- Geometry Genius is a web-based interactive tool that helps users calculate the areas of various geometric shapes including triangles, rectangles, ellipses, parallelograms, pentagons, and rhombuses.
- This tool is designed to be user-friendly and is built using HTML, CSS (Tailwind CSS and DaisyUI), and JavaScript.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework to style the application.
- DaisyUI: A plugin for Tailwind CSS that provides predefined component classes.
- Google Fonts: Used to include the 'Inter' font family.
- Calculate Area: Supports area calculation for triangles, rectangles, ellipses, parallelograms, pentagons, and rhombuses.
- Dynamic Result Display: Results are displayed dynamically below each shape's input section.
- Input Validation: Validates inputs to ensure only numbers are used.
- Clear Input Fields: Clears input fields after calculation.
- Open Links in New Window: Provides a button to learn JS DOM, which opens in a new window.
- clearInput(x, y): Clears the values of the input fields.
- returnElement(id): Returns the DOM element with the specified ID.
- getTag(tagName): Creates and returns a specified HTML tag.
- returnValue(id): Retrieves the value from the input field with the specified ID.
- areaValidation(area): Validates if the calculated area is a number.
- capitalizeFirstCharacter(string): Capitalizes the first character of a string.
- addToCalculationEntry(shapeName, area): Adds the calculated area entry to the results display.
- setErrorMessage(): Displays an alert if the input is invalid.
- area(name, id1, id2): Calculates the area based on the shape type and input dimensions.