Releases: rindow/rindow-neuralnetworks
Releases · rindow/rindow-neuralnetworks
Type definitions
Version 2.1
- New functions added to Gradient
- BandPart,Cast,Equal,Get,Greater,Increment,Less,NotEqual,Ones,Repeat,Reshape,Scale,Shape,Transpose,Zeros,ZeroLike
- New layer added
- Attention (significantly changed functionality), LayerNormalization,
- Metric feature added
- BinaryAccuracy, CategoricalAccuracy, GenericMetric, MeanNorm2Error, MeanSquaredError, ScalarMetric, SparseCategoricalAccuracy
- Added scheduling feature to Optimizer
- ExponentialDecay, InverseTimeDecay
- Compatible with Rindow Math Matrix version 2.0.
- The model save format has been changed due to changes in Rindow Math Matrix. Previous models and other data may not be loaded.
- The method for specifying array ranges has changed due to changes in Rindow Math Matrix. You may need to modify previous source code.
- Due to changes in Rindow Math Matrix, the external library call method has been changed from PHP Extension to PHP FFI. FFI must be enabled and available. There is no need to enable FFI if you do not use external libraries.
Fix save weights
Fix save optimizer weights with portable mode.
Fix warning errors in samples
Fix warning errors in samples
Update for PHP8.2
Update for PHP8.2 and add some functions.
** Update for PHP8.2
- Changed so that warning error is not displayed.
** Add functions
- BackEnd::std()
- Gradient::stopGradient() - Stop partial automatic differentiation
- Gradient::reduceSum() - reduceSum function
- Gradient::clipByValue() - clip by value
Minor fixes when using OpenCL
- Error Backend::mean() on clblast
New Feature
- Option specification for clblast backend: It is now possible to specify options with rindowclblast in the environment variable RINDOW_NEURALNETWORKS_BACKEND. Specify platform and device like "rindowclblast::0,1". Or specify the device type like "rindowclblast::GPU".
Fix PHP8.1 warnings in progress-bar
Fix PHP8.1 warnings in progress-bar
Major version upgrade
Ver 2.0 has been released
- The entire framework has been rewritten to move from Define-and-run to Define-by-run.
- The experimentally implemented model format for developers is now officially available.
- You can also learn and infer with fit() and predict() as in the previous version.
- PHP8.0 or PHP8.1
- rindow-math-matrix 1.2.0
Strong recommend
- rindow-openblas 0.3.0
- rindow-opencl 0.1.4
- rindow-clblast 0.1.2
Add Layer and Loss func
- Add New Layers
- Add New Loss function
- Add New Optimizer
- Corresponds to cloning of model objects
- Model fit method supports multiple inputs
- Supports new version of libraries
New Layers
- Gather
- Max
New Loss function
- Huber
New Optimizer
- RMSprop
Supports new version of libraries
- rindow-math-matrix release 1.1.0
- rindow-openblas release 0.3.0
composer config for ver.1
Changed the version-dependent information in the composer configuration file.
And we moved CI from travis-ci to Github Actions workflow.