UW 2020 - CS348 Project
YouTrends is a Youtube video analytics platform. You can filter videos on a variety of attributes and see graphical trends to get a better idea of what’s hot and what’s not. If you see an interesting video you can also save it to a playlist to come back to it later. You can access it on any web browser. You're always up to date with YouTrends!
NOTE: The GCP project has been disabled so the app can no longer be run.
There is an attached demo Demo.mp4
for a complete app-overview.
- Updating the database with Youtube API -
- Backend API for getting filtered data -
- Login with Google (/login and /authorize routes) -
- Playlists -
- User interface for interacting with Backend -
You will need the npm
command to run the project.
into the directory of this project
Run the command chmod +x install.sh
and chmod +x run.sh
This gives us our scripts permissions to run.
Followed by ./install.sh
then run with ./run.sh
This will start the frontend on localhost:3000, we have the backend deployed at https://cs348-project-279101.uc.r.appspot.com/, so you should be able to view videos and use all features directly. If you encounter an issue we recommend closing the tab and revisiting "localhost:3000", or stopping the app using "ctrl + c" from the command line and then re-running ./run.sh