All of the slides, homework, recordings, and more from each class - in one place!
You can also find more resources to help you on your React learning journey in
- 13 April - Retro and Styling Exercises
- 10 April - React Workshop
- 08 April - Children and Styling
- 06 April - styled-components and exercises
- 01 April - Component Hierarchy and Passing Props
- 30 March - Event Handling
- 27 March - Career Workshop
- 23 March - Conditional Rendering, Rendering Lists and Handling Events
- 18 March - React Components Exercises
- 16 March - React Components
- 11 March - React Exercises
- 09 March - Introduction to JSX
- 06 March - JavaScript Recap
- 04 March - JavaScript Recap
- 02 March - Welcome and JavaScript Recap
- 🖥 Slides
- 🖥 Slides
- 🖥 Slides
- 📦 Exercise
- ✏️ Example: Ausländerbehörde registration form
- ✏️ Example: Named inputs
- ✏️ Example: Theme switching
- ✏️ Example: Shopping cart
- 🖥 Slides
- 📦 Exercise
- ✏️ Exercise, but async
- 🖥 Slides
- 🖥 Slides
- 📦 Starter code
- ✏️ Potential solution
- 📦 Exercise
- ✏️ Potential Solution
- 📦 Components and props exercise
- 📦 Cool Clicking Game Exercise
- 📝 React's useState Docs
- 📝 React's Component Docs
More fun games from James
- 🖥 Slides
- 🖥 Slides
- 🖥 Slides
- Exercise
- 📦 Homework
- 🌐 Reference site for homework
- ✏️ One potential solution for the homework
- Exercise: Conditionals