A sample application to show the implementation of tracking Recyclerview item visibility for a specified interval.
- Show a recyclerview with a dummy list.
- Add an
on recyclerview to track items. - Using
to track currently visible rows on the screen. - Only track recyclerview items - if visible for a specified interval. For example - 500
. - Return visible rows index position in the
& get currently visible rows data - which then can be sent to a remote database for saving. - Update recyclerview adapter holder background based on tracking logic.
This class is responsible for tracking the recyclerview items.
The class uses RxJava disposable
, distinctUntilChanged
. throttle
operator on a subject to track its visibility.
This class holds the information about the currently visible rows by implementing findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPosition
& findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition
on Recyclerview LayoutManager
You can open the project in Android studio and press run. Android Studio version used to build the project: Arctic fox 2020.3.1
Gradle plugin used in the project will require Java 11.0
to run.
you can set the gradle jdk in Preferences->Build Tools->Gradle->Gradle JDK