Generate Dart parsers using Jison - Bison/Yacc in JavaScript.
First, you have to prepare Nodejs for your environment, and install jison
git clone
cd jison2dart/lib/js
npm install
Then, you can compile a Jison file to a Dart parser. For example,
cd example
node ../lib/js/jison2dart.js calculator.jison
For more options, please run
node bison.js --help
The Dart file will contain a class depending on the jison filename. For example,
class Caculator extends DefaultJisonParser {
Object parse() {
To use the Dart parser in your application, you have to put jison2dart
to your pubspec.yaml
Then, you can use the parser. For example,
print(Caculator().parse("2 * 3"));
Optional. Generates the library statement in the Dart pasrer.
%library my.lib
Optional. Specfies the name of the Dart pasrer.
%class CalcParser
If you'd like to override it, say, for different platforms, you can specify abstract
%class abstract ParserBase
If you'd like to extend from your custom class, you can specify it as follows:
%extends MyGenericParser
Note: Your implementation must implement JisonParser
, or extends DefaultJisonParser
By default, the lexer is case senstive. You can turn off as follows:
%case-sensitive false
Optional. If you'd like to import other libraries or embed Dart codes, you can put the code between %{
and %}
import "super/foo.dart";
String camelize(String text) {
Note: unlike Bison's prologue, you can put at most one prologue.