Micropython code for Rosmo Robot
Quick test:
copy the lot to your esp32 and then run this
from RosMo import RosMo
from time import sleep
rosmo = RosMo()
The web ui is NOT currently using encoders, because I can only get one encoder to accurately control speed at any given time. When I use all 4 the interrupts interact in some way and bollox the encoder readings
To try the webserver, copy everything to the esp32.
Edit secrets.py to give your wifi details.
run RosMo_WebServer.py - if you run it in Thonny you can get the ip for the web page.
going to that ip in your browser should show the control page
If you would like RosMo_WebServer.py to start every time the robot is powered up then copy it to main.py
To try encoder code with one motor
from RosMo_N20enc import EncodedMotor, PID
# Create a motor object
m1 = EncodedMotor(21, 39, False, 14, 9) # Motor(fwd pin, bkwd pin, Reversed, encA, encB, frequency) Default frequency is set at 50Hz
# Create a PID object with desired PID values
p1 = PID(m1, 3, 0, 10, 1000) # PID(Motor object, Propotional, Derivative, Integral, Max correction speed)
There is code for an ultrasonic sensor in RosMo.py.
Below is rudimentary obstacle avoidance code with the sensor using pins 13 and 11
from RosMo import RosMo
from time import sleep
rosmo = RosMo()
while True:
d = (rosmo.getDistanceCm() + rosmo.getDistanceCm() + rosmo.getDistanceCm() + rosmo.getDistanceCm() )/4
if d < 10:
Open a cmd window and install esptool. In this example it was already installed
Look in device manager to find which comport the board is on (which was COM7 in my case not 36 as in illustration)
Erase the flash memory
Downloaded the latest bin from the micropython site
Navigate to the directory containing the downloaded and run the command suggested in install instructions on the micropython site
Open Thonny and select configure interpreter.
Select MicroPython (ESP32)
sudo apt install pipx thonny
pipx ensurepath
pipx install esptool
Remove the Esp32s3 from the robot and connect to your computer
sudo dmesg | grep tty (note the bit after tty and make the line below match that)
esptool.py --chip esp32s3 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash
Get the latest .bin file: https://micropython.org/download/ESP32_GENERIC_S3/
cd /Downloads (or wherever your downloads end up)
ls (to remind yourself what the file is called)
Flash the latest bin file: esptool.py --chip esp32s3 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash -z 0 [Name of the latest bin file]