- Shoot for 13
- At least 4 questions/quiz
- Slow things down so that labs aren't ahead of lectures
- Allow more time for class discussions/debates
- Maybe add another lab: Lab 2 on geometric growth
Shorten PVA lecture to 1 class period
- Replace with ideal free/despotic lecture
- Would be good to simulate ideal free dynamics
Add [https://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations](spurious correlations) to sampling lecture
Must switch back from 'mra' to 'RMark' b/c mra no longer on CRAN
- Need simple steps for iOS users
Do M&M exercise for Lincoln-Peterson
Show deer data from N GA on body condition and density
Quiz them on density dependent vs independent factors
Use 4-5 questions in the quizzes, instead of 2-3.
Do M&M sampling exercise for mark-recapture
Go back to using RMark for closed pop lab?
Make tiger example more realistic (more money)
Derive logistic growth from DD birth/death rates
Stick with 3 age classes in age lecture
Use predator-prey parameter notation in Williams et al.
Simplify harvest lab
- Use new years
- Be clear that pythons need to flatline
Discussion: Is the universe random?
Combine stochastic models and extinction lectures
Improve PVA slides
- Introduce the concepts of resilence, redundancy, and representation as used by the USFWS
- Use a species status assessment, like the one I reviewed for GCWA
Ditch short essays on final exam
- Too much grading and too redundant with final project
- Convert them to multiple choice scenarios
Review previous lab materials and common issues at the beginning of each lab
- Name, major, primary interests
Assign more papers
- With mini-assignment
- Group discussions
- Group presentation
- Self-scoring
- Group presentation
Add more examples from Clutton-Brock, Krebs, etc...
Need more group activities during lecture in second half of the semester
Have a guest lecture earlier?
Spend more time going over solutions from previous labs
Make the labs shorter and easier to understand for undergrads
- Especially the first few in which R is introduced
Overhaul lecture on enviro/demographic stochasticity
Provide example of final paper?
Still need to improve items in notes below
Kaplan-Meier survival lab
- Move it earlier so students can incorporate into final paper
Excel templates for data collectino
- Add all names
Add score item for estimation to final project rubric
- Grad students only
- Provide examples
Use real datasets from Hastings and Krebs textbooks
Add a page of general questions to the final exam
TA expectations
- They will gradually take over the labs as the semester progresses
- Three field labs
- Pick up vans
- Grading
- Attendance
Go back to 'RMark' instead of 'mra' and 'marked'
- Should be possible to run on Mac
Guest speakers
- Dave Shindle
- Kirk Olson
- Ask Kirk to show photos
- Elina Garrison
- Sarah Converse
- Jose Jimenez
- Ullas Karanth
- Julien Martin
- Jesse Whittington
- Abby Sterling
- Arno Lyet
- Jhala Yadvendradev
Shiny Apps for:
- Metapop lecture
- Geo/logistic growth
- Others
Improve BIDE to Geo derivation slides
Don't ask students to pick good values of r, rmax and K in lab 2. Just give them values.
Undergrads shouldn't do more than 1 or 2 exercises in R each week
Read Yellowstone Wolves book chapter from 2020 book
Use one of the final labs for Q&A session to help students finish final paper
Grade first drafts earlier
Ask Jake Knox to guest lecture towards end of semester
Consider Microsoft Teams for group conversations, instead of GroupMe
More on fecundity estimation
More details about pre-reproductive vs post-reproductive surveys
Larger breakout rooms?
Force R early if we're going to use it for estimation
- First draft
- Peer review
- Add name and title
- Use scientific writing style
- Avoid first person
- Imitate the writing style in the papers that you cited
- Fecundity is birth rate multiplied by s0
- Abundance of each stage must be estimated at one point in time
- All of the models should have stochasticity
- Multiple runs for each scenario
Make lab assignments more challenging by forcing them to develop their own model from scratch
Make sure reading assignments are in correct order
Mix source-sink and ideal free into metapop lecture
Lake Herrick mark-recap:
- Record lengths of fish species too small to tag
- Record time of capture
Consider moving extinction lab back further in the semester so they don't forget how to use stochastic models for the final project
Provide an example of the final paper, perhaps from Chloe Green, Rachel Gardner,
Add R tips and guidance to the lab assignments
Provide more guidance for finding equilibrium solutions
Streamline PRESENCE lab by combining "preliminaries" with other material... or switch everything to R and unmarked
- Intraspecific competition
- Giraffe fight in 'Africa'