The data can be found in data folder.
You can find the annotation guidelines in pdf format here.
If you want to compile it on you own, run:
cd guidelines
pdflatex BRISE_annotation_guidelines.tex
makeindex BRISE_annotation_guidelines.idx
pdflatex BRISE_annotation_guidelines.tex
The data is stored in json format. You can use jq to analyze it from the command line.
The data was annotated in two steps:
- Label annotation
In this step the presence of attributes was labeled (attribute names). Multiplicity was not considered. - Full annotation
In this step in addition to attribute names, attribute values, attribute types and sentence modalities were also annotated.
After the first stage, 46 documents were reviewed, while after the second stage 250. The task of the second stage inherently involves the task of the first stage, so the first stage is only mentioned for documentation reasons.
# Example
cat data/train/8303.json | jq
# Answer
"id": "8303",
"sens": {
"labels_gold": true,
"labels_reviewers": [
"annotators": [
"full_gold": true,
"full_annotators": [
"full_reviewers": [
cat data/train/8303.json | jq '. | keys'
# Answer
: id of the documentsens
: sentence_id - sentence maplabels_gold
: true if gold labels exist for this document (i.e. annotations from stage 1 were reviewed)full_gold
: true if full gold labels with values, types and modalities exist for this document (i.e. annotations from step 2 were reviewed - this is true for all docuemnts)annotators
: anonymized annotators of the 1st stagefull_annotators
: anonymized annotators of the 2nd stage (always the same as 1st stage)labels_reviewers
: reviewers of the 1st stage for this documentfull_reviewers
: reviewers of the 2nd stage for this document
# Example
cat data/train/8303.json | jq '.sens[]' | jq 'select(.id == "8303_20_0")'
# Answer
"id": "8303_20_0",
"text": "Für die mit BB1 bezeichneten Grundflächen wird bestimmt: Die Unterbrechung der geschlossenen Bauweise ist zulässig.",
"gold_modality": "permission",
"already_gold_on_annotation": true,
"labels_gold_exists": true,
"gold_attributes": {
"Planzeichen": [
"name": "Planzeichen",
"value": "BB1",
"type": "condition"
"UnterbrechungGeschlosseneBauweise": [
"name": "UnterbrechungGeschlosseneBauweise",
"value": true,
"type": "content"
"gen_attributes_on_annotation": {
"Planzeichen": {
"name": "Planzeichen",
"value": null,
"type": null
"UnterbrechungGeschlosseneBauweise": {
"name": "UnterbrechungGeschlosseneBauweise",
"value": null,
"type": null
"annotated_attributes": {
"Planzeichen": {
"annotators": [
"UnterbrechungGeschlosseneBauweise": {
"annotators": [
"gen_attributes": {
"Planzeichen": {
"value": [
"type": null,
"name": "Planzeichen"
"UnterbrechungGeschlosseneBauweise": {
"value": [
"type": null,
"name": "UnterbrechungGeschlosseneBauweise"
"segmentation_error": false,
"gen_attributes_on_full_annotation": {
"Planzeichen": {
"value": [
"type": "condition",
"name": "Planzeichen"
"UnterbrechungGeschlosseneBauweise": {
"value": [],
"type": null,
"name": "UnterbrechungGeschlosseneBauweise"
"full_gold_exists": true,
"full_annotated_attributes": {
"modality": {
"permission": {
"annotators": [
"attributes": {
"Planzeichen": {
"value": {
"BB1": {
"type": {
"condition": {
"annotators": [
"UnterbrechungGeschlosseneBauweise": {
"value": {
"True": {
"type": {
"content": {
"annotators": [
"predicted_attributes": {
"Planzeichen": {
"value": [
"type": "condition",
"name": "Planzeichen"
"UnterbrechungGeschlosseneBauweise": {
"value": [
"type": "content",
"name": "UnterbrechungGeschlosseneBauweise"
cat data/train/8303.json | jq '.sens[]' | jq 'select(.id == "8303_20_0") | keys'
# Answer
: id of the sentence with format <DOC_ID>_<SECTION_NUMBER>_<SENTENCE_NUMBER>text
: text of the sentence
: reviewed gold attributes of the sentencegold_modality
: reviwed modality of the sentence, one of {prohibition
: true if the sentence was reviewed during the 1st stage (true for 46 docs)full_gold_exists
: true if the sentence was reviewed during the 2nd stage (this is true for all sentences)
: attributes given by the annotators during the 1st stagefull_annotated_attributes
: attributes given by the annotators during the 2nd stagealready_gold_on_annotation
: at the time of the annotation gold labels already existed for this sentence and therefore it was not requested to annotate again (This attribute was only used for the 1st stage.)gen_attributes_on_annotation
: attribute suggestions, which were generated before the annotation using the rule-based system to make the annotation easier and faster (1st stage)gen_attributes_on_full_annotation
: full attribute suggestions, which were generated before the annotation using the rule-based system to make the annotation easier and faster (2nd stage)
: the text contains a segmentation error (this attribute is set at adjudication time)predicted_attributes
: used to store the predictions of our best-performing rule-extraction systemgen_attributes
: placeholder for generated attributes, mostly used temporary for evaluation
The dataset contains 250 number of annotated and reviewed (a.k.a. gold) documents. The data was split into train-valid-test sets following the 80-10-10 rule.
Dataset was split by calling the following script:
You can re-run all stats by calling:
For the distribution of the attributes see the file.
You can recreate this file by calling:
./brise_plandok/stat/ > brise_plandok/stat/docs/
For the distribution of the attributes see the file.
You can recreate this file by calling:
./brise_plandok/stat/ > brise_plandok/stat/docs/
For the distribution of the attributes see the file.
You can recreate this file by calling:
python brise_plandok/stat/ > brise_plandok/stat/docs/
For the distribution of the attributes see the file.
You can recreate this file by calling:
./brise_plandok/stat/ > brise_plandok/stat/docs/
For rule statistics see the file.
You can recreate this file by calling:
./brise_plandok/stat/ > brise_plandok/stat/docs/
For statistics about the pre-filled suggestions during annotation see the file.
You can recreate this file by calling:
./brise_plandok/stat/ > brise_plandok/stat/docs/
For statistics about the annotators' performance on the attribute labeling task see the file.
You can recreate this file by calling:
python brise_plandok/stat/ > brise_plandok/stat/docs/
For statistics about the annotators' performance on modality see the file.
You can recreate this file by calling:
python brise_plandok/stat/ > brise_plandok/stat/docs/
For statistics about the annotators' performance on the attribute labeling task see the file.
You can recreate this file by calling:
python brise_plandok/stat/ > brise_plandok/stat/docs/
For statistics about annotator agreement on attributes see the file.
You can recreate this file by calling:
python brise_plandok/stat/ > brise_plandok/stat/docs/
For statistics about annotator agreement on modality see the file.
You can recreate this file by calling:
python brise_plandok/stat/ > brise_plandok/stat/docs/
For statistics about annotator agreement on attributes see the file.
You can recreate this file by calling:
python brise_plandok/stat/ > brise_plandok/stat/docs/
For statistics about segmentation error rates see the file.
You can recreate this file by calling:
./brise_plandok/stat/ > brise_plandok/stat/docs/
For statistics about segmentation error rates see the file.
You can recreate this file by calling:
python brise_plandok/stat/ -d $BRISE_NLP/annotation/2021_09/full_data > brise_plandok/stat/docs/