diff --git a/rvb23-profile.adoc b/rvb23-profile.adoc index 22beccd..86a0316 100644 --- a/rvb23-profile.adoc +++ b/rvb23-profile.adoc @@ -143,6 +143,8 @@ NOTE: Unclear if other Zve* extensions should also be supported in RVB. - *Zfhmin* Half-Precision Floating-point transfer and convert. - *Zvfhmin* Vector FP16 conversion instructions. +- *Zvbb* Vector bitmanip extension. + The following extensions are optional in both RVB23U64 and RVA23U64: - *Zfh* Scalar Half-Precision Floating-Point (FP16). @@ -152,7 +154,6 @@ The following extensions are optional in both RVB23U64 and RVA23U64: - *Zvfbfmin* Vector BF16 FP conversions. - *Zvfbfwma* Vector BF16 widening mul-add. -- *Zvbb* Vector bitmanip extension. - *Zvbc* Vector carryless multiply. - *Zvkng* Vector Crypto NIST Algorithms including GHASH. - *Zvksg* Vector Crypto ShangMi Algorithms including GHASH.