Every March 8, R-Ladies launches a campaign for International Women's Day using the twitter account @rladies_iwd
Here some details of previous campaigns:
- Catalog the meetup material in GitHub from the chapters and tweet this material during the campaign.
- Make a list of blogs (and posts) by R-Ladies, and tweet this material on March 8.
- Make a list of packages built for/by R-Ladies and post this during the campaign.
We have this code from Marianna Foos as a starting point:
library(dplyr)repolist <- fromJSON("https://api.github.com/users/rladies/repos?page=1&per_page=100")
repolist2 <- fromJSON("https://api.github.com/users/rladies/repos?page=2&per_page=100")pres_repos <- grep("presentation", c(repolist$name, repolist2$name),
value = T, ignore.case = T)combin <- list()
for (r in 1:length(pres_repos)){
try(url <- GET(paste0("https://api.github.com/repos/rladies", "/", pres_repos[r], "/contents"),
authenticate("user name", Sys.getenv("GITHUBTOKEN")),
query = list(state = "all")))
if (!(is.null(url))){
contents <- fromJSON(content(url, type = "text"))
df <- contents %>%
filter(name != "README.md") %>%
mutate(repo = pres_repos[r]) %>%
select(-`_links`) #bind_rows won't work unless you remove this column
combin[[r]] <- df
fulldata <- bind_rows(combin) %>%
filter(!(startsWith(name, "."))) %>%
filter(!(startsWith(name, "_")))
This could be a starting point for order and made more searchable and findable our materials.
Step 1: a week before 8M we start tweeting about the campaign, we can use something like this as a start point: https://www.canva.com/design/DADQogEJSyE/DKhQvMc602cnmCtt4w1jhg/edit
Step 2: the day before 8M, we post some stats about R-Ladies' events: here is the code with some stats idea as a starting point. Here is the data
Step 3: on 8M (48 hours), we tweet the material from Chapters repo (we have to figure out how to compile the list of materials).
- 3.1: We tweet about the web pages of chapters that have one.
- 3.2: We tweet all the github repo that chapters that have one.
- 3.3: we tweet material from the repos about specific topics (rmarkdown, gglot, tidyverse, etc., etc.)
Step 4: Celebrate and enjoy another IWD!!