ExTimezoneDB is a simple interface to the TimeZoneDB REST API
Currently, only three functions are available:
Which is used to find timezone information by name(ie "America/New_York")get_timezone_by_position
Which is used to find timezone information by latitude and longitudeget_timezone_by_city
Which is used to find timezone(s) by using the name of the city. Potentially returns mutliple time zones.
Add ExTimezoneDB to your mix.exs
defp deps do
{:ex_timezone_db, github: "r11132a/ex_timezone_db", branch: "master"}
ExTimezoneDB relies on HTTPoison and Poison for http requests and json parsing, respectivly.
In config.exs
config :ex_timezone_db,api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
The following is optional (defaults to false), but should be set if you have a Premium key (value is a boolean)
config :ex_timezone_db, premium: true
In your code:
{:ok,timezone_info} = ExTimezoneDB.get_timezone_by_name("America/New_York")