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+title: Send a Transaction in AppKit Web with wagmi
+import GithubBox from '../../components/GithubBox'
+# How to Sign Messages, Send Transactions, and Get Balance in EVM using AppKit with Wagmi
+Learn how to use Reown AppKit for essential wallet functionalities such as signing messages, sending transactions, and retrieving wallet balances.
+In this recipe, you will learn how to:
+- Retrieve the balance of the connected wallet.
+- Sign a message using a connected wallet.
+- Send a transaction to the EVM blockchain.
+This guide takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
+Let’s dive in!
+## Prerequisites
+- A fundamental understanding of JavaScript and React.
+- A minimal installation of AppKit in React.
+- Obtain a new project Id on Reown Cloud at https://cloud.reown.com
+## Final project
+## AppKit Minimal Installation
+You can start a small project following the guidelines from our [installation React docs using Wagmi](https://docs.reown.com/appkit/react/core/installation?platform=wagmi)
+## Start building
+In this guide we are going to use the library [Wagmi](https://wagmi.sh/) to make the calls to the blockchain and to interact with the wallet.
+### Get Balance
+Fetching a user's balance is straightforward using the `useBalance` hook from wagmi.
+1. Start by importing the useBalance hook, the AppKit hook to get the account information and the Address type.
+import { useBalance } from 'wagmi'
+import { useAppKitAccount } from '@reown/appkit/react'
+import { type Address } from 'viem'
+2. Use the `useAppKitAccount` hook to retrieve the user's address and check if they are connected. Also call the `useBalance` hook.
+// AppKit hook to get the address and check if the user is connected
+const { address, isConnected } = useAppKitAccount()
+// Call the useBalance hook with the user's address to prepare for fetching the balance.
+const { refetch } = useBalance({
+ address: address as Address
+3. Create a function to fetch and display (in console) the balance when triggered
+// function to get the balance
+const handleGetBalance = async () => {
+ const balance = await refetch();
+ console.log(`${balance?.data?.value.toString()} ${balance?.data?.symbol.toString()}`);
+4. Finally, in order to call the function you can show the button in a component when `isConnected` is `true`
+return (
+ isConnected && (
+ )
+ )
+### Sign a message
+In order to raise the modal to sign a message with your wallet. You can follow these steps:
+1. Start by importing the `useSignMessage` hook.
+import { useSignMessage } from 'wagmi'
+2. Extract the `signMessageAsync` function from the `useSignMessage` hook. This function allows you to prompt the connected wallet to sign a specific message. Also get the address and isConnected as explain before.
+// Wagmi hook to sign a message
+const { signMessageAsync } = useSignMessage()
+// AppKit hook to get the address and check if the user is connected
+const { address, isConnected } = useAppKitAccount()
+3. Generate the function to raise the modal to sign the message
+// function to sing a msg
+const handleSignMsg = async () => {
+ // message to sign
+ const msg = "Hello Reown AppKit!"
+ const sig = await signMessageAsync({ message: msg, account: address as Address });
+4. Finally, in order to call the function:
+return (
+ isConnected && (
+ )
+ )
+### Send a transaction in EVM
+In order to raise the modal to sign and send a transaction with your wallet. You can follow these steps:
+1. Start by importing `useEstimateGas` and `useSendTransaction` hooks.
+import { useEstimateGas, useSendTransaction } from 'wagmi'
+import { parseGwei, type Address } from 'viem'
+2. Use the `useEstimateGas` hook to calculate the gas required for the transaction, then proceed to send the transaction and get the user's connection status with the provided hooks.
+// test transaction
+const TEST_TX = {
+ to: "0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045" as Address, // vitalik address
+ value: parseGwei('0.0001')
+ // Wagmi hook to estimate gas
+const { data: gas } = useEstimateGas({...TEST_TX});
+// Wagmi hook to send a transaction
+const { data: hash, sendTransaction, } = useSendTransaction();
+// AppKit hook to check if the user is connected
+const { isConnected } = useAppKitAccount()
+3. Generate the function to raise the modal to send the transaction
+// function to send a TX
+const handleSendTx = () => {
+ try {
+ sendTransaction({
+ ...TEST_TX,
+ gas // Add the gas to the transaction
+ });
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log('Error sending transaction:', err);
+ }
+4. Finally, in order to call the function:
+return (
+ isConnected && (
+ )
+ )
+## Conclusion
+By following this guide, you’ve learned how to integrate Reown AppKit and Wagmi in your React application to perform essential wallet operations.
+You can now fetch wallet balances, sign messages, and send transactions seamlessly in an EVM-compatible blockchain environment.
+Keep exploring AppKit to enhance your dApp’s functionality and user experience!
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items: [
{ type: 'doc', label: 'Build a Telegram Mini App', id: 'appkit/recipes/telegram-mini-app' },
- { type: 'doc', label: 'Configure Virtual TestNets', id: 'appkit/recipes/tenderly-virtual-testnets'}
+ { type: 'doc', label: 'Configure Virtual TestNets', id: 'appkit/recipes/tenderly-virtual-testnets'},
+ { type: 'doc', label: 'Interact with EVM usign wagmi', id: 'appkit/recipes/wagmi-send-transaction'}
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