Paper on Power, Efficiency, Expressiveness Overview: Want to keep all three metrics Target 16-20 pages for the initial (journal) paper 6-10 pages for a conference paper version Repo: Algorithms: Keep maybe 3 of the 5 original algorithms (plus gap algorithm) Aho/Corasick Boyer/Moore Gap matching/regexp gap matching Look for at least 2 newer ones to add (at least one more approximate) Multi-threading/parallel algorithms? OpenMPI for C/C++ Rayon for Rust? Go? Java? Keep three-compiler evaluation of C/C++, but only use the best for each Coding: Rewrite all code to be idiomatic of each language Rewrite runner to take full command-line as arguments Rewrite Makefile’s to accomodate this Go? Java? Consider comparisons of Rust-Bio and SeqAn Metrics: Energy: Keep existing mechanisms (harness, etc.) How will a multi-thread algorithm do? Performance: Again, existing harness-based mechanisms No direct comparisons between algorithms (not necessary) Possibly combining all run-time? DFA-Gap/Regexp-Gap (and any other approx match) might have to be separate Aim for similar graphs/tables Expressiveness: sloc for code length, etc. lizard for complexity Need to get the bug fixed (terryyin/lizard#363) Alternately, find a different tool that will support all 5 languages? Same approach as previously for compressibility