This project aims at implementing a driving assist software module that can be deployed safely in any car with the support of cheap hardware and a single front facing camera.
The current release supports Lane Departure Warning as ADAS functionality.
No connection to the actual CAN bus of the car is established. Warning messages consist only of visual or acoustic notifications. No engagement of the system happens at any time.
Driving Assist:github
- Python 3.7.1
- OpenCV
Configuration is base on the camera.cfg file.
Set the parameter setup_screen = True
having the lanes at the center of the view:
This enables a red rectangle and 4 yellow points.
Parameters to adjust the setup screen view:
bottom_base = 0
bottom_left_w_mask = 0.10
bottom_right_w_mask = 0.28
upper_left_w_mask = 0.16
upper_right_w_mask = 0.08
upper_left_h_mask = 0.60
upper_right_h_mask = 0.60
The Rectangle is the mask that is applied to the input images
The yellow dots are the points used to perform the BirdEye transformation. After the transformation, the lines identified by the points will be vertically straight. Points detected:
Set the parameter debug_mode = True
to enable debug information and detailed view of the different steps executed during the Lanes Detection Pipeline.
The program supports different modes:
- Default Camera video processing
- Picture processing from file
python picture ./Images/TestImage.png
- Picture processing from directory
python directory ./Images/
- Video processing from file
python video ./Videos/LaneVideo.png
Use the configuration parameter scale_percent
to scale (down) the size of the input image and get better performances.
To quit from video/directory processing press the esc
key and for images/debug mode press the q
# Create a new image tagged as `driving-assist:latest`
make build_docker
To run, you can try the lucky_spin make target (requires the X Server on localhost:0.0):
# If everything is set properly, you should see the output of *./Images/TestImage.png* processing
make lucky_spin
As every Software Developer would say: "It works on my machine!" :D
Download the Docker container:Dropbox link
Install the container:
docker load < ./docker_python_opencv.tar
- Customize the docker image name (your_docker_image_name), source folder (path_to_your_source_folder) and DISPLAY number(your_display_number), then execute the script to run the container:
xhost +
sudo docker run --network host --rm -it -v $path_to_your_source_folder:/shared:Z -e DISPLAY=localhost:$your_display_number -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/:Z $your_docker_image_name bash
- To save the container in case of changes (e.g. docker image called 'gl_docker.io4/python'):
docker save gl_docker.io4/python > docker_python_opencv.tar
Run the following bash code to execute the container using the X Sever of your development machine:
Mac XQuartz depenency needed. Procedure to setup XQuarz:
# export display in Mac
## You need to have XQuartz installed on your Mac. You can get it here -
## Once you installed it, follow this procedure -
## Run X11 application (included with XQuartz)
## Open X11 Preferences and make sure "Allow connections..." is checked
## Restart X11 application
Customize the docker image name (your_docker_image_name) and source folder (path_to_your_source_folder), then execute the script to run the container :
# brew cask install xquartz
defaults write org.macosforge.xquartz.X11 app_to_run '' # suppress xterm terminal
open -a XQuartz
ip=$(ifconfig | sed -En 's/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p')
display_number=`ps -ef | grep "Xquartz :\d" | grep -v xinit | awk '{ print $9; }' | sed 's/\://g'`
# echo $ip
xhost + $ip
docker run --network host --rm -it -v $path_to_your_source_folder:/shared:Z -e DISPLAY=$ip:$display_number -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/:Z $your_docker_image_name bash
Linux Procedure to expose your X Sever to the container using GDM:
# Export DISPLAY
sudo vi /etc/gdm/custom.conf => [security] DisallowTCP=false
# check if it works (eventually change the display number)
xterm -d localhost:0.0
# add permissions for other hosts
sudo xhost +
Dependencies are listed in the dependencies file.
- Function to get the kitty calibration matrix parameters for the camera:
# read kitty configuration file and read the calibration matrix parameters
def read_kitti_calibration(file_path):
params = {}
with open(file_path) as kitti:
for line in kitti:
name, values = line.partition(":")[::2] # every other element
params[name.strip()] = values.strip()
#K_xx: 3x3 calibration matrix of camera xx before rectification
K_00_list = params['K_00'].split(' ')
K_00 = np.array(K_00_list, dtype='float')
mtx = np.reshape(K_00, (3, 3))
#D_xx: 1x5 distortion vector of camera xx before rectification
D_00_list = params['D_00'].split(' ')
dist = np.array(D_00_list, dtype='float')
#R_xx: 3x3 rotation matrix of camera xx (extrinsic)
R_00_list = params['R_00'].split(' ')
R_00 = np.array(R_00_list, dtype='float')
rvecs = np.reshape(R_00, (3, 3))
#T_xx: 3x1 translation vector of camera xx (extrinsic)
T_00_list = params['T_00'].split(' ')
T_00 = np.array(T_00_list, dtype='float')
tvecs = np.reshape(T_00, (3, 1))
return {'ret':True,'cameraMatrix':mtx,'distorsionCoeff':dist,\
Precision can be improved performing the camera calibration and tweaking the parameters of the Lanes Detection Pipeline.
Calibration is not called in this release but the functions are available if needed. The
function can be used along with the chessboard images. -
Most of the Lanes Detection Pipeline comes from examples freely available on GitHub. This is a popular project for Udacity Self Driving Cars Nanodegree.