diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index ec0b949..75d8038 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ /node_modules .DS_Store **/.DS_Store -/dist diff --git a/dist/index.mjs b/dist/index.mjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a18c25 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/index.mjs @@ -0,0 +1,15515 @@ +import Oe, { useEffect as ft, useState as pt, forwardRef as xa, useCallback as Ot, useRef as Ao } from "react"; +import { useNavigate as Bt, useParams as wa } from "react-router-dom"; +function Ut(e) { + return e && e.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, "default") ? e.default : e; +} +var er = { exports: {} }, Ft = {}; +/** + * @license React + * react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js + * + * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. + * + * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the + * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. + */ +var ei; +function va() { + if (ei) + return Ft; + ei = 1; + var e = Oe, t = Symbol.for("react.element"), n = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), r = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, i = e.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner, o = { key: !0, ref: !0, __self: !0, __source: !0 }; + function l(a, s, c) { + var f, u = {}, d = null, p = null; + c !== void 0 && (d = "" + c), s.key !== void 0 && (d = "" + s.key), s.ref !== void 0 && (p = s.ref); + for (f in s) + r.call(s, f) && !o.hasOwnProperty(f) && (u[f] = s[f]); + if (a && a.defaultProps) + for (f in s = a.defaultProps, s) + u[f] === void 0 && (u[f] = s[f]); + return { $$typeof: t, type: a, key: d, ref: p, props: u, _owner: i.current }; + } + return Ft.Fragment = n, Ft.jsx = l, Ft.jsxs = l, Ft; +} +var It = {}; +/** + * @license React + * react-jsx-runtime.development.js + * + * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. + * + * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the + * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. + */ +var ti; +function Ea() { + return ti || (ti = 1, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && function() { + var e = Oe, t = Symbol.for("react.element"), n = Symbol.for("react.portal"), r = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), i = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"), o = Symbol.for("react.profiler"), l = Symbol.for("react.provider"), a = Symbol.for("react.context"), s = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"), c = Symbol.for("react.suspense"), f = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"), u = Symbol.for("react.memo"), d = Symbol.for("react.lazy"), p = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"), m = Symbol.iterator, g = "@@iterator"; + function b(k) { + if (k === null || typeof k != "object") + return null; + var R = m && k[m] || k[g]; + return typeof R == "function" ? R : null; + } + var x = e.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED; + function A(k) { + { + for (var R = arguments.length, L = new Array(R > 1 ? R - 1 : 0), X = 1; X < R; X++) + L[X - 1] = arguments[X]; + C("error", k, L); + } + } + function C(k, R, L) { + { + var X = x.ReactDebugCurrentFrame, pe = X.getStackAddendum(); + pe !== "" && (R += "%s", L = L.concat([pe])); + var be = L.map(function(ae) { + return String(ae); + }); + be.unshift("Warning: " + R), Function.prototype.apply.call(console[k], console, be); + } + } + var j = !1, E = !1, w = !1, N = !1, U = !1, te; + te = Symbol.for("react.module.reference"); + function v(k) { + return !!(typeof k == "string" || typeof k == "function" || k === r || k === o || U || k === i || k === c || k === f || N || k === p || j || E || w || typeof k == "object" && k !== null && (k.$$typeof === d || k.$$typeof === u || k.$$typeof === l || k.$$typeof === a || k.$$typeof === s || // This needs to include all possible module reference object + // types supported by any Flight configuration anywhere since + // we don't know which Flight build this will end up being used + // with. + k.$$typeof === te || k.getModuleId !== void 0)); + } + function _(k, R, L) { + var X = k.displayName; + if (X) + return X; + var pe = R.displayName || R.name || ""; + return pe !== "" ? L + "(" + pe + ")" : L; + } + function z(k) { + return k.displayName || "Context"; + } + function Q(k) { + if (k == null) + return null; + if (typeof k.tag == "number" && A("Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue."), typeof k == "function") + return k.displayName || k.name || null; + if (typeof k == "string") + return k; + switch (k) { + case r: + return "Fragment"; + case n: + return "Portal"; + case o: + return "Profiler"; + case i: + return "StrictMode"; + case c: + return "Suspense"; + case f: + return "SuspenseList"; + } + if (typeof k == "object") + switch (k.$$typeof) { + case a: + var R = k; + return z(R) + ".Consumer"; + case l: + var L = k; + return z(L._context) + ".Provider"; + case s: + return _(k, k.render, "ForwardRef"); + case u: + var X = k.displayName || null; + return X !== null ? X : Q(k.type) || "Memo"; + case d: { + var pe = k, be = pe._payload, ae = pe._init; + try { + return Q(ae(be)); + } catch { + return null; + } + } + } + return null; + } + var Z = Object.assign, G = 0, oe, H, ue, we, h, F, q; + function y() { + } + y.__reactDisabledLog = !0; + function B() { + { + if (G === 0) { + oe = console.log, H = console.info, ue = console.warn, we = console.error, h = console.group, F = console.groupCollapsed, q = console.groupEnd; + var k = { + configurable: !0, + enumerable: !0, + value: y, + writable: !0 + }; + Object.defineProperties(console, { + info: k, + log: k, + warn: k, + error: k, + group: k, + groupCollapsed: k, + groupEnd: k + }); + } + G++; + } + } + function ne() { + { + if (G--, G === 0) { + var k = { + configurable: !0, + enumerable: !0, + writable: !0 + }; + Object.defineProperties(console, { + log: Z({}, k, { + value: oe + }), + info: Z({}, k, { + value: H + }), + warn: Z({}, k, { + value: ue + }), + error: Z({}, k, { + value: we + }), + group: Z({}, k, { + value: h + }), + groupCollapsed: Z({}, k, { + value: F + }), + groupEnd: Z({}, k, { + value: q + }) + }); + } + G < 0 && A("disabledDepth fell below zero. This is a bug in React. Please file an issue."); + } + } + var M = x.ReactCurrentDispatcher, W; + function Y(k, R, L) { + { + if (W === void 0) + try { + throw Error(); + } catch (pe) { + var X = pe.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/); + W = X && X[1] || ""; + } + return ` +` + W + k; + } + } + var re = !1, K; + { + var Ee = typeof WeakMap == "function" ? WeakMap : Map; + K = new Ee(); + } + function D(k, R) { + if (!k || re) + return ""; + { + var L = K.get(k); + if (L !== void 0) + return L; + } + var X; + re = !0; + var pe = Error.prepareStackTrace; + Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0; + var be; + be = M.current, M.current = null, B(); + try { + if (R) { + var ae = function() { + throw Error(); + }; + if (Object.defineProperty(ae.prototype, "props", { + set: function() { + throw Error(); + } + }), typeof Reflect == "object" && Reflect.construct) { + try { + Reflect.construct(ae, []); + } catch (Qe) { + X = Qe; + } + Reflect.construct(k, [], ae); + } else { + try { + ae.call(); + } catch (Qe) { + X = Qe; + } + k.call(ae.prototype); + } + } else { + try { + throw Error(); + } catch (Qe) { + X = Qe; + } + k(); + } + } catch (Qe) { + if (Qe && X && typeof Qe.stack == "string") { + for (var le = Qe.stack.split(` +`), Re = X.stack.split(` +`), Se = le.length - 1, Ce = Re.length - 1; Se >= 1 && Ce >= 0 && le[Se] !== Re[Ce]; ) + Ce--; + for (; Se >= 1 && Ce >= 0; Se--, Ce--) + if (le[Se] !== Re[Ce]) { + if (Se !== 1 || Ce !== 1) + do + if (Se--, Ce--, Ce < 0 || le[Se] !== Re[Ce]) { + var Me = ` +` + le[Se].replace(" at new ", " at "); + return k.displayName && Me.includes("") && (Me = Me.replace("", k.displayName)), typeof k == "function" && K.set(k, Me), Me; + } + while (Se >= 1 && Ce >= 0); + break; + } + } + } finally { + re = !1, M.current = be, ne(), Error.prepareStackTrace = pe; + } + var gt = k ? k.displayName || k.name : "", Zr = gt ? Y(gt) : ""; + return typeof k == "function" && K.set(k, Zr), Zr; + } + function Pe(k, R, L) { + return D(k, !1); + } + function $(k) { + var R = k.prototype; + return !!(R && R.isReactComponent); + } + function _e(k, R, L) { + if (k == null) + return ""; + if (typeof k == "function") + return D(k, $(k)); + if (typeof k == "string") + return Y(k); + switch (k) { + case c: + return Y("Suspense"); + case f: + return Y("SuspenseList"); + } + if (typeof k == "object") + switch (k.$$typeof) { + case s: + return Pe(k.render); + case u: + return _e(k.type, R, L); + case d: { + var X = k, pe = X._payload, be = X._init; + try { + return _e(be(pe), R, L); + } catch { + } + } + } + return ""; + } + var Ne = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, tt = {}, At = x.ReactDebugCurrentFrame; + function dt(k) { + if (k) { + var R = k._owner, L = _e(k.type, k._source, R ? R.type : null); + At.setExtraStackFrame(L); + } else + At.setExtraStackFrame(null); + } + function Gt(k, R, L, X, pe) { + { + var be = Function.call.bind(Ne); + for (var ae in k) + if (be(k, ae)) { + var le = void 0; + try { + if (typeof k[ae] != "function") { + var Re = Error((X || "React class") + ": " + L + " type `" + ae + "` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `" + typeof k[ae] + "`.This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`."); + throw Re.name = "Invariant Violation", Re; + } + le = k[ae](R, ae, X, L, null, "SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED"); + } catch (Se) { + le = Se; + } + le && !(le instanceof Error) && (dt(pe), A("%s: type specification of %s `%s` is invalid; the type checker function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a %s. You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and shape all require an argument).", X || "React class", L, ae, typeof le), dt(null)), le instanceof Error && !(le.message in tt) && (tt[le.message] = !0, dt(pe), A("Failed %s type: %s", L, le.message), dt(null)); + } + } + } + var Jt = Array.isArray; + function Pt(k) { + return Jt(k); + } + function Sn(k) { + { + var R = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.toStringTag, L = R && k[Symbol.toStringTag] || k.constructor.name || "Object"; + return L; + } + } + function Cn(k) { + try { + return Kt(k), !1; + } catch { + return !0; + } + } + function Kt(k) { + return "" + k; + } + function Xt(k) { + if (Cn(k)) + return A("The provided key is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", Sn(k)), Kt(k); + } + var S = x.ReactCurrentOwner, I = { + key: !0, + ref: !0, + __self: !0, + __source: !0 + }, V, ce, fe; + fe = {}; + function je(k) { + if (Ne.call(k, "ref")) { + var R = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(k, "ref").get; + if (R && R.isReactWarning) + return !1; + } + return k.ref !== void 0; + } + function Ve(k) { + if (Ne.call(k, "key")) { + var R = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(k, "key").get; + if (R && R.isReactWarning) + return !1; + } + return k.key !== void 0; + } + function He(k, R) { + if (typeof k.ref == "string" && S.current && R && S.current.stateNode !== R) { + var L = Q(S.current.type); + fe[L] || (A('Component "%s" contains the string ref "%s". Support for string refs will be removed in a future major release. This case cannot be automatically converted to an arrow function. We ask you to manually fix this case by using useRef() or createRef() instead. Learn more about using refs safely here: https://reactjs.org/link/strict-mode-string-ref', Q(S.current.type), k.ref), fe[L] = !0); + } + } + function lt(k, R) { + { + var L = function() { + V || (V = !0, A("%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)", R)); + }; + L.isReactWarning = !0, Object.defineProperty(k, "key", { + get: L, + configurable: !0 + }); + } + } + function at(k, R) { + { + var L = function() { + ce || (ce = !0, A("%s: `ref` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)", R)); + }; + L.isReactWarning = !0, Object.defineProperty(k, "ref", { + get: L, + configurable: !0 + }); + } + } + var ve = function(k, R, L, X, pe, be, ae) { + var le = { + // This tag allows us to uniquely identify this as a React Element + $$typeof: t, + // Built-in properties that belong on the element + type: k, + key: R, + ref: L, + props: ae, + // Record the component responsible for creating this element. + _owner: be + }; + return le._store = {}, Object.defineProperty(le._store, "validated", { + configurable: !1, + enumerable: !1, + writable: !0, + value: !1 + }), Object.defineProperty(le, "_self", { + configurable: !1, + enumerable: !1, + writable: !1, + value: X + }), Object.defineProperty(le, "_source", { + configurable: !1, + enumerable: !1, + writable: !1, + value: pe + }), Object.freeze && (Object.freeze(le.props), Object.freeze(le)), le; + }; + function Rt(k, R, L, X, pe) { + { + var be, ae = {}, le = null, Re = null; + L !== void 0 && (Xt(L), le = "" + L), Ve(R) && (Xt(R.key), le = "" + R.key), je(R) && (Re = R.ref, He(R, pe)); + for (be in R) + Ne.call(R, be) && !I.hasOwnProperty(be) && (ae[be] = R[be]); + if (k && k.defaultProps) { + var Se = k.defaultProps; + for (be in Se) + ae[be] === void 0 && (ae[be] = Se[be]); + } + if (le || Re) { + var Ce = typeof k == "function" ? k.displayName || k.name || "Unknown" : k; + le && lt(ae, Ce), Re && at(ae, Ce); + } + return ve(k, le, Re, pe, X, S.current, ae); + } + } + var De = x.ReactCurrentOwner, Yr = x.ReactDebugCurrentFrame; + function mt(k) { + if (k) { + var R = k._owner, L = _e(k.type, k._source, R ? R.type : null); + Yr.setExtraStackFrame(L); + } else + Yr.setExtraStackFrame(null); + } + var Tn; + Tn = !1; + function An(k) { + return typeof k == "object" && k !== null && k.$$typeof === t; + } + function Gr() { + { + if (De.current) { + var k = Q(De.current.type); + if (k) + return ` + +Check the render method of \`` + k + "`."; + } + return ""; + } + } + function pa(k) { + { + if (k !== void 0) { + var R = k.fileName.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, ""), L = k.lineNumber; + return ` + +Check your code at ` + R + ":" + L + "."; + } + return ""; + } + } + var Jr = {}; + function ha(k) { + { + var R = Gr(); + if (!R) { + var L = typeof k == "string" ? k : k.displayName || k.name; + L && (R = ` + +Check the top-level render call using <` + L + ">."); + } + return R; + } + } + function Kr(k, R) { + { + if (!k._store || k._store.validated || k.key != null) + return; + k._store.validated = !0; + var L = ha(R); + if (Jr[L]) + return; + Jr[L] = !0; + var X = ""; + k && k._owner && k._owner !== De.current && (X = " It was passed a child from " + Q(k._owner.type) + "."), mt(k), A('Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.%s%s See https://reactjs.org/link/warning-keys for more information.', L, X), mt(null); + } + } + function Xr(k, R) { + { + if (typeof k != "object") + return; + if (Pt(k)) + for (var L = 0; L < k.length; L++) { + var X = k[L]; + An(X) && Kr(X, R); + } + else if (An(k)) + k._store && (k._store.validated = !0); + else if (k) { + var pe = b(k); + if (typeof pe == "function" && pe !== k.entries) + for (var be = pe.call(k), ae; !(ae = be.next()).done; ) + An(ae.value) && Kr(ae.value, R); + } + } + } + function da(k) { + { + var R = k.type; + if (R == null || typeof R == "string") + return; + var L; + if (typeof R == "function") + L = R.propTypes; + else if (typeof R == "object" && (R.$$typeof === s || // Note: Memo only checks outer props here. + // Inner props are checked in the reconciler. + R.$$typeof === u)) + L = R.propTypes; + else + return; + if (L) { + var X = Q(R); + Gt(L, k.props, "prop", X, k); + } else if (R.PropTypes !== void 0 && !Tn) { + Tn = !0; + var pe = Q(R); + A("Component %s declared `PropTypes` instead of `propTypes`. Did you misspell the property assignment?", pe || "Unknown"); + } + typeof R.getDefaultProps == "function" && !R.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved && A("getDefaultProps is only used on classic React.createClass definitions. Use a static property named `defaultProps` instead."); + } + } + function ma(k) { + { + for (var R = Object.keys(k.props), L = 0; L < R.length; L++) { + var X = R[L]; + if (X !== "children" && X !== "key") { + mt(k), A("Invalid prop `%s` supplied to `React.Fragment`. React.Fragment can only have `key` and `children` props.", X), mt(null); + break; + } + } + k.ref !== null && (mt(k), A("Invalid attribute `ref` supplied to `React.Fragment`."), mt(null)); + } + } + function Qr(k, R, L, X, pe, be) { + { + var ae = v(k); + if (!ae) { + var le = ""; + (k === void 0 || typeof k == "object" && k !== null && Object.keys(k).length === 0) && (le += " You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports."); + var Re = pa(pe); + Re ? le += Re : le += Gr(); + var Se; + k === null ? Se = "null" : Pt(k) ? Se = "array" : k !== void 0 && k.$$typeof === t ? (Se = "<" + (Q(k.type) || "Unknown") + " />", le = " Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?") : Se = typeof k, A("React.jsx: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s", Se, le); + } + var Ce = Rt(k, R, L, pe, be); + if (Ce == null) + return Ce; + if (ae) { + var Me = R.children; + if (Me !== void 0) + if (X) + if (Pt(Me)) { + for (var gt = 0; gt < Me.length; gt++) + Xr(Me[gt], k); + Object.freeze && Object.freeze(Me); + } else + A("React.jsx: Static children should always be an array. You are likely explicitly calling React.jsxs or React.jsxDEV. Use the Babel transform instead."); + else + Xr(Me, k); + } + return k === r ? ma(Ce) : da(Ce), Ce; + } + } + function ga(k, R, L) { + return Qr(k, R, L, !0); + } + function ya(k, R, L) { + return Qr(k, R, L, !1); + } + var ba = ya, ka = ga; + It.Fragment = r, It.jsx = ba, It.jsxs = ka; + }()), It; +} +process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? er.exports = va() : er.exports = Ea(); +var T = er.exports; +const yt = ({ href: e, title: t, className: n }) => /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("a", { className: `${n} text-zinc-300 hover:text-zinc-100 transition ease-in-out`, href: e, target: "_blank", rel: "noreferrer", children: t }); +function pn() { + return /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "flex flex-col items-center w-full font-light text-sm", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "flex", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(yt, { href: "mailto:hello@quibbble.com", title: "Contact" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("p", { className: "mx-2 md:mx-4", children: "/" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(yt, { href: "https://www.buymeacoffee.com/quibbble", title: "Support" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("p", { className: "mx-2 md:mx-4", children: "/" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(yt, { href: "https://discord.gg/VKvjutuhUp", title: "Discord" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("p", { className: "mx-2 md:mx-4", children: "/" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(yt, { href: "https://github.com/quibbble", title: "Github" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("p", { className: "mx-2 md:mx-4", children: "/" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(yt, { href: "https://status.quibbble.com", title: "Status" }) + ] }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("p", { className: "mt-4 text-zinc-300 flex", children: [ + "Made with ♥ by ", + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(yt, { className: "underline", href: "https://chrisfregly.com", title: " Chris Fregly" }) + ] }) + ] }); +} +function Po(e, t) { + return function() { + return e.apply(t, arguments); + }; +} +const { toString: Sa } = Object.prototype, { getPrototypeOf: wr } = Object, hn = ((e) => (t) => { + const n = Sa.call(t); + return e[n] || (e[n] = n.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase()); +})(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)), Ke = (e) => (e = e.toLowerCase(), (t) => hn(t) === e), dn = (e) => (t) => typeof t === e, { isArray: Et } = Array, Nt = dn("undefined"); +function Ca(e) { + return e !== null && !Nt(e) && e.constructor !== null && !Nt(e.constructor) && Be(e.constructor.isBuffer) && e.constructor.isBuffer(e); +} +const Ro = Ke("ArrayBuffer"); +function Ta(e) { + let t; + return typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && ArrayBuffer.isView ? t = ArrayBuffer.isView(e) : t = e && e.buffer && Ro(e.buffer), t; +} +const Aa = dn("string"), Be = dn("function"), Oo = dn("number"), mn = (e) => e !== null && typeof e == "object", Pa = (e) => e === !0 || e === !1, rn = (e) => { + if (hn(e) !== "object") + return !1; + const t = wr(e); + return (t === null || t === Object.prototype || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) === null) && !(Symbol.toStringTag in e) && !(Symbol.iterator in e); +}, Ra = Ke("Date"), Oa = Ke("File"), Fa = Ke("Blob"), Ia = Ke("FileList"), _a = (e) => mn(e) && Be(e.pipe), ja = (e) => { + let t; + return e && (typeof FormData == "function" && e instanceof FormData || Be(e.append) && ((t = hn(e)) === "formdata" || // detect form-data instance + t === "object" && Be(e.toString) && e.toString() === "[object FormData]")); +}, Da = Ke("URLSearchParams"), za = (e) => e.trim ? e.trim() : e.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, ""); +function qt(e, t, { allOwnKeys: n = !1 } = {}) { + if (e === null || typeof e > "u") + return; + let r, i; + if (typeof e != "object" && (e = [e]), Et(e)) + for (r = 0, i = e.length; r < i; r++) + t.call(null, e[r], r, e); + else { + const o = n ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e) : Object.keys(e), l = o.length; + let a; + for (r = 0; r < l; r++) + a = o[r], t.call(null, e[a], a, e); + } +} +function Fo(e, t) { + t = t.toLowerCase(); + const n = Object.keys(e); + let r = n.length, i; + for (; r-- > 0; ) + if (i = n[r], t === i.toLowerCase()) + return i; + return null; +} +const Io = (() => typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof window < "u" ? window : global)(), _o = (e) => !Nt(e) && e !== Io; +function tr() { + const { caseless: e } = _o(this) && this || {}, t = {}, n = (r, i) => { + const o = e && Fo(t, i) || i; + rn(t[o]) && rn(r) ? t[o] = tr(t[o], r) : rn(r) ? t[o] = tr({}, r) : Et(r) ? t[o] = r.slice() : t[o] = r; + }; + for (let r = 0, i = arguments.length; r < i; r++) + arguments[r] && qt(arguments[r], n); + return t; +} +const La = (e, t, n, { allOwnKeys: r } = {}) => (qt(t, (i, o) => { + n && Be(i) ? e[o] = Po(i, n) : e[o] = i; +}, { allOwnKeys: r }), e), Na = (e) => (e.charCodeAt(0) === 65279 && (e = e.slice(1)), e), Ma = (e, t, n, r) => { + e.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype, r), e.prototype.constructor = e, Object.defineProperty(e, "super", { + value: t.prototype + }), n && Object.assign(e.prototype, n); +}, $a = (e, t, n, r) => { + let i, o, l; + const a = {}; + if (t = t || {}, e == null) + return t; + do { + for (i = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e), o = i.length; o-- > 0; ) + l = i[o], (!r || r(l, e, t)) && !a[l] && (t[l] = e[l], a[l] = !0); + e = n !== !1 && wr(e); + } while (e && (!n || n(e, t)) && e !== Object.prototype); + return t; +}, Ba = (e, t, n) => { + e = String(e), (n === void 0 || n > e.length) && (n = e.length), n -= t.length; + const r = e.indexOf(t, n); + return r !== -1 && r === n; +}, Ua = (e) => { + if (!e) + return null; + if (Et(e)) + return e; + let t = e.length; + if (!Oo(t)) + return null; + const n = new Array(t); + for (; t-- > 0; ) + n[t] = e[t]; + return n; +}, qa = ((e) => (t) => e && t instanceof e)(typeof Uint8Array < "u" && wr(Uint8Array)), Ha = (e, t) => { + const r = (e && e[Symbol.iterator]).call(e); + let i; + for (; (i = r.next()) && !i.done; ) { + const o = i.value; + t.call(e, o[0], o[1]); + } +}, Va = (e, t) => { + let n; + const r = []; + for (; (n = e.exec(t)) !== null; ) + r.push(n); + return r; +}, Wa = Ke("HTMLFormElement"), Ya = (e) => e.toLowerCase().replace( + /[-_\s]([a-z\d])(\w*)/g, + function(n, r, i) { + return r.toUpperCase() + i; + } +), ni = (({ hasOwnProperty: e }) => (t, n) => e.call(t, n))(Object.prototype), Ga = Ke("RegExp"), jo = (e, t) => { + const n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(e), r = {}; + qt(n, (i, o) => { + let l; + (l = t(i, o, e)) !== !1 && (r[o] = l || i); + }), Object.defineProperties(e, r); +}, Ja = (e) => { + jo(e, (t, n) => { + if (Be(e) && ["arguments", "caller", "callee"].indexOf(n) !== -1) + return !1; + const r = e[n]; + if (Be(r)) { + if (t.enumerable = !1, "writable" in t) { + t.writable = !1; + return; + } + t.set || (t.set = () => { + throw Error("Can not rewrite read-only method '" + n + "'"); + }); + } + }); +}, Ka = (e, t) => { + const n = {}, r = (i) => { + i.forEach((o) => { + n[o] = !0; + }); + }; + return Et(e) ? r(e) : r(String(e).split(t)), n; +}, Xa = () => { +}, Qa = (e, t) => (e = +e, Number.isFinite(e) ? e : t), Pn = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", ri = "0123456789", Do = { + DIGIT: ri, + ALPHA: Pn, + ALPHA_DIGIT: Pn + Pn.toUpperCase() + ri +}, Za = (e = 16, t = Do.ALPHA_DIGIT) => { + let n = ""; + const { length: r } = t; + for (; e--; ) + n += t[Math.random() * r | 0]; + return n; +}; +function es(e) { + return !!(e && Be(e.append) && e[Symbol.toStringTag] === "FormData" && e[Symbol.iterator]); +} +const ts = (e) => { + const t = new Array(10), n = (r, i) => { + if (mn(r)) { + if (t.indexOf(r) >= 0) + return; + if (!("toJSON" in r)) { + t[i] = r; + const o = Et(r) ? [] : {}; + return qt(r, (l, a) => { + const s = n(l, i + 1); + !Nt(s) && (o[a] = s); + }), t[i] = void 0, o; + } + } + return r; + }; + return n(e, 0); +}, ns = Ke("AsyncFunction"), rs = (e) => e && (mn(e) || Be(e)) && Be(e.then) && Be(e.catch), P = { + isArray: Et, + isArrayBuffer: Ro, + isBuffer: Ca, + isFormData: ja, + isArrayBufferView: Ta, + isString: Aa, + isNumber: Oo, + isBoolean: Pa, + isObject: mn, + isPlainObject: rn, + isUndefined: Nt, + isDate: Ra, + isFile: Oa, + isBlob: Fa, + isRegExp: Ga, + isFunction: Be, + isStream: _a, + isURLSearchParams: Da, + isTypedArray: qa, + isFileList: Ia, + forEach: qt, + merge: tr, + extend: La, + trim: za, + stripBOM: Na, + inherits: Ma, + toFlatObject: $a, + kindOf: hn, + kindOfTest: Ke, + endsWith: Ba, + toArray: Ua, + forEachEntry: Ha, + matchAll: Va, + isHTMLForm: Wa, + hasOwnProperty: ni, + hasOwnProp: ni, + // an alias to avoid ESLint no-prototype-builtins detection + reduceDescriptors: jo, + freezeMethods: Ja, + toObjectSet: Ka, + toCamelCase: Ya, + noop: Xa, + toFiniteNumber: Qa, + findKey: Fo, + global: Io, + isContextDefined: _o, + ALPHABET: Do, + generateString: Za, + isSpecCompliantForm: es, + toJSONObject: ts, + isAsyncFn: ns, + isThenable: rs +}; +function se(e, t, n, r, i) { + Error.call(this), Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor) : this.stack = new Error().stack, this.message = e, this.name = "AxiosError", t && (this.code = t), n && (this.config = n), r && (this.request = r), i && (this.response = i); +} +P.inherits(se, Error, { + toJSON: function() { + return { + // Standard + message: this.message, + name: this.name, + // Microsoft + description: this.description, + number: this.number, + // Mozilla + fileName: this.fileName, + lineNumber: this.lineNumber, + columnNumber: this.columnNumber, + stack: this.stack, + // Axios + config: P.toJSONObject(this.config), + code: this.code, + status: this.response && this.response.status ? this.response.status : null + }; + } +}); +const zo = se.prototype, Lo = {}; +[ + "ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE", + "ERR_BAD_OPTION", + "ECONNABORTED", + "ETIMEDOUT", + "ERR_NETWORK", + "ERR_FR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS", + "ERR_DEPRECATED", + "ERR_BAD_RESPONSE", + "ERR_BAD_REQUEST", + "ERR_CANCELED", + "ERR_NOT_SUPPORT", + "ERR_INVALID_URL" + // eslint-disable-next-line func-names +].forEach((e) => { + Lo[e] = { value: e }; +}); +Object.defineProperties(se, Lo); +Object.defineProperty(zo, "isAxiosError", { value: !0 }); +se.from = (e, t, n, r, i, o) => { + const l = Object.create(zo); + return P.toFlatObject(e, l, function(s) { + return s !== Error.prototype; + }, (a) => a !== "isAxiosError"), se.call(l, e.message, t, n, r, i), l.cause = e, l.name = e.name, o && Object.assign(l, o), l; +}; +const is = null; +function nr(e) { + return P.isPlainObject(e) || P.isArray(e); +} +function No(e) { + return P.endsWith(e, "[]") ? e.slice(0, -2) : e; +} +function ii(e, t, n) { + return e ? e.concat(t).map(function(i, o) { + return i = No(i), !n && o ? "[" + i + "]" : i; + }).join(n ? "." : "") : t; +} +function os(e) { + return P.isArray(e) && !e.some(nr); +} +const ls = P.toFlatObject(P, {}, null, function(t) { + return /^is[A-Z]/.test(t); +}); +function gn(e, t, n) { + if (!P.isObject(e)) + throw new TypeError("target must be an object"); + t = t || new FormData(), n = P.toFlatObject(n, { + metaTokens: !0, + dots: !1, + indexes: !1 + }, !1, function(g, b) { + return !P.isUndefined(b[g]); + }); + const r = n.metaTokens, i = n.visitor || f, o = n.dots, l = n.indexes, s = (n.Blob || typeof Blob < "u" && Blob) && P.isSpecCompliantForm(t); + if (!P.isFunction(i)) + throw new TypeError("visitor must be a function"); + function c(m) { + if (m === null) + return ""; + if (P.isDate(m)) + return m.toISOString(); + if (!s && P.isBlob(m)) + throw new se("Blob is not supported. Use a Buffer instead."); + return P.isArrayBuffer(m) || P.isTypedArray(m) ? s && typeof Blob == "function" ? new Blob([m]) : Buffer.from(m) : m; + } + function f(m, g, b) { + let x = m; + if (m && !b && typeof m == "object") { + if (P.endsWith(g, "{}")) + g = r ? g : g.slice(0, -2), m = JSON.stringify(m); + else if (P.isArray(m) && os(m) || (P.isFileList(m) || P.endsWith(g, "[]")) && (x = P.toArray(m))) + return g = No(g), x.forEach(function(C, j) { + !(P.isUndefined(C) || C === null) && t.append( + // eslint-disable-next-line no-nested-ternary + l === !0 ? ii([g], j, o) : l === null ? g : g + "[]", + c(C) + ); + }), !1; + } + return nr(m) ? !0 : (t.append(ii(b, g, o), c(m)), !1); + } + const u = [], d = Object.assign(ls, { + defaultVisitor: f, + convertValue: c, + isVisitable: nr + }); + function p(m, g) { + if (!P.isUndefined(m)) { + if (u.indexOf(m) !== -1) + throw Error("Circular reference detected in " + g.join(".")); + u.push(m), P.forEach(m, function(x, A) { + (!(P.isUndefined(x) || x === null) && i.call( + t, + x, + P.isString(A) ? A.trim() : A, + g, + d + )) === !0 && p(x, g ? g.concat(A) : [A]); + }), u.pop(); + } + } + if (!P.isObject(e)) + throw new TypeError("data must be an object"); + return p(e), t; +} +function oi(e) { + const t = { + "!": "%21", + "'": "%27", + "(": "%28", + ")": "%29", + "~": "%7E", + "%20": "+", + "%00": "\0" + }; + return encodeURIComponent(e).replace(/[!'()~]|%20|%00/g, function(r) { + return t[r]; + }); +} +function vr(e, t) { + this._pairs = [], e && gn(e, this, t); +} +const Mo = vr.prototype; +Mo.append = function(t, n) { + this._pairs.push([t, n]); +}; +Mo.toString = function(t) { + const n = t ? function(r) { + return t.call(this, r, oi); + } : oi; + return this._pairs.map(function(i) { + return n(i[0]) + "=" + n(i[1]); + }, "").join("&"); +}; +function as(e) { + return encodeURIComponent(e).replace(/%3A/gi, ":").replace(/%24/g, "$").replace(/%2C/gi, ",").replace(/%20/g, "+").replace(/%5B/gi, "[").replace(/%5D/gi, "]"); +} +function $o(e, t, n) { + if (!t) + return e; + const r = n && n.encode || as, i = n && n.serialize; + let o; + if (i ? o = i(t, n) : o = P.isURLSearchParams(t) ? t.toString() : new vr(t, n).toString(r), o) { + const l = e.indexOf("#"); + l !== -1 && (e = e.slice(0, l)), e += (e.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + o; + } + return e; +} +class ss { + constructor() { + this.handlers = []; + } + /** + * Add a new interceptor to the stack + * + * @param {Function} fulfilled The function to handle `then` for a `Promise` + * @param {Function} rejected The function to handle `reject` for a `Promise` + * + * @return {Number} An ID used to remove interceptor later + */ + use(t, n, r) { + return this.handlers.push({ + fulfilled: t, + rejected: n, + synchronous: r ? r.synchronous : !1, + runWhen: r ? r.runWhen : null + }), this.handlers.length - 1; + } + /** + * Remove an interceptor from the stack + * + * @param {Number} id The ID that was returned by `use` + * + * @returns {Boolean} `true` if the interceptor was removed, `false` otherwise + */ + eject(t) { + this.handlers[t] && (this.handlers[t] = null); + } + /** + * Clear all interceptors from the stack + * + * @returns {void} + */ + clear() { + this.handlers && (this.handlers = []); + } + /** + * Iterate over all the registered interceptors + * + * This method is particularly useful for skipping over any + * interceptors that may have become `null` calling `eject`. + * + * @param {Function} fn The function to call for each interceptor + * + * @returns {void} + */ + forEach(t) { + P.forEach(this.handlers, function(r) { + r !== null && t(r); + }); + } +} +const li = ss, Bo = { + silentJSONParsing: !0, + forcedJSONParsing: !0, + clarifyTimeoutError: !1 +}, us = typeof URLSearchParams < "u" ? URLSearchParams : vr, cs = typeof FormData < "u" ? FormData : null, fs = typeof Blob < "u" ? Blob : null, ps = { + isBrowser: !0, + classes: { + URLSearchParams: us, + FormData: cs, + Blob: fs + }, + protocols: ["http", "https", "file", "blob", "url", "data"] +}, Uo = typeof window < "u" && typeof document < "u", hs = ((e) => Uo && ["ReactNative", "NativeScript", "NS"].indexOf(e) < 0)(typeof navigator < "u" && navigator.product), ds = (() => typeof WorkerGlobalScope < "u" && // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef +self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && typeof self.importScripts == "function")(), ms = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({ + __proto__: null, + hasBrowserEnv: Uo, + hasStandardBrowserEnv: hs, + hasStandardBrowserWebWorkerEnv: ds +}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ge = { + ...ms, + ...ps +}; +function gs(e, t) { + return gn(e, new Ge.classes.URLSearchParams(), Object.assign({ + visitor: function(n, r, i, o) { + return Ge.isNode && P.isBuffer(n) ? (this.append(r, n.toString("base64")), !1) : o.defaultVisitor.apply(this, arguments); + } + }, t)); +} +function ys(e) { + return P.matchAll(/\w+|\[(\w*)]/g, e).map((t) => t[0] === "[]" ? "" : t[1] || t[0]); +} +function bs(e) { + const t = {}, n = Object.keys(e); + let r; + const i = n.length; + let o; + for (r = 0; r < i; r++) + o = n[r], t[o] = e[o]; + return t; +} +function qo(e) { + function t(n, r, i, o) { + let l = n[o++]; + const a = Number.isFinite(+l), s = o >= n.length; + return l = !l && P.isArray(i) ? i.length : l, s ? (P.hasOwnProp(i, l) ? i[l] = [i[l], r] : i[l] = r, !a) : ((!i[l] || !P.isObject(i[l])) && (i[l] = []), t(n, r, i[l], o) && P.isArray(i[l]) && (i[l] = bs(i[l])), !a); + } + if (P.isFormData(e) && P.isFunction(e.entries)) { + const n = {}; + return P.forEachEntry(e, (r, i) => { + t(ys(r), i, n, 0); + }), n; + } + return null; +} +function ks(e, t, n) { + if (P.isString(e)) + try { + return (t || JSON.parse)(e), P.trim(e); + } catch (r) { + if (r.name !== "SyntaxError") + throw r; + } + return (n || JSON.stringify)(e); +} +const Er = { + transitional: Bo, + adapter: ["xhr", "http"], + transformRequest: [function(t, n) { + const r = n.getContentType() || "", i = r.indexOf("application/json") > -1, o = P.isObject(t); + if (o && P.isHTMLForm(t) && (t = new FormData(t)), P.isFormData(t)) + return i && i ? JSON.stringify(qo(t)) : t; + if (P.isArrayBuffer(t) || P.isBuffer(t) || P.isStream(t) || P.isFile(t) || P.isBlob(t)) + return t; + if (P.isArrayBufferView(t)) + return t.buffer; + if (P.isURLSearchParams(t)) + return n.setContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8", !1), t.toString(); + let a; + if (o) { + if (r.indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") > -1) + return gs(t, this.formSerializer).toString(); + if ((a = P.isFileList(t)) || r.indexOf("multipart/form-data") > -1) { + const s = this.env && this.env.FormData; + return gn( + a ? { "files[]": t } : t, + s && new s(), + this.formSerializer + ); + } + } + return o || i ? (n.setContentType("application/json", !1), ks(t)) : t; + }], + transformResponse: [function(t) { + const n = this.transitional || Er.transitional, r = n && n.forcedJSONParsing, i = this.responseType === "json"; + if (t && P.isString(t) && (r && !this.responseType || i)) { + const l = !(n && n.silentJSONParsing) && i; + try { + return JSON.parse(t); + } catch (a) { + if (l) + throw a.name === "SyntaxError" ? se.from(a, se.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE, this, null, this.response) : a; + } + } + return t; + }], + /** + * A timeout in milliseconds to abort a request. If set to 0 (default) a + * timeout is not created. + */ + timeout: 0, + xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN", + xsrfHeaderName: "X-XSRF-TOKEN", + maxContentLength: -1, + maxBodyLength: -1, + env: { + FormData: Ge.classes.FormData, + Blob: Ge.classes.Blob + }, + validateStatus: function(t) { + return t >= 200 && t < 300; + }, + headers: { + common: { + Accept: "application/json, text/plain, */*", + "Content-Type": void 0 + } + } +}; +P.forEach(["delete", "get", "head", "post", "put", "patch"], (e) => { + Er.headers[e] = {}; +}); +const Sr = Er, xs = P.toObjectSet([ + "age", + "authorization", + "content-length", + "content-type", + "etag", + "expires", + "from", + "host", + "if-modified-since", + "if-unmodified-since", + "last-modified", + "location", + "max-forwards", + "proxy-authorization", + "referer", + "retry-after", + "user-agent" +]), ws = (e) => { + const t = {}; + let n, r, i; + return e && e.split(` +`).forEach(function(l) { + i = l.indexOf(":"), n = l.substring(0, i).trim().toLowerCase(), r = l.substring(i + 1).trim(), !(!n || t[n] && xs[n]) && (n === "set-cookie" ? t[n] ? t[n].push(r) : t[n] = [r] : t[n] = t[n] ? t[n] + ", " + r : r); + }), t; +}, ai = Symbol("internals"); +function _t(e) { + return e && String(e).trim().toLowerCase(); +} +function on(e) { + return e === !1 || e == null ? e : P.isArray(e) ? e.map(on) : String(e); +} +function vs(e) { + const t = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), n = /([^\s,;=]+)\s*(?:=\s*([^,;]+))?/g; + let r; + for (; r = n.exec(e); ) + t[r[1]] = r[2]; + return t; +} +const Es = (e) => /^[-_a-zA-Z0-9^`|~,!#$%&'*+.]+$/.test(e.trim()); +function Rn(e, t, n, r, i) { + if (P.isFunction(r)) + return r.call(this, t, n); + if (i && (t = n), !!P.isString(t)) { + if (P.isString(r)) + return t.indexOf(r) !== -1; + if (P.isRegExp(r)) + return r.test(t); + } +} +function Ss(e) { + return e.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/([a-z\d])(\w*)/g, (t, n, r) => n.toUpperCase() + r); +} +function Cs(e, t) { + const n = P.toCamelCase(" " + t); + ["get", "set", "has"].forEach((r) => { + Object.defineProperty(e, r + n, { + value: function(i, o, l) { + return this[r].call(this, t, i, o, l); + }, + configurable: !0 + }); + }); +} +class yn { + constructor(t) { + t && this.set(t); + } + set(t, n, r) { + const i = this; + function o(a, s, c) { + const f = _t(s); + if (!f) + throw new Error("header name must be a non-empty string"); + const u = P.findKey(i, f); + (!u || i[u] === void 0 || c === !0 || c === void 0 && i[u] !== !1) && (i[u || s] = on(a)); + } + const l = (a, s) => P.forEach(a, (c, f) => o(c, f, s)); + return P.isPlainObject(t) || t instanceof this.constructor ? l(t, n) : P.isString(t) && (t = t.trim()) && !Es(t) ? l(ws(t), n) : t != null && o(n, t, r), this; + } + get(t, n) { + if (t = _t(t), t) { + const r = P.findKey(this, t); + if (r) { + const i = this[r]; + if (!n) + return i; + if (n === !0) + return vs(i); + if (P.isFunction(n)) + return n.call(this, i, r); + if (P.isRegExp(n)) + return n.exec(i); + throw new TypeError("parser must be boolean|regexp|function"); + } + } + } + has(t, n) { + if (t = _t(t), t) { + const r = P.findKey(this, t); + return !!(r && this[r] !== void 0 && (!n || Rn(this, this[r], r, n))); + } + return !1; + } + delete(t, n) { + const r = this; + let i = !1; + function o(l) { + if (l = _t(l), l) { + const a = P.findKey(r, l); + a && (!n || Rn(r, r[a], a, n)) && (delete r[a], i = !0); + } + } + return P.isArray(t) ? t.forEach(o) : o(t), i; + } + clear(t) { + const n = Object.keys(this); + let r = n.length, i = !1; + for (; r--; ) { + const o = n[r]; + (!t || Rn(this, this[o], o, t, !0)) && (delete this[o], i = !0); + } + return i; + } + normalize(t) { + const n = this, r = {}; + return P.forEach(this, (i, o) => { + const l = P.findKey(r, o); + if (l) { + n[l] = on(i), delete n[o]; + return; + } + const a = t ? Ss(o) : String(o).trim(); + a !== o && delete n[o], n[a] = on(i), r[a] = !0; + }), this; + } + concat(...t) { + return this.constructor.concat(this, ...t); + } + toJSON(t) { + const n = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); + return P.forEach(this, (r, i) => { + r != null && r !== !1 && (n[i] = t && P.isArray(r) ? r.join(", ") : r); + }), n; + } + [Symbol.iterator]() { + return Object.entries(this.toJSON())[Symbol.iterator](); + } + toString() { + return Object.entries(this.toJSON()).map(([t, n]) => t + ": " + n).join(` +`); + } + get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { + return "AxiosHeaders"; + } + static from(t) { + return t instanceof this ? t : new this(t); + } + static concat(t, ...n) { + const r = new this(t); + return n.forEach((i) => r.set(i)), r; + } + static accessor(t) { + const r = (this[ai] = this[ai] = { + accessors: {} + }).accessors, i = this.prototype; + function o(l) { + const a = _t(l); + r[a] || (Cs(i, l), r[a] = !0); + } + return P.isArray(t) ? t.forEach(o) : o(t), this; + } +} +yn.accessor(["Content-Type", "Content-Length", "Accept", "Accept-Encoding", "User-Agent", "Authorization"]); +P.reduceDescriptors(yn.prototype, ({ value: e }, t) => { + let n = t[0].toUpperCase() + t.slice(1); + return { + get: () => e, + set(r) { + this[n] = r; + } + }; +}); +P.freezeMethods(yn); +const Ze = yn; +function On(e, t) { + const n = this || Sr, r = t || n, i = Ze.from(r.headers); + let o = r.data; + return P.forEach(e, function(a) { + o = a.call(n, o, i.normalize(), t ? t.status : void 0); + }), i.normalize(), o; +} +function Ho(e) { + return !!(e && e.__CANCEL__); +} +function Ht(e, t, n) { + se.call(this, e ?? "canceled", se.ERR_CANCELED, t, n), this.name = "CanceledError"; +} +P.inherits(Ht, se, { + __CANCEL__: !0 +}); +function Ts(e, t, n) { + const r = n.config.validateStatus; + !n.status || !r || r(n.status) ? e(n) : t(new se( + "Request failed with status code " + n.status, + [se.ERR_BAD_REQUEST, se.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE][Math.floor(n.status / 100) - 4], + n.config, + n.request, + n + )); +} +const As = Ge.hasStandardBrowserEnv ? ( + // Standard browser envs support document.cookie + { + write(e, t, n, r, i, o) { + const l = [e + "=" + encodeURIComponent(t)]; + P.isNumber(n) && l.push("expires=" + new Date(n).toGMTString()), P.isString(r) && l.push("path=" + r), P.isString(i) && l.push("domain=" + i), o === !0 && l.push("secure"), document.cookie = l.join("; "); + }, + read(e) { + const t = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^|;\\s*)(" + e + ")=([^;]*)")); + return t ? decodeURIComponent(t[3]) : null; + }, + remove(e) { + this.write(e, "", Date.now() - 864e5); + } + } +) : ( + // Non-standard browser env (web workers, react-native) lack needed support. + { + write() { + }, + read() { + return null; + }, + remove() { + } + } +); +function Ps(e) { + return /^([a-z][a-z\d+\-.]*:)?\/\//i.test(e); +} +function Rs(e, t) { + return t ? e.replace(/\/+$/, "") + "/" + t.replace(/^\/+/, "") : e; +} +function Vo(e, t) { + return e && !Ps(t) ? Rs(e, t) : t; +} +const Os = Ge.hasStandardBrowserEnv ? ( + // Standard browser envs have full support of the APIs needed to test + // whether the request URL is of the same origin as current location. + function() { + const t = /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent), n = document.createElement("a"); + let r; + function i(o) { + let l = o; + return t && (n.setAttribute("href", l), l = n.href), n.setAttribute("href", l), { + href: n.href, + protocol: n.protocol ? n.protocol.replace(/:$/, "") : "", + host: n.host, + search: n.search ? n.search.replace(/^\?/, "") : "", + hash: n.hash ? n.hash.replace(/^#/, "") : "", + hostname: n.hostname, + port: n.port, + pathname: n.pathname.charAt(0) === "/" ? n.pathname : "/" + n.pathname + }; + } + return r = i(window.location.href), function(l) { + const a = P.isString(l) ? i(l) : l; + return a.protocol === r.protocol && a.host === r.host; + }; + }() +) : ( + // Non standard browser envs (web workers, react-native) lack needed support. + function() { + return function() { + return !0; + }; + }() +); +function Fs(e) { + const t = /^([-+\w]{1,25})(:?\/\/|:)/.exec(e); + return t && t[1] || ""; +} +function Is(e, t) { + e = e || 10; + const n = new Array(e), r = new Array(e); + let i = 0, o = 0, l; + return t = t !== void 0 ? t : 1e3, function(s) { + const c = Date.now(), f = r[o]; + l || (l = c), n[i] = s, r[i] = c; + let u = o, d = 0; + for (; u !== i; ) + d += n[u++], u = u % e; + if (i = (i + 1) % e, i === o && (o = (o + 1) % e), c - l < t) + return; + const p = f && c - f; + return p ? Math.round(d * 1e3 / p) : void 0; + }; +} +function si(e, t) { + let n = 0; + const r = Is(50, 250); + return (i) => { + const o = i.loaded, l = i.lengthComputable ? i.total : void 0, a = o - n, s = r(a), c = o <= l; + n = o; + const f = { + loaded: o, + total: l, + progress: l ? o / l : void 0, + bytes: a, + rate: s || void 0, + estimated: s && l && c ? (l - o) / s : void 0, + event: i + }; + f[t ? "download" : "upload"] = !0, e(f); + }; +} +const _s = typeof XMLHttpRequest < "u", js = _s && function(e) { + return new Promise(function(n, r) { + let i = e.data; + const o = Ze.from(e.headers).normalize(); + let { responseType: l, withXSRFToken: a } = e, s; + function c() { + e.cancelToken && e.cancelToken.unsubscribe(s), e.signal && e.signal.removeEventListener("abort", s); + } + let f; + if (P.isFormData(i)) { + if (Ge.hasStandardBrowserEnv || Ge.hasStandardBrowserWebWorkerEnv) + o.setContentType(!1); + else if ((f = o.getContentType()) !== !1) { + const [g, ...b] = f ? f.split(";").map((x) => x.trim()).filter(Boolean) : []; + o.setContentType([g || "multipart/form-data", ...b].join("; ")); + } + } + let u = new XMLHttpRequest(); + if (e.auth) { + const g = e.auth.username || "", b = e.auth.password ? unescape(encodeURIComponent(e.auth.password)) : ""; + o.set("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa(g + ":" + b)); + } + const d = Vo(e.baseURL, e.url); + u.open(e.method.toUpperCase(), $o(d, e.params, e.paramsSerializer), !0), u.timeout = e.timeout; + function p() { + if (!u) + return; + const g = Ze.from( + "getAllResponseHeaders" in u && u.getAllResponseHeaders() + ), x = { + data: !l || l === "text" || l === "json" ? u.responseText : u.response, + status: u.status, + statusText: u.statusText, + headers: g, + config: e, + request: u + }; + Ts(function(C) { + n(C), c(); + }, function(C) { + r(C), c(); + }, x), u = null; + } + if ("onloadend" in u ? u.onloadend = p : u.onreadystatechange = function() { + !u || u.readyState !== 4 || u.status === 0 && !(u.responseURL && u.responseURL.indexOf("file:") === 0) || setTimeout(p); + }, u.onabort = function() { + u && (r(new se("Request aborted", se.ECONNABORTED, e, u)), u = null); + }, u.onerror = function() { + r(new se("Network Error", se.ERR_NETWORK, e, u)), u = null; + }, u.ontimeout = function() { + let b = e.timeout ? "timeout of " + e.timeout + "ms exceeded" : "timeout exceeded"; + const x = e.transitional || Bo; + e.timeoutErrorMessage && (b = e.timeoutErrorMessage), r(new se( + b, + x.clarifyTimeoutError ? se.ETIMEDOUT : se.ECONNABORTED, + e, + u + )), u = null; + }, Ge.hasStandardBrowserEnv && (a && P.isFunction(a) && (a = a(e)), a || a !== !1 && Os(d))) { + const g = e.xsrfHeaderName && e.xsrfCookieName && As.read(e.xsrfCookieName); + g && o.set(e.xsrfHeaderName, g); + } + i === void 0 && o.setContentType(null), "setRequestHeader" in u && P.forEach(o.toJSON(), function(b, x) { + u.setRequestHeader(x, b); + }), P.isUndefined(e.withCredentials) || (u.withCredentials = !!e.withCredentials), l && l !== "json" && (u.responseType = e.responseType), typeof e.onDownloadProgress == "function" && u.addEventListener("progress", si(e.onDownloadProgress, !0)), typeof e.onUploadProgress == "function" && u.upload && u.upload.addEventListener("progress", si(e.onUploadProgress)), (e.cancelToken || e.signal) && (s = (g) => { + u && (r(!g || g.type ? new Ht(null, e, u) : g), u.abort(), u = null); + }, e.cancelToken && e.cancelToken.subscribe(s), e.signal && (e.signal.aborted ? s() : e.signal.addEventListener("abort", s))); + const m = Fs(d); + if (m && Ge.protocols.indexOf(m) === -1) { + r(new se("Unsupported protocol " + m + ":", se.ERR_BAD_REQUEST, e)); + return; + } + u.send(i || null); + }); +}, rr = { + http: is, + xhr: js +}; +P.forEach(rr, (e, t) => { + if (e) { + try { + Object.defineProperty(e, "name", { value: t }); + } catch { + } + Object.defineProperty(e, "adapterName", { value: t }); + } +}); +const ui = (e) => `- ${e}`, Ds = (e) => P.isFunction(e) || e === null || e === !1, Wo = { + getAdapter: (e) => { + e = P.isArray(e) ? e : [e]; + const { length: t } = e; + let n, r; + const i = {}; + for (let o = 0; o < t; o++) { + n = e[o]; + let l; + if (r = n, !Ds(n) && (r = rr[(l = String(n)).toLowerCase()], r === void 0)) + throw new se(`Unknown adapter '${l}'`); + if (r) + break; + i[l || "#" + o] = r; + } + if (!r) { + const o = Object.entries(i).map( + ([a, s]) => `adapter ${a} ` + (s === !1 ? "is not supported by the environment" : "is not available in the build") + ); + let l = t ? o.length > 1 ? `since : +` + o.map(ui).join(` +`) : " " + ui(o[0]) : "as no adapter specified"; + throw new se( + "There is no suitable adapter to dispatch the request " + l, + "ERR_NOT_SUPPORT" + ); + } + return r; + }, + adapters: rr +}; +function Fn(e) { + if (e.cancelToken && e.cancelToken.throwIfRequested(), e.signal && e.signal.aborted) + throw new Ht(null, e); +} +function ci(e) { + return Fn(e), e.headers = Ze.from(e.headers), e.data = On.call( + e, + e.transformRequest + ), ["post", "put", "patch"].indexOf(e.method) !== -1 && e.headers.setContentType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", !1), Wo.getAdapter(e.adapter || Sr.adapter)(e).then(function(r) { + return Fn(e), r.data = On.call( + e, + e.transformResponse, + r + ), r.headers = Ze.from(r.headers), r; + }, function(r) { + return Ho(r) || (Fn(e), r && r.response && (r.response.data = On.call( + e, + e.transformResponse, + r.response + ), r.response.headers = Ze.from(r.response.headers))), Promise.reject(r); + }); +} +const fi = (e) => e instanceof Ze ? e.toJSON() : e; +function wt(e, t) { + t = t || {}; + const n = {}; + function r(c, f, u) { + return P.isPlainObject(c) && P.isPlainObject(f) ? P.merge.call({ caseless: u }, c, f) : P.isPlainObject(f) ? P.merge({}, f) : P.isArray(f) ? f.slice() : f; + } + function i(c, f, u) { + if (P.isUndefined(f)) { + if (!P.isUndefined(c)) + return r(void 0, c, u); + } else + return r(c, f, u); + } + function o(c, f) { + if (!P.isUndefined(f)) + return r(void 0, f); + } + function l(c, f) { + if (P.isUndefined(f)) { + if (!P.isUndefined(c)) + return r(void 0, c); + } else + return r(void 0, f); + } + function a(c, f, u) { + if (u in t) + return r(c, f); + if (u in e) + return r(void 0, c); + } + const s = { + url: o, + method: o, + data: o, + baseURL: l, + transformRequest: l, + transformResponse: l, + paramsSerializer: l, + timeout: l, + timeoutMessage: l, + withCredentials: l, + withXSRFToken: l, + adapter: l, + responseType: l, + xsrfCookieName: l, + xsrfHeaderName: l, + onUploadProgress: l, + onDownloadProgress: l, + decompress: l, + maxContentLength: l, + maxBodyLength: l, + beforeRedirect: l, + transport: l, + httpAgent: l, + httpsAgent: l, + cancelToken: l, + socketPath: l, + responseEncoding: l, + validateStatus: a, + headers: (c, f) => i(fi(c), fi(f), !0) + }; + return P.forEach(Object.keys(Object.assign({}, e, t)), function(f) { + const u = s[f] || i, d = u(e[f], t[f], f); + P.isUndefined(d) && u !== a || (n[f] = d); + }), n; +} +const Yo = "1.6.2", Cr = {}; +["object", "boolean", "number", "function", "string", "symbol"].forEach((e, t) => { + Cr[e] = function(r) { + return typeof r === e || "a" + (t < 1 ? "n " : " ") + e; + }; +}); +const pi = {}; +Cr.transitional = function(t, n, r) { + function i(o, l) { + return "[Axios v" + Yo + "] Transitional option '" + o + "'" + l + (r ? ". " + r : ""); + } + return (o, l, a) => { + if (t === !1) + throw new se( + i(l, " has been removed" + (n ? " in " + n : "")), + se.ERR_DEPRECATED + ); + return n && !pi[l] && (pi[l] = !0, console.warn( + i( + l, + " has been deprecated since v" + n + " and will be removed in the near future" + ) + )), t ? t(o, l, a) : !0; + }; +}; +function zs(e, t, n) { + if (typeof e != "object") + throw new se("options must be an object", se.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE); + const r = Object.keys(e); + let i = r.length; + for (; i-- > 0; ) { + const o = r[i], l = t[o]; + if (l) { + const a = e[o], s = a === void 0 || l(a, o, e); + if (s !== !0) + throw new se("option " + o + " must be " + s, se.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE); + continue; + } + if (n !== !0) + throw new se("Unknown option " + o, se.ERR_BAD_OPTION); + } +} +const ir = { + assertOptions: zs, + validators: Cr +}, nt = ir.validators; +class un { + constructor(t) { + this.defaults = t, this.interceptors = { + request: new li(), + response: new li() + }; + } + /** + * Dispatch a request + * + * @param {String|Object} configOrUrl The config specific for this request (merged with this.defaults) + * @param {?Object} config + * + * @returns {Promise} The Promise to be fulfilled + */ + request(t, n) { + typeof t == "string" ? (n = n || {}, n.url = t) : n = t || {}, n = wt(this.defaults, n); + const { transitional: r, paramsSerializer: i, headers: o } = n; + r !== void 0 && ir.assertOptions(r, { + silentJSONParsing: nt.transitional(nt.boolean), + forcedJSONParsing: nt.transitional(nt.boolean), + clarifyTimeoutError: nt.transitional(nt.boolean) + }, !1), i != null && (P.isFunction(i) ? n.paramsSerializer = { + serialize: i + } : ir.assertOptions(i, { + encode: nt.function, + serialize: nt.function + }, !0)), n.method = (n.method || this.defaults.method || "get").toLowerCase(); + let l = o && P.merge( + o.common, + o[n.method] + ); + o && P.forEach( + ["delete", "get", "head", "post", "put", "patch", "common"], + (m) => { + delete o[m]; + } + ), n.headers = Ze.concat(l, o); + const a = []; + let s = !0; + this.interceptors.request.forEach(function(g) { + typeof g.runWhen == "function" && g.runWhen(n) === !1 || (s = s && g.synchronous, a.unshift(g.fulfilled, g.rejected)); + }); + const c = []; + this.interceptors.response.forEach(function(g) { + c.push(g.fulfilled, g.rejected); + }); + let f, u = 0, d; + if (!s) { + const m = [ci.bind(this), void 0]; + for (m.unshift.apply(m, a), m.push.apply(m, c), d = m.length, f = Promise.resolve(n); u < d; ) + f = f.then(m[u++], m[u++]); + return f; + } + d = a.length; + let p = n; + for (u = 0; u < d; ) { + const m = a[u++], g = a[u++]; + try { + p = m(p); + } catch (b) { + g.call(this, b); + break; + } + } + try { + f = ci.call(this, p); + } catch (m) { + return Promise.reject(m); + } + for (u = 0, d = c.length; u < d; ) + f = f.then(c[u++], c[u++]); + return f; + } + getUri(t) { + t = wt(this.defaults, t); + const n = Vo(t.baseURL, t.url); + return $o(n, t.params, t.paramsSerializer); + } +} +P.forEach(["delete", "get", "head", "options"], function(t) { + un.prototype[t] = function(n, r) { + return this.request(wt(r || {}, { + method: t, + url: n, + data: (r || {}).data + })); + }; +}); +P.forEach(["post", "put", "patch"], function(t) { + function n(r) { + return function(o, l, a) { + return this.request(wt(a || {}, { + method: t, + headers: r ? { + "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data" + } : {}, + url: o, + data: l + })); + }; + } + un.prototype[t] = n(), un.prototype[t + "Form"] = n(!0); +}); +const ln = un; +class Tr { + constructor(t) { + if (typeof t != "function") + throw new TypeError("executor must be a function."); + let n; + this.promise = new Promise(function(o) { + n = o; + }); + const r = this; + this.promise.then((i) => { + if (!r._listeners) + return; + let o = r._listeners.length; + for (; o-- > 0; ) + r._listeners[o](i); + r._listeners = null; + }), this.promise.then = (i) => { + let o; + const l = new Promise((a) => { + r.subscribe(a), o = a; + }).then(i); + return l.cancel = function() { + r.unsubscribe(o); + }, l; + }, t(function(o, l, a) { + r.reason || (r.reason = new Ht(o, l, a), n(r.reason)); + }); + } + /** + * Throws a `CanceledError` if cancellation has been requested. + */ + throwIfRequested() { + if (this.reason) + throw this.reason; + } + /** + * Subscribe to the cancel signal + */ + subscribe(t) { + if (this.reason) { + t(this.reason); + return; + } + this._listeners ? this._listeners.push(t) : this._listeners = [t]; + } + /** + * Unsubscribe from the cancel signal + */ + unsubscribe(t) { + if (!this._listeners) + return; + const n = this._listeners.indexOf(t); + n !== -1 && this._listeners.splice(n, 1); + } + /** + * Returns an object that contains a new `CancelToken` and a function that, when called, + * cancels the `CancelToken`. + */ + static source() { + let t; + return { + token: new Tr(function(i) { + t = i; + }), + cancel: t + }; + } +} +const Ls = Tr; +function Ns(e) { + return function(n) { + return e.apply(null, n); + }; +} +function Ms(e) { + return P.isObject(e) && e.isAxiosError === !0; +} +const or = { + Continue: 100, + SwitchingProtocols: 101, + Processing: 102, + EarlyHints: 103, + Ok: 200, + Created: 201, + Accepted: 202, + NonAuthoritativeInformation: 203, + NoContent: 204, + ResetContent: 205, + PartialContent: 206, + MultiStatus: 207, + AlreadyReported: 208, + ImUsed: 226, + MultipleChoices: 300, + MovedPermanently: 301, + Found: 302, + SeeOther: 303, + NotModified: 304, + UseProxy: 305, + Unused: 306, + TemporaryRedirect: 307, + PermanentRedirect: 308, + BadRequest: 400, + Unauthorized: 401, + PaymentRequired: 402, + Forbidden: 403, + NotFound: 404, + MethodNotAllowed: 405, + NotAcceptable: 406, + ProxyAuthenticationRequired: 407, + RequestTimeout: 408, + Conflict: 409, + Gone: 410, + LengthRequired: 411, + PreconditionFailed: 412, + PayloadTooLarge: 413, + UriTooLong: 414, + UnsupportedMediaType: 415, + RangeNotSatisfiable: 416, + ExpectationFailed: 417, + ImATeapot: 418, + MisdirectedRequest: 421, + UnprocessableEntity: 422, + Locked: 423, + FailedDependency: 424, + TooEarly: 425, + UpgradeRequired: 426, + PreconditionRequired: 428, + TooManyRequests: 429, + RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge: 431, + UnavailableForLegalReasons: 451, + InternalServerError: 500, + NotImplemented: 501, + BadGateway: 502, + ServiceUnavailable: 503, + GatewayTimeout: 504, + HttpVersionNotSupported: 505, + VariantAlsoNegotiates: 506, + InsufficientStorage: 507, + LoopDetected: 508, + NotExtended: 510, + NetworkAuthenticationRequired: 511 +}; +Object.entries(or).forEach(([e, t]) => { + or[t] = e; +}); +const $s = or; +function Go(e) { + const t = new ln(e), n = Po(ln.prototype.request, t); + return P.extend(n, ln.prototype, t, { allOwnKeys: !0 }), P.extend(n, t, null, { allOwnKeys: !0 }), n.create = function(i) { + return Go(wt(e, i)); + }, n; +} +const Ae = Go(Sr); +Ae.Axios = ln; +Ae.CanceledError = Ht; +Ae.CancelToken = Ls; +Ae.isCancel = Ho; +Ae.VERSION = Yo; +Ae.toFormData = gn; +Ae.AxiosError = se; +Ae.Cancel = Ae.CanceledError; +Ae.all = function(t) { + return Promise.all(t); +}; +Ae.spread = Ns; +Ae.isAxiosError = Ms; +Ae.mergeConfig = wt; +Ae.AxiosHeaders = Ze; +Ae.formToJSON = (e) => qo(P.isHTMLForm(e) ? new FormData(e) : e); +Ae.getAdapter = Wo.getAdapter; +Ae.HttpStatusCode = $s; +Ae.default = Ae; +const bn = Ae; +bn.defaults.withCredentials = !0; +const Bs = async (e, t, n, r, i) => { + let o = { + method: "POST", + url: `${e}/game/create`, + headers: { + "Content-Type": "application/json" + }, + data: JSON.stringify({ + GameKey: t, + GameID: n.toLowerCase(), + Teams: r, + TurnLength: null, + MoreOptions: i + }) + }; + return bn(o).catch((l) => l.response).then((l) => l.status); +}, Us = async (e, t, n) => { + let r = { + method: "GET", + url: `${e}/game/snapshot?GameKey=${t}&GameID=${n.toLowerCase()}` + }; + return bn(r).catch((i) => i.response); +}, Jo = async (e) => { + let t = { + method: "GET", + url: `${e}/health` + }; + return bn(t).catch((n) => n.response); +}; +function xg({ config: e }) { + const t = Bt(); + return ft(() => { + const n = async () => { + let i = await Jo(e.host); + if (i && i.status === 200) { + let o = sessionStorage.getItem("gameID"); + t(o ? `/${o}` : "/"); + } + }; + n(); + const r = setInterval(async () => { + n(); + }, 1e4); + return () => clearInterval(r); + }, [t]), /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "flex flex-col items-center my-8 md:my-12", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "w-full flex flex-col items-center mt-48", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("p", { className: "font-black text-4xl italic", children: "We'll be right back!" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("p", { className: "mb-1 font-thin", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("span", { className: `text-3xl font-black font-['${e.font}'] text-${e.color} mr-1`, children: e.key }), + " is down for maintenance" + ] }) + ] }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: "absolute bottom-8 md:bottom-12", children: /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(pn, {}) }) + ] }); +} +const hi = [ + "able", + "about", + "above", + "abuzz", + "ace", + "achy", + "acid", + "acned", + "acute", + "adept", + "adult", + "afire", + "afoot", + "afoul", + "aft", + "after", + "aged", + "agile", + "aging", + "aglow", + "ago", + "ahead", + "aided", + "airy", + "ajar", + "akin", + "alert", + "alien", + "alike", + "alive", + "alone", + "aloof", + "alpha", + "alto", + "amber", + "ample", + "angry", + "anti", + "antic", + "antsy", + "any", + "apart", + "apish", + "apt", + "arced", + "arch", + "arid", + "ashen", + "ashy", + "askew", + "astir", + "atrip", + "attic", + "avian", + "avid", + "awake", + "aware", + "awash", + "away", + "awed", + "awful", + "awing", + "awned", + "awry", + "axial", + "azure", + "back", + "bad", + "baggy", + "bald", + "balmy", + "bandy", + "bare", + "bared", + "basal", + "base", + "based", + "basic", + "bated", + "bats", + "batty", + "bay", + "beady", + "beamy", + "beat", + "beefy", + "beery", + "beige", + "bent", + "best", + "beta", + "bias", + "birch", + "bitty", + "black", + "blame", + "bland", + "blank", + "bleak", + "blear", + "blind", + "blond", + "blown", + "blue", + "bluff", + "blunt", + "boggy", + "bogus", + "bold", + "bone", + "boned", + "bonny", + "bony", + "boon", + "boozy", + "bored", + "born", + "boss", + "bossy", + "both", + "bound", + "bowed", + "boxed", + "boxy", + "brag", + "brash", + "brave", + "brief", + "briny", + "brisk", + "broad", + "broke", + "brown", + "brute", + "buff", + "buggy", + "built", + "bulgy", + "bulky", + "bully", + "bum", + "bumpy", + "burly", + "burnt", + "bush", + "bushy", + "bust", + "busty", + "busy", + "butch", + "calm", + "camp", + "campy", + "catty", + "cheap", + "chewy", + "chic", + "chief", + "civic", + "civil", + "clean", + "clear", + "cleft", + "close", + "cocky", + "cod", + "cold", + "color", + "comfy", + "comic", + "cool", + "coral", + "corny", + "cosy", + "coy", + "cozy", + "crazy", + "crisp", + "cross", + "cubic", + "cured", + "curly", + "curt", + "curvy", + "cushy", + "cut", + "cute", + "cyan", + "daft", + "daily", + "damp", + "dandy", + "dank", + "dark", + "dated", + "dazed", + "deaf", + "dear", + "deep", + "deft", + "deist", + "dense", + "dewy", + "dicey", + "dim", + "dingy", + "dinky", + "dire", + "dirty", + "dodgy", + "domed", + "done", + "dopey", + "dopy", + "dormy", + "down", + "downy", + "dozen", + "drab", + "drawn", + "dread", + "drear", + "dress", + "dried", + "droll", + "dry", + "dual", + "dud", + "due", + "dull", + "dumb", + "dummy", + "dusky", + "dusty", + "dyed", + "dying", + "each", + "eager", + "early", + "eased", + "east", + "easy", + "edged", + "edgy", + "eerie", + "eight", + "elder", + "elect", + "elfin", + "elite", + "empty", + "ended", + "epic", + "equal", + "even", + "every", + "evil", + "exact", + "extra", + "eyed", + "fab", + "faced", + "faded", + "faint", + "fair", + "fake", + "false", + "famed", + "fancy", + "far", + "fast", + "fat", + "fatal", + "fated", + "fazed", + "feral", + "few", + "fewer", + "fiery", + "fifth", + "fifty", + "filmy", + "final", + "fine", + "finer", + "fired", + "firm", + "first", + "fishy", + "fit", + "five", + "fixed", + "fizzy", + "flaky", + "flash", + "flat", + "fleet", + "flint", + "flip", + "fluid", + "flush", + "fly", + "foamy", + "focal", + "foggy", + "fond", + "fore", + "foul", + "found", + "four", + "foxy", + "frail", + "frank", + "free", + "fresh", + "fried", + "front", + "full", + "fumed", + "funky", + "funny", + "furry", + "fused", + "fussy", + "fuzzy", + "game", + "gaudy", + "gaunt", + "gawky", + "giant", + "giddy", + "gimpy", + "glad", + "glum", + "godly", + "going", + "gold", + "gone", + "good", + "gooey", + "goofy", + "grand", + "great", + "green", + "grey", + "grim", + "grimy", + "gross", + "grown", + "gruff", + "gummy", + "gushy", + "gusty", + "gutsy", + "hairy", + "hale", + "half", + "halt", + "hammy", + "handy", + "happy", + "hard", + "hardy", + "harsh", + "hasty", + "hazel", + "hazy", + "heard", + "heavy", + "hefty", + "held", + "here", + "hex", + "hexed", + "high", + "hilly", + "hind", + "hip", + "hired", + "hoar", + "hoary", + "hokey", + "holey", + "holy", + "home", + "homey", + "honey", + "horny", + "hot", + "huffy", + "huge", + "human", + "humid", + "hurt", + "husky", + "icky", + "icy", + "ideal", + "idle", + "iffy", + "ill", + "inert", + "inky", + "inner", + "ionic", + "irate", + "iron", + "jade", + "jaded", + "jaggy", + "jawed", + "jazzy", + "jet", + "joint", + "jolly", + "jowly", + "juicy", + "jumbo", + "jumpy", + "just", + "kempt", + "key", + "keyed", + "khaki", + "kin", + "kind", + "kinky", + "known", + "kooky", + "laced", + "lacy", + "laid", + "lame", + "lank", + "lanky", + "large", + "last", + "late", + "later", + "lax", + "lay", + "lazy", + "leafy", + "leaky", + "lean", + "least", + "left", + "legal", + "less", + "level", + "light", + "like", + "liked", + "limp", + "lined", + "lit", + "live", + "liver", + "livid", + "loamy", + "local", + "loco", + "lofty", + "lone", + "long", + "loony", + "loopy", + "loose", + "lossy", + "lost", + "loud", + "lousy", + "loved", + "low", + "lowly", + "loyal", + "lucid", + "lucky", + "lumpy", + "lunar", + "lurid", + "lush", + "lusty", + "lyric", + "macho", + "macro", + "mad", + "made", + "magic", + "main", + "major", + "male", + "mangy", + "manic", + "manly", + "many", + "mass", + "matt", + "matte", + "mauve", + "mealy", + "mean", + "meaty", + "meek", + "meet", + "mere", + "merry", + "messy", + "metal", + "micro", + "mild", + "milky", + "mimic", + "mined", + "mini", + "minor", + "mint", + "minty", + "minus", + "mired", + "mirky", + "misty", + "mixed", + "mock", + "mod", + "modal", + "model", + "moist", + "molar", + "moldy", + "mono", + "moody", + "moony", + "moot", + "moral", + "more", + "mossy", + "most", + "mothy", + "motor", + "mousy", + "moved", + "mown", + "much", + "mucky", + "muddy", + "muggy", + "mum", + "mural", + "murky", + "mushy", + "musky", + "must", + "musty", + "mute", + "muted", + "naive", + "nary", + "nasal", + "nasty", + "natal", + "natty", + "naval", + "near", + "neat", + "needy", + "nervy", + "new", + "newsy", + "next", + "nice", + "nifty", + "nigh", + "nine", + "ninth", + "noble", + "noisy", + "none", + "north", + "nosed", + "noted", + 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+ "rapid", + "rare", + "rash", + "raspy", + "ratty", + "raw", + "ready", + "real", + "rear", + "red", + "regal", + "retro", + "rich", + "rife", + "right", + "rigid", + "riled", + "ripe", + "risen", + "risky", + "ritzy", + "roast", + "robed", + "rocky", + "roomy", + "ropey", + "rose", + "rosy", + "rough", + "round", + "rowdy", + "royal", + "ruby", + "rude", + "ruled", + "rum", + "rummy", + "runic", + "runny", + "runty", + "rural", + "rush", + "rushy", + "rust", + "rusty", + "rutty", + "sad", + "safe", + "sage", + "said", + "salt", + "salty", + "same", + "sandy", + "sane", + "sappy", + "sassy", + "saute", + "saved", + "scaly", + "scant", + "scary", + "scrub", + "seamy", + "sear", + "seedy", + "self", + "sent", + "seven", + "sewed", + "sewn", + "shady", + "shaky", + "sham", + "sharp", + "shed", + "sheer", + "shiny", + "short", + "shot", + "showy", + "shut", + "shy", + "sick", + "side", + "sign", + "silky", + "silly", + "silty", + "sissy", + "six", + "sixth", + "sixty", + "size", + "sized", + "skew", + "skim", + "slack", + "slain", + "slaty", + "slav", + "sleek", + "slick", + "slim", + "slimy", + "slow", + "sly", + "small", + "smart", + "smoky", + "smug", + "snaky", + "sneak", + "snide", + "snowy", + "snub", + "snuff", + "snug", + "soapy", + "sober", + "soft", + "soggy", + "solar", + "sold", + "sole", + "solid", + "solo", + "some", + "sooty", + "sore", + "sorry", + "sound", + "soupy", + "sour", + "south", + "sown", + "spare", + "spent", + "spicy", + "spiky", + "spiny", + "splay", + "split", + "spry", + "spumy", + "squab", + "squat", + "stagy", + "stale", + "star", + "stark", + "steep", + "stern", + "stiff", + "still", + "stock", + "stone", + "stony", + "stout", + "straw", + "stray", + "stuck", + "stung", + "suave", + "such", + "sudsy", + "sulky", + "sunk", + "sunny", + "super", + "sure", + "surly", + "sweet", + "swell", + "swept", + "swift", + "swish", + "sworn", + "tabby", + "taboo", + "tacky", + "taken", + "talky", + "tall", + "tame", + "tamed", + "tan", + 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"yell", + "yes", + "yeti", + "yield", + "yoga", + "yolk", + "young", + "youth", + "zap", + "zebra", + "zinc", + "zing", + "zip", + "zit", + "zone", + "zoo", + "zoom", + "zero", + "whir", + "welt", + "whig", + "wand", + "twin", + "tribe", + "tilt", + "sword", + "spine", + "spear", + "site", + "shock", + "sent" +], In = { + 0: "zero", + 1: "one", + 2: "two", + 3: "three", + 4: "four", + 5: "five", + 6: "six", + 7: "seven", + 8: "eight", + 9: "nine" +}; +function wg(e) { + const { config: t, options: n, setOptions: r, children: i } = e, o = Bt(), [l, a] = pt(`${hi[Math.floor(Math.random() * hi.length)]}-${di[Math.floor(Math.random() * di.length)]}-${Math.floor(Math.random() * (99 - 0 + 1) + 0)}`), [s, c] = pt(t.minTeams); + ft(() => { + const u = async () => { + let p = await Jo(t.host); + (!p || p.status !== 200) && o("/status/down"); + }; + u(); + const d = setInterval(async () => { + u(); + }, 1e4); + return () => clearInterval(d); + }, [o]); + async function f(u) { + u.preventDefault(); + let d = await Bs(t.host, t.key, l, s, n); + (d === 201 || d === 400) && o(`/${l}`); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { children: /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "flex flex-col items-center m-8 md:m-12", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: "w-full max-w-2xl", children: /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "flex flex-col items-center fade-in", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: ` text-5xl font-black font-['${t.font}'] text-${t.color} mb-1 cursor-pointer`, children: /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("a", { href: `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.host}`, children: t.key }) }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "font-thin mb-3", children: [ + "Play ", + t.minTeams === t.maxTeams ? `${In[t.minTeams]}` : `${In[t.minTeams]} to ${In[t.maxTeams]}`, + " player ", + t.key, + " online against friends. To create a game or join an existing one, enter a game ID and click 'Go'." + ] }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("form", { className: "w-full flex mb-3", onSubmit: f, children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("input", { className: "w-10/12 p-2 text-zinc-100 bg-zinc-800 rounded-none border border-zinc-100 text-3xl font-medium box-border focus:outline-dashed outline-blue-500 outline-2", autoFocus: !0, type: "text", value: l, onChange: (u) => a(u.target.value) }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("button", { className: "w-2/12 font-bold grow-0 bg-blue-500", children: "Go" }) + ] }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "flex w-full justify-between flex-wrap gap-2", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "flex order-2 md:order-1", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("button", { onClick: () => o("/rules"), title: "how to play", className: "mr-3 md:mr-2 p-2 first-line:p-2 bg-blue-500 italic text-xs font-bold", children: "game rules" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("a", { className: "italic text-xs py-1 px-2 border-blue-500 border border-dashed text-blue-500", href: "https://quibbble.com", target: "_blank", children: [ + "more ", + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("span", { className: "text-zinc-100 font-['lobster'] text-sm not-italic", children: "quibbble" }), + " games" + ] }) + ] }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "overflow-scroll flex flex-warp items-center order-1 md:order-2 mb-3 md:mb-0", children: [ + n.Variant ? /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs(T.Fragment, { children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: "mr-1 font-black text-blue-500", children: "VARIANT" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("select", { className: "px-2 mr-1 bg-zinc-800 text-xs h-6 border font-bold border-zinc-100 focus:outline-none", id: "players", onChange: (u) => r((d) => ({ ...d, Variant: u.target.value.replace(/\s/g, "") })), children: t.variants.map((u) => /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("option", { value: u, children: u }, u)) }) + ] }) : null, + t.minTeams !== t.maxTeams ? /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs(T.Fragment, { children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: "mx-1 font-black text-blue-500", children: "PLAYERS" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("select", { className: "px-2 bg-zinc-800 text-xs h-6 border font-bold border-zinc-100 focus:outline-none", id: "players", onChange: (u) => c(parseInt(u.target.value)), children: Array(t.maxTeams - t.minTeams + 1).fill().map((u, d) => t.minTeams + d).map((u) => /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("option", { value: u, children: u }, u)) }) + ] }) : null, + i + ] }) + ] }) + ] }) }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: "absolute bottom-8 md:bottom-12", children: /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(pn, {}) }) + ] }) }); +} +var Ko = { + color: void 0, + size: void 0, + className: void 0, + style: void 0, + attr: void 0 +}, mi = Oe.createContext && Oe.createContext(Ko), it = globalThis && globalThis.__assign || function() { + return it = Object.assign || function(e) { + for (var t, n = 1, r = arguments.length; n < r; n++) { + t = arguments[n]; + for (var i in t) + Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && (e[i] = t[i]); + } + return e; + }, it.apply(this, arguments); +}, qs = globalThis && globalThis.__rest || function(e, t) { + var n = {}; + for (var r in e) + Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, r) && t.indexOf(r) < 0 && (n[r] = e[r]); + if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") + for (var i = 0, r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); i < r.length; i++) + t.indexOf(r[i]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r[i]) && (n[r[i]] = e[r[i]]); + return n; +}; +function Xo(e) { + return e && e.map(function(t, n) { + return Oe.createElement(t.tag, it({ + key: n + }, t.attr), Xo(t.child)); + }); +} +function St(e) { + return function(t) { + return Oe.createElement(Hs, it({ + attr: it({}, e.attr) + }, t), Xo(e.child)); + }; +} +function Hs(e) { + var t = function(n) { + var r = e.attr, i = e.size, o = e.title, l = qs(e, ["attr", "size", "title"]), a = i || n.size || "1em", s; + return n.className && (s = n.className), e.className && (s = (s ? s + " " : "") + e.className), Oe.createElement("svg", it({ + stroke: "currentColor", + fill: "currentColor", + strokeWidth: "0" + }, n.attr, r, l, { + className: s, + style: it(it({ + color: e.color || n.color + }, n.style), e.style), + height: a, + width: a, + xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" + }), o && Oe.createElement("title", null, o), e.children); + }; + return mi !== void 0 ? Oe.createElement(mi.Consumer, null, function(n) { + return t(n); + }) : t(Ko); +} +function Vs(e) { + return St({ tag: "svg", attr: { fill: "currentColor", viewBox: "0 0 16 16" }, child: [{ tag: "path", attr: { fillRule: "evenodd", d: "M15 8a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5H2.707l3.147-3.146a.5.5 0 1 0-.708-.708l-4 4a.5.5 0 0 0 0 .708l4 4a.5.5 0 0 0 .708-.708L2.707 8.5H14.5A.5.5 0 0 0 15 8z" } }] })(e); +} +function Ws(e) { + return St({ tag: "svg", attr: { viewBox: "0 0 512 512" }, child: [{ tag: "path", attr: { d: "M256 388c-72.597 0-132-59.405-132-132 0-72.601 59.403-132 132-132 36.3 0 69.299 15.4 92.406 39.601L278 234h154V80l-51.698 51.702C348.406 99.798 304.406 80 256 80c-96.797 0-176 79.203-176 176s78.094 176 176 176c81.045 0 148.287-54.134 169.401-128H378.85c-18.745 49.561-67.138 84-122.85 84z" } }] })(e); +} +function Ys(e) { + return St({ tag: "svg", attr: { viewBox: "0 0 512 512" }, child: [{ tag: "path", attr: { d: "M464 440l-28.12-32.11c-22.48-25.65-43.33-45.45-72.08-58.7-26.61-12.26-60-18.65-104.27-19.84V432L48 252 259.53 72v103.21c72.88 3 127.18 27.08 161.56 71.75C449.56 284 464 335.19 464 399.26z" } }] })(e); +} +function Gs(e) { + return St({ tag: "svg", attr: { viewBox: "0 0 512 512" }, child: [{ tag: "path", attr: { d: "M480 304.13v-32h-80V215.2c29.42-27.95 32-64.76 32-103.2V96h-32v16c0 28-1.86 48.15-9.9 63.84C368 128 324.32 112 256 112c-39.8 0-75.19 7.06-100.43 24.32-14.9 10.19-25.2 24.91-32.7 39.72C114 160.57 112 140.82 112 112V96H80v16c0 37.44 2.59 73.36 32 101.2v58.93H32v32l80-.13c0 19 3.7 53.09 10.39 69.69C96.6 396.76 80 422.31 80 464v16h32v-16c0-27.66 9.1-44.71 26.17-61.32C160 448 177 464 240 464V176h32v288c65 0 80-16 101.83-61.32C390.9 419.29 400 436.35 400 464v16h32v-16c0-41.68-16.6-67.23-42.39-90.31C396.3 357.09 400 323 400 304z" } }, { tag: "path", attr: { d: "M256 32c-48.06 0-96 0-96 84 26.12-14 59.35-20 96-20 24.09 0 46.09 2.65 65.39 8 10.75 3 24.66 8.71 30.61 12 0-84-47.94-84-96-84z" } }] })(e); +} +function Js(e) { + return St({ tag: "svg", attr: { viewBox: "0 0 256 256", fill: "currentColor" }, child: [{ tag: "path", attr: { d: "M208,32H48A16,16,0,0,0,32,48V208a16,16,0,0,0,16,16H208a16,16,0,0,0,16-16V48A16,16,0,0,0,208,32ZM80,208H48V48H80Zm96-56H112a8,8,0,0,1,0-16h64a8,8,0,0,1,0,16Zm0-32H112a8,8,0,0,1,0-16h64a8,8,0,0,1,0,16Z" } }] })(e); +} +function Ks(e) { + return St({ tag: "svg", attr: { version: "1.1", viewBox: "0 0 16 16" }, child: [{ tag: "path", attr: { d: "M6.879 9.934c-0.208 0-0.416-0.079-0.575-0.238-1.486-1.486-1.486-3.905 0-5.392l3-3c0.72-0.72 1.678-1.117 2.696-1.117s1.976 0.397 2.696 1.117c1.486 1.487 1.486 3.905 0 5.392l-1.371 1.371c-0.317 0.317-0.832 0.317-1.149 0s-0.317-0.832 0-1.149l1.371-1.371c0.853-0.853 0.853-2.241 0-3.094-0.413-0.413-0.963-0.641-1.547-0.641s-1.134 0.228-1.547 0.641l-3 3c-0.853 0.853-0.853 2.241 0 3.094 0.317 0.317 0.317 0.832 0 1.149-0.159 0.159-0.367 0.238-0.575 0.238z" } }, { tag: "path", attr: { d: "M4 15.813c-1.018 0-1.976-0.397-2.696-1.117-1.486-1.486-1.486-3.905 0-5.392l1.371-1.371c0.317-0.317 0.832-0.317 1.149 0s0.317 0.832 0 1.149l-1.371 1.371c-0.853 0.853-0.853 2.241 0 3.094 0.413 0.413 0.962 0.641 1.547 0.641s1.134-0.228 1.547-0.641l3-3c0.853-0.853 0.853-2.241 0-3.094-0.317-0.317-0.317-0.832 0-1.149s0.832-0.317 1.149 0c1.486 1.486 1.486 3.905 0 5.392l-3 3c-0.72 0.72-1.678 1.117-2.696 1.117z" } }] })(e); +} +function Xs({ isConn: e }) { + const [t, n] = pt(0); + return ft(() => { + e ? setTimeout(() => n((r) => r - 1), 1500) : n(0); + }, [e, n]), /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: `flex items-center ${e ? "cursor-pointer" : ""}`, children: [ + t ? null : /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: "px-1", children: e ? "connected" : "connecting" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { onClick: () => { + e && (n(0), setTimeout(() => n(t - 1), 1500)); + }, className: `rounded-full w-2 h-2 ${e ? "bg-green-500" : "bg-orange-500"}`, children: e ? null : /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: "rounded-full w-2 h-2 bg-orange-500 animate-ping" }) }) + ] }); +} +const vg = xa((e, t) => { + const { + config: n, + ws: r, + game: i, + setGame: o, + network: l, + setNetwork: a, + chat: s, + setChat: c, + connected: f, + setConnected: u, + error: d, + setError: p, + debug: m, + children: g + } = e; + m && (i && console.log("game: ", i), l && console.log("network: ", l), s && console.log("chat: ", s), f && console.log("connected: ", f), d && console.log("error: ", d)); + const { gameID: b } = wa(), x = Bt(), A = f && l && f[l.Name] ? f[l.Name] : null; + A && localStorage.setItem(b, A); + const C = Ot((H) => { + r.current && r.current.send(JSON.stringify({ ActionType: "SetTeam", MoreDetails: { Team: H } })); + }, [r]); + Ot(() => { + r.current && r.current.send(JSON.stringify({ ActionType: "SetOpenTeam" })); + }, [r]); + const j = Ot(() => { + r.current && r.current.send(JSON.stringify({ ActionType: "Reset" })); + }, [i, r]), E = Ot(() => { + r.current && (i && f && l && i.Actions && i.Actions.length > 0 && i.Actions[i.Actions.length - 1].Team !== f[l.Name] || r.current.send(JSON.stringify({ ActionType: "Undo" }))); + }, [r]), [w, N] = pt(!1), U = async (H, ue) => { + if (H <= 0) { + x("/"); + return; + } + let we = await Us(n.host, n.key, b); + if (!we) { + ue && sessionStorage.setItem("gameID", b), x("/status/down"); + return; + } + if (we.status !== 200) { + x("/"); + return; + } + r.current = new WebSocket(`${n.websocket}/game/join?GameKey=${n.key}&GameID=${b.toLowerCase()}`), r.current.onopen = () => { + N(!0); + let h = localStorage.getItem(b); + h && C(h); + }, r.current.onclose = (h) => { + N(!1), h.code != 1e3 && setTimeout(function() { + U(H - 1, !0); + }, 1e3 + (3 - H) * 500); + }, r.current.onmessage = async (h) => { + let F = JSON.parse(h.data); + F.Type === "Game" ? o(F.Payload) : F.Type === "Network" ? a(F.Payload) : F.Type === "Chat" ? c((q) => q.concat([F.Payload])) : F.Type === "Connected" ? u(F.Payload) : F.Type === "Error" && p(F.Payload); + }, r.current.onerror = (h) => { + console.error("Socket encountered error: ", h.message); + }; + }; + ft(() => (U(3, !1), (H) => { + var ue; + return (ue = r.current) == null ? void 0 : ue.close(1e3); + }), []); + const [te, v] = pt(!0); + ft(() => { + const H = () => v(!te); + return window.addEventListener("resize", H), (ue) => window.removeEventListener("resize", H); + }); + const [_, z] = pt(0); + ft(() => { + _ > 0 && setTimeout(() => z(_ - 1), 1e3); + }, [_]); + const [Q, Z] = pt(!1), G = () => /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: "z-50 absolute h-[95%] w-full flex items-center justify-center fade-in", children: /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "bg-zinc-900 p-8 rounded-md", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("p", { className: "mb-4", children: "Are you sure you want to reset the game?" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "flex justify-between", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx( + "button", + { + className: "px-2 py-1 bg-blue-500 text-sm font-bold", + onClick: () => Z(!1), + children: "cancel" + } + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx( + "button", + { + className: "px-2 py-1 bg-red-500 text-sm font-bold", + onClick: () => { + j(), Z(!1); + }, + children: "reset game" + } + ) + ] }) + ] }) }), oe = Ot((H) => { + if (n.shortcut || (n.shortcut = { + nextTeam: "n", + currentTeam: "c", + undo: "u" + }), H.key === n.shortcut.nextTeam) { + let ue = i.Teams, we = ue[(ue.indexOf(A) + 1) % ue.length]; + C(we); + } else + H.key === n.shortcut.currentTeam && i.Turn !== A ? C(i.Turn) : H.key === n.shortcut.undo && E(); + }, [i, A]); + return ft(() => (document.addEventListener("keydown", oe), () => { + document.removeEventListener("keydown", oe); + }), [oe]), /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "min-h-screen flex flex-col items-center p-2 md:p-4 fade-in", children: [ + Q ? /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(G, {}) : null, + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { ref: t, className: `h-full w-full ${n.gamePageMaxWidth ? n.gamePageMaxWidth : "max-w-xl"} flex flex-col items-center grow`, children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "flex justify-between items-center relative w-full mb-1 justfy-self-start font-thin text-sm", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "flex items-center cursor-pointer", onClick: () => { + z(1), navigator.clipboard.writeText(`${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.host}/${b}`); + }, children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(Ks, { className: "mr-1" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("span", { className: "underline", children: `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.host}/${b}` }) + ] }), + _ > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "absolute mt-2 w-6/12 flex justify-center", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: "absolute top-[-12px] w-6 overflow-hidden inline-block", children: /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: " h-4 w-4 bg-zinc-600 rotate-45 transform origin-bottom-left" }) }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: "font-bold text-xs text-center bg-zinc-600 px-2 py-1", children: "copied!" }) + ] }) : null + ] }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: "px-1", children: /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(Xs, { isConn: w }) }) + ] }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("hr", { className: "w-full mb-2" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "flex w-full justify-between items-center mb-4", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: "flex", children: i && i.Teams ? i.Teams.map((H) => /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx( + "div", + { + className: `text-xs flex items-center justify-center font-bold cursor-pointer mr-1 w-6 h-6 rounded-full border-4 border-${H}-500 ${A === H ? `bg-${A}-500 pointer-events-none` : ""}`, + onClick: () => C(H), + children: i && i.MoreData && i.MoreData.Points ? i.MoreData.Points[H] : "" + }, + H + )) : null }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: `font-extrabold ${i && f && l && f[l.Name] && i.Winners.length === 0 ? `text-${i.Turn}-500` : "text-zinc-100"} ${i && l && f && f[l.Name] === i.Turn && i.Winners.length === 0 ? "animate-pulse" : ""}`, children: i && f && l && f[l.Name] ? i.Message : /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "flex items-center animate-pulse", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(Vs, { className: "mr-1" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { children: "select a team" }) + ] }) }) + ] }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: "p-4 h-full w-full flex flex-col justify-center items-center grow", children: g }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("hr", { className: "w-full mt-4 mb-2" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "w-full flex justify-between items-center", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("div", { className: `leading-4 text-2xl font-black text-${n.color} cursor-pointer`, children: /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("button", { onClick: () => { + sessionStorage.setItem("gameID", ""), x("/"); + }, children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("span", { className: `font-['${n.font}']`, children: n.key }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("span", { className: "ml-1 text-[0.5rem] md:text-xs text-zinc-100", children: i && i.MoreData && i.MoreData.Variant ? i.MoreData.Variant : "" }) + ] }) }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsxs("div", { className: "flex", children: [ + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("button", { onClick: () => E(), title: "undo move", className: `p-2 ${i && f && l && i.Actions && i.Actions.length > 0 && i.Actions[i.Actions.length - 1].Team === f[l.Name] ? "bg-amber-500" : "bg-zinc-700 text-zinc-500 cursor-default"} mr-3 md:mr-2 rounded-full`, children: /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(Ys, {}) }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("button", { onClick: () => Z(!0), title: "reset game", className: `p-2 ${i && i.Winners.length > 0 ? "bg-blue-500" : "bg-zinc-500"} mr-3 md:mr-2 rounded-full`, children: /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(Ws, {}) }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("button", { onClick: () => { + sessionStorage.setItem("gameID", b), x("/bugs"); + }, title: "find a bug?", className: "block md:hidden p-2 bg-zinc-500 mr-3 md:mr-2 rounded-full", children: /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(Gs, {}) }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("button", { onClick: () => { + sessionStorage.setItem("gameID", b), x("/bugs"); + }, title: "find a bug?", className: "hidden md:block mr-3 md:mr-2 p-2 bg-zinc-500 italic text-xs font-bold", children: "find a bug?" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("button", { onClick: () => { + sessionStorage.setItem("gameID", b), x("/rules"); + }, title: "game rules", className: "block md:hidden p-2 bg-blue-500 rounded-full", children: /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx(Js, {}) }), + /* @__PURE__ */ T.jsx("button", { onClick: () => { + sessionStorage.setItem("gameID", b), x("/rules"); + }, title: "game rules", className: "hidden md:block p-2 bg-blue-500 italic text-xs font-bold", children: "game rules" }) + ] }) + ] }) + ] }) + ] }); +}), gi = ["http", "https", "mailto", "tel"]; +function Qs(e) { + const t = (e || "").trim(), n = t.charAt(0); + if (n === "#" || n === "/") + return t; + const r = t.indexOf(":"); + if (r === -1) + return t; + let i = -1; + for (; ++i < gi.length; ) { + const o = gi[i]; + if (r === o.length && t.slice(0, o.length).toLowerCase() === o) + return t; + } + return i = t.indexOf("?"), i !== -1 && r > i || (i = t.indexOf("#"), i !== -1 && r > i) ? t : "javascript:void(0)"; +} +/*! + * Determine if an object is a Buffer + * + * @author Feross Aboukhadijeh + * @license MIT + */ +var Zs = function(t) { + return t != null && t.constructor != null && typeof t.constructor.isBuffer == "function" && t.constructor.isBuffer(t); +}; +const Qo = /* @__PURE__ */ Ut(Zs); +function zt(e) { + return !e || typeof e != "object" ? "" : "position" in e || "type" in e ? yi(e.position) : "start" in e || "end" in e ? yi(e) : "line" in e || "column" in e ? lr(e) : ""; +} +function lr(e) { + return bi(e && e.line) + ":" + bi(e && e.column); +} +function yi(e) { + return lr(e && e.start) + "-" + lr(e && e.end); +} +function bi(e) { + return e && typeof e == "number" ? e : 1; +} +class Ue extends Error { + /** + * Create a message for `reason` at `place` from `origin`. + * + * When an error is passed in as `reason`, the `stack` is copied. + * + * @param {string | Error | VFileMessage} reason + * Reason for message, uses the stack and message of the error if given. + * + * > 👉 **Note**: you should use markdown. + * @param {Node | NodeLike | Position | Point | null | undefined} [place] + * Place in file where the message occurred. + * @param {string | null | undefined} [origin] + * Place in code where the message originates (example: + * `'my-package:my-rule'` or `'my-rule'`). + * @returns + * Instance of `VFileMessage`. + */ + // To do: next major: expose `undefined` everywhere instead of `null`. + constructor(t, n, r) { + const i = [null, null]; + let o = { + // @ts-expect-error: we always follows the structure of `position`. + start: { line: null, column: null }, + // @ts-expect-error: " + end: { line: null, column: null } + }; + if (super(), typeof n == "string" && (r = n, n = void 0), typeof r == "string") { + const l = r.indexOf(":"); + l === -1 ? i[1] = r : (i[0] = r.slice(0, l), i[1] = r.slice(l + 1)); + } + n && ("type" in n || "position" in n ? n.position && (o = n.position) : "start" in n || "end" in n ? o = n : ("line" in n || "column" in n) && (o.start = n)), this.name = zt(n) || "1:1", this.message = typeof t == "object" ? t.message : t, this.stack = "", typeof t == "object" && t.stack && (this.stack = t.stack), this.reason = this.message, this.fatal, this.line = o.start.line, this.column = o.start.column, this.position = o, this.source = i[0], this.ruleId = i[1], this.file, this.actual, this.expected, this.url, this.note; + } +} +Ue.prototype.file = ""; +Ue.prototype.name = ""; +Ue.prototype.reason = ""; +Ue.prototype.message = ""; +Ue.prototype.stack = ""; +Ue.prototype.fatal = null; +Ue.prototype.column = null; +Ue.prototype.line = null; +Ue.prototype.source = null; +Ue.prototype.ruleId = null; +Ue.prototype.position = null; +const We = { basename: eu, dirname: tu, extname: nu, join: ru, sep: "/" }; +function eu(e, t) { + if (t !== void 0 && typeof t != "string") + throw new TypeError('"ext" argument must be a string'); + Vt(e); + let n = 0, r = -1, i = e.length, o; + if (t === void 0 || t.length === 0 || t.length > e.length) { + for (; i--; ) + if (e.charCodeAt(i) === 47) { + if (o) { + n = i + 1; + break; + } + } else + r < 0 && (o = !0, r = i + 1); + return r < 0 ? "" : e.slice(n, r); + } + if (t === e) + return ""; + let l = -1, a = t.length - 1; + for (; i--; ) + if (e.charCodeAt(i) === 47) { + if (o) { + n = i + 1; + break; + } + } else + l < 0 && (o = !0, l = i + 1), a > -1 && (e.charCodeAt(i) === t.charCodeAt(a--) ? a < 0 && (r = i) : (a = -1, r = l)); + return n === r ? r = l : r < 0 && (r = e.length), e.slice(n, r); +} +function tu(e) { + if (Vt(e), e.length === 0) + return "."; + let t = -1, n = e.length, r; + for (; --n; ) + if (e.charCodeAt(n) === 47) { + if (r) { + t = n; + break; + } + } else + r || (r = !0); + return t < 0 ? e.charCodeAt(0) === 47 ? "/" : "." : t === 1 && e.charCodeAt(0) === 47 ? "//" : e.slice(0, t); +} +function nu(e) { + Vt(e); + let t = e.length, n = -1, r = 0, i = -1, o = 0, l; + for (; t--; ) { + const a = e.charCodeAt(t); + if (a === 47) { + if (l) { + r = t + 1; + break; + } + continue; + } + n < 0 && (l = !0, n = t + 1), a === 46 ? i < 0 ? i = t : o !== 1 && (o = 1) : i > -1 && (o = -1); + } + return i < 0 || n < 0 || // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot. + o === 0 || // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly `..`. + o === 1 && i === n - 1 && i === r + 1 ? "" : e.slice(i, n); +} +function ru(...e) { + let t = -1, n; + for (; ++t < e.length; ) + Vt(e[t]), e[t] && (n = n === void 0 ? e[t] : n + "/" + e[t]); + return n === void 0 ? "." : iu(n); +} +function iu(e) { + Vt(e); + const t = e.charCodeAt(0) === 47; + let n = ou(e, !t); + return n.length === 0 && !t && (n = "."), n.length > 0 && e.charCodeAt(e.length - 1) === 47 && (n += "/"), t ? "/" + n : n; +} +function ou(e, t) { + let n = "", r = 0, i = -1, o = 0, l = -1, a, s; + for (; ++l <= e.length; ) { + if (l < e.length) + a = e.charCodeAt(l); + else { + if (a === 47) + break; + a = 47; + } + if (a === 47) { + if (!(i === l - 1 || o === 1)) + if (i !== l - 1 && o === 2) { + if (n.length < 2 || r !== 2 || n.charCodeAt(n.length - 1) !== 46 || n.charCodeAt(n.length - 2) !== 46) { + if (n.length > 2) { + if (s = n.lastIndexOf("/"), s !== n.length - 1) { + s < 0 ? (n = "", r = 0) : (n = n.slice(0, s), r = n.length - 1 - n.lastIndexOf("/")), i = l, o = 0; + continue; + } + } else if (n.length > 0) { + n = "", r = 0, i = l, o = 0; + continue; + } + } + t && (n = n.length > 0 ? n + "/.." : "..", r = 2); + } else + n.length > 0 ? n += "/" + e.slice(i + 1, l) : n = e.slice(i + 1, l), r = l - i - 1; + i = l, o = 0; + } else + a === 46 && o > -1 ? o++ : o = -1; + } + return n; +} +function Vt(e) { + if (typeof e != "string") + throw new TypeError( + "Path must be a string. Received " + JSON.stringify(e) + ); +} +const lu = { cwd: au }; +function au() { + return "/"; +} +function ar(e) { + return e !== null && typeof e == "object" && // @ts-expect-error: indexable. + e.href && // @ts-expect-error: indexable. + e.origin; +} +function su(e) { + if (typeof e == "string") + e = new URL(e); + else if (!ar(e)) { + const t = new TypeError( + 'The "path" argument must be of type string or an instance of URL. Received `' + e + "`" + ); + throw t.code = "ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", t; + } + if (e.protocol !== "file:") { + const t = new TypeError("The URL must be of scheme file"); + throw t.code = "ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME", t; + } + return uu(e); +} +function uu(e) { + if (e.hostname !== "") { + const r = new TypeError( + 'File URL host must be "localhost" or empty on darwin' + ); + throw r.code = "ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_HOST", r; + } + const t = e.pathname; + let n = -1; + for (; ++n < t.length; ) + if (t.charCodeAt(n) === 37 && t.charCodeAt(n + 1) === 50) { + const r = t.charCodeAt(n + 2); + if (r === 70 || r === 102) { + const i = new TypeError( + "File URL path must not include encoded / characters" + ); + throw i.code = "ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_PATH", i; + } + } + return decodeURIComponent(t); +} +const _n = ["history", "path", "basename", "stem", "extname", "dirname"]; +class Zo { + /** + * Create a new virtual file. + * + * `options` is treated as: + * + * * `string` or `Buffer` — `{value: options}` + * * `URL` — `{path: options}` + * * `VFile` — shallow copies its data over to the new file + * * `object` — all fields are shallow copied over to the new file + * + * Path related fields are set in the following order (least specific to + * most specific): `history`, `path`, `basename`, `stem`, `extname`, + * `dirname`. + * + * You cannot set `dirname` or `extname` without setting either `history`, + * `path`, `basename`, or `stem` too. + * + * @param {Compatible | null | undefined} [value] + * File value. + * @returns + * New instance. + */ + constructor(t) { + let n; + t ? typeof t == "string" || cu(t) ? n = { value: t } : ar(t) ? n = { path: t } : n = t : n = {}, this.data = {}, this.messages = [], this.history = [], this.cwd = lu.cwd(), this.value, this.stored, this.result, this.map; + let r = -1; + for (; ++r < _n.length; ) { + const o = _n[r]; + o in n && n[o] !== void 0 && n[o] !== null && (this[o] = o === "history" ? [...n[o]] : n[o]); + } + let i; + for (i in n) + _n.includes(i) || (this[i] = n[i]); + } + /** + * Get the full path (example: `'~/index.min.js'`). + * + * @returns {string} + */ + get path() { + return this.history[this.history.length - 1]; + } + /** + * Set the full path (example: `'~/index.min.js'`). + * + * Cannot be nullified. + * You can set a file URL (a `URL` object with a `file:` protocol) which will + * be turned into a path with `url.fileURLToPath`. + * + * @param {string | URL} path + */ + set path(t) { + ar(t) && (t = su(t)), Dn(t, "path"), this.path !== t && this.history.push(t); + } + /** + * Get the parent path (example: `'~'`). + */ + get dirname() { + return typeof this.path == "string" ? We.dirname(this.path) : void 0; + } + /** + * Set the parent path (example: `'~'`). + * + * Cannot be set if there’s no `path` yet. + */ + set dirname(t) { + ki(this.basename, "dirname"), this.path = We.join(t || "", this.basename); + } + /** + * Get the basename (including extname) (example: `'index.min.js'`). + */ + get basename() { + return typeof this.path == "string" ? We.basename(this.path) : void 0; + } + /** + * Set basename (including extname) (`'index.min.js'`). + * + * Cannot contain path separators (`'/'` on unix, macOS, and browsers, `'\'` + * on windows). + * Cannot be nullified (use `file.path = file.dirname` instead). + */ + set basename(t) { + Dn(t, "basename"), jn(t, "basename"), this.path = We.join(this.dirname || "", t); + } + /** + * Get the extname (including dot) (example: `'.js'`). + */ + get extname() { + return typeof this.path == "string" ? We.extname(this.path) : void 0; + } + /** + * Set the extname (including dot) (example: `'.js'`). + * + * Cannot contain path separators (`'/'` on unix, macOS, and browsers, `'\'` + * on windows). + * Cannot be set if there’s no `path` yet. + */ + set extname(t) { + if (jn(t, "extname"), ki(this.dirname, "extname"), t) { + if (t.charCodeAt(0) !== 46) + throw new Error("`extname` must start with `.`"); + if (t.includes(".", 1)) + throw new Error("`extname` cannot contain multiple dots"); + } + this.path = We.join(this.dirname, this.stem + (t || "")); + } + /** + * Get the stem (basename w/o extname) (example: `'index.min'`). + */ + get stem() { + return typeof this.path == "string" ? We.basename(this.path, this.extname) : void 0; + } + /** + * Set the stem (basename w/o extname) (example: `'index.min'`). + * + * Cannot contain path separators (`'/'` on unix, macOS, and browsers, `'\'` + * on windows). + * Cannot be nullified (use `file.path = file.dirname` instead). + */ + set stem(t) { + Dn(t, "stem"), jn(t, "stem"), this.path = We.join(this.dirname || "", t + (this.extname || "")); + } + /** + * Serialize the file. + * + * @param {BufferEncoding | null | undefined} [encoding='utf8'] + * Character encoding to understand `value` as when it’s a `Buffer` + * (default: `'utf8'`). + * @returns {string} + * Serialized file. + */ + toString(t) { + return (this.value || "").toString(t || void 0); + } + /** + * Create a warning message associated with the file. + * + * Its `fatal` is set to `false` and `file` is set to the current file path. + * Its added to `file.messages`. + * + * @param {string | Error | VFileMessage} reason + * Reason for message, uses the stack and message of the error if given. + * @param {Node | NodeLike | Position | Point | null | undefined} [place] + * Place in file where the message occurred. + * @param {string | null | undefined} [origin] + * Place in code where the message originates (example: + * `'my-package:my-rule'` or `'my-rule'`). + * @returns {VFileMessage} + * Message. + */ + message(t, n, r) { + const i = new Ue(t, n, r); + return this.path && (i.name = this.path + ":" + i.name, i.file = this.path), i.fatal = !1, this.messages.push(i), i; + } + /** + * Create an info message associated with the file. + * + * Its `fatal` is set to `null` and `file` is set to the current file path. + * Its added to `file.messages`. + * + * @param {string | Error | VFileMessage} reason + * Reason for message, uses the stack and message of the error if given. + * @param {Node | NodeLike | Position | Point | null | undefined} [place] + * Place in file where the message occurred. + * @param {string | null | undefined} [origin] + * Place in code where the message originates (example: + * `'my-package:my-rule'` or `'my-rule'`). + * @returns {VFileMessage} + * Message. + */ + info(t, n, r) { + const i = this.message(t, n, r); + return i.fatal = null, i; + } + /** + * Create a fatal error associated with the file. + * + * Its `fatal` is set to `true` and `file` is set to the current file path. + * Its added to `file.messages`. + * + * > 👉 **Note**: a fatal error means that a file is no longer processable. + * + * @param {string | Error | VFileMessage} reason + * Reason for message, uses the stack and message of the error if given. + * @param {Node | NodeLike | Position | Point | null | undefined} [place] + * Place in file where the message occurred. + * @param {string | null | undefined} [origin] + * Place in code where the message originates (example: + * `'my-package:my-rule'` or `'my-rule'`). + * @returns {never} + * Message. + * @throws {VFileMessage} + * Message. + */ + fail(t, n, r) { + const i = this.message(t, n, r); + throw i.fatal = !0, i; + } +} +function jn(e, t) { + if (e && e.includes(We.sep)) + throw new Error( + "`" + t + "` cannot be a path: did not expect `" + We.sep + "`" + ); +} +function Dn(e, t) { + if (!e) + throw new Error("`" + t + "` cannot be empty"); +} +function ki(e, t) { + if (!e) + throw new Error("Setting `" + t + "` requires `path` to be set too"); +} +function cu(e) { + return Qo(e); +} +function xi(e) { + if (e) + throw e; +} +var an = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, el = Object.prototype.toString, wi = Object.defineProperty, vi = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, Ei = function(t) { + return typeof Array.isArray == "function" ? Array.isArray(t) : el.call(t) === "[object Array]"; +}, Si = function(t) { + if (!t || el.call(t) !== "[object Object]") + return !1; + var n = an.call(t, "constructor"), r = t.constructor && t.constructor.prototype && an.call(t.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf"); + if (t.constructor && !n && !r) + return !1; + var i; + for (i in t) + ; + return typeof i > "u" || an.call(t, i); +}, Ci = function(t, n) { + wi && n.name === "__proto__" ? wi(t, n.name, { + enumerable: !0, + configurable: !0, + value: n.newValue, + writable: !0 + }) : t[n.name] = n.newValue; +}, Ti = function(t, n) { + if (n === "__proto__") + if (an.call(t, n)) { + if (vi) + return vi(t, n).value; + } else + return; + return t[n]; +}, fu = function e() { + var t, n, r, i, o, l, a = arguments[0], s = 1, c = arguments.length, f = !1; + for (typeof a == "boolean" && (f = a, a = arguments[1] || {}, s = 2), (a == null || typeof a != "object" && typeof a != "function") && (a = {}); s < c; ++s) + if (t = arguments[s], t != null) + for (n in t) + r = Ti(a, n), i = Ti(t, n), a !== i && (f && i && (Si(i) || (o = Ei(i))) ? (o ? (o = !1, l = r && Ei(r) ? r : []) : l = r && Si(r) ? r : {}, Ci(a, { name: n, newValue: e(f, l, i) })) : typeof i < "u" && Ci(a, { name: n, newValue: i })); + return a; +}; +const Ai = /* @__PURE__ */ Ut(fu); +function sr(e) { + if (typeof e != "object" || e === null) + return !1; + const t = Object.getPrototypeOf(e); + return (t === null || t === Object.prototype || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) === null) && !(Symbol.toStringTag in e) && !(Symbol.iterator in e); +} +function pu() { + const e = [], t = { run: n, use: r }; + return t; + function n(...i) { + let o = -1; + const l = i.pop(); + if (typeof l != "function") + throw new TypeError("Expected function as last argument, not " + l); + a(null, ...i); + function a(s, ...c) { + const f = e[++o]; + let u = -1; + if (s) { + l(s); + return; + } + for (; ++u < i.length; ) + (c[u] === null || c[u] === void 0) && (c[u] = i[u]); + i = c, f ? hu(f, a)(...c) : l(null, ...c); + } + } + function r(i) { + if (typeof i != "function") + throw new TypeError( + "Expected `middelware` to be a function, not " + i + ); + return e.push(i), t; + } +} +function hu(e, t) { + let n; + return r; + function r(...l) { + const a = e.length > l.length; + let s; + a && l.push(i); + try { + s = e.apply(this, l); + } catch (c) { + const f = ( + /** @type {Error} */ + c + ); + if (a && n) + throw f; + return i(f); + } + a || (s instanceof Promise ? s.then(o, i) : s instanceof Error ? i(s) : o(s)); + } + function i(l, ...a) { + n || (n = !0, t(l, ...a)); + } + function o(l) { + i(null, l); + } +} +const du = nl().freeze(), tl = {}.hasOwnProperty; +function nl() { + const e = pu(), t = []; + let n = {}, r, i = -1; + return o.data = l, o.Parser = void 0, o.Compiler = void 0, o.freeze = a, o.attachers = t, o.use = s, o.parse = c, o.stringify = f, o.run = u, o.runSync = d, o.process = p, o.processSync = m, o; + function o() { + const g = nl(); + let b = -1; + for (; ++b < t.length; ) + g.use(...t[b]); + return g.data(Ai(!0, {}, n)), g; + } + function l(g, b) { + return typeof g == "string" ? arguments.length === 2 ? (Nn("data", r), n[g] = b, o) : tl.call(n, g) && n[g] || null : g ? (Nn("data", r), n = g, o) : n; + } + function a() { + if (r) + return o; + for (; ++i < t.length; ) { + const [g, ...b] = t[i]; + if (b[0] === !1) + continue; + b[0] === !0 && (b[0] = void 0); + const x = g.call(o, ...b); + typeof x == "function" && e.use(x); + } + return r = !0, i = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, o; + } + function s(g, ...b) { + let x; + if (Nn("use", r), g != null) + if (typeof g == "function") + E(g, ...b); + else if (typeof g == "object") + Array.isArray(g) ? j(g) : C(g); + else + throw new TypeError("Expected usable value, not `" + g + "`"); + return x && (n.settings = Object.assign(n.settings || {}, x)), o; + function A(w) { + if (typeof w == "function") + E(w); + else if (typeof w == "object") + if (Array.isArray(w)) { + const [N, ...U] = w; + E(N, ...U); + } else + C(w); + else + throw new TypeError("Expected usable value, not `" + w + "`"); + } + function C(w) { + j(w.plugins), w.settings && (x = Object.assign(x || {}, w.settings)); + } + function j(w) { + let N = -1; + if (w != null) + if (Array.isArray(w)) + for (; ++N < w.length; ) { + const U = w[N]; + A(U); + } + else + throw new TypeError("Expected a list of plugins, not `" + w + "`"); + } + function E(w, N) { + let U = -1, te; + for (; ++U < t.length; ) + if (t[U][0] === w) { + te = t[U]; + break; + } + te ? (sr(te[1]) && sr(N) && (N = Ai(!0, te[1], N)), te[1] = N) : t.push([...arguments]); + } + } + function c(g) { + o.freeze(); + const b = jt(g), x = o.Parser; + return zn("parse", x), Pi(x, "parse") ? new x(String(b), b).parse() : x(String(b), b); + } + function f(g, b) { + o.freeze(); + const x = jt(b), A = o.Compiler; + return Ln("stringify", A), Ri(g), Pi(A, "compile") ? new A(g, x).compile() : A(g, x); + } + function u(g, b, x) { + if (Ri(g), o.freeze(), !x && typeof b == "function" && (x = b, b = void 0), !x) + return new Promise(A); + A(null, x); + function A(C, j) { + e.run(g, jt(b), E); + function E(w, N, U) { + N = N || g, w ? j(w) : C ? C(N) : x(null, N, U); + } + } + } + function d(g, b) { + let x, A; + return o.run(g, b, C), Oi("runSync", "run", A), x; + function C(j, E) { + xi(j), x = E, A = !0; + } + } + function p(g, b) { + if (o.freeze(), zn("process", o.Parser), Ln("process", o.Compiler), !b) + return new Promise(x); + x(null, b); + function x(A, C) { + const j = jt(g); + o.run(o.parse(j), j, (w, N, U) => { + if (w || !N || !U) + E(w); + else { + const te = o.stringify(N, U); + te == null || (yu(te) ? U.value = te : U.result = te), E(w, U); + } + }); + function E(w, N) { + w || !N ? C(w) : A ? A(N) : b(null, N); + } + } + } + function m(g) { + let b; + o.freeze(), zn("processSync", o.Parser), Ln("processSync", o.Compiler); + const x = jt(g); + return o.process(x, A), Oi("processSync", "process", b), x; + function A(C) { + b = !0, xi(C); + } + } +} +function Pi(e, t) { + return typeof e == "function" && // Prototypes do exist. + // type-coverage:ignore-next-line + e.prototype && // A function with keys in its prototype is probably a constructor. + // Classes’ prototype methods are not enumerable, so we check if some value + // exists in the prototype. + // type-coverage:ignore-next-line + (mu(e.prototype) || t in e.prototype); +} +function mu(e) { + let t; + for (t in e) + if (tl.call(e, t)) + return !0; + return !1; +} +function zn(e, t) { + if (typeof t != "function") + throw new TypeError("Cannot `" + e + "` without `Parser`"); +} +function Ln(e, t) { + if (typeof t != "function") + throw new TypeError("Cannot `" + e + "` without `Compiler`"); +} +function Nn(e, t) { + if (t) + throw new Error( + "Cannot call `" + e + "` on a frozen processor.\nCreate a new processor first, by calling it: use `processor()` instead of `processor`." + ); +} +function Ri(e) { + if (!sr(e) || typeof e.type != "string") + throw new TypeError("Expected node, got `" + e + "`"); +} +function Oi(e, t, n) { + if (!n) + throw new Error( + "`" + e + "` finished async. Use `" + t + "` instead" + ); +} +function jt(e) { + return gu(e) ? e : new Zo(e); +} +function gu(e) { + return !!(e && typeof e == "object" && "message" in e && "messages" in e); +} +function yu(e) { + return typeof e == "string" || Qo(e); +} +const bu = {}; +function ku(e, t) { + const n = t || bu, r = typeof n.includeImageAlt == "boolean" ? n.includeImageAlt : !0, i = typeof n.includeHtml == "boolean" ? n.includeHtml : !0; + return rl(e, r, i); +} +function rl(e, t, n) { + if (xu(e)) { + if ("value" in e) + return e.type === "html" && !n ? "" : e.value; + if (t && "alt" in e && e.alt) + return e.alt; + if ("children" in e) + return Fi(e.children, t, n); + } + return Array.isArray(e) ? Fi(e, t, n) : ""; +} +function Fi(e, t, n) { + const r = []; + let i = -1; + for (; ++i < e.length; ) + r[i] = rl(e[i], t, n); + return r.join(""); +} +function xu(e) { + return !!(e && typeof e == "object"); +} +function Je(e, t, n, r) { + const i = e.length; + let o = 0, l; + if (t < 0 ? t = -t > i ? 0 : i + t : t = t > i ? i : t, n = n > 0 ? n : 0, r.length < 1e4) + l = Array.from(r), l.unshift(t, n), e.splice(...l); + else + for (n && e.splice(t, n); o < r.length; ) + l = r.slice(o, o + 1e4), l.unshift(t, 0), e.splice(...l), o += 1e4, t += 1e4; +} +function $e(e, t) { + return e.length > 0 ? (Je(e, e.length, 0, t), e) : t; +} +const Ii = {}.hasOwnProperty; +function wu(e) { + const t = {}; + let n = -1; + for (; ++n < e.length; ) + vu(t, e[n]); + return t; +} +function vu(e, t) { + let n; + for (n in t) { + const i = (Ii.call(e, n) ? e[n] : void 0) || (e[n] = {}), o = t[n]; + let l; + if (o) + for (l in o) { + Ii.call(i, l) || (i[l] = []); + const a = o[l]; + Eu( + // @ts-expect-error Looks like a list. + i[l], + Array.isArray(a) ? a : a ? [a] : [] + ); + } + } +} +function Eu(e, t) { + let n = -1; + const r = []; + for (; ++n < t.length; ) + (t[n].add === "after" ? e : r).push(t[n]); + Je(e, 0, 0, r); +} +const Su = /[!-\/:-@\[-`\{-~\xA1\xA7\xAB\xB6\xB7\xBB\xBF\u037E\u0387\u055A-\u055F\u0589\u058A\u05BE\u05C0\u05C3\u05C6\u05F3\u05F4\u0609\u060A\u060C\u060D\u061B\u061D-\u061F\u066A-\u066D\u06D4\u0700-\u070D\u07F7-\u07F9\u0830-\u083E\u085E\u0964\u0965\u0970\u09FD\u0A76\u0AF0\u0C77\u0C84\u0DF4\u0E4F\u0E5A\u0E5B\u0F04-\u0F12\u0F14\u0F3A-\u0F3D\u0F85\u0FD0-\u0FD4\u0FD9\u0FDA\u104A-\u104F\u10FB\u1360-\u1368\u1400\u166E\u169B\u169C\u16EB-\u16ED\u1735\u1736\u17D4-\u17D6\u17D8-\u17DA\u1800-\u180A\u1944\u1945\u1A1E\u1A1F\u1AA0-\u1AA6\u1AA8-\u1AAD\u1B5A-\u1B60\u1B7D\u1B7E\u1BFC-\u1BFF\u1C3B-\u1C3F\u1C7E\u1C7F\u1CC0-\u1CC7\u1CD3\u2010-\u2027\u2030-\u2043\u2045-\u2051\u2053-\u205E\u207D\u207E\u208D\u208E\u2308-\u230B\u2329\u232A\u2768-\u2775\u27C5\u27C6\u27E6-\u27EF\u2983-\u2998\u29D8-\u29DB\u29FC\u29FD\u2CF9-\u2CFC\u2CFE\u2CFF\u2D70\u2E00-\u2E2E\u2E30-\u2E4F\u2E52-\u2E5D\u3001-\u3003\u3008-\u3011\u3014-\u301F\u3030\u303D\u30A0\u30FB\uA4FE\uA4FF\uA60D-\uA60F\uA673\uA67E\uA6F2-\uA6F7\uA874-\uA877\uA8CE\uA8CF\uA8F8-\uA8FA\uA8FC\uA92E\uA92F\uA95F\uA9C1-\uA9CD\uA9DE\uA9DF\uAA5C-\uAA5F\uAADE\uAADF\uAAF0\uAAF1\uABEB\uFD3E\uFD3F\uFE10-\uFE19\uFE30-\uFE52\uFE54-\uFE61\uFE63\uFE68\uFE6A\uFE6B\uFF01-\uFF03\uFF05-\uFF0A\uFF0C-\uFF0F\uFF1A\uFF1B\uFF1F\uFF20\uFF3B-\uFF3D\uFF3F\uFF5B\uFF5D\uFF5F-\uFF65]/, Ye = ot(/[A-Za-z]/), Le = ot(/[\dA-Za-z]/), Cu = ot(/[#-'*+\--9=?A-Z^-~]/); +function ur(e) { + return ( + // Special whitespace codes (which have negative values), C0 and Control + // character DEL + e !== null && (e < 32 || e === 127) + ); +} +const cr = ot(/\d/), Tu = ot(/[\dA-Fa-f]/), Au = ot(/[!-/:-@[-`{-~]/); +function J(e) { + return e !== null && e < -2; +} +function Ie(e) { + return e !== null && (e < 0 || e === 32); +} +function he(e) { + return e === -2 || e === -1 || e === 32; +} +const Pu = ot(Su), Ru = ot(/\s/); +function ot(e) { + return t; + function t(n) { + return n !== null && e.test(String.fromCharCode(n)); + } +} +function xe(e, t, n, r) { + const i = r ? r - 1 : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; + let o = 0; + return l; + function l(s) { + return he(s) ? (e.enter(n), a(s)) : t(s); + } + function a(s) { + return he(s) && o++ < i ? (e.consume(s), a) : (e.exit(n), t(s)); + } +} +const Ou = { + tokenize: Fu +}; +function Fu(e) { + const t = e.attempt( + this.parser.constructs.contentInitial, + r, + i + ); + let n; + return t; + function r(a) { + if (a === null) { + e.consume(a); + return; + } + return e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(a), e.exit("lineEnding"), xe(e, t, "linePrefix"); + } + function i(a) { + return e.enter("paragraph"), o(a); + } + function o(a) { + const s = e.enter("chunkText", { + contentType: "text", + previous: n + }); + return n && (n.next = s), n = s, l(a); + } + function l(a) { + if (a === null) { + e.exit("chunkText"), e.exit("paragraph"), e.consume(a); + return; + } + return J(a) ? (e.consume(a), e.exit("chunkText"), o) : (e.consume(a), l); + } +} +const Iu = { + tokenize: _u +}, _i = { + tokenize: ju +}; +function _u(e) { + const t = this, n = []; + let r = 0, i, o, l; + return a; + function a(C) { + if (r < n.length) { + const j = n[r]; + return t.containerState = j[1], e.attempt( + j[0].continuation, + s, + c + )(C); + } + return c(C); + } + function s(C) { + if (r++, t.containerState._closeFlow) { + t.containerState._closeFlow = void 0, i && A(); + const j = t.events.length; + let E = j, w; + for (; E--; ) + if (t.events[E][0] === "exit" && t.events[E][1].type === "chunkFlow") { + w = t.events[E][1].end; + break; + } + x(r); + let N = j; + for (; N < t.events.length; ) + t.events[N][1].end = Object.assign({}, w), N++; + return Je( + t.events, + E + 1, + 0, + t.events.slice(j) + ), t.events.length = N, c(C); + } + return a(C); + } + function c(C) { + if (r === n.length) { + if (!i) + return d(C); + if (i.currentConstruct && i.currentConstruct.concrete) + return m(C); + t.interrupt = !!(i.currentConstruct && !i._gfmTableDynamicInterruptHack); + } + return t.containerState = {}, e.check( + _i, + f, + u + )(C); + } + function f(C) { + return i && A(), x(r), d(C); + } + function u(C) { + return t.parser.lazy[t.now().line] = r !== n.length, l = t.now().offset, m(C); + } + function d(C) { + return t.containerState = {}, e.attempt( + _i, + p, + m + )(C); + } + function p(C) { + return r++, n.push([t.currentConstruct, t.containerState]), d(C); + } + function m(C) { + if (C === null) { + i && A(), x(0), e.consume(C); + return; + } + return i = i || t.parser.flow(t.now()), e.enter("chunkFlow", { + contentType: "flow", + previous: o, + _tokenizer: i + }), g(C); + } + function g(C) { + if (C === null) { + b(e.exit("chunkFlow"), !0), x(0), e.consume(C); + return; + } + return J(C) ? (e.consume(C), b(e.exit("chunkFlow")), r = 0, t.interrupt = void 0, a) : (e.consume(C), g); + } + function b(C, j) { + const E = t.sliceStream(C); + if (j && E.push(null), C.previous = o, o && (o.next = C), o = C, i.defineSkip(C.start), i.write(E), t.parser.lazy[C.start.line]) { + let w = i.events.length; + for (; w--; ) + if ( + // The token starts before the line ending… + i.events[w][1].start.offset < l && // …and either is not ended yet… + (!i.events[w][1].end || // …or ends after it. + i.events[w][1].end.offset > l) + ) + return; + const N = t.events.length; + let U = N, te, v; + for (; U--; ) + if (t.events[U][0] === "exit" && t.events[U][1].type === "chunkFlow") { + if (te) { + v = t.events[U][1].end; + break; + } + te = !0; + } + for (x(r), w = N; w < t.events.length; ) + t.events[w][1].end = Object.assign({}, v), w++; + Je( + t.events, + U + 1, + 0, + t.events.slice(N) + ), t.events.length = w; + } + } + function x(C) { + let j = n.length; + for (; j-- > C; ) { + const E = n[j]; + t.containerState = E[1], E[0].exit.call(t, e); + } + n.length = C; + } + function A() { + i.write([null]), o = void 0, i = void 0, t.containerState._closeFlow = void 0; + } +} +function ju(e, t, n) { + return xe( + e, + e.attempt(this.parser.constructs.document, t, n), + "linePrefix", + this.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented") ? void 0 : 4 + ); +} +function ji(e) { + if (e === null || Ie(e) || Ru(e)) + return 1; + if (Pu(e)) + return 2; +} +function Ar(e, t, n) { + const r = []; + let i = -1; + for (; ++i < e.length; ) { + const o = e[i].resolveAll; + o && !r.includes(o) && (t = o(t, n), r.push(o)); + } + return t; +} +const fr = { + name: "attention", + tokenize: zu, + resolveAll: Du +}; +function Du(e, t) { + let n = -1, r, i, o, l, a, s, c, f; + for (; ++n < e.length; ) + if (e[n][0] === "enter" && e[n][1].type === "attentionSequence" && e[n][1]._close) { + for (r = n; r--; ) + if (e[r][0] === "exit" && e[r][1].type === "attentionSequence" && e[r][1]._open && // If the markers are the same: + t.sliceSerialize(e[r][1]).charCodeAt(0) === t.sliceSerialize(e[n][1]).charCodeAt(0)) { + if ((e[r][1]._close || e[n][1]._open) && (e[n][1].end.offset - e[n][1].start.offset) % 3 && !((e[r][1].end.offset - e[r][1].start.offset + e[n][1].end.offset - e[n][1].start.offset) % 3)) + continue; + s = e[r][1].end.offset - e[r][1].start.offset > 1 && e[n][1].end.offset - e[n][1].start.offset > 1 ? 2 : 1; + const u = Object.assign({}, e[r][1].end), d = Object.assign({}, e[n][1].start); + Di(u, -s), Di(d, s), l = { + type: s > 1 ? "strongSequence" : "emphasisSequence", + start: u, + end: Object.assign({}, e[r][1].end) + }, a = { + type: s > 1 ? "strongSequence" : "emphasisSequence", + start: Object.assign({}, e[n][1].start), + end: d + }, o = { + type: s > 1 ? "strongText" : "emphasisText", + start: Object.assign({}, e[r][1].end), + end: Object.assign({}, e[n][1].start) + }, i = { + type: s > 1 ? "strong" : "emphasis", + start: Object.assign({}, l.start), + end: Object.assign({}, a.end) + }, e[r][1].end = Object.assign({}, l.start), e[n][1].start = Object.assign({}, a.end), c = [], e[r][1].end.offset - e[r][1].start.offset && (c = $e(c, [ + ["enter", e[r][1], t], + ["exit", e[r][1], t] + ])), c = $e(c, [ + ["enter", i, t], + ["enter", l, t], + ["exit", l, t], + ["enter", o, t] + ]), c = $e( + c, + Ar( + t.parser.constructs.insideSpan.null, + e.slice(r + 1, n), + t + ) + ), c = $e(c, [ + ["exit", o, t], + ["enter", a, t], + ["exit", a, t], + ["exit", i, t] + ]), e[n][1].end.offset - e[n][1].start.offset ? (f = 2, c = $e(c, [ + ["enter", e[n][1], t], + ["exit", e[n][1], t] + ])) : f = 0, Je(e, r - 1, n - r + 3, c), n = r + c.length - f - 2; + break; + } + } + for (n = -1; ++n < e.length; ) + e[n][1].type === "attentionSequence" && (e[n][1].type = "data"); + return e; +} +function zu(e, t) { + const n = this.parser.constructs.attentionMarkers.null, r = this.previous, i = ji(r); + let o; + return l; + function l(s) { + return o = s, e.enter("attentionSequence"), a(s); + } + function a(s) { + if (s === o) + return e.consume(s), a; + const c = e.exit("attentionSequence"), f = ji(s), u = !f || f === 2 && i || n.includes(s), d = !i || i === 2 && f || n.includes(r); + return c._open = !!(o === 42 ? u : u && (i || !d)), c._close = !!(o === 42 ? d : d && (f || !u)), t(s); + } +} +function Di(e, t) { + e.column += t, e.offset += t, e._bufferIndex += t; +} +const Lu = { + name: "autolink", + tokenize: Nu +}; +function Nu(e, t, n) { + let r = 0; + return i; + function i(p) { + return e.enter("autolink"), e.enter("autolinkMarker"), e.consume(p), e.exit("autolinkMarker"), e.enter("autolinkProtocol"), o; + } + function o(p) { + return Ye(p) ? (e.consume(p), l) : c(p); + } + function l(p) { + return p === 43 || p === 45 || p === 46 || Le(p) ? (r = 1, a(p)) : c(p); + } + function a(p) { + return p === 58 ? (e.consume(p), r = 0, s) : (p === 43 || p === 45 || p === 46 || Le(p)) && r++ < 32 ? (e.consume(p), a) : (r = 0, c(p)); + } + function s(p) { + return p === 62 ? (e.exit("autolinkProtocol"), e.enter("autolinkMarker"), e.consume(p), e.exit("autolinkMarker"), e.exit("autolink"), t) : p === null || p === 32 || p === 60 || ur(p) ? n(p) : (e.consume(p), s); + } + function c(p) { + return p === 64 ? (e.consume(p), f) : Cu(p) ? (e.consume(p), c) : n(p); + } + function f(p) { + return Le(p) ? u(p) : n(p); + } + function u(p) { + return p === 46 ? (e.consume(p), r = 0, f) : p === 62 ? (e.exit("autolinkProtocol").type = "autolinkEmail", e.enter("autolinkMarker"), e.consume(p), e.exit("autolinkMarker"), e.exit("autolink"), t) : d(p); + } + function d(p) { + if ((p === 45 || Le(p)) && r++ < 63) { + const m = p === 45 ? d : u; + return e.consume(p), m; + } + return n(p); + } +} +const kn = { + tokenize: Mu, + partial: !0 +}; +function Mu(e, t, n) { + return r; + function r(o) { + return he(o) ? xe(e, i, "linePrefix")(o) : i(o); + } + function i(o) { + return o === null || J(o) ? t(o) : n(o); + } +} +const il = { + name: "blockQuote", + tokenize: $u, + continuation: { + tokenize: Bu + }, + exit: Uu +}; +function $u(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + return i; + function i(l) { + if (l === 62) { + const a = r.containerState; + return a.open || (e.enter("blockQuote", { + _container: !0 + }), a.open = !0), e.enter("blockQuotePrefix"), e.enter("blockQuoteMarker"), e.consume(l), e.exit("blockQuoteMarker"), o; + } + return n(l); + } + function o(l) { + return he(l) ? (e.enter("blockQuotePrefixWhitespace"), e.consume(l), e.exit("blockQuotePrefixWhitespace"), e.exit("blockQuotePrefix"), t) : (e.exit("blockQuotePrefix"), t(l)); + } +} +function Bu(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + return i; + function i(l) { + return he(l) ? xe( + e, + o, + "linePrefix", + r.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented") ? void 0 : 4 + )(l) : o(l); + } + function o(l) { + return e.attempt(il, t, n)(l); + } +} +function Uu(e) { + e.exit("blockQuote"); +} +const ol = { + name: "characterEscape", + tokenize: qu +}; +function qu(e, t, n) { + return r; + function r(o) { + return e.enter("characterEscape"), e.enter("escapeMarker"), e.consume(o), e.exit("escapeMarker"), i; + } + function i(o) { + return Au(o) ? (e.enter("characterEscapeValue"), e.consume(o), e.exit("characterEscapeValue"), e.exit("characterEscape"), t) : n(o); + } +} +const zi = document.createElement("i"); +function Pr(e) { + const t = "&" + e + ";"; + zi.innerHTML = t; + const n = zi.textContent; + return n.charCodeAt(n.length - 1) === 59 && e !== "semi" || n === t ? !1 : n; +} +const ll = { + name: "characterReference", + tokenize: Hu +}; +function Hu(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + let i = 0, o, l; + return a; + function a(u) { + return e.enter("characterReference"), e.enter("characterReferenceMarker"), e.consume(u), e.exit("characterReferenceMarker"), s; + } + function s(u) { + return u === 35 ? (e.enter("characterReferenceMarkerNumeric"), e.consume(u), e.exit("characterReferenceMarkerNumeric"), c) : (e.enter("characterReferenceValue"), o = 31, l = Le, f(u)); + } + function c(u) { + return u === 88 || u === 120 ? (e.enter("characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal"), e.consume(u), e.exit("characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal"), e.enter("characterReferenceValue"), o = 6, l = Tu, f) : (e.enter("characterReferenceValue"), o = 7, l = cr, f(u)); + } + function f(u) { + if (u === 59 && i) { + const d = e.exit("characterReferenceValue"); + return l === Le && !Pr(r.sliceSerialize(d)) ? n(u) : (e.enter("characterReferenceMarker"), e.consume(u), e.exit("characterReferenceMarker"), e.exit("characterReference"), t); + } + return l(u) && i++ < o ? (e.consume(u), f) : n(u); + } +} +const Li = { + tokenize: Wu, + partial: !0 +}, Ni = { + name: "codeFenced", + tokenize: Vu, + concrete: !0 +}; +function Vu(e, t, n) { + const r = this, i = { + tokenize: E, + partial: !0 + }; + let o = 0, l = 0, a; + return s; + function s(w) { + return c(w); + } + function c(w) { + const N = r.events[r.events.length - 1]; + return o = N && N[1].type === "linePrefix" ? N[2].sliceSerialize(N[1], !0).length : 0, a = w, e.enter("codeFenced"), e.enter("codeFencedFence"), e.enter("codeFencedFenceSequence"), f(w); + } + function f(w) { + return w === a ? (l++, e.consume(w), f) : l < 3 ? n(w) : (e.exit("codeFencedFenceSequence"), he(w) ? xe(e, u, "whitespace")(w) : u(w)); + } + function u(w) { + return w === null || J(w) ? (e.exit("codeFencedFence"), r.interrupt ? t(w) : e.check(Li, g, j)(w)) : (e.enter("codeFencedFenceInfo"), e.enter("chunkString", { + contentType: "string" + }), d(w)); + } + function d(w) { + return w === null || J(w) ? (e.exit("chunkString"), e.exit("codeFencedFenceInfo"), u(w)) : he(w) ? (e.exit("chunkString"), e.exit("codeFencedFenceInfo"), xe(e, p, "whitespace")(w)) : w === 96 && w === a ? n(w) : (e.consume(w), d); + } + function p(w) { + return w === null || J(w) ? u(w) : (e.enter("codeFencedFenceMeta"), e.enter("chunkString", { + contentType: "string" + }), m(w)); + } + function m(w) { + return w === null || J(w) ? (e.exit("chunkString"), e.exit("codeFencedFenceMeta"), u(w)) : w === 96 && w === a ? n(w) : (e.consume(w), m); + } + function g(w) { + return e.attempt(i, j, b)(w); + } + function b(w) { + return e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(w), e.exit("lineEnding"), x; + } + function x(w) { + return o > 0 && he(w) ? xe( + e, + A, + "linePrefix", + o + 1 + )(w) : A(w); + } + function A(w) { + return w === null || J(w) ? e.check(Li, g, j)(w) : (e.enter("codeFlowValue"), C(w)); + } + function C(w) { + return w === null || J(w) ? (e.exit("codeFlowValue"), A(w)) : (e.consume(w), C); + } + function j(w) { + return e.exit("codeFenced"), t(w); + } + function E(w, N, U) { + let te = 0; + return v; + function v(G) { + return w.enter("lineEnding"), w.consume(G), w.exit("lineEnding"), _; + } + function _(G) { + return w.enter("codeFencedFence"), he(G) ? xe( + w, + z, + "linePrefix", + r.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented") ? void 0 : 4 + )(G) : z(G); + } + function z(G) { + return G === a ? (w.enter("codeFencedFenceSequence"), Q(G)) : U(G); + } + function Q(G) { + return G === a ? (te++, w.consume(G), Q) : te >= l ? (w.exit("codeFencedFenceSequence"), he(G) ? xe(w, Z, "whitespace")(G) : Z(G)) : U(G); + } + function Z(G) { + return G === null || J(G) ? (w.exit("codeFencedFence"), N(G)) : U(G); + } + } +} +function Wu(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + return i; + function i(l) { + return l === null ? n(l) : (e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(l), e.exit("lineEnding"), o); + } + function o(l) { + return r.parser.lazy[r.now().line] ? n(l) : t(l); + } +} +const Mn = { + name: "codeIndented", + tokenize: Gu +}, Yu = { + tokenize: Ju, + partial: !0 +}; +function Gu(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + return i; + function i(c) { + return e.enter("codeIndented"), xe(e, o, "linePrefix", 4 + 1)(c); + } + function o(c) { + const f = r.events[r.events.length - 1]; + return f && f[1].type === "linePrefix" && f[2].sliceSerialize(f[1], !0).length >= 4 ? l(c) : n(c); + } + function l(c) { + return c === null ? s(c) : J(c) ? e.attempt(Yu, l, s)(c) : (e.enter("codeFlowValue"), a(c)); + } + function a(c) { + return c === null || J(c) ? (e.exit("codeFlowValue"), l(c)) : (e.consume(c), a); + } + function s(c) { + return e.exit("codeIndented"), t(c); + } +} +function Ju(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + return i; + function i(l) { + return r.parser.lazy[r.now().line] ? n(l) : J(l) ? (e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(l), e.exit("lineEnding"), i) : xe(e, o, "linePrefix", 4 + 1)(l); + } + function o(l) { + const a = r.events[r.events.length - 1]; + return a && a[1].type === "linePrefix" && a[2].sliceSerialize(a[1], !0).length >= 4 ? t(l) : J(l) ? i(l) : n(l); + } +} +const Ku = { + name: "codeText", + tokenize: Zu, + resolve: Xu, + previous: Qu +}; +function Xu(e) { + let t = e.length - 4, n = 3, r, i; + if ((e[n][1].type === "lineEnding" || e[n][1].type === "space") && (e[t][1].type === "lineEnding" || e[t][1].type === "space")) { + for (r = n; ++r < t; ) + if (e[r][1].type === "codeTextData") { + e[n][1].type = "codeTextPadding", e[t][1].type = "codeTextPadding", n += 2, t -= 2; + break; + } + } + for (r = n - 1, t++; ++r <= t; ) + i === void 0 ? r !== t && e[r][1].type !== "lineEnding" && (i = r) : (r === t || e[r][1].type === "lineEnding") && (e[i][1].type = "codeTextData", r !== i + 2 && (e[i][1].end = e[r - 1][1].end, e.splice(i + 2, r - i - 2), t -= r - i - 2, r = i + 2), i = void 0); + return e; +} +function Qu(e) { + return e !== 96 || this.events[this.events.length - 1][1].type === "characterEscape"; +} +function Zu(e, t, n) { + let r = 0, i, o; + return l; + function l(u) { + return e.enter("codeText"), e.enter("codeTextSequence"), a(u); + } + function a(u) { + return u === 96 ? (e.consume(u), r++, a) : (e.exit("codeTextSequence"), s(u)); + } + function s(u) { + return u === null ? n(u) : u === 32 ? (e.enter("space"), e.consume(u), e.exit("space"), s) : u === 96 ? (o = e.enter("codeTextSequence"), i = 0, f(u)) : J(u) ? (e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(u), e.exit("lineEnding"), s) : (e.enter("codeTextData"), c(u)); + } + function c(u) { + return u === null || u === 32 || u === 96 || J(u) ? (e.exit("codeTextData"), s(u)) : (e.consume(u), c); + } + function f(u) { + return u === 96 ? (e.consume(u), i++, f) : i === r ? (e.exit("codeTextSequence"), e.exit("codeText"), t(u)) : (o.type = "codeTextData", c(u)); + } +} +function al(e) { + const t = {}; + let n = -1, r, i, o, l, a, s, c; + for (; ++n < e.length; ) { + for (; n in t; ) + n = t[n]; + if (r = e[n], n && r[1].type === "chunkFlow" && e[n - 1][1].type === "listItemPrefix" && (s = r[1]._tokenizer.events, o = 0, o < s.length && s[o][1].type === "lineEndingBlank" && (o += 2), o < s.length && s[o][1].type === "content")) + for (; ++o < s.length && s[o][1].type !== "content"; ) + s[o][1].type === "chunkText" && (s[o][1]._isInFirstContentOfListItem = !0, o++); + if (r[0] === "enter") + r[1].contentType && (Object.assign(t, ec(e, n)), n = t[n], c = !0); + else if (r[1]._container) { + for (o = n, i = void 0; o-- && (l = e[o], l[1].type === "lineEnding" || l[1].type === "lineEndingBlank"); ) + l[0] === "enter" && (i && (e[i][1].type = "lineEndingBlank"), l[1].type = "lineEnding", i = o); + i && (r[1].end = Object.assign({}, e[i][1].start), a = e.slice(i, n), a.unshift(r), Je(e, i, n - i + 1, a)); + } + } + return !c; +} +function ec(e, t) { + const n = e[t][1], r = e[t][2]; + let i = t - 1; + const o = [], l = n._tokenizer || r.parser[n.contentType](n.start), a = l.events, s = [], c = {}; + let f, u, d = -1, p = n, m = 0, g = 0; + const b = [g]; + for (; p; ) { + for (; e[++i][1] !== p; ) + ; + o.push(i), p._tokenizer || (f = r.sliceStream(p), p.next || f.push(null), u && l.defineSkip(p.start), p._isInFirstContentOfListItem && (l._gfmTasklistFirstContentOfListItem = !0), l.write(f), p._isInFirstContentOfListItem && (l._gfmTasklistFirstContentOfListItem = void 0)), u = p, p = p.next; + } + for (p = n; ++d < a.length; ) + // Find a void token that includes a break. + a[d][0] === "exit" && a[d - 1][0] === "enter" && a[d][1].type === a[d - 1][1].type && a[d][1].start.line !== a[d][1].end.line && (g = d + 1, b.push(g), p._tokenizer = void 0, p.previous = void 0, p = p.next); + for (l.events = [], p ? (p._tokenizer = void 0, p.previous = void 0) : b.pop(), d = b.length; d--; ) { + const x = a.slice(b[d], b[d + 1]), A = o.pop(); + s.unshift([A, A + x.length - 1]), Je(e, A, 2, x); + } + for (d = -1; ++d < s.length; ) + c[m + s[d][0]] = m + s[d][1], m += s[d][1] - s[d][0] - 1; + return c; +} +const tc = { + tokenize: ic, + resolve: rc +}, nc = { + tokenize: oc, + partial: !0 +}; +function rc(e) { + return al(e), e; +} +function ic(e, t) { + let n; + return r; + function r(a) { + return e.enter("content"), n = e.enter("chunkContent", { + contentType: "content" + }), i(a); + } + function i(a) { + return a === null ? o(a) : J(a) ? e.check( + nc, + l, + o + )(a) : (e.consume(a), i); + } + function o(a) { + return e.exit("chunkContent"), e.exit("content"), t(a); + } + function l(a) { + return e.consume(a), e.exit("chunkContent"), n.next = e.enter("chunkContent", { + contentType: "content", + previous: n + }), n = n.next, i; + } +} +function oc(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + return i; + function i(l) { + return e.exit("chunkContent"), e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(l), e.exit("lineEnding"), xe(e, o, "linePrefix"); + } + function o(l) { + if (l === null || J(l)) + return n(l); + const a = r.events[r.events.length - 1]; + return !r.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented") && a && a[1].type === "linePrefix" && a[2].sliceSerialize(a[1], !0).length >= 4 ? t(l) : e.interrupt(r.parser.constructs.flow, n, t)(l); + } +} +function sl(e, t, n, r, i, o, l, a, s) { + const c = s || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; + let f = 0; + return u; + function u(x) { + return x === 60 ? (e.enter(r), e.enter(i), e.enter(o), e.consume(x), e.exit(o), d) : x === null || x === 32 || x === 41 || ur(x) ? n(x) : (e.enter(r), e.enter(l), e.enter(a), e.enter("chunkString", { + contentType: "string" + }), g(x)); + } + function d(x) { + return x === 62 ? (e.enter(o), e.consume(x), e.exit(o), e.exit(i), e.exit(r), t) : (e.enter(a), e.enter("chunkString", { + contentType: "string" + }), p(x)); + } + function p(x) { + return x === 62 ? (e.exit("chunkString"), e.exit(a), d(x)) : x === null || x === 60 || J(x) ? n(x) : (e.consume(x), x === 92 ? m : p); + } + function m(x) { + return x === 60 || x === 62 || x === 92 ? (e.consume(x), p) : p(x); + } + function g(x) { + return !f && (x === null || x === 41 || Ie(x)) ? (e.exit("chunkString"), e.exit(a), e.exit(l), e.exit(r), t(x)) : f < c && x === 40 ? (e.consume(x), f++, g) : x === 41 ? (e.consume(x), f--, g) : x === null || x === 32 || x === 40 || ur(x) ? n(x) : (e.consume(x), x === 92 ? b : g); + } + function b(x) { + return x === 40 || x === 41 || x === 92 ? (e.consume(x), g) : g(x); + } +} +function ul(e, t, n, r, i, o) { + const l = this; + let a = 0, s; + return c; + function c(p) { + return e.enter(r), e.enter(i), e.consume(p), e.exit(i), e.enter(o), f; + } + function f(p) { + return a > 999 || p === null || p === 91 || p === 93 && !s || // To do: remove in the future once we’ve switched from + // `micromark-extension-footnote` to `micromark-extension-gfm-footnote`, + // which doesn’t need this. + // Hidden footnotes hook. + /* c8 ignore next 3 */ + p === 94 && !a && "_hiddenFootnoteSupport" in l.parser.constructs ? n(p) : p === 93 ? (e.exit(o), e.enter(i), e.consume(p), e.exit(i), e.exit(r), t) : J(p) ? (e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(p), e.exit("lineEnding"), f) : (e.enter("chunkString", { + contentType: "string" + }), u(p)); + } + function u(p) { + return p === null || p === 91 || p === 93 || J(p) || a++ > 999 ? (e.exit("chunkString"), f(p)) : (e.consume(p), s || (s = !he(p)), p === 92 ? d : u); + } + function d(p) { + return p === 91 || p === 92 || p === 93 ? (e.consume(p), a++, u) : u(p); + } +} +function cl(e, t, n, r, i, o) { + let l; + return a; + function a(d) { + return d === 34 || d === 39 || d === 40 ? (e.enter(r), e.enter(i), e.consume(d), e.exit(i), l = d === 40 ? 41 : d, s) : n(d); + } + function s(d) { + return d === l ? (e.enter(i), e.consume(d), e.exit(i), e.exit(r), t) : (e.enter(o), c(d)); + } + function c(d) { + return d === l ? (e.exit(o), s(l)) : d === null ? n(d) : J(d) ? (e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(d), e.exit("lineEnding"), xe(e, c, "linePrefix")) : (e.enter("chunkString", { + contentType: "string" + }), f(d)); + } + function f(d) { + return d === l || d === null || J(d) ? (e.exit("chunkString"), c(d)) : (e.consume(d), d === 92 ? u : f); + } + function u(d) { + return d === l || d === 92 ? (e.consume(d), f) : f(d); + } +} +function Lt(e, t) { + let n; + return r; + function r(i) { + return J(i) ? (e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(i), e.exit("lineEnding"), n = !0, r) : he(i) ? xe( + e, + r, + n ? "linePrefix" : "lineSuffix" + )(i) : t(i); + } +} +function kt(e) { + return e.replace(/[\t\n\r ]+/g, " ").replace(/^ | $/g, "").toLowerCase().toUpperCase(); +} +const lc = { + name: "definition", + tokenize: sc +}, ac = { + tokenize: uc, + partial: !0 +}; +function sc(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + let i; + return o; + function o(p) { + return e.enter("definition"), l(p); + } + function l(p) { + return ul.call( + r, + e, + a, + // Note: we don’t need to reset the way `markdown-rs` does. + n, + "definitionLabel", + "definitionLabelMarker", + "definitionLabelString" + )(p); + } + function a(p) { + return i = kt( + r.sliceSerialize(r.events[r.events.length - 1][1]).slice(1, -1) + ), p === 58 ? (e.enter("definitionMarker"), e.consume(p), e.exit("definitionMarker"), s) : n(p); + } + function s(p) { + return Ie(p) ? Lt(e, c)(p) : c(p); + } + function c(p) { + return sl( + e, + f, + // Note: we don’t need to reset the way `markdown-rs` does. + n, + "definitionDestination", + "definitionDestinationLiteral", + "definitionDestinationLiteralMarker", + "definitionDestinationRaw", + "definitionDestinationString" + )(p); + } + function f(p) { + return e.attempt(ac, u, u)(p); + } + function u(p) { + return he(p) ? xe(e, d, "whitespace")(p) : d(p); + } + function d(p) { + return p === null || J(p) ? (e.exit("definition"), r.parser.defined.push(i), t(p)) : n(p); + } +} +function uc(e, t, n) { + return r; + function r(a) { + return Ie(a) ? Lt(e, i)(a) : n(a); + } + function i(a) { + return cl( + e, + o, + n, + "definitionTitle", + "definitionTitleMarker", + "definitionTitleString" + )(a); + } + function o(a) { + return he(a) ? xe(e, l, "whitespace")(a) : l(a); + } + function l(a) { + return a === null || J(a) ? t(a) : n(a); + } +} +const cc = { + name: "hardBreakEscape", + tokenize: fc +}; +function fc(e, t, n) { + return r; + function r(o) { + return e.enter("hardBreakEscape"), e.consume(o), i; + } + function i(o) { + return J(o) ? (e.exit("hardBreakEscape"), t(o)) : n(o); + } +} +const pc = { + name: "headingAtx", + tokenize: dc, + resolve: hc +}; +function hc(e, t) { + let n = e.length - 2, r = 3, i, o; + return e[r][1].type === "whitespace" && (r += 2), n - 2 > r && e[n][1].type === "whitespace" && (n -= 2), e[n][1].type === "atxHeadingSequence" && (r === n - 1 || n - 4 > r && e[n - 2][1].type === "whitespace") && (n -= r + 1 === n ? 2 : 4), n > r && (i = { + type: "atxHeadingText", + start: e[r][1].start, + end: e[n][1].end + }, o = { + type: "chunkText", + start: e[r][1].start, + end: e[n][1].end, + contentType: "text" + }, Je(e, r, n - r + 1, [ + ["enter", i, t], + ["enter", o, t], + ["exit", o, t], + ["exit", i, t] + ])), e; +} +function dc(e, t, n) { + let r = 0; + return i; + function i(f) { + return e.enter("atxHeading"), o(f); + } + function o(f) { + return e.enter("atxHeadingSequence"), l(f); + } + function l(f) { + return f === 35 && r++ < 6 ? (e.consume(f), l) : f === null || Ie(f) ? (e.exit("atxHeadingSequence"), a(f)) : n(f); + } + function a(f) { + return f === 35 ? (e.enter("atxHeadingSequence"), s(f)) : f === null || J(f) ? (e.exit("atxHeading"), t(f)) : he(f) ? xe(e, a, "whitespace")(f) : (e.enter("atxHeadingText"), c(f)); + } + function s(f) { + return f === 35 ? (e.consume(f), s) : (e.exit("atxHeadingSequence"), a(f)); + } + function c(f) { + return f === null || f === 35 || Ie(f) ? (e.exit("atxHeadingText"), a(f)) : (e.consume(f), c); + } +} +const mc = [ + "address", + "article", + "aside", + "base", + "basefont", + "blockquote", + "body", + "caption", + "center", + "col", + "colgroup", + "dd", + "details", + "dialog", + "dir", + "div", + "dl", + "dt", + "fieldset", + "figcaption", + "figure", + "footer", + "form", + "frame", + "frameset", + "h1", + "h2", + "h3", + "h4", + "h5", + "h6", + "head", + "header", + "hr", + "html", + "iframe", + "legend", + "li", + "link", + "main", + "menu", + "menuitem", + "nav", + "noframes", + "ol", + "optgroup", + "option", + "p", + "param", + "search", + "section", + "summary", + "table", + "tbody", + "td", + "tfoot", + "th", + "thead", + "title", + "tr", + "track", + "ul" +], Mi = ["pre", "script", "style", "textarea"], gc = { + name: "htmlFlow", + tokenize: xc, + resolveTo: kc, + concrete: !0 +}, yc = { + tokenize: vc, + partial: !0 +}, bc = { + tokenize: wc, + partial: !0 +}; +function kc(e) { + let t = e.length; + for (; t-- && !(e[t][0] === "enter" && e[t][1].type === "htmlFlow"); ) + ; + return t > 1 && e[t - 2][1].type === "linePrefix" && (e[t][1].start = e[t - 2][1].start, e[t + 1][1].start = e[t - 2][1].start, e.splice(t - 2, 2)), e; +} +function xc(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + let i, o, l, a, s; + return c; + function c(y) { + return f(y); + } + function f(y) { + return e.enter("htmlFlow"), e.enter("htmlFlowData"), e.consume(y), u; + } + function u(y) { + return y === 33 ? (e.consume(y), d) : y === 47 ? (e.consume(y), o = !0, g) : y === 63 ? (e.consume(y), i = 3, r.interrupt ? t : h) : Ye(y) ? (e.consume(y), l = String.fromCharCode(y), b) : n(y); + } + function d(y) { + return y === 45 ? (e.consume(y), i = 2, p) : y === 91 ? (e.consume(y), i = 5, a = 0, m) : Ye(y) ? (e.consume(y), i = 4, r.interrupt ? t : h) : n(y); + } + function p(y) { + return y === 45 ? (e.consume(y), r.interrupt ? t : h) : n(y); + } + function m(y) { + const B = "CDATA["; + return y === B.charCodeAt(a++) ? (e.consume(y), a === B.length ? r.interrupt ? t : z : m) : n(y); + } + function g(y) { + return Ye(y) ? (e.consume(y), l = String.fromCharCode(y), b) : n(y); + } + function b(y) { + if (y === null || y === 47 || y === 62 || Ie(y)) { + const B = y === 47, ne = l.toLowerCase(); + return !B && !o && Mi.includes(ne) ? (i = 1, r.interrupt ? t(y) : z(y)) : mc.includes(l.toLowerCase()) ? (i = 6, B ? (e.consume(y), x) : r.interrupt ? t(y) : z(y)) : (i = 7, r.interrupt && !r.parser.lazy[r.now().line] ? n(y) : o ? A(y) : C(y)); + } + return y === 45 || Le(y) ? (e.consume(y), l += String.fromCharCode(y), b) : n(y); + } + function x(y) { + return y === 62 ? (e.consume(y), r.interrupt ? t : z) : n(y); + } + function A(y) { + return he(y) ? (e.consume(y), A) : v(y); + } + function C(y) { + return y === 47 ? (e.consume(y), v) : y === 58 || y === 95 || Ye(y) ? (e.consume(y), j) : he(y) ? (e.consume(y), C) : v(y); + } + function j(y) { + return y === 45 || y === 46 || y === 58 || y === 95 || Le(y) ? (e.consume(y), j) : E(y); + } + function E(y) { + return y === 61 ? (e.consume(y), w) : he(y) ? (e.consume(y), E) : C(y); + } + function w(y) { + return y === null || y === 60 || y === 61 || y === 62 || y === 96 ? n(y) : y === 34 || y === 39 ? (e.consume(y), s = y, N) : he(y) ? (e.consume(y), w) : U(y); + } + function N(y) { + return y === s ? (e.consume(y), s = null, te) : y === null || J(y) ? n(y) : (e.consume(y), N); + } + function U(y) { + return y === null || y === 34 || y === 39 || y === 47 || y === 60 || y === 61 || y === 62 || y === 96 || Ie(y) ? E(y) : (e.consume(y), U); + } + function te(y) { + return y === 47 || y === 62 || he(y) ? C(y) : n(y); + } + function v(y) { + return y === 62 ? (e.consume(y), _) : n(y); + } + function _(y) { + return y === null || J(y) ? z(y) : he(y) ? (e.consume(y), _) : n(y); + } + function z(y) { + return y === 45 && i === 2 ? (e.consume(y), oe) : y === 60 && i === 1 ? (e.consume(y), H) : y === 62 && i === 4 ? (e.consume(y), F) : y === 63 && i === 3 ? (e.consume(y), h) : y === 93 && i === 5 ? (e.consume(y), we) : J(y) && (i === 6 || i === 7) ? (e.exit("htmlFlowData"), e.check( + yc, + q, + Q + )(y)) : y === null || J(y) ? (e.exit("htmlFlowData"), Q(y)) : (e.consume(y), z); + } + function Q(y) { + return e.check( + bc, + Z, + q + )(y); + } + function Z(y) { + return e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(y), e.exit("lineEnding"), G; + } + function G(y) { + return y === null || J(y) ? Q(y) : (e.enter("htmlFlowData"), z(y)); + } + function oe(y) { + return y === 45 ? (e.consume(y), h) : z(y); + } + function H(y) { + return y === 47 ? (e.consume(y), l = "", ue) : z(y); + } + function ue(y) { + if (y === 62) { + const B = l.toLowerCase(); + return Mi.includes(B) ? (e.consume(y), F) : z(y); + } + return Ye(y) && l.length < 8 ? (e.consume(y), l += String.fromCharCode(y), ue) : z(y); + } + function we(y) { + return y === 93 ? (e.consume(y), h) : z(y); + } + function h(y) { + return y === 62 ? (e.consume(y), F) : y === 45 && i === 2 ? (e.consume(y), h) : z(y); + } + function F(y) { + return y === null || J(y) ? (e.exit("htmlFlowData"), q(y)) : (e.consume(y), F); + } + function q(y) { + return e.exit("htmlFlow"), t(y); + } +} +function wc(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + return i; + function i(l) { + return J(l) ? (e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(l), e.exit("lineEnding"), o) : n(l); + } + function o(l) { + return r.parser.lazy[r.now().line] ? n(l) : t(l); + } +} +function vc(e, t, n) { + return r; + function r(i) { + return e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(i), e.exit("lineEnding"), e.attempt(kn, t, n); + } +} +const Ec = { + name: "htmlText", + tokenize: Sc +}; +function Sc(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + let i, o, l; + return a; + function a(h) { + return e.enter("htmlText"), e.enter("htmlTextData"), e.consume(h), s; + } + function s(h) { + return h === 33 ? (e.consume(h), c) : h === 47 ? (e.consume(h), E) : h === 63 ? (e.consume(h), C) : Ye(h) ? (e.consume(h), U) : n(h); + } + function c(h) { + return h === 45 ? (e.consume(h), f) : h === 91 ? (e.consume(h), o = 0, m) : Ye(h) ? (e.consume(h), A) : n(h); + } + function f(h) { + return h === 45 ? (e.consume(h), p) : n(h); + } + function u(h) { + return h === null ? n(h) : h === 45 ? (e.consume(h), d) : J(h) ? (l = u, H(h)) : (e.consume(h), u); + } + function d(h) { + return h === 45 ? (e.consume(h), p) : u(h); + } + function p(h) { + return h === 62 ? oe(h) : h === 45 ? d(h) : u(h); + } + function m(h) { + const F = "CDATA["; + return h === F.charCodeAt(o++) ? (e.consume(h), o === F.length ? g : m) : n(h); + } + function g(h) { + return h === null ? n(h) : h === 93 ? (e.consume(h), b) : J(h) ? (l = g, H(h)) : (e.consume(h), g); + } + function b(h) { + return h === 93 ? (e.consume(h), x) : g(h); + } + function x(h) { + return h === 62 ? oe(h) : h === 93 ? (e.consume(h), x) : g(h); + } + function A(h) { + return h === null || h === 62 ? oe(h) : J(h) ? (l = A, H(h)) : (e.consume(h), A); + } + function C(h) { + return h === null ? n(h) : h === 63 ? (e.consume(h), j) : J(h) ? (l = C, H(h)) : (e.consume(h), C); + } + function j(h) { + return h === 62 ? oe(h) : C(h); + } + function E(h) { + return Ye(h) ? (e.consume(h), w) : n(h); + } + function w(h) { + return h === 45 || Le(h) ? (e.consume(h), w) : N(h); + } + function N(h) { + return J(h) ? (l = N, H(h)) : he(h) ? (e.consume(h), N) : oe(h); + } + function U(h) { + return h === 45 || Le(h) ? (e.consume(h), U) : h === 47 || h === 62 || Ie(h) ? te(h) : n(h); + } + function te(h) { + return h === 47 ? (e.consume(h), oe) : h === 58 || h === 95 || Ye(h) ? (e.consume(h), v) : J(h) ? (l = te, H(h)) : he(h) ? (e.consume(h), te) : oe(h); + } + function v(h) { + return h === 45 || h === 46 || h === 58 || h === 95 || Le(h) ? (e.consume(h), v) : _(h); + } + function _(h) { + return h === 61 ? (e.consume(h), z) : J(h) ? (l = _, H(h)) : he(h) ? (e.consume(h), _) : te(h); + } + function z(h) { + return h === null || h === 60 || h === 61 || h === 62 || h === 96 ? n(h) : h === 34 || h === 39 ? (e.consume(h), i = h, Q) : J(h) ? (l = z, H(h)) : he(h) ? (e.consume(h), z) : (e.consume(h), Z); + } + function Q(h) { + return h === i ? (e.consume(h), i = void 0, G) : h === null ? n(h) : J(h) ? (l = Q, H(h)) : (e.consume(h), Q); + } + function Z(h) { + return h === null || h === 34 || h === 39 || h === 60 || h === 61 || h === 96 ? n(h) : h === 47 || h === 62 || Ie(h) ? te(h) : (e.consume(h), Z); + } + function G(h) { + return h === 47 || h === 62 || Ie(h) ? te(h) : n(h); + } + function oe(h) { + return h === 62 ? (e.consume(h), e.exit("htmlTextData"), e.exit("htmlText"), t) : n(h); + } + function H(h) { + return e.exit("htmlTextData"), e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(h), e.exit("lineEnding"), ue; + } + function ue(h) { + return he(h) ? xe( + e, + we, + "linePrefix", + r.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented") ? void 0 : 4 + )(h) : we(h); + } + function we(h) { + return e.enter("htmlTextData"), l(h); + } +} +const Rr = { + name: "labelEnd", + tokenize: Oc, + resolveTo: Rc, + resolveAll: Pc +}, Cc = { + tokenize: Fc +}, Tc = { + tokenize: Ic +}, Ac = { + tokenize: _c +}; +function Pc(e) { + let t = -1; + for (; ++t < e.length; ) { + const n = e[t][1]; + (n.type === "labelImage" || n.type === "labelLink" || n.type === "labelEnd") && (e.splice(t + 1, n.type === "labelImage" ? 4 : 2), n.type = "data", t++); + } + return e; +} +function Rc(e, t) { + let n = e.length, r = 0, i, o, l, a; + for (; n--; ) + if (i = e[n][1], o) { + if (i.type === "link" || i.type === "labelLink" && i._inactive) + break; + e[n][0] === "enter" && i.type === "labelLink" && (i._inactive = !0); + } else if (l) { + if (e[n][0] === "enter" && (i.type === "labelImage" || i.type === "labelLink") && !i._balanced && (o = n, i.type !== "labelLink")) { + r = 2; + break; + } + } else + i.type === "labelEnd" && (l = n); + const s = { + type: e[o][1].type === "labelLink" ? "link" : "image", + start: Object.assign({}, e[o][1].start), + end: Object.assign({}, e[e.length - 1][1].end) + }, c = { + type: "label", + start: Object.assign({}, e[o][1].start), + end: Object.assign({}, e[l][1].end) + }, f = { + type: "labelText", + start: Object.assign({}, e[o + r + 2][1].end), + end: Object.assign({}, e[l - 2][1].start) + }; + return a = [ + ["enter", s, t], + ["enter", c, t] + ], a = $e(a, e.slice(o + 1, o + r + 3)), a = $e(a, [["enter", f, t]]), a = $e( + a, + Ar( + t.parser.constructs.insideSpan.null, + e.slice(o + r + 4, l - 3), + t + ) + ), a = $e(a, [ + ["exit", f, t], + e[l - 2], + e[l - 1], + ["exit", c, t] + ]), a = $e(a, e.slice(l + 1)), a = $e(a, [["exit", s, t]]), Je(e, o, e.length, a), e; +} +function Oc(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + let i = r.events.length, o, l; + for (; i--; ) + if ((r.events[i][1].type === "labelImage" || r.events[i][1].type === "labelLink") && !r.events[i][1]._balanced) { + o = r.events[i][1]; + break; + } + return a; + function a(d) { + return o ? o._inactive ? u(d) : (l = r.parser.defined.includes( + kt( + r.sliceSerialize({ + start: o.end, + end: r.now() + }) + ) + ), e.enter("labelEnd"), e.enter("labelMarker"), e.consume(d), e.exit("labelMarker"), e.exit("labelEnd"), s) : n(d); + } + function s(d) { + return d === 40 ? e.attempt( + Cc, + f, + l ? f : u + )(d) : d === 91 ? e.attempt( + Tc, + f, + l ? c : u + )(d) : l ? f(d) : u(d); + } + function c(d) { + return e.attempt( + Ac, + f, + u + )(d); + } + function f(d) { + return t(d); + } + function u(d) { + return o._balanced = !0, n(d); + } +} +function Fc(e, t, n) { + return r; + function r(u) { + return e.enter("resource"), e.enter("resourceMarker"), e.consume(u), e.exit("resourceMarker"), i; + } + function i(u) { + return Ie(u) ? Lt(e, o)(u) : o(u); + } + function o(u) { + return u === 41 ? f(u) : sl( + e, + l, + a, + "resourceDestination", + "resourceDestinationLiteral", + "resourceDestinationLiteralMarker", + "resourceDestinationRaw", + "resourceDestinationString", + 32 + )(u); + } + function l(u) { + return Ie(u) ? Lt(e, s)(u) : f(u); + } + function a(u) { + return n(u); + } + function s(u) { + return u === 34 || u === 39 || u === 40 ? cl( + e, + c, + n, + "resourceTitle", + "resourceTitleMarker", + "resourceTitleString" + )(u) : f(u); + } + function c(u) { + return Ie(u) ? Lt(e, f)(u) : f(u); + } + function f(u) { + return u === 41 ? (e.enter("resourceMarker"), e.consume(u), e.exit("resourceMarker"), e.exit("resource"), t) : n(u); + } +} +function Ic(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + return i; + function i(a) { + return ul.call( + r, + e, + o, + l, + "reference", + "referenceMarker", + "referenceString" + )(a); + } + function o(a) { + return r.parser.defined.includes( + kt( + r.sliceSerialize(r.events[r.events.length - 1][1]).slice(1, -1) + ) + ) ? t(a) : n(a); + } + function l(a) { + return n(a); + } +} +function _c(e, t, n) { + return r; + function r(o) { + return e.enter("reference"), e.enter("referenceMarker"), e.consume(o), e.exit("referenceMarker"), i; + } + function i(o) { + return o === 93 ? (e.enter("referenceMarker"), e.consume(o), e.exit("referenceMarker"), e.exit("reference"), t) : n(o); + } +} +const jc = { + name: "labelStartImage", + tokenize: Dc, + resolveAll: Rr.resolveAll +}; +function Dc(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + return i; + function i(a) { + return e.enter("labelImage"), e.enter("labelImageMarker"), e.consume(a), e.exit("labelImageMarker"), o; + } + function o(a) { + return a === 91 ? (e.enter("labelMarker"), e.consume(a), e.exit("labelMarker"), e.exit("labelImage"), l) : n(a); + } + function l(a) { + return a === 94 && "_hiddenFootnoteSupport" in r.parser.constructs ? n(a) : t(a); + } +} +const zc = { + name: "labelStartLink", + tokenize: Lc, + resolveAll: Rr.resolveAll +}; +function Lc(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + return i; + function i(l) { + return e.enter("labelLink"), e.enter("labelMarker"), e.consume(l), e.exit("labelMarker"), e.exit("labelLink"), o; + } + function o(l) { + return l === 94 && "_hiddenFootnoteSupport" in r.parser.constructs ? n(l) : t(l); + } +} +const $n = { + name: "lineEnding", + tokenize: Nc +}; +function Nc(e, t) { + return n; + function n(r) { + return e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(r), e.exit("lineEnding"), xe(e, t, "linePrefix"); + } +} +const sn = { + name: "thematicBreak", + tokenize: Mc +}; +function Mc(e, t, n) { + let r = 0, i; + return o; + function o(c) { + return e.enter("thematicBreak"), l(c); + } + function l(c) { + return i = c, a(c); + } + function a(c) { + return c === i ? (e.enter("thematicBreakSequence"), s(c)) : r >= 3 && (c === null || J(c)) ? (e.exit("thematicBreak"), t(c)) : n(c); + } + function s(c) { + return c === i ? (e.consume(c), r++, s) : (e.exit("thematicBreakSequence"), he(c) ? xe(e, a, "whitespace")(c) : a(c)); + } +} +const Fe = { + name: "list", + tokenize: Uc, + continuation: { + tokenize: qc + }, + exit: Vc +}, $c = { + tokenize: Wc, + partial: !0 +}, Bc = { + tokenize: Hc, + partial: !0 +}; +function Uc(e, t, n) { + const r = this, i = r.events[r.events.length - 1]; + let o = i && i[1].type === "linePrefix" ? i[2].sliceSerialize(i[1], !0).length : 0, l = 0; + return a; + function a(p) { + const m = r.containerState.type || (p === 42 || p === 43 || p === 45 ? "listUnordered" : "listOrdered"); + if (m === "listUnordered" ? !r.containerState.marker || p === r.containerState.marker : cr(p)) { + if (r.containerState.type || (r.containerState.type = m, e.enter(m, { + _container: !0 + })), m === "listUnordered") + return e.enter("listItemPrefix"), p === 42 || p === 45 ? e.check(sn, n, c)(p) : c(p); + if (!r.interrupt || p === 49) + return e.enter("listItemPrefix"), e.enter("listItemValue"), s(p); + } + return n(p); + } + function s(p) { + return cr(p) && ++l < 10 ? (e.consume(p), s) : (!r.interrupt || l < 2) && (r.containerState.marker ? p === r.containerState.marker : p === 41 || p === 46) ? (e.exit("listItemValue"), c(p)) : n(p); + } + function c(p) { + return e.enter("listItemMarker"), e.consume(p), e.exit("listItemMarker"), r.containerState.marker = r.containerState.marker || p, e.check( + kn, + // Can’t be empty when interrupting. + r.interrupt ? n : f, + e.attempt( + $c, + d, + u + ) + ); + } + function f(p) { + return r.containerState.initialBlankLine = !0, o++, d(p); + } + function u(p) { + return he(p) ? (e.enter("listItemPrefixWhitespace"), e.consume(p), e.exit("listItemPrefixWhitespace"), d) : n(p); + } + function d(p) { + return r.containerState.size = o + r.sliceSerialize(e.exit("listItemPrefix"), !0).length, t(p); + } +} +function qc(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + return r.containerState._closeFlow = void 0, e.check(kn, i, o); + function i(a) { + return r.containerState.furtherBlankLines = r.containerState.furtherBlankLines || r.containerState.initialBlankLine, xe( + e, + t, + "listItemIndent", + r.containerState.size + 1 + )(a); + } + function o(a) { + return r.containerState.furtherBlankLines || !he(a) ? (r.containerState.furtherBlankLines = void 0, r.containerState.initialBlankLine = void 0, l(a)) : (r.containerState.furtherBlankLines = void 0, r.containerState.initialBlankLine = void 0, e.attempt(Bc, t, l)(a)); + } + function l(a) { + return r.containerState._closeFlow = !0, r.interrupt = void 0, xe( + e, + e.attempt(Fe, t, n), + "linePrefix", + r.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented") ? void 0 : 4 + )(a); + } +} +function Hc(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + return xe( + e, + i, + "listItemIndent", + r.containerState.size + 1 + ); + function i(o) { + const l = r.events[r.events.length - 1]; + return l && l[1].type === "listItemIndent" && l[2].sliceSerialize(l[1], !0).length === r.containerState.size ? t(o) : n(o); + } +} +function Vc(e) { + e.exit(this.containerState.type); +} +function Wc(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + return xe( + e, + i, + "listItemPrefixWhitespace", + r.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes("codeIndented") ? void 0 : 4 + 1 + ); + function i(o) { + const l = r.events[r.events.length - 1]; + return !he(o) && l && l[1].type === "listItemPrefixWhitespace" ? t(o) : n(o); + } +} +const $i = { + name: "setextUnderline", + tokenize: Gc, + resolveTo: Yc +}; +function Yc(e, t) { + let n = e.length, r, i, o; + for (; n--; ) + if (e[n][0] === "enter") { + if (e[n][1].type === "content") { + r = n; + break; + } + e[n][1].type === "paragraph" && (i = n); + } else + e[n][1].type === "content" && e.splice(n, 1), !o && e[n][1].type === "definition" && (o = n); + const l = { + type: "setextHeading", + start: Object.assign({}, e[i][1].start), + end: Object.assign({}, e[e.length - 1][1].end) + }; + return e[i][1].type = "setextHeadingText", o ? (e.splice(i, 0, ["enter", l, t]), e.splice(o + 1, 0, ["exit", e[r][1], t]), e[r][1].end = Object.assign({}, e[o][1].end)) : e[r][1] = l, e.push(["exit", l, t]), e; +} +function Gc(e, t, n) { + const r = this; + let i; + return o; + function o(c) { + let f = r.events.length, u; + for (; f--; ) + if (r.events[f][1].type !== "lineEnding" && r.events[f][1].type !== "linePrefix" && r.events[f][1].type !== "content") { + u = r.events[f][1].type === "paragraph"; + break; + } + return !r.parser.lazy[r.now().line] && (r.interrupt || u) ? (e.enter("setextHeadingLine"), i = c, l(c)) : n(c); + } + function l(c) { + return e.enter("setextHeadingLineSequence"), a(c); + } + function a(c) { + return c === i ? (e.consume(c), a) : (e.exit("setextHeadingLineSequence"), he(c) ? xe(e, s, "lineSuffix")(c) : s(c)); + } + function s(c) { + return c === null || J(c) ? (e.exit("setextHeadingLine"), t(c)) : n(c); + } +} +const Jc = { + tokenize: Kc +}; +function Kc(e) { + const t = this, n = e.attempt( + // Try to parse a blank line. + kn, + r, + // Try to parse initial flow (essentially, only code). + e.attempt( + this.parser.constructs.flowInitial, + i, + xe( + e, + e.attempt( + this.parser.constructs.flow, + i, + e.attempt(tc, i) + ), + "linePrefix" + ) + ) + ); + return n; + function r(o) { + if (o === null) { + e.consume(o); + return; + } + return e.enter("lineEndingBlank"), e.consume(o), e.exit("lineEndingBlank"), t.currentConstruct = void 0, n; + } + function i(o) { + if (o === null) { + e.consume(o); + return; + } + return e.enter("lineEnding"), e.consume(o), e.exit("lineEnding"), t.currentConstruct = void 0, n; + } +} +const Xc = { + resolveAll: pl() +}, Qc = fl("string"), Zc = fl("text"); +function fl(e) { + return { + tokenize: t, + resolveAll: pl( + e === "text" ? ef : void 0 + ) + }; + function t(n) { + const r = this, i = this.parser.constructs[e], o = n.attempt(i, l, a); + return l; + function l(f) { + return c(f) ? o(f) : a(f); + } + function a(f) { + if (f === null) { + n.consume(f); + return; + } + return n.enter("data"), n.consume(f), s; + } + function s(f) { + return c(f) ? (n.exit("data"), o(f)) : (n.consume(f), s); + } + function c(f) { + if (f === null) + return !0; + const u = i[f]; + let d = -1; + if (u) + for (; ++d < u.length; ) { + const p = u[d]; + if (!p.previous || p.previous.call(r, r.previous)) + return !0; + } + return !1; + } + } +} +function pl(e) { + return t; + function t(n, r) { + let i = -1, o; + for (; ++i <= n.length; ) + o === void 0 ? n[i] && n[i][1].type === "data" && (o = i, i++) : (!n[i] || n[i][1].type !== "data") && (i !== o + 2 && (n[o][1].end = n[i - 1][1].end, n.splice(o + 2, i - o - 2), i = o + 2), o = void 0); + return e ? e(n, r) : n; + } +} +function ef(e, t) { + let n = 0; + for (; ++n <= e.length; ) + if ((n === e.length || e[n][1].type === "lineEnding") && e[n - 1][1].type === "data") { + const r = e[n - 1][1], i = t.sliceStream(r); + let o = i.length, l = -1, a = 0, s; + for (; o--; ) { + const c = i[o]; + if (typeof c == "string") { + for (l = c.length; c.charCodeAt(l - 1) === 32; ) + a++, l--; + if (l) + break; + l = -1; + } else if (c === -2) + s = !0, a++; + else if (c !== -1) { + o++; + break; + } + } + if (a) { + const c = { + type: n === e.length || s || a < 2 ? "lineSuffix" : "hardBreakTrailing", + start: { + line: r.end.line, + column: r.end.column - a, + offset: r.end.offset - a, + _index: r.start._index + o, + _bufferIndex: o ? l : r.start._bufferIndex + l + }, + end: Object.assign({}, r.end) + }; + r.end = Object.assign({}, c.start), r.start.offset === r.end.offset ? Object.assign(r, c) : (e.splice( + n, + 0, + ["enter", c, t], + ["exit", c, t] + ), n += 2); + } + n++; + } + return e; +} +function tf(e, t, n) { + let r = Object.assign( + n ? Object.assign({}, n) : { + line: 1, + column: 1, + offset: 0 + }, + { + _index: 0, + _bufferIndex: -1 + } + ); + const i = {}, o = []; + let l = [], a = []; + const s = { + consume: A, + enter: C, + exit: j, + attempt: N(E), + check: N(w), + interrupt: N(w, { + interrupt: !0 + }) + }, c = { + previous: null, + code: null, + containerState: {}, + events: [], + parser: e, + sliceStream: p, + sliceSerialize: d, + now: m, + defineSkip: g, + write: u + }; + let f = t.tokenize.call(c, s); + return t.resolveAll && o.push(t), c; + function u(_) { + return l = $e(l, _), b(), l[l.length - 1] !== null ? [] : (U(t, 0), c.events = Ar(o, c.events, c), c.events); + } + function d(_, z) { + return rf(p(_), z); + } + function p(_) { + return nf(l, _); + } + function m() { + const { line: _, column: z, offset: Q, _index: Z, _bufferIndex: G } = r; + return { + line: _, + column: z, + offset: Q, + _index: Z, + _bufferIndex: G + }; + } + function g(_) { + i[_.line] = _.column, v(); + } + function b() { + let _; + for (; r._index < l.length; ) { + const z = l[r._index]; + if (typeof z == "string") + for (_ = r._index, r._bufferIndex < 0 && (r._bufferIndex = 0); r._index === _ && r._bufferIndex < z.length; ) + x(z.charCodeAt(r._bufferIndex)); + else + x(z); + } + } + function x(_) { + f = f(_); + } + function A(_) { + J(_) ? (r.line++, r.column = 1, r.offset += _ === -3 ? 2 : 1, v()) : _ !== -1 && (r.column++, r.offset++), r._bufferIndex < 0 ? r._index++ : (r._bufferIndex++, r._bufferIndex === l[r._index].length && (r._bufferIndex = -1, r._index++)), c.previous = _; + } + function C(_, z) { + const Q = z || {}; + return Q.type = _, Q.start = m(), c.events.push(["enter", Q, c]), a.push(Q), Q; + } + function j(_) { + const z = a.pop(); + return z.end = m(), c.events.push(["exit", z, c]), z; + } + function E(_, z) { + U(_, z.from); + } + function w(_, z) { + z.restore(); + } + function N(_, z) { + return Q; + function Q(Z, G, oe) { + let H, ue, we, h; + return Array.isArray(Z) ? q(Z) : "tokenize" in Z ? ( + // @ts-expect-error Looks like a construct. + q([Z]) + ) : F(Z); + function F(M) { + return W; + function W(Y) { + const re = Y !== null && M[Y], K = Y !== null && M.null, Ee = [ + // To do: add more extension tests. + /* c8 ignore next 2 */ + ...Array.isArray(re) ? re : re ? [re] : [], + ...Array.isArray(K) ? K : K ? [K] : [] + ]; + return q(Ee)(Y); + } + } + function q(M) { + return H = M, ue = 0, M.length === 0 ? oe : y(M[ue]); + } + function y(M) { + return W; + function W(Y) { + return h = te(), we = M, M.partial || (c.currentConstruct = M), M.name && c.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes(M.name) ? ne() : M.tokenize.call( + // If we do have fields, create an object w/ `context` as its + // prototype. + // This allows a “live binding”, which is needed for `interrupt`. + z ? Object.assign(Object.create(c), z) : c, + s, + B, + ne + )(Y); + } + } + function B(M) { + return _(we, h), G; + } + function ne(M) { + return h.restore(), ++ue < H.length ? y(H[ue]) : oe; + } + } + } + function U(_, z) { + _.resolveAll && !o.includes(_) && o.push(_), _.resolve && Je( + c.events, + z, + c.events.length - z, + _.resolve(c.events.slice(z), c) + ), _.resolveTo && (c.events = _.resolveTo(c.events, c)); + } + function te() { + const _ = m(), z = c.previous, Q = c.currentConstruct, Z = c.events.length, G = Array.from(a); + return { + restore: oe, + from: Z + }; + function oe() { + r = _, c.previous = z, c.currentConstruct = Q, c.events.length = Z, a = G, v(); + } + } + function v() { + r.line in i && r.column < 2 && (r.column = i[r.line], r.offset += i[r.line] - 1); + } +} +function nf(e, t) { + const n = t.start._index, r = t.start._bufferIndex, i = t.end._index, o = t.end._bufferIndex; + let l; + if (n === i) + l = [e[n].slice(r, o)]; + else { + if (l = e.slice(n, i), r > -1) { + const a = l[0]; + typeof a == "string" ? l[0] = a.slice(r) : l.shift(); + } + o > 0 && l.push(e[i].slice(0, o)); + } + return l; +} +function rf(e, t) { + let n = -1; + const r = []; + let i; + for (; ++n < e.length; ) { + const o = e[n]; + let l; + if (typeof o == "string") + l = o; + else + switch (o) { + case -5: { + l = "\r"; + break; + } + case -4: { + l = ` +`; + break; + } + case -3: { + l = `\r +`; + break; + } + case -2: { + l = t ? " " : " "; + break; + } + case -1: { + if (!t && i) + continue; + l = " "; + break; + } + default: + l = String.fromCharCode(o); + } + i = o === -2, r.push(l); + } + return r.join(""); +} +const of = { + 42: Fe, + 43: Fe, + 45: Fe, + 48: Fe, + 49: Fe, + 50: Fe, + 51: Fe, + 52: Fe, + 53: Fe, + 54: Fe, + 55: Fe, + 56: Fe, + 57: Fe, + 62: il +}, lf = { + 91: lc +}, af = { + [-2]: Mn, + [-1]: Mn, + 32: Mn +}, sf = { + 35: pc, + 42: sn, + 45: [$i, sn], + 60: gc, + 61: $i, + 95: sn, + 96: Ni, + 126: Ni +}, uf = { + 38: ll, + 92: ol +}, cf = { + [-5]: $n, + [-4]: $n, + [-3]: $n, + 33: jc, + 38: ll, + 42: fr, + 60: [Lu, Ec], + 91: zc, + 92: [cc, ol], + 93: Rr, + 95: fr, + 96: Ku +}, ff = { + null: [fr, Xc] +}, pf = { + null: [42, 95] +}, hf = { + null: [] +}, df = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({ + __proto__: null, + attentionMarkers: pf, + contentInitial: lf, + disable: hf, + document: of, + flow: sf, + flowInitial: af, + insideSpan: ff, + string: uf, + text: cf +}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })); +function mf(e) { + const n = ( + /** @type {FullNormalizedExtension} */ + wu([df, ...(e || {}).extensions || []]) + ), r = { + defined: [], + lazy: {}, + constructs: n, + content: i(Ou), + document: i(Iu), + flow: i(Jc), + string: i(Qc), + text: i(Zc) + }; + return r; + function i(o) { + return l; + function l(a) { + return tf(r, o, a); + } + } +} +const Bi = /[\0\t\n\r]/g; +function gf() { + let e = 1, t = "", n = !0, r; + return i; + function i(o, l, a) { + const s = []; + let c, f, u, d, p; + for (o = t + o.toString(l), u = 0, t = "", n && (o.charCodeAt(0) === 65279 && u++, n = void 0); u < o.length; ) { + if (Bi.lastIndex = u, c = Bi.exec(o), d = c && c.index !== void 0 ? c.index : o.length, p = o.charCodeAt(d), !c) { + t = o.slice(u); + break; + } + if (p === 10 && u === d && r) + s.push(-3), r = void 0; + else + switch (r && (s.push(-5), r = void 0), u < d && (s.push(o.slice(u, d)), e += d - u), p) { + case 0: { + s.push(65533), e++; + break; + } + case 9: { + for (f = Math.ceil(e / 4) * 4, s.push(-2); e++ < f; ) + s.push(-1); + break; + } + case 10: { + s.push(-4), e = 1; + break; + } + default: + r = !0, e = 1; + } + u = d + 1; + } + return a && (r && s.push(-5), t && s.push(t), s.push(null)), s; + } +} +function yf(e) { + for (; !al(e); ) + ; + return e; +} +function hl(e, t) { + const n = Number.parseInt(e, t); + return ( + // C0 except for HT, LF, FF, CR, space. + n < 9 || n === 11 || n > 13 && n < 32 || // Control character (DEL) of C0, and C1 controls. + n > 126 && n < 160 || // Lone high surrogates and low surrogates. + n > 55295 && n < 57344 || // Noncharacters. + n > 64975 && n < 65008 || (n & 65535) === 65535 || (n & 65535) === 65534 || // Out of range + n > 1114111 ? "�" : String.fromCharCode(n) + ); +} +const bf = /\\([!-/:-@[-`{-~])|&(#(?:\d{1,7}|x[\da-f]{1,6})|[\da-z]{1,31});/gi; +function kf(e) { + return e.replace(bf, xf); +} +function xf(e, t, n) { + if (t) + return t; + if (n.charCodeAt(0) === 35) { + const i = n.charCodeAt(1), o = i === 120 || i === 88; + return hl(n.slice(o ? 2 : 1), o ? 16 : 10); + } + return Pr(n) || e; +} +const dl = {}.hasOwnProperty, wf = ( + /** + * @type {( + * ((value: Value, encoding: Encoding, options?: Options | null | undefined) => Root) & + * ((value: Value, options?: Options | null | undefined) => Root) + * )} + */ + /** + * @param {Value} value + * @param {Encoding | Options | null | undefined} [encoding] + * @param {Options | null | undefined} [options] + * @returns {Root} + */ + function(e, t, n) { + return typeof t != "string" && (n = t, t = void 0), vf(n)( + yf( + mf(n).document().write(gf()(e, t, !0)) + ) + ); + } +); +function vf(e) { + const t = { + transforms: [], + canContainEols: ["emphasis", "fragment", "heading", "paragraph", "strong"], + enter: { + autolink: a(Gt), + autolinkProtocol: _, + autolinkEmail: _, + atxHeading: a(Ne), + blockQuote: a(Ee), + characterEscape: _, + characterReference: _, + codeFenced: a(D), + codeFencedFenceInfo: s, + codeFencedFenceMeta: s, + codeIndented: a(D, s), + codeText: a(Pe, s), + codeTextData: _, + data: _, + codeFlowValue: _, + definition: a($), + definitionDestinationString: s, + definitionLabelString: s, + definitionTitleString: s, + emphasis: a(_e), + hardBreakEscape: a(tt), + hardBreakTrailing: a(tt), + htmlFlow: a(At, s), + htmlFlowData: _, + htmlText: a(At, s), + htmlTextData: _, + image: a(dt), + label: s, + link: a(Gt), + listItem: a(Pt), + listItemValue: m, + listOrdered: a(Jt, p), + listUnordered: a(Jt), + paragraph: a(Sn), + reference: ne, + referenceString: s, + resourceDestinationString: s, + resourceTitleString: s, + setextHeading: a(Ne), + strong: a(Cn), + thematicBreak: a(Xt) + }, + exit: { + atxHeading: f(), + atxHeadingSequence: N, + autolink: f(), + autolinkEmail: K, + autolinkProtocol: re, + blockQuote: f(), + characterEscapeValue: z, + characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal: W, + characterReferenceMarkerNumeric: W, + characterReferenceValue: Y, + codeFenced: f(A), + codeFencedFence: x, + codeFencedFenceInfo: g, + codeFencedFenceMeta: b, + codeFlowValue: z, + codeIndented: f(C), + codeText: f(H), + codeTextData: z, + data: z, + definition: f(), + definitionDestinationString: w, + definitionLabelString: j, + definitionTitleString: E, + emphasis: f(), + hardBreakEscape: f(Z), + hardBreakTrailing: f(Z), + htmlFlow: f(G), + htmlFlowData: z, + htmlText: f(oe), + htmlTextData: z, + image: f(we), + label: F, + labelText: h, + lineEnding: Q, + link: f(ue), + listItem: f(), + listOrdered: f(), + listUnordered: f(), + paragraph: f(), + referenceString: M, + resourceDestinationString: q, + resourceTitleString: y, + resource: B, + setextHeading: f(v), + setextHeadingLineSequence: te, + setextHeadingText: U, + strong: f(), + thematicBreak: f() + } + }; + ml(t, (e || {}).mdastExtensions || []); + const n = {}; + return r; + function r(S) { + let I = { + type: "root", + children: [] + }; + const V = { + stack: [I], + tokenStack: [], + config: t, + enter: c, + exit: u, + buffer: s, + resume: d, + setData: o, + getData: l + }, ce = []; + let fe = -1; + for (; ++fe < S.length; ) + if (S[fe][1].type === "listOrdered" || S[fe][1].type === "listUnordered") + if (S[fe][0] === "enter") + ce.push(fe); + else { + const je = ce.pop(); + fe = i(S, je, fe); + } + for (fe = -1; ++fe < S.length; ) { + const je = t[S[fe][0]]; + dl.call(je, S[fe][1].type) && je[S[fe][1].type].call( + Object.assign( + { + sliceSerialize: S[fe][2].sliceSerialize + }, + V + ), + S[fe][1] + ); + } + if (V.tokenStack.length > 0) { + const je = V.tokenStack[V.tokenStack.length - 1]; + (je[1] || Ui).call(V, void 0, je[0]); + } + for (I.position = { + start: rt( + S.length > 0 ? S[0][1].start : { + line: 1, + column: 1, + offset: 0 + } + ), + end: rt( + S.length > 0 ? S[S.length - 2][1].end : { + line: 1, + column: 1, + offset: 0 + } + ) + }, fe = -1; ++fe < t.transforms.length; ) + I = t.transforms[fe](I) || I; + return I; + } + function i(S, I, V) { + let ce = I - 1, fe = -1, je = !1, Ve, He, lt, at; + for (; ++ce <= V; ) { + const ve = S[ce]; + if (ve[1].type === "listUnordered" || ve[1].type === "listOrdered" || ve[1].type === "blockQuote" ? (ve[0] === "enter" ? fe++ : fe--, at = void 0) : ve[1].type === "lineEndingBlank" ? ve[0] === "enter" && (Ve && !at && !fe && !lt && (lt = ce), at = void 0) : ve[1].type === "linePrefix" || ve[1].type === "listItemValue" || ve[1].type === "listItemMarker" || ve[1].type === "listItemPrefix" || ve[1].type === "listItemPrefixWhitespace" || (at = void 0), !fe && ve[0] === "enter" && ve[1].type === "listItemPrefix" || fe === -1 && ve[0] === "exit" && (ve[1].type === "listUnordered" || ve[1].type === "listOrdered")) { + if (Ve) { + let Rt = ce; + for (He = void 0; Rt--; ) { + const De = S[Rt]; + if (De[1].type === "lineEnding" || De[1].type === "lineEndingBlank") { + if (De[0] === "exit") + continue; + He && (S[He][1].type = "lineEndingBlank", je = !0), De[1].type = "lineEnding", He = Rt; + } else if (!(De[1].type === "linePrefix" || De[1].type === "blockQuotePrefix" || De[1].type === "blockQuotePrefixWhitespace" || De[1].type === "blockQuoteMarker" || De[1].type === "listItemIndent")) + break; + } + lt && (!He || lt < He) && (Ve._spread = !0), Ve.end = Object.assign( + {}, + He ? S[He][1].start : ve[1].end + ), S.splice(He || ce, 0, ["exit", Ve, ve[2]]), ce++, V++; + } + ve[1].type === "listItemPrefix" && (Ve = { + type: "listItem", + _spread: !1, + start: Object.assign({}, ve[1].start), + // @ts-expect-error: we’ll add `end` in a second. + end: void 0 + }, S.splice(ce, 0, ["enter", Ve, ve[2]]), ce++, V++, lt = void 0, at = !0); + } + } + return S[I][1]._spread = je, V; + } + function o(S, I) { + n[S] = I; + } + function l(S) { + return n[S]; + } + function a(S, I) { + return V; + function V(ce) { + c.call(this, S(ce), ce), I && I.call(this, ce); + } + } + function s() { + this.stack.push({ + type: "fragment", + children: [] + }); + } + function c(S, I, V) { + return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].children.push(S), this.stack.push(S), this.tokenStack.push([I, V]), S.position = { + start: rt(I.start) + }, S; + } + function f(S) { + return I; + function I(V) { + S && S.call(this, V), u.call(this, V); + } + } + function u(S, I) { + const V = this.stack.pop(), ce = this.tokenStack.pop(); + if (ce) + ce[0].type !== S.type && (I ? I.call(this, S, ce[0]) : (ce[1] || Ui).call(this, S, ce[0])); + else + throw new Error( + "Cannot close `" + S.type + "` (" + zt({ + start: S.start, + end: S.end + }) + "): it’s not open" + ); + return V.position.end = rt(S.end), V; + } + function d() { + return ku(this.stack.pop()); + } + function p() { + o("expectingFirstListItemValue", !0); + } + function m(S) { + if (l("expectingFirstListItemValue")) { + const I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 2]; + I.start = Number.parseInt(this.sliceSerialize(S), 10), o("expectingFirstListItemValue"); + } + } + function g() { + const S = this.resume(), I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + I.lang = S; + } + function b() { + const S = this.resume(), I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + I.meta = S; + } + function x() { + l("flowCodeInside") || (this.buffer(), o("flowCodeInside", !0)); + } + function A() { + const S = this.resume(), I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + I.value = S.replace(/^(\r?\n|\r)|(\r?\n|\r)$/g, ""), o("flowCodeInside"); + } + function C() { + const S = this.resume(), I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + I.value = S.replace(/(\r?\n|\r)$/g, ""); + } + function j(S) { + const I = this.resume(), V = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + V.label = I, V.identifier = kt( + this.sliceSerialize(S) + ).toLowerCase(); + } + function E() { + const S = this.resume(), I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + I.title = S; + } + function w() { + const S = this.resume(), I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + I.url = S; + } + function N(S) { + const I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + if (!I.depth) { + const V = this.sliceSerialize(S).length; + I.depth = V; + } + } + function U() { + o("setextHeadingSlurpLineEnding", !0); + } + function te(S) { + const I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + I.depth = this.sliceSerialize(S).charCodeAt(0) === 61 ? 1 : 2; + } + function v() { + o("setextHeadingSlurpLineEnding"); + } + function _(S) { + const I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + let V = I.children[I.children.length - 1]; + (!V || V.type !== "text") && (V = Kt(), V.position = { + start: rt(S.start) + }, I.children.push(V)), this.stack.push(V); + } + function z(S) { + const I = this.stack.pop(); + I.value += this.sliceSerialize(S), I.position.end = rt(S.end); + } + function Q(S) { + const I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + if (l("atHardBreak")) { + const V = I.children[I.children.length - 1]; + V.position.end = rt(S.end), o("atHardBreak"); + return; + } + !l("setextHeadingSlurpLineEnding") && t.canContainEols.includes(I.type) && (_.call(this, S), z.call(this, S)); + } + function Z() { + o("atHardBreak", !0); + } + function G() { + const S = this.resume(), I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + I.value = S; + } + function oe() { + const S = this.resume(), I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + I.value = S; + } + function H() { + const S = this.resume(), I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + I.value = S; + } + function ue() { + const S = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + if (l("inReference")) { + const I = l("referenceType") || "shortcut"; + S.type += "Reference", S.referenceType = I, delete S.url, delete S.title; + } else + delete S.identifier, delete S.label; + o("referenceType"); + } + function we() { + const S = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + if (l("inReference")) { + const I = l("referenceType") || "shortcut"; + S.type += "Reference", S.referenceType = I, delete S.url, delete S.title; + } else + delete S.identifier, delete S.label; + o("referenceType"); + } + function h(S) { + const I = this.sliceSerialize(S), V = this.stack[this.stack.length - 2]; + V.label = kf(I), V.identifier = kt(I).toLowerCase(); + } + function F() { + const S = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1], I = this.resume(), V = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + if (o("inReference", !0), V.type === "link") { + const ce = S.children; + V.children = ce; + } else + V.alt = I; + } + function q() { + const S = this.resume(), I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + I.url = S; + } + function y() { + const S = this.resume(), I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + I.title = S; + } + function B() { + o("inReference"); + } + function ne() { + o("referenceType", "collapsed"); + } + function M(S) { + const I = this.resume(), V = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + V.label = I, V.identifier = kt( + this.sliceSerialize(S) + ).toLowerCase(), o("referenceType", "full"); + } + function W(S) { + o("characterReferenceType", S.type); + } + function Y(S) { + const I = this.sliceSerialize(S), V = l("characterReferenceType"); + let ce; + V ? (ce = hl( + I, + V === "characterReferenceMarkerNumeric" ? 10 : 16 + ), o("characterReferenceType")) : ce = Pr(I); + const fe = this.stack.pop(); + fe.value += ce, fe.position.end = rt(S.end); + } + function re(S) { + z.call(this, S); + const I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + I.url = this.sliceSerialize(S); + } + function K(S) { + z.call(this, S); + const I = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + I.url = "mailto:" + this.sliceSerialize(S); + } + function Ee() { + return { + type: "blockquote", + children: [] + }; + } + function D() { + return { + type: "code", + lang: null, + meta: null, + value: "" + }; + } + function Pe() { + return { + type: "inlineCode", + value: "" + }; + } + function $() { + return { + type: "definition", + identifier: "", + label: null, + title: null, + url: "" + }; + } + function _e() { + return { + type: "emphasis", + children: [] + }; + } + function Ne() { + return { + type: "heading", + depth: void 0, + children: [] + }; + } + function tt() { + return { + type: "break" + }; + } + function At() { + return { + type: "html", + value: "" + }; + } + function dt() { + return { + type: "image", + title: null, + url: "", + alt: null + }; + } + function Gt() { + return { + type: "link", + title: null, + url: "", + children: [] + }; + } + function Jt(S) { + return { + type: "list", + ordered: S.type === "listOrdered", + start: null, + spread: S._spread, + children: [] + }; + } + function Pt(S) { + return { + type: "listItem", + spread: S._spread, + checked: null, + children: [] + }; + } + function Sn() { + return { + type: "paragraph", + children: [] + }; + } + function Cn() { + return { + type: "strong", + children: [] + }; + } + function Kt() { + return { + type: "text", + value: "" + }; + } + function Xt() { + return { + type: "thematicBreak" + }; + } +} +function rt(e) { + return { + line: e.line, + column: e.column, + offset: e.offset + }; +} +function ml(e, t) { + let n = -1; + for (; ++n < t.length; ) { + const r = t[n]; + Array.isArray(r) ? ml(e, r) : Ef(e, r); + } +} +function Ef(e, t) { + let n; + for (n in t) + if (dl.call(t, n)) { + if (n === "canContainEols") { + const r = t[n]; + r && e[n].push(...r); + } else if (n === "transforms") { + const r = t[n]; + r && e[n].push(...r); + } else if (n === "enter" || n === "exit") { + const r = t[n]; + r && Object.assign(e[n], r); + } + } +} +function Ui(e, t) { + throw e ? new Error( + "Cannot close `" + e.type + "` (" + zt({ + start: e.start, + end: e.end + }) + "): a different token (`" + t.type + "`, " + zt({ + start: t.start, + end: t.end + }) + ") is open" + ) : new Error( + "Cannot close document, a token (`" + t.type + "`, " + zt({ + start: t.start, + end: t.end + }) + ") is still open" + ); +} +function Sf(e) { + Object.assign(this, { Parser: (n) => { + const r = ( + /** @type {Options} */ + this.data("settings") + ); + return wf( + n, + Object.assign({}, r, e, { + // Note: these options are not in the readme. + // The goal is for them to be set by plugins on `data` instead of being + // passed by users. + extensions: this.data("micromarkExtensions") || [], + mdastExtensions: this.data("fromMarkdownExtensions") || [] + }) + ); + } }); +} +function Cf(e, t) { + const n = { + type: "element", + tagName: "blockquote", + properties: {}, + children: e.wrap(e.all(t), !0) + }; + return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n); +} +function Tf(e, t) { + const n = { type: "element", tagName: "br", properties: {}, children: [] }; + return e.patch(t, n), [e.applyData(t, n), { type: "text", value: ` +` }]; +} +function Af(e, t) { + const n = t.value ? t.value + ` +` : "", r = t.lang ? t.lang.match(/^[^ \t]+(?=[ \t]|$)/) : null, i = {}; + r && (i.className = ["language-" + r]); + let o = { + type: "element", + tagName: "code", + properties: i, + children: [{ type: "text", value: n }] + }; + return t.meta && (o.data = { meta: t.meta }), e.patch(t, o), o = e.applyData(t, o), o = { type: "element", tagName: "pre", properties: {}, children: [o] }, e.patch(t, o), o; +} +function Pf(e, t) { + const n = { + type: "element", + tagName: "del", + properties: {}, + children: e.all(t) + }; + return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n); +} +function Rf(e, t) { + const n = { + type: "element", + tagName: "em", + properties: {}, + children: e.all(t) + }; + return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n); +} +function Ct(e) { + const t = []; + let n = -1, r = 0, i = 0; + for (; ++n < e.length; ) { + const o = e.charCodeAt(n); + let l = ""; + if (o === 37 && Le(e.charCodeAt(n + 1)) && Le(e.charCodeAt(n + 2))) + i = 2; + else if (o < 128) + /[!#$&-;=?-Z_a-z~]/.test(String.fromCharCode(o)) || (l = String.fromCharCode(o)); + else if (o > 55295 && o < 57344) { + const a = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); + o < 56320 && a > 56319 && a < 57344 ? (l = String.fromCharCode(o, a), i = 1) : l = "�"; + } else + l = String.fromCharCode(o); + l && (t.push(e.slice(r, n), encodeURIComponent(l)), r = n + i + 1, l = ""), i && (n += i, i = 0); + } + return t.join("") + e.slice(r); +} +function gl(e, t) { + const n = String(t.identifier).toUpperCase(), r = Ct(n.toLowerCase()), i = e.footnoteOrder.indexOf(n); + let o; + i === -1 ? (e.footnoteOrder.push(n), e.footnoteCounts[n] = 1, o = e.footnoteOrder.length) : (e.footnoteCounts[n]++, o = i + 1); + const l = e.footnoteCounts[n], a = { + type: "element", + tagName: "a", + properties: { + href: "#" + e.clobberPrefix + "fn-" + r, + id: e.clobberPrefix + "fnref-" + r + (l > 1 ? "-" + l : ""), + dataFootnoteRef: !0, + ariaDescribedBy: ["footnote-label"] + }, + children: [{ type: "text", value: String(o) }] + }; + e.patch(t, a); + const s = { + type: "element", + tagName: "sup", + properties: {}, + children: [a] + }; + return e.patch(t, s), e.applyData(t, s); +} +function Of(e, t) { + const n = e.footnoteById; + let r = 1; + for (; r in n; ) + r++; + const i = String(r); + return n[i] = { + type: "footnoteDefinition", + identifier: i, + children: [{ type: "paragraph", children: t.children }], + position: t.position + }, gl(e, { + type: "footnoteReference", + identifier: i, + position: t.position + }); +} +function Ff(e, t) { + const n = { + type: "element", + tagName: "h" + t.depth, + properties: {}, + children: e.all(t) + }; + return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n); +} +function If(e, t) { + if (e.dangerous) { + const n = { type: "raw", value: t.value }; + return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n); + } + return null; +} +function yl(e, t) { + const n = t.referenceType; + let r = "]"; + if (n === "collapsed" ? r += "[]" : n === "full" && (r += "[" + (t.label || t.identifier) + "]"), t.type === "imageReference") + return { type: "text", value: "![" + t.alt + r }; + const i = e.all(t), o = i[0]; + o && o.type === "text" ? o.value = "[" + o.value : i.unshift({ type: "text", value: "[" }); + const l = i[i.length - 1]; + return l && l.type === "text" ? l.value += r : i.push({ type: "text", value: r }), i; +} +function _f(e, t) { + const n = e.definition(t.identifier); + if (!n) + return yl(e, t); + const r = { src: Ct(n.url || ""), alt: t.alt }; + n.title !== null && n.title !== void 0 && (r.title = n.title); + const i = { type: "element", tagName: "img", properties: r, children: [] }; + return e.patch(t, i), e.applyData(t, i); +} +function jf(e, t) { + const n = { src: Ct(t.url) }; + t.alt !== null && t.alt !== void 0 && (n.alt = t.alt), t.title !== null && t.title !== void 0 && (n.title = t.title); + const r = { type: "element", tagName: "img", properties: n, children: [] }; + return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r); +} +function Df(e, t) { + const n = { type: "text", value: t.value.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, " ") }; + e.patch(t, n); + const r = { + type: "element", + tagName: "code", + properties: {}, + children: [n] + }; + return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r); +} +function zf(e, t) { + const n = e.definition(t.identifier); + if (!n) + return yl(e, t); + const r = { href: Ct(n.url || "") }; + n.title !== null && n.title !== void 0 && (r.title = n.title); + const i = { + type: "element", + tagName: "a", + properties: r, + children: e.all(t) + }; + return e.patch(t, i), e.applyData(t, i); +} +function Lf(e, t) { + const n = { href: Ct(t.url) }; + t.title !== null && t.title !== void 0 && (n.title = t.title); + const r = { + type: "element", + tagName: "a", + properties: n, + children: e.all(t) + }; + return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r); +} +function Nf(e, t, n) { + const r = e.all(t), i = n ? Mf(n) : bl(t), o = {}, l = []; + if (typeof t.checked == "boolean") { + const f = r[0]; + let u; + f && f.type === "element" && f.tagName === "p" ? u = f : (u = { type: "element", tagName: "p", properties: {}, children: [] }, r.unshift(u)), u.children.length > 0 && u.children.unshift({ type: "text", value: " " }), u.children.unshift({ + type: "element", + tagName: "input", + properties: { type: "checkbox", checked: t.checked, disabled: !0 }, + children: [] + }), o.className = ["task-list-item"]; + } + let a = -1; + for (; ++a < r.length; ) { + const f = r[a]; + (i || a !== 0 || f.type !== "element" || f.tagName !== "p") && l.push({ type: "text", value: ` +` }), f.type === "element" && f.tagName === "p" && !i ? l.push(...f.children) : l.push(f); + } + const s = r[r.length - 1]; + s && (i || s.type !== "element" || s.tagName !== "p") && l.push({ type: "text", value: ` +` }); + const c = { type: "element", tagName: "li", properties: o, children: l }; + return e.patch(t, c), e.applyData(t, c); +} +function Mf(e) { + let t = !1; + if (e.type === "list") { + t = e.spread || !1; + const n = e.children; + let r = -1; + for (; !t && ++r < n.length; ) + t = bl(n[r]); + } + return t; +} +function bl(e) { + const t = e.spread; + return t ?? e.children.length > 1; +} +function $f(e, t) { + const n = {}, r = e.all(t); + let i = -1; + for (typeof t.start == "number" && t.start !== 1 && (n.start = t.start); ++i < r.length; ) { + const l = r[i]; + if (l.type === "element" && l.tagName === "li" && l.properties && Array.isArray(l.properties.className) && l.properties.className.includes("task-list-item")) { + n.className = ["contains-task-list"]; + break; + } + } + const o = { + type: "element", + tagName: t.ordered ? "ol" : "ul", + properties: n, + children: e.wrap(r, !0) + }; + return e.patch(t, o), e.applyData(t, o); +} +function Bf(e, t) { + const n = { + type: "element", + tagName: "p", + properties: {}, + children: e.all(t) + }; + return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n); +} +function Uf(e, t) { + const n = { type: "root", children: e.wrap(e.all(t)) }; + return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n); +} +function qf(e, t) { + const n = { + type: "element", + tagName: "strong", + properties: {}, + children: e.all(t) + }; + return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n); +} +const Or = kl("start"), Fr = kl("end"); +function Hf(e) { + return { start: Or(e), end: Fr(e) }; +} +function kl(e) { + return t; + function t(n) { + const r = n && n.position && n.position[e] || {}; + return { + // @ts-expect-error: in practice, null is allowed. + line: r.line || null, + // @ts-expect-error: in practice, null is allowed. + column: r.column || null, + // @ts-expect-error: in practice, null is allowed. + offset: r.offset > -1 ? r.offset : null + }; + } +} +function Vf(e, t) { + const n = e.all(t), r = n.shift(), i = []; + if (r) { + const l = { + type: "element", + tagName: "thead", + properties: {}, + children: e.wrap([r], !0) + }; + e.patch(t.children[0], l), i.push(l); + } + if (n.length > 0) { + const l = { + type: "element", + tagName: "tbody", + properties: {}, + children: e.wrap(n, !0) + }, a = Or(t.children[1]), s = Fr(t.children[t.children.length - 1]); + a.line && s.line && (l.position = { start: a, end: s }), i.push(l); + } + const o = { + type: "element", + tagName: "table", + properties: {}, + children: e.wrap(i, !0) + }; + return e.patch(t, o), e.applyData(t, o); +} +function Wf(e, t, n) { + const r = n ? n.children : void 0, o = (r ? r.indexOf(t) : 1) === 0 ? "th" : "td", l = n && n.type === "table" ? n.align : void 0, a = l ? l.length : t.children.length; + let s = -1; + const c = []; + for (; ++s < a; ) { + const u = t.children[s], d = {}, p = l ? l[s] : void 0; + p && (d.align = p); + let m = { type: "element", tagName: o, properties: d, children: [] }; + u && (m.children = e.all(u), e.patch(u, m), m = e.applyData(t, m)), c.push(m); + } + const f = { + type: "element", + tagName: "tr", + properties: {}, + children: e.wrap(c, !0) + }; + return e.patch(t, f), e.applyData(t, f); +} +function Yf(e, t) { + const n = { + type: "element", + tagName: "td", + // Assume body cell. + properties: {}, + children: e.all(t) + }; + return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n); +} +const qi = 9, Hi = 32; +function Gf(e) { + const t = String(e), n = /\r?\n|\r/g; + let r = n.exec(t), i = 0; + const o = []; + for (; r; ) + o.push( + Vi(t.slice(i, r.index), i > 0, !0), + r[0] + ), i = r.index + r[0].length, r = n.exec(t); + return o.push(Vi(t.slice(i), i > 0, !1)), o.join(""); +} +function Vi(e, t, n) { + let r = 0, i = e.length; + if (t) { + let o = e.codePointAt(r); + for (; o === qi || o === Hi; ) + r++, o = e.codePointAt(r); + } + if (n) { + let o = e.codePointAt(i - 1); + for (; o === qi || o === Hi; ) + i--, o = e.codePointAt(i - 1); + } + return i > r ? e.slice(r, i) : ""; +} +function Jf(e, t) { + const n = { type: "text", value: Gf(String(t.value)) }; + return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n); +} +function Kf(e, t) { + const n = { + type: "element", + tagName: "hr", + properties: {}, + children: [] + }; + return e.patch(t, n), e.applyData(t, n); +} +const Xf = { + blockquote: Cf, + break: Tf, + code: Af, + delete: Pf, + emphasis: Rf, + footnoteReference: gl, + footnote: Of, + heading: Ff, + html: If, + imageReference: _f, + image: jf, + inlineCode: Df, + linkReference: zf, + link: Lf, + listItem: Nf, + list: $f, + paragraph: Bf, + root: Uf, + strong: qf, + table: Vf, + tableCell: Yf, + tableRow: Wf, + text: Jf, + thematicBreak: Kf, + toml: Qt, + yaml: Qt, + definition: Qt, + footnoteDefinition: Qt +}; +function Qt() { + return null; +} +const xl = ( + /** + * @type {( + * ((test: PredicateTest) => AssertPredicate) & + * ((test?: Test) => AssertAnything) + * )} + */ + /** + * @param {Test} [test] + * @returns {AssertAnything} + */ + function(e) { + if (e == null) + return tp; + if (typeof e == "string") + return ep(e); + if (typeof e == "object") + return Array.isArray(e) ? Qf(e) : Zf(e); + if (typeof e == "function") + return xn(e); + throw new Error("Expected function, string, or object as test"); + } +); +function Qf(e) { + const t = []; + let n = -1; + for (; ++n < e.length; ) + t[n] = xl(e[n]); + return xn(r); + function r(...i) { + let o = -1; + for (; ++o < t.length; ) + if (t[o].call(this, ...i)) + return !0; + return !1; + } +} +function Zf(e) { + return xn(t); + function t(n) { + let r; + for (r in e) + if (n[r] !== e[r]) + return !1; + return !0; + } +} +function ep(e) { + return xn(t); + function t(n) { + return n && n.type === e; + } +} +function xn(e) { + return t; + function t(n, ...r) { + return !!(n && typeof n == "object" && "type" in n && e.call(this, n, ...r)); + } +} +function tp() { + return !0; +} +const np = !0, Wi = !1, rp = "skip", ip = ( + /** + * @type {( + * ((tree: Tree, test: Check, visitor: BuildVisitor, reverse?: boolean | null | undefined) => void) & + * ((tree: Tree, visitor: BuildVisitor, reverse?: boolean | null | undefined) => void) + * )} + */ + /** + * @param {Node} tree + * @param {Test} test + * @param {Visitor} visitor + * @param {boolean | null | undefined} [reverse] + * @returns {void} + */ + function(e, t, n, r) { + typeof t == "function" && typeof n != "function" && (r = n, n = t, t = null); + const i = xl(t), o = r ? -1 : 1; + l(e, void 0, [])(); + function l(a, s, c) { + const f = a && typeof a == "object" ? a : {}; + if (typeof f.type == "string") { + const d = ( + // `hast` + typeof f.tagName == "string" ? f.tagName : ( + // `xast` + typeof f.name == "string" ? f.name : void 0 + ) + ); + Object.defineProperty(u, "name", { + value: "node (" + (a.type + (d ? "<" + d + ">" : "")) + ")" + }); + } + return u; + function u() { + let d = [], p, m, g; + if ((!t || i(a, s, c[c.length - 1] || null)) && (d = op(n(a, c)), d[0] === Wi)) + return d; + if (a.children && d[0] !== rp) + for (m = (r ? a.children.length : -1) + o, g = c.concat(a); m > -1 && m < a.children.length; ) { + if (p = l(a.children[m], m, g)(), p[0] === Wi) + return p; + m = typeof p[1] == "number" ? p[1] : m + o; + } + return d; + } + } + } +); +function op(e) { + return Array.isArray(e) ? e : typeof e == "number" ? [np, e] : [e]; +} +const Ir = ( + /** + * @type {( + * ((tree: Tree, test: Check, visitor: BuildVisitor, reverse?: boolean | null | undefined) => void) & + * ((tree: Tree, visitor: BuildVisitor, reverse?: boolean | null | undefined) => void) + * )} + */ + /** + * @param {Node} tree + * @param {Test} test + * @param {Visitor} visitor + * @param {boolean | null | undefined} [reverse] + * @returns {void} + */ + function(e, t, n, r) { + typeof t == "function" && typeof n != "function" && (r = n, n = t, t = null), ip(e, t, i, r); + function i(o, l) { + const a = l[l.length - 1]; + return n( + o, + a ? a.children.indexOf(o) : null, + a + ); + } + } +); +function lp(e) { + return !e || !e.position || !e.position.start || !e.position.start.line || !e.position.start.column || !e.position.end || !e.position.end.line || !e.position.end.column; +} +const Yi = {}.hasOwnProperty; +function ap(e) { + const t = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); + if (!e || !e.type) + throw new Error("mdast-util-definitions expected node"); + return Ir(e, "definition", (r) => { + const i = Gi(r.identifier); + i && !Yi.call(t, i) && (t[i] = r); + }), n; + function n(r) { + const i = Gi(r); + return i && Yi.call(t, i) ? t[i] : null; + } +} +function Gi(e) { + return String(e || "").toUpperCase(); +} +const cn = {}.hasOwnProperty; +function sp(e, t) { + const n = t || {}, r = n.allowDangerousHtml || !1, i = {}; + return l.dangerous = r, l.clobberPrefix = n.clobberPrefix === void 0 || n.clobberPrefix === null ? "user-content-" : n.clobberPrefix, l.footnoteLabel = n.footnoteLabel || "Footnotes", l.footnoteLabelTagName = n.footnoteLabelTagName || "h2", l.footnoteLabelProperties = n.footnoteLabelProperties || { + className: ["sr-only"] + }, l.footnoteBackLabel = n.footnoteBackLabel || "Back to content", l.unknownHandler = n.unknownHandler, l.passThrough = n.passThrough, l.handlers = { ...Xf, ...n.handlers }, l.definition = ap(e), l.footnoteById = i, l.footnoteOrder = [], l.footnoteCounts = {}, l.patch = up, l.applyData = cp, l.one = a, l.all = s, l.wrap = pp, l.augment = o, Ir(e, "footnoteDefinition", (c) => { + const f = String(c.identifier).toUpperCase(); + cn.call(i, f) || (i[f] = c); + }), l; + function o(c, f) { + if (c && "data" in c && c.data) { + const u = c.data; + u.hName && (f.type !== "element" && (f = { + type: "element", + tagName: "", + properties: {}, + children: [] + }), f.tagName = u.hName), f.type === "element" && u.hProperties && (f.properties = { ...f.properties, ...u.hProperties }), "children" in f && f.children && u.hChildren && (f.children = u.hChildren); + } + if (c) { + const u = "type" in c ? c : { position: c }; + lp(u) || (f.position = { start: Or(u), end: Fr(u) }); + } + return f; + } + function l(c, f, u, d) { + return Array.isArray(u) && (d = u, u = {}), o(c, { + type: "element", + tagName: f, + properties: u || {}, + children: d || [] + }); + } + function a(c, f) { + return wl(l, c, f); + } + function s(c) { + return _r(l, c); + } +} +function up(e, t) { + e.position && (t.position = Hf(e)); +} +function cp(e, t) { + let n = t; + if (e && e.data) { + const r = e.data.hName, i = e.data.hChildren, o = e.data.hProperties; + typeof r == "string" && (n.type === "element" ? n.tagName = r : n = { + type: "element", + tagName: r, + properties: {}, + children: [] + }), n.type === "element" && o && (n.properties = { ...n.properties, ...o }), "children" in n && n.children && i !== null && i !== void 0 && (n.children = i); + } + return n; +} +function wl(e, t, n) { + const r = t && t.type; + if (!r) + throw new Error("Expected node, got `" + t + "`"); + return cn.call(e.handlers, r) ? e.handlers[r](e, t, n) : e.passThrough && e.passThrough.includes(r) ? "children" in t ? { ...t, children: _r(e, t) } : t : e.unknownHandler ? e.unknownHandler(e, t, n) : fp(e, t); +} +function _r(e, t) { + const n = []; + if ("children" in t) { + const r = t.children; + let i = -1; + for (; ++i < r.length; ) { + const o = wl(e, r[i], t); + if (o) { + if (i && r[i - 1].type === "break" && (!Array.isArray(o) && o.type === "text" && (o.value = o.value.replace(/^\s+/, "")), !Array.isArray(o) && o.type === "element")) { + const l = o.children[0]; + l && l.type === "text" && (l.value = l.value.replace(/^\s+/, "")); + } + Array.isArray(o) ? n.push(...o) : n.push(o); + } + } + } + return n; +} +function fp(e, t) { + const n = t.data || {}, r = "value" in t && !(cn.call(n, "hProperties") || cn.call(n, "hChildren")) ? { type: "text", value: t.value } : { + type: "element", + tagName: "div", + properties: {}, + children: _r(e, t) + }; + return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r); +} +function pp(e, t) { + const n = []; + let r = -1; + for (t && n.push({ type: "text", value: ` +` }); ++r < e.length; ) + r && n.push({ type: "text", value: ` +` }), n.push(e[r]); + return t && e.length > 0 && n.push({ type: "text", value: ` +` }), n; +} +function hp(e) { + const t = []; + let n = -1; + for (; ++n < e.footnoteOrder.length; ) { + const r = e.footnoteById[e.footnoteOrder[n]]; + if (!r) + continue; + const i = e.all(r), o = String(r.identifier).toUpperCase(), l = Ct(o.toLowerCase()); + let a = 0; + const s = []; + for (; ++a <= e.footnoteCounts[o]; ) { + const u = { + type: "element", + tagName: "a", + properties: { + href: "#" + e.clobberPrefix + "fnref-" + l + (a > 1 ? "-" + a : ""), + dataFootnoteBackref: !0, + className: ["data-footnote-backref"], + ariaLabel: e.footnoteBackLabel + }, + children: [{ type: "text", value: "↩" }] + }; + a > 1 && u.children.push({ + type: "element", + tagName: "sup", + children: [{ type: "text", value: String(a) }] + }), s.length > 0 && s.push({ type: "text", value: " " }), s.push(u); + } + const c = i[i.length - 1]; + if (c && c.type === "element" && c.tagName === "p") { + const u = c.children[c.children.length - 1]; + u && u.type === "text" ? u.value += " " : c.children.push({ type: "text", value: " " }), c.children.push(...s); + } else + i.push(...s); + const f = { + type: "element", + tagName: "li", + properties: { id: e.clobberPrefix + "fn-" + l }, + children: e.wrap(i, !0) + }; + e.patch(r, f), t.push(f); + } + if (t.length !== 0) + return { + type: "element", + tagName: "section", + properties: { dataFootnotes: !0, className: ["footnotes"] }, + children: [ + { + type: "element", + tagName: e.footnoteLabelTagName, + properties: { + // To do: use structured clone. + ...JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e.footnoteLabelProperties)), + id: "footnote-label" + }, + children: [{ type: "text", value: e.footnoteLabel }] + }, + { type: "text", value: ` +` }, + { + type: "element", + tagName: "ol", + properties: {}, + children: e.wrap(t, !0) + }, + { type: "text", value: ` +` } + ] + }; +} +function vl(e, t) { + const n = sp(e, t), r = n.one(e, null), i = hp(n); + return i && r.children.push({ type: "text", value: ` +` }, i), Array.isArray(r) ? { type: "root", children: r } : r; +} +const dp = ( + /** @type {(import('unified').Plugin<[Processor, Options?]|[null|undefined, Options?]|[Options]|[], MdastRoot>)} */ + function(e, t) { + return e && "run" in e ? gp(e, t) : yp(e || t); + } +), mp = dp; +function gp(e, t) { + return (n, r, i) => { + e.run(vl(n, t), r, (o) => { + i(o); + }); + }; +} +function yp(e) { + return (t) => vl(t, e); +} +var pr = { exports: {} }, Zt = { exports: {} }, de = {}; +/** @license React v16.13.1 + * react-is.production.min.js + * + * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. + * + * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the + * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. + */ +var Ji; +function bp() { + if (Ji) + return de; + Ji = 1; + var e = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.for, t = e ? Symbol.for("react.element") : 60103, n = e ? Symbol.for("react.portal") : 60106, r = e ? Symbol.for("react.fragment") : 60107, i = e ? Symbol.for("react.strict_mode") : 60108, o = e ? Symbol.for("react.profiler") : 60114, l = e ? Symbol.for("react.provider") : 60109, a = e ? Symbol.for("react.context") : 60110, s = e ? Symbol.for("react.async_mode") : 60111, c = e ? Symbol.for("react.concurrent_mode") : 60111, f = e ? Symbol.for("react.forward_ref") : 60112, u = e ? Symbol.for("react.suspense") : 60113, d = e ? Symbol.for("react.suspense_list") : 60120, p = e ? Symbol.for("react.memo") : 60115, m = e ? Symbol.for("react.lazy") : 60116, g = e ? Symbol.for("react.block") : 60121, b = e ? Symbol.for("react.fundamental") : 60117, x = e ? Symbol.for("react.responder") : 60118, A = e ? Symbol.for("react.scope") : 60119; + function C(E) { + if (typeof E == "object" && E !== null) { + var w = E.$$typeof; + switch (w) { + case t: + switch (E = E.type, E) { + case s: + case c: + case r: + case o: + case i: + case u: + return E; + default: + switch (E = E && E.$$typeof, E) { + case a: + case f: + case m: + case p: + case l: + return E; + default: + return w; + } + } + case n: + return w; + } + } + } + function j(E) { + return C(E) === c; + } + return de.AsyncMode = s, de.ConcurrentMode = c, de.ContextConsumer = a, de.ContextProvider = l, de.Element = t, de.ForwardRef = f, de.Fragment = r, de.Lazy = m, de.Memo = p, de.Portal = n, de.Profiler = o, de.StrictMode = i, de.Suspense = u, de.isAsyncMode = function(E) { + return j(E) || C(E) === s; + }, de.isConcurrentMode = j, de.isContextConsumer = function(E) { + return C(E) === a; + }, de.isContextProvider = function(E) { + return C(E) === l; + }, de.isElement = function(E) { + return typeof E == "object" && E !== null && E.$$typeof === t; + }, de.isForwardRef = function(E) { + return C(E) === f; + }, de.isFragment = function(E) { + return C(E) === r; + }, de.isLazy = function(E) { + return C(E) === m; + }, de.isMemo = function(E) { + return C(E) === p; + }, de.isPortal = function(E) { + return C(E) === n; + }, de.isProfiler = function(E) { + return C(E) === o; + }, de.isStrictMode = function(E) { + return C(E) === i; + }, de.isSuspense = function(E) { + return C(E) === u; + }, de.isValidElementType = function(E) { + return typeof E == "string" || typeof E == "function" || E === r || E === c || E === o || E === i || E === u || E === d || typeof E == "object" && E !== null && (E.$$typeof === m || E.$$typeof === p || E.$$typeof === l || E.$$typeof === a || E.$$typeof === f || E.$$typeof === b || E.$$typeof === x || E.$$typeof === A || E.$$typeof === g); + }, de.typeOf = C, de; +} +var me = {}; +/** @license React v16.13.1 + * react-is.development.js + * + * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. + * + * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the + * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. + */ +var Ki; +function kp() { + return Ki || (Ki = 1, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && function() { + var e = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.for, t = e ? Symbol.for("react.element") : 60103, n = e ? Symbol.for("react.portal") : 60106, r = e ? Symbol.for("react.fragment") : 60107, i = e ? Symbol.for("react.strict_mode") : 60108, o = e ? Symbol.for("react.profiler") : 60114, l = e ? Symbol.for("react.provider") : 60109, a = e ? Symbol.for("react.context") : 60110, s = e ? Symbol.for("react.async_mode") : 60111, c = e ? Symbol.for("react.concurrent_mode") : 60111, f = e ? Symbol.for("react.forward_ref") : 60112, u = e ? Symbol.for("react.suspense") : 60113, d = e ? Symbol.for("react.suspense_list") : 60120, p = e ? Symbol.for("react.memo") : 60115, m = e ? Symbol.for("react.lazy") : 60116, g = e ? Symbol.for("react.block") : 60121, b = e ? Symbol.for("react.fundamental") : 60117, x = e ? Symbol.for("react.responder") : 60118, A = e ? Symbol.for("react.scope") : 60119; + function C(D) { + return typeof D == "string" || typeof D == "function" || // Note: its typeof might be other than 'symbol' or 'number' if it's a polyfill. + D === r || D === c || D === o || D === i || D === u || D === d || typeof D == "object" && D !== null && (D.$$typeof === m || D.$$typeof === p || D.$$typeof === l || D.$$typeof === a || D.$$typeof === f || D.$$typeof === b || D.$$typeof === x || D.$$typeof === A || D.$$typeof === g); + } + function j(D) { + if (typeof D == "object" && D !== null) { + var Pe = D.$$typeof; + switch (Pe) { + case t: + var $ = D.type; + switch ($) { + case s: + case c: + case r: + case o: + case i: + case u: + return $; + default: + var _e = $ && $.$$typeof; + switch (_e) { + case a: + case f: + case m: + case p: + case l: + return _e; + default: + return Pe; + } + } + case n: + return Pe; + } + } + } + var E = s, w = c, N = a, U = l, te = t, v = f, _ = r, z = m, Q = p, Z = n, G = o, oe = i, H = u, ue = !1; + function we(D) { + return ue || (ue = !0, console.warn("The ReactIs.isAsyncMode() alias has been deprecated, and will be removed in React 17+. Update your code to use ReactIs.isConcurrentMode() instead. It has the exact same API.")), h(D) || j(D) === s; + } + function h(D) { + return j(D) === c; + } + function F(D) { + return j(D) === a; + } + function q(D) { + return j(D) === l; + } + function y(D) { + return typeof D == "object" && D !== null && D.$$typeof === t; + } + function B(D) { + return j(D) === f; + } + function ne(D) { + return j(D) === r; + } + function M(D) { + return j(D) === m; + } + function W(D) { + return j(D) === p; + } + function Y(D) { + return j(D) === n; + } + function re(D) { + return j(D) === o; + } + function K(D) { + return j(D) === i; + } + function Ee(D) { + return j(D) === u; + } + me.AsyncMode = E, me.ConcurrentMode = w, me.ContextConsumer = N, me.ContextProvider = U, me.Element = te, me.ForwardRef = v, me.Fragment = _, me.Lazy = z, me.Memo = Q, me.Portal = Z, me.Profiler = G, me.StrictMode = oe, me.Suspense = H, me.isAsyncMode = we, me.isConcurrentMode = h, me.isContextConsumer = F, me.isContextProvider = q, me.isElement = y, me.isForwardRef = B, me.isFragment = ne, me.isLazy = M, me.isMemo = W, me.isPortal = Y, me.isProfiler = re, me.isStrictMode = K, me.isSuspense = Ee, me.isValidElementType = C, me.typeOf = j; + }()), me; +} +var Xi; +function El() { + return Xi || (Xi = 1, process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? Zt.exports = bp() : Zt.exports = kp()), Zt.exports; +} +/* +object-assign +(c) Sindre Sorhus +@license MIT +*/ +var Bn, Qi; +function xp() { + if (Qi) + return Bn; + Qi = 1; + var e = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, t = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, n = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; + function r(o) { + if (o == null) + throw new TypeError("Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined"); + return Object(o); + } + function i() { + try { + if (!Object.assign) + return !1; + var o = new String("abc"); + if (o[5] = "de", Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o)[0] === "5") + return !1; + for (var l = {}, a = 0; a < 10; a++) + l["_" + String.fromCharCode(a)] = a; + var s = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(l).map(function(f) { + return l[f]; + }); + if (s.join("") !== "0123456789") + return !1; + var c = {}; + return "abcdefghijklmnopqrst".split("").forEach(function(f) { + c[f] = f; + }), Object.keys(Object.assign({}, c)).join("") === "abcdefghijklmnopqrst"; + } catch { + return !1; + } + } + return Bn = i() ? Object.assign : function(o, l) { + for (var a, s = r(o), c, f = 1; f < arguments.length; f++) { + a = Object(arguments[f]); + for (var u in a) + t.call(a, u) && (s[u] = a[u]); + if (e) { + c = e(a); + for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) + n.call(a, c[d]) && (s[c[d]] = a[c[d]]); + } + } + return s; + }, Bn; +} +var Un, Zi; +function jr() { + if (Zi) + return Un; + Zi = 1; + var e = "SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED"; + return Un = e, Un; +} +var qn, eo; +function Sl() { + return eo || (eo = 1, qn = Function.call.bind(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty)), qn; +} +var Hn, to; +function wp() { + if (to) + return Hn; + to = 1; + var e = function() { + }; + if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { + var t = jr(), n = {}, r = Sl(); + e = function(o) { + var l = "Warning: " + o; + typeof console < "u" && console.error(l); + try { + throw new Error(l); + } catch { + } + }; + } + function i(o, l, a, s, c) { + if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { + for (var f in o) + if (r(o, f)) { + var u; + try { + if (typeof o[f] != "function") { + var d = Error( + (s || "React class") + ": " + a + " type `" + f + "` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `" + typeof o[f] + "`.This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`." + ); + throw d.name = "Invariant Violation", d; + } + u = o[f](l, f, s, a, null, t); + } catch (m) { + u = m; + } + if (u && !(u instanceof Error) && e( + (s || "React class") + ": type specification of " + a + " `" + f + "` is invalid; the type checker function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a " + typeof u + ". You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and shape all require an argument)." + ), u instanceof Error && !(u.message in n)) { + n[u.message] = !0; + var p = c ? c() : ""; + e( + "Failed " + a + " type: " + u.message + (p ?? "") + ); + } + } + } + } + return i.resetWarningCache = function() { + process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (n = {}); + }, Hn = i, Hn; +} +var Vn, no; +function vp() { + if (no) + return Vn; + no = 1; + var e = El(), t = xp(), n = jr(), r = Sl(), i = wp(), o = function() { + }; + process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (o = function(a) { + var s = "Warning: " + a; + typeof console < "u" && console.error(s); + try { + throw new Error(s); + } catch { + } + }); + function l() { + return null; + } + return Vn = function(a, s) { + var c = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.iterator, f = "@@iterator"; + function u(h) { + var F = h && (c && h[c] || h[f]); + if (typeof F == "function") + return F; + } + var d = "<>", p = { + array: x("array"), + bigint: x("bigint"), + bool: x("boolean"), + func: x("function"), + number: x("number"), + object: x("object"), + string: x("string"), + symbol: x("symbol"), + any: A(), + arrayOf: C, + element: j(), + elementType: E(), + instanceOf: w, + node: v(), + objectOf: U, + oneOf: N, + oneOfType: te, + shape: z, + exact: Q + }; + function m(h, F) { + return h === F ? h !== 0 || 1 / h === 1 / F : h !== h && F !== F; + } + function g(h, F) { + this.message = h, this.data = F && typeof F == "object" ? F : {}, this.stack = ""; + } + g.prototype = Error.prototype; + function b(h) { + if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") + var F = {}, q = 0; + function y(ne, M, W, Y, re, K, Ee) { + if (Y = Y || d, K = K || W, Ee !== n) { + if (s) { + var D = new Error( + "Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. Use `PropTypes.checkPropTypes()` to call them. Read more at http://fb.me/use-check-prop-types" + ); + throw D.name = "Invariant Violation", D; + } else if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && typeof console < "u") { + var Pe = Y + ":" + W; + !F[Pe] && // Avoid spamming the console because they are often not actionable except for lib authors + q < 3 && (o( + "You are manually calling a React.PropTypes validation function for the `" + K + "` prop on `" + Y + "`. This is deprecated and will throw in the standalone `prop-types` package. You may be seeing this warning due to a third-party PropTypes library. See https://fb.me/react-warning-dont-call-proptypes for details." + ), F[Pe] = !0, q++); + } + } + return M[W] == null ? ne ? M[W] === null ? new g("The " + re + " `" + K + "` is marked as required " + ("in `" + Y + "`, but its value is `null`.")) : new g("The " + re + " `" + K + "` is marked as required in " + ("`" + Y + "`, but its value is `undefined`.")) : null : h(M, W, Y, re, K); + } + var B = y.bind(null, !1); + return B.isRequired = y.bind(null, !0), B; + } + function x(h) { + function F(q, y, B, ne, M, W) { + var Y = q[y], re = oe(Y); + if (re !== h) { + var K = H(Y); + return new g( + "Invalid " + ne + " `" + M + "` of type " + ("`" + K + "` supplied to `" + B + "`, expected ") + ("`" + h + "`."), + { expectedType: h } + ); + } + return null; + } + return b(F); + } + function A() { + return b(l); + } + function C(h) { + function F(q, y, B, ne, M) { + if (typeof h != "function") + return new g("Property `" + M + "` of component `" + B + "` has invalid PropType notation inside arrayOf."); + var W = q[y]; + if (!Array.isArray(W)) { + var Y = oe(W); + return new g("Invalid " + ne + " `" + M + "` of type " + ("`" + Y + "` supplied to `" + B + "`, expected an array.")); + } + for (var re = 0; re < W.length; re++) { + var K = h(W, re, B, ne, M + "[" + re + "]", n); + if (K instanceof Error) + return K; + } + return null; + } + return b(F); + } + function j() { + function h(F, q, y, B, ne) { + var M = F[q]; + if (!a(M)) { + var W = oe(M); + return new g("Invalid " + B + " `" + ne + "` of type " + ("`" + W + "` supplied to `" + y + "`, expected a single ReactElement.")); + } + return null; + } + return b(h); + } + function E() { + function h(F, q, y, B, ne) { + var M = F[q]; + if (!e.isValidElementType(M)) { + var W = oe(M); + return new g("Invalid " + B + " `" + ne + "` of type " + ("`" + W + "` supplied to `" + y + "`, expected a single ReactElement type.")); + } + return null; + } + return b(h); + } + function w(h) { + function F(q, y, B, ne, M) { + if (!(q[y] instanceof h)) { + var W = h.name || d, Y = we(q[y]); + return new g("Invalid " + ne + " `" + M + "` of type " + ("`" + Y + "` supplied to `" + B + "`, expected ") + ("instance of `" + W + "`.")); + } + return null; + } + return b(F); + } + function N(h) { + if (!Array.isArray(h)) + return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (arguments.length > 1 ? o( + "Invalid arguments supplied to oneOf, expected an array, got " + arguments.length + " arguments. A common mistake is to write oneOf(x, y, z) instead of oneOf([x, y, z])." + ) : o("Invalid argument supplied to oneOf, expected an array.")), l; + function F(q, y, B, ne, M) { + for (var W = q[y], Y = 0; Y < h.length; Y++) + if (m(W, h[Y])) + return null; + var re = JSON.stringify(h, function(Ee, D) { + var Pe = H(D); + return Pe === "symbol" ? String(D) : D; + }); + return new g("Invalid " + ne + " `" + M + "` of value `" + String(W) + "` " + ("supplied to `" + B + "`, expected one of " + re + ".")); + } + return b(F); + } + function U(h) { + function F(q, y, B, ne, M) { + if (typeof h != "function") + return new g("Property `" + M + "` of component `" + B + "` has invalid PropType notation inside objectOf."); + var W = q[y], Y = oe(W); + if (Y !== "object") + return new g("Invalid " + ne + " `" + M + "` of type " + ("`" + Y + "` supplied to `" + B + "`, expected an object.")); + for (var re in W) + if (r(W, re)) { + var K = h(W, re, B, ne, M + "." + re, n); + if (K instanceof Error) + return K; + } + return null; + } + return b(F); + } + function te(h) { + if (!Array.isArray(h)) + return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && o("Invalid argument supplied to oneOfType, expected an instance of array."), l; + for (var F = 0; F < h.length; F++) { + var q = h[F]; + if (typeof q != "function") + return o( + "Invalid argument supplied to oneOfType. Expected an array of check functions, but received " + ue(q) + " at index " + F + "." + ), l; + } + function y(B, ne, M, W, Y) { + for (var re = [], K = 0; K < h.length; K++) { + var Ee = h[K], D = Ee(B, ne, M, W, Y, n); + if (D == null) + return null; + D.data && r(D.data, "expectedType") && re.push(D.data.expectedType); + } + var Pe = re.length > 0 ? ", expected one of type [" + re.join(", ") + "]" : ""; + return new g("Invalid " + W + " `" + Y + "` supplied to " + ("`" + M + "`" + Pe + ".")); + } + return b(y); + } + function v() { + function h(F, q, y, B, ne) { + return Z(F[q]) ? null : new g("Invalid " + B + " `" + ne + "` supplied to " + ("`" + y + "`, expected a ReactNode.")); + } + return b(h); + } + function _(h, F, q, y, B) { + return new g( + (h || "React class") + ": " + F + " type `" + q + "." + y + "` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `" + B + "`." + ); + } + function z(h) { + function F(q, y, B, ne, M) { + var W = q[y], Y = oe(W); + if (Y !== "object") + return new g("Invalid " + ne + " `" + M + "` of type `" + Y + "` " + ("supplied to `" + B + "`, expected `object`.")); + for (var re in h) { + var K = h[re]; + if (typeof K != "function") + return _(B, ne, M, re, H(K)); + var Ee = K(W, re, B, ne, M + "." + re, n); + if (Ee) + return Ee; + } + return null; + } + return b(F); + } + function Q(h) { + function F(q, y, B, ne, M) { + var W = q[y], Y = oe(W); + if (Y !== "object") + return new g("Invalid " + ne + " `" + M + "` of type `" + Y + "` " + ("supplied to `" + B + "`, expected `object`.")); + var re = t({}, q[y], h); + for (var K in re) { + var Ee = h[K]; + if (r(h, K) && typeof Ee != "function") + return _(B, ne, M, K, H(Ee)); + if (!Ee) + return new g( + "Invalid " + ne + " `" + M + "` key `" + K + "` supplied to `" + B + "`.\nBad object: " + JSON.stringify(q[y], null, " ") + ` +Valid keys: ` + JSON.stringify(Object.keys(h), null, " ") + ); + var D = Ee(W, K, B, ne, M + "." + K, n); + if (D) + return D; + } + return null; + } + return b(F); + } + function Z(h) { + switch (typeof h) { + case "number": + case "string": + case "undefined": + return !0; + case "boolean": + return !h; + case "object": + if (Array.isArray(h)) + return h.every(Z); + if (h === null || a(h)) + return !0; + var F = u(h); + if (F) { + var q = F.call(h), y; + if (F !== h.entries) { + for (; !(y = q.next()).done; ) + if (!Z(y.value)) + return !1; + } else + for (; !(y = q.next()).done; ) { + var B = y.value; + if (B && !Z(B[1])) + return !1; + } + } else + return !1; + return !0; + default: + return !1; + } + } + function G(h, F) { + return h === "symbol" ? !0 : F ? F["@@toStringTag"] === "Symbol" || typeof Symbol == "function" && F instanceof Symbol : !1; + } + function oe(h) { + var F = typeof h; + return Array.isArray(h) ? "array" : h instanceof RegExp ? "object" : G(F, h) ? "symbol" : F; + } + function H(h) { + if (typeof h > "u" || h === null) + return "" + h; + var F = oe(h); + if (F === "object") { + if (h instanceof Date) + return "date"; + if (h instanceof RegExp) + return "regexp"; + } + return F; + } + function ue(h) { + var F = H(h); + switch (F) { + case "array": + case "object": + return "an " + F; + case "boolean": + case "date": + case "regexp": + return "a " + F; + default: + return F; + } + } + function we(h) { + return !h.constructor || !h.constructor.name ? d : h.constructor.name; + } + return p.checkPropTypes = i, p.resetWarningCache = i.resetWarningCache, p.PropTypes = p, p; + }, Vn; +} +var Wn, ro; +function Ep() { + if (ro) + return Wn; + ro = 1; + var e = jr(); + function t() { + } + function n() { + } + return n.resetWarningCache = t, Wn = function() { + function r(l, a, s, c, f, u) { + if (u !== e) { + var d = new Error( + "Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. Use PropTypes.checkPropTypes() to call them. Read more at http://fb.me/use-check-prop-types" + ); + throw d.name = "Invariant Violation", d; + } + } + r.isRequired = r; + function i() { + return r; + } + var o = { + array: r, + bigint: r, + bool: r, + func: r, + number: r, + object: r, + string: r, + symbol: r, + any: r, + arrayOf: i, + element: r, + elementType: r, + instanceOf: i, + node: r, + objectOf: i, + oneOf: i, + oneOfType: i, + shape: i, + exact: i, + checkPropTypes: n, + resetWarningCache: t + }; + return o.PropTypes = o, o; + }, Wn; +} +if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { + var Sp = El(), Cp = !0; + pr.exports = vp()(Sp.isElement, Cp); +} else + pr.exports = Ep()(); +var Tp = pr.exports; +const ee = /* @__PURE__ */ Ut(Tp); +class Wt { + /** + * @constructor + * @param {Properties} property + * @param {Normal} normal + * @param {string} [space] + */ + constructor(t, n, r) { + this.property = t, this.normal = n, r && (this.space = r); + } +} +Wt.prototype.property = {}; +Wt.prototype.normal = {}; +Wt.prototype.space = null; +function Cl(e, t) { + const n = {}, r = {}; + let i = -1; + for (; ++i < e.length; ) + Object.assign(n, e[i].property), Object.assign(r, e[i].normal); + return new Wt(n, r, t); +} +function hr(e) { + return e.toLowerCase(); +} +class qe { + /** + * @constructor + * @param {string} property + * @param {string} attribute + */ + constructor(t, n) { + this.property = t, this.attribute = n; + } +} +qe.prototype.space = null; +qe.prototype.boolean = !1; +qe.prototype.booleanish = !1; +qe.prototype.overloadedBoolean = !1; +qe.prototype.number = !1; +qe.prototype.commaSeparated = !1; +qe.prototype.spaceSeparated = !1; +qe.prototype.commaOrSpaceSeparated = !1; +qe.prototype.mustUseProperty = !1; +qe.prototype.defined = !1; +let Ap = 0; +const ie = ht(), Te = ht(), Tl = ht(), O = ht(), ke = ht(), xt = ht(), ze = ht(); +function ht() { + return 2 ** ++Ap; +} +const dr = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({ + __proto__: null, + boolean: ie, + booleanish: Te, + commaOrSpaceSeparated: ze, + commaSeparated: xt, + number: O, + overloadedBoolean: Tl, + spaceSeparated: ke +}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Yn = Object.keys(dr); +class Dr extends qe { + /** + * @constructor + * @param {string} property + * @param {string} attribute + * @param {number|null} [mask] + * @param {string} [space] + */ + constructor(t, n, r, i) { + let o = -1; + if (super(t, n), io(this, "space", i), typeof r == "number") + for (; ++o < Yn.length; ) { + const l = Yn[o]; + io(this, Yn[o], (r & dr[l]) === dr[l]); + } + } +} +Dr.prototype.defined = !0; +function io(e, t, n) { + n && (e[t] = n); +} +const Pp = {}.hasOwnProperty; +function Tt(e) { + const t = {}, n = {}; + let r; + for (r in e.properties) + if (Pp.call(e.properties, r)) { + const i = e.properties[r], o = new Dr( + r, + e.transform(e.attributes || {}, r), + i, + e.space + ); + e.mustUseProperty && e.mustUseProperty.includes(r) && (o.mustUseProperty = !0), t[r] = o, n[hr(r)] = r, n[hr(o.attribute)] = r; + } + return new Wt(t, n, e.space); +} +const Al = Tt({ + space: "xlink", + transform(e, t) { + return "xlink:" + t.slice(5).toLowerCase(); + }, + properties: { + xLinkActuate: null, + xLinkArcRole: null, + xLinkHref: null, + xLinkRole: null, + xLinkShow: null, + xLinkTitle: null, + xLinkType: null + } +}), Pl = Tt({ + space: "xml", + transform(e, t) { + return "xml:" + t.slice(3).toLowerCase(); + }, + properties: { xmlLang: null, xmlBase: null, xmlSpace: null } +}); +function Rl(e, t) { + return t in e ? e[t] : t; +} +function Ol(e, t) { + return Rl(e, t.toLowerCase()); +} +const Fl = Tt({ + space: "xmlns", + attributes: { xmlnsxlink: "xmlns:xlink" }, + transform: Ol, + properties: { xmlns: null, xmlnsXLink: null } +}), Il = Tt({ + transform(e, t) { + return t === "role" ? t : "aria-" + t.slice(4).toLowerCase(); + }, + properties: { + ariaActiveDescendant: null, + ariaAtomic: Te, + ariaAutoComplete: null, + ariaBusy: Te, + ariaChecked: Te, + ariaColCount: O, + ariaColIndex: O, + ariaColSpan: O, + ariaControls: ke, + ariaCurrent: null, + ariaDescribedBy: ke, + ariaDetails: null, + ariaDisabled: Te, + ariaDropEffect: ke, + ariaErrorMessage: null, + ariaExpanded: Te, + ariaFlowTo: ke, + ariaGrabbed: Te, + ariaHasPopup: null, + ariaHidden: Te, + ariaInvalid: null, + ariaKeyShortcuts: null, + ariaLabel: null, + ariaLabelledBy: ke, + ariaLevel: O, + ariaLive: null, + ariaModal: Te, + ariaMultiLine: Te, + ariaMultiSelectable: Te, + ariaOrientation: null, + ariaOwns: ke, + ariaPlaceholder: null, + ariaPosInSet: O, + ariaPressed: Te, + ariaReadOnly: Te, + ariaRelevant: null, + ariaRequired: Te, + ariaRoleDescription: ke, + ariaRowCount: O, + ariaRowIndex: O, + ariaRowSpan: O, + ariaSelected: Te, + ariaSetSize: O, + ariaSort: null, + ariaValueMax: O, + ariaValueMin: O, + ariaValueNow: O, + ariaValueText: null, + role: null + } +}), Rp = Tt({ + space: "html", + attributes: { + acceptcharset: "accept-charset", + classname: "class", + htmlfor: "for", + httpequiv: "http-equiv" + }, + transform: Ol, + mustUseProperty: ["checked", "multiple", "muted", "selected"], + properties: { + // Standard Properties. + abbr: null, + accept: xt, + acceptCharset: ke, + accessKey: ke, + action: null, + allow: null, + allowFullScreen: ie, + allowPaymentRequest: ie, + allowUserMedia: ie, + alt: null, + as: null, + async: ie, + autoCapitalize: null, + autoComplete: ke, + autoFocus: ie, + autoPlay: ie, + blocking: ke, + capture: ie, + charSet: null, + checked: ie, + cite: null, + className: ke, + cols: O, + colSpan: null, + content: null, + contentEditable: Te, + controls: ie, + controlsList: ke, + coords: O | xt, + crossOrigin: null, + data: null, + dateTime: null, + decoding: null, + default: ie, + defer: ie, + dir: null, + dirName: null, + disabled: ie, + download: Tl, + draggable: Te, + encType: null, + enterKeyHint: null, + fetchPriority: null, + form: null, + formAction: null, + formEncType: null, + formMethod: null, + formNoValidate: ie, + formTarget: null, + headers: ke, + height: O, + hidden: ie, + high: O, + href: null, + hrefLang: null, + htmlFor: ke, + httpEquiv: ke, + id: null, + imageSizes: null, + imageSrcSet: null, + inert: ie, + inputMode: null, + integrity: null, + is: null, + isMap: ie, + itemId: null, + itemProp: ke, + itemRef: ke, + itemScope: ie, + itemType: ke, + kind: null, + label: null, + lang: null, + language: null, + list: null, + loading: null, + loop: ie, + low: O, + manifest: null, + max: null, + maxLength: O, + media: null, + method: null, + min: null, + minLength: O, + multiple: ie, + muted: ie, + name: null, + nonce: null, + noModule: ie, + noValidate: ie, + onAbort: null, + onAfterPrint: null, + onAuxClick: null, + onBeforeMatch: null, + onBeforePrint: null, + onBeforeUnload: null, + onBlur: null, + onCancel: null, + onCanPlay: null, + onCanPlayThrough: null, + onChange: null, + onClick: null, + onClose: null, + onContextLost: null, + onContextMenu: null, + onContextRestored: null, + onCopy: null, + onCueChange: null, + onCut: null, + onDblClick: null, + onDrag: null, + onDragEnd: null, + onDragEnter: null, + onDragExit: null, + onDragLeave: null, + onDragOver: null, + onDragStart: null, + onDrop: null, + onDurationChange: null, + onEmptied: null, + onEnded: null, + onError: null, + onFocus: null, + onFormData: null, + onHashChange: null, + onInput: null, + onInvalid: null, + onKeyDown: null, + onKeyPress: null, + onKeyUp: null, + onLanguageChange: null, + onLoad: null, + onLoadedData: null, + onLoadedMetadata: null, + onLoadEnd: null, + onLoadStart: null, + onMessage: null, + onMessageError: null, + onMouseDown: null, + onMouseEnter: null, + onMouseLeave: null, + onMouseMove: null, + onMouseOut: null, + onMouseOver: null, + onMouseUp: null, + onOffline: null, + onOnline: null, + onPageHide: null, + onPageShow: null, + onPaste: null, + onPause: null, + onPlay: null, + onPlaying: null, + onPopState: null, + onProgress: null, + onRateChange: null, + onRejectionHandled: null, + onReset: null, + onResize: null, + onScroll: null, + onScrollEnd: null, + onSecurityPolicyViolation: null, + onSeeked: null, + onSeeking: null, + onSelect: null, + onSlotChange: null, + onStalled: null, + onStorage: null, + onSubmit: null, + onSuspend: null, + onTimeUpdate: null, + onToggle: null, + onUnhandledRejection: null, + onUnload: null, + onVolumeChange: null, + onWaiting: null, + onWheel: null, + open: ie, + optimum: O, + pattern: null, + ping: ke, + placeholder: null, + playsInline: ie, + popover: null, + popoverTarget: null, + popoverTargetAction: null, + poster: null, + preload: null, + readOnly: ie, + referrerPolicy: null, + rel: ke, + required: ie, + reversed: ie, + rows: O, + rowSpan: O, + sandbox: ke, + scope: null, + scoped: ie, + seamless: ie, + selected: ie, + shape: null, + size: O, + sizes: null, + slot: null, + span: O, + spellCheck: Te, + src: null, + srcDoc: null, + srcLang: null, + srcSet: null, + start: O, + step: null, + style: null, + tabIndex: O, + target: null, + title: null, + translate: null, + type: null, + typeMustMatch: ie, + useMap: null, + value: Te, + width: O, + wrap: null, + // Legacy. + // See: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#other-elements,-attributes-and-apis + align: null, + // Several. Use CSS `text-align` instead, + aLink: null, + // ``. Use CSS `a:active {color}` instead + archive: ke, + // ``. List of URIs to archives + axis: null, + // `` and ``. Use `scope` on `` + background: null, + // ``. Use CSS `background-image` instead + bgColor: null, + // `` and table elements. Use CSS `background-color` instead + border: O, + // ``. Use CSS `border-width` instead, + borderColor: null, + // `
`. Use CSS `border-color` instead, + bottomMargin: O, + // `` + cellPadding: null, + // `
` + cellSpacing: null, + // `
` + char: null, + // Several table elements. When `align=char`, sets the character to align on + charOff: null, + // Several table elements. When `char`, offsets the alignment + classId: null, + // `` + clear: null, + // `
`. Use CSS `clear` instead + code: null, + // `` + codeBase: null, + // `` + codeType: null, + // `` + color: null, + // `` and `
`. Use CSS instead + compact: ie, + // Lists. Use CSS to reduce space between items instead + declare: ie, + // `` + event: null, + // `