This service polls the data API and renders the resulting data in a Streamlit Dashboard with a simple chart and table. When running, it is accessable under: http://localhost:8031.
It connects to Redpanda or Kafka and reads from the input topic (the aggregated event counts), and inserts them into a database table.
This is the main function that gets the data from the API:
## Function to get data from the API
def get_data():
print(f"[{}] Fetching data from API...")
response = requests.get(api_url)
data = response.json()
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Reorder columns
# df = df[['page_id', 'count']]
df = df[['displayname', 'event_count']]
except:"No data yet...")
return df
- NOTE: Right now, the column names are hard-coded, so if you want to insert data with another structure or set of column names, you need to update this query.
Here is the one default environment variabe which you can find in the .env
API_URL = http://localhost/events
Here's a preview of the dashboard: