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This branch is 5 commits ahead of, 7 commits behind fuse-open/fuse-samples:master.


Pie Chart

This example shows how you can create simple, but good looking graphs using the premium Fuse.Charting library. In this example, we will create a nice pie-chart using the PlotWedge component of the Fuse.Charting library.


In order to use the library, you have to install it. This is done by running the following command from the commandline:

uno install Fuse.Charting

With that done, you should be all set. Remember to include Fuse.Charting package in your unoproj file:

"Packages": [

Drawing the slices

Slices are drawn using PlotWedge, like so:

<c:PlotData >
	<c:PlotWedge Width="{Plot data.object}.sizePercent" Height="{Plot data.object}.sizePercent" Color="(((1 - {{Plot data.object}.size/100}) * #b0b08C) + (({{Plot data.object}.size/100}) * #FCFEFE))" HitTestMode="LocalVisual" />

The size of the wedges are calculated in js and fed through to the PlotWedge as sizePercent. Additionally, the size is used in an UX expression to calculate the color of the wedge.
