##How to setup a Windows cfarm worker##
cfarm requires machines to have a ssh daemon, git and cmake on the path and generally offer a POSIX interface. Now for windows machines this is requires some setup.
So to setup windows farm workers I do the following:
##OpenSSH## ##OpenSSH## I install an ssh server, currently I am using copssh ( https://www.itefix.no/i2/copssh ) which provides a very lightweight cygwin shell when remoting in.
Once copssh is setup, you will need to add the worker user name to the authorized list of users allowed to log in. Next you will need to allow the sshd executable access through the firewall, which you do by adding it to the windows firewall program:
Windows FireWall
->Allow a Program Through
->Add ICW/Bin/sshd
The version of copssh I setup was missing cygattr-1.dll, which can be fixed by downloading:
and placing the dll's into the Bin folder
My recommendation is to drop the cmd.exe default for freeSSHD and instead set the shell to be:
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /c ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login"
This will give
Next up is to properly expose git to the cygwin shell. If you have a different openssh server, or are using a full cygwin shell you can most likely install git through that.
In my case I have msysgit on the machine already and don't want a second git. So all I did was copied git.exe from msysgit and dropped it into the Bin folder of ICW. You will need to also copy libiconv-2.dll also to the Bin folder for git to worker properly.
We do this over setting up a bash_rc alias as aliases are not currently executed as we don't use an interactive shell
Make sure that cmake is on the path, I do this by extending my login users path like so:
export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/CMake\ 2.8/bin/
Make sure that ninja is on the path, I do this by extending my login users path like so:
export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/c/ninja/bin/
##MSVC Vars##
Depending on the generator you want to use on windows we have different issues with invoking it from the command line.
###Visual Studio Generators###
This work is still under development
The first is we need the ability to state in cfarm for generators that are multi configurations what the default configuration should be. The best way to solve that is to add more syntax options to the generator list:
"build_generator" : "Visual Studio 10 Win64 Debug"
This will tell cfarm that when issuing the cmake --build command we should explicitly state the --config option to be set to Debug.
###Ninja Generator###
For the Ninja generator we need a way to tell the shell how to get the proper visual studio enviornment variables. Currently I don't know of a way to get this to work seemlessly inside cfarm.
Instead what we can do is setup a freeSSHD to have a given visual studio compiler enviornment loaded. While this isn't perfect since we can't give each user a shell, it is a good start.
For example to get a Visual Studio 2008 x64 shell you would create a batch file with the following:
call "%VS90COMNTOOLS%..\..\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64 >NUL;
%comspec% /k ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe"" --login
And set the freesshd shell to:
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /c ""D:\vs2009_32.bat""
See the following for more info on setting up msvc inside a shell: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/366928/invoking-cl-exe-msvc-compiler-in-cygwin-shell