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123 lines (114 loc) · 7.02 KB

File metadata and controls

123 lines (114 loc) · 7.02 KB


  • 🔖 0.6.17: 🐞 Fix another Line Break Separator GUI bug
  • 🔖 0.6.16: ✨ Add footer that shows the build's version number & build date
  • 🐞 Fix Line Break Separator GUI bug
  • ✨ Show an 🍿 icon on card if the card's been updated in the past 1 hour
  • ✨ Add CodeNewbie link in Topbar navigation
  • ✨ Add Topbar navigation
  • 🐞 Fix Streak Counter bug
  • 💄♻️ Make minor cosmetic fixes and code optimizations
  • ✨ Add giant Countdown Clock and impl Streak Counter + minor cosmetic fixes
  • ♻️ Fix the ad-hoc code that adjusts Anita's card dates for #16, #19, #22
  • ✨ Add progress column for Matt and study group member photos
  • ♻️ Refactor Map<string, Map<string, Card>> into a proper UserProgress.ts model
  • ✨ Add StudyGroup entry point and POC
  • ✨ Add feature to make Sidebar.tsx menu items collapsible
  • ♻️ Move static .html entry points into /public dir
  • ✨ Impl populating the sidebar ('GTx ISYE6501' menu items) from Firestore
  • ✨ Add '/scripts' and 'firebase-admin' in order to easily populate Firestore
  • ♻️ Rename Secure.tsx to FileViewer.tsx. Properly implement FileViewer.tsx
  • 💄 Beautify the 'Secure Asset' page to show a nice message if user is unauthorized to view asset
  • ✨ Add Cloud Function to deliver secure assets to authorized users
  • ✨ Add 'Secure' page-- add ability to read protected assets from Firebase Storage
  • ♻️ Change how flashAlert is implemented (refactor this one day to make correct 🤦‍♂️)
  • 0.6.0: 🍇 Begin Sprint Grape
  • TODO: Setup a listener to a firestore collection: realtimeNotifications
  • TODO: Set deadline from admin console which pushes to all client endpoints in real-time
  • TODO: After deadline passes, show results of the voting
  • TODO: Implement Comments
  • ✨ Begin Sprint Fig
  • ✨ Add basic Admin tools
  • 🗃 Add Firestore mock data for 'passages'
  • ✨ Add 'Candidates' and 'Voting' buttons
  • ✨ Begin implmenting 'voting record' functionality
  • ✨ Done: After you vote, disable the voting buttons (show what you voted for)
  • 🛠 Fix webpack's HMR
  • ✨ Add a 'Write' page where users can submit passage candidates (WIP)
  • ♻️ Modify 'App.tsx' to bounce all unautheticated users
  • ✨ Add sidebar to 'Write' page (WIP)
  • ♻️ Move 'changelog' into its own '' file
  • ✨ Add overall collapsible sidebar to all pages (WIP)
  • 💄 Beautify the sidebar
  • ✨ Impl 'deleteVote' firestore api call (WIP)
  • ♻️ Change how votes are saved/read to/from firestore
  • ✨ Add 'Results' page (WIP)
  • ✨ Change the url in the address bar upon page navigation
  • ✨ In sidebar: Highlight the page the user is currently looking at
  • ♻️ Move 'page' widgets into their own 'pages' dir
  • ✨ In sidebar: Add links to 'Admin Console' & 'Write' pages
  • ✨ Sidebar: Add ability to navigate to external links
  • ✨ Sidebar: Add external link to 'Changelog'
  • ✨ Sidebar: Don't render when user is logged out
  • ✨ 'Vote' page: Display a giant countdown clock until next coronation
  • ✨ Begin adding Wattpad POC page. Add new 'Wattpad' entrypoint to webpack
  • 🛂 Add Clark Kent dummy user, update Firestore rules, handle unauthorized users
  • ♻️ Move FlashAlert inside NavBar widget
  • ✨ Add StoryBoard widget
  • 🗃 Update Firestore mock data
  • ♻️ Refactor widgets into 'LogTypes' & 'Inputs' for better organization
  • 🛠 Fix package-lock.json
  • 🗃 Update 'data/multi-users' with YoutubeLogs dummy data
  • ♻️ #27: Begin refactoring global event handlers for 'log actions' into DataContext
  • 🔨 Add npm dev script shortcut to start auth/firestore emulators
  • ♻️ #27: Finish refactoring global event handlers for 'log actions' into DataContext
  • ✨ #31: Add 'Details Pane'. Shows Youttube videos for YT log entries
  • ♻️ Change it so 'Welcome Log' is always shown if no user is logged in
  • ✨ #31: Improve the 'Details Pane'-- show different pane for ActivityLogs
  • ✨ #38: Add up/down keyboard arrow support to navigate logs
  • ✨ Add support for parsing '' vids
  • 🐞 Fix #23: 'FlashAlert' bug. Reset every time the theme changes
  • ♻️ Refactor 'ThemeContext' to expose a 'toggler' hook
  • ♻️ Refactor the buttons in Navbar to use types
  • ✨ #4: Add 'watch' command to add clickable Youtube links in logs
  • ♻️ Refactor public config into its own file
  • 🐞 Fix IooB bug when processing ActivityLogs to compute durations
  • 🐞 Fix bug: Allow dt of YoutubeLogs to be edited
  • ♻️ Refactor the way logs are read from db & updated. Use 'Object.assign(..)'
  • ♻️🤡 Refactor code in 'Navbar'. Add 'Export Logs' dummy button
  • ♻️🤡 Rename all event handlers in 'Navbar'. Add 'Export Logs' dummy function
  • ✨ #29: Impl log exporter - exports the most recent 1000 logs as '.json' file
  • ♻️ Refactor the way YoutubeLogs are stored in db. Store 'vid' instead of 'url'
  • 🧹 Delete '\data\saved_data' from repo
  • 🙈 Update .gitignore to exclude local Firestore data that's saved on exit (/data/saved_data/)
  • ♻️ Refactor code to generate unique Firestore ids on the clientside before writing to Firestore
  • 🤡 Add dummy GUI buttons in ActivityLog widget
  • ✨ Impl 'delete button' (❌) in ActivityLog widget
  • ♻️ Refactor Firestore api calls into /FirestoreApi.ts
  • ♻️ Refactor Ticker into its own widget
  • ✨ Impl 'double-click-to-edit/update-activity' for ActivityLog
  • ♻️ Combine 'updateLog' into 'writeLog' in /FirestoreApi.ts
  • 🩹 Round sleep & activity metalog durations to the nearest minute
  • 🩹 Round sleep & activity metalog durations to the nearest minute; try again
  • ✨ Impl 'double-click-to-edit/update-datetime' for ActivityLog
  • 🐞 Impl 'double-click-to-edit/update-datetime' for ActivityLog; fix bug
  • ♻️ Refactor 'DtInput' & 'ActivityInput' into their own widgets
  • ✨ Impl 'FlashAlert' modal. Invalid DtInput now flashes alert & fails gracefully
  • ♻️ Refactor 'sendLogDelete' into /services/Internal.ts
  • 🐞 Fix 'FlashAlert' bug. Reset every time user signs in/out

Versioning Schema:

  • 0.0.x - 🍎 Apple
  • 0.1.x - 🍌 Banana
  • 0.2.x - 🍊 Clementine
  • 0.3.x - 🍈 Durian
  • 0.4.x - 🍒 Elderberry
  • 0.5.x - 🥝 Fig
  • 0.6.x - 🍇 Grape
  • 0.7.x - 🍍 Hala
  • 0.8.x - 🥭 Imbe