In this repo you will find basic examples to start with Kubernetes. You will fin also basic bash script to install tools like kops and kubectl. A very basic Jenkinsfile pipeline was added if you want to integrate the examples with a ci/cd process.
0-how-to-install-configure: you will find basic bash scripts to install and configure tools like helm, kops. kubectl and others
1-pods-depoloys: examples of pods and deploys
2-ingress: examples of nginx ingress
3-pv-pvc: examples of persistent volumes and persistent volumes claims
4-hpa: example of Horizontal Pod Autoscaler(HPA)
5-cluster-autoscaler: a guide to test cluster autoscaler over AWS.
- after you installed your cluster with kops you can use the kube config file generated to enter to the cluster from another point
- to manage the cluster from another machine you need:
- the yaml config file generated by default in ~/.kube/config
- the name of the cluster and the name of the bucket were kops stored the state of the cluster
- se the corresponding environment variables, examples:
export KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME=$cluster_name
export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://${bucket_name}
- use the script to set locally the access to the k8s cluster with kubectl
$ .