BERNARD is a standard Python package and has a few dependencies. We'll try to give pointers at how to work with it.
Overall, BERNARD requires:
- Python 3.6+ as it uses heavily very recent syntaxes and features
- Redis for short-term memory
While this is not a tutorial on how to use Python, we'll try to give you a few links to help you getting started.
In order to have a development environment that is easy to manage, it is recommended to have a virtual environment. You can have a look over there for guidance:
- Linux/OSX: you can use pyenv
- Windows: you can follow this tutorial and then this one
In order to write code, the author recommends to use PyCharm Community, which is a really powerful editor. In any case, you should configure your IDE to use the virtualenv you created.
Finally, when your environment is set, you can install Bernard. You can simply do this with Pip:
$ pip install bernard
No particular Redis configuration is required. You can install it from your package manager of follow the instructions found in the redis quickstart.
You need to get your hands on a Python 3.6+ environment and a Redis server. That's a wide subject to cover, so we'll leave you to it!
Next step: start