- Fix typo about Style/RedundantParentheses.
- Disable Style/RedundantParentheses by default.
- Disable Style/Semicolon by default.
- Disable Style/ParallelAssignment by default.
- Disable Style/RedundantLineContinuation by default and requires rubocop 1.49+ for that.
- Fix failure to detect Ruby code from nested structure.
- Enable Layout/InitialIndentation.
- Disable Layout/FirstArrayElementLineBreak by default.
- Disable Layout/FirstHashElementLineBreak by default.
- Disable Layout/FirstMethodArgumentLineBreak by default.
- Disable Style/TrailingCommaInArrayLiteral by default.
- Disable Style/TrailingCommaInArguments by default.
- Disable Style/TrailingCommaInHashLiteral by default.
- Disable Style/NestedTernaryOperator by default.
- Disable Style/MultilineTernaryOperator by default.
- Fix missing some metadata in gemspec.
- Use templatecop.
- Keep trying auto-correction up to 7 times until no offense detected.
- Detect offenses from code that containing
, etc.
- Use .slimcop.yml as its 1st default config file.
- Fix $LOAD_PATH at ./exe/slimcop.
- Require slimi >= 0.5.1 to extract Ruby code from Ruby attribute.
- Fix -v and --version option.
- Use .rubocop.yml by default.
- Use "**/*.slim" by default.
- Fix bug that --no-color was not working.
- Exclude disabled offenses.
- Uniq paths at PathFinder.
- Re-use RuboCop's progress formatter as our default formatter.
- Add -c, --config CLI option to customize RuboCop config.
- Not investigate all files then auto-correct them, but do it for each file.
- Sort processed files in alphabetical order.
- Disable Lint/UselessAssignment by default.
- Disable Lint/EmptyFile by default.
- Disable Style/RescueModifier by default.
- Fix NoMethodError on some RuboCop offenses.
- Fix bug when uncorrectable RuboCop offense exists.
- Support glob pattern on arguments of executable.
- Fix bug on parsing invalid syntax Ruby code.
- Show Slim file path on Slim syntax error.
- Require slimi >= 0.4 for :file option handling.
- Add --color and --no-color option.
- Improve offenses CLI output format.
- Return exit status 1 if any offense found.
- Initial release.