Create smoothed medians through geographic polygons.
We use conda/mamba to manage dependencies. First, create the environment:
mamba env create -f environment.yml
Then activate it:
mamba activate geopolymid
To create smoothed centerlines for a set of polygons, run:
python -m src.geopolymid \
--input-file=data/polygons.gpkg \
Usage: python -m src.geopolymid [OPTIONS]
--input-file TEXT The input gpkg file of polygons. [required]
--output-file TEXT The output gpkg file of smoothed medial
axes. [required]
--output-file-centroids TEXT The output gpkg file of centroids. Only
required if --min-area > 0.
--min-area FLOAT RANGE Minimum area of polygons to process.
Polygons smaller than this will have
centroids calculated instead of medial axes.
--simplification-factor FLOAT RANGE
Amount the output medial axes should be
simplified. [0<=x<=1]
--smoothing-iterations INTEGER RANGE
The number of smoothing iterations to apply
to the medial axis. [1<=x<=10]
--spline-degree INTEGER RANGE For sections of the medial axes that are
smoothed with a spline, the degree of the
spline. See scipy.interpolate.splprep for
more info. [1<=x<=5]
--spline-start-percent FLOAT RANGE
How far from the side of the polygon must
the medial axis be to use a spline to smooth
it? Expressed as a percentage of the length
of the small side of the bounding box
enclosing the polygon. Somewhere betwee 0.05
and 0.3 often works well. [0<=x<=1]
--trim-output-lines-by-percent INTEGER RANGE
Trim the output lines from each end by this
percent. [0<=x<=99]
--workers INTEGER Number of workers to use. Defaults to all
available CPU cores.
--debug Output debug geometry of the skeleton and
medial axis in a separate file for
--help Show this message and exit.