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2013 12 03

Andre Merzky edited this page Dec 3, 2013 · 5 revisions
  • Who: Matteo, Antons, Ole, Ashley, AndreM, Shantenu

  • Agenda:

    • open TODOs
      • TODO OW: fix demo-2
      • TODO OW: reply to Mark/AndreM on API
      • TODO AM: look at scheduler re-enabling...
      • TODO AM: send mongodb / callback link to Ole again
    • updates from Ashley, Antons
    • THE DEMO.v2 / v3 -- coding progress in general
      • status v2
      • status / plans v3
        • from last call:
          • notifications are not yet taken care of
          • everything else should be relatively straight forward (tm), as extension to existing functionality
        • is that still valid?
        • 2 agents on india, sierra
        • 10 bulks of 10 CUs each
        • schedule CUs
        • notifications for pilot, CU state changes
        • integrated performance measurement and reporting
  • Notes: *

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