- Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048 warning (#124)
- Remove dirk-thomas as maintainer (#125)
- Contributors: Alejandro Hernández Cordero, Shane Loretz
- First public release into Hydro
- add stress on how to run rqt the easiest
- Adding back rqt_tf_tree (#19), now that rqt_tf_tree is verified to be building on buildfarm (eg. `link http://jenkins.willowgarage.com:8080/view/GbinP64/job/ros-groovy-rqt-tf-tree_binarydeb_precise_amd64/`_)
- Conform to REP-127
- Add rqt_moveit
- Add CMakeLists.txt based on new catkin spec (`ref. http://answers.ros.org/question/59648/catkin-metapackage-now-requires-cmakeliststxt/`_)
- Revert back rqt_tf_tree that's been omitted due to build failure
- Revert back rviz plugin (since 0.2.6) @dirk-thomas
- first public release for Groovy