _null, t6, effectiveShape, _null, t4, t8);
- switch (t19.materialTapTargetSize.index) {
- case 0:
- minSize = new A.Size(48 + t2, 48 + t1);
- break;
- case 1:
- minSize = B.Size_0_0;
- break;
- default:
- minSize = _null;
- }
- t1 = t20 != null || false;
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, t1, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), true, false, false, new A._InputPadding(minSize, new A.ConstrainedBox(effectiveConstraints, t8, _null), _null), _null);
- }
- };
- A._InputPadding.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A._RenderInputPadding(this.minSize, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$minSize(this.minSize);
- }
- };
- A._RenderInputPadding.prototype = {
- set$minSize(value) {
- if (this._minSize.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- this._minSize = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return Math.max(t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t1.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth()), this._minSize._dx);
- return 0;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return Math.max(t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, t1.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight()), this._minSize._dy);
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return Math.max(t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth()), this._minSize._dx);
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return Math.max(t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, width, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight()), this._minSize._dy);
- return 0;
- },
- _button$_computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, layoutChild) {
- var childSize, t2,
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null) {
- childSize = layoutChild.call$2(t1, constraints);
- t1 = childSize._dx;
- t2 = this._minSize;
- return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(Math.max(t1, t2._dx), Math.max(childSize._dy, t2._dy)));
- }
- return B.Size_0_0;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return this._button$_computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild$closure());
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._button$_computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)), A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild$closure());
- _this._size = t1;
- t2 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t3 = t2.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- type$.BoxParentData._as(t3);
- t2 = t2._size;
- t2.toString;
- t3.offset = B.Alignment_0_0.alongOffset$1(type$.Offset._as(t1.$sub(0, t2)));
- }
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- var center;
- if (this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position))
- return true;
- center = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size.center$1(B.Offset_0_0);
- return result.addWithRawTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(new A._RenderInputPadding_hitTest_closure(this, center), center, A.MatrixUtils_forceToPoint(center));
- }
- };
- A._RenderInputPadding_hitTest_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, position) {
- return this.$this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.hitTest$2$position(result, this.center);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A.__RawMaterialButtonState_State_MaterialStateMixin.prototype = {};
- A.ButtonBarThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.alignment, _this.mainAxisSize, _this.buttonTextTheme, _this.buttonMinWidth, _this.buttonHeight, _this.buttonPadding, _this.buttonAlignedDropdown, _this.layoutBehavior, _this.overflowDirection, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.ButtonBarThemeData)
- if (other.buttonMinWidth == _this.buttonMinWidth)
- if (other.buttonHeight == _this.buttonHeight)
- if (J.$eq$(other.buttonPadding, _this.buttonPadding))
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._ButtonBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.ButtonStyle.prototype = {
- copyWith$22$alignment$animationDuration$backgroundColor$elevation$enableFeedback$fixedSize$foregroundColor$iconColor$iconSize$maximumSize$minimumSize$mouseCursor$overlayColor$padding$shadowColor$shape$side$splashFactory$surfaceTintColor$tapTargetSize$textStyle$visualDensity(alignment, animationDuration, backgroundColor, elevation, enableFeedback, fixedSize, foregroundColor, iconColor, iconSize, maximumSize, minimumSize, mouseCursor, overlayColor, padding, shadowColor, shape, side, splashFactory, surfaceTintColor, tapTargetSize, textStyle, visualDensity) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = textStyle == null ? _this.get$textStyle() : textStyle,
- t2 = backgroundColor == null ? _this.get$backgroundColor(_this) : backgroundColor,
- t3 = foregroundColor == null ? _this.get$foregroundColor() : foregroundColor,
- t4 = overlayColor == null ? _this.get$overlayColor() : overlayColor,
- t5 = shadowColor == null ? _this.get$shadowColor(_this) : shadowColor,
- t6 = surfaceTintColor == null ? _this.get$surfaceTintColor() : surfaceTintColor,
- t7 = elevation == null ? _this.get$elevation(_this) : elevation,
- t8 = padding == null ? _this.get$padding(_this) : padding,
- t9 = minimumSize == null ? _this.get$minimumSize() : minimumSize,
- t10 = fixedSize == null ? _this.fixedSize : fixedSize,
- t11 = maximumSize == null ? _this.get$maximumSize() : maximumSize,
- t12 = iconColor == null ? _this.iconColor : iconColor,
- t13 = iconSize == null ? _this.get$iconSize() : iconSize,
- t14 = side == null ? _this.get$side() : side,
- t15 = shape == null ? _this.get$shape(_this) : shape,
- t16 = mouseCursor == null ? _this.get$mouseCursor() : mouseCursor,
- t17 = visualDensity == null ? _this.get$visualDensity() : visualDensity,
- t18 = tapTargetSize == null ? _this.get$tapTargetSize() : tapTargetSize,
- t19 = animationDuration == null ? _this.animationDuration : animationDuration,
- t20 = enableFeedback == null ? _this.enableFeedback : enableFeedback,
- t21 = alignment == null ? _this.alignment : alignment;
- return A.ButtonStyle$(t21, t19, t2, t7, t20, t10, t3, t12, t13, t11, t9, t16, t4, t8, t5, t15, t14, splashFactory == null ? _this.get$splashFactory() : splashFactory, t6, t18, t1, t17);
- },
- copyWith$1$padding(padding) {
- return this.copyWith$22$alignment$animationDuration$backgroundColor$elevation$enableFeedback$fixedSize$foregroundColor$iconColor$iconSize$maximumSize$minimumSize$mouseCursor$overlayColor$padding$shadowColor$shape$side$splashFactory$surfaceTintColor$tapTargetSize$textStyle$visualDensity(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, padding, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$3$foregroundColor$iconSize$overlayColor(foregroundColor, iconSize, overlayColor) {
- return this.copyWith$22$alignment$animationDuration$backgroundColor$elevation$enableFeedback$fixedSize$foregroundColor$iconColor$iconSize$maximumSize$minimumSize$mouseCursor$overlayColor$padding$shadowColor$shape$side$splashFactory$surfaceTintColor$tapTargetSize$textStyle$visualDensity(null, null, null, null, null, null, foregroundColor, null, iconSize, null, null, null, overlayColor, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
- },
- merge$1(style) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.get$textStyle();
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = style.textStyle;
- t2 = _this.get$backgroundColor(_this);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = style.backgroundColor;
- t3 = _this.get$foregroundColor();
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = style.foregroundColor;
- t4 = _this.get$overlayColor();
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = style.overlayColor;
- t5 = _this.get$shadowColor(_this);
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = style.shadowColor;
- t6 = _this.get$surfaceTintColor();
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = style.surfaceTintColor;
- t7 = _this.get$elevation(_this);
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = style.elevation;
- t8 = _this.get$padding(_this);
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = style.padding;
- t9 = _this.get$minimumSize();
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = style.minimumSize;
- t10 = _this.fixedSize;
- if (t10 == null)
- t10 = style.fixedSize;
- t11 = _this.get$maximumSize();
- if (t11 == null)
- t11 = style.maximumSize;
- t12 = _this.iconColor;
- if (t12 == null)
- t12 = style.iconColor;
- t13 = _this.get$iconSize();
- if (t13 == null)
- t13 = style.iconSize;
- t14 = _this.get$side();
- if (t14 == null)
- t14 = style.side;
- t15 = _this.get$shape(_this);
- if (t15 == null)
- t15 = style.shape;
- t16 = _this.get$mouseCursor();
- if (t16 == null)
- t16 = style.mouseCursor;
- t17 = _this.get$visualDensity();
- if (t17 == null)
- t17 = style.visualDensity;
- t18 = _this.get$tapTargetSize();
- if (t18 == null)
- t18 = style.tapTargetSize;
- t19 = _this.animationDuration;
- if (t19 == null)
- t19 = style.animationDuration;
- t20 = _this.enableFeedback;
- if (t20 == null)
- t20 = style.enableFeedback;
- t21 = _this.alignment;
- if (t21 == null)
- t21 = style.alignment;
- t22 = _this.get$splashFactory();
- return _this.copyWith$22$alignment$animationDuration$backgroundColor$elevation$enableFeedback$fixedSize$foregroundColor$iconColor$iconSize$maximumSize$minimumSize$mouseCursor$overlayColor$padding$shadowColor$shape$side$splashFactory$surfaceTintColor$tapTargetSize$textStyle$visualDensity(t21, t19, t2, t7, t20, t10, t3, t12, t13, t11, t9, t16, t4, t8, t5, t15, t14, t22 == null ? style.splashFactory : t22, t6, t18, t1, t17);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hashAll([_this.get$textStyle(), _this.get$backgroundColor(_this), _this.get$foregroundColor(), _this.get$overlayColor(), _this.get$shadowColor(_this), _this.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.get$elevation(_this), _this.get$padding(_this), _this.get$minimumSize(), _this.fixedSize, _this.get$maximumSize(), _this.iconColor, _this.get$iconSize(), _this.get$side(), _this.get$shape(_this), _this.get$mouseCursor(), _this.get$visualDensity(), _this.get$tapTargetSize(), _this.animationDuration, _this.enableFeedback, _this.alignment, _this.get$splashFactory()]);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ButtonStyle && other.get$textStyle() == _this.get$textStyle() && J.$eq$(other.get$backgroundColor(other), _this.get$backgroundColor(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$foregroundColor(), _this.get$foregroundColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$overlayColor(), _this.get$overlayColor()) && other.get$shadowColor(other) == _this.get$shadowColor(_this) && other.get$surfaceTintColor() == _this.get$surfaceTintColor() && other.get$elevation(other) == _this.get$elevation(_this) && other.get$padding(other) == _this.get$padding(_this) && other.get$minimumSize() == _this.get$minimumSize() && other.fixedSize == _this.fixedSize && other.get$maximumSize() == _this.get$maximumSize() && other.iconColor == _this.iconColor && other.get$iconSize() == _this.get$iconSize() && other.get$side() == _this.get$side() && other.get$shape(other) == _this.get$shape(_this) && J.$eq$(other.get$mouseCursor(), _this.get$mouseCursor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$visualDensity(), _this.get$visualDensity()) && other.get$tapTargetSize() == _this.get$tapTargetSize() && J.$eq$(other.animationDuration, _this.animationDuration) && other.enableFeedback == _this.enableFeedback && J.$eq$(other.alignment, _this.alignment) && other.get$splashFactory() == _this.get$splashFactory();
- },
- get$textStyle() {
- return this.textStyle;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(receiver) {
- return this.backgroundColor;
- },
- get$foregroundColor() {
- return this.foregroundColor;
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return this.overlayColor;
- },
- get$shadowColor(receiver) {
- return this.shadowColor;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- return this.surfaceTintColor;
- },
- get$elevation(receiver) {
- return this.elevation;
- },
- get$padding(receiver) {
- return this.padding;
- },
- get$minimumSize() {
- return this.minimumSize;
- },
- get$maximumSize() {
- return this.maximumSize;
- },
- get$iconSize() {
- return this.iconSize;
- },
- get$side() {
- return this.side;
- },
- get$shape(receiver) {
- return this.shape;
- },
- get$mouseCursor() {
- return this.mouseCursor;
- },
- get$visualDensity() {
- return this.visualDensity;
- },
- get$tapTargetSize() {
- return this.tapTargetSize;
- },
- get$splashFactory() {
- return this.splashFactory;
- }
- };
- A._LerpSides.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- var resolvedB, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.a,
- resolvedA = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states);
- t1 = _this.b;
- resolvedB = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states);
- t1 = resolvedA == null;
- if (t1 && resolvedB == null)
- return null;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = resolvedB.color;
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(0, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255), 0, B.BorderStyle_1, -1), resolvedB, _this.t);
- }
- if (resolvedB == null) {
- t1 = resolvedA.color;
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(resolvedA, new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(0, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255), 0, B.BorderStyle_1, -1), _this.t);
- }
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(resolvedA, resolvedB, _this.t);
- },
- $isMaterialStateProperty: 1
- };
- A._ButtonStyle_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.ButtonStyleButton.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._ButtonStyleState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState.prototype = {
- handleStatesControllerChange$0() {
- this.setState$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_handleStatesControllerChange_closure());
- },
- get$statesController() {
- var t1 = this._widget.statesController;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this.internalStatesController;
- t1.toString;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- initStatesController$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._widget.statesController == null)
- _this.internalStatesController = A.MaterialStatesController$(null);
- t1 = _this.get$statesController();
- t1.update$2(0, B.MaterialState_6, !(_this._widget.onPressed != null || false));
- _this.get$statesController().addListener$1(0, _this.get$handleStatesControllerChange());
- },
- initState$0() {
- this.super$State$initState();
- this.initStatesController$0();
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = oldWidget.statesController;
- if (_this._widget.statesController != t1) {
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$handleStatesControllerChange());
- if (_this._widget.statesController != null) {
- t1 = _this.internalStatesController;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.ChangeNotifier__listeners = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- t1.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- }
- _this.internalStatesController = null;
- }
- _this.initStatesController$0();
- }
- t1 = _this._widget.onPressed != null || false;
- if (t1 !== (oldWidget.onPressed != null || false)) {
- t1 = _this.get$statesController();
- t1.update$2(0, B.MaterialState_6, !(_this._widget.onPressed != null || false));
- if (!(_this._widget.onPressed != null || false))
- _this.get$statesController().update$2(0, B.MaterialState_2, false);
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.get$statesController().removeListener$1(0, _this.get$handleStatesControllerChange());
- t1 = _this.internalStatesController;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.ChangeNotifier__listeners = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- t1.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- }
- t1 = _this.controller;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this.super$__ButtonStyleState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var resolvedElevation, resolvedTextStyle, t2, resolvedBackgroundColor, resolvedForegroundColor, resolvedShadowColor, resolvedSurfaceTintColor, resolvedPadding, t3, resolvedMinimumSize, resolvedFixedSize, resolvedMaximumSize, resolvedIconColor, resolvedIconSize, resolvedSide, resolvedShape, resolvedVisualDensity, resolvedTapTargetSize, resolvedAnimationDuration, resolvedEnableFeedback, resolvedAlignment, densityAdjustment, resolvedSplashFactory, effectiveConstraints, size, dy, dx, padding, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, minSize, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this._widget,
- effectiveValue = new A._ButtonStyleState_build_effectiveValue(t1.style, t1.themeStyleOf$1(context), _this._widget.defaultStyleOf$1(context)),
- resolve = new A._ButtonStyleState_build_resolve(_this, effectiveValue);
- t1 = type$.nullable_double;
- resolvedElevation = resolve.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure(), t1);
- resolvedTextStyle = resolve.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure0(), type$.nullable_TextStyle);
- t2 = type$.nullable_Color;
- resolvedBackgroundColor = resolve.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure1(), t2);
- resolvedForegroundColor = resolve.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure2(), t2);
- resolvedShadowColor = resolve.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure3(), t2);
- resolvedSurfaceTintColor = resolve.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure4(), t2);
- resolvedPadding = resolve.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure5(), type$.nullable_EdgeInsetsGeometry);
- t3 = type$.nullable_Size;
- resolvedMinimumSize = resolve.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure6(), t3);
- resolvedFixedSize = resolve.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure7(), t3);
- resolvedMaximumSize = resolve.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure8(), t3);
- resolvedIconColor = resolve.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure9(), t2);
- resolvedIconSize = resolve.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure10(), t1);
- resolvedSide = resolve.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure11(), type$.nullable_BorderSide);
- resolvedShape = resolve.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure12(), type$.nullable_OutlinedBorder);
- resolvedVisualDensity = effectiveValue.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure13(), type$.VisualDensity);
- resolvedTapTargetSize = effectiveValue.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure14(), type$.MaterialTapTargetSize);
- resolvedAnimationDuration = effectiveValue.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure15(), type$.Duration);
- resolvedEnableFeedback = effectiveValue.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure16(), type$.bool);
- resolvedAlignment = effectiveValue.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure17(), type$.AlignmentGeometry);
- densityAdjustment = new A.Offset(resolvedVisualDensity.horizontal, resolvedVisualDensity.vertical).$mul(0, 4);
- resolvedSplashFactory = effectiveValue.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure18(), type$.InteractiveInkFeatureFactory);
- t1 = resolvedMinimumSize._dx;
- t2 = resolvedMinimumSize._dy;
- effectiveConstraints = resolvedVisualDensity.effectiveConstraints$1(new A.BoxConstraints(t1, resolvedMaximumSize._dx, t2, resolvedMaximumSize._dy));
- if (resolvedFixedSize != null) {
- size = effectiveConstraints.constrain$1(resolvedFixedSize);
- t1 = size._dx;
- if (isFinite(t1))
- effectiveConstraints = effectiveConstraints.copyWith$2$maxWidth$minWidth(t1, t1);
- t1 = size._dy;
- if (isFinite(t1))
- effectiveConstraints = effectiveConstraints.copyWith$2$maxHeight$minHeight(t1, t1);
- }
- dy = densityAdjustment._dy;
- t1 = densityAdjustment._dx;
- dx = Math.max(0, t1);
- padding = resolvedPadding.add$1(0, new A.EdgeInsets(dx, dy, dx, dy)).clamp$2(0, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, B._MixedEdgeInsets_QWq);
- if (resolvedAnimationDuration._duration > 0) {
- t2 = _this.elevation;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t3 = _this.backgroundColor;
- if (t3 != null)
- if (t2 !== resolvedElevation)
- if (t3.get$value(t3) !== resolvedBackgroundColor.get$value(resolvedBackgroundColor)) {
- t2 = _this.backgroundColor;
- t2 = (t2.get$value(t2) >>> 24 & 255) / 255 === 1 && (resolvedBackgroundColor.get$value(resolvedBackgroundColor) >>> 24 & 255) / 255 < 1 && resolvedElevation === 0;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = false;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t2 = _this.controller;
- if (!J.$eq$(t2 == null ? _null : t2.duration, resolvedAnimationDuration)) {
- t2 = _this.controller;
- if (t2 != null)
- t2.dispose$0();
- t2 = A.AnimationController$(_null, resolvedAnimationDuration, _null, 1, _null, _this);
- t2.didRegisterListener$0();
- t3 = t2.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t3._isDirty = true;
- t3._list.push(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure19(_this));
- _this.controller = t2;
- }
- resolvedBackgroundColor = _this.backgroundColor;
- _this.controller.set$value(0, 0);
- _this.controller.forward$0(0);
- }
- _this.elevation = resolvedElevation;
- _this.backgroundColor = resolvedBackgroundColor;
- resolvedElevation.toString;
- t2 = resolvedTextStyle == null ? _null : resolvedTextStyle.copyWith$1$color(resolvedForegroundColor);
- t3 = resolvedShape.copyWith$1$side(resolvedSide);
- t4 = resolvedBackgroundColor == null ? B.MaterialType_4 : B.MaterialType_3;
- t5 = _this._widget;
- t6 = t5.clipBehavior;
- t7 = t5.onPressed;
- t8 = t5.onLongPress;
- t9 = t5.onHover;
- t10 = t5.focusNode;
- t11 = t7 != null || false;
- t5 = t5.onFocusChange;
- t12 = resolvedShape.copyWith$1$side(resolvedSide);
- t13 = _this.get$statesController();
- t14 = resolvedIconColor == null ? resolvedForegroundColor : resolvedIconColor;
- resolvedAlignment.toString;
- t15 = _this._widget;
- t4 = A.Material$(resolvedAnimationDuration, true, _null, A.InkWell$(false, _null, t11, A.IconTheme_merge(new A.Padding(padding, new A.Align(resolvedAlignment, 1, 1, t15.child, _null), _null), new A.IconThemeData(resolvedIconSize, _null, _null, _null, _null, t14, _null, _null)), t12, resolvedEnableFeedback, _null, t10, B.Color_0, _null, _null, new A._MouseCursor(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure20(effectiveValue)), t5, _null, t9, t8, t7, _null, _null, new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure21(effectiveValue), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color), _null, _null, resolvedSplashFactory, t13), t6, resolvedBackgroundColor, resolvedElevation, _null, resolvedShadowColor, t3, resolvedSurfaceTintColor, t2, t4);
- switch (resolvedTapTargetSize.index) {
- case 0:
- minSize = new A.Size(48 + t1, 48 + dy);
- break;
- case 1:
- minSize = B.Size_0_0;
- break;
- default:
- minSize = _null;
- }
- t1 = t15.onPressed != null || false;
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, t1, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), true, false, false, new A._InputPadding0(minSize, new A.ConstrainedBox(effectiveConstraints, t4, _null), _null), _null);
- }
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_handleStatesControllerChange_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_effectiveValue.prototype = {
- call$1$1(getProperty, $T) {
- var widgetValue = getProperty.call$1(this.widgetStyle),
- themeValue = getProperty.call$1(this.themeStyle),
- defaultValue = getProperty.call$1(this.defaultStyle),
- t1 = widgetValue == null ? themeValue : widgetValue;
- return t1 == null ? defaultValue : t1;
- },
- call$1(getProperty) {
- return this.call$1$1(getProperty, type$.dynamic);
- },
- $signature: 398
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_resolve.prototype = {
- call$1$1(getProperty, $T) {
- return this.effectiveValue.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build_resolve_closure(this.$this, getProperty, $T), $T);
- },
- call$1(getProperty) {
- return this.call$1$1(getProperty, type$.dynamic);
- },
- $signature: 395
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_resolve_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- var t1 = this.getProperty.call$1(style);
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(this.$this.get$statesController()._change_notifier$_value);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.T._eval$1("0?(ButtonStyle?)");
- }
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.get$elevation(style);
- },
- $signature: 148
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.get$textStyle();
- },
- $signature: 380
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.get$backgroundColor(style);
- },
- $signature: 78
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure2.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.get$foregroundColor();
- },
- $signature: 78
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure3.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.get$shadowColor(style);
- },
- $signature: 78
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure4.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.get$surfaceTintColor();
- },
- $signature: 78
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure5.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.get$padding(style);
- },
- $signature: 379
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure6.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.get$minimumSize();
- },
- $signature: 133
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure7.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.fixedSize;
- },
- $signature: 133
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure8.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.get$maximumSize();
- },
- $signature: 133
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure9.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.iconColor;
- },
- $signature: 78
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure10.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.get$iconSize();
- },
- $signature: 148
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure11.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.get$side();
- },
- $signature: 375
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure12.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.get$shape(style);
- },
- $signature: 362
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure20.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- return this.effectiveValue.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build__closure0(states), type$.MouseCursor);
- },
- $signature: 355
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build__closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- var t1;
- if (style == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t1 = style.get$mouseCursor();
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(this.states);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 351
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure21.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- return this.effectiveValue.call$1$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build__closure(states), type$.Color);
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build__closure.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- var t1;
- if (style == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t1 = style.get$overlayColor();
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(this.states);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 346
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure13.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.get$visualDensity();
- },
- $signature: 339
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure14.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.get$tapTargetSize();
- },
- $signature: 334
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure15.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.animationDuration;
- },
- $signature: 324
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure16.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.enableFeedback;
- },
- $signature: 321
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure17.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.alignment;
- },
- $signature: 319
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure18.prototype = {
- call$1(style) {
- return style == null ? null : style.get$splashFactory();
- },
- $signature: 298
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build_closure19.prototype = {
- call$1($status) {
- if ($status === B.AnimationStatus_3)
- this.$this.setState$1(new A._ButtonStyleState_build__closure1());
- },
- $signature: 5
- };
- A._ButtonStyleState_build__closure1.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._MouseCursor.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- var t1 = this.resolveCallback.call$1(states);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$debugDescription() {
- return "ButtonStyleButton_MouseCursor";
- }
- };
- A._InputPadding0.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A._RenderInputPadding0(this.minSize, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$minSize(this.minSize);
- }
- };
- A._RenderInputPadding0.prototype = {
- set$minSize(value) {
- if (this._button_style_button$_minSize.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- this._button_style_button$_minSize = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return Math.max(t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t1.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth()), this._button_style_button$_minSize._dx);
- return 0;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return Math.max(t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, t1.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight()), this._button_style_button$_minSize._dy);
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return Math.max(t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth()), this._button_style_button$_minSize._dx);
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return Math.max(t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, width, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight()), this._button_style_button$_minSize._dy);
- return 0;
- },
- _button_style_button$_computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, layoutChild) {
- var childSize, t2,
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null) {
- childSize = layoutChild.call$2(t1, constraints);
- t1 = childSize._dx;
- t2 = this._button_style_button$_minSize;
- return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(Math.max(t1, t2._dx), Math.max(childSize._dy, t2._dy)));
- }
- return B.Size_0_0;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return this._button_style_button$_computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild$closure());
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._button_style_button$_computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)), A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild$closure());
- _this._size = t1;
- t2 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t3 = t2.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- type$.BoxParentData._as(t3);
- t2 = t2._size;
- t2.toString;
- t3.offset = B.Alignment_0_0.alongOffset$1(type$.Offset._as(t1.$sub(0, t2)));
- }
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- var center;
- if (this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position))
- return true;
- center = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size.center$1(B.Offset_0_0);
- return result.addWithRawTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(new A._RenderInputPadding_hitTest_closure0(this, center), center, A.MatrixUtils_forceToPoint(center));
- }
- };
- A._RenderInputPadding_hitTest_closure0.prototype = {
- call$2(result, position) {
- return this.$this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.hitTest$2$position(result, this.center);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A.__ButtonStyleState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.ButtonTextTheme.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "ButtonTextTheme." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.ButtonBarLayoutBehavior.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "ButtonBarLayoutBehavior." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.ButtonThemeData.prototype = {
- get$padding(_) {
- var t1 = this._button_theme$_padding;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1;
- switch (this.textTheme.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- return B.EdgeInsets_16_0_16_0;
- case 2:
- return B.EdgeInsets_24_0_24_0;
- }
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- var t1 = this._button_theme$_shape;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1;
- switch (this.textTheme.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- return B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D3;
- case 2:
- return B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D4;
- }
- },
- getBrightness$1(button) {
- var t1 = this.colorScheme.brightness;
- return t1;
- },
- getFillColor$1(button) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(button) === B.Type_MaterialButton_2No)
- return null;
- t1 = button.onPressed == null;
- if ((!t1 || false) && _this._buttonColor != null)
- return _this._buttonColor;
- switch (_this.textTheme.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- if (!t1 || false)
- t1 = _this.colorScheme.primary;
- else {
- t1 = _this.colorScheme.onSurface.value;
- t1 = A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return t1;
- case 2:
- if (!t1 || false) {
- t1 = _this._buttonColor;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _this.colorScheme.primary;
- } else {
- t1 = _this.colorScheme.onSurface.value;
- t1 = A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return t1;
- }
- },
- getTextColor$1(button) {
- var t1, fillColor, _this = this;
- if (!(button.onPressed != null || false)) {
- t1 = _this.colorScheme.onSurface.value;
- t1 = A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- return t1;
- }
- switch (_this.textTheme.index) {
- case 0:
- return _this.getBrightness$1(button) === B.Brightness_0 ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_3707764736;
- case 1:
- return _this.colorScheme.secondary;
- case 2:
- fillColor = _this.getFillColor$1(button);
- return (fillColor != null ? A.ThemeData_estimateBrightnessForColor(fillColor) === B.Brightness_0 : _this.getBrightness$1(button) === B.Brightness_0) ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_4278190080;
- }
- },
- getPadding$1(button) {
- var t1 = button.padding;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1;
- t1 = this._button_theme$_padding;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1;
- switch (this.textTheme.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- return B.EdgeInsets_16_0_16_0;
- case 2:
- return B.EdgeInsets_24_0_24_0;
- }
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ButtonThemeData && other.textTheme === _this.textTheme && other.minWidth === _this.minWidth && other.height === _this.height && J.$eq$(other.get$padding(other), _this.get$padding(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$shape(other), _this.get$shape(_this)) && J.$eq$(other._buttonColor, _this._buttonColor) && J.$eq$(other._focusColor, _this._focusColor) && J.$eq$(other._hoverColor, _this._hoverColor) && J.$eq$(other.colorScheme, _this.colorScheme) && other._materialTapTargetSize == _this._materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.textTheme, _this.minWidth, _this.height, _this.get$padding(_this), _this.get$shape(_this), false, _this._buttonColor, _this._disabledColor, _this._focusColor, _this._hoverColor, _this._highlightColor, _this._splashColor, _this.colorScheme, _this._materialTapTargetSize, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A._ButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.CalendarDatePicker.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- var t1 = type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget;
- return new A._CalendarDatePickerState(new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, t1), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, t1), B._StateLifecycle_0);
- },
- onDateChanged$1(arg0) {
- return this.onDateChanged.call$1(arg0);
- }
- };
- A._CalendarDatePickerState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = _this._widget;
- _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__mode_A = t1.initialCalendarMode;
- t1 = t1.initialDate;
- t1 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t1), A.Primitives_getMonth(t1), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t1))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t1));
- _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__currentDisplayedMonthDate_A = new A.DateTime(t1, false);
- _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__selectedDate_A = _this._widget.initialDate;
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t1.initialCalendarMode;
- if (t2 !== oldWidget.initialCalendarMode)
- _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__mode_A = t2;
- t1 = t1.initialDate;
- if (!A.DateUtils_isSameDay(t1, oldWidget.initialDate)) {
- t1 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t1), A.Primitives_getMonth(t1), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t1))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t1));
- _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__currentDisplayedMonthDate_A = new A.DateTime(t1, false);
- _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__selectedDate_A = _this._widget.initialDate;
- }
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- var t1, t2, semanticLabelSuffix, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.Localizations_of(t1, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations);
- t1.toString;
- _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__localizations_A = t1;
- t1 = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__textDirection_A = t1.textDirection;
- if (!_this._announcedInitialDate) {
- _this._announcedInitialDate = true;
- t1 = _this._widget.currentDate;
- t2 = _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__selectedDate_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- semanticLabelSuffix = A.DateUtils_isSameDay(t1, t2) ? ", Today" : "";
- A.SemanticsService_announce(_this.___CalendarDatePickerState__localizations_A.formatFullDate$1(t2) + semanticLabelSuffix, _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__textDirection_A, B.Assertiveness_00);
- }
- },
- _vibrate$0() {
- var t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- switch (A.Theme_of(t1).platform.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- A.HapticFeedback_vibrate();
- break;
- case 2:
- case 4:
- break;
- }
- },
- _handleModeChanged$1(mode) {
- this._vibrate$0();
- this.setState$1(new A._CalendarDatePickerState__handleModeChanged_closure(this, mode));
- },
- _handleMonthChanged$1(date) {
- this.setState$1(new A._CalendarDatePickerState__handleMonthChanged_closure(this, date));
- },
- _handleYearChanged$1(value) {
- var t2, t3, t4, _this = this, t1 = {};
- t1.value = value;
- _this._vibrate$0();
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t3 = t2.firstDate;
- t4 = value._value;
- if (t4 < t3._value)
- t1.value = t3;
- else {
- t2 = t2.lastDate;
- if (t4 > t2._value)
- t1.value = t2;
- }
- _this.setState$1(new A._CalendarDatePickerState__handleYearChanged_closure(t1, _this));
- },
- _handleDayChanged$1(value) {
- this._vibrate$0();
- this.setState$1(new A._CalendarDatePickerState__handleDayChanged_closure(this, value));
- },
- _buildPicker$0() {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__mode_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- switch (t1.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__currentDisplayedMonthDate_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t3 = t2.currentDate;
- t4 = t2.firstDate;
- t5 = t2.lastDate;
- t6 = _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__selectedDate_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return new A._MonthPicker(t1, t3, t4, t5, t6, _this.get$_handleDayChanged(), _this.get$_handleMonthChanged(), t2.selectableDayPredicate, _this._monthPickerKey);
- case 1:
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t1.currentDate;
- t3 = t1.firstDate;
- t1 = t1.lastDate;
- t4 = _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__currentDisplayedMonthDate_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t2), A.Primitives_getMonth(t2), A.Primitives_getDay(t2), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t2))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t2));
- t5 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t4), A.Primitives_getMonth(t4), A.Primitives_getDay(t4), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t5))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t5));
- return new A.Padding(B.EdgeInsets_0_52_0_0, new A.YearPicker(new A.DateTime(t2, false), t3, t1, new A.DateTime(t5, false), t4, _this.get$_handleYearChanged(), _this._yearPickerKey), null);
- }
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t3, t4, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = A.SizedBox$(_this._buildPicker$0(), 346, _null),
- t2 = _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__mode_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__localizations_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = _this.___CalendarDatePickerState__currentDisplayedMonthDate_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return new A.Stack(B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_m1, _null, B.StackFit_0, B.Clip_1, A._setArrayType([t1, new A._DatePickerModeToggleButton(t2, t3.formatMonthYear$1(t4), new A._CalendarDatePickerState_build_closure(_this), _null)], type$.JSArray_Widget), _null);
- }
- };
- A._CalendarDatePickerState__handleModeChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t3, t4,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = this.mode;
- t1.___CalendarDatePickerState__mode_A = t2;
- t3 = t1.___CalendarDatePickerState__localizations_A;
- t4 = t1.___CalendarDatePickerState__selectedDate_A;
- if (t2 === B.DatePickerMode_0) {
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t3.formatMonthYear$1(t4);
- t1 = t1.___CalendarDatePickerState__textDirection_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- A.SemanticsService_announce(t2, t1, B.Assertiveness_00);
- } else {
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(A.Primitives_getYear(t4));
- t1 = t1.___CalendarDatePickerState__textDirection_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- A.SemanticsService_announce(t2, t1, B.Assertiveness_00);
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._CalendarDatePickerState__handleMonthChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t3,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.___CalendarDatePickerState__currentDisplayedMonthDate_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = this.date;
- if (A.Primitives_getYear(t2) !== A.Primitives_getYear(t3) || A.Primitives_getMonth(t2) !== A.Primitives_getMonth(t3)) {
- t2 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t3), A.Primitives_getMonth(t3), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t2))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t2));
- t1.___CalendarDatePickerState__currentDisplayedMonthDate_A = new A.DateTime(t2, false);
- t1._widget.toString;
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._CalendarDatePickerState__handleYearChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1.___CalendarDatePickerState__mode_A = B.DatePickerMode_0;
- t1._handleMonthChanged$1(this._box_0.value);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._CalendarDatePickerState__handleDayChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = this.value;
- t1.___CalendarDatePickerState__selectedDate_A = t2;
- t1._widget.onDateChanged$1(t2);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._CalendarDatePickerState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.___CalendarDatePickerState__mode_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1._handleModeChanged$1(t2 === B.DatePickerMode_0 ? B.DatePickerMode_1 : B.DatePickerMode_0);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._DatePickerModeToggleButton.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._DatePickerModeToggleButtonState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._DatePickerModeToggleButtonState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- _this.___DatePickerModeToggleButtonState__controller_A = A.AnimationController$(null, B.Duration_200000, null, 0.5, _this._widget.mode === B.DatePickerMode_1 ? 0.5 : 0, _this);
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, t2;
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = this._widget.mode;
- if (oldWidget.mode === t1)
- return;
- t2 = this.___DatePickerModeToggleButtonState__controller_A;
- if (t1 === B.DatePickerMode_1) {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.forward$0(0);
- } else {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.reverse$0(0);
- }
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var controlColor, t3, t4, _null = null,
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context),
- t2 = A.Theme_of(context);
- t1 = t1.colorScheme.onSurface.value;
- controlColor = A.Color$fromARGB(153, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- t1 = this._widget;
- t3 = t1.onTitlePressed;
- t1 = t1.title;
- t2 = t2.textTheme.titleSmall;
- t1 = A.Text$(t1, _null, B.TextOverflow_2, _null, _null, t2 == null ? _null : t2.copyWith$1$color(controlColor), _null, _null, _null);
- t2 = this.___DatePickerModeToggleButtonState__controller_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = type$.JSArray_Widget;
- t3 = A.SizedBox$(A.InkWell$(false, _null, true, new A.Padding(B.EdgeInsets_8_0_8_0, A.Row$(A._setArrayType([new A.Flexible(1, B.FlexFit_1, t1, _null), A.RotationTransition$(A.Icon$(B.IconData_57496_MaterialIcons_null_false, controlColor, _null, _null, _null), t2)], t4), B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_1), _null), _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t3, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), 52, _null);
- t1 = A._setArrayType([new A.Flexible(1, B.FlexFit_1, new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, "Select year", _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, true, t3, _null), _null)], t4);
- if (this._widget.mode === B.DatePickerMode_0)
- t1.push(B.SizedBox_108_null_null_null);
- return A.Container$(_null, A.Row$(t1, B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_1), B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, 52, _null, _null, B.EdgeInsetsDirectional_16_0_4_0, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.___DatePickerModeToggleButtonState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$__DatePickerModeToggleButtonState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- }
- };
- A._MonthPicker.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._MonthPickerState(new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), B._StateLifecycle_0);
- },
- onChanged$1(arg0) {
- return this.onChanged.call$1(arg0);
- },
- onDisplayedMonthChanged$1(arg0) {
- return this.onDisplayedMonthChanged.call$1(arg0);
- }
- };
- A._MonthPickerState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t1.initialMonth;
- _this.___MonthPickerState__currentMonth_A = t2;
- _this.___MonthPickerState__pageController_A = A.PageController$(A.DateUtils_monthDelta(t1.firstDate, t2), 1);
- _this._shortcutMap = B.Map_hS4kv;
- t2 = type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent;
- t1 = type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_Action_Intent;
- _this._actionMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Type_NextFocusIntent_6xB, new A.CallbackAction(_this.get$_handleGridNextFocus(), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t2), t1), type$.CallbackAction_NextFocusIntent), B.Type_PreviousFocusIntent_wsa, new A.CallbackAction(_this.get$_handleGridPreviousFocus(), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t2), t1), type$.CallbackAction_PreviousFocusIntent), B.Type_DirectionalFocusIntent_evN, new A.CallbackAction(_this.get$_handleDirectionFocus(), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t2), t1), type$.CallbackAction_DirectionalFocusIntent)], type$.Type, type$.Action_Intent);
- _this.___MonthPickerState__dayGridFocus_A = A.FocusNode$(true, "Day Grid", true, true, null, null, false);
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.Localizations_of(t1, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations);
- t1.toString;
- _this.___MonthPickerState__localizations_A = t1;
- t1 = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- _this.___MonthPickerState__textDirection_A = t1.textDirection;
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- if (!_this._widget.initialMonth.$eq(0, oldWidget.initialMonth)) {
- t1 = _this._widget.initialMonth;
- t2 = _this.___MonthPickerState__currentMonth_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = !t1.$eq(0, t2);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- $.WidgetsBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A._MonthPickerState_didUpdateWidget_closure(_this));
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.___MonthPickerState__pageController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = this.___MonthPickerState__dayGridFocus_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- _handleDateSelected$1(selectedDate) {
- this._focusedDay = selectedDate;
- this._widget.onChanged$1(selectedDate);
- },
- _handleMonthPageChanged$1(monthPage) {
- this.setState$1(new A._MonthPickerState__handleMonthPageChanged_closure(this, monthPage));
- },
- _focusableDayForMonth$2(month, preferredDay) {
- var t1, newFocus,
- daysInMonth = A.DateUtils_getDaysInMonth(A.Primitives_getYear(month), A.Primitives_getMonth(month));
- if (preferredDay <= daysInMonth) {
- t1 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(month), A.Primitives_getMonth(month), preferredDay, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t1))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t1));
- newFocus = new A.DateTime(t1, false);
- if (this._isSelectable$1(newFocus))
- return newFocus;
- }
- for (; 1 <= daysInMonth;) {
- t1 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(month), A.Primitives_getMonth(month), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t1))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t1));
- newFocus = new A.DateTime(t1, false);
- this._widget.toString;
- return newFocus;
- }
- return null;
- },
- _handleNextMonth$0() {
- var t1, position, t2;
- if (!this.get$_isDisplayingLastMonth()) {
- t1 = this.___MonthPickerState__pageController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- position = type$._PagePosition._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions));
- t2 = position.get$page(position);
- t2.toString;
- t1.animateToPage$3$curve$duration(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t2) + 1, B.Cubic_JUR, B.Duration_200000);
- }
- },
- _handlePreviousMonth$0() {
- var t1, position, t2;
- if (!this.get$_isDisplayingFirstMonth()) {
- t1 = this.___MonthPickerState__pageController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- position = type$._PagePosition._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions));
- t2 = position.get$page(position);
- t2.toString;
- t1.animateToPage$3$curve$duration(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t2) - 1, B.Cubic_JUR, B.Duration_200000);
- }
- },
- _showMonth$2$jump(month, jump) {
- var monthPage = A.DateUtils_monthDelta(this._widget.firstDate, month),
- t1 = this.___MonthPickerState__pageController_A;
- if (jump) {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.jumpToPage$1(monthPage);
- } else {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.animateToPage$3$curve$duration(monthPage, B.Cubic_JUR, B.Duration_200000);
- }
- },
- _showMonth$1(month) {
- return this._showMonth$2$jump(month, false);
- },
- get$_isDisplayingFirstMonth() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.___MonthPickerState__currentMonth_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = this._widget.firstDate;
- t2 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t2), A.Primitives_getMonth(t2), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t2))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t2));
- return !(t1._value > t2);
- },
- get$_isDisplayingLastMonth() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.___MonthPickerState__currentMonth_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = this._widget.lastDate;
- t2 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t2), A.Primitives_getMonth(t2), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t2))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t2));
- return !(t1._value < t2);
- },
- _handleGridFocusChange$1(focused) {
- this.setState$1(new A._MonthPickerState__handleGridFocusChange_closure(this, focused));
- },
- _handleGridNextFocus$1(intent) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.___MonthPickerState__dayGridFocus_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.requestFocus$0();
- t1 = this.___MonthPickerState__dayGridFocus_A;
- t2 = t1._context;
- t2.toString;
- A.FocusTraversalGroup_maybeOf(t2)._moveFocus$2$forward(t1, true);
- },
- _handleGridPreviousFocus$1(intent) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.___MonthPickerState__dayGridFocus_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.requestFocus$0();
- t1 = this.___MonthPickerState__dayGridFocus_A;
- t2 = t1._context;
- t2.toString;
- A.FocusTraversalGroup_maybeOf(t2)._moveFocus$2$forward(t1, false);
- },
- _handleDirectionFocus$1(intent) {
- this.setState$1(new A._MonthPickerState__handleDirectionFocus_closure(this, intent));
- },
- _dayDirectionOffset$2(traversalDirection, textDirection) {
- var t1;
- if (textDirection === B.TextDirection_0)
- if (traversalDirection === B.TraversalDirection_3)
- traversalDirection = B.TraversalDirection_1;
- else if (traversalDirection === B.TraversalDirection_1)
- traversalDirection = B.TraversalDirection_3;
- t1 = B.Map_lZUAg.$index(0, traversalDirection);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- _nextDateInDirection$2(date, direction) {
- var textDirection, nextDate, t2, t3, t4, t5,
- t1 = this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- textDirection = t1.textDirection;
- t1 = this._dayDirectionOffset$2(direction, textDirection);
- t1 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(date), A.Primitives_getMonth(date), A.Primitives_getDay(date) + t1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t1))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t1));
- nextDate = new A.DateTime(t1, false);
- t1 = textDirection === B.TextDirection_0;
- t2 = direction === B.TraversalDirection_3;
- t3 = this._widget;
- t4 = nextDate._value;
- t5 = t4 >= t3.firstDate._value;
- t3 = t4 <= t3.lastDate._value;
- while (true) {
- if (!(t5 && t3))
- break;
- return nextDate;
- }
- return null;
- },
- _isSelectable$1(date) {
- this._widget.toString;
- return true;
- },
- _buildItems$2(context, index) {
- var month,
- t1 = this._widget.firstDate;
- t1 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t1), A.Primitives_getMonth(t1) + index, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t1))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t1));
- month = new A.DateTime(t1, false);
- t1 = this._widget;
- return new A._DayPicker(t1.selectedDate, t1.currentDate, this.get$_handleDateSelected(), t1.firstDate, t1.lastDate, month, t1.selectableDayPredicate, new A.ValueKey(month, type$.ValueKey_DateTime));
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme.onSurface.value,
- controlColor = A.Color$fromARGB(153, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- if (_this.get$_isDisplayingFirstMonth())
- t1 = _null;
- else {
- _this.___MonthPickerState__localizations_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = "Previous month";
- }
- t1 = A.IconButton$(controlColor, _null, B.Icon_iJL, _null, _null, _this.get$_isDisplayingFirstMonth() ? _null : _this.get$_handlePreviousMonth(), _null, _null, _null, t1);
- if (_this.get$_isDisplayingLastMonth())
- t2 = _null;
- else {
- _this.___MonthPickerState__localizations_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = "Next month";
- }
- t3 = type$.JSArray_Widget;
- t2 = A.Container$(_null, A.Row$(A._setArrayType([B.Spacer_null, t1, A.IconButton$(controlColor, _null, B.Icon_naM, _null, _null, _this.get$_isDisplayingLastMonth() ? _null : _this.get$_handleNextMonth(), _null, _null, _null, t2)], t3), B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_1), B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, 52, _null, _null, B.EdgeInsetsDirectional_16_0_4_0, _null, _null, _null);
- t1 = _this._shortcutMap;
- t4 = _this._actionMap;
- t5 = _this.___MonthPickerState__dayGridFocus_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = t5.get$hasFocus() ? _this._focusedDay : _null;
- t7 = _this.___MonthPickerState__pageController_A;
- t7 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t8 = _this._widget;
- t8 = A.DateUtils_monthDelta(t8.firstDate, t8.lastDate);
- t1 = A.Column$(A._setArrayType([t2, A.Expanded$(A.FocusableActionDetector$(t4, false, new A._FocusedDate(t6, new A.PageView(t7, _null, _this.get$_handleMonthPageChanged(), new A.SliverChildBuilderDelegate(_this.get$_buildItems(), t8 + 1, true, true, true, _null), B.DragStartBehavior_1, B.Clip_1, _this._pageViewKey), _null), true, t5, B.C__DeferringMouseCursor, _this.get$_handleGridFocusChange(), _null, _null, t1), 1, _null)], t3), B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_1);
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, t1, _null);
- }
- };
- A._MonthPickerState_didUpdateWidget_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(timeStamp) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- return t1._showMonth$2$jump(t1._widget.initialMonth, true);
- },
- $signature: 4
- };
- A._MonthPickerState__handleMonthPageChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var monthDate, t3,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._widget.firstDate;
- t2 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t2), A.Primitives_getMonth(t2) + this.monthPage, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t2))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t2));
- monthDate = new A.DateTime(t2, false);
- t2 = t1.___MonthPickerState__currentMonth_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!A.DateUtils_isSameMonth(t2, monthDate)) {
- t2 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(monthDate), A.Primitives_getMonth(monthDate), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t2))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t2));
- t2 = new A.DateTime(t2, false);
- t1.___MonthPickerState__currentMonth_A = t2;
- t1._widget.onDisplayedMonthChanged$1(t2);
- t2 = t1._focusedDay;
- if (t2 != null && !A.DateUtils_isSameMonth(t2, t1.___MonthPickerState__currentMonth_A)) {
- t3 = t1.___MonthPickerState__currentMonth_A;
- t2.toString;
- t1._focusedDay = t1._focusableDayForMonth$2(t3, A.Primitives_getDay(t2));
- }
- t2 = t1.___MonthPickerState__localizations_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.formatMonthYear$1(t1.___MonthPickerState__currentMonth_A);
- t1 = t1.___MonthPickerState__textDirection_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- A.SemanticsService_announce(t2, t1, B.Assertiveness_00);
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._MonthPickerState__handleGridFocusChange_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- if (this.focused && this.$this._focusedDay == null) {
- t1 = this.$this;
- t2 = t1._widget;
- t3 = t2.selectedDate;
- t4 = t1.___MonthPickerState__currentMonth_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (A.DateUtils_isSameMonth(t3, t4))
- t1._focusedDay = t3;
- else {
- t2 = t2.currentDate;
- if (A.DateUtils_isSameMonth(t2, t4))
- t1._focusedDay = t1._focusableDayForMonth$2(t4, A.Primitives_getDay(t2));
- else
- t1._focusedDay = t1._focusableDayForMonth$2(t4, 1);
- }
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._MonthPickerState__handleDirectionFocus_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var nextDate,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._focusedDay;
- t2.toString;
- nextDate = t1._nextDateInDirection$2(t2, this.intent.direction);
- if (nextDate != null) {
- t1._focusedDay = nextDate;
- t2 = t1.___MonthPickerState__currentMonth_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!A.DateUtils_isSameMonth(nextDate, t2))
- t1._showMonth$1(nextDate);
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._FocusedDate.prototype = {
- updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) {
- return !A.DateUtils_isSameDay(this.date, oldWidget.date);
- }
- };
- A._DayPicker.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._DayPickerState(B._StateLifecycle_0);
- },
- onChanged$1(arg0) {
- return this.onChanged.call$1(arg0);
- }
- };
- A._DayPickerState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, daysInMonth, _list, index, index0;
- this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = this._widget.displayedMonth;
- daysInMonth = A.DateUtils_getDaysInMonth(A.Primitives_getYear(t1), A.Primitives_getMonth(t1));
- _list = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateGrowable(daysInMonth, type$.FocusNode);
- for (index = 0; index < daysInMonth; index = index0) {
- index0 = index + 1;
- _list[index] = A.FocusNode$(true, "Day " + index0, true, true, null, null, true);
- }
- this.___DayPickerState__dayFocusNodes_A = _list;
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- var focusedDate, t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- focusedDate = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._FocusedDate);
- focusedDate = focusedDate == null ? null : focusedDate.date;
- if (focusedDate != null && A.DateUtils_isSameMonth(_this._widget.displayedMonth, focusedDate)) {
- t1 = _this.___DayPickerState__dayFocusNodes_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1[A.Primitives_getDay(focusedDate) - 1].requestFocus$0();
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t2, _i, node, t3,
- t1 = this.___DayPickerState__dayFocusNodes_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.length;
- _i = 0;
- for (; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- node = t1[_i];
- t3 = node._attachment;
- if (t3 != null)
- t3.detach$0(0);
- node.super$ChangeNotifier$dispose();
- }
- this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- _dayHeaders$2(headerStyle, localizations) {
- var i, _null = null,
- result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- for (i = 0; true; i = (i + 1) % 7) {
- result.push(new A.ExcludeSemantics(true, new A.Center(B.Alignment_0_0, _null, _null, new A.Text(B.List_MjJ[i], _null, headerStyle, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), _null), _null));
- if (i === 6)
- break;
- }
- return result;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var datePickerTheme, defaults, weekdayStyle, dayStyle, t2, year, month, daysInMonth, dayOffset, effectiveValue, resolve, dayItems, day, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, dayToBuild, t8, isDisabled, isSelectedDay, isToday, semanticLabelSuffix, dayForegroundColor, dayBackgroundColor, decoration, dayWidget, t9, t10, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations);
- t1.toString;
- datePickerTheme = A.DatePickerTheme_of(context);
- defaults = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? A._DatePickerDefaultsM3$(context) : A._DatePickerDefaultsM2$(context);
- weekdayStyle = datePickerTheme.weekdayStyle;
- if (weekdayStyle == null)
- weekdayStyle = defaults.get$weekdayStyle();
- dayStyle = datePickerTheme.dayStyle;
- if (dayStyle == null)
- dayStyle = defaults.get$dayStyle();
- t2 = _this._widget.displayedMonth;
- year = A.Primitives_getYear(t2);
- month = A.Primitives_getMonth(t2);
- daysInMonth = A.DateUtils_getDaysInMonth(year, month);
- t2 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(year, month, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t2))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t2));
- dayOffset = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(A.Primitives_getWeekday(new A.DateTime(t2, false)) - 1 - 6, 7);
- effectiveValue = new A._DayPickerState_build_effectiveValue(datePickerTheme, defaults);
- resolve = new A._DayPickerState_build_resolve(effectiveValue);
- dayItems = _this._dayHeaders$2(weekdayStyle, t1);
- day = -dayOffset;
- for (t2 = dayStyle == null, t3 = type$.nullable_Color, t4 = type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color, t5 = type$.MaterialState, t6 = datePickerTheme.todayBorder; day < daysInMonth;) {
- ++day;
- if (day < 1)
- dayItems.push(A.Container$(_null, _null, B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null));
- else {
- t7 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t7))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t7));
- dayToBuild = new A.DateTime(t7, false);
- t8 = _this._widget;
- if (!(t7 > t8.lastDate._value))
- if (!(t7 < t8.firstDate._value))
- isDisabled = false;
- else
- isDisabled = true;
- else
- isDisabled = true;
- isSelectedDay = A.DateUtils_isSameDay(t8.selectedDate, dayToBuild);
- isToday = A.DateUtils_isSameDay(t8.currentDate, dayToBuild);
- semanticLabelSuffix = isToday ? ", Today" : "";
- t7 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t5);
- if (isDisabled)
- t7.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_6);
- if (isSelectedDay)
- t7.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_4);
- dayForegroundColor = resolve.call$1$2(new A._DayPickerState_build_closure(isToday), t7, t3);
- dayBackgroundColor = resolve.call$1$2(new A._DayPickerState_build_closure0(isToday), t7, t3);
- if (isToday) {
- t8 = (t6 == null ? defaults.get$todayBorder() : t6).copyWith$1$color(dayForegroundColor);
- decoration = new A.BoxDecoration(dayBackgroundColor, _null, new A.Border(t8, t8, t8, t8), _null, _null, _null, _null, B.BoxShape_1);
- } else
- decoration = new A.BoxDecoration(dayBackgroundColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.BoxShape_1);
- t8 = t1.formatDecimal$1(day);
- dayWidget = A.Container$(_null, new A.Center(B.Alignment_0_0, _null, _null, new A.Text(t8, _null, t2 ? _null : dayStyle.apply$1$color(dayForegroundColor), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), _null), B.Clip_0, _null, _null, decoration, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- if (isDisabled)
- dayWidget = new A.ExcludeSemantics(true, dayWidget, _null);
- else {
- t8 = _this.___DayPickerState__dayFocusNodes_A;
- t8 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t8 = t8[day - 1];
- t7 = A.MaterialStatesController$(t7);
- t9 = t1.formatDecimal$1(day);
- t10 = t1.formatFullDate$1(dayToBuild);
- dayWidget = new A.InkResponse(new A.Semantics(new A.SemanticsProperties(_null, _null, _null, _null, isSelectedDay, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t9 + ", " + t10 + semanticLabelSuffix, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, true, dayWidget, _null), new A._DayPickerState_build_closure1(_this, dayToBuild), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, false, B.BoxShape_1, 25, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._DayPickerState_build_closure2(effectiveValue), t4), _null, _null, true, false, _null, false, t8, true, t7, _null);
- }
- dayItems.push(dayWidget);
- }
- }
- t1 = A.SliverChildListDelegate$(dayItems, true, false, true);
- return new A.Padding(B.EdgeInsets_8_0_8_0, new A.GridView(B.C__DayPickerGridDelegate, t1, _null, B.Axis_1, false, _null, _null, B.ClampingScrollPhysics_null, _null, false, _null, 0, _null, _null, B.DragStartBehavior_1, B.ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior_0, _null, B.Clip_1, _null), _null);
- }
- };
- A._DayPickerState_build_effectiveValue.prototype = {
- call$1$1(getProperty, $T) {
- var t1 = getProperty.call$1(this.datePickerTheme);
- return t1 == null ? getProperty.call$1(this.defaults) : t1;
- },
- call$1(getProperty) {
- return this.call$1$1(getProperty, type$.dynamic);
- },
- $signature: 152
- };
- A._DayPickerState_build_resolve.prototype = {
- call$1$2(getProperty, states, $T) {
- return this.effectiveValue.call$1$1(new A._DayPickerState_build_resolve_closure(getProperty, states, $T), $T);
- },
- call$2(getProperty, states) {
- return this.call$1$2(getProperty, states, type$.dynamic);
- },
- $signature: 153
- };
- A._DayPickerState_build_resolve_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(theme) {
- var t1 = this.getProperty.call$1(theme);
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(this.states);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.T._eval$1("0?(DatePickerThemeData?)");
- }
- };
- A._DayPickerState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(theme) {
- var t1;
- if (this.isToday)
- t1 = theme.get$todayForegroundColor();
- else
- t1 = theme.get$dayForegroundColor();
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 80
- };
- A._DayPickerState_build_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(theme) {
- var t1;
- if (this.isToday)
- t1 = theme.get$todayBackgroundColor();
- else
- t1 = theme.get$dayBackgroundColor();
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 80
- };
- A._DayPickerState_build_closure2.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- return this.effectiveValue.call$1$1(new A._DayPickerState_build__closure(states), type$.Color);
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._DayPickerState_build__closure.prototype = {
- call$1(theme) {
- var t1 = theme.get$dayOverlayColor();
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(this.states);
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 155
- };
- A._DayPickerState_build_closure1.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this._widget.onChanged$1(this.dayToBuild);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._DayPickerGridDelegate.prototype = {
- getLayout$1(constraints) {
- var tileWidth = constraints.crossAxisExtent / 7,
- tileHeight = Math.min(42, constraints.viewportMainAxisExtent / 7);
- return new A.SliverGridRegularTileLayout(7, tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight, tileWidth, A.axisDirectionIsReversed(constraints.crossAxisDirection));
- },
- shouldRelayout$1(oldDelegate) {
- return false;
- }
- };
- A.YearPicker.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._YearPickerState(B._StateLifecycle_0);
- },
- onChanged$1(arg0) {
- return this.onChanged.call$1(arg0);
- }
- };
- A._YearPickerState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- _this.___YearPickerState__scrollController_A = A.ScrollController$(_this._scrollOffsetForYear$1(_this._widget.selectedDate));
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- if (!_this._widget.selectedDate.$eq(0, oldWidget.selectedDate)) {
- t1 = _this.___YearPickerState__scrollController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.jumpTo$1(_this._scrollOffsetForYear$1(_this._widget.selectedDate));
- }
- },
- _scrollOffsetForYear$1(date) {
- var initialYearRow = B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(A.Primitives_getYear(date) - A.Primitives_getYear(this._widget.firstDate), 3);
- return this.get$_itemCount() < 18 ? 0 : (initialYearRow - 2) * 52;
- },
- _buildYearItem$2(context, index) {
- var textColor, background, todayBorder, border, itemStyle, yearItem, _this = this, _null = null,
- datePickerTheme = A.DatePickerTheme_of(context),
- defaults = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? A._DatePickerDefaultsM3$(context) : A._DatePickerDefaultsM2$(context),
- t1 = new A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem_effectiveValue(datePickerTheme, defaults),
- t2 = new A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem_resolve(t1),
- offset = _this.get$_itemCount() < 18 ? B.JSInt_methods._tdivFast$1(18 - _this.get$_itemCount(), 2) : 0,
- t3 = _this._widget,
- t4 = t3.firstDate,
- year = A.Primitives_getYear(t4) + index - offset,
- isSelected = year === A.Primitives_getYear(t3.selectedDate),
- isCurrentYear = year === A.Primitives_getYear(t3.currentDate),
- isDisabled = year < A.Primitives_getYear(t4) || year > A.Primitives_getYear(t3.lastDate);
- t3 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.MaterialState);
- if (isDisabled)
- t3.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_6);
- if (isSelected)
- t3.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_4);
- t4 = type$.nullable_Color;
- textColor = t2.call$1$2(new A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure(isCurrentYear), t3, t4);
- background = t2.call$1$2(new A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure0(isCurrentYear), t3, t4);
- if (isCurrentYear) {
- todayBorder = datePickerTheme.todayBorder;
- t2 = (todayBorder == null ? defaults.get$todayBorder() : todayBorder).copyWith$1$color(textColor);
- border = new A.Border(t2, t2, t2, t2);
- } else
- border = _null;
- t2 = A.BorderRadius$circular(18);
- t4 = datePickerTheme.yearStyle;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = defaults.get$yearStyle();
- itemStyle = t4 == null ? _null : t4.apply$1$color(textColor);
- t4 = A.Text$(B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(year), _null, _null, _null, _null, itemStyle, _null, _null, _null);
- yearItem = A.Center$(A.Container$(_null, A.Center$(new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, isSelected, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, t4, _null), _null, _null), B.Clip_0, _null, _null, new A.BoxDecoration(background, _null, border, t2, _null, _null, _null, B.BoxShape_0), _null, 36, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 72), _null, _null);
- return isDisabled ? new A.ExcludeSemantics(true, yearItem, _null) : A.InkWell$(false, _null, true, yearItem, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, new A.ValueKey(year, type$.ValueKey_int), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, new A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure1(_this, year), _null, _null, new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure2(t1), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color), _null, _null, _null, A.MaterialStatesController$(t3));
- },
- get$_itemCount() {
- var t1 = this._widget;
- return A.Primitives_getYear(t1.lastDate) - A.Primitives_getYear(t1.firstDate) + 1;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.___YearPickerState__scrollController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this._widget.toString;
- return A.Column$(A._setArrayType([B.Divider_null_null_null_null, A.Expanded$(A.GridView$builder(t1, B.DragStartBehavior_1, B.C__YearPickerGridDelegate, _this.get$_buildYearItem(), Math.max(_this.get$_itemCount(), 18), B.EdgeInsets_16_0_16_0, null, B.Axis_1, false), 1, null), B.Divider_null_null_null_null], type$.JSArray_Widget), B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_1);
- }
- };
- A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem_effectiveValue.prototype = {
- call$1$1(getProperty, $T) {
- var t1 = getProperty.call$1(this.datePickerTheme);
- return t1 == null ? getProperty.call$1(this.defaults) : t1;
- },
- call$1(getProperty) {
- return this.call$1$1(getProperty, type$.dynamic);
- },
- $signature: 152
- };
- A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem_resolve.prototype = {
- call$1$2(getProperty, states, $T) {
- return this.effectiveValue.call$1$1(new A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem_resolve_closure(getProperty, states, $T), $T);
- },
- call$2(getProperty, states) {
- return this.call$1$2(getProperty, states, type$.dynamic);
- },
- $signature: 153
- };
- A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem_resolve_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(theme) {
- var t1 = this.getProperty.call$1(theme);
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(this.states);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.T._eval$1("0?(DatePickerThemeData?)");
- }
- };
- A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(theme) {
- var t1;
- if (this.isCurrentYear)
- t1 = theme.get$todayForegroundColor();
- else
- t1 = theme.get$yearForegroundColor();
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 80
- };
- A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(theme) {
- var t1;
- if (this.isCurrentYear)
- t1 = theme.get$todayBackgroundColor();
- else
- t1 = theme.get$yearBackgroundColor();
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 80
- };
- A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure2.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- return this.effectiveValue.call$1$1(new A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem__closure(states), type$.Color);
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem__closure.prototype = {
- call$1(theme) {
- var t1 = theme.get$dayOverlayColor();
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(this.states);
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 155
- };
- A._YearPickerState__buildYearItem_closure1.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this._widget,
- t2 = t1.initialDate;
- t2 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(this.year, A.Primitives_getMonth(t2), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t2))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t2));
- return t1.onChanged$1(new A.DateTime(t2, false));
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._YearPickerGridDelegate.prototype = {
- getLayout$1(constraints) {
- var tileWidth = (constraints.crossAxisExtent - 16) / 3;
- return new A.SliverGridRegularTileLayout(3, 52, tileWidth + 8, 52, tileWidth, A.axisDirectionIsReversed(constraints.crossAxisDirection));
- },
- shouldRelayout$1(oldDelegate) {
- return false;
- }
- };
- A.__DatePickerModeToggleButtonState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTicker());
- _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTicker$0();
- }
- };
- A.Card.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _this = this, _null = null,
- cardTheme = A.Theme_of(context).cardTheme,
- defaults = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? new A._CardDefaultsM3(context, B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, 1, B.EdgeInsets_4_4_4_4, B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D1) : new A._CardDefaultsM2(context, B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, 1, B.EdgeInsets_4_4_4_4, B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D4),
- t1 = cardTheme.margin;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = defaults.margin;
- t1.toString;
- }
- t2 = _this.color;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = cardTheme.color;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = defaults.get$color(defaults);
- t3 = cardTheme.shadowColor;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = defaults.get$shadowColor(defaults);
- t4 = cardTheme.surfaceTintColor;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = defaults.get$surfaceTintColor();
- t5 = _this.elevation;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = cardTheme.elevation;
- if (t5 == null) {
- t5 = defaults.elevation;
- t5.toString;
- }
- t6 = _this.shape;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = cardTheme.shape;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = defaults.shape;
- t7 = _this.clipBehavior;
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = cardTheme.clipBehavior;
- if (t7 == null) {
- t7 = defaults.clipBehavior;
- t7.toString;
- }
- t1 = A.Container$(_null, A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, true, _null, new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, _this.child, _null), t7, t2, t5, _null, t3, t6, t4, _null, B.MaterialType_1), B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t1, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), true, false, false, t1, _null);
- },
- get$child() {
- return this.child;
- }
- };
- A._CardDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$color(_) {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).cardColor;
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).shadowColor;
- }
- };
- A._CardDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_card$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___CardDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___CardDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___CardDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$color(_) {
- return this.get$_card$_colors().surface;
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- var t1 = this.get$_card$_colors()._shadow;
- return t1 == null ? B.Color_4278190080 : t1;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_card$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._surfaceTint;
- return t2 == null ? t1.primary : t2;
- }
- };
- A.CardTheme.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.clipBehavior, _this.get$color(_this), _this.get$shadowColor(_this), _this.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.elevation, _this.margin, _this.shape, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.CardTheme && other.clipBehavior == _this.clipBehavior && J.$eq$(other.get$color(other), _this.get$color(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$shadowColor(other), _this.get$shadowColor(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.get$surfaceTintColor()) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.margin, _this.margin) && J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape);
- },
- get$color(receiver) {
- return this.color;
- },
- get$shadowColor(receiver) {
- return this.shadowColor;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- return this.surfaceTintColor;
- }
- };
- A._CardTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._CheckboxType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_CheckboxType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.Checkbox.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._CheckboxState(new A._CheckboxPainter($.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners()), $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, null, false, false, null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._CheckboxState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- this.super$__CheckboxState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_ToggleableStateMixin$initState();
- this._previousValue = this._widget.value;
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = oldWidget.value;
- if (t1 != _this._widget.value) {
- _this._previousValue = t1;
- _this.animateToValue$0();
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._checkbox$_painter.dispose$0();
- this.super$__CheckboxState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_ToggleableStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- get$onChanged() {
- return this._widget.onChanged;
- },
- get$tristate() {
- return this._widget.tristate;
- },
- get$value(_) {
- return this._widget.value;
- },
- get$_widgetFillColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._CheckboxState__widgetFillColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- _resolveSide$1(side) {
- var sideStates;
- if (side instanceof A.MaterialStateBorderSide) {
- this._widget.toString;
- sideStates = this.get$states();
- return A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(side, sideStates, type$.nullable_BorderSide);
- }
- if (!this.get$states().contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return side;
- return null;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var checkboxTheme, defaults, effectiveMaterialTapTargetSize, effectiveVisualDensity, size, activeStates, inactiveStates, activeColor, t1, t2, effectiveActiveColor, inactiveColor, t3, effectiveInactiveColor, focusedStates, t4, effectiveFocusOverlayColor, hoveredStates, effectiveHoverOverlayColor, effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor, effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor, checkStates, effectiveCheckColor, effectiveSplashRadius, t5, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this._widget.toString;
- switch (0) {
- case 0:
- break;
- }
- checkboxTheme = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.CheckboxTheme);
- checkboxTheme = checkboxTheme == null ? _null : checkboxTheme.data;
- if (checkboxTheme == null)
- checkboxTheme = A.Theme_of(context).checkboxTheme;
- defaults = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? new A._CheckboxDefaultsM3(A.Theme_of(context), A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null) : new A._CheckboxDefaultsM2(A.Theme_of(context), A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- _this._widget.toString;
- effectiveMaterialTapTargetSize = defaults.get$materialTapTargetSize();
- _this._widget.toString;
- effectiveVisualDensity = defaults.get$visualDensity();
- switch (effectiveMaterialTapTargetSize.index) {
- case 0:
- size = B.Size_48_48;
- break;
- case 1:
- size = B.Size_40_40;
- break;
- default:
- size = _null;
- }
- size = size.$add(0, new A.Offset(effectiveVisualDensity.horizontal, effectiveVisualDensity.vertical).$mul(0, 4));
- _this.get$states().add$1(0, B.MaterialState_7);
- _this._widget.toString;
- activeStates = _this.get$states();
- activeStates.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_4);
- _this._widget.toString;
- inactiveStates = _this.get$states();
- inactiveStates.remove$1(0, B.MaterialState_4);
- _this._widget.toString;
- activeColor = _this.get$_widgetFillColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(activeStates);
- if (activeColor == null) {
- t1 = checkboxTheme.fillColor;
- activeColor = t1 == null ? _null : t1.resolve$1(activeStates);
- }
- t1 = activeColor == null;
- if (t1) {
- t2 = defaults.get$fillColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(activeStates);
- t2.toString;
- effectiveActiveColor = t2;
- } else
- effectiveActiveColor = activeColor;
- _this._widget.toString;
- inactiveColor = _this.get$_widgetFillColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(inactiveStates);
- if (inactiveColor == null) {
- t2 = checkboxTheme.fillColor;
- inactiveColor = t2 == null ? _null : t2.resolve$1(inactiveStates);
- }
- t2 = inactiveColor == null;
- if (t2) {
- t3 = defaults.get$fillColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(inactiveStates);
- t3.toString;
- effectiveInactiveColor = t3;
- } else
- effectiveInactiveColor = inactiveColor;
- _this._widget.toString;
- focusedStates = _this.get$states();
- focusedStates.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_1);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t3 = checkboxTheme.overlayColor;
- t4 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.resolve$1(focusedStates);
- effectiveFocusOverlayColor = t4;
- if (effectiveFocusOverlayColor == null) {
- t4 = defaults.get$overlayColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(focusedStates);
- t4.toString;
- effectiveFocusOverlayColor = t4;
- }
- _this._widget.toString;
- hoveredStates = _this.get$states();
- hoveredStates.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_0);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t4 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.resolve$1(hoveredStates);
- effectiveHoverOverlayColor = t4;
- if (effectiveHoverOverlayColor == null) {
- t4 = defaults.get$overlayColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(hoveredStates);
- t4.toString;
- effectiveHoverOverlayColor = t4;
- }
- activeStates.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_2);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t4 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.resolve$1(activeStates);
- if (t4 == null) {
- t1 = t1 ? _null : A.Color$fromARGB(31, activeColor.get$value(activeColor) >>> 16 & 255, activeColor.get$value(activeColor) >>> 8 & 255, activeColor.get$value(activeColor) & 255);
- effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor = t1;
- } else
- effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor = t4;
- if (effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor == null) {
- t1 = defaults.get$overlayColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(activeStates);
- t1.toString;
- effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor = t1;
- }
- inactiveStates.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_2);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.resolve$1(inactiveStates);
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = t2 ? _null : A.Color$fromARGB(31, inactiveColor.get$value(inactiveColor) >>> 16 & 255, inactiveColor.get$value(inactiveColor) >>> 8 & 255, inactiveColor.get$value(inactiveColor) & 255);
- effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor = t1;
- } else
- effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor = t1;
- if (effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor == null) {
- t1 = defaults.get$overlayColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(inactiveStates);
- t1.toString;
- effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor = t1;
- }
- if (_this.ToggleableStateMixin__downPosition != null) {
- effectiveHoverOverlayColor = _this.get$states().contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4) ? effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor : effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor;
- effectiveFocusOverlayColor = _this.get$states().contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4) ? effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor : effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor;
- }
- _this._widget.toString;
- checkStates = _this.get$states();
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = checkboxTheme.checkColor;
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.resolve$1(checkStates);
- effectiveCheckColor = t1;
- if (effectiveCheckColor == null) {
- t1 = defaults.get$checkColor().resolve$1(checkStates);
- t1.toString;
- effectiveCheckColor = t1;
- }
- _this._widget.toString;
- effectiveSplashRadius = checkboxTheme.splashRadius;
- if (effectiveSplashRadius == null)
- effectiveSplashRadius = defaults.get$splashRadius();
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t1.value;
- t3 = t1.tristate ? t2 == null : _null;
- t1 = t1.focusNode;
- t4 = _this._checkbox$_painter;
- t5 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__position_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4.set$position(0, t5);
- t5 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reaction_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4.set$reaction(t5);
- t5 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFade_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4.set$reactionFocusFade(t5);
- t5 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFade_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4.set$reactionHoverFade(t5);
- t4.set$inactiveReactionColor(effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor);
- t4.set$reactionColor(effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor);
- t4.set$hoverColor(effectiveHoverOverlayColor);
- t4.set$focusColor(effectiveFocusOverlayColor);
- t4.set$splashRadius(effectiveSplashRadius);
- t4.set$downPosition(_this.ToggleableStateMixin__downPosition);
- t4.set$isFocused(_this.get$states().contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1));
- t4.set$isHovered(_this.get$states().contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0));
- t4.set$activeColor(effectiveActiveColor);
- t4.set$inactiveColor(effectiveInactiveColor);
- t4.set$checkColor(effectiveCheckColor);
- t4.set$value(0, _this._widget.value);
- t4.set$previousValue(_this._previousValue);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t5 = checkboxTheme.shape;
- t4.set$shape(0, t5 == null ? defaults.get$shape(defaults) : t5);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t5 = _this._resolveSide$1(_null);
- t4.set$side(t5 == null ? _this._resolveSide$1(checkboxTheme.side) : t5);
- t1 = _this.buildToggleable$5$autofocus$focusNode$mouseCursor$painter$size(false, t1, new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._CheckboxState_build_closure(_this, checkboxTheme), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_MouseCursor), t4, size);
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t2 === true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t3, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, t1, _null);
- }
- };
- A._CheckboxState__widgetFillColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return null;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- this.$this._widget.toString;
- return null;
- }
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._CheckboxState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1;
- this.$this._widget.toString;
- t1 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(null, states, type$.nullable_MouseCursor);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- return t1 == null ? B._EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor_SystemMouseCursor_click_clickable.resolve$1(states) : t1;
- },
- $signature: 88
- };
- A._CheckboxPainter.prototype = {
- set$checkColor(value) {
- if (J.$eq$(this._checkColor, value))
- return;
- this._checkColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$value(_, value) {
- if (this._checkbox$_value == value)
- return;
- this._checkbox$_value = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$previousValue(value) {
- if (this._previousValue == value)
- return;
- this._previousValue = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$shape(_, value) {
- if (J.$eq$(this._checkbox$_shape, value))
- return;
- this._checkbox$_shape = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$side(value) {
- if (J.$eq$(this._side, value))
- return;
- this._side = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- _outerRectAt$2(origin, t) {
- var inset = 1 - Math.abs(t - 0.5) * 2,
- size = 18 - inset * 2,
- t1 = origin._dx + inset,
- t2 = origin._dy + inset;
- return new A.Rect(t1, t2, t1 + size, t2 + size);
- },
- _colorAt$1(t) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._activeColor;
- if (t >= 0.25)
- t1.toString;
- else {
- t2 = this._inactiveColor;
- t2.toString;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(t2, t1, t * 4);
- t1.toString;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- _drawBox$5(canvas, outer, paint, side, fill) {
- if (fill)
- canvas.drawPath$2(this._checkbox$_shape.getOuterPath$1(outer), paint);
- if (side != null)
- this._checkbox$_shape.copyWith$1$side(side).paint$2(canvas, outer);
- },
- _drawCheck$4(canvas, origin, t, paint) {
- var t5,
- path = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0(),
- t1 = origin._dx,
- t2 = origin._dy,
- t3 = t1 + 2.6999999999999997,
- t4 = t2 + 8.1;
- if (t < 0.5) {
- t5 = A.Offset_lerp(B.Offset_W7v, B.Offset_gPO, t * 2);
- t5.toString;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t3, t4);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 + t5._dx, t2 + t5._dy);
- } else {
- t5 = A.Offset_lerp(B.Offset_gPO, B.Offset_oIk, (t - 0.5) * 2);
- t5.toString;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t3, t4);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 + 7.2, t2 + 12.6);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 + t5._dx, t2 + t5._dy);
- }
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- },
- _drawDash$4(canvas, origin, t, paint) {
- var t2,
- t1 = A.Offset_lerp(B.Offset_aNU, B.Offset_9_9, 1 - t);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.Offset_lerp(B.Offset_9_9, B.Offset_Gl7, t);
- t2.toString;
- canvas.drawLine$3(origin.$add(0, t1), origin.$add(0, t2), paint);
- },
- paint$2(canvas, size) {
- var t1, strokePaint, t2, origin, t3, tNormalized, t, outer, paint, border, tShrink, tExpand, _this = this;
- _this.paintRadialReaction$2$canvas$origin(canvas, size.center$1(B.Offset_0_0));
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer();
- strokePaint = t1.createPaint$0();
- t2 = _this._checkColor;
- t2.toString;
- strokePaint.set$color(0, t2);
- strokePaint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- strokePaint.set$strokeWidth(2);
- origin = type$.Offset._as(size.$div(0, 2).$sub(0, B.Size_18_18.$div(0, 2)));
- t2 = _this._toggleable$_position.parent;
- t2 = t2.get$status(t2);
- t2 = t2 === B.AnimationStatus_1 || t2 === B.AnimationStatus_3;
- t3 = _this._toggleable$_position;
- tNormalized = t2 ? t3.get$value(t3) : 1 - t3.get$value(t3);
- if (_this._previousValue === false || _this._checkbox$_value === false) {
- t = _this._checkbox$_value === false ? 1 - tNormalized : tNormalized;
- outer = _this._outerRectAt$2(origin, t);
- paint = t1.createPaint$0();
- paint.set$color(0, _this._colorAt$1(t));
- border = _this._side;
- if (t <= 0.5)
- _this._drawBox$5(canvas, outer, paint, border == null ? new A.BorderSide(paint.get$color(paint), 2, B.BorderStyle_1, -1) : border, false);
- else {
- _this._drawBox$5(canvas, outer, paint, border, true);
- tShrink = (t - 0.5) * 2;
- if (_this._previousValue == null || _this._checkbox$_value == null)
- _this._drawDash$4(canvas, origin, tShrink, strokePaint);
- else
- _this._drawCheck$4(canvas, origin, tShrink, strokePaint);
- }
- } else {
- outer = _this._outerRectAt$2(origin, 1);
- paint = t1.createPaint$0();
- paint.set$color(0, _this._colorAt$1(1));
- _this._drawBox$5(canvas, outer, paint, _this._side, true);
- if (tNormalized <= 0.5) {
- tShrink = 1 - tNormalized * 2;
- t1 = _this._previousValue;
- if (t1 === true)
- _this._drawCheck$4(canvas, origin, tShrink, strokePaint);
- else
- _this._drawDash$4(canvas, origin, tShrink, strokePaint);
- } else {
- tExpand = (tNormalized - 0.5) * 2;
- t1 = _this._checkbox$_value;
- if (t1 === true)
- _this._drawCheck$4(canvas, origin, tExpand, strokePaint);
- else
- _this._drawDash$4(canvas, origin, tExpand, strokePaint);
- }
- }
- }
- };
- A._CheckboxDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$fillColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._CheckboxDefaultsM2_fillColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$checkColor() {
- return new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(B.Color_4294967295, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color);
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._CheckboxDefaultsM2_overlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$splashRadius() {
- return 20;
- },
- get$materialTapTargetSize() {
- return this._checkbox$_theme.materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$visualDensity() {
- return this._checkbox$_theme.visualDensity;
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- return B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D6;
- }
- };
- A._CheckboxDefaultsM2_fillColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return this.$this._checkbox$_theme.disabledColor;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this._checkbox$_colors.secondary;
- return this.$this._checkbox$_theme.unselectedWidgetColor;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._CheckboxDefaultsM2_overlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$fillColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(states);
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t2.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0))
- return this.$this._checkbox$_theme.hoverColor;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return this.$this._checkbox$_theme.focusColor;
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._CheckboxDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$fillColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._CheckboxDefaultsM3_fillColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$checkColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._CheckboxDefaultsM3_checkColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._CheckboxDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$splashRadius() {
- return 20;
- },
- get$materialTapTargetSize() {
- return this._checkbox$_theme.materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$visualDensity() {
- return this._checkbox$_theme.visualDensity;
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- return B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D3;
- }
- };
- A._CheckboxDefaultsM3_fillColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._checkbox$_colors.onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_7))
- return _this.$this._checkbox$_colors.error;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return _this.$this._checkbox$_colors.primary;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2))
- return _this.$this._checkbox$_colors.onSurface;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0))
- return _this.$this._checkbox$_colors.onSurface;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return _this.$this._checkbox$_colors.onSurface;
- t1 = _this.$this._checkbox$_colors;
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._CheckboxDefaultsM3_checkColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this._checkbox$_colors.surface;
- return B.Color_0;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_7))
- return this.$this._checkbox$_colors.onError;
- return this.$this._checkbox$_colors.onPrimary;
- }
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._CheckboxDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_7)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._checkbox$_colors.error.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._checkbox$_colors.error.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._checkbox$_colors.error.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._checkbox$_colors.onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._checkbox$_colors.primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._checkbox$_colors.primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- return B.Color_0;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._checkbox$_colors.primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._checkbox$_colors.onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._checkbox$_colors.onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A.__CheckboxState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.__CheckboxState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_ToggleableStateMixin.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_200000, _null, 1, _this._widget.value === false ? 0 : 1, _this);
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A = t1;
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__position_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_JUR0, t1, B.Cubic_xDo0);
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_100000, _null, 1, _null, _this);
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionController_A = t1;
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reaction_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, t1, _null);
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_50000, _null, 1, _this.ToggleableStateMixin__hovering || _this.ToggleableStateMixin__focused ? 1 : 0, _this);
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFadeController_A = t1;
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFade_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, t1, _null);
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_50000, _null, 1, _this.ToggleableStateMixin__hovering || _this.ToggleableStateMixin__focused ? 1 : 0, _this);
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFadeController_A = t1;
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFade_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, t1, _null);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFadeController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFadeController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this.super$__CheckboxState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.CheckboxThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.mouseCursor, _this.get$fillColor(), _this.get$checkColor(), _this.get$overlayColor(), _this.get$splashRadius(), _this.get$materialTapTargetSize(), _this.get$visualDensity(), _this.get$shape(_this), _this.side, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.CheckboxThemeData && other.get$fillColor() == _this.get$fillColor() && other.get$checkColor() == _this.get$checkColor() && other.get$overlayColor() == _this.get$overlayColor() && other.get$splashRadius() == _this.get$splashRadius() && other.get$materialTapTargetSize() == _this.get$materialTapTargetSize() && J.$eq$(other.get$visualDensity(), _this.get$visualDensity()) && J.$eq$(other.get$shape(other), _this.get$shape(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.side, _this.side);
- },
- get$fillColor() {
- return this.fillColor;
- },
- get$checkColor() {
- return this.checkColor;
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return this.overlayColor;
- },
- get$splashRadius() {
- return this.splashRadius;
- },
- get$materialTapTargetSize() {
- return this.materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$visualDensity() {
- return this.visualDensity;
- },
- get$shape(receiver) {
- return this.shape;
- }
- };
- A.CheckboxTheme.prototype = {
- updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) {
- return !this.data.$eq(0, oldWidget.data);
- }
- };
- A._CheckboxThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.Chip.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var _null = null;
- return A.RawChip$(false, this.avatar, B.CircleBorder_Umb, _null, B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, this.label, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, this.side, _null, false, _null, true, _null);
- }
- };
- A.RawChip.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._RawChipState(null, null, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.MaterialState), B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._RawChipState.prototype = {
- get$canTap() {
- var t1 = this._widget;
- if (t1.isEnabled)
- if (t1.tapEnabled)
- t1 = t1.onSelected != null;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- if (!_this._widget.isEnabled)
- _this.addMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_6);
- else
- _this.removeMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_6);
- if (_this._widget.selected)
- _this.addMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_4);
- else
- _this.removeMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_4);
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_195000, _null, 1, _this._widget.selected ? 1 : 0, _this);
- _this.___RawChipState_selectController_A = t1;
- _this.___RawChipState_selectionFade_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, t1, _null);
- t1 = _this._widget;
- _this.___RawChipState_avatarDrawerController_A = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_150000, _null, 1, t1.avatar != null || t1.selected ? 1 : 0, _this);
- _this._widget.toString;
- _this.___RawChipState_deleteDrawerController_A = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_150000, _null, 1, 0, _this);
- _this.___RawChipState_enableController_A = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_75000, _null, 1, _this._widget.isEnabled ? 1 : 0, _this);
- _this.___RawChipState_checkmarkAnimation_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(new A.Interval(0.23076923076923073, 1, B.Cubic_ifx), _this.___RawChipState_selectController_A, new A.Interval(0.7435897435897436, 1, B.Cubic_ifx));
- _this.___RawChipState_deleteDrawerAnimation_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, _this.___RawChipState_deleteDrawerController_A, _null);
- _this.___RawChipState_avatarDrawerAnimation_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, _this.___RawChipState_avatarDrawerController_A, new A.Interval(0.4871794871794872, 1, B.Cubic_ifx));
- _this.___RawChipState_enableAnimation_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, _this.___RawChipState_enableController_A, _null);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.___RawChipState_selectController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this.___RawChipState_avatarDrawerController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this.___RawChipState_deleteDrawerController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this.___RawChipState_enableController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this.super$__RawChipState_State_MaterialStateMixin_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- _chip$_handleTapDown$1(details) {
- var _this = this;
- if (!_this.get$canTap())
- return;
- _this.addMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_2);
- _this.setState$1(new A._RawChipState__handleTapDown_closure(_this));
- },
- _chip$_handleTapCancel$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (!_this.get$canTap())
- return;
- _this.removeMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_2);
- _this.setState$1(new A._RawChipState__handleTapCancel_closure(_this));
- },
- _chip$_handleTap$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (!_this.get$canTap())
- return;
- _this.removeMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_2);
- _this.setState$1(new A._RawChipState__handleTap_closure(_this));
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t1.onSelected;
- if (t2 != null)
- t2.call$1(!t1.selected);
- _this._widget.toString;
- },
- _chip$_getBackgroundColor$3(theme, chipTheme, chipDefaults) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._widget;
- if (theme.useMaterial3) {
- t1.toString;
- t1 = chipTheme.disabledColor;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = chipDefaults.get$disabledColor();
- t2 = _this._widget.backgroundColor;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = chipTheme.backgroundColor;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = chipDefaults.get$backgroundColor(chipDefaults);
- t3 = _this.___RawChipState_enableController_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = new A.ColorTween(t1, t2).transform$1(0, t3.get$value(t3));
- t2 = _this._widget.selectedColor;
- t1 = t2 == null ? chipTheme.selectedColor : t2;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = chipDefaults.get$selectedColor();
- t2 = _this.___RawChipState_selectionFade_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return new A.ColorTween(t3, t1).transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2));
- } else {
- t1.toString;
- t2 = chipTheme.disabledColor;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = theme.disabledColor;
- t1 = t1.backgroundColor;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = chipTheme.backgroundColor;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = theme.chipTheme.backgroundColor;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = chipDefaults.get$backgroundColor(chipDefaults);
- t3 = _this.___RawChipState_enableController_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = new A.ColorTween(t2, t1).transform$1(0, t3.get$value(t3));
- t1 = _this._widget.selectedColor;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = chipTheme.selectedColor;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = theme.chipTheme.selectedColor;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = chipDefaults.get$selectedColor();
- t2 = _this.___RawChipState_selectionFade_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return new A.ColorTween(t3, t1).transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2));
- }
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- if (oldWidget.isEnabled !== _this._widget.isEnabled)
- _this.setState$1(new A._RawChipState_didUpdateWidget_closure(_this));
- if (!J.$eq$(oldWidget.avatar, _this._widget.avatar) || oldWidget.selected !== _this._widget.selected)
- _this.setState$1(new A._RawChipState_didUpdateWidget_closure0(_this));
- if (oldWidget.selected !== _this._widget.selected)
- _this.setState$1(new A._RawChipState_didUpdateWidget_closure1(_this));
- _this._widget.toString;
- },
- _wrapWithTooltip$3$child$enabled$tooltip(child, enabled, tooltip) {
- if (!enabled || tooltip == null)
- return child;
- return A.Tooltip$(child, tooltip);
- },
- _buildDeleteIcon$4(context, theme, chipTheme, chipDefaults) {
- this._widget.toString;
- return null;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var theme, chipTheme, brightness, t2, chipDefaults, t3, primaryColor, t4, t5, t6, backgroundColor, deleteIconColor, disabledColor, selectedColor, secondarySelectedColor, secondaryLabelStyle, textDirection, resolvedSide, resolvedShape, elevation, pressElevation, shadowColor, surfaceTintColor, selectedShadowColor, checkmarkColor, showCheckmark, padding, labelStyle, labelPadding, iconTheme, effectiveLabelStyle, resolvedLabelStyle, avatar, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, result, densityAdjustment, constraints, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_3);
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.textScaleFactor;
- t1 = A.EdgeInsets_lerp(B.EdgeInsets_8_0_8_0, B.EdgeInsets_4_0_4_0, A.clampDouble((t1 == null ? 1 : t1) - 1, 0, 1));
- t1.toString;
- theme = A.Theme_of(context);
- chipTheme = A.ChipTheme_of(context);
- brightness = chipTheme.brightness;
- if (brightness == null)
- brightness = theme.colorScheme.brightness;
- t2 = _this._widget;
- chipDefaults = t2.defaultProperties;
- if (chipDefaults == null)
- if (theme.useMaterial3) {
- t2 = new A._ChipDefaultsM3(context, t2.isEnabled, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D5, _null, _null, _null, 0, _null, _null);
- chipDefaults = t2;
- } else {
- t2 = brightness === B.Brightness_0 ? B.Color_4284809178 : theme.primaryColor;
- t3 = theme.textTheme.bodyLarge;
- t3.toString;
- primaryColor = brightness === B.Brightness_1 ? B.Color_4278190080 : B.Color_4294967295;
- t4 = primaryColor.value;
- t5 = t4 >>> 16 & 255;
- t6 = t4 >>> 8 & 255;
- t4 &= 255;
- backgroundColor = A.Color$fromARGB(31, t5, t6, t4);
- deleteIconColor = A.Color$fromARGB(222, t5, t6, t4);
- disabledColor = A.Color$fromARGB(12, t5, t6, t4);
- selectedColor = A.Color$fromARGB(61, t5, t6, t4);
- secondarySelectedColor = A.Color$fromARGB(61, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255);
- secondaryLabelStyle = t3.copyWith$1$color(A.Color$fromARGB(222, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255));
- t4 = A.ChipThemeData$(backgroundColor, brightness, _null, deleteIconColor, disabledColor, 0, _null, _null, t3.copyWith$1$color(A.Color$fromARGB(222, t5, t6, t4)), B.EdgeInsets_4_4_4_4, 8, secondaryLabelStyle, secondarySelectedColor, selectedColor, B.Color_4278190080, B.Color_4278190080, _null, true, _null, _null);
- chipDefaults = t4;
- }
- textDirection = A.Directionality_maybeOf(context);
- t2 = _this.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates;
- t3 = type$.nullable_BorderSide;
- t4 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_this._widget.side, t2, t3);
- resolvedSide = t4 == null ? A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(chipTheme.side, t2, t3) : t4;
- if (resolvedSide == null)
- resolvedSide = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(chipDefaults.get$side(), t2, t3);
- t3 = type$.nullable_OutlinedBorder;
- t4 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_this._widget.shape, t2, t3);
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(chipTheme.shape, t2, t3);
- resolvedShape = t4 == null ? A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(chipDefaults.shape, t2, t3) : t4;
- resolvedShape = (resolvedShape == null ? B.StadiumBorder_Sik : resolvedShape).copyWith$1$side(resolvedSide);
- t3 = _this._widget.elevation;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = chipTheme.elevation;
- elevation = t3 == null ? chipDefaults.elevation : t3;
- if (elevation == null)
- elevation = 0;
- t3 = chipTheme.pressElevation;
- pressElevation = t3 == null ? chipDefaults.pressElevation : t3;
- if (pressElevation == null)
- pressElevation = 0;
- shadowColor = chipTheme.shadowColor;
- if (shadowColor == null)
- shadowColor = chipDefaults.get$shadowColor(chipDefaults);
- _this._widget.toString;
- surfaceTintColor = chipTheme.surfaceTintColor;
- if (surfaceTintColor == null)
- surfaceTintColor = chipDefaults.get$surfaceTintColor();
- _this._widget.toString;
- selectedShadowColor = chipTheme.selectedShadowColor;
- if (selectedShadowColor == null)
- selectedShadowColor = chipDefaults.selectedShadowColor;
- checkmarkColor = chipTheme.checkmarkColor;
- if (checkmarkColor == null)
- checkmarkColor = chipDefaults.get$checkmarkColor();
- t3 = _this._widget;
- showCheckmark = t3.showCheckmark;
- t3 = t3.padding;
- padding = t3 == null ? chipTheme.padding : t3;
- if (padding == null) {
- t3 = chipDefaults.get$padding(chipDefaults);
- t3.toString;
- padding = t3;
- }
- labelStyle = chipTheme.labelStyle;
- if (labelStyle == null) {
- t3 = chipDefaults.get$labelStyle();
- t3.toString;
- labelStyle = t3;
- }
- _this._widget.toString;
- t3 = chipTheme.labelPadding;
- labelPadding = t3 == null ? chipDefaults.get$labelPadding() : t3;
- if (labelPadding == null)
- labelPadding = t1;
- t1 = _this._widget.iconTheme;
- iconTheme = t1 == null ? chipTheme.iconTheme : t1;
- if (iconTheme == null)
- iconTheme = chipDefaults.get$iconTheme();
- effectiveLabelStyle = labelStyle.merge$1(_this._widget.labelStyle);
- resolvedLabelStyle = effectiveLabelStyle.copyWith$1$color(A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(effectiveLabelStyle.color, t2, type$.nullable_Color));
- t1 = iconTheme != null && _this._widget.avatar != null;
- t2 = _this._widget;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = t2.avatar;
- t1.toString;
- avatar = A.IconTheme$(t1, iconTheme, _null);
- } else
- avatar = t2.avatar;
- t1 = _this.get$canTap() && _this._isTapping ? pressElevation : elevation;
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t3 = t2.selected ? selectedShadowColor : shadowColor;
- t2 = t2.clipBehavior;
- t4 = _this.updateMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_1);
- t5 = _this._widget;
- t6 = t5.focusNode;
- t5 = t5.isEnabled;
- t7 = _this.get$canTap() ? _this.get$_chip$_handleTap() : _null;
- t8 = _this.get$canTap() ? _this.get$_chip$_handleTapDown() : _null;
- t9 = _this.get$canTap() ? _this.get$_chip$_handleTapCancel() : _null;
- t10 = _this.get$canTap() ? _this.updateMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_0) : _null;
- t11 = _this.___RawChipState_selectController_A;
- t11 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t12 = _this.___RawChipState_enableController_A;
- t12 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t12 = A._setArrayType([t11, t12], type$.JSArray_Listenable);
- t11 = _this._widget;
- t13 = t11.tooltip;
- t14 = t11.onSelected;
- t11 = A.DefaultTextStyle$(t11.label, _null, 1, B.TextOverflow_1, false, resolvedLabelStyle, B.TextAlign_4, _null, B.TextWidthBasis_0);
- t15 = A.AnimatedSwitcher$(avatar, B.Duration_150000, B.Cubic_ifx);
- t16 = A.AnimatedSwitcher$(_this._buildDeleteIcon$4(context, theme, chipTheme, chipDefaults), B.Duration_150000, B.Cubic_ifx);
- t17 = padding.resolve$1(textDirection);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t18 = theme.visualDensity;
- t19 = labelPadding.resolve$1(textDirection);
- t20 = _this._widget.avatar;
- t21 = _this.get$canTap();
- t22 = _this._widget;
- t23 = t22.selected;
- t24 = _this.___RawChipState_checkmarkAnimation_A;
- t24 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t25 = _this.___RawChipState_enableAnimation_A;
- t25 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t26 = _this.___RawChipState_avatarDrawerAnimation_A;
- t26 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t27 = _this.___RawChipState_deleteDrawerAnimation_A;
- t27 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- result = A.Material$(B.Duration_75000, true, _null, A.InkWell$(false, _null, t5, A.AnimatedBuilder$(new A._MergingListenable(t12), new A._RawChipState_build_closure(_this, resolvedShape, theme, chipTheme, chipDefaults), _this._wrapWithTooltip$3$child$enabled$tooltip(new A._ChipRenderWidget(new A._ChipRenderTheme(t15, t11, t16, brightness, t17, t18, t19, t20 != null, showCheckmark, checkmarkColor, t21), t23, t22.isEnabled, t24, t26, t27, t25, t22.avatarBorder, _null), t14 != null, t13)), resolvedShape, true, _null, t6, _null, _null, _null, _null, t4, _null, t10, _null, t7, t9, t8, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), t2, _null, t1, _null, t3, resolvedShape, surfaceTintColor, _null, B.MaterialType_0);
- _this._widget.toString;
- densityAdjustment = new A.Offset(t18.horizontal, t18.vertical).$mul(0, 4);
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- switch (theme.materialTapTargetSize.index) {
- case 0:
- constraints = new A.BoxConstraints(48 + densityAdjustment._dx, 1 / 0, 48 + densityAdjustment._dy, 1 / 0);
- break;
- case 1:
- constraints = B.BoxConstraints_mlX1;
- break;
- default:
- constraints = _null;
- }
- t2 = A.Center$(result, 1, 1);
- t3 = t1.tapEnabled;
- t4 = t3 ? _this.get$canTap() : _null;
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t3, _null, _null, _null, _null, t4, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t1.selected, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), true, false, false, new A._ChipRedirectingHitDetectionWidget(constraints, t2, _null), _null);
- }
- };
- A._RawChipState__handleTapDown_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._isTapping = true;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._RawChipState__handleTapCancel_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._isTapping = false;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._RawChipState__handleTap_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._isTapping = false;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._RawChipState_didUpdateWidget_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.$this;
- if (!t1._widget.isEnabled)
- t1.addMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_6);
- else
- t1.removeMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_6);
- t2 = t1._widget.isEnabled;
- t1 = t1.___RawChipState_enableController_A;
- if (t2) {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- } else {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.reverse$0(0);
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._RawChipState_didUpdateWidget_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._widget;
- t2 = t2.avatar != null || t2.selected;
- t1 = t1.___RawChipState_avatarDrawerController_A;
- if (t2) {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- } else {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.reverse$0(0);
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._RawChipState_didUpdateWidget_closure1.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1._widget.selected)
- t1.addMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_4);
- else
- t1.removeMaterialState$1(B.MaterialState_4);
- t2 = t1._widget.selected;
- t1 = t1.___RawChipState_selectController_A;
- if (t2) {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- } else {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.reverse$0(0);
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._RawChipState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(context, child) {
- var _this = this, _null = null;
- return A.Container$(_null, child, B.Clip_0, _null, _null, new A.ShapeDecoration(_this.$this._chip$_getBackgroundColor$3(_this.theme, _this.chipTheme, _this.chipDefaults), _null, _null, _null, _this.resolvedShape), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- $signature: 267
- };
- A._ChipRedirectingHitDetectionWidget.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A._RenderChipRedirectingHitDetection(this.constraints, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$additionalConstraints(this.constraints);
- }
- };
- A._RenderChipRedirectingHitDetection.prototype = {
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- var offset;
- if (!this._size.contains$1(0, position))
- return false;
- offset = new A.Offset(position._dx, this._size._dy / 2);
- return result.addWithRawTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(new A._RenderChipRedirectingHitDetection_hitTest_closure(this, offset), position, A.MatrixUtils_forceToPoint(offset));
- }
- };
- A._RenderChipRedirectingHitDetection_hitTest_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, position) {
- return this.$this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.hitTest$2$position(result, this.offset);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A._ChipRenderWidget.prototype = {
- get$slots() {
- return B.List_6UD;
- },
- childForSlot$1(slot) {
- switch (slot.index) {
- case 0:
- return this.theme.label;
- case 1:
- return this.theme.avatar;
- case 2:
- return this.theme.deleteIcon;
- }
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- renderObject.set$theme(_this.theme);
- t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- renderObject.set$textDirection(t1.textDirection);
- renderObject.value = _this.value;
- renderObject.isEnabled = _this.isEnabled;
- renderObject.checkmarkAnimation = _this.checkmarkAnimation;
- renderObject.avatarDrawerAnimation = _this.avatarDrawerAnimation;
- renderObject.deleteDrawerAnimation = _this.deleteDrawerAnimation;
- renderObject.enableAnimation = _this.enableAnimation;
- renderObject.avatarBorder = _this.avatarBorder;
- },
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = new A._RenderChip(_this.value, _this.isEnabled, _this.checkmarkAnimation, _this.avatarDrawerAnimation, _this.deleteDrawerAnimation, _this.enableAnimation, _this.avatarBorder, _this.theme, t1.textDirection, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$._ChipSlot, type$.RenderBox), A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t2 = t1.get$markNeedsPaint();
- t1.checkmarkAnimation.parent.addListener$1(0, t2);
- t3 = t1.get$markNeedsLayout();
- t1.avatarDrawerAnimation.parent.addListener$1(0, t3);
- t1.deleteDrawerAnimation.parent.addListener$1(0, t3);
- t1.enableAnimation.parent.addListener$1(0, t2);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._ChipSlot.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_ChipSlot." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._ChipRenderTheme.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A._ChipRenderTheme && other.avatar.super$Object$$eq(0, _this.avatar) && other.label.super$Object$$eq(0, _this.label) && other.deleteIcon.super$Object$$eq(0, _this.deleteIcon) && other.brightness === _this.brightness && other.padding.$eq(0, _this.padding) && other.labelPadding.$eq(0, _this.labelPadding) && other.showAvatar === _this.showAvatar && other.showCheckmark === _this.showCheckmark && J.$eq$(other.checkmarkColor, _this.checkmarkColor) && other.canTapBody === _this.canTapBody;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.avatar, _this.label, _this.deleteIcon, _this.brightness, _this.padding, _this.labelPadding, _this.showAvatar, _this.showCheckmark, _this.checkmarkColor, _this.canTapBody, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A._RenderChip.prototype = {
- set$theme(value) {
- if (this._chip$_theme.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- this._chip$_theme = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$textDirection(value) {
- if (this._chip$_textDirection === value)
- return;
- this._chip$_textDirection = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- get$children(_) {
- var t3,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RenderBox),
- t2 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild;
- if (t2.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1) != null) {
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1);
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- }
- if (t2.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_0) != null) {
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_0);
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- }
- if (t2.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_2) != null) {
- t2 = t2.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_2);
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(t2);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$sizedByParent() {
- return false;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t5,
- t1 = this._chip$_theme.padding.get$horizontal(),
- t2 = this._chip$_theme.labelPadding.get$horizontal(),
- t3 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild,
- t4 = t3.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1);
- t4 = t4 == null ? 0 : t4._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t4.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- t5 = t3.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_0);
- t5 = t5 == null ? 0 : t5._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t5.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- t3 = t3.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_2);
- t3 = t3 == null ? 0 : t3._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t3.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- return t1 + t2 + t4 + t5 + t3;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t5,
- t1 = this._chip$_theme.padding.get$horizontal(),
- t2 = this._chip$_theme.labelPadding.get$horizontal(),
- t3 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild,
- t4 = t3.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1);
- t4 = t4 == null ? 0 : t4._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t4.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- t5 = t3.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_0);
- t5 = t5 == null ? 0 : t5._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t5.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- t3 = t3.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_2);
- t3 = t3 == null ? 0 : t3._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t3.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- return t1 + t2 + t4 + t5 + t3;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t3, t4, t5,
- t1 = this._chip$_theme.padding,
- t2 = t1.get$_top(t1);
- t1 = t1.get$_bottom(t1);
- t3 = this._chip$_theme.labelPadding;
- t4 = t3.get$_top(t3);
- t3 = t3.get$_bottom(t3);
- t5 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_0);
- t5 = t5 == null ? 0 : t5._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, t5.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- return Math.max(32, t2 + t1 + (t4 + t3) + t5);
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return this.computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width);
- },
- computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- return this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_0).getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline);
- },
- _layoutLabel$5(contentConstraints, iconSizes, size, rawSize, layoutChild) {
- var maxWidth, updatedSize, t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = contentConstraints.maxWidth;
- if (isFinite(t1)) {
- maxWidth = Math.max(0, t1 - iconSizes - _this._chip$_theme.labelPadding.get$horizontal() - _this._chip$_theme.padding.get$horizontal());
- t1 = _this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_0);
- t1.toString;
- updatedSize = layoutChild.call$2(t1, new A.BoxConstraints(0, maxWidth, rawSize._dy, size._dy));
- t1 = updatedSize._dx;
- t2 = _this._chip$_theme.labelPadding.get$horizontal();
- t3 = updatedSize._dy;
- t4 = _this._chip$_theme.labelPadding;
- return new A.Size(t1 + t2, t3 + (t4.get$_top(t4) + t4.get$_bottom(t4)));
- }
- t1 = _this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_0);
- t1.toString;
- updatedSize = layoutChild.call$2(t1, new A.BoxConstraints(0, size._dx, rawSize._dy, size._dy));
- t1 = updatedSize._dx;
- t2 = _this._chip$_theme.labelPadding.get$horizontal();
- t3 = updatedSize._dy;
- t4 = _this._chip$_theme.labelPadding;
- return new A.Size(t1 + t2, t3 + (t4.get$_top(t4) + t4.get$_bottom(t4)));
- },
- _layoutAvatar$3(contentConstraints, contentSize, layoutChild) {
- var avatarBoxSize, t2, avatarWidth,
- requestedSize = Math.max(0, contentSize),
- avatarConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(requestedSize, requestedSize),
- t1 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1);
- t1.toString;
- avatarBoxSize = layoutChild.call$2(t1, avatarConstraints);
- t1 = this._chip$_theme;
- if (!t1.showCheckmark && !t1.showAvatar)
- return new A.Size(0, contentSize);
- t2 = this.avatarDrawerAnimation;
- avatarWidth = t1.showAvatar ? 0 + t2.get$value(t2) * avatarBoxSize._dx : 0 + t2.get$value(t2) * contentSize;
- return new A.Size(avatarWidth, 0 + avatarBoxSize._dy);
- },
- _layoutDeleteIcon$3(contentConstraints, contentSize, layoutChild) {
- var boxSize,
- requestedSize = Math.max(0, contentSize),
- deleteIconConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(requestedSize, requestedSize),
- t1 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_2);
- t1.toString;
- boxSize = layoutChild.call$2(t1, deleteIconConstraints);
- t1 = this.deleteDrawerAnimation;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_0)
- return new A.Size(0, contentSize);
- t1 = this.deleteDrawerAnimation;
- return new A.Size(0 + t1.get$value(t1) * boxSize._dx, 0 + boxSize._dy);
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, hitIsOnDeleteIcon, hitTestChild, center, _this = this;
- if (!_this._size.contains$1(0, position))
- return false;
- t1 = _this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild;
- if (t1.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_2) != null) {
- t2 = _this._chip$_theme;
- t3 = _this._size;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = t1.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_2)._size;
- t4.toString;
- hitIsOnDeleteIcon = A._hitIsOnDeleteIcon(t3, t4, t2.padding, position, _this._chip$_textDirection);
- } else
- hitIsOnDeleteIcon = false;
- if (hitIsOnDeleteIcon) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_2);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_0);
- hitTestChild = t2 == null ? t1.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1) : t2;
- } else {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_0);
- hitTestChild = t2 == null ? t1.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1) : t2;
- }
- if (hitTestChild != null) {
- center = hitTestChild._size.center$1(B.Offset_0_0);
- return result.addWithRawTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(new A._RenderChip_hitTest_closure(center, hitTestChild), position, A.MatrixUtils_forceToPoint(center));
- }
- return false;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return this._computeSizes$2(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild$closure()).size;
- },
- _computeSizes$2(constraints, layoutChild) {
- var rawLabelSize, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, contentSize, avatarSize, deleteIconSize, labelSize, overallSize, _this = this,
- contentConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, constraints.maxWidth, 0, constraints.maxHeight),
- t1 = _this._chip$_theme.visualDensity,
- densityAdjustment = new A.Offset(0, new A.Offset(t1.horizontal, t1.vertical).$mul(0, 4)._dy / 2);
- t1 = _this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_0);
- t1.toString;
- rawLabelSize = layoutChild.call$2(t1, contentConstraints);
- t1 = _this._chip$_theme.padding;
- t2 = t1.get$_top(t1);
- t1 = t1.get$_bottom(t1);
- t3 = _this._chip$_theme.labelPadding;
- t4 = t3.get$_top(t3);
- t3 = t3.get$_bottom(t3);
- t5 = rawLabelSize._dy;
- t6 = _this._chip$_theme.labelPadding;
- contentSize = Math.max(32 - (t2 + t1) + (t4 + t3), t5 + (t6.get$_top(t6) + t6.get$_bottom(t6)));
- avatarSize = _this._layoutAvatar$3(contentConstraints, contentSize, layoutChild);
- deleteIconSize = _this._layoutDeleteIcon$3(contentConstraints, contentSize, layoutChild);
- t6 = avatarSize._dx;
- t5 = deleteIconSize._dx;
- labelSize = _this._layoutLabel$5(contentConstraints, t6 + t5, new A.Size(rawLabelSize._dx, contentSize), rawLabelSize, layoutChild);
- overallSize = new A.Size(t6 + labelSize._dx + t5, contentSize).$add(0, densityAdjustment);
- t5 = _this._chip$_theme.padding.get$horizontal();
- t6 = _this._chip$_theme.padding;
- return new A._ChipSizes(constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(overallSize._dx + t5, overallSize._dy + (t6.get$_top(t6) + t6.get$_bottom(t6)))), overallSize, contentSize, avatarSize, labelSize, deleteIconSize, densityAdjustment);
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t3, avatarOffset, start, labelOffset, t4, t5, deleteIconOffset, t6, t7, _this = this,
- t1 = type$.BoxConstraints,
- sizes = _this._computeSizes$2(t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)), A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild$closure()),
- t2 = sizes.overall,
- right = t2._dx,
- centerLayout = new A._RenderChip_performLayout_centerLayout(_this, sizes);
- switch (_this._chip$_textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- t3 = _this._chip$_theme;
- if (t3.showCheckmark || t3.showAvatar) {
- t3 = sizes.avatar;
- avatarOffset = centerLayout.call$2(t3, right);
- start = right - t3._dx;
- } else {
- start = right;
- avatarOffset = B.Offset_0_0;
- }
- t3 = sizes.label;
- labelOffset = centerLayout.call$2(t3, start);
- t4 = _this.deleteDrawerAnimation;
- if (t4.get$status(t4) !== B.AnimationStatus_0) {
- t4 = sizes.deleteIcon;
- t5 = _this._chip$_theme.padding;
- _this.___RenderChip__deleteButtonRect_A = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + (t4._dx + t5.right), 0 + (t2._dy + (t5.get$_top(t5) + t5.get$_bottom(t5))));
- deleteIconOffset = centerLayout.call$2(t4, start - t3._dx);
- } else {
- _this.___RenderChip__deleteButtonRect_A = B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- deleteIconOffset = B.Offset_0_0;
- }
- t3 = _this._chip$_theme;
- if (t3.canTapBody) {
- t4 = _this.___RenderChip__deleteButtonRect_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t4.right - t4.left;
- t3 = t3.padding.get$horizontal();
- t5 = _this._chip$_theme.padding;
- _this.___RenderChip__pressRect_A = new A.Rect(t4, 0, t4 + (right - t4 + t3), 0 + (t2._dy + (t5.get$_top(t5) + t5.get$_bottom(t5))));
- } else
- _this.___RenderChip__pressRect_A = B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- break;
- case 1:
- t3 = _this._chip$_theme;
- if (t3.showCheckmark || t3.showAvatar) {
- t3 = sizes.avatar;
- t4 = _this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1);
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t4 = t4._size;
- t4.toString;
- }
- t5 = t3._dx;
- avatarOffset = centerLayout.call$2(t3, 0 - t4._dx + t5);
- start = 0 + t5;
- } else {
- avatarOffset = B.Offset_0_0;
- start = 0;
- }
- t3 = sizes.label;
- labelOffset = centerLayout.call$2(t3, start);
- start += t3._dx;
- if (_this._chip$_theme.canTapBody) {
- t3 = _this.deleteDrawerAnimation;
- t3 = t3.get$status(t3);
- t4 = _this._chip$_theme.padding;
- t3 = t3 !== B.AnimationStatus_0 ? start + t4.left : right + t4.get$horizontal();
- t4 = _this._chip$_theme.padding;
- _this.___RenderChip__pressRect_A = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t3, 0 + (t2._dy + (t4.get$_top(t4) + t4.get$_bottom(t4))));
- } else
- _this.___RenderChip__pressRect_A = B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- t3 = _this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_2);
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t3 = t3._size;
- t3.toString;
- }
- t4 = sizes.deleteIcon;
- t5 = t4._dx;
- start -= t3._dx - t5;
- t3 = _this.deleteDrawerAnimation;
- if (t3.get$status(t3) !== B.AnimationStatus_0) {
- deleteIconOffset = centerLayout.call$2(t4, start);
- t3 = _this._chip$_theme.padding;
- t4 = start + t3.left;
- _this.___RenderChip__deleteButtonRect_A = new A.Rect(t4, 0, t4 + (t5 + t3.right), 0 + (t2._dy + (t3.get$_top(t3) + t3.get$_bottom(t3))));
- } else {
- _this.___RenderChip__deleteButtonRect_A = B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- deleteIconOffset = B.Offset_0_0;
- }
- break;
- default:
- avatarOffset = B.Offset_0_0;
- labelOffset = B.Offset_0_0;
- deleteIconOffset = B.Offset_0_0;
- }
- t3 = _this._chip$_theme.labelPadding;
- t4 = t3.get$_top(t3);
- t3 = t3.get$_bottom(t3);
- t5 = _this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild;
- t6 = t5.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_0);
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t6 = t6._size;
- t6.toString;
- }
- labelOffset = labelOffset.$add(0, new A.Offset(0, (sizes.label._dy - (t4 + t3) - t6._dy) / 2));
- t6 = t5.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1).parentData;
- t6.toString;
- t3 = type$.BoxParentData;
- t3._as(t6);
- t4 = _this._chip$_theme.padding;
- t6.offset = new A.Offset(t4.left, t4.top).$add(0, avatarOffset);
- t4 = t5.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_0).parentData;
- t4.toString;
- t3._as(t4);
- t6 = _this._chip$_theme.padding;
- t6 = new A.Offset(t6.left, t6.top).$add(0, labelOffset);
- t7 = _this._chip$_theme.labelPadding;
- t4.offset = t6.$add(0, new A.Offset(t7.left, t7.top));
- t5 = t5.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_2).parentData;
- t5.toString;
- t3._as(t5);
- t3 = _this._chip$_theme.padding;
- t5.offset = new A.Offset(t3.left, t3.top).$add(0, deleteIconOffset);
- t3 = _this._chip$_theme.padding.get$horizontal();
- t5 = _this._chip$_theme.padding;
- t7 = t5.get$_top(t5);
- t5 = t5.get$_bottom(t5);
- _this._size = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).constrain$1(new A.Size(right + t3, t2._dy + (t7 + t5)));
- },
- get$_chip$_disabledColor() {
- var enableTween,
- t1 = this.enableAnimation;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_3)
- return B.Color_4294967295;
- switch (this._chip$_theme.brightness.index) {
- case 1:
- enableTween = new A.ColorTween(A.Color$fromARGB(97, 255, 255, 255), B.Color_4294967295);
- break;
- case 0:
- enableTween = new A.ColorTween(A.Color$fromARGB(97, 0, 0, 0), B.Color_4278190080);
- break;
- default:
- enableTween = null;
- }
- t1 = this.enableAnimation;
- t1 = enableTween.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- _paintCheck$3(canvas, origin, size) {
- var paint, t2, t, path, t3, t4, mid, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._chip$_theme,
- paintColor = t1.checkmarkColor;
- if (!(paintColor != null))
- switch (t1.brightness.index) {
- case 1:
- paintColor = t1.showAvatar ? B.Color_4294967295 : A.Color$fromARGB(222, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- case 0:
- paintColor = t1.showAvatar ? B.Color_4278190080 : A.Color$fromARGB(222, 255, 255, 255);
- break;
- default:
- paintColor = null;
- }
- t1 = _this.checkmarkAnimation.parent;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_2) {
- t1 = _this.checkmarkAnimation;
- paintColor = new A.ColorTween(B.Color_0, paintColor).transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
- }
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer();
- paint = t1.createPaint$0();
- paintColor.toString;
- paint.set$color(0, paintColor);
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- t2 = _this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild;
- paint.set$strokeWidth(2 * (t2.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1) != null ? t2.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1)._size._dy / 24 : 1));
- t2 = _this.checkmarkAnimation.parent;
- if (t2.get$status(t2) === B.AnimationStatus_2)
- t = 1;
- else {
- t2 = _this.checkmarkAnimation;
- t = t2.get$value(t2);
- }
- if (t === 0)
- return;
- path = t1.createPath$0();
- t1 = size * 0.15;
- t2 = size * 0.45;
- t3 = size * 0.4;
- t4 = size * 0.7;
- mid = new A.Offset(t3, t4);
- t5 = origin._dx;
- t6 = origin._dy;
- t7 = t5 + t1;
- t8 = t6 + t2;
- if (t < 0.5) {
- t1 = A.Offset_lerp(new A.Offset(t1, t2), mid, t * 2);
- t1.toString;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t7, t8);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t5 + t1._dx, t6 + t1._dy);
- } else {
- t1 = A.Offset_lerp(mid, new A.Offset(size * 0.85, size * 0.25), (t - 0.5) * 2);
- t1.toString;
- path.moveTo$2(0, t7, t8);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t5 + t3, t6 + t4);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t5 + t1._dx, t6 + t1._dy);
- }
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- },
- _paintAvatar$2(context, offset) {
- var t2, disabledColor, disabledColorAlpha, t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
- t1 = new A._RenderChip__paintAvatar_paintWithOverlay(_this);
- if (!_this._chip$_theme.showAvatar) {
- t2 = _this.avatarDrawerAnimation;
- t2 = t2.get$status(t2) === B.AnimationStatus_0;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2)
- return;
- disabledColor = _this.get$_chip$_disabledColor();
- disabledColorAlpha = disabledColor.get$value(disabledColor) >>> 24 & 255;
- t2 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2)
- context.pushLayer$3(A.OpacityLayer$(disabledColorAlpha), t1, offset);
- else {
- t2 = disabledColorAlpha !== 255;
- if (t2) {
- t3 = context.get$canvas(context);
- t4 = A._RenderChip__boxRect(_this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1)).shift$1(offset).inflate$1(20);
- t5 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t5.set$color(0, disabledColor);
- t3.saveLayer$2(t4, t5);
- }
- t1.call$2(context, offset);
- if (t2)
- context.get$canvas(context).restore$0(0);
- }
- },
- _paintChild$4(context, offset, child, isEnabled) {
- var t1, t2, childRect, t3, _this = this;
- if (child == null)
- return;
- t1 = _this.get$_chip$_disabledColor();
- t1 = t1.get$value(t1);
- t2 = _this.enableAnimation;
- if (t2.get$status(t2) !== B.AnimationStatus_3) {
- t2 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2)
- context.pushLayer$3(A.OpacityLayer$(t1 >>> 24 & 255), new A._RenderChip__paintChild_closure(child), offset);
- else {
- childRect = A._RenderChip__boxRect(child).shift$1(offset);
- t1 = context.get$canvas(context);
- t2 = childRect.inflate$1(20);
- t3 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t3.set$color(0, _this.get$_chip$_disabledColor());
- t1.saveLayer$2(t2, t3);
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- context.paintChild$2(child, type$.BoxParentData._as(t3).offset.$add(0, offset));
- context.get$canvas(context).restore$0(0);
- }
- } else {
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- context.paintChild$2(child, type$.BoxParentData._as(t1).offset.$add(0, offset));
- }
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._paintAvatar$2(context, offset);
- t1 = _this.deleteDrawerAnimation;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) !== B.AnimationStatus_0)
- _this._paintChild$4(context, offset, _this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_2), _this.isEnabled);
- _this._paintChild$4(context, offset, _this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_0), _this.isEnabled);
- },
- hitTestSelf$1(position) {
- var t1 = this.___RenderChip__deleteButtonRect_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t1.contains$1(0, position)) {
- t1 = this.___RenderChip__pressRect_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.contains$1(0, position);
- } else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._RenderChip_hitTest_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, position) {
- return this.hitTestChild.hitTest$2$position(result, this.center);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A._RenderChip_performLayout_centerLayout.prototype = {
- call$2(boxSize, x) {
- var t1;
- switch (this.$this._chip$_textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = this.sizes;
- return new A.Offset(x - boxSize._dx, (t1.content - boxSize._dy + t1.densityAdjustment._dy) / 2);
- case 1:
- t1 = this.sizes;
- return new A.Offset(x, (t1.content - boxSize._dy + t1.densityAdjustment._dy) / 2);
- }
- },
- $signature: 265
- };
- A._RenderChip__paintAvatar_paintWithOverlay.prototype = {
- call$2(context, offset) {
- var t4, t5, avatarRect, darkenPaint, path, checkOffset,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild,
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1);
- t3.toString;
- t4 = t2.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1).parentData;
- t4.toString;
- t5 = type$.BoxParentData;
- context.paintChild$2(t3, t5._as(t4).offset.$add(0, offset));
- if (t1._chip$_theme.showCheckmark) {
- t3 = t1.checkmarkAnimation;
- t3 = t3.get$status(t3) !== B.AnimationStatus_0;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3) {
- if (t1._chip$_theme.showAvatar) {
- avatarRect = A._RenderChip__boxRect(t2.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1)).shift$1(offset);
- darkenPaint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t3 = $.$get$_RenderChip_selectionScrimTween();
- t4 = t1.checkmarkAnimation;
- t4 = t3.transform$1(0, t4.get$value(t4));
- t4.toString;
- darkenPaint.set$color(0, t4);
- darkenPaint.set$blendMode(B.BlendMode_9);
- path = t1.avatarBorder.getOuterPath$1(avatarRect);
- context.get$canvas(context).drawPath$2(path, darkenPaint);
- }
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1)._size._dy;
- t4 = t2.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1).parentData;
- t4.toString;
- checkOffset = t5._as(t4).offset.$add(0, new A.Offset(t2.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1)._size._dy * 0.125, t2.$index(0, B._ChipSlot_1)._size._dy * 0.125));
- t1._paintCheck$3(context.get$canvas(context), offset.$add(0, checkOffset), t3 * 0.75);
- }
- },
- $signature: 7
- };
- A._RenderChip__paintChild_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(context, offset) {
- var t1 = this.child,
- t2 = t1.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- context.paintChild$2(t1, type$.BoxParentData._as(t2).offset.$add(0, offset));
- },
- $signature: 7
- };
- A._ChipSizes.prototype = {};
- A._ChipDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_chip$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___ChipDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___ChipDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___ChipDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$labelStyle() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___ChipDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___ChipDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___ChipDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = t1.textTheme;
- }
- return value.labelLarge;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return null;
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_chip$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._surfaceTint;
- return t2 == null ? t1.primary : t2;
- },
- get$selectedColor() {
- return null;
- },
- get$checkmarkColor() {
- return null;
- },
- get$disabledColor() {
- return null;
- },
- get$deleteIconColor() {
- return null;
- },
- get$side() {
- var t1, t2;
- if (this.isEnabled) {
- t1 = this.get$_chip$_colors();
- t2 = t1._outline;
- t1 = new A.BorderSide(t2 == null ? t1.onBackground : t2, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- } else {
- t1 = this.get$_chip$_colors().onSurface.value;
- t1 = new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255), 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$iconTheme() {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.IconThemeData(18, _null, _null, _null, _null, this.isEnabled ? this.get$_chip$_colors().primary : this.get$_chip$_colors().onSurface, _null, _null);
- },
- get$padding(_) {
- return B.EdgeInsets_8_8_8_8;
- },
- get$labelPadding() {
- var t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(this.context, B._MediaQueryAspect_3);
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.textScaleFactor;
- t1 = A.EdgeInsets_lerp(B.EdgeInsets_8_0_8_0, B.EdgeInsets_4_0_4_0, A.clampDouble((t1 == null ? 1 : t1) - 1, 0, 1));
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.__ChipRenderWidget_RenderObjectWidget_SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin.prototype = {
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- return this.super$RenderObjectWidget$updateRenderObject(context, renderObject);
- }
- };
- A.__RawChipState_State_MaterialStateMixin.prototype = {};
- A.__RawChipState_State_MaterialStateMixin_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.__RenderChip_RenderBox_SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- for (t1 = this.get$children(this), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].attach$1(owner);
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- for (t1 = this.get$children(this), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].detach$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.ChipThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hashAll([_this.get$backgroundColor(_this), _this.get$deleteIconColor(), _this.get$disabledColor(), _this.get$selectedColor(), _this.secondarySelectedColor, _this.get$shadowColor(_this), _this.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.selectedShadowColor, _this.showCheckmark, _this.get$checkmarkColor(), _this.get$labelPadding(), _this.get$padding(_this), _this.get$side(), _this.shape, _this.get$labelStyle(), _this.secondaryLabelStyle, _this.brightness, _this.elevation, _this.pressElevation, _this.get$iconTheme()]);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ChipThemeData && J.$eq$(other.get$backgroundColor(other), _this.get$backgroundColor(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$deleteIconColor(), _this.get$deleteIconColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$disabledColor(), _this.get$disabledColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$selectedColor(), _this.get$selectedColor()) && J.$eq$(other.secondarySelectedColor, _this.secondarySelectedColor) && J.$eq$(other.get$shadowColor(other), _this.get$shadowColor(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.get$surfaceTintColor()) && J.$eq$(other.selectedShadowColor, _this.selectedShadowColor) && other.showCheckmark == _this.showCheckmark && J.$eq$(other.get$checkmarkColor(), _this.get$checkmarkColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$labelPadding(), _this.get$labelPadding()) && J.$eq$(other.get$padding(other), _this.get$padding(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$side(), _this.get$side()) && J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape) && J.$eq$(other.get$labelStyle(), _this.get$labelStyle()) && J.$eq$(other.secondaryLabelStyle, _this.secondaryLabelStyle) && other.brightness == _this.brightness && other.elevation == _this.elevation && other.pressElevation == _this.pressElevation && J.$eq$(other.get$iconTheme(), _this.get$iconTheme());
- },
- get$backgroundColor(receiver) {
- return this.backgroundColor;
- },
- get$deleteIconColor() {
- return this.deleteIconColor;
- },
- get$disabledColor() {
- return this.disabledColor;
- },
- get$selectedColor() {
- return this.selectedColor;
- },
- get$shadowColor(receiver) {
- return this.shadowColor;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- return this.surfaceTintColor;
- },
- get$checkmarkColor() {
- return this.checkmarkColor;
- },
- get$labelPadding() {
- return this.labelPadding;
- },
- get$padding(receiver) {
- return this.padding;
- },
- get$side() {
- return this.side;
- },
- get$labelStyle() {
- return this.labelStyle;
- },
- get$iconTheme() {
- return this.iconTheme;
- }
- };
- A._ChipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.ChoiceChip.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var _this = this, _null = null,
- chipTheme = A.ChipTheme_of(context),
- defaults = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? new A._ChoiceChipDefaultsM3(context, true, _this.selected, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D5, _null, _null, _null, 0, _null, _null) : _null,
- t1 = _this.selected ? chipTheme.secondaryLabelStyle : _null,
- t2 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return A.RawChip$(false, _null, B.CircleBorder_Umb, _this.backgroundColor, B.Clip_0, defaults, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this.elevation, _null, _this.iconTheme, true, _this.label, _null, t1, _null, _null, _this.onSelected, _this.padding, _null, _this.selected, _this.selectedColor, _null, _null, _this.shape, t2.useMaterial3, _this.side, _null, true, _null, true, _null);
- }
- };
- A._ChoiceChipDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_choice_chip$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___ChoiceChipDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___ChoiceChipDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___ChoiceChipDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$labelStyle() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___ChoiceChipDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___ChoiceChipDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___ChoiceChipDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = t1.textTheme;
- }
- return value.labelLarge;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return null;
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_choice_chip$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._surfaceTint;
- return t2 == null ? t1.primary : t2;
- },
- get$selectedColor() {
- var t1, t2;
- if (this.isEnabled) {
- t1 = this.get$_choice_chip$_colors();
- t2 = t1._secondaryContainer;
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1.secondary : t2;
- } else {
- t1 = this.get$_choice_chip$_colors().onSurface.value;
- t1 = A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$checkmarkColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_choice_chip$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._onSecondaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSecondary : t2;
- },
- get$disabledColor() {
- if (this.isSelected) {
- var t1 = this.get$_choice_chip$_colors().onSurface.value;
- t1 = A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- } else
- t1 = null;
- return t1;
- },
- get$deleteIconColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_choice_chip$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._onSecondaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSecondary : t2;
- },
- get$side() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (!_this.isSelected)
- if (_this.isEnabled) {
- t1 = _this.get$_choice_chip$_colors();
- t2 = t1._outline;
- t1 = new A.BorderSide(t2 == null ? t1.onBackground : t2, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- } else {
- t1 = _this.get$_choice_chip$_colors().onSurface.value;
- t1 = new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255), 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- }
- else
- t1 = B.BorderSide_tAf;
- return t1;
- },
- get$iconTheme() {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.IconThemeData(18, _null, _null, _null, _null, this.isEnabled ? _null : this.get$_choice_chip$_colors().onSurface, _null, _null);
- },
- get$padding(_) {
- return B.EdgeInsets_8_8_8_8;
- },
- get$labelPadding() {
- var t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(this.context, B._MediaQueryAspect_3);
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.textScaleFactor;
- t1 = A.EdgeInsets_lerp(B.EdgeInsets_8_0_8_0, B.EdgeInsets_4_0_4_0, A.clampDouble((t1 == null ? 1 : t1) - 1, 0, 1));
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.ColorScheme.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.ColorScheme)
- if (other.brightness === _this.brightness) {
- t1 = other.primary;
- t2 = _this.primary;
- if (t1.$eq(0, t2)) {
- t3 = other.onPrimary;
- t4 = _this.onPrimary;
- if (t3.$eq(0, t4)) {
- t5 = other._primaryContainer;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = t1;
- t6 = _this._primaryContainer;
- if (t5.$eq(0, t6 == null ? t2 : t6)) {
- t5 = other._onPrimaryContainer;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = t3;
- t6 = _this._onPrimaryContainer;
- if (t5.$eq(0, t6 == null ? t4 : t6)) {
- t5 = other.secondary;
- t6 = _this.secondary;
- if (t5.$eq(0, t6)) {
- t7 = other.onSecondary;
- t8 = _this.onSecondary;
- if (t7.$eq(0, t8)) {
- t9 = other._secondaryContainer;
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = t5;
- t10 = _this._secondaryContainer;
- if (t9.$eq(0, t10 == null ? t6 : t10)) {
- t9 = other._onSecondaryContainer;
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = t7;
- t10 = _this._onSecondaryContainer;
- if (t9.$eq(0, t10 == null ? t8 : t10)) {
- t9 = other._tertiary;
- t10 = t9 == null;
- t11 = t10 ? t5 : t9;
- t12 = _this._tertiary;
- t13 = t12 == null;
- if (t11.$eq(0, t13 ? t6 : t12)) {
- t11 = other._onTertiary;
- t14 = t11 == null;
- t15 = t14 ? t7 : t11;
- t16 = _this._onTertiary;
- t17 = t16 == null;
- if (t15.$eq(0, t17 ? t8 : t16)) {
- t15 = other._tertiaryContainer;
- if (t15 == null) {
- if (t10)
- t9 = t5;
- } else
- t9 = t15;
- t10 = _this._tertiaryContainer;
- if (t10 == null)
- t10 = t13 ? t6 : t12;
- if (t9.$eq(0, t10)) {
- t9 = other._onTertiaryContainer;
- if (t9 == null)
- t7 = t14 ? t7 : t11;
- else
- t7 = t9;
- t9 = _this._onTertiaryContainer;
- if (t9 == null)
- t8 = t17 ? t8 : t16;
- else
- t8 = t9;
- if (t7.$eq(0, t8)) {
- t7 = other.error;
- t8 = _this.error;
- if (t7.$eq(0, t8)) {
- t9 = other.onError;
- t10 = _this.onError;
- if (t9.$eq(0, t10)) {
- t11 = other._errorContainer;
- t7 = t11 == null ? t7 : t11;
- t11 = _this._errorContainer;
- if (t7.$eq(0, t11 == null ? t8 : t11)) {
- t7 = other._onErrorContainer;
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = t9;
- t8 = _this._onErrorContainer;
- if (t7.$eq(0, t8 == null ? t10 : t8))
- if (other.background.$eq(0, _this.background)) {
- t7 = other.onBackground;
- t8 = _this.onBackground;
- if (t7.$eq(0, t8)) {
- t9 = other.surface;
- t10 = _this.surface;
- if (t9.$eq(0, t10)) {
- t11 = other.onSurface;
- t12 = _this.onSurface;
- if (t11.$eq(0, t12)) {
- t13 = other._surfaceVariant;
- if (t13 == null)
- t13 = t9;
- t14 = _this._surfaceVariant;
- if (t13.$eq(0, t14 == null ? t10 : t14)) {
- t13 = other._onSurfaceVariant;
- if (t13 == null)
- t13 = t11;
- t14 = _this._onSurfaceVariant;
- if (t13.$eq(0, t14 == null ? t12 : t14)) {
- t13 = other._outline;
- if (t13 == null)
- t13 = t7;
- t14 = _this._outline;
- if (t13.$eq(0, t14 == null ? t8 : t14)) {
- t13 = other._outlineVariant;
- t7 = t13 == null ? t7 : t13;
- t13 = _this._outlineVariant;
- if (t7.$eq(0, t13 == null ? t8 : t13)) {
- t7 = other._shadow;
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = B.Color_4278190080;
- t8 = _this._shadow;
- if (t7.$eq(0, t8 == null ? B.Color_4278190080 : t8)) {
- t7 = other._scrim;
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = B.Color_4278190080;
- t8 = _this._scrim;
- if (t7.$eq(0, t8 == null ? B.Color_4278190080 : t8)) {
- t7 = other._inverseSurface;
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = t11;
- t8 = _this._inverseSurface;
- if (t7.$eq(0, t8 == null ? t12 : t8)) {
- t7 = other._onInverseSurface;
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = t9;
- t8 = _this._onInverseSurface;
- if (t7.$eq(0, t8 == null ? t10 : t8)) {
- t7 = other._inversePrimary;
- t3 = t7 == null ? t3 : t7;
- t7 = _this._inversePrimary;
- if (t3.$eq(0, t7 == null ? t4 : t7)) {
- t3 = other._primaryVariant;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = t1;
- t4 = _this._primaryVariant;
- if (t3.$eq(0, t4 == null ? t2 : t4)) {
- t3 = other._secondaryVariant;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = t5;
- t4 = _this._secondaryVariant;
- if (t3.$eq(0, t4 == null ? t6 : t4)) {
- t3 = other._surfaceTint;
- t1 = t3 == null ? t1 : t3;
- t3 = _this._surfaceTint;
- t1 = t1.$eq(0, t3 == null ? t2 : t3);
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.primary,
- t2 = _this.onPrimary,
- t3 = _this._primaryContainer;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = t1;
- t4 = _this._onPrimaryContainer;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = t2;
- t5 = _this.secondary;
- t6 = _this.onSecondary;
- t7 = _this._secondaryContainer;
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = t5;
- t8 = _this._onSecondaryContainer;
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = t6;
- t9 = _this._tertiary;
- t10 = t9 == null;
- t11 = t10 ? t5 : t9;
- t12 = _this._onTertiary;
- t13 = t12 == null;
- t14 = t13 ? t6 : t12;
- t15 = _this._tertiaryContainer;
- if (t15 == null) {
- if (t10)
- t9 = t5;
- } else
- t9 = t15;
- t10 = _this._onTertiaryContainer;
- if (t10 == null)
- t10 = t13 ? t6 : t12;
- t12 = _this.error;
- t13 = _this.onError;
- t15 = _this._errorContainer;
- if (t15 == null)
- t15 = t12;
- t16 = _this._onErrorContainer;
- if (t16 == null)
- t16 = t13;
- t17 = _this.onBackground;
- t18 = _this.surface;
- t19 = _this.onSurface;
- t20 = _this._surfaceVariant;
- if (t20 == null)
- t20 = t18;
- t21 = _this._onSurfaceVariant;
- if (t21 == null)
- t21 = t19;
- t22 = _this._outline;
- if (t22 == null)
- t22 = t17;
- t23 = _this._outlineVariant;
- if (t23 == null)
- t23 = t17;
- t24 = _this._shadow;
- if (t24 == null)
- t24 = B.Color_4278190080;
- t25 = _this._scrim;
- if (t25 == null)
- t25 = B.Color_4278190080;
- t26 = _this._inverseSurface;
- if (t26 == null)
- t26 = t19;
- t27 = _this._onInverseSurface;
- if (t27 == null)
- t27 = t18;
- t28 = _this._inversePrimary;
- if (t28 == null)
- t28 = t2;
- t29 = _this._primaryVariant;
- if (t29 == null)
- t29 = t1;
- t30 = _this._secondaryVariant;
- if (t30 == null)
- t30 = t5;
- t31 = _this._surfaceTint;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.brightness, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t11, t14, t9, t10, t12, t13, t15, t16, _this.background, t17, A.Object_hash(t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31 == null ? t1 : t31, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue));
- }
- };
- A._ColorScheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.MaterialColor.prototype = {};
- A.DataTableThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.decoration, _this.dataRowColor, _this.dataRowMinHeight, _this.dataRowMaxHeight, _this.dataTextStyle, _this.headingRowColor, _this.headingRowHeight, _this.headingTextStyle, _this.horizontalMargin, _this.columnSpacing, _this.dividerThickness, _this.checkboxHorizontalMargin, _this.headingCellCursor, _this.dataRowCursor, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.DataTableThemeData)
- if (J.$eq$(other.decoration, _this.decoration))
- if (other.dataRowColor == _this.dataRowColor)
- if (other.dataRowMinHeight == _this.dataRowMinHeight)
- if (other.dataRowMaxHeight == _this.dataRowMaxHeight)
- if (J.$eq$(other.dataTextStyle, _this.dataTextStyle))
- if (other.headingRowColor == _this.headingRowColor)
- if (other.headingRowHeight == _this.headingRowHeight)
- if (J.$eq$(other.headingTextStyle, _this.headingTextStyle))
- if (other.horizontalMargin == _this.horizontalMargin)
- if (other.columnSpacing == _this.columnSpacing)
- if (other.dividerThickness == _this.dividerThickness)
- if (other.checkboxHorizontalMargin == _this.checkboxHorizontalMargin)
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._DataTableThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.DatePickerEntryMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "DatePickerEntryMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.DatePickerMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "DatePickerMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.showDatePicker_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(context) {
- var t1 = this._box_0.dialog;
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 14
- };
- A.DatePickerDialog.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- var _null = null;
- return new A._DatePickerDialogState(new A._RestorableAutovalidateMode(B.AutovalidateMode_0, $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners()), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_FormState), _null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.RestorableProperty_nullable_Object, type$.void_Function), _null, true, _null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._DatePickerDialogState.prototype = {
- get$_selectedDate() {
- var t1, t2,
- value = this.___DatePickerDialogState__selectedDate_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = this._widget.initialDate;
- t2 = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- value !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = this.___DatePickerDialogState__selectedDate_FI = new A.RestorableDateTime(t1, t2);
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_entryMode() {
- var t1, t2,
- value = this.___DatePickerDialogState__entryMode_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = this._widget.initialEntryMode;
- t2 = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- value !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = this.___DatePickerDialogState__entryMode_FI = new A._RestorableDatePickerEntryMode(t1, t2);
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$restorationId() {
- this._widget.toString;
- return null;
- },
- restoreState$2(oldBucket, initialRestore) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.registerForRestoration$2(_this.get$_selectedDate(), "selected_date");
- _this.registerForRestoration$2(_this._autovalidateMode, "autovalidateMode");
- _this.registerForRestoration$2(_this.get$_entryMode(), "calendar_entry_mode");
- },
- _handleOk$0() {
- var t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.get$_entryMode(),
- t2 = t1._restoration_properties$_value;
- if ((t2 == null ? A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t2) : t2) !== B.DatePickerEntryMode_1) {
- t1 = _this.get$_entryMode();
- t2 = t1._restoration_properties$_value;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t2) : t2) === B.DatePickerEntryMode_3;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this._formKey.get$currentState();
- t1.toString;
- if (!t1.validate$0()) {
- _this.setState$1(new A._DatePickerDialogState__handleOk_closure(_this));
- return;
- }
- t1.save$0(0);
- }
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this.get$_selectedDate();
- t3 = t2._restoration_properties$_value;
- t2 = t3 == null ? A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t3) : t3;
- A.Navigator_of(t1, false).pop$1(t2);
- },
- _handleCancel$0() {
- var t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- A.Navigator_of(t1, false).pop$1(null);
- },
- _handleOnDatePickerModeChange$0() {
- this._widget.toString;
- },
- _handleEntryModeToggle$0() {
- this.setState$1(new A._DatePickerDialogState__handleEntryModeToggle_closure(this));
- },
- _handleDateChanged$1(date) {
- this.setState$1(new A._DatePickerDialogState__handleDateChanged_closure(this, date));
- },
- _dialogSize$1(context) {
- var t2,
- useMaterial3 = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3,
- t1 = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_1, type$.MediaQuery).data,
- orientation = t1.get$orientation(t1);
- t1 = this.get$_entryMode();
- t2 = t1._restoration_properties$_value;
- switch (t2 == null ? A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t2) : t2) {
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_0:
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_2:
- switch (orientation.index) {
- case 0:
- return useMaterial3 ? B.Size_328_512 : B.Size_330_518;
- case 1:
- return B.Size_496_346;
- }
- break;
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_1:
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_3:
- switch (orientation.index) {
- case 0:
- return useMaterial3 ? B.Size_328_270 : B.Size_330_270;
- case 1:
- return B.Size_496_160;
- }
- break;
- }
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, t2, orientation, datePickerTheme, defaults, textTheme, headlineStyle, t3, headerForegroundColor, actions, calendarDatePicker, inputDatePicker, entryModeButton, t4, day, month, textScaleFactor, dialogSize, dialogTheme, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this, _null = null, _box_0 = {},
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- useMaterial3 = theme.useMaterial3;
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- t1 = type$.MediaQuery;
- t2 = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_1, t1).data;
- orientation = t2.get$orientation(t2);
- datePickerTheme = A.DatePickerTheme_of(context);
- defaults = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? A._DatePickerDefaultsM3$(context) : A._DatePickerDefaultsM2$(context);
- textTheme = theme.textTheme;
- if (useMaterial3) {
- headlineStyle = datePickerTheme.headerHeadlineStyle;
- if (headlineStyle == null)
- headlineStyle = defaults.get$headerHeadlineStyle();
- t2 = _this.get$_entryMode();
- t3 = t2._restoration_properties$_value;
- switch (t3 == null ? A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t3) : t3) {
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_1:
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_3:
- if (orientation === B.Orientation_1)
- headlineStyle = textTheme.headlineSmall;
- break;
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_0:
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_2:
- break;
- }
- useMaterial3 = true;
- } else
- headlineStyle = orientation === B.Orientation_1 ? textTheme.headlineSmall : textTheme.headlineMedium;
- headerForegroundColor = datePickerTheme.headerForegroundColor;
- if (headerForegroundColor == null)
- headerForegroundColor = defaults.get$headerForegroundColor();
- headlineStyle = headlineStyle == null ? _null : headlineStyle.copyWith$1$color(headerForegroundColor);
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t3 = t2.cancelText;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = useMaterial3 ? "Cancel" : "Cancel".toUpperCase();
- t3 = A.TextButton$(A.Text$(t3, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), _this.get$_handleCancel(), _null);
- t2 = t2.confirmText;
- actions = A.Container$(B.AlignmentDirectional_1_0, A.OverflowBar$(_null, A._setArrayType([t3, A.TextButton$(A.Text$(t2 == null ? "OK" : t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), _this.get$_handleOk(), _null)], type$.JSArray_Widget), B.OverflowBarAlignment_0, B.VerticalDirection_1, 0, 8), B.Clip_0, _null, B.BoxConstraints_mlX3, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.EdgeInsets_8_0_8_0, _null, _null, _null);
- calendarDatePicker = new A._DatePickerDialogState_build_calendarDatePicker(_this);
- inputDatePicker = new A._DatePickerDialogState_build_inputDatePicker(_this, orientation);
- _box_0.picker = null;
- t2 = _this.get$_entryMode();
- t3 = t2._restoration_properties$_value;
- switch (t3 == null ? A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t3) : t3) {
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_0:
- _box_0.picker = calendarDatePicker.call$0();
- entryModeButton = A.IconButton$(headerForegroundColor, _null, A.Icon$(useMaterial3 ? B.IconData_61453_MaterialIcons_null_false : B.IconData_57882_MaterialIcons_null_false, _null, _null, _null, _null), _null, _null, _this.get$_handleEntryModeToggle(), _null, _null, _null, "Switch to input");
- break;
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_2:
- _box_0.picker = calendarDatePicker.call$0();
- entryModeButton = _null;
- break;
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_1:
- _box_0.picker = inputDatePicker.call$0();
- entryModeButton = A.IconButton$(headerForegroundColor, _null, B.Icon_7FW, _null, _null, _this.get$_handleEntryModeToggle(), _null, _null, _null, "Switch to calendar");
- break;
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_3:
- _box_0.picker = inputDatePicker.call$0();
- entryModeButton = _null;
- break;
- default:
- entryModeButton = _null;
- }
- t2 = _this._widget.helpText;
- t3 = _this.get$_selectedDate();
- t4 = t3._restoration_properties$_value;
- t3 = t4 == null ? A._instanceType(t3)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t4) : t4;
- day = B.List_n7o[A.Primitives_getWeekday(t3) - 1];
- month = B.List_Au8[A.Primitives_getMonth(t3) - 1];
- t4 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_3);
- t4 = t4 == null ? _null : t4.textScaleFactor;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = 1;
- textScaleFactor = Math.min(t4, 1.3);
- dialogSize = _this._dialogSize$1(context).$mul(0, textScaleFactor);
- dialogTheme = theme.dialogTheme;
- t4 = datePickerTheme.backgroundColor;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = defaults.get$backgroundColor(defaults);
- t5 = datePickerTheme.elevation;
- if (useMaterial3) {
- if (t5 == null) {
- t5 = defaults.elevation;
- t5.toString;
- }
- } else {
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = dialogTheme.elevation;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = 24;
- }
- t6 = datePickerTheme.shadowColor;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = defaults.get$shadowColor(defaults);
- t7 = datePickerTheme.surfaceTintColor;
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = defaults.get$surfaceTintColor();
- t8 = datePickerTheme.shape;
- if (useMaterial3) {
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = defaults.shape;
- } else {
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = dialogTheme.shape;
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = defaults.shape;
- }
- return A.Dialog$(_null, t4, A.AnimatedContainer$(A.MediaQuery$(new A.Builder(new A._DatePickerDialogState_build_closure(_box_0, orientation, new A._DatePickerHeader(t2, day + ", " + month + " " + A.Primitives_getDay(t3), headlineStyle, orientation, orientation === B.Orientation_1, entryModeButton, _null), useMaterial3, actions), _null), A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, _null, t1).data.copyWith$1$textScaleFactor(textScaleFactor), _null), B.Cubic_JUR0, _null, B.Duration_200000, dialogSize._dy, _null, dialogSize._dx), B.Clip_2, t5, B.EdgeInsets_16_24_16_24, t6, t8, t7);
- }
- };
- A._DatePickerDialogState__handleOk_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._autovalidateMode.set$value(0, B.AutovalidateMode_1);
- return B.AutovalidateMode_1;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._DatePickerDialogState__handleEntryModeToggle_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.get$_entryMode(),
- t3 = t2._restoration_properties$_value;
- switch (t3 == null ? A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t3) : t3) {
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_0:
- t1._autovalidateMode.set$value(0, B.AutovalidateMode_0);
- t1.get$_entryMode().set$value(0, B.DatePickerEntryMode_1);
- t1._handleOnDatePickerModeChange$0();
- break;
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_1:
- t1._formKey.get$currentState().save$0(0);
- t1.get$_entryMode().set$value(0, B.DatePickerEntryMode_0);
- t1._handleOnDatePickerModeChange$0();
- break;
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_2:
- case B.DatePickerEntryMode_3:
- break;
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._DatePickerDialogState__handleDateChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.get$_selectedDate().set$value(0, this.date);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._DatePickerDialogState_build_calendarDatePicker.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t4, t5, t6, t7,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.get$_selectedDate(),
- t3 = t2._restoration_properties$_value;
- t2 = t3 == null ? A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t3) : t3;
- t3 = t1._widget;
- t4 = t3.firstDate;
- t5 = t3.lastDate;
- t6 = t3.currentDate;
- t7 = t3.selectableDayPredicate;
- t3 = t3.initialCalendarMode;
- t2 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t2), A.Primitives_getMonth(t2), A.Primitives_getDay(t2), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t2))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t2));
- t4 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t4), A.Primitives_getMonth(t4), A.Primitives_getDay(t4), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t4))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t4));
- t5 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t5), A.Primitives_getMonth(t5), A.Primitives_getDay(t5), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t5))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t5));
- t6 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t6), A.Primitives_getMonth(t6), A.Primitives_getDay(t6), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t6))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t6));
- return new A.CalendarDatePicker(new A.DateTime(t2, false), new A.DateTime(t4, false), new A.DateTime(t5, false), new A.DateTime(t6, false), t1.get$_handleDateChanged(), t3, t7, t1._calendarPickerKey);
- },
- $signature: 261
- };
- A._DatePickerDialogState_build_inputDatePicker.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, _null = null,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._autovalidateMode,
- t3 = t2._restoration_properties$_value;
- t2 = t3 == null ? A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t3) : t3;
- t3 = this.orientation === B.Orientation_0 ? 98 : 108;
- t4 = t1.get$_selectedDate();
- t5 = t4._restoration_properties$_value;
- t4 = t5 == null ? A._instanceType(t4)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t5) : t5;
- t5 = t1._widget;
- t6 = t5.firstDate;
- t7 = t5.lastDate;
- t8 = t1.get$_handleDateChanged();
- t9 = t5.selectableDayPredicate;
- t10 = t5.errorFormatText;
- t11 = t5.errorInvalidText;
- t12 = t5.fieldHintText;
- t13 = t5.fieldLabelText;
- t5 = t5.keyboardType;
- if (t4 != null) {
- t4 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t4), A.Primitives_getMonth(t4), A.Primitives_getDay(t4), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t4))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t4));
- t4 = new A.DateTime(t4, false);
- } else
- t4 = _null;
- t6 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t6), A.Primitives_getMonth(t6), A.Primitives_getDay(t6), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t6))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t6));
- t7 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(A.Primitives_getYear(t7), A.Primitives_getMonth(t7), A.Primitives_getDay(t7), 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t7))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t7));
- return A.Form$(t2, A.Container$(_null, A.Shortcuts$(A.Column$(A._setArrayType([B.Spacer_null, new A.InputDatePickerFormField(t4, new A.DateTime(t6, false), new A.DateTime(t7, false), t8, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t5, true, _null), B.Spacer_null], type$.JSArray_Widget), B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_1), _null, B.Map_gQOxG), B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, t3, _null, _null, B.EdgeInsets_24_0_24_0, _null, _null, _null), t1._formKey);
- },
- $signature: 449
- };
- A._DatePickerDialogState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(context) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- switch (_this.orientation.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = A._setArrayType([_this.header], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- if (_this.useMaterial3)
- t1.push(B.Divider_null_null_null_null);
- t1.push(A.Expanded$(_this._box_0.picker, 1, null));
- t1.push(_this.actions);
- return A.Column$(t1, B.CrossAxisAlignment_3, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_0);
- case 1:
- t1 = type$.JSArray_Widget;
- t2 = A._setArrayType([_this.header], t1);
- if (_this.useMaterial3)
- t2.push(B.VerticalDivider_null);
- t2.push(new A.Flexible(1, B.FlexFit_1, A.Column$(A._setArrayType([A.Expanded$(_this._box_0.picker, 1, null), _this.actions], t1), B.CrossAxisAlignment_3, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_0), null));
- return A.Row$(t2, B.CrossAxisAlignment_3, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_0);
- }
- },
- $signature: 260
- };
- A._RestorableDatePickerEntryMode.prototype = {
- createDefaultValue$0() {
- return this._date_picker$_defaultValue;
- },
- didUpdateValue$1(oldValue) {
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- fromPrimitives$1(data) {
- data.toString;
- return B.List_VBz[A._asInt(data)];
- },
- toPrimitives$0() {
- var t1 = this._restoration_properties$_value;
- return (t1 == null ? A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t1) : t1).index;
- }
- };
- A._RestorableAutovalidateMode.prototype = {
- createDefaultValue$0() {
- return this._date_picker$_defaultValue;
- },
- didUpdateValue$1(oldValue) {
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- fromPrimitives$1(data) {
- data.toString;
- return B.List_ATp[A._asInt(data)];
- },
- toPrimitives$0() {
- var t1 = this._restoration_properties$_value;
- return (t1 == null ? A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t1) : t1).index;
- }
- };
- A._DatePickerHeader.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var foregroundColor, t1, helpStyle, help, t2, t3, title, _this = this, _null = null,
- themeData = A.DatePickerTheme_of(context),
- defaults = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? A._DatePickerDefaultsM3$(context) : A._DatePickerDefaultsM2$(context),
- backgroundColor = themeData.headerBackgroundColor;
- if (backgroundColor == null)
- backgroundColor = defaults.get$headerBackgroundColor();
- foregroundColor = themeData.headerForegroundColor;
- if (foregroundColor == null)
- foregroundColor = defaults.get$headerForegroundColor();
- t1 = themeData.headerHelpStyle;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = defaults.get$headerHelpStyle();
- helpStyle = t1 == null ? _null : t1.copyWith$1$color(foregroundColor);
- help = A.Text$(_this.helpText, 1, B.TextOverflow_2, _null, _null, helpStyle, _null, _null, _null);
- t1 = _this.titleText;
- t2 = _this.orientation;
- t3 = t2 === B.Orientation_0 ? 1 : 2;
- title = A.Text$(t1, t3, B.TextOverflow_2, t1, _null, _this.titleStyle, _null, _null, _null);
- switch (t2.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = type$.JSArray_Widget;
- t2 = A._setArrayType([A.Expanded$(title, 1, _null)], t1);
- t3 = _this.entryModeButton;
- if (t3 != null)
- t2.push(t3);
- return A.SizedBox$(A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, true, _null, new A.Padding(B.EdgeInsetsDirectional_24_0_12_0, A.Column$(A._setArrayType([B.SizedBox_null_16_null_null, help, B.Flexible_swd, A.Row$(t2, B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_1)], t1), B.CrossAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_1), _null), B.Clip_0, backgroundColor, 0, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.MaterialType_0), 120, _null);
- case 1:
- t1 = A._setArrayType([B.SizedBox_null_16_null_null, new A.Padding(B.EdgeInsets_16_0_16_0, help, _null), A.SizedBox$(_null, _this.isShort ? 16 : 56, _null), A.Expanded$(new A.Padding(B.EdgeInsets_16_0_16_0, title, _null), 1, _null)], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- t2 = _this.entryModeButton;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push(new A.Padding(B.EdgeInsets_4_0_4_0, t2, _null));
- return A.SizedBox$(A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, true, _null, A.Column$(t1, B.CrossAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_1), B.Clip_0, backgroundColor, 0, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.MaterialType_0), _null, 152);
- }
- }
- };
- A.__DatePickerDialogState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(property, listener) {
- if (!property._restoration0$_disposed)
- property.removeListener$1(0, listener);
- },
- $signature: 50
- };
- A.__DatePickerDialogState_State_RestorationMixin.prototype = {
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- this.didUpdateRestorationId$0();
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- var oldBucket, needsRestore, t1, didReplaceBucket, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- oldBucket = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket;
- needsRestore = _this.get$restorePending();
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.RestorationScope_maybeOf(t1);
- _this.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t1;
- didReplaceBucket = _this._updateBucketIfNecessary$2$parent$restorePending(t1, needsRestore);
- if (needsRestore) {
- _this.restoreState$2(oldBucket, _this.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending);
- _this.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = false;
- }
- if (didReplaceBucket)
- if (oldBucket != null)
- oldBucket.dispose$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.RestorationMixin__properties.forEach$1(0, new A.__DatePickerDialogState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure());
- t1 = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this.RestorationMixin__bucket = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.DatePickerThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hashAll([_this.get$backgroundColor(_this), _this.elevation, _this.get$shadowColor(_this), _this.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.shape, _this.get$headerBackgroundColor(), _this.get$headerForegroundColor(), _this.get$headerHeadlineStyle(), _this.get$headerHelpStyle(), _this.get$weekdayStyle(), _this.get$dayStyle(), _this.get$dayForegroundColor(), _this.get$dayBackgroundColor(), _this.get$dayOverlayColor(), _this.get$todayForegroundColor(), _this.get$todayBackgroundColor(), _this.get$todayBorder(), _this.get$yearStyle(), _this.get$yearForegroundColor(), _this.get$yearBackgroundColor(), _this.get$yearOverlayColor(), _this.get$rangePickerBackgroundColor(), _this.rangePickerElevation, _this.get$rangePickerShadowColor(), _this.get$rangePickerSurfaceTintColor(), _this.rangePickerShape, _this.get$rangePickerHeaderBackgroundColor(), _this.get$rangePickerHeaderForegroundColor(), _this.get$rangePickerHeaderHeadlineStyle(), _this.get$rangePickerHeaderHelpStyle(), _this.get$rangeSelectionBackgroundColor(), _this.get$rangeSelectionOverlayColor()]);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- return other instanceof A.DatePickerThemeData && J.$eq$(other.get$backgroundColor(other), _this.get$backgroundColor(_this)) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.get$shadowColor(other), _this.get$shadowColor(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.get$surfaceTintColor()) && J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape) && J.$eq$(other.get$headerBackgroundColor(), _this.get$headerBackgroundColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$headerForegroundColor(), _this.get$headerForegroundColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$headerHeadlineStyle(), _this.get$headerHeadlineStyle()) && J.$eq$(other.get$headerHelpStyle(), _this.get$headerHelpStyle()) && J.$eq$(other.get$weekdayStyle(), _this.get$weekdayStyle()) && J.$eq$(other.get$dayStyle(), _this.get$dayStyle()) && other.get$dayForegroundColor() == _this.get$dayForegroundColor() && other.get$dayBackgroundColor() == _this.get$dayBackgroundColor() && other.get$dayOverlayColor() == _this.get$dayOverlayColor() && other.get$todayForegroundColor() == _this.get$todayForegroundColor() && other.get$todayBackgroundColor() == _this.get$todayBackgroundColor() && J.$eq$(other.get$todayBorder(), _this.get$todayBorder()) && J.$eq$(other.get$yearStyle(), _this.get$yearStyle()) && other.get$yearForegroundColor() == _this.get$yearForegroundColor() && other.get$yearBackgroundColor() == _this.get$yearBackgroundColor() && other.get$yearOverlayColor() == _this.get$yearOverlayColor() && J.$eq$(other.get$rangePickerBackgroundColor(), _this.get$rangePickerBackgroundColor()) && other.rangePickerElevation == _this.rangePickerElevation && J.$eq$(other.get$rangePickerShadowColor(), _this.get$rangePickerShadowColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$rangePickerSurfaceTintColor(), _this.get$rangePickerSurfaceTintColor()) && J.$eq$(other.rangePickerShape, _this.rangePickerShape) && J.$eq$(other.get$rangePickerHeaderBackgroundColor(), _this.get$rangePickerHeaderBackgroundColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$rangePickerHeaderForegroundColor(), _this.get$rangePickerHeaderForegroundColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$rangePickerHeaderHeadlineStyle(), _this.get$rangePickerHeaderHeadlineStyle()) && J.$eq$(other.get$rangePickerHeaderHelpStyle(), _this.get$rangePickerHeaderHelpStyle()) && J.$eq$(other.get$rangeSelectionBackgroundColor(), _this.get$rangeSelectionBackgroundColor()) && other.get$rangeSelectionOverlayColor() == _this.get$rangeSelectionOverlayColor();
- },
- get$backgroundColor(receiver) {
- return this.backgroundColor;
- },
- get$shadowColor(receiver) {
- return this.shadowColor;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- return this.surfaceTintColor;
- },
- get$headerBackgroundColor() {
- return this.headerBackgroundColor;
- },
- get$headerForegroundColor() {
- return this.headerForegroundColor;
- },
- get$headerHeadlineStyle() {
- return this.headerHeadlineStyle;
- },
- get$headerHelpStyle() {
- return this.headerHelpStyle;
- },
- get$weekdayStyle() {
- return this.weekdayStyle;
- },
- get$dayStyle() {
- return this.dayStyle;
- },
- get$dayForegroundColor() {
- return this.dayForegroundColor;
- },
- get$dayBackgroundColor() {
- return this.dayBackgroundColor;
- },
- get$dayOverlayColor() {
- return this.dayOverlayColor;
- },
- get$todayForegroundColor() {
- return this.todayForegroundColor;
- },
- get$todayBackgroundColor() {
- return this.todayBackgroundColor;
- },
- get$todayBorder() {
- return this.todayBorder;
- },
- get$yearStyle() {
- return this.yearStyle;
- },
- get$yearForegroundColor() {
- return this.yearForegroundColor;
- },
- get$yearBackgroundColor() {
- return this.yearBackgroundColor;
- },
- get$yearOverlayColor() {
- return this.yearOverlayColor;
- },
- get$rangePickerBackgroundColor() {
- return this.rangePickerBackgroundColor;
- },
- get$rangePickerShadowColor() {
- return this.rangePickerShadowColor;
- },
- get$rangePickerSurfaceTintColor() {
- return this.rangePickerSurfaceTintColor;
- },
- get$rangePickerHeaderBackgroundColor() {
- return this.rangePickerHeaderBackgroundColor;
- },
- get$rangePickerHeaderForegroundColor() {
- return this.rangePickerHeaderForegroundColor;
- },
- get$rangePickerHeaderHeadlineStyle() {
- return this.rangePickerHeaderHeadlineStyle;
- },
- get$rangePickerHeaderHelpStyle() {
- return this.rangePickerHeaderHelpStyle;
- },
- get$rangeSelectionBackgroundColor() {
- return this.rangeSelectionBackgroundColor;
- },
- get$rangeSelectionOverlayColor() {
- return this.rangeSelectionOverlayColor;
- }
- };
- A._DatePickerDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$_date_picker_theme$_theme() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__theme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__theme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__theme_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_date_picker_theme$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.get$_date_picker_theme$_theme();
- _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__textTheme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.get$_date_picker_theme$_theme();
- _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__textTheme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__textTheme_FI = t1.textTheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_isDark() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__isDark_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors();
- _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__isDark_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM2__isDark_FI = t1.brightness === B.Brightness_0;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$headerBackgroundColor() {
- return this.get$_isDark() ? this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().surface : this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().primary;
- },
- get$headerForegroundColor() {
- return this.get$_isDark() ? this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onSurface : this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- },
- get$headerHeadlineStyle() {
- return this.get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme().headlineSmall;
- },
- get$headerHelpStyle() {
- return this.get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme().labelSmall;
- },
- get$weekdayStyle() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme().bodySmall;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t2 = this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onSurface.value;
- t2 = t1.apply$1$color(A.Color$fromARGB(153, t2 >>> 16 & 255, t2 >>> 8 & 255, t2 & 255));
- t1 = t2;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$dayStyle() {
- return this.get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme().bodySmall;
- },
- get$dayForegroundColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._DatePickerDefaultsM2_dayForegroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$dayBackgroundColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._DatePickerDefaultsM2_dayBackgroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$dayOverlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._DatePickerDefaultsM2_dayOverlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$todayForegroundColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._DatePickerDefaultsM2_todayForegroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$todayBackgroundColor() {
- return this.get$dayBackgroundColor();
- },
- get$todayBorder() {
- return new A.BorderSide(this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().primary, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- },
- get$yearStyle() {
- return this.get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme().bodyLarge;
- },
- get$rangePickerBackgroundColor() {
- return this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().surface;
- },
- get$rangePickerShadowColor() {
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- get$rangePickerSurfaceTintColor() {
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- get$rangePickerHeaderBackgroundColor() {
- return this.get$_isDark() ? this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().surface : this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().primary;
- },
- get$rangePickerHeaderForegroundColor() {
- return this.get$_isDark() ? this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onSurface : this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- },
- get$rangePickerHeaderHeadlineStyle() {
- return this.get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme().headlineSmall;
- },
- get$rangePickerHeaderHelpStyle() {
- return this.get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme().labelSmall;
- },
- get$rangeSelectionBackgroundColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- },
- get$rangeSelectionOverlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._DatePickerDefaultsM2_rangeSelectionOverlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- }
- };
- A._DatePickerDefaultsM2_dayForegroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- else if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onSurface;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._DatePickerDefaultsM2_dayBackgroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().primary;
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._DatePickerDefaultsM2_dayOverlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- } else {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._DatePickerDefaultsM2_todayForegroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- else if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().primary;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._DatePickerDefaultsM2_rangeSelectionOverlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- } else {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._DatePickerDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_date_picker_theme$_theme() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM3__theme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM3__theme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM3__theme_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_date_picker_theme$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.get$_date_picker_theme$_theme();
- _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.get$_date_picker_theme$_theme();
- _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___DatePickerDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = t1.textTheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().surface;
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._surfaceTint;
- return t2 == null ? t1.primary : t2;
- },
- get$headerBackgroundColor() {
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- get$headerForegroundColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- },
- get$headerHeadlineStyle() {
- return this.get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme().headlineLarge;
- },
- get$headerHelpStyle() {
- return this.get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme().labelLarge;
- },
- get$weekdayStyle() {
- var t1 = this.get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme().bodyLarge;
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.apply$1$color(this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onSurface);
- },
- get$dayStyle() {
- return this.get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme().bodyLarge;
- },
- get$dayForegroundColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_dayForegroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$dayBackgroundColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_dayBackgroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$dayOverlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_dayOverlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$todayForegroundColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_todayForegroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$todayBackgroundColor() {
- return this.get$dayBackgroundColor();
- },
- get$todayBorder() {
- return new A.BorderSide(this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().primary, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- },
- get$yearStyle() {
- return this.get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme().bodyLarge;
- },
- get$yearForegroundColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_yearForegroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$yearBackgroundColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_yearBackgroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$yearOverlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_yearOverlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$rangePickerShadowColor() {
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- get$rangePickerSurfaceTintColor() {
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- get$rangeSelectionBackgroundColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._secondaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.secondary : t2;
- },
- get$rangeSelectionOverlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_rangeSelectionOverlayColor_closure(), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$rangePickerHeaderBackgroundColor() {
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- get$rangePickerHeaderForegroundColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- },
- get$rangePickerHeaderHeadlineStyle() {
- return this.get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme().titleLarge;
- },
- get$rangePickerHeaderHelpStyle() {
- return this.get$_date_picker_theme$_textTheme().titleSmall;
- }
- };
- A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_dayForegroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- else if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onSurface;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_dayBackgroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().primary;
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_dayOverlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- } else {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_todayForegroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- else if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- return this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().primary;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_yearForegroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- else if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- t1 = this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_yearBackgroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().primary;
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_yearOverlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- } else {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_date_picker_theme$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._DatePickerDefaultsM3_rangeSelectionOverlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var _null = null;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0))
- return _null;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return _null;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2))
- return _null;
- return _null;
- },
- $signature: 249
- };
- A._DatePickerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._DesktopTextSelectionHandleControls.prototype = {};
- A.DesktopTextSelectionControls.prototype = {
- getHandleSize$1(textLineHeight) {
- return B.Size_0_0;
- },
- buildHandle$4(context, type, textLineHeight, onTap) {
- return B.SizedBox_0_0_null_null;
- },
- getHandleAnchor$2(type, textLineHeight) {
- return B.Offset_0_0;
- }
- };
- A.__DesktopTextSelectionHandleControls_DesktopTextSelectionControls_TextSelectionHandleControls.prototype = {};
- A.DesktopTextSelectionToolbar.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var _null = null,
- paddingAbove = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_5, type$.MediaQuery).data.padding.top + 8;
- return new A.Padding(new A.EdgeInsets(8, paddingAbove, 8, 8), new A.CustomSingleChildLayout(new A.DesktopTextSelectionToolbarLayoutDelegate(this.anchor.$sub(0, new A.Offset(8, paddingAbove))), A.SizedBox$(A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, true, B.BorderRadius_tLn2, A.Column$(this.children, B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_0), B.Clip_2, _null, 1, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.MaterialType_1), _null, 222), _null), _null);
- }
- };
- A.DesktopTextSelectionToolbarButton.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var _null = null;
- return A.SizedBox$(A.TextButton$(this.child, this.onPressed, A.TextButton_styleFrom(B.Alignment_m1_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.SystemMouseCursor_basic, _null, _null, B.SystemMouseCursor_basic, A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme.brightness === B.Brightness_0 ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_3707764736, _null, B.Size_48_36, B.EdgeInsets_20_0_20_3, _null, B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D, _null, _null, _null, _null)), _null, 1 / 0);
- }
- };
- A.Dialog.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var defaults, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, dialogChild, _this = this, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- dialogTheme = A.Theme_of(context).dialogTheme,
- t1 = type$.MediaQuery,
- t2 = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_6, t1).data,
- effectivePadding = t2.viewInsets.$add(0, _this.insetPadding);
- if (theme.useMaterial3)
- defaults = A._DialogDefaultsM3$(context);
- else
- defaults = A._DialogDefaultsM2$(context);
- t2 = dialogTheme.alignment;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = defaults.alignment;
- t2.toString;
- }
- t3 = _this.backgroundColor;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = dialogTheme.backgroundColor;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = A.Theme_of(context).dialogBackgroundColor;
- t4 = _this.elevation;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = dialogTheme.elevation;
- if (t4 == null) {
- t4 = defaults.elevation;
- t4.toString;
- }
- t5 = _this.shadowColor;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = dialogTheme.shadowColor;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = defaults.get$shadowColor(defaults);
- t6 = _this.surfaceTintColor;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = dialogTheme.surfaceTintColor;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = defaults.get$surfaceTintColor();
- t7 = _this.shape;
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = dialogTheme.shape;
- if (t7 == null) {
- t7 = defaults.shape;
- t7.toString;
- }
- dialogChild = new A.Align(t2, _null, _null, new A.ConstrainedBox(B.BoxConstraints_mlX2, A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, true, _null, _this.child, _this.clipBehavior, t3, t4, _null, t5, t7, t6, _null, B.MaterialType_1), _null), _null);
- return new A.AnimatedPadding(effectivePadding, A.MediaQuery$(dialogChild, A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, _null, t1).data.removeViewInsets$4$removeBottom$removeLeft$removeRight$removeTop(true, true, true, true), _null), B.C__DecelerateCurve, B.Duration_100000, _null, _null);
- }
- };
- A.AlertDialog.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var label, t3, t4, t5, titleWidget, contentWidget, actionsWidget, dialogChild, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- dialogTheme = A.Theme_of(context).dialogTheme,
- t1 = theme.useMaterial3,
- defaults = t1 ? A._DialogDefaultsM3$(context) : A._DialogDefaultsM2$(context),
- t2 = theme.platform;
- switch (t2.index) {
- case 2:
- case 4:
- label = _null;
- break;
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- label = "Alert";
- break;
- default:
- label = _null;
- }
- t3 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_3);
- t3 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.textScaleFactor;
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(1, 0.3333333333333333, A.clampDouble(t3 == null ? 1 : t3, 1, 2) - 1);
- t3.toString;
- A.Directionality_maybeOf(context);
- t4 = 24 * t3;
- t5 = dialogTheme.titleTextStyle;
- if (t5 == null) {
- t5 = defaults.get$titleTextStyle();
- t5.toString;
- }
- t2 = label == null && t2 !== B.TargetPlatform_2;
- titleWidget = new A.Padding(new A.EdgeInsets(t4, t4, t4, 0), A.DefaultTextStyle$(new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), true, false, false, this.title, _null), _null, _null, B.TextOverflow_0, true, t5, B.TextAlign_4, _null, B.TextWidthBasis_0), _null);
- t2 = t1 ? 16 : 20;
- t3 = 24 * t3;
- t4 = dialogTheme.contentTextStyle;
- if (t4 == null) {
- t4 = defaults.get$contentTextStyle();
- t4.toString;
- }
- contentWidget = new A.Padding(new A.EdgeInsets(t3, t2, t3, 24), A.DefaultTextStyle$(new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), true, false, false, this.content, _null), _null, _null, B.TextOverflow_0, true, t4, _null, _null, B.TextWidthBasis_0), _null);
- t2 = dialogTheme.actionsPadding;
- if (t2 == null)
- t1 = t1 ? defaults.get$actionsPadding() : defaults.get$actionsPadding().add$1(0, new A.EdgeInsets(8, 8, 8, 8));
- else
- t1 = t2;
- actionsWidget = new A.Padding(t1, A.OverflowBar$(B.MainAxisAlignment_1, this.actions, B.OverflowBarAlignment_1, B.VerticalDirection_1, 0, 8), _null);
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- titleWidget.toString;
- t1.push(titleWidget);
- contentWidget.toString;
- t1.push(new A.Flexible(1, B.FlexFit_1, contentWidget, _null));
- actionsWidget.toString;
- t1.push(actionsWidget);
- dialogChild = A.IntrinsicWidth$(A.Column$(t1, B.CrossAxisAlignment_3, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_0), _null);
- if (label != null)
- dialogChild = new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, label, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, true, false, dialogChild, _null);
- return A.Dialog$(_null, _null, dialogChild, B.Clip_0, _null, B.EdgeInsets_40_24_40_24, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- };
- A.DialogRoute.prototype = {};
- A.DialogRoute_closure.prototype = {
- call$3(buildContext, animation, secondaryAnimation) {
- var pageChild = new A.Builder(this.builder, null),
- dialog = new A._CaptureAll(this.themes._themes, pageChild, null);
- dialog = A.SafeArea$(true, dialog, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, true);
- return dialog;
- },
- "call*": "call$3",
- $requiredArgCount: 3,
- $signature: 248
- };
- A._DialogDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$iconColor() {
- return this._dialog$_iconTheme.color;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).dialogBackgroundColor;
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).shadowColor;
- },
- get$titleTextStyle() {
- return this._dialog$_textTheme.titleLarge;
- },
- get$contentTextStyle() {
- return this._dialog$_textTheme.titleMedium;
- },
- get$actionsPadding() {
- return B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0;
- }
- };
- A._DialogDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_dialog$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___DialogDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___DialogDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___DialogDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_dialog$_textTheme() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___DialogDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___DialogDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___DialogDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = t1.textTheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$iconColor() {
- return this.get$_dialog$_colors().secondary;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return this.get$_dialog$_colors().surface;
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_dialog$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._surfaceTint;
- return t2 == null ? t1.primary : t2;
- },
- get$titleTextStyle() {
- return this.get$_dialog$_textTheme().headlineSmall;
- },
- get$contentTextStyle() {
- return this.get$_dialog$_textTheme().bodyMedium;
- },
- get$actionsPadding() {
- return B.EdgeInsets_24_0_24_24;
- }
- };
- A.DialogTheme.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(this.shape);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.DialogTheme && J.$eq$(other.get$backgroundColor(other), _this.get$backgroundColor(_this)) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.get$shadowColor(other), _this.get$shadowColor(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.get$surfaceTintColor()) && J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape) && J.$eq$(other.alignment, _this.alignment) && J.$eq$(other.get$iconColor(), _this.get$iconColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$titleTextStyle(), _this.get$titleTextStyle()) && J.$eq$(other.get$contentTextStyle(), _this.get$contentTextStyle()) && J.$eq$(other.get$actionsPadding(), _this.get$actionsPadding());
- },
- get$backgroundColor(receiver) {
- return this.backgroundColor;
- },
- get$shadowColor(receiver) {
- return this.shadowColor;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- return this.surfaceTintColor;
- },
- get$titleTextStyle() {
- return this.titleTextStyle;
- },
- get$contentTextStyle() {
- return this.contentTextStyle;
- },
- get$actionsPadding() {
- return this.actionsPadding;
- },
- get$iconColor() {
- return this.iconColor;
- }
- };
- A._DialogTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.Divider.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var thickness, indent, endIndent, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- dividerTheme = A.DividerTheme_of(context),
- defaults = theme.useMaterial3 ? A._DividerDefaultsM3$(context) : A._DividerDefaultsM2$(context),
- t1 = this.height,
- height = t1 == null ? dividerTheme.space : t1;
- if (height == null) {
- t1 = defaults.space;
- t1.toString;
- height = t1;
- }
- thickness = dividerTheme.thickness;
- if (thickness == null) {
- t1 = defaults.thickness;
- t1.toString;
- thickness = t1;
- }
- t1 = this.indent;
- indent = t1 == null ? dividerTheme.indent : t1;
- if (indent == null) {
- t1 = defaults.indent;
- t1.toString;
- indent = t1;
- }
- t1 = this.endIndent;
- endIndent = t1 == null ? dividerTheme.endIndent : t1;
- if (endIndent == null) {
- t1 = defaults.endIndent;
- t1.toString;
- endIndent = t1;
- }
- return A.SizedBox$(A.Center$(A.Container$(_null, _null, B.Clip_0, _null, _null, new A.BoxDecoration(_null, _null, new A.Border(B.BorderSide_8xm, B.BorderSide_8xm, A.Divider_createBorderSide(context, _null, thickness), B.BorderSide_8xm), _null, _null, _null, _null, B.BoxShape_0), _null, thickness, _null, new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(indent, 0, endIndent, 0), _null, _null, _null, _null), _null, _null), height, _null);
- }
- };
- A.VerticalDivider.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, thickness, indent, endIndent, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- dividerTheme = A.DividerTheme_of(context),
- defaults = theme.useMaterial3 ? A._DividerDefaultsM3$(context) : A._DividerDefaultsM2$(context),
- width = dividerTheme.space;
- if (width == null) {
- t1 = defaults.space;
- t1.toString;
- width = t1;
- }
- thickness = dividerTheme.thickness;
- if (thickness == null) {
- t1 = defaults.thickness;
- t1.toString;
- thickness = t1;
- }
- indent = dividerTheme.indent;
- if (indent == null) {
- t1 = defaults.indent;
- t1.toString;
- indent = t1;
- }
- endIndent = dividerTheme.endIndent;
- if (endIndent == null) {
- t1 = defaults.endIndent;
- t1.toString;
- endIndent = t1;
- }
- return A.SizedBox$(A.Center$(A.Container$(_null, _null, B.Clip_0, _null, _null, new A.BoxDecoration(_null, _null, new A.Border(B.BorderSide_8xm, B.BorderSide_8xm, B.BorderSide_8xm, A.Divider_createBorderSide(context, _null, thickness)), _null, _null, _null, _null, B.BoxShape_0), _null, _null, _null, new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(0, indent, 0, endIndent), _null, _null, _null, thickness), _null, _null), _null, width);
- }
- };
- A._DividerDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$color(_) {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).dividerColor;
- }
- };
- A._DividerDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$color(_) {
- var t1 = A.Theme_of(this.context).colorScheme,
- t2 = t1._outlineVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onBackground : t2;
- }
- };
- A.DividerThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.get$color(_this), _this.space, _this.thickness, _this.indent, _this.endIndent, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.DividerThemeData && J.$eq$(other.get$color(other), _this.get$color(_this)) && other.space == _this.space && other.thickness == _this.thickness && other.indent == _this.indent && other.endIndent == _this.endIndent;
- },
- get$color(receiver) {
- return this.color;
- }
- };
- A._DividerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.DrawerAlignment.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "DrawerAlignment." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.Drawer.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var label, t1, t2, defaults, effectiveShape, t3, t4, t5, t6, _null = null,
- drawerTheme = A.DrawerTheme_of(context);
- switch (A.Theme_of(context).platform.index) {
- case 2:
- case 4:
- label = _null;
- break;
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- label = "Navigation menu";
- break;
- default:
- label = _null;
- }
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- t2 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._DrawerControllerScope);
- t2 = t2 == null ? _null : t2.controller;
- t2 = t2 == null ? _null : t2.alignment;
- defaults = t1.useMaterial3 ? new A._DrawerDefaultsM3(context, _null, _null, 1, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null) : new A._DrawerDefaultsM2(context, _null, _null, 16, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- if (t2 !== B.DrawerAlignment_1) {
- t1 = drawerTheme.shape;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = defaults.get$shape(defaults);
- effectiveShape = t1;
- } else {
- t1 = drawerTheme.endShape;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = defaults.get$endShape();
- effectiveShape = t1;
- }
- t1 = drawerTheme.width;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = 304;
- t2 = drawerTheme.backgroundColor;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = defaults.get$backgroundColor(defaults);
- t3 = this.elevation;
- t4 = drawerTheme.shadowColor;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = defaults.get$shadowColor(defaults);
- t5 = drawerTheme.surfaceTintColor;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = defaults.get$surfaceTintColor();
- if (effectiveShape != null)
- t6 = B.Clip_1;
- else
- t6 = B.Clip_0;
- t5 = A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, true, _null, this.child, t6, t2, t3, _null, t4, effectiveShape, t5, _null, B.MaterialType_0);
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, label, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, true, false, new A.ConstrainedBox(new A.BoxConstraints(t1, t1, 1 / 0, 1 / 0), t5, _null), _null);
- }
- };
- A._DrawerControllerScope.prototype = {
- updateShouldNotify$1(old) {
- return !this.controller.super$Object$$eq(0, old.controller);
- }
- };
- A.DrawerController.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget;
- return new A.DrawerControllerState(A.FocusScopeNode$(true, _null, false), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, t1), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, t1), _null, _null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A.DrawerControllerState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = _this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A = A.AnimationController$(null, B.Duration_246000, null, 1, _this._widget.isDrawerOpen ? 1 : 0, _this);
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t2 = t1.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t2._isDirty = true;
- t2._list.push(_this.get$_animationChanged());
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t1 = t1.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t1._list.push(_this.get$_animationStatusChanged());
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this._historyEntry;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.remove$0(0);
- t1 = this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$_DrawerControllerState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- this.__DrawerControllerState__scrimColorTween_A = this._buildScrimColorTween$0();
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = this._widget;
- t1 = t1.isDrawerOpen;
- if (t1 !== oldWidget.isDrawerOpen) {
- t2 = this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t2.__AnimationController__status_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- switch (t3.index) {
- case 3:
- case 0:
- t2.set$value(0, t1 ? 1 : 0);
- break;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- _animationChanged$0() {
- this.setState$1(new A.DrawerControllerState__animationChanged_closure());
- },
- _ensureHistoryEntry$0() {
- var t1, route, _this = this;
- if (_this._historyEntry == null) {
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- route = A.ModalRoute_of(t1, type$.nullable_Object);
- if (route != null) {
- t1 = new A.LocalHistoryEntry(_this.get$_handleHistoryEntryRemoved(), false);
- _this._historyEntry = t1;
- route.addLocalHistoryEntry$1(t1);
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- A.FocusScope_of(t1).setFirstFocus$1(_this._focusScopeNode);
- }
- }
- },
- _animationStatusChanged$1($status) {
- var t1;
- switch ($status.index) {
- case 1:
- this._ensureHistoryEntry$0();
- break;
- case 2:
- t1 = this._historyEntry;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.remove$0(0);
- this._historyEntry = null;
- break;
- case 0:
- break;
- case 3:
- break;
- }
- },
- _handleHistoryEntryRemoved$0() {
- this._historyEntry = null;
- this.close$0(0);
- },
- _handleDragDown$1(details) {
- var t1 = this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.stop$0(0);
- this._ensureHistoryEntry$0();
- },
- _handleDragCancel$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.get$status(t1) !== B.AnimationStatus_0) {
- t1 = _this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A._ticker;
- t1 = t1 != null && t1._ticker$_future != null;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return;
- t1 = _this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 < 0.5)
- _this.close$0(0);
- else
- _this.open$0(0);
- },
- get$_drawer$_width(_) {
- var t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner._globalKeyRegistry.$index(0, this._drawer$_drawerKey);
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$renderObject();
- type$.nullable_RenderBox._as(t1);
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1._size._dx;
- return 304;
- },
- _move$1(details) {
- var delta, t2, opened, _this = this,
- t1 = details.primaryDelta;
- t1.toString;
- delta = t1 / _this.get$_drawer$_width(_this);
- switch (_this._widget.alignment.index) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- delta = -delta;
- break;
- }
- t1 = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- switch (t1.textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = _this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$value(0, t2 - delta);
- break;
- case 1:
- t1 = _this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$value(0, t2 + delta);
- break;
- }
- t1 = _this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- opened = t1 > 0.5;
- if (opened !== _this._previouslyOpened) {
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- _this._widget.drawerCallback.call$1(opened);
- _this._previouslyOpened = opened;
- },
- _settle$1(details) {
- var visualVelocity, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_0)
- return;
- t1 = details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond._dx;
- if (Math.abs(t1) >= 365) {
- visualVelocity = t1 / _this.get$_drawer$_width(_this);
- switch (_this._widget.alignment.index) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- visualVelocity = -visualVelocity;
- break;
- }
- t1 = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- switch (t1.textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- _this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A.fling$1$velocity(-visualVelocity);
- _this._widget.drawerCallback.call$1(visualVelocity < 0);
- break;
- case 1:
- _this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A.fling$1$velocity(visualVelocity);
- _this._widget.drawerCallback.call$1(visualVelocity > 0);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- t1 = _this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 < 0.5)
- _this.close$0(0);
- else
- _this.open$0(0);
- }
- },
- open$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.fling$0();
- this._widget.drawerCallback.call$1(true);
- },
- close$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.fling$1$velocity(-1);
- this._widget.drawerCallback.call$1(false);
- },
- _buildScrimColorTween$0() {
- this._widget.toString;
- var t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.DrawerTheme_of(t1).scrimColor;
- return new A.ColorTween(B.Color_0, t1 == null ? B.Color_2315255808 : t1);
- },
- get$_drawerOuterAlignment() {
- switch (this._widget.alignment.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_0;
- case 1:
- return B.AlignmentDirectional_1_0;
- }
- },
- get$_drawerInnerAlignment() {
- switch (this._widget.alignment.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.AlignmentDirectional_1_0;
- case 1:
- return B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_0;
- }
- },
- _drawer$_buildDrawer$1(context) {
- var isDesktop, dragAreaWidth, padding, t2, platformHasBackButton, t3, t4, t5, child, _this = this, _null = null,
- drawerIsStart = _this._widget.alignment === B.DrawerAlignment_0,
- t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- switch (A.Theme_of(context).platform.index) {
- case 0:
- case 2:
- case 1:
- isDesktop = false;
- break;
- case 4:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- isDesktop = true;
- break;
- default:
- isDesktop = _null;
- }
- dragAreaWidth = _this._widget.edgeDragWidth;
- padding = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_5, type$.MediaQuery).data.padding;
- switch (t1.textDirection.index) {
- case 1:
- dragAreaWidth = 20 + (drawerIsStart ? padding.left : padding.right);
- break;
- case 0:
- dragAreaWidth = 20 + (drawerIsStart ? padding.right : padding.left);
- break;
- }
- t1 = _this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__AnimationController__status_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 === B.AnimationStatus_0) {
- _this._widget.toString;
- if (!isDesktop) {
- t1 = _this.get$_drawerOuterAlignment();
- t2 = _this._widget.dragStartBehavior;
- return new A.Align(t1, _null, _null, A.GestureDetector$(B.HitTestBehavior_2, A.Container$(_null, _null, B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, dragAreaWidth), t2, true, _this._drawer$_gestureDetectorKey, _null, _null, _null, _this.get$_settle(), _null, _this.get$_move(), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), _null);
- } else
- return B.SizedBox_0_0_null_null;
- } else {
- switch (A.Theme_of(context).platform.index) {
- case 0:
- platformHasBackButton = true;
- break;
- case 2:
- case 4:
- case 1:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- platformHasBackButton = false;
- break;
- default:
- platformHasBackButton = _null;
- }
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- t2 = _this.__DrawerControllerState__scrimColorTween_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = _this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A;
- t3 = A.Container$(_null, _null, B.Clip_0, t2.transform$1(0, t3.get$value(t3)), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- t2 = A.BlockSemantics$(new A.ExcludeSemantics(platformHasBackButton, A.GestureDetector$(_null, new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, "Dismiss", _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, t3, _null), B.DragStartBehavior_1, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this.get$close(_this), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), _null));
- t3 = _this.get$_drawerOuterAlignment();
- t4 = _this.get$_drawerInnerAlignment();
- t5 = _this.__DrawerControllerState__controller_A.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- child = new A._DrawerControllerScope(t1, new A.RepaintBoundary(new A.Stack(B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_m1, _null, B.StackFit_0, B.Clip_1, A._setArrayType([t2, new A.Align(t3, _null, _null, new A.Align(t4, t5, _null, new A.RepaintBoundary(A.FocusScope$(false, _null, _this._widget.child, _null, _this._drawer$_drawerKey, _this._focusScopeNode, _null), _null), _null), _null)], type$.JSArray_Widget), _null), _null), _null);
- if (isDesktop)
- return child;
- return A.GestureDetector$(_null, child, _this._widget.dragStartBehavior, true, _this._drawer$_gestureDetectorKey, _null, _this.get$_handleDragCancel(), _this.get$_handleDragDown(), _this.get$_settle(), _null, _this.get$_move(), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- },
- build$1(context) {
- return A.ListTileTheme_merge(this._drawer$_buildDrawer$1(context), B.ListTileStyle_1);
- }
- };
- A.DrawerControllerState__animationChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._DrawerDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).shadowColor;
- }
- };
- A._DrawerDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$direction(_) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___DrawerDefaultsM3_direction_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- _this.___DrawerDefaultsM3_direction_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___DrawerDefaultsM3_direction_FI = t1.textDirection;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).colorScheme.surface;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- var t1 = A.Theme_of(this.context).colorScheme,
- t2 = t1._surfaceTint;
- return t2 == null ? t1.primary : t2;
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- return new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(B.BorderRadiusDirectional_DpJ0.resolve$1(this.get$direction(this)), B.BorderSide_8xm);
- },
- get$endShape() {
- return new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(B.BorderRadiusDirectional_DpJ.resolve$1(this.get$direction(this)), B.BorderSide_8xm);
- }
- };
- A._DrawerControllerState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTicker());
- _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTicker$0();
- }
- };
- A.DrawerHeader.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- statusBarHeight = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_5, type$.MediaQuery).data.padding.top,
- t1 = A.Divider_createBorderSide(context, _null, _null),
- t2 = B.EdgeInsets_16_16_16_8.add$1(0, new A.EdgeInsets(0, statusBarHeight, 0, 0)),
- t3 = theme.textTheme.bodyLarge;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A.DefaultTextStyle$(A.MediaQuery_MediaQuery$removePadding(this.child, context, false, false, false, true), _null, _null, B.TextOverflow_0, true, t3, _null, _null, B.TextWidthBasis_0);
- return A.Container$(_null, A.AnimatedContainer$(t3, this.curve, _null, B.Duration_250000, _null, t2, _null), B.Clip_0, _null, _null, new A.BoxDecoration(_null, _null, new A.Border(B.BorderSide_8xm, B.BorderSide_8xm, t1, B.BorderSide_8xm), _null, _null, _null, _null, B.BoxShape_0), _null, statusBarHeight + 161, _null, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_8, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- };
- A.DrawerThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.get$backgroundColor(_this), _this.scrimColor, _this.elevation, _this.get$shadowColor(_this), _this.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.get$shape(_this), _this.get$endShape(), _this.width, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.DrawerThemeData && J.$eq$(other.get$backgroundColor(other), _this.get$backgroundColor(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.scrimColor, _this.scrimColor) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.get$shadowColor(other), _this.get$shadowColor(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.get$surfaceTintColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$shape(other), _this.get$shape(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$endShape(), _this.get$endShape()) && other.width == _this.width;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(receiver) {
- return this.backgroundColor;
- },
- get$shadowColor(receiver) {
- return this.shadowColor;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- return this.surfaceTintColor;
- },
- get$shape(receiver) {
- return this.shape;
- },
- get$endShape() {
- return this.endShape;
- }
- };
- A._DrawerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._DropdownMenuPainter.prototype = {
- paint$2(canvas, size) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = size._dy,
- t2 = A.clampDouble(this.getSelectedItemOffset.call$0(), 0, Math.max(t1 - 48, 0)),
- t3 = type$.Tween_double,
- t4 = A.clampDouble(t2 + 48, Math.min(48, t1), t1),
- t5 = this.resize;
- t2 = new A.Tween(t2, 0, t3).transform$1(0, t5.get$value(t5));
- this._dropdown$_painter.paint$3(canvas, new A.Offset(0, t2), new A.ImageConfiguration(_null, _null, _null, _null, new A.Size(size._dx - 0, new A.Tween(t4, t1, t3).transform$1(0, t5.get$value(t5)) - t2), _null));
- },
- shouldRepaint$1(oldPainter) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (oldPainter.color.$eq(0, _this.color))
- if (oldPainter.elevation === _this.elevation)
- if (oldPainter.selectedIndex === _this.selectedIndex)
- t1 = oldPainter.resize !== _this.resize;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._DropdownMenuItemButton.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._DropdownMenuItemButtonState(B._StateLifecycle_0, this.$ti._eval$1("_DropdownMenuItemButtonState<1>"));
- }
- };
- A._DropdownMenuItemButtonState.prototype = {
- _dropdown$_handleFocusChange$1(focused) {
- var inTraditionalMode, menuLimits,
- t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._highlightManager._highlightMode;
- switch ((t1 == null ? A._HighlightModeManager__defaultModeForPlatform() : t1).index) {
- case 0:
- inTraditionalMode = false;
- break;
- case 1:
- inTraditionalMode = true;
- break;
- default:
- inTraditionalMode = null;
- }
- if (focused && inTraditionalMode) {
- t1 = this._widget;
- menuLimits = t1.route.getMenuLimits$3(t1.buttonRect, t1.constraints.maxHeight, t1.itemIndex);
- this._widget.route.scrollController.animateTo$3$curve$duration(menuLimits.scrollOffset, B.Cubic_xDo, B.Duration_100000);
- }
- },
- _handleOnTap$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._widget;
- t1 = t1.route.items[t1.itemIndex];
- t2 = this._framework$_element;
- t2.toString;
- A.Navigator_of(t2, false).pop$1(new A._DropdownRouteResult(t1.item.value, this.$ti._eval$1("_DropdownRouteResult<1>")));
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t3, opacity, start, end, child, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this._widget,
- t2 = t1.route,
- unit = 0.5 / (t2.items.length + 1.5);
- t1 = t1.itemIndex;
- t3 = t2._animationProxy;
- if (t1 === t2.selectedIndex) {
- t3.toString;
- opacity = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Threshold_0, t3, _null);
- } else {
- start = A.clampDouble(0.5 + (t1 + 1) * unit, 0, 1);
- end = A.clampDouble(start + 1.5 * unit, 0, 1);
- t3.toString;
- opacity = A.CurvedAnimation$(new A.Interval(start, end, B.C__Linear), t3, _null);
- }
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t1.padding;
- t3 = t1.route;
- t1 = t1.itemIndex;
- child = A.InkWell$(t1 === t3.selectedIndex, _null, true, A.Container$(_null, t3.items[t1], B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, t3.itemHeight, _null, _null, t2, _null, _null, _null), _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this.get$_dropdown$_handleFocusChange(), _null, _null, _null, _this.get$_handleOnTap(), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- child = A.Shortcuts$(new A.FadeTransition(opacity, false, child, _null), _null, B.Map_Pn6xV);
- return child;
- }
- };
- A._DropdownMenu.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._DropdownMenuState(B._StateLifecycle_0, this.$ti._eval$1("_DropdownMenuState<1>"));
- }
- };
- A._DropdownMenuState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = _this._widget.route._animationProxy;
- t1.toString;
- _this.___DropdownMenuState__fadeOpacity_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Interval_75R4, t1, B.Interval_75R5);
- t1 = _this._widget.route._animationProxy;
- t1.toString;
- _this.___DropdownMenuState__resize_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Interval_75R6, t1, B.Threshold_0);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var route, t1, t2, t3, itemIndex, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, _this = this, _null = null;
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- route = _this._widget.route;
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- for (t2 = route.items, t3 = _this.$ti._eval$1("_DropdownMenuItemButton<1>"), itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < t2.length; ++itemIndex) {
- t4 = _this._widget;
- t1.push(new A._DropdownMenuItemButton(t4.route, t4.padding, t4.buttonRect, t4.constraints, itemIndex, true, _null, t3));
- }
- t2 = _this.___DropdownMenuState__fadeOpacity_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this._widget.toString;
- t3 = A.Theme_of(context).canvasColor;
- t4 = route.elevation;
- t5 = _this.___DropdownMenuState__resize_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = _this._widget.borderRadius;
- t7 = B.Map_qt46y.$index(0, t4);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t8 = A.ScrollConfiguration_of(context).copyWith$4$overscroll$physics$platform$scrollbars(false, B.ClampingScrollPhysics_null, A.Theme_of(context).platform, false);
- t9 = _this._widget.route.scrollController;
- t9.toString;
- t10 = A.SliverChildListDelegate$(t1, true, true, true);
- t1 = t1.length;
- t11 = B.AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics_null;
- t9 = A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, true, _null, A.ScrollConfiguration$(t8, A.PrimaryScrollController$(A.Scrollbar$(new A.ListView(_null, t10, B.EdgeInsets_0_8_0_8, B.Axis_1, false, _null, true, t11, _null, true, _null, 0, _null, t1, B.DragStartBehavior_1, B.ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior_0, _null, B.Clip_1, _null), _null, _null, _null, true), t9)), B.Clip_0, _null, 0, _null, _null, _null, _null, route.style, B.MaterialType_4);
- return new A.FadeTransition(t2, false, A.CustomPaint$(new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, "Popup menu", _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, true, false, new A.ClipRRect(B.BorderRadius_tLn, B.Clip_0, t9, _null), _null), _null, _null, new A._DropdownMenuPainter(t3, t4, route.selectedIndex, t6, t5, new A._DropdownMenuState_build_closure(route), new A._BoxDecorationPainter(new A.BoxDecoration(t3, _null, _null, B.BorderRadius_tLn6, t7, _null, _null, B.BoxShape_0), _null), t5), B.Size_0_0), _null);
- }
- };
- A._DropdownMenuState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.route;
- return t1.getItemOffset$1(t1.selectedIndex);
- },
- $signature: 66
- };
- A._DropdownMenuRouteLayout.prototype = {
- getConstraintsForChild$1(constraints) {
- var maxHeight = Math.max(0, constraints.maxHeight - 96),
- t1 = this.buttonRect,
- width = Math.min(constraints.maxWidth, t1.right - t1.left);
- return new A.BoxConstraints(width, width, 0, maxHeight);
- },
- getPositionForChild$2(size, childSize) {
- var left,
- t1 = this.route,
- t2 = this.buttonRect,
- menuLimits = t1.getMenuLimits$3(t2, size._dy, t1.selectedIndex);
- switch (this.textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- left = A.clampDouble(t2.right, 0, size._dx) - childSize._dx;
- break;
- case 1:
- left = A.clampDouble(t2.left, 0, size._dx - childSize._dx);
- break;
- default:
- left = null;
- }
- return new A.Offset(left, menuLimits.top);
- },
- shouldRelayout$1(oldDelegate) {
- return !this.buttonRect.$eq(0, oldDelegate.buttonRect) || this.textDirection != oldDelegate.textDirection;
- }
- };
- A._DropdownRouteResult.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return this.$ti._is(other) && J.$eq$(other.result, this.result);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(this.result);
- }
- };
- A._MenuLimits.prototype = {};
- A._DropdownRoute.prototype = {
- get$transitionDuration(_) {
- return B.Duration_300000;
- },
- get$barrierDismissible() {
- return true;
- },
- get$barrierColor() {
- return null;
- },
- buildPage$3(context, animation, secondaryAnimation) {
- return new A.LayoutBuilder(new A._DropdownRoute_buildPage_closure(this), null);
- },
- getItemOffset$1(index) {
- return this.items.length !== 0 && index > 0 ? 8 + B.JSArray_methods.reduce$1(B.JSArray_methods.sublist$2(this.itemHeights, 0, index), new A._DropdownRoute_getItemOffset_closure()) : 8;
- },
- getMenuLimits$3(buttonRect, availableHeight, index) {
- var menuTop, preferredMenuHeight, menuHeight, menuBottom, _this = this,
- computedMaxHeight = availableHeight - 96,
- buttonTop = buttonRect.top,
- t1 = buttonRect.bottom,
- buttonBottom = Math.min(t1, availableHeight),
- selectedItemOffset = _this.getItemOffset$1(index),
- topLimit = Math.min(48, buttonTop),
- bottomLimit = Math.max(availableHeight - 48, buttonBottom),
- t2 = _this.itemHeights,
- t3 = _this.selectedIndex;
- t1 -= buttonTop;
- menuTop = buttonTop - selectedItemOffset - (t2[t3] - t1) / 2;
- preferredMenuHeight = B.EdgeInsets_0_8_0_8.get$_top(B.EdgeInsets_0_8_0_8) + B.EdgeInsets_0_8_0_8.get$_bottom(B.EdgeInsets_0_8_0_8);
- if (_this.items.length !== 0)
- preferredMenuHeight += B.JSArray_methods.reduce$1(t2, new A._DropdownRoute_getMenuLimits_closure());
- menuHeight = Math.min(computedMaxHeight, preferredMenuHeight);
- menuBottom = menuTop + menuHeight;
- if (menuTop < topLimit) {
- menuTop = Math.min(buttonTop, topLimit);
- menuBottom = menuTop + menuHeight;
- }
- if (menuBottom > bottomLimit) {
- menuBottom = Math.max(buttonBottom, bottomLimit);
- menuTop = menuBottom - menuHeight;
- }
- t2 = t2[t3] / 2;
- t1 = buttonBottom - t1 / 2;
- if (menuBottom - t2 < t1) {
- menuBottom = t1 + t2;
- menuTop = menuBottom - menuHeight;
- }
- return new A._MenuLimits(menuTop, menuBottom, menuHeight, preferredMenuHeight > computedMaxHeight ? Math.min(Math.max(0, selectedItemOffset - (buttonTop - menuTop)), preferredMenuHeight - menuHeight) : 0);
- },
- get$barrierLabel() {
- return this.barrierLabel;
- }
- };
- A._DropdownRoute_buildPage_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(context, constraints) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- return new A._DropdownRoutePage(t1, constraints, t1.padding, t1.buttonRect, t1.selectedIndex, t1.capturedThemes, t1.dropdownColor, true, t1.borderRadius, null, t1.$ti._eval$1("_DropdownRoutePage<1>"));
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("_DropdownRoutePage<1>(BuildContext,BoxConstraints)");
- }
- };
- A._DropdownRoute_getItemOffset_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(total, height) {
- return total + height;
- },
- $signature: 216
- };
- A._DropdownRoute_getMenuLimits_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(total, height) {
- return total + height;
- },
- $signature: 216
- };
- A._DropdownRoutePage.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.route;
- if (t1.scrollController == null)
- t1.scrollController = A.ScrollController$(t1.getMenuLimits$3(_this.buttonRect, _this.constraints.maxHeight, _this.selectedIndex).scrollOffset);
- return A.MediaQuery_MediaQuery$removePadding(new A.Builder(new A._DropdownRoutePage_build_closure(_this, A.Directionality_maybeOf(context), new A._DropdownMenu(t1, _this.padding, _this.buttonRect, _this.constraints, _this.dropdownColor, true, _this.borderRadius, null, _this.$ti._eval$1("_DropdownMenu<1>"))), null), context, true, true, true, true);
- }
- };
- A._DropdownRoutePage_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(context) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- return new A.CustomSingleChildLayout(new A._DropdownMenuRouteLayout(t1.buttonRect, t1.route, this.textDirection, t1.$ti._eval$1("_DropdownMenuRouteLayout<1>")), new A._CaptureAll(t1.capturedThemes._themes, this.menu, null), null);
- },
- $signature: 245
- };
- A._MenuItem.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A._RenderMenuItem(this.onLayout, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.onLayout = this.onLayout;
- }
- };
- A._RenderMenuItem.prototype = {
- performLayout$0() {
- this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$performLayout();
- var t1 = this._size;
- t1.toString;
- this.onLayout.call$1(t1);
- }
- };
- A._DropdownMenuItemContainer.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var _null = null;
- return A.Container$(this.alignment, this.child, B.Clip_0, _null, B.BoxConstraints_mlX4, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- };
- A.DropdownMenuItem.prototype = {};
- A.DropdownButtonHideUnderline.prototype = {
- updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) {
- return false;
- }
- };
- A.DropdownButton.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._DropdownButtonState(B._StateLifecycle_0, this.$ti._eval$1("_DropdownButtonState<1>"));
- }
- };
- A._DropdownButtonState.prototype = {
- get$focusNode(_) {
- var t1;
- this._widget.toString;
- t1 = this._dropdown$_internalNode;
- return t1;
- },
- initState$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- _this._updateSelectedIndex$0();
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- if (_this._dropdown$_internalNode == null)
- _this._dropdown$_internalNode = A.FocusNode$(true, A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(t1).toString$0(0), true, true, null, null, false);
- t1 = type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent;
- t2 = type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_Action_Intent;
- _this.___DropdownButtonState__actionMap_A = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Type_ActivateIntent_OT9, new A.CallbackAction(new A._DropdownButtonState_initState_closure(_this), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t1), t2), type$.CallbackAction_ActivateIntent), B.Type_ButtonActivateIntent_6Ij, new A.CallbackAction(new A._DropdownButtonState_initState_closure0(_this), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t1), t2), type$.CallbackAction_ButtonActivateIntent)], type$.Type, type$.Action_Intent);
- _this.get$focusNode(_this).addListener$1(0, _this.get$_dropdown$_handleFocusChanged());
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- B.JSArray_methods.remove$1($.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__observers, _this);
- _this._removeDropdownRoute$0();
- _this.get$focusNode(_this).removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_dropdown$_handleFocusChanged());
- t1 = _this._dropdown$_internalNode;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- _removeDropdownRoute$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._dropdownRoute;
- if (t1 != null)
- if (t1.get$isActive()) {
- t2 = t1._navigator$_navigator;
- if (t2 != null)
- t2.removeRoute$1(t1);
- }
- this._dropdown$_lastOrientation = this._dropdownRoute = null;
- },
- _dropdown$_handleFocusChanged$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._hasPrimaryFocus !== _this.get$focusNode(_this).get$hasPrimaryFocus())
- _this.setState$1(new A._DropdownButtonState__handleFocusChanged_closure(_this));
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- this._widget.toString;
- this._updateSelectedIndex$0();
- },
- _updateSelectedIndex$0() {
- var itemIndex, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._widget,
- t2 = t1.items;
- if (t2 != null)
- if (t2.length !== 0)
- if (t1.value == null) {
- t1 = new A.WhereIterable(t2, new A._DropdownButtonState__updateSelectedIndex_closure(_this), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"));
- t1 = !t1.get$iterator(t1).moveNext$0();
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- _this._dropdown$_selectedIndex = null;
- return;
- }
- for (itemIndex = 0; t1 = _this._widget, t2 = t1.items, itemIndex < t2.length; ++itemIndex)
- if (J.$eq$(t2[itemIndex].value, t1.value)) {
- _this._dropdown$_selectedIndex = itemIndex;
- return;
- }
- },
- get$_dropdown$_textStyle() {
- var t1 = this._widget.style;
- return t1;
- },
- _dropdown$_handleTap$0() {
- var textDirection, t2, t3, index, t4, $navigator, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- textDirection = A.Directionality_maybeOf(t1);
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- A.ButtonTheme_of(t1);
- t1 = _this.$ti;
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], t1._eval$1("JSArray<_MenuItem<1>>"));
- for (t3 = t1._eval$1("_MenuItem<1>"), index = 0; t4 = _this._widget.items, index < t4.length; ++index) {
- t4 = t4[index];
- t2.push(new A._MenuItem(new A._DropdownButtonState__handleTap_closure(_this, index), t4, t4, _null, t3));
- }
- t3 = _this._framework$_element;
- t3.toString;
- $navigator = A.Navigator_of(t3, false);
- t3 = t3.get$renderObject();
- t3.toString;
- type$.RenderBox._as(t3);
- t4 = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(t3.getTransformTo$1(0, $navigator._framework$_element.get$renderObject()), B.Offset_0_0);
- t3 = t3._size;
- t5 = t4._dx;
- t4 = t4._dy;
- t6 = t3._dx;
- t3 = t3._dy;
- t3 = B.EdgeInsetsDirectional_16_0_24_0.resolve$1(textDirection).inflateRect$1(new A.Rect(t5, t4, t5 + t6, t4 + t3));
- t4 = _this._dropdown$_selectedIndex;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = 0;
- t5 = _this._widget.elevation;
- t6 = _this._framework$_element;
- t6.toString;
- t7 = $navigator._framework$_element;
- t7.toString;
- t7 = A.InheritedTheme_capture(t6, t7);
- t6 = _this.get$_dropdown$_textStyle();
- t6.toString;
- t8 = _this._framework$_element;
- t8.toString;
- A.Localizations_of(t8, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- t8 = _this._widget;
- t9 = t8.itemHeight;
- t10 = t8.dropdownColor;
- t11 = t8.menuMaxHeight;
- t8 = t8.borderRadius;
- t12 = t2.length;
- t12 = A.List_List$filled(t12, 48, false, type$.double);
- t13 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_Future_bool_Function);
- t14 = $.Zone__current;
- t15 = t1._eval$1("_Future<_DropdownRouteResult<1>?>");
- t16 = t1._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<_DropdownRouteResult<1>?>");
- t17 = A.ProxyAnimation$(B.C__AlwaysDismissedAnimation);
- t18 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_OverlayEntry);
- t19 = A.ValueNotifier$(_null, type$.nullable_String);
- t20 = $.Zone__current;
- _this._dropdownRoute = new A._DropdownRoute(t2, B.EdgeInsets_16_0_16_0, t3, t4, t5, t7, t6, t9, t10, t11, true, t8, t12, "Dismiss", _null, _null, t13, new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, t1._eval$1("LabeledGlobalKey<_ModalScopeState<_DropdownRouteResult<1>>>")), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), new A.PageStorageBucket(), _null, 0, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t14, t15), t16), t17, t18, B.RouteSettings_null_null, t19, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t20, t15), t16), t1._eval$1("_DropdownRoute<1>"));
- t1 = _this.get$focusNode(_this);
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.requestFocus$0();
- t1 = _this._dropdownRoute;
- t1.toString;
- $navigator.push$1(t1).then$1$1(0, new A._DropdownButtonState__handleTap_closure0(_this), type$.void);
- _this._widget.toString;
- },
- get$_iconColor() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$_dropdown$_enabled()) {
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- switch (A.Theme_of(t1).colorScheme.brightness.index) {
- case 1:
- return B.Color_4284572001;
- case 0:
- return B.Color_3019898879;
- }
- } else {
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- switch (A.Theme_of(t1).colorScheme.brightness.index) {
- case 1:
- return B.Color_4290624957;
- case 0:
- return B.Color_452984831;
- }
- }
- },
- get$_dropdown$_enabled() {
- var t1 = this._widget,
- t2 = t1.items;
- return t2 != null && t2.length !== 0 && t1.onChanged != null;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var size, items, innerItemsWidget, t2, t3, textScaleFactor, fontSize, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, effectiveMouseCursor, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_1),
- result = t1 == null ? _null : t1.get$orientation(t1);
- if (result == null) {
- size = A.View_maybeOf(context).get$physicalSize();
- result = size._dx > size._dy ? B.Orientation_1 : B.Orientation_0;
- }
- t1 = _this._dropdown$_lastOrientation;
- if (t1 == null) {
- _this._dropdown$_lastOrientation = result;
- t1 = result;
- }
- if (result !== t1) {
- _this._removeDropdownRoute$0();
- _this._dropdown$_lastOrientation = result;
- }
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1 = t1.items;
- items = t1 != null ? A.List_List$of(t1, true, type$.Widget) : A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- _this._widget.toString;
- if (!_this.get$_dropdown$_enabled())
- _this._widget.toString;
- A.ButtonTheme_of(context);
- if (items.length === 0)
- innerItemsWidget = B.SizedBox_0_0_null_null;
- else {
- t1 = _this._dropdown$_selectedIndex;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t2 = _this._widget.alignment;
- innerItemsWidget = new A.IndexedStack(t2, t1, items, _null);
- }
- if (_this.get$_dropdown$_enabled()) {
- t1 = _this.get$_dropdown$_textStyle();
- t1.toString;
- } else {
- t1 = _this.get$_dropdown$_textStyle();
- t1.toString;
- t1 = t1.copyWith$1$color(A.Theme_of(context).disabledColor);
- }
- t2 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t2.toString;
- t2 = B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0.resolve$1(t2.textDirection);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t3 = _this._framework$_element;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(t3, B._MediaQueryAspect_3);
- textScaleFactor = t3 == null ? _null : t3.textScaleFactor;
- if (textScaleFactor == null)
- textScaleFactor = 1;
- fontSize = _this.get$_dropdown$_textStyle().fontSize;
- if (fontSize == null) {
- t3 = _this._framework$_element;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A.Theme_of(t3).textTheme.titleMedium.fontSize;
- t3.toString;
- fontSize = t3;
- }
- t3 = Math.max(textScaleFactor * fontSize, Math.max(_this._widget.iconSize, 24));
- t4 = type$.JSArray_Widget;
- t5 = A._setArrayType([], t4);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t5.push(A.Expanded$(innerItemsWidget, 1, _null));
- t6 = _this.get$_iconColor();
- t7 = _this._widget;
- t8 = t7.iconSize;
- t7 = t7.icon;
- t5.push(A.IconTheme$(t7, new A.IconThemeData(t8, _null, _null, _null, _null, t6, _null, _null), _null));
- result = A.DefaultTextStyle$(A.Container$(_null, A.Row$(t5, B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, B.MainAxisAlignment_3, B.MainAxisSize_0), B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, t3, _null, _null, t2, _null, _null, _null), _null, _null, B.TextOverflow_0, true, t1, _null, _null, B.TextWidthBasis_0);
- if (context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.DropdownButtonHideUnderline) == null) {
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = A.Container$(_null, _null, B.Clip_0, _null, _null, B.BoxDecoration_cGl, _null, 1, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- result = new A.Stack(B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_m1, _null, B.StackFit_0, B.Clip_1, A._setArrayType([result, A.Positioned$(0, t1, _null, _null, 0, 0, _null, _null)], t4), _null);
- }
- t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.MaterialState);
- if (!_this.get$_dropdown$_enabled())
- t1.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_6);
- effectiveMouseCursor = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(B._EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor_SystemMouseCursor_click_clickable, t1, type$.MouseCursor);
- t1 = _this._widget;
- result = A.InputDecorator$(_null, result, t1._inputDecoration, false, t1._isEmpty, t1._dropdown$_isFocused, false, _null, _null);
- t1 = _this.___DropdownButtonState__actionMap_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this.get$_dropdown$_enabled() ? _this.get$_dropdown$_handleTap() : _null;
- t3 = _this.get$_dropdown$_enabled();
- t4 = _this._widget.borderRadius;
- t5 = _this.get$focusNode(_this);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t6 = A.Theme_of(context);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = A.Actions$(t1, A.InkWell$(false, t4, t3, result, _null, false, t6.focusColor, t5, _null, _null, _null, effectiveMouseCursor, _null, _null, _null, _null, t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null));
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, t1, _null);
- }
- };
- A._DropdownButtonState_initState_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(intent) {
- return this.$this._dropdown$_handleTap$0();
- },
- $signature: 250
- };
- A._DropdownButtonState_initState_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(intent) {
- return this.$this._dropdown$_handleTap$0();
- },
- $signature: 251
- };
- A._DropdownButtonState__handleFocusChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1._hasPrimaryFocus = t1.get$focusNode(t1).get$hasPrimaryFocus();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._DropdownButtonState__updateSelectedIndex_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(item) {
- var t1 = J.$eq$(item.value, this.$this._widget.value);
- return t1;
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("bool(DropdownMenuItem<1>)");
- }
- };
- A._DropdownButtonState__handleTap_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(size) {
- var t1 = this.$this._dropdownRoute;
- if (t1 == null)
- return;
- t1.itemHeights[this.index] = size._dy;
- },
- $signature: 124
- };
- A._DropdownButtonState__handleTap_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(newValue) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1._removeDropdownRoute$0();
- if (t1._framework$_element == null || newValue == null)
- return;
- t1 = t1._widget.onChanged;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$1(newValue.result);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("Null(_DropdownRouteResult<1>?)");
- }
- };
- A.DropdownButtonFormField.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- return new A._DropdownButtonFormFieldState(new A.RestorableStringN(_null, t1), new A.RestorableBool(false, t1), _null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.RestorableProperty_nullable_Object, type$.void_Function), _null, true, _null, B._StateLifecycle_0, this.$ti._eval$1("_DropdownButtonFormFieldState<1>"));
- }
- };
- A.DropdownButtonFormField_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(field) {
- var t2, effectiveDecoration, t3, t4, t5, t6, isEmpty, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this.T;
- t1._eval$1("_DropdownButtonFormFieldState<0>")._as(field);
- t2 = field._framework$_element;
- t2.toString;
- effectiveDecoration = _this.decoration.applyDefaults$1(A.Theme_of(t2).inputDecorationTheme);
- t2 = _this.items;
- t3 = new A.WhereIterable(t2, new A.DropdownButtonFormField__closure(field, t1), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"));
- t3 = t3.get$isEmpty(t3);
- t4 = _this.onChanged;
- t5 = _this.hint;
- t6 = _this.disabledHint;
- isEmpty = t3 && !new A.DropdownButtonFormField_closure_isHintOrDisabledHintAvailable(t4, t2, t5, t6).call$0();
- return A.Focus$(false, false, new A.Builder(new A.DropdownButtonFormField__closure0(t2, _this.selectedItemBuilder, field, t5, t6, t4, _this.onTap, _this.elevation, _this.style, _this.icon, _this.iconDisabledColor, _this.iconEnabledColor, _this.iconSize, _this.isDense, _this.isExpanded, _this.itemHeight, _this.focusColor, _this.focusNode, _this.autofocus, _this.dropdownColor, _this.menuMaxHeight, _this.enableFeedback, _this.alignment, _this.borderRadius, effectiveDecoration, field, isEmpty, _this.padding, t1), _null), _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.T._eval$1("Focus(FormFieldState<0>)");
- }
- };
- A.DropdownButtonFormField__closure.prototype = {
- call$1(item) {
- return J.$eq$(item.value, this.state.get$_form$_value());
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.T._eval$1("bool(DropdownMenuItem<0>)");
- }
- };
- A.DropdownButtonFormField_closure_isHintOrDisabledHintAvailable.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1, isDropdownDisabled;
- if (this.onChanged != null) {
- t1 = this.items;
- isDropdownDisabled = t1 == null || t1.length === 0;
- } else
- isDropdownDisabled = true;
- if (isDropdownDisabled)
- return false;
- else
- return false;
- },
- $signature: 30
- };
- A.DropdownButtonFormField__closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(context) {
- var t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.state,
- t2 = t1.get$_form$_value();
- t1 = _this.onChanged == null ? null : t1.get$didChange();
- t3 = _this.field._errorText;
- t4 = t3._restoration_properties$_value;
- t3 = t4 == null ? A._instanceType(t3)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t4) : t4;
- return new A.DropdownButtonHideUnderline(new A.DropdownButton(_this.items, t2, _this.hint, _this.disabledHint, t1, _this.onTap, _this.selectedItemBuilder, _this.elevation, _this.style, _this.icon, _this.iconDisabledColor, _this.iconEnabledColor, _this.iconSize, _this.isDense, _this.isExpanded, _this.itemHeight, _this.focusColor, _this.focusNode, _this.autofocus, _this.dropdownColor, _this.padding, _this.menuMaxHeight, _this.enableFeedback, _this.alignment, _this.borderRadius, _this.effectiveDecoration.copyWith$1$errorText(t3), _this.isEmpty, A.Focus_maybeOf(context, true, false).get$hasFocus(), null, _this.T._eval$1("DropdownButton<0>")), null);
- },
- $signature: 252
- };
- A._DropdownButtonFormFieldState.prototype = {
- didChange$1(value) {
- var t1;
- this.super$FormFieldState$didChange(value);
- t1 = this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- this.$ti._eval$1("DropdownButtonFormField<1>")._as(t1).onChanged.call$1(value);
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$_FormFieldState_State_RestorationMixin$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- if (!J.$eq$(oldWidget.initialValue, _this._widget.initialValue))
- _this.__FormFieldState__value_AI = _this._widget.initialValue;
- }
- };
- A.__DropdownButtonState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver.prototype = {};
- A.DropdownMenuThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.textStyle, this.inputDecorationTheme, this.menuStyle, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.DropdownMenuThemeData)
- if (J.$eq$(other.textStyle, _this.textStyle))
- t1 = J.$eq$(other.menuStyle, _this.menuStyle);
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._DropdownMenuThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.ElevatedButton.prototype = {
- defaultStyleOf$1(context) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- colorScheme = theme.colorScheme;
- if (A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3)
- t1 = new A._ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3(context, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.Duration_200000, true, B.Alignment_0_0, _null);
- else {
- t1 = colorScheme.onSurface.value;
- t2 = t1 >>> 16 & 255;
- t3 = t1 >>> 8 & 255;
- t1 &= 255;
- t1 = A.ElevatedButton_styleFrom(B.Alignment_0_0, B.Duration_200000, colorScheme.primary, A.Color$fromARGB(31, t2, t3, t1), A.Color$fromARGB(97, t2, t3, t1), B.SystemMouseCursor_basic, 2, true, B.SystemMouseCursor_click, colorScheme.onPrimary, B.Size_wjo, B.Size_64_36, A._scaledPadding0(context), theme.shadowColor, B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D4, B.C__InkRippleFactory, theme.materialTapTargetSize, theme.textTheme.labelLarge, theme.visualDensity);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- themeStyleOf$1(context) {
- var t1;
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.ElevatedButtonTheme);
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return t1.elevatedButtonTheme.style;
- }
- };
- A._ElevatedButtonDefaultColor.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return this.disabled;
- return this.color;
- }
- };
- A._ElevatedButtonDefaultOverlay.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- var t1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = this.overlay;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1) || states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = this.overlay;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(61, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- return null;
- }
- };
- A._ElevatedButtonDefaultElevation.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- var _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return 0;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0))
- return _this.elevation + 2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return _this.elevation + 2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2))
- return _this.elevation + 6;
- return _this.elevation;
- }
- };
- A._ElevatedButtonDefaultMouseCursor.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return this.disabledCursor;
- return this.enabledCursor;
- }
- };
- A._ElevatedButtonWithIcon.prototype = {
- defaultStyleOf$1(context) {
- var t1, scaledPadding;
- if (A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3) {
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_3);
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.textScaleFactor;
- scaledPadding = A.ButtonStyleButton_scaledPadding(B.EdgeInsetsDirectional_16_0_24_0, B.EdgeInsetsDirectional_8_0_12_0, B.EdgeInsetsDirectional_4_0_6_0, t1 == null ? 1 : t1);
- } else {
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_3);
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.textScaleFactor;
- scaledPadding = A.ButtonStyleButton_scaledPadding(B.EdgeInsetsDirectional_12_0_16_0, B.EdgeInsets_8_0_8_0, B.EdgeInsetsDirectional_8_0_4_0, t1 == null ? 1 : t1);
- }
- return this.super$ElevatedButton$defaultStyleOf(context).copyWith$1$padding(new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(scaledPadding, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_EdgeInsetsGeometry));
- }
- };
- A._ElevatedButtonWithIconChild.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var gap, _null = null,
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_3),
- scale = t1 == null ? _null : t1.textScaleFactor;
- if (scale == null)
- scale = 1;
- if (scale <= 1)
- gap = 8;
- else {
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(8, 4, Math.min(scale - 1, 1));
- t1.toString;
- gap = t1;
- }
- return A.Row$(A._setArrayType([this.icon, A.SizedBox$(_null, _null, gap), new A.Flexible(1, B.FlexFit_1, this.label, _null)], type$.JSArray_Widget), B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_0);
- }
- };
- A._ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_elevated_button$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$textStyle() {
- return new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(A.Theme_of(this.context).textTheme.labelLarge, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_nullable_TextStyle);
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$foregroundColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- var t1 = this.get$_elevated_button$_colors()._shadow;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = B.Color_4278190080;
- return new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(t1, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color);
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_elevated_button$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._surfaceTint;
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1.primary : t2;
- return new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(t1, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color);
- },
- get$elevation(_) {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_elevation_closure(), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_double);
- },
- get$padding(_) {
- return new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(A._scaledPadding0(this.context), type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_EdgeInsetsGeometry);
- },
- get$minimumSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Size_64_40;
- },
- get$maximumSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_sty;
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_WV2;
- },
- get$mouseCursor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure(), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_MouseCursor);
- },
- get$visualDensity() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).visualDensity;
- },
- get$tapTargetSize() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$splashFactory() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).splashFactory;
- }
- };
- A._ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_elevated_button$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return this.$this.get$_elevated_button$_colors().surface;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_elevated_button$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return this.$this.get$_elevated_button$_colors().primary;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_elevated_button$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_elevated_button$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_elevated_button$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_elevation_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return 0;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0))
- return 3;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return 1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2))
- return 1;
- return 1;
- },
- $signature: 166
- };
- A._ElevatedButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return B.SystemMouseCursor_basic;
- return B.SystemMouseCursor_click;
- },
- $signature: 56
- };
- A.__ElevatedButtonDefaultColor_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.__ElevatedButtonDefaultElevation_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.__ElevatedButtonDefaultMouseCursor_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.__ElevatedButtonDefaultOverlay_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.ElevatedButtonThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(this.style);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ElevatedButtonThemeData && J.$eq$(other.style, this.style);
- }
- };
- A._ElevatedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._ElevationOpacity.prototype = {};
- A.ExpansionTileThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.backgroundColor, _this.collapsedBackgroundColor, _this.tilePadding, _this.expandedAlignment, _this.childrenPadding, _this.iconColor, _this.collapsedIconColor, _this.textColor, _this.collapsedTextColor, _this.shape, _this.collapsedShape, null, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ExpansionTileThemeData && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && J.$eq$(other.collapsedBackgroundColor, _this.collapsedBackgroundColor) && J.$eq$(other.tilePadding, _this.tilePadding) && J.$eq$(other.expandedAlignment, _this.expandedAlignment) && J.$eq$(other.childrenPadding, _this.childrenPadding) && J.$eq$(other.iconColor, _this.iconColor) && J.$eq$(other.collapsedIconColor, _this.collapsedIconColor) && J.$eq$(other.textColor, _this.textColor) && J.$eq$(other.collapsedTextColor, _this.collapsedTextColor) && J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape) && J.$eq$(other.collapsedShape, _this.collapsedShape) && true;
- }
- };
- A._ExpansionTileThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.FilledButtonThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(this.style);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.FilledButtonThemeData && J.$eq$(other.style, this.style);
- }
- };
- A._FilledButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.FlexibleSpaceBarSettings.prototype = {
- updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) {
- var _this = this;
- return _this.toolbarOpacity !== oldWidget.toolbarOpacity || _this.minExtent !== oldWidget.minExtent || _this.maxExtent !== oldWidget.maxExtent || _this.currentExtent !== oldWidget.currentExtent || false;
- }
- };
- A._DefaultHeroTag.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "";
- }
- };
- A._FloatingActionButtonType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_FloatingActionButtonType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.FloatingActionButton.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var backgroundColor, focusColor, hoverColor, splashColor, elevation, t2, focusElevation, hoverElevation, disabledElevation, highlightElevation, enableFeedback, iconSize, extendedTextStyle, shape, resolvedChild, sizeConstraints, padding, result, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- floatingActionButtonTheme = theme.floatingActionButtonTheme,
- t1 = this._floatingActionButtonType,
- defaults = theme.useMaterial3 ? new A._FABDefaultsM3(context, t1, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 6, 6, 8, _null, 6, _null, true, _null, B.BoxConstraints_56_56_56_56, B.BoxConstraints_40_40_40_40, B.BoxConstraints_96_96_96_96, B.BoxConstraints_CWG, 8, _null, _null, _null) : new A._FABDefaultsM2(t1, true, A.Theme_of(context), A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, 6, 6, 8, _null, 12, _null, true, _null, B.BoxConstraints_56_56_56_56, B.BoxConstraints_40_40_40_40, B.BoxConstraints_96_96_96_96, B.BoxConstraints_CWG0, 8, _null, _null, _null),
- foregroundColor = floatingActionButtonTheme.foregroundColor;
- if (foregroundColor == null)
- foregroundColor = defaults.get$foregroundColor();
- backgroundColor = floatingActionButtonTheme.backgroundColor;
- if (backgroundColor == null)
- backgroundColor = defaults.get$backgroundColor(defaults);
- focusColor = floatingActionButtonTheme.focusColor;
- if (focusColor == null)
- focusColor = defaults.get$focusColor();
- hoverColor = floatingActionButtonTheme.hoverColor;
- if (hoverColor == null)
- hoverColor = defaults.get$hoverColor();
- splashColor = floatingActionButtonTheme.splashColor;
- if (splashColor == null)
- splashColor = defaults.get$splashColor();
- elevation = floatingActionButtonTheme.elevation;
- if (elevation == null) {
- t2 = defaults.elevation;
- t2.toString;
- elevation = t2;
- }
- focusElevation = floatingActionButtonTheme.focusElevation;
- if (focusElevation == null) {
- t2 = defaults.focusElevation;
- t2.toString;
- focusElevation = t2;
- }
- hoverElevation = floatingActionButtonTheme.hoverElevation;
- if (hoverElevation == null) {
- t2 = defaults.hoverElevation;
- t2.toString;
- hoverElevation = t2;
- }
- t2 = floatingActionButtonTheme.disabledElevation;
- disabledElevation = t2 == null ? defaults.disabledElevation : t2;
- if (disabledElevation == null)
- disabledElevation = elevation;
- highlightElevation = floatingActionButtonTheme.highlightElevation;
- if (highlightElevation == null) {
- t2 = defaults.highlightElevation;
- t2.toString;
- highlightElevation = t2;
- }
- enableFeedback = floatingActionButtonTheme.enableFeedback;
- if (enableFeedback == null) {
- t2 = defaults.enableFeedback;
- t2.toString;
- enableFeedback = t2;
- }
- iconSize = floatingActionButtonTheme.iconSize;
- if (iconSize == null) {
- t2 = defaults.get$iconSize();
- t2.toString;
- iconSize = t2;
- }
- t2 = floatingActionButtonTheme.extendedTextStyle;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = defaults.get$extendedTextStyle();
- t2.toString;
- }
- extendedTextStyle = t2.copyWith$1$color(foregroundColor);
- shape = floatingActionButtonTheme.shape;
- if (shape == null) {
- t2 = defaults.get$shape(defaults);
- t2.toString;
- shape = t2;
- }
- t2 = this.child;
- resolvedChild = A.IconTheme_merge(t2, new A.IconThemeData(iconSize, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null));
- switch (t1.index) {
- case 0:
- sizeConstraints = floatingActionButtonTheme.sizeConstraints;
- if (sizeConstraints == null) {
- t1 = defaults.sizeConstraints;
- t1.toString;
- sizeConstraints = t1;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- sizeConstraints = floatingActionButtonTheme.smallSizeConstraints;
- if (sizeConstraints == null) {
- t1 = defaults.smallSizeConstraints;
- t1.toString;
- sizeConstraints = t1;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- sizeConstraints = floatingActionButtonTheme.largeSizeConstraints;
- if (sizeConstraints == null) {
- t1 = defaults.largeSizeConstraints;
- t1.toString;
- sizeConstraints = t1;
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- sizeConstraints = floatingActionButtonTheme.extendedSizeConstraints;
- if (sizeConstraints == null) {
- t1 = defaults.extendedSizeConstraints;
- t1.toString;
- sizeConstraints = t1;
- }
- padding = floatingActionButtonTheme.extendedPadding;
- if (padding == null)
- padding = defaults.get$extendedPadding();
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- t1.push(t2);
- resolvedChild = new A._ChildOverflowBox(new A.Padding(padding, A.Row$(t1, B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_0), _null), _null);
- break;
- default:
- sizeConstraints = _null;
- }
- result = A.RawMaterialButton$(B.Duration_200000, false, resolvedChild, B.Clip_0, sizeConstraints, disabledElevation, elevation, enableFeedback, backgroundColor, focusColor, focusElevation, _null, _null, highlightElevation, hoverColor, hoverElevation, theme.materialTapTargetSize, new A._EffectiveMouseCursor(_null, floatingActionButtonTheme.mouseCursor), _null, _null, this.onPressed, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, shape, splashColor, extendedTextStyle, B.VisualDensity_0_0);
- result = A.Hero$(result, B.C__DefaultHeroTag, false);
- return new A.MergeSemantics(result, _null);
- }
- };
- A._EffectiveMouseCursor.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- var t1 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(this.widgetCursor, states, type$.nullable_MouseCursor);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- return t1 == null ? B._EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor_SystemMouseCursor_click_clickable.resolve$1(states) : t1;
- },
- get$debugDescription() {
- return "MaterialStateMouseCursor(FloatActionButton)";
- }
- };
- A._ChildOverflowBox.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = new A._RenderChildOverflowBox(B.Alignment_0_0, t1.textDirection, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- renderObject.set$textDirection(t1.textDirection);
- }
- };
- A._RenderChildOverflowBox.prototype = {
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- return 0;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return 0;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- var childSize,
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child,
- t2 = constraints.minWidth,
- t3 = constraints.maxWidth,
- t4 = constraints.minHeight,
- t5 = constraints.maxHeight;
- if (t1 != null) {
- childSize = t1.getDryLayout$1(B.BoxConstraints_mlX1);
- return new A.Size(Math.max(t2, Math.min(t3, childSize._dx)), Math.max(t4, Math.min(t5, childSize._dy)));
- } else
- return new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t2, t3), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t4, t5));
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var _this = this,
- constraints = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)),
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child,
- t2 = constraints.minWidth,
- t3 = constraints.maxWidth,
- t4 = constraints.minHeight,
- t5 = constraints.maxHeight;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.layout$2$parentUsesSize(B.BoxConstraints_mlX1, true);
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size;
- _this._size = new A.Size(Math.max(t2, Math.min(t3, t1._dx)), Math.max(t4, Math.min(t5, t1._dy)));
- _this.alignChild$0();
- } else
- _this._size = new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t2, t3), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t4, t5));
- }
- };
- A._FABDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$foregroundColor() {
- return this._colors.onSecondary;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return this._colors.secondary;
- },
- get$focusColor() {
- return this._floating_action_button$_theme.focusColor;
- },
- get$hoverColor() {
- return this._floating_action_button$_theme.hoverColor;
- },
- get$splashColor() {
- return this._floating_action_button$_theme.splashColor;
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- return this.type === B._FloatingActionButtonType_3 ? B.StadiumBorder_Sik : B.CircleBorder_Umb;
- },
- get$iconSize() {
- return this.type === B._FloatingActionButtonType_2 ? 36 : 24;
- },
- get$extendedPadding() {
- return new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(this.hasChild && this.type === B._FloatingActionButtonType_3 ? 16 : 20, 0, 20, 0);
- },
- get$extendedTextStyle() {
- return this._floating_action_button$_theme.textTheme.labelLarge.copyWith$1$letterSpacing(1.2);
- }
- };
- A._FABDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___FABDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___FABDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___FABDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$foregroundColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._onPrimaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onPrimary : t2;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- var t1 = this.get$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._primaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.primary : t2;
- },
- get$splashColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._onPrimaryContainer;
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1.onPrimary : t2;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- },
- get$focusColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._onPrimaryContainer;
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1.onPrimary : t2;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- },
- get$hoverColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._onPrimaryContainer;
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1.onPrimary : t2;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- switch (this.type.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D0;
- case 1:
- return B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D1;
- case 2:
- return B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D2;
- case 3:
- return B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D0;
- }
- },
- get$iconSize() {
- switch (this.type.index) {
- case 0:
- return 24;
- case 1:
- return 24;
- case 2:
- return 36;
- case 3:
- return 24;
- }
- },
- get$extendedPadding() {
- return new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(this.hasChild && this.type === B._FloatingActionButtonType_3 ? 16 : 20, 0, 20, 0);
- },
- get$extendedTextStyle() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___FABDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___FABDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___FABDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = t1.textTheme;
- }
- return value.labelLarge;
- }
- };
- A.FloatingActionButtonLocation.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "FloatingActionButtonLocation";
- }
- };
- A.StandardFabLocation.prototype = {
- getOffset$1(scaffoldGeometry) {
- var t1 = this.getOffsetX$2(scaffoldGeometry, 0),
- contentBottom = scaffoldGeometry.contentBottom,
- bottomSheetHeight = scaffoldGeometry.bottomSheetSize._dy,
- fabHeight = scaffoldGeometry.floatingActionButtonSize._dy,
- snackBarHeight = scaffoldGeometry.snackBarSize._dy,
- fabY = contentBottom - fabHeight - Math.max(16, scaffoldGeometry.minViewPadding.bottom - (scaffoldGeometry.scaffoldSize._dy - contentBottom) + 16);
- if (snackBarHeight > 0)
- fabY = Math.min(fabY, contentBottom - snackBarHeight - fabHeight - 16);
- return new A.Offset(t1, (bottomSheetHeight > 0 ? Math.min(fabY, contentBottom - bottomSheetHeight - fabHeight / 2) : fabY) + 0);
- }
- };
- A.FabFloatOffsetY.prototype = {};
- A.FabEndOffsetX.prototype = {
- getOffsetX$2(scaffoldGeometry, adjustment) {
- switch (scaffoldGeometry.textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return 16 + scaffoldGeometry.minInsets.left - adjustment;
- case 1:
- return scaffoldGeometry.scaffoldSize._dx - 16 - scaffoldGeometry.minInsets.right - scaffoldGeometry.floatingActionButtonSize._dx + adjustment;
- }
- }
- };
- A._EndFloatFabLocation.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "FloatingActionButtonLocation.endFloat";
- }
- };
- A.FloatingActionButtonAnimator.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "FloatingActionButtonAnimator";
- }
- };
- A._ScalingFabMotionAnimator.prototype = {
- getOffset$3$begin$end$progress(begin, end, progress) {
- if (progress < 0.5)
- return begin;
- else
- return end;
- }
- };
- A._AnimationSwap.prototype = {
- get$value(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.parent.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 < _this.swapThreshold) {
- t1 = _this.first;
- t1 = t1.get$value(t1);
- } else {
- t1 = _this.next;
- t1 = t1.get$value(t1);
- }
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.__EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX.prototype = {};
- A.__EndFloatFabLocation_StandardFabLocation_FabEndOffsetX_FabFloatOffsetY.prototype = {};
- A.FloatingActionButtonThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.get$foregroundColor(), _this.get$backgroundColor(_this), _this.get$focusColor(), _this.get$hoverColor(), _this.get$splashColor(), _this.elevation, _this.focusElevation, _this.hoverElevation, _this.disabledElevation, _this.highlightElevation, _this.get$shape(_this), _this.enableFeedback, _this.get$iconSize(), _this.sizeConstraints, _this.smallSizeConstraints, _this.largeSizeConstraints, _this.extendedSizeConstraints, _this.extendedIconLabelSpacing, _this.get$extendedPadding(), A.Object_hash(_this.get$extendedTextStyle(), _this.mouseCursor, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue));
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.FloatingActionButtonThemeData && J.$eq$(other.get$foregroundColor(), _this.get$foregroundColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$backgroundColor(other), _this.get$backgroundColor(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$focusColor(), _this.get$focusColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$hoverColor(), _this.get$hoverColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$splashColor(), _this.get$splashColor()) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && other.focusElevation == _this.focusElevation && other.hoverElevation == _this.hoverElevation && other.disabledElevation == _this.disabledElevation && other.highlightElevation == _this.highlightElevation && J.$eq$(other.get$shape(other), _this.get$shape(_this)) && other.enableFeedback == _this.enableFeedback && other.get$iconSize() == _this.get$iconSize() && J.$eq$(other.sizeConstraints, _this.sizeConstraints) && J.$eq$(other.smallSizeConstraints, _this.smallSizeConstraints) && J.$eq$(other.largeSizeConstraints, _this.largeSizeConstraints) && J.$eq$(other.extendedSizeConstraints, _this.extendedSizeConstraints) && other.extendedIconLabelSpacing == _this.extendedIconLabelSpacing && J.$eq$(other.get$extendedPadding(), _this.get$extendedPadding()) && J.$eq$(other.get$extendedTextStyle(), _this.get$extendedTextStyle()) && true;
- },
- get$foregroundColor() {
- return this.foregroundColor;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(receiver) {
- return this.backgroundColor;
- },
- get$focusColor() {
- return this.focusColor;
- },
- get$hoverColor() {
- return this.hoverColor;
- },
- get$splashColor() {
- return this.splashColor;
- },
- get$shape(receiver) {
- return this.shape;
- },
- get$iconSize() {
- return this.iconSize;
- },
- get$extendedPadding() {
- return this.extendedPadding;
- },
- get$extendedTextStyle() {
- return this.extendedTextStyle;
- }
- };
- A._FloatingActionButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._IconButtonVariant.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_IconButtonVariant." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.IconButton.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, t2, minSize, maxSize, adjustedStyle, effectiveIcon, iconButton, t3, currentColor, unadjustedConstraints, adjustedConstraints, t4, effectiveIconSize, effectivePadding, result, _this = this, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context);
- if (theme.useMaterial3) {
- t1 = _this.constraints;
- t2 = t1 == null;
- minSize = t2 ? _null : new A.Size(t1.minWidth, t1.minHeight);
- maxSize = t2 ? _null : new A.Size(t1.maxWidth, t1.maxHeight);
- adjustedStyle = A.IconButton_styleFrom(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this.color, _null, _null, _this.iconSize, maxSize, minSize, _this.padding, _null);
- t1 = _this.style;
- if (t1 != null)
- adjustedStyle = t1.merge$1(adjustedStyle);
- effectiveIcon = _this.icon;
- t1 = _this.tooltip;
- iconButton = t1 != null ? A.Tooltip$(effectiveIcon, t1) : effectiveIcon;
- return new A._SelectableIconButton(_null, adjustedStyle, _null, B._IconButtonVariant_0, false, _this.onPressed, iconButton, _null);
- }
- t1 = _this.onPressed;
- t2 = t1 == null;
- t3 = !t2;
- if (t3)
- currentColor = _this.color;
- else
- currentColor = theme.disabledColor;
- unadjustedConstraints = _this.constraints;
- if (unadjustedConstraints == null)
- unadjustedConstraints = B.BoxConstraints_mlX0;
- adjustedConstraints = theme.visualDensity.effectiveConstraints$1(unadjustedConstraints);
- t4 = _this.iconSize;
- effectiveIconSize = t4 == null ? A.IconTheme_of(context).size : t4;
- if (effectiveIconSize == null)
- effectiveIconSize = 24;
- effectivePadding = _this.padding;
- if (effectivePadding == null)
- effectivePadding = B.EdgeInsets_8_8_8_8;
- result = new A.ConstrainedBox(adjustedConstraints, new A.Padding(effectivePadding, A.SizedBox$(new A.Align(B.Alignment_0_0, _null, _null, A.IconTheme_merge(_this.icon, new A.IconThemeData(effectiveIconSize, _null, _null, _null, _null, currentColor, _null, _null)), _null), effectiveIconSize, effectiveIconSize), _null), _null);
- t4 = _this.tooltip;
- if (t4 != null)
- result = A.Tooltip$(result, t4);
- t2 = t2 ? B.SystemMouseCursor_basic : B.SystemMouseCursor_click;
- t4 = _this.splashRadius;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = Math.max(35, (effectiveIconSize + Math.min(effectivePadding.get$horizontal(), effectivePadding.get$_top(effectivePadding) + effectivePadding.get$_bottom(effectivePadding))) * 0.7);
- t4 = A.InkResponse$(false, _null, t3, result, false, _null, true, false, theme.focusColor, _null, theme.highlightColor, B.BoxShape_1, theme.hoverColor, _null, t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t1, _null, _null, _null, _null, t4, theme.splashColor, _null, _null);
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, t3, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, t4, _null);
- }
- };
- A._SelectableIconButton.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._SelectableIconButtonState(B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._SelectableIconButtonState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = A.MaterialStatesController$(null);
- _this.___SelectableIconButtonState_statesController_F !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldAI();
- _this.___SelectableIconButtonState_statesController_F = t1;
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1;
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- this._widget.toString;
- t1 = this.___SelectableIconButtonState_statesController_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (J.contains$1$asx(t1._change_notifier$_value, B.MaterialState_4))
- t1.update$2(0, B.MaterialState_4, false);
- return;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t2, _null = null,
- t1 = this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = this.___SelectableIconButtonState_statesController_F;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return new A._IconButtonM3(t1.variant, false, t1.onPressed, _null, _null, _null, t1.style, B.Clip_0, t1.focusNode, false, t2, t1.child, _null);
- }
- };
- A._IconButtonM3.prototype = {
- defaultStyleOf$1(context) {
- var _null = null;
- switch (this.variant.index) {
- case 1:
- return new A._FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3(context, this.toggleable, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.Duration_200000, true, B.Alignment_0_0, _null);
- case 2:
- return new A._FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3(context, this.toggleable, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.Duration_200000, true, B.Alignment_0_0, _null);
- case 3:
- return new A._OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3(context, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.Duration_200000, true, B.Alignment_0_0, _null);
- case 0:
- return new A._IconButtonDefaultsM3(context, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.Duration_200000, true, B.Alignment_0_0, _null);
- }
- },
- themeStyleOf$1(context) {
- var iconThemeStyle, _null = null,
- iconTheme = A.IconTheme_of(context),
- t1 = iconTheme.color,
- t2 = iconTheme.size;
- if (new A._IconButtonM3_themeStyleOf_isIconThemeDefault(A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme.brightness === B.Brightness_0).call$1(t1))
- t1 = _null;
- iconThemeStyle = A.IconButton_styleFrom(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t1, _null, _null, t2 === 24 ? _null : t2, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- t1 = A.IconButtonTheme_of(context).style;
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.merge$1(iconThemeStyle);
- return t1 == null ? iconThemeStyle : t1;
- }
- };
- A._IconButtonM3_themeStyleOf_isIconThemeDefault.prototype = {
- call$1(color) {
- if (this.isDark)
- return J.$eq$(color, B.Color_4294967295);
- return J.$eq$(color, B.Color_3707764736);
- },
- $signature: 255
- };
- A._IconButtonDefaultForeground.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return this.disabledForegroundColor;
- return this.foregroundColor;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "{disabled: " + A.S(this.disabledForegroundColor) + ", otherwise: " + A.S(this.foregroundColor) + "}";
- }
- };
- A._IconButtonDefaultOverlay.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.highlightColor;
- t2 = _this.foregroundColor;
- t1 = t2 == null ? _null : A.Color$fromARGB(31, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255);
- return t1;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.hoverColor;
- t2 = _this.foregroundColor;
- t1 = t2 == null ? _null : A.Color$fromARGB(20, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255);
- return t1;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.focusColor;
- t2 = _this.foregroundColor;
- t1 = t2 == null ? _null : A.Color$fromARGB(31, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255);
- return t1;
- }
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.highlightColor;
- t2 = _this.foregroundColor;
- t1 = t2 == null ? _null : A.Color$fromARGB(31, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255);
- return t1;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.hoverColor;
- t2 = _this.foregroundColor;
- t1 = t2 == null ? _null : A.Color$fromARGB(20, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255);
- return t1;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.focusColor;
- t2 = _this.foregroundColor;
- t1 = t2 == null ? _null : A.Color$fromARGB(20, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255);
- return t1;
- }
- return _null;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "{hovered: " + A.S(this.hoverColor) + ", focused: " + A.S(this.focusColor) + ", pressed: " + A.S(this.highlightColor) + ", otherwise: null}";
- }
- };
- A._IconButtonDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_icon_button$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___IconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___IconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___IconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color_00;
- },
- get$foregroundColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._IconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._IconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$elevation(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_0;
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color_0;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color_0;
- },
- get$padding(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_rXZ;
- },
- get$minimumSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Size_40_40;
- },
- get$maximumSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_sty;
- },
- get$iconSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_24;
- },
- get$side() {
- return null;
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_WV2;
- },
- get$mouseCursor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._IconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure(), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_MouseCursor);
- },
- get$visualDensity() {
- return B.VisualDensity_0_0;
- },
- get$tapTargetSize() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$splashFactory() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).splashFactory;
- }
- };
- A._IconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().primary;
- t1 = this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._IconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._IconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return B.SystemMouseCursor_basic;
- return B.SystemMouseCursor_click;
- },
- $signature: 56
- };
- A._FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_icon_button$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$foregroundColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$elevation(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_0;
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color_0;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color_0;
- },
- get$padding(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_rXZ;
- },
- get$minimumSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Size_40_40;
- },
- get$maximumSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_sty;
- },
- get$iconSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_24;
- },
- get$side() {
- return null;
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_WV2;
- },
- get$mouseCursor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure(), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_MouseCursor);
- },
- get$visualDensity() {
- return B.VisualDensity_0_0;
- },
- get$tapTargetSize() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$splashFactory() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).splashFactory;
- }
- };
- A._FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().primary;
- t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1.toggleable) {
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2;
- }
- return t1.get$_icon_button$_colors().primary;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().onPrimary;
- t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1.toggleable)
- return t1.get$_icon_button$_colors().primary;
- return t1.get$_icon_button$_colors().onPrimary;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- }
- t1 = _this.$this;
- if (t1.toggleable) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors().onPrimary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._FilledIconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return B.SystemMouseCursor_basic;
- return B.SystemMouseCursor_click;
- },
- $signature: 56
- };
- A._FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_icon_button$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$foregroundColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$elevation(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_0;
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color_0;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color_0;
- },
- get$padding(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_rXZ;
- },
- get$minimumSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Size_40_40;
- },
- get$maximumSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_sty;
- },
- get$iconSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_24;
- },
- get$side() {
- return null;
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_WV2;
- },
- get$mouseCursor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure(), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_MouseCursor);
- },
- get$visualDensity() {
- return B.VisualDensity_0_0;
- },
- get$tapTargetSize() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$splashFactory() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).splashFactory;
- }
- };
- A._FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._secondaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.secondary : t2;
- }
- t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1.toggleable) {
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2;
- }
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._secondaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.secondary : t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSecondaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSecondary : t2;
- }
- t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1.toggleable) {
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- }
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSecondaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSecondary : t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSecondaryContainer;
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1.onSecondary : t2;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSecondaryContainer;
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1.onSecondary : t2;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSecondaryContainer;
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1.onSecondary : t2;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- }
- t1 = _this.$this;
- if (t1.toggleable) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSecondaryContainer;
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1.onSecondary : t2;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSecondaryContainer;
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1.onSecondary : t2;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSecondaryContainer;
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1.onSecondary : t2;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._FilledTonalIconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return B.SystemMouseCursor_basic;
- return B.SystemMouseCursor_click;
- },
- $signature: 56
- };
- A._OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_icon_button$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$foregroundColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$elevation(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_0;
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color_0;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color_0;
- },
- get$padding(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_rXZ;
- },
- get$minimumSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Size_40_40;
- },
- get$maximumSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_sty;
- },
- get$iconSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_24;
- },
- get$side() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_side_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_BorderSide);
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_WV2;
- },
- get$mouseCursor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure(), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_MouseCursor);
- },
- get$visualDensity() {
- return B.VisualDensity_0_0;
- },
- get$tapTargetSize() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$splashFactory() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).splashFactory;
- }
- };
- A._OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_backgroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return B.Color_0;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._inverseSurface;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- }
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onInverseSurface;
- return t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2;
- }
- t1 = this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onInverseSurface;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onInverseSurface;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onInverseSurface;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_side_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return null;
- else {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255), 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- }
- t1 = this.$this.get$_icon_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._outline;
- return new A.BorderSide(t2 == null ? t1.onBackground : t2, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- }
- },
- $signature: 256
- };
- A._OutlinedIconButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return B.SystemMouseCursor_basic;
- return B.SystemMouseCursor_click;
- },
- $signature: 56
- };
- A.IconButtonThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(this.style);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.IconButtonThemeData && J.$eq$(other.style, this.style);
- }
- };
- A.IconButtonTheme.prototype = {
- wrap$2(_, context, child) {
- return A.IconButtonTheme$(child, this.data);
- },
- updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) {
- return !this.data.$eq(0, oldWidget.data);
- }
- };
- A._IconButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.Ink.prototype = {
- get$_ink_decoration$_paddingIncludingDecoration() {
- var decorationPadding,
- t1 = this.decoration;
- if (t1 == null)
- return B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0;
- decorationPadding = t1.get$padding(t1);
- return decorationPadding;
- },
- createState$0() {
- return new A._InkState(new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._InkState.prototype = {
- _handleRemoved$0() {
- this._ink = null;
- },
- deactivate$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._ink;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = t1._ink_decoration$_painter;
- if (t2 != null)
- t2.dispose$0();
- t1.super$InkFeature$dispose();
- }
- this.super$State$deactivate();
- },
- _build$1(context) {
- var t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._ink,
- t2 = _this._widget;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = t2.decoration;
- t2 = A.Visibility_of(context);
- t3 = A.createLocalImageConfiguration(context);
- t4 = A.LookupBoundary_findAncestorRenderObjectOfType(context, type$._RenderInkFeatures);
- t4.toString;
- t5 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner._globalKeyRegistry.$index(0, _this._boxKey).get$renderObject();
- t5.toString;
- t5 = new A.InkDecoration(t3, t4, type$.RenderBox._as(t5), _this.get$_handleRemoved());
- t5.set$decoration(t1);
- t5.set$isVisible(t2);
- t4.addInkFeature$1(t5);
- _this._ink = t5;
- } else {
- t1.set$decoration(t2.decoration);
- t1 = _this._ink;
- t1.toString;
- t1.set$isVisible(A.Visibility_of(context));
- t1 = _this._ink;
- t1.toString;
- t1.set$configuration(A.createLocalImageConfiguration(context));
- }
- t1 = _this._widget.child;
- return t1;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._widget.get$_ink_decoration$_paddingIncludingDecoration();
- _this._widget.toString;
- return new A.Padding(t1, new A.Builder(_this.get$_build(), null), _this._boxKey);
- }
- };
- A.InkDecoration.prototype = {
- set$decoration(value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (J.$eq$(value, _this._ink_decoration$_decoration))
- return;
- _this._ink_decoration$_decoration = value;
- t1 = _this._ink_decoration$_painter;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this._ink_decoration$_decoration;
- _this._ink_decoration$_painter = t1 == null ? null : t1.createBoxPainter$1(_this.get$_ink_decoration$_handleChanged());
- _this._material$_controller.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- get$isVisible() {
- return this._isVisible;
- },
- set$isVisible(value) {
- if (value === this._isVisible)
- return;
- this._isVisible = value;
- this._material$_controller.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- set$configuration(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._ink_decoration$_configuration))
- return;
- this._ink_decoration$_configuration = value;
- this._material$_controller.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- _ink_decoration$_handleChanged$0() {
- this._material$_controller.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- paintFeature$2(canvas, transform) {
- var originOffset, t1, t2, sizedConfiguration, _this = this;
- if (_this._ink_decoration$_painter == null || !_this._isVisible)
- return;
- originOffset = A.MatrixUtils_getAsTranslation(transform);
- t1 = _this._ink_decoration$_configuration;
- t2 = _this.referenceBox._size;
- t2.toString;
- sizedConfiguration = t1.copyWith$1$size(t2);
- if (originOffset == null) {
- canvas.save$0(0);
- canvas.transform$1(0, transform._vector_math_64$_m4storage);
- _this._ink_decoration$_painter.paint$3(canvas, B.Offset_0_0, sizedConfiguration);
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- } else
- _this._ink_decoration$_painter.paint$3(canvas, originOffset, sizedConfiguration);
- }
- };
- A.InkHighlight.prototype = {
- _handleAlphaStatusChanged$1($status) {
- var t1;
- if ($status === B.AnimationStatus_0 && !this._active) {
- t1 = this.__InkHighlight__alphaController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$InkFeature$dispose();
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.__InkHighlight__alphaController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$InkFeature$dispose();
- },
- _paintHighlight$3(canvas, rect, paint) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- canvas.save$0(0);
- t1 = _this._customBorder;
- if (t1 != null)
- canvas.clipPath$1(0, t1.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, _this._ink_highlight$_textDirection));
- switch (_this._ink_highlight$_shape.index) {
- case 1:
- t1 = rect.get$center();
- t2 = _this._ink_highlight$_radius;
- canvas.drawCircle$3(t1, t2 == null ? 35 : t2, paint);
- break;
- case 0:
- t1 = _this._ink_highlight$_borderRadius;
- if (!t1.$eq(0, B.BorderRadius_tLn))
- canvas.drawRRect$2(A.RRect$fromRectAndCorners(rect, t1.bottomLeft, t1.bottomRight, t1.topLeft, t1.topRight), paint);
- else
- canvas.drawRect$2(rect, paint);
- break;
- }
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- },
- paintFeature$2(canvas, transform) {
- var t3, originOffset, rect, _this = this,
- paint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0(),
- t1 = _this._ink_well$_color,
- t2 = _this.__InkHighlight__alpha_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t2.parent;
- paint.set$color(0, A.Color$fromARGB(t2._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t3.get$value(t3)), t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255));
- originOffset = A.MatrixUtils_getAsTranslation(transform);
- t1 = _this._rectCallback;
- if (t1 != null)
- rect = t1.call$0();
- else {
- t1 = _this.referenceBox._size;
- rect = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy);
- }
- if (originOffset == null) {
- canvas.save$0(0);
- canvas.transform$1(0, transform._vector_math_64$_m4storage);
- _this._paintHighlight$3(canvas, rect, paint);
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- } else
- _this._paintHighlight$3(canvas, rect.shift$1(originOffset), paint);
- }
- };
- A._getClipCallback_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.referenceBox._size;
- return new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy);
- },
- $signature: 134
- };
- A._InkRippleFactory.prototype = {
- create$11$borderRadius$color$containedInkWell$controller$customBorder$onRemoved$position$radius$rectCallback$referenceBox$textDirection(_, borderRadius, color, containedInkWell, controller, customBorder, onRemoved, position, radius, rectCallback, referenceBox, textDirection) {
- var t1, size, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, _null = null;
- if (radius == null) {
- if (rectCallback != null) {
- t1 = rectCallback.call$0();
- size = new A.Size(t1.right - t1.left, t1.bottom - t1.top);
- } else {
- t1 = referenceBox._size;
- t1.toString;
- size = t1;
- }
- t1 = Math.max(size.bottomRight$1(0, B.Offset_0_0).get$distance(), new A.Offset(0 + size._dx, 0).$sub(0, new A.Offset(0, 0 + size._dy)).get$distance()) / 2;
- } else
- t1 = radius;
- t2 = new A.InkRipple(position, B.BorderRadius_tLn, t1, A._getClipCallback0(referenceBox, containedInkWell, rectCallback), textDirection, color, customBorder, controller, referenceBox, onRemoved);
- t3 = controller.vsync;
- t4 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_75000, _null, 1, _null, t3);
- t5 = controller.get$markNeedsPaint();
- t4.didRegisterListener$0();
- t6 = t4.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t6._isDirty = true;
- t6._list.push(t5);
- t4.forward$0(0);
- t2.__InkRipple__fadeInController_A = t4;
- t6 = color.get$value(color);
- t7 = type$.Animation_double;
- t8 = type$.IntTween;
- t2.__InkRipple__fadeIn_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t7._as(t4), new A.IntTween(0, t6 >>> 24 & 255), t8._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- t6 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_1000000, _null, 1, _null, t3);
- t6.didRegisterListener$0();
- t4 = t6.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t4._isDirty = true;
- t4._list.push(t5);
- t6.forward$0(0);
- t2.__InkRipple__radiusController_A = t6;
- t4 = type$.Tween_double;
- t9 = $.$get$InkRipple__easeCurveTween();
- t10 = t4._eval$1("_ChainedEvaluation");
- t2.__InkRipple__radius_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t7._as(t6), new A._ChainedEvaluation(t9, new A.Tween(t1 * 0.3, t1 + 5, t4), t10), t10._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- t3 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_375000, _null, 1, _null, t3);
- t3.didRegisterListener$0();
- t10 = t3.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t10._isDirty = true;
- t10._list.push(t5);
- t3.didRegisterListener$0();
- t5 = t3.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t5._isDirty = true;
- t5._list.push(t2.get$_ink_ripple$_handleAlphaStatusChanged());
- t2.__InkRipple__fadeOutController_A = t3;
- t5 = color.get$value(color);
- t10 = $.$get$InkRipple__fadeOutIntervalTween();
- t8 = t8._eval$1("_ChainedEvaluation");
- t2.__InkRipple__fadeOut_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t7._as(t3), new A._ChainedEvaluation(t10, new A.IntTween(t5 >>> 24 & 255, 0), t8), t8._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- controller.addInkFeature$1(t2);
- return t2;
- }
- };
- A.InkRipple.prototype = {
- confirm$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.__InkRipple__radiusController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.duration = B.Duration_225000;
- t1.forward$0(0);
- t1 = this.__InkRipple__fadeInController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- t1 = this.__InkRipple__fadeOutController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1._direction = B._AnimationDirection_0;
- t1._animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(1, B.C__Linear, B.Duration_375000);
- },
- cancel$0(_) {
- var fadeOutValue, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__InkRipple__fadeInController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.stop$0(0);
- t1 = _this.__InkRipple__fadeInController_A.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- fadeOutValue = 1 - t1;
- t1 = _this.__InkRipple__fadeOutController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$value(0, fadeOutValue);
- if (fadeOutValue < 1) {
- t1 = _this.__InkRipple__fadeOutController_A;
- t1._direction = B._AnimationDirection_0;
- t1._animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(1, B.C__Linear, B.Duration_75000);
- }
- },
- _ink_ripple$_handleAlphaStatusChanged$1($status) {
- if ($status === B.AnimationStatus_3)
- this.dispose$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__InkRipple__radiusController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this.__InkRipple__fadeInController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this.__InkRipple__fadeOutController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this.super$InkFeature$dispose();
- },
- paintFeature$2(canvas, transform) {
- var t2, alpha, paint, rect, t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__InkRipple__fadeInController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1._ticker;
- if (t1 != null && t1._ticker$_future != null) {
- t1 = _this.__InkRipple__fadeIn_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.parent;
- alpha = t1._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2));
- } else {
- t1 = _this.__InkRipple__fadeOut_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.parent;
- alpha = t1._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2));
- }
- paint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t1 = _this._ink_well$_color;
- paint.set$color(0, A.Color$fromARGB(alpha, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255));
- t1 = _this._clipCallback;
- rect = t1 != null ? t1.call$0() : null;
- t2 = rect != null ? rect.get$center() : _this.referenceBox._size.center$1(B.Offset_0_0);
- t3 = _this.__InkRipple__radiusController_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = A.Offset_lerp(_this._ink_ripple$_position, t2, B.Cubic_JUR.transform$1(0, t3));
- t3.toString;
- t2 = _this.__InkRipple__radius_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t2.parent;
- t4 = t2._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t4.get$value(t4));
- _this.paintInkCircle$9$borderRadius$canvas$center$clipCallback$customBorder$paint$radius$textDirection$transform(_this._ink_ripple$_borderRadius, canvas, t3, t1, _this._customBorder, paint, t4, _this._ink_ripple$_textDirection, transform);
- }
- };
- A._getClipCallback_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.referenceBox._size;
- return new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy);
- },
- $signature: 134
- };
- A._InkSplashFactory.prototype = {
- create$11$borderRadius$color$containedInkWell$controller$customBorder$onRemoved$position$radius$rectCallback$referenceBox$textDirection(_, borderRadius, color, containedInkWell, controller, customBorder, onRemoved, position, radius, rectCallback, referenceBox, textDirection) {
- var t6, t7, _null = null,
- t1 = radius == null ? A._getTargetRadius(referenceBox, containedInkWell, rectCallback, position) : radius,
- t2 = new A.InkSplash(position, B.BorderRadius_tLn, t1, A._getClipCallback(referenceBox, containedInkWell, rectCallback), !containedInkWell, textDirection, color, customBorder, controller, referenceBox, onRemoved),
- t3 = controller.vsync,
- t4 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_1000000, _null, 1, _null, t3),
- t5 = controller.get$markNeedsPaint();
- t4.didRegisterListener$0();
- t6 = t4.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t6._isDirty = true;
- t6._list.push(t5);
- t4.forward$0(0);
- t2.__InkSplash__radiusController_A = t4;
- t6 = type$.Tween_double;
- t7 = type$.Animation_double;
- t2.__InkSplash__radius_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t7._as(t4), new A.Tween(0, t1, t6), t6._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- t3 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_200000, _null, 1, _null, t3);
- t3.didRegisterListener$0();
- t6 = t3.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t6._isDirty = true;
- t6._list.push(t5);
- t3.didRegisterListener$0();
- t5 = t3.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t5._isDirty = true;
- t5._list.push(t2.get$_ink_splash$_handleAlphaStatusChanged());
- t2._alphaController = t3;
- t5 = color.get$value(color);
- t2.__InkSplash__alpha_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t7._as(t3), new A.IntTween(t5 >>> 24 & 255, 0), type$.IntTween._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- controller.addInkFeature$1(t2);
- return t2;
- }
- };
- A.InkSplash.prototype = {
- confirm$0(_) {
- var duration = B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(this._targetRadius / 1),
- t1 = this.__InkSplash__radiusController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.duration = A.Duration$(0, 0, 0, duration, 0, 0);
- t1.forward$0(0);
- this._alphaController.forward$0(0);
- },
- cancel$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._alphaController;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.forward$0(0);
- },
- _ink_splash$_handleAlphaStatusChanged$1($status) {
- if ($status === B.AnimationStatus_3)
- this.dispose$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__InkSplash__radiusController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this._alphaController.dispose$0();
- _this._alphaController = null;
- _this.super$InkFeature$dispose();
- },
- paintFeature$2(canvas, transform) {
- var t3, center, _this = this,
- paint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0(),
- t1 = _this._ink_well$_color,
- t2 = _this.__InkSplash__alpha_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t2.parent;
- paint.set$color(0, A.Color$fromARGB(t2._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t3.get$value(t3)), t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255));
- center = _this._ink_splash$_position;
- if (_this._repositionToReferenceBox) {
- t1 = _this.referenceBox._size.center$1(B.Offset_0_0);
- t2 = _this.__InkSplash__radiusController_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- center = A.Offset_lerp(center, t1, t2);
- }
- center.toString;
- t1 = _this.__InkSplash__radius_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.parent;
- t2 = t1._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2));
- _this.paintInkCircle$9$borderRadius$canvas$center$clipCallback$customBorder$paint$radius$textDirection$transform(_this._ink_splash$_borderRadius, canvas, center, _this._ink_splash$_clipCallback, _this._customBorder, paint, t2, _this._ink_splash$_textDirection, transform);
- }
- };
- A.InteractiveInkFeature.prototype = {
- confirm$0(_) {
- },
- cancel$0(_) {
- },
- set$color(_, value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._ink_well$_color))
- return;
- this._ink_well$_color = value;
- this._material$_controller.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- set$customBorder(value) {
- if (J.$eq$(value, this._customBorder))
- return;
- this._customBorder = value;
- this._material$_controller.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- paintInkCircle$9$borderRadius$canvas$center$clipCallback$customBorder$paint$radius$textDirection$transform(borderRadius, canvas, center, clipCallback, customBorder, paint, radius, textDirection, transform) {
- var rect,
- originOffset = A.MatrixUtils_getAsTranslation(transform);
- canvas.save$0(0);
- if (originOffset == null)
- canvas.transform$1(0, transform._vector_math_64$_m4storage);
- else
- canvas.translate$2(0, originOffset._dx, originOffset._dy);
- if (clipCallback != null) {
- rect = clipCallback.call$0();
- if (customBorder != null)
- canvas.clipPath$1(0, customBorder.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection));
- else if (!borderRadius.$eq(0, B.BorderRadius_tLn))
- canvas.clipRRect$1(A.RRect$fromRectAndCorners(rect, borderRadius.bottomLeft, borderRadius.bottomRight, borderRadius.topLeft, borderRadius.topRight));
- else
- canvas.clipRect$1(rect);
- }
- canvas.drawCircle$3(center, radius, paint);
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.InteractiveInkFeatureFactory.prototype = {};
- A._ParentInkResponseProvider.prototype = {
- updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) {
- return this.state !== oldWidget.state;
- }
- };
- A.InkResponse.prototype = {
- getRectCallback$1(referenceBox) {
- return null;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._ParentInkResponseProvider),
- parentState = t1 == null ? null : t1.state;
- return new A._InkResponseStateWidget(_this.child, _this.onTap, _this.onTapDown, _this.onTapUp, _this.onTapCancel, _this.onDoubleTap, _this.onLongPress, _this.onSecondaryTap, _this.onSecondaryTapUp, _this.onSecondaryTapDown, _this.onSecondaryTapCancel, _this.onHighlightChanged, _this.onHover, _this.mouseCursor, _this.containedInkWell, _this.highlightShape, _this.radius, _this.borderRadius, _this.customBorder, _this.focusColor, _this.hoverColor, _this.highlightColor, _this.overlayColor, _this.splashColor, _this.splashFactory, _this.enableFeedback, false, _this.onFocusChange, _this.autofocus, _this.focusNode, _this.canRequestFocus, parentState, _this.get$getRectCallback(), _this.get$debugCheckContext(), _this.statesController, null);
- },
- debugCheckContext$1(context) {
- return true;
- }
- };
- A._InkResponseStateWidget.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._InkResponseState(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$._HighlightType, type$.nullable_InkHighlight), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__ParentInkResponseState), type$.ObserverList__ParentInkResponseState), null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._HighlightType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_HighlightType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._InkResponseState.prototype = {
- get$highlightsExist() {
- var t1 = this._highlights;
- t1 = t1.get$values(t1);
- t1 = new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A._InkResponseState_highlightsExist_closure(), A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("WhereIterable"));
- return !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
- },
- markChildInkResponsePressed$2(childState, value) {
- var nowAnyPressed,
- t1 = this._activeChildren,
- t2 = t1._list,
- t3 = t2.length;
- if (value) {
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t2.push(childState);
- } else
- t1.remove$1(0, childState);
- nowAnyPressed = t2.length !== 0;
- if (nowAnyPressed !== (t3 !== 0)) {
- t1 = this._widget.parentState;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.markChildInkResponsePressed$2(this, nowAnyPressed);
- }
- },
- simulateTap$1(intent) {
- var t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- this._startNewSplash$1$context(t1);
- this.handleTap$0();
- },
- simulateTap$0() {
- return this.simulateTap$1(null);
- },
- handleStatesControllerChange$0() {
- this.setState$1(new A._InkResponseState_handleStatesControllerChange_closure());
- },
- get$statesController() {
- var t1 = this._widget.statesController;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this.internalStatesController;
- t1.toString;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- initStatesController$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this._widget.statesController == null)
- _this.internalStatesController = A.MaterialStatesController$(null);
- t1 = _this.get$statesController();
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t2.toString;
- t1.update$2(0, B.MaterialState_6, !_this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t2));
- _this.get$statesController().addListener$1(0, _this.get$handleStatesControllerChange());
- },
- initState$0() {
- this.super$__InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin$initState();
- this.initStatesController$0();
- $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._highlightManager._focus_manager$_listeners.add$1(0, this.get$handleFocusHighlightModeChange());
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, hoverHighlight, t2, focusHighlight, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = oldWidget.statesController;
- if (_this._widget.statesController != t1) {
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$handleStatesControllerChange());
- if (_this._widget.statesController != null) {
- t1 = _this.internalStatesController;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.ChangeNotifier__listeners = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- t1.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- }
- _this.internalStatesController = null;
- }
- _this.initStatesController$0();
- }
- t1 = _this._widget;
- if (t1.radius != oldWidget.radius || t1.highlightShape !== oldWidget.highlightShape || false) {
- t1 = _this._highlights;
- hoverHighlight = t1.$index(0, B._HighlightType_1);
- if (hoverHighlight != null) {
- t2 = hoverHighlight.__InkHighlight__alphaController_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.dispose$0();
- hoverHighlight.super$InkFeature$dispose();
- _this.updateHighlight$3$callOnHover$value(B._HighlightType_1, false, _this._hovering);
- }
- focusHighlight = t1.$index(0, B._HighlightType_2);
- if (focusHighlight != null) {
- t1 = focusHighlight.__InkHighlight__alphaController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- focusHighlight.super$InkFeature$dispose();
- }
- }
- if (!J.$eq$(_this._widget.customBorder, oldWidget.customBorder))
- _this._updateHighlightsAndSplashes$0();
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- if (_this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t1) !== _this.isWidgetEnabled$1(oldWidget)) {
- t1 = _this.get$statesController();
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t2.toString;
- t1.update$2(0, B.MaterialState_6, !_this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t2));
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- if (!_this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t1)) {
- _this.get$statesController().update$2(0, B.MaterialState_2, false);
- hoverHighlight = _this._highlights.$index(0, B._HighlightType_1);
- if (hoverHighlight != null) {
- t1 = hoverHighlight.__InkHighlight__alphaController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- hoverHighlight.super$InkFeature$dispose();
- }
- }
- _this.updateHighlight$3$callOnHover$value(B._HighlightType_1, false, _this._hovering);
- }
- _this.updateFocusHighlights$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._highlightManager._focus_manager$_listeners.remove$1(0, _this.get$handleFocusHighlightModeChange());
- _this.get$statesController().removeListener$1(0, _this.get$handleStatesControllerChange());
- t1 = _this.internalStatesController;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.ChangeNotifier__listeners = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- t1.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- }
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- get$wantKeepAlive() {
- if (!this.get$highlightsExist()) {
- var t1 = this._splashes;
- t1 = t1 != null && t1._collection$_length !== 0;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- getFadeDurationForType$1(type) {
- switch (type.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.Duration_200000;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- return B.Duration_50000;
- }
- },
- updateHighlight$3$callOnHover$value(type, callOnHover, value) {
- var t3, resolvedOverlayColor, theme, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this._highlights,
- highlight = t1.$index(0, type),
- t2 = type.index;
- switch (t2) {
- case 0:
- _this.get$statesController().update$2(0, B.MaterialState_2, value);
- break;
- case 1:
- if (callOnHover)
- _this.get$statesController().update$2(0, B.MaterialState_0, value);
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- }
- if (type === B._HighlightType_0) {
- t3 = _this._widget.parentState;
- if (t3 != null)
- t3.markChildInkResponsePressed$2(_this, value);
- }
- t3 = highlight == null;
- if (value === (!t3 && highlight._active))
- return;
- if (value)
- if (t3) {
- t3 = _this._widget.overlayColor;
- resolvedOverlayColor = t3 == null ? _null : t3.resolve$1(_this.get$statesController()._change_notifier$_value);
- if (resolvedOverlayColor == null) {
- t3 = _this._framework$_element;
- t3.toString;
- theme = A.Theme_of(t3);
- switch (t2) {
- case 0:
- resolvedOverlayColor = _this._widget.highlightColor;
- if (resolvedOverlayColor == null)
- resolvedOverlayColor = theme.highlightColor;
- break;
- case 2:
- resolvedOverlayColor = _this._widget.focusColor;
- if (resolvedOverlayColor == null)
- resolvedOverlayColor = theme.focusColor;
- break;
- case 1:
- resolvedOverlayColor = _this._widget.hoverColor;
- if (resolvedOverlayColor == null)
- resolvedOverlayColor = theme.hoverColor;
- break;
- }
- }
- t3 = _this._framework$_element.get$renderObject();
- t3.toString;
- type$.RenderBox._as(t3);
- t4 = _this._framework$_element;
- t4.toString;
- t4 = A.LookupBoundary_findAncestorRenderObjectOfType(t4, type$._RenderInkFeatures);
- t4.toString;
- t5 = _this._widget;
- t5.toString;
- t5 = _this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t5) ? resolvedOverlayColor : A.Color$fromARGB(0, resolvedOverlayColor.get$value(resolvedOverlayColor) >>> 16 & 255, resolvedOverlayColor.get$value(resolvedOverlayColor) >>> 8 & 255, resolvedOverlayColor.get$value(resolvedOverlayColor) & 255);
- t6 = _this._widget;
- t7 = t6.highlightShape;
- t8 = t6.radius;
- t9 = t6.customBorder;
- t6 = t6.getRectCallback.call$1(t3);
- t10 = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t10.toString;
- t11 = _this.getFadeDurationForType$1(type);
- t3 = new A.InkHighlight(t7, t8, B.BorderRadius_tLn, t6, t10.textDirection, t5, t9, t4, t3, new A._InkResponseState_updateHighlight_handleInkRemoval(_this, type));
- t11 = A.AnimationController$(_null, t11, _null, 1, _null, t4.vsync);
- t11.didRegisterListener$0();
- t5 = t11.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t5._isDirty = true;
- t5._list.push(t4.get$markNeedsPaint());
- t11.didRegisterListener$0();
- t5 = t11.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t5._isDirty = true;
- t5._list.push(t3.get$_handleAlphaStatusChanged());
- t11.forward$0(0);
- t3.__InkHighlight__alphaController_A = t11;
- t5 = t3._ink_well$_color;
- t5 = t5.get$value(t5);
- t3.__InkHighlight__alpha_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(type$.Animation_double._as(t11), new A.IntTween(0, t5 >>> 24 & 255), type$.IntTween._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- t4.addInkFeature$1(t3);
- t1.$indexSet(0, type, t3);
- _this.updateKeepAlive$0();
- } else {
- highlight._active = true;
- t1 = highlight.__InkHighlight__alphaController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- }
- else {
- highlight._active = false;
- t1 = highlight.__InkHighlight__alphaController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.reverse$0(0);
- }
- switch (t2) {
- case 0:
- t1 = _this._widget.onHighlightChanged;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$1(value);
- break;
- case 1:
- if (callOnHover) {
- t1 = _this._widget.onHover;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$1(value);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- }
- },
- updateHighlight$2$value(type, value) {
- return this.updateHighlight$3$callOnHover$value(type, true, value);
- },
- _updateHighlightsAndSplashes$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- for (t1 = _this._highlights, t1 = t1.get$values(t1), t2 = A._instanceType(t1), t2 = t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._rest[1]), t1 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t1.__internal$_iterable), t1._f, t2._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>")), t2 = t2._rest[1]; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1.__internal$_current;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = t2._as(t3);
- if (t3 != null)
- t3.set$customBorder(_this._widget.customBorder);
- }
- t1 = _this._currentSplash;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.set$customBorder(_this._widget.customBorder);
- t1 = _this._splashes;
- if (t1 != null && t1._collection$_length !== 0)
- for (t2 = A._instanceType(t1), t1 = new A._HashSetIterator(t1, t1._computeElements$0(), t2._eval$1("_HashSetIterator<1>")), t2 = t2._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1._collection$_current;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = t2._as(t3);
- t3.set$customBorder(_this._widget.customBorder);
- }
- },
- _createSplash$1(globalPosition) {
- var t3, position, t4, color, rectCallback, borderRadius, customBorder, t5, t6, t7, _this = this, t1 = {},
- t2 = _this._framework$_element;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = A.LookupBoundary_findAncestorRenderObjectOfType(t2, type$._RenderInkFeatures);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this._framework$_element.get$renderObject();
- t3.toString;
- type$.RenderBox._as(t3);
- position = t3.globalToLocal$1(globalPosition);
- t4 = _this._widget.overlayColor;
- t4 = t4 == null ? null : t4.resolve$1(_this.get$statesController()._change_notifier$_value);
- color = t4 == null ? _this._widget.splashColor : t4;
- if (color == null) {
- t4 = _this._framework$_element;
- t4.toString;
- color = A.Theme_of(t4).splashColor;
- }
- t4 = _this._widget;
- rectCallback = t4.containedInkWell ? t4.getRectCallback.call$1(t3) : null;
- t4 = _this._widget;
- borderRadius = t4.borderRadius;
- customBorder = t4.customBorder;
- t1.splash = null;
- t4 = t4.splashFactory;
- if (t4 == null) {
- t4 = _this._framework$_element;
- t4.toString;
- t4 = A.Theme_of(t4).splashFactory;
- }
- t5 = _this._widget;
- t6 = t5.containedInkWell;
- t5 = t5.radius;
- t7 = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t7.toString;
- return t1.splash = t4.create$11$borderRadius$color$containedInkWell$controller$customBorder$onRemoved$position$radius$rectCallback$referenceBox$textDirection(0, borderRadius, color, t6, t2, customBorder, new A._InkResponseState__createSplash_onRemoved(t1, _this), position, t5, rectCallback, t3, t7.textDirection);
- },
- handleFocusHighlightModeChange$1(mode) {
- if (this._framework$_element == null)
- return;
- this.setState$1(new A._InkResponseState_handleFocusHighlightModeChange_closure(this));
- },
- get$_shouldShowFocus() {
- var mode, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(t1, B._MediaQueryAspect_15);
- mode = t1 == null ? null : t1.navigationMode;
- switch ((mode == null ? B.NavigationMode_0 : mode).index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- return _this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t1) && _this._hasFocus;
- case 1:
- return _this._hasFocus;
- }
- },
- updateFocusHighlights$0() {
- var showFocus,
- t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._highlightManager._highlightMode;
- switch ((t1 == null ? A._HighlightModeManager__defaultModeForPlatform() : t1).index) {
- case 0:
- showFocus = false;
- break;
- case 1:
- showFocus = this.get$_shouldShowFocus();
- break;
- default:
- showFocus = null;
- }
- this.updateHighlight$2$value(B._HighlightType_2, showFocus);
- },
- handleFocusUpdate$1(hasFocus) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._hasFocus = hasFocus;
- _this.get$statesController().update$2(0, B.MaterialState_1, hasFocus);
- _this.updateFocusHighlights$0();
- t1 = _this._widget.onFocusChange;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$1(hasFocus);
- },
- handleAnyTapDown$1(details) {
- if (this._activeChildren._list.length !== 0)
- return;
- this._startNewSplash$1$details(details);
- },
- handleTapDown$1(details) {
- var t1;
- this.handleAnyTapDown$1(details);
- t1 = this._widget.onTapDown;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$1(details);
- },
- handleTapUp$1(details) {
- this._widget.toString;
- },
- handleSecondaryTapDown$1(details) {
- this.handleAnyTapDown$1(details);
- this._widget.toString;
- },
- handleSecondaryTapUp$1(details) {
- this._widget.toString;
- },
- _startNewSplash$2$context$details(context, details) {
- var t1, t2, globalPosition, splash, _this = this;
- if (context != null) {
- t1 = context.get$renderObject();
- t1.toString;
- type$.RenderBox._as(t1);
- t2 = t1._size;
- t2 = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t2._dx, 0 + t2._dy).get$center();
- globalPosition = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(t1.getTransformTo$1(0, null), t2);
- } else
- globalPosition = details.globalPosition;
- _this.get$statesController().update$2(0, B.MaterialState_2, true);
- splash = _this._createSplash$1(globalPosition);
- t1 = _this._splashes;
- (t1 == null ? _this._splashes = A.HashSet_HashSet(type$.InteractiveInkFeature) : t1).add$1(0, splash);
- t1 = _this._currentSplash;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._currentSplash = splash;
- _this.updateKeepAlive$0();
- _this.updateHighlight$2$value(B._HighlightType_0, true);
- },
- _startNewSplash$1$details(details) {
- return this._startNewSplash$2$context$details(null, details);
- },
- _startNewSplash$1$context(context) {
- return this._startNewSplash$2$context$details(context, null);
- },
- handleTap$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._currentSplash;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.confirm$0(0);
- _this._currentSplash = null;
- _this.updateHighlight$2$value(B._HighlightType_0, false);
- t1 = _this._widget;
- if (t1.onTap != null) {
- if (t1.enableFeedback) {
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- A.Feedback_forTap(t1);
- }
- t1 = _this._widget.onTap;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$0();
- }
- },
- handleTapCancel$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._currentSplash;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._currentSplash = null;
- t1 = _this._widget.onTapCancel;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$0();
- _this.updateHighlight$2$value(B._HighlightType_0, false);
- },
- handleSecondaryTap$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._currentSplash;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.confirm$0(0);
- _this._currentSplash = null;
- _this.updateHighlight$2$value(B._HighlightType_0, false);
- _this._widget.toString;
- },
- handleSecondaryTapCancel$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._currentSplash;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._currentSplash = null;
- _this._widget.toString;
- _this.updateHighlight$2$value(B._HighlightType_0, false);
- },
- deactivate$0() {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, value, result, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._splashes;
- if (t1 != null) {
- _this._splashes = null;
- for (t2 = A._instanceType(t1), t1 = new A._HashSetIterator(t1, t1._computeElements$0(), t2._eval$1("_HashSetIterator<1>")), t2 = t2._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1._collection$_current;
- (t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3).dispose$0();
- }
- _this._currentSplash = null;
- }
- for (t1 = _this._highlights, t2 = A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$(t1, t1._modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1); t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t2.__js_helper$_current;
- t4 = t1.$index(0, t3);
- if (t4 != null) {
- t5 = t4.__InkHighlight__alphaController_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5._ticker.dispose$0();
- t5._ticker = null;
- t6 = t5.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t6._isDirty = false;
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(t6._list);
- value = t6.__ObserverList__set_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.HashSet_HashSet(t6.$ti._precomputed1);
- t6.__ObserverList__set_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- t6.__ObserverList__set_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- if (value._collection$_length > 0) {
- value._collection$_strings = value._collection$_nums = value._collection$_rest = value._elements = null;
- value._collection$_length = 0;
- }
- t6 = t5.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t6._isDirty = false;
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(t6._list);
- value = t6.__ObserverList__set_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.HashSet_HashSet(t6.$ti._precomputed1);
- t6.__ObserverList__set_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- t6.__ObserverList__set_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- if (value._collection$_length > 0) {
- value._collection$_strings = value._collection$_nums = value._collection$_rest = value._elements = null;
- value._collection$_length = 0;
- }
- t5.super$AnimationEagerListenerMixin$dispose();
- t4.super$InkFeature$dispose();
- }
- t1.$indexSet(0, t3, null);
- }
- t1 = _this._widget.parentState;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.markChildInkResponsePressed$2(_this, false);
- _this.super$__InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin$deactivate();
- },
- isWidgetEnabled$1(widget) {
- var t1;
- if (widget.onTap == null)
- if (widget.onTapDown == null)
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- handleMouseEnter$1($event) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._hovering = true;
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- if (_this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t1))
- _this.updateHighlight$2$value(B._HighlightType_1, _this._hovering);
- },
- handleMouseExit$1($event) {
- this._hovering = false;
- this.updateHighlight$2$value(B._HighlightType_1, false);
- },
- get$_ink_well$_canRequestFocus() {
- var mode, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(t1, B._MediaQueryAspect_15);
- mode = t1 == null ? null : t1.navigationMode;
- switch ((mode == null ? B.NavigationMode_0 : mode).index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- return _this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t1) && _this._widget.canRequestFocus;
- case 1:
- return true;
- }
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var getHighlightColorForType, t1, t2, t3, t4, effectiveMouseCursor, value, result, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this.super$AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin$build(context);
- getHighlightColorForType = new A._InkResponseState_build_getHighlightColorForType(_this, context);
- for (t1 = _this._highlights, t2 = A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$(t1, t1._modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1); t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t2.__js_helper$_current;
- t4 = t1.$index(0, t3);
- if (t4 != null)
- t4.set$color(0, getHighlightColorForType.call$1(t3));
- }
- t1 = _this._currentSplash;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = _this._widget.overlayColor;
- t2 = t2 == null ? _null : t2.resolve$1(_this.get$statesController()._change_notifier$_value);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _this._widget.splashColor;
- t1.set$color(0, t2 == null ? A.Theme_of(context).splashColor : t2);
- }
- t1 = _this._widget.mouseCursor;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = B._EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor_SystemMouseCursor_click_clickable;
- effectiveMouseCursor = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(t1, _this.get$statesController()._change_notifier$_value, type$.MouseCursor);
- value = _this.___InkResponseState__actionMap_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.get$simulateTap();
- t2 = type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent;
- t3 = type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_Action_Intent;
- result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Type_ActivateIntent_OT9, new A.CallbackAction(t1, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t2), t3), type$.CallbackAction_ActivateIntent), B.Type_ButtonActivateIntent_6Ij, new A.CallbackAction(t1, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t2), t3), type$.CallbackAction_ButtonActivateIntent)], type$.Type, type$.Action_Intent);
- _this.___InkResponseState__actionMap_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___InkResponseState__actionMap_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- t1 = _this._widget.focusNode;
- t2 = _this.get$_ink_well$_canRequestFocus();
- t3 = _this._widget;
- t4 = t3.autofocus;
- t5 = t3.onTap;
- t5 = t5 == null ? _null : _this.get$simulateTap();
- t3 = _this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t3) ? _this.get$handleTapDown() : _null;
- t6 = _this._widget;
- t6.toString;
- t6 = _this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t6) ? _this.get$handleTapUp() : _null;
- t7 = _this._widget;
- t7.toString;
- t7 = _this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t7) ? _this.get$handleTap() : _null;
- t8 = _this._widget;
- t8.toString;
- t8 = _this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t8) ? _this.get$handleTapCancel() : _null;
- t9 = _this._widget;
- t9.toString;
- t9 = _this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t9) ? _this.get$handleSecondaryTapDown() : _null;
- t10 = _this._widget;
- t10.toString;
- t10 = _this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t10) ? _this.get$handleSecondaryTapUp() : _null;
- t11 = _this._widget;
- t11.toString;
- t11 = _this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t11) ? _this.get$handleSecondaryTap() : _null;
- t12 = _this._widget;
- t12.toString;
- t12 = _this.isWidgetEnabled$1(t12) ? _this.get$handleSecondaryTapCancel() : _null;
- t6 = A.GestureDetector$(B.HitTestBehavior_1, _this._widget.child, B.DragStartBehavior_1, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t11, t12, t9, t10, t7, t8, t3, t6, _null, _null, _null);
- return new A._ParentInkResponseProvider(_this, A.Actions$(value, A.Focus$(t4, t2, A.MouseRegion$(new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t5, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, t6, _null), effectiveMouseCursor, _null, _this.get$handleMouseEnter(), _this.get$handleMouseExit(), _null), _null, _null, _null, t1, true, _null, _this.get$handleFocusUpdate(), _null, _null, _null, _null)), _null);
- },
- $is_ParentInkResponseState: 1
- };
- A._InkResponseState_highlightsExist_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(highlight) {
- return highlight != null;
- },
- $signature: 262
- };
- A._InkResponseState_handleStatesControllerChange_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._InkResponseState_updateHighlight_handleInkRemoval.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1._highlights.$indexSet(0, this.type, null);
- t1.updateKeepAlive$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._InkResponseState__createSplash_onRemoved.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t3,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._splashes;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t3 = this._box_0;
- t2.remove$1(0, t3.splash);
- if (t1._currentSplash == t3.splash)
- t1._currentSplash = null;
- t1.updateKeepAlive$0();
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._InkResponseState_handleFocusHighlightModeChange_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.updateFocusHighlights$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._InkResponseState_build_getHighlightColorForType.prototype = {
- call$1(type) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this,
- theme = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- switch (type.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = _this.$this;
- t2 = t1._widget.overlayColor;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.resolve$1(B.Set_o2l75);
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1._widget.highlightColor : t2;
- return t1 == null ? theme.highlightColor : t1;
- case 2:
- t1 = _this.$this;
- t2 = t1._widget.overlayColor;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.resolve$1(B.Set_Uf2w);
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1._widget.focusColor : t2;
- return t1 == null ? theme.focusColor : t1;
- case 1:
- t1 = _this.$this;
- t2 = t1._widget.overlayColor;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.resolve$1(B.Set_6ixhr);
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1._widget.hoverColor : t2;
- return t1 == null ? theme.hoverColor : t1;
- }
- },
- $signature: 263
- };
- A.InkWell.prototype = {};
- A.__InkResponseState_State_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- this.super$State$initState();
- if (this.get$wantKeepAlive())
- this._ensureKeepAlive$0();
- },
- deactivate$0() {
- var t1 = this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.notifyListeners$0();
- t1.super$ChangeNotifier$dispose();
- this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle = null;
- }
- this.super$State$deactivate();
- }
- };
- A.InputBorder.prototype = {};
- A._NoInputBorder.prototype = {
- copyWith$1$borderSide(borderSide) {
- return B._NoInputBorder_uXA;
- },
- get$isOutline() {
- return false;
- },
- get$dimensions() {
- return B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0;
- },
- scale$1(_, t) {
- return B._NoInputBorder_uXA;
- },
- getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRect$1(rect);
- return t1;
- },
- getInnerPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRect$1(rect);
- return t1;
- },
- getOuterPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- paintInterior$4$textDirection(canvas, rect, paint, textDirection) {
- canvas.drawRect$2(rect, paint);
- },
- get$preferPaintInterior() {
- return true;
- },
- paint$6$gapExtent$gapPercentage$gapStart$textDirection(canvas, rect, gapExtent, gapPercentage, gapStart, textDirection) {
- },
- paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) {
- return this.paint$6$gapExtent$gapPercentage$gapStart$textDirection(canvas, rect, 0, 0, null, textDirection);
- }
- };
- A.UnderlineInputBorder.prototype = {
- get$isOutline() {
- return false;
- },
- copyWith$1$borderSide(borderSide) {
- var t1 = borderSide == null ? this.borderSide : borderSide;
- return new A.UnderlineInputBorder(this.borderRadius, t1);
- },
- get$dimensions() {
- return new A.EdgeInsets(0, 0, 0, this.borderSide.width);
- },
- scale$1(_, t) {
- return new A.UnderlineInputBorder(B.BorderRadius_tLn0, this.borderSide.scale$1(0, t));
- },
- getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0(),
- t2 = rect.left,
- t3 = rect.top;
- t1.addRect$1(new A.Rect(t2, t3, t2 + (rect.right - t2), t3 + Math.max(0, rect.bottom - t3 - this.borderSide.width)));
- return t1;
- },
- getInnerPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRRect$1(this.borderRadius.toRRect$1(rect));
- return t1;
- },
- getOuterPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- paintInterior$4$textDirection(canvas, rect, paint, textDirection) {
- canvas.drawRRect$2(this.borderRadius.toRRect$1(rect), paint);
- },
- get$preferPaintInterior() {
- return true;
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (a instanceof A.UnderlineInputBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.borderSide, this.borderSide, t);
- t2 = A.BorderRadius_lerp(a.borderRadius, this.borderRadius, t);
- t2.toString;
- return new A.UnderlineInputBorder(t2, t1);
- }
- return this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpFrom(a, t);
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (b instanceof A.UnderlineInputBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(this.borderSide, b.borderSide, t);
- t2 = A.BorderRadius_lerp(this.borderRadius, b.borderRadius, t);
- t2.toString;
- return new A.UnderlineInputBorder(t2, t1);
- }
- return this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpTo(b, t);
- },
- paint$6$gapExtent$gapPercentage$gapStart$textDirection(canvas, rect, gapExtent, gapPercentage, gapStart, textDirection) {
- var t1 = this.borderRadius;
- if (!t1.bottomLeft.$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0) || !t1.bottomRight.$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0))
- canvas.clipPath$1(0, this.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection));
- t1 = rect.bottom;
- canvas.drawLine$3(new A.Offset(rect.left, t1), new A.Offset(rect.right, t1), this.borderSide.toPaint$0());
- },
- paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) {
- return this.paint$6$gapExtent$gapPercentage$gapStart$textDirection(canvas, rect, 0, 0, null, textDirection);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.UnderlineInputBorder && other.borderSide.$eq(0, _this.borderSide) && other.borderRadius.$eq(0, _this.borderRadius);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.borderSide, this.borderRadius, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.OutlineInputBorder.prototype = {
- get$isOutline() {
- return true;
- },
- copyWith$1$borderSide(borderSide) {
- var t1 = borderSide == null ? this.borderSide : borderSide;
- return new A.OutlineInputBorder(this.gapPadding, this.borderRadius, t1);
- },
- get$dimensions() {
- var t1 = this.borderSide.width;
- return new A.EdgeInsets(t1, t1, t1, t1);
- },
- scale$1(_, t) {
- var t1 = this.borderSide.scale$1(0, t);
- return new A.OutlineInputBorder(this.gapPadding * t, this.borderRadius.$mul(0, t), t1);
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (a instanceof A.OutlineInputBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderRadius_lerp(a.borderRadius, this.borderRadius, t);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.borderSide, this.borderSide, t);
- return new A.OutlineInputBorder(a.gapPadding, t1, t2);
- }
- return this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpFrom(a, t);
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (b instanceof A.OutlineInputBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderRadius_lerp(this.borderRadius, b.borderRadius, t);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.BorderSide_lerp(this.borderSide, b.borderSide, t);
- return new A.OutlineInputBorder(b.gapPadding, t1, t2);
- }
- return this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpTo(b, t);
- },
- getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRRect$1(this.borderRadius.toRRect$1(rect).inflate$1(-this.borderSide.width));
- return t1;
- },
- getInnerPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRRect$1(this.borderRadius.toRRect$1(rect));
- return t1;
- },
- getOuterPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- paintInterior$4$textDirection(canvas, rect, paint, textDirection) {
- canvas.drawRRect$2(this.borderRadius.toRRect$1(rect), paint);
- },
- get$preferPaintInterior() {
- return true;
- },
- _gapBorderPath$4(canvas, center, start, extent) {
- var t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, path, t19, sweep,
- scaledRRect = center.scaleRadii$0(),
- t1 = scaledRRect.left,
- t2 = scaledRRect.top,
- t3 = scaledRRect.tlRadiusX,
- t4 = scaledRRect.tlRadiusY,
- t5 = scaledRRect.right,
- t6 = scaledRRect.trRadiusX,
- t7 = t6 * 2,
- t8 = t5 - t7,
- t9 = scaledRRect.trRadiusY,
- trCorner = new A.Rect(t8, t2, t8 + t7, t2 + t9 * 2);
- t7 = scaledRRect.brRadiusX;
- t8 = t7 * 2;
- t10 = t5 - t8;
- t11 = scaledRRect.bottom;
- t12 = scaledRRect.brRadiusY;
- t13 = t12 * 2;
- t14 = t11 - t13;
- t15 = scaledRRect.blRadiusY;
- t16 = t15 * 2;
- t17 = t11 - t16;
- t18 = scaledRRect.blRadiusX;
- path = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- if (!new A.Radius(t3, t4).$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0))
- path.addArc$3(new A.Rect(t1, t2, t1 + t3 * 2, t2 + t4 * 2), 3.141592653589793, Math.acos(A.clampDouble(1 - start / t3, 0, 1)));
- else
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1 - this.borderSide.width / 2, t2);
- if (start > t3)
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 + start, t2);
- t3 = start + extent;
- t19 = t5 - t1;
- if (t3 < t19 - t6) {
- path.moveTo$2(0, t1 + start + extent, t2);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t5 - t6, t2);
- if (!new A.Radius(t6, t9).$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0))
- path.addArc$3(trCorner, 4.71238898038469, 1.5707963267948966);
- } else if (t3 < t19) {
- sweep = Math.asin(A.clampDouble(1 - (t19 - t3) / t6, 0, 1));
- path.addArc$3(trCorner, 4.71238898038469 + sweep, 1.5707963267948966 - sweep);
- }
- if (!new A.Radius(t7, t12).$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0))
- path.moveTo$2(0, t5, t2 + t9);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t5, t11 - t12);
- if (!new A.Radius(t7, t12).$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0))
- path.addArc$3(new A.Rect(t10, t14, t10 + t8, t14 + t13), 0, 1.5707963267948966);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1 + t18, t11);
- if (!new A.Radius(t18, t15).$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0))
- path.addArc$3(new A.Rect(t1, t17, t1 + t18 * 2, t17 + t16), 1.5707963267948966, 1.5707963267948966);
- path.lineTo$2(0, t1, t2 + t4);
- return path;
- },
- paint$6$gapExtent$gapPercentage$gapStart$textDirection(canvas, rect, gapExtent, gapPercentage, gapStart, textDirection) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.borderSide,
- paint = t1.toPaint$0(),
- center = _this.borderRadius.toRRect$1(rect).inflate$1(-(t1.width / 2));
- if (gapStart == null || gapExtent <= 0 || gapPercentage === 0)
- canvas.drawRRect$2(center, paint);
- else {
- t1 = _this.gapPadding;
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(0, gapExtent + t1 * 2, gapPercentage);
- t2.toString;
- switch (textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- canvas.drawPath$2(_this._gapBorderPath$4(canvas, center, Math.max(0, gapStart + t1 - t2), t2), paint);
- break;
- case 1:
- canvas.drawPath$2(_this._gapBorderPath$4(canvas, center, Math.max(0, gapStart - t1), t2), paint);
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) {
- return this.paint$6$gapExtent$gapPercentage$gapStart$textDirection(canvas, rect, 0, 0, null, textDirection);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.OutlineInputBorder && other.borderSide.$eq(0, _this.borderSide) && other.borderRadius.$eq(0, _this.borderRadius) && other.gapPadding === _this.gapPadding;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.borderSide, this.borderRadius, this.gapPadding, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.InputDatePickerFormField.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._InputDatePickerFormFieldState(A.TextEditingController$(null), B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._InputDatePickerFormFieldState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- this.super$State$initState();
- this._input_date_picker_form_field$_selectedDate = this._widget.initialDate;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this._input_date_picker_form_field$_controller;
- t1.ChangeNotifier__listeners = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- t1.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- this._updateValueForSelectedDate$0();
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- if (!J.$eq$(this._widget.initialDate, oldWidget.initialDate))
- $.WidgetsBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A._InputDatePickerFormFieldState_didUpdateWidget_closure(this));
- },
- _updateValueForSelectedDate$0() {
- var t1, t2, textEditingValue, _this = this;
- if (_this._input_date_picker_form_field$_selectedDate != null) {
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.Localizations_of(t1, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._input_date_picker_form_field$_selectedDate;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = _this._inputText = t1._formatTwoDigitZeroPad$1(A.Primitives_getMonth(t2)) + "/" + t1._formatTwoDigitZeroPad$1(A.Primitives_getDay(t2)) + "/" + B.JSString_methods.padLeft$2(B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(A.Primitives_getYear(t2)), 4, "0");
- textEditingValue = new A.TextEditingValue(t2, B.TextSelection_ke5, B.TextRange_m1_m1);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = _this._autoSelected;
- if (!t1) {
- textEditingValue = textEditingValue.copyWith$1$selection(A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, 0, t2.length, false));
- _this._autoSelected = true;
- }
- _this._input_date_picker_form_field$_controller.super$ValueNotifier$value(0, textEditingValue);
- } else {
- _this._inputText = "";
- _this._input_date_picker_form_field$_controller.super$ValueNotifier$value(0, new A.TextEditingValue("", B.TextSelection_ke5, B.TextRange_m1_m1));
- }
- },
- _isValidAcceptableDate$1(date) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- if (date != null) {
- t1 = this._widget;
- t2 = t1.firstDate;
- t3 = date._value;
- if (t3 >= t2._value)
- if (t3 <= t1.lastDate._value)
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- _validateDate$1(text) {
- var t2, date, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = type$.MaterialLocalizations;
- t1 = A.Localizations_of(t1, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, t2);
- t1.toString;
- date = t1.parseCompactDate$1(text);
- if (date == null) {
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- A.Localizations_of(t1, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, t2).toString;
- return "Invalid format.";
- } else if (!_this._isValidAcceptableDate$1(date)) {
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- A.Localizations_of(t1, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, t2).toString;
- return "Out of range.";
- }
- return null;
- },
- _updateDate$2(text, callback) {
- var date, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.Localizations_of(t1, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations);
- t1.toString;
- date = t1.parseCompactDate$1(text);
- if (_this._isValidAcceptableDate$1(date)) {
- _this._input_date_picker_form_field$_selectedDate = date;
- _this._inputText = text;
- date.toString;
- callback.call$1(date);
- }
- },
- _handleSaved$1(text) {
- this._updateDate$2(text, this._widget.onDateSaved);
- },
- _handleSubmitted$1(text) {
- this._updateDate$2(text, this._widget.onDateSubmitted);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var inputBorder, t1, _this = this, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context);
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- inputBorder = theme.useMaterial3 ? B.OutlineInputBorder_WtG : B.UnderlineInputBorder_7hp;
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = A.InputDecoration$(_null, inputBorder, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, "mm/dd/yyyy", _null, _null, _null, _null, false, _null, _null, _null, "Enter Date", _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- return A.TextFormField$(true, _this._input_date_picker_form_field$_controller, t1, _null, B.TextInputType_4_null_null, false, _null, _this.get$_handleSubmitted(), _this.get$_handleSaved(), _this.get$_validateDate());
- }
- };
- A._InputDatePickerFormFieldState_didUpdateWidget_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(timeStamp) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1.setState$1(new A._InputDatePickerFormFieldState_didUpdateWidget__closure(t1));
- },
- $signature: 4
- };
- A._InputDatePickerFormFieldState_didUpdateWidget__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1._input_date_picker_form_field$_selectedDate = t1._widget.initialDate;
- t1._updateValueForSelectedDate$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._InputBorderGap.prototype = {
- set$start(_, value) {
- if (value != this._input_decorator$_start) {
- this._input_decorator$_start = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- }
- },
- set$extent(value) {
- if (value !== this._extent) {
- this._extent = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- }
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A._InputBorderGap && other._input_decorator$_start == _this._input_decorator$_start && other._extent === _this._extent;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this._input_decorator$_start, this._extent, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "#" + A.shortHash(this);
- }
- };
- A._InputBorderTween.prototype = {
- lerp$1(t) {
- var t1 = A.ShapeBorder_lerp(this.begin, this.end, t);
- t1.toString;
- return type$.InputBorder._as(t1);
- }
- };
- A._InputBorderPainter.prototype = {
- paint$2(canvas, size) {
- var blendedFillColor, t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.borderAnimation,
- borderValue = _this.border.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1)),
- canvasRect = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + size._dx, 0 + size._dy);
- t1 = _this.hoverAnimation;
- t1 = _this.hoverColorTween.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
- t1.toString;
- blendedFillColor = A.Color_alphaBlend(t1, _this.fillColor);
- if ((blendedFillColor.get$value(blendedFillColor) >>> 24 & 255) > 0) {
- t1 = borderValue.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(canvasRect, _this.textDirection);
- t2 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t2.set$color(0, blendedFillColor);
- t2.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_0);
- canvas.drawPath$2(t1, t2);
- }
- t1 = _this.gap;
- t2 = t1._input_decorator$_start;
- t3 = _this.gapAnimation;
- borderValue.paint$6$gapExtent$gapPercentage$gapStart$textDirection(canvas, canvasRect, t1._extent, t3.get$value(t3), t2, _this.textDirection);
- },
- shouldRepaint$1(oldPainter) {
- var _this = this;
- return _this.borderAnimation !== oldPainter.borderAnimation || _this.hoverAnimation !== oldPainter.hoverAnimation || _this.gapAnimation !== oldPainter.gapAnimation || _this.border !== oldPainter.border || !_this.gap.$eq(0, oldPainter.gap) || _this.textDirection !== oldPainter.textDirection;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "#" + A.shortHash(this);
- }
- };
- A._BorderContainer.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._BorderContainerState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._BorderContainerState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- _this.___BorderContainerState__hoverColorController_A = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_15000, _null, 1, _this._widget.isHovering ? 1 : 0, _this);
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_167000, _null, 1, _null, _this);
- _this.___BorderContainerState__controller_A = t1;
- _this.___BorderContainerState__borderAnimation_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, t1, new A.FlippedCurve(B.Cubic_ifx));
- t1 = _this._widget.border;
- _this.___BorderContainerState__border_A = new A._InputBorderTween(t1, t1);
- _this.___BorderContainerState__hoverAnimation_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.C__Linear, _this.___BorderContainerState__hoverColorController_A, _null);
- _this.___BorderContainerState__hoverColorTween_A = new A.ColorTween(B.Color_0, _this._widget.hoverColor);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.___BorderContainerState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = this.___BorderContainerState__hoverColorController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$__BorderContainerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = oldWidget.border;
- if (!_this._widget.border.$eq(0, t1)) {
- _this.___BorderContainerState__border_A = new A._InputBorderTween(t1, _this._widget.border);
- t1 = _this.___BorderContainerState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$value(0, 0);
- t1.forward$0(0);
- }
- if (!_this._widget.hoverColor.$eq(0, oldWidget.hoverColor))
- _this.___BorderContainerState__hoverColorTween_A = new A.ColorTween(B.Color_0, _this._widget.hoverColor);
- t1 = _this._widget.isHovering;
- if (t1 !== oldWidget.isHovering) {
- t2 = _this.___BorderContainerState__hoverColorController_A;
- if (t1) {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.forward$0(0);
- } else {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.reverse$0(0);
- }
- }
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.___BorderContainerState__borderAnimation_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this._widget.gap;
- t3 = _this.___BorderContainerState__hoverColorController_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = A._setArrayType([t1, t2, t3], type$.JSArray_Listenable);
- t2 = _this.___BorderContainerState__borderAnimation_A;
- t1 = _this.___BorderContainerState__border_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = _this._widget;
- t5 = t4.gapAnimation;
- t4 = t4.gap;
- t6 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t6.toString;
- t7 = _this._widget.fillColor;
- t8 = _this.___BorderContainerState__hoverColorTween_A;
- t8 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t9 = _this.___BorderContainerState__hoverAnimation_A;
- t9 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return A.CustomPaint$(null, new A._InputBorderPainter(t2, t1, t5, t4, t6.textDirection, t7, t8, t9, new A._MergingListenable(t3)), null, null, B.Size_0_0);
- }
- };
- A._Shaker.prototype = {
- get$translateX() {
- var t1 = type$.Animation_double._as(this.listenable),
- t = t1.get$value(t1);
- if (t <= 0.25)
- return -t * 4;
- else if (t < 0.75)
- return (t - 0.5) * 4;
- else
- return (1 - t) * 4 * 4;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- return A.Transform$(null, this.child, A.Matrix4_Matrix4$translationValues(this.get$translateX(), 0, 0), true);
- }
- };
- A._HelperError.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._HelperErrorState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._HelperErrorState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- _this.___HelperErrorState__controller_A = A.AnimationController$(null, B.Duration_167000, null, 1, null, _this);
- if (_this._widget.errorText != null) {
- _this._error = _this._buildError$0();
- _this.___HelperErrorState__controller_A.set$value(0, 1);
- }
- t1 = _this.___HelperErrorState__controller_A;
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t1 = t1.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t1._list.push(_this.get$_input_decorator$_handleChange());
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.___HelperErrorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$__HelperErrorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- _input_decorator$_handleChange$0() {
- this.setState$1(new A._HelperErrorState__handleChange_closure());
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(old) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(old);
- t1 = _this._widget.errorText != null;
- if (t1 !== (old.errorText != null) || false)
- if (t1) {
- _this._error = _this._buildError$0();
- t1 = _this.___HelperErrorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- } else {
- t1 = _this.___HelperErrorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.reverse$0(0);
- }
- },
- _buildError$0() {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _null = null,
- t1 = this.___HelperErrorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = new A.Tween(B.Offset_MNd, B.Offset_0_0, type$.Tween_Offset).transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
- t3 = this._widget;
- t4 = t3.errorText;
- t4.toString;
- t5 = t3.errorStyle;
- t6 = t3.textAlign;
- t2 = A.FractionalTranslation$(A.Text$(t4, t3.errorMaxLines, B.TextOverflow_2, _null, _null, t5, t6, _null, _null), true, t2);
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), true, false, false, new A.FadeTransition(t1, false, t2, _null), _null);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.___HelperErrorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_0) {
- _this._error = null;
- _this._widget.toString;
- _this._helper = null;
- return B.SizedBox_0_0_null_null;
- }
- t1 = _this.___HelperErrorState__controller_A;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_3) {
- _this._helper = null;
- if (_this._widget.errorText != null)
- return _this._error = _this._buildError$0();
- else {
- _this._error = null;
- return B.SizedBox_0_0_null_null;
- }
- }
- t1 = _this._helper;
- if (t1 == null && _this._widget.errorText != null)
- return _this._buildError$0();
- if (_this._error == null)
- _this._widget.toString;
- if (_this._widget.errorText != null) {
- t2 = type$.Tween_double;
- return new A.Stack(B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_m1, null, B.StackFit_0, B.Clip_1, A._setArrayType([new A.FadeTransition(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(_this.___HelperErrorState__controller_A, new A.Tween(1, 0, t2), t2._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), false, t1, null), _this._buildError$0()], type$.JSArray_Widget), null);
- }
- return B.SizedBox_0_0_null_null;
- }
- };
- A._HelperErrorState__handleChange_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.FloatingLabelBehavior.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "FloatingLabelBehavior." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.FloatingLabelAlignment.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(-1);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.FloatingLabelAlignment && true;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.FloatingLabelAlignment__stringify(-1);
- }
- };
- A._DecorationSlot.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_DecorationSlot." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._Decoration.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A._Decoration && other.contentPadding.$eq(0, _this.contentPadding) && other.floatingLabelHeight === _this.floatingLabelHeight && other.floatingLabelProgress === _this.floatingLabelProgress && other.floatingLabelAlignment.$eq(0, _this.floatingLabelAlignment) && other.border.$eq(0, _this.border) && other.borderGap.$eq(0, _this.borderGap) && other.isDense == _this.isDense && other.visualDensity.$eq(0, _this.visualDensity) && J.$eq$(other.icon, _this.icon) && J.$eq$(other.input, _this.input) && J.$eq$(other.label, _this.label) && J.$eq$(other.hint, _this.hint) && J.$eq$(other.prefix, _this.prefix) && J.$eq$(other.suffix, _this.suffix) && J.$eq$(other.prefixIcon, _this.prefixIcon) && J.$eq$(other.suffixIcon, _this.suffixIcon) && other.helperError.super$Object$$eq(0, _this.helperError) && J.$eq$(other.counter, _this.counter) && other.container.super$Object$$eq(0, _this.container);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.contentPadding, _this.floatingLabelHeight, _this.floatingLabelProgress, _this.floatingLabelAlignment, _this.border, _this.borderGap, false, _this.isDense, _this.visualDensity, _this.icon, _this.input, _this.label, _this.hint, _this.prefix, _this.suffix, _this.prefixIcon, _this.suffixIcon, _this.helperError, _this.counter, _this.container);
- }
- };
- A._RenderDecorationLayout.prototype = {};
- A._RenderDecoration.prototype = {
- get$children(_) {
- var t3,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RenderBox),
- t2 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild;
- if (t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0) != null) {
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- }
- if (t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1) != null) {
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1);
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- }
- if (t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6) != null) {
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6);
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- }
- if (t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7) != null) {
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7);
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- }
- if (t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4) != null) {
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4);
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- }
- if (t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5) != null) {
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5);
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- }
- if (t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2) != null) {
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2);
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- }
- if (t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3) != null) {
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3);
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- }
- if (t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8) != null) {
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8);
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- }
- if (t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9) != null) {
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9);
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- }
- if (t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_10) != null) {
- t2 = t2.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_10);
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(t2);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- set$decoration(value) {
- if (this._input_decorator$_decoration.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- this._input_decorator$_decoration = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$textDirection(value) {
- if (this._input_decorator$_textDirection === value)
- return;
- this._input_decorator$_textDirection = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$textBaseline(_, value) {
- if (this._input_decorator$_textBaseline === value)
- return;
- this._input_decorator$_textBaseline = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$textAlignVertical(value) {
- return;
- },
- set$isFocused(value) {
- if (this._isFocused === value)
- return;
- this._isFocused = value;
- this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$expands(value) {
- return;
- },
- get$_isOutlineAligned() {
- var t1 = this._input_decorator$_decoration.border.get$isOutline();
- return t1;
- },
- visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild;
- if (t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0) != null) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- t2.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t2);
- }
- if (t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4) != null) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4);
- t2.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t2);
- }
- if (t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6) != null) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6);
- t2.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t2);
- }
- if (t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2) != null) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2);
- t2.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t2);
- }
- if (t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3) != null)
- if (this._isFocused) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3);
- t2.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t2);
- } else if (t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2) == null) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3);
- t2.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t2);
- }
- if (t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1) != null) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1);
- t2.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t2);
- }
- if (t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7) != null) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7);
- t2.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t2);
- }
- if (t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5) != null) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5);
- t2.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t2);
- }
- if (t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_10) != null) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_10);
- t2.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t2);
- }
- if (t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8) != null) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8);
- t2.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t2);
- }
- if (t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9) != null) {
- t1 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9);
- t1.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t1);
- }
- },
- get$sizedByParent() {
- return false;
- },
- _layoutLineBox$2(box, constraints) {
- var t1;
- if (box == null)
- return 0;
- box.layout$2$parentUsesSize(constraints, true);
- t1 = box.getDistanceToBaseline$1(B.TextBaseline_0);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- _interpolateThree$4(begin, middle, end, textAlignVertical) {
- var t1 = textAlignVertical.y;
- if (t1 <= 0) {
- if (begin >= middle)
- return middle;
- return begin + (middle - begin) * (t1 + 1);
- }
- if (middle >= end)
- return middle;
- return middle + (end - middle) * t1;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t3, t4, t5, t6, t7,
- t1 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild,
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- t2 = t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- t3 = this._input_decorator$_decoration;
- t4 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6);
- t4 = t4 == null ? 0 : t4._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t4.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- t5 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4);
- t5 = t5 == null ? 0 : t5._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t5.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- t6 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1);
- t6 = t6 == null ? 0 : t6._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t6.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- t7 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3);
- t7 = t7 == null ? 0 : t7._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t7.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- t7 = Math.max(t6, t7);
- t6 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5);
- t6 = t6 == null ? 0 : t6._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t6.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- t1 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7);
- t1 = t1 == null ? 0 : t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t1.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- return t2 + t3.contentPadding.left + t4 + t5 + t7 + t6 + t1 + this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding.right;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t3, t4, t5, t6, t7,
- t1 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild,
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- t2 = t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t2.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- t3 = this._input_decorator$_decoration;
- t4 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6);
- t4 = t4 == null ? 0 : t4._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t4.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- t5 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4);
- t5 = t5 == null ? 0 : t5._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t5.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- t6 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1);
- t6 = t6 == null ? 0 : t6._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t6.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- t7 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3);
- t7 = t7 == null ? 0 : t7._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t7.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- t7 = Math.max(t6, t7);
- t6 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5);
- t6 = t6 == null ? 0 : t6._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t6.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- t1 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7);
- t1 = t1 == null ? 0 : t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- return t2 + t3.contentPadding.left + t4 + t5 + t7 + t6 + t1 + this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding.right;
- },
- _lineHeight$2(_, width, boxes) {
- var height, _i, box, t1;
- for (height = 0, _i = 0; _i < 2; ++_i) {
- box = boxes[_i];
- if (box == null)
- continue;
- t1 = box._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, box.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- height = Math.max(t1, height);
- }
- return height;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var prefixIconHeight, prefixIconWidth, suffixIconHeight, suffixIconWidth, counterHeight, helperErrorAvailableWidth, helperErrorHeight, subtextHeight, prefixHeight, prefixWidth, suffixHeight, suffixWidth, inputMaxHeight, t3, densityOffset, containerHeight, minContainerHeight, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild,
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0),
- iconHeight = t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- width = Math.max(width - (t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, iconHeight, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth())), 0);
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6);
- prefixIconHeight = t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6);
- prefixIconWidth = t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, prefixIconHeight, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7);
- suffixIconHeight = t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7);
- suffixIconWidth = t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, suffixIconHeight, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- width = Math.max(width - _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding.get$horizontal(), 0);
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9);
- counterHeight = t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9);
- helperErrorAvailableWidth = Math.max(width - (t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, counterHeight, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth())), 0);
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8);
- helperErrorHeight = t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, helperErrorAvailableWidth, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- subtextHeight = Math.max(counterHeight, helperErrorHeight);
- if (subtextHeight > 0)
- subtextHeight += 8;
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4);
- prefixHeight = t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4);
- prefixWidth = t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, prefixHeight, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5);
- suffixHeight = t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5);
- suffixWidth = t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, suffixHeight, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- t2 = type$.JSArray_double;
- inputMaxHeight = B.JSArray_methods.reduce$1(A._setArrayType([_this._lineHeight$2(0, Math.max(width - prefixWidth - suffixWidth - prefixIconWidth - suffixIconWidth, 0), A._setArrayType([t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1), t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3)], type$.JSArray_nullable_RenderBox)), prefixHeight, suffixHeight], t2), B.CONSTANT1);
- t3 = _this._input_decorator$_decoration.visualDensity;
- densityOffset = new A.Offset(t3.horizontal, t3.vertical).$mul(0, 4);
- t3 = _this._input_decorator$_decoration;
- t1 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2) == null ? 0 : _this._input_decorator$_decoration.floatingLabelHeight;
- containerHeight = B.JSArray_methods.reduce$1(A._setArrayType([iconHeight, t3.contentPadding.top + t1 + inputMaxHeight + _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding.bottom + densityOffset._dy, prefixIconHeight, suffixIconHeight], t2), B.CONSTANT1);
- t1 = _this._input_decorator$_decoration.isDense;
- t1.toString;
- minContainerHeight = t1 || false ? 0 : 48;
- return Math.max(containerHeight, minContainerHeight) + subtextHeight;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return this.computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width);
- },
- computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- var t1 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild,
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1).parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = type$.BoxParentData._as(t2).offset._dy;
- t1 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1);
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline);
- return t2 + (t1 == null ? 0 : t1);
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return B.Size_0_0;
- },
- _childSemanticsConfigurationDelegate$1(childConfigs) {
- var t3, suffixMergeGroup, prefixMergeGroup, _i, childConfig, t4, _null = null,
- t1 = type$.JSArray_SemanticsConfiguration,
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], t1),
- builder = new A.ChildSemanticsConfigurationsResultBuilder(t2, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_List_SemanticsConfiguration));
- for (t3 = childConfigs.length, suffixMergeGroup = _null, prefixMergeGroup = suffixMergeGroup, _i = 0; _i < childConfigs.length; childConfigs.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(childConfigs), ++_i) {
- childConfig = childConfigs[_i];
- t4 = childConfig._tagsForChildren;
- t4 = t4 == null ? _null : t4.contains$1(0, B.SemanticsTag_ilD);
- if (t4 === true) {
- if (prefixMergeGroup == null)
- prefixMergeGroup = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- prefixMergeGroup.push(childConfig);
- } else {
- t4 = childConfig._tagsForChildren;
- t4 = t4 == null ? _null : t4.contains$1(0, B.SemanticsTag_yjx);
- if (t4 === true) {
- if (suffixMergeGroup == null)
- suffixMergeGroup = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- suffixMergeGroup.push(childConfig);
- } else
- t2.push(childConfig);
- }
- }
- if (prefixMergeGroup != null)
- builder._siblingMergeGroups.push(prefixMergeGroup);
- if (suffixMergeGroup != null)
- builder._siblingMergeGroups.push(suffixMergeGroup);
- return new A.ChildSemanticsConfigurationsResult(t2, builder._siblingMergeGroups);
- },
- describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) {
- config._childConfigurationsDelegate = this.get$_childSemanticsConfigurationDelegate();
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var boxToBaseline, t2, t3, boxConstraints, t4, t5, containerConstraints, contentConstraints, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, inputWidth, suffixIconWidth, labelWidth, labelHeight, topHeight, counterHeight, helperErrorExists, helperErrorHeight, bottomHeight, densityOffset, hintHeight, inputDirectHeight, inputHeight, inputInternalBaseline, prefixHeight, suffixHeight, fixAboveInput, fixBelowInput, prefixIconHeight, suffixIconHeight, fixIconHeight, contentHeight, minContainerHeight, maxContainerHeight, containerHeight, interactiveAdjustment, overflow, textAlignVerticalFactor, baselineAdjustment, topInputBaseline, maxVerticalOffset, inputBaseline, outlineBaseline, subtextCounterBaseline, subtextCounterHeight, subtextHelperBaseline, subtextHelperHeight, subtextBaseline, subtextHeight, container, x, height, centerLayout, baseline, baselineLayout, left, right, start, end, labelX, floatWidth, offsetToPrefixIcon, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = type$.BoxConstraints,
- constraints = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- _this._labelTransform = null;
- boxToBaseline = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.nullable_RenderBox, type$.double);
- t2 = constraints.maxWidth;
- t3 = constraints.maxHeight;
- boxConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, t2, 0, t3);
- t4 = _this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild;
- boxToBaseline.$indexSet(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0), _this._layoutLineBox$2(t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0), boxConstraints));
- t5 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t5 = t5._size;
- t5.toString;
- }
- containerConstraints = boxConstraints.copyWith$1$maxWidth(t2 - t5._dx);
- boxToBaseline.$indexSet(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6), _this._layoutLineBox$2(t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6), containerConstraints));
- boxToBaseline.$indexSet(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7), _this._layoutLineBox$2(t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7), containerConstraints));
- contentConstraints = containerConstraints.copyWith$1$maxWidth(containerConstraints.maxWidth - _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding.get$horizontal());
- boxToBaseline.$indexSet(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4), _this._layoutLineBox$2(t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4), contentConstraints));
- boxToBaseline.$indexSet(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5), _this._layoutLineBox$2(t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5), contentConstraints));
- t5 = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- t6 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t6 = t6._size;
- t6.toString;
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6) != null)
- t7 = 0;
- else {
- t7 = _this._input_decorator$_textDirection;
- t8 = _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding;
- t7 = t7 === B.TextDirection_1 ? t8.left : t8.right;
- }
- t8 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6);
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t8 = t8._size;
- t8.toString;
- }
- t9 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4);
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t9 = t9._size;
- t9.toString;
- }
- t10 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5);
- if (t10 == null)
- t10 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t10 = t10._size;
- t10.toString;
- }
- t11 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7);
- if (t11 == null)
- t11 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t11 = t11._size;
- t11.toString;
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7) != null)
- t12 = 0;
- else {
- t12 = _this._input_decorator$_textDirection;
- t13 = _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding;
- t12 = t12 === B.TextDirection_1 ? t13.right : t13.left;
- }
- inputWidth = Math.max(0, t5.maxWidth - (t6._dx + t7 + t8._dx + t9._dx + t10._dx + t11._dx + t12));
- t12 = A.lerpDouble(1, 1.3333333333333333, _this._input_decorator$_decoration.floatingLabelProgress);
- t12.toString;
- t11 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7);
- if (t11 == null)
- t5 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t5 = t11._size;
- t5.toString;
- }
- suffixIconWidth = t5._dx;
- if (_this._input_decorator$_decoration.border.get$isOutline()) {
- t5 = A.lerpDouble(suffixIconWidth, 0, _this._input_decorator$_decoration.floatingLabelProgress);
- t5.toString;
- suffixIconWidth = t5;
- }
- t1 = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- t5 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t5 = t5._size;
- t5.toString;
- }
- t6 = _this._input_decorator$_decoration;
- t7 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6);
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t7 = t7._size;
- t7.toString;
- }
- labelWidth = Math.max(0, t1.maxWidth - (t5._dx + t6.contentPadding.left + t7._dx + suffixIconWidth + _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding.right));
- boxToBaseline.$indexSet(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2), _this._layoutLineBox$2(t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2), boxConstraints.copyWith$1$maxWidth(labelWidth * t12)));
- boxToBaseline.$indexSet(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3), _this._layoutLineBox$2(t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3), boxConstraints.copyWith$2$maxWidth$minWidth(inputWidth, inputWidth)));
- boxToBaseline.$indexSet(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9), _this._layoutLineBox$2(t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9), contentConstraints));
- t12 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8);
- t7 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8);
- t6 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9);
- if (t6 == null)
- t1 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t1 = t6._size;
- t1.toString;
- }
- boxToBaseline.$indexSet(0, t12, _this._layoutLineBox$2(t7, contentConstraints.copyWith$1$maxWidth(Math.max(0, contentConstraints.maxWidth - t1._dx))));
- labelHeight = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2) == null ? 0 : _this._input_decorator$_decoration.floatingLabelHeight;
- if (_this._input_decorator$_decoration.border.get$isOutline()) {
- t1 = boxToBaseline.$index(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2));
- t1.toString;
- topHeight = Math.max(labelHeight - t1, 0);
- } else
- topHeight = labelHeight;
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9) == null)
- counterHeight = 0;
- else {
- t1 = boxToBaseline.$index(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9));
- t1.toString;
- counterHeight = t1 + 8;
- }
- t1 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- else {
- t1 = t1._size;
- t1.toString;
- }
- helperErrorExists = t1 != null && t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8)._size._dy > 0;
- helperErrorHeight = !helperErrorExists ? 0 : t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8)._size._dy + 8;
- bottomHeight = Math.max(counterHeight, helperErrorHeight);
- t1 = _this._input_decorator$_decoration.visualDensity;
- densityOffset = new A.Offset(t1.horizontal, t1.vertical).$mul(0, 4);
- t1 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1);
- t5 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1);
- t6 = _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding;
- t7 = densityOffset._dy;
- t8 = t7 / 2;
- boxToBaseline.$indexSet(0, t1, _this._layoutLineBox$2(t5, boxConstraints.deflate$1(new A.EdgeInsets(0, t6.top + topHeight + t8, 0, t6.bottom + bottomHeight + t8)).copyWith$2$maxWidth$minWidth(inputWidth, inputWidth)));
- t6 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3);
- hintHeight = t6 == null ? _null : t6._size._dy;
- if (hintHeight == null)
- hintHeight = 0;
- t1 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1);
- inputDirectHeight = t1 == null ? _null : t1._size._dy;
- if (inputDirectHeight == null)
- inputDirectHeight = 0;
- inputHeight = Math.max(hintHeight, inputDirectHeight);
- t1 = boxToBaseline.$index(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1));
- t1.toString;
- t5 = boxToBaseline.$index(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3));
- t5.toString;
- inputInternalBaseline = Math.max(A.checkNum(t1), A.checkNum(t5));
- t5 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4);
- prefixHeight = t5 == null ? _null : t5._size._dy;
- if (prefixHeight == null)
- prefixHeight = 0;
- t1 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5);
- suffixHeight = t1 == null ? _null : t1._size._dy;
- if (suffixHeight == null)
- suffixHeight = 0;
- t1 = boxToBaseline.$index(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4));
- t1.toString;
- t5 = boxToBaseline.$index(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5));
- t5.toString;
- fixAboveInput = Math.max(0, Math.max(A.checkNum(t1), A.checkNum(t5)) - inputInternalBaseline);
- t5 = boxToBaseline.$index(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4));
- t5.toString;
- t1 = boxToBaseline.$index(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5));
- t1.toString;
- fixBelowInput = Math.max(0, Math.max(prefixHeight - t5, suffixHeight - t1) - (inputHeight - inputInternalBaseline));
- t1 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6);
- prefixIconHeight = t1 == null ? _null : t1._size._dy;
- if (prefixIconHeight == null)
- prefixIconHeight = 0;
- t1 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7);
- suffixIconHeight = t1 == null ? _null : t1._size._dy;
- if (suffixIconHeight == null)
- suffixIconHeight = 0;
- fixIconHeight = Math.max(prefixIconHeight, suffixIconHeight);
- t1 = _this._input_decorator$_decoration;
- t5 = t1.contentPadding;
- contentHeight = Math.max(fixIconHeight, topHeight + t5.top + fixAboveInput + inputHeight + fixBelowInput + t5.bottom + t7);
- t1 = t1.isDense;
- t1.toString;
- if (!t1)
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- minContainerHeight = t1 ? 0 : 48;
- maxContainerHeight = t3 - bottomHeight;
- containerHeight = Math.min(Math.max(contentHeight, minContainerHeight), maxContainerHeight);
- interactiveAdjustment = minContainerHeight > contentHeight ? (minContainerHeight - contentHeight) / 2 : 0;
- overflow = Math.max(0, contentHeight - maxContainerHeight);
- t1 = _this._textAlignVertical;
- t1 = _this.get$_isOutlineAligned() ? B.TextAlignVertical_0 : B.TextAlignVertical_m1;
- textAlignVerticalFactor = (t1.y + 1) / 2;
- baselineAdjustment = fixAboveInput - overflow * (1 - textAlignVerticalFactor);
- t1 = _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding;
- topInputBaseline = t1.top + topHeight + inputInternalBaseline + baselineAdjustment + interactiveAdjustment + t8;
- maxVerticalOffset = containerHeight - (t1.get$_top(t1) + t1.get$_bottom(t1)) - topHeight - t7 - (fixAboveInput + inputHeight + fixBelowInput);
- inputBaseline = topInputBaseline + maxVerticalOffset * textAlignVerticalFactor;
- t7 = _this._textAlignVertical;
- t1 = _this.get$_isOutlineAligned() ? B.TextAlignVertical_0 : B.TextAlignVertical_m1;
- outlineBaseline = _this._interpolateThree$4(topInputBaseline, inputInternalBaseline + baselineAdjustment / 2 + (containerHeight - (2 + inputHeight)) / 2, topInputBaseline + maxVerticalOffset, t1);
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9) != null) {
- t1 = boxToBaseline.$index(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9));
- t1.toString;
- subtextCounterBaseline = containerHeight + 8 + t1;
- subtextCounterHeight = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9)._size._dy + 8;
- } else {
- subtextCounterBaseline = 0;
- subtextCounterHeight = 0;
- }
- if (helperErrorExists) {
- t1 = boxToBaseline.$index(0, t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8));
- t1.toString;
- subtextHelperBaseline = containerHeight + 8 + t1;
- subtextHelperHeight = helperErrorHeight;
- } else {
- subtextHelperBaseline = 0;
- subtextHelperHeight = 0;
- }
- subtextBaseline = Math.max(subtextCounterBaseline, subtextHelperBaseline);
- subtextHeight = Math.max(subtextCounterHeight, subtextHelperHeight);
- container = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_10);
- t1 = container == null;
- if (!t1) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t3 = t3._size;
- t3.toString;
- }
- container.layout$2$parentUsesSize(A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(containerHeight, t2 - t3._dx), true);
- switch (_this._input_decorator$_textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- x = 0;
- break;
- case 1:
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t3 = t3._size;
- t3.toString;
- }
- x = t3._dx;
- break;
- default:
- x = _null;
- }
- t3 = container.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- type$.BoxParentData._as(t3).offset = new A.Offset(x, 0);
- }
- height = A._Cell$named("height");
- centerLayout = new A._RenderDecoration_performLayout_centerLayout(height);
- baseline = A._Cell$named("baseline");
- baselineLayout = new A._RenderDecoration_performLayout_baselineLayout(baseline, new A._RenderDecorationLayout(boxToBaseline, inputBaseline, outlineBaseline, subtextBaseline, containerHeight, subtextHeight));
- t3 = _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding;
- left = t3.left;
- right = t2 - t3.right;
- height.__late_helper$_value = containerHeight;
- baseline.__late_helper$_value = _this.get$_isOutlineAligned() ? outlineBaseline : inputBaseline;
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0) != null) {
- switch (_this._input_decorator$_textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- x = t2 - t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0)._size._dx;
- break;
- case 1:
- x = 0;
- break;
- default:
- x = _null;
- }
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- t3.toString;
- centerLayout.call$2(t3, x);
- }
- switch (_this._input_decorator$_textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t3 = t3._size;
- t3.toString;
- }
- start = right - t3._dx;
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6) != null) {
- start += _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding.left;
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6);
- t3.toString;
- start -= centerLayout.call$2(t3, start - t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6)._size._dx);
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2) != null) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2);
- t3.toString;
- centerLayout.call$2(t3, start - t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2)._size._dx);
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4) != null) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4);
- t3.toString;
- start -= baselineLayout.call$2(t3, start - t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4)._size._dx);
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1) != null) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1);
- t3.toString;
- baselineLayout.call$2(t3, start - t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1)._size._dx);
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3) != null) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3);
- t3.toString;
- baselineLayout.call$2(t3, start - t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3)._size._dx);
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7) != null) {
- end = left - _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding.left;
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7);
- t3.toString;
- end += centerLayout.call$2(t3, end);
- } else
- end = left;
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5) != null) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5);
- t3.toString;
- baselineLayout.call$2(t3, end);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t3 = t3._size;
- t3.toString;
- }
- start = left + t3._dx;
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6) != null) {
- start -= _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding.left;
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6);
- t3.toString;
- start += centerLayout.call$2(t3, start);
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2) != null) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2);
- t3.toString;
- centerLayout.call$2(t3, start);
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4) != null) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4);
- t3.toString;
- start += baselineLayout.call$2(t3, start);
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1) != null) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1);
- t3.toString;
- baselineLayout.call$2(t3, start);
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3) != null) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3);
- t3.toString;
- baselineLayout.call$2(t3, start);
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7) != null) {
- end = right + _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding.right;
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7);
- t3.toString;
- end -= centerLayout.call$2(t3, end - t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7)._size._dx);
- } else
- end = right;
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5) != null) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5);
- t3.toString;
- baselineLayout.call$2(t3, end - t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5)._size._dx);
- }
- break;
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8) != null || t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9) != null) {
- height.__late_helper$_value = subtextHeight;
- baseline.__late_helper$_value = subtextBaseline;
- switch (_this._input_decorator$_textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8) != null) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8);
- t3.toString;
- t5 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8)._size._dx;
- t6 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t6 = t6._size;
- t6.toString;
- }
- baselineLayout.call$2(t3, right - t5 - t6._dx);
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9) != null) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9);
- t3.toString;
- baselineLayout.call$2(t3, left);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8) != null) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8);
- t3.toString;
- t5 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t5 = t5._size;
- t5.toString;
- }
- baselineLayout.call$2(t3, left + t5._dx);
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9) != null) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9);
- t3.toString;
- baselineLayout.call$2(t3, right - t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9)._size._dx);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2) != null) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2).parentData;
- t3.toString;
- labelX = type$.BoxParentData._as(t3).offset._dx;
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2);
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t3 = t3._size;
- t3.toString;
- }
- floatWidth = t3._dx * 0.75;
- switch (_this._input_decorator$_textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6) != null && true)
- if (_this._material3) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6);
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t3 = t3._size;
- t3.toString;
- }
- offsetToPrefixIcon = t3._dx - left;
- } else
- offsetToPrefixIcon = 0;
- else
- offsetToPrefixIcon = 0;
- t3 = _this._input_decorator$_decoration;
- t5 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2);
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t5 = t5._size;
- t5.toString;
- }
- if (t1)
- t1 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t1 = container._size;
- t1.toString;
- }
- t3.borderGap.set$start(0, A.lerpDouble(labelX + t5._dx + offsetToPrefixIcon, t1._dx / 2 + floatWidth / 2, 0));
- break;
- case 1:
- if (t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6) != null && true)
- if (_this._material3) {
- t3 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6);
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t3 = t3._size;
- t3.toString;
- }
- offsetToPrefixIcon = -t3._dx + left;
- } else
- offsetToPrefixIcon = 0;
- else
- offsetToPrefixIcon = 0;
- t3 = _this._input_decorator$_decoration;
- t5 = t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0);
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t5 = t5._size;
- t5.toString;
- }
- if (t1)
- t1 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t1 = container._size;
- t1.toString;
- }
- t3.borderGap.set$start(0, A.lerpDouble(labelX - t5._dx + offsetToPrefixIcon, t1._dx / 2 - floatWidth / 2, 0));
- break;
- }
- _this._input_decorator$_decoration.borderGap.set$extent(t4.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2)._size._dx * 0.75);
- } else {
- _this._input_decorator$_decoration.borderGap.set$start(0, _null);
- _this._input_decorator$_decoration.borderGap.set$extent(0);
- }
- _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t2, containerHeight + subtextHeight));
- },
- _paintLabel$2(context, offset) {
- var t1 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2);
- t1.toString;
- context.paintChild$2(t1, offset);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t2, t3, labelOffset, t4, labelWidth, t5, t, isOutlineBorder, floatingY, startX, floatStartX, t6, _this = this,
- doPaint = new A._RenderDecoration_paint_doPaint(context, offset),
- t1 = _this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild;
- doPaint.call$1(t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_10));
- if (t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2) != null) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2).parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = type$.BoxParentData;
- labelOffset = t3._as(t2).offset;
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t2 = t2._size;
- t2.toString;
- }
- t4 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2);
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t4 = t4._size;
- t4.toString;
- }
- labelWidth = t4._dx;
- t4 = _this._input_decorator$_decoration;
- t5 = t4.border;
- t = t4.floatingLabelProgress;
- isOutlineBorder = t5.get$isOutline();
- floatingY = isOutlineBorder ? -t2._dy * 0.75 / 2 + t5.borderSide.width / 2 : _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding.top;
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(1, 0.75, t);
- t2.toString;
- t4 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_10).parentData;
- t4.toString;
- t4 = t3._as(t4).offset._dx;
- t3 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_10);
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t3 = t3._size;
- t3.toString;
- }
- switch (_this._input_decorator$_textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- startX = labelOffset._dx + labelWidth * (1 - t2);
- if (t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6) != null)
- t5 = isOutlineBorder;
- else
- t5 = false;
- if (t5) {
- if (_this._material3) {
- t5 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6);
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t5 = t5._size;
- t5.toString;
- }
- t5 = t5._dx - _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding.left;
- } else
- t5 = 0;
- floatStartX = startX + t5;
- } else
- floatStartX = startX;
- break;
- case 1:
- startX = labelOffset._dx;
- if (t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6) != null)
- t5 = isOutlineBorder;
- else
- t5 = false;
- if (t5) {
- if (_this._material3) {
- t5 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6);
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t5 = t5._size;
- t5.toString;
- }
- t5 = -t5._dx + _this._input_decorator$_decoration.contentPadding.left;
- } else
- t5 = 0;
- floatStartX = startX + t5;
- } else
- floatStartX = startX;
- break;
- default:
- startX = null;
- floatStartX = null;
- }
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(floatStartX, t4 + t3._dx / 2 - labelWidth * 0.75 / 2, 0);
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(startX, t3, t);
- t3.toString;
- t4 = labelOffset._dy;
- t5 = A.lerpDouble(0, floatingY - t4, t);
- t5.toString;
- t6 = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- t6.setIdentity$0();
- t6.translate$2(0, t3, t4 + t5);
- t6.scale$1(0, t2);
- _this._labelTransform = t6;
- t2 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = _this._layerHandle;
- t5.set$layer(0, context.pushTransform$5$oldLayer(t2, offset, t6, _this.get$_paintLabel(), type$.nullable_TransformLayer._as(t5._layer)));
- } else
- _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- doPaint.call$1(t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_0));
- doPaint.call$1(t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_4));
- doPaint.call$1(t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_5));
- doPaint.call$1(t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_6));
- doPaint.call$1(t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_7));
- doPaint.call$1(t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_3));
- doPaint.call$1(t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_1));
- doPaint.call$1(t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_8));
- doPaint.call$1(t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_9));
- },
- hitTestSelf$1(position) {
- return true;
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _i, child, t4, offset;
- for (t1 = this.get$children(this), t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.BoxParentData, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- child = t1[_i];
- t4 = child.parentData;
- t4.toString;
- offset = t3._as(t4).offset;
- if (result.addWithPaintOffset$3$hitTest$offset$position(new A._RenderDecoration_hitTestChildren_closure(position, offset, child), offset, position))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) {
- var labelOffset, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild;
- if (child === t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2) && _this._labelTransform != null) {
- t1 = t1.$index(0, B._DecorationSlot_2).parentData;
- t1.toString;
- labelOffset = type$.BoxParentData._as(t1).offset;
- t1 = _this._labelTransform;
- t1.toString;
- transform.multiply$1(0, t1);
- transform.translate$2(0, -labelOffset._dx, -labelOffset._dy);
- }
- _this.super$RenderBox$applyPaintTransform(child, transform);
- }
- };
- A._RenderDecoration_performLayout_centerLayout.prototype = {
- call$2(box, x) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = box.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.BoxParentData._as(t1);
- t2 = this.height._readLocal$0();
- t3 = box._size;
- t1.offset = new A.Offset(x, (t2 - t3._dy) / 2);
- return t3._dx;
- },
- $signature: 65
- };
- A._RenderDecoration_performLayout_baselineLayout.prototype = {
- call$2(box, x) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = box.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.BoxParentData._as(t1);
- t2 = this.baseline._readLocal$0();
- t3 = J.$index$asx(this.layout.boxToBaseline, box);
- t3.toString;
- t1.offset = new A.Offset(x, t2 - t3);
- return box._size._dx;
- },
- $signature: 65
- };
- A._RenderDecoration_paint_doPaint.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- var t1;
- if (child != null) {
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- this.context.paintChild$2(child, type$.BoxParentData._as(t1).offset.$add(0, this.offset));
- }
- },
- $signature: 238
- };
- A._RenderDecoration_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, transformed) {
- return this.child.hitTest$2$position(result, transformed);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A._Decorator.prototype = {
- get$slots() {
- return B.List_bRk;
- },
- childForSlot$1(slot) {
- var _this = this;
- switch (slot.index) {
- case 0:
- return _this.decoration.icon;
- case 1:
- return _this.decoration.input;
- case 2:
- return _this.decoration.label;
- case 3:
- return _this.decoration.hint;
- case 4:
- return _this.decoration.prefix;
- case 5:
- return _this.decoration.suffix;
- case 6:
- return _this.decoration.prefixIcon;
- case 7:
- return _this.decoration.suffixIcon;
- case 8:
- return _this.decoration.helperError;
- case 9:
- return _this.decoration.counter;
- case 10:
- return _this.decoration.container;
- }
- },
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = new A._RenderDecoration(_this.decoration, _this.textDirection, _this.textBaseline, _this.textAlignVertical, _this.isFocused, false, A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$._DecorationSlot, type$.RenderBox), A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var _this = this;
- renderObject.set$decoration(_this.decoration);
- renderObject.set$expands(false);
- renderObject.set$isFocused(_this.isFocused);
- renderObject.set$textAlignVertical(_this.textAlignVertical);
- renderObject.set$textBaseline(0, _this.textBaseline);
- renderObject.set$textDirection(_this.textDirection);
- }
- };
- A.InputDecorator.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._InputDecoratorState(new A._InputBorderGap($.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners()), null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._InputDecoratorState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, t2, labelIsInitiallyFloating, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t1.decoration.floatingLabelBehavior;
- if (t2 !== B.FloatingLabelBehavior_2)
- if (t2 !== B.FloatingLabelBehavior_0) {
- if (t1.isEmpty)
- t1 = t1.isFocused && true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- labelIsInitiallyFloating = t1;
- } else
- labelIsInitiallyFloating = false;
- else
- labelIsInitiallyFloating = true;
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_167000, _null, 1, labelIsInitiallyFloating ? 1 : 0, _this);
- _this.___InputDecoratorState__floatingLabelController_F !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldAI();
- _this.___InputDecoratorState__floatingLabelController_F = t1;
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t2 = t1.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t2._isDirty = true;
- t2._list.push(_this.get$_input_decorator$_handleChange());
- t1 = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, t1, new A.FlippedCurve(B.Cubic_ifx));
- _this.___InputDecoratorState__floatingLabelAnimation_F !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldAI();
- _this.___InputDecoratorState__floatingLabelAnimation_F = t1;
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_167000, _null, 1, _null, _this);
- _this.___InputDecoratorState__shakingLabelController_F !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldAI();
- _this.___InputDecoratorState__shakingLabelController_F = t1;
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- this._effectiveDecoration = null;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.___InputDecoratorState__floatingLabelController_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = this.___InputDecoratorState__shakingLabelController_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$__InputDecoratorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- _input_decorator$_handleChange$0() {
- this.setState$1(new A._InputDecoratorState__handleChange_closure());
- },
- get$decoration() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._effectiveDecoration;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this._widget.decoration;
- t2 = _this._framework$_element;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = _this._effectiveDecoration = t1.applyDefaults$1(A.Theme_of(t2).inputDecorationTheme);
- t1 = t2;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(old) {
- var t1, t2, floatBehaviorChanged, t3, errorText, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(old);
- t1 = old.decoration;
- if (!_this._widget.decoration.$eq(0, t1))
- _this._effectiveDecoration = null;
- t2 = _this._widget;
- floatBehaviorChanged = t2.decoration.floatingLabelBehavior != t1.floatingLabelBehavior;
- if (t2.isEmpty)
- t2 = t2.isFocused && true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (old.isEmpty)
- t3 = old.isFocused && true;
- else
- t3 = true;
- if (t2 !== t3 || floatBehaviorChanged) {
- if (_this.get$decoration().floatingLabelBehavior !== B.FloatingLabelBehavior_0) {
- t2 = _this._widget;
- if (t2.isEmpty)
- t3 = t2.isFocused && true;
- else
- t3 = true;
- t2 = t3 || t2.decoration.floatingLabelBehavior === B.FloatingLabelBehavior_2;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- t3 = _this.___InputDecoratorState__floatingLabelController_F;
- if (t2) {
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3.forward$0(0);
- } else {
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3.reverse$0(0);
- }
- }
- errorText = _this.get$decoration().errorText;
- t2 = _this.___InputDecoratorState__floatingLabelController_F;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2.get$status(t2) === B.AnimationStatus_3 && errorText != null && errorText !== t1.errorText) {
- t1 = _this.___InputDecoratorState__shakingLabelController_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$value(0, 0);
- t1.forward$0(0);
- }
- },
- _getDefaultM2BorderColor$1(themeData) {
- var t1, enabledColor, _this = this;
- _this.get$decoration();
- if (_this.get$decoration().errorText != null)
- return themeData.colorScheme.error;
- if (_this._widget.isFocused)
- return themeData.colorScheme.primary;
- _this.get$decoration().filled.toString;
- t1 = themeData.colorScheme.onSurface.value;
- enabledColor = A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- if (_this._widget.isHovering) {
- _this.get$decoration();
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- _this.get$decoration();
- t1 = themeData.hoverColor.value;
- return A.Color_alphaBlend(A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255), enabledColor);
- }
- return enabledColor;
- },
- _getFillColor$2(themeData, defaults) {
- if (this.get$decoration().filled !== true)
- return B.Color_0;
- this.get$decoration();
- return A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(defaults.get$fillColor(), this.get$materialState(), type$.Color);
- },
- _getHoverColor$1(themeData) {
- if (this.get$decoration().filled != null)
- this.get$decoration().filled.toString;
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- _getSuffixIconColor$2(themeData, defaults) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = type$.nullable_Color,
- t2 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_this.get$decoration().suffixIconColor, _this.get$materialState(), t1);
- t1 = t2 == null ? A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(null, _this.get$materialState(), t1) : t2;
- return t1 == null ? A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(defaults.get$suffixIconColor(), _this.get$materialState(), type$.Color) : t1;
- },
- get$_hasInlineLabel() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._widget;
- if (t1.isEmpty)
- t1 = t1.isFocused && true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (!t1) {
- if (_this.get$decoration().labelText == null) {
- _this.get$decoration();
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- t1 = t1 && _this.get$decoration().floatingLabelBehavior !== B.FloatingLabelBehavior_2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- _getHelperStyle$2(themeData, defaults) {
- return A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(defaults.get$helperStyle(), this.get$materialState(), type$.TextStyle).merge$1(A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(this.get$decoration().helperStyle, this.get$materialState(), type$.nullable_TextStyle));
- },
- get$materialState() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.MaterialState);
- _this.get$decoration();
- if (_this._widget.isFocused)
- t1.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_1);
- if (_this._widget.isHovering) {
- _this.get$decoration();
- t2 = true;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2)
- t1.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_0);
- if (_this.get$decoration().errorText != null)
- t1.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_7);
- return t1;
- },
- _getDefaultBorder$2(themeData, defaults) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this,
- border = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_this.get$decoration().border, _this.get$materialState(), type$.nullable_InputBorder);
- if (border == null)
- border = B.UnderlineInputBorder_7hp;
- _this.get$decoration();
- if (border.borderSide.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm))
- return border;
- if (themeData.useMaterial3) {
- _this.get$decoration().filled.toString;
- t1 = border.copyWith$1$borderSide(A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(defaults.get$outlineBorder(), _this.get$materialState(), type$.nullable_BorderSide));
- return t1;
- } else {
- t1 = _this._getDefaultM2BorderColor$1(themeData);
- _this.get$decoration();
- if (!J.$eq$(_this.get$decoration().border, B._NoInputBorder_uXA)) {
- _this.get$decoration();
- t2 = false;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- t2 = 0;
- else
- t2 = _this._widget.isFocused ? 2 : 1;
- return border.copyWith$1$borderSide(new A.BorderSide(t1, t2, B.BorderStyle_1, -1));
- }
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t3, labelStyle, t4, hintStyle, hintText, hint, t5, t6, t7, isError, border, t8, t9, t10, label, t11, t12, defaultTextStyle, input, needsSemanticsSortOrder, decorationIsDense, iconSize, icon, suffixIcon, t13, t14, counter, t15, t16, decorationContentPadding, floatingLabelHeight, contentPadding, t17, t18, t19, t20, _this = this, _null = null,
- themeData = A.Theme_of(context),
- defaults = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3(context) : new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2(context),
- t1 = type$.TextStyle,
- defaultStyle = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(defaults.get$labelStyle(), _this.get$materialState(), t1),
- t2 = type$.nullable_TextStyle,
- style = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_this.get$decoration().labelStyle, _this.get$materialState(), t2);
- if (style == null)
- style = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_null, _this.get$materialState(), t2);
- t3 = themeData.textTheme.titleMedium;
- t3.toString;
- labelStyle = t3.merge$1(_this._widget.baseStyle).merge$1(defaultStyle).merge$1(style).copyWith$1$height(1);
- t4 = labelStyle.textBaseline;
- t4.toString;
- defaultStyle = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(defaults.get$hintStyle(), _this.get$materialState(), t1);
- style = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_this.get$decoration().hintStyle, _this.get$materialState(), t2);
- if (style == null)
- style = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_null, _this.get$materialState(), t2);
- hintStyle = t3.merge$1(_this._widget.baseStyle).merge$1(defaultStyle).merge$1(style);
- hintText = _this.get$decoration().hintText;
- if (hintText == null)
- hint = _null;
- else {
- t5 = _this._widget.isEmpty && !_this.get$_hasInlineLabel() ? 1 : 0;
- t6 = _this.get$decoration();
- t7 = _this._widget.textAlign;
- hint = A.AnimatedOpacity$(A.Text$(hintText, _this.get$decoration().hintMaxLines, B.TextOverflow_2, _null, _null, hintStyle, t7, t6.hintTextDirection, _null), B.Cubic_ifx, B.Duration_167000, t5);
- }
- isError = _this.get$decoration().errorText != null;
- _this.get$decoration();
- if (_this._widget.isFocused)
- border = isError ? _this.get$decoration().focusedErrorBorder : _this.get$decoration().focusedBorder;
- else
- border = isError ? _this.get$decoration().errorBorder : _this.get$decoration().enabledBorder;
- if (border == null)
- border = _this._getDefaultBorder$2(themeData, defaults);
- t5 = _this._borderGap;
- t6 = _this.___InputDecoratorState__floatingLabelAnimation_F;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t7 = _this._getFillColor$2(themeData, defaults);
- t8 = _this._getHoverColor$1(themeData);
- if (_this._widget.isHovering) {
- _this.get$decoration();
- t9 = true;
- } else
- t9 = false;
- if (_this.get$decoration().labelText == null) {
- _this.get$decoration();
- t10 = true;
- } else
- t10 = false;
- if (t10)
- label = _null;
- else {
- t10 = _this.___InputDecoratorState__shakingLabelController_F;
- t10 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t11 = _this.get$_hasInlineLabel() || _this.get$decoration().floatingLabelBehavior !== B.FloatingLabelBehavior_0 ? 1 : 0;
- t12 = _this._widget;
- if (t12.isEmpty)
- t12 = t12.isFocused && true;
- else
- t12 = true;
- if (t12) {
- defaultTextStyle = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(defaults.get$floatingLabelStyle(), _this.get$materialState(), t1);
- if (_this.get$decoration().errorText != null)
- _this.get$decoration();
- _this.get$decoration();
- t12 = _this.get$decoration();
- defaultTextStyle = defaultTextStyle.merge$1(t12.labelStyle);
- style = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_this.get$decoration().floatingLabelStyle, _this.get$materialState(), t2);
- if (style == null)
- style = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_null, _this.get$materialState(), t2);
- t3 = t3.merge$1(_this._widget.baseStyle).copyWith$1$height(1).merge$1(defaultTextStyle).merge$1(style);
- } else
- t3 = labelStyle;
- _this.get$decoration();
- t12 = _this.get$decoration().labelText;
- t12.toString;
- t12 = A.Text$(t12, _null, B.TextOverflow_2, _null, _null, _null, _this._widget.textAlign, _null, _null);
- label = new A._Shaker(A.AnimatedOpacity$(A.AnimatedDefaultTextStyle$(t12, B.Cubic_ifx, B.Duration_167000, t3), B.Cubic_ifx, B.Duration_167000, t11), t10, _null);
- }
- _this.get$decoration();
- _this.get$decoration();
- _this.get$decoration();
- _this.get$decoration();
- t3 = _this._widget;
- input = t3.child;
- t10 = t3.isEmpty;
- if (t10)
- t3 = t3.isFocused && true;
- else
- t3 = true;
- if (t3) {
- input != null;
- needsSemanticsSortOrder = false;
- } else
- needsSemanticsSortOrder = false;
- if (input != null && needsSemanticsSortOrder)
- input = new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.OrdinalSortKey_1_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, input, _null);
- t3 = _this.get$decoration();
- decorationIsDense = t3.isDense === true;
- iconSize = decorationIsDense ? 18 : 24;
- if (_this.get$decoration().icon == null)
- icon = _null;
- else {
- t3 = type$.nullable_Color;
- t10 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_this.get$decoration().iconColor, _this.get$materialState(), t3);
- t3 = t10 == null ? A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_null, _this.get$materialState(), t3) : t10;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(defaults.get$iconColor(), _this.get$materialState(), type$.Color);
- t10 = _this.get$decoration().icon;
- t10.toString;
- icon = A.MouseRegion$(new A.Padding(B.EdgeInsetsDirectional_0_0_16_0, A.IconTheme_merge(t10, new A.IconThemeData(iconSize, _null, _null, _null, _null, t3, _null, _null)), _null), B.SystemMouseCursor_basic, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- _this.get$decoration();
- if (_this.get$decoration().suffixIcon == null)
- suffixIcon = _null;
- else {
- _this.get$decoration();
- t3 = themeData.visualDensity.effectiveConstraints$1(B.BoxConstraints_mlX0);
- t10 = _this._getSuffixIconColor$2(themeData, defaults);
- t11 = A.IconButton_styleFrom(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this._getSuffixIconColor$2(themeData, defaults), _null, _null, iconSize, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- t12 = _this.get$decoration();
- suffixIcon = A.Center$(A.MouseRegion$(new A.ConstrainedBox(t3, A.IconTheme_merge(A.IconButtonTheme$(new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, t12.suffixIcon, _null), new A.IconButtonThemeData(t11)), new A.IconThemeData(iconSize, _null, _null, _null, _null, t10, _null, _null)), _null), B.SystemMouseCursor_basic, _null, _null, _null, _null), 1, 1);
- }
- t3 = _this._widget.textAlign;
- t10 = _this.get$decoration();
- t11 = _this._getHelperStyle$2(themeData, defaults);
- t12 = _this.get$decoration();
- t13 = _this.get$decoration();
- t1 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(defaults.get$errorStyle(), _this.get$materialState(), t1).merge$1(_this.get$decoration().errorStyle);
- t14 = _this.get$decoration();
- if (_this.get$decoration().counter != null)
- counter = _this.get$decoration().counter;
- else if (_this.get$decoration().counterText != null && _this.get$decoration().counterText !== "") {
- t15 = _this._widget.isFocused;
- t16 = _this.get$decoration().counterText;
- t16.toString;
- t2 = _this._getHelperStyle$2(themeData, defaults).merge$1(A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_this.get$decoration().counterStyle, _this.get$materialState(), t2));
- t2 = A.Text$(t16, _null, B.TextOverflow_2, _this.get$decoration().semanticCounterText, _null, t2, _null, _null, _null);
- counter = new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t15, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), true, false, false, t2, _null);
- } else
- counter = _null;
- t2 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t2.toString;
- decorationContentPadding = _this.get$decoration().contentPadding;
- if (decorationContentPadding == null)
- decorationContentPadding = _null;
- _this.get$decoration();
- if (!border.get$isOutline()) {
- t15 = labelStyle.fontSize;
- t15.toString;
- t16 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_3);
- t16 = t16 == null ? _null : t16.textScaleFactor;
- if (t16 == null)
- t16 = 1;
- floatingLabelHeight = (4 + 0.75 * t15) * t16;
- t15 = _this.get$decoration();
- if (t15.filled === true)
- if (decorationContentPadding == null)
- contentPadding = decorationIsDense ? B.EdgeInsets_12_8_12_8 : B.EdgeInsets_12_12_12_12;
- else
- contentPadding = decorationContentPadding;
- else if (decorationContentPadding == null)
- contentPadding = decorationIsDense ? B.EdgeInsets_0_8_0_8 : B.EdgeInsets_0_12_0_12;
- else
- contentPadding = decorationContentPadding;
- } else {
- if (decorationContentPadding == null)
- contentPadding = decorationIsDense ? B.EdgeInsets_12_20_12_12 : B.EdgeInsets_12_24_12_16;
- else
- contentPadding = decorationContentPadding;
- floatingLabelHeight = 0;
- }
- _this.get$decoration();
- t15 = _this.get$decoration().floatingLabelAlignment;
- t15.toString;
- t16 = t6.get$value(t6);
- t17 = _this.get$decoration();
- t18 = _this.get$decoration();
- t19 = _this._widget;
- t20 = t19.textAlignVertical;
- t19 = t19.isFocused;
- _this.get$decoration();
- return new A._Decorator(new A._Decoration(contentPadding, false, floatingLabelHeight, t16, t15, border, t5, t17.alignLabelWithHint === true, t18.isDense, themeData.visualDensity, icon, input, label, hint, _null, _null, _null, suffixIcon, new A._HelperError(t3, t10.helperText, t11, t12.helperMaxLines, t13.errorText, t1, t14.errorMaxLines, _null), counter, new A._BorderContainer(border, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, _null)), t2.textDirection, t4, t20, t19, false, _null);
- }
- };
- A._InputDecoratorState__handleChange_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.InputDecoration.prototype = {
- copyWith$33$alignLabelWithHint$border$constraints$contentPadding$counter$counterStyle$counterText$disabledBorder$enabled$enabledBorder$errorBorder$errorMaxLines$errorStyle$errorText$fillColor$filled$floatingLabelAlignment$floatingLabelBehavior$floatingLabelStyle$focusColor$focusedBorder$focusedErrorBorder$helperMaxLines$helperStyle$hintMaxLines$hintStyle$hoverColor$isCollapsed$isDense$labelStyle$prefixStyle$semanticCounterText$suffixStyle(alignLabelWithHint, border, constraints, contentPadding, counter, counterStyle, counterText, disabledBorder, enabled, enabledBorder, errorBorder, errorMaxLines, errorStyle, errorText, fillColor, filled, floatingLabelAlignment, floatingLabelBehavior, floatingLabelStyle, focusColor, focusedBorder, focusedErrorBorder, helperMaxLines, helperStyle, hintMaxLines, hintStyle, hoverColor, isCollapsed, isDense, labelStyle, prefixStyle, semanticCounterText, suffixStyle) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = hintStyle == null ? _this.hintStyle : hintStyle,
- t2 = hintMaxLines == null ? _this.hintMaxLines : hintMaxLines,
- t3 = errorText == null ? _this.errorText : errorText,
- t4 = floatingLabelBehavior == null ? _this.floatingLabelBehavior : floatingLabelBehavior,
- t5 = floatingLabelAlignment == null ? _this.floatingLabelAlignment : floatingLabelAlignment,
- t6 = isDense == null ? _this.isDense : isDense,
- t7 = contentPadding == null ? _this.contentPadding : contentPadding,
- t8 = counter == null ? _this.counter : counter,
- t9 = counterText == null ? _this.counterText : counterText,
- t10 = counterStyle == null ? _this.counterStyle : counterStyle,
- t11 = filled == null ? _this.filled : filled,
- t12 = enabledBorder == null ? _this.enabledBorder : enabledBorder,
- t13 = border == null ? _this.border : border,
- t14 = semanticCounterText == null ? _this.semanticCounterText : semanticCounterText,
- t15 = alignLabelWithHint == null ? _this.alignLabelWithHint : alignLabelWithHint;
- return A.InputDecoration$(t15, t13, _this.constraints, t7, t8, t10, t9, _this.disabledBorder, enabled !== false, t12, _this.errorBorder, _this.errorMaxLines, _this.errorStyle, t3, _this.fillColor, t11, t5, t4, _this.floatingLabelStyle, _this.focusColor, _this.focusedBorder, _this.focusedErrorBorder, _this.helperMaxLines, _this.helperStyle, _this.helperText, t2, t1, _this.hintText, _this.hintTextDirection, _this.hoverColor, _this.icon, _this.iconColor, isCollapsed === true, t6, _this.label, _this.labelStyle, _this.labelText, _this.prefix, _this.prefixIcon, _this.prefixIconColor, _this.prefixIconConstraints, _this.prefixStyle, _this.prefixText, t14, _this.suffix, _this.suffixIcon, _this.suffixIconColor, _this.suffixIconConstraints, _this.suffixStyle, _this.suffixText);
- },
- copyWith$1$errorText(errorText) {
- return this.copyWith$33$alignLabelWithHint$border$constraints$contentPadding$counter$counterStyle$counterText$disabledBorder$enabled$enabledBorder$errorBorder$errorMaxLines$errorStyle$errorText$fillColor$filled$floatingLabelAlignment$floatingLabelBehavior$floatingLabelStyle$focusColor$focusedBorder$focusedErrorBorder$helperMaxLines$helperStyle$hintMaxLines$hintStyle$hoverColor$isCollapsed$isDense$labelStyle$prefixStyle$semanticCounterText$suffixStyle(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, errorText, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$2$enabled$hintMaxLines(enabled, hintMaxLines) {
- return this.copyWith$33$alignLabelWithHint$border$constraints$contentPadding$counter$counterStyle$counterText$disabledBorder$enabled$enabledBorder$errorBorder$errorMaxLines$errorStyle$errorText$fillColor$filled$floatingLabelAlignment$floatingLabelBehavior$floatingLabelStyle$focusColor$focusedBorder$focusedErrorBorder$helperMaxLines$helperStyle$hintMaxLines$hintStyle$hoverColor$isCollapsed$isDense$labelStyle$prefixStyle$semanticCounterText$suffixStyle(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, enabled, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, hintMaxLines, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$27$alignLabelWithHint$border$constraints$contentPadding$counterStyle$disabledBorder$enabledBorder$errorBorder$errorMaxLines$errorStyle$fillColor$filled$floatingLabelAlignment$floatingLabelBehavior$floatingLabelStyle$focusColor$focusedBorder$focusedErrorBorder$helperMaxLines$helperStyle$hintStyle$hoverColor$isCollapsed$isDense$labelStyle$prefixStyle$suffixStyle(alignLabelWithHint, border, constraints, contentPadding, counterStyle, disabledBorder, enabledBorder, errorBorder, errorMaxLines, errorStyle, fillColor, filled, floatingLabelAlignment, floatingLabelBehavior, floatingLabelStyle, focusColor, focusedBorder, focusedErrorBorder, helperMaxLines, helperStyle, hintStyle, hoverColor, isCollapsed, isDense, labelStyle, prefixStyle, suffixStyle) {
- return this.copyWith$33$alignLabelWithHint$border$constraints$contentPadding$counter$counterStyle$counterText$disabledBorder$enabled$enabledBorder$errorBorder$errorMaxLines$errorStyle$errorText$fillColor$filled$floatingLabelAlignment$floatingLabelBehavior$floatingLabelStyle$focusColor$focusedBorder$focusedErrorBorder$helperMaxLines$helperStyle$hintMaxLines$hintStyle$hoverColor$isCollapsed$isDense$labelStyle$prefixStyle$semanticCounterText$suffixStyle(alignLabelWithHint, border, constraints, contentPadding, null, counterStyle, null, disabledBorder, null, enabledBorder, errorBorder, errorMaxLines, errorStyle, null, fillColor, filled, floatingLabelAlignment, floatingLabelBehavior, floatingLabelStyle, focusColor, focusedBorder, focusedErrorBorder, helperMaxLines, helperStyle, null, hintStyle, hoverColor, isCollapsed, isDense, labelStyle, prefixStyle, null, suffixStyle);
- },
- applyDefaults$1(theme) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this.hintStyle;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- t2 = _this.floatingLabelBehavior;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = B.FloatingLabelBehavior_1;
- t3 = _this.floatingLabelAlignment;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = B.C_FloatingLabelAlignment;
- t4 = _this.contentPadding;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = _null;
- t5 = _this.counterStyle;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = _null;
- t6 = _this.enabledBorder;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = _null;
- t7 = _this.border;
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = _null;
- return _this.copyWith$27$alignLabelWithHint$border$constraints$contentPadding$counterStyle$disabledBorder$enabledBorder$errorBorder$errorMaxLines$errorStyle$fillColor$filled$floatingLabelAlignment$floatingLabelBehavior$floatingLabelStyle$focusColor$focusedBorder$focusedErrorBorder$helperMaxLines$helperStyle$hintStyle$hoverColor$isCollapsed$isDense$labelStyle$prefixStyle$suffixStyle(_this.alignLabelWithHint === true, t7, _null, t4, t5, _null, t6, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this.filled === true, t3, t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t1, _null, false, _this.isDense === true, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.InputDecoration && J.$eq$(other.icon, _this.icon) && other.labelText == _this.labelText && other.hintText == _this.hintText && J.$eq$(other.hintStyle, _this.hintStyle) && other.hintMaxLines == _this.hintMaxLines && other.errorText == _this.errorText && other.floatingLabelBehavior == _this.floatingLabelBehavior && J.$eq$(other.floatingLabelAlignment, _this.floatingLabelAlignment) && other.isDense == _this.isDense && J.$eq$(other.contentPadding, _this.contentPadding) && J.$eq$(other.suffixIcon, _this.suffixIcon) && J.$eq$(other.counter, _this.counter) && other.counterText == _this.counterText && J.$eq$(other.counterStyle, _this.counterStyle) && other.filled == _this.filled && J.$eq$(other.enabledBorder, _this.enabledBorder) && J.$eq$(other.border, _this.border) && other.semanticCounterText == _this.semanticCounterText && other.alignLabelWithHint == _this.alignLabelWithHint && true;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hashAll([_this.icon, _this.iconColor, _this.label, _this.labelText, _this.floatingLabelStyle, _this.labelStyle, _this.helperText, _this.helperStyle, _this.helperMaxLines, _this.hintText, _this.hintStyle, _this.hintTextDirection, _this.hintMaxLines, _this.errorText, _this.errorStyle, _this.errorMaxLines, _this.floatingLabelBehavior, _this.floatingLabelAlignment, _this.isDense, _this.contentPadding, false, _this.filled, _this.fillColor, _this.focusColor, _this.hoverColor, _this.prefixIcon, _this.prefixIconColor, _this.prefix, _this.prefixText, _this.prefixStyle, _this.prefixIconConstraints, _this.suffixIcon, _this.suffixIconColor, _this.suffix, _this.suffixText, _this.suffixStyle, _this.suffixIconConstraints, _this.counter, _this.counterText, _this.counterStyle, _this.errorBorder, _this.focusedBorder, _this.focusedErrorBorder, _this.disabledBorder, _this.enabledBorder, _this.border, true, _this.semanticCounterText, _this.alignLabelWithHint, _this.constraints]);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String),
- t2 = _this.icon;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("icon: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t2 = _this.labelText;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push('labelText: "' + t2 + '"');
- t2 = _this.hintText;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push('hintText: "' + t2 + '"');
- t2 = _this.hintMaxLines;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push('hintMaxLines: "' + A.S(t2) + '"');
- t2 = _this.errorText;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push('errorText: "' + t2 + '"');
- t2 = _this.floatingLabelBehavior;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("floatingLabelBehavior: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t2 = _this.floatingLabelAlignment;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("floatingLabelAlignment: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t2 = _this.isDense;
- if (t2 === true)
- t1.push("isDense: " + A.S(t2));
- t2 = _this.contentPadding;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("contentPadding: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t2 = _this.suffixIcon;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("suffixIcon: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t2 = _this.counter;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("counter: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t2 = _this.counterText;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("counterText: " + t2);
- t2 = _this.counterStyle;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("counterStyle: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- if (_this.filled === true)
- t1.push("filled: true");
- t2 = _this.enabledBorder;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("enabledBorder: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t2 = _this.border;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("border: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t2 = _this.semanticCounterText;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("semanticCounterText: " + t2);
- t2 = _this.alignLabelWithHint;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("alignLabelWithHint: " + A.S(t2));
- return "InputDecoration(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ") + ")";
- }
- };
- A.InputDecorationTheme.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this, _null = null;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.get$labelStyle(), _this.get$floatingLabelStyle(), _this.get$helperStyle(), _null, _this.get$hintStyle(), _this.get$errorStyle(), _null, B.FloatingLabelBehavior_1, B.C_FloatingLabelAlignment, false, _null, false, _this.get$iconColor(), _null, _this.get$prefixIconColor(), _null, _this.get$suffixIconColor(), _null, false, A.Object_hash(_this.get$fillColor(), _this.get$activeIndicatorBorder(), _this.get$outlineBorder(), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, false, _null, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue));
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.InputDecorationTheme)
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$labelStyle(), _this.get$labelStyle()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$floatingLabelStyle(), _this.get$floatingLabelStyle()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$helperStyle(), _this.get$helperStyle()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$hintStyle(), _this.get$hintStyle()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$errorStyle(), _this.get$errorStyle()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$iconColor(), _this.get$iconColor()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$prefixIconColor(), _this.get$prefixIconColor()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$suffixIconColor(), _this.get$suffixIconColor()))
- if (B.C_FloatingLabelAlignment.$eq(0, B.C_FloatingLabelAlignment))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$fillColor(), _this.get$fillColor()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$activeIndicatorBorder(), _this.get$activeIndicatorBorder()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$outlineBorder(), _this.get$outlineBorder()))
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$labelStyle() {
- return null;
- },
- get$floatingLabelStyle() {
- return null;
- },
- get$helperStyle() {
- return null;
- },
- get$hintStyle() {
- return null;
- },
- get$errorStyle() {
- return null;
- },
- get$iconColor() {
- return null;
- },
- get$prefixIconColor() {
- return null;
- },
- get$suffixIconColor() {
- return null;
- },
- get$fillColor() {
- return null;
- },
- get$outlineBorder() {
- return null;
- },
- get$activeIndicatorBorder() {
- return null;
- }
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$hintStyle() {
- return A._MaterialStateTextStyle$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_hintStyle_closure(this));
- },
- get$labelStyle() {
- return A._MaterialStateTextStyle$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_labelStyle_closure(this));
- },
- get$floatingLabelStyle() {
- return A._MaterialStateTextStyle$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_floatingLabelStyle_closure(this));
- },
- get$helperStyle() {
- return A._MaterialStateTextStyle$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_helperStyle_closure(this));
- },
- get$errorStyle() {
- return A._MaterialStateTextStyle$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_errorStyle_closure(this));
- },
- get$fillColor() {
- return A._MaterialStateColor$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_fillColor_closure(this));
- },
- get$iconColor() {
- return A._MaterialStateColor$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_iconColor_closure(this));
- },
- get$prefixIconColor() {
- return A._MaterialStateColor$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_prefixIconColor_closure(this));
- },
- get$suffixIconColor() {
- return A._MaterialStateColor$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_suffixIconColor_closure(this));
- }
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_hintStyle_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var _null = null;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).disabledColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- return A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).hintColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- $signature: 25
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_labelStyle_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var _null = null;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).disabledColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- return A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).hintColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- $signature: 25
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_floatingLabelStyle_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var _this = this, _null = null;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, A.Theme_of(_this.$this.context).disabledColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_7))
- return A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, A.Theme_of(_this.$this.context).colorScheme.error, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, A.Theme_of(_this.$this.context).colorScheme.primary, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- return A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, A.Theme_of(_this.$this.context).hintColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- $signature: 25
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_helperStyle_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var themeData = A.Theme_of(this.$this.context);
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return themeData.textTheme.bodySmall.copyWith$1$color(B.Color_0);
- return themeData.textTheme.bodySmall.copyWith$1$color(themeData.hintColor);
- },
- $signature: 25
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_errorStyle_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var themeData = A.Theme_of(this.$this.context);
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return themeData.textTheme.bodySmall.copyWith$1$color(B.Color_0);
- return themeData.textTheme.bodySmall.copyWith$1$color(themeData.colorScheme.error);
- },
- $signature: 25
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_fillColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- switch (A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).colorScheme.brightness.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.Color_234881023;
- case 1:
- return B.Color_83886080;
- }
- switch (A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).colorScheme.brightness.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.Color_452984831;
- case 1:
- return B.Color_167772160;
- }
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_iconColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6) && !states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).disabledColor;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).colorScheme.primary;
- switch (A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).colorScheme.brightness.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.Color_3019898879;
- case 1:
- return B.Color_1929379840;
- }
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_prefixIconColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6) && !states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).disabledColor;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).colorScheme.primary;
- switch (A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).colorScheme.brightness.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.Color_3019898879;
- case 1:
- return B.Color_1929379840;
- }
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM2_suffixIconColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6) && !states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).disabledColor;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).colorScheme.primary;
- switch (A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).colorScheme.brightness.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.Color_3019898879;
- case 1:
- return B.Color_1929379840;
- }
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_input_decorator$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___InputDecoratorDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___InputDecoratorDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___InputDecoratorDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_textTheme() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___InputDecoratorDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___InputDecoratorDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___InputDecoratorDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = t1.textTheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$hintStyle() {
- return A._MaterialStateTextStyle$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_hintStyle_closure(this));
- },
- get$fillColor() {
- return A._MaterialStateColor$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_fillColor_closure(this));
- },
- get$activeIndicatorBorder() {
- return A._MaterialStateBorderSide$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_activeIndicatorBorder_closure(this));
- },
- get$outlineBorder() {
- return A._MaterialStateBorderSide$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_outlineBorder_closure(this));
- },
- get$iconColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_input_decorator$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- },
- get$prefixIconColor() {
- return A._MaterialStateColor$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_prefixIconColor_closure(this));
- },
- get$suffixIconColor() {
- return A._MaterialStateColor$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_suffixIconColor_closure(this));
- },
- get$labelStyle() {
- return A._MaterialStateTextStyle$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_labelStyle_closure(this));
- },
- get$floatingLabelStyle() {
- return A._MaterialStateTextStyle$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_floatingLabelStyle_closure(this));
- },
- get$helperStyle() {
- return A._MaterialStateTextStyle$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_helperStyle_closure(this));
- },
- get$errorStyle() {
- return A._MaterialStateTextStyle$(new A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_errorStyle_closure(this));
- }
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_hintStyle_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var _null = null;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).disabledColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- return A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, A.Theme_of(this.$this.context).hintColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- $signature: 25
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_fillColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(10, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- t1 = this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors();
- t2 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_activeIndicatorBorder_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_7)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return new A.BorderSide(_this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors().error, 2, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onErrorContainer;
- return new A.BorderSide(t2 == null ? t1.onError : t2, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- }
- return new A.BorderSide(_this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors().error, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return new A.BorderSide(_this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors().primary, 2, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0))
- return new A.BorderSide(_this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors().onSurface, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255), 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- }
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return new A.BorderSide(t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- },
- $signature: 132
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_outlineBorder_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_7)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return new A.BorderSide(_this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors().error, 2, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onErrorContainer;
- return new A.BorderSide(t2 == null ? t1.onError : t2, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- }
- return new A.BorderSide(_this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors().error, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return new A.BorderSide(_this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors().primary, 2, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0))
- return new A.BorderSide(_this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors().onSurface, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255), 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- }
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors();
- t2 = t1._outline;
- return new A.BorderSide(t2 == null ? t1.onBackground : t2, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- },
- $signature: 132
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_prefixIconColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- t1 = this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_suffixIconColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_7)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onErrorContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onError : t2;
- }
- return _this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors().error;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_input_decorator$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_labelStyle_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.$this,
- textStyle = t1.get$_textTheme().bodyLarge;
- if (textStyle == null)
- textStyle = B.TextStyle_SVP;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_7)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors().error);
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onErrorContainer;
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t2 == null ? t1.onError : t2);
- }
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors().error);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors().primary);
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255));
- }
- t1 = t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2);
- },
- $signature: 25
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_floatingLabelStyle_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.$this,
- textStyle = t1.get$_textTheme().bodyLarge;
- if (textStyle == null)
- textStyle = B.TextStyle_SVP;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_7)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors().error);
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onErrorContainer;
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t2 == null ? t1.onError : t2);
- }
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors().error);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors().primary);
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255));
- }
- t1 = t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2);
- },
- $signature: 25
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_helperStyle_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.$this,
- textStyle = t1.get$_textTheme().bodySmall;
- if (textStyle == null)
- textStyle = B.TextStyle_SVP;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255));
- }
- t1 = t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2);
- },
- $signature: 25
- };
- A._InputDecoratorDefaultsM3_errorStyle_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- textStyle = t1.get$_textTheme().bodySmall;
- if (textStyle == null)
- textStyle = B.TextStyle_SVP;
- return textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t1.get$_input_decorator$_colors().error);
- },
- $signature: 25
- };
- A._InputDecorationTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.__BorderContainerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.__Decorator_RenderObjectWidget_SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin.prototype = {
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- return this.super$RenderObjectWidget$updateRenderObject(context, renderObject);
- }
- };
- A.__HelperErrorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTicker());
- _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTicker$0();
- }
- };
- A.__InputDecoratorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.__RenderDecoration_RenderBox_SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- for (t1 = this.get$children(this), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].attach$1(owner);
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- for (t1 = this.get$children(this), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].detach$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.ListTileStyle.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "ListTileStyle." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.ListTileTitleAlignment.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "ListTileTitleAlignment." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.ListTile.prototype = {
- _isDenseLayout$2(theme, tileTheme) {
- return false;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var defaults, t2, t3, t4, t5, effectiveIconColor, effectiveColor, leadingAndTrailingStyle, t6, leadingIcon, titleStyle, titleText, trailingIcon, textDirection, resolvedContentPadding, effectiveMouseCursor, effectiveTitleAlignment, color, t7, t8, t9, _this = this, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- tileTheme = A.ListTileTheme_of(context),
- t1 = tileTheme.style,
- listTileStyle = t1 == null ? theme.listTileTheme.style : t1;
- if (listTileStyle == null)
- listTileStyle = B.ListTileStyle_0;
- t1 = theme.useMaterial3;
- defaults = t1 ? new A._LisTileDefaultsM3(context, _null, B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.EdgeInsetsDirectional_16_0_24_0, _null, _null, _null, 8, 24, _null, _null, _null, _null) : new A._LisTileDefaultsM2(context, _null, B.Border_bWW, listTileStyle, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.EdgeInsets_16_0_16_0, _null, _null, _null, 4, 40, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- t2 = type$.MaterialState;
- t3 = new A.ListTile_build_resolveColor(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t2));
- t4 = _this.iconColor;
- t4 = t3.call$3(t4, _null, t4);
- if (t4 == null) {
- t4 = tileTheme.iconColor;
- t4 = t3.call$3(t4, tileTheme.selectedColor, t4);
- }
- if (t4 == null) {
- t4 = theme.listTileTheme;
- t5 = t4.iconColor;
- t5 = t3.call$3(t5, t4.selectedColor, t5);
- effectiveIconColor = t5;
- } else
- effectiveIconColor = t4;
- if (effectiveIconColor == null)
- effectiveIconColor = t3.call$4(defaults.get$iconColor(), defaults.get$selectedColor(), defaults.get$iconColor(), theme.disabledColor);
- t4 = _this.textColor;
- t4 = t3.call$3(t4, _null, t4);
- if (t4 == null) {
- t4 = tileTheme.textColor;
- t4 = t3.call$3(t4, tileTheme.selectedColor, t4);
- }
- if (t4 == null) {
- t4 = theme.listTileTheme;
- t5 = t4.textColor;
- t5 = t3.call$3(t5, t4.selectedColor, t5);
- effectiveColor = t5;
- } else
- effectiveColor = t4;
- if (effectiveColor == null) {
- t4 = defaults.textColor;
- effectiveColor = t3.call$4(t4, defaults.get$selectedColor(), t4, theme.disabledColor);
- }
- t3 = A.IconButton_styleFrom(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, effectiveIconColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- t4 = _this.leading;
- t5 = t4 == null;
- if (!t5 || _this.trailing != null) {
- leadingAndTrailingStyle = tileTheme.leadingAndTrailingTextStyle;
- if (leadingAndTrailingStyle == null) {
- t6 = defaults.get$leadingAndTrailingTextStyle();
- t6.toString;
- leadingAndTrailingStyle = t6;
- }
- leadingAndTrailingStyle = leadingAndTrailingStyle.copyWith$1$color(effectiveColor);
- } else
- leadingAndTrailingStyle = _null;
- if (!t5) {
- leadingAndTrailingStyle.toString;
- leadingIcon = A.AnimatedDefaultTextStyle$(t4, B.C__Linear, B.Duration_200000, leadingAndTrailingStyle);
- } else
- leadingIcon = _null;
- titleStyle = tileTheme.titleTextStyle;
- if (titleStyle == null) {
- t4 = defaults.get$titleTextStyle();
- t4.toString;
- titleStyle = t4;
- }
- _this._isDenseLayout$2(theme, tileTheme);
- titleStyle = titleStyle.copyWith$2$color$fontSize(effectiveColor, _null);
- titleText = A.AnimatedDefaultTextStyle$(_this.title, B.C__Linear, B.Duration_200000, titleStyle);
- t4 = _this.trailing;
- if (t4 != null) {
- leadingAndTrailingStyle.toString;
- trailingIcon = A.AnimatedDefaultTextStyle$(t4, B.C__Linear, B.Duration_200000, leadingAndTrailingStyle);
- } else
- trailingIcon = _null;
- t4 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t4.toString;
- textDirection = t4.textDirection;
- t4 = tileTheme.contentPadding;
- t4 = t4 == null ? _null : t4.resolve$1(textDirection);
- resolvedContentPadding = t4;
- if (resolvedContentPadding == null)
- resolvedContentPadding = defaults.contentPadding.resolve$1(textDirection);
- t2 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t2);
- t4 = _this.onTap == null && true;
- if (t4)
- t2.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_6);
- t4 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_null, t2, type$.nullable_MouseCursor);
- if (t4 == null)
- effectiveMouseCursor = _null;
- else
- effectiveMouseCursor = t4;
- if (effectiveMouseCursor == null)
- effectiveMouseCursor = B._EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor_SystemMouseCursor_click_clickable.resolve$1(t2);
- effectiveTitleAlignment = t1 ? B.ListTileTitleAlignment_0 : B.ListTileTitleAlignment_1;
- t1 = tileTheme.shape;
- t2 = t1 == null ? B.Border_bWW : t1;
- t4 = tileTheme.tileColor;
- color = t4 == null ? theme.listTileTheme.tileColor : t4;
- t4 = color == null ? defaults.get$tileColor() : color;
- _this._isDenseLayout$2(theme, tileTheme);
- t5 = titleStyle.textBaseline;
- if (t5 == null) {
- t5 = defaults.get$titleTextStyle().textBaseline;
- t5.toString;
- }
- t6 = defaults.get$subtitleTextStyle().textBaseline;
- t6.toString;
- t7 = tileTheme.horizontalTitleGap;
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = 16;
- t8 = tileTheme.minVerticalPadding;
- if (t8 == null) {
- t8 = defaults.minVerticalPadding;
- t8.toString;
- }
- t9 = tileTheme.minLeadingWidth;
- if (t9 == null) {
- t9 = defaults.minLeadingWidth;
- t9.toString;
- }
- t3 = A.SafeArea$(false, A.IconTheme_merge(A.IconButtonTheme$(new A._ListTile(leadingIcon, titleText, _null, trailingIcon, false, false, theme.visualDensity, textDirection, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, effectiveTitleAlignment, _null), new A.IconButtonThemeData(t3)), new A.IconThemeData(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, effectiveIconColor, _null, _null)), resolvedContentPadding, false);
- return A.InkWell$(false, _null, true, new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, new A.Ink(t3, new A.ShapeDecoration(t4, _null, _null, _null, t2), _null), _null), t1, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, effectiveMouseCursor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this.onTap, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- };
- A.ListTile_build_resolveColor.prototype = {
- call$4(explicitColor, selectedColor, enabledColor, disabledColor) {
- return new A._IndividualOverrides(explicitColor, enabledColor, selectedColor, disabledColor).resolve$1(this.states);
- },
- call$3(explicitColor, selectedColor, enabledColor) {
- return this.call$4(explicitColor, selectedColor, enabledColor, null);
- },
- $signature: 270
- };
- A._IndividualOverrides.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return this.disabledColor;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.selectedColor;
- return this.enabledColor;
- }
- };
- A._ListTileSlot.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_ListTileSlot." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._ListTile.prototype = {
- get$slots() {
- return B.List_wsa;
- },
- childForSlot$1(slot) {
- var _this = this;
- switch (slot.index) {
- case 0:
- return _this.leading;
- case 1:
- return _this.title;
- case 2:
- return _this.subtitle;
- case 3:
- return _this.trailing;
- }
- },
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = new A._RenderListTile(false, _this.visualDensity, false, _this.textDirection, _this.titleBaselineType, _this.subtitleBaselineType, _this.horizontalTitleGap, _this.minVerticalPadding, _this.minLeadingWidth, _this.titleAlignment, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$._ListTileSlot, type$.RenderBox), A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var _this = this;
- renderObject.set$isThreeLine(false);
- renderObject.set$isDense(false);
- renderObject.set$visualDensity(_this.visualDensity);
- renderObject.set$textDirection(_this.textDirection);
- renderObject.set$titleBaselineType(_this.titleBaselineType);
- renderObject.set$subtitleBaselineType(_this.subtitleBaselineType);
- renderObject.set$horizontalTitleGap(_this.horizontalTitleGap);
- renderObject.set$minLeadingWidth(_this.minLeadingWidth);
- renderObject.set$minVerticalPadding(_this.minVerticalPadding);
- renderObject.set$titleAlignment(_this.titleAlignment);
- }
- };
- A._RenderListTile.prototype = {
- get$children(_) {
- var t3,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RenderBox),
- t2 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild;
- if (t2.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_0) != null) {
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_0);
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- }
- if (t2.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_1) != null) {
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_1);
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- }
- if (t2.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_2) != null) {
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_2);
- t3.toString;
- t1.push(t3);
- }
- if (t2.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_3) != null) {
- t2 = t2.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_3);
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(t2);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- set$isDense(value) {
- return;
- },
- set$visualDensity(value) {
- if (this._visualDensity.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- this._visualDensity = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$isThreeLine(value) {
- return;
- },
- set$textDirection(value) {
- if (this._list_tile$_textDirection === value)
- return;
- this._list_tile$_textDirection = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$titleBaselineType(value) {
- if (this._titleBaselineType === value)
- return;
- this._titleBaselineType = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$subtitleBaselineType(value) {
- if (this._subtitleBaselineType === value)
- return;
- this._subtitleBaselineType = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- get$_effectiveHorizontalTitleGap() {
- return this._horizontalTitleGap + this._visualDensity.horizontal * 2;
- },
- set$horizontalTitleGap(value) {
- if (this._horizontalTitleGap === value)
- return;
- this._horizontalTitleGap = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$minVerticalPadding(value) {
- if (this._minVerticalPadding === value)
- return;
- this._minVerticalPadding = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$minLeadingWidth(value) {
- if (this._minLeadingWidth === value)
- return;
- this._minLeadingWidth = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$titleAlignment(value) {
- if (this._titleAlignment === value)
- return;
- this._titleAlignment = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- get$sizedByParent() {
- return false;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t2, leadingWidth, t3,
- t1 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild;
- if (t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_0) != null) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_0);
- leadingWidth = Math.max(t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth()), this._minLeadingWidth) + this.get$_effectiveHorizontalTitleGap();
- } else
- leadingWidth = 0;
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_1);
- t2 = t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- t3 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_2);
- t3 = t3 == null ? 0 : t3._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t3.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- t3 = Math.max(t2, t3);
- t1 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_3);
- t1 = t1 == null ? 0 : t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- return leadingWidth + t3 + t1;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t2, leadingWidth, t3,
- t1 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild;
- if (t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_0) != null) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_0);
- leadingWidth = Math.max(t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t2.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth()), this._minLeadingWidth) + this.get$_effectiveHorizontalTitleGap();
- } else
- leadingWidth = 0;
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_1);
- t2 = t2 == null ? 0 : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t2.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- t3 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_2);
- t3 = t3 == null ? 0 : t3._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t3.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- t3 = Math.max(t2, t3);
- t1 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_3);
- t1 = t1 == null ? 0 : t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- return leadingWidth + t3 + t1;
- },
- get$_defaultTileHeight() {
- var t1 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_2),
- t2 = this._visualDensity,
- baseDensity = new A.Offset(t2.horizontal, t2.vertical).$mul(0, 4);
- if (t1 == null)
- return 56 + baseDensity._dy;
- return 72 + baseDensity._dy;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1 = this.get$_defaultTileHeight(),
- t2 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild,
- t3 = t2.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_1);
- t3 = t3._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, t3.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- t2 = t2.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_2);
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, t2.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- return Math.max(t1, t3 + (t2 == null ? 0 : t2));
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return this.computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width);
- },
- computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- var t1 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild,
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_1).parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = type$.BoxParentData._as(t2).offset._dy;
- t1 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_1).getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline);
- t1.toString;
- return t2 + t1;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return B.Size_0_0;
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var looseConstraints, iconConstraints, leadingSize, trailingSize, titleStart, adjustedTrailingWidth, textConstraints, titleSize, subtitleSize, titleBaseline, subtitleBaseline, defaultTileHeight, t4, tileHeight, titleY, leadingY, subtitleY, titleOverlap, titleY0, trailingY, leadingY0, _this = this, _null = null,
- constraints = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)),
- t1 = _this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild,
- hasLeading = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_0) != null,
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_2) == null,
- hasSubtitle = !t2,
- hasTrailing = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_3) != null,
- t3 = _this._visualDensity,
- densityAdjustment = new A.Offset(t3.horizontal, t3.vertical).$mul(0, 4);
- t3 = constraints.maxWidth;
- looseConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, t3, 0, constraints.maxHeight);
- iconConstraints = looseConstraints.enforce$1(new A.BoxConstraints(0, 1 / 0, 0, 56 + densityAdjustment._dy));
- leadingSize = A._RenderListTile__layoutBox(t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_0), iconConstraints);
- trailingSize = A._RenderListTile__layoutBox(t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_3), iconConstraints);
- titleStart = hasLeading ? Math.max(_this._minLeadingWidth, leadingSize._dx) + _this.get$_effectiveHorizontalTitleGap() : 0;
- adjustedTrailingWidth = hasTrailing ? Math.max(trailingSize._dx + _this.get$_effectiveHorizontalTitleGap(), 32) : 0;
- textConstraints = looseConstraints.tighten$1$width(t3 - titleStart - adjustedTrailingWidth);
- titleSize = A._RenderListTile__layoutBox(t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_1), textConstraints);
- subtitleSize = A._RenderListTile__layoutBox(t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_2), textConstraints);
- if (hasSubtitle) {
- titleBaseline = 32;
- subtitleBaseline = 52;
- } else {
- subtitleBaseline = _null;
- titleBaseline = subtitleBaseline;
- }
- defaultTileHeight = _this.get$_defaultTileHeight();
- t4 = titleSize._dy;
- if (t2) {
- t2 = _this._minVerticalPadding;
- tileHeight = Math.max(defaultTileHeight, t4 + 2 * t2);
- titleY = (tileHeight - t4) / 2;
- leadingY = t2;
- subtitleY = _null;
- } else {
- titleBaseline.toString;
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_1).getDistanceToBaseline$1(_this._titleBaselineType);
- t2.toString;
- titleY = titleBaseline - t2;
- subtitleBaseline.toString;
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_2).getDistanceToBaseline$1(_this._subtitleBaselineType);
- t2.toString;
- subtitleY = subtitleBaseline - t2 + _this._visualDensity.vertical * 2;
- titleOverlap = titleY + t4 - subtitleY;
- if (titleOverlap > 0) {
- t2 = titleOverlap / 2;
- titleY -= t2;
- subtitleY += t2;
- }
- titleY0 = _this._minVerticalPadding;
- if (titleY < titleY0 || subtitleY + subtitleSize._dy + titleY0 > defaultTileHeight) {
- tileHeight = t4 + subtitleSize._dy + 2 * titleY0;
- subtitleY = t4 + titleY0;
- titleY = titleY0;
- } else
- tileHeight = defaultTileHeight;
- leadingY = titleY0;
- }
- switch (_this._titleAlignment.index) {
- case 0:
- leadingY = (tileHeight - leadingSize._dy) / 2;
- trailingY = (tileHeight - trailingSize._dy) / 2;
- break;
- case 1:
- if (tileHeight > 72) {
- leadingY = 16;
- trailingY = 16;
- } else {
- leadingY = Math.min((tileHeight - leadingSize._dy) / 2, 16);
- trailingY = (tileHeight - trailingSize._dy) / 2;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- trailingY = leadingY;
- break;
- case 3:
- leadingY = (tileHeight - leadingSize._dy) / 2;
- trailingY = (tileHeight - trailingSize._dy) / 2;
- break;
- case 4:
- leadingY0 = tileHeight - leadingSize._dy - leadingY;
- trailingY = tileHeight - trailingSize._dy - leadingY;
- leadingY = leadingY0;
- break;
- default:
- trailingY = _null;
- leadingY = trailingY;
- }
- switch (_this._list_tile$_textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- if (hasLeading) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_0).parentData;
- t2.toString;
- type$.BoxParentData._as(t2).offset = new A.Offset(t3 - leadingSize._dx, leadingY);
- }
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_1).parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t4 = type$.BoxParentData;
- t4._as(t2).offset = new A.Offset(adjustedTrailingWidth, titleY);
- if (hasSubtitle) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_2);
- t2.toString;
- subtitleY.toString;
- t2 = t2.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t4._as(t2).offset = new A.Offset(adjustedTrailingWidth, subtitleY);
- }
- if (hasTrailing) {
- t1 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_3).parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t4._as(t1).offset = new A.Offset(0, trailingY);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- if (hasLeading) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_0).parentData;
- t2.toString;
- type$.BoxParentData._as(t2).offset = new A.Offset(0, leadingY);
- }
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_1).parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t4 = type$.BoxParentData;
- t4._as(t2).offset = new A.Offset(titleStart, titleY);
- if (hasSubtitle) {
- t2 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_2);
- t2.toString;
- subtitleY.toString;
- t2 = t2.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t4._as(t2).offset = new A.Offset(titleStart, subtitleY);
- }
- if (hasTrailing) {
- t1 = t1.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_3).parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t4._as(t1).offset = new A.Offset(t3 - trailingSize._dx, trailingY);
- }
- break;
- }
- _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t3, tileHeight));
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1 = new A._RenderListTile_paint_doPaint(context, offset),
- t2 = this.SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin__slotToChild;
- t1.call$1(t2.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_0));
- t1.call$1(t2.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_1));
- t1.call$1(t2.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_2));
- t1.call$1(t2.$index(0, B._ListTileSlot_3));
- },
- hitTestSelf$1(position) {
- return true;
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _i, child, t4;
- for (t1 = this.get$children(this), t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.BoxParentData, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- child = t1[_i];
- t4 = child.parentData;
- t4.toString;
- t3._as(t4);
- if (result.addWithPaintOffset$3$hitTest$offset$position(new A._RenderListTile_hitTestChildren_closure(position, t4, child), t4.offset, position))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- };
- A._RenderListTile_paint_doPaint.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- var t1;
- if (child != null) {
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- this.context.paintChild$2(child, type$.BoxParentData._as(t1).offset.$add(0, this.offset));
- }
- },
- $signature: 238
- };
- A._RenderListTile_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, transformed) {
- return this.child.hitTest$2$position(result, transformed);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A._LisTileDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$_list_tile$_theme() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___LisTileDefaultsM2__theme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___LisTileDefaultsM2__theme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___LisTileDefaultsM2__theme_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_list_tile$_textTheme() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___LisTileDefaultsM2__textTheme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.get$_list_tile$_theme();
- _this.___LisTileDefaultsM2__textTheme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___LisTileDefaultsM2__textTheme_FI = t1.textTheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$tileColor() {
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- get$titleTextStyle() {
- switch (this.style.index) {
- case 1:
- return this.get$_list_tile$_textTheme().bodyLarge;
- case 0:
- return this.get$_list_tile$_textTheme().titleMedium;
- }
- },
- get$subtitleTextStyle() {
- return this.get$_list_tile$_textTheme().bodyMedium;
- },
- get$leadingAndTrailingTextStyle() {
- return this.get$_list_tile$_textTheme().bodyMedium;
- },
- get$selectedColor() {
- return this.get$_list_tile$_theme().colorScheme.primary;
- },
- get$iconColor() {
- switch (this.get$_list_tile$_theme().colorScheme.brightness.index) {
- case 1:
- return B.Color_1929379840;
- case 0:
- return null;
- }
- }
- };
- A._LisTileDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_list_tile$_theme() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___LisTileDefaultsM3__theme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___LisTileDefaultsM3__theme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___LisTileDefaultsM3__theme_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_list_tile$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___LisTileDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.get$_list_tile$_theme();
- _this.___LisTileDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___LisTileDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_list_tile$_textTheme() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___LisTileDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.get$_list_tile$_theme();
- _this.___LisTileDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___LisTileDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = t1.textTheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$tileColor() {
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- get$titleTextStyle() {
- return this.get$_list_tile$_textTheme().bodyLarge;
- },
- get$subtitleTextStyle() {
- return this.get$_list_tile$_textTheme().bodyMedium;
- },
- get$leadingAndTrailingTextStyle() {
- return this.get$_list_tile$_textTheme().labelSmall;
- },
- get$selectedColor() {
- return this.get$_list_tile$_colors().primary;
- },
- get$iconColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_list_tile$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- }
- };
- A.__ListTile_RenderObjectWidget_SlottedMultiChildRenderObjectWidgetMixin.prototype = {
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- return this.super$RenderObjectWidget$updateRenderObject(context, renderObject);
- }
- };
- A.__RenderListTile_RenderBox_SlottedContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- for (t1 = this.get$children(this), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].attach$1(owner);
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- for (t1 = this.get$children(this), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].detach$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.ListTileThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.dense, _this.shape, _this.style, _this.get$selectedColor(), _this.get$iconColor(), _this.textColor, _this.get$titleTextStyle(), _this.get$subtitleTextStyle(), _this.get$leadingAndTrailingTextStyle(), _this.contentPadding, _this.get$tileColor(), _this.selectedTileColor, _this.horizontalTitleGap, _this.minVerticalPadding, _this.minLeadingWidth, _this.enableFeedback, _this.mouseCursor, _this.visualDensity, _this.titleAlignment, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.ListTileThemeData)
- if (J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape))
- if (other.style == _this.style)
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$selectedColor(), _this.get$selectedColor()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$iconColor(), _this.get$iconColor()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$titleTextStyle(), _this.get$titleTextStyle()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$subtitleTextStyle(), _this.get$subtitleTextStyle()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$leadingAndTrailingTextStyle(), _this.get$leadingAndTrailingTextStyle()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.textColor, _this.textColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.contentPadding, _this.contentPadding))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$tileColor(), _this.get$tileColor()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.selectedTileColor, _this.selectedTileColor))
- if (other.horizontalTitleGap == _this.horizontalTitleGap)
- if (other.minVerticalPadding == _this.minVerticalPadding)
- if (other.minLeadingWidth == _this.minLeadingWidth)
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$selectedColor() {
- return this.selectedColor;
- },
- get$iconColor() {
- return this.iconColor;
- },
- get$titleTextStyle() {
- return this.titleTextStyle;
- },
- get$subtitleTextStyle() {
- return this.subtitleTextStyle;
- },
- get$leadingAndTrailingTextStyle() {
- return this.leadingAndTrailingTextStyle;
- },
- get$tileColor() {
- return this.tileColor;
- }
- };
- A.ListTileTheme.prototype = {
- get$data(_) {
- return this._list_tile_theme$_data;
- },
- wrap$2(_, context, child) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = this._list_tile_theme$_data;
- return A.ListTileTheme$(child, A.ListTileThemeData$(t1.contentPadding, t1.dense, t1.enableFeedback, t1.horizontalTitleGap, t1.iconColor, _null, t1.minLeadingWidth, t1.minVerticalPadding, _null, t1.selectedColor, t1.selectedTileColor, t1.shape, t1.style, _null, t1.textColor, t1.tileColor, _null, _null, _null), _null);
- },
- updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) {
- return !this.get$data(this).$eq(0, oldWidget.get$data(oldWidget));
- }
- };
- A.ListTileTheme_merge_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(context) {
- var $parent = A.ListTileTheme_of(context);
- return A.ListTileTheme$(this.child, A.ListTileThemeData$($parent.contentPadding, $parent.dense, $parent.enableFeedback, $parent.horizontalTitleGap, $parent.iconColor, $parent.leadingAndTrailingTextStyle, $parent.minLeadingWidth, $parent.minVerticalPadding, $parent.mouseCursor, $parent.selectedColor, $parent.selectedTileColor, $parent.shape, this.style, $parent.subtitleTextStyle, $parent.textColor, $parent.tileColor, $parent.titleAlignment, $parent.titleTextStyle, $parent.visualDensity), this.key);
- },
- $signature: 271
- };
- A._ListTileThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.TextMagnifier.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._TextMagnifierState(B.Offset_0_0, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A.TextMagnifier_adaptiveMagnifierConfiguration_closure.prototype = {
- call$3(context, controller, magnifierInfo) {
- switch (A.defaultTargetPlatform().index) {
- case 2:
- return new A.CupertinoTextMagnifier(controller, magnifierInfo, null);
- case 0:
- return new A.TextMagnifier(magnifierInfo, null);
- case 1:
- case 3:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- return null;
- }
- },
- "call*": "call$3",
- $requiredArgCount: 3,
- $signature: 272
- };
- A._TextMagnifierState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- this.super$State$initState();
- this._widget.magnifierInfo.addListener$1(0, this.get$_determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint());
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._widget.magnifierInfo.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint());
- t1 = _this._positionShouldBeAnimatedTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- this._determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint$0();
- this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = oldWidget.magnifierInfo;
- if (t1 !== _this._widget.magnifierInfo) {
- t2 = _this.get$_determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint();
- t1.removeListener$1(0, t2);
- _this._widget.magnifierInfo.addListener$1(0, t2);
- }
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- },
- _determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint$0() {
- var t3, t4, screenBoundsAdjustedMagnifierRect, t5, t6, newGlobalFocalPointX, positionShouldBeAnimated, _this = this, t1 = {},
- selectionInfo = _this._widget.magnifierInfo._change_notifier$_value,
- t2 = _this._framework$_element;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(t2, B._MediaQueryAspect_0, type$.MediaQuery).data.size;
- t3 = selectionInfo.globalGesturePosition;
- t4 = selectionInfo.currentLineBoundaries;
- t4 = new A.Offset(A.clampDouble(t3._dx, t4.left, t4.right), selectionInfo.caretRect.get$center()._dy).$sub(0, new A.Offset(38.685, 59.9));
- t3 = t4._dx;
- t4 = t4._dy;
- screenBoundsAdjustedMagnifierRect = A.MagnifierController_shiftWithinBounds(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t2._dx, 0 + t2._dy), new A.Rect(t3, t4, t3 + 77.37, t4 + 37.9));
- t3 = screenBoundsAdjustedMagnifierRect.top;
- t2 = selectionInfo.fieldBounds;
- t5 = t2.right;
- t6 = t2.left;
- newGlobalFocalPointX = t5 - t6 < 61.896 ? t2.get$center()._dx : A.clampDouble(screenBoundsAdjustedMagnifierRect.get$center()._dx, t6 + 30.948, t5 - 30.948);
- t2 = screenBoundsAdjustedMagnifierRect.get$center();
- positionShouldBeAnimated = t1.positionShouldBeAnimated = _this._positionShouldBeAnimatedTimer;
- t5 = _this._magnifierPosition;
- if (t5 != null && t3 !== t5._dy) {
- if (positionShouldBeAnimated != null && positionShouldBeAnimated._handle != null)
- positionShouldBeAnimated.cancel$0(0);
- t1.positionShouldBeAnimated = A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_70000, new A._TextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint_closure(_this));
- }
- _this.setState$1(new A._TextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint_closure0(t1, _this, new A.Offset(screenBoundsAdjustedMagnifierRect.left, t3), new A.Offset(newGlobalFocalPointX - t2._dx, t4 - t3)));
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t3,
- t1 = this._magnifierPosition,
- t2 = t1._dy;
- t1 = t1._dx;
- t3 = this._positionShouldBeAnimatedTimer != null ? B.Duration_70000 : B.Duration_0;
- return A.AnimatedPositioned$(new A.Magnifier(this._extraFocalPointOffset, null), B.C__Linear, t3, t1, t2);
- }
- };
- A._TextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- return t1.setState$1(new A._TextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint__closure(t1));
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._TextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._positionShouldBeAnimatedTimer = null;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._TextMagnifierState__determineMagnifierPositionAndFocalPoint_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.$this;
- t1._magnifierPosition = _this.finalMagnifierPosition;
- t1._positionShouldBeAnimatedTimer = _this._box_0.positionShouldBeAnimated;
- t1._extraFocalPointOffset = _this.focalPointAdjustmentForScreenBoundsAdjustment;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.Magnifier.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- return new A.RawMagnifier(new A.ColoredBox(B.Color_144613022, null, null), A.MagnifierDecoration$(1, B.List_gam, new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(B.BorderRadius_tLn4, B.BorderSide_8xm)), this.additionalFocalPointOffset.$add(0, new A.Offset(0, 40.95)), 1.25, B.Size_Q8J, null);
- }
- };
- A.MaterialType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "MaterialType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.Material.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._MaterialState(new A.LabeledGlobalKey("ink renderer", type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._MaterialState.prototype = {
- _getBackgroundColor$1(context) {
- var theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- t1 = this._widget,
- color = t1.color;
- if (color == null)
- switch (t1.type.index) {
- case 0:
- color = theme.canvasColor;
- break;
- case 1:
- color = theme.cardColor;
- break;
- case 3:
- case 2:
- case 4:
- break;
- }
- return color;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t2, modelElevation, contents, color, shape, t3, t4, _this = this, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- backgroundColor = _this._getBackgroundColor$1(context),
- t1 = _this._widget,
- modelShadowColor = t1.shadowColor;
- if (modelShadowColor == null)
- if (theme.useMaterial3) {
- t2 = theme.colorScheme._shadow;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = B.Color_4278190080;
- modelShadowColor = t2;
- } else {
- t2 = theme.shadowColor;
- modelShadowColor = t2;
- }
- modelElevation = t1.elevation;
- contents = t1.child;
- if (contents != null) {
- t1 = t1.textStyle;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium;
- t1.toString;
- }
- t2 = _this._widget;
- contents = A.AnimatedDefaultTextStyle$(contents, B.C__Linear, t2.animationDuration, t1);
- t1 = t2;
- }
- t2 = t1.type;
- contents = new A.NotificationListener(new A._MaterialState_build_closure(_this), new A._InkFeatures(backgroundColor, _this, t2 !== B.MaterialType_4, contents, _this._inkFeatureRenderer), _null, type$.NotificationListener_LayoutChangedNotification);
- if (t2 === B.MaterialType_0 && t1.shape == null && t1.borderRadius == null) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- t2 = _this._widget;
- if (t1.useMaterial3) {
- backgroundColor.toString;
- color = A.ElevationOverlay_applySurfaceTint(backgroundColor, t2.surfaceTintColor, t2.elevation);
- } else {
- backgroundColor.toString;
- color = A.ElevationOverlay_applyOverlay(context, backgroundColor, t2.elevation);
- }
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t1.animationDuration;
- return new A.AnimatedPhysicalModel(contents, B.BoxShape_0, t1.clipBehavior, modelElevation, color, false, modelShadowColor, B.Cubic_ifx, t2, _null, _null);
- }
- shape = _this._getShape$0();
- t1 = _this._widget;
- if (t1.type === B.MaterialType_4)
- return A.ClipPath$(new A._ShapeBorderPaint(contents, shape, true, _null), t1.clipBehavior, new A.ShapeBorderClipper(shape, A.Directionality_maybeOf(context), _null));
- t2 = t1.animationDuration;
- t3 = t1.clipBehavior;
- t4 = t1.elevation;
- backgroundColor.toString;
- return new A._MaterialInterior(contents, shape, true, t3, t4, backgroundColor, modelShadowColor, t1.surfaceTintColor, B.Cubic_ifx, t2, _null, _null);
- },
- _getShape$0() {
- var t1 = this._widget,
- t2 = t1.shape;
- if (t2 != null)
- return t2;
- t2 = t1.borderRadius;
- if (t2 != null)
- return new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(t2, B.BorderSide_8xm);
- t1 = t1.type;
- switch (t1.index) {
- case 0:
- case 4:
- return B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D;
- case 1:
- case 3:
- t1 = B.Map_admLh.$index(0, t1);
- t1.toString;
- return new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(t1, B.BorderSide_8xm);
- case 2:
- return B.CircleBorder_Umb;
- }
- }
- };
- A._MaterialState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(notification) {
- var t2,
- t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner._globalKeyRegistry.$index(0, this.$this._inkFeatureRenderer).get$renderObject();
- t1.toString;
- type$._RenderInkFeatures._as(t1);
- t2 = t1._inkFeatures;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(t2);
- if (t2 === true)
- t1.markNeedsPaint$0();
- return false;
- },
- $signature: 273
- };
- A._RenderInkFeatures.prototype = {
- addInkFeature$1(feature) {
- var t1 = this._inkFeatures;
- J.add$1$ax(t1 == null ? this._inkFeatures = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_InkFeature) : t1, feature);
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- hitTestSelf$1(position) {
- return this.absorbHitTest;
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var canvas, t1, t2, transform,
- inkFeatures = this._inkFeatures;
- if (inkFeatures != null && J.get$isNotEmpty$asx(inkFeatures)) {
- canvas = context.get$canvas(context);
- canvas.save$0(0);
- canvas.translate$2(0, offset._dx, offset._dy);
- t1 = this._size;
- canvas.clipRect$1(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy));
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(inkFeatures); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t2 = t1.get$current(t1);
- transform = A.InkFeature__getPaintTransform(t2._material$_controller, t2.referenceBox);
- if (transform != null)
- t2.paintFeature$2(canvas, transform);
- }
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- }
- this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, offset);
- }
- };
- A._InkFeatures.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A._RenderInkFeatures(this.vsync, this.color, this.absorbHitTest, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.color = this.color;
- renderObject.absorbHitTest = this.absorbHitTest;
- }
- };
- A.InkFeature.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this._material$_controller,
- t2 = t1._inkFeatures;
- t2.toString;
- J.remove$1$ax(t2, this);
- t1.markNeedsPaint$0();
- this.onRemoved.call$0();
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "#" + A.shortHash(this);
- }
- };
- A.ShapeBorderTween.prototype = {
- lerp$1(t) {
- return A.ShapeBorder_lerp(this.begin, this.end, t);
- }
- };
- A._MaterialInterior.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._MaterialInteriorState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._MaterialInteriorState.prototype = {
- forEachTween$1(visitor) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this._elevation = type$.nullable_Tween_double._as(visitor.call$3(_this._elevation, _this._widget.elevation, new A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure()));
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = type$.nullable_ColorTween;
- t1 = t2._as(visitor.call$3(_this._shadowColor, t1.shadowColor, new A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure0()));
- _this._shadowColor = t1;
- t1 = _this._widget.surfaceTintColor;
- _this._surfaceTintColor = t1 != null ? t2._as(visitor.call$3(_this._surfaceTintColor, t1, new A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure1())) : null;
- _this._border = type$.nullable_ShapeBorderTween._as(visitor.call$3(_this._border, _this._widget.shape, new A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure2()));
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t2, t3, elevation, t4, color, shadowColor, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this._border;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this.get$_animation();
- t2 = t1.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2));
- t2.toString;
- t1 = _this._elevation;
- t1.toString;
- t3 = _this.get$_animation();
- elevation = t1.transform$1(0, t3.get$value(t3));
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- t3 = _this._widget;
- if (t1.useMaterial3) {
- t1 = t3.color;
- t3 = _this._surfaceTintColor;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = _null;
- else {
- t4 = _this.get$_animation();
- t4 = t3.transform$1(0, t4.get$value(t4));
- t3 = t4;
- }
- color = A.ElevationOverlay_applySurfaceTint(t1, t3, elevation);
- } else
- color = A.ElevationOverlay_applyOverlay(context, t3.color, elevation);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = _this._shadowColor;
- if (t1 == null)
- shadowColor = _null;
- else {
- t3 = _this.get$_animation();
- t3 = t1.transform$1(0, t3.get$value(t3));
- shadowColor = t3;
- }
- if (shadowColor == null)
- shadowColor = B.Color_0;
- t1 = A.Directionality_maybeOf(context);
- t3 = _this._widget;
- return new A.PhysicalShape(new A.ShapeBorderClipper(t2, t1, _null), t3.clipBehavior, elevation, color, shadowColor, new A._ShapeBorderPaint(t3.child, t2, true, _null), _null);
- }
- };
- A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return new A.Tween(A._asDouble(value), null, type$.Tween_double);
- },
- $signature: 41
- };
- A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return new A.ColorTween(type$.Color._as(value), null);
- },
- $signature: 82
- };
- A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return new A.ColorTween(type$.Color._as(value), null);
- },
- $signature: 82
- };
- A._MaterialInteriorState_forEachTween_closure2.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return new A.ShapeBorderTween(type$.ShapeBorder._as(value), null);
- },
- $signature: 276
- };
- A._ShapeBorderPaint.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var t1 = A.Directionality_maybeOf(context);
- return A.CustomPaint$(this.child, new A._ShapeBorderPainter(this.shape, t1, null), null, null, B.Size_0_0);
- }
- };
- A._ShapeBorderPainter.prototype = {
- paint$2(canvas, size) {
- this.border.paint$3$textDirection(canvas, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + size._dx, 0 + size._dy), this.textDirection);
- },
- shouldRepaint$1(oldDelegate) {
- return !oldDelegate.border.$eq(0, this.border);
- }
- };
- A.__MaterialState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.MaterialButton.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _this = this, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- buttonTheme = A.ButtonTheme_of(context),
- t1 = buttonTheme.getFillColor$1(_this),
- t2 = theme.textTheme.labelLarge;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = t2.copyWith$1$color(buttonTheme.getTextColor$1(_this));
- t3 = buttonTheme._focusColor;
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = buttonTheme.getTextColor$1(_this);
- t3 = A.Color$fromARGB(31, t3.get$value(t3) >>> 16 & 255, t3.get$value(t3) >>> 8 & 255, t3.get$value(t3) & 255);
- }
- t4 = buttonTheme._hoverColor;
- if (t4 == null) {
- t4 = buttonTheme.getTextColor$1(_this);
- t4 = A.Color$fromARGB(10, t4.get$value(t4) >>> 16 & 255, t4.get$value(t4) >>> 8 & 255, t4.get$value(t4) & 255);
- }
- t5 = buttonTheme.getPadding$1(_this);
- t6 = new A.BoxConstraints(buttonTheme.minWidth, 1 / 0, buttonTheme.height, 1 / 0).copyWith$2$minHeight$minWidth(_null, _null);
- t7 = _this.shape;
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = buttonTheme.get$shape(buttonTheme);
- return A.RawMaterialButton$(B.Duration_200000, false, _this.child, B.Clip_0, t6, 0, 2, true, t1, t3, 4, _null, theme.highlightColor, 8, t4, 4, theme.materialTapTargetSize, _null, _null, _null, _this.onPressed, t5, t7, theme.splashColor, t2, theme.visualDensity);
- }
- };
- A._MaterialLocalizationsDelegate.prototype = {
- isSupported$1(locale) {
- return locale.get$languageCode(locale) === "en";
- },
- load$1(_, locale) {
- return new A.SynchronousFuture(B.C_DefaultMaterialLocalizations, type$.SynchronousFuture_MaterialLocalizations);
- },
- shouldReload$1(old) {
- return false;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "DefaultMaterialLocalizations.delegate(en_US)";
- }
- };
- A.DefaultMaterialLocalizations.prototype = {
- _getDaysInMonth$2(year, month) {
- if (month === 2) {
- if (B.JSInt_methods.$mod(year, 4) === 0 && B.JSInt_methods.$mod(year, 100) !== 0 || B.JSInt_methods.$mod(year, 400) === 0)
- return 29;
- return 28;
- }
- return B.List_7L0[month - 1];
- },
- _formatTwoDigitZeroPad$1(number) {
- if (number < 10)
- return "0" + number;
- return "" + number;
- },
- formatFullDate$1(date) {
- var month = B.List_EC3[A.Primitives_getMonth(date) - 1];
- return B.List_6TA[A.Primitives_getWeekday(date) - 1] + ", " + month + " " + A.Primitives_getDay(date) + ", " + A.Primitives_getYear(date);
- },
- formatMonthYear$1(date) {
- var year = B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(A.Primitives_getYear(date));
- return B.List_EC3[A.Primitives_getMonth(date) - 1] + " " + year;
- },
- parseCompactDate$1(inputString) {
- var inputParts, year, month, day, t1, _null = null;
- if (inputString == null)
- return _null;
- inputParts = inputString.split("/");
- if (inputParts.length !== 3)
- return _null;
- year = A.Primitives_parseInt(inputParts[2], 10);
- if (year == null || year < 1)
- return _null;
- month = A.Primitives_parseInt(inputParts[0], 10);
- if (month == null || month < 1 || month > 12)
- return _null;
- day = A.Primitives_parseInt(inputParts[1], 10);
- if (day == null || day < 1 || day > this._getDaysInMonth$2(year, month))
- return _null;
- t1 = A.Primitives_valueFromDecomposedDate(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0, 0, false);
- if (!A._isInt(t1))
- A.throwExpression(A.argumentErrorValue(t1));
- return new A.DateTime(t1, false);
- },
- formatDecimal$1(number) {
- var digits, t1, maxDigitIndex, i;
- if (number > -1000 && number < 1000)
- return B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(number);
- digits = B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(Math.abs(number));
- t1 = number < 0 ? "-" : "";
- maxDigitIndex = digits.length - 1;
- for (i = 0; i <= maxDigitIndex; ++i) {
- t1 += digits[i];
- if (i < maxDigitIndex && B.JSInt_methods.$mod(maxDigitIndex - i, 3) === 0)
- t1 += ",";
- }
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- $isMaterialLocalizations: 1
- };
- A.MaterialState.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "MaterialState." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.MaterialStateColor.prototype = {$isMaterialStateProperty: 1};
- A._MaterialStateColor.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- return this._material_state$_resolve.call$1(states);
- }
- };
- A.MaterialStateMouseCursor.prototype = {
- createSession$1(device) {
- return this.resolve$1(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.MaterialState)).createSession$1(device);
- },
- $isMaterialStateProperty: 1
- };
- A._EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return B.SystemMouseCursor_basic;
- return this.enabledCursor;
- },
- get$debugDescription() {
- return "MaterialStateMouseCursor(" + this.name + ")";
- },
- get$name(receiver) {
- return this.name;
- }
- };
- A.MaterialStateBorderSide.prototype = {$isMaterialStateProperty: 1};
- A._MaterialStateBorderSide.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- return this._material_state$_resolve.call$1(states);
- }
- };
- A.MaterialStateTextStyle.prototype = {$isMaterialStateProperty: 1};
- A._MaterialStateTextStyle.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- return this._material_state$_resolve.call$1(states);
- }
- };
- A.MaterialStateProperty.prototype = {};
- A._LerpProperties.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- var resolvedB, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.a,
- resolvedA = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states);
- t1 = _this.b;
- resolvedB = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states);
- return _this.lerpFunction.call$3(resolvedA, resolvedB, _this.t);
- },
- $isMaterialStateProperty: 1
- };
- A._MaterialStatePropertyWith.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- return this._material_state$_resolve.call$1(states);
- },
- $isMaterialStateProperty: 1
- };
- A.MaterialStatePropertyAll.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- return this.value;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _s25_ = "MaterialStatePropertyAll(",
- t1 = this.value;
- if (typeof t1 == "number")
- return _s25_ + A.debugFormatDouble(t1) + ")";
- else
- return _s25_ + A.S(t1) + ")";
- },
- $isMaterialStateProperty: 1
- };
- A.MaterialStatesController.prototype = {
- update$2(_, state, add) {
- var t1 = this._change_notifier$_value;
- if (add ? J.add$1$ax(t1, state) : J.remove$1$ax(t1, state))
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- }
- };
- A.MaterialStateMixin.prototype = {
- updateMaterialState$2$onChanged(key, onChanged) {
- return new A.MaterialStateMixin_updateMaterialState_closure(this, key, onChanged);
- },
- updateMaterialState$1(key) {
- return this.updateMaterialState$2$onChanged(key, null);
- },
- addMaterialState$1(state) {
- if (this.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates.add$1(0, state))
- this.setState$1(new A.MaterialStateMixin_addMaterialState_closure());
- },
- removeMaterialState$1(state) {
- if (this.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates.remove$1(0, state))
- this.setState$1(new A.MaterialStateMixin_removeMaterialState_closure());
- }
- };
- A.MaterialStateMixin_updateMaterialState_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = this.key;
- if (t1.MaterialStateMixin_materialStates.contains$1(0, t2) === value)
- return;
- if (value)
- t1.addMaterialState$1(t2);
- else
- t1.removeMaterialState$1(t2);
- },
- $signature: 12
- };
- A.MaterialStateMixin_addMaterialState_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.MaterialStateMixin_removeMaterialState_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.MenuBarThemeData.prototype = {};
- A.MenuButtonThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(this.style);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.MenuButtonThemeData && J.$eq$(other.style, this.style);
- }
- };
- A._MenuButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.MenuStyle.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hashAll([_this.backgroundColor, _this.shadowColor, _this.surfaceTintColor, _this.elevation, _this.padding, _this.minimumSize, _this.fixedSize, _this.maximumSize, _this.side, _this.shape, _this.mouseCursor, _this.visualDensity, _this.alignment]);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.MenuStyle)
- if (other.backgroundColor == _this.backgroundColor)
- if (other.shadowColor == _this.shadowColor)
- if (other.surfaceTintColor == _this.surfaceTintColor)
- if (other.elevation == _this.elevation)
- if (other.padding == _this.padding)
- if (other.minimumSize == _this.minimumSize)
- if (other.fixedSize == _this.fixedSize)
- if (other.maximumSize == _this.maximumSize)
- if (other.side === _this.side)
- if (other.shape == _this.shape)
- t1 = J.$eq$(other.alignment, _this.alignment);
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._LerpSides1.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- var resolvedB, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.a,
- resolvedA = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states);
- t1 = _this.b;
- resolvedB = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states);
- t1 = resolvedA == null;
- if (t1 && resolvedB == null)
- return null;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = resolvedB.color;
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(0, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255), 0, B.BorderStyle_1, -1), resolvedB, _this.t);
- }
- if (resolvedB == null) {
- t1 = resolvedA.color;
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(resolvedA, new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(0, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255), 0, B.BorderStyle_1, -1), _this.t);
- }
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(resolvedA, resolvedB, _this.t);
- },
- $isMaterialStateProperty: 1
- };
- A._MenuStyle_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.MenuThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(this.style);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.MenuThemeData && J.$eq$(other.style, this.style);
- }
- };
- A._MenuThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.NavigationBarThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.height, _this.backgroundColor, _this.elevation, _this.shadowColor, _this.surfaceTintColor, _this.indicatorColor, _this.indicatorShape, _this.labelTextStyle, _this.iconTheme, _this.labelBehavior, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.NavigationBarThemeData && other.height == _this.height && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.shadowColor, _this.shadowColor) && J.$eq$(other.surfaceTintColor, _this.surfaceTintColor) && J.$eq$(other.indicatorColor, _this.indicatorColor) && J.$eq$(other.indicatorShape, _this.indicatorShape) && other.labelTextStyle == _this.labelTextStyle && other.iconTheme == _this.iconTheme && true;
- }
- };
- A._NavigationBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.NavigationDrawerThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.tileHeight, _this.backgroundColor, _this.elevation, _this.shadowColor, _this.surfaceTintColor, _this.indicatorColor, _this.indicatorShape, _this.indicatorSize, _this.labelTextStyle, _this.iconTheme, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.NavigationDrawerThemeData && other.tileHeight == _this.tileHeight && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.shadowColor, _this.shadowColor) && J.$eq$(other.surfaceTintColor, _this.surfaceTintColor) && J.$eq$(other.indicatorColor, _this.indicatorColor) && J.$eq$(other.indicatorShape, _this.indicatorShape) && J.$eq$(other.indicatorSize, _this.indicatorSize) && other.labelTextStyle == _this.labelTextStyle && other.iconTheme == _this.iconTheme;
- }
- };
- A._NavigationDrawerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.NavigationRailThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.backgroundColor, _this.elevation, _this.unselectedLabelTextStyle, _this.selectedLabelTextStyle, _this.unselectedIconTheme, _this.selectedIconTheme, _this.groupAlignment, _this.labelType, _this.useIndicator, _this.indicatorColor, _this.indicatorShape, _this.minWidth, _this.minExtendedWidth, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.NavigationRailThemeData && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.unselectedLabelTextStyle, _this.unselectedLabelTextStyle) && J.$eq$(other.selectedLabelTextStyle, _this.selectedLabelTextStyle) && J.$eq$(other.unselectedIconTheme, _this.unselectedIconTheme) && J.$eq$(other.selectedIconTheme, _this.selectedIconTheme) && other.groupAlignment == _this.groupAlignment && J.$eq$(other.indicatorColor, _this.indicatorColor) && J.$eq$(other.indicatorShape, _this.indicatorShape) && other.minWidth == _this.minWidth && other.minExtendedWidth == _this.minExtendedWidth;
- }
- };
- A._NavigationRailThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.OutlinedButton.prototype = {
- defaultStyleOf$1(context) {
- var t1, foreground, disabledForeground, t2, t3, foregroundColorProp, backgroundColorProp, overlayColor, t4, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- colorScheme = theme.colorScheme;
- if (A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3)
- t1 = new A._OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3(context, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.Duration_200000, true, B.Alignment_0_0, _null);
- else {
- foreground = colorScheme.primary;
- t1 = colorScheme.onSurface.value;
- disabledForeground = A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- t1 = theme.textTheme.labelLarge;
- t2 = A._scaledPadding1(context);
- t3 = A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme.onSurface.value;
- t3 = A.Color$fromARGB(31, t3 >>> 16 & 255, t3 >>> 8 & 255, t3 & 255);
- foregroundColorProp = new A._OutlinedButtonDefaultColor(foreground, disabledForeground);
- backgroundColorProp = new A._OutlinedButtonDefaultColor(B.Color_0, B.Color_0);
- overlayColor = new A._OutlinedButtonDefaultOverlay(foreground);
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(t1, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_TextStyle);
- t4 = type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Size;
- t1 = A.ButtonStyle$(B.Alignment_0_0, B.Duration_200000, backgroundColorProp, new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(0, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_double), true, _null, foregroundColorProp, _null, _null, new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(B.Size_wjo, t4), new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(B.Size_64_36, t4), new A._OutlinedButtonDefaultMouseCursor(B.SystemMouseCursor_click, B.SystemMouseCursor_basic), overlayColor, new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(t2, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_EdgeInsetsGeometry), new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(theme.shadowColor, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color), new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D4, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_OutlinedBorder), new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(new A.BorderSide(t3, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1), type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_BorderSide), B.C__InkRippleFactory, _null, theme.materialTapTargetSize, t1, theme.visualDensity);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- themeStyleOf$1(context) {
- var t1;
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.OutlinedButtonTheme);
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- return t1.outlinedButtonTheme.style;
- }
- };
- A._OutlinedButtonDefaultColor.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return this.disabled;
- return this.color;
- }
- };
- A._OutlinedButtonDefaultOverlay.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- var t1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = this.foreground;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(10, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1) || states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = this.foreground;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- return null;
- }
- };
- A._OutlinedButtonDefaultMouseCursor.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return this.disabledCursor;
- return this.enabledCursor;
- }
- };
- A._OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_outlined_button$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$textStyle() {
- return new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(A.Theme_of(this.context).textTheme.labelLarge, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_nullable_TextStyle);
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color_0;
- },
- get$foregroundColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color_0;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color_0;
- },
- get$elevation(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_0;
- },
- get$padding(_) {
- return new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(A._scaledPadding1(this.context), type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_EdgeInsetsGeometry);
- },
- get$minimumSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Size_64_40;
- },
- get$maximumSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_sty;
- },
- get$side() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_side_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_BorderSide);
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_WV2;
- },
- get$mouseCursor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure(), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_MouseCursor);
- },
- get$visualDensity() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).visualDensity;
- },
- get$tapTargetSize() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$splashFactory() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).splashFactory;
- }
- };
- A._OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_outlined_button$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return this.$this.get$_outlined_button$_colors().primary;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_outlined_button$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_outlined_button$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_outlined_button$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_side_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_outlined_button$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255), 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- }
- t1 = this.$this.get$_outlined_button$_colors();
- t2 = t1._outline;
- return new A.BorderSide(t2 == null ? t1.onBackground : t2, 1, B.BorderStyle_1, -1);
- },
- $signature: 132
- };
- A._OutlinedButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return B.SystemMouseCursor_basic;
- return B.SystemMouseCursor_click;
- },
- $signature: 56
- };
- A.__OutlinedButtonDefaultColor_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.__OutlinedButtonDefaultMouseCursor_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.__OutlinedButtonDefaultOverlay_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.OutlinedButtonThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(this.style);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.OutlinedButtonThemeData && J.$eq$(other.style, this.style);
- }
- };
- A._OutlinedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.MaterialPageRoute.prototype = {
- get$debugLabel() {
- return A.TransitionRoute.prototype.get$debugLabel.call(this) + "(" + A.S(this._settings.name) + ")";
- },
- get$maintainState() {
- return true;
- }
- };
- A.MaterialRouteTransitionMixin.prototype = {
- get$transitionDuration(_) {
- return B.Duration_300000;
- },
- get$barrierColor() {
- return null;
- },
- get$barrierLabel() {
- return null;
- },
- canTransitionTo$1(nextRoute) {
- var t1;
- if (!(type$.MaterialRouteTransitionMixin_dynamic._is(nextRoute) && true))
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- buildPage$3(context, animation, secondaryAnimation) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = this.builder.call$1(context);
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, true, false, t1, _null);
- },
- buildTransitions$4(context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child) {
- var platform, matchingBuilder;
- A.Theme_of(context);
- platform = A.Theme_of(context).platform;
- matchingBuilder = B.Map_46Aa4.$index(0, this._navigator$_navigator.userGestureInProgressNotifier._change_notifier$_value ? B.TargetPlatform_2 : platform);
- if (matchingBuilder == null)
- matchingBuilder = B.C_ZoomPageTransitionsBuilder;
- return matchingBuilder.buildTransitions$1$5(this, context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child, this.$ti._precomputed1);
- }
- };
- A._MaterialPageRoute_PageRoute_MaterialRouteTransitionMixin.prototype = {};
- A._ZoomPageTransition.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.DualTransitionBuilder(_this.animation, new A._ZoomPageTransition_build_closure(_this), new A._ZoomPageTransition_build_closure0(_this), new A.DualTransitionBuilder(new A.ReverseAnimation(_this.secondaryAnimation, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), 0), new A._ZoomPageTransition_build_closure1(_this), new A._ZoomPageTransition_build_closure2(_this), _this.child, null), null);
- }
- };
- A._ZoomPageTransition_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$3(context, animation, child) {
- return new A._ZoomEnterTransition(animation, child, this.$this.allowSnapshotting && true, false, null);
- },
- "call*": "call$3",
- $requiredArgCount: 3,
- $signature: 237
- };
- A._ZoomPageTransition_build_closure0.prototype = {
- call$3(context, animation, child) {
- return new A._ZoomExitTransition(animation, this.$this.allowSnapshotting, true, child, null);
- },
- "call*": "call$3",
- $requiredArgCount: 3,
- $signature: 236
- };
- A._ZoomPageTransition_build_closure1.prototype = {
- call$3(context, animation, child) {
- return new A._ZoomEnterTransition(animation, child, this.$this.allowSnapshotting && true, true, null);
- },
- "call*": "call$3",
- $requiredArgCount: 3,
- $signature: 237
- };
- A._ZoomPageTransition_build_closure2.prototype = {
- call$3(context, animation, child) {
- return new A._ZoomExitTransition(animation, this.$this.allowSnapshotting, false, child, null);
- },
- "call*": "call$3",
- $requiredArgCount: 3,
- $signature: 236
- };
- A._ZoomEnterTransition.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._ZoomEnterTransitionState(new A.SnapshotController($.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners()), $, $, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._ZoomEnterTransitionState.prototype = {
- get$useSnapshot() {
- return false;
- },
- _page_transitions_theme$_updateAnimations$0() {
- var t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._widget,
- t2 = t1.reverse;
- if (t2)
- t3 = B.C__AlwaysCompleteAnimation;
- else {
- t3 = $.$get$_ZoomEnterTransitionState__fadeInTransition();
- t3 = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t1.animation, t3, A._instanceType(t3)._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- }
- _this._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_fadeTransition_A = t3;
- t2 = t2 ? $.$get$_ZoomEnterTransitionState__scaleDownTransition() : $.$get$_ZoomEnterTransitionState__scaleUpTransition();
- t1 = t1.animation;
- _this._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_scaleTransition_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t1, t2, A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- t1.addListener$1(0, _this.get$onAnimationValueChange());
- _this._widget.animation.addStatusListener$1(_this.get$onAnimationStatusChange());
- },
- initState$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this;
- _this._page_transitions_theme$_updateAnimations$0();
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t1.reverse;
- t3 = _this._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_fadeTransition_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = _this._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_scaleTransition_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.___ZoomEnterTransitionState_delegate_A = A._ZoomEnterTransitionPainter$(t1.animation, t3, t2, t4);
- _this.super$State$initState();
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._widget;
- if (oldWidget.reverse !== t1.reverse || oldWidget.animation !== t1.animation) {
- t1 = oldWidget.animation;
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$onAnimationValueChange());
- t1.removeStatusListener$1(_this.get$onAnimationStatusChange());
- _this._page_transitions_theme$_updateAnimations$0();
- t1 = _this.___ZoomEnterTransitionState_delegate_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t1.reverse;
- t3 = _this._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_fadeTransition_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = _this._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_scaleTransition_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.___ZoomEnterTransitionState_delegate_A = A._ZoomEnterTransitionPainter$(t1.animation, t3, t2, t4);
- }
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._widget.animation.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$onAnimationValueChange());
- _this._widget.animation.removeStatusListener$1(_this.get$onAnimationStatusChange());
- t1 = _this.___ZoomEnterTransitionState_delegate_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1 = this.___ZoomEnterTransitionState_delegate_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return A.SnapshotWidget$(true, this._widget.child, this._ZoomTransitionBase_controller, B.SnapshotMode_0, t1);
- }
- };
- A._ZoomExitTransition.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._ZoomExitTransitionState(new A.SnapshotController($.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners()), $, $, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._ZoomExitTransitionState.prototype = {
- get$useSnapshot() {
- return false;
- },
- _page_transitions_theme$_updateAnimations$0() {
- var t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._widget,
- t2 = t1.reverse;
- if (t2) {
- t3 = $.$get$_ZoomExitTransitionState__fadeOutTransition();
- t3 = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t1.animation, t3, A._instanceType(t3)._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- } else
- t3 = B.C__AlwaysCompleteAnimation;
- _this._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_fadeTransition_A = t3;
- t2 = t2 ? $.$get$_ZoomExitTransitionState__scaleDownTransition() : $.$get$_ZoomExitTransitionState__scaleUpTransition();
- t1 = t1.animation;
- _this._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_scaleTransition_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t1, t2, A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- t1.addListener$1(0, _this.get$onAnimationValueChange());
- _this._widget.animation.addStatusListener$1(_this.get$onAnimationStatusChange());
- },
- initState$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this;
- _this._page_transitions_theme$_updateAnimations$0();
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t1.reverse;
- t3 = _this._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_fadeTransition_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = _this._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_scaleTransition_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.___ZoomExitTransitionState_delegate_A = A._ZoomExitTransitionPainter$(t1.animation, t3, t2, t4);
- _this.super$State$initState();
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._widget;
- if (oldWidget.reverse !== t1.reverse || oldWidget.animation !== t1.animation) {
- t1 = oldWidget.animation;
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$onAnimationValueChange());
- t1.removeStatusListener$1(_this.get$onAnimationStatusChange());
- _this._page_transitions_theme$_updateAnimations$0();
- t1 = _this.___ZoomExitTransitionState_delegate_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t1.reverse;
- t3 = _this._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_fadeTransition_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = _this._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_scaleTransition_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.___ZoomExitTransitionState_delegate_A = A._ZoomExitTransitionPainter$(t1.animation, t3, t2, t4);
- }
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._widget.animation.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$onAnimationValueChange());
- _this._widget.animation.removeStatusListener$1(_this.get$onAnimationStatusChange());
- t1 = _this.___ZoomExitTransitionState_delegate_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1 = this.___ZoomExitTransitionState_delegate_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return A.SnapshotWidget$(true, this._widget.child, this._ZoomTransitionBase_controller, B.SnapshotMode_0, t1);
- }
- };
- A.PageTransitionsBuilder.prototype = {};
- A.ZoomPageTransitionsBuilder.prototype = {
- buildTransitions$1$5(route, context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child) {
- return new A._ZoomPageTransition(animation, secondaryAnimation, true, child, true, null);
- }
- };
- A.CupertinoPageTransitionsBuilder.prototype = {
- buildTransitions$1$5(route, context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child, $T) {
- return A.CupertinoRouteTransitionMixin_buildPageTransitions(route, context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child, $T);
- }
- };
- A.PageTransitionsTheme.prototype = {
- _all$1(builders) {
- var t1 = type$.MappedListIterable_of_TargetPlatform_and_nullable_PageTransitionsBuilder;
- return A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(B.List_sAl, new A.PageTransitionsTheme__all_closure(builders), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- t1 = other instanceof A.PageTransitionsTheme;
- if (t1 && true)
- return true;
- return t1 && A.listEquals0(_this._all$1(B.Map_46Aa4), _this._all$1(B.Map_46Aa4));
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hashAll(this._all$1(B.Map_46Aa4));
- }
- };
- A.PageTransitionsTheme__all_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(platform) {
- return this.builders.$index(0, platform);
- },
- $signature: 279
- };
- A._ZoomTransitionBase.prototype = {
- onAnimationValueChange$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_scaleTransition_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.parent;
- if (J.$eq$(t1._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2)), 1)) {
- t1 = _this._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_fadeTransition_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!J.$eq$(t1.get$value(t1), 0)) {
- t1 = _this._ZoomTransitionBase____ZoomTransitionBase_fadeTransition_A;
- t1 = J.$eq$(t1.get$value(t1), 1);
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- t2 = _this._ZoomTransitionBase_controller;
- if (t1)
- t2.set$allowSnapshotting(false);
- else {
- _this.get$useSnapshot();
- t2.set$allowSnapshotting(false);
- }
- },
- onAnimationStatusChange$1($status) {
- switch ($status.index) {
- case 0:
- case 3:
- this._ZoomTransitionBase_controller.set$allowSnapshotting(false);
- break;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- this.get$useSnapshot();
- this._ZoomTransitionBase_controller.set$allowSnapshotting(false);
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- A._ZoomEnterTransitionPainter.prototype = {
- _onStatusChange$1(_) {
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- _drawScrim$3(context, offset, size) {
- var t1, scrimOpacity, t2, t3, t4;
- if (!this.reverse) {
- t1 = this.animation;
- t1 = t1.get$status(t1) !== B.AnimationStatus_3;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = this.animation;
- t1 = $.$get$_ZoomEnterTransitionState__scrimOpacityTween().transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
- t1.toString;
- scrimOpacity = t1;
- } else
- scrimOpacity = 0;
- if (scrimOpacity > 0) {
- t1 = context.get$canvas(context);
- t2 = offset._dx;
- t3 = offset._dy;
- t4 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t4.set$color(0, A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(255 * scrimOpacity), 0, 0, 0));
- t1.drawRect$2(new A.Rect(t2, t3, t2 + size._dx, t3 + size._dy), t4);
- }
- },
- paint$4(context, offset, size, painter) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.animation;
- switch (t1.get$status(t1)) {
- case B.AnimationStatus_3:
- case B.AnimationStatus_0:
- return painter.call$2(context, offset);
- case B.AnimationStatus_1:
- case B.AnimationStatus_2:
- break;
- }
- _this._drawScrim$3(context, offset, size);
- t1 = _this._page_transitions_theme$_transform;
- t2 = _this.scale;
- t3 = t2.parent;
- A._updateScaledTransform(t1, t2._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t3.get$value(t3)), size);
- t3 = _this._transformHandler;
- t3.set$layer(0, context.pushTransform$5$oldLayer(true, offset, t1, new A._ZoomEnterTransitionPainter_paint_closure(_this, painter), t3._layer));
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.animation,
- t2 = _this.get$notifyListeners();
- t1.removeListener$1(0, t2);
- t1.removeStatusListener$1(_this.get$_onStatusChange());
- _this.scale.parent.removeListener$1(0, t2);
- _this.fade.removeListener$1(0, t2);
- _this._opacityHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- _this._transformHandler.set$layer(0, null);
- _this.super$ChangeNotifier$dispose();
- },
- shouldRepaint$1(oldDelegate) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this;
- if (oldDelegate.reverse === _this.reverse) {
- t1 = oldDelegate.animation;
- t2 = _this.animation;
- if (J.$eq$(t1.get$value(t1), t2.get$value(t2))) {
- t1 = oldDelegate.scale;
- t2 = t1.parent;
- t3 = _this.scale;
- t4 = t3.parent;
- if (J.$eq$(t1._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2)), t3._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t4.get$value(t4)))) {
- t1 = oldDelegate.fade;
- t2 = _this.fade;
- t2 = !J.$eq$(t1.get$value(t1), t2.get$value(t2));
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._ZoomEnterTransitionPainter_paint_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(context, offset) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._opacityHandle;
- t1 = t1.fade;
- t2.set$layer(0, context.pushOpacity$4$oldLayer(offset, B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1.get$value(t1) * 255), this.painter, t2._layer));
- },
- $signature: 7
- };
- A._ZoomExitTransitionPainter.prototype = {
- _onStatusChange$1(_) {
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- paint$4(context, offset, size, painter) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.animation;
- switch (t1.get$status(t1)) {
- case B.AnimationStatus_3:
- case B.AnimationStatus_0:
- return painter.call$2(context, offset);
- case B.AnimationStatus_1:
- case B.AnimationStatus_2:
- break;
- }
- t1 = _this._page_transitions_theme$_transform;
- t2 = _this.scale;
- t3 = t2.parent;
- A._updateScaledTransform(t1, t2._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t3.get$value(t3)), size);
- t3 = _this._transformHandler;
- t3.set$layer(0, context.pushTransform$5$oldLayer(true, offset, t1, new A._ZoomExitTransitionPainter_paint_closure(_this, painter), t3._layer));
- },
- shouldRepaint$1(oldDelegate) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- if (oldDelegate.reverse === this.reverse) {
- t1 = oldDelegate.fade;
- t2 = this.fade;
- if (J.$eq$(t1.get$value(t1), t2.get$value(t2))) {
- t1 = oldDelegate.scale;
- t2 = t1.parent;
- t3 = this.scale;
- t4 = t3.parent;
- t4 = !J.$eq$(t1._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2)), t3._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t4.get$value(t4)));
- t1 = t4;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._opacityHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- _this._transformHandler.set$layer(0, null);
- t1 = _this.get$notifyListeners();
- _this.scale.parent.removeListener$1(0, t1);
- _this.fade.removeListener$1(0, t1);
- _this.animation.removeStatusListener$1(_this.get$_onStatusChange());
- _this.super$ChangeNotifier$dispose();
- }
- };
- A._ZoomExitTransitionPainter_paint_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(context, offset) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._opacityHandle;
- t1 = t1.fade;
- t2.set$layer(0, context.pushOpacity$4$oldLayer(offset, B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1.get$value(t1) * 255), this.painter, t2._layer));
- },
- $signature: 7
- };
- A._PageTransitionsTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.__ZoomEnterTransitionState_State__ZoomTransitionBase.prototype = {};
- A.__ZoomExitTransitionState_State__ZoomTransitionBase.prototype = {};
- A.PopupMenuEntry.prototype = {};
- A._MenuItem0.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A._RenderMenuItem0(this.onLayout, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.onLayout = this.onLayout;
- }
- };
- A._RenderMenuItem0.prototype = {
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 == null)
- return B.Size_0_0;
- return t1.getDryLayout$1(constraints);
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _this._size = B.Size_0_0;
- else {
- t2 = type$.BoxConstraints;
- t1.layout$2$parentUsesSize(t2._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)), true);
- t2 = t2._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = _this._size = t2.constrain$1(t1);
- t2 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- type$.BoxParentData._as(t2).offset = B.Offset_0_0;
- }
- _this.onLayout.call$1(t1);
- }
- };
- A.PopupMenuItem.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- return new A.PopupMenuItemState(B._StateLifecycle_0, t1._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t1._eval$1("PopupMenuItem<1>"))._eval$1("PopupMenuItemState<1,2>"));
- }
- };
- A.PopupMenuItemState.prototype = {
- handleTap$0() {
- this._widget.toString;
- var t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- A.Navigator_of(t1, false).pop$1(null);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var style, item, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- popupMenuTheme = A.PopupMenuTheme_of(context),
- t1 = theme.useMaterial3,
- defaults = t1 ? A._PopupMenuDefaultsM3$(context) : A._PopupMenuDefaultsM2$(context),
- t2 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.MaterialState);
- this._widget.toString;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = popupMenuTheme.labelTextStyle;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- else {
- t1 = t1.resolve$1(t2);
- t1.toString;
- }
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = defaults.get$labelTextStyle().resolve$1(t2);
- t1.toString;
- style = t1;
- } else
- style = t1;
- } else {
- t1 = popupMenuTheme.textStyle;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = defaults.get$textStyle();
- t1.toString;
- style = t1;
- } else
- style = t1;
- }
- t1 = this._widget;
- item = A.AnimatedDefaultTextStyle$(A.Container$(B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_0, t1.child, B.Clip_0, _null, new A.BoxConstraints(0, 1 / 0, 48, 1 / 0), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.EdgeInsets_16_0_16_0, _null, _null, _null), B.C__Linear, B.Duration_200000, style);
- t1 = A.InkWell$(false, _null, true, item, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, new A._EffectiveMouseCursor0(_null, popupMenuTheme.mouseCursor), _null, _null, _null, _null, this.get$handleTap(), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- return new A.MergeSemantics(new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, t1, _null), _null);
- }
- };
- A._PopupMenu.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, t2, i, i0, start, end, t3, opacity, item, _this = this, _null = null,
- children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget),
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- popupMenuTheme = A.PopupMenuTheme_of(context),
- defaults = theme.useMaterial3 ? A._PopupMenuDefaultsM3$(context) : A._PopupMenuDefaultsM2$(context);
- for (t1 = _this.route, t2 = t1.items, i = 0; i < 1; i = i0) {
- i0 = i + 1;
- start = i0 * 0.4;
- end = A.clampDouble(start + 0.6000000000000001, 0, 1);
- t3 = t1._animationProxy;
- opacity = new A.CurvedAnimation(t3, new A.Interval(start, end, B.C__Linear), _null);
- opacity._updateCurveDirection$1(t3.get$status(t3));
- t3.didRegisterListener$0();
- t3 = t3.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t3._isDirty = true;
- t3._list.push(opacity.get$_updateCurveDirection());
- item = t2[i];
- children.push(new A._MenuItem0(new A._PopupMenu_build_closure(_this, i), new A.FadeTransition(opacity, false, item, _null), _null));
- }
- t2 = A.SingleChildScrollView$(new A.ListBody(children, _null), _null, B.DragStartBehavior_1, _null, B.EdgeInsets_0_8_0_8, _null, B.Axis_1);
- t2 = A.IntrinsicWidth$(new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this.semanticLabel, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, true, false, t2, _null), 56);
- t1 = t1._animationProxy;
- t1.toString;
- return A.AnimatedBuilder$(t1, new A._PopupMenu_build_closure0(_this, new A.CurveTween(B.Interval_75R7), popupMenuTheme, defaults, new A.CurveTween(new A.Interval(0, 0.4, B.C__Linear)), new A.CurveTween(new A.Interval(0, 0.4, B.C__Linear))), new A.ConstrainedBox(_this.constraints, t2, _null));
- }
- };
- A._PopupMenu_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(size) {
- this.$this.route.itemSizes[this.i] = size;
- },
- $signature: 124
- };
- A._PopupMenu_build_closure0.prototype = {
- call$2(context, child) {
- var t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this.opacity,
- t2 = _this.$this,
- t3 = t2.route,
- t4 = t3._animationProxy;
- t4.toString;
- t5 = _this.popupMenuTheme;
- t6 = t5.shape;
- if (t6 == null) {
- t6 = _this.defaults;
- t6 = t6.get$shape(t6);
- }
- t7 = t3.color;
- t8 = t5.elevation;
- if (t8 == null) {
- t8 = _this.defaults.elevation;
- t8.toString;
- }
- t9 = t5.shadowColor;
- if (t9 == null) {
- t9 = _this.defaults;
- t9 = t9.get$shadowColor(t9);
- }
- t5 = t5.surfaceTintColor;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = _this.defaults.get$surfaceTintColor();
- t10 = t3._animationProxy;
- t10 = _this.width.transform$1(0, t10.get$value(t10));
- t3 = t3._animationProxy;
- return new A.FadeTransition(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t4, t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), false, A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, true, _null, new A.Align(B.AlignmentDirectional_1_m1, t10, _this.height.transform$1(0, t3.get$value(t3)), child, _null), t2.clipBehavior, t7, t8, _null, t9, t6, t5, _null, B.MaterialType_1), _null);
- },
- $signature: 280
- };
- A._PopupMenuRouteLayout.prototype = {
- getConstraintsForChild$1(constraints) {
- return A.BoxConstraints$loose(new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight))).deflate$1(B.EdgeInsets_8_8_8_8.$add(0, this.padding));
- },
- getPositionForChild$2(size, childSize) {
- var t5, selectedItemOffset, index, y0, x, x0, originCenter, subScreen, _this = this,
- t1 = size._dy,
- t2 = _this.position,
- y = t2.top,
- t3 = t2.bottom,
- t4 = _this.selectedItemIndex;
- if (t4 != null) {
- for (t5 = _this.itemSizes, selectedItemOffset = 8, index = 0; index < t4; ++index)
- selectedItemOffset += t5[index]._dy;
- y0 = y + (t1 - y - t3) / 2 - (selectedItemOffset + t5[t4]._dy / 2);
- } else
- y0 = y;
- x = t2.left;
- t2 = t2.right;
- if (x > t2)
- x0 = size._dx - t2 - childSize._dx;
- else if (x < t2)
- x0 = x;
- else
- switch (_this.textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- x0 = size._dx - t2 - childSize._dx;
- break;
- case 1:
- x0 = x;
- break;
- default:
- x0 = null;
- }
- t4 = 0 + size._dx;
- t1 = 0 + t1;
- originCenter = new A.Rect(x, y, t4 - 0 - t2, t1 - 0 - t3).get$center();
- subScreen = _this._closestScreen$2(A.DisplayFeatureSubScreen_subScreensInBounds(new A.Rect(0, 0, t4, t1), _this.avoidBounds), originCenter);
- t1 = _this.padding;
- x = subScreen.left + 8 + t1.left;
- if (!(x0 < x)) {
- t2 = childSize._dx;
- t3 = subScreen.right;
- t4 = t1.right;
- x = x0 + t2 > t3 - 8 - t4 ? t3 - t2 - 8 - t4 : x0;
- }
- t2 = t1.top;
- if (y0 < subScreen.top + 8 + t2)
- y = 8 + t2;
- else {
- t2 = childSize._dy;
- t3 = subScreen.bottom;
- t1 = t1.bottom;
- y = y0 + t2 > t3 - 8 - t1 ? t3 - t2 - 8 - t1 : y0;
- }
- return new A.Offset(x, y);
- },
- _closestScreen$2(screens, point) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _i, $screen, t4, t5, t6, t7,
- closest = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(screens);
- for (t1 = screens.length, t2 = point._dx, t3 = point._dy, _i = 0; _i < screens.length; screens.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(screens), ++_i) {
- $screen = screens[_i];
- t4 = $screen.left;
- t5 = $screen.top;
- t4 = t4 + ($screen.right - t4) / 2 - t2;
- t5 = t5 + ($screen.bottom - t5) / 2 - t3;
- t6 = closest.left;
- t7 = closest.top;
- t6 = t6 + (closest.right - t6) / 2 - t2;
- t7 = t7 + (closest.bottom - t7) / 2 - t3;
- if (Math.sqrt(t4 * t4 + t5 * t5) < Math.sqrt(t6 * t6 + t7 * t7))
- closest = $screen;
- }
- return closest;
- },
- shouldRelayout$1(oldDelegate) {
- var _this = this;
- return !_this.position.$eq(0, oldDelegate.position) || _this.selectedItemIndex != oldDelegate.selectedItemIndex || _this.textDirection !== oldDelegate.textDirection || !A.listEquals0(_this.itemSizes, oldDelegate.itemSizes) || !_this.padding.$eq(0, oldDelegate.padding) || !A.setEquals(_this.avoidBounds, oldDelegate.avoidBounds);
- }
- };
- A._PopupMenuRoute.prototype = {
- createAnimation$0() {
- return A.CurvedAnimation$(B.C__Linear, this.super$TransitionRoute$createAnimation(), B.Interval_75R3);
- },
- get$transitionDuration(_) {
- return B.Duration_300000;
- },
- get$barrierDismissible() {
- return true;
- },
- get$barrierColor() {
- return null;
- },
- buildPage$3(context, animation, secondaryAnimation) {
- var _this = this, _box_0 = {};
- _box_0.selectedItemIndex = null;
- return A.MediaQuery_MediaQuery$removePadding(new A.Builder(new A._PopupMenuRoute_buildPage_closure(_box_0, _this, A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, null, type$.MediaQuery).data, new A._PopupMenu(_this, _this.semanticLabel, _this.constraints, _this.clipBehavior, null, _this.$ti._eval$1("_PopupMenu<1>"))), null), context, true, true, true, true);
- },
- get$barrierLabel() {
- return this.barrierLabel;
- }
- };
- A._PopupMenuRoute_buildPage_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(context) {
- var t4, t5, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.$this,
- t2 = _this._box_0.selectedItemIndex,
- t3 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t3.toString;
- t4 = _this.mediaQuery;
- t5 = A.DisplayFeatureSubScreen_avoidBounds(t4);
- return new A.CustomSingleChildLayout(new A._PopupMenuRouteLayout(t1.position, t1.itemSizes, t2, t3.textDirection, t4.padding, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t5, t5.$ti._eval$1("Iterable.E"))), new A._CaptureAll(t1.capturedThemes._themes, _this.menu, null), null);
- },
- $signature: 245
- };
- A._EffectiveMouseCursor0.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- var t1 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(this.widgetCursor, states, type$.nullable_MouseCursor);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- return t1 == null ? B._EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor_SystemMouseCursor_click_clickable.resolve$1(states) : t1;
- },
- get$debugDescription() {
- return "MaterialStateMouseCursor(PopupMenuItemState)";
- }
- };
- A._PopupMenuDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$textStyle() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___PopupMenuDefaultsM2__textTheme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- value = _this.___PopupMenuDefaultsM2__theme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___PopupMenuDefaultsM2__theme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___PopupMenuDefaultsM2__theme_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- _this.___PopupMenuDefaultsM2__textTheme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___PopupMenuDefaultsM2__textTheme_FI = value.textTheme;
- }
- return value.titleMedium;
- }
- };
- A._PopupMenuDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_popup_menu$_theme() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___PopupMenuDefaultsM3__theme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___PopupMenuDefaultsM3__theme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___PopupMenuDefaultsM3__theme_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_popup_menu$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___PopupMenuDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.get$_popup_menu$_theme();
- _this.___PopupMenuDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___PopupMenuDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$labelTextStyle() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._PopupMenuDefaultsM3_labelTextStyle_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_TextStyle);
- },
- get$color(_) {
- return this.get$_popup_menu$_colors().surface;
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- var t1 = this.get$_popup_menu$_colors()._shadow;
- return t1 == null ? B.Color_4278190080 : t1;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_popup_menu$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._surfaceTint;
- return t2 == null ? t1.primary : t2;
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- return B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D4;
- }
- };
- A._PopupMenuDefaultsM3_labelTextStyle_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.$this,
- value = t1.___PopupMenuDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t2 = t1.get$_popup_menu$_theme();
- t1.___PopupMenuDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = t1.___PopupMenuDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = t2.textTheme;
- }
- t2 = value.labelLarge;
- t2.toString;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = t1.get$_popup_menu$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return t2.apply$1$color(A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255));
- }
- return t2.apply$1$color(t1.get$_popup_menu$_colors().onSurface);
- },
- $signature: 25
- };
- A.PopupMenuThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.get$color(_this), _this.get$shape(_this), _this.elevation, _this.get$shadowColor(_this), _this.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.get$textStyle(), _this.get$labelTextStyle(), _this.enableFeedback, _this.mouseCursor, _this.position, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.PopupMenuThemeData)
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$color(other), _this.get$color(_this)))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$shape(other), _this.get$shape(_this)))
- if (other.elevation == _this.elevation)
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$shadowColor(other), _this.get$shadowColor(_this)))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$surfaceTintColor(), _this.get$surfaceTintColor()))
- if (J.$eq$(other.get$textStyle(), _this.get$textStyle()))
- if (other.get$labelTextStyle() == _this.get$labelTextStyle())
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$color(receiver) {
- return this.color;
- },
- get$shape(receiver) {
- return this.shape;
- },
- get$shadowColor(receiver) {
- return this.shadowColor;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- return this.surfaceTintColor;
- },
- get$textStyle() {
- return this.textStyle;
- },
- get$labelTextStyle() {
- return this.labelTextStyle;
- }
- };
- A._PopupMenuThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._ActivityIndicatorType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_ActivityIndicatorType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.ProgressIndicator.prototype = {
- _getValueColor$2$defaultColor(context, defaultColor) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.valueColor;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t2 = t1._evaluatable;
- t1 = t1.parent;
- t1 = t2.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
- }
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = this.color;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = A.ProgressIndicatorTheme_of(context).color;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = defaultColor;
- return t1 == null ? A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme.primary : t1;
- },
- _getValueColor$1(context) {
- return this._getValueColor$2$defaultColor(context, null);
- },
- _buildSemanticsWrapper$2$child$context(child, context) {
- var _null = null,
- expandedSemanticsValue = this.semanticsValue,
- t1 = this.value;
- if (t1 != null)
- expandedSemanticsValue = "" + B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1 * 100) + "%";
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, this.semanticsLabel, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, expandedSemanticsValue), false, false, false, child, _null);
- }
- };
- A._LinearProgressIndicatorPainter.prototype = {
- paint$2(canvas, size) {
- var t1, t2, t3, x1, t4, x2, _this = this,
- paint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- paint.set$color(0, _this.backgroundColor);
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_0);
- t1 = size._dx;
- canvas.drawRect$2(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1, 0 + size._dy), paint);
- paint.set$color(0, _this.valueColor);
- t2 = new A._LinearProgressIndicatorPainter_paint_drawBar(_this, size, canvas, paint);
- t3 = _this.value;
- if (t3 != null)
- t2.call$2(0, A.clampDouble(t3, 0, 1) * t1);
- else {
- t3 = _this.animationValue;
- x1 = t1 * B.Interval_unQ.transform$1(0, t3);
- t4 = B.Interval_8Wd.transform$1(0, t3);
- x2 = t1 * B.Interval_2ds.transform$1(0, t3);
- t3 = B.Interval_q3Z.transform$1(0, t3);
- t2.call$2(x1, t1 * t4 - x1);
- t2.call$2(x2, t1 * t3 - x2);
- }
- },
- shouldRepaint$1(oldPainter) {
- var _this = this;
- return !oldPainter.backgroundColor.$eq(0, _this.backgroundColor) || !oldPainter.valueColor.$eq(0, _this.valueColor) || oldPainter.value != _this.value || oldPainter.animationValue !== _this.animationValue || oldPainter.textDirection !== _this.textDirection;
- }
- };
- A._LinearProgressIndicatorPainter_paint_drawBar.prototype = {
- call$2(x, width) {
- var left, _this = this;
- if (width <= 0)
- return;
- switch (_this.$this.textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- left = _this.size._dx - width - x;
- break;
- case 1:
- left = x;
- break;
- default:
- left = null;
- }
- _this.canvas.drawRect$2(new A.Rect(left, 0, left + width, 0 + _this.size._dy), _this.paint);
- },
- $signature: 281
- };
- A.LinearProgressIndicator.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._LinearProgressIndicatorState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._LinearProgressIndicatorState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(null, B.Duration_1800000, null, 1, null, _this);
- _this.___LinearProgressIndicatorState__controller_A = t1;
- if (_this._widget.value == null)
- t1.repeat$0(0);
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = _this._widget.value == null;
- if (t1) {
- t2 = _this.___LinearProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2._ticker;
- t2 = !(t2 != null && t2._ticker$_future != null);
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t1 = _this.___LinearProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.repeat$0(0);
- } else {
- if (!t1) {
- t1 = _this.___LinearProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1._ticker;
- t1 = t1 != null && t1._ticker$_future != null;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this.___LinearProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.stop$0(0);
- }
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.___LinearProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$__LinearProgressIndicatorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- _buildIndicator$3(context, animationValue, textDirection) {
- var trackColor, minHeight, _this = this, _null = null,
- defaults = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? new A._LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3(context, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null) : new A._LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2(context, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null),
- indicatorTheme = A.ProgressIndicatorTheme_of(context),
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = t1.backgroundColor;
- trackColor = t1 == null ? indicatorTheme.linearTrackColor : t1;
- if (trackColor == null)
- trackColor = defaults.get$linearTrackColor();
- _this._widget.toString;
- minHeight = indicatorTheme.linearMinHeight;
- if (minHeight == null)
- minHeight = defaults.get$linearMinHeight();
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- return t1._buildSemanticsWrapper$2$child$context(A.Container$(_null, A.CustomPaint$(_null, _null, _null, new A._LinearProgressIndicatorPainter(trackColor, t1._getValueColor$2$defaultColor(context, defaults.get$color(defaults)), _this._widget.value, animationValue, textDirection, _null), B.Size_0_0), B.Clip_0, _null, new A.BoxConstraints(1 / 0, 1 / 0, minHeight, 1 / 0), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), context);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var textDirection, _this = this,
- t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- textDirection = t1.textDirection;
- if (_this._widget.value != null) {
- t1 = _this.___LinearProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return _this._buildIndicator$3(context, t1, textDirection);
- }
- t1 = _this.___LinearProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return A.AnimatedBuilder$(t1, new A._LinearProgressIndicatorState_build_closure(_this, textDirection), null);
- }
- };
- A._LinearProgressIndicatorState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(context, child) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.___LinearProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1._buildIndicator$3(context, t2, this.textDirection);
- },
- $signature: 48
- };
- A._CircularProgressIndicatorPainter.prototype = {
- paint$2(canvas, size) {
- var t2, t3, backgroundPaint, _this = this,
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer(),
- paint = t1.createPaint$0();
- paint.set$color(0, _this.valueColor);
- t2 = _this.strokeWidth;
- paint.set$strokeWidth(t2);
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- t3 = _this.backgroundColor;
- if (t3 != null) {
- backgroundPaint = t1.createPaint$0();
- backgroundPaint.set$color(0, t3);
- backgroundPaint.set$strokeWidth(t2);
- backgroundPaint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- canvas.drawArc$5(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + size._dx, 0 + size._dy), 0, 6.282185307179586, false, backgroundPaint);
- }
- if (_this.value == null)
- paint.set$strokeCap(B.StrokeCap_2);
- canvas.drawArc$5(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + size._dx, 0 + size._dy), _this.arcStart, _this.arcSweep, false, paint);
- },
- shouldRepaint$1(oldPainter) {
- var _this = this;
- return !J.$eq$(oldPainter.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) || !oldPainter.valueColor.$eq(0, _this.valueColor) || oldPainter.value != _this.value || oldPainter.headValue !== _this.headValue || oldPainter.tailValue !== _this.tailValue || oldPainter.offsetValue !== _this.offsetValue || oldPainter.rotationValue !== _this.rotationValue || oldPainter.strokeWidth !== _this.strokeWidth;
- },
- get$strokeWidth() {
- return this.strokeWidth;
- }
- };
- A.CircularProgressIndicator.prototype = {
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return this.backgroundColor;
- },
- createState$0() {
- return new A._CircularProgressIndicatorState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- },
- get$strokeWidth() {
- return this.strokeWidth;
- }
- };
- A._CircularProgressIndicatorState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(null, B.Duration_2961926000, null, 1, null, _this);
- _this.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A = t1;
- if (_this._widget.value == null)
- t1.repeat$0(0);
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = _this._widget.value == null;
- if (t1) {
- t2 = _this.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2._ticker;
- t2 = !(t2 != null && t2._ticker$_future != null);
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t1 = _this.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.repeat$0(0);
- } else {
- if (!t1) {
- t1 = _this.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1._ticker;
- t1 = t1 != null && t1._ticker$_future != null;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.stop$0(0);
- }
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$__CircularProgressIndicatorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- _buildMaterialIndicator$5(context, headValue, tailValue, offsetValue, rotationValue) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, _null = null,
- defaults = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? new A._CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3(context, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null) : new A._CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2(context, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null),
- t1 = this._widget;
- t1.get$backgroundColor(t1);
- t1 = A.ProgressIndicatorTheme_of(context);
- t2 = this._widget;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = t2._getValueColor$2$defaultColor(context, defaults.get$color(defaults));
- t4 = this._widget;
- t5 = t4.value;
- return t2._buildSemanticsWrapper$2$child$context(A.Container$(_null, A.CustomPaint$(_null, _null, _null, A._CircularProgressIndicatorPainter$(t1.circularTrackColor, headValue, offsetValue, rotationValue, t4.strokeWidth, tailValue, t5, t3), B.Size_0_0), B.Clip_0, _null, B.BoxConstraints_mlX, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), context);
- },
- _buildAnimation$0() {
- var t1 = this.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return A.AnimatedBuilder$(t1, new A._CircularProgressIndicatorState__buildAnimation_closure(this), null);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1 = this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- switch (0) {
- case 0:
- if (t1.value != null)
- return this._buildMaterialIndicator$5(context, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- return this._buildAnimation$0();
- }
- }
- };
- A._CircularProgressIndicatorState__buildAnimation_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(context, child) {
- var t4, t5, t6,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = $.$get$_CircularProgressIndicatorState__strokeHeadTween(),
- t3 = t1.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t2.transform$1(0, t3.get$value(t3));
- t2 = $.$get$_CircularProgressIndicatorState__strokeTailTween();
- t4 = t1.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t4 = t2.transform$1(0, t4.get$value(t4));
- t2 = $.$get$_CircularProgressIndicatorState__offsetTween();
- t5 = t1.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t5 = t2.transform$1(0, t5.get$value(t5));
- t2 = $.$get$_CircularProgressIndicatorState__rotationTween();
- t6 = t1.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- return t1._buildMaterialIndicator$5(context, t3, t4, t5, t2.transform$1(0, t6.get$value(t6)));
- },
- $signature: 48
- };
- A._RefreshProgressIndicatorPainter.prototype = {
- paint$2(canvas, size) {
- var t1, arcEnd, ux, uy, radius, t2, arrowheadRadius, innerRadius, outerRadius, t3, path, paint, _this = this;
- _this.super$_CircularProgressIndicatorPainter$paint(canvas, size);
- t1 = _this.arrowheadScale;
- if (t1 > 0) {
- arcEnd = _this.arcStart + _this.arcSweep;
- ux = Math.cos(arcEnd);
- uy = Math.sin(arcEnd);
- radius = size._dx / 2;
- t2 = _this.strokeWidth;
- arrowheadRadius = t2 * 2 * t1;
- innerRadius = radius - arrowheadRadius;
- outerRadius = radius + arrowheadRadius;
- t3 = $.$get$_renderer();
- path = t3.createPath$0();
- path.moveTo$2(0, radius + ux * innerRadius, radius + uy * innerRadius);
- path.lineTo$2(0, radius + ux * outerRadius, radius + uy * outerRadius);
- path.lineTo$2(0, radius + ux * radius + -uy * t2 * 2 * t1, radius + uy * radius + ux * t2 * 2 * t1);
- path.close$0(0);
- paint = t3.createPaint$0();
- paint.set$color(0, _this.valueColor);
- paint.set$strokeWidth(t2);
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_0);
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- }
- }
- };
- A.RefreshProgressIndicator.prototype = {
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return A.CircularProgressIndicator.prototype.get$backgroundColor.call(this, this);
- },
- createState$0() {
- return new A._RefreshProgressIndicatorState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._RefreshProgressIndicatorState.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, value0, _this = this,
- value = _this._widget.value;
- if (value != null) {
- _this._progress_indicator$_lastValue = value;
- t1 = _this.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- value0 = _this.___RefreshProgressIndicatorState__convertTween_FI;
- if (value0 === $) {
- value0 !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value0 = _this.___RefreshProgressIndicatorState__convertTween_FI = new A.CurveTween(B.Interval_75R2);
- }
- t1.set$value(0, value0.transform$1(0, value) * 0.000225022502250225);
- }
- return _this._buildAnimation$0();
- },
- _buildAnimation$0() {
- var t1 = this.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return A.AnimatedBuilder$(t1, new A._RefreshProgressIndicatorState__buildAnimation_closure(this), null);
- },
- _buildMaterialIndicator$5(context, headValue, tailValue, offsetValue, rotationValue) {
- var rotation, value0, t2, t3, result, valueColor, backgroundColor, t4, t5, _this = this, _null = null,
- value = _this._widget.value,
- t1 = value == null,
- arrowheadScale = t1 ? 0 : B.Interval_75R2.transform$1(0, value);
- if (t1 && _this._progress_indicator$_lastValue == null)
- rotation = 0;
- else {
- value0 = _this.___RefreshProgressIndicatorState__additionalRotationTween_FI;
- if (value0 === $) {
- t2 = type$.Tween_double;
- t3 = type$.TweenSequenceItem_double;
- result = A.TweenSequence$(A._setArrayType([new A.TweenSequenceItem(new A.Tween(-0.1, -0.2, t2), 0.33, t3), new A.TweenSequenceItem(new A.Tween(-0.2, 1.35, t2), 0.6699999999999999, t3)], type$.JSArray_TweenSequenceItem_double), type$.double);
- _this.___RefreshProgressIndicatorState__additionalRotationTween_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___RefreshProgressIndicatorState__additionalRotationTween_FI = result;
- value0 = result;
- }
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this._progress_indicator$_lastValue;
- t1.toString;
- } else
- t1 = value;
- rotation = 3.141592653589793 * value0.transform$1(0, t1);
- }
- valueColor = _this._widget._getValueColor$1(context);
- t1 = valueColor.get$value(valueColor);
- valueColor = A.Color$fromARGB(255, valueColor.get$value(valueColor) >>> 16 & 255, valueColor.get$value(valueColor) >>> 8 & 255, valueColor.get$value(valueColor) & 255);
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t2.get$backgroundColor(t2);
- backgroundColor = A.ProgressIndicatorTheme_of(context).refreshBackgroundColor;
- if (backgroundColor == null)
- backgroundColor = A.Theme_of(context).canvasColor;
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t3 = t2.strokeWidth;
- t4 = tailValue * 3 / 2 * 3.141592653589793;
- t5 = Math.max(headValue * 3 / 2 * 3.141592653589793 - t4, 0.001);
- return t2._buildSemanticsWrapper$2$child$context(A.Container$(_null, A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, true, _null, new A.Padding(B.EdgeInsets_12_12_12_12, A.Opacity$(A.Transform$rotate(B.Alignment_0_0, rotation, A.CustomPaint$(_null, _null, _null, new A._RefreshProgressIndicatorPainter(arrowheadScale, _null, valueColor, _null, headValue, tailValue, offsetValue, rotationValue, t3, -1.5707963267948966 + t4 + rotationValue * 3.141592653589793 * 2 + offsetValue * 0.5 * 3.141592653589793, t5, _null), B.Size_0_0), _null), (t1 >>> 24 & 255) / 255), _null), B.Clip_0, backgroundColor, 2, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.MaterialType_2), B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, 41, _null, B.EdgeInsets_4_4_4_4, _null, _null, _null, 41), context);
- }
- };
- A._RefreshProgressIndicatorState__buildAnimation_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(context, child) {
- var t4, t5, t6,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = $.$get$_CircularProgressIndicatorState__strokeHeadTween(),
- t3 = t1.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t2.transform$1(0, t3.get$value(t3));
- t2 = $.$get$_CircularProgressIndicatorState__strokeTailTween();
- t4 = t1.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t4 = t2.transform$1(0, t4.get$value(t4));
- t2 = $.$get$_CircularProgressIndicatorState__offsetTween();
- t5 = t1.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- t5 = t2.transform$1(0, t5.get$value(t5));
- t2 = $.$get$_CircularProgressIndicatorState__rotationTween();
- t6 = t1.___CircularProgressIndicatorState__controller_A;
- return t1._buildMaterialIndicator$5(context, 1.05 * t3, t4, t5, t2.transform$1(0, t6.get$value(t6)));
- },
- $signature: 48
- };
- A._CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$color(_) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value.primary;
- }
- };
- A._LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$_progress_indicator$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM2__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$color(_) {
- return this.get$_progress_indicator$_colors().primary;
- },
- get$linearTrackColor() {
- return this.get$_progress_indicator$_colors().background;
- },
- get$linearMinHeight() {
- return 4;
- }
- };
- A._CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$color(_) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___CircularProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value.primary;
- }
- };
- A._LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_progress_indicator$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___LinearProgressIndicatorDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$color(_) {
- return this.get$_progress_indicator$_colors().primary;
- },
- get$linearTrackColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_progress_indicator$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2;
- },
- get$linearMinHeight() {
- return 4;
- }
- };
- A.__CircularProgressIndicatorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTicker());
- _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTicker$0();
- }
- };
- A.__LinearProgressIndicatorState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTicker());
- _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTicker$0();
- }
- };
- A.ProgressIndicatorThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.get$color(_this), _this.get$linearTrackColor(), _this.get$linearMinHeight(), _this.circularTrackColor, _this.refreshBackgroundColor, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ProgressIndicatorThemeData && J.$eq$(other.get$color(other), _this.get$color(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$linearTrackColor(), _this.get$linearTrackColor()) && other.get$linearMinHeight() == _this.get$linearMinHeight() && J.$eq$(other.circularTrackColor, _this.circularTrackColor) && J.$eq$(other.refreshBackgroundColor, _this.refreshBackgroundColor);
- },
- get$color(receiver) {
- return this.color;
- },
- get$linearTrackColor() {
- return this.linearTrackColor;
- },
- get$linearMinHeight() {
- return this.linearMinHeight;
- }
- };
- A._ProgressIndicatorThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._RadioType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_RadioType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.Radio.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._RadioState(new A._RadioPainter($.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners()), $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, null, false, false, null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0, this.$ti._eval$1("_RadioState<1>"));
- }
- };
- A._RadioState.prototype = {
- _radio$_handleChanged$1(selected) {
- var t1;
- if (selected == null) {
- this._widget.onChanged.call$1(null);
- return;
- }
- if (selected) {
- t1 = this._widget;
- t1.onChanged.call$1(t1.value);
- }
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1;
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = this._widget;
- if (t1.value === t1.groupValue !== (oldWidget.value === oldWidget.groupValue))
- this.animateToValue$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._radio$_painter.dispose$0();
- this.super$__RadioState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_ToggleableStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- get$onChanged() {
- this._widget.toString;
- return this.get$_radio$_handleChanged();
- },
- get$tristate() {
- this._widget.toString;
- return false;
- },
- get$value(_) {
- var t1 = this._widget;
- return t1.value === t1.groupValue;
- },
- get$_radio$_widgetFillColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._RadioState__widgetFillColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var radioTheme, defaults, effectiveMaterialTapTargetSize, effectiveVisualDensity, size, activeStates, inactiveStates, activeColor, t1, t2, effectiveActiveColor, inactiveColor, t3, effectiveInactiveColor, focusedStates, t4, effectiveFocusOverlayColor, hoveredStates, effectiveHoverOverlayColor, effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor, effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this._widget.toString;
- switch (0) {
- case 0:
- break;
- }
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.RadioTheme);
- radioTheme = A.Theme_of(context).radioTheme;
- defaults = A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3 ? new A._RadioDefaultsM3(context, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null) : new A._RadioDefaultsM2(context, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- _this._widget.toString;
- effectiveMaterialTapTargetSize = defaults.get$materialTapTargetSize();
- _this._widget.toString;
- effectiveVisualDensity = defaults.get$visualDensity();
- switch (effectiveMaterialTapTargetSize.index) {
- case 0:
- size = B.Size_48_48;
- break;
- case 1:
- size = B.Size_40_40;
- break;
- default:
- size = _null;
- }
- size = size.$add(0, new A.Offset(effectiveVisualDensity.horizontal, effectiveVisualDensity.vertical).$mul(0, 4));
- activeStates = _this.get$states();
- activeStates.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_4);
- inactiveStates = _this.get$states();
- inactiveStates.remove$1(0, B.MaterialState_4);
- _this._widget.toString;
- activeColor = _this.get$_radio$_widgetFillColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(activeStates);
- if (activeColor == null) {
- t1 = radioTheme.fillColor;
- activeColor = t1 == null ? _null : t1.resolve$1(activeStates);
- }
- t1 = activeColor == null;
- if (t1) {
- t2 = defaults.get$fillColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(activeStates);
- t2.toString;
- effectiveActiveColor = t2;
- } else
- effectiveActiveColor = activeColor;
- _this._widget.toString;
- inactiveColor = _this.get$_radio$_widgetFillColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(inactiveStates);
- if (inactiveColor == null) {
- t2 = radioTheme.fillColor;
- inactiveColor = t2 == null ? _null : t2.resolve$1(inactiveStates);
- }
- t2 = inactiveColor == null;
- if (t2) {
- t3 = defaults.get$fillColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(inactiveStates);
- t3.toString;
- effectiveInactiveColor = t3;
- } else
- effectiveInactiveColor = inactiveColor;
- focusedStates = _this.get$states();
- focusedStates.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_1);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t3 = radioTheme.overlayColor;
- t4 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.resolve$1(focusedStates);
- effectiveFocusOverlayColor = t4;
- if (effectiveFocusOverlayColor == null) {
- t4 = defaults.get$overlayColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(focusedStates);
- t4.toString;
- effectiveFocusOverlayColor = t4;
- }
- hoveredStates = _this.get$states();
- hoveredStates.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_0);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t4 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.resolve$1(hoveredStates);
- effectiveHoverOverlayColor = t4;
- if (effectiveHoverOverlayColor == null) {
- t4 = defaults.get$overlayColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(hoveredStates);
- t4.toString;
- effectiveHoverOverlayColor = t4;
- }
- activeStates.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_2);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t4 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.resolve$1(activeStates);
- if (t4 == null) {
- t1 = t1 ? _null : A.Color$fromARGB(31, activeColor.get$value(activeColor) >>> 16 & 255, activeColor.get$value(activeColor) >>> 8 & 255, activeColor.get$value(activeColor) & 255);
- effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor = t1;
- } else
- effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor = t4;
- if (effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor == null) {
- t1 = defaults.get$overlayColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(activeStates);
- t1.toString;
- effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor = t1;
- }
- inactiveStates.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_2);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.resolve$1(inactiveStates);
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = t2 ? _null : A.Color$fromARGB(31, inactiveColor.get$value(inactiveColor) >>> 16 & 255, inactiveColor.get$value(inactiveColor) >>> 8 & 255, inactiveColor.get$value(inactiveColor) & 255);
- effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor = t1;
- } else
- effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor = t1;
- if (effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor == null) {
- t1 = defaults.get$overlayColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(inactiveStates);
- t1.toString;
- effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor = t1;
- }
- if (_this.ToggleableStateMixin__downPosition != null) {
- effectiveHoverOverlayColor = _this.get$states().contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4) ? effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor : effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor;
- effectiveFocusOverlayColor = _this.get$states().contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4) ? effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor : effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor;
- }
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t1.value;
- t1 = t1.groupValue;
- t3 = _this._radio$_painter;
- t4 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__position_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3.set$position(0, t4);
- t4 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reaction_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3.set$reaction(t4);
- t4 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFade_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3.set$reactionFocusFade(t4);
- t4 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFade_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3.set$reactionHoverFade(t4);
- t3.set$inactiveReactionColor(effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor);
- t3.set$reactionColor(effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor);
- t3.set$hoverColor(effectiveHoverOverlayColor);
- t3.set$focusColor(effectiveFocusOverlayColor);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t4 = radioTheme.splashRadius;
- t3.set$splashRadius(t4 == null ? 20 : t4);
- t3.set$downPosition(_this.ToggleableStateMixin__downPosition);
- t3.set$isFocused(_this.get$states().contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1));
- t3.set$isHovered(_this.get$states().contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0));
- t3.set$activeColor(effectiveActiveColor);
- t3.set$inactiveColor(effectiveInactiveColor);
- t3 = _this.buildToggleable$5$autofocus$focusNode$mouseCursor$painter$size(false, _null, new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._RadioState_build_closure(_this, radioTheme), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_MouseCursor), t3, size);
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t2 === t1, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, t3, _null);
- }
- };
- A._RadioState__widgetFillColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return null;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this._widget.activeColor;
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._RadioState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1;
- this.$this._widget.toString;
- t1 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(null, states, type$.nullable_MouseCursor);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- return t1 == null ? A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(B._EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor_SystemMouseCursor_click_clickable, states, type$.MouseCursor) : t1;
- },
- $signature: 88
- };
- A._RadioPainter.prototype = {
- paint$2(canvas, size) {
- var center, paint, t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- _this.paintRadialReaction$2$canvas$origin(canvas, size.center$1(B.Offset_0_0));
- center = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + size._dx, 0 + size._dy).get$center();
- paint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t1 = _this._inactiveColor;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._activeColor;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this._toggleable$_position;
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(t1, t2, t3.get$value(t3));
- t3.toString;
- paint.set$color(0, t3);
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- paint.set$strokeWidth(2);
- canvas.drawCircle$3(center, 8, paint);
- t1 = _this._toggleable$_position;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) !== B.AnimationStatus_0) {
- paint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_0);
- t1 = _this._toggleable$_position;
- canvas.drawCircle$3(center, 4.5 * t1.get$value(t1), paint);
- }
- }
- };
- A._RadioDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$_radio$_theme() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___RadioDefaultsM2__theme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___RadioDefaultsM2__theme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___RadioDefaultsM2__theme_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$fillColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._RadioDefaultsM2_fillColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._RadioDefaultsM2_overlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$materialTapTargetSize() {
- return this.get$_radio$_theme().materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$visualDensity() {
- return this.get$_radio$_theme().visualDensity;
- }
- };
- A._RadioDefaultsM2_fillColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, value, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return this.$this.get$_radio$_theme().disabledColor;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- t1 = this.$this;
- value = t1.___RadioDefaultsM2__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t2 = t1.get$_radio$_theme();
- t1.___RadioDefaultsM2__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = t1.___RadioDefaultsM2__colors_FI = t2.colorScheme;
- }
- return value.secondary;
- }
- return this.$this.get$_radio$_theme().unselectedWidgetColor;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._RadioDefaultsM2_overlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$fillColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(states);
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t2.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return this.$this.get$_radio$_theme().focusColor;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0))
- return this.$this.get$_radio$_theme().hoverColor;
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._RadioDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_radio$_theme() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___RadioDefaultsM3__theme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___RadioDefaultsM3__theme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___RadioDefaultsM3__theme_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_radio$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___RadioDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = _this.get$_radio$_theme();
- _this.___RadioDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___RadioDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$fillColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._RadioDefaultsM3_fillColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._RadioDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$materialTapTargetSize() {
- return this.get$_radio$_theme().materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$visualDensity() {
- return this.get$_radio$_theme().visualDensity;
- }
- };
- A._RadioDefaultsM3_fillColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2))
- return _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors().primary;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0))
- return _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors().primary;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors().primary;
- return _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors().primary;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2))
- return _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors().onSurface;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0))
- return _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors().onSurface;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors().onSurface;
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._RadioDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- return B.Color_0;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_radio$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A.__RadioState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.__RadioState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_ToggleableStateMixin.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_200000, _null, 1, t1.value !== t1.groupValue ? 0 : 1, _this);
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A = t2;
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__position_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_JUR0, t2, B.Cubic_xDo0);
- t2 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_100000, _null, 1, _null, _this);
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionController_A = t2;
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reaction_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, t2, _null);
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_50000, _null, 1, _this.ToggleableStateMixin__hovering || _this.ToggleableStateMixin__focused ? 1 : 0, _this);
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFadeController_A = t1;
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFade_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, t1, _null);
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_50000, _null, 1, _this.ToggleableStateMixin__hovering || _this.ToggleableStateMixin__focused ? 1 : 0, _this);
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFadeController_A = t1;
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFade_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, t1, _null);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFadeController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFadeController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this.super$__RadioState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.RadioThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.mouseCursor, _this.get$fillColor(), _this.get$overlayColor(), _this.splashRadius, _this.get$materialTapTargetSize(), _this.get$visualDensity(), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.RadioThemeData && other.get$fillColor() == _this.get$fillColor() && other.get$overlayColor() == _this.get$overlayColor() && other.splashRadius == _this.splashRadius && other.get$materialTapTargetSize() == _this.get$materialTapTargetSize() && J.$eq$(other.get$visualDensity(), _this.get$visualDensity());
- },
- get$fillColor() {
- return this.fillColor;
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return this.overlayColor;
- },
- get$materialTapTargetSize() {
- return this.materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$visualDensity() {
- return this.visualDensity;
- }
- };
- A._RadioThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._RefreshIndicatorMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_RefreshIndicatorMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.RefreshIndicatorTriggerMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "RefreshIndicatorTriggerMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._IndicatorType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_IndicatorType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.RefreshIndicator.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A.RefreshIndicatorState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- },
- onRefresh$0() {
- return this.onRefresh.call$0();
- },
- notificationPredicate$1(arg0) {
- return A.scroll_notification__defaultScrollNotificationPredicate$closure().call$1(arg0);
- },
- get$strokeWidth() {
- return this.strokeWidth;
- }
- };
- A.RefreshIndicatorState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = _this.__RefreshIndicatorState__positionController_A = A.AnimationController$(_null, _null, _null, 1, _null, _this);
- t2 = $.$get$RefreshIndicatorState__kDragSizeFactorLimitTween();
- t3 = type$.Animation_double;
- _this.__RefreshIndicatorState__positionFactor_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t3._as(t1), t2, t2.$ti._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- t2 = $.$get$RefreshIndicatorState__threeQuarterTween();
- _this.__RefreshIndicatorState__value_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t3._as(t1), t2, t2.$ti._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- t2 = A.AnimationController$(_null, _null, _null, 1, _null, _this);
- _this.__RefreshIndicatorState__scaleController_A = t2;
- t1 = $.$get$RefreshIndicatorState__oneToZeroTween();
- _this.__RefreshIndicatorState__scaleFactor_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t3._as(t2), t1, t1.$ti._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- var theme, t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- theme = A.Theme_of(t1);
- t1 = _this.__RefreshIndicatorState__positionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this._widget.toString;
- t2 = theme.colorScheme.primary;
- t3 = A.Color$fromARGB(0, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t2 = A.Color$fromARGB(255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255);
- t4 = type$.ColorTween._eval$1("_ChainedEvaluation");
- _this.__RefreshIndicatorState__valueColor_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(type$.Animation_double._as(t1), new A._ChainedEvaluation(new A.CurveTween(B.Interval_75R3), new A.ColorTween(t3, t2), t4), t4._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- this._widget.toString;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.__RefreshIndicatorState__positionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = this.__RefreshIndicatorState__scaleController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$_RefreshIndicatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- _refresh_indicator$_handleScrollNotification$1(notification) {
- var t1, t2, indicatorAtTopNow, t3, t4, _this = this;
- if (!_this._widget.notificationPredicate$1(notification))
- return false;
- if (!(notification instanceof A.ScrollStartNotification && notification.dragDetails != null)) {
- if (notification instanceof A.ScrollUpdateNotification)
- if (notification.dragDetails != null)
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = notification.metrics;
- t2 = t1.axisDirection;
- if (!(t2 === B.AxisDirection_0 && Math.max(t1.get$maxScrollExtent() - t1.get$pixels(), 0) === 0))
- t1 = t2 === B.AxisDirection_2 && Math.max(t1.get$pixels() - t1.get$minScrollExtent(), 0) === 0;
- else
- t1 = true;
- t1 = t1 && _this._refresh_indicator$_mode == null && _this._refresh_indicator$_start$1(0, t2);
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- _this.setState$1(new A.RefreshIndicatorState__handleScrollNotification_closure(_this));
- return false;
- }
- t1 = notification.metrics;
- t2 = t1.axisDirection;
- switch (t2.index) {
- case 2:
- case 0:
- indicatorAtTopNow = true;
- break;
- case 3:
- case 1:
- indicatorAtTopNow = null;
- break;
- default:
- indicatorAtTopNow = null;
- }
- if (indicatorAtTopNow != _this._isIndicatorAtTop) {
- t1 = _this._refresh_indicator$_mode;
- if (t1 === B._RefreshIndicatorMode_0 || t1 === B._RefreshIndicatorMode_1)
- _this._dismiss$1(B._RefreshIndicatorMode_5);
- } else if (notification instanceof A.ScrollUpdateNotification) {
- t3 = _this._refresh_indicator$_mode;
- if (t3 === B._RefreshIndicatorMode_0 || t3 === B._RefreshIndicatorMode_1) {
- t3 = t2 === B.AxisDirection_2;
- if (!(t3 && Math.max(t1.get$pixels() - t1.get$minScrollExtent(), 0) > 0))
- t4 = t2 === B.AxisDirection_0 && Math.max(t1.get$maxScrollExtent() - t1.get$pixels(), 0) > 0;
- else
- t4 = true;
- if (t4)
- _this._dismiss$1(B._RefreshIndicatorMode_5);
- else {
- if (t3) {
- t2 = _this._dragOffset;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = notification.scrollDelta;
- t3.toString;
- _this._dragOffset = t2 - t3;
- } else if (t2 === B.AxisDirection_0) {
- t2 = _this._dragOffset;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = notification.scrollDelta;
- t3.toString;
- _this._dragOffset = t2 + t3;
- }
- t1 = t1._scroll_metrics$_viewportDimension;
- t1.toString;
- _this._checkDragOffset$1(t1);
- }
- }
- if (_this._refresh_indicator$_mode === B._RefreshIndicatorMode_1 && notification.dragDetails == null)
- _this._refresh_indicator$_show$0();
- } else if (notification instanceof A.OverscrollNotification) {
- t3 = _this._refresh_indicator$_mode;
- if (t3 === B._RefreshIndicatorMode_0 || t3 === B._RefreshIndicatorMode_1) {
- if (t2 === B.AxisDirection_2) {
- t2 = _this._dragOffset;
- t2.toString;
- _this._dragOffset = t2 - notification.overscroll;
- } else if (t2 === B.AxisDirection_0) {
- t2 = _this._dragOffset;
- t2.toString;
- _this._dragOffset = t2 + notification.overscroll;
- }
- t1 = t1._scroll_metrics$_viewportDimension;
- t1.toString;
- _this._checkDragOffset$1(t1);
- }
- } else if (notification instanceof A.ScrollEndNotification)
- switch (_this._refresh_indicator$_mode) {
- case B._RefreshIndicatorMode_1:
- _this._refresh_indicator$_show$0();
- break;
- case B._RefreshIndicatorMode_0:
- _this._dismiss$1(B._RefreshIndicatorMode_5);
- break;
- case B._RefreshIndicatorMode_5:
- case B._RefreshIndicatorMode_4:
- case B._RefreshIndicatorMode_3:
- case B._RefreshIndicatorMode_2:
- case null:
- break;
- }
- return false;
- },
- _handleIndicatorNotification$1(notification) {
- if (notification.ViewportNotificationMixin__depth !== 0 || !notification.leading)
- return false;
- if (this._refresh_indicator$_mode === B._RefreshIndicatorMode_0) {
- notification.accepted = false;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- _refresh_indicator$_start$1(_, direction) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- switch (direction.index) {
- case 2:
- case 0:
- _this._isIndicatorAtTop = true;
- break;
- case 3:
- case 1:
- _this._isIndicatorAtTop = null;
- return false;
- }
- _this._dragOffset = 0;
- t1 = _this.__RefreshIndicatorState__scaleController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$value(0, 0);
- t1 = _this.__RefreshIndicatorState__positionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$value(0, 0);
- return true;
- },
- _checkDragOffset$1(containerExtent) {
- var newValue, t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._dragOffset;
- t1.toString;
- newValue = t1 / (containerExtent * 0.25);
- if (_this._refresh_indicator$_mode === B._RefreshIndicatorMode_1)
- newValue = Math.max(newValue, 0.6666666666666666);
- t1 = _this.__RefreshIndicatorState__positionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$value(0, A.clampDouble(newValue, 0, 1));
- if (_this._refresh_indicator$_mode === B._RefreshIndicatorMode_0) {
- t1 = _this.__RefreshIndicatorState__valueColor_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.parent;
- t2 = t1._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2));
- t2.toString;
- t2 = (J.get$value$x(t2) >>> 24 & 255) === 255;
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- _this._refresh_indicator$_mode = B._RefreshIndicatorMode_1;
- },
- _dismiss$1(newMode) {
- return this._dismiss$body$RefreshIndicatorState(newMode);
- },
- _dismiss$body$RefreshIndicatorState(newMode) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this, t1;
- var $async$_dismiss$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.void), $async$_dismiss$1);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- $async$self.setState$1(new A.RefreshIndicatorState__dismiss_closure($async$self, newMode));
- case 3:
- // switch
- switch ($async$self._refresh_indicator$_mode.index) {
- case 4:
- // goto case
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- case 5:
- // goto case
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 1:
- // goto case
- $async$goto = 7;
- break;
- case 0:
- // goto case
- $async$goto = 8;
- break;
- case 3:
- // goto case
- $async$goto = 9;
- break;
- case 2:
- // goto case
- $async$goto = 10;
- break;
- default:
- // goto after switch
- $async$goto = 4;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- // case
- t1 = $async$self.__RefreshIndicatorState__scaleController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1._direction = B._AnimationDirection_0;
- $async$goto = 11;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1._animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(1, B.C__Linear, B.Duration_200000), $async$_dismiss$1);
- case 11:
- // returning from await.
- // goto after switch
- $async$goto = 4;
- break;
- case 6:
- // case
- t1 = $async$self.__RefreshIndicatorState__positionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1._direction = B._AnimationDirection_0;
- $async$goto = 12;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1._animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(0, B.C__Linear, B.Duration_200000), $async$_dismiss$1);
- case 12:
- // returning from await.
- // goto after switch
- $async$goto = 4;
- break;
- case 7:
- // case
- case 8:
- // case
- case 9:
- // case
- case 10:
- // case
- // goto after switch
- $async$goto = 4;
- break;
- case 4:
- // after switch
- if ($async$self._framework$_element != null && $async$self._refresh_indicator$_mode === newMode) {
- $async$self._isIndicatorAtTop = $async$self._dragOffset = null;
- $async$self.setState$1(new A.RefreshIndicatorState__dismiss_closure0($async$self));
- }
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_dismiss$1, $async$completer);
- },
- _refresh_indicator$_show$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = $.Zone__current;
- this._refresh_indicator$_mode = B._RefreshIndicatorMode_2;
- t2 = this.__RefreshIndicatorState__positionController_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2._direction = B._AnimationDirection_0;
- t2._animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(0.6666666666666666, B.C__Linear, B.Duration_150000).then$1$1(0, new A.RefreshIndicatorState__show_closure(this, new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future(t1, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void)), type$.void);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t3, t4, t5, t6, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this._widget.child,
- t2 = _this._refresh_indicator$_mode,
- showIndeterminateIndicator = t2 === B._RefreshIndicatorMode_3 || t2 === B._RefreshIndicatorMode_4;
- t1 = A._setArrayType([new A.NotificationListener(_this.get$_refresh_indicator$_handleScrollNotification(), new A.NotificationListener(_this.get$_handleIndicatorNotification(), t1, _null, type$.NotificationListener_OverscrollIndicatorNotification), _null, type$.NotificationListener_ScrollNotification)], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- if (_this._refresh_indicator$_mode != null) {
- t2 = _this._isIndicatorAtTop;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this._widget;
- t3.toString;
- t2 = !t2 ? 0 : _null;
- t4 = _this.__RefreshIndicatorState__positionFactor_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = _this.__RefreshIndicatorState__scaleFactor_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = _this.__RefreshIndicatorState__positionController_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.push(A.Positioned$(t2, A.SizeTransition$(B.Axis_1, 1, A.Container$(B.Alignment_0_m1, A.ScaleTransition$(A.AnimatedBuilder$(t6, new A.RefreshIndicatorState_build_closure(_this, showIndeterminateIndicator), _null), t5), B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, new A.EdgeInsets(0, t3.displacement, 0, 0), _null, _null, _null), t4), _null, _null, 0, 0, 0, _null));
- }
- return new A.Stack(B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_m1, _null, B.StackFit_0, B.Clip_1, t1, _null);
- }
- };
- A.RefreshIndicatorState__handleScrollNotification_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._refresh_indicator$_mode = B._RefreshIndicatorMode_0;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.RefreshIndicatorState__dismiss_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._refresh_indicator$_mode = this.newMode;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.RefreshIndicatorState__dismiss_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._refresh_indicator$_mode = null;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.RefreshIndicatorState__show_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1._framework$_element != null && t1._refresh_indicator$_mode === B._RefreshIndicatorMode_2) {
- t1.setState$1(new A.RefreshIndicatorState__show__closure(t1));
- t1._widget.onRefresh$0().whenComplete$1(new A.RefreshIndicatorState__show__closure0(t1, this.completer));
- }
- },
- $signature: 44
- };
- A.RefreshIndicatorState__show__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._refresh_indicator$_mode = B._RefreshIndicatorMode_3;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.RefreshIndicatorState__show__closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1._framework$_element != null && t1._refresh_indicator$_mode === B._RefreshIndicatorMode_3) {
- this.completer.complete$0(0);
- t1._dismiss$1(B._RefreshIndicatorMode_4);
- }
- },
- $signature: 6
- };
- A.RefreshIndicatorState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(context, child) {
- var t2, t3, materialIndicator, cupertinoIndicator, _null = null,
- t1 = this.$this;
- t1._widget.toString;
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- t1._widget.toString;
- if (this.showIndeterminateIndicator)
- t2 = _null;
- else {
- t2 = t1.__RefreshIndicatorState__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t2.parent;
- t3 = t2._evaluatable.transform$1(0, t3.get$value(t3));
- t2 = t3;
- }
- t3 = t1.__RefreshIndicatorState__valueColor_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- materialIndicator = new A.RefreshProgressIndicator(t1._widget.strokeWidth, t2, _null, _null, t3, "Refresh", _null, _null);
- cupertinoIndicator = A.CupertinoActivityIndicator$(_null, _null);
- switch (0) {
- case 0:
- return materialIndicator;
- }
- },
- $signature: 48
- };
- A._RefreshIndicatorState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.ReorderableListView.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._ReorderableListViewState(B._StateLifecycle_0);
- },
- itemBuilder$2(arg0, arg1) {
- return this.itemBuilder.call$2(arg0, arg1);
- },
- onReorder$2(arg0, arg1) {
- return this.onReorder.call$2(arg0, arg1);
- }
- };
- A._ReorderableListViewState.prototype = {
- _wrapWithSemantics$2(child, index) {
- var _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = new A._ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_reorder(_this),
- semanticsActions = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.CustomSemanticsAction, type$.void_Function),
- t2 = _this._framework$_element;
- t2.toString;
- A.Localizations_of(t2, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- if (index > 0) {
- semanticsActions.$indexSet(0, new A.CustomSemanticsAction("Move to the start", _null, _null), new A._ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveToStart(t1, index));
- _this._widget.toString;
- semanticsActions.$indexSet(0, new A.CustomSemanticsAction("Move up", _null, _null), new A._ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveBefore(t1, index));
- }
- if (index < _this._widget.itemCount - 1) {
- semanticsActions.$indexSet(0, new A.CustomSemanticsAction("Move down", _null, _null), new A._ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveAfter(t1, index));
- semanticsActions.$indexSet(0, new A.CustomSemanticsAction("Move to the end", _null, _null), new A._ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveToEnd(_this, t1, index));
- }
- return new A.MergeSemantics(new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, semanticsActions, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, child, _null), _null);
- },
- _itemBuilder$2(context, index) {
- var _this = this,
- item = _this._widget.itemBuilder$2(context, index),
- itemWithSemantics = _this._wrapWithSemantics$2(item, index),
- t1 = item.key;
- t1.toString;
- _this._widget.toString;
- return new A.KeyedSubtree(itemWithSemantics, new A._ReorderableListViewChildGlobalKey(t1, _this, t1));
- },
- _proxyDecorator$3(child, index, animation) {
- return A.AnimatedBuilder$(animation, new A._ReorderableListViewState__proxyDecorator_closure(animation), child);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this, _null = null,
- padding = _this._widget.padding,
- headerPadding = A._Cell$named("headerPadding"),
- footerPadding = A._Cell$named("footerPadding"),
- listPadding = A._Cell$named("listPadding");
- _this._widget.toString;
- headerPadding.set$finalLocalValue(B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0);
- footerPadding.set$finalLocalValue(B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0);
- listPadding.set$finalLocalValue(padding);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t2 = listPadding._readLocal$0();
- t3 = _this._widget;
- t4 = t3.itemCount;
- t3 = t3.onReorder;
- t1.push(new A.SliverPadding(t2, new A.SliverReorderableList(_this.get$_itemBuilder(), t4, t3, _null, _null, _this.get$_proxyDecorator(), _null, _null, _null), _null));
- _this._widget.toString;
- t2 = B.AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics_null;
- return new A.CustomScrollView(t1, B.Axis_1, false, _null, _null, t2, _null, true, _null, 0, _null, _null, B.DragStartBehavior_1, B.ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior_0, _null, B.Clip_1, _null);
- }
- };
- A._ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_reorder.prototype = {
- call$2(startIndex, endIndex) {
- if (startIndex !== endIndex)
- this.$this._widget.onReorder$2(startIndex, endIndex);
- },
- $signature: 230
- };
- A._ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveToStart.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.reorder.call$2(this.index, 0);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveToEnd.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.reorder.call$2(this.index, this.$this._widget.itemCount);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveBefore.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.index;
- return this.reorder.call$2(t1, t1 - 1);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._ReorderableListViewState__wrapWithSemantics_moveAfter.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.index;
- return this.reorder.call$2(t1, t1 + 2);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._ReorderableListViewState__proxyDecorator_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(context, child) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = this.animation.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(0, 6, B.Cubic_xDo.transform$1(0, t1));
- t1.toString;
- return A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, true, _null, child, B.Clip_0, _null, t1, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.MaterialType_0);
- },
- $signature: 287
- };
- A._ReorderableListViewChildGlobalKey.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A._ReorderableListViewChildGlobalKey && other.subKey.$eq(0, this.subKey) && other.state === this.state;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.subKey, this.state, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A._ScaffoldSlot.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_ScaffoldSlot." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.ScaffoldMessenger.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- var _null = null;
- return new A.ScaffoldMessengerState(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet(type$.ScaffoldState), A.ListQueue$(_null, type$.ScaffoldFeatureController_MaterialBanner_MaterialBannerClosedReason), A.ListQueue$(_null, type$.ScaffoldFeatureController_SnackBar_SnackBarClosedReason), _null, _null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A.ScaffoldMessengerState.prototype = {
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- var accessibleNavigation, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- accessibleNavigation = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(t1, B._MediaQueryAspect_10, type$.MediaQuery).data.accessibleNavigation;
- t1 = _this._accessibleNavigation;
- if (t1 === true)
- if (!accessibleNavigation) {
- t1 = _this._snackBarTimer;
- t1 = t1 != null && t1._handle == null;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- _this.hideCurrentSnackBar$1$reason(B.SnackBarClosedReason_5);
- _this._accessibleNavigation = accessibleNavigation;
- _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- },
- _updateScaffolds$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, $parent;
- for (t1 = this._scaffolds, t2 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t3 = type$.ScaffoldState, t4 = t2.$ti._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t5 = t2._collection$_current;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = t4._as(t5);
- $parent = t5._framework$_element.findAncestorStateOfType$1$0(t3);
- if ($parent == null || !t1.contains$1(0, $parent)) {
- t5._updateSnackBar$0();
- t5._updateMaterialBanner$0();
- }
- }
- },
- _isRoot$1(scaffold) {
- var $parent = scaffold._framework$_element.findAncestorStateOfType$1$0(type$.ScaffoldState);
- return $parent == null || !this._scaffolds.contains$1(0, $parent);
- },
- showSnackBar$1(snackBar) {
- var controller, exception, t2, t3, exception0, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._snackBarController;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = A.AnimationController$("SnackBar", B.Duration_250000, null, 1, null, _this);
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t2 = t1.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t2._isDirty = true;
- t2._list.push(_this.get$_handleSnackBarStatusChanged());
- _this._snackBarController = t1;
- }
- t2 = _this._snackBars;
- if (t2._head === t2._tail)
- t1.forward$0(0);
- controller = A._Cell$named("controller");
- t1 = _this._snackBarController;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = new A.UniqueKey();
- t3 = snackBar.key;
- t2 = t3 == null ? t2 : t3;
- controller.__late_helper$_value = new A.ScaffoldFeatureController(new A.SnackBar(snackBar.content, snackBar.backgroundColor, snackBar.elevation, snackBar.margin, snackBar.padding, snackBar.width, snackBar.shape, snackBar.behavior, snackBar.action, snackBar.actionOverflowThreshold, snackBar.showCloseIcon, snackBar.closeIconColor, snackBar.duration, t1, snackBar.onVisible, snackBar.dismissDirection, snackBar.clipBehavior, t2), new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_SnackBarClosedReason), type$._AsyncCompleter_SnackBarClosedReason), new A.ScaffoldMessengerState_showSnackBar_closure(_this, controller), type$.ScaffoldFeatureController_SnackBar_SnackBarClosedReason);
- try {
- _this.setState$1(new A.ScaffoldMessengerState_showSnackBar_closure0(_this, controller));
- _this._updateScaffolds$0();
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- throw exception0;
- }
- return controller._readLocal$0();
- },
- _handleSnackBarStatusChanged$1($status) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- switch ($status.index) {
- case 0:
- _this.setState$1(new A.ScaffoldMessengerState__handleSnackBarStatusChanged_closure(_this));
- _this._updateScaffolds$0();
- t1 = _this._snackBars;
- if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
- _this._snackBarController.forward$0(0);
- break;
- case 3:
- _this.setState$1(new A.ScaffoldMessengerState__handleSnackBarStatusChanged_closure0(_this));
- _this._updateScaffolds$0();
- break;
- case 1:
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- }
- },
- removeCurrentSnackBar$1$reason(reason) {
- var completer, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._snackBars;
- if (t1._head === t1._tail)
- return;
- completer = t1.get$first(t1)._completer;
- if ((completer.future._state & 30) === 0)
- completer.complete$1(0, reason);
- t1 = _this._snackBarTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._snackBarTimer = null;
- _this._snackBarController.set$value(0, 0);
- },
- hideCurrentSnackBar$1$reason(reason) {
- var t2, completer, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._snackBars;
- if (t1._head !== t1._tail) {
- t2 = _this._snackBarController.__AnimationController__status_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2 === B.AnimationStatus_0;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- return;
- completer = t1.get$first(t1)._completer;
- t1 = _this._accessibleNavigation;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._snackBarController;
- if (t1) {
- t2.set$value(0, 0);
- completer.complete$1(0, reason);
- } else
- t2.reverse$0(0).then$1$1(0, new A.ScaffoldMessengerState_hideCurrentSnackBar_closure(_this, completer, reason), type$.void);
- t1 = _this._snackBarTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._snackBarTimer = null;
- },
- hideCurrentSnackBar$0() {
- return this.hideCurrentSnackBar$1$reason(B.SnackBarClosedReason_3);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, route, t2, snackBar, _this = this;
- _this._accessibleNavigation = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_10, type$.MediaQuery).data.accessibleNavigation;
- t1 = _this._snackBars;
- if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) {
- route = A.ModalRoute_of(context, type$.nullable_Object);
- if (route == null || route.get$isCurrent()) {
- t2 = _this._snackBarController;
- if (t2.get$status(t2) === B.AnimationStatus_3 && _this._snackBarTimer == null) {
- snackBar = t1.get$first(t1)._scaffold$_widget;
- _this._snackBarTimer = A.Timer_Timer(snackBar.duration, new A.ScaffoldMessengerState_build_closure(_this, snackBar, context));
- }
- }
- }
- return new A._ScaffoldMessengerScope(_this, _this._widget.child, null);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._snackBarController;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this._snackBarTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._snackBarTimer = null;
- _this.super$_ScaffoldMessengerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.ScaffoldMessengerState_showSnackBar_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.hideCurrentSnackBar$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ScaffoldMessengerState_showSnackBar_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._snackBars._add$1(0, this.controller._readLocal$0());
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ScaffoldMessengerState__handleSnackBarStatusChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._snackBars.removeFirst$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ScaffoldMessengerState__handleSnackBarStatusChanged_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ScaffoldMessengerState_hideCurrentSnackBar_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- var t1 = this.completer;
- if ((t1.future._state & 30) === 0)
- t1.complete$1(0, this.reason);
- },
- $signature: 44
- };
- A.ScaffoldMessengerState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.hideCurrentSnackBar$1$reason(B.SnackBarClosedReason_5);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._ScaffoldMessengerScope.prototype = {
- updateShouldNotify$1(old) {
- return this._scaffoldMessengerState !== old._scaffoldMessengerState;
- }
- };
- A.ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry.prototype = {};
- A.ScaffoldGeometry.prototype = {
- copyWith$2$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea(bottomNavigationBarTop, floatingActionButtonArea) {
- var t1 = bottomNavigationBarTop == null ? this.bottomNavigationBarTop : bottomNavigationBarTop;
- return new A.ScaffoldGeometry(t1, floatingActionButtonArea == null ? this.floatingActionButtonArea : floatingActionButtonArea);
- }
- };
- A._ScaffoldGeometryNotifier.prototype = {
- _updateWith$3$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea$floatingActionButtonScale(bottomNavigationBarTop, floatingActionButtonArea, floatingActionButtonScale) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.floatingActionButtonScale = floatingActionButtonScale == null ? _this.floatingActionButtonScale : floatingActionButtonScale;
- _this.geometry = _this.geometry.copyWith$2$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea(bottomNavigationBarTop, floatingActionButtonArea);
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- _updateWith$1$floatingActionButtonScale(floatingActionButtonScale) {
- return this._updateWith$3$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea$floatingActionButtonScale(null, null, floatingActionButtonScale);
- },
- _updateWith$2$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea(bottomNavigationBarTop, floatingActionButtonArea) {
- return this._updateWith$3$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea$floatingActionButtonScale(bottomNavigationBarTop, floatingActionButtonArea, null);
- }
- };
- A._BodyBoxConstraints.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (!_this.super$BoxConstraints$$eq(0, other))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A._BodyBoxConstraints && other.materialBannerHeight === _this.materialBannerHeight && other.bottomWidgetsHeight === _this.bottomWidgetsHeight && other.appBarHeight === _this.appBarHeight;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(A.BoxConstraints.prototype.get$hashCode.call(_this, _this), _this.materialBannerHeight, _this.bottomWidgetsHeight, _this.appBarHeight, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A._BodyBuilder.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- return this.body;
- }
- };
- A._ScaffoldLayout.prototype = {
- performLayout$1(size) {
- var appBarHeight, contentTop, bottomWidgetsHeight, bottomNavigationBarTop, materialBannerSize, t2, contentBottom, bodyMaxHeight, t3, bottomSheetSize, floatingActionButtonRect, fabSize, currentGeometry, currentFabOffset, fabOffset, t4, t5, hasCustomWidth, snackBarSize, snackBarYOffsetBase, xOffset, _this = this,
- looseConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$loose(size),
- t1 = size._dx,
- fullWidthConstraints = looseConstraints.tighten$1$width(t1),
- bottom = size._dy;
- if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_1) != null) {
- appBarHeight = _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_1, fullWidthConstraints)._dy;
- _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_1, B.Offset_0_0);
- contentTop = appBarHeight;
- } else {
- contentTop = 0;
- appBarHeight = 0;
- }
- if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_7) != null) {
- bottomWidgetsHeight = 0 + _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_7, fullWidthConstraints)._dy;
- bottomNavigationBarTop = Math.max(0, bottom - bottomWidgetsHeight);
- _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_7, new A.Offset(0, bottomNavigationBarTop));
- } else {
- bottomWidgetsHeight = 0;
- bottomNavigationBarTop = null;
- }
- if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_6) != null) {
- bottomWidgetsHeight += _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_6, new A.BoxConstraints(0, fullWidthConstraints.maxWidth, 0, Math.max(0, bottom - bottomWidgetsHeight - contentTop)))._dy;
- _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_6, new A.Offset(0, Math.max(0, bottom - bottomWidgetsHeight)));
- }
- if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_5) != null) {
- materialBannerSize = _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_5, fullWidthConstraints);
- _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_5, new A.Offset(0, appBarHeight));
- if (!_this.extendBodyBehindMaterialBanner)
- contentTop += materialBannerSize._dy;
- } else
- materialBannerSize = B.Size_0_0;
- t2 = _this.minInsets;
- contentBottom = Math.max(0, bottom - Math.max(t2.bottom, bottomWidgetsHeight));
- if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_0) != null) {
- bodyMaxHeight = Math.max(0, contentBottom - contentTop);
- t3 = _this.extendBody;
- if (t3)
- bodyMaxHeight = A.clampDouble(bodyMaxHeight + bottomWidgetsHeight, 0, looseConstraints.maxHeight - contentTop);
- t3 = t3 ? bottomWidgetsHeight : 0;
- _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_0, new A._BodyBoxConstraints(t3, appBarHeight, materialBannerSize._dy, 0, fullWidthConstraints.maxWidth, 0, bodyMaxHeight));
- _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_0, new A.Offset(0, contentTop));
- }
- if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_2) != null) {
- _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_2, new A.BoxConstraints(0, fullWidthConstraints.maxWidth, 0, contentBottom));
- _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_2, B.Offset_0_0);
- }
- t3 = _this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_4) != null && !_this.isSnackBarFloating ? _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_4, fullWidthConstraints) : B.Size_0_0;
- if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_3) != null) {
- bottomSheetSize = _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_3, new A.BoxConstraints(0, fullWidthConstraints.maxWidth, 0, Math.max(0, contentBottom - contentTop)));
- _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_3, new A.Offset((t1 - bottomSheetSize._dx) / 2, contentBottom - bottomSheetSize._dy));
- } else
- bottomSheetSize = B.Size_0_0;
- floatingActionButtonRect = A._Cell$named("floatingActionButtonRect");
- if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_8) != null) {
- fabSize = _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_8, looseConstraints);
- currentGeometry = new A.ScaffoldPrelayoutGeometry(fabSize, bottomSheetSize, contentBottom, t2, _this.minViewPadding, size, t3, _this.textDirection);
- currentFabOffset = _this.currentFloatingActionButtonLocation.getOffset$1(currentGeometry);
- fabOffset = _this.floatingActionButtonMotionAnimator.getOffset$3$begin$end$progress(_this.previousFloatingActionButtonLocation.getOffset$1(currentGeometry), currentFabOffset, _this.floatingActionButtonMoveAnimationProgress);
- _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_8, fabOffset);
- t4 = fabOffset._dx;
- t5 = fabOffset._dy;
- floatingActionButtonRect.__late_helper$_value = new A.Rect(t4, t5, t4 + fabSize._dx, t5 + fabSize._dy);
- }
- if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_4) != null) {
- t4 = _this.snackBarWidth;
- hasCustomWidth = t4 != null && t4 < t1;
- if (t3.$eq(0, B.Size_0_0)) {
- snackBarSize = _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_4, hasCustomWidth ? looseConstraints : fullWidthConstraints);
- t3 = snackBarSize;
- }
- t5 = floatingActionButtonRect._readLocal$0();
- if (!new A.Size(t5.right - t5.left, t5.bottom - t5.top).$eq(0, B.Size_0_0) && _this.isSnackBarFloating) {
- snackBarYOffsetBase = floatingActionButtonRect._readLocal$0().top;
- t5 = snackBarYOffsetBase;
- } else {
- snackBarYOffsetBase = _this.isSnackBarFloating ? Math.min(contentBottom, bottom - _this.minViewPadding.bottom) : contentBottom;
- t5 = snackBarYOffsetBase;
- }
- if (hasCustomWidth) {
- t4.toString;
- xOffset = (t1 - t4) / 2;
- } else
- xOffset = 0;
- _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_4, new A.Offset(xOffset, t5 - t3._dy));
- }
- if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_11) != null) {
- _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_11, fullWidthConstraints.tighten$1$height(t2.top));
- _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_11, B.Offset_0_0);
- }
- if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_9) != null) {
- _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_9, A.BoxConstraints$tight(size));
- _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_9, B.Offset_0_0);
- }
- if (_this._idToChild.$index(0, B._ScaffoldSlot_10) != null) {
- _this.layoutChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_10, A.BoxConstraints$tight(size));
- _this.positionChild$2(B._ScaffoldSlot_10, B.Offset_0_0);
- }
- _this.geometryNotifier._updateWith$2$bottomNavigationBarTop$floatingActionButtonArea(bottomNavigationBarTop, floatingActionButtonRect._readLocal$0());
- },
- shouldRelayout$1(oldDelegate) {
- var _this = this;
- return !oldDelegate.minInsets.$eq(0, _this.minInsets) || !oldDelegate.minViewPadding.$eq(0, _this.minViewPadding) || oldDelegate.textDirection !== _this.textDirection || oldDelegate.floatingActionButtonMoveAnimationProgress !== _this.floatingActionButtonMoveAnimationProgress || oldDelegate.previousFloatingActionButtonLocation !== _this.previousFloatingActionButtonLocation || oldDelegate.currentFloatingActionButtonLocation !== _this.currentFloatingActionButtonLocation || oldDelegate.extendBody !== _this.extendBody || false;
- }
- };
- A._FloatingActionButtonTransition.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._FloatingActionButtonTransitionState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._FloatingActionButtonTransitionState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(null, B.Duration_200000, null, 1, null, _this);
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t2 = t1.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t2._isDirty = true;
- t2._list.push(_this.get$_handlePreviousAnimationStatusChanged());
- _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousController_A = t1;
- _this._scaffold$_updateAnimations$0();
- _this._widget.geometryNotifier._updateWith$1$floatingActionButtonScale(0);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$__FloatingActionButtonTransitionState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = _this._widget;
- if (oldWidget.fabMotionAnimator !== t1.fabMotionAnimator || oldWidget.fabMoveAnimation !== t1.fabMoveAnimation)
- _this._scaffold$_updateAnimations$0();
- _this._widget.toString;
- return;
- },
- _scaffold$_updateAnimations$0() {
- var previousExitScaleAnimation, t2, currentEntranceScaleAnimation, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, moveScaleAnimation, t11, t12, moveRotationAnimation, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- previousExitScaleAnimation = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_JUR0, t1, _null);
- t1 = type$.Tween_double;
- t2 = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_JUR0, _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousController_A, _null);
- currentEntranceScaleAnimation = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_JUR0, _this._widget.currentController, _null);
- t3 = _this._widget;
- t4 = t3.currentController;
- t5 = $.$get$_FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__entranceTurnTween();
- t6 = type$.Animation_double;
- t6._as(t4);
- t3 = t3.fabMoveAnimation;
- t6._as(t3);
- t7 = type$.CurveTween._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation");
- t8 = type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus;
- t9 = type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus;
- t10 = type$.double;
- moveScaleAnimation = A._AnimationSwap$(new A.ReverseAnimation(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t3, new A.CurveTween(new A.FlippedCurve(B.Interval_E4y)), t7), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t8), t9), 0), new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t3, new A.CurveTween(B.Interval_E4y), t7), t3, 0.5, t10);
- t3 = _this._widget.fabMoveAnimation;
- t11 = $.$get$_ScalingFabMotionAnimator__rotationTween();
- t6._as(t3);
- t12 = $.$get$_ScalingFabMotionAnimator__thresholdCenterTween();
- moveRotationAnimation = A._AnimationSwap$(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t3, t11, t11.$ti._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), new A.ReverseAnimation(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t3, t12, A._instanceType(t12)._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], t8), t9), 0), t3, 0.5, t10);
- _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousScaleAnimation_A = A.AnimationMin$(moveScaleAnimation, previousExitScaleAnimation, t10);
- t10 = A.AnimationMin$(moveScaleAnimation, currentEntranceScaleAnimation, t10);
- _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentScaleAnimation_A = t10;
- _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__extendedCurrentScaleAnimation_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t6._as(t10), new A.CurveTween(B.Interval_75R1), t7);
- _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousRotationAnimation_A = A.TrainHoppingAnimation$(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t2, new A.Tween(1, 1, t1), t1._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), moveRotationAnimation, _null);
- _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentRotationAnimation_A = A.TrainHoppingAnimation$(new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t4, t5, t5.$ti._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation")), moveRotationAnimation, _null);
- t5 = _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentScaleAnimation_A;
- t4 = _this.get$_onProgressChanged();
- t5.didRegisterListener$0();
- t5 = t5.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t5._isDirty = true;
- t5._list.push(t4);
- t5 = _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousScaleAnimation_A;
- t5.didRegisterListener$0();
- t5 = t5.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t5._isDirty = true;
- t5._list.push(t4);
- },
- _handlePreviousAnimationStatusChanged$1($status) {
- this.setState$1(new A._FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__handlePreviousAnimationStatusChanged_closure(this, $status));
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_Widget),
- t2 = _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousController_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__AnimationController__status_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2 !== B.AnimationStatus_0) {
- t2 = _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousScaleAnimation_A;
- t3 = _this._previousChild;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousRotationAnimation_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.push(A.ScaleTransition$(A.RotationTransition$(t3, t4), t2));
- }
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t3 = _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentScaleAnimation_A;
- t2 = t2.child;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = _this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentRotationAnimation_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.push(A.ScaleTransition$(A.RotationTransition$(t2, t4), t3));
- return new A.Stack(B.Alignment_1_0, null, B.StackFit_0, B.Clip_1, t1, null);
- },
- _onProgressChanged$0() {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__previousScaleAnimation_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.first;
- t2 = t2.get$value(t2);
- t1 = t1.next;
- t1 = t1.get$value(t1);
- t1 = Math.min(A.checkNum(t2), A.checkNum(t1));
- t2 = this.___FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__currentScaleAnimation_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t2.first;
- t3 = t3.get$value(t3);
- t2 = t2.next;
- t2 = t2.get$value(t2);
- t2 = Math.max(t1, Math.min(A.checkNum(t3), A.checkNum(t2)));
- this._widget.geometryNotifier._updateWith$1$floatingActionButtonScale(t2);
- }
- };
- A._FloatingActionButtonTransitionState__handlePreviousAnimationStatusChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- if (this.status === B.AnimationStatus_0)
- this.$this._widget.toString;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.Scaffold.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = type$.LabeledGlobalKey_DrawerControllerState,
- t2 = type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget,
- t3 = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- return new A.ScaffoldState(new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, t1), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, t1), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, t2), new A.RestorableBool(false, t3), new A.RestorableBool(false, t3), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__StandardBottomSheet), new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, t2), B.Color_4278190080, _null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.RestorableProperty_nullable_Object, type$.void_Function), _null, true, _null, _null, _null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A.ScaffoldState.prototype = {
- get$restorationId() {
- this._widget.toString;
- return null;
- },
- restoreState$2(oldBucket, initialRestore) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.registerForRestoration$2(_this._drawerOpened, "drawer_open");
- _this.registerForRestoration$2(_this._endDrawerOpened, "end_drawer_open");
- },
- _drawerOpenedCallback$1(isOpened) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._drawerOpened,
- t2 = t1._restoration_properties$_value;
- if (!J.$eq$(t2 == null ? A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t2) : t2, isOpened) && _this._drawerKey.get$currentState() != null) {
- _this.setState$1(new A.ScaffoldState__drawerOpenedCallback_closure(_this, isOpened));
- _this._widget.toString;
- }
- },
- _updateSnackBar$0() {
- var messengerSnackBar, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._scaffoldMessenger._snackBars;
- if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) {
- t1 = _this._scaffoldMessenger._snackBars;
- messengerSnackBar = t1.get$first(t1);
- } else
- messengerSnackBar = null;
- if (_this._messengerSnackBar != messengerSnackBar)
- _this.setState$1(new A.ScaffoldState__updateSnackBar_closure(_this, messengerSnackBar));
- },
- _updateMaterialBanner$0() {
- var messengerMaterialBanner, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._scaffoldMessenger._materialBanners;
- if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1)) {
- t1 = _this._scaffoldMessenger._materialBanners;
- messengerMaterialBanner = t1.get$first(t1);
- } else
- messengerMaterialBanner = null;
- if (_this._messengerMaterialBanner != messengerMaterialBanner)
- _this.setState$1(new A.ScaffoldState__updateMaterialBanner_closure(_this, messengerMaterialBanner));
- },
- _maybeBuildPersistentBottomSheet$0() {
- this._widget.toString;
- },
- _handleStatusBarTap$0() {
- var primaryScrollController,
- t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- primaryScrollController = A.PrimaryScrollController_maybeOf(t1);
- if (primaryScrollController != null && primaryScrollController._positions.length !== 0)
- primaryScrollController.animateTo$3$curve$duration(0, B.Cubic_YAz, B.Duration_1000000);
- },
- get$_resizeToAvoidBottomInset() {
- var t1 = this._widget.resizeToAvoidBottomInset;
- return t1 !== false;
- },
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- _this.__ScaffoldState__geometryNotifier_A = new A._ScaffoldGeometryNotifier(t1, B.ScaffoldGeometry_null_null, $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- _this._widget.toString;
- _this._floatingActionButtonLocation = B.C__EndFloatFabLocation;
- _this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonAnimator_A = B.C__ScalingFabMotionAnimator;
- _this._previousFloatingActionButtonLocation = B.C__EndFloatFabLocation;
- _this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonMoveController_A = A.AnimationController$(_null, new A.Duration(400000), _null, 1, 1, _this);
- _this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonVisibilityController_A = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_200000, _null, 1, _null, _this);
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- this.super$_ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- this._widget.toString;
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- var t3, _this = this,
- scope = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._ScaffoldMessengerScope),
- currentScaffoldMessenger = scope == null ? null : scope._scaffoldMessengerState,
- t1 = _this._scaffoldMessenger,
- t2 = t1 == null;
- if (!t2)
- t3 = currentScaffoldMessenger == null || t1 !== currentScaffoldMessenger;
- else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3)
- if (!t2)
- t1._scaffolds.remove$1(0, _this);
- _this._scaffoldMessenger = currentScaffoldMessenger;
- if (currentScaffoldMessenger != null) {
- currentScaffoldMessenger._scaffolds.add$1(0, _this);
- if (currentScaffoldMessenger._isRoot$1(_this)) {
- t1 = currentScaffoldMessenger._snackBars;
- if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
- _this._updateSnackBar$0();
- t1 = currentScaffoldMessenger._materialBanners;
- if (!t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
- _this._updateMaterialBanner$0();
- }
- }
- _this._maybeBuildPersistentBottomSheet$0();
- _this.super$_ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin$didChangeDependencies();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__ScaffoldState__geometryNotifier_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.ChangeNotifier__listeners = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- t1.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- t1 = _this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonMoveController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonVisibilityController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this._scaffoldMessenger;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1._scaffolds.remove$1(0, _this);
- _this._drawerOpened.dispose$0();
- _this._endDrawerOpened.dispose$0();
- _this.super$_ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin$dispose();
- },
- _addIfNonNull$9$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomInset$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, child, childId, maintainBottomViewPadding, removeBottomInset, removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding) {
- var data,
- t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- data = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(t1, null, type$.MediaQuery).data.removePadding$4$removeBottom$removeLeft$removeRight$removeTop(removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding);
- if (removeBottomInset)
- data = data.removeViewInsets$1$removeBottom(true);
- if (maintainBottomViewPadding && data.viewInsets.bottom !== 0)
- data = data.copyWith$1$padding(data.padding.copyWith$1$bottom(data.viewPadding.bottom));
- if (child != null)
- children.push(A.LayoutId$(A.MediaQuery$(child, data, null), childId));
- },
- _addIfNonNull$8$removeBottomInset$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, child, childId, removeBottomInset, removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding) {
- return this._addIfNonNull$9$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomInset$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, child, childId, false, removeBottomInset, removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding);
- },
- _addIfNonNull$7$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, child, childId, removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding) {
- return this._addIfNonNull$9$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomInset$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, child, childId, false, false, removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding);
- },
- _addIfNonNull$8$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, child, childId, maintainBottomViewPadding, removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding) {
- return this._addIfNonNull$9$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomInset$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, child, childId, maintainBottomViewPadding, false, removeBottomPadding, removeLeftPadding, removeRightPadding, removeTopPadding);
- },
- _buildEndDrawer$2(children, textDirection) {
- this._widget.toString;
- },
- _buildDrawer$2(children, textDirection) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._widget.drawer;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = _this._drawerOpened;
- t3 = t2._restoration_properties$_value;
- t2 = t3 == null ? A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t3) : t3;
- _this._addIfNonNull$7$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, new A.DrawerController(t1, B.DrawerAlignment_0, _this.get$_drawerOpenedCallback(), B.DragStartBehavior_1, null, true, null, t2, _this._drawerKey), B._ScaffoldSlot_9, false, textDirection === B.TextDirection_0, textDirection === B.TextDirection_1, false);
- }
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var textDirection, children, t2, snackBarBehavior, elevation, t3, t4, minInsets, minViewPadding, _this = this, _null = null, _box_0 = {},
- themeData = A.Theme_of(context),
- t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- textDirection = t1.textDirection;
- children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_LayoutId);
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t1.body;
- t1 = t1.appBar;
- _this.get$_resizeToAvoidBottomInset();
- _this._addIfNonNull$8$removeBottomInset$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, new A._BodyBuilder(new A.KeyedSubtree(t2, _this._bodyKey), false, false, _null), B._ScaffoldSlot_0, true, false, false, false, t1 != null);
- if (_this._showBodyScrim)
- _this._addIfNonNull$7$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, A.ModalBarrier$(true, _null, _this._bodyScrimColor, false, _null, _null, _null), B._ScaffoldSlot_2, true, true, true, true);
- if (_this._widget.appBar != null) {
- t1 = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_5, type$.MediaQuery).data;
- t1 = _this._appBarMaxHeight = A.AppBar_preferredHeightFor(context, _this._widget.appBar.get$preferredSize()) + t1.padding.top;
- t2 = _this._widget.appBar;
- t2.toString;
- _this._addIfNonNull$7$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, new A.ConstrainedBox(new A.BoxConstraints(0, 1 / 0, 0, t1), new A.FlexibleSpaceBarSettings(1, t1, t1, t1, _null, t2, _null), _null), B._ScaffoldSlot_1, true, false, false, false);
- }
- _box_0.isSnackBarFloating = false;
- _box_0.snackBarWidth = null;
- if (_this._currentBottomSheet != null || _this._dismissedBottomSheets.length !== 0) {
- t1 = A.List_List$of(_this._dismissedBottomSheets, true, type$.Widget);
- t2 = _this._currentBottomSheet;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push(t2._scaffold$_widget);
- _this.get$_resizeToAvoidBottomInset();
- _this._addIfNonNull$7$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, new A.Stack(B.Alignment_0_1, _null, B.StackFit_0, B.Clip_1, t1, _null), B._ScaffoldSlot_3, true, false, false, true);
- }
- t1 = _this._messengerSnackBar;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1 = t1._scaffold$_widget;
- t2 = t1.behavior;
- snackBarBehavior = t2 == null ? themeData.snackBarTheme.behavior : t2;
- _box_0.isSnackBarFloating = (snackBarBehavior == null ? B.SnackBarBehavior_0 : snackBarBehavior) === B.SnackBarBehavior_1;
- _box_0.snackBarWidth = themeData.snackBarTheme.width;
- _this._widget.toString;
- _this.get$_resizeToAvoidBottomInset();
- _this._addIfNonNull$8$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, t1, B._ScaffoldSlot_4, false, false, false, false, true);
- }
- _box_0.extendBodyBehindMaterialBanner = false;
- if (_this._messengerMaterialBanner != null) {
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.MaterialBannerTheme);
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- t2 = _this._messengerMaterialBanner;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t2 = t2._scaffold$_widget;
- t2.get$elevation(t2);
- }
- elevation = t1.bannerTheme.elevation;
- _box_0.extendBodyBehindMaterialBanner = (elevation == null ? 0 : elevation) !== 0;
- t1 = _this._messengerMaterialBanner;
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1._scaffold$_widget;
- t2 = _this._widget.appBar;
- _this.get$_resizeToAvoidBottomInset();
- _this._addIfNonNull$8$maintainBottomViewPadding$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, t1, B._ScaffoldSlot_5, false, true, false, false, t2 != null);
- }
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = _this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonMoveController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonAnimator_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = _this.__ScaffoldState__geometryNotifier_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = _this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonVisibilityController_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this._addIfNonNull$7$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, new A._FloatingActionButtonTransition(_null, t1, t2, t3, t4, _null), B._ScaffoldSlot_8, true, true, true, true);
- switch (themeData.platform.index) {
- case 2:
- case 4:
- _this._addIfNonNull$7$removeBottomPadding$removeLeftPadding$removeRightPadding$removeTopPadding(children, A.GestureDetector$(B.HitTestBehavior_1, _null, B.DragStartBehavior_1, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this.get$_handleStatusBarTap(), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), B._ScaffoldSlot_11, true, false, false, true);
- break;
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- break;
- }
- t1 = _this._endDrawerOpened;
- t2 = t1._restoration_properties$_value;
- if (t2 == null ? A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t2) : t2) {
- _this._buildDrawer$2(children, textDirection);
- _this._buildEndDrawer$2(children, textDirection);
- } else {
- _this._buildEndDrawer$2(children, textDirection);
- _this._buildDrawer$2(children, textDirection);
- }
- t1 = type$.MediaQuery;
- t2 = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_5, t1).data;
- _this.get$_resizeToAvoidBottomInset();
- t3 = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_6, t1).data;
- minInsets = t2.padding.copyWith$1$bottom(t3.viewInsets.bottom);
- t2 = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_8, t1).data;
- _this.get$_resizeToAvoidBottomInset();
- t1 = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_6, t1).data;
- t1 = t1.viewInsets.bottom !== 0 ? 0 : _null;
- minViewPadding = t2.viewPadding.copyWith$1$bottom(t1);
- if (minInsets.bottom <= 0)
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = _this._widget.drawer;
- return new A._ScaffoldScope(t1 != null, new A.ScrollNotificationObserver(A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, true, _null, A.AnimatedBuilder$(_this.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonMoveController_A, new A.ScaffoldState_build_closure(_box_0, _this, false, minInsets, minViewPadding, textDirection, children), _null), B.Clip_0, themeData.scaffoldBackgroundColor, 0, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.MaterialType_0), _null), _null);
- }
- };
- A.ScaffoldState__drawerOpenedCallback_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._drawerOpened.super$RestorableValue$value(0, this.isOpened);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ScaffoldState__updateSnackBar_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._messengerSnackBar = this.messengerSnackBar;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ScaffoldState__updateMaterialBanner_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._messengerMaterialBanner = this.messengerMaterialBanner;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ScaffoldState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(context, child) {
- var t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, _this = this,
- t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Type_DismissIntent_Fb0, new A._DismissDrawerAction(context, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_Action_Intent))], type$.Type, type$.Action_Intent),
- t2 = _this.$this;
- t2._widget.toString;
- t3 = t2._floatingActionButtonLocation;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = t2.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonMoveController_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t4.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = t2.__ScaffoldState__floatingActionButtonAnimator_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = t2.__ScaffoldState__geometryNotifier_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2._previousFloatingActionButtonLocation;
- t2.toString;
- t7 = _this._box_0;
- t8 = t7.isSnackBarFloating;
- t9 = t7.extendBodyBehindMaterialBanner;
- return A.Actions$(t1, new A.CustomMultiChildLayout(new A._ScaffoldLayout(_this.extendBody, false, _this.minInsets, _this.minViewPadding, _this.textDirection, t6, t2, t3, t4, t5, t8, t7.snackBarWidth, t9), _this.children, null));
- },
- $signature: 288
- };
- A._DismissDrawerAction.prototype = {
- isEnabled$1(_, intent) {
- var t1 = this.context,
- t2 = A.Scaffold_of(t1)._drawerOpened,
- t3 = t2._restoration_properties$_value;
- if (!(t3 == null ? A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t3) : t3)) {
- t1 = A.Scaffold_of(t1)._endDrawerOpened;
- t2 = t1._restoration_properties$_value;
- t1 = t2 == null ? A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t2) : t2;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- invoke$1(intent) {
- var t3, t4,
- t1 = this.context,
- t2 = A.Scaffold_of(t1);
- if (t2._widget.drawer != null) {
- t3 = t2._drawerOpened;
- t4 = t3._restoration_properties$_value;
- t3 = t4 == null ? A._instanceType(t3)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t4) : t4;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3)
- t2._drawerKey.get$currentState().close$0(0);
- A.Scaffold_of(t1)._widget.toString;
- }
- };
- A.ScaffoldFeatureController.prototype = {};
- A._ScaffoldScope.prototype = {
- updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) {
- return this.hasDrawer !== oldWidget.hasDrawer;
- }
- };
- A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(property, listener) {
- if (!property._restoration0$_disposed)
- property.removeListener$1(0, listener);
- },
- $signature: 50
- };
- A._ScaffoldMessengerState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin.prototype = {
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- this.didUpdateRestorationId$0();
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- var oldBucket, needsRestore, t1, didReplaceBucket, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- oldBucket = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket;
- needsRestore = _this.get$restorePending();
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.RestorationScope_maybeOf(t1);
- _this.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t1;
- didReplaceBucket = _this._updateBucketIfNecessary$2$parent$restorePending(t1, needsRestore);
- if (needsRestore) {
- _this.restoreState$2(oldBucket, _this.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending);
- _this.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = false;
- }
- if (didReplaceBucket)
- if (oldBucket != null)
- oldBucket.dispose$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.RestorationMixin__properties.forEach$1(0, new A._ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure());
- t1 = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this.RestorationMixin__bucket = null;
- _this.super$_ScaffoldState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.__FloatingActionButtonTransitionState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.Scrollbar.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (A.Theme_of(context).platform === B.TargetPlatform_2) {
- t1 = _this.thickness;
- t2 = t1 == null;
- t3 = t2 ? 3 : t1;
- if (t2)
- t1 = 8;
- t2 = _this.notificationPredicate;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = A.scroll_notification__defaultScrollNotificationPredicate$closure();
- return new A.CupertinoScrollbar(t1, B.Radius_4_4, _this.child, _this.controller, _this.thumbVisibility === true, B.Radius_ydE, t3, _null, B.Duration_250000, B.Duration_1200000, B.Duration_100000, t2, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- t1 = _this.notificationPredicate;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = A.scroll_notification__defaultScrollNotificationPredicate$closure();
- return new A._MaterialScrollbar(_null, _null, _this.child, _this.controller, _this.thumbVisibility, _null, _this.thickness, _null, B.Duration_300000, B.Duration_600000, B.Duration_0, t1, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- };
- A._MaterialScrollbar.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._MaterialScrollbarState(new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._MaterialScrollbarState.prototype = {
- get$showScrollbar() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._widget.thumbVisibility;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.thumbVisibility;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(_this.get$_states());
- }
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.isAlwaysShown;
- }
- return t1 == null ? false : t1;
- },
- get$enableGestures() {
- this._widget.toString;
- var t1 = this.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.interactive;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this.___MaterialScrollbarState__useAndroidScrollbar_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = !t1;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$_trackVisibility() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._MaterialScrollbarState__trackVisibility_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_bool);
- },
- get$_states() {
- var t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.MaterialState);
- if (this._dragIsActive)
- t1.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_3);
- if (this._scrollbar0$_hoverIsActive)
- t1.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_0);
- return t1;
- },
- get$_thumbColor() {
- var onSurface, dragColor, hoverColor, idleColor, t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__colorScheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- onSurface = t1.onSurface;
- dragColor = A._Cell$named("dragColor");
- hoverColor = A._Cell$named("hoverColor");
- idleColor = A._Cell$named("idleColor");
- switch (t1.brightness.index) {
- case 1:
- t1 = onSurface.value;
- t2 = t1 >>> 16 & 255;
- t3 = t1 >>> 8 & 255;
- t1 &= 255;
- dragColor.__late_helper$_value = A.Color$fromARGB(153, t2, t3, t1);
- hoverColor.__late_helper$_value = A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(127.5), t2, t3, t1);
- t4 = _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__useAndroidScrollbar_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t4) {
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.Theme_of(t1).highlightColor.value;
- t1 = A.Color$fromARGB(255, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- } else
- t1 = A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(25.5), t2, t3, t1);
- idleColor.__late_helper$_value = t1;
- break;
- case 0:
- t1 = onSurface.value;
- t2 = t1 >>> 16 & 255;
- t3 = t1 >>> 8 & 255;
- t1 &= 255;
- dragColor.__late_helper$_value = A.Color$fromARGB(191, t2, t3, t1);
- hoverColor.__late_helper$_value = A.Color$fromARGB(166, t2, t3, t1);
- t4 = _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__useAndroidScrollbar_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t4) {
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.Theme_of(t1).highlightColor.value;
- t1 = A.Color$fromARGB(255, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- } else
- t1 = A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(76.5), t2, t3, t1);
- idleColor.__late_helper$_value = t1;
- break;
- }
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._MaterialScrollbarState__thumbColor_closure(_this, dragColor, hoverColor, idleColor), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$_trackColor() {
- var t1 = this.___MaterialScrollbarState__colorScheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._MaterialScrollbarState__trackColor_closure(this, t1.brightness, t1.onSurface), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$_trackBorderColor() {
- var t1 = this.___MaterialScrollbarState__colorScheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._MaterialScrollbarState__trackBorderColor_closure(this, t1.brightness, t1.onSurface), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$_thickness() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._MaterialScrollbarState__thickness_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_double);
- },
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$RawScrollbarState$initState();
- t1 = _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__hoverAnimationController_A = A.AnimationController$(null, B.Duration_200000, null, 1, null, _this);
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t1 = t1.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t1._list.push(new A._MaterialScrollbarState_initState_closure(_this));
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- var theme, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- theme = A.Theme_of(t1);
- _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__colorScheme_A = theme.colorScheme;
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.ScrollbarTheme);
- t1 = A.Theme_of(t1);
- _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A = t1.scrollbarTheme;
- switch (theme.platform.index) {
- case 0:
- _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__useAndroidScrollbar_A = true;
- break;
- case 2:
- case 3:
- case 1:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__useAndroidScrollbar_A = false;
- break;
- }
- _this.super$RawScrollbarState$didChangeDependencies();
- },
- updateScrollbarPainter$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__RawScrollbarState_scrollbarPainter_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$color(0, _this.get$_thumbColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(_this.get$_states()));
- t1.set$trackColor(_this.get$_trackColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(_this.get$_states()));
- t1.set$trackBorderColor(_this.get$_trackBorderColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(_this.get$_states()));
- t2 = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t2.toString;
- t1.set$textDirection(t2.textDirection);
- t1.set$thickness(_this.get$_thickness()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(_this.get$_states()));
- t2 = _this._widget.radius;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.radius;
- }
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__useAndroidScrollbar_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2 ? null : B.Radius_8_8;
- }
- t1.set$radius(t2);
- t2 = _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.crossAxisMargin;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__useAndroidScrollbar_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2 ? 0 : 2;
- }
- t1.set$crossAxisMargin(t2);
- t2 = _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A.mainAxisMargin;
- t1.set$mainAxisMargin(t2 == null ? 0 : t2);
- t2 = _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A.minThumbLength;
- t1.set$minLength(0, t2 == null ? 48 : t2);
- t2 = _this._framework$_element;
- t2.toString;
- t1.set$padding(0, A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(t2, B._MediaQueryAspect_5, type$.MediaQuery).data.padding);
- t1.set$scrollbarOrientation(_this._widget.scrollbarOrientation);
- t1.set$ignorePointer(!_this.get$enableGestures());
- },
- handleThumbPressStart$1(localPosition) {
- this.super$RawScrollbarState$handleThumbPressStart(localPosition);
- this.setState$1(new A._MaterialScrollbarState_handleThumbPressStart_closure(this));
- },
- handleThumbPressEnd$2(localPosition, velocity) {
- this.super$RawScrollbarState$handleThumbPressEnd(localPosition, velocity);
- this.setState$1(new A._MaterialScrollbarState_handleThumbPressEnd_closure(this));
- },
- handleHover$1($event) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$RawScrollbarState$handleHover($event);
- if (_this.isPointerOverScrollbar$3$forHover($event.get$position($event), $event.get$kind($event), true)) {
- _this.setState$1(new A._MaterialScrollbarState_handleHover_closure(_this));
- t1 = _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__hoverAnimationController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- } else if (_this._scrollbar0$_hoverIsActive) {
- _this.setState$1(new A._MaterialScrollbarState_handleHover_closure0(_this));
- t1 = _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__hoverAnimationController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.reverse$0(0);
- }
- },
- handleHoverExit$1($event) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$RawScrollbarState$handleHoverExit($event);
- _this.setState$1(new A._MaterialScrollbarState_handleHoverExit_closure(_this));
- t1 = _this.___MaterialScrollbarState__hoverAnimationController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.reverse$0(0);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this.___MaterialScrollbarState__hoverAnimationController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$RawScrollbarState$dispose();
- }
- };
- A._MaterialScrollbarState__trackVisibility_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = this.$this;
- t1._widget.toString;
- t1 = t1.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.showTrackOnHover === true;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- return true;
- t1 = this.$this;
- t2 = t1._widget.trackVisibility;
- t1 = t1.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.trackVisibility;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states);
- return t1 == null ? false : t1;
- },
- $signature: 289
- };
- A._MaterialScrollbarState__thumbColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_3)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.thumbColor;
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.resolve$1(states);
- return t1 == null ? _this.dragColor._readLocal$0() : t1;
- }
- t1 = _this.$this;
- if (t1.get$_trackVisibility()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(states)) {
- t1 = t1.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.thumbColor;
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.resolve$1(states);
- return t1 == null ? _this.hoverColor._readLocal$0() : t1;
- }
- t2 = t1.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.thumbColor;
- t2 = t2 == null ? _null : t2.resolve$1(states);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _this.idleColor._readLocal$0();
- t3 = t1.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A.thumbColor;
- t3 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.resolve$1(states);
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = _this.hoverColor._readLocal$0();
- t1 = t1.___MaterialScrollbarState__hoverAnimationController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(t2, t3, t1);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._MaterialScrollbarState__trackColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1.get$showScrollbar() && t1.get$_trackVisibility()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(states)) {
- t1 = t1.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.trackColor;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states);
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this.onSurface.value;
- t1 = this.brightness === B.Brightness_1 ? A.Color$fromARGB(8, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255) : A.Color$fromARGB(13, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return t1;
- }
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._MaterialScrollbarState__trackBorderColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1.get$showScrollbar() && t1.get$_trackVisibility()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(states)) {
- t1 = t1.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.trackBorderColor;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states);
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this.onSurface.value;
- t1 = this.brightness === B.Brightness_1 ? A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(25.5), t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255) : A.Color$fromARGB(64, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return t1;
- }
- return B.Color_0;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._MaterialScrollbarState__thickness_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0) && this.$this.get$_trackVisibility()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(states)) {
- t1 = this.$this;
- t2 = t1._widget.hoverThickness;
- t1 = t1.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.thickness;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states);
- return t1 == null ? 12 : t1;
- }
- t1 = this.$this;
- t2 = t1._widget.thickness;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = t1.___MaterialScrollbarState__scrollbarTheme_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.thickness;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.resolve$1(states);
- }
- if (t2 == null) {
- t1 = t1.___MaterialScrollbarState__useAndroidScrollbar_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = 8 / (t1 ? 2 : 1);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = t2;
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 166
- };
- A._MaterialScrollbarState_initState_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.updateScrollbarPainter$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._MaterialScrollbarState_handleThumbPressStart_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._dragIsActive = true;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._MaterialScrollbarState_handleThumbPressEnd_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._dragIsActive = false;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._MaterialScrollbarState_handleHover_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._scrollbar0$_hoverIsActive = true;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._MaterialScrollbarState_handleHover_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._scrollbar0$_hoverIsActive = false;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._MaterialScrollbarState_handleHoverExit_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._scrollbar0$_hoverIsActive = false;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ScrollbarThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.thumbVisibility, _this.thickness, _this.trackVisibility, _this.showTrackOnHover, _this.isAlwaysShown, _this.interactive, _this.radius, _this.thumbColor, _this.trackColor, _this.trackBorderColor, _this.crossAxisMargin, _this.mainAxisMargin, _this.minThumbLength, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ScrollbarThemeData && other.thumbVisibility == _this.thumbVisibility && other.thickness == _this.thickness && other.trackVisibility == _this.trackVisibility && other.showTrackOnHover == _this.showTrackOnHover && other.isAlwaysShown == _this.isAlwaysShown && other.interactive == _this.interactive && J.$eq$(other.radius, _this.radius) && other.thumbColor == _this.thumbColor && other.trackColor == _this.trackColor && other.trackBorderColor == _this.trackBorderColor && other.crossAxisMargin == _this.crossAxisMargin && other.mainAxisMargin == _this.mainAxisMargin && other.minThumbLength == _this.minThumbLength;
- }
- };
- A._ScrollbarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.SearchBarThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.elevation, _this.backgroundColor, _this.shadowColor, _this.surfaceTintColor, _this.overlayColor, _this.side, _this.shape, _this.padding, _this.textStyle, _this.hintStyle, _this.constraints, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.SearchBarThemeData && other.elevation == _this.elevation && other.backgroundColor == _this.backgroundColor && other.shadowColor == _this.shadowColor && other.surfaceTintColor == _this.surfaceTintColor && other.overlayColor == _this.overlayColor && other.side == _this.side && other.shape == _this.shape && other.padding == _this.padding && other.textStyle == _this.textStyle && other.hintStyle == _this.hintStyle && J.$eq$(other.constraints, _this.constraints);
- }
- };
- A._LerpSides0.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- var resolvedB, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.a,
- resolvedA = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states);
- t1 = _this.b;
- resolvedB = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(states);
- if (resolvedA == resolvedB)
- return resolvedA;
- if (resolvedA == null) {
- t1 = resolvedB.color;
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(0, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255), 0, B.BorderStyle_1, -1), resolvedB, _this.t);
- }
- if (resolvedB == null) {
- t1 = resolvedA.color;
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(resolvedA, new A.BorderSide(A.Color$fromARGB(0, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255), 0, B.BorderStyle_1, -1), _this.t);
- }
- return A.BorderSide_lerp(resolvedA, resolvedB, _this.t);
- },
- $isMaterialStateProperty: 1
- };
- A._SearchBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.SearchViewThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.backgroundColor, _this.elevation, _this.surfaceTintColor, _this.side, _this.shape, _this.headerTextStyle, _this.headerHintStyle, _this.constraints, _this.dividerColor, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.SearchViewThemeData && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.surfaceTintColor, _this.surfaceTintColor) && J.$eq$(other.side, _this.side) && J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape) && J.$eq$(other.headerTextStyle, _this.headerTextStyle) && J.$eq$(other.headerHintStyle, _this.headerHintStyle) && J.$eq$(other.constraints, _this.constraints) && J.$eq$(other.dividerColor, _this.dividerColor);
- }
- };
- A._SearchViewThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.SegmentedButtonThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.style, this.selectedIcon, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.SegmentedButtonThemeData && J.$eq$(other.style, this.style) && true;
- }
- };
- A._SegmentedButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.SliderThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.trackHeight, _this.activeTrackColor, _this.inactiveTrackColor, _this.secondaryActiveTrackColor, _this.disabledActiveTrackColor, _this.disabledInactiveTrackColor, _this.disabledSecondaryActiveTrackColor, _this.activeTickMarkColor, _this.inactiveTickMarkColor, _this.disabledActiveTickMarkColor, _this.disabledInactiveTickMarkColor, _this.thumbColor, _this.overlappingShapeStrokeColor, _this.disabledThumbColor, _this.overlayColor, _this.valueIndicatorColor, _this.overlayShape, _this.tickMarkShape, _this.thumbShape, A.Object_hash(_this.trackShape, _this.valueIndicatorShape, _this.rangeTickMarkShape, _this.rangeThumbShape, _this.rangeTrackShape, _this.rangeValueIndicatorShape, _this.showValueIndicator, _this.valueIndicatorTextStyle, _this.minThumbSeparation, _this.thumbSelector, _this.mouseCursor, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue));
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.SliderThemeData)
- if (other.trackHeight == _this.trackHeight)
- if (J.$eq$(other.activeTrackColor, _this.activeTrackColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.inactiveTrackColor, _this.inactiveTrackColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.secondaryActiveTrackColor, _this.secondaryActiveTrackColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.disabledActiveTrackColor, _this.disabledActiveTrackColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.disabledInactiveTrackColor, _this.disabledInactiveTrackColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.disabledSecondaryActiveTrackColor, _this.disabledSecondaryActiveTrackColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.activeTickMarkColor, _this.activeTickMarkColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.inactiveTickMarkColor, _this.inactiveTickMarkColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.disabledActiveTickMarkColor, _this.disabledActiveTickMarkColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.disabledInactiveTickMarkColor, _this.disabledInactiveTickMarkColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.thumbColor, _this.thumbColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.overlappingShapeStrokeColor, _this.overlappingShapeStrokeColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.disabledThumbColor, _this.disabledThumbColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.overlayColor, _this.overlayColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.valueIndicatorColor, _this.valueIndicatorColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.valueIndicatorTextStyle, _this.valueIndicatorTextStyle))
- if (other.minThumbSeparation == _this.minThumbSeparation)
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A._SliderThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.SnackBarClosedReason.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "SnackBarClosedReason." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.SnackBar.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._SnackBarState(B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._SnackBarState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- this.super$State$initState();
- var t1 = this._widget.animation;
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t1 = t1.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t1._list.push(this.get$_onAnimationStatusChanged());
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = oldWidget.animation;
- if (_this._widget.animation != t1) {
- t2 = _this.get$_onAnimationStatusChanged();
- t1.removeStatusListener$1(t2);
- t1 = _this._widget.animation;
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t1 = t1.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t1._list.push(t2);
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._widget.animation.removeStatusListener$1(this.get$_onAnimationStatusChanged());
- this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- _onAnimationStatusChanged$1(animationStatus) {
- switch (animationStatus.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 2:
- break;
- case 3:
- this._widget.toString;
- this._wasVisible = true;
- break;
- }
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var effectiveTheme, t3, contentTextStyle, snackBarBehavior, width, isFloatingSnackBar, horizontalPadding, padding, heightAnimation, fadeInAnimation, fadeInM3Animation, fadeOutAnimation, heightM3Animation, actionTextPainter, t4, margin, snackBarWidth, actionOverflowThreshold, willOverflowAction, snackBar, elevation, backgroundColor, shape, snackBarTransition, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = type$.MediaQuery,
- accessibleNavigation = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_10, t1).data.accessibleNavigation,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- colorScheme = theme.colorScheme,
- snackBarTheme = theme.snackBarTheme,
- isThemeDark = colorScheme.brightness === B.Brightness_0,
- buttonColor = isThemeDark ? colorScheme.primary : colorScheme.secondary,
- t2 = theme.useMaterial3,
- defaults = t2 ? new A._SnackbarDefaultsM3(context, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null) : new A._SnackbarDefaultsM2(A.Theme_of(context), A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme, _null, _null, _null, _null, 6, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null),
- brightness = isThemeDark ? B.Brightness_1 : B.Brightness_0;
- if (t2)
- effectiveTheme = theme;
- else {
- t3 = colorScheme.onPrimary;
- effectiveTheme = theme.copyWith$1$colorScheme(A.ColorScheme$(defaults.get$backgroundColor(defaults), brightness, colorScheme.onError, _null, _null, _null, colorScheme.background, colorScheme.error, _null, _null, colorScheme.primary, _null, colorScheme.secondary, _null, colorScheme.surface, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t3, _null, t3, _null, buttonColor, _null, colorScheme.onSecondary, _null, colorScheme.onSurface, _null, _null, _null, _null));
- }
- contentTextStyle = snackBarTheme.contentTextStyle;
- if (contentTextStyle == null)
- contentTextStyle = defaults.get$contentTextStyle();
- t3 = _this._widget.behavior;
- snackBarBehavior = t3 == null ? snackBarTheme.behavior : t3;
- if (snackBarBehavior == null)
- snackBarBehavior = defaults.get$behavior();
- _this._widget.toString;
- width = snackBarTheme.width;
- defaults.get$showCloseIcon();
- isFloatingSnackBar = snackBarBehavior === B.SnackBarBehavior_1;
- horizontalPadding = isFloatingSnackBar ? 16 : 24;
- t3 = _this._widget;
- padding = t3.padding;
- padding = new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(horizontalPadding, 0, horizontalPadding, 0);
- t3 = t3.animation;
- t3.toString;
- heightAnimation = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, t3, _null);
- t3 = _this._widget.animation;
- t3.toString;
- fadeInAnimation = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Interval_jzi, t3, _null);
- t3 = _this._widget.animation;
- t3.toString;
- fadeInM3Animation = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Interval_0Q9, t3, _null);
- t3 = _this._widget.animation;
- t3.toString;
- fadeOutAnimation = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Interval_8qt, t3, B.Threshold_0);
- t3 = _this._widget.animation;
- t3.toString;
- heightM3Animation = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_gWH, t3, B.Threshold_0);
- _this._widget.toString;
- actionTextPainter = A.TextPainter$(_null, _null, 1, _null, A.TextSpan$(_null, A.Theme_of(context).textTheme.labelLarge, ""), B.TextAlign_4, B.TextDirection_1, _null, 1, B.TextWidthBasis_0);
- actionTextPainter.layout$0();
- t3 = actionTextPainter.get$width(actionTextPainter);
- t4 = actionTextPainter._paragraph;
- Math.ceil(t4.get$height(t4));
- _this._widget.toString;
- margin = snackBarTheme.insetPadding;
- if (margin == null)
- margin = defaults.get$insetPadding();
- _this._widget.toString;
- snackBarWidth = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_0, t1).data.size._dx - (margin.left + margin.right);
- _this._widget.toString;
- actionOverflowThreshold = snackBarTheme.actionOverflowThreshold;
- if (actionOverflowThreshold == null)
- actionOverflowThreshold = defaults.get$actionOverflowThreshold();
- willOverflowAction = (t3 + 0 + 0) / snackBarWidth > actionOverflowThreshold;
- t1 = type$.JSArray_Widget;
- t3 = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- t4 = _this._widget;
- t4.toString;
- contentTextStyle.toString;
- t4 = A._setArrayType([A.Expanded$(A.Container$(_null, A.DefaultTextStyle$(t4.content, _null, _null, B.TextOverflow_0, true, contentTextStyle, _null, _null, B.TextWidthBasis_0), B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.EdgeInsets_0_14_0_14, _null, _null, _null), 1, _null)], t1);
- if (!willOverflowAction)
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t4, t3);
- if (willOverflowAction)
- t4.push(A.SizedBox$(_null, _null, snackBarWidth * 0.4));
- t1 = A._setArrayType([A.Row$(t4, B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_1)], t1);
- if (willOverflowAction)
- t1.push(new A.Padding(B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_14, A.Row$(t3, B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, B.MainAxisAlignment_1, B.MainAxisSize_1), _null));
- snackBar = new A.Padding(padding, A.Wrap$(t1, B.Axis_0, B.WrapAlignment_0, 0, 0), _null);
- if (!isFloatingSnackBar)
- snackBar = A.SafeArea$(true, snackBar, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, false);
- t1 = _this._widget.elevation;
- elevation = t1 == null ? snackBarTheme.elevation : t1;
- if (elevation == null) {
- t1 = defaults.get$elevation(defaults);
- t1.toString;
- elevation = t1;
- }
- _this._widget.toString;
- backgroundColor = snackBarTheme.backgroundColor;
- if (backgroundColor == null)
- backgroundColor = defaults.get$backgroundColor(defaults);
- _this._widget.toString;
- shape = snackBarTheme.shape;
- if (shape == null)
- shape = isFloatingSnackBar ? defaults.get$shape(defaults) : _null;
- snackBar = A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, true, _null, new A.Theme(effectiveTheme, accessibleNavigation || t2 ? snackBar : new A.FadeTransition(fadeOutAnimation, false, snackBar, _null), _null), B.Clip_0, backgroundColor, elevation, _null, _null, shape, _null, _null, B.MaterialType_0);
- if (isFloatingSnackBar)
- snackBar = A.SafeArea$(false, width != null ? A.Container$(_null, snackBar, B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, new A.EdgeInsets(0, margin.top, 0, margin.bottom), _null, _null, _null, width) : new A.Padding(margin, snackBar, _null), B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, false);
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t3 = t1.dismissDirection;
- snackBar = new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, new A._SnackBarState_build_closure(context), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), true, false, false, new A.Dismissible(snackBar, new A._SnackBarState_build_closure0(context), t3, _null, B.ValueKey_dismissible), _null);
- if (accessibleNavigation)
- snackBarTransition = snackBar;
- else if (isFloatingSnackBar && !t2)
- snackBarTransition = new A.FadeTransition(fadeInAnimation, false, snackBar, _null);
- else
- snackBarTransition = isFloatingSnackBar && t2 ? new A.FadeTransition(fadeInM3Animation, false, A.AnimatedBuilder$(heightM3Animation, new A._SnackBarState_build_closure1(heightM3Animation), snackBar), _null) : A.AnimatedBuilder$(heightAnimation, new A._SnackBarState_build_closure2(heightAnimation), snackBar);
- t1 = t1.content.toString$0(0);
- return A.Hero$(A.ClipRect$(snackBarTransition, _this._widget.clipBehavior, _null), "", true);
- }
- };
- A._SnackBarState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._ScaffoldMessengerScope);
- t1.toString;
- t1._scaffoldMessengerState.removeCurrentSnackBar$1$reason(B.SnackBarClosedReason_1);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._SnackBarState_build_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(direction) {
- var t1 = this.context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._ScaffoldMessengerScope);
- t1.toString;
- t1._scaffoldMessengerState.removeCurrentSnackBar$1$reason(B.SnackBarClosedReason_2);
- },
- $signature: 290
- };
- A._SnackBarState_build_closure1.prototype = {
- call$2(context, child) {
- var t1 = this.heightM3Animation;
- return new A.Align(B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_1, null, t1.get$value(t1), child, null);
- },
- $signature: 229
- };
- A._SnackBarState_build_closure2.prototype = {
- call$2(context, child) {
- var t1 = this.heightAnimation;
- return new A.Align(B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_m1, null, t1.get$value(t1), child, null);
- },
- $signature: 229
- };
- A._SnackbarDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.___SnackbarDefaultsM2__theme_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = this.___SnackbarDefaultsM2__colors_F;
- if (t1.colorScheme.brightness === B.Brightness_1) {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t2.onSurface.value;
- t2 = A.Color_alphaBlend(A.Color$fromARGB(204, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255), t2.surface);
- t1 = t2;
- } else {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t2.onSurface;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$contentTextStyle() {
- var t1 = this.___SnackbarDefaultsM2__theme_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return A.ThemeData_ThemeData(t1.colorScheme.brightness === B.Brightness_1 ? B.Brightness_0 : B.Brightness_1, null, null).textTheme.titleMedium;
- },
- get$behavior() {
- return B.SnackBarBehavior_0;
- },
- get$actionTextColor() {
- var t1 = this.___SnackbarDefaultsM2__colors_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1.secondary;
- },
- get$disabledActionTextColor() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.___SnackbarDefaultsM2__colors_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = this.___SnackbarDefaultsM2__theme_F;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(255 * (t2.colorScheme.brightness === B.Brightness_1 ? 0.38 : 0.3)), t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- return B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D4;
- },
- get$insetPadding() {
- return B.EdgeInsets_15_5_15_10;
- },
- get$showCloseIcon() {
- return false;
- },
- get$closeIconColor() {
- var t1 = this.___SnackbarDefaultsM2__colors_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1.onSurface;
- },
- get$actionOverflowThreshold() {
- return 0.25;
- }
- };
- A._SnackbarDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_snack_bar$_colors() {
- var result, _this = this,
- value = _this.___SnackbarDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- value = _this.___SnackbarDefaultsM3__theme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___SnackbarDefaultsM3__theme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___SnackbarDefaultsM3__theme_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- _this.___SnackbarDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___SnackbarDefaultsM3__colors_FI = value.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- var t1 = this.get$_snack_bar$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._inverseSurface;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- },
- get$actionTextColor() {
- return A._MaterialStateColor$(new A._SnackbarDefaultsM3_actionTextColor_closure(this));
- },
- get$disabledActionTextColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_snack_bar$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._inversePrimary;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onPrimary : t2;
- },
- get$contentTextStyle() {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = A.Theme_of(this.context).textTheme.bodyMedium;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = this.get$_snack_bar$_colors();
- t3 = t2._onInverseSurface;
- return t1.copyWith$1$color(t3 == null ? t2.surface : t3);
- },
- get$elevation(_) {
- return 6;
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- return B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D4;
- },
- get$behavior() {
- return B.SnackBarBehavior_0;
- },
- get$insetPadding() {
- return B.EdgeInsets_15_5_15_10;
- },
- get$showCloseIcon() {
- return false;
- },
- get$closeIconColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_snack_bar$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._onInverseSurface;
- return t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2;
- },
- get$actionOverflowThreshold() {
- return 0.25;
- }
- };
- A._SnackbarDefaultsM3_actionTextColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_snack_bar$_colors();
- t2 = t1._inversePrimary;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onPrimary : t2;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_snack_bar$_colors();
- t2 = t1._inversePrimary;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onPrimary : t2;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_snack_bar$_colors();
- t2 = t1._inversePrimary;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onPrimary : t2;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_snack_bar$_colors();
- t2 = t1._inversePrimary;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onPrimary : t2;
- }
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_snack_bar$_colors();
- t2 = t1._inversePrimary;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onPrimary : t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A.SnackBarBehavior.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "SnackBarBehavior." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.SnackBarThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.get$backgroundColor(_this), _this.get$actionTextColor(), _this.get$disabledActionTextColor(), _this.get$contentTextStyle(), _this.get$elevation(_this), _this.get$shape(_this), _this.get$behavior(), _this.width, _this.get$insetPadding(), _this.get$showCloseIcon(), _this.get$closeIconColor(), _this.get$actionOverflowThreshold(), _this.actionBackgroundColor, _this.disabledActionBackgroundColor, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.SnackBarThemeData && J.$eq$(other.get$backgroundColor(other), _this.get$backgroundColor(_this)) && J.$eq$(other.get$actionTextColor(), _this.get$actionTextColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$disabledActionTextColor(), _this.get$disabledActionTextColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$contentTextStyle(), _this.get$contentTextStyle()) && other.get$elevation(other) == _this.get$elevation(_this) && J.$eq$(other.get$shape(other), _this.get$shape(_this)) && other.get$behavior() == _this.get$behavior() && other.width == _this.width && J.$eq$(other.get$insetPadding(), _this.get$insetPadding()) && other.get$showCloseIcon() == _this.get$showCloseIcon() && J.$eq$(other.get$closeIconColor(), _this.get$closeIconColor()) && other.get$actionOverflowThreshold() == _this.get$actionOverflowThreshold() && J.$eq$(other.actionBackgroundColor, _this.actionBackgroundColor) && J.$eq$(other.disabledActionBackgroundColor, _this.disabledActionBackgroundColor);
- },
- get$backgroundColor(receiver) {
- return this.backgroundColor;
- },
- get$actionTextColor() {
- return this.actionTextColor;
- },
- get$disabledActionTextColor() {
- return this.disabledActionTextColor;
- },
- get$contentTextStyle() {
- return this.contentTextStyle;
- },
- get$elevation(receiver) {
- return this.elevation;
- },
- get$shape(receiver) {
- return this.shape;
- },
- get$behavior() {
- return this.behavior;
- },
- get$insetPadding() {
- return this.insetPadding;
- },
- get$showCloseIcon() {
- return null;
- },
- get$closeIconColor() {
- return this.closeIconColor;
- },
- get$actionOverflowThreshold() {
- return this.actionOverflowThreshold;
- }
- };
- A._SnackBarThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._SwitchType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_SwitchType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.Switch.prototype = {
- _getSwitchSize$1(context) {
- var switchConfig,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context);
- A.SwitchTheme_of(context);
- switchConfig = theme.useMaterial3 ? new A._SwitchConfigM3(A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme) : new A._SwitchConfigM2();
- switch (theme.materialTapTargetSize.index) {
- case 0:
- return new A.Size(switchConfig.get$switchWidth(), switchConfig.get$switchHeight());
- case 1:
- return new A.Size(switchConfig.get$switchWidth(), switchConfig.get$switchHeightCollapsed());
- }
- },
- _buildMaterialSwitch$1(context) {
- var _this = this, _null = null;
- return new A._MaterialSwitch(_this.value, _this.onChanged, _this.activeColor, _null, _this.inactiveThumbColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this.thumbIcon, B.DragStartBehavior_1, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, false, _this._getSwitchSize$1(context), _null);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- switch (0) {
- case 0:
- return this._buildMaterialSwitch$1(context);
- }
- }
- };
- A._MaterialSwitch.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._MaterialSwitchState(new A._SwitchPainter($.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners()), $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, $, null, false, false, null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._MaterialSwitchState.prototype = {
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- if (oldWidget.value !== _this._widget.value) {
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__position_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.get$value(t1) !== 0) {
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__position_A;
- t1 = t1.get$value(t1) === 1;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.Theme_of(t1);
- t2 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__position_A;
- if (t1.useMaterial3) {
- t2.curve = B.Cubic_Y6c;
- t2.reverseCurve = new A.FlippedCurve(B.Cubic_Y6c);
- } else {
- t2.curve = B.Cubic_JUR0;
- t2.reverseCurve = B.Cubic_xDo0;
- }
- }
- _this.animateToValue$0();
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._switch$_painter.dispose$0();
- this.super$__MaterialSwitchState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_ToggleableStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- get$onChanged() {
- this._widget.toString;
- return this.get$_handleChanged();
- },
- get$tristate() {
- return false;
- },
- get$value(_) {
- return this._widget.value;
- },
- get$_widgetThumbColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._MaterialSwitchState__widgetThumbColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$_widgetTrackColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._MaterialSwitchState__widgetTrackColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- _switch$_handleDragStart$1(details) {
- var t1;
- if (this.get$onChanged() != null) {
- t1 = this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- }
- },
- _switch$_handleDragUpdate$1(details) {
- var t1, delta, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$onChanged() != null) {
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__position_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.curve = B.C__Linear;
- t1.reverseCurve = null;
- t1 = details.primaryDelta;
- t1.toString;
- delta = t1 / (_this._widget.size._dx - 40);
- t1 = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- switch (t1.textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$value(0, t2 - delta);
- break;
- case 1:
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$value(0, t2 + delta);
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- _switch$_handleDragEnd$1(details) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__position_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1.get$value(t1);
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t3 = t2.value;
- if (t1 >= 0.5 !== t3) {
- t2.onChanged.call$1(!t3);
- _this.setState$1(new A._MaterialSwitchState__handleDragEnd_closure(_this));
- } else
- _this.animateToValue$0();
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.reverse$0(0);
- },
- _handleChanged$1(value) {
- var t1 = this._widget.onChanged;
- value.toString;
- t1.call$1(value);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var theme, switchTheme, t1, switchConfig, defaults, activeStates, inactiveStates, activeThumbColor, t2, effectiveActiveThumbColor, inactiveThumbColor, t3, effectiveInactiveThumbColor, t4, effectiveActiveTrackColor, effectiveActiveTrackOutlineColor, effectiveInactiveTrackColor, effectiveInactiveTrackOutlineColor, effectiveActiveIcon, effectiveInactiveIcon, effectiveActiveIconColor, effectiveInactiveIconColor, focusedStates, t5, t6, effectiveFocusOverlayColor, hoveredStates, effectiveHoverOverlayColor, effectiveActivePressedThumbColor, effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor, effectiveInactivePressedThumbColor, effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor, effectiveActiveThumbRadius, effectiveInactiveThumbRadius, effectiveSplashRadius, t7, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (_this._needsPositionAnimation) {
- _this._needsPositionAnimation = false;
- _this.animateToValue$0();
- }
- theme = A.Theme_of(context);
- switchTheme = A.SwitchTheme_of(context);
- t1 = theme.useMaterial3;
- switchConfig = t1 ? new A._SwitchConfigM3(A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme) : new A._SwitchConfigM2();
- defaults = t1 ? new A._SwitchDefaultsM3(context, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null) : new A._SwitchDefaultsM2(A.Theme_of(context), A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.duration = A.Duration$(0, 0, 0, switchConfig.get$toggleDuration(), 0, 0);
- activeStates = _this.get$states();
- activeStates.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_4);
- inactiveStates = _this.get$states();
- inactiveStates.remove$1(0, B.MaterialState_4);
- _this._widget.toString;
- activeThumbColor = _this.get$_widgetThumbColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(activeStates);
- if (activeThumbColor == null) {
- t1 = switchTheme.thumbColor;
- activeThumbColor = t1 == null ? _null : t1.resolve$1(activeStates);
- }
- t1 = activeThumbColor == null;
- if (t1) {
- t2 = defaults.get$thumbColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(activeStates);
- t2.toString;
- effectiveActiveThumbColor = t2;
- } else
- effectiveActiveThumbColor = activeThumbColor;
- _this._widget.toString;
- inactiveThumbColor = _this.get$_widgetThumbColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(inactiveStates);
- if (inactiveThumbColor == null) {
- t2 = switchTheme.thumbColor;
- inactiveThumbColor = t2 == null ? _null : t2.resolve$1(inactiveStates);
- }
- t2 = inactiveThumbColor == null;
- if (t2) {
- t3 = defaults.get$thumbColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(inactiveStates);
- t3.toString;
- effectiveInactiveThumbColor = t3;
- } else
- effectiveInactiveThumbColor = inactiveThumbColor;
- _this._widget.toString;
- t3 = _this.get$_widgetTrackColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(activeStates);
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = switchTheme.trackColor;
- t3 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.resolve$1(activeStates);
- }
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = _this.get$_widgetThumbColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(activeStates);
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = _null;
- else {
- t4 = J.getInterceptor$x(t3);
- t3 = A.Color$fromARGB(128, t4.get$value(t3) >>> 16 & 255, t4.get$value(t3) >>> 8 & 255, t4.get$value(t3) & 255);
- }
- effectiveActiveTrackColor = t3;
- } else
- effectiveActiveTrackColor = t3;
- if (effectiveActiveTrackColor == null) {
- t3 = defaults.get$trackColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(activeStates);
- t3.toString;
- effectiveActiveTrackColor = t3;
- }
- _this._widget.toString;
- t3 = switchTheme.trackOutlineColor;
- t4 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.resolve$1(activeStates);
- effectiveActiveTrackOutlineColor = t4;
- if (effectiveActiveTrackOutlineColor == null)
- effectiveActiveTrackOutlineColor = B.Color_0;
- _this._widget.toString;
- t4 = _this.get$_widgetTrackColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(inactiveStates);
- if (t4 == null) {
- t4 = switchTheme.trackColor;
- t4 = t4 == null ? _null : t4.resolve$1(inactiveStates);
- effectiveInactiveTrackColor = t4;
- } else
- effectiveInactiveTrackColor = t4;
- if (effectiveInactiveTrackColor == null) {
- t4 = defaults.get$trackColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(inactiveStates);
- t4.toString;
- effectiveInactiveTrackColor = t4;
- }
- _this._widget.toString;
- t3 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.resolve$1(inactiveStates);
- effectiveInactiveTrackOutlineColor = t3;
- if (effectiveInactiveTrackOutlineColor == null) {
- t3 = defaults.get$trackOutlineColor();
- effectiveInactiveTrackOutlineColor = t3 == null ? _null : t3._material_state$_resolve.call$1(inactiveStates);
- }
- t3 = _this._widget.thumbIcon;
- t4 = t3 == null;
- effectiveActiveIcon = t4 ? _null : t3.value;
- if (effectiveActiveIcon == null)
- effectiveActiveIcon = _null;
- effectiveInactiveIcon = t4 ? _null : t3.value;
- if (effectiveInactiveIcon == null)
- effectiveInactiveIcon = _null;
- t3 = effectiveActiveIcon == null;
- effectiveActiveIconColor = t3 ? _null : effectiveActiveIcon.color;
- if (effectiveActiveIconColor == null)
- effectiveActiveIconColor = switchConfig.get$iconColor().resolve$1(activeStates);
- t4 = effectiveInactiveIcon == null;
- effectiveInactiveIconColor = t4 ? _null : effectiveInactiveIcon.color;
- if (effectiveInactiveIconColor == null)
- effectiveInactiveIconColor = switchConfig.get$iconColor().resolve$1(inactiveStates);
- focusedStates = _this.get$states();
- focusedStates.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_1);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t5 = switchTheme.overlayColor;
- t6 = t5 == null ? _null : t5.resolve$1(focusedStates);
- effectiveFocusOverlayColor = t6;
- if (effectiveFocusOverlayColor == null) {
- t6 = defaults.get$overlayColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(focusedStates);
- t6.toString;
- effectiveFocusOverlayColor = t6;
- }
- hoveredStates = _this.get$states();
- hoveredStates.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_0);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t6 = t5 == null ? _null : t5.resolve$1(hoveredStates);
- effectiveHoverOverlayColor = t6;
- if (effectiveHoverOverlayColor == null) {
- t6 = defaults.get$overlayColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(hoveredStates);
- t6.toString;
- effectiveHoverOverlayColor = t6;
- }
- activeStates.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_2);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t6 = _this.get$_widgetThumbColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(activeStates);
- if (t6 == null) {
- t6 = switchTheme.thumbColor;
- t6 = t6 == null ? _null : t6.resolve$1(activeStates);
- effectiveActivePressedThumbColor = t6;
- } else
- effectiveActivePressedThumbColor = t6;
- if (effectiveActivePressedThumbColor == null) {
- t6 = defaults.get$thumbColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(activeStates);
- t6.toString;
- effectiveActivePressedThumbColor = t6;
- }
- _this._widget.toString;
- t6 = t5 == null ? _null : t5.resolve$1(activeStates);
- if (t6 == null) {
- t1 = t1 ? _null : A.Color$fromARGB(31, activeThumbColor.get$value(activeThumbColor) >>> 16 & 255, activeThumbColor.get$value(activeThumbColor) >>> 8 & 255, activeThumbColor.get$value(activeThumbColor) & 255);
- effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor = t1;
- } else
- effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor = t6;
- if (effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor == null) {
- t1 = defaults.get$overlayColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(activeStates);
- t1.toString;
- effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor = t1;
- }
- inactiveStates.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_2);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = _this.get$_widgetThumbColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(inactiveStates);
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = switchTheme.thumbColor;
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.resolve$1(inactiveStates);
- effectiveInactivePressedThumbColor = t1;
- } else
- effectiveInactivePressedThumbColor = t1;
- if (effectiveInactivePressedThumbColor == null) {
- t1 = defaults.get$thumbColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(inactiveStates);
- t1.toString;
- effectiveInactivePressedThumbColor = t1;
- }
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = t5 == null ? _null : t5.resolve$1(inactiveStates);
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = t2 ? _null : A.Color$fromARGB(31, inactiveThumbColor.get$value(inactiveThumbColor) >>> 16 & 255, inactiveThumbColor.get$value(inactiveThumbColor) >>> 8 & 255, inactiveThumbColor.get$value(inactiveThumbColor) & 255);
- effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor = t1;
- } else
- effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor = t1;
- if (effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor == null) {
- t1 = defaults.get$overlayColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(inactiveStates);
- t1.toString;
- effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor = t1;
- }
- effectiveActiveThumbRadius = t3 ? switchConfig.get$activeThumbRadius() : switchConfig.get$thumbRadiusWithIcon();
- if (t4) {
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- effectiveInactiveThumbRadius = t1 ? switchConfig.get$inactiveThumbRadius() : switchConfig.get$thumbRadiusWithIcon();
- _this._widget.toString;
- effectiveSplashRadius = switchTheme.splashRadius;
- if (effectiveSplashRadius == null)
- effectiveSplashRadius = defaults.get$splashRadius();
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = t1.value;
- t3 = t1.dragStartBehavior;
- t4 = t1.focusNode;
- t5 = t1.onFocusChange;
- t1 = t1.size;
- t6 = _this._switch$_painter;
- t7 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__position_A;
- t7 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6.set$position(0, t7);
- t7 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reaction_A;
- t7 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6.set$reaction(t7);
- t7 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFade_A;
- t7 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6.set$reactionFocusFade(t7);
- t7 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFade_A;
- t7 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6.set$reactionHoverFade(t7);
- t6.set$inactiveReactionColor(effectiveInactivePressedOverlayColor);
- t6.set$reactionColor(effectiveActivePressedOverlayColor);
- t6.set$hoverColor(effectiveHoverOverlayColor);
- t6.set$focusColor(effectiveFocusOverlayColor);
- t6.set$splashRadius(effectiveSplashRadius);
- t6.set$downPosition(_this.ToggleableStateMixin__downPosition);
- t6.set$isFocused(_this.get$states().contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1));
- t6.set$isHovered(_this.get$states().contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0));
- t6.set$activeColor(effectiveActiveThumbColor);
- t6.set$inactiveColor(effectiveInactiveThumbColor);
- t6.set$activePressedColor(effectiveActivePressedThumbColor);
- t6.set$inactivePressedColor(effectiveInactivePressedThumbColor);
- t6.set$activeThumbImage(_this._widget.activeThumbImage);
- t6.set$onActiveThumbImageError(_this._widget.onActiveThumbImageError);
- t6.set$inactiveThumbImage(_this._widget.inactiveThumbImage);
- t6.set$onInactiveThumbImageError(_this._widget.onInactiveThumbImageError);
- t6.set$activeTrackColor(effectiveActiveTrackColor);
- t6.set$activeTrackOutlineColor(effectiveActiveTrackOutlineColor);
- t6.set$inactiveTrackColor(effectiveInactiveTrackColor);
- t6.set$inactiveTrackOutlineColor(effectiveInactiveTrackOutlineColor);
- t6.set$configuration(A.createLocalImageConfiguration(context));
- t6.set$isInteractive(_this.get$onChanged() != null);
- t6.set$trackInnerLength(_this._widget.size._dx - 40);
- t7 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t7.toString;
- t6.set$textDirection(t7.textDirection);
- t6.set$surfaceColor(theme.colorScheme.surface);
- t6.set$inactiveThumbRadius(effectiveInactiveThumbRadius);
- t6.set$activeThumbRadius(effectiveActiveThumbRadius);
- t6.set$pressedThumbRadius(switchConfig.get$pressedThumbRadius());
- t6.set$thumbOffset(switchConfig.get$thumbOffset());
- t6.set$trackHeight(switchConfig.get$trackHeight());
- t6.set$trackWidth(switchConfig.get$trackWidth());
- t6.set$activeIconColor(effectiveActiveIconColor);
- t6.set$inactiveIconColor(effectiveInactiveIconColor);
- t6.set$activeIcon(effectiveActiveIcon);
- t6.set$inactiveIcon(effectiveInactiveIcon);
- t6.set$iconTheme(A.IconTheme_of(context));
- t6.set$thumbShadow(switchConfig.get$thumbShadow());
- t6.set$transitionalThumbSize(switchConfig.get$transitionalThumbSize());
- t6.set$positionController(_this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A);
- t3 = A.GestureDetector$(_null, _this.buildToggleable$6$autofocus$focusNode$mouseCursor$onFocusChange$painter$size(false, t4, new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._MaterialSwitchState_build_closure(_this, switchTheme), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_MouseCursor), t5, t6, t1), t3, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this.get$_switch$_handleDragEnd(), _this.get$_switch$_handleDragStart(), _this.get$_switch$_handleDragUpdate(), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t2, _null, _null), false, false, false, t3, _null);
- }
- };
- A._MaterialSwitchState__widgetThumbColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return this.$this._widget.inactiveThumbColor;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this._widget.activeColor;
- return this.$this._widget.inactiveThumbColor;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._MaterialSwitchState__widgetTrackColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this._widget.activeTrackColor;
- return this.$this._widget.inactiveTrackColor;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._MaterialSwitchState__handleDragEnd_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._needsPositionAnimation = true;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._MaterialSwitchState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(this.$this._widget.mouseCursor, states, type$.nullable_MouseCursor);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- return t1 == null ? A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(B._EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor_SystemMouseCursor_click_clickable, states, type$.MouseCursor) : t1;
- },
- $signature: 88
- };
- A._SwitchPainter.prototype = {
- set$positionController(value) {
- if (value === this._positionController)
- return;
- this._positionController = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$activeIcon(value) {
- if (J.$eq$(value, this._activeIcon))
- return;
- this._activeIcon = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$inactiveIcon(value) {
- if (J.$eq$(value, this._inactiveIcon))
- return;
- this._inactiveIcon = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$iconTheme(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._iconTheme))
- return;
- this._iconTheme = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$activeIconColor(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._activeIconColor))
- return;
- this._activeIconColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$inactiveIconColor(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._inactiveIconColor))
- return;
- this._inactiveIconColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$activePressedColor(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._activePressedColor))
- return;
- this._activePressedColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$inactivePressedColor(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._inactivePressedColor))
- return;
- this._inactivePressedColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$activeThumbRadius(value) {
- if (value === this._activeThumbRadius)
- return;
- this._activeThumbRadius = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$inactiveThumbRadius(value) {
- if (value === this._inactiveThumbRadius)
- return;
- this._inactiveThumbRadius = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$pressedThumbRadius(value) {
- if (value === this._pressedThumbRadius)
- return;
- this._pressedThumbRadius = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$thumbOffset(value) {
- if (value == this._thumbOffset)
- return;
- this._thumbOffset = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$transitionalThumbSize(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._transitionalThumbSize))
- return;
- this._transitionalThumbSize = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$trackHeight(value) {
- if (value === this._trackHeight)
- return;
- this._trackHeight = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$trackWidth(value) {
- if (value === this._trackWidth)
- return;
- this._trackWidth = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$activeThumbImage(value) {
- return;
- },
- set$onActiveThumbImageError(value) {
- return;
- },
- set$inactiveThumbImage(value) {
- return;
- },
- set$onInactiveThumbImageError(value) {
- return;
- },
- set$activeTrackColor(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._activeTrackColor))
- return;
- this._activeTrackColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$activeTrackOutlineColor(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._activeTrackOutlineColor))
- return;
- this._activeTrackOutlineColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$inactiveTrackOutlineColor(value) {
- if (J.$eq$(value, this._inactiveTrackOutlineColor))
- return;
- this._inactiveTrackOutlineColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$inactiveTrackColor(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._inactiveTrackColor))
- return;
- this._inactiveTrackColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$configuration(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._switch$_configuration))
- return;
- this._switch$_configuration = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$textDirection(value) {
- if (this._switch$_textDirection === value)
- return;
- this._switch$_textDirection = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$surfaceColor(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._surfaceColor))
- return;
- this._surfaceColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$isInteractive(value) {
- if (value === this._isInteractive)
- return;
- this._isInteractive = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$trackInnerLength(value) {
- if (value === this._trackInnerLength)
- return;
- this._trackInnerLength = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$thumbShadow(value) {
- var t1 = this._thumbShadow;
- if (value == null ? t1 == null : value === t1)
- return;
- this._thumbShadow = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- _handleDecorationChanged$0() {
- if (!this._isPainting)
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- paint$2(canvas, size) {
- var visualPosition, t2, t3, thumbSize, inset, colorValue, t4, trackOutlineColor, t5, lerpedThumbColor, thumbColor, thumbIcon, thumbImage, thumbErrorListener, paint, horizontalOffset, t6, verticalOffset, trackRadius, t7, additionalThumbRadius, t8, thumbHorizontalOffset, t9, outlineTrackRRect, outlinePaint, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._toggleable$_position,
- currentValue = t1.get$value(t1);
- switch (_this._switch$_textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- visualPosition = 1 - currentValue;
- break;
- case 1:
- visualPosition = currentValue;
- break;
- default:
- visualPosition = null;
- }
- t1 = _this._reaction.parent;
- if (!(t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_2 && !_this._stopPressAnimation ? _this._stopPressAnimation = true : _this._stopPressAnimation = false)) {
- t1 = _this._reaction;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_3) {
- t1 = _this._inactiveThumbRadius;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._pressedThumbRadius;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this._reaction;
- _this._pressedInactiveThumbRadius = A.lerpDouble(t1, t2, t3.get$value(t3));
- t3 = _this._activeThumbRadius;
- t3.toString;
- t2 = _this._pressedThumbRadius;
- t2.toString;
- t1 = _this._reaction;
- _this._pressedActiveThumbRadius = A.lerpDouble(t3, t2, t1.get$value(t1));
- }
- if (currentValue === 0) {
- t1 = _this._inactiveThumbRadius;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._pressedThumbRadius;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this._reaction;
- _this._pressedInactiveThumbRadius = A.lerpDouble(t1, t2, t3.get$value(t3));
- t3 = _this._activeThumbRadius;
- t3.toString;
- _this._pressedActiveThumbRadius = t3;
- }
- if (currentValue === 1) {
- t1 = _this._activeThumbRadius;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._pressedThumbRadius;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this._reaction;
- _this._pressedActiveThumbRadius = A.lerpDouble(t1, t2, t3.get$value(t3));
- t3 = _this._inactiveThumbRadius;
- t3.toString;
- _this._pressedInactiveThumbRadius = t3;
- }
- }
- t1 = _this._pressedInactiveThumbRadius;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this._inactiveThumbRadius;
- t1.toString;
- }
- t1 *= 2;
- t2 = _this._pressedActiveThumbRadius;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = _this._activeThumbRadius;
- t2.toString;
- }
- t2 *= 2;
- t2 = new A._SwitchPainter_paint_thumbSizeAnimation(_this, new A.Size(t1, t1), new A.Size(t2, t2));
- t1 = _this._reaction;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_3) {
- t1 = _this._pressedThumbRadius;
- t1.toString;
- t1 *= 2;
- thumbSize = new A.Size(t1, t1);
- } else {
- t1 = _this._toggleable$_position;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) !== B.AnimationStatus_0) {
- t1 = _this._toggleable$_position.parent;
- t1 = t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_1;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = t2.call$1(true);
- t2 = t1._evaluatable;
- t1 = t1.parent;
- thumbSize = t2.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
- } else {
- t1 = t2.call$1(false);
- t2 = t1._evaluatable;
- t1 = t1.parent;
- thumbSize = t2.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
- }
- }
- t1 = _this._thumbOffset;
- inset = t1 == null ? 0 : 1 - Math.abs(currentValue - t1) * 2;
- t1 = thumbSize._dx - inset;
- t2 = thumbSize._dy - inset;
- t3 = _this._positionController;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_xDo0, t3, B.Cubic_JUR0);
- colorValue = t3.get$value(t3);
- t3 = _this._inactiveTrackColor;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = _this._activeTrackColor;
- t4.toString;
- t4 = A.Color_lerp(t3, t4, colorValue);
- t4.toString;
- t3 = _this._inactiveTrackOutlineColor;
- trackOutlineColor = t3 == null ? null : A.Color_lerp(t3, _this._activeTrackOutlineColor, colorValue);
- t3 = _this._reaction;
- if (t3.get$status(t3) !== B.AnimationStatus_0) {
- t3 = _this._inactivePressedColor;
- t3.toString;
- t5 = _this._activePressedColor;
- t5.toString;
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(t3, t5, colorValue);
- t5.toString;
- lerpedThumbColor = t5;
- } else {
- t3 = _this._positionController.__AnimationController__status_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t3 === B.AnimationStatus_1) {
- t3 = _this._inactivePressedColor;
- t3.toString;
- t5 = _this._activeColor;
- t5.toString;
- t5 = A.Color_lerp(t3, t5, colorValue);
- t5.toString;
- lerpedThumbColor = t5;
- } else {
- t5 = _this._inactiveColor;
- if (t3 === B.AnimationStatus_2) {
- t5.toString;
- t3 = _this._activePressedColor;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(t5, t3, colorValue);
- t3.toString;
- lerpedThumbColor = t3;
- } else {
- t5.toString;
- t3 = _this._activeColor;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(t5, t3, colorValue);
- t3.toString;
- lerpedThumbColor = t3;
- }
- }
- }
- t3 = _this._surfaceColor;
- t3.toString;
- thumbColor = A.Color_alphaBlend(lerpedThumbColor, t3);
- t3 = currentValue < 0.5;
- thumbIcon = t3 ? _this._inactiveIcon : _this._activeIcon;
- thumbImage = t3 ? _this._inactiveThumbImage : _this._activeThumbImage;
- thumbErrorListener = t3 ? _this._onInactiveThumbImageError : _this._onActiveThumbImageError;
- t3 = $.$get$_renderer();
- paint = t3.createPaint$0();
- paint.set$color(0, t4);
- t4 = _this._trackWidth;
- t4.toString;
- t5 = _this._trackHeight;
- t5.toString;
- horizontalOffset = (size._dx - t4) / 2;
- t6 = size._dy;
- verticalOffset = (t6 - t5) / 2;
- trackRadius = t5 / 2;
- t7 = t2 / 2;
- additionalThumbRadius = t7 - trackRadius;
- t8 = _this._trackInnerLength;
- t8.toString;
- thumbHorizontalOffset = horizontalOffset - additionalThumbRadius - (t1 - t2) / 2 + visualPosition * t8;
- canvas.drawRRect$2(A.RRect$fromRectAndRadius(new A.Rect(horizontalOffset, verticalOffset, horizontalOffset + t4, verticalOffset + t5), new A.Radius(trackRadius, trackRadius)), paint);
- if (trackOutlineColor != null) {
- t4 = horizontalOffset + 1;
- t5 = verticalOffset + 1;
- t8 = _this._trackWidth;
- t8.toString;
- t9 = _this._trackHeight;
- t9.toString;
- outlineTrackRRect = A.RRect$fromRectAndRadius(new A.Rect(t4, t5, t4 + (t8 - 2), t5 + (t9 - 2)), new A.Radius(trackRadius, trackRadius));
- outlinePaint = t3.createPaint$0();
- outlinePaint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- outlinePaint.set$strokeWidth(2);
- outlinePaint.set$color(0, trackOutlineColor);
- canvas.drawRRect$2(outlineTrackRRect, outlinePaint);
- }
- _this.paintRadialReaction$2$canvas$origin(canvas, new A.Offset(thumbHorizontalOffset + t7, t6 / 2));
- _this._paintThumbWith$9(new A.Offset(thumbHorizontalOffset, verticalOffset - additionalThumbRadius), canvas, colorValue, thumbColor, thumbImage, thumbErrorListener, thumbIcon, new A.Size(t1, t2), inset);
- },
- _paintThumbWith$9(thumbPaintOffset, canvas, currentValue, thumbColor, thumbImage, thumbErrorListener, thumbIcon, thumbSize, inset) {
- var thumbPainter, iconColor, iconSize, iconData, iconWeight, iconFill, iconGrade, iconOpticalSize, iconShadows, t1, textSpan, textPainter, additionalHorizontalOffset, additionalVerticalOffset, offset, t2, t3, iconSize0, iconWeight0, iconFill0, iconGrade0, iconOpticalSize0, iconShadows0, _this = this, _null = null;
- try {
- _this._isPainting = true;
- if (_this._cachedThumbPainter != null)
- if (thumbColor.$eq(0, _this._cachedThumbColor))
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2) {
- _this._cachedThumbColor = thumbColor;
- _this._cachedThumbImage = thumbImage;
- _this._cachedThumbErrorListener = thumbErrorListener;
- t2 = _this._cachedThumbPainter;
- if (t2 != null)
- t2.dispose$0();
- _this._cachedThumbPainter = A._ShapeDecorationPainter$(new A.ShapeDecoration(thumbColor, _null, _null, _this._thumbShadow, B.StadiumBorder_Sik), _this.get$_handleDecorationChanged());
- }
- t2 = _this._cachedThumbPainter;
- t2.toString;
- thumbPainter = t2;
- thumbPainter.paint$3(canvas, thumbPaintOffset, _this._switch$_configuration.copyWith$1$size(thumbSize));
- if (thumbIcon != null && true) {
- t2 = _this._inactiveIconColor;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this._activeIconColor;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(t2, t3, currentValue);
- t3.toString;
- iconColor = t3;
- iconSize0 = thumbIcon.size;
- iconSize = iconSize0 == null ? 16 : iconSize0;
- iconData = thumbIcon.icon;
- t2 = _this._iconTheme;
- iconWeight0 = t2 == null ? _null : t2.weight;
- iconWeight = iconWeight0;
- iconFill0 = t2 == null ? _null : t2.fill;
- iconFill = iconFill0;
- iconGrade0 = t2 == null ? _null : t2.grade;
- iconGrade = iconGrade0;
- iconOpticalSize0 = t2 == null ? _null : t2.opticalSize;
- iconOpticalSize = iconOpticalSize0;
- iconShadows0 = t2 == null ? _null : t2.shadows;
- iconShadows = iconShadows0;
- t2 = A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(iconData.codePoint);
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_FontVariation);
- if (iconFill != null)
- J.add$1$ax(t1, new A.FontVariation("FILL", iconFill));
- if (iconWeight != null)
- J.add$1$ax(t1, new A.FontVariation("wght", iconWeight));
- if (iconGrade != null)
- J.add$1$ax(t1, new A.FontVariation("GRAD", iconGrade));
- if (iconOpticalSize != null)
- J.add$1$ax(t1, new A.FontVariation("opsz", iconOpticalSize));
- textSpan = A.TextSpan$(_null, A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, iconColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, iconData.fontFamily, _null, _null, iconSize, _null, t1, _null, _null, _null, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, iconData.fontPackage, iconShadows, _null, _null), t2);
- t1 = _this._switch$_textDirection;
- t1.toString;
- textPainter = A.TextPainter$(_null, _null, _null, _null, textSpan, B.TextAlign_4, t1, _null, 1, B.TextWidthBasis_0);
- textPainter.layout$0();
- additionalHorizontalOffset = (thumbSize._dx - iconSize) / 2;
- additionalVerticalOffset = (thumbSize._dy - iconSize) / 2;
- offset = thumbPaintOffset.$add(0, new A.Offset(additionalHorizontalOffset, additionalVerticalOffset));
- textPainter.paint$2(canvas, offset);
- }
- } finally {
- _this._isPainting = false;
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._cachedThumbPainter;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this._cachedThumbErrorListener = _this._cachedThumbImage = _this._cachedThumbColor = _this._cachedThumbPainter = null;
- _this.super$ToggleablePainter$dispose();
- }
- };
- A._SwitchPainter_paint_thumbSizeAnimation.prototype = {
- call$1(isForward) {
- var thumbSizeSequence,
- t1 = this.inactiveThumbSize,
- t2 = this.$this,
- t3 = this.activeThumbSize,
- t4 = type$.JSArray_TweenSequenceItem_Size,
- t5 = type$.Tween_Size,
- t6 = type$.TweenSequenceItem_Size,
- t7 = type$.ConstantTween_Size,
- t8 = t2._transitionalThumbSize,
- t9 = t5._eval$1("_ChainedEvaluation");
- if (isForward) {
- t8.toString;
- thumbSizeSequence = A._setArrayType([new A.TweenSequenceItem(new A._ChainedEvaluation(new A.CurveTween(B.Cubic_EOZ), new A.Tween(t1, t8, t5), t9), 11, t6), new A.TweenSequenceItem(new A._ChainedEvaluation(new A.CurveTween(B.Cubic_7xV), new A.Tween(t8, t3, t5), t9), 72, t6), new A.TweenSequenceItem(new A.ConstantTween(t3, t3, t7), 17, t6)], t4);
- } else {
- t8.toString;
- thumbSizeSequence = A._setArrayType([new A.TweenSequenceItem(new A.ConstantTween(t1, t1, t7), 17, t6), new A.TweenSequenceItem(new A._ChainedEvaluation(new A.CurveTween(new A.FlippedCurve(B.Cubic_7xV)), new A.Tween(t1, t8, t5), t9), 72, t6), new A.TweenSequenceItem(new A._ChainedEvaluation(new A.CurveTween(new A.FlippedCurve(B.Cubic_EOZ)), new A.Tween(t8, t3, t5), t9), 11, t6)], t4);
- }
- t1 = A.TweenSequence$(thumbSizeSequence, type$.Size);
- t2 = t2._positionController;
- t2.toString;
- return new A._AnimatedEvaluation(t2, t1, t1.$ti._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- },
- $signature: 292
- };
- A._SwitchConfig.prototype = {};
- A._SwitchConfigM2.prototype = {
- get$activeThumbRadius() {
- return 10;
- },
- get$iconColor() {
- return new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(B.Color_0, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color);
- },
- get$inactiveThumbRadius() {
- return 10;
- },
- get$pressedThumbRadius() {
- return 10;
- },
- get$switchHeight() {
- return 48;
- },
- get$switchHeightCollapsed() {
- return 40;
- },
- get$switchWidth() {
- return 59;
- },
- get$thumbRadiusWithIcon() {
- return 10;
- },
- get$thumbShadow() {
- return B.List_nJL;
- },
- get$trackHeight() {
- return 14;
- },
- get$trackWidth() {
- return 33;
- },
- get$thumbOffset() {
- return 0.5;
- },
- get$transitionalThumbSize() {
- return B.Size_20_20;
- },
- get$toggleDuration() {
- return 200;
- }
- };
- A._SwitchDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$thumbColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._SwitchDefaultsM2_thumbColor_closure(this, this._switch$_theme.colorScheme.brightness === B.Brightness_0), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$trackColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._SwitchDefaultsM2_trackColor_closure(this, this._switch$_theme.colorScheme.brightness === B.Brightness_0), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$trackOutlineColor() {
- return null;
- },
- get$materialTapTargetSize() {
- return this._switch$_theme.materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$mouseCursor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._SwitchDefaultsM2_mouseCursor_closure(), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_MouseCursor);
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._SwitchDefaultsM2_overlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$splashRadius() {
- return 20;
- }
- };
- A._SwitchDefaultsM2_thumbColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return this.isDark ? B.Color_4282532418 : B.Color_4290624957;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return this.$this._switch$_colors.secondary;
- return this.isDark ? B.Color_4290624957 : B.Color_4294638330;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._SwitchDefaultsM2_trackColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var activeColor;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return this.isDark ? B.Color_452984831 : B.Color_520093696;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- activeColor = this.$this._switch$_colors.secondary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(128, activeColor.get$value(activeColor) >>> 16 & 255, activeColor.get$value(activeColor) >>> 8 & 255, activeColor.get$value(activeColor) & 255);
- }
- return this.isDark ? B.Color_1308622847 : B.Color_1375731712;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._SwitchDefaultsM2_mouseCursor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- return B._EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor_SystemMouseCursor_click_clickable.resolve$1(states);
- },
- $signature: 88
- };
- A._SwitchDefaultsM2_overlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$thumbColor()._material_state$_resolve.call$1(states);
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(t1);
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t2.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return this.$this._switch$_theme.focusColor;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0))
- return this.$this._switch$_theme.hoverColor;
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._SwitchDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_switch$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___SwitchDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___SwitchDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___SwitchDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$thumbColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._SwitchDefaultsM3_thumbColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$trackColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._SwitchDefaultsM3_trackColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$trackOutlineColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._SwitchDefaultsM3_trackOutlineColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._SwitchDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$splashRadius() {
- return 20;
- }
- };
- A._SwitchDefaultsM3_thumbColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors().surface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(255, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors();
- t2 = t1._primaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.primary : t2;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors();
- t2 = t1._primaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.primary : t2;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors();
- t2 = t1._primaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.primary : t2;
- }
- return _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors().onPrimary;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors();
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- }
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors();
- t2 = t1._outline;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onBackground : t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._SwitchDefaultsM3_trackColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors();
- t2 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2))
- return _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors().primary;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0))
- return _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors().primary;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1))
- return _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors().primary;
- return _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors().primary;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors();
- t2 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors();
- t2 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors();
- t2 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2;
- }
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors();
- t2 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._SwitchDefaultsM3_trackOutlineColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4))
- return B.Color_0;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_switch$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- t1 = this.$this.get$_switch$_colors();
- t2 = t1._outline;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onBackground : t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._SwitchDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- return null;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_switch$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._SwitchConfigM3.prototype = {
- get$activeThumbRadius() {
- return 12;
- },
- get$iconColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._SwitchConfigM3_iconColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_Color);
- },
- get$inactiveThumbRadius() {
- return 8;
- },
- get$pressedThumbRadius() {
- return 14;
- },
- get$switchHeight() {
- return 48;
- },
- get$switchHeightCollapsed() {
- return 40;
- },
- get$switchWidth() {
- return 60;
- },
- get$thumbRadiusWithIcon() {
- return 12;
- },
- get$thumbShadow() {
- return B.List_empty9;
- },
- get$trackHeight() {
- return 32;
- },
- get$trackWidth() {
- return 52;
- },
- get$transitionalThumbSize() {
- return B.Size_34_22;
- },
- get$toggleDuration() {
- return 300;
- },
- get$thumbOffset() {
- return null;
- }
- };
- A._SwitchConfigM3_iconColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._switch$_colors.onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- t1 = _this.$this._switch$_colors;
- t2 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- t1 = (t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2).value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._switch$_colors;
- t2 = t1._onPrimaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onPrimary : t2;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._switch$_colors;
- t2 = t1._onPrimaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onPrimary : t2;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._switch$_colors;
- t2 = t1._onPrimaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onPrimary : t2;
- }
- t1 = _this.$this._switch$_colors;
- t2 = t1._onPrimaryContainer;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onPrimary : t2;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._switch$_colors;
- t2 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._switch$_colors;
- t2 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this._switch$_colors;
- t2 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2;
- }
- t1 = _this.$this._switch$_colors;
- t2 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A.__MaterialSwitchState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.__MaterialSwitchState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_ToggleableStateMixin.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_200000, _null, 1, !_this._widget.value ? 0 : 1, _this);
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A = t1;
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__position_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_JUR0, t1, B.Cubic_xDo0);
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_100000, _null, 1, _null, _this);
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionController_A = t1;
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reaction_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, t1, _null);
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_50000, _null, 1, _this.ToggleableStateMixin__hovering || _this.ToggleableStateMixin__focused ? 1 : 0, _this);
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFadeController_A = t1;
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFade_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, t1, _null);
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(_null, B.Duration_50000, _null, 1, _this.ToggleableStateMixin__hovering || _this.ToggleableStateMixin__focused ? 1 : 0, _this);
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFadeController_A = t1;
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFade_A = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, t1, _null);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFadeController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFadeController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this.super$__MaterialSwitchState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.__SwitchConfigM2_Object__SwitchConfig.prototype = {};
- A.__SwitchConfigM3_Object__SwitchConfig.prototype = {};
- A.SwitchThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.get$thumbColor(), _this.get$trackColor(), _this.get$trackOutlineColor(), _this.get$materialTapTargetSize(), _this.get$mouseCursor(), _this.get$overlayColor(), _this.get$splashRadius(), _this.thumbIcon, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.SwitchThemeData && other.get$thumbColor() == _this.get$thumbColor() && other.get$trackColor() == _this.get$trackColor() && other.get$trackOutlineColor() == _this.get$trackOutlineColor() && other.get$materialTapTargetSize() == _this.get$materialTapTargetSize() && other.get$mouseCursor() == _this.get$mouseCursor() && other.get$overlayColor() == _this.get$overlayColor() && other.get$splashRadius() == _this.get$splashRadius() && true;
- },
- get$thumbColor() {
- return this.thumbColor;
- },
- get$trackColor() {
- return this.trackColor;
- },
- get$trackOutlineColor() {
- return this.trackOutlineColor;
- },
- get$materialTapTargetSize() {
- return this.materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$mouseCursor() {
- return this.mouseCursor;
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return this.overlayColor;
- },
- get$splashRadius() {
- return this.splashRadius;
- }
- };
- A._SwitchThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.TabBarTheme.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.indicator, _this.get$indicatorColor(), _this.indicatorSize, _this.get$dividerColor(), _this.get$labelColor(), _this.labelPadding, _this.get$labelStyle(), _this.get$unselectedLabelColor(), _this.get$unselectedLabelStyle(), _this.get$overlayColor(), _this.get$splashFactory(), _this.mouseCursor, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.TabBarTheme && J.$eq$(other.indicator, _this.indicator) && J.$eq$(other.get$indicatorColor(), _this.get$indicatorColor()) && other.indicatorSize == _this.indicatorSize && J.$eq$(other.get$dividerColor(), _this.get$dividerColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$labelColor(), _this.get$labelColor()) && J.$eq$(other.labelPadding, _this.labelPadding) && J.$eq$(other.get$labelStyle(), _this.get$labelStyle()) && J.$eq$(other.get$unselectedLabelColor(), _this.get$unselectedLabelColor()) && J.$eq$(other.get$unselectedLabelStyle(), _this.get$unselectedLabelStyle()) && other.get$overlayColor() == _this.get$overlayColor() && other.get$splashFactory() == _this.get$splashFactory() && true;
- },
- get$indicatorColor() {
- return this.indicatorColor;
- },
- get$dividerColor() {
- return this.dividerColor;
- },
- get$labelColor() {
- return this.labelColor;
- },
- get$labelStyle() {
- return this.labelStyle;
- },
- get$unselectedLabelColor() {
- return this.unselectedLabelColor;
- },
- get$unselectedLabelStyle() {
- return this.unselectedLabelStyle;
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return this.overlayColor;
- },
- get$splashFactory() {
- return this.splashFactory;
- }
- };
- A._TabBarTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.TabController.prototype = {
- get$animation(_) {
- var t1 = this._tab_controller$_animationController;
- return t1 == null ? null : t1;
- },
- _changeIndex$3$curve$duration(value, curve, duration) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._tab_controller$_index;
- if (value === t1 || _this.length < 2)
- return;
- _this._previousIndex = t1;
- _this._tab_controller$_index = value;
- t1 = duration != null && duration._duration > 0;
- t2 = _this._indexIsChangingCount + 1;
- if (t1) {
- _this._indexIsChangingCount = t2;
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- t1 = _this._tab_controller$_animationController;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._tab_controller$_index;
- curve.toString;
- t1._direction = B._AnimationDirection_0;
- t1._animateToInternal$3$curve$duration(t2, curve, duration).whenCompleteOrCancel$1(new A.TabController__changeIndex_closure(_this));
- } else {
- _this._indexIsChangingCount = t2;
- _this._tab_controller$_animationController.set$value(0, value);
- --_this._indexIsChangingCount;
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- }
- },
- _changeIndex$1(value) {
- return this._changeIndex$3$curve$duration(value, null, null);
- },
- get$index(_) {
- return this._tab_controller$_index;
- },
- set$offset(_, value) {
- var t3,
- t1 = this._tab_controller$_animationController,
- t2 = t1.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = this._tab_controller$_index;
- if (value === t2 - t3)
- return;
- t1.set$value(0, value + t3);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this._tab_controller$_animationController;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- this._tab_controller$_animationController = null;
- this.super$ChangeNotifier$dispose();
- },
- get$length(receiver) {
- return this.length;
- }
- };
- A.TabController__changeIndex_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1._tab_controller$_animationController != null) {
- --t1._indexIsChangingCount;
- t1.notifyListeners$0();
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.TabBarIndicatorSize.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TabBarIndicatorSize." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.Tab.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var label = this.icon;
- return A.SizedBox$(A.Center$(label, null, 1), 46, null);
- },
- get$preferredSize() {
- return B.Size_8aB0;
- }
- };
- A._TabStyle.prototype = {
- _resolveWithLabelColor$1(context) {
- var unselectedColor, t1 = {},
- themeData = A.Theme_of(context),
- t2 = A.Theme_of(context),
- animation = type$.Animation_double._as(this.listenable),
- selectedColor = this.labelColor;
- t1.selectedColor = selectedColor;
- t1.unselectedColor = null;
- unselectedColor = t2.tabBarTheme.unselectedLabelColor;
- if (unselectedColor == null)
- if (themeData.useMaterial3) {
- t2 = this.defaults.get$unselectedLabelColor();
- t2.toString;
- unselectedColor = t2;
- } else {
- t2 = A.Color$fromARGB(178, selectedColor.value >>> 16 & 255, selectedColor.value >>> 8 & 255, selectedColor.value & 255);
- unselectedColor = t2;
- }
- t1.unselectedColor = unselectedColor;
- return A._MaterialStateColor$(new A._TabStyle__resolveWithLabelColor_closure(t1, animation));
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var defaultStyle, defaultUnselectedStyle, textStyle, _this = this, _null = null,
- tabBarTheme = A.Theme_of(context).tabBarTheme,
- animation = type$.Animation_double._as(_this.listenable),
- t1 = _this.isSelected,
- states = t1 ? B.Set_dDNK5 : B.Set_empty0,
- t2 = _this.labelStyle,
- t3 = tabBarTheme.labelStyle;
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = _this.defaults.get$labelStyle();
- t3.toString;
- }
- defaultStyle = t3.copyWith$1$inherit(true);
- t3 = tabBarTheme.unselectedLabelStyle;
- t2 = t3 == null ? t2 : t3;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = _this.defaults.get$unselectedLabelStyle();
- t2.toString;
- }
- defaultUnselectedStyle = t2.copyWith$1$inherit(true);
- if (t1) {
- t1 = A.TextStyle_lerp(defaultStyle, defaultUnselectedStyle, animation.get$value(animation));
- t1.toString;
- textStyle = t1;
- } else {
- t1 = A.TextStyle_lerp(defaultUnselectedStyle, defaultStyle, animation.get$value(animation));
- t1.toString;
- textStyle = t1;
- }
- t1 = _this._resolveWithLabelColor$1(context)._material_state$_resolve.call$1(states);
- t2 = textStyle.copyWith$1$color(t1);
- return A.DefaultTextStyle$(A.IconTheme_merge(_this.child, new A.IconThemeData(24, _null, _null, _null, _null, t1, _null, _null)), _null, _null, B.TextOverflow_0, true, t2, _null, _null, B.TextWidthBasis_0);
- }
- };
- A._TabStyle__resolveWithLabelColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- t1 = _this._box_0;
- t2 = _this.animation;
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(t1.selectedColor, t1.unselectedColor, t2.get$value(t2));
- t2.toString;
- return t2;
- }
- t1 = _this._box_0;
- t2 = _this.animation;
- t2 = A.Color_lerp(t1.unselectedColor, t1.selectedColor, t2.get$value(t2));
- t2.toString;
- return t2;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._TabLabelBarRenderer.prototype = {
- performLayout$0() {
- var child, xOffsets, t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$RenderFlex$performLayout();
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- xOffsets = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_double);
- for (t1 = type$.FlexParentData; child != null;) {
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t1._as(t2);
- xOffsets.push(t2.offset._dx);
- child = t2.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- switch (_this._flex$_textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- B.JSArray_methods.insert$2(xOffsets, 0, _this._size._dx);
- break;
- case 1:
- xOffsets.push(_this._size._dx);
- break;
- }
- t1 = _this._flex$_textDirection;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._size._dx;
- _this.onPerformLayout.call$3(xOffsets, t1, t2);
- }
- };
- A._TabLabelBar.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this.getEffectiveTextDirection$1(context);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = new A._TabLabelBarRenderer(_this.onPerformLayout, _this.direction, _this.mainAxisAlignment, _this.mainAxisSize, _this.crossAxisAlignment, t1, _this.verticalDirection, _null, B.Clip_0, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ClipRectLayer), A.List_List$filled(4, A.TextPainter$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.TextAlign_4, B.TextDirection_1, _null, 1, B.TextWidthBasis_0), false, type$.TextPainter), true, 0, _null, _null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.addAll$1(0, _null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- this.super$Flex$updateRenderObject(context, renderObject);
- renderObject.onPerformLayout = this.onPerformLayout;
- }
- };
- A._IndicatorPainter.prototype = {
- markNeedsPaint$0() {
- this._tabs$_needsPaint = true;
- },
- indicatorRect$2(tabBarSize, tabIndex) {
- var t1, tabLeft, tabRight, tabWidth, insets, t2, rect, _this = this;
- switch (_this._currentTextDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = _this._currentTabOffsets;
- tabLeft = t1[tabIndex + 1];
- tabRight = t1[tabIndex];
- break;
- case 1:
- t1 = _this._currentTabOffsets;
- tabLeft = t1[tabIndex];
- tabRight = t1[tabIndex + 1];
- break;
- default:
- tabLeft = null;
- tabRight = null;
- }
- if (_this.indicatorSize === B.TabBarIndicatorSize_1) {
- t1 = _this.tabKeys[tabIndex];
- t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner._globalKeyRegistry.$index(0, t1);
- tabWidth = t1.get$size(t1)._dx;
- insets = _this.labelPaddings[tabIndex].resolve$1(_this._currentTextDirection);
- tabLeft += (tabRight - tabLeft - (tabWidth + insets.get$horizontal())) / 2 + insets.left;
- tabRight = tabLeft + tabWidth;
- }
- insets = _this.indicatorPadding;
- t1 = tabLeft + (tabRight - tabLeft);
- t2 = 0 + tabBarSize._dy;
- rect = new A.Rect(tabLeft, 0, t1, t2);
- if (!new A.Size(t1 - tabLeft, t2 - 0).$ge(0, new A.Size(insets.get$horizontal(), insets.get$_top(insets) + insets.get$_bottom(insets))))
- throw A.wrapException(A.FlutterError_FlutterError("indicatorPadding insets should be less than Tab Size\nRect Size : " + rect.get$size(rect).toString$0(0) + ", Insets: " + insets.toString$0(0)));
- return insets.deflateRect$1(rect);
- },
- paint$2(canvas, size) {
- var t1, index, ltr, t2, from, to, t3, t4, t5, t6, dividerPaint, t7, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this._tabs$_needsPaint = false;
- if (_this._tabs$_painter == null)
- _this._tabs$_painter = _this.indicator.createBoxPainter$1(_this.get$markNeedsPaint());
- t1 = _this.controller;
- index = t1._tab_controller$_index;
- t1 = t1.get$animation(t1).__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- ltr = index > t1;
- t2 = ltr ? B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(t1) : B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(t1);
- from = B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(t2, 0, _this._currentTabOffsets.length - 2);
- t2 = ltr ? from + 1 : from - 1;
- to = B.JSNumber_methods.clamp$2(t2, 0, _this._currentTabOffsets.length - 2);
- t1 = _this._currentRect = A.Rect_lerp(_this.indicatorRect$2(size, from), _this.indicatorRect$2(size, to), Math.abs(t1 - from));
- t2 = t1.right;
- t3 = t1.left;
- t4 = t1.bottom;
- t1 = t1.top;
- t5 = _this._currentTextDirection;
- t6 = _this.dividerColor;
- if (t6 != null) {
- dividerPaint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- dividerPaint.set$color(0, t6);
- dividerPaint.set$strokeWidth(1);
- t6 = size._dy;
- canvas.drawLine$3(new A.Offset(0, t6), new A.Offset(size._dx, t6), dividerPaint);
- }
- t6 = _this._tabs$_painter;
- t6.toString;
- t7 = _this._currentRect;
- t6.paint$3(canvas, new A.Offset(t7.left, t7.top), new A.ImageConfiguration(_null, _null, _null, t5, new A.Size(t2 - t3, t4 - t1), _null));
- },
- shouldRepaint$1(old) {
- var _this = this;
- return _this._tabs$_needsPaint || _this.controller !== old.controller || !_this.indicator.$eq(0, old.indicator) || _this.tabKeys.length !== old.tabKeys.length || !A.listEquals0(_this._currentTabOffsets, old._currentTabOffsets) || _this._currentTextDirection != old._currentTextDirection;
- }
- };
- A._ChangeAnimation.prototype = {
- get$parent(_) {
- var t1 = this.controller;
- t1 = t1.get$animation(t1);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- removeStatusListener$1(listener) {
- var t1 = this.controller;
- if (t1.get$animation(t1) != null)
- this.super$AnimationWithParentMixin$removeStatusListener(listener);
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1 = this.controller;
- if (t1.get$animation(t1) != null)
- this.super$AnimationWithParentMixin$removeListener(0, listener);
- },
- get$value(_) {
- return A._indexChangeProgress(this.controller);
- }
- };
- A._DragAnimation.prototype = {
- get$parent(_) {
- var t1 = this.controller;
- t1 = t1.get$animation(t1);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- removeStatusListener$1(listener) {
- var t1 = this.controller;
- if (t1.get$animation(t1) != null)
- this.super$AnimationWithParentMixin$removeStatusListener(listener);
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1 = this.controller;
- if (t1.get$animation(t1) != null)
- this.super$AnimationWithParentMixin$removeListener(0, listener);
- },
- get$value(_) {
- var t1 = this.controller,
- t2 = t1.get$animation(t1).__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return A.clampDouble(Math.abs(A.clampDouble(t2, 0, t1.length - 1) - this.index), 0, 1);
- },
- get$index(receiver) {
- return this.index;
- }
- };
- A._TabBarScrollPosition.prototype = {};
- A.TabBar.prototype = {
- get$tabHasTextAndIcon() {
- var t1, _i, item;
- for (t1 = this.tabs, _i = 0; _i < 2; ++_i) {
- item = t1[_i];
- if (item.get$preferredSize()._dy === 72)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- createState$0() {
- return new A._TabBarState(B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._TabBarState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = _this._widget.tabs;
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,GlobalKey>>");
- _this.___TabBarState__tabKeys_A = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._TabBarState_initState_closure(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- _this._widget.toString;
- _this.___TabBarState__labelPaddings_A = A.List_List$filled(2, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, true, type$.EdgeInsetsGeometry);
- },
- get$_tabs$_defaults() {
- var _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- if (A.Theme_of(t1).useMaterial3) {
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- return new A._TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3(t1, _null, _null, B.TabBarIndicatorSize_1, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- } else {
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- return new A._TabsDefaultsM2(t1, _null, _null, B.TabBarIndicatorSize_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- },
- _getIndicator$0() {
- var t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- A.Theme_of(t1);
- t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- A.Theme_of(t1);
- t1 = this._widget.indicator;
- return t1;
- },
- get$_controllerIsValid() {
- var t1 = this._tabs$_controller;
- return (t1 == null ? null : t1.get$animation(t1)) != null;
- },
- _updateTabController$0() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- newController = _this._widget.controller;
- if (newController === _this._tabs$_controller)
- return;
- if (_this.get$_controllerIsValid()) {
- t1 = _this._tabs$_controller;
- t1.get$animation(t1).removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleTabControllerAnimationTick());
- _this._tabs$_controller.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleTabControllerTick());
- }
- _this._tabs$_controller = newController;
- t1 = newController.get$animation(newController);
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t1 = t1.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t1._list.push(_this.get$_handleTabControllerAnimationTick());
- _this._tabs$_controller.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleTabControllerTick());
- _this._currentIndex = _this._tabs$_controller._tab_controller$_index;
- },
- _initIndicatorPainter$0() {
- var theme, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- theme = A.Theme_of(t1);
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.Theme_of(t1);
- if (!_this.get$_controllerIsValid())
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t2 = _this._tabs$_controller;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this._getIndicator$0();
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = t1.tabBarTheme.indicatorSize;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this.get$_tabs$_defaults().indicatorSize;
- t1.toString;
- }
- t4 = _this._widget;
- t5 = t4.indicatorPadding;
- t6 = _this.___TabBarState__tabKeys_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t7 = _this._indicatorPainter;
- if (theme.useMaterial3)
- t4 = t4.dividerColor;
- else
- t4 = null;
- t8 = _this.___TabBarState__labelPaddings_A;
- t8 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = new A._IndicatorPainter(t2, t3, t1, t5, t6, t4, t8, t2.get$animation(t2));
- if (t7 != null) {
- t1 = t7._currentTabOffsets;
- t7 = t7._currentTextDirection;
- t2._currentTabOffsets = t1;
- t2._currentTextDirection = t7;
- }
- t1 = t2;
- }
- _this._indicatorPainter = t1;
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- this._updateTabController$0();
- this._initIndicatorPainter$0();
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, position, t2, delta, _list, n, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = _this._widget;
- if (t1.controller !== oldWidget.controller) {
- _this._updateTabController$0();
- _this._initIndicatorPainter$0();
- t1 = _this._tabs$_scrollController;
- if (t1 != null && t1._positions.length !== 0) {
- position = B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions);
- if (position instanceof A._TabBarScrollPosition)
- position._needsPixelsCorrection = true;
- }
- } else if (!t1.indicatorPadding.$eq(0, oldWidget.indicatorPadding) || !_this._widget.indicator.$eq(0, oldWidget.indicator))
- _this._initIndicatorPainter$0();
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = _this.___TabBarState__tabKeys_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (2 > t2) {
- delta = 2 - t2;
- _list = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateGrowable(delta, type$.GlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget);
- for (t2 = type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget, n = 0; n < delta; ++n)
- _list[n] = new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, t2);
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, _list);
- t1 = _this.___TabBarState__labelPaddings_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, A.List_List$filled(delta, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, false, type$.EdgeInsetsGeometry));
- } else if (2 < t2) {
- B.JSArray_methods.removeRange$2(t1, 2, t2);
- t1 = _this.___TabBarState__labelPaddings_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this._widget.toString;
- B.JSArray_methods.removeRange$2(t1, 2, _this.___TabBarState__tabKeys_A.length);
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._indicatorPainter._tabs$_painter;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- if (_this.get$_controllerIsValid()) {
- t1 = _this._tabs$_controller;
- t1.get$animation(t1).removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleTabControllerAnimationTick());
- _this._tabs$_controller.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleTabControllerTick());
- }
- _this._tabs$_controller = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- _handleTabControllerAnimationTick$0() {
- if (this._tabs$_controller._indexIsChangingCount === 0)
- this._widget.toString;
- },
- _handleTabControllerTick$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._tabs$_controller._tab_controller$_index;
- if (t1 !== _this._currentIndex) {
- _this._currentIndex = t1;
- _this._widget.toString;
- }
- _this.setState$1(new A._TabBarState__handleTabControllerTick_closure());
- },
- _saveTabOffsets$3(tabOffsets, textDirection, width) {
- var t1;
- this.___TabBarState__tabStripWidth_A = width;
- t1 = this._indicatorPainter;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1._currentTabOffsets = tabOffsets;
- t1._currentTextDirection = textDirection;
- }
- },
- _buildStyledTab$4(child, isSelected, animation, defaults) {
- return A._TabStyle$(animation, child, defaults, true, isSelected, this._widget.labelColor, null, null, null);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var tabBarTheme, wrappedTabs, t1, previousIndex, t2, t3, animation, tabIndex, t4, t5, t6, t7, index, t8, effectiveMouseCursor, defaultOverlay, t9, t10, index0, tabBar, _this = this, _null = null;
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- if (_this._tabs$_controller.length === 0) {
- _this._widget.toString;
- return A.Container$(_null, _null, B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _null, _null, 48, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- tabBarTheme = A.Theme_of(context).tabBarTheme;
- _this._widget.toString;
- wrappedTabs = A.List_List$generate(2, new A._TabBarState_build_closure(_this, tabBarTheme), type$.Widget);
- t1 = _this._tabs$_controller;
- if (t1 != null) {
- previousIndex = t1._previousIndex;
- t2 = t1._indexIsChangingCount;
- t3 = _this._currentIndex;
- if (t2 !== 0) {
- animation = new A._ChangeAnimation(t1);
- t3.toString;
- wrappedTabs[t3] = _this._buildStyledTab$4(wrappedTabs[t3], true, animation, _this.get$_tabs$_defaults());
- wrappedTabs[previousIndex] = _this._buildStyledTab$4(wrappedTabs[previousIndex], false, animation, _this.get$_tabs$_defaults());
- } else {
- t3.toString;
- wrappedTabs[t3] = _this._buildStyledTab$4(wrappedTabs[t3], true, new A._DragAnimation(t1, t3), _this.get$_tabs$_defaults());
- t1 = _this._currentIndex;
- t1.toString;
- if (t1 > 0) {
- tabIndex = t1 - 1;
- t1 = _this._tabs$_controller;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus);
- wrappedTabs[tabIndex] = _this._buildStyledTab$4(wrappedTabs[tabIndex], false, new A.ReverseAnimation(new A._DragAnimation(t1, tabIndex), new A.ObserverList(t2, type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), 0), _this.get$_tabs$_defaults());
- }
- t1 = _this._currentIndex;
- t1.toString;
- _this._widget.toString;
- if (t1 < 1) {
- tabIndex = t1 + 1;
- t1 = _this._tabs$_controller;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus);
- wrappedTabs[tabIndex] = _this._buildStyledTab$4(wrappedTabs[tabIndex], false, new A.ReverseAnimation(new A._DragAnimation(t1, tabIndex), new A.ObserverList(t2, type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_AnimationStatus), 0), _this.get$_tabs$_defaults());
- }
- }
- }
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- for (t2 = type$.JSArray_Widget, t3 = tabBarTheme.overlayColor, t4 = type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color, t5 = type$.nullable_MouseCursor, t6 = type$.MaterialState, t7 = t3 == null, index = 0; index < 2; t1 = t8, index = index0) {
- t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t6);
- if (index === _this._currentIndex)
- t1.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_4);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t8 = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(_null, t1, t5);
- if (t8 == null)
- effectiveMouseCursor = _null;
- else
- effectiveMouseCursor = t8;
- if (effectiveMouseCursor == null)
- effectiveMouseCursor = B._EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor_SystemMouseCursor_click_clickable.resolve$1(t1);
- defaultOverlay = new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._TabBarState_build_closure0(_this, t1), t4);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = t7 ? defaultOverlay : t3;
- t8 = _this.get$_tabs$_defaults().get$splashFactory();
- _this._widget.toString;
- t9 = wrappedTabs[index];
- t10 = _this._currentIndex;
- index0 = index + 1;
- t1 = A.InkWell$(false, _null, true, new A.Padding(new A.EdgeInsets(0, 0, 0, 2), new A.Stack(B.AlignmentDirectional_m1_m1, _null, B.StackFit_0, B.Clip_1, A._setArrayType([t9, new A.Semantics(new A.SemanticsProperties(_null, _null, _null, _null, index === t10, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, "Tab " + index0 + " of 2", _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, _null, _null)], t2), _null), _null), _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, effectiveMouseCursor, _null, _null, _null, _null, new A._TabBarState_build_closure1(_this, index), _null, _null, t1, _null, _null, t8, _null);
- wrappedTabs[index] = t1;
- t8 = _this._widget;
- t8.toString;
- wrappedTabs[index] = new A.Expanded(1, B.FlexFit_0, t1, _null);
- }
- t2 = _this._indicatorPainter;
- tabBar = A.CustomPaint$(A._TabStyle$(B.C__AlwaysDismissedAnimation, new A._TabLabelBar(_this.get$_saveTabOffsets(), B.Axis_0, B.MainAxisAlignment_0, B.MainAxisSize_1, B.CrossAxisAlignment_2, _null, B.VerticalDirection_1, _null, wrappedTabs, _null), _this.get$_tabs$_defaults(), true, false, t1.labelColor, _null, _null, _null), _null, _null, t2, B.Size_0_0);
- _this._widget.toString;
- return tabBar;
- }
- };
- A._TabBarState_initState_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(tab) {
- return new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget);
- },
- $signature: 294
- };
- A._TabBarState__handleTabControllerTick_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._TabBarState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(index) {
- var adjustedPadding, t3, _null = null,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._widget,
- tab = t2.tabs[index];
- if (t2.get$tabHasTextAndIcon() && tab.get$preferredSize()._dy === 46) {
- t1._widget.toString;
- t2 = this.tabBarTheme.labelPadding;
- if (t2 != null)
- adjustedPadding = t2.add$1(0, B.EdgeInsets_0_13_0_13);
- else
- adjustedPadding = B.EdgeInsets_16_13_16_13;
- } else
- adjustedPadding = _null;
- t2 = t1.___TabBarState__labelPaddings_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (adjustedPadding == null) {
- t1._widget.toString;
- t3 = _null;
- } else
- t3 = adjustedPadding;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = this.tabBarTheme.labelPadding;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = B.EdgeInsets_16_0_16_0;
- t2[index] = t3;
- t2 = t1.___TabBarState__tabKeys_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2[index];
- return A.Center$(new A.Padding(t3, new A.KeyedSubtree(t1._widget.tabs[index], t2), _null), 1, _null);
- },
- $signature: 295
- };
- A._TabBarState_build_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1,
- effectiveStates = this.selectedState;
- effectiveStates.addAll$1(0, states);
- t1 = this.$this.get$_tabs$_defaults().get$overlayColor();
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(effectiveStates);
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._TabBarState_build_closure1.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._tabs$_controller,
- t3 = t2._animationDuration;
- t2._changeIndex$3$curve$duration(this.index, B.Cubic_JUR, t3);
- t1._widget.toString;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.TabBarView.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._TabBarViewState(B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._TabBarViewState.prototype = {
- get$_controllerIsValid() {
- var t1 = this._tabs$_controller;
- return (t1 == null ? null : t1.get$animation(t1)) != null;
- },
- _updateTabController$0() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- newController = _this._widget.controller;
- if (newController === _this._tabs$_controller)
- return;
- if (_this.get$_controllerIsValid()) {
- t1 = _this._tabs$_controller;
- t1.get$animation(t1).removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleTabControllerAnimationTick());
- }
- _this._tabs$_controller = newController;
- t1 = newController.get$animation(newController);
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t1 = t1.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t1._list.push(_this.get$_handleTabControllerAnimationTick());
- },
- _jumpToPage$1(page) {
- var t1;
- ++this._warpUnderwayCount;
- t1 = this.___TabBarViewState__pageController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.jumpToPage$1(page);
- --this._warpUnderwayCount;
- },
- _animateToPage$3$curve$duration(page, curve, duration) {
- return this._animateToPage$body$_TabBarViewState(page, curve, duration);
- },
- _animateToPage$body$_TabBarViewState(page, curve, duration) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this, t1;
- var $async$_animateToPage$3$curve$duration = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- ++$async$self._warpUnderwayCount;
- t1 = $async$self.___TabBarViewState__pageController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1.animateToPage$3$curve$duration(page, curve, duration), $async$_animateToPage$3$curve$duration);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- --$async$self._warpUnderwayCount;
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_animateToPage$3$curve$duration, $async$completer);
- },
- initState$0() {
- this.super$State$initState();
- this.___TabBarViewState__childrenWithKey_A = A.KeyedSubtree_ensureUniqueKeysForList(this._widget.children);
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- _this._updateTabController$0();
- t1 = _this._tabs$_controller._tab_controller$_index;
- _this._currentIndex = t1;
- _this._widget.toString;
- _this.___TabBarViewState__pageController_A = A.PageController$(t1, 1);
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- if (_this._widget.controller !== oldWidget.controller) {
- _this._updateTabController$0();
- t1 = _this._tabs$_controller._tab_controller$_index;
- _this._currentIndex = t1;
- _this._jumpToPage$1(t1);
- }
- t1 = _this._widget.children;
- if (t1 !== oldWidget.children && _this._warpUnderwayCount === 0)
- _this.___TabBarViewState__childrenWithKey_A = A.KeyedSubtree_ensureUniqueKeysForList(t1);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$_controllerIsValid()) {
- t1 = _this._tabs$_controller;
- t1.get$animation(t1).removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleTabControllerAnimationTick());
- }
- _this._tabs$_controller = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- _handleTabControllerAnimationTick$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._scrollUnderwayCount > 0 || _this._tabs$_controller._indexIsChangingCount === 0)
- return;
- t1 = _this._tabs$_controller._tab_controller$_index;
- if (t1 !== _this._currentIndex) {
- _this._currentIndex = t1;
- _this._warpToCurrentIndex$0();
- }
- },
- _warpToCurrentIndex$0() {
- var t1, position, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (_this._framework$_element != null) {
- t1 = _this.___TabBarViewState__pageController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- position = type$._PagePosition._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions));
- t1 = position.get$page(position);
- t2 = _this._currentIndex;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = t1 === t2;
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return;
- t1 = _this._currentIndex;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._tabs$_controller;
- t3 = t2._previousIndex;
- t2 = t2._animationDuration;
- if (Math.abs(t1 - t3) === 1)
- _this._warpToAdjacentTab$1(t2);
- else
- _this._warpToNonAdjacentTab$1(t2);
- },
- _warpToAdjacentTab$1(duration) {
- return this._warpToAdjacentTab$body$_TabBarViewState(duration);
- },
- _warpToAdjacentTab$body$_TabBarViewState(duration) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1;
- var $async$_warpToAdjacentTab$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $async$self._currentIndex;
- $async$goto = duration._duration === B.Duration_0._duration ? 3 : 5;
- break;
- case 3:
- // then
- t1.toString;
- $async$self._jumpToPage$1(t1);
- // goto join
- $async$goto = 4;
- break;
- case 5:
- // else
- t1.toString;
- $async$goto = 6;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self._animateToPage$3$curve$duration(t1, B.Cubic_JUR, duration), $async$_warpToAdjacentTab$1);
- case 6:
- // returning from await.
- case 4:
- // join
- if ($async$self._framework$_element != null)
- $async$self.setState$1(new A._TabBarViewState__warpToAdjacentTab_closure($async$self));
- $async$returnValue = A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.void);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_warpToAdjacentTab$1, $async$completer);
- },
- _warpToNonAdjacentTab$1(duration) {
- return this._warpToNonAdjacentTab$body$_TabBarViewState(duration);
- },
- _warpToNonAdjacentTab$body$_TabBarViewState(duration) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this, initialPage, previousIndex, t1;
- var $async$_warpToNonAdjacentTab$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- previousIndex = $async$self._tabs$_controller._previousIndex;
- t1 = $async$self._currentIndex;
- t1.toString;
- initialPage = t1 > previousIndex ? t1 - 1 : t1 + 1;
- $async$self.setState$1(new A._TabBarViewState__warpToNonAdjacentTab_closure($async$self, initialPage, previousIndex));
- $async$self._jumpToPage$1(initialPage);
- t1 = $async$self._currentIndex;
- $async$goto = duration._duration === B.Duration_0._duration ? 2 : 4;
- break;
- case 2:
- // then
- t1.toString;
- $async$self._jumpToPage$1(t1);
- // goto join
- $async$goto = 3;
- break;
- case 4:
- // else
- t1.toString;
- $async$goto = 5;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self._animateToPage$3$curve$duration(t1, B.Cubic_JUR, duration), $async$_warpToNonAdjacentTab$1);
- case 5:
- // returning from await.
- case 3:
- // join
- if ($async$self._framework$_element != null)
- $async$self.setState$1(new A._TabBarViewState__warpToNonAdjacentTab_closure0($async$self));
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_warpToNonAdjacentTab$1, $async$completer);
- },
- _syncControllerOffset$0() {
- var t2, position,
- t1 = this._tabs$_controller;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = this.___TabBarViewState__pageController_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- position = type$._PagePosition._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t2._positions));
- t2 = position.get$page(position);
- t2.toString;
- t1.set$offset(0, A.clampDouble(t2 - this._tabs$_controller._tab_controller$_index, -1, 1));
- },
- _tabs$_handleScrollNotification$1(notification) {
- var t1, t2, position, t3, _this = this;
- if (_this._warpUnderwayCount > 0 || _this._scrollUnderwayCount > 0)
- return false;
- if (notification.ViewportNotificationMixin__depth !== 0)
- return false;
- ++_this._scrollUnderwayCount;
- if (notification instanceof A.ScrollUpdateNotification && _this._tabs$_controller._indexIsChangingCount === 0) {
- t1 = _this.___TabBarViewState__pageController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = type$._PagePosition;
- position = t2._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t1._positions));
- t1 = position.get$page(position);
- t1.toString;
- t3 = _this._tabs$_controller;
- if (Math.abs(t1 - t3._tab_controller$_index) > 1) {
- position = t2._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$single(_this.___TabBarViewState__pageController_A._positions));
- t1 = position.get$page(position);
- t1.toString;
- t3._changeIndex$1(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1));
- _this._currentIndex = _this._tabs$_controller._tab_controller$_index;
- }
- _this._syncControllerOffset$0();
- } else if (notification instanceof A.ScrollEndNotification) {
- t1 = _this._tabs$_controller;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this.___TabBarViewState__pageController_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- position = type$._PagePosition._as(B.JSArray_methods.get$single(t2._positions));
- t2 = position.get$page(position);
- t2.toString;
- t1._changeIndex$1(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t2));
- t2 = _this._tabs$_controller;
- _this._currentIndex = t2._tab_controller$_index;
- if (t2._indexIsChangingCount === 0)
- _this._syncControllerOffset$0();
- }
- --_this._scrollUnderwayCount;
- return false;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = _this.___TabBarViewState__pageController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = B.PageScrollPhysics_null.buildParent$1(B.ClampingScrollPhysics_null);
- t3 = _this.___TabBarViewState__childrenWithKey_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return new A.NotificationListener(_this.get$_tabs$_handleScrollNotification(), A.PageView$(t3, B.Clip_1, t1, B.DragStartBehavior_1, new A.PageScrollPhysics(t2)), null, type$.NotificationListener_ScrollNotification);
- }
- };
- A._TabBarViewState__warpToAdjacentTab_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1.___TabBarViewState__childrenWithKey_A = A.KeyedSubtree_ensureUniqueKeysForList(t1._widget.children);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._TabBarViewState__warpToNonAdjacentTab_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var temp, t3,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.___TabBarViewState__childrenWithKey_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.___TabBarViewState__childrenWithKey_A = A.List_List$of(t2, false, type$.Widget);
- t1 = this.initialPage;
- temp = t2[t1];
- t3 = this.previousIndex;
- t2[t1] = t2[t3];
- t2[t3] = temp;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._TabBarViewState__warpToNonAdjacentTab_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1.___TabBarViewState__childrenWithKey_A = A.KeyedSubtree_ensureUniqueKeysForList(t1._widget.children);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._TabsDefaultsM2.prototype = {
- get$indicatorColor() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).indicatorColor;
- },
- get$labelColor() {
- var t1 = A.Theme_of(this.context).primaryTextTheme.bodyLarge.color;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$labelStyle() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).primaryTextTheme.bodyLarge;
- },
- get$unselectedLabelStyle() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).primaryTextTheme.bodyLarge;
- },
- get$splashFactory() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).splashFactory;
- }
- };
- A._TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_tabs$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_tabs$_textTheme() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3__textTheme_FI = t1.textTheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$dividerColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_tabs$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.surface : t2;
- },
- get$indicatorColor() {
- return this.get$_tabs$_colors().primary;
- },
- get$labelColor() {
- return this.get$_tabs$_colors().primary;
- },
- get$labelStyle() {
- return this.get$_tabs$_textTheme().titleSmall;
- },
- get$unselectedLabelColor() {
- var t1 = this.get$_tabs$_colors(),
- t2 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- return t2 == null ? t1.onSurface : t2;
- },
- get$unselectedLabelStyle() {
- return this.get$_tabs$_textTheme().titleSmall;
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$splashFactory() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).splashFactory;
- }
- };
- A._TabsPrimaryDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_4)) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_tabs$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_tabs$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_tabs$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- return null;
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_tabs$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_tabs$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.get$_tabs$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A.__ChangeAnimation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin.prototype = {};
- A.__DragAnimation_Animation_AnimationWithParentMixin.prototype = {};
- A.TextButton.prototype = {
- defaultStyleOf$1(context) {
- var t1, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- colorScheme = theme.colorScheme;
- if (A.Theme_of(context).useMaterial3)
- t1 = new A._TextButtonDefaultsM3(context, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.Duration_200000, true, B.Alignment_0_0, _null);
- else {
- t1 = colorScheme.onSurface.value;
- t1 = A.TextButton_styleFrom(B.Alignment_0_0, B.Duration_200000, B.Color_0, B.Color_0, A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255), B.SystemMouseCursor_basic, 0, true, B.SystemMouseCursor_click, colorScheme.primary, B.Size_wjo, B.Size_64_36, A._scaledPadding(context), theme.shadowColor, B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D4, B.C__InkRippleFactory, theme.materialTapTargetSize, theme.textTheme.labelLarge, theme.visualDensity);
- }
- return t1;
- },
- themeStyleOf$1(context) {
- var buttonTheme = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.TextButtonTheme),
- t1 = buttonTheme == null ? null : buttonTheme.data;
- return (t1 == null ? A.Theme_of(context).textButtonTheme : t1).style;
- }
- };
- A._TextButtonDefaultColor.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return this.disabled;
- return this.color;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "{disabled: " + A.S(this.disabled) + ", otherwise: " + A.S(this.color) + "}";
- }
- };
- A._TextButtonDefaultOverlay.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- var t1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = this.primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(10, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1) || states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = this.primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- return null;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.primary;
- return "{hovered: " + A.Color$fromARGB(10, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255).toString$0(0) + ", focused,pressed: " + A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255).toString$0(0) + ", otherwise: null}";
- }
- };
- A._TextButtonDefaultMouseCursor.prototype = {
- resolve$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return this.disabledCursor;
- return this.enabledCursor;
- }
- };
- A._TextButtonDefaultsM3.prototype = {
- get$_text_button$_colors() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- value = _this.___TextButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(_this.context);
- _this.___TextButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.___TextButtonDefaultsM3__colors_FI = t1.colorScheme;
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$textStyle() {
- return new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(A.Theme_of(this.context).textTheme.labelLarge, type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_nullable_TextStyle);
- },
- get$backgroundColor(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color_0;
- },
- get$foregroundColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._TextButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$overlayColor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._TextButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure(this), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_Color);
- },
- get$shadowColor(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color_0;
- },
- get$surfaceTintColor() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Color_0;
- },
- get$elevation(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_0;
- },
- get$padding(_) {
- return new A.MaterialStatePropertyAll(A._scaledPadding(this.context), type$.MaterialStatePropertyAll_EdgeInsetsGeometry);
- },
- get$minimumSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_Size_64_40;
- },
- get$maximumSize() {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_sty;
- },
- get$shape(_) {
- return B.MaterialStatePropertyAll_WV2;
- },
- get$mouseCursor() {
- return new A._MaterialStatePropertyWith(new A._TextButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure(), type$._MaterialStatePropertyWith_nullable_MouseCursor);
- },
- get$visualDensity() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).visualDensity;
- },
- get$tapTargetSize() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).materialTapTargetSize;
- },
- get$splashFactory() {
- return A.Theme_of(this.context).splashFactory;
- }
- };
- A._TextButtonDefaultsM3_foregroundColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_text_button$_colors().onSurface.value;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1 >>> 16 & 255, t1 >>> 8 & 255, t1 & 255);
- }
- return this.$this.get$_text_button$_colors().primary;
- },
- $signature: 3
- };
- A._TextButtonDefaultsM3_overlayColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_0)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_text_button$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(20, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_1)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_text_button$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_2)) {
- t1 = this.$this.get$_text_button$_colors().primary;
- return A.Color$fromARGB(31, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 9
- };
- A._TextButtonDefaultsM3_mouseCursor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return B.SystemMouseCursor_basic;
- return B.SystemMouseCursor_click;
- },
- $signature: 56
- };
- A.__TextButtonDefaultMouseCursor_MaterialStateProperty_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.TextButtonThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(this.style);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.TextButtonThemeData && J.$eq$(other.style, this.style);
- }
- };
- A._TextButtonThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._TextFieldSelectionGestureDetectorBuilder.prototype = {
- onForcePressStart$1(details) {
- var t1;
- this.super$TextSelectionGestureDetectorBuilder$onForcePressStart(details);
- t1 = this.delegate;
- if (t1._widget.enableInteractiveSelection && this._shouldShowSelectionToolbar) {
- t1 = t1.editableTextKey.get$currentState();
- t1.toString;
- t1.showToolbar$0();
- }
- },
- onForcePressEnd$1(details) {
- },
- onSingleTapUp$1(details) {
- var t1;
- this.super$TextSelectionGestureDetectorBuilder$onSingleTapUp(details);
- t1 = this._text_field$_state;
- t1._requestKeyboard$0();
- t1._widget.toString;
- },
- onSingleLongTapStart$1(details) {
- var t1, t2;
- this.super$TextSelectionGestureDetectorBuilder$onSingleLongTapStart(details);
- if (this.delegate._widget.enableInteractiveSelection) {
- t1 = this._text_field$_state;
- t2 = t1._framework$_element;
- t2.toString;
- switch (A.Theme_of(t2).platform.index) {
- case 2:
- case 4:
- break;
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- t1 = t1._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- A.Feedback_forLongPress(t1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- A.TextField.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- var _null = null;
- return new A._TextFieldState(new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_EditableTextState), _null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.RestorableProperty_nullable_Object, type$.void_Function), _null, true, _null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._TextFieldState.prototype = {
- get$_text_field$_effectiveController() {
- var t1 = this._widget.controller;
- return t1;
- },
- get$_effectiveFocusNode() {
- var t1 = this._widget.focusNode;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this._focusNode;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = A.FocusNode$(true, null, true, true, null, null, false);
- this._focusNode = t1;
- }
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$_effectiveMaxLengthEnforcement() {
- var t1 = this._widget.maxLengthEnforcement;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- A.Theme_of(t1);
- t1 = B.MaxLengthEnforcement_2;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$_isEnabled() {
- var t1 = this._widget.enabled;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- get$_hasIntrinsicError() {
- this._widget.toString;
- return false;
- },
- get$_hasError() {
- var t1 = this._widget.decoration;
- return t1.errorText != null || this.get$_hasIntrinsicError();
- },
- get$_text_field$_errorColor() {
- this._widget.toString;
- var t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.Theme_of(t1);
- return t1.colorScheme.error;
- },
- _getEffectiveDecoration$0() {
- var themeData, t2, t3, effectiveDecoration, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- A.Localizations_of(t1, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- themeData = A.Theme_of(t1);
- t1 = _this._widget.decoration;
- t1 = t1.applyDefaults$1(themeData.inputDecorationTheme);
- _this.get$_isEnabled();
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t3 = t2.decoration.hintMaxLines;
- effectiveDecoration = t1.copyWith$2$enabled$hintMaxLines(true, t3 == null ? t2.maxLines : t3);
- t1 = effectiveDecoration.counter == null;
- if (!t1 || effectiveDecoration.counterText != null)
- return effectiveDecoration;
- t2 = _this.get$_text_field$_effectiveController()._change_notifier$_value.text;
- t2 = t2.length === 0 ? B.StringCharacters_ehH : new A.StringCharacters(t2);
- t2.get$length(t2);
- if (t1)
- if (effectiveDecoration.counterText == null)
- _this._widget.toString;
- _this._widget.toString;
- return effectiveDecoration;
- },
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- _this.___TextFieldState__selectionGestureDetectorBuilder_A = new A._TextFieldSelectionGestureDetectorBuilder(_this, _this);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = _this.get$_effectiveFocusNode();
- _this._widget.toString;
- _this.get$_isEnabled();
- t1.set$canRequestFocus(true);
- _this.get$_effectiveFocusNode().addListener$1(0, _this.get$_text_field$_handleFocusChanged());
- },
- get$_text_field$_canRequestFocus() {
- var mode,
- t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(t1, B._MediaQueryAspect_15);
- mode = t1 == null ? null : t1.navigationMode;
- switch ((mode == null ? B.NavigationMode_0 : mode).index) {
- case 0:
- this._widget.toString;
- this.get$_isEnabled();
- return true;
- case 1:
- return true;
- }
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- this.super$__TextFieldState_State_RestorationMixin$didChangeDependencies();
- this.get$_effectiveFocusNode().set$canRequestFocus(this.get$_text_field$_canRequestFocus());
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$__TextFieldState_State_RestorationMixin$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t2 = oldWidget.focusNode;
- if (t1.focusNode != t2) {
- t1 = t2 == null ? _this._focusNode : t2;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_text_field$_handleFocusChanged());
- t1 = _this._widget.focusNode;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _this._focusNode;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_text_field$_handleFocusChanged());
- }
- _this.get$_effectiveFocusNode().set$canRequestFocus(_this.get$_text_field$_canRequestFocus());
- if (_this.get$_effectiveFocusNode().get$hasFocus())
- _this._widget.toString;
- },
- restoreState$2(oldBucket, initialRestore) {
- var t1 = this._text_field$_controller;
- if (t1 != null)
- this.registerForRestoration$2(t1, "controller");
- },
- get$restorationId() {
- return this._widget.restorationId;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.get$_effectiveFocusNode().removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_text_field$_handleFocusChanged());
- t1 = _this._focusNode;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- t1 = _this._text_field$_controller;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1._disposeOldValue$0();
- t1.super$RestorableListenable$dispose();
- }
- _this.super$__TextFieldState_State_RestorationMixin$dispose();
- },
- _requestKeyboard$0() {
- var t1 = this.editableTextKey.get$currentState();
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.requestKeyboard$0();
- },
- _shouldShowSelectionHandles$1(cause) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.___TextFieldState__selectionGestureDetectorBuilder_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t1._shouldShowSelectionToolbar)
- return false;
- if (cause === B.SelectionChangedCause_4)
- return false;
- _this._widget.toString;
- _this.get$_isEnabled();
- if (cause === B.SelectionChangedCause_2 || cause === B.SelectionChangedCause_7)
- return true;
- if (_this.get$_text_field$_effectiveController()._change_notifier$_value.text.length !== 0)
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- _text_field$_handleFocusChanged$0() {
- this.setState$1(new A._TextFieldState__handleFocusChanged_closure());
- },
- _text_field$_handleSelectionChanged$2(selection, cause) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- willShowSelectionHandles = _this._shouldShowSelectionHandles$1(cause);
- if (willShowSelectionHandles !== _this._showSelectionHandles)
- _this.setState$1(new A._TextFieldState__handleSelectionChanged_closure(_this, willShowSelectionHandles));
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- switch (A.Theme_of(t1).platform.index) {
- case 2:
- case 4:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- case 1:
- case 0:
- if (cause === B.SelectionChangedCause_2) {
- t1 = _this.editableTextKey.get$currentState();
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.bringIntoView$1(selection.get$extent());
- }
- break;
- }
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- switch (A.Theme_of(t1).platform.index) {
- case 2:
- case 1:
- case 0:
- break;
- case 4:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- if (cause === B.SelectionChangedCause_6) {
- t1 = _this.editableTextKey.get$currentState();
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.hideToolbar$0();
- }
- break;
- }
- },
- _handleSelectionHandleTapped$0() {
- var t1 = this.get$_text_field$_effectiveController()._change_notifier$_value.selection;
- if (t1.start === t1.end)
- this.editableTextKey.get$currentState().toggleToolbar$0();
- },
- _handleHover$1(hovering) {
- if (hovering !== this._isHovering)
- this.setState$1(new A._TextFieldState__handleHover_closure(this, hovering));
- },
- get$textInputConfiguration() {
- var autofillHints, t2, t3, autofillConfiguration, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._widget.autofillHints;
- if (t1 == null)
- autofillHints = null;
- else
- autofillHints = J.JSArray_JSArray$markFixed(t1.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._precomputed1);
- if (autofillHints != null) {
- t1 = _this.editableTextKey.get$currentState();
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.Primitives_objectHashCode(t1);
- t2 = _this.get$_text_field$_effectiveController()._change_notifier$_value;
- t3 = _this._widget.decoration;
- autofillConfiguration = new A.AutofillConfiguration(true, "EditableText-" + t1, autofillHints, t2, t3.hintText);
- } else
- autofillConfiguration = B.AutofillConfiguration_lYx;
- t1 = _this.editableTextKey.get$currentState().get$textInputConfiguration();
- return A.TextInputConfiguration$(t1.allowedMimeTypes, true, autofillConfiguration, false, true, t1.enableInteractiveSelection, true, t1.inputAction, t1.inputType, t1.keyboardAppearance, t1.obscureText, t1.readOnly, t1.smartDashesType, t1.smartQuotesType, t1.textCapitalization);
- },
- get$_materialState() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.MaterialState);
- _this.get$_isEnabled();
- if (_this._isHovering)
- t1.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_0);
- if (_this.get$_effectiveFocusNode().get$hasFocus())
- t1.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_1);
- if (_this.get$_hasError())
- t1.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_7);
- return t1;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t2, t3, theme0, t4, stateStyle, style, controller, focusNode, t5, spellCheckConfiguration, textSelectionControls, cursorRadius, cupertinoTheme, cursorColor, selectionColor, cursorOffset, autocorrectionTextRectColor, paintCursorAboveText, cursorOpacityAnimates, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, t33, child, effectiveMouseCursor, _this = this, _null = null, _box_0 = {},
- theme = A.Theme_of(context),
- t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.DefaultSelectionStyle);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = B.DefaultSelectionStyle_MUs;
- if (theme.useMaterial3) {
- t2 = A.Theme_of(context).textTheme.bodyLarge;
- t2.toString;
- } else {
- t2 = theme.textTheme.titleMedium;
- t2.toString;
- }
- t3 = _this._framework$_element;
- t3.toString;
- theme0 = A.Theme_of(t3);
- t3 = _this._framework$_element;
- if (theme0.useMaterial3) {
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A._m3StateInputStyle(t3);
- } else {
- t3.toString;
- t3 = A._m2StateInputStyle(t3);
- }
- t4 = type$.TextStyle;
- stateStyle = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(t3, _this.get$_materialState(), t4);
- style = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(t2, _this.get$_materialState(), t4).merge$1(stateStyle).merge$1(_this._widget.style);
- _this._widget.toString;
- t2 = theme.colorScheme;
- controller = _this.get$_text_field$_effectiveController();
- focusNode = _this.get$_effectiveFocusNode();
- t3 = type$.JSArray_TextInputFormatter;
- t4 = A._setArrayType([], t3);
- t5 = _this._widget.inputFormatters;
- if (t5 != null)
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t4, t5);
- t5 = _this._widget;
- t5.toString;
- switch (A.defaultTargetPlatform().index) {
- case 2:
- case 4:
- spellCheckConfiguration = A.CupertinoTextField_inferIOSSpellCheckConfiguration(t5.spellCheckConfiguration);
- break;
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- spellCheckConfiguration = A.TextField_inferAndroidSpellCheckConfiguration(t5.spellCheckConfiguration);
- break;
- default:
- spellCheckConfiguration = _null;
- }
- t5 = _this._widget;
- textSelectionControls = t5.selectionControls;
- cursorRadius = t5.cursorRadius;
- _box_0.handleDidGainAccessibilityFocus = null;
- switch (theme.platform.index) {
- case 2:
- cupertinoTheme = A.CupertinoTheme_of(context);
- _this.___TextFieldState_forcePressEnabled_A = true;
- textSelectionControls = $.$get$cupertinoTextSelectionHandleControls();
- if (_this.get$_hasError())
- cursorColor = _this.get$_text_field$_errorColor();
- else {
- _this._widget.toString;
- t5 = t1.cursorColor;
- cursorColor = t5 == null ? cupertinoTheme.get$primaryColor() : t5;
- }
- selectionColor = t1.selectionColor;
- if (selectionColor == null) {
- t1 = cupertinoTheme.get$primaryColor();
- selectionColor = A.Color$fromARGB(102, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- cursorOffset = new A.Offset(-2 / A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_2, type$.MediaQuery).data.devicePixelRatio, 0);
- autocorrectionTextRectColor = selectionColor;
- paintCursorAboveText = true;
- cursorOpacityAnimates = true;
- cursorRadius = B.Radius_2_2;
- break;
- case 4:
- cupertinoTheme = A.CupertinoTheme_of(context);
- cursorOpacityAnimates = _this.___TextFieldState_forcePressEnabled_A = false;
- textSelectionControls = $.$get$cupertinoDesktopTextSelectionHandleControls();
- if (_this.get$_hasError())
- cursorColor = _this.get$_text_field$_errorColor();
- else {
- _this._widget.toString;
- t5 = t1.cursorColor;
- cursorColor = t5 == null ? cupertinoTheme.get$primaryColor() : t5;
- }
- selectionColor = t1.selectionColor;
- if (selectionColor == null) {
- t1 = cupertinoTheme.get$primaryColor();
- selectionColor = A.Color$fromARGB(102, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- cursorOffset = new A.Offset(-2 / A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_2, type$.MediaQuery).data.devicePixelRatio, 0);
- _box_0.handleDidGainAccessibilityFocus = new A._TextFieldState_build_closure(_this);
- autocorrectionTextRectColor = _null;
- paintCursorAboveText = true;
- cursorRadius = B.Radius_2_2;
- break;
- case 0:
- case 1:
- _this.___TextFieldState_forcePressEnabled_A = false;
- textSelectionControls = $.$get$materialTextSelectionHandleControls();
- if (_this.get$_hasError())
- cursorColor = _this.get$_text_field$_errorColor();
- else {
- _this._widget.toString;
- t5 = t1.cursorColor;
- cursorColor = t5 == null ? t2.primary : t5;
- }
- selectionColor = t1.selectionColor;
- if (selectionColor == null) {
- t1 = t2.primary;
- selectionColor = A.Color$fromARGB(102, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- autocorrectionTextRectColor = _null;
- cursorOffset = autocorrectionTextRectColor;
- paintCursorAboveText = false;
- cursorOpacityAnimates = false;
- break;
- case 3:
- _this.___TextFieldState_forcePressEnabled_A = false;
- textSelectionControls = $.$get$desktopTextSelectionHandleControls();
- if (_this.get$_hasError())
- cursorColor = _this.get$_text_field$_errorColor();
- else {
- _this._widget.toString;
- t5 = t1.cursorColor;
- cursorColor = t5 == null ? t2.primary : t5;
- }
- selectionColor = t1.selectionColor;
- if (selectionColor == null) {
- t1 = t2.primary;
- selectionColor = A.Color$fromARGB(102, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- autocorrectionTextRectColor = _null;
- cursorOffset = autocorrectionTextRectColor;
- paintCursorAboveText = false;
- cursorOpacityAnimates = false;
- break;
- case 5:
- _this.___TextFieldState_forcePressEnabled_A = false;
- textSelectionControls = $.$get$desktopTextSelectionHandleControls();
- if (_this.get$_hasError())
- cursorColor = _this.get$_text_field$_errorColor();
- else {
- _this._widget.toString;
- t5 = t1.cursorColor;
- cursorColor = t5 == null ? t2.primary : t5;
- }
- selectionColor = t1.selectionColor;
- if (selectionColor == null) {
- t1 = t2.primary;
- selectionColor = A.Color$fromARGB(102, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255);
- }
- _box_0.handleDidGainAccessibilityFocus = new A._TextFieldState_build_closure0(_this);
- autocorrectionTextRectColor = _null;
- cursorOffset = autocorrectionTextRectColor;
- paintCursorAboveText = false;
- cursorOpacityAnimates = false;
- break;
- default:
- autocorrectionTextRectColor = _null;
- selectionColor = autocorrectionTextRectColor;
- cursorColor = selectionColor;
- cursorOffset = cursorColor;
- cursorOpacityAnimates = cursorOffset;
- paintCursorAboveText = cursorOpacityAnimates;
- }
- t1 = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket;
- _this._widget.toString;
- _this.get$_isEnabled();
- t5 = _this._widget;
- t6 = t5.toolbarOptions;
- t7 = _this._showSelectionHandles;
- t8 = t5.keyboardType;
- t9 = t5.textInputAction;
- t10 = t5.textCapitalization;
- t11 = t5.strutStyle;
- t12 = t5.textAlign;
- t13 = t5.textDirection;
- t14 = t5.autofocus;
- t15 = t5.obscuringCharacter;
- t16 = t5.obscureText;
- t17 = t5.smartDashesType;
- t18 = t5.smartQuotesType;
- t19 = t5.maxLines;
- t5 = t5.minLines;
- t20 = focusNode.get$hasFocus() ? selectionColor : _null;
- t21 = _this._widget;
- t22 = t21.enableInteractiveSelection;
- t23 = t22 ? textSelectionControls : _null;
- t24 = t21.onChanged;
- t25 = t21.onEditingComplete;
- t26 = t21.onSubmitted;
- t27 = t21.onTapOutside;
- t28 = t21.cursorWidth;
- t29 = t21.cursorHeight;
- t30 = t21.scrollPadding;
- t31 = t21.scrollController;
- t32 = t21.scrollPhysics;
- t21 = t21.contextMenuBuilder;
- t33 = $.$get$TextMagnifier_adaptiveMagnifierConfiguration();
- if (type$.TextSelectionHandleControls._is(t23) && true)
- t6 = B.ToolbarOptions_false_false_false_false;
- else if (t16)
- t6 = B.ToolbarOptions_false_false_true_true;
- else
- t6 = B.ToolbarOptions_true_true_true_true;
- if (t19 === 1) {
- t3 = A._setArrayType([$.$get$FilteringTextInputFormatter_singleLineFormatter()], t3);
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t3, t4);
- } else
- t3 = t4;
- t1 = A.UnmanagedRestorationScope$(t1, new A.EditableText(controller, focusNode, t15, t16, false, t6, t7, true, true, t17, t18, true, style, _null, t11, t12, t13, t10, cursorColor, autocorrectionTextRectColor, B.CupertinoDynamicColor_YIZ, t19, t5, false, t14, t20, t23, t8, t9, t24, t25, t26, _null, _this.get$_text_field$_handleSelectionChanged(), _this.get$_handleSelectionHandleTapped(), t27, t3, B.C__DeferringMouseCursor, true, t28, t29, cursorRadius, cursorOpacityAnimates, cursorOffset, paintCursorAboveText, B.BoxHeightStyle_0, B.BoxWidthStyle_0, t2.brightness, t30, t22, B.DragStartBehavior_1, t31, t32, true, _this, B.Clip_1, "editable", true, _null, t21, spellCheckConfiguration, t33, _this.editableTextKey));
- _this._widget.toString;
- child = A.AnimatedBuilder$(new A._MergingListenable(A._setArrayType([focusNode, controller], type$.JSArray_Listenable)), new A._TextFieldState_build_closure1(_this, focusNode, controller), new A.RepaintBoundary(t1, _null));
- _this._widget.toString;
- effectiveMouseCursor = A.MaterialStateProperty_resolveAs(B._EnabledAndDisabledMouseCursor_SystemMouseCursor_text_textable, _this.get$_materialState(), type$.MouseCursor);
- _box_0.semanticsMaxValueLength = null;
- if (_this.get$_effectiveMaxLengthEnforcement() !== B.MaxLengthEnforcement_0)
- _this._widget.toString;
- _this.get$_isEnabled();
- t1 = _this.___TextFieldState__selectionGestureDetectorBuilder_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.delegate.___TextFieldState_forcePressEnabled_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t2 ? t1.get$onForcePressStart() : _null;
- t2 = t2 ? t1.get$onForcePressEnd() : _null;
- return A.MouseRegion$(A.TextFieldTapRegion$(new A.IgnorePointer(false, _null, A.AnimatedBuilder$(controller, new A._TextFieldState_build_closure2(_box_0, _this), new A.TextSelectionGestureDetector(t1.get$onTapDown(), t3, t2, t1.get$onSecondaryTap(), t1.get$onSecondaryTapDown(), t1.get$onSingleTapUp(), t1.get$onSingleTapCancel(), t1.get$onSingleLongTapStart(), t1.get$onSingleLongTapMoveUpdate(), t1.get$onSingleLongTapEnd(), t1.get$onDoubleTapDown(), t1.get$onTripleTapDown(), t1.get$onDragSelectionStart(), t1.get$onDragSelectionUpdate(), t1.get$onDragSelectionEnd(), B.HitTestBehavior_2, child, _null)), _null), _null, _null), effectiveMouseCursor, _null, new A._TextFieldState_build_closure3(_this), new A._TextFieldState_build_closure4(_this), _null);
- }
- };
- A._TextFieldState__handleFocusChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._TextFieldState__handleSelectionChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._showSelectionHandles = this.willShowSelectionHandles;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._TextFieldState__handleHover_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._isHovering = this.hovering;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._TextFieldState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (!t1.get$_effectiveFocusNode().get$hasFocus() && t1.get$_effectiveFocusNode().get$canRequestFocus())
- t1.get$_effectiveFocusNode().requestFocus$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._TextFieldState_build_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (!t1.get$_effectiveFocusNode().get$hasFocus() && t1.get$_effectiveFocusNode().get$canRequestFocus())
- t1.get$_effectiveFocusNode().requestFocus$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._TextFieldState_build_closure1.prototype = {
- call$2(context, child) {
- var t6, t7, t8,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._getEffectiveDecoration$0(),
- t3 = t1._widget,
- t4 = t3.style,
- t5 = t3.textAlign;
- t3 = t3.textAlignVertical;
- t6 = t1._isHovering;
- t7 = this.focusNode.get$hasFocus();
- t8 = this.controller._change_notifier$_value.text;
- t1._widget.toString;
- return A.InputDecorator$(t4, child, t2, false, t8.length === 0, t7, t6, t5, t3);
- },
- $signature: 300
- };
- A._TextFieldState_build_closure3.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- return this.$this._handleHover$1(true);
- },
- $signature: 33
- };
- A._TextFieldState_build_closure4.prototype = {
- call$1($event) {
- return this.$this._handleHover$1(false);
- },
- $signature: 31
- };
- A._TextFieldState_build_closure2.prototype = {
- call$2(context, child) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = this._box_0,
- t2 = t1.semanticsMaxValueLength,
- t3 = this.$this,
- t4 = t3.get$_text_field$_effectiveController()._change_notifier$_value.text;
- t4 = t4.length === 0 ? B.StringCharacters_ehH : new A.StringCharacters(t4);
- t4 = t4.get$length(t4);
- t3._widget.toString;
- t1 = t1.handleDidGainAccessibilityFocus;
- return new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t4, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t1, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, new A._TextFieldState_build__closure(t3), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, child, _null);
- },
- $signature: 301
- };
- A._TextFieldState_build__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (!t1.get$_text_field$_effectiveController()._change_notifier$_value.selection.get$isValid())
- t1.get$_text_field$_effectiveController().set$selection(A.TextSelection$collapsed(B.TextAffinity_1, t1.get$_text_field$_effectiveController()._change_notifier$_value.text.length));
- t1._requestKeyboard$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._m2StateInputStyle_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(this.context);
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6))
- return A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, theme.disabledColor, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- t1 = theme.textTheme.titleMedium;
- return A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, t1 == null ? _null : t1.color, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- $signature: 25
- };
- A._m3StateInputStyle_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(states) {
- var t1, _null = null;
- if (states.contains$1(0, B.MaterialState_6)) {
- t1 = A.Theme_of(this.context).textTheme.bodyLarge.color;
- return A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, t1 == null ? _null : A.Color$fromARGB(97, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 16 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) >>> 8 & 255, t1.get$value(t1) & 255), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- return A.TextStyle$(_null, _null, A.Theme_of(this.context).textTheme.bodyLarge.color, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- },
- $signature: 25
- };
- A.__TextFieldState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(property, listener) {
- if (!property._restoration0$_disposed)
- property.removeListener$1(0, listener);
- },
- $signature: 50
- };
- A.__TextFieldState_State_RestorationMixin.prototype = {
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- this.didUpdateRestorationId$0();
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- var oldBucket, needsRestore, t1, didReplaceBucket, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- oldBucket = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket;
- needsRestore = _this.get$restorePending();
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.RestorationScope_maybeOf(t1);
- _this.RestorationMixin__currentParent = t1;
- didReplaceBucket = _this._updateBucketIfNecessary$2$parent$restorePending(t1, needsRestore);
- if (needsRestore) {
- _this.restoreState$2(oldBucket, _this.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending);
- _this.RestorationMixin__firstRestorePending = false;
- }
- if (didReplaceBucket)
- if (oldBucket != null)
- oldBucket.dispose$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.RestorationMixin__properties.forEach$1(0, new A.__TextFieldState_State_RestorationMixin_dispose_closure());
- t1 = _this.RestorationMixin__bucket;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this.RestorationMixin__bucket = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.TextFormField.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- return new A._TextFormFieldState(new A.RestorableStringN(_null, t1), new A.RestorableBool(false, t1), _null, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.RestorableProperty_nullable_Object, type$.void_Function), _null, true, _null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A.TextFormField_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(field) {
- var t1, effectiveDecoration, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this;
- type$._TextFormFieldState._as(field);
- t1 = field._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- effectiveDecoration = _this.decoration.applyDefaults$1(A.Theme_of(t1).inputDecorationTheme);
- t1 = field.RestorationMixin__bucket;
- t2 = field.get$_effectiveController();
- t3 = field._errorText;
- t4 = t3._restoration_properties$_value;
- t3 = effectiveDecoration.copyWith$1$errorText(t4 == null ? A._instanceType(t3)._eval$1("RestorableValue.T")._as(t4) : t4);
- t4 = _this.readOnly;
- t5 = _this.obscureText;
- t6 = _this.smartDashesType;
- t6 = t5 ? B.SmartDashesType_0 : B.SmartDashesType_1;
- t7 = _this.smartQuotesType;
- t7 = t5 ? B.SmartQuotesType_0 : B.SmartQuotesType_1;
- t8 = _this.enableInteractiveSelection;
- t8 = !t5 || !t4;
- return A.UnmanagedRestorationScope$(t1, A.TextField$(_this.autocorrect, _this.autofillHints, _this.autofocus, _this.buildCounter, _this.contextMenuBuilder, t2, _this.cursorColor, _this.cursorHeight, _this.cursorRadius, _this.cursorWidth, t3, _this.enableIMEPersonalizedLearning, t8, _this.enableSuggestions, true, _this.expands, _this.focusNode, _this.inputFormatters, null, _this.keyboardAppearance, _this.keyboardType, _this.magnifierConfiguration, _this.maxLength, _this.maxLengthEnforcement, _this.maxLines, _this.minLines, _this.mouseCursor, t5, _this.obscuringCharacter, new A.TextFormField_closure_onChangedHandler(field, _this.onChanged), _this.onEditingComplete, _this.onFieldSubmitted, _this.onTap, _this.onTapOutside, t4, _this.restorationId, _this.scrollController, _this.scrollPadding, _this.scrollPhysics, _this.selectionControls, _this.showCursor, t6, t7, _this.spellCheckConfiguration, _this.strutStyle, _this.style, _this.textAlign, _this.textAlignVertical, _this.textCapitalization, _this.textDirection, _this.textInputAction, _this.toolbarOptions));
- },
- $signature: 302
- };
- A.TextFormField_closure_onChangedHandler.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- var t1;
- this.field.didChange$1(value);
- t1 = this.onChanged;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$1(value);
- },
- $signature: 29
- };
- A._TextFormFieldState.prototype = {
- get$_effectiveController() {
- var t1 = type$.TextFormField._as(A.State.prototype.get$widget.call(this)).controller;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this._text_form_field$_controller._restoration_properties$_value;
- t1.toString;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- restoreState$2(oldBucket, initialRestore) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$FormFieldState$restoreState(oldBucket, initialRestore);
- t1 = _this._text_form_field$_controller;
- if (t1 != null)
- _this.registerForRestoration$2(t1, "controller");
- _this.__FormFieldState__value_AI = _this.get$_effectiveController()._change_notifier$_value.text;
- },
- _createLocalController$1(value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (value == null)
- t1 = new A.RestorableTextEditingController(B.TextEditingValue_li8, $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- else
- t1 = new A.RestorableTextEditingController(value, $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- _this._text_form_field$_controller = t1;
- if (!_this.get$restorePending()) {
- t1 = _this._text_form_field$_controller;
- t1.toString;
- _this.registerForRestoration$2(t1, "controller");
- }
- },
- initState$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- t1 = type$.TextFormField;
- if (t1._as(A.State.prototype.get$widget.call(_this)).controller == null) {
- t1 = _this._widget.initialValue;
- _this._createLocalController$1(t1 != null ? new A.TextEditingValue(t1, B.TextSelection_ke5, B.TextRange_m1_m1) : null);
- } else
- t1._as(A.State.prototype.get$widget.call(_this)).controller.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleControllerChanged());
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this;
- _this.super$_FormFieldState_State_RestorationMixin$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = type$.TextFormField;
- t2 = oldWidget.controller;
- if (t1._as(A.State.prototype.get$widget.call(_this)).controller != t2) {
- t3 = t2 == null;
- if (!t3)
- t2.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleControllerChanged());
- t4 = t1._as(A.State.prototype.get$widget.call(_this)).controller;
- if (t4 != null)
- t4.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleControllerChanged());
- if (!t3 && t1._as(A.State.prototype.get$widget.call(_this)).controller == null)
- _this._createLocalController$1(t2._change_notifier$_value);
- if (t1._as(A.State.prototype.get$widget.call(_this)).controller != null) {
- _this.__FormFieldState__value_AI = t1._as(A.State.prototype.get$widget.call(_this)).controller._change_notifier$_value.text;
- if (t3) {
- t1 = _this._text_form_field$_controller;
- t1.toString;
- _this.unregisterFromRestoration$1(t1);
- t1 = _this._text_form_field$_controller;
- t1._disposeOldValue$0();
- t1.super$RestorableListenable$dispose();
- _this._text_form_field$_controller = null;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = type$.TextFormField._as(A.State.prototype.get$widget.call(_this)).controller;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleControllerChanged());
- t1 = _this._text_form_field$_controller;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1._disposeOldValue$0();
- t1.super$RestorableListenable$dispose();
- }
- _this.super$_FormFieldState_State_RestorationMixin$dispose();
- },
- didChange$1(value) {
- var t1;
- this.super$FormFieldState$didChange(value);
- if (this.get$_effectiveController()._change_notifier$_value.text !== value) {
- t1 = this.get$_effectiveController();
- t1.set$text(0, value);
- }
- },
- _handleControllerChanged$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.get$_effectiveController()._change_notifier$_value.text !== _this.get$_form$_value())
- _this.didChange$1(_this.get$_effectiveController()._change_notifier$_value.text);
- }
- };
- A.MaterialTextSelectionHandleControls.prototype = {};
- A.MaterialTextSelectionControls.prototype = {
- getHandleSize$1(textLineHeight) {
- return B.Size_22_22;
- },
- buildHandle$4(context, type, textHeight, onTap) {
- var t1, handleColor, handle, _null = null,
- theme = A.Theme_of(context);
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.TextSelectionTheme);
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context);
- handleColor = t1.textSelectionTheme.selectionHandleColor;
- if (handleColor == null)
- handleColor = theme.colorScheme.primary;
- handle = A.SizedBox$(A.CustomPaint$(A.GestureDetector$(B.HitTestBehavior_2, _null, B.DragStartBehavior_1, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, onTap, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), _null, _null, new A._TextSelectionHandlePainter(handleColor, _null), B.Size_0_0), 22, 22);
- switch (type.index) {
- case 0:
- return A.Transform$rotate(B.Alignment_0_0, 1.5707963267948966, handle, _null);
- case 1:
- return handle;
- case 2:
- return A.Transform$rotate(B.Alignment_0_0, 0.7853981633974483, handle, _null);
- }
- },
- getHandleAnchor$2(type, textLineHeight) {
- switch (type.index) {
- case 0:
- return B.Offset_22_0;
- case 1:
- return B.Offset_0_0;
- case 2:
- return B.Offset_11_m4;
- }
- }
- };
- A._TextSelectionHandlePainter.prototype = {
- paint$2(canvas, size) {
- var radius, circle, t2, path,
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer(),
- paint = t1.createPaint$0();
- paint.set$color(0, this.color);
- radius = size._dx / 2;
- circle = A.Rect$fromCircle(new A.Offset(radius, radius), radius);
- t2 = 0 + radius;
- path = t1.createPath$0();
- path.addOval$1(circle);
- path.addRect$1(new A.Rect(0, 0, t2, t2));
- canvas.drawPath$2(path, paint);
- },
- shouldRepaint$1(oldPainter) {
- return !this.color.$eq(0, oldPainter.color);
- }
- };
- A._MaterialTextSelectionHandleControls_MaterialTextSelectionControls_TextSelectionHandleControls.prototype = {};
- A.TextSelectionThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.cursorColor, this.selectionColor, this.selectionHandleColor, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.TextSelectionThemeData && J.$eq$(other.cursorColor, _this.cursorColor) && J.$eq$(other.selectionColor, _this.selectionColor) && J.$eq$(other.selectionHandleColor, _this.selectionHandleColor);
- }
- };
- A._TextSelectionThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.TextSelectionToolbar.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var anchorAbovePadded = this.anchorAbove.$sub(0, B.Offset_0_8),
- anchorBelowPadded = this.anchorBelow.$add(0, B.Offset_0_20),
- paddingAbove = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_5, type$.MediaQuery).data.padding.top + 8,
- fitsAbove = 44 <= anchorAbovePadded._dy - 8 - paddingAbove,
- localAdjustment = new A.Offset(8, paddingAbove);
- return new A.Padding(new A.EdgeInsets(8, paddingAbove, 8, 8), new A.CustomSingleChildLayout(new A.TextSelectionToolbarLayoutDelegate(anchorAbovePadded.$sub(0, localAdjustment), anchorBelowPadded.$sub(0, localAdjustment), fitsAbove), new A._TextSelectionToolbarOverflowable(this.children, fitsAbove, A.text_selection_toolbar_TextSelectionToolbar__defaultToolbarBuilder$closure(), null), null), null);
- }
- };
- A._TextSelectionToolbarOverflowable.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._TextSelectionToolbarOverflowableState(new A.UniqueKey(), null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- },
- toolbarBuilder$2(arg0, arg1) {
- return this.toolbarBuilder.call$2(arg0, arg1);
- }
- };
- A._TextSelectionToolbarOverflowableState.prototype = {
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- if (!A.listEquals0(_this._widget.children, oldWidget.children)) {
- _this._containerKey = new A.UniqueKey();
- _this._overflowOpen = false;
- }
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this, _null = null;
- A.Localizations_of(context, B.Type_MaterialLocalizations_flR, type$.MaterialLocalizations).toString;
- t1 = _this._containerKey;
- t2 = _this._overflowOpen;
- t3 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t3.toString;
- t4 = _this._widget;
- t5 = t4.isAbove;
- t6 = _this._overflowOpen;
- t7 = A.Icon$(t6 ? B.IconData_57490_MaterialIcons_null_true : B.IconData_58372_MaterialIcons_null_false, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- t8 = t6 ? "Back" : "More";
- t8 = A._setArrayType([new A._TextSelectionToolbarOverflowButton(t7, new A._TextSelectionToolbarOverflowableState_build_closure(_this), t8, _null)], type$.JSArray_Widget);
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t8, _this._widget.children);
- return new A._TextSelectionToolbarTrailingEdgeAlign(t2, t3.textDirection, A.AnimatedSize$(t4.toolbarBuilder$2(context, new A._TextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout(t5, t6, t8, _null)), B.Duration_140000), t1);
- }
- };
- A._TextSelectionToolbarOverflowableState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1.setState$1(new A._TextSelectionToolbarOverflowableState_build__closure(t1));
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._TextSelectionToolbarOverflowableState_build__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1._overflowOpen = !t1._overflowOpen;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._TextSelectionToolbarTrailingEdgeAlign.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A._TextSelectionToolbarTrailingEdgeAlignRenderBox(this.overflowOpen, this.textDirection, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$overflowOpen(this.overflowOpen);
- renderObject.set$textDirection(this.textDirection);
- }
- };
- A._TextSelectionToolbarTrailingEdgeAlignRenderBox.prototype = {
- set$overflowOpen(value) {
- if (value === this._overflowOpen)
- return;
- this._overflowOpen = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$textDirection(value) {
- if (value === this._text_selection_toolbar$_textDirection)
- return;
- this._text_selection_toolbar$_textDirection = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = type$.BoxConstraints;
- t3 = t2._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- t1.layout$2$parentUsesSize(new A.BoxConstraints(0, t3.maxWidth, 0, t3.maxHeight), true);
- if (!_this._overflowOpen && _this._closedWidth == null)
- _this._closedWidth = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size._dx;
- t1 = t2._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- t2 = _this._closedWidth;
- if (t2 == null || _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size._dx > t2)
- t2 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size._dx;
- else
- t2.toString;
- t2 = t1.constrain$1(new A.Size(t2, _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size._dy));
- _this._size = t2;
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t3 = t1.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- type$.ToolbarItemsParentData._as(t3);
- t3.offset = new A.Offset(_this._text_selection_toolbar$_textDirection === B.TextDirection_0 ? 0 : t2._dx - t1._size._dx, 0);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child,
- t2 = t1.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- context.paintChild$2(t1, type$.ToolbarItemsParentData._as(t2).offset.$add(0, offset));
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.ToolbarItemsParentData._as(t1);
- return result.addWithPaintOffset$3$hitTest$offset$position(new A._TextSelectionToolbarTrailingEdgeAlignRenderBox_hitTestChildren_closure(this, position, t1), t1.offset, position);
- },
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.ToolbarItemsParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.ToolbarItemsParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0);
- },
- applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) {
- var t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = type$.ToolbarItemsParentData._as(t1).offset;
- transform.translate$2(0, t1._dx, t1._dy);
- this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$applyPaintTransform(child, transform);
- }
- };
- A._TextSelectionToolbarTrailingEdgeAlignRenderBox_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, transformed) {
- return this.$this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.hitTest$2$position(result, transformed);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A._TextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A._RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout(this.isAbove, this.overflowOpen, 0, null, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$isAbove(this.isAbove);
- renderObject.set$overflowOpen(this.overflowOpen);
- },
- createElement$0(_) {
- return new A._TextSelectionToolbarItemsLayoutElement(A.HashSet_HashSet(type$.Element_2), this, B._ElementLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._TextSelectionToolbarItemsLayoutElement.prototype = {};
- A._RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout.prototype = {
- set$isAbove(value) {
- if (value === this._isAbove)
- return;
- this._isAbove = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$overflowOpen(value) {
- if (value === this._overflowOpen)
- return;
- this._overflowOpen = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- _text_selection_toolbar$_layoutChildren$0() {
- var t3, _this = this, t1 = {},
- t2 = type$.BoxConstraints,
- sizedConstraints = _this._overflowOpen ? t2._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)) : A.BoxConstraints$loose(new A.Size(t2._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).maxWidth, 44));
- t1.i = -1;
- t1.width = 0;
- _this.visitChildren$1(new A._RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout__layoutChildren_closure(t1, _this, sizedConstraints));
- t2 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this._lastIndexThatFits;
- if (t3 !== -1 && t3 === _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount - 2 && t1.width - t2._size._dx <= sizedConstraints.maxWidth)
- _this._lastIndexThatFits = -1;
- },
- _shouldPaintChild$2(renderObjectChild, index) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (renderObjectChild === _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild)
- return _this._lastIndexThatFits !== -1;
- t1 = _this._lastIndexThatFits;
- if (t1 === -1)
- return true;
- return index > t1 === _this._overflowOpen;
- },
- _placeChildren$0() {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this, t1 = {};
- t1.i = -1;
- t1.nextSize = B.Size_0_0;
- t1.fitWidth = 0;
- t2 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t2.toString;
- t1.overflowHeight = _this._overflowOpen && !_this._isAbove ? t2._size._dy : 0;
- _this.visitChildren$1(new A._RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout__placeChildren_closure(t1, _this, t2));
- t3 = t2.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- type$.ToolbarItemsParentData._as(t3);
- t4 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t4.toString;
- if (_this._shouldPaintChild$2(t4, 0)) {
- t3.shouldPaint = true;
- if (_this._overflowOpen) {
- t4 = _this._isAbove;
- t3.offset = t4 ? new A.Offset(0, t1.overflowHeight) : B.Offset_0_0;
- t3 = t1.nextSize;
- t5 = t3._dy;
- t2 = t4 ? t5 + t2._size._dy : t5;
- t1.nextSize = new A.Size(t3._dx, t2);
- } else {
- t3.offset = new A.Offset(t1.fitWidth, 0);
- t3 = t1.nextSize;
- t1.nextSize = new A.Size(t3._dx + t2._size._dx, t3._dy);
- }
- } else
- t3.shouldPaint = false;
- _this._size = t1.nextSize;
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._lastIndexThatFits = -1;
- if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild == null) {
- t1 = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- _this._size = new A.Size(A.clampDouble(0, t1.minWidth, t1.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(0, t1.minHeight, t1.maxHeight));
- return;
- }
- _this._text_selection_toolbar$_layoutChildren$0();
- _this._placeChildren$0();
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- this.visitChildren$1(new A._RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout_paint_closure(context, offset));
- },
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.ToolbarItemsParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.ToolbarItemsParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0);
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var t2, child, _box_0 = {},
- t1 = _box_0.child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild;
- for (t2 = type$.ToolbarItemsParentData; t1 != null;) {
- t1 = t1.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t2._as(t1);
- if (!t1.shouldPaint) {
- child = t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- _box_0.child = child;
- t1 = child;
- continue;
- }
- if (result.addWithPaintOffset$3$hitTest$offset$position(new A._RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout_hitTestChildren_closure(_box_0, position, t1), t1.offset, position))
- return true;
- child = t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- _box_0.child = child;
- t1 = child;
- }
- return false;
- },
- visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) {
- this.visitChildren$1(new A._RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout_visitChildrenForSemantics_closure(visitor));
- }
- };
- A._RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout__layoutChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(renderObjectChild) {
- var t2, t3, t4, width,
- t1 = this._box_0;
- ++t1.i;
- t2 = this.$this;
- if (t2._lastIndexThatFits !== -1 && !t2._overflowOpen)
- return;
- type$.RenderBox._as(renderObjectChild);
- t3 = this.sizedConstraints;
- t4 = t3.maxWidth;
- renderObjectChild.layout$2$parentUsesSize(new A.BoxConstraints(0, t4, 0, t3.maxHeight), true);
- width = t1.width + renderObjectChild._size._dx;
- t1.width = width;
- if (width > t4 && t2._lastIndexThatFits === -1)
- t2._lastIndexThatFits = t1.i - 1;
- },
- $signature: 21
- };
- A._RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout__placeChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(renderObjectChild) {
- var t3, t4, fitWidth, overflowHeight,
- t1 = this._box_0,
- t2 = ++t1.i;
- type$.RenderBox._as(renderObjectChild);
- t3 = renderObjectChild.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- type$.ToolbarItemsParentData._as(t3);
- if (renderObjectChild === this.navButton)
- return;
- t4 = this.$this;
- if (!t4._shouldPaintChild$2(renderObjectChild, t2)) {
- t3.shouldPaint = false;
- return;
- }
- t3.shouldPaint = true;
- if (!t4._overflowOpen) {
- t2 = t1.fitWidth;
- t3.offset = new A.Offset(t2, 0);
- t3 = renderObjectChild._size;
- fitWidth = t2 + t3._dx;
- t1.fitWidth = fitWidth;
- t1.nextSize = new A.Size(fitWidth, Math.max(t3._dy, t1.nextSize._dy));
- } else {
- t2 = t1.overflowHeight;
- t3.offset = new A.Offset(0, t2);
- t3 = renderObjectChild._size;
- overflowHeight = t2 + t3._dy;
- t1.overflowHeight = overflowHeight;
- t1.nextSize = new A.Size(Math.max(t3._dx, t1.nextSize._dx), overflowHeight);
- }
- },
- $signature: 21
- };
- A._RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout_paint_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(renderObjectChild) {
- var t1;
- type$.RenderBox._as(renderObjectChild);
- t1 = renderObjectChild.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.ToolbarItemsParentData._as(t1);
- if (!t1.shouldPaint)
- return;
- this.context.paintChild$2(renderObjectChild, t1.offset.$add(0, this.offset));
- },
- $signature: 21
- };
- A._RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, transformed) {
- return this._box_0.child.hitTest$2$position(result, transformed);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A._RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout_visitChildrenForSemantics_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(renderObjectChild) {
- var t1;
- type$.RenderBox._as(renderObjectChild);
- t1 = renderObjectChild.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- if (type$.ToolbarItemsParentData._as(t1).shouldPaint)
- this.visitor.call$1(renderObjectChild);
- },
- $signature: 21
- };
- A._TextSelectionToolbarContainer.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var _null = null;
- return A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, true, B.BorderRadius_tLn2, this.child, B.Clip_2, _null, 1, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.MaterialType_1);
- }
- };
- A._TextSelectionToolbarOverflowButton.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var _null = null;
- return A.Material$(B.Duration_200000, true, _null, A.IconButton$(_null, _null, this.icon, _null, _null, this.onPressed, _null, _null, _null, this.tooltip), B.Clip_0, B.Color_0, 0, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.MaterialType_1);
- }
- };
- A.__RenderTextSelectionToolbarItemsLayout_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.ToolbarItemsParentData; child != null;) {
- child.attach$1(owner);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.ToolbarItemsParentData; child != null;) {
- child.detach$0(0);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- }
- };
- A.__TextSelectionToolbarOverflowableState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A._TextSelectionToolbarItemPosition.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_TextSelectionToolbarItemPosition." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextSelectionToolbarTextButton.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var _this = this, _null = null,
- foregroundColor = A.Theme_of(context).colorScheme.brightness === B.Brightness_0 ? B.Color_4294967295 : B.Color_3707764736;
- return A.TextButton$(_this.child, _this.onPressed, A.TextButton_styleFrom(_this.alignment, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, foregroundColor, _null, B.Size_48_48, _this.padding, _null, B.RoundedRectangleBorder_27D, _null, _null, _null, _null));
- }
- };
- A.TextTheme.prototype = {
- merge$1(other) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (other == null)
- return _this;
- t1 = _this.displayLarge;
- t2 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.merge$1(other.displayLarge);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = other.displayLarge;
- t3 = _this.displayMedium;
- t4 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.merge$1(other.displayMedium);
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = other.displayMedium;
- t5 = _this.displaySmall;
- t6 = t5 == null ? _null : t5.merge$1(other.displaySmall);
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = other.displaySmall;
- t7 = _this.headlineLarge;
- t8 = t7 == null ? _null : t7.merge$1(other.headlineLarge);
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = other.headlineLarge;
- t9 = _this.headlineMedium;
- t10 = t9 == null ? _null : t9.merge$1(other.headlineMedium);
- if (t10 == null)
- t10 = other.headlineMedium;
- t11 = _this.headlineSmall;
- t12 = t11 == null ? _null : t11.merge$1(other.headlineSmall);
- if (t12 == null)
- t12 = other.headlineSmall;
- t13 = _this.titleLarge;
- t14 = t13 == null ? _null : t13.merge$1(other.titleLarge);
- if (t14 == null)
- t14 = other.titleLarge;
- t15 = _this.titleMedium;
- t16 = t15 == null ? _null : t15.merge$1(other.titleMedium);
- if (t16 == null)
- t16 = other.titleMedium;
- t17 = _this.titleSmall;
- t18 = t17 == null ? _null : t17.merge$1(other.titleSmall);
- if (t18 == null)
- t18 = other.titleSmall;
- t19 = _this.bodyLarge;
- t20 = t19 == null ? _null : t19.merge$1(other.bodyLarge);
- if (t20 == null)
- t20 = other.bodyLarge;
- t21 = _this.bodyMedium;
- t22 = t21 == null ? _null : t21.merge$1(other.bodyMedium);
- if (t22 == null)
- t22 = other.bodyMedium;
- t23 = _this.bodySmall;
- t24 = t23 == null ? _null : t23.merge$1(other.bodySmall);
- if (t24 == null)
- t24 = other.bodySmall;
- t25 = _this.labelLarge;
- t26 = t25 == null ? _null : t25.merge$1(other.labelLarge);
- if (t26 == null)
- t26 = other.labelLarge;
- t27 = _this.labelMedium;
- t28 = t27 == null ? _null : t27.merge$1(other.labelMedium);
- if (t28 == null)
- t28 = other.labelMedium;
- t29 = _this.labelSmall;
- t30 = t29 == null ? _null : t29.merge$1(other.labelSmall);
- if (t30 == null)
- t30 = other.labelSmall;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = _null;
- t1 = t2 == null ? t1 : t2;
- t2 = t4 == null ? _null : t4;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = t3;
- t3 = t6 == null ? _null : t6;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = t5;
- t4 = t8 == null ? t7 : t8;
- t5 = t10 == null ? _null : t10;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = t9;
- t6 = t12 == null ? _null : t12;
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = t11;
- t7 = t14 == null ? _null : t14;
- if (t7 == null)
- t7 = t13;
- t8 = t16 == null ? _null : t16;
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = t15;
- t9 = t18 == null ? _null : t18;
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = t17;
- t10 = t20 == null ? _null : t20;
- if (t10 == null)
- t10 = t19;
- t11 = t22 == null ? _null : t22;
- if (t11 == null)
- t11 = t21;
- t12 = t24 == null ? _null : t24;
- if (t12 == null)
- t12 = t23;
- t13 = t26 == null ? _null : t26;
- if (t13 == null)
- t13 = t25;
- t14 = t28 == null ? t27 : t28;
- t15 = t30 == null ? _null : t30;
- return A.TextTheme$(t10, t11, t12, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t13, t14, t15 == null ? t29 : t15, t7, t8, t9);
- },
- apply$6$bodyColor$decorationColor$displayColor$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$package(bodyColor, decorationColor, displayColor, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, $package) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this.displayLarge;
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(displayColor, _null, decorationColor, _null, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, 0, 1, $package);
- t2 = _this.displayMedium;
- t2 = t2 == null ? _null : t2.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(displayColor, _null, decorationColor, _null, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, 0, 1, $package);
- t3 = _this.displaySmall;
- t3 = t3 == null ? _null : t3.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(displayColor, _null, decorationColor, _null, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, 0, 1, $package);
- t4 = _this.headlineLarge;
- t4 = t4 == null ? _null : t4.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(displayColor, _null, decorationColor, _null, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, 0, 1, $package);
- t5 = _this.headlineMedium;
- t5 = t5 == null ? _null : t5.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(displayColor, _null, decorationColor, _null, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, 0, 1, $package);
- t6 = _this.headlineSmall;
- t6 = t6 == null ? _null : t6.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(bodyColor, _null, decorationColor, _null, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, 0, 1, $package);
- t7 = _this.titleLarge;
- t7 = t7 == null ? _null : t7.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(bodyColor, _null, decorationColor, _null, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, 0, 1, $package);
- t8 = _this.titleMedium;
- t8 = t8 == null ? _null : t8.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(bodyColor, _null, decorationColor, _null, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, 0, 1, $package);
- t9 = _this.titleSmall;
- t9 = t9 == null ? _null : t9.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(bodyColor, _null, decorationColor, _null, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, 0, 1, $package);
- t10 = _this.bodyLarge;
- t10 = t10 == null ? _null : t10.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(bodyColor, _null, decorationColor, _null, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, 0, 1, $package);
- t11 = _this.bodyMedium;
- t11 = t11 == null ? _null : t11.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(bodyColor, _null, decorationColor, _null, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, 0, 1, $package);
- t12 = _this.bodySmall;
- t12 = t12 == null ? _null : t12.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(displayColor, _null, decorationColor, _null, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, 0, 1, $package);
- t13 = _this.labelLarge;
- t13 = t13 == null ? _null : t13.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(bodyColor, _null, decorationColor, _null, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, 0, 1, $package);
- t14 = _this.labelMedium;
- t14 = t14 == null ? _null : t14.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(bodyColor, _null, decorationColor, _null, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, 0, 1, $package);
- t15 = _this.labelSmall;
- return A.TextTheme$(t10, t11, t12, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t13, t14, t15 == null ? _null : t15.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(bodyColor, _null, decorationColor, _null, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, 0, 1, $package), t7, t8, t9);
- },
- apply$3$bodyColor$decorationColor$displayColor(bodyColor, decorationColor, displayColor) {
- return this.apply$6$bodyColor$decorationColor$displayColor$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$package(bodyColor, decorationColor, displayColor, null, null, null);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.TextTheme && J.$eq$(_this.displayLarge, other.displayLarge) && J.$eq$(_this.displayMedium, other.displayMedium) && J.$eq$(_this.displaySmall, other.displaySmall) && J.$eq$(_this.headlineLarge, other.headlineLarge) && J.$eq$(_this.headlineMedium, other.headlineMedium) && J.$eq$(_this.headlineSmall, other.headlineSmall) && J.$eq$(_this.titleLarge, other.titleLarge) && J.$eq$(_this.titleMedium, other.titleMedium) && J.$eq$(_this.titleSmall, other.titleSmall) && J.$eq$(_this.bodyLarge, other.bodyLarge) && J.$eq$(_this.bodyMedium, other.bodyMedium) && J.$eq$(_this.bodySmall, other.bodySmall) && J.$eq$(_this.labelLarge, other.labelLarge) && J.$eq$(_this.labelMedium, other.labelMedium) && J.$eq$(_this.labelSmall, other.labelSmall);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.displayLarge, _this.displayMedium, _this.displaySmall, _this.headlineLarge, _this.headlineMedium, _this.headlineSmall, _this.titleLarge, _this.titleMedium, _this.titleSmall, _this.bodyLarge, _this.bodyMedium, _this.bodySmall, _this.labelLarge, _this.labelMedium, _this.labelSmall, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A._TextTheme_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.Theme.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var t10, t11,
- t1 = this.data,
- t2 = B.CupertinoThemeData_yPP.brightness,
- t3 = B.CupertinoThemeData_yPP.primaryColor,
- t4 = B.CupertinoThemeData_yPP.primaryContrastingColor,
- t5 = B.CupertinoThemeData_yPP.textTheme,
- t6 = B.CupertinoThemeData_yPP.barBackgroundColor,
- t7 = B.CupertinoThemeData_yPP.scaffoldBackgroundColor,
- t8 = B.CupertinoThemeData_yPP.applyThemeToAll,
- t9 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.DefaultSelectionStyle);
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = B.DefaultSelectionStyle_MUs;
- t10 = t1.textSelectionTheme;
- t11 = t10.selectionColor;
- if (t11 == null)
- t11 = t9.selectionColor;
- t10 = t10.cursorColor;
- t9 = t10 == null ? t9.cursorColor : t10;
- return new A._InheritedTheme(this, new A.CupertinoTheme(new A.MaterialBasedCupertinoThemeData(t1, new A.NoDefaultCupertinoThemeData(t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8), B._CupertinoThemeDefaults_k4u, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8), A.IconTheme$(A.DefaultSelectionStyle$(this.child, t9, t11), t1.iconTheme, null), null), null);
- }
- };
- A._InheritedTheme.prototype = {
- wrap$2(_, context, child) {
- return new A.Theme(this.theme.data, child, null);
- },
- updateShouldNotify$1(old) {
- return !this.theme.data.$eq(0, old.theme.data);
- }
- };
- A.ThemeDataTween.prototype = {
- lerp$1(t) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.begin;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = this.end;
- t2.toString;
- return A.ThemeData_lerp(t1, t2, t);
- }
- };
- A.AnimatedTheme.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._AnimatedThemeState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._AnimatedThemeState.prototype = {
- forEachTween$1(visitor) {
- var t1 = visitor.call$3(this._theme$_data, this._widget.data, new A._AnimatedThemeState_forEachTween_closure());
- t1.toString;
- this._theme$_data = type$.ThemeDataTween._as(t1);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._theme$_data;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = this.get$_animation();
- return new A.Theme(t1.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2)), this._widget.child, null);
- }
- };
- A._AnimatedThemeState_forEachTween_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return new A.ThemeDataTween(type$.ThemeData._as(value), null);
- },
- $signature: 303
- };
- A.MaterialTapTargetSize.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "MaterialTapTargetSize." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.ThemeData.prototype = {
- copyWith$3$colorScheme$primaryTextTheme$textTheme(colorScheme, primaryTextTheme, textTheme) {
- var t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, t24, t25, t26, t27, t28, t29, t30, t31, t32, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = colorScheme == null ? _this.colorScheme : colorScheme,
- t2 = t1.primary,
- t3 = t1.onPrimary,
- t4 = t1._primaryContainer;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = t2;
- t5 = t1._onPrimaryContainer;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = t3;
- t6 = t1.secondary;
- t7 = t1.onSecondary;
- t8 = t1._secondaryContainer;
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = t6;
- t9 = t1._onSecondaryContainer;
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = t7;
- t10 = t1._tertiary;
- t11 = t10 == null ? t6 : t10;
- t12 = t1._onTertiary;
- t13 = t12 == null ? t7 : t12;
- t14 = t1._tertiaryContainer;
- if (t14 == null) {
- if (t10 == null)
- t10 = t6;
- } else
- t10 = t14;
- t14 = t1._onTertiaryContainer;
- if (t14 == null) {
- if (t12 == null)
- t12 = t7;
- } else
- t12 = t14;
- t14 = t1.error;
- t15 = t1.onError;
- t16 = t1._errorContainer;
- if (t16 == null)
- t16 = t14;
- t17 = t1._onErrorContainer;
- if (t17 == null)
- t17 = t15;
- t18 = t1.onBackground;
- t19 = t1.surface;
- t20 = t1.onSurface;
- t21 = t1._surfaceVariant;
- if (t21 == null)
- t21 = t19;
- t22 = t1._onSurfaceVariant;
- if (t22 == null)
- t22 = t20;
- t23 = t1._outline;
- if (t23 == null)
- t23 = t18;
- t24 = t1._outlineVariant;
- if (t24 == null)
- t24 = t18;
- t25 = t1._shadow;
- if (t25 == null)
- t25 = B.Color_4278190080;
- t26 = t1._scrim;
- if (t26 == null)
- t26 = B.Color_4278190080;
- t27 = t1._inverseSurface;
- if (t27 == null)
- t27 = t20;
- t28 = t1._onInverseSurface;
- if (t28 == null)
- t28 = t19;
- t29 = t1._inversePrimary;
- if (t29 == null)
- t29 = t3;
- t30 = t1._primaryVariant;
- if (t30 == null)
- t30 = t2;
- t31 = t1._secondaryVariant;
- if (t31 == null)
- t31 = t6;
- t32 = t1._surfaceTint;
- if (t32 == null)
- t32 = t2;
- t10 = A.ColorScheme$(t1.background, t1.brightness, t14, t16, t29, t27, t18, t15, t17, t28, t3, t5, t7, t9, t20, t22, t13, t12, t23, t24, t2, t4, t30, t26, t6, t8, t31, t25, t19, t32, t21, t11, t10);
- t1 = primaryTextTheme == null ? _this.primaryTextTheme : primaryTextTheme;
- t2 = textTheme == null ? _this.textTheme : textTheme;
- return A.ThemeData$raw(_this.actionIconTheme, _this.androidOverscrollIndicator, _this.appBarTheme, _this.applyElevationOverlayColor, _this._backgroundColor, _this.badgeTheme, _this.bannerTheme, _this._bottomAppBarColor, _this.bottomAppBarTheme, _this.bottomNavigationBarTheme, _this.bottomSheetTheme, _this.buttonBarTheme, _this.buttonTheme, _this.canvasColor, _this.cardColor, _this.cardTheme, _this.checkboxTheme, _this.chipTheme, t10, _this.cupertinoOverrideTheme, _this.dataTableTheme, _this.datePickerTheme, _this.dialogBackgroundColor, _this.dialogTheme, _this.disabledColor, _this.dividerColor, _this.dividerTheme, _this.drawerTheme, _this.dropdownMenuTheme, _this.elevatedButtonTheme, _this._errorColor, _this.expansionTileTheme, _this.extensions, _this.filledButtonTheme, true, _this.floatingActionButtonTheme, _this.focusColor, _this.highlightColor, _this.hintColor, _this.hoverColor, _this.iconButtonTheme, _this.iconTheme, _this.indicatorColor, _this.inputDecorationTheme, _this.listTileTheme, _this.materialTapTargetSize, _this.menuBarTheme, _this.menuButtonTheme, _this.menuTheme, _this.navigationBarTheme, _this.navigationDrawerTheme, _this.navigationRailTheme, _this.outlinedButtonTheme, _this.pageTransitionsTheme, _this.platform, _this.popupMenuTheme, _this.primaryColor, _this._primaryColorBrightness, _this.primaryColorDark, _this.primaryColorLight, _this.primaryIconTheme, t1, _this.progressIndicatorTheme, _this.radioTheme, _this.scaffoldBackgroundColor, _this.scrollbarTheme, _this.searchBarTheme, _this.searchViewTheme, _this.secondaryHeaderColor, _this.segmentedButtonTheme, _this._selectedRowColor, _this.shadowColor, _this.sliderTheme, _this.snackBarTheme, _this.splashColor, _this.splashFactory, _this.switchTheme, _this.tabBarTheme, _this.textButtonTheme, _this.textSelectionTheme, t2, _this.timePickerTheme, _this.toggleButtonsTheme, _this._toggleableActiveColor, _this.tooltipTheme, _this.typography, _this.unselectedWidgetColor, _this.useMaterial3, _this.visualDensity);
- },
- copyWith$2$primaryTextTheme$textTheme(primaryTextTheme, textTheme) {
- return this.copyWith$3$colorScheme$primaryTextTheme$textTheme(null, primaryTextTheme, textTheme);
- },
- copyWith$1$colorScheme(colorScheme) {
- return this.copyWith$3$colorScheme$primaryTextTheme$textTheme(colorScheme, null, null);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.ThemeData)
- if (other.applyElevationOverlayColor === _this.applyElevationOverlayColor)
- if (A.mapEquals(other.extensions, _this.extensions))
- if (other.inputDecorationTheme.$eq(0, _this.inputDecorationTheme))
- if (other.materialTapTargetSize === _this.materialTapTargetSize)
- if (other.pageTransitionsTheme.$eq(0, _this.pageTransitionsTheme))
- if (other.platform === _this.platform)
- if (other.scrollbarTheme.$eq(0, _this.scrollbarTheme))
- if (other.splashFactory === _this.splashFactory)
- if (other.useMaterial3 === _this.useMaterial3)
- if (other.visualDensity.$eq(0, _this.visualDensity))
- if (other.canvasColor.$eq(0, _this.canvasColor))
- if (other.cardColor.$eq(0, _this.cardColor))
- if (other.colorScheme.$eq(0, _this.colorScheme))
- if (other.dialogBackgroundColor.$eq(0, _this.dialogBackgroundColor))
- if (other.disabledColor.$eq(0, _this.disabledColor))
- if (other.dividerColor.$eq(0, _this.dividerColor))
- if (other.focusColor.$eq(0, _this.focusColor))
- if (other.highlightColor.$eq(0, _this.highlightColor))
- if (other.hintColor.$eq(0, _this.hintColor))
- if (other.hoverColor.$eq(0, _this.hoverColor))
- if (other.indicatorColor.$eq(0, _this.indicatorColor))
- if (other.primaryColor.$eq(0, _this.primaryColor))
- if (other.primaryColorDark.$eq(0, _this.primaryColorDark))
- if (other.primaryColorLight.$eq(0, _this.primaryColorLight))
- if (other.scaffoldBackgroundColor.$eq(0, _this.scaffoldBackgroundColor))
- if (other.secondaryHeaderColor.$eq(0, _this.secondaryHeaderColor))
- if (other.shadowColor.$eq(0, _this.shadowColor))
- if (other.splashColor.$eq(0, _this.splashColor))
- if (other.unselectedWidgetColor.$eq(0, _this.unselectedWidgetColor))
- if (other.iconTheme.$eq(0, _this.iconTheme))
- if (other.primaryIconTheme.$eq(0, _this.primaryIconTheme))
- if (other.primaryTextTheme.$eq(0, _this.primaryTextTheme))
- if (other.textTheme.$eq(0, _this.textTheme))
- if (other.typography.$eq(0, _this.typography))
- if (J.$eq$(other.actionIconTheme, _this.actionIconTheme))
- if (other.appBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.appBarTheme))
- if (other.badgeTheme.$eq(0, _this.badgeTheme))
- if (other.bannerTheme.$eq(0, _this.bannerTheme))
- if (other.bottomAppBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.bottomAppBarTheme))
- if (other.bottomNavigationBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.bottomNavigationBarTheme))
- if (other.bottomSheetTheme.$eq(0, _this.bottomSheetTheme))
- if (other.buttonBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.buttonBarTheme))
- if (other.buttonTheme.$eq(0, _this.buttonTheme))
- if (other.cardTheme.$eq(0, _this.cardTheme))
- if (other.checkboxTheme.$eq(0, _this.checkboxTheme))
- if (other.chipTheme.$eq(0, _this.chipTheme))
- if (other.dataTableTheme.$eq(0, _this.dataTableTheme))
- if (other.datePickerTheme.$eq(0, _this.datePickerTheme))
- if (other.dialogTheme.$eq(0, _this.dialogTheme))
- if (other.dividerTheme.$eq(0, _this.dividerTheme))
- if (other.drawerTheme.$eq(0, _this.drawerTheme))
- if (other.dropdownMenuTheme.$eq(0, _this.dropdownMenuTheme))
- if (other.elevatedButtonTheme.$eq(0, _this.elevatedButtonTheme))
- if (other.expansionTileTheme.$eq(0, _this.expansionTileTheme))
- if (other.filledButtonTheme.$eq(0, _this.filledButtonTheme))
- if (other.floatingActionButtonTheme.$eq(0, _this.floatingActionButtonTheme))
- if (other.iconButtonTheme.$eq(0, _this.iconButtonTheme))
- if (other.listTileTheme.$eq(0, _this.listTileTheme))
- if (other.menuBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.menuBarTheme))
- if (other.menuButtonTheme.$eq(0, _this.menuButtonTheme))
- if (other.menuTheme.$eq(0, _this.menuTheme))
- if (other.navigationBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.navigationBarTheme))
- if (other.navigationDrawerTheme.$eq(0, _this.navigationDrawerTheme))
- if (other.navigationRailTheme.$eq(0, _this.navigationRailTheme))
- if (other.outlinedButtonTheme.$eq(0, _this.outlinedButtonTheme))
- if (other.popupMenuTheme.$eq(0, _this.popupMenuTheme))
- if (other.progressIndicatorTheme.$eq(0, _this.progressIndicatorTheme))
- if (other.radioTheme.$eq(0, _this.radioTheme))
- if (other.searchBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.searchBarTheme))
- if (other.searchViewTheme.$eq(0, _this.searchViewTheme))
- if (other.segmentedButtonTheme.$eq(0, _this.segmentedButtonTheme))
- if (other.sliderTheme.$eq(0, _this.sliderTheme))
- if (other.snackBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.snackBarTheme))
- if (other.switchTheme.$eq(0, _this.switchTheme))
- if (other.tabBarTheme.$eq(0, _this.tabBarTheme))
- if (other.textButtonTheme.$eq(0, _this.textButtonTheme))
- if (other.textSelectionTheme.$eq(0, _this.textSelectionTheme))
- if (other.timePickerTheme.$eq(0, _this.timePickerTheme))
- if (other.toggleButtonsTheme.$eq(0, _this.toggleButtonsTheme))
- if (other.tooltipTheme.$eq(0, _this.tooltipTheme))
- if (other._primaryColorBrightness === _this._primaryColorBrightness) {
- t1 = other._toggleableActiveColor;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._toggleableActiveColor;
- t2.toString;
- if (t1.$eq(0, t2)) {
- t1 = other._selectedRowColor;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._selectedRowColor;
- t2.toString;
- if (t1.$eq(0, t2)) {
- t1 = other._errorColor;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._errorColor;
- t2.toString;
- if (t1.$eq(0, t2)) {
- t1 = other._backgroundColor;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._backgroundColor;
- t2.toString;
- if (t1.$eq(0, t2)) {
- t1 = other._bottomAppBarColor;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._bottomAppBarColor;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = t1.$eq(0, t2);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = [_this.applyElevationOverlayColor, _this.cupertinoOverrideTheme],
- t2 = _this.extensions;
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, t2.get$keys(t2));
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, t2.get$values(t2));
- t1.push(_this.inputDecorationTheme);
- t1.push(_this.materialTapTargetSize);
- t1.push(_this.pageTransitionsTheme);
- t1.push(_this.platform);
- t1.push(_this.scrollbarTheme);
- t1.push(_this.splashFactory);
- t1.push(_this.useMaterial3);
- t1.push(_this.visualDensity);
- t1.push(_this.canvasColor);
- t1.push(_this.cardColor);
- t1.push(_this.colorScheme);
- t1.push(_this.dialogBackgroundColor);
- t1.push(_this.disabledColor);
- t1.push(_this.dividerColor);
- t1.push(_this.focusColor);
- t1.push(_this.highlightColor);
- t1.push(_this.hintColor);
- t1.push(_this.hoverColor);
- t1.push(_this.indicatorColor);
- t1.push(_this.primaryColor);
- t1.push(_this.primaryColorDark);
- t1.push(_this.primaryColorLight);
- t1.push(_this.scaffoldBackgroundColor);
- t1.push(_this.secondaryHeaderColor);
- t1.push(_this.shadowColor);
- t1.push(_this.splashColor);
- t1.push(_this.unselectedWidgetColor);
- t1.push(_this.iconTheme);
- t1.push(_this.primaryIconTheme);
- t1.push(_this.primaryTextTheme);
- t1.push(_this.textTheme);
- t1.push(_this.typography);
- t1.push(_this.actionIconTheme);
- t1.push(_this.appBarTheme);
- t1.push(_this.badgeTheme);
- t1.push(_this.bannerTheme);
- t1.push(_this.bottomAppBarTheme);
- t1.push(_this.bottomNavigationBarTheme);
- t1.push(_this.bottomSheetTheme);
- t1.push(_this.buttonBarTheme);
- t1.push(_this.buttonTheme);
- t1.push(_this.cardTheme);
- t1.push(_this.checkboxTheme);
- t1.push(_this.chipTheme);
- t1.push(_this.dataTableTheme);
- t1.push(_this.datePickerTheme);
- t1.push(_this.dialogTheme);
- t1.push(_this.dividerTheme);
- t1.push(_this.drawerTheme);
- t1.push(_this.dropdownMenuTheme);
- t1.push(_this.elevatedButtonTheme);
- t1.push(_this.expansionTileTheme);
- t1.push(_this.filledButtonTheme);
- t1.push(_this.floatingActionButtonTheme);
- t1.push(_this.iconButtonTheme);
- t1.push(_this.listTileTheme);
- t1.push(_this.menuBarTheme);
- t1.push(_this.menuButtonTheme);
- t1.push(_this.menuTheme);
- t1.push(_this.navigationBarTheme);
- t1.push(_this.navigationDrawerTheme);
- t1.push(_this.navigationRailTheme);
- t1.push(_this.outlinedButtonTheme);
- t1.push(_this.popupMenuTheme);
- t1.push(_this.progressIndicatorTheme);
- t1.push(_this.radioTheme);
- t1.push(_this.searchBarTheme);
- t1.push(_this.searchViewTheme);
- t1.push(_this.segmentedButtonTheme);
- t1.push(_this.sliderTheme);
- t1.push(_this.snackBarTheme);
- t1.push(_this.switchTheme);
- t1.push(_this.tabBarTheme);
- t1.push(_this.textButtonTheme);
- t1.push(_this.textSelectionTheme);
- t1.push(_this.timePickerTheme);
- t1.push(_this.toggleButtonsTheme);
- t1.push(_this.tooltipTheme);
- t1.push(true);
- t1.push(_this._primaryColorBrightness);
- t1.push(_this.androidOverscrollIndicator);
- t2 = _this._toggleableActiveColor;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(t2);
- t2 = _this._selectedRowColor;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(t2);
- t2 = _this._errorColor;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(t2);
- t2 = _this._backgroundColor;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(t2);
- t2 = _this._bottomAppBarColor;
- t2.toString;
- t1.push(t2);
- return A.Object_hashAll(t1);
- }
- };
- A.ThemeData_localize_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.baseTheme,
- t2 = this.localTextGeometry;
- return t1.copyWith$2$primaryTextTheme$textTheme(t2.merge$1(t1.primaryTextTheme), t2.merge$1(t1.textTheme));
- },
- $signature: 304
- };
- A.ThemeData__lerpThemeExtensions_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(id, extensionA) {
- return new A.MapEntry(id, extensionA.lerp$2(this.b.extensions.$index(0, id), this.t), type$.MapEntry_of_Object_and_ThemeExtension_dynamic);
- },
- $signature: 305
- };
- A.ThemeData__lerpThemeExtensions_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(entry) {
- return !this.a.extensions.containsKey$1(0, entry.key);
- },
- $signature: 306
- };
- A.MaterialBasedCupertinoThemeData.prototype = {
- get$brightness() {
- var t1 = this._cupertinoOverrideTheme.brightness;
- return t1 == null ? this._materialTheme.colorScheme.brightness : t1;
- },
- get$primaryColor() {
- var t1 = this._cupertinoOverrideTheme.primaryColor;
- return t1 == null ? this._materialTheme.colorScheme.primary : t1;
- },
- get$primaryContrastingColor() {
- var t1 = this._cupertinoOverrideTheme.primaryContrastingColor;
- return t1 == null ? this._materialTheme.colorScheme.onPrimary : t1;
- },
- get$scaffoldBackgroundColor() {
- var t1 = this._cupertinoOverrideTheme.scaffoldBackgroundColor;
- return t1 == null ? this._materialTheme.scaffoldBackgroundColor : t1;
- },
- resolveFrom$1(context) {
- return A.MaterialBasedCupertinoThemeData$_(this._materialTheme, this._cupertinoOverrideTheme.resolveFrom$1(context));
- }
- };
- A._IdentityThemeDataCacheKey.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return (A.objectHashCode(this.baseTheme) ^ A.objectHashCode(this.localTextGeometry)) >>> 0;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A._IdentityThemeDataCacheKey && other.baseTheme === this.baseTheme && other.localTextGeometry === this.localTextGeometry;
- }
- };
- A._FifoCache.prototype = {
- putIfAbsent$2(_, key, loader) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._theme_data$_cache,
- result = t1.$index(0, key);
- if (result != null)
- return result;
- if (t1.__js_helper$_length === this._maximumSize) {
- t2 = new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>"));
- t1.remove$1(0, t2.get$first(t2));
- }
- t2 = loader.call$0();
- t1.$indexSet(0, key, t2);
- return t2;
- }
- };
- A.VisualDensity.prototype = {
- effectiveConstraints$1(constraints) {
- var t1 = this.horizontal,
- t2 = this.vertical,
- t3 = A.clampDouble(constraints.minWidth + new A.Offset(t1, t2).$mul(0, 4)._dx, 0, constraints.maxWidth);
- return constraints.copyWith$2$minHeight$minWidth(A.clampDouble(constraints.minHeight + new A.Offset(t1, t2).$mul(0, 4)._dy, 0, constraints.maxHeight), t3);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.VisualDensity && other.horizontal === this.horizontal && other.vertical === this.vertical;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.horizontal, this.vertical, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toStringShort$0() {
- return this.super$Diagnosticable$toStringShort() + "(h: " + A.debugFormatDouble(this.horizontal) + ", v: " + A.debugFormatDouble(this.vertical) + ")";
- }
- };
- A._ThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._VisualDensity_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.TimePickerThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hashAll([_this.backgroundColor, _this.cancelButtonStyle, _this.confirmButtonStyle, _this.dayPeriodBorderSide, _this.dayPeriodColor, _this.dayPeriodShape, _this.dayPeriodTextColor, _this.dayPeriodTextStyle, _this.dialBackgroundColor, _this.dialHandColor, _this.dialTextColor, _this.dialTextStyle, _this.elevation, _this.entryModeIconColor, _this.helpTextStyle, _this.hourMinuteColor, _this.hourMinuteShape, _this.hourMinuteTextColor, _this.hourMinuteTextStyle, _this.inputDecorationTheme, _this.padding, _this.shape]);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.TimePickerThemeData && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && J.$eq$(other.cancelButtonStyle, _this.cancelButtonStyle) && J.$eq$(other.confirmButtonStyle, _this.confirmButtonStyle) && J.$eq$(other.dayPeriodBorderSide, _this.dayPeriodBorderSide) && J.$eq$(other.dayPeriodColor, _this.dayPeriodColor) && J.$eq$(other.dayPeriodShape, _this.dayPeriodShape) && J.$eq$(other.dayPeriodTextColor, _this.dayPeriodTextColor) && J.$eq$(other.dayPeriodTextStyle, _this.dayPeriodTextStyle) && J.$eq$(other.dialBackgroundColor, _this.dialBackgroundColor) && J.$eq$(other.dialHandColor, _this.dialHandColor) && J.$eq$(other.dialTextColor, _this.dialTextColor) && J.$eq$(other.dialTextStyle, _this.dialTextStyle) && other.elevation == _this.elevation && J.$eq$(other.entryModeIconColor, _this.entryModeIconColor) && J.$eq$(other.helpTextStyle, _this.helpTextStyle) && J.$eq$(other.hourMinuteColor, _this.hourMinuteColor) && J.$eq$(other.hourMinuteShape, _this.hourMinuteShape) && J.$eq$(other.hourMinuteTextColor, _this.hourMinuteTextColor) && J.$eq$(other.hourMinuteTextStyle, _this.hourMinuteTextStyle) && J.$eq$(other.padding, _this.padding) && J.$eq$(other.shape, _this.shape);
- }
- };
- A._TimePickerThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.ToggleButtonsThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.textStyle, _this.constraints, _this.color, _this.selectedColor, _this.disabledColor, _this.fillColor, _this.focusColor, _this.highlightColor, _this.hoverColor, _this.splashColor, _this.borderColor, _this.selectedBorderColor, _this.disabledBorderColor, _this.borderRadius, _this.borderWidth, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ToggleButtonsThemeData && J.$eq$(other.textStyle, _this.textStyle) && J.$eq$(other.constraints, _this.constraints) && J.$eq$(other.color, _this.color) && J.$eq$(other.selectedColor, _this.selectedColor) && J.$eq$(other.disabledColor, _this.disabledColor) && J.$eq$(other.fillColor, _this.fillColor) && J.$eq$(other.focusColor, _this.focusColor) && J.$eq$(other.highlightColor, _this.highlightColor) && J.$eq$(other.hoverColor, _this.hoverColor) && J.$eq$(other.splashColor, _this.splashColor) && J.$eq$(other.borderColor, _this.borderColor) && J.$eq$(other.selectedBorderColor, _this.selectedBorderColor) && J.$eq$(other.disabledBorderColor, _this.disabledBorderColor) && J.$eq$(other.borderRadius, _this.borderRadius) && other.borderWidth == _this.borderWidth;
- }
- };
- A._ToggleButtonsThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.ToggleableStateMixin.prototype = {
- animateToValue$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$tristate()) {
- if (_this.get$value(_this) == null) {
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$value(0, 0);
- }
- t1 = _this.get$value(_this);
- t2 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A;
- if (t1 !== false) {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.forward$0(0);
- } else {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.reverse$0(0);
- }
- } else {
- t1 = _this.get$value(_this);
- t2 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__positionController_A;
- if (t1 === true) {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.forward$0(0);
- } else {
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.reverse$0(0);
- }
- }
- },
- _toggleable$_handleTapDown$1(details) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$onChanged() != null) {
- _this.setState$1(new A.ToggleableStateMixin__handleTapDown_closure(_this, details));
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- }
- },
- _toggleable$_handleTap$1(_) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$onChanged() == null)
- return;
- switch (_this.get$value(_this)) {
- case false:
- _this.get$onChanged().call$1(true);
- break;
- case true:
- t1 = _this.get$onChanged();
- t1.toString;
- t1.call$1(_this.get$tristate() && null);
- break;
- case null:
- _this.get$onChanged().call$1(false);
- break;
- }
- _this._framework$_element.get$renderObject().sendSemanticsEvent$1(B.TapSemanticEvent_tap);
- },
- _toggleable$_handleTap$0() {
- return this._toggleable$_handleTap$1(null);
- },
- _handleTapEnd$1(_) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.ToggleableStateMixin__downPosition != null)
- _this.setState$1(new A.ToggleableStateMixin__handleTapEnd_closure(_this));
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionController_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.reverse$0(0);
- },
- _handleTapEnd$0() {
- return this._handleTapEnd$1(null);
- },
- _handleFocusHighlightChanged$1(focused) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (focused !== _this.ToggleableStateMixin__focused) {
- _this.setState$1(new A.ToggleableStateMixin__handleFocusHighlightChanged_closure(_this, focused));
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionFocusFadeController_A;
- if (focused) {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- } else {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.reverse$0(0);
- }
- }
- },
- _handleHoverChanged$1(hovering) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (hovering !== _this.ToggleableStateMixin__hovering) {
- _this.setState$1(new A.ToggleableStateMixin__handleHoverChanged_closure(_this, hovering));
- t1 = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__reactionHoverFadeController_A;
- if (hovering) {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- } else {
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.reverse$0(0);
- }
- }
- },
- get$states() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.MaterialState);
- if (_this.get$onChanged() == null)
- t1.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_6);
- if (_this.ToggleableStateMixin__hovering)
- t1.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_0);
- if (_this.ToggleableStateMixin__focused)
- t1.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_1);
- t2 = _this.get$value(_this);
- if (t2 !== false)
- t1.add$1(0, B.MaterialState_4);
- return t1;
- },
- buildToggleable$6$autofocus$focusNode$mouseCursor$onFocusChange$painter$size(autofocus, focusNode, mouseCursor, onFocusChange, painter, size) {
- var result, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, _this = this, _null = null,
- value = _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__actionMap_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal([B.Type_ActivateIntent_OT9, new A.CallbackAction(_this.get$_toggleable$_handleTap(), new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), type$.CallbackAction_ActivateIntent)], type$.Type, type$.Action_Intent);
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__actionMap_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.ToggleableStateMixin___ToggleableStateMixin__actionMap_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- t1 = _this.get$onChanged();
- t2 = mouseCursor._material_state$_resolve.call$1(_this.get$states());
- t3 = _this.get$onChanged();
- t4 = _this.get$onChanged() != null ? _this.get$_toggleable$_handleTapDown() : _null;
- t5 = _this.get$onChanged() != null ? _this.get$_toggleable$_handleTap() : _null;
- t6 = _this.get$onChanged() != null ? _this.get$_handleTapEnd() : _null;
- t7 = _this.get$onChanged() != null ? _this.get$_handleTapEnd() : _null;
- t8 = _this.get$onChanged();
- t9 = A.CustomPaint$(_null, _null, _null, painter, size);
- return A.FocusableActionDetector$(value, false, A.GestureDetector$(_null, new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t8 != null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, t9, _null), B.DragStartBehavior_1, t3 == null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t5, t7, t4, t6, _null, _null, _null), t1 != null, focusNode, t2, onFocusChange, _this.get$_handleFocusHighlightChanged(), _this.get$_handleHoverChanged(), _null);
- },
- buildToggleable$5$autofocus$focusNode$mouseCursor$painter$size(autofocus, focusNode, mouseCursor, painter, size) {
- return this.buildToggleable$6$autofocus$focusNode$mouseCursor$onFocusChange$painter$size(autofocus, focusNode, mouseCursor, null, painter, size);
- }
- };
- A.ToggleableStateMixin__handleTapDown_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.ToggleableStateMixin__downPosition = this.details.localPosition;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ToggleableStateMixin__handleTapEnd_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.ToggleableStateMixin__downPosition = null;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ToggleableStateMixin__handleFocusHighlightChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.ToggleableStateMixin__focused = this.focused;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ToggleableStateMixin__handleHoverChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.ToggleableStateMixin__hovering = this.hovering;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ToggleablePainter.prototype = {
- set$position(_, value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._toggleable$_position;
- if (value === t1)
- return;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.parent.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners());
- value.parent.addListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners());
- _this._toggleable$_position = value;
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$reaction(value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._reaction;
- if (value === t1)
- return;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.parent.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners());
- value.parent.addListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners());
- _this._reaction = value;
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$reactionFocusFade(value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._reactionFocusFade;
- if (value === t1)
- return;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.parent.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners());
- value.parent.addListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners());
- _this._reactionFocusFade = value;
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$reactionHoverFade(value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._reactionHoverFade;
- if (value === t1)
- return;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.parent.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners());
- value.parent.addListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners());
- _this._reactionHoverFade = value;
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$activeColor(value) {
- if (J.$eq$(this._activeColor, value))
- return;
- this._activeColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$inactiveColor(value) {
- if (J.$eq$(this._inactiveColor, value))
- return;
- this._inactiveColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$inactiveReactionColor(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._inactiveReactionColor))
- return;
- this._inactiveReactionColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$reactionColor(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._reactionColor))
- return;
- this._reactionColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$hoverColor(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._toggleable$_hoverColor))
- return;
- this._toggleable$_hoverColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$focusColor(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._toggleable$_focusColor))
- return;
- this._toggleable$_focusColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$splashRadius(value) {
- if (value === this._splashRadius)
- return;
- this._splashRadius = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$downPosition(value) {
- if (J.$eq$(value, this._downPosition))
- return;
- this._downPosition = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$isFocused(value) {
- if (value === this._toggleable$_isFocused)
- return;
- this._toggleable$_isFocused = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$isHovered(value) {
- if (value === this._toggleable$_isHovered)
- return;
- this._toggleable$_isHovered = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- paintRadialReaction$2$canvas$origin(canvas, origin) {
- var reactionPaint, t2, t3, reactionRadius, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._reaction;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_0) {
- t1 = _this._reactionFocusFade;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_0) {
- t1 = _this._reactionHoverFade;
- t1 = t1.get$status(t1) !== B.AnimationStatus_0;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- reactionPaint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t1 = _this._inactiveReactionColor;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._reactionColor;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this._toggleable$_position;
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(t1, t2, t3.get$value(t3));
- t2 = _this._toggleable$_hoverColor;
- t2.toString;
- t1 = _this._reactionHoverFade;
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(t3, t2, t1.get$value(t1));
- t2 = _this._toggleable$_focusColor;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this._reactionFocusFade;
- t3 = A.Color_lerp(t1, t2, t3.get$value(t3));
- t3.toString;
- reactionPaint.set$color(0, t3);
- t3 = _this._splashRadius;
- t3.toString;
- t1 = _this._toggleable$_isFocused;
- t1.toString;
- if (!t1) {
- t1 = _this._toggleable$_isHovered;
- t1.toString;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- reactionRadius = t3;
- else {
- t1 = _this._reaction;
- reactionRadius = new A.Tween(0, t3, type$.Tween_double).transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
- }
- if (reactionRadius > 0)
- canvas.drawCircle$3(origin.$add(0, B.Offset_0_0), reactionRadius, reactionPaint);
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._toggleable$_position;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.parent.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners());
- t1 = _this._reaction;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.parent.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners());
- t1 = _this._reactionFocusFade;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.parent.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners());
- t1 = _this._reactionHoverFade;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.parent.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$notifyListeners());
- _this.super$ChangeNotifier$dispose();
- },
- shouldRepaint$1(oldDelegate) {
- return true;
- },
- hitTest$1(position) {
- return null;
- },
- get$semanticsBuilder() {
- return null;
- },
- shouldRebuildSemantics$1(oldDelegate) {
- return false;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "#" + A.shortHash(this);
- }
- };
- A.Tooltip.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A.TooltipState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A.TooltipState.prototype = {
- get$_tooltipMessage() {
- var t1 = this._widget.message;
- return t1 == null ? null.toPlainText$0() : t1;
- },
- initState$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- _this.__TooltipState__forceRemoval_A = _this.__TooltipState__isConcealed_A = false;
- _this.__TooltipState__mouseIsConnected_A = $.RendererBinding__instance.RendererBinding__mouseTracker._mouseStates.__js_helper$_length !== 0;
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(null, B.Duration_150000, B.Duration_75000, 1, null, _this);
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t2 = t1.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t2._isDirty = true;
- t2._list.push(_this.get$_tooltip$_handleStatusChanged());
- _this.__TooltipState__controller_A = t1;
- $.RendererBinding__instance.RendererBinding__mouseTracker.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleMouseTrackerChange());
- $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter._globalRoutes.$indexSet(0, _this.get$_tooltip$_handlePointerEvent(), null);
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$._TooltipVisibilityScope);
- this.__TooltipState__visible_A = true;
- },
- _getDefaultTooltipHeight$0() {
- var t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- switch (A.Theme_of(t1).platform.index) {
- case 4:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- return 24;
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 2:
- return 32;
- }
- },
- _getDefaultPadding$0() {
- var t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- switch (A.Theme_of(t1).platform.index) {
- case 4:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- return B.EdgeInsets_8_4_8_4;
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 2:
- return B.EdgeInsets_16_4_16_4;
- }
- },
- _getDefaultFontSize$0() {
- var t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- switch (A.Theme_of(t1).platform.index) {
- case 4:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- return 12;
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 2:
- return 14;
- }
- },
- _handleMouseTrackerChange$0() {
- var mouseIsConnected, t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._framework$_element == null)
- return;
- mouseIsConnected = $.RendererBinding__instance.RendererBinding__mouseTracker._mouseStates.__js_helper$_length !== 0;
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__mouseIsConnected_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (mouseIsConnected !== t1)
- _this.setState$1(new A.TooltipState__handleMouseTrackerChange_closure(_this, mouseIsConnected));
- },
- _tooltip$_handleStatusChanged$1($status) {
- var t1;
- if ($status === B.AnimationStatus_0) {
- t1 = this.__TooltipState__forceRemoval_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t1) {
- t1 = this.__TooltipState__isConcealed_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = !t1;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- this._removeEntry$0();
- },
- _dismissTooltip$1$immediately(immediately) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._showTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._showTimer = null;
- if (immediately) {
- _this._removeEntry$0();
- return;
- }
- _this.__TooltipState__forceRemoval_A = true;
- if (_this._pressActivated) {
- if (_this._dismissTimer == null) {
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__showDuration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this.__TooltipState__controller_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this._dismissTimer = A.Timer_Timer(t1, t2.get$reverse(t2));
- }
- } else if (_this._dismissTimer == null) {
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__hoverShowDuration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this.__TooltipState__controller_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this._dismissTimer = A.Timer_Timer(t1, t2.get$reverse(t2));
- }
- _this._pressActivated = false;
- },
- _showTooltip$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._dismissTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._dismissTimer = null;
- if (_this._showTimer == null) {
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__waitDuration_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this._showTimer = A.Timer_Timer(t1, _this.get$ensureTooltipVisible());
- }
- },
- _concealTooltip$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__isConcealed_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t1) {
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__forceRemoval_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return;
- _this.__TooltipState__isConcealed_A = true;
- t1 = _this._dismissTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._dismissTimer = null;
- t1 = _this._showTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._showTimer = null;
- t1 = _this._tooltip$_entry;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.remove$0(0);
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.reverse$0(0);
- },
- _revealTooltip$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__isConcealed_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t1)
- return;
- _this.__TooltipState__isConcealed_A = false;
- t1 = _this._dismissTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._dismissTimer = null;
- t1 = _this._showTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._showTimer = null;
- if (_this._tooltip$_entry._overlayEntryStateNotifier._change_notifier$_value == null) {
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = A.LookupBoundary_findAncestorStateOfType(t1, type$.OverlayState);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._tooltip$_entry;
- t2.toString;
- t1.insert$1(0, t2);
- }
- A.SemanticsService_tooltip(_this.get$_tooltipMessage());
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- },
- ensureTooltipVisible$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.__TooltipState__visible_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- if (t1 == null)
- return false;
- t1 = _this._showTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._showTimer = null;
- _this.__TooltipState__forceRemoval_A = false;
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__isConcealed_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__mouseIsConnected_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1)
- A.Tooltip__concealOtherTooltips(_this);
- _this._revealTooltip$0();
- return true;
- }
- if (_this._tooltip$_entry != null) {
- t1 = _this._dismissTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._dismissTimer = null;
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- return false;
- }
- _this._createNewEntry$0();
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.forward$0(0);
- return true;
- },
- _handleMouseExit$1$immediately(immediately) {
- var t1;
- if (this._framework$_element != null) {
- t1 = this.__TooltipState__isConcealed_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- this._dismissTooltip$1$immediately(t1 || immediately);
- }
- },
- _handleMouseExit$0() {
- return this._handleMouseExit$1$immediately(false);
- },
- _createNewEntry$0() {
- var t2, t3, target, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = A.LookupBoundary_findAncestorStateOfType(t1, type$.OverlayState);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._framework$_element.get$renderObject();
- t2.toString;
- type$.RenderBox._as(t2);
- t3 = t2._size.center$1(B.Offset_0_0);
- target = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(t2.getTransformTo$1(0, t1._framework$_element.get$renderObject()), t3);
- t3 = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t3.toString;
- t2 = A.TextSpan$(_null, _null, _this._widget.message);
- t4 = _this.__TooltipState__height_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t5 = _this.__TooltipState__padding_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t6 = _this.__TooltipState__margin_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t7 = _this.__TooltipState__mouseIsConnected_A;
- t7 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t8 = t7 ? new A.TooltipState__createNewEntry_closure(_this) : _null;
- t7 = t7 ? new A.TooltipState__createNewEntry_closure0(_this) : _null;
- t9 = _this.__TooltipState__decoration_A;
- t9 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t10 = _this.__TooltipState__textStyle_A;
- t10 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t11 = _this.__TooltipState__textAlign_A;
- t11 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t12 = _this.__TooltipState__controller_A;
- t12 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t12 = A.CurvedAnimation$(B.Cubic_ifx, t12, _null);
- t13 = _this.__TooltipState__verticalOffset_A;
- t13 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t14 = _this.__TooltipState__preferBelow_A;
- t14 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = A.OverlayEntry$(new A.TooltipState__createNewEntry_closure1(A.Directionality$(new A._TooltipOverlay(t2, t4, t5, t6, t9, t10, t11, t12, target, t13, t14, t8, t7, _null), t3.textDirection)), false);
- _this._tooltip$_entry = t3;
- _this.__TooltipState__isConcealed_A = false;
- t1.insert$1(0, t3);
- A.SemanticsService_tooltip(_this.get$_tooltipMessage());
- if (_this.__TooltipState__mouseIsConnected_A)
- A.Tooltip__concealOtherTooltips(_this);
- $.Tooltip__openedTooltips.push(_this);
- },
- _removeEntry$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- B.JSArray_methods.remove$1($.Tooltip__openedTooltips, _this);
- $.TooltipState__mouseIn.remove$1(0, _this);
- t1 = _this._dismissTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._dismissTimer = null;
- t1 = _this._showTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._showTimer = null;
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__isConcealed_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t1) {
- t1 = _this._tooltip$_entry;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.remove$0(0);
- }
- _this.__TooltipState__isConcealed_A = false;
- t1 = _this._tooltip$_entry;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1._disposedByOwner = true;
- t1 = t1._overlayEntryStateNotifier;
- if (t1._change_notifier$_value == null) {
- t1.ChangeNotifier__listeners = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- t1.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- }
- }
- _this._tooltip$_entry = null;
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__mouseIsConnected_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1)
- if ($.Tooltip__openedTooltips.length !== 0)
- B.JSArray_methods.get$last($.Tooltip__openedTooltips)._revealTooltip$0();
- },
- _tooltip$_handlePointerEvent$1($event) {
- if (this._tooltip$_entry == null)
- return;
- if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event) || type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event))
- this._handleMouseExit$0();
- else if (type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event))
- this._handleMouseExit$1$immediately(true);
- },
- deactivate$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._tooltip$_entry != null)
- _this._dismissTooltip$1$immediately(true);
- t1 = _this._showTimer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this.super$State$deactivate();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- $.GestureBinding__instance.GestureBinding_pointerRouter._globalRoutes.remove$1(0, _this.get$_tooltip$_handlePointerEvent());
- $.RendererBinding__instance.RendererBinding__mouseTracker.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_handleMouseTrackerChange());
- _this._removeEntry$0();
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__controller_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this.super$_TooltipState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- _handlePress$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this._pressActivated = true;
- if (_this.ensureTooltipVisible$0()) {
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__enableFeedback_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__triggerMode_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this._framework$_element;
- if (t1 === B.TooltipTriggerMode_1) {
- t2.toString;
- A.Feedback_forLongPress(t2);
- } else {
- t2.toString;
- A.Feedback_forTap(t2);
- }
- }
- _this._widget.toString;
- },
- _handleTap$0() {
- this._handlePress$0();
- this._handleMouseExit$0();
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, theme, tooltipTheme, defaultTextStyle, defaultDecoration, t2, result, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (_this.get$_tooltipMessage().length === 0) {
- t1 = _this._widget.child;
- return t1;
- }
- theme = A.Theme_of(context);
- context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.TooltipTheme);
- tooltipTheme = A.Theme_of(context).tooltipTheme;
- t1 = theme.textTheme.bodyMedium;
- if (theme.colorScheme.brightness === B.Brightness_0) {
- t1.toString;
- defaultTextStyle = t1.copyWith$2$color$fontSize(B.Color_4278190080, _this._getDefaultFontSize$0());
- defaultDecoration = new A.BoxDecoration(A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(229.5), 255, 255, 255), _null, _null, B.BorderRadius_tLn1, _null, _null, _null, B.BoxShape_0);
- } else {
- t1.toString;
- defaultTextStyle = t1.copyWith$2$color$fontSize(B.Color_4294967295, _this._getDefaultFontSize$0());
- defaultDecoration = new A.BoxDecoration(A.Color$fromARGB(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(229.5), 97, 97, 97), _null, _null, B.BorderRadius_tLn1, _null, _null, _null, B.BoxShape_0);
- }
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = tooltipTheme.height;
- _this.__TooltipState__height_A = t1 == null ? _this._getDefaultTooltipHeight$0() : t1;
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = tooltipTheme.padding;
- _this.__TooltipState__padding_A = t1 == null ? _this._getDefaultPadding$0() : t1;
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = tooltipTheme.margin;
- _this.__TooltipState__margin_A = t1 == null ? B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0 : t1;
- t1 = tooltipTheme.verticalOffset;
- _this.__TooltipState__verticalOffset_A = t1 == null ? 24 : t1;
- _this.__TooltipState__preferBelow_A = true;
- _this.__TooltipState__excludeFromSemantics_A = false;
- t1 = tooltipTheme.decoration;
- _this.__TooltipState__decoration_A = t1 == null ? defaultDecoration : t1;
- t1 = tooltipTheme.textStyle;
- _this.__TooltipState__textStyle_A = t1 == null ? defaultTextStyle : t1;
- _this.__TooltipState__textAlign_A = B.TextAlign_4;
- _this.__TooltipState__waitDuration_A = B.Duration_0;
- _this.__TooltipState__showDuration_A = B.Duration_1500000;
- _this.__TooltipState__hoverShowDuration_A = B.Duration_100000;
- _this.__TooltipState__triggerMode_A = B.TooltipTriggerMode_1;
- _this.__TooltipState__enableFeedback_A = true;
- t1 = _this.get$_tooltipMessage();
- t2 = _this._widget.child;
- result = new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t1, _null), false, false, false, t2, _null);
- _this.__TooltipState__visible_A === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__triggerMode_A;
- t2 = t1 === B.TooltipTriggerMode_1 ? _this.get$_handlePress() : _null;
- result = A.GestureDetector$(B.HitTestBehavior_1, result, B.DragStartBehavior_1, true, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t1 === B.TooltipTriggerMode_2 ? _this.get$_handleTap() : _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- t1 = _this.__TooltipState__mouseIsConnected_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1)
- result = A.MouseRegion$(result, B.C__DeferringMouseCursor, _null, new A.TooltipState_build_closure(_this), new A.TooltipState_build_closure0(_this), _null);
- return result;
- }
- };
- A.TooltipState__handleMouseTrackerChange_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.__TooltipState__mouseIsConnected_A = this.mouseIsConnected;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.TooltipState__createNewEntry_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1._framework$_element != null)
- t1._showTooltip$0();
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 33
- };
- A.TooltipState__createNewEntry_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- return this.$this._handleMouseExit$0();
- },
- $signature: 31
- };
- A.TooltipState__createNewEntry_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(context) {
- return this.overlay;
- },
- $signature: 14
- };
- A.TooltipState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1._framework$_element != null)
- t1._showTooltip$0();
- return null;
- },
- $signature: 33
- };
- A.TooltipState_build_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- return this.$this._handleMouseExit$0();
- },
- $signature: 31
- };
- A._TooltipPositionDelegate.prototype = {
- getConstraintsForChild$1(constraints) {
- return new A.BoxConstraints(0, constraints.maxWidth, 0, constraints.maxHeight);
- },
- getPositionForChild$2(size, childSize) {
- return A.positionDependentBox(childSize, true, size, this.target, this.verticalOffset);
- },
- shouldRelayout$1(oldDelegate) {
- return !this.target.$eq(0, oldDelegate.target) || this.verticalOffset !== oldDelegate.verticalOffset || false;
- }
- };
- A._TooltipOverlay.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var result, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = A.Theme_of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium;
- t1.toString;
- result = new A.IgnorePointer(true, _null, new A.FadeTransition(_this.animation, false, new A.ConstrainedBox(new A.BoxConstraints(0, 1 / 0, _this.height, 1 / 0), A.DefaultTextStyle$(A.Container$(_null, A.Center$(new A.Text(_null, _this.richMessage, _this.textStyle, _this.textAlign, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), 1, 1), B.Clip_0, _null, _null, _this.decoration, _null, _null, _null, _this.margin, _this.padding, _null, _null, _null), _null, _null, B.TextOverflow_0, true, t1, _null, _null, B.TextWidthBasis_0), _null), _null), _null);
- t1 = _this.onEnter;
- if (t1 != null || _this.onExit != null)
- result = A.MouseRegion$(result, B.C__DeferringMouseCursor, _null, t1, _this.onExit, _null);
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(context, B._MediaQueryAspect_6);
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.viewInsets;
- t1 = t1 == null ? _null : t1.bottom;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = 0;
- return A.Positioned$fill(t1, new A.CustomSingleChildLayout(new A._TooltipPositionDelegate(_this.target, _this.verticalOffset, true), result, _null), 0);
- }
- };
- A._TooltipState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTicker());
- _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTicker$0();
- }
- };
- A.TooltipThemeData.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this, _null = null;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.height, _this.padding, _this.margin, _this.verticalOffset, _this.preferBelow, _this.excludeFromSemantics, _this.decoration, _this.textStyle, _this.textAlign, _null, _null, _null, _null, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.TooltipThemeData)
- if (other.height == _this.height)
- if (J.$eq$(other.padding, _this.padding))
- if (J.$eq$(other.margin, _this.margin))
- if (other.verticalOffset == _this.verticalOffset)
- if (J.$eq$(other.decoration, _this.decoration))
- if (J.$eq$(other.textStyle, _this.textStyle))
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.TooltipTriggerMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TooltipTriggerMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._TooltipThemeData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.ScriptCategory.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "ScriptCategory." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.Typography.prototype = {
- geometryThemeFor$1(category) {
- switch (category.index) {
- case 0:
- return this.englishLike;
- case 1:
- return this.dense;
- case 2:
- return this.tall;
- }
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.Typography && other.black.$eq(0, _this.black) && other.white.$eq(0, _this.white) && other.englishLike.$eq(0, _this.englishLike) && other.dense.$eq(0, _this.dense) && other.tall.$eq(0, _this.tall);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.black, _this.white, _this.englishLike, _this.dense, _this.tall, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A._Typography_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.AlignmentGeometry.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.get$_alignment$_start(_this) === 0)
- return A.Alignment__stringify(_this.get$_x(), _this.get$_y());
- if (_this.get$_x() === 0)
- return A.AlignmentDirectional__stringify(_this.get$_alignment$_start(_this), _this.get$_y());
- return A.Alignment__stringify(_this.get$_x(), _this.get$_y()) + " + " + A.AlignmentDirectional__stringify(_this.get$_alignment$_start(_this), 0);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.AlignmentGeometry && other.get$_x() === _this.get$_x() && other.get$_alignment$_start(other) === _this.get$_alignment$_start(_this) && other.get$_y() === _this.get$_y();
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.get$_x(), _this.get$_alignment$_start(_this), _this.get$_y(), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.Alignment.prototype = {
- get$_x() {
- return this.x;
- },
- get$_alignment$_start(_) {
- return 0;
- },
- get$_y() {
- return this.y;
- },
- $sub(_, other) {
- return new A.Alignment(this.x - other.x, this.y - other.y);
- },
- $add(_, other) {
- return new A.Alignment(this.x + other.x, this.y + other.y);
- },
- $mul(_, other) {
- return new A.Alignment(this.x * other, this.y * other);
- },
- $div(_, other) {
- return new A.Alignment(this.x / other, this.y / other);
- },
- alongOffset$1(other) {
- var centerX = other._dx / 2,
- centerY = other._dy / 2;
- return new A.Offset(centerX + this.x * centerX, centerY + this.y * centerY);
- },
- alongSize$1(other) {
- var centerX = other._dx / 2,
- centerY = other._dy / 2;
- return new A.Offset(centerX + this.x * centerX, centerY + this.y * centerY);
- },
- withinRect$1(rect) {
- var t1 = rect.left,
- halfWidth = (rect.right - t1) / 2,
- t2 = rect.top,
- halfHeight = (rect.bottom - t2) / 2;
- return new A.Offset(t1 + halfWidth + this.x * halfWidth, t2 + halfHeight + this.y * halfHeight);
- },
- inscribe$2(size, rect) {
- var t1 = rect.left,
- t2 = size._dx,
- halfWidthDelta = (rect.right - t1 - t2) / 2,
- t3 = rect.top,
- t4 = size._dy,
- halfHeightDelta = (rect.bottom - t3 - t4) / 2;
- t1 = t1 + halfWidthDelta + this.x * halfWidthDelta;
- t3 = t3 + halfHeightDelta + this.y * halfHeightDelta;
- return new A.Rect(t1, t3, t1 + t2, t3 + t4);
- },
- resolve$1(direction) {
- return this;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.Alignment__stringify(this.x, this.y);
- },
- get$x(receiver) {
- return this.x;
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return this.y;
- }
- };
- A.AlignmentDirectional.prototype = {
- get$_x() {
- return 0;
- },
- get$_alignment$_start(_) {
- return this.start;
- },
- get$_y() {
- return this.y;
- },
- $sub(_, other) {
- return new A.AlignmentDirectional(this.start - other.start, this.y - other.y);
- },
- $add(_, other) {
- return new A.AlignmentDirectional(this.start + other.start, this.y + other.y);
- },
- $mul(_, other) {
- return new A.AlignmentDirectional(this.start * other, this.y * other);
- },
- $div(_, other) {
- return new A.AlignmentDirectional(this.start / other, this.y / other);
- },
- resolve$1(direction) {
- var _this = this;
- switch (direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return new A.Alignment(-_this.start, _this.y);
- case 1:
- return new A.Alignment(_this.start, _this.y);
- }
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.AlignmentDirectional__stringify(this.start, this.y);
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return this.y;
- }
- };
- A._MixedAlignment.prototype = {
- $mul(_, other) {
- return new A._MixedAlignment(this._x * other, this._alignment$_start * other, this._y * other);
- },
- $div(_, other) {
- return new A._MixedAlignment(this._x / other, this._alignment$_start / other, this._y / other);
- },
- resolve$1(direction) {
- var _this = this;
- switch (direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return new A.Alignment(_this._x - _this._alignment$_start, _this._y);
- case 1:
- return new A.Alignment(_this._x + _this._alignment$_start, _this._y);
- }
- },
- get$_x() {
- return this._x;
- },
- get$_alignment$_start(receiver) {
- return this._alignment$_start;
- },
- get$_y() {
- return this._y;
- }
- };
- A.TextAlignVertical.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "TextAlignVertical(y: " + this.y + ")";
- },
- get$y(receiver) {
- return this.y;
- }
- };
- A.RenderComparison.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "RenderComparison." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.Axis.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "Axis." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.VerticalDirection.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "VerticalDirection." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.AxisDirection.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "AxisDirection." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.PaintingBinding.prototype = {
- instantiateImageCodecWithSize$2$getTargetSize(buffer, getTargetSize) {
- return A.instantiateImageCodecWithSize(buffer, getTargetSize);
- },
- instantiateImageCodecWithSize$1(buffer) {
- return this.instantiateImageCodecWithSize$2$getTargetSize(buffer, null);
- },
- $isSchedulerBinding: 1
- };
- A._SystemFontsNotifier.prototype = {
- notifyListeners$0() {
- var t1, t2, callback;
- for (t1 = this._systemFontsCallbacks, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- callback = t1._collection$_current;
- (callback == null ? t2._as(callback) : callback).call$0();
- }
- },
- addListener$1(_, listener) {
- this._systemFontsCallbacks.add$1(0, listener);
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- this._systemFontsCallbacks.remove$1(0, listener);
- }
- };
- A.BorderRadiusGeometry.prototype = {
- subtract$1(other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A._MixedBorderRadius(_this.get$_topLeft().$sub(0, other.get$_topLeft()), _this.get$_topRight().$sub(0, other.get$_topRight()), _this.get$_bottomLeft().$sub(0, other.get$_bottomLeft()), _this.get$_bottomRight().$sub(0, other.get$_bottomRight()), _this.get$_topStart().$sub(0, other.get$_topStart()), _this.get$_topEnd().$sub(0, other.get$_topEnd()), _this.get$_bottomStart().$sub(0, other.get$_bottomStart()), _this.get$_bottomEnd().$sub(0, other.get$_bottomEnd()));
- },
- add$1(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A._MixedBorderRadius(_this.get$_topLeft().$add(0, other.get$_topLeft()), _this.get$_topRight().$add(0, other.get$_topRight()), _this.get$_bottomLeft().$add(0, other.get$_bottomLeft()), _this.get$_bottomRight().$add(0, other.get$_bottomRight()), _this.get$_topStart().$add(0, other.get$_topStart()), _this.get$_topEnd().$add(0, other.get$_topEnd()), _this.get$_bottomStart().$add(0, other.get$_bottomStart()), _this.get$_bottomEnd().$add(0, other.get$_bottomEnd()));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var visual, t1, comma, logical, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$_topLeft().$eq(0, _this.get$_topRight()) && _this.get$_topRight().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomLeft()) && _this.get$_bottomLeft().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomRight()))
- if (!_this.get$_topLeft().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0))
- visual = _this.get$_topLeft().x === _this.get$_topLeft().y ? "BorderRadius.circular(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_topLeft().x, 1) + ")" : "BorderRadius.all(" + _this.get$_topLeft().toString$0(0) + ")";
- else
- visual = null;
- else {
- t1 = "" + "BorderRadius.only(";
- if (!_this.get$_topLeft().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) {
- t1 += "topLeft: " + _this.get$_topLeft().toString$0(0);
- comma = true;
- } else
- comma = false;
- if (!_this.get$_topRight().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) {
- if (comma)
- t1 += ", ";
- t1 += "topRight: " + _this.get$_topRight().toString$0(0);
- comma = true;
- }
- if (!_this.get$_bottomLeft().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) {
- if (comma)
- t1 += ", ";
- t1 += "bottomLeft: " + _this.get$_bottomLeft().toString$0(0);
- comma = true;
- }
- if (!_this.get$_bottomRight().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) {
- if (comma)
- t1 += ", ";
- t1 += "bottomRight: " + _this.get$_bottomRight().toString$0(0);
- }
- t1 += ")";
- visual = t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- if (_this.get$_topStart().$eq(0, _this.get$_topEnd()) && _this.get$_topEnd().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomEnd()) && _this.get$_bottomEnd().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomStart()))
- if (!_this.get$_topStart().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0))
- logical = _this.get$_topStart().x === _this.get$_topStart().y ? "BorderRadiusDirectional.circular(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_topStart().x, 1) + ")" : "BorderRadiusDirectional.all(" + _this.get$_topStart().toString$0(0) + ")";
- else
- logical = null;
- else {
- t1 = "" + "BorderRadiusDirectional.only(";
- if (!_this.get$_topStart().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) {
- t1 += "topStart: " + _this.get$_topStart().toString$0(0);
- comma = true;
- } else
- comma = false;
- if (!_this.get$_topEnd().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) {
- if (comma)
- t1 += ", ";
- t1 += "topEnd: " + _this.get$_topEnd().toString$0(0);
- comma = true;
- }
- if (!_this.get$_bottomStart().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) {
- if (comma)
- t1 += ", ";
- t1 += "bottomStart: " + _this.get$_bottomStart().toString$0(0);
- comma = true;
- }
- if (!_this.get$_bottomEnd().$eq(0, B.Radius_0_0)) {
- if (comma)
- t1 += ", ";
- t1 += "bottomEnd: " + _this.get$_bottomEnd().toString$0(0);
- }
- t1 += ")";
- logical = t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- t1 = visual != null;
- if (t1 && logical != null)
- return A.S(visual) + " + " + logical;
- if (t1)
- return visual;
- if (logical != null)
- return logical;
- return "BorderRadius.zero";
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.BorderRadiusGeometry && other.get$_topLeft().$eq(0, _this.get$_topLeft()) && other.get$_topRight().$eq(0, _this.get$_topRight()) && other.get$_bottomLeft().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomLeft()) && other.get$_bottomRight().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomRight()) && other.get$_topStart().$eq(0, _this.get$_topStart()) && other.get$_topEnd().$eq(0, _this.get$_topEnd()) && other.get$_bottomStart().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomStart()) && other.get$_bottomEnd().$eq(0, _this.get$_bottomEnd());
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.get$_topLeft(), _this.get$_topRight(), _this.get$_bottomLeft(), _this.get$_bottomRight(), _this.get$_topStart(), _this.get$_topEnd(), _this.get$_bottomStart(), _this.get$_bottomEnd(), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.BorderRadius.prototype = {
- get$_topLeft() {
- return this.topLeft;
- },
- get$_topRight() {
- return this.topRight;
- },
- get$_bottomLeft() {
- return this.bottomLeft;
- },
- get$_bottomRight() {
- return this.bottomRight;
- },
- get$_topStart() {
- return B.Radius_0_0;
- },
- get$_topEnd() {
- return B.Radius_0_0;
- },
- get$_bottomStart() {
- return B.Radius_0_0;
- },
- get$_bottomEnd() {
- return B.Radius_0_0;
- },
- toRRect$1(rect) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.topLeft.clamp$1$minimum(0, B.Radius_0_0),
- t2 = _this.topRight.clamp$1$minimum(0, B.Radius_0_0);
- return A.RRect$fromRectAndCorners(rect, _this.bottomLeft.clamp$1$minimum(0, B.Radius_0_0), _this.bottomRight.clamp$1$minimum(0, B.Radius_0_0), t1, t2);
- },
- subtract$1(other) {
- if (other instanceof A.BorderRadius)
- return this.$sub(0, other);
- return this.super$BorderRadiusGeometry$subtract(other);
- },
- add$1(_, other) {
- if (other instanceof A.BorderRadius)
- return this.$add(0, other);
- return this.super$BorderRadiusGeometry$add(0, other);
- },
- $sub(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.BorderRadius(_this.topLeft.$sub(0, other.topLeft), _this.topRight.$sub(0, other.topRight), _this.bottomLeft.$sub(0, other.bottomLeft), _this.bottomRight.$sub(0, other.bottomRight));
- },
- $add(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.BorderRadius(_this.topLeft.$add(0, other.topLeft), _this.topRight.$add(0, other.topRight), _this.bottomLeft.$add(0, other.bottomLeft), _this.bottomRight.$add(0, other.bottomRight));
- },
- $mul(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.BorderRadius(_this.topLeft.$mul(0, other), _this.topRight.$mul(0, other), _this.bottomLeft.$mul(0, other), _this.bottomRight.$mul(0, other));
- },
- $div(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.BorderRadius(_this.topLeft.$div(0, other), _this.topRight.$div(0, other), _this.bottomLeft.$div(0, other), _this.bottomRight.$div(0, other));
- },
- resolve$1(direction) {
- return this;
- }
- };
- A.BorderRadiusDirectional.prototype = {
- get$_topStart() {
- return this.topStart;
- },
- get$_topEnd() {
- return this.topEnd;
- },
- get$_bottomStart() {
- return this.bottomStart;
- },
- get$_bottomEnd() {
- return this.bottomEnd;
- },
- get$_topLeft() {
- return B.Radius_0_0;
- },
- get$_topRight() {
- return B.Radius_0_0;
- },
- get$_bottomLeft() {
- return B.Radius_0_0;
- },
- get$_bottomRight() {
- return B.Radius_0_0;
- },
- $sub(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.BorderRadiusDirectional(_this.topStart.$sub(0, other.topStart), _this.topEnd.$sub(0, other.topEnd), _this.bottomStart.$sub(0, other.bottomStart), _this.bottomEnd.$sub(0, other.bottomEnd));
- },
- $add(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.BorderRadiusDirectional(_this.topStart.$add(0, other.topStart), _this.topEnd.$add(0, other.topEnd), _this.bottomStart.$add(0, other.bottomStart), _this.bottomEnd.$add(0, other.bottomEnd));
- },
- $mul(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.BorderRadiusDirectional(_this.topStart.$mul(0, other), _this.topEnd.$mul(0, other), _this.bottomStart.$mul(0, other), _this.bottomEnd.$mul(0, other));
- },
- $div(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.BorderRadiusDirectional(_this.topStart.$div(0, other), _this.topEnd.$div(0, other), _this.bottomStart.$div(0, other), _this.bottomEnd.$div(0, other));
- },
- resolve$1(direction) {
- var _this = this;
- switch (direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return new A.BorderRadius(_this.topEnd, _this.topStart, _this.bottomEnd, _this.bottomStart);
- case 1:
- return new A.BorderRadius(_this.topStart, _this.topEnd, _this.bottomStart, _this.bottomEnd);
- }
- }
- };
- A._MixedBorderRadius.prototype = {
- $mul(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A._MixedBorderRadius(_this._topLeft.$mul(0, other), _this._topRight.$mul(0, other), _this._bottomLeft.$mul(0, other), _this._bottomRight.$mul(0, other), _this._topStart.$mul(0, other), _this._topEnd.$mul(0, other), _this._bottomStart.$mul(0, other), _this._bottomEnd.$mul(0, other));
- },
- $div(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A._MixedBorderRadius(_this._topLeft.$div(0, other), _this._topRight.$div(0, other), _this._bottomLeft.$div(0, other), _this._bottomRight.$div(0, other), _this._topStart.$div(0, other), _this._topEnd.$div(0, other), _this._bottomStart.$div(0, other), _this._bottomEnd.$div(0, other));
- },
- resolve$1(direction) {
- var _this = this;
- switch (direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return new A.BorderRadius(_this._topLeft.$add(0, _this._topEnd), _this._topRight.$add(0, _this._topStart), _this._bottomLeft.$add(0, _this._bottomEnd), _this._bottomRight.$add(0, _this._bottomStart));
- case 1:
- return new A.BorderRadius(_this._topLeft.$add(0, _this._topStart), _this._topRight.$add(0, _this._topEnd), _this._bottomLeft.$add(0, _this._bottomStart), _this._bottomRight.$add(0, _this._bottomEnd));
- }
- },
- get$_topLeft() {
- return this._topLeft;
- },
- get$_topRight() {
- return this._topRight;
- },
- get$_bottomLeft() {
- return this._bottomLeft;
- },
- get$_bottomRight() {
- return this._bottomRight;
- },
- get$_topStart() {
- return this._topStart;
- },
- get$_topEnd() {
- return this._topEnd;
- },
- get$_bottomStart() {
- return this._bottomStart;
- },
- get$_bottomEnd() {
- return this._bottomEnd;
- }
- };
- A.BorderStyle.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "BorderStyle." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.BorderSide.prototype = {
- copyWith$1$color(color) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = color == null ? _this.color : color;
- return new A.BorderSide(t1, _this.width, _this.style, _this.strokeAlign);
- },
- scale$1(_, t) {
- var t1 = Math.max(0, this.width * t),
- t2 = t <= 0 ? B.BorderStyle_0 : this.style;
- return new A.BorderSide(this.color, t1, t2, -1);
- },
- toPaint$0() {
- switch (this.style.index) {
- case 1:
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t1.set$color(0, this.color);
- t1.set$strokeWidth(this.width);
- t1.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- return t1;
- case 0:
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t1.set$color(0, B.Color_0);
- t1.set$strokeWidth(0);
- t1.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_1);
- return t1;
- }
- },
- get$strokeInset() {
- return this.width * (1 - (1 + this.strokeAlign) / 2);
- },
- get$strokeOutset() {
- return this.width * (1 + this.strokeAlign) / 2;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.BorderSide && other.color.$eq(0, _this.color) && other.width === _this.width && other.style === _this.style && other.strokeAlign === _this.strokeAlign;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.color, _this.width, _this.style, _this.strokeAlign, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toStringShort$0() {
- return "BorderSide";
- }
- };
- A.ShapeBorder.prototype = {
- add$2$reversed(_, other, reversed) {
- return null;
- },
- add$1($receiver, other) {
- return this.add$2$reversed($receiver, other, false);
- },
- $add(_, other) {
- var t1 = this.add$1(0, other);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = other.add$2$reversed(0, this, true);
- return t1 == null ? new A._CompoundBorder(A._setArrayType([other, this], type$.JSArray_ShapeBorder)) : t1;
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- if (a == null)
- return this.scale$1(0, t);
- return null;
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- if (b == null)
- return this.scale$1(0, 1 - t);
- return null;
- },
- paintInterior$4$textDirection(canvas, rect, paint, textDirection) {
- },
- get$preferPaintInterior() {
- return false;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "ShapeBorder()";
- }
- };
- A.OutlinedBorder.prototype = {
- get$dimensions() {
- var t1 = Math.max(this.side.get$strokeInset(), 0);
- return new A.EdgeInsets(t1, t1, t1, t1);
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- if (a == null)
- return this.scale$1(0, t);
- return null;
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- if (b == null)
- return this.scale$1(0, 1 - t);
- return null;
- }
- };
- A._CompoundBorder.prototype = {
- get$dimensions() {
- return B.JSArray_methods.fold$2(this.borders, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, new A._CompoundBorder_dimensions_closure());
- },
- add$2$reversed(_, other, reversed) {
- var t2, ours, merged,
- t1 = other instanceof A._CompoundBorder;
- if (!t1) {
- t2 = this.borders;
- ours = reversed ? B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t2) : B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t2);
- merged = ours.add$2$reversed(0, other, reversed);
- if (merged == null)
- merged = other.add$2$reversed(0, ours, !reversed);
- if (merged != null) {
- t1 = A.List_List$of(t2, true, type$.ShapeBorder);
- t1[reversed ? t1.length - 1 : 0] = merged;
- return new A._CompoundBorder(t1);
- }
- }
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ShapeBorder);
- if (reversed)
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, this.borders);
- if (t1)
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, other.borders);
- else
- t2.push(other);
- if (!reversed)
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t2, this.borders);
- return new A._CompoundBorder(t2);
- },
- add$1($receiver, other) {
- return this.add$2$reversed($receiver, other, false);
- },
- scale$1(_, t) {
- var t1 = this.borders,
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,ShapeBorder>");
- return new A._CompoundBorder(A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A._CompoundBorder_scale_closure(t), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E")));
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- return A._CompoundBorder_lerp(a, this, t);
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- return A._CompoundBorder_lerp(this, b, t);
- },
- getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1, index;
- for (t1 = this.borders, index = 0; index < t1.length - 1; ++index)
- rect = t1[index].get$dimensions().resolve$1(textDirection).deflateRect$1(rect);
- return B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1).getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection);
- },
- getInnerPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- return B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this.borders).getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection);
- },
- getOuterPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- paintInterior$4$textDirection(canvas, rect, paint, textDirection) {
- B.JSArray_methods.get$first(this.borders).paintInterior$4$textDirection(canvas, rect, paint, textDirection);
- },
- get$preferPaintInterior() {
- return true;
- },
- paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) {
- var t1, t2, _i, border;
- for (t1 = this.borders, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- border = t1[_i];
- border.paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection);
- rect = border.get$dimensions().resolve$1(textDirection).deflateRect$1(rect);
- }
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A._CompoundBorder && A.listEquals0(other.borders, this.borders);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hashAll(this.borders);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.borders,
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>");
- return new A.MappedListIterable(new A.ReversedListIterable(t1, t2), new A._CompoundBorder_toString_closure(), t2._eval$1("MappedListIterable")).join$1(0, " + ");
- }
- };
- A._CompoundBorder_dimensions_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(previousValue, border) {
- return previousValue.add$1(0, border.get$dimensions());
- },
- $signature: 309
- };
- A._CompoundBorder_scale_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(border) {
- return border.scale$1(0, this.t);
- },
- $signature: 310
- };
- A._CompoundBorder_toString_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(border) {
- return border.toString$0(0);
- },
- $signature: 311
- };
- A._BorderSide_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.BoxShape.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "BoxShape." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.BoxBorder.prototype = {
- add$2$reversed(_, other, reversed) {
- return null;
- },
- add$1($receiver, other) {
- return this.add$2$reversed($receiver, other, false);
- },
- getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRect$1(this.get$dimensions().resolve$1(textDirection).deflateRect$1(rect));
- return t1;
- },
- getInnerPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRect$1(rect);
- return t1;
- },
- getOuterPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- paintInterior$4$textDirection(canvas, rect, paint, textDirection) {
- canvas.drawRect$2(rect, paint);
- },
- get$preferPaintInterior() {
- return true;
- }
- };
- A.Border.prototype = {
- get$dimensions() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$_widthIsUniform()) {
- t1 = _this.top.get$strokeInset();
- return new A.EdgeInsets(t1, t1, t1, t1);
- }
- return new A.EdgeInsets(_this.left.get$strokeInset(), _this.top.get$strokeInset(), _this.right.get$strokeInset(), _this.bottom.get$strokeInset());
- },
- get$isUniform() {
- var topStrokeAlign, t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$_colorIsUniform())
- if (_this.get$_widthIsUniform())
- if (_this.get$_styleIsUniform()) {
- topStrokeAlign = _this.top.strokeAlign;
- t1 = _this.left.strokeAlign === topStrokeAlign && _this.bottom.strokeAlign === topStrokeAlign && _this.right.strokeAlign === topStrokeAlign;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$_colorIsUniform() {
- var _this = this,
- topColor = _this.top.color;
- return _this.left.color.$eq(0, topColor) && _this.bottom.color.$eq(0, topColor) && _this.right.color.$eq(0, topColor);
- },
- get$_widthIsUniform() {
- var _this = this,
- topWidth = _this.top.width;
- return _this.left.width === topWidth && _this.bottom.width === topWidth && _this.right.width === topWidth;
- },
- get$_styleIsUniform() {
- var _this = this,
- topStyle = _this.top.style;
- return _this.left.style === topStyle && _this.bottom.style === topStyle && _this.right.style === topStyle;
- },
- add$2$reversed(_, other, reversed) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other instanceof A.Border && A.BorderSide_canMerge(_this.top, other.top) && A.BorderSide_canMerge(_this.right, other.right) && A.BorderSide_canMerge(_this.bottom, other.bottom) && A.BorderSide_canMerge(_this.left, other.left))
- return new A.Border(A.BorderSide_merge(_this.top, other.top), A.BorderSide_merge(_this.right, other.right), A.BorderSide_merge(_this.bottom, other.bottom), A.BorderSide_merge(_this.left, other.left));
- return null;
- },
- add$1($receiver, other) {
- return this.add$2$reversed($receiver, other, false);
- },
- scale$1(_, t) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.Border(_this.top.scale$1(0, t), _this.right.scale$1(0, t), _this.bottom.scale$1(0, t), _this.left.scale$1(0, t));
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- if (a instanceof A.Border)
- return A.Border_lerp(a, this, t);
- return this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpFrom(a, t);
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- if (b instanceof A.Border)
- return A.Border_lerp(this, b, t);
- return this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpTo(b, t);
- },
- paint$5$borderRadius$shape$textDirection(canvas, rect, borderRadius, shape, textDirection) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$isUniform()) {
- t1 = _this.top;
- switch (t1.style.index) {
- case 0:
- return;
- case 1:
- switch (shape.index) {
- case 1:
- A.BoxBorder__paintUniformBorderWithCircle(canvas, rect, t1);
- break;
- case 0:
- if (borderRadius != null && !borderRadius.$eq(0, B.BorderRadius_tLn)) {
- A.BoxBorder__paintUniformBorderWithRadius(canvas, rect, t1, borderRadius);
- return;
- }
- A.BoxBorder__paintUniformBorderWithRectangle(canvas, rect, t1);
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- if (_this.get$_colorIsUniform() && _this.get$_styleIsUniform()) {
- t1 = _this.top;
- switch (t1.style.index) {
- case 0:
- return;
- case 1:
- A.BoxBorder__paintNonUniformBorder(canvas, rect, borderRadius, _this.bottom, _this.left, _this.right, shape, textDirection, t1);
- return;
- }
- }
- A.paintBorder(canvas, rect, _this.bottom, _this.left, _this.right, _this.top);
- },
- paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) {
- return this.paint$5$borderRadius$shape$textDirection(canvas, rect, null, B.BoxShape_0, textDirection);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.Border && other.top.$eq(0, _this.top) && other.right.$eq(0, _this.right) && other.bottom.$eq(0, _this.bottom) && other.left.$eq(0, _this.left);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.top, _this.right, _this.bottom, _this.left, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$isUniform())
- return "Border.all(" + _this.top.toString$0(0) + ")";
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- t2 = _this.top;
- if (!t2.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm))
- t1.push("top: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t2 = _this.right;
- if (!t2.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm))
- t1.push("right: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t2 = _this.bottom;
- if (!t2.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm))
- t1.push("bottom: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t2 = _this.left;
- if (!t2.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm))
- t1.push("left: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- return "Border(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ") + ")";
- },
- get$top(receiver) {
- return this.top;
- }
- };
- A.BorderDirectional.prototype = {
- get$dimensions() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$isUniform()) {
- t1 = _this.top.get$strokeInset();
- return new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(t1, t1, t1, t1);
- }
- return new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(_this.start.get$strokeInset(), _this.top.get$strokeInset(), _this.end.get$strokeInset(), _this.bottom.get$strokeInset());
- },
- get$isUniform() {
- var t1, topWidth, t2, topStrokeAlign, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$_colorIsUniform()) {
- t1 = _this.top;
- topWidth = t1.width;
- t2 = _this.start;
- if (t2.width === topWidth && _this.bottom.width === topWidth && _this.end.width === topWidth)
- if (_this.get$_styleIsUniform()) {
- topStrokeAlign = t1.strokeAlign;
- t1 = t2.strokeAlign === topStrokeAlign && _this.bottom.strokeAlign === topStrokeAlign && _this.end.strokeAlign === topStrokeAlign;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$_colorIsUniform() {
- var _this = this,
- topColor = _this.top.color;
- return _this.start.color.$eq(0, topColor) && _this.bottom.color.$eq(0, topColor) && _this.end.color.$eq(0, topColor);
- },
- get$_styleIsUniform() {
- var _this = this,
- topStyle = _this.top.style;
- return _this.start.style === topStyle && _this.bottom.style === topStyle && _this.end.style === topStyle;
- },
- add$2$reversed(_, other, reversed) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (other instanceof A.BorderDirectional) {
- t1 = _this.top;
- t2 = other.top;
- if (A.BorderSide_canMerge(t1, t2) && A.BorderSide_canMerge(_this.start, other.start) && A.BorderSide_canMerge(_this.end, other.end) && A.BorderSide_canMerge(_this.bottom, other.bottom))
- return new A.BorderDirectional(A.BorderSide_merge(t1, t2), A.BorderSide_merge(_this.start, other.start), A.BorderSide_merge(_this.end, other.end), A.BorderSide_merge(_this.bottom, other.bottom));
- return _null;
- }
- if (other instanceof A.Border) {
- t1 = other.top;
- t2 = _this.top;
- if (!A.BorderSide_canMerge(t1, t2) || !A.BorderSide_canMerge(other.bottom, _this.bottom))
- return _null;
- t3 = _this.start;
- if (!t3.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm) || !_this.end.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm)) {
- if (!other.left.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm) || !other.right.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm))
- return _null;
- return new A.BorderDirectional(A.BorderSide_merge(t1, t2), t3, _this.end, A.BorderSide_merge(other.bottom, _this.bottom));
- }
- return new A.Border(A.BorderSide_merge(t1, t2), other.right, A.BorderSide_merge(other.bottom, _this.bottom), other.left);
- }
- return _null;
- },
- add$1($receiver, other) {
- return this.add$2$reversed($receiver, other, false);
- },
- scale$1(_, t) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.BorderDirectional(_this.top.scale$1(0, t), _this.start.scale$1(0, t), _this.end.scale$1(0, t), _this.bottom.scale$1(0, t));
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- if (a instanceof A.BorderDirectional)
- return A.BorderDirectional_lerp(a, this, t);
- return this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpFrom(a, t);
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- if (b instanceof A.BorderDirectional)
- return A.BorderDirectional_lerp(this, b, t);
- return this.super$ShapeBorder$lerpTo(b, t);
- },
- paint$5$borderRadius$shape$textDirection(canvas, rect, borderRadius, shape, textDirection) {
- var t1, left, right, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$isUniform()) {
- t1 = _this.top;
- switch (t1.style.index) {
- case 0:
- return;
- case 1:
- switch (shape.index) {
- case 1:
- A.BoxBorder__paintUniformBorderWithCircle(canvas, rect, t1);
- break;
- case 0:
- if (borderRadius != null && !borderRadius.$eq(0, B.BorderRadius_tLn)) {
- A.BoxBorder__paintUniformBorderWithRadius(canvas, rect, t1, borderRadius);
- return;
- }
- A.BoxBorder__paintUniformBorderWithRectangle(canvas, rect, t1);
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- switch (textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- left = _this.end;
- right = _this.start;
- break;
- case 1:
- left = _this.start;
- right = _this.end;
- break;
- default:
- left = null;
- right = null;
- }
- if (_this.get$_colorIsUniform() && _this.get$_styleIsUniform()) {
- t1 = _this.top;
- switch (t1.style.index) {
- case 0:
- return;
- case 1:
- A.BoxBorder__paintNonUniformBorder(canvas, rect, borderRadius, _this.bottom, left, right, shape, textDirection, t1);
- return;
- }
- }
- A.paintBorder(canvas, rect, _this.bottom, left, right, _this.top);
- },
- paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) {
- return this.paint$5$borderRadius$shape$textDirection(canvas, rect, null, B.BoxShape_0, textDirection);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.BorderDirectional && other.top.$eq(0, _this.top) && other.start.$eq(0, _this.start) && other.end.$eq(0, _this.end) && other.bottom.$eq(0, _this.bottom);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.top, _this.start, _this.end, _this.bottom, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String),
- t2 = _this.top;
- if (!t2.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm))
- t1.push("top: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t2 = _this.start;
- if (!t2.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm))
- t1.push("start: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t2 = _this.end;
- if (!t2.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm))
- t1.push("end: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t2 = _this.bottom;
- if (!t2.$eq(0, B.BorderSide_8xm))
- t1.push("bottom: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- return "BorderDirectional(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ") + ")";
- },
- get$top(receiver) {
- return this.top;
- }
- };
- A.BoxDecoration.prototype = {
- get$padding(_) {
- var t1 = this.border;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$dimensions();
- return t1 == null ? B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0 : t1;
- },
- getClipPath$2(rect, textDirection) {
- var square, t1, t2;
- switch (this.shape.index) {
- case 1:
- square = A.Rect$fromCircle(rect.get$center(), rect.get$shortestSide() / 2);
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addOval$1(square);
- return t1;
- case 0:
- t1 = this.borderRadius;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t2.addRRect$1(t1.resolve$1(textDirection).toRRect$1(rect));
- return t2;
- }
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRect$1(rect);
- return t1;
- }
- },
- scale$1(_, factor) {
- var _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(_null, _this.color, factor),
- t2 = A.BoxBorder_lerp(_null, _this.border, factor),
- t3 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(_null, _this.borderRadius, factor),
- t4 = A.BoxShadow_lerpList(_null, _this.boxShadow, factor),
- t5 = _this.gradient;
- t5 = t5 == null ? _null : t5.scale$1(0, factor);
- return new A.BoxDecoration(t1, _this.image, t2, t3, t4, t5, _null, _this.shape);
- },
- get$isComplex() {
- return this.boxShadow != null;
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- if (a == null)
- return this.scale$1(0, t);
- if (a instanceof A.BoxDecoration)
- return A.BoxDecoration_lerp(a, this, t);
- return this.super$Decoration$lerpFrom(a, t);
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- if (b == null)
- return this.scale$1(0, 1 - t);
- if (b instanceof A.BoxDecoration)
- return A.BoxDecoration_lerp(this, b, t);
- return this.super$Decoration$lerpTo(b, t);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.BoxDecoration)
- if (J.$eq$(other.color, _this.color))
- if (J.$eq$(other.image, _this.image))
- if (J.$eq$(other.border, _this.border))
- if (J.$eq$(other.borderRadius, _this.borderRadius))
- if (A.listEquals0(other.boxShadow, _this.boxShadow))
- if (J.$eq$(other.gradient, _this.gradient))
- t1 = other.shape === _this.shape;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.boxShadow;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : A.Object_hashAll(t1);
- return A.Object_hash(_this.color, _this.image, _this.border, _this.borderRadius, t1, _this.gradient, _this.backgroundBlendMode, _this.shape, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- hitTest$3$textDirection(size, position, textDirection) {
- var t1;
- switch (this.shape.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = this.borderRadius;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1.resolve$1(textDirection).toRRect$1(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + size._dx, 0 + size._dy)).contains$1(0, position);
- return true;
- case 1:
- return position.$sub(0, size.center$1(B.Offset_0_0)).get$distance() <= Math.min(size._dx, size._dy) / 2;
- }
- },
- createBoxPainter$1(onChanged) {
- return new A._BoxDecorationPainter(this, onChanged);
- },
- get$gradient() {
- return this.gradient;
- }
- };
- A._BoxDecorationPainter.prototype = {
- _paintBox$4(canvas, rect, paint, textDirection) {
- var t1 = this._box_decoration$_decoration;
- switch (t1.shape.index) {
- case 1:
- canvas.drawCircle$3(rect.get$center(), rect.get$shortestSide() / 2, paint);
- break;
- case 0:
- t1 = t1.borderRadius;
- if (t1 == null || t1.$eq(0, B.BorderRadius_tLn))
- canvas.drawRect$2(rect, paint);
- else
- canvas.drawRRect$2(t1.resolve$1(textDirection).toRRect$1(rect), paint);
- break;
- }
- },
- _paintShadows$3(canvas, rect, textDirection) {
- var t2, _i, boxShadow, result, t3, t4,
- t1 = this._box_decoration$_decoration.boxShadow;
- if (t1 == null)
- return;
- for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- boxShadow = t1[_i];
- result = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- result.set$color(0, boxShadow.color);
- t3 = boxShadow.blurStyle;
- t4 = boxShadow.blurRadius;
- result.set$maskFilter(new A.MaskFilter(t3, t4 > 0 ? t4 * 0.57735 + 0.5 : 0));
- t3 = rect.shift$1(boxShadow.offset);
- t4 = boxShadow.spreadRadius;
- this._paintBox$4(canvas, new A.Rect(t3.left - t4, t3.top - t4, t3.right + t4, t3.bottom + t4), result, textDirection);
- }
- },
- _paintBackgroundImage$3(canvas, rect, configuration) {
- var t3, square, clipPath, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._box_decoration$_decoration,
- t2 = t1.image;
- if (t2 == null)
- return;
- if (_this._box_decoration$_imagePainter == null) {
- t3 = _this.onChanged;
- t3.toString;
- _this._box_decoration$_imagePainter = new A.DecorationImagePainter(t2, t3);
- }
- switch (t1.shape.index) {
- case 1:
- square = A.Rect$fromCircle(rect.get$center(), rect.get$shortestSide() / 2);
- clipPath = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- clipPath.addOval$1(square);
- break;
- case 0:
- t1 = t1.borderRadius;
- if (t1 != null) {
- clipPath = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- clipPath.addRRect$1(t1.resolve$1(configuration.textDirection).toRRect$1(rect));
- } else
- clipPath = null;
- break;
- default:
- clipPath = null;
- }
- _this._box_decoration$_imagePainter.paint$4(canvas, rect, clipPath, configuration);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this._box_decoration$_imagePainter;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$BoxPainter$dispose();
- },
- paint$3(canvas, offset, configuration) {
- var t4, paint, _this = this,
- t1 = configuration.size,
- t2 = offset._dx,
- t3 = offset._dy,
- rect = new A.Rect(t2, t3, t2 + t1._dx, t3 + t1._dy),
- textDirection = configuration.textDirection;
- _this._paintShadows$3(canvas, rect, textDirection);
- t1 = _this._box_decoration$_decoration;
- t2 = t1.color;
- t3 = t2 == null;
- if (!t3 || t1.gradient != null) {
- if (_this._cachedBackgroundPaint != null)
- t4 = t1.gradient != null && !J.$eq$(_this._rectForCachedBackgroundPaint, rect);
- else
- t4 = true;
- if (t4) {
- paint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- if (!t3)
- paint.set$color(0, t2);
- t2 = t1.gradient;
- if (t2 != null) {
- paint.set$shader(t2.createShader$2$textDirection(0, rect, textDirection));
- _this._rectForCachedBackgroundPaint = rect;
- }
- _this._cachedBackgroundPaint = paint;
- }
- t2 = _this._cachedBackgroundPaint;
- t2.toString;
- _this._paintBox$4(canvas, rect, t2, textDirection);
- }
- _this._paintBackgroundImage$3(canvas, rect, configuration);
- t2 = t1.border;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t3 = t1.borderRadius;
- t3 = t3 == null ? null : t3.resolve$1(textDirection);
- t2.paint$5$borderRadius$shape$textDirection(canvas, rect, t3, t1.shape, textDirection);
- }
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "BoxPainter for " + this._box_decoration$_decoration.toString$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.BoxFit.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "BoxFit." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.FittedSizes.prototype = {};
- A.BoxShadow.prototype = {
- toPaint$0() {
- var result = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- result.set$color(0, this.color);
- result.set$maskFilter(new A.MaskFilter(this.blurStyle, A.Shadow_convertRadiusToSigma(this.blurRadius)));
- return result;
- },
- scale$1(_, factor) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.BoxShadow(_this.spreadRadius * factor, _this.blurStyle, _this.color, _this.offset.$mul(0, factor), _this.blurRadius * factor);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.BoxShadow && other.color.$eq(0, _this.color) && other.offset.$eq(0, _this.offset) && other.blurRadius === _this.blurRadius && other.spreadRadius === _this.spreadRadius && other.blurStyle === _this.blurStyle;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.color, _this.offset, _this.blurRadius, _this.spreadRadius, _this.blurStyle, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return "BoxShadow(" + _this.color.toString$0(0) + ", " + _this.offset.toString$0(0) + ", " + A.debugFormatDouble(_this.blurRadius) + ", " + A.debugFormatDouble(_this.spreadRadius) + ", " + _this.blurStyle.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.CircleBorder.prototype = {
- scale$1(_, t) {
- return new A.CircleBorder(this.eccentricity, this.side.scale$1(0, t));
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (a instanceof A.CircleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, this.side, t);
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.eccentricity, this.eccentricity, t);
- t2.toString;
- return new A.CircleBorder(A.clampDouble(t2, 0, 1), t1);
- }
- return this.super$OutlinedBorder$lerpFrom(a, t);
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (b instanceof A.CircleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(this.side, b.side, t);
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(this.eccentricity, b.eccentricity, t);
- t2.toString;
- return new A.CircleBorder(A.clampDouble(t2, 0, 1), t1);
- }
- return this.super$OutlinedBorder$lerpTo(b, t);
- },
- getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addOval$1(this._adjustRect$1(rect).inflate$1(-this.side.get$strokeInset()));
- return t1;
- },
- getInnerPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addOval$1(this._adjustRect$1(rect));
- return t1;
- },
- getOuterPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- paintInterior$4$textDirection(canvas, rect, paint, textDirection) {
- if (this.eccentricity === 0)
- canvas.drawCircle$3(rect.get$center(), rect.get$shortestSide() / 2, paint);
- else
- canvas.drawOval$2(this._adjustRect$1(rect), paint);
- },
- get$preferPaintInterior() {
- return true;
- },
- copyWith$1$side(side) {
- var t1 = side == null ? this.side : side;
- return new A.CircleBorder(this.eccentricity, t1);
- },
- paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.side;
- switch (t1.style.index) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- t2 = t1.width * t1.strokeAlign;
- if (this.eccentricity === 0)
- canvas.drawCircle$3(rect.get$center(), (rect.get$shortestSide() + t2) / 2, t1.toPaint$0());
- else
- canvas.drawOval$2(this._adjustRect$1(rect).inflate$1(t2 / 2), t1.toPaint$0());
- break;
- }
- },
- paint$2(canvas, rect) {
- return this.paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, null);
- },
- _adjustRect$1(rect) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, delta,
- t1 = this.eccentricity;
- if (t1 === 0 || rect.right - rect.left === rect.bottom - rect.top)
- return A.Rect$fromCircle(rect.get$center(), rect.get$shortestSide() / 2);
- t2 = rect.right;
- t3 = rect.left;
- t4 = t2 - t3;
- t5 = rect.bottom;
- t6 = rect.top;
- t7 = t5 - t6;
- t1 = 1 - t1;
- if (t4 < t7) {
- delta = t1 * (t7 - t4) / 2;
- return new A.Rect(t3, t6 + delta, t2, t5 - delta);
- } else {
- delta = t1 * (t4 - t7) / 2;
- return new A.Rect(t3 + delta, t6, t2 - delta, t5);
- }
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.CircleBorder && other.side.$eq(0, this.side) && other.eccentricity === this.eccentricity;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.side, this.eccentricity, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.eccentricity;
- if (t1 !== 0)
- return "CircleBorder(" + this.side.toString$0(0) + ", eccentricity: " + A.S(t1) + ")";
- return "CircleBorder(" + this.side.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.ClipContext.prototype = {
- _clipAndPaint$4(canvasClipCall, clipBehavior, bounds, painter) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.get$canvas(_this).save$0(0);
- switch (clipBehavior.index) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- canvasClipCall.call$1(false);
- break;
- case 2:
- canvasClipCall.call$1(true);
- break;
- case 3:
- canvasClipCall.call$1(true);
- _this.get$canvas(_this).saveLayer$2(bounds, $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0());
- break;
- }
- painter.call$0();
- if (clipBehavior === B.Clip_3)
- _this.get$canvas(_this).restore$0(0);
- _this.get$canvas(_this).restore$0(0);
- },
- clipPathAndPaint$4(path, clipBehavior, bounds, painter) {
- this._clipAndPaint$4(new A.ClipContext_clipPathAndPaint_closure(this, path), clipBehavior, bounds, painter);
- },
- clipRRectAndPaint$4(rrect, clipBehavior, bounds, painter) {
- this._clipAndPaint$4(new A.ClipContext_clipRRectAndPaint_closure(this, rrect), clipBehavior, bounds, painter);
- },
- clipRectAndPaint$4(rect, clipBehavior, bounds, painter) {
- this._clipAndPaint$4(new A.ClipContext_clipRectAndPaint_closure(this, rect), clipBehavior, bounds, painter);
- }
- };
- A.ClipContext_clipPathAndPaint_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(doAntiAlias) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- return t1.get$canvas(t1).clipPath$2$doAntiAlias(0, this.path, doAntiAlias);
- },
- $signature: 12
- };
- A.ClipContext_clipRRectAndPaint_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(doAntiAlias) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- return t1.get$canvas(t1).clipRRect$2$doAntiAlias(this.rrect, doAntiAlias);
- },
- $signature: 12
- };
- A.ClipContext_clipRectAndPaint_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(doAntiAlias) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- return t1.get$canvas(t1).clipRect$2$doAntiAlias(this.rect, doAntiAlias);
- },
- $signature: 12
- };
- A.ColorSwatch.prototype = {
- $index(_, index) {
- return this._swatch.$index(0, index);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return _this.super$Color$$eq(0, other) && A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ColorSwatch")._is(other) && A.mapEquals(other._swatch, _this._swatch);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this), this.value, this._swatch, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "ColorSwatch(primary value: " + this.super$Color$toString(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.ImageSizeInfo.prototype = {
- _sizeToBytes$1(size) {
- return B.JSNumber_methods.toInt$0(size._dx * size._dy * 4 * 1.3333333333333333);
- },
- toJson$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.displaySize,
- t2 = type$.String,
- t3 = type$.nullable_Object,
- t4 = _this.imageSize;
- return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["source", _this.source, "displaySize", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["width", t1._dx, "height", t1._dy], t2, t3), "imageSize", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["width", t4._dx, "height", t4._dy], t2, t3), "displaySizeInBytes", _this._sizeToBytes$1(t1), "decodedSizeInBytes", _this._sizeToBytes$1(t4)], t2, t3);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ImageSizeInfo && other.source === _this.source && other.imageSize.$eq(0, _this.imageSize) && other.displaySize.$eq(0, _this.displaySize);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.source, this.displaySize, this.imageSize, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "ImageSizeInfo(" + this.source + ", imageSize: " + this.imageSize.toString$0(0) + ", displaySize: " + this.displaySize.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.Decoration.prototype = {
- toStringShort$0() {
- return "Decoration";
- },
- get$padding(_) {
- return B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0;
- },
- get$isComplex() {
- return false;
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- return null;
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- return null;
- },
- hitTest$3$textDirection(size, position, textDirection) {
- return true;
- },
- getClipPath$2(rect, textDirection) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnsupportedError$("This Decoration subclass does not expect to be used for clipping."));
- }
- };
- A.BoxPainter.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- }
- };
- A._Decoration_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.ImageRepeat.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "ImageRepeat." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.DecorationImage.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.DecorationImage)
- if (other.image.$eq(0, _this.image))
- if (other.fit == _this.fit)
- if (B.Alignment_0_0.$eq(0, B.Alignment_0_0))
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.image, null, this.fit, B.Alignment_0_0, null, B.ImageRepeat_3, false, 1, 1, B.FilterQuality_1, false, false, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t3,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([this.image.toString$0(0)], type$.JSArray_String),
- t2 = this.fit;
- if (t2 != null)
- t3 = !(t2 === B.BoxFit_6 && true);
- else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3)
- t1.push(A.S(t2));
- t1.push(B.Alignment_0_0.toString$0(0));
- t1.push("scale 1");
- t1.push("opacity 1");
- t1.push(B.FilterQuality_1.toString$0(0));
- return "DecorationImage(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ") + ")";
- }
- };
- A.DecorationImagePainter.prototype = {
- paint$4(canvas, rect, clipPath, configuration) {
- var t3, t4, t5, listener, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._details,
- newImageStream = t1.image.resolve$1(configuration),
- t2 = newImageStream._image_stream$_completer;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = newImageStream;
- t3 = _this._imageStream;
- t4 = t3 == null;
- if (t4)
- t5 = null;
- else {
- t5 = t3._image_stream$_completer;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = t3;
- }
- if (t2 !== t5) {
- listener = new A.ImageStreamListener(_this.get$_handleImage(), t1.onError);
- if (!t4)
- t3.removeListener$1(0, listener);
- _this._imageStream = newImageStream;
- newImageStream.addListener$1(0, listener);
- }
- if (_this._image == null)
- return;
- t2 = clipPath != null;
- if (t2) {
- canvas.save$0(0);
- canvas.clipPath$1(0, clipPath);
- }
- t3 = _this._image;
- t4 = t3.image;
- A.paintImage(B.Alignment_0_0, canvas, null, null, t3.debugLabel, B.FilterQuality_1, t1.fit, false, t4, false, false, 1, rect, B.ImageRepeat_3, t3.scale);
- if (t2)
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- },
- _handleImage$2(value, synchronousCall) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (J.$eq$(_this._image, value))
- return;
- t1 = _this._image;
- if (t1 != null)
- if (value.image.isCloneOf$1(t1.image)) {
- t2 = t1.scale;
- t1 = t2 === t2 && value.debugLabel == t1.debugLabel;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- value.image.dispose$0();
- return;
- }
- t1 = _this._image;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.image.dispose$0();
- _this._image = value;
- if (!synchronousCall)
- _this._onChanged.call$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._imageStream;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, new A.ImageStreamListener(_this.get$_handleImage(), _this._details.onError));
- t1 = _this._image;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.image.dispose$0();
- _this._image = null;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "DecorationImagePainter(stream: " + A.S(this._imageStream) + ", image: " + A.S(this._image) + ") for " + this._details.toString$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.paintImage_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(previousValue, view) {
- var t1 = view._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t1 === 0)
- t1 = 1;
- }
- return Math.max(previousValue, t1);
- },
- $signature: 313
- };
- A.paintImage_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(timeStamp) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5,
- t1 = $._pendingImageSizeInfo;
- t1 = t1.get$values(t1);
- $._lastFrameImageSizeInfo = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- t1 = $._pendingImageSizeInfo;
- if (t1.__js_helper$_length === 0)
- return;
- t2 = type$.String;
- t3 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.Object);
- for (t1 = t1.get$values(t1), t4 = A._instanceType(t1), t4 = t4._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t4._rest[1]), t1 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t1.__internal$_iterable), t1._f, t4._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>")), t4 = t4._rest[1]; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t5 = t1.__internal$_current;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = t4._as(t5);
- t3.$indexSet(0, t5.source, t5.toJson$0());
- }
- A.postEvent("Flutter.ImageSizesForFrame", t3, "Extension");
- $._pendingImageSizeInfo = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.ImageSizeInfo);
- },
- $signature: 4
- };
- A.EdgeInsetsGeometry.prototype = {
- get$horizontal() {
- var _this = this;
- return _this.get$_left(_this) + _this.get$_right(_this) + _this.get$_edge_insets$_start(_this) + _this.get$_edge_insets$_end();
- },
- along$1(axis) {
- var _this = this;
- switch (axis.index) {
- case 0:
- return _this.get$horizontal();
- case 1:
- return _this.get$_top(_this) + _this.get$_bottom(_this);
- }
- },
- add$1(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A._MixedEdgeInsets(_this.get$_left(_this) + other.get$_left(other), _this.get$_right(_this) + other.get$_right(other), _this.get$_edge_insets$_start(_this) + other.get$_edge_insets$_start(other), _this.get$_edge_insets$_end() + other.get$_edge_insets$_end(), _this.get$_top(_this) + other.get$_top(other), _this.get$_bottom(_this) + other.get$_bottom(other));
- },
- clamp$2(_, min, max) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A._MixedEdgeInsets(A.clampDouble(_this.get$_left(_this), min.left, max._left), A.clampDouble(_this.get$_right(_this), min.right, max._right), A.clampDouble(_this.get$_edge_insets$_start(_this), 0, max._edge_insets$_start), A.clampDouble(_this.get$_edge_insets$_end(), 0, max._edge_insets$_end), A.clampDouble(_this.get$_top(_this), min.top, max._top), A.clampDouble(_this.get$_bottom(_this), min.bottom, max._bottom));
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.get$_edge_insets$_start(_this) === 0 && _this.get$_edge_insets$_end() === 0) {
- if (_this.get$_left(_this) === 0 && _this.get$_right(_this) === 0 && _this.get$_top(_this) === 0 && _this.get$_bottom(_this) === 0)
- return "EdgeInsets.zero";
- if (_this.get$_left(_this) === _this.get$_right(_this) && _this.get$_right(_this) === _this.get$_top(_this) && _this.get$_top(_this) === _this.get$_bottom(_this))
- return "EdgeInsets.all(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_left(_this), 1) + ")";
- return "EdgeInsets(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_left(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_top(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_right(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_bottom(_this), 1) + ")";
- }
- if (_this.get$_left(_this) === 0 && _this.get$_right(_this) === 0)
- return "EdgeInsetsDirectional(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_edge_insets$_start(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_top(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_edge_insets$_end(), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_bottom(_this), 1) + ")";
- return "EdgeInsets(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_left(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_top(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_right(_this), 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_bottom(_this), 1) + ") + EdgeInsetsDirectional(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_edge_insets$_start(_this), 1) + ", 0.0, " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.get$_edge_insets$_end(), 1) + ", 0.0)";
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.EdgeInsetsGeometry && other.get$_left(other) === _this.get$_left(_this) && other.get$_right(other) === _this.get$_right(_this) && other.get$_edge_insets$_start(other) === _this.get$_edge_insets$_start(_this) && other.get$_edge_insets$_end() === _this.get$_edge_insets$_end() && other.get$_top(other) === _this.get$_top(_this) && other.get$_bottom(other) === _this.get$_bottom(_this);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.get$_left(_this), _this.get$_right(_this), _this.get$_edge_insets$_start(_this), _this.get$_edge_insets$_end(), _this.get$_top(_this), _this.get$_bottom(_this), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.EdgeInsets.prototype = {
- get$_left(_) {
- return this.left;
- },
- get$_top(_) {
- return this.top;
- },
- get$_right(_) {
- return this.right;
- },
- get$_bottom(_) {
- return this.bottom;
- },
- get$_edge_insets$_start(_) {
- return 0;
- },
- get$_edge_insets$_end() {
- return 0;
- },
- inflateRect$1(rect) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.Rect(rect.left - _this.left, rect.top - _this.top, rect.right + _this.right, rect.bottom + _this.bottom);
- },
- deflateRect$1(rect) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.Rect(rect.left + _this.left, rect.top + _this.top, rect.right - _this.right, rect.bottom - _this.bottom);
- },
- add$1(_, other) {
- if (other instanceof A.EdgeInsets)
- return this.$add(0, other);
- return this.super$EdgeInsetsGeometry$add(0, other);
- },
- clamp$2(_, min, max) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.EdgeInsets(A.clampDouble(_this.left, min.left, max._left), A.clampDouble(_this.top, min.top, max._top), A.clampDouble(_this.right, min.right, max._right), A.clampDouble(_this.bottom, min.bottom, max._bottom));
- },
- $sub(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.EdgeInsets(_this.left - other.left, _this.top - other.top, _this.right - other.right, _this.bottom - other.bottom);
- },
- $add(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.EdgeInsets(_this.left + other.left, _this.top + other.top, _this.right + other.right, _this.bottom + other.bottom);
- },
- $mul(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.EdgeInsets(_this.left * other, _this.top * other, _this.right * other, _this.bottom * other);
- },
- $div(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.EdgeInsets(_this.left / other, _this.top / other, _this.right / other, _this.bottom / other);
- },
- resolve$1(direction) {
- return this;
- },
- copyWith$4$bottom$left$right$top(bottom, left, right, $top) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = left == null ? _this.left : left,
- t2 = $top == null ? _this.top : $top,
- t3 = right == null ? _this.right : right;
- return new A.EdgeInsets(t1, t2, t3, bottom == null ? _this.bottom : bottom);
- },
- copyWith$1$bottom(bottom) {
- return this.copyWith$4$bottom$left$right$top(bottom, null, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$2$bottom$top(bottom, $top) {
- return this.copyWith$4$bottom$left$right$top(bottom, null, null, $top);
- },
- copyWith$2$left$right(left, right) {
- return this.copyWith$4$bottom$left$right$top(null, left, right, null);
- }
- };
- A.EdgeInsetsDirectional.prototype = {
- get$_edge_insets$_start(_) {
- return this.start;
- },
- get$_top(_) {
- return this.top;
- },
- get$_edge_insets$_end() {
- return this.end;
- },
- get$_bottom(_) {
- return this.bottom;
- },
- get$_left(_) {
- return 0;
- },
- get$_right(_) {
- return 0;
- },
- add$1(_, other) {
- if (other instanceof A.EdgeInsetsDirectional)
- return this.$add(0, other);
- return this.super$EdgeInsetsGeometry$add(0, other);
- },
- $sub(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(_this.start - other.start, _this.top - other.top, _this.end - other.end, _this.bottom - other.bottom);
- },
- $add(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(_this.start + other.start, _this.top + other.top, _this.end + other.end, _this.bottom + other.bottom);
- },
- $mul(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(_this.start * other, _this.top * other, _this.end * other, _this.bottom * other);
- },
- $div(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.EdgeInsetsDirectional(_this.start / other, _this.top / other, _this.end / other, _this.bottom / other);
- },
- resolve$1(direction) {
- var _this = this;
- switch (direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return new A.EdgeInsets(_this.end, _this.top, _this.start, _this.bottom);
- case 1:
- return new A.EdgeInsets(_this.start, _this.top, _this.end, _this.bottom);
- }
- }
- };
- A._MixedEdgeInsets.prototype = {
- $mul(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A._MixedEdgeInsets(_this._left * other, _this._right * other, _this._edge_insets$_start * other, _this._edge_insets$_end * other, _this._top * other, _this._bottom * other);
- },
- $div(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A._MixedEdgeInsets(_this._left / other, _this._right / other, _this._edge_insets$_start / other, _this._edge_insets$_end / other, _this._top / other, _this._bottom / other);
- },
- resolve$1(direction) {
- var _this = this;
- switch (direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return new A.EdgeInsets(_this._edge_insets$_end + _this._left, _this._top, _this._edge_insets$_start + _this._right, _this._bottom);
- case 1:
- return new A.EdgeInsets(_this._edge_insets$_start + _this._left, _this._top, _this._edge_insets$_end + _this._right, _this._bottom);
- }
- },
- get$_left(receiver) {
- return this._left;
- },
- get$_right(receiver) {
- return this._right;
- },
- get$_edge_insets$_start(receiver) {
- return this._edge_insets$_start;
- },
- get$_edge_insets$_end() {
- return this._edge_insets$_end;
- },
- get$_top(receiver) {
- return this._top;
- },
- get$_bottom(receiver) {
- return this._bottom;
- }
- };
- A._ColorsAndStops.prototype = {};
- A._sample_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(s) {
- return s <= this.t;
- },
- $signature: 314
- };
- A._interpolateColorsAndStops_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($stop) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = A.Color_lerp(A._sample(_this.aColors, _this.aStops, $stop), A._sample(_this.bColors, _this.bStops, $stop), _this.t);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 315
- };
- A.Gradient0.prototype = {
- _impliedStops$0() {
- var separation, _list, index,
- t1 = this.stops;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1;
- t1 = this.colors.length;
- separation = 1 / (t1 - 1);
- _list = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateFixed(t1, type$.double);
- for (index = 0; index < t1; ++index)
- _list[index] = index * separation;
- return _list;
- }
- };
- A.LinearGradient.prototype = {
- createShader$2$textDirection(_, rect, textDirection) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.begin.resolve$1(textDirection).withinRect$1(rect),
- t2 = _this.end.resolve$1(textDirection).withinRect$1(rect),
- t3 = _this._impliedStops$0();
- return A.Gradient_Gradient$linear(t1, t2, _this.colors, t3, _this.tileMode, null);
- },
- createShader$1($receiver, rect) {
- return this.createShader$2$textDirection($receiver, rect, null);
- },
- scale$1(_, factor) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.colors,
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Color>");
- return new A.LinearGradient(_this.begin, _this.end, _this.tileMode, A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.LinearGradient_scale_closure(factor), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E")), _this.stops, null);
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- var t1 = A.LinearGradient_lerp(a, this, t);
- return t1;
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- var t1 = A.LinearGradient_lerp(this, b, t);
- return t1;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.LinearGradient && other.begin.$eq(0, _this.begin) && other.end.$eq(0, _this.end) && other.tileMode === _this.tileMode && A.listEquals0(other.colors, _this.colors) && A.listEquals0(other.stops, _this.stops);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = A.Object_hashAll(_this.colors),
- t2 = _this.stops;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : A.Object_hashAll(t2);
- return A.Object_hash(_this.begin, _this.end, _this.tileMode, _this.transform, t1, t2, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = A._setArrayType(["begin: " + _this.begin.toString$0(0), "end: " + _this.end.toString$0(0), "colors: " + A.S(_this.colors)], type$.JSArray_String),
- t2 = _this.stops;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("stops: " + A.S(t2));
- t1.push("tileMode: " + _this.tileMode.toString$0(0));
- return "LinearGradient(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ") + ")";
- }
- };
- A.LinearGradient_scale_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(color) {
- var t1 = A.Color_lerp(null, color, this.factor);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 83
- };
- A.ImageCache.prototype = {
- clear$0(_) {
- var t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._pendingImages,
- t2 = _this._image_cache$_cache;
- A.Timeline_instantSync("ImageCache.clear", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["pendingImages", t1.__js_helper$_length, "keepAliveImages", t2.__js_helper$_length, "liveImages", _this._liveImages.__js_helper$_length, "currentSizeInBytes", _this._currentSizeBytes], type$.String, type$.dynamic));
- for (t3 = t2.get$values(t2), t4 = A._instanceType(t3), t4 = t4._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t4._rest[1]), t3 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t3.__internal$_iterable), t3._f, t4._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>")), t4 = t4._rest[1]; t3.moveNext$0();) {
- t5 = t3.__internal$_current;
- (t5 == null ? t4._as(t5) : t5).dispose$0();
- }
- t2.clear$0(0);
- for (t2 = t1.get$values(t1), t3 = A._instanceType(t2), t3 = t3._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t3._rest[1]), t2 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t2.__internal$_iterable), t2._f, t3._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>")), t3 = t3._rest[1]; t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t2.__internal$_current;
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = t3._as(t4);
- t4.completer.removeListener$1(0, t4.listener);
- }
- t1.clear$0(0);
- _this._currentSizeBytes = 0;
- },
- evict$1(key) {
- var t1, t2, pendingImage, _this = this,
- _s16_ = "ImageCache.evict",
- image = _this._liveImages.remove$1(0, key);
- if (image != null) {
- t1 = image.completer;
- t2 = image.___LiveImage__handleRemove_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1._image_stream$_disposed)
- A.throwExpression(A.StateError$(string$.Stream));
- B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1._onLastListenerRemovedCallbacks, t2);
- image.super$_CachedImageBase$dispose();
- }
- pendingImage = _this._pendingImages.remove$1(0, key);
- if (pendingImage != null) {
- A.Timeline_instantSync(_s16_, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["type", "pending"], type$.String, type$.dynamic));
- pendingImage.completer.removeListener$1(0, pendingImage.listener);
- return true;
- }
- image = _this._image_cache$_cache.remove$1(0, key);
- if (image != null) {
- A.Timeline_instantSync(_s16_, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["type", "keepAlive", "sizeInBytes", image.sizeBytes], type$.String, type$.dynamic));
- t1 = _this._currentSizeBytes;
- t2 = image.sizeBytes;
- t2.toString;
- _this._currentSizeBytes = t1 - t2;
- image.dispose$0();
- return true;
- }
- A.Timeline_instantSync(_s16_, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["type", "miss"], type$.String, type$.dynamic));
- return false;
- },
- _touch$3(key, image, timelineTask) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = image.sizeBytes;
- if (t1 != null && t1 <= 104857600 && true) {
- t2 = _this._currentSizeBytes;
- t1.toString;
- _this._currentSizeBytes = t2 + t1;
- _this._image_cache$_cache.$indexSet(0, key, image);
- _this._checkCacheSize$1(timelineTask);
- } else
- image.dispose$0();
- },
- _trackLiveImage$3(key, completer, sizeBytes) {
- var t1 = this._liveImages.putIfAbsent$2(0, key, new A.ImageCache__trackLiveImage_closure(this, completer, key));
- if (t1.sizeBytes == null)
- t1.sizeBytes = sizeBytes;
- },
- putIfAbsent$3$onError(_, key, loader, onError) {
- var error, stackTrace, t2, timelineTask, t3, t4, t5, t6, result, image, liveImage, exception, listenerTask, pendingImage, streamListener, _this = this, _null = null, t1 = {};
- t1.listenerTask = t1.timelineTask = null;
- t2 = type$.JSArray_nullable__AsyncBlock;
- timelineTask = new A.TimelineTask(_null, 0, A._setArrayType([], t2));
- t3 = type$.String;
- t4 = type$.dynamic;
- timelineTask.start$2$arguments(0, "ImageCache.putIfAbsent", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["key", J.toString$0$(key)], t3, t4));
- t1.timelineTask = timelineTask;
- t5 = _this._pendingImages;
- t6 = t5.$index(0, key);
- result = t6 == null ? _null : t6.completer;
- t1.result = result;
- if (result != null) {
- timelineTask.finish$1$arguments(0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["result", "pending"], t3, t4));
- return result;
- }
- t6 = _this._image_cache$_cache;
- image = t6.remove$1(0, key);
- if (image != null) {
- timelineTask.finish$1$arguments(0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["result", "keepAlive"], t3, t4));
- t1 = image.completer;
- _this._trackLiveImage$3(key, t1, image.sizeBytes);
- t6.$indexSet(0, key, image);
- return t1;
- }
- liveImage = _this._liveImages.$index(0, key);
- if (liveImage != null) {
- t1 = liveImage.completer;
- t2 = liveImage.sizeBytes;
- if (t1._image_stream$_disposed)
- A.throwExpression(A.StateError$(string$.Stream));
- t5 = new A.ImageStreamCompleterHandle(t1);
- t5.ImageStreamCompleterHandle$_$1(t1);
- _this._touch$3(key, new A._CachedImage(t1, t2, t5), timelineTask);
- timelineTask.finish$1$arguments(0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["result", "keepAlive"], t3, t4));
- return t1;
- }
- try {
- result = t1.result = loader.call$0();
- _this._trackLiveImage$3(key, result, _null);
- t3 = result;
- } catch (exception) {
- error = A.unwrapException(exception);
- stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- t1 = t1.timelineTask;
- t1.toString;
- t1.finish$1$arguments(0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["result", "error", "error", J.toString$0$(error), "stackTrace", J.toString$0$(stackTrace)], t3, t4));
- onError.call$2(error, stackTrace);
- return _null;
- }
- listenerTask = new A.TimelineTask(timelineTask, 0, A._setArrayType([], t2));
- listenerTask.start$1(0, "listener");
- t1.listenerTask = listenerTask;
- t1.listenedOnce = false;
- pendingImage = A._Cell$named("pendingImage");
- streamListener = new A.ImageStreamListener(new A.ImageCache_putIfAbsent_listener(t1, _this, key, true, pendingImage), _null);
- pendingImage.__late_helper$_value = new A._PendingImage(t3, streamListener);
- t5.$indexSet(0, key, pendingImage._readLocal$0());
- t1.result.addListener$1(0, streamListener);
- return t1.result;
- },
- _checkCacheSize$1(timelineTask) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, it, key, image, t5, _this = this,
- _s11_ = "evictedKeys",
- finishArgs = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic),
- checkCacheTask = new A.TimelineTask(timelineTask, 0, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable__AsyncBlock));
- checkCacheTask.start$1(0, "checkCacheSize");
- finishArgs.$indexSet(0, _s11_, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String));
- t1 = _this._image_cache$_cache;
- finishArgs.$indexSet(0, "currentSize", t1.__js_helper$_length);
- finishArgs.$indexSet(0, "currentSizeBytes", _this._currentSizeBytes);
- t2 = type$.List_String;
- t3 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>");
- while (true) {
- if (!(_this._currentSizeBytes > 104857600 || t1.__js_helper$_length > 1000))
- break;
- t4 = new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t1, t3);
- it = t4.get$iterator(t4);
- if (!it.moveNext$0())
- A.throwExpression(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- key = it.get$current(it);
- image = t1.$index(0, key);
- t4 = _this._currentSizeBytes;
- t5 = image.sizeBytes;
- t5.toString;
- _this._currentSizeBytes = t4 - t5;
- image.dispose$0();
- t1.remove$1(0, key);
- J.add$1$ax(t2._as(finishArgs.$index(0, _s11_)), J.toString$0$(key));
- }
- finishArgs.$indexSet(0, "endSize", t1.__js_helper$_length);
- finishArgs.$indexSet(0, "endSizeBytes", _this._currentSizeBytes);
- checkCacheTask.finish$1$arguments(0, finishArgs);
- }
- };
- A.ImageCache__trackLiveImage_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return A._LiveImage$(this.completer, new A.ImageCache__trackLiveImage__closure(this.$this, this.key));
- },
- $signature: 316
- };
- A.ImageCache__trackLiveImage__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._liveImages.remove$1(0, this.key);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.ImageCache_putIfAbsent_listener.prototype = {
- call$2(info, syncCall) {
- var t1, sizeBytes, t2, t3, image, t4, t5, _this = this;
- if (info != null) {
- t1 = info.image;
- sizeBytes = t1.get$height(t1) * t1.get$width(t1) * 4;
- t1.dispose$0();
- } else
- sizeBytes = null;
- t1 = _this._box_0;
- t2 = t1.result;
- if (t2._image_stream$_disposed)
- A.throwExpression(A.StateError$(string$.Stream));
- t3 = new A.ImageStreamCompleterHandle(t2);
- t3.ImageStreamCompleterHandle$_$1(t2);
- image = new A._CachedImage(t2, sizeBytes, t3);
- t3 = _this.$this;
- t2 = _this.key;
- t3._trackLiveImage$3(t2, t1.result, sizeBytes);
- if (_this.trackPendingImage)
- t3._touch$3(t2, image, t1.listenerTask);
- else
- image.dispose$0();
- t3._pendingImages.remove$1(0, t2);
- if (!t1.listenedOnce) {
- t2 = _this.pendingImage._readLocal$0();
- t2.completer.removeListener$1(0, t2.listener);
- }
- t2 = t1.listenedOnce;
- if (!t2) {
- t2 = t1.listenerTask;
- t2.toString;
- t4 = type$.String;
- t5 = type$.dynamic;
- t2.finish$1$arguments(0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["syncCall", syncCall, "sizeInBytes", sizeBytes], t4, t5));
- t2 = t1.timelineTask;
- t2.toString;
- t2.finish$1$arguments(0, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["currentSizeBytes", t3._currentSizeBytes, "currentSize", t3._image_cache$_cache.__js_helper$_length], t4, t5));
- }
- t1.listenedOnce = true;
- },
- $signature: 317
- };
- A._CachedImageBase.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- $.SchedulerBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A._CachedImageBase_dispose_closure(this));
- }
- };
- A._CachedImageBase_dispose_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(timeStamp) {
- var t3,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.handle;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t3 = t2._image_stream$_completer;
- --t3._keepAliveHandles;
- t3._maybeDispose$0();
- t2._image_stream$_completer = null;
- }
- t1.handle = null;
- },
- $signature: 4
- };
- A._CachedImage.prototype = {};
- A._LiveImage.prototype = {
- _LiveImage$3$sizeBytes(completer, handleRemove, sizeBytes) {
- var t1 = new A._LiveImage_closure(this, handleRemove);
- this.___LiveImage__handleRemove_A = t1;
- if (completer._image_stream$_disposed)
- A.throwExpression(A.StateError$(string$.Stream));
- completer._onLastListenerRemovedCallbacks.push(t1);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "#" + A.shortHash(this);
- }
- };
- A._LiveImage_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- this.handleRemove.call$0();
- t1 = this.$this;
- t2 = t1.completer;
- t3 = t1.___LiveImage__handleRemove_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2._image_stream$_disposed)
- A.throwExpression(A.StateError$(string$.Stream));
- B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t2._onLastListenerRemovedCallbacks, t3);
- t1.super$_CachedImageBase$dispose();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._PendingImage.prototype = {};
- A.ImageConfiguration.prototype = {
- copyWith$1$size(size) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.ImageConfiguration(_this.bundle, _this.devicePixelRatio, _this.locale, _this.textDirection, size, _this.platform);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ImageConfiguration && other.bundle == _this.bundle && other.devicePixelRatio == _this.devicePixelRatio && J.$eq$(other.locale, _this.locale) && other.textDirection == _this.textDirection && J.$eq$(other.size, _this.size) && other.platform == _this.platform;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.bundle, _this.devicePixelRatio, _this.locale, _this.size, _this.platform, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var hasArguments, _this = this,
- t1 = "" + "ImageConfiguration(",
- t2 = _this.bundle;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t1 += "bundle: " + t2.toString$0(0);
- hasArguments = true;
- } else
- hasArguments = false;
- t2 = _this.devicePixelRatio;
- if (t2 != null) {
- if (hasArguments)
- t1 += ", ";
- t2 = t1 + ("devicePixelRatio: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t2, 1));
- t1 = t2;
- hasArguments = true;
- }
- t2 = _this.locale;
- if (t2 != null) {
- if (hasArguments)
- t1 += ", ";
- t2 = t1 + ("locale: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t1 = t2;
- hasArguments = true;
- }
- t2 = _this.textDirection;
- if (t2 != null) {
- if (hasArguments)
- t1 += ", ";
- t2 = t1 + ("textDirection: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t1 = t2;
- hasArguments = true;
- }
- t2 = _this.size;
- if (t2 != null) {
- if (hasArguments)
- t1 += ", ";
- t2 = t1 + ("size: " + t2.toString$0(0));
- t1 = t2;
- hasArguments = true;
- }
- t2 = _this.platform;
- if (t2 != null) {
- if (hasArguments)
- t1 += ", ";
- t2 = t1 + ("platform: " + t2._core$_name);
- t1 = t2;
- }
- t1 += ")";
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- }
- };
- A.ImageProvider.prototype = {
- resolve$1(configuration) {
- var stream = new A.ImageStream();
- this._createErrorHandlerAndKey$3(configuration, new A.ImageProvider_resolve_closure(this, configuration, stream), new A.ImageProvider_resolve_closure0(this, configuration, stream));
- return stream;
- },
- _createErrorHandlerAndKey$3(configuration, successCallback, errorCallback) {
- var handleError, key, error, stackTrace, exception, t1 = {};
- t1.obtainedKey = null;
- t1.didError = false;
- handleError = new A.ImageProvider__createErrorHandlerAndKey_handleError(t1, errorCallback);
- key = null;
- try {
- key = this.obtainKey$1(configuration);
- } catch (exception) {
- error = A.unwrapException(exception);
- stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- handleError.call$2(error, stackTrace);
- return;
- }
- J.then$1$1$z(key, new A.ImageProvider__createErrorHandlerAndKey_closure(t1, this, successCallback, handleError), type$.void).catchError$1(handleError);
- },
- resolveStreamForKey$4(configuration, stream, key, handleError) {
- var t1, completer;
- if (stream._image_stream$_completer != null) {
- t1 = $.PaintingBinding__instance.PaintingBinding___PaintingBinding__imageCache_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.putIfAbsent$3$onError(0, key, new A.ImageProvider_resolveStreamForKey_closure(stream), handleError);
- return;
- }
- t1 = $.PaintingBinding__instance.PaintingBinding___PaintingBinding__imageCache_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- completer = t1.putIfAbsent$3$onError(0, key, new A.ImageProvider_resolveStreamForKey_closure0(this, key), handleError);
- if (completer != null)
- stream.setCompleter$1(completer);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "ImageConfiguration()";
- }
- };
- A.ImageProvider_resolve_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(key, errorHandler) {
- this.$this.resolveStreamForKey$4(this.configuration, this.stream, key, errorHandler);
- },
- $signature() {
- return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("~(ImageProvider.T,~(Object,StackTrace?))");
- }
- };
- A.ImageProvider_resolve_closure0.prototype = {
- call$3(key, exception, stack) {
- return this.$call$body$ImageProvider_resolve_closure(key, exception, stack);
- },
- $call$body$ImageProvider_resolve_closure(key, exception, stack) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this, t1;
- var $async$call$3 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait(null, $async$call$3);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- t1 = $async$self.stream;
- if (t1._image_stream$_completer == null)
- t1.setCompleter$1(new A._ErrorImageCompleter(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ImageStreamListener), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function)));
- t1 = t1._image_stream$_completer;
- t1.toString;
- t1.reportError$5$context$exception$informationCollector$silent$stack(A.ErrorDescription$("while resolving an image"), exception, null, true, stack);
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$3, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature() {
- return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("Future<~>(ImageProvider.T?,Object,StackTrace?)");
- }
- };
- A.ImageProvider__createErrorHandlerAndKey_handleError.prototype = {
- $call$body$ImageProvider__createErrorHandlerAndKey_handleError(exception, stack) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1;
- var $async$call$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $async$self._box_0;
- if (t1.didError) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- t1.didError = true;
- $async$self.errorCallback.call$3(t1.obtainedKey, exception, stack);
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$2, $async$completer);
- },
- call$2(exception, stack) {
- return this.$call$body$ImageProvider__createErrorHandlerAndKey_handleError(exception, stack);
- },
- $signature: 318
- };
- A.ImageProvider__createErrorHandlerAndKey_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(key) {
- var error, stackTrace, exception, _this = this;
- _this._box_0.obtainedKey = key;
- try {
- _this.successCallback.call$2(key, _this.handleError);
- } catch (exception) {
- error = A.unwrapException(exception);
- stackTrace = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- _this.handleError.call$2(error, stackTrace);
- }
- },
- $signature() {
- return A._instanceType(this.$this)._eval$1("Null(ImageProvider.T)");
- }
- };
- A.ImageProvider_resolveStreamForKey_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.stream._image_stream$_completer;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 225
- };
- A.ImageProvider_resolveStreamForKey_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.key,
- result = A.MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter$(this.$this._loadAsync$2$decode(t1, $.PaintingBinding__instance.get$instantiateImageCodecWithSize()), t1.name, null, t1.scale);
- return result;
- },
- $signature: 225
- };
- A.AssetBundleImageKey.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.AssetBundleImageKey && other.bundle === _this.bundle && other.name === _this.name && other.scale === _this.scale;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.bundle, this.name, this.scale, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "AssetBundleImageKey(bundle: " + this.bundle.toString$0(0) + ', name: "' + this.name + '", scale: ' + A.S(this.scale) + ")";
- },
- get$name(receiver) {
- return this.name;
- }
- };
- A.AssetBundleImageProvider.prototype = {
- _loadAsync$4$decode$decodeBufferDeprecated$decodeDeprecated(key, decode, decodeBufferDeprecated, decodeDeprecated) {
- return this._loadAsync$body$AssetBundleImageProvider(key, decode, decodeBufferDeprecated, decodeDeprecated);
- },
- _loadAsync$2$decode(key, decode) {
- return this._loadAsync$4$decode$decodeBufferDeprecated$decodeDeprecated(key, decode, null, null);
- },
- _loadAsync$body$AssetBundleImageProvider(key, decode, decodeBufferDeprecated, decodeDeprecated) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Codec),
- $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, buffer, buffer0, data, exception, t1, $async$exception, $async$exception1, $async$exception2;
- var $async$_loadAsync$4$decode$decodeBufferDeprecated$decodeDeprecated = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = decode != null ? 3 : 4;
- break;
- case 3:
- // then
- buffer = null;
- $async$handler = 6;
- $async$goto = 9;
- return A._asyncAwait(key.bundle.loadBuffer$1(key.name), $async$_loadAsync$4$decode$decodeBufferDeprecated$decodeDeprecated);
- case 9:
- // returning from await.
- buffer = $async$result;
- $async$handler = 2;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 8;
- break;
- case 6:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 5;
- $async$exception = $async$currentError;
- if (A.unwrapException($async$exception) instanceof A.FlutterError) {
- t1 = $.PaintingBinding__instance.PaintingBinding___PaintingBinding__imageCache_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.evict$1(key);
- throw $async$exception;
- } else
- throw $async$exception;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 8;
- break;
- case 5:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 8:
- // after finally
- $async$returnValue = decode.call$1(buffer);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 4:
- // join
- $async$goto = decodeBufferDeprecated != null ? 10 : 11;
- break;
- case 10:
- // then
- buffer0 = null;
- $async$handler = 13;
- $async$goto = 16;
- return A._asyncAwait(key.bundle.loadBuffer$1(key.name), $async$_loadAsync$4$decode$decodeBufferDeprecated$decodeDeprecated);
- case 16:
- // returning from await.
- buffer0 = $async$result;
- $async$handler = 2;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 15;
- break;
- case 13:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 12;
- $async$exception1 = $async$currentError;
- if (A.unwrapException($async$exception1) instanceof A.FlutterError) {
- t1 = $.PaintingBinding__instance.PaintingBinding___PaintingBinding__imageCache_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.evict$1(key);
- throw $async$exception1;
- } else
- throw $async$exception1;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 15;
- break;
- case 12:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 15:
- // after finally
- $async$returnValue = decodeBufferDeprecated.call$1(buffer0);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 11:
- // join
- data = null;
- $async$handler = 18;
- $async$goto = 21;
- return A._asyncAwait(key.bundle.load$1(0, key.name), $async$_loadAsync$4$decode$decodeBufferDeprecated$decodeDeprecated);
- case 21:
- // returning from await.
- data = $async$result;
- $async$handler = 2;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 20;
- break;
- case 18:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 17;
- $async$exception2 = $async$currentError;
- if (A.unwrapException($async$exception2) instanceof A.FlutterError) {
- t1 = $.PaintingBinding__instance.PaintingBinding___PaintingBinding__imageCache_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.evict$1(key);
- throw $async$exception2;
- } else
- throw $async$exception2;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 20;
- break;
- case 17:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 20:
- // after finally
- decodeDeprecated.toString;
- $async$returnValue = decodeDeprecated.call$1(A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(data.buffer, 0, null));
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- case 2:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_loadAsync$4$decode$decodeBufferDeprecated$decodeDeprecated, $async$completer);
- }
- };
- A._ErrorImageCompleter.prototype = {};
- A.AssetImage.prototype = {
- get$keyName() {
- return this.assetName;
- },
- obtainKey$1(configuration) {
- var t2, t1 = {},
- chosenBundle = configuration.bundle;
- if (chosenBundle == null)
- chosenBundle = $.$get$rootBundle();
- t1.result = t1.completer = null;
- t2 = type$.Null;
- A.FutureExtensions_onError(chosenBundle.loadStructuredBinaryData$1$2("AssetManifest.bin", A.asset_manifest__AssetManifestBin___fromStandardMessageCodecMessage_tearOff$closure(), type$.AssetManifest).then$1$1(0, new A.AssetImage_obtainKey_closure(t1, this, configuration, chosenBundle), t2), new A.AssetImage_obtainKey_closure0(t1), t2, type$.Object);
- t2 = t1.result;
- if (t2 != null)
- return t2;
- t2 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_AssetBundleImageKey);
- t1.completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(t2, type$._AsyncCompleter_AssetBundleImageKey);
- return t2;
- },
- _chooseVariant$3(mainAssetKey, config, candidateVariants) {
- var candidatesByDevicePixelRatio, t1, _i, candidate, t2;
- if (candidateVariants == null || candidateVariants.length === 0 || config.devicePixelRatio == null)
- return new A.AssetMetadata(null, mainAssetKey);
- candidatesByDevicePixelRatio = A.SplayTreeMap$(type$.double, type$.AssetMetadata);
- for (t1 = candidateVariants.length, _i = 0; _i < candidateVariants.length; candidateVariants.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(candidateVariants), ++_i) {
- candidate = candidateVariants[_i];
- t2 = candidate.targetDevicePixelRatio;
- candidatesByDevicePixelRatio.$indexSet(0, t2 == null ? 1 : t2, candidate);
- }
- t1 = config.devicePixelRatio;
- t1.toString;
- return this._findBestVariant$2(candidatesByDevicePixelRatio, t1);
- },
- _findBestVariant$2(candidatesByDpr, value) {
- var t1, lower, upper;
- if (candidatesByDpr._containsKey$1(value)) {
- t1 = candidatesByDpr.$index(0, value);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- lower = candidatesByDpr.lastKeyBefore$1(value);
- upper = candidatesByDpr.firstKeyAfter$1(value);
- if (lower == null) {
- t1 = candidatesByDpr.$index(0, upper);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- if (upper == null) {
- t1 = candidatesByDpr.$index(0, lower);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- if (value < 2 || value > (lower + upper) / 2) {
- t1 = candidatesByDpr.$index(0, upper);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- } else {
- t1 = candidatesByDpr.$index(0, lower);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.AssetImage && other.get$keyName() === this.get$keyName() && true;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.get$keyName(), null, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return 'AssetImage(bundle: null, name: "' + this.get$keyName() + '")';
- }
- };
- A.AssetImage_obtainKey_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(manifest) {
- var key, t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.$this,
- candidateVariants = manifest.getAssetVariants$1(t1.get$keyName()),
- chosenVariant = t1._chooseVariant$3(t1.get$keyName(), _this.configuration, candidateVariants);
- t1 = chosenVariant.targetDevicePixelRatio;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = 1;
- key = new A.AssetBundleImageKey(_this.chosenBundle, chosenVariant.key, t1);
- t1 = _this._box_0;
- t2 = t1.completer;
- if (t2 != null)
- t2.complete$1(0, key);
- else
- t1.result = new A.SynchronousFuture(key, type$.SynchronousFuture_AssetBundleImageKey);
- },
- $signature: 320
- };
- A.AssetImage_obtainKey_closure0.prototype = {
- call$2(error, stack) {
- this._box_0.completer.completeError$2(error, stack);
- },
- $signature: 68
- };
- A.ImageInfo.prototype = {
- clone$0(_) {
- return new A.ImageInfo(this.image.clone$0(0), this.scale, this.debugLabel);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.debugLabel;
- t1 = t1 != null ? t1 + " " : "";
- return t1 + this.image.toString$0(0) + " @ " + A.debugFormatDouble(this.scale) + "x";
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.image, this.scale, this.debugLabel, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ImageInfo && other.image === _this.image && other.scale === _this.scale && other.debugLabel == _this.debugLabel;
- }
- };
- A.ImageStreamListener.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.onImage, null, this.onError, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.ImageStreamListener)
- if (J.$eq$(other.onImage, this.onImage))
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- onImage$2(arg0, arg1) {
- return this.onImage.call$2(arg0, arg1);
- }
- };
- A.ImageStream.prototype = {
- setCompleter$1(value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._image_stream$_completer = value;
- t1 = _this._image_stream$_listeners;
- if (t1 != null) {
- _this._image_stream$_listeners = null;
- value._addingInitialListeners = true;
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(t1, value.get$addListener(value));
- _this._image_stream$_completer._addingInitialListeners = false;
- }
- },
- addListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1 = this._image_stream$_completer;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1.addListener$1(0, listener);
- t1 = this._image_stream$_listeners;
- (t1 == null ? this._image_stream$_listeners = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_ImageStreamListener) : t1).push(listener);
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- var i,
- t1 = this._image_stream$_completer;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1.removeListener$1(0, listener);
- for (i = 0; t1 = this._image_stream$_listeners, i < t1.length; ++i)
- if (J.$eq$(t1[i], listener)) {
- t1 = this._image_stream$_listeners;
- t1.toString;
- B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(t1, i);
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- A.ImageStreamCompleterHandle.prototype = {
- ImageStreamCompleterHandle$_$1(_completer) {
- ++this._image_stream$_completer._keepAliveHandles;
- }
- };
- A.ImageStreamCompleter.prototype = {
- addListener$1(_, listener) {
- var exception, stack, t1, t2, exception0, _this = this;
- if (_this._image_stream$_disposed)
- A.throwExpression(A.StateError$(string$.Stream));
- _this._hadAtLeastOneListener = true;
- _this._image_stream$_listeners.push(listener);
- t1 = _this._currentImage;
- if (t1 != null)
- try {
- t1 = t1.clone$0(0);
- t2 = _this._addingInitialListeners;
- listener.onImage.call$2(t1, !t2);
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- _this.reportError$3$context$exception$stack(A.ErrorDescription$("by a synchronously-called image listener"), exception, stack);
- }
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1, i, callbacks, t2, _i, _this = this;
- if (_this._image_stream$_disposed)
- A.throwExpression(A.StateError$(string$.Stream));
- for (t1 = _this._image_stream$_listeners, i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i)
- if (J.$eq$(t1[i], listener)) {
- B.JSArray_methods.removeAt$1(t1, i);
- break;
- }
- if (t1.length === 0) {
- t1 = _this._onLastListenerRemovedCallbacks;
- callbacks = A._setArrayType(t1.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t1));
- for (t2 = callbacks.length, _i = 0; _i < callbacks.length; callbacks.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(callbacks), ++_i)
- callbacks[_i].call$0();
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(t1);
- _this._maybeDispose$0();
- }
- },
- _maybeDispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (!_this._hadAtLeastOneListener || _this._image_stream$_disposed || _this._image_stream$_listeners.length !== 0 || _this._keepAliveHandles !== 0)
- return;
- t1 = _this._currentImage;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.image.dispose$0();
- _this._currentImage = null;
- _this._image_stream$_disposed = true;
- },
- setImage$1(image) {
- var listener, exception, stack, t1, localListeners, t2, t3, t4, _i, exception0, _this = this;
- if (_this._image_stream$_disposed)
- A.throwExpression(A.StateError$(string$.Stream));
- t1 = _this._currentImage;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.image.dispose$0();
- _this._currentImage = image;
- t1 = _this._image_stream$_listeners;
- if (t1.length === 0)
- return;
- localListeners = A.List_List$of(t1, true, type$.ImageStreamListener);
- for (t1 = localListeners.length, t2 = image.image, t3 = image.scale, t4 = image.debugLabel, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
- listener = localListeners[_i];
- try {
- listener.onImage$2(new A.ImageInfo(t2.clone$0(0), t3, t4), false);
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- _this.reportError$3$context$exception$stack(A.ErrorDescription$("by an image listener"), exception, stack);
- }
- }
- },
- reportError$5$context$exception$informationCollector$silent$stack(context, exception, informationCollector, silent, stack) {
- var handled, errorListener, newException, newStack, t1, t2, localErrorListeners, _i, exception0, t3,
- _s22_ = "image resource service";
- this._currentError = new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, _s22_, context, informationCollector, silent);
- t1 = this._image_stream$_listeners;
- t2 = type$.WhereTypeIterable_of_void_Function_2_Object_and_nullable_StackTrace;
- localErrorListeners = A.List_List$of(new A.WhereTypeIterable(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.ImageStreamCompleter_reportError_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,~(Object,StackTrace?)?>")), t2), true, t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- handled = false;
- for (t1 = localErrorListeners.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i) {
- errorListener = localErrorListeners[_i];
- try {
- errorListener.call$2(exception, stack);
- handled = true;
- } catch (exception0) {
- newException = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- newStack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- if (!J.$eq$(newException, exception)) {
- t2 = A.ErrorDescription$("when reporting an error to an image listener");
- t3 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError();
- if (t3 != null)
- t3.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(newException, newStack, _s22_, t2, null, false));
- }
- }
- }
- if (!handled) {
- t1 = this._currentError;
- t1.toString;
- A.FlutterError_reportError(t1);
- }
- },
- reportError$3$context$exception$stack(context, exception, stack) {
- return this.reportError$5$context$exception$informationCollector$silent$stack(context, exception, null, false, stack);
- }
- };
- A.ImageStreamCompleter_reportError_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(listener) {
- return listener.onError;
- },
- $signature: 322
- };
- A.MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter.prototype = {
- MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter$5$chunkEvents$codec$debugLabel$informationCollector$scale(chunkEvents, codec, debugLabel, informationCollector, scale) {
- this.debugLabel = debugLabel;
- codec.then$1$2$onError(0, this.get$_handleCodecReady(), new A.MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter_closure(this, informationCollector), type$.void);
- },
- _handleCodecReady$1(codec) {
- this._codec = codec;
- if (this._image_stream$_listeners.length !== 0)
- this._decodeNextFrameAndSchedule$0();
- },
- _handleAppFrame$1(timestamp) {
- var t1, t2, completedCycles, _this = this;
- _this._frameCallbackScheduled = false;
- if (_this._image_stream$_listeners.length === 0)
- return;
- t1 = _this._frameDuration;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = _this.__MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter__shownTimestamp_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = timestamp._duration - t2._duration >= t1._duration;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2) {
- t1 = _this._nextFrame;
- _this._emitFrame$1(new A.ImageInfo(t1.get$image(t1).clone$0(0), _this._image_stream$_scale, _this.debugLabel));
- _this.__MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter__shownTimestamp_A = timestamp;
- t1 = _this._nextFrame;
- _this._frameDuration = t1.get$duration(t1);
- t1 = _this._nextFrame;
- t1.get$image(t1).dispose$0();
- _this._nextFrame = null;
- completedCycles = B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(_this._framesEmitted, _this._codec.get$frameCount());
- if (_this._codec.get$repetitionCount() === -1 || completedCycles <= _this._codec.get$repetitionCount())
- _this._decodeNextFrameAndSchedule$0();
- return;
- }
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this.__MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter__shownTimestamp_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this._image_stream$_timer = A.Timer_Timer(new A.Duration(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0((t1._duration - (timestamp._duration - t2._duration)) * $._timeDilation)), new A.MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter__handleAppFrame_closure(_this));
- },
- _decodeNextFrameAndSchedule$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$self = this, exception, stack, exception0, t1, $async$exception0;
- var $async$_decodeNextFrameAndSchedule$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $async$self._nextFrame;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.get$image(t1).dispose$0();
- $async$self._nextFrame = null;
- $async$handler = 4;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self._codec.getNextFrame$0(), $async$_decodeNextFrameAndSchedule$0);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- $async$self._nextFrame = $async$result;
- $async$handler = 2;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 4:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$exception0 = $async$currentError;
- exception = A.unwrapException($async$exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception0);
- $async$self.reportError$5$context$exception$informationCollector$silent$stack(A.ErrorDescription$("resolving an image frame"), exception, $async$self._informationCollector, true, stack);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 3:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 6:
- // after finally
- if ($async$self._codec.get$frameCount() === 1) {
- if ($async$self._image_stream$_listeners.length === 0) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- t1 = $async$self._nextFrame;
- $async$self._emitFrame$1(new A.ImageInfo(t1.get$image(t1).clone$0(0), $async$self._image_stream$_scale, $async$self.debugLabel));
- t1 = $async$self._nextFrame;
- t1.get$image(t1).dispose$0();
- $async$self._nextFrame = null;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- $async$self._scheduleAppFrame$0();
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- case 2:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_decodeNextFrameAndSchedule$0, $async$completer);
- },
- _scheduleAppFrame$0() {
- if (this._frameCallbackScheduled)
- return;
- this._frameCallbackScheduled = true;
- $.SchedulerBinding__instance.scheduleFrameCallback$1(this.get$_handleAppFrame());
- },
- _emitFrame$1(imageInfo) {
- this.setImage$1(imageInfo);
- ++this._framesEmitted;
- },
- addListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._image_stream$_listeners.length === 0) {
- t1 = _this._codec;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1 = _this._currentImage == null || t1.get$frameCount() > 1;
- else
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- _this._decodeNextFrameAndSchedule$0();
- _this.super$ImageStreamCompleter$addListener(0, listener);
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$ImageStreamCompleter$removeListener(0, listener);
- if (_this._image_stream$_listeners.length === 0) {
- t1 = _this._image_stream$_timer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.cancel$0(0);
- _this._image_stream$_timer = null;
- }
- },
- _maybeDispose$0() {
- this.super$ImageStreamCompleter$_maybeDispose();
- if (this._image_stream$_disposed)
- this._chunkSubscription = null;
- }
- };
- A.MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(error, stack) {
- this.$this.reportError$5$context$exception$informationCollector$silent$stack(A.ErrorDescription$("resolving an image codec"), error, this.informationCollector, true, stack);
- },
- $signature: 68
- };
- A.MultiFrameImageStreamCompleter__handleAppFrame_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._scheduleAppFrame$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._ImageStream_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._ImageStreamCompleter_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.Accumulator.prototype = {};
- A.InlineSpanSemanticsInformation.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.InlineSpanSemanticsInformation && other.text === _this.text && other.semanticsLabel == _this.semanticsLabel && other.isPlaceholder === _this.isPlaceholder && A.listEquals0(other.stringAttributes, _this.stringAttributes);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.text, _this.semanticsLabel, _this.recognizer, _this.isPlaceholder, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "InlineSpanSemanticsInformation{text: " + this.text + ", semanticsLabel: " + A.S(this.semanticsLabel) + ", recognizer: " + A.S(this.recognizer) + "}";
- }
- };
- A.InlineSpan.prototype = {
- getSpanForPosition$1(position) {
- var t1 = {};
- t1.result = null;
- this.visitChildren$1(new A.InlineSpan_getSpanForPosition_closure(t1, position, new A.Accumulator()));
- return t1.result;
- },
- toPlainText$1$includeSemanticsLabels(includeSemanticsLabels) {
- var t1,
- buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
- this.computeToPlainText$3$includePlaceholders$includeSemanticsLabels(buffer, true, includeSemanticsLabels);
- t1 = buffer._contents;
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- toPlainText$0() {
- return this.toPlainText$1$includeSemanticsLabels(true);
- },
- codeUnitAt$1(_, index) {
- var t1 = {};
- if (index < 0)
- return null;
- t1.result = null;
- this.visitChildren$1(new A.InlineSpan_codeUnitAt_closure(t1, index, new A.Accumulator()));
- return t1.result;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.InlineSpan && J.$eq$(other.style, this.style);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return J.get$hashCode$(this.style);
- }
- };
- A.InlineSpan_getSpanForPosition_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(span) {
- var result = span.getSpanForPositionVisitor$2(this.position, this.offset);
- this._box_0.result = result;
- return result == null;
- },
- $signature: 63
- };
- A.InlineSpan_codeUnitAt_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(span) {
- var result = span.codeUnitAtVisitor$2(this.index, this.offset);
- this._box_0.result = result;
- return result == null;
- },
- $signature: 63
- };
- A.PlaceholderSpan0.prototype = {
- computeToPlainText$3$includePlaceholders$includeSemanticsLabels(buffer, includePlaceholders, includeSemanticsLabels) {
- buffer._contents += A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(65532);
- },
- computeSemanticsInformation$1(collector) {
- collector.push(B.InlineSpanSemanticsInformation_o8k);
- }
- };
- A.RoundedRectangleBorder.prototype = {
- scale$1(_, t) {
- var t1 = this.side.scale$1(0, t);
- return new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(this.borderRadius.$mul(0, t), t1);
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (a instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t);
- t2 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(a.borderRadius, _this.borderRadius, t);
- t2.toString;
- return new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(t2, t1);
- }
- if (a instanceof A.CircleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t);
- return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(_this.borderRadius, 1 - t, a.eccentricity, t1);
- }
- return _this.super$OutlinedBorder$lerpFrom(a, t);
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (b instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t);
- t2 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(_this.borderRadius, b.borderRadius, t);
- t2.toString;
- return new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(t2, t1);
- }
- if (b instanceof A.CircleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t);
- return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(_this.borderRadius, t, b.eccentricity, t1);
- }
- return _this.super$OutlinedBorder$lerpTo(b, t);
- },
- copyWith$1$side(side) {
- var t1 = side == null ? this.side : side;
- return new A.RoundedRectangleBorder(this.borderRadius, t1);
- },
- getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var adjustedRect = this.borderRadius.resolve$1(textDirection).toRRect$1(rect).inflate$1(-this.side.get$strokeInset()),
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRRect$1(adjustedRect);
- return t1;
- },
- getInnerPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRRect$1(this.borderRadius.resolve$1(textDirection).toRRect$1(rect));
- return t1;
- },
- getOuterPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- paintInterior$4$textDirection(canvas, rect, paint, textDirection) {
- var t1 = this.borderRadius;
- if (t1.$eq(0, B.BorderRadius_tLn))
- canvas.drawRect$2(rect, paint);
- else
- canvas.drawRRect$2(t1.resolve$1(textDirection).toRRect$1(rect), paint);
- },
- get$preferPaintInterior() {
- return true;
- },
- paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) {
- var t2, paint, borderRect, inner,
- t1 = this.side;
- switch (t1.style.index) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- t2 = this.borderRadius;
- if (t1.width === 0)
- canvas.drawRRect$2(t2.resolve$1(textDirection).toRRect$1(rect), t1.toPaint$0());
- else {
- paint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- paint.set$color(0, t1.color);
- borderRect = t2.resolve$1(textDirection).toRRect$1(rect);
- inner = borderRect.inflate$1(-t1.get$strokeInset());
- canvas.drawDRRect$3(borderRect.inflate$1(t1.get$strokeOutset()), inner, paint);
- }
- break;
- }
- },
- paint$2(canvas, rect) {
- return this.paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, null);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder && other.side.$eq(0, this.side) && other.borderRadius.$eq(0, this.borderRadius);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.side, this.borderRadius, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "RoundedRectangleBorder(" + this.side.toString$0(0) + ", " + this.borderRadius.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder.prototype = {
- scale$1(_, t) {
- var t1 = this.side.scale$1(0, t);
- return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(this.borderRadius.$mul(0, t), t, this.eccentricity, t1);
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (a instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t);
- t2 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(a.borderRadius, _this.borderRadius, t);
- t2.toString;
- return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(t2, _this.circularity * t, _this.eccentricity, t1);
- }
- if (a instanceof A.CircleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t);
- t2 = _this.circularity;
- return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(_this.borderRadius, t2 + (1 - t2) * (1 - t), a.eccentricity, t1);
- }
- if (a instanceof A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t);
- t2 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(a.borderRadius, _this.borderRadius, t);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.circularity, _this.circularity, t);
- t3.toString;
- return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(t2, t3, _this.eccentricity, t1);
- }
- return _this.super$OutlinedBorder$lerpFrom(a, t);
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (b instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t);
- t2 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(_this.borderRadius, b.borderRadius, t);
- t2.toString;
- return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(t2, _this.circularity * (1 - t), _this.eccentricity, t1);
- }
- if (b instanceof A.CircleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t);
- t2 = _this.circularity;
- return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(_this.borderRadius, t2 + (1 - t2) * t, b.eccentricity, t1);
- }
- if (b instanceof A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t);
- t2 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(_this.borderRadius, b.borderRadius, t);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(_this.circularity, b.circularity, t);
- t3.toString;
- return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(t2, t3, _this.eccentricity, t1);
- }
- return _this.super$OutlinedBorder$lerpTo(b, t);
- },
- _rounded_rectangle_border$_adjustRect$1(rect) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, delta,
- t1 = this.circularity;
- if (t1 === 0 || rect.right - rect.left === rect.bottom - rect.top)
- return rect;
- t2 = rect.right;
- t3 = rect.left;
- t4 = t2 - t3;
- t5 = rect.bottom;
- t6 = rect.top;
- t7 = t5 - t6;
- t8 = 1 - this.eccentricity;
- if (t4 < t7) {
- delta = t1 * ((t7 - t4) / 2) * t8;
- return new A.Rect(t3, t6 + delta, t2, t5 - delta);
- } else {
- delta = t1 * ((t4 - t7) / 2) * t8;
- return new A.Rect(t3 + delta, t6, t2 - delta, t5);
- }
- },
- _adjustBorderRadius$2(rect, textDirection) {
- var t2, t3, t4,
- resolvedRadius = this.borderRadius.resolve$1(textDirection),
- t1 = this.circularity;
- if (t1 === 0)
- return resolvedRadius;
- t2 = this.eccentricity;
- if (t2 !== 0) {
- t3 = rect.right - rect.left;
- t4 = rect.bottom - rect.top;
- t2 = 0.5 + t2 / 2;
- if (t3 < t4) {
- t1 = A.BorderRadius_lerp(resolvedRadius, A.BorderRadius$all(new A.Radius(t3 / 2, t2 * t4 / 2)), t1);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- } else {
- t1 = A.BorderRadius_lerp(resolvedRadius, A.BorderRadius$all(new A.Radius(t2 * t3 / 2, t4 / 2)), t1);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- }
- return A.BorderRadius_lerp(resolvedRadius, A.BorderRadius$circular(rect.get$shortestSide() / 2), t1);
- },
- getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var borderRect, adjustedRect,
- t1 = this._adjustBorderRadius$2(rect, textDirection);
- t1.toString;
- borderRect = t1.toRRect$1(this._rounded_rectangle_border$_adjustRect$1(rect));
- t1 = this.side;
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(t1.width, 0, t1.strokeAlign);
- t1.toString;
- adjustedRect = borderRect.inflate$1(-t1);
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRRect$1(adjustedRect);
- return t1;
- },
- getInnerPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0(),
- t2 = this._adjustBorderRadius$2(rect, textDirection);
- t2.toString;
- t1.addRRect$1(t2.toRRect$1(this._rounded_rectangle_border$_adjustRect$1(rect)));
- return t1;
- },
- getOuterPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- paintInterior$4$textDirection(canvas, rect, paint, textDirection) {
- var adjustedBorderRadius = this._adjustBorderRadius$2(rect, textDirection);
- if (adjustedBorderRadius.$eq(0, B.BorderRadius_tLn))
- canvas.drawRect$2(this._rounded_rectangle_border$_adjustRect$1(rect), paint);
- else
- canvas.drawRRect$2(adjustedBorderRadius.toRRect$1(this._rounded_rectangle_border$_adjustRect$1(rect)), paint);
- },
- get$preferPaintInterior() {
- return true;
- },
- copyWith$1$side(side) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = side == null ? _this.side : side;
- return new A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder(_this.borderRadius, _this.circularity, _this.eccentricity, t1);
- },
- paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.side;
- switch (t1.style.index) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- t2 = this._adjustBorderRadius$2(rect, textDirection);
- t2.toString;
- canvas.drawRRect$2(t2.toRRect$1(this._rounded_rectangle_border$_adjustRect$1(rect)).inflate$1(t1.width * t1.strokeAlign / 2), t1.toPaint$0());
- break;
- }
- },
- paint$2(canvas, rect) {
- return this.paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, null);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A._RoundedRectangleToCircleBorder && other.side.$eq(0, _this.side) && other.borderRadius.$eq(0, _this.borderRadius) && other.circularity === _this.circularity;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.side, this.borderRadius, this.circularity, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- _s23_ = "RoundedRectangleBorder(",
- t1 = _this.eccentricity;
- if (t1 !== 0)
- return _s23_ + _this.side.toString$0(0) + ", " + _this.borderRadius.toString$0(0) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.circularity * 100, 1) + string$.x25_of_t + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1 * 100, 1) + "% oval)";
- return _s23_ + _this.side.toString$0(0) + ", " + _this.borderRadius.toString$0(0) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.circularity * 100, 1) + "% of the way to being a CircleBorder)";
- }
- };
- A.ShapeDecoration.prototype = {
- getClipPath$2(rect, textDirection) {
- return this.shape.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection);
- },
- get$padding(_) {
- return this.shape.get$dimensions();
- },
- get$isComplex() {
- return this.shadows != null;
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- if (a instanceof A.BoxDecoration)
- return A.ShapeDecoration_lerp(A.ShapeDecoration_ShapeDecoration$fromBoxDecoration(a), this, t);
- else if (a == null || a instanceof A.ShapeDecoration)
- return A.ShapeDecoration_lerp(type$.nullable_ShapeDecoration._as(a), this, t);
- return this.super$Decoration$lerpFrom(a, t);
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- if (b instanceof A.BoxDecoration)
- return A.ShapeDecoration_lerp(this, A.ShapeDecoration_ShapeDecoration$fromBoxDecoration(b), t);
- else if (b == null || b instanceof A.ShapeDecoration)
- return A.ShapeDecoration_lerp(this, type$.nullable_ShapeDecoration._as(b), t);
- return this.super$Decoration$lerpTo(b, t);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ShapeDecoration && J.$eq$(other.color, _this.color) && J.$eq$(other.gradient, _this.gradient) && J.$eq$(other.image, _this.image) && A.listEquals0(other.shadows, _this.shadows) && other.shape.$eq(0, _this.shape);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.shadows;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : A.Object_hashAll(t1);
- return A.Object_hash(_this.color, _this.gradient, _this.image, _this.shape, t1, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- hitTest$3$textDirection(size, position, textDirection) {
- return this.shape.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + size._dx, 0 + size._dy), textDirection).contains$1(0, position);
- },
- createBoxPainter$1(onChanged) {
- return new A._ShapeDecorationPainter(this, onChanged);
- },
- get$gradient() {
- return this.gradient;
- }
- };
- A._ShapeDecorationPainter.prototype = {
- _precache$2(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (rect.$eq(0, _this._lastRect) && textDirection == _this._lastTextDirection)
- return;
- if (_this._interiorPaint == null) {
- t1 = _this._shape_decoration$_decoration;
- t1 = t1.color != null || t1.gradient != null;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- _this._interiorPaint = t1;
- t2 = _this._shape_decoration$_decoration.color;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.set$color(0, t2);
- }
- t1 = _this._shape_decoration$_decoration;
- t2 = t1.gradient;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t3 = _this._interiorPaint;
- t3.toString;
- t3.set$shader(t2.createShader$2$textDirection(0, rect, textDirection));
- }
- t2 = t1.shadows;
- if (t2 != null) {
- if (_this._shadowCount == null) {
- _this._shadowCount = t2.length;
- _this.___ShapeDecorationPainter__shadowPaints_A = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A._ShapeDecorationPainter__precache_closure(), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Paint>")), true, type$.Paint);
- }
- if (t1.shape.get$preferPaintInterior())
- _this.___ShapeDecorationPainter__shadowBounds_A = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A._ShapeDecorationPainter__precache_closure0(rect), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Rect>")), true, type$.Rect);
- else
- _this.___ShapeDecorationPainter__shadowPaths_A = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t2, new A._ShapeDecorationPainter__precache_closure1(_this, rect, textDirection), A._arrayInstanceType(t2)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,Path>")), true, type$.Path);
- }
- t2 = t1.shape;
- if (!t2.get$preferPaintInterior())
- t3 = _this._interiorPaint != null || _this._shadowCount != null;
- else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3)
- _this.___ShapeDecorationPainter__outerPath_A = t2.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection);
- if (t1.image != null)
- _this._innerPath = t2.getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection);
- _this._lastRect = rect;
- _this._lastTextDirection = textDirection;
- },
- _shape_decoration$_paintShadows$3(canvas, rect, textDirection) {
- var t1, index, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (_this._shadowCount != null) {
- t1 = _this._shape_decoration$_decoration.shape;
- if (t1.get$preferPaintInterior()) {
- index = 0;
- while (true) {
- t2 = _this._shadowCount;
- t2.toString;
- if (!(index < t2))
- break;
- t2 = _this.___ShapeDecorationPainter__shadowBounds_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2[index];
- t3 = _this.___ShapeDecorationPainter__shadowPaints_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.paintInterior$4$textDirection(canvas, t2, t3[index], textDirection);
- ++index;
- }
- } else {
- index = 0;
- while (true) {
- t1 = _this._shadowCount;
- t1.toString;
- if (!(index < t1))
- break;
- t1 = _this.___ShapeDecorationPainter__shadowPaths_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1[index];
- t2 = _this.___ShapeDecorationPainter__shadowPaints_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- canvas.drawPath$2(t1, t2[index]);
- ++index;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- _paintImage$2(canvas, configuration) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._shape_decoration$_decoration.image;
- if (t1 == null)
- return;
- t2 = _this._imagePainter;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = _this.onChanged;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = _this._imagePainter = new A.DecorationImagePainter(t1, t2);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = t2;
- t2 = _this._lastRect;
- t2.toString;
- t1.paint$4(canvas, t2, _this._innerPath, configuration);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this._imagePainter;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$BoxPainter$dispose();
- },
- paint$3(canvas, offset, configuration) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = configuration.size,
- t2 = offset._dx,
- t3 = offset._dy,
- rect = new A.Rect(t2, t3, t2 + t1._dx, t3 + t1._dy),
- textDirection = configuration.textDirection;
- _this._precache$2(rect, textDirection);
- _this._shape_decoration$_paintShadows$3(canvas, rect, textDirection);
- if (_this._interiorPaint != null) {
- t1 = _this._shape_decoration$_decoration.shape;
- t2 = t1.get$preferPaintInterior();
- t3 = _this._interiorPaint;
- if (t2) {
- t3.toString;
- t1.paintInterior$4$textDirection(canvas, rect, t3, textDirection);
- } else {
- t1 = _this.___ShapeDecorationPainter__outerPath_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3.toString;
- canvas.drawPath$2(t1, t3);
- }
- }
- _this._paintImage$2(canvas, configuration);
- _this._shape_decoration$_decoration.shape.paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection);
- }
- };
- A._ShapeDecorationPainter__precache_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(shadow) {
- return shadow.toPaint$0();
- },
- $signature: 325
- };
- A._ShapeDecorationPainter__precache_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(shadow) {
- return this.rect.shift$1(shadow.offset).inflate$1(shadow.spreadRadius);
- },
- $signature: 326
- };
- A._ShapeDecorationPainter__precache_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(shadow) {
- return this.$this._shape_decoration$_decoration.shape.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(this.rect.shift$1(shadow.offset).inflate$1(shadow.spreadRadius), this.textDirection);
- },
- $signature: 327
- };
- A.StadiumBorder.prototype = {
- scale$1(_, t) {
- return new A.StadiumBorder(this.side.scale$1(0, t));
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (a instanceof A.StadiumBorder)
- return new A.StadiumBorder(A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t));
- if (a instanceof A.CircleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t);
- return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(1 - t, a.eccentricity, t1);
- }
- if (a instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t);
- return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(a.borderRadius, 1 - t, t1);
- }
- return _this.super$OutlinedBorder$lerpFrom(a, t);
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (b instanceof A.StadiumBorder)
- return new A.StadiumBorder(A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t));
- if (b instanceof A.CircleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t);
- return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(t, b.eccentricity, t1);
- }
- if (b instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t);
- return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(b.borderRadius, t, t1);
- }
- return _this.super$OutlinedBorder$lerpTo(b, t);
- },
- copyWith$1$side(side) {
- return new A.StadiumBorder(side == null ? this.side : side);
- },
- getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = rect.get$shortestSide() / 2,
- adjustedRect = A.RRect$fromRectAndRadius(rect, new A.Radius(t1, t1)).inflate$1(-this.side.get$strokeInset());
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRRect$1(adjustedRect);
- return t1;
- },
- getInnerPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = rect.get$shortestSide() / 2,
- t2 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t2.addRRect$1(A.RRect$fromRectAndRadius(rect, new A.Radius(t1, t1)));
- return t2;
- },
- getOuterPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- paintInterior$4$textDirection(canvas, rect, paint, textDirection) {
- var t1 = rect.get$shortestSide() / 2;
- canvas.drawRRect$2(A.RRect$fromRectAndRadius(rect, new A.Radius(t1, t1)), paint);
- },
- get$preferPaintInterior() {
- return true;
- },
- paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.side;
- switch (t1.style.index) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- t2 = rect.get$shortestSide() / 2;
- canvas.drawRRect$2(A.RRect$fromRectAndRadius(rect, new A.Radius(t2, t2)).inflate$1(t1.width * t1.strokeAlign / 2), t1.toPaint$0());
- break;
- }
- },
- paint$2(canvas, rect) {
- return this.paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, null);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.StadiumBorder && other.side.$eq(0, this.side);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var t1 = this.side;
- return A.Object_hash(t1.color, t1.width, t1.style, t1.strokeAlign, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "StadiumBorder(" + this.side.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A._StadiumToCircleBorder.prototype = {
- scale$1(_, t) {
- return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(t, this.eccentricity, this.side.scale$1(0, t));
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (a instanceof A.StadiumBorder)
- return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(_this.circularity * t, _this.eccentricity, A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t));
- if (a instanceof A.CircleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t);
- t2 = _this.circularity;
- return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(t2 + (1 - t2) * (1 - t), a.eccentricity, t1);
- }
- if (a instanceof A._StadiumToCircleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t);
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(a.circularity, _this.circularity, t);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.eccentricity, _this.eccentricity, t);
- t3.toString;
- return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(t2, t3, t1);
- }
- return _this.super$OutlinedBorder$lerpFrom(a, t);
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (b instanceof A.StadiumBorder)
- return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(_this.circularity * (1 - t), _this.eccentricity, A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t));
- if (b instanceof A.CircleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t);
- t2 = _this.circularity;
- return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(t2 + (1 - t2) * t, b.eccentricity, t1);
- }
- if (b instanceof A._StadiumToCircleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t);
- t2 = A.lerpDouble(_this.circularity, b.circularity, t);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(_this.eccentricity, b.eccentricity, t);
- t3.toString;
- return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(t2, t3, t1);
- }
- return _this.super$OutlinedBorder$lerpTo(b, t);
- },
- _stadium_border$_adjustRect$1(rect) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, delta,
- t1 = this.circularity;
- if (t1 === 0 || rect.right - rect.left === rect.bottom - rect.top)
- return rect;
- t2 = rect.right;
- t3 = rect.left;
- t4 = t2 - t3;
- t5 = rect.bottom;
- t6 = rect.top;
- t7 = t5 - t6;
- t8 = 1 - this.eccentricity;
- if (t4 < t7) {
- delta = t1 * ((t7 - t4) / 2) * t8;
- return new A.Rect(t3, t6 + delta, t2, t5 - delta);
- } else {
- delta = t1 * ((t4 - t7) / 2) * t8;
- return new A.Rect(t3 + delta, t6, t2 - delta, t5);
- }
- },
- _stadium_border$_adjustBorderRadius$1(rect) {
- var t2, t3, t4,
- circleRadius = A.BorderRadius$circular(rect.get$shortestSide() / 2),
- t1 = this.eccentricity;
- if (t1 !== 0) {
- t2 = rect.right - rect.left;
- t3 = rect.bottom - rect.top;
- t4 = this.circularity;
- t1 = 0.5 + t1 / 2;
- if (t2 < t3) {
- t1 = A.BorderRadius_lerp(circleRadius, A.BorderRadius$all(new A.Radius(t2 / 2, t1 * t3 / 2)), t4);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- } else {
- t1 = A.BorderRadius_lerp(circleRadius, A.BorderRadius$all(new A.Radius(t1 * t2 / 2, t3 / 2)), t4);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- }
- }
- return circleRadius;
- },
- getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRRect$1(this._stadium_border$_adjustBorderRadius$1(rect).toRRect$1(this._stadium_border$_adjustRect$1(rect)).inflate$1(-this.side.get$strokeInset()));
- return t1;
- },
- getInnerPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRRect$1(this._stadium_border$_adjustBorderRadius$1(rect).toRRect$1(this._stadium_border$_adjustRect$1(rect)));
- return t1;
- },
- getOuterPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- paintInterior$4$textDirection(canvas, rect, paint, textDirection) {
- canvas.drawRRect$2(this._stadium_border$_adjustBorderRadius$1(rect).toRRect$1(this._stadium_border$_adjustRect$1(rect)), paint);
- },
- get$preferPaintInterior() {
- return true;
- },
- copyWith$1$side(side) {
- var t1 = side == null ? this.side : side;
- return new A._StadiumToCircleBorder(this.circularity, this.eccentricity, t1);
- },
- paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = this.side;
- switch (t1.style.index) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- canvas.drawRRect$2(this._stadium_border$_adjustBorderRadius$1(rect).toRRect$1(this._stadium_border$_adjustRect$1(rect)).inflate$1(t1.width * t1.strokeAlign / 2), t1.toPaint$0());
- break;
- }
- },
- paint$2(canvas, rect) {
- return this.paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, null);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A._StadiumToCircleBorder && other.side.$eq(0, this.side) && other.circularity === this.circularity;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.side, this.circularity, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.eccentricity;
- if (t1 !== 0)
- return "StadiumBorder(" + _this.side.toString$0(0) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.circularity * 100, 1) + string$.x25_of_t + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1 * 100, 1) + "% oval)";
- return "StadiumBorder(" + _this.side.toString$0(0) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.circularity * 100, 1) + "% of the way to being a CircleBorder)";
- }
- };
- A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder.prototype = {
- scale$1(_, t) {
- var t1 = this.side.scale$1(0, t);
- return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(this.borderRadius.$mul(0, t), t, t1);
- },
- lerpFrom$2(a, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (a instanceof A.StadiumBorder)
- return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(_this.borderRadius, _this.rectilinearity * t, A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t));
- if (a instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) {
- t1 = _this.rectilinearity;
- return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(_this.borderRadius, t1 + (1 - t1) * (1 - t), A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t));
- }
- if (a instanceof A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(a.side, _this.side, t);
- t2 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(a.borderRadius, _this.borderRadius, t);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(a.rectilinearity, _this.rectilinearity, t);
- t3.toString;
- return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(t2, t3, t1);
- }
- return _this.super$OutlinedBorder$lerpFrom(a, t);
- },
- lerpTo$2(b, t) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (b instanceof A.StadiumBorder)
- return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(_this.borderRadius, _this.rectilinearity * (1 - t), A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t));
- if (b instanceof A.RoundedRectangleBorder) {
- t1 = _this.rectilinearity;
- return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(_this.borderRadius, t1 + (1 - t1) * t, A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t));
- }
- if (b instanceof A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder) {
- t1 = A.BorderSide_lerp(_this.side, b.side, t);
- t2 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(_this.borderRadius, b.borderRadius, t);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = A.lerpDouble(_this.rectilinearity, b.rectilinearity, t);
- t3.toString;
- return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(t2, t3, t1);
- }
- return _this.super$OutlinedBorder$lerpTo(b, t);
- },
- _stadium_border$_adjustBorderRadius$1(rect) {
- var t1 = rect.get$shortestSide() / 2;
- t1 = A.BorderRadiusGeometry_lerp(this.borderRadius, A.BorderRadius$all(new A.Radius(t1, t1)), 1 - this.rectilinearity);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var adjustedRect,
- borderRect = this._stadium_border$_adjustBorderRadius$1(rect).resolve$1(textDirection).toRRect$1(rect),
- t1 = this.side;
- t1 = A.lerpDouble(t1.width, 0, t1.strokeAlign);
- t1.toString;
- adjustedRect = borderRect.inflate$1(-t1);
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRRect$1(adjustedRect);
- return t1;
- },
- getInnerPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getInnerPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0();
- t1.addRRect$1(this._stadium_border$_adjustBorderRadius$1(rect).resolve$1(textDirection).toRRect$1(rect));
- return t1;
- },
- getOuterPath$1(rect) {
- return this.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(rect, null);
- },
- paintInterior$4$textDirection(canvas, rect, paint, textDirection) {
- var adjustedBorderRadius = this._stadium_border$_adjustBorderRadius$1(rect);
- if (adjustedBorderRadius.$eq(0, B.BorderRadius_tLn))
- canvas.drawRect$2(rect, paint);
- else
- canvas.drawRRect$2(adjustedBorderRadius.resolve$1(textDirection).toRRect$1(rect), paint);
- },
- get$preferPaintInterior() {
- return true;
- },
- copyWith$1$side(side) {
- var t1 = side == null ? this.side : side;
- return new A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder(this.borderRadius, this.rectilinearity, t1);
- },
- paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, textDirection) {
- var t1 = this.side;
- switch (t1.style.index) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- canvas.drawRRect$2(this._stadium_border$_adjustBorderRadius$1(rect).resolve$1(textDirection).toRRect$1(rect).inflate$1(t1.width * t1.strokeAlign / 2), t1.toPaint$0());
- break;
- }
- },
- paint$2(canvas, rect) {
- return this.paint$3$textDirection(canvas, rect, null);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A._StadiumToRoundedRectangleBorder && other.side.$eq(0, _this.side) && other.borderRadius.$eq(0, _this.borderRadius) && other.rectilinearity === _this.rectilinearity;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.side, this.borderRadius, this.rectilinearity, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "StadiumBorder(" + this.side.toString$0(0) + ", " + this.borderRadius.toString$0(0) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this.rectilinearity * 100, 1) + "% of the way to being a RoundedRectangleBorder)";
- }
- };
- A.StrutStyle.prototype = {
- get$fontFamilyFallback() {
- return this._strut_style$_fontFamilyFallback;
- },
- compareTo$1(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this === other)
- return B.RenderComparison_0;
- if (_this.fontFamily == other.fontFamily)
- if (_this.fontSize == other.fontSize)
- if (_this.fontWeight == other.fontWeight)
- if (_this.fontStyle == other.fontStyle)
- if (_this.height == other.height)
- t1 = !A.listEquals0(_this.get$fontFamilyFallback(), other.get$fontFamilyFallback());
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return B.RenderComparison_3;
- return B.RenderComparison_0;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.StrutStyle)
- if (other.fontFamily == _this.fontFamily)
- if (other.fontSize == _this.fontSize)
- if (other.fontWeight == _this.fontWeight)
- if (other.fontStyle == _this.fontStyle)
- if (other.height == _this.height)
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.fontFamily, _this.fontSize, _this.fontWeight, _this.fontStyle, _this.height, _this.leading, true, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toStringShort$0() {
- return "StrutStyle";
- }
- };
- A._StrutStyle_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.TextOverflow.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TextOverflow." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.PlaceholderDimensions.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (other instanceof A.PlaceholderDimensions)
- if (other.size.$eq(0, _this.size))
- if (other.alignment === _this.alignment)
- t1 = other.baselineOffset == _this.baselineOffset;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.size, _this.alignment, _this.baseline, _this.baselineOffset, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "PlaceholderDimensions(" + this.size.toString$0(0) + ", " + A.S(this.baseline) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.TextWidthBasis.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TextWidthBasis." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.WordBoundary.prototype = {
- getTextBoundaryAt$1(position) {
- return this._paragraph.getWordBoundary$1(new A.TextPosition(Math.max(position, 0), B.TextAffinity_1));
- },
- _codePointAt$1(index) {
- var t1 = this._text_painter$_text,
- codeUnitAtIndex = t1.codeUnitAt$1(0, index);
- if (codeUnitAtIndex == null)
- return null;
- switch (codeUnitAtIndex & 64512) {
- case 55296:
- t1 = t1.codeUnitAt$1(0, index + 1);
- t1.toString;
- return (codeUnitAtIndex << 10 >>> 0) + t1 + -56613888;
- case 56320:
- t1 = t1.codeUnitAt$1(0, index - 1);
- t1.toString;
- return (t1 << 10 >>> 0) + codeUnitAtIndex + -56613888;
- default:
- return codeUnitAtIndex;
- }
- },
- _skipSpacesAndPunctuations$2(offset, $forward) {
- var t2,
- innerCodePoint = this._codePointAt$1($forward ? offset - 1 : offset),
- t1 = $forward ? offset : offset - 1,
- outerCodeUnit = this._text_painter$_text.codeUnitAt$1(0, t1);
- if (!(innerCodePoint == null || outerCodeUnit == null || A.WordBoundary__isNewline(innerCodePoint) || A.WordBoundary__isNewline(outerCodeUnit))) {
- t1 = A.RegExp_RegExp("[\\p{Space_Separator}\\p{Punctuation}]", true, true);
- t2 = A.Primitives_stringFromCharCode(innerCodePoint);
- t1 = !t1._nativeRegExp.test(t2);
- } else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- get$moveByWordBoundary() {
- var _this = this,
- value = _this.__WordBoundary_moveByWordBoundary_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- value !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.__WordBoundary_moveByWordBoundary_FI = new A._UntilTextBoundary(_this.get$_skipSpacesAndPunctuations(), _this);
- }
- return value;
- }
- };
- A._UntilTextBoundary.prototype = {
- getLeadingTextBoundaryAt$1(position) {
- var offset;
- if (position < 0)
- return null;
- offset = this._textBoundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt$1(position);
- return offset == null || this._predicate.call$2(offset, false) ? offset : this.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt$1(offset - 1);
- },
- getTrailingTextBoundaryAt$1(position) {
- var offset = this._textBoundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt$1(Math.max(position, 0));
- return offset == null || this._predicate.call$2(offset, true) ? offset : this.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt$1(offset);
- }
- };
- A._LineCaretMetrics.prototype = {};
- A._EmptyLineCaretMetrics.prototype = {};
- A.TextPainter.prototype = {
- markNeedsLayout$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._paragraph;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this._previousCaretPosition = _this._lineMetricsCache = _this._paragraph = null;
- },
- set$text(_, value) {
- var t1, comparison, _this = this;
- if (J.$eq$(_this._text_painter$_text, value))
- return;
- t1 = _this._text_painter$_text;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.style;
- if (!J.$eq$(t1, value.style)) {
- t1 = _this._layoutTemplate;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this._layoutTemplate = null;
- }
- t1 = _this._text_painter$_text;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.compareTo$1(0, value);
- comparison = t1 == null ? B.RenderComparison_3 : t1;
- _this._text_painter$_text = value;
- _this._cachedPlainText = null;
- t1 = comparison.index;
- if (t1 >= 3)
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- else if (t1 >= 2)
- _this._rebuildParagraphForPaint = true;
- },
- get$plainText() {
- var t1 = this._cachedPlainText;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this._text_painter$_text;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.toPlainText$1$includeSemanticsLabels(false);
- this._cachedPlainText = t1;
- }
- return t1 == null ? "" : t1;
- },
- set$textAlign(_, value) {
- if (this._textAlign === value)
- return;
- this._textAlign = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$textDirection(value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._text_painter$_textDirection === value)
- return;
- _this._text_painter$_textDirection = value;
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- t1 = _this._layoutTemplate;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this._layoutTemplate = null;
- },
- set$textScaleFactor(value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._textScaleFactor === value)
- return;
- _this._textScaleFactor = value;
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- t1 = _this._layoutTemplate;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this._layoutTemplate = null;
- },
- set$ellipsis(value) {
- if (this._ellipsis == value)
- return;
- this._ellipsis = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$locale(_, value) {
- if (J.$eq$(this._text_painter$_locale, value))
- return;
- this._text_painter$_locale = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$maxLines(value) {
- if (this._maxLines == value)
- return;
- this._maxLines = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$strutStyle(value) {
- if (J.$eq$(this._strutStyle, value))
- return;
- this._strutStyle = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$textWidthBasis(value) {
- if (this._textWidthBasis === value)
- return;
- this._textWidthBasis = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- setPlaceholderDimensions$1(value) {
- if (value == null || value.length === 0 || A.listEquals0(value, this._text_painter$_placeholderDimensions))
- return;
- this._text_painter$_placeholderDimensions = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- _createParagraphStyle$1(defaultTextDirection) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, effectiveTextHeightBehavior, t6, t7, t8, leadingDistribution, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this._text_painter$_text.style;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- else {
- t2 = _this._textAlign;
- t3 = _this._text_painter$_textDirection;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = defaultTextDirection;
- t4 = _this._textScaleFactor;
- t5 = _this._maxLines;
- effectiveTextHeightBehavior = _this._text_painter$_textHeightBehavior;
- t6 = _this._ellipsis;
- t7 = _this._text_painter$_locale;
- t8 = _this._strutStyle;
- leadingDistribution = t1.leadingDistribution;
- effectiveTextHeightBehavior = leadingDistribution == null ? _null : new A.TextHeightBehavior(leadingDistribution);
- t9 = t1.fontWeight;
- t10 = t1.fontStyle;
- t11 = t1.fontFamily;
- t12 = t1.fontSize;
- if (t12 == null)
- t12 = 14;
- t1 = t1.height;
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = _null;
- else {
- t13 = t8.fontFamily;
- t14 = t8.get$fontFamilyFallback();
- t15 = t8.fontSize;
- t15 = t15 == null ? _null : t15 * t4;
- t16 = t8.height;
- t17 = t8.leading;
- t18 = t8.fontWeight;
- t8 = t8.fontStyle;
- t17 = $.$get$_renderer().createStrutStyle$9$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSize$fontStyle$fontWeight$forceStrutHeight$height$leading$leadingDistribution(t13, t14, t15, t8, t18, true, t16, t17, _null);
- t8 = t17;
- }
- t3 = A.ParagraphStyle_ParagraphStyle(t6, t11, t12 * t4, t10, t9, t1, t7, t5, t8, t2, t3, effectiveTextHeightBehavior);
- t1 = t3;
- }
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this._textAlign;
- t2 = _this._text_painter$_textDirection;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = defaultTextDirection;
- t3 = _this._textScaleFactor;
- t4 = _this._maxLines;
- t5 = _this._text_painter$_textHeightBehavior;
- t5 = A.ParagraphStyle_ParagraphStyle(_this._ellipsis, _null, 14 * t3, _null, _null, _null, _this._text_painter$_locale, t4, _null, t1, t2, t5);
- t1 = t5;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- _createParagraphStyle$0() {
- return this._createParagraphStyle$1(null);
- },
- get$preferredLineHeight() {
- var builder, textStyle, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._layoutTemplate;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this._createParagraphStyle$1(B.TextDirection_0);
- builder = $.$get$_renderer().createParagraphBuilder$1(t1);
- t1 = _this._text_painter$_text;
- if (t1 == null)
- textStyle = null;
- else {
- t1 = t1.style;
- textStyle = t1 == null ? null : t1.getTextStyle$1$textScaleFactor(_this._textScaleFactor);
- }
- if (textStyle != null)
- builder.pushStyle$1(textStyle);
- builder.addText$1(" ");
- t1 = builder.build$0();
- t1.layout$1(B.ParagraphConstraints_C5f);
- _this._layoutTemplate = t1;
- }
- return t1.get$height(t1);
- },
- get$width(_) {
- var t1 = this._textWidthBasis,
- t2 = this._paragraph;
- t1 = t1 === B.TextWidthBasis_1 ? t2.get$longestLine() : t2.get$width(t2);
- return Math.ceil(t1);
- },
- computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- var t1;
- switch (baseline.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = this._paragraph;
- return t1.get$alphabeticBaseline(t1);
- case 1:
- t1 = this._paragraph;
- return t1.get$ideographicBaseline(t1);
- }
- },
- _createParagraph$0() {
- var t1, builder, paragraph, _this = this,
- text = _this._text_painter$_text;
- if (text == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("TextPainter.text must be set to a non-null value before using the TextPainter."));
- t1 = _this._createParagraphStyle$0();
- builder = $.$get$_renderer().createParagraphBuilder$1(t1);
- t1 = _this._textScaleFactor;
- text.build$3$dimensions$textScaleFactor(builder, _this._text_painter$_placeholderDimensions, t1);
- _this._inlinePlaceholderScales = builder.get$placeholderScales();
- paragraph = builder.build$0();
- _this._paragraph = paragraph;
- _this._rebuildParagraphForPaint = false;
- return paragraph;
- },
- _layoutParagraph$2(minWidth, maxWidth) {
- var newWidth, t1, _this = this;
- _this._paragraph.layout$1(new A.ParagraphConstraints(maxWidth));
- if (minWidth !== maxWidth) {
- switch (_this._textWidthBasis.index) {
- case 1:
- newWidth = Math.ceil(_this._paragraph.get$longestLine());
- break;
- case 0:
- newWidth = Math.ceil(_this._paragraph.get$maxIntrinsicWidth());
- break;
- default:
- newWidth = null;
- }
- newWidth = A.clampDouble(newWidth, minWidth, maxWidth);
- t1 = _this._paragraph;
- if (newWidth !== Math.ceil(t1.get$width(t1)))
- _this._paragraph.layout$1(new A.ParagraphConstraints(newWidth));
- }
- },
- layout$2$maxWidth$minWidth(maxWidth, minWidth) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._paragraph == null;
- if (!t1 && minWidth === _this._lastMinWidth && maxWidth === _this._lastMaxWidth)
- return;
- if (_this._rebuildParagraphForPaint || t1)
- _this._createParagraph$0();
- _this._lastMinWidth = minWidth;
- _this._lastMaxWidth = maxWidth;
- _this._previousCaretPosition = _this._lineMetricsCache = null;
- _this._layoutParagraph$2(minWidth, maxWidth);
- _this._inlinePlaceholderBoxes = _this._paragraph.getBoxesForPlaceholders$0();
- },
- layout$0() {
- return this.layout$2$maxWidth$minWidth(1 / 0, 0);
- },
- layout$1$maxWidth(maxWidth) {
- return this.layout$2$maxWidth$minWidth(maxWidth, 0);
- },
- paint$2(canvas, offset) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- minWidth = _this._lastMinWidth,
- maxWidth = _this._lastMaxWidth;
- if (_this._paragraph == null || minWidth == null || maxWidth == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("TextPainter.paint called when text geometry was not yet calculated.\nPlease call layout() before paint() to position the text before painting it."));
- if (_this._rebuildParagraphForPaint) {
- _this._createParagraph$0();
- _this._layoutParagraph$2(minWidth, maxWidth);
- }
- t1 = _this._paragraph;
- t1.toString;
- canvas.drawParagraph$2(t1, offset);
- },
- getOffsetAfter$1(offset) {
- var nextCodeUnit = this._text_painter$_text.codeUnitAt$1(0, offset);
- if (nextCodeUnit == null)
- return null;
- return (nextCodeUnit & 64512) === 55296 ? offset + 2 : offset + 1;
- },
- getOffsetBefore$1(offset) {
- var t1 = offset - 1,
- prevCodeUnit = this._text_painter$_text.codeUnitAt$1(0, t1);
- if (prevCodeUnit == null)
- return null;
- return (prevCodeUnit & 64512) === 56320 ? offset - 2 : t1;
- },
- _getMetricsFromUpstream$1(offset) {
- var prevCodeUnit, t1, needsSearch, graphemeClusterLength, boxes, t2, t3, prevRuneOffset, t4, box, _this = this,
- plainTextLength = _this.get$plainText().length;
- if (plainTextLength === 0 || offset > plainTextLength)
- return null;
- prevCodeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(_this.get$plainText(), Math.max(0, offset - 1));
- t1 = prevCodeUnit & 64512;
- needsSearch = t1 === 55296 || t1 === 56320 || _this._text_painter$_text.codeUnitAt$1(0, offset) === 8205 || prevCodeUnit === 8207 || prevCodeUnit === 8206;
- graphemeClusterLength = needsSearch ? 2 : 1;
- boxes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TextBox);
- for (t1 = -plainTextLength, t2 = !needsSearch, t3 = prevCodeUnit === 10; boxes.length === 0;) {
- prevRuneOffset = offset - graphemeClusterLength;
- t4 = _this._paragraph;
- t4.toString;
- boxes = t4.getBoxesForRange$3$boxHeightStyle(Math.max(0, prevRuneOffset), offset, B.BoxHeightStyle_5);
- if (boxes.length === 0) {
- if (t2 && t3)
- break;
- if (prevRuneOffset < t1)
- break;
- graphemeClusterLength *= 2;
- continue;
- }
- box = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(boxes).direction === B.TextDirection_1 ? B.JSArray_methods.get$last(boxes) : B.JSArray_methods.get$first(boxes);
- if (t3)
- t1 = new A._EmptyLineCaretMetrics(box.bottom);
- else {
- t1 = box.direction;
- t2 = t1 === B.TextDirection_1 ? box.right : box.left;
- t3 = box.top;
- t3 = new A._LineCaretMetrics(new A.Offset(t2, t3), t1, box.bottom - t3);
- t1 = t3;
- }
- return t1;
- }
- return null;
- },
- _getMetricsFromDownstream$1(offset) {
- var nextCodeUnit, t1, needsSearch, graphemeClusterLength, boxes, t2, nextRuneOffset, box, t3,
- plainTextLength = this.get$plainText().length;
- if (plainTextLength === 0)
- return null;
- nextCodeUnit = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(this.get$plainText(), Math.min(offset, plainTextLength - 1));
- t1 = nextCodeUnit & 64512;
- needsSearch = t1 === 55296 || t1 === 56320 || nextCodeUnit === 8205 || nextCodeUnit === 8207 || nextCodeUnit === 8206;
- graphemeClusterLength = needsSearch ? 2 : 1;
- boxes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TextBox);
- for (t1 = plainTextLength << 1 >>> 0, t2 = !needsSearch; boxes.length === 0;) {
- nextRuneOffset = offset + graphemeClusterLength;
- boxes = this._paragraph.getBoxesForRange$3$boxHeightStyle(offset, nextRuneOffset, B.BoxHeightStyle_5);
- if (boxes.length === 0) {
- if (t2)
- break;
- if (nextRuneOffset >= t1)
- break;
- graphemeClusterLength *= 2;
- continue;
- }
- box = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(boxes).direction === B.TextDirection_1 ? B.JSArray_methods.get$first(boxes) : B.JSArray_methods.get$last(boxes);
- t1 = box.direction;
- t2 = t1 === B.TextDirection_1 ? box.left : box.right;
- t3 = box.top;
- return new A._LineCaretMetrics(new A.Offset(t2, t3), t1, box.bottom - t3);
- }
- return null;
- },
- getOffsetForCaret$2(position, caretPrototype) {
- var t1, t2, paintOffsetAlignment, dx, offset, _this = this,
- caretMetrics = position.offset < 0 ? B._EmptyLineCaretMetrics_0 : _this._computeCaretMetrics$1(position);
- if (caretMetrics instanceof A._EmptyLineCaretMetrics) {
- t1 = _this._textAlign;
- t2 = _this._text_painter$_textDirection;
- t2.toString;
- paintOffsetAlignment = A.TextPainter__computePaintOffsetFraction(t1, t2);
- dx = paintOffsetAlignment === 0 ? 0 : paintOffsetAlignment * _this.get$width(_this);
- return new A.Offset(dx, caretMetrics.lineVerticalOffset);
- }
- type$._LineCaretMetrics._as(caretMetrics);
- switch (caretMetrics.writingDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = caretMetrics.offset;
- offset = new A.Offset(t1._dx - (caretPrototype.right - caretPrototype.left), t1._dy);
- break;
- case 1:
- offset = caretMetrics.offset;
- break;
- default:
- offset = null;
- }
- return new A.Offset(A.clampDouble(offset._dx, 0, _this.get$width(_this)), offset._dy);
- },
- getFullHeightForCaret$2(position, caretPrototype) {
- var caretMetrics;
- if (position.offset < 0)
- return null;
- caretMetrics = this._computeCaretMetrics$1(position);
- return caretMetrics instanceof A._LineCaretMetrics ? caretMetrics.fullHeight : null;
- },
- _computeCaretMetrics$1(position) {
- var t1, offset, metrics, _this = this;
- if (position.$eq(0, _this._previousCaretPosition)) {
- t1 = _this.__TextPainter__caretMetrics_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1;
- }
- offset = position.offset;
- switch (position.affinity.index) {
- case 0:
- metrics = _this._getMetricsFromUpstream$1(offset);
- if (metrics == null)
- metrics = _this._getMetricsFromDownstream$1(offset);
- break;
- case 1:
- metrics = _this._getMetricsFromDownstream$1(offset);
- if (metrics == null)
- metrics = _this._getMetricsFromUpstream$1(offset);
- break;
- default:
- metrics = null;
- }
- _this._previousCaretPosition = position;
- return _this.__TextPainter__caretMetrics_A = metrics == null ? B._EmptyLineCaretMetrics_0 : metrics;
- },
- getBoxesForSelection$3$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle(selection, boxHeightStyle, boxWidthStyle) {
- return this._paragraph.getBoxesForRange$4$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle(selection.start, selection.end, boxHeightStyle, boxWidthStyle);
- },
- getBoxesForSelection$1(selection) {
- return this.getBoxesForSelection$3$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle(selection, B.BoxHeightStyle_0, B.BoxWidthStyle_0);
- },
- computeLineMetrics$0() {
- var t1 = this._lineMetricsCache;
- return t1 == null ? this._lineMetricsCache = this._paragraph.computeLineMetrics$0() : t1;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._layoutTemplate;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this._layoutTemplate = null;
- t1 = _this._paragraph;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this._text_painter$_text = _this._paragraph = null;
- }
- };
- A.TextSpan.prototype = {
- get$cursor(_) {
- return this.mouseCursor;
- },
- get$validForMouseTracker() {
- return true;
- },
- handleEvent$2($event, entry) {
- type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event);
- },
- build$3$dimensions$textScaleFactor(builder, dimensions, textScaleFactor) {
- var exception, stack, exception0, t2, _i,
- t1 = this.style,
- hasStyle = t1 != null;
- if (hasStyle)
- builder.pushStyle$1(t1.getTextStyle$1$textScaleFactor(textScaleFactor));
- t1 = this.text;
- if (t1 != null)
- try {
- builder.addText$1(t1);
- } catch (exception0) {
- t1 = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- if (t1 instanceof A.ArgumentError) {
- exception = t1;
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "painting library", A.ErrorDescription$("while building a TextSpan"), null, false));
- builder.addText$1("\ufffd");
- } else
- throw exception0;
- }
- t1 = this.children;
- if (t1 != null)
- for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].build$3$dimensions$textScaleFactor(builder, dimensions, textScaleFactor);
- if (hasStyle)
- builder.pop$0();
- },
- visitChildren$1(visitor) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- if (this.text != null)
- if (!visitor.call$1(this))
- return false;
- t1 = this.children;
- if (t1 != null)
- for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- if (!t1[_i].visitChildren$1(visitor))
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- getSpanForPositionVisitor$2(position, offset) {
- var affinity, targetOffset, t2, endOffset,
- t1 = this.text;
- if (t1 == null)
- return null;
- affinity = position.affinity;
- targetOffset = position.offset;
- t2 = offset._inline_span$_value;
- endOffset = t2 + t1.length;
- if (!(t2 === targetOffset && affinity === B.TextAffinity_1))
- if (!(t2 < targetOffset && targetOffset < endOffset))
- t1 = endOffset === targetOffset && affinity === B.TextAffinity_0;
- else
- t1 = true;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return this;
- offset._inline_span$_value = endOffset;
- return null;
- },
- computeToPlainText$3$includePlaceholders$includeSemanticsLabels(buffer, includePlaceholders, includeSemanticsLabels) {
- var t2, _i,
- t1 = this.text;
- if (t1 != null)
- buffer._contents += t1;
- t1 = this.children;
- if (t1 != null)
- for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].computeToPlainText$3$includePlaceholders$includeSemanticsLabels(buffer, true, includeSemanticsLabels);
- },
- computeSemanticsInformation$3$inheritedLocale$inheritedSpellOut(collector, inheritedLocale, inheritedSpellOut) {
- var t2, _i, child,
- t1 = this.text;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_StringAttribute);
- collector.push(A.InlineSpanSemanticsInformation$(t1, null, null, t2));
- }
- t1 = this.children;
- if (t1 != null)
- for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- child = t1[_i];
- if (child instanceof A.TextSpan)
- child.computeSemanticsInformation$3$inheritedLocale$inheritedSpellOut(collector, inheritedLocale, false);
- else
- child.computeSemanticsInformation$1(collector);
- }
- },
- computeSemanticsInformation$1(collector) {
- return this.computeSemanticsInformation$3$inheritedLocale$inheritedSpellOut(collector, null, false);
- },
- codeUnitAtVisitor$2(index, offset) {
- var t1, localOffset, t2,
- text = this.text;
- if (text == null)
- return null;
- t1 = offset._inline_span$_value;
- localOffset = index - t1;
- t2 = text.length;
- offset._inline_span$_value = t1 + t2;
- return localOffset < t2 ? B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(text, localOffset) : null;
- },
- compareTo$1(_, other) {
- var t1, t2, candidate, result, index, _this = this;
- if (_this === other)
- return B.RenderComparison_0;
- if (A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return B.RenderComparison_3;
- type$.TextSpan._as(other);
- if (other.text == _this.text) {
- t1 = _this.children;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.length;
- t2 = other.children;
- t1 = t1 != (t2 == null ? null : t2.length) || _this.style == null !== (other.style == null);
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return B.RenderComparison_3;
- t1 = _this.style;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = other.style;
- t2.toString;
- candidate = t1.compareTo$1(0, t2);
- result = candidate.index > 0 ? candidate : B.RenderComparison_0;
- if (result === B.RenderComparison_3)
- return result;
- } else
- result = B.RenderComparison_0;
- t1 = _this.children;
- if (t1 != null)
- for (t2 = other.children, index = 0; index < t1.length; ++index) {
- candidate = J.compareTo$1$ns(t1[index], t2[index]);
- if (candidate.index > result.index)
- result = candidate;
- if (result === B.RenderComparison_3)
- return result;
- }
- return result;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (!_this.super$InlineSpan$$eq(0, other))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.TextSpan && other.text == _this.text && _this.mouseCursor.$eq(0, other.mouseCursor) && A.listEquals0(other.children, _this.children);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = A.InlineSpan.prototype.get$hashCode.call(_this, _this),
- t2 = _this.children;
- t2 = t2 == null ? _null : A.Object_hashAll(t2);
- return A.Object_hash(t1, _this.text, _null, _null, _null, _null, _this.mouseCursor, t2, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toStringShort$0() {
- return "TextSpan";
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.children;
- if (t1 == null)
- return B.List_empty0;
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,DiagnosticsNode>");
- return A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.TextSpan_debugDescribeChildren_closure(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- },
- $isHitTestTarget: 1,
- $isMouseTrackerAnnotation: 1,
- get$onEnter() {
- return null;
- },
- get$onExit() {
- return null;
- }
- };
- A.TextSpan_debugDescribeChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- return A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$(null, null, child);
- },
- $signature: 329
- };
- A.TextStyle.prototype = {
- get$fontFamilyFallback() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._text_style$_fontFamilyFallback;
- if (!(this._package == null))
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,String>");
- t2 = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.TextStyle_fontFamilyFallback_closure(this), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- t1 = t2;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$_text_style$_fontFamily(_) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._package;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = this.fontFamily;
- return t2 == null ? null : B.JSString_methods.substring$1(t2, ("packages/" + t1 + "/").length);
- }
- return this.fontFamily;
- },
- copyWith$26$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$inherit$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(background, backgroundColor, color, debugLabel, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontVariations, fontWeight, foreground, height, inherit, leadingDistribution, letterSpacing, locale, overflow, $package, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing) {
- var t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, _this = this,
- t1 = inherit == null ? _this.inherit : inherit,
- t2 = _this.foreground;
- if (t2 == null && foreground == null)
- t3 = color == null ? _this.color : color;
- else
- t3 = null;
- t4 = _this.background;
- if (t4 == null && background == null)
- t5 = backgroundColor == null ? _this.backgroundColor : backgroundColor;
- else
- t5 = null;
- t6 = fontSize == null ? _this.fontSize : fontSize;
- t7 = fontWeight == null ? _this.fontWeight : fontWeight;
- t8 = fontStyle == null ? _this.fontStyle : fontStyle;
- t9 = letterSpacing == null ? _this.letterSpacing : letterSpacing;
- t10 = wordSpacing == null ? _this.wordSpacing : wordSpacing;
- t11 = textBaseline == null ? _this.textBaseline : textBaseline;
- t12 = height == null ? _this.height : height;
- t13 = leadingDistribution == null ? _this.leadingDistribution : leadingDistribution;
- t2 = foreground == null ? t2 : foreground;
- t4 = background == null ? t4 : background;
- t14 = shadows == null ? _this.shadows : shadows;
- t15 = fontVariations == null ? _this.fontVariations : fontVariations;
- t16 = decoration == null ? _this.decoration : decoration;
- t17 = decorationColor == null ? _this.decorationColor : decorationColor;
- t18 = decorationStyle == null ? _this.decorationStyle : decorationStyle;
- t19 = decorationThickness == null ? _this.decorationThickness : decorationThickness;
- t20 = fontFamily == null ? _this.get$_text_style$_fontFamily(_this) : fontFamily;
- t21 = fontFamilyFallback == null ? _this._text_style$_fontFamilyFallback : fontFamilyFallback;
- t22 = $package == null ? _this._package : $package;
- return A.TextStyle$(t4, t5, t3, null, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, _this.fontFeatures, t6, t8, t15, t7, t2, t12, t1, t13, t9, _this.locale, _this.overflow, t22, t14, t11, t10);
- },
- copyWith$0() {
- return this.copyWith$26$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$inherit$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$1$color(color) {
- return this.copyWith$26$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$inherit$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(null, null, color, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$1$letterSpacing(letterSpacing) {
- return this.copyWith$26$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$inherit$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, letterSpacing, null, null, null, null, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$25$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(background, backgroundColor, color, debugLabel, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontVariations, fontWeight, foreground, height, leadingDistribution, letterSpacing, locale, overflow, $package, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing) {
- return this.copyWith$26$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$inherit$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(background, backgroundColor, color, debugLabel, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, decorationThickness, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontFeatures, fontSize, fontStyle, fontVariations, fontWeight, foreground, height, null, leadingDistribution, letterSpacing, locale, overflow, $package, shadows, textBaseline, wordSpacing);
- },
- copyWith$2$fontFamily$fontWeight(fontFamily, fontWeight) {
- return this.copyWith$26$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$inherit$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, fontFamily, null, null, null, null, null, fontWeight, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$2$color$fontSize(color, fontSize) {
- return this.copyWith$26$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$inherit$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(null, null, color, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, fontSize, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$1$height(height) {
- return this.copyWith$26$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$inherit$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, height, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$2$color$fontWeight(color, fontWeight) {
- return this.copyWith$26$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$inherit$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(null, null, color, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, fontWeight, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$1$inherit(inherit) {
- return this.copyWith$26$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$inherit$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, inherit, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$3$color$fontSize$fontWeight(color, fontSize, fontWeight) {
- return this.copyWith$26$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$inherit$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(null, null, color, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, fontSize, null, null, fontWeight, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
- },
- apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(color, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontSizeDelta, fontSizeFactor, $package) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this.foreground;
- if (t1 == null)
- t2 = color == null ? _this.color : color;
- else
- t2 = _null;
- t3 = _this.background;
- if (t3 == null)
- t4 = _this.backgroundColor;
- else
- t4 = _null;
- t5 = _this.get$_text_style$_fontFamily(_this);
- t6 = _this.fontSize;
- t6 = t6 == null ? _null : t6 * fontSizeFactor + fontSizeDelta;
- t7 = _this.fontWeight;
- t7 = t7 == null ? _null : B.List_c9P[B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(t7.index, 0, 8)];
- t8 = _this.letterSpacing;
- t8 = t8 == null ? _null : t8 + 0;
- t9 = _this.wordSpacing;
- t9 = t9 == null ? _null : t9 + 0;
- t10 = _this.height;
- t10 = t10 == null ? _null : t10 + 0;
- t11 = decorationColor == null ? _this.decorationColor : decorationColor;
- t12 = _this.decorationThickness;
- t12 = t12 == null ? _null : t12 + 0;
- return A.TextStyle$(t3, t4, t2, _null, _this.decoration, t11, _this.decorationStyle, t12, t5, _this._text_style$_fontFamilyFallback, _this.fontFeatures, t6, _this.fontStyle, _this.fontVariations, t7, t1, t10, _this.inherit, _this.leadingDistribution, t8, _this.locale, _this.overflow, _this._package, _this.shadows, _this.textBaseline, t9);
- },
- apply$1$color(color) {
- return this.apply$9$color$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontSizeDelta$fontSizeFactor$package(color, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 1, null);
- },
- merge$1(other) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23;
- if (other == null)
- return this;
- if (!other.inherit)
- return other;
- t1 = other.color;
- t2 = other.backgroundColor;
- t3 = other.fontSize;
- t4 = other.fontWeight;
- t5 = other.fontStyle;
- t6 = other.letterSpacing;
- t7 = other.wordSpacing;
- t8 = other.textBaseline;
- t9 = other.height;
- t10 = other.leadingDistribution;
- t11 = other.locale;
- t12 = other.foreground;
- t13 = other.background;
- t14 = other.shadows;
- t15 = other.fontFeatures;
- t16 = other.fontVariations;
- t17 = other.decoration;
- t18 = other.decorationColor;
- t19 = other.decorationStyle;
- t20 = other.decorationThickness;
- t21 = other.get$_text_style$_fontFamily(other);
- t22 = other._text_style$_fontFamilyFallback;
- t23 = other._package;
- return this.copyWith$25$background$backgroundColor$color$debugLabel$decoration$decorationColor$decorationStyle$decorationThickness$fontFamily$fontFamilyFallback$fontFeatures$fontSize$fontStyle$fontVariations$fontWeight$foreground$height$leadingDistribution$letterSpacing$locale$overflow$package$shadows$textBaseline$wordSpacing(t13, t2, t1, null, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t15, t3, t5, t16, t4, t12, t9, t10, t6, t11, other.overflow, t23, t14, t8, t7);
- },
- getTextStyle$1$textScaleFactor(textScaleFactor) {
- var t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.get$fontFamilyFallback(),
- t2 = _this.fontSize;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2 * textScaleFactor;
- t3 = _this.background;
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = _this.backgroundColor;
- if (t3 != null) {
- t4 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t4.set$color(0, t3);
- t3 = t4;
- } else
- t3 = null;
- }
- return A.TextStyle_TextStyle(t3, _this.color, _this.decoration, _this.decorationColor, _this.decorationStyle, _this.decorationThickness, _this.fontFamily, t1, _this.fontFeatures, t2, _this.fontStyle, _this.fontVariations, _this.fontWeight, _this.foreground, _this.height, _this.leadingDistribution, _this.letterSpacing, _this.locale, _this.shadows, _this.textBaseline, _this.wordSpacing);
- },
- compareTo$1(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this === other)
- return B.RenderComparison_0;
- if (_this.inherit !== other.inherit || _this.fontFamily != other.fontFamily || _this.fontSize != other.fontSize || _this.fontWeight != other.fontWeight || _this.fontStyle != other.fontStyle || _this.letterSpacing != other.letterSpacing || _this.wordSpacing != other.wordSpacing || _this.textBaseline != other.textBaseline || _this.height != other.height || _this.leadingDistribution != other.leadingDistribution || _this.foreground != other.foreground || _this.background != other.background || !A.listEquals0(_this.shadows, other.shadows) || !A.listEquals0(_this.fontFeatures, other.fontFeatures) || !A.listEquals0(_this.fontVariations, other.fontVariations) || !A.listEquals0(_this.get$fontFamilyFallback(), other.get$fontFamilyFallback()) || false)
- return B.RenderComparison_3;
- if (!J.$eq$(_this.color, other.color) || !J.$eq$(_this.backgroundColor, other.backgroundColor) || !J.$eq$(_this.decoration, other.decoration) || !J.$eq$(_this.decorationColor, other.decorationColor) || _this.decorationStyle != other.decorationStyle || _this.decorationThickness != other.decorationThickness)
- return B.RenderComparison_2;
- return B.RenderComparison_0;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.TextStyle && other.inherit === _this.inherit && J.$eq$(other.color, _this.color) && J.$eq$(other.backgroundColor, _this.backgroundColor) && other.fontSize == _this.fontSize && other.fontWeight == _this.fontWeight && other.fontStyle == _this.fontStyle && other.letterSpacing == _this.letterSpacing && other.wordSpacing == _this.wordSpacing && other.textBaseline == _this.textBaseline && other.height == _this.height && other.leadingDistribution == _this.leadingDistribution && other.foreground == _this.foreground && other.background == _this.background && A.listEquals0(other.shadows, _this.shadows) && A.listEquals0(other.fontFeatures, _this.fontFeatures) && A.listEquals0(other.fontVariations, _this.fontVariations) && J.$eq$(other.decoration, _this.decoration) && J.$eq$(other.decorationColor, _this.decorationColor) && other.decorationStyle == _this.decorationStyle && other.decorationThickness == _this.decorationThickness && other.fontFamily == _this.fontFamily && A.listEquals0(other.get$fontFamilyFallback(), _this.get$fontFamilyFallback()) && other._package == _this._package && true;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var t2, _this = this, _null = null,
- fontFamilyFallback = _this.get$fontFamilyFallback(),
- t1 = fontFamilyFallback == null ? _null : A.Object_hashAll(fontFamilyFallback),
- fontHash = A.Object_hash(_this.decorationStyle, _this.decorationThickness, _this.fontFamily, t1, _this._package, _this.overflow, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue),
- shadows = _this.shadows,
- fontVariations = _this.fontVariations;
- t1 = shadows == null ? _null : A.Object_hashAll(shadows);
- t2 = fontVariations == null ? _null : A.Object_hashAll(fontVariations);
- return A.Object_hash(_this.inherit, _this.color, _this.backgroundColor, _this.fontSize, _this.fontWeight, _this.fontStyle, _this.letterSpacing, _this.wordSpacing, _this.textBaseline, _this.height, _this.leadingDistribution, _this.locale, _this.foreground, _this.background, t1, _null, t2, _this.decoration, _this.decorationColor, fontHash);
- },
- toStringShort$0() {
- return "TextStyle";
- }
- };
- A.TextStyle_fontFamilyFallback_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(str) {
- return "packages/" + A.S(this.$this._package) + "/" + str;
- },
- $signature: 89
- };
- A._TextStyle_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.FrictionSimulation.prototype = {
- FrictionSimulation$5$constantDeceleration$tolerance(drag, position, velocity, constantDeceleration, tolerance) {
- var _this = this;
- _this._finalTime = A._newtonsMethod(new A.FrictionSimulation_closure(_this), _this.get$dx(_this), 0, 10, 0);
- },
- x$1(_, time) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (time > _this._finalTime)
- return _this.get$finalX();
- t1 = _this._v;
- t2 = _this._dragLog;
- return _this._friction_simulation$_x + t1 * Math.pow(_this._drag, time) / t2 - t1 / t2 - _this._constantDeceleration / 2 * time * time;
- },
- dx$1(_, time) {
- var _this = this;
- if (time > _this._finalTime)
- return 0;
- return _this._v * Math.pow(_this._drag, time) - _this._constantDeceleration * time;
- },
- get$finalX() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._constantDeceleration === 0)
- return _this._friction_simulation$_x - _this._v / _this._dragLog;
- return _this.x$1(0, _this._finalTime);
- },
- timeAtX$1(x) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._friction_simulation$_x;
- if (x === t1)
- return 0;
- t2 = _this._v;
- if (t2 !== 0)
- if (t2 > 0)
- t1 = x < t1 || x > _this.get$finalX();
- else
- t1 = x > t1 || x < _this.get$finalX();
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return 1 / 0;
- return A._newtonsMethod(_this.get$dx(_this), _this.get$x(_this), 0, 10, x);
- },
- isDone$1(time) {
- return Math.abs(this.dx$1(0, time)) < this.tolerance.velocity;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "FrictionSimulation(c\u2093: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._drag, 1) + ", x\u2080: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._friction_simulation$_x, 1) + ", dx\u2080: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._v, 1) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.FrictionSimulation_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(time) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- return t1._v * Math.pow(t1._drag, time) * t1._dragLog - t1._constantDeceleration;
- },
- $signature: 1
- };
- A.Simulation.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Simulation";
- }
- };
- A.SpringDescription.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "SpringDescription(mass: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this.mass, 1) + ", stiffness: " + B.JSInt_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this.stiffness, 1) + ", damping: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this.damping, 1) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.SpringType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "SpringType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.SpringSimulation.prototype = {
- x$1(_, time) {
- return this._endPosition + this._solution.x$1(0, time);
- },
- dx$1(_, time) {
- return this._solution.dx$1(0, time);
- },
- isDone$1(time) {
- var t1 = this._solution;
- return A.nearEqual(t1.x$1(0, time), 0, this.tolerance.distance) && A.nearEqual(t1.dx$1(0, time), 0, this.tolerance.velocity);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._solution;
- return "SpringSimulation(end: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(this._endPosition, 1) + ", " + t1.get$type(t1).toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.ScrollSpringSimulation.prototype = {
- x$1(_, time) {
- return this.isDone$1(time) ? this._endPosition : this.super$SpringSimulation$x(0, time);
- }
- };
- A._CriticalSolution.prototype = {
- x$1(_, time) {
- return (this._c1 + this._c2 * time) * Math.pow(2.718281828459045, this._r * time);
- },
- dx$1(_, time) {
- var t1 = this._r,
- power = Math.pow(2.718281828459045, t1 * time),
- t2 = this._c2;
- return t1 * (this._c1 + t2 * time) * power + t2 * power;
- },
- get$type(_) {
- return B.SpringType_0;
- }
- };
- A._OverdampedSolution.prototype = {
- x$1(_, time) {
- var _this = this;
- return _this._c1 * Math.pow(2.718281828459045, _this._r1 * time) + _this._c2 * Math.pow(2.718281828459045, _this._r2 * time);
- },
- dx$1(_, time) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._r1,
- t2 = _this._r2;
- return _this._c1 * t1 * Math.pow(2.718281828459045, t1 * time) + _this._c2 * t2 * Math.pow(2.718281828459045, t2 * time);
- },
- get$type(_) {
- return B.SpringType_2;
- }
- };
- A._UnderdampedSolution.prototype = {
- x$1(_, time) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._spring_simulation$_w * time;
- return Math.pow(2.718281828459045, _this._r * time) * (_this._c1 * Math.cos(t1) + _this._c2 * Math.sin(t1));
- },
- dx$1(_, time) {
- var t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._r,
- power = Math.pow(2.718281828459045, t1 * time),
- t2 = _this._spring_simulation$_w,
- t3 = t2 * time,
- cosine = Math.cos(t3),
- sine = Math.sin(t3);
- t3 = _this._c2;
- t4 = _this._c1;
- return power * (t3 * t2 * cosine - t4 * t2 * sine) + t1 * power * (t3 * sine + t4 * cosine);
- },
- get$type(_) {
- return B.SpringType_1;
- }
- };
- A.Tolerance.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Tolerance(distance: \xb1" + A.S(this.distance) + ", time: \xb10.001, velocity: \xb1" + A.S(this.velocity) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.RenderAnimatedSizeState.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "RenderAnimatedSizeState." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.RenderAnimatedSize.prototype = {
- RenderAnimatedSize$8$alignment$child$clipBehavior$curve$duration$reverseDuration$textDirection$vsync(alignment, child, clipBehavior, curve, duration, reverseDuration, textDirection, vsync) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(null, duration, reverseDuration, 1, null, vsync);
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t2 = t1.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t2._isDirty = true;
- t2._list.push(new A.RenderAnimatedSize_closure(_this));
- _this.__RenderAnimatedSize__controller_F !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldAI();
- _this.__RenderAnimatedSize__controller_F = t1;
- t1 = A.CurvedAnimation$(curve, t1, null);
- _this.__RenderAnimatedSize__animation_F !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldAI();
- _this.__RenderAnimatedSize__animation_F = t1;
- },
- set$duration(_, value) {
- var t1 = this.__RenderAnimatedSize__controller_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (value.$eq(0, t1.duration))
- return;
- t1.duration = value;
- },
- set$reverseDuration(value) {
- var t1 = this.__RenderAnimatedSize__controller_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (value == t1.reverseDuration)
- return;
- t1.reverseDuration = value;
- },
- set$curve(_, value) {
- var t1 = this.__RenderAnimatedSize__animation_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (value === t1.curve)
- return;
- t1.curve = value;
- },
- set$vsync(value) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- if (value === this._vsync)
- return;
- this._vsync = value;
- t1 = this.__RenderAnimatedSize__controller_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1._ticker;
- t2.toString;
- t1 = t1._ticker = value.createTicker$1(t1.get$_animation_controller$_tick());
- t3 = t2._ticker$_future;
- if (t3 != null) {
- t1._ticker$_future = t3;
- t1._startTime = t2._startTime;
- if (!t1._muted)
- t3 = t1._animationId == null;
- else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3)
- t1._animationId = $.SchedulerBinding__instance.scheduleFrameCallback$2$rescheduling(t1.get$_ticker$_tick(), false);
- t2._ticker$_future = null;
- t2.unscheduleTick$0();
- }
- t2.dispose$0();
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- this.super$_RenderShiftedBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$attach(owner);
- switch (this._animated_size$_state.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- break;
- case 2:
- case 3:
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- break;
- }
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.__RenderAnimatedSize__controller_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.stop$0(0);
- this.super$_RenderShiftedBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$detach(0);
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t2, constraints, t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__RenderAnimatedSize__controller_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this._animated_size$_lastValue = t2;
- _this.__RenderAnimatedSize__hasVisualOverflow_A = false;
- constraints = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- t2 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t2 != null)
- t3 = constraints.minWidth >= constraints.maxWidth && constraints.minHeight >= constraints.maxHeight;
- else
- t3 = true;
- if (t3) {
- t1.stop$0(0);
- t1 = _this._sizeTween;
- _this._size = t1.begin = t1.end = new A.Size(A.clampDouble(0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight));
- _this._animated_size$_state = B.RenderAnimatedSizeState_0;
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.layout$1(constraints);
- return;
- }
- t2.layout$2$parentUsesSize(constraints, true);
- switch (_this._animated_size$_state.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = _this._sizeTween;
- t2 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size;
- t2.toString;
- t1.begin = t1.end = t2;
- _this._animated_size$_state = B.RenderAnimatedSizeState_1;
- break;
- case 1:
- t2 = _this._sizeTween;
- t3 = t2.end;
- t4 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size;
- t4.toString;
- if (!J.$eq$(t3, t4)) {
- t3 = _this._size;
- t3.toString;
- t2.begin = t3;
- t3 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size;
- t3.toString;
- t2.end = t3;
- _this._animated_size$_lastValue = 0;
- t1.forward$1$from(0, 0);
- _this._animated_size$_state = B.RenderAnimatedSizeState_2;
- } else {
- t3 = t1.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t3 === t1.upperBound) {
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size;
- t1.toString;
- t2.begin = t2.end = t1;
- } else {
- t2 = t1._ticker;
- if (!(t2 != null && t2._ticker$_future != null))
- t1.forward$0(0);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- t2 = _this._sizeTween;
- t3 = t2.end;
- t4 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size;
- t4.toString;
- if (!J.$eq$(t3, t4)) {
- t3 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size;
- t3.toString;
- t2.begin = t2.end = t3;
- _this._animated_size$_lastValue = 0;
- t1.forward$1$from(0, 0);
- _this._animated_size$_state = B.RenderAnimatedSizeState_3;
- } else {
- _this._animated_size$_state = B.RenderAnimatedSizeState_1;
- t2 = t1._ticker;
- if (!(t2 != null && t2._ticker$_future != null))
- t1.forward$0(0);
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- t2 = _this._sizeTween;
- t3 = t2.end;
- t4 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size;
- t4.toString;
- if (!J.$eq$(t3, t4)) {
- t3 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size;
- t3.toString;
- t2.begin = t2.end = t3;
- _this._animated_size$_lastValue = 0;
- t1.forward$1$from(0, 0);
- } else {
- t1.stop$0(0);
- _this._animated_size$_state = B.RenderAnimatedSizeState_1;
- }
- break;
- }
- t1 = _this._sizeTween;
- t2 = _this.__RenderAnimatedSize__animation_F;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.transform$1(0, t2.get$value(t2));
- t2.toString;
- _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(t2);
- _this.alignChild$0();
- t2 = _this._size;
- t3 = t2._dx;
- t1 = t1.end;
- if (t3 < t1._dx || t2._dy < t1._dy)
- _this.__RenderAnimatedSize__hasVisualOverflow_A = true;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- var t2, childSize, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- t2 = constraints.minWidth >= constraints.maxWidth && constraints.minHeight >= constraints.maxHeight;
- else
- t2 = true;
- if (t2)
- return new A.Size(A.clampDouble(0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight));
- childSize = t1.getDryLayout$1(constraints);
- switch (_this._animated_size$_state.index) {
- case 0:
- return constraints.constrain$1(childSize);
- case 1:
- if (!J.$eq$(_this._sizeTween.end, childSize)) {
- t1 = _this._size;
- t1.toString;
- return constraints.constrain$1(t1);
- } else {
- t1 = _this.__RenderAnimatedSize__controller_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2 === t1.upperBound)
- return constraints.constrain$1(childSize);
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- case 2:
- if (!J.$eq$(_this._sizeTween.end, childSize))
- return constraints.constrain$1(childSize);
- break;
- }
- t1 = _this.__RenderAnimatedSize__animation_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = _this._sizeTween.transform$1(0, t1.get$value(t1));
- t1.toString;
- return constraints.constrain$1(t1);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this;
- if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null) {
- t1 = _this.__RenderAnimatedSize__hasVisualOverflow_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1 && _this._animated_size$_clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- t2 = _this._animated_size$_clipRectLayer;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this._size;
- t3 = t1._dx;
- t1 = t1._dy;
- t4 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.set$layer(0, context.pushClipRect$6$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t4, offset, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t3, 0 + t1), A.RenderShiftedBox.prototype.get$paint.call(_this), _this._animated_size$_clipBehavior, t2._layer));
- } else {
- t2.set$layer(0, null);
- _this.super$RenderShiftedBox$paint(context, offset);
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._animated_size$_clipRectLayer.set$layer(0, null);
- this.super$RenderObject$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.RenderAnimatedSize_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.__RenderAnimatedSize__controller_F;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2 !== t1._animated_size$_lastValue)
- t1.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.RendererBinding.prototype = {
- handleMetricsChanged$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1._rootNode;
- t1.toString;
- t1.set$configuration(_this.createViewConfiguration$0());
- if (_this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A._rootNode.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null)
- _this.scheduleForcedFrame$0();
- },
- handleTextScaleFactorChanged$0() {
- },
- handlePlatformBrightnessChanged$0() {
- },
- createViewConfiguration$0() {
- var t1,
- view = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().viewData.$index(0, 0),
- devicePixelRatio = view._debugDevicePixelRatio;
- if (devicePixelRatio == null) {
- t1 = self.window.devicePixelRatio;
- devicePixelRatio = t1 === 0 ? 1 : t1;
- }
- return new A.ViewConfiguration(view.get$physicalSize().$div(0, devicePixelRatio), devicePixelRatio);
- },
- _handleSemanticsOwnerCreated$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1._rootNode;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner;
- t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t1))._nodesNeedingSemantics.add$1(0, t1);
- t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t1)).requestVisualUpdate$0();
- },
- _handleSemanticsUpdate$1(update) {
- var t1 = this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1._rootNode.toString;
- t1 = $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance;
- (t1 == null ? $.EngineSemanticsOwner__instance = A.EngineSemanticsOwner$_() : t1).updateSemantics$1(update);
- },
- _handleSemanticsOwnerDisposed$0() {
- var t1 = this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1._rootNode.clearSemantics$0();
- },
- _handleWebFirstFrame$1(_) {
- B.MethodChannel_Gpa._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("first-frame", null, false, type$.void);
- },
- _handlePersistentFrameCallback$1(timeStamp) {
- this.drawFrame$0();
- this._scheduleMouseTrackerUpdate$0();
- },
- _scheduleMouseTrackerUpdate$0() {
- $.SchedulerBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A.RendererBinding__scheduleMouseTrackerUpdate_closure(this));
- },
- allowFirstFrame$0() {
- --this.RendererBinding__firstFrameDeferredCount;
- if (!this.RendererBinding__firstFrameSent)
- this.scheduleWarmUpFrame$0();
- },
- drawFrame$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.flushLayout$0();
- _this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A.flushCompositingBits$0();
- _this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A.flushPaint$0();
- if (_this.RendererBinding__firstFrameSent || _this.RendererBinding__firstFrameDeferredCount === 0) {
- _this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A._rootNode.compositeFrame$0();
- _this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A.flushSemantics$0();
- _this.RendererBinding__firstFrameSent = true;
- }
- },
- $isHitTestTarget: 1,
- $isSchedulerBinding: 1
- };
- A.RendererBinding__scheduleMouseTrackerUpdate_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(duration) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.RendererBinding__mouseTracker;
- t2.toString;
- t1 = t1.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.updateAllDevices$1(t1._rootNode.get$hitTestMouseTrackers());
- },
- $signature: 4
- };
- A._BindingPipelineManifold.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- this._binding.get$_binding1$_semanticsEnabled().removeListener$1(0, this.get$notifyListeners());
- this.super$ChangeNotifier$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.BoxConstraints.prototype = {
- copyWith$4$maxHeight$maxWidth$minHeight$minWidth(maxHeight, maxWidth, minHeight, minWidth) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = minWidth == null ? _this.minWidth : minWidth,
- t2 = maxWidth == null ? _this.maxWidth : maxWidth,
- t3 = minHeight == null ? _this.minHeight : minHeight;
- return new A.BoxConstraints(t1, t2, t3, maxHeight == null ? _this.maxHeight : maxHeight);
- },
- copyWith$2$minHeight$minWidth(minHeight, minWidth) {
- return this.copyWith$4$maxHeight$maxWidth$minHeight$minWidth(null, null, minHeight, minWidth);
- },
- copyWith$2$maxWidth$minWidth(maxWidth, minWidth) {
- return this.copyWith$4$maxHeight$maxWidth$minHeight$minWidth(null, maxWidth, null, minWidth);
- },
- copyWith$2$maxHeight$minHeight(maxHeight, minHeight) {
- return this.copyWith$4$maxHeight$maxWidth$minHeight$minWidth(maxHeight, null, minHeight, null);
- },
- copyWith$1$maxHeight(maxHeight) {
- return this.copyWith$4$maxHeight$maxWidth$minHeight$minWidth(maxHeight, null, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$2$maxHeight$maxWidth(maxHeight, maxWidth) {
- return this.copyWith$4$maxHeight$maxWidth$minHeight$minWidth(maxHeight, maxWidth, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$1$maxWidth(maxWidth) {
- return this.copyWith$4$maxHeight$maxWidth$minHeight$minWidth(null, maxWidth, null, null);
- },
- deflate$1(edges) {
- var _this = this,
- horizontal = edges.get$horizontal(),
- vertical = edges.get$_top(edges) + edges.get$_bottom(edges),
- deflatedMinWidth = Math.max(0, _this.minWidth - horizontal),
- deflatedMinHeight = Math.max(0, _this.minHeight - vertical);
- return new A.BoxConstraints(deflatedMinWidth, Math.max(deflatedMinWidth, _this.maxWidth - horizontal), deflatedMinHeight, Math.max(deflatedMinHeight, _this.maxHeight - vertical));
- },
- enforce$1(constraints) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = constraints.minWidth,
- t2 = constraints.maxWidth,
- t3 = constraints.minHeight,
- t4 = constraints.maxHeight;
- return new A.BoxConstraints(A.clampDouble(_this.minWidth, t1, t2), A.clampDouble(_this.maxWidth, t1, t2), A.clampDouble(_this.minHeight, t3, t4), A.clampDouble(_this.maxHeight, t3, t4));
- },
- tighten$2$height$width(height, width) {
- var t5, t6, _this = this,
- t1 = width == null,
- t2 = _this.minWidth,
- t3 = t1 ? t2 : A.clampDouble(width, t2, _this.maxWidth),
- t4 = _this.maxWidth;
- t1 = t1 ? t4 : A.clampDouble(width, t2, t4);
- t2 = height == null;
- t4 = _this.minHeight;
- t5 = t2 ? t4 : A.clampDouble(height, t4, _this.maxHeight);
- t6 = _this.maxHeight;
- return new A.BoxConstraints(t3, t1, t5, t2 ? t6 : A.clampDouble(height, t4, t6));
- },
- tighten$1$width(width) {
- return this.tighten$2$height$width(null, width);
- },
- tighten$1$height(height) {
- return this.tighten$2$height$width(height, null);
- },
- constrain$1(size) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.Size(A.clampDouble(size._dx, _this.minWidth, _this.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(size._dy, _this.minHeight, _this.maxHeight));
- },
- get$isTight() {
- var _this = this;
- return _this.minWidth >= _this.maxWidth && _this.minHeight >= _this.maxHeight;
- },
- $mul(_, factor) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.BoxConstraints(_this.minWidth * factor, _this.maxWidth * factor, _this.minHeight * factor, _this.maxHeight * factor);
- },
- $div(_, factor) {
- var _this = this;
- return new A.BoxConstraints(_this.minWidth / factor, _this.maxWidth / factor, _this.minHeight / factor, _this.maxHeight / factor);
- },
- get$isNormalized() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.minWidth;
- if (t1 >= 0)
- if (t1 <= _this.maxWidth) {
- t1 = _this.minHeight;
- t1 = t1 >= 0 && t1 <= _this.maxHeight;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.BoxConstraints && other.minWidth === _this.minWidth && other.maxWidth === _this.maxWidth && other.minHeight === _this.minHeight && other.maxHeight === _this.maxHeight;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.minWidth, _this.maxWidth, _this.minHeight, _this.maxHeight, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- annotation = _this.get$isNormalized() ? "" : "; NOT NORMALIZED",
- t1 = _this.minWidth;
- if (t1 === 1 / 0 && _this.minHeight === 1 / 0)
- return "BoxConstraints(biggest" + annotation + ")";
- if (t1 === 0 && _this.maxWidth === 1 / 0 && _this.minHeight === 0 && _this.maxHeight === 1 / 0)
- return "BoxConstraints(unconstrained" + annotation + ")";
- t2 = new A.BoxConstraints_toString_describe();
- return "BoxConstraints(" + t2.call$3(t1, _this.maxWidth, "w") + ", " + t2.call$3(_this.minHeight, _this.maxHeight, "h") + annotation + ")";
- }
- };
- A.BoxConstraints_toString_describe.prototype = {
- call$3(min, max, dim) {
- if (min === max)
- return dim + "=" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(min, 1);
- return B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(min, 1) + "<=" + dim + "<=" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(max, 1);
- },
- $signature: 331
- };
- A.BoxHitTestResult.prototype = {
- addWithPaintTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(hitTest, position, transform) {
- if (transform != null) {
- transform = A.Matrix4_tryInvert(A.PointerEvent_removePerspectiveTransform(transform));
- if (transform == null)
- return false;
- }
- return this.addWithRawTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(hitTest, position, transform);
- },
- addWithPaintOffset$3$hitTest$offset$position(hitTest, offset, position) {
- var isHit,
- t1 = offset == null,
- transformedPosition = t1 ? position : position.$sub(0, offset);
- t1 = !t1;
- if (t1)
- this._localTransforms.push(new A._OffsetTransformPart(new A.Offset(-offset._dx, -offset._dy)));
- isHit = hitTest.call$2(this, transformedPosition);
- if (t1)
- this.popTransform$0();
- return isHit;
- },
- addWithRawTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(hitTest, position, transform) {
- var isHit,
- t1 = transform == null,
- transformedPosition = t1 ? position : A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(transform, position);
- t1 = !t1;
- if (t1)
- this._localTransforms.push(new A._MatrixTransformPart(transform));
- isHit = hitTest.call$2(this, transformedPosition);
- if (t1)
- this.popTransform$0();
- return isHit;
- },
- addWithOutOfBandPosition$3$hitTest$paintOffset$paintTransform(hitTest, paintOffset, paintTransform) {
- var isHit, _this = this;
- if (paintOffset != null)
- _this._localTransforms.push(new A._OffsetTransformPart(new A.Offset(-paintOffset._dx, -paintOffset._dy)));
- else {
- paintTransform.toString;
- paintTransform = A.Matrix4_tryInvert(A.PointerEvent_removePerspectiveTransform(paintTransform));
- paintTransform.toString;
- _this._localTransforms.push(new A._MatrixTransformPart(paintTransform));
- }
- isHit = hitTest.call$1(_this);
- _this.popTransform$0();
- return isHit;
- },
- addWithOutOfBandPosition$2$hitTest$paintTransform(hitTest, paintTransform) {
- return this.addWithOutOfBandPosition$3$hitTest$paintOffset$paintTransform(hitTest, null, paintTransform);
- },
- addWithOutOfBandPosition$2$hitTest$paintOffset(hitTest, paintOffset) {
- return this.addWithOutOfBandPosition$3$hitTest$paintOffset$paintTransform(hitTest, paintOffset, null);
- }
- };
- A.BoxHitTestEntry.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "#" + A.shortHash(this.target) + "@" + this.localPosition.toString$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.BoxParentData.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "offset=" + A.S(this.offset);
- }
- };
- A.ContainerBoxParentData.prototype = {};
- A._IntrinsicDimension.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_IntrinsicDimension." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._IntrinsicDimensionsCacheEntry.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A._IntrinsicDimensionsCacheEntry && other.dimension === this.dimension && other.argument === this.argument;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.dimension, this.argument, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.RenderBox.prototype = {
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.BoxParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.BoxParentData(B.Offset_0_0);
- },
- _computeIntrinsicDimension$3(dimension, argument, computer) {
- var t1, result;
- if ($.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled || $.RenderBox__debugIntrinsicsDepth === 0)
- A.Timeline_startSync(A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this).toString$0(0) + " intrinsics", null, null);
- $.RenderBox__debugIntrinsicsDepth = $.RenderBox__debugIntrinsicsDepth + 1;
- t1 = this._cachedIntrinsicDimensions;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = this._cachedIntrinsicDimensions = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$._IntrinsicDimensionsCacheEntry, type$.double);
- result = t1.putIfAbsent$2(0, new A._IntrinsicDimensionsCacheEntry(dimension, argument), new A.RenderBox__computeIntrinsicDimension_closure(computer, argument));
- t1 = $.RenderBox__debugIntrinsicsDepth - 1;
- $.RenderBox__debugIntrinsicsDepth = t1;
- if ($.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled || t1 === 0)
- A.Timeline_finishSync();
- return result;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- return 0;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return 0;
- },
- getDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- var t1, result, _this = this;
- if ($.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled || $.RenderBox__debugIntrinsicsDepth === 0)
- A.Timeline_startSync(A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this).toString$0(0) + ".getDryLayout", null, null);
- $.RenderBox__debugIntrinsicsDepth = $.RenderBox__debugIntrinsicsDepth + 1;
- t1 = _this._cachedDryLayoutSizes;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _this._cachedDryLayoutSizes = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.BoxConstraints, type$.Size);
- result = t1.putIfAbsent$2(0, constraints, new A.RenderBox_getDryLayout_closure(_this, constraints));
- t1 = $.RenderBox__debugIntrinsicsDepth - 1;
- $.RenderBox__debugIntrinsicsDepth = t1;
- if ($.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled || t1 === 0)
- A.Timeline_finishSync();
- return result;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return B.Size_0_0;
- },
- get$semanticBounds() {
- var t1 = this._size;
- return new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy);
- },
- getDistanceToBaseline$2$onlyReal(baseline, onlyReal) {
- var result = null;
- try {
- result = this.getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline);
- } finally {
- }
- if (result == null && !onlyReal)
- return this._size._dy;
- return result;
- },
- getDistanceToBaseline$1(baseline) {
- return this.getDistanceToBaseline$2$onlyReal(baseline, false);
- },
- getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._cachedBaselines;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _this._cachedBaselines = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.TextBaseline, type$.nullable_double);
- t1.putIfAbsent$2(0, baseline, new A.RenderBox_getDistanceToActualBaseline_closure(_this, baseline));
- return _this._cachedBaselines.$index(0, baseline);
- },
- computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- return null;
- },
- get$constraints() {
- return type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this));
- },
- _clearCachedData$0() {
- var t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._cachedBaselines,
- t2 = t1 == null;
- if (!(!t2 && t1.__js_helper$_length !== 0)) {
- t3 = _this._cachedIntrinsicDimensions;
- if (!(t3 != null && t3.__js_helper$_length !== 0)) {
- t3 = _this._cachedDryLayoutSizes;
- t3 = t3 != null && t3.__js_helper$_length !== 0;
- } else
- t3 = true;
- } else
- t3 = true;
- if (t3) {
- if (!t2)
- t1.clear$0(0);
- t1 = _this._cachedIntrinsicDimensions;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.clear$0(0);
- t1 = _this._cachedDryLayoutSizes;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.clear$0(0);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- markNeedsLayout$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._clearCachedData$0() && _this.get$parent(_this) instanceof A.RenderObject) {
- _this.markParentNeedsLayout$0();
- return;
- }
- _this.super$RenderObject$markNeedsLayout();
- },
- layout$2$parentUsesSize(constraints, parentUsesSize) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._size != null)
- if (!constraints.$eq(0, type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)))) {
- t1 = _this._cachedBaselines;
- t1 = t1 != null && t1.__js_helper$_length !== 0;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this._cachedBaselines;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.clear$0(0);
- }
- _this.super$RenderObject$layout(constraints, parentUsesSize);
- },
- layout$1(constraints) {
- return this.layout$2$parentUsesSize(constraints, false);
- },
- performResize$0() {
- this._size = this.computeDryLayout$1(type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this)));
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._size.contains$1(0, position))
- if (_this.hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) || _this.hitTestSelf$1(position)) {
- result.add$1(0, new A.BoxHitTestEntry(position, _this));
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- hitTestSelf$1(position) {
- return false;
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- return false;
- },
- applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) {
- var offset,
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- offset = type$.BoxParentData._as(t1).offset;
- transform.translate$2(0, offset._dx, offset._dy);
- },
- globalToLocal$1(point) {
- var n, t1, i, d, s,
- transform = this.getTransformTo$1(0, null);
- if (transform.copyInverse$1(transform) === 0)
- return B.Offset_0_0;
- n = new A.Vector30(new Float64Array(3));
- n.setValues$3(0, 0, 1);
- t1 = new A.Vector30(new Float64Array(3));
- t1.setValues$3(0, 0, 0);
- i = transform.perspectiveTransform$1(t1);
- t1 = new A.Vector30(new Float64Array(3));
- t1.setValues$3(0, 0, 1);
- d = transform.perspectiveTransform$1(t1).$sub(0, i);
- t1 = new A.Vector30(new Float64Array(3));
- t1.setValues$3(point._dx, point._dy, 0);
- s = transform.perspectiveTransform$1(t1);
- t1 = s.$sub(0, d.scaled$1(n.dot$1(s) / n.dot$1(d)))._vector_math_64$_v3storage;
- return new A.Offset(t1[0], t1[1]);
- },
- get$paintBounds() {
- var t1 = this._size;
- return new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy);
- },
- handleEvent$2($event, entry) {
- this.super$RenderObject$handleEvent($event, entry);
- }
- };
- A.RenderBox__computeIntrinsicDimension_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.computer.call$1(this.argument);
- },
- $signature: 66
- };
- A.RenderBox_getDryLayout_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.computeDryLayout$1(this.constraints);
- },
- $signature: 332
- };
- A.RenderBox_getDistanceToActualBaseline_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.$this.computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(this.baseline);
- },
- $signature: 333
- };
- A.RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.prototype = {
- defaultComputeDistanceToFirstActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- var t1, childParentData, result,
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.1?"); child != null;) {
- childParentData = t1._as(child.parentData);
- result = child.getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline);
- if (result != null)
- return result + childParentData.offset._dy;
- child = childParentData.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return null;
- },
- defaultComputeDistanceToHighestActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- var t1, result, t2, candidate,
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.1"), result = null; child != null;) {
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t1._as(t2);
- candidate = child.getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline);
- if (candidate != null) {
- candidate += t2.offset._dy;
- result = result != null ? Math.min(result, candidate) : candidate;
- }
- child = t2.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return result;
- },
- defaultHitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var t2, child, _box_0 = {},
- t1 = _box_0.child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild;
- for (t2 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.1"); t1 != null; t1 = child) {
- t1 = t1.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t2._as(t1);
- if (result.addWithPaintOffset$3$hitTest$offset$position(new A.RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_defaultHitTestChildren_closure(_box_0, position, t1), t1.offset, position))
- return true;
- child = t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- _box_0.child = child;
- }
- return false;
- },
- defaultPaint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5,
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.1"), t2 = offset._dx, t3 = offset._dy; child != null;) {
- t4 = child.parentData;
- t4.toString;
- t1._as(t4);
- t5 = t4.offset;
- context.paintChild$2(child, new A.Offset(t5._dx + t2, t5._dy + t3));
- child = t4.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- }
- };
- A.RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_defaultHitTestChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, transformed) {
- return this._box_0.child.hitTest$2$position(result, transformed);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A._ContainerBoxParentData_BoxParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin.prototype = {
- detach$0(_) {
- this.super$ParentData$detach(0);
- }
- };
- A.MultiChildLayoutParentData.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return this.super$BoxParentData$toString(0) + "; id=" + A.S(this.id);
- }
- };
- A.MultiChildLayoutDelegate.prototype = {
- layoutChild$2(childId, constraints) {
- var t1,
- child = this._idToChild.$index(0, childId);
- child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(constraints, true);
- t1 = child._size;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- positionChild$2(childId, offset) {
- var t1 = this._idToChild.$index(0, childId).parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.MultiChildLayoutParentData._as(t1).offset = offset;
- },
- _callPerformLayout$2(size, firstChild) {
- var childParentData, t1, t2, t3, t4, child, _this = this,
- previousIdToChild = _this._idToChild;
- try {
- _this._idToChild = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Object, type$.RenderBox);
- for (t1 = type$.MultiChildLayoutParentData, t2 = firstChild; t2 != null; t2 = child) {
- t3 = t2.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- childParentData = t1._as(t3);
- t3 = _this._idToChild;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = childParentData.id;
- t4.toString;
- t3.$indexSet(0, t4, t2);
- child = childParentData.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- _this.performLayout$1(size);
- } finally {
- _this._idToChild = previousIdToChild;
- }
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "MultiChildLayoutDelegate";
- }
- };
- A.RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox.prototype = {
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.MultiChildLayoutParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.MultiChildLayoutParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0);
- },
- set$delegate(newDelegate) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._custom_layout$_delegate;
- if (t1 === newDelegate)
- return;
- if (A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(newDelegate) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(t1) || newDelegate.shouldRelayout$1(t1))
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- _this._custom_layout$_delegate = newDelegate;
- _this._node$_owner != null;
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- this.super$_RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$attach(owner);
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- this.super$_RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$detach(0);
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1 = A.BoxConstraints$tightForFinite(height, 1 / 0),
- width = t1.constrain$1(new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t1.minWidth, t1.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t1.minHeight, t1.maxHeight)))._dx;
- if (isFinite(width))
- return width;
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1 = A.BoxConstraints$tightForFinite(height, 1 / 0),
- width = t1.constrain$1(new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t1.minWidth, t1.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t1.minHeight, t1.maxHeight)))._dx;
- if (isFinite(width))
- return width;
- return 0;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1 = A.BoxConstraints$tightForFinite(1 / 0, width),
- height = t1.constrain$1(new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t1.minWidth, t1.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t1.minHeight, t1.maxHeight)))._dy;
- if (isFinite(height))
- return height;
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1 = A.BoxConstraints$tightForFinite(1 / 0, width),
- height = t1.constrain$1(new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t1.minWidth, t1.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t1.minHeight, t1.maxHeight)))._dy;
- if (isFinite(height))
- return height;
- return 0;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight)));
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- t1 = t1.constrain$1(new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t1.minWidth, t1.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t1.minHeight, t1.maxHeight)));
- _this._size = t1;
- _this._custom_layout$_delegate._callPerformLayout$2(t1, _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- this.defaultPaint$2(context, offset);
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- return this.defaultHitTestChildren$2$position(result, position);
- }
- };
- A._RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.MultiChildLayoutParentData; child != null;) {
- child.attach$1(owner);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.MultiChildLayoutParentData; child != null;) {
- child.detach$0(0);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- }
- };
- A._RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.prototype = {};
- A.CustomPainter.prototype = {
- addListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1 = this._repaint;
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.addListener$1(0, listener);
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1 = this._repaint;
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.removeListener$1(0, listener);
- },
- get$semanticsBuilder() {
- return null;
- },
- shouldRebuildSemantics$1(oldDelegate) {
- return this.shouldRepaint$1(oldDelegate);
- },
- hitTest$1(position) {
- return null;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = A.shortHash(this),
- t2 = this._repaint;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.toString$0(0);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = "";
- return "#" + t1 + "(" + t2 + ")";
- }
- };
- A.RenderCustomPaint.prototype = {
- set$painter(value) {
- var t1 = this._custom_paint$_painter;
- if (t1 == value)
- return;
- this._custom_paint$_painter = value;
- this._didUpdatePainter$2(value, t1);
- },
- set$foregroundPainter(value) {
- var t1 = this._foregroundPainter;
- if (t1 == value)
- return;
- this._foregroundPainter = value;
- this._didUpdatePainter$2(value, t1);
- },
- _didUpdatePainter$2(newPainter, oldPainter) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = newPainter == null;
- if (t1)
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- else if (oldPainter == null || A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(newPainter) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(oldPainter) || newPainter.shouldRepaint$1(oldPainter))
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- if (_this._node$_owner != null) {
- if (oldPainter != null)
- oldPainter.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint());
- if (!t1)
- newPainter.addListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint());
- }
- if (t1) {
- if (_this._node$_owner != null)
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- } else if (oldPainter == null || A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(newPainter) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(oldPainter) || newPainter.shouldRebuildSemantics$1(oldPainter))
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$preferredSize(value) {
- if (this._preferredSize.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- this._preferredSize = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1;
- if (this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child == null) {
- t1 = this._preferredSize._dx;
- return isFinite(t1) ? t1 : 0;
- }
- return this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeMinIntrinsicWidth(height);
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1;
- if (this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child == null) {
- t1 = this._preferredSize._dx;
- return isFinite(t1) ? t1 : 0;
- }
- return this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(height);
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1;
- if (this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child == null) {
- t1 = this._preferredSize._dy;
- return isFinite(t1) ? t1 : 0;
- }
- return this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeMinIntrinsicHeight(width);
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1;
- if (this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child == null) {
- t1 = this._preferredSize._dy;
- return isFinite(t1) ? t1 : 0;
- }
- return this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(width);
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$attach(owner);
- t1 = _this._custom_paint$_painter;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.addListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint());
- t1 = _this._foregroundPainter;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.addListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint());
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._custom_paint$_painter;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint());
- t1 = _this._foregroundPainter;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint());
- _this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$detach(0);
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var t1 = this._foregroundPainter;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1 = t1.hitTest$1(position);
- t1 = t1 === true;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- return true;
- return this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$hitTestChildren(result, position);
- },
- hitTestSelf$1(position) {
- var t1 = this._custom_paint$_painter;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1 = t1.hitTest$1(position);
- t1 = t1 !== false;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$performLayout();
- this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- computeSizeForNoChild$1(constraints) {
- return constraints.constrain$1(this._preferredSize);
- },
- _paintWithPainter$3(canvas, offset, painter) {
- var t1;
- A._Cell$named("debugPreviousCanvasSaveCount");
- canvas.save$0(0);
- if (!offset.$eq(0, B.Offset_0_0))
- canvas.translate$2(0, offset._dx, offset._dy);
- t1 = this._size;
- t1.toString;
- painter.paint$2(canvas, t1);
- canvas.restore$0(0);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this._custom_paint$_painter != null) {
- t1 = context.get$canvas(context);
- t2 = _this._custom_paint$_painter;
- t2.toString;
- _this._paintWithPainter$3(t1, offset, t2);
- _this._setRasterCacheHints$1(context);
- }
- _this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, offset);
- if (_this._foregroundPainter != null) {
- t1 = context.get$canvas(context);
- t2 = _this._foregroundPainter;
- t2.toString;
- _this._paintWithPainter$3(t1, offset, t2);
- _this._setRasterCacheHints$1(context);
- }
- },
- _setRasterCacheHints$1(context) {
- },
- describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config);
- t1 = _this._custom_paint$_painter;
- _this._backgroundSemanticsBuilder = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$semanticsBuilder();
- t1 = _this._foregroundPainter;
- _this._foregroundSemanticsBuilder = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$semanticsBuilder();
- config._isSemanticBoundary = false;
- },
- assembleSemanticsNode$3(node, config, children) {
- var t1, hasBackgroundSemantics, hasForegroundSemantics, t2, _this = this;
- _this._backgroundSemanticsNodes = A.RenderCustomPaint__updateSemanticsChildren(_this._backgroundSemanticsNodes, B.List_empty17);
- _this._foregroundSemanticsNodes = A.RenderCustomPaint__updateSemanticsChildren(_this._foregroundSemanticsNodes, B.List_empty17);
- t1 = _this._backgroundSemanticsNodes;
- hasBackgroundSemantics = t1 != null && !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
- t1 = _this._foregroundSemanticsNodes;
- hasForegroundSemantics = t1 != null && !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode);
- if (hasBackgroundSemantics) {
- t2 = _this._backgroundSemanticsNodes;
- t2.toString;
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, t2);
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, children);
- if (hasForegroundSemantics) {
- t2 = _this._foregroundSemanticsNodes;
- t2.toString;
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, t2);
- }
- _this.super$RenderObject$assembleSemanticsNode(node, config, t1);
- },
- clearSemantics$0() {
- this.super$RenderObject$clearSemantics();
- this._foregroundSemanticsNodes = this._backgroundSemanticsNodes = null;
- }
- };
- A.DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin.prototype = {};
- A.TextSelectionPoint.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.TextSelectionPoint && other.point.$eq(0, _this.point) && other.direction == _this.direction;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- switch (_this.direction) {
- case B.TextDirection_1:
- return _this.point.toString$0(0) + "-ltr";
- case B.TextDirection_0:
- return _this.point.toString$0(0) + "-rtl";
- case null:
- return _this.point.toString$0(0);
- }
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.point, this.direction, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.VerticalCaretMovementRun.prototype = {
- get$isValid() {
- var _this = this;
- if (!_this._isValid)
- return false;
- if (_this._editable._editable$_textPainter.computeLineMetrics$0() !== _this._lineMetrics)
- _this._isValid = false;
- return _this._isValid;
- },
- _getTextPositionForLine$1(lineNumber) {
- var newOffset, position, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._positionCache,
- cachedPosition = t1.$index(0, lineNumber);
- if (cachedPosition != null)
- return cachedPosition;
- newOffset = new A.Offset(_this._currentOffset._dx, _this._lineMetrics[lineNumber].get$baseline());
- position = new A.MapEntry(newOffset, _this._editable._editable$_textPainter._paragraph.getPositionForOffset$1(newOffset), type$.MapEntry_Offset_TextPosition);
- t1.$indexSet(0, lineNumber, position);
- return position;
- },
- get$current(_) {
- return this._currentTextPosition;
- },
- moveNext$0() {
- var position, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._editable$_currentLine + 1;
- if (t1 >= _this._lineMetrics.length)
- return false;
- position = _this._getTextPositionForLine$1(t1);
- ++_this._editable$_currentLine;
- _this._currentOffset = position.key;
- _this._currentTextPosition = position.value;
- return true;
- },
- movePrevious$0() {
- var position, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._editable$_currentLine;
- if (t1 <= 0)
- return false;
- position = _this._getTextPositionForLine$1(t1 - 1);
- --_this._editable$_currentLine;
- _this._currentOffset = position.key;
- _this._currentTextPosition = position.value;
- return true;
- },
- moveByOffset$1(offset) {
- var t1, _this = this,
- initialOffset = _this._currentOffset;
- if (offset >= 0) {
- for (t1 = initialOffset._dy + offset; _this._currentOffset._dy < t1;)
- if (!_this.moveNext$0())
- break;
- } else
- for (t1 = initialOffset._dy + offset; _this._currentOffset._dy > t1;)
- if (!_this.movePrevious$0())
- break;
- return !initialOffset.$eq(0, _this._currentOffset);
- }
- };
- A.RenderEditable.prototype = {
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.TextParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.TextParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._foregroundRenderObject;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- _this._foregroundRenderObject = null;
- t1 = _this._backgroundRenderObject;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- _this._backgroundRenderObject = null;
- _this._editable$_clipRectLayer.set$layer(0, null);
- t1 = _this._cachedBuiltInForegroundPainters;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.ChangeNotifier__listeners = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- t1.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- }
- t1 = _this._cachedBuiltInPainters;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.ChangeNotifier__listeners = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- t1.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- }
- t1 = _this._selectionStartInViewport;
- t2 = t1.ChangeNotifier__listeners = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- t1.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- t1 = _this._selectionEndInViewport;
- t1.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t2;
- t1.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- t1 = _this._autocorrectHighlightPainter;
- t1.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t2;
- t1.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- t1 = _this._selectionPainter;
- t1.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t2;
- t1.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- t1 = _this.get$_caretPainter();
- t1.ChangeNotifier__listeners = t2;
- t1.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- _this._editable$_textPainter.dispose$0();
- _this.super$RenderObject$dispose();
- },
- _updateForegroundPainter$1(newPainter) {
- var foregroundRenderObject, _this = this,
- effectivePainter = _this.get$_builtInForegroundPainters(),
- t1 = _this._foregroundRenderObject;
- if (t1 == null) {
- foregroundRenderObject = A._RenderEditableCustomPaint$(effectivePainter);
- _this.adoptChild$1(foregroundRenderObject);
- _this._foregroundRenderObject = foregroundRenderObject;
- } else
- t1.set$painter(effectivePainter);
- _this._editable$_foregroundPainter = newPainter;
- },
- _editable$_extractPlaceholderSpans$1(span) {
- this.__RenderEditable__placeholderSpans_A = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PlaceholderSpan);
- span.visitChildren$1(new A.RenderEditable__extractPlaceholderSpans_closure(this));
- },
- _updatePainter$1(newPainter) {
- var backgroundRenderObject, _this = this,
- effectivePainter = _this.get$_builtInPainters(),
- t1 = _this._backgroundRenderObject;
- if (t1 == null) {
- backgroundRenderObject = A._RenderEditableCustomPaint$(effectivePainter);
- _this.adoptChild$1(backgroundRenderObject);
- _this._backgroundRenderObject = backgroundRenderObject;
- } else
- t1.set$painter(effectivePainter);
- _this._editable$_painter = newPainter;
- },
- get$_caretPainter() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this,
- value = _this.__RenderEditable__caretPainter_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t2 = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- _this.__RenderEditable__caretPainter_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- value = _this.__RenderEditable__caretPainter_FI = new A._FloatingCursorPainter(_this.get$_onCaretChanged(), t1, B.Offset_0_0, t2);
- }
- return value;
- },
- get$_builtInForegroundPainters() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._cachedBuiltInForegroundPainters;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RenderEditablePainter);
- if (_this._paintCursorOnTop)
- t1.push(_this.get$_caretPainter());
- t1 = _this._cachedBuiltInForegroundPainters = new A._CompositeRenderEditablePainter(t1, $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$_builtInPainters() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._cachedBuiltInPainters;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = A._setArrayType([_this._autocorrectHighlightPainter, _this._selectionPainter], type$.JSArray_RenderEditablePainter);
- if (!_this._paintCursorOnTop)
- t1.push(_this.get$_caretPainter());
- t1 = _this._cachedBuiltInPainters = new A._CompositeRenderEditablePainter(t1, $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- }
- return t1;
- },
- _onCaretChanged$1(caretRect) {
- if (!J.$eq$(this._lastCaretRect, caretRect))
- this.onCaretChanged.call$1(caretRect);
- this._lastCaretRect = caretRect;
- },
- set$textHeightBehavior(value) {
- return;
- },
- set$textWidthBasis(value) {
- var t1 = this._editable$_textPainter;
- if (t1._textWidthBasis === value)
- return;
- t1.set$textWidthBasis(value);
- this.markNeedsTextLayout$0();
- },
- set$devicePixelRatio(_, value) {
- if (this._editable$_devicePixelRatio === value)
- return;
- this._editable$_devicePixelRatio = value;
- this.markNeedsTextLayout$0();
- },
- set$obscuringCharacter(value) {
- if (this._obscuringCharacter === value)
- return;
- this._obscuringCharacter = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$obscureText(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._obscureText === value)
- return;
- _this._obscureText = value;
- _this._cachedAttributedValue = null;
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- getLineAtOffset$1(position) {
- var t1 = this._editable$_textPainter,
- line = t1._paragraph.getLineBoundary$1(position);
- if (this._obscureText)
- return A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, 0, t1.get$plainText().length, false);
- return A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, line.start, line.end, false);
- },
- _updateSelectionExtentsVisibility$1(effectiveOffset) {
- var t1, visibleRegion, t2, t3, startOffset, endOffset, _this = this;
- if (!_this._selection.get$isValid()) {
- _this._selectionStartInViewport.set$value(0, false);
- _this._selectionEndInViewport.set$value(0, false);
- return;
- }
- t1 = _this._size;
- visibleRegion = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy);
- t1 = _this._editable$_textPainter;
- t2 = _this._selection;
- t3 = _this.__RenderEditable__caretPrototype_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- startOffset = t1.getOffsetForCaret$2(new A.TextPosition(t2.start, t2.affinity), t3);
- _this._selectionStartInViewport.set$value(0, visibleRegion.inflate$1(0.5).contains$1(0, startOffset.$add(0, effectiveOffset)));
- t3 = _this._selection;
- endOffset = t1.getOffsetForCaret$2(new A.TextPosition(t3.end, t3.affinity), _this.__RenderEditable__caretPrototype_A);
- _this._selectionEndInViewport.set$value(0, visibleRegion.inflate$1(0.5).contains$1(0, endOffset.$add(0, effectiveOffset)));
- },
- _setSelection$2(nextSelection, cause) {
- var textLength, t1;
- if (nextSelection.get$isValid()) {
- textLength = this.textSelectionDelegate._widget.controller._change_notifier$_value.text.length;
- nextSelection = nextSelection.copyWith$2$baseOffset$extentOffset(Math.min(nextSelection.baseOffset, textLength), Math.min(nextSelection.extentOffset, textLength));
- }
- t1 = this.textSelectionDelegate._widget.controller._change_notifier$_value.copyWith$1$selection(nextSelection);
- this.textSelectionDelegate.userUpdateTextEditingValue$2(t1, cause);
- },
- markNeedsPaint$0() {
- this.super$RenderObject$markNeedsPaint();
- var t1 = this._foregroundRenderObject;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.markNeedsPaint$0();
- t1 = this._backgroundRenderObject;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- markNeedsTextLayout$0() {
- this._textLayoutLastMinWidth = this._textLayoutLastMaxWidth = null;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- systemFontsDidChange$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin$systemFontsDidChange();
- _this._editable$_textPainter.markNeedsLayout$0();
- _this._textLayoutLastMinWidth = _this._textLayoutLastMaxWidth = null;
- },
- set$text(_, value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._editable$_textPainter;
- if (J.$eq$(t1._text_painter$_text, value))
- return;
- _this._cachedLineBreakCount = null;
- t1.set$text(0, value);
- _this._editable$_cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos = _this._cachedAttributedValue = null;
- _this._editable$_extractPlaceholderSpans$1(value);
- _this.markNeedsTextLayout$0();
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$textAlign(_, value) {
- var t1 = this._editable$_textPainter;
- if (t1._textAlign === value)
- return;
- t1.set$textAlign(0, value);
- this.markNeedsTextLayout$0();
- },
- set$textDirection(value) {
- var t1 = this._editable$_textPainter;
- if (t1._text_painter$_textDirection === value)
- return;
- t1.set$textDirection(value);
- this.markNeedsTextLayout$0();
- this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$locale(_, value) {
- var t1 = this._editable$_textPainter;
- if (J.$eq$(t1._text_painter$_locale, value))
- return;
- t1.set$locale(0, value);
- this.markNeedsTextLayout$0();
- },
- set$strutStyle(value) {
- var t1 = this._editable$_textPainter;
- if (J.$eq$(t1._strutStyle, value))
- return;
- t1.set$strutStyle(value);
- this.markNeedsTextLayout$0();
- },
- set$showCursor(value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._showCursor;
- if (t1 === value)
- return;
- if (_this._node$_owner != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_showHideCursor());
- _this._showCursor = value;
- if (_this._node$_owner != null) {
- _this.get$_caretPainter().set$shouldPaint(_this._showCursor._change_notifier$_value);
- _this._showCursor.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_showHideCursor());
- }
- },
- _showHideCursor$0() {
- this.get$_caretPainter().set$shouldPaint(this._showCursor._change_notifier$_value);
- },
- set$hasFocus(value) {
- if (this._editable$_hasFocus === value)
- return;
- this._editable$_hasFocus = value;
- this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$forceLine(value) {
- if (this._forceLine)
- return;
- this._forceLine = true;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$readOnly(_, value) {
- if (this._readOnly === value)
- return;
- this._readOnly = value;
- this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$maxLines(value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._editable$_maxLines === value)
- return;
- _this._editable$_maxLines = value;
- t1 = value === 1 ? 1 : null;
- _this._editable$_textPainter.set$maxLines(t1);
- _this.markNeedsTextLayout$0();
- },
- set$minLines(value) {
- return;
- },
- set$expands(value) {
- return;
- },
- set$textScaleFactor(value) {
- var t1 = this._editable$_textPainter;
- if (t1._textScaleFactor === value)
- return;
- t1.set$textScaleFactor(value);
- this.markNeedsTextLayout$0();
- },
- set$selection(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._selection.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- _this._selection = value;
- _this._selectionPainter.set$highlightedRange(value);
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$offset(_, value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._editable$_offset;
- if (t1 === value)
- return;
- if (_this._node$_owner != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint());
- _this._editable$_offset = value;
- if (_this._node$_owner != null)
- value.addListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint());
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$cursorWidth(value) {
- if (this._cursorWidth === value)
- return;
- this._cursorWidth = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$cursorHeight(value) {
- return;
- },
- set$paintCursorAboveText(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._paintCursorOnTop === value)
- return;
- _this._paintCursorOnTop = value;
- _this._cachedBuiltInPainters = _this._cachedBuiltInForegroundPainters = null;
- _this._updateForegroundPainter$1(_this._editable$_foregroundPainter);
- _this._updatePainter$1(_this._editable$_painter);
- },
- set$startHandleLayerLink(value) {
- if (this._editable$_startHandleLayerLink === value)
- return;
- this._editable$_startHandleLayerLink = value;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- set$endHandleLayerLink(value) {
- if (this._editable$_endHandleLayerLink === value)
- return;
- this._editable$_endHandleLayerLink = value;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- set$enableInteractiveSelection(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._enableInteractiveSelection === value)
- return;
- _this._enableInteractiveSelection = value;
- _this.markNeedsTextLayout$0();
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- get$selectionEnabled() {
- var t1 = this._enableInteractiveSelection;
- return t1;
- },
- getBoxesForSelection$1(selection) {
- var t1, t2;
- this._computeTextMetricsIfNeeded$0();
- t1 = this._editable$_textPainter.getBoxesForSelection$1(selection);
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,TextBox>");
- return A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.RenderEditable_getBoxesForSelection_closure(this), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- },
- describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) {
- var t1, t2, collector, buffer, attributes, t3, offset, _i, t4, info, label, t5, _i0, infoAttribute, originalRange, _this = this;
- _this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config);
- t1 = _this._editable$_textPainter;
- t2 = t1._text_painter$_text;
- t2.toString;
- collector = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_InlineSpanSemanticsInformation);
- t2.computeSemanticsInformation$1(collector);
- _this._editable$_semanticsInfo = collector;
- if (B.JSArray_methods.any$1(collector, new A.RenderEditable_describeSemanticsConfiguration_closure()) && A.defaultTargetPlatform() !== B.TargetPlatform_4) {
- config.explicitChildNodes = config._isSemanticBoundary = true;
- return;
- }
- t2 = _this._cachedAttributedValue;
- if (t2 == null)
- if (_this._obscureText) {
- t2 = new A.AttributedString(B.JSString_methods.$mul(_this._obscuringCharacter, t1.get$plainText().length), B.List_empty2);
- _this._cachedAttributedValue = t2;
- } else {
- buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
- attributes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_StringAttribute);
- for (t2 = _this._editable$_semanticsInfo, t3 = t2.length, offset = 0, _i = 0, t4 = ""; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
- info = t2[_i];
- label = info.semanticsLabel;
- if (label == null)
- label = info.text;
- for (t4 = info.stringAttributes, t5 = t4.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t4.length; t4.length === t5 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t4), ++_i0) {
- infoAttribute = t4[_i0];
- originalRange = infoAttribute.range;
- attributes.push(infoAttribute.copy$1$range(new A.TextRange(offset + originalRange.start, offset + originalRange.end)));
- }
- t4 = buffer._contents += label;
- offset += label.length;
- }
- t2 = new A.AttributedString(t4.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t4 : t4, attributes);
- _this._cachedAttributedValue = t2;
- }
- config._semantics$_attributedValue = t2;
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_1024, _this._obscureText);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_524288, _this._editable$_maxLines !== 1);
- t2 = t1._text_painter$_textDirection;
- t2.toString;
- config._semantics$_textDirection = t2;
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_32, _this._editable$_hasFocus);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_16, true);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_1048576, _this._readOnly);
- if (_this._editable$_hasFocus && _this.get$selectionEnabled())
- config.set$onSetSelection(_this.get$_handleSetSelection());
- if (_this._editable$_hasFocus && !_this._readOnly)
- config.set$onSetText(_this.get$_handleSetText());
- if (_this.get$selectionEnabled())
- t2 = _this._selection.get$isValid();
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t2 = _this._selection;
- config._textSelection = t2;
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- if (t1.getOffsetBefore$1(t2.extentOffset) != null) {
- config.set$onMoveCursorBackwardByWord(_this.get$_handleMoveCursorBackwardByWord());
- config.set$onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter(_this.get$_handleMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter());
- }
- if (t1.getOffsetAfter$1(_this._selection.extentOffset) != null) {
- config.set$onMoveCursorForwardByWord(_this.get$_handleMoveCursorForwardByWord());
- config.set$onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter(_this.get$_handleMoveCursorForwardByCharacter());
- }
- }
- },
- _handleSetText$1(text) {
- this.textSelectionDelegate.userUpdateTextEditingValue$2(new A.TextEditingValue(text, A.TextSelection$collapsed(B.TextAffinity_1, text.length), B.TextRange_m1_m1), B.SelectionChangedCause_4);
- },
- assembleSemanticsNode$3(node, config, children) {
- var child, newChildCache, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, currentDirection, ordinal, start, placeholderIndex, childIndex, _i, info, start0, t8, t9, childNode, t10, t11, rects, rect, currentDirection0, t12, t13, currentRect, configuration, ordinal0, paintRect, newChild, it, key, _this = this, _null = null,
- newChildren = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode),
- t1 = _this._editable$_textPainter,
- t2 = t1._text_painter$_textDirection;
- t2.toString;
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- newChildCache = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(_null, _null, _null, type$.Key, type$.SemanticsNode);
- t3 = _this._editable$_cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos;
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = _this._editable$_semanticsInfo;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = _this._editable$_cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos = A.combineSemanticsInfo(t3);
- }
- for (t4 = t3.length, t5 = type$.BoxConstraints, t6 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), t7 = type$.TextParentData, currentDirection = t2, ordinal = 0, start = 0, placeholderIndex = 0, childIndex = 0, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i, start = start0) {
- info = t3[_i];
- t2 = info.text;
- start0 = start + t2.length;
- t8 = start < start0;
- t9 = t8 ? start : start0;
- t8 = t8 ? start0 : start;
- if (info.isPlaceholder) {
- t2 = "PlaceholderSpanIndexSemanticsTag(" + placeholderIndex + ")";
- while (true) {
- if (children.length > childIndex) {
- t8 = children[childIndex].tags;
- t8 = t8 != null && t8.contains$1(0, new A.PlaceholderSpanIndexSemanticsTag(placeholderIndex, t2));
- } else
- t8 = false;
- if (!t8)
- break;
- childNode = children[childIndex];
- t8 = child.parentData;
- t8.toString;
- t7._as(t8);
- t9 = childNode._semantics$_rect;
- t10 = t9.left;
- t11 = t9.top;
- t8 = t8.scale;
- t8.toString;
- t8 = new A.Rect(t10, t11, t10 + (t9.right - t10) * t8, t11 + (t9.bottom - t11) * t8);
- if (!t9.$eq(0, t8)) {
- childNode._semantics$_rect = t8;
- childNode._semantics$_markDirty$0();
- }
- newChildren.push(childNode);
- ++childIndex;
- }
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t6._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- ++placeholderIndex;
- } else {
- rects = t1._paragraph.getBoxesForRange$4$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle(t9, t8, B.BoxHeightStyle_0, B.BoxWidthStyle_0);
- if (rects.length === 0)
- continue;
- t8 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(rects);
- rect = new A.Rect(t8.left, t8.top, t8.right, t8.bottom);
- currentDirection0 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(rects).direction;
- for (t8 = A._arrayInstanceType(rects), t9 = t8._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>"), t10 = new A.SubListIterable(rects, 1, _null, t9), t10.SubListIterable$3(rects, 1, _null, t8._precomputed1), t10 = new A.ListIterator(t10, t10.get$length(t10), t9._eval$1("ListIterator")), t9 = t9._eval$1("ListIterable.E"); t10.moveNext$0();) {
- t8 = t10.__internal$_current;
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = t9._as(t8);
- rect = rect.expandToInclude$1(new A.Rect(t8.left, t8.top, t8.right, t8.bottom));
- currentDirection0 = t8.direction;
- }
- t8 = rect.left;
- t9 = Math.max(0, t8);
- t10 = rect.top;
- t11 = Math.max(0, t10);
- t8 = Math.min(rect.right - t8, t5._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).maxWidth);
- t10 = Math.min(rect.bottom - t10, t5._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).maxHeight);
- t12 = Math.floor(t9) - 4;
- t13 = Math.floor(t11) - 4;
- t8 = Math.ceil(t9 + t8) + 4;
- t10 = Math.ceil(t11 + t10) + 4;
- currentRect = new A.Rect(t12, t13, t8, t10);
- configuration = A.SemanticsConfiguration$();
- ordinal0 = ordinal + 1;
- configuration._sortKey = new A.OrdinalSortKey(ordinal, _null);
- configuration._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- configuration._semantics$_textDirection = currentDirection;
- t11 = info.semanticsLabel;
- t2 = t11 == null ? t2 : t11;
- configuration._semantics$_attributedLabel = new A.AttributedString(t2, info.stringAttributes);
- t2 = node.parentPaintClipRect;
- if (t2 != null) {
- paintRect = t2.intersect$1(currentRect);
- if (paintRect.left >= paintRect.right || paintRect.top >= paintRect.bottom)
- t2 = !(t12 >= t8 || t13 >= t10);
- else
- t2 = false;
- configuration._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_8192, t2);
- }
- newChild = A._Cell$named("newChild");
- t2 = _this._cachedChildNodes;
- t8 = t2 == null ? _null : t2.__js_helper$_length !== 0;
- if (t8 === true) {
- t2.toString;
- t8 = new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t2, A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>"));
- it = t8.get$iterator(t8);
- if (!it.moveNext$0())
- A.throwExpression(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- t2 = t2.remove$1(0, it.get$current(it));
- t2.toString;
- if (newChild.__late_helper$_value !== newChild)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localAI(newChild.__late_helper$_name));
- newChild.__late_helper$_value = t2;
- } else {
- key = new A.UniqueKey();
- t2 = A.SemanticsNode$(key, _this._createShowOnScreenFor$1(key));
- if (newChild.__late_helper$_value !== newChild)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localAI(newChild.__late_helper$_name));
- newChild.__late_helper$_value = t2;
- }
- if (t2 === newChild)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(newChild.__late_helper$_name));
- J.updateWith$1$config$z(t2, configuration);
- if (!t2._semantics$_rect.$eq(0, currentRect)) {
- t2._semantics$_rect = currentRect;
- t2._semantics$_markDirty$0();
- }
- t2 = newChild.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t2 === newChild)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(newChild.__late_helper$_name));
- t8 = t2.key;
- t8.toString;
- newChildCache.$indexSet(0, t8, t2);
- t2 = newChild.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t2 === newChild)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(newChild.__late_helper$_name));
- newChildren.push(t2);
- ordinal = ordinal0;
- currentDirection = currentDirection0;
- }
- }
- _this._cachedChildNodes = newChildCache;
- node.updateWith$2$childrenInInversePaintOrder$config(0, newChildren, config);
- },
- _createShowOnScreenFor$1(key) {
- return new A.RenderEditable__createShowOnScreenFor_closure(this, key);
- },
- _handleSetSelection$1(selection) {
- this._setSelection$2(selection, B.SelectionChangedCause_4);
- },
- _handleMoveCursorForwardByCharacter$1(extendSelection) {
- var _this = this,
- extentOffset = _this._editable$_textPainter.getOffsetAfter$1(_this._selection.extentOffset);
- if (extentOffset == null)
- return;
- _this._setSelection$2(A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, !extendSelection ? extentOffset : _this._selection.baseOffset, extentOffset, false), B.SelectionChangedCause_4);
- },
- _handleMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter$1(extendSelection) {
- var _this = this,
- extentOffset = _this._editable$_textPainter.getOffsetBefore$1(_this._selection.extentOffset);
- if (extentOffset == null)
- return;
- _this._setSelection$2(A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, !extendSelection ? extentOffset : _this._selection.baseOffset, extentOffset, false), B.SelectionChangedCause_4);
- },
- _handleMoveCursorForwardByWord$1(extendSelection) {
- var baseOffset, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._selection.get$extent(),
- nextWord = _this._getNextWord$1(_this._editable$_textPainter._paragraph.getWordBoundary$1(t1).end);
- if (nextWord == null)
- return;
- baseOffset = extendSelection ? _this._selection.baseOffset : nextWord.start;
- _this._setSelection$2(A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, baseOffset, nextWord.start, false), B.SelectionChangedCause_4);
- },
- _handleMoveCursorBackwardByWord$1(extendSelection) {
- var baseOffset, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._selection.get$extent(),
- previousWord = _this._getPreviousWord$1(_this._editable$_textPainter._paragraph.getWordBoundary$1(t1).start - 1);
- if (previousWord == null)
- return;
- baseOffset = extendSelection ? _this._selection.baseOffset : previousWord.start;
- _this._setSelection$2(A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, baseOffset, previousWord.start, false), B.SelectionChangedCause_4);
- },
- _getNextWord$1(offset) {
- var t1, range, t2;
- for (t1 = this._editable$_textPainter; true;) {
- range = t1._paragraph.getWordBoundary$1(new A.TextPosition(offset, B.TextAffinity_1));
- t2 = range.start;
- if (!(t2 >= 0 && range.end >= 0) || t2 === range.end)
- return null;
- if (!this._onlyWhitespace$1(range))
- return range;
- offset = range.end;
- }
- },
- _getPreviousWord$1(offset) {
- var t1, range, t2;
- for (t1 = this._editable$_textPainter; offset >= 0;) {
- range = t1._paragraph.getWordBoundary$1(new A.TextPosition(offset, B.TextAffinity_1));
- t2 = range.start;
- if (!(t2 >= 0 && range.end >= 0) || t2 === range.end)
- return null;
- if (!this._onlyWhitespace$1(range))
- return range;
- offset = t2 - 1;
- }
- return null;
- },
- _onlyWhitespace$1(range) {
- var i, t1, t2, t3;
- for (i = range.start, t1 = range.end, t2 = this._editable$_textPainter; i < t1; ++i) {
- t3 = t2._text_painter$_text.codeUnitAt$1(0, i);
- t3.toString;
- if (!A.TextLayoutMetrics_isWhitespace(t3))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- var t1, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this.super$_RenderEditable_RenderBox_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$attach(owner);
- t1 = _this._foregroundRenderObject;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.attach$1(owner);
- t1 = _this._backgroundRenderObject;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.attach$1(owner);
- t1 = A.TapGestureRecognizer$(_this, _null);
- t1.onTapDown = _this.get$_editable$_handleTapDown();
- t1.onTap = _this.get$_editable$_handleTap();
- _this.__RenderEditable__tap_A = t1;
- t1 = A.LongPressGestureRecognizer$(_this, _null, _null, _null);
- t1.onLongPress = _this.get$_handleLongPress();
- _this.__RenderEditable__longPress_A = t1;
- _this._editable$_offset.addListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint());
- _this.get$_caretPainter().set$shouldPaint(_this._showCursor._change_notifier$_value);
- _this._showCursor.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_showHideCursor());
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__RenderEditable__tap_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1._stopTimer$0();
- t1.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$dispose();
- t1 = _this.__RenderEditable__longPress_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1._stopTimer$0();
- t1.super$OneSequenceGestureRecognizer$dispose();
- _this._editable$_offset.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsPaint());
- _this._showCursor.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_showHideCursor());
- _this.super$_RenderEditable_RenderBox_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$detach(0);
- t1 = _this._foregroundRenderObject;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.detach$0(0);
- t1 = _this._backgroundRenderObject;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.detach$0(0);
- },
- redepthChildren$0() {
- var _this = this,
- foregroundChild = _this._foregroundRenderObject,
- backgroundChild = _this._backgroundRenderObject;
- if (foregroundChild != null)
- _this.redepthChild$1(foregroundChild);
- if (backgroundChild != null)
- _this.redepthChild$1(backgroundChild);
- _this.super$ContainerRenderObjectMixin$redepthChildren();
- },
- visitChildren$1(visitor) {
- var foregroundChild = this._foregroundRenderObject,
- backgroundChild = this._backgroundRenderObject;
- if (foregroundChild != null)
- visitor.call$1(foregroundChild);
- if (backgroundChild != null)
- visitor.call$1(backgroundChild);
- this.super$ContainerRenderObjectMixin$visitChildren(visitor);
- },
- get$_editable$_paintOffset() {
- switch ((this._editable$_maxLines !== 1 ? B.Axis_1 : B.Axis_0).index) {
- case 0:
- var t1 = this._editable$_offset._pixels;
- t1.toString;
- return new A.Offset(-t1, 0);
- case 1:
- t1 = this._editable$_offset._pixels;
- t1.toString;
- return new A.Offset(0, -t1);
- }
- },
- get$_viewportExtent() {
- switch ((this._editable$_maxLines !== 1 ? B.Axis_1 : B.Axis_0).index) {
- case 0:
- return this._size._dx;
- case 1:
- return this._size._dy;
- }
- },
- _getMaxScrollExtent$1(contentSize) {
- switch ((this._editable$_maxLines !== 1 ? B.Axis_1 : B.Axis_0).index) {
- case 0:
- return Math.max(0, contentSize._dx - this._size._dx);
- case 1:
- return Math.max(0, contentSize._dy - this._size._dy);
- }
- },
- getEndpointsForSelection$1(selection) {
- var paintOffset, boxes, t1, t2, t3, caretOffset, t4, start, end, _this = this;
- _this._computeTextMetricsIfNeeded$0();
- paintOffset = _this.get$_editable$_paintOffset();
- if (selection.start === selection.end)
- boxes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TextBox);
- else {
- t1 = _this._selectionPainter;
- boxes = _this._editable$_textPainter.getBoxesForSelection$3$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle(selection, t1._selectionHeightStyle, t1._selectionWidthStyle);
- }
- if (boxes.length === 0) {
- t1 = _this._editable$_textPainter;
- t2 = selection.get$extent();
- t3 = _this.__RenderEditable__caretPrototype_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- caretOffset = t1.getOffsetForCaret$2(t2, t3);
- return A._setArrayType([new A.TextSelectionPoint(new A.Offset(0, t1.get$preferredLineHeight()).$add(0, caretOffset).$add(0, paintOffset), null)], type$.JSArray_TextSelectionPoint);
- } else {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(boxes);
- t1 = t1.direction === B.TextDirection_1 ? t1.left : t1.right;
- t2 = _this._editable$_textPainter;
- t3 = t2.get$width(t2);
- t4 = t2._paragraph;
- Math.ceil(t4.get$height(t4));
- start = new A.Offset(A.clampDouble(t1, 0, t3), B.JSArray_methods.get$first(boxes).bottom).$add(0, paintOffset);
- t3 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(boxes);
- t1 = t3.direction === B.TextDirection_1 ? t3.right : t3.left;
- t3 = t2.get$width(t2);
- t2 = t2._paragraph;
- Math.ceil(t2.get$height(t2));
- end = new A.Offset(A.clampDouble(t1, 0, t3), B.JSArray_methods.get$last(boxes).bottom).$add(0, paintOffset);
- return A._setArrayType([new A.TextSelectionPoint(start, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(boxes).direction), new A.TextSelectionPoint(end, B.JSArray_methods.get$last(boxes).direction)], type$.JSArray_TextSelectionPoint);
- }
- },
- getRectForComposingRange$1(range) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (!range.get$isValid() || range.start === range.end)
- return null;
- _this._computeTextMetricsIfNeeded$0();
- t1 = _this._selectionPainter;
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.fold$2(_this._editable$_textPainter.getBoxesForSelection$3$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle(A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, range.start, range.end, false), t1._selectionHeightStyle, t1._selectionWidthStyle), null, new A.RenderEditable_getRectForComposingRange_closure());
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.shift$1(_this.get$_editable$_paintOffset());
- },
- getPositionForPoint$1(globalPosition) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._computeTextMetricsIfNeeded$0();
- t1 = _this.get$_editable$_paintOffset();
- t1 = _this.globalToLocal$1(globalPosition.$add(0, new A.Offset(-t1._dx, -t1._dy)));
- return _this._editable$_textPainter._paragraph.getPositionForOffset$1(t1);
- },
- getLocalRectForCaret$1(caretPosition) {
- var t1, t2, caretRect, t3, t4, t5, caretX, caretHeight, fullHeight, globalOffset, pixelMultiple, _this = this;
- _this._computeTextMetricsIfNeeded$0();
- t1 = _this.__RenderEditable__caretPrototype_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this._editable$_textPainter;
- caretRect = t1.shift$1(t2.getOffsetForCaret$2(caretPosition, t1).$add(0, _this.get$_caretPainter()._cursorOffset));
- t3 = t2.get$width(t2);
- t4 = 1 + _this._cursorWidth;
- t5 = caretRect.left;
- caretX = A.clampDouble(t5, 0, Math.max(Math.max(t3 + t4, _this._size._dx) - t4, 0));
- t4 = caretRect.top;
- t5 = caretX + (caretRect.right - t5);
- t3 = t4 + (caretRect.bottom - t4);
- caretRect = new A.Rect(caretX, t4, t5, t3);
- caretHeight = t2.get$preferredLineHeight();
- switch (A.defaultTargetPlatform().index) {
- case 2:
- case 4:
- fullHeight = t2.getFullHeightForCaret$2(caretPosition, t1);
- if (fullHeight == null)
- fullHeight = t2.get$preferredLineHeight();
- t1 = t3 - t4;
- t4 += (fullHeight - t1) / 2;
- caretRect = new A.Rect(caretX, t4, caretX + (t5 - caretX), t4 + t1);
- break;
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- t1 = t4 - 2;
- caretRect = new A.Rect(caretX, t1, caretX + (t5 - caretX), t1 + caretHeight);
- break;
- }
- caretRect = caretRect.shift$1(_this.get$_editable$_paintOffset());
- globalOffset = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(_this.getTransformTo$1(0, null), new A.Offset(caretRect.left, caretRect.top));
- pixelMultiple = 1 / _this._editable$_devicePixelRatio;
- t1 = globalOffset._dx;
- t1 = isFinite(t1) ? B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t1 / pixelMultiple) * pixelMultiple - t1 : 0;
- t2 = globalOffset._dy;
- return caretRect.shift$1(new A.Offset(t1, isFinite(t2) ? B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(t2 / pixelMultiple) * pixelMultiple - t2 : 0));
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- this._editable$_layoutText$0();
- return Math.ceil(this._editable$_textPainter._paragraph.get$minIntrinsicWidth());
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- this._editable$_layoutText$0();
- return Math.ceil(this._editable$_textPainter._paragraph.get$maxIntrinsicWidth()) + (1 + this._cursorWidth);
- },
- _preferredHeight$1(width) {
- var maxLines = this._editable$_maxLines,
- t1 = this._editable$_textPainter,
- t2 = t1.get$preferredLineHeight();
- if (maxLines === 1) {
- this._editable$_layoutText$1$maxWidth(width);
- t1 = t1._paragraph;
- return Math.ceil(t1.get$height(t1));
- }
- return t2 * maxLines;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return this._preferredHeight$1(width);
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return this._preferredHeight$1(width);
- },
- computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- this._computeTextMetricsIfNeeded$0();
- return this._editable$_textPainter.computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline);
- },
- hitTestSelf$1(position) {
- return true;
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var effectivePosition, span, hitText, t2, t3, t4, childIndex, t5, t6, t7, transform, child, _this = this, _box_0 = {},
- t1 = _this._editable$_textPainter,
- textSpan = t1._text_painter$_text;
- if (textSpan != null) {
- effectivePosition = position.$sub(0, _this.get$_editable$_paintOffset());
- span = textSpan.getSpanForPosition$1(t1._paragraph.getPositionForOffset$1(effectivePosition));
- if (type$.HitTestTarget._is(span)) {
- result.add$1(0, new A.HitTestEntry(span, type$.HitTestEntry_HitTestTarget));
- hitText = true;
- } else
- hitText = false;
- } else
- hitText = false;
- t2 = _box_0.child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t3 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1");
- t4 = type$.TextParentData;
- childIndex = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(t2 != null && childIndex < t1._inlinePlaceholderBoxes.length))
- break;
- t2 = t2.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t4._as(t2);
- t5 = t2.offset;
- t6 = t5._dx;
- t5 = t5._dy;
- t7 = new Float64Array(16);
- transform = new A.Matrix40(t7);
- transform.setIdentity$0();
- t7[14] = 0;
- t7[13] = t5;
- t7[12] = t6;
- t6 = t2.scale;
- transform.scale$3(0, t6, t6, t6);
- if (result.addWithPaintTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(new A.RenderEditable_hitTestChildren_closure(_box_0, position, t2), position, transform))
- return true;
- t2 = _box_0.child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t3._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- _box_0.child = child;
- ++childIndex;
- t2 = child;
- }
- return hitText;
- },
- handleEvent$2($event, entry) {
- type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event);
- },
- _editable$_handleTapDown$1(details) {
- this._lastTapDownPosition = details.globalPosition;
- },
- _editable$_handleTap$0() {
- var t1 = this._lastTapDownPosition;
- t1.toString;
- this.selectPositionAt$2$cause$from(B.SelectionChangedCause_0, t1);
- },
- _handleLongPress$0() {
- var t1 = this._lastTapDownPosition;
- t1.toString;
- this.selectWordsInRange$2$cause$from(B.SelectionChangedCause_2, t1);
- },
- selectPositionAt$3$cause$from$to(cause, from, to) {
- var fromPosition, toPosition, baseOffset, extentOffset, _this = this,
- t1 = type$.BoxConstraints,
- t2 = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- _this._editable$_layoutText$2$maxWidth$minWidth(t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).maxWidth, t2.minWidth);
- t2 = _this._editable$_textPainter;
- t1 = _this.globalToLocal$1(from.$sub(0, _this.get$_editable$_paintOffset()));
- fromPosition = t2._paragraph.getPositionForOffset$1(t1);
- if (to == null)
- toPosition = null;
- else {
- t1 = _this.globalToLocal$1(to.$sub(0, _this.get$_editable$_paintOffset()));
- toPosition = t2._paragraph.getPositionForOffset$1(t1);
- }
- baseOffset = fromPosition.offset;
- extentOffset = toPosition == null ? null : toPosition.offset;
- if (extentOffset == null)
- extentOffset = baseOffset;
- _this._setSelection$2(A.TextSelection$(fromPosition.affinity, baseOffset, extentOffset, false), cause);
- },
- selectPositionAt$2$cause$from(cause, from) {
- return this.selectPositionAt$3$cause$from$to(cause, from, null);
- },
- selectWordsInRange$3$cause$from$to(cause, from, to) {
- var t1, t2, fromPosition, fromWord, toPosition, toWord, isFromWordBeforeToWord, _this = this;
- _this._computeTextMetricsIfNeeded$0();
- t1 = _this._editable$_textPainter;
- t2 = _this.globalToLocal$1(from.$sub(0, _this.get$_editable$_paintOffset()));
- fromPosition = t1._paragraph.getPositionForOffset$1(t2);
- fromWord = _this._getWordAtOffset$1(fromPosition);
- if (to == null)
- toPosition = fromPosition;
- else {
- t2 = _this.globalToLocal$1(to.$sub(0, _this.get$_editable$_paintOffset()));
- toPosition = t1._paragraph.getPositionForOffset$1(t2);
- }
- toWord = toPosition.$eq(0, fromPosition) ? fromWord : _this._getWordAtOffset$1(toPosition);
- isFromWordBeforeToWord = fromWord.start < toWord.end;
- t1 = isFromWordBeforeToWord ? fromWord.get$base().offset : fromWord.get$extent().offset;
- t2 = isFromWordBeforeToWord ? toWord.get$extent().offset : toWord.get$base().offset;
- _this._setSelection$2(A.TextSelection$(fromWord.affinity, t1, t2, false), cause);
- },
- selectWordsInRange$2$cause$from(cause, from) {
- return this.selectWordsInRange$3$cause$from$to(cause, from, null);
- },
- _getWordAtOffset$1(position) {
- var word, effectiveOffset0, previousWord, nextWord, _this = this,
- effectiveOffset = position.offset,
- t1 = _this._editable$_textPainter;
- if (effectiveOffset >= t1.get$plainText().length)
- return A.TextSelection$fromPosition(new A.TextPosition(t1.get$plainText().length, B.TextAffinity_0));
- if (_this._obscureText)
- return A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, 0, t1.get$plainText().length, false);
- word = t1._paragraph.getWordBoundary$1(position);
- switch (position.affinity.index) {
- case 0:
- effectiveOffset0 = effectiveOffset - 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- effectiveOffset0 = effectiveOffset;
- break;
- default:
- effectiveOffset0 = null;
- }
- if (A.TextLayoutMetrics_isWhitespace(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1.get$plainText(), effectiveOffset0)) && effectiveOffset0 > 0) {
- t1 = word.start;
- previousWord = _this._getPreviousWord$1(t1);
- switch (A.defaultTargetPlatform().index) {
- case 2:
- if (previousWord == null) {
- nextWord = _this._getNextWord$1(t1);
- if (nextWord == null)
- return A.TextSelection$collapsed(B.TextAffinity_1, effectiveOffset);
- return A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, effectiveOffset, nextWord.end, false);
- }
- return A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, previousWord.start, effectiveOffset, false);
- case 0:
- if (_this._readOnly) {
- if (previousWord == null)
- return A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, effectiveOffset, effectiveOffset + 1, false);
- return A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, previousWord.start, effectiveOffset, false);
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- case 4:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- break;
- }
- }
- return A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, word.start, word.end, false);
- },
- _layoutChildren$2$dry(constraints, dry) {
- var child, placeholderDimensions, boxConstraints, t2, childIndex, t3, t4, baselineOffset, childSize, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount;
- if (t1 === 0) {
- t1 = type$.JSArray_PlaceholderDimensions;
- _this._editable$_textPainter.setPlaceholderDimensions$1(A._setArrayType([], t1));
- return A._setArrayType([], t1);
- }
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- placeholderDimensions = A.List_List$filled(t1, B.PlaceholderDimensions_Ism, false, type$.PlaceholderDimensions);
- boxConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, constraints.maxWidth, 0, 1 / 0).$div(0, _this._editable$_textPainter._textScaleFactor);
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), t2 = !dry, childIndex = 0; child != null;) {
- if (t2) {
- child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(boxConstraints, true);
- t3 = child._size;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = _this.__RenderEditable__placeholderSpans_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t4[childIndex];
- switch (t4.alignment.index) {
- case 0:
- t4 = t4.baseline;
- t4.toString;
- baselineOffset = child.getDistanceToBaseline$1(t4);
- break;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- case 3:
- baselineOffset = null;
- break;
- default:
- baselineOffset = null;
- }
- childSize = t3;
- } else {
- childSize = child.getDryLayout$1(boxConstraints);
- baselineOffset = null;
- }
- t3 = _this.__RenderEditable__placeholderSpans_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3[childIndex];
- placeholderDimensions[childIndex] = new A.PlaceholderDimensions(childSize, t3.alignment, baselineOffset, t3.baseline);
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- child = t1._as(t3).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- ++childIndex;
- }
- return placeholderDimensions;
- },
- _layoutChildren$1(constraints) {
- return this._layoutChildren$2$dry(constraints, false);
- },
- _setParentData$0() {
- var t4, t5,
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild,
- t1 = type$.TextParentData,
- t2 = this._editable$_textPainter,
- t3 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"),
- childIndex = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(child != null && childIndex < t2._inlinePlaceholderBoxes.length))
- break;
- t4 = child.parentData;
- t4.toString;
- t1._as(t4);
- t5 = t2._inlinePlaceholderBoxes[childIndex];
- t4.offset = new A.Offset(t5.left, t5.top);
- t4.scale = t2._inlinePlaceholderScales[childIndex];
- child = t3._as(t4).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- ++childIndex;
- }
- },
- _editable$_layoutText$2$maxWidth$minWidth(maxWidth, minWidth) {
- var _this = this,
- availableMaxWidth = Math.max(0, maxWidth - (1 + _this._cursorWidth)),
- availableMinWidth = Math.min(minWidth, availableMaxWidth),
- textMaxWidth = _this._editable$_maxLines !== 1 ? availableMaxWidth : 1 / 0,
- textMinWidth = _this._forceLine ? availableMaxWidth : availableMinWidth;
- _this._editable$_textPainter.layout$2$maxWidth$minWidth(textMaxWidth, textMinWidth);
- _this._textLayoutLastMinWidth = minWidth;
- _this._textLayoutLastMaxWidth = maxWidth;
- },
- _editable$_layoutText$0() {
- return this._editable$_layoutText$2$maxWidth$minWidth(1 / 0, 0);
- },
- _editable$_layoutText$1$maxWidth(maxWidth) {
- return this._editable$_layoutText$2$maxWidth$minWidth(maxWidth, 0);
- },
- _computeTextMetricsIfNeeded$0() {
- var t1 = type$.BoxConstraints,
- t2 = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this));
- this._editable$_layoutText$2$maxWidth$minWidth(t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this)).maxWidth, t2.minWidth);
- },
- _computeCaretPrototype$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- switch (A.defaultTargetPlatform().index) {
- case 2:
- case 4:
- t1 = _this._cursorWidth;
- t2 = _this._editable$_textPainter.get$preferredLineHeight();
- _this.__RenderEditable__caretPrototype_A = new A.Rect(0, 0, t1, 0 + (t2 + 2));
- break;
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 3:
- case 5:
- t1 = _this._cursorWidth;
- t2 = _this._editable$_textPainter.get$preferredLineHeight();
- _this.__RenderEditable__caretPrototype_A = new A.Rect(0, 2, t1, 2 + (t2 - 4));
- break;
- }
- },
- _canComputeDryLayout$0() {
- var t2, _i,
- t1 = this.__RenderEditable__placeholderSpans_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.length;
- _i = 0;
- $label0$1:
- for (; _i < t2; ++_i)
- switch (t1[_i].alignment.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 2:
- return false;
- case 3:
- case 5:
- case 4:
- continue $label0$1;
- }
- return true;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- var t1, t2, width, width0, t3, _this = this;
- if (!_this._canComputeDryLayout$0())
- return B.Size_0_0;
- t1 = _this._editable$_textPainter;
- t1.setPlaceholderDimensions$1(_this._layoutChildren$2$dry(constraints, true));
- t2 = constraints.minWidth;
- width = constraints.maxWidth;
- _this._editable$_layoutText$2$maxWidth$minWidth(width, t2);
- if (_this._forceLine)
- width0 = width;
- else {
- t3 = t1.get$width(t1);
- t1 = t1._paragraph;
- Math.ceil(t1.get$height(t1));
- width0 = A.clampDouble(t3 + (1 + _this._cursorWidth), t2, width);
- }
- return new A.Size(width0, A.clampDouble(_this._preferredHeight$1(width), constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight));
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t2, t3, width, width0, t4, contentSize, painterConstraints, _this = this,
- constraints = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)),
- t1 = _this._layoutChildren$1(constraints);
- _this._editable$_placeholderDimensions = t1;
- t2 = _this._editable$_textPainter;
- t2.setPlaceholderDimensions$1(t1);
- _this._computeTextMetricsIfNeeded$0();
- _this._setParentData$0();
- _this._computeCaretPrototype$0();
- t1 = t2.get$width(t2);
- t3 = t2._paragraph;
- t3 = Math.ceil(t3.get$height(t3));
- width = constraints.maxWidth;
- if (_this._forceLine)
- width0 = width;
- else {
- t4 = t2.get$width(t2);
- t2 = t2._paragraph;
- Math.ceil(t2.get$height(t2));
- width0 = A.clampDouble(t4 + (1 + _this._cursorWidth), constraints.minWidth, width);
- }
- _this._size = new A.Size(width0, A.clampDouble(_this._preferredHeight$1(width), constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight));
- contentSize = new A.Size(t1 + (1 + _this._cursorWidth), t3);
- painterConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tight(contentSize);
- t1 = _this._foregroundRenderObject;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.layout$1(painterConstraints);
- t1 = _this._backgroundRenderObject;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.layout$1(painterConstraints);
- _this._editable$_maxScrollExtent = _this._getMaxScrollExtent$1(contentSize);
- _this._editable$_offset.applyViewportDimension$1(_this.get$_viewportExtent());
- _this._editable$_offset.applyContentDimensions$2(0, _this._editable$_maxScrollExtent);
- },
- setFloatingCursor$4$resetLerpValue(state, boundedOffset, lastTextPosition, resetLerpValue) {
- var t1, sizeAdjustment, t2, _this = this;
- if (state === B.FloatingCursorDragState_0) {
- _this._relativeOrigin = B.Offset_0_0;
- _this._previousOffset = null;
- _this._resetOriginOnRight = _this._resetOriginOnTop = _this._resetOriginOnBottom = false;
- }
- t1 = state !== B.FloatingCursorDragState_2;
- _this._floatingCursorOn = t1;
- _this._resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue = resetLerpValue;
- if (t1) {
- _this.__RenderEditable__floatingCursorTextPosition_A = lastTextPosition;
- if (resetLerpValue != null) {
- t1 = A.EdgeInsets_lerp(B.EdgeInsets_Otk, B.EdgeInsets_0_0_0_0, resetLerpValue);
- t1.toString;
- sizeAdjustment = t1;
- } else
- sizeAdjustment = B.EdgeInsets_Otk;
- t1 = _this.get$_caretPainter();
- t2 = _this.__RenderEditable__caretPrototype_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.set$floatingCursorRect(sizeAdjustment.inflateRect$1(t2).shift$1(boundedOffset));
- } else
- _this.get$_caretPainter().set$floatingCursorRect(null);
- _this.get$_caretPainter().showRegularCaret = _this._resetFloatingCursorAnimationValue == null;
- },
- setFloatingCursor$3(state, boundedOffset, lastTextPosition) {
- return this.setFloatingCursor$4$resetLerpValue(state, boundedOffset, lastTextPosition, null);
- },
- _lineNumberFor$2(startPosition, metrics) {
- var t1, t2, _i, t3, lineMetrics,
- offset = this._editable$_textPainter.getOffsetForCaret$2(startPosition, B.Rect_0_0_0_0);
- for (t1 = metrics.length, t2 = offset._dy, _i = 0; t3 = metrics.length, _i < t3; metrics.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(metrics), ++_i) {
- lineMetrics = metrics[_i];
- if (lineMetrics.get$baseline() > t2)
- return new A.MapEntry(J.get$lineNumber$z(lineMetrics), new A.Offset(offset._dx, lineMetrics.get$baseline()), type$.MapEntry_int_Offset);
- }
- t1 = Math.max(0, t3 - 1);
- t2 = t3 !== 0 ? B.JSArray_methods.get$last(metrics).get$baseline() + B.JSArray_methods.get$last(metrics).get$descent() : 0;
- return new A.MapEntry(t1, new A.Offset(offset._dx, t2), type$.MapEntry_int_Offset);
- },
- _editable$_paintContents$2(context, offset) {
- var foregroundChild, backgroundChild, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, childIndex, t7, t8, child, _this = this, _box_0 = {},
- effectiveOffset = offset.$add(0, _this.get$_editable$_paintOffset()),
- t1 = _this._floatingCursorOn;
- if (!t1)
- _this._updateSelectionExtentsVisibility$1(effectiveOffset);
- foregroundChild = _this._foregroundRenderObject;
- backgroundChild = _this._backgroundRenderObject;
- if (backgroundChild != null)
- context.paintChild$2(backgroundChild, offset);
- t1 = _this._editable$_textPainter;
- t1.paint$2(context.get$canvas(context), effectiveOffset);
- t2 = _box_0.child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t3 = type$.TextParentData;
- t4 = effectiveOffset._dx;
- t5 = effectiveOffset._dy;
- t6 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1");
- childIndex = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(t2 != null && childIndex < t1._inlinePlaceholderBoxes.length))
- break;
- t2 = t2.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t3._as(t2);
- t7 = t2.scale;
- t7.toString;
- t8 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t8 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.offset;
- context.pushTransform$4(t8, new A.Offset(t4 + t2._dx, t5 + t2._dy), A.Matrix4_Matrix4$diagonal3Values(t7, t7, t7), new A.RenderEditable__paintContents_closure(_box_0));
- t7 = _box_0.child.parentData;
- t7.toString;
- child = t6._as(t7).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- _box_0.child = child;
- ++childIndex;
- t2 = child;
- }
- if (foregroundChild != null)
- context.paintChild$2(foregroundChild, offset);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2, t3, selection, startPoint, endPoint, _this = this;
- _this._computeTextMetricsIfNeeded$0();
- t1 = (_this._editable$_maxScrollExtent > 0 || !J.$eq$(_this.get$_editable$_paintOffset(), B.Offset_0_0)) && _this._editable$_clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0;
- t2 = _this._editable$_clipRectLayer;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = _this._size;
- t2.set$layer(0, context.pushClipRect$6$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, offset, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t3._dx, 0 + t3._dy), _this.get$_editable$_paintContents(), _this._editable$_clipBehavior, t2._layer));
- } else {
- t2.set$layer(0, null);
- _this._editable$_paintContents$2(context, offset);
- }
- selection = _this._selection;
- t1 = selection.get$isValid();
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this.getEndpointsForSelection$1(selection);
- startPoint = t1[0].point;
- t2 = _this._size;
- t3 = A.clampDouble(startPoint._dx, 0, t2._dx);
- t2 = A.clampDouble(startPoint._dy, 0, t2._dy);
- context.pushLayer$3(A.LeaderLayer$(_this._editable$_startHandleLayerLink, new A.Offset(t3, t2).$add(0, offset)), A.RenderObject.prototype.get$paint.call(_this), B.Offset_0_0);
- if (t1.length === 2) {
- endPoint = t1[1].point;
- t1 = _this._size;
- t2 = A.clampDouble(endPoint._dx, 0, t1._dx);
- t1 = A.clampDouble(endPoint._dy, 0, t1._dy);
- context.pushLayer$3(A.LeaderLayer$(_this._editable$_endHandleLayerLink, new A.Offset(t2, t1).$add(0, offset)), A.RenderObject.prototype.get$paint.call(_this), B.Offset_0_0);
- }
- }
- },
- describeApproximatePaintClip$1(child) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- switch (_this._editable$_clipBehavior.index) {
- case 0:
- return null;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 3:
- if (_this._editable$_maxScrollExtent > 0 || !J.$eq$(_this.get$_editable$_paintOffset(), B.Offset_0_0)) {
- t1 = _this._size;
- t1 = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy);
- } else
- t1 = null;
- return t1;
- }
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$0() {
- var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode),
- t2 = this._editable$_textPainter._text_painter$_text;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push(A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("text", B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_4, t2));
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.RenderEditable__extractPlaceholderSpans_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(span) {
- var t1;
- if (span instanceof A.PlaceholderSpan0) {
- t1 = this.$this.__RenderEditable__placeholderSpans_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.push(span);
- }
- return true;
- },
- $signature: 63
- };
- A.RenderEditable_getBoxesForSelection_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(textBox) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- return new A.TextBox(textBox.left + t1.get$_editable$_paintOffset()._dx, textBox.top + t1.get$_editable$_paintOffset()._dy, textBox.right + t1.get$_editable$_paintOffset()._dx, textBox.bottom + t1.get$_editable$_paintOffset()._dy, textBox.direction);
- },
- $signature: 336
- };
- A.RenderEditable_describeSemanticsConfiguration_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(info) {
- return false;
- },
- $signature: 337
- };
- A.RenderEditable__createShowOnScreenFor_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._cachedChildNodes.$index(0, this.key);
- t2.toString;
- t1.showOnScreen$2$descendant$rect(t1, t2._semantics$_rect);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.RenderEditable_getRectForComposingRange_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(accum, incoming) {
- var t1 = accum == null ? null : accum.expandToInclude$1(new A.Rect(incoming.left, incoming.top, incoming.right, incoming.bottom));
- return t1 == null ? new A.Rect(incoming.left, incoming.top, incoming.right, incoming.bottom) : t1;
- },
- $signature: 338
- };
- A.RenderEditable_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, transformed) {
- return this._box_0.child.hitTest$2$position(result, transformed);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A.RenderEditable__paintContents_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(context, offset) {
- var t1 = this._box_0.child;
- t1.toString;
- context.paintChild$2(t1, offset);
- },
- $signature: 7
- };
- A._RenderEditableCustomPaint.prototype = {
- get$parent(_) {
- return type$.nullable_RenderEditable._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(this, this));
- },
- get$isRepaintBoundary() {
- return true;
- },
- get$sizedByParent() {
- return true;
- },
- set$painter(newValue) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._editable$_painter;
- if (newValue === t1)
- return;
- _this._editable$_painter = newValue;
- t2 = newValue.shouldRepaint$1(t1);
- if (t2)
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- if (_this._node$_owner != null) {
- t2 = _this.get$markNeedsPaint();
- t1.removeListener$1(0, t2);
- newValue.addListener$1(0, t2);
- }
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this,
- $parent = type$.nullable_RenderEditable._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(_this, _this)),
- painter = _this._editable$_painter;
- if ($parent != null) {
- $parent._computeTextMetricsIfNeeded$0();
- t1 = context.get$canvas(context);
- t2 = _this._size;
- t2.toString;
- painter.paint$3(t1, t2, $parent);
- }
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- this._editable$_painter.addListener$1(0, this.get$markNeedsPaint());
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- this._editable$_painter.removeListener$1(0, this.get$markNeedsPaint());
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight));
- }
- };
- A.RenderEditablePainter.prototype = {};
- A._TextHighlightPainter.prototype = {
- set$highlightColor(newValue) {
- if (J.$eq$(newValue, this._editable$_highlightColor))
- return;
- this._editable$_highlightColor = newValue;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$highlightedRange(newValue) {
- if (J.$eq$(newValue, this._highlightedRange))
- return;
- this._highlightedRange = newValue;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$selectionHeightStyle(value) {
- if (this._selectionHeightStyle === value)
- return;
- this._selectionHeightStyle = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$selectionWidthStyle(value) {
- if (this._selectionWidthStyle === value)
- return;
- this._selectionWidthStyle = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- paint$3(canvas, size, renderEditable) {
- var t1, textPainter, boxes, t2, _i, box, t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
- range = _this._highlightedRange,
- color = _this._editable$_highlightColor;
- if (range == null || color == null || range.start === range.end)
- return;
- t1 = _this.highlightPaint;
- t1.set$color(0, color);
- textPainter = renderEditable._editable$_textPainter;
- boxes = textPainter.getBoxesForSelection$3$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle(A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, range.start, range.end, false), _this._selectionHeightStyle, _this._selectionWidthStyle);
- for (t2 = boxes.length, _i = 0; _i < boxes.length; boxes.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(boxes), ++_i) {
- box = boxes[_i];
- t3 = new A.Rect(box.left, box.top, box.right, box.bottom).shift$1(renderEditable.get$_editable$_paintOffset());
- t4 = textPainter._textWidthBasis;
- t5 = textPainter._paragraph;
- t4 = t4 === B.TextWidthBasis_1 ? t5.get$longestLine() : t5.get$width(t5);
- t4 = Math.ceil(t4);
- t5 = textPainter._paragraph;
- canvas.drawRect$2(t3.intersect$1(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t4, 0 + Math.ceil(t5.get$height(t5)))), t1);
- }
- },
- shouldRepaint$1(oldDelegate) {
- var _this = this;
- if (oldDelegate === _this)
- return false;
- return !(oldDelegate instanceof A._TextHighlightPainter) || !J.$eq$(oldDelegate._editable$_highlightColor, _this._editable$_highlightColor) || !J.$eq$(oldDelegate._highlightedRange, _this._highlightedRange) || oldDelegate._selectionHeightStyle !== _this._selectionHeightStyle || oldDelegate._selectionWidthStyle !== _this._selectionWidthStyle;
- }
- };
- A._FloatingCursorPainter.prototype = {
- set$shouldPaint(value) {
- if (this._shouldPaint === value)
- return;
- this._shouldPaint = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$caretColor(value) {
- var t1 = this._caretColor;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.value;
- if (t1 === value.value)
- return;
- this._caretColor = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$cursorRadius(value) {
- if (J.$eq$(this._cursorRadius, value))
- return;
- this._cursorRadius = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$cursorOffset(value) {
- if (this._cursorOffset.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- this._cursorOffset = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$backgroundCursorColor(value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._backgroundCursorColor;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1._effectiveColor.value;
- if (t1 === value._effectiveColor.value)
- return;
- _this._backgroundCursorColor = value;
- if (_this.showRegularCaret)
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- set$floatingCursorRect(value) {
- if (J.$eq$(this._floatingCursorRect, value))
- return;
- this._floatingCursorRect = value;
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- paint$3(canvas, size, renderEditable) {
- var floatingCursorRect, t1, caretColor, caretTextPosition, t2, integralRect, radius, floatingCursorColor, value, result, _this = this,
- selection = renderEditable._selection;
- if (selection.start !== selection.end)
- return;
- floatingCursorRect = _this._floatingCursorRect;
- t1 = floatingCursorRect == null;
- if (t1)
- caretColor = _this._caretColor;
- else
- caretColor = _this.showRegularCaret ? _this._backgroundCursorColor : null;
- if (t1)
- caretTextPosition = selection.get$extent();
- else {
- t2 = renderEditable.__RenderEditable__floatingCursorTextPosition_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- caretTextPosition = t2;
- }
- if (caretColor != null) {
- integralRect = renderEditable.getLocalRectForCaret$1(caretTextPosition);
- if (_this._shouldPaint) {
- radius = _this._cursorRadius;
- t2 = _this.caretPaint;
- t2.set$color(0, caretColor);
- if (radius == null)
- canvas.drawRect$2(integralRect, t2);
- else
- canvas.drawRRect$2(A.RRect$fromRectAndRadius(integralRect, radius), t2);
- }
- _this.caretPaintCallback.call$1(integralRect);
- }
- t2 = _this._caretColor;
- if (t2 == null)
- floatingCursorColor = null;
- else {
- t2 = t2.value;
- floatingCursorColor = A.Color$fromARGB(191, t2 >>> 16 & 255, t2 >>> 8 & 255, t2 & 255);
- }
- if (t1 || floatingCursorColor == null || !_this._shouldPaint)
- return;
- t1 = A.RRect$fromRectAndRadius(floatingCursorRect, B.Radius_1_1);
- value = _this.___FloatingCursorPainter_floatingCursorPaint_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- _this.___FloatingCursorPainter_floatingCursorPaint_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.___FloatingCursorPainter_floatingCursorPaint_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- value.set$color(0, floatingCursorColor);
- canvas.drawRRect$2(t1, value);
- },
- shouldRepaint$1(oldDelegate) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this === oldDelegate)
- return false;
- return !(oldDelegate instanceof A._FloatingCursorPainter) || oldDelegate._shouldPaint !== _this._shouldPaint || oldDelegate.showRegularCaret !== _this.showRegularCaret || !J.$eq$(oldDelegate._caretColor, _this._caretColor) || !J.$eq$(oldDelegate._cursorRadius, _this._cursorRadius) || !oldDelegate._cursorOffset.$eq(0, _this._cursorOffset) || !J.$eq$(oldDelegate._backgroundCursorColor, _this._backgroundCursorColor) || !J.$eq$(oldDelegate._floatingCursorRect, _this._floatingCursorRect);
- }
- };
- A._CompositeRenderEditablePainter.prototype = {
- addListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- for (t1 = this.painters, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].addListener$1(0, listener);
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- for (t1 = this.painters, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].removeListener$1(0, listener);
- },
- paint$3(canvas, size, renderEditable) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- for (t1 = this.painters, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].paint$3(canvas, size, renderEditable);
- },
- shouldRepaint$1(oldDelegate) {
- var t1, t2, oldPainters, t3, newPainters, t4;
- if (oldDelegate === this)
- return false;
- if (!(oldDelegate instanceof A._CompositeRenderEditablePainter) || oldDelegate.painters.length !== this.painters.length)
- return true;
- t1 = oldDelegate.painters;
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
- oldPainters = new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, t2._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
- t1 = this.painters;
- t3 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1);
- newPainters = new J.ArrayIterator(t1, t1.length, t3._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
- t1 = t3._precomputed1;
- t2 = t2._precomputed1;
- while (true) {
- if (!(oldPainters.moveNext$0() && newPainters.moveNext$0()))
- break;
- t3 = newPainters.__interceptors$_current;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = t1._as(t3);
- t4 = oldPainters.__interceptors$_current;
- if (t3.shouldRepaint$1(t4 == null ? t2._as(t4) : t4))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- };
- A._RenderEditable_RenderBox_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- $.PaintingBinding__instance.PaintingBinding__systemFonts._systemFontsCallbacks.add$1(0, this.get$_scheduleSystemFontsUpdate());
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- $.PaintingBinding__instance.PaintingBinding__systemFonts._systemFontsCallbacks.remove$1(0, this.get$_scheduleSystemFontsUpdate());
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- }
- };
- A._RenderEditable_RenderBox_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$_RenderEditable_RenderBox_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin$attach(owner);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.TextParentData; child != null;) {
- child.attach$1(owner);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$_RenderEditable_RenderBox_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin$detach(0);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.TextParentData; child != null;) {
- child.detach$0(0);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- }
- };
- A._RenderEditable_RenderBox_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.prototype = {};
- A.RenderErrorBox.prototype = {
- RenderErrorBox$1(message) {
- var builder, t1, t2, exception, _this = this;
- try {
- t1 = _this.message;
- if (t1 !== "") {
- t2 = $.$get$RenderErrorBox_paragraphStyle();
- builder = $.$get$_renderer().createParagraphBuilder$1(t2);
- builder.pushStyle$1($.$get$RenderErrorBox_textStyle());
- builder.addText$1(t1);
- t1 = builder.build$0();
- _this.__RenderErrorBox__paragraph_F !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldAI();
- _this.__RenderErrorBox__paragraph_F = t1;
- } else {
- _this.__RenderErrorBox__paragraph_F !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldAI();
- _this.__RenderErrorBox__paragraph_F = null;
- }
- } catch (exception) {
- }
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- return 100000;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return 100000;
- },
- get$sizedByParent() {
- return true;
- },
- hitTestSelf$1(position) {
- return true;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return constraints.constrain$1(B.Size_100000_100000);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var width, left, $top, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, exception, _this = this;
- try {
- t1 = context.get$canvas(context);
- t2 = _this._size;
- t3 = offset._dx;
- t4 = offset._dy;
- t5 = t2._dx;
- t2 = t2._dy;
- t6 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t6.set$color(0, $.$get$RenderErrorBox_backgroundColor());
- t1.drawRect$2(new A.Rect(t3, t4, t3 + t5, t4 + t2), t6);
- t1 = _this.__RenderErrorBox__paragraph_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1 != null) {
- width = _this._size._dx;
- left = 0;
- $top = 0;
- if (width > 328) {
- width -= 128;
- left += 64;
- }
- t1.layout$1(new A.ParagraphConstraints(width));
- if (_this._size._dy > 96 + t1.get$height(t1) + 12)
- $top += 96;
- context.get$canvas(context).drawParagraph$2(t1, offset.$add(0, new A.Offset(left, $top)));
- }
- } catch (exception) {
- }
- }
- };
- A.FlexFit.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "FlexFit." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.FlexParentData.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return this.super$BoxParentData$toString(0) + "; flex=" + A.S(this.flex) + "; fit=" + A.S(this.fit);
- }
- };
- A.MainAxisSize.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "MainAxisSize." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.MainAxisAlignment.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "MainAxisAlignment." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.CrossAxisAlignment.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "CrossAxisAlignment." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.RenderFlex.prototype = {
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.FlexParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.FlexParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0);
- },
- _getIntrinsicSize$3$childSize$extent$sizingDirection(childSize, extent, sizingDirection) {
- var t1, child, totalFlex, inflexibleSpace, maxFlexFractionSoFar, t2, flex, t3, maxCrossSize, mainSize, crossSize, spacePerFlex, _this = this;
- if (_this._crossAxisAlignment === B.CrossAxisAlignment_4)
- return 0;
- t1 = _this._flex$_direction;
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- if (t1 === sizingDirection) {
- for (t1 = type$.FlexParentData, totalFlex = 0, inflexibleSpace = 0, maxFlexFractionSoFar = 0; child != null;) {
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- flex = t1._as(t2).flex;
- if (flex == null)
- flex = 0;
- totalFlex += flex;
- if (flex > 0) {
- t2 = childSize.call$2(child, extent);
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t1._as(t3).flex;
- maxFlexFractionSoFar = Math.max(maxFlexFractionSoFar, t2 / (t3 == null ? 0 : t3));
- } else
- inflexibleSpace += childSize.call$2(child, extent);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return maxFlexFractionSoFar * totalFlex + inflexibleSpace;
- } else {
- for (t1 = type$.FlexParentData, totalFlex = 0, inflexibleSpace = 0, maxCrossSize = 0; child != null;) {
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- flex = t1._as(t2).flex;
- if (flex == null)
- flex = 0;
- totalFlex += flex;
- mainSize = A._Cell$named("mainSize");
- crossSize = A._Cell$named("crossSize");
- if (flex === 0) {
- switch (_this._flex$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- t2 = child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, 1 / 0, child.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- if (mainSize.__late_helper$_value !== mainSize)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localAI(mainSize.__late_helper$_name));
- mainSize.__late_helper$_value = t2;
- t2 = childSize.call$2(child, t2);
- if (crossSize.__late_helper$_value !== crossSize)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localAI(crossSize.__late_helper$_name));
- crossSize.__late_helper$_value = t2;
- break;
- case 1:
- t2 = child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, 1 / 0, child.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight());
- if (mainSize.__late_helper$_value !== mainSize)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localAI(mainSize.__late_helper$_name));
- mainSize.__late_helper$_value = t2;
- t2 = childSize.call$2(child, t2);
- if (crossSize.__late_helper$_value !== crossSize)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localAI(crossSize.__late_helper$_name));
- crossSize.__late_helper$_value = t2;
- break;
- }
- t2 = mainSize.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t2 === mainSize)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(mainSize.__late_helper$_name));
- inflexibleSpace += t2;
- t2 = crossSize.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t2 === crossSize)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(crossSize.__late_helper$_name));
- maxCrossSize = Math.max(maxCrossSize, A.checkNum(t2));
- }
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- spacePerFlex = Math.max(0, (extent - inflexibleSpace) / totalFlex);
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (; child != null;) {
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- flex = t1._as(t2).flex;
- if (flex == null)
- flex = 0;
- if (flex > 0)
- maxCrossSize = Math.max(maxCrossSize, A.checkNum(childSize.call$2(child, spacePerFlex * flex)));
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return maxCrossSize;
- }
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- return this._getIntrinsicSize$3$childSize$extent$sizingDirection(new A.RenderFlex_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure(), height, B.Axis_0);
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- return this._getIntrinsicSize$3$childSize$extent$sizingDirection(new A.RenderFlex_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure(), height, B.Axis_0);
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return this._getIntrinsicSize$3$childSize$extent$sizingDirection(new A.RenderFlex_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure(), width, B.Axis_1);
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return this._getIntrinsicSize$3$childSize$extent$sizingDirection(new A.RenderFlex_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure(), width, B.Axis_1);
- },
- computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- if (this._flex$_direction === B.Axis_0)
- return this.defaultComputeDistanceToHighestActualBaseline$1(baseline);
- return this.defaultComputeDistanceToFirstActualBaseline$1(baseline);
- },
- _getCrossSize$1(size) {
- switch (this._flex$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return size._dy;
- case 1:
- return size._dx;
- }
- },
- _getMainSize$1(size) {
- switch (this._flex$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return size._dx;
- case 1:
- return size._dy;
- }
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- var sizes;
- if (this._crossAxisAlignment === B.CrossAxisAlignment_4)
- return B.Size_0_0;
- sizes = this._flex$_computeSizes$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild$closure());
- switch (this._flex$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(sizes.mainSize, sizes.crossSize));
- case 1:
- return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(sizes.crossSize, sizes.mainSize));
- }
- },
- _flex$_computeSizes$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, layoutChild) {
- var t1, t2, t3, lastFlexChild, totalFlex, crossSize, allocatedSize, t4, flex, innerConstraints, childSize, freeSpace, spacePerFlex, allocatedFlexSpace, maxChildExtent, minChildExtent, _this = this, _null = null,
- maxMainSize = _this._flex$_direction === B.Axis_0 ? constraints.maxWidth : constraints.maxHeight,
- canFlex = maxMainSize < 1 / 0,
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.FlexParentData, t2 = constraints.maxWidth, t3 = constraints.maxHeight, lastFlexChild = _null, totalFlex = 0, crossSize = 0, allocatedSize = 0; child != null;) {
- t4 = child.parentData;
- t4.toString;
- t1._as(t4);
- flex = t4.flex;
- if (flex == null)
- flex = 0;
- if (flex > 0) {
- totalFlex += flex;
- lastFlexChild = child;
- } else {
- if (_this._crossAxisAlignment === B.CrossAxisAlignment_3)
- switch (_this._flex$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- innerConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(t3, _null);
- break;
- case 1:
- innerConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(_null, t2);
- break;
- default:
- innerConstraints = _null;
- }
- else
- switch (_this._flex$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- innerConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, 1 / 0, 0, t3);
- break;
- case 1:
- innerConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, t2, 0, 1 / 0);
- break;
- default:
- innerConstraints = _null;
- }
- childSize = layoutChild.call$2(child, innerConstraints);
- allocatedSize += _this._getMainSize$1(childSize);
- crossSize = Math.max(crossSize, A.checkNum(_this._getCrossSize$1(childSize)));
- }
- child = t4.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- freeSpace = Math.max(0, (canFlex ? maxMainSize : 0) - allocatedSize);
- if (totalFlex > 0) {
- spacePerFlex = canFlex ? freeSpace / totalFlex : 0 / 0;
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (allocatedFlexSpace = 0; child != null;) {
- t4 = child.parentData;
- t4.toString;
- flex = t1._as(t4).flex;
- if (flex == null)
- flex = 0;
- if (flex > 0) {
- if (canFlex)
- maxChildExtent = child === lastFlexChild ? freeSpace - allocatedFlexSpace : spacePerFlex * flex;
- else
- maxChildExtent = 1 / 0;
- minChildExtent = A._Cell$named("minChildExtent");
- t4 = child.parentData;
- t4.toString;
- t4 = t1._as(t4).fit;
- switch ((t4 == null ? B.FlexFit_0 : t4).index) {
- case 0:
- if (minChildExtent.__late_helper$_value !== minChildExtent)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localAI(minChildExtent.__late_helper$_name));
- minChildExtent.__late_helper$_value = maxChildExtent;
- break;
- case 1:
- if (minChildExtent.__late_helper$_value !== minChildExtent)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localAI(minChildExtent.__late_helper$_name));
- minChildExtent.__late_helper$_value = 0;
- break;
- }
- if (_this._crossAxisAlignment === B.CrossAxisAlignment_3)
- switch (_this._flex$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- t4 = minChildExtent.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t4 === minChildExtent)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(minChildExtent.__late_helper$_name));
- innerConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(t4, maxChildExtent, t3, t3);
- break;
- case 1:
- t4 = minChildExtent.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t4 === minChildExtent)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(minChildExtent.__late_helper$_name));
- innerConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(t2, t2, t4, maxChildExtent);
- break;
- default:
- innerConstraints = _null;
- }
- else
- switch (_this._flex$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- t4 = minChildExtent.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t4 === minChildExtent)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(minChildExtent.__late_helper$_name));
- innerConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(t4, maxChildExtent, 0, t3);
- break;
- case 1:
- t4 = minChildExtent.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t4 === minChildExtent)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(minChildExtent.__late_helper$_name));
- innerConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, t2, t4, maxChildExtent);
- break;
- default:
- innerConstraints = _null;
- }
- childSize = layoutChild.call$2(child, innerConstraints);
- allocatedSize += _this._getMainSize$1(childSize);
- allocatedFlexSpace += maxChildExtent;
- crossSize = Math.max(crossSize, A.checkNum(_this._getCrossSize$1(childSize)));
- }
- t4 = child.parentData;
- t4.toString;
- child = t1._as(t4).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- }
- return new A._LayoutSizes(canFlex && _this._mainAxisSize === B.MainAxisSize_1 ? maxMainSize : allocatedSize, crossSize, allocatedSize);
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var child, t1, maxBaselineDistance, maxSizeAboveBaseline, maxSizeBelowBaseline, t2, distance, actualSizeDelta, remainingSpace, leadingSpace, betweenSpace, flipMainAxis, childMainPosition, t3, t4, t5, childCrossPosition, t6, _this = this,
- constraints = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)),
- sizes = _this._flex$_computeSizes$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild$closure()),
- actualSize = sizes.mainSize,
- crossSize = sizes.crossSize;
- if (_this._crossAxisAlignment === B.CrossAxisAlignment_4) {
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.FlexParentData, maxBaselineDistance = 0, maxSizeAboveBaseline = 0, maxSizeBelowBaseline = 0; child != null;) {
- t2 = _this._flex$_textBaseline;
- t2.toString;
- distance = child.getDistanceToBaseline$2$onlyReal(t2, true);
- if (distance != null) {
- maxBaselineDistance = Math.max(maxBaselineDistance, distance);
- maxSizeAboveBaseline = Math.max(distance, maxSizeAboveBaseline);
- maxSizeBelowBaseline = Math.max(child._size._dy - distance, maxSizeBelowBaseline);
- crossSize = Math.max(maxSizeAboveBaseline + maxSizeBelowBaseline, crossSize);
- }
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- } else
- maxBaselineDistance = 0;
- switch (_this._flex$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(actualSize, crossSize));
- actualSize = t1._dx;
- crossSize = t1._dy;
- break;
- case 1:
- t1 = _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(crossSize, actualSize));
- actualSize = t1._dy;
- crossSize = t1._dx;
- break;
- }
- actualSizeDelta = actualSize - sizes.allocatedSize;
- _this._flex$_overflow = Math.max(0, -actualSizeDelta);
- remainingSpace = Math.max(0, actualSizeDelta);
- leadingSpace = A._Cell$named("leadingSpace");
- betweenSpace = A._Cell$named("betweenSpace");
- t1 = A._startIsTopLeft(_this._flex$_direction, _this._flex$_textDirection, _this._verticalDirection);
- flipMainAxis = t1 === false;
- switch (_this._mainAxisAlignment.index) {
- case 0:
- leadingSpace.set$finalLocalValue(0);
- betweenSpace.set$finalLocalValue(0);
- break;
- case 1:
- leadingSpace.set$finalLocalValue(remainingSpace);
- betweenSpace.set$finalLocalValue(0);
- break;
- case 2:
- leadingSpace.set$finalLocalValue(remainingSpace / 2);
- betweenSpace.set$finalLocalValue(0);
- break;
- case 3:
- leadingSpace.set$finalLocalValue(0);
- t1 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount;
- betweenSpace.set$finalLocalValue(t1 > 1 ? remainingSpace / (t1 - 1) : 0);
- break;
- case 4:
- t1 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount;
- betweenSpace.set$finalLocalValue(t1 > 0 ? remainingSpace / t1 : 0);
- leadingSpace.set$finalLocalValue(betweenSpace._readLocal$0() / 2);
- break;
- case 5:
- t1 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount;
- betweenSpace.set$finalLocalValue(t1 > 0 ? remainingSpace / (t1 + 1) : 0);
- leadingSpace.set$finalLocalValue(betweenSpace._readLocal$0());
- break;
- }
- childMainPosition = flipMainAxis ? actualSize - leadingSpace._readLocal$0() : leadingSpace._readLocal$0();
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.FlexParentData, t2 = crossSize / 2, t3 = betweenSpace.__late_helper$_name; child != null;) {
- t4 = child.parentData;
- t4.toString;
- t1._as(t4);
- t5 = _this._crossAxisAlignment;
- switch (t5.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- if (A._startIsTopLeft(A.flipAxis(_this._flex$_direction), _this._flex$_textDirection, _this._verticalDirection) === (t5 === B.CrossAxisAlignment_0))
- childCrossPosition = 0;
- else {
- t5 = child._size;
- t5.toString;
- childCrossPosition = crossSize - _this._getCrossSize$1(t5);
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- t5 = child._size;
- t5.toString;
- childCrossPosition = t2 - _this._getCrossSize$1(t5) / 2;
- break;
- case 3:
- childCrossPosition = 0;
- break;
- case 4:
- if (_this._flex$_direction === B.Axis_0) {
- t5 = _this._flex$_textBaseline;
- t5.toString;
- distance = child.getDistanceToBaseline$2$onlyReal(t5, true);
- childCrossPosition = distance != null ? maxBaselineDistance - distance : 0;
- } else
- childCrossPosition = 0;
- break;
- default:
- childCrossPosition = null;
- }
- if (flipMainAxis) {
- t5 = child._size;
- t5.toString;
- childMainPosition -= _this._getMainSize$1(t5);
- }
- switch (_this._flex$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- t4.offset = new A.Offset(childMainPosition, childCrossPosition);
- break;
- case 1:
- t4.offset = new A.Offset(childCrossPosition, childMainPosition);
- break;
- }
- if (flipMainAxis) {
- t5 = betweenSpace.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t5 === betweenSpace)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t3));
- childMainPosition -= t5;
- } else {
- t5 = child._size;
- t5.toString;
- t5 = _this._getMainSize$1(t5);
- t6 = betweenSpace.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t6 === betweenSpace)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(t3));
- childMainPosition += t5 + t6;
- }
- child = t4.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- return this.defaultHitTestChildren$2$position(result, position);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (!(_this._flex$_overflow > 1e-10)) {
- _this.defaultPaint$2(context, offset);
- return;
- }
- t1 = _this._size;
- if (t1.get$isEmpty(t1))
- return;
- t1 = _this._flex$_clipRectLayer;
- t2 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = _this._size;
- t1.set$layer(0, context.pushClipRect$6$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t2, offset, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t3._dx, 0 + t3._dy), _this.get$defaultPaint(), _this._flex$_clipBehavior, t1._layer));
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._flex$_clipRectLayer.set$layer(0, null);
- this.super$_RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin$dispose();
- },
- describeApproximatePaintClip$1(child) {
- var t1;
- switch (this._flex$_clipBehavior.index) {
- case 0:
- return null;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 3:
- if (this._flex$_overflow > 1e-10) {
- t1 = this._size;
- t1 = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy);
- } else
- t1 = null;
- return t1;
- }
- },
- toStringShort$0() {
- var header = this.super$RenderObject$toStringShort();
- return this._flex$_overflow > 1e-10 ? header + " OVERFLOWING" : header;
- }
- };
- A.RenderFlex_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(child, extent) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, extent, child.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- },
- $signature: 65
- };
- A.RenderFlex_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(child, extent) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, extent, child.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- },
- $signature: 65
- };
- A.RenderFlex_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(child, extent) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, extent, child.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- },
- $signature: 65
- };
- A.RenderFlex_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(child, extent) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, extent, child.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight());
- },
- $signature: 65
- };
- A._LayoutSizes.prototype = {};
- A._RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.FlexParentData; child != null;) {
- child.attach$1(owner);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.FlexParentData; child != null;) {
- child.detach$0(0);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- }
- };
- A._RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.prototype = {};
- A._RenderFlex_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- for (t1 = this.DebugOverflowIndicatorMixin__indicatorLabel, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
- t1[_i].dispose$0();
- this.super$RenderObject$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.AnnotationEntry.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "AnnotationEntry(annotation: " + this.annotation.toString$0(0) + ", localPosition: " + this.localPosition.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.AnnotationResult.prototype = {};
- A.Layer.prototype = {
- _updateSubtreeCompositionObserverCount$1(delta) {
- var t1;
- this._compositionCallbackCount += delta;
- t1 = type$.nullable_ContainerLayer._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(this, this));
- if (t1 != null)
- t1._updateSubtreeCompositionObserverCount$1(delta);
- },
- _fireCompositionCallbacks$1$includeChildren(includeChildren) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- for (t1 = this._layer$_callbacks, t1 = A.List_List$of(t1.get$values(t1), true, type$.void_Function), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
- t1[_i].call$0();
- },
- addCompositionCallback$1(callback) {
- var callbackId, _this = this;
- _this._updateSubtreeCompositionObserverCount$1(1);
- callbackId = $.Layer__nextCallbackId = $.Layer__nextCallbackId + 1;
- _this._layer$_callbacks.$indexSet(0, callbackId, new A.Layer_addCompositionCallback_closure(_this, callback));
- return new A.Layer_addCompositionCallback_closure0(_this, callbackId);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1 = this._engineLayer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- this._engineLayer = null;
- },
- markNeedsAddToScene$0() {
- if (this._needsAddToScene)
- return;
- this._needsAddToScene = true;
- },
- get$alwaysNeedsAddToScene() {
- return false;
- },
- set$engineLayer(value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._engineLayer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this._engineLayer = value;
- if (!_this.get$alwaysNeedsAddToScene()) {
- t1 = type$.nullable_ContainerLayer;
- if (t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(_this, _this)) != null && !t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(_this, _this)).get$alwaysNeedsAddToScene())
- t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(_this, _this)).markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- }
- },
- updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene$0() {
- this._needsAddToScene = this._needsAddToScene || this.get$alwaysNeedsAddToScene();
- },
- dropChild$1(child) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (!_this.get$alwaysNeedsAddToScene())
- _this.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- t1 = child._compositionCallbackCount;
- if (t1 !== 0)
- _this._updateSubtreeCompositionObserverCount$1(-t1);
- _this.super$AbstractNode$dropChild(child);
- },
- remove$0(_) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = type$.nullable_ContainerLayer._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(_this, _this));
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = _this._previousSibling;
- t3 = _this._nextSibling;
- if (t2 == null)
- t1._firstChild = t3;
- else
- t2._nextSibling = t3;
- t3 = _this._nextSibling;
- if (t3 == null)
- t1._lastChild = t2;
- else
- t3._previousSibling = t2;
- _this._nextSibling = _this._previousSibling = null;
- t1.dropChild$1(_this);
- _this._parentHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- }
- },
- findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) {
- return false;
- },
- find$1$1(_, localPosition, $S) {
- var t1 = A._setArrayType([], $S._eval$1("JSArray>"));
- this.findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(new A.AnnotationResult(t1, $S._eval$1("AnnotationResult<0>")), localPosition, true, $S);
- return t1.length === 0 ? null : B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).annotation;
- },
- _addToSceneWithRetainedRendering$1(builder) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (!_this._needsAddToScene && _this._engineLayer != null) {
- t1 = _this._engineLayer;
- t1.toString;
- builder.addRetained$1(t1);
- return;
- }
- _this.addToScene$1(builder);
- _this._needsAddToScene = false;
- },
- toStringShort$0() {
- var t1 = this.super$DiagnosticableTreeMixin$toStringShort();
- return t1 + (this._node$_owner == null ? " DETACHED" : "");
- },
- $isDiagnosticableTree: 1
- };
- A.Layer_addCompositionCallback_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.callback.call$1(this.$this);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.Layer_addCompositionCallback_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1._layer$_callbacks.remove$1(0, this.callbackId);
- t1._updateSubtreeCompositionObserverCount$1(-1);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.LayerHandle.prototype = {
- set$layer(_, layer) {
- var t1 = this._layer;
- if (layer == null ? t1 == null : layer === t1)
- return;
- if (t1 != null)
- if (--t1._layer$_refCount === 0)
- t1.dispose$0();
- this._layer = layer;
- if (layer != null)
- ++layer._layer$_refCount;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._layer;
- return "LayerHandle(" + (t1 != null ? J.toString$0$(t1) : "DISPOSED") + ")";
- }
- };
- A.PictureLayer.prototype = {
- set$picture(picture) {
- var t1;
- this.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- t1 = this._picture;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- this._picture = picture;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this.set$picture(null);
- this.super$Layer$dispose();
- },
- addToScene$1(builder) {
- var t1 = this._picture;
- t1.toString;
- builder.addPicture$4$isComplexHint$willChangeHint(B.Offset_0_0, t1, this._isComplexHint, this._willChangeHint);
- },
- findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst) {
- return false;
- }
- };
- A.ContainerLayer.prototype = {
- _fireCompositionCallbacks$1$includeChildren(includeChildren) {
- var child;
- this.super$Layer$_fireCompositionCallbacks(includeChildren);
- if (!includeChildren)
- return;
- child = this._firstChild;
- for (; child != null;) {
- child._fireCompositionCallbacks$1$includeChildren(true);
- child = child._nextSibling;
- }
- },
- buildScene$1(builder) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene$0();
- _this.addToScene$1(builder);
- if (_this._compositionCallbackCount > 0)
- _this._fireCompositionCallbacks$1$includeChildren(true);
- _this._needsAddToScene = false;
- return builder.build$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this.removeAllChildren$0();
- this._layer$_callbacks.clear$0(0);
- this.super$Layer$dispose();
- },
- updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene$0() {
- var child, _this = this;
- _this.super$Layer$updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene();
- child = _this._firstChild;
- for (; child != null;) {
- child.updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene$0();
- _this._needsAddToScene = _this._needsAddToScene || child._needsAddToScene;
- child = child._nextSibling;
- }
- },
- findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, $S) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- for (child = this._lastChild, t1 = result._layer$_entries; child != null; child = child._previousSibling) {
- if (child.findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, true, $S))
- return true;
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (t2 !== 0)
- return false;
- }
- return false;
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- var child;
- this.super$AbstractNode$attach(owner);
- child = this._firstChild;
- for (; child != null;) {
- child.attach$1(owner);
- child = child._nextSibling;
- }
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var child;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- child = this._firstChild;
- for (; child != null;) {
- child.detach$0(0);
- child = child._nextSibling;
- }
- this._fireCompositionCallbacks$1$includeChildren(false);
- },
- append$1(_, child) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (!_this.get$alwaysNeedsAddToScene())
- _this.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- t1 = child._compositionCallbackCount;
- if (t1 !== 0)
- _this._updateSubtreeCompositionObserverCount$1(t1);
- _this.super$AbstractNode$adoptChild(child);
- t1 = child._previousSibling = _this._lastChild;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1._nextSibling = child;
- _this._lastChild = child;
- if (_this._firstChild == null)
- _this._firstChild = child;
- child._parentHandle.set$layer(0, child);
- },
- removeAllChildren$0() {
- var t1, next, t2, t3, _this = this,
- child = _this._firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.nullable_ContainerLayer; child != null; child = next) {
- next = child._nextSibling;
- child._nextSibling = child._previousSibling = null;
- if (!_this.get$alwaysNeedsAddToScene())
- _this.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- t2 = child._compositionCallbackCount;
- if (t2 !== 0) {
- t2 = -t2;
- _this._compositionCallbackCount += t2;
- t3 = t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(_this, _this));
- if (t3 != null)
- t3._updateSubtreeCompositionObserverCount$1(t2);
- }
- _this.super$AbstractNode$dropChild(child);
- child._parentHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- }
- _this._lastChild = _this._firstChild = null;
- },
- addToScene$1(builder) {
- this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder);
- },
- addChildrenToScene$1(builder) {
- var child = this._firstChild;
- for (; child != null;) {
- child._addToSceneWithRetainedRendering$1(builder);
- child = child._nextSibling;
- }
- },
- applyTransform$2(child, transform) {
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$0() {
- var count,
- children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode),
- child = this._firstChild;
- if (child == null)
- return children;
- for (count = 1; true;) {
- child.toString;
- children.push(new A.DiagnosticableTreeNode(child, "child " + count, true, true, null, null));
- if (child === this._lastChild)
- break;
- ++count;
- child = child._nextSibling;
- }
- return children;
- }
- };
- A.OffsetLayer.prototype = {
- set$offset(_, value) {
- if (!value.$eq(0, this._layer$_offset))
- this.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- this._layer$_offset = value;
- },
- findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, $S) {
- return this.super$ContainerLayer$findAnnotations(result, localPosition.$sub(0, this._layer$_offset), true, $S);
- },
- applyTransform$2(child, transform) {
- var t1 = this._layer$_offset;
- transform.translate$2(0, t1._dx, t1._dy);
- },
- addToScene$1(builder) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._layer$_offset;
- _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushOffset$3$oldLayer(t1._dx, t1._dy, type$.nullable_OffsetEngineLayer._as(_this._engineLayer)));
- _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder);
- builder.pop$0();
- }
- };
- A.ClipRectLayer.prototype = {
- findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, $S) {
- if (!this._layer$_clipRect.contains$1(0, localPosition))
- return false;
- return this.super$ContainerLayer$findAnnotations(result, localPosition, true, $S);
- },
- addToScene$1(builder) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._layer$_clipRect;
- t1.toString;
- _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushClipRect$3$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, _this._layer$_clipBehavior, type$.nullable_ClipRectEngineLayer._as(_this._engineLayer)));
- _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder);
- builder.pop$0();
- }
- };
- A.ClipRRectLayer.prototype = {
- findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, $S) {
- if (!this._clipRRect.contains$1(0, localPosition))
- return false;
- return this.super$ContainerLayer$findAnnotations(result, localPosition, true, $S);
- },
- addToScene$1(builder) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._clipRRect;
- t1.toString;
- _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushClipRRect$3$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, _this._layer$_clipBehavior, type$.nullable_ClipRRectEngineLayer._as(_this._engineLayer)));
- _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder);
- builder.pop$0();
- }
- };
- A.ClipPathLayer.prototype = {
- findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, $S) {
- if (!this._clipPath.contains$1(0, localPosition))
- return false;
- return this.super$ContainerLayer$findAnnotations(result, localPosition, true, $S);
- },
- addToScene$1(builder) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._clipPath;
- t1.toString;
- _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushClipPath$3$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, _this._layer$_clipBehavior, type$.nullable_ClipPathEngineLayer._as(_this._engineLayer)));
- _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder);
- builder.pop$0();
- }
- };
- A.TransformLayer.prototype = {
- set$transform(_, value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (value.$eq(0, _this._layer$_transform))
- return;
- _this._layer$_transform = value;
- _this._inverseDirty = true;
- _this.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- },
- addToScene$1(builder) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this._lastEffectiveTransform = _this._layer$_transform;
- if (!_this._layer$_offset.$eq(0, B.Offset_0_0)) {
- t1 = _this._layer$_offset;
- t1 = A.Matrix4_Matrix4$translationValues(t1._dx, t1._dy, 0);
- t2 = _this._lastEffectiveTransform;
- t2.toString;
- t1.multiply$1(0, t2);
- _this._lastEffectiveTransform = t1;
- }
- _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushTransform$2$oldLayer(_this._lastEffectiveTransform._vector_math_64$_m4storage, type$.nullable_TransformEngineLayer._as(_this._engineLayer)));
- _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder);
- builder.pop$0();
- },
- _transformOffset$1(localPosition) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._inverseDirty) {
- t1 = _this._layer$_transform;
- t1.toString;
- _this._invertedTransform = A.Matrix4_tryInvert(A.PointerEvent_removePerspectiveTransform(t1));
- _this._inverseDirty = false;
- }
- t1 = _this._invertedTransform;
- if (t1 == null)
- return null;
- return A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(t1, localPosition);
- },
- findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, $S) {
- var transformedOffset = this._transformOffset$1(localPosition);
- if (transformedOffset == null)
- return false;
- return this.super$OffsetLayer$findAnnotations(result, transformedOffset, true, $S);
- },
- applyTransform$2(child, transform) {
- var t1 = this._lastEffectiveTransform;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = this._layer$_transform;
- t1.toString;
- transform.multiply$1(0, t1);
- } else
- transform.multiply$1(0, t1);
- }
- };
- A.OpacityLayer.prototype = {
- set$alpha(_, value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._layer$_alpha;
- if (value != t1) {
- if (value === 255 || t1 === 255)
- _this.set$engineLayer(null);
- _this._layer$_alpha = value;
- _this.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- }
- },
- addToScene$1(builder) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (_this._firstChild == null) {
- _this.set$engineLayer(null);
- return;
- }
- t1 = _this._layer$_alpha;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._layer$_offset;
- t3 = _this._engineLayer;
- if (t1 < 255)
- _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushOpacity$3$offset$oldLayer(t1, t2, type$.nullable_OpacityEngineLayer._as(t3)));
- else
- _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushOffset$3$oldLayer(t2._dx, t2._dy, type$.nullable_OffsetEngineLayer._as(t3)));
- _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder);
- builder.pop$0();
- }
- };
- A.ShaderMaskLayer.prototype = {
- addToScene$1(builder) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._shader;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._maskRect;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this._layer$_blendMode;
- t3.toString;
- _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushShaderMask$4$oldLayer(t1, t2, t3, type$.nullable_ShaderMaskEngineLayer._as(_this._engineLayer)));
- _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder);
- builder.pop$0();
- }
- };
- A.BackdropFilterLayer.prototype = {
- set$filter(_, value) {
- if (!value.$eq(0, this._filter)) {
- this._filter = value;
- this.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- }
- },
- addToScene$1(builder) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._filter;
- t1.toString;
- _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushBackdropFilter$3$blendMode$oldLayer(t1, _this._layer$_blendMode, type$.nullable_BackdropFilterEngineLayer._as(_this._engineLayer)));
- _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder);
- builder.pop$0();
- }
- };
- A.LayerLink.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = A.shortHash(this),
- t2 = this._leader != null ? "" : "";
- return "#" + t1 + "(" + t2 + ")";
- }
- };
- A.LeaderLayer.prototype = {
- set$link(value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._layer$_link;
- if (t1 === value)
- return;
- if (_this._node$_owner != null) {
- if (t1._leader === _this)
- t1._leader = null;
- value._leader = _this;
- }
- _this._layer$_link = value;
- },
- set$offset(_, value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._layer$_offset))
- return;
- this._layer$_offset = value;
- this.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- this.super$ContainerLayer$attach(owner);
- this._layer$_link._leader = this;
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._layer$_link;
- if (t1._leader === this)
- t1._leader = null;
- this.super$ContainerLayer$detach(0);
- },
- findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, $S) {
- return this.super$ContainerLayer$findAnnotations(result, localPosition.$sub(0, this._layer$_offset), true, $S);
- },
- addToScene$1(builder) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (!_this._layer$_offset.$eq(0, B.Offset_0_0)) {
- t1 = _this._layer$_offset;
- _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushTransform$2$oldLayer(A.Matrix4_Matrix4$translationValues(t1._dx, t1._dy, 0)._vector_math_64$_m4storage, type$.nullable_TransformEngineLayer._as(_this._engineLayer)));
- } else
- _this.set$engineLayer(null);
- _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder);
- if (!_this._layer$_offset.$eq(0, B.Offset_0_0))
- builder.pop$0();
- },
- applyTransform$2(child, transform) {
- var t1;
- if (!this._layer$_offset.$eq(0, B.Offset_0_0)) {
- t1 = this._layer$_offset;
- transform.translate$2(0, t1._dx, t1._dy);
- }
- }
- };
- A.FollowerLayer.prototype = {
- _transformOffset$1(localPosition) {
- var t1, vector, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (_this._inverseDirty) {
- t1 = _this.getLastTransform$0();
- t1.toString;
- _this._invertedTransform = A.Matrix4_tryInvert(t1);
- _this._inverseDirty = false;
- }
- if (_this._invertedTransform == null)
- return null;
- vector = new A.Vector4(new Float64Array(4));
- vector.setValues$4(localPosition._dx, localPosition._dy, 0, 1);
- t1 = _this._invertedTransform.transform$1(0, vector)._v4storage;
- t2 = t1[0];
- t3 = _this.linkedOffset;
- return new A.Offset(t2 - t3._dx, t1[1] - t3._dy);
- },
- findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, $S) {
- var transformedOffset;
- if (this.link._leader == null)
- return false;
- transformedOffset = this._transformOffset$1(localPosition);
- if (transformedOffset == null)
- return false;
- return this.super$ContainerLayer$findAnnotations(result, transformedOffset, true, $S);
- },
- getLastTransform$0() {
- var t1, result;
- if (this._layer$_lastTransform == null)
- return null;
- t1 = this._lastOffset;
- result = A.Matrix4_Matrix4$translationValues(-t1._dx, -t1._dy, 0);
- t1 = this._layer$_lastTransform;
- t1.toString;
- result.multiply$1(0, t1);
- return result;
- },
- _establishTransform$0() {
- var leader, t1, forwardLayers, inverseLayers, forwardTransform, inverseTransform, _this = this;
- _this._layer$_lastTransform = null;
- leader = _this.link._leader;
- if (leader == null)
- return;
- t1 = type$.JSArray_ContainerLayer;
- forwardLayers = A._setArrayType([leader], t1);
- inverseLayers = A._setArrayType([_this], t1);
- A.FollowerLayer__pathsToCommonAncestor(leader, _this, forwardLayers, inverseLayers);
- forwardTransform = A.FollowerLayer__collectTransformForLayerChain(forwardLayers);
- leader.applyTransform$2(null, forwardTransform);
- t1 = _this.linkedOffset;
- forwardTransform.translate$2(0, t1._dx, t1._dy);
- inverseTransform = A.FollowerLayer__collectTransformForLayerChain(inverseLayers);
- if (inverseTransform.copyInverse$1(inverseTransform) === 0)
- return;
- inverseTransform.multiply$1(0, forwardTransform);
- _this._layer$_lastTransform = inverseTransform;
- _this._inverseDirty = true;
- },
- get$alwaysNeedsAddToScene() {
- return true;
- },
- addToScene$1(builder) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this.link._leader == null && true) {
- _this._lastOffset = _this._layer$_lastTransform = null;
- _this._inverseDirty = true;
- _this.set$engineLayer(null);
- return;
- }
- _this._establishTransform$0();
- t1 = _this._layer$_lastTransform;
- t2 = type$.nullable_TransformEngineLayer;
- if (t1 != null) {
- _this._lastOffset = _this.unlinkedOffset;
- _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushTransform$2$oldLayer(t1._vector_math_64$_m4storage, t2._as(_this._engineLayer)));
- _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder);
- builder.pop$0();
- } else {
- _this._lastOffset = null;
- t1 = _this.unlinkedOffset;
- _this.set$engineLayer(builder.pushTransform$2$oldLayer(A.Matrix4_Matrix4$translationValues(t1._dx, t1._dy, 0)._vector_math_64$_m4storage, t2._as(_this._engineLayer)));
- _this.addChildrenToScene$1(builder);
- builder.pop$0();
- }
- _this._inverseDirty = true;
- },
- applyTransform$2(child, transform) {
- var t1 = this._layer$_lastTransform;
- if (t1 != null)
- transform.multiply$1(0, t1);
- else {
- t1 = this.unlinkedOffset;
- transform.multiply$1(0, A.Matrix4_Matrix4$translationValues(t1._dx, t1._dy, 0));
- }
- }
- };
- A.AnnotatedRegionLayer.prototype = {
- findAnnotations$1$3$onlyFirst(result, localPosition, onlyFirst, $S) {
- var t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
- isAbsorbed = _this.super$ContainerLayer$findAnnotations(result, localPosition, true, $S),
- t1 = result._layer$_entries;
- if (t1.length !== 0 && true)
- return isAbsorbed;
- t2 = _this.size;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t3 = _this.offset;
- t4 = t3._dx;
- t3 = t3._dy;
- t2 = !new A.Rect(t4, t3, t4 + t2._dx, t3 + t2._dy).contains$1(0, localPosition);
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2)
- return isAbsorbed;
- if (A.createRuntimeType(_this.$ti._precomputed1) === A.createRuntimeType($S)) {
- isAbsorbed = isAbsorbed || false;
- t1.push(new A.AnnotationEntry($S._as(_this.value), localPosition.$sub(0, _this.offset), $S._eval$1("AnnotationEntry<0>")));
- }
- return isAbsorbed;
- }
- };
- A._Layer_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin.prototype = {};
- A.ListBodyParentData.prototype = {};
- A.RenderListBody.prototype = {
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.ListBodyParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.ListBodyParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0);
- },
- set$axisDirection(value) {
- if (this._list_body$_axisDirection === value)
- return;
- this._list_body$_axisDirection = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- var t1, innerConstraints, t2, mainAxisExtent, t3, _this = this,
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- switch (_this._list_body$_axisDirection.index) {
- case 1:
- case 3:
- t1 = constraints.maxHeight;
- innerConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(t1, null);
- for (t2 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), mainAxisExtent = 0; child != null;) {
- mainAxisExtent += child.getDryLayout$1(innerConstraints)._dx;
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- child = t2._as(t3).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(mainAxisExtent, t1));
- case 0:
- case 2:
- t1 = constraints.maxWidth;
- innerConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(null, t1);
- for (t2 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), mainAxisExtent = 0; child != null;) {
- mainAxisExtent += child.getDryLayout$1(innerConstraints)._dy;
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- child = t2._as(t3).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1, mainAxisExtent));
- }
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t1, innerConstraints, t2, mainAxisExtent, t3, position, _this = this, _null = null,
- constraints = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)),
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- switch (_this._list_body$_axisDirection.index) {
- case 1:
- t1 = constraints.maxHeight;
- innerConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(t1, _null);
- for (t2 = type$.ListBodyParentData, mainAxisExtent = 0; child != null;) {
- child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(innerConstraints, true);
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t2._as(t3);
- t3.offset = new A.Offset(mainAxisExtent, 0);
- mainAxisExtent += child._size._dx;
- child = t3.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(mainAxisExtent, t1));
- break;
- case 3:
- t1 = constraints.maxHeight;
- innerConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(t1, _null);
- for (t2 = type$.ListBodyParentData, mainAxisExtent = 0; child != null;) {
- child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(innerConstraints, true);
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t2._as(t3);
- mainAxisExtent += child._size._dx;
- child = t3.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (position = 0; child != null;) {
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t2._as(t3);
- position += child._size._dx;
- t3.offset = new A.Offset(mainAxisExtent - position, 0);
- child = t3.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(mainAxisExtent, t1));
- break;
- case 2:
- t1 = constraints.maxWidth;
- innerConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(_null, t1);
- for (t2 = type$.ListBodyParentData, mainAxisExtent = 0; child != null;) {
- child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(innerConstraints, true);
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t2._as(t3);
- t3.offset = new A.Offset(0, mainAxisExtent);
- mainAxisExtent += child._size._dy;
- child = t3.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1, mainAxisExtent));
- break;
- case 0:
- t1 = constraints.maxWidth;
- innerConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(_null, t1);
- for (t2 = type$.ListBodyParentData, mainAxisExtent = 0; child != null;) {
- child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(innerConstraints, true);
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t2._as(t3);
- mainAxisExtent += child._size._dy;
- child = t3.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (position = 0; child != null;) {
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t2._as(t3);
- position += child._size._dy;
- t3.offset = new A.Offset(0, mainAxisExtent - position);
- child = t3.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1, mainAxisExtent));
- break;
- }
- },
- _getIntrinsicCrossAxis$1(childSize) {
- var t1, extent, t2,
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.ListBodyParentData, extent = 0; child != null;) {
- extent = Math.max(extent, A.checkNum(childSize.call$1(child)));
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return extent;
- },
- _getIntrinsicMainAxis$1(childSize) {
- var t1, extent, t2,
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.ListBodyParentData, extent = 0; child != null;) {
- extent += childSize.call$1(child);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return extent;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(this._list_body$_axisDirection).index) {
- case 0:
- return this._getIntrinsicMainAxis$1(new A.RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure(height));
- case 1:
- return this._getIntrinsicCrossAxis$1(new A.RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure0(height));
- }
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(this._list_body$_axisDirection).index) {
- case 0:
- return this._getIntrinsicMainAxis$1(new A.RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure(height));
- case 1:
- return this._getIntrinsicCrossAxis$1(new A.RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure0(height));
- }
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(this._list_body$_axisDirection).index) {
- case 0:
- return this._getIntrinsicMainAxis$1(new A.RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure(width));
- case 1:
- return this._getIntrinsicCrossAxis$1(new A.RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure0(width));
- }
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(this._list_body$_axisDirection).index) {
- case 0:
- return this._getIntrinsicMainAxis$1(new A.RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure(width));
- case 1:
- return this._getIntrinsicCrossAxis$1(new A.RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure0(width));
- }
- },
- computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- return this.defaultComputeDistanceToFirstActualBaseline$1(baseline);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- this.defaultPaint$2(context, offset);
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- return this.defaultHitTestChildren$2$position(result, position);
- }
- };
- A.RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, this.height, child.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- },
- $signature: 22
- };
- A.RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, this.height, child.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- },
- $signature: 22
- };
- A.RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, this.height, child.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- },
- $signature: 22
- };
- A.RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, this.height, child.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- },
- $signature: 22
- };
- A.RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, this.width, child.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- },
- $signature: 22
- };
- A.RenderListBody_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, this.width, child.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- },
- $signature: 22
- };
- A.RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, this.width, child.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight());
- },
- $signature: 22
- };
- A.RenderListBody_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, this.width, child.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight());
- },
- $signature: 22
- };
- A._RenderListBody_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.ListBodyParentData; child != null;) {
- child.attach$1(owner);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.ListBodyParentData; child != null;) {
- child.detach$0(0);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- }
- };
- A._RenderListBody_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.prototype = {};
- A._MouseState.prototype = {
- replaceAnnotations$1(value) {
- var previous = this._annotations;
- this._annotations = value;
- return previous;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _s16_ = "#",
- t1 = A.shortHash(this._latestEvent),
- t2 = this._annotations.__js_helper$_length;
- return _s16_ + A.shortHash(this) + "(" + ("latestEvent: " + (_s16_ + t1)) + ", " + ("annotations: [list of " + t2 + "]") + ")";
- }
- };
- A._MouseTrackerUpdateDetails.prototype = {
- get$device(_) {
- var t1 = this.previousEvent;
- return t1.get$device(t1);
- }
- };
- A.MouseTracker.prototype = {
- _hitTestResultToAnnotations$1(result) {
- var t2, t3, _i, entry, target, t4,
- t1 = type$.MouseTrackerAnnotation,
- annotations = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, t1, type$.Matrix4);
- for (t2 = result._path, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
- entry = t2[_i];
- target = entry.target;
- if (t1._is(target)) {
- t4 = entry._transform;
- t4.toString;
- annotations.$indexSet(0, target, t4);
- }
- }
- return annotations;
- },
- _findAnnotations$2(state, hitTest) {
- var t1 = state._latestEvent,
- globalPosition = t1.get$position(t1);
- t1 = state._latestEvent;
- if (!this._mouseStates.containsKey$1(0, t1.get$device(t1)))
- return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(null, null, null, type$.MouseTrackerAnnotation, type$.Matrix4);
- return this._hitTestResultToAnnotations$1(hitTest.call$1(globalPosition));
- },
- _handleDeviceUpdate$1(details) {
- var t1, t2;
- A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents(details);
- t1 = details.nextAnnotations;
- t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>");
- this._mouseCursorMixin.handleDeviceCursorUpdate$3(details.get$device(details), details.triggeringEvent, A.MappedIterable_MappedIterable(new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t1, t2), new A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdate_closure(), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"), type$.MouseCursor));
- },
- updateWithEvent$2($event, getResult) {
- var result, device, t1, existingState, t2;
- if ($event.get$kind($event) !== B.PointerDeviceKind_1)
- return;
- if (type$.PointerSignalEvent._is($event))
- return;
- result = type$.PointerRemovedEvent._is($event) ? A.HitTestResult$() : getResult.call$0();
- device = $event.get$device($event);
- t1 = this._mouseStates;
- existingState = t1.$index(0, device);
- if (!A.MouseTracker__shouldMarkStateDirty(existingState, $event))
- return;
- t2 = t1.__js_helper$_length;
- new A.MouseTracker_updateWithEvent_closure(this, existingState, $event, device, result).call$0();
- if (t2 !== 0 !== (t1.__js_helper$_length !== 0))
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- updateAllDevices$1(hitTest) {
- new A.MouseTracker_updateAllDevices_closure(this, hitTest).call$0();
- }
- };
- A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdate_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(annotation) {
- return annotation.get$cursor(annotation);
- },
- $signature: 340
- };
- A.MouseTracker_updateWithEvent_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var _this = this;
- new A.MouseTracker_updateWithEvent__closure(_this.$this, _this.existingState, _this.event, _this.device, _this.result).call$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.MouseTracker_updateWithEvent__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t2, t3, targetState, previous, nextAnnotations, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this.existingState;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t2 = _this.event;
- if (type$.PointerRemovedEvent._is(t2))
- return;
- _this.$this._mouseStates.$indexSet(0, _this.device, new A._MouseState(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(_null, _null, _null, type$.MouseTrackerAnnotation, type$.Matrix4), t2));
- } else {
- t2 = _this.event;
- if (type$.PointerRemovedEvent._is(t2))
- _this.$this._mouseStates.remove$1(0, t2.get$device(t2));
- }
- t3 = _this.$this;
- targetState = t3._mouseStates.$index(0, _this.device);
- if (targetState == null) {
- t1.toString;
- targetState = t1;
- }
- previous = targetState._latestEvent;
- targetState._latestEvent = t2;
- nextAnnotations = type$.PointerRemovedEvent._is(t2) ? A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(_null, _null, _null, type$.MouseTrackerAnnotation, type$.Matrix4) : t3._hitTestResultToAnnotations$1(_this.result);
- t3._handleDeviceUpdate$1(new A._MouseTrackerUpdateDetails(targetState.replaceAnnotations$1(nextAnnotations), nextAnnotations, previous, t2));
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.MouseTracker_updateAllDevices_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, lastEvent, nextAnnotations, previous;
- for (t1 = this.$this, t2 = t1._mouseStates, t2 = t2.get$values(t2), t3 = A._instanceType(t2), t3 = t3._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t3._rest[1]), t2 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t2.__internal$_iterable), t2._f, t3._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>")), t4 = this.hitTest, t3 = t3._rest[1]; t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t5 = t2.__internal$_current;
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = t3._as(t5);
- lastEvent = t5._latestEvent;
- nextAnnotations = t1._findAnnotations$2(t5, t4);
- previous = t5._annotations;
- t5._annotations = nextAnnotations;
- t1._handleDeviceUpdate$1(new A._MouseTrackerUpdateDetails(previous, nextAnnotations, lastEvent, null));
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(annotation, transform) {
- var t1;
- if (!this.nextAnnotations.containsKey$1(0, annotation))
- if (annotation.get$validForMouseTracker() && annotation.get$onExit(annotation) != null) {
- t1 = annotation.get$onExit(annotation);
- t1.toString;
- t1.call$1(this.baseExitEvent.transformed$1(this.lastAnnotations.$index(0, annotation)));
- }
- },
- $signature: 341
- };
- A.MouseTracker__handleDeviceUpdateMouseEvents_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(annotation) {
- return !this.lastAnnotations.containsKey$1(0, annotation);
- },
- $signature: 342
- };
- A.__MouseTrackerUpdateDetails_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.ParentData.prototype = {
- detach$0(_) {
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "";
- }
- };
- A.PaintingContext.prototype = {
- paintChild$2(child, offset) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (child.get$isRepaintBoundary()) {
- _this.stopRecordingIfNeeded$0();
- if (!child._needsPaint) {
- t1 = child.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = !t1;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- A.PaintingContext__repaintCompositedChild(child, null, true);
- else if (child._needsCompositedLayerUpdate)
- A.PaintingContext_updateLayerProperties(child);
- t1 = child._layerHandle._layer;
- t1.toString;
- type$.OffsetLayer._as(t1);
- t1.set$offset(0, offset);
- _this.appendLayer$1(t1);
- } else {
- t1 = child.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1) {
- child._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- child._paintWithContext$2(_this, offset);
- } else
- child._paintWithContext$2(_this, offset);
- }
- },
- appendLayer$1(layer) {
- layer.remove$0(0);
- this._containerLayer.append$1(0, layer);
- },
- get$canvas(_) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this._canvas == null) {
- _this._currentLayer = A.PictureLayer$(_this.estimatedBounds);
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer();
- t2 = t1.createPictureRecorder$0();
- _this._recorder = t2;
- _this._canvas = t1.createCanvas$2(t2, null);
- t2 = _this._currentLayer;
- t2.toString;
- _this._containerLayer.append$1(0, t2);
- }
- t1 = _this._canvas;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- stopRecordingIfNeeded$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._canvas == null)
- return;
- t1 = _this._currentLayer;
- t1.toString;
- t1.set$picture(_this._recorder.endRecording$0());
- _this._canvas = _this._recorder = _this._currentLayer = null;
- },
- setIsComplexHint$0() {
- var t1 = this._currentLayer;
- if (t1 != null)
- if (!t1._isComplexHint) {
- t1._isComplexHint = true;
- t1.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- }
- },
- pushLayer$4$childPaintBounds(childLayer, painter, offset, childPaintBounds) {
- var childContext, _this = this;
- if (childLayer._firstChild != null)
- childLayer.removeAllChildren$0();
- _this.stopRecordingIfNeeded$0();
- _this.appendLayer$1(childLayer);
- childContext = _this.createChildContext$2(childLayer, childPaintBounds == null ? _this.estimatedBounds : childPaintBounds);
- painter.call$2(childContext, offset);
- childContext.stopRecordingIfNeeded$0();
- },
- pushLayer$3(childLayer, painter, offset) {
- return this.pushLayer$4$childPaintBounds(childLayer, painter, offset, null);
- },
- createChildContext$2(childLayer, bounds) {
- return new A.PaintingContext(childLayer, bounds);
- },
- pushClipRect$6$clipBehavior$oldLayer(needsCompositing, offset, clipRect, painter, clipBehavior, oldLayer) {
- var offsetClipRect, layer, _this = this;
- if (clipBehavior === B.Clip_0) {
- painter.call$2(_this, offset);
- return null;
- }
- offsetClipRect = clipRect.shift$1(offset);
- if (needsCompositing) {
- layer = oldLayer == null ? new A.ClipRectLayer(B.Clip_1, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.void_Function), A.LayerHandle$(type$.Layer)) : oldLayer;
- if (!offsetClipRect.$eq(0, layer._layer$_clipRect)) {
- layer._layer$_clipRect = offsetClipRect;
- layer.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- }
- if (clipBehavior !== layer._layer$_clipBehavior) {
- layer._layer$_clipBehavior = clipBehavior;
- layer.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- }
- _this.pushLayer$4$childPaintBounds(layer, painter, offset, offsetClipRect);
- return layer;
- } else {
- _this.clipRectAndPaint$4(offsetClipRect, clipBehavior, offsetClipRect, new A.PaintingContext_pushClipRect_closure(_this, painter, offset));
- return null;
- }
- },
- pushClipRect$5$clipBehavior(needsCompositing, offset, clipRect, painter, clipBehavior) {
- return this.pushClipRect$6$clipBehavior$oldLayer(needsCompositing, offset, clipRect, painter, clipBehavior, null);
- },
- pushClipRect$4(needsCompositing, offset, clipRect, painter) {
- return this.pushClipRect$6$clipBehavior$oldLayer(needsCompositing, offset, clipRect, painter, B.Clip_1, null);
- },
- pushClipRRect$7$clipBehavior$oldLayer(needsCompositing, offset, bounds, clipRRect, painter, clipBehavior, oldLayer) {
- var offsetBounds, offsetClipRRect, layer, _this = this;
- if (clipBehavior === B.Clip_0) {
- painter.call$2(_this, offset);
- return null;
- }
- offsetBounds = bounds.shift$1(offset);
- offsetClipRRect = clipRRect.shift$1(offset);
- if (needsCompositing) {
- layer = oldLayer == null ? new A.ClipRRectLayer(B.Clip_2, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.void_Function), A.LayerHandle$(type$.Layer)) : oldLayer;
- if (!offsetClipRRect.$eq(0, layer._clipRRect)) {
- layer._clipRRect = offsetClipRRect;
- layer.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- }
- if (clipBehavior !== layer._layer$_clipBehavior) {
- layer._layer$_clipBehavior = clipBehavior;
- layer.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- }
- _this.pushLayer$4$childPaintBounds(layer, painter, offset, offsetBounds);
- return layer;
- } else {
- _this.clipRRectAndPaint$4(offsetClipRRect, clipBehavior, offsetBounds, new A.PaintingContext_pushClipRRect_closure(_this, painter, offset));
- return null;
- }
- },
- pushClipPath$7$clipBehavior$oldLayer(needsCompositing, offset, bounds, clipPath, painter, clipBehavior, oldLayer) {
- var offsetBounds, offsetClipPath, layer, _this = this;
- if (clipBehavior === B.Clip_0) {
- painter.call$2(_this, offset);
- return null;
- }
- offsetBounds = bounds.shift$1(offset);
- offsetClipPath = clipPath.shift$1(offset);
- if (needsCompositing) {
- layer = oldLayer == null ? new A.ClipPathLayer(B.Clip_2, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.void_Function), A.LayerHandle$(type$.Layer)) : oldLayer;
- if (offsetClipPath !== layer._clipPath) {
- layer._clipPath = offsetClipPath;
- layer.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- }
- if (clipBehavior !== layer._layer$_clipBehavior) {
- layer._layer$_clipBehavior = clipBehavior;
- layer.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- }
- _this.pushLayer$4$childPaintBounds(layer, painter, offset, offsetBounds);
- return layer;
- } else {
- _this.clipPathAndPaint$4(offsetClipPath, clipBehavior, offsetBounds, new A.PaintingContext_pushClipPath_closure(_this, painter, offset));
- return null;
- }
- },
- pushClipPath$6$oldLayer(needsCompositing, offset, bounds, clipPath, painter, oldLayer) {
- return this.pushClipPath$7$clipBehavior$oldLayer(needsCompositing, offset, bounds, clipPath, painter, B.Clip_2, oldLayer);
- },
- pushTransform$5$oldLayer(needsCompositing, offset, transform, painter, oldLayer) {
- var layer, _this = this,
- t1 = offset._dx,
- t2 = offset._dy,
- effectiveTransform = A.Matrix4_Matrix4$translationValues(t1, t2, 0);
- effectiveTransform.multiply$1(0, transform);
- effectiveTransform.translate$2(0, -t1, -t2);
- if (needsCompositing) {
- layer = oldLayer == null ? A.TransformLayer$(null) : oldLayer;
- layer.set$transform(0, effectiveTransform);
- _this.pushLayer$4$childPaintBounds(layer, painter, offset, A.MatrixUtils_inverseTransformRect(effectiveTransform, _this.estimatedBounds));
- return layer;
- } else {
- t1 = _this.get$canvas(_this);
- t1.save$0(0);
- t1.transform$1(0, effectiveTransform._vector_math_64$_m4storage);
- painter.call$2(_this, offset);
- _this.get$canvas(_this).restore$0(0);
- return null;
- }
- },
- pushTransform$4(needsCompositing, offset, transform, painter) {
- return this.pushTransform$5$oldLayer(needsCompositing, offset, transform, painter, null);
- },
- pushOpacity$4$oldLayer(offset, alpha, painter, oldLayer) {
- var layer = oldLayer == null ? A.OpacityLayer$(null) : oldLayer;
- layer.set$alpha(0, alpha);
- layer.set$offset(0, offset);
- this.pushLayer$3(layer, painter, B.Offset_0_0);
- return layer;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "PaintingContext#" + A.Primitives_objectHashCode(this) + "(layer: " + this._containerLayer.toString$0(0) + ", canvas bounds: " + this.estimatedBounds.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.PaintingContext_pushClipRect_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.painter.call$2(this.$this, this.offset);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.PaintingContext_pushClipRRect_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.painter.call$2(this.$this, this.offset);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.PaintingContext_pushClipPath_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return this.painter.call$2(this.$this, this.offset);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.Constraints.prototype = {};
- A.PipelineOwner.prototype = {
- requestVisualUpdate$0() {
- var t1 = this._manifold;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1._binding.ensureVisualUpdate$0();
- },
- set$rootNode(value) {
- var t1 = this._rootNode;
- if (t1 === value)
- return;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.detach$0(0);
- this._rootNode = value;
- value.attach$1(this);
- },
- flushLayout$0() {
- var dirtyNodes, i, node, child, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, _this = this, _null = null;
- A.Timeline_startSync("LAYOUT", _null, _null);
- try {
- for (t1 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner, t2 = type$.JSArray_RenderObject; t3 = _this._nodesNeedingLayout, t3.length !== 0;) {
- dirtyNodes = t3;
- _this._nodesNeedingLayout = A._setArrayType([], t2);
- t3 = dirtyNodes;
- t4 = new A.PipelineOwner_flushLayout_closure();
- if (!!t3.immutable$list)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("sort"));
- t5 = t3.length - 1;
- if (t5 - 0 <= 32)
- A.Sort__insertionSort(t3, 0, t5, t4);
- else
- A.Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(t3, 0, t5, t4);
- for (i = 0; i < J.get$length$asx(dirtyNodes); ++i) {
- if (_this._shouldMergeDirtyNodes) {
- _this._shouldMergeDirtyNodes = false;
- t3 = _this._nodesNeedingLayout;
- if (t3.length !== 0) {
- t4 = dirtyNodes;
- t5 = i;
- t6 = J.get$length$asx(dirtyNodes);
- A.RangeError_checkValidRange(t5, t6, J.get$length$asx(t4), _null, _null);
- t7 = A.instanceType(t4);
- t8 = new A.SubListIterable(t4, t5, t6, t7._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>"));
- t8.SubListIterable$3(t4, t5, t6, t7._precomputed1);
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t3, t8);
- break;
- }
- }
- node = J.$index$asx(dirtyNodes, i);
- if (node._needsLayout) {
- t3 = node;
- t3 = t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t3)) === _this;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3)
- node._layoutWithoutResize$0();
- }
- _this._shouldMergeDirtyNodes = false;
- }
- for (t1 = _this._object$_children, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1._collection$_current;
- child = t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3;
- child.flushLayout$0();
- }
- } finally {
- _this._shouldMergeDirtyNodes = false;
- A.Timeline_finishSync();
- }
- },
- _enableMutationsToDirtySubtrees$1(callback) {
- try {
- callback.call$0();
- } finally {
- this._shouldMergeDirtyNodes = true;
- }
- },
- flushCompositingBits$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, _i, node;
- A.Timeline_startSync("UPDATING COMPOSITING BITS", null, null);
- t1 = this._nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate;
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(t1, new A.PipelineOwner_flushCompositingBits_closure());
- for (t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- node = t1[_i];
- if (node._needsCompositingBitsUpdate && t3._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(node)) === this)
- node._updateCompositingBits$0();
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(t1);
- for (t1 = this._object$_children, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1._collection$_current;
- (t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3).flushCompositingBits$0();
- }
- A.Timeline_finishSync();
- },
- flushPaint$0() {
- var dirtyNodes, node, child, t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, t5, t6, _this = this;
- A.Timeline_startSync("PAINT", null, null);
- try {
- dirtyNodes = _this._nodesNeedingPaint;
- _this._nodesNeedingPaint = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RenderObject);
- for (t1 = dirtyNodes, J.sort$1$ax(t1, new A.PipelineOwner_flushPaint_closure()), t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner, t4 = type$.OffsetLayer, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- node = t1[_i];
- if (node._needsPaint || node._needsCompositedLayerUpdate) {
- t5 = node;
- t5 = t3._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t5)) === _this;
- } else
- t5 = false;
- if (t5)
- if (node._layerHandle._layer._node$_owner != null)
- if (node._needsPaint)
- A.PaintingContext__repaintCompositedChild(node, null, false);
- else {
- t5 = node;
- t6 = t5._layerHandle._layer;
- t6.toString;
- t5.updateCompositedLayer$1$oldLayer(t4._as(t6));
- t5._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = false;
- }
- else
- node._skippedPaintingOnLayer$0();
- }
- for (t1 = _this._object$_children, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1._collection$_current;
- child = t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3;
- child.flushPaint$0();
- }
- } finally {
- A.Timeline_finishSync();
- }
- },
- _updateSemanticsOwner$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._manifold;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1._binding.get$_binding1$_semanticsEnabled()._change_notifier$_value;
- if (t1 === true || _this._outstandingSemanticsHandles > 0) {
- if (_this._semanticsOwner == null) {
- t1 = type$.SemanticsNode;
- _this._semanticsOwner = new A.SemanticsOwner(_this.onSemanticsUpdate, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, t1), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1), $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- _this.onSemanticsOwnerCreated.call$0();
- }
- } else {
- t1 = _this._semanticsOwner;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this._semanticsOwner = null;
- _this.onSemanticsOwnerDisposed.call$0();
- }
- }
- },
- flushSemantics$0() {
- var nodesToProcess, node, child, t1, nodesToProcess0, t2, t3, _i, t4, _this = this;
- if (_this._semanticsOwner == null)
- return;
- A.Timeline_startSync("SEMANTICS", null, null);
- try {
- t1 = _this._nodesNeedingSemantics;
- nodesToProcess0 = A.List_List$of(t1, true, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1);
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(nodesToProcess0, new A.PipelineOwner_flushSemantics_closure());
- nodesToProcess = nodesToProcess0;
- t1.clear$0(0);
- for (t1 = nodesToProcess, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- node = t1[_i];
- if (node._needsSemanticsUpdate) {
- t4 = node;
- t4 = t3._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t4)) === _this;
- } else
- t4 = false;
- if (t4)
- node._updateSemantics$0();
- }
- _this._semanticsOwner.sendSemanticsUpdate$0();
- for (t1 = _this._object$_children, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1._collection$_current;
- child = t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3;
- child.flushSemantics$0();
- }
- } finally {
- A.Timeline_finishSync();
- }
- },
- attach$1(manifold) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- _this._manifold = manifold;
- manifold.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateSemanticsOwner());
- _this._updateSemanticsOwner$0();
- for (t1 = _this._object$_children, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1._collection$_current;
- (t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3).attach$1(manifold);
- }
- }
- };
- A.PipelineOwner_flushLayout_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(a, b) {
- return a._depth - b._depth;
- },
- $signature: 86
- };
- A.PipelineOwner_flushCompositingBits_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(a, b) {
- return a._depth - b._depth;
- },
- $signature: 86
- };
- A.PipelineOwner_flushPaint_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(a, b) {
- return b._depth - a._depth;
- },
- $signature: 86
- };
- A.PipelineOwner_flushSemantics_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(a, b) {
- return a._depth - b._depth;
- },
- $signature: 86
- };
- A.RenderObject.prototype = {
- RenderObject$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = _this.get$isRepaintBoundary() || _this.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing();
- _this.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = _this.get$isRepaintBoundary();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- },
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.ParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.ParentData();
- },
- adoptChild$1(child) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.setupParentData$1(child);
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- _this.markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate$0();
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- _this.super$AbstractNode$adoptChild(child);
- },
- dropChild$1(child) {
- var _this = this;
- child._cleanRelayoutBoundary$0();
- child.parentData.detach$0(0);
- child.parentData = null;
- _this.super$AbstractNode$dropChild(child);
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- _this.markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate$0();
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- visitChildren$1(visitor) {
- },
- _reportException$3(method, exception, stack) {
- A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "rendering library", A.ErrorDescription$("during " + method + "()"), new A.RenderObject__reportException_closure(this), false));
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$AbstractNode$attach(owner);
- if (_this._needsLayout && _this._relayoutBoundary != null) {
- _this._needsLayout = false;
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- }
- if (_this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate) {
- _this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _this.markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate$0();
- }
- if (_this._needsPaint && _this._layerHandle._layer != null) {
- _this._needsPaint = false;
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- }
- if (_this._needsSemanticsUpdate && _this.get$_semanticsConfiguration()._isSemanticBoundary) {
- _this._needsSemanticsUpdate = false;
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- }
- },
- get$constraints() {
- var t1 = this._constraints;
- if (t1 == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.StateError$("A RenderObject does not have any constraints before it has been laid out."));
- return t1;
- },
- markNeedsLayout$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._needsLayout)
- return;
- t1 = _this._relayoutBoundary;
- if (t1 == null) {
- _this._needsLayout = true;
- if (_this.get$parent(_this) != null)
- _this.markParentNeedsLayout$0();
- return;
- }
- if (t1 !== _this)
- _this.markParentNeedsLayout$0();
- else {
- _this._needsLayout = true;
- t1 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner;
- if (t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)) != null) {
- t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._nodesNeedingLayout.push(_this);
- t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)).requestVisualUpdate$0();
- }
- }
- },
- markParentNeedsLayout$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._needsLayout = true;
- t1 = _this.get$parent(_this);
- t1.toString;
- type$.RenderObject._as(t1);
- if (!_this._doingThisLayoutWithCallback)
- t1.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- _cleanRelayoutBoundary$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._relayoutBoundary !== _this) {
- _this._relayoutBoundary = null;
- _this.visitChildren$1(A.object_RenderObject__cleanChildRelayoutBoundary$closure());
- }
- },
- _propagateRelayoutBoundary$0() {
- var t1, parentRelayoutBoundary, _this = this;
- if (_this._relayoutBoundary === _this)
- return;
- t1 = type$.nullable_RenderObject._as(_this.get$parent(_this));
- parentRelayoutBoundary = t1 == null ? null : t1._relayoutBoundary;
- if (parentRelayoutBoundary != _this._relayoutBoundary) {
- _this._relayoutBoundary = parentRelayoutBoundary;
- _this.visitChildren$1(A.object_RenderObject__propagateRelayoutBoundaryToChild$closure());
- }
- },
- _layoutWithoutResize$0() {
- var e, stack, exception, _this = this;
- try {
- _this.performLayout$0();
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- _this._reportException$3("performLayout", e, stack);
- }
- _this._needsLayout = false;
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- layout$2$parentUsesSize(constraints, parentUsesSize) {
- var e, stack, e0, stack0, relayoutBoundary, exception, _this = this,
- t1 = $.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled;
- if (t1)
- A.Timeline_startSync(A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this).toString$0(0), null, null);
- if (!parentUsesSize || _this.get$sizedByParent() || constraints.get$isTight() || !(_this.get$parent(_this) instanceof A.RenderObject))
- relayoutBoundary = _this;
- else {
- t1 = _this.get$parent(_this);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = type$.RenderObject._as(t1)._relayoutBoundary;
- t1.toString;
- relayoutBoundary = t1;
- }
- if (!_this._needsLayout && constraints.$eq(0, _this._constraints)) {
- if (relayoutBoundary !== _this._relayoutBoundary) {
- _this._relayoutBoundary = relayoutBoundary;
- _this.visitChildren$1(A.object_RenderObject__propagateRelayoutBoundaryToChild$closure());
- }
- t1 = $.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled;
- if (t1)
- A.Timeline_finishSync();
- return;
- }
- _this._constraints = constraints;
- t1 = _this._relayoutBoundary;
- if (t1 != null && relayoutBoundary !== t1)
- _this.visitChildren$1(A.object_RenderObject__cleanChildRelayoutBoundary$closure());
- _this._relayoutBoundary = relayoutBoundary;
- if (_this.get$sizedByParent())
- try {
- _this.performResize$0();
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- _this._reportException$3("performResize", e, stack);
- }
- try {
- _this.performLayout$0();
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- } catch (exception) {
- e0 = A.unwrapException(exception);
- stack0 = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- _this._reportException$3("performLayout", e0, stack0);
- }
- _this._needsLayout = false;
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- t1 = $.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled;
- if (t1)
- A.Timeline_finishSync();
- },
- get$sizedByParent() {
- return false;
- },
- invokeLayoutCallback$1$1(callback, $T) {
- var _this = this;
- _this._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = true;
- try {
- type$.nullable_PipelineOwner._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._enableMutationsToDirtySubtrees$1(new A.RenderObject_invokeLayoutCallback_closure(_this, callback, $T));
- } finally {
- _this._doingThisLayoutWithCallback = false;
- }
- },
- get$isRepaintBoundary() {
- return false;
- },
- get$alwaysNeedsCompositing() {
- return false;
- },
- updateCompositedLayer$1$oldLayer(oldLayer) {
- return oldLayer == null ? A.OffsetLayer$(B.Offset_0_0) : oldLayer;
- },
- get$layer(_) {
- return this._layerHandle._layer;
- },
- markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (_this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate)
- return;
- t1 = _this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = true;
- if (_this.get$parent(_this) instanceof A.RenderObject) {
- t2 = _this.get$parent(_this);
- t2.toString;
- type$.RenderObject._as(t2);
- if (t2._needsCompositingBitsUpdate)
- return;
- t3 = _this.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if ((t3 ? !_this.get$isRepaintBoundary() : t1) && !t2.get$isRepaintBoundary()) {
- t2.markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate$0();
- return;
- }
- }
- t1 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner;
- if (t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)) != null)
- t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._nodesNeedingCompositingBitsUpdate.push(_this);
- },
- _updateCompositingBits$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (!_this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate)
- return;
- t1 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = false;
- _this.visitChildren$1(new A.RenderObject__updateCompositingBits_closure(_this));
- if (_this.get$isRepaintBoundary() || _this.get$alwaysNeedsCompositing())
- _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = true;
- if (!_this.get$isRepaintBoundary()) {
- t2 = _this.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- _this._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = _this._needsPaint = false;
- t1 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this));
- if (t1 != null)
- B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1._nodesNeedingPaint, _this);
- _this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- } else if (t1 !== _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A) {
- _this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- } else
- _this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate = false;
- },
- markNeedsPaint$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._needsPaint)
- return;
- _this._needsPaint = true;
- if (_this.get$isRepaintBoundary()) {
- t1 = _this.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner;
- if (t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)) != null) {
- t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._nodesNeedingPaint.push(_this);
- t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)).requestVisualUpdate$0();
- }
- } else if (_this.get$parent(_this) instanceof A.RenderObject) {
- t1 = _this.get$parent(_this);
- t1.toString;
- type$.RenderObject._as(t1).markNeedsPaint$0();
- } else {
- t1 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner;
- if (t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)) != null)
- t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)).requestVisualUpdate$0();
- }
- },
- markNeedsCompositedLayerUpdate$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._needsCompositedLayerUpdate || _this._needsPaint)
- return;
- _this._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = true;
- if (_this.get$isRepaintBoundary()) {
- t1 = _this.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner;
- if (t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)) != null) {
- t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._nodesNeedingPaint.push(_this);
- t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)).requestVisualUpdate$0();
- }
- } else
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- _skippedPaintingOnLayer$0() {
- var t1,
- node = this.get$parent(this);
- for (; node instanceof A.RenderObject;) {
- if (node.get$isRepaintBoundary()) {
- t1 = node._layerHandle._layer;
- if (t1 == null)
- break;
- if (t1._node$_owner != null)
- break;
- node._needsPaint = true;
- }
- node = node.get$parent(node);
- }
- },
- _paintWithContext$2(context, offset) {
- var e, stack, t1, exception, _this = this;
- if (_this._needsLayout)
- return;
- t1 = $.debugProfilePaintsEnabled;
- if (t1)
- A.Timeline_startSync(A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this).toString$0(0), null, null);
- _this._needsCompositedLayerUpdate = _this._needsPaint = false;
- _this.__RenderObject__wasRepaintBoundary_A = _this.get$isRepaintBoundary();
- try {
- _this.paint$2(context, offset);
- } catch (exception) {
- e = A.unwrapException(exception);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception);
- _this._reportException$3("paint", e, stack);
- }
- t1 = $.debugProfilePaintsEnabled;
- if (t1)
- A.Timeline_finishSync();
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- },
- applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) {
- },
- paintsChild$1(child) {
- return true;
- },
- getTransformTo$1(_, ancestor) {
- var rootNode, renderers, t2, renderer, t3, transform, index, index0,
- t1 = ancestor == null;
- if (t1) {
- rootNode = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(this))._rootNode;
- if (rootNode instanceof A.RenderObject)
- ancestor = rootNode;
- }
- renderers = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RenderObject);
- t2 = type$.RenderObject;
- renderer = this;
- while (renderer !== ancestor) {
- renderers.push(renderer);
- t3 = renderer.get$parent(renderer);
- t3.toString;
- t2._as(t3);
- renderer = t3;
- }
- if (!t1) {
- ancestor.toString;
- renderers.push(ancestor);
- }
- transform = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- transform.setIdentity$0();
- for (index = renderers.length - 1; index > 0; index = index0) {
- index0 = index - 1;
- renderers[index].applyPaintTransform$2(renderers[index0], transform);
- }
- return transform;
- },
- describeApproximatePaintClip$1(child) {
- return null;
- },
- describeSemanticsClip$1(child) {
- return null;
- },
- describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) {
- },
- sendSemanticsEvent$1(semanticsEvent) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (type$.nullable_PipelineOwner._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._semanticsOwner == null)
- return;
- t1 = _this._semantics;
- if (t1 != null && !t1._isMergedIntoParent)
- t1.sendEvent$1(semanticsEvent);
- else if (_this.get$parent(_this) != null) {
- t1 = _this.get$parent(_this);
- t1.toString;
- type$.RenderObject._as(t1).sendSemanticsEvent$1(semanticsEvent);
- }
- },
- get$_semanticsConfiguration() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration == null) {
- t1 = A.SemanticsConfiguration$();
- _this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = t1;
- _this.describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(t1);
- }
- t1 = _this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- get$debugSemantics() {
- return this._semantics;
- },
- clearSemantics$0() {
- this._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- this._semantics = null;
- this.visitChildren$1(new A.RenderObject_clearSemantics_closure());
- },
- markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0() {
- var t1, wasSemanticsBoundary, mayProduceSiblingNodes, isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary, node, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (_this._node$_owner == null || type$.nullable_PipelineOwner._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._semanticsOwner == null) {
- _this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- return;
- }
- if (_this._semantics != null) {
- t1 = _this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1._isSemanticBoundary;
- wasSemanticsBoundary = t1 === true;
- } else
- wasSemanticsBoundary = false;
- t1 = _this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration;
- mayProduceSiblingNodes = (t1 == null ? null : t1._childConfigurationsDelegate) != null || _this.get$_semanticsConfiguration()._childConfigurationsDelegate != null;
- _this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = null;
- isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary = _this.get$_semanticsConfiguration()._isSemanticBoundary && wasSemanticsBoundary;
- t1 = type$.RenderObject;
- node = _this;
- while (true) {
- if (node.get$parent(node) instanceof A.RenderObject)
- t2 = mayProduceSiblingNodes || !isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (!t2)
- break;
- if (node !== _this && node._needsSemanticsUpdate)
- break;
- node._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- if (isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary)
- mayProduceSiblingNodes = false;
- t2 = node.get$parent(node);
- t2.toString;
- t1._as(t2);
- if (t2._cachedSemanticsConfiguration == null) {
- t3 = A.SemanticsConfiguration$();
- t2._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = t3;
- t2.describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(t3);
- }
- isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary = t2._cachedSemanticsConfiguration._isSemanticBoundary;
- if (isEffectiveSemanticsBoundary && t2._semantics == null)
- return;
- node = t2;
- }
- if (node !== _this && _this._semantics != null && _this._needsSemanticsUpdate)
- type$.nullable_PipelineOwner._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._nodesNeedingSemantics.remove$1(0, _this);
- if (!node._needsSemanticsUpdate) {
- node._needsSemanticsUpdate = true;
- t1 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner;
- if (t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)) != null) {
- t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._nodesNeedingSemantics.add$1(0, node);
- t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this)).requestVisualUpdate$0();
- }
- }
- },
- _updateSemantics$0() {
- var t1, interestingFragment, result, siblingNodes, t2, t3, t4, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (_this._needsLayout)
- return;
- t1 = _this._semantics;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- else {
- t1 = type$.nullable_SemanticsNode._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t1, t1));
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _null;
- else
- t1 = t1._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode || t1._isMergedIntoParent;
- }
- interestingFragment = type$._InterestingSemanticsFragment._as(_this._getSemanticsForParent$1$mergeIntoParent(t1 === true));
- t1 = type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode;
- result = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- siblingNodes = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- t1 = _this._semantics;
- t2 = t1 == null;
- t3 = t2 ? _null : t1.parentSemanticsClipRect;
- t4 = t2 ? _null : t1.parentPaintClipRect;
- t1 = t2 ? _null : t1.elevationAdjustment;
- interestingFragment.compileChildren$5$elevationAdjustment$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect$result$siblingNodes(t1 == null ? 0 : t1, t4, t3, result, siblingNodes);
- },
- _getSemanticsForParent$1$mergeIntoParent(mergeIntoParent) {
- var childrenMergeIntoParent, childConfigurations, explicitChildNode, hasChildConfigurationsDelegate, t1, configToFragment, t2, mergeUpFragments, siblingMergeFragmentGroups, t3, _i, result, t4, _this = this, _box_0 = {},
- config = _this.get$_semanticsConfiguration();
- _box_0.dropSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings = config.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes;
- _box_0.producesForkingFragment = !config._hasBeenAnnotated && !config._isSemanticBoundary;
- childrenMergeIntoParent = mergeIntoParent || config._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants;
- childConfigurations = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsConfiguration);
- explicitChildNode = config.explicitChildNodes || !(_this.get$parent(_this) instanceof A.RenderObject);
- hasChildConfigurationsDelegate = config._childConfigurationsDelegate != null;
- t1 = type$._InterestingSemanticsFragment;
- configToFragment = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.SemanticsConfiguration, t1);
- t2 = type$.JSArray__InterestingSemanticsFragment;
- mergeUpFragments = A._setArrayType([], t2);
- siblingMergeFragmentGroups = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_List__InterestingSemanticsFragment);
- t3 = config._tagsForChildren;
- t3 = t3 == null ? null : t3._collection$_length !== 0;
- _this.visitChildrenForSemantics$1(new A.RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure(_box_0, _this, childrenMergeIntoParent, childConfigurations, mergeUpFragments, siblingMergeFragmentGroups, config, t3 === true, hasChildConfigurationsDelegate, configToFragment));
- if (explicitChildNode)
- for (t1 = mergeUpFragments.length, _i = 0; _i < mergeUpFragments.length; mergeUpFragments.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(mergeUpFragments), ++_i)
- mergeUpFragments[_i].markAsExplicit$0();
- else if (hasChildConfigurationsDelegate) {
- result = config._childConfigurationsDelegate.call$1(childConfigurations);
- t3 = result.mergeUp;
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(mergeUpFragments, new A.MappedListIterable(t3, new A.RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure0(_box_0, _this, configToFragment), A._arrayInstanceType(t3)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,_InterestingSemanticsFragment>")));
- for (t3 = result.siblingMergeGroups, t4 = t3.length, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i)
- siblingMergeFragmentGroups.push(B.JSArray_methods.map$1$1(t3[_i], new A.RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure1(_this, configToFragment), t1).toList$0(0));
- }
- _this._needsSemanticsUpdate = false;
- if (!(_this.get$parent(_this) instanceof A.RenderObject)) {
- _this._marksExplicitInMergeGroup$2$isMergeUp(mergeUpFragments, true);
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(siblingMergeFragmentGroups, _this.get$_marksExplicitInMergeGroup());
- t1 = _box_0.dropSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings;
- result = new A._RootSemanticsFragment(A._setArrayType([], t2), A._setArrayType([_this], type$.JSArray_RenderObject), t1);
- } else if (_box_0.producesForkingFragment) {
- t1 = _box_0.dropSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings;
- result = new A._ContainerSemanticsFragment(siblingMergeFragmentGroups, A._setArrayType([], t2), t1);
- } else {
- _this._marksExplicitInMergeGroup$2$isMergeUp(mergeUpFragments, true);
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(siblingMergeFragmentGroups, _this.get$_marksExplicitInMergeGroup());
- t1 = _box_0.dropSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings;
- result = new A._SwitchableSemanticsFragment(mergeIntoParent, config, siblingMergeFragmentGroups, A._setArrayType([], t2), A._setArrayType([_this], type$.JSArray_RenderObject), t1);
- if (config._isSemanticBoundary)
- result._isExplicit = true;
- }
- result.addAll$1(0, mergeUpFragments);
- return result;
- },
- _marksExplicitInMergeGroup$2$isMergeUp(mergeGroup, isMergeUp) {
- var t1, i, fragment, t2, j, siblingFragment, t3, _this = this,
- toBeExplicit = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$._InterestingSemanticsFragment);
- for (t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(mergeGroup), i = 0; i < t1.get$length(mergeGroup); ++i) {
- fragment = t1.$index(mergeGroup, i);
- if (fragment.get$config() == null)
- continue;
- if (isMergeUp) {
- if (_this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration == null) {
- t2 = A.SemanticsConfiguration$();
- _this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration = t2;
- _this.describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(t2);
- }
- t2 = _this._cachedSemanticsConfiguration;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = !t2.isCompatibleWith$1(fragment.get$config());
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2)
- toBeExplicit.add$1(0, fragment);
- for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
- siblingFragment = t1.$index(mergeGroup, j);
- t2 = fragment.get$config();
- t2.toString;
- if (!t2.isCompatibleWith$1(siblingFragment.get$config())) {
- toBeExplicit.add$1(0, fragment);
- toBeExplicit.add$1(0, siblingFragment);
- }
- }
- }
- for (t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(toBeExplicit, toBeExplicit._collection$_modifications, toBeExplicit.$ti._precomputed1), t2 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1._collection$_current;
- (t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3).markAsExplicit$0();
- }
- },
- _marksExplicitInMergeGroup$1(mergeGroup) {
- return this._marksExplicitInMergeGroup$2$isMergeUp(mergeGroup, false);
- },
- visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) {
- this.visitChildren$1(visitor);
- },
- assembleSemanticsNode$3(node, config, children) {
- node.updateWith$2$childrenInInversePaintOrder$config(0, type$.List_SemanticsNode._as(children), config);
- },
- handleEvent$2($event, entry) {
- },
- toStringShort$0() {
- var target, count, _this = this,
- header = "#" + A.shortHash(_this),
- t1 = _this._relayoutBoundary;
- if (t1 != null && t1 !== _this) {
- t1 = type$.nullable_RenderObject;
- target = t1._as(_this.get$parent(_this));
- count = 1;
- while (true) {
- if (!(target != null && target !== _this._relayoutBoundary))
- break;
- target = t1._as(target.get$parent(target));
- ++count;
- }
- header += " relayoutBoundary=up" + count;
- }
- if (_this._needsLayout)
- header += " NEEDS-LAYOUT";
- if (_this._needsPaint)
- header += " NEEDS-PAINT";
- if (_this._needsCompositingBitsUpdate)
- return _this._node$_owner == null ? header + " DETACHED" : header;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return this.toStringShort$0();
- },
- toStringDeep$0() {
- return new A.RenderObject_toStringDeep_closure(this, "", "", B.DiagnosticLevel_2).call$0();
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$0() {
- return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode);
- },
- showOnScreen$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect(curve, descendant, duration, rect) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$parent(_this) instanceof A.RenderObject) {
- t1 = _this.get$parent(_this);
- t1.toString;
- type$.RenderObject._as(t1);
- t1.showOnScreen$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect(curve, descendant == null ? _this : descendant, duration, rect);
- }
- },
- showOnScreen$0() {
- return this.showOnScreen$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect(B.Cubic_JUR, null, B.Duration_0, null);
- },
- showOnScreen$1$rect(rect) {
- return this.showOnScreen$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect(B.Cubic_JUR, null, B.Duration_0, rect);
- },
- showOnScreen$3$curve$duration$rect(curve, duration, rect) {
- return this.showOnScreen$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect(curve, null, duration, rect);
- },
- showOnScreen$2$descendant$rect(descendant, rect) {
- return this.showOnScreen$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect(B.Cubic_JUR, descendant, B.Duration_0, rect);
- },
- $isDiagnosticableTree: 1,
- $isHitTestTarget: 1
- };
- A.RenderObject__reportException_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode),
- t2 = this.$this;
- t1.push(A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("The following RenderObject was being processed when the exception was fired", B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_10, t2));
- t1.push(A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("RenderObject", B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_11, t2));
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 32
- };
- A.RenderObject_invokeLayoutCallback_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.callback.call$1(this.T._as(this.$this.get$constraints()));
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.RenderObject__updateCompositingBits_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- var t1;
- child._updateCompositingBits$0();
- t1 = child.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1)
- this.$this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A = true;
- },
- $signature: 21
- };
- A.RenderObject_clearSemantics_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- child.clearSemantics$0();
- },
- $signature: 21
- };
- A.RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(renderChild) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, _i, fragment, t10, siblingMergeGroup, _this = this,
- parentFragment = renderChild._getSemanticsForParent$1$mergeIntoParent(_this.childrenMergeIntoParent);
- if (parentFragment.dropsSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings) {
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(_this.childConfigurations);
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(_this.mergeUpFragments);
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(_this.siblingMergeFragmentGroups);
- if (!_this.config._isSemanticBoundary)
- _this._box_0.dropSemanticsOfPreviousSiblings = true;
- }
- for (t1 = parentFragment.get$mergeUpFragments(), t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this.mergeUpFragments, t4 = _this.hasChildConfigurationsDelegate, t5 = _this.hasTags, t6 = _this.$this, t7 = _this.config, t8 = _this.childConfigurations, t9 = _this.configToFragment, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- fragment = t1[_i];
- fragment._ancestorChain.push(t6);
- if (t5) {
- t10 = t7._tagsForChildren;
- t10.toString;
- fragment.addTags$1(t10);
- }
- if (t4 && fragment.get$config() != null) {
- t10 = fragment.get$config();
- t10.toString;
- t8.push(t10);
- t10 = fragment.get$config();
- t10.toString;
- t9.$indexSet(0, t10, fragment);
- } else
- t3.push(fragment);
- }
- if (parentFragment instanceof A._ContainerSemanticsFragment)
- for (t1 = parentFragment.siblingMergeGroups, t2 = t1.length, t3 = _this.siblingMergeFragmentGroups, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- siblingMergeGroup = t1[_i];
- for (t4 = J.get$iterator$ax(siblingMergeGroup); t4.moveNext$0();) {
- t8 = t4.get$current(t4);
- t8._ancestorChain.push(t6);
- if (t5) {
- t9 = t7._tagsForChildren;
- t9.toString;
- t8.addTags$1(t9);
- }
- }
- t3.push(siblingMergeGroup);
- }
- },
- $signature: 21
- };
- A.RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(config) {
- var fragment = this.configToFragment.$index(0, config);
- if (fragment == null) {
- this._box_0.producesForkingFragment = false;
- return new A._IncompleteSemanticsFragment(config, A._setArrayType([this.$this], type$.JSArray_RenderObject), false);
- }
- return fragment;
- },
- $signature: 157
- };
- A.RenderObject__getSemanticsForParent_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(config) {
- var t1 = this.configToFragment.$index(0, config);
- return t1 == null ? new A._IncompleteSemanticsFragment(config, A._setArrayType([this.$this], type$.JSArray_RenderObject), false) : t1;
- },
- $signature: 157
- };
- A.RenderObject_toStringDeep_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var _this = this;
- return _this.$this.super$DiagnosticableTreeMixin$toStringDeep(_this.minLevel, _this.prefixLineOne, _this.prefixOtherLines);
- },
- $signature: 54
- };
- A.RenderObjectWithChildMixin.prototype = {
- set$child(value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- _this.dropChild$1(t1);
- _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child = value;
- if (value != null)
- _this.adoptChild$1(value);
- },
- redepthChildren$0() {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- this.redepthChild$1(t1);
- },
- visitChildren$1(visitor) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- visitor.call$1(t1);
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$0() {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child,
- t2 = type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode;
- return t1 != null ? A._setArrayType([A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("child", null, t1)], t2) : A._setArrayType([], t2);
- }
- };
- A.ContainerParentDataMixin.prototype = {$isParentData: 1};
- A.ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = {
- get$childCount() {
- return this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount;
- },
- _insertIntoChildList$2$after(child, after) {
- var t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1");
- t2._as(t1);
- ++_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount;
- if (after == null) {
- t1 = t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1 = t1.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t2._as(t1).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = child;
- }
- _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = child;
- if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild == null)
- _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = child;
- } else {
- t3 = after.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t2._as(t3);
- t4 = t3.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- if (t4 == null) {
- t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = after;
- _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t3.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = child;
- } else {
- t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t4;
- t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = after;
- t1 = t4.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t2._as(t1).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t3.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = child;
- }
- }
- },
- insert$2$after(_, child, after) {
- this.adoptChild$1(child);
- this._insertIntoChildList$2$after(child, after);
- },
- addAll$1(_, children) {
- },
- _removeFromChildList$1(child) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1");
- t2._as(t1);
- t3 = t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- t4 = t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- if (t3 == null)
- _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild = t4;
- else {
- t5 = t3.parentData;
- t5.toString;
- t2._as(t5).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t4;
- }
- t4 = t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- if (t4 == null)
- _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild = t3;
- else {
- t4 = t4.parentData;
- t4.toString;
- t2._as(t4).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = t3;
- }
- t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling = t1.ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling = null;
- --_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount;
- },
- remove$1(_, child) {
- this._removeFromChildList$1(child);
- this.dropChild$1(child);
- },
- move$2$after(child, after) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- if (A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1")._as(t1).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling == after)
- return;
- _this._removeFromChildList$1(child);
- _this._insertIntoChildList$2$after(child, after);
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- redepthChildren$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3,
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); child != null;) {
- t2 = child._depth;
- t3 = this._depth;
- if (t2 <= t3) {
- child._depth = t3 + 1;
- child.redepthChildren$0();
- }
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- visitChildren$1(visitor) {
- var t1, t2,
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); child != null;) {
- visitor.call$1(child);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- get$firstChild(_) {
- return this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- },
- childBefore$1(child) {
- var t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- return A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1")._as(t1).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- },
- childAfter$1(child) {
- var t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- return A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1")._as(t1).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$0() {
- var t1, count, t2,
- children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode),
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- if (child != null)
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), count = 1; true; child = t2) {
- children.push(new A.DiagnosticableTreeNode(child, "child " + count, true, true, null, null));
- if (child === this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild)
- break;
- ++count;
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- t2.toString;
- }
- return children;
- }
- };
- A.RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin.prototype = {
- systemFontsDidChange$0() {
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- _scheduleSystemFontsUpdate$0() {
- if (this.RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin__hasPendingSystemFontsDidChangeCallBack)
- return;
- this.RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin__hasPendingSystemFontsDidChangeCallBack = true;
- $.SchedulerBinding__instance.scheduleFrameCallback$1(new A.RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin__scheduleSystemFontsUpdate_closure(this));
- }
- };
- A.RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin__scheduleSystemFontsUpdate_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(timeStamp) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1.RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin__hasPendingSystemFontsDidChangeCallBack = false;
- if (t1._node$_owner != null)
- t1.systemFontsDidChange$0();
- },
- $signature: 4
- };
- A._SemanticsFragment.prototype = {};
- A._ContainerSemanticsFragment.prototype = {
- addAll$1(_, fragments) {
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(this.mergeUpFragments, fragments);
- },
- get$mergeUpFragments() {
- return this.mergeUpFragments;
- }
- };
- A._InterestingSemanticsFragment.prototype = {
- get$mergeUpFragments() {
- return A._setArrayType([this], type$.JSArray__InterestingSemanticsFragment);
- },
- addTags$1(tags) {
- var t1 = this._object$_tagsForChildren;
- (t1 == null ? this._object$_tagsForChildren = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.SemanticsTag) : t1).addAll$1(0, tags);
- }
- };
- A._RootSemanticsFragment.prototype = {
- compileChildren$5$elevationAdjustment$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect$result$siblingNodes(elevationAdjustment, parentPaintClipRect, parentSemanticsClipRect, result, siblingNodes) {
- var t3, t4, t5, children, _i,
- t1 = this._ancestorChain,
- t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1);
- if (t2._semantics == null) {
- t3 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).get$showOnScreen();
- t4 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1);
- t4 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t4))._semanticsOwner;
- t4.toString;
- t5 = $.$get$SemanticsNode__kEmptyConfig();
- t5 = new A.SemanticsNode(null, 0, t3, B.Rect_0_0_0_0, t5._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants, t5._actions, t5._customSemanticsActions, t5._actionsAsBits, t5._flags, t5._semantics$_attributedLabel, t5._semantics$_attributedValue, t5._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue, t5._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue, t5._semantics$_attributedHint, t5._tooltip, t5._semantics$_elevation, t5._semantics$_thickness, t5._semantics$_textDirection);
- t5.attach$1(t4);
- t2._semantics = t5;
- }
- t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1)._semantics;
- t2.toString;
- t2.set$rect(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t1).get$semanticBounds());
- children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode);
- for (t1 = this._object$_children, t3 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].compileChildren$5$elevationAdjustment$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect$result$siblingNodes(0, parentPaintClipRect, parentSemanticsClipRect, children, siblingNodes);
- t2.updateWith$2$childrenInInversePaintOrder$config(0, children, null);
- result.push(t2);
- },
- get$config() {
- return null;
- },
- markAsExplicit$0() {
- },
- addAll$1(_, fragments) {
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(this._object$_children, fragments);
- }
- };
- A._IncompleteSemanticsFragment.prototype = {
- compileChildren$5$elevationAdjustment$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect$result$siblingNodes(elevationAdjustment, parentPaintClipRect, parentSemanticsClipRect, result, siblingNodes) {
- },
- markAsExplicit$0() {
- },
- get$config() {
- return this.config;
- }
- };
- A._SwitchableSemanticsFragment.prototype = {
- _mergeSiblingGroup$4(parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect, result, usedSemanticsIds) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _i, group, tags, t6, t7, node, configuration, paintClipRect, semanticsClipRect, rect, t8, t9, geometry, t10, fragmentRect, rect0, _null = null;
- for (t1 = this._object$_siblingMergeGroups, t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$._SwitchableSemanticsFragment, t4 = type$.SemanticsTag, t5 = this._ancestorChain, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- group = t1[_i];
- tags = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t4);
- for (t6 = J.getInterceptor$ax(group), t7 = t6.get$iterator(group), node = _null, configuration = node, paintClipRect = configuration, semanticsClipRect = paintClipRect, rect = semanticsClipRect; t7.moveNext$0();) {
- t8 = t7.get$current(t7);
- if (t8.get$config() != null) {
- t3._as(t8);
- t8._mergesToSibling = true;
- if (node == null)
- node = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t8._ancestorChain)._semantics;
- if (configuration == null) {
- if (!t8._isConfigWritable) {
- t8._config = t8._config.copy$0();
- t8._isConfigWritable = true;
- }
- configuration = t8._isExplicit ? _null : t8._config;
- } else {
- t9 = t8._isExplicit ? _null : t8._config;
- t9.toString;
- configuration.absorb$1(t9);
- }
- t9 = t8._ancestorChain;
- if (t9.length > 1) {
- geometry = new A._SemanticsGeometry();
- geometry._computeValues$3(parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect, t9);
- } else
- geometry = _null;
- t9 = geometry.___SemanticsGeometry__transform_A;
- t9 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t10 = geometry.___SemanticsGeometry__rect_A;
- t10 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- fragmentRect = A.MatrixUtils_transformRect(t9, t10);
- rect = rect == null ? fragmentRect : rect.expandToInclude$1(fragmentRect);
- t9 = geometry._semanticsClipRect;
- if (t9 != null) {
- rect0 = A.MatrixUtils_transformRect(geometry.___SemanticsGeometry__transform_A, t9);
- semanticsClipRect = semanticsClipRect == null ? rect0 : semanticsClipRect.intersect$1(rect0);
- }
- t9 = geometry._paintClipRect;
- if (t9 != null) {
- rect0 = A.MatrixUtils_transformRect(geometry.___SemanticsGeometry__transform_A, t9);
- paintClipRect = paintClipRect == null ? rect0 : paintClipRect.intersect$1(rect0);
- }
- t8 = t8._object$_tagsForChildren;
- if (t8 != null)
- tags.addAll$1(0, t8);
- }
- }
- if (configuration != null)
- t7 = !(rect.left >= rect.right || rect.top >= rect.bottom);
- else
- t7 = false;
- if (t7) {
- if (node == null || usedSemanticsIds.contains$1(0, node._id))
- node = A.SemanticsNode$(_null, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t5).get$showOnScreen());
- usedSemanticsIds.add$1(0, node._id);
- node.tags = tags;
- if (!node._semantics$_rect.$eq(0, rect)) {
- node._semantics$_rect = rect;
- node._semantics$_markDirty$0();
- }
- if (!A.MatrixUtils_matrixEquals(node._semantics$_transform, _null)) {
- node._semantics$_transform = null;
- node._semantics$_markDirty$0();
- }
- node.parentSemanticsClipRect = semanticsClipRect;
- node.parentPaintClipRect = paintClipRect;
- for (t6 = t6.get$iterator(group); t6.moveNext$0();) {
- t7 = t6.get$current(t6);
- if (t7.get$config() != null)
- B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t7._ancestorChain)._semantics = node;
- }
- node.updateWith$1$config(0, configuration);
- result.push(node);
- }
- }
- },
- compileChildren$5$elevationAdjustment$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect$result$siblingNodes(elevationAdjustment, parentPaintClipRect, parentSemanticsClipRect, result, siblingNodes) {
- var t1, t2, _i, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, geometry, node, children, childSiblingNodes, siblingNode, _this = this, _null = null,
- usedSemanticsIds = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.int),
- compilingFragments = _this._object$_children;
- for (t1 = _this._object$_siblingMergeGroups, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- compilingFragments = J.followedBy$1$ax(compilingFragments, t1[_i]);
- if (!_this._isExplicit) {
- if (!_this._mergesToSibling)
- B.JSArray_methods.get$first(_this._ancestorChain)._semantics = null;
- _this._mergeSiblingGroup$4(parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect, siblingNodes, usedSemanticsIds);
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(compilingFragments), t2 = _this._ancestorChain, t3 = A._arrayInstanceType(t2), t4 = t3._precomputed1, t3 = t3._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>"); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t5 = t1.get$current(t1);
- if (t5 instanceof A._SwitchableSemanticsFragment) {
- if (t5._isExplicit) {
- t6 = t5._ancestorChain;
- t6 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t6)._semantics != null && usedSemanticsIds.contains$1(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t6)._semantics._id);
- } else
- t6 = false;
- if (t6)
- B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t5._ancestorChain)._semantics = null;
- }
- t6 = t5._ancestorChain;
- t7 = new A.SubListIterable(t2, 1, _null, t3);
- t7.SubListIterable$3(t2, 1, _null, t4);
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t6, t7);
- t5.compileChildren$5$elevationAdjustment$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect$result$siblingNodes(elevationAdjustment + _this._config._semantics$_elevation, parentPaintClipRect, parentSemanticsClipRect, result, siblingNodes);
- }
- return;
- }
- geometry = _this._computeSemanticsGeometry$2$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect(parentPaintClipRect, parentSemanticsClipRect);
- t1 = _this._mergeIntoParent;
- t2 = !t1;
- if (t2) {
- if (geometry == null)
- t3 = _null;
- else {
- t3 = geometry.___SemanticsGeometry__rect_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (!t3.get$isEmpty(t3)) {
- t3 = geometry.___SemanticsGeometry__transform_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3.isZero$0();
- } else
- t3 = true;
- }
- t3 = t3 === true;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (t3)
- return;
- t3 = _this._ancestorChain;
- t4 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t3);
- if (t4._semantics == null)
- t4._semantics = A.SemanticsNode$(_null, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t3).get$showOnScreen());
- node = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t3)._semantics;
- node.set$isMergedIntoParent(t1);
- node.tags = _this._object$_tagsForChildren;
- node.elevationAdjustment = elevationAdjustment;
- if (elevationAdjustment !== 0) {
- _this._ensureConfigIsWritable$0();
- t1 = _this._config;
- t1.set$elevation(0, t1._semantics$_elevation + elevationAdjustment);
- }
- if (geometry != null) {
- t1 = geometry.___SemanticsGeometry__rect_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- node.set$rect(0, t1);
- t1 = geometry.___SemanticsGeometry__transform_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- node.set$transform(0, t1);
- node.parentSemanticsClipRect = geometry._semanticsClipRect;
- node.parentPaintClipRect = geometry._paintClipRect;
- if (t2 && geometry._markAsHidden) {
- _this._ensureConfigIsWritable$0();
- _this._config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_8192, true);
- }
- }
- t1 = type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode;
- children = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- _this._mergeSiblingGroup$4(node.parentSemanticsClipRect, node.parentPaintClipRect, siblingNodes, usedSemanticsIds);
- for (t2 = J.get$iterator$ax(compilingFragments); t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t2.get$current(t2);
- if (t4 instanceof A._SwitchableSemanticsFragment) {
- if (t4._isExplicit) {
- t5 = t4._ancestorChain;
- t5 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t5)._semantics != null && usedSemanticsIds.contains$1(0, B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t5)._semantics._id);
- } else
- t5 = false;
- if (t5)
- B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t4._ancestorChain)._semantics = null;
- }
- childSiblingNodes = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- t5 = node.parentSemanticsClipRect;
- t4.compileChildren$5$elevationAdjustment$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect$result$siblingNodes(0, node.parentPaintClipRect, t5, children, childSiblingNodes);
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(siblingNodes, childSiblingNodes);
- }
- t1 = _this._config;
- if (t1._isSemanticBoundary)
- B.JSArray_methods.get$first(t3).assembleSemanticsNode$3(node, _this._config, children);
- else
- node.updateWith$2$childrenInInversePaintOrder$config(0, children, t1);
- result.push(node);
- for (t1 = siblingNodes.length, t2 = type$.SemanticsTag, _i = 0; _i < siblingNodes.length; siblingNodes.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(siblingNodes), ++_i) {
- siblingNode = siblingNodes[_i];
- t3 = node._semantics$_transform;
- if (!A.MatrixUtils_matrixEquals(siblingNode._semantics$_transform, t3)) {
- siblingNode._semantics$_transform = t3 == null || A.MatrixUtils_isIdentity(t3) ? _null : t3;
- siblingNode._semantics$_markDirty$0();
- }
- siblingNode.set$isMergedIntoParent(node._isMergedIntoParent);
- t3 = _this._object$_tagsForChildren;
- if (t3 != null) {
- t4 = siblingNode.tags;
- (t4 == null ? siblingNode.tags = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t2) : t4).addAll$1(0, t3);
- }
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(result, siblingNodes);
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(siblingNodes);
- },
- _computeSemanticsGeometry$2$parentPaintClipRect$parentSemanticsClipRect(parentPaintClipRect, parentSemanticsClipRect) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._ancestorChain;
- if (t1.length > 1) {
- t2 = new A._SemanticsGeometry();
- t2._computeValues$3(parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect, t1);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = null;
- return t1;
- },
- get$config() {
- return this._isExplicit ? null : this._config;
- },
- addAll$1(_, fragments) {
- var t1, t2, _i, fragment, t3, t4, _this = this;
- for (t1 = fragments.length, t2 = _this._object$_children, _i = 0; _i < fragments.length; fragments.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(fragments), ++_i) {
- fragment = fragments[_i];
- t2.push(fragment);
- if (fragment.get$config() == null)
- continue;
- if (!_this._isConfigWritable) {
- _this._config = _this._config.copy$0();
- _this._isConfigWritable = true;
- }
- t3 = _this._config;
- t4 = fragment.get$config();
- t4.toString;
- t3.absorb$1(t4);
- }
- },
- addTags$1(tags) {
- this.super$_InterestingSemanticsFragment$addTags(tags);
- if (tags._collection$_length !== 0) {
- this._ensureConfigIsWritable$0();
- tags.forEach$1(0, this._config.get$addTagForChildren());
- }
- },
- _ensureConfigIsWritable$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (!_this._isConfigWritable) {
- t1 = _this._config;
- t2 = A.SemanticsConfiguration$();
- t2._isSemanticBoundary = t1._isSemanticBoundary;
- t2.explicitChildNodes = t1.explicitChildNodes;
- t2.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes = t1.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes;
- t2._hasBeenAnnotated = t1._hasBeenAnnotated;
- t2._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants = t1._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants;
- t2._semantics$_textDirection = t1._semantics$_textDirection;
- t2._sortKey = t1._sortKey;
- t2._semantics$_attributedLabel = t1._semantics$_attributedLabel;
- t2._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = t1._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue;
- t2._semantics$_attributedValue = t1._semantics$_attributedValue;
- t2._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = t1._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue;
- t2._semantics$_attributedHint = t1._semantics$_attributedHint;
- t2._hintOverrides = t1._hintOverrides;
- t2._tooltip = t1._tooltip;
- t2._semantics$_elevation = t1._semantics$_elevation;
- t2._semantics$_thickness = t1._semantics$_thickness;
- t2._flags = t1._flags;
- t2._tagsForChildren = t1._tagsForChildren;
- t2._textSelection = t1._textSelection;
- t2._scrollPosition = t1._scrollPosition;
- t2._scrollExtentMax = t1._scrollExtentMax;
- t2._scrollExtentMin = t1._scrollExtentMin;
- t2._actionsAsBits = t1._actionsAsBits;
- t2._indexInParent = t1._indexInParent;
- t2._scrollIndex = t1._scrollIndex;
- t2._scrollChildCount = t1._scrollChildCount;
- t2._platformViewId = t1._platformViewId;
- t2._maxValueLength = t1._maxValueLength;
- t2._currentValueLength = t1._currentValueLength;
- t2._actions.addAll$1(0, t1._actions);
- t2._customSemanticsActions.addAll$1(0, t1._customSemanticsActions);
- _this._config = t2;
- _this._isConfigWritable = true;
- }
- },
- markAsExplicit$0() {
- this._isExplicit = true;
- }
- };
- A._SemanticsGeometry.prototype = {
- _computeValues$3(parentSemanticsClipRect, parentPaintClipRect, ancestors) {
- var index, $parent, child, owner, t2, paintRect, _this = this,
- t1 = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- t1.setIdentity$0();
- _this.___SemanticsGeometry__transform_A = t1;
- _this._semanticsClipRect = parentSemanticsClipRect;
- _this._paintClipRect = parentPaintClipRect;
- for (index = ancestors.length - 1; index > 0;) {
- $parent = ancestors[index];
- --index;
- child = ancestors[index];
- parentSemanticsClipRect = $parent.describeSemanticsClip$1(child);
- if (parentSemanticsClipRect != null) {
- _this._semanticsClipRect = parentSemanticsClipRect;
- _this._paintClipRect = A._SemanticsGeometry__intersectRects(_this._paintClipRect, $parent.describeApproximatePaintClip$1(child));
- } else
- _this._semanticsClipRect = A._SemanticsGeometry__intersectRects(_this._semanticsClipRect, $parent.describeApproximatePaintClip$1(child));
- t1 = $.$get$_SemanticsGeometry__temporaryTransformHolder();
- t1.setIdentity$0();
- A._SemanticsGeometry__applyIntermediatePaintTransforms($parent, child, _this.___SemanticsGeometry__transform_A, t1);
- _this._semanticsClipRect = A._SemanticsGeometry__transformRect(_this._semanticsClipRect, t1);
- _this._paintClipRect = A._SemanticsGeometry__transformRect(_this._paintClipRect, t1);
- }
- owner = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(ancestors);
- t1 = _this._semanticsClipRect;
- t1 = t1 == null ? owner.get$semanticBounds() : t1.intersect$1(owner.get$semanticBounds());
- _this.___SemanticsGeometry__rect_A = t1;
- t2 = _this._paintClipRect;
- if (t2 != null) {
- paintRect = t2.intersect$1(t1);
- if (paintRect.get$isEmpty(paintRect)) {
- t1 = _this.___SemanticsGeometry__rect_A;
- t1 = !t1.get$isEmpty(t1);
- } else
- t1 = false;
- _this._markAsHidden = t1;
- if (!t1)
- _this.___SemanticsGeometry__rect_A = paintRect;
- }
- }
- };
- A._RenderObject_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin.prototype = {};
- A.TextParentData.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = A._setArrayType(["offset=" + A.S(this.offset)], type$.JSArray_String),
- t2 = this.scale;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("scale=" + A.S(t2));
- t1.push(this.super$BoxParentData$toString(0));
- return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, "; ");
- }
- };
- A.PlaceholderSpanIndexSemanticsTag.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.PlaceholderSpanIndexSemanticsTag && other.index === this.index;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(B.Type_I8o, this.index, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- get$index(receiver) {
- return this.index;
- }
- };
- A.RenderParagraph.prototype = {
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.TextParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.TextParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0);
- },
- set$text(_, value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._textPainter;
- switch (t1._text_painter$_text.compareTo$1(0, value).index) {
- case 0:
- return;
- case 1:
- t1.set$text(0, value);
- _this._cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos = null;
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- break;
- case 2:
- t1.set$text(0, value);
- _this._cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos = _this._cachedAttributedLabels = null;
- _this._extractPlaceholderSpans$1(value);
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- break;
- case 3:
- t1.set$text(0, value);
- _this._cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos = _this._cachedAttributedLabels = _this._overflowShader = null;
- _this._extractPlaceholderSpans$1(value);
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- _this._removeSelectionRegistrarSubscription$0();
- _this._disposeSelectableFragments$0();
- _this._updateSelectionRegistrarSubscription$0();
- break;
- }
- },
- set$registrar(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (value == _this._registrar)
- return;
- _this._removeSelectionRegistrarSubscription$0();
- _this._disposeSelectableFragments$0();
- _this._registrar = value;
- _this._updateSelectionRegistrarSubscription$0();
- },
- _updateSelectionRegistrarSubscription$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this._registrar == null)
- return;
- t1 = _this._lastSelectableFragments;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _this._lastSelectableFragments = _this._getSelectableFragments$0();
- t2 = _this._registrar;
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(t1, t2.get$add(t2));
- },
- _removeSelectionRegistrarSubscription$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._registrar;
- if (t1 == null || this._lastSelectableFragments == null)
- return;
- t2 = this._lastSelectableFragments;
- t2.toString;
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(t2, t1.get$remove(t1));
- },
- _getSelectableFragments$0() {
- var end, start, end0, t1,
- plainText = this._textPainter._text_painter$_text.toPlainText$1$includeSemanticsLabels(false),
- result = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__SelectableFragment);
- for (end = plainText.length, start = 0; start < end;) {
- end0 = B.JSString_methods.indexOf$2(plainText, $.$get$RenderParagraph__placeholderCharacter(), start);
- if (start !== end0) {
- if (end0 === -1)
- end0 = end;
- t1 = new A._SelectableFragment(new A.TextRange(start, end0), this, plainText, $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- t1.___SelectableFragment__selectionGeometry_A = t1._getSelectionGeometry$0();
- result.push(t1);
- start = end0;
- }
- ++start;
- }
- return result;
- },
- _disposeSelectableFragments$0() {
- var t2, _i, fragment,
- t1 = this._lastSelectableFragments;
- if (t1 == null)
- return;
- for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
- fragment = t1[_i];
- fragment.ChangeNotifier__listeners = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- fragment.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- }
- this._lastSelectableFragments = null;
- },
- markNeedsLayout$0() {
- var t1 = this._lastSelectableFragments;
- if (t1 != null)
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(t1, new A.RenderParagraph_markNeedsLayout_closure());
- this.super$RenderBox$markNeedsLayout();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this._removeSelectionRegistrarSubscription$0();
- _this._lastSelectableFragments = null;
- _this._textPainter.dispose$0();
- _this.super$RenderObject$dispose();
- },
- _extractPlaceholderSpans$1(span) {
- this.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans_A = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PlaceholderSpan);
- span.visitChildren$1(new A.RenderParagraph__extractPlaceholderSpans_closure(this));
- },
- set$textAlign(_, value) {
- var t1 = this._textPainter;
- if (t1._textAlign === value)
- return;
- t1.set$textAlign(0, value);
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- set$textDirection(value) {
- var t1 = this._textPainter;
- if (t1._text_painter$_textDirection === value)
- return;
- t1.set$textDirection(value);
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$softWrap(value) {
- if (this._softWrap === value)
- return;
- this._softWrap = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$overflow(_, value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._overflow === value)
- return;
- _this._overflow = value;
- t1 = value === B.TextOverflow_2 ? "\u2026" : null;
- _this._textPainter.set$ellipsis(t1);
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$textScaleFactor(value) {
- var t1 = this._textPainter;
- if (t1._textScaleFactor === value)
- return;
- t1.set$textScaleFactor(value);
- this._overflowShader = null;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$maxLines(value) {
- var t1 = this._textPainter;
- if (t1._maxLines == value)
- return;
- t1.set$maxLines(value);
- this._overflowShader = null;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$locale(_, value) {
- var t1 = this._textPainter;
- if (J.$eq$(t1._text_painter$_locale, value))
- return;
- t1.set$locale(0, value);
- this._overflowShader = null;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$strutStyle(value) {
- var t1 = this._textPainter;
- if (J.$eq$(t1._strutStyle, value))
- return;
- t1.set$strutStyle(value);
- this._overflowShader = null;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$textWidthBasis(value) {
- var t1 = this._textPainter;
- if (t1._textWidthBasis === value)
- return;
- t1.set$textWidthBasis(value);
- this._overflowShader = null;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$textHeightBehavior(value) {
- return;
- },
- set$selectionColor(value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (J.$eq$(_this._selectionColor, value))
- return;
- _this._selectionColor = value;
- t1 = _this._lastSelectableFragments;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : B.JSArray_methods.any$1(t1, new A.RenderParagraph_selectionColor_closure());
- if (t1 === true)
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- _getOffsetForPosition$1(position) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.getOffsetForCaret$2(position, B.Rect_0_0_0_0);
- _this._layoutTextWithConstraints$1(type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)));
- t2 = _this._textPainter.getFullHeightForCaret$2(position, B.Rect_0_0_0_0);
- return t1.$add(0, new A.Offset(0, t2 == null ? 0 : t2));
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var _this = this;
- if (!_this._canComputeIntrinsics$0())
- return 0;
- _this._computeChildrenWidthWithMinIntrinsics$1(height);
- _this._layoutText$0();
- return Math.ceil(_this._textPainter._paragraph.get$minIntrinsicWidth());
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var _this = this;
- if (!_this._canComputeIntrinsics$0())
- return 0;
- _this._computeChildrenWidthWithMaxIntrinsics$1(height);
- _this._layoutText$0();
- return Math.ceil(_this._textPainter._paragraph.get$maxIntrinsicWidth());
- },
- _computeIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (!_this._canComputeIntrinsics$0())
- return 0;
- _this._computeChildrenHeightWithMinIntrinsics$1(width);
- _this._layoutText$2$maxWidth$minWidth(width, width);
- t1 = _this._textPainter._paragraph;
- return Math.ceil(t1.get$height(t1));
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return this._computeIntrinsicHeight$1(width);
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return this._computeIntrinsicHeight$1(width);
- },
- computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- this._layoutTextWithConstraints$1(type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this)));
- return this._textPainter.computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(B.TextBaseline_0);
- },
- _canComputeIntrinsics$0() {
- var t2, _i,
- t1 = this.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.length;
- _i = 0;
- $label0$1:
- for (; _i < t2; ++_i)
- switch (t1[_i].alignment.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 2:
- return false;
- case 3:
- case 5:
- case 4:
- continue $label0$1;
- }
- return true;
- },
- _computeChildrenWidthWithMaxIntrinsics$1(height) {
- var t1, childIndex, t2, t3, _this = this,
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild,
- placeholderDimensions = A.List_List$filled(_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount, B.PlaceholderDimensions_Ism, false, type$.PlaceholderDimensions);
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), childIndex = 0; child != null;) {
- t2 = child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, 1 / 0, child.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- t3 = _this.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3[childIndex];
- placeholderDimensions[childIndex] = new A.PlaceholderDimensions(new A.Size(t2, 0), t3.alignment, null, t3.baseline);
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- child = t1._as(t3).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- ++childIndex;
- }
- _this._textPainter.setPlaceholderDimensions$1(placeholderDimensions);
- },
- _computeChildrenWidthWithMinIntrinsics$1(height) {
- var t1, childIndex, t2, t3, _this = this,
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild,
- placeholderDimensions = A.List_List$filled(_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount, B.PlaceholderDimensions_Ism, false, type$.PlaceholderDimensions);
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), childIndex = 0; child != null;) {
- t2 = child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, 1 / 0, child.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- t3 = _this.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3[childIndex];
- placeholderDimensions[childIndex] = new A.PlaceholderDimensions(new A.Size(t2, 0), t3.alignment, null, t3.baseline);
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- child = t1._as(t3).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- ++childIndex;
- }
- _this._textPainter.setPlaceholderDimensions$1(placeholderDimensions);
- },
- _computeChildrenHeightWithMinIntrinsics$1(width) {
- var t2, childIndex, size, t3, _this = this,
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild,
- placeholderDimensions = A.List_List$filled(_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount, B.PlaceholderDimensions_Ism, false, type$.PlaceholderDimensions),
- t1 = _this._textPainter;
- width /= t1._textScaleFactor;
- for (t2 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), childIndex = 0; child != null;) {
- size = child.getDryLayout$1(new A.BoxConstraints(0, width, 0, 1 / 0));
- t3 = _this.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3[childIndex];
- placeholderDimensions[childIndex] = new A.PlaceholderDimensions(size, t3.alignment, null, t3.baseline);
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- child = t2._as(t3).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- ++childIndex;
- }
- t1.setPlaceholderDimensions$1(placeholderDimensions);
- },
- hitTestSelf$1(position) {
- return true;
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var hitText, t2, t3, t4, childIndex, t5, t6, t7, transform, child, _box_0 = {},
- t1 = this._textPainter,
- textPosition = t1._paragraph.getPositionForOffset$1(position),
- span = t1._text_painter$_text.getSpanForPosition$1(textPosition);
- if (span != null && type$.HitTestTarget._is(span)) {
- result.add$1(0, new A.HitTestEntry(type$.HitTestTarget._as(span), type$.HitTestEntry_HitTestTarget));
- hitText = true;
- } else
- hitText = false;
- t2 = _box_0.child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t3 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1");
- t4 = type$.TextParentData;
- childIndex = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(t2 != null && childIndex < t1._inlinePlaceholderBoxes.length))
- break;
- t2 = t2.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t4._as(t2);
- t5 = t2.offset;
- t6 = t5._dx;
- t5 = t5._dy;
- t7 = new Float64Array(16);
- transform = new A.Matrix40(t7);
- transform.setIdentity$0();
- t7[14] = 0;
- t7[13] = t5;
- t7[12] = t6;
- t6 = t2.scale;
- transform.scale$3(0, t6, t6, t6);
- if (result.addWithPaintTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(new A.RenderParagraph_hitTestChildren_closure(_box_0, position, t2), position, transform))
- return true;
- t2 = _box_0.child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t3._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- _box_0.child = child;
- ++childIndex;
- t2 = child;
- }
- return hitText;
- },
- _layoutText$2$maxWidth$minWidth(maxWidth, minWidth) {
- var t1 = this._softWrap || this._overflow === B.TextOverflow_2 ? maxWidth : 1 / 0;
- this._textPainter.layout$2$maxWidth$minWidth(t1, minWidth);
- },
- _layoutText$0() {
- return this._layoutText$2$maxWidth$minWidth(1 / 0, 0);
- },
- systemFontsDidChange$0() {
- this.super$RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin$systemFontsDidChange();
- this._textPainter.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- _layoutTextWithConstraints$1(constraints) {
- this._textPainter.setPlaceholderDimensions$1(this._placeholderDimensions);
- this._layoutText$2$maxWidth$minWidth(constraints.maxWidth, constraints.minWidth);
- },
- _paragraph$_layoutChildren$2$dry(constraints, dry) {
- var child, placeholderDimensions, boxConstraints, t2, childIndex, t3, t4, baselineOffset, childSize, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount;
- if (t1 === 0)
- return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_PlaceholderDimensions);
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- placeholderDimensions = A.List_List$filled(t1, B.PlaceholderDimensions_Ism, false, type$.PlaceholderDimensions);
- boxConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, constraints.maxWidth, 0, 1 / 0).$div(0, _this._textPainter._textScaleFactor);
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), t2 = !dry, childIndex = 0; child != null;) {
- if (t2) {
- child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(boxConstraints, true);
- t3 = child._size;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = _this.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = t4[childIndex];
- switch (t4.alignment.index) {
- case 0:
- t4 = t4.baseline;
- t4.toString;
- baselineOffset = child.getDistanceToBaseline$1(t4);
- break;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- case 3:
- baselineOffset = null;
- break;
- default:
- baselineOffset = null;
- }
- childSize = t3;
- } else {
- childSize = child.getDryLayout$1(boxConstraints);
- baselineOffset = null;
- }
- t3 = _this.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3[childIndex];
- placeholderDimensions[childIndex] = new A.PlaceholderDimensions(childSize, t3.alignment, baselineOffset, t3.baseline);
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- child = t1._as(t3).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- ++childIndex;
- }
- return placeholderDimensions;
- },
- _paragraph$_layoutChildren$1(constraints) {
- return this._paragraph$_layoutChildren$2$dry(constraints, false);
- },
- _paragraph$_setParentData$0() {
- var t4, t5,
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild,
- t1 = type$.TextParentData,
- t2 = this._textPainter,
- t3 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"),
- childIndex = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(child != null && childIndex < t2._inlinePlaceholderBoxes.length))
- break;
- t4 = child.parentData;
- t4.toString;
- t1._as(t4);
- t5 = t2._inlinePlaceholderBoxes[childIndex];
- t4.offset = new A.Offset(t5.left, t5.top);
- t4.scale = t2._inlinePlaceholderScales[childIndex];
- child = t3._as(t4).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- ++childIndex;
- }
- },
- _paragraph$_canComputeDryLayout$0() {
- var t2, _i,
- t1 = this.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t1.length;
- _i = 0;
- $label0$1:
- for (; _i < t2; ++_i)
- switch (t1[_i].alignment.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- case 2:
- return false;
- case 3:
- case 5:
- case 4:
- continue $label0$1;
- }
- return true;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (!_this._paragraph$_canComputeDryLayout$0())
- return B.Size_0_0;
- t1 = _this._textPainter;
- t1.setPlaceholderDimensions$1(_this._paragraph$_layoutChildren$2$dry(constraints, true));
- _this._layoutText$2$maxWidth$minWidth(constraints.maxWidth, constraints.minWidth);
- t2 = t1.get$width(t1);
- t1 = t1._paragraph;
- return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t2, Math.ceil(t1.get$height(t1))));
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, textDidExceedMaxLines, t4, didOverflowHeight, didOverflowWidth, fadeSizePainter, fadeStart, fadeEnd, _this = this, _null = null,
- constraints = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- _this._placeholderDimensions = _this._paragraph$_layoutChildren$1(constraints);
- _this._layoutTextWithConstraints$1(constraints);
- _this._paragraph$_setParentData$0();
- t1 = _this._textPainter;
- t2 = t1.get$width(t1);
- t3 = t1._paragraph;
- t3 = Math.ceil(t3.get$height(t3));
- textDidExceedMaxLines = t1._paragraph.get$didExceedMaxLines();
- t4 = _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t2, t3));
- didOverflowHeight = t4._dy < t3 || textDidExceedMaxLines;
- didOverflowWidth = t4._dx < t2;
- if (didOverflowWidth || didOverflowHeight)
- switch (_this._overflow.index) {
- case 3:
- _this._needsClipping = false;
- _this._overflowShader = null;
- break;
- case 0:
- case 2:
- _this._needsClipping = true;
- _this._overflowShader = null;
- break;
- case 1:
- _this._needsClipping = true;
- t2 = A.TextSpan$(_null, t1._text_painter$_text.style, "\u2026");
- t3 = t1._text_painter$_textDirection;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = t1._textScaleFactor;
- fadeSizePainter = A.TextPainter$(_null, t1._text_painter$_locale, _null, _null, t2, B.TextAlign_4, t3, _null, t4, B.TextWidthBasis_0);
- fadeSizePainter.layout$0();
- if (didOverflowWidth) {
- switch (t1._text_painter$_textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- fadeStart = fadeSizePainter.get$width(fadeSizePainter);
- fadeEnd = 0;
- break;
- case 1:
- fadeEnd = _this._size._dx;
- fadeStart = fadeEnd - fadeSizePainter.get$width(fadeSizePainter);
- break;
- default:
- fadeStart = _null;
- fadeEnd = fadeStart;
- }
- _this._overflowShader = A.Gradient_Gradient$linear(new A.Offset(fadeStart, 0), new A.Offset(fadeEnd, 0), A._setArrayType([B.Color_4294967295, B.Color_16777215], type$.JSArray_Color), _null, B.TileMode_0, _null);
- } else {
- fadeEnd = _this._size._dy;
- t1 = fadeSizePainter._paragraph;
- _this._overflowShader = A.Gradient_Gradient$linear(new A.Offset(0, fadeEnd - Math.ceil(t1.get$height(t1)) / 2), new A.Offset(0, fadeEnd), A._setArrayType([B.Color_4294967295, B.Color_16777215], type$.JSArray_Color), _null, B.TileMode_0, _null);
- }
- fadeSizePainter.dispose$0();
- break;
- }
- else {
- _this._needsClipping = false;
- _this._overflowShader = null;
- }
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2, t3, bounds, t4, t5, t6, childIndex, t7, t8, child, paint, _i, _this = this, _box_0 = {};
- _this._layoutTextWithConstraints$1(type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)));
- if (_this._needsClipping) {
- t1 = _this._size;
- t2 = offset._dx;
- t3 = offset._dy;
- bounds = new A.Rect(t2, t3, t2 + t1._dx, t3 + t1._dy);
- if (_this._overflowShader != null)
- context.get$canvas(context).saveLayer$2(bounds, $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0());
- else
- context.get$canvas(context).save$0(0);
- context.get$canvas(context).clipRect$1(bounds);
- }
- t1 = _this._textPainter;
- t1.paint$2(context.get$canvas(context), offset);
- t2 = _box_0.child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t3 = type$.TextParentData;
- t4 = offset._dx;
- t5 = offset._dy;
- t6 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1");
- childIndex = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(t2 != null && childIndex < t1._inlinePlaceholderBoxes.length))
- break;
- t2 = t2.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t3._as(t2);
- t7 = t2.scale;
- t7.toString;
- t8 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t8 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = t2.offset;
- context.pushTransform$4(t8, new A.Offset(t4 + t2._dx, t5 + t2._dy), A.Matrix4_Matrix4$diagonal3Values(t7, t7, t7), new A.RenderParagraph_paint_closure(_box_0));
- t7 = _box_0.child.parentData;
- t7.toString;
- child = t6._as(t7).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- _box_0.child = child;
- ++childIndex;
- t2 = child;
- }
- if (_this._needsClipping) {
- if (_this._overflowShader != null) {
- context.get$canvas(context).translate$2(0, t4, t5);
- paint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- paint.set$blendMode(B.BlendMode_13);
- paint.set$shader(_this._overflowShader);
- t1 = context.get$canvas(context);
- t2 = _this._size;
- t1.drawRect$2(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t2._dx, 0 + t2._dy), paint);
- }
- context.get$canvas(context).restore$0(0);
- }
- t1 = _this._lastSelectableFragments;
- if (t1 != null)
- for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].paint$2(context, offset);
- _this.super$RenderObject$paint(context, offset);
- },
- getOffsetForCaret$2(position, caretPrototype) {
- this._layoutTextWithConstraints$1(type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this)));
- return this._textPainter.getOffsetForCaret$2(position, caretPrototype);
- },
- getBoxesForSelection$1(selection) {
- this._layoutTextWithConstraints$1(type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this)));
- return this._textPainter.getBoxesForSelection$3$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle(selection, B.BoxHeightStyle_0, B.BoxWidthStyle_0);
- },
- getPositionForOffset$1(offset) {
- this._layoutTextWithConstraints$1(type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this)));
- return this._textPainter._paragraph.getPositionForOffset$1(offset);
- },
- describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) {
- var t1, t2, collector, needsChildConfigrationsDelegate, _i, info, buffer, attributes, t3, offset, t4, label, t5, _i0, infoAttribute, originalRange, _this = this;
- _this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config);
- t1 = _this._textPainter;
- t2 = t1._text_painter$_text;
- t2.toString;
- collector = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_InlineSpanSemanticsInformation);
- t2.computeSemanticsInformation$1(collector);
- _this._semanticsInfo = collector;
- for (t2 = collector.length, needsChildConfigrationsDelegate = false, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
- info = collector[_i];
- needsChildConfigrationsDelegate = needsChildConfigrationsDelegate || info.isPlaceholder;
- }
- if (needsChildConfigrationsDelegate)
- config._childConfigurationsDelegate = _this.get$_childSemanticsConfigurationsDelegate();
- else {
- t2 = _this._cachedAttributedLabels;
- if (t2 == null) {
- buffer = new A.StringBuffer("");
- attributes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_StringAttribute);
- for (t2 = _this._semanticsInfo, t3 = t2.length, offset = 0, _i = 0, t4 = ""; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
- info = t2[_i];
- label = info.semanticsLabel;
- if (label == null)
- label = info.text;
- for (t4 = info.stringAttributes, t5 = t4.length, _i0 = 0; _i0 < t4.length; t4.length === t5 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t4), ++_i0) {
- infoAttribute = t4[_i0];
- originalRange = infoAttribute.range;
- attributes.push(infoAttribute.copy$1$range(new A.TextRange(offset + originalRange.start, offset + originalRange.end)));
- }
- t4 = buffer._contents += label;
- offset += label.length;
- }
- t2 = _this._cachedAttributedLabels = A._setArrayType([new A.AttributedString(t4.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t4 : t4, attributes)], type$.JSArray_AttributedString);
- }
- config._semantics$_attributedLabel = t2[0];
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- t1 = t1._text_painter$_textDirection;
- t1.toString;
- config._semantics$_textDirection = t1;
- }
- },
- _childSemanticsConfigurationsDelegate$1(childConfigs) {
- var t4, placeholderIndex, childConfigsIndex, attributedLabelCacheIndex, seenTextInfo, _i, info, t5, t6, _this = this,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsConfiguration),
- t2 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_List_SemanticsConfiguration),
- t3 = _this._cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos;
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = _this._semanticsInfo;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = _this._cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos = A.combineSemanticsInfo(t3);
- }
- for (t4 = t3.length, placeholderIndex = 0, childConfigsIndex = 0, attributedLabelCacheIndex = 0, seenTextInfo = null, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i) {
- info = t3[_i];
- if (info.isPlaceholder) {
- if (seenTextInfo != null) {
- t1.push(_this._createSemanticsConfigForTextInfo$2(seenTextInfo, attributedLabelCacheIndex));
- ++attributedLabelCacheIndex;
- }
- t5 = "PlaceholderSpanIndexSemanticsTag(" + placeholderIndex + ")";
- while (true) {
- if (childConfigsIndex < childConfigs.length) {
- t6 = childConfigs[childConfigsIndex]._tagsForChildren;
- t6 = t6 == null ? null : t6.contains$1(0, new A.PlaceholderSpanIndexSemanticsTag(placeholderIndex, t5));
- t6 = t6 === true;
- } else
- t6 = false;
- if (!t6)
- break;
- t1.push(childConfigs[childConfigsIndex]);
- ++childConfigsIndex;
- }
- ++placeholderIndex;
- } else
- seenTextInfo = info;
- }
- if (seenTextInfo != null)
- t1.push(_this._createSemanticsConfigForTextInfo$2(seenTextInfo, attributedLabelCacheIndex));
- return new A.ChildSemanticsConfigurationsResult(t1, new A.ChildSemanticsConfigurationsResultBuilder(t1, t2)._siblingMergeGroups);
- },
- _createSemanticsConfigForTextInfo$2(textInfo, cacheIndex) {
- var t1, attributedLabel, t2,
- cachedStrings = this._cachedAttributedLabels;
- if (cachedStrings == null)
- cachedStrings = this._cachedAttributedLabels = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_AttributedString);
- t1 = cachedStrings.length;
- attributedLabel = A._Cell$named("attributedLabel");
- if (cacheIndex < t1)
- attributedLabel.__late_helper$_value = cachedStrings[cacheIndex];
- else {
- t1 = textInfo.semanticsLabel;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = textInfo.text;
- attributedLabel.__late_helper$_value = new A.AttributedString(t1, textInfo.stringAttributes);
- cachedStrings.push(attributedLabel._readLocal$0());
- }
- t1 = A.SemanticsConfiguration$();
- t2 = this._textPainter._text_painter$_textDirection;
- t2.toString;
- t1._semantics$_textDirection = t2;
- t1._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- t1._semantics$_attributedLabel = attributedLabel._readLocal$0();
- t1._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- return t1;
- },
- assembleSemanticsNode$3(node, config, children) {
- var child, newChildCache, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, currentDirection, ordinal, start, placeholderIndex, childIndex, _i, info, start0, t8, t9, childNode, t10, t11, rects, rect, currentDirection0, t12, t13, currentRect, configuration, ordinal0, paintRect, newChild, it, key, _this = this, _null = null,
- newChildren = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode),
- t1 = _this._textPainter,
- t2 = t1._text_painter$_textDirection;
- t2.toString;
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- newChildCache = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap(_null, _null, _null, type$.Key, type$.SemanticsNode);
- t3 = _this._cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos;
- if (t3 == null) {
- t3 = _this._semanticsInfo;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = _this._cachedCombinedSemanticsInfos = A.combineSemanticsInfo(t3);
- }
- for (t4 = t3.length, t5 = type$.BoxConstraints, t6 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), t7 = type$.TextParentData, currentDirection = t2, ordinal = 0, start = 0, placeholderIndex = 0, childIndex = 0, _i = 0; _i < t3.length; t3.length === t4 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t3), ++_i, start = start0) {
- info = t3[_i];
- t2 = info.text;
- start0 = start + t2.length;
- t8 = start < start0;
- t9 = t8 ? start : start0;
- t8 = t8 ? start0 : start;
- if (info.isPlaceholder) {
- t2 = "PlaceholderSpanIndexSemanticsTag(" + placeholderIndex + ")";
- while (true) {
- if (children.length > childIndex) {
- t8 = children[childIndex].tags;
- t8 = t8 != null && t8.contains$1(0, new A.PlaceholderSpanIndexSemanticsTag(placeholderIndex, t2));
- } else
- t8 = false;
- if (!t8)
- break;
- childNode = children[childIndex];
- t8 = child.parentData;
- t8.toString;
- t8 = t7._as(t8).scale;
- if (t8 != null) {
- t9 = childNode._semantics$_rect;
- t10 = t9.left;
- t11 = t9.top;
- t8 = new A.Rect(t10, t11, t10 + (t9.right - t10) * t8, t11 + (t9.bottom - t11) * t8);
- if (!t9.$eq(0, t8)) {
- childNode._semantics$_rect = t8;
- childNode._semantics$_markDirty$0();
- }
- newChildren.push(childNode);
- }
- ++childIndex;
- }
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t6._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- ++placeholderIndex;
- } else {
- t10 = t5._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- t1.setPlaceholderDimensions$1(_this._placeholderDimensions);
- t11 = t10.maxWidth;
- t11 = _this._softWrap || _this._overflow === B.TextOverflow_2 ? t11 : 1 / 0;
- t1.layout$2$maxWidth$minWidth(t11, t10.minWidth);
- rects = t1._paragraph.getBoxesForRange$4$boxHeightStyle$boxWidthStyle(t9, t8, B.BoxHeightStyle_0, B.BoxWidthStyle_0);
- if (rects.length === 0)
- continue;
- t8 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(rects);
- rect = new A.Rect(t8.left, t8.top, t8.right, t8.bottom);
- currentDirection0 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(rects).direction;
- for (t8 = A._arrayInstanceType(rects), t9 = t8._eval$1("SubListIterable<1>"), t10 = new A.SubListIterable(rects, 1, _null, t9), t10.SubListIterable$3(rects, 1, _null, t8._precomputed1), t10 = new A.ListIterator(t10, t10.get$length(t10), t9._eval$1("ListIterator")), t9 = t9._eval$1("ListIterable.E"); t10.moveNext$0();) {
- t8 = t10.__internal$_current;
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = t9._as(t8);
- rect = rect.expandToInclude$1(new A.Rect(t8.left, t8.top, t8.right, t8.bottom));
- currentDirection0 = t8.direction;
- }
- t8 = rect.left;
- t9 = Math.max(0, t8);
- t10 = rect.top;
- t11 = Math.max(0, t10);
- t8 = Math.min(rect.right - t8, t5._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).maxWidth);
- t10 = Math.min(rect.bottom - t10, t5._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).maxHeight);
- t12 = Math.floor(t9) - 4;
- t13 = Math.floor(t11) - 4;
- t8 = Math.ceil(t9 + t8) + 4;
- t10 = Math.ceil(t11 + t10) + 4;
- currentRect = new A.Rect(t12, t13, t8, t10);
- configuration = A.SemanticsConfiguration$();
- ordinal0 = ordinal + 1;
- configuration._sortKey = new A.OrdinalSortKey(ordinal, _null);
- configuration._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- configuration._semantics$_textDirection = currentDirection;
- t11 = info.semanticsLabel;
- t2 = t11 == null ? t2 : t11;
- configuration._semantics$_attributedLabel = new A.AttributedString(t2, info.stringAttributes);
- t2 = node.parentPaintClipRect;
- if (t2 != null) {
- paintRect = t2.intersect$1(currentRect);
- if (paintRect.left >= paintRect.right || paintRect.top >= paintRect.bottom)
- t2 = !(t12 >= t8 || t13 >= t10);
- else
- t2 = false;
- configuration._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_8192, t2);
- }
- newChild = A._Cell$named("newChild");
- t2 = _this._paragraph$_cachedChildNodes;
- t8 = t2 == null ? _null : t2.__js_helper$_length !== 0;
- if (t8 === true) {
- t2.toString;
- t8 = new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t2, A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>"));
- it = t8.get$iterator(t8);
- if (!it.moveNext$0())
- A.throwExpression(A.IterableElementError_noElement());
- t2 = t2.remove$1(0, it.get$current(it));
- t2.toString;
- if (newChild.__late_helper$_value !== newChild)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localAI(newChild.__late_helper$_name));
- newChild.__late_helper$_value = t2;
- } else {
- key = new A.UniqueKey();
- t2 = A.SemanticsNode$(key, _this._paragraph$_createShowOnScreenFor$1(key));
- if (newChild.__late_helper$_value !== newChild)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localAI(newChild.__late_helper$_name));
- newChild.__late_helper$_value = t2;
- }
- if (t2 === newChild)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(newChild.__late_helper$_name));
- J.updateWith$1$config$z(t2, configuration);
- if (!t2._semantics$_rect.$eq(0, currentRect)) {
- t2._semantics$_rect = currentRect;
- t2._semantics$_markDirty$0();
- }
- t2 = newChild.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t2 === newChild)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(newChild.__late_helper$_name));
- t8 = t2.key;
- t8.toString;
- newChildCache.$indexSet(0, t8, t2);
- t2 = newChild.__late_helper$_value;
- if (t2 === newChild)
- A.throwExpression(A.LateError$localNI(newChild.__late_helper$_name));
- newChildren.push(t2);
- ordinal = ordinal0;
- currentDirection = currentDirection0;
- }
- }
- _this._paragraph$_cachedChildNodes = newChildCache;
- node.updateWith$2$childrenInInversePaintOrder$config(0, newChildren, config);
- },
- _paragraph$_createShowOnScreenFor$1(key) {
- return new A.RenderParagraph__createShowOnScreenFor_closure(this, key);
- },
- clearSemantics$0() {
- this.super$RenderObject$clearSemantics();
- this._paragraph$_cachedChildNodes = null;
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$0() {
- var t1 = this._textPainter._text_painter$_text;
- t1.toString;
- return A._setArrayType([A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("text", B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_4, t1)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode);
- }
- };
- A.RenderParagraph_markNeedsLayout_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(element) {
- return element._cachedRect = null;
- },
- $signature: 347
- };
- A.RenderParagraph__extractPlaceholderSpans_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(span) {
- var t1;
- if (span instanceof A.PlaceholderSpan0) {
- t1 = this.$this.__RenderParagraph__placeholderSpans_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.push(span);
- }
- return true;
- },
- $signature: 63
- };
- A.RenderParagraph_selectionColor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(fragment) {
- var t1 = fragment.___SelectableFragment__selectionGeometry_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1.status !== B.SelectionStatus_2;
- },
- $signature: 348
- };
- A.RenderParagraph_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, transformed) {
- return this._box_0.child.hitTest$2$position(result, transformed);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A.RenderParagraph_paint_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(context, offset) {
- var t1 = this._box_0.child;
- t1.toString;
- context.paintChild$2(t1, offset);
- },
- $signature: 7
- };
- A.RenderParagraph__createShowOnScreenFor_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._paragraph$_cachedChildNodes.$index(0, this.key);
- t2.toString;
- t1.showOnScreen$2$descendant$rect(t1, t2._semantics$_rect);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._SelectableFragment.prototype = {
- get$value(_) {
- var t1 = this.___SelectableFragment__selectionGeometry_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1;
- },
- _paragraph$_updateSelectionGeometry$0() {
- var _this = this,
- newValue = _this._getSelectionGeometry$0(),
- t1 = _this.___SelectableFragment__selectionGeometry_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.$eq(0, newValue))
- return;
- _this.___SelectableFragment__selectionGeometry_A = newValue;
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- _getSelectionGeometry$0() {
- var selectionStart, selectionEnd, startOffsetInParagraphCoordinates, endOffsetInParagraphCoordinates, t2, flipHandles, paragraphToFragmentTransform, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._textSelectionStart;
- if (t1 == null || _this._textSelectionEnd == null)
- return B.SelectionGeometry_wEo;
- selectionStart = t1.offset;
- selectionEnd = _this._textSelectionEnd.offset;
- t1 = _this.paragraph;
- startOffsetInParagraphCoordinates = t1._getOffsetForPosition$1(new A.TextPosition(selectionStart, B.TextAffinity_1));
- endOffsetInParagraphCoordinates = selectionStart === selectionEnd ? startOffsetInParagraphCoordinates : t1._getOffsetForPosition$1(new A.TextPosition(selectionEnd, B.TextAffinity_1));
- t1 = t1._textPainter;
- t2 = t1._text_painter$_textDirection;
- t2.toString;
- flipHandles = selectionStart > selectionEnd !== (B.TextDirection_0 === t2);
- paragraphToFragmentTransform = A.Matrix4_Matrix4$translationValues(_this.get$_paragraph$_rect().left, _this.get$_paragraph$_rect().top, 0);
- paragraphToFragmentTransform.copyInverse$1(paragraphToFragmentTransform);
- t2 = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(paragraphToFragmentTransform, startOffsetInParagraphCoordinates);
- t3 = t1.get$preferredLineHeight();
- t4 = flipHandles ? B.TextSelectionHandleType_1 : B.TextSelectionHandleType_0;
- t5 = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(paragraphToFragmentTransform, endOffsetInParagraphCoordinates);
- t1 = t1.get$preferredLineHeight();
- t6 = flipHandles ? B.TextSelectionHandleType_0 : B.TextSelectionHandleType_1;
- t7 = _this._textSelectionStart.offset === _this._textSelectionEnd.offset ? B.SelectionStatus_1 : B.SelectionStatus_0;
- return new A.SelectionGeometry(new A.SelectionPoint(t2, t3, t4), new A.SelectionPoint(t5, t1, t6), t7, true);
- },
- dispatchSelectionEvent$1($event) {
- var _this = this,
- result = A._Cell$named("result"),
- existingSelectionStart = _this._textSelectionStart,
- existingSelectionEnd = _this._textSelectionEnd,
- t1 = $event.type;
- switch (t1.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- result.set$finalLocalValue(_this._updateSelectionEdge$2$isEnd(type$.SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent._as($event).globalPosition, t1 === B.SelectionEventType_1));
- break;
- case 2:
- _this._textSelectionEnd = _this._textSelectionStart = null;
- result.set$finalLocalValue(B.SelectionResult_4);
- break;
- case 3:
- t1 = _this.range;
- _this._textSelectionStart = new A.TextPosition(t1.start, B.TextAffinity_1);
- _this._textSelectionEnd = new A.TextPosition(t1.end, B.TextAffinity_0);
- result.set$finalLocalValue(B.SelectionResult_4);
- break;
- case 4:
- result.set$finalLocalValue(_this._handleSelectWord$1(type$.SelectWordSelectionEvent._as($event).get$globalPosition()));
- break;
- case 5:
- type$.GranularlyExtendSelectionEvent._as($event);
- result.set$finalLocalValue(_this._handleGranularlyExtendSelection$3($event.get$forward($event), $event.get$isEnd(), $event.get$granularity()));
- break;
- case 6:
- type$.DirectionallyExtendSelectionEvent._as($event);
- result.set$finalLocalValue(_this._handleDirectionallyExtendSelection$3($event.get$dx($event), $event.get$isEnd(), $event.get$direction($event)));
- break;
- }
- if (!J.$eq$(existingSelectionStart, _this._textSelectionStart) || !J.$eq$(existingSelectionEnd, _this._textSelectionEnd)) {
- _this.paragraph.markNeedsPaint$0();
- _this._paragraph$_updateSelectionGeometry$0();
- }
- return result._readLocal$0();
- },
- _updateSelectionEdge$2$isEnd(globalPosition, isEnd) {
- var t1, transform, localPosition, t2, t3, position, _this = this;
- if (isEnd)
- _this._textSelectionEnd = null;
- else
- _this._textSelectionStart = null;
- t1 = _this.paragraph;
- transform = t1.getTransformTo$1(0, null);
- transform.copyInverse$1(transform);
- localPosition = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(transform, globalPosition);
- t2 = _this.get$_paragraph$_rect();
- if (t2.get$isEmpty(t2))
- return A.SelectionUtils_getResultBasedOnRect(_this.get$_paragraph$_rect(), localPosition);
- t2 = _this.get$_paragraph$_rect();
- t3 = t1._textPainter._text_painter$_textDirection;
- t3.toString;
- position = _this._clampTextPosition$1(t1.getPositionForOffset$1(A.SelectionUtils_adjustDragOffset(t2, localPosition, t3)));
- if (isEnd)
- _this._textSelectionEnd = position;
- else
- _this._textSelectionStart = position;
- t1 = position.offset;
- t2 = _this.range;
- if (t1 === t2.end)
- return B.SelectionResult_0;
- if (t1 === t2.start)
- return B.SelectionResult_1;
- return A.SelectionUtils_getResultBasedOnRect(_this.get$_paragraph$_rect(), localPosition);
- },
- _clampTextPosition$1(position) {
- var t4,
- t1 = position.offset,
- t2 = this.range,
- t3 = t2.end;
- if (t1 <= t3)
- t4 = t1 === t3 && position.affinity === B.TextAffinity_1;
- else
- t4 = true;
- if (t4)
- return new A.TextPosition(t3, B.TextAffinity_0);
- t2 = t2.start;
- if (t1 < t2)
- return new A.TextPosition(t2, B.TextAffinity_1);
- return position;
- },
- _handleSelectWord$1(globalPosition) {
- var word, start, end, t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.paragraph,
- position = t1.getPositionForOffset$1(t1.globalToLocal$1(globalPosition));
- if (_this._positionIsWithinCurrentSelection$1(position))
- return B.SelectionResult_2;
- t1._layoutTextWithConstraints$1(type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(t1)));
- word = t1._textPainter._paragraph.getWordBoundary$1(position);
- start = A._Cell$named("start");
- end = A._Cell$named("end");
- t1 = position.offset;
- t2 = word.end;
- if (t1 >= t2)
- start.__late_helper$_value = end.__late_helper$_value = new A.TextPosition(t1, B.TextAffinity_1);
- else {
- start.__late_helper$_value = new A.TextPosition(word.start, B.TextAffinity_1);
- end.__late_helper$_value = new A.TextPosition(t2, B.TextAffinity_0);
- }
- _this._textSelectionStart = start._readLocal$0();
- _this._textSelectionEnd = end._readLocal$0();
- return B.SelectionResult_2;
- },
- _handleDirectionallyExtendSelection$3(horizontalBaseline, isExtent, movement) {
- var baselineInParagraphCoordinates, targetedEdge, moveResult, newPosition, result, t2, targetedEdge0, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.paragraph,
- transform = t1.getTransformTo$1(0, null);
- if (transform.copyInverse$1(transform) === 0)
- switch (movement) {
- case B.SelectionExtendDirection_0:
- case B.SelectionExtendDirection_3:
- return B.SelectionResult_1;
- case B.SelectionExtendDirection_1:
- case B.SelectionExtendDirection_2:
- return B.SelectionResult_0;
- }
- baselineInParagraphCoordinates = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(transform, new A.Offset(horizontalBaseline, 0))._dx;
- switch (movement) {
- case B.SelectionExtendDirection_0:
- case B.SelectionExtendDirection_1:
- if (isExtent) {
- t1 = _this._textSelectionEnd;
- t1.toString;
- targetedEdge = t1;
- } else {
- t1 = _this._textSelectionStart;
- t1.toString;
- targetedEdge = t1;
- }
- moveResult = _this._handleVerticalMovement$3$below$horizontalBaselineInParagraphCoordinates(targetedEdge, false, baselineInParagraphCoordinates);
- newPosition = moveResult.key;
- result = moveResult.value;
- break;
- case B.SelectionExtendDirection_2:
- case B.SelectionExtendDirection_3:
- t2 = _this._textSelectionEnd;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = new A.TextPosition(_this.range.end, B.TextAffinity_0);
- _this._textSelectionEnd = t2;
- targetedEdge = t2;
- } else
- targetedEdge = t2;
- t2 = _this._textSelectionStart;
- if (t2 == null) {
- _this._textSelectionStart = targetedEdge;
- targetedEdge0 = targetedEdge;
- } else
- targetedEdge0 = t2;
- newPosition = t1.getPositionForOffset$1(new A.Offset(baselineInParagraphCoordinates, t1._getOffsetForPosition$1(isExtent ? targetedEdge : targetedEdge0)._dy - t1._textPainter.get$preferredLineHeight() / 2));
- result = B.SelectionResult_2;
- break;
- default:
- newPosition = null;
- result = null;
- }
- if (isExtent)
- _this._textSelectionEnd = newPosition;
- else
- _this._textSelectionStart = newPosition;
- return result;
- },
- _handleGranularlyExtendSelection$3($forward, isExtent, granularity) {
- var targetedEdge, targetedEdge0, newPosition, result, t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._textSelectionEnd;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this.range;
- t1 = $forward ? new A.TextPosition(t1.start, B.TextAffinity_1) : new A.TextPosition(t1.end, B.TextAffinity_0);
- _this._textSelectionEnd = t1;
- targetedEdge = t1;
- } else
- targetedEdge = t1;
- t1 = _this._textSelectionStart;
- if (t1 == null) {
- _this._textSelectionStart = targetedEdge;
- targetedEdge0 = targetedEdge;
- } else
- targetedEdge0 = t1;
- targetedEdge = isExtent ? targetedEdge : targetedEdge0;
- if ($forward && targetedEdge.offset === _this.range.end)
- return B.SelectionResult_0;
- t1 = !$forward;
- if (t1 && targetedEdge.offset === _this.range.start)
- return B.SelectionResult_1;
- switch (granularity) {
- case B.TextGranularity_0:
- t1 = _this.range;
- newPosition = _this._moveBeyondTextBoundaryAtDirection$3(targetedEdge, $forward, new A.CharacterBoundary(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(_this.fullText, t1.start, t1.end)));
- result = B.SelectionResult_2;
- break;
- case B.TextGranularity_1:
- t1 = _this.paragraph._textPainter;
- t2 = t1._text_painter$_text;
- t2.toString;
- t1 = t1._paragraph;
- t1.toString;
- newPosition = _this._moveBeyondTextBoundaryAtDirection$3(targetedEdge, $forward, new A.WordBoundary(t2, t1).get$moveByWordBoundary());
- result = B.SelectionResult_2;
- break;
- case B.TextGranularity_2:
- newPosition = _this._moveToTextBoundaryAtDirection$3(targetedEdge, $forward, new A.LineBoundary(_this));
- result = B.SelectionResult_2;
- break;
- case B.TextGranularity_3:
- t2 = _this.range;
- t3 = t2.start;
- t2 = t2.end;
- newPosition = _this._moveBeyondTextBoundaryAtDirection$3(targetedEdge, $forward, new A.DocumentBoundary(B.JSString_methods.substring$2(_this.fullText, t3, t2)));
- if ($forward && newPosition.offset === t2)
- result = B.SelectionResult_0;
- else
- result = t1 && newPosition.offset === t3 ? B.SelectionResult_1 : B.SelectionResult_2;
- break;
- default:
- result = null;
- newPosition = null;
- }
- if (isExtent)
- _this._textSelectionEnd = newPosition;
- else
- _this._textSelectionStart = newPosition;
- return result;
- },
- _moveBeyondTextBoundaryAtDirection$3(end, $forward, textBoundary) {
- var newOffset,
- t1 = end.offset;
- if ($forward) {
- t1 = textBoundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt$1(t1);
- newOffset = t1 == null ? this.range.end : t1;
- } else {
- t1 = textBoundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt$1(t1 - 1);
- newOffset = t1 == null ? this.range.start : t1;
- }
- return new A.TextPosition(newOffset, B.TextAffinity_1);
- },
- _moveToTextBoundaryAtDirection$3(end, $forward, textBoundary) {
- var t1, t2, caretOffset, offset, _this = this;
- switch (end.affinity.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = end.offset;
- if (t1 < 1 && !$forward)
- return B.TextPosition_0_TextAffinity_1;
- t2 = _this.range.start;
- t1 = new A.CharacterBoundary(_this.fullText).getLeadingTextBoundaryAt$1(t2 + t1);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = t2;
- caretOffset = Math.max(0, t1) - 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- caretOffset = end.offset;
- break;
- default:
- caretOffset = null;
- }
- if ($forward) {
- t1 = textBoundary.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt$1(caretOffset);
- offset = t1 == null ? _this.range.end : t1;
- } else {
- t1 = textBoundary.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt$1(caretOffset);
- offset = t1 == null ? _this.range.start : t1;
- }
- return new A.TextPosition(offset, B.TextAffinity_1);
- },
- _handleVerticalMovement$3$below$horizontalBaselineInParagraphCoordinates(position, below, horizontalBaselineInParagraphCoordinates) {
- var t3, _i, lineMetrics, newPosition, result, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.paragraph,
- lines = t1._textPainter.computeLineMetrics$0(),
- offset = t1.getOffsetForCaret$2(position, B.Rect_0_0_0_0),
- t2 = lines.length,
- currentLine = t2 - 1;
- for (t3 = offset._dy, _i = 0; _i < lines.length; lines.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(lines), ++_i) {
- lineMetrics = lines[_i];
- if (lineMetrics.get$baseline() > t3) {
- currentLine = J.get$lineNumber$z(lineMetrics);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (below && currentLine === lines.length - 1)
- newPosition = new A.TextPosition(_this.range.end, B.TextAffinity_0);
- else if (!below && currentLine === 0)
- newPosition = new A.TextPosition(_this.range.start, B.TextAffinity_1);
- else
- newPosition = _this._clampTextPosition$1(t1.getPositionForOffset$1(new A.Offset(horizontalBaselineInParagraphCoordinates, lines[below ? currentLine + 1 : currentLine - 1].get$baseline())));
- t1 = newPosition.offset;
- t2 = _this.range;
- if (t1 === t2.start)
- result = B.SelectionResult_1;
- else
- result = t1 === t2.end ? B.SelectionResult_0 : B.SelectionResult_2;
- return new A.MapEntry(newPosition, result, type$.MapEntry_TextPosition_SelectionResult);
- },
- _positionIsWithinCurrentSelection$1(position) {
- var currentStart, currentEnd, t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this._textSelectionStart == null || _this._textSelectionEnd == null)
- return false;
- currentStart = A._Cell$named("currentStart");
- currentEnd = A._Cell$named("currentEnd");
- t1 = _this._textSelectionStart;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._textSelectionEnd;
- t2.toString;
- if (A._SelectableFragment__compareTextPositions(t1, t2) > 0) {
- currentStart.__late_helper$_value = t1;
- currentEnd.__late_helper$_value = t2;
- } else {
- currentStart.__late_helper$_value = t2;
- currentEnd.__late_helper$_value = t1;
- }
- return A._SelectableFragment__compareTextPositions(currentStart._readLocal$0(), position) >= 0 && A._SelectableFragment__compareTextPositions(currentEnd._readLocal$0(), position) <= 0;
- },
- getTransformTo$1(_, ancestor) {
- var t1 = A.Matrix4_Matrix4$translationValues(this.get$_paragraph$_rect().left, this.get$_paragraph$_rect().top, 0);
- t1.multiply$1(0, this.paragraph.getTransformTo$1(0, ancestor));
- return t1;
- },
- pushHandleLayers$2(startHandle, endHandle) {
- if (this.paragraph._node$_owner == null)
- return;
- },
- get$_paragraph$_rect() {
- var t2, t3, boxes, result, index, offset, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._cachedRect;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this.paragraph;
- t2 = _this.range;
- t3 = t2.start;
- boxes = t1.getBoxesForSelection$1(A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, t3, t2.end, false));
- if (boxes.length !== 0) {
- t1 = B.JSArray_methods.get$first(boxes);
- result = new A.Rect(t1.left, t1.top, t1.right, t1.bottom);
- for (index = 1; index < boxes.length; ++index) {
- t1 = boxes[index];
- result = result.expandToInclude$1(new A.Rect(t1.left, t1.top, t1.right, t1.bottom));
- }
- _this._cachedRect = result;
- t1 = result;
- } else {
- offset = t1._getOffsetForPosition$1(new A.TextPosition(t3, B.TextAffinity_1));
- t1 = A.Rect$fromPoints(offset, new A.Offset(offset._dx + 0, offset._dy + -t1._textPainter.get$preferredLineHeight()));
- _this._cachedRect = t1;
- }
- }
- return t1;
- },
- get$size(_) {
- var t1 = this.get$_paragraph$_rect();
- return new A.Size(t1.right - t1.left, t1.bottom - t1.top);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t2, selection, selectionPaint, _i, textBox, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._textSelectionStart;
- if (t1 == null || _this._textSelectionEnd == null)
- return;
- t2 = _this.paragraph;
- if (t2._selectionColor != null) {
- selection = A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, t1.offset, _this._textSelectionEnd.offset, false);
- selectionPaint = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- selectionPaint.set$style(0, B.PaintingStyle_0);
- t1 = t2._selectionColor;
- t1.toString;
- selectionPaint.set$color(0, t1);
- for (t1 = t2.getBoxesForSelection$1(selection), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- textBox = t1[_i];
- context.get$canvas(context).drawRect$2(new A.Rect(textBox.left, textBox.top, textBox.right, textBox.bottom).shift$1(offset), selectionPaint);
- }
- }
- A.Matrix4_Matrix4$translationValues(_this.get$_paragraph$_rect().left, _this.get$_paragraph$_rect().top, 0);
- },
- getLineAtOffset$1(position) {
- var line = this.paragraph._textPainter._paragraph.getLineBoundary$1(position),
- t1 = this.range,
- t2 = t1.start;
- t1 = t1.end;
- return A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(line.start, t2, t1), B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(line.end, t2, t1), false);
- },
- $isListenable: 1
- };
- A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.TextParentData; child != null;) {
- child.attach$1(owner);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.TextParentData; child != null;) {
- child.detach$0(0);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- }
- };
- A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.prototype = {};
- A._RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin_RelayoutWhenSystemFontsChangeMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- this.super$_RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$attach(owner);
- $.PaintingBinding__instance.PaintingBinding__systemFonts._systemFontsCallbacks.add$1(0, this.get$_scheduleSystemFontsUpdate());
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- $.PaintingBinding__instance.PaintingBinding__systemFonts._systemFontsCallbacks.remove$1(0, this.get$_scheduleSystemFontsUpdate());
- this.super$_RenderParagraph_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$detach(0);
- }
- };
- A.__SelectableFragment_Object_Selectable.prototype = {};
- A.__SelectableFragment_Object_Selectable_ChangeNotifier.prototype = {};
- A.RenderProxyBox.prototype = {};
- A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype = {
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.ParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.ParentData();
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t1.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- return 0;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, t1.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, width, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight());
- return 0;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1.getDryLayout$1(constraints);
- return this.computeSizeForNoChild$1(constraints);
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child,
- t2 = type$.BoxConstraints;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.layout$2$parentUsesSize(t2._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)), true);
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size;
- t1.toString;
- _this._size = t1;
- } else
- _this._size = _this.computeSizeForNoChild$1(t2._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)));
- },
- computeSizeForNoChild$1(constraints) {
- return new A.Size(A.clampDouble(0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight));
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.hitTest$2$position(result, position);
- return t1 === true;
- },
- applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) {
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- context.paintChild$2(t1, offset);
- }
- };
- A.HitTestBehavior.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "HitTestBehavior." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.RenderProxyBoxWithHitTestBehavior.prototype = {
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- var hitTarget, _this = this;
- if (_this._size.contains$1(0, position)) {
- hitTarget = _this.hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) || _this.behavior === B.HitTestBehavior_1;
- if (hitTarget || _this.behavior === B.HitTestBehavior_2)
- result.add$1(0, new A.BoxHitTestEntry(position, _this));
- } else
- hitTarget = false;
- return hitTarget;
- },
- hitTestSelf$1(position) {
- return this.behavior === B.HitTestBehavior_1;
- }
- };
- A.RenderConstrainedBox.prototype = {
- set$additionalConstraints(value) {
- if (this._additionalConstraints.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- this._additionalConstraints = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var width,
- t1 = this._additionalConstraints,
- t2 = t1.maxWidth;
- if (t2 < 1 / 0 && t1.minWidth >= t2)
- return t1.minWidth;
- width = this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeMinIntrinsicWidth(height);
- t1 = this._additionalConstraints;
- t2 = t1.minWidth;
- if (!(t2 >= 1 / 0))
- return A.clampDouble(width, t2, t1.maxWidth);
- return width;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var width,
- t1 = this._additionalConstraints,
- t2 = t1.maxWidth;
- if (t2 < 1 / 0 && t1.minWidth >= t2)
- return t1.minWidth;
- width = this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(height);
- t1 = this._additionalConstraints;
- t2 = t1.minWidth;
- if (!(t2 >= 1 / 0))
- return A.clampDouble(width, t2, t1.maxWidth);
- return width;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var height,
- t1 = this._additionalConstraints,
- t2 = t1.maxHeight;
- if (t2 < 1 / 0 && t1.minHeight >= t2)
- return t1.minHeight;
- height = this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeMinIntrinsicHeight(width);
- t1 = this._additionalConstraints;
- t2 = t1.minHeight;
- if (!(t2 >= 1 / 0))
- return A.clampDouble(height, t2, t1.maxHeight);
- return height;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var height,
- t1 = this._additionalConstraints,
- t2 = t1.maxHeight;
- if (t2 < 1 / 0 && t1.minHeight >= t2)
- return t1.minHeight;
- height = this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(width);
- t1 = this._additionalConstraints;
- t2 = t1.minHeight;
- if (!(t2 >= 1 / 0))
- return A.clampDouble(height, t2, t1.maxHeight);
- return height;
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var _this = this,
- constraints = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)),
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child,
- t2 = _this._additionalConstraints;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.layout$2$parentUsesSize(t2.enforce$1(constraints), true);
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size;
- t1.toString;
- _this._size = t1;
- } else
- _this._size = t2.enforce$1(constraints).constrain$1(B.Size_0_0);
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child,
- t2 = this._additionalConstraints;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1.getDryLayout$1(t2.enforce$1(constraints));
- else
- return t2.enforce$1(constraints).constrain$1(B.Size_0_0);
- }
- };
- A.RenderLimitedBox.prototype = {
- set$maxWidth(_, value) {
- if (this._maxWidth === value)
- return;
- this._maxWidth = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$maxHeight(_, value) {
- if (this._maxHeight === value)
- return;
- this._maxHeight = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- _limitConstraints$1(constraints) {
- var t3, t4,
- t1 = constraints.minWidth,
- t2 = constraints.maxWidth;
- t2 = t2 < 1 / 0 ? t2 : A.clampDouble(this._maxWidth, t1, t2);
- t3 = constraints.minHeight;
- t4 = constraints.maxHeight;
- return new A.BoxConstraints(t1, t2, t3, t4 < 1 / 0 ? t4 : A.clampDouble(this._maxHeight, t3, t4));
- },
- _computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, layoutChild) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return constraints.constrain$1(layoutChild.call$2(t1, this._limitConstraints$1(constraints)));
- return this._limitConstraints$1(constraints).constrain$1(B.Size_0_0);
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return this._computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild$closure());
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- this._size = this._computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this)), A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild$closure());
- }
- };
- A.RenderAspectRatio.prototype = {
- set$aspectRatio(_, value) {
- if (this._aspectRatio === value)
- return;
- this._aspectRatio = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1;
- if (isFinite(height))
- return height * this._aspectRatio;
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t1.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1;
- if (isFinite(height))
- return height * this._aspectRatio;
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- return 0;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1;
- if (isFinite(width))
- return width / this._aspectRatio;
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, t1.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1;
- if (isFinite(width))
- return width / this._aspectRatio;
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, width, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight());
- return 0;
- },
- _applyAspectRatio$1(constraints) {
- var t1, height, width1, height0,
- width = constraints.minWidth,
- width0 = constraints.maxWidth;
- if (width >= width0 && constraints.minHeight >= constraints.maxHeight)
- return new A.Size(A.clampDouble(0, width, width0), A.clampDouble(0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight));
- t1 = this._aspectRatio;
- if (isFinite(width0)) {
- height = width0 / t1;
- width1 = width0;
- } else {
- height = constraints.maxHeight;
- width1 = height * t1;
- }
- if (width1 > width0)
- height = width0 / t1;
- else
- width0 = width1;
- height0 = constraints.maxHeight;
- if (height > height0) {
- width0 = height0 * t1;
- height = height0;
- }
- if (width0 < width)
- height = width / t1;
- else
- width = width0;
- height0 = constraints.minHeight;
- if (height < height0) {
- width = height0 * t1;
- height = height0;
- }
- return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(width, height));
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return this._applyAspectRatio$1(constraints);
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._applyAspectRatio$1(type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)));
- _this._size = t1;
- t2 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t2 != null)
- t2.layout$1(A.BoxConstraints$tight(t1));
- }
- };
- A.RenderIntrinsicWidth.prototype = {
- set$stepWidth(value) {
- if (value == this._stepWidth)
- return;
- this._stepWidth = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$stepHeight(value) {
- return;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- return this.computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height);
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 == null)
- return 0;
- return A.RenderIntrinsicWidth__applyStep(t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth()), this._stepWidth);
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child == null)
- return 0;
- if (!isFinite(width))
- width = _this.computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(1 / 0);
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- return A.RenderIntrinsicWidth__applyStep(t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, t1.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight()), _this._stepHeight);
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child == null)
- return 0;
- if (!isFinite(width))
- width = _this.computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(1 / 0);
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- return A.RenderIntrinsicWidth__applyStep(t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, width, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight()), _this._stepHeight);
- },
- _computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, layoutChild) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null) {
- if (!(constraints.minWidth >= constraints.maxWidth))
- constraints = constraints.tighten$1$width(A.RenderIntrinsicWidth__applyStep(t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, constraints.maxHeight, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth()), this._stepWidth));
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t1.toString;
- return layoutChild.call$2(t1, constraints);
- } else
- return new A.Size(A.clampDouble(0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight));
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return this._computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild$closure());
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- this._size = this._computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this)), A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild$closure());
- }
- };
- A.RenderIntrinsicHeight.prototype = {
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 == null)
- return 0;
- if (!isFinite(height))
- height = t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, 1 / 0, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight());
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- return t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t1.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 == null)
- return 0;
- if (!isFinite(height))
- height = t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, 1 / 0, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight());
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- return t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return this.computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width);
- },
- _computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, layoutChild) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null) {
- if (!(constraints.minHeight >= constraints.maxHeight))
- constraints = constraints.tighten$1$height(t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, constraints.maxWidth, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight()));
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t1.toString;
- return layoutChild.call$2(t1, constraints);
- } else
- return new A.Size(A.clampDouble(0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight));
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return this._computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild$closure());
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- this._size = this._computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this)), A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild$closure());
- }
- };
- A.RenderOpacity.prototype = {
- get$alwaysNeedsCompositing() {
- return this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null && this._alpha > 0;
- },
- get$isRepaintBoundary() {
- return this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null && this._alpha > 0;
- },
- set$opacity(_, value) {
- var t1, didNeedCompositing, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (_this._proxy_box$_opacity === value)
- return;
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null;
- didNeedCompositing = t1 && _this._alpha > 0;
- t2 = _this._alpha;
- _this._proxy_box$_opacity = value;
- t3 = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(A.clampDouble0(value, 0, 1) * 255);
- _this._alpha = t3;
- if (didNeedCompositing !== (t1 && t3 > 0))
- _this.markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate$0();
- _this.markNeedsCompositedLayerUpdate$0();
- if (t2 !== 0 !== (_this._alpha !== 0) && true)
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$alwaysIncludeSemantics(value) {
- return;
- },
- paintsChild$1(child) {
- return this._alpha > 0;
- },
- updateCompositedLayer$1$oldLayer(oldLayer) {
- var layer = oldLayer == null ? A.OpacityLayer$(null) : oldLayer;
- layer.set$alpha(0, this._alpha);
- return layer;
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- if (this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child == null || this._alpha === 0)
- return;
- this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, offset);
- },
- visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- t2 = this._alpha !== 0 || false;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t1.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t1);
- }
- }
- };
- A.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin.prototype = {
- get$isRepaintBoundary() {
- if (this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null) {
- var t1 = this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__currentlyIsRepaintBoundary;
- t1.toString;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- updateCompositedLayer$1$oldLayer(oldLayer) {
- var updatedLayer = oldLayer == null ? A.OpacityLayer$(null) : oldLayer;
- updatedLayer.set$alpha(0, this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alpha);
- return updatedLayer;
- },
- set$opacity(_, value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__opacity;
- if (t1 === value)
- return;
- if (_this._node$_owner != null && t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateOpacity());
- _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__opacity = value;
- if (_this._node$_owner != null)
- value.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateOpacity());
- _this._updateOpacity$0();
- },
- set$alwaysIncludeSemantics(value) {
- if (false === this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alwaysIncludeSemantics)
- return;
- this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alwaysIncludeSemantics = false;
- this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- _updateOpacity$0() {
- var wasRepaintBoundary, _this = this,
- oldAlpha = _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alpha,
- t1 = _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__opacity;
- t1 = _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alpha = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(A.clampDouble0(t1.get$value(t1), 0, 1) * 255);
- if (oldAlpha !== t1) {
- wasRepaintBoundary = _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__currentlyIsRepaintBoundary;
- t1 = t1 > 0;
- _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__currentlyIsRepaintBoundary = t1;
- if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null && wasRepaintBoundary !== t1)
- _this.markNeedsCompositingBitsUpdate$0();
- _this.markNeedsCompositedLayerUpdate$0();
- if (oldAlpha === 0 || _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alpha === 0)
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- }
- },
- paintsChild$1(child) {
- var t1 = this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__opacity;
- return t1.get$value(t1) > 0;
- },
- visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- if (this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alpha === 0) {
- t2 = this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alwaysIncludeSemantics;
- t2.toString;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t1.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t1);
- }
- }
- };
- A.RenderAnimatedOpacity.prototype = {};
- A.RenderShaderMask.prototype = {
- set$shaderCallback(value) {
- if (J.$eq$(this._shaderCallback, value))
- return;
- this._shaderCallback = value;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- set$blendMode(value) {
- if (this._blendMode === value)
- return;
- this._blendMode = value;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- get$alwaysNeedsCompositing() {
- return this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null;
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this;
- if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null) {
- t1 = type$.nullable_ShaderMaskLayer;
- if (t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$layer.call(_this, _this)) == null)
- _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, new A.ShaderMaskLayer(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.void_Function), A.LayerHandle$(type$.Layer)));
- t2 = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$layer.call(_this, _this));
- t2.toString;
- t3 = _this._size;
- t4 = t3._dx;
- t3 = t3._dy;
- t3 = _this._shaderCallback.call$1(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t4, 0 + t3));
- if (t3 != t2._shader) {
- t2._shader = t3;
- t2.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- }
- t3 = _this._size;
- t4 = offset._dx;
- t5 = offset._dy;
- t3 = new A.Rect(t4, t5, t4 + t3._dx, t5 + t3._dy);
- if (!t3.$eq(0, t2._maskRect)) {
- t2._maskRect = t3;
- t2.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- }
- t3 = _this._blendMode;
- if (t3 !== t2._layer$_blendMode) {
- t2._layer$_blendMode = t3;
- t2.markNeedsAddToScene$0();
- }
- t1 = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$layer.call(_this, _this));
- t1.toString;
- context.pushLayer$3(t1, A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype.get$paint.call(_this), offset);
- } else
- _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- }
- };
- A.CustomClipper.prototype = {
- addListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1 = this._reclip;
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.parent.addListener$1(0, listener);
- },
- removeListener$1(_, listener) {
- var t1 = this._reclip;
- return t1 == null ? null : t1.parent.removeListener$1(0, listener);
- },
- getApproximateClipRect$1(size) {
- return new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + size._dx, 0 + size._dy);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "CustomClipper";
- }
- };
- A.ShapeBorderClipper.prototype = {
- getClip$1(size) {
- return this.shape.getOuterPath$2$textDirection(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + size._dx, 0 + size._dy), this.textDirection);
- },
- shouldReclip$1(oldClipper) {
- if (A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(oldClipper) !== B.Type_ShapeBorderClipper_QWG)
- return true;
- type$.ShapeBorderClipper._as(oldClipper);
- return !oldClipper.shape.$eq(0, this.shape) || oldClipper.textDirection != this.textDirection;
- }
- };
- A._RenderCustomClip.prototype = {
- set$clipper(newClipper) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._clipper;
- if (t1 == newClipper)
- return;
- _this._clipper = newClipper;
- t2 = newClipper == null;
- if (t2 || t1 == null || A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(newClipper) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(t1) || newClipper.shouldReclip$1(t1))
- _this._markNeedsClip$0();
- if (_this._node$_owner != null) {
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_markNeedsClip());
- if (!t2)
- newClipper.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_markNeedsClip());
- }
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- var t1;
- this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$attach(owner);
- t1 = this._clipper;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.addListener$1(0, this.get$_markNeedsClip());
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var t1 = this._clipper;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, this.get$_markNeedsClip());
- this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$detach(0);
- },
- _markNeedsClip$0() {
- this._clip = null;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$clipBehavior(value) {
- if (value !== this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior) {
- this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior = value;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- }
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t1, _this = this,
- oldSize = _this._size;
- oldSize = oldSize != null ? oldSize : null;
- _this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$performLayout();
- t1 = _this._size;
- t1.toString;
- if (!J.$eq$(oldSize, t1))
- _this._clip = null;
- },
- _updateClip$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this._clip == null) {
- t1 = _this._clipper;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t2 = _this._size;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = t1.getClip$1(t2);
- t1 = t2;
- }
- _this._clip = t1 == null ? _this.get$_defaultClip() : t1;
- }
- },
- describeApproximatePaintClip$1(child) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- switch (_this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior.index) {
- case 0:
- return null;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 3:
- t1 = _this._clipper;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t2 = _this._size;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = t1.getApproximateClipRect$1(t2);
- t1 = t2;
- }
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this._size;
- t1 = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy);
- }
- return t1;
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._debugText = null;
- this.super$RenderObject$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.RenderClipRect.prototype = {
- get$_defaultClip() {
- var t1 = this._size;
- return new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy);
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._clipper != null) {
- _this._updateClip$0();
- if (!_this._clip.contains$1(0, position))
- return false;
- }
- return _this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = _this._layerHandle;
- if (_this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0) {
- _this._updateClip$0();
- t1 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = _this._clip;
- t3.toString;
- t2.set$layer(0, context.pushClipRect$6$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, offset, t3, A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype.get$paint.call(_this), _this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior, type$.nullable_ClipRectLayer._as(t2._layer)));
- } else {
- context.paintChild$2(t1, offset);
- t2.set$layer(0, null);
- }
- } else
- _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- }
- };
- A.RenderClipRRect.prototype = {
- set$borderRadius(_, value) {
- if (this._proxy_box$_borderRadius.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- this._proxy_box$_borderRadius = value;
- this._markNeedsClip$0();
- },
- set$textDirection(value) {
- if (this._textDirection == value)
- return;
- this._textDirection = value;
- this._markNeedsClip$0();
- },
- get$_defaultClip() {
- var t1 = this._proxy_box$_borderRadius,
- t2 = this._size;
- return t1.toRRect$1(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t2._dx, 0 + t2._dy));
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._clipper != null) {
- _this._updateClip$0();
- if (!_this._clip.contains$1(0, position))
- return false;
- }
- return _this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = _this._layerHandle;
- if (_this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0) {
- _this._updateClip$0();
- t1 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = _this._clip;
- t2.set$layer(0, context.pushClipRRect$7$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, offset, new A.Rect(t3.left, t3.top, t3.right, t3.bottom), t3, A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype.get$paint.call(_this), _this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior, type$.nullable_ClipRRectLayer._as(t2._layer)));
- } else {
- context.paintChild$2(t1, offset);
- t2.set$layer(0, null);
- }
- } else
- _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- }
- };
- A.RenderClipPath.prototype = {
- get$_defaultClip() {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0(),
- t2 = this._size;
- t1.addRect$1(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t2._dx, 0 + t2._dy));
- return t1;
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._clipper != null) {
- _this._updateClip$0();
- if (!_this._clip.contains$1(0, position))
- return false;
- }
- return _this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = _this._layerHandle;
- if (_this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0) {
- _this._updateClip$0();
- t1 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = _this._size;
- t4 = t3._dx;
- t3 = t3._dy;
- t5 = _this._clip;
- t5.toString;
- t2.set$layer(0, context.pushClipPath$7$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, offset, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t4, 0 + t3), t5, A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype.get$paint.call(_this), _this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior, type$.nullable_ClipPathLayer._as(t2._layer)));
- } else {
- context.paintChild$2(t1, offset);
- t2.set$layer(0, null);
- }
- } else
- _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- }
- };
- A._RenderPhysicalModelBase.prototype = {
- set$elevation(_, value) {
- if (this._proxy_box$_elevation === value)
- return;
- this._proxy_box$_elevation = value;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- set$shadowColor(_, value) {
- if (this._proxy_box$_shadowColor.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- this._proxy_box$_shadowColor = value;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- set$color(_, value) {
- if (this._proxy_box$_color.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- this._proxy_box$_color = value;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) {
- this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config);
- config.set$elevation(0, this._proxy_box$_elevation);
- }
- };
- A.RenderPhysicalModel.prototype = {
- set$shape(_, value) {
- if (this._shape === value)
- return;
- this._shape = value;
- this._markNeedsClip$0();
- },
- set$borderRadius(_, value) {
- if (J.$eq$(this._proxy_box$_borderRadius, value))
- return;
- this._proxy_box$_borderRadius = value;
- this._markNeedsClip$0();
- },
- get$_defaultClip() {
- var t3, t4,
- t1 = this._size,
- t2 = 0 + t1._dx;
- t1 = 0 + t1._dy;
- switch (this._shape.index) {
- case 0:
- t3 = this._proxy_box$_borderRadius;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = B.BorderRadius_tLn;
- return t3.toRRect$1(new A.Rect(0, 0, t2, t1));
- case 1:
- t3 = (t2 - 0) / 2;
- t4 = (t1 - 0) / 2;
- return new A.RRect(0, 0, t2, t1, t3, t4, t3, t4, t3, t4, t3, t4, t3 === t4);
- }
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._clipper != null) {
- _this._updateClip$0();
- if (!_this._clip.contains$1(0, position))
- return false;
- }
- return _this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var offsetRRect, t1, offsetRRectAsPath, canvas, t2, t3, t4, usesSaveLayer, t5, t6, _this = this;
- if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child == null) {
- _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- return;
- }
- _this._updateClip$0();
- offsetRRect = _this._clip.shift$1(offset);
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer();
- offsetRRectAsPath = t1.createPath$0();
- offsetRRectAsPath.addRRect$1(offsetRRect);
- canvas = context.get$canvas(context);
- if (_this._proxy_box$_elevation !== 0 && true) {
- canvas.drawRect$2(new A.Rect(offsetRRect.left, offsetRRect.top, offsetRRect.right, offsetRRect.bottom).inflate$1(20), $.$get$_transparentPaint());
- t2 = _this._proxy_box$_shadowColor;
- t3 = _this._proxy_box$_elevation;
- t4 = _this._proxy_box$_color;
- canvas.drawShadow$4(offsetRRectAsPath, t2, t3, (t4.get$value(t4) >>> 24 & 255) !== 255);
- }
- usesSaveLayer = _this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior === B.Clip_3;
- if (!usesSaveLayer) {
- t1 = t1.createPaint$0();
- t1.set$color(0, _this._proxy_box$_color);
- canvas.drawRRect$2(offsetRRect, t1);
- }
- t1 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this._size;
- t3 = t2._dx;
- t2 = t2._dy;
- t4 = _this._clip;
- t4.toString;
- t5 = _this._layerHandle;
- t6 = type$.nullable_ClipRRectLayer._as(t5._layer);
- t5.set$layer(0, context.pushClipRRect$7$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, offset, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t3, 0 + t2), t4, new A.RenderPhysicalModel_paint_closure(_this, usesSaveLayer), _this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior, t6));
- }
- };
- A.RenderPhysicalModel_paint_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (this.usesSaveLayer) {
- t1 = context.get$canvas(context);
- t2 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t2.set$color(0, this.$this._proxy_box$_color);
- t1.drawPaint$1(t2);
- }
- this.$this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, offset);
- },
- $signature: 7
- };
- A.RenderPhysicalShape.prototype = {
- get$_defaultClip() {
- var t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPath$0(),
- t2 = this._size;
- t1.addRect$1(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t2._dx, 0 + t2._dy));
- return t1;
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._clipper != null) {
- _this._updateClip$0();
- if (!_this._clip.contains$1(0, position))
- return false;
- }
- return _this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, offsetPath, canvas, usesSaveLayer, t5, t6, _this = this;
- if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child == null) {
- _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- return;
- }
- _this._updateClip$0();
- t1 = _this._size;
- t2 = offset._dx;
- t3 = offset._dy;
- t4 = t1._dx;
- t1 = t1._dy;
- offsetPath = _this._clip.shift$1(offset);
- canvas = context.get$canvas(context);
- if (_this._proxy_box$_elevation !== 0 && true) {
- canvas.drawRect$2(new A.Rect(t2, t3, t2 + t4, t3 + t1).inflate$1(20), $.$get$_transparentPaint());
- t1 = _this._proxy_box$_shadowColor;
- t2 = _this._proxy_box$_elevation;
- t3 = _this._proxy_box$_color;
- canvas.drawShadow$4(offsetPath, t1, t2, (t3.get$value(t3) >>> 24 & 255) !== 255);
- }
- usesSaveLayer = _this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior === B.Clip_3;
- if (!usesSaveLayer) {
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t1.set$color(0, _this._proxy_box$_color);
- canvas.drawPath$2(offsetPath, t1);
- }
- t1 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = _this._size;
- t3 = t2._dx;
- t2 = t2._dy;
- t4 = _this._clip;
- t4.toString;
- t5 = _this._layerHandle;
- t6 = type$.nullable_ClipPathLayer._as(t5._layer);
- t5.set$layer(0, context.pushClipPath$7$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, offset, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t3, 0 + t2), t4, new A.RenderPhysicalShape_paint_closure(_this, usesSaveLayer), _this._proxy_box$_clipBehavior, t6));
- }
- };
- A.RenderPhysicalShape_paint_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (this.usesSaveLayer) {
- t1 = context.get$canvas(context);
- t2 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t2.set$color(0, this.$this._proxy_box$_color);
- t1.drawPaint$1(t2);
- }
- this.$this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, offset);
- },
- $signature: 7
- };
- A.DecorationPosition.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "DecorationPosition." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.RenderDecoratedBox.prototype = {
- set$decoration(value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (value.$eq(0, _this._proxy_box$_decoration))
- return;
- t1 = _this._painter;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this._painter = null;
- _this._proxy_box$_decoration = value;
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- set$position(_, value) {
- if (value === this._proxy_box$_position)
- return;
- this._proxy_box$_position = value;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- set$configuration(value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._proxy_box$_configuration))
- return;
- this._proxy_box$_configuration = value;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._painter;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- _this._painter = null;
- _this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$detach(0);
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- hitTestSelf$1(position) {
- var t1 = this._proxy_box$_decoration,
- t2 = this._size;
- t2.toString;
- return t1.hitTest$3$textDirection(t2, position, this._proxy_box$_configuration.textDirection);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2, filledConfiguration, _this = this;
- if (_this._painter == null)
- _this._painter = _this._proxy_box$_decoration.createBoxPainter$1(_this.get$markNeedsPaint());
- t1 = _this._proxy_box$_configuration;
- t2 = _this._size;
- t2.toString;
- filledConfiguration = t1.copyWith$1$size(t2);
- if (_this._proxy_box$_position === B.DecorationPosition_0) {
- t1 = _this._painter;
- t1.toString;
- t1.paint$3(context.get$canvas(context), offset, filledConfiguration);
- if (_this._proxy_box$_decoration.get$isComplex())
- context.setIsComplexHint$0();
- }
- _this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, offset);
- if (_this._proxy_box$_position === B.DecorationPosition_1) {
- t1 = _this._painter;
- t1.toString;
- t1.paint$3(context.get$canvas(context), offset, filledConfiguration);
- if (_this._proxy_box$_decoration.get$isComplex())
- context.setIsComplexHint$0();
- }
- }
- };
- A.RenderTransform.prototype = {
- set$origin(_, value) {
- return;
- },
- set$alignment(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (J.$eq$(_this._proxy_box$_alignment, value))
- return;
- _this._proxy_box$_alignment = value;
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$textDirection(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._textDirection == value)
- return;
- _this._textDirection = value;
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- get$alwaysNeedsCompositing() {
- return false;
- },
- set$transform(_, value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (J.$eq$(_this._proxy_box$_transform, value))
- return;
- t1 = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- t1.setFrom$1(value);
- _this._proxy_box$_transform = t1;
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$filterQuality(value) {
- return;
- },
- get$_effectiveTransform() {
- var result, translation, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._proxy_box$_alignment,
- resolvedAlignment = t1 == null ? null : t1.resolve$1(_this._textDirection);
- if (resolvedAlignment == null)
- return _this._proxy_box$_transform;
- result = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- result.setIdentity$0();
- t1 = _this._size;
- t1.toString;
- translation = resolvedAlignment.alongSize$1(t1);
- result.translate$2(0, translation._dx, translation._dy);
- t1 = _this._proxy_box$_transform;
- t1.toString;
- result.multiply$1(0, t1);
- result.translate$2(0, -translation._dx, -translation._dy);
- return result;
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- return this.hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position);
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var t1 = this.transformHitTests ? this.get$_effectiveTransform() : null;
- return result.addWithPaintTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(new A.RenderTransform_hitTestChildren_closure(this), position, t1);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, childOffset, det, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this;
- if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null) {
- t1 = _this.get$_effectiveTransform();
- t1.toString;
- childOffset = A.MatrixUtils_getAsTranslation(t1);
- if (childOffset == null) {
- det = t1.determinant$0();
- if (det === 0 || !isFinite(det)) {
- _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- return;
- }
- t2 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype.get$paint.call(_this);
- t4 = _this._layerHandle;
- t5 = t4._layer;
- t4.set$layer(0, context.pushTransform$5$oldLayer(t2, offset, t1, t3, t5 instanceof A.TransformLayer ? t5 : null));
- } else {
- _this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, offset.$add(0, childOffset));
- _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- }
- }
- },
- applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) {
- var t1 = this.get$_effectiveTransform();
- t1.toString;
- transform.multiply$1(0, t1);
- }
- };
- A.RenderTransform_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, position) {
- return this.$this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$hitTestChildren(result, position);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A.RenderFractionalTranslation.prototype = {
- set$translation(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._translation.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- _this._translation = value;
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- return this.hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position);
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this.transformHitTests) {
- t1 = _this._translation;
- t2 = _this._size;
- t2 = new A.Offset(t1._dx * t2._dx, t1._dy * t2._dy);
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = null;
- return result.addWithPaintOffset$3$hitTest$offset$position(new A.RenderFractionalTranslation_hitTestChildren_closure(_this), t1, position);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null) {
- t1 = _this._translation;
- t2 = _this._size;
- _this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, new A.Offset(offset._dx + t1._dx * t2._dx, offset._dy + t1._dy * t2._dy));
- }
- },
- applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) {
- var t1 = this._translation,
- t2 = this._size;
- transform.translate$2(0, t1._dx * t2._dx, t1._dy * t2._dy);
- }
- };
- A.RenderFractionalTranslation_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, position) {
- return this.$this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$hitTestChildren(result, position);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A.RenderPointerListener.prototype = {
- computeSizeForNoChild$1(constraints) {
- return new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight));
- },
- handleEvent$2($event, entry) {
- var t1, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (type$.PointerDownEvent._is($event)) {
- t1 = _this.onPointerDown;
- return t1 == null ? _null : t1.call$1($event);
- }
- if (type$.PointerMoveEvent._is($event)) {
- t1 = _this.onPointerMove;
- return t1 == null ? _null : t1.call$1($event);
- }
- if (type$.PointerUpEvent._is($event)) {
- t1 = _this.onPointerUp;
- return t1 == null ? _null : t1.call$1($event);
- }
- if (type$.PointerHoverEvent._is($event))
- return _null;
- if (type$.PointerCancelEvent._is($event)) {
- t1 = _this.onPointerCancel;
- return t1 == null ? _null : t1.call$1($event);
- }
- if (type$.PointerPanZoomStartEvent._is($event)) {
- t1 = _this.onPointerPanZoomStart;
- return t1 == null ? _null : t1.call$1($event);
- }
- if (type$.PointerPanZoomUpdateEvent._is($event)) {
- t1 = _this.onPointerPanZoomUpdate;
- return t1 == null ? _null : t1.call$1($event);
- }
- if (type$.PointerPanZoomEndEvent._is($event))
- return _null;
- if (type$.PointerSignalEvent._is($event)) {
- t1 = _this.onPointerSignal;
- return t1 == null ? _null : t1.call$1($event);
- }
- }
- };
- A.RenderMouseRegion.prototype = {
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- return this.super$RenderProxyBoxWithHitTestBehavior$hitTest(result, position) && true;
- },
- handleEvent$2($event, entry) {
- var t1 = this.onHover;
- if (t1 != null && type$.PointerHoverEvent._is($event))
- return t1.call$1($event);
- },
- get$cursor(_) {
- return this._cursor;
- },
- get$validForMouseTracker() {
- return this._validForMouseTracker;
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$attach(owner);
- this._validForMouseTracker = true;
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- this._validForMouseTracker = false;
- this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$detach(0);
- },
- computeSizeForNoChild$1(constraints) {
- return new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight));
- },
- $isMouseTrackerAnnotation: 1,
- get$onEnter(receiver) {
- return this.onEnter;
- },
- get$onExit(receiver) {
- return this.onExit;
- }
- };
- A.RenderRepaintBoundary.prototype = {
- get$isRepaintBoundary() {
- return true;
- }
- };
- A.RenderIgnorePointer.prototype = {
- set$ignoring(value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (value === _this._ignoring)
- return;
- _this._ignoring = value;
- t1 = _this._ignoringSemantics;
- if (t1 == null || !t1)
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$ignoringSemantics(value) {
- var _this = this,
- oldEffectiveValue = _this._ignoringSemantics;
- if (value == oldEffectiveValue)
- return;
- if (oldEffectiveValue == null)
- oldEffectiveValue = _this._ignoring;
- _this._ignoringSemantics = value;
- if (oldEffectiveValue !== (value == null ? _this._ignoring : value))
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- return !this._ignoring && this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position);
- },
- visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = this._ignoringSemantics;
- t2 = !(t2 == null ? this._ignoring : t2);
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t1.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t1);
- }
- }
- };
- A.RenderOffstage.prototype = {
- set$offstage(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (value === _this._offstage)
- return;
- _this._offstage = value;
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- _this.markParentNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- if (this._offstage)
- return 0;
- return this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeMinIntrinsicWidth(height);
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- if (this._offstage)
- return 0;
- return this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth(height);
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- if (this._offstage)
- return 0;
- return this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeMinIntrinsicHeight(width);
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- if (this._offstage)
- return 0;
- return this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight(width);
- },
- computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- if (this._offstage)
- return null;
- return this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeDistanceToActualBaseline(baseline);
- },
- get$sizedByParent() {
- return this._offstage;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- if (this._offstage)
- return new A.Size(A.clampDouble(0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight));
- return this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$computeDryLayout(constraints);
- },
- performResize$0() {
- this.super$RenderBox$performResize();
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._offstage) {
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.layout$1(type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)));
- } else
- _this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$performLayout();
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- return !this._offstage && this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position);
- },
- paintsChild$1(child) {
- return !this._offstage;
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- if (this._offstage)
- return;
- this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, offset);
- },
- visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) {
- if (this._offstage)
- return;
- this.super$RenderObject$visitChildrenForSemantics(visitor);
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$0() {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 == null)
- return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode);
- return A._setArrayType([A.DiagnosticableTreeNode$("child", this._offstage ? B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_2 : B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_1, t1)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode);
- }
- };
- A.RenderAbsorbPointer.prototype = {
- set$absorbing(value) {
- if (this._absorbing === value)
- return;
- this._absorbing = value;
- this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$ignoringSemantics(value) {
- return;
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- return this._absorbing ? this._size.contains$1(0, position) : this.super$RenderBox$hitTest(result, position);
- },
- visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = this._ignoringSemantics;
- t3 = this._absorbing;
- t2 = !t3;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t1.toString;
- visitor.call$1(t1);
- }
- }
- };
- A.RenderSemanticsGestureHandler.prototype = {
- set$validActions(value) {
- if (A.setEquals(value, this._validActions))
- return;
- this._validActions = value;
- this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$onTap(value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (J.$eq$(_this._proxy_box$_onTap, value))
- return;
- t1 = _this._proxy_box$_onTap;
- _this._proxy_box$_onTap = value;
- if (value != null !== (t1 != null))
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$onLongPress(value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (J.$eq$(_this._onLongPress, value))
- return;
- t1 = _this._onLongPress;
- _this._onLongPress = value;
- if (value != null !== (t1 != null))
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$onHorizontalDragUpdate(value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (J.$eq$(_this._onHorizontalDragUpdate, value))
- return;
- t1 = _this._onHorizontalDragUpdate;
- _this._onHorizontalDragUpdate = value;
- if (value != null !== (t1 != null))
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$onVerticalDragUpdate(value) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (J.$eq$(_this._onVerticalDragUpdate, value))
- return;
- t1 = _this._onVerticalDragUpdate;
- _this._onVerticalDragUpdate = value;
- if (value != null !== (t1 != null))
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config);
- if (_this._proxy_box$_onTap != null) {
- t1 = _this._validActions;
- t1 = t1 == null || t1.contains$1(0, B.SemanticsAction_1);
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- config.set$onTap(_this._proxy_box$_onTap);
- if (_this._onLongPress != null) {
- t1 = _this._validActions;
- t1 = t1 == null || t1.contains$1(0, B.SemanticsAction_2);
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- config.set$onLongPress(_this._onLongPress);
- if (_this._onHorizontalDragUpdate != null) {
- t1 = _this._validActions;
- if (t1 == null || t1.contains$1(0, B.SemanticsAction_8))
- config.set$onScrollRight(_this.get$_performSemanticScrollRight());
- t1 = _this._validActions;
- if (t1 == null || t1.contains$1(0, B.SemanticsAction_4))
- config.set$onScrollLeft(_this.get$_performSemanticScrollLeft());
- }
- if (_this._onVerticalDragUpdate != null) {
- t1 = _this._validActions;
- if (t1 == null || t1.contains$1(0, B.SemanticsAction_16))
- config.set$onScrollUp(_this.get$_performSemanticScrollUp());
- t1 = _this._validActions;
- if (t1 == null || t1.contains$1(0, B.SemanticsAction_32))
- config.set$onScrollDown(_this.get$_performSemanticScrollDown());
- }
- },
- _performSemanticScrollLeft$0() {
- var t2, primaryDelta,
- t1 = this._onHorizontalDragUpdate;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = this._size;
- primaryDelta = t2._dx * -0.8;
- t2 = t2.center$1(B.Offset_0_0);
- t2 = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(this.getTransformTo$1(0, null), t2);
- t1.call$1(new A.DragUpdateDetails(null, new A.Offset(primaryDelta, 0), primaryDelta, t2, t2));
- }
- },
- _performSemanticScrollRight$0() {
- var t2, primaryDelta,
- t1 = this._onHorizontalDragUpdate;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = this._size;
- primaryDelta = t2._dx * 0.8;
- t2 = t2.center$1(B.Offset_0_0);
- t2 = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(this.getTransformTo$1(0, null), t2);
- t1.call$1(new A.DragUpdateDetails(null, new A.Offset(primaryDelta, 0), primaryDelta, t2, t2));
- }
- },
- _performSemanticScrollUp$0() {
- var t2, primaryDelta,
- t1 = this._onVerticalDragUpdate;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = this._size;
- primaryDelta = t2._dy * -0.8;
- t2 = t2.center$1(B.Offset_0_0);
- t2 = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(this.getTransformTo$1(0, null), t2);
- t1.call$1(new A.DragUpdateDetails(null, new A.Offset(0, primaryDelta), primaryDelta, t2, t2));
- }
- },
- _performSemanticScrollDown$0() {
- var t2, primaryDelta,
- t1 = this._onVerticalDragUpdate;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = this._size;
- primaryDelta = t2._dy * 0.8;
- t2 = t2.center$1(B.Offset_0_0);
- t2 = A.MatrixUtils_transformPoint(this.getTransformTo$1(0, null), t2);
- t1.call$1(new A.DragUpdateDetails(null, new A.Offset(0, primaryDelta), primaryDelta, t2, t2));
- }
- }
- };
- A.RenderSemanticsAnnotations.prototype = {
- set$properties(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._properties === value)
- return;
- _this._properties = value;
- _this._updateAttributedFields$1(value);
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$container(value) {
- if (this._container === value)
- return;
- this._container = value;
- this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$explicitChildNodes(value) {
- if (this._explicitChildNodes === value)
- return;
- this._explicitChildNodes = value;
- this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- set$excludeSemantics(value) {
- if (this._excludeSemantics === value)
- return;
- this._excludeSemantics = value;
- this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- _updateAttributedFields$1(value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = value.attributedLabel;
- t1 = value.label;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : new A.AttributedString(t1, B.List_empty2);
- _this._attributedLabel = t1;
- t1 = value.attributedValue;
- t1 = value.value;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : new A.AttributedString(t1, B.List_empty2);
- _this._attributedValue = t1;
- _this._attributedIncreasedValue = null;
- _this._attributedDecreasedValue = null;
- _this._attributedHint = null;
- },
- set$textDirection(value) {
- if (this._textDirection == value)
- return;
- this._textDirection = value;
- this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) {
- if (this._excludeSemantics)
- return;
- this.super$RenderObject$visitChildrenForSemantics(visitor);
- },
- describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config);
- config._isSemanticBoundary = _this._container;
- config.explicitChildNodes = _this._explicitChildNodes;
- t1 = _this._properties.enabled;
- if (t1 != null) {
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_64, true);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_128, t1);
- }
- t1 = _this._properties.checked;
- if (t1 != null) {
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_1, true);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_2, t1);
- }
- t1 = _this._properties.mixed;
- if (t1 != null) {
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_1, true);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_33554432, t1);
- }
- t1 = _this._properties.toggled;
- if (t1 != null) {
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_65536, true);
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_131072, t1);
- }
- t1 = _this._properties.selected;
- if (t1 != null)
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_4, t1);
- t1 = _this._properties.button;
- if (t1 != null)
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_8, t1);
- t1 = _this._properties.header;
- if (t1 != null)
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_512, t1);
- t1 = _this._properties.focusable;
- if (t1 != null)
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_2097152, t1);
- t1 = _this._properties.focused;
- if (t1 != null)
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_32, t1);
- t1 = _this._properties.inMutuallyExclusiveGroup;
- if (t1 != null)
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_256, t1);
- t1 = _this._attributedLabel;
- if (t1 != null) {
- config._semantics$_attributedLabel = t1;
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- }
- t1 = _this._attributedValue;
- if (t1 != null) {
- config._semantics$_attributedValue = t1;
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- }
- t1 = _this._attributedIncreasedValue;
- if (t1 != null) {
- config._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = t1;
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- }
- t1 = _this._attributedDecreasedValue;
- if (t1 != null) {
- config._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = t1;
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- }
- t1 = _this._attributedHint;
- if (t1 != null) {
- config._semantics$_attributedHint = t1;
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- }
- t1 = _this._properties;
- t2 = t1.tooltip;
- if (t2 != null) {
- config._tooltip = t2;
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- }
- t1.hintOverrides != null;
- t1 = _this._properties.scopesRoute;
- if (t1 != null)
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_2048, t1);
- t1 = _this._properties.namesRoute;
- if (t1 != null)
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_4096, t1);
- t1 = _this._properties.liveRegion;
- if (t1 != null)
- config._setFlag$2(B.SemanticsFlag_32768, t1);
- t1 = _this._properties.currentValueLength;
- if (t1 != null)
- config.set$currentValueLength(t1);
- t1 = _this._textDirection;
- if (t1 != null) {
- config._semantics$_textDirection = t1;
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- }
- t1 = _this._properties;
- t2 = t1.sortKey;
- if (t2 != null) {
- config._sortKey = t2;
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- }
- t1 = t1.tagForChildren;
- if (t1 != null)
- config.addTagForChildren$1(t1);
- if (_this._properties.onTap != null)
- config.set$onTap(_this.get$_performTap());
- if (_this._properties.onLongPress != null)
- config.set$onLongPress(_this.get$_performLongPress());
- if (_this._properties.onDismiss != null)
- config.set$onDismiss(_this.get$_performDismiss());
- if (_this._properties.onCopy != null)
- config.set$onCopy(0, _this.get$_performCopy());
- if (_this._properties.onCut != null)
- config.set$onCut(0, _this.get$_performCut());
- if (_this._properties.onPaste != null)
- config.set$onPaste(0, _this.get$_performPaste());
- if (_this._properties.onDidGainAccessibilityFocus != null)
- config.set$onDidGainAccessibilityFocus(_this.get$_performDidGainAccessibilityFocus());
- t1 = _this._properties.customSemanticsActions;
- if (t1 != null) {
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- config._actionsAsBits |= 131072;
- config._customSemanticsActions = t1;
- config._actions.$indexSet(0, B.SemanticsAction_131072, config.get$_onCustomSemanticsAction());
- }
- },
- _performTap$0() {
- var t1 = this._properties.onTap;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$0();
- },
- _performLongPress$0() {
- var t1 = this._properties.onLongPress;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$0();
- },
- _performDismiss$0() {
- var t1 = this._properties.onDismiss;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$0();
- },
- _performCopy$0() {
- var t1 = this._properties.onCopy;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$0();
- },
- _performCut$0() {
- var t1 = this._properties.onCut;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$0();
- },
- _performPaste$0() {
- var t1 = this._properties.onPaste;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$0();
- },
- _performDidGainAccessibilityFocus$0() {
- var t1 = this._properties.onDidGainAccessibilityFocus;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$0();
- }
- };
- A.RenderBlockSemantics.prototype = {
- set$blocking(value) {
- return;
- },
- describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) {
- this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config);
- config.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes = true;
- }
- };
- A.RenderMergeSemantics.prototype = {
- describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) {
- this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config);
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = config._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants = config._isSemanticBoundary = true;
- }
- };
- A.RenderExcludeSemantics.prototype = {
- set$excluding(value) {
- if (value === this._excluding)
- return;
- this._excluding = value;
- this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) {
- if (this._excluding)
- return;
- this.super$RenderObject$visitChildrenForSemantics(visitor);
- }
- };
- A.RenderIndexedSemantics.prototype = {
- get$index(_) {
- return this._proxy_box$_index;
- },
- set$index(_, value) {
- if (value === this._proxy_box$_index)
- return;
- this._proxy_box$_index = value;
- this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- },
- describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) {
- this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config);
- config._indexInParent = this._proxy_box$_index;
- config._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- }
- };
- A.RenderLeaderLayer.prototype = {
- set$link(value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._link;
- if (t1 === value)
- return;
- t1.leaderSize = null;
- _this._link = value;
- t1 = _this._previousLayoutSize;
- if (t1 != null)
- value.leaderSize = t1;
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- get$alwaysNeedsCompositing() {
- return true;
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$performLayout();
- t1 = _this._size;
- t1.toString;
- _this._previousLayoutSize = t1;
- _this._link.leaderSize = t1;
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1 = this._layerHandle,
- t2 = t1._layer,
- t3 = this._link;
- if (t2 == null)
- t1.set$layer(0, A.LeaderLayer$(t3, offset));
- else {
- type$.LeaderLayer._as(t2);
- t2.set$link(t3);
- t2.set$offset(0, offset);
- }
- t1 = t1._layer;
- t1.toString;
- context.pushLayer$3(t1, A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype.get$paint.call(this), B.Offset_0_0);
- }
- };
- A.RenderFollowerLayer.prototype = {
- set$link(value) {
- if (this._link === value)
- return;
- this._link = value;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- set$showWhenUnlinked(value) {
- return;
- },
- set$offset(_, value) {
- if (this._proxy_box$_offset.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- this._proxy_box$_offset = value;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- set$leaderAnchor(value) {
- if (this._leaderAnchor.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- this._leaderAnchor = value;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- set$followerAnchor(value) {
- if (this._followerAnchor.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- this._followerAnchor = value;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, null);
- this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$detach(0);
- },
- get$alwaysNeedsCompositing() {
- return true;
- },
- getCurrentTransform$0() {
- var t1 = type$.nullable_FollowerLayer._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$layer.call(this, this));
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.getLastTransform$0();
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- t1.setIdentity$0();
- }
- return t1;
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- if (this._link._leader == null && true)
- return false;
- return this.hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position);
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- return result.addWithPaintTransform$3$hitTest$position$transform(new A.RenderFollowerLayer_hitTestChildren_closure(this), position, this.getCurrentTransform$0());
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var effectiveLinkedOffset, t1, t2, t3, _this = this,
- leaderSize = _this._link.leaderSize;
- if (leaderSize == null)
- effectiveLinkedOffset = _this._proxy_box$_offset;
- else {
- t1 = _this._leaderAnchor.alongSize$1(leaderSize);
- t2 = _this._followerAnchor;
- t3 = _this._size;
- t3.toString;
- effectiveLinkedOffset = t1.$sub(0, t2.alongSize$1(t3)).$add(0, _this._proxy_box$_offset);
- }
- t1 = type$.nullable_FollowerLayer;
- if (t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$layer.call(_this, _this)) == null)
- _this._layerHandle.set$layer(0, new A.FollowerLayer(_this._link, false, offset, effectiveLinkedOffset, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.void_Function), A.LayerHandle$(type$.Layer)));
- else {
- t2 = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$layer.call(_this, _this));
- if (t2 != null) {
- t2.link = _this._link;
- t2.showWhenUnlinked = false;
- t2.linkedOffset = effectiveLinkedOffset;
- t2.unlinkedOffset = offset;
- }
- }
- t1 = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$layer.call(_this, _this));
- t1.toString;
- context.pushLayer$4$childPaintBounds(t1, A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype.get$paint.call(_this), B.Offset_0_0, B.Rect_Vy7);
- },
- applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) {
- transform.multiply$1(0, this.getCurrentTransform$0());
- }
- };
- A.RenderFollowerLayer_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, position) {
- return this.$this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$hitTestChildren(result, position);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A.RenderAnnotatedRegion.prototype = {
- set$value(_, newValue) {
- if (this._proxy_box$_value.$eq(0, newValue))
- return;
- this._proxy_box$_value = newValue;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- set$sized(value) {
- return;
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._proxy_box$_value,
- t2 = _this._size;
- t2.toString;
- context.pushLayer$3(new A.AnnotatedRegionLayer(t1, t2, offset, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$.void_Function), A.LayerHandle$(type$.Layer), _this.$ti._eval$1("AnnotatedRegionLayer<1>")), A.RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype.get$paint.call(_this), offset);
- },
- get$alwaysNeedsCompositing() {
- return true;
- }
- };
- A._RenderAnimatedOpacity_RenderProxyBox_RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$attach(owner);
- _this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__opacity.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateOpacity());
- _this._updateOpacity$0();
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__opacity.removeListener$1(0, this.get$_updateOpacity());
- this.super$_RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$detach(0);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- if (this.RenderAnimatedOpacityMixin__alpha === 0)
- return;
- this.super$RenderProxyBoxMixin$paint(context, offset);
- }
- };
- A._RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var t1;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.attach$1(owner);
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var t1;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.detach$0(0);
- }
- };
- A._RenderProxyBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin_RenderProxyBoxMixin.prototype = {
- computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1.getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline);
- return this.super$RenderBox$computeDistanceToActualBaseline(baseline);
- }
- };
- A.SelectionResult.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "SelectionResult." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.Selectable.prototype = {$isListenable: 1};
- A.SelectionRegistrant.prototype = {
- set$registrar(value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SelectionRegistrant__registrar;
- if (value == t1)
- return;
- if (value == null)
- _this.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_selection$_updateSelectionRegistrarSubscription());
- else if (t1 == null)
- _this.addListener$1(0, _this.get$_selection$_updateSelectionRegistrarSubscription());
- _this._selection$_removeSelectionRegistrarSubscription$0();
- _this.SelectionRegistrant__registrar = value;
- _this._selection$_updateSelectionRegistrarSubscription$0();
- },
- _selection$_updateSelectionRegistrarSubscription$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.SelectionRegistrant__registrar == null) {
- _this.SelectionRegistrant__subscribedToSelectionRegistrar = false;
- return;
- }
- if (_this.SelectionRegistrant__subscribedToSelectionRegistrar && !_this.get$value(_this).hasContent) {
- _this.SelectionRegistrant__registrar.remove$1(0, _this);
- _this.SelectionRegistrant__subscribedToSelectionRegistrar = false;
- } else if (!_this.SelectionRegistrant__subscribedToSelectionRegistrar && _this.get$value(_this).hasContent) {
- _this.SelectionRegistrant__registrar.add$1(0, _this);
- _this.SelectionRegistrant__subscribedToSelectionRegistrar = true;
- }
- },
- _selection$_removeSelectionRegistrarSubscription$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.SelectionRegistrant__subscribedToSelectionRegistrar) {
- _this.SelectionRegistrant__registrar.remove$1(0, _this);
- _this.SelectionRegistrant__subscribedToSelectionRegistrar = false;
- }
- }
- };
- A.SelectionEventType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "SelectionEventType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextGranularity.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TextGranularity." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.SelectionEvent.prototype = {};
- A.ClearSelectionEvent.prototype = {};
- A.SelectionEdgeUpdateEvent.prototype = {};
- A.SelectionExtendDirection.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "SelectionExtendDirection." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.SelectionStatus.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "SelectionStatus." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.SelectionGeometry.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.SelectionGeometry && J.$eq$(other.startSelectionPoint, _this.startSelectionPoint) && J.$eq$(other.endSelectionPoint, _this.endSelectionPoint) && other.status === _this.status && other.hasContent === _this.hasContent;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.startSelectionPoint, _this.endSelectionPoint, _this.status, _this.hasContent, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.SelectionPoint.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.SelectionPoint && other.localPosition.$eq(0, _this.localPosition) && other.lineHeight === _this.lineHeight && other.handleType === _this.handleType;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.localPosition, this.lineHeight, this.handleType, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.TextSelectionHandleType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TextSelectionHandleType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.RenderShiftedBox.prototype = {
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, height, t1.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- return t1 == null ? 0 : t1;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, height, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- return t1 == null ? 0 : t1;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, width, t1.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- return t1 == null ? 0 : t1;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, width, t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight());
- return t1 == null ? 0 : t1;
- },
- computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- var result, t1,
- child = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (child != null) {
- result = child.getDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline);
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.BoxParentData._as(t1);
- if (result != null)
- result += t1.offset._dy;
- } else
- result = this.super$RenderBox$computeDistanceToActualBaseline(baseline);
- return result;
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1,
- child = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (child != null) {
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- context.paintChild$2(child, type$.BoxParentData._as(t1).offset.$add(0, offset));
- }
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var t1,
- child = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (child != null) {
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.BoxParentData._as(t1);
- return result.addWithPaintOffset$3$hitTest$offset$position(new A.RenderShiftedBox_hitTestChildren_closure(position, t1, child), t1.offset, position);
- }
- return false;
- }
- };
- A.RenderShiftedBox_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, transformed) {
- return this.child.hitTest$2$position(result, transformed);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A.RenderPadding.prototype = {
- _shifted_box$_resolve$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._resolvedPadding != null)
- return;
- _this._resolvedPadding = _this._padding.resolve$1(_this._shifted_box$_textDirection);
- },
- set$padding(_, value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._padding.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- _this._padding = value;
- _this._resolvedPadding = null;
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$textDirection(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._shifted_box$_textDirection == value)
- return;
- _this._shifted_box$_textDirection = value;
- _this._resolvedPadding = null;
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1, totalHorizontalPadding, t2, t3;
- this._shifted_box$_resolve$0();
- t1 = this._resolvedPadding;
- totalHorizontalPadding = t1.left + t1.right;
- t2 = t1.top;
- t1 = t1.bottom;
- t3 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t3 != null)
- return t3._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, Math.max(0, height - (t2 + t1)), t3.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth()) + totalHorizontalPadding;
- return totalHorizontalPadding;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1, totalHorizontalPadding, t2, t3;
- this._shifted_box$_resolve$0();
- t1 = this._resolvedPadding;
- totalHorizontalPadding = t1.left + t1.right;
- t2 = t1.top;
- t1 = t1.bottom;
- t3 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t3 != null)
- return t3._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, Math.max(0, height - (t2 + t1)), t3.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth()) + totalHorizontalPadding;
- return totalHorizontalPadding;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1, t2, t3, totalVerticalPadding;
- this._shifted_box$_resolve$0();
- t1 = this._resolvedPadding;
- t2 = t1.left;
- t3 = t1.right;
- totalVerticalPadding = t1.top + t1.bottom;
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, Math.max(0, width - (t2 + t3)), t1.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight()) + totalVerticalPadding;
- return totalVerticalPadding;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1, t2, t3, totalVerticalPadding;
- this._shifted_box$_resolve$0();
- t1 = this._resolvedPadding;
- t2 = t1.left;
- t3 = t1.right;
- totalVerticalPadding = t1.top + t1.bottom;
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, Math.max(0, width - (t2 + t3)), t1.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight()) + totalVerticalPadding;
- return totalVerticalPadding;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- var t1, innerConstraints, childSize, _this = this;
- _this._shifted_box$_resolve$0();
- if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child == null) {
- t1 = _this._resolvedPadding;
- return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1.left + t1.right, t1.top + t1.bottom));
- }
- t1 = _this._resolvedPadding;
- t1.toString;
- innerConstraints = constraints.deflate$1(t1);
- childSize = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.getDryLayout$1(innerConstraints);
- t1 = _this._resolvedPadding;
- return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1.left + childSize._dx + t1.right, t1.top + childSize._dy + t1.bottom));
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t1, innerConstraints, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
- constraints = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- _this._shifted_box$_resolve$0();
- if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child == null) {
- t1 = _this._resolvedPadding;
- _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1.left + t1.right, t1.top + t1.bottom));
- return;
- }
- t1 = _this._resolvedPadding;
- t1.toString;
- innerConstraints = constraints.deflate$1(t1);
- _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(innerConstraints, true);
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t2 = t1.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- type$.BoxParentData._as(t2);
- t3 = _this._resolvedPadding;
- t4 = t3.left;
- t5 = t3.top;
- t2.offset = new A.Offset(t4, t5);
- t1 = t1._size;
- _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t4 + t1._dx + t3.right, t5 + t1._dy + t3.bottom));
- }
- };
- A.RenderAligningShiftedBox.prototype = {
- _shifted_box$_resolve$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._resolvedAlignment != null)
- return;
- _this._resolvedAlignment = _this._alignment.resolve$1(_this._shifted_box$_textDirection);
- },
- set$alignment(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._alignment.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- _this._alignment = value;
- _this._resolvedAlignment = null;
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$textDirection(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._shifted_box$_textDirection == value)
- return;
- _this._shifted_box$_textDirection = value;
- _this._resolvedAlignment = null;
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- alignChild$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this;
- _this._shifted_box$_resolve$0();
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t2 = t1.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- type$.BoxParentData._as(t2);
- t3 = _this._resolvedAlignment;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = _this._size;
- t4.toString;
- t1 = t1._size;
- t1.toString;
- t2.offset = t3.alongOffset$1(type$.Offset._as(t4.$sub(0, t1)));
- }
- };
- A.RenderPositionedBox.prototype = {
- set$widthFactor(value) {
- if (this._widthFactor == value)
- return;
- this._widthFactor = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$heightFactor(value) {
- if (this._heightFactor == value)
- return;
- this._heightFactor = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- var childSize, t2, _this = this,
- shrinkWrapWidth = _this._widthFactor != null || constraints.maxWidth === 1 / 0,
- shrinkWrapHeight = _this._heightFactor != null || constraints.maxHeight === 1 / 0,
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null) {
- childSize = t1.getDryLayout$1(new A.BoxConstraints(0, constraints.maxWidth, 0, constraints.maxHeight));
- if (shrinkWrapWidth) {
- t1 = _this._widthFactor;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = 1;
- t1 = childSize._dx * t1;
- } else
- t1 = 1 / 0;
- if (shrinkWrapHeight) {
- t2 = _this._heightFactor;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = 1;
- t2 = childSize._dy * t2;
- } else
- t2 = 1 / 0;
- return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1, t2));
- }
- t1 = shrinkWrapWidth ? 0 : 1 / 0;
- return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1, shrinkWrapHeight ? 0 : 1 / 0));
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- constraints = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)),
- shrinkWrapWidth = _this._widthFactor != null || constraints.maxWidth === 1 / 0,
- shrinkWrapHeight = _this._heightFactor != null || constraints.maxHeight === 1 / 0,
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.layout$2$parentUsesSize(new A.BoxConstraints(0, constraints.maxWidth, 0, constraints.maxHeight), true);
- if (shrinkWrapWidth) {
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size._dx;
- t2 = _this._widthFactor;
- t1 *= t2 == null ? 1 : t2;
- } else
- t1 = 1 / 0;
- if (shrinkWrapHeight) {
- t2 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._size._dy;
- t3 = _this._heightFactor;
- t2 *= t3 == null ? 1 : t3;
- } else
- t2 = 1 / 0;
- _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1, t2));
- _this.alignChild$0();
- } else {
- t1 = shrinkWrapWidth ? 0 : 1 / 0;
- _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(t1, shrinkWrapHeight ? 0 : 1 / 0));
- }
- }
- };
- A.SingleChildLayoutDelegate.prototype = {
- getSize$1(constraints) {
- return new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight));
- },
- getConstraintsForChild$1(constraints) {
- return constraints;
- },
- getPositionForChild$2(size, childSize) {
- return B.Offset_0_0;
- }
- };
- A.RenderCustomSingleChildLayoutBox.prototype = {
- set$delegate(newDelegate) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._shifted_box$_delegate;
- if (t1 === newDelegate)
- return;
- if (A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(newDelegate) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(t1) || newDelegate.shouldRelayout$1(t1))
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- _this._shifted_box$_delegate = newDelegate;
- _this._node$_owner != null;
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- this.super$_RenderShiftedBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$attach(owner);
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- this.super$_RenderShiftedBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin$detach(0);
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1 = A.BoxConstraints$tightForFinite(height, 1 / 0),
- width = t1.constrain$1(this._shifted_box$_delegate.getSize$1(t1))._dx;
- if (isFinite(width))
- return width;
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var t1 = A.BoxConstraints$tightForFinite(height, 1 / 0),
- width = t1.constrain$1(this._shifted_box$_delegate.getSize$1(t1))._dx;
- if (isFinite(width))
- return width;
- return 0;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1 = A.BoxConstraints$tightForFinite(1 / 0, width),
- height = t1.constrain$1(this._shifted_box$_delegate.getSize$1(t1))._dy;
- if (isFinite(height))
- return height;
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var t1 = A.BoxConstraints$tightForFinite(1 / 0, width),
- height = t1.constrain$1(this._shifted_box$_delegate.getSize$1(t1))._dy;
- if (isFinite(height))
- return height;
- return 0;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return constraints.constrain$1(this._shifted_box$_delegate.getSize$1(constraints));
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var childConstraints, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, _this = this,
- t1 = type$.BoxConstraints,
- t2 = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- _this._size = t2.constrain$1(_this._shifted_box$_delegate.getSize$1(t2));
- if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child != null) {
- childConstraints = _this._shifted_box$_delegate.getConstraintsForChild$1(t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)));
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = childConstraints.minWidth;
- t3 = childConstraints.maxWidth;
- t4 = t2 >= t3;
- t1.layout$2$parentUsesSize(childConstraints, !(t4 && childConstraints.minHeight >= childConstraints.maxHeight));
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t5 = t1.parentData;
- t5.toString;
- type$.BoxParentData._as(t5);
- t6 = _this._shifted_box$_delegate;
- t7 = _this._size;
- t7.toString;
- if (t4 && childConstraints.minHeight >= childConstraints.maxHeight)
- t1 = new A.Size(A.clampDouble(0, t2, t3), A.clampDouble(0, childConstraints.minHeight, childConstraints.maxHeight));
- else {
- t1 = t1._size;
- t1.toString;
- }
- t5.offset = t6.getPositionForChild$2(t7, t1);
- }
- }
- };
- A._RenderShiftedBox_RenderBox_RenderObjectWithChildMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var t1;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.attach$1(owner);
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var t1;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.detach$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.GrowthDirection.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "GrowthDirection." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.SliverConstraints.prototype = {
- get$isTight() {
- return false;
- },
- asBoxConstraints$3$crossAxisExtent$maxExtent$minExtent(crossAxisExtent, maxExtent, minExtent) {
- if (crossAxisExtent == null)
- crossAxisExtent = this.crossAxisExtent;
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(this.axisDirection).index) {
- case 0:
- return new A.BoxConstraints(minExtent, maxExtent, crossAxisExtent, crossAxisExtent);
- case 1:
- return new A.BoxConstraints(crossAxisExtent, crossAxisExtent, minExtent, maxExtent);
- }
- },
- asBoxConstraints$0() {
- return this.asBoxConstraints$3$crossAxisExtent$maxExtent$minExtent(null, 1 / 0, 0);
- },
- asBoxConstraints$2$maxExtent$minExtent(maxExtent, minExtent) {
- return this.asBoxConstraints$3$crossAxisExtent$maxExtent$minExtent(null, maxExtent, minExtent);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (!(other instanceof A.SliverConstraints))
- return false;
- return other.axisDirection === _this.axisDirection && other.growthDirection === _this.growthDirection && other.scrollOffset === _this.scrollOffset && other.overlap === _this.overlap && other.remainingPaintExtent === _this.remainingPaintExtent && other.crossAxisExtent === _this.crossAxisExtent && other.crossAxisDirection === _this.crossAxisDirection && other.viewportMainAxisExtent === _this.viewportMainAxisExtent && other.remainingCacheExtent === _this.remainingCacheExtent && other.cacheOrigin === _this.cacheOrigin;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.axisDirection, _this.growthDirection, _this.scrollOffset, _this.overlap, _this.remainingPaintExtent, _this.crossAxisExtent, _this.crossAxisDirection, _this.viewportMainAxisExtent, _this.remainingCacheExtent, _this.cacheOrigin, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([_this.axisDirection.toString$0(0), _this.growthDirection.toString$0(0), _this.userScrollDirection.toString$0(0), "scrollOffset: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.scrollOffset, 1), "remainingPaintExtent: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.remainingPaintExtent, 1)], type$.JSArray_String),
- t2 = _this.overlap;
- if (t2 !== 0)
- t1.push("overlap: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t2, 1));
- t1.push("crossAxisExtent: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.crossAxisExtent, 1));
- t1.push("crossAxisDirection: " + _this.crossAxisDirection.toString$0(0));
- t1.push("viewportMainAxisExtent: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.viewportMainAxisExtent, 1));
- t1.push("remainingCacheExtent: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.remainingCacheExtent, 1));
- t1.push("cacheOrigin: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.cacheOrigin, 1));
- return "SliverConstraints(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, ", ") + ")";
- }
- };
- A.SliverGeometry.prototype = {
- toStringShort$0() {
- return "SliverGeometry";
- },
- get$visible(receiver) {
- return this.visible;
- }
- };
- A.SliverHitTestResult.prototype = {};
- A.SliverHitTestEntry.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this.target).toString$0(0) + "@(mainAxis: " + A.S(this.mainAxisPosition) + ", crossAxis: " + A.S(this.crossAxisPosition) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.SliverLogicalParentData.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.layoutOffset;
- return "layoutOffset=" + (t1 == null ? "None" : B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1, 1));
- }
- };
- A.SliverLogicalContainerParentData.prototype = {};
- A.SliverPhysicalParentData.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "paintOffset=" + A.S(this.paintOffset);
- }
- };
- A.SliverPhysicalContainerParentData.prototype = {};
- A.RenderSliver.prototype = {
- get$constraints() {
- return type$.SliverConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this));
- },
- get$semanticBounds() {
- return this.get$paintBounds();
- },
- get$paintBounds() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = type$.SliverConstraints;
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).axisDirection).index) {
- case 0:
- return new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + _this._geometry.paintExtent, 0 + t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).crossAxisExtent);
- case 1:
- return new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).crossAxisExtent, 0 + _this._geometry.paintExtent);
- }
- },
- performResize$0() {
- },
- hitTest$3$crossAxisPosition$mainAxisPosition(result, crossAxisPosition, mainAxisPosition) {
- var _this = this;
- if (mainAxisPosition >= 0 && mainAxisPosition < _this._geometry.hitTestExtent && crossAxisPosition >= 0 && crossAxisPosition < type$.SliverConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).crossAxisExtent)
- if (_this.hitTestChildren$3$crossAxisPosition$mainAxisPosition(result, crossAxisPosition, mainAxisPosition) || false) {
- result.add$1(0, new A.SliverHitTestEntry(mainAxisPosition, crossAxisPosition, _this));
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- hitTestChildren$3$crossAxisPosition$mainAxisPosition(result, crossAxisPosition, mainAxisPosition) {
- return false;
- },
- calculatePaintOffset$3$from$to(constraints, from, to) {
- var a = constraints.scrollOffset,
- t1 = constraints.remainingPaintExtent,
- b = a + t1;
- return A.clampDouble(A.clampDouble(to, a, b) - A.clampDouble(from, a, b), 0, t1);
- },
- calculateCacheOffset$3$from$to(constraints, from, to) {
- var t1 = constraints.scrollOffset,
- a = t1 + constraints.cacheOrigin,
- t2 = constraints.remainingCacheExtent,
- b = t1 + t2;
- return A.clampDouble(A.clampDouble(to, a, b) - A.clampDouble(from, a, b), 0, t2);
- },
- childMainAxisPosition$1(child) {
- return 0;
- },
- childCrossAxisPosition$1(child) {
- return 0;
- },
- childScrollOffset$1(child) {
- return 0;
- },
- applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) {
- },
- handleEvent$2($event, entry) {
- }
- };
- A.RenderSliverHelpers.prototype = {
- _getRightWayUp$1(constraints) {
- var rightWayUp;
- switch (constraints.axisDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- case 3:
- rightWayUp = false;
- break;
- case 2:
- case 1:
- rightWayUp = true;
- break;
- default:
- rightWayUp = null;
- }
- switch (constraints.growthDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- break;
- case 1:
- rightWayUp = !rightWayUp;
- break;
- }
- return rightWayUp;
- },
- hitTestBoxChild$4$crossAxisPosition$mainAxisPosition(result, child, crossAxisPosition, mainAxisPosition) {
- var t1, _this = this, _box_0 = {},
- rightWayUp = _this._getRightWayUp$1(_this.get$constraints()),
- delta = _this.childMainAxisPosition$1(child),
- crossAxisDelta = _this.childCrossAxisPosition$1(child),
- absolutePosition = mainAxisPosition - delta,
- absoluteCrossAxisPosition = crossAxisPosition - crossAxisDelta,
- paintOffset = _box_0.transformedPosition = null;
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(_this.get$constraints().axisDirection).index) {
- case 0:
- if (!rightWayUp) {
- t1 = child._size._dx;
- absolutePosition = t1 - absolutePosition;
- delta = _this._geometry.paintExtent - t1 - delta;
- }
- paintOffset = new A.Offset(delta, crossAxisDelta);
- _box_0.transformedPosition = new A.Offset(absolutePosition, absoluteCrossAxisPosition);
- break;
- case 1:
- if (!rightWayUp) {
- t1 = child._size._dy;
- absolutePosition = t1 - absolutePosition;
- delta = _this._geometry.paintExtent - t1 - delta;
- }
- paintOffset = new A.Offset(crossAxisDelta, delta);
- _box_0.transformedPosition = new A.Offset(absoluteCrossAxisPosition, absolutePosition);
- break;
- }
- return result.addWithOutOfBandPosition$2$hitTest$paintOffset(new A.RenderSliverHelpers_hitTestBoxChild_closure(_box_0, child), paintOffset);
- },
- applyPaintTransformForBoxChild$2(child, transform) {
- var _this = this,
- rightWayUp = _this._getRightWayUp$1(_this.get$constraints()),
- delta = _this.childMainAxisPosition$1(child),
- crossAxisDelta = _this.childCrossAxisPosition$1(child);
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(_this.get$constraints().axisDirection).index) {
- case 0:
- transform.translate$2(0, !rightWayUp ? _this._geometry.paintExtent - child._size._dx - delta : delta, crossAxisDelta);
- break;
- case 1:
- transform.translate$2(0, crossAxisDelta, !rightWayUp ? _this._geometry.paintExtent - child._size._dy - delta : delta);
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- A.RenderSliverHelpers_hitTestBoxChild_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(result) {
- return this.child.hitTest$2$position(result, this._box_0.transformedPosition);
- },
- $signature: 219
- };
- A._SliverGeometry_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._SliverLogicalContainerParentData_SliverLogicalParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin.prototype = {
- detach$0(_) {
- this.super$ParentData$detach(0);
- }
- };
- A._SliverPhysicalContainerParentData_SliverPhysicalParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin.prototype = {
- detach$0(_) {
- this.super$ParentData$detach(0);
- }
- };
- A.RenderSliverFillViewport.prototype = {
- get$itemExtent() {
- return type$.SliverConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this)).viewportMainAxisExtent * this._sliver_fill0$_viewportFraction;
- },
- set$viewportFraction(value) {
- if (this._sliver_fill0$_viewportFraction === value)
- return;
- this._sliver_fill0$_viewportFraction = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- }
- };
- A.RenderSliverFixedExtentBoxAdaptor.prototype = {
- getMinChildIndexForScrollOffset$2(scrollOffset, itemExtent) {
- var actual, round;
- if (itemExtent > 0) {
- actual = scrollOffset / itemExtent;
- round = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(actual);
- if (Math.abs(actual * itemExtent - round * itemExtent) < 1e-10)
- return round;
- return B.JSNumber_methods.floor$0(actual);
- }
- return 0;
- },
- getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset$2(scrollOffset, itemExtent) {
- var actual, round;
- if (itemExtent > 0) {
- actual = scrollOffset / itemExtent - 1;
- round = B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(actual);
- if (Math.abs(actual * itemExtent - round * itemExtent) < 1e-10)
- return Math.max(0, round);
- return Math.max(0, B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(actual));
- }
- return 0;
- },
- _calculateLeadingGarbage$1(firstIndex) {
- var t3,
- walker = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild,
- t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"),
- t2 = type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData,
- leadingGarbage = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (walker != null) {
- t3 = walker.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t2._as(t3).index;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t3 < firstIndex;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (!t3)
- break;
- ++leadingGarbage;
- t3 = walker.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- walker = t1._as(t3).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return leadingGarbage;
- },
- _calculateTrailingGarbage$1(targetLastIndex) {
- var t3,
- walker = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild,
- t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"),
- t2 = type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData,
- trailingGarbage = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (walker != null) {
- t3 = walker.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t2._as(t3).index;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t3 > targetLastIndex;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (!t3)
- break;
- ++trailingGarbage;
- t3 = walker.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- walker = t1._as(t3).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- }
- return trailingGarbage;
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var itemExtent, t2, scrollOffset, targetEndScrollOffset, childConstraints, firstIndex, targetLastIndex, leadingGarbage, max, t3, t4, index, trailingChildWithLayout, child, t5, estimatedMaxScrollOffset, t6, t7, leadingScrollOffset, trailingScrollOffset, paintExtent, cacheExtent, targetEndScrollOffsetForPaint, targetLastIndexForPaint, _this = this, _null = null,
- constraints = type$.SliverConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)),
- t1 = _this._childManager;
- t1._didUnderflow = false;
- itemExtent = _this.get$itemExtent();
- t2 = constraints.scrollOffset;
- scrollOffset = t2 + constraints.cacheOrigin;
- targetEndScrollOffset = scrollOffset + constraints.remainingCacheExtent;
- childConstraints = constraints.asBoxConstraints$2$maxExtent$minExtent(itemExtent, itemExtent);
- firstIndex = _this.getMinChildIndexForScrollOffset$2(scrollOffset, itemExtent);
- targetLastIndex = isFinite(targetEndScrollOffset) ? _this.getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset$2(targetEndScrollOffset, itemExtent) : _null;
- if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild != null) {
- leadingGarbage = _this._calculateLeadingGarbage$1(firstIndex);
- _this.collectGarbage$2(leadingGarbage, targetLastIndex != null ? _this._calculateTrailingGarbage$1(targetLastIndex) : 0);
- } else
- _this.collectGarbage$2(0, 0);
- if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild == null)
- if (!_this.addInitialChild$2$index$layoutOffset(firstIndex, itemExtent * firstIndex)) {
- max = firstIndex <= 0 ? 0 : t1.get$childCount() * itemExtent;
- _this._geometry = A.SliverGeometry$(_null, false, _null, _null, max, 0, 0, max, _null);
- t1.didFinishLayout$0();
- return;
- }
- t3 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t3.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData;
- t3 = t4._as(t3).index;
- t3.toString;
- index = t3 - 1;
- trailingChildWithLayout = _null;
- for (; index >= firstIndex; --index) {
- child = _this.insertAndLayoutLeadingChild$1(childConstraints);
- if (child == null) {
- _this._geometry = A.SliverGeometry$(_null, false, _null, _null, 0, 0, 0, 0, index * itemExtent);
- return;
- }
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t4._as(t3).layoutOffset = itemExtent * index;
- if (trailingChildWithLayout == null)
- trailingChildWithLayout = child;
- }
- if (trailingChildWithLayout == null) {
- _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild.layout$1(childConstraints);
- trailingChildWithLayout = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t3 = trailingChildWithLayout.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t4._as(t3).layoutOffset = itemExtent * firstIndex;
- }
- t3 = trailingChildWithLayout.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t4._as(t3).index;
- t3.toString;
- index = t3 + 1;
- t3 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1");
- t5 = targetLastIndex != null;
- while (true) {
- if (!(!t5 || index <= targetLastIndex)) {
- estimatedMaxScrollOffset = 1 / 0;
- break;
- }
- t6 = trailingChildWithLayout.parentData;
- t6.toString;
- child = t3._as(t6).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- if (child != null) {
- t6 = child.parentData;
- t6.toString;
- t6 = t4._as(t6).index;
- t6.toString;
- t6 = t6 !== index;
- } else
- t6 = true;
- if (t6) {
- child = _this.insertAndLayoutChild$2$after(childConstraints, trailingChildWithLayout);
- if (child == null) {
- estimatedMaxScrollOffset = index * itemExtent;
- break;
- }
- } else
- child.layout$1(childConstraints);
- t6 = child.parentData;
- t6.toString;
- t4._as(t6);
- t7 = t6.index;
- t7.toString;
- t6.layoutOffset = itemExtent * t7;
- ++index;
- trailingChildWithLayout = child;
- }
- t3 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t3.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t4._as(t3).index;
- t3.toString;
- leadingScrollOffset = itemExtent * firstIndex;
- trailingScrollOffset = itemExtent * (t3 + 1);
- estimatedMaxScrollOffset = Math.min(estimatedMaxScrollOffset, t1.estimateMaxScrollOffset$5$firstIndex$lastIndex$leadingScrollOffset$trailingScrollOffset(constraints, firstIndex, t3, leadingScrollOffset, trailingScrollOffset));
- paintExtent = _this.calculatePaintOffset$3$from$to(constraints, leadingScrollOffset, trailingScrollOffset);
- cacheExtent = _this.calculateCacheOffset$3$from$to(constraints, leadingScrollOffset, trailingScrollOffset);
- targetEndScrollOffsetForPaint = t2 + constraints.remainingPaintExtent;
- targetLastIndexForPaint = isFinite(targetEndScrollOffsetForPaint) ? _this.getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset$2(targetEndScrollOffsetForPaint, itemExtent) : _null;
- _this._geometry = A.SliverGeometry$(cacheExtent, targetLastIndexForPaint != null && t3 >= targetLastIndexForPaint || t2 > 0, _null, _null, estimatedMaxScrollOffset, paintExtent, 0, estimatedMaxScrollOffset, _null);
- if (estimatedMaxScrollOffset === trailingScrollOffset)
- t1._didUnderflow = true;
- t1.didFinishLayout$0();
- }
- };
- A.SliverGridGeometry.prototype = {
- getBoxConstraints$1(constraints) {
- var t1 = this.mainAxisExtent;
- return constraints.asBoxConstraints$3$crossAxisExtent$maxExtent$minExtent(this.crossAxisExtent, t1, t1);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return "SliverGridGeometry(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(A._setArrayType(["scrollOffset: " + A.S(_this.scrollOffset), "crossAxisOffset: " + A.S(_this.crossAxisOffset), "mainAxisExtent: " + A.S(_this.mainAxisExtent), "crossAxisExtent: " + A.S(_this.crossAxisExtent)], type$.JSArray_String), ", ") + ")";
- }
- };
- A.SliverGridLayout.prototype = {};
- A.SliverGridRegularTileLayout.prototype = {
- getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset$1(scrollOffset) {
- var t1 = this.mainAxisStride;
- if (t1 > 0)
- return Math.max(0, this.crossAxisCount * B.JSNumber_methods.ceil$0(scrollOffset / t1) - 1);
- return 0;
- },
- _getOffsetFromStartInCrossAxis$1(crossAxisStart) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this.reverseCrossAxis) {
- t1 = _this.crossAxisStride;
- t2 = _this.childCrossAxisExtent;
- return _this.crossAxisCount * t1 - crossAxisStart - t2 - (t1 - t2);
- }
- return crossAxisStart;
- },
- getGeometryForChildIndex$1(index) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.crossAxisCount,
- t2 = B.JSInt_methods.$mod(index, t1);
- return new A.SliverGridGeometry(B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(index, t1) * _this.mainAxisStride, _this._getOffsetFromStartInCrossAxis$1(t2 * _this.crossAxisStride), _this.childMainAxisExtent, _this.childCrossAxisExtent);
- },
- computeMaxScrollOffset$1(childCount) {
- var t1;
- if (childCount === 0)
- return 0;
- t1 = this.mainAxisStride;
- return t1 * (B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(childCount - 1, this.crossAxisCount) + 1) - (t1 - this.childMainAxisExtent);
- }
- };
- A.SliverGridDelegate.prototype = {};
- A.SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount.prototype = {
- getLayout$1(constraints) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.crossAxisSpacing,
- t2 = _this.crossAxisCount,
- childCrossAxisExtent = Math.max(0, constraints.crossAxisExtent - t1 * (t2 - 1)) / t2,
- childMainAxisExtent = childCrossAxisExtent / _this.childAspectRatio;
- return new A.SliverGridRegularTileLayout(t2, childMainAxisExtent + _this.mainAxisSpacing, childCrossAxisExtent + t1, childMainAxisExtent, childCrossAxisExtent, A.axisDirectionIsReversed(constraints.crossAxisDirection));
- },
- shouldRelayout$1(oldDelegate) {
- var _this = this;
- return oldDelegate.crossAxisCount !== _this.crossAxisCount || oldDelegate.mainAxisSpacing !== _this.mainAxisSpacing || oldDelegate.crossAxisSpacing !== _this.crossAxisSpacing || oldDelegate.childAspectRatio !== _this.childAspectRatio || false;
- }
- };
- A.SliverGridParentData.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "crossAxisOffset=" + A.S(this.crossAxisOffset) + "; " + this.super$SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData$toString(0);
- }
- };
- A.RenderSliverGrid.prototype = {
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.SliverGridParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.SliverGridParentData(false, null, null);
- },
- set$gridDelegate(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._gridDelegate === value)
- return;
- if (A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(value) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this._gridDelegate) || value.shouldRelayout$1(_this._gridDelegate))
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- _this._gridDelegate = value;
- },
- childCrossAxisPosition$1(child) {
- var t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = type$.SliverGridParentData._as(t1).crossAxisOffset;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t2, scrollOffset, targetEndScrollOffset, layout, t3, firstIndex, targetLastIndex, t4, t5, leadingGarbage, firstChildGridGeometry, max, leadingScrollOffset, trailingScrollOffset, index, trailingChildWithLayout, gridGeometry, child, t6, t7, t8, t9, estimatedTotalExtent, paintExtent, cacheExtent, _this = this, _null = null,
- constraints = type$.SliverConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)),
- t1 = _this._childManager;
- t1._didUnderflow = false;
- t2 = constraints.scrollOffset;
- scrollOffset = t2 + constraints.cacheOrigin;
- targetEndScrollOffset = scrollOffset + constraints.remainingCacheExtent;
- layout = _this._gridDelegate.getLayout$1(constraints);
- t3 = layout.mainAxisStride;
- firstIndex = t3 > 1e-10 ? layout.crossAxisCount * B.JSNumber_methods.$tdiv(scrollOffset, t3) : 0;
- targetLastIndex = isFinite(targetEndScrollOffset) ? layout.getMaxChildIndexForScrollOffset$1(targetEndScrollOffset) : _null;
- t3 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- if (t3 != null) {
- t3 = t3.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData;
- t3 = t4._as(t3).index;
- t3.toString;
- t5 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild;
- t5.toString;
- t5 = t5.parentData;
- t5.toString;
- t5 = t4._as(t5).index;
- t5.toString;
- leadingGarbage = B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(firstIndex - t3, 0, _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount);
- _this.collectGarbage$2(leadingGarbage, targetLastIndex == null ? 0 : B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(t5 - targetLastIndex, 0, _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount));
- } else
- _this.collectGarbage$2(0, 0);
- firstChildGridGeometry = layout.getGeometryForChildIndex$1(firstIndex);
- if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild == null)
- if (!_this.addInitialChild$2$index$layoutOffset(firstIndex, firstChildGridGeometry.scrollOffset)) {
- max = layout.computeMaxScrollOffset$1(t1.get$childCount());
- _this._geometry = A.SliverGeometry$(_null, false, _null, _null, max, 0, 0, max, _null);
- t1.didFinishLayout$0();
- return;
- }
- leadingScrollOffset = firstChildGridGeometry.scrollOffset;
- trailingScrollOffset = leadingScrollOffset + firstChildGridGeometry.mainAxisExtent;
- t3 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t3.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData;
- t3 = t4._as(t3).index;
- t3.toString;
- index = t3 - 1;
- t3 = type$.SliverGridParentData;
- trailingChildWithLayout = _null;
- for (; index >= firstIndex; --index) {
- gridGeometry = layout.getGeometryForChildIndex$1(index);
- t5 = gridGeometry.mainAxisExtent;
- child = _this.insertAndLayoutLeadingChild$1(constraints.asBoxConstraints$3$crossAxisExtent$maxExtent$minExtent(gridGeometry.crossAxisExtent, t5, t5));
- t6 = child.parentData;
- t6.toString;
- t3._as(t6);
- t7 = gridGeometry.scrollOffset;
- t6.layoutOffset = t7;
- t6.crossAxisOffset = gridGeometry.crossAxisOffset;
- if (trailingChildWithLayout == null)
- trailingChildWithLayout = child;
- trailingScrollOffset = Math.max(trailingScrollOffset, t7 + t5);
- }
- if (trailingChildWithLayout == null) {
- t5 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t5.toString;
- t5.layout$1(firstChildGridGeometry.getBoxConstraints$1(constraints));
- trailingChildWithLayout = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t5 = trailingChildWithLayout.parentData;
- t5.toString;
- t3._as(t5);
- t5.layoutOffset = leadingScrollOffset;
- t5.crossAxisOffset = firstChildGridGeometry.crossAxisOffset;
- }
- t5 = trailingChildWithLayout.parentData;
- t5.toString;
- t5 = t4._as(t5).index;
- t5.toString;
- index = t5 + 1;
- t5 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1");
- t6 = targetLastIndex != null;
- while (true) {
- if (!(!t6 || index <= targetLastIndex))
- break;
- gridGeometry = layout.getGeometryForChildIndex$1(index);
- t7 = gridGeometry.mainAxisExtent;
- t8 = constraints.asBoxConstraints$3$crossAxisExtent$maxExtent$minExtent(gridGeometry.crossAxisExtent, t7, t7);
- t9 = trailingChildWithLayout.parentData;
- t9.toString;
- child = t5._as(t9).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- if (child != null) {
- t9 = child.parentData;
- t9.toString;
- t9 = t4._as(t9).index;
- t9.toString;
- t9 = t9 !== index;
- } else
- t9 = true;
- if (t9) {
- child = _this.insertAndLayoutChild$2$after(t8, trailingChildWithLayout);
- if (child == null)
- break;
- } else
- child.layout$1(t8);
- t8 = child.parentData;
- t8.toString;
- t3._as(t8);
- t9 = gridGeometry.scrollOffset;
- t8.layoutOffset = t9;
- t8.crossAxisOffset = gridGeometry.crossAxisOffset;
- trailingScrollOffset = Math.max(trailingScrollOffset, t9 + t7);
- ++index;
- trailingChildWithLayout = child;
- }
- t3 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t3.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t4._as(t3).index;
- t3.toString;
- estimatedTotalExtent = t1.estimateMaxScrollOffset$5$firstIndex$lastIndex$leadingScrollOffset$trailingScrollOffset(constraints, firstIndex, t3, leadingScrollOffset, trailingScrollOffset);
- paintExtent = _this.calculatePaintOffset$3$from$to(constraints, Math.min(t2, leadingScrollOffset), trailingScrollOffset);
- cacheExtent = _this.calculateCacheOffset$3$from$to(constraints, leadingScrollOffset, trailingScrollOffset);
- _this._geometry = A.SliverGeometry$(cacheExtent, estimatedTotalExtent > paintExtent || t2 > 0 || constraints.overlap !== 0, _null, _null, estimatedTotalExtent, paintExtent, 0, estimatedTotalExtent, _null);
- if (estimatedTotalExtent === trailingScrollOffset)
- t1._didUnderflow = true;
- t1.didFinishLayout$0();
- }
- };
- A.RenderSliverList.prototype = {
- performLayout$0() {
- var t2, scrollOffset, targetEndScrollOffset, childConstraints, earliestUsefulChild, t3, t4, leadingChildrenWithoutLayoutOffset, t5, earliestScrollOffset, leadingChildWithLayout, firstChildScrollOffset, advance, leadingGarbage, extent, reachedEnd, trailingGarbage, child, estimatedMaxScrollOffset, t6, paintExtent, cacheExtent, _this = this, _null = null, _box_0 = {},
- constraints = type$.SliverConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)),
- t1 = _this._childManager;
- t1._didUnderflow = false;
- t2 = constraints.scrollOffset;
- scrollOffset = t2 + constraints.cacheOrigin;
- targetEndScrollOffset = scrollOffset + constraints.remainingCacheExtent;
- childConstraints = constraints.asBoxConstraints$0();
- if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild == null)
- if (!_this.addInitialChild$0()) {
- _this._geometry = B.SliverGeometry_yuB;
- t1.didFinishLayout$0();
- return;
- }
- _box_0.trailingChildWithLayout = null;
- earliestUsefulChild = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t3 = earliestUsefulChild.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData;
- if (t4._as(t3).layoutOffset == null) {
- t3 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1");
- leadingChildrenWithoutLayoutOffset = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (earliestUsefulChild != null) {
- t5 = earliestUsefulChild.parentData;
- t5.toString;
- t5 = t4._as(t5).layoutOffset == null;
- } else
- t5 = false;
- if (!t5)
- break;
- t5 = earliestUsefulChild.parentData;
- t5.toString;
- earliestUsefulChild = t3._as(t5).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- ++leadingChildrenWithoutLayoutOffset;
- }
- _this.collectGarbage$2(leadingChildrenWithoutLayoutOffset, 0);
- if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild == null)
- if (!_this.addInitialChild$0()) {
- _this._geometry = B.SliverGeometry_yuB;
- t1.didFinishLayout$0();
- return;
- }
- }
- earliestUsefulChild = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t3 = earliestUsefulChild.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t4._as(t3).layoutOffset;
- t3.toString;
- earliestScrollOffset = t3;
- leadingChildWithLayout = _null;
- for (; earliestScrollOffset > scrollOffset; earliestScrollOffset = firstChildScrollOffset, leadingChildWithLayout = earliestUsefulChild) {
- earliestUsefulChild = _this.insertAndLayoutLeadingChild$2$parentUsesSize(childConstraints, true);
- if (earliestUsefulChild == null) {
- t3 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t5 = t3.parentData;
- t5.toString;
- t4._as(t5).layoutOffset = 0;
- if (scrollOffset === 0) {
- t3.layout$2$parentUsesSize(childConstraints, true);
- earliestUsefulChild = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- if (_box_0.trailingChildWithLayout == null)
- _box_0.trailingChildWithLayout = earliestUsefulChild;
- leadingChildWithLayout = earliestUsefulChild;
- break;
- } else {
- _this._geometry = A.SliverGeometry$(_null, false, _null, _null, 0, 0, 0, 0, -scrollOffset);
- return;
- }
- }
- t3 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t3.toString;
- firstChildScrollOffset = earliestScrollOffset - _this.paintExtentOf$1(t3);
- if (firstChildScrollOffset < -1e-10) {
- _this._geometry = A.SliverGeometry$(_null, false, _null, _null, 0, 0, 0, 0, -firstChildScrollOffset);
- t1 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t4._as(t1).layoutOffset = 0;
- return;
- }
- t3 = earliestUsefulChild.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t4._as(t3).layoutOffset = firstChildScrollOffset;
- if (_box_0.trailingChildWithLayout == null)
- _box_0.trailingChildWithLayout = earliestUsefulChild;
- }
- if (scrollOffset < 1e-10)
- while (true) {
- t3 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t3.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t4._as(t3);
- t5 = t3.index;
- t5.toString;
- if (!(t5 > 0))
- break;
- t3 = t3.layoutOffset;
- t3.toString;
- earliestUsefulChild = _this.insertAndLayoutLeadingChild$2$parentUsesSize(childConstraints, true);
- t5 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t5.toString;
- firstChildScrollOffset = t3 - _this.paintExtentOf$1(t5);
- t5 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild.parentData;
- t5.toString;
- t4._as(t5).layoutOffset = 0;
- if (firstChildScrollOffset < -1e-10) {
- _this._geometry = A.SliverGeometry$(_null, false, _null, _null, 0, 0, 0, 0, -firstChildScrollOffset);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (leadingChildWithLayout == null) {
- earliestUsefulChild.layout$2$parentUsesSize(childConstraints, true);
- _box_0.trailingChildWithLayout = earliestUsefulChild;
- }
- _box_0.inLayoutRange = true;
- _box_0.child = earliestUsefulChild;
- t3 = earliestUsefulChild.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t4._as(t3);
- t5 = t3.index;
- t5.toString;
- _box_0.index = t5;
- t3 = t3.layoutOffset;
- t3.toString;
- _box_0.endScrollOffset = t3 + _this.paintExtentOf$1(earliestUsefulChild);
- advance = new A.RenderSliverList_performLayout_advance(_box_0, _this, childConstraints);
- for (leadingGarbage = 0; _box_0.endScrollOffset < scrollOffset;) {
- ++leadingGarbage;
- if (!advance.call$0()) {
- _this.collectGarbage$2(leadingGarbage - 1, 0);
- t1 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild;
- t2 = t1.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = t4._as(t2).layoutOffset;
- t2.toString;
- extent = t2 + _this.paintExtentOf$1(t1);
- _this._geometry = A.SliverGeometry$(_null, false, _null, _null, extent, 0, 0, extent, _null);
- return;
- }
- }
- while (true) {
- if (!(_box_0.endScrollOffset < targetEndScrollOffset)) {
- reachedEnd = false;
- break;
- }
- if (!advance.call$0()) {
- reachedEnd = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- t3 = _box_0.child;
- if (t3 != null) {
- t3 = t3.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t5 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1");
- t3 = _box_0.child = t5._as(t3).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- for (trailingGarbage = 0; t3 != null; t3 = child) {
- ++trailingGarbage;
- t3 = t3.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- child = t5._as(t3).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- _box_0.child = child;
- }
- } else
- trailingGarbage = 0;
- _this.collectGarbage$2(leadingGarbage, trailingGarbage);
- estimatedMaxScrollOffset = _box_0.endScrollOffset;
- if (!reachedEnd) {
- t3 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t3.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t4._as(t3);
- t5 = t3.index;
- t5.toString;
- t6 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild;
- t6.toString;
- t6 = t6.parentData;
- t6.toString;
- t6 = t4._as(t6).index;
- t6.toString;
- estimatedMaxScrollOffset = t1.estimateMaxScrollOffset$5$firstIndex$lastIndex$leadingScrollOffset$trailingScrollOffset(constraints, t5, t6, t3.layoutOffset, estimatedMaxScrollOffset);
- }
- t3 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t4._as(t3).layoutOffset;
- t3.toString;
- paintExtent = _this.calculatePaintOffset$3$from$to(constraints, t3, _box_0.endScrollOffset);
- t3 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t4._as(t3).layoutOffset;
- t3.toString;
- cacheExtent = _this.calculateCacheOffset$3$from$to(constraints, t3, _box_0.endScrollOffset);
- t3 = _box_0.endScrollOffset;
- _this._geometry = A.SliverGeometry$(cacheExtent, t3 > t2 + constraints.remainingPaintExtent || t2 > 0, _null, _null, estimatedMaxScrollOffset, paintExtent, 0, estimatedMaxScrollOffset, _null);
- if (estimatedMaxScrollOffset === t3)
- t1._didUnderflow = true;
- t1.didFinishLayout$0();
- }
- };
- A.RenderSliverList_performLayout_advance.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t4, child, t5,
- t1 = this._box_0,
- t2 = t1.child,
- t3 = t1.trailingChildWithLayout;
- if (t2 == t3)
- t1.inLayoutRange = false;
- t4 = this.$this;
- t2 = t2.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1.child = A._instanceType(t4)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1")._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- t2 = child == null;
- if (t2)
- t1.inLayoutRange = false;
- t5 = ++t1.index;
- if (!t1.inLayoutRange) {
- if (!t2) {
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData._as(t2).index;
- t2.toString;
- t5 = t2 !== t5;
- t2 = t5;
- } else
- t2 = true;
- t5 = this.childConstraints;
- if (t2) {
- child = t4.insertAndLayoutChild$3$after$parentUsesSize(t5, t3, true);
- t1.child = child;
- if (child == null)
- return false;
- } else
- child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(t5, true);
- t2 = t1.trailingChildWithLayout = t1.child;
- } else
- t2 = child;
- t3 = t2.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData._as(t3);
- t5 = t1.endScrollOffset;
- t3.layoutOffset = t5;
- t1.endScrollOffset = t5 + t4.paintExtentOf$1(t2);
- return true;
- },
- $signature: 30
- };
- A.KeepAliveParentDataMixin.prototype = {$isParentData: 1};
- A.RenderSliverWithKeepAliveMixin.prototype = {
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- }
- };
- A.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.index,
- t2 = this.KeepAliveParentDataMixin_keepAlive ? "keepAlive; " : "";
- return "index=" + A.S(t1) + "; " + t2 + this.super$SliverLogicalParentData$toString(0);
- },
- get$index(receiver) {
- return this.index;
- }
- };
- A.RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor.prototype = {
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData(false, null, null);
- },
- adoptChild$1(child) {
- var t1;
- this.super$RenderObject$adoptChild(child);
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- if (!type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData._as(t1)._keptAlive)
- this._childManager.didAdoptChild$1(type$.RenderBox._as(child));
- },
- insert$2$after(_, child, after) {
- this.super$ContainerRenderObjectMixin$insert(0, child, after);
- },
- move$2$after(child, after) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData._as(t1);
- if (!t1._keptAlive) {
- _this.super$ContainerRenderObjectMixin$move(child, after);
- _this._childManager.didAdoptChild$1(child);
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- } else {
- t2 = _this._keepAliveBucket;
- if (t2.$index(0, t1.index) === child)
- t2.remove$1(0, t1.index);
- _this._childManager.didAdoptChild$1(child);
- t1 = t1.index;
- t1.toString;
- t2.$indexSet(0, t1, child);
- }
- },
- remove$1(_, child) {
- var t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData._as(t1);
- if (!t1._keptAlive) {
- this.super$ContainerRenderObjectMixin$remove(0, child);
- return;
- }
- this._keepAliveBucket.remove$1(0, t1.index);
- this.dropChild$1(child);
- },
- _createOrObtainChild$2$after(index, after) {
- this.invokeLayoutCallback$1$1(new A.RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor__createOrObtainChild_closure(this, index, after), type$.SliverConstraints);
- },
- _destroyOrCacheChild$1(child) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData._as(t1);
- if (t1.KeepAliveParentDataMixin_keepAlive) {
- _this.remove$1(0, child);
- t2 = t1.index;
- t2.toString;
- _this._keepAliveBucket.$indexSet(0, t2, child);
- child.parentData = t1;
- _this.super$RenderObject$adoptChild(child);
- t1._keptAlive = true;
- } else
- _this._childManager.removeChild$1(child);
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- this.super$_RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_RenderSliver_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$attach(owner);
- for (t1 = this._keepAliveBucket, t1 = t1.get$values(t1), t2 = A._instanceType(t1), t2 = t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._rest[1]), t1 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t1.__internal$_iterable), t1._f, t2._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>")), t2 = t2._rest[1]; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1.__internal$_current;
- (t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3).attach$1(owner);
- }
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- this.super$_RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_RenderSliver_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$detach(0);
- for (t1 = this._keepAliveBucket, t1 = t1.get$values(t1), t2 = A._instanceType(t1), t2 = t2._eval$1("@<1>")._bind$1(t2._rest[1]), t1 = new A.MappedIterator(J.get$iterator$ax(t1.__internal$_iterable), t1._f, t2._eval$1("MappedIterator<1,2>")), t2 = t2._rest[1]; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1.__internal$_current;
- (t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3).detach$0(0);
- }
- },
- redepthChildren$0() {
- this.super$ContainerRenderObjectMixin$redepthChildren();
- var t1 = this._keepAliveBucket;
- t1.get$values(t1).forEach$1(0, this.get$redepthChild());
- },
- visitChildren$1(visitor) {
- var t1;
- this.super$ContainerRenderObjectMixin$visitChildren(visitor);
- t1 = this._keepAliveBucket;
- t1.get$values(t1).forEach$1(0, visitor);
- },
- visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) {
- this.super$ContainerRenderObjectMixin$visitChildren(visitor);
- },
- addInitialChild$2$index$layoutOffset(index, layoutOffset) {
- var t1;
- this._createOrObtainChild$2$after(index, null);
- t1 = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1 = t1.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData._as(t1).layoutOffset = layoutOffset;
- return true;
- }
- this._childManager._didUnderflow = true;
- return false;
- },
- addInitialChild$0() {
- return this.addInitialChild$2$index$layoutOffset(0, 0);
- },
- insertAndLayoutLeadingChild$2$parentUsesSize(childConstraints, parentUsesSize) {
- var t2, index, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = t1.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData;
- t1 = t2._as(t1).index;
- t1.toString;
- index = t1 - 1;
- _this._createOrObtainChild$2$after(index, null);
- t1 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t1.toString;
- t3 = t1.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = t2._as(t3).index;
- t3.toString;
- if (t3 === index) {
- t1.layout$2$parentUsesSize(childConstraints, parentUsesSize);
- return _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- }
- _this._childManager._didUnderflow = true;
- return null;
- },
- insertAndLayoutLeadingChild$1(childConstraints) {
- return this.insertAndLayoutLeadingChild$2$parentUsesSize(childConstraints, false);
- },
- insertAndLayoutChild$3$after$parentUsesSize(childConstraints, after, parentUsesSize) {
- var t2, index, child,
- t1 = after.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData;
- t1 = t2._as(t1).index;
- t1.toString;
- index = t1 + 1;
- this._createOrObtainChild$2$after(index, after);
- t1 = after.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- child = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1")._as(t1).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- if (child != null) {
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = t2._as(t1).index;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = t1 === index;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(childConstraints, parentUsesSize);
- return child;
- }
- this._childManager._didUnderflow = true;
- return null;
- },
- insertAndLayoutChild$2$after(childConstraints, after) {
- return this.insertAndLayoutChild$3$after$parentUsesSize(childConstraints, after, false);
- },
- collectGarbage$2(leadingGarbage, trailingGarbage) {
- var t1 = {};
- t1.leadingGarbage = leadingGarbage;
- t1.trailingGarbage = trailingGarbage;
- this.invokeLayoutCallback$1$1(new A.RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_collectGarbage_closure(t1, this), type$.SliverConstraints);
- },
- paintExtentOf$1(child) {
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(type$.SliverConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this)).axisDirection).index) {
- case 0:
- return child._size._dx;
- case 1:
- return child._size._dy;
- }
- },
- hitTestChildren$3$crossAxisPosition$mainAxisPosition(result, crossAxisPosition, mainAxisPosition) {
- var t1, t2,
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild,
- boxResult = A.BoxHitTestResult$wrap(result);
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); child != null;) {
- if (this.hitTestBoxChild$4$crossAxisPosition$mainAxisPosition(boxResult, child, crossAxisPosition, mainAxisPosition))
- return true;
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- }
- return false;
- },
- childMainAxisPosition$1(child) {
- var t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData._as(t1).layoutOffset;
- t1.toString;
- return t1 - type$.SliverConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this)).scrollOffset;
- },
- childScrollOffset$1(child) {
- var t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- return type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData._as(t1).layoutOffset;
- },
- paintsChild$1(child) {
- var childParentData = type$.nullable_SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData._as(child.parentData);
- return (childParentData == null ? null : childParentData.index) != null && !this._keepAliveBucket.containsKey$1(0, childParentData.index);
- },
- applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) {
- var t1;
- if (!this.paintsChild$1(child)) {
- t1 = transform._vector_math_64$_m4storage;
- t1[0] = 0;
- t1[1] = 0;
- t1[2] = 0;
- t1[3] = 0;
- t1[4] = 0;
- t1[5] = 0;
- t1[6] = 0;
- t1[7] = 0;
- t1[8] = 0;
- t1[9] = 0;
- t1[10] = 0;
- t1[11] = 0;
- t1[12] = 0;
- t1[13] = 0;
- t1[14] = 0;
- t1[15] = 0;
- } else
- this.applyPaintTransformForBoxChild$2(child, transform);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, originOffset, mainAxisUnit, crossAxisUnit, addExtent, child, t2, t3, t4, mainAxisDelta, crossAxisDelta, t5, t6, t7, childOffset, t8, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild == null)
- return;
- t1 = type$.SliverConstraints;
- switch (A.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).axisDirection, t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).growthDirection)) {
- case B.AxisDirection_0:
- originOffset = offset.$add(0, new A.Offset(0, _this._geometry.paintExtent));
- mainAxisUnit = B.Offset_0_m1;
- crossAxisUnit = B.Offset_1_0;
- addExtent = true;
- break;
- case B.AxisDirection_1:
- originOffset = offset;
- mainAxisUnit = B.Offset_1_0;
- crossAxisUnit = B.Offset_0_1;
- addExtent = false;
- break;
- case B.AxisDirection_2:
- originOffset = offset;
- mainAxisUnit = B.Offset_0_1;
- crossAxisUnit = B.Offset_1_0;
- addExtent = false;
- break;
- case B.AxisDirection_3:
- originOffset = offset.$add(0, new A.Offset(_this._geometry.paintExtent, 0));
- mainAxisUnit = B.Offset_m1_0;
- crossAxisUnit = B.Offset_0_1;
- addExtent = true;
- break;
- default:
- addExtent = _null;
- originOffset = addExtent;
- crossAxisUnit = originOffset;
- mainAxisUnit = crossAxisUnit;
- }
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t2 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), t3 = type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData; child != null;) {
- t4 = child.parentData;
- t4.toString;
- t4 = t3._as(t4).layoutOffset;
- t4.toString;
- mainAxisDelta = t4 - t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).scrollOffset;
- crossAxisDelta = _this.childCrossAxisPosition$1(child);
- t4 = originOffset._dx;
- t5 = mainAxisUnit._dx;
- t4 = t4 + t5 * mainAxisDelta + crossAxisUnit._dx * crossAxisDelta;
- t6 = originOffset._dy;
- t7 = mainAxisUnit._dy;
- t6 = t6 + t7 * mainAxisDelta + crossAxisUnit._dy * crossAxisDelta;
- childOffset = new A.Offset(t4, t6);
- if (addExtent) {
- t8 = _this.paintExtentOf$1(child);
- childOffset = new A.Offset(t4 + t5 * t8, t6 + t7 * t8);
- }
- if (mainAxisDelta < t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).remainingPaintExtent && mainAxisDelta + _this.paintExtentOf$1(child) > 0)
- context.paintChild$2(child, childOffset);
- t4 = child.parentData;
- t4.toString;
- child = t2._as(t4).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$0() {
- var t1, t2, indices, _i, index, t3,
- _s17_ = "child with index ",
- children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode),
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- if (child != null)
- for (t1 = type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData; true;) {
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t1._as(t2);
- children.push(new A.DiagnosticableTreeNode(child, _s17_ + A.S(t2.index), true, true, null, null));
- if (child == this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild)
- break;
- child = t2.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- t1 = this._keepAliveBucket;
- if (t1.__js_helper$_length !== 0) {
- t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>");
- indices = A.List_List$of(new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t1, t2), true, t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(indices);
- for (t2 = indices.length, _i = 0; _i < indices.length; indices.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(indices), ++_i) {
- index = indices[_i];
- t3 = t1.$index(0, index);
- t3.toString;
- children.push(new A.DiagnosticableTreeNode(t3, _s17_ + A.S(index) + " (kept alive but not laid out)", true, true, null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_2));
- }
- }
- return children;
- }
- };
- A.RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor__createOrObtainChild_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(constraints) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1._keepAliveBucket,
- t3 = this.index,
- t4 = this.after;
- if (t2.containsKey$1(0, t3)) {
- t2 = t2.remove$1(0, t3);
- t2.toString;
- t3 = t2.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData._as(t3);
- t1.dropChild$1(t2);
- t2.parentData = t3;
- t1.super$ContainerRenderObjectMixin$insert(0, t2, t4);
- t3._keptAlive = false;
- } else
- t1._childManager.createChild$2$after(t3, t4);
- },
- $signature: 218
- };
- A.RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_collectGarbage_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(constraints) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- for (t1 = this._box_0, t2 = this.$this; t1.leadingGarbage > 0;) {
- t3 = t2.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t3.toString;
- t2._destroyOrCacheChild$1(t3);
- --t1.leadingGarbage;
- }
- for (; t1.trailingGarbage > 0;) {
- t3 = t2.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild;
- t3.toString;
- t2._destroyOrCacheChild$1(t3);
- --t1.trailingGarbage;
- }
- t1 = t2._keepAliveBucket;
- t1 = t1.get$values(t1);
- t3 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("WhereIterable");
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(A.List_List$of(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_collectGarbage__closure(), t3), true, t3._eval$1("Iterable.E")), t2._childManager.get$removeChild());
- },
- $signature: 218
- };
- A.RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_collectGarbage__closure.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- var t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- return !type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData._as(t1).KeepAliveParentDataMixin_keepAlive;
- },
- $signature: 352
- };
- A._RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_RenderSliver_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData; child != null;) {
- child.attach$1(owner);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData; child != null;) {
- child.detach$0(0);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- }
- };
- A._RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_RenderSliver_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderSliverHelpers.prototype = {};
- A._RenderSliverMultiBoxAdaptor_RenderSliver_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderSliverHelpers_RenderSliverWithKeepAliveMixin.prototype = {};
- A._SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData_SliverLogicalParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin.prototype = {
- detach$0(_) {
- this.super$ParentData$detach(0);
- }
- };
- A._SliverMultiBoxAdaptorParentData_SliverLogicalParentData_ContainerParentDataMixin_KeepAliveParentDataMixin.prototype = {};
- A.RenderSliverEdgeInsetsPadding.prototype = {
- get$beforePadding() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = type$.SliverConstraints;
- switch (A.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).axisDirection, t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).growthDirection)) {
- case B.AxisDirection_0:
- return _this.get$resolvedPadding().bottom;
- case B.AxisDirection_1:
- return _this.get$resolvedPadding().left;
- case B.AxisDirection_2:
- return _this.get$resolvedPadding().top;
- case B.AxisDirection_3:
- return _this.get$resolvedPadding().right;
- }
- },
- get$afterPadding() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = type$.SliverConstraints;
- switch (A.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).axisDirection, t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).growthDirection)) {
- case B.AxisDirection_0:
- return _this.get$resolvedPadding().top;
- case B.AxisDirection_1:
- return _this.get$resolvedPadding().right;
- case B.AxisDirection_2:
- return _this.get$resolvedPadding().bottom;
- case B.AxisDirection_3:
- return _this.get$resolvedPadding().left;
- }
- },
- get$crossAxisPadding() {
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(type$.SliverConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(this)).axisDirection).index) {
- case 0:
- var t1 = this.get$resolvedPadding();
- return t1.get$_top(t1) + t1.get$_bottom(t1);
- case 1:
- return this.get$resolvedPadding().get$horizontal();
- }
- },
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.SliverPhysicalParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.SliverPhysicalParentData(B.Offset_0_0);
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t2, crossAxisPadding, paintExtent, beforePaddingPaintExtent, overlap, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, childLayoutGeometry, afterPaddingPaintExtent, mainAxisPaddingPaintExtent, beforePaddingCacheExtent, afterPaddingCacheExtent, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = type$.SliverConstraints,
- constraints = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)),
- beforePadding = _this.get$beforePadding();
- _this.get$afterPadding();
- t2 = _this.get$resolvedPadding();
- t2.toString;
- t1 = t2.along$1(A.axisDirectionToAxis(t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).axisDirection));
- crossAxisPadding = _this.get$crossAxisPadding();
- if (_this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child == null) {
- paintExtent = _this.calculatePaintOffset$3$from$to(constraints, 0, t1);
- _this._geometry = A.SliverGeometry$(_this.calculateCacheOffset$3$from$to(constraints, 0, t1), false, _null, _null, t1, Math.min(paintExtent, constraints.remainingPaintExtent), 0, t1, _null);
- return;
- }
- beforePaddingPaintExtent = _this.calculatePaintOffset$3$from$to(constraints, 0, beforePadding);
- overlap = constraints.overlap;
- if (overlap > 0)
- overlap = Math.max(0, overlap - beforePaddingPaintExtent);
- t2 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t2.toString;
- t3 = Math.max(0, constraints.scrollOffset - beforePadding);
- t4 = Math.min(0, constraints.cacheOrigin + beforePadding);
- t5 = constraints.remainingPaintExtent;
- t6 = _this.calculatePaintOffset$3$from$to(constraints, 0, beforePadding);
- t7 = constraints.remainingCacheExtent;
- t8 = _this.calculateCacheOffset$3$from$to(constraints, 0, beforePadding);
- t9 = Math.max(0, constraints.crossAxisExtent - crossAxisPadding);
- t10 = constraints.axisDirection;
- t11 = constraints.growthDirection;
- t2.layout$2$parentUsesSize(new A.SliverConstraints(t10, t11, constraints.userScrollDirection, t3, beforePadding + constraints.precedingScrollExtent, overlap, t5 - t6, t9, constraints.crossAxisDirection, constraints.viewportMainAxisExtent, t4, t7 - t8), true);
- childLayoutGeometry = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child._geometry;
- t2 = childLayoutGeometry.scrollOffsetCorrection;
- if (t2 != null) {
- _this._geometry = A.SliverGeometry$(_null, false, _null, _null, 0, 0, 0, 0, t2);
- return;
- }
- t2 = childLayoutGeometry.scrollExtent;
- t3 = beforePadding + t2;
- t4 = t1 + t2;
- afterPaddingPaintExtent = _this.calculatePaintOffset$3$from$to(constraints, t3, t4);
- mainAxisPaddingPaintExtent = beforePaddingPaintExtent + afterPaddingPaintExtent;
- beforePaddingCacheExtent = _this.calculateCacheOffset$3$from$to(constraints, 0, beforePadding);
- afterPaddingCacheExtent = _this.calculateCacheOffset$3$from$to(constraints, t3, t4);
- t3 = childLayoutGeometry.paintExtent;
- t6 = childLayoutGeometry.layoutExtent;
- paintExtent = Math.min(beforePaddingPaintExtent + Math.max(t3, t6 + afterPaddingPaintExtent), t5);
- t5 = childLayoutGeometry.paintOrigin;
- t6 = Math.min(mainAxisPaddingPaintExtent + t6, paintExtent);
- t7 = Math.min(afterPaddingCacheExtent + beforePaddingCacheExtent + childLayoutGeometry.cacheExtent, t7);
- t8 = childLayoutGeometry.maxPaintExtent;
- t3 = Math.max(mainAxisPaddingPaintExtent + t3, beforePaddingPaintExtent + childLayoutGeometry.hitTestExtent);
- _this._geometry = A.SliverGeometry$(t7, childLayoutGeometry.hasVisualOverflow, t3, t6, t1 + t8, paintExtent, t5, t4, _null);
- t4 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.parentData;
- t4.toString;
- type$.SliverPhysicalParentData._as(t4);
- switch (A.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(t10, t11)) {
- case B.AxisDirection_0:
- t4.paintOffset = new A.Offset(_this.get$resolvedPadding().left, _this.calculatePaintOffset$3$from$to(constraints, _this.get$resolvedPadding().bottom + t2, _this.get$resolvedPadding().bottom + t2 + _this.get$resolvedPadding().top));
- break;
- case B.AxisDirection_1:
- t4.paintOffset = new A.Offset(_this.calculatePaintOffset$3$from$to(constraints, 0, _this.get$resolvedPadding().left), _this.get$resolvedPadding().top);
- break;
- case B.AxisDirection_2:
- t4.paintOffset = new A.Offset(_this.get$resolvedPadding().left, _this.calculatePaintOffset$3$from$to(constraints, 0, _this.get$resolvedPadding().top));
- break;
- case B.AxisDirection_3:
- t4.paintOffset = new A.Offset(_this.calculatePaintOffset$3$from$to(constraints, _this.get$resolvedPadding().right + t2, _this.get$resolvedPadding().right + t2 + _this.get$resolvedPadding().left), _this.get$resolvedPadding().top);
- break;
- }
- },
- hitTestChildren$3$crossAxisPosition$mainAxisPosition(result, crossAxisPosition, mainAxisPosition) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null && t1._geometry.hitTestExtent > 0) {
- t1 = t1.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.SliverPhysicalParentData._as(t1);
- t2 = _this.calculatePaintOffset$3$from$to(type$.SliverConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)), 0, _this.get$beforePadding());
- t3 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- t3.toString;
- t3 = _this.childCrossAxisPosition$1(t3);
- t1 = t1.paintOffset;
- t4 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child.get$hitTest();
- t5 = t1 != null;
- if (t5)
- result._localTransforms.push(new A._OffsetTransformPart(new A.Offset(-t1._dx, -t1._dy)));
- t4.call$3$crossAxisPosition$mainAxisPosition(result, crossAxisPosition - t3, mainAxisPosition - t2);
- if (t5)
- result.popTransform$0();
- }
- return false;
- },
- childCrossAxisPosition$1(child) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = type$.SliverConstraints;
- switch (A.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).axisDirection, t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this)).growthDirection)) {
- case B.AxisDirection_0:
- case B.AxisDirection_2:
- return _this.get$resolvedPadding().left;
- case B.AxisDirection_3:
- case B.AxisDirection_1:
- return _this.get$resolvedPadding().top;
- }
- },
- childScrollOffset$1(child) {
- return this.get$beforePadding();
- },
- applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) {
- var t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = type$.SliverPhysicalParentData._as(t1).paintOffset;
- transform.translate$2(0, t1._dx, t1._dy);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null && t1._geometry.visible) {
- t2 = t1.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- context.paintChild$2(t1, offset.$add(0, type$.SliverPhysicalParentData._as(t2).paintOffset));
- }
- }
- };
- A.RenderSliverPadding.prototype = {
- get$resolvedPadding() {
- return this._sliver_padding$_resolvedPadding;
- },
- _sliver_padding$_resolve$0() {
- if (this._sliver_padding$_resolvedPadding != null)
- return;
- this._sliver_padding$_resolvedPadding = this._sliver_padding$_padding;
- },
- set$padding(_, value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._sliver_padding$_padding.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- _this._sliver_padding$_padding = value;
- _this._sliver_padding$_resolvedPadding = null;
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$textDirection(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._sliver_padding$_textDirection === value)
- return;
- _this._sliver_padding$_textDirection = value;
- _this._sliver_padding$_resolvedPadding = null;
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- this._sliver_padding$_resolve$0();
- this.super$RenderSliverEdgeInsetsPadding$performLayout();
- }
- };
- A._RenderSliverEdgeInsetsPadding_RenderSliver_RenderObjectWithChildMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var t1;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.attach$1(owner);
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var t1;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.detach$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.RelativeRect.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- return other instanceof A.RelativeRect && other.left === _this.left && other.top === _this.top && other.right === _this.right && other.bottom === _this.bottom;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.left, _this.top, _this.right, _this.bottom, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return "RelativeRect.fromLTRB(" + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.left, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.top, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.right, 1) + ", " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(_this.bottom, 1) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.StackParentData.prototype = {
- get$isPositioned() {
- var _this = this;
- return _this.top != null || _this.right != null || _this.bottom != null || _this.left != null || _this.width != null || _this.height != null;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String),
- t2 = _this.top;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("top=" + A.debugFormatDouble(t2));
- t2 = _this.right;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("right=" + A.debugFormatDouble(t2));
- t2 = _this.bottom;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("bottom=" + A.debugFormatDouble(t2));
- t2 = _this.left;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("left=" + A.debugFormatDouble(t2));
- t2 = _this.width;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("width=" + A.debugFormatDouble(t2));
- t2 = _this.height;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.push("height=" + A.debugFormatDouble(t2));
- if (t1.length === 0)
- t1.push("not positioned");
- t1.push(_this.super$BoxParentData$toString(0));
- return B.JSArray_methods.join$1(t1, "; ");
- }
- };
- A.StackFit.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "StackFit." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.RenderStack.prototype = {
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.StackParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.StackParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0);
- },
- _stack$_resolve$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._stack$_resolvedAlignment != null)
- return;
- _this._stack$_resolvedAlignment = _this._stack$_alignment.resolve$1(_this._stack$_textDirection);
- },
- set$alignment(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._stack$_alignment.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- _this._stack$_alignment = value;
- _this._stack$_resolvedAlignment = null;
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$textDirection(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._stack$_textDirection == value)
- return;
- _this._stack$_textDirection = value;
- _this._stack$_resolvedAlignment = null;
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$fit(value) {
- if (this._fit !== value) {
- this._fit = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- }
- },
- set$clipBehavior(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (value !== _this._stack$_clipBehavior) {
- _this._stack$_clipBehavior = value;
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- }
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- return A.RenderStack_getIntrinsicDimension(this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild, new A.RenderStack_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure(height));
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- return A.RenderStack_getIntrinsicDimension(this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild, new A.RenderStack_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure(height));
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return A.RenderStack_getIntrinsicDimension(this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild, new A.RenderStack_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure(width));
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return A.RenderStack_getIntrinsicDimension(this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild, new A.RenderStack_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure(width));
- },
- computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- return this.defaultComputeDistanceToHighestActualBaseline$1(baseline);
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return this._stack$_computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild$closure());
- },
- _stack$_computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, layoutChild) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, width, height, nonPositionedConstraints, child, height0, width0, hasNonPositionedChildren, childSize, _this = this;
- _this._stack$_resolve$0();
- if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__childCount === 0) {
- t1 = constraints.minWidth;
- t2 = constraints.maxWidth;
- t3 = A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t1, t2);
- t4 = constraints.minHeight;
- t5 = constraints.maxHeight;
- t6 = A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t4, t5);
- return isFinite(t3) && isFinite(t6) ? new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t1, t2), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, t4, t5)) : new A.Size(A.clampDouble(0, t1, t2), A.clampDouble(0, t4, t5));
- }
- width = constraints.minWidth;
- height = constraints.minHeight;
- switch (_this._fit.index) {
- case 0:
- nonPositionedConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, constraints.maxWidth, 0, constraints.maxHeight);
- break;
- case 1:
- nonPositionedConstraints = A.BoxConstraints$tight(new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, width, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, height, constraints.maxHeight)));
- break;
- case 2:
- nonPositionedConstraints = constraints;
- break;
- default:
- nonPositionedConstraints = null;
- }
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.StackParentData, height0 = height, width0 = width, hasNonPositionedChildren = false; child != null;) {
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t1._as(t2);
- if (!t2.get$isPositioned()) {
- childSize = layoutChild.call$2(child, nonPositionedConstraints);
- width0 = Math.max(width0, childSize._dx);
- height0 = Math.max(height0, childSize._dy);
- hasNonPositionedChildren = true;
- }
- child = t2.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return hasNonPositionedChildren ? new A.Size(width0, height0) : new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, width, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, height, constraints.maxHeight));
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var child, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _this = this,
- constraints = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- _this._hasVisualOverflow = false;
- _this._size = _this._stack$_computeSize$2$constraints$layoutChild(constraints, A.layout_helper_ChildLayoutHelper_layoutChild$closure());
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.StackParentData, t2 = type$.Offset; child != null;) {
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- t1._as(t3);
- if (!t3.get$isPositioned()) {
- t4 = _this._stack$_resolvedAlignment;
- t4.toString;
- t5 = _this._size;
- t5.toString;
- t6 = child._size;
- t6.toString;
- t3.offset = t4.alongOffset$1(t2._as(t5.$sub(0, t6)));
- } else {
- t4 = _this._size;
- t4.toString;
- t5 = _this._stack$_resolvedAlignment;
- t5.toString;
- _this._hasVisualOverflow = A.RenderStack_layoutPositionedChild(child, t3, t4, t5) || _this._hasVisualOverflow;
- }
- child = t3.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- return this.defaultHitTestChildren$2$position(result, position);
- },
- paintStack$2(context, offset) {
- this.defaultPaint$2(context, offset);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._stack$_clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0 && _this._hasVisualOverflow,
- t2 = _this._stack$_clipRectLayer;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = _this._size;
- t2.set$layer(0, context.pushClipRect$6$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, offset, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t3._dx, 0 + t3._dy), _this.get$paintStack(), _this._stack$_clipBehavior, t2._layer));
- } else {
- t2.set$layer(0, null);
- _this.paintStack$2(context, offset);
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._stack$_clipRectLayer.set$layer(0, null);
- this.super$RenderObject$dispose();
- },
- describeApproximatePaintClip$1(child) {
- var t1;
- switch (this._stack$_clipBehavior.index) {
- case 0:
- return null;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 3:
- if (this._hasVisualOverflow) {
- t1 = this._size;
- t1 = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy);
- } else
- t1 = null;
- return t1;
- }
- }
- };
- A.RenderStack_computeMinIntrinsicWidth_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, this.height, child.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth());
- },
- $signature: 22
- };
- A.RenderStack_computeMaxIntrinsicWidth_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, this.height, child.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- },
- $signature: 22
- };
- A.RenderStack_computeMinIntrinsicHeight_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, this.width, child.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight());
- },
- $signature: 22
- };
- A.RenderStack_computeMaxIntrinsicHeight_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- return child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, this.width, child.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight());
- },
- $signature: 22
- };
- A.RenderIndexedStack.prototype = {
- visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) {
- if (this._stack$_index != null && this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild != null)
- visitor.call$1(this._childAtIndex$0());
- },
- get$index(_) {
- return this._stack$_index;
- },
- _childAtIndex$0() {
- var t3,
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild,
- t1 = type$.StackParentData,
- t2 = this._stack$_index,
- i = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (child != null) {
- t2.toString;
- t3 = i < t2;
- } else
- t3 = false;
- if (!t3)
- break;
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- child = t1._as(t3).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- ++i;
- }
- child.toString;
- return child;
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var child, t1;
- if (this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild == null || this._stack$_index == null)
- return false;
- child = this._childAtIndex$0();
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.StackParentData._as(t1);
- return result.addWithPaintOffset$3$hitTest$offset$position(new A.RenderIndexedStack_hitTestChildren_closure(position, t1, child), t1.offset, position);
- },
- paintStack$2(context, offset) {
- var child, t1;
- if (this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild == null || this._stack$_index == null)
- return;
- child = this._childAtIndex$0();
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- context.paintChild$2(child, type$.StackParentData._as(t1).offset.$add(0, offset));
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$0() {
- var t1, i, i0, t2,
- children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode),
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.StackParentData, i = 0; child != null; i = i0) {
- i0 = i + 1;
- t2 = i !== this._stack$_index ? B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_2 : null;
- children.push(new A.DiagnosticableTreeNode(child, "child " + i0, true, true, null, t2));
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return children;
- }
- };
- A.RenderIndexedStack_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(result, transformed) {
- return this.child.hitTest$2$position(result, transformed);
- },
- $signature: 8
- };
- A._RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.StackParentData; child != null;) {
- child.attach$1(owner);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.StackParentData; child != null;) {
- child.detach$0(0);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- }
- };
- A._RenderStack_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.prototype = {};
- A.AlignmentGeometryTween.prototype = {
- lerp$1(t) {
- return A.AlignmentGeometry_lerp(this.begin, this.end, t);
- }
- };
- A.ViewConfiguration.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ViewConfiguration && other.size.$eq(0, this.size) && other.devicePixelRatio === this.devicePixelRatio;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.size, this.devicePixelRatio, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return this.size.toString$0(0) + " at " + A.debugFormatDouble(this.devicePixelRatio) + "x";
- }
- };
- A.RenderView.prototype = {
- set$configuration(value) {
- var oldConfiguration, t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (_this._view$_configuration.$eq(0, value))
- return;
- oldConfiguration = _this._view$_configuration;
- _this._view$_configuration = value;
- t1 = oldConfiguration.devicePixelRatio;
- t1 = A.Matrix4_Matrix4$diagonal3Values(t1, t1, 1);
- t2 = _this._view$_configuration.devicePixelRatio;
- if (!t1.$eq(0, A.Matrix4_Matrix4$diagonal3Values(t2, t2, 1))) {
- t1 = _this._updateMatricesAndCreateNewRootLayer$0();
- t2 = _this._layerHandle;
- t3 = t2._layer;
- t3.toString;
- J.detach$0$z(t3);
- t2.set$layer(0, t1);
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- }
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- _updateMatricesAndCreateNewRootLayer$0() {
- var rootLayer,
- t1 = this._view$_configuration.devicePixelRatio;
- t1 = A.Matrix4_Matrix4$diagonal3Values(t1, t1, 1);
- this._rootTransform = t1;
- rootLayer = A.TransformLayer$(t1);
- rootLayer.attach$1(this);
- return rootLayer;
- },
- performResize$0() {
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._view$_configuration.size;
- this._view$_size = t1;
- t2 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t2 != null)
- t2.layout$1(A.BoxConstraints$tight(t1));
- },
- hitTest$2$position(result, position) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.hitTest$2$position(A.BoxHitTestResult$wrap(result), position);
- result.add$1(0, new A.HitTestEntry(this, type$.HitTestEntry_HitTestTarget));
- return true;
- },
- hitTestMouseTrackers$1(position) {
- var result,
- t1 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_HitTestEntry_HitTestTarget),
- t2 = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- t2.setIdentity$0();
- result = new A.BoxHitTestResult(t1, A._setArrayType([t2], type$.JSArray_Matrix4_2), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__TransformPart));
- this.hitTest$2$position(result, position);
- return result;
- },
- get$isRepaintBoundary() {
- return true;
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- context.paintChild$2(t1, offset);
- },
- applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) {
- var t1 = this._rootTransform;
- t1.toString;
- transform.multiply$1(0, t1);
- this.super$RenderObject$applyPaintTransform(child, transform);
- },
- compositeFrame$0() {
- var builder, scene, t1;
- A.Timeline_startSync("COMPOSITING", null, null);
- try {
- t1 = $.$get$_renderer();
- builder = t1.createSceneBuilder$0();
- scene = this._layerHandle._layer.buildScene$1(builder);
- this._updateSystemChrome$0();
- t1.renderScene$1(scene);
- scene.dispose$0();
- } finally {
- A.Timeline_finishSync();
- }
- },
- _updateSystemChrome$0() {
- var t3, t4, upperOverlayStyle, lowerOverlayStyle, isAndroid, definedOverlayStyle, t5, t6, t7, _null = null,
- bounds = this.get$paintBounds(),
- t1 = bounds.get$center(),
- t2 = this._view;
- t2.get$_viewConfiguration();
- t3 = bounds.get$center();
- t2.get$_viewConfiguration();
- t2 = this._layerHandle;
- t4 = type$.SystemUiOverlayStyle;
- upperOverlayStyle = t2._layer.find$1$1(0, new A.Offset(t1._dx, 0), t4);
- switch (A.defaultTargetPlatform().index) {
- case 0:
- lowerOverlayStyle = t2._layer.find$1$1(0, new A.Offset(t3._dx, bounds.bottom - 1 - 0), t4);
- break;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 3:
- case 4:
- case 5:
- lowerOverlayStyle = _null;
- break;
- default:
- lowerOverlayStyle = _null;
- }
- t1 = upperOverlayStyle == null;
- if (t1 && lowerOverlayStyle == null)
- return;
- if (!t1 && lowerOverlayStyle != null) {
- t1 = upperOverlayStyle.statusBarBrightness;
- t2 = upperOverlayStyle.statusBarIconBrightness;
- t3 = upperOverlayStyle.statusBarColor;
- t4 = upperOverlayStyle.systemStatusBarContrastEnforced;
- A.SystemChrome_setSystemUIOverlayStyle(new A.SystemUiOverlayStyle(lowerOverlayStyle.systemNavigationBarColor, lowerOverlayStyle.systemNavigationBarDividerColor, lowerOverlayStyle.systemNavigationBarIconBrightness, lowerOverlayStyle.systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced, t3, t1, t2, t4));
- return;
- }
- isAndroid = A.defaultTargetPlatform() === B.TargetPlatform_0;
- definedOverlayStyle = t1 ? lowerOverlayStyle : upperOverlayStyle;
- t1 = definedOverlayStyle.statusBarBrightness;
- t2 = definedOverlayStyle.statusBarIconBrightness;
- t3 = definedOverlayStyle.statusBarColor;
- t4 = definedOverlayStyle.systemStatusBarContrastEnforced;
- t5 = isAndroid ? definedOverlayStyle.systemNavigationBarColor : _null;
- t6 = isAndroid ? definedOverlayStyle.systemNavigationBarDividerColor : _null;
- t7 = isAndroid ? definedOverlayStyle.systemNavigationBarIconBrightness : _null;
- A.SystemChrome_setSystemUIOverlayStyle(new A.SystemUiOverlayStyle(t5, t6, t7, isAndroid ? definedOverlayStyle.systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced : _null, t3, t1, t2, t4));
- },
- get$paintBounds() {
- var t1 = this._view$_size.$mul(0, this._view$_configuration.devicePixelRatio);
- return new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy);
- },
- get$semanticBounds() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._rootTransform;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = this._view$_size;
- return A.MatrixUtils_transformRect(t1, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t2._dx, 0 + t2._dy));
- }
- };
- A._RenderView_RenderObject_RenderObjectWithChildMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var t1;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.attach$1(owner);
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var t1;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- t1 = this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.detach$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.CacheExtentStyle.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "CacheExtentStyle." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.RevealedOffset.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "RevealedOffset(offset: " + A.S(this.offset) + ", rect: " + this.rect.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.RenderViewportBase.prototype = {
- describeSemanticsConfiguration$1(config) {
- this.super$RenderObject$describeSemanticsConfiguration(config);
- config.addTagForChildren$1(B.SemanticsTag_FIw);
- },
- visitChildrenForSemantics$1(visitor) {
- var t1 = this.get$childrenInPaintOrder();
- new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.RenderViewportBase_visitChildrenForSemantics_closure(), A.instanceType(t1)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>")).forEach$1(0, visitor);
- },
- set$axisDirection(value) {
- if (value === this._viewport$_axisDirection)
- return;
- this._viewport$_axisDirection = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$crossAxisDirection(value) {
- if (value === this._crossAxisDirection)
- return;
- this._crossAxisDirection = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$offset(_, value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._viewport$_offset;
- if (value === t1)
- return;
- if (_this._node$_owner != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsLayout());
- _this._viewport$_offset = value;
- if (_this._node$_owner != null)
- value.addListener$1(0, _this.get$markNeedsLayout());
- _this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$cacheExtent(value) {
- if (value == null)
- value = 250;
- if (value === this._cacheExtent)
- return;
- this._cacheExtent = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$cacheExtentStyle(value) {
- if (value === this._cacheExtentStyle)
- return;
- this._cacheExtentStyle = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$clipBehavior(value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (value !== _this._viewport$_clipBehavior) {
- _this._viewport$_clipBehavior = value;
- _this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- _this.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- }
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- this.super$_RenderViewportBase_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$attach(owner);
- this._viewport$_offset.addListener$1(0, this.get$markNeedsLayout());
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- this._viewport$_offset.removeListener$1(0, this.get$markNeedsLayout());
- this.super$_RenderViewportBase_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin$detach(0);
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- return 0;
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return 0;
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- return 0;
- },
- get$isRepaintBoundary() {
- return true;
- },
- layoutChildSequence$11$advance$cacheOrigin$child$crossAxisExtent$growthDirection$layoutOffset$mainAxisExtent$overlap$remainingCacheExtent$remainingPaintExtent$scrollOffset(advance, cacheOrigin, child, crossAxisExtent, growthDirection, layoutOffset, mainAxisExtent, overlap, remainingCacheExtent, remainingPaintExtent, scrollOffset) {
- var layoutOffset0, precedingScrollExtent, sliverScrollOffset, correctedCacheOrigin, cacheExtentCorrection, childLayoutGeometry, t1, effectiveLayoutOffset, _this = this,
- adjustedUserScrollDirection = A.applyGrowthDirectionToScrollDirection(_this._viewport$_offset._userScrollDirection, growthDirection),
- maxPaintOffset = layoutOffset + overlap;
- for (layoutOffset0 = layoutOffset, precedingScrollExtent = 0; child != null;) {
- sliverScrollOffset = scrollOffset <= 0 ? 0 : scrollOffset;
- correctedCacheOrigin = Math.max(cacheOrigin, -sliverScrollOffset);
- cacheExtentCorrection = cacheOrigin - correctedCacheOrigin;
- child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(new A.SliverConstraints(_this._viewport$_axisDirection, growthDirection, adjustedUserScrollDirection, sliverScrollOffset, precedingScrollExtent, maxPaintOffset - layoutOffset0, Math.max(0, remainingPaintExtent - layoutOffset0 + layoutOffset), crossAxisExtent, _this._crossAxisDirection, mainAxisExtent, correctedCacheOrigin, Math.max(0, remainingCacheExtent + cacheExtentCorrection)), true);
- childLayoutGeometry = child._geometry;
- t1 = childLayoutGeometry.scrollOffsetCorrection;
- if (t1 != null)
- return t1;
- effectiveLayoutOffset = layoutOffset0 + childLayoutGeometry.paintOrigin;
- if (childLayoutGeometry.visible || scrollOffset > 0)
- _this.updateChildLayoutOffset$3(child, effectiveLayoutOffset, growthDirection);
- else
- _this.updateChildLayoutOffset$3(child, -scrollOffset + layoutOffset, growthDirection);
- maxPaintOffset = Math.max(effectiveLayoutOffset + childLayoutGeometry.paintExtent, maxPaintOffset);
- t1 = childLayoutGeometry.scrollExtent;
- scrollOffset -= t1;
- precedingScrollExtent += t1;
- layoutOffset0 += childLayoutGeometry.layoutExtent;
- t1 = childLayoutGeometry.cacheExtent;
- if (t1 !== 0) {
- remainingCacheExtent -= t1 - cacheExtentCorrection;
- cacheOrigin = Math.min(correctedCacheOrigin + t1, 0);
- }
- _this.updateOutOfBandData$2(growthDirection, childLayoutGeometry);
- child = advance.call$1(child);
- }
- return 0;
- },
- describeApproximatePaintClip$1(child) {
- var t1, right, bottom, overlapCorrection, $top, left;
- switch (this._viewport$_clipBehavior.index) {
- case 0:
- return null;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 3:
- break;
- }
- t1 = this._size;
- right = 0 + t1._dx;
- bottom = 0 + t1._dy;
- t1 = type$.SliverConstraints;
- if (t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(child)).overlap === 0 || !isFinite(t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(child)).viewportMainAxisExtent))
- return new A.Rect(0, 0, right, bottom);
- overlapCorrection = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(child)).viewportMainAxisExtent - t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(child)).remainingPaintExtent + t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(child)).overlap;
- switch (A.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(this._viewport$_axisDirection, t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(child)).growthDirection)) {
- case B.AxisDirection_2:
- $top = 0 + overlapCorrection;
- left = 0;
- break;
- case B.AxisDirection_0:
- bottom -= overlapCorrection;
- left = 0;
- $top = 0;
- break;
- case B.AxisDirection_1:
- left = 0 + overlapCorrection;
- $top = 0;
- break;
- case B.AxisDirection_3:
- right -= overlapCorrection;
- left = 0;
- $top = 0;
- break;
- default:
- left = 0;
- $top = 0;
- }
- return new A.Rect(left, $top, right, bottom);
- },
- describeSemanticsClip$1(child) {
- var t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._calculatedCacheExtent;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this._size;
- return new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._dx, 0 + t1._dy);
- }
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(_this._viewport$_axisDirection).index) {
- case 1:
- t2 = _this._size;
- return new A.Rect(0, 0 - t1, 0 + t2._dx, 0 + t2._dy + t1);
- case 0:
- t2 = _this._size;
- return new A.Rect(0 - t1, 0, 0 + t2._dx + t1, 0 + t2._dy);
- }
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _this = this;
- if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild == null)
- return;
- t1 = _this.get$hasVisualOverflow() && _this._viewport$_clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0;
- t2 = _this._clipRectLayer;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = _this._size;
- t2.set$layer(0, context.pushClipRect$6$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, offset, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t3._dx, 0 + t3._dy), _this.get$_paintContents(), _this._viewport$_clipBehavior, t2._layer));
- } else {
- t2.set$layer(0, null);
- _this._paintContents$2(context, offset);
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._clipRectLayer.set$layer(0, null);
- this.super$RenderObject$dispose();
- },
- _paintContents$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _i, child, t5;
- for (t1 = this.get$childrenInPaintOrder(), t2 = t1.length, t3 = offset._dx, t4 = offset._dy, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- child = t1[_i];
- if (child._geometry.visible) {
- t5 = this.paintOffsetOf$1(child);
- context.paintChild$2(child, new A.Offset(t3 + t5._dx, t4 + t5._dy));
- }
- }
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- var sliverResult, t1, t2, _i, child, transform, _this = this, _box_0 = {};
- _box_0.crossAxisPosition = _box_0.mainAxisPosition = null;
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(_this._viewport$_axisDirection).index) {
- case 1:
- _box_0.mainAxisPosition = position._dy;
- _box_0.crossAxisPosition = position._dx;
- break;
- case 0:
- _box_0.mainAxisPosition = position._dx;
- _box_0.crossAxisPosition = position._dy;
- break;
- }
- sliverResult = new A.SliverHitTestResult(result._path, result._transforms, result._localTransforms);
- for (t1 = _this.get$childrenInHitTestOrder(), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- child = t1[_i];
- if (!child._geometry.visible)
- continue;
- transform = new A.Matrix40(new Float64Array(16));
- transform.setIdentity$0();
- _this.applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform);
- if (result.addWithOutOfBandPosition$2$hitTest$paintTransform(new A.RenderViewportBase_hitTestChildren_closure(_box_0, _this, child, sliverResult), transform))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- getOffsetToReveal$3$rect(target, alignment, rect) {
- var t1, pivot, child, leadingScrollOffset, t2, t3, growthDirection, pivotExtent, rectLocal, targetMainAxisExtent, targetRect, extentOfPinnedSlivers, mainAxisExtent, targetOffset, offsetDifference, _this = this, _null = null,
- onlySlivers = target instanceof A.RenderSliver;
- for (t1 = type$.RenderObject, pivot = _null, child = target, leadingScrollOffset = 0; child.get$parent(child) !== _this; child = t2) {
- t2 = child.get$parent(child);
- t2.toString;
- t1._as(t2);
- if (child instanceof A.RenderBox)
- pivot = child;
- if (t2 instanceof A.RenderSliver) {
- t3 = t2.childScrollOffset$1(child);
- t3.toString;
- leadingScrollOffset += t3;
- } else {
- leadingScrollOffset = 0;
- onlySlivers = false;
- }
- }
- if (pivot != null) {
- t1 = pivot.get$parent(pivot);
- t1.toString;
- type$.RenderSliver._as(t1);
- growthDirection = type$.SliverConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(t1)).growthDirection;
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(_this._viewport$_axisDirection).index) {
- case 0:
- pivotExtent = pivot._size._dx;
- break;
- case 1:
- pivotExtent = pivot._size._dy;
- break;
- default:
- pivotExtent = _null;
- }
- if (rect == null)
- rect = target.get$paintBounds();
- rectLocal = A.MatrixUtils_transformRect(target.getTransformTo$1(0, pivot), rect);
- } else {
- if (onlySlivers) {
- type$.RenderSliver._as(target);
- t1 = type$.SliverConstraints;
- growthDirection = t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(target)).growthDirection;
- pivotExtent = target._geometry.scrollExtent;
- if (rect == null)
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(_this._viewport$_axisDirection).index) {
- case 0:
- rect = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + pivotExtent, 0 + t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(target)).crossAxisExtent);
- break;
- case 1:
- rect = new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(target)).crossAxisExtent, 0 + target._geometry.scrollExtent);
- break;
- }
- } else {
- t1 = _this._viewport$_offset._pixels;
- t1.toString;
- rect.toString;
- return new A.RevealedOffset(t1, rect);
- }
- rectLocal = rect;
- }
- type$.RenderSliver._as(child);
- switch (A.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(_this._viewport$_axisDirection, growthDirection)) {
- case B.AxisDirection_0:
- t1 = rectLocal.bottom;
- leadingScrollOffset += pivotExtent - t1;
- targetMainAxisExtent = t1 - rectLocal.top;
- break;
- case B.AxisDirection_1:
- t1 = rectLocal.left;
- leadingScrollOffset += t1;
- targetMainAxisExtent = rectLocal.right - t1;
- break;
- case B.AxisDirection_2:
- t1 = rectLocal.top;
- leadingScrollOffset += t1;
- targetMainAxisExtent = rectLocal.bottom - t1;
- break;
- case B.AxisDirection_3:
- t1 = rectLocal.right;
- leadingScrollOffset += pivotExtent - t1;
- targetMainAxisExtent = t1 - rectLocal.left;
- break;
- default:
- targetMainAxisExtent = _null;
- }
- child._geometry.toString;
- leadingScrollOffset = _this.scrollOffsetOf$2(child, leadingScrollOffset);
- targetRect = A.MatrixUtils_transformRect(target.getTransformTo$1(0, _this), rect);
- extentOfPinnedSlivers = _this.maxScrollObstructionExtentBefore$1(child);
- switch (type$.SliverConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(child)).growthDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- leadingScrollOffset -= extentOfPinnedSlivers;
- break;
- case 1:
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(_this._viewport$_axisDirection).index) {
- case 1:
- leadingScrollOffset -= targetRect.bottom - targetRect.top;
- break;
- case 0:
- leadingScrollOffset -= targetRect.right - targetRect.left;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- t1 = _this._viewport$_axisDirection;
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(t1).index) {
- case 0:
- mainAxisExtent = _this._size._dx - extentOfPinnedSlivers;
- break;
- case 1:
- mainAxisExtent = _this._size._dy - extentOfPinnedSlivers;
- break;
- default:
- mainAxisExtent = _null;
- }
- targetOffset = leadingScrollOffset - (mainAxisExtent - targetMainAxisExtent) * alignment;
- t2 = _this._viewport$_offset._pixels;
- t2.toString;
- offsetDifference = t2 - targetOffset;
- switch (t1.index) {
- case 2:
- targetRect = targetRect.translate$2(0, 0, offsetDifference);
- break;
- case 1:
- targetRect = targetRect.translate$2(0, offsetDifference, 0);
- break;
- case 0:
- targetRect = targetRect.translate$2(0, 0, -offsetDifference);
- break;
- case 3:
- targetRect = targetRect.translate$2(0, -offsetDifference, 0);
- break;
- }
- return new A.RevealedOffset(targetOffset, targetRect);
- },
- computeAbsolutePaintOffset$3(child, layoutOffset, growthDirection) {
- switch (A.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(this._viewport$_axisDirection, growthDirection)) {
- case B.AxisDirection_0:
- return new A.Offset(0, this._size._dy - (layoutOffset + child._geometry.paintExtent));
- case B.AxisDirection_1:
- return new A.Offset(layoutOffset, 0);
- case B.AxisDirection_2:
- return new A.Offset(0, layoutOffset);
- case B.AxisDirection_3:
- return new A.Offset(this._size._dx - (layoutOffset + child._geometry.paintExtent), 0);
- }
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$0() {
- var count, t1, t2, _this = this,
- children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode),
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- if (child == null)
- return children;
- count = _this.get$indexOfFirstChild();
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); true;) {
- child.toString;
- children.push(new A.DiagnosticableTreeNode(child, _this.labelForChild$1(count), true, true, null, null));
- if (child === _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild)
- break;
- ++count;
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return children;
- },
- showOnScreen$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect(curve, descendant, duration, rect) {
- var _this = this;
- if (!_this._viewport$_offset.physics.get$allowImplicitScrolling())
- return _this.super$RenderObject$showOnScreen(curve, descendant, duration, rect);
- _this.super$RenderObject$showOnScreen(curve, null, duration, A.RenderViewportBase_showInViewport(curve, descendant, duration, _this._viewport$_offset, rect, _this));
- },
- showOnScreen$0() {
- return this.showOnScreen$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect(B.Cubic_JUR, null, B.Duration_0, null);
- },
- showOnScreen$1$rect(rect) {
- return this.showOnScreen$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect(B.Cubic_JUR, null, B.Duration_0, rect);
- },
- showOnScreen$3$curve$duration$rect(curve, duration, rect) {
- return this.showOnScreen$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect(curve, null, duration, rect);
- },
- showOnScreen$2$descendant$rect(descendant, rect) {
- return this.showOnScreen$4$curve$descendant$duration$rect(B.Cubic_JUR, descendant, B.Duration_0, rect);
- },
- $isRenderAbstractViewport: 1
- };
- A.RenderViewportBase_visitChildrenForSemantics_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(sliver) {
- var t1 = sliver._geometry;
- return t1.visible || t1.cacheExtent > 0;
- },
- $signature: 354
- };
- A.RenderViewportBase_hitTestChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(result) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.child,
- t2 = _this._box_0,
- t3 = _this.$this.computeChildMainAxisPosition$2(t1, t2.mainAxisPosition);
- return t1.hitTest$3$crossAxisPosition$mainAxisPosition(_this.sliverResult, t2.crossAxisPosition, t3);
- },
- $signature: 219
- };
- A.RenderViewport.prototype = {
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.SliverPhysicalContainerParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.SliverPhysicalContainerParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0);
- },
- set$anchor(value) {
- if (value === this._viewport$_anchor)
- return;
- this._viewport$_anchor = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- get$center() {
- return this._center;
- },
- set$center(value) {
- if (value == this._center)
- return;
- this._center = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- get$sizedByParent() {
- return true;
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return new A.Size(A.clampDouble(1 / 0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(1 / 0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight));
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var t1, mainAxisExtent, crossAxisExtent, t2, correction, t3, t4, t5, count, _this = this;
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(_this._viewport$_axisDirection).index) {
- case 1:
- _this._viewport$_offset.applyViewportDimension$1(_this._size._dy);
- break;
- case 0:
- _this._viewport$_offset.applyViewportDimension$1(_this._size._dx);
- break;
- }
- if (_this._center == null) {
- _this.__RenderViewport__maxScrollExtent_A = _this.__RenderViewport__minScrollExtent_A = 0;
- _this._viewport$_hasVisualOverflow = false;
- _this._viewport$_offset.applyContentDimensions$2(0, 0);
- return;
- }
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(_this._viewport$_axisDirection).index) {
- case 1:
- t1 = _this._size;
- mainAxisExtent = t1._dy;
- crossAxisExtent = t1._dx;
- break;
- case 0:
- t1 = _this._size;
- mainAxisExtent = t1._dx;
- crossAxisExtent = t1._dy;
- break;
- default:
- mainAxisExtent = null;
- crossAxisExtent = null;
- }
- t1 = 0;
- do {
- t2 = _this._viewport$_offset._pixels;
- t2.toString;
- correction = _this._attemptLayout$3(mainAxisExtent, crossAxisExtent, t2 + 0);
- if (correction !== 0)
- _this._viewport$_offset.correctBy$1(correction);
- else {
- t2 = _this._viewport$_offset;
- t3 = _this.__RenderViewport__minScrollExtent_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4 = _this._viewport$_anchor;
- t3 = Math.min(0, t3 + mainAxisExtent * t4);
- t5 = _this.__RenderViewport__maxScrollExtent_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t2.applyContentDimensions$2(t3, Math.max(0, t5 - mainAxisExtent * (1 - t4))))
- break;
- }
- count = t1 + 1;
- if (count < 10) {
- t1 = count;
- continue;
- } else
- break;
- } while (true);
- },
- _attemptLayout$3(mainAxisExtent, crossAxisExtent, correctedOffset) {
- var centerOffset, reverseDirectionRemainingPaintExtent, t1, forwardDirectionRemainingPaintExtent, t2, fullCacheExtent, centerCacheOffset, reverseDirectionRemainingCacheExtent, forwardDirectionRemainingCacheExtent, t3, leadingNegativeChild, t4, result, t5, _this = this;
- _this.__RenderViewport__maxScrollExtent_A = _this.__RenderViewport__minScrollExtent_A = 0;
- _this._viewport$_hasVisualOverflow = false;
- centerOffset = mainAxisExtent * _this._viewport$_anchor - correctedOffset;
- reverseDirectionRemainingPaintExtent = A.clampDouble(centerOffset, 0, mainAxisExtent);
- t1 = mainAxisExtent - centerOffset;
- forwardDirectionRemainingPaintExtent = A.clampDouble(t1, 0, mainAxisExtent);
- switch (_this._cacheExtentStyle.index) {
- case 0:
- _this._calculatedCacheExtent = _this._cacheExtent;
- break;
- case 1:
- _this._calculatedCacheExtent = mainAxisExtent * _this._cacheExtent;
- break;
- }
- t2 = _this._calculatedCacheExtent;
- t2.toString;
- fullCacheExtent = mainAxisExtent + 2 * t2;
- centerCacheOffset = centerOffset + t2;
- reverseDirectionRemainingCacheExtent = A.clampDouble(centerCacheOffset, 0, fullCacheExtent);
- forwardDirectionRemainingCacheExtent = A.clampDouble(fullCacheExtent - centerCacheOffset, 0, fullCacheExtent);
- t3 = _this._center.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- leadingNegativeChild = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1")._as(t3).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- t3 = leadingNegativeChild == null;
- if (!t3) {
- t4 = Math.max(mainAxisExtent, centerOffset);
- result = _this.layoutChildSequence$11$advance$cacheOrigin$child$crossAxisExtent$growthDirection$layoutOffset$mainAxisExtent$overlap$remainingCacheExtent$remainingPaintExtent$scrollOffset(_this.get$childBefore(), A.clampDouble(t1, -t2, 0), leadingNegativeChild, crossAxisExtent, B.GrowthDirection_1, forwardDirectionRemainingPaintExtent, mainAxisExtent, 0, reverseDirectionRemainingCacheExtent, reverseDirectionRemainingPaintExtent, t4 - mainAxisExtent);
- if (result !== 0)
- return -result;
- }
- t1 = _this._center;
- t2 = -centerOffset;
- t4 = Math.max(0, t2);
- t2 = t3 ? Math.min(0, t2) : 0;
- t3 = centerOffset >= mainAxisExtent ? centerOffset : reverseDirectionRemainingPaintExtent;
- t5 = _this._calculatedCacheExtent;
- t5.toString;
- return _this.layoutChildSequence$11$advance$cacheOrigin$child$crossAxisExtent$growthDirection$layoutOffset$mainAxisExtent$overlap$remainingCacheExtent$remainingPaintExtent$scrollOffset(_this.get$childAfter(), A.clampDouble(centerOffset, -t5, 0), t1, crossAxisExtent, B.GrowthDirection_0, t3, mainAxisExtent, t2, forwardDirectionRemainingCacheExtent, forwardDirectionRemainingPaintExtent, t4);
- },
- get$hasVisualOverflow() {
- return this._viewport$_hasVisualOverflow;
- },
- updateOutOfBandData$2(growthDirection, childLayoutGeometry) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- switch (growthDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = _this.__RenderViewport__maxScrollExtent_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.__RenderViewport__maxScrollExtent_A = t1 + childLayoutGeometry.scrollExtent;
- break;
- case 1:
- t1 = _this.__RenderViewport__minScrollExtent_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.__RenderViewport__minScrollExtent_A = t1 - childLayoutGeometry.scrollExtent;
- break;
- }
- if (childLayoutGeometry.hasVisualOverflow)
- _this._viewport$_hasVisualOverflow = true;
- },
- updateChildLayoutOffset$3(child, layoutOffset, growthDirection) {
- var t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.SliverPhysicalParentData._as(t1).paintOffset = this.computeAbsolutePaintOffset$3(child, layoutOffset, growthDirection);
- },
- paintOffsetOf$1(child) {
- var t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- return type$.SliverPhysicalParentData._as(t1).paintOffset;
- },
- scrollOffsetOf$2(child, scrollOffsetWithinChild) {
- var current, t1, scrollOffsetToChild, t2, _this = this;
- switch (type$.SliverConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(child)).growthDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- current = _this._center;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), scrollOffsetToChild = 0; current !== child;) {
- scrollOffsetToChild += current._geometry.scrollExtent;
- t2 = current.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- current = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return scrollOffsetToChild + scrollOffsetWithinChild;
- case 1:
- t1 = _this._center.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1");
- current = t2._as(t1).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- for (scrollOffsetToChild = 0; current !== child;) {
- scrollOffsetToChild -= current._geometry.scrollExtent;
- t1 = current.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- current = t2._as(t1).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- }
- return scrollOffsetToChild - scrollOffsetWithinChild;
- }
- },
- maxScrollObstructionExtentBefore$1(child) {
- var current, t1, t2, _this = this;
- switch (type$.SliverConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(child)).growthDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- current = _this._center;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); current !== child;) {
- current._geometry.toString;
- t2 = current.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- current = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return 0;
- case 1:
- t1 = _this._center.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1");
- current = t2._as(t1).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- for (; current !== child;) {
- current._geometry.toString;
- t1 = current.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- current = t2._as(t1).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- },
- applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) {
- var t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = type$.SliverPhysicalParentData._as(t1).paintOffset;
- transform.translate$2(0, t1._dx, t1._dy);
- },
- computeChildMainAxisPosition$2(child, parentMainAxisPosition) {
- var t2,
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.SliverPhysicalParentData._as(t1);
- t2 = type$.SliverConstraints;
- switch (A.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(t2._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(child)).axisDirection, t2._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(child)).growthDirection)) {
- case B.AxisDirection_2:
- return parentMainAxisPosition - t1.paintOffset._dy;
- case B.AxisDirection_1:
- return parentMainAxisPosition - t1.paintOffset._dx;
- case B.AxisDirection_0:
- return child._geometry.paintExtent - (parentMainAxisPosition - t1.paintOffset._dy);
- case B.AxisDirection_3:
- return child._geometry.paintExtent - (parentMainAxisPosition - t1.paintOffset._dx);
- }
- },
- get$indexOfFirstChild() {
- var t1, t2, count, t3,
- child = this._center;
- for (t1 = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild, t2 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), count = 0; child != t1;) {
- --count;
- t3 = child.parentData;
- t3.toString;
- child = t2._as(t3).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- }
- return count;
- },
- labelForChild$1(index) {
- if (index === 0)
- return "center child";
- return "child " + index;
- },
- get$childrenInPaintOrder() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this,
- children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RenderSliver),
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- if (child == null)
- return children;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); child != _this._center;) {
- child.toString;
- children.push(child);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild;
- for (; true;) {
- child.toString;
- children.push(child);
- if (child === _this._center)
- return children;
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- }
- },
- get$childrenInHitTestOrder() {
- var child, t1, t2, _this = this,
- children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RenderSliver);
- if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild == null)
- return children;
- child = _this._center;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); child != null;) {
- children.push(child);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- t2 = _this._center.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- for (; child != null;) {
- children.push(child);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- }
- return children;
- }
- };
- A.RenderShrinkWrappingViewport.prototype = {
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.SliverLogicalContainerParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.SliverLogicalContainerParentData(null, null);
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var mainAxisExtent, crossAxisExtent, t1, t2, t3, t4, effectiveExtent, t5, correction, didAcceptViewportDimension, t6, didAcceptContentDimension, _this = this,
- constraints = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- if (_this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild == null) {
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(_this._viewport$_axisDirection).index) {
- case 1:
- _this._size = new A.Size(constraints.maxWidth, constraints.minHeight);
- break;
- case 0:
- _this._size = new A.Size(constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxHeight);
- break;
- }
- _this._viewport$_offset.applyViewportDimension$1(0);
- _this.__RenderShrinkWrappingViewport__shrinkWrapExtent_A = _this.__RenderShrinkWrappingViewport__maxScrollExtent_A = 0;
- _this._viewport$_hasVisualOverflow = false;
- _this._viewport$_offset.applyContentDimensions$2(0, 0);
- return;
- }
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(_this._viewport$_axisDirection).index) {
- case 1:
- mainAxisExtent = constraints.maxHeight;
- crossAxisExtent = constraints.maxWidth;
- break;
- case 0:
- mainAxisExtent = constraints.maxWidth;
- crossAxisExtent = constraints.maxHeight;
- break;
- default:
- mainAxisExtent = null;
- crossAxisExtent = null;
- }
- t1 = constraints.minWidth;
- t2 = constraints.maxWidth;
- t3 = constraints.minHeight;
- t4 = constraints.maxHeight;
- effectiveExtent = null;
- do {
- t5 = _this._viewport$_offset._pixels;
- t5.toString;
- correction = _this._attemptLayout$3(mainAxisExtent, crossAxisExtent, t5);
- if (correction !== 0)
- _this._viewport$_offset.correctBy$1(correction);
- else {
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(_this._viewport$_axisDirection).index) {
- case 1:
- t5 = _this.__RenderShrinkWrappingViewport__shrinkWrapExtent_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- effectiveExtent = A.clampDouble(t5, t3, t4);
- break;
- case 0:
- t5 = _this.__RenderShrinkWrappingViewport__shrinkWrapExtent_A;
- t5 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- effectiveExtent = A.clampDouble(t5, t1, t2);
- break;
- }
- didAcceptViewportDimension = _this._viewport$_offset.applyViewportDimension$1(effectiveExtent);
- t5 = _this._viewport$_offset;
- t6 = _this.__RenderShrinkWrappingViewport__maxScrollExtent_A;
- t6 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- didAcceptContentDimension = t5.applyContentDimensions$2(0, Math.max(0, t6 - effectiveExtent));
- if (didAcceptViewportDimension && didAcceptContentDimension)
- break;
- }
- } while (true);
- switch (A.axisDirectionToAxis(_this._viewport$_axisDirection).index) {
- case 1:
- _this._size = new A.Size(A.clampDouble(crossAxisExtent, t1, t2), A.clampDouble(effectiveExtent, t3, t4));
- break;
- case 0:
- _this._size = new A.Size(A.clampDouble(effectiveExtent, t1, t2), A.clampDouble(crossAxisExtent, t3, t4));
- break;
- }
- },
- _attemptLayout$3(mainAxisExtent, crossAxisExtent, correctedOffset) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this;
- _this.__RenderShrinkWrappingViewport__shrinkWrapExtent_A = _this.__RenderShrinkWrappingViewport__maxScrollExtent_A = 0;
- _this._viewport$_hasVisualOverflow = correctedOffset < 0;
- switch (_this._cacheExtentStyle.index) {
- case 0:
- _this._calculatedCacheExtent = _this._cacheExtent;
- break;
- case 1:
- _this._calculatedCacheExtent = mainAxisExtent * _this._cacheExtent;
- break;
- }
- t1 = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- t2 = Math.max(0, correctedOffset);
- t3 = Math.min(0, correctedOffset);
- t4 = Math.max(0, -correctedOffset);
- t5 = _this._calculatedCacheExtent;
- t5.toString;
- return _this.layoutChildSequence$11$advance$cacheOrigin$child$crossAxisExtent$growthDirection$layoutOffset$mainAxisExtent$overlap$remainingCacheExtent$remainingPaintExtent$scrollOffset(_this.get$childAfter(), -t5, t1, crossAxisExtent, B.GrowthDirection_0, t4, mainAxisExtent, t3, mainAxisExtent + 2 * t5, mainAxisExtent + t3, t2);
- },
- get$hasVisualOverflow() {
- return this._viewport$_hasVisualOverflow;
- },
- updateOutOfBandData$2(growthDirection, childLayoutGeometry) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.__RenderShrinkWrappingViewport__maxScrollExtent_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.__RenderShrinkWrappingViewport__maxScrollExtent_A = t1 + childLayoutGeometry.scrollExtent;
- if (childLayoutGeometry.hasVisualOverflow)
- _this._viewport$_hasVisualOverflow = true;
- t1 = _this.__RenderShrinkWrappingViewport__shrinkWrapExtent_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.__RenderShrinkWrappingViewport__shrinkWrapExtent_A = t1 + childLayoutGeometry.maxPaintExtent;
- },
- updateChildLayoutOffset$3(child, layoutOffset, growthDirection) {
- var t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.SliverLogicalParentData._as(t1).layoutOffset = layoutOffset;
- },
- paintOffsetOf$1(child) {
- var t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = type$.SliverLogicalParentData._as(t1).layoutOffset;
- t1.toString;
- return this.computeAbsolutePaintOffset$3(child, t1, B.GrowthDirection_0);
- },
- scrollOffsetOf$2(child, scrollOffsetWithinChild) {
- var t1, scrollOffsetToChild, t2,
- current = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), scrollOffsetToChild = 0; current !== child;) {
- scrollOffsetToChild += current._geometry.scrollExtent;
- t2 = current.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- current = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return scrollOffsetToChild + scrollOffsetWithinChild;
- },
- maxScrollObstructionExtentBefore$1(child) {
- var t1, t2,
- current = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); current !== child;) {
- current._geometry.toString;
- t2 = current.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- current = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return 0;
- },
- applyPaintTransform$2(child, transform) {
- var offset = this.paintOffsetOf$1(type$.RenderSliver._as(child));
- transform.translate$2(0, offset._dx, offset._dy);
- },
- computeChildMainAxisPosition$2(child, parentMainAxisPosition) {
- var t2,
- t1 = child.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.SliverLogicalParentData._as(t1);
- t2 = type$.SliverConstraints;
- switch (A.applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(t2._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(child)).axisDirection, t2._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(child)).growthDirection)) {
- case B.AxisDirection_2:
- case B.AxisDirection_1:
- t1 = t1.layoutOffset;
- t1.toString;
- return parentMainAxisPosition - t1;
- case B.AxisDirection_0:
- t2 = this._size._dy;
- t1 = t1.layoutOffset;
- t1.toString;
- return t2 - parentMainAxisPosition - t1;
- case B.AxisDirection_3:
- t2 = this._size._dx;
- t1 = t1.layoutOffset;
- t1.toString;
- return t2 - parentMainAxisPosition - t1;
- }
- },
- get$indexOfFirstChild() {
- return 0;
- },
- labelForChild$1(index) {
- return "child " + index;
- },
- get$childrenInPaintOrder() {
- var t1, t2,
- children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RenderSliver),
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__lastChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); child != null;) {
- children.push(child);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_previousSibling;
- }
- return children;
- },
- get$childrenInHitTestOrder() {
- var t1, t2,
- children = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RenderSliver),
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"); child != null;) {
- children.push(child);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return children;
- }
- };
- A._RenderViewportBase_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_RenderViewportBase_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.0"); child != null;) {
- child.attach$1(owner);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_RenderViewportBase_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.0"); child != null;) {
- child.detach$0(0);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- }
- };
- A.ScrollDirection.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "ScrollDirection." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.ViewportOffset.prototype = {
- moveTo$3$curve$duration(_, to, curve, duration) {
- var t1 = duration._duration === B.Duration_0._duration;
- if (t1) {
- this.jumpTo$1(to);
- return A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.void);
- } else
- return this.animateTo$3$curve$duration(to, curve, duration);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this,
- description = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String);
- _this.super$ScrollPosition$debugFillDescription(description);
- description.push(A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this.context).toString$0(0));
- description.push(_this.physics.toString$0(0));
- description.push(A.S(_this._activity));
- description.push(_this._userScrollDirection.toString$0(0));
- return "#" + A.shortHash(_this) + "(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(description, ", ") + ")";
- },
- debugFillDescription$1(description) {
- var t1 = this._pixels;
- if (t1 != null)
- description.push("offset: " + B.JSNumber_methods.toStringAsFixed$1(t1, 1));
- }
- };
- A.WrapAlignment.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "WrapAlignment." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.WrapCrossAlignment.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "WrapCrossAlignment." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._RunMetrics.prototype = {};
- A.WrapParentData.prototype = {};
- A.RenderWrap.prototype = {
- set$direction(_, value) {
- if (this._wrap$_direction === value)
- return;
- this._wrap$_direction = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$alignment(value) {
- if (this._wrap$_alignment === value)
- return;
- this._wrap$_alignment = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$spacing(_, value) {
- if (this._spacing === value)
- return;
- this._spacing = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$runAlignment(value) {
- if (this._runAlignment === value)
- return;
- this._runAlignment = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$runSpacing(value) {
- if (this._runSpacing === value)
- return;
- this._runSpacing = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- set$crossAxisAlignment(value) {
- if (this._wrap$_crossAxisAlignment === value)
- return;
- this._wrap$_crossAxisAlignment = value;
- this.markNeedsLayout$0();
- },
- setupParentData$1(child) {
- if (!(child.parentData instanceof A.WrapParentData))
- child.parentData = new A.WrapParentData(null, null, B.Offset_0_0);
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var child, t1, width, t2, _this = this;
- switch (_this._wrap$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), width = 0; child != null;) {
- width = Math.max(width, child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_0, 1 / 0, child.get$computeMinIntrinsicWidth()));
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return width;
- case 1:
- return _this._computeDryLayout$1(new A.BoxConstraints(0, 1 / 0, 0, height))._dx;
- }
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicWidth$1(height) {
- var child, t1, width, t2, _this = this;
- switch (_this._wrap$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), width = 0; child != null;) {
- width += child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_1, 1 / 0, child.get$computeMaxIntrinsicWidth());
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return width;
- case 1:
- return _this._computeDryLayout$1(new A.BoxConstraints(0, 1 / 0, 0, height))._dx;
- }
- },
- computeMinIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var child, t1, height, t2, _this = this;
- switch (_this._wrap$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return _this._computeDryLayout$1(new A.BoxConstraints(0, width, 0, 1 / 0))._dy;
- case 1:
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), height = 0; child != null;) {
- height = Math.max(height, child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_2, 1 / 0, child.get$computeMinIntrinsicHeight()));
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return height;
- }
- },
- computeMaxIntrinsicHeight$1(width) {
- var child, t1, height, t2, _this = this;
- switch (_this._wrap$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return _this._computeDryLayout$1(new A.BoxConstraints(0, width, 0, 1 / 0))._dy;
- case 1:
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), height = 0; child != null;) {
- height += child._computeIntrinsicDimension$3(B._IntrinsicDimension_3, 1 / 0, child.get$computeMaxIntrinsicHeight());
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- return height;
- }
- },
- computeDistanceToActualBaseline$1(baseline) {
- return this.defaultComputeDistanceToHighestActualBaseline$1(baseline);
- },
- _getMainAxisExtent$1(childSize) {
- switch (this._wrap$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return childSize._dx;
- case 1:
- return childSize._dy;
- }
- },
- _getCrossAxisExtent$1(childSize) {
- switch (this._wrap$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return childSize._dy;
- case 1:
- return childSize._dx;
- }
- },
- _getOffset$2(mainAxisOffset, crossAxisOffset) {
- switch (this._wrap$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return new A.Offset(mainAxisOffset, crossAxisOffset);
- case 1:
- return new A.Offset(crossAxisOffset, mainAxisOffset);
- }
- },
- _getChildCrossAxisOffset$3(flipCrossAxis, runCrossAxisExtent, childCrossAxisExtent) {
- var freeSpace = runCrossAxisExtent - childCrossAxisExtent;
- switch (this._wrap$_crossAxisAlignment.index) {
- case 0:
- return flipCrossAxis ? freeSpace : 0;
- case 1:
- return flipCrossAxis ? 0 : freeSpace;
- case 2:
- return freeSpace / 2;
- }
- },
- computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- return this._computeDryLayout$1(constraints);
- },
- _computeDryLayout$1(constraints) {
- var mainAxisLimit, childConstraints, child, t1, mainAxisExtent, crossAxisExtent, runMainAxisExtent, runCrossAxisExtent, childCount, childSize, childMainAxisExtent, childCrossAxisExtent, t2, _this = this;
- switch (_this._wrap$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- mainAxisLimit = constraints.maxWidth;
- childConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, mainAxisLimit, 0, 1 / 0);
- break;
- case 1:
- mainAxisLimit = constraints.maxHeight;
- childConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, 1 / 0, 0, mainAxisLimit);
- break;
- default:
- childConstraints = null;
- mainAxisLimit = 0;
- }
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = A._instanceType(_this)._eval$1("ContainerRenderObjectMixin.1"), mainAxisExtent = 0, crossAxisExtent = 0, runMainAxisExtent = 0, runCrossAxisExtent = 0, childCount = 0; child != null;) {
- childSize = A.ChildLayoutHelper_dryLayoutChild(child, childConstraints);
- childMainAxisExtent = _this._getMainAxisExtent$1(childSize);
- childCrossAxisExtent = _this._getCrossAxisExtent$1(childSize);
- if (childCount > 0 && runMainAxisExtent + childMainAxisExtent + _this._spacing > mainAxisLimit) {
- mainAxisExtent = Math.max(mainAxisExtent, runMainAxisExtent);
- crossAxisExtent += runCrossAxisExtent + _this._runSpacing;
- runMainAxisExtent = 0;
- runCrossAxisExtent = 0;
- childCount = 0;
- }
- runMainAxisExtent += childMainAxisExtent;
- runCrossAxisExtent = Math.max(runCrossAxisExtent, childCrossAxisExtent);
- if (childCount > 0)
- runMainAxisExtent += _this._spacing;
- ++childCount;
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- crossAxisExtent += runCrossAxisExtent;
- mainAxisExtent = Math.max(mainAxisExtent, runMainAxisExtent);
- switch (_this._wrap$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(mainAxisExtent, crossAxisExtent));
- case 1:
- return constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(crossAxisExtent, mainAxisExtent));
- }
- },
- performLayout$0() {
- var child, mainAxisLimit, childConstraints, flipMainAxis, flipCrossAxis, spacing, runSpacing, runMetrics, t1, mainAxisExtent, crossAxisExtent, runMainAxisExtent, runCrossAxisExtent, childCount, t2, childMainAxisExtent, childCrossAxisExtent, runCount, containerMainAxisExtent, containerCrossAxisExtent, crossAxisFreeSpace, runLeadingSpace, runBetweenSpace, crossAxisOffset, i, metrics, mainAxisFreeSpace, childLeadingSpace, childBetweenSpace, childMainPosition, t3, childCrossAxisOffset, _this = this,
- constraints = type$.BoxConstraints._as(A.RenderObject.prototype.get$constraints.call(_this));
- _this._wrap$_hasVisualOverflow = false;
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- if (child == null) {
- _this._size = new A.Size(A.clampDouble(0, constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth), A.clampDouble(0, constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight));
- return;
- }
- switch (_this._wrap$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- mainAxisLimit = constraints.maxWidth;
- childConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, mainAxisLimit, 0, 1 / 0);
- flipMainAxis = _this._wrap$_textDirection === B.TextDirection_0 && true;
- flipCrossAxis = _this._wrap$_verticalDirection === B.VerticalDirection_0 && true;
- break;
- case 1:
- mainAxisLimit = constraints.maxHeight;
- childConstraints = new A.BoxConstraints(0, 1 / 0, 0, mainAxisLimit);
- flipMainAxis = _this._wrap$_verticalDirection === B.VerticalDirection_0 && true;
- flipCrossAxis = _this._wrap$_textDirection === B.TextDirection_0 && true;
- break;
- default:
- childConstraints = null;
- mainAxisLimit = 0;
- flipMainAxis = false;
- flipCrossAxis = false;
- }
- spacing = _this._spacing;
- runSpacing = _this._runSpacing;
- runMetrics = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__RunMetrics);
- for (t1 = type$.WrapParentData, mainAxisExtent = 0, crossAxisExtent = 0, runMainAxisExtent = 0, runCrossAxisExtent = 0, childCount = 0; child != null;) {
- child.layout$2$parentUsesSize(childConstraints, true);
- t2 = child._size;
- t2.toString;
- childMainAxisExtent = _this._getMainAxisExtent$1(t2);
- t2 = child._size;
- t2.toString;
- childCrossAxisExtent = _this._getCrossAxisExtent$1(t2);
- if (childCount > 0 && runMainAxisExtent + spacing + childMainAxisExtent > mainAxisLimit) {
- mainAxisExtent = Math.max(mainAxisExtent, runMainAxisExtent);
- crossAxisExtent += runCrossAxisExtent;
- if (runMetrics.length !== 0)
- crossAxisExtent += runSpacing;
- runMetrics.push(new A._RunMetrics(runMainAxisExtent, runCrossAxisExtent, childCount));
- runMainAxisExtent = 0;
- runCrossAxisExtent = 0;
- childCount = 0;
- }
- runMainAxisExtent += childMainAxisExtent;
- if (childCount > 0)
- runMainAxisExtent += spacing;
- runCrossAxisExtent = Math.max(runCrossAxisExtent, childCrossAxisExtent);
- ++childCount;
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t1._as(t2);
- t2._runIndex = runMetrics.length;
- child = t2.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- if (childCount > 0) {
- mainAxisExtent = Math.max(mainAxisExtent, runMainAxisExtent);
- crossAxisExtent += runCrossAxisExtent;
- if (runMetrics.length !== 0)
- crossAxisExtent += runSpacing;
- runMetrics.push(new A._RunMetrics(runMainAxisExtent, runCrossAxisExtent, childCount));
- }
- runCount = runMetrics.length;
- switch (_this._wrap$_direction.index) {
- case 0:
- t2 = _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(mainAxisExtent, crossAxisExtent));
- containerMainAxisExtent = t2._dx;
- containerCrossAxisExtent = t2._dy;
- break;
- case 1:
- t2 = _this._size = constraints.constrain$1(new A.Size(crossAxisExtent, mainAxisExtent));
- containerMainAxisExtent = t2._dy;
- containerCrossAxisExtent = t2._dx;
- break;
- default:
- containerMainAxisExtent = 0;
- containerCrossAxisExtent = 0;
- }
- _this._wrap$_hasVisualOverflow = containerMainAxisExtent < mainAxisExtent || containerCrossAxisExtent < crossAxisExtent;
- crossAxisFreeSpace = Math.max(0, containerCrossAxisExtent - crossAxisExtent);
- switch (_this._runAlignment.index) {
- case 0:
- runLeadingSpace = 0;
- runBetweenSpace = 0;
- break;
- case 1:
- runLeadingSpace = crossAxisFreeSpace;
- runBetweenSpace = 0;
- break;
- case 2:
- runLeadingSpace = crossAxisFreeSpace / 2;
- runBetweenSpace = 0;
- break;
- case 3:
- runBetweenSpace = runCount > 1 ? crossAxisFreeSpace / (runCount - 1) : 0;
- runLeadingSpace = 0;
- break;
- case 4:
- runBetweenSpace = crossAxisFreeSpace / runCount;
- runLeadingSpace = runBetweenSpace / 2;
- break;
- case 5:
- runBetweenSpace = crossAxisFreeSpace / (runCount + 1);
- runLeadingSpace = runBetweenSpace;
- break;
- default:
- runLeadingSpace = 0;
- runBetweenSpace = 0;
- }
- runBetweenSpace += runSpacing;
- crossAxisOffset = flipCrossAxis ? containerCrossAxisExtent - runLeadingSpace : runLeadingSpace;
- child = _this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (i = 0; i < runCount; ++i) {
- metrics = runMetrics[i];
- runCrossAxisExtent = metrics.crossAxisExtent;
- childCount = metrics.childCount;
- mainAxisFreeSpace = Math.max(0, containerMainAxisExtent - metrics.mainAxisExtent);
- switch (_this._wrap$_alignment.index) {
- case 0:
- childLeadingSpace = 0;
- childBetweenSpace = 0;
- break;
- case 1:
- childLeadingSpace = mainAxisFreeSpace;
- childBetweenSpace = 0;
- break;
- case 2:
- childLeadingSpace = mainAxisFreeSpace / 2;
- childBetweenSpace = 0;
- break;
- case 3:
- childBetweenSpace = childCount > 1 ? mainAxisFreeSpace / (childCount - 1) : 0;
- childLeadingSpace = 0;
- break;
- case 4:
- childBetweenSpace = mainAxisFreeSpace / childCount;
- childLeadingSpace = childBetweenSpace / 2;
- break;
- case 5:
- childBetweenSpace = mainAxisFreeSpace / (childCount + 1);
- childLeadingSpace = childBetweenSpace;
- break;
- default:
- childLeadingSpace = 0;
- childBetweenSpace = 0;
- }
- childBetweenSpace += spacing;
- childMainPosition = flipMainAxis ? containerMainAxisExtent - childLeadingSpace : childLeadingSpace;
- if (flipCrossAxis)
- crossAxisOffset -= runCrossAxisExtent;
- for (; child != null;) {
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- t1._as(t2);
- if (t2._runIndex !== i)
- break;
- t3 = child._size;
- t3.toString;
- childMainAxisExtent = _this._getMainAxisExtent$1(t3);
- t3 = child._size;
- t3.toString;
- childCrossAxisOffset = _this._getChildCrossAxisOffset$3(flipCrossAxis, runCrossAxisExtent, _this._getCrossAxisExtent$1(t3));
- if (flipMainAxis)
- childMainPosition -= childMainAxisExtent;
- t2.offset = _this._getOffset$2(childMainPosition, crossAxisOffset + childCrossAxisOffset);
- childMainPosition = flipMainAxis ? childMainPosition - childBetweenSpace : childMainPosition + (childMainAxisExtent + childBetweenSpace);
- child = t2.ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- crossAxisOffset = flipCrossAxis ? crossAxisOffset - runBetweenSpace : crossAxisOffset + (runCrossAxisExtent + runBetweenSpace);
- }
- },
- hitTestChildren$2$position(result, position) {
- return this.defaultHitTestChildren$2$position(result, position);
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t3, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._wrap$_hasVisualOverflow && _this._wrap$_clipBehavior !== B.Clip_0,
- t2 = _this._wrap$_clipRectLayer;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this.__RenderObject__needsCompositing_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = _this._size;
- t2.set$layer(0, context.pushClipRect$6$clipBehavior$oldLayer(t1, offset, new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t3._dx, 0 + t3._dy), _this.get$defaultPaint(), _this._wrap$_clipBehavior, t2._layer));
- } else {
- t2.set$layer(0, null);
- _this.defaultPaint$2(context, offset);
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._wrap$_clipRectLayer.set$layer(0, null);
- this.super$RenderObject$dispose();
- }
- };
- A._RenderWrap_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin.prototype = {
- attach$1(owner) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$RenderObject$attach(owner);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.WrapParentData; child != null;) {
- child.attach$1(owner);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var child, t1, t2;
- this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- child = this.ContainerRenderObjectMixin__firstChild;
- for (t1 = type$.WrapParentData; child != null;) {
- child.detach$0(0);
- t2 = child.parentData;
- t2.toString;
- child = t1._as(t2).ContainerParentDataMixin_nextSibling;
- }
- }
- };
- A._RenderWrap_RenderBox_ContainerRenderObjectMixin_RenderBoxContainerDefaultsMixin.prototype = {};
- A._FrameCallbackEntry.prototype = {};
- A.SchedulerPhase.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "SchedulerPhase." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.PerformanceModeRequestHandle.prototype = {};
- A.SchedulerBinding.prototype = {
- addTimingsCallback$1(callback) {
- var t1 = this.SchedulerBinding__timingsCallbacks;
- t1.push(callback);
- if (t1.length === 1) {
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- t1._onReportTimings = this.get$_executeTimingsCallbacks();
- t1._onReportTimingsZone = $.Zone__current;
- }
- },
- removeTimingsCallback$1(callback) {
- var t1 = this.SchedulerBinding__timingsCallbacks;
- B.JSArray_methods.remove$1(t1, callback);
- if (t1.length === 0) {
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- t1._onReportTimings = null;
- t1._onReportTimingsZone = $.Zone__current;
- }
- },
- _executeTimingsCallbacks$1(timings) {
- var callback, exception, stack, t2, _i, exception0, t3, t4,
- t1 = this.SchedulerBinding__timingsCallbacks,
- clonedCallbacks = A.List_List$of(t1, true, type$.void_Function_List_FrameTiming);
- for (t2 = clonedCallbacks.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i) {
- callback = clonedCallbacks[_i];
- try {
- if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(t1, callback))
- callback.call$1(timings);
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- t3 = A.ErrorDescription$("while executing callbacks for FrameTiming");
- t4 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError();
- if (t4 != null)
- t4.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "Flutter framework", t3, null, false));
- }
- }
- },
- handleAppLifecycleStateChanged$1(state) {
- this.SchedulerBinding__lifecycleState = state;
- switch (state.index) {
- case 0:
- case 1:
- this._setFramesEnabledState$1(true);
- break;
- case 2:
- case 3:
- this._setFramesEnabledState$1(false);
- break;
- }
- },
- _ensureEventLoopCallback$0() {
- if (this.SchedulerBinding__hasRequestedAnEventLoopCallback)
- return;
- this.SchedulerBinding__hasRequestedAnEventLoopCallback = true;
- A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_0, this.get$_runTasks());
- },
- _runTasks$0() {
- this.SchedulerBinding__hasRequestedAnEventLoopCallback = false;
- if (this.handleEventLoopCallback$0())
- this._ensureEventLoopCallback$0();
- },
- handleEventLoopCallback$0() {
- var entry, exception, exceptionStack, last, exception0, _this = this,
- _s10_ = "No element",
- t1 = _this.SchedulerBinding__taskQueue,
- t2 = t1._priority_queue$_length === 0;
- if (t2 || _this._lockCount > 0)
- return false;
- if (t2)
- A.throwExpression(A.StateError$(_s10_));
- entry = t1._elementAt$1(0);
- t2 = entry.priority;
- if (_this.SchedulerBinding_schedulingStrategy.call$2$priority$scheduler(t2, _this)) {
- try {
- if (t1._priority_queue$_length === 0)
- A.throwExpression(A.StateError$(_s10_));
- ++t1._priority_queue$_modificationCount;
- t1._elementAt$1(0);
- last = t1._removeLast$0();
- if (t1._priority_queue$_length > 0)
- t1._bubbleDown$2(last, 0);
- entry.run$0();
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- exceptionStack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- t2 = A.ErrorDescription$("during a task callback");
- A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, exceptionStack, "scheduler library", t2, null, false));
- }
- return t1._priority_queue$_length !== 0;
- }
- return false;
- },
- scheduleFrameCallback$2$rescheduling(callback, rescheduling) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.scheduleFrame$0();
- t1 = ++_this.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCallbackId;
- _this.SchedulerBinding__transientCallbacks.$indexSet(0, t1, new A._FrameCallbackEntry(callback));
- return _this.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCallbackId;
- },
- scheduleFrameCallback$1(callback) {
- return this.scheduleFrameCallback$2$rescheduling(callback, false);
- },
- get$endOfFrame() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCompleter == null) {
- if (_this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase === B.SchedulerPhase_0)
- _this.scheduleFrame$0();
- _this.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCompleter = new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void);
- _this.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A.SchedulerBinding_endOfFrame_closure(_this));
- }
- return _this.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCompleter.future;
- },
- get$framesEnabled() {
- return this.SchedulerBinding__framesEnabled;
- },
- _setFramesEnabledState$1(enabled) {
- if (this.SchedulerBinding__framesEnabled === enabled)
- return;
- this.SchedulerBinding__framesEnabled = enabled;
- if (enabled)
- this.scheduleFrame$0();
- },
- ensureFrameCallbacksRegistered$0() {
- var t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- if (t1._onBeginFrame == null) {
- t1._onBeginFrame = this.get$_handleBeginFrame();
- t1._onBeginFrameZone = $.Zone__current;
- }
- if (t1._onDrawFrame == null) {
- t1._onDrawFrame = this.get$_handleDrawFrame();
- t1._onDrawFrameZone = $.Zone__current;
- }
- },
- ensureVisualUpdate$0() {
- switch (this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase.index) {
- case 0:
- case 4:
- this.scheduleFrame$0();
- return;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- case 3:
- return;
- }
- },
- scheduleFrame$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (!_this.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame)
- t1 = !(A.SchedulerBinding.prototype.get$framesEnabled.call(_this) && _this.WidgetsBinding__readyToProduceFrames);
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return;
- _this.ensureFrameCallbacksRegistered$0();
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().scheduleFrame$0();
- _this.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame = true;
- },
- scheduleForcedFrame$0() {
- if (this.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame)
- return;
- this.ensureFrameCallbacksRegistered$0();
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().scheduleFrame$0();
- this.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame = true;
- },
- scheduleWarmUpFrame$0() {
- var timelineTask, hadScheduledFrame, _this = this;
- if (_this.SchedulerBinding__warmUpFrame || _this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase !== B.SchedulerPhase_0)
- return;
- _this.SchedulerBinding__warmUpFrame = true;
- timelineTask = new A.TimelineTask(null, 0, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_nullable__AsyncBlock));
- timelineTask.start$1(0, "Warm-up frame");
- hadScheduledFrame = _this.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame;
- A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_0, new A.SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure(_this));
- A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_0, new A.SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure0(_this, hadScheduledFrame));
- _this.lockEvents$1(new A.SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure1(_this, timelineTask));
- },
- resetEpoch$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.SchedulerBinding__epochStart = _this._adjustForEpoch$1(_this.SchedulerBinding__lastRawTimeStamp);
- _this.SchedulerBinding__firstRawTimeStampInEpoch = null;
- },
- _adjustForEpoch$1(rawTimeStamp) {
- var t1 = this.SchedulerBinding__firstRawTimeStampInEpoch,
- rawDurationSinceEpoch = t1 == null ? B.Duration_0 : new A.Duration(rawTimeStamp._duration - t1._duration);
- return A.Duration$(0, 0, B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(rawDurationSinceEpoch._duration / $._timeDilation) + this.SchedulerBinding__epochStart._duration, 0, 0, 0);
- },
- _handleBeginFrame$1(rawTimeStamp) {
- if (this.SchedulerBinding__warmUpFrame) {
- this.SchedulerBinding__rescheduleAfterWarmUpFrame = true;
- return;
- }
- this.handleBeginFrame$1(rawTimeStamp);
- },
- _handleDrawFrame$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this.SchedulerBinding__rescheduleAfterWarmUpFrame) {
- _this.SchedulerBinding__rescheduleAfterWarmUpFrame = false;
- _this.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A.SchedulerBinding__handleDrawFrame_closure(_this));
- return;
- }
- _this.handleDrawFrame$0();
- },
- handleBeginFrame$1(rawTimeStamp) {
- var callbacks, t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SchedulerBinding__frameTimelineTask;
- t1.start$1(0, "Frame");
- if (_this.SchedulerBinding__firstRawTimeStampInEpoch == null)
- _this.SchedulerBinding__firstRawTimeStampInEpoch = rawTimeStamp;
- t2 = rawTimeStamp == null;
- _this.SchedulerBinding__currentFrameTimeStamp = _this._adjustForEpoch$1(t2 ? _this.SchedulerBinding__lastRawTimeStamp : rawTimeStamp);
- if (!t2)
- _this.SchedulerBinding__lastRawTimeStamp = rawTimeStamp;
- _this.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame = false;
- try {
- t1.start$1(0, "Animate");
- _this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase = B.SchedulerPhase_1;
- callbacks = _this.SchedulerBinding__transientCallbacks;
- _this.SchedulerBinding__transientCallbacks = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.int, type$._FrameCallbackEntry);
- J.forEach$1$ax(callbacks, new A.SchedulerBinding_handleBeginFrame_closure(_this));
- _this.SchedulerBinding__removedIds.clear$0(0);
- } finally {
- _this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase = B.SchedulerPhase_2;
- }
- },
- requestPerformanceMode$1(mode) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SchedulerBinding__performanceMode,
- t2 = t1 == null;
- if (!t2 && t1 !== mode)
- return null;
- if (t1 === mode)
- ++_this.SchedulerBinding__numPerformanceModeRequests;
- else if (t2) {
- _this.SchedulerBinding__performanceMode = mode;
- _this.SchedulerBinding__numPerformanceModeRequests = 1;
- }
- return new A.PerformanceModeRequestHandle(_this.get$_disposePerformanceModeRequest());
- },
- _disposePerformanceModeRequest$0() {
- if (--this.SchedulerBinding__numPerformanceModeRequests === 0) {
- this.SchedulerBinding__performanceMode = null;
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- }
- },
- handleDrawFrame$0() {
- var callback, localPostFrameCallbacks, callback0, t2, t3, _i, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SchedulerBinding__frameTimelineTask;
- t1.finish$0(0);
- try {
- _this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase = B.SchedulerPhase_3;
- for (t2 = _this.SchedulerBinding__persistentCallbacks, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
- callback = t2[_i];
- t4 = _this.SchedulerBinding__currentFrameTimeStamp;
- t4.toString;
- _this._invokeFrameCallback$2(callback, t4);
- }
- _this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase = B.SchedulerPhase_4;
- t2 = _this.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks;
- localPostFrameCallbacks = A.List_List$of(t2, true, type$.void_Function_Duration);
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(t2);
- for (t2 = localPostFrameCallbacks, t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t3 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i) {
- callback0 = t2[_i];
- t4 = _this.SchedulerBinding__currentFrameTimeStamp;
- t4.toString;
- _this._invokeFrameCallback$2(callback0, t4);
- }
- } finally {
- _this.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase = B.SchedulerPhase_0;
- t1.finish$0(0);
- _this.SchedulerBinding__currentFrameTimeStamp = null;
- }
- },
- _profileFramePostEvent$1(frameTiming) {
- var t1 = frameTiming._ui$_data,
- t2 = B.JSArray_methods.get$last(t1),
- t3 = t1[1],
- t4 = t1[4],
- t5 = A.Duration$(0, 0, t4, 0, 0, 0),
- t6 = t1[0];
- A.postEvent("Flutter.Frame", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["number", t2, "startTime", t3, "elapsed", t5._duration - A.Duration$(0, 0, t6, 0, 0, 0)._duration, "build", A.Duration$(0, 0, t1[2], 0, 0, 0)._duration - A.Duration$(0, 0, t3, 0, 0, 0)._duration, "raster", A.Duration$(0, 0, t4, 0, 0, 0)._duration - A.Duration$(0, 0, t1[3], 0, 0, 0)._duration, "vsyncOverhead", A.Duration$(0, 0, t3, 0, 0, 0)._duration - A.Duration$(0, 0, t6, 0, 0, 0)._duration], type$.String, type$.dynamic), "Extension");
- },
- _invokeFrameCallback$3(callback, timeStamp, callbackStack) {
- var exception, exceptionStack, exception0, t1;
- try {
- callback.call$1(timeStamp);
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- exceptionStack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("during a scheduler callback");
- A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, exceptionStack, "scheduler library", t1, null, false));
- }
- },
- _invokeFrameCallback$2(callback, timeStamp) {
- return this._invokeFrameCallback$3(callback, timeStamp, null);
- }
- };
- A.SchedulerBinding_endOfFrame_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(timeStamp) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCompleter.complete$0(0);
- t1.SchedulerBinding__nextFrameCompleter = null;
- },
- $signature: 4
- };
- A.SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.handleBeginFrame$1(null);
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1.handleDrawFrame$0();
- t1.resetEpoch$0();
- t1.SchedulerBinding__warmUpFrame = false;
- if (this.hadScheduledFrame)
- t1.scheduleFrame$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.SchedulerBinding_scheduleWarmUpFrame_closure1.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.$this.get$endOfFrame(), $async$call$0);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- $async$self.timelineTask.finish$0(0);
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 15
- };
- A.SchedulerBinding__handleDrawFrame_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(timeStamp) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame = false;
- t1.scheduleFrame$0();
- },
- $signature: 4
- };
- A.SchedulerBinding_handleBeginFrame_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(id, callbackEntry) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = this.$this;
- if (!t1.SchedulerBinding__removedIds.contains$1(0, id)) {
- t2 = callbackEntry.callback;
- t3 = t1.SchedulerBinding__currentFrameTimeStamp;
- t3.toString;
- t1._invokeFrameCallback$3(t2, t3, callbackEntry.debugStack);
- }
- },
- $signature: 357
- };
- A.Ticker.prototype = {
- set$muted(_, value) {
- var _this = this;
- if (value === _this._muted)
- return;
- _this._muted = value;
- if (value)
- _this.unscheduleTick$0();
- else if (_this._ticker$_future != null && _this._animationId == null)
- _this._animationId = $.SchedulerBinding__instance.scheduleFrameCallback$2$rescheduling(_this.get$_ticker$_tick(), false);
- },
- get$isTicking() {
- if (this._ticker$_future == null)
- return false;
- if (this._muted)
- return false;
- var t1 = $.SchedulerBinding__instance;
- t1.toString;
- if (A.SchedulerBinding.prototype.get$framesEnabled.call(t1) && t1.WidgetsBinding__readyToProduceFrames)
- return true;
- if ($.SchedulerBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase !== B.SchedulerPhase_0)
- return true;
- return false;
- },
- start$0(_) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this._ticker$_future = new A.TickerFuture(new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void));
- if (!_this._muted)
- t1 = _this._animationId == null;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- _this._animationId = $.SchedulerBinding__instance.scheduleFrameCallback$2$rescheduling(_this.get$_ticker$_tick(), false);
- t1 = $.SchedulerBinding__instance;
- t2 = t1.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase.index;
- if (t2 > 0 && t2 < 4) {
- t1 = t1.SchedulerBinding__currentFrameTimeStamp;
- t1.toString;
- _this._startTime = t1;
- }
- t1 = _this._ticker$_future;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- stop$1$canceled(_, canceled) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._ticker$_future;
- if (t1 == null)
- return;
- _this._startTime = _this._ticker$_future = null;
- _this.unscheduleTick$0();
- if (canceled)
- t1._ticker$_cancel$1(_this);
- else
- t1._ticker$_complete$0();
- },
- stop$0($receiver) {
- return this.stop$1$canceled($receiver, false);
- },
- _ticker$_tick$1(timeStamp) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._animationId = null;
- t1 = _this._startTime;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _this._startTime = timeStamp;
- _this._onTick.call$1(new A.Duration(timeStamp._duration - t1._duration));
- if (!_this._muted && _this._ticker$_future != null && _this._animationId == null)
- _this._animationId = $.SchedulerBinding__instance.scheduleFrameCallback$2$rescheduling(_this.get$_ticker$_tick(), true);
- },
- unscheduleTick$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._animationId;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = $.SchedulerBinding__instance;
- t2.SchedulerBinding__transientCallbacks.remove$1(0, t1);
- t2.SchedulerBinding__removedIds.add$1(0, t1);
- this._animationId = null;
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._ticker$_future;
- if (t1 != null) {
- _this._ticker$_future = null;
- _this.unscheduleTick$0();
- t1._ticker$_cancel$1(_this);
- }
- },
- toString$1$debugIncludeStack(_, debugIncludeStack) {
- var t1 = "" + "Ticker()";
- return t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1;
- },
- toString$0($receiver) {
- return this.toString$1$debugIncludeStack($receiver, false);
- }
- };
- A.TickerFuture.prototype = {
- _ticker$_complete$0() {
- this._completed = true;
- this._primaryCompleter.complete$0(0);
- var t1 = this._secondaryCompleter;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.complete$0(0);
- },
- _ticker$_cancel$1(ticker) {
- var t1;
- this._completed = false;
- t1 = this._secondaryCompleter;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.completeError$1(new A.TickerCanceled(ticker));
- },
- whenCompleteOrCancel$1(callback) {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- t1 = new A.TickerFuture_whenCompleteOrCancel_thunk(callback);
- if (_this._secondaryCompleter == null) {
- t2 = _this._secondaryCompleter = new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_void), type$._AsyncCompleter_void);
- t3 = _this._completed;
- if (t3 != null)
- if (t3)
- t2.complete$0(0);
- else
- t2.completeError$1(B.TickerCanceled_null);
- }
- _this._secondaryCompleter.future.then$1$2$onError(0, t1, t1, type$.void);
- },
- catchError$2$test(onError, test) {
- return this._primaryCompleter.future.catchError$2$test(onError, test);
- },
- catchError$1(onError) {
- return this.catchError$2$test(onError, null);
- },
- then$1$2$onError(_, onValue, onError, $R) {
- return this._primaryCompleter.future.then$1$2$onError(0, onValue, onError, $R);
- },
- then$1$1($receiver, onValue, $R) {
- return this.then$1$2$onError($receiver, onValue, null, $R);
- },
- whenComplete$1(action) {
- return this._primaryCompleter.future.whenComplete$1(action);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = A.shortHash(this),
- t2 = this._completed;
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = "active";
- else
- t2 = t2 ? "complete" : "canceled";
- return "#" + t1 + "(" + t2 + ")";
- },
- $isFuture: 1
- };
- A.TickerFuture_whenCompleteOrCancel_thunk.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- this.callback.call$0();
- },
- $signature: 19
- };
- A.TickerCanceled.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.ticker;
- if (t1 != null)
- return "This ticker was canceled: " + t1.toString$0(0);
- return 'The ticker was canceled before the "orCancel" property was first used.';
- },
- $isException: 1
- };
- A.SemanticsBinding.prototype = {
- get$_binding1$_semanticsEnabled() {
- var result,
- value = this.SemanticsBinding___SemanticsBinding__semanticsEnabled_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.ValueNotifier$($.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().configuration.semanticsEnabled, type$.bool);
- this.SemanticsBinding___SemanticsBinding__semanticsEnabled_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- this.SemanticsBinding___SemanticsBinding__semanticsEnabled_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- return value;
- },
- _didDisposeSemanticsHandle$0() {
- --this.SemanticsBinding__outstandingHandles;
- this.get$_binding1$_semanticsEnabled().set$value(0, this.SemanticsBinding__outstandingHandles > 0);
- },
- _handleSemanticsEnabledChanged$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if ($.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().configuration.semanticsEnabled) {
- if (_this.SemanticsBinding__semanticsHandle == null) {
- ++_this.SemanticsBinding__outstandingHandles;
- _this.get$_binding1$_semanticsEnabled().set$value(0, true);
- _this.SemanticsBinding__semanticsHandle = new A.SemanticsHandle(_this.get$_didDisposeSemanticsHandle());
- }
- } else {
- t1 = _this.SemanticsBinding__semanticsHandle;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1._onDispose.call$0();
- _this.SemanticsBinding__semanticsHandle = null;
- }
- },
- _handleSemanticsAction$3(id, action, args) {
- var t1 = this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1._semanticsOwner;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.performAction$3(id, action, null);
- }
- };
- A.SemanticsHandle.prototype = {};
- A.SemanticsTag.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "SemanticsTag(" + this.name + ")";
- },
- get$name(receiver) {
- return this.name;
- }
- };
- A.ChildSemanticsConfigurationsResult.prototype = {};
- A.ChildSemanticsConfigurationsResultBuilder.prototype = {};
- A.CustomSemanticsAction.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.label, this.hint, this.action, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.CustomSemanticsAction)
- if (other.label == this.label)
- t1 = other.action == this.action;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return "CustomSemanticsAction(" + A.S($.CustomSemanticsAction__ids.$index(0, _this)) + ", label:" + A.S(_this.label) + ", hint:" + A.S(_this.hint) + ", action:" + A.S(_this.action) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.AttributedString.prototype = {
- $add(_, other) {
- var t3, newAttributes, t4, t5, _i, attribute, t6,
- t1 = this.string,
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (t2 === 0)
- return other;
- t3 = other.string;
- if (t3.length === 0)
- return this;
- newAttributes = A.List_List$of(this.attributes, true, type$.StringAttribute);
- t4 = other.attributes;
- t5 = t4.length;
- if (t5 !== 0)
- for (_i = 0; _i < t4.length; t4.length === t5 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t4), ++_i) {
- attribute = t4[_i];
- t6 = attribute.range;
- newAttributes.push(attribute.copy$1$range(new A.TextRange(t6.start + t2, t6.end + t2)));
- }
- return new A.AttributedString(t1 + t3, newAttributes);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return J.get$runtimeType$(other) === A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this) && other instanceof A.AttributedString && other.string === this.string && A.listEquals0(other.attributes, this.attributes);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.string, this.attributes, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "AttributedString('" + this.string + "', attributes: " + A.S(this.attributes) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.SemanticsData.prototype = {
- toStringShort$0() {
- return "SemanticsData";
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.SemanticsData && other.flags === _this.flags && other.actions === _this.actions && other.attributedLabel.$eq(0, _this.attributedLabel) && other.attributedValue.$eq(0, _this.attributedValue) && other.attributedIncreasedValue.$eq(0, _this.attributedIncreasedValue) && other.attributedDecreasedValue.$eq(0, _this.attributedDecreasedValue) && other.attributedHint.$eq(0, _this.attributedHint) && other.tooltip === _this.tooltip && other.textDirection == _this.textDirection && other.rect.$eq(0, _this.rect) && A.setEquals(other.tags, _this.tags) && other.scrollChildCount == _this.scrollChildCount && other.scrollIndex == _this.scrollIndex && J.$eq$(other.textSelection, _this.textSelection) && other.scrollPosition == _this.scrollPosition && other.scrollExtentMax == _this.scrollExtentMax && other.scrollExtentMin == _this.scrollExtentMin && other.currentValueLength == _this.currentValueLength && J.$eq$(other.transform, _this.transform) && other.elevation === _this.elevation && other.thickness === _this.thickness && A.SemanticsData__sortedListsEqual(other.customSemanticsActionIds, _this.customSemanticsActionIds);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = A.Object_hashAll(_this.customSemanticsActionIds);
- return A.Object_hash(_this.flags, _this.actions, _this.attributedLabel, _this.attributedValue, _this.attributedIncreasedValue, _this.attributedDecreasedValue, _this.attributedHint, _this.tooltip, _this.textDirection, _this.rect, _this.tags, _this.textSelection, _this.scrollChildCount, _this.scrollIndex, _this.scrollPosition, _this.scrollExtentMax, _this.scrollExtentMin, _this.platformViewId, _this.maxValueLength, A.Object_hash(_this.currentValueLength, _this.transform, _this.elevation, _this.thickness, t1, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue));
- }
- };
- A._SemanticsDiagnosticableNode.prototype = {
- getChildren$0() {
- return this.value.debugDescribeChildren$1$childOrder(this.childOrder);
- }
- };
- A.SemanticsProperties.prototype = {
- toStringShort$0() {
- return "SemanticsProperties";
- }
- };
- A.SemanticsNode.prototype = {
- set$transform(_, value) {
- if (!A.MatrixUtils_matrixEquals(this._semantics$_transform, value)) {
- this._semantics$_transform = value == null || A.MatrixUtils_isIdentity(value) ? null : value;
- this._semantics$_markDirty$0();
- }
- },
- set$rect(_, value) {
- if (!this._semantics$_rect.$eq(0, value)) {
- this._semantics$_rect = value;
- this._semantics$_markDirty$0();
- }
- },
- set$isMergedIntoParent(value) {
- if (this._isMergedIntoParent === value)
- return;
- this._isMergedIntoParent = value;
- this._semantics$_markDirty$0();
- },
- _replaceChildren$1(newChildren) {
- var t2, _i, t3, sawChange, child, t4, i, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._semantics$_children;
- if (t1 != null)
- for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t2; ++_i)
- t1[_i]._dead = true;
- for (t1 = newChildren.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i)
- newChildren[_i]._dead = false;
- t1 = _this._semantics$_children;
- if (t1 != null)
- for (t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.nullable_SemanticsNode, sawChange = false, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- child = t1[_i];
- if (child._dead) {
- t4 = J.getInterceptor$x(child);
- if (t3._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t4, child)) === _this) {
- child._node$_parent = null;
- if (_this._node$_owner != null)
- child.detach$0(0);
- }
- sawChange = true;
- }
- }
- else
- sawChange = false;
- for (t1 = newChildren.length, t2 = type$.nullable_SemanticsNode, _i = 0; _i < newChildren.length; newChildren.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(newChildren), ++_i) {
- child = newChildren[_i];
- t3 = J.getInterceptor$x(child);
- if (t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t3, child)) !== _this) {
- if (t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t3, child)) != null) {
- t3 = t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t3, child));
- if (t3 != null) {
- child._node$_parent = null;
- if (t3._node$_owner != null)
- child.detach$0(0);
- }
- }
- child._node$_parent = _this;
- t3 = _this._node$_owner;
- if (t3 != null)
- child.attach$1(t3);
- t3 = child._depth;
- t4 = _this._depth;
- if (t3 <= t4) {
- child._depth = t4 + 1;
- child.redepthChildren$0();
- }
- sawChange = true;
- }
- }
- if (!sawChange && _this._semantics$_children != null)
- for (t1 = _this._semantics$_children, t2 = t1.length, i = 0; i < t2; ++i)
- if (t1[i]._id !== newChildren[i]._id) {
- sawChange = true;
- break;
- }
- _this._semantics$_children = newChildren;
- if (sawChange)
- _this._semantics$_markDirty$0();
- },
- get$hasChildren() {
- var t1 = this._semantics$_children;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.length !== 0;
- return t1 === true;
- },
- _visitDescendants$1(visitor) {
- var t2, _i, child,
- t1 = this._semantics$_children;
- if (t1 != null)
- for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- child = t1[_i];
- if (!visitor.call$1(child) || !child._visitDescendants$1(visitor))
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- redepthChildren$0() {
- var t1 = this._semantics$_children;
- if (t1 != null)
- B.JSArray_methods.forEach$1(t1, this.get$redepthChild());
- },
- attach$1(owner) {
- var t1, t2, _i, _this = this;
- _this.super$AbstractNode$attach(owner);
- for (t1 = owner._nodes; t1.containsKey$1(0, _this._id);)
- _this._id = $.SemanticsNode__lastIdentifier = ($.SemanticsNode__lastIdentifier + 1) % 65535;
- t1.$indexSet(0, _this._id, _this);
- owner._detachedNodes.remove$1(0, _this);
- if (_this._semantics$_dirty) {
- _this._semantics$_dirty = false;
- _this._semantics$_markDirty$0();
- }
- t1 = _this._semantics$_children;
- if (t1 != null)
- for (t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].attach$1(owner);
- },
- detach$0(_) {
- var t2, t3, _i, child, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = type$.nullable_SemanticsOwner;
- t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._nodes.remove$1(0, _this._id);
- t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._detachedNodes.add$1(0, _this);
- _this.super$AbstractNode$detach(0);
- t1 = _this._semantics$_children;
- if (t1 != null)
- for (t2 = t1.length, t3 = type$.nullable_SemanticsNode, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- child = t1[_i];
- t4 = J.getInterceptor$x(child);
- if (t3._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t4, child)) === _this)
- t4.detach$0(child);
- }
- _this._semantics$_markDirty$0();
- },
- _semantics$_markDirty$0() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._semantics$_dirty)
- return;
- _this._semantics$_dirty = true;
- if (_this._node$_owner != null)
- type$.nullable_SemanticsOwner._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(_this))._semantics$_dirtyNodes.add$1(0, _this);
- },
- updateWith$2$childrenInInversePaintOrder$config(_, childrenInInversePaintOrder, config) {
- var _this = this;
- if (config == null)
- config = $.$get$SemanticsNode__kEmptyConfig();
- if (!_this._semantics$_attributedLabel.$eq(0, config._semantics$_attributedLabel) || !_this._semantics$_attributedHint.$eq(0, config._semantics$_attributedHint) || _this._semantics$_elevation !== config._semantics$_elevation || _this._semantics$_thickness !== config._semantics$_thickness || !_this._semantics$_attributedValue.$eq(0, config._semantics$_attributedValue) || !_this._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue.$eq(0, config._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue) || !_this._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue.$eq(0, config._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue) || _this._tooltip !== config._tooltip || _this._flags !== config._flags || _this._semantics$_textDirection != config._semantics$_textDirection || _this._sortKey != config._sortKey || !J.$eq$(_this._textSelection, config._textSelection) || _this._scrollPosition != config._scrollPosition || _this._scrollExtentMax != config._scrollExtentMax || _this._scrollExtentMin != config._scrollExtentMin || _this._actionsAsBits !== config._actionsAsBits || _this.indexInParent != config._indexInParent || _this._currentValueLength != config._currentValueLength || _this._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode !== config._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants)
- _this._semantics$_markDirty$0();
- _this._semantics$_attributedLabel = config._semantics$_attributedLabel;
- _this._semantics$_attributedValue = config._semantics$_attributedValue;
- _this._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = config._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue;
- _this._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = config._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue;
- _this._semantics$_attributedHint = config._semantics$_attributedHint;
- _this._tooltip = config._tooltip;
- _this._hintOverrides = config._hintOverrides;
- _this._semantics$_elevation = config._semantics$_elevation;
- _this._semantics$_thickness = config._semantics$_thickness;
- _this._flags = config._flags;
- _this._semantics$_textDirection = config._semantics$_textDirection;
- _this._sortKey = config._sortKey;
- _this._actions = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(config._actions, type$.SemanticsAction, type$.void_Function_nullable_Object);
- _this._customSemanticsActions = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of(config._customSemanticsActions, type$.CustomSemanticsAction, type$.void_Function);
- _this._actionsAsBits = config._actionsAsBits;
- _this._textSelection = config._textSelection;
- _this._scrollPosition = config._scrollPosition;
- _this._scrollExtentMax = config._scrollExtentMax;
- _this._scrollExtentMin = config._scrollExtentMin;
- _this._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode = config._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants;
- _this._scrollChildCount = config._scrollChildCount;
- _this._scrollIndex = config._scrollIndex;
- _this.indexInParent = config._indexInParent;
- _this._platformViewId = config._platformViewId;
- _this._maxValueLength = config._maxValueLength;
- _this._currentValueLength = config._currentValueLength;
- _this._replaceChildren$1(childrenInInversePaintOrder == null ? B.List_empty16 : childrenInInversePaintOrder);
- },
- updateWith$1$config($receiver, config) {
- return this.updateWith$2$childrenInInversePaintOrder$config($receiver, null, config);
- },
- getSemanticsData$0() {
- var t1, elevation, customSemanticsActionIds, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t23, _this = this, _box_0 = {};
- _box_0.flags = _this._flags;
- _box_0.actions = _this._actionsAsBits;
- _box_0.attributedLabel = _this._semantics$_attributedLabel;
- _box_0.attributedValue = _this._semantics$_attributedValue;
- _box_0.attributedIncreasedValue = _this._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue;
- _box_0.attributedDecreasedValue = _this._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue;
- _box_0.attributedHint = _this._semantics$_attributedHint;
- _box_0.tooltip = _this._tooltip;
- _box_0.textDirection = _this._semantics$_textDirection;
- t1 = _this.tags;
- _box_0.mergedTags = t1 == null ? null : A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t1, type$.SemanticsTag);
- _box_0.textSelection = _this._textSelection;
- _box_0.scrollChildCount = _this._scrollChildCount;
- _box_0.scrollIndex = _this._scrollIndex;
- _box_0.scrollPosition = _this._scrollPosition;
- _box_0.scrollExtentMax = _this._scrollExtentMax;
- _box_0.scrollExtentMin = _this._scrollExtentMin;
- _box_0.platformViewId = _this._platformViewId;
- _box_0.maxValueLength = _this._maxValueLength;
- _box_0.currentValueLength = _this._currentValueLength;
- elevation = _this._semantics$_elevation;
- _box_0.thickness = _this._semantics$_thickness;
- customSemanticsActionIds = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.int);
- for (t1 = _this._customSemanticsActions, t1 = A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$(t1, t1._modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1); t1.moveNext$0();)
- customSemanticsActionIds.add$1(0, A.CustomSemanticsAction_getIdentifier(t1.__js_helper$_current));
- _this._hintOverrides != null;
- if (_this._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode)
- _this._visitDescendants$1(new A.SemanticsNode_getSemanticsData_closure(_box_0, _this, customSemanticsActionIds));
- t1 = _box_0.flags;
- t2 = _box_0.actions;
- t3 = _box_0.attributedLabel;
- t4 = _box_0.attributedValue;
- t5 = _box_0.attributedIncreasedValue;
- t6 = _box_0.attributedDecreasedValue;
- t7 = _box_0.attributedHint;
- t8 = _box_0.tooltip;
- t9 = _box_0.textDirection;
- t10 = _this._semantics$_rect;
- t11 = _this._semantics$_transform;
- t12 = _box_0.thickness;
- t13 = _box_0.mergedTags;
- t14 = _box_0.textSelection;
- t15 = _box_0.scrollChildCount;
- t16 = _box_0.scrollIndex;
- t17 = _box_0.scrollPosition;
- t18 = _box_0.scrollExtentMax;
- t19 = _box_0.scrollExtentMin;
- t20 = _box_0.platformViewId;
- t21 = _box_0.maxValueLength;
- t22 = _box_0.currentValueLength;
- t23 = A.List_List$of(customSemanticsActionIds, true, customSemanticsActionIds.$ti._precomputed1);
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(t23);
- return new A.SemanticsData(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t14, t15, t16, t17, t18, t19, t20, t21, t22, t10, t13, t11, elevation, t12, t23);
- },
- _addToUpdate$2(builder, customSemanticsActionIdsUpdate) {
- var childrenInTraversalOrder, childrenInHitTestOrder, childCount, sortedChildren, i, t1, t2, customSemanticsActionIds, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10, t11, t12, t13, t14, t15, _this = this,
- data = _this.getSemanticsData$0();
- if (!_this.get$hasChildren() || _this._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode) {
- childrenInTraversalOrder = $.$get$SemanticsNode__kEmptyChildList();
- childrenInHitTestOrder = childrenInTraversalOrder;
- } else {
- childCount = _this._semantics$_children.length;
- sortedChildren = _this._childrenInTraversalOrder$0();
- childrenInTraversalOrder = new Int32Array(childCount);
- for (i = 0; i < childCount; ++i)
- childrenInTraversalOrder[i] = sortedChildren[i]._id;
- childrenInHitTestOrder = new Int32Array(childCount);
- for (i = childCount - 1, t1 = _this._semantics$_children; i >= 0; --i)
- childrenInHitTestOrder[i] = t1[childCount - i - 1]._id;
- }
- t1 = data.customSemanticsActionIds;
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (t2 !== 0) {
- customSemanticsActionIds = new Int32Array(t2);
- for (i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) {
- t2 = t1[i];
- customSemanticsActionIds[i] = t2;
- customSemanticsActionIdsUpdate.add$1(0, t2);
- }
- } else
- customSemanticsActionIds = null;
- t1 = _this._id;
- t2 = data.attributedLabel;
- t3 = data.attributedValue;
- t4 = data.attributedIncreasedValue;
- t5 = data.attributedDecreasedValue;
- t6 = data.attributedHint;
- t7 = data.textSelection;
- t8 = t7 != null;
- t9 = t8 ? t7.baseOffset : -1;
- t7 = t8 ? t7.extentOffset : -1;
- t8 = data.scrollChildCount;
- if (t8 == null)
- t8 = 0;
- t10 = data.scrollIndex;
- if (t10 == null)
- t10 = 0;
- t11 = data.scrollPosition;
- if (t11 == null)
- t11 = 0 / 0;
- t12 = data.scrollExtentMax;
- if (t12 == null)
- t12 = 0 / 0;
- t13 = data.scrollExtentMin;
- if (t13 == null)
- t13 = 0 / 0;
- t14 = data.transform;
- t14 = t14 == null ? null : t14._vector_math_64$_m4storage;
- if (t14 == null)
- t14 = $.$get$SemanticsNode__kIdentityTransform();
- t15 = customSemanticsActionIds == null ? $.$get$SemanticsNode__kEmptyCustomSemanticsActionsList() : customSemanticsActionIds;
- builder._nodeUpdates.push(new A.SemanticsNodeUpdate(t1, data.flags, data.actions, t9, t7, -1, t8, t10, t11, t12, t13, data.rect, t2.string, t2.attributes, t6.string, t6.attributes, t3.string, t3.attributes, t4.string, t4.attributes, t5.string, t5.attributes, data.tooltip, data.textDirection, A.toMatrix32(t14), childrenInTraversalOrder, childrenInHitTestOrder, t15, data.thickness));
- _this._semantics$_dirty = false;
- },
- _childrenInTraversalOrder$0() {
- var t2, childrenInDefaultOrder, everythingSorted, sortNodes, lastSortKey, position, child, sortKey, isCompatibleWithPreviousSortKey, _this = this,
- inheritedTextDirection = _this._semantics$_textDirection,
- t1 = type$.nullable_SemanticsNode,
- ancestor = t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(_this, _this));
- while (true) {
- t2 = inheritedTextDirection == null;
- if (!(t2 && ancestor != null))
- break;
- inheritedTextDirection = ancestor._semantics$_textDirection;
- ancestor = t1._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(ancestor, ancestor));
- }
- childrenInDefaultOrder = _this._semantics$_children;
- if (!t2) {
- childrenInDefaultOrder.toString;
- childrenInDefaultOrder = A._childrenInDefaultOrder(childrenInDefaultOrder, inheritedTextDirection);
- }
- t1 = type$.JSArray__TraversalSortNode;
- everythingSorted = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- sortNodes = A._setArrayType([], t1);
- for (lastSortKey = null, position = 0; position < childrenInDefaultOrder.length; ++position) {
- child = childrenInDefaultOrder[position];
- sortKey = child._sortKey;
- lastSortKey = position > 0 ? childrenInDefaultOrder[position - 1]._sortKey : null;
- if (position !== 0)
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(sortKey) === J.get$runtimeType$(lastSortKey)) {
- if (sortKey != null)
- lastSortKey.toString;
- isCompatibleWithPreviousSortKey = true;
- } else
- isCompatibleWithPreviousSortKey = false;
- else
- isCompatibleWithPreviousSortKey = true;
- if (!isCompatibleWithPreviousSortKey && sortNodes.length !== 0) {
- if (lastSortKey != null) {
- if (!!sortNodes.immutable$list)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("sort"));
- t1 = sortNodes.length - 1;
- if (t1 - 0 <= 32)
- A.Sort__insertionSort(sortNodes, 0, t1, J._interceptors_JSArray__compareAny$closure());
- else
- A.Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(sortNodes, 0, t1, J._interceptors_JSArray__compareAny$closure());
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(everythingSorted, sortNodes);
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(sortNodes);
- }
- sortNodes.push(new A._TraversalSortNode(child, sortKey, position));
- }
- if (lastSortKey != null)
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(sortNodes);
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(everythingSorted, sortNodes);
- t1 = type$.MappedListIterable__TraversalSortNode_SemanticsNode;
- return A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(everythingSorted, new A.SemanticsNode__childrenInTraversalOrder_closure(), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- },
- sendEvent$1($event) {
- if (this._node$_owner == null)
- return;
- B.BasicMessageChannel_QXb.send$1(0, $event.toMap$1$nodeId(this._id));
- },
- toStringShort$0() {
- return "SemanticsNode#" + this._id;
- },
- toDiagnosticsNode$3$childOrder$name$style(childOrder, $name, style) {
- return new A._SemanticsDiagnosticableNode(childOrder, this, $name, true, true, null, style);
- },
- toDiagnosticsNode$1$style(style) {
- return this.toDiagnosticsNode$3$childOrder$name$style(B.DebugSemanticsDumpOrder_1, null, style);
- },
- toDiagnosticsNode$0() {
- return this.toDiagnosticsNode$3$childOrder$name$style(B.DebugSemanticsDumpOrder_1, null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_1);
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$1$childOrder(childOrder) {
- var t1 = this.debugListChildrenInOrder$1(childOrder),
- t2 = A.instanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,DiagnosticsNode>");
- return A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.SemanticsNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure(childOrder), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- },
- debugDescribeChildren$0() {
- return this.debugDescribeChildren$1$childOrder(B.DebugSemanticsDumpOrder_0);
- },
- debugListChildrenInOrder$1(childOrder) {
- var t1 = this._semantics$_children;
- if (t1 == null)
- return B.List_empty16;
- switch (childOrder.index) {
- case 0:
- return t1;
- case 1:
- return this._childrenInTraversalOrder$0();
- }
- },
- $isDiagnosticableTree: 1
- };
- A.SemanticsNode_getSemanticsData_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(node) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = this._box_0;
- t1.flags = t1.flags | node._flags;
- t1.actions = t1.actions | node._actionsAsBits;
- if (t1.textDirection == null)
- t1.textDirection = node._semantics$_textDirection;
- if (t1.textSelection == null)
- t1.textSelection = node._textSelection;
- if (t1.scrollChildCount == null)
- t1.scrollChildCount = node._scrollChildCount;
- if (t1.scrollIndex == null)
- t1.scrollIndex = node._scrollIndex;
- if (t1.scrollPosition == null)
- t1.scrollPosition = node._scrollPosition;
- if (t1.scrollExtentMax == null)
- t1.scrollExtentMax = node._scrollExtentMax;
- if (t1.scrollExtentMin == null)
- t1.scrollExtentMin = node._scrollExtentMin;
- t1.platformViewId = node._platformViewId;
- t1.maxValueLength = node._maxValueLength;
- if (t1.currentValueLength == null)
- t1.currentValueLength = node._currentValueLength;
- if (t1.attributedValue.string === "")
- t1.attributedValue = node._semantics$_attributedValue;
- if (t1.attributedIncreasedValue.string === "")
- t1.attributedIncreasedValue = node._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue;
- if (t1.attributedDecreasedValue.string === "")
- t1.attributedDecreasedValue = node._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue;
- if (t1.tooltip === "")
- t1.tooltip = node._tooltip;
- t2 = node.tags;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t3 = t1.mergedTags;
- (t3 == null ? t1.mergedTags = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.SemanticsTag) : t3).addAll$1(0, t2);
- }
- for (t2 = this.$this._customSemanticsActions, t2 = A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$(t2, t2._modifications, A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1), t3 = this.customSemanticsActionIds; t2.moveNext$0();)
- t3.add$1(0, A.CustomSemanticsAction_getIdentifier(t2.__js_helper$_current));
- node._hintOverrides != null;
- t2 = t1.attributedLabel;
- t3 = t1.textDirection;
- t1.attributedLabel = A._concatAttributedString(node._semantics$_attributedLabel, node._semantics$_textDirection, t2, t3);
- t3 = t1.attributedHint;
- t2 = t1.textDirection;
- t1.attributedHint = A._concatAttributedString(node._semantics$_attributedHint, node._semantics$_textDirection, t3, t2);
- t1.thickness = Math.max(t1.thickness, node._semantics$_thickness + node._semantics$_elevation);
- return true;
- },
- $signature: 111
- };
- A.SemanticsNode__childrenInTraversalOrder_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(sortNode) {
- return sortNode.node;
- },
- $signature: 360
- };
- A.SemanticsNode_debugDescribeChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(node) {
- return A._SemanticsDiagnosticableNode$(this.childOrder, null, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_1, node);
- },
- $signature: 361
- };
- A._BoxEdge.prototype = {
- compareTo$1(_, other) {
- return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(this.offset, other.offset);
- },
- $isComparable: 1
- };
- A._SemanticsSortGroup.prototype = {
- compareTo$1(_, other) {
- return B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(this.startOffset, other.startOffset);
- },
- sortedWithinVerticalGroup$0() {
- var t1, t2, _i, child, t3, horizontalGroups, group, depth, edge,
- edges = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__BoxEdge);
- for (t1 = this.nodes, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i) {
- child = t1[_i];
- t3 = child._semantics$_rect;
- edges.push(new A._BoxEdge(true, A._pointInParentCoordinates(child, new A.Offset(t3.left - -0.1, t3.top - -0.1))._dx, child));
- edges.push(new A._BoxEdge(false, A._pointInParentCoordinates(child, new A.Offset(t3.right + -0.1, t3.bottom + -0.1))._dx, child));
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(edges);
- horizontalGroups = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__SemanticsSortGroup);
- for (t1 = edges.length, t2 = this.textDirection, t3 = type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode, group = null, depth = 0, _i = 0; _i < edges.length; edges.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(edges), ++_i) {
- edge = edges[_i];
- if (edge.isLeadingEdge) {
- ++depth;
- if (group == null)
- group = new A._SemanticsSortGroup(edge.offset, t2, A._setArrayType([], t3));
- group.nodes.push(edge.node);
- } else
- --depth;
- if (depth === 0) {
- group.toString;
- horizontalGroups.push(group);
- group = null;
- }
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(horizontalGroups);
- if (t2 === B.TextDirection_0) {
- t1 = type$.ReversedListIterable__SemanticsSortGroup;
- horizontalGroups = A.List_List$of(new A.ReversedListIterable(horizontalGroups, t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- }
- t1 = A._arrayInstanceType(horizontalGroups)._eval$1("ExpandIterable<1,SemanticsNode>");
- return A.List_List$of(new A.ExpandIterable(horizontalGroups, new A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinVerticalGroup_closure(), t1), true, t1._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- },
- sortedWithinKnot$0() {
- var t3, nodeMap, edges, t4, t5, t6, _i, node, t7, t8, center, _i0, t9, nextNode, t10, t11, nextCenter, direction, isLtrAndForward, isRtlAndForward, sortedIds, startNodes,
- t1 = this.nodes,
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (t2 <= 1)
- return t1;
- t3 = type$.int;
- nodeMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, type$.SemanticsNode);
- edges = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t3, t3);
- for (t4 = this.textDirection, t5 = t4 === B.TextDirection_0, t4 = t4 === B.TextDirection_1, t6 = t2, _i = 0; _i < t6; t9 === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i, t6 = t9) {
- node = t1[_i];
- nodeMap.$indexSet(0, node._id, node);
- t6 = node._semantics$_rect;
- t7 = t6.left;
- t8 = t6.top;
- center = A._pointInParentCoordinates(node, new A.Offset(t7 + (t6.right - t7) / 2, t8 + (t6.bottom - t8) / 2));
- for (t6 = t1.length, t7 = center._dx, t8 = center._dy, _i0 = 0; t9 = t1.length, _i0 < t9; t1.length === t6 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i0) {
- nextNode = t1[_i0];
- if ((node == null ? nextNode == null : node === nextNode) || edges.$index(0, nextNode._id) === node._id)
- continue;
- t9 = nextNode._semantics$_rect;
- t10 = t9.left;
- t11 = t9.top;
- nextCenter = A._pointInParentCoordinates(nextNode, new A.Offset(t10 + (t9.right - t10) / 2, t11 + (t9.bottom - t11) / 2));
- direction = Math.atan2(nextCenter._dy - t8, nextCenter._dx - t7);
- isLtrAndForward = t4 && -0.7853981633974483 < direction && direction < 2.356194490192345;
- if (t5)
- isRtlAndForward = direction < -2.356194490192345 || direction > 2.356194490192345;
- else
- isRtlAndForward = false;
- if (isLtrAndForward || isRtlAndForward)
- edges.$indexSet(0, node._id, nextNode._id);
- }
- }
- sortedIds = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_int);
- startNodes = A._setArrayType(t1.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t1));
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(startNodes, new A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure());
- new A.MappedListIterable(startNodes, new A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure0(), A._arrayInstanceType(startNodes)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,int>")).forEach$1(0, new A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_search(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t3), edges, sortedIds));
- t1 = type$.MappedListIterable_int_SemanticsNode;
- t1 = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(sortedIds, new A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure1(nodeMap), t1), true, t1._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(t1)._eval$1("ReversedListIterable<1>");
- return A.List_List$of(new A.ReversedListIterable(t1, t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"));
- },
- $isComparable: 1
- };
- A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinVerticalGroup_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(group) {
- return group.sortedWithinKnot$0();
- },
- $signature: 246
- };
- A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(a, b) {
- var bTopLeft, verticalDiff,
- t1 = a._semantics$_rect,
- aTopLeft = A._pointInParentCoordinates(a, new A.Offset(t1.left, t1.top));
- t1 = b._semantics$_rect;
- bTopLeft = A._pointInParentCoordinates(b, new A.Offset(t1.left, t1.top));
- verticalDiff = B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(aTopLeft._dy, bTopLeft._dy);
- if (verticalDiff !== 0)
- return -verticalDiff;
- return -B.JSNumber_methods.compareTo$1(aTopLeft._dx, bTopLeft._dx);
- },
- $signature: 110
- };
- A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_search.prototype = {
- call$1(id) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.visitedIds;
- if (t1.contains$1(0, id))
- return;
- t1.add$1(0, id);
- t1 = _this.edges;
- if (t1.containsKey$1(0, id)) {
- t1 = t1.$index(0, id);
- t1.toString;
- _this.call$1(t1);
- }
- _this.sortedIds.push(id);
- },
- $signature: 23
- };
- A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(node) {
- return node._id;
- },
- $signature: 364
- };
- A._SemanticsSortGroup_sortedWithinKnot_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(id) {
- var t1 = this.nodeMap.$index(0, id);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 365
- };
- A._childrenInDefaultOrder_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(group) {
- return group.sortedWithinVerticalGroup$0();
- },
- $signature: 246
- };
- A._TraversalSortNode.prototype = {
- compareTo$1(_, other) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.sortKey;
- if (t1 == null || other.sortKey == null)
- return this.position - other.position;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = other.sortKey;
- t2.toString;
- return t1.compareTo$1(0, t2);
- },
- $isComparable: 1
- };
- A.SemanticsOwner.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this._semantics$_dirtyNodes.clear$0(0);
- _this._nodes.clear$0(0);
- _this._detachedNodes.clear$0(0);
- _this.super$ChangeNotifier$dispose();
- },
- sendSemanticsUpdate$0() {
- var customSemanticsActionIds, visitedNodes, t2, t3, t4, t5, localDirtyNodes, t6, t7, _i, node, t8, builder, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._semantics$_dirtyNodes;
- if (t1._collection$_length === 0)
- return;
- customSemanticsActionIds = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.int);
- visitedNodes = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsNode);
- for (t2 = type$.nullable_SemanticsNode, t3 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>"), t4 = t3._eval$1("Iterable.E"), t5 = _this._detachedNodes; t1._collection$_length !== 0;) {
- localDirtyNodes = A.List_List$of(new A.WhereIterable(t1, new A.SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure(_this), t3), true, t4);
- t1.clear$0(0);
- t5.clear$0(0);
- t6 = new A.SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure0();
- if (!!localDirtyNodes.immutable$list)
- A.throwExpression(A.UnsupportedError$("sort"));
- t7 = localDirtyNodes.length - 1;
- if (t7 - 0 <= 32)
- A.Sort__insertionSort(localDirtyNodes, 0, t7, t6);
- else
- A.Sort__dualPivotQuicksort(localDirtyNodes, 0, t7, t6);
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(visitedNodes, localDirtyNodes);
- for (t6 = localDirtyNodes.length, _i = 0; _i < localDirtyNodes.length; localDirtyNodes.length === t6 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(localDirtyNodes), ++_i) {
- node = localDirtyNodes[_i];
- if (node._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode || node._isMergedIntoParent) {
- t7 = J.getInterceptor$x(node);
- if (t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t7, node)) != null) {
- t8 = t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t7, node));
- t8 = t8._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode || t8._isMergedIntoParent;
- } else
- t8 = false;
- if (t8) {
- t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$parent.call(t7, node))._semantics$_markDirty$0();
- node._semantics$_dirty = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$1(visitedNodes, new A.SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure1());
- $.SemanticsBinding__instance.toString;
- builder = new A.SemanticsUpdateBuilder(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SemanticsNodeUpdate));
- for (t2 = visitedNodes.length, _i = 0; _i < visitedNodes.length; visitedNodes.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(visitedNodes), ++_i) {
- node = visitedNodes[_i];
- if (node._semantics$_dirty && node._node$_owner != null)
- node._addToUpdate$2(builder, customSemanticsActionIds);
- }
- t1.clear$0(0);
- for (t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(customSemanticsActionIds, customSemanticsActionIds._collection$_modifications, customSemanticsActionIds.$ti._precomputed1), t2 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1._collection$_current;
- $.CustomSemanticsAction__actions.$index(0, t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3).toString;
- }
- _this.onSemanticsUpdate.call$1(new A.SemanticsUpdate(builder._nodeUpdates));
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- },
- _getSemanticsActionHandlerForId$2(id, action) {
- var t2, t1 = {},
- result = t1.result = this._nodes.$index(0, id);
- if (result != null)
- t2 = (result._mergeAllDescendantsIntoThisNode || result._isMergedIntoParent) && !result._actions.containsKey$1(0, action);
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2)
- result._visitDescendants$1(new A.SemanticsOwner__getSemanticsActionHandlerForId_closure(t1, action));
- t2 = t1.result;
- if (t2 == null || !t2._actions.containsKey$1(0, action))
- return null;
- return t1.result._actions.$index(0, action);
- },
- performAction$3(id, action, args) {
- var t1,
- handler = this._getSemanticsActionHandlerForId$2(id, action);
- if (handler != null) {
- handler.call$1(args);
- return;
- }
- if (action === B.SemanticsAction_256) {
- t1 = this._nodes.$index(0, id);
- t1 = (t1 == null ? null : t1._showOnScreen) != null;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- this._nodes.$index(0, id)._showOnScreen.call$0();
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "#" + A.shortHash(this);
- }
- };
- A.SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(node) {
- return !this.$this._detachedNodes.contains$1(0, node);
- },
- $signature: 111
- };
- A.SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure0.prototype = {
- call$2(a, b) {
- return a._depth - b._depth;
- },
- $signature: 110
- };
- A.SemanticsOwner_sendSemanticsUpdate_closure1.prototype = {
- call$2(a, b) {
- return a._depth - b._depth;
- },
- $signature: 110
- };
- A.SemanticsOwner__getSemanticsActionHandlerForId_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(node) {
- if (node._actions.containsKey$1(0, this.action)) {
- this._box_0.result = node;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- $signature: 111
- };
- A.SemanticsConfiguration.prototype = {
- _addAction$2(action, handler) {
- var _this = this;
- _this._actions.$indexSet(0, action, handler);
- _this._actionsAsBits = _this._actionsAsBits | action.index;
- _this._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- },
- _addArgumentlessAction$2(action, handler) {
- this._addAction$2(action, new A.SemanticsConfiguration__addArgumentlessAction_closure(handler));
- },
- set$onTap(value) {
- value.toString;
- this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_1, value);
- this._onTap = value;
- },
- set$onLongPress(value) {
- value.toString;
- this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_2, value);
- },
- set$onScrollLeft(value) {
- this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_4, value);
- },
- set$onDismiss(value) {
- this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_262144, value);
- },
- set$onScrollRight(value) {
- this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_8, value);
- },
- set$onScrollUp(value) {
- this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_16, value);
- },
- set$onScrollDown(value) {
- this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_32, value);
- },
- set$onIncrease(value) {
- this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_64, value);
- },
- set$onDecrease(value) {
- this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_128, value);
- },
- set$onCopy(_, value) {
- this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_4096, value);
- },
- set$onCut(_, value) {
- this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_8192, value);
- },
- set$onPaste(_, value) {
- this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_16384, value);
- },
- set$onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter(value) {
- this._addAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_512, new A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter_closure(value));
- },
- set$onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter(value) {
- this._addAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_1024, new A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter_closure(value));
- },
- set$onMoveCursorForwardByWord(value) {
- this._addAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_524288, new A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByWord_closure(value));
- },
- set$onMoveCursorBackwardByWord(value) {
- this._addAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_1048576, new A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByWord_closure(value));
- },
- set$onSetSelection(value) {
- this._addAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_2048, new A.SemanticsConfiguration_onSetSelection_closure(value));
- },
- set$onSetText(value) {
- this._addAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_2097152, new A.SemanticsConfiguration_onSetText_closure(value));
- },
- set$onDidGainAccessibilityFocus(value) {
- this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_32768, value);
- },
- set$onDidLoseAccessibilityFocus(value) {
- this._addArgumentlessAction$2(B.SemanticsAction_65536, value);
- },
- set$scrollChildCount(value) {
- if (value == this._scrollChildCount)
- return;
- this._scrollChildCount = value;
- this._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- },
- set$scrollIndex(value) {
- if (value == this._scrollIndex)
- return;
- this._scrollIndex = value;
- this._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- },
- set$maxValueLength(value) {
- return;
- },
- set$currentValueLength(value) {
- if (value == this._currentValueLength)
- return;
- this._currentValueLength = value;
- this._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- },
- _onCustomSemanticsAction$1(args) {
- var action, callback;
- args.toString;
- action = $.CustomSemanticsAction__actions.$index(0, A._asInt(args));
- if (action == null)
- return;
- callback = this._customSemanticsActions.$index(0, action);
- if (callback != null)
- callback.call$0();
- },
- set$elevation(_, value) {
- if (value === this._semantics$_elevation)
- return;
- this._semantics$_elevation = value;
- this._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- },
- addTagForChildren$1(tag) {
- var t1 = this._tagsForChildren;
- (t1 == null ? this._tagsForChildren = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.SemanticsTag) : t1).add$1(0, tag);
- },
- _setFlag$2(flag, value) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._flags,
- t2 = flag.index;
- if (value)
- _this._flags = t1 | t2;
- else
- _this._flags = t1 & ~t2;
- _this._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- },
- isCompatibleWith$1(other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null || !other._hasBeenAnnotated || !_this._hasBeenAnnotated)
- return true;
- if ((_this._actionsAsBits & other._actionsAsBits) !== 0)
- return false;
- if ((_this._flags & other._flags) !== 0)
- return false;
- if (_this._currentValueLength != null && other._currentValueLength != null)
- return false;
- if (_this._semantics$_attributedValue.string.length !== 0 && other._semantics$_attributedValue.string.length !== 0)
- return false;
- return true;
- },
- absorb$1(child) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (!child._hasBeenAnnotated)
- return;
- _this._actions.addAll$1(0, child._actions);
- _this._customSemanticsActions.addAll$1(0, child._customSemanticsActions);
- _this._actionsAsBits = _this._actionsAsBits | child._actionsAsBits;
- _this._flags = _this._flags | child._flags;
- if (_this._textSelection == null)
- _this._textSelection = child._textSelection;
- if (_this._scrollPosition == null)
- _this._scrollPosition = child._scrollPosition;
- if (_this._scrollExtentMax == null)
- _this._scrollExtentMax = child._scrollExtentMax;
- if (_this._scrollExtentMin == null)
- _this._scrollExtentMin = child._scrollExtentMin;
- if (_this._hintOverrides == null)
- _this._hintOverrides = child._hintOverrides;
- if (_this._indexInParent == null)
- _this._indexInParent = child._indexInParent;
- if (_this._scrollIndex == null)
- _this._scrollIndex = child._scrollIndex;
- if (_this._scrollChildCount == null)
- _this._scrollChildCount = child._scrollChildCount;
- _this._platformViewId = child._platformViewId;
- _this._maxValueLength = child._maxValueLength;
- if (_this._currentValueLength == null)
- _this._currentValueLength = child._currentValueLength;
- t1 = _this._semantics$_textDirection;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = _this._semantics$_textDirection = child._semantics$_textDirection;
- _this._hasBeenAnnotated = true;
- }
- if (_this._sortKey == null)
- _this._sortKey = child._sortKey;
- t2 = _this._semantics$_attributedLabel;
- _this._semantics$_attributedLabel = A._concatAttributedString(child._semantics$_attributedLabel, child._semantics$_textDirection, t2, t1);
- if (_this._semantics$_attributedValue.string === "")
- _this._semantics$_attributedValue = child._semantics$_attributedValue;
- if (_this._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue.string === "")
- _this._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = child._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue;
- if (_this._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue.string === "")
- _this._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = child._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue;
- t1 = _this._semantics$_attributedHint;
- t2 = _this._semantics$_textDirection;
- _this._semantics$_attributedHint = A._concatAttributedString(child._semantics$_attributedHint, child._semantics$_textDirection, t1, t2);
- if (_this._tooltip === "")
- _this._tooltip = child._tooltip;
- _this._semantics$_thickness = Math.max(_this._semantics$_thickness, child._semantics$_thickness + child._semantics$_elevation);
- _this._hasBeenAnnotated = _this._hasBeenAnnotated || child._hasBeenAnnotated;
- },
- copy$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = A.SemanticsConfiguration$();
- t1._isSemanticBoundary = _this._isSemanticBoundary;
- t1.explicitChildNodes = _this.explicitChildNodes;
- t1.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes = _this.isBlockingSemanticsOfPreviouslyPaintedNodes;
- t1._hasBeenAnnotated = _this._hasBeenAnnotated;
- t1._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants = _this._isMergingSemanticsOfDescendants;
- t1._semantics$_textDirection = _this._semantics$_textDirection;
- t1._sortKey = _this._sortKey;
- t1._semantics$_attributedLabel = _this._semantics$_attributedLabel;
- t1._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue = _this._semantics$_attributedIncreasedValue;
- t1._semantics$_attributedValue = _this._semantics$_attributedValue;
- t1._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue = _this._semantics$_attributedDecreasedValue;
- t1._semantics$_attributedHint = _this._semantics$_attributedHint;
- t1._hintOverrides = _this._hintOverrides;
- t1._tooltip = _this._tooltip;
- t1._semantics$_elevation = _this._semantics$_elevation;
- t1._semantics$_thickness = _this._semantics$_thickness;
- t1._flags = _this._flags;
- t1._tagsForChildren = _this._tagsForChildren;
- t1._textSelection = _this._textSelection;
- t1._scrollPosition = _this._scrollPosition;
- t1._scrollExtentMax = _this._scrollExtentMax;
- t1._scrollExtentMin = _this._scrollExtentMin;
- t1._actionsAsBits = _this._actionsAsBits;
- t1._indexInParent = _this._indexInParent;
- t1._scrollIndex = _this._scrollIndex;
- t1._scrollChildCount = _this._scrollChildCount;
- t1._platformViewId = _this._platformViewId;
- t1._maxValueLength = _this._maxValueLength;
- t1._currentValueLength = _this._currentValueLength;
- t1._actions.addAll$1(0, _this._actions);
- t1._customSemanticsActions.addAll$1(0, _this._customSemanticsActions);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.SemanticsConfiguration__addArgumentlessAction_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(args) {
- this.handler.call$0();
- },
- $signature: 11
- };
- A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByCharacter_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(args) {
- args.toString;
- this.value.call$1(A._asBool(args));
- },
- $signature: 11
- };
- A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByCharacter_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(args) {
- args.toString;
- this.value.call$1(A._asBool(args));
- },
- $signature: 11
- };
- A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorForwardByWord_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(args) {
- args.toString;
- this.value.call$1(A._asBool(args));
- },
- $signature: 11
- };
- A.SemanticsConfiguration_onMoveCursorBackwardByWord_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(args) {
- args.toString;
- this.value.call$1(A._asBool(args));
- },
- $signature: 11
- };
- A.SemanticsConfiguration_onSetSelection_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(args) {
- var selection, t1, t2;
- args.toString;
- selection = J.cast$2$0$ax(type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(args), type$.String, type$.int);
- t1 = selection.$index(0, "base");
- t1.toString;
- t2 = selection.$index(0, "extent");
- t2.toString;
- this.value.call$1(A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, t1, t2, false));
- },
- $signature: 11
- };
- A.SemanticsConfiguration_onSetText_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(args) {
- args.toString;
- this.value.call$1(A._asString(args));
- },
- $signature: 11
- };
- A.DebugSemanticsDumpOrder.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "DebugSemanticsDumpOrder." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.SemanticsSortKey.prototype = {
- compareTo$1(_, other) {
- var t1 = this.doCompare$1(other);
- return t1;
- },
- $isComparable: 1,
- get$name(receiver) {
- return this.name;
- }
- };
- A.OrdinalSortKey.prototype = {
- doCompare$1(other) {
- var t1 = other.order,
- t2 = this.order;
- if (t1 === t2)
- return 0;
- return B.JSInt_methods.compareTo$1(t2, t1);
- }
- };
- A._SemanticsData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._SemanticsNode_AbstractNode_DiagnosticableTreeMixin.prototype = {};
- A._SemanticsSortKey_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.Assertiveness0.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "Assertiveness." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.SemanticsEvent.prototype = {
- toMap$1$nodeId(nodeId) {
- var $event = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["type", this.type, "data", this.getDataMap$0()], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- if (nodeId != null)
- $event.$indexSet(0, "nodeId", nodeId);
- return $event;
- },
- toMap$0() {
- return this.toMap$1$nodeId(null);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var _i, key,
- pairs = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_String),
- dataMap = this.getDataMap$0(),
- t1 = dataMap.get$keys(dataMap),
- sortedKeys = A.List_List$of(t1, true, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- B.JSArray_methods.sort$0(sortedKeys);
- for (t1 = sortedKeys.length, _i = 0; _i < sortedKeys.length; sortedKeys.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(sortedKeys), ++_i) {
- key = sortedKeys[_i];
- pairs.push(A.S(key) + ": " + A.S(dataMap.$index(0, key)));
- }
- return "SemanticsEvent(" + B.JSArray_methods.join$1(pairs, ", ") + ")";
- }
- };
- A.AnnounceSemanticsEvent.prototype = {
- getDataMap$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- t1.$indexSet(0, "message", this.message);
- t1.$indexSet(0, "textDirection", this.textDirection.index);
- t2 = this.assertiveness;
- if (t2 !== B.Assertiveness_00)
- t1.$indexSet(0, "assertiveness", t2.index);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.TooltipSemanticsEvent.prototype = {
- getDataMap$0() {
- return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["message", this.message], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- }
- };
- A.LongPressSemanticsEvent.prototype = {
- getDataMap$0() {
- return B.Map_empty3;
- }
- };
- A.TapSemanticEvent.prototype = {
- getDataMap$0() {
- return B.Map_empty3;
- }
- };
- A.AssetBundle.prototype = {
- loadString$2$cache(key, cache) {
- return this.loadString$body$AssetBundle(key, true);
- },
- loadString$body$AssetBundle(key, cache) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.String),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, data;
- var $async$loadString$2$cache = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.load$1(0, key), $async$loadString$2$cache);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- data = $async$result;
- if (data.byteLength < 51200) {
- $async$returnValue = B.C_Utf8Codec.decode$1(0, A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(data.buffer, 0, null));
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- $async$returnValue = A.compute(A.asset_bundle_AssetBundle__utf8decode$closure(), data, 'UTF8 decode for "' + key + '"', type$.ByteData, type$.String);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$loadString$2$cache, $async$completer);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "#" + A.shortHash(this) + "()";
- }
- };
- A.CachingAssetBundle.prototype = {
- loadString$2$cache(key, cache) {
- return this.super$AssetBundle$loadString(key, true);
- },
- loadStructuredBinaryData$1$2(key, parser, $T) {
- var t3, t1 = {},
- t2 = this._structuredBinaryDataCache;
- if (t2.containsKey$1(0, key)) {
- t1 = t2.$index(0, key);
- t1.toString;
- return $T._eval$1("Future<0>")._as(t1);
- }
- t1.result = t1.completer = null;
- this.load$1(0, key).then$1$1(0, parser, $T).then$1$2$onError(0, new A.CachingAssetBundle_loadStructuredBinaryData_closure(t1, this, key, $T), new A.CachingAssetBundle_loadStructuredBinaryData_closure0(t1), type$.void);
- t3 = t1.result;
- if (t3 != null)
- return t3;
- t3 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, $T._eval$1("_Future<0>"));
- t1.completer = new A._AsyncCompleter(t3, $T._eval$1("_AsyncCompleter<0>"));
- t2.$indexSet(0, key, t3);
- return t1.completer.future;
- }
- };
- A.CachingAssetBundle_loadStructuredBinaryData_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- var _this = this,
- result = new A.SynchronousFuture(value, _this.T._eval$1("SynchronousFuture<0>")),
- t1 = _this._box_0;
- t1.result = result;
- _this.$this._structuredBinaryDataCache.$indexSet(0, _this.key, result);
- t1 = t1.completer;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.complete$1(0, value);
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.T._eval$1("Null(0)");
- }
- };
- A.CachingAssetBundle_loadStructuredBinaryData_closure0.prototype = {
- call$2(error, stack) {
- this._box_0.completer.completeError$2(error, stack);
- },
- $signature: 68
- };
- A.PlatformAssetBundle.prototype = {
- load$1(_, key) {
- var future,
- encoded = B.C_Utf8Encoder.convert$1(A._Uri__Uri(null, A._Uri__uriEncode(B.List_5Q7, key, B.C_Utf8Codec, false), null).path),
- t1 = $.ServicesBinding__instance.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__defaultBinaryMessenger_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- future = t1.send$2(0, "flutter/assets", A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(encoded.buffer, 0, null)).then$1$1(0, new A.PlatformAssetBundle_load_closure(key), type$.ByteData);
- return future;
- },
- loadBuffer$1(key) {
- return this.loadBuffer$body$PlatformAssetBundle(key);
- },
- loadBuffer$body$PlatformAssetBundle(key) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.ImmutableBuffer),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $async$temp1, $async$temp2;
- var $async$loadBuffer$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$temp1 = A;
- $async$temp2 = A;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.load$1(0, key), $async$loadBuffer$1);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.ImmutableBuffer_fromUint8List($async$temp2.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view($async$result.buffer, 0, null));
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$loadBuffer$1, $async$completer);
- }
- };
- A.PlatformAssetBundle_load_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(asset) {
- if (asset == null)
- throw A.wrapException(A.FlutterError$fromParts(A._setArrayType([A._errorSummaryWithKey(this.key), A.ErrorDescription$("The asset does not exist or has empty data.")], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode)));
- return asset;
- },
- $signature: 367
- };
- A._AssetManifestBin.prototype = {
- getAssetVariants$1(key) {
- var t2, t3, t4,
- t1 = this._typeCastedData;
- if (!t1.containsKey$1(0, key)) {
- t2 = this._asset_manifest$_data;
- t3 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t2);
- if (t3.$index(t2, key) == null)
- return null;
- t4 = t3.$index(t2, key);
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = [];
- t4 = J.cast$1$0$ax(type$.Iterable_nullable_Object._as(t4), type$.Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object);
- t1.$indexSet(0, key, t4.map$1$1(t4, new A._AssetManifestBin_getAssetVariants_closure(key), type$.AssetMetadata).toList$0(0));
- t3.remove$1(t2, key);
- }
- t1 = t1.$index(0, key);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- $isAssetManifest: 1
- };
- A._AssetManifestBin_getAssetVariants_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(data) {
- var dpr,
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(data),
- t2 = t1.$index(data, "asset");
- t2.toString;
- A._asString(t2);
- dpr = t1.$index(data, "dpr");
- t1 = t1.$index(data, "asset");
- t1.toString;
- A._asString(t1);
- return new A.AssetMetadata(A._asDoubleQ(dpr), t1);
- },
- $signature: 368
- };
- A.AssetMetadata.prototype = {};
- A.AutofillConfiguration.prototype = {
- toJson$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this.enabled) {
- t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- t1.$indexSet(0, "uniqueIdentifier", _this.uniqueIdentifier);
- t1.$indexSet(0, "hints", _this.autofillHints);
- t1.$indexSet(0, "editingValue", _this.currentEditingValue.toJSON$0(0));
- t2 = _this.hintText;
- if (t2 != null)
- t1.$indexSet(0, "hintText", t2);
- } else
- t1 = null;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.BinaryMessenger.prototype = {};
- A.ServicesBinding.prototype = {
- handleMemoryPressure$0() {
- var t1 = $.$get$rootBundle();
- t1._stringCache.clear$0(0);
- t1._structuredDataCache.clear$0(0);
- t1._structuredBinaryDataCache.clear$0(0);
- },
- handleSystemMessage$1(systemMessage) {
- return this.handleSystemMessage$body$ServicesBinding(systemMessage);
- },
- handleSystemMessage$body$ServicesBinding(systemMessage) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
- var $async$handleSystemMessage$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- switch (A._asString(J.$index$asx(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(systemMessage), "type"))) {
- case "memoryPressure":
- $async$self.handleMemoryPressure$0();
- break;
- }
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$handleSystemMessage$1, $async$completer);
- },
- _addLicenses$0() {
- var controller = A._Cell$named("controller");
- controller.set$finalLocalValue(A.StreamController_StreamController(null, new A.ServicesBinding__addLicenses_closure(controller), null, type$.LicenseEntry));
- return J.get$stream$z(controller._readLocal$0());
- },
- readInitialLifecycleStateFromNativeWindow$0() {
- if (this.SchedulerBinding__lifecycleState != null)
- return;
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- var state = A.ServicesBinding__parseAppLifecycleMessage("AppLifecycleState.resumed");
- if (state != null)
- this.handleAppLifecycleStateChanged$1(state);
- },
- _handleLifecycleMessage$1(message) {
- return this._handleLifecycleMessage$body$ServicesBinding(message);
- },
- _handleLifecycleMessage$body$ServicesBinding(message) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_String),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1;
- var $async$_handleLifecycleMessage$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- message.toString;
- t1 = A.ServicesBinding__parseAppLifecycleMessage(message);
- t1.toString;
- $async$self.handleAppLifecycleStateChanged$1(t1);
- $async$returnValue = null;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleLifecycleMessage$1, $async$completer);
- },
- _handlePlatformMessage$1(methodCall) {
- return this._handlePlatformMessage$body$ServicesBinding(methodCall);
- },
- _handlePlatformMessage$body$ServicesBinding(methodCall) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.dynamic),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, $async$temp1;
- var $async$_handlePlatformMessage$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- case 3:
- // switch
- switch (methodCall.method) {
- case "SystemChrome.systemUIChange":
- // goto case
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- case "System.requestAppExit":
- // goto case
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- default:
- // goto after switch
- $async$goto = 4;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 5:
- // case
- type$.List_dynamic._as(methodCall.$arguments);
- // goto after switch
- $async$goto = 4;
- break;
- case 6:
- // case
- $async$temp1 = A;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.handleRequestAppExit$0(), $async$_handlePlatformMessage$1);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["response", $async$result._core$_name], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 4:
- // after switch
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handlePlatformMessage$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $isSchedulerBinding: 1
- };
- A.ServicesBinding__addLicenses_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this, t1, rawLicenses, $async$temp1;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- rawLicenses = A._Cell$named("rawLicenses");
- $async$temp1 = rawLicenses;
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait($.$get$rootBundle().loadString$2$cache("NOTICES", false), $async$call$0);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- $async$temp1.set$finalLocalValue($async$result);
- t1 = $async$self.controller;
- $async$temp1 = J;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(A.compute(A.binding2_ServicesBinding__parseLicenses$closure(), rawLicenses._readLocal$0(), "parseLicenses", type$.String, type$.List_LicenseEntry), $async$call$0);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- $async$temp1.forEach$1$ax($async$result, J.get$add$ax(t1._readLocal$0()));
- $async$goto = 4;
- return A._asyncAwait(J.close$0$z(t1._readLocal$0()), $async$call$0);
- case 4:
- // returning from await.
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 15
- };
- A._DefaultBinaryMessenger.prototype = {
- send$2(_, channel, message) {
- var t1 = new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_nullable_ByteData);
- $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance()._sendPlatformMessage$3(channel, message, A.EnginePlatformDispatcher__zonedPlatformMessageResponseCallback(new A._DefaultBinaryMessenger_send_closure(new A._AsyncCompleter(t1, type$._AsyncCompleter_nullable_ByteData))));
- return t1;
- },
- setMessageHandler$2(channel, handler) {
- if (handler == null) {
- channel = $.$get$channelBuffers()._channels.$index(0, channel);
- if (channel != null)
- channel._channelCallbackRecord = null;
- } else
- $.$get$channelBuffers().setListener$2(channel, new A._DefaultBinaryMessenger_setMessageHandler_closure(handler));
- }
- };
- A._DefaultBinaryMessenger_send_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(reply) {
- var exception, stack, exception0, t1;
- try {
- this.completer.complete$1(0, reply);
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("during a platform message response callback");
- A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "services library", t1, null, false));
- }
- },
- $signature: 40
- };
- A._DefaultBinaryMessenger_setMessageHandler_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(data, callback) {
- return this.$call$body$_DefaultBinaryMessenger_setMessageHandler_closure(data, callback);
- },
- $call$body$_DefaultBinaryMessenger_setMessageHandler_closure(data, callback) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, $async$next = [], $async$self = this, exception, stack, exception0, t1, response, $async$exception0;
- var $async$call$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- response = null;
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$goto = 6;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.handler.call$1(data), $async$call$2);
- case 6:
- // returning from await.
- response = $async$result;
- $async$next.push(5);
- // goto finally
- $async$goto = 4;
- break;
- case 3:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 2;
- $async$exception0 = $async$currentError;
- exception = A.unwrapException($async$exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception0);
- t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("during a platform message callback");
- A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "services library", t1, null, false));
- $async$next.push(5);
- // goto finally
- $async$goto = 4;
- break;
- case 2:
- // uncaught
- $async$next = [1];
- case 4:
- // finally
- $async$handler = 1;
- callback.call$1(response);
- // goto the next finally handler
- $async$goto = $async$next.pop();
- break;
- case 5:
- // after finally
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- case 1:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$2, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 372
- };
- A.BrowserContextMenu.prototype = {};
- A.ClipboardData.prototype = {};
- A.KeyboardLockMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "KeyboardLockMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.KeyEvent.prototype = {};
- A.KeyDownEvent.prototype = {};
- A.KeyUpEvent.prototype = {};
- A.KeyRepeatEvent.prototype = {};
- A.HardwareKeyboard.prototype = {
- _dispatchKeyEvent$1($event) {
- var handled, handler, thisResult, exception, stack, t1, _i, exception0, t2, t3;
- this._duringDispatch = true;
- handled = false;
- for (t1 = this._handlers, _i = 0; false; ++_i) {
- handler = t1[_i];
- try {
- thisResult = handler.call$1($event);
- handled = handled || thisResult;
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- t2 = A.ErrorDescription$("while processing a key handler");
- t3 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError();
- if (t3 != null)
- t3.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "services library", t2, null, false));
- }
- }
- this._duringDispatch = false;
- return handled;
- },
- handleKeyEvent$1($event) {
- var lockMode, t1, _this = this,
- physicalKey = $event.physicalKey,
- logicalKey = $event.logicalKey;
- if ($event instanceof A.KeyDownEvent) {
- _this._pressedKeys.$indexSet(0, physicalKey, logicalKey);
- lockMode = $.$get$KeyboardLockMode__knownLockModes().$index(0, logicalKey.keyId);
- if (lockMode != null) {
- t1 = _this._lockModes;
- if (t1.contains$1(0, lockMode))
- t1.remove$1(0, lockMode);
- else
- t1.add$1(0, lockMode);
- }
- } else if ($event instanceof A.KeyUpEvent)
- _this._pressedKeys.remove$1(0, physicalKey);
- return _this._dispatchKeyEvent$1($event);
- }
- };
- A.KeyDataTransitMode.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "KeyDataTransitMode." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.KeyMessage.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "KeyMessage(" + A.S(this.events) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.KeyEventManager.prototype = {
- handleKeyData$1(data) {
- var $event, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._transitMode;
- switch ((t1 == null ? _this._transitMode = B.KeyDataTransitMode_1 : t1).index) {
- case 0:
- return false;
- case 1:
- if (data.physical === 0 && data.logical === 0)
- return false;
- $event = A.KeyEventManager__eventFromData(data);
- if (data.synthesized && _this._keyEventsSinceLastMessage.length === 0) {
- _this._hardwareKeyboard.handleKeyEvent$1($event);
- _this._dispatchKeyMessage$2(A._setArrayType([$event], type$.JSArray_KeyEvent), null);
- } else
- _this._keyEventsSinceLastMessage.push($event);
- return false;
- }
- },
- _dispatchKeyMessage$2(keyEvents, rawEvent) {
- var message, exception, stack, exception0,
- t1 = this.keyMessageHandler;
- if (t1 != null) {
- message = new A.KeyMessage(keyEvents, rawEvent);
- try {
- t1 = t1.call$1(message);
- return t1;
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("while processing the key message handler");
- A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "services library", t1, null, false));
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- handleRawKeyMessage$1(message) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_dynamic),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, rawEvent, shouldDispatch, t1, t2, t3, handled, _i;
- var $async$handleRawKeyMessage$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- if ($async$self._transitMode == null) {
- $async$self._transitMode = B.KeyDataTransitMode_0;
- $async$self._rawKeyboard._raw_keyboard$_listeners.push($async$self.get$_convertRawEventAndStore());
- }
- rawEvent = A.RawKeyEvent_RawKeyEvent$fromMessage(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(message));
- if (rawEvent instanceof A.RawKeyDownEvent) {
- $async$self._skippedRawKeysPressed.remove$1(0, rawEvent.data.get$physicalKey());
- shouldDispatch = true;
- } else if (rawEvent instanceof A.RawKeyUpEvent) {
- t1 = $async$self._skippedRawKeysPressed;
- t2 = rawEvent.data;
- if (t1.contains$1(0, t2.get$physicalKey())) {
- t1.remove$1(0, t2.get$physicalKey());
- shouldDispatch = false;
- } else
- shouldDispatch = true;
- } else
- shouldDispatch = true;
- if (shouldDispatch) {
- $async$self._rawKeyboard.handleRawKeyEvent$1(rawEvent);
- for (t1 = $async$self._keyEventsSinceLastMessage, t2 = t1.length, t3 = $async$self._hardwareKeyboard, handled = false, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- handled = t3.handleKeyEvent$1(t1[_i]) || handled;
- handled = $async$self._dispatchKeyMessage$2(t1, rawEvent) || handled;
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(t1);
- } else
- handled = true;
- $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["handled", handled], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$handleRawKeyMessage$1, $async$completer);
- },
- _convertRawEventAndStore$1(rawEvent) {
- var t2, physicalKeysPressed, eventAfterwards, recordedLogicalMain, timeStamp, character, mainEvent, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, _null = null,
- t1 = rawEvent.data,
- physicalKey = t1.get$physicalKey(),
- logicalKey = t1.get$logicalKey();
- t1 = this._hardwareKeyboard._pressedKeys;
- t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>");
- physicalKeysPressed = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t1, t2), t2._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- eventAfterwards = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_KeyEvent);
- recordedLogicalMain = t1.$index(0, physicalKey);
- timeStamp = $.ServicesBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__lastRawTimeStamp;
- character = rawEvent.character;
- if (character === "")
- character = _null;
- if (rawEvent instanceof A.RawKeyDownEvent)
- if (recordedLogicalMain == null) {
- mainEvent = new A.KeyDownEvent(physicalKey, logicalKey, character, timeStamp, false);
- physicalKeysPressed.add$1(0, physicalKey);
- } else
- mainEvent = new A.KeyRepeatEvent(physicalKey, recordedLogicalMain, character, timeStamp, false);
- else if (recordedLogicalMain == null)
- mainEvent = _null;
- else {
- mainEvent = new A.KeyUpEvent(physicalKey, recordedLogicalMain, _null, timeStamp, false);
- physicalKeysPressed.remove$1(0, physicalKey);
- }
- for (t2 = this._rawKeyboard._keysPressed, t3 = A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>"), t4 = t3._eval$1("Iterable.E"), t5 = physicalKeysPressed.difference$1(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t2, t3), t4)), t5 = t5.get$iterator(t5), t6 = this._keyEventsSinceLastMessage; t5.moveNext$0();) {
- t7 = t5.get$current(t5);
- if (t7.$eq(0, physicalKey))
- eventAfterwards.push(new A.KeyUpEvent(t7, logicalKey, _null, timeStamp, true));
- else {
- t8 = t1.$index(0, t7);
- t8.toString;
- t6.push(new A.KeyUpEvent(t7, t8, _null, timeStamp, true));
- }
- }
- for (t1 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t2, t3), t4).difference$1(physicalKeysPressed), t1 = t1.get$iterator(t1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1.get$current(t1);
- t4 = t2.$index(0, t3);
- t4.toString;
- t6.push(new A.KeyDownEvent(t3, t4, _null, timeStamp, true));
- }
- if (mainEvent != null)
- t6.push(mainEvent);
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t6, eventAfterwards);
- }
- };
- A._KeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.KeyboardInsertedContent.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "KeyboardInsertedContent(" + this.mimeType + ", " + this.uri + ", " + A.S(this.data) + ")";
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.KeyboardInsertedContent)
- if (other.mimeType === _this.mimeType)
- if (other.uri === _this.uri) {
- t1 = other.data;
- t2 = _this.data;
- t2 = t1 == null ? t2 == null : t1 === t2;
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.mimeType, this.uri, this.data, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.KeyboardKey.prototype = {};
- A.LogicalKeyboardKey.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this.keyId);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.LogicalKeyboardKey && other.keyId === this.keyId;
- }
- };
- A.PhysicalKeyboardKey.prototype = {
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(this.usbHidUsage);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.PhysicalKeyboardKey && other.usbHidUsage === this.usbHidUsage;
- }
- };
- A._KeyboardKey_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.MethodCall0.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "MethodCall(" + this.method + ", " + A.S(this.$arguments) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.PlatformException.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return "PlatformException(" + _this.code + ", " + A.S(_this.message) + ", " + A.S(_this.details) + ", " + A.S(_this.stacktrace) + ")";
- },
- $isException: 1
- };
- A.MissingPluginException.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "MissingPluginException(" + A.S(this.message) + ")";
- },
- $isException: 1
- };
- A.StringCodec.prototype = {
- decodeMessage$1(message) {
- if (message == null)
- return null;
- return B.Utf8Decoder_false.convert$1(A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(message.buffer, message.byteOffset, message.byteLength));
- },
- encodeMessage$1(message) {
- if (message == null)
- return null;
- return A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(B.C_Utf8Encoder.convert$1(message).buffer, 0, null);
- }
- };
- A.JSONMessageCodec0.prototype = {
- encodeMessage$1(message) {
- if (message == null)
- return null;
- return B.C_StringCodec.encodeMessage$1(B.C_JsonCodec.encode$1(message));
- },
- decodeMessage$1(message) {
- var t1;
- if (message == null)
- return message;
- t1 = B.C_StringCodec.decodeMessage$1(message);
- t1.toString;
- return B.C_JsonCodec.decode$1(0, t1);
- }
- };
- A.JSONMethodCodec0.prototype = {
- encodeMethodCall$1(methodCall) {
- var t1 = B.C_JSONMessageCodec0.encodeMessage$1(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["method", methodCall.method, "args", methodCall.$arguments], type$.String, type$.nullable_Object));
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- decodeMethodCall$1(methodCall) {
- var t1, method, $arguments, _null = null,
- decoded = B.C_JSONMessageCodec0.decodeMessage$1(methodCall);
- if (!type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(decoded))
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Expected method call Map, got " + A.S(decoded), _null, _null));
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(decoded);
- method = t1.$index(decoded, "method");
- $arguments = t1.$index(decoded, "args");
- if (typeof method == "string")
- return new A.MethodCall0(method, $arguments);
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid method call: " + A.S(decoded), _null, _null));
- },
- decodeEnvelope$1(envelope) {
- var t1, t2, t3, _null = null,
- decoded = B.C_JSONMessageCodec0.decodeMessage$1(envelope);
- if (!type$.List_dynamic._is(decoded))
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Expected envelope List, got " + A.S(decoded), _null, _null));
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(decoded);
- if (t1.get$length(decoded) === 1)
- return t1.$index(decoded, 0);
- if (t1.get$length(decoded) === 3)
- if (typeof t1.$index(decoded, 0) == "string")
- t2 = t1.$index(decoded, 1) == null || typeof t1.$index(decoded, 1) == "string";
- else
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t2 = A._asString(t1.$index(decoded, 0));
- t3 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(decoded, 1));
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$(t2, t1.$index(decoded, 2), t3, _null));
- }
- if (t1.get$length(decoded) === 4)
- if (typeof t1.$index(decoded, 0) == "string")
- if (t1.$index(decoded, 1) == null || typeof t1.$index(decoded, 1) == "string")
- t2 = t1.$index(decoded, 3) == null || typeof t1.$index(decoded, 3) == "string";
- else
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = false;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t2 = A._asString(t1.$index(decoded, 0));
- t3 = A._asStringQ(t1.$index(decoded, 1));
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$(t2, t1.$index(decoded, 2), t3, A._asStringQ(t1.$index(decoded, 3))));
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.FormatException$("Invalid envelope: " + A.S(decoded), _null, _null));
- },
- encodeSuccessEnvelope$1(result) {
- var t1 = B.C_JSONMessageCodec0.encodeMessage$1([result]);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message(code, details, message) {
- var t1 = B.C_JSONMessageCodec0.encodeMessage$1([code, message, details]);
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- encodeErrorEnvelope$2$code$message(code, message) {
- return this.encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message(code, null, message);
- }
- };
- A.StandardMessageCodec0.prototype = {
- encodeMessage$1(message) {
- var buffer;
- if (message == null)
- return null;
- buffer = A.WriteBuffer_WriteBuffer(64);
- this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, message);
- return buffer.done$0();
- },
- decodeMessage$1(message) {
- var buffer, result;
- if (message == null)
- return null;
- buffer = new A.ReadBuffer(message);
- result = this.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- if (buffer._serialization$_position < message.byteLength)
- throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_oCg);
- return result;
- },
- writeValue$2(_, buffer, value) {
- var t1, t2, asciiBytes, utf8Bytes, utf8Offset, i, char, elementSize, end, _this = this, _null = null;
- if (value == null)
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 0);
- else if (A._isBool(value))
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, value ? 1 : 2);
- else if (typeof value == "number") {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 6);
- buffer._alignTo$1(8);
- t1 = $.$get$Endian_host();
- buffer._eightBytes.setFloat64(0, value, B.C_Endian === t1);
- buffer._addAll$1(buffer._eightBytesAsList);
- } else if (A._isInt(value)) {
- t1 = -2147483648 <= value && value <= 2147483647;
- t2 = buffer._eightBytes;
- if (t1) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 3);
- t1 = $.$get$Endian_host();
- t2.setInt32(0, value, B.C_Endian === t1);
- buffer._addAll$3(buffer._eightBytesAsList, 0, 4);
- } else {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 4);
- t1 = $.$get$Endian_host();
- B.NativeByteData_methods.setInt64$3(t2, 0, value, t1);
- }
- } else if (typeof value == "string") {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 7);
- t1 = value.length;
- asciiBytes = new Uint8Array(t1);
- i = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(i < t1)) {
- utf8Bytes = _null;
- utf8Offset = 0;
- break;
- }
- char = B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(value, i);
- if (char <= 127)
- asciiBytes[i] = char;
- else {
- utf8Bytes = B.C_Utf8Encoder.convert$1(B.JSString_methods.substring$1(value, i));
- utf8Offset = i;
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- if (utf8Bytes != null) {
- _this.writeSize$2(buffer, utf8Offset + utf8Bytes.length);
- elementSize = asciiBytes.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
- end = A.RangeError_checkValidRange(0, utf8Offset, B.JSInt_methods.$tdiv(asciiBytes.byteLength, elementSize), _null, _null);
- buffer._append$1(A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(asciiBytes.buffer, asciiBytes.byteOffset + 0 * elementSize, (end - 0) * elementSize));
- buffer._append$1(utf8Bytes);
- } else {
- _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t1);
- buffer._append$1(asciiBytes);
- }
- } else if (type$.Uint8List._is(value)) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 8);
- _this.writeSize$2(buffer, value.length);
- buffer._append$1(value);
- } else if (type$.Int32List._is(value)) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 9);
- t1 = value.length;
- _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t1);
- buffer._alignTo$1(4);
- buffer._append$1(A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, 4 * t1));
- } else if (type$.Float32List._is(value)) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 14);
- t1 = value.length;
- _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t1);
- buffer._alignTo$1(4);
- buffer._append$1(A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, 4 * t1));
- } else if (type$.Float64List._is(value)) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 11);
- t1 = value.length;
- _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t1);
- buffer._alignTo$1(8);
- buffer._append$1(A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(value.buffer, value.byteOffset, 8 * t1));
- } else if (type$.List_dynamic._is(value)) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 12);
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(value);
- _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t1.get$length(value));
- for (t1 = t1.get$iterator(value); t1.moveNext$0();)
- _this.writeValue$2(0, buffer, t1.get$current(t1));
- } else if (type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._is(value)) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 13);
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(value);
- _this.writeSize$2(buffer, t1.get$length(value));
- t1.forEach$1(value, new A.StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure(_this, buffer));
- } else
- throw A.wrapException(A.ArgumentError$value(value, _null, _null));
- },
- readValue$1(_, buffer) {
- if (buffer._serialization$_position >= buffer.data.byteLength)
- throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_oCg);
- return this.readValueOfType$2(buffer.getUint8$0(0), buffer);
- },
- readValueOfType$2(type, buffer) {
- var t1, t2, value, $length, list, result, i, t3, _this = this;
- switch (type) {
- case 0:
- return null;
- case 1:
- return true;
- case 2:
- return false;
- case 3:
- t1 = buffer._serialization$_position;
- t2 = $.$get$Endian_host();
- value = buffer.data.getInt32(t1, B.C_Endian === t2);
- buffer._serialization$_position += 4;
- return value;
- case 4:
- return buffer.getInt64$0(0);
- case 6:
- buffer._alignTo$1(8);
- t1 = buffer._serialization$_position;
- t2 = $.$get$Endian_host();
- value = buffer.data.getFloat64(t1, B.C_Endian === t2);
- buffer._serialization$_position += 8;
- return value;
- case 5:
- case 7:
- $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer);
- return B.Utf8Decoder_false.convert$1(buffer.getUint8List$1($length));
- case 8:
- return buffer.getUint8List$1(_this.readSize$1(buffer));
- case 9:
- $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer);
- buffer._alignTo$1(4);
- t1 = buffer.data;
- list = A.NativeInt32List_NativeInt32List$view(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + buffer._serialization$_position, $length);
- buffer._serialization$_position = buffer._serialization$_position + 4 * $length;
- return list;
- case 10:
- return buffer.getInt64List$1(_this.readSize$1(buffer));
- case 14:
- $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer);
- buffer._alignTo$1(4);
- t1 = buffer.data;
- t2 = t1.buffer;
- t1 = t1.byteOffset + buffer._serialization$_position;
- A._checkViewArguments(t2, t1, $length);
- list = new Float32Array(t2, t1, $length);
- buffer._serialization$_position = buffer._serialization$_position + 4 * $length;
- return list;
- case 11:
- $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer);
- buffer._alignTo$1(8);
- t1 = buffer.data;
- list = A.NativeFloat64List_NativeFloat64List$view(t1.buffer, t1.byteOffset + buffer._serialization$_position, $length);
- buffer._serialization$_position = buffer._serialization$_position + 8 * $length;
- return list;
- case 12:
- $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer);
- result = A.List_List$filled($length, null, false, type$.nullable_Object);
- for (t1 = buffer.data, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- t2 = buffer._serialization$_position;
- if (t2 >= t1.byteLength)
- A.throwExpression(B.FormatException_oCg);
- buffer._serialization$_position = t2 + 1;
- result[i] = _this.readValueOfType$2(t1.getUint8(t2), buffer);
- }
- return result;
- case 13:
- $length = _this.readSize$1(buffer);
- t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
- result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
- for (t1 = buffer.data, i = 0; i < $length; ++i) {
- t2 = buffer._serialization$_position;
- if (t2 >= t1.byteLength)
- A.throwExpression(B.FormatException_oCg);
- buffer._serialization$_position = t2 + 1;
- t2 = _this.readValueOfType$2(t1.getUint8(t2), buffer);
- t3 = buffer._serialization$_position;
- if (t3 >= t1.byteLength)
- A.throwExpression(B.FormatException_oCg);
- buffer._serialization$_position = t3 + 1;
- result.$indexSet(0, t2, _this.readValueOfType$2(t1.getUint8(t3), buffer));
- }
- return result;
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_oCg);
- }
- },
- writeSize$2(buffer, value) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (value < 254)
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, value);
- else {
- t1 = buffer._eightBytes;
- if (value <= 65535) {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 254);
- t2 = $.$get$Endian_host();
- t1.setUint16(0, value, B.C_Endian === t2);
- buffer._addAll$3(buffer._eightBytesAsList, 0, 2);
- } else {
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 255);
- t2 = $.$get$Endian_host();
- t1.setUint32(0, value, B.C_Endian === t2);
- buffer._addAll$3(buffer._eightBytesAsList, 0, 4);
- }
- }
- },
- readSize$1(buffer) {
- var t1, t2,
- value = buffer.getUint8$0(0);
- switch (value) {
- case 254:
- t1 = buffer._serialization$_position;
- t2 = $.$get$Endian_host();
- value = buffer.data.getUint16(t1, B.C_Endian === t2);
- buffer._serialization$_position += 2;
- return value;
- case 255:
- t1 = buffer._serialization$_position;
- t2 = $.$get$Endian_host();
- value = buffer.data.getUint32(t1, B.C_Endian === t2);
- buffer._serialization$_position += 4;
- return value;
- default:
- return value;
- }
- }
- };
- A.StandardMessageCodec_writeValue_closure.prototype = {
- call$2(key, value) {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = this.buffer;
- t1.writeValue$2(0, t2, key);
- t1.writeValue$2(0, t2, value);
- },
- $signature: 112
- };
- A.StandardMethodCodec0.prototype = {
- encodeMethodCall$1(methodCall) {
- var buffer = A.WriteBuffer_WriteBuffer(64);
- B.C_StandardMessageCodec.writeValue$2(0, buffer, methodCall.method);
- B.C_StandardMessageCodec.writeValue$2(0, buffer, methodCall.$arguments);
- return buffer.done$0();
- },
- decodeMethodCall$1(methodCall) {
- var buffer, method, $arguments;
- methodCall.toString;
- buffer = new A.ReadBuffer(methodCall);
- method = B.C_StandardMessageCodec.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- $arguments = B.C_StandardMessageCodec.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- if (typeof method == "string" && buffer._serialization$_position >= methodCall.byteLength)
- return new A.MethodCall0(method, $arguments);
- else
- throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_Qi2);
- },
- encodeSuccessEnvelope$1(result) {
- var buffer = A.WriteBuffer_WriteBuffer(64);
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 0);
- B.C_StandardMessageCodec.writeValue$2(0, buffer, result);
- return buffer.done$0();
- },
- encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message(code, details, message) {
- var buffer = A.WriteBuffer_WriteBuffer(64);
- buffer._serialization$_add$1(0, 1);
- B.C_StandardMessageCodec.writeValue$2(0, buffer, code);
- B.C_StandardMessageCodec.writeValue$2(0, buffer, message);
- B.C_StandardMessageCodec.writeValue$2(0, buffer, details);
- return buffer.done$0();
- },
- encodeErrorEnvelope$2$code$message(code, message) {
- return this.encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message(code, null, message);
- },
- decodeEnvelope$1(envelope) {
- var buffer, errorCode, errorMessage, errorDetails, errorStacktrace, t1;
- if (envelope.byteLength === 0)
- throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_iDw);
- buffer = new A.ReadBuffer(envelope);
- if (buffer.getUint8$0(0) === 0)
- return B.C_StandardMessageCodec.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- errorCode = B.C_StandardMessageCodec.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- errorMessage = B.C_StandardMessageCodec.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- errorDetails = B.C_StandardMessageCodec.readValue$1(0, buffer);
- errorStacktrace = buffer._serialization$_position < envelope.byteLength ? A._asStringQ(B.C_StandardMessageCodec.readValue$1(0, buffer)) : null;
- if (typeof errorCode == "string")
- t1 = (errorMessage == null || typeof errorMessage == "string") && buffer._serialization$_position >= envelope.byteLength;
- else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- throw A.wrapException(A.PlatformException$(errorCode, errorDetails, A._asStringQ(errorMessage), errorStacktrace));
- else
- throw A.wrapException(B.FormatException_pSr);
- }
- };
- A.MouseCursorManager.prototype = {
- handleDeviceCursorUpdate$3(device, triggeringEvent, cursorCandidates) {
- var t1, lastSession, nextCursor, nextSession;
- if (type$.PointerRemovedEvent._is(triggeringEvent)) {
- this._lastSession.remove$1(0, device);
- return;
- }
- t1 = this._lastSession;
- lastSession = t1.$index(0, device);
- nextCursor = A._DeferringMouseCursor_firstNonDeferred(cursorCandidates);
- if (nextCursor == null)
- nextCursor = this.fallbackMouseCursor;
- if (J.$eq$(lastSession == null ? null : type$.SystemMouseCursor._as(lastSession.cursor), nextCursor))
- return;
- nextSession = nextCursor.createSession$1(device);
- t1.$indexSet(0, device, nextSession);
- B.OptionalMethodChannel_meQ.invokeMethod$1$2("activateSystemCursor", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["device", nextSession.device, "kind", type$.SystemMouseCursor._as(nextSession.cursor).kind], type$.String, type$.dynamic), type$.void);
- }
- };
- A.MouseCursorSession.prototype = {};
- A.MouseCursor0.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var debugDescription = this.get$debugDescription();
- return debugDescription;
- }
- };
- A._DeferringMouseCursor.prototype = {
- createSession$1(device) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(null));
- },
- get$debugDescription() {
- return "defer";
- }
- };
- A._SystemMouseCursorSession.prototype = {};
- A.SystemMouseCursor.prototype = {
- get$debugDescription() {
- return "SystemMouseCursor(" + this.kind + ")";
- },
- createSession$1(device) {
- return new A._SystemMouseCursorSession(this, device);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.SystemMouseCursor && other.kind === this.kind;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.kind);
- }
- };
- A._MouseCursor_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.BasicMessageChannel.prototype = {
- get$binaryMessenger() {
- var t1 = $.ServicesBinding__instance.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__defaultBinaryMessenger_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1;
- },
- send$1(_, message) {
- return this.send$body$BasicMessageChannel(0, message, this.$ti._eval$1("1?"));
- },
- send$body$BasicMessageChannel(_, message, $async$type) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1;
- var $async$send$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $async$self.codec;
- $async$temp1 = t1;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.get$binaryMessenger().send$2(0, $async$self.name, t1.encodeMessage$1(message)), $async$send$1);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.decodeMessage$1($async$result);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$send$1, $async$completer);
- },
- setMessageHandler$1(handler) {
- this.get$binaryMessenger().setMessageHandler$2(this.name, new A.BasicMessageChannel_setMessageHandler_closure(this, handler));
- },
- get$name(receiver) {
- return this.name;
- }
- };
- A.BasicMessageChannel_setMessageHandler_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(message) {
- return this.$call$body$BasicMessageChannel_setMessageHandler_closure(message);
- },
- $call$body$BasicMessageChannel_setMessageHandler_closure(message) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_ByteData),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $async$temp1;
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $async$self.$this.codec;
- $async$temp1 = t1;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.handler.call$1(t1.decodeMessage$1(message)), $async$call$1);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- $async$returnValue = $async$temp1.encodeMessage$1($async$result);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 215
- };
- A.MethodChannel.prototype = {
- get$binaryMessenger() {
- var t1 = $.ServicesBinding__instance.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__defaultBinaryMessenger_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1;
- },
- _invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk(method, $arguments, missingOk, $T) {
- return this._invokeMethod$body$MethodChannel(method, $arguments, missingOk, $T, $T._eval$1("0?"));
- },
- _invokeMethod$body$MethodChannel(method, $arguments, missingOk, $T, $async$type) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, input, t2, result;
- var $async$_invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $async$self.codec;
- input = t1.encodeMethodCall$1(new A.MethodCall0(method, $arguments));
- t2 = $async$self.name;
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.get$binaryMessenger().send$2(0, t2, input), $async$_invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- result = $async$result;
- if (result == null) {
- if (missingOk) {
- $async$returnValue = null;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.MissingPluginException$("No implementation found for method " + method + " on channel " + t2));
- }
- $async$returnValue = $T._eval$1("0?")._as(t1.decodeEnvelope$1(result));
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk, $async$completer);
- },
- setMethodCallHandler$1(handler) {
- var t1 = this.get$binaryMessenger();
- t1.setMessageHandler$2(this.name, new A.MethodChannel_setMethodCallHandler_closure(this, handler));
- },
- _handleAsMethodCall$2(message, handler) {
- return this._handleAsMethodCall$body$MethodChannel(message, handler);
- },
- _handleAsMethodCall$body$MethodChannel(message, handler) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_ByteData),
- $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$self = this, e, error, t2, exception, t3, t1, $call, $async$exception, $async$temp1;
- var $async$_handleAsMethodCall$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $async$self.codec;
- $call = t1.decodeMethodCall$1(message);
- $async$handler = 4;
- $async$temp1 = t1;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait(handler.call$1($call), $async$_handleAsMethodCall$2);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- t2 = $async$temp1.encodeSuccessEnvelope$1($async$result);
- $async$returnValue = t2;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- $async$handler = 2;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 4:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$exception = $async$currentError;
- t2 = A.unwrapException($async$exception);
- if (t2 instanceof A.PlatformException) {
- e = t2;
- t2 = e.code;
- t3 = e.message;
- $async$returnValue = t1.encodeErrorEnvelope$3$code$details$message(t2, e.details, t3);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- } else if (t2 instanceof A.MissingPluginException) {
- $async$returnValue = null;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- } else {
- error = t2;
- t1 = t1.encodeErrorEnvelope$2$code$message("error", J.toString$0$(error));
- $async$returnValue = t1;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 3:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 6:
- // after finally
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- case 2:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleAsMethodCall$2, $async$completer);
- },
- get$name(receiver) {
- return this.name;
- }
- };
- A.MethodChannel_setMethodCallHandler_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(message) {
- return this.$this._handleAsMethodCall$2(message, this.handler);
- },
- $signature: 215
- };
- A.OptionalMethodChannel.prototype = {
- invokeMethod$1$2(method, $arguments, $T) {
- return this.invokeMethod$body$OptionalMethodChannel(method, $arguments, $T, $T._eval$1("0?"));
- },
- invokeMethod$1$1(method, $T) {
- return this.invokeMethod$1$2(method, null, $T);
- },
- invokeMethod$body$OptionalMethodChannel(method, $arguments, $T, $async$type) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter($async$type),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
- var $async$invokeMethod$1$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = $async$self.super$MethodChannel$_invokeMethod(method, $arguments, true, $T);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$invokeMethod$1$2, $async$completer);
- }
- };
- A.EventChannel.prototype = {
- receiveBroadcastStream$1($arguments) {
- var _this = this,
- methodChannel = new A.MethodChannel(_this.name, _this.codec),
- controller = A._Cell$named("controller");
- controller.__late_helper$_value = new A._AsyncBroadcastStreamController(new A.EventChannel_receiveBroadcastStream_closure(_this, controller, methodChannel, $arguments), new A.EventChannel_receiveBroadcastStream_closure0(_this, methodChannel, $arguments), type$._AsyncBroadcastStreamController_dynamic);
- return J.get$stream$z(controller._readLocal$0());
- },
- get$name(receiver) {
- return this.name;
- }
- };
- A.EventChannel_receiveBroadcastStream_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, $async$self = this, exception, stack, t2, t3, exception0, t1, $async$exception0;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $.ServicesBinding__instance.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__defaultBinaryMessenger_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = $async$self.$this;
- t3 = t2.name;
- t1.setMessageHandler$2(t3, new A.EventChannel_receiveBroadcastStream__closure(t2, $async$self.controller));
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$goto = 6;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.methodChannel._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("listen", $async$self.$arguments, false, type$.void), $async$call$0);
- case 6:
- // returning from await.
- $async$handler = 1;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- case 3:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 2;
- $async$exception0 = $async$currentError;
- exception = A.unwrapException($async$exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception0);
- t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("while activating platform stream on channel " + t3);
- A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "services library", t1, null, false));
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- case 2:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 5:
- // after finally
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- case 1:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 15
- };
- A.EventChannel_receiveBroadcastStream__closure.prototype = {
- call$1(reply) {
- return this.$call$body$EventChannel_receiveBroadcastStream__closure(reply);
- },
- $call$body$EventChannel_receiveBroadcastStream__closure(reply) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Null),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, e, exception, t1;
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- if (reply == null)
- J.close$0$z($async$self.controller._readLocal$0());
- else
- try {
- J.add$1$ax($async$self.controller._readLocal$0(), $async$self.$this.codec.decodeEnvelope$1(reply));
- } catch (exception) {
- t1 = A.unwrapException(exception);
- if (t1 instanceof A.PlatformException) {
- e = t1;
- $async$self.controller._readLocal$0().addError$1(e);
- } else
- throw exception;
- }
- $async$returnValue = null;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 376
- };
- A.EventChannel_receiveBroadcastStream_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$handler = 1, $async$currentError, $async$self = this, exception, stack, t2, exception0, t1, $async$exception0;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $.ServicesBinding__instance.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__defaultBinaryMessenger_F;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = $async$self.$this.name;
- t1.setMessageHandler$2(t2, null);
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$goto = 6;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.methodChannel._invokeMethod$1$3$arguments$missingOk("cancel", $async$self.$arguments, false, type$.void), $async$call$0);
- case 6:
- // returning from await.
- $async$handler = 1;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- case 3:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 2;
- $async$exception0 = $async$currentError;
- exception = A.unwrapException($async$exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception0);
- t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("while de-activating platform stream on channel " + t2);
- A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "services library", t1, null, false));
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- case 2:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 5:
- // after finally
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- case 1:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 15
- };
- A.KeyboardSide.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "KeyboardSide." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.ModifierKey.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "ModifierKey." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.RawKeyEventData.prototype = {
- get$modifiersPressed() {
- var _i, key,
- result = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.ModifierKey, type$.KeyboardSide);
- for (_i = 0; _i < 9; ++_i) {
- key = B.List_oqK[_i];
- if (this.isModifierPressed$1(key))
- result.$indexSet(0, key, B.KeyboardSide_0);
- }
- return result;
- }
- };
- A.RawKeyEvent.prototype = {};
- A.RawKeyEvent_RawKeyEvent$fromMessage_dataFromWeb.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t4, t5, t6,
- t1 = this.message,
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1),
- key = A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, "key")),
- t3 = key == null;
- if (!t3) {
- t4 = key.length;
- t4 = t4 !== 0 && t4 === 1;
- } else
- t4 = false;
- if (t4)
- this._box_0.character = key;
- t4 = A._asStringQ(t2.$index(t1, "code"));
- if (t4 == null)
- t4 = "";
- t3 = t3 ? "" : key;
- t5 = A._asIntQ(t2.$index(t1, "location"));
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = 0;
- t6 = A._asIntQ(t2.$index(t1, "metaState"));
- if (t6 == null)
- t6 = 0;
- t1 = A._asIntQ(t2.$index(t1, "keyCode"));
- return new A.RawKeyEventDataWeb(t4, t3, t5, t6, t1 == null ? 0 : t1);
- },
- $signature: 377
- };
- A.RawKeyDownEvent.prototype = {};
- A.RawKeyUpEvent.prototype = {};
- A.RawKeyboard0.prototype = {
- handleRawKeyEvent$1($event) {
- var listener, exception, stack, t1, t2, t3, _i, exception0, t4, t5, _this = this;
- if ($event instanceof A.RawKeyDownEvent) {
- t1 = $event.data;
- _this._keysPressed.$indexSet(0, t1.get$physicalKey(), t1.get$logicalKey());
- } else if ($event instanceof A.RawKeyUpEvent)
- _this._keysPressed.remove$1(0, $event.data.get$physicalKey());
- _this._synchronizeModifiers$1($event);
- for (t1 = _this._raw_keyboard$_listeners, t2 = A.List_List$of(t1, true, type$.void_Function_RawKeyEvent), t3 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t3; ++_i) {
- listener = t2[_i];
- try {
- if (B.JSArray_methods.contains$1(t1, listener))
- listener.call$1($event);
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- t4 = A.ErrorDescription$("while processing a raw key listener");
- t5 = $.$get$FlutterError_onError();
- if (t5 != null)
- t5.call$1(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "services library", t4, null, false));
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- _synchronizeModifiers$1($event) {
- var t6, thisKeyModifier, _i, key, t7, thisModifierKeys, t8, mappedKeys, t9, t10, nonModifierCapsLock, skipReleasingKey,
- t1 = $event.data,
- modifiersPressed = t1.get$modifiersPressed(),
- t2 = type$.PhysicalKeyboardKey,
- modifierKeys = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.LogicalKeyboardKey),
- anySideKeys = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t2),
- t3 = this._keysPressed,
- t4 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t3, A._instanceType(t3)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>")), t2),
- t5 = $event instanceof A.RawKeyDownEvent;
- if (t5)
- t4.add$1(0, t1.get$physicalKey());
- for (t6 = t1.code, thisKeyModifier = null, _i = 0; _i < 9; ++_i) {
- key = B.List_oqK[_i];
- t7 = $.$get$RawKeyboard__modifierKeyMap();
- thisModifierKeys = t7.$index(0, new A._ModifierSidePair(key, B.KeyboardSide_3));
- if (thisModifierKeys == null)
- continue;
- t8 = B.Map_qFV43.$index(0, t6);
- if (thisModifierKeys.contains$1(0, t8 == null ? new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(98784247808 + B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(t6)) : t8))
- thisKeyModifier = key;
- if (modifiersPressed.$index(0, key) === B.KeyboardSide_0) {
- anySideKeys.addAll$1(0, thisModifierKeys);
- if (thisModifierKeys.any$1(0, t4.get$contains(t4)))
- continue;
- }
- mappedKeys = modifiersPressed.$index(0, key) == null ? A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t2) : t7.$index(0, new A._ModifierSidePair(key, modifiersPressed.$index(0, key)));
- if (mappedKeys == null)
- continue;
- for (t7 = A._instanceType(mappedKeys), t8 = new A._LinkedHashSetIterator(mappedKeys, mappedKeys._collection$_modifications, t7._eval$1("_LinkedHashSetIterator<1>")), t8._collection$_cell = mappedKeys._collection$_first, t7 = t7._precomputed1; t8.moveNext$0();) {
- t9 = t8._collection$_current;
- if (t9 == null)
- t9 = t7._as(t9);
- t10 = $.$get$RawKeyboard__allModifiers().$index(0, t9);
- t10.toString;
- modifierKeys.$indexSet(0, t9, t10);
- }
- }
- nonModifierCapsLock = t3.$index(0, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458809) != null && !J.$eq$(t3.$index(0, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458809), B.LogicalKeyboardKey_4294967556);
- for (t2 = $.$get$RawKeyboard__allModifiersExceptFn(), t2 = A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$(t2, t2._modifications, A._instanceType(t2)._precomputed1); t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t2.__js_helper$_current;
- skipReleasingKey = nonModifierCapsLock && t4.$eq(0, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458809);
- if (!anySideKeys.contains$1(0, t4) && !skipReleasingKey)
- t3.remove$1(0, t4);
- }
- t3.remove$1(0, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_18);
- t3.addAll$1(0, modifierKeys);
- if (t5 && thisKeyModifier != null && !t3.containsKey$1(0, t1.get$physicalKey())) {
- t2 = t1.get$physicalKey().$eq(0, B.PhysicalKeyboardKey_458982);
- if (t2)
- t3.$indexSet(0, t1.get$physicalKey(), t1.get$logicalKey());
- }
- }
- };
- A._ModifierSidePair.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A._ModifierSidePair && other.modifier === this.modifier && other.side == this.side;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.modifier, this.side, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A._RawKeyEvent_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._RawKeyEventData_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.RawKeyEventDataWeb.prototype = {
- get$physicalKey() {
- var t1 = this.code,
- t2 = B.Map_qFV43.$index(0, t1);
- return t2 == null ? new A.PhysicalKeyboardKey(98784247808 + B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(t1)) : t2;
- },
- get$logicalKey() {
- var newKey,
- t1 = this.key,
- t2 = B.Map_wskn0.$index(0, t1),
- maybeLocationKey = t2 == null ? null : t2[this.location];
- if (maybeLocationKey != null)
- return maybeLocationKey;
- newKey = B.Map_OK0mf.$index(0, t1);
- if (newKey != null)
- return newKey;
- if (t1.length === 1)
- return new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(B.JSString_methods._codeUnitAt$1(t1.toLowerCase(), 0));
- return new A.LogicalKeyboardKey(B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.code) + 98784247808);
- },
- isModifierPressed$1(key) {
- var _this = this;
- switch (key.index) {
- case 0:
- return (_this.metaState & 4) !== 0;
- case 1:
- return (_this.metaState & 1) !== 0;
- case 2:
- return (_this.metaState & 2) !== 0;
- case 3:
- return (_this.metaState & 8) !== 0;
- case 5:
- return (_this.metaState & 16) !== 0;
- case 4:
- return (_this.metaState & 32) !== 0;
- case 6:
- return (_this.metaState & 64) !== 0;
- case 7:
- case 8:
- return false;
- }
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.RawKeyEventDataWeb && other.code === _this.code && other.key === _this.key && other.location === _this.location && other.metaState === _this.metaState && other.keyCode === _this.keyCode;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.code, _this.key, _this.location, _this.metaState, _this.keyCode, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.RestorationManager.prototype = {
- get$rootBucket() {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._rootBucketIsValid)
- return new A.SynchronousFuture(_this._restoration$_rootBucket, type$.SynchronousFuture_nullable_RestorationBucket);
- if (_this._pendingRootBucket == null) {
- _this._pendingRootBucket = new A._AsyncCompleter(new A._Future($.Zone__current, type$._Future_nullable_RestorationBucket), type$._AsyncCompleter_nullable_RestorationBucket);
- _this._getRootBucketFromEngine$0();
- }
- return _this._pendingRootBucket.future;
- },
- _getRootBucketFromEngine$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, config;
- var $async$_getRootBucketFromEngine$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait(B.OptionalMethodChannel_fgL.invokeMethod$1$1("get", type$.Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object), $async$_getRootBucketFromEngine$0);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- config = $async$result;
- if ($async$self._pendingRootBucket == null) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- $async$self._parseAndHandleRestorationUpdateFromEngine$1(config);
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_getRootBucketFromEngine$0, $async$completer);
- },
- _parseAndHandleRestorationUpdateFromEngine$1(update) {
- var t2,
- t1 = update == null;
- if (!t1) {
- t2 = J.$index$asx(update, "enabled");
- t2.toString;
- A._asBool(t2);
- } else
- t2 = false;
- this.handleRestorationUpdateFromEngine$2$data$enabled(t1 ? null : type$.nullable_Uint8List._as(J.$index$asx(update, "data")), t2);
- },
- handleRestorationUpdateFromEngine$2$data$enabled(data, enabled) {
- var oldRoot, t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._rootBucketIsValid && enabled;
- _this._isReplacing = t1;
- if (t1)
- $.SchedulerBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A.RestorationManager_handleRestorationUpdateFromEngine_closure(_this));
- oldRoot = _this._restoration$_rootBucket;
- if (enabled) {
- t1 = _this._decodeRestorationData$1(data);
- t2 = type$.String;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
- t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
- }
- t2 = new A.RestorationBucket(t1, _this, null, "root", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.RestorationBucket), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.List_RestorationBucket));
- t1 = t2;
- } else
- t1 = null;
- _this._restoration$_rootBucket = t1;
- _this._rootBucketIsValid = true;
- t2 = _this._pendingRootBucket;
- if (t2 != null)
- t2.complete$1(0, t1);
- _this._pendingRootBucket = null;
- if (_this._restoration$_rootBucket != oldRoot) {
- _this.notifyListeners$0();
- if (oldRoot != null)
- oldRoot.dispose$0();
- }
- },
- _methodHandler$1($call) {
- return this._methodHandler$body$RestorationManager($call);
- },
- _methodHandler$body$RestorationManager($call) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this, t1;
- var $async$_methodHandler$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $call.method;
- switch (t1) {
- case "push":
- $async$self._parseAndHandleRestorationUpdateFromEngine$1(type$.Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as($call.$arguments));
- break;
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.UnimplementedError$(t1 + " was invoked but isn't implemented by " + A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject($async$self).toString$0(0)));
- }
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_methodHandler$1, $async$completer);
- },
- _decodeRestorationData$1(data) {
- if (data == null)
- return null;
- return type$.nullable_Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as(B.C_StandardMessageCodec.decodeMessage$1(A.NativeByteData_NativeByteData$view(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength)));
- },
- scheduleSerializationFor$1(bucket) {
- var _this = this;
- _this._bucketsNeedingSerialization.add$1(0, bucket);
- if (!_this._serializationScheduled) {
- _this._serializationScheduled = true;
- $.SchedulerBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A.RestorationManager_scheduleSerializationFor_closure(_this));
- }
- },
- _doSerialization$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, encoded, _this = this;
- if (!_this._serializationScheduled)
- return;
- _this._serializationScheduled = false;
- for (t1 = _this._bucketsNeedingSerialization, t2 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t3 = t2.$ti._precomputed1; t2.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t2._collection$_current;
- (t4 == null ? t3._as(t4) : t4)._needsSerialization = false;
- }
- t1.clear$0(0);
- encoded = B.C_StandardMessageCodec.encodeMessage$1(_this._restoration$_rootBucket._rawData);
- B.OptionalMethodChannel_fgL.invokeMethod$1$2("put", A.NativeUint8List_NativeUint8List$view(encoded.buffer, encoded.byteOffset, encoded.byteLength), type$.void);
- },
- flushData$0() {
- if ($.SchedulerBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__hasScheduledFrame)
- return;
- this._doSerialization$0();
- }
- };
- A.RestorationManager_handleRestorationUpdateFromEngine_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- this.$this._isReplacing = false;
- },
- $signature: 4
- };
- A.RestorationManager_scheduleSerializationFor_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- return this.$this._doSerialization$0();
- },
- $signature: 4
- };
- A.RestorationBucket.prototype = {
- get$_rawChildren() {
- var t1 = J.putIfAbsent$2$x(this._rawData, "c", new A.RestorationBucket__rawChildren_closure());
- t1.toString;
- return type$.Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as(t1);
- },
- get$_rawValues() {
- var t1 = J.putIfAbsent$2$x(this._rawData, "v", new A.RestorationBucket__rawValues_closure());
- t1.toString;
- return type$.Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as(t1);
- },
- remove$1$1(_, restorationId, $P) {
- var _this = this,
- needsUpdate = J.containsKey$1$x(_this.get$_rawValues(), restorationId),
- result = $P._eval$1("0?")._as(J.remove$1$ax(_this.get$_rawValues(), restorationId));
- if (J.get$isEmpty$asx(_this.get$_rawValues()))
- J.remove$1$ax(_this._rawData, "v");
- if (needsUpdate)
- _this._markNeedsSerialization$0();
- return result;
- },
- remove$1($receiver, restorationId) {
- return this.remove$1$1($receiver, restorationId, type$.dynamic);
- },
- contains$1(_, restorationId) {
- return J.containsKey$1$x(this.get$_rawValues(), restorationId);
- },
- claimChild$2$debugOwner(restorationId, debugOwner) {
- var child, t2, t3, t4, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._claimedChildren;
- if (t1.containsKey$1(0, restorationId) || !J.containsKey$1$x(_this.get$_rawChildren(), restorationId)) {
- t1 = type$.String;
- child = new A.RestorationBucket(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.nullable_Object), null, null, restorationId, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.RestorationBucket), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.List_RestorationBucket));
- _this.adoptChild$1(child);
- return child;
- }
- t2 = type$.String;
- t3 = _this._restoration$_manager;
- t4 = J.$index$asx(_this.get$_rawChildren(), restorationId);
- t4.toString;
- child = new A.RestorationBucket(type$.Map_of_nullable_Object_and_nullable_Object._as(t4), t3, _this, restorationId, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.RestorationBucket), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t2, type$.List_RestorationBucket));
- t1.$indexSet(0, restorationId, child);
- return child;
- },
- adoptChild$1(child) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = child._restoration$_parent;
- if (t1 !== _this) {
- if (t1 != null)
- t1._removeChildData$1(child);
- child._restoration$_parent = _this;
- _this._addChildData$1(child);
- if (child._restoration$_manager != _this._restoration$_manager)
- _this._recursivelyUpdateManager$1(child);
- }
- },
- _dropChild$1(child) {
- this._removeChildData$1(child);
- child._restoration$_parent = null;
- if (child._restoration$_manager != null) {
- child._restoration$_updateManager$1(null);
- child._visitChildren$1(this.get$_recursivelyUpdateManager());
- }
- },
- _markNeedsSerialization$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (!_this._needsSerialization) {
- _this._needsSerialization = true;
- t1 = _this._restoration$_manager;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.scheduleSerializationFor$1(_this);
- }
- },
- _recursivelyUpdateManager$1(bucket) {
- bucket._restoration$_updateManager$1(this._restoration$_manager);
- bucket._visitChildren$1(this.get$_recursivelyUpdateManager());
- },
- _restoration$_updateManager$1(newManager) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._restoration$_manager;
- if (t1 == newManager)
- return;
- if (_this._needsSerialization)
- if (t1 != null)
- t1._bucketsNeedingSerialization.remove$1(0, _this);
- _this._restoration$_manager = newManager;
- if (_this._needsSerialization && newManager != null) {
- _this._needsSerialization = false;
- _this._markNeedsSerialization$0();
- }
- },
- _removeChildData$1(child) {
- var t1, pendingChildren, t2, _this = this;
- if (J.$eq$(_this._claimedChildren.remove$1(0, child._restorationId), child)) {
- J.remove$1$ax(_this.get$_rawChildren(), child._restorationId);
- t1 = _this._childrenToAdd;
- pendingChildren = t1.$index(0, child._restorationId);
- if (pendingChildren != null) {
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$ax(pendingChildren);
- _this._finalizeAddChildData$1(t2.removeLast$0(pendingChildren));
- if (t2.get$isEmpty(pendingChildren))
- t1.remove$1(0, child._restorationId);
- }
- if (J.get$isEmpty$asx(_this.get$_rawChildren()))
- J.remove$1$ax(_this._rawData, "c");
- _this._markNeedsSerialization$0();
- return;
- }
- t1 = _this._childrenToAdd;
- t2 = t1.$index(0, child._restorationId);
- if (t2 != null)
- J.remove$1$ax(t2, child);
- t2 = t1.$index(0, child._restorationId);
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : J.get$isEmpty$asx(t2);
- if (t2 === true)
- t1.remove$1(0, child._restorationId);
- },
- _addChildData$1(child) {
- var _this = this;
- if (_this._claimedChildren.containsKey$1(0, child._restorationId)) {
- J.add$1$ax(_this._childrenToAdd.putIfAbsent$2(0, child._restorationId, new A.RestorationBucket__addChildData_closure()), child);
- _this._markNeedsSerialization$0();
- return;
- }
- _this._finalizeAddChildData$1(child);
- _this._markNeedsSerialization$0();
- },
- _finalizeAddChildData$1(child) {
- this._claimedChildren.$indexSet(0, child._restorationId, child);
- J.$indexSet$ax(this.get$_rawChildren(), child._restorationId, child._rawData);
- },
- _visitChildren$2$concurrentModification(visitor, concurrentModification) {
- var t2, children,
- t1 = this._claimedChildren;
- t1 = t1.get$values(t1);
- t2 = this._childrenToAdd;
- t2 = t2.get$values(t2);
- children = t1.followedBy$1(0, new A.ExpandIterable(t2, new A.RestorationBucket__visitChildren_closure(), A._instanceType(t2)._eval$1("ExpandIterable")));
- J.forEach$1$ax(concurrentModification ? A.List_List$of(children, false, A._instanceType(children)._eval$1("Iterable.E")) : children, visitor);
- },
- _visitChildren$1(visitor) {
- return this._visitChildren$2$concurrentModification(visitor, false);
- },
- rename$1(newRestorationId) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (newRestorationId === _this._restorationId)
- return;
- t1 = _this._restoration$_parent;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1._removeChildData$1(_this);
- _this._restorationId = newRestorationId;
- t1 = _this._restoration$_parent;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1._addChildData$1(_this);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._visitChildren$2$concurrentModification(_this.get$_dropChild(), true);
- _this._claimedChildren.clear$0(0);
- _this._childrenToAdd.clear$0(0);
- t1 = _this._restoration$_parent;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1._removeChildData$1(_this);
- _this._restoration$_parent = null;
- _this._restoration$_updateManager$1(null);
- _this._debugDisposed = true;
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "RestorationBucket(restorationId: " + this._restorationId + ", owner: " + A.S(this._debugOwner) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.RestorationBucket__rawChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
- return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
- },
- $signature: 138
- };
- A.RestorationBucket__rawValues_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = type$.nullable_Object;
- return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, t1);
- },
- $signature: 138
- };
- A.RestorationBucket__addChildData_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- return A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_RestorationBucket);
- },
- $signature: 381
- };
- A.RestorationBucket__visitChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(buckets) {
- return buckets;
- },
- $signature: 382
- };
- A.SuggestionSpan.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, t2;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- if (other instanceof A.SuggestionSpan) {
- t1 = other.range;
- t2 = this.range;
- t1 = t1.start === t2.start && t1.end === t2.end && A.listEquals0(other.suggestions, this.suggestions);
- } else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var t1 = this.range;
- return A.Object_hash(t1.start, t1.end, A.Object_hashAll(this.suggestions), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.SpellCheckResults.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (this === other)
- return true;
- return other instanceof A.SpellCheckResults && other.spellCheckedText === this.spellCheckedText && A.listEquals0(other.suggestionSpans, this.suggestionSpans);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.spellCheckedText, A.Object_hashAll(this.suggestionSpans), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.DefaultSpellCheckService.prototype = {
- fetchSpellCheckSuggestions$2(locale, text) {
- return this.fetchSpellCheckSuggestions$body$DefaultSpellCheckService(locale, text);
- },
- fetchSpellCheckSuggestions$body$DefaultSpellCheckService(locale, text) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.nullable_List_SuggestionSpan),
- $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$self = this, t1, exception, suggestionSpans, t2, t3, t4, t5, resultMap, spansHaveChanged, rawResults, languageTag, $async$exception, $async$temp1;
- var $async$fetchSpellCheckSuggestions$2 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- rawResults = null;
- languageTag = locale._rawToString$1("-");
- $async$handler = 4;
- t1 = $async$self.__DefaultSpellCheckService_spellCheckChannel_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- $async$temp1 = type$.List_dynamic;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1.invokeMethod$1$2("SpellCheck.initiateSpellCheck", A._setArrayType([languageTag, text], type$.JSArray_String), type$.dynamic), $async$fetchSpellCheckSuggestions$2);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- rawResults = $async$temp1._as($async$result);
- $async$handler = 2;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 4:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$exception = $async$currentError;
- $async$returnValue = null;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 3:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 6:
- // after finally
- suggestionSpans = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_SuggestionSpan);
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(rawResults), t2 = type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic, t3 = type$.String, t4 = type$.dynamic, t5 = type$.List_dynamic; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- resultMap = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$from(t2._as(t1.get$current(t1)), t3, t4);
- suggestionSpans.push(new A.SuggestionSpan(new A.TextRange(A._asInt(resultMap.$index(0, "startIndex")), A._asInt(resultMap.$index(0, "endIndex"))), J.cast$1$0$ax(t5._as(resultMap.$index(0, "suggestions")), t3)));
- }
- t1 = $async$self.lastSavedResults;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = t1.spellCheckedText;
- spansHaveChanged = A.listEquals0(t1.suggestionSpans, suggestionSpans);
- if (t2 === text && spansHaveChanged)
- suggestionSpans = A.DefaultSpellCheckService_mergeResults($async$self.lastSavedResults.suggestionSpans, suggestionSpans);
- }
- $async$self.lastSavedResults = new A.SpellCheckResults(text, suggestionSpans);
- $async$returnValue = suggestionSpans;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- case 2:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$fetchSpellCheckSuggestions$2, $async$completer);
- }
- };
- A.ApplicationSwitcherDescription.prototype = {};
- A.SystemUiOverlayStyle.prototype = {
- _toMap$0() {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.systemNavigationBarColor;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.value;
- t2 = _this.statusBarColor;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.value;
- t3 = _this.statusBarBrightness._enumToString$0();
- t4 = _this.statusBarIconBrightness._enumToString$0();
- t5 = _this.systemNavigationBarIconBrightness;
- t5 = t5 == null ? null : t5._enumToString$0();
- return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["systemNavigationBarColor", t1, "systemNavigationBarDividerColor", null, "systemStatusBarContrastEnforced", _this.systemStatusBarContrastEnforced, "statusBarColor", t2, "statusBarBrightness", t3, "statusBarIconBrightness", t4, "systemNavigationBarIconBrightness", t5, "systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced", _this.systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "SystemUiOverlayStyle(" + this._toMap$0().toString$0(0) + ")";
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.Object_hash(_this.systemNavigationBarColor, _this.systemNavigationBarDividerColor, _this.systemNavigationBarContrastEnforced, _this.statusBarColor, _this.statusBarBrightness, _this.statusBarIconBrightness, _this.systemStatusBarContrastEnforced, _this.systemNavigationBarIconBrightness, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- if (other instanceof A.SystemUiOverlayStyle)
- if (J.$eq$(other.systemNavigationBarColor, _this.systemNavigationBarColor))
- if (J.$eq$(other.statusBarColor, _this.statusBarColor))
- if (other.statusBarIconBrightness === _this.statusBarIconBrightness)
- if (other.statusBarBrightness === _this.statusBarBrightness)
- t1 = other.systemNavigationBarIconBrightness == _this.systemNavigationBarIconBrightness;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.SystemChrome_setSystemUIOverlayStyle_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- if (!J.$eq$($.SystemChrome__pendingStyle, $.SystemChrome__latestStyle)) {
- B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd.invokeMethod$1$2("SystemChrome.setSystemUIOverlayStyle", $.SystemChrome__pendingStyle._toMap$0(), type$.void);
- $.SystemChrome__latestStyle = $.SystemChrome__pendingStyle;
- }
- $.SystemChrome__pendingStyle = null;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.SystemSoundType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "SystemSoundType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextBoundary.prototype = {
- getLeadingTextBoundaryAt$1(position) {
- var start;
- if (position < 0)
- return null;
- start = this.getTextBoundaryAt$1(position).start;
- return start >= 0 ? start : null;
- },
- getTrailingTextBoundaryAt$1(position) {
- var end = this.getTextBoundaryAt$1(Math.max(0, position)).end;
- return end >= 0 ? end : null;
- },
- getTextBoundaryAt$1(position) {
- var end,
- start = this.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt$1(position);
- if (start == null)
- start = -1;
- end = this.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt$1(position);
- return new A.TextRange(start, end == null ? -1 : end);
- }
- };
- A.CharacterBoundary.prototype = {
- getLeadingTextBoundaryAt$1(position) {
- var t1;
- if (position < 0)
- return null;
- t1 = this._text_boundary$_text;
- return A.StringCharacterRange_StringCharacterRange$at(t1, Math.min(position, t1.length))._characters_impl$_start;
- },
- getTrailingTextBoundaryAt$1(position) {
- var rangeAtPosition,
- t1 = this._text_boundary$_text;
- if (position >= t1.length)
- return null;
- rangeAtPosition = A.StringCharacterRange_StringCharacterRange$at(t1, Math.max(0, position + 1));
- return rangeAtPosition._characters_impl$_start + rangeAtPosition.get$current(rangeAtPosition).length;
- },
- getTextBoundaryAt$1(position) {
- var t1, rangeAtPosition, t2, _this = this;
- if (position < 0) {
- t1 = _this.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt$1(position);
- return new A.TextRange(-1, t1 == null ? -1 : t1);
- } else {
- t1 = _this._text_boundary$_text;
- if (position >= t1.length) {
- t1 = _this.getLeadingTextBoundaryAt$1(position);
- return new A.TextRange(t1 == null ? -1 : t1, -1);
- }
- }
- rangeAtPosition = A.StringCharacterRange_StringCharacterRange$at(t1, position);
- t1 = rangeAtPosition._characters_impl$_start;
- if (t1 !== rangeAtPosition._characters_impl$_end)
- t1 = new A.TextRange(t1, t1 + rangeAtPosition.get$current(rangeAtPosition).length);
- else {
- t2 = _this.getTrailingTextBoundaryAt$1(position);
- t1 = new A.TextRange(t1, t2 == null ? -1 : t2);
- }
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.LineBoundary.prototype = {
- getTextBoundaryAt$1(position) {
- return this._textLayout.getLineAtOffset$1(new A.TextPosition(Math.max(position, 0), B.TextAffinity_1));
- }
- };
- A.ParagraphBoundary.prototype = {
- getLeadingTextBoundaryAt$1(position) {
- var t1, t2, index;
- if (position < 0 || this._text_boundary$_text.length === 0)
- return null;
- t1 = this._text_boundary$_text;
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (position >= t2)
- return t2;
- if (position === 0)
- return 0;
- if (position > 1 && B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1, position) === 10 && B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1, position - 1) === 13)
- index = position - 2;
- else
- index = A.TextLayoutMetrics_isLineTerminator(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1, position)) ? position - 1 : position;
- for (; index > 0;) {
- if (A.TextLayoutMetrics_isLineTerminator(B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1, index)))
- return index + 1;
- --index;
- }
- return Math.max(index, 0);
- },
- getTrailingTextBoundaryAt$1(position) {
- var index, t3,
- t1 = this._text_boundary$_text,
- t2 = t1.length;
- if (position >= t2 || t2 === 0)
- return null;
- if (position < 0)
- return 0;
- for (index = position; t3 = B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1, index), !A.TextLayoutMetrics_isLineTerminator(t3);) {
- ++index;
- if (index === t2)
- return index;
- }
- return index < t2 - 1 && t3 === 13 && B.JSString_methods.codeUnitAt$1(t1, index + 1) === 10 ? index + 2 : index + 1;
- }
- };
- A.DocumentBoundary.prototype = {
- getLeadingTextBoundaryAt$1(position) {
- return position < 0 ? null : 0;
- },
- getTrailingTextBoundaryAt$1(position) {
- var t1 = this._text_boundary$_text.length;
- return position >= t1 ? null : t1;
- }
- };
- A.TextSelection.prototype = {
- get$base() {
- var affinity, _this = this;
- if (!_this.get$isValid() || _this.baseOffset === _this.extentOffset)
- affinity = _this.affinity;
- else
- affinity = _this.baseOffset < _this.extentOffset ? B.TextAffinity_1 : B.TextAffinity_0;
- return new A.TextPosition(_this.baseOffset, affinity);
- },
- get$extent() {
- var affinity, _this = this;
- if (!_this.get$isValid() || _this.baseOffset === _this.extentOffset)
- affinity = _this.affinity;
- else
- affinity = _this.baseOffset < _this.extentOffset ? B.TextAffinity_0 : B.TextAffinity_1;
- return new A.TextPosition(_this.extentOffset, affinity);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this,
- _s17_ = ", isDirectional: ";
- if (!_this.get$isValid())
- return "TextSelection.invalid";
- t1 = "" + _this.baseOffset;
- t2 = "" + _this.isDirectional;
- return _this.start === _this.end ? "TextSelection.collapsed(offset: " + t1 + ", affinity: " + _this.affinity.toString$0(0) + _s17_ + t2 + ")" : "TextSelection(baseOffset: " + t1 + ", extentOffset: " + _this.extentOffset + _s17_ + t2 + ")";
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (!(other instanceof A.TextSelection))
- return false;
- if (!_this.get$isValid())
- return !other.get$isValid();
- if (other.baseOffset === _this.baseOffset)
- if (other.extentOffset === _this.extentOffset)
- t1 = (_this.start !== _this.end || other.affinity === _this.affinity) && other.isDirectional === _this.isDirectional;
- else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var affinityHash, _this = this;
- if (!_this.get$isValid())
- return A.Object_hash(-B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(1), -B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(1), A.Primitives_objectHashCode(B.TextAffinity_1), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- affinityHash = _this.start === _this.end ? A.Primitives_objectHashCode(_this.affinity) : A.Primitives_objectHashCode(B.TextAffinity_1);
- return A.Object_hash(B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(_this.baseOffset), B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(_this.extentOffset), affinityHash, B.JSBool_methods.get$hashCode(_this.isDirectional), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- copyWith$3$affinity$baseOffset$extentOffset(affinity, baseOffset, extentOffset) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = baseOffset == null ? _this.baseOffset : baseOffset,
- t2 = extentOffset == null ? _this.extentOffset : extentOffset,
- t3 = affinity == null ? _this.affinity : affinity;
- return A.TextSelection$(t3, t1, t2, _this.isDirectional);
- },
- copyWith$1$affinity(affinity) {
- return this.copyWith$3$affinity$baseOffset$extentOffset(affinity, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$2$affinity$extentOffset(affinity, extentOffset) {
- return this.copyWith$3$affinity$baseOffset$extentOffset(affinity, null, extentOffset);
- },
- copyWith$2$baseOffset$extentOffset(baseOffset, extentOffset) {
- return this.copyWith$3$affinity$baseOffset$extentOffset(null, baseOffset, extentOffset);
- },
- copyWith$1$extentOffset(extentOffset) {
- return this.copyWith$3$affinity$baseOffset$extentOffset(null, null, extentOffset);
- },
- expandTo$2(position, extentAtIndex) {
- var t3, t4, normalized, _this = this,
- t1 = position.offset,
- t2 = _this.start;
- if (t1 >= t2 && t1 <= _this.end)
- return _this;
- t3 = _this.baseOffset;
- t4 = _this.extentOffset;
- normalized = t3 <= t4;
- if (t1 <= t2) {
- if (extentAtIndex)
- return _this.copyWith$3$affinity$baseOffset$extentOffset(position.affinity, _this.end, t1);
- t2 = normalized ? t1 : t3;
- return _this.copyWith$2$baseOffset$extentOffset(t2, normalized ? t4 : t1);
- }
- if (extentAtIndex)
- return _this.copyWith$3$affinity$baseOffset$extentOffset(position.affinity, t2, t1);
- t2 = normalized ? t3 : t1;
- return _this.copyWith$2$baseOffset$extentOffset(t2, normalized ? t1 : t4);
- },
- extendTo$1(position) {
- if (this.get$extent().$eq(0, position))
- return this;
- return this.copyWith$2$affinity$extentOffset(position.affinity, position.offset);
- }
- };
- A.TextEditingDelta.prototype = {};
- A.TextEditingDeltaInsertion.prototype = {};
- A.TextEditingDeltaDeletion.prototype = {};
- A.TextEditingDeltaReplacement.prototype = {};
- A.TextEditingDeltaNonTextUpdate.prototype = {};
- A._TextEditingDelta_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.MaxLengthEnforcement.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "MaxLengthEnforcement." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextInputFormatter.prototype = {};
- A._MutableTextRange.prototype = {};
- A._TextEditingValueAccumulator.prototype = {};
- A.FilteringTextInputFormatter.prototype = {
- formatEditUpdate$2(oldValue, newValue) {
- var t2, formatState, matches, t3, t4, previousMatch, match, t5, selection, composingRegion, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = newValue.selection;
- t1 = t1.get$isValid() ? new A._MutableTextRange(t1.baseOffset, t1.extentOffset) : _null;
- t2 = newValue.composing;
- t2 = t2.get$isValid() && t2.start !== t2.end ? new A._MutableTextRange(t2.start, t2.end) : _null;
- formatState = new A._TextEditingValueAccumulator(newValue, new A.StringBuffer(""), t1, t2);
- t2 = newValue.text;
- matches = J.allMatches$1$s(_this.filterPattern, t2);
- for (t1 = matches.get$iterator(matches), t3 = _this.allow, t4 = !t3, previousMatch = _null; t1.moveNext$0(); previousMatch = match) {
- match = t1.get$current(t1);
- t5 = previousMatch == null ? _null : previousMatch.get$end(previousMatch);
- if (t5 == null)
- t5 = 0;
- _this._processRegion$4(t3, t5, match.get$start(match), formatState);
- _this._processRegion$4(t4, match.get$start(match), match.get$end(match), formatState);
- }
- t1 = previousMatch == null ? _null : previousMatch.get$end(previousMatch);
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = 0;
- _this._processRegion$4(t3, t1, t2.length, formatState);
- t2 = formatState.debugFinalized = true;
- selection = formatState.selection;
- composingRegion = formatState.composingRegion;
- t1 = formatState.stringBuffer._contents;
- t2 = (composingRegion != null ? composingRegion.base === composingRegion.extent : t2) ? B.TextRange_m1_m1 : new A.TextRange(composingRegion.base, composingRegion.extent);
- if (selection == null)
- t3 = B.TextSelection_ke5;
- else {
- t3 = formatState.inputValue.selection;
- t3 = A.TextSelection$(t3.affinity, selection.base, selection.extent, t3.isDirectional);
- }
- return new A.TextEditingValue(t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1, t3, t2);
- },
- _processRegion$4(isBannedRegion, regionStart, regionEnd, state) {
- var replacementString, t1, t2, t3;
- if (isBannedRegion)
- replacementString = regionStart === regionEnd ? "" : this.replacementString;
- else
- replacementString = B.JSString_methods.substring$2(state.inputValue.text, regionStart, regionEnd);
- state.stringBuffer._contents += replacementString;
- if (replacementString.length === regionEnd - regionStart)
- return;
- t1 = new A.FilteringTextInputFormatter__processRegion_adjustIndex(regionStart, regionEnd, replacementString);
- t2 = state.selection;
- t3 = t2 == null;
- if (!t3)
- t2.base = t2.base + t1.call$1(state.inputValue.selection.baseOffset);
- if (!t3)
- t2.extent = t2.extent + t1.call$1(state.inputValue.selection.extentOffset);
- t2 = state.composingRegion;
- t3 = t2 == null;
- if (!t3)
- t2.base = t2.base + t1.call$1(state.inputValue.composing.start);
- if (!t3)
- t2.extent = t2.extent + t1.call$1(state.inputValue.composing.end);
- }
- };
- A.FilteringTextInputFormatter__processRegion_adjustIndex.prototype = {
- call$1(originalIndex) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.regionStart,
- replacedLength = originalIndex <= t1 && originalIndex < _this.regionEnd ? 0 : _this.replacementString.length;
- return replacedLength - (B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(originalIndex, t1, _this.regionEnd) - t1);
- },
- $signature: 60
- };
- A.SmartDashesType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "SmartDashesType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.SmartQuotesType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "SmartQuotesType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextInputType.prototype = {
- toJson$0() {
- return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["name", "TextInputType." + B.List_pYm[this.index], "signed", this.signed, "decimal", this.decimal], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "TextInputType(name: " + ("TextInputType." + B.List_pYm[this.index]) + ", signed: " + A.S(this.signed) + ", decimal: " + A.S(this.decimal) + ")";
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.TextInputType && other.index === this.index && other.signed == this.signed && other.decimal == this.decimal;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.index, this.signed, this.decimal, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- get$index(receiver) {
- return this.index;
- }
- };
- A.TextInputAction.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TextInputAction." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextCapitalization0.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "TextCapitalization." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextInputConfiguration.prototype = {
- toJson$0() {
- var _this = this,
- autofill = _this.autofillConfiguration.toJson$0(),
- t1 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- t1.$indexSet(0, "inputType", _this.inputType.toJson$0());
- t1.$indexSet(0, "readOnly", _this.readOnly);
- t1.$indexSet(0, "obscureText", _this.obscureText);
- t1.$indexSet(0, "autocorrect", true);
- t1.$indexSet(0, "smartDashesType", B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(_this.smartDashesType.index));
- t1.$indexSet(0, "smartQuotesType", B.JSInt_methods.toString$0(_this.smartQuotesType.index));
- t1.$indexSet(0, "enableSuggestions", true);
- t1.$indexSet(0, "enableInteractiveSelection", _this.enableInteractiveSelection);
- t1.$indexSet(0, "actionLabel", null);
- t1.$indexSet(0, "inputAction", _this.inputAction._enumToString$0());
- t1.$indexSet(0, "textCapitalization", _this.textCapitalization._enumToString$0());
- t1.$indexSet(0, "keyboardAppearance", _this.keyboardAppearance._enumToString$0());
- t1.$indexSet(0, "enableIMEPersonalizedLearning", true);
- t1.$indexSet(0, "contentCommitMimeTypes", _this.allowedMimeTypes);
- if (autofill != null)
- t1.$indexSet(0, "autofill", autofill);
- t1.$indexSet(0, "enableDeltaModel", false);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.FloatingCursorDragState.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "FloatingCursorDragState." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.RawFloatingCursorPoint.prototype = {};
- A.TextEditingValue.prototype = {
- copyWith$3$composing$selection$text(composing, selection, text) {
- var t1 = text == null ? this.text : text,
- t2 = selection == null ? this.selection : selection;
- return new A.TextEditingValue(t1, t2, composing == null ? this.composing : composing);
- },
- copyWith$1$selection(selection) {
- return this.copyWith$3$composing$selection$text(null, selection, null);
- },
- copyWith$1$composing(composing) {
- return this.copyWith$3$composing$selection$text(composing, null, null);
- },
- copyWith$2$composing$selection(composing, selection) {
- return this.copyWith$3$composing$selection$text(composing, selection, null);
- },
- copyWith$1$text(text) {
- return this.copyWith$3$composing$selection$text(null, null, text);
- },
- get$isComposingRangeValid() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.composing;
- if (t1.get$isValid()) {
- t2 = t1.end;
- t1 = t2 >= t1.start && t2 <= this.text.length;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- return t1;
- },
- replaced$2(replacementRange, replacementString) {
- var t1, t2, newText, t3, _this = this;
- if (!replacementRange.get$isValid())
- return _this;
- t1 = replacementRange.start;
- t2 = replacementRange.end;
- newText = B.JSString_methods.replaceRange$3(_this.text, t1, t2, replacementString);
- if (t2 - t1 === replacementString.length)
- return _this.copyWith$1$text(newText);
- t1 = new A.TextEditingValue_replaced_adjustIndex(replacementRange, replacementString);
- t2 = _this.selection;
- t3 = _this.composing;
- return new A.TextEditingValue(newText, A.TextSelection$(B.TextAffinity_1, t1.call$1(t2.baseOffset), t1.call$1(t2.extentOffset), false), new A.TextRange(t1.call$1(t3.start), t1.call$1(t3.end)));
- },
- toJSON$0(_) {
- var t1 = this.selection,
- t2 = this.composing;
- return A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["text", this.text, "selectionBase", t1.baseOffset, "selectionExtent", t1.extentOffset, "selectionAffinity", t1.affinity._enumToString$0(), "selectionIsDirectional", t1.isDirectional, "composingBase", t2.start, "composingExtent", t2.end], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "TextEditingValue(text: \u2524" + this.text + "\u251c, selection: " + this.selection.toString$0(0) + ", composing: " + this.composing.toString$0(0) + ")";
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- return other instanceof A.TextEditingValue && other.text === _this.text && other.selection.$eq(0, _this.selection) && other.composing.$eq(0, _this.composing);
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- var t1 = this.selection,
- t2 = this.composing;
- return A.Object_hash(B.JSString_methods.get$hashCode(this.text), t1.get$hashCode(t1), A.Object_hash(B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(t2.start), B.JSInt_methods.get$hashCode(t2.end), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue), B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.TextEditingValue_replaced_adjustIndex.prototype = {
- call$1(originalIndex) {
- var t1 = this.replacementRange,
- t2 = t1.start,
- replacedLength = originalIndex <= t2 && originalIndex < t1.end ? 0 : this.replacementString.length;
- return originalIndex + replacedLength - (B.JSInt_methods.clamp$2(originalIndex, t2, t1.end) - t2);
- },
- $signature: 60
- };
- A.SelectionChangedCause.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "SelectionChangedCause." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.TextSelectionDelegate.prototype = {};
- A.TextInputClient.prototype = {};
- A.SelectionRect.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- if (A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this) !== J.get$runtimeType$(other))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.SelectionRect && other.position === _this.position && other.bounds.$eq(0, _this.bounds) && other.direction === _this.direction;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.position, this.bounds, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "SelectionRect(" + this.position + ", " + this.bounds.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.TextInputConnection.prototype = {
- setComposingRect$1(rect) {
- var validRect;
- if (rect.$eq(0, this._text_input$_cachedRect))
- return;
- this._text_input$_cachedRect = rect;
- validRect = rect.get$isFinite(rect) ? rect : new A.Rect(0, 0, -1, -1);
- $.$get$TextInput__instance()._setComposingTextRect$1(validRect);
- },
- setCaretRect$1(rect) {
- var validRect;
- if (rect.$eq(0, this._cachedCaretRect))
- return;
- this._cachedCaretRect = rect;
- validRect = rect.get$isFinite(rect) ? rect : new A.Rect(0, 0, -1, -1);
- $.$get$TextInput__instance()._setCaretRect$1(validRect);
- },
- setStyle$5$fontFamily$fontSize$fontWeight$textAlign$textDirection(fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, textAlign, textDirection) {
- $.$get$TextInput__instance()._setStyle$5$fontFamily$fontSize$fontWeight$textAlign$textDirection(fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, textAlign, textDirection);
- }
- };
- A.TextInput.prototype = {
- _attach$2(connection, configuration) {
- this._currentConnection = connection;
- this.__TextInput__currentConfiguration_A = configuration;
- this._setClient$2(connection._client, configuration);
- },
- get$_channel() {
- var t1 = this.__TextInput__channel_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1;
- },
- _loudlyHandleTextInputInvocation$1($call) {
- return this._loudlyHandleTextInputInvocation$body$TextInput($call);
- },
- _loudlyHandleTextInputInvocation$body$TextInput($call) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.dynamic),
- $async$returnValue, $async$handler = 2, $async$currentError, $async$self = this, exception, stack, t1, exception0, $async$exception0;
- var $async$_loudlyHandleTextInputInvocation$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1) {
- $async$currentError = $async$result;
- $async$goto = $async$handler;
- }
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$handler = 4;
- $async$goto = 7;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self._handleTextInputInvocation$1($call), $async$_loudlyHandleTextInputInvocation$1);
- case 7:
- // returning from await.
- t1 = $async$result;
- $async$returnValue = t1;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- $async$handler = 2;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 4:
- // catch
- $async$handler = 3;
- $async$exception0 = $async$currentError;
- exception = A.unwrapException($async$exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException($async$exception0);
- t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("during method call " + $call.method);
- A.FlutterError_reportError(new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "services library", t1, new A.TextInput__loudlyHandleTextInputInvocation_closure($call), false));
- throw $async$exception0;
- // goto after finally
- $async$goto = 6;
- break;
- case 3:
- // uncaught
- // goto rethrow
- $async$goto = 2;
- break;
- case 6:
- // after finally
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- case 2:
- // rethrow
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$currentError, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_loudlyHandleTextInputInvocation$1, $async$completer);
- },
- _handleTextInputInvocation$1(methodCall) {
- return this._handleTextInputInvocation$body$TextInput(methodCall);
- },
- _handleTextInputInvocation$body$TextInput(methodCall) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.dynamic),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, args, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, editingValue, client, value, deltas, selectors, firstArg, offset, method;
- var $async$_handleTextInputInvocation$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- method = methodCall.method;
- if (method === "TextInputClient.focusElement") {
- args = type$.List_dynamic._as(methodCall.$arguments);
- t1 = J.getInterceptor$asx(args);
- t2 = $async$self._scribbleClients.$index(0, t1.$index(args, 0));
- if (t2 != null) {
- t3 = A._asNum(t1.$index(args, 1));
- t1 = A._asNum(t1.$index(args, 2));
- t2._widget.focusNode.requestFocus$0();
- t4 = t2.get$renderEditable();
- if (t4 != null)
- t4.selectPositionAt$2$cause$from(B.SelectionChangedCause_7, new A.Offset(t3, t1));
- t2._widget.updateSelectionRects$0();
- }
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- } else if (method === "TextInputClient.requestElementsInRect") {
- t1 = J.cast$1$0$ax(type$.List_dynamic._as(methodCall.$arguments), type$.num);
- t2 = A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("MappedListIterable");
- t3 = $async$self._scribbleClients;
- t4 = A._instanceType(t3)._eval$1("LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>");
- t5 = t4._eval$1("MappedIterable>");
- $async$returnValue = A.List_List$of(new A.MappedIterable(new A.WhereIterable(new A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterable(t3, t4), new A.TextInput__handleTextInputInvocation_closure($async$self, A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(t1, new A.TextInput__handleTextInputInvocation_closure0(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E"))), t4._eval$1("WhereIterable")), new A.TextInput__handleTextInputInvocation_closure1($async$self), t5), true, t5._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- } else if (method === "TextInputClient.scribbleInteractionBegan") {
- $async$self._scribbleInProgress = true;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- } else if (method === "TextInputClient.scribbleInteractionFinished") {
- $async$self._scribbleInProgress = false;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- t1 = $async$self._currentConnection;
- if (t1 == null) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (method === "TextInputClient.requestExistingInputState") {
- t2 = $async$self.__TextInput__currentConfiguration_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- $async$self._attach$2(t1, t2);
- $async$self._setEditingState$1($async$self._currentConnection._client._widget.controller._change_notifier$_value);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- t1 = type$.List_dynamic;
- args = t1._as(methodCall.$arguments);
- if (method === string$.TextInT) {
- t1 = type$.Map_String_dynamic;
- editingValue = t1._as(J.$index$asx(args, 1));
- for (t2 = J.getInterceptor$x(editingValue), t3 = J.get$iterator$ax(t2.get$keys(editingValue)); t3.moveNext$0();)
- A.TextEditingValue_TextEditingValue$fromJSON(t1._as(t2.$index(editingValue, t3.get$current(t3))));
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(args);
- client = A._asInt(t2.$index(args, 0));
- t3 = $async$self._currentConnection;
- if (client !== t3._text_input$_id) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- switch (method) {
- case "TextInputClient.updateEditingState":
- value = A.TextEditingValue_TextEditingValue$fromJSON(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(t2.$index(args, 1)));
- $.$get$TextInput__instance()._updateEditingValue$2$exclude(value, $.$get$_PlatformTextInputControl_instance());
- break;
- case string$.TextInD:
- deltas = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_TextEditingDelta);
- t3 = type$.Map_String_dynamic;
- for (t1 = J.get$iterator$ax(t1._as(J.$index$asx(t3._as(t2.$index(args, 1)), "deltas"))); t1.moveNext$0();)
- deltas.push(A.TextEditingDelta_TextEditingDelta$fromJSON(t3._as(t1.get$current(t1))));
- type$.DeltaTextInputClient._as($async$self._currentConnection._client).updateEditingValueWithDeltas$1(deltas);
- break;
- case "TextInputClient.performAction":
- if (A._asString(t2.$index(args, 1)) === "TextInputAction.commitContent") {
- t1 = type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(t2.$index(args, 2));
- t2 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t1);
- A._asString(t2.$index(t1, "mimeType"));
- A._asString(t2.$index(t1, "uri"));
- if (t2.$index(t1, "data") != null)
- new Uint8Array(A._ensureNativeList(A.List_List$from(type$.Iterable_dynamic._as(t2.$index(t1, "data")), true, type$.int)));
- $async$self._currentConnection._client._widget.toString;
- } else
- $async$self._currentConnection._client.performAction$1(A._toTextInputAction(A._asString(t2.$index(args, 1))));
- break;
- case "TextInputClient.performSelectors":
- selectors = J.cast$1$0$ax(t1._as(t2.$index(args, 1)), type$.String);
- selectors.forEach$1(selectors, $async$self._currentConnection._client.get$performSelector());
- break;
- case "TextInputClient.performPrivateCommand":
- t1 = type$.Map_String_dynamic;
- firstArg = t1._as(t2.$index(args, 1));
- t2 = $async$self._currentConnection._client;
- t3 = J.getInterceptor$asx(firstArg);
- A._asString(t3.$index(firstArg, "action"));
- if (t3.$index(firstArg, "data") != null)
- t1._as(t3.$index(firstArg, "data"));
- t2._widget.toString;
- break;
- case "TextInputClient.updateFloatingCursor":
- t1 = t3._client;
- t3 = A._toTextCursorAction(A._asString(t2.$index(args, 1)));
- t2 = type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(t2.$index(args, 2));
- if (t3 === B.FloatingCursorDragState_1) {
- t4 = J.getInterceptor$asx(t2);
- offset = new A.Offset(A._asNum(t4.$index(t2, "X")), A._asNum(t4.$index(t2, "Y")));
- } else
- offset = B.Offset_0_0;
- t1.updateFloatingCursor$1(new A.RawFloatingCursorPoint(offset, t3));
- break;
- case "TextInputClient.onConnectionClosed":
- t1 = t3._client;
- if (t1.get$_hasInputConnection()) {
- t1._textInputConnection.toString;
- t1._lastKnownRemoteTextEditingValue = t1._textInputConnection = $.$get$TextInput__instance()._currentConnection = null;
- t1._finalizeEditing$2$shouldUnfocus(B.TextInputAction_2, true);
- }
- break;
- case "TextInputClient.showAutocorrectionPromptRect":
- t3._client.showAutocorrectionPromptRect$2(A._asInt(t2.$index(args, 1)), A._asInt(t2.$index(args, 2)));
- break;
- case "TextInputClient.showToolbar":
- t3._client.showToolbar$0();
- break;
- case "TextInputClient.insertTextPlaceholder":
- t3._client.insertTextPlaceholder$1(new A.Size(A._asNum(t2.$index(args, 1)), A._asNum(t2.$index(args, 2))));
- break;
- case "TextInputClient.removeTextPlaceholder":
- t3._client.removeTextPlaceholder$0();
- break;
- default:
- throw A.wrapException(A.MissingPluginException$(null));
- }
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleTextInputInvocation$1, $async$completer);
- },
- _scheduleHide$0() {
- if (this._hidePending)
- return;
- this._hidePending = true;
- A.scheduleMicrotask(new A.TextInput__scheduleHide_closure(this));
- },
- _setClient$2(client, configuration) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, json;
- for (t1 = this._inputControls, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = type$.JSArray_Object, t3 = type$.void, t4 = t1.$ti._precomputed1, t5 = type$.String, t6 = type$.dynamic; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t7 = t1._collection$_current;
- if (t7 == null)
- t4._as(t7);
- t7 = $.$get$TextInput__instance();
- t8 = t7.__TextInput__channel_A;
- t8 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t9 = t7._currentConnection._text_input$_id;
- json = configuration.toJson$0();
- if (t7._currentControl != $.$get$_PlatformTextInputControl_instance())
- json.$indexSet(0, "inputType", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["name", "TextInputType.none", "signed", null, "decimal", null], t5, t6));
- t8.invokeMethod$1$2("TextInput.setClient", A._setArrayType([t9, json], t2), t3);
- }
- },
- _clearClient$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this;
- _this._currentConnection.toString;
- for (t1 = _this._inputControls, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = type$.void, t3 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t1._collection$_current;
- if (t4 == null)
- t3._as(t4);
- t4 = $.$get$TextInput__instance().__TextInput__channel_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4.invokeMethod$1$1("TextInput.clearClient", t2);
- }
- _this._currentConnection = null;
- _this._scheduleHide$0();
- },
- _updateConfig$1(configuration) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, json;
- for (t1 = this._inputControls, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = type$.void, t3 = t1.$ti._precomputed1, t4 = type$.String, t5 = type$.dynamic; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t6 = t1._collection$_current;
- if (t6 == null)
- t3._as(t6);
- t6 = $.$get$TextInput__instance();
- t7 = t6.__TextInput__channel_A;
- t7 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- json = configuration.toJson$0();
- if (t6._currentControl != $.$get$_PlatformTextInputControl_instance())
- json.$indexSet(0, "inputType", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["name", "TextInputType.none", "signed", null, "decimal", null], t4, t5));
- t7.invokeMethod$1$2("TextInput.updateConfig", json, t2);
- }
- },
- _setEditingState$1(value) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- for (t1 = this._inputControls, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = type$.void, t3 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t1._collection$_current;
- if (t4 == null)
- t3._as(t4);
- t4 = $.$get$TextInput__instance().__TextInput__channel_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4.invokeMethod$1$2("TextInput.setEditingState", value.toJSON$0(0), t2);
- }
- },
- _show$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- for (t1 = this._inputControls, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = type$.void, t3 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t1._collection$_current;
- if (t4 == null)
- t3._as(t4);
- t4 = $.$get$TextInput__instance().__TextInput__channel_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4.invokeMethod$1$1("TextInput.show", t2);
- }
- },
- _hide$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- for (t1 = this._inputControls, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = type$.void, t3 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t1._collection$_current;
- if (t4 == null)
- t3._as(t4);
- t4 = $.$get$TextInput__instance().__TextInput__channel_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4.invokeMethod$1$1("TextInput.hide", t2);
- }
- },
- _setEditableSizeAndTransform$2(editableBoxSize, transform) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9;
- for (t1 = this._inputControls, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = editableBoxSize._dx, t3 = editableBoxSize._dy, t4 = transform._vector_math_64$_m4storage, t5 = type$.String, t6 = type$.dynamic, t7 = type$.void, t8 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t9 = t1._collection$_current;
- if (t9 == null)
- t8._as(t9);
- t9 = $.$get$TextInput__instance().__TextInput__channel_A;
- t9 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t9.invokeMethod$1$2("TextInput.setEditableSizeAndTransform", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["width", t2, "height", t3, "transform", t4], t5, t6), t7);
- }
- },
- _setComposingTextRect$1(rect) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10;
- for (t1 = this._inputControls, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = rect.left, t3 = rect.right - t2, t4 = rect.top, t5 = rect.bottom - t4, t6 = type$.String, t7 = type$.dynamic, t8 = type$.void, t9 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t10 = t1._collection$_current;
- if (t10 == null)
- t9._as(t10);
- t10 = $.$get$TextInput__instance().__TextInput__channel_A;
- t10 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t10.invokeMethod$1$2("TextInput.setMarkedTextRect", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["width", t3, "height", t5, "x", t2, "y", t4], t6, t7), t8);
- }
- },
- _setCaretRect$1(rect) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, t10;
- for (t1 = this._inputControls, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = rect.left, t3 = rect.right - t2, t4 = rect.top, t5 = rect.bottom - t4, t6 = type$.String, t7 = type$.dynamic, t8 = type$.void, t9 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t10 = t1._collection$_current;
- if (t10 == null)
- t9._as(t10);
- t10 = $.$get$TextInput__instance().__TextInput__channel_A;
- t10 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t10.invokeMethod$1$2("TextInput.setCaretRect", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["width", t3, "height", t5, "x", t2, "y", t4], t6, t7), t8);
- }
- },
- _setSelectionRects$1(selectionRects) {
- var t1, t2, t3;
- for (t1 = this._inputControls, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1._collection$_current;
- (t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3).setSelectionRects$1(selectionRects);
- }
- },
- _setStyle$5$fontFamily$fontSize$fontWeight$textAlign$textDirection(fontFamily, fontSize, fontWeight, textAlign, textDirection) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9;
- for (t1 = this._inputControls, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = textAlign.index, t3 = textDirection.index, t4 = type$.String, t5 = type$.dynamic, t6 = type$.void, t7 = fontWeight == null, t8 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t9 = t1._collection$_current;
- if (t9 == null)
- t8._as(t9);
- t9 = $.$get$TextInput__instance().__TextInput__channel_A;
- t9 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t9.invokeMethod$1$2("TextInput.setStyle", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["fontFamily", fontFamily, "fontSize", fontSize, "fontWeightIndex", t7 ? null : fontWeight.index, "textAlignIndex", t2, "textDirectionIndex", t3], t4, t5), t6);
- }
- },
- _requestAutofill$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- for (t1 = this._inputControls, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = type$.void, t3 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t1._collection$_current;
- if (t4 == null)
- t3._as(t4);
- t4 = $.$get$TextInput__instance().__TextInput__channel_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4.invokeMethod$1$1("TextInput.requestAutofill", t2);
- }
- },
- _updateEditingValue$2$exclude(value, exclude) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4;
- if (this._currentConnection == null)
- return;
- for (t1 = $.$get$TextInput__instance()._inputControls, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = t1.$ti._precomputed1, t3 = type$.void; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t1._collection$_current;
- if ((t4 == null ? t2._as(t4) : t4) !== exclude) {
- t4 = $.$get$TextInput__instance().__TextInput__channel_A;
- t4 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t4.invokeMethod$1$2("TextInput.setEditingState", value.toJSON$0(0), t3);
- }
- }
- $.$get$TextInput__instance()._currentConnection._client.updateEditingValue$1(value);
- }
- };
- A.TextInput__loudlyHandleTextInputInvocation_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var _null = null;
- return A._setArrayType([A.DiagnosticsProperty$("call", this.$call, true, B.C__NoDefaultValue, _null, false, _null, _null, B.DiagnosticLevel_3, _null, false, true, true, B.DiagnosticsTreeStyle_9, _null, type$.MethodCall)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode);
- },
- $signature: 32
- };
- A.TextInput__handleTextInputInvocation_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return value;
- },
- $signature: 383
- };
- A.TextInput__handleTextInputInvocation_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(elementIdentifier) {
- var t5, t6, bounds,
- t1 = this.args,
- t2 = t1[0],
- t3 = t1[1],
- t4 = t1[2];
- t1 = t1[3];
- t5 = this.$this._scribbleClients;
- t6 = t5.$index(0, elementIdentifier);
- t1 = t6 == null ? null : t6.isInScribbleRect$1(new A.Rect(t2, t3, t2 + t4, t3 + t1));
- if (t1 !== true)
- return false;
- t1 = t5.$index(0, elementIdentifier);
- bounds = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$bounds(t1);
- if (bounds == null)
- bounds = B.Rect_0_0_0_0;
- if (!bounds.$eq(0, B.Rect_0_0_0_0)) {
- t1 = bounds.left;
- t1 = isNaN(t1) || isNaN(bounds.top) || isNaN(bounds.right) || isNaN(bounds.bottom) || t1 >= 1 / 0 || bounds.top >= 1 / 0 || bounds.right >= 1 / 0 || bounds.bottom >= 1 / 0;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- return !t1;
- },
- $signature: 45
- };
- A.TextInput__handleTextInputInvocation_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(elementIdentifier) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = this.$this._scribbleClients.$index(0, elementIdentifier),
- bounds = t1.get$bounds(t1);
- t1 = [elementIdentifier];
- t2 = bounds.left;
- t3 = bounds.top;
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t1, [t2, t3, bounds.right - t2, bounds.bottom - t3]);
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 384
- };
- A.TextInput__scheduleHide_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1._hidePending = false;
- if (t1._currentConnection == null)
- t1._hide$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.TextInputControl.prototype = {};
- A._PlatformTextInputControl.prototype = {
- setSelectionRects$1(selectionRects) {
- var t2,
- t1 = $.$get$TextInput__instance().__TextInput__channel_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = A._arrayInstanceType(selectionRects)._eval$1("MappedListIterable<1,List>");
- t1.invokeMethod$1$2("TextInput.setSelectionRects", A.List_List$of(new A.MappedListIterable(selectionRects, new A._PlatformTextInputControl_setSelectionRects_closure(), t2), true, t2._eval$1("ListIterable.E")), type$.void);
- }
- };
- A._PlatformTextInputControl_setSelectionRects_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(rect) {
- var t1 = rect.bounds,
- t2 = t1.left,
- t3 = t1.top;
- return A._setArrayType([t2, t3, t1.right - t2, t1.bottom - t3, rect.position, rect.direction.index], type$.JSArray_num);
- },
- $signature: 385
- };
- A.__PlatformTextInputControl_Object_TextInputControl.prototype = {};
- A.UndoDirection.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "UndoDirection." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.UndoManager.prototype = {
- get$_undo_manager$_channel() {
- var t1 = this.__UndoManager__channel_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1;
- },
- _handleUndoManagerInvocation$1(methodCall) {
- return this._handleUndoManagerInvocation$body$UndoManager(methodCall);
- },
- _handleUndoManagerInvocation$body$UndoManager(methodCall) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.dynamic),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, args;
- var $async$_handleUndoManagerInvocation$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- args = type$.List_dynamic._as(methodCall.$arguments);
- if (methodCall.method === "UndoManagerClient.handleUndo") {
- t1 = $async$self._currentClient;
- t1.toString;
- t1.handlePlatformUndo$1($async$self._toUndoDirection$1(A._asString(J.$index$asx(args, 0))));
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.MissingPluginException$(null));
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleUndoManagerInvocation$1, $async$completer);
- },
- _toUndoDirection$1(direction) {
- switch (direction) {
- case "undo":
- return B.UndoDirection_0;
- case "redo":
- return B.UndoDirection_1;
- }
- throw A.wrapException(A.FlutterError$fromParts(A._setArrayType([A.ErrorSummary$("Unknown undo direction: " + direction)], type$.JSArray_DiagnosticsNode)));
- }
- };
- A.UndoManagerClient.prototype = {};
- A._getParent_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(ancestor) {
- this.parent.set$finalLocalValue(ancestor);
- return false;
- },
- $signature: 28
- };
- A.Intent.prototype = {};
- A.Action.prototype = {
- _updateCallingAction$1(value) {
- this._currentCallingAction = value;
- },
- isEnabled$1(_, intent) {
- return this.get$isActionEnabled();
- },
- get$isActionEnabled() {
- return true;
- },
- consumesKey$1(intent) {
- return true;
- },
- toKeyEventResult$2(intent, invokeResult) {
- return this.consumesKey$1(intent) ? B.KeyEventResult_0 : B.KeyEventResult_2;
- },
- addActionListener$1(listener) {
- var t1 = this._actions$_listeners;
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t1._list.push(listener);
- return null;
- },
- removeActionListener$1(listener) {
- return this._actions$_listeners.remove$1(0, listener);
- },
- _makeOverridableAction$1(context) {
- return new A._OverridableAction(this, context, false, false, false, false, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_OverridableAction"));
- }
- };
- A.ContextAction.prototype = {
- _makeOverridableAction$1(context) {
- return new A._OverridableContextAction(this, context, false, false, false, false, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("_OverridableContextAction"));
- }
- };
- A.CallbackAction.prototype = {
- invoke$1(intent) {
- return this.onInvoke.call$1(intent);
- }
- };
- A.ActionDispatcher.prototype = {
- invokeAction$3(action, intent, context) {
- if (action instanceof A.ContextAction)
- return action.invoke$2(intent, context);
- else
- return action.invoke$1(intent);
- }
- };
- A.Actions.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._ActionsState(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.Action_Intent), new A.Object(), B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A.Actions__findDispatcher_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(element) {
- type$._ActionsScope._as(element.get$widget());
- return false;
- },
- $signature: 69
- };
- A.Actions_maybeFind_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(element) {
- var _this = this,
- result = A.Actions__castAction(type$._ActionsScope._as(element.get$widget()), _this.intent, _this.T);
- if (result != null) {
- _this.context.super$Element$dependOnInheritedElement(element, null);
- _this._box_0.action = result;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- $signature: 69
- };
- A.Actions__maybeFindWithoutDependingOn_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(element) {
- var result = A.Actions__castAction(type$._ActionsScope._as(element.get$widget()), this.intent, this.T);
- if (result != null) {
- this._box_0.action = result;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- $signature: 69
- };
- A.Actions_invoke_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(element) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.intent,
- result = A.Actions__castAction(type$._ActionsScope._as(element.get$widget()), t1, _this.T),
- t2 = result != null;
- if (t2 && result.isEnabled$1(0, t1))
- _this._box_0.returnValue = A.Actions__findDispatcher(element).invokeAction$3(result, t1, _this.context);
- return t2;
- },
- $signature: 69
- };
- A.Actions_maybeInvoke_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(element) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.intent,
- result = A.Actions__castAction(type$._ActionsScope._as(element.get$widget()), t1, _this.T),
- t2 = result != null;
- if (t2 && result.isEnabled$1(0, t1))
- _this._box_0.returnValue = A.Actions__findDispatcher(element).invokeAction$3(result, t1, _this.context);
- return t2;
- },
- $signature: 69
- };
- A._ActionsState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- this.super$State$initState();
- this._updateActionListeners$0();
- },
- _handleActionChanged$1(action) {
- this.setState$1(new A._ActionsState__handleActionChanged_closure(this));
- },
- _updateActionListeners$0() {
- var widgetActions, removedActions, addedActions, t2, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._widget.actions;
- t1 = t1.get$values(t1);
- widgetActions = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(t1, A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- removedActions = _this.listenedActions.difference$1(widgetActions);
- t1 = _this.listenedActions;
- t1.toString;
- addedActions = widgetActions.difference$1(t1);
- for (t1 = removedActions.get$iterator(removedActions), t2 = _this.get$_handleActionChanged(); t1.moveNext$0();)
- t1.get$current(t1).removeActionListener$1(t2);
- for (t1 = addedActions.get$iterator(addedActions); t1.moveNext$0();)
- t1.get$current(t1).addActionListener$1(t2);
- _this.listenedActions = widgetActions;
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- this._updateActionListeners$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- for (t1 = _this.listenedActions, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = _this.get$_handleActionChanged(), t3 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t4 = t1._collection$_current;
- (t4 == null ? t3._as(t4) : t4).removeActionListener$1(t2);
- }
- _this.listenedActions = null;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1 = this._widget;
- return new A._ActionsScope(null, t1.actions, this.rebuildKey, t1.child, null);
- }
- };
- A._ActionsState__handleActionChanged_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this.rebuildKey = new A.Object();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._ActionsScope.prototype = {
- updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1;
- if (this.rebuildKey === oldWidget.rebuildKey)
- t1 = !A.mapEquals(oldWidget.actions, this.actions);
- else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.FocusableActionDetector.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._FocusableActionDetectorState(new A.LabeledGlobalKey(null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._FocusableActionDetectorState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- this.super$State$initState();
- $.SchedulerBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A._FocusableActionDetectorState_initState_closure(this));
- $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._highlightManager._focus_manager$_listeners.add$1(0, this.get$_handleFocusHighlightModeChange());
- },
- dispose$0() {
- $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._highlightManager._focus_manager$_listeners.remove$1(0, this.get$_handleFocusHighlightModeChange());
- this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- _updateHighlightMode$1(mode) {
- this._mayTriggerCallback$1$task(new A._FocusableActionDetectorState__updateHighlightMode_closure(this));
- },
- _handleFocusHighlightModeChange$1(mode) {
- if (this._framework$_element == null)
- return;
- this._updateHighlightMode$1(mode);
- },
- _handleMouseEnter$1($event) {
- if (!this._actions$_hovering)
- this._mayTriggerCallback$1$task(new A._FocusableActionDetectorState__handleMouseEnter_closure(this));
- },
- _actions$_handleMouseExit$1($event) {
- if (this._actions$_hovering)
- this._mayTriggerCallback$1$task(new A._FocusableActionDetectorState__handleMouseExit_closure(this));
- },
- _handleFocusChange$1(focused) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this._focused !== focused) {
- _this._mayTriggerCallback$1$task(new A._FocusableActionDetectorState__handleFocusChange_closure(_this, focused));
- t1 = _this._widget.onFocusChange;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$1(_this._focused);
- }
- },
- _mayTriggerCallback$2$oldWidget$task(oldWidget, task) {
- var t3, oldTarget, didShowHoverHighlight, didShowFocusHighlight, doShowHoverHighlight, doShowFocusHighlight, _this = this,
- t1 = new A._FocusableActionDetectorState__mayTriggerCallback_shouldShowHoverHighlight(_this),
- t2 = new A._FocusableActionDetectorState__mayTriggerCallback_shouldShowFocusHighlight(_this, new A._FocusableActionDetectorState__mayTriggerCallback_canRequestFocus(_this));
- if (oldWidget == null) {
- t3 = _this._widget;
- t3.toString;
- oldTarget = t3;
- } else
- oldTarget = oldWidget;
- didShowHoverHighlight = t1.call$1(oldTarget);
- didShowFocusHighlight = t2.call$1(oldTarget);
- if (task != null)
- task.call$0();
- t3 = _this._widget;
- t3.toString;
- doShowHoverHighlight = t1.call$1(t3);
- t3 = _this._widget;
- t3.toString;
- doShowFocusHighlight = t2.call$1(t3);
- if (didShowFocusHighlight !== doShowFocusHighlight) {
- t1 = _this._widget.onShowFocusHighlight;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$1(doShowFocusHighlight);
- }
- if (didShowHoverHighlight !== doShowHoverHighlight) {
- t1 = _this._widget.onShowHoverHighlight;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.call$1(doShowHoverHighlight);
- }
- },
- _mayTriggerCallback$1$task(task) {
- return this._mayTriggerCallback$2$oldWidget$task(null, task);
- },
- _mayTriggerCallback$1$oldWidget(oldWidget) {
- return this._mayTriggerCallback$2$oldWidget$task(oldWidget, null);
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- if (this._widget.enabled !== oldWidget.enabled)
- $.SchedulerBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A._FocusableActionDetectorState_didUpdateWidget_closure(this, oldWidget));
- },
- get$_actions$_canRequestFocus() {
- var mode,
- t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(t1, B._MediaQueryAspect_15);
- mode = t1 == null ? null : t1.navigationMode;
- switch ((mode == null ? B.NavigationMode_0 : mode).index) {
- case 0:
- return this._widget.enabled;
- case 1:
- return true;
- }
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t3, t4, child, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this._widget,
- t2 = t1.mouseCursor;
- t1 = t1.focusNode;
- t3 = _this.get$_actions$_canRequestFocus();
- t4 = _this._widget;
- child = A.MouseRegion$(A.Focus$(false, t3, t4.child, _null, true, true, t1, true, _null, _this.get$_handleFocusChange(), _null, _null, _null, _null), t2, _this._mouseRegionKey, _this.get$_handleMouseEnter(), _this.get$_actions$_handleMouseExit(), _null);
- t1 = t4.enabled;
- if (t1) {
- t2 = t4.actions;
- t2 = t2 != null && t2.__js_helper$_length !== 0;
- } else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2) {
- t2 = t4.actions;
- t2.toString;
- child = A.Actions$(t2, child);
- }
- if (t1) {
- t1 = t4.shortcuts;
- t1 = t1 != null && t1.get$isNotEmpty(t1);
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this._widget.shortcuts;
- t1.toString;
- child = A.Shortcuts$(child, _null, t1);
- }
- return child;
- }
- };
- A._FocusableActionDetectorState_initState_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(duration) {
- var t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._highlightManager._highlightMode;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = A._HighlightModeManager__defaultModeForPlatform();
- this.$this._updateHighlightMode$1(t1);
- },
- $signature: 4
- };
- A._FocusableActionDetectorState__updateHighlightMode_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._highlightManager._highlightMode;
- switch ((t1 == null ? A._HighlightModeManager__defaultModeForPlatform() : t1).index) {
- case 0:
- this.$this._canShowHighlight = false;
- break;
- case 1:
- this.$this._canShowHighlight = true;
- break;
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._FocusableActionDetectorState__handleMouseEnter_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._actions$_hovering = true;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._FocusableActionDetectorState__handleMouseExit_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._actions$_hovering = false;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._FocusableActionDetectorState__handleFocusChange_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._focused = this.focused;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._FocusableActionDetectorState__mayTriggerCallback_shouldShowHoverHighlight.prototype = {
- call$1(target) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- return t1._actions$_hovering && target.enabled && t1._canShowHighlight;
- },
- $signature: 106
- };
- A._FocusableActionDetectorState__mayTriggerCallback_canRequestFocus.prototype = {
- call$1(target) {
- var mode,
- t1 = this.$this._framework$_element;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(t1, B._MediaQueryAspect_15);
- mode = t1 == null ? null : t1.navigationMode;
- switch ((mode == null ? B.NavigationMode_0 : mode).index) {
- case 0:
- return target.enabled;
- case 1:
- return true;
- }
- },
- $signature: 106
- };
- A._FocusableActionDetectorState__mayTriggerCallback_shouldShowFocusHighlight.prototype = {
- call$1(target) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- return t1._focused && t1._canShowHighlight && this.canRequestFocus.call$1(target);
- },
- $signature: 106
- };
- A._FocusableActionDetectorState_didUpdateWidget_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(duration) {
- this.$this._mayTriggerCallback$1$oldWidget(this.oldWidget);
- },
- $signature: 4
- };
- A.VoidCallbackAction.prototype = {
- invoke$1(intent) {
- intent.callback$0();
- return null;
- }
- };
- A.DoNothingAction.prototype = {
- consumesKey$1(intent) {
- return this._consumesKey;
- },
- invoke$1(intent) {
- }
- };
- A.ActivateIntent.prototype = {};
- A.ButtonActivateIntent.prototype = {};
- A.DismissIntent.prototype = {};
- A.DismissAction.prototype = {};
- A.PrioritizedIntents.prototype = {};
- A.PrioritizedAction.prototype = {
- isEnabled$1(_, intent) {
- var t1, _i, candidateIntent, t2, candidateAction,
- $focus = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager._primaryFocus;
- if ($focus == null || $focus._context == null)
- return false;
- for (t1 = type$.Intent, _i = 0; _i < 2; ++_i) {
- candidateIntent = B.List_UOM[_i];
- t2 = $focus._context;
- t2.toString;
- candidateAction = A.Actions_maybeFind(t2, candidateIntent, t1);
- if (candidateAction != null && candidateAction.isEnabled$1(0, candidateIntent)) {
- this.__PrioritizedAction__selectedAction_A = candidateAction;
- this.__PrioritizedAction__selectedIntent_A = candidateIntent;
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- invoke$1(intent) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this.__PrioritizedAction__selectedAction_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2 = this.__PrioritizedAction__selectedIntent_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.invoke$1(t2);
- }
- };
- A._OverridableActionMixin.prototype = {
- _invokeOverride$3(overrideAction, intent, context) {
- var $returnValue;
- overrideAction._updateCallingAction$1(this.get$defaultAction());
- $returnValue = A._instanceType(this)._eval$1("ContextAction<1>")._is(overrideAction) ? overrideAction.invoke$2(intent, context) : overrideAction.invoke$1(intent);
- overrideAction._updateCallingAction$1(null);
- return $returnValue;
- },
- invoke$2(intent, context) {
- var _this = this,
- override = A.Actions__maybeFindWithoutDependingOn(_this.get$lookupContext(), A._instanceType(_this)._precomputed1);
- return override == null ? _this.invokeDefaultAction$3(intent, _this._currentCallingAction, context) : _this._invokeOverride$3(override, intent, context);
- },
- invoke$1(intent) {
- return this.invoke$2(intent, null);
- },
- get$isActionEnabled() {
- var isOverrideEnabled, $returnValue, _this = this,
- override = A.Actions_maybeFind(_this.get$lookupContext(), null, A._instanceType(_this)._precomputed1);
- if (override != null) {
- override._updateCallingAction$1(_this.get$defaultAction());
- isOverrideEnabled = override.get$isActionEnabled();
- override._updateCallingAction$1(null);
- $returnValue = isOverrideEnabled;
- } else
- $returnValue = _this.get$defaultAction().get$isActionEnabled();
- return $returnValue;
- },
- isEnabled$1(_, intent) {
- var $returnValue, _this = this,
- override = A.Actions__maybeFindWithoutDependingOn(_this.get$lookupContext(), A._instanceType(_this)._precomputed1),
- t1 = override == null;
- if (!t1)
- override._updateCallingAction$1(_this.get$defaultAction());
- $returnValue = (t1 ? _this.get$defaultAction() : override).isEnabled$1(0, intent);
- if (!t1)
- override._updateCallingAction$1(null);
- return $returnValue;
- },
- consumesKey$1(intent) {
- var isEnabled, _this = this,
- override = A.Actions__maybeFindWithoutDependingOn(_this.get$lookupContext(), A._instanceType(_this)._precomputed1),
- t1 = override == null;
- if (!t1)
- override._updateCallingAction$1(_this.get$defaultAction());
- isEnabled = (t1 ? _this.get$defaultAction() : override).consumesKey$1(intent);
- if (!t1)
- override._updateCallingAction$1(null);
- return isEnabled;
- }
- };
- A._OverridableAction.prototype = {
- invokeDefaultAction$3(intent, fromAction, context) {
- var t1 = this.defaultAction;
- if (fromAction == null)
- return t1.invoke$1(intent);
- else
- return t1.invoke$1(intent);
- },
- get$defaultAction() {
- return this.defaultAction;
- },
- get$lookupContext() {
- return this.lookupContext;
- }
- };
- A._OverridableContextAction.prototype = {
- _invokeOverride$3(overrideAction, intent, context) {
- var t1, $returnValue;
- context.toString;
- t1 = this.$ti;
- overrideAction._updateCallingAction$1(new A._ContextActionToActionAdapter(context, this.defaultAction, new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), t1._eval$1("_ContextActionToActionAdapter<1>")));
- $returnValue = t1._eval$1("ContextAction<1>")._is(overrideAction) ? overrideAction.invoke$2(intent, context) : overrideAction.invoke$1(intent);
- overrideAction._updateCallingAction$1(null);
- return $returnValue;
- },
- invokeDefaultAction$3(intent, fromAction, context) {
- var t1 = this.defaultAction;
- if (fromAction == null)
- return t1.invoke$2(intent, context);
- else
- return t1.invoke$2(intent, context);
- },
- get$defaultAction() {
- return this.defaultAction;
- },
- get$lookupContext() {
- return this.lookupContext;
- }
- };
- A._ContextActionToActionAdapter.prototype = {
- _updateCallingAction$1(value) {
- this.action._updateCallingAction$1(value);
- },
- isEnabled$1(_, intent) {
- return this.action.isEnabled$1(0, intent);
- },
- get$isActionEnabled() {
- return this.action.get$isActionEnabled();
- },
- consumesKey$1(intent) {
- return this.action.consumesKey$1(intent);
- },
- addActionListener$1(listener) {
- var t1;
- this.super$Action$addActionListener(listener);
- t1 = this.action._actions$_listeners;
- t1._isDirty = true;
- t1._list.push(listener);
- },
- removeActionListener$1(listener) {
- this.super$Action$removeActionListener(listener);
- this.action._actions$_listeners.remove$1(0, listener);
- },
- invoke$1(intent) {
- return this.action.invoke$2(intent, this.invokeContext);
- }
- };
- A._Action_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._ActionDispatcher_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A._Intent_Object_Diagnosticable.prototype = {};
- A.__OverridableAction_ContextAction__OverridableActionMixin.prototype = {
- _updateCallingAction$1(value) {
- this.super$Action$_updateCallingAction(value);
- this.defaultAction._updateCallingAction$1(value);
- }
- };
- A.__OverridableContextAction_ContextAction__OverridableActionMixin.prototype = {
- _updateCallingAction$1(value) {
- this.super$Action$_updateCallingAction(value);
- this.defaultAction._updateCallingAction$1(value);
- }
- };
- A.AnimatedSize.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._AnimatedSizeState(null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._AnimatedSizeState.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var t1 = this._widget;
- return new A._AnimatedSize(B.Alignment_0_0, B.C__Linear, t1.duration, null, this, B.Clip_1, t1.child, null);
- }
- };
- A._AnimatedSize.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.RenderAnimatedSize$(_this.alignment, _this.clipBehavior, _this.curve, _this.duration, _this.reverseDuration, A.Directionality_maybeOf(context), _this.vsync);
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- renderObject.set$alignment(_this.alignment);
- renderObject.set$duration(0, _this.duration);
- renderObject.set$reverseDuration(_this.reverseDuration);
- renderObject.set$curve(0, _this.curve);
- renderObject.set$vsync(_this.vsync);
- renderObject.set$textDirection(A.Directionality_maybeOf(context));
- t1 = _this.clipBehavior;
- if (t1 !== renderObject._animated_size$_clipBehavior) {
- renderObject._animated_size$_clipBehavior = t1;
- renderObject.markNeedsPaint$0();
- renderObject.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- }
- }
- };
- A.__AnimatedSizeState_State_SingleTickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTicker());
- _this.SingleTickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTicker$0();
- }
- };
- A._ChildEntry.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- return "Entry#" + A.shortHash(this) + "(" + this.widgetChild.toString$0(0) + ")";
- }
- };
- A.AnimatedSwitcher.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._AnimatedSwitcherState(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$._ChildEntry), B.List_empty10, null, null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- },
- transitionBuilder$2(arg0, arg1) {
- return A.animated_switcher_AnimatedSwitcher_defaultTransitionBuilder$closure().call$2(arg0, arg1);
- },
- layoutBuilder$2(arg0, arg1) {
- return A.animated_switcher_AnimatedSwitcher_defaultLayoutBuilder$closure().call$2(arg0, arg1);
- }
- };
- A._AnimatedSwitcherState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- this.super$State$initState();
- this._addEntryForNewChild$1$animate(false);
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, hasNewChild, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1 = t1.child;
- hasNewChild = t1 != null;
- t2 = _this._currentEntry;
- if (hasNewChild === (t2 != null))
- if (hasNewChild) {
- t2 = t2.widgetChild;
- t1 = !(A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(t1) === A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(t2) && J.$eq$(t1.key, t2.key));
- } else
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- ++_this._childNumber;
- _this._addEntryForNewChild$1$animate(true);
- } else {
- t1 = _this._currentEntry;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t2 = _this._widget.child;
- t2.toString;
- t1.widgetChild = t2;
- _this._updateTransitionForEntry$1(t1);
- _this._outgoingWidgets = null;
- }
- }
- },
- _addEntryForNewChild$1$animate(animate) {
- var controller, animation, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._currentEntry;
- if (t1 != null) {
- _this._outgoingEntries.add$1(0, t1);
- _this._currentEntry.controller.reverse$0(0);
- _this._currentEntry = _this._outgoingWidgets = null;
- }
- t1 = _this._widget;
- if (t1.child == null)
- return;
- controller = A.AnimationController$(null, t1.duration, null, 1, null, _this);
- animation = A.CurvedAnimation$(_this._widget.switchInCurve, controller, B.C__Linear);
- t1 = _this._widget.child;
- t1.toString;
- _this._currentEntry = _this._newEntry$4$animation$builder$child$controller(animation, A.animated_switcher_AnimatedSwitcher_defaultTransitionBuilder$closure(), t1, controller);
- if (animate)
- controller.forward$0(0);
- else
- controller.set$value(0, 1);
- },
- _newEntry$4$animation$builder$child$controller(animation, builder, child, controller) {
- var entry = new A._ChildEntry(controller, animation, A.KeyedSubtree_KeyedSubtree$wrap(builder.call$2(child, animation), this._childNumber), child);
- animation.parent.addStatusListener$1(new A._AnimatedSwitcherState__newEntry_closure(this, entry, controller));
- return entry;
- },
- _updateTransitionForEntry$1(entry) {
- var t1 = entry.transition;
- entry.transition = new A.KeyedSubtree(this._widget.transitionBuilder$2(entry.widgetChild, entry.animation), t1.key);
- },
- _rebuildOutgoingWidgetsIfNeeded$0() {
- if (this._outgoingWidgets == null) {
- var t1 = this._outgoingEntries;
- this._outgoingWidgets = A.List_List$unmodifiable(new A.EfficientLengthMappedIterable(t1, new A._AnimatedSwitcherState__rebuildOutgoingWidgetsIfNeeded_closure(), A._instanceType(t1)._eval$1("EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,Widget>")), type$.Widget);
- }
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t2, t3, t4, value, result,
- t1 = this._currentEntry;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.controller.dispose$0();
- for (t1 = this._outgoingEntries, t1 = A._LinkedHashSetIterator$(t1, t1._collection$_modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1), t2 = t1.$ti._precomputed1; t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t3 = t1._collection$_current;
- t3 = (t3 == null ? t2._as(t3) : t3).controller;
- t3._ticker.dispose$0();
- t3._ticker = null;
- t4 = t3.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t4._isDirty = false;
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(t4._list);
- value = t4.__ObserverList__set_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.HashSet_HashSet(t4.$ti._precomputed1);
- t4.__ObserverList__set_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- t4.__ObserverList__set_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- if (value._collection$_length > 0) {
- value._collection$_strings = value._collection$_nums = value._collection$_rest = value._elements = null;
- value._collection$_length = 0;
- }
- t4 = t3.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t4._isDirty = false;
- B.JSArray_methods.clear$0(t4._list);
- value = t4.__ObserverList__set_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = A.HashSet_HashSet(t4.$ti._precomputed1);
- t4.__ObserverList__set_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- t4.__ObserverList__set_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- if (value._collection$_length > 0) {
- value._collection$_strings = value._collection$_nums = value._collection$_rest = value._elements = null;
- value._collection$_length = 0;
- }
- t3.super$AnimationEagerListenerMixin$dispose();
- }
- this.super$__AnimatedSwitcherState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this;
- _this._rebuildOutgoingWidgetsIfNeeded$0();
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._currentEntry;
- t2 = t2 == null ? null : t2.transition;
- t3 = _this._outgoingWidgets;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = A._arrayInstanceType(t3)._eval$1("WhereIterable<1>");
- t4 = A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$of(new A.WhereIterable(t3, new A._AnimatedSwitcherState_build_closure(_this), t4), t4._eval$1("Iterable.E"));
- return t1.layoutBuilder$2(t2, A.List_List$of(t4, true, A._instanceType(t4)._precomputed1));
- }
- };
- A._AnimatedSwitcherState__newEntry_closure.prototype = {
- call$1($status) {
- var t1;
- if ($status === B.AnimationStatus_0) {
- t1 = this.$this;
- t1.setState$1(new A._AnimatedSwitcherState__newEntry__closure(t1, this.entry));
- this.controller.dispose$0();
- }
- },
- $signature: 5
- };
- A._AnimatedSwitcherState__newEntry__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1._outgoingEntries.remove$1(0, this.entry);
- t1._outgoingWidgets = null;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._AnimatedSwitcherState__rebuildOutgoingWidgetsIfNeeded_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(entry) {
- return entry.transition;
- },
- $signature: 390
- };
- A._AnimatedSwitcherState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(outgoing) {
- var t1 = outgoing.key,
- t2 = this.$this._currentEntry;
- return !J.$eq$(t1, t2 == null ? null : t2.transition.key);
- },
- $signature: 391
- };
- A.__AnimatedSwitcherState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.AnnotatedRegion.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderAnnotatedRegion(this.value, true, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer), this.$ti._eval$1("RenderAnnotatedRegion<1>"));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$value(0, this.value);
- renderObject.set$sized(true);
- }
- };
- A.WidgetsApp.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._WidgetsAppState(B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._WidgetsAppState.prototype = {
- get$_initialRouteName() {
- var t1, t2;
- $.WidgetsBinding__instance.toString;
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- if (t1.get$defaultRouteName() !== "/") {
- $.WidgetsBinding__instance.toString;
- t1 = t1.get$defaultRouteName();
- } else {
- t2 = this._widget.initialRoute;
- if (t2 == null) {
- $.WidgetsBinding__instance.toString;
- t1 = t1.get$defaultRouteName();
- } else
- t1 = t2;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- initState$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- _this._updateRouting$0();
- $.WidgetsBinding__instance.toString;
- _this._app$_locale = _this._resolveLocales$2($.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().configuration.locales, _this._widget.supportedLocales);
- $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__observers.push(_this);
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- this._updateRouting$1$oldWidget(oldWidget);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- B.JSArray_methods.remove$1($.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__observers, this);
- var t1 = this._defaultRouteInformationProvider;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- _clearRouterResource$0() {
- var t1 = this._defaultRouteInformationProvider;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- this._defaultBackButtonDispatcher = this._defaultRouteInformationProvider = null;
- },
- _updateRouting$1$oldWidget(oldWidget) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this._widget.toString;
- if (_this.get$_usesNavigator()) {
- _this._clearRouterResource$0();
- if (_this._navigator != null) {
- _this._widget.toString;
- oldWidget.toString;
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this._widget.navigatorKey;
- _this._navigator = new A.GlobalObjectKey(_this, type$.GlobalObjectKey_NavigatorState);
- }
- } else {
- _this._clearRouterResource$0();
- _this._navigator = null;
- }
- },
- _updateRouting$0() {
- return this._updateRouting$1$oldWidget(null);
- },
- get$_usesNavigator() {
- var t1 = this._widget;
- t1 = t1.routes;
- t1 = t1 == null ? null : t1.__js_helper$_length !== 0;
- if (t1 !== true)
- t1 = false;
- else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- _onGenerateRoute$1(settings) {
- var pageContentBuilder, _this = this,
- $name = settings.name;
- if ($name === "/")
- _this._widget.toString;
- pageContentBuilder = _this._widget.routes.$index(0, $name);
- if (pageContentBuilder != null)
- return _this._widget.pageRouteBuilder.call$1$2(settings, pageContentBuilder, type$.dynamic);
- _this._widget.toString;
- return null;
- },
- _onUnknownRoute$1(settings) {
- return this._widget.onUnknownRoute.call$1(settings);
- },
- didPopRoute$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $navigator;
- var $async$didPopRoute$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$self._widget.toString;
- t1 = $async$self._navigator;
- $navigator = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$currentState();
- if ($navigator == null) {
- $async$returnValue = false;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- $async$returnValue = $navigator.maybePop$0();
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$didPopRoute$0, $async$completer);
- },
- didPushRoute$1(route) {
- return this.didPushRoute$body$_WidgetsAppState(route);
- },
- didPushRoute$body$_WidgetsAppState(route) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, $navigator;
- var $async$didPushRoute$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$self._widget.toString;
- t1 = $async$self._navigator;
- $navigator = t1 == null ? null : t1.get$currentState();
- if ($navigator == null) {
- $async$returnValue = false;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- $navigator.pushNamed$1$1(route, type$.nullable_Object);
- $async$returnValue = true;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$didPushRoute$1, $async$completer);
- },
- _resolveLocales$2(preferredLocales, supportedLocales) {
- this._widget.toString;
- return A.basicLocaleListResolution(preferredLocales, supportedLocales);
- },
- didChangeLocales$1(locales) {
- var _this = this,
- newLocale = _this._resolveLocales$2(locales, _this._widget.supportedLocales);
- if (!newLocale.$eq(0, _this._app$_locale))
- _this.setState$1(new A._WidgetsAppState_didChangeLocales_closure(_this, newLocale));
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t2, t3, t4, t5, result, performanceOverlay, t6, t7, t8, t9, _this = this, _null = null, t1 = {};
- t1.routing = null;
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t2.toString;
- if (_this.get$_usesNavigator()) {
- t2 = _this._navigator;
- t3 = _this.get$_initialRouteName();
- t4 = _this._widget;
- t5 = t4.navigatorObservers;
- t5.toString;
- t1.routing = A.FocusScope$(true, _null, new A.Navigator(t3, _this.get$_onGenerateRoute(), _this.get$_onUnknownRoute(), t5, "nav", A.navigator_Navigator_defaultGenerateInitialRoutes$closure(), true, B.Clip_0, t2), "Navigator Scope", _null, _null, _null);
- t2 = t4;
- } else {
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t2.toString;
- }
- t1.result = null;
- result = new A.Builder(new A._WidgetsAppState_build_closure(t1, _this), _null);
- t1.result = result;
- result = A.DefaultTextStyle$(result, _null, _null, B.TextOverflow_0, true, t2.textStyle, _null, _null, B.TextWidthBasis_0);
- t1.result = result;
- performanceOverlay = _null;
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t3 = t2.title;
- t2 = t2.color;
- t2 = A.Color$fromARGB(255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 16 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) >>> 8 & 255, t2.get$value(t2) & 255);
- t1 = t1.result;
- t4 = _this._widget;
- t4.toString;
- t5 = _this._app$_locale;
- t5.toString;
- t6 = A.WidgetsApp_defaultShortcuts();
- t7 = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$of($.$get$WidgetsApp_defaultActions(), type$.Type, type$.Action_Intent);
- t7.$indexSet(0, B.Type_ScrollIntent_4y3, new A.ScrollAction(new A.ObserverList(A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_void_Function_Action_Intent), type$.ObserverList_of_void_Function_Action_Intent))._makeOverridableAction$1(context));
- t8 = type$.JSArray_LocalizationsDelegate_dynamic;
- t9 = A._setArrayType([], t8);
- B.JSArray_methods.addAll$1(t9, _this._widget.localizationsDelegates);
- t9.push(B.C__WidgetsLocalizationsDelegate);
- t8 = A._setArrayType(t9.slice(0), t8);
- return new A.RootRestorationScope(new A.SharedAppData(A.Shortcuts$(new A.DefaultTextEditingShortcuts(A.Actions$(t7, A.FocusTraversalGroup$(new A.TapRegionSurface(new A.ShortcutRegistrar(new A.Localizations(t5, t8, new A.Title(t3, t2, t1, _null), _null), _null), _null), new A.ReadingOrderTraversalPolicy(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.FocusScopeNode, type$._DirectionalPolicyData)))), _null), "", t6), _null), t4.restorationScopeId, _null);
- }
- };
- A._WidgetsAppState_didChangeLocales_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._app$_locale = this.newLocale;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._WidgetsAppState_build_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(context) {
- return this.$this._widget.builder.call$2(context, this._box_0.routing);
- },
- $signature: 14
- };
- A.__WidgetsAppState_State_WidgetsBindingObserver.prototype = {};
- A.ConnectionState.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "ConnectionState." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.AsyncSnapshot.prototype = {
- toString$0(_) {
- var _this = this;
- return "AsyncSnapshot(" + _this.connectionState.toString$0(0) + ", " + A.S(_this.data) + ", " + A.S(_this.error) + ", " + A.S(_this.stackTrace) + ")";
- },
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (_this === other)
- return true;
- return _this.$ti._is(other) && other.connectionState === _this.connectionState && J.$eq$(other.data, _this.data) && J.$eq$(other.error, _this.error) && other.stackTrace == _this.stackTrace;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.connectionState, this.data, this.error, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- }
- };
- A.FutureBuilder.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._FutureBuilderState(B._StateLifecycle_0, this.$ti._eval$1("_FutureBuilderState<1>"));
- }
- };
- A._FutureBuilderState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- _this._widget.toString;
- _this.___FutureBuilderState__snapshot_A = new A.AsyncSnapshot(B.ConnectionState_0, null, null, null, _this.$ti._eval$1("AsyncSnapshot<1>"));
- _this._async0$_subscribe$0();
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- _this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- if (oldWidget.future != _this._widget.future) {
- if (_this._activeCallbackIdentity != null) {
- _this._activeCallbackIdentity = null;
- t1 = _this.___FutureBuilderState__snapshot_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this.___FutureBuilderState__snapshot_A = new A.AsyncSnapshot(B.ConnectionState_0, t1.data, t1.error, t1.stackTrace, t1.$ti);
- }
- _this._async0$_subscribe$0();
- }
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = this.___FutureBuilderState__snapshot_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return t1.builder.call$2(context, t2);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._activeCallbackIdentity = null;
- this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- _async0$_subscribe$0() {
- var callbackIdentity, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._widget.future;
- if (t1 != null) {
- callbackIdentity = _this._activeCallbackIdentity = new A.Object();
- t1.then$1$2$onError(0, new A._FutureBuilderState__subscribe_closure(_this, callbackIdentity), new A._FutureBuilderState__subscribe_closure0(_this, callbackIdentity), type$.void);
- t1 = _this.___FutureBuilderState__snapshot_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- if (t1.connectionState !== B.ConnectionState_3)
- _this.___FutureBuilderState__snapshot_A = new A.AsyncSnapshot(B.ConnectionState_1, t1.data, t1.error, t1.stackTrace, t1.$ti);
- }
- }
- };
- A._FutureBuilderState__subscribe_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(data) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1._activeCallbackIdentity === this.callbackIdentity)
- t1.setState$1(new A._FutureBuilderState__subscribe__closure0(t1, data));
- },
- $signature() {
- return this.$this.$ti._eval$1("Null(1)");
- }
- };
- A._FutureBuilderState__subscribe__closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1.___FutureBuilderState__snapshot_A = new A.AsyncSnapshot(B.ConnectionState_3, this.data, null, null, t1.$ti._eval$1("AsyncSnapshot<1>"));
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._FutureBuilderState__subscribe_closure0.prototype = {
- call$2(error, stackTrace) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1._activeCallbackIdentity === this.callbackIdentity)
- t1.setState$1(new A._FutureBuilderState__subscribe__closure(t1, error, stackTrace));
- },
- $signature: 68
- };
- A._FutureBuilderState__subscribe__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- t1.___FutureBuilderState__snapshot_A = new A.AsyncSnapshot(B.ConnectionState_3, null, this.error, this.stackTrace, t1.$ti._eval$1("AsyncSnapshot<1>"));
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.AutomaticKeepAlive.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._AutomaticKeepAliveState(B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._AutomaticKeepAliveState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- this.super$State$initState();
- this._automatic_keep_alive$_updateChild$0();
- },
- didUpdateWidget$1(oldWidget) {
- this.super$State$didUpdateWidget(oldWidget);
- this._automatic_keep_alive$_updateChild$0();
- },
- _automatic_keep_alive$_updateChild$0() {
- this.___AutomaticKeepAliveState__child_A = new A.NotificationListener(this.get$_addClient(), this._widget.child, null, type$.NotificationListener_KeepAliveNotification);
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = this._automatic_keep_alive$_handles;
- if (t1 != null)
- for (t1 = A.LinkedHashMapKeyIterator$(t1, t1._modifications, A._instanceType(t1)._precomputed1); t1.moveNext$0();) {
- t2 = t1.__js_helper$_current;
- t3 = this._automatic_keep_alive$_handles.$index(0, t2);
- t3.toString;
- t2.removeListener$1(0, t3);
- }
- this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- _addClient$1(notification) {
- var childElement, _this = this,
- handle = notification.handle,
- t1 = _this._automatic_keep_alive$_handles;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = _this._automatic_keep_alive$_handles = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.Listenable, type$.void_Function);
- t1.$indexSet(0, handle, _this._createCallback$1(handle));
- t1 = _this._automatic_keep_alive$_handles.$index(0, handle);
- t1.toString;
- handle.addListener$1(0, t1);
- if (!_this._keepingAlive) {
- _this._keepingAlive = true;
- childElement = _this._getChildElement$0();
- if (childElement != null)
- _this._updateParentDataOfChild$1(childElement);
- else
- $.SchedulerBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(new A._AutomaticKeepAliveState__addClient_closure(_this));
- }
- return false;
- },
- _getChildElement$0() {
- var t1 = {},
- t2 = this._framework$_element;
- t2.toString;
- t1.childElement = null;
- t2.visitChildren$1(new A._AutomaticKeepAliveState__getChildElement_closure(t1));
- return type$.nullable_ParentDataElement_KeepAliveParentDataMixin._as(t1.childElement);
- },
- _updateParentDataOfChild$1(childElement) {
- var t1, t2;
- this._framework$_element.toString;
- t1 = this._keepingAlive;
- t2 = this.___AutomaticKeepAliveState__child_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- childElement._applyParentData$1(type$.ParentDataWidget_KeepAliveParentDataMixin._as(A.KeepAlive$(t2, t1)));
- },
- _createCallback$1(handle) {
- var callback = A._Cell$named("callback"),
- t1 = new A._AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback_closure(this, handle, callback);
- callback.set$finalLocalValue(t1);
- return t1;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1 = this._keepingAlive,
- t2 = this.___AutomaticKeepAliveState__child_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- return new A.KeepAlive(t1, t2, null);
- }
- };
- A._AutomaticKeepAliveState__addClient_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(timeStamp) {
- var childElement,
- t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1._framework$_element == null)
- return;
- childElement = t1._getChildElement$0();
- childElement.toString;
- t1._updateParentDataOfChild$1(childElement);
- },
- $signature: 4
- };
- A._AutomaticKeepAliveState__getChildElement_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- this._box_0.childElement = child;
- },
- $signature: 16
- };
- A._AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = this.handle;
- t1._automatic_keep_alive$_handles.remove$1(0, t2);
- t2.removeListener$1(0, this.callback._readLocal$0());
- if (t1._automatic_keep_alive$_handles.__js_helper$_length === 0)
- if ($.SchedulerBinding__instance.SchedulerBinding__schedulerPhase.index < 3)
- t1.setState$1(new A._AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback__closure(t1));
- else {
- t1._keepingAlive = false;
- A.scheduleMicrotask(new A._AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback__closure0(t1));
- }
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._keepingAlive = false;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback__closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1._framework$_element != null && t1._automatic_keep_alive$_handles.__js_helper$_length === 0)
- t1.setState$1(new A._AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback___closure(t1));
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._AutomaticKeepAliveState__createCallback___closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.KeepAliveNotification.prototype = {};
- A.KeepAliveHandle.prototype = {
- dispose$0() {
- this.notifyListeners$0();
- this.super$ChangeNotifier$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin.prototype = {
- _ensureKeepAlive$0() {
- var t1 = new A.KeepAliveHandle($.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle = t1;
- this._framework$_element.dispatchNotification$1(new A.KeepAliveNotification(t1));
- },
- updateKeepAlive$0() {
- var t1, _this = this;
- if (_this.get$wantKeepAlive()) {
- if (_this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle == null)
- _this._ensureKeepAlive$0();
- } else {
- t1 = _this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.notifyListeners$0();
- t1.super$ChangeNotifier$dispose();
- _this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle = null;
- }
- }
- },
- build$1(context) {
- if (this.get$wantKeepAlive() && this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle == null)
- this._ensureKeepAlive$0();
- return B._NullWidget_null0;
- }
- };
- A._NullWidget0.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.FlutterError_FlutterError("Widgets that mix AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin into their State must call super.build() but must ignore the return value of the superclass."));
- }
- };
- A._UbiquitousInheritedElement.prototype = {
- setDependencies$2(dependent, value) {
- },
- notifyClients$1(oldWidget) {
- A._UbiquitousInheritedElement__recurseChildren(this, new A._UbiquitousInheritedElement_notifyClients_closure(this, oldWidget));
- }
- };
- A._UbiquitousInheritedElement_notifyClients_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(element) {
- var t1 = element._dependencies;
- if (t1 != null && t1.contains$1(0, this.$this))
- element.didChangeDependencies$0();
- },
- $signature: 16
- };
- A._UbiquitousInheritedElement__recurseChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(child) {
- A._UbiquitousInheritedElement__recurseChildren(child, this.visitor);
- },
- $signature: 16
- };
- A._UbiquitousInheritedWidget.prototype = {
- createElement$0(_) {
- return new A._UbiquitousInheritedElement(A.HashMap_HashMap(type$.Element_2, type$.nullable_Object), this, B._ElementLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A.Directionality.prototype = {
- updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) {
- return this.textDirection !== oldWidget.textDirection;
- }
- };
- A.Opacity.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = this.opacity;
- t1 = new A.RenderOpacity(B.JSNumber_methods.round$0(A.clampDouble0(t1, 0, 1) * 255), t1, false, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$opacity(0, this.opacity);
- renderObject.set$alwaysIncludeSemantics(false);
- }
- };
- A.ShaderMask.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderShaderMask(this.shaderCallback, this.blendMode, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$shaderCallback(this.shaderCallback);
- renderObject.set$blendMode(this.blendMode);
- }
- };
- A.CustomPaint.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderCustomPaint(this.painter, this.foregroundPainter, this.size, false, false, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$painter(this.painter);
- renderObject.set$foregroundPainter(this.foregroundPainter);
- renderObject.set$preferredSize(this.size);
- renderObject.willChange = renderObject.isComplex = false;
- },
- didUnmountRenderObject$1(renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$painter(null);
- renderObject.set$foregroundPainter(null);
- }
- };
- A.ClipRect.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderClipRect(this.clipper, this.clipBehavior, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$clipper(this.clipper);
- renderObject.set$clipBehavior(this.clipBehavior);
- },
- didUnmountRenderObject$1(renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$clipper(null);
- }
- };
- A.ClipRRect.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderClipRRect(this.borderRadius, A.Directionality_maybeOf(context), null, this.clipBehavior, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$borderRadius(0, this.borderRadius);
- renderObject.set$clipBehavior(this.clipBehavior);
- renderObject.set$clipper(null);
- renderObject.set$textDirection(A.Directionality_maybeOf(context));
- }
- };
- A.ClipPath.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderClipPath(this.clipper, this.clipBehavior, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$clipper(this.clipper);
- renderObject.set$clipBehavior(this.clipBehavior);
- },
- didUnmountRenderObject$1(renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$clipper(null);
- }
- };
- A.ClipPath_shape_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(context) {
- return A.ClipPath$(this.child, this.clipBehavior, new A.ShapeBorderClipper(this.shape, A.Directionality_maybeOf(context), null));
- },
- $signature: 396
- };
- A.PhysicalModel.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = new A.RenderPhysicalModel(_this.shape, _this.borderRadius, _this.elevation, _this.shadowColor, _this.color, null, _this.clipBehavior, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var _this = this;
- renderObject.set$shape(0, _this.shape);
- renderObject.set$clipBehavior(_this.clipBehavior);
- renderObject.set$borderRadius(0, _this.borderRadius);
- renderObject.set$elevation(0, _this.elevation);
- renderObject.set$color(0, _this.color);
- renderObject.set$shadowColor(0, _this.shadowColor);
- }
- };
- A.PhysicalShape.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = new A.RenderPhysicalShape(_this.elevation, _this.shadowColor, _this.color, _this.clipper, _this.clipBehavior, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var _this = this;
- renderObject.set$clipper(_this.clipper);
- renderObject.set$clipBehavior(_this.clipBehavior);
- renderObject.set$elevation(0, _this.elevation);
- renderObject.set$color(0, _this.color);
- renderObject.set$shadowColor(0, _this.shadowColor);
- }
- };
- A.Transform.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = A.Directionality_maybeOf(context),
- t2 = new A.RenderTransform(_this.transformHitTests, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t2.RenderObject$0();
- t2.set$child(null);
- t2.set$transform(0, _this.transform);
- t2.set$alignment(_this.alignment);
- t2.set$textDirection(t1);
- t2.set$filterQuality(_this.filterQuality);
- t2.set$origin(0, null);
- return t2;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var _this = this;
- renderObject.set$transform(0, _this.transform);
- renderObject.set$origin(0, null);
- renderObject.set$alignment(_this.alignment);
- renderObject.set$textDirection(A.Directionality_maybeOf(context));
- renderObject.transformHitTests = _this.transformHitTests;
- renderObject.set$filterQuality(_this.filterQuality);
- }
- };
- A.CompositedTransformTarget.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderLeaderLayer(this.link, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$link(this.link);
- }
- };
- A.CompositedTransformFollower.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderFollowerLayer(this.link, false, this.offset, B.Alignment_m1_m1, B.Alignment_m1_m1, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$link(this.link);
- renderObject.set$showWhenUnlinked(false);
- renderObject.set$offset(0, this.offset);
- renderObject.set$leaderAnchor(B.Alignment_m1_m1);
- renderObject.set$followerAnchor(B.Alignment_m1_m1);
- }
- };
- A.FractionalTranslation.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderFractionalTranslation(this.translation, this.transformHitTests, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$translation(this.translation);
- renderObject.transformHitTests = this.transformHitTests;
- }
- };
- A.Padding.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderPadding(this.padding, A.Directionality_maybeOf(context), null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$padding(0, this.padding);
- renderObject.set$textDirection(A.Directionality_maybeOf(context));
- }
- };
- A.Align.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderPositionedBox(this.widthFactor, this.heightFactor, this.alignment, A.Directionality_maybeOf(context), null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$alignment(this.alignment);
- renderObject.set$widthFactor(this.widthFactor);
- renderObject.set$heightFactor(this.heightFactor);
- renderObject.set$textDirection(A.Directionality_maybeOf(context));
- }
- };
- A.Center.prototype = {};
- A.CustomSingleChildLayout.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderCustomSingleChildLayoutBox(this.delegate, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$delegate(this.delegate);
- }
- };
- A.LayoutId.prototype = {
- applyParentData$1(renderObject) {
- var t2, targetParent,
- t1 = renderObject.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.MultiChildLayoutParentData._as(t1);
- t2 = this.id;
- if (t1.id !== t2) {
- t1.id = t2;
- targetParent = renderObject.get$parent(renderObject);
- if (targetParent instanceof A.RenderObject)
- targetParent.markNeedsLayout$0();
- }
- }
- };
- A.CustomMultiChildLayout.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderCustomMultiChildLayoutBox(this.delegate, 0, null, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.addAll$1(0, null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$delegate(this.delegate);
- }
- };
- A.SizedBox.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- return A.RenderConstrainedBox$(A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(this.height, this.width));
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$additionalConstraints(A.BoxConstraints$tightFor(this.height, this.width));
- },
- toStringShort$0() {
- var type, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.width;
- if (t1 === 1 / 0 && _this.height === 1 / 0)
- type = "SizedBox.expand";
- else
- type = t1 === 0 && _this.height === 0 ? "SizedBox.shrink" : "SizedBox";
- t1 = _this.key;
- return t1 == null ? type : type + "-" + t1.toString$0(0);
- }
- };
- A.ConstrainedBox.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- return A.RenderConstrainedBox$(this.constraints);
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$additionalConstraints(this.constraints);
- }
- };
- A.LimitedBox.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderLimitedBox(this.maxWidth, this.maxHeight, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$maxWidth(0, this.maxWidth);
- renderObject.set$maxHeight(0, this.maxHeight);
- }
- };
- A.Offstage.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderOffstage(this.offstage, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$offstage(this.offstage);
- },
- createElement$0(_) {
- return new A._OffstageElement(this, B._ElementLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._OffstageElement.prototype = {};
- A.AspectRatio.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderAspectRatio(this.aspectRatio, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$aspectRatio(0, this.aspectRatio);
- }
- };
- A.IntrinsicWidth.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = this.stepWidth;
- if (t1 === 0)
- t1 = _null;
- t1 = new A.RenderIntrinsicWidth(t1, _null, _null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(_null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var t1 = this.stepWidth;
- renderObject.set$stepWidth(t1 === 0 ? null : t1);
- renderObject.set$stepHeight(null);
- }
- };
- A.IntrinsicHeight.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderIntrinsicHeight(null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.SliverPadding.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = new A.RenderSliverPadding(this.padding, t1.textDirection, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var t1;
- renderObject.set$padding(0, this.padding);
- t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- renderObject.set$textDirection(t1.textDirection);
- }
- };
- A.ListBody.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderListBody(A.getAxisDirectionFromAxisReverseAndDirectionality(context, B.Axis_1, false), 0, null, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.addAll$1(0, null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$axisDirection(A.getAxisDirectionFromAxisReverseAndDirectionality(context, B.Axis_1, false));
- }
- };
- A.Stack.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.textDirection;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = A.Directionality_maybeOf(context);
- return A.RenderStack$(_this.alignment, null, _this.clipBehavior, _this.fit, t1);
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- renderObject.set$alignment(_this.alignment);
- t1 = _this.textDirection;
- renderObject.set$textDirection(t1 == null ? A.Directionality_maybeOf(context) : t1);
- renderObject.set$fit(_this.fit);
- renderObject.set$clipBehavior(_this.clipBehavior);
- }
- };
- A.IndexedStack.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var t2, i,
- t1 = this.children,
- _length = t1.length,
- wrappedChildren = J.JSArray_JSArray$allocateGrowable(_length, type$.Widget);
- for (t2 = this.index, i = 0; i < _length; ++i)
- wrappedChildren[i] = new A.Visibility(t1[i], B.SizedBox_0_0_null_null, i === t2, true, true, true, true, true, null);
- return new A._RawIndexedStack(t2, this.alignment, null, B.StackFit_0, B.Clip_1, wrappedChildren, null);
- },
- get$index(receiver) {
- return this.index;
- }
- };
- A._RawIndexedStack.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.textDirection;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = A.Directionality_maybeOf(context);
- t1 = new A.RenderIndexedStack(_this.index, _this.alignment, t1, _this.fit, _this.clipBehavior, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ClipRectLayer), 0, null, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.addAll$1(0, null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.index;
- if (renderObject._stack$_index != t1) {
- renderObject._stack$_index = t1;
- renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0();
- }
- renderObject.set$fit(_this.fit);
- renderObject.set$clipBehavior(_this.clipBehavior);
- renderObject.set$alignment(_this.alignment);
- t1 = _this.textDirection;
- renderObject.set$textDirection(t1 == null ? A.Directionality_maybeOf(context) : t1);
- },
- createElement$0(_) {
- return new A._IndexedStackElement(A.HashSet_HashSet(type$.Element_2), this, B._ElementLifecycle_0);
- },
- get$index(receiver) {
- return this.index;
- }
- };
- A._IndexedStackElement.prototype = {
- get$widget() {
- return type$._RawIndexedStack._as(A.Element.prototype.get$widget.call(this));
- }
- };
- A.Positioned.prototype = {
- applyParentData$1(renderObject) {
- var t2, needsLayout, targetParent, _this = this,
- t1 = renderObject.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.StackParentData._as(t1);
- t2 = _this.left;
- if (t1.left != t2) {
- t1.left = t2;
- needsLayout = true;
- } else
- needsLayout = false;
- t2 = _this.top;
- if (t1.top != t2) {
- t1.top = t2;
- needsLayout = true;
- }
- t2 = _this.right;
- if (t1.right != t2) {
- t1.right = t2;
- needsLayout = true;
- }
- t2 = _this.bottom;
- if (t1.bottom != t2) {
- t1.bottom = t2;
- needsLayout = true;
- }
- t2 = _this.width;
- if (t1.width != t2) {
- t1.width = t2;
- needsLayout = true;
- }
- t2 = _this.height;
- if (t1.height != t2) {
- t1.height = t2;
- needsLayout = true;
- }
- if (needsLayout) {
- targetParent = renderObject.get$parent(renderObject);
- if (targetParent instanceof A.RenderObject)
- targetParent.markNeedsLayout$0();
- }
- }
- };
- A.PositionedDirectional.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- return A.Positioned_Positioned$directional(_this.bottom, _this.child, null, null, _this.start, t1.textDirection, _this.top, _this.width);
- }
- };
- A.Flex.prototype = {
- get$_needTextDirection() {
- switch (this.direction.index) {
- case 0:
- return true;
- case 1:
- var t1 = this.crossAxisAlignment;
- return t1 === B.CrossAxisAlignment_0 || t1 === B.CrossAxisAlignment_1;
- }
- },
- getEffectiveTextDirection$1(context) {
- var t1 = this.textDirection;
- t1 = this.get$_needTextDirection() ? A.Directionality_maybeOf(context) : null;
- return t1;
- },
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var _this = this;
- return A.RenderFlex$(B.Clip_0, _this.crossAxisAlignment, _this.direction, _this.mainAxisAlignment, _this.mainAxisSize, _this.textBaseline, _this.getEffectiveTextDirection$1(context), _this.verticalDirection);
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.direction;
- if (renderObject._flex$_direction !== t1) {
- renderObject._flex$_direction = t1;
- renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0();
- }
- t1 = _this.mainAxisAlignment;
- if (renderObject._mainAxisAlignment !== t1) {
- renderObject._mainAxisAlignment = t1;
- renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0();
- }
- t1 = _this.mainAxisSize;
- if (renderObject._mainAxisSize !== t1) {
- renderObject._mainAxisSize = t1;
- renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0();
- }
- t1 = _this.crossAxisAlignment;
- if (renderObject._crossAxisAlignment !== t1) {
- renderObject._crossAxisAlignment = t1;
- renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0();
- }
- t1 = _this.getEffectiveTextDirection$1(context);
- if (renderObject._flex$_textDirection != t1) {
- renderObject._flex$_textDirection = t1;
- renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0();
- }
- t1 = _this.verticalDirection;
- if (renderObject._verticalDirection !== t1) {
- renderObject._verticalDirection = t1;
- renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0();
- }
- if (B.Clip_0 !== renderObject._flex$_clipBehavior) {
- renderObject._flex$_clipBehavior = B.Clip_0;
- renderObject.markNeedsPaint$0();
- renderObject.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- }
- }
- };
- A.Row.prototype = {};
- A.Column.prototype = {};
- A.Flexible.prototype = {
- applyParentData$1(renderObject) {
- var t2, needsLayout, targetParent,
- t1 = renderObject.parentData;
- t1.toString;
- type$.FlexParentData._as(t1);
- t2 = this.flex;
- if (t1.flex !== t2) {
- t1.flex = t2;
- needsLayout = true;
- } else
- needsLayout = false;
- t2 = this.fit;
- if (t1.fit !== t2) {
- t1.fit = t2;
- needsLayout = true;
- }
- if (needsLayout) {
- targetParent = renderObject.get$parent(renderObject);
- if (targetParent instanceof A.RenderObject)
- targetParent.markNeedsLayout$0();
- }
- }
- };
- A.Expanded.prototype = {};
- A.Wrap.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = A.Directionality_maybeOf(context);
- t1 = new A.RenderWrap(_this.direction, B.WrapAlignment_0, _this.spacing, _this.runAlignment, _this.runSpacing, B.WrapCrossAlignment_0, t1, B.VerticalDirection_1, B.Clip_0, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ClipRectLayer), 0, null, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.addAll$1(0, null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- renderObject.set$direction(0, _this.direction);
- renderObject.set$alignment(B.WrapAlignment_0);
- renderObject.set$spacing(0, _this.spacing);
- renderObject.set$runAlignment(_this.runAlignment);
- renderObject.set$runSpacing(_this.runSpacing);
- renderObject.set$crossAxisAlignment(B.WrapCrossAlignment_0);
- t1 = A.Directionality_maybeOf(context);
- if (renderObject._wrap$_textDirection != t1) {
- renderObject._wrap$_textDirection = t1;
- renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0();
- }
- if (renderObject._wrap$_verticalDirection !== B.VerticalDirection_1) {
- renderObject._wrap$_verticalDirection = B.VerticalDirection_1;
- renderObject.markNeedsLayout$0();
- }
- if (B.Clip_0 !== renderObject._wrap$_clipBehavior) {
- renderObject._wrap$_clipBehavior = B.Clip_0;
- renderObject.markNeedsPaint$0();
- renderObject.markNeedsSemanticsUpdate$0();
- }
- }
- };
- A.RichText.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t3, t4, t5, _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = _this.text,
- t2 = _this.textDirection;
- if (t2 == null) {
- t2 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t2.toString;
- t2 = t2.textDirection;
- }
- t3 = _this.overflow;
- t4 = A.Localizations_maybeLocaleOf(context);
- t5 = t3 === B.TextOverflow_2 ? "\u2026" : _null;
- t3 = new A.RenderParagraph(A.TextPainter$(t5, t4, _this.maxLines, _this.strutStyle, t1, _this.textAlign, t2, _this.textHeightBehavior, _this.textScaleFactor, _this.textWidthBasis), _this.softWrap, t3, _this.selectionColor, false, 0, _null, _null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t3.RenderObject$0();
- t3.addAll$1(0, _null);
- t3._extractPlaceholderSpans$1(t1);
- t3.set$registrar(_this.selectionRegistrar);
- return t3;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- renderObject.set$text(0, _this.text);
- renderObject.set$textAlign(0, _this.textAlign);
- t1 = _this.textDirection;
- if (t1 == null) {
- t1 = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = t1.textDirection;
- }
- renderObject.set$textDirection(t1);
- renderObject.set$softWrap(_this.softWrap);
- renderObject.set$overflow(0, _this.overflow);
- renderObject.set$textScaleFactor(_this.textScaleFactor);
- renderObject.set$maxLines(_this.maxLines);
- renderObject.set$strutStyle(_this.strutStyle);
- renderObject.set$textWidthBasis(_this.textWidthBasis);
- renderObject.set$textHeightBehavior(_this.textHeightBehavior);
- t1 = A.Localizations_maybeLocaleOf(context);
- renderObject.set$locale(0, t1);
- renderObject.set$registrar(_this.selectionRegistrar);
- renderObject.set$selectionColor(_this.selectionColor);
- }
- };
- A.RichText__extractChildren_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(span) {
- var t1, _null = null;
- if (span instanceof A.WidgetSpan) {
- t1 = this._box_0.index++;
- this.result.push(new A.Semantics(A.SemanticsProperties$(_null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, new A.PlaceholderSpanIndexSemanticsTag(t1, "PlaceholderSpanIndexSemanticsTag(" + t1 + ")"), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null), false, false, false, span.child, _null));
- }
- return true;
- },
- $signature: 63
- };
- A.Listener.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var _this = this, _null = null,
- t1 = new A.RenderPointerListener(_this.onPointerDown, _this.onPointerMove, _this.onPointerUp, _null, _this.onPointerCancel, _this.onPointerPanZoomStart, _this.onPointerPanZoomUpdate, _null, _this.onPointerSignal, _this.behavior, _null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(_null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var _this = this;
- renderObject.onPointerDown = _this.onPointerDown;
- renderObject.onPointerMove = _this.onPointerMove;
- renderObject.onPointerUp = _this.onPointerUp;
- renderObject.onPointerHover = null;
- renderObject.onPointerCancel = _this.onPointerCancel;
- renderObject.onPointerPanZoomStart = _this.onPointerPanZoomStart;
- renderObject.onPointerPanZoomUpdate = _this.onPointerPanZoomUpdate;
- renderObject.onPointerPanZoomEnd = null;
- renderObject.onPointerSignal = _this.onPointerSignal;
- renderObject.behavior = _this.behavior;
- }
- };
- A.MouseRegion.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = new A.RenderMouseRegion(true, _this.onEnter, _this.onHover, _this.onExit, _this.cursor, B.HitTestBehavior_1, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var t1, _this = this;
- renderObject.onEnter = _this.onEnter;
- renderObject.onHover = _this.onHover;
- renderObject.onExit = _this.onExit;
- t1 = _this.cursor;
- if (!renderObject._cursor.$eq(0, t1)) {
- renderObject._cursor = t1;
- renderObject.markNeedsPaint$0();
- }
- if (renderObject.behavior !== B.HitTestBehavior_1) {
- renderObject.behavior = B.HitTestBehavior_1;
- renderObject.markNeedsPaint$0();
- }
- }
- };
- A.RepaintBoundary.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderRepaintBoundary(null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.IgnorePointer.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderIgnorePointer(this.ignoring, this.ignoringSemantics, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$ignoring(this.ignoring);
- renderObject.set$ignoringSemantics(this.ignoringSemantics);
- }
- };
- A.AbsorbPointer.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderAbsorbPointer(false, null, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$absorbing(false);
- renderObject.set$ignoringSemantics(null);
- }
- };
- A.Semantics.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = new A.RenderSemanticsAnnotations(_this.properties, _this.container, _this.explicitChildNodes, _this.excludeSemantics, _this._getTextDirection$1(context), null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- t1._updateAttributedFields$1(t1._properties);
- return t1;
- },
- _getTextDirection$1(context) {
- var containsText,
- t1 = this.properties,
- t2 = t1.textDirection;
- if (t2 != null)
- return t2;
- if (t1.label == null) {
- if (t1.value == null)
- t1 = t1.tooltip != null;
- else
- t1 = true;
- containsText = t1;
- } else
- containsText = true;
- if (!containsText)
- return null;
- return A.Directionality_maybeOf(context);
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- var _this = this;
- renderObject.set$container(_this.container);
- renderObject.set$explicitChildNodes(_this.explicitChildNodes);
- renderObject.set$excludeSemantics(_this.excludeSemantics);
- renderObject.set$properties(_this.properties);
- renderObject.set$textDirection(_this._getTextDirection$1(context));
- }
- };
- A.MergeSemantics.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderMergeSemantics(null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- }
- };
- A.BlockSemantics.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderBlockSemantics(true, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$blocking(true);
- }
- };
- A.ExcludeSemantics.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderExcludeSemantics(this.excluding, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$excluding(this.excluding);
- }
- };
- A.IndexedSemantics.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderIndexedSemantics(this.index, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$index(0, this.index);
- },
- get$index(receiver) {
- return this.index;
- }
- };
- A.KeyedSubtree.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- return this.child;
- }
- };
- A.Builder.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- return this.builder.call$1(context);
- }
- };
- A.StatefulBuilder.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- return new A._StatefulBuilderState(B._StateLifecycle_0);
- },
- builder$2(arg0, arg1) {
- return this.builder.call$2(arg0, arg1);
- }
- };
- A._StatefulBuilderState.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- return this._widget.builder$2(context, this.get$setState());
- }
- };
- A.ColoredBox.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A._RenderColoredBox(this.color, B.HitTestBehavior_1, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- type$._RenderColoredBox._as(renderObject).set$color(0, this.color);
- }
- };
- A._RenderColoredBox.prototype = {
- set$color(_, value) {
- if (value.$eq(0, this._basic$_color))
- return;
- this._basic$_color = value;
- this.markNeedsPaint$0();
- },
- paint$2(context, offset) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, _this = this;
- if (_this._size.$gt(0, B.Size_0_0)) {
- t1 = context.get$canvas(context);
- t2 = _this._size;
- t3 = offset._dx;
- t4 = offset._dy;
- t5 = t2._dx;
- t2 = t2._dy;
- t6 = $.$get$_renderer().createPaint$0();
- t6.set$color(0, _this._basic$_color);
- t1.drawRect$2(new A.Rect(t3, t4, t3 + t5, t4 + t2), t6);
- }
- t1 = _this.RenderObjectWithChildMixin__child;
- if (t1 != null)
- context.paintChild$2(t1, offset);
- }
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(parameters) {
- return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3(parameters);
- },
- $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3(parameters) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_Object),
- $async$returnValue, t1;
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $.RendererBinding__instance.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["data", t1._rootNode.toStringDeep$0()], type$.String, type$.Object);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 74
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(parameters) {
- return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2(parameters);
- },
- $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2(parameters) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_Object),
- $async$returnValue;
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["data", A._generateSemanticsTree(B.DebugSemanticsDumpOrder_1)], type$.String, type$.Object);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 74
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(parameters) {
- return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1(parameters);
- },
- $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1(parameters) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_Object),
- $async$returnValue;
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["data", A._generateSemanticsTree(B.DebugSemanticsDumpOrder_0)], type$.String, type$.Object);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 74
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
- $async$returnValue;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = $.debugProfilePaintsEnabled;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 64
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0(value);
- },
- $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0(value) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- if ($.debugProfilePaintsEnabled !== value)
- $.debugProfilePaintsEnabled = value;
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 103
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
- $async$returnValue;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = $.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 64
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure5.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(value);
- },
- $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(value) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- if ($.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled !== value)
- $.debugProfileLayoutsEnabled = value;
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 103
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_dispatchEvent_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t2, result, _this = this,
- t1 = _this.hitTestResult;
- if (t1 == null || type$.PointerMoveEvent._is(_this.event)) {
- t1 = _this.$this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1 = t1._rootNode;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this.event;
- t2 = t2.get$position(t2);
- result = A.BoxHitTestResult$();
- t1.hitTest$2$position(result, t2);
- t1 = result;
- }
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 399
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initInstances_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(timings) {
- J.forEach$1$ax(timings, this.$this.get$_profileFramePostEvent());
- },
- $signature: 115
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.double),
- $async$returnValue;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = $._timeDilation;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 400
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(value);
- },
- $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(value) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- A.timeDilation(value);
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 401
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_initInstances_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(message) {
- var t1 = message == null ? type$.Object._as(message) : message;
- return this.$this.handleSystemMessage$1(t1);
- },
- $signature: 402
- };
- A.WidgetsBindingObserver.prototype = {
- didPopRoute$0() {
- return A.Future_Future$value(false, type$.bool);
- },
- didPushRoute$1(route) {
- return A.Future_Future$value(false, type$.bool);
- },
- didPushRouteInformation$1(routeInformation) {
- var t1 = routeInformation.location;
- t1.toString;
- return this.didPushRoute$1(t1);
- },
- didChangeMetrics$0() {
- },
- didChangeTextScaleFactor$0() {
- },
- didChangePlatformBrightness$0() {
- },
- didChangeLocales$1(locales) {
- },
- didChangeAppLifecycleState$1(state) {
- },
- didRequestAppExit$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.AppExitResponse),
- $async$returnValue;
- var $async$didRequestAppExit$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = B.AppExitResponse_0;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$didRequestAppExit$0, $async$completer);
- }
- };
- A.WidgetsBinding.prototype = {
- handleRequestAppExit$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.AppExitResponse),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, didCancel, _i;
- var $async$handleRequestAppExit$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $async$self.WidgetsBinding__observers, t2 = t1.length, didCancel = false, _i = 0;
- case 3:
- // for condition
- if (!(_i < t1.length)) {
- // goto after for
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- }
- $async$goto = 6;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].didRequestAppExit$0(), $async$handleRequestAppExit$0);
- case 6:
- // returning from await.
- if ($async$result === B.AppExitResponse_1)
- didCancel = true;
- case 4:
- // for update
- t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i;
- // goto for condition
- $async$goto = 3;
- break;
- case 5:
- // after for
- $async$returnValue = didCancel ? B.AppExitResponse_1 : B.AppExitResponse_0;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$handleRequestAppExit$0, $async$completer);
- },
- handleLocaleChanged$0() {
- this.dispatchLocalesChanged$1($.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance().configuration.locales);
- },
- dispatchLocalesChanged$1(locales) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- for (t1 = this.WidgetsBinding__observers, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].didChangeLocales$1(locales);
- },
- handlePopRoute$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, _i;
- var $async$handlePopRoute$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = A.List_List$of($async$self.WidgetsBinding__observers, true, type$.WidgetsBindingObserver), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0;
- case 3:
- // for condition
- if (!(_i < t2)) {
- // goto after for
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- }
- $async$goto = 6;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].didPopRoute$0(), $async$handlePopRoute$0);
- case 6:
- // returning from await.
- if ($async$result) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- // for update
- ++_i;
- // goto for condition
- $async$goto = 3;
- break;
- case 5:
- // after for
- A.SystemNavigator_pop();
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$handlePopRoute$0, $async$completer);
- },
- handlePushRoute$1(route) {
- return this.handlePushRoute$body$WidgetsBinding(route);
- },
- handlePushRoute$body$WidgetsBinding(route) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, _i;
- var $async$handlePushRoute$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = A.List_List$of($async$self.WidgetsBinding__observers, true, type$.WidgetsBindingObserver), t2 = t1.length, _i = 0;
- case 3:
- // for condition
- if (!(_i < t2)) {
- // goto after for
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- }
- $async$goto = 6;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].didPushRoute$1(route), $async$handlePushRoute$1);
- case 6:
- // returning from await.
- if ($async$result) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- // for update
- ++_i;
- // goto for condition
- $async$goto = 3;
- break;
- case 5:
- // after for
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$handlePushRoute$1, $async$completer);
- },
- _handlePushRouteInformation$1(routeArguments) {
- return this._handlePushRouteInformation$body$WidgetsBinding(routeArguments);
- },
- _handlePushRouteInformation$body$WidgetsBinding(routeArguments) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this, t1, t2, t3, _i;
- var $async$_handlePushRouteInformation$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = A.List_List$of($async$self.WidgetsBinding__observers, true, type$.WidgetsBindingObserver), t2 = t1.length, t3 = J.getInterceptor$asx(routeArguments), _i = 0;
- case 3:
- // for condition
- if (!(_i < t2)) {
- // goto after for
- $async$goto = 5;
- break;
- }
- $async$goto = 6;
- return A._asyncAwait(t1[_i].didPushRouteInformation$1(new A.RouteInformation(A._asString(t3.$index(routeArguments, "location")), t3.$index(routeArguments, "state"))), $async$_handlePushRouteInformation$1);
- case 6:
- // returning from await.
- if ($async$result) {
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- // for update
- ++_i;
- // goto for condition
- $async$goto = 3;
- break;
- case 5:
- // after for
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handlePushRouteInformation$1, $async$completer);
- },
- _handleNavigationInvocation$1(methodCall) {
- switch (methodCall.method) {
- case "popRoute":
- return this.handlePopRoute$0();
- case "pushRoute":
- return this.handlePushRoute$1(A._asString(methodCall.$arguments));
- case "pushRouteInformation":
- return this._handlePushRouteInformation$1(type$.Map_dynamic_dynamic._as(methodCall.$arguments));
- }
- return A.Future_Future$value(null, type$.dynamic);
- },
- _handleBuildScheduled$0() {
- this.ensureVisualUpdate$0();
- },
- scheduleAttachRootWidget$1(rootWidget) {
- A.Timer_Timer(B.Duration_0, new A.WidgetsBinding_scheduleAttachRootWidget_closure(this, rootWidget));
- },
- $isHitTestTarget: 1,
- $isSchedulerBinding: 1
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(parameters) {
- return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure5(parameters);
- },
- $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure5(parameters) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_Object),
- $async$returnValue, t2, t1;
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance;
- t1.toString;
- t1 = "" + (A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(t1).toString$0(0) + " - PROFILE MODE\n");
- t2 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance.WidgetsBinding__rootElement;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t2.toDiagnosticsNode$0();
- t1 += "\n";
- } else
- t1 += "\n";
- $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["data", t1.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? t1 : t1], type$.String, type$.Object);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 74
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(parameters) {
- return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4(parameters);
- },
- $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4(parameters) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_Object),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$self.$this.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.focusManager.toDiagnosticsNode$0();
- $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["data", ""], type$.String, type$.Object);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 74
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3(_);
- },
- $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3(_) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_dynamic),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["enabled", $async$self.$this.WidgetsBinding__needToReportFirstFrame ? "false" : "true"], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 77
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2.prototype = {
- call$1(_) {
- return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2(_);
- },
- $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2(_) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_dynamic),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_literal(["enabled", ($async$self.$this.WidgetsBinding__firstFrameCompleter.future._state & 30) !== 0 ? "true" : "false"], type$.String, type$.dynamic);
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 77
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3.prototype = {
- call$1(params) {
- return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1(params);
- },
- $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1(params) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.Map_String_String),
- className;
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- className = A._asStringQ(J.$index$asx(params, "className"));
- A.throwExpression(A.FlutterError_FlutterError("Cannot instantiate DebugReassembleConfig in profile or release mode."));
- $.BindingBase_debugReassembleConfig = new A.DebugReassembleConfig(className);
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 403
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
- $async$returnValue;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = $.debugProfileBuildsEnabled;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 64
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure5.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0(value);
- },
- $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0(value) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $.debugProfileBuildsEnabled = value;
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 103
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure6.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
- $async$returnValue;
- var $async$call$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$returnValue = $.debugProfileBuildsEnabledUserWidgets;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$0, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 64
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure7.prototype = {
- call$1(value) {
- return this.$call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(value);
- },
- $call$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(value) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void);
- var $async$call$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $.debugProfileBuildsEnabledUserWidgets = value;
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$call$1, $async$completer);
- },
- $signature: 103
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_drawFrame_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(timings) {
- var t2, t3,
- t1 = $.$get$_FakeUserTag__defaultTag();
- $.$get$_currentTag();
- $._currentTag = t1;
- A.Timeline_instantSync("Rasterized first useful frame", null);
- A.postEvent("Flutter.FirstFrame", A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(type$.String, type$.dynamic), "Extension");
- t1 = $.SchedulerBinding__instance;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = this._box_0;
- t3 = t2.firstFrameCallback;
- t3.toString;
- t1.removeTimingsCallback$1(t3);
- t2.firstFrameCallback = null;
- this.$this.WidgetsBinding__firstFrameCompleter.complete$0(0);
- },
- $signature: 115
- };
- A.WidgetsBinding_scheduleAttachRootWidget_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t3, t4,
- t1 = this.$this,
- t2 = t1.WidgetsBinding__rootElement;
- t1.WidgetsBinding__readyToProduceFrames = true;
- t3 = t1.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3 = t3._rootNode;
- t3.toString;
- t4 = t1.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner;
- t4.toString;
- t1.WidgetsBinding__rootElement = new A.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter(this.rootWidget, t3, "[root]", new A.GlobalObjectKey(t3, type$.GlobalObjectKey_State_StatefulWidget), type$.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_RenderBox).attachToRenderTree$2(t4, type$.nullable_RenderObjectToWidgetElement_RenderBox._as(t2));
- if (t2 == null)
- $.SchedulerBinding__instance.ensureVisualUpdate$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter.prototype = {
- createElement$0(_) {
- return new A.RenderObjectToWidgetElement(this, B._ElementLifecycle_0, this.$ti._eval$1("RenderObjectToWidgetElement<1>"));
- },
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- return this.container;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- },
- attachToRenderTree$2(owner, element) {
- var t2, t1 = {};
- t1.element = element;
- if (element == null) {
- owner.lockState$1(new A.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure(t1, this, owner));
- t2 = t1.element;
- t2.toString;
- owner.buildScope$2(t2, new A.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure0(t1));
- } else {
- element._newWidget = this;
- element.markNeedsBuild$0();
- }
- t1 = t1.element;
- t1.toString;
- return t1;
- },
- toStringShort$0() {
- return this.debugShortDescription;
- }
- };
- A.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this.$this,
- element = A.RenderObjectToWidgetElement$(t1, t1.$ti._precomputed1);
- this._box_0.element = element;
- element._owner = this.owner;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter_attachToRenderTree_closure0.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- var t1 = this._box_0.element;
- t1.toString;
- t1.super$_RenderObjectToWidgetElement_RenderObjectElement_RootElementMixin$mount(null, null);
- t1._rebuild$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.RenderObjectToWidgetElement.prototype = {
- visitChildren$1(visitor) {
- var t1 = this._child;
- if (t1 != null)
- visitor.call$1(t1);
- },
- forgetChild$1(child) {
- this._child = null;
- this.super$Element$forgetChild(child);
- },
- mount$2($parent, newSlot) {
- this.super$_RenderObjectToWidgetElement_RenderObjectElement_RootElementMixin$mount($parent, newSlot);
- this._rebuild$0();
- },
- update$1(_, newWidget) {
- this.super$RenderObjectElement$update(0, newWidget);
- this._rebuild$0();
- },
- performRebuild$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this._newWidget;
- if (t1 != null) {
- _this._newWidget = null;
- _this.super$RenderObjectElement$update(0, _this.$ti._eval$1("RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter<1>")._as(t1));
- _this._rebuild$0();
- }
- _this.super$RenderObjectElement$performRebuild();
- },
- _rebuild$0() {
- var exception, stack, details, error, t1, t2, exception0, _this = this;
- try {
- t1 = _this._child;
- t2 = _this._widget;
- t2.toString;
- _this._child = _this.updateChild$3(t1, _this.$ti._eval$1("RenderObjectToWidgetAdapter<1>")._as(t2).child, B.C_Object);
- } catch (exception0) {
- exception = A.unwrapException(exception0);
- stack = A.getTraceFromException(exception0);
- t1 = A.ErrorDescription$("attaching to the render tree");
- details = new A.FlutterErrorDetails(exception, stack, "widgets library", t1, null, false);
- A.FlutterError_reportError(details);
- error = A.ErrorWidget__defaultErrorWidgetBuilder(details);
- _this._child = _this.updateChild$3(null, error, B.C_Object);
- }
- },
- get$renderObject() {
- return this.$ti._eval$1("RenderObjectWithChildMixin<1>")._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$renderObject.call(this));
- },
- insertRenderObjectChild$2(child, slot) {
- var t1 = this.$ti;
- t1._eval$1("RenderObjectWithChildMixin<1>")._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$renderObject.call(this)).set$child(t1._precomputed1._as(child));
- },
- moveRenderObjectChild$3(child, oldSlot, newSlot) {
- },
- removeRenderObjectChild$2(child, slot) {
- this.$ti._eval$1("RenderObjectWithChildMixin<1>")._as(A.RenderObjectElement.prototype.get$renderObject.call(this)).set$child(null);
- }
- };
- A.WidgetsFlutterBinding.prototype = {$isHitTestTarget: 1};
- A._RenderObjectToWidgetElement_RenderObjectElement_RootElementMixin.prototype = {
- mount$2($parent, newSlot) {
- this.super$RenderObjectElement$mount($parent, newSlot);
- }
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding.prototype = {
- initInstances$0() {
- this.super$BindingBase$initInstances();
- $.GestureBinding__instance = this;
- var t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- t1._onPointerDataPacket = this.get$_handlePointerDataPacket();
- t1._onPointerDataPacketZone = $.Zone__current;
- },
- unlocked$0() {
- this.super$BindingBase$unlocked();
- this._flushPointerEventQueue$0();
- }
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding.prototype = {
- initInstances$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding$initInstances();
- $.SchedulerBinding__instance = _this;
- _this.addTimingsCallback$1(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initInstances_closure(_this));
- },
- initServiceExtensions$0() {
- this.super$BindingBase$initServiceExtensions();
- this.registerNumericServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(), "timeDilation", new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0());
- }
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding.prototype = {
- initInstances$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, _this = this;
- _this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding$initInstances();
- $.ServicesBinding__instance = _this;
- _this.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__defaultBinaryMessenger_F !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldAI();
- _this.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__defaultBinaryMessenger_F = B.C__DefaultBinaryMessenger;
- t1 = new A.RestorationManager(A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.RestorationBucket), $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners());
- B.OptionalMethodChannel_fgL.setMethodCallHandler$1(t1.get$_methodHandler());
- _this.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__restorationManager_A = t1;
- t1 = type$.PhysicalKeyboardKey;
- t2 = new A.HardwareKeyboard(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.LogicalKeyboardKey), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.KeyboardLockMode), A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_bool_Function_KeyEvent));
- _this.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__keyboard_F !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldAI();
- _this.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__keyboard_F = t2;
- t3 = $.$get$RawKeyboard_instance();
- t4 = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_KeyEvent);
- _this.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__keyEventManager_F !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldAI();
- t1 = _this.ServicesBinding___ServicesBinding__keyEventManager_F = new A.KeyEventManager(t2, t3, t4, A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(t1));
- t4 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- t4._onKeyData = t1.get$handleKeyData();
- t4._onKeyDataZone = $.Zone__current;
- B.BasicMessageChannel_kqo.setMessageHandler$1(t1.get$handleRawKeyMessage());
- t1 = $.LicenseRegistry__collectors;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = $.LicenseRegistry__collectors = A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray_of_Stream_LicenseEntry_Function);
- t1.push(_this.get$_addLicenses());
- B.BasicMessageChannel_MYE.setMessageHandler$1(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_initInstances_closure(_this));
- B.BasicMessageChannel_5UB.setMessageHandler$1(_this.get$_handleLifecycleMessage());
- B.OptionalMethodChannel_cWd.setMethodCallHandler$1(_this.get$_handlePlatformMessage());
- $.$get$TextInput__instance();
- _this.readInitialLifecycleStateFromNativeWindow$0();
- },
- initServiceExtensions$0() {
- this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding$initServiceExtensions();
- }
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding.prototype = {
- initInstances$0() {
- this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding$initInstances();
- $.PaintingBinding__instance = this;
- var t1 = type$.Object;
- this.PaintingBinding___PaintingBinding__imageCache_A = new A.ImageCache(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$._PendingImage), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$._CachedImage), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$._LiveImage));
- },
- handleMemoryPressure$0() {
- this.super$ServicesBinding$handleMemoryPressure();
- var t1 = this.PaintingBinding___PaintingBinding__imageCache_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t1.clear$0(0);
- },
- handleSystemMessage$1(systemMessage) {
- return this.handleSystemMessage$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding(systemMessage);
- },
- handleSystemMessage$body$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding(systemMessage) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
- var $async$handleSystemMessage$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = 3;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self.super$ServicesBinding$handleSystemMessage(systemMessage), $async$handleSystemMessage$1);
- case 3:
- // returning from await.
- switch (A._asString(J.$index$asx(type$.Map_String_dynamic._as(systemMessage), "type"))) {
- case "fontsChange":
- $async$self.PaintingBinding__systemFonts.notifyListeners$0();
- break;
- }
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$handleSystemMessage$1, $async$completer);
- }
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding.prototype = {
- initInstances$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding$initInstances();
- $.SemanticsBinding__instance = _this;
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- _this.SemanticsBinding___SemanticsBinding__accessibilityFeatures_A = t1.configuration.accessibilityFeatures;
- t1._onSemanticsEnabledChanged = _this.get$_handleSemanticsEnabledChanged();
- t2 = $.Zone__current;
- t1._onSemanticsEnabledChangedZone = t2;
- t1._onSemanticsAction = _this.get$_handleSemanticsAction();
- t1._onSemanticsActionZone = t2;
- _this._handleSemanticsEnabledChanged$0();
- }
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding.prototype = {
- initInstances$0() {
- var t1, t2, t3, value, result, _this = this;
- _this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding$initInstances();
- $.RendererBinding__instance = _this;
- t1 = type$.JSArray_RenderObject;
- _this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A = new A.PipelineOwner(_this.get$_handleSemanticsOwnerCreated(), _this.get$_handleSemanticsUpdate(), _this.get$_handleSemanticsOwnerDisposed(), A._setArrayType([], t1), A._setArrayType([], t1), A._setArrayType([], t1), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.RenderObject), A.LinkedHashSet_LinkedHashSet$_empty(type$.PipelineOwner));
- t1 = $.$get$EnginePlatformDispatcher__instance();
- t1._onMetricsChanged = _this.get$handleMetricsChanged();
- t2 = t1._onMetricsChangedZone = $.Zone__current;
- t1._onTextScaleFactorChanged = _this.get$handleTextScaleFactorChanged();
- t1._onTextScaleFactorChangedZone = t2;
- t1._onPlatformBrightnessChanged = _this.get$handlePlatformBrightnessChanged();
- t1._onPlatformBrightnessChangedZone = t2;
- t2 = _this.createViewConfiguration$0();
- t1 = t1.viewData.$index(0, 0);
- t1.toString;
- t1 = new A.RenderView(B.Size_0_0, t2, t1, null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- t2 = _this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t2.set$rootNode(t1);
- t1 = _this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A._rootNode;
- t1._relayoutBoundary = t1;
- t2 = type$.nullable_PipelineOwner;
- t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t1))._nodesNeedingLayout.push(t1);
- t3 = t1._updateMatricesAndCreateNewRootLayer$0();
- t1._layerHandle.set$layer(0, t3);
- t2._as(A.AbstractNode.prototype.get$owner.call(t1))._nodesNeedingPaint.push(t1);
- _this.SchedulerBinding__persistentCallbacks.push(_this.get$_handlePersistentFrameCallback());
- t1 = _this.RendererBinding__mouseTracker;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.ChangeNotifier__listeners = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- t1.ChangeNotifier__count = 0;
- }
- t1 = type$.int;
- t2 = $.$get$ChangeNotifier__emptyListeners();
- _this.RendererBinding__mouseTracker = new A.MouseTracker(new A.MouseCursorManager(B.SystemMouseCursor_basic, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.MouseCursorSession)), A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$._MouseState), t2);
- _this.SchedulerBinding__postFrameCallbacks.push(_this.get$_handleWebFirstFrame());
- t1 = _this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A;
- value = _this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__manifold_FI;
- if (value === $) {
- result = new A._BindingPipelineManifold(_this, t2);
- _this.get$_binding1$_semanticsEnabled().addListener$1(0, result.get$notifyListeners());
- _this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__manifold_FI !== $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldADI();
- _this.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__manifold_FI = result;
- value = result;
- }
- t1.attach$1(value);
- },
- initServiceExtensions$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding$initServiceExtensions();
- _this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(), "debugDumpRenderTree");
- _this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0(), "debugDumpSemanticsTreeInTraversalOrder");
- _this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1(), "debugDumpSemanticsTreeInInverseHitTestOrder");
- _this.registerBoolServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2(), "profileRenderObjectPaints", new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3());
- _this.registerBoolServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4(), "profileRenderObjectLayouts", new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure5());
- },
- dispatchEvent$2(_, $event, hitTestResult) {
- this.RendererBinding__mouseTracker.updateWithEvent$2($event, new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_dispatchEvent_closure(this, hitTestResult, $event));
- this.super$GestureBinding$dispatchEvent(0, $event, hitTestResult);
- }
- };
- A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding.prototype = {
- initServiceExtensions$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding$initServiceExtensions();
- _this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure(), "debugDumpApp");
- _this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure0(_this), "debugDumpFocusTree");
- _this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure1(_this), "didSendFirstFrameEvent");
- _this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure2(_this), "didSendFirstFrameRasterizedEvent");
- _this.registerServiceExtension$2$callback$name(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure3(_this), "fastReassemble");
- _this.registerBoolServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure4(), "profileWidgetBuilds", new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure5());
- _this.registerBoolServiceExtension$3$getter$name$setter(new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure6(), "profileUserWidgetBuilds", new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_initServiceExtensions_closure7());
- },
- handleMetricsChanged$0() {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- this.super$RendererBinding$handleMetricsChanged();
- for (t1 = this.WidgetsBinding__observers, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].didChangeMetrics$0();
- },
- handleTextScaleFactorChanged$0() {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- this.super$RendererBinding$handleTextScaleFactorChanged();
- for (t1 = this.WidgetsBinding__observers, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].didChangeTextScaleFactor$0();
- },
- handlePlatformBrightnessChanged$0() {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- this.super$RendererBinding$handlePlatformBrightnessChanged();
- for (t1 = this.WidgetsBinding__observers, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].didChangePlatformBrightness$0();
- },
- handleAppLifecycleStateChanged$1(state) {
- var t1, t2, _i;
- this.super$SchedulerBinding$handleAppLifecycleStateChanged(state);
- for (t1 = this.WidgetsBinding__observers, t2 = t1.length, _i = 0; _i < t1.length; t1.length === t2 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t1), ++_i)
- t1[_i].didChangeAppLifecycleState$1(state);
- },
- handleMemoryPressure$0() {
- var t1, _i;
- this.super$_WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding$handleMemoryPressure();
- for (t1 = this.WidgetsBinding__observers.length, _i = 0; _i < t1; ++_i)
- ;
- },
- drawFrame$0() {
- var firstFrameCallback, t2, _this = this, t1 = {};
- t1.firstFrameCallback = null;
- if (_this.WidgetsBinding__needToReportFirstFrame) {
- firstFrameCallback = new A._WidgetsFlutterBinding_BindingBase_GestureBinding_SchedulerBinding_ServicesBinding_PaintingBinding_SemanticsBinding_RendererBinding_WidgetsBinding_drawFrame_closure(t1, _this);
- t1.firstFrameCallback = firstFrameCallback;
- $.SchedulerBinding__instance.addTimingsCallback$1(firstFrameCallback);
- }
- try {
- t2 = _this.WidgetsBinding__rootElement;
- if (t2 != null)
- _this.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.buildScope$1(t2);
- _this.super$RendererBinding$drawFrame();
- _this.WidgetsBinding__buildOwner.finalizeTree$0();
- } finally {
- }
- if (_this.WidgetsBinding__needToReportFirstFrame)
- t2 = _this.RendererBinding__firstFrameSent || _this.RendererBinding__firstFrameDeferredCount === 0;
- else
- t2 = false;
- if (t2)
- A.Timeline_instantSync("Widgets built first useful frame", null);
- t2 = _this.WidgetsBinding__needToReportFirstFrame = false;
- t1 = t1.firstFrameCallback;
- if (t1 != null)
- t2 = !(_this.RendererBinding__firstFrameSent || _this.RendererBinding__firstFrameDeferredCount === 0);
- if (t2) {
- _this.WidgetsBinding__needToReportFirstFrame = true;
- t2 = $.SchedulerBinding__instance;
- t2.toString;
- t1.toString;
- t2.removeTimingsCallback$1(t1);
- }
- }
- };
- A.DecoratedBox.prototype = {
- createRenderObject$1(context) {
- var t1 = new A.RenderDecoratedBox(this.decoration, this.position, A.createLocalImageConfiguration(context), null, A.LayerHandle$(type$.ContainerLayer));
- t1.RenderObject$0();
- t1.set$child(null);
- return t1;
- },
- updateRenderObject$2(context, renderObject) {
- renderObject.set$decoration(this.decoration);
- renderObject.set$configuration(A.createLocalImageConfiguration(context));
- renderObject.set$position(0, this.position);
- }
- };
- A.Container.prototype = {
- get$_paddingIncludingDecoration() {
- var decorationPadding,
- t1 = this.decoration;
- if (t1 == null)
- return this.padding;
- decorationPadding = t1.get$padding(t1);
- t1 = this.padding;
- if (t1 == null)
- return decorationPadding;
- return t1.add$1(0, decorationPadding);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, effectivePadding, t2, t3, _this = this, _null = null,
- current = _this.child;
- if (current == null) {
- t1 = _this.constraints;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1 = !(t1.minWidth >= t1.maxWidth && t1.minHeight >= t1.maxHeight);
- else
- t1 = true;
- } else
- t1 = false;
- if (t1)
- current = new A.LimitedBox(0, 0, new A.ConstrainedBox(B.BoxConstraints_ALM, _null, _null), _null);
- else {
- t1 = _this.alignment;
- if (t1 != null)
- current = new A.Align(t1, _null, _null, current, _null);
- }
- effectivePadding = _this.get$_paddingIncludingDecoration();
- if (effectivePadding != null)
- current = new A.Padding(effectivePadding, current, _null);
- t1 = _this.color;
- if (t1 != null)
- current = new A.ColoredBox(t1, current, _null);
- t1 = _this.clipBehavior;
- if (t1 !== B.Clip_0) {
- t2 = A.Directionality_maybeOf(context);
- t3 = _this.decoration;
- t3.toString;
- current = A.ClipPath$(current, t1, new A._DecorationClipper(t2 == null ? B.TextDirection_1 : t2, t3, _null));
- }
- t1 = _this.decoration;
- if (t1 != null)
- current = A.DecoratedBox$(current, t1, B.DecorationPosition_0);
- t1 = _this.foregroundDecoration;
- if (t1 != null)
- current = A.DecoratedBox$(current, t1, B.DecorationPosition_1);
- t1 = _this.constraints;
- if (t1 != null)
- current = new A.ConstrainedBox(t1, current, _null);
- t1 = _this.margin;
- if (t1 != null)
- current = new A.Padding(t1, current, _null);
- t1 = _this.transform;
- if (t1 != null)
- current = A.Transform$(_this.transformAlignment, current, t1, true);
- current.toString;
- return current;
- }
- };
- A._DecorationClipper.prototype = {
- getClip$1(size) {
- return this.decoration.getClipPath$2(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + size._dx, 0 + size._dy), this.textDirection);
- },
- shouldReclip$1(oldClipper) {
- return !oldClipper.decoration.$eq(0, this.decoration) || oldClipper.textDirection !== this.textDirection;
- }
- };
- A.ContextMenuButtonType.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "ContextMenuButtonType." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.ContextMenuButtonItem.prototype = {
- $eq(_, other) {
- var _this = this;
- if (other == null)
- return false;
- if (J.get$runtimeType$(other) !== A.getRuntimeTypeOfDartObject(_this))
- return false;
- return other instanceof A.ContextMenuButtonItem && other.label == _this.label && J.$eq$(other.onPressed, _this.onPressed) && other.type === _this.type;
- },
- get$hashCode(_) {
- return A.Object_hash(this.label, this.onPressed, this.type, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue, B.C_SentinelValue);
- },
- toString$0(_) {
- return "ContextMenuButtonItem " + this.type.toString$0(0) + ", " + A.S(this.label);
- }
- };
- A.ContextMenuController.prototype = {
- show$2$context$contextMenuBuilder(_, context, contextMenuBuilder) {
- var t1, t2;
- A.ContextMenuController_removeAny();
- t1 = A.LookupBoundary_findRootAncestorStateOfType(context, type$.OverlayState);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = A.Navigator_maybeOf(context);
- if (t2 == null)
- t2 = null;
- else {
- t2 = t2._framework$_element;
- t2.toString;
- }
- t2 = A.OverlayEntry$(new A.ContextMenuController_show_closure(A.InheritedTheme_capture(context, t2), contextMenuBuilder), false);
- $.ContextMenuController__menuOverlayEntry = t2;
- t1.insert$1(0, t2);
- $.ContextMenuController__shownInstance = this;
- },
- remove$0(_) {
- if ($.ContextMenuController__shownInstance !== this)
- return;
- A.ContextMenuController_removeAny();
- }
- };
- A.ContextMenuController_show_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(context) {
- return new A._CaptureAll(this.capturedThemes._themes, this.contextMenuBuilder.call$1(context), null);
- },
- $signature: 14
- };
- A.DefaultSelectionStyle.prototype = {
- wrap$2(_, context, child) {
- return A.DefaultSelectionStyle$(child, this.cursorColor, this.selectionColor);
- },
- updateShouldNotify$1(oldWidget) {
- return !J.$eq$(this.cursorColor, oldWidget.cursorColor) || !J.$eq$(this.selectionColor, oldWidget.selectionColor);
- }
- };
- A._NullWidget1.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- throw A.wrapException(A.FlutterError_FlutterError("A DefaultSelectionStyle constructed with DefaultSelectionStyle.fallback cannot be incorporated into the widget tree, it is meant only to provide a fallback value returned by DefaultSelectionStyle.of() when no enclosing default selection style is present in a BuildContext."));
- }
- };
- A.DefaultTextEditingShortcuts.prototype = {
- _getDisablingShortcut$0() {
- return $.$get$DefaultTextEditingShortcuts__webDisablingTextShortcuts();
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var result = A.Shortcuts$(this.child, "", this._getDisablingShortcut$0());
- return A.Shortcuts$(result, "", A.DefaultTextEditingShortcuts__shortcuts());
- }
- };
- A.DesktopTextSelectionToolbarLayoutDelegate.prototype = {
- getConstraintsForChild$1(constraints) {
- return new A.BoxConstraints(0, constraints.maxWidth, 0, constraints.maxHeight);
- },
- getPositionForChild$2(size, childSize) {
- var t4,
- t1 = this.anchor,
- t2 = t1._dx,
- t3 = t2 + childSize._dx - size._dx;
- t1 = t1._dy;
- t4 = t1 + childSize._dy - size._dy;
- if (t3 > 0)
- t2 -= t3;
- return new A.Offset(t2, t4 > 0 ? t1 - t4 : t1);
- },
- shouldRelayout$1(oldDelegate) {
- return !this.anchor.$eq(0, oldDelegate.anchor);
- }
- };
- A.DismissDirection.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "DismissDirection." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A.Dismissible.prototype = {
- createState$0() {
- var _null = null;
- return new A._DismissibleState(new A.LabeledGlobalKey(_null, type$.LabeledGlobalKey_State_StatefulWidget), _null, _null, _null, B._StateLifecycle_0);
- }
- };
- A._FlingGestureKind.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_FlingGestureKind." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._DismissibleState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- _this.super$__DismissibleState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin$initState();
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = A.AnimationController$(null, B.Duration_200000, null, 1, null, _this);
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t2 = t1.AnimationLocalStatusListenersMixin__statusListeners;
- t2._isDirty = true;
- t2._list.push(_this.get$_handleDismissStatusChanged());
- t1.didRegisterListener$0();
- t2 = t1.AnimationLocalListenersMixin__listeners;
- t2._isDirty = true;
- t2._list.push(_this.get$_handleDismissUpdateValueChanged());
- _this._moveController = t1;
- _this._updateMoveAnimation$0();
- },
- get$wantKeepAlive() {
- var t1 = this._moveController;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t1 = t1._ticker;
- t1 = t1 != null && t1._ticker$_future != null;
- }
- if (t1 !== true) {
- t1 = this._resizeController;
- if (t1 == null)
- t1 = null;
- else {
- t1 = t1._ticker;
- t1 = t1 != null && t1._ticker$_future != null;
- }
- t1 = t1 === true;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._moveController.dispose$0();
- var t1 = this._resizeController;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.dispose$0();
- this.super$__DismissibleState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin$dispose();
- },
- get$_directionIsXAxis() {
- var t1 = this._widget.direction;
- return t1 === B.DismissDirection_1 || t1 === B.DismissDirection_2 || t1 === B.DismissDirection_3;
- },
- _extentToDirection$1(extent) {
- var t1;
- if (extent === 0)
- return B.DismissDirection_6;
- if (this.get$_directionIsXAxis()) {
- t1 = this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t1.toString;
- switch (t1.textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- return extent < 0 ? B.DismissDirection_3 : B.DismissDirection_2;
- case 1:
- return extent > 0 ? B.DismissDirection_3 : B.DismissDirection_2;
- }
- }
- return extent > 0 ? B.DismissDirection_5 : B.DismissDirection_4;
- },
- get$_overallDragAxisExtent() {
- var t1 = this._framework$_element;
- t1 = t1.get$size(t1);
- t1.toString;
- return this.get$_directionIsXAxis() ? t1._dx : t1._dy;
- },
- _handleDragStart$1(details) {
- var t1, t2, _this = this;
- if (_this._confirming)
- return;
- _this._dragUnderway = true;
- t1 = _this._moveController;
- t2 = t1._ticker;
- if (t2 != null && t2._ticker$_future != null) {
- t1 = t1.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this._dragExtent = t1 * _this.get$_overallDragAxisExtent() * J.get$sign$in(_this._dragExtent);
- _this._moveController.stop$0(0);
- } else {
- _this._dragExtent = 0;
- t1.set$value(0, 0);
- }
- _this.setState$1(new A._DismissibleState__handleDragStart_closure(_this));
- },
- _handleDragUpdate$1(details) {
- var t1, oldDragExtent, t2, _this = this;
- if (!_this._dragUnderway) {
- t1 = _this._moveController._ticker;
- t1 = t1 != null && t1._ticker$_future != null;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this._moveController._ticker;
- t1 = t1 != null && t1._ticker$_future != null;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return;
- t1 = details.primaryDelta;
- t1.toString;
- oldDragExtent = _this._dragExtent;
- switch (_this._widget.direction.index) {
- case 1:
- case 0:
- _this._dragExtent = oldDragExtent + t1;
- break;
- case 4:
- t1 = oldDragExtent + t1;
- if (t1 < 0)
- _this._dragExtent = t1;
- break;
- case 5:
- t1 = oldDragExtent + t1;
- if (t1 > 0)
- _this._dragExtent = t1;
- break;
- case 2:
- t2 = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t2.toString;
- switch (t2.textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = _this._dragExtent + t1;
- if (t1 > 0)
- _this._dragExtent = t1;
- break;
- case 1:
- t1 = _this._dragExtent + t1;
- if (t1 < 0)
- _this._dragExtent = t1;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- t2 = _this._framework$_element.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType$1$0(type$.Directionality);
- t2.toString;
- switch (t2.textDirection.index) {
- case 0:
- t1 = _this._dragExtent + t1;
- if (t1 < 0)
- _this._dragExtent = t1;
- break;
- case 1:
- t1 = _this._dragExtent + t1;
- if (t1 > 0)
- _this._dragExtent = t1;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 6:
- _this._dragExtent = 0;
- break;
- }
- if (J.get$sign$in(oldDragExtent) !== J.get$sign$in(_this._dragExtent))
- _this.setState$1(new A._DismissibleState__handleDragUpdate_closure(_this));
- t1 = _this._moveController;
- t2 = t1._ticker;
- if (!(t2 != null && t2._ticker$_future != null))
- t1.set$value(0, Math.abs(_this._dragExtent) / _this.get$_overallDragAxisExtent());
- },
- _handleDismissUpdateValueChanged$0() {
- this._widget.toString;
- },
- _updateMoveAnimation$0() {
- var t2, t3, _this = this,
- end = J.get$sign$in(_this._dragExtent),
- t1 = _this._moveController;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this.get$_directionIsXAxis();
- t3 = _this._widget;
- if (t2) {
- t3.toString;
- t2 = new A.Offset(end, 0);
- } else {
- t3.toString;
- t2 = new A.Offset(0, end);
- }
- t3 = type$.Tween_Offset;
- _this.___DismissibleState__moveAnimation_A = new A._AnimatedEvaluation(type$.Animation_double._as(t1), new A.Tween(B.Offset_0_0, t2, t3), t3._eval$1("_AnimatedEvaluation"));
- },
- _describeFlingGesture$1(velocity) {
- var t1, vx, vy, flingDirection, _this = this;
- if (_this._dragExtent === 0)
- return B._FlingGestureKind_0;
- t1 = velocity.pixelsPerSecond;
- vx = t1._dx;
- vy = t1._dy;
- if (_this.get$_directionIsXAxis()) {
- t1 = Math.abs(vx);
- if (t1 - Math.abs(vy) < 400 || t1 < 700)
- return B._FlingGestureKind_0;
- flingDirection = _this._extentToDirection$1(vx);
- } else {
- t1 = Math.abs(vy);
- if (t1 - Math.abs(vx) < 400 || t1 < 700)
- return B._FlingGestureKind_0;
- flingDirection = _this._extentToDirection$1(vy);
- }
- if (flingDirection === _this._extentToDirection$1(_this._dragExtent))
- return B._FlingGestureKind_1;
- return B._FlingGestureKind_2;
- },
- _handleDragEnd$1(details) {
- var t1, t2, flingVelocity, _this = this;
- if (!_this._dragUnderway) {
- t1 = _this._moveController._ticker;
- t1 = t1 != null && t1._ticker$_future != null;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1) {
- t1 = _this._moveController._ticker;
- t1 = t1 != null && t1._ticker$_future != null;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- if (t1)
- return;
- _this._dragUnderway = false;
- t1 = _this._moveController;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) === B.AnimationStatus_3) {
- _this._handleMoveCompleted$0();
- return;
- }
- t1 = details.velocity;
- t2 = t1.pixelsPerSecond;
- flingVelocity = _this.get$_directionIsXAxis() ? t2._dx : t2._dy;
- switch (_this._describeFlingGesture$1(t1).index) {
- case 1:
- _this._widget.toString;
- B.Map_empty5.$index(0, _this._extentToDirection$1(_this._dragExtent));
- _this._dragExtent = J.get$sign$in(flingVelocity);
- _this._moveController.fling$1$velocity(Math.abs(flingVelocity) * 0.0033333333333333335);
- break;
- case 2:
- _this._dragExtent = J.get$sign$in(flingVelocity);
- _this._moveController.fling$1$velocity(-Math.abs(flingVelocity) * 0.0033333333333333335);
- break;
- case 0:
- t1 = _this._moveController;
- if (t1.get$status(t1) !== B.AnimationStatus_0) {
- t1 = _this._moveController.__AnimationController__value_A;
- t1 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- _this._widget.toString;
- B.Map_empty5.$index(0, _this._extentToDirection$1(_this._dragExtent));
- t2 = _this._moveController;
- if (t1 > 0.4)
- t2.forward$0(0);
- else
- t2.reverse$0(0);
- }
- break;
- }
- },
- _handleDismissStatusChanged$1($status) {
- return this._handleDismissStatusChanged$body$_DismissibleState($status);
- },
- _handleDismissStatusChanged$body$_DismissibleState($status) {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this;
- var $async$_handleDismissStatusChanged$1 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$goto = $status === B.AnimationStatus_3 && !$async$self._dragUnderway ? 2 : 3;
- break;
- case 2:
- // then
- $async$goto = 4;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self._handleMoveCompleted$0(), $async$_handleDismissStatusChanged$1);
- case 4:
- // returning from await.
- case 3:
- // join
- if ($async$self._framework$_element != null)
- $async$self.updateKeepAlive$0();
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleDismissStatusChanged$1, $async$completer);
- },
- _handleMoveCompleted$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.void),
- $async$self = this, result;
- var $async$_handleMoveCompleted$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$self._widget.toString;
- B.Map_empty5.$index(0, $async$self._extentToDirection$1($async$self._dragExtent));
- $async$goto = 2;
- return A._asyncAwait($async$self._confirmStartResizeAnimation$0(), $async$_handleMoveCompleted$0);
- case 2:
- // returning from await.
- result = $async$result;
- if ($async$self._framework$_element != null)
- if (result)
- $async$self._startResizeAnimation$0();
- else
- $async$self._moveController.reverse$0(0);
- // implicit return
- return A._asyncReturn(null, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_handleMoveCompleted$0, $async$completer);
- },
- _confirmStartResizeAnimation$0() {
- var $async$goto = 0,
- $async$completer = A._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(type$.bool),
- $async$returnValue, $async$self = this;
- var $async$_confirmStartResizeAnimation$0 = A._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function($async$errorCode, $async$result) {
- if ($async$errorCode === 1)
- return A._asyncRethrow($async$result, $async$completer);
- while (true)
- switch ($async$goto) {
- case 0:
- // Function start
- $async$self._widget.toString;
- $async$returnValue = true;
- // goto return
- $async$goto = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- // return
- return A._asyncReturn($async$returnValue, $async$completer);
- }
- });
- return A._asyncStartSync($async$_confirmStartResizeAnimation$0, $async$completer);
- },
- _startResizeAnimation$0() {
- var direction, _this = this;
- _this._widget.toString;
- direction = _this._extentToDirection$1(_this._dragExtent);
- _this._widget.onDismissed.call$1(direction);
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var t1, t2, t3, t4, $content, t5, t6, _this = this, _null = null;
- _this.super$AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin$build(context);
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._resizeAnimation;
- if (t2 != null) {
- t1 = _this.get$_directionIsXAxis() ? B.Axis_1 : B.Axis_0;
- t3 = _this._sizePriorToCollapse;
- t4 = t3._dx;
- return A.SizeTransition$(t1, 0, A.SizedBox$(_null, t3._dy, t4), t2);
- }
- t2 = _this.___DismissibleState__moveAnimation_A;
- t2 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- $content = A.SlideTransition$(new A.KeyedSubtree(t1.child, _this._contentKey), t2, _null, true);
- if (t1.direction === B.DismissDirection_6)
- return $content;
- t1 = _this.get$_directionIsXAxis() ? _this.get$_handleDragStart() : _null;
- t2 = _this.get$_directionIsXAxis() ? _this.get$_handleDragUpdate() : _null;
- t3 = _this.get$_directionIsXAxis() ? _this.get$_handleDragEnd() : _null;
- t4 = _this.get$_directionIsXAxis() ? _null : _this.get$_handleDragStart();
- t5 = _this.get$_directionIsXAxis() ? _null : _this.get$_handleDragUpdate();
- t6 = _this.get$_directionIsXAxis() ? _null : _this.get$_handleDragEnd();
- _this._widget.toString;
- return A.GestureDetector$(B.HitTestBehavior_1, $content, B.DragStartBehavior_1, false, _null, _null, _null, _null, t3, t1, t2, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, _null, t6, t4, t5);
- }
- };
- A._DismissibleState__handleDragStart_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._updateMoveAnimation$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._DismissibleState__handleDragUpdate_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- this.$this._updateMoveAnimation$0();
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A.__DismissibleState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin.prototype = {
- activate$0() {
- this.super$State$activate();
- this._updateTickerModeNotifier$0();
- this._updateTickers$0();
- },
- dispose$0() {
- var _this = this,
- t1 = _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier;
- if (t1 != null)
- t1.removeListener$1(0, _this.get$_updateTickers());
- _this.TickerProviderStateMixin__tickerModeNotifier = null;
- _this.super$State$dispose();
- }
- };
- A.__DismissibleState_State_TickerProviderStateMixin_AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- this.super$State$initState();
- if (this.get$wantKeepAlive())
- this._ensureKeepAlive$0();
- },
- deactivate$0() {
- var t1 = this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle;
- if (t1 != null) {
- t1.notifyListeners$0();
- t1.super$ChangeNotifier$dispose();
- this.AutomaticKeepAliveClientMixin__keepAliveHandle = null;
- }
- this.super$State$deactivate();
- }
- };
- A.DisplayFeatureSubScreen.prototype = {
- build$1(context) {
- var mediaQuery = A.InheritedModel_inheritFrom(context, null, type$.MediaQuery).data,
- parentSize = mediaQuery.size,
- t1 = parentSize._dx,
- t2 = parentSize._dy,
- t3 = A.DisplayFeatureSubScreen__fallbackAnchorPoint(context),
- resolvedAnchorPoint = A.DisplayFeatureSubScreen__capOffset(t3, parentSize),
- closestSubScreen = A.DisplayFeatureSubScreen__closestToAnchorPoint(A.DisplayFeatureSubScreen_subScreensInBounds(new A.Rect(0, 0, 0 + t1, 0 + t2), A.DisplayFeatureSubScreen_avoidBounds(mediaQuery)), resolvedAnchorPoint);
- return new A.Padding(new A.EdgeInsets(closestSubScreen.left, closestSubScreen.top, t1 - closestSubScreen.right, t2 - closestSubScreen.bottom), A.MediaQuery$(this.child, mediaQuery.removeDisplayFeatures$1(closestSubScreen), null), null);
- }
- };
- A.DisplayFeatureSubScreen_avoidBounds_closure.prototype = {
- call$1(d) {
- var t1;
- if (!d.get$bounds(d).get$shortestSide().$gt(0, 0)) {
- d.get$state(d);
- t1 = false;
- } else
- t1 = true;
- return t1;
- },
- $signature: 207
- };
- A.DisplayFeatureSubScreen_avoidBounds_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(d) {
- return d.get$bounds(d);
- },
- $signature: 406
- };
- A.Draggable.prototype = {
- createRecognizer$1(onStart) {
- var t1, t2, _null = null;
- switch (null) {
- case B.Axis_0:
- t1 = type$.int;
- t2 = A.multidrag_MultiDragGestureRecognizer__defaultButtonAcceptBehavior$closure();
- t1 = new A.HorizontalMultiDragGestureRecognizer(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.MultiDragPointerState), _null, _null, t2, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind));
- t1.onStart = onStart;
- return t1;
- case B.Axis_1:
- t1 = type$.int;
- t2 = A.multidrag_MultiDragGestureRecognizer__defaultButtonAcceptBehavior$closure();
- t1 = new A.VerticalMultiDragGestureRecognizer(A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.MultiDragPointerState), _null, _null, t2, A.LinkedHashMap_LinkedHashMap$_empty(t1, type$.PointerDeviceKind));
- t1.onStart = onStart;
- return t1;
- case null:
- t1 = A.ImmediateMultiDragGestureRecognizer$(_null, _null);
- t1.onStart = onStart;
- return t1;
- }
- },
- createState$0() {
- return new A._DraggableState(B._StateLifecycle_0, this.$ti._eval$1("_DraggableState<1>"));
- },
- dragAnchorStrategy$3(arg0, arg1, arg2) {
- return A.drag_target__childDragAnchorStrategy$closure().call$3(arg0, arg1, arg2);
- }
- };
- A._DraggableState.prototype = {
- initState$0() {
- var _this = this;
- _this.super$State$initState();
- _this._drag_target$_recognizer = _this._widget.createRecognizer$1(_this.get$_drag_target$_startDrag());
- },
- dispose$0() {
- this._disposeRecognizerIfInactive$0();
- this.super$State$dispose();
- },
- didChangeDependencies$0() {
- var t2,
- t1 = this._drag_target$_recognizer;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = this._framework$_element;
- t2.toString;
- t2 = A.MediaQuery__maybeOf(t2, B._MediaQueryAspect_16);
- t1.gestureSettings = t2 == null ? null : t2.gestureSettings;
- this.super$State$didChangeDependencies();
- },
- _disposeRecognizerIfInactive$0() {
- if (this._activeCount > 0)
- return;
- this._drag_target$_recognizer.dispose$0();
- this._drag_target$_recognizer = null;
- },
- _routePointer$1($event) {
- this._widget.toString;
- this._drag_target$_recognizer.addPointer$1($event);
- },
- _drag_target$_startDrag$1(position) {
- var t2, dragStartPoint, avatar, _this = this,
- t1 = _this._widget;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._framework$_element;
- t2.toString;
- dragStartPoint = t1.dragAnchorStrategy$3(t1, t2, position);
- _this.setState$1(new A._DraggableState__startDrag_closure(_this));
- t2 = _this._framework$_element;
- t2.toString;
- _this._widget.toString;
- t1 = A.LookupBoundary_findAncestorStateOfType(t2, type$.OverlayState);
- t1.toString;
- t2 = _this._widget;
- avatar = new A._DragAvatar(null, null, dragStartPoint, t2.feedback, B.Offset_0_0, new A._DraggableState__startDrag_closure0(_this), new A._DraggableState__startDrag_closure1(_this), t1, true, t2.ignoringFeedbackPointer, A._setArrayType([], type$.JSArray__DragTargetState_Object), position, _this.$ti._eval$1("_DragAvatar<1>"));
- t2 = A.OverlayEntry$(avatar.get$_drag_target$_build(), false);
- avatar._drag_target$_entry = t2;
- t1.insert$1(0, t2);
- avatar.updateDrag$1(position);
- _this._widget.onDragStarted.call$0();
- return avatar;
- },
- build$1(context) {
- var _null = null,
- t1 = this._widget;
- t1 = t1.child;
- return A.Listener$(B.HitTestBehavior_0, t1, _null, this.get$_routePointer(), _null, _null, _null, _null, _null);
- }
- };
- A._DraggableState__startDrag_closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- ++this.$this._activeCount;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._DraggableState__startDrag_closure0.prototype = {
- call$1(details) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1._framework$_element != null)
- t1._widget.toString;
- },
- $signature: 20
- };
- A._DraggableState__startDrag_closure1.prototype = {
- call$3(velocity, offset, wasAccepted) {
- var t1 = this.$this;
- if (t1._framework$_element != null)
- t1.setState$1(new A._DraggableState__startDrag__closure(t1));
- else {
- --t1._activeCount;
- t1._disposeRecognizerIfInactive$0();
- }
- if (t1._framework$_element != null)
- t1._widget.toString;
- if (wasAccepted)
- t1._widget.toString;
- if (!wasAccepted)
- t1._widget.toString;
- },
- $signature: 407
- };
- A._DraggableState__startDrag__closure.prototype = {
- call$0() {
- --this.$this._activeCount;
- },
- $signature: 0
- };
- A._DragEndKind.prototype = {
- _enumToString$0() {
- return "_DragEndKind." + this._core$_name;
- }
- };
- A._DragAvatar.prototype = {
- update$1(_, details) {
- var _this = this,
- oldPosition = _this._drag_target$_position,
- t1 = oldPosition.$add(0, _this._restrictAxis$1(details.delta));
- _this._drag_target$_position = t1;
- _this.updateDrag$1(t1);
- t1 = _this._drag_target$_position.$eq(0, oldPosition);
- if (!t1)
- _this.onDragUpdate.call$1(details);
- },
- end$1(_, details) {
- this.finishDrag$2(B._DragEndKind_0, this._restrictVelocityAxis$1(details.velocity));
- },
- cancel$0(_) {
- this.finishDrag$1(B._DragEndKind_1);
- },
- updateDrag$1(globalPosition) {
- var result, t1, t2, t3, targets, iterator, listsMatch, i, _i, newTarget, _this = this;
- _this._drag_target$_lastOffset = globalPosition.$sub(0, _this.dragStartPoint);
- _this._drag_target$_entry.markNeedsBuild$0();
- result = A.HitTestResult$();
- t1 = $.WidgetsBinding__instance;
- t1.toString;
- t2 = globalPosition.$add(0, _this.feedbackOffset);
- t3 = t1.RendererBinding___RendererBinding__pipelineOwner_A;
- t3 === $ && A.throwUnnamedLateFieldNI();
- t3._rootNode.hitTest$2$position(result, t2);
- t1.super$GestureBinding$hitTest(result, t2);
- t2 = _this._getDragTargets$1(result._path);
- targets = A._setArrayType(t2.slice(0), A._arrayInstanceType(t2));
- t1 = targets.length;
- t2 = _this._enteredTargets;
- t3 = t2.length;
- if (t1 >= t3 && t3 !== 0) {
- t3 = A._arrayInstanceType(targets);
- iterator = new J.ArrayIterator(targets, t1, t3._eval$1("ArrayIterator<1>"));
- t1 = t3._precomputed1;
- i = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (!(i < t2.length)) {
- listsMatch = true;
- break;
- }
- iterator.moveNext$0();
- t3 = iterator.__interceptors$_current;
- if (t3 == null)
- t3 = t1._as(t3);
- if (!J.$eq$(t3, t2[i])) {
- listsMatch = false;
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- } else
- listsMatch = false;
- if (listsMatch) {
- for (t1 = t2.length, _i = 0; _i < t2.length; t2.length === t1 || (0, A.throwConcurrentModificationError)(t2), ++_i)
- t2[_i].didMove$1(_this);
- return;
- }
- _this._leaveAllEntered$0();
- t1 = new A.CastList(targets, A._arrayInstanceType(targets)._eval$1("CastList<1,_DragTargetState