scripts to help using from here:
LoRA_average_weights.txt - made by LoRA_Inspector_helper.vbs LoRA_average_weights.csv - made by LoRA_Inspector_helper.vbs LoRA_inspector.bat LoRA_Inspector_helper.vbs
Put these files in the same folder as LoRA_inspector.bat LoRA_Inspector_helper.vbs
Then run the batch file LoRA_inspector.bat, and use option F to put in the path to where your LoRA files are
Option F put in the path to where your LoRA files are
Option 1 run the inspection with and display the results in the command line console
Option 2 use this to create a batch file that displays the data in a different format as well as create a .CSV file at the same time the steps below are necessary because does not have an option to output to text file so I could just parse that
1. Run this on a folder with LoRA files in it
2. When it is done, press Ctr+A to select all, then Ctrl+C to copy
3. Open LoRA_average_weights.txt and press Ctrl+V to paste
4. Run LoRA_inspector_helper.vbs to create the CSV and batch file
Option 3 use this option to output .JSON files to a meta folder with the same names as the LoRA files that are inspected