Yummies is my first attempt at building a native iOS app using Swift and SwiftUI. A recipe browser where you can pin your favorite ones. Powered by Edamam Recipe Search API.
- Sign in / Sign up via Google, Apple or email
- Featured section and recipe search
- Categories sheet
- Recipe details (nutrients, ingredients and more)
- Pinning a recipe
- Profile screen
- MacOS
- Xcode 14 beta+
- iOS 16.0+ device or simulator
If you would like to try this app out for yourself, follow these steps:
- Clone the repo to your local machine
- Open
with Xcode - Wait for packages and indexing to load
- In the top bar select your desired iOS device (connected via cable) or simulator
- Click the
button or press⌘(Cmd) + R
These are very vague but wanted to have a structure I can follow:
- Sign up
- Sign in
- Sign out
Home Screen
- Pinned section
- Featured section
- Categories section
Details Screen
- Image
- Title
- Description
- Ingredients
- Nutrients
- Option to pin
Profile Screen
- User image
- User name
- Profile info
- Full name
- Date joined
- Pinned recipes count
- Sign out button