A Simple Vehicle Dealer App built with ASP.NET Core + Angular 4
- Only Admin/Moderator can perform Create/Edit/Delete operations & upload photos.
- Normal User only can view the vehicle details & see report of vehicles in charts view.
- Server Side Sorting & Pagination
- Role Based Athentication
Live Demo: https://ritwick-sale-it.azurewebsites.net/
- Angular 4 (Frontend)
- ASP.NET Core (Backend)
- Entity Framework Core (ORM)
- Auth0 (Authentication & Authorization)
- AutoMapper (For mapping into Domain Model & DTO)
- Chart.js (For Pie Chart)
> git clone https://github.com/ritwickdey/Sale-It.git
> cd Sale-It/
> npm install
> dotnet restore
> set connectionString:Default="<YOUR CONNETION STRING>"
> npm i webpack -g
> webpack --config webpack.config.vendor.js
> webpack
> dotnet ef database update
> dotnet watch run
[The project is improved from this awesome Angular + ASP.NET Core course (BY MOSH HAMEDANI) which I've taken.]