Releases: radixdlt/olympia-node
As per 1.2.1-rc.2, but with a fix for releasenet forks information.
What's Changed
- Fix releasenet fork info by @Theoklitos in #695
Key changes
Fixed a memory leak that's been present for a while when an active validator is ledger syncing, and fixed a very rare edge case around restarting after a fork.
What's Changed
- Add a separate testnets forks module by @LukasGasior1 in #687
- Fork config for Releasenet by @Theoklitos in #688
- Correctly handle node restarting just after fork (PR into main) by @dhedey in #692
- Rework event queue cache in
by @siy in #690
This is a release candidate. We’d advise against using this version on mainnet until the official release.
This is the first release candidate for 1.2.1, including the coordinated forking feature and a Stokenet v2 fixed epoch fork configuration.
This is a release candidate. We’d advise against using this version on mainnet until the official release.
This is the first release candidate for 1.2.0, including the coordinated forking feature and a Stokenet v2 candidate fork configuration.
This is the Node 1.1.1 release, including a number of stability fixes, across peer-to-peer and database shutdown.
Note: This version is identical to 1.1.1-rc.3. Due to a slight bug in the asset build which captures the version, this may be flagged as 1.1.1-rc.3 in prometheus. We'll look into this for next release, but there's nothing to worry about if you see 1.1.1-rc.3 in some places
Notes for node runners
There is a new CLI version (1.1.2 - yes, 1.1.2) which accompanies this node version (1.1.1).
- For those running the Jar directly or providing custom JAVA_OPTS, the flag
needs to be added to the JVM start parameters for the node to start. - We'd recommend a default log level of "INFO" - this has been updated from "DEBUG" in the 1.1.2 CLI docker image.
Otherwise, this should be a simple update from 1.1.0, with no known changes to APIs or metrics.
Change Summary
This release captures various reliability improvements.
- A shutdown hook to facilitate better graceful database shutdown.
- Address book prioritisation improvements - this should mean that nodes better handle connecting to peers with multiple known addresses.
- Various small bug fixes
More detailed changelog is included on the release candidates:
This is a third release candidate for 1.1.1, including changes in 1.1.1.rc-2, as well as the following changes
- Reverts peer URI blocking on failed connection attempt - this is already handled better by the new ordering of URIs to connect to (#672)
This is a release candidate for 1.1.1, including a number of stability fixes for node runners, across peer-to-peer and database shutdown.
Breaking changes
- For those running the Jar directly, the flag
needs to be added to JAVA_OPTS for the node to start.
- Add unit test for PendingOutboundChannelsManager thread safety @LukasGasior1 (#664)
- Prevent the node from attempting a connection to itself @LukasGasior1 (#665)
- Fix deadlock related to how the PendingChannelsManager completes the futures @LukasGasior1 (#663)
- Port of the NT-307 fix to main branch @siy (#662)
- Try to connect to more than one known peer URI @LukasGasior1 (#654)
- Add a github workflow that deploys the main branch to devopsnet environment on every merge to the branch @collins-w (#653)
- Forward origin peer to MempoolAddSuccess event @LukasGasior1 (#655)
- Blacklist peer which didn't finish handshake in time @siy (#650)
- Fix NPE in PrometheusService @siy (#652)
- Add shutdown hook @LukasGasior1 (#651)
- Implement update address book on successful connection @siy (#649)
- NT-258 in memory storage for BFT status (implementation) @siy (#647)
- Preparation for NT258, refactoring and cleanup of TxActions and REEvent @siy (#646)
- Remove maximum message length size hardcoding @siy (#636)
- Strip extra characters from value retrieved from environment @siy (#641)
- Add missing Prometheus metrics for validator BFT stats @siy (#637)
- Feature/remove false positives @talekhinezh (#618)
- Rollback copyright template and fix headers @siy (#631)
- Next round of code smell fixes @siy (#624)
- Suppress unnecessary warnings and fix deb4docker build @siy (#627)
- Fix deb4docker build @siy (#625)
- Second batch of code smells @siy (#623)
- First batch of code smells @siy (#622)
- Use sealed classes @LukasGasior1 (#543)
- Replace SecureRandom by Random in MessageCentralFuzzyTest @diegomrsantos (#621)
- Environment variable to enable signing on node @shambupujar (#599)
- Remove metrics exporter from the releases workflow @collins-w (#619)
- Feature/split integration tests @talekhinezh (#616)
- Pre-release to trigger pre-releases in downstream projects @collins-w (#617)
- DO-342 Disable RCNet live network testing @collins-w (#610)
- Remove radixdlt-regression module @diegomrsantos (#613)
- Integration tests analysis @diegomrsantos (#606)
- Postman collection publishing @Theoklitos (#603)
- Eliminate technical debt @siy (#601)
🍏 CI & Build
This release introduces the Radix Core API 1.0.0. This change is needed to support the Gateway Service, which is designed to be the Radix-run publicly exposed gateway into the Olympia Radix network and replaces the archive module which previously ran on-node. This change will impact eventually all applications that are using the current archive nodes API, like wallets and dashboards.
The Radix Core API documentation can be found here.
As part of the upgrade you'll need to upgrade your Java version to 17.
This is a recommended but not mandatory release for node runners. However if you choose to update, the Core API and System APIs replace the previously available API in the node.
- If you have enabled or ever wish to enable the transaction stream (a part of the Core API), you will need to clear your node's ledger and re-sync from scratch at the point you enable the transaction stream.
- Bump log4j version to 2.17.0 @diegomrsantos (#587)