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This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[2.9.0] - 2020-10-03

This release comes with a (relatively large) change to use discord.js v12! There were a lot of breaking changes in the upstream library, including removal of support for Node <12, which prompted a 2.9.0-alpha release before this main version. Everything seemed to go fine, which is why you're now receiving this latest update!


  • IRC nick colors are now customizable in the config (thanks to KWeaver87)


  • Upgrade discord.js to 12.3.1 (the pre-release came with 12.2.0) - this changes a lot of how the bot works behind the scenes, and prepares us for upcoming Discord API changes - #555, #564
  • Add support for Node 14 (#549); drop support for Node 6, 8 and 10 (#550)


  • A bunch of vulnerabilities listed in npm audit are now gone - #544, #548, #551, #552, #553, #562
  • Log messages now typically take up one line again (fixing a relatively long-standing bug, at this point – oops!) - #554
  • Mentioning the same user more than once in a single message is now fixed (thanks to Qyriad)
  • Our Discord client now uses a retry limit of 3 (rather than 1) on internal server errors (hopefully fixing #461) - #565

[2.8.1] - 2020-03-16


  • Large avatars failed to display when bridging through webhooks - (thanks to Miosame, follow up in #530)
  • Update acorn to 7.1.1 - #534
  • Remove code coverage instrumentation from dist/ files - #536

[2.8.0] - 2019-12-14


  • format.webhookAvatarURL, to customize the unrecognized user webhook avatar (thanks to Geo1088)
  • parallelPingFix, disabled by default, to prevent users of both Discord and IRC getting pings whenever their messages are mirrored to IRC (thanks to qaisjp originally, follow up in #502 and #520)
  • ignoreUsers.discordIds, to ignore specific Discord users through the bridge by ID instead of name (thanks to nsavch)
  • A basic Docker image, found at discordirc/discord-irc! This may not be often updated with the release tags we publish on GitHub, but it should contain a latest tag in addition to whichever Git hash is available on main (thanks to gdude2002, follow up in #498)


  • Add support for Node 13, drop testing for Node 6 - #521


  • Upgrade various dependencies: babel, commander, coveralls, discord.js, eslint, mocha, simple-markdown, sinon, sinon-chai - #488, #503, #522, #523, #524, #525

[2.7.2] - 2019-08-08


  • Defer to discord permissions for allowing @everyone and @here in webhook messages - #497
  • Support Node 10 and 12 - #499
  • Upgrade dependencies
  • Tests: Fix lint config deprecation - #500
  • Tests: Ensure all tests are run in dev environment - #501

[2.7.1] - 2019-06-15


  • Upgraded dependencies.

[2.7.0] - 2019-04-02


  • Convert channel mentions to codified mentions (thanks to Throne3d).
  • Match IRC style mentions at the beginning of message (thanks to rdb).
  • Upgraded dependencies.

[2.6.2] - 2018-09-19


  • Upgraded dependencies.

[2.6.1] - 2018-05-11


  • Upgraded dependencies.

[2.6.0] - 2018-03-22


  • Support for posting messages to Discord using webhooks (thanks to Fiaxhs!).

Webhooks lets you override nicknames and avatars, so messages coming from IRC can appear as regular Discord messages:


To enable webhooks, follow part 1 of this guide to create and retrieve a webhook URL for a specific channel, then enable it in discord-irc's config as follows:

  "webhooks": {
    "#discord-channel": ""

[2.5.1] - 2018-01-18


  • Upgraded dependencies.

[2.5.0] - 2017-10-27


  • Support multi-character command prefixes - #301

  • Enable auto-renicking by default, so the bot tries to get the target nickname after it fails - #302

  • Add the ability to ignore IRC/Discord users by nickname - #322


  • Improve IRC → Discord mentions around non-word characters and nickname prefix matches - #273

  • Default to UTF-8 encoding when bridging messages to prevent character corruption - #315

  • Fix a crash when using the bot in a group DM - #316

  • Use a prepare script for transpiling instead of prepublish, fixing npm installation direct from the GitHub repository - #323

  • Update dependencies:

    • discord.js to 11.2.1
    • sinon to ^4.0.1
    • irc-upd to 0.8.0 - #313
    • simple-markdown to ^0.3.1
    • coveralls to ^3.0.0
    • mocha to ^4.0.0
    • winston to 2.4.0


  • Add a link to the IRC spec in the README - #307

  • Drop testing for Node 7, add testing for Node 8 - #329

[2.4.2] - 2017-08-21


  • Tests: Use globbing instead of find so tests work on Windows - #279


  • Update dependency irc-upd to 0.7.0 - #284

  • Tests: Use Discord objects to simplify code - #272

[2.4.1] - 2017-07-16


  • Falsy command preludes are no longer sent (previously would choose default prelude) - #260


  • Update link to IRC library in README so it points to the new irc-upd library - #264

  • Update dependency commander to 2.11.0 - #262

  • Fix deprecation warning on TextChannel#sendMessage - #267

  • Fix reconnection by updating dependency irc-upd to 0.6.2 - #270

[2.4.0] - 2017-07-01

This project now uses irc-upd as a dependency, instead of the old irc package – this fork should be better maintained and will solve some bugs, detailed below.


  • Allow commandCharacters to work for messages sent to Discord - #221.

  • Send nick changes from IRC to Discord with ircStatusNotices - #235, #241.

  • Translate custom emoji references from IRC to Discord - #256.


  • Use ircClient.nick instead of nickname when checking if the ircStatusNotices event is for the bot, to prevent a potential crash - #257.

  • Use the updated irc-upd library instead of irc, causing IRC messages to now be split by byte instead of character (fixing #199) and adding support for certain Unicode characters in nicknames (fixing #200) - #258.

  • Update dependencies:

    • discord.js to 11.1.0
    • check-env to 1.3.0
    • chai to ^4.0.2
    • nyc to ^11.0.3
    • commander to 2.10.0
    • eslint to ^4.1.1

[2.3.3] - 2017-04-29


  • Warn if a part/quit is received and no channelUsers is set - #218.

[2.3.2] - 2017-04-27


  • Fix ircStatucNotices when channels are not lowercase - #219.

[2.3.1] - 2017-04-05


  • Fix IRC quit messages sending to all channels by tracking users - #214.

[2.3.0] - 2017-04-03

A huge thank you to @Throne3d, @rahatarmanahmed, @mraof and @Ratismal for all the fixes and features in this release.


  • Bridge IRC join/part/quit messages to Discord (enable by setting ircStatusNotices to true) - #207.

  • Convert text styles between IRC and Discord #205.

  • Allow users to configure the patterns of messages on IRC and Discord using the format options object #204.

  • Add Discord channel ID matching to the channel mapping #202.


  • Parse role mentions appropriately, as with channel and user mentions #203.

  • Make the bot not crash when a channel mentioned by ID fails to exist #201.


  • Convert username mentions even if nickname is set - #208.

[2.2.1] - 2017-03-12


  • Reverts the changes in 2.2.0 due to incompatibilities with different clients. See #196 for more information.

[2.2.0] - 2017-03-06


  • Added a zero width character between each letter of the IRC nicknames, to avoid unwanted highlights. Fixed by @Sanqui in #193.

[2.1.6] - 2017-01-10


  • Upgraded discord.js.

[2.1.6] - 2016-12-08


  • Listen to warn events from Discord.
  • Listen to debug events from Discord (only in development).
  • Log info events upon connection, instead of debug

[2.1.5] - 2016-11-17


  • Upgraded node-irc to 0.5.1, fixing #129.

[2.1.4] - 2016-11-14


  • Added support for highlighting users by their nicknames, thanks to @DarkSpyro003.
  • Upgraded to discord.js v10.

[2.1.3] - 2016-11-02


  • Send text messages only to text channels (thanks @dustinlacewell).

[2.1.2] - 2016-11-01


  • Use nickname, not username, in command prelude. Thanks to @williamjacksn.

[2.1.1] - 2016-10-21


  • A bug where Discord attachment URLs weren't posted to IRC, thanks to @LordAlderaan for the report.

[2.1.0] - 2016-10-09


  • Messages sent to IRC will now use the correct server nickname, instead of the user's global username (thanks to @DarkSpyro003).

[2.0.2] - 2016-10-02


  • Display custom emojis correctly, thanks to @macdja38.

[2.0.0] - 2016-09-25


  • Upgrade to version 9.3 of discord.js. This removes support for Node.js versions older than v6, as that's the oldest discord.js supports.

[1.0.3] - 2016-09-09


  • Replace changes in 1.0.2 with the #indev-old version of discord.js.

[1.0.2] - 2016-09-09


  • Discord's API now requires bot tokens to be prefixed with "Bot". This adds a hotfix that does exactly that.

[1.0.1] - 2016-06-19


  • Upgraded dependencies.

[1.0.0] - 2016-05-06


  • Breaking: discord-irc now uses tokens for authentication, instead of email/password, thanks to @TheDoctorsLife. See the README for more instructions.

[0.8.2] - 2016-04-21


  • Enable auto reconnect for IRC and Discord.

[0.8.1] - 2016-04-21


  • Upgrade discord.js to 7.0.1.

[0.8.0] - 2016-04-04

Implemented by @rce:


  • Support for messages containing both attachments and text.


  • Attachment URLs are now posted by themselves, instead of including a preliminary message explaining that it's an attachment.

[0.7.0] - 2016-04-04


  • Added the config option ircNickColor to make it possible to disable nick colors for messages sent to IRC.

[0.6.1] - 2016-04-04


  • Upgrade dependencies.

[0.6.0] - 2016-02-24


  • Highlight Discord users when they're mentioned on IRC (thanks to @rce).

[0.5.0] - 2016-02-08


  • Discord attachments will be linked to on IRC when they're posted (fixed by @rce).

[0.4.3] - 2016-01-23


  • Upgraded dependencies.
  • istanbul -> nyc for coverage.

[0.4.1] - 2015-12-22


  • Comments are now stripped from JSON configs before they're parsed.
  • Upgraded dependencies.

[0.4.0] - 2015-11-11


  • Colors to IRC nicks.

[0.3.0] - 2015-10-28


  • Rewrote everything to ES6.

[0.2.0] - 2015-10-28


  • Support for channel and username highlights from Discord to IRC. This means that e.g. #general will no longer result in something like #512312.


  • Working tests for all functionality.

[0.1.1] - 2015-10-27


  • Made discord.irc a regular dependency, instead of a devDependency.

[0.1.0] - 2015-10-13


  • Initial implementation.