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William Emfinger edited this page Nov 29, 2017 · 5 revisions
  • Collaborative, automatically versioned web-based development

    Project history view with branching and tagging

  • Model-based framework for developing hardware and software

    Graphical modeling

  • Fully integrated code development, with documentation generation

    Integrated code editing with syntax highlighting

  • Integrated Hierarchical Finite State Machine (HFSM) Modeling, Simulation, and Code Generation

    See webgme-hfsm for documentation, walkthroughs, videos, etc.

  • Fully integrated code generation, compilation, and deployment

    Code generation and compilation

  • Interactive deployment visualization

    Interactive deployment visualization

  • Embeddable documentation at every level of the model

    Documentation supporting markdown rendering

  • Distributed debugging enabled by automatic trace logging and plotting of trace and user logs

    Automatic results logc parsing and plotting

  • Automatic load management of embedded targets

    I don't have a picture here because it's in the backend :)

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